.. .. *; ■ f-i'.. V : >-.; ■jj . r. ■ I ' TIE PITTSBI RGH : ’'i y- 1 ~X | v.’ ' .•5H\Y■ [*s*£(• t'l*-' v.'Sjr.V.. ‘ ,•■>,“ ,'..>«ari | JJ.- ' • • ,■* ■,.: V- V-'j' ‘ ’ - **-M 1 ISilllii . fj, , y,w- 1< v» . .VUi • !«Sv ? i;* 1 k J\ . . \K. U >* • « , 'f.f ,'.?^sr- a *r* H Vv_ *,y iv V J 7. •* 7 c- .i!' i Vv i, «~ ; ,*:.Kv ?>.■>.;? f-- '•;-:-c:.u. j ,“.' \. i -» . .-.W I /! i N .": } /,*■& : ‘ . • ■<, /- Aa >• ■x, J .*-V !vr ;■*,».- •- : < «. J r ;^~vsN>*\p -.?£yi, • - *>yC. >•*?,'* \ V/,;'. yvyyV'&J.:/;'.: 1 - . -T - : ■':•.••■. ■' .-. '•. . ■ ■,.•■.:*• :*.•,}. • i .>. .i*. ii -t' * YniiN H wclloß, Wboletale and Retail JtoltaS S&l !«-«!■. V •^lb• p« - om«i TenL Quills. Prio^r* 1 Ctflli* S2^^K&AvSa« 7 K,tfta ' nl «u * issaissiS-K ■>-aw the Canal, gmabargh. Ea. ocl _ 3 - -rnuWTTOS k. STOCKTON, BoolrteHere, Printer*, Merkel Pm*. Wp ■ W ' 1 / .*j l * : 1 - • ■ - • : / xa libertytuftnetattffh. "•■’•'•- *“? PRICE ;* SEMES’" DOLLARS. ’ HTTsmESS CARPS. Crier r»tlibur*h; F* Lendl It Co. 5 1 * 1 vnKll CORDON. .Oramiwion mid Eor sasSsrK I<! a»dEnuilDraCTi*£ SL C!.i, .u-u, •... ■, - ..; k- *- u®^* i< npttTPON. Wfeoleiale Grocery B^^S^SKlfi, N - ‘ oU Si r t ■ .mestoc* * T> AG ALEV ft SMITH Wholetak Giocm, li *” K SO Wood »trtct. PiiUborylr. —r* aSsSspSass^lsr ORLANDO LOOMl&ATlorncy U jjJS}“ G. a^ScS^tSa^srisssa suaubcurj OR so Ctnir if w•"“>“* " j cppoiilo 6l Chorieo Hotel-' —i, wax w«rT" (--SSiS “^rr. mubttrrt.Pa> -•< —- —- , nMB n ■/~1 YFJICEIt Import*^vuk^Mh^^ 1 jßomtthlGlA- bomcca M ood Do at *- —-■• Tm»bari>V ' ' . -joy* .. . Cbiffl tnd U.rul PittibMf»- K ° •»^nN£HJ?B£^NETT,(I&te Efcgtiih, o»Jtigber* issgssissss k. HWABTZWELDER, Attorney* a£ fcni it, w™™« Cherry Allcr *»4 <il ‘° l " ■ ■■“' 1 „,.', nw . jtm^roay tJwKTO; liinrv Onx«nMjua! X Cootmuioa Merchants, and Af2‘Sj®sJ? oSttojtVninVNo.. S 7 Water,«*» **“* HrEb»P*» : '' ” t - •' - '• ~ ==-• TS BLUMEr Piano' Porta Manafactaitr and dialer X »i» Moaieaji inatxnnieota, U 3 Wood il, . TTOaSVnT* "CoJ ConnolMio? «g“ ALLAGHEB, LONG k MILLER, IXFocSler. ud Ou Fitter*, betwMn -Wood and gmlflifiald itreete, Pitttbarjh, P»- g?Ui«Spriee jiVen for aid Coppar and Bm*. ___ , • WATSXXAB >«»■■■ EOBGE AV DERBY, mol«l« A Si* r w‘sMrru Wox, BKWm,%5«S5r?«> OSil us? rini»r«i «od Potal B«™S P«aa •xul Pitt hi * ftggßm%agsaiaggg EffiZSEB2S#S£zai^ fctfcraert th* Part Office. •- .: Jr? TTTT.tBY BRUNOT, White and Bed Mwra- H frctnnr.Paiotnftd Oil Jlerehanl}eon»r of^* f * Wliii. (THn» itt. Pimbufgh. i te ,vn«Cg , c^.£?S I aiacion Merchant*, and dealer* tn Produce, r»oe.» wStrrSxAim Frout meet*. Pituhtirah. norg_ TAMES aIhUTCMSON, 4. GO.-Si , rtt.»r, » *1 Lewis IJulchison Co, Commission Merehnnu, Kd St Louis Steam! 4s'wuter*ad 9® front streets, Pittsburgh. J»nt R. BLACK, Merchant Tnilor, Exchange St. C>o»> >u Piuibursh- _—Jzi. TOHN 8. J. and Commmion Merchant, No. 2«, ' . Plw.Kfi»*h *. t <■ KNOX, Attorney at Law, Fittibnig' J hupiofe-u®"*^ S&S by T. J. “* ys&SSr , TOHJf D. JIORGAN.'WhoIerfa burgh-'* ' Ichooxmaeeh tc qkyn***& , No. 84 Wood meet, Pillsborga- nfiBPH JORDAN *. 805, CoamUrioa *ndfor wmtdinf Merehanu./Ko.. I# liberty. »tyl*p£oji» Sa-Sißsagr ■ JOHN P. DAtflSi'Aaettoaaer, cornfr &h and Wood Wood Pituboryh. > I_—_«» __— — . . TLOT9- ■ r°?bfuotd, iiu» j. rvr<: •*■<»,] wtatagi. I. uttnr ■'»«- * ef6 - TAMES DALZKLI*, Wtoteeale Gr«er, Cornejiajioa tl Mescksnu asdrdealer in Prodace and S.jSSSSi/Tn.ad-lTalerU.gliebnTt- l^j-T 1 ___ jirt. i &'iu2 CaußdMiM Mefeh*ntDeaUrla_Knj ,4rSuoaJ»elaie» end Prodace, No*3l WawrMt » , . joss uurius. tSS?BIiIFTON. WbotoKOioc.rf.Ko.- Tjwifdlnl And SlcichAn'A, , fejSTSI piiubmi. MmutmiM.Ro^iag^ya Vfotr* Kn*fctar»h- • ICB^~ . MercktAta, No. 1M ■ I .'t«t_ «nma ... .ytnt. K. riJCOI* '•• ySfW*>lt«tww. i * w? - ••Tnjjett* BICKETSON. Wbole**Jo i MVG. Whole«*l« *»d Reuil H*t fciuj- MS l ««**£S r * * ndda * ]er,ill Vaaei i f3 Bt Ja.T^wSS«.iraSm._— ; £i -iVnRPIIYI WILSON fc Cfc , a Wood .u FiMbutlh. assssfiss&ss' . JftllffagpmMd Stte*. J^dSr^dFbnr«dl£«MerchW ptrwt ' .'; • • ——.— —• KOHEBTBON fc HEPPBBT,Produe« Wo. 1» Bow*** ■U-Fituburgh. KICBABDT. LEECH, 11~ Importer _■»>. j S T>ICHjUU)BAUD, TOole*ale*nd Re»jl JVLeiflMt. Morocco, Shoemaker*’ Tool* CSL Tanncm'uxJ Cntlert» Tool*, and Twiner* Oil, j/oJICO Wbod Hi PUubcrrb. ' “P l 3 aamr mamaojt. . • . **wr*t *. wn®®* . BOBIXSOX k. Co, Wbolewle Grocer*, Prodttee K, • usd Coaminioa Merchant*, and Dealer* la Pitt*- Earg* Mwidactaru, Na ISO liberty it, Pit»oign» TbOBEBT DALZELL A CO4 Grocer*, Iv coauamlMion and Forwarding Merchant*, dealer* la Iprodaed-and nuborjh Manataeture*, liberty at, Kuibaith,' Ft- 1 • ■ **"**.._, TiOWr'A. dUNNIN6tiAM", ,_ Wliol*»al«. GroeerJ. K. pester in Prodaea and Pittsburgh Manufacture a, KoTlMlibertT»t. fr l ?. TkOBERT MOORB. Wholes*!* Grocer, Rectifying xL Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pmiburgh Muaucr *—'V.aod. all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines inert,No. ÜBibrny Pittsburgh. B. Ou i»n“i a tery large stock of superior —w,j a will be sold k>*r for " ‘ ! ■■ ( '~ ' pygMy - Lfl! ■HIIII.M - * “-r ■ '#• I»,WW. ' TjEYNOLDe fcSHEE, Forwarding tnd Conunlmoa JVltorfcnau, bt tho Allegheny Hirer Trade* <K«*i» Pittsburgh Manofrciureeand lb* Uneat pritt*. In cash, paid at alt time* iot eoan ’PTwg^CoTMfoft,cpuftiulln»in aU. JaniO : TO Commission Merchants, Üb • jjCS»«v. «_ opnocue SaUWeW, Dealers in Floor,' also Batter, Lard. »o. - rpt*-lT- • fee, DUCUXIT. . root *. wwn CBZcKLEXT KAVSITIX Wlute** l * Denim'ta pruu^C*" 1 0,7 Oood ‘’ W 'ySw' L • ■ ■ u *■ ■ BUSINESS CARDS. S& w. UAKBAUGH, Wool Merchant*. Dealer* in • Floor and Produce fcneralhr.andForwardingand CommiMion Merchant*. No. S 3 Wood »U Pittsburgh. SMrnirKSOALeV a Co.. . W hole'gale" Grocer» anil tProdaee denlen.No. 233 Market ■met, between sth .andikb. Nonh.tido. Philadelphia. novB f.sellis*. rrmatnoH. . jso. stent*. mirnm SELLERS & NICOLS, Produce and General Cora- Merchant*, No 17 liberty *t, Pittsburgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oil*. ja43_ S- C. 10LL-<Succe<*or to Hill & Browne) Importer a and manufacturer of Paperllanguigs and Border*, rad dealer in writing, printing, and wrapping paper. f 7 Wood *t, Pitubnrgh. Pa. Rag* and Tanner** scrap* pure baaed at the higeest market price. ja" SF, VONBONNHOR&T, k Co. Wholesale. Gro-. • een. Forwarding and Commission .Merchant*. Dealer* in Pitubnrjrh Mtuinfaetnre* and Western Pro duce. hare removed to their new ware booae, (old stand) N’o. 35, comer of Front «L and Chancery dome. nov7 SAMUEL M. KIER. Forwarding and CommlMion Merchant. Dealer in Prodoce anil Pittsburgh manu factured article*. Canal Borin, near 7ti> »L • d-n TABSEY Jt BEST, Wholesale Grocer* and Commiv sion Merchants, and dealers in Prodoce. No. 35 Wood »U, Pittsburgh. ~ apfJ Thomas Kennedy, Jr- i-coking («iou iinnufac turrr* and Dealer in Ctoeka, Combi, and Varies; comer of Wood and Fourth »u. ’ jlfl t. r. roarrit. a. >. tosstth- TP. kORSYTH 4' Co., Communion Merchant*, f dealer* in Balt,. Lumber. Groceries Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture a, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ft R. .MeCUTCIIEON. Wholesale Grocer*. > Dealer* in Frudura, Iron, Nail*. Glas* and ireh Manufacture* nuerally, l&l Liberty *treet, lrgh. jyw.. JOIIX D. WICK. ' • DAYID K'CAXDUSS. TKTICK ft M’CANDLESS, (*occe»*or* to L. ft. J- D . YffsvWck,) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding, and .Comminion Merchant*, dealer* iu Iron, Nail*, Gin**, Cotton Yarn*, and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, corner Of Wood and Water meet*. Pittsburgh *\TT ,R.EURPIir invite* the ladle* to call and «x* . \V • famine hi* stock of Freuch Worked Collar*, aome a* low a* 120 gent*. rtTTHroiORE ft WOLFF, Importer* and Who!*- YV *ftl« Dealer* in Hardware, Cotlery, Saddlery, fte- NO. W Wood street. Pittsburgh. "l** 3 — lIT. W. -WALLACE, Mill llone and Mill Fnrnuh- lag eatablßhment, No. IH* Liberty *u, 0 TT O. 11. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, ba» ™* VY ’.moved hi* office to the Exchange Building*, St- Cl*Sr tt, next door to Alderman Jone*. apadtm ITT M. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and Staple VY . Dry Good*. No. T 9 Market *lreet, PitUburgh. novllbdly . Wi W. - WILSON, iDealev in Watebe*, Jewelry, SUrer Ware, Military Goods, Ac- No. 5T Mar tel »t, . r _ rR. MUBPffiVWholesale and Retail dealer in' . Foreign and Domestic. Dry Good*, north ea*t ier of Market and Fourth sts. - ancxl J BRYAN, Rectifying DutUler t and; WboleisU . dealer in Foreign and Dome«ae-Wuie» and Li ouer*, No/ 114 Liberty *treet, and 63 Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. • • • • JyLnlly TTTARRICK MARTIN ft Co-'Bankers, Dealers ia - VY Exchange, Bank Note* and Coin, corner of Third and Wcodrtreet*. Pittsburgh, Pa. norl9-dly , , n,;w. WT,,, ‘— • "«• »• TirnJJAMS ft SHINN, (*Qcce*son to Lowne add -YY - William*,) Attorney* and Counsellor* at Law- Office North side of Fourth street, above Smithfield. feblTdftwly / wv Toono. • yao. eexx. WE YOUNG ft Co.—Dealer* in leather hide*. Ac. 143 Liberty *L /jan&ty . irr ft M. MTTCHELTREE—WhoIesaIe Grocers, YY • Rectifying DUdller*, ana Wine/and Liquor Merchant*, also, Importers of SodaAmh.and Bleaching, Fowder. No. IflO liberty et. PiiUb’g. ba/ janftlly WIl"B FOSTER, Agent tor Mexican *oMiet* and nroesring pensions, at the office of Win E Austin, Ejq- Burk** buildings,'4tn »t, Pittsburgh. ouvza Bunatrxx. / osoao* a. joxe*. r\ BLACKBURN ft Co- Wbole»*le Grocer* and V/. dealer* in Oils, Boat Stpfe, and Ihtuburgh Man cuctnred article*, have on hand, at all times, a lull and general assortment of good* In their line, Water street, near Cherry Alley, Pituburgh. au!3 osriD -w. mll. ‘ / ALoaaaoa a. aux. DW. ft A. 9. BELL, Attorney* at Law, office in . Stewart’* Building, Fourth it- *ecoud doorabove Wood street. Pittsburgh. Pa. • D. W. Belli’ Comoliwioiier to take Deposition*. Ae knowlednaent* of Deed*, and other immune lit* ofwn ting, to be u*ed in.Mitsouri nvlg4ita* JOHN' M. TOWNSEND, IhvffiU and Apothecary, No. 45 Market »u, three door* abore Third *t~ l’m»- bnrrb, will hate con»tantlr on hand a well *electe<l **- •oranent of the be*t and lre»he*t Medicine*. which he will »ell onibe mo*t rttuonable term*. Ph)*ician« •ending erapr*. will b» promptly attended to, nud ap plied with'article* they may rely upon a* genome. {TjTEhyticiaJia Pretcripuoua will be accurately and '*ii£,firep*jred Cram the bc»t material*, at any hour ot ic (ISt"or njfht AJ*o lor *ale, a large noekef freak and goodPerfu itfT. -I 5 . i - J* l * ■\xr w. WILSON’, Watch Maker and Jeweller, cof /W . ittrof4tlr«Hfl'M#rkrt «ta. A-large and wrJl selected stock of Wattkea, JewdoySilw’Ware, and Military Good*. Always ou baud, and at regular ca*> tern price*, bold Patent Lexer, full Jewelled " atehe*, as low a* 810; Silrer do.' Walchea. as low a* Sin. Genuine Cooper, Tobia*, Johnson and other,approxed make of watches, may Le bed at a small advance and warranted. . Watch "Work done in the Tery hen tain- Jr i - »p 57 T B. SWt-aTZER, Attorney at Law.office Odat-, op •I . notite St Charles .llotel, Pimbureh, will »l<o at tend promptly u> Collection* ia-WaiUngton, Fayette ond Green counties, P*. . - urn to Blackjtoek.BeU h. Co., Chsreb 4 Csrotlien, : D. T«3li {•Pittsburgh. S oelJdl I? J. JJKNRV, Attorney awl Councilor at *,- L*w* Cincinnati. Ohio. Collection* iu Southern OJiio, and la Indiana, and in Kentucky. promptly and earefafly attended to. Commiaaioner to r the Slate or PenneylTania, lot taking Depoaitioni, acknowletlg- Rtrnt^TO—Hon. Wo*. BeUtSon, Cnrtia, Charehf Carotherr, Wm.Haya, E*g-, Willock f Dan*. aaS *T?AGkE COTTON WORKS, Pintimrgb, Maauiac JCitnro Coaon Yarn, Candle Wick, # Baron*, Twine, C"”'i" v *™’ (Sweeaaora to Arboeldei A Avery,) Projmetora. Lit LKDOL’X k Co., No. 77 Canal *t«et, New Of. A'. huu, AreoiaArt J. B. Armani's Extensive Steam jjmjar Refinfnr. Always on hand a l*rg* Lost Powdered, Crashed, Clarified and Bastard Sugar* (nWerceaandfSarrel*. A!*o,Sn*ax Ilaaae Mola«f» Price* liberal, and a fair allowance made on all »al?i •-or above 50 barrel*/ • - •• '•■mchlt o£«»- _ . GEa W. BJUTII k Co-,' Brewer*,Mkirter*, »ud Hop Dealer*, PinAaryh aad Poini Brewwie*. cor ner of Bwkert'Juley iwiarena rtreet, end fool of P»tl P*» ' • | - tev T, B. BISHOP, Vetertnery Surgeou,can «J Wvw b« found at hUHorae Shoeing E*tabti*hnieut, J EliD near St Clair street Bridge, lately occupied - C J*f Rowland. nrUdWii TA U.KATON, Dealer in Trimmings aiul .Variety X • Good*, Torlot* Shell, leery and Horn Coti.U, Woollen Yarn* and Wonted*. Bunoas, Needle*, Pm*, Tube*, Braid*, Ac., No. 63 Market street, between Bia ' nond and 4th at, Pimburyb. T E' |rin.PH AVD PHESKHVE3-—2 c*»e« Underwood' i aaaorud; 4 eases Doughty, Seaaes Peach Preserves - b w , uja _ mß . R* AO WAREHOUSE—Tho.highe*! price in ca»h paid lor rood clean rag*; also, ewrraas, bale rope, gran rep., woalkn deco 4 7 Wayne at, between Fean and Liberty, DR- DAVID HUNT, Dentist, haring made C - aucharrangemenl*in hi* Coal business that be can derote hi* whole time to the dntiea of hi* profession, may be seen in hi* office, tor- Sr of4tb and Deeatnr itrecu, torket and Ferry *l any b®** during the day, from 8 till dr.*. • » - y - , MW BADDUSKY HABDWABK STOEK. SO. 133, HAVING replenlabed my »toek from the beat sour ce*, both domestic and foreign, I take pleasure in annoSiSg w eonaumera and dealer*, that I am pre raredto Jfornith them with all good* bi.my line, on still better term* than heretofore. , . < , . , _ . Buyera will recollect that dealing, exclusively in Saddlery Hardware and Carnage Trimmlnga, 1 obtain SStb? advantages that enable me to defy coinpeu tiro. Call, ace.andjudgeforyonraclTc*. »pl?_ " ’ EHGBiVISO it zmr tncnmoE mowitlt xxxcctid w * aerxmoa juirt**, *r San BttHiinea, N. E. Comer of IlilrJ and Dock Streets, W kosJc Msu ManaUjofall kinds; Bru*s and 1 la. t«l Door Plates; Seals for Banka, tion*, Ac. Profe»«ional and Vistunr c * rd^ A in add printed. Societie# m want of Seal*ofoffice ( *« " 1 ritad to call and examine Specimens and Designs oi the rarioas ordem of Mason*, Odd Fellow*, Bo, “°*j£[ a * peranee, Ac. ■ - novaum . WM. TIMBLIN, _ . AXTOBRET at iaw, ’ . , • : Butler, Fa. . Wti i. also attend to collections and all other busi* ,iea* entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong counties, Pa. iUfer to J. A H. hloyd, Liberty at. \ W.W-Wallaee, do U ilubu rgh. • iamea Marshall, ,do f dlv Kay A Co., Wood si. J •>***?—. ploogtuh Plattgb CA«tlnc»i Wa*®“ ®°** NV j. ROBERT* HALL, of the old • ofK. A 8. Hall, is manufae* ring large quantities of Plough*, "SS&iE* the llay Scale; Factory, uT Allegheny city,' n ** r e ibackstock, Beß* : Ten*, done up w <ju»rt*r, half, end one ifiO. - SunirV lIOUSB-I litre provided mytrjf with euoil mnoke liou** and careful hand*, well “ c< l n “ , "‘ wUUuEb«in«*,aml an. now prepared to .«»k meat *lO ibc enure! aaiiafaeuon of ibow: wtjo ‘ , ‘ , J S iv ' IK » call, -Cb„«. » to- - dec* • ' , No.VUbetiyjL. . T SSb? a* 0,v.,- tioni of person* in Ohio, to be-used or Pennavlvania. Ofliee, two door* *u» of Uae Wn>or» Office, Cincinnati, Ohio. EDWARD P CKANUU, maygOdEadwlyT • Attorney at Law. /-tBAS CIDER—23 bbl* crab eider on eonaigumen 1/ «sd will be sold low to close by ISAIAH DICKEY * Co. " "S' r* 1, ” . PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY; MORNING, FEBRUARY j&, 1848. FORWARDING & COMMISSIONS C. R. D*xc»iniwrp_ - J. KK.VAI.PO SA3a.| CHARLES R.. DAXESHOWER A CO. TOBACCO COMiSSiOS HKBCIIAKTS, j N0.59-§oulh Wharrrt,- mid'No. 117 South 'Voter sb I PHILADKLPHIA: :\ TlKf*S lo inform the trade and dealer* generally, or l» Pitlsburclu that ilicj* have made such arrangement* with the Virginia manufacturer* and the Grow the Weil, West Indies} and other place*, a* will a lurge und constant supply of the following « lion* of Tobacco, which "ill be sold upon a* i tnodating term* a* any? ©ther'liouse in lbi»_citr t whore, and all good* ordered from them will l 'ranted to representation: Havana; , St. Luinitieo; Conn.; l Yura; Porto Rico; reun’a.; >Seed J Cuba; I Jguini • A Honda; ). bn . ALSO—Branch'* celebrated Aromatic Stag dish, witlt a larye assortment of other popular and oualitic. of pounds. As, ?*» PXIGs ana IL* sa, (k, tr* m.d 10* Plup Ladies’ Twist; Vjrpnia Ac- sweet niid plain, in whole and hnlf hole and tin, together with ever) - variety otarticle be to the trade. : J e * CRAIG, BELLAS *• Co., .. Floor Factor* and Produce Coauni Merchants. LIBER *l. cruft advances made on receipt ■■icfnueiiif Those shipping W our wUrein rxio ifirec-fourths value Hi advance. mttiX, #J iug lo our friend*. 1 Ale**r*. Wallingford & Taylor, Ihtuburch. : Messrs. Thos. Bell & Co.. Uridgrpurt; Ohio. Philadelphia, May 5, 1 f.' ! | N. B. All Produce consigned to n* is insured urban ta the Warehouse of Wallintnord A Taylor, Piilst/urs i,or in onr »tore in Philadelphia. C. D. h C oj GEORGE COCHRAN, | Commlnloa and Forwarding Merchant; . • so. ssj vroou at.. nnucMn,. , j GONTINDJiS te iram-act a general Conumcfton boat* ness, especially in the purchase and calc of Amen* etui Manufacture* aud ; l'rotluce, and in receiving ana forwarding Goods consigned lo hi* care. A* Agent fat llie Manufacture*, he \rit' be constantly supplied with the principal article* of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale price*. Orders and esnsignmenu «ri respectfully aoliiiu.il. , ' • •; Baltimore'i’rodace Commissioa Houe* F)\VAHI> CLAYTON, Ute 8. Clayurn A *cvat, lift Lombard’at.. Wliolesale Dealer in l!uUer,aadC©r*r. mission Merchant. Hiring for the last ten years <leto cd hi» ••entioii • tlie **•' of Butler, will now deceive .cd hi» attention to the salt : of Uuller, will uawireci-. Butler, «nd oilier Produce fursalc on commotion, mul flatter# liinuclf that from lii« experience sod nuafr rau* »bipp!ng lie will be stile to five ■aim diction to oil .who may consign produce to him. Relief to— ' _ Mcur*. F. W. DnJiie it Son; “ Win. Muon k Son, *•' ■ Wilhinrton & Kutmnn, M T. W. 4 O. llonkiiu, <1 Uie Mcmlmnu centrally. ' » S. COTIVAS. U X. TOStUSSHt. B.'F. COSWAY 4s, OO* : PORTSMOUTH. Oliio ComiuiMiou and l'orwanling Merchant* and TruCutr Dealer*—«l«oattend to l'urcbate, Sale and Ultipiueai of Tig Iron, Coal, 4c. Brown, Bailey A Co., Henry Graft D. Leech A Co., j Clarke A Thaw, i dftmoe. I Atwood, Joneadt Co. Ixireuz.Sterling k Co, Gralf, Llndeay & Co., Lyon. Shorb A Co., j • mariOdly | JOBS F. PERRY, fl jie of the firm 01 :<n]eolrn k Co..] Vliueitli Grocer, ConalulM m Flow BKorchomt. DEALER mil! ktml* of Country Produce, Copper, Tin,Tw PlateLTUmerPTooU,Zinc,Lead, Room* , Sheet Iron, Irou and Nolls, White Lead, Dyo Btufla,. Cotton Yanis, Salt, kc- and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pius* adraneea, in iijaah or Goods, made on consignments of Produce, he. SXiL toaaci love. LOVE. MARTIN & CO, I Produce, General Comzxlaaton tad warding JlerchoaU,. so.' 0 irus'i wuaxr, IaLTDtokX *1 Refer to— ‘ ' i M. Allen k Co, > Pittsb'rh. Manpton, Smith k Co., \ Ka " Durisou, Saunders k Co., ") - John ft Randall,. VBaltimorr. , ocM Hugh Jenkins, ) . dAwp Late of Pittsburgh.' Pa. Imte of Nathalie, Tenn. LEHMER & ANOERSON-^i DEAL HUS LN COITON. FORWARDING k COMMIS* 1 ; sion merchants, i so. a rxoTT sister, aaovn eauuwaT, cisctman, onto. , Refer UMerchant* generally, in Pittsburgh. spat*- WALTER & C(H k%OCK Aorjus COM MISS lON MERC HA AXDOIiJiLKRS IXPBODUCBGENEBAIXY xo. 2* *nrni lioWAxrmun - , ccunv xabikt,"**ltixocX ' Rrfcr to—U Cnihifr. T. Cn**. E*q-,. Ca»twr, J. LamUtreet4i*otu Hiv.r iDoKftfjerty.Wing iufft fcjiley, W. 4. S. \Vynum,S*linsliuTA. I)cTne». ; uM _ ' - 6"»*i EIDWAAD A. KEELISG, fSuctc«i*or to (iomlnutir fc MennO RECFJVINU, FORWARDING, COMMISSION -MUR • CHANT ANDCarroNDHOKKR, [ *isST*Uxxn:9t>rrH wrt*«TE , *»AX*,sinirm» l rax. Bcter to—M. Allen A Co-, Kin?, Pennoek A Co. ; ddm: AI'ITIUStEUS i COSSiSSIOJ SERCHIXTS. ALEX-LEVY & BRO’S. CiatUHATI ASD ST. LOIIU, : Offer tVsell at r ither e«btl>Si»hmeiu, all kind* of Mer chandise, at the lt»wn«t r»K“* of Cotmnisrioo*. end *»• always prepared to make advances. The I-e*i ot refe rence* given u retimed. LtUrli addressed to either bouse, wtillio promptly: attended to. ~*nyq THl'Mrfc>X- W. It. CAMPSStU! THOMPSON 4fe CA3IPBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. And Sannfhctvrtri ofLlAieedOllt j ’ No. t» Colombia street, - ! Ctscrosn, Ouso.J sp-34-tr EyCash paid for Flawed -£j] WJI. 11. CLARK* Forwarding Mmlianl, UroamarUlr* P*. Attends particularly to the Forwarding w Produce, Ac. For any I'urioer information, applyt o FORSYTH ft CUNCA.V Water st. P. V. JUTIfKW*. f: T * r4rCH^ MATHEWS A PATCH* COMMISSI O v MERCHANTS. Ko. 4H Water street, Sr. lok is, Mo. j •Will give particular attention u» the selling of . dace, and to orders for purchasing- . , „ | lltrca xt>—George Morgan A Co., 1 lusburgh, • a-j augll • u jona ss cvtiocouT" j M'Koxiu*. c. o. ctlbkbtsOX.- jonsr JPCULLOUGII A CO- \ Forwarding A Conunliilon Mmnantii ».«*. W ft vj MHTru Siyn., j jan27-ly* Bowling's Wharf, Baltimore; LITERARY pblladtlplila College of Medicine* yittU, &>uth of H alttut ttrtet. '1 rpHE SPRISO AND SUMMER COURSE Gl - LBC- I TUBES FOH l-Tts. will be commenced on Monday, March CUt, 1 *4*. and be continued four mouths, by the M. D., General, Special *nd >L D., Materia Alcdica and Ther fcIUp!*GARDEN'KR,M.D. Chemistry. . j . UKNUY GIBBONS, M. D., Theory and Pracue* ol “ESSB* H* BEATTY, M. D., Obstetric* and Disease* of Women and Children. . _1 JA.MIkJ McCLINTOCK, M. D., Principle# and Prac- C HKNItY*GLBIJON& SI. IX, Inatltutes of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. ! . 8. |L McCALNIvCK, M. D., Demonstrator of.MVt °"&CIIARD DURR, M. D, Prosector of Surgery,} Fee for tba full course, »70. Fee for those who attended two foil oouraes in other Colleges, 54b. BaV riculation to be paid once ouly, 53. .Graduation SJI Practical Anatomy, including llccapituThtory Lectures, VIQ.' The DitsecUug Rooms will be opened on the Ist of March. From arrangement* cow pending there u every rea son to hope that the ehalr* oflnstitute* of Sleaicine and Anatomy will be occupied by distinct Professor* at an early period. . . • For fun her luforruMjon inquire of __. ■ j JAMES McCLINTOCK, M. D- DtJJij No. 1 North Eleventh Street. - Philadelphia, Dee, g?, ISI7. ;ai>i. . 1 ■vrgtV WORKs—=3u#l received at M A Miner's,! j\ Colombian Magazine for February. Blackwood’s •* January. | Flirtatiorw iu America, or High; Life in New York jano ' garatocn, by SeaUfield. ; .... i, Pene thu Pirate, or the Penis of a Bailor, by W II o alsriuiti Hm. 1 . i James 11, or the Revolulionof 10S9, by WII Ainsworth. American Cottage Library, edited br. A W Franklin. Now and Then,l»y Bam’l Warren, PRS, aulhr ofTen thousand a yeiir. ‘ The Mysteries aitd Miseries of New 1 ork, by Ned Bunt* Northern Wild*, by Newton M CortJl. RodolpUo, or the Freebooter of Fonaeutera. v . Muscoma; or Faith Campbell, by Ana Ashland. [ Charobcf*' Miscellany, No W ! Living age. No ISH- ■ , Taylor's AI one f; Reporter for February ,t .. bubscririUon* taken for Tuylor's Detector at the N Vork price, 51 a year. Aspiendid asaonmeul of Va- I febj | smith field r. Od door fromSd. ; ptbrnariy'Maffwaliiea; EUCI3VED AT SI A MINLU'S, Smiihffeld slreel Ud door from second: Godey’a lady’s Book fof Februaiy. i National Magnrino , ‘Jo ! V. i Graham's do do i i Union do ~ do All ilie above are equal if not superior in helrembei lishinciits, to the prpvious January uumbers. The Last of the Paines, u new novel by G r « The Disgrace to Hie Family, by W. Blanchard , iriili iliwstrations bv PhiA f . Brian O’Linii, or tuck is ereryibrng, by W II Max well, Esq. * J The and Anchor, being a Chronicle of CIM jDu^- Tlle 1 Conquest l of California and Net 1 / Mexico, In the years IrUo and *47, by Jamgt Madison Cults. } . Jane Eyre, edited by Currer Bell. # , t _ . The Scourge of Venice or Uie Star Chamber of the Tri bunal, byiDrhuia Haumgari. | Chambers’ Miscellany, No U. j _ TYauiaßTiTlUOliil—History Ol Ilie Greek Kev* Jliolulion, ftftd of the ware nnd eadipalms ayismg trom thb struggles of (be Greek Patriots tin* their country from the Turkish \oke—in twp vol u£w*—splcudid copy with numerous. taap»und 1 iHustmtive of the reign of William llr,'from 1516 to JJt-S—wiih fine ponrails, in 2 vols. Companion to the etudvof ihe Holy Henpture*! Harry Mowbray, ihrillng rUfliance, wjtb ftt tngra -1 in the Holy Land, French Fuigf, «nd Bkptcbes Ju.l .cc-J DBEjoji . sptSK HI market street r Kew Hooka. • j THE l'hiiosbpliy uf Life and Philosophy of Imn ' guairu, by Fred Von SchUgcl. ! HuiitVs Researches iu China m 16H. H 5 and MO, pwb a niap and plates. . i _ n Tl»« Stoic oi the Departed, by Jno. Henry Hobart, u. D. : The Church Universal, by Dr.,Bione. <*- ' 1 [ • Goldsmith 1 * Poems,lllustrnied. •• i' Thompson's Keason.*; ; do . . ,f - ' 4, A,'• g-Ksnu.7 mrsTu EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ac. HUSSEY, HAIHA A CO., , J T) ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealefa Jl# in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate* of .Deposite, BantNote*. and Specie; Fourth street, near ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh.Current money received on deposite—Sight Cheeks for'sale, and col lections mad* on neuriy all theprincipiF point* in the United State*.. , .. . ha highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold.. . f- •• :.>.••• . Advances made on consignment* of Produce, skip ped East, on liberal term*. ' - - mchls CO.PARTHERsmP. JOSEPH H. MILL, (late of the firm of Wm. A. JfiU A Co.) and )V.M. C. Curry, (late of Erie, PA) hare entered into Co-partner*kip under ilie name of lloA A Cesar, for the purpose of carrying on the Banking and Exchange business in all its branche*, at No. 05 Wood street, three door* below Fourth, west sidet—where they' solicit the custom of their friemLs sod the public gen erally. JOSEPH ft. imi, * rocMS WM. C. CURRY. roaani u. uiu-1 - [tra. c. cuasr. ■ hiLL db’ GURRY,' BANKERS A EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight Bills ot Ex*, change. Certificates of Deposite, Bank Notes and Coin; No. 00 Wood street, tbinl door below Fourth, west ride. Par. Fund* and Currency received on deposite, aud collection* made on all the priucipal cities iu the United Stale*. Sight Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia,.'New, York; Boston and Cincinnati, constantly for sale. -V l Ohio. Kentucky, Virginia and Petin*ylvhßm Banknotes bought and sold on favorable ternte: * -1 Exchange on -England, Ireland, Germany £nl Fkvoeo procured, Ac. • rochlfi, :• R. HOLHEB A 80S, BANKERS -and Dealers in Exchange, Coin and BankNoies, N 0.63, Market street, Phtibdrgh. --Selluig Rates. Exchange. Buying Rates. .New-York. |pr Cincinnati, 1 dta ■Philadelphia, *do Louisville, ldo Baltimore, (do St. Louis, I do Buying Rates, BANK NOTES. Baying Kates. Ohio, Hdis Co. A Scrip Orders, If dts Indiana, >do Relief Notes, “do . Kentucky, “ do- Pennsylvania Cy “do . Virginia, do New York do “do do Wheeling, fdo New Orleans, “do Tennessee, : 3do .Maryland, “do . fcbiar 1 .1 - WILLIAM AS HUL A CO« • ' '• T)ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, ami Dealers ri ip Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate* ot Deposite, Bank Notes; and Specie. No. MWoodsL, one door Cbova Fourth. East side, Pittsburgh, Pa. octfdAwF V ! FOREIGN EXCHANGE. BILLS ou England, Ireland, uid Scotland bought to ant amount at the Curreut Rates of Exchange-. Alm,'Dealt* payable in any part of the Old 'Countries, from AI to AHMJ, at the rate of $5 to the £ Sterling, without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and tieueral Agent, office Stii st otto door west of wood. octiwtf tt.t.w nun t (eowaaD EAUM KRAMER * RAUB. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers in Foreign aud Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer tiheuei of Deposite, Notes and Coin, comer of 3d aud Wood streets, directly opposite St Charles Ho i.l • mavfSdlv EUlf W Oluo^ Indtino, Kentucky, Musotsri, Hunk Xotse; PBrelu»edaithaUwe»irut» l .txy • ■ 1 S. HOLMES * «OX, 6elo - 35 Market street. BILLI.OF EXCHANGE— Sight Checks on New York, Philadelphia. and ■ - Baltimore. Constantly for sale by Jf. HOLMIS A SOS. dclO as Market *t COLLECTION*— DraiU, Note*, and AcccpUn- Cea payable In any part of the Union, collected on foe moat favorable term*. N. HOLMbS A SON delO _W Market »b EXCHANGE on New York, fttiladalphia, and Baltimore, at sight, in »nnu to salt pare baser*. con. lUntlr for ii!i by HILL A CURHI. oeifj Wood si, below Fourth. WESTERN FUNDS— The Note* of the Ohio. Indiana and Kentucky Bank*, purchased at iCw rate* of discount, at the off.ee of ■ . nnx * cubby, octil No. 65 Wood *U below Fourth.: COPARTNERSHIPS, fcc. CO-PARTNERSHIP. LOC.Ci i. IKN.NEUY h.,° Ihi. d«r With them in the Hardware business, Philip " u* son a*d Edward Gregg. TU atria xf finn will here after be Logon, Wilson A Co. Thta-arrajiceuteitt ren drra it deniable to close ths old U*u<eM a* *o«i a* possible. All rwrson* wbo*o. liabilities have matured, are especially requeued to make i|oa>ediau payment. I’Utsbuigh. Jaa. 1. lati. .. —•-• T LOGAN, WILSON ‘ fcoi-lapotteni and Wholesale Dealer* in Foreign atul DotArane Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac.ISO, Wood street, !htt*- bur/rla are now fully prepared with a .recently unport ed *nck of Hardware, Cutlery, *<-. to otfef very great iDdnetmcn)* u» western buyer*, being deiersneed to co tape trio price* with auy of the Atlantic cme*. Al to on hand art extenriva assortment of Httobuigti Hardware. ivL: Shovel*. Spade*, Fork*, Hoe*,\ic«*, * c _, 41 of which will be aoU at foe lowest mannfae rarer** price*. V : CO-PA&TSKRSIIIP. a . THE subscribers havuig recently entered u»fo partnership under the name of Gallagher* Izjog, Mi ft Miller, for tba purpose ot eurryoig on the B«H lhassPoooMm? and Go# PuUri*.bnwneM ta all iu branches, havc .Uieu the stand fomerfy rx-cu* pied by H. Gallagher,‘No- 1W Front street, between YVood and Southirld au, where they ate prepare* to execute all orders for Be Us, Brass Castings, ot every description, and Gas Fitting* with neatness and des patch. Steamboat jobbing anrn.tfd \ s' A. LONG, ' P. il MU-LER. N- H-—The attention of Machinist* and Engineers t* invited to our aitt-«nriuon metal, for a reducedpnre, which, ha* been, pronounced saiwnor to Rabbit # t>r Mumberewbo have used both. Ktcswboat bo,kier. «nJ lh* public, generally, are also requested to call and ex amine our superior double bction lorre l*anips for “‘- ta “~ 4 tK3aissk B , m«o, * mujoi. tkelTdly. - * ' ' • RUi*luU*a< . , TUB partnership to long eimittg under tb® Inn ol M'Cord ft King, W«* by mutual consent iliUolved ou the Ist lust. The bosinesa wtU'be dosed at the old stand by either of uvriwng. that purpose. Being desirous to have our busnreu closed wiih *a little delay as t>o**ible. we would re r«,ue.l lb.- mJcbirtl to c^i ■ ifusis" ' Co-Partnership* JOHN D M’COKD having associated with him hi* i brother James M’Cord, under the sryle oi MLord ft Co, will continue the Hat, Cap and Pur bonne** in all il* various branches, wholesale and reuil. atllie old stand, corner of Wood owl Sth streets, where they, solicit a continuation of the P*tft*‘*£* IS miring from the old and well known firm of M’Conl ft King, 1 respectfully recommend to the patronage of lha public my wecereore. Metres. M Cordft Co U*2N] II D KING. • ” THF. Co-pannership of the subscriber*, under the firm of l*ewis Hutchinson ft Co- i* this »biy dis solved by mutual eonseuL FMher of us will attend to the settlement of lh* business of the firm, and use its name for that purpore. JIDTCUJSON jga! JAMES A HUTCHISON. CO-PARTNERSHIP* 3 HIE undersigned have this day formedaco-panner j 4 hjo, under the firm of James A Uutchiosou ftCo., ? the purpose of continuing the business heretofore carried ou by l*ewis Hutehinson Co- and aoUcil a'coa o( LEWIS D. HUTCHISON. Pittsburgh, Jan. LIBO. • .. ■n W STEPHENS 1 " WheeSng, -E F: K of Juttiota, and J A Rioektott of Pittsbargh. have this day entered into co-partnership under style and firm of Stephens, Sheoberger k Uo, at the Auc fior iron works, Warding, Va, for ute purpose of sutnufaetat ing Iron and ualU of every descripupa. «vr craeiiumu *v*m>r»»eannu- j£mana- BTEPHEHS. IHOESBEROEU ft CO. * ANCHOR IRON WORKS. “ ■ ■ RWisf, Va. Manufoctnre ell kind of boiler, sheet, bar iron ana 8 steel eliptic springs and ftxlea. Being con peeled with Shcnberger's old Jurnau works, offer an article o{ Juniata iron [branded bha«hjßfg«J equal to any made in the country. All of which w»l be *ohl »« «• Pittsburgh prices. Warehouse of tho works corner of Monroe and YN atet su. "IflL DISSOLUTION— The partnership hitherto exist* ins under the atrle and arm of W igbtmaiift w *eU, is thi* day dissolved by mutual consent, John. liai se!! having disposed of his entire Interest to H. Wight man. Tba business of the late firm wUI be settled by H. Wightman, who is authorized to use ibe nmno ol toe ute firm for that purpose; spuikUw [july l'47J J. DALZI JiE THE Suhscriber is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Cotton and Woolen Machinery, at the shortest notice. Order* left at R. Wightman 1 * Engine Shop, cor ner Liberty and Water streets, will meetiwnh Prompt aUentioo. H. WIOMtWAiv, .. Leoeok ib, between Federal and Sandusky sU, _*paodly •.. . Alleghejiy diy. ' - DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of Williams ft Dil worth, was dissolved on the Ist instant, by mutual consent ' j » Dilworth, to whom the seitlement of the old bust ness is entrusted, will continue the wholesale grocer) ian4 JOHN S. DIL\VORT[L_ I dissolution. • THR partnership subsisting hetween the •ohsenbers, unicr lh* m,i* I’oimlezKr It 00.,.», 1,1-im.m.l Snn.il, nn *e 14,h in»ll uijthe biwlnn* »I Ssr* " ,uw c, ° , ' i ’ s w-fISSBMSt l, UT * nl, A CULBERTSON, -deeO C II GRANT. CO-FARTfIUBSItIP. TUK'ntxcpibcra will'continue butinra* ■» ituni), N0.4l wuter itreet, u» uiual, under Hit ,ityle of ‘ToindeXtef w po, NmiXX ER, C II GRANT. - dec29 ■ ? . - '^MOCUttOQi TOWN FARIUiN A SAAIUIIL WIOHTMAN h»«‘W He df.uu.il .1 >lO <l*»»l U "irt,VN'pAKlS, '. ' 'jwfliir _ »Ait'i.wuan?i^ ilCoiuiMi»ttoi>!>““ na ‘*''H"4£ r 1110 - * Nicol*jdateai#l»nu»ry.lMB- - . —' - ' FRAS. BELLKR»I W™‘fc WIUJAM YOWiO,; finnef YVo. Y«»n* «*<«• ft. M’CUNE. ; - 4y' J i HOTELS. • ' ' . FOUNTAIN HOTEL, .LltilfT STREET BALTIMORE •*£s THIS establishment long and widely knoirn as P>B beiup one of the mast commodious in the city of JC& Baltimore,- bn* recently undergone eery exten sive "alteration* and jmporovcmenls. An entire new wiag htss ! been added, containing uamerous apd niry sicepuir apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. *lrie Ladies’ d cp a funent has. also been completely . reorganized' and fitted op iu a most . uuique and lirauti •’ All style. In fuel the whole arrungemeut of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye on the part or the proprietors, towurds the .comfort and pleasure ot their Guests, and which they. confidently assert wul tthallcugo comparison with any Hotel ttf tho Union. Their table will always be supplied yrttjt every sab* slantiul ujid luxury which th* market unom*, served up in a superior style; while iii foe way of "vine*, Ac., they will not be surpassed. I .. • lit conclusion the proprietors beg to say, that nothing .will be, left undone on tbeir part, und onthe partot their assistant*, to render this Hotel worthy foe con tinued patronage of their friend* und foe pvbuc gen erally. . . ■ The prices forboard Rare. OLO been .reduced to foe followittg rate*: . - J.Julies' Ordinary, 81,75 per day. ■ Gentlemen's , “ . lAD “ „S. 11.—The Baggage Wngmt or the House - will al- Way* be found nt the Car ami Steamboat Loadings which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free ofeharge. . - ««£<. PEARL STREET HOUSE* ctseixxsTi, omo. -- mTIIE subscribe™ having pnrcba«ed the entire interest of Cot a - P. \Vllllatu«oit, late of ihtf well known establishment, beg. leave to state fo their friends and foe pultlid generally, that they bare taken this commodious llcrtellor a term of years and will ex -1 ert,tbeir best energies to make it a desirable hontu for ; Travellers and City Udardcm. The Hotel is spnciouvmid admirably planned for con venience, light und airvhuvitig a'uutnWr of parlors ad joining chambers;' pr*<mlmg unusual attraetious to familiesi -'l. The, present proprietor* having hail the experience of years in this eity’aud elsewhere, hope they will be able to give general iatisfuclioh, lieing determined to give undivided attention to the house alone. • The location of foe'Pearl Street House is uncommon ly eligible, having frogls.on rear!, l\ aluut and Third streets, *o that it U equally desirable in view : of the convenience of lhiimt>s men,or retirement forpnvaie ricarddri. It i* near by the BankSTthe Post Oflteo, the Masonid Hall, Odd- Fellow'* Hall, and,but one square distant from Mam rtreet and iwotauafra irora the City "Wharf, thus offering ihegTca*e»liiu3yccnients.e*peeml ly to ciuniry tuerebaals and generally to all persons visiting.CiiicinuatL '» JOHN NOBLE mtiV/7 ■ JOHN A DUBLF EUTA”W HOUSE, COR.VER <rr BM.Tn*OB» AXO «TAW US.. BAiTMOBe, JSD-3 HHNBY F. JACKSON, PBOFRIETOIL MThi* splendid and spociou* Hotel, elegantly «t -uated for both business and pleasure traveller*, t* so constructed A* to combine all Hie luxuries of tlm best hotels, with elegance and real comfort Choice suite* of apartmeuu ore at all seasons reserv ed for the uccommodatlon of transient guests, and fam ilies visiting the city #ill find theEntaw House a home, unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Union.. The location is edited an-J salubrious, and is also convenient to the depot* and landings, at which foe coaches and porters,of foe hause are at all times in waiting to convey pojuduger* and their baggage to foe , Toast*.— flAOpefdty. Ladic*’ .- do 15.00 do . janlOddtawfon . _ EXCHANGE HOTEL, (vr.xbb or rsvs akh st. cunt rmsßmcH, r*. MThe subsenbar-having a**amed foe matiage roeot ot thi* lortg. and popular Hotel, n-'ipecifuUy oaotolnce* to Traveller* and the rub ric generally, foal hb-Wfll be at aU time* prepared to accommodate tbem'ialail things ilessnitiir in a well regulated Hotel. The House, is now being thoroughly repaired new Furumtre added, and no pato* will be spared IP make foe Kxeltauje one of foe very best Hotels in fo* countrv. | • The undersigned respectfully *obcib| a continuance of the very liberal poiroitac* foe House has heretofore received. -' - THOMAS OU BTON. fcbMlf'- ’ ' __ ..;.. I ’ tol,r,el - r '- •• iT “jOMS' HOTEL,’ i*o. 152, cuwvt *nt*cr. rattAtJgtrfns. m.TIfK subsenbera. under foe firm of Bridges A West, havo rmrcha*ed Mr. Jones! interest to this estabbshatrut, and hope by the strictest attention u> the viant* and comfort i*l »h«r guests, to merit acoa umiaitce of Die liberal, patronage herotofore received by it* former proprietor. Tlie house ha* been thoroughly and re pairett; WC therefore #c*l assured we can wclctunc our inervds ‘‘»od the public to acciunmodatirm" cquaitoany in the city of i’luludelphia. N VV BIUBGRt, jlytßhf _■ JNOV.LgT ■W”. GAXsk 1 HOUSE, : i COATO MSJX A*U *IXT* *l*. CtSSIXiATt. ' m crtnbUsbment is now ia the beslonter for the trctWiwi of the Traveling* rubric. Having undergone a thcroogh TCpatr during foe past wln ier.: anA bavittk Ihe pUtrt experienced mm m foe west ta th- vanotil drpartStents. I dauunnyte-if Dial all wo I>C pleased who iocuttoti ts rcti'.rat, coitmto dim!*st.r yr,ln V', nt ,,, ilmciliUAli, AJatoo J-b 17. \V I.MAB. U. N. Ik—AJfoooak.'iu4 exactly a new Broom, it t» foe »»rur—aiKSK'VSWiotjDw olil"b«iidle._ TiIBOCKNOXfON'M GALT HOUSE, UA'untxc. *t. Cffs • A RIB. mgi hP' frieod* foW 'I'O 14 again lessee ot <bc t»ALT LpuUrille, where he hopes to tnert all hii «d friends,' asnnng them owl the public, foot no effort shall b*-WM*<to mokb all cotumnnUr who 'aw hOh wtrtrtmrT“!«rona!T._ • " i ' U MERIC AN HOTEL, ! i . asLUisoa*. —f* tVposrif the Kiiln.s.l Depot.Tratt it naltimore, Sa ml\R\ AL SAfl l 11, propnetor. ‘laic ot the fJ JSIL-hango and $L lB»ar!es HotcU. Fu»burga } oclipktly • MEDICAL PKACF.I PEACFI inrf IN' S HOMESTEAD ri'Hiiuu*lfr»iri«‘l faM bwp be-n con*i«m*?*l ot tlie I aeeestity lor lujin* meiLeinr adapted It. the use of OmldnMt amt Infant. to mperrede Ibt u.r. ot ail tbore imsdu iirc. whirh contain opium. and has ol length »ise. cmii.i in |.&Tsrt»i; »uJ urt.-nnr to ibr p.it>!..- u tnr.M cuif fully a«*v»eritig every purpovr lor n'ldi.rai*'* oi the bowel*, vrulKwrilie ure «*. 'ii»i i!rT’-rnou*dmi:. nr any other calculated to incite in the ksot. The lnf.nl run; »e<»« ba. been tulit levied ar.J irieJ. Uw li*i twelve month*. by nutarnnn i-rr««iu. and louiul to l*'*«e*< a>l theextraordinary virtue*. and VO prod,.,*- ail Hip aotoii i»ln.rtf,eßceU««*ft forth on !!>•• bill oi duryiityi*,. Lh crfhc-a, VoroiUitv. Cholic. t'lripfcn:. Piniv*.*>ek.ire*« anu Dueare* amm* frotn Teething. a.-ung immediately without iii*turl.iiir any oi tix tuncuous of r).« body, pTiKluflinff the huppi«-»i and iii*m j>lra.«»nt transition ttum vidlcnt pant to a tranquil *)id j«>um Mate ol feel ing in. the lithe Mtfcter. t To li* hud.wLole.relc and retail, of die Proprietor. Dr. JOHN SAIUJANT. Druggist and John SliicUir.iaUottJr Beckham, ami «u».l other Dntgjj.au 1,1 'Allegheny aml Pnuborgft. j SELLER'S IMPERIAL COUHI SYKL'P.~It has 'orutrl Pirntnce.nr, Feb. U, IST. IL K StXUJi*:—My wit.' Iu»» for year* hern subject to a4i»tre»»mc «ooj!i, arcotui’tir.ied with asthma, lor the e«ife of which «b«- lord dith-rei t rough remvd.r*, and hW the advice ofithn mo-teinincnt phyuron* m England, butiill-wM imavajlmg. Uy chance I beard of your liajwriat Cmr-h Syrup, ntul w»» tiu.ut.rJ to buy a 'bottle tor trial. although I bad no bebet that anything could. remove her complaint. .To my great surpruc, two dn*e» save h«T tiiuncdiAtr rebel. She i* hi umrs troubled with a cough. hut two tca*poira*i«lof Syrup aU-ny* *io»* «. I urn »au>Ued, niter v tnal of three or lout year*. that SeJUr 1 * Couph Syrup i« ilw l»e«t cousjh Bieduttnc 1 hate etcr tried either in the (HU or .Neur World. • Wji. riiTiiuTtrasK. ; 'Seventh \V«nl, i tty of Pituburgh ,Tlie ahor* eertineatt* »liemhl induce all who are troubled with cough or anhtnu, to jfive Uio Syrup a tri al. it tuay Ire had for •£> cent* u bottle, nt the drug .lore of U I! SI J.LKUS. 57 wood at. i Sold by Dr CanMl, iilt ward, and D 11 Curry. Alle gheny city. Vr.lLMin.’UE—The ifrctitcmt of al Wonn Nsw Eiaww. Ohio, I Jnn.S, l?4r > Tliiiii to certify that afler uaing dtlferctH prepara tion. ifor eipcUitig wurnub I of C. I*. Uelwnn, of New ; U*lK>tt t two vtuj. of U K Seller.’ Vrrmituije, ami envc-.ihc content, of one vial to three of my clulurtu. Front the Cmi, ni<e.l 0 year., it ei}»ellrU worms: (torn ilic M*ronu t ?i years old, Tt', and froth the third. .| year* old, lKh makina aw worm, nptflied by uutig tiul one vial. I recoiiiinend SelletV ; Vertnttuge n* a Ha bnd otte of the most effectual Wonn medicine, he lorn Ihe public.' ,“T llvott Mohkow. Prepared mid .old by II K SI’H-LEKS, No 37. W ood. itreet. Sold by Dr. Ca»*el, sth .1* M Curry, Al- Icßheny; Wtiiiam J SmitU. lVinpcrailcertlle. i i ’P*(icutiiloek bprltig fraiit \ XI i:\VLY INVENTED—For the relief aud Pcrmahimt JLI Cure of HERNIA or KUPTUUB. iSulted toaH. »iie«J • 1 ■ Tito .uptrior<laiiu»of litre True* cun»f«t ui the.com ptuatlve ca. 3 with which it may worn, 'ijic pad oi Wood brinf neatly baliutccd'tm .prioga, yietda to ptr»- .ufe oo any pan of it, and tliotoujtlily adapt* it.elf tu any movement Made by ihs wearer. It cun be wont without intcrmiuiun, until a cure nreiTccted. Ur rub- Miibera buve made ariattgctncnu for the manumrlurc of there valuublnTforeea, iu u »iyle, iu I'luU delpbin, and bftvu Uiem novr lor »a[ii at their oiiico, No 77, Seulb&eld «. uear Sixth, Piil.lrntßli. , (»eu. watt, JelW D. W. KAUFFMAN’. ■\j ecary. N. \V. corner «il wood #iuf 5Ut i*itt»- burtjli, will keep cun.tantly on hand, dnigs patina, oil.j dye-.tufl*, etc. N. u.—l’by.tctaii'* pre.cripitoti. carefully cmupouml ed from the beat moicrmi*. utaity hour of the day or nighl.t Also, nit tusonincm of tierliiiuerj'. fine tooih Jinir mui cluih bru.ltc*; elc., which he. will .ell low for cu.li. ttmyl Dii- U. W. MOHlliy, II VDROI’ATI llsl*7'vuutd rc.peetiully into rot hi. friend, nml the ctluriut of Piil.biirgli otid Allegheny that bu ha. decided to remain iu the city (luring the winter, and it prepured to freut pnlitntj pineing them.elrev under hi. care, uccorjling to the .y.icitt a. practired oi nil Wator Cure ntrrjiit, lor either Acute ur.Curvttic di.eare*. Those wishing lo ayaif-ihcmrelvcHof hi. (tervicca will call at Mr. Alillcr *, comer of Idhcrty iu and Evuit'a alley. Dr. M- hn< irmitcd several revere cave, of duenre In thi. city wiUt great .uccet*, to wltich he i. pertnillcd to refer. : - ’ \ . npvVU l T. Jum.) lullau Chemical Haap* 1 - F'Oll .ll kind. of eruption, and di»va«'aof (ne Skin; mat'll a. Pirapie>,tlluiehea,Salt Kneum.Scurvy, licit Spot., chapped or cracked Skin, and for alt other di»eh-" «e» of the Skin, which require external remndic*, title Soap .land, uuporailed. It also Ot.pcla Freckles, Son bam, Morpbtw,T«n, and changca the color of d.rk, yellow, or di.Ggufed to a hnc, heulihy, youihiut, clearnera. A fre.lt fupjtty. warranted genuine, and fer *ile at die reduced price 0(37) per; cake, hu.jn.t been received, ta offered far .ale by II A FAIINESIOGK A Co, corner l.t and wood and atro at the corner of .tub and wood.!.L ‘, ‘tW . Heliera' t'araUjHlKediclHea ln Ohio, W.*tsoin;BCH, Ohio, Jan’y 'Si, ISIS MILK. E. SELLERS—Vour Wnutfuge it unequall ed a. u htorm dtt.iroyer, n a|**l ha. given entire •au.faciioii lo till who havu und oecn.iou u* u.e it.— Your liver Pill, are «Im> yaitung a litßli reputation heje. Yours rcipcctfnliy,- Couch kMAia. M{H.\isttujLavtu.E. Ohio, Jan , y37,lA4S. Mr. R. K Seller.—Your Vermilugo tell* remarkably fast, and hn. gained the lull confidence of all who use it; so. ul*o, this Cough Syrup. Your, truly > ... . J.IUK. Crexx prepared and .old by It E. Sellers, No. 67/Wood .U, Sold alto by Dr. Cared, 6th Word, I>. M. t.*urr)*i AIJ 0 ’ glieny, and Whi. f. Smith, Tennwrainevtllo- fcbl J'ULIM AHUEIJS Irnliou Vegetable Rair Oil, for protnoiing the growth, softening and tuiprovlng the Hair, and df.ctutllj preventing it trora falliog out, foi .ale ity ■ J MOJILEIL Dtoctui, feblQ iCbronklokopy) eor Woodwtf «h M MISCELLANEOUS.! AOEHCY'FOtt PATESTp, ' WIKHtSOTO*. V.C. |. . ZjjjfA* C. ROBBINS, Mechanical Engineer ana Agent for procuring- Patent*, -willprepar* the ne cessary Drawing and Pnper* for Applicant* “r -Par enu. .nod-transact all othrrbuatnessm theunoortus profession at the Patent Office. He can bo eonsunea on nil questions relating to the Patent Law* ami decls ion* ill the United Stale* or Enrobe.' PeraOMat a dis tance desirous of having examinations made at taa Putent Office, prior to making application tor a patent may forward (post paid, enclosing a fee of five dollar!) a clear statement of their case, when unnuHjiate atten tion will be given to it, and all the inrorrantion that could ho obtained by a visit of the applicant in person promptly communicated. . i , • " All letters on business must be post paid, and contain a suitable fee, where a written opinion is required. Office oii-F. street, opposite the Patent Office. He has the honor ofjcfcrring, by permission, to lion, tedrfmrtd Bdrke. Commissioner of Patent*; Hon (I I, Ellsworth,'lnte do' do . H Knbwles, Machinist, Patent Office; Judgd Crunch, Washington, D C; Hon. II Choate, Mswachustits, t S Senate; lion. XV Allen. Ohio; Hon. J R Bowlin, M C, Mtspoorr; Hon. Willis Hall. New yorki . Hon. fcolwrj Smith, M C. Illinois;. Hon. S llre«ce, U S Senate; . ■ , ' Hon. il II Relfr, M C Missouri: . Capt.'H M Shrieve, Mi**oun; ■ Frusta* BBayl james w. woownu. _ •• Plttabxsrgh S*arnltttre Warts Room** , 65, TimiD Slßi.Lt. 1 - , • j A lanre and splendid asaortnient “f Farnl . ture, suitable tor Steamboat* ’*??*££ •^L_vutc dwellings,coasttuiUyonhan< aMniaifc The prc«nt U Mock on hand anv manufactory in the western cmuury.; Person* wishing 10 purchase would do well to giro as I am detemtned my price* shall picas* «»»* .lock COU.UU »i~ , emonj ■ 2 dot Mahogany Nar*o Chairs, 14 pair Divans; . 12 doz fine mahogany Chairs; 12 mahogany Work Stwids; . • , 3 doz mahogany Rocking Chairs; 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus; 8 pair Ottomans; • 8 marble top Work Stands; Ch(rry,*iuid Poplar all dSuon*, *aa • »«*« tssortmenl if e*rnmott funiimw and chairs, too numeroos to mention. • ■ mariltf '“““mppkwdlmw* C , o .’jcl!j| »ndOin y»w«; Hoy ; h„mj Mattock*. Pick*, 4c., h»mg completed ail tn*K "ScS. in i. conslracuon of I"» ”'!£ nud iit securing tbs be*t workmen from tbn most cel*r .braird ottid.ll&aM of «“'&•'“» l jL“|ilwi inr and will keep constantly on hand and tor •»«.«* ■!SI SvV.nidra, liMiW-WMM "' t! tion of dealon lo an examination of their ‘Tf* S«SUS elsewhere,'i»they are ConTMtcod kll be *bfe W fill ail onier»4ntheirJjno»( the enure satisfaction of purchaser*. - itreet, 4 doors Writ MononpiheU'Hott»e, Pautarg* [*■ ’ N. U.—Persons having business wilfi cott ft SOn, will please eall on Lippeccott A,Co. ©ciodly_ • ; ' - iicw ißsrdwsre Hoaaa.l •.-• \. #Wr Imr-tS JOSEPH H'OODWKIL corner of and W *U.,riUibur*h. Hann* from the. 6™ P f fc muTVRSdweIU on the t rt ofJannary. l***? I 3 ****" ore U announcing to my friends in i»ndcc^- trr tluit I have opened my new store althe abovenani JJ’iw/ iu»S« purchased my goods fot cash, and rnruW arrangements with manufacturers and in Europe to be constantly sapplied, I*B jmred u> fartiish Hardware of all ■ kinda, on-** l-ntt* and as low. as any house East or Aycst- ««• chants and others are jeapeeufully, »“»“edto eall and examine my stock, before purchasing elaewpere. The steeU cutlery, edgo'tools, anrils, »b«h locks, letches, scythes. buU hinges,screws. lory *pteijes, saws, mahojpuly boards and Ttneeffc and aliouiersnicles connected with tbe kaidboo tless.. ' 1_ £•■ —.— Haxdware. Cutlery, Saddlery, *«• ! JOILN WALKER, I«n{H>rter and fPfeaSHsSSDealrT « Foreign and Domestic hard* Iwnlgsanawi arsrg. would respectfully mums bis Serna £s'republic generally, that he is flow receif- Site- :sf «- -iu di*po*c bf on the most- reasonable term*. | l He will be continually receiving tresh from the mannfsctuTers InEnrope whirh -will enable hira.»«com?eie wither establish ment. ciihcr East or V\ e*V I. - -I Western mcrchiuiis ate invited to call aid examtde liis stock »~r..™ , p»iw basing elsewhere. -| ctaOi IURDEir db CO'S. PASSAGE AX'D jsfcttjiuDinTAXCß omcE Perw . l, ’ b S 3rf\3go.n by this icency upon from ttiir part of England,,l rr!,m . d ’ Heottand, A 'Vales, I‘arkrtSbipsontr. ForeignCorrespondent*and ■reuts of the British Government have trrqueotly cuta tiorrd Emigrants at home and thetr mends 1“ srntust- the fraud* preened upon them, and bateal* wb \t referred to the well known hoove of llsuntsA Co.'. *v ibe risht place for all to apply. if they wished., in u, ireutrd with punctuality and kindness. ’ Pnrtiwwtui advertise Uwmsaiva# sole-ArieuU. tot tpe . lllatk Uall Unc. slate what is untrue. »utU t ids dceeitre the public: as we profr** to be A*enU f | f, .“ 4S mack Ball Line, but every other good Line, snu alio for t'uiiard's Stritn.ldne. . 1 Joj-bt Draft* t<* any amouut psyabln at any «/ branches of the Provincial or National Bt nk* oi lfe* laud, England, SHTOtlawi, Ac- WV drasr irnr own Kl; Chaitse; we do not take money and send i To the last t.. aef some onr else to remit, thereby caastpß mistakes a, J delays. Let tbe Brokers, Ac. call up©* os, and we wilLocruiaioodatr them at New \°*k ra,c *l • „ J , r \f sth at, one door l*frw wood [_ ptlOlMhiof iVorka and Fojmdry.i r*' 1 1 • JOHN WRIGHT ft Co., urv iirepum! to })tuW Cotton nirf Woollen Machinery oi esery deaenpboa, such ms iCuttliue Sj>iumnjr Speeders, Drawing. ««£*, ') Dreunu*! tames, CfirJ Grinders, 4«. ” roajtnt in« *£»«* wr~Ji «m of"" 'f 1 ;: Hnits« r« of the latest patterns, »!tdo and blind Lathes, and loot* of nil kind*. Casting* of even) description fontlshed on short notice. I‘alterii* made to onl«r lor MillUruiM.lM *«• Hf-hf S'MJH Fiicumet,. lr»>u Window Sash and fade) Casting* ucucra'.l)' Order* leit nt the Wureaoa*.’ *1 J. Palmer i Co . Ijbertv street, will hate prompt attention. , . Ken-r to Hlaekstnck, IMIA Co.; J K Moorhead A Ca; 0 H Warner, John Irwin A Sons, Pittsburgh; (5 LA J It Warier, t>i«ujrt:avillp, J aHl » . Uaflirnr* Sun - ! WIIiTMOKK A WOLFF having removed from tit* corner of Ijberty and t*l ‘"«t ««*»•» ,‘ N ° Wood sweet, throe doors above Pi Charles liotel.wohld rv-pectfallr n»k the. attention ot to their stock of lIA«HWACUTLHHV andt>ADDMatk,tei: d per ships tfaranak, Monongiaeia and Russia, direct iron the msnnfac’.oreri of Kugltnd and Grtnuanr. Also, supplies cf-Americao Hardware, Ifom thepnn* cinal taanotactarero of the Eartein ! ’iheir stock bero*«Dlire»y new, and purrhased upon iliq best terms they ffcl great confidence in bents able sufcntiuily to meet competition ncm any quarter, whether enst or wc?t. ’ The Hardware bostmtss will be ennunaed atthen.d • !C- C ALURATCrf and olck factory for sal® O—The Admiu:«ratorsof l • e late JamesMeLangblm, odcr for sale the sstitblrshment situate in Wroth W ard, formerly earned oo by him, m bis ife nnK>-a* a salvia* tu, .rf UJn. Ku. ioo-. Tk° «oik» in t.impkle oWci for earn mg on the bu»tuciP, with G “ urt *‘ for commencing a ; any tune. A liberal credit will be given, and all particulars made known Uy caUing on ~a«, at lb. S -il rc»iii.;; *p-5 __ „ Administrators _ \~ ~T“ • ALL Persons knowing themselves indebted to tbelfc* uteoi ihelatc aJabto, Jr, are hereby noiißed to call ami fettle their accounts, nftd thoto hav ing rlsttn* agatnn the l-state, will fk* •nVnunniA or KUlemoil » * , | U “ —smrrs. u, . j ~ Tt STORAGE- Forwarding and Commission Merchant, I j.'. Messrs Soane & Ueo. \V, Smith A Cm; King, Peiinock A sSo.; *Vm. It. Iloirues A HroJ James )& tell, Pa. Messra J mcqat, ILrncod A i*.». ,i ~,,cr c r sciHtct A Chester; It illianis A M right, -^^2!. Ci UN WMLS *-150 bag* prime Uio cotTee| 150 liblf N* O . .{>Molasses; t 5 boxes inanufoctured tobacco; I4»balf tho.l* «een and black teas; T 5 d and IJ b bows V ll ami G i* do.; tiX' boxes German clay, 1U casks salera tus; in do. potash, together with a gatcraJ asiort* • m. ,i of iftoccne*,»n store and for sale by adl CARBON A McKX]fiirr,6ihtt.__ l—MononFahela lilrerjr Stable, [ • . uoUlalT 11. I'ATffEUsON ![»• opened tho Afti—viatite nublc on First »u running through to l2Lj3_Sccond »u between Wood nml Simthfiehljsls., Lu Hie rear of the Monouaohela House, with an entirely iu l w stock nf Horses nml Carriages of the best quality fund Inicst styles. Horses kepi at lirciy iu.thelbest imnnncr. _ 1 1 })“"£?. I>A« WAJIKHOL'Sii—The liukest Mice it* cash K, t.ahl tor pood liae>s also, Lnnvasjs Hale Rope, ((mi. tore, Uasp»s. WoollMi «*Bft, ,<•?"«“, 1 X.“ t '' :|,y J i* CIIAI*U IChj jimS woyno at. beiweenpcna and libejty_ ■fiYlOPl’Cli— 209 holes undi3 casjujw 11 chpese; I • (KM) lh# prime Kentucky feathers; ftt bids grease lard; 3U krv* No 1 lard; W Imshcl* do versecd; la do “|S3f y f “ "'cAfciONSa.iaiWl.T,OftU PBUFUIEHY-Eitnicu o ( f Vrrijttia, l'atdhou , ley, Violet. J«VY Club, Houquet ile Caroline, «ml Musk.laruo I’erfume Haps, front S 3 cu. I 0 B t a,e.el.. t0,..1et. y . JOiem YirilAPl'WO PAPEIb- | VV K«W bundles S. lU’. straw poper) • *• iso ' “ Medium Rate, • on ‘i D.'Medlutu Hardwire; (or sale hr "' cscttS - * REYNOLDS L SUBE. T\YiT\VOi>i»-45» bbls chipped. loavrorjOTfa dognl I I logwood; 100 do dupjwir Fiuttej JW) do ground | *,T ro *' J ““ *Cd conic r of front hnd wood st» prime IT ehPtU and half clients fresh grboa.tea*; ISO boxes tsslC* Ss j» lb lumps tobacco, 50 k?ga 6 lwUt do. with a ' fr4}P KNCKH.'B FUjkTs’’— Just rccetved7p« I kJ Racket Ship Saranac*, 4 Cask»‘'SptnccrV‘ Cut Steel Filca, comprising a rery general kiuorunehL ‘ Tbe attention of Maduuisia and eooedmer* aehirelly' islhrited,- ‘ L.OUAN J& KENNEDY - l«0l„. . - --Iffl woodsirnet fOLASSES—ISO bbls (new crop) [N't) Moias Sr arriving and lur *nle by ' } A juaW rOINDiaTERtCo. “ttUSHED AND PUtVEßiiaraJOAft-sirhW wid. pulvorurd suaur, just recM kiitl ft «alo low ly , Ijnlj IiKOWK ACLtLOKItTSON. SALUIAYUtmti boxes and 7 ctuki for sale by » F YON BONNUC • janlT ' - >•••• : • I PUMMHW.I* K«Uy’*m&nufcejt I7H<OUII~ - J 6 bbli Flour, Draw ! f.b9 JUUN-g 1)1 I'SOTTON—IIO bales Memphis cotit y anti for aale by ATWOOD^ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, fee. 1 . MARTIN CLOTH .S T.O. R E , ; _ E*dL»..r Ttr» oat stoxk OF TtrsjJ?» «V No-SO Baltimore at-, * < ; co ?iwi? Kprinff Bonners, WE firmer. streeV ff. from oarpreaentStory, list ofCbarlM Mrott, t°'"S? , timore •ireoL on: Warehouse nowbaildtng L No.4£l Chorte* the some aide of the »wct,battWO where «e ahaUto harpy to aeo oarfnelida wwf .et Hi. Brinch otH. 0* qpft.SgKggt&S -Sna*SriSW »,SLs2isy«3f|S.. len Goods where’they txyght lheir-Domeag*» or ’Fancy Goodi. rangumeuts for the coming tfpnng fidenUy iuYitethe atteuaoa of Market to our Eatabliahment, MttnntftbMfcJ ihatlrtthe ezreat of our S»fck, ’QanbTyy'or Pneea, wo be second to no Honae lathe Country., -L * We have had. our own Buyer* tn proper andmH Gloret, Handkerchief.;, and olhet aritclea adapUMl,. for. Men's wear. ' ; J i F „ ot l,. Cloth*, Cauimeres, andDoeskms,of erery eolor *“{“*> and quality, which the beitMannfactone* can produce, and we guarantee to .all the leading Simoni’«s Bo«j can's and French Wooljco* a* cheap aa their agent* in New i orkj , : • :■>.' nrFiaToau* o’ros, as» sox waapjcisoaaarrrs. TWjof erery kind and description, for<ienami,de mestic, Sommer Cloths, CnJton CoatlMa, CoddnagWiiJ Gamlm>ons,-heavy » number of other choice and; desirable . Coating^,for, S^S d mn,4 A Of thc*e' Goodr.'whrther for extent, or eoftment can not he excelled anywbere. f kTeryateaxn er now bring, ns oar own the .very latest awl™ Buyer*withoabawthegreatest adTMtage.to. set their fancy goods, both .foreign amT domestic,'en tirely different ftnmwbat they can find themeny»here rlw-. M m'6iV goods'of the kind are ordered by us! fiwa designs of our own.. ’* -*• LCTCtSAS® JJMUJact White Satin faced Drilbnga, Dock ond N ary do,P?**, French do, Cheeked Linen*, for conU .nwi bW*. Brown French' .Linen*, Partner* wear. Children’* wear of every.ldnd,<ordered,«x prewly for tbeporpw.- Billiard yard* wide, of the celebrated • L** Military Coropame* and: College*, with Cloth* for Uniform*, at factory price*, al«d, with Mflila rr aad Naval Trimming*, of every description. i TAILOK* TBiXXEICS. OF sermoaQCAUTU3, VUt; •• Black English Satin*, black and colored Velveu,l>Uck and colored Silk Serge*, block ond colored Satiti re*, black and colored and Bombazine*, Silk Velvet Lining*, injrm llobinaccl* do, Blark and colored TwuA-Patent 'XTrn-nd*, Buttoni'of all and Silk Bind-; ing*, ke, Canva**, lloUaod** Wig- Whito Mn»lin*, Colored __ *, rpß,tv<u.iui«» j . _ SUrer, Drab widUlue Cloth, Drab Silk* for «mmn» nd Wonted Dwnark»,Bur:kram» and Drab Velfeu.; j TOK BHO*"* r?Pthf and Ceuinterea of die ruling Colon lot Gajlcn, and Luting*, block »nd coloredyo? thte beat qaaluV.- Condsanas, Kortctt Jiuo, Drisuo, ?n.l other lorr priced Sal and Pant cham Tailon and Mannlaemrenof E<«ly-raade aoth leg, tu well a* Country Dealer*, will; find themjelvca well paid in examining oor «lopk- . - , • Toenable a Merchant olwari to wU ihenp, ocW nmst be of that nainre that faahion cannot dqiTeatte it OdihenrUo he i* compelled to charge more orupma cood* to make up (or mo lone* on othen; Am inonr buuneu tbu difficulty U happily eroded, otlr otock m miy* bcitur. a taSa one, we not only can, oar Oood*cither for eaoh, or to aubitanual. and mal cturtomen, on um*atratee that *haU mre rau.aat- Ufaetion. jkIARTIN LKWIS& Co, . ZD, Baltimore at, 5 doonwejt of ChMie* »t - Oppoaite Watkin*Daneaa& Boat a oboe otore. feblC „_J, •' • .. ,t-». S«wii tHe Um« , 4 LEXANDEB tDAV would respectfully inform A the ciuzeos ofritttburghandit* ricuutyihjUlher are now selling off their Tery law of dry Rood* at an unparalleled reduction of price*, theirobjectbeingtoexchangegood*for.eaah, 4,, inior der lo effeet thi* in Uw *borte*t powble ume they £rdl ■ell off their entire stock at »uch remarkably low rates as cannotiaS 10 aoit cash buyers- . Aifine opportroity U iww offered to persbna in want of ehesp or? good* to supply themselves at a cotmara&vehr cuall expense. Web*to a large and splendid stock «V■ GOODS. • Palo AUo, Buena Vain’ Gala. English and Freneh,Me rino Kald« Oregon and California do; Plain Black, and Mode colored Dc Lainea, French Merlhba. assorted col ors; Alpaeea Lustres? Ikanbaainea; French a«d_Jieoich Cashtaeros andMoushn Dc Laincs; French and lairlr. ‘““ OI ° : DiSS|“AN-D MANTrLU : Stt.KS. J. - A lanie and splendid assonment of neh black IJresa and silk* and bine blaek-Dresa Sauna.- ana atanmiaa gHA SIIAW LS. _ - . A large assortment of *ur<r 'lr-, Ca*hmere Shawls; plain and embroidered «lk mage .Thibet’drc'Chameleoa and Brocade sdlkdorplaia black •ilk do; super all wool long square Broebra do; blam and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embroidered Be AND CXSSISIKIIK» S«iwr French, Kof li»h, aud Aiaerican <3oth* and Cn»-/ rimrrtt in great variety. J- r 'A". a ' - 1 . SATOtt.TrS A>.D ::: : i An cxeelfcat assortment oi Sattwet* and a large Mock of fed, white and yellow Fanhel*. Blanket*—Super blue Blanket* for .overcoal»,;Uile AUeddo; Americtn pronitnndo-. etc. Also, * larce M*ortment of Tickingl*, Cheek*, Prints MnftUoj, together with &A?** rood* line. - ALEXANDER t , jwoa . - cor, of diamond. 1 l>ry Gooda tt Wbcltitl*. : • XlTl'wpuM rr-pcetfully invite the attention ofb.oun- TV try *ud City Merchants toourrcry eXlriUive •tuJk ofDry Good* of the must recent purehaM and desirable style* suaongwhich may. be enumerated; 2? new Spring styles; . 9 - Ginghams, En*li*h t fren£h and Domesuc;, 3 “ Mouueline de Xaine* EnC- and American; 11 '•* Alpacca* in all color* and price?; : 17 •• Bleached Sheeting* A Bbirttng* |to UM; •' 11 • “ Satineti* black, blue, mixed, Ac.; ' .; : S •• CaMtinere*; aud.faney; . • . 7 *» Tweeds, Jeans, Cohhams, I’nnce Alberts Ac 7 “ Rummer stuff*; a. hill assortment; r . 1 bale Yellow Drilling, from medium to fine; j 5 « Blue Drilling, from medium to fine; .;; Together with a full assortment of Cloth*, Cashmerett* Vnp lTEie, Flannel*,-While Good*,Trimming*, Ac.; all of which we are prepared to *cll at low price* for Ca*h or approved credit. And would ihvrte all person* iivi “ B * n i ‘tHACKLLTT S aNvIUTE. W Wood *U f e jj9 ; ’ two door* abate tkamond Alley. HukirilalkttjrDriuni, . • JCST received at ZEBULON KINZEY’S, 67 IMar ket street. i do* fino wux Masks; fi dox paper do; 3 doz common do; 3 gro** rnctallio Comb Cleaner*; 1 do* Eg* Boiler*; I do* Salt Spoon*; 2 doz bone Mustard Spoon*; 4 cross German silver Spoon*,* 3 do Butler Kmve*; l do fancy Toy Book*;. 30,t*», China. Slarblcs; 6 doz fine woolleu Comfort*; * great vjmety of woollen Coat* and Cap*; 5 dox fine French W illow llaskets; , doz Willow Market do; 0 doz Straw TraveUn? basket* 6 doz glas* Mime Seal*; 3 dor bone; motto Stamp*; 3 Allen'* patent Revolving Pistols; 5 pair* catnmoniira** Pistols; 9 dox setts Cheumeo; 3 dox Iwtt* IMnunos; 6. doz Taylor’* Tape Measurer, 13 doz fancy metal Toy Basket*; 1} btos* *tecl Koy Riug* > ;a»*ortod;’y.groa China Doer; 1 dol strings Amber Bead*; 12 nesla toy BuinuTldoicn'jriUovr Cradle*; 1 dozen Clothe* Bas ket*. ■ • • . - teft- FURNISHING GOODS—Wo have on hand bn a*- soronem of good* suitable for lumohlng featets, steamboat* Ac., amoug which are 13 bate* tickuig*, *»- sorted; 0 do bro. drilling#; 3 ca*e* 3-1 and b-t. blenched shirtings; 14 do 1.1 and 4-4: do: 2 bale* bearr; Uae« rrasb; <-4 and M linen table diaper; do. do. lkma*k; Scotch and Russia diaper, low-priced fancy madder prim* white counterpane*; plain aud .twilled blankets, Ac., which will be sold low tor cash or approved credit. n . SIIACKLUTT It WHITE, janl. ’ 99 wood *t "Shawl** Shawls. . 1;; SELLING OFF—A very largo and saperiof assort ment of »oper.Turkern Shawl*;*Xtra ail wool Bro ebade; fine Cashmere do; plain ondicrabroidered doth do; plain and embroidered Tliibetdoi Brocade, D*ma*K> and Ottoman Silk do; Thud long and square do; to gether wiih-a-gwat variety of other descriptions of Shawls, all of which wc.are now selling off ct'aacxtra ofdinary reduction of prieea. ■>•'{; ' • • • -• ALEXANDER A DAY*. fcb3 ; • 73 Market *t, N • W cor, of the Diamond. I»>|A> I ' FAS.-Hle~c*d by exprou this X day a large lolofUte best made pens ever bro’t to thi* city. - By-offering a considerable premium over the ordinary price* 1 have had' them manufactured, supe rior Urany heretofore, and can confidently recommend them as tnch for the fineness of !tho gold, their envy elastic ipringand.fiue smooth .point*. Also, a large, assortment of other brands for. sale at eastern; price* and warranted, at the watch aud jewelry store ot ‘• WAV WILSON,! febSdlt ___ comet of 4th A market »t. tn’illL. FRENCH CLOTHS -HELLING UFF—A tone assortment of French and English Cliijh* ad mV, . . fel,9‘ ; 73 Market »t,N W corjoflhe Diamond. ■ - S Wood st, hive ou hand a well assorted and Season-' ol.le slock of DRY GOODS., which they will; sell so western and city merchant*, on very reasonable terms, and low price* Most of the Wod#frcre bough* during thojawt luonth, and atrtduccd pnce*.. , .. y«4 J TIEACHKD DRlLLS,:Ac.—\\\ B. ’iinrjiy’h'as 3 open this morning onp cfse ApmrkeasMeochcd rills; also Unblcavhed do. Amorkeag No 1; uso Tick ings ofv&ripu? prices aud aaaliue*i-and offered law by lio pleco and yard, at N E corner ol : 4IU aadMukel strent. ' - : . /=■': .• vj ftb». . DBADMORKESR FOR SKIRTS.-’, YR Murphy nai on hand Drab Moreen tor tklft* Alio CordedMairaues'sklm, - - , Trench Cotton do . (anew articled . Ladies Morinpe and Cotton Yosts, Ac., aiirtheast comer of 4th A market st* (ebC pPCIIECO EPP\T#—W'R Murphy invites ihe atien \j tloaof .bayeratohlsassomneiit of aboveisuperior good*, nest- styles and plaid* of pare madder color* and warranted fast; also, Fall River and American pnm tvotkedof also fast colot* ■ ; 3 TABLE DIAPERS;AND TABLE CLOTHH-W. R .: Murphy has oa wind, allow price*. an assortment common, medium and superior linen tab!eilinper*j also damask linen table clmhs,napkms,etc.: also hock abut!, bltd-oyc, and Scotch dinpcrsTor tootling. ’D'IAH) BLACfTAD’ACOAS.—A few peilof *aUn ; i barred alpaccaj. latehr reeM; abo; anfixeeltent I anortraent-ef fancy barred do n rerr *<>w, ai thedrjr. I poods house of ;\Vlt MURPHY. DRESS GOGDB at" Mur phy, comer 4d» and Market continues to *eU | Winter Dm* (taodtat awnily Rhdaced Pncee-yMu*-. lin dc Louicu'aa' low as IS* els per yard. Ac. r_l&l .JC SO**" uSTSETEmT Ui't-An cicflltnui. I' ionraentof to ri*ia* ielting 01T»t an imuiual n didtalnprlrtAM » ““VS-i'KVVi Say’• ” f jhd lKmantUi I ALKXANPKU t DAY. I “m^NNPxs—KcirHrown ■wJHarrtti 1 Am additibnU 'mpply fMC«!v«d.Oom the meimiactu* ”£L»*.? , rr x ‘ ¥ &S&88&8i; * (a. jo»t rec’doud OUST 3c. Co. f OJfrortut' I , I Jl . , ---.-jjf IILANKBTSrOpair Ufg« Dor»*nc BinnieU, j««t TjOYfl C R Murojrr InVito* 15 the Attention or parent* tohtktscen?qf Mjoftraent cAwimern mjWhieo,** tl>« Dry GOod*kou»e,-northern ebmei oTtaiiiuiibnßx*- koilUJ- 'j ; j;:iu^*»rTi7>nijs~i [lure. tor *ala bj VTli te. Co. • d, for sale by ILWOKTIL jniuit received idxm * Co. - - [•'■ '■ -jiL • • - QJ S.I Ci ' • (-Sje, t V,-- VOL. XY: NO. 169 i MISCELLANEOUS. • „ .Wines dt Liquors** 1 Onn whole," hajree, quarter* and eighth* jßpssbraa*.- OUllrdiee, wince, jpin, to, oftbe taflowiajf coWaH* led l>mfccis.-prftde* and. vintages, vii: . -T Otard-, Brandy, dark; Reneie Port Wine; do do. pale; London Marker “'-.do;?-.. *Sa»irae do' ! ,:doi S-Tmsh -i-do; . ASeigneuo dark; 5 Hunt' do; ..do . •—pale; Hargttndy*' • • do;, •. ! Uennewy do : dark; 28 S MksUirt >.« I'ido; do- dO;-pale;5*I/M'do - ...•. do;., • . " ' Pinnet, CtutilUan,. do.- 2 Symington:’' - .*dd;" : ~. '' do' ■ do 11 : Sw,»n Gin;: gPnleSjwrry . . do;, . Bl'k lione do; ■ 5 Browu do .‘'' do; V‘ Impl/Eagtedo; •.- •• S l 'Golden.-do<<..,;«or>;--r :it’. Pine Apple do; j . ; jt TeneriiTed®..-. * do;' - Jrinh'wLiekey;. ! £ Lisboa ao/ -do^‘ • Jamaica Spirit*, J ••• “Claret".-V. ft cdoj..v i-.if-'ii-p ' St. Croix Kuni;, • SweetfcDry.Malagado; • TVgedier with a stock or fhe ahoTa 'WiiiM' •Liquors in tattle*;: AUo.Chaxnpaignesad.Claret,' ibrsaleae imported, on pleasing term* at the WineCel\ . lor and Liqnor Store corner of 3raithfieM.add Ftontea.*' o>v tvt :: fcb3 :V. P C MARTPf> iota neon. ■ ww. a. H'wrrir • - . kLaXO.- * 1 t •: IfAT!ONAI. FOU»DaY.I.,.7^- 1 ;:' i , 'll- raTsDCBOH.’ ’ *. iOj THE, S«b-criber havingeroded largaaad; WorfcaonjftarttyiTMujiAyanttc,are luring, £rom new and impro Veil paßeftfi»j every > ariety «f* Cool and Cooking; St <r*eai Hollow-ware; inn. Wagon boxe*, Fancy,F}re Orate* and Feodora, Kitchen’do, with tfaperiof ranger tor Codklsgperpoaafc .•■•.•»« j» ; J together with every thing id the howbaiMinghawigchi . ftt Semper*, \aull-nnu,jUntelii for. . , j window tops,rulings,.too, onnaipto.rnladetoOToeti.-'* Machinery order* carefully and punctaalhr affftntwe Hfc ••- * ia.*. it fcbl«dlm QULNTf.' hPBKEDSACfc .gvJkMu%- .• OUQ U&3 Nil;.. -jiLif-jjiwY itii-.-i Spring, Axle. Steel* and Iron Works* 1 (COLEMAN, HAIL.ttAN'A'Cb, havinjrewnfrWeA l *«A5a j thdr new vrorkvare, now prepared.to ...... >. lure every, description of Coach and lStfptie Bpridga, ‘ ■ ' Iron Axles,' American;'Blister, Spring* andPfcMgfc : Steel, and all-aiiea ,ot small,, square, and round Iron*,., .. which they offer for sale oa liberal terms, atlheirwiic- • <'' ; house, Mo 43 Wood street; wheTOthey. nlsO'keep.aa '. |,j| i lrnnd a complete and handsome, assortment of Coach ( ,. t ; Trimmings, Carriage .hardware. malleable casting*. 'Mails and Iron.* •- '->' - [ C. 1L A Co., hare made nrranjremewa with-Messrs...- . ... Day ACrotu, manaiaeturer» ofandveWSpades,Fork<,.* ‘ ’• t .- Ac~ and will keep cbitsiantlyira'haftd evarjtarjifilm WY/ made by them. Defiers tore rcipccuhlly t «ohyited to , * . call,'as prices andterras will be undo liberal. ' •*?$»!!-' : Bell and'BmirFotndr7> A FULTONrllcU*iwllit»*Fouj»der t ka»ie...r.;. • ■nd>f»rnT n, * n< * hn«in***ail Ms nfibatfllMl,. • ' -.■* where be will be pleaied to see hisOßTeiuttm*-: Church,'Steamboat, and Bella of every size, fcOrnlO- • * to 10,000 pounds,'east ftoto patterns of the iboet spptov* <„! ed models, atod warranted to be of the best material*.. '•Mineral Water: Pump*, Counter*. HaUififc 4d, w* ’ mi *' 11,1 •getter with-every “variety of-Broaa Castings, ifjequw*. »!:’.:••• t ed, turned and finuhedin the neatest manner.- feb ' - DZTA. F. is thbscle proprietor'of Blm»V f a Atthitiox Mxtsi., so justly celebrated for ihercdßctkM 1^ •of friction in machinery. .The Boxes and Compositiofk . can be had.of him atoll Cmca.— • •• • -Jtltly 1 "■ ; 1-' r » ; Pittsburgh *CleTtland*Rall Bead* 1 ; NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDEBS.—An ia atalmentof ten per cent, (the sth Instalment) ' ‘ : - allsubscriptionsin the-capital' stock>of. tui» company,:upplicahl«'to- that, portion, of the ..road , under contract, u required to be paid on'or before : the • *. i. Ist' day of 3lareh 1849. ’ Stockholders Id' Plttsbargh. willpavio cornerof Mandwood stii . in Solineville and vicinity,'to Joseph G Xaeoekpw —’• Wellaville and vieihityto James Stewart, Jocalilnaa* tirer. ; By order of the board of .director*, . ' - i A O CATLETT, Bec*y- : 1 1 ’ Office of the P&OEB Co,- Wkllsville. . i [feMdmari n f .... r One elegant Rosewood aixandahalf' 1 ’ : J ' octave Piano Forte doable raised oov-.-vt ■ her*. new scale, Iron.frame-made by. Il.Vf I • Cbickericg,Boston. M. :t *;r:t • One db. gothic panels and mouldiaga,g octave • 'Galb.-j r ~; kCa New York.,.. One do. gothic panels andtheoldings/ ft . Gale & Co. riew York. k - One superb grand piano, C| octaves—Here, Paris. . ' The above' pianos fortes 'are warranted, andhavo'’ • been selected by tartiealarly.fof tbesr;.- v,- f good quality of tone and finish aa musical instruments. • . For sale at factory prices by . .-: £ . - • jag' ■ JOHN.n JIELLOB; 81wdodsL • : , • ■ idetsilc foams Piano. . . iL I | |* ~~ a SPLENDID assortment of Bose*- wtxid and Mahogany, grand acuon-JV- I l «:l |lanoa.Fr*ne r jasttuushedai»d for, sale.' : Alo.two splendid Bosewood Pianos, with Coicman’s ‘ celebrated Pollan attachmcny.hnished in the roost modem style, andfor sale at . F. HLLME3, je2s ' ,113 Wood street, 2 doors above sth. PITPrSDURGU STEEL IVOHSS AND SPIUNO: .' AND AXLE.TACTOBV.; HiAC JOSES. , JOST T "'* . Jo3TES*«ltnGa, . r Manufacturers of .spring ami am), ■ ~: • plough steel*, itecl plough wiugt, uc »prinj», hammered iron axle*, and deklenua'nijt-’ j leabie casting*, fire engine lanjp*/awl coach trimming*, ' generally, corner of llors and From wx* ' Type Fouadiy. ; ;/. ~-'p '■ subscribers bore taken tne.Typc Foandryy J. No. 50 Gold-street, aii*l will continue' lately cowloeted by ItobcrtTaylor. ■•XhejrwiU»H«d, > -i to nil order*.with pticninliiy.and- dispatdu All Um Type' manufactured by them 'will WHand CaMf«S|A v- s)ir, they will furnish nil kinds of Pria feral iiaterials, ofth* best quality. .* : ■ X Ur, J. A. T. Ore reed U still employediafapeiistrad* inj; the manufacturm;? department. - !.. •-•'}• .Proprietor* of uewspnpctSrorbaAatrs «K •dreidsed' : for the sabscriberj who may pobluhiJuscotic«&)rtlix«a,. I -i' mouths will be eMilicd to receive tireir pay in type, on purchasing fire uatwtheamoant of their bills: tor ad-'- -cf vertising. - . %■ Old Type token in exchange for new at 9 els per W.“ Charles Whiting, > WHITINOATAYLOB,.- - ’’ Theodore Taylor, J (Soecetsori'to Rolft Taylor,), L ..‘ ; . t janW • Comer Gold and Atm Streets. ■’,; " ~ Orl|taal ‘BoUTuirßrtelu.’ . EXPKRIENCKD Jndcea, on a trialof one and a half' millions, since 1340. pronounce this article unsay / ' a ! pasted fur durability in trie construction of all kinds qf•••<••; *-4 furnaces, Trice 523,75 cash lor loads oflO M, guar*./ anUed nine months use. Orders for a seeoad-tpaality Bolivar Bricks Mill;be'executed at $2O per M, ifso do- : aired, without guarantee. A stock ofihe firit-qaaltty' '. itoow for sale at the wttrchon'*e.'*Sldati’a Wharf,* Cn« J. SHAW / t\, . septCtf. ' ; , • ' Kensington>n>P Works. on Prlt*tfcng Papcr»-/!'■ JOHN H. MEIXOH, fel Wood street, Agent fre-the rale of Printing. Paper, for C v 5. Loin bain te, Co, ■ would inform his customers that, in consequence of the advance on rags, paper will be charged for the pfea» : , ' - - ent at eleven cents per pound, or '• i -•-'’•ii©.?.. Impetuil prim, 22*41 nt • ’’ :< Double Medium, U4M37 at - jaJl : , JOHN'.H MKI.TX3R. .. . . Boston Mode of Heatiaf'Hmkb; < I/t MU. G. DEXTKR, of Boston, has arranged and _ . tented uplau for heabnghoasek, which has been * successfully used in Boston, New York, Ac.,ind wher* 5 ever applied, has received the decided prefcrenea'ovet' ; stoves, Furnace*, etc. Its advantages '• -ri-.'-'j-c;-. Ist. Great regularity of tetuperature: .■>;: r-j 2d. Freedom from imoke.: . ‘ ,3d. No unpleasant dryness. • > ’ •• 4th. Easily nficudcd to and hot liable to, get' eat of'-' order. \4.- \ -i-*'. £th. Greatdiirability/ V <.'■< -v.-.,.; A model and specification may be seen and 1 tua obtained at the copper and Tinware tactory of > Wbl B SCAIFE, First su, • • between wood and market GROCERIES— 45U ban Olio Codee; 75 paclores Y* . 1L Tchl kS# do Imperial and Black Tea; fiObbT*' No' ':, 3 largo Mackerel; 5 bull No I Herring; S bblt'St toms / 8 HAlolassesj lUbblsdo LoafSugar;3s bblsVineg*rp- v »‘' 75 boxes Ss lamp Tobacco; 30 ke;* 5 twist do: 40 *»**■«■ \' 1 the Nectar Leuf de; 15bagsl‘epper,6bbls Ground-.. Pepper; 100 reams Wrapping Paper; 50 do-Writing: ' per, for sole by' R ROBISON & Co., - ,; '- ■ febll • • liO liberty street. -‘‘V d WAITING it WRAPPING I’APKIt— .. V : ' . 500 reams ruled cap airmail En* qualities.' ' - WO . letter .> ’ •••--- 30 . “ list cap,'good qaalitf, •‘ : 200 u bluefactorypaper, • SO “ .teapaper,' SO gross bomiel bauds. ... . _ . bundles straw ssd rag .wrapping paper,'ia' r store ami which w* offer to the city trade at lowrrrice*. l '' ; ' r ' • tebS ■ - KF.YNOLDS fc BiCBR fcot Sale a •few bales Western New vnjg i:,': XL growth'of l&W-frora o to 10 ceois .r. Aiso, Eastern and Western N Y, early picked! ihU - •' ; yeariigrowth.-: ; ... ; , t> . • Prime Ohio do. Belmont county. . ‘‘V' Tlie general Eastern 'crop of the season U nowbetar s, ' :f received. Brewer* end other* wing Hops, will fiadil- ' much to their advuntage to obtain theiranpphr inm tl»v undersigned, esthcr intend to *eUthrouAouulie *en-'< - ' sou at New York price*.v, G.W. SMITH A Co.; ' octtfid&n •. • , , . . • ' Ktabnrgh Br«w«t» " '' * HAVANNA CIGARS—IOU.OGO~impor.ed cigarapf' ' two following, celebrated brands, part to anira" •" cousisluig or, Ccves, Aubiquednd, Washington renliML' - Rapides, ■ Esculapie. Dot Amigos,' do Foster, .. Urania, Lord Byron'*, FaUa pnucipet, steam boat do*/ V s )' l Tia ! *do,Laßayadera l*t,dodo : ~ ffieby** r*ioia, Caaadcrtt, print iget, for* • fob 7 ■ '*•- • cor Stmthßcld Afront ai: ’j" i J Ftner Dmi glUu, ; i \\T R- MUKPHYha* oh hand an excellent aiort-^ “ T _• ment-of fancy Dress Silk*, CJuumrteon Plaid* and fancy stripe, which hs is tl rcry losri.*> prices; also, au assortment of plain, watered, stripb&'v., bloc black Silk*, including a few lueceaof very superior and newest styles; also, Gro'de ' , Rhine, hud Italian plain black Silks fordresseaj Ac^and- 1 -* * tew patterns of Changeable Tore Satins, Barred Pop. Utit,&c.. , : . *. •' v.'.fcbP.: ■» • • ALVACUA a CASHMERE HOSE-W R Morphy * inviierthe attention of (ho ladies to hi* xxceUestv .assortment of enshmero nnd alpaeca hose, Including; drab and bl'k ribbed. "black spoil silk, thibet, ) llamai and - coUon hose, si all assortment, and. at Jow> prices... ; - - ' : . feb7., r 0~" PKN THIS MORNING AT W. R u t „ £ assortment of new-and styles British/ - Punts, brown and white—-also small figured db ‘ Jaws’ wear— yard.wide double purple, ; superior' q»alif' a l ity.' 1 " • ’ ’■ ~~ -.’'v'fthUb,n'v> i.N ELECTION will be held at the .hocie,'JiiSli' A Juitet, in Baiemown,- Allegheny eooaty; unytbeethd&roi March next, to elect ihr«4 of the Pittsburgh aud tuiiur year.-.By order of the Board, ■• • lebUduldawrit' AltTHUßMbtittlL?‘ : T>LACK~SILKS —W Jt MUttPIIY aak» the kfertfiv::* JJ of buy er* to hu Batorttuam of above gooda,ljjoSJ in* rich plaaa linlittn djc»*«lk; poQ]t de black do; rich watered do; do watered cm] trtJT2a a.mi*.: •dlka.for cardinal*; betide a lares usor&neaia/Paiicv ; Brest Silk*, chan (table taunt,'&c~'atfofWhieVW«irS'' x tulJ at the lowea poMiblo priccc?: SCPERIOtt ginttTlBQMggM#t^ w - a ‘ MURPHY, N.K cpmar.tf.4th ■SiSTSSSf** cadtaltcuuou to.ihe wpenor long doth aUnttfauLa! ■a^fa^aftssaaSSag; Cbla RyejA hitli Beaat; jut* reo‘s\nd for **l« fey*”*’ - r >i..r ••' -*1 u BOBidON. A. Co, v"‘ * a> fcblt. .••.». - , •, ;ia>LßtfftyiixjeV 4- 5 Hr-W» .Ida. natoral -coloTcd;win>efBpenii; jojo# i d^ ler -Whale;«Ojd* lowpricS . Whale Oil,ju»t teed ami for sale by. ' ' febu • /; WLi^it-incggreoy>^ •' do lfe*us,'l7.do L»td,oskey*klnA.«sfo ta/IS*? .• do *ale by; fcbt BJUJAf.KVvawS^? I r R"~ ; ijKy vw£sj - T. ?', w'jitfel ■-■-■:■■■>: >••-.• r.f: ; ''-^>^^%^-V.sr< : i.‘‘- •:...; ■-. .• •••-■ •. •;- . ! 1 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers