The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 21, 1848, Image 3

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v ; , ; MISCfiLLAKEOUR - ■'
V "I Kpd Plamrof Pttij from the milt nf n w
O cuteS. JsqreuteH*ol Saatersa ft*
jttit rcceiTed ud for sal* by ••• . . ■ u>7
tfeblg it RICKETSOX. I
, .S toS£S^S2r!Ss.w rt,,^:?“ k ' J st4“l
. . I ;fcMl Wk. B’ -:
1 TTAMS— Ktaborgb uaoked Hama on U^j
• ftMTlf . ■ l T (fell} V R M’CUTCHEOV
g™ ;TC Hpnvr,Nr.-=o wutoSsiSSU
JSH ”r.'VooJirnlßmiCjtiV
imiSTQ.VK-Oao bb! in Maraud Cot tale by
CjAMPHECE or Piue 03 in non nnd for tale by
B l « 2r r ffi*k5 ,O i CB^0 “*• W& Buckwheat
fiSbia * ia .tore and uUc ,
- ■ • 37 Wood H
y- 1 e " ti " 1 rec ' j
8 ® VEnx UU.IOX—25 lb* jail rec\l tad for
■jy«t>y. jfatn) RESELLERS, -
PwS? ARSES ' c^aa
"pEPD Boaox, ENG.—2 cues jail rtc r d sad lor
41 ««l« by tfeblTl n E BEIXKJU4. .
■"v,** srie for tab on ihe -wtisrl' by -
_ ; _fcW BL'RDKIIXJE, WILSON k. Co. Water st.
>VE FLOUR— labblnuMrior fw tale by
*_febl7 J p WILLIAMS, lIP Wood «t.
JHLfcfiE—so boxes for mIo by >•
> febl7 ■ : J D WILLIAMS.
‘ CCOHCIIING9—S bbls ou cooticnmrut and for sale
Qby. . . J I) WILLIAMS.
I Kpj»i 15 do* Tow Yam; 100
1 W luckory. Dnxmu os consignment and for sale by
\ - Mr jd williams.
1 jL’RESH TO.MATOKSt-U do* in Louies, a superior
• J article [feb!7] J D WILLIAMS?
jSXIP OIL—BbbL winter strained Lamp Oiffor tale
by (fchl7) WICK A. JU’CA.VDLESS.
fftANNEtt'SOIIJ-H bblsforssle by
1 feb!7 •. .. -. ■>. WICK fc MCANDLESS.
/TIDER YIN EC AH—23 hbt* for sale by ‘
\J fcbl7 . . 'VICK it bTCANDLI
CORDAGE— 10 coils '3, 4|. 6s, and 6 in. Manilla: 3
*"• Tn*™ l Ropes on consieninent
j c mdweuHSl
, • , Waterstreet.
ACTOR OIL—S bbis just rec'd and for sale br
febu - J BCHOOXMAKEE £ Co.
lIITE liKin I'llkrn for tale by
: feM < i-oßanrm & doxcav
(ROOMS—IOO dot lor tale by
> feMa S F VON nONXIIQRST k fin
a .'.*pls?'l«EAD—l2o pigi for *ale by
M ST syvoNßQ.skmjLyra.^
sSSS&BSSfr* Co.
lm ! f che «*"'«Md caddie* Vcwrijj
gr j
CtWDUIES-lf* «<*, erode CintencTl bll Bee*.
fi-MR o ** rre’d and foreale by
_> bla POINDEXTER & Co.
cui * pno»* i«*t rce'd and for sale by
J^r 13 lbU YelWCom;u« rec'd and by
' fcblß WICK * ArCANDLKStf.
COHN MEAL—IO bbl# for unlc by
-. febto >VICK k. M'CA.\pr r r s^.
taxes H"IU, 40 tax*
•f 9* 12 Window Qlus for isle br
riOPPERAS-10 bbls Copperas for sale by "
V feb!4 TOR3YTH fo.DUNCAN.
ITHTT PADDING.—One ease heary black reii pad-
T duvjuireceiTedbr ■ *
- Ctb3 ' gHACKLETT fc WHITE.
SATIN CTTB.—Three cases plain and .figured black,
««l mixed and blue, just opened by
EOCK POWDER for saJe at raanofaclnrers prices.
, K ~ -i: water A front sta.
TpdllAWO.-JCw keifs C twin Ky tobaew for sale by
(Chloride of- Lima-* esks
-M « pnnie quality, for sale at.the lowest market
' f tfcMS] W A M MITCHCT.TP??
rpALWW—IO bbls No 1, rendered, just rec*d. and for
. X aaleby; IftblSl J C DID WELL. Al»i!
RAIBINB--S0 boxes Bunch Raisins jest ree'd and
for sale by [feblSj E 8 WATERMAN.
500 J r b A.V,‘ ortcd Haeon in store and for
* * ale to rrcbtA] L 3 WATERMAN.
T' < i££ CC 9' -83 kc k» No 1, 0 twist (Gedw brand)
A iron steamer New England anil for sate
to __ ~ [febldl ' JAMES DALKELL.
'LOUB—CO bbU S floor loading from Mr WelUviUo
for into by JAMES DALZm.
P 0 ***-™ .LARD—OO pcs bulk Pork and 17 kegs
' r X Sf™ rcc * a * in S tom Caleb Cope and for sale 6t
t.ftbia . james dalzell.
* MACKEREL—2SI bbls Tanner s'
) I Oil; Wbbls No a Mackerel (branded large) ree’d
and for sale br - ffrbls| JAMES PALZELU
8, fra ”
fc bi . g J ' JAMES DAIiZF.LT..
bbla Beef Tallow for sale by
Spade*. Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes,
|i3 Maooeks, Picks, foe. Berger’s make, for rale by
1 febl3 FORSYTH fo DLNCAN.
fXAKAL SHOVELS of a rery njperior qoaJiir, lo
•V WBKawßinvue the attention of Contractor*.
ger'# jaake. For
ROLL-. BETTER—4 bbU ireth 801 l Butler Uniting
And for rale by GEO A BERRY,
! “MS _ ■ ~- . IP Wood »t
UX)UR“O00 bbla Flour, good brand*, in atore and
, for sale by [febtfl CEO A BERRY.
k.\U)llß-OCO Mill Bn’rlnmnia't extra family floui
X nperior article, jut received and for tale by
! feM i -J . R QAKFORD &Co
DBIED BEEF.— OOOO lb* iogar eared dried beeC i
flora arid for rale by [fes] B OAKFORD A Co.
rjAKBETPS SCOTCH S.YGFF, 400 ft. for *ale by
VT ftM ; J JODD ft Co.
XVBT VIAL COBKS, SCO grata for tale by ;
feM (Chronicle copy] J KWli A Co.
BACOPC— 360 pieces ESboolder* jut rac'd and for
talc by . [fcM] ;ATWOOP, JO.NEB A Co.
X ARD.—S ken lard for tale hr
SUGARS— 10 hbda prime N O aiinr.
8 bbli loaf *•
8. ** etanuhed K In store and foi
' (fcb7] ■ ■ Q BLACKBURN A Co.
P~ ATEKT BUCKETS—3S dor, for sale br*
Trb7 * O BLACKBURN k Co.
STARCH— 15 boxes ofjloabrirhu no 1, for tale by
fcbT • • • • O BLACKBURN k. Co.
T>LaSTKII' PaS&—Balltble~for Jjiad, Ac.,afiray*
JT on band mod for tale at No. 3U liberty ctreet. near
Canal. , [JcUrt. W. TV. WALLACE.
L—SO Uflilili Ko 2 Itm:
20 bbUNo.2. fafaale by
& U£AZL£TON, tvt tide diamond.
SPADES fc SHO VIUS-Uit tad Manure Forks
ninoftrtared by John Furrlt k Co. For tale by
' =| 1 GEORGE COCHRAN, sole AfL,
ja3l No. gSWoodtU
P£H:UN£NS| warranted pan 2u< common
ne, at low price*, for quality. -
Ti ABB—©4 kaya tod 15 bbl* No 1 Lard in afore and
jjferealgby Qa2B] LB-WATERMAN.
BYE FLOUR—C 7 bbUßye Floor. * prime anicJo for
Amity we. jottifec'd and for ulo£y
\ fTRiAS—CSQb*I/chc*t», 30U callie* imh Tea*, embrv
• JLieini'*choiceT»rictTcf ehop*,oa hand for «ale by
_ ; , .i BAGAI«e£* SMITiL IS kSO wood it
1 - .‘i ißßllthffl 'ftOTLfi iu prime aider, ;ou reeM end
JJ tot Mis by__ y«2o] . WICK A ATCANDLES3.
U Chdtooi’e jait ree'id amlTor ttle by
/VflONs— A taiairibt prime, (or uie by - 11 ; 1
V jmSO • WICK t hTCAXPLESS.' | .r
JJABYTES— 17. csuki baryte* saiuble for while lead
ninalkctarert, jmt rac’d —3 for tala by
jania i-. POINDEXTER 4 Co.
EAIV—ISOO piy a Galena. in afore, for tala low br
t j»PI7 • - - • - FORSYTH fc Co.
SALEKATUS— 4 caakajaK reeM and for «ala try
OATS— *100 bos an eonainuaeu, for anle-by ' *
, JalS J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood »u_
T?KATHEBS— OO bagi prime featbarajaei rat’d and
,r ;for ante by [jaM] BROWN k CULBEBTSOX.
SOAP—S 5 boiea No 1 toap; lOdo do Falmaoap:To
do bt*fi 6 do euUle, forsale br
jthl3 ~ - - ID WILLIAMS.
Buckwheat fXQCR-« a aopeiw* ani.
:ele. in aiore and for tain br
N haiim prime Soap landing from
-JOMES-W ,«« -ood
Iris t ' . T«KH»XW|.
buali iarce vrhifo Onion»?for aa)e by~
. ) ! febl° WICK A-MeOAKPUa
ORN BROOMS-dot for aale br j . ■
Fyy AT»l£ju.lM hbla Xtthannocka rueivcd and far
'Tf , Virtvqvy|y4~<?HKftirisfl"Enahel» in afore and for
Jj&eby fcbt TASSEY k BEBT-!
TiriNDQW GLASS—£OO bia eaaorfod aizea,lroca§
. fVi toSMxSj’on handaadibraaic by . ' .• ;
SOAR* CANDLES—7O bu Cmemnati No 1 SoapJ
bxs Mould Candles. in Kora and for sale by;
ft bl :' j TASSEY A BEST.
kEACHES—I3O buueeeired and for aale by
CtIIEESE— 100 bx» prime, rec«ired m 4 fcr ule bp
? febi; . wfcEMccirrcmoy
ergfu.F«i~.m LiiCm.roguTdCafldlMfor»»l»by
T.hio^ 7 " fobsytm-^doncan;'
• -rVyrmMUß*? l * CAXDCes— OO bow forHuUe'by .
:...i - pits? • roHstTHtpuwam.
. P , j
Z&:. ;Hss^^Si9£JßgliL : ■?
.\ r : - \| ; " ; \ ■'(: j. ’
..; .: i.V’J V : . .■ : :, ■:■/. ■. .. .... . ■ .-,\ • : :
rc*d and for sole by
«ock. prime Term, to Vnite by
X Mr* Lady Byron, tor sole by *
CALJERATUS-20 caaka put* Saixratut;
W TiboXw do do; • rac’d* and
_ Liberty ■trect.
P^Tu 4 bbU "ifVf?? P™ o ® Volk ‘lore wd
_ McGILLt HttSIfFiKTl X »nr
BATTLSO— 50 bale* Cotton Bauinr for tale by
fettg MeGILL. BUgHFlEEnffiny
r r*J- o .^£ CO “* e keci No l V* Twist for ante bv '
febla McGILL, BUSUFIELD A ftfiu
M°iw£?¥ ! £r 140 y ,u 0 J >I " Uolaswa landiii*
• from nr Clipper No 8 and for sale br *
.*»?% : JAMK3 dalzfj.u
P^^- 75 boxeeW BCheese for
James palzkli.
T^ CColi^«! W i^^ 0 , rwJ Tobacc °«* lor tali
CAL£RATUS—t ca.k* for sale by
0 f; bn 3 F VO.\_UO.\.Si|ORST 1 Co.
JUST recmed, M It. Prtclp. cub. Iron, nod for ..I,
v " T ' J KIDD 1 Co.
1U*12;30 boxes
DRY bus Dry Peaches: 70 do Dry
Apples just received and for sale b» ****
B_fc_W_gAßljAUGlJ, a Wood St
R°£i r Kfb t r 3 bbl ‘ ®“ u E “""
_ febll L *
SeTClta **
- febu ! > 8 * W HARBAITKH
T>ACOX—aai Hum; 2M Side*; 259 shoulder*, dry
-Dewed, m *tor* atul for tale by ’
_ febu il SAW UARDALGH.
T^ALENTINES —A tpjendid Bitomnent Valentine*
f comic and iennmenud, for tala by
_feblO || JOHX H MELLOIt. pi Wood »l.
SL GAB i AND RICE-7 hbd* N O Suear f*ri<
Bica landing from »tr Colorado and lor vain bi
QEpABA-OTIOO Kentucky Sefars on cot^ipnmn
Ofcrwie by [feblOj GEO COCUIUX.
■pBAtHERS on consignment and for talc by l
J- ' feblft 1 GEO COCHRAN, « Wood »t.
B 9? 100 doz'Bed Cord* for sale by
AT'Vf^rt sWkc ** Nail* for ule by
teg* superior Vi Twist for tale by
SOAP— 150 boxes Soap for ule by
J L^o rf f‘ d ’ 501b » II )' d - Pota*h, for aale by
t> feb!2 11 (Cbron. copy) J K»m
Can* of a sopenor qooliiy, P m op exp,
family uae, joat rac’d and for raic Op
W lSTboxe. 101
» l Id; 100 boxes 10*14, for ule by
febia II 8 F VON IiOSXIIoRST A Co,
S UGA S^ D MOLASSES*-® hhd. Pdo. N O Sq.
I*r,« bbi. pnma N o Mohra jim rrc\l a.ul fo,
o*" °y li_[)‘g»l SELLERS * MCQI.S.
T^i7 1 & ,r e i““ y «!«»*> i»p. m'sfs
ID do Cliiilui Powcluingj 00 'cptlv U,i„ ririop.
"f<C} l °'“ 1 ' b y J D WILLU'US,
j*” n . lIP weed tired
ke« No 1 leaf lard, tea
dcred, for tale by W & M MITCHELTRKE,
- itSa __;j_ ICO liberty at
TJI^ACMVoOU —John*ion iTßiocktoa bavej'ait re-
JL>««ted Blackwood's Edinburc ilmraiiue, No 354,
far December, 1547-- * *jSiM
"VTAICa laND sPilQ^—aatTkefT nails and ipike*
i.l assorted, in More and far sale by v
j 1 1 L 8 WATERMAN.
STONE PIPES—-143 boxes stone pipes far sale by
J«» 4 i WICK A nFCAXPLIgM. '
-SCO bn. Dried Applet in More and
tfebua GEOABKBny
SAL SODA-5500 lbs just ree'd and far tale by
_ ] t J SCHOOXMEKEtt fa" Co.
• ‘ No 24 wood tl.
lALERA.TUB—l4eaakiCleveland fartaleby
IACON-j-A small lot prime^
[>ACON AND BULK FORK-000 bams bacon: UOO
J shoulders do; 21 bbda sides do; 57 do is bulk, oa
>aaixnmerii and far tale by
!“»& • I i • . SELLERS A MCOLS.
iEAIfB-J bblt wfito beans; 4 do am do, in no:
> and far tala by POINDEXTER A Co.
CHEESE— 40 boxes W B cheese far tale by
- i f • _ POINDEXTER A Co.
■p£ACHE2WSO bus dried peacbea far sale by
/'IOAL-Orifaro for coal to be delivered la the city wil*
V/ meet prompt attention if led with
ALCOHOL— 5 bbls fat sale by '•>
i*l3 n R E SELLERS, S 7 wood st.
LOES-040 lbs far aale by
. jaalS j: • .
QUA AMMONIA FORT—3 earboys far aale by
. janlH j ! R E SELLERS.
' } LACKING—IOO dozes for isle by
-D j»Qia i : • K E s^r.Lros.
SUKDRIKS'j'I Mil* Jard; 29 bsibdi dried applet, 10
do peacbec; 4 notes woollen cockt; 60 Ibtbectwax
oa contigiunem an for tale be
jus. ! )• J D WILLI,
/"'IOFFEE—23 bagtprime Bio coflee just rec'd and for
1 ! litiil?} R QAKFORD A Co.
COTTON»**4t> bales North .Ala. to arrive per SB
Planet, for tale by FORSYTH A Co.
’ Janl7 j-: ~ 3D water street.
1HEROOT&—30,000 Savannah cirars, 20X00 Zaradc
i Car sale by WICK A fiI’CANDLKBS.
tAR-fi bbla N C Tar for sale by :
■ jugd I WICK A arCAXDUSS.
SODA ASH—I 9 casks best quality in store and for
sale by jj. ,JC BIDWELL, Agent,
i«2O i : . • - water street.
BEES&—3O Iwzes Urge W R, 10 casks do, in store
and for sale by : Da2Bl i C JHPWELL.
ALLOW*—SO bl>U No 1, rendered, just rac'd and for
sale by | : [jagOJ J C BID WELL.
LASS—3ooboxes assorted sizes, from B*B to 24**30
\X country brands, for sale by - J C UIDWELL,-.
ja29 • i; , water street
GREEN APPLES—SO boxes and 13 barrels preen
apples, prune order, just landing and lor sola by
Ja2o I. SAW HARBaI'UH, 23 wood ,i
TOIIACC—3O bores John Ward’s 2s tobacco, a prime
; article, oniand and for sale by
fong* )t IBAUiI DICKER* A Co.
* IUCKWiIEJkT FLOUR-43 taekshnlled buckwheat
| floor pot up in small sacks for family use, just rac'd
and for sale by OEO A UKIUtV.
I BIRD APPLES—2OO bus. in store and for sale by
J-' '.j I__, UtXJ A BERRY.
SCOECUINGS— 10 bbla S halls landing; and for sale
by | ' tjsngq QEO a BERRY.
SODA casks just ree’d on consignment and
for tale by, ! ISAIAH DICKEY A Co.
I*** ' I 1 ' ffl water street
AFRICAN CAYKNCNNE—HO lbs for sala by
| • bebrliMb /.
VJBACCO—2S boxes ‘pound lump 1 Virginia Tobae
, eo for sale low to close consignmentby
Jtnl3 j; A'f WOOD. JQxfefc Co.
fTAVANA SUBAK-rl" boxes Havana brown sue
Is for sale law to close eoasinnaent by ■
jan!3 I ATWOOD, Jc/XES A Go.
OOTTON—3O bales cotton Just rec’d per liedy Byron
V and for tali by WALUI DICKEY Acof >
_janl3 • i ■ - I AI .water street
T-. ARD—No 1 Ivd fo bbls and keys for sale by
Aj Jan 13 ' IadJAU DICKEY & Co.
. 'pDTTCB aSP LARD—B bbls rail buuej; 3 keg* dot
JJ 9 kegs lift, Jilt rec’d and for sdle by
TJCCKWHEAT FLOUR—4B sacks isiree’d and for
•Ofelsby ! JNO S DILWORTH,
-janla j - / • :■ 72 wood si.
F3U.AR LUMBER, and Pins Joiee, for sate by
jy»dtf • IT ! W. W. WALLACE.
[VSIATA BJJECT IROS—6OOO lb* No 207om«ia
' •k'ttirtro (w*n*oied) in'ttore aad fot mla low to
l_o— e*n>icamejit by - (j*o4i gAM'L M KIER.
VfACKEREk-100 bW« So. 3 Urge; for *a)o by
V Bt*; *id» Diamond.
poxes cbeeao jtul ree'd and per rtmr
KJ Auettna and tor tale by
.»W ; a.ia*uu wci^ry*so. l « w«nm -
boxes \Y R Cbeere for rale by
ViiiiL l - 8 F VON C(
TAB-SS bbla HTlnunelra Ta, jnn ree’d and for
-i'-l AIUXer A RIcKBT-inv
SI trnm&l 1
“ c ‘ d anrf for ..le by
V febli 1 RESELLERS. 37 wlxlst.
1 1_ R ROBISON * Co.
rUIEESB-aa boxes Crsma Che«e, tarn
Wmlforsaleby -W * R MW&liSfc
-' ; Libcny itrwrt.
• ■ 1 ■ water & fironi aia.
fcfo iISAIAII DICKS - 4. Co;
- i waler k Iron) iu
/-JOFTE&-QOO Caff,. f oriß | e by
Wel,era K y «nd Connecticut
— r ,a>a PQIXDKXTFR g Co.' ■
Th^ 3gTE ?r? S m Ca>it * pint and quart bouli
*-* r’lfrl-y [fcbS] p c MARTIN.
L™°? r 8 608 '•'""" j->™P *r in
f.M * : „ J KIDD it Co.
s 3 Chronicle copy.
N Orients, .ugsr house, g,
• filT “ ,jrro A w tU}l ° for ule by
- 07 O BLACKhUILV 4 Co.
llLS—Winter bleached \rl
lard -- u always oa band:
*ap«rfine Family Flour for
« . (febfl] WICK k ara/LVDLESS.
T'°s^?P ::0-1<0bx * “Pf rior 5» Tobacco for *«lo by
S^ P *T*° boie * rotin Soap for wile by
' liercc * Eic « i»*« recM and for sole I.t
New York Varnish, for sale by
__£eMl (Chronicle copy) j Kißl> A Co. *
•R WHALE OlLri cuki bleached, jiut
.and tor aale by
lIP wood st.
grots tor sale by
FElIIm! B “‘' ' Si s ¥°™' ■ M00.,', '
miRUARV. n*e«.’ scwL rises, pbaset.
.«S*‘ u , rta y' ' «w, a (TTcTs *"—
J> Suudny, 1C b 6 5 3 y >jj
a Monday, . 653 5 3 <j 3|
£ w e J dar t i oa * S »Q »<1
2J Wedtieiday, 6 33r ‘S It ID 4?
« Tbnrsday, 0 31, 513 11 53
Sd Friday, I 030 513 mom.
. coiLMnTEE fob February,
Office PrrrsrtTtcn Gazette, >
Monday Morning, February lil, ISl&J
The weather, on Saturday, was dark and rainy*
~l i... *
and business generally was; entirely at a Hand’
and nothing-, as far as we couid learn, was done to
I show any cliange in previous day's quotations.
Fiot*—' The market is without any •materia!
change. Supplies are large, i|nd sales from store
are confined to limited transactions at Si ,256-1,37,
and for somo extra brands $-1,50 p bbl. $1 p bbi
ii the ruling first hand
.lie ruling- first . price.
Gjulv in without any material change, and pri
ces are manly nominal -We quote Wheat at OOc*
Rye 45c, Barley dftfflSc, am at 37(235c, and Oat#l
ai 255-Oc i • J
Sircuß—The market is quite- tirm, with regular
talcs at sjffs|c p lb. I
MoLsms—Holders *
nay large sales even at the highest quoted rates, ns
a further advance ia anticipated The article is held
firm at 29c gall. -1
Corra. Regular sales ure ellecied at SlsB| c
l&s -
Provisions— -In Bacon, the market remains firm
with no variation in prices. \V C quote at former
rates, via >—Haras C, Sides 5, and Shoulders 4c
•ft. Lard remains firm at s}osi; to Gc ? &~aecor
ding to quality. Butter is without any material
change, unless it I* n Jlule less firluuess in the
prices. We quote RotlW 12513 c, and fceg rtt 90
2jc D>. ' ]
The river last evening'*
d, and rising slowly.
.•as 7 feet water in chan.
The steamboat Gov. JoLs took tire a few nights
since, while lying at the wharf it Paducah, bu>
was subdued Without much injury.
f . Cattle Mtrkr 11.
L P«l» 17.Al\ni«rli«, SSO beef can,*
including SoO taken to KcW Vert; 190 mi, and
calves S5O lioga and 1] SO aLeep.
L Prieea-Beejes, SO.7MS pi 00 B* ■ Caw. and
«»8H; aptinpers SH
« fre * b I,r ««' ««®n,7S Uie
100 B bheep—sl t each, as in qualify.
Spirit of the Oomeille Markets
jJ, ! s" v O'"?* February 10.—Coum,—ilooJ
Middliug, hitali.
'■ Sugar—Fair demand nt 4i£?li.
j Molasses—
i Flour— Small sales at former jirice*.
Freight*—Two new engagement*.
; Exchanges—Xo alteration in rates.
gLoMsyuxE, February 15.—The' Flour market is
quite dull, and we notice a further decline in the
e <l»oto from store* in lots at $llO
to. retail sales at $4,73 delivered. Sales of
about -00 bbU on Saturday were made at $4 GO
Sales of Wheat at 75e*» bu. Sales of corn fom
the country at 2s£i3oc. - i
Sales of Feathers rX 25c. Flaxseed SOc. Con
siderable sales of clovcrseed in lots at sl‘*o obu
Je hear of salea of 3GO bgs Rib Cofiee in lots
*1 a sale of oO ligs at 7fc, and a sale of 25 be*
at 71e. A sale of 125 hhd* X O sugar at 4l£4|c:
.* ? f i d l L h , ds,in ' ari<n, ‘ lots at ;4 {iillc; and a
fS?. 0 /, 30 . “•P" me oW «*6»ratBc. A sale of
100 obis plantation molasses at 23l'c {» gaL
I Provisions remain dull. • We hear of a sale from
pork house of about 20,000 Bhi baton nt 4{c for
bams. A salts of f»0 kgs common country lard at
sc; sales ol Uir to grv>d at sifi3|cJ
fta*hril!r —Per Genesee—l bbl mdse, Forsyth
& co} 21 b!s cotton Friend. Übcy fc c«>; S, sack*
feathers, M Allen Ar co; 10 do do, Waterman- 23
bgs peanut*, 13 do ginseng, 25 do feathers, 2 do
frmi, 4 do beaus, Dickey & co; 45 bbls, 2 bts loaf
sugar, 10 hhds sugar, 30 l«g* eoHtstyio bbU tur -'0
do molasses, 5 tres rice, Dilworth; 46 Idids sugar
47 bbls, 3 bis l sugar, 75 bgs codec, 20 bbls lime.’
20 dji tar, ,tf do molasses, English Sc Bennett: 30
sugar, 50 I’gs coil'ee, 25 hhd» Sugar. 160 bbl?
t> bgs dr. peaches, Carson 6: McKuighi; 4 hlf boxes
glass.' hlf cheat teu, Robertson Sc Reppert; 6 bis
eoUon; Butler A: Bro; 1 bx mdse, Bingham- 12 bis
cotton, 501 ham*, 321 shmitden, 160 sides bacon
Grccrj »i bgs leathers, Gordon: 7 bps wool, 2 bis
shecpjsl-ins, owner; 7o bbls grease, 00 bss bacon
Sampson A: co; 7 bx* coin, Kramer A: Ralun. ’
StmJUt— Per Welkvillc—6 Mils flour I-’ do
bean*; 2 LIT do eggs, McGill, Busijfield & Hoe; 15
bid* flour, Dilworth: 21 do do. Berry; 7 do produce
Williams Sc Dihvorthl 50 l*d!s paper,. Metier. I bale
sk*, RmuM* Sc Shee; 100 bbls dour, Capt Borne*:
19 fahd*tobucer. $7 l pc* b meal, 52 Jars lard, 13
«ka peaches, 2s bids butter, 2$ kgs lard, 13,k,
dr apple* and peaches S bl*'- '•ed, !• do
v „ ••oen, S hhla c seed, , timothy,
Mitcbeli; 4 do applet, Blackburn; 2 kgs lard, 2 ska
feathers, 5 bbl* lard. 1 l*hl ergs, Bogaley &. Smith'
1119 pc* l> meat 3 tibia lard'DalzellA: cm 3 bbl*
S!l butter, Wick & McCandless; 2 bg* c seed, Me*
orfcain A: co; lt’G2 pc* b meat, Cbiirch tc Coroth
ers 7 bbN, 1 hlfrfo, 3 kg* bird, Lambert A: Shipton:
b meat, Saunders; 4085 jxa b meat, Orura
WtUsvilU —p** Caleb Cope—l ert* ware, Park
or co.‘' T J<i 'do,'Wallace: 42 hub*, Ktockef
I»S3 pc* b pork. 57 sk» dr peaches, S & W Hnr’
baugli; 250 pc* pork. Dalzeli & C o; 10 bids flour E
Ucazellon; 321 p»-s bayou, 4 bbl* buucr, llidwell-
peaches, 3 hbl* c teed, 4 do timothy do,
1331 pea smoked bacon, Church & Carotbere; 50
bg* potatoea,'22 do corn, 47 do oats, 4 do cornmcal
b bxa sundries, 1 dressed bogaj owner*.
Prr*>reo*T Mxv am. Onto*.—Connell*
.Magic*! Pam Extractor—Jl i* now conceded by mtdi
cal men that Connell * .Magical Pain Extractor, manu
factured by Com*lack Sc Co. a Court|and m. N Y is
lbs greatest wonder of the IDili century.;. Jt» effect* are
truly Miraculous. All pains are removed from bonis,
scald*, jke. aud all external sore*, in a few minutes af.
ter its application; healing the same on -the most deli
r»«® ««»i l9*T in ? °® scar 'lt u equally beneficial in
all kind* of inflammatory diseases, such a* sore Jslp
ples and Eyes. Sprain*. Khcanmiism, While Swelling
•nd Ulcer*. Bruises, llunis. Chilblain*. Erysipelas
Biles, Tic Doloreaux, Ac. We might add as proof to
me names of many eminent pliysicians who
use it iu their practice, and hundred* of the clergy’who
Celt to their people. Kind parent keep it constantly on
, iu case* of accident by fire, life may be lost with
out it, put by its use all hum* are subject to its control,
unless the vital* are destroyed. Caution—Remember
and mak for Connell's Magical l*ain Extractor, manu
factured by Comstock A Co. NY, and no other. •
Soldi by WM. JACKSO.V, Agent for Pittsburgh. 69
Liberty sC, bead of \\ ood. novlEdAwOuT
CTCiur cr Coltvbu— Hai* Toaic—To the Rajj
and Gfe?—lf you wuh a rich, luxuriant brad of hair
free from .dandruff aiul scurf, do not fail to procure the
pemnne palm of Columbia. lit ea**s of baldness it
will marethau exceed your expectation*. Warty who
bare lost their hair for 2byear* bare had it restored to
it» original perfection by the use of ihiabalm. Are
■late or,condition appenrto be no obstacle whatever it
tth«) cause* the fluid to flow with which the delicate
hair tube;it filled, by whichmesasthousand*(whose
hair was grey a* tbe Asiacsic Eagle) hare had their
hail reiiored toil* natural color by the useofthisinval
nable remedy. In all caw* offerer it will be found tho
mo.t pleasant wash that can be used. A few appHca
uou* only are neecssary «o keep the hair from tollinx
out It strengthens the roots, it never fail* to Impart a
rich fflouy appearance, and as a perfume tor the toilet
» u unequalled; it holds three time* as much as other
miscalled hair rcstorntires and is more effectual The
genuine manufactured by Comstock & Co_ 21 Court!and
street. New York. * <
Sold in Pittsburgh, onfy genuine, by WM.' JACKSON.
SO Liberty sC, head of Wood; in WashiugUm, Pa~ by
Sweeny m Brownsville, by Rennet ft kndur.
In Ctutonsbnrg, by lir. Vouel: also, by our turents in!
drery. town ut Pa., Ohio and Md. norlSdAwCmT
Climate Is strangely destructive to the hu
man cuticle, (or skin) the sudden chance from heat to
cold, and tho smoke cause* yellow, dark, coarse com
plexion*. Then it is requisite that the pores of the skin
sbotld be kept open—thut their mouths should he freed
from imparity—’twa* thus the auoieni Roman Philoto
phera cured all diseases—they computed that more
the pore* of tho skin, than any other outlet of the body,
diseases; and unhealthy vapors led through-the
It U' tieceiiatr, therefore, to keep the pores open—oil
humors are dispelled from the skin from the pores,
when they wash with Jones’ Italian Chemical Soon. 1
havp seen il cure the worst and oldest case* of Halt
Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, JJarbcr'i Itch, Sort Head.
Ringworm,, when every other internal and external
remedy hud failed—its effect rendering the skin HWe,
clear and pod, though it be yellow and coarse, is won
derful—it remove* Freckles, Tan. Sunburn, Morphew,
and disfigurement,* of the skin—but persons must
he particular and a*k for Joins Soap—to be had in
Pittsburgh at WM. JACKSON'S, sign of the llig Uoot,
89 Liberty st. Price 30 cruts. ttovllhlAwly
D7* t ? «* tins Pbopeb Means.—lf you wish to be suc
cessful tn juny undertaking, you must always -use the
proper means.’ Therefore, if you have n cough, use
Javns's KnucTCRANT and he cured, for it is the proper
mesus. Hnyeyoti Asthma or. difficulty of breathing,
then the only efficient menus to cum you is to u U
Jayne's Exprcloraut, which will immediately overcome
tbe spasm which contracts the dUmeier of the tubes,
and loosens gmf brings up the mucus which clogs them
up, ahd thus Tenures crery obstruction to a free respi
ration, while at the some umc all inflammation is sub
dued, and a curs is certain to ba effected. Have you
Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pleurisy, or in fart any
Pulroonaiy: Affection, then use Jayne’s Expectorant
aiul relief is certain, and you will find that you hare
used the proper means.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 12 4tb
TF Does your hrur tail off does your hair loro gray
s it harsh, is it dry, or dirty, I pray?
If *Us thus, yoo etui make it son, silky and fine.
Dark and healthy, and beauteous a* this hair of mine
And to hare this, you hdre bu£three shillings to give
Fern bottle of Janes' Hair Restorative.
Reader, if yea bare bad hair you would really he a*-
tnuished at lbc lovely effect a-three (hilling (njttle.of
Jones’ Coral Hair Restorative has on it; it need* but duo
uibl. Sold mfcfl I nurlWAwly
ellow Teeth tun! putrid breath,
Spongy gums like rotten death,
Is repulsive ami disgusting. ■■
All_pould hgrr leeth a* white as pearl.
• Sweet bioath—hard gums—man or girl.
\Vlw delay!—nay,qmokly hawe
' And use a box ot Jane*' Tooth Paste.
It coats but 23 cent*, ami is really a beautiful article.
B *lve« thelteeth a fine einuasl. Sold in Pittsburgh at
89 Liberty *Lj ■ norltldiwly
ID-PiUaifloaa, dwL—The Genuine Hay*'.Liniment
f«i an- article more justly: celebrated a* a curator the
*' OTe l «*i» ahy or all other*. It* cores are almost in|
numerable, t Sold by WM. JACKSON, Axenl for Pitt*-
bur , noUSdtowflmT
-5?" k? ve yellow dark Tcelb — thfjr can b«
1 ARRIVED. . ;;
Braver. Clark. Wells ville. • ;! •
Caleb Cope.-Beaver ami" Wells ville.
Difpalcb, Nelson,'Brownsville. t •
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville’
Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville. 1
AUantic.'f'arktnson, Brownsvilla
America, Be Cuiup. Cin.
W r ellsTille, Barns, Snnfish.
Lake Elrie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Colorado, Gormly, Cm.
Iw ” "
Isaac Newton, Mason, Cin,
Union, Greenlee, St Louis.
■ Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Minhigan'No 2, Gilson, Beaver.'
Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and WelivilJe.
Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville.-
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville,' -
Wellsville, Barns, Suhiifth.
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Lady Byron, Miller, NnshviUe. •
Cumberland, Miller, Wabash.
Pilot No 2. —Cin. I
Coabrin; Forsyth, St Louis. [
Highlander, Parkinson, Cin.
Savannah, Denison, New Orleanf.
P. M* ’
BEARER PACKETS, at 9 andlO .1. jl, and 3
o'clock, p.m.
-tjninboii 1 ticket lane, leaves daily for Cincinnati,
™ «o Baltimore and
- T r .o || oaelphia. a a. m. anil fl r. u.
Mdf?K» LI “ direCl l ° Philader Phl« f s*. v .
Western and Somheni.Mail Conch Line,fl *if
rtonii-Mestem via Cleveland, daily, uia. m '
Lrte and Western New York, dailv. 0 4.«. i
•North-Eastern loilade|i>hia, doily,' except Sundays,
Eaaiern Mail via Philadelphia, due 3 4. *_ closes list.
U eat n Mail .Cumin. A S p 5 / £
&>mnv,.Baltimore due » p. x. cl's 3 am.
North Western via Cleveland, duelOa. xl HosUba w
Ene and Western New, York! due 8 p. slTdlmi 8 *.‘ £
t „ A. A. Mason A Co..
a FT w ’ KIUI Tman a an rousm mixer*.
NKORA! their inendf and the public generally! that
being about to remova to the spacious ar.dl elegant
c*ore recently erected 011 the adjoining Lot. They will
5 ™T\Vh , , lht 'r- rlo T fe and weU «lM‘ed stock
I InsV? 0 “* Cwt, * nd in niauy esses less than
»*!;»!?. v tl, j v l ** e “ to, open their new store witlmn
i t* oo *!*. flie sale will commence
1 * nd couunue u>. the first of .March, or until
1 lL* c,r f cf noval. Their extensive assortment of
. Goods will be sold full 3U per cent. Jess thiui usu
al prices. riiey consist of the most fashionable Cash-
ViVn “s'! Dr i“ ala - Mohair, Silk and Orwon !
PlaUs. Abo Bombasine*. Aliceas, Ac. , 6 1
n il? h Merinos, Queen’s
Uoth, French PlmdCtoakmra, Broad Clolht olfall tho
most fashionable colors. Ulsck and fancy Dress silks.
pi*M CrT T , T tr - u^hawlf —Cashmere, Terkeri, Tanan
Plaid, and other »hqwls-a Tory large assortment, fully I
reduced one half in* price. Flannels--Welsh,
and American Flannels, of all colors and qualities. I
Dotmet and Cap Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gimps and I
to" 1 'if oo6 ” 1 M* Capes. !.acem Artificial J
P i!i me * a ,?‘’ Fc,thcr *i Cravats, jllund
kerchieft, Fancy Huttons, ete. Lrnen Good* of every I
desenption. Woollen Goods—Casstmerea, Caniinetis, I
ISPSfh Pilou, Tweeds, Jeans. Whitney
A • “ n clle “’ ure assortment of I
Calicoes, Chmttea,dpnir»uc Gmebams, Chocks, Stripes,
Tickings, brown and bleached M».tm., , *- ’ |
The lollowing will he some of the Prices: *
Cashmeres at HH c. Usual price 37| !
.Moussehn do Lames, jai “ « "5 *mt fi
Gala Plaids, - . so u a x g ; ® I
Mohair Apregon Plaids, 20 •* u 371: J
Alpacpas, I*| » -37} <
Flannels, 2U u u nil I 1
Wrought Collars, lej *« u 371 ; 1 .
Calicoes, oto 10 ■ “ jal > I
Cuswnctu, 2810 31 “ * a) l I
Together with, every article in tho Store, which will be 1 1
offered equally cheap. Visiiera may be assured that j
they Will not be disappointed in the quality or price* of I '
our goods. Lian-'i! 1 A A SIAN).\ i Co. J j
1 Ore«t English Rtnedf*
l Asthma nurt Consumption!’ The
GHHaT A.*s D ONLY UK.MIIDV i<>r the cure of ihc
UH. dJ*coyrred by the celebrated Dr. Buchan. of
Bonoon. Kiiglajiil. and introduc'd into the L'uiie.l Htatr»
u, }d‘ :r me »iiperi(itcji(lrnt'e of On* inventor
nirrtinioniinary mere.* of i],u medicine. in tint
cure «>t | u iiiotiary iiiwa»e*, warauu tin? American
Agnit in tor treamient the ivurrt possible c»-
w ’ l " nl can be found in iJie community >chki thatWk
, * r| UI vuia from any of the common remedie* of th*~
nhJ’.i ; b#VP ‘T" K '?* n U J’ lbc u ‘°*‘
n» confirmed and incurable.. The Jluaimri.
au Balsam ha* cured, ami will eure, the aioot desperate
ot caM'jL 4 u9ckm»*!nnn. Luta standard 1 jic
lish nirdieme. of lium-n and established efficacy. i
in tin- I’nu.-J Stales should be sapj.lictl
with lluelmti » Jluncunan Bulsnni of life, not only u>
counteract the consumptive te U ,lenci-» of the climate,
butto be u.«od a* apreventive medicine majl ca *ct ol
cold*, cotißhs, •pitting of blood, pain iu die «ide ; iiiid
chc«t, imtaiion and sorenejis ofihc tunc*, broebitu,
difficulty of brcajinr, hectic fever, nisht
coufh'tn/crou 11 l!cbdll >'. a*tlima, indueurn, wlu»o|>ing
SotJ ia hixe U". U « per boob, with m •line
lions tor the restoration oj health.
comai, » n l?» raai.of Ihtglish and Ameri
can certificates, ami other Hnlenee, sboniuir the un>
SSH 5' l S“.° f “"imM laplMi Itan.Jytm.j ta
obtained at the Agent*, trratmiouslv •
r.f.'VS'w l ‘i r -b»'USTOOK 1 Co, corue, of
1«i wnd Uoo»laiiil\>ocKl amUkh»u. iebl9
T, «T ‘ U * d PortodlcU.V
.T l -S T , •«; A. yiiner'i, SmiihiitM .in.
fj 3*l door iron Second.
" n ' r °“, r 8c “ l “«l. ‘■r C.bml Aldtuit
•operbly iJlutinUed.
Ktiuincline, by Longfellow. ' .
demerit?’ ° { ,nnl * lno, ' lc ’ l‘T *»»'** of “Fatin
Si i-r tio. smith, iU
T “f *£%» bcwace of iutiqutue and Hand BookTof
(he Toilet, by an English Lady of Rank ;
l?Or*ay ,l^ e ° ,tt * e ‘ of oclcI )'- **>* Count Alfred
Fowler’s Phrenological Cast-price SOcrntt I
Living Ace .Vo 195.
Brian O’Linn, fresh supply.
Godey’s Lady’s Book «or Jan. and supply.
A large and splendid assortment of Sony 1 looks; com
prtsuig a new one entitled Paneb’* Comic Songster.
A rich and lieauuful article of Note Paper b i -
Also a fresh lot of ehcop priced Valentines, very hand
some and remarkably comic. t -
QU.NDAV SCKOOI. BOOKS _w, h.,» ju.t „™ v-
M '* u l'pl>'of book* for Sunday school lib a
nes, published by the American Sunday School Union
and approved by a eomminee of pabheation, consisting
ot members ol the following denomination*, viz: Biii
list Congregational, Kpacopal Methodist. PrcsbytcriUn.
and Keioruted Butch, iheso publications comprise
upwards oi six bandred bound volumes,(of prices from
b cents up to 75,) all written expressly for Sunday
schoo.*. In addition to tlm above, the .Union publishes
a large rancty of books in paper cover* tor quite
young children, for rewards. Ac, Ac. '
The Union also publishes two libraries, No i A 3 nf
one hundred volume* each, all numbered rendr for use
of, books from 72 pages up to 250 at the low price of
ten dollar*, averaging only ten cent* a volume. Also.*
A 4 outh Cabinet Library,” of fifty volume*, at the
low price of two dollars and fifty cent*. Also, Hymn
books, qucstiou book*, red and blue licketi on pa*
4c : Al ‘ , lll>OTe st!ll*
Uuion, Philadelphia pnees. Catalogues of books for.
imbed on application. ELLIOTT A ENGLISH
fcb3 {Post copy] 5(1 market si, bet Sd A .Ith
"VTotlee to Contractor*— Proposals wilfbTr.
1* enved at. the oSice of the Youghioghcuy Naviird.
lion Company, in the Borough of West Newton, lint |
Wednesday, the SOd day of bebrucry next, for the cot -
■(ruction ot Dams and Loeks, upon tbe Youghioghcn*-
nver improvement. Pluit* and specifications of the
rwork nmy be seen at the Company's Office an ('tune af
ter the Itilb of February next, and any information in
regard to the work may be obtained from J. E. Bay
fcjigmeer at-Pittsburgh. The proposaLwill In- address?
ed to the President of the Company at We*tncwton •
„ T ALEX. PLUMER, Prcs’t Y. N. Co., i
WmsrwTOx Jan. 23, »4v. febifoviltT j
. . _ Hew Good* for Spring of 1846.
\f R MURPHY, N. H corner of 4th and Marke
'] • sis- has tbe pleasure ofirifonning hi* customer!
and buyers generally, that Inv hai* commenced the rel
eeipt oi Li* cariyJSpring Goods, uud bus already open i
great variety of goods, suitable far Use season, ai pricei
that cannot fail to please. 1
ID-Merchant, are invited to visit his Wholesale
Room*, up stairs, atjd examine die stock nf new goods
winch will be offered at about eastern prices fob 10 ’
T^otlee —In pursuance of on order of tbe Court o
1.1 Common Plea* of Cuyahoga cou my, in the Mate 01
Ohio, made al die November term of aaid Court, ltH7,
the uncollected assets of the Lstute of fiobert Colwell
deceased, will be *old by tbo subscriber, at public auc
tion, at Ibe door of Uie Court House, in Clc '
day of March, Jp4S« ai 1U o'clock
Admid. of Estate of, Robt. Colwell, dee.
CLrrxLaap, Jan ffl, lSda. ; febtldOw&wlmT
t)mcE or mi Auxohext Boiduk Co.. )
Pimßcaaii. Kel>. 1, lt4S. <
AN Election farpresidetit, Manscrrs, and Officers foj
the ‘-Company for erecting a bridge over tlio rivei
Allegheny, cjmo.jte Pittsburgh, in the County 01
Allegheny" will he bolden in tho Toll House, on Alou
day the Cth of March next, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
febtl-dImAWJtT JOHNHARPER. Troon.
Union Cotlon Slllli. » ■
Pimstaou, 1-Vb. 1, lb4s. j
OWING to alterations and improvements making m
the Union Mill, the Proprietors offer tor rale n't low
rales, some excellent Bevel wheel gearing ami shafting,
cards and other second hand machinery, ail worthy of
attention. Cull and ser, or address
IJ'OR SALK—TIir ■ubkciibrrs wilt Mil the Engine in
. their old cMßliiiihnieiit—the cylinder it l> inch and
tis inch •Irol.e—olwyin connection with it their Hark
Mill,.which is nearly new, all being in complete run
ning order. Thi* BtCordt sn excellent opportunity u,
Tanner* wishing to u*e steant power, a* U will bo told
low \V A R HAYS,
f«l>D* _ corner of Liberty and Ferry, »t*. Pitt.
Murphy hat on hand at.very low price*, nn uxtori
ment of al»otc good*, Including dillcrent tliade* of
Drab Color*. Common and Fine*,: Nozarine Blue do*
Maroon do; Drowp do.; Black sod Blue do.; Batin tiri.
ped do.; Satin Barred do.; Fancy Plaid do; also, an a*.
moment of Mohair Lotirei. ineiading nnne very
One and clotty. In Wholesale Room*, up ttairt, deuf
ert will itnd a choice ttock of übore and other eoodt
by the piece, at low Cutb price*. . ft-»j
* -X Iht Beetwnx arrived iwr »tr Pbomix and for
•ale by ficMej JOHN » DILWOUTU.
1700 S A BEANS—I bbi Kgtr*; 1 l«bl Bean* received
It and for fale by ISAUji DICKEY. A Co.
—*f«t Not t and i* Sheep Pelts, lauding from
ttrMte&iganaadforatiUhy 1 '
ffbls - . i__ J C mp\VFJJ, Art Water tl .
\y dstekuolms rakCTctrrLutr-j«et
ff fciyej direct ifom Sheffield, pen, pocket mid
congress luuve*. lor sale br '
IXXJA.V, WILSON 4 Co. ISwood «.
fiUNDIUES—I!» bo.Clovrrved; SOD bo I>rie4 re«cl»-
i V.^l 4|sle»; *' J Ms Uiiil liutter lby
1 bale Hemp instore end for sale by
«*“* 2 i*»Jlatebmax. 4
T&\ PAI'EB-aw reams ju*t reed end for ule hr"'
; 't iunxouw ft fma£
) ~ trLl * ' ' ‘.xoirwoodtL '
Trqn»-Bolwlea utkio Ilopa for »tle by r '
JJ._feUl3 JOHN -8 HILWOimi.
1 ";1
~ Wine* Liquors. ...;
if) ■7 bole ''. haI w*. fiß*«e»aad euAUupjpej bno
,n,e*’P I **’ 4c," of the
'“fnwU, ffrad«, mijdWla&os.vfe, ■: eonu
o.wd fcrandjy jfc*} • Ttoncoo P.pri Wim,;
o'— *j° • Ic » > - do;
& ; iSSff: ; £.
*£■*•**•■*> ■ • ; 'S& 9:-»SffiStf>. i S
mi” a ‘J' : :i ’'g-SSiiifri'.. !'S«-
i. /Iggst: ;• st
lIP 1
-—■ (a 1 1> C -MAHTLV 1
1003 QUI2RI. V _ ■ -
wsc r\ n’aarcß. - T ?f^T;
w ' „ satio nai* foundry?
Warehouse Commercial Row, Liberty st
• • • nrzsßVßoa. 9 ■ '
&*F° n ?*?**» Firo Grates and Fender*,
tT^fif 0 Witi superior range* forCookiu;rparpose<,
together with every tW in the bouse Lnildingline-iueh
u^u^ 0 ? 10 ”’ Scraper*, Vnnlt-riras,for
indotv tops, railing*,: &c~ on hand or made to order,
aioclijnety orders carefully and punctually attended to.
. • 1 CtUIXX. M’URtDK * Co.
' , duTiuesn'k "Tt
Itoil Work*.
HAILMAN & Co., having completed
weir new work*, nVe now prepared to maim lac >
Iron Coach «ui<l Ellptic Spring*.
Irop Ailei, Amencanj lUiMer, Spring :nml Ploautt
wh.Vh .*{, ntl B J. W * of *maJl square mid round Iron.
h(5.' h v.Vii 0,1 tl V rrßl ,cnn S ®‘ tbeif ware
»^fl?l'? 6od * r 1 4 l; where they aho keep on
nanda compiete-nnd handsome assonment of CoacJi
iw i 1;. nmde arrangements with Me*m.
Yy .* t-rotU.ntanuiuctiircn* of shovel* Spade*, Fork*.
r" ? on,u,, ‘ , >’ b«id Wry article
Dealer* are rcipectfullyi witched to
tU, a* price* and term* will be made libera], jy2J
Btll'and Brass Foundry.
i A * k'LTON, 801 l uni] liras* Founder, ha* i v
pa cotnmenced busing* at hi* old »taml,
be will be 'leased to ice hi* old custom*
.17# mid inend*. - ; “
If A fniJifi . Steamboat, “I'd Bell* of every fire, from 10
I W » ca * t rora Pa*tBni» of the most approv-
I ed model*, and warranted to be of the best material*.
I J 1 l “‘ erB *" nte f Tumps, Counter*. Railing, :&«j, to-
J ffetber with every variety of lira** Casting*, If requir-
I e< fT^ , » c ' ® ,u **‘ed in the neuJpei moaner.
| iEr A. t. i* the. sole proprietor of lUurr's Arm
[ ‘V t "* l f rr ! os ?Iktax. so justly celebrated for the reduction
ol friction in machinery.; The Boxes and ComjSS
j Can be had of him at nil time*. ' j jamy '
I *■ Cl«veliinirn*u nii!.*,r
liVrn notice to swaaioLDEiSSSta:
BfcMgdL.»ialiacitlof tun per cent, (the &h itutalmeut)
j fSSSBaa all iab*cnption* m the capital »tock of
I ,'n'J L ’ u,J, i'uny, applicable to that portion of the rood
I under conus«i,.ia required to he naiJ on or before the
Stockholder* in Pituburgh
J Io .J w Rpbniwn, corner of 3d and wood *u-
I w 10 Joseph G Ueoclc: In
I viowuiy to Jarora »ie>vnrt, local trea£
I urer. 11/ order ot.the board of director*, J
Ogee of the V & Ciß R [fe'bSnji .
New Plano Fortca.. “* ““r*
o*'® elegant Rosewood six and a half >
I’lano Forte double riised cor- i
IV O »®r*j new scale, iroti frame-made by !
* • * J V 1 Chickertnf. Boston. ’ I
& S e A>w Vmk paDeU •*“ nMn,Wi “ff». 0 octave—Gale j
| One superb grand pumo, fl| oetavcs-Herz, : -pari*
The above pi® 1 ' 0 * fonea are warranted and have
been selrcied by the tubscriber. particularly for their
e ‘bv! ,J “V Uy °S tone lUl ' l rthuli as musical instrument
for sale at factory price* by ~
-gg— -JOH«N 11 MELLon. 81 wood si.
ii Uettlie Crane PUoe~
SI’LEMMI* utomnent of Hok
IT Si ll WOod /V !d i*»*»»»niny, grand action I‘,
*.,* 9 I 9 ’uioij.trzmc, )u*i finished ami for «J«
crtJ&JZZ Ro *^ voml with Coleman'
celebrated .f-olnm attachment, liuwticd in the mo.
modern .tyle.miti for-«le. at P. DLBMK
.P neWoodotrat, 2door» abovsith-
PiTrrsßUHoii \vo.tks and spring
jonr r qvtoa
~ JOSES & <4,17100,
*rA.NLtACTURKRs of npriiiK and blister-a.,
nr ~£ PUff h M J*. 1 I ,,W >K*‘ coach olid elip
£.l bora *P«red iron axle*, tt „d dealer* in.- taal-
L'ttirfMiir* bre i anj P‘» Mid coach irdnmiun
kwicraJly, comer of Him* mid Front «*, riiiaburjh,
mtic » , Ty P* PonndiT. t
T l v:‘S r^ r ,‘ taken U,c Type Foundry.
,■*- , ° - t«o-d-*treci, nnd will continue the hiittine/*
n ml f( “, uil,clnl . h n Taylor. They will mteml
iVni crs ' r|lb puctusdity and dispatch. All the
lj£»*-iVi a f' U * c L ut n I t by , lh *"' w, “ KMaud Cam? and
b«i Jilily b M UnJl ut l “ r * ulcrs ' M“len*i?dfthe
in.IV J ' A ‘ Tj Orerend i* »Ull employed in tuperintend*
m? the manufacturing department.
fo 'K'° ri ? f hc»wp#prr», »-Jw have uotadrertwed
mo. d?Avnn n . Uf Vn h ? nia> ' Pu -' ,:,ib ,bi » "Oticnforthrcc
inonUi* willj,e ru’.illsd to receive their rav in ttfr*4 ....
venmV Ui: Vt U “ c “ lbe »f their *1)111, ior’u.l
-! J I V- a } en in cxehaop'ifor new at ocu iter /b
ati r» > rnimxfi&tayusl
ThrodorcTaylor. j {«uccc*«or> to Itoht TnVlor.)
i * <U! \ . l-'orner Unld and Ann StrerU
‘Bolivar Bricks.*
anwed nme niuntt, u<c . frf R
.V, nel ' B <nU be * £» i«r-M, if ho d?-
V b ° U . SU ' lrs, J“ ee -i4 %wk 01 fiwl duality
Vr * 0 kaJe * l ' thc ‘Sloan'* Whartl' Ca
1. hewing ion Iron Work*.
J rtl , Ad»*ne« on Prru»lng'>*b* r 7-
5-1 " uud street, for tho
*alc of f'n.mnir Paper, for C. S. iJmbfcin tOo.
•roL.d mionn Ins customer, that, in Cvti.i-cdenen of the
advance on rag,, pa;>er will be cbaigcdji>r the'pres
ent at cir-ren crm. per pound, or ]
Imperial print,at I d,*.
Double .Medium,>l*l *U? at ) ./I?
•• J ats _ John ii mku.or;
M Boston Jtlode of Ueatlntr Hoowtl.
K. (J. biJvTKR, of Iio<!oa. ha* arranged arid pi
iWufii?. 1 ’ 1" “"m hesnin ? boa ‘« 9 - whiS haa\er
> *'* * ScW Vork,-4e..aiulwh*
I, v J,a * fcelvt-.l .!,<• decided prelrifeiico ov
~OVr »; *«**»««, «e. Hi a.lva^««-.
I. 1 ' £ fci, f t fr K'“l»n«y of temperature.
rreetloiii from iiaokc.
tfd. .VounpleanautdryneM. j
4,h - i J*' l r ! > “»e“‘JWi oa «tnbtl i «Weu> get on
•slh. (ircardornbiiiiy.
A laodri and * 1
.utxirl and specification may be seen and »nn»
“ obJ * l!,e,i *l 'be copper and laciory Jt P
fcWSd- W.M M SCAIKK, Ftral »n
u __ between wood and market.
GHE- 1 ? 1 ' hM *\ 7?s a «rY
L® do imperii) and Wack Tc m 50 bbl* Sc
< ?ft^ ,acker ?, l; * No 1 Hmusc; 6 bbls Si Loui*
•siL') r M f ,; ,l 'kliUdo bbla Viucrar
i 5 tK^ X v*" lun y* Tobacco; ISO keel 0 twist do; 40 boxes
L tb « *««« **•{' 15 bay. Hppen S bbi, Ground
r , <an, » K «rp«»*rapenflodoWritinir p»;
P 7;Mi r ,alB by K JtOBISON 4. Co,;
JSSII : ieo Liberty atreet
W^ ,SC * 'V IUPi>iNO paper-
TT g5 re ** M J ™l«» *»V hir and fine quaJiiiaa, ’
30 flat cop, good (jun' l *- ’
.*« .. 1 C °P’ K oo * l ‘JV a, “T»
**J i orue Ifteiorj* paper;
•« • “ tra paper,
CO p®** I'Otinei board*. ‘
3,000 uQiidlr* straw and raff wrapniitir ntr*r tn
»j »»d „ „»■„ a, a, ■£ yffl
TTCFg-nrr-i g™ B *s<fa
-*-X (, rD « lh of from 310 H 4 cbnl,:
“* Picked, Jib
' Ohio do. I’eJrnonl county.
rcce!vpif nC | l ulr^tV Cf " 7°**, of tlie »<a»oQ is now being
Wk pncc *- O.W.RMlt«ll ACo ~
7v,v v .vj lJwwery.l. 1
»r« ?n CIGARS— 100.000 imported cigar* of
,lbe following celebrated, brands, imnio anite
CSV, 5 V,, *» Autmjpediui, tt'ashiiigtou regatli,
juipides. Ijicolnpic. bo* Amigos, do Fu-uer London
cor Staiiibbcld A front at..
il Invite, the mention of the ladieTu,hi. -M
SnVtf' ‘ ,,u,,, “**«* d 0 &' id
ly. wear-) aid wide double purple, •ujwrior <jual-
J Jone. E^ r || Wl ' l be hold °* Ihc house James
Ua7iheSM,. Un r k J, r ’ ,0 f "• Allegheny county, on Mori*
Of >o vket three
«oi •ft h J B «l«‘l'»nipike Road, for llto eti
“> “filer of the Board, .
T?iV?F?« ! • ARTHUR McOILI« j’
l ofblV bI ( H~ W R •'IURPIIV aaksthe utletiuon
rirl. ni«s? ‘i. h r of ulwve goods, includ-
I SrV n«. P ' W i n 1,8,, ’ U1 , d «*« silk; poult du soiedo: blue
V ''f le , rtJ do i a ° mitered :«nd atriprd il!£
Drew SlikV J, ! ,lU * i L m 11,0 " lar F° »««>*pnem of Fancy
ioUnt Vh« T’^‘ aj ? sab!^ a . 1 ‘' lt1 !' * c i aJi « which will l\
wia auhejowcst poeubic prices ' 1 ,
SISSHi': N ,L K cofnpf °« 4lh wwlihiarkci street.,
SlfheuS l wn^'t^ nurlo . U! *’ ?»«* ■hirtin* mu.?:
i u * u Ps rior «»•
of Sverr” 1 IdneiS^W*
; P 1- h® l * ire.ji’Fumily Flouri 10'bbl. N«j!^-7viu l ’.>‘ , ' u,^ r ’ l:Jll S*'*»■ # tw« Corn?-
i * K > e > - bbl * Just rec'd and for sate by 1
; f . MI . K RODiSON A.Co,
- - led liberty street.
O K S'* ““'oral colored winter Sperm: l«x
-winter Clinic; SjW gib low priced
i Vi, 6 l Ic «'*l and for sale by J .
| i5"?- a MII.I.KR A IUCKETSON. |
<IXI dor playing cards, ijno whole and
nnlf can* sardines, IB ba.ieu Olive (oil, 10 boxes
and brandy fruiu, a bbb crushed so
*ar» a bull lom do, 0 cas-.-i letttou svrui'J 10 boxes le
*wn>*, for sale by ‘ [febt] F V .MARTIN. '
|TJRpfitJCK~-Recclved per .learner l.ndlod-. bbls
yL Cover Seed, fj do Flax Seed, Udo Hull Duller, y
P° White Reaos, 17 do tls kegs do 4 seks Wool, 1‘
do Feathers: (or sale hy febl HAfIALKVfcSIjITH ..
■fT -tQUOfts—lS) gallon! Uolluad Gin: &50 do French■
pL4 Brandy, rac'd on eoniinunant mid for *#J* by
Linen lawxs—a supply' ° r * b °V® *<»d» con
•tamiy on band, a!»o linen cwnbrlc unTUnea com*
'■wc handfcf*, low priced and fine.
feb7 1 W It MURPHY.
>BODUCE- U i *«— v - “ ' '
jpBODULT— u> krf* No i! Ja 10. J.4'Mil* fcnckwb
’LL Dour, Sdo Ilax teed, 9 doun&l] white bcuii, l d •'
r> e, i do timothy *sed, V sick* dried peaefae*. received
ftiid for tale by \ GEO A iIEKKY, . ..
i_ i*gt | 19 wood (ireet.. ;
X&SH FOR RAGS-Jfchn H. Melior 61 Wood Creel,
j will pay the high**! market pjics.Tor country injx.
Jln(e f cither Jo cub, or Ja® 1
, , li BuiEililb
2A Thesub*criberofim'for*aloaHouae.*naLot
Liberty street, a short 'distance 'above' East
Allegheny city.} He Lotis 22 feetfront
oa wreeiv and run* Uck to ao Alley SS Jeet
«. SL c JT c l ed perron ii Brick, nearly new, two
•tones hi 3 n, IS fcet iu froutby aboutCSin deptiu and
contain* ren CQjnfonable rooms, exclusive of-pantry,
coal-cellar and.cell or. AH the room* hnro fire-places,
and drmnsareeonstmctedtocarry oirtlie watec and
the bouse u in every respectin good order and very
nSS^ I vSlli?s!i , *t^ e r * uii «lifor two.familie*. The
wld low, and time given on thalureest
pari of the purchase money. 1 . *
Inquire of the «abicriber, wj>6 can be seen at the’ of
oft,Vh. !ii l^et:o, et f rrfcrehooa i b<rir « n the boon
?J * I S“* 00“ ten. and at other times at his robms at
Wr». Ilayi'boardinq bornte, Robinson's new row.Fed
e“‘*,iAlle «beayCity. - ! DN WHITE, .
lf ! - i Agent for the owncr.
M t Only One Left. » _
subscriber has qidy one of those cheap dwelling
houte*, Minuted on Decntiir »t., left.' Thla housl
i* . I ' n s K * ,hrc « «!one» high, and contain* six room*
It is of recent erection, well built, and possesses every
convenience fora neat residence fqr'n small family,
ha »a Mpurate and independent rani. - • *
#1 Th*. ~ ‘ °t t* c . ' wi! < be soil at the low price of
nJ. 1 in^i m i slven , on *, portion of the purchase
o^^crcd_"in^hb| l c Tty, o^^: U, welbl *ik, busnotlaiely been
ficeof^hl 0 /^,,* 111 '* 0 whe l ean be Ktn « >be Of
of Uc,eT fn rfo "n«»n. between the hours
v' l^ 1 *S* l *“t nn' other times atbisroms,at
JSKJw r ? , hQ "* e » Robituon '* new row. Ted
?eblS AU Ca,C, ‘ r *' ; DN WHITE
L__. ' Agent for the owner.
1 h?" °, r , Gr “Md>.ruli. .
ed for suletMi tho most reasonable terms.
J-or private residence*, business and manufacturing
if i^n”?’i Ure '® ot * P re *«- , »t situation* not supE££
sd. ifeqauHcd.byanrnpwfor dale. Th« reguGrirr
With which the streetdare laid oat. and th« level
acter of the ground, render the lots convenient, and
available at once for building purposes. The title is In
disputable. Apply to : HAJIMAR BENNY, Sd sr
•• ; ! orROirr.AIcKNIOUT,
jejia-dlm Attorney ut l*w f 4th sq near Grant.
Real Estate iniOhJo.
TRACTo» land, Ou ofcres, in Harrison, Portage Co
on the Cuyahoga river—about SO acres under Im
p?CJi tn,cnt , " o * ,v:o unimproved lou in the vilian
of \\ arren, Trumbull Co, 00 feet by PO. • Also, a Jotof
ground m the centre of Hartford, Trumbull Co, with a
rHi 0 . „ ‘ i" K hwu ? store—one of the best stands
.hfJ , ° ,Prchant ou the Western Reserve. Any or all
this propeny will be sold on very accommodation
—... . Water and Front Klm -
ATyrT'*"J Bl I t#,e * n Mer «« County.
SiorehouM and .Dwelling, situate on the
. f i n^? n ? anul » ln ,iie ▼Hlaffe of West Mid-
T**’.**sl» a desirable location for a merchant. Alto, a
sS^d“t?s^ l^H re,lin? f , A oiue w< " »ui!ed fora Tavern
12 “®TtHoffs ofOrangrville, on Stale line of
fi?-.n Tcrnu * a * r - WA,AU DICKEY ACo !
~-•? ■ . • Water and Front sts.'
tot for Sale.
LOT in the Cth ward, 43 feet oil Logan street by 60
wet on Clark street; one of the. most desirable k>-
jons In the Cth wanl. iFor terms apply to the sub
senber at the Methodist Book Store; Market
“ l w * dwelling >n Clark street,opposite E.
1 rovlllo * Grocery store. ; (feblOJ j Vltnn
atofy Dweiling House and Lot, now
oceunied by R K SchweppeJ Esq-on-Pena st-
Tv Lot “^ bjr 160 I« pleawnb
three story house on the comer of Liberty at and
I™ 13 - I .* e 7> now occupied as a wholesale and retail
*n i Possession rreea
iS^ d v L® 7 ’ &a warehouse orjohn
Irwin A Sous, No. id Water street. br
deeM-am v l 1 JOHN IRWIN *
MFor ittHtH : -
A two story brick dwelling with about six acres
of ground attached, aruated at Oakland. .The
place is well stocked W»h fruit !of all kinds, and
is.a netirable location for afanul; being entirely out of
reach of thenverand din of the efty. An omnibus
leaves Oakland hourly for the city. Applr to
jMs® ; ATWOOD,'-JONES A, Ca. “
Ml FOItBALE. .. •'! ! r ! ~
blib THE NATIONAL HOTEL,; oa Water street,
dHMbabove ths-.Monongahela House, and tho stable
on h tom street, being uleunehoidlbr the tennofitt
J fajiii fratn t^ie I#tof Apnl, 1543, iubjcpi to the payment
ofS4M)per annum. If desired, the Iccksimple ui the lot
w Front sn. can be purchased- Enquire of*' n ™* a
decaafT wmTm. DARLINGTON.
For Renti T !
n*w tlireo story -brick dwelling house on
VV ybe street—Possession giveii on the first of
April or sooner if required. Inquire of
-J2?} ± A R FLtAThIO-i liberty street
F«r 'Bent* 1
CO A two story brick dwelling w jih about 5 acres
j2jj of rrouiid, simnicd on the bank of the Gluo river
—-in Ujc Lorwgl, of .M ndio,,,.," ’ ’
i* n3 ‘ JAMISi A HUTCIAa.N A Co..
. To Letl r “ 7“
THREE dwelling house* situated on-4th street
Jcia.’ w * r canal bfdyc, in the city-of Pittsburgh. Al
, a , f OOlll '** by tSJ foil, with a conveiuent en
trance on s:h su, near wood. , Also, a frame dwelling,
tww stones, Willson acre of ground enclosed mid under
culuvauoiq siuiau on Ohio lane, in the city of Alleghe
ny. inquire of . : J D AttLUAM^
: liO wood street. -
• To Let. •
' li: B e bnck Dwelling Home on the cornnro
Jriilß boleral und Koumroii streou in the city of Vllo
r . al lbe ho i ll ‘ e, *d of Allegheny Bridge.,
fcblydlw Wj O Jl liOßlNhW.'.
To Let. ; _
Hra The new three story lireJ>roofbrick*toreo£
jgiy second *t now occupied |iy Edward Evans; fill
nasn rent from Ist ofApral nc*L Inquire of. .
: IH wood itreet.
M The subscribers will real purl of the v
bouse now occupied bythrm. Apply to
— Jauig water *tr«
For Rent. 7”
«£>. A hanaiomely finished room on Market undil
wwopied-a* MhdiSaluaem
bj MorlandA Co. AJ*o, a well finished :&od wculir
room, •unable kriocieuei, M/oniiug ihe hall of
tbe .Mercantile Jjbrnry Association. Entrance at HJ.
‘ , KB G.iZZAM,
_ocGT7 Omcc. market ttreel, between 3d and 4th
For Rent.
tf&r* 1 ? 51 ', convenient dwelling boiiK on
At~. Federal “-Allegheny, formerly occupied by Ur*.
-.*V" <J * rznm - Kml • Pofwrsnoit jriven un the i»t
of April licit. EUGIZzXm.
i«mn«lioio P{w««*i6n of the above boose'eau be ol».
iwiica bv“Pplyjutf | io M. Creighton, al the caual ware
uoa«e of {.lark A JTjnw. ] dec° i
... " Fdr~Renu i !
M A flr F* room on the id ttory of rise warehouse
'EM'**™™* by the *oi>»crib;r*, near die fool of
" 000 »lretl—a food location for a aieumboai
•jency or mi Imumncc office: “
MPorßeni or gtli. ;
A neat two kUmed brick dwelling boose with
•even room* ami large yard, pleasantly. situated
, ~ *'* u»e slit ward. Apply to.WM B SCAIKE.
-frAM j.y ; .Ist meet near wtxwl.
For' Bale.
• £ £* ne l *° » ro O- brick house, oa main street,
Jag. Allegheny city. war Hie upper bridge. The lot-It
.J feet in front by iOOdecp. Tor terms inquire of
• _A WAgHIXOTOX, 4th st.
To Cet« :
new three .tor* Dwelling .IIou«, with
fillf • l »cb«l, .ituate near lit corner i
dnH&WyUe and WMhangton rtrceu. Poi*e*iion ri
**» on the fint of April ceil. 6
For Rent.
THt latfe fire proof-warehouse, S 4 feet front br
-EciW* «rct deep, on second »t near wood.' Rent mod*
ernte. Inquire of J SCHOOXMAKER It Co
MPor Rent.
A Sfiioke House, situated ou Plum alley, for
rent. Inquire of IlOlitißT DALZKLL i Co
- Liberty street. dee!3
M Por'fitnii. "
rhe well furnished More on Market .treeti be
tween third and fourth nrreti, at prevent occu
pied by Harrow* mid Turner. l’o*««»ion given
O JLHL a _ fi i ,to ' April «»«L fiivtaj E 1) OAZZXM.'
J .Te Let* ' '
<Wi .A drV pood*,warehouse, D 7 wood street, second
JfSIB door above Diamoud alley. Inquire of
dcc ? P T MORGAN ft. Co.
COAL CAN'D FOR SALE—SevctTaere* coal land
for .ulc, situate ui bend of the Mononcahela River,
anove UrowMtUle,. havlug u 7 foot vein of coal
which will be sold in exchanra for food*. Forparticu
lar* apply to [oc23} S <t \V tfARBAUGII, 3J wood si
Bulldlnir Cot •' . r
TN MANCHESTER FOR SAI.E-I have for ..lea
L hrautitul imildnu; Lot m Manchester, near the lerrv
J feet front by 120 feet deep. It will be sold low, ail i
n accomiuodauuß term*, term, unexceptionable.
m n ,J JAS. BLAKELV, Real ktnte Aft.
Lota tor Sale,
11W0 buiidine lola in the «uth wan!, each- SH br 133
feet on which, there fo a never failinc tsmuir of
watfr - GEO COCHHAN.
U. A. PuramoM, f A. 11. Hull, N. Y. City
B. la-Faiixeuuck, pPituburgh '
O.W. KahxbtucxO
Wholtialc Drag store In the ettr of
new York. *
1 1 H& u r Je V ,iB Xf 4 V® c * ,en *iveljr encased in the
• D?°rv B,e JP™.* business ut No, 43 Johhsuvcl. in
ni«cit> of .New \ ark, uttd nrc prepared to supply Druj»-
P'* 1 * o , ,, i Co “ n,r r Merchant* with Dross, Points, Oii*.
LKe-MiiUj, l oreisn and American Perfumery. Mander,
Utn\eriMandtirVChemical*,(ofthsir own' importa
uon) el! other articles iq their lino of buu'iarsi;of a
superior quality a* low as they can be purchased In this
oraiiy ensiemcity •
N'cWVork, I’clilC B A FAHNESTOCK * Co..
hove this day reduced the price of their Soda Aali
(winch la warraoted by (lie manufacturer* front tv to
percent.) to-4Jc for Cnsli,or <|c for approved Note*
at 4 moifllu. And for cuumitir* of 3 tors or upward* a
deduction will he made ofjc per pound oiT,these nri
r W it M iiriVHKf.TRIX, -
leuis IG'UJheny street. .
Steamboat forSaiei ! "
. /ru'nz*- k Ouc-sixth. or (lirec-itiijli* of die
?steamboat Gerruautowu, lor sale on
■i accommodating term* hjr
U'M 11 3CAIFE,.
le hl4 First street near. Wood.
BLEACHING I'OWUEtt, (Chlonde of lame)—S
casks of superior quality, direct from th« manu>
fnettirer in Knclanth received per Mr b&ranak, and for
sale at the Jowenrthnrket pticn for cash or aooroved
hills, by - Liii.lll - KJ-*.
DRUGS: lran; tit Rlmtnnyfpip.
ihiic; Sirfcbnme; Phosphide Ammcrnia; Phosphate
Soda; Br. Carh. Potassn; Tannin; Citraie of Iron and
Quinine; Oxide silver; Soluble Tartar; Chloroform; Just
received and lor sole hv ■ RESELLERS,
57 Wood 55.1.
tiwSoiicfTT .
JAMES S. CTUhT Ationicy ami Coiin»f|lor at I aw
In. romovrdlolhc offict. iiexidoor w™ .of Iljlv
™'""‘ Hwrr ankle. 4th .urn.: Cumiiii's
.once upon public duly lor tho coraiur momh inr ho.
for Imu m,y ho l c „ a.
mediately m the rca r of ib c hiuMi felS2i““* W * J®*
where I am prepared to do b u «i n e M^X& oecup,ed ’
. :. *u.KXAxt>Kit cordon.
,y - "‘.m-mg
•alaonaceotwaodaiia*term*by -. ,i, 7*™
'' V.mA' ’ 'W 4 H '
-• f -?SL*.j"-.- r^gUaenfSttMt
■'•.-'fc ~-3v „.o£:C.' L; .>•'•
••••:. • '■:V''•:i
RATKd OPmsCtn] ■sLT- r ., ni . t .
li r / 'S. HOi»a»Ks'#i,-Lso2f. : v-~v
Ewjjor* Bro*wT*fo,d»Ma&MttrWUoe*itu'U
ti ***>UrlvMili« ; Indiana.
-B*nkofPtti*targfc PirjStateiPfc ArHjutehei-- )! 1
•i*ctaottj3aak » ' *
’ p “ h' s - v VhrdlnU. ,*
Exchange fli. of T*,>. I* |
Girud-Bosk v—pw-Parser*B*:of n
BMkofGentuntown .poHnic. of the «•
.•* “.Chener Cooaiy- vpar’Bfcof Virrini*...'.*u^«; I
. Delaware o*. ~Wr lth«.-BOn**ii|*±-
•«‘ w“? a W C^ vp-r ~d o iloreantown-.-< JJ
Nonhumbeilaad.-par M. W.-Rank Vt- .„**..!
Colsmbiaßridge Co.* * par ;io Welfare--...-."l
Dojrlesiown Bank.....par ;db PaikerafciT*--..*!
i FahnerV ok. Reading-par <::r ;..J
! Ftaen’JUc. Bncka Cto. par Bt.ofTeiiner«M.... .
Fanner* B% Far.&Merch’»Bk..-v—■
pmcwier Co.fik.... .par Planter*’Bk> - _
Lancaster 8it......... par Guiea.......
Bank—...—3o ■<[ Hfluml, :
BrowasriUc Blu-.-...'.par &a to BkofiliMocri••• »- 14
Washington Carolina. 1 ’
Geuyabmxhßk..;-..- V H Bfcof Cape Fear 11
Chamber* tmrg'..V. . « Mereh ; *lk.,Newhcm- 1
'?o*qiKhaaaVCatik..‘— l
Lehigh Co Bank ~..... South Carolina* .
•Lewistown. >..i -Camden Ilk- - 11
iUdJleioiro- ? 1* Bk-ofChartesioa-v •• 1«
Dk-• jf
hne Sjl*. ° fle.o/Georeeartrn-—..U
FanrcraVaad Drovers’ Uk.of Ijtmborg-... -.v i
Bauk, TFayneaborg.'. «. MercbanU Bk“ .. »
Haniilianj. v....* « PlknlenJtMecha’rßk.-
HonewUle—.... « BkTef SoothCarolfo*i
t0bw0«,...-...4....i »< -!v;-.-Maryland.•••
5? Uw, e ? w (Baiuisora Bka
v “ jßahm’e*C>RßSeri
• frhtnyi.
jFar. Uir. of Maryland-•"»
pVroer*’ * Mechanic* *
| •lUr.' Frederick'.--.-. *
IFVcderielfCo.Bt....... u
K«3er«ownßlt' •«
(Mineral Bi u
jS;t4p««o 9k* ;
I'Vtf hi cridrtßk..
IlßS.'bfVVeiiminticr • • •• *•
•••Y'Jllehlgan* •
Blr.W 8t Clair-
Michigan lnr.Co-.- .. 3
Jtor.'fcMech’aßt s
Wlaconttn Tcrrle*r.
Mar.&FireTu.Co.Milw’e 5
• ] ;l; Cuidu, .
Allaplrent Bazlkt* •• —S ‘
Ika* orEnjUndNote*' •
QoldASpcele Value.
Ducats-...!..2 15© 5 30-
EagJd,t>ld-i ... •10 65
Kama,n^w..... .10 00
iMablMni, epaalsh. JO 09
Do-Fftriot-.......13 or
JtoWMgM 4'S3-
Gaineai.—v.. 5 00-.
Frederic iidWa S 7 s>
Tea Thaler* • .ivl-U:
TenGuilder*.... . a no!
Lccird’era-1...... •
i Bzehann,
New York. itm .
Philadelphia ..U™
>» par. u iaienpr, B’ks*.
Weal Branch Bi: *»
I. Relief Noie* ««
| M&M lit. pit it.Ac- ' °
City*CooalTScrip-*-i u
. Ohio. K : •
Stale Bk. and Braacbef 11
JlnuiuPlrtaant'**** •* «
Steubenville***.***. . «
fit Cloinviile “
Maneua <i j
NcwLiibon* u
Cincinnati Banka i x ,
Colnabtu ; do ! u ]
.CirelcTilloi m j;
Jianerviae .
' Putnam »<«..»*...«
Wooster »*•» - »«
MaitUloa ; «
Saodutky ........ «
Geabfa...-. .. .. ...;u
Norwalk ...» «... **
Cleyfclond.~ «
Xenia Ju
Daytbn....J.i «
Western Reserve**.'. M
Franklin ffk Cfclurabok “
Cbillieothe *•- .•«
• Lake;Erie*•• ......'. J «
Seiota** -. .J u 1
1 Lane*«er Jo I
Hamilton*. 13
GnsnyilJe-..*... ...... So i
Fana’r* BTc Canton. |
Urban*•go !
Seninckyi I
Bk of Kentucky*. *..’.. : ii/
- Bk.orLettifTii(e : *> /
Norbcm Bk. KentoTty.; “
New York—Cuy Ka^k«
i? n reo v«“k o {i , J h " Rmtrance Company ofiXonh Araeri-
A ""-fayg wM-j»pronto., ofn,
... .. ■- i mortgages.; •. f...
.. n f l f. ll , ,n! . ra f ilort W‘' and are
• I t«y and conntjr af /
i;oass ;j:. r , ia-ooo«
&^iS^*S?“ t 3 rSixrer * Cc ’ n ‘-«*P",: • 1000000
Philadelphia Citjr do •: do : 10(Tom
Xmted Slates Go»V do r - do I {iooSm
CheMdeakoADeLConttiCo.^wWatJ^. - S«
Delaware Canal Cotnpajir.
ltebt at par. v. h«ir.
~Moitonw - io, e^OSOttW
■ ■ : . STOCKS. .
C 3 worts German town and Pcrkiomen ,
' . a 50 .'ajfioon
i« tlSJ.tttS *> ■*«*““
»asSa&srrv!.aj.' SSSSS
■: | .Mssaau: js -sg
Jn«. Co. Stat« of Pena’*.yul - fuint
TO I’cnn’a Bail ItoadCo| ** » jSg
rfe £a“a Canal Company, ; • ss
do Chewpeoka and Delaware ; ■ w
* ii-'pSg3&SSSS?fa, TO i‘?/: 1 * i “
• fnw. , „ Grace Steatn Tow Boat Co, 50 350 00
iSh . lnCo - of o^Amcrick, l 5, CQ.QOOW
Note* Becmable, ' ’ .i. ; 1?
Policiei UunsetUsd,
ikie the Company,; j ls2im
PropeniM in die Care of Agent*, ! ;* | j^?S,
- Arthur a cams ', iSjIS a
-JtE.xcT DSnncnmi, Secretary. febisdlw
n® E ASP MABlSElsirajaCE^
1 J“*u ranee C«npsmy ot North America, through i
lU do *> outhonaed Agent. Ujo *ub»criLcr, ctierato
f?^®-^ nn J u ? ent limfied Xtuumictson proper!?, in
£^sr s&z r - |
. CBarlei T.Vj«
: i
Htaut D BnE*a*u, Sec*. ‘ ' ,rmL '
TTu* is the oldest Insurance Company in the United
Mates, Uaviac-.been cbortcredin 17&4. Itsdinneri>
perpetpai, and from its high standing,iohir experience
Ample means, and aroidinj all ri«k* of an extra hui
mnloos character, U may be considered «s odcri»-'cm>
P l^,f 0 r 1 ' l ° !h ‘r, ab '“ V MOSES ATirooi™
At me Coouunff ltooin of Atwood. Jones i'Co tVa.
teraml Front streets Kmbprgh.
.TO™ HIJNEY,/r- A«m ~ H,u?Sjhfof ® S£
i r*? ar ® y. alu si, i v afel y *“*“«;tnce Company of Phil,
Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandize
of every descripuon. and Marine‘fciaks upon hubs m
cargoes otvewU, ts&en upon the most favorable tern#!
v .l~C^ c *rn ibe WarehouseofWßJioUndsfaßro-
N B— The success of this Company. since.ti* eatab- 1
.bailment of the Agency in h thdpiSaSl'
n«a and liberality with which everyWmaZn
for.loss has been adjusted, fully warrant thisP«S
inviting the confidence and patronage of liia frierula aha
the community at large to the Delaware M
Compan),-while at btts the additional advantages «* an
institution among the most flourishing in
aa having an ample paid-in capital, which by th^ooe
ration of its charier i» conatMtly increaait«v{i%2sl
utir to each pereoti Insured hiaduo share™ tfib
-of he company, without involving him in day rtm£
aJb.l.tjr whatever; and therefore «
dv ,';* l<! ? 6f ever )' obnoxious feature, and
in its moat attractive fonyt, • . • j nov4^
T iksdsascb agaixbt pike.
V Fjro lnaursuice Company—Office
.I*?™ Merchiuufire, rid prop,
eny generally, enheriu Iho cur or coITOHy.T JX
Ira or by fire, perpetually or for uSUKri.
oda, on favorable term*. '• *^ n
L , • ' DIRECTORS. . ! ! 1
"*n Sergeant ; Samuel 0 Mahon
V> itlmm Lynch - Adolphua IVriea
John Welsh, Jr. ■ • • Patrick'Brady,
Jolm TLewi*. . . ... ;
_ . . • . SAAIUELC MOllTONV.President: :
Faascts D JasTtotj Secretary.* . • •:.
Ordera for insurance by the above Coauum-iwili-hia
received tuid’iusuraaces ejected by
igent for Fituburgh. - , GEO COCHttAA.
novl,-dro» . a}Wobd»t. ‘
'•V. fc 1 " lusnrallM Company, jbf Fhitadel
pma, wiu make lusurance, per manent and limited
on every descripuon of proporiy. hi IWslJuhcb dad the
surrounding country, ou favorable tenns.-ThU'cboi
puny has a perpetual charter.
. • fcl&iOOO paiiin.
Contingent, Fond : -SSUUTO -•v
■ Ofice comer of third end Market Vtrceta, Pitub’oh.;
opMOtf WARRICK MARTl?*,Agent!-
a> M’CORD A CO« f i > uV
2D - (Suecesson to AFCord & Kiugl (•'• '
®Na Fashionable
_ Corner of IVooei and -Fifth: Streeig.
PARTICULAR attention paid to our Reiail Trede
Gemiemeu cob; rely; uponrgeuing their Ifala and
uaps from our cstabliahmetit of the brit vuitauxiA and
woaaaiAMinr, of the tarnsr mut, and at the tdwrar
rchanta, parehMing bj whbfrwU, ore
»ited 10 coll and exumne our Sioet: ••
fitli confidence (bat u» regard* oVum
jll not fuller in a compamoh fwiUi anr
Iclphaa. ~ . • , • ~: i f cbl7 {.
Country Mere
espcclfully invi
and met, ii wil
home iu'Pliitodi
fifmovaL .. "T - " r
fa 'Y ali . am w Dou * la, » tye J«oe* MoKaiaj' The
J#f »üb*cnberh*» removed hi* Hat and CtmMann!'
to N 0.77 Hood *treet, nearly ofcpojitehi*
old *io»d, where he would invite Wsfmtt&aridthc
public generally to an attenraent of- llau^ndCaw
which »r beauty anddarabiliir cannot be
H 77 Wood «L
■ 'fro® .tho' lint and Cop Maaafeetorr.
/n I !f e ilf U J. y •^ comnjen( ' the rnirouuge oF*rx>*
«d thel«W*c«tter.Uy lomy..ucc«»r.Wm.
tfeblldJm). JAMBS XTrKAIv
£*Z hKT^- Ulil ‘ ulroi '* c » «>» iJonmidy, Oct Ihh.
s^s3s^i^ssafis^ss&lr^ ,
„„ • AEFREU KEEVIL; nMUtaljiukll
< * a :: 13k Uoof.»oij.t'
■i»E d frora York, Ibc Fail .lyln nr Ha„ «!,i c lr
«3*tfche wilt muodacetliul Jay, Saturday, Au?. 2&tJu
All uio« ju warn of a neat and eoncrior tat lvoalddo
well to call at No. 73, Wood Street, ul door above-ilk
aagSHif , _
/ffCOSTAII’S Style Gentlemen’* HaawilHw? jihro
adduced at kEtiu'j oaThuixlay, An«j*t TTth.
(•ciiuemcn wuhinj a cheap, fashionable bar<of Kta
buTjfh manufacture, ahead of fkitiiouablo Halt imooM.
?c! and advuraeod by some of die trade, nieue colUl :■
• : ; iKEKVfLACo.V •
•15a. head of wood it - •
4 scautßEi fabhios Foa hatslZ'
JUST recfcired from iVew York, tha'Summer
Snrlo to rhots,consistingof White Bearer, Tear?
ana White FrenchCaaaimere Hat*, with VcntiUiore
w wood at, 8 dobra afrftadih- "
T„ ■ PUei of l»|l»l«Uw Bills,'
HE Board, of Trade »a indebted to the kindn*i;«r
Georee Doreic, Eaq- far filca of the
on, on well a* those -bcteife the Seitsti „ • n i v .
Representative* Of tail State ,s*.“**
. • : JOHX
tie Fluincarat
mined power t
,*aadi bm'nfii
gnu uid learned
who tare roflapedSh'th
er«Tca*e where h faae tad
f V, f fc*.<rf3ytiM *nd Q-no&Ss..
“•‘following remark**
7 V| «• Secort-Esq, of PhiUdt)
l^*P Uc W-year* .and'Om.
through England, geotlgnd, Get
! "**o mbstemlneatnhw f
Sfe o<dit,|r ' rw ® ! «
«ad dollars,- returned rwith
; navcrab<r la»t,-faiUioiit receis.,
er, anaTrairuretlbriuim: •-
*» _■ hast’sVegetable^
Secoia’a LdttertoDre.
.Jhave Spentoreriferee-thousand' A
wtVbinv which Fd?
.B^SW^SS 1
S?‘J» * J 1 kw .nro-huidrad end f
.fT .physicians,. and the v*-
uetr.opuuoa that miMem's ct
tirelyincttraLle.: Ikceordlnf
ened through Scotland. Ger
turned bomoin the month of i
•on u far from being cored at„
adrcrtltemcti; .in one of the Ne*
concluded toujilarr* Vegetable E.
•tatemesu and certificates of so many
twenty, cud thirty gears’ standing, and'
I am not sorry I did to, as by thenre e
. P. 1 ? extract alone, he was reslored "
•?“*. fca^°P»., wh«ii " far corn
bocacs*, u entirely restored, with
•before, health and useflili
,a 3 yeart-of.age, mud, 27 yean and
tuna has besn afflicted,with this most
e ӣ?*t but thank God he Is nowenior*
•.. Now, gentlemen, jailh without wt
ja.- To, say,that I_chaJ| be ctct r
fomg, and at 1 here cacloseyon o?
JinTe no doabt bovthai you will t
and quite ,a .different thing.-- T
«iDi owe yoo, bdt pleasotoacce
as interest os the debt in adr
} Ybnreycryret
' « • TO THE A
•• One of the proprietors ol
wm afflicted for yei
3he disease' had-yreducca it
sjmem, sic Lou'or memory, i
perfect prostratton'oT the ner>.
tried the 'skill of the best phydaia...
andgrewwersoandefiheir treatment.
(hat this-mediem* was his 'OnlyhoM,
life, and.was therefore .determined tosin
■ad to penererein hs use, whidria did. a
wo» aperfect restoration to health, whfcWi
ued unmempted fofneariy smeeayear*,
We would-xeftr to the following penS
*SSl b T BRn '* VegetaEJisSl
-Col EBensJowredanghter was afflicted'
males al Yonkrrs, >
171 Grand st v -:-'
M£1?1 }&****&• sSSffIR
o A Riehna, aB Dcluer «?
if 1 " raanronVV •
r£ ■ wl^l !. “r *;“■« or i
.NS\?3?* rC ? bTDrB "*”• 0*» Inoa *
.'.O F THOMAS fc-Co*; 116 Mein' *t tr .
SftS*', w “ e ’* te “•-«Ss>‘
aEDioa * straiorcxirinvn
lky; !“{.S^taJS
‘j/ssm&ti&t/ 1 ”*• rawrai
ingbeearecnlariT fstal
10 medtcal preS
v and been for.soma tit
R3Kg»aSHMS>gC : Keneral practiw, nosi
nnes. hU mneniion^
bad more nractice and hascorediS«|
Browa would inform those affllcietf wiih i
J^ lb^®s, m . ao «Vpouted ont byafongm^
•Mivuid toTCM sMio 5 Mion r wUchii l.mpd^ljTS.
"•KyHpnna or Buntare.—Dr. Brown also Inrh
i&SfS&g?', '
«Mt3'w P ? ® f •bber sex liring «*
stntlng iheir dtsdasc in sreiting,• giving uQv
DismoLl slley, oppoaito tho’ WK
Jfo cars no pity. •
S°V P» 841% B 4 1 % a
dc S ld ” »9d permanent rel«si
•**?■ S*eM\«occe«a aaaiSaw
ducMe» Wbereil bar been n*ed,Jtpr
nS^^t 8 <,fth * mariuaefol aodpcoaUtr
pr»arai4op an oAi&iJeit qttaiity.mnd It Sr?’
hed on a* ui erery reyteei a pa re &mt - «nnS^
fs£i\ iss/* a s^
fefsss-f’s-r.f ®>.s?Sr
:. Sold wbcdeiaW and jtrtiiL by the deotfal / '
_ H BMVBS&, ]>
itch.salt, RUEoat
TVftf^ r i ! L B iiV s,e d “* *weh, when aflieted
S,n C ,- °, r . othe r <lw«w» of iha»Ht>, (f wSf
ll£ , ? ,uJd reiiowandcare them.
»o« effieapcu of any other preparation
of the blood and fluid* of-ihe bodyfandi&fc
ease be of Ion? itaadiny, and the conititßtf
I prcby > ]r , Dr.liddY% Ploq4T
W.« do not, the money wiltboS
ifr, y " .'W*S5«r how«Ter,.will ba«
l»rl>r.LeidjrVXeuer, «hd luh otnflUi
?[“? I «»r*|Miwnimregdatedby
'carried off fiowli
"7 W' l tJood pUli, and the earfeef oflk
*d by tho ointment*:Price of ointmearflfloa
•- few . - COTt tat A'Wood, aluo garfiA*
B AFAHsEwiicsg Pneomoaie or
■ .earn. hw* f7cnl advantage orer'tto.
• wugh preparation*, a* Jup!ea*aat ta#tr pen Mo.
be uwd, without-inconvenience. Put i*i Trtw*.
I Baleaor eooM*t«in the *pcedin«J ofiu care..Whl
| known »ome 01 the moot dope rate: courtaS'
: which had been running os for a
-ortime, rich! ntmo*t immediately to it*pov —
la •uchweather'a* we have had Gi'
winter, erery 'oneir'liable to take cold.'
precaution* are used; ■•'>■;
.. Wet feet end erntfee 'esportira t»the iri<
the weather-oflch'liyVthe ibondaUoawlMi
'Mnfek *c»edy to prin^g^
We haTe 'mtmerotui ’certificate* nTr
ha* performed, many of which ere -<ws2
th» city and.\he_ncifffabothood,*hd lh*yar»Si
reference without iflyiar pnothw Wort iaSffi
1 P°r comer of wood-^S-
«■•]»«« full, aid "ISM
l* r Sft:T«* I Kave no donor bat i?M«vsi
»■ »”
:.. Me« lUnrt-t "*“? ?.
~ Jldimr."'
: <^.lS^ s SS!S“** ; '
• " '