The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 22, 1848, Image 2

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    /*•£* 7
/- raaniv MOB\~iSG.-FEB. : :-M.jl
* • y***^ 1 * 1 ;»' -,-;'.. \T ,; '. .
'S' /*wa«y*rAgg/« ■ 'omitted t&i« toofaing j will »f>.
, A<Mt» fn miV/*^'," v ..
'''' ; XJbKtkL 7 OMT*t|itadfco^‘oTtiMiFtefchxrch ‘Gajene, i
W4K BILL,, ,«*OA3*. ,
V- i :'--'' i ‘.j?v.»,*i.r ir “■ '., ' ‘
f: Z '» • r ',',Wa»hingt9ti v F«b?l'9;iSiS.'' '
.'■ .< )Cr. Baldwin; at i» d vbry able and
tcli ain^latrodnocfl 1 aevefil '’Rraoiulioai 'to 1 the
S Qjfclilliiitfnrtiitf T Thojrmrerto*! toe President
IteTOiJtediStafeslma •eppwar to expandacih,
•f a) ■UnnfimilTtf Tiinimjnf liin .United States, •
4*r<T .Mexico,
'r.'t^sraraiflegal,■ and toat'theseebl
., madeby oor.officers ougbtto he op
, tijaßwl Jo thejeijrinent of tlto Cleans' of citiiens of
ri|v»< flovemtaedl Qf-Mcxioo.
ll* tmtycflB39 between toe United Slates aud
SfV internal,taxes fi* .the, pay*
fn ftpfettigeaa.tod.Mr Baldwin
,V-i* l f»g|>eiient''>aj easymetbuj Of
vr-,'.- war espenduorei, itu provided
be required to give to; Coik
ypttt’detailed account of his 'expeodsares,-. but
‘ V jttf’aa lathis feaH f h«d ; cbvtonsly. just a» are the
"' ; mtenaad^-fir Ido nautuok the majority
p*y «By .awrt baed to them Uun to the. com
••»•■ agaJaat the groaaest outrage 6flhe 6overumeDl
'■'- 7 ■ ’ |fte yp * Mn|WT »ttj. : called forth e very ex*
V ; eelleot sp»achffora Mr/Greene, of Rhode Island,
-’' |o(af tot&rVifi&ttAA witlt aolhflrity/that most
. '. csrrfc<»&kian toevetymiad, iWthe character
- ‘ ofthe Whas«haiis^*iaoe'' | ii»commeaceraora,
:: 'l ' tHr'bOuqahaL wxatosarowed, aT first- andwas.
itonl+ow.; AUuerwaiqaotediroinMr. Bag*
■ bf advocating outright ihe [annexation 'of too
•irbolecf Mexico.' ** Waiajgued'that this question
<t >: ef'itfm'&qtaktion of tile whole of Mexico'woold :
' . «islhto i tSa next Presidential question. General
'* tnTkminaovHaa eras abo read
nmrJi the Senate,
pnrtienlariy the reflections upon aome
■■-.■ «f Ihfl Mople of,tbe country. Benloa prick
: 1 Bp Ids etrs at thi■ exhibition of Mr* Houston
... • ,jp.t to an! errlnmatlOlL Mr. Cah
- ' . even opoo the cooate*
' depicted. The lesson
' Kpitrof-tMir rt ■ (there were
not them)seemed, glad to shine, in this
the proper time
: ooasntb demon*!ration in ikvbr of “land*
' satellites' around their
feared the : corueqoences
' bf and partlbulirfy the Slavery issuu
• - iipbn’ii, h* feared also the ' admi*-
\\ UcNHflto bur' tmdsr of.iuoh a motley and unconge*
■^ialpropkaattoaeWnrin Mexico. - negroes,4u
amof-andTjatftateds,,Arsons who are wholly un
. , '■ftfnifeetbe.myoy o ® l * of.our institnticma nnd ur**
■ xaisodto.thftooqntry... . •
• This fitll was laid 1 aside fur the day, ahd'a Reso
lotion inOred by Mr. of 3.V Ca to ifiquire
• ioto theccmjrtructiongiveii by ibe P(»l-Ma»terGt*n.
■'j WaitotheTcerbmcx ijiws. ' Several
;■■. -an undisguised,-contempt of
tbfi FbstMaster Getrnh Mr. Badger aaid that'
had. been exacted eves where the dircc
' tion wan in to band-writing of the trank and both
tad fiank written liy the same person.*—
TbePomMaster had inidertaken to-judge of the
• ; * 'etotofiphfef,Senators: -Mr.'Underwood,ofKy,
'•aid that~wbea a number of the Honse, his frank
“ ' had hten from his speeches and his constil
postaxe at $1,25 to canh
' 'apamat,; Since hehad been elected to the Senatej
' the sum Jfberjfr hnd htejj token with bU frink.—
•: >v Ur.Calhonaapokeof the conduct as
an jafingemcot npob toe rights of toe Senate, and
‘ iuUinfflbrto m»*
MrtsMsSr'thb' Sinatora. - Mr. Casa also
apok* of tho casuniptioa 6f power in a marked anil
' -»"•"]*»», -(wd Session mtrd ex*
, bf tad abuse’on toe part oftoeFp*VMarf«
"ViaMfsl. nr* Mr. Niles, toe Caairmaa of
-'••• »'<!»*Jb*Qsp«' Coamittee^.-.and Ex*Po«lrMastm
r j,. y . ... -
Tfciajeneril rebuke may occ&sioa & little more
eirenmiqiectbadntoepajtofCaveJohnson. Itb
' •Wnge" : inieed Senators and ; member* of
r the Hd» liwa6loii borne this Redact with
• prin,ffi. ijQ&er a-preriods law- there was
- I ■flbilltfcoir-of aolboritriwtap*toll>i*l N T« , « »»•
/ iskw'. fait under tie present law -V o** 0 **
_t in the maudr.
BotMV .vaa Mgagei most of day in l*w
r ~ ' c * °f ihe ieirioi
* Jo&nPaol Jomuy With some nmendmeott not af*
. .f^^tKa^rfpbandpbtdiminis^aglbeapouat
i rflhettijß CtoailtoibiU waa pawed, moetjr-niee
|aNTl^<i Z i "■
• reporteddario|r P 3 *'*
; • fan SaAgf the * war wiih Mcrica—
,- Supioiisf alternate section* of land ,to Georgia,;
V f AJabamaand Fkjrida Railroad Improvements*
* ; «td Sot the payment of [the expense* of Volunteers
«>Uid and.oot received into pablio serrice. A
f ' > refunding to the Stales Uie
'fcxsessjrisCVTed on account of the war. These
Oi the jrialjoceaft oferpcaditure in-
faring to the notice oftho Iron
'-*i»n 7 ofWesteml Pennsylvania the assault of the
• ~ rfap'r ««tafeitt, hot the remarks 1 send
' 'r - jaa, (MfcjEkewari upoo’ep amendmet to the loan
. j ..• - •
B»«ttve niteiipba ihe Loan BitZ yesterday,
aooe remark. 1 ;Tbe-&tmeen" were
■;>' >' nadfiopaytbeerpen^iacurred on soswat.of
/ CM w 5 »d mnyjteccaiarf s'om which would bring
51 the wu oV<dnee L tat thee were not ready to nir
* T* nof to
,l ’*aactioaany«t®of war : measures
•yl .haVB already
: afreet ux'lbrtbeiupport of
. y ‘ ■ measure!td.wbleh the country mu*
- 5 ,
:'' : ’;’lfc. ( Mc&iy,'witlitiiore:boa«ge than'the reft of
* has opbraided
: | 'not rUjjsgio impose. a tea.endeoflee
£ ; Tbe war kn
""~< e jiddto Ida party ye* t ««i»F* ' cplloa ou r 6bun *.
; of .the heart thpmouth spake. teas begun by
- i**tbgbto*ddtk* to kavethe courage
• o/;impoting the taxtt nr
■ i* carry it mu.
■ u A mamber aatißg prompter to'Mr. McKay,
V,J v Sd f < * , yoo mean' began; by. Mexico." And with a
. leer an ecbowasgiven to the words “o/
Imean!Mexico.” AAer.thi#,bow
* ■' mm !aroyred. very unequivoeaUy.
f :reaponsibU (■>* tlie
, w«V nd mi laiimWion; ru. pretty ftzongly gireni
v - MftM'tt dcnlmion lo rote taxes with supplies was a
iiiiytlgyerailOn'of this responsibility. : .«•«•
,/Tf -I;
; ■ ~V - 'WjJMIJKmxx, Feb.IB,ISIS.
letter. Iberacolt pflbo
»4 Bill,’which will bore*
‘ J - ■' yrtri ifr*^*7. - The • ccnB ia ,be
HaMfrw*e OMof freitt bairaaUon, aod- attended
' ' > wtki»* i «ieattO«ot'lbaa I baveaeeo iiineetbe
' *’ lhe rale * of tllo
i- | r i>fl«rinp«jneadmeate arealbved
'■ in Committee pf the
! -fj » ! ., Wbcbj- sad tbeao five ,cup n tc. gpprcbeafoP* ,io
I ' •, -.HpM*iu*cpotidaftlaj>roar oflaughter, Tiemo.
■ heroM.tipM'.atvajfedoee., °°*
%|<n*e tpiiu.^igbt,tt,*eenui'U> Ufce
►’•^uaowthaniwinfato epepd Ur. hlcKay,
■ <, who Ift ft rwjresraeat iad
\’• 'tfrock' '4awk twice"’ bf the-inercileie hajntoer.f
-; > «#»ak*;w»» hit ’expiring • word oioae, end a dpi*
j^i* 7 -<*bH'entphaiifr dt ofo* il»e Mooed ttroket Ur
• if. ' -. liie.Uaiondnd
: matt «o(esm hmafnes
S[l •■/.',• W' l . ; j . jjU" appeal rf '—T“t add debui add mattery of the
gjgkM4ißFai;:.. It waa amuaing, all lha,and - the
top* *he **«“* botaorb? the*©
’■'!• :<lhn« waa Mother ferae;loo, ia lie Senate ye*
"in : ’wUeb of eocne Mr. -Foote' acted hta
',.••> y; -ypfec. cfFtoida, bad fires the third
•. ■•’i A -. wpott-tte ciieoaiga of
\ ‘ - ♦rffcn.' tla rfghrofthe Boatfrto plant the'la;
I „ 4 W': cameraVbcrcWr "tl» ’booidi ; of,the 1
,'V'. *>•!>»i«4. TOaa ? ato 'f** l
ot Oft* [ with|poit fiercest**/
hl*.'>?Saaih<an |i bnafer’^’gpe^,
-;**Mfery plafcW* bo did tux
.Be,w*s_agfoatf every; aentimeutof the'
Sotn'Flarida, thought hehadbeard only**
iWrofin. speech. It vu ia the Sir Oracle vein,
and particularly offensive to
mm. : Tfiere
“t& Jbad'togU in rfao galleries, -at thiscxhibityn.
ol|%aaio^; ’ ; Mr. 'Foote-'intent foil
*lfo«**pg that Northern Democrat* friendly to the
sstdh, (“Northern njen;with Southern principles,”)
#nou(d he cherished,, and not opposed and denoun'”
.cdd, and redected upon in the oiitnigecrai manner
of the Senator from Florida. '
r i Mr. Yulee, *Q this time, wu “pent up” and full
to bursting. But thd “grave, and reverend Seign*
tors" of tbff Senate ■were resolved that these ,Hot
spnrs should be stopped where they were,and,M«'
’Yulee was not allowed to reply to the Miasisaippian,
who seemed redly to think it wis not himself but
Me, Yulee who was the “Sir Oracle" of the body.
The Resolutions of Mr. Yulee.were consigned
to the table, and will probably sleep there for the
balance of the aesaion.
; Tlie speech upon the Army Bill in the Senate to
day, was from Mr. 'Rusk, of Texas, a divided
: member, and who,! though 'a decided partisan,
scorns to .impute, treason to those who oppose the
war.- He gavea narrative of the.event* growing
out of the ;T&as Resolution, defended the right* of
Text*,' apd spoke of absorption a* being a less evil
than continnedmilhary ascendancy in Mexico, or,
what was worse, foreign interference. While dif
feting from the .Whig Senators, be gave them credit
for being aspalriotic'and as'just as -himself, and
while be did not concur with, be respected tbeir
opinion*, and the'roteDigence and honesty by wliich
they were sustained.
- 'Sir. Cult dined with Mr. Pout on Wednesday,
and this has been the text of a' thousand speeches
fcodaHy to-day .and yesterday. A Pittsburgh gen*
tleman, who was present, tells me he was the vefy
life and spirit of ihp party. b.
Air. Clay has declined.the handsome invitation
tendered him by the Whigs of Pittsburgh and Al
legheny county, to partake of a public dinner. Mr.
C. Informed me that he would be in Pittsburgh
about the middle of March, perhaps a few days
.earlier, and that he would remain there long enough,
to receive the congratulations of his friends, and
all who may honor him with a call.
/ The invitation to Mr. Clay to accept of a public
dinner from the. Whigs of the District, has also
been declined,—end also some other invitations
from more remote sections of the country. Mr. C
is atuiens to return to Ashland os soon as practi
cal, and will be there .before the. llrst of April. At
one of the large and pleasant parties of the city
last evening,! observed, among others of note,
John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Judge McLean,
Thomas Corwin, and netirly'all the Whig members
ol the two Houses of Congress. Mr. Adams, though
nearly 61 years old, and physically debilitated,
seemed as full of wisdom as of years. Mr. Clay
was the life of the company, and the meeting one
which may not be enjoyed morelhan once .in a life
Mr. Webster who has been some days ill, raad<
bis appearance ini the Senate yesterday, c. n.
Commercial Attiftra la England.
Lopdon, Jan. 23. ISI7.
* * * The various leading markets ha
been exceedingly, dull, and the complaint is gener
al that prices rule very I6w, and there is no dc
mand for goods or produce.: The operatives, and
work-people generally, are in a sad condition in all
the midland counties, and the rcccoVcold weather
—unusually cold for England—has only increased
their sufferings. -
A letter from Stockport, the Cohdcn headquar
ters, stales that reduction of wage*, which is now
going on os the result of Gobdeo’s Free-Trade sys
tem, bos at length reached that town, and the op
eratives are continually recurring to the promise*
made by Mr. Cobden, and by which he g&ined
their support “Hie bubble,” they say, is now ex
ploded, and instead of cheap bread, high wages
and plenty of employment, they are to have “siar
valion, low wagcsAad oppressive treatment” The
masters of every mill have potted at their doors a
placard addressed to their operatives, stating to the
effect, that they have'been; compelled to reduce
the wages of hands 10 per cent,' in consequence of
the depressed stale of trade, and the great losses
they have suffered and are still suffering.
From Manchester and the neighboring towns
no improvement in trade is reported. The average
-tenor of all the reports is, that a continued dullness
pervaded every market. To meet the unfavorable
slate.of trade return to short time aod a reduction
of wages are both being, .put in general practice.
The operatives make loud complaints, bold meet
ings and express dissatisfaction in memorials to the
masters. -But do tittle good. :
"' From Binningbatp'tb© accounts are of the same
gloomy ,fcbaracter. <*This last report sayc “The
general condition of.lrpdo in this town continues
gloomy and unsatisfactory; orders are scant in al
most every branch, and in manyof the manufeeto
ries the men are kept in tbeir employment from a
good feeling on the part of the masters that better
times are not distant*
Tlie Coal and Iron makers have ipade a reduc
tion in the wage* of the operatives, which has giv
en great dissatisfaction and - led to Urge meetings
consisting of from five to six thousand person*. In
several instances Ujjfc. workmen have struck far
higher wages; colliers ' have gone Jo the pits and
compelled the men to quit work; -disorder has en
sued; a troop of Dragoons is 'bUksled iu the neigh
borhood. It is staled that in it -short time there
will be acarcelv a pit or ftirosnee at work through
out the mineral 6dds> of South Staffordshire.
1 The Bank of England, at its last meeting, held
yesterday* reduced the rale of interest from 5 id 4
per cent but Jhis alteration had only a very trifling
effect la theabbey mxa\ttr~Cormf9ndenceof the
Ciuir Mnmsa is Ktv York.— The meeting
beldat Castle Garden on the evening of Thursday
is by the onanimoas consent of ibe press, allowed
to be as large, if not the largest demonstration
ever made for any statesman. The Globe, the
most violent opposition paper, says:— •
One of the largest and most enthusiactie assem
blages which the Whigs ever raised in this city, met
last evening at Castle Garden, fir the purpose of
expressing an opinion in relation to the nomination
of Henry Clay for the' Presidency. The whole
area of the garden and galleries also were densely
cratredf and it did seem that if New York Whigs
bare preference for nttyone man, that one must l>c
Hssxr Cljcr.” ' ’
The Tribune sayt—The mightiest. assemblage
of American Freemen ever. convened under one
roof oh this Continent gathered last evening at
Castle Garden to renew their attestations of love
for,and confidence in Henry Clay, and to give cm
phsria to their ardent desire that be should be the
Whig candidate for next President'
The Commercial Advertiser sayr.—This was in
deed a great meeting, both as to numbers and en
thusiasm. We obtained a ’ favorable position for
noring the entire area of the Saloon, and are not un
used to estimate the numerical strength of such as
semblies, and We believe we ore not at till out <>f
the bounds if we say that the number al : any one
tjmw was not less than ten thousand. The unan
imity-was perfect- Not a dissentient voice was'
beard, not a token of dissent*given in that vast a*
Hosoß IP tux Bw,vx.—Such is thej title of the
call to which was appended the names ol 2300
good men and true, who arc in fovor of elevating
Gen. \Scott to the Presidency, and who meet to.
night in' council, to embody this expression of opin
ion. The friends ofGen. ScoU, are amongtbe most
zealoas of the whip of AUegbeny.Co., and the pro
oeedingt of tonight will show him most clearly
that in one of the soundest whig counties in the
Uoion, be has been placed ;as prominently before
the people as any candidate, no matter what his
/-lafrrjn jo the support of tbe 'whip to this high of
fiee. The name of Gen. ScoU is not a new one to
mention in connection with the Presidency, 110
bos ever been known os whig to the core, and in
the present campaign ooroeS'bvfore the people with
a new claim, that of service in the field without a
parallel for ability or amount ;-The injustice of
Mr. Polk hoi also much sympa
thy on the part of tbe people that canned be restrain
ed. Tbe whig primary meetings at-the’ea* Show
all the old vigor and determination, and bHtigfat’s
work fiu) to demonstrate that the zeal of the
whip here, equals that of their brethren wltere the
Are bums the brightest .
Ji I'lttx Moot Htnmco.—An article ia going
the rounds of the papera, farted b y, «eme paper
money adrocale, that» fcrgwyi be* been eotopil-
Icl upon the Gold Coin of the t,'njlcd State*, and
thaiitia impo»*ihla to detect, etcept by cutting it
epeit. The coin ie laid tobcallver coated with
Jj J We ore aitnnUiird that any one should fur
a moment be decetyedhy *ochta®**** »
tLeea» eat thin* in (be vorid to detect fraud jn
Sa* or gold, fcf; webavo ouiy to
iK*’»nec»£c gravity oftoo corn by weighing it
l_ o/wcixfat U water, when lb© pretence
Z3*U%«S«i- .PanThanuneted
grartty of)^. -udkarmoejed
•drer has a rpecibo gravity pflta*.- •H M * ae,e
copper lute a ipedfis fT**«7 ; t ! -
W« fiad tba above In a 1000 fcoo .phper from
Obkx Joat a tinner oflfr ,b« return from i
Wet; weighing a pM piece' with hiaetedyarde,
Mia water, 'and tbit a iir.aJf, carefully noting the
difference of ibeir apeeific gravity,
it is gutad oc ndc If the editor hit
its writing ibis prmxtii* paragraph, it
\ tua leaden wuld do wbilo nadiag %
, Sewjgsr-' Osvm .ra Adapted XUiscai,
: sS\otaatk\W. Downs, Ended ;S<ales
Seostoc’from Loui»ana|'dcUvered a speechon the
sufSeefoT war, otL the 31st ult lathe
synopyis of that’ effort,as reported byjthe intelligent
aod'rtocuriite cotrespobdeatof the Baltimore Sun,
we find the blowing sentiment, which werepub
lishJorthc benefit of those of our readers who may
"have overlooked ii ih our own paper r ’ or foiled to
perceive ifin the garbled .summary - given, by the
Loco loco press: , .
r , 4 “Mr. Downs raid that on. the subject of lour for
'eign > rela!iobs,'tie war ready to pay reverence and
respect to the distinguished Americans Who dif
fered from his views, but’ be could not .with 1 the
someleeling's-receive the opinions of a foreigner.
—he referred to Mr. Gallatin. ] .
, He would have no sentiment connected with the
honor of bur eonntry mixed jup with loreign preju
: dices, arid sympathies, and feelings; he would have
it altogether American, whether whig or democrat
•, executively American.” ; • ’
The passage we have quoted ia an apt j illustra
tion of the intense bigotry and double distilled hy
pocrisy of LocoJocoistn. This same Solomon w.
Downs, like ninety-nine hundredths^! - the party to
which ho is attached, has always : professed the
most devoted respect and affection for our fellow,
citizens'taf foreign origin. Whife ah office seeker*
he was strenuous in his opposition! o every thing
•that savoredjrfNative Americanism. In the Legis
lature and Canventioh be, tune and again, thunder
ed fcrtb his denunciation of the selfish and tnntract
cd doctrine lliat would deny to the foreigner on
equal participation in all life rights [and privileges
enjoyed bythe native borai American citizen; while
lie lavished endless panegyrics on ever)* foreigner
who had done the State some service. Now that
his aspirations areialfiled—now that, from -a waiter
on Providence! he has been, by Legislative bounty,
converted into/ah officeholder, - the inbred and
secret sentiments of his heart are suffered to es
cape.. He would gag the adopted citizen. He
would not jferrait a naturalized American to ex
press an.ppiaion, though liny years of patriotic ser
vice may attest his love'for the'eountry of lua
adoption. He would virtually abridge tue rights
acquired by citizenship, cartniling tbe nsiuralucd
foreigner‘of that precious prerogative—freedom of
/And, as if the more conspicuously and odiously
,10 display the virulence {of bis prejudices, Mr.
Downs selects ns the victim of his vituperation, the
venerable Albert Gallatin—the aged statesman,
philosopher and patriot, who with his hairs nilverd
o’er with tho frosts of nearly, ninety winters, and
trembling on the verge of eternity, addressed to
his couatymcn an earnest appeal in fevor of peace.
Mr. Gallatia may he in error—it is possible that
the cautiousness and timidity of extreme old age
may have clouded his once acute perception; and
that the cbOl aud languid blood that creeps through
the veins of tho pottering nonagenarinn may dull
his-seuses, and obscure his intellect. But these
are not the reasons which impelled the vindictive
assault of Mr. Downs. The Senator from Louisiana,
directed his mulighnnt invective against Albert
Gallatin, because that aged patriot did not happen
to be born on'-Americnu soil. Tn the stupidity of
bis blind fomicism, Mr. Downing unable to con
ceive that a trtnn who first saw the light in France,
may nevertheless Iwcomc a sincere, intelligent
American citizen, his sufficient for Mr. .Downs
that Albert Gallatin was bord the subject of a
monarch. To’ his soulless and senseless capacity
it is nought that Mr. GaJlntin early in life, became
a resident of the United States; that ho acquired
more than halt' a century agu, the rights of citizen
ship; that his. expansive ’intellect *nd undoubt
cd patriotism rapidly advanced him to high honors
in his adopted country; that he .filled one of the
most important offices in the cabinet of Thomas
Jefferson; thnt he has been' for many years regard
ed as one of the shining lights of the age—a wise,
an honest, and au upright man—an American iu
heart, feeling and impulse. Theso considerations
weigh not a straw with the Loccfoco Senator from
Louisiana. Mr. Gallatin is not a.native born
American, and therefore, he mhst be vilified and
traduced. . .
Wxshivgtos, Feb 19, ISIS.
AVe would counsel Air. Downs to repeat those
delectable passage in his speech touching foreign
ers, when bis collciigue the Hon.PeirreSoule takes
bis seal: A more bitter and bitiug sarensm ou the
action of the Louisiana Legiidaturewe have never
seen, than is contained by implication, in tbc brief
paragraphs wc have quoted. We trust that the
first -time Mr. Soule ventures to rise in the Senate
for the purpose of making known his views; he
will remember that his liberal and logit-minded
colleague looks with scorn on the. aueinpls of all
foreigner* to intermeddle l with the affairs of this
country, and that he will act. w*jth due modesty
and proper defence towanis bis enlightened broth
er in the great Democratic faith.—New* Orleaiu
j■. 1 '
To the Editor* of the Pittilurgh Grt&ite: nt the meeting of Mr. Clay’s friend* e
few* weeks since, I saw in the bauds of a gentle
man present, a resolution, which l)c said lie intend
ed to offer, if lie found a convenient opportunity.
1 left the meeting early, aod prvMtnte it u*ns not
offered, a* it w&s not noticed in the j-roceedingscl
the meeting. As nearly os 1 can recollect, it wo*
substantially to this effect, 1 —“that while we accord
all due honor to the honor to the officers, and men
in the army tor tbeir skill'and bravery exhibited in
the present war with Mexico; yet we are net pre
pared to say that military fame alone, should be
considered a sutGcient recommendation for civil
office." As I agree with the sentiment- thus ex
pressed. I beg leave to give a reason or two for
bolding that opinion:
IsL Men voluntarily choose the military, profes
sion, not for the purpose of qualifying themselves
for the high duties of civil life, but to acquire honor
and glory in tbeir profession. J
;’ 20. liiivicg ported with their in dependence, they
are bound always to ■'bey the orders of superior*,
whether right or wrong.—it is faial to a soldier,
whether a private or on officer, in disobey orders.
3d. The teudeocy is to exalt the ; military above
the civil power.
4lb. There is an ts prit dtt corps, Which is mili
tary chieftain when exalted to high civil officer,
aha clothes with extensive patronage, can neither
resist or shake off—the claims of lus companions
in arms for office, cannot be postponed in favor of
5Uu The yuuug men of the country, seeing tbnt
military' fiirae is the high roadto civil preferment,
will not be lively to steady, and’ preserve the arts
of Peace.
Oth. It is easy to see that, all this will lead to
the instalment of a large standing Army in time of
Peace, (the bane of a republican government,! and
expose lltc country to rush precipitously and un
necessarily into war; lor there is not much chan<*e
of acquiring laurels of peace, either in the Army
or Navv- !
■' It would be easy to multiply Reasons why I ob
ject to the elevation of any military man, especial
ly at this time to the Presidency.—We want how
a man whose known talents, acquirements, expe
rience, integrity, and pure love of country will give
us the surest ground of hope, »o far as human in
rtrumcnlalily in that department may be concern
ed, that the Government will be restored to its true
constitutional functions. {
Feb. 17, ISIS. A Whig of & ’4B
Fro* the Pacific. —By an arrival at New Or
leans the New York papers have* been put in pos*
session of their correspondence from the west ct>*si
of Mexico. The razee Independence was nt Ma.
zatlcn on Ist Dcil, with tlie frigate Congress. The
iloops-oPwar Cyane,l)upoht,and Portsmouth, Mont
gomcrv were also there for home soon. -The sloop,
ofwar was at Guuymas, blockading
in place of the Portsmouth, relieved. The whole
Western Coast of Mexico and California is under
Complete control, except a little trouble in the Pen*
insula of California, which was to he looked after
at once by the force at Mazatlan. All right in Up.
per California to the end of October.- Governor
Maaon at Monterey; Co|. Stevenson, 7lh N. Y-
Volunteers, commands the Southern department
at Los Angelos. The Erie has sailed for Callao; via
Panama; Puebla gone to Panama for Com. Jones-
Southampton in (he Gulf, giving supplies to San
Jose, La Poy and Guaymas. Maj. Rich, Paymas
ter U. S. A-, is on beard the Southampton, to pay
oft* the troops at La Pay.
HA&RiiusritG, Fee. IS. ISIS.
House—Mr. Swartzwelder, (in. place} Mipplc
ment to an act relative to Foal Office Alley, Pitts
burgh; also, on act to assess taxes on ground rents.
Mr. Sanboru, lu incorporate the Eria oil'd Ohio
Railroad Company. “1 *
Serate.—The resolutions in regard to.the war
wilb\Mexico came up (n order, the quostion.lwing
upon the amendment ollcred by Mr. Sander>on.
striking ont the amendaienl- of Mr. Johnson, of
Erie. Mr. Sanderson's amendment, which de
clares that the cause of humanity dad the best in
terests of the United States and of Mexico alike
demand that the war bo brought to an early and
honorable termination, and that it is the duty, ns it
ought to be the dcstro of the President so to act a*
to cfleet this humane and desirable object, was
agreed to by n vote of yeaii 19, nnys 13.
Captain Small moved to amend further l>v in
serting the words Congress after the - words Presi
dent, which was also ugreed to. Another uinend
raeut wns offered by Mr. Brawley, and adopted by
a vole of yeas 19, nays 3, instructing opr Senators,
and requesting our Keprcsenla lives to vote sup
plies for the further prosecution of the war. Thu
tint resolution as amended, whs then agreed toby
a vote of yeas 29, nays 0.
Lancaster County Whig Convention*
Lancaster, Feb. 16.
"The Whig Convention assembled in this city to
day, and nominated Thomas E. Franklin, Esq., as
the delegate to the National Convention from this
Congressional District. A resolution was unani
mously passed affirming Henry Clay as the first
choice of the Convention for the Presidency.
Sixth Cov/RBkiosal nwrßicr.—The Whigs o 1"
Rucks and Lehigh urc lu fine spirits for (he special
election tomorrow. They arc; united as one man,
upon all (he great questions nikv before the coun
try, and we hope to bear a report from them, which
VtUghdden the-Whig heart of the nation.
.. Owo AWOETiatniErr bill from which
fh? Locdfoco Senators ran away, has been passed
•fter a sight amendment
hundred recruits sailed ftoip
New York onthe iSth for VeraCroir, Seven o&
them- j .
A Sals of Pittsburgh Copper Co . was
oalboi7Uiat pci Metcash. -
ctfsduTsa.'. ' .
/ „/4 orrcspoodenceofthe Pittsburgh Cazttte.
- Waamutnov, Febt 21.1811
Ssaiix—'Tfm bill for the .reliu£:of the, heirs of
John taul Jones, recently pdjsed by,lbe.
was r nailed up and discussed, Afid
mcntSjproposed, and the bill passed. {
Air. Bentod then aanminced the iUness'of tho
Hon. John Quincy Adams, when tho -!Seoate ad.
Hocst—The .Speaker announced as the first
thing in-order the presentation of petitions ,aiid res
olutions, :
A motion was made to suspend the rules of the
House, to allow a member to bring in a joint reso
lution of thanks to General Twiggs and other Gen
erals. : j
At this moment the Hon. John QuincyiA-d** o *
was observed to be ill, and before his nearestlneigfa
bor hardly could reach him, sank back in lus seal,
having been attacked by paralysis. Much confu*
sion ensued, in the midst of which he was carried
home, and the House odjoumed.
Wasuixgto.t, Feb 21,1845.
The city has been thrown into a state of excite
ment Iry the suddeq and alarming illness of the
venerable Statesman, John Q. Adams, who was
struck with paralysis while in his scat in the
He was attacked atjtwenty minutes past one.—
As soon as the members of the House noticed the
illness the noble old man, a rush was mado to
his aid bs«<&lMnembers,-who crowded round him,
each striving ify his. sympathy and kind offices to
aid him. Amid the ‘ confusion he wo* taken from
the House by Dr Forics, and carried home, when
all that medical science could do was brought to
bis aidi 'this is the second attack Air. Adams has'
had. It will be recollected that in the summer of
1616 lip was attacked, and recovered by tbe slow
est degrees, rod the most carefal nursing.- His
recovery is extremely, doubtful, all must admit
when his age and uninterrupted life of labor is re!
membered. The House adjourned at once, asdid
the Senate, os foomos the sad news was iranoun*
ced by Mr. Beatou.
Correspondence of the Piutliargh Gazette.
Philadelphia. Feb. 21,1549.
Advices have been received from Washington,
confirming tho previous rumors of peace. It is
now stated that the Prussian Afinister has letters'
to the Effect that Major Van Buttm ha* this treaty
ia his .possession. The details are even made
known, and it is confidently stated ihtt Mr. TristV
original proposition Ims been agreed to, and that
he has AUpulatud that the .United States shall*keep
a standing nrmy of 12,000 men to protect the Mex
jean Government
of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
PuiLiDELViriA, Feb. 21,1918.
The steam ship, New Orleans, CapL Wright, has
arrived at NewOrteans from Vera Cruz, with news
that will bo most gratifying to every American.—
The rumors that a treaty has been made aru con
firmed, and no obstacle now interposes to close the
Tbe steamer sailed on tbe 6th from Vera Cruz,
and brings the welcome uews that Mr. Freaner,
who left tho City of Mexico oalbe 4th of February,
Itad reached Vera Cruz, charged with despatches
from Gen. Scou, containing a treaty of peace made
by tho Mexican Congress, and accepted by Gen.
Scott, who assumed the responsibility.
This important treaty was signed at Quoretaro,
on the Ist of February, and is upon the most hber
al terms, conceding all the most extortionate could
, We are secured os a boundary, the Rio Grande
del Norte, with a line westward!}* that will include
New Mexico aud Upper CalifornuL. For this we
are to pny a sum of money which is but o trifie
compared with the amount talked of at (he cob-
Terence of Air. Trist with llie Mexican Commis
sioners at Tecubaya last antumn-
Tbe expedition ognlbsl Orizaba, which has been
captured, was prindpaity desigued in the pppo of
obiainiog'lhe person cf General Santa Anna, who
was at Tehu&can. The Mexican Napoleon would
have been captured had it not been for the treaeb
rj* of n Mexican.
- Mr. Freaner, the bearer of Gea. Scott's treaty,
was expected hourly -at New n the »team
ship Irik
PwLADELruLt—Monday night.
Tbe Maamship iris has arrived at Mobile with
Mr. Freaner on board os bearer of despatches for
the State Department at Washington. Ilis budget
contain* tbe treaty negotiated and signed by Gen.
Scott on tbe Ist of February.
Ain Freaner is widely know n as the accomplish
ed writer of the New Orleans Delta, “Mustang,"
who has given such graphic description* of Mexi
can affairs.
Correspondence Of ibe Puimorgh Oatene.
Wisiurorcw, Fel*. 21, ISIS
Cot- Fremont’s care tins ended, and his sentence
remitted. The Court found him guilty of Mutiny,
and sentenced him to be dismissed from tlio ser.
vice. In conseqaence of a recommendstioatothe
President, he has been restored and ordered .to
duty, and now waits order*.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Garette.
Xrw Vo**, Feb, 21, ISIS.
The slocp-ofwar Saratoga has arrived herefrom
Pensacola, from whence she hod a stormy passage,
losing (wo men overboard in a gale.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
I PuiLADELFWA, FeU2l t 4, F.ijt.
F^oi/a—Moderate salcs-al 55,75(35JJ7J y 111.
Corm Msal—Safes at s2£7{ 1? bbL . ..
Gram—Sales prime White Wheat 1253130 c &
bu—scarce. Corn is dull; with moderate sales of
prime Yellow at 53c p bur
Cotton—Nothing doiug.
Molasses—Sales X. O. at 27}c p gal.
Wniixa—Moderate sales &125 c gall.
Philadelphia, Feb. 21,4 ». u
■ The Eastern Telegraph is out of order.—Noth
ing therefore from New York.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaicue.
Baltimore. Feb. 21, 3 r. v.
Ftorin—Sales of 400 hUs H. S, brands at $5,G2
p bbl. ' The market is steady but not active. -
Coils Meal—Moderate Sales at .S2,TO bbl
Goals—There is less doing in Corn and the
marketj luu a downward, tendency. Sales of prime
White ht 45c p bu. and of prime-Yellow at same
Sales of prime White Wheat at 1283130 c, and of
prime Red at 125 c 9 bu.
WmsxK*—Sales at gall'i
Beef Cattle—Wo qoule sules at 83rf8]c <ploo
lbs gross.
Kili.kl llogs—Sales at §<J p 100. ;
Pbovjsioxs—The market is heavy for Pork, but
I hear of no sales. Lower, offer* wonld be ac
cepted.! *
Stocks—There is more activity in the market,
.with ad upward tendency.
Hxu* from Abroad.— The Washington corres
pondent of the New York Journal of Commerce
writes -under date of 1 lilt mrt. A rumor is circu
lated Uvdnsy which, if well founded will relieve the
administration members of Congress from any
anxiety as tothe menus of obtaining money for the
supporlof the War.
It is iaid tUat Mr. Belmont,as agent ofthe Roth-,
chills, jia* offered to lake the sixteen million loan
on the terms proposed in Mr. Vinton’s bill; and to
pay. one-half of tho monoy m New York, and the
other hnlf in Mexico,
- The .Union says:—We -have, made injuries at
Ibo department, and we understand that no jucb
proposition has been made at tho Treasury.' Wo
attach no consequence to any such rumor. -.
Eailebf. or, Iron MAM^AcTtrsts.—The New
YorfcTribone says:—The heavy decline which has
taken place during the last twelve months in iron
has been disastrous to many houses in that trade.
The decline in Pig Iron has been 820 per loti and
the same in Railroad Iron. Parties deeply in this
trade hive, consequently, suffered large losses, and
the failure of Gray & Co. at Boston, and to the largo
concern in Worcester, Maas. Prait dc Earl, we are
sorry to bo obliged to add that ofMesm.Murdock
Lcavitte & Co. of this City, a very extensive con
.cem wielding on immense capital and with lane fa
cilities. i They were agents fo r the Montour works
in Pennsylvania, and the Dover Works In' New Jer
sey. Their liabilities are estimated at half a million.
It is supposed Ihe concorti will wind up without
much lisa to the creditors.- ' •
Tii* jTawnrW ’46.—Tbo M effects ofthe Tar-,
iff of ’46, says'the Philadelphia Inquirer, are only
beginning to be. experienced. We are assured
that large quantities ofllie.lower-priccd cotton'clotfvw
have been introduced into thla country/ and may
be found, in not a few cotton print establWimcnt*,
having been, bought in consequence of theircheapr
qeaa.- iUsQ that iron is now -imported at rales
which aye nilnons to our fran-fsanuiaeturera-r'vhilo
bqt » short time siuce 600’bdea cf wool were im
ported Ijbra
nosrWi&—A friend tins shown hi some
•tsrigs -firpniith peach tree*, and from, the condition
ofthe buds there is but a poor chance for afpeach ]
**»***•*■ ■wSAisoMk'-y.-V-*>*,•' ■
-X ;few»n»felMyw«s.
: Nxw^Rptuatir^yA^PxLVtow.—M*. Ja,?
F pffiraßjhas * .takes measures'
to secure* jateoffiru JaTennon, that promises :
to be u the purpose iniraded, os
are commfm’'tidfere-oveT tlie old
ha 115...,. The..dcsigaia'to., one.move
meat ntunprouscolqredinkauponaformjß process
now of mil'll tmillJfe ' Tha
of- three rollers, the first one whole aadlhe two last
sectionaL. ‘ r •"*-
tThese roller* are east in ■e&on^dfyariod*' width*
.tomiittiieline*b£thejdrtyper-and sroiecared
.by screw* opda f statiotufry'rod* upon : which they
revolve. At the end of the roller rods are placed
guides, with Knelt wheels attached to the lower
» are placediu the frame, the front
?ngth, tbr rolling the. border, -
> suit the various lines, and the j
ue border The small guide-1
retail grooved railway attached!
pwbea, -in. which are placed
jssors, by the action of which
T are allowed to ink. the form i
. dpsired by the press-man. Of;
tier, after' inking one side of tlie !
)ve. and passes over the centre'
inhng it, until it drops upon I
- border—theother rollers pass
over the side-border without inking it, but rolls the
centre of the job; and the top and . bottom of the
border, iho elevators and depressors being aming
cd in the produce this varied effect
These are.the main features of the invention,,
which is termed the Polychromatic PniKng ap
paratus. The present mode of printing colored
jobs is tedious and expensive, and'lbe mode which
is thus described; will no doubt produce quite n;
change in this department of the printing business.'
The frifends of GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT, m
Allegheny County, who are favorable to his nom>
ootioo for the Presidencyof the United w2l
meet at McFaddea’s Warehouse, Penn at on Tueai
day, Feb. 22 d, 1819, at 7 o’clock, p. jl
; Signed over: 1800 nano.
Brought Host—A man named Arthur Brown,
was brought m from New York on Saturday, and
committed. Bail fe> the amount of $2OOO is reqttir-
The Fall Hirer Monitor says three of the mann
factoring establishments in that place have stopped
their works entirely, and othera are running but a
•part of their machinery. The strike among, the ope
ratives continues—some of the ‘ringleaders’ have
been arrested for attempting to obstruct others ja
their work.—Aim Bedford Afereury.
The JU. Rev. Bishop Hoar, of the Roman
Catholic diocese of Wisconsin, is now. in this city
aml will depart in a few day for Rome, probably
ia the next Havre pocket He will be accompani
ed by the Rev. Mr. Noanis, of St Mary's Theologi
cal Seminary at Baltimore.—AT Y. Courier.- .
A Cuke for Cossuarno^,—A. M. Deschampi
baa recently addressed a letter to the Academy of
Sciences, (Paris,) in which lie asserts that ho has
diß infallible remedy for diseases of the
lungs, even when tubercles have formed. He baa
forwarded his recipe, and sent security to the W?
ve of 70.000 francs, to bo forfeited in case the'effi
cacy of his remedy should not be established by
Saw Mux Buxaed.—The new saw mill ofßob*
ert E. Brown, at the mouth of Cowansbanttock
vreek, 3 miles above Kit tanning, was destroyed by
tire on the 17th. The loss to Mr. B. estimated at
ILrTit* Cusuti .itfstrangely destructive to lie hn
man eoticle, (ut skinf-lhe sudden change frdm.heU to
colii, and tie stnoke Causes yellow, dork, coarse cons*
litciicm*. Then His requisite that the pores of the skin
should t>e-kept open—that ibeir mouths should be freed
from impurity—’twa* thas the onaicul Roman Fhiloso
phers cured oil diseases—they computed that more'
the pores at' the skin, than any other outlet of the body,
diseases and unhealthy vapors test through the
It is necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—sU
humors are dispelled from the Ain from the pores,
when they wash with Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap. )
Imre seen it cure 1 the worst and oldest cases of Salt
Rheum. Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber** Itch, Sore Head.
Ringworm, when every other Internal and external
remedy had failed—lts effect rendering the skin ‘vral&r,
clear and soil, though it be yellow nnd coarse, U wait
<b*rml—it removes Freckles, Tan. Sunburn, Morpbew,
and disfigurement of the skin—hot persons most;
be particular and ask for Joaxa So so —to be had in
Pitutmrgh ut AVM. JACKSON'S, sign of the Hig Boot,
Hi Liberty st. Price 30 cents. uovltfdAwty •
(FT*To SrusoosT. Mu ass OnirXx—Connell’s
Magical Pain Extractor—lt is how conceded by medi
cal roe.-i that CouaiU's Magical Pain Extractor, manu
factured by Coastack A Cii, 21 Courtlaud «L N Y, Is
the greatest wonder of the l&th century. Itseffecu are
truly mirscuioo*. All pains are removed from bums,
scalds, Ac., and all external sores, in a few minutes af
ter its application; healing ibo same on the ini>\t dcQ
eata skin. leaving: no tear. It is equally beneficial in
all kinds of Inttatnmaiory diseases, such as sore-Nip
ples- and Eyes, tjprains, Rbcamatisra, White Swelling
and Ulcers." Xmtaesf^lanu,ChilbUlas. Erysipelas,
Biles, Tfe Doloremix, 4c. We might add as proof to
all we raw roe names of many eminent physicians who
nse llin meir practice, and hundreds of the clergy who
E" e it U> their people. Kind parent keep Li constantly on
, rn cases oi'aecidem by fire, life may be lost with
out it, but by its use all bums are subject to its control,
unless tbs vitals are destroyed. Caution—Remember
and a«k for ConueJl’s Magical Pain Extractor, manu
factured by Comstock 4 Co. N V, mini no other.
.Sold by WM. JACKSON,-Ageut tor Pittsburgh, iS
liberty st, head of Wood. novlbdAwtiutT .•
of Cdurmu— ILua To*ic.— To Ute Bald
aiM <Grey—lf ;ou wish luxuriant head of hair,
frae from dandruff and scarf, do not fail to procure the
genuine Balm or Columbia. In eases of baldness u
wtU more than exceed roar expectations. .Many who
hare lost their hair for at) yean hare had it restored to
its original reflection by the use of this balm. Age,
state at comudoa appear to be no obstacle whatever: it
also causes the fluid to flow with which the delicate
hair tube is filled, by which mesas thousands (whose
hair was grey as the Asiactlc-Cagle) have had their
hair restored to its natural color by the use'ofthisiuvol*
uable remedy. Id all eases of fa writ will be found the
most pleasant trash that can be used. A few applica
tious only are necessary to keep the hair from tailing
oaL It strengthens the tools, it never fails to impart a
rich £>oMy appearance, and as a perfume for the loiiat
it is unequalled; it holds three times as much a* other
miscalled hair restoratives and it more effectual. The
genuine mmauferteted by Comstock A Co., 31 Coortland
street. New York, i
Said in Pittsburgh, only pnuiae,by WM. JACKSON,
ED liberty st, head of Wood; iu Washington, Pm, by
Sweeny A Son; iu.'Brosrusville, by Bcucet A Crocker;
In Canoaibnrg, by lir. Vouel; also, by our agents in;
every town In Ohio tud Md. novlsdAwCmT
. fTT* Us* tit* P*or*a Mxasv-lf you wish to be sue*,
cessful bi any undertaking, you must always ‘use the
S roper means/ Therefore, if you have a cough, use
ATtuch ExrcCTOSaST ami tie cured, for it is the proper
means. -Have you Asibtua or difficulty of breathing,
then the only efficient means *to cure you is to ute
Jayne’s Expectorant, whicbwlll immediately overcome
the spasm which contracts the diameter ot the rubes,
and looeens and brings ap the maeus which closs them
up. abd thus removes every obstruction to a free respi
ration, white at the same urns all inflammation is sub
dued, and a cure l» certain to be effected- Have you
Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pleurisy, or in tael any
Pulmonary Affection, then use .Jayne’s Expectorant
and relfet is certain, and you will find that you have
used th# proper means. .
For sale in PiUsbargb at the Pekin Tea Store, 73 4th
street near Wood.; jaul* ■
gyTtoTHS ilsxt ax» Lam*.—Comstock's Nerve and
llune Liniment and Indian Vegetable Elixir, is the most
effectual euro for Rheumatism. Sold by IVM. JACK
'S IN. Agent lor .Pittsburgh. novlSdAwfiiuT ,
(P** t>on*t lave a Foul Breath—lf you have, use a
two shilling bottle of Junes’ Amber Tooth Paste. 'Hial
will make your breath sweet, whiten your teeth, Ac.—
Sold at fed Liberty st novJCdAwly ■
HJ- Wanted, at this offias, a Compositor and
Bey. " ’• - if •
On Saturday evening, Feb. HHh, ANDREW WAT*
SON, in the <Od year of his age.
The friends of the family ara requeatedlo attend the
funeral; from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Magee;
comer of Webster and Seventh streets, this afternoon,
at 2 o’clock.
On; Monday evening, 31st inst, at 0 o'clock, Mrs.
FRANCES SINGER, wile ofMsj Win. Singer, aged 31.
year*. ; The funeral will take place to-morrow. (Wed*
nesdayj afternoon, at ti o’clock; from the residence of
her fktficr, Waller Fortune, on Southfield street.—feb 21
County Conventloa.
AT it meeting of the County Committee of Conva-[
poadence held at Mc.Master*’ hotel in Pittsburgh.;
mi the Ibid Jauuaiy. 1&1B, the following call was agreed’
upon: That the whig and Antlmasonie voters of the,
sovernf Wards, Boroughs and Townships of Allegheny;
county are invited to meet nt their usual places of bold ■
tug pruoary meetings, within said districts, on Satur-.
day the l»h February* next, to-appoint delegates to
meet iu Copnly Convention at the Court House in
Pittsburgh, on llio succeeding'Wednesday, to appoint
delegates to tlie State Convention to-be held ot llarri*-
burgn to nominate a Canal Commissioner, Senatorial -
Electors and Scnatdriid delegates to the National Con
vention. The said eounty convention will also appoint
a delegate from thisdistricFto the Whig National Con-:
TCuiioa and an elector for this district upon the State
electoral Ticket. ••
The primary meetings in all die Townships except
Pitt, will be held at o'clock, f. jl, ami in the Wards
and Boroughs including Pill, at 7 o*clock,r. M. of said
Ssr. i i UASIu McCURDY, Chairman.
R. Pauus, See'y pro, tem. - jn3s
MH9MERISM,—' Professor Loomis will this evening
itmameriae a genfleman. and while in this uoepn
sciouastatc has consented to have a large molar tooth
extracted in the pretence of the nudirnse. This experi
ment must be highly satisfactory to all who may have
the opportunity ot^witnessing it, ns the patient will bp
niodu to bold a candle in each band tor the convenience
of the Dentist* and during the operation will be insens
ible ofpain br feeling. Many other equally surprising
experiments will be exhibited. /tcbSJ
To Brewers,
jLA' FDR. SALK Olt RENT, die Pittsburgh Brew-
JPJM ery, with all its brewing apparatus, situate on
street add Barker's alley,and now occupied
by G<m. W. Mnitb A- Co. Possession given ou the tint
dav of April ensuing. For term*, Ac. enquire of
febfitf l • '; 145 liberty st.
. Fpr Rent." "V
-XAt - THE brick dwelling bouse an TUrd street be*
CUM tween Southfield street and ChcrTy alley. It is
slate rooted—his gat fixturea aud spneious yard
and oht-butidlngs. ’ Enqulrrof
*f riNEfi AR.—ICO bbli Cider Vinegar, on hand and for
V sale low for cash by H. F. SCHWEPPE,
fobfiSdlw f _ 195 liberty itrsrt.
•NirANTED—By' h yoang.tnan.tvko.can give good
Vy /referencef r a'*itoationaaporter luawarehouse.
AdaxTr*b<>xp*2,po«ofoce., . fcfeC-3t -
CUMHUES-U bid. hiS VbUfbbl. do: 15 b«5. f.n.
O then; fi sacks dried apples just received rier S U
CuUp, tod for tala by [fe&] ISAIAH PICKET A Ca
v Cto»e»mlj CfWliai»n. - Avctloa •
SSEKis fiiisata&airsco:
•'A apwto Oidfcsflv Twld fcXo^jfa&r
««*«;<**: lieliinsiu dfcrdfinSfflHrf
*ood«atpcWlewprifitonleL a*'du-cuM:
XttuqpimentS'Jbr t* proamtlr at
3tsdea to.: He will also rniept of-Aftnciei ibr
iictnPetitJUJd-wUlai*rhi> be« endeayor* fortbeii ir>- ■
uresL Xn'Hlr'ale* amount of **3*s or&bdraet ofsnir*
r wjU be iumiahedlbu friends weekly or niomilj-. accom
panied with cheek oa'Bonk here, or Bank check oa
t ‘Ut' hMs exttnwye room* overhi* (tore for the sale'of
Fumlmre, Carpeting, and other bulky articles.
... We are sorrocmled br a dense population t>fio™iifa
or upwards, wflh Ihutoditfertite km in the We*t and
erne rail jr worthy, fozrom, with 25 to fJO Towns and vil*
rtfet'iaUtst not oncComaiuion House
here. "t'•;■■• A.LEGRANDK.I
: . Lxzcnnrr, Xr_ Jan 24. IMS.
nuccncvrisi !
TT Xxidcnod i Co. }
“ , I*I«SbWT«&Co» lr.nm.vSlt. 1
• G. W. Anderson. Eeq., f A-om»yille.
WRiehardtan, Coih'r., )
Meters. Springer A Whiteman. )
* :
J. 1*! Haskins, j
Philip Swigert, Esq,,. •) • J
Peter Hadley, Esq., vFranksort
11. I Bodlcy, }
'&&&g3gS}. {»*"»*•
John B. Tillbrd.t Co.,
'V. Higgins, A Co.,
S. Svtut A Co.,
John Dudley ACo.,
: Land for Sale.
allowance, late ihc property of John McKee, de
ceased, situate iri Wolf Creek Township) Mercer Coun
ty. - Improremniu are 150 acre* cleared! 113 of which U
meadow, dwelling house of brick, 40-iiy SOfeet, two
•tone* hift briek- kitchen attached, 19 by Wfett; log
harnGOby 40 including the shade*; atone spring
house.bnck j»moke bouse, frame wipui shades, and
romcribs, tframe aheep house and rranerr. The farm
U well situate,within three-fourthr of one mile from. Mr.
Courtlier'# mill,'one mile from the Jlutltr and Mercer
turnpike. A public road goes pat: the house, and one
along the vreat line, well watered by a number of
apnitffa, tote of which ia within 30 feet of ttaajfitcben.— :
The land ntu always been assessed as first rate in the
mwnshiß. ana whala paaa for first rate in die eoonty>—
rivo or hards of bearing tree*. An indisputable-title
will be f tven, and possession on the first of April next.
For fan wr particulars npniv to
or to the liriug near the premise*. feb;B-w3mT
FOR (SALE—The subscriber offer* for sale the Jra
proyemeuu and property he how occupies situated
on the FourthStnitt Rood, about three miles from the
«»>-, cohiiiuitg of a well finished Brick House, cpn
lauung ten rooms, and a cellar under the whole; nnix
eellani Brick Tenant House, containing'three room#,* a
large him and excelleat stabling; a never failing run*
aiug s ptingafsoft water, and a pump of excellent wit
ter at Uie xiteben door; also, a garden containing some
choice fruit trees together with about ten aerea of ex
cellent ground. I
The above property will be sold on reasonable terms
anilpoisessiougiven on the firit’day of April; if hoi
•old, it will be forrentafter that day. For fuhherin
formation, opjily to the subscriber, on the premises. ~
fcbgdawtAp’l t ; DAVID BEELER.
rVTOTICB— The business of the late firm of J. S
J.r Strickler 3t Co, Safe Manufacturer, will hereafter
be carried on by Lippeoeolt & Barr, who are Authoriz
ed to collect aud settle the business of the late firm',!
\ Surviving Tanner.
febS3lw Adtuinis’rs of the esiaie of J. 8. Siricklcr- :
ASHES— lO esks Stleratut 10 do No 1 Potash; 15 do
Ulaek Salts For sale by
tierces prime Rice just receivedand tor
XL sale by ; POLNDEXTKR ACo \
tebg} ; 1 41 water *t
/HOLDEN SYRUP—IOhIf bWs ‘•St James Refinery;”
VXNo 6Syrup;just received and forsale by - ]
jebS* . i -.i POINDEXTER fit Cp
11MSH— 50 blf bblsNo 2 Mackerel; just received and
* for sale fay ffebaij • POINDEXTER UCo
/YRANGES— OU bis just received per stmr Ben Rush,
vF and <br sale by ATWOOD JONES A Co j
febCJ ;■ water st
PALM SO A P-1-09 bxs No L.jusl received sadtor
sale by jfebtSj ATWOOD JONES ACo
SUNDRIES— 100 bbls N. O. Molasses. 6U hhdspnme
N. Oilugar, 70 bblsau'ul No# Loaf do; just receiv
ed endfor sale by; .. JOHN S.DtLWORTHj
SUNDRIES —15} bags Green Rio v Coffec, SO tirrfes
rice, lObblsTarjCObisM It raisins, in store auditor
febiSl , j 37 Wood It
PRIME BACON—In store and smokehouse, con
stantly for sale in any quantity, by
MO LASSE?—2OO bbls N. O. Mola<*es to arrive per
strar Kansas!
icing . : j McGll-L, BL’SHFIEI J) A ROE
. T7LAXSEED—-50 bushels for sale by
TTTEMP—IO bales dew’ rotted Ky. Hemp, just rec'd
XI aud for sale by BROWN to CULBERTSON, :
febgl • 145 Liberty street
TJEARLS— i* casks jast ree’ and for sate by ■' *
JT febgl WICK 4. .M'C.VNDLESS.
POTASH —10 Casks prime just rec’d niid fof sale 'by
fr.b2l._i. . WICK fr AFC AX BLESS. ;
Cl LOVER’ SEED—I 3 bbls Clover seed. 10 hatsdo for
J saloby WICK’ A M’CA.VDLESA !
DRY. APPLES—I 9 sacks dry apples for sale by -
S COUCHING^—13 casks just rec'd and for sale by
■\irOOl-—l sack wool for sale by 1
B'tfcftffiTA FLOUR—iso dox lfcsver liurkets; 50
bbls I’amilv Floor for sale by
_trba JOHN S_t»!LWORTII.
CORN— 300 bushel* shelled eoru ia bbls aiul sacks
for sale by —— i
T\RV APPLES—3O bus rood quality for !
lebg ;. • • _ roroer 4th and Ferry stream.
Cl KEEN APPLK*Ie!S bills GreVn'pippiifaaJ Van
r. devers, for sale by
keg* u twi»i Toboc.MjoM rcf\M and
X lor *ale low by >
jel.Sl ' J ATWOOD, iia.
|EKI> OI&—0C bblt Ltatcrd Oil in »ir>n "aid fat
by [ SELLLH3 k, NICOLS, ;
No 14 Liberty *C
>N—JKI Uhdj pruae shouMeri, 10 da *idei,juit
aired and tor isle by
LARB OIL— IS bbl» Condling's No 1 L-mJ Oil, jin
•lore and for tale, at reduced price*, by
SOAP— 30 box** No t *oap, large liar*, jn« received
and for tale by ski.l.V-R?< a. NICOLS. ;
MOULD CANDLE9-SO boxe* Mould Candlealin
(lore and (or aale by i
FALLOW—&* barrel* Tallow Ju»l rac'd per (learner
J Beaver and for *al« by
T ARD—IOO kegs No 1 Lard, 10 barrel* do in tore amt
■Li fur (ala by a* W HARBAUGH.
CORN —GO ban yellow Com jutt received on con
signment aod.fortalo by
BEANS— 3);barret* while Jlcantiatr received and
for (ale by H A W HAKUAUGH. :
PEACHES— GO »ack* dry I’enebe*, 100 tacks dry
apple* received and for sale by ' ;
febltf ’ 8A W HARBAUGH. ;
BUTTER a IX>GS—S barrel* fre»b roll butter Bdo
fresh eggt received on consignment and for tale by
feblO . SAW HARBAUGH. _i
FLOUR- .barrels Flour, Smith brand, extra; Id do
Porter* brand received per ttr Heaver and lor Milo
GINGER— 1 bbl ground Ginger for tale by i
G1 LUK—3 bbl* .No 1 Glue for sole by
r febia JOHN D MORGAN;
BACON— WO pea hog round Bacon on consignment
and foraale by . JOHN SCOTT A Co. :
fablTtf No 7 Commercial Row, Liberty *t
CIDER VINEGAR —IQbbU old cider vinegar to ar
rive and for Kate br
ROSIN SOAP— 233 boxes No l Cincinnati Soap for
sale by ffeblO] WICK A MCANDLESS,
"VT AII-S—i(A) kegs sit'd *j»« Juniata Nails for tale br
17 LOUR—109 bbls ex. S Floor lor family use juft roc\l
; acd for talc tiy HICK A hrCANDLESS,
PRIME GUM MYRRIU-lOQ Iba for rale by
fcblO J KIPP A To.
WINTER SPERM 01L—135 rati for tale bj*
fcblH J KIDD I Ca
A QUAFORTIS—IS eaxboysfor sale by
iX leblU _J KIDD A Co.
for vale by J KIDD & Co. :
! , Chronicle copy.
FEATHERS— 29 sacks Feathers landing from atmr.
I'hmnii and for sale by - i
fcblß ; •' JAMES DAI.ELI- [•
BARI JvY—stio bushels for sale by
f»blb JAMra DALZELI„
rVO ARRIVIv-23 sacks Feathers; Id sucks Ginseng;
XUS sacks Goober I’ras; 0 sucks Dry Annies,'for sale
frVIS Water ar.d Front »!*;
CORN?— 61 bbls shelled corn lauding.
PURE CIDER VLNEOAB for sale by r
17EATIIEHS— 27 sarks wow lauding from sir Ladv
. liy rou and (or sale by '
COON .SKINfcL-One sack now landing from str Lady
Hyrou und for sale by
leblei ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. i
CRUSHED 9UQAR—SS bbls Levering'* crushed Su
gar for salo by
T>ULVEHIZEU SUGAR—IO barrels Levering’*, for
10 AF SUGAR-100 barrels Nos 5.0,7,8. S and 10 for
S PICES of all kinds fui sale wholesale by i
SULPHUR— 1 bbl Soar Sulphur for sale bY 1
feblß • JOHN D MORGAN!
T ARD—NoSLardjustree’duiidfoTaaleby -
XJ feblod3t /• ' CLARK A TILVW
COTTON DIAPER—Ono bale heavy bleached «lam
aak cotton diapers, one bnle brown do, iust owned
and for sale by SHACKLKTT A WHITE ■
tebl ° : bl> WoodslrnrtJ
blue .bluing check.,u.t recited by ■
. l3lia miACKi.m-i' i mint, i
.v*sSro-a ..... « ndni
•tries «od bnght colors, juir opened bv
■fJ'foblfl 11 bbU N * Vt }2S& c s • I,d iOT ‘ ttl « ty
v- 7 feblß •’ JOHN D MORGAN, :
COPAL VARNISH—3 bbls Copt) Varnish. \ V \’k 1
1 and 8, for rale by .
Y~IOPPLRAS-10 bbla fof sole by . i
H * r b an E h ' ll «x'ra Rye Hour,
. ee * aaif,ir * tlcb >' SAW HAKBAITHi, 1
AO SI wood lb - ■
*j* I r
•Mi '-'•■'’-‘r-iv „- ‘l,---JzJ, * 1
By-Jok*P. iwUMwr.
v ■.:■•:• j)ry (7<wfofc. J | . *
.... On Thursdaymorning. February Dttb. lot , 10 tflwV
the-l Cdmme*eial Sale* Boob, J!c6tufT .0f :Woodt
bo -eold, _WTlbotnj:>Trtcm V.lo.
dosc'sundry consignments, a large ''SmiDiiMht-of atfc-~
pic and. fiuicv dry goods, among which pre'superfine
cloths, cassimieresC satirieiU, jeansi'teinchaißS,'eheeka,
calicoes a2paecn*,marinoe*, silks. black »«»» hosiery
| lores, sus; tenders, patent thread,, 1 flanueu/r uasUus,
t t' 4C * -AtSo'clock,?.*] .!:••' .- . ) ••
A quantity'of crortriesi eonfrcti«rtry, > i;hj**’we*
queeruware, hardware. cutlery, tobacco, cigars, o day
and U 0 hour clocks, 7 looking glasses-'! Agtocrsl assort*
men: of new and second hand householdfarni core, em
hrochig.xnnhogany sofa. bnreaus»taide** choirs,
steads, .work stands,' l well totted second handFiano
Forte, Ac.' :- v v
An invoice of assorted merchandize from a country
store, fino shirts: with linen bosoms aiid collars, boots,
shoes, umbrellas, cold and nicer watches, . ger
man fancy goods, saddles, bridals, whips, trunks, slates,
leQer and cap writing payer, quills; wafer*, 'gold pens,
vialins, fifes, Ac. J. • ■ . : j- .J.
feluß : : *. JOHN D DAVIS, Aucl’r.
, Yeans Ladlet* Seminary,
"VCR. W* METCALF would ahriounea to the «B»
XU. sens of Allegheny and riciaity: the intended re
moval of hi* school from the corner of Sandusky and
Strawberry streets whore lor the last twelve months fie
has been teaching. Ou and oiler April Ist he will oc
cupy rooms on Federal street in "Cqlouoda Row,* Sd,
door from the bridge. Ihe Academic Year will con
sist of two sessions of Jive months-ench commencing
on the first Monday in February and September. ..
Lexington. |
utss or itimos rxx nano* or irryx icorrux.
Euglish Department—lncluding Reading, Ortbegri^
fhy and defining, Writing, English Grammar, Rhetoric,
-ogie, English composition and Criticism. Geography,’
- History, Arithmetic audjhe higher branches ofMathe
matics, [.Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy.
Botany, Physiology, Geology,'lntellectual and Moral
Science and all other branches requisite to a thorough
English education uo
Classical Department—lnelndingthe Latin, Grade and
French. languages each anadditional charge of-- • W OU
: The wrvices of competent Teachers are secured for
such as may desire to receive instructions in drawing,
painting,andmosie. *. ' I {>' -
Those designing to enter will find it for their interest
to do so as near uie opening of the session'as possible;,
yet pupils .will be received at anyi time daring the
session and, will be charged at the: above rates only
from the time of entrance.: No deductions will be.
made for absences except in eases of protracted illness.
Any information which may be desired will be cheer
fully cbmroonieatrd to those whoeall upon the .in
structor at his rooms. ;r -•■•■! ; ja2Sdly
Reference may also be made to the! following gentle
Dr. T. F. Dais, Allegheny,' Hon. C. Staler, Pittsb’g.
Rev.D.Elliott, *■ - Rer.D.H.Eiddie, “
Mr.HTP.Schwatx** 1 RevfHiDrer*- “
Extraordinary Cure of Liver Coiaplalnt
- ■ and' Conghl!' 1 .
HAVING taken a violent cold, which settled onsny
lungs and liver, producing ajaevere court, and
pain iri the-side and shoulder, which was ao stvere at
times J could scarcely turn over in bed. I was grado
ally wasting away, and weary even of my life. My
cough was very distressing, and being sccompanied
with nausea, loss of appetite, debility, and. other dis-
Ireuing symptoms, my sufferings were extreme. Find
tug no benefit from any medicine; nor from my physi
cians, 1 got a bottle of Dr. Taylor’* jßalsam of Liver
wort, vruich soon made me well and able to attend to
my business. GEO YOUNG, Dniggtit,-
V • 861, Fulton street, Brooklyn.
U7~ Still another great euro Which proves this medi
cine the oaly remedy to be deyjfeiad upon. Read and
judge for yourself: r If •'' j ’
. Cosst-VFTiox Airs Lrvxa CcferUOT;—Buffering as I
j have for three years with thee* diseases, J feel from my
j heart feral! person* equally aafertitnaie, and therefore
1 Leg of them, if they love life and health; if they, love
their families and friend#, not to liy and die under the
mercury doctors, or their usclcsi!trash, but try Dr.-
Tsylor’s Balsam of liverwort. This medicine cured
me when 1 was so ill t could hot turn over in bed
without assistance, and the mineral doctor# said 1 could
not live a week; yet this vegetable medicine cared mo
in six weekfT 1 nod a backing cough, pain in.the side,
raising of matter, night sweats, and was wasted, to the
bdne, also inward fever. J H MILLS, Milkman,
' .if'. Newtou, L. I.
IF?* Hundreds of live* have been sated by this medi
cine. We daily hear of the most remarkable cores oi
ier everything else had failed. if .
’ Prepared at 73 Beekman street, New York. < '
Solapn Pittsburgh :by J. D.-Morgan, 83p Wood *LfJ.
Townsend, 45 Market aL; 11 Smyser, cor Market and
3d*ts,;flewler*on A Co., 5 Liberty Ist. Priee reduced
to MAO perlorge bottle. - ' ;l ' feb!7
New York Adrerflseminit—lB&B* -
ks moved from their former staiid in Pearl street; to
No. fie Brood street, New York, ami are row prepared
to exhibit a large, assortment ot New England, Jersey,
New York Citr made, and Freneh-Bapta and Shoe* of
our own and outer celebrated mauntacturers, compns
in? all kind# of coarse work,' and fide city made styles
of goods. Among the Ladies’ Shod* may be found. A
la Mode, Jenny Lund, Manhattan; Polka, Knickcrinek
ers, lJuskin#, and Tic*. These ore dll neW styles, and.
an excellent variety of colors. Wei are also manufac
turing ibe various an lcs of the Congress Gaitera, which
are so tiiuch admired, and so convenicnL We hive all
of the diOereut kinds of LadiesVCJdih Shoes, soiled to
the Spring sales. We have just received
. 3-0 ciiscs mens’ calf sewed. bootiiJ -
a© u kip and thick do,i|
109 *- “ fine imitation stitch bools, {
130 ** ** thiek and kip-brogaha,
28 : u boys’ and youths’ hrogans,
£3 women*’slipper*, ]| i
'4‘J u • “ pea boots and btukin*,
A largejusonment of Misses’ A Childrens’ Shoes, to
which we respectfully invite tlio alter,lion of Country
Merchants. , ' ' il i ' feolDddi
: ■ 44 ii
E*tabli»!ied a Mrarehotuc in the Tear IMO.- for .the ww»
por* of wpph-iiiff die Chy and interior Trade -mii.
low prim gad exhibiting, al all
"'ofthe year. ike£«rgast.AMorimesiiii*
Tfceyi aw now. opening Several Hundred Ptetegrit
.ioiDj'niins every new style of Foreigu andOmtactie
I production.* many .of which bare jaw been pvthaied,
1 and etc odered lor sale for Ca*h and short credit, at .
TROM i !'
I >cr yard below .lue price* of April and May, u -per
printed. Catalogue*, which are corrected daily, for the
information <?f buyer*. .! :
i New Yorfc, June, ls 4?. y . ' iyOdialt
gtmmmm 1
1848 EXPRES^ ox i“ iIJ 1848
4 CAR wilt leave PluWclphia daily after 21st Fcb-
J\. ruarr, with ibe Mail Chatnbershure,
which will enable the Wagons to leave there thn name
day, with relay* of horses, running; day anil night, se
cure* the certain arrival of goods in' Five Days from
Philadelphia.. Apply to j
D LEECH A Co, Canal BasJn;
i • Pittsburgh.
RAINS A LEECH, * - 15 south 3d at. Philadelphia. - '•
We will receipt for WMO lbs produce, Ae., daily, to go
through by the above line after the ill it inn.
To and irotn the Ea*ieni ciiic*. via. Cumberland.
THE proprietors of this popular since their
re-orgaaization largely increased their facilities to
meet the wishes of shippers and are now prepared to
forward a greater amount by the FIVE DAY* LINE,
as also by additional regular-wagons at lour rales. -
Thialiu* will.nm thronghoui the year, delivering
good*!thro ■; h the ageots in Baltiroora aml PitUbarga
to owners and coixignees at »pecified rntts and time.
Shipments from Philadelphia for the line should be
markcd J B Robinson, HaUitnore.": '
The only agents are,
j Chlekerlng , i Plaao(>
A.superb rbaewood six octave Piano,
tiew scale and patent iron frame, made
■l3 0 l»l Cbickering, Boslnp.
I I “■ I l\ A very elegant rpiowood six and a
half octave l’iano, new scute, and paten; iron frame,
nituleby.J. Chicksring, Boston.
The above iniinuyeiits received to-day. and now
open faj examltmUon; for snlo at.Mr.Chiekering's pri
ce* for cash or approved paper. '• *
Also, im hand,one elegant" rosewood Gothic panels,
carved.monldings, ami moulded lcc*,ooctaves, made
by Gale A-Co, New York; ' ' . • “
. One do.-enrved rosewood-Coctaver, made by Gale
.y- : .
, One mahogany second hand. Piano,6 octaves, of ex*
celleui tone, and in good order, made by Chickcrinir
A Stewart, SDii .
One superb grand Piano, made by Hen, Paris, and
guaranteed to be the be»t Piano forto tn the city, will be
sold at a verv moderate pries. i
febt? JOHN H MFLIJOB. St Wood n.
nr»o the Delim(iirnt Subscribers in the Mongohela Na-
X vi/niion Company. Notice is hereby .given that
all share* of Stock »abwribwl in the Mouoagahela
Navigation Company and which have become subject
to forfeilUre hv re**wt of the non naymeut of instal
mem* and tnVrrM tliercon will be forieiiedfo the said
company, together with nil insfolmem* already piid
thereon, in piinmaiiee of tbo provisions of the •'airtcr
of Incorporation, antes* the uapaid instnlmsQit toecther
wtlh interest trom the d a i o on whiolnhe
made pnvnbfo Vy a call ftom iho Sdanl of Managers,
be Pfchl 101 l to Thomas M.- Howe, F>q., lWer o}
»a»d company, at the Exchange HmikPitlsburrh, ©a or
before the first dar, of April. .U. . ; - •
Bj'ofier of the Doonl of Malingers, > -
■ ■ WAL Bakewpt.t:, :
Pmsbg. I-cl»aid3tnwtaplst . ,j... ,
rpUE subscriber* are now cxteusively enroretliritbe
A imponauooof HodaAsh from one if tlie most cele
brated manufacturer* in England, «nd .have on h»n.i
and will receive during the spring, a; largo supply i*ev
eral shipments bomg now on the wny) which they will
warrant kijual if hot superior to anj-iunported into 'the
untied btates, and which they ttre prepnred to tell at
Vrs i? ,ar^ct P*? for ca ‘“ or .« n tinre for npproT
cdbills.’ TUo strength Is Vronatted from W to: hu ncr
whiVhfsbd 5 *** cent,' above the standard itretgtli
■ feb;!l 1 - : ICU -
One-Week 21 or«, .
UDSGV3 Great Panorama of the Hudson River
:>*iu open fot another week at.: Philo HMI, com
mcttomg-.on Mouday eveuing.Feb. 4Ut, and continue
«*«ty evening during the week, except Skuurday. .
mbitioos to schools every afternoon at 3 o'clock * '
Tiekcth aB-cenj* to be had at UmMononrahela
House, fet. Charles, Exchange nod Alcrchanl’* lIo(pt«
and at the iloor. Door* open at Cfc and exhibition will’
coramectfeat 7 o’clock. fcblO
N o ,BugansobblsN O Molasses; 6l) hagslSoCfo*
fee, just landing from str Wyoming and for sole hr •
w A si MITCiIELTREE, sti
KT They wiU shortly recetve per. Martha. Washing
ton and other boat* ihe followingt— 300 |,hds nrimeN
Su«r«ii hbUiUantation Mola.sesraodoSugSrTlws?
30 bbls Loaf Sugar; 12 tiertet Carolina Rice. * feblB ’
Recording- regulator and surveyor*®
OFFICE—Romp veil to. the «l«td e^of
SVrfJSr"*’ le " 1 •aJjociiwf.t!?J;
1 caches lhatvc*) landing-from steamer Oeneset and
for sale on Bfcommodaiuig term* j . . y “r
- C-UtSOX A McgklOßT. \
.. . '
.- ■: ' I : , -
Elis Ud taSH?£dt*«*
watereofthcWett. ..
fiartthaliaoner can ptftcdttvto* be«J?rarW»Jfltfp«- -
•cAgtn. TheigeVaeKmia op**X*
-t*» earned a million otcMfOe wtlboM
ry-io their pereon*. The' boat* will W-«* ■<•
W-ood etreet tfcedsVpreTkra* to rtnrtw#* w»• •
lifl'e of freight and mo enory of pMeofli* l * W'W**? 1 .
ter. In ail cue* the pawago money mart &• P"**. 4 ®.
atfranee. ’ .r*'
- MtnrDAY packet.
The ISAAC NEWTON, Copt A. 6. MUO*. wUI "
leave Puuborgh'every Sunday rnonungc*W° t,oe *»
’ Wbrelinj every Bunday evening 10 f- *♦.
V* : MONDAY packet. . •- ■ / '
,;The SJONONQ AUELA.CapclMa^'wUllejwj.P*JSh/ ,
burgh every Monday morning ai 10 o'clock; lVarah#* j
every Monday evening ailOr.*..
At! 7 o-’cloelr, t. M.
The -HIBERNIA No. A'Capt J. KuothtO. wlB '
lr«ve Pittsburgh every Thitaday morning u 10 o’clock;
Wheeling every Toeaday evening at 10 r. il .
’ The NEW ENGLAND No. 8, Copt. A' Dais, will
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning of IS',':
o’clock;Whee&npeveiy Wednwdayevemng atlOy.*.- •}
The BRILLIANT,'. Copt Cue*, trill leave Pin*.
biirffheverWrhuridafmotningoaOo’eloekjWliocliiA ?
every Ttmrvdsy eveamgallOr ac
The CLIPPER No.*CapLCaooca, will leave Pitt* s
hhnrh every Friday 'morning at .10 o'clock; WfcMUag }
efery Friday evening ot 10r. M., . ; r
'The MEBSK.NGEB, Cspt-B*CAkF,-inU.l«tT« Pitt*- }
biireh evejr Satuiriay morning as U o'elock .
«Ttty SaUinUyeveflin®*llor.3l .s
. t • - ; . ' i-wwwiTt;" ■■ ■*
■ ysss* 11 f cA^^° ra '- *»
ud Sain rd»jv of each *tsk| fll V,
irtpon Monday, i Wedneedij. *M •Fnd>r;.s>r tai« f
t^laltholaounfbetween woodWwtandthe •'
P j*P«rf ;
''■% oCti3 - Ho 33, Wood tL . _
| BEAVER AND ; r .'
'■'■» _ . TOie fine etcetnhoat • ♦ ~ ■ v ,
. cbariea JV ciarfce. nuter, will, tort*?. ,* .-
■OfiSiSflißbeecttlnawinwioneoßvßUtaidaaf I
trip* to Beaver and WeUariUojJoaTiilJr Pltubnrfk tii- >--
n.manias at 8 o’clock, tad Weßmlla at 9 owMki *r*
2 “255 “ -G. SL HAKVOft 4 1
iVrt; —-•: .. ~..v"‘ l--- .>—»;*£.
n«Hy raolrtf Mit ' r, <\w- i*
? k • The tollowifl*oewfcaaU cottjik**^
Vi IL „ ilia like fortba-fmeii maaqtuJa*i
LANTIC, CftpL - June*. PuliuK /
NHHBSIbBBALTIC, Capl. A/Jacob*; aod LOUla- /
SI’LANE, Capt .E. Jlennett: Th» boat* U« ecflrelp
new, and an itted np without regard to exposes.: Br
etycomfort that money can procure ha* mapneUed if
The Hoot* will leave the Mouoßgabeta-Wherf BealaJJ
die footofßosa st. • paiseugrn will bapaacnalmi
board. es the boat* will, eeruuuly leave at the adraJ*
ifsedhoara.BA.M.and4P.K - .
V . Thenewtnd'magnificent staatata • *.
g. Eh "brilliant - >
Cant Grace, Master, will' leaWOlf 1
■BBEBBSHher nret tzfp cm Thursday next, at l4*‘-
o’clodc, A: 5L For freight- or passage apply oa boards
;>■ ■ ■ • •• -• : • ■ .■ -• • ftbgfi •
' yh* oewpnd^leMlid.steatacrJ
RMI Hunter,, master, will Itav*.fot k
■■■BS&Mtbove and intermediate portsoaTpMM
day the 23d iost al t o'clock,*. *. . For frejght ot pap* l '
jcagwapply oa board or to J NEWTON JONES,
ftb2l . Monoagahclh Hoaaaj
,'The.newandjasuttamer .
■■■llfk-ZZJ&I *- •' 'LABY.BVBON, V : ,tf
. ; •'lgjWjjiitlß- Miller, master, will leave tar flat ahoW'
■MRSfintSßpori oa.thisday .at 10 Lie Vtt Mdt
or passage apply oa board.V . . &b|9t
' ’ Thefinenteime? \ ,
: DesiuMDf .tuutvr.-vUI Imtv tM»
■■BSBKBaBBUua dajr fat above uutsll Iflluniadiebt
pom. Jfoi.fteight or pattasa apply on board. < fcbl4 '
i The new and <kit steamer
■ tJCjJjZJff. . ‘WELLSVILLK. ' I s
Berner master, -will leave for ahir*
all InterawUetc port* oaWedMH 1
day* nod Saturdays of each weck.vVox freight obmup
aajreepplf onboard or to - . *[?
- •'>
;'Jk^ K 4.j£ ■■- -I.
•: Gormlr. master.' wilt tttbtfrtf
■n^TwaS^Hßhn"«l*y K ForfretehlW
Apply oa twanL - •• . ..fch|||.
common paiter*.
■j jv TSb splendid, firtt dtofcfai
y?tQ J Konnu, ooginisatlts. will les*b
WUtJUi iTWfnt lAf»yeuA «ad intexneula','boifcb
qa Monday Uxq 7th but.- Farfretehlor pason' idtajy
apbotniorto: - J NKmtw'JONfavufV
. fel>4 * ,'. / MniKi«pii»i« ltaiiifeX-*,
■- ftwcka
uul' all JotennedistA.' -mm-m
Sand ay, ilia 6ih imt, »t 4 o’clock, r K. Foe fmsht OT
p*m«*ppl3rbaho«rtortt»- '
;•: I'/ttfre** The swift *te*met 1 ■'.
P iiwwill I*9*
tot AvoeeUnjr. oa lto^iT.
ujtday. tt7oxlock,*nj, • •■ - ?■'■' • 1 1*.
Coocul will land, at -*u iha twrti--
I?SJl c rT ! V" n >» PnStiSfe(fiSSSl
<!£2? 1 ■ ~; f . corner of Ist and acithfteMa»< '.
MeKEEap<sarag2iAbKtS aML imvauMi up.
i K>\ . -Thonewcteaincr • ‘ • V
- W.itftrrtf : r - DESPATCH itf.-.r.v r.
nuuteiy-will nmj
.sssHsas; ffß^irsjKSE
clock, a. ,*l , jFer.freight or paScttgß^^Sffr
express LINES.
4iuoas Line gxuny East; toaneeiiiw wth kAn-J? fiff
KtpreMdaiir,aißaWßio«..: . ~,?V7^£**7*
T&taSrtffi'S!' “■ f” l * s " *•■*“»«
Pxpins* close* daily st 3p; j£' • .-«. 1- |. •••
"■"W : fc-CM^&j^SSiigaii.
pj re to Ovit of EJ|wl«i A Ca - - ;■*'.—
: ' '"gfssKsasar-".
J b e(tti£'lifc c lfi?!Jifr , 'fr
&0 S Cluirlcs st, Dallimore.
KDGERTON A Co, (huuberland.
G W CASS, Brownsville.
J C EIDWEEL, Pittsburgh;
;-»■■■.. - CLA’xKEtTmW.
PKuennr ma
jk j ,a *n “>Bf * co3r to w£KL
.™fyfrgw any part ofEu»tattd,
bo robfeedb^iie
■S f^^-ss?w£sS«»SSrt
3fS f i!“®v7'.'°t ,d ■>»•«"■ toSiS* iSSSJS'
eft»P rale, which too inmuemlv rrarnliUhv?ip * l *
We.iutcudlo portal "SJKSsjSKSf'S--
whatitmny. mod not actaa»m. co **
with ethorolEeer*,—who' eitieri^KStSi^S^n 00 *
when H «nited their eoaveafc&ee or
vfcrt/U drawn: at IHUsbnirh rnirrmm. n„,
fIUJO, parable at any of ihepror
laivd, England, Scotland«a<r\Vala^r- lrt “
: • • ' •. ’. ■ : _£JOSHUA-ROHWSOK*
■jlSfiJ»'«pssgsa^* , a'
4g®|Jffgrcgiiiaii r tetto » toonthaafeSnaJ;
: : i*s|ss:iigaasKtf^^iw
Tor inishl or poure opplr oYATL2™JffS.*U*
Sltaj NoripuiJuSyo Wifiu^L 0 5ii < t*fOe«i
' !| “f r i-S»“ MsSShSa? l^
••' u*. InUK> 4jc*ata at jfiLS . . oomf '*»pwiL
UKxcau It. Co. Agent* at Bremen*"”'***!
c. a «Uul.n *nd >w^S~>^J.
A LAX’. MONTGOMraYTn?£Z7r^*?
a *K* a *» ! *V°fc'
?L Loaia. MayFeh '
Sod* Asb,