The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 22, 1848, Image 4
!*• °f . ✓-’ * ** ct™- j- ,i' ?ooKs,‘injsic,&c. Sr n . sewwwici. • .. Connct’er iheßyidcriia Unmufced; by O. P. 1 , u Jusei, E«q, _ . . : eek Ashore; byE. Rowan!, author of Batiiuthe jefisr. V ; , •. ' jn» Sur .of ih« by Cunts, author of Black lamedUifleaen. . ••.•••/• ]-.•• TboiMuieFigurß-Read, or ihe Lady of Green and Due; by Charter Carey, of the U.&N. ' ' T - /ThofiandUM Bride, or the Raid of Saxony;by j Loßij» Sta&bope, author of.“ Striking likenesses,'’ Ac.'" j' LeniUa tenmote, and Mr. asd Sirs. Wobdbridget\Ur has LeaUa. ; = , \ London Quarter.y Betiew. . 1 ynk>a Magailiw for December. I If«pf Jo«phTIU»--ala'- " 'j -- large icppljr. Motherly ii« author of ‘Xliitory 22** WiUnJnesi of Woman, by the ume. 1 The Old Commodore; by E Howard.. . 1 Jeanette Aliiaon or toe Young t*ttawberryCirl—a tale of Sea and &boref by Jngrohaia. • ( ' ~‘«* i o r DaylJtfbl,apri«iale:by.JS'noljb. air Howland Aintoa, It to!; by Lady C Long. { Kpleadou of Vercaillea, and the Court of Loci* Ftowere reraonified.No*. 0 aod 10. i . Raral Cemcterieaof America,ran9. . | Manunes, Newspaper*, etc. 4 London. Punch and PictorialTiroempeirlastsiramert. Brouter Jonathan, Philadelphia Courier, and Yan *ea ltooille Pictorial*, For aaJe by '■ • WM S CALDWELI*. oecl _3d tt, opposite the Poet OSee. VBIKtTHEADT FOB PUBLICATION by J. A. It U. I’. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following "hew and valuable Work*— ' ■ Doniphan's Expedition—Containing a sketeb of the life of Col. A. W. Doniphan; the Conquest of New Mexico; Gem-Kearney's OvrrJtutd Expedition to Cali fornia; Doniphan's Campaign against the Navtjos, and hit unparalleled March upon Chihuahua nnd Dan»ngo| and the Operations of Gen. Price at Santa Fe; with a Map and. Engravings, by John T Hughe*, A B of the Ht Regiment of Mirsouri Cavalry. 1L ' : Ifisloir of Kentucky—lt* Antiquities and Natural Curiosities; Geographical Statistical nnd Geological descriptions; with anecdotes of Pioneers Life, and more than one hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish . ed Pioneers, Soldiers, gtatcimen, Jurists. Lawyers, Di vines, Ac.; iHustrated vrith forty engraving*; hy IjCWU CoUiks, 1 vol. octavo. | The Twelve Months'Volunteer, or Jduniul of a Pri vate in tho Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, in the Campaign of Mexico, daring l£4C-47, containing an ar« count or the Mafeh of iho Regiment to Vera Crux, n description'of the Country passed over; manners, cn*A toms, Ac. of the people; Sketches of. Camp Life; ae-' counts of all the actions of other Volunteer Regiments, and a full History of the Mexican War; lust ot the Kil led and Wounded, Ac; illustrated by a large number tof correct views and plans; by. Geo. C. Furocr, 1 volume octavo..'. • . . ' . ' ’ dec! • T>OOKS FOU TUB SKASOH— lllutaluated ,r» Gems of Sacred Poetry; & splendid imperial's vo., : *> with benatiful illustrations on steel, by Sartara,.and 5W illuminated page* by Schmitz and Sinclair, richly ' bound In Turkey morocco aud white calf, superbly gilt. The Christian Keepsake, an anneal for ISIS; with - splendid mezitotint engraving*, by Sortain; bound in ar abesque morocco. ‘ Christmas Blossom* and New Year’s Wreath for IHS; a small quarto volume, printed on snow white pa per. embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.— litis i« by far the most beautiful jo vettiie annual pat>- bihed in' uw United States. The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. B. with nnmeroos et dslte'designs, by tlio Etching Club, in va rious styles of binding. Thompson's Seasoiu. with seventy-seven designs, by the Etching Clab, in vmriots.stylea of binding. The .Poets utd Poetry of Atactica; by R. W. Gris . wold. The Poets and Toetry of the Ancienu, by William Peter, AThL; tupettoly boundin.Turkey moroceo;splca didly gilt. . . Willi*’* Poem*, in various style# of binding: Cray's Elesri“a-*tr*le‘l - Poetical Worlnu in varioas bindings. .. Lordßyren's u • “ fihaktpeaie't “ “ “ • The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. - Ballads and other Poems, by Mary Howitt. Poems by amelia. - Handley's Sift red Mountains! - !Theabove, wilhasTeatTsrietyo/other new works, . In splendid my lee of Eniding, suitable for gift books; for : otlo bT ■> •■*!!.•■'- ■ .jr. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, , -fepa.-.- i • Booksellers, cor. Market A3d su. Valuable Standard. Wo/ki. BRANDS* ENCYCLOPEDIA—A Dietioeary of Sci «att,titacatun apd art comprising the htstary, description •aiimießlifle principles of every branch of hamaa knowledge, with lhe dcriratkm and defiaiboa of all the terms la gearral SM, —*’'»*♦ hy W T Braude, F R S,4*c. Dhutratrd by nu merous «aarcringi on wood,. i Meat's North American Atlu, cootiin'rag Waati fullr «V -•nl of North America,Canada East,Canada Ifcst, Nova Seeria,.New Branswkk, Northern Texas; New Met too, Florida. Texas, California, Mexico, Central America, 7«eataa*JFcst lit™ )»i«nd» and all the States aadTmito tics in fer Du son. . ‘ . ’ - NeaP* rnritsnr—T%t history of the Puritans Ana the nformlka in 1517, t* the revolution of ITSJ, csmprisiof an account of char prmapks, Ac, fte, by Daniel 'Neal, » A, revised by Jc&aO Choates, M D, with sina portraits oo steel; hrlwovalancs The um of the Body ia relation (o the Mind, hy George Moors, UO, member of the royal college of Physicians, he., . Javenlle Works, JFaltb and North* or which makes the man, a very pop ular Juvenile work. • Perils cfthc&ti, bring afreting namlioni of shjpwmki, fpf. _ Rtmll’t Speaker—The Juvenile Speaker, comprising 'SkrusnUiy puts sadcxerriees iudcsUmatien, with* selre • UM of passes tw praetiet, by Fnadt T Itasecß, uutructer io *eleentkm ml Fpncetca. • ' Ths ahsra works rted red and fcrsak hy • JOHNSTON A STOCKTON • • |]| Booksellers,eor mrkUandSrd sts PIANQBI PIANOS 1 1 KLF3HKR, Dealer in eastern'Piano Fortes. at J- W. Woodurein*. No. B 5 Third Street. Tli« - Pianos ttsy be examined at all hours, and the sntacri -1 her will bo there from 11 to li A- M- and from 4to fi,P.Al.eachday.. Fimb’g. Oct MS . We, the undersigned,- would inform the eitizrts* of - ipiasborgb and vicinity that we have appointed Mr. 11. Kleiber sole agent for Western Pennsylvania, for the • tale of oar. Piano Fortes, from whom they may beob • ttinetlatoorowntNew Yorklpriees. ' 1 N’CTfTfS & CIAKK. .1. New York. Sent. 1. MISCELLANEOUS. LIPPEKCOTT 4 BAIIB, * r- * (Late J 8 tSmckter & Co) MANUFACTURKRS or Phienir Ore proof oafro, ‘Math side, second street. between Wood and : BtttitWUMJ*iiubnrgh. J S Smekler haring deceased , «nd the samring partner Air. Jos Lippeneott,hnTinc • lumjclf with Mr. Wm C Burr, the basinets , will hereafter he conducted under the stylo oMJppen ' cottfcSarr. ,• Trial of a *a£e in Ciaeinnatf, O.—We, the undcrsign ed-were present at the of one of i 5 Striekler 4. Co"-e improved Thcnix £n-p roof safes. The safe was pUcedui a furnace oa the public landing, drul subjected lOlhelnlensqhcntef a stone coal fire foil more than three boon, in one hour and a half the shfe came to 4} bright ted hwi; the door of the fumade was then elosed, which earned on increased and steady heat lor the balance of the time, until the cast iron wlieels were : partially incited o<£ the furnace was then thrown down ~ avl the amfe cooled and opened. Tiic money, papers r ..andbook* which it contained were up rfeetas when • -.placed there, the binding only of the l>ooks being in— to rad by the water in cooling the safe. Wr have no heahation in recommending it to the public ns a safe soperior to any we have ever seen beliefs that it will stand any beat which mishi b* produced, , -xcept a beat which would melt it to a solid mass. - Springer tt Whitman, 1. Worthington, Kellogg It / ..-Kennett, Beni. Urner, WOP Brers*. Monts Smith, T 8 Dcnran k. Co, Stcdman, Moyar J &. Co, \Vm Mnnfe, MeadfclVuUtor. i I • “We,; the undertigned} neleelrd the safe spoken uf above. from ft lot Lu the store of Tniber & IVuberr. the AaetO* - Ct» SPRINGER, . . . SJKELLOO. • Refer to Cook & Ham*, Broker*, Pituburrb; Up«*cy -Hanna.* Ctt, do do {fe3dAwJyS MORGAN'S COUCH BYRLT—It proved to be the greaf Panacea in cnring-iny child's diitreeiuig conk. From tie Temperance Conner, Not 31S-17. 1 COTOB STITT. — Wb sic not ia the habit of pufnnz, . pfflyk |eu taking patent medicine#, bat we feel duq>o*cd ■ to recommend Morgan's Syrup to those who are aillict •d with a cough. After haring tried the usual reme dies to remove a constant And diitreuiuc cough, that - kadfor»«veraldny*afilietedonftofourchildren,witli oot success, we were induced to try Morgan’s cough • ajnrop, and by itreltef waa obtained in a few hour*. It proved to be, the panacea in this care at least. Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor, ■ ■■ -t JOHN D MORGAN, Dniguist, , fcb7 wood *t,l door below diamond alley. ‘ " ""TJviif ’gtore ftir gale, " C! ITUATED.f n the flourishing town of Welleville, the O tenninne 'of tbe Pittsburgh and Clereland Ilail Bold,'fiO mile* br river from Pittsburgh. Tbe present butaeu of tbe eiublishment i* fairaiul can be increu 'ed indefinitely- Tbeowners wishing to retire from tb« Easiness will kD on remaonable term* nt private —u, 'Person* wishing to make inquiries nre referred in Jon. Kidd fr Co, Pittsburgh, or subscriberm Wolls- Yfttft- WAPS MACKINTOSH. j«,ji ' - •• ~ - 1 • . • • dan* Xtw Year*# Presents, y WaverleyNovels,27 volume*, lOmo, illustrated; • • « “ S 1 *• fcro - , : Mrs SherwooJ’* Work*, 1C to!* 12mo, ilhntrated; Mua ESgwonh’s “ 10 “ “ ' *• * Harper's Family library, 163 vols, complete; - do Boy** artdOiri'* Work’s of Hmkespeare, 7 vols. 6ro, the beautiful Ho*- ton edition, finely bound; Boiler's lives of the Saints, 4 vo!«. elegantly bound; Hantutb Moor** Work*; 7 vols. peplomu Expedition,' 0 vols royai Sro d a ' •5 do •do do British Essayists, amis. Turkey mor. bank*. The above, together with a large assortment of ele -nsUy bound iomily and pocket Bible*, Cunmou FraTtft all sizes and biudings, all of which will be «oltl lowsr *"■" ever offered in tuis market, at the old stand • • KAY Sl Co. • ui • cor 3d * wood »i MOBK fIKW BOOKS.—Margaret Onham, acw aovsl hr G P Jl Jmow; Pri« 6 cents. Zsrils.or dm Trinspb cf Liberty. AlberttflmLth. Csmamicr *f Malts: iilartrsted. i~. e( Slorios. by V Sooljc. Eiq. . Lvudiol Mtum l, o*o. 8* UrF*r‘: to* nn'J . t— jgf October. New Masse; yo*t received by WM. B. CALDWELL, #tySl third it, oppoiite poet office. Tjnnun i*mrhiT— i"™7 t> Maebaale’* complete gnWo tn (he iron h_ . .. . £Zr copies on^i—» ff 7 huu> fclmond* 1 Ulemtare <>f tfc* MUh.flf Europe. -Chamlrt'nt'. JnlbftnaJioa tor the pMpl#.-Chaat>era’ Cyclopedia of En”li*b Literature.' Weadiff* Blackstoi>o:« Coaim'iiuriei, a nevr nluion h**olifid Yolame*. lUlkckH Poem*, a iirw uuii edition. ' Parlor Hook of _ Flower*—for nit . beBl. ... J L READ, 4th near market *l, •• 1 : 'siwJipyß'Lß. mins LAST OX TUK FAtIUKS—A Christina,. JLlW«,bjr O-P. B. James, Ksq. ' . • ~ ■ • TjomEyn;annotebiogTaiihf edition;editedirjrCar* BalL Jnst wceired amt (or sale by j»a . • JOItNSTON L STOCKTON. mnß OBBATKfT BOOK OF TllK SEASON I ’ Ur. Wab*tet'» Great American Giciipnary of ilie- Ifyntp, tCUkSUmBS, containing all that ihe . «bnSuoot contained; revio-d by Chauncey A. Prot Yale Co Here. Tfce mo«t complex e«li- STrrMimliUAcdl one >ol. down queno. Mee SO. Je In KivAU, " _ _ 4lh at, near Market at _ i^e^jissssjiiffisstsui -• 'joiiN b: hayard. ’) j'i:«i-ntrgTJ l b-~ prtnic r?slher*j M sack* '■'nßSSSffil eSk****** I «*» toekimM. • .^JMd W WH py. y No.&lUalrr?t. ; \ . - : tfilcf &' front «ti. KJUOARHoLsF. S’ H MoJa -40./ -• 5 * .* i *' v2:i 'ii '-K". -’ MANUFACTORIES. T rm UAcninmivoEKS andvowtorv. - Pmsapncr. Pa. ■ JOIIK \yaiGRT fe CO., ! i \ RE prepared to build Cotton red Woollen Machin- Z\. cry of every description, sack as—Carding Ma chines, Spinning Frames,. Speeders, Drawing Frames, Kaihray Iliads, Warpers, TwiUers,Spool.***, Dressing Frames, Lmonts, Card Grinders, Ac* Wrought lion Shafting .toned all sixes of Cast Iron, PuOte*_and Hangi*.ts,of the latest patterns, slide nnd hand Lathes, andioolsofallkiads. ' 1 i r ’ Casting* of every description furnished on short .no tice. * Patterns made to order for_Mill Gearing, Iron ratling, Ac. Steam Pipe for beating Factories, Cast Iron Window gash, anil fancy Castings generally OrderricH ut the warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Lib erty stretl, will have prompt aueuUnn. ' 1 Reria to . • - | 1 Rlarkstork, Bell A Co- J K Moorbtod A Co>, O E Warner, John Irwin A Sons; Pittibargh. • ' <; C A 1 11 Warner, Steubenville. __ jau!3_ ■ ALLEGHENY VENITI AN BLIND FACTORY. : JOHN A. BROWS I TAKES this method to inform his friend 1 and the puirJic'at large that his FactorT ‘sjnowtu full operation, on the East aid* of die Diamond, Allegheny,'where a coni slant supply of Blinds; of gariod* rolors and quBiiiic* t ere constantly kept on ham!,, also at N 0.5 Wood st, Pittsburgh,&lJ.A. H. Fhillip«’oil doth wareroom.: Ihnitersmade to order in the bust style. ; Blinds repaired at the shortest nolice. ; N. 12. His Blinds will be' put up, without any addi tional exepnie so that they can be removed In a mo ment in cm** offire or for washing, and without the aid of ucrrw dr' e oclldtyAwlonily WH. ALBIiVNDEtt t SONS, ItOFFIN MAKERS AND FURNISHING UNDER* / TAKERS, corner of Penn and St. Chur streets, Opposite the Exchange llolul, entrance on Penn street,• S«prctfully intona-lhelr frirnds and the public, that ey are prepared to furnish and aueud loeverytUingiu the line of Undertaker*. Always on band a Urge as sortment of ready made Coffins, covered, lined and fin ished in tjie very Ixst manner, all sorts and sizesrcaoy <nado Shroods of flannel, Camhrick and tmnlin,nt]dall sixes mode m.approved styles- We keep a lores ss ‘innmcntofwhi c DttdbUcK, cotton, «i!k aud kid ti loves, jablo for pat I bearer*, and mourners, crape, cups, col lar", and every thing nccessrjy lor dressing tlic oend, 'and on reasonable term*, a* we purchase all our good* in the Kawern ciUcJ. Also, stiver platen for etlgravins Oic name aud age. We have a splendid new hearse and hnf*t>, and any number of the best carriages- Ever; thing attended to promptly and punctually. oc&ty PJTTSBUJtGI! STEAM MARBLE WORK?, ■ A'es, £l4 and £lO Lfbtrlg ttreit, n«r lh< Canal. ALWAYS on hand and made to order, a large vane* ty'of Marble Mantels. Pier,Centre Tallies, and Durcaa 'lbps, Tomb gioucs, .Moiiuracnts. Ac-; all .which, being made of the ehoieesl marble, and tuhnufnctuted principally bv machinery, will be sold lotv for cash. N. H. I'ersons wndiing to purchase Mantel*,' ore informed that it is heneetorth unnecessary for them to ‘go East, as I ean . furnish them with an in all respects as good, and (freight, insurance, Ae. eonitaer* ed,) as cheap as they can purchase theta for in the Etui. Call and sec. i jeUU 7 COPPER, SHEET IRON, ASP.TIN . WARE MANUFACTORY, No S Mtuk?t street, l'iusbargh, Penns: T'HEiu'ncribera having made great Improvements L in the construction of thetr COOKING MTOVES. respectfully invite persons budding Steambotif* 10 cal ‘ and examine before pureharing,a» wocan supply'them Deck Stoves, Forges, and every other kind of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work necessary ,tn famish-' tii*n Steamboat. IVo alto make to order on the shortest'notice Sal Tube* and Cbanbcr; Copper wrrk for Steam Engine* and every variety of won in Oar line feb9 ' - SHERIFF A SHIRK MM. SSoCULLY A Co n ' . SJanofafliorf n of Vials, Bottles and W, Glass, Ns. 139 WOOD STREET. /.}UR fvctenr* i>eing now in full operation, we are V* preporedtm cxccnve orders In oar line, promptly. Djinag ilia last rammer wo have adopted a new planot ilnueiune Window Glass, (the most appioved plan now used in the east.) by -vhieh we turn out a superior arti cle. Glata flaUeuni on this plan isprrfcetly'level and true, with a very fine lustre Fainter* and dealtrx gen erally, are requested to call and examine for them selves. , - , '-n»a BENNETT & BROTHER, UFEICNSVVABE manufacturers. 1 . lUnnUi|h&jii,!B»tr FUUlmrgtt t ]Fa> RoreAotwe, Ab. 137, Wood aired, f iltthurgh. • sSft'VlLLcoa*»anUjr keepen haad.a yoc*l own mcnt ol Wart, of oar own mannuwiare, and BBpeiiorqnality. Wholetale ami country Mti ■* chania are retpeetfblly mvited to tall ai;d ex an.ine for ihcrascivri, u we art doienauied (a tell cheaper than has ever beiore been oSered lo the pab ile. P 7“ Order* rent hr mill, neernnpanied liy thecaib or cuvreftrenee. will be promptly aueoded to. feb'-iS, Great WeilerD Butt Hinge Satnfoctorf, CINCINNATI, O. \ UARONHU k Co., would inmnn the iraJetbat A.» thf7 are now manufactoring Utebetl DcTt tli'iße erermade in the UniteJ Skate*. At this is oar jiritici p\c tiasine**, we intend to seed out aseompicte an ar ticle ns can possibly be made. Those engaged in tbf hardware trade, we think, will fiud- it to their interest to see our Huns All orders promptly attended t.v. iays A GARDNER A Co, corof skit * mom •:» MKMMiUfI TACE FiliTUßl, CA3IPDELL A CHESS, niKmmiaior I HNISniNG NAILS, HOOK It EAR HEADS, Iron and Connor Tacks, j IRON AND OOPP£R aUOB NAIW, - Alia' • : Pattern Hubert' FoinU, of every description. ■ Office No. Hotel, Thirdetreetv f bl _ PUSsbwrgh. iV .Mli'.VAXt! "" ~ J**iw"fc I.KOUS FLINT GLASS E6TAOLISUMKST. • \,l ULVAN y t LKDLTE niaanlacwre *ad keopma- IVdL siaaiijr on hand Cut, Alnn'ded sed I'lsia Pi nt (iitiftware, in alt its varieties, at rh«ir Wsreboiue ror uerof AUrleiand Watcrstieew. Pitttbortbi • ; Our Work* continue in Tull i*prraiion, and wo n««*. ■vuunly iaeurs»eh. wfc>eU eeaMgsswtofiii order* with promptness.' I'«reh3*er« are rtspcetiuliv sehelted to call aid examine prices and terms. - mylklly COACH MAKING .i FROM the very liberal eneonm^e • - «<SHPf7 aubtf rdwhas rece;ve4»iace ptUB 'By' h- ba» located himself In .Allegheny, bus iadaeed him to lake * lease; for » 3»*«ww years, on the property he now ueeur'iev, in Beaver 'strret, immediately be*;dc Hie Presbyterian Charch. From lie long experiene ein the alK«re bomness and a desire is please, be hopes to mef it a nil receive a shareof public pairopagc. Nowonband and inUUia*U» order, Roekaway Bug and top Baggie*, and every description of tbit mure* made to order, from seventy-five dollar* to SrtihKaWt JOHN SOUTIL Shaving and Hair Drcsslnc Saloon* BI.aCKSON a FOUNTAIN. 7h«i*>rt'«7JW«aerj« haw rtpsasUd sod n«*»4 so ibrir Shaving, lUir Drsistag and - Shuapoooing Saloon ia lac nodcra style, aad or* prtpwrd to ir«loo gcalkara ml aoct, with ease, ewafiiet tad peUtnu* Thrrare pr»pared to wait *a all dal any tall without d*Lj Taankfid we pa*lfw»>r»,we solieit a eoaUauane* of th« ! aim, *i our hblooo, tana of Union rtr *«t and tht Diamond, (Unkof Alnaadtrj- Vrj’t Dry Or.'dtflloTr.] TrK«KTADI.’K* rULUONAKV~BALS T« Y. tb* propnetorsofths YenUblt fulmaßarr Calt-uf—l aastiibrd that the Vegetable Pvtlmooury Baloua noble mtJieinc. llh**brtu until tathi* placvwiihetdapfele ■urreti .DznulwtbaU etnaplaiuU'f lb* temp, ttUtultd with tnnn totgh, lum of roue, asd the railing of nodi bl-ied nbieb'bad peeviaudy resisted sauyapiworrd prescriptions After owsg the balMta out week the pstWni’* n.u* relumed, and ha mi enabled l i •{Kali audibly. Thii cue ocrurird ••anetime since, and themaa is mow engaged unt only ia at tire but b) laborious Uusintu. ilrf)*ctlully jokii, ixeonl.MUu WJ.lfl . rt .VOHBiI.L, M D; SuU ia FiiUba/gli by B A Kahprstoek. 4 <•'«. corner of • 6f*t and wuod, aSo cor tilth It wood it*- dertt ; A STRO.NO EVIDKNt.'E that KX '/jL'l'E.TOttnNTi* lopcrier to a'l other remedies (bt ' i.oueht.rouußplioa, Bronchitis, A*U>taa.aad other Pulmo nary rflieljon*,Ulh»t the same yarns* whocoeuanaerd the useof it in their fraulia tm year* ago. still prefer ittooll other pmcdiesoftbc kind; hndwharvaayhsTa heeniadueed r to t/y'bther preporst.oni they lute alotwrt invariably! bars dinpeoialrd or rwe-vtri; tUa benefit which ww reasonably natirt/wlcd from the Lisb praise* btslflwtd by ibeproptiii-'in, and bat* relumed ta the iim of JiTHti’ ETTrcTOnaKT, at a remedy that lit* uaver failed (o rel.trt them, and which , prahahly oerer'had ill eooal ia arreftivg tmlamry duraKi • refund only by Dr D. Jayne, Philtaelpbia, and aoldoa ascueybr •• ALEX. fAYNRi • ; *dFot»r:h'«t wzm H fIiaPAKU, • ar.tiurur j. ocncu : U;c: ‘ H y ft^'pj lI1 j )4 DCSCAN, AUCTIOS&COJiaJSSIOtH 31KBUHif!T8, '(aftb’eoldaiarnl oftfeay AShrpaid,) . i NntbvUlc, Tenaceeec, WILL give piompiand faithfu' a'lentlontothe tile df, 1 Pry Owls. Oroeerie*; and MrrcJi*mliia gitn craliy, Hber feel prepated to ntend to nil thedepan tne»t* of! dtetr bu«!uct« eflirlemV •{.leaUng Hi no goodt fur their ovnt «ccdoot)unpsriialfy. j- Refer io M. Alien. & Co; J- W. Butler 'burgh, j • dec2fe<l»t . [ , Lard OU« ' j tjiUß oncJerniiTijd are lOlbrniilt Ibeii X Ciutooicra atul tbe.pubhc grneruUy. wilh ait eteei* lent ar.icla of Lord Oil of their own oanufaetuie. which ■hey will (ellon term*. Ibrir Oil they believe lo he at good as any offered in the nißibei.hmt . .16Jibeny'jtt,oppositemilh&eld p A-JLard ami Ureate suitable for nichincry.An hand; far sale al*ove. ■ • ■ - YnvllJ . CdRD. - i A 8 lam now engaged in the Importation nf Urnndic*. Wines and Gin*, erelailvHy, and having made arni&K'mten:* In «li(Serer.t pan* of Karo-xs iuid tlw I*l. and* with well known bouse* A* iny future supply of Foreign Liquors, which ! will be able to sell, delivered in the CuMeto HotutiofNcW York or NewOrieansor' in thi* city, at tho lowest market piine for easb or ap proved paper. I have m store and cellar n very laige stock or supeuur Wine* and Liquor* ns imported of the most celebrated brands and vintage* for tale ■on pieaiuig terms by PC MARTIN ; ■ drtu - corlM* tmlthficldM* I.tREHII TBAB Just received ftom I? Phtladelpliia and New York Pckin.Tea tiompany a prime lot oi freshUreen aRd-BlaCkTeu, corapru ng the following: (iretn. , . . Black. . Young Hyson, , FmeOolong;- -I x Fine da . Ex. Fine do .. . Stiver Leafllyfoa, OuloegS'iCotiolig, •' • Kxtrafinedo: , Kuglisb Rreaklast > Extra Fine Uonpowiler, IVrltoe Piotrerst Extra Pine Imperial, - Ksne Flavored.': The atMjve'leaJ Ha»e been selected with great we by one ofittu best judges in the can, and will be sold On a* Mir terras** can be bod at any,other boage in this g<». ; James ulack ; deegd - comer of Ibud and smiUifieU *ti ' vvTO'Vk PATTIS UN 9 PUU BALIC-»3S^h O l»hiMer, I'aitcrr. Maker, AUcglieny city Oil Mill, ha* Ine newrht psiiern* tot Stoves en baud caber iii wood •riioil ■ Mill tickling*ud fil pitiynm mode to order. spL'Jif • • • ' : ; • • ' y \-' in Merchant 1 * and /' iron STKAU ' PORTABLE FUROEB—’A very convenient, article. 'Bellows and all theforgetanliernrriod by Un han dles b) twomen. A fewjost rec’d and for sale by . - ocitt WM it W'.MVVi ; WHITE LEAD—IK» krgs in store, i -.'•"i-' janir' Wbsvth ! I.H^)UIL-rlOi> bbis Panenoo’sUrand."irruper»>r! ar* . tirle, VJ-., Webb's. do" do just received and for ante by W IIARIJAIhUU.. fe!*3 ■ i. llptflArood st ; highest market pries will be paid X-'for a few barrel* of rood (allow by feldt . SAWIIAROAUGILi . fUJ MCTAlr^JWton*PieMetal (brute by . ] -feb9 , ; WICK fc’M'CANDLfyS. /"lURE9!vr$9 bow W It Clieeu, a ea*k« doTor V'»ale by WICIC A M’CANbLKSg. ! l7w» Nw. 7 and &'{L/ju7mn a XlUfiaenrUjoa/Bararlor aale low by . sUb» 1 JIgRBBXDGE, WILSO.V f C»Wler*t. OLD WISKEY, tc*-in wboi* and baiffcbb O. lt WUakejr, made 1607; ISeatk* and half cull old Poacb Brandy, nada in 1840, for iate br ••• - * ~k\>3 • _ PC MARTIN. 'TTipjEti AK—U iI»U Cider Vine*ar. for Mle by lY - ‘ WICK’fcMeCANDLfaSj Hf KAl> *- SHOT —Kept couMaaity oit Land oik fat ’JtlMtobjU «•-. ; JUUAVN * CULBERTSON i MISCELLANEOUS ■'! HIBBEUTS CHEMCIL WIUTISU FLUID—In •olie.tfeg'tLjp Iroaceof tbepeblie for thi* article, it it bat right andpi ijar B uia tit* merit* on which the elahafor tupport iiba*cjd iftoald be felly and fair ly ictfecih and alto MKMguaraaiAea fcngitni that the earn enmity will hotbeiapmid unooby tning it. In tiafint place it is well knownlnat the generally of black “Inks’? are competed of a held together by gam Arabic,and When The water,either in whole or part, i* evaporated the (tun and precipe ft un pasty maw in the pen or inkiUnd which eontfini it.'. It it alto common to ado viuegar to the .Ink .mixture. to make it more' which inefeaics the er3 by acting ou the pen, if a itccl one/ corroding itthroogh insect hurt time. NcwtheI’Wrilioj 1 ’Wri- lioj Fluid” differsfrom the*. miktstei in every.rapid,at ' ]t u a chemical wM-oo requiring i*o rbcid matter to hold it together,therefore will never getdhick, and. being eery fluid a/arre ipaatity flow* fiom the pea into a riven tpaee penetra ting deeper into the fibre of the piper nuking a more perma nent etan and one ku entity moved by attri nun than if jt wai only plattmed on the surface. it ft'to contain*nomaiur that hat on affinity for meUlic iron, therefore will not corrode iie*l pent—it will notmoold, aud although. it wnteS of a bluiih green color ye tiu a few hoar* it bedtoefadeep black which wiO Indore tor ages. It ii« wumnted superior to the foreign irtiC e known by the mude of “ Arnold'* Writing Floiu,' r i&d|onMklh] more ghni foe thc'nme price. At ■ guarantee agahufimpMitioooflntty k.nd being attempted the following recommendation* viUnuf&cc, at all tnu-jt 'be aware, Uitiluie name* there girth comd not havebecs-ob- Uiaed by any mean* for an unworthy purpose. Werecommend “Hibbert’tCHemical Writing Fluid "to the patronage ol .X thru rate article m all rre ject*, it Qoayd tree from the pm without dogging it tip aud m the course of n few boon beemhetn deep bright black. &. A SaraMOn fle Co. | Wick an<l McCaitdU►» UoUrrtiWoore. • - | John Tarkcr, Wm Lippincotlfc San J S'. Wighunan dp .Co: ' MeQuewuu* A Doaglai' I Fr*ric » Reiters : llobl D McTill, BookpV I Ci A hleAnuliy fe l?o» forW W Wallace, j [ JuuUta Rolling JBilb, Aug U>,JWL Mr Tlio* K Ilibber*—Dear Sir: I hare been usingyuor Chemical. Writing iFluid, and find it a dot rate article fur the office. it flowi freely man ihtlpenaud become* jet bhek na few heat*. t Yootikc. T H TUTTLE, Book-keeper , for Bimelli ft. Semple. ritUburjh, Aug 2S, l&J", Mr T K,Hibbert— DearSu: llatiug procurtJ abottleof your Writing Fluid, tome thieevieeki ago, 1 cooj.tier il Hil ly tqual if aot tujierior to Arnold’* or any oilier ink nine in uie.ik&owofi Ilrtpectfoly, WILLIAM STEWaHTi Book-keeper^ .Nichaliou Jr Co J’ilUtargb, Sq>t ll,l?IT. Mr T K Uibbert—Dear Sir: |am tiring your Chemical .Writing 1 luid, hod fmd it to be 3 mod ctcriitul artlcft for »lr«lp»n»,** it doc* bolder thus up like the reocrililj'ol other u>k«, it liutri ftt* and become** dun black to . a fc» lour*. • Yuurr, Romet/uUy. ' CjulK. I»- • WALLACE; WILLIAM CaUK , Lb-ok-licfpfT fur Julia l'urfccr. Pieptircdud »1J XVbo?*»as*i*nd Retail by Tliomu K Ifibbcrif Diuggiit and Cbcaut; <xro<r uC Liberty anil SsnitiiAtld MretuJ'itUbarjb, l l * . OrttuGnt. ~““OAJCZXii’S VATJKfIa’HIiiUS'i’DAD. THIS iVi fftti Ultra itupruwnter.t bus notr been In out about two years, and tvncrrver it i» known.'f'lerrned loall other IJeadwraiK For clienpnerr.Mrrnßih ami convenience it ha* not ami cana-ii be equalled, a* it i* decidedly the lnut, clicapenttad mo*i convenientUuUlcnd in use, and per fectly proof nsahm bug*. \ , TbopntcipaiCabinet maker* and Tomer* in'AJlo gheny city and In I’ttulidrgh.have waiM 10 mamil'aeterc and sell the article. A* there urotq'urioav a rue lea and imparled iraikuiuns In Ibe market. putelta sera would do well to eiamir.ri Untctu: :rda plate*’ on' which m lie genuine article the name of the patentee, 11 F. ti«ct*M,i* Invariably ca*l. A* a proofofalllliit I* claimed -for (lataatn'i Uedateadi, the following cefl'.fi* caie from Cabinet ranker* well known in Pittsburgh and the West. U submitted to the pabltc: Wej ilio,rabrcHL*er*,|Taencur'rablßet tanker* and lltdjtead mMtu'eeiurer* of the ritid of Piusberph and Allegheny, Fa., do hereby certify that we hate \-oerbl ilia right to manufacture tedaieoda with (■attiuu's Fat rut Fastenings. and cmwiiier tbo huuc ruf trier- ;a any loatranuntwith which we are nequaiued. James; Lemon John Al’tirfw T B YouittJ&C Robert Ftiitnan J B Hartley Jameaiißarr John L'jtßtm, Jr. Jas. Lowry A Lowric A - aebiTi Uiddle t Brennan Thomas Farley BavidLuker HachWallact ' ' Itober.ajt-lianf J Mayer* . Jet XV w&wSkvll J NerliajiM; Sfnydrr Wm lltslctt For (Lzhu la wako t.ic nlwve He.Uv.Aii apply to ElH+Nmtf F UAZZaU, ' oetSl Ji Faieoiw. Tco*. Hr*rn.tomic»iy oflicany, Al’Ken::* rtCo*. * —• Jau. A. likaitt--- Cii*i. O. Cot* XetvOfleaiijt titATfV, UKO'I-HKK &, CO.. General Ctiamlnlon Merelianli roll TJtK SiLK 1«U fnjtWAKDtrui t>F WJCSTVIUV FiIOUIiCIS. Ai>. 31' I’ogdrss SUiil, New lUrsa rt>— Jlcw-MaruniCo, Uai.kersl N ~ r J«uni.-a MHirejeur AU->, J * l ‘ " Dnv.d VVM:r 4. Co.MjU;*!)::, Fa. » LULftfc Mi-tiro ) Ua'-sa 4. Frau-r, .* jCnciir.s A M'Keneu.-, Hmj,. *■ ) ' M N Keati't‘T«l'>*|» Canker, ?.s=t>*:!ic, O. 0 Jinknml* fc Co, Petti. t'J/k* *. *’!•, J V» l.iii. 'A*, ’■ A '•»V;oikau A C.», J ..... p. \V*.J#Miu-htrtirte. J 1 A.aot.i*k, Fa. calO-Co _____ . ______ - A Clißllcnftc to;tl»c World. nnVKM'V-Hl't: l*AJ.A»t*«*-;:U,e t*ju: u viy'oii? X Mio will ppctf? 3><*n lif pvni, **r*n o: orj. iiat raiiHot or sriry<rtr3 • wt;b IWi'* isiprote.i Citmicu Siu;>. ) Uavn'lhr eay-.H* in toe yernlr c; tiu.< [ilatcvlbat lb«eemirlr, t>y my awn ui:jmw«-?nc>»t it, lu>V fr init tiarjv.illrJ Ili-W-uMir ror rruaera •lascu. mu;, all k;Jjaa o. j;u)H«*ai<.‘.'/o{ . ;ikbu;<. carpets :aI.H» clcrC4. tLaWl.r. I.\ .!;•-** UiMnsl*.’ *r. -wilhoM iiyanaf ahyu>iu«,that pate ariirr will EH injure. Wife U«M owe Itjoutturi} perntm tn ‘J.i2>'rr:i of :1* e«ta»gr,* feaec tflii «m- ;lw.y tvoo.i ne\ nr a,w>'? era- ruks.' ln;n«r« iii.a N- ,j>ai 1-K-r* thau :>UO arvclei pf l;jil aat», ;•!* p.i’ fc&f.roes, I J«xt« ot(/ d>ui;4 ".lire* p-.rre* ui r;;t, |r»t» or alpaca, arj fero? <rf wwro, t# which tj chacne*) tUe roan; tltrYeion* for lore'tn; ■•. oa a JirM itrerMry a larapie of the tin: l «t.ur tin'* .-•rebate 1 am J‘Mcr.ii:pe*l Rt’t to rerwmmend uatiy ikt.i [ ktioar tn t-r-ftflly l*or ‘ ! N Hlfulf. I’fifr, IVJ ci« f*err*le. rfolfl. ••Tuoi-csV. a*i'4l hj- .. r; »; aw.LKiw. - d-rtl ; M»w4fi Uiffnl nnd OrnakacntMl Olfo. A FINK ov-ortracni < f f»n<y aift'ele*, are— Crrorh*': l!an, »ua sol w/; S*lr> l Dead and Ffenc'i nlk Ui^s fMK pur>c*, ncrr *l)lfs. j l«oryr.ul> t ct.; pearl tuc.wQraniia, Kimnciled nitr ivory* paper rotten Napo'von at>«l poriixle ißfc«, : Cigar r-a«ei, with cutnh arfi gUv* and Mirmorinuiiißi Hook; Tw>U>r>ekf; plain cifar ci\.te»; tn; p'«*c»n book*; i*aj>tr.«urt:‘j neidlc Wohr; Fanrjr knj'S E*r[jii_irrut bn-lct*; Willow baiid*. fie. *c. Nl.v open a:.J <nr ; I FII liA IXOi r Ph».*..................v.. -vUjr X betcre—nude on iW tftoM kppn}*cil ttnJ otoM fntliionnMe liisinfi patlrr/t* #ndvo«tt4 v ?J*o TUKCHKaI* KOLL, nr WWn>N ELIND. on hand or icadeto order of all*izi , n. and at all pricr*. TounU) .'lrFctiaiit* and otkri” »rc invilrd to coil and pxau,:;i« ilit* alh>v<> for ilicnt*H»c/«. a* all will be wid wbolr<alp or reinil. anti n Iti&ral dcdun.'ou rondo k> wb>ila»nJo iHiroiiaMtr.- j at.hlly _ __ J^'A^'VKSTKRVKI,T \V*jin!»nTuj». l>. 0.. Den. tih, IH*. Otear D. ThetAfton. Eiq, PitMwgh, /#.— SI It: i tutre rcid you' a'ttrt.rtiaonient m one of tli»* ViltVburgh paper* with noHa little surprise 1 End that >oo have copied my bnsisfeia Circular euit/r, flint apprdpriared it toyouraclf. l! mil taka the hbony to Inform jo# Unit my buoirtaM Circular i* tnv owi com* rosuion. ami m not common property. 1 aiiaH uui wib ugly conwntto f>c placid m U position tbit will induce persona who do not know roc in sanpoat: that I uni nr.; capable of * omprmng my omijbnaiiint* cant; or that 1 am capable .of pilfering And oppropna iii;; the •••ini of another io cay own dm. 1 sni{ ihornfnie. under the re criiity of noileim; and expo*u|R jourplagiurNm :n this manner { ZC KiJIHSiN#. Attorney for I’ati-ois; V,' nthinewm, D. C. newspaper.! t-nt huvfc pobluheil Sir. Thtnnp •oiini adveru«eirtcm» will plcam insert the alinvi-. del t<f LOKIKO’S TEnitKSTIAL iOLOIIES, containing t’.l tin. bl«dittortrit*, and Geographical iaproftmrnls; alto Uic'lradui f the meet celebrated 'ireau>c«»ij»t"r» Ohio-. pilsd'Jftiw SonOi’a new Eagliih tiiobe, with addition* and. lOMortmmli by Antiiu ti 5-cmi>.t;riunl by JU»w»U J’ark. LOHLVO’S CELESTIAI. GLOBES, conlaiuipg all |he known itari, nebula, Ac, Cmdpjied frvm the WorV> of IVollaitoo. Flam* le<l, Uc 1j» ITaitfe Ifareliiu, Mayer, Brad -ley. Uertcbel, Maskelyoe, the tmeaetion* or the Aetromw : leaf Society of London, Ar, 6rz. [From Smith’* New Kog : liahGlob*. : ! Johnston & Steak (on ha»*ja*t|eeei»eda few pair* of tba abort Globe*,rorying in tire,** fulhnr*: 1 pair id inches iu diMWter, 1 “ 01 44 -1 « 6 44 [“ I 44 temi globe* 0 44 • • (•* Amerieaoj Chros.cle, and Journal eepy. d«etl / ~ V KO TI CIC A trill bo modi to the rresdeitt.Mana IX gcr* and Comp any. for crcfctiwj a Bridge orw the flivrr Moisongobelaoppoaitr the county m Allegheny, for the- renewal of ibice ccniCcuie*, No* 117, latl, 139; in ihannire of John Hunter, each fur two altarai of *trck in aaid Company. Huai cfiniiieate* be ing loid or rinsleid. ■ IIICIIAHD MATV !)• • Attorney for Iho Executors of Julia Hunter, dec’d delS / C'tO-PAttTIbKUaiUP— Tnotuuacribci*, on Uie J tilth inn, ataocmiod theinsidvee, under tho Jinn of Brown Jfc Cudwrunn, ui Ibo tvhtdtynlu Hiucery nnd General I'l'oduco and Couitmrfuou buainna, at No M 5 Liberty airc'ct.iiid rcipecilullylsolicit the patronage of ttetr litrndi and ibe public m M i> uKUVVii, ' deegt ; ■' .‘ACULBKRrgt)W. i*Hii^ipA..At>VKirrisJi:MEN'i^ • IiEHItY i NluiatnsON, . I ' MtUiofacMurcji of : AWIIIfiOS, SACKING BUTTOB3, WAOO.N COVERS ANU GRAIN JlA<*3 Hoi 3*4 South Front Street, , Back of 7 A. ttiisrm'e Vobinrl Wore Mqnufy -■ PIHLADJCIsPIItA; A li-rt rriihX. S Moon, n» ilir odic* o“tln# A. Mcfi.bitiuV llei**!* l*rit>'ltiiT(»h, will bp jnompU; aticmlrd m.' IHiriiO _tep!o-dlr[ Ajg.WICKKRSQN 1 OAIUtIA«W ! WJU.MH oaui, IXMCI! AND - HARNESS WtgEhtWO-.ChtuM it. . VMladtlfkim, Ut« oftbe flrmof Ogle ie ' Watwu. rvitwetfiiUr inform, hi« friend, ll>* public, Uut l»e lu, and will keep Contiiutfr on }»*nd tod Car MAriinent of «shMo«ble C#m*c«. Vehicle* of»1t rlyl«« ml doeriMfon, t3*o« to oHcrjat uie tbortMl j»'uit''l«cin{ie* > M<| rtmiUd is he v«fy be*t nut»Mf»or*eleeted iwlrriaL ftklMy PIJBS! FBBXi! FIIBSJI D ' ~ : rpilT: sobvribfr would rcprcifully itiviie'i.niieaand i Clrnl'rmrii about viMisiß I’itiiailrJpliio, rnul tn wrmi o f f ANOY KoHS,6UCi>Mfllud». Itnae, Tippit*, & c ,uj r Jva n»aeoil befoin pmchorttß thevwill rind it to their aJvunUße and rt* nittake. Alt onlrre received shall he faithfully attended Ut at Wo 83 Worth Third W, above Arch, Fhuadelphia. I JAJdEBBJUSKY tnMUHMmlsninm' : ; mi Kamsay &. M'Cle'.lauii Mute* Uuilaek J McMtiicn fc Co Alerander Law«cu CiflCtßfciti. O. • Z«us«.irt!!r.O. GIIICDLiAR. 01.0DKS op ill op.aciiifTlON* ; ; MEDICAL: DB.JCOWf»SENn>S ] .SAIISAPAKILLA. Most extraordvlcm/ Medians in the World. I Tha nitaet.(i patupin GcattlouiMj »uns liiata cheap er, pteaeujier, and frarractcd *nf«rwrtomt eoLL 1 <r«um . dacuc without Tomitiag, purging, ticfcacabr df biiiUlinr thejv. GREAT SPRING ANIESIBIIER MEDICINE The grail beauty tP-* t 'ijS*i‘iap»ulfa ore* •»l oihei Medicine ii 'tunje it brieor sltilheßodj. Hi* SPUING ANO SUSUMLR MLDICI . Botoalr putiu the Who!* iyile:o and. a, but. it Crtaui *N<io, Pure midJittt imed by tto oihtx Medicine. .4ud iu lii lofiti -ntcdetfal tuccen. • ilhu i>e/ioj . two year*, more than d.'»,<XW cure* of t i»c; at kail 2,UUP of tbueTrerecvelide ihaa' ..jJ^OOciueiofChr il OUU ca>o o£ Dj» 4lK>cuc*ol' ?,<tw cweioCiiJtiti 2,tAX) curt of Scrvl - l^iUumtsut'llN Vi*n*t o. Jrojwj, iUAXJcamuf Cuntumjituu. J/ AuJ ThouuiuUof cun of Uikuc ofU»« Blood, viz: tl|«rfl, LrTtipclu, ball Klieun, I'implwonlhe Kate, Ac,. Ac. T .gtilitr wilh numirvu* ca«» of Sick Headache,. i'ain iu the iideaudChctt, Kpiaal Atfc'liati*, Ac., &c.' Tint, wf are f-nrc, rnuil appear iucrtdiljlt. but at lizvi Ulfcn lio« pli)*iri]u» *jcolj from alljurtj or the UuileJ Slate-, iiih-miriig is* ufcilriardhnty cdtn**/ IL. Via Uiukirk, liwj. uocol' the mo>t m'pcctabjeilrugguta iu New ark, .S'. J.,iuforui» ci that lie ean rcfeVto niort than ISO ca >ri jo il|al piwc uloiie. There are Uuiluatjiis'of run in li» ITU of flieW York, which itc will refrr Urvrith pleaiori nod lu iucii of character, It ii Ihe' bat lordicine Jhr tha ‘ i'lCTuilive ofdiioUM fcuenra. It undoul)ledEy i mr<3 the lire ■of mure than * _ I * - / ii,Wsf 1-HllJJßzs Ttic 'Purr SeLisom T A* it rrfnoi’ej ihe'causeof disease, asd pttparrd them fo tl>« Summer warmi. ■ 1 Ukitid Statei Orncciu . Csrr. U. \V.« , ilcCLEA!t l ur tuk l) kited Utatm Navy, tod member of the New Jersey Legislature, Iras kiudly sent tu the hallowing cerlihnle. ltlella it* own itury. *, ItiuWiT, Jin.ij, led 7. A year (tore I vu taken with the.ladueaxa, had my whole syticio kltlu a debilitated »uit. Imi reduced U»_,try l>r. Tdwnsend’* ttarrapsrtlU, aud ailer (thing two, ur three but* lies, I wti very touch relieved, end attribute it entirely to the Kuid £ar>aj»trilla. I hare evittiuncd taking find (hot 1 iaiprorc every day. ' I believe it mrtil my lit, aud would ret be wilhoot it uuiltr ony eomldsralioa. . .. O, W. AlcLcxx, Ule U. 8. W. BCIMDU. Ccitp ‘ t .. Thu cerliGeat* eondusltely prorc* (hot thi> Semponlb baa perfect Control over (he cvwt obAimle ducats of the blood. Three perrons eared in oac.boim; is unpxtetdenifd. " Tutus UniLsaXii. • r IT. Towsdeud—D*»r Sir: l hove the pleaiura lo inform jo* (hot three of ay tbildrea tiau fmeu tureduf tha.tkro udj by the use of poor era I ten l medicia*,.'' They'were uniciod \ery smrsly with bod turn j hare uiljULru lb or bottles I it look them twaj, to which liCul ufuil oaier itro obligation.- You*, mpwelfulijj j ... Isaac \V. Cluui.lWAVoHferii, ’ New York, Marsh 1, MST.. «Klv£T FEMALE MEDICINE. ! Dr. Town*end’i Sarsaparilla w a aud tpredy eere (hr incipient Couumptioa, .Barrt:uiea»,L«ue.irT!a*,or Whites, obstructed or difficult .Mcustnuiiou, iucoul/haettee ef Urine, or iuroluatsry illmi argo thereof, etui Air Uih gra «ral prutiraiioa of the sjuias—so tuslUr wtietlicr the mult or uihffiat cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness tr areldiol* . v . ■ ;i Nothing eon'be nun surprising than ifs tavigcrstinc ef frets no the husiui frame.' Vetrosi, all vcullms* and Eu»L tude, from tokiag it, atunec beemurf' acd fliU of energy under its IcCueeer. it immediately ecuntsriets the nerve (tuumof the feuala fraas, which u Ute great cause of l-a/J ransuti It will mot be oipectrdcf us, it eases of ui drlieatt a na ture, to'ethibii certificate* of eurci performed, but we can auur* the aftwted, that hundreds of uki have beta reported to as. {severalcues wbett fuaihtj have beta without child* tea, alter i««uig a few Lotties of this invaluable medicine, have been blast with healthy ofliyting. -1 r : Jh. Ttnvnrmd! My wife Lciog greatly dblrrtsed ■ hy. ataioeu and-generat debUitr,- and sufffnejj euuiuualiy by |<aui aad a ksntion oeariag j.ianiag- of the womb, aud with other £iCecities, ami krotro tern Where joor medkiue bss effreUd frral ctrre*vsui also bear ing it rteonawadcdlhrtueli eases as !lmede*eribed,l eblaio id a bottle of your EttracE vt Sarsaparilla, cod felhrotd tl-.e directions yoa gave me In a ahort period it removal bar complaints and mtored her hrahh. Deing grateful tot tU beaebts she received, 1 take pleasure in thus aelumwltdg leg »t> and raebaipeadiay it the jiublie. -AIID. Moou, ' . Albasiy, JLeg.]7, IC-il. Cor.wMrraadkhd Lydius st*. Sept. £3»l«i., ZTTVtmsnei.' Tool! sthua this nay eeaerrtt—llaa is Ueertily thalay wi£s n»edone bottSe ef jour fcampariiti' pevvioui to Jxr ouedacaral, under' tS* tax* alamiey aal dslieale ei»smaUn«s, Vise troubled unth the drojir, swtt -1.32 of the t*L, ttrrms adcctious, aud iffj much etbililn* t«f; with mWwrrautcs. and the reeaoußcsdalkn of those who haJ used H.stil sraarndWed Urtry with bttle or nj feitH, aud islhee it O say, the medkiue the happy and desired affect, Cct only in the benrsof cooh3cttn.t, bcl tliu eipira'ua of eae week ef its me. thv dropsy and air* rcssalfceuen nre war b> iu decree, and her beulthusow btlter tfri'it had been to a h*g ume pn* VO K.’ ■ • • ■ ' ■ I • if Uiu will is, efaav errvice t? ysoiorany oaa who i r>.Ms tbt SUCCC3 of the Vainlcjus, y«a are talarey welrosw w ii. 7 . - • l subscribe tny«l/y»ur mart obr-Ceet and ohbrvds'rrast, • ' • a » iuujus.' T*Q MOTOEIUI AND MAtUUEP LADIKV This Estrsct uf Samj'truis hei Ken viprtisly fedperel Iti'nfertnre la ff*ate cutaphiisti. ft * Cunals wto lieu res mo to isiijcue ihe rritirwlpsncd, - ti»r« e/ iiyV,*’ (tra'i'i' urgtrrt ta-'.im re, \» ii naecrUrn jvrtiruim to nsy uf »‘iah to-nive an «ItmK at thu time m‘ UJs. M'»y be dcia;<4 i-r icirril Oj being flilsinsdicmß A»r ' i, ;t lew TsixtUM is tho«p uiw vre s|')>ru4Sbing waamlumd. ’ t> it tecatcabud b> asstsl., nature by uutchtvaoj; U«s pbdo and tHtigsntihg (be ryHem. • lcdrrw,uuiiaad«nne is brat* • twble to allrl the dtiKUds divuts la Which Vtussco are •ul’jeCt. 'i' ’ . . j i» brsmihe whole tysteo, tenor* Jhe rutai nt euerxw*—Hy ihkik' Ure «f lie Neij—ik-I .•u itr. nilsuleUeq ths * as iu )<aJsiic a wWijHitn'-; UratisM, whkh !*ii* cane of must iwliricfi tahra (hr weiiKbuaaisdabiean. * (lU'.Ld EVi\D THIS. ;• Vie uhu lisi# puisciexVilvsi-njS, halt ry*», l>V!jire n (K hei, r<»i*h sli.a, wf fr*teto,u»t ut v uet'of iiuriit:*' ns>< • buuin *w tn« nf 21s TbWTMcnd's lt will rbaejokr Ll Vid. ft<a»>e lb* f.*rcVl»» en-t bbi.lclir*, nod Ctrr jvu ar.uu’-wn, i j«/k Sing sjrs, Sfce Sfynir, »>hl beaatifhl ron.p»«<.'i-ii—»!i uf ir6uJ> ere uf iiamnow i-slue to taimtr n»a tadrsn. j DVBl'Ei'sli. .No En>d ur birdirine ho* <*rr bran d4r<asrtd whwh k scertY reermture thv gosuc juiec or SAUai lu (-Kisad tlrragO.imu; tbs urgtus la'digraiem, m tliu prepa, ration of .‘a.esjanttj.^ t!.»ac IfirnsTaanT. Albany, !*4«f 10, f*» Tui*i*tn'fV 1 li.itr ai£»e*r»t F-e KifTki yeauwiUl d)»pc(v~ia u« ll»>4 Attcolrd w.thbuuy iu» t( •loovM-ii, h>M nf appeliU, rtlr.iur heart*Jen, and a e .r«< i.etM'N. t.> »l, kuid*»l'fK.<d,<ad il,r »twk> (what 1 a-ouU eat,) 1 iu*Tc ben uuakte U* teUm toil « A..TI |*^-iuhi mi I'ij *t.uiuieb l tried the u*iul Kundie*, hat tlxy had l.ul little ur D‘» eSrrl m nr£ th» cunifUwl. Nun J*crd, twu *»«lli«*K>o9. to try j.»ar of |.*rilla l and 1 ma*tNy with little cvulwleeci, bat after Bains u»4»ly two ht-ti.-n. 1 ti'iad my *('!“ l,le 'r**ti»red, uod the fitariMiru' entirely rriaincd.sud l w.kuld laruertiy recunt: iß* ud-the uu uf it to CieMC «U'. tvoc Iren (iflicUd ** 1 Lilt l Sven. \ ouli, W, W. V‘a» Ziirifr. ,\ot i>», l?-5f. Autealalafad. AfMD.ST .{ MlKsaifc Head the tlUreiuj, ksd duoht if you eaa,'o«at eutuunoj.- be tfiiicvt THmniah .ine of ih* eermlhundud eaara that Ti"'u*end , » 2Lif«a{«riiU ha* eur.dl l*? VhiP'ttiikJ—Dear .Sir. I »ti takea. % l«t(ie orer a year ago, with a ureft* n.ugli »>i.l juib ip nay «de. It m erea-rv os isc eer) UU, inOixd. J *o phiSTutated by J>iiy- U’J..»I. i»a»a the .(aicA r>ti>iu>aplU!| 1 liiaedlaige - (Kiaa'ui bad miter, had night iu. al>, aid tiukkag very l>M:. ui) .ScW »»iJ,lm! i .Uibi du iv'.U.iug fir tM. 1 wyi.J lh»' h.npilsl nkhiq«.«l' being beiiclillrJ. but net pruoiKUK-cd there a* I •aaliciw grecliy doUtneii at th* lung, »»,t eoulJ l.anll) !>m(be : 1 •o'Mi it|»etlil . to die , W 3« o.iiiiticd l» ray W, ami way otligbd to late wither, indeed 1 casnut /,i*t y*u any that wunld du juititt e»« l iupj»ned | by ray friend, lobe put rtnitery ; Iliad tried a-gteat uumUt of /eme-iu-*, and ml termed Ui tw to tin jiMpo*,. 1 read uf:«i«ie moat «>: lrai.r.liii»fj cure, j-erfi-’med 1 uy your tafilacier.. aod U tel] »■•*« tin* truth, ) unpcwil there wn» WrtW- bamMg ib lima, li.ii 1 nu (D.lcce.l to try it, I did an. and an) Very thaakfil I did. 1 muD-ii ur tliat lam etiitrrly well; bat am w Car fccovercd u tu b* about Dy Imtinew, vtrf b<ip< to be e-uttre- Jy well in a few week*. My caugh aud jwia (a the Mile, and night iwtali lute left rue, and r»ur but very liu>, and .arn liut gaining uty tuuul »‘.rrogtb. I felt it a dufy_to gtia you a itautncol u siv.cuwi; to pcbluh if ji m frraa Ur.owh»,A7 Utile It, Druoklyw. . Opinion* of Phyilclana.' Dr T'>wcuh*nd it tUwatdJu!} rrcti«U)> ortltn fioa rlif* • ■cum in diff»r«xrt paiUof tl*«' Vaiuu. ( 4 ThiVti Uerrtnj tint *e, ih» uuUtriigttrd, I'hjriciuit of ifuCitfof in eurarrous cuti jrrtactiVtJ Ur. f4n»(uMU *l rßoJUlieteii Unuutl rxlsiiW j* r)wrtl«o<u of toe bimpnilta in Iht tuarLrU ■ K i‘ I’ruxuj m v J VViuon, k n, il L) Caiuu«i a u, PEEumtou.kd, AJUKJ, 1, IM.'. Thit u tn certify thet we, Iht u&dmigatdt practicing Thoinwuita l'liyu'ruiit of the City of Alban; bate Ircetmt y prctcnbed DrTimsarni’a G.ta pound Kitraei «>f alits .•rilla, aud &-um tt< known qiultiie*, would rtccnuaetjd . iul L, public for mercurial, olltercutaaeou, wo earn, in preference hi any of Ure idmtmd teWdicj iauuti run. A W Ue*««u_T r, Albany rtpril - W* & UrtjtMu.Tr.' . rriutipaluSce, ivll Kuitrra il,Kua BuiUioif. p{ A'; Hed- Co fciate»l Dofl/m; Dr Dyolt $ Sou*. fit! North fee «■« FhiUdrljibii; S 8 Ux&cc, dninr*!, BiilUnre; khl by throughout the United Sun-*, He»t Indict »:td Site Uarwa.4 , [ • Xun« grnuiuc, ui.lcm pul tji in the large »qu*re botlle*. which contain a Quart and ii'futd with the: nritlr'tr tiraalme »f 8 I’ TO WPiSKNP. tad hi) name blown id Uta .*iy« From the New York Daily Fiore* of .Jj+jL9iM7. A pretty thurg appeared inrhe.lttel. yetlcrdny. It w». tlx 4’lrrrtiur.g cab,or.StrM|ar>lb KiprraVorDrXowuwnd. The wl.ulcthiugi* gnt up iu g.od tuie: wime of the urua mental UmlKape jaunu.ipare beautirul.whiehJtogethcr with tb« rcroll work, ii« cold, gluUnio- in the .in., :uide a ,how rarely equalled in Droadway. V/e Ukr II.U or.portß Ui **7 we belter* this ettiacl of the SariaparilU determ the popularity it hat acquired. i Kerroui Debllltyi n _ . ..» NtwYon£,MarchC7,!W7 Dr. Towntemlt—l hare been afflicted more or lea for 3 year*, willi n dreadful linking in ihe chett, pddruew in the 1 head, lot* of appetite, puu in the limlw, end general debility, brought 60 no doubt by the commas! heat and cold (o which I an. .object to iu jnyWneu at a dyer. 1 hire takcu oditr medicine*, too numcrou* to mention, but with (tula or no mr~ 1 1" h r»k»«»«f» a tk. f,. , u,|.' of your SarMparilU, from which I Fuad great relief I Uara .mee taken aural more Udtiee, and 1 cutuheiiltUnrly M y it i* Hi« beat mcdicmel hare mrtaken-lha X mu my cfiert l.rooe, and! Cal quite a difTeum man sILWr .isce HureulrMy« r Har»«nJi>.. Itarenowa biller appetite than eurl had. My wife har taken it with Ihqutne liaefi. •era! raralU. w..u J r<CMUna4 il a. a Cmiily medicin* penmlly, and I Uel wirmcrj that if M o«d iht.e would tint the .torotcb wul bowd. their regular tour. It keen tl.e blood to a licaltby (late, »i> that d.*e«*e u uotwUkclf U. attack th. *y»u.n Aodln a | (I.OM who are not jo abwlthvitate. Inr try Dr Towrueud'eSUinapahlla ■ ft • •#. «:' . Tnt »«*«Sr*ita,7HAHe*ui - n i . t>»»kep|n th«.DJouU>. ‘ BelowlinuareouniofanotliUchildtt.ed. DfTowavnd'* La* med the, lire, c f.thoumd* of-clrtldrer..- Si.iiTi7.St ” ...k mil.On Urn* l*t ■BMi'iHl'lkiMk.iiMM »ilk !“ r ‘I 1 * 1 "au** .f ,™r 'iiretw.Lmcilietnf, ll curtd n dwwil,-for »kick Itu .«,^Jrall«l„rr t n.l.M, _ . Ta.i n.fcnUllr, ,• ',-'«SK!^rMirk«,aiiis* l »», , l t'. rpWS*BkB rtklkpM fe dllJ.n^g ,M j.M,!?l,“ Hinlaml’i Celeiirntcd Flaia EldEnesiai ' Ti. 1 .-fiSinsr *«'*!« i Vlt ° r tjc . a>lt^lr I'bro tirbcnaU of M»gne»la, POacwei all }bemcJrra| qualiiiioflhr Q.ieet pre ywraliuot of .Magnesia, without bemc fiablo Jfi tioni in the bowtiiior loaetinjorinoS* upon Ibe coaUoniia la* • • Df, {letinc’iWorni gMerAe' ‘ r |® b ? Vinl of Doctor lMcUf.e-e IVorwFpmfcr. • child«f paued upwanli of, 70 worma.and bv il.t»jja«of nnid nicdiciiie a ch:ld nf my own pourtj if | ar - 0 worm* 1( i» truly the nmrt worm tncdafne I rrer aci-n.- I must lave jwn moic vialx. i- WM CIILMOItK Fol nle b, 1 JUDD * On, n? W°u, * ] wM* DRY & VAKIETt JSOOD& Gctatlemea’a.FnmiiOiia'rOood^' TT t E. TODD hake this day ttewTefi ffireetDom tl.. the manuiaetnrers. asdoterior Mfe ufiew Y#tk •f caifloiThaw Extra Superfine exmessiyfor our own aalck and wimi^ Lease of Saxony had Merino under Shins, wrappers and Drawera,some veryfine*. . :|. , r . .. Lease Bosoms and Collars, iadudiajßds’otcs'With Col* • |ar* attached. I _ -..1,. . 1 case patent swivel jcint Saspeadci>wiih other Goods too numerous to mefllion.iucludtnf bllc and fancy adjusting stocks- . -’ • • ; ; r : • - Satin Bow-and plain Sana Stock*.- * v* Bombazine bow and plain Uorabajdne’Stocks. •’ Silk and Satin Tics, rich *Uk ttnd.euh Cravais, wuh one ea« of low priced Shins which we are iurn in quality have never been sarptssed in ptiec in thU-clty We iniend to eJo*e the above Gaodsoff bribe packaee and would call the attention of Purchasers to our stock of Goods knowing that low-price* »iil;awuru'lbeia a ipeedyfale. t, IUtKTDDDt . oetsM flswood-st,ap#t*ir*,2do e pi{ V€ j ow 24 rt • ' Wholeiale'Dry — NOW eperung at the Wholesale Dr* s<*><l* .Boom*, Ci.Markcl sticct, thl *Wiy,iloO 7 |»r* of illpaec4i*d< pcs English Merino*. •JoaseatifOrtgon Plaid* and <sih* mere*. 10 pcs French Broadcloth, 4i p<J* fancy ca-'si tnere, S ca»c« cascineu, 10 bale* red, wtjile.aad ydlow flanncis w 3<iop=s blankets. aCw-ityles e allcow; domestic gingham*; gloves and hosiery, legmlier .with « geueral ns-urimcm of Roods. McrcbanU are invited to examine our stock, as wo arc confident it will favorably compare- With Kaslein stock*.itisijlectcitfpricesi , r _dcl7 A A MA*OM Ik CO"* SATTINKTTB, TWEKdS, dic-W RMUK- I'MV invites the atiemion of and others to Ins excellent n*»runmiof aUivp guods,‘ln bis whole* sale rooms, up stairs,aiwell as hi tbrreUildenarunenL including— . -| . .. , . , Dark mix’d Sillncll*; ilka* and block do; • ’ : • luvistliie green do; Satin Mriped blk do; • ■ • . Gold mix’d Icajw; blae mix’d Jean*-, Gold mix'd Tweed*; AHof.wt-icb will be sold low by tbo piefee nr yard- a!* ror*>u blind, Cioih for cloaks, nnd barred Pelisse do 'for LBing* __ dcit> ' Tifew Antral, JUST Received the balance fif onr fall shock of 1X1)1 A ItUBUKR GOODS,comprisingtb« fallowing kinds: -• India Knbber, l>>ngoverooat«,saek-ovcreoms,sliort overcoats, et* es witnoni sleeves, capes with deet**, ponchos;legging*,' bats,camp blank* is* horao-oontry, travelling l*agv, saddle tnw*. gun cover*, pro vision, ba*i, steam loot bucket*, nip pillows, air. cushion*. nir beds, bag nicks, for tbe.|ad JeOtftd eftctlnesj-all of-which • we' have a complete a»-oninem that wo offdf wholesale or' retail on the Lowcstposs'ble ieras,at out India Rubber Depot. J wood slrtci. . - [• ••• . nvdl I } kilPtin.LlPß' I/RKftCII TUHKKIUU 'MI AWLS- We i. litxveJolt referredal*rgendd:tion»] sopplr of«xlni Fn ncb Torkerri .shawl*. At these coeds are'very Kkree, we wouldfrespectfully incite i£e ladles r> call and examine tmr fclock, as we ore sdlittfftbeia vers low. . ,ALKXINDKKfcOA.Y * priS ‘ . ‘-M market at. ft W«or4j«inonfl. JUsT HKCLlVEQperftxprers at ttiUUL'JN Klf£ BUY'S New Fancy Store, Market btrect— KdorCordsacdTa*»cJi,forLnditVClask»i ' > r ** • u Gents : .h “ C pcs Scarlet Silk Filnse,Sl Inco '-rldc: S u bloc'; . ; ** * • «; - ' a X.lnch u ; ' Wnli a large assortment of oilier cn-arrj. . dell hKCi''.l^iTl>—bV-AdIHU X »*a KjpreM*— '■ •“ •J Super«appf Eo'eiUbDrab Cloth; ■*'{ !»• do do Pearl Drab for over.t>o •<ne*s and mclc eoau; which will U wade to order u the tboiievi lattice and inott re*jwm»li;,ienin by , ANCKJ.RE MAYBR 1 dell 70 wood (L) dobra above 4th'' TiUESK tibub»=VV. lia’vo Jr.tSJSiSrETeF. XJ j>res» a veijr haodtoac iot-Xcutfacs* Ureal (food*. COOltUltlf Of— 1 . . ; ■ - . stapercnbroidered CaitunerC : - 1)« limeade merino doj j Fine plain Casbtnere*, a beatiiCul article;'' ’ Gaia ami Cashmere ptaids. •• < > ALEXANDRITE I>AV “J? ; ?5 market st cor of iha diaioond t'X*ANifi£X«Sr - I(eri, brown and butvd Fiuiuel*- Ab additimiai supply rcroTtd from Uie nuujttfa©- ««rert. Al»o, afcw piccte low pncVd-Cow'mea*! tor ■».!** ty tJEOCOCHRAN - P . X ! * eate» >«j»rrtinn and^tiwviaastuact k?aitd«oioredEo£li;!i^ileuas t }Uft reed veil UiiMtJrwn Importer* by. .; , WfllTE *cH? ~ 'i •* W Wood lit , ||JSUIJ(U —gmtt figaretL tnobatr and *>U uverf •*> eoat ir^jdini,Jok lecSl by Greene * Co'iExrress,' tu sj days tram Putladclphut- or sale by • biUCKLEITA. WHITE • ■ •' . w wpßti c fXAYKELfI l miiSKMU ' T>l P, while and yellow flannel*; also, a largo lot of Aihtavyiwiticd flaaflelsJastree’diTorrac very cheap. ' ALEXANDER & DAY . ’ ttp>7 • 1 «i. W W rnfiSiamoml MEDICAL. TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS. Comumpiiui, remember thsi itia Thotapserft ■ Compound Syrup,vf for end IVoerf ;iA"dp iha which is daUu ej/eeiing-ntchrc , avsrkabx cum mv ; . CO.NSUgimoXhf • Bfunrhiiis, Spitting of Hood, Psia ja the Side tail UrrMt. Scr*'nirv*i, ttmnn«ft.Falj;fe*tioa ofths / lla't, IV hoopief urwip, Hire*,. ,V«noiolria» Liter Ceramist n»{ Dt«r***d Kidi***, «tc, r pitKKEFOfi£ v bmw««ifali sparwai nlstaru cfTsrw X * . > ii. <-I’, TViwwo—D**r At—lb* bcmtflll have npennxcj Itm<ow nMoCyoarCotitpoMM'Sintpof 1 tr tsd N»git* rv*d«n. R toy doty to ihfara )«a Qiiu. l L»i bwd Lag attfets 1 with* Vi+j tail e*«gfyswaduf trim [Mi'aln the treat, wiih.gmJ ofprvM/at, su&cnltj at brsWb i yurt and tuo of M-fvtiM. L'jif vkHont maecxl *ub*vt *d>ct'' 1 iurwtd,' 1 hrard l>f ysar Medina*. but W -1 ihg-Atmc u iul»g Boat sjttrbW a«d«ute*,, I Utfogfel I •ecU »Jb»re. tJ »h»l i h»I ben u»(. V'iedlßgMytcll (cuiog wit r*e a-irlt-ad‘fA*ti«d«i>we M Ufa bills tf jteprfaUiß, ayiog }• h*t>M«d bn life to iu rirfuta tf, j,4* ud.actaauacot «aiD( it,aaila i re l M alta tm tetiju, i \n>na(teu)j raitnl u btalib, ! ‘ ? - ■ J*o!«7 iur <lm kwil ef atfaen I mir Om (Wibitf •Imimdl Ai.j fwU)<r csa l* n*4« at isj.rt”*’ £ti»r«, Mi Cttur'iM firm. • ! i » joun, PHToVr. StiU anvlkcr Hemerkvbit 'Curt* ■ AUnU hs mri livi, is 44 tW tadtatsrj aa'att vf a) Uitiotrt, 1 v:i» aibtttd witK pm» » 4j>r L-rrsO. of lUf Iwari tod »!roftm*» of fcrtaOw vnkfa w*rr »c».«a lUluitad Vf the (> tvs «* tr(aHtn starlit mad partial para y»r» e Itoj toafai—tlww r-f • dtntnii batag aUritdrd witii rprtUo-,* pt blood. For abmil ivw jsita 1 m occawao aitj-tlwoww nta cwaliMCM, winch Irtt autaamiwrabb •U’vrf fMblcaraaad Wgaa la aSccl vf nxtsL Inwiw toliivs Rjy ladiriaf* »«ra atswa or Wasteritr, until ttlttijtb lltry'lnerfaed U aotlr a (kgsc*,-and iW »»}!cae« of it*. »rt w wrnttitd, (Vat (er a'khulf jw.l vh <raai»l« aMUad n»an/kMuarM. Puirirg Oiltlja* I nMuolf *d *ae>» abir |tkr»*cnai nod nUcodrd to liter pracriptiofa*, bat all (Vnr thill was uvini iag la prutart tot Wi •t Uajlh tf*ryjtganltd ay mortrj a< a&Oxtly ' 1b (fan 1 vat iolonbtd vf ll» taloiary ff.. Oranposnd Sjropof 7*r and VVwd'Xaflkvl**’ om naswfaaltuatUr Uiouglil tin! j<»tn tp t 9 ■ stfwtitUa* *T a rec-orrry oliay AmcrjinlUa bf rain*, sal bring Majesty alrnad u> trjMhiajw’tdklM,' I van at Kuctb prvmUd «>*«* to da n»,' aul 1 hit* bow lo »jr. 1 ibol bj th* kwof tit Wuaaiay fetalik kaitwan law avtraK* u alt(»liab«Mar*« with p«nti«h fiwilitya iiwi). iiKxariMYt’ck. nt IKiIU- “* :6V Uicfckitui Tcnraiski*.' culj 6r ANLiNT.Y k. DICKON atthtftV*. e4mrtrKflß VniKf itmu . ' SWd by,L. U JI.OOX, Jr . PiluW|h,\aad rn)<«ruU« Drtinitl* qtberelly.' Fffr*M)r u , : or-Ge»det^rperboOjt. CAUTION.—Beww* of iatiUtuM, aadporthiw.Tbcai m,V ),'itn]K>ind WpTipcfltr ftom cooi or if tbu*t abo*« tl*« cupaewi of draliag ia #*m trrfiit*. • > t declid'hn '• Hll KIIMA.VS TOOTII j • tiuxtcx pswrnmet l :'••■•} rpuß heetaiticJehsiown for cleaning port whitening X tb* Teeth, »ueagthcnin<; the guurft,’ iwcetening ibe breath.Ac- it thouM be wad every night with a l>n»h, and the teeth and won Us will only reqquaatligti , 'writhing : in the moramg.. Wrl ihehruth water, or «»M willuwwer. ami rub it a I'cwunie* arf the p»*te, when' ephugU will adhere tor exahmg tho teeth. Ilic>«T«ailelic>Oß*ta*iettt tlibjnouthianttim* part* a wnM delight fcittragrhnee to the breath, Ijuand* uimv*H*d a# a nleavuu, eCeaetoae, cquvgniettt. nh4 fafedentrifire, lti» warranted not to injure the teeth, liuiLi [>■ /• ; Uy neinj it regularly* i|wiUre»oirp|he tartar and' prevent tu acciimolßi«m~prcvc«tithe' toothache; airengthen thugum*, and prevent all diuuc« o( turn . UhrioixU, pUywrian*. and |U« recomrooud it fa 1 decidedly «iperiorto every thing'of the kiaiira a*el— Aik/oryherman'eCorapoond Otria .TbWh Faate, alid obucrve bleeigimtarp U attachedioeachpou - . * ■ RrroninieaUrd l>y'l>r. CnftlefSdl ilfoadway,ondof our l.r»i l>c nU*n,nnd by mn*i -of ihcdld'etiabUslied onci in the United Put?*, and even • Ueaiively used, by the Nobility of KagUmlenid Fm* - *.; < A huge pmponiooof the disc nte-t baiafhict mankind ariwfram «om<s derangement of tht atMtaehorbowdls which a timely ufce of the Ciulit up Lbteugea#oulo entirely obviate.. Feraoat of bilicui halma »honld;al ways have a bor at (hand, and take ague whenever thvy feel the ieaiiderajißcmeatuuhelrlicaUh. JAJndiv eiotutwo of there LriiengeawoulJ preveiitthov)uida Foroaleat WSI." /ACKSOVt},-coraci of 'IVtWiO and Lil>eHV«t» , .. i 1 ' ■•' •- deeil,, •. LAUJEMtviuiUte Common Prepared Chalk. lore often not aware bow TrightfallylnjuridUs *r 14 jo tbe akiM> hiw coarse, how rough, Lore hallow, ) dip w, and unhealthy tb« skin appears oflr.f tiling prepared ehnlk!. Uesiuevit i«{n}ari<ia*,.capuimiKalai£<: qiinn my or lead. AVe Iwvp prepared ■ lieunaful vegr-iabte' arlieie, which wo call [JONES* BPANISU LrUY; WHITE! li is peril-clip «|| delct.rnooKja.-iliileijand'it imparts to (hoskin antutj laUbealihy,alabaster,clear, firing white, at the sftir.c' mao scUok as a,couadtcofi the skid,? making It-eeA ud unoott. i *•• > ... Ur.Jaine* Andcwoti,.Tractieel Chemist or )Ts»sa> cUuseu*. sap; “Aflefanalysing JonesVSpaiilib Lillt Wniic, I rind it posi-eiseathe must’bentnifat-tad natu* ral, at ike same limb innocent whiter I eret tn\4. Certolnly eanconseieltimtuly rncotnpeit'd iu use to di whose skin requires beautifying.’.' . r ’-~: .1, ceuts a box. >. V: ’"-, * f j [0“Sold by f \YM.JACKriON,m hi* Boot and Shoe Biirro,K> Üb&iy street, head efAViiod: m the Hen 0/ theUifUnfl** • !.. • ! ’i/gi I Jidlcs, tad/es, I'm astonished, When yon know that >'«>u are promised * : : ' ARBturuiiUMihispttowykrhUo, ; •; 1. - • Thatyou wiU still ate 1 common elullc,' •- i • -And look a deathly yellow itteht, ||( ■ , r ; 1 ‘ The theme bfUojthter add w.taik. is ; // I Ifym would use ft bo* of JUNE'S Lilly.whtte, it 1 isoai.t give ypbr ekia <un' alabaster yet : natural White, - and at the same time clear ntu] iinprots iu Sold -at JACft£UN’3,fcBUbehy pe|>ox. "ij t : f •-«»*« —• . BCWATfiII. HCUATdU. •. r T'” fpETTBRjITOH, »AUT RHEUM, would 1 /ora sliislb day scratch.-wbaa'Afflicted-with the Tcneri Itch,or other diseases q/tbo skidd If. tb|y |cne«r who woold relieve and euro thunf"., 1 ; trift liayrlLleJo |>b Obliged to rub nnd senifeij trpen aleat-i t-ni more horrible to abitnm'nom H, {for duceney sake,] v»lin> tn company, J*l it be remt-mS ted that Ur. I.KIOVU lEilElUnd ITCHOINTAJE.ST is Uie most efficacious*/ aay;<uher preparation lit ckateheetn curing tho Tetter, Itch, and other thf skin. Ad alt disputes of the tki h mast arise from (hb Imparity efttiehlflod arid fluids of the body, and Wbeifc sacs die* eatebeof long standing, and the' connittaam affected ihetchy, if Ur. LcidyWSnmspuriila.llloo-j fills be used with the.Uhumoiit, ihey Wdlcutc any pure Syfciticver, and. if they do trot, w,tl lie /e turned by Ur. Letdy. Most raws, however, wiU-be effcclanrijrcurcd by Ur beidy’s'Teiter nnd fich OjuuscdU aulas the whale system ift impregnated by lie diSrasod bamors, wlueh will be eocnpleinly carried .off-toot the system, by < ptlieidy’s Bipod I‘jni.and tbs sunfccfcr of ibettifl heal* cd by the Oicusent Trice of Ointment 53 cchu. - For •alotiy ■ UA FAHNESTOCK AfO\ ocut) ' corwopddf Bomsi* 1 ' M' -'ORUAN* COUtM SYRUR.—U prdretl w tie r ihV Ijrctu PHft«cea : ' ifr eMiny my/diiW’t dmrcwilny CQ ° gil Pma'theTcmnennge Banner,'ii. f*'-" ": O»cou Simp.—AY* arc'.not In iho pf pnffimr,- m»eh ie*« ukiwr Patent Medlcinea/tot we fce.Uis»ci<y. tomommcodUorsu'aSynptoilutte wMfitoafflicud* ■jpiitiA«#otb, (Ui<i)alYeke«herB> icmnvfl tt eon>i«ut wi4 diitreiiinx had^i *ev?rul day* bfllxietl ooe o t oar ujiidreß, wldiiut ■»«. cerf.wo «r<‘re induced 10 try Motfau't CoOyh fitymi*, un>tliy it relief Tn*obiiined-in afewhout*. 1 - It-piuToi la be Ujo ]>Bpaeea in tbit ca*e at i ; r. - I *•*«.»< Mt sw4Mtssti!ateiH9jH,:'J ■i I'H-fs-'j t ' TBiif SPQftTATI ON lISES. ; Ll.l K. AND'ThESsTEKN ; •: cmxa, ' rpHEimpKiVtllmeihodof'earTyinguied byiktskme :' X Established Lutef is nowso well known that de ; Ecriptioa nuiraecessjuy.. Goodman* novtouebed on the . route, toes all trintbifotoem orexirtt handling i« saved: 1 The Boats are of light draught and perform their trips in from sitCto seven apys.' ; . f The capicxjyofoaj Warehouses enables as to store any caasicorpenunnnJe tons.-! Receiving, storlng,and advances Tree df chafge*.'; Be-frif folly prepared to make sales of Produce, we respectfully solicit consignments of wcniera"Floor, Bacon, Lard, Bailer, pheew, Woo!,Feathers, and other article*.for ; tal&,.o& [which.Liberal advance* will be made and other usunfcfaeilitiea' afforded, pledging' out* selves that'any Laairtessreutrasscd to us shell ba as nrampllr eiccaledalid uwntats fair terms ns by anr oilier house, I JNO NeFADDKN tCe : •;■ r.' -- ;> Jt' ■ Cbual Basip, fitubcrah ~ ■ ., J. JAS.M DAYLSXOo - mehttf/ ' V ' j &gand an Market st, PMlada - PITTSBURGH POriTABLK B,LI3TE. «BB«aa * 1547: ; saga FOR the transporudiori'of Fitight between Pittsburgh and the'Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments on llrr< w*y; and the eqaseyuehi nth Aatunge, breakage and'separatin'oTgckx!#. f IpTmriiiofs..: ■ ■■ J , . r .BttIUUUJME * CASH . , 'T?o2?«Markel street. Philadelphia : T AAFFE fc O’Coy NJJ R . , Cor Pbnn nnd Wurne »ts, Pituburgh .O’CONNOR&Co, Nonh street, Baltimore i *~ n a W*JTTAI'BWTT t , 7sS«ilhswK. V, -V- Xhicouraged by ui). f reased business the Propneiors have added to their sjtoek and extended their arrange, lucDi* daring the winder,, and are nqn ■ prepared to (or* ward freight wnh regularuy and dispatch im«ufph«ttra by an? oibrrline/ -Their long experience osettrner*,' Utepalpablc luperiorityaf ibe|Portable Boat Syglem, andthogreat capacity andconvenicneeof Uie'wafe . boose* at'each «nd-of llic linei; are peculiarly caicuin >ted m enable the proprietors tofuliil their engagements ond uqromrapdiiic thqir eUtiorder*—confidemlfodcring vliepn*tasagaaraaly.£ar.lhe-ftuare they respccifaliy UiatpaDonage which they now graiefally acknowledge;- . . All consignments to Tagfle 'if O’Connor will be rac’d .and lorwaided... Sleimbou charges paid and Bills of Lading tramnn'tled frce of any charge for Comimssioa, , advancingor storage Having at uitfrest directly or . iudireclly .iaHeamiiqaW.the imcreai of the consignors mart necesiarilr bet m snipping ’ they pledg? ib«nseifes to forward ail.goods f consigned to them promptly and bn the most advanld ' ceous lersts 10 the otyitcrs. . March MH7 marfi 1 j 7». joioktievr PO&WARDISG &] COSSIISSiON SEBCfiAHT, . East, Beaver ] Feint mid Bridgewater, Blxyßß COtJHTT, PA., ' ’ Proprietor ~ai:d Ageai of steamers -■ < - ER K, AMD oxrtT iirnur nTTtdpuod in jutu, WILL bepicparetl on cariieftopeningof canal joav iaatiop to receive prapnrt7 at his wtiorfbontor' iawarenocse.for'aJl.points on Brie Extension, Crass' Uut,-anii Omo CamustioT ail puruon LaktEfie and opper.Li|kes,asa!sbfbtorwardprt>ducei c.byA’eha’ai' Improvetnenu.' Apply toar address leb'itnilf ; )AS DICKEY. Beaver IHBKPJCjrDJCST PORTABLE BOAT LINE. .-I 3%£dS3& i -18 4.7, ~VOILT|IETUaNBPORTATION of PKUBUCK AND MERCIUNDWE TO AND FltOftr PITTS . BDSOH, PHILADELPHIA'AND IIALTttIOKK. |]~y*Witb&ai : . Goods consigned to our csro .will be forwarded with* ootUelay,at the lowest entreat mle*.- Bills-of Lading transmitted, and all insuueiiim* promptly mtendcd lo L free from any extra charge forniorage or commismon. Addreis;or apply ii>. -C A WeAmJLTT-ACo ,- [ j Canal Borin, FiOibntgh -!stora6e.- ' Having a very largo-and costmodums warehouse, w' receive (in addition to fieight fbc slur meat) aUrgeanthantof Produce, fte.. on Storage ax low rales, » i [atardj; ... C A AIoANULTYACo . PICKWOHTH A CO’BZiiarE. - ;18 4 £XCLUSIVKLY for' the iraniponalion of WAY . FREIGHT betWcen PuuliuigH,BtairrsiUe t 'Johns* town, Water Street, Pelersburgh and ; all intermediate plsec*. '' - *•- One Book will leave the warehouse of C A McAnolty. ACo., Pituburgh, cTcry. i!ay, r {except Bundaysj and .sbipperscaaalwaysUepc&dnu having their goods for*’ • warded witfaost delay nad at fair rate*. ~ ■ This-Li&e was formed for the speciaL&ceotambdatlan' of the way buslhers,' the 'prapTictors rer pectfally ' solicita liberal sharqof patfonsgc.'i .• I frsurKtjrj: ' ' ‘ JOHN PICKWOtmr ' JOHN MILLER DAN ’L H BABNES 1 ROBERT WOODS WILLIAM FULTY. JOHN J MILLER, Hoinoajsburgh ). . .t RJI CANAN. J©ho*owa • >Aetiau. O A McAN ULTY & Co, Pittsburgh') • J J McDeTln,VJolfn I*arkeri nobertMoore, Bagaley tPmith. Ptiuhortb,! ’■ _• •{• ;> mart 1 LIUS Slllf! i’ll) SlCmiiM LUE. ~ Line .being eomporcitof Sicaipboat* LaibErie- X and altchigaa, runaulg-daily between Phtsburrh' and Beaver,and treigbt and Canal runniiig betwcao Beaver and trie ajulcnnucciirt- with. *C.a;iWaAin« of ?*ea*boai Propeller*and Vessels «a tbe Lakc**will be prepan-d upon the earliest open ing bf Navigation »©j eany FrembtondTasseogcthtA all poiuuoa thn River, Canalani Lahevv . .. Having every fheday iot convoying freigLt'aod pail vensert wiih promptness aml dtcpntea, Um-propneior a<«nu ?Tcs;H»ctrg;!j- raiier. uof* Cib-i friciw^.qhd • hspal-beeeiieraturihwpamwage... » *— . *- ' CiM KEKtLKr.e, Propneror . ‘ . . RI'.KDA I’ABRji.lCp. Beavt .r. Arts ’ ' ‘ JOHN A CAL’GHKY, Husb ’gh do Cor-S«lih6t!dand Water(U.«ppos*td thcMonoaga gahelalloase. | / > - ' ' i KEFTR'.TO Wheeler, Croqkrt & Co, New York - Gdo-Davin, llyifalo » K N I’erksApo, ' . . Jti A ; • Med ore Jc WsUian;*, Mtivraukie Briuol A l\meir. Cincesn Wra t’owrr*,l , i>»4'kVowh,.l , l-jum •'•' - HTanfl-trnjli JVnrt* ! . John HuniMOwn, • j n ! Wjek A ... do • Croif & Krußßion, ClittltßvJilc. do > lluV* A Plumli, Shorpsbutffh.P*. , ■ ,-W C .Malhn, fUrno, . *• " • ’d o - - r ;- i ,R W Cucnintiiaa. Netr'CaMT*, ■do' feiuiS } WKSTKIUI I|II.ASiHPOUTA'riO. k CO. 1 HEPWEEN mTsIUIBGII, 1 PHILADELPHIA, IiALTJ.MORKANTJ NEW YOKE n'MIK nock-of Outline yo»»i*ts,of aiu <uj)lc daily JL Lino of Pont* kind Cat*, (owned bv tl rawlrciO tabfeb arcin.good orid*-r. The *utrcnbVr% «ronn*t>a» rc«J to forward®. Ufge quantity of Mcrch ind:if. uai PmJaee wiih-ecrtalnly aud difpatcli; '• Produce nr JHrrrh4ridi*dton*-‘fne«i-v> rtny-ot too cn dmlg*dd,MJbrw&nird free olooy rliarge/or comuiii atoaoroiorafc#. • . - i ’ ; ' !iiil«lJtdiiigtrin«miceJ tind all i&ssdcitaa't prom *uir rtnndrdtd.'-*" }' -'i" . , I b«i«ne** of ibis. Lino la eoacuc.ted on nrirtlc flabbalh-koeping prme ipls*. Addm*. or npptoto T D lilitCll t Co. Proprietor** ■ , Cunal .VtajLn, l*itlfcharrh < ; i •’• •' NftlXhewhTfcltdraiwfi, Philadelphia! . JOth TAYLOR li SONst, AgenU, » , NolM Norih HowartUtxcct, j laluraore' ■ ~ WpAVILSON, Agent, * I / York. 1 ; TO 188 ;£IBT IST BONO KGADEti; BOUTS, via aHowNsyirjjs * cumbehlakDj j r rj Mlb.flmitfnigactt »fr .now prepared to forward pro- X ihc Kmtem Market idorinj? the ftira* «R|t Winter,oauetoctafoYaTabJoiemn by thM'exp*- diuonstoute... f J. •• j . . .. AHpTopcrty cooiij food toui wilibe forwarded M the to.wcn rate* and wij i(de#p4ii;li. fterckandise rer'erred hv this route- promptly for" warded.-, •* • - : tfc mfoVEL VArH , lUilsbarfU, * ■ *'•-<l W CAt*S..Browu»*iUe.' 1 - v • '£s*°' • HliGKßTO.N&.CajCumoorbni fr«“ upr. can*iHtnr'‘C freight Alta pujueucer Pack-' ;fiA^sasaEtfr^r»»Tt WICK & AKCUEftCrcenviJJc, A cu' i jj .. -.. W gSSffi' SS ; -■ ■vnr.MA3|HEivs;irojM«j,' : 3u-- '' RF.ED, ; PJpKS &-bo, BeaVcr, ; ' S . J 3f ,^A CAL'OI^EVI,« n » r W«t!-r, l itlSJßnhae!U m, «EpnniftU.ii MoPaneahtfa | loo«>.i*itabiifch 1547 THB BAST BV BAtTIOORI AJD '- OHIO RAJDRO A&. - TRErobvriber. will rueelpi forUitf delivery of fro floce to Baltimore -y Uio Monanffibcla Slaekwtler aitbe following pnea.-» s . AihcVV'COa. ltot er - Lea,J! XarJ,' Tort, Tallow, Wbbkeyi ’ anil Gla*»i-CT| etai*erjoon)*7 : Tot>acor,!T<<*<p, Flax and-Wbeai—44 cu per 100 Us. A»h«,(lrttJApp;M>Ch«w, And Lfatfier—KJflctJiparlOO ‘ ; , *’• Ofl»; PkiH6,B«dt, Vlfoe.i-.n(i;€i» per 100 lb*. ' i • p«osw«,FeatlieT».';Fnr», Giaacag, andiSnalio-fioot ~ll»Ct«pcMOOjbB. I:• ... . it:.*. " - ■' ; ' ; r , •w ■ coasijoed to either of the lindcralfnfd will be forwarded wit boat delay, Tree of awmißiiotv at above, rote*. W-H -i~ - y: ' HANNA* WATBRbUN,riH*bar»h. -flßStt: «7;.:*bKi£ 1 KW' I'AKKSA CfcUcvjdßiitiU.i j r '; v,.•• -, . •••--'B O: PARKS. Bco»ei,-PA.|:i- -':: ( Pronriotora W T MATIUUt, riailnuShtl'a.* ) P i' , r ril?;^' 0, ' Q .y ~B« !i MW Nlfyprepmed 10 transport ± KiHghLttud jff!^| 0 ““y P on Mi’eruu ylvjuuaJc Ohio and Ohlp LI he,* art! not eqiaJled by toy on i n Lttk r* Erit, and SMSsfcs * ■ ,'V ■ ~* pn - - *-!' •-Pttfo«grmm toamaA wete 1847: g3Bp»f=% | aw* nrrtroti WaiteniA ■wly UiewtfteT.madartUft«t <3r»uiwt4 m3o’cfc»et, r. Thu route U the taut cnertir«os end comfortable ofteta U!e<f*lc?e.' * i|* i ... • S2S*JfcfcBPFIMGWBIiL, Warns, ProprV -;;'j: ' jj...••'■ •' Vv ; v:/ " ' Smcaatiit Btflwnrk: ' 1847.-ap«B nuaftroararKcf-or ' . : v 31CHANDISB TO AND FKOM BslgtAor%'XewV**ic-‘ . jj . til S^ltOXi THE encowajenent tip* ii*eimrccem?d etac* iu coroaeocaseat/bitTfißbecd thorpropnc tort to iaermseUiQ »aaiDbcr ol fir T . and instead otgiTing receipts fbro hi sgfcabi. wo will give oar trwweolpt* tor Irelffntshipped lijr this '- 'lce boats ar« all partabie, counqae&te.C:cigbt U Ukeji the whole dutanco withbwtaaatflipiDooty thereby preventing on the ro'nleyiaatl sm reach boat u owned by the Cap Uta who runs,thoh, which U xeu&Cientjpiac. aatob.tiarthereWill bo nodelaj onlho route; t - 'Ap Produce or. Merchandise the . uudorsigLed will be ■ JUISSION, Toradvancing fad forwarding, and’ uill "be skipped vrilhoal daJajt al jhe lowest rate*:, of freight. 1 • ; \Vc respectfully solicit a slme of public patro nags. : t WALLINGI'ORD & Co., I ./ . • ,i, Canal Basit»;'Pitt*burgh .* .1 ,j.' BELLAS&£o..A3t. - Broad Street, Hhiladelpbia. V• ! . * K MILLER. Agent ( „ t . i Bowleb’i'WhudVßaltimoro. 4. ' IJ.ISi?, ?,,. mU *.•;;;, • VI • ’ r r 'pn; .F"- . r ■■■ COMPOUND syßOf. OK 1 WiLD OHBHRVV - v .< : .! A.certain andaafe curo'idrxongbs,"colds,' •nrtbma, ! liver complaint, spitting blood; pains in tbe aide;',- 1 ]or brcatjnerroiUdoQtlitjf.Wßodpioccqagb ; C: >. :bmkew;,'ccn»titiuym,i CONsUMI> .* .. . TION cranydi*eh*e of the In rig* or ' ; • Jweait. Header ire’ yoa: tnfTenn g * |: ' I with a cold ordifcasqol.ibc •- f . • . i lungs, tijiltf* remedy, . ! •_ ••' ; yoavullfpot pcr»’ “*r' i •;• h*p*regrptit.-," : ■ •It Will arrcstall IhoaediMgrfceablesytoptotnswhrcto' stride suchlerrorto tße ipit4> da prolong yonr days. ' Bewareior all .preparations porpoitidg to contain Wild C berry tbdvignatarc orOr • •H Swa run on the outside wrapper ol 'each bottle, a* they arequitelikelj destitute ol the article from • wlijchthcy IwmmtfMhß.M ,V.>‘ v Read tchatltt \hU.dqnfl~V7'- , 50 .COD' IIEA rilS BY ; ,; Would pe ibpp* be a tma[l «timito‘fQr the.ravage*. . ol tins ilrcadfol disease in a single year] then add the fear,fe»ciuJogtiegj.lh<twcut«jff,by'lnnaoii tion ol t he' LnngvHeroorrbage, Asthma, Cogghs Brntu:bitiß.dnd~othcr dlseaie« pt the .'•LonjnTmdiLiTpr* •’ And the lUtwoaU/.prcsent tn applfing prooLol the latality of thesetwo'classcs-or diseases. But Itls tmportant.tb. jinow/ nearly, all"olthia dread wastei ofilioroaff life }mlgbt have been'prevented by a tinxclv gad of Dr. Jj’iyAVNfclfS-COMt'OUND 'STRUFOK.WILDCHEftftV.' 7’ - ;: -a ; This' :.medicinc .her- public some eight year*.- iiq(lis:tL(riorjgittal:prtparalicni' Trr.m the Wild -Cherry Tree. <lw-.reputttipn.- as, a remedy forCoaghvColdv IVoncbita,. and iCen? samplion ol.tbeliunga ba«ed-fenfire Ifupoa, i.U ,ia* trinsicmoritsj owesfbut liitlc l? lnltoted newspaper pods. Tbnsci who give it e Utf), by it,, recommend it to their -iicisMH'ra, and.lhua gradually andisorcly iiaeit gain*s»tfi*» enviable repu tation and worked iu ova*, into: A vdcral' nie. One botUencvcr faila'u> core-nrcecni cough-or ’eoul r while with »trtct/aUenUori’,td ’lhe # that ad* company each bottle,!ta aibin pblmo.varjr diseases. of long stoodim* and TjFdhe Charac-i ter, haa 'triier; and in 'very manyC instances boa “efleeted .’coopletfl'aijd: Dr. <SWA «s§(rr ** t v A A'.upof yfiU CherTXf, ; Bead ihff most remarkable; care. oH ConsampUop e’vcrpliccd upou * h-.:>-■,{ hi’’> j Dr l fecl it a debt of gratitude' 'duc to you—and a dutju? the aflliciau generally to' oiler my humble testimony in' laVor oi : v6or C,omyj pouDii •. Some three'yearj 1 .mnee, J wax.violcntlyauatkcdnilh cbld.,an:fijtla. j Station of iiio’lnng*, which'was ficeuicpaaicd witli'! 9 verydurtressuig cough* peinietbe breast and head' very coaniderablo discharge, of- ptfensivfr mucus from the I ucg«; especially opoa’changes of weatbdr however slight. /At fir*k |Jell do 'afar ai'Sibdei' t niy : , condition, but was pretty jiooa coavini'-cd that I wti rapidly goinginto'coesiijnption,: 1 jjre’r daily weak* : er, and at.length was scarcely ablflto 'walkabout or ipeik'abore :a whisper,’'iroch was the exceeding weakness' o! icyjoags,'- Durlnjj'-tKia Uroo I bad tried various preparation «and pr<*cripticnsj. bct 1 ocnd.ce relicf-rgrowidg-'a!) the lime worse. Jo si here t : wn advised and pumdded by udear Iricnc- inAYUiuiijg*, too to make q trial ot y«?nr byrsrpof iWild Chen/;. I mail confess that previously 1 had btren prejudic led ayinist patent mediciirei, and J (Lcr'sUUngainsl. those coming 'cat ‘ bf the-hands 'of empirics,;bat f podcrctandlsg your, claims. to the. precession' end jiracltceof ead» hairing impllcitefajihi# the saying dl,my .purch'wpd cr ■Dr .Shaw,/one vf -yodt Bguhis,afcw *boule* hod icomoieacediU use. ;Mj; disease nt this titdo'Wuh lot cshiff 'oaesify was deeply watWi 'i foand, however.'edii isideraiiie reiier.irom.the brat JottrcrfivpJsouiiAm, } Bui befuj'a jrabfio speaker l frequently attempted ' to preach wuh my iuerestsinc strength and .thertby ' rupVhod thewe vessels tajat •na'd already. begin' fq h«yil}in tluspjy.doabUevx, tny core »was* greatly retarded.' ‘in cansequCpCO .of-acting' thus tmprf* dently I bad 1? or;-15bottles before J : .was licrtcctly restored.- * bavc ; bo -qwsUon.-ar.iaqch •millef oubiber v Tire>/rtip allayedtft& le*eri»h‘baMi, did away tlut distreratog eougbVput : a! stop t» tbe- «U*tborgc cf matter from, the Thugs, ahdjjave tbemhhUtbe entire system good health, i have dfclcrrcd offering ihirccrtdicato till npw, fur the purpose of, being perfectly rauVCed with the' pcinvuiebcy ol^thc" care," sud now that II lecl perfeuUy well,'l oficr it with pleasure; i - I t , ~ REVs *.■¥. JORDAN. I Dabtißcounty,.No.C.r.j \ | eADTIOSI CAPTION! ' Avoid all spuribici preparations Ql Wild. such as Bai£auM,’UfUeni.'-Synip«.oi. Wild Cherry,! Filto ouutam WildiCbcay,. Arr t as they areoilhctitiotiiendcoaatexfeiVandciorpaiK nohe of -the virtues of the. original and geouioft |>w penuonss prepared-by tjwajnei apd.-the. lint! cver ptepaml’ia mis country Hoc tor " Swiype'* Compouml W'lUUcHmiltViscompoxcd of vegetable mgrcilients^tha.y» f ildJlbcn , y f hhti<dbJ ev medical vu&stanees cq&Uy as efficacious, ir ;noj nioro so; thd whole arc W>. efleetnally couceblraieu ai in retuiof it hpyojKl.aliyobbt -thc most pleorantj BUdugihanlng. and'cQcct'ua! rhmedy ever discover!, e<i 10/ tlaO cure of, audnll • .'Jabu (nun iU.having,such a train ot -staeds (o pri>yo Uu£roat ttrratite.pvdjiihtids.'V ■ ( iii vafidi', itquirefor iuo onginolprcpaj ratioo, each butllo eartleped ina beau| liful wiiii'a lilieecra of .William Penh en* graved thefebn;siso beating the sigotdureofDr 1 b of which will .be ipnnp iSbcal cs forgery.. - 1 1- .v:.-/- . j bhiy'by Pr.H.,SwstnE,W W corcor of Fjp.nvH aud R&ce S(reciff, ' Fur Vale to l t’iusbureb.wholesale and rotail by. ; W,M. THORN;SS Market street, ' . . . v OGDEN fit SNO WBLN, 1 corner i& Wood Its.; - 13. A. FAHNFJSTOC'K da-Cai. coratr ol and 'Wood andfith andU'obd streets. J. ! -S. JOPiES, ISO Liberty . . ' 1i ( JOHN MITCHELL, Allegheny cily. j i And br*all;respoctable-i)raggists and dealers in Medicine, thrbogbooi the United'Slates and Ctipi* via. .i.- • i j; : sj' •'' " '' . ' thptlS'; s G IliiAT CUKE, perforated hy the origiau and only Irtr AkndgtaaistLiferVfll, pnpara uni *'E. »EL LEKB. ! ■ l " "i | ••' '• ■' Mo*uc» , Fi<rni*T»WtiUa«»laaiCo.';rc,?! . jt Jttjjfiw» f m7.'/^i‘-*j liSr. Jl.'E. StlUrf:— Aseaic ofdGtytojOttiad theuJflic*tl -ndiiertm to>4J tar favor ofyottrjqiily celebrated LirerPill*. 1 here drteirtd dusgwfo# Jcv«j vlhartogtoDavy Crockett’* you *r« Wgiit, thca go ahead.?’.. Meat oClhaiaa&y preparations ofcapi'ics. and quacks, lauded to tWskitt, hart sunkiuloobGrioD liutr joor iirer Pi it kart beta offered to the'kail, ihdrsd, .theism they wi!T 4 *sunirt thfuraU,” a* they am Just what i you represent Utcth to to ' Itare bmrXriUcMd with Lifer Complaint fiotntuf youth;. Hate 1 euSered touch; employed 'a»iaj«aia«ntphjaictaQj,to,whi>ralp!udtnochpKUKy; hate lost much blood; lc*a vomited and physicked, slodsl to 4t«Uh; ealifdtetSor-b ernes, anil CadOygma up a» {settable. :|ls lEb'»7 j wya induced to tryyoiir Crrer PiUe,iutd SQON GOT tvw.;., . One boidf which li now sufficient to keep nuclear., of paid la Che'sldEanii ail th*;other symptoms. far ut;l<sut 12 mteiths. YoorpiJi>anaUo.the>e'»ie'atbartie!rrerued;. bring taUd,not griping or girfttk'tDueli fi£kstW,aHhd ildm* aeh, Cat give dm oiuch itlitf £. I hare kcptththrln myjafarti' fur,(J of 7.jeafi;*clcf'buadiyiU; of-botes, and bus never heard a ling l * compfaist’.uUerrd by any one. wWhiq lisud theca. :Thtylta>e supeieededkltnoit every other pill sn Uii* oaightsoehood, and in a abort time wDI Liuuh them’U]l • l aarueatij rteeentarud them Id all pe recur need log' (topic; whether for .Liter OwApUint or Btitioat'dfTcdi6diN.d dno-. (iderthrm'CtrniferiorluCaloCMlbribellluePilL • fterplet-; thilre nre C'ther Pills heLre PiTU'prwiriWktiwiaUheGEjmJliEihpßJd askior audtalt«ttg<Ah«V thahtbeaeprvjwiwL'and sdldrbriy. E SEi-hEKB,f»oS7 McoJtl betweeo Tint d and Vourfli Hold bjr-Pr.CatdJai Fifth. Jfard,ll if'Ctm.'Allihtty city.. : ..y> - jf.-. • ' l4 j i"’ ; * > BTBW-YUltlt; I ’tYKIJBW/’.FIKLU otfijraior sole, nf-Uio«lovrat l» n; very. extensive assort-?; roottiof PJtPI-aif.ecimpMiltir. CTc'rjr pPsiWc virEcijy adtptcd to theKvacu of emUaiscreta ulLecetiqr « of the country. ’ i'apqr x 'of si! kihda niado to ordered'rjtoiff nonce.."'. ;;'•■.-■•* 3 •• Tltenoclrof PRINTING PAPER isanu/uilf large' apunof-wbidijscf jrcrysiinerioriiLalitr.' i ■ PAPER 3TABisak ( S nAVEUIAIS -! *• of every description, irapcilcdtuul kept constantly es lYim Ifleai'hlhgPowder,Bite -Ultrarattrifle, Twine,. ■ \ Cmnra#a,Bale Rope, Gnat Hope, Bagging, c., c* purchased, forwhicb tlichiglidft'pnce jn Gnb-trlUbe paid ' iyiSv . “ Ne**.* York, Jslyjl&lft,'. '^^r^DttTjAvlNl-7S / "KC; ;• AVo have bccaluformed ItyAlre ROfre or acurrsper fottarddh’lier'W Br« Jsyhc'rAlurallTCi'^iiicb pfovci 5u superiority other remedy or-Ure kind: ■SJhdhur'hcdtfßiaicieil for the latt sixteen yehrt with wiilt ulcetatwnr and eufoltaUot; or.Tariou* hope*, do rirtffWhleh tint* manYrolcceahavc been d:»eJufrifr4^from thu Irauutl hoDelol .u>c cnt!«am,iroqi,boUi Iter artna. wriiltt had ItanK and from Soib ftutn lett fe.jornl bone, audffoth the ri|bt kn«, be»de»iiamfcU ulcers on other ponaof be*piereon, which hem bemed 1 dte skill b! a ttuuibcr of; the most eminent pby etelait* of tmf cilv—iluftng most of thfe tmm her rutTsatje bava lxvn ezrniui:iift had deplorable. About Oirectnbalbf •S*s,u^”?rKit.'d^ Aitcrptive* • which, bus h*trnbt»u»l»hiA)ely Au«»y.«®rt!tapophcr, ■ by reiimvlnc all itcfrauJ aj»vlti»g%aod-causiug the u Wt* u> lieaLwbiieaitho etnno ttuie bef geiKTSI boultb < - ha* beeoatottsnpleiclr that *Lif nioi i /dIM tonic than site d;d before *bo chmmeneVtatie a»e , of dili:trulrTalnaWcpfrptudfc-'J6auLtea'i»L- ■" ; ;Fpfforifcefiofotwa* i ! on f l o < Jb ,r ooiVllJs,<toye(No t liß Mf’ounhßt.qcMAYtwl- .tf./-' 1 ' ,!' t' iJ(3 * ' SIIXI.EB3' VI3!MIFUGEi'“I MloUcr Lctllcr U,»n, lallother*. 1 !v •- ~H . ; S 'v'V . .-.f.- r<>eiobcrSntl.'l«r. 'i> ; - 'Mr. lt: P Hellefst~’My>»oa4t.manthaoi4 t tyWv>Ty' •re»ile**af night, mmfhayiftffmicb c«K rluiled he hail .yfcnn*, ani;haytng.|c*rd. a.ew*t,dc*l •tLniury&r VemiAisdi uhaaghia Vial, nmi4_ dnier. which expetied tt very-largo wOTm*. I efaswer jour Vcnnilatse better than ailoiSm. ••' | Pieparrd and void by. R R.SELLEHH. 37 Wood rt. Sold by Dr. • CuMl f 9tit ward; aad P. bL Curry, All*. -trm, y .V- ,r - v itroiciiy , .?.t>- 1^ i -UmclTtDiixxessiQßs, Airo rpoa jß4sV' .;i' f •];{ ' • :.‘-f£ASTKR. ■ ,/y- T\lLiBllEailAJTi«M*i»<wTtrrf,»iwy t |f; X#.i4nMU,»teat cbiUMV vffltelta u rcadiljibim (•*< !■•*-:[ amt. • 8«a 1M kic/acmmU* »»?«* «e»i>»*«» ; li|pit? cr«,kfotoTTvctkhulaaalkt backoT nek PWcr, cad n •wA'fliilof.Kfwtma'.. >4 1 ‘ I BHBI#4X*B COUCH LOZfiWOES. * 1 Locum axtteciafisCtotot cart wd Mbc(felrt«AjH<r > ■dy.fofcocgto, fri> t tiihUnn<rf»h»toap«. :h»*ytr laarta&tßsuacvyherttJiiy dd j«iift.iv- \ ■) Stmal feoumtl bornlmt teca *oU aitau - *«f .efetabwjtjoatMrtbbwhtohm andcf Mu naudutwcti £-* CJ.; -coUtiadco4(tri,^ , Zfe}doitutehcckadtfry«|» • Qwtrbicrit tug t pnoMte the tkkliic v»y.« •, i irrjU&aoi cad- ream*, tee of ctcliing I. : V«ey)OT waitfoba'cofiftmtinn of a mat nJuikWdjxC-. mifiatt, iarfw wMtatbiotlf g t | m r ii | T | iHrirtfinti.„i,Yii,,l, f .drwf ,/|_ .tea, foot pwwha fambtigwH fronaa naumt,* »u/rtjfarrdtot^ff&lhtajOtbysthn tecik■ - •• t \ Wltn lienaiMeJifv&afeihiWcwttriUt.oMofSkcf ■ • \.f (brictoihl3ltuuM »lw«)tbcY>si •l-piijd’ottT »k* poja'tiUrtlieinl. ■'if attended.;, x I >i(S'p)»liitiirw| a M eatluiitw or luaura lavage*, or as ■ ■■... . . mUtelhutaetac.diciMißfaa«Ub«MdMßaruiui rctplctl :.•; ( r . « I WOUAJ LOZENGES ■: \i L Tiim-Mte Intuiiitm beta snnil is non Mual»4ob .K£| • ,* to be: lotalufilcj iW ooJy mtab worn bauaja* > .f. .* BalitaamtdMestuViL>HaMr4iMtet>*riMa . v|s4 Artoioo tag afd ifiUn**»qs«rfeg, «ad mil -‘r , aufll» t r«TCT'beinff.fc« , JTrffcJj|r#( , B iwws'ar* T«r*bft«a * < } .afflicted .wtte then, wd an dockfod&r. / I. V^R 1 “J bmfii; jfcca «* dow of then Lange* wtuU,.->. i -Ijrfedily curctocau"." . n •; - '• | jSrfwptow.*/Win**.—Tab# u, ttejobt* «■ lmte,oO*& - • r' o»taeo>tteri*f >.’•>* ■ ■» *fatnacb, Cub r .,,. > ■•ioihot ortf liYrtr&rt.oli)« borif, dirfurtin■’ orthiT Bmiicita.-.'tlroafadif, tormr. tixvUi \ M 4j?te^ted4irf«u > tifat'tellttk'*4it fnxbt uni *emiatlaa‘'' l : i juattimrattPaMteMwa ikjnt/mlMOf- *• luSctfttoSihWTtSib ' • Uw Munch orkowcbj'Riinc, tuna, KwablinrM. vorul - £iou»* P p»aU, tiLMn^hfa^l ! p»tn» in tufotojarb «rtU body, k«uuufMM ‘ kX ! ' : *htofc rang to Um toroU, wnr* mM, a'w,.! tmptni itnnio |tey.tytithfcnt to Wad*. mJtcSt I ; Uamduchafja wuiaciarfttoctti. .:'i BHJ^VA^.CX\IfHoi;LO23INaiA.‘ 4 s ne ItmtcdkufrUkfhfoWu !' jUpitbun’of»4« fcavVfe*u»oftKa ateak. -»■-rratinm i~~' k ; ■ tLifljinatiwyaf ptxria m»temlf.h ( nrel iwmS«Sl i i afafct. fain ling .CTwraaon art fat <if aaihif at n.«' ■■ ,].< of lh* AHtkh or boa'd*. hyittrkft :: < tßatsoiayawi.aH 'Utnwtk tea- .-. aJfcit; dwtar?« dflj >-A i mWhik^iilrttb^’baitnU or a •»« of Rika*, f y ; ' rnDy.Md rraflr..WUw imJuabtlyuploM % 3 1 toofrnJfroK TcrttofcMcltoUTt bc*u tooW,Um^inli 1 /?-;-eHKBSiHW T R)OR UI!T*S PLA»TBt^' S - X ■™***T. Wpb <*-*n£x*m b tec teiek, Uo, ddc-atteTK ' ti^w^oiBlivniciiißlic>|lqaWp»fcc. £e». Ontslllicaa» j>‘ 1 cn± quarter tec a tmf w. imlftff itcTaitf thflitf fcat i I te. dmprn :• hotoxtail nttkccnteßiihbgTeunv /:> fccwwante» A tec w^oaof the Lww afrnirl?, teditwtH tflort ptU iteJ ter. rbyi»*i*rtoe«l] r afli)tet»,betaaicU>ej.itkkoycdh«ah*tter, tt^fcrtfm i. J < 'tilkC: 14 tetiropcmnSf thcjiirriiimitst; to&irJla4A ' taodrafe.. They tn cotepawi oTestinij tbfflhmi faStm\.r ; eiufifUß «y other, uciAaeva frost tea MpcricaecTSi l .■liD&cshsUoniWM teokatvcUn tec -"*-■* -yiMani 'M k -, <alltet c*bbrtU4*ad 4iatocßitec4..dei«T «ad plntiteSte ' , iScwfcls«n«» i h»*'.ollc4 *t; te« 'w»tehoa*c\tfH|r t _ ’ \ ißTttsrynmtaA lbMik«j«l <K« m»^yri Wtl tllHlll'Mlf uUn£trt«Bceteß.v; >••.'- >-v_- .••.,*•■;■ - v IHncUacuCmiinjn«rtec backeTctdi «!uter*V4te ! stisulc of Dr. Shcnaia cmni- n <«»«»»»%!» rrfrtwlt -.. • ] #**j*:mk ta Mcai'c fUir. mUn-teatr ' Sant ihcfcsaiac.u.tecrcan nasy woiteltn iaHtbiaatr * IJ t |*!sßn‘’ it ‘* tl “ ‘ n *‘ ° 1 bafan-W . j j 2ieakißC.Hfnb>a»t« e}.:|4ho«j . 'iXO-BOOT.--—•• .’,■■• Ata 14 ■ : £&VEK&ESEASONS WHY DUi lißgj i O DY'B SAIWAPABILLA DIOO# ; FXI«L9 «rq ; bceozßUv«o BnnremJlf pwola?;,.; f i f b/PtN <B 14U 1 dybimaclOa regular Chemist tod. Bhjai*’ Ciajj^CJ , fciladcTpWi : ,'Fho-indw» t ljie;iatoiej / U«»!' - tjoalit/.-rad Medicine* ssed-ulifs*- - pUla.atultbeirtdaplatiur-lirdi*eiM.~ - - * ‘Secoiui,-,iicesaieUie"pßt>Uc'caafai©-Ihetawtill'i • greater ifoofideMd than no** ether pill* whleb'tr*. . prepared b/'iaediclafcMffc' ■ •••*•; "♦«,«■iw ./i.' . - Thirds Became jpt.tbeircwabtncd cCectf/pT*yftrl jtierp«teoflUiofed ioiafljotherpUl*} n&mefcpaen ' tog Iron ihfrfttmudi and bevplV all udinUbT n»'; :suncei, and:&’t i.lbe '•and-tuae jraiiTj-rtic.ii'eWpot' ofthebod/. - './h*' Became ibej are the cheapen aqdbe** I tingle boitb«iDgtuls^ttiS^ I aiid'.eomaioing,4o pill*, taring to persons 'urnlUT jdoUarson-lraci in : Uoeu)r , t enattWMT | ifledicines erithe ! Teer.hiii3C#d*tja*. ; V- ,r , r :^^V:VwHO|^^ME^^ießhi>iV^ai* : Wtecefer jdabafeoeeasioniotake aaftoHos ’ >tmt tie trifliPB;with' yopr ; cpnsUtauoa At ; cytßg gß.ktridsot pills or otto tacdicihoATae s« putilubcd rad Vecota mended hj one and w>iyf b?l ,pr. Leidt/'s and ycalwiM.ihji tinrOj-occaaicn lo takc,«jr|Kpg riroitesof duene; latfamatiohol uie filiiiiTctantl'imesiiijMy.cMfflm 'vs~tbr •tomeen lute in toettwtli K 'sdniemctationt iedigertlos,-rf m :ol ; . billionsafleetioiii ,'ditoiei of'tw- ijdto and kidneys,diseases hithe akin, •Calf 'ermitaft •:.... ifidftcdahl ; { apljc, giddinesf,teihtnfes'f, pafnaorc? 1 the the breast, tides, alongtheeach tnJipißd.Tfcfenp* kind*,' small po^mio*. .Iwd easels,, scrqld la, ritottfiMjr-' 7; are good in ail disease* haring iheif inlcstiDC#, end impunlp.vfrtjre ■ >,; u '-'vvwu''r : • bold. Wholesale and Retail b/ B, A; Fahttitfifk dcCa./kdrhcr o'f First and Wood, also cotter of bizib and'Woodttreeu* l ' ' - . t -7h«jpt2i'" ' EJiJIMtfULA AftO IQ-, 'l3*l«tJß-»aoromla;in allows .n*uJiiplia&rbrns* . trti'ethdfid-thai of King’s £ril, enlargements nriM - gland* or.honca, Goitre. White btrfcliiagiiCßroajc Kheanuti*fla,Ganser,his«aH» oFfhi/Stia ofSpifce, arc! rutraoMryrCoAsaiEnlioh, anji Uie ifune<;au»e,Which ik it- suihßif !e ■ more or iccalnhcrentlh the : b‘Difiaaa sjrstbitf;>4niw% ' fore, anlcss this principle cad be calCßro'tanbcedctifcd, bntif the principle '((Job I which, the disease’depends, jirnimofed,.*'care | inostol neceßrityfoHow. nOiaaUerßuder wtiaKtafa 'i ' Lhc diceaicshontd taanilsst itself. 'Phis, therelorc " i u the reason wby 'Ji|Bc’e ALTk:rati va rcrsailjr tßecesalfli . diseases. It dcetrojsitbe fi'raa dr'pnncjj^iAm ■whipfV those diseases; hare their origin,-bjrenfCnßg jnio.thexircdlatiori ( apd«lt&tiiQbiood'iire<AA i lpca ' to .the mimiiest, librti remoring eterj pirtineol disease • •CShuißTbird Street, Philadelphia.’"'*-- Suldat tla Store, flo.’feponrfli^oe. DtLdAVaE'SOAttniffATlYKirAUi'la 'ljtHOiltbe Uoy.AHAHinNrLayfeltknowtrariilMp -Tboundc.msucd ha*iag bcenaCUeKsl'derfagvhdpaut •wIaKT.WTUt a.dueare of Lhe Stoioach, tomettaic* pro* duel,tg great pain Id the stotaachfor tenor tweprdboors without natk* havlngsiteil'yadous lentedte* with liulcctCeolj wu furoubctl tt! bftQe : ..ofOr'O Jayno** Canninau*e Balsam. This dine tiout, and found lararUbly (bat this ntedieme ctutSed the jaia id kbtuala ftirsc'orftrartoin* uirt,'Rnd in fineen ortwczay tninaicsecery- wAasy "scnraiidd wu entirely quieted. 1 Tbc racdicuw an rertranlsnscd'w-heabyer iudica tions of paiawerepcicetyedL tadlbepatitwas thereby pfefant* eti. lieooatiaaodtoaaq.the.mddiclnh-eliery-'r-fcltur .uiJ.temetuaensutbe ,ttiummicarul frr. a’idw stator£s suiferrr wirrcUev ■edfrooi»large anrtuutof opprcsdre .'Fjapf cx pcrienccw therefore, bn ead eoafiddinly v reeodi»3id U •ii Jayce-s CariOiamlvb Balsam; -asaaaluiarysaddlein .for di »ciiaea bf ibc sUAbaeh end bo >.p a hi iIN N .-kcr saletn|uuborgfcei T£i?cTGH :*2 Pcitrth atreet,/tiear Wood, ana 7 41«.' s'i'tte jDre wore of ihHSj>;inVAßrZ< strecr. -AlLiffimf ij'iii&'PEfiviiittlit l r~ ar —• . •X: •Crqjunde’Aoianda Amero»,for shaylnc* V , Caam l ald'Beißjlofaha»ißr., r:• 1 >t^< V* ? ,-AU6bndoCrteo;-'>diq *-<i ; torcelaia stanis •••’• t\ " A° s:,e ' r t )l{C4uiift»l'poyrdcrpQiTis orall patterne; I ’';'* .• fe .•■■■ ;liiohois«l teftct'boxer,'«autab»lii|;fragßintjrxtiecta forihe baadkarcblcfre-sesut tag,and ioon>o«i>*lsau. atlc.iorpreaeau. v : .i ' ■ :;-IMiß t ui.etClu«eiepowJcr; . •( J - lodiau vcgvta'de bwroll, ; oil, in fancy or common wrappers, Iroae jiceot* - : JotusstSoap; Nymph,Soap; Erne Lip «Vo» n . • , Coldcicani,ele*ai,Uyputtip; VPBTaiMilia >aap,ta tar*aaaeaie«i .• ” -■* .Shell {oajq'Scdaaoapi together.Wrth e grebfYaHety ofCiwncrfutfiery: /tin wceiyed; fbrleletir rj, *•, , V • ilAt-’ABMb2f(gCK x VCpy -ft'vlfl c ,,‘- ‘f, ."■ • • •/. corpth Aww»rsU ' QTiCAai DUAT tVUBtdiU ttTUYEe far ,p«l.|7. \ w WM.B.SCiIK, ' teptty f first st between market A word PITTSBURGH OAZETtfe, *J[RI-WEIiRLX ;^ ,3^kekLy .Aim G*3rtkEuiUi*{t,'3(i tl\ 1 R A T BB; € »v;.,AIto;TOtt.TiSINO. i Oftoiiuertioaoi.-.ulian, or 50 IVoinßemonswitbouUltcraUon*...;; 0 75 Three ' **-. “ . ' ..V.iJiWl 00 One Week •• 4t \. ‘A- . .i,VJjI fiO Two W«k»: " ; 50 •Throe *• « <• ./...Ilj CO Oao Month,.. « - ’ "‘•.♦♦•••ay 4 00 Two « « ’ “ OO ,ID*Eoager idrettixcajeoulxame ptoportiop. i: One wifbotrt OO •• ,fc4 « . ,« « XT* 15 00 Kach tddiUoaaaltqaaroforC'moßlhsJkak.'wi'O 00 - * “ 11 00 - One square.C OO Each addiliqpiU uqUare Ttir lSjaQ&lbs.««f«« 00 - I'wn aqu.irci,C lubiiths, roVableat pfqpcurpiSO 00’ Euehatlditiopal square, R eiuotbs, 8 00 WtlKtfiO* Tai.WEIKLT I* I>AJJUT,.M»US.. . 5O i v*; .a, “ each oadittoaal iascrtion^s» a ß<fy - 37 • .Five lines or lew, ode year, s 00~" "• . J .. J 6 00 ■<:« - 2rjSSff^>«S^ , JB AtoYbrrinaners t* irikKXjE >4 v l ' .iForS) rmof, or lew. One maerttan/,, 1 *5 an 13-All ilVcAlicffiS/iSfa^hi^iV^ I Mrtn and adwenuntof i 5 pet cent arnoant orwivertuiaf exceeds fludallvaamMu ' BOsiim «A»M. r^7^' r““"«ss:fsssss: