The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 22, 1848, Image 3

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    ■ ismEiMMm--
■ !■•
OXDCCp*j«i PUMttfFtfUftoadMOin of R W
QGm>te|buß, for nIr Vf‘4SEOVT- JACKSON,
T, p4thOtteoym>Tty ~
> M'ACE®KL-.12S Uda No 3 Stoekwel, Urye aUe,
» Ibbi SCOTT* Co. -:
• <n bW» in stow and forsale
tor. Wood and Fifth streets, y
BEIMOTQNE-Om bM !» ■“» 'Sifi’SSS
ftbt7 • ,;• JOEL MOIILEb.
C^y? E « r ?r oa| y. , T-s^ , «oS&a.
'/ *T%TTcit : wrHpjiT FlS>i:n-& xcki ballad Bockwbett
jroiPgi maagy-i
feb!7‘ ■'■■'■■"*’ ~ i • ! 'CTWoodat
i<»E rcre- 1 «**“<"<?
Mass# 1 *
)WB ARSENIC—33O lbs just We'd and for ssls by
_ T\EPt) BOSOX. ENC/-4 euu jast ree’d and tat
•itiEtob : R k HELLERS. '
Pl~y.Wh-47lPmLead jQit ree’d per *tr Ameri
f whaW br .
fe bl7 . DURBRiDOt; WILSON ACo. Wmr ru
TIYB bbl'eeuperibf Ur axle by
K/ghiy - ■? P, WILLIAMS, lIP Wood »t
„^ ItuAK!L
ICQBCBDCCS—3 bbls on *»io
' CUNDBIEB-U5 *>x En* V do* Y*rn;loO
; Q .ifetor b«»°»
IRS9IT dox'in boolean a nperioi
TSeto v tfebl7] *P WILLIAMS.
AMP OlL—BbblxwinterxihuflW Lamp Oil for xale
ibir^.; ifebm wick a M’caxpless.
IAKWEBSOIL—XibbUfisfxaUby ' • •
feMTr? - ' - WICK fc MKTANDLEBS.
/'ODER VINEGAR »S 3 bbl» for aala by
(Jfatil7 M’CAyPLESS.
jrtOBBAOB-4Q«oU» fit, xnd.6ia. Mmillx; 3
I; eaileat.BjdV ituTxrredßopea on conaifniaeni
v J. 0 BIDWEU* Af’L .
• fchtx .■•■::■ : :-i: ■ Wmuntt
OIL— dWdsjuxtreeMandfor sate by j
w m S BU< , CAX
t'Srtl‘^ rl ° l a°F I VON*IBxNnOR3T k Co.
SCYTHE B-NEATHS—UO Jca-itn-fateby
“ F VOX JbCo.
*' ' "' " fiTifl* pririwintpeeifiTfor
•ffapWi TKA-S—ho half ehesti' and caddies Younc
J - Hnon, Gunpowder, Imperial and Black Teat, just
weUSdfcrealnbr ' IL B WATERMAN.
boxes VV a Landing ans for tab br
fablC- ROBERT PAiaFJJ. liberty it
SUNDRIES— IP nicks crude tjiiissny, l bbl Beaswaz,
. B bus colored Beans jus* we'd ana for sals by .
»bla .. * POIXPBXTER A Co;
TkOYASH—4 casks prime /u*t ree'd and for sale b 7
jf fcbltt . WICKA IyCAXPLESS.
VYORN—I3 bbla Yellow Commit we’d and for saieby
nOBS KEAL-M bbla for saleby-
jrei.tgM—no hom swiato borasiowiarboWie
VT V* 13 Window Glasaforjule by
, TTE9T PADDINGv—One eaU'beaTy black rest pad-
KsnPtt*— an boxes. Bonek Raisins tart we'd and
for sale by [febl3] '| L 9 WAtr!&MAX.
BACON— 6000 lbs assorted I Bacon in store andt
bale by [feblS] ■"VL 8 WATERMAN.
riTO {SACCO—2S ken twist IGedce brand)
I laodimr from steamer NewEoriend and for sate
by * [feb!s] __ j JAMES PALZKLL.
LOUR—OO bbla S Floarlaadinr Crura ctr WellsriUe
pywt f«r pa** by i I JXME? BAUFJi-’ •
evwt iffl LARD—OS pcs bulk Fotk and 17 ki«s
jf-ZuA rceeirinf, fan Caleb Ceoe and for sale by
‘■y.fT** • I- ; jams palkell.
OIL k Ttuxrt
IbYB FLOUR—I 7 bbla Bye Floor reeeiriaff frwa
r—UO bbls Beef Tallow for sale by
, . . . t ; JOBNGBJER.
St HOVELS, Spate*. Hay SUnMeFotke, Hoe*,
SHOVELS of a Very wpericr
vkkh are inriw liie anentioa of Contractor*. Her*
g.****. Fof DUN'CAW.
UOLL BOTTEB-* bbu Itoblltoß Bongtodiw
largD eppi.gft-anolm.Sned Appletiaetorg*
| fc>y br ‘ • OEO A utaUSL Y»
iivrfi«dDD bbb Floor, rood brudi, ia non m 4
tfcbitff; cboTbebby.
TSLOUR—ODO VbU Cunfly Hour, m
.ft A SF meoo,rcit fFF’-vft&tt’S.
ftM ■ tCbrocigto copy
jABDj-S kon lirf fa ’xfifrv'-
-4l«br ; , [feb7] • O BLACKBURN Sc, Co.
pATOiT * Co.
fcfXani, fte., ilwaj*
M* 20 bbU No. & Rjr t&o'br ■ ■
Tjygy ' : )|y t7J.KTOy.tutiM»ffl»iaoiH-
COCH % S> »^_
• J—■ - ' — .
TVBIBH LINENS* wamutfadj I»» flax, common and
IjS’. El low to a Mpgpmf.
tamv. ' l«lilIAJ| _L>> r« Ifl HAT# tor l&lo
UIBH IU BUfl* ■**•** IVI <
L» Ttti ni |S [lb!l XA 1 111 ItflfJ ®Od ;
ffisgUTfltSir 1 ! lswatkrma*.^
7VYBTLOUB-87 bbU Rye floor. ■ prim* «*Mta (ot
iaa *f
i rrEjiß— csoKifei»e*i*,aoo cispt* f«*b !
. ; »ehaig« varies otchop*, oo toadjoT —te by
, in rf"**' i> ** ,pr i l ptl feg ’ d *****
. wK£ & M’CAXPLESS- .
f- tec’d imffor mIo by
■'■■frQSl • *■ MCAXDLESS.
VrafoNfr-A •m-' 1 r
-y->ABYTEB—I7 cask* bames KUUble forwUte I
M .,^{aaaa!a , > o.
c **iiiin‘vN culukktsoX-
/-vat*—lto to «° «.
i *■ *> P ‘ te ‘ «K lO
; tori t&> l f rMU *i r D WILLIAMS.
►UCKwSiAT *“**• *• <B^rior * nl '
MU., to «ua» V* to* b {; ft WATKRMAX.
ni i. .l j.T.
g&£ r
OW GLASS-MO bx* M*orted »!*«•, fiwn l
} WSSL\ m W "1 f f
S‘ 7TT« ' T DLEE—74 bx> ciacGs*ti No l Sot?» 7
diPUCAIS 'WIM, iA sun oad for w3o ky , r
it«iwiCi.T7“|T Massey 4 best*
• **>* 1
' AbE£3B-100 bx» ps“' {?'* R airtUTCK«»L
V fr bl _—— iulelTf
, piNDLE&-iO bti
... di&can'
r^^iiVMlNc r AS U >T
~ JBMBI.EBS-™ bo ”* f
TOT tm-at «“J‘*i? •i 1 ” l °Yo mKtS! 18 ”
{fege}__., .
"#* ;'r^o7.T r .. 7 ;• •. :J; - - . : .
- easks SrhLWiaejtt or caafc* Hast .gautewe coi»
put reeeircii and fi?r sale br
ftbtf >, f ■■ . : > MlO.Rft A lUCKEI3QX. .
SHOULDERR—iiceo lbs Pittsburgh raked SbouK
J dersba hand and for sale by ■ - • • _
febll W A B irCLTCHEON.
TTAAtS-UMUO Iba Pittsburgh smoked Hamsoahand
Jtl trriforsagbr [felll Va MCUTCHEON.
/“UIEBSE—£O boxes W H Cheese for sale by
’ jJ febll 8 p VOX BONKIIOR3T A Co.
IR—23 Ibis Wilminxton Tar just we’d and for sale
by vvulm Jg fLLE ß Jfc BICKET3OX,
L’SCAT WINE—23 boxes Unseat Wine just reed
■?wt for sale by MILIiKB A BlCkfcTriON. .
I&AKDY FRUIT—4 cases Brandy Fruit just wc’
| for sale by MILLER A RICRETfeON.
HLOROFORM—S lbs just ase’d and for sale by
ftblS R E SELLERS, 37 Wood st
GLASS— 125 boxes B*lo W. ClsssjiOboxes 10*12
fcfr fflt QX«»oH»d Wto ~ aiBox Co
i OLE LEATHER—2SOO lbs red Sole Leather for sale
1 br [febll] R ROBISON A . -
nrr?tP,-3g boxes Craroa Cheese, large size. reeVl
by W A B ircUTCHEON,
. ftbll • • 153 Liberty street
C^r^- 20 V&iMy’l ST
f e l,3 * water A front sts.
T7EATHERS eons lastly for sale at the lo«*esl cash
fob 3 water A iro»t *t*
COFFEE— 200 saekt Rio Coffee for sale by
ftb!4 roiXDEXTEB A Co. 41 Water st.
HOT—23 kcr>Shot,Noa. I,3and3forsale by
Mil. HIINOrXTKmt To.
E OPS—20 bales western N Y and ConhecUcut hops
for sale by POINDKXTFR A Co.
OXBONTORTER—S casks pintand quart bottles,
i forsale by (febS) . P C MARTIN.
' KMON* BYHUP—2I 4ox fine Lemoa Syrup for sale
j low by J KIDD i Co.
(ebi ~— f -’
Chronicle eg;
If oLASSE3—lOOtffis N OTle*n*,.*Ufmr bouse, go!-
Vi den syrup, instore and for sale by : -
feb7 Q BLACKBURN k Co.
►ILS— Winter bleaebed Wbale 02.
•* “ lard “ always on hand
[fob?] rO BLACKBURN A Co.
1 LOUR—-50 bblt extra superfine Family Flour for
sale by Ueb9) WICK, A M’CAM)LKS:>.
JBACOO—I4Obx» superior 5e Tobacco for sale by
SOAP— W boxes rosin Soap for salt by
TTIEATHERS—27 seeks prime Ho anise by
JC etr. l*dy Byron, for sale by
frblS . Water end Front sis.
O AL^HVTUS—2O c«»k» per* Salatrmnu; .
O 75 boxee do do:" . ree’d and
4 • liberty aueet.
PORK— 44 bble mess end prime Pork In store end
for sale McQILL, BO9HHKD fc ROM
►ATTING—SO bales Cotton Batting for sale by
DBACCO—4O ken No IV* Twist for sale by
k,fOLAS9ES—I4O bble plantation Molasses landing
Jj. from strClipperNo Sand for sale by
IHEESB—7S boxes W R Cheese for sale by
t febia - JAMES PALZELL.
i ICG—IO tierces Rlee fast rac'd and for sale by
u febia MILLER A mCKETaQN.
IBACCOES—#O boxes assorted Tobsecoes tor sals
SAUEHATVft-4 casks for sale br . !
Yu ST reeelTed. SO Iba Preelp' Carb. Iron, and for sale
(I by _ [febU] J KIDD A Co.
VARNISH— ISO gals New York Varnish, for sale by
fobll (Chronicle copy). J KIDD A.Qo.
T\BY PEACHES—baa Dry Feaehea; 70 do Dry
I f Apple* ioat raoivtd mad for agio brl
Tfrtlf ' 8A W HAEBAUUH, 33 Wood »L
KOLL BD7TER—S .bbla Roll'BaUerj jo«t landing
SCOBCHINGS-IO bbls Searchings rtc’d per Caleb
Cope and for sale by '
febtl • 9fc W HA&BAUGU.
BULK PORK— lbs, folk Pork, bog rouud, just
received and forsale by <
febtl B t W nARDAUOH.
BACON'— 350 llamc 201 Side*; 253 Shoulders, city
cured, in More and for sale by '
febll 9 A W lIARBACOn.
•fTALENTIN'ES—A splendid assortment Valentine*
V comic and sentimental. lor sale by
febtO JOHN H MTUXOR. yt.Wood it.
? L’GAR AND RICE—7 hhds X O Sugar, 12 Uerce»
> Rica landiax from str Colorado and tor sal* by
SEOABS— XCCO Kentucky Secure on consignment
lor sale by IfeblO] GEO COCHRAN.
FEATHERS OB coasirnawnl and icr tile br
feblO GBP COCHRAN. ttTWood st.
IED CORDS—IOO dox Bed COrd* far sale by
SOAP— 150 bole* Soap for sale by
TEST ree‘dj»ft* Hyd.Potash,fa? solely
Q febl2 "ICbron.-conl r •J . KIDD A Co.
LARD— 50 can* of a superior quality, put op express
lv Cot faaiiv use, last rec’d and for tale by -
TT7INDOW GLASS—£OO boxes l5O boxes 10**
YV DfclOO boxes 10*1A far sale by
nr. 4ft prase rec’d end tat
mRi-U bnu Y 11 tee; 5 da lap. end O 1* do;
- I io Ao Cosies Poercbony; 3) eeity boxe* Terioas
«7lee,fcr»ieby d D WILLIPMS, <’
iw£ 110 weed street.
L* n'nl.i tit.L t bbt end 9 ken No 1 leaf tenl. tea
dered, tat eels by WIM SUTCHELTBEE,
jaas 100 liberty at.
BUtCKVYOOlWotmrtonA“fcioctlon hive jolt re
eeived Blackwood's Ediabnrx Magazine, No. 3SB.
fotPcccxaber, 1547. ;
-ffr aula and *pUe*
S tqne pipes-.c -^yy
■\T7TNTER WHALE OIL—S cul* bleached, j«t
>lr J “* lOl ““ b IscaOONMAKEE tC-
SAL BODA—9SWlb*Jtt*trec'd ondfor isle by
jonSl - • No 84 wood at.
a for sole by
3 MPD A Co.
SALERATUS— 14 cook* Clereland for aale by „
BACON AND BULK PORK-300 ham* bacon: 1100
shoulder* do; 2J bhds udea do; 57 do in bulk, on
consignmentand for aale by ■ • ._^_ r „
BEANS— IT"bbl* wkiie bean* 4do out do, in «wre
for ogle by POINDEXTER A Co.
CHEESE— 40 boxes W R eheeae for aala by
PTEaCHES— I»’lm* dried peoehea for aale br
eOAL-Orders for cool to be delivered in the city wil l
meet prompt acauikm If left with
ALCOIIOL-sbbla for *ale by
}alB B E SELLERS, 57 wood at.
A L ?^r 3< ° R E SELLERS.
AQUA AMMONIA FORT-9 cwboj*for r rtlelby
. ;«nl3 R E SELLERS.
Tt L^°— 1Wd °“° f ° ,lal ° I,|r ß.F. SELLERS.
bbli lard; "as bushel* dried apple*, l#
do peaches; 4 noxen woollen sock*; 80 Ibabeeswox
" i .r»" 1 “ l *° fo VpA r iLLIAM3. HO Irood .t- -
CnpPCT—-i 5 bogs prime Bio eo~gee'io*t rec*d and fo r
Talgbf jjtnftl R OAKFORD A Co.
CIOTTON— 40 bales North Ala. to write per 3 B
j Planet, for aale by FORSYTH A to.
30 water street.
for sole by
T A K ,bbl ’ NCT “ WIS«WVDLEBB._
- ,«recl.
ind for wfo by li»3gl > c UlDwrJ,U_
TALLOW —SObt>U No 1, rte'd md for
■ale by f 1*351 J C HID »> ELL.
n |Abs-300 boxes aawrtediusea, from B*<Bio 24*30
VJVMoniry brands, for sale by J C BIDWELI*,
Tj&S . _ water street.
rt been APPLES-80 bote* and 13 barrel* g reen
\T apple*, prime order, just landing aud. for aale by
;a2O SAW lIARBAUOH, SSI wood_»t_
riBACC— 30 boxes John WartTs 6* tobacco, a prime
aniclo. on hand and for aale by ...
Buckwheat flour—« saicka bulled buckwheat
floor nut up iu lmill ascka for family uac/just rac’d
and tor by • • QUO A UKBRY.
T Cried APfLES—<2OO boa. in ate re and #*>rjaal* l»y
| ) jig _ GEO A iIERRY.
SCORciIINGS— 10 bbla 8 Saha laitdinf and for aale
by pan Sl] GEO A ItERRY.
Snn* a**h—G casks lost rac'd on consignment and
jP"” 18Ali,,L l™.
rawDACCO-isboiet'poooil iamp* Virginia Tbbte*
> •4~gsBffs3g> > c,
HAVANA HL'GAB—n boa«»iii»»«»» blown<agmr
■ns s®sß « ,3®^r
ly and for «al# by
* janl3 ——.-
tffibjnen 3 k.p'<U
BjSJ«!* tart, iu.l waygfnofi JOXE3* Co.
tvuocwheat FUOTjß'“J^SotjT 1
IJMleby •*'c . .72 wood it
jantt '
C HIKESB—00 bote* eb*«e. Jo« r«e r d and p«r tyar
uI&MD&Y * Co, M Wl“
|WS - | ~Saa‘
FEBRUARY, risca. ’seta.
lit Saturday,
20 Sunday,
21. Monday,
02 Tuesday, -
50 Wednesday,
84 Thursday,
25 Fridar,
. toßxxz. jositca Haxxa. : w. 3. tottvx.
Tuesday Morning, February 122, 1849.)
The weather continues very pleasant, and buai*
ness, in a general way, yesterday, showed some
briskness. ' ; t
Tbe general feeling of the market shows but lit
tle, if any variation in the prices l from our lost re.
port. !
Fisifß—The market is dull, and wo can quote
tales only in n regular way front store at $1,252
4,37, and from first hands at $1 tpbhl. Supplies
are full, and tbe demand limited.’ ; c
Gjlun—We have no new feature to notice in
the market. We quote moderate sales of Wheat
at 90c; Corn 35237 and Oat* at 20227 c from store
id 24225 c from first hand*.
Gnocsura —The market is steady, and with tbe
near approach of Spring, some activity prevails.—
Saids’of 16 hhds prime Sugar at Cjc fit.. Of 15
bbls! Molasses at 28229 c gaL The highest figure’
being considered tho ruling rate, with, we think, a
probability of a further rise. Sales of 50 sacks of
RioiCblTee at Bl2S|op fit. Of Rice, we note
sales of 8 ires at sjc fib ;■
Cuxese— Sales of Goshen at B)2s*, and W. IL,
ot os in quality.
Seeds—The market is quiet, and but little is: do
ing. We quote Clover at 3,2523,50. Timothy,
31,7522, and Flax at 90295 c p bu..
Tallow— Sales 10 bbls at 7|<2Bc ft Bk
Bacon—We hear of no heavy transaction*, but
note sales io a general general way at 4,5 and 0
for city cured. Country cured at 3(2f( and s|c
Lahd— The market i* quiet, with'regular tales
to the trade at s|2s|c t? Di. -
Bcttxb—The market, yesterday, was a little
doll, particularly in roll, small lots of which we nb
liced at 112121 c. Keg was a little more. in de
mand, with limited transactions at 9291 e, and for
choice al 10c fii.- {
Deied Feuit^—Sales of Apples at 70275 c, and
Peaches at SI>SO2I,CQ pbu. \
Mm Pobx—Tbe, ma-vket is dull, and we have
tio soles worth reporting. Cincinnati No lis held
nominally at $11,50 f hbl, with small sales to the
couulry. , 1
• Rags l —Regular sales of white at. 525je, land
mixed at 3|c ? D>. !’ . ;
Asms The market is quiet, and prices remain
firm. Sales of some 10 tons <at, for Soleralus and
Pearls 71271; Dots and Scorching* 4125 c, and So*
do Ash at IJc. cash.
Whisxet—Sale* of 20 20221q and of
Raw at lScjrgal. . ' ]
t Featuxes—'The market is steady r with sales at
30231 c f 5k
Tbe weather host been very worm, accompanied
with rain, and the river, at this point, ; lart evening,
.was rising, with IQ feet water in channel.
At Cindnoati, on tho 18th, the tiver was rising
alow, and reported a* rising ail the' way from Kaj
nawha down. 1
, At Louisville, on the 17th, the river had riten 6
•ache* in tbe lost 24 hours. There were 7 feet 4
inches water in the canal, and iabout 5 feet on the
falls. The weather wo* clear and pleasant
At the latest dates'the Cumberland had S' feet
water on the shoals, and was on a stand, i
At St Louis, at the latest dates, the weather was
mild and clondy,'with indication;of rain. The
Mississippi, below that point, had 5 to 5} feet wa
ter on the bars. The Illinois river was felling and
filled witli heavy ice. . • ■
Sxaggxd.— I The St Louis New Era, of the 11th
inst, says the steamer Odd Fellow struck a snag on
the night of the 9th, some 16 miles above that city,
which knocked a hole in her starboad bow. : She
laid by during the night, repairing, land resumed
her trip the next day. ’ ' i ■ j
Pock Paceixo w the West! —l commence to*
day, says Mr. Cist, tables of the hogs packed in the
West for 1617-IS. ;
Warren co n Morrow,
Clinton ca, Wilmington, '
Brown' ok, Ripley,
Vigo co, Terre Haute, • 41C21
P/airietop, . | . 1120
Bargcsa*'Ferry, * . [ 4500
MiSOUBJ— -St. T^ini^
-l4 bbU prune, fat bv 7
Baltworz, February 19.*— On Monda.Yi • t^er ®
were 500 bead of Boeva* oflered ai the ,
which 420 were aold to city butcher*, and 81 beau
were driren to other market*. Price* ranged
s9*so to $3,75 VlOO SJs on the tool; equal fo fW
7,25 net, and making an average of
Hogs—Live Hogs were*old in' the
ilia week at $5,75(50, and we now Ijuote at SGG>
6,20. ' ;
Ciudrniati —Per Colorado—343 pcs pork,BrowTt
tc .Culbertson; 5 bbls oil, Sellers dc Nicholas bdU
saddlo trees, Graff; 2 hhds sugar,;7bbls molasses,
Schoverf 14-bdls w boards, Ilece; 1 bxj mdse.
Leech; 3 do div Butler de Brer, 4 bhds sugur, Lam
bert fic Sbipion; 10 hhds sugar, 11 bbls raolasses,W
Holmen de cm 00 hhds sugar, Beer; 139 cats bacon
Galway; 6 bbls eggs, Poindexter 6c co. |
Per Ringgold—lo’bbls oil, Sellers de Nichols; 15
csks bacon bams, 40 pcs old copper, 1600 pcs bulk
meat, 1 dray, Ferry: 1 l>b! molasses, 1 do sugar, 1
kg nods, Walker dc co, 4 bxs axes, Graff; li do do,
Cooper; 4 do do, Dunlop; 3 do do, Schoonmhkcr; 5
bbls whiskey. May; 3 esks hardware. Walker; 20
hhds sugar, Bsgaley dc Smith; 10 csks ricc, 6 hhds
sugar, 2 bbls do, 1 do'*wectpoUitoes,l bx sundries
Wheeler 34 bbls fnolatscs, Burb,*jdge tc cof 25 do
do, BagaJey dc Smith. • [
~ hbi 20 bbls mo-
Per Isaac. Newton—2o hbds su,gir,
losses, A King; 10 bi* ttosp,’! bbl; molasses, l box
sugar, 5 bxs starch, 1 bbl bams, 'Wilchellj 2 bbls
lard oil, Kerr, j. A: co; 142,bxs bos;v English &
Bennett: 41 bU cotton; Schdycr, 1406 pcs meat,
Brown ut Culbertson. j j
. Per Swalar*—l6 tres rice, IT ska leathers,
Brown Sc Culbertson; 5 tres rice, R Dalzell 6c ctx 4
dodo, lObbls molasses, Holmes & co; 40 do do,
Lambert Sc Shiplon; 30 tres rice, 43 bbls 1 sugar, 1'
bhd do, 13 hlf bbls molasses, Burbridga As \Vdaon;
23 tres rice, 30 hlf bbls mackerel, 10 hlf do golden
syrup, Poindexter 6c co; 4 bis mdse, 1 old esrrUßj; i
and fixtures, 1 bbl molasses, Townsend, Core &
co; 5 hhds sugar, 2 sks coffee, 5 cslcs ropes, 10 pk£
sundries, 3 bbls molasses, l)rara; 1‘ bx mdse, whit
.more {r Weld) 1 bx, 1. csk Imdse, Cspt Norton; 5
hi>ds sugar, Bcrry.l-db do, Millinger,
- iVrw Union—2s hbds sugar, 10
: csks rice, 100 bbls molasses. Lambert 6c cbiptoo;
1 1G6 hhda sugar, 2Q csks rice, W bbls molasses, W
I Holme* & oo; 10 bis moss, Richardson. :
iSsrannah eigsxs, 20000 Z or» do
: Bmumscibr—Vcr Atlantic—so bxs tobacco,
Wick ic McCandiets; 4 do mdse,' Alien fie co; 39
pkga do dtf. consignees.
- i/rawr—lVr Beaver—44 pc* pork, S fieWHar*
baogh; 13 bgs o seed, RHaliell a; co; 10 tack* dr
; peaches, 5G do apples. Dal tell; 0 do do. HortDn;27s
do Jordan fit Sop; 24 do* broom*, Hay* fic
ley; 5-this pear lash, ChddjJ Jonet'it co. { "
. Ky Does your hair l&il cS~, doe* your hair turn gray
' isitfannb, is it dry, or dirty, Irrayf M
If his thus, you can make Rsoit, silky and fine, .
Dark end healthy, and beauteous M this hair of mtna
And to have this, you have ImOhree shillings to give
Por a bottle of-Janet* Hair Reiterative.- -I
Reader, if you have bud hair you would really be ss
toaished at the lovely etfer.i a three aiiillindr boUle of
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative hae onit; it needs oat one
trial Bold at K 9 Liberty it. novUWfcwly
B7*Yeßow Teeth and putrid breath,
Spongy (rums like rotten death,'
It repulsive and disgusting. ,
All could hove teeth a* wiilte’ns pearl
Sweet breath—herd gtuns-Uaan or girl.
Why ilclsr?—nsy, quickly i\s*te
Andusa e-box orJeues'ToolU Paste.
It rotts lut IS ceuts, and Is really a beantiful ajiieli
It givea the teeth a Coe enamel. Sold in Pittsburgh«
wliberty sl : i [ novtpdluvly
JJ7*Piix*, Bouts, Oenalne flay* liniment
ts an article more justly celebrated' as a cure for tbs
above than any or all others. Its cures ars:*lmo»t ifl|
numerable. Bold byWM. JACKSON, Ageatfbr Pitts
burgh. ,- ;• itovlSdhwPmT •
Don't have yellow dark Teeth—they can b*
made pearly white by ©oe tuae'usidtr • box cf Jones
Amber Tooth Pasta.. It hardens tho grime, sweetens the
breath, Ac. Sold etG9 liberty it. t, , . novlSdkwly
- • C 7" Ladies who use Jones' Spanish Ulr White, have
elways a fine white transparent skis. Of this a trial:
will satisfy any ooe L - Sold only in Pittsburgh,ate*
liberty ft i^rt^Uafwly
UW | A £iifi£> i t * *" 1,1
f- ■'i;*/ t
C 37 y 6;;6. 015,
6JC 5 7 7«T
.0 35 6 9 8 34
6 34 6 10 0 4t
033 6lt 10 47
631 513 USB . '
6X. 613 more.
’Western Waters*
Crossleya, j
lUrveyibrny, |
Cattle Huketlt
10 narr irms ia chj
Beaver, Clark, WeQsviße. :
Caleb Cope. Beaver and Wellsvfile.
Dispstcli, Nelson, Brownsville.
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic] Parkinson, Brownsville.
America. Do Comp, Cin.
Velbviue, Barn*, Sunfish.
f.abw Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Ringgold Cope, Cincinnati.
Swatara, Norton, Cut.
Beaver, Dark, Wellsville.
Michigab No 2, Gilson, Bearer.
Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and WeUnlle.
Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville.
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Wellsville, Baras, Sunfish.
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Monohgafiela, Stone, Cin.
r. m* i
BEAVER. PACKETS, at 9 and 10 a. sl, and 3
o'clock, T. u.
Steamboat Packet lone, leaves daily for Cincinnati,
10 A. H. 1
Passenger Packet via Brownsville to Baltimore ana
Philadelphia. S a. it. and 0 r. m.
Mail Coach < Lina direct to Philadelphia, • a. *•
and 131 r. it.
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 a. k.
North-Western via Cleveland, daily, 10 a. ■.
Erie and Western New York, daily, 9a. 11. > IT
North-Eastern toiladelphia, daily, except
4, A. K.
Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, doe 3 a. ic, closes 13 w.
Wefl’nMalVCincin. ALoiiisv,dueB, closes 6 a.m.
Sooth. viaßalumore AWashington, due 6 r. m. cl's 5 a. X.
North Western via Cleveland, due 10 a. k* closes? a. v.
Erie and Western New York, due I r. sl, close* h a. u.
|A* A• Bmw dt Co»»
INFORM their friends and the pubUe generally, that
being about to remove to the sptciotr* and elegant
Store recently erected on the adjoining Lot. They will
elou out their large and well aelecled (lock of Full
and Winter Good* at cost, and in many cttee lea* than
coat, to enable them to open their new atore with an
entire atook of New Good*. The aale will commenca.
ihia day and continue to the fint of March, or until
their removal. Their extensive assortment of
Dreaa Goods will be sold foil SO per centUss than uiu
al prices.- They consist of the most fasbionablo Cash- ,
I meres and Delaiits, Gala, Mohair, Silk and Oregon
Plaids: AlsoJ Bombazines, Alpaccas, he.
Cltmk Goods—French and German Merinos, Queen's
Cloth, French Plaid Cloakings, Broad Cloths, of all the.
most fashionable colon. Black and fancy Dress silks,
ol every variety. Shawls—Cashmere, Terkeri, Tartan
Plaid, and other shawls—a very large assortment, fully
reduced one half iu price. Flannels—Welsh, English
and American Flannels, of all colon and qualities.
Bonnet and iCap Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gimp* and
Fringes, Wrought Collars and Capes, Laces, Artificial
Flowers, Plumes and Feathers, Scarfs, Cnvats, Hand
kerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, etc. Linen Goods of every
description, i. Woollen Goods—Casnmeres, Cassroetu,
Vestings, Beaten, Wots, Tweeds, Jeans. Whitney
and Bath Blankets. Also an extensive assortment of
Calicoes, Chintzes, domestic Ginghams, Checks Stripes,
Tickings, brown and bleaebed Muslins, eto.
. Thetollowing will be soma of the Prices:
Cashmeres at 181 c. Usual price 37*
Mousselin de Lainet, 12* “ ~ .55 31
£KSi? i -- S' - : !i{
. I*l : :
ciiieoS.* - •tato' • “ I2i
SiSraL* **»3l “ •*0
Toeetherwhh every article la the Store, which will be
oisrtd ecnally cheep. Viiiter* mey be (ueured that
they will loi be djeappolated in ibequeli tyor prne. of
onr goode. ; paail] A A MASON & Co.
~~ Great K»*U»K H«medy. "-
170 R Coughs. Colds. Asthma aud Conaumptmn. The
T 1 GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for foo cut* of foe
Above diseases, i* foe HUNGARIAN BALSAM Oh
UPt; discovered by foe celebrated Dr. Bucbwi, of
London, England, end introduced into the United State*
tuuler foe Immediate superintendence 01 foe inTentor.
The ertrsordiasry success of ibis medicine, m .ine
cure of ihilmoaary diseases, warrants foe American
Aeent in soliciting for treatment foe wont possible ca
ses foatCanT* found in foe cconmmty-eases fostseck
relief in vain from any of foe common remedies of foe.
dir. and hhve been green up by foe tnostduuiißuished.
Dbvßrians is confirmed and incurably. The ilonyon
in Balaam has cored, and will cure, Jbe ttoet deiperate
of cases. It ii no quack nostrum, but a standard Eng
lisbmediciiie. of known and established efficacy.
IhrttT f«^V in fo e United Slate* should l>e supplied
with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
counteract the eoeiUfopliTe Wndencjee of foe climate,
but to be n*nd as a preventive medicine in aU case* of
«!d£ coughs, .pining of Wood,, pain in foe «de and
chest! irritation and soreness lit foe lung*, hrochttis,
fokcW ©< breatiny, hectic f-ver, n*hl sweat*, erosei.
atfou andnocraT debility, asthma,iofiueaxa, whooping
at tl per bottle, with full dime
lions for fod restoration of health. , . .
Pamphlets, eontaitunga masaof English and Amen
-aSS® siiiSsissiisZvZ
-SSfWST STMESpk * Co. c r , o,
Ist and Wood and Wood and fob sta. fobl#
Haw Books aai Periodical*.’
It'ST received at M. A. Miner’s,.Southfield street,
si ad dost Don Second. ... ,
Wallace, foe Hero of Scotland, by Gabnei Alexander,
. enperWy UlaaaateA
Vf by foe author of‘-Father
CJemettt-h ’
Tht * Speaker's Guide, fay-lfcos South, Esq.
The Ladies* Science of Eniqaetia and Hand Book ef
foe Toilet, by an Eng tiah Lady of Rank.
Erimietm and foe usages dLSoctety, by Count Alfred
Bust-price fiOceuis.
Living Ag* No lflS- ,
Codoy? Lady’s Book'jofSnn. and Feb„ freihsupply.
A lane and splendid assortment of Song Books, com-
MWtK'i new one entitled Punch's Comic Songster.
A neb and beautiful guide of Note Paper
Also a trash lot of cheap priced Valentines, very hand
and remarkably comic. le ° l V
SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS—We here just receiv
ed a large supply of book* for Suadar school bbra-
I,publUSedbytbe American Sunday Bkhopl Union,
by • eemmiuee of publication, cou»l*ung
; oTmembcrt of the following denominations, vi* bap
tin. Conjrre rational, Ep iieopai Maihudi#*, Presbyterian,
ia& Beforoed DutehT TbeaolpuWicsaon* eompmo
upward* 6( six hundred bound volumes, (of prices from
j "mu ep to 75.) •» wriuao expressly for Sunday
<f wt«- to addition to the above, Uva Union publishes
a large variety pf book* ia paper eotcra for quite
Toons children, foe rewards, Ac, Ac. «- , . 0 r
1 KbUafonalsopublishestwolibraries, NoIAS of
one hundred volumes each, all numbered ready foruse,
of bookrfro® 79 page# op to 950 at the low price of
ten dollar*, averaging only ten cants a volume. Also,
“A Youth Cabinet Library," of fifty volnmes, at the
low price of two dollar# and fifty eeats. Also, Hymn
£oiL question book#, rad and bine tickets on paste
board*/maps, Ae, Ac. All the above we sell at the
E£philidelpbia price*. fMjaP?VnoUSH ‘
ni*bed on application. tLLU/fT A rAOUSIi.
febfi. I fro#tcopyl M market at, bet ddAßh
Setf flood* for •P rlD I
-rrr o MURPHY, N. E. corner of 4tb and Market
W. gu baa lha pleasure of informing hi* eu»toroer#
that be ha* eoomenecd the re
which will be offered at aboat eastern price.* j£Hl—
Notice— In purtnaoce of an order of the Cout. t
Common riea# of Cuyahoga eouuty.iu the
rihfo, made at the November term of said Court, l?*7,
the uncollected assets of the Estate of Robert Colwell,
deceased; will b« #old by the subscriber, atpublie auc
tion, **«« door of the Court House, in Cleveland, in
juowar,«■!»•«» to,
Adraid. of Estate of Robt. Colwell, dec.
Jang. IW. fcbgJ6wAvrlmT
Omci or ini Auzcnxxr Duoox Co., I
i Pmsacnou, Feb. 1, lHh. >
AN Bee bon for President, Managers, and twicer# for
the “Company for erecting a llridgo over the river
AtorttoT, Ofptoto Htoburfb. in lb. Cornu, of
wfilbe bolden in the Toll Uoc*e, on .Mon-
: — 1 — ' Union Cotton Stile, I
j Pmanvaou, Feb. 1,1H3. J
OWING to alterations nnd.improvemeat* makingl at
the Union Mill, th« Proprietor* offer for sale at Urar
rates, some excellent Bevel wbeelgcnruigsnd sbafonß.
cards and other second hand machmtry, all worthy of
attention! Call and sea, at laddres# . L 0
EOR SALE—The eubseribert will sell ihenngtnero
their old establishment—the cylinder w
»inch rtroke-alao, hi eonneetioit with It their
MiU, which is nearlynewj all hem* In comp le, V u " J
nlug order. Thi* aflbrds an ex«U«ut «T®{? tt | “ , J o j
Tannenjwlsliing tome steampoweneaumU be »° iJ
lo fob9* I ! corner of Liberty and Ferry_»J;-
Murphy has on hand at very low pnces. on ssson
ment off above goods, including different shade* ,*!
SS Cilom. cSoi and Fine: Nwarina Blue « o.
Maroon do.; Brown dod Black fi
ned do 4 Batin Barred do.; Fancy P aid do, also, an a
sortment of Mohair Lustres, including some; very
finnand cToasy. In kYbotesde Booms, UP *«!«»
erf will jnodachoica *tock of above and other gw* l
by the pfoce f at low Cash prices. 1 •
PELtH-IOTONoiI .nd I Bhr.p Pelu, taudinj tm
Tr-r-p ,a rTKNH nt A, *S POCKET CtTLERV—
WS Sai™ awfficU, !”■>. P“ kM * n ' l
Urt! 1 tal. limp •» •“* <°l
fablfl. ——- - -
‘AJ£S*® - tgkip
V' *nd for **lo uy v 7 Wood •*•
-\Jebls —. ■ ’'" ,
TT° f r,y‘" D r ».WORTH.
I febia .
Iw CON—IO,OOO R>« prim* Shoulder*, city-fiored; fiOpP
lss PrimC *" “ l * b »kv*OLPS * AnKg.*
lUBPtWTINE-Itbl S, 1 !? DM&IN br
I O'Sw** I’* 1 ’* fnm *" B MOKOiN.
. . - ‘Wiaea jfc.Mvww*'..-:' -
' QHA whole, hahree, qhartera and eicfeUt* pipe* hran-
OUU die*, wino, gin*; fce,oftbe following celebrai*
«dbnud* L *Tadcs «ndvvianfWr kiK . , ■
' .Otard Brandy, ‘ 'dark;'' ttoncao Port Wiae;
do do pale; j London Market: —do;.
: Saxerac do do; ; 5 Trath - do;
A Seiguette dark; - Hum • ' . . 'doL,,
do pale; « Burgundy ' - dm
Heanefiy do dartf'S 8 SMadeirm dm
do- do pale;s>LM do do;
Pinnet, Castilliao, do. >. 2 Symington do;
do do I dark; ® Paul do;
Swan Gin/ i g Tale Sherry do;
lU’lt Horae do: i
lmp'l Eagle do; i
Piue Apple do;
Irish Whiskey;
Sl Croix Hurd;
■* -Brown do
o Golden do
2 lisbon do
■ Clare!
:k of ibe abor
Together with a large stock of ibe above Wine* aiu
Liquors in bottle*. Also, Cbampaigoe and Claret Wine*
for sale at imported, on pleasing terms at the Win« Cel*
lor and Liquortilore comer of Southfield and Front sts.'
feba / , i - p c martin. -
JOUX QCI»a/ . f ». IL. TOOIIT.
vru. r. m'bcpx. ttios. alcso. -■
WanhOßM Commercial Rowi Libert/ at.
rpKE Subscriber bavins erected Urge and extent!re
Works on Pennsylvania Avenue, ere novr raanu/ac
riug, from new and improved pattern*, every variety of
Coal and Cooking Stoves. Hollow-ware, Plough Cast
ings. Wagon boxes, Fancy Fire Grate* and Fenden,
Kitchen do-with superior range* for Cooking purpose*,
together with every thing in the housebuilding linereach
as Basina, Scrapers, Vault-rims, lintel*/or
window tops, railings, &c n on hand or maria to order.
Machinery orders carefully and punctually attended to.
febl-dtm QULNN. M’BBtDEACo.
Sprißgi Axle, Steel, usd Irea-Werks
COLEMAN, HAILMAN A having completed
their new works, are now prepared, to mannfac
lure every, description of Coach and Eliptic Springs,
Iron Axles, Blister, Spring and Plough
Steel, ami all sizes of small square and round Iron,
whieh they offer fur sale on liberal terma, at their ware*
house, No 4il Wood street; where they also keep on
hand a complete and handsome assortment of Coach
Trimmings, Carriage hardware, malleable castings,
Nails and Iron. '
C. U. A Ctn, have made arrangement* with Messrs.
Day A Crottr, manufacturer* of shovels Spades, Forks,
Ac- and will keep constantly on hand every article
mode by them. Dealers are respccttblly solicited ~to
call, as prices and term* will be made liberal. jygfr'
Bell'and Brsu Poandry.
A, A J-'CLTON, BeU and Brass Founder, had t£-
f*g built and commenced basinets at bia old stand,
where be will be pleased to tee his old custom*
and frisnd*. -
Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every size, from 10
to 10,000 pounds, cast frompattenit of the most approv
ed models, and warranted to be of the best material*.
Mineral Water Pujnp*, Counters. Railing, Ac., to
gether with every variety of Brass Casting*, .if requir
ed. turned and biuslwd in the neatest manner! ,
rry- x. F. i* the sole proprietor of BaaanM Aim-
Arramo* Mxrxu so justly celebrated for the reduction
of friction in machinery. *lhe Boxes and Composition
con be had of him at all limes. . _ jal:ly_
Plltfbnrgh A'Clsveland Rall Road,
liiJmeiit'of ten per eent,- (the sth instalment)
■ »11 subscription* in the capital stock of
iSTcompany, applicable to that portion of the road
auder contract,» required to be paid on or before the
Ist day of March-ISAS. Stockholder* in PtlUburgh
will nay u> J W.Eobinsbn, corner of 3d and wood at*;
in Salmeville and vicinity, to Joseph O Lacock; in
Welltville and Tlcinity to Jamea Stewart, local uea*-
»"'• bit »"“« » f Btcy.
OULce of the PkCERCo, Wallsrille. {fcWdmari
"Hiw PtanV Fortes.
. t One elegant Rosewood six and a half
tv!>TK piano Forte double raised cor
ners. new scale, iron frame—made by
II f I I"Checkering, Boston.
Oqo do. gothic panel* and moulding*, fi octiro—Gala
ft Co. New York. ;•
One do. gothic panels and moulding*, 0 octave—
Galo 4. Co. New York. j. „ ,
Oue superb grand piano, Of octave*—Hen, Fan*,
■phe above pianoa forte* are warranted, and ( have
been selected by the subscriber, particularly for their
good quality of tone and tfhuh'u* musical instruments.
For sale at factory price* by ,
jaX7 JOHN II MELLOR, SI wood »t
— HsUlle'frahie Piano.
a Si’IXNUIU auortment of Dose
|VTyjw wood and Mahogany, grand action Pi
| | X | I • anos. Frame, just fimihrd and for *ale.
Afo, two splendid Rosewood Pianos, with Coteman’i'
celebrated JKoUan attachment, finished in the tnon
modem style, and for. sale at F. DLL’MKS,
Jc2s Htl.Woodstreet, 3 door* above Sth. _
Bike JOSI 3.
MANUFACTURKUIS of spring and blister steel,
plough steel, steel plough wings, coteh end. clip-
Uc springs, hammered iron axles, uJ dealers in mal
leable carting*, fire enfliue lamps, aud coach trimmtnn
|eiferaUy, corner of- lloss and Front sis, Pitub^jh,
’ ' Type Foandry.
THE subscribers base taken Urn Type Foundry,
No. &> Gold-street and will Continue the buHiiea*
lately conducted by Robert Taylor. ’lTtey Ufill attend
to ail orders with pubtuality and dispatch. All the
Type manufactured by them will be Hand Cast; and
tbeyfwil) furnish ail kinds of Printers 1 Materials, of the
best ,qaallry. ' ■
h». i. A.T. Overendis still employed in superintend
ing the manufacturing department. .
1 Proprietor* of newspapers, wbo have not advertised
for tbs subscriber, who may publUb this notice for three
mouths will be entitled to receive thrlr psy in type, on
purfhasing five tiuns ti>e amount of tlieir bills tor ad
veniAjr. v . , ‘ ..
Old Type taken in exchange for new at t> et# per lb.
Charles Whiting, ) ; WHITING ft TAYLOR
Theodore Taylor, * .(Successors to UoblTnylor,)
janlS Coracr Gold ami Aim Streets
" I Orlrlaa) *BoUvtr Bricks^’
EXPERIENCED Jutlcct, oa a trial of one and a half
rPTi’i^p« 1 riaro U>4£. protvonnce thia article uator
pawed for durability ia the coaatrtiction ofall kind* of
Furnace*. Pries *£3,75 eaah for loads of 10 M.guar
anteedulne montha nW. Order* for a wcond quality
Uolivar Brick* will Unexecuted at &0 per M, U to de>
aired, without naraniee. A atock of the hr*l quality
U now for aaft al the warehoute. ‘fttoaa'a Whart,’ Ca-
Batin, by ; «!• hllAlV MACLAEIi.Ni ■
i Kenaiagtoii Iron Work*.
"XATUCt oa Printing'Paper.
JOUN 11- MKLLOH, 61 Wood »trcet, Aprnt fof.the
•alo of Pristine Parer, for C. S. lambdin It Co
would inform hia'curtdmer* that, In con*equence pfthe
advance on raja, paper will Ire charged for the pres
ent Si eleven cent* pet pound, or
Imperial print, at
DUibie Medium, £<"37 at a^l
£©** } . JOHN H MKU.OR.
D»at«B BMi« of Heatln* Elshim.
MR.fO. DEXTKR, of Boston, ha* arranged and pa
ten led a piftj tot healing Loom*, which has bee
»jccc«siullj used in Boston. New York. &C-, tmd wbei
erer applied, has received the decided preference eve
stoves, Furnaces, etc.' Ju advantage* are— .
lsti Ureut regularity of temperature.
2d.| Freedom froto smoke.
3dJ No unpleasant dryness.
4ih.: Easily attended to and not liable to get out of
! 'order.
sth. Great durability.
A model and specification may be aeen and appara*
to* obtained at the copper and Tinware factory, of
I WM II BCAIFE, Hr»l at,
feMStf ! between wood and market.
GIROCEBXEB— ISO ' base Rio Coffee; 73 package* \
T 11. Tea; SU do Imperial and Black Tea; SO bbU No
3 large Mackerel; 5 bbU No l Herring; 6 bid* 8t Louis
8 HMnlta*c*fiobblidoLoafBugar;3s Lb!» Vinegar
75 boxes 5* lßtnp Tobacco; 30 kegs 6 twut do; 40 boxes
4 the Nectar Leaf do; IS bar* Pepper, 5 >Ms Ground
Pepper,ion rvaina Wrapping Paper, 59 do Wnting Pa*
per. for Vale by R ROBISON k Co .
febll !*> Liberty street.
-500 reams ruled cap fair and fine qualities,
200 “ letter " **
30 M HSat cap, good quality,
•JOO “ blue factory paper,
50“ tea paper,
50 gross bonnet boards.
2.CXS) bundles straw and rug wrapping. paper, I
•tore and which we ofler to the city trade at low price
. fcbfl i REYNOLD* k SIIKK.
HOfi— lot sale a tew bslrs Western N'ew York
growth of fi to 10 cents:
Also, Eastern and Western* N V, early picked, this
year's growth. '
Prime Ohio do. Belmont county. .
The general Eastern crop of the season is now berng
received. Brewers and, others using. Hops, will find it
—ufMo tbeir.advamagefp obtain their supply from the
ondm.snC* M Itaj inlrml If ««“f
son-at New Yuri cnees. U. W. »M.l l IIIk CQ-.
octlSdthft I Piiuburgh Brewery^
AVANN'A CIUAIiS-luahOO imported cigars of
the following celebrated brands, part to arrive
otuiiuog oL CeTe*, Aubiijuedad, VV ashingtou regalia#,
Bapides,. E»cul apl*v Eb* Amigos, de l-uster, London
Urania, Lord B/roifa, Kidls raitcipca, steam boaj do,
VUlera extra do, lm Bayadera, I«t, do do
2d, Ortiz, Ln Paluia, Caxadores, '° r
,B \ • ; I cor Smithfield k front rt.
\l ' Psncy Dress Hilka. .
TIT R. MUUPUY bad on hand anvxeel ent «*«"•
W • »cnt of fancy Ureas Silts. Chameleon Plmd,
and fancy stripe, whichlhe is now offering at very'tow
prices; also, an ossorUntnl of plant, . wa , ,c tt d *
and plaid, black and blue black Silks, including a fe
pieces of veryauperior and newest styles; also, i uro do
Jlhine, and Italian plain black Silks for dresses, ««\. and
a few patterns bl'Changeable Turc Satins, Barred 1 op*
lint, *c; . : , | ,pbW
Invites the atltuitioir of the ladies to hts axcaUent
assortment of eaibmera and nlpaecn hose, tnclnding
drab and I.Pk ribbed. [Also, bluck »puu silk, tlubci,
llama, and coiiou bosd, a full assortment, and at low
prices. __ l '[ L e ° 7
‘assomnent of liawl 'and handsome style* urmsh
Prints, brown ami whit*—also small figured do for in*
fants’wear—yard \iidc doublo purple, tupenor qual
ity. \ * ,
AN held at the house Jarnea
Jones, in Ilakdrstown, Allegheny eonmy, on Mon*;
any the till) day of March next, to elect threo Mutineer*,
of the Pittsburgh mid ButlcrTurupike Road, for the eu*:
suing year. By order of the Board,
_ febl.diildawjt ■' ARTIIIiR McOILL.
iVLACK'siLKB—W* R - MURPHY nsks the altetmon:
i > of buyers to his assortment of above goods, includ
ing rich plain ltnliaii dress silk; poult de aote do; blue,
block do; rich.watured do; do watered »nd stnncd do;
silks lor cardinals;beside a largo assortment of hancy>
Dress Silks, cfiangable satins, all of which will be
sold at llus lovfest powiblo prices.
MURPHY, N. E. corner of 4th and Market streets;
calls attention lothasuperior long cloth shining ions,
lingjhe is selling at'l2l ou pr yd-*-tilio, hi* superior as
sortment of IRISII'LINENS, warraniod pure flax, and
of the most approved munuiacture. Also, Linen Lawns;
of every quality, and u fiill assortment of gentlemen s
Ladies cambric handkerchiefs. Jan 3“
TJRODLCiv—ls6*bbirfie»h Family Flour; 10 bbli N°
I .1 Lard; 2 bbla Batter; 13 kegs <fe»; 3 bide Coro; »
bbla Rye; 5 Mils Beans; just rco'd and for sale by
febll , £ - 1W liberty street. :
GsIL— 1200 gals .natural colored winter Sperm; 1000
f gnli blenched'winter Whale; 800 gals low price* l
Whale Oil, jost ree'd and for sale by •
feb!3 ; MILLER k IUCKETSON. ...
SUNDRIES— 4bo.doz playing cards, 3UO whole and
half cane sardines, ID Laskcis Oliva oil, 10 boxes
assorted eattiipa and brandy fruits, 3 bblt crushed su
gar, 4 bbl# louf do, 5 cases lemon syrup, 10 ligxea i !*•
mons, for sale by? .[fel.7l P C MARTIN- .
PRODUCE-Receivcd per steamer Ludlow, 13 bbU
Clover Seed. 8 do Flax Heed, sdo Roll Butler, 0
do White Beans, 17 do Lard, C 5 kega do 4 seks Wool, 1
do Feathers; for sale by febl’ BAOALLH ABMlfll^.
T IQUORS-136 gallon* Holland (Jin; «0 do French
rec’d on «msignmen^fe^^^
LINEN LAWNB-A supply of above goods
staatly on band; also linen cambric and linen earn
bnehahdkfs,lnw^pncedandta»* w rmURPHV^J.
PRODUCE- 60 kegs No ; , l J’^ ut f
flour, 3 do flax seed, 3 do small " h ‘« , h b e c “’ > ’ e l«d
rye, 1 do timothy need, 2 sacks dned P ea^“ R *^ Y
> - GEQ Vlffiw.L;
fUBH FOR RAGS—John IX. MAltof “ -SZSj'Sfi’.
■ '*« i 11 fif v v, *• S * 1
i;*i i ***** ' . ;/ p' ( * ■ 1
M' v The snbeciiber dfifcr* fe*»aleo Hoe»» tad Let
oa Liberty meet, a" short distance above East
Lane, jUlegbear c'uy. Tho Jdtii M&nfroct
onttberty «trtd, T an*-nr!at»k *» aa^-Alley..BMecl
The 1 Boose erected thereon is Bnek, nearly new, two
suiries high, tb feet'in&ootby abooiMtndepth,and
pontain* tcneantftitiable'TOOiae,-.axelßsiv» of. pantry,
coel-cenar ‘ and cellar. - All the room* bare fire-placef,
and drains areconstnirtfd to carry off the water, ana
the boose is in eyeryreipectin food order ,and very
convenient. and la well suited lor two families Hie,
property will be soldlow,;and time given ontha largest
part of the purchase money, ' .
Inqoiro of the subscriber, who can be seen at the of*
&ee of the Gazette, every ibrerioco. between'the boon
of eight and ten. and at other times si.his rooms at
Mr*.'Hays' bosudinir boose, Jtohlaacn*-* new row. Pm*
end sl Allegheny (Sty. DN WHITE,
fcblS tf ; i ■.. - Ajfcnt for the owner. -
DtiirtMe Loti of GMBAifirMli.
A NUMBER of heaudfal Lou, fronting oa that great
tboronghihre, Penn ■ saeet, or the Greenibuign.
turnpike road, and bn thd AUerheay river, ud interme
diate etreeu intbe Oth Wan), now oCer
ed for eale on the mofci reasonable terms. ■ i
' For private residences, business and massfltetsnag*
estsblislusents, thcieUotl present situation* not snpass
ed, if-eqoalled, by any now for l sale. TbO' regularity
with which the streets are laid out. and thi level char
acter of the ground, render tho lou convenient, and
available et once forlmitdin; purpose*. “Hm title uia«
disputable. Apply Id JIAKMAR DENNY, 3d sr,
or rout. Mcknight, .
Attorney at Law, 4U> at; near Grant. ;
Real Estate In Ohio*
A TRACT of land, 00 sent, in Harrison, Portagtf Co,
on the Cnytlloga river--obout 30 aeres tinier Im
provement. Al«>, two unimproved lots In the Tillage
of Warren, Trumbull Co- no feel br 00. Also, a lot of
ground. in the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co., with a
fine dwelling housc and store—one of the best stands
for,a merchant on the Western Reserve. Any or all
this property will be sold on very accommodating
terms. ; ISAIAH DICKEY A Co„
fcblO ' . j; - • Water and Front sts.
1 Real Eetaia la M«««r Conntyv
l LOT, Sto rehouse and'Dwelling, situate on the
A Erie Extension,Canal, in the est Mid
<finsex; a desirable .location tor n merchant. Also, a
Lot and good Dwelling House well suited for a Tavern
Stand, in the village |of OrangeviUe: , „on BW, 1»» of
Ohio. Tenia easy. I ISAIAH DICKEI ACp. _
feblO J - j 1: : Water and Front sts.
libt for Sale.
A DOT in the Cth ward, 48 feeton Logan_ street by CO
feet on Clark street; one of the most tleiirable lo*.
cations iu tlie Clli ward. Fot terms apply to the sab
scriber at the Methodist Book Store, 4ln near Market
street, or at his dwelling on Clerk street, opposite E.
Trovillo's Grocery store. (feblDj J L REAP..
wtt FOR SALE* '
S»9| THE three story Dwelling House and Lot, now
JSmAoccupied by H. F. Bchwcppe, Esq- on Penn it,
near Hand. The D6t is 2t by 160 met, and is pleasant
ly situated. For terms apply to the subscriber, who has
*i»n i FOR'. RENT :
The three story house on the comer of Liberty »t and
Irwin's alley, now occupied as a wholesale and retail
grocer's store, by U. F.Sehweppe. Possession given
immediately, on application at'the warehouse of John
Irwin A Sons, Water street, by .
decl4-3n ■ - JOHN IRWIN
. F*r Rent.
MA two story brick dwelling with about six acres
of ground, attached, situated at Oakland. The
plabc is well stocked with fruit of all kinds, and
is a desirable locatiojt for a funil; being enurely out of
reach of theriverand din ofthe city. An omnibus
leaves Oakland hourly forthe city. Applyto
ABB THE NATIONAL HOTEL, on Water street,
the Mbuoagalirla-Houac, and the stable
Front street, being a leasehold for the term of2l
veers, from the Ist of !April.ilS4s, subject to the payment
of 8400 per annum. If desired, the foe-simple in the lot
which is6ofeetfront,'bn Water street, exunding through
» Front st, can he purchased. Enquire of .
decttlf T * I WM. M. DARLINGTON,
For Rent. ~
MA new three story brick dwelling house on
Wylie street--Po*se«sion given on lhe*first of
April or sooner if required. Inquire of
JAR FLOYD, IN liberty street
T For Rent.
MA two story bnck dwelling with about 5 acres
of ground, situated on the bank ofthe Ohio nver,
in the borough of M nchester. Apply to
~ "H - ' ~<rel«t F '
XIIRT E dwelling bouses situated on 4th street
near car si bridge, In the city of Pittsburgh. Al
"““so, s rora iStiyfl) feet with a convenient eu>
trsnee ou Sth St, near wood. Also, a frame dwelling,
two stories, wit i an acre of ground enclosed and under
cultivation, situ da on'Ohio lane, iu the city of Alleghe
• Jllß 9 j 1 110 wood street.
iour r <jtnoo.
MA large brieit Dwelling House on the comer of
Federal and Robinson streets in die city of Alle
gheny. at the north cud of Allegheny linage,
ifcblfldlw I _WO 11 ROUIXSON.
The new three story fire proof brick store on
SJjS second st nowjoceupied by isi ward Evans; for
JEAreut from Ist of April next Inquire of
ijanlO 1 24 wood street
T* j To Let.
MThe subeeribers will rent part of the ware
house now occupied by them. Apply to
licil9 i hi water street
• a btndnonn'lv GrttahcU room cn Market ttreet,
•%S? lately oetepirdiM a CnjnJrrrcotyjw crtablithmeut
by Norland 4: Co. Al»o, a well lirilfhed and woll »ur—,
Intihcd room. cuiinMc for «>cirUf*, adjoining lha ball of
W Association. )’
16 Halt, 1 D
occf? Office, market street. her
r , For Kent.
y L nil? iajge and convenient dweUmgbouie on
fig Federal »t. Alleebeny, formerly occupied by Hr*.
Auit Gazanra. Rent fovr. l’cwtesiion civet on the l*t
of April next. K 1) GAJSZASL
Immediate po**e?»ion of the above house can be ob
tallied hr iipplymc to M. Creighton. at ibe ratio! wnr>-
iiOU<e oi Clark & niatv. . drctf
! Porlltnb ’ : 'l (
MA large room on the gd story of the vra>ehott*e_
occupied I>J- the subscriber*, near the foot ©t
Wood street—a good location for a steamboat
ocency or an litibnuice office. '■
For Bent or.Sol**
MA nett two »toried brick dwelling boat* with
•even rxwm* y*nl ! t>lea*«aUy riraaied
m tbe&lh ward; ArplytoMrM U SCAIFE.
fobllSw _ t*t etreel near wood.
M A Frae. two-*iory brick home,on main street,
rS Allegheny city, iicor the upper bridge. ITw lot U
Slfeel in troiitlby lUOdeep. For term* inquire of
dclslf r ;• A WASHINGTON, 4th sL
One new three story Dwelling Housej with
•5a bath Louxi* Attached, situate near tbe corner of
JL£fc\VyUe and Washington street*. Po»*e**iougiv
on bo the firrt cf April uciL
For Bent.
THElanre fire proof wnnbouK, 24 feet front hr
li|g so feel deep, on second »t. uear ivood. Rent mod*
erntc. tuquire of J IiCHOO,NMAKHR 4c Co*
oel6 . - 21 wood »t.
For R«nt>
v_« A Smoke House, situated on riuta alley, for
rent. Inquire of ROHEUT UALZKLL & Co,
street ' dec!3
Vj Tho well furnished store on Market street be
! tei# tween third and fourth streets, .at present oceu
"pied by Harraws and Turner. 'Possession fiver
on the first ot. April next. (nv—l] E ',D GA2ZAM.
' , To Dot.' *“ ;
M. A dry yoodi warehouse, 97 wood street, second'
door above Diamond alley. Inquire of !
de«a_ • ; __ _ D T MORGAN fc Co. i
COAL~RA>'D FOR SALK—Seven acres coal land!
for sale, situate in bend of the Monunpabela River,
iabot® Brownsville! Pa., having a 7 foot rein of eoalj
iwhich will be sold in exchange for rood*. For
lors apply to [o*!s] 8 A W IfAHBAUCII. 33 wood st
< ! ""“BulltUiig iTok i
IN MANCHESTER nJiraAbEf-I have for salo ■
beautiful buiUlirix Lot in Manchester, near the ferry
•SI feet front by Itffi feet deep. It will bd sotd low, an;
on ueeoianwxlaiiuff.terms. Terns unexceptionable.
myl9 ' J AS. BLAKELY, Real Estate AgX
TWO buildins lots iu the sixth ward, each 24 by 133
feet on which there is a never failitur spnite of
water. jiVjg) CEO COCHRAN, j
IJ. A. Fausustocs, ■) AB. Uvu- N. . City
RUFahststuc*, :>PjU*burgh. ] ]
li.W. Fau.vKStoca,) : >
Wholesale Draff Store la the City of
■ Hear York. . / ■ I
TITE undesigned are exteusively engaged m tbh
Wholesale Drug buxine** at No. 40 John street, in
the citjr of NewiYork, and-are preparedio supply Drag
eUta and country Merchant* with Drugs, Faints, Oils,
Dye-stuffs, Foreign and American perfumery, Mender,
Weaver* Mauder* Chemicals, {of their owu import*
lion) nnd all other articles in their line (if business, ot
superior quality ai low as they can be purchased in thi
or any eastern city
New York, FeblO
SODAAfclf-rI’tUCK REDUCED—The. «Bb»ctiben
hare tbif* dity reduced the pricn of their Jjoda Ach
(which i« Warranted by the manufacturer* from e4(o
&percent.)to4lc lur C*»h,or **|e for approved Not«f»
at 4 month*. And for r.tjantitie* ofS totri or upward**
dedoctiou wiU b« made of ic per pomiS crtT the*o pri
feblfi ltio liberty tlroct;
Steamboat for Bale*
rfv w. Oac'iijih, or thrce-*txth* of th<
. fL k'.ermiboftl Itennnniown, (or tele 01
sRsWMtiS accommodating terra* by J
mitSsisizaa \vm it scaife. .
tflbU -Find direct near Worn!.:
' TLEACIUNG I*OWDKR, (Chloride of
J cuka of Kupcrior quality, dirrct from the manti-
Seturer in England, received per sir Saransk,and tor
»ale aithe lowctt market price for cash or nporaved
bilt*. bjr Üb.7l) \V ft M MITCHKLTRKE._ ;
DRUGS! DRUGS—Tnhuatc Iron; Ext Rliataiiy; Pip*
inn*; Strychnine; Phosphate Arrnnoniarl’hospboltj
Sods: itr. Carp. Poiatsa; Tiuinin; Citrate oi'.lnm. a|td
Quinine; Oxide silver; Soluble Tartar; Chloroform; joit
rereived nmi for talefoy It K SELLERS, ■.
teblJ C>7 Wootl atreeti
JAMES S. CRAFT Attorney umt Coumrllor at
ha* removed,to the office* ncxidoor tvr«t of Body
Patterson's Livery Stable. 4ih streer. During his ab
sence upon public duty for the coming month, any ou*i
ne«* for him may, ba let! wiili A. U. M'Callinoiit, K*q.,:as
above. ' fei.l7_dtm.__
RIiMOVAL- i have changed tny place of buntars*
to Front street between Wood ami bmilbfielii, tin*
mediately in tba rear of the baa#o 1 formerly occupied,
wtoj 1 »m prepml »
JUST received a'fresh luppty of 1««U» Robber Good*
5 Wood »c . liebWJ. _ 1* » FinißilFS. |
Ci UNDRl ts£i* UhU Clover*ccd; 2 do
o*l3 casks Scorching*; 17 barrel* do: 15casks Bacon
Wntuile*. and »houlder*i 5 barrels Beanstfor sale, by
fTIS 9 FKIEOVRHBY ft at. ' ■
proper strength for"liau
A ter* and DruKgwu’iuse always on bond and;for
..u ■eeoßunbuating term* by .
.ale on ateoram & M wrrcU ELTREE, !
f B bl« • : - i _ ICO Liberty uraat
LEATHKB— OW> *blea heavy New York Solo Leath
er- nho 1000 aide* beat Baltimore Leather juil're
ccivcd by UMi hOUNQ. ft Co.j
lag ■ I 1 143 liberty *L
S' OTICE~An Election ior .even Director* of the
Brio Canal Company will be held by ihetlOck
lera at their Office in the borough of Ene, on Mon
day the oth day of Marchnext. at 10 o'clock, a. x. I
Canal Office, Erie, Jan-TS, 1148. . .]■«
BELT LEATHRR - The aubicriben have constant
ly on hand article of Leather auitable for meiiltre
belt*, to which the attention of manufacturers U inriiedl
1a29 i• -j WM YOUNG ft Coi *
TirELSH FLANNELS constantly on hand at! drr
y f goods' iiouso, of W R Murphy, N E comer o
4lh and marketing an assortment of above goods
warranted pohto tbring in washing. ■ Janlft '
CvVyn'l JA—fiff boxea mould Cabbies in-state and
j&i hr, : • pcbWJ aft \Y habbauoh. v *
•• • '• !'!. - » -
. ‘I • -V .1 t-J
;; catos ofttsooi
.Eldiuce Brateft f
5 CteittfCwnty*,
# Delaware Cfc
'? WoatgOOCTTOiX'
« Nonhsabeiyuw*
Cnanbis Bn4|« Co.r
Doylewown; Bask* .■ ■
Fiumen’Bk. Beaty
F«aters*Bfc ; Bscfc> C
Fkrmert BkLancaJ*
Lancaster Co. Bt'
Lancaster Hk.'
U.'Stauf Bank**-
Wa*butfftoa Bt
Ssaqaelaum* Ca Dfc-
Lebjfii Co Desk,
LewxstDwii’-"* •••♦
Middletown! I*
Ctriule ** ;
Ereßt-..-- ♦
Farmers’ - and Drover*’
Bank, WayoetbßTf.. *
Hirmiror**?* M
Honeadile*»***»**»*~• **
Lebanon **
Fooirille***-**, *• •••».«*
WyOtnlllfM*. «
Yirk 8k?.*~..y..... *
Weal Branch Bk/« «
Relief Notea “ «
Cirt fcCoontr9erip>—* “
•' I • '.Ohio* . >
Buueßk.aid Branches If]
Stfeol>en»jlle*«»***** • u
BtTciainViUe*>* “
Marietta »••••••••••••• u
New Lisbon «
Cincinnati Banka H
Colnmboa do “•
Ctrelerille*j>*-» • ••• “
ZanerriUo ■••••»•• • **
Woo*ler-v» - M
Maasilton .i............ «
Cleveland**-* 1 " w
Xenia * “
Dayton* “
Wcitern Reaenre “
FYanklin B’k Colombo! "
ChiUieotiw ».-*.*•**••• “
LbkeErie*** “
Belota** ♦ I; ”
Untulef** W
GrWnvilJe**i<** 69
Fnnn*ra Bit Choton* ■ • *9>
Urbane ••••>•• *i** • • W
UIUWI* - ■ P*
I - Kentucky.
Bk of Kentucky* • ••■•• 14
Bk.of Loniariile "
Norbcm Bk. Kenm’ky* “
Mew Yo*ik—Cur llanka
Company «f SertJi laeriea
j i Pmt .ntmiii J»nffary tfl, 1948.
STATEMENT of the A»»eU of “the President
rector* of tbs Insurance Company of North Ameri
ca," published la conformity with the provisians of tbo
Aet of Assembly: !
iil of which are ran Mortgages, and are . .
lon Real Estate in the eiry ana county!#* .
j Philadelphia, 931*00000
I 1 ' LOANS. |
Philadelphia County Six P*r Cent at par, 10,000 00
Philadelphia City do do |. IMOO 00
United Slates Oort do do , I 15,000 CO
Cbesadeaks.A DeLCanal Co.94*oooat 7* . 3140000
Chesapeake l and Delaware Canal Company.
! Randel Debt at par j IS.WOOO
Cincinnati City Bonds at par, I | 10,000 00
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co, 912400 at S 3 0,00000
—Do do: ' do ' dc,\9*oeoeifB
TMottgage,'- : • j : **loo
SchuySin NayiratioaCo, 910,000at50, t *OOO 00
; li> ; & do 98,125 dtwftaf-ios
Boat I .cart, : - I L rt I^s oo
Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore Rail
! R °* dUO ’^ s,fioo I - J..
! 63 shares Germantown and Petaiomen
K Turnpike Road Co, it 950 *l5O 00
! 43 do. SehnyfiriUNaviaationJC* \3O 1,44000
; 144' do Merchant'sandManofae- j
; i tnrer’s Bank, PiUsbV, j5O 7,200 00
! fiO do Philadelphia Banin T - [lOO '• *OOOOO
i 03 do [Pennsylvania Bank, £5O . *OOO 00
j; at do North America Bank, 100 *2OO 00
I 4 do Ins. Co. State of Pennja, 200' 60000
- 100 do Penn’aßailßnadCo,: "j 15 1,500 00
| 373 do Union Canal Company, j 35 • 0,60000
: 35 do Chesapeake and Delaware i
i Canal Company. I jDO 1,050 00
•5 do Philadelphia ana Havre da {
' Grace Steam Tow Boat Co, 50 . 850 00
13000 do North Amehea, j S 60,000 00
Cash, I f 1*879 48
Notes Receivable, ' 33140762]
Polieies Uuiisettied, i 14.089 64 1
Debts Due tho Company, j 19459 011
Fropcrtiss in the Care of Agents, . j *651301
I 071175523
• j - ARTHUR G COFFIN, President.
r. Ilctav D stioiTan, Secretary. J fcbiadtw
THE Insurance Company of North America, through
its daly.lantborized Agent, the subscriber, offers to
make permanent and limited Insnraneejoa property, in
Uhls city and its vicinity, and on shipments by the Ca
nal end Rivera. i
Coffin. Charles Taylor
Stun'l W Jonss, Ambrose White
Edward Smith JacobiM Thomas
Tohn A Rrotrn John R Ned
hn" " ~
Richard D "Wood
WuWeUb ..
Francis Hotkena ;
- -8 Aaiiin AHibone
uCtiT D SnnTtia, Sec'y. • ■
This is the oldest Insurance Company in the United
States, having been chartered in ITSi. Its charter is
perpetual, and from its high standing, long, experience;
ample taeaita. and avoiding all risks -olj an extra hax
anlous character, it may lie considered: as offering am
ple secant/ to the runlic iiOMS AT\\ OOU,
At the Coaming iloom of Atmod, Jouea A Co., Wa
ter and Front streets Pittsburgh. ' febl&tf
John White * >
Tbo'e T Ctop«- -
Bun’l P Smith
Surnel llroola
TOliN FINNEY, Jr, Agent at Pituburgh for the DeL
tl aware Mutual Safety lasarence Company orPhiU
adelphla. Tire RUkaopoa building* and merchandise
of every description, and Marine Bisks upon hulls or
cargoes of Vessels, taken upon the most favorable terms.
try” office in the Warehouse of W B Holmes ft Bro,
No. 37 Witer, near Market street, Pittsburgh.
N B—The success of this Company since the estab
lishment of the Ageney in this city, with tho prompt
ness and liberelity with which every claim upon them
for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agaul in
inviting the coofidence.aiuliiaironagedfblsfriettd.saud
the community at large to the Delaware M S Insurance
: Company, while it has the additional advantages as an
institution among the most flourishing ijt
as having kn smpfe paid-in capital, which by the ope
ration: of its charter Is constantly increasing, as yield
ing to each person Insured his due share of the profits
ofthe' company, without involving him in any respon
sibility whatever; and therefore as possessing the-Mu
tual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and
in Its most attractive fora. • •. ' nov4.:
fTIHE' American Fire Insurance Company-Office,
No. 7*3 Walnut street Philadelphia: Incorporated A
Dl6lo—Charter perpetnaL . .
dnsara Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and prop
erty generally, cither in the eay or country, against
loss or damage by fire, perpetually or for; limited peri
od*, on favorable terms.' • i ' . ■ • ' ->
John Sergeant . ' Samuel C Morton
William Lynch . Adolphus Penes
Homes Allibone George Abbot,
John Welsh, Jr. Patrick Brady, -
l! John.T Lewis. .
■ ;< t SAMUEL C MORTON, President .
FaismDJaxriu, Secretary. ‘ •
Orders for insurance by the above Company will be
received and'insaronces effected by the undersigned,
agent for Pittsburgh. GEXJ | COCHRAN, ■
TOVI7-3m* • ! .26 Wood st
rpHB Franklin Fire Insuranca Company, of Philade)-
J. make Insurance, per manont and limited
on every description of property, in Pittsburgh and the
eurroundiitg country, on favorable terms. This com
nanr has a perpetual charter. ‘ | :
Capital, i . i 8400,000 paid in.
Contingent, Fund j 8300,000 ■"
• office comer of third and Market streets, Pittsh'gh.
4M’cord *• c 0.,;
(Successors to M’Conl & King) . fIHL
Paihieaahle Hattert,^^^
Comer of Woodiaiid\ Fifth Streett.
"DAHTiCULAR atteuiiou paid to : our Retail Trade.
iGentlemen can .rely upon getung their Hals and
Cap! from our establishment of the jot xaraaui* and
wcaixAsamr, of tho lstxst srrus, and at foe xowxsr
fB Cowitty Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully invited to call and examine oar Slock; as
wo icon say with confidence that as regards <wxwtr
and raicx, it wtU not suffer in a comparison wig. any
house in Philadelphia. . r fe P»* _
Bemoval. 1 :
William Douglas, late Jmnis MeKain. He
IS subscriber has removed bis Ha< and Cap Mtnu*
to No. 77 Wood street, nearly opposite hi*
old 1 stand, where he would invite his friends and tht
public generally to an ns*ortment Hats and Caps,
Uhich for beauty and durability cannot be lurnasseA
wiitcn ior oeau j WM DOUGLASS, 77 Wood s!.
Having retired from ihe Hal and Cap Manafaciory,
I most wpecttully Jrecommenff the_ ipaironage of my
M»ids ahd the public generally to my successor, Wa
[f<bl4§3m] '■ JAMES McKAIN. -
subscriber trill introduce .on Saturday, Oct. 9thl
•itfon wishing a hat tried with this desirable arti
cle will please call and examine. . j
“ ALFRED KEEVIL. Practical Hatter,:
oc tfl ; ... I33, ! head of wood it _
.aw Notice,
rj|ed froth New York, the Fall stylo of Hats which
tffthelwill introduce (his day. Saturday, Aug. ISfth.
All inose in want of a neat and superior nat-would do
well to call at No. 73,-Wood Street, 3d door' above 4th.
aogißtf • 1 ' • !'■'••
/ M COSTAR’S StyletleuUemenVUals will be intro.
tfKddced at Exam's on Thursday. August 37th.
Geuuettea wishing a cheap, fashitmaole hat of.Pina?
burgh mauufaeture,'ahead of fashimuible Hals Import
ed and advertised by some of the trade, please call at .
• KEEVIL ft Co.’*, -
ansSStf : lSt head of wood at •
EM iitot received from New York,, the Summer
o*%£)tyle forhais, cemsisung of White Beaver ( pearl
and While French Couitnere- Hath, with Ventilators.
Those b-want of a beautiful, light list are respectfully
iiivited tQ call. . < vg. MOOBR
•itnsyfß* 75 wood st,3doors above4th
i FUcs of tiOflalatlTa BUIa.-
rnHE Board of Trade is-indebtidtothekindneseof
I George Dartie, Esq-, for Met of the Bill* acted up
on, as well aa those before tba Senate hud Uotisa of
Representatives of this State. Members of.tba insula
tion can have access to them at the Reading'Rooms.
feM6 JOHN! HARPER. See'y.
mOBACCO-Io ttor* and toaraTe.oaeontifnmeat.
I 440 f udfebaiet John Hacker *up 6b; ft) ( boxea
UenrT and Jaaea.fißi6o|boiea-JohnßJcLewu6«;lK)
6 boxat Minton tyU boietJ ÜBtanard 6b; SO | bn
BBS Warwick B* 33 i boxes John Rucker Hpr 1»;
•- i4i‘R*yr > a«d6Bt>cntwm < *.
[ O llbll :* - .J C MDWDU. «t.
I i .
month*. After (rare -
Sootland, Germany ertd France, *
iillllil|'ll|lWiMWli|tiiiTrlireliiin> mil rrrrmnmf t
mrilliiinej. imiHril trntmrnt end adnce, ibiw.-tm •
uni AanU4'Mtßaad-vlib hie con 10 thiscconay
NorcmbOf lMt»witho« reccmng any benett wham - .=
Ur. TOBfeOft fleeOuV Letter to Dr*. Ivan* mad Rut.' /
I hareipent orer three ihoousi dollar* for medi- . ;
eine anliMdteaiattendance. : I *as advised to taka • : ■>•
war to Eanpa^rtthhiiß,'which r did. I im 'suated '
England^ tbemost eminent phyridans"
then inteqpect to hia ease; they examined Uo and j
prescribed accordingly.’ > I remained. three , month* ’ . .
without pCTCTiTio* tnr «»*
cost mawbeot two bondred and fifty dollars pocketed - -
by the physicians, and the most that ! received was -
their opinion that my son* eas® was bopeteas and poai
tirely incurable. 1 accordingly left Rsataad, and irmr- •> .
elled ihnJMb Seotfnad.-OennanyandFranee,
tnraed home in the month of November last with my
•on a* fay front being eared as when I le/t I nyjm .
advertisement of the New york papery and .
concluded to try HarfsYegetableEnraet, seeing yoar • •
staJemeotsnnd certificates of so many cores, some of v --
twemy aad thirty yean* standing, and I can assure yea .
I am not eony I did so, u by the use of lian a Ycfeta
bla Extract alone, be waa restored to peneet health:
His reason, which was •ofarganeastomtfithlmftT' '--
entirely restored, with the prospect botr;
befcroWo, of life, health and ose&lness. He is now
S 3 Tcan -of are, and 27yenn and 8 months of this
time hat fwen afflicted with this raort dreadful of-dis
eases,- but thank God he U now enjoying good health.
Now, gentlemen, faith witbont works I don’t belter*..
in. To ny that I ehal! be ever grateful to yon is one
thin*, and as I here endow yon one hundred doQare, I '
have no doubt bet that yon wilhthink Ibis is another •*;
and qulty-a different thing.* The debt of grantndel
stai*we'.yoa,botplea*eto aeeept the present amount;;.'
u Interest on the dejrt in advance: . ~ '
- Yoon rery respecifnlly,'
r (Signed.) . WUXUUSECOBE.
Bk.ofCapeFear* U
jMerek’iilkAlfcwbem*, 1
State Bank***.*—***** l
I Sntth fJtrtllM*,,
Cuadea Bk ■••• • Jj
Bk. of Cfc*rle«oa •• • •• >1
:Couimcreialßk if
B*. of Goortetova If
Bk-ofliambaif*— •• H
Merchants Bk * *1
Planter* HMeehrtßk* If
Bk. of Sooth CjjoHb** * U
Baltuaoft Bk*. vP*r
Balua'e tOßßBertp>*lo
CBaberUadßk.ofAilo? *
chanr *■• *•
Par. Bk. of Maryland* • “ .
Fanner*' & .Mechanics u
Bk. Frederick *.
FredertekCo.Bk.» *•
(Hagerstown Bk u
iMxaeralßk* - M
WaiSnnitaaßk******** u
Bk.ofWe*tmijuter**-* *•
- Michigan*
Dk.ofSi Clair ——
Bk. of River Raisen- ••
Michigan In*. Co 9
Fir.kNeeh'ißli f
Wisconsin Tcrrlt*7<
Uar.kFlreln.Co.Milw’e 9
AUsolventßank* 9
Bank of England Notes ■
~~U nr I tv.
Bold* Spselo.Valne*
Napoleons * 3 60
Docau --9 190 * SO
Bagle, old*!*** low
Bagle,newt»*« • 10 00
Oottblooiis, Spanish. 10 00
Do.P*tTiat’i*"”o> 19 00
Sovereigns r**«. •• 483
(iaineas>’*< 900
• ■ ■ ‘ iu xnr* Atrwutw •
Oiis oi thaproprietors of thisinvaluable medicfnx :• '
was afflicted Jar several year* .with Epileptic Pita.
He disease had produced the wont effect boon hid' ‘'•
system, ifcxXosaofmemon'iiuiberilitybftaiz&anda' •'
perfect prostration of the nervous system. 11a had
tned the abU of the best physicians for sem yeara, - *
and grew worse under their treatment, and he. anew' 1
that this medicine was his on lf bope lbr health and
lifej aad yras therefore detemfaed to give it a lair trial, '
and to penerere ia luuse, whichhe aid. and the resell ' •
was a perfect restoration to health, whteh waa»eoa&>.
aed'anintsrnxpted for nearly sixteen years. •. .•. > . ■
• We would refer to the following persons who hav* . .
been e&Yed by using Han* Vegetable Extract: •
Col E Dcnslow's daaghter was aflhcird mae ynza* ■ •
resides si Yonkers, New York. . -i
IV Baawt. nine years, 171 Grand «L
: J Blsworth, seven years, 19 Dovdr st .
, Joseph BTOoenl, nine yean, East Brooklyn, I* I { ■
• 11W Smith, New York Cutoallotdn. t.
_■ 8 Kelly, twenty yean, States Island.- w
• hllssß W’Keefi twenty years, YorkviHa. . t > .
' Miss E Crane, twelve years, tU Ilaanenly at.
i WaHPsneU I twetay4kreayean,73Ner»lk«t,
■ Jacob <Petty, Ibex y****, 1M Delaney at. *• ••
> Philo Johnson, twenty- eight yean, Greenes stlcyftL •
: JudgeßsnrtaH, 94 East Broadway, New York.,
; Thomas R Jones, of the U 8 Nary.
■■■ Capt Wo Jennings, Bum it Bridgeport, Gt .
Reference also-made to
■DrIV L Monroe, OnUCtri, 0. i !.*\-' .?.■
BerßtehardTmelt, West Davemort fii T«
Ret-T L Bushnell, Baltimore, Md: > ’
Mr Joseph Bradleyjltf Orchard at N Yf
: CHDoqghtan,9D2EightßeaihstNY..-
Mn James Bertholf, Chester, Orann Mi N Y<
John Fiber, 178 Elizabeth at,do -
DARiehtna, 918 Delaney it, •. do-
JameaSmith, 190Ssdblksi, ■ < ’ . da
Charles Brows, 100 Water at,* . do
; All of which may bo called open, or addremod, pool
paid •; .1'; i■ .■
Preqnred by Dr & Hsxr, (lain Inna. 4 HaitJ
■N»w York. ■ <
Fiederieksdlon-v**? 7 00
TenThalera* 7 90
Ten Gulden ••*• • 390
LooinPon* •••• 490
- Bzehanga*
New York •>•••* Ipna
Philadelphia i pna
Baluawra i pna
i, par. Inter®*' ffks****
G P THOMAS fc Co, 148 Main it between 3d and.
,4th lB9 Main at, betweeb 4th andBthstreets,.
CSadnniui,' Ohio, wholesale end retail agents fin tho
oonth and west • i
:»• L "WILCOX,. Jr- comer of Market st and the Dia
mond, eofr Q P»-' . • jaSadawly,
No. 85, DIAMOND AlT*
Mnr, « lew dgon btIDV
ta Wood street, towards lb*
■ m UEU BBOWS, brv»' J '
. to* the melical profession, •
> - and been for some’timo la '•
-general practice, uow coa»
fines his attention, to tho
Treatment -of tboseipsrato.
WHW«Biߣolt\ and deli cm to complaint! for .
which his aad -
WI experience peculiarly goal*
■ him. can tua .
stody iknd treatment (daring whlefe "L
time he bu had more piacttee and has cored more pa»:
tients than can ever fall to the lot of- any private prac
titioner) amply qualifies him to, offer, assurance* off -
speedy, permanent, and satisfactory care ta*4 afflicted -. '
with delicate diseases, and all diaewsrs arising .there.. ,
from.-.! ■ ll ‘''r'
Dr. Rrown would inform thoee offlietedwiti-yiriyaJ*- .
diseases, which have become chronic by time or ag- .
rravmfed by the oso of any of the ebmstoa nostro ms of _
the day, that their eomplauns radically
ogghlycttredj he haying'gtven his carcfitl attention to * ■
tbo treatment of soch cases, aud succeeded in hundreds
of intthnccs ia coring persons of iafiammaiiOTi hf the
neek of the bladder, and kindred diseases wbicft 1 often
-rcsnll fromthosa 'caies where others hay* conajgiud.
them. w> hopeless despair. .He particolady ißntea aacn
as hast) been long and ansnecessfolly treated by others .
to cons ait him, when'e'rery satisfaction trill beriven
them, aad their eases treated in a careful, thoroogaaad ..
-ioteUigent manner,'pouted ont by a long experience, ■
stsdy,-xndinyestigaUAn,whiehituiinpoastblelaruto)M ■
engaged iin ceneral pfoctica of tnedTcine to give any
one riass of disease. ! . .
”K7--Hernia or Ituctnre.—Dr. Brown al» invites per
sons riEictol with Hernia to call, as he has paid partic
ular attention to this disease. , /
• Skid diseases; also Piles, Palsy, etc, ipeedily'cored.
Charges very low. • - • \-
N. IL—-Patienu of either sex-Urine si a disunee, by
stating iheir disease in writing,' giving, ail the symp- -
toms,iean obtain medicines with directions for me, by
addressing T. ‘IIBOWN, M. IX, post paid, and cncUw
L °f>ffiCe No. C 5, Diamond, alley, opposite the V\ avetly ■
Honss. ■ ■
| n?7No core no pay.- i ■ : ■ deel9.
'wortCooghCandyi* offered to the : -pnblm a* a
pleasant mod effective remedy foj coughs,'colds, homo*
ness,- 1 Asthma, Phthisic, Whooping
Croup, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and general affection* .
of the Chest and Urns*. In such ease* it is known to •
havq.^afforded' deckled and permanent relief and 6ms*’ -
iu rapid sale and great success esa remedy (ortha .7.
abovpdlseesei where it has been used, .it promise* to
become one. of the most useful and popular-medicine a.
It Is offered sbo, as a pleasant relief to the coestnnpuro,
and an asttstant to vocalists and public speakers geo*
' The name of the preparation indicates Its leading ia* .
gredipnt, and it will bo fonnd :to be by ao means no*
pleasant to the taste, and may be used by children and
adults with entire impunity. .The materials used in tha
preparation are of the best quality; arid »t may be re».
lied pn as in every respect a pure and genuine trade.
Families would no . doubt profane their comfort and •'
. health- by keeping a supply, especially iff the tenon of .
Colds. ' • - ■" ••
• This valuable Cough'COndy is considered a grtaua
sistant to Mothers; being saperiorto all the patent Ba»
by Jumpers in creation, as children wren ueeer known
to cry when this candy is used, except for more. lAtri .
al of this article will convince any persou of its «wca
cy. and the proprietors therefore delyany person mine
United States 10 produce a cheaper, mb re pleasant, or
Sold wholesale and retail, by she General Agent,
~X - * ' H BMYSEB, Drnmst,. ,
‘ corner3dand market sts, Pittsburgh.
‘ Howe A Co, Proprietors, No 1 College Hall Cincin
nati; Ohio. luaa
.~"s leratehl BerateMl . ■ •
• for a single day scratch, when afflicted wua lb*
Tetter, Itch, or other disease* of the skin, if they knew
whs would relieve and cure them. •
»Bs horrible to be obliged to tnb and scratch when .
. alone, but mors horrible to abstain 6oa it, {(hr deepney
sakeli when in company. : Let it be. remembered,that
pr -yyrmv>a TEtTER and ITCH OINTMEHT 1* tha
most effieaeioos of any other preparation in. axUtenea
in'faring the Tetter, Itch, and other diseases of theikia. . ;
As'ail diseases of the skin most arise from th* impurity,
of the blood and fluids of the body, and.wherecgefcdi** .-.-A 1
ease be of longstanding, and the cotatitutidn aflfected
thereby, if DtvLeidv’s Sarsaparilla Blood Pills be need.. .
witn the chitment, they will cure any case whatever, •
and if they do not, the mosey will be returned by Sr. > ..
Lejdy. Most cases, however, will be effectually-cured
by l)r. Leidy’s Teuer: andlteh olutxnent, unless tha * '.
whole system is impregnated bj -tbo diseased httmom
’Whieh will beeompletely earned off fromthe system by ”
'prLcidy’s b!oodpnU,and.thassrfaceoilheskinhea>. .-
ed by the ointment.- Price of ointment 25 cenl*.
A fresh snpply of these valuable, medidhe* Jatt m*'
ceivedandiorsale by. V >■ .
. ttbi- • eort Ist A wood, also cor.6th A-wood sta. -
BA. FAHNESTOCK’S Pwomoaio. or Cooghtial .
• Sam, has a great advantage Over.' many other
Cough preparations, as its pleasant taste to '
beiused without inconvenience. Butili value as a,\
Balsam consists in the neediness of it* enre. We have
known some of the most-desperate, cough Astana ot
which had been running ou for a considerable , length.
of time, yield almost immediately to its power. ' •
Id auea weather :as we. have had oaring the pest
winter, everytone is liable to take- cold, .auTcss .great
precautions are used. '. .-.1'..
Wet feet'and onduo exposure to the inclement of _.■■■■
tbd weather oilen lays the touridaiion ol a hacking
cough, whieh needt a quick remedy to prevent aenoai
results; -7 - 1... j,, ■.A ■ ....■•■■
• We have numerous certificates.of care# which it
ha's performed,- many or which-sre > uum'peraoe* la
this city and the neighborhood; sod they ardnssSckat -
reference without saying another word in Its.favOr. • . v
Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail-by BA. '
PAHNESTOCK A"Co, comer of wood.and Ist and
wood and ffth sts. j - - " ■■ ■ -. . -.jifaT
“3 pjfTMeliW'te TennesMe*
nhms is to terrify «i»»t j purchased one vial of Sr, .
I MeLane's Worm. Specific, socuj two inofiths ago l
at)d gave to a son of mine: some seven years old, two ,
teaspoons full, and although the. amount may appear -
iargv,yell have no doubt but there'vnt* upward* of'
rwo rnocaano woaxs passed from him. measuring
from ou quarter of an inch to two inches lom. •
' 'Roue’s Creek,' Carrol co. Twnu, Dac g, ]a9< ■
tiY poca Haiti rmar uu> irotn • ••'S v
Jl trial,w* Bttk<«taUaic)y twoßoeMf itiD«*wkilftpr«fc»‘‘' :
«UUm b«i article, forth*
rjatontiaa nxlprgitmlkiacf tha bran lw; ffi \aam'
of aumcroe* mfiaaeea where fcairhe* tea* r»»lsei*»aißs*l .
whiabbsnbeaWJfaryaiß;eadw»4Uakw«anetda • •
flatter foror Uua to rrrmsnwnil teißw nalirr Trfcrr if ■
Tiwinr thilr hilt *it molri lltt| Tlf Itin TmihitsuliafslT ~' .. '
Bootes JfaflL'' —!- ■ • ’••I-' V «■*';: i’f /i-'-W "•>
•'•For ads is Pittitarfh .T«A {Rati.lfa.7i■■. •
Fnarth«tr«t,war Waad . V..v.wfll>T<
' J. by Joel Mofcler,Dronlsi,cor. Wood awl fife
v- Jules liauls Nymph soap: -• .
1 • u " u Amamln for Chapped Htadsj :i.
Roussel's.'. -do •.■■>.■■ ■. :4>/f • ■.doir- • .- • .1
' - SoperfinaSharinsCream,rowltluotoßQ
. ■ “ ■ Ox Marruvr Porastitiy
' Cold Cream; ii .1
11 . " Rote Tooth Paste, . ... .
Cohww Water, fine««aelfot»»mb*:
t.rctutf it. ■ ftM °-
ABD T OIU-H2ht bbh refiaed ; :
rrxriNtm'SPEEM OU>-W*rmflted par*. Wist*
t ;