The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 19, 1848, Image 3

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    • •• -•
htmcm joaAs ea conwyroßena. ■
jTCCCQyj rfß T ,
— • ; ' > I
-P M MiAf^iTTtymn.;;,
S UK*,
fcraaieat manofaetorere price
. 13A1A1I DICKEY iCo.
**?,..• (feuiq wii m MrrcHt? f TngE
T“ *» «n?ttw*. jnrt «e«d and for j
.l . (febis) J c mnwnj. n^
E£*£££> H*W«» M* lec^Uri,
ftrctloby IfebiS] L 8 WATfpm'*V.
asserted Bason in store and to
? eff * % !«»»«* I&*P *»»*)
}**ing from Meaner New England and for cue
—r Ifrllg]- . jlirps Bir.m.l. . j
8 Flw l*»Unr eon iir WtUwllle
■ddfarMlebr ilMramtJMJ.
pc* bulk Pick uad 17 ken
•ftbjf e^* ,Ttn ff .from far ealeby
W™*X*P* * MACKEREL4BSI bbl* TWr’c
a sag I^gjgyjsß!,^
—l7 tbli Bjc n«rr rrceiriuf fruua
jai UkcEiwurfiluntai/f . ,: i
fchlS .JAbIiaPAUELL.
AIXOIV—Its tablet, ’
:**» ■'■ ■: - IQHVnrfIKB.
_fobig; . ~.. roasYTH fc-toUNCAX.- ;
BHOVtXS «f e very jnmeribr'Qaaliry, toj
VV vudiweiurilt Ae aiteinioa of Contractor*. iter*!
jert naake.-* -For iele by ‘
"P pLt BUTTES—4 bbl* Cn»k BoU Boner tandinr
•EVaadforulaby ; i . CEO A
febl?"- •...-. .. ••• . lawoodrt. j
tRXEP APfLiS-^X)ba.TMedAppte« la
* fortaieby ...ffeblg] '- CP& ATRyRHV - j
!»D Roar, good brand*, in nora and
Ifefali) OEO A BEHRY
|/lOUp—3oo bil» Bar.hannin*! extra familr dear
JC aopenor article, jo»t received and for sale br ’
bftbg r. ? : R OAKFOttli A. ti*
BEKF-—WOOlbe euyar enred dri*J beet In
JJ core and for aaie by [fe3] H OAICFORD tea.
Ci k^ nrS SCOTCH” SNUFF, 400tufor rale b7~
; . . i J yian *nl ,
•XTELVEri VUij; COEKS, 8001
v K ' fcbl , (Chronicle coot
J^AgD.-» et ,W %I^nnr
S UQA|^Ku l £r NO «5"-
Sdos, to sale by. .- . • .
Westam hev York tad Coni
leo3 - i BIIOWN k. CL'mtlßTßOy.
fiP™? r 9vnup-io_i«ii h,u jui. :cm»VSS,
VT SrmfforUle br Bt'gMDGE. WllacN tcZ/
b * lM ju*Ueeefr*d per umt SiboUVti j
fkiemThhey*Co, '
railLLiK.":. • . ; , ••' 67 IVnerit
>by.^ !^fcbgl
sack* fortale by
, vniam rheyacA
■ -’ll) "‘ *?
JK:i*g; r. ;•;• .1 ISAJL&H DICKEY 4 Co. 1
BAOp*V-i3 cut. uaoned B»coo fn ; uor« and ibr
- peg] IflAUBmcgEV A. Co.
/?! bbU • • *
V Htf* . : : • ■•■■•.: • & E BELLERS.SB wood n
IBON«4dO]bi br nil tr*'
\i» ■ JO» -K- f > - ;• tt- E SELLERS.
1frCO?f8lBtS( 80,000 Ibt tat tale br". •
i tM Liberty it
[ APUS SDQAS-j bbli Ibr tilt by' ‘ ' ■ ' '
PACOX—*A caall'let of prims comanT
r jo*t reoeired tad fax **lo by -
• •; . '
...' 10X1%
.l\ .00. “ 10X14:
‘ No. 35 Front tL
TOLAjsi eJt PAJUSr-Snifihla forl*od, always
X on band andfor sale at No. 344 Liberty street, near
C * a *L'J_-’Be lot -‘ _ 1 W. W. WALLACE.
’VfACKEEEL—SO hlf bblTK'o 3Urg«;' • l '- ! '
k ! ' SObbts-No.%for saleby
jytl 'j- 1 6- E.HEAZLETOX.eaaitidediamood.
TpEATHEBS-ltt» ih* feme Feather*, for sale by'
.g.ftba \ JAB HUTCHISON A do
[l EiJWIW pigs Galena Lead. In store sad for tale
S bbUNo3Urre M*ekerel, for sale
C! HOIWJ kejj» «Hd No* - lot sal* by
Q. fctt j! 1 JA9 HOTCBISONA Co
SPADES * SHOVELS—Hty and Manure Fork*
mamtfltetfcred by John Purru ACo. For tale by
/ ■ GEORGE COCHRAN, eole Aft,
i*ai Xo,3a Wooden
T7EATHEHS—I4 sack* prime for salt try
J fehl •r 1 • f WICK AMcCAHPf.Efta
TJACON—3OO lb* Hogzonnd for sale by
QWBACCOraSktp 6 twist br obi by > ■ >
~nOTASH—3e4ksVrineforsalabr •
Jl‘ fcbl- ’ I- WICK AMcCAXPtrag
Cbadada foraale by
\j/ feM r 1 WICK A HcCAXPT-Esy 1
OUNDai£&-073 lbs 801 l BsUer.3SbaClererSe«d
15 bu Dried Peaches; 6 do Pared do; for sale by .
ftM ; V : i POINDEXTER 4Co
MOULD CANDLES-ȣ* jostroeerred ud for
sale br S Ifabll - ATWOOD A JONES 4Co
OQAP—2O bn No ij oa hand and fbr.ssle by ■
Q febi - > : ATWOOD, JONEB ACo
RICE— 10 Hmm; l'eeetrsd perstfi*r Ml Vernon, for
-saleby* fttl BAOALEY fc SMITH ,
BCTTES-Sbbli Ron "Bolter, josi received and loir
saioby ■ febi - ' wick a Mrf!ANnr.P«fl
SUGAR * HOLASSES-2S hhda If. a Bam » fromtmr. Mt Venaa.
and far pale br ■ S*M JAMEU
boxes dried barrin* far sale br
il j«a>. .j_ . lyiCKjTg-CAWimaa. .
QPlCEg—GroinufAlSpico 1a 8U»-.eaaK jrronad tiin*
U far ta 5 lb cast; fro&nd cinnamon in fi lb ease; frM
Massed 1a 5 lb cans: Africa* Cayenne in 1 doi do, far
sale by ■- POOS) ■ WICK A IDCAKDLES3*
rIISH I4.VENS, .wamnlcd par* Aax, aad
dne,Al.towprice*, far qoality.
, jpg-i! -V,-. W g MURPHY.'
sack* feather* ia store and tor sals
J by - , ; fja23];- - L 8 WATERMAN.
T A'BTV-’JXheys aad 15 bbl* Nol Lard in store and
JLf fat sale by, . Qaiß] .L 8 WATERMAN.
iYE'FXOUB— 2£.bbU Bye Flour, a prime article for
family a*e,jas rac'd and far sals br . 1
j«2B_ 4——• » L B WATERMAN.
rU£AS—*630 half chests, 900 catties (resit Tea*, embra*
L cinff a choice variety of chops, on hand for mala by
jaa3 RAGALKV A SMITH, la A 20 wood si ■
TTERIUNO ~6So~bl>ls la prune order, joh rec’d and
n for *aIcby_pa»J__WICJC_AM;CANDLES3._
CIIOARS— 150 51 Chdrool's jdst ree'd and tor sale by
t lam» ; ' WICK A M~CANULKSS.
ClxfON’8 —AwnaU fot prime, for sale by .
f janflO > ■ IVICK A M’CANDLESS. ,
BARYTES —17 casks barytes suitable for white lead
maimJacturcrs,joit reeM and for sale by
jams V [ POPfPRXTKB A Co.
IMup,g .
OAT>— 100 beson.eonaijnimein, for sale by
-ja!s . y: j p WILLIAMS, llOwoCd »b
prima. featiier* just rec’d tad
'OEATHBB»t« bai
J far tale by ' fjanf]
GWr-S> Jxm: ,W « to to AlSWffrti
ij doiueytS do easule, far sale by •_
■ iMwr ’*roiiAas.?
'OUOTOHEAT PLOUB-W tuka, «>opcrior arti-
JL# «U, ia MocAAsd tot «*!• by > _
jrtaT;: Tr*~ ■ .t s waterman;
bases nisM boap lanim** _
O ' •■ .
~ - 'VT K -‘■••-u - ^V: JAMSSPALZELL.
/TOMflSmjpwu wood Coobojort i*ett*od Si*i»U
Vi* ff J C HOWELL) A*eo*» •
*»” “**»«»•«•» : * , • wfturitreet'
7\NiONS-.M.baih Urje whin Ocion*,Tor7Be‘ by
ftW - ■>>••. WICK *McCANDLESJT
: /TORN BHOOHS-Gtt do* for tale by
; "pOTATOES-wo bbu Kttfauuueka neelVed and for
YvBIED 'PEACHES-ia'Xaiirl. ln atora and for
; by • ‘.'V' febl : -TASBEY A BEST,
Al/'IJfDOW bxt awoned aiw*, from 0
. 84x30, cm haud'Md for Ml* by
fo»l.- . X •• a BEST •
bi» MoillC CUKIk», iintof**Bd for «»!• by
fctl ...v.. %-.x\-.t*' »• TASSET it B^ST.
T>EACUES-IK> ba'foceirbd rid for «leby
• - -ff * B MeCUTCHfcON
| r prune. received end for eel* by
•V; ftbl ■ r** * ffm MeCUTCHBON
turoid'ClndlcrEr i3iW~
Vfetyr- - • ■ • 'FORSYTH it DUNCAN.
'*l£iTttfU&Q2 > l CAMtfjSPSb boxes for tele °7
(casksSodaAib-foraaie *>t
QCORCHIXa£-l3 e*tk* <korehiaj» for Ml* hr”
’»;« roRSVTH* DUNCAN. .
ft >oi*« Window Class, •*•’<} forsafo by
r.iwiio ; . .‘roasYTu * duncax.
O S. - * JC Wme: IS qr casks Uni £aoierno 00,
IjutnecivodAadtosaJa br -
QHOtTLDEto—IiOOO. iba Pituburjh nuked Bboul-
Q per* do band and to ult in’ i
toll . r . WA B bTCUTCHEON. ;
HAM£— 10,000 lbs Pittrinuxb smoked ff«w« on h«m*
aadjbr sals by [fell) V g &TCUTCHEO.V.
-TLtTBCAT boxes Uescat Wine lust rte\l
jjX and to safe by MILLER 4k RICKET3QN. i
BRANDY FftUlT—l dues Brandy Fruit just recHl
and for safe by - MILLER k. RiCgETSON. :
/‘'tHLOROFO&M—S lbs just aec*d and ibr sale Lt
V/febia- IRE Wood at
GLASS— 193 boxes B*lo W. Glass; 40boxes 10*12
do; SO boxes 10*14 do; to sale by “
toll 1- B ROBISON A Co.
\S and to said
toll • •]
y> consixnaant
toJ ? «-|
. *** ’i i water ft trontsu
SHOT-a ktp Sta, No* y >ad 3 for ul, b .
febl > ■ ■ : POIKDKXTm tV.
— 7 j - O BLAfWRmv *
QiLS-WmUr bleached wha!« oil
■*- ' 'Fsvta&SSl'rl?*
i I^ T ES^g^J , j. ri S? “ ■“"
K«™ I- ISAUa #ZZL\&...
O ALERATUS—3O cuki port Salsntos;
W . . ,75 bozei do do; ree’d and
Liberty, ttreeu
PORK— 44 bblaj me it end prime I*ork in (tore end
_fcr tele • j McOILL. BU9HFTKD & ROR
B A rSV NC -”
Ju to sale by '
/KIDD 4 Co.
rpOBAOCO—iB ken Jv'o l Va Twist for tale by
"VCOLASSEJ—I4O bbU plantation Molanea
Jxl'froaeirCl!ppetNoa«Bdfore*J« by . *
.. JAMES DAI-zrr-r.
, JaVES ifc-Co.
C^ E - ?ibo " ,w g q^a 1 ;^,
* *9?—lo, tierces] Rice jn«t ree’d and--for tale br
y febta - j MlLLta t gICKKTSOV,
DBACCOEB—6O boxes arartcd Tobtrrr»-« *nr «.j g
OAI*£&ATUS—4 cask* for sale br -
Q'febll 8 F VOXJJONXHORST * Co.'
TUCT received,solbi PTecip. CarbJron, and for Mie
W;by__; , [febll) J ODD A Co.
F^?. ISH 7^!!i? 1, i New Yort: VaraUbjfortaie by
febil • - (Chronicle copy) i KIDD k. Co, 1
DRV PBACHESi-iaO bos Dry Peaches; 70 do Dry
Applet jott roceired and fortale by ■
a* W HARBAL-okaawo^.t
RSSS2&7* bbU E °" *“>
ftbn; 'I ~ -
bbl« Sgnrrhin g i
Cop« ud for u!« by
-ftUll - , 9 & \V HARBAUGH.
J b b ; Potk ’
febg - - I stw HABBArGK.
febl * [ ■ sk. \V HARBAUGIT.
TTALKNni'fES—A splendid assortment Valentine*'
T come and aenumental. for sale by
_feblt> JOHN H MELLOR. 81 Wood «l
RICE—7 hbdi N O Ssm, Mtiefcet
lace landing from etr Colorado mod lor sale by
-feMO _ ' JAMES lUr-'/n r
SRQABS— 37000 Kentucky .Segara on consignment.
fat saleby IfeblO] ; CEO COCHiUJf. h
1 oa consignment and for sale br
GEO COCHRAN. 30 Wood «t.
BED CORDS—I(B doz Bed Cords for wJe by
“VTAILS—S4O keg* Janiata Nails lor sale by ■
gOAP—lSfrbos<b Bfrtp.far.aaie by- -••
•QfeMO -| FORSyRX ADtJN'ri v
CST rsc’d, SO lbs Hyd. Potash, for sale by
feb!2 . (Chron. eopy)t - J ginp&Co.
L\*y c * n * of !W« n « qoibiy, pot Bp express
ly for family useiJnst reo'd and for sale by.
" 4 -“ uh
feblfl SP^ONBONNaORSTfcCft
gar, 40 bbl* prime N O Molsaset just ree'd and for
TEA— 10 half chnt* Yll lea; sdo Imp. and G F do*
10 do Chilian Poweboog; 30 catty boxes various
styles, lor tale by' J D AvILLIFMS,
l* Bo * ;. ‘ IXO weed atreeu
T bbl, * bbl and 8 keg* No 1 leaf Urd. ran
JLi dered, lor sale by ; W A hi MITCHELTREX,
' •'T* : • 100 liberty«L-
|i LaC A WOO I>—Johnston A Stoektoa have jtuV“re»
BlackwomTa Edinburg Magaxine. No. 360.
for December, 1947. ■. __jan3l
- ken Bail* and spike*
X“ aaeorted, in store and tat tale by
Jng . . L S WATFmrxN.
STONE PIPES—I 43 Uoxei atone pipes lor tale by
jaflO .: WICK k MhSaNPLESS.
TT7INIER WHALE OHr—s casks bleached, jus!
' Tt reed and for sale by
jnaa ; J SCHOONMAKER k Co.
SAL SODA—29OO lbs jntt ree'd and for sale by
i«»gl ‘ T • No 24 wood et,
SALERATUB— 14 cask* Clsrcland for tale by
Jtfl j 'WICK k. hTCANDLESa.
[ACO.N —A small lot prime, for sal* by '
Bacon and bulk pork-*o hvu bacon; uoo
ahouldm do; 2} hbda tide* do; S 3 do in bulk* oo
antignmexu and for aala by
jaafe •’ ■ sn.T.pßg a NICOL 3.
BEANS— fi'bhla while beau iuiit do, in store
and for *aie br i POINDEXTER A Co.
CHEESE— 40 boxes W B cheese for «ala by
• iaal® . . -POINDEXTER A Co.
PEACHES —150 bna dried peaches for ante by
.\j meet prompt attention if left with
janjg ,• r • McOILL, UUSHFtELDA ROE
LCOHQL— 3 bbla for aaJe br
jalB V B E SELLERS, C 7 wood at
LOES—34O lb* for able by
u janlfl |
QUA AMMONIA POST—O carbon for tale by
>■ janlß ; EE HELLERS.
►LACKING—IOO dozen for taJo by
* janlO' ■' - • ‘ ; ; fl
SUNDRIES— 3 bbla lari; 23 bushel* dried, .apples, 10
do peaebea; 4 noxen woollen socks; 09 Ibabeeswax
on consignment an for aalo by
)H8 - J D WILLIAMS, lIP wood at.
/"10PFEE—S3 bags prime Bio coffee jtm reeM and for
V tale by lianl7] R OAKFORD A Co. •
COTTON— 40 bale* North Ala. to aniva per SB
Planet, for sale by FORSYTH A Co.
jan!7 «l water atreeL.
(REBOOTS—3O,OOO Savannah elgare, 20.000 Zara do
t foraaieby WICK A M’CANDLESS.
t AB- 0 bbla N C Tar for aaio by
SODA ASH—I 3 caaka beat quality in store and fo
•ale by , J C BIDWjSLL, Agent,
jb2B . ’ water meet.
IHEH3E—3O boxea large WR, 10 caaka do, in atore
t and foraaieby • U*3C] J C PtDWKLL.
TALLOW— £0 bbla No 1, reudered.-jtut rec’d and for
•afrbjrj _[j*yGJ .J 6 BIDWELL.
LASS—3ooboxea assorted siua, from OMg to 34HU
tj conntry bninrii I foT kale by J C JJIDWELL,
■ jaSO -- '• •• ' • ' water street.
ft KEEN. APPLES—2O boxes and 13 barrels green
JT apples, prime order, lost landing and for sale by
• 8A W HARBAUGH.23wood *t
pOBACC—3O boxea John Ward's fia tobacco, a prime
I article, on hand and for aale by -
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—tt sick* boiled bnckwhest
floor pat spin small sacks for fondly nsc/jost rac’d
and for sale by . .». CEO A BERRY.
DRUID APPLEWSO bos. ia Mn and for sale by
ja2l •.OEO A BERRY.
SCOBCHIN'US— 10 bbU ft Salu landingandforsale
by Dang] j OEO A BERRY.
SODA ASH—• casks jast rec’d oa consignment and
forsafoby ISAIAH DICKEY A Co.
. jsaa --.-■••• ' - 60 water strtsL •
FBICAN CAYENENNE-110 lbs for sale by
L jaStf - ■> B E SELLERS.
AL CORKS—4OO grata for aale by
ja» * j RESELLERS.
rpoBACCO-3S boxes‘peond lump* Virglnla-Tobae-
I eofor salt low to clode consignment, by .
jaalfl : ATWOOD, JONES A Co.
HAVANA' SUGAR—I 7 boxes Havana brown sugar
for sale low to dose eonstgnmeat by
jsa!3 ATWOOD, JONES k Co.
/SdAOM-a# bales cotton just ree'd per Lady Byron
V and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co,
janta ’ • , • ■ ; gfl waier street
LABD-No l lard | B bbls and kegs for sale by
i*°* 3 L-- - DICKEY A Co.
"DUTTER ANT) LARD—d bbU roll butter; 3 kegs dal
*M *begslard,lost ree’d and for tala by - . .
- J** l3 • ATWQQD, JONES* Co. :
BUCKWHEAT flour— ii sacks !nst rec’d and for
V. - . ,JN’O 8 DILWORTH,
• ■» ,Bta • ■ ■' •I : •- ?a wood si.'
MIiIBER, pia# Jolee, for sale by
ir*» < W. W.WAI.IACR
J'*22£?M < i££? E:r «W> lbs No 30 Junta*
t ****** *f®° (wtnuted) is. nor* «>vl for **lt low to
elo— comifniacal by ,f&4| &2&L mmran”
M; o£EE£iwo °
J..„—. ■ 1 KMt Mdß biMirwmrf.
p b “— B*(AB PWKEY k Co., SO W.Kr.t, '
•boxes WB Cheese for sale by \ .
coMjirrrKEFoß February,- =
J. am i. Janet w . j. 1 'Ton I ,a
ton Tar josi rec’d and for sale
I o' - ,°”2S* Gszrrix }
•i Satuid4y Morning, February 19,1545. J
Tim market, yesterday; showed but little if any
variation from the quotations of prerioua day.
The wealhef.ctatimiea pleasant, and business
ia agetteral way was quite fair. 1 ■
! The market is so unsettled and ao little
dotn*, that itj ia hard to Strive at any exact conclu
sion as to prices; it ia evident,'.however, that the
article has undergone ai material change, and that
it ia deatined to a still further decline. From the
near approach of the Spring season, however.
; boxes Crataa Cheese. tarre size, nc’d
by W 4 B e d
1 ' 1» Liberty street.
i win beeold Terr low to dm
waterAfroat sts.
when large quantities of Flour will be forwarded
J to the Eastern market, we do not apprehend a fur
tber decline to any considerable extent Sales of
.small loti occurred on the wharf; yesterday, at 94
bid; and from store, by dray load, at $4,23(94,37
Sugar and Molasses, i» entirely without change—
W« quote limited sale* of Molasses' at 2S#3oc p
gal-and of X O Sugar at s|®s| c * at which
figures prices are still looking up.
market is in a quiet state, and
prices generally remain! fitm. Sales 20,000 &*>
bacon, ia lota, at 4, f> and fc * ft. Of
•juntry cured, we have iieanl of v
- .—cti, we have heau , no sales of «n
-.-quence, it would prbbtUy not rule higherthan
3f, 4{and sJc|>Dl ,Of Lard, price* teem to have
stiffened somewhat, although we have no tales it
an advance. The articles remain firm, with mod
erate tales at s|®sjc *Bh Sales of 20 bUs' roll
Butler *>t 12,12* and 13c,las in quality.
. Cheese— Receipts continue light, and supplies
limited. Moderate sales tlf Goshen at B|iS9c, and
6i(ff6|c *>o. I
Sales of green [Apples at $1,50 fcr me.
dium quality, and $1,75 to'sl,S7 hi prime. - Of dr
Apples, we note sales at G2fiCSc, and of Peaches
at $1,62 p bu.' 1
quantities continue to
amre by river, “d the market is fully supplied.—
We report moderate sales only at 31032 c p ft. -
Fmi—The market is steady, but not active, and
we notice no chnnge in quotations. Regular sales
are effected as follows Salmon $19020; Mack,
erel, No 1, 512,50; Xo 2, $10,50, and Xo 3 at $7,60
ybbl. Shad $6,50 ? bbl, and $1,50 phlf bbls.—
Herring s6,2s,[and Cod at $5,60 *► drum.'
Beeswax— May be quoted at 21022 c i> ft nom
inally. ; ; [
Seena—The', demand has faDen off to some de
gree, and prices of Timothy and Clover are not so"
firm. We continue to quote Clover at S
Timothy at $2 ;ud Flaxseed at 90095 c *bu.
I LEiii—Regular sales of Pig at 4jc and of Bar
at 4|c B. ;
Rve Floux—Sopplies are quite full, and the
mariel rather dull We quote moderato sales at
bbl,. which may be considered the
top of the market.
I Brrawimr 'Flora is very dell, and ran be
boutbt a. $1.0021.25,, 100 eommen to
I prime. ; j . ,
I Ca.-ui. —The Illinois aud Michigan Ga
pal|is prrtjrressim? rapidly to its completion, and it
j is said that, befcre tho resumption of lake uavi-
Ration, boats will thread the entire line. When
, the canal wdl I* one of the tine* in point
of structure, as well as one cif the most important
| to internal commerce, of anyi similar-improvement
lin the country. It is one hundred miles in length,
and connects the greatNorthlern Lakes at Chicago
with the navigable waters of the Illinois River at
Beru. Its capacity is sixty feet, water surface by
five feet in depth, the lock* being one
hundred and ten feet within the chamber, and the
entire work cpnstructed at thfe cost of
sbvea million* of dollars.—(Qn. Ccnl
. February 15,-Tbcr. were offevj
attbc scales on Monday, 500 head of Beef Cattle,
335 of which were purchased by batchers and
PMkers at prices ranging from S2£o fo $3.75 1> \OO
££?. ?TJ, 10 ,^ %7 * 25 averaging
M,12l gross. A!shght advance. Of the residue,
50 head were driven to Philadelphia, and 14 left
over unsold. > :
. Hqpr4Tbe demand is good; sales of Live are
making at $5,75(55,87*. j 1
l4.—At market, Beef Cattle
8 ?‘"' tore f*PT“ ! 103, of which 41 •■urcre left
over, on J Monday last,- Swine soo—aft G f T hicl.
left over on Thursday; Sheep 4l—came u> market
on Friday. 1 -1
Sales of Beef Cattle noticed at $6 » 100.'
Sales of Surmof-one 10l at 3ic.
, probably be more sales to-day—but
they will be lumletl . j . J
. >'?“* February 11.—Beef Cattle—The far
the supplies' at market the part
week has induced holders to atlvanoe prices from
w® tip •* high as $0 {r cwt—buyers scarce.
di,p o“ 'l ° r 01
j imports by 1 rites*
t, U tobacco,
Butgbamj 10 U>l* cmegar, Scott Jc co: 15 empty do
Smith4:co;23ls pc bdteat, Jordan 4c Son; 50
has orange*, Atwood, Jone* dcco; 33 hhda bacon.
2 bbla hatnk 50bi* aoap, Seller* 4c Nicholj; 5 bbU
w,t„n; f bx, rap, Pew,; 15 Hid. bn
con, Greer; 109 bbls mola**e*J Holmes; 12 bhd*
tobacco, Hutohimn 4c c0j.30 blji .nndrie*, Church
& Carothere. j , \
Ileowr-Per rag*, Loomis; 1 bx
castiaga, Getarnhaaer; 8 bbla lard, 3 kg* dr apples,
1 do flaxseed, 4 t&U floor,' Donaldson; 1284 pea
rnorfe. Jordan & Son; 63 bx* soap, Atwood, Jones
. fft BuUer & Bio; 9 bbls e wed. Smith
& StncltfiriiM aka dr peaebea, Fcrey; 2 bbUx seed
? t, fl *?T ed * 3 l°, dr *PpJe*, Chnrch & Carothera;
1 bw rw bntter, Dtdxeli; 2 do do, 11 kgs, ! bbi ltnJ.
owner; 77 do flour, Orum SOakapen-
Al’food, Jones&co; 22bbU floor, Birscfi &
SempJe; 64 ,<lO apples, ownei; 81 do floor, McGrow
JJ*" 1 £*: OTi.? buller, i Voa Boanhont: 5
oWf do, Oakford dc co; 5 doc aeed, 2 kg* lanL R
Daixeli cc co; 6 7 bga c seed, 2 bbU lard, Ido
hotter, 3 aka rags, Black & co; 1 bx gun bbla, J M
C??P“U Jnlllej 7 c,t, port, B.g*lcy 4: Smith
. J£J* S& W Hartangh; 100 bx* cheese. W
dc RMcColcheon; 13 aka dr applca, 879'pcs port:,
Ham tine; 0 bbla, 2 kg* lard, 1 bg c seed, Wick &
McCandlew; 1 bx’do, 172 pcs bocon, R Dalxell &
co; 4 bb!a r sails, 1 do txariath, BurbridgeJWilaon
« 81 j>*» cbeew, 12 bbls, 11 bx* aalerolua, 7'
bbU scorching*, 4 do potash, 4 do tabs,* Wick &
McCandless; 10 bWs rye floor, Waterman; 60 bu.
barley,- 7;do c seed, 10 bxs sundries, 10 bgs do,
owners; Ibr tobacco, DairclL \
Per Lake Eric—G cjka potash, Jackson; 1 lot
u and marketing, Jones; 212 pcs bacon, Lam
bert & Srapton; 70 bis sheep pelts, BidweJl; 5 csks
scorching*, \on Bonnhorat; 12bblspenrlash, Wick
& McCandless. . - • \
bblt prime, for tale by
E7“TojS r »AJißba7 Mo tm> Onriaa—Connell’*
magical 1 aift Extractor—lt is cow conceded by medi
cs] meu that Connell’* Magical Fain Extractor, manu
factured by Comateck A Co, 2! Counland at. N Y, it
•«** greatest wonder ofihe 10th century, lie effects ure
truly tniraeuloua. All pains are removed from bums,
•raids, Ac.! and all external sore*, in a few minutes af
ter its application; healing the same on the most deli
cafoakiii, leaving ho tear. It i* equally beneficial In
ait maos of iuaammatory dl»eaaea, such as tore Nip.
plea mid Eyea, Spraiua, Bbenmauam, White SvreUitw
“«* u j£ er V? n “» e ‘> Uu nt*. Cbilblaina, Eryaipela*,
Biles, 71c Dolorcaux, Ac. We might odd as proof to
alt we say, foe name* of many ctnincntphyiiciana who
o*o it in their practice, and hundred* or the clergy who
10 tbetr people. Kind parent keep it cbuatantly on
hmid, in ea*«».ofaccident by fire, lifo may bo lost with
out it, bnl by it* use all burn* are subject to us control
tmlen the YUala are destroyed. Cantina—Remember
and ask for.Connell’s Magical Fairf Extractor, manu
factured by Comstock fc Co. N Y, and no other.
Sold by JVM. JACKSON, Agent for Pittsburgh. £9
Liberty at., head of Wood. ; oorlSdAwtaiT
Ctnurx It rtrangely deatnicuve to tbe hu
man cuticle, (or skufl the sudden change from heat to
cold, and the smoke cause* yellow, dark, coarse cork
plexion*. Then u requisite that the pores of the akin
■boold be kept open—thai their mouths should be freed
from unpunty—'twas thus the ancient Homan Fhiloeo
.ppera.cured all diseases—ihsy corapmed-thax more
the poterqf the skin; than any other collet of the body,
diseases and unhealthy vapors left through the
It. it necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all
humors are, dispelled, from the tkin from the pores,
when they wash with Jone*' Italian Chemical Soap. I
have seen it; ears the wont and oldest eases of Salt
Rheum, Lmipeiaa, Old Sores, Barber's Itch, Solo Iktul,
Ringworm. When;etrery other interim! and ej.temal :
remedy bad Culedi-ita effect rendering tbe •kin'wWE
clear and soft, though it be yellow arid coarse, is won
deriul—it remove* Freckle*, Tan, Sunburn, Morpkow,
and disfigurement of the akin—but pereoua inuat
be pumcular and ask for Jora had iu
Pitisburgh at. WjkL JACKSON’S, aigu of the Big Boot,
S# Liberty st, Price SO cents.' . , liorlWAwlj-
ILf-lellow Teeth and poind breath,
Spongy gum* like Totten death,
'ls repulsive and disgusting.
AU eouid have teeth as while aj pearL
Sweet breath—hard gums—man or girl.
Why delay?—nay, quickly haste
, And o*e a box oi Jones’TooiApxstt. 1 •
r, h* 4l ss . ceo i > » really • beaatiful article.
*i f the foeih a floe enminaL- SSd in Fituburgh at
601* be tty at, ,• . novlPdAwly '
Sottr, Genuiua Jfays’Lluimeat
la an article jnore Jaatly celebrated , a* a core for th*
al>ot< than any or all others.. It* cures are almost tal
numerable. Solilby WAI. JACKSON; Agent AwPiitZ
burgh. ' I novlSclAwdoT
Don't have yellow dark Teeth— ean-1%
made pearly white by one time using *' box of Jones
Amb«rToothPeeieJ it haadefutheguma,awaeteosth*
USiffliy,*"* '
13 fcjoday,
14 Monday, .
15 Tueidir.
15 Wednesday.
17 Thursday,
IS Friday,
~«W !
« &l j
0 60
. 0 40 !
0 47
4 0 fl is
0 7 .7 S 3
5 O 0 34
010 .0 41
AU 10 47
SIS u£o
6 13 L morn.
—The market is at a sit
haqge in quotations since last report.
Geochits— The market, with the e
i. • Cattle BX»rfc«ts. 1
51 rm watbi i» crisj
_ . ; , AIUUVhu
Keaw, Clark, Wellsville. ’
Oweb Cope, Beaver mod Wellsville.
, in* patch, Kelson; Brownsville. .
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. '
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson; Brownsville.
America, De. Camp, Cm. *-f
« ellsville, Barnsi Sunfish. -
Lake/Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
He out tub, Hunter, Cincinnati.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsvillk ' '
No 2, Gibwn, 'Beaver.
Com, Moore, Beaver and WeDvilie.
lhspatch, Nelson, Brownsville.
Monterey, Morrishn, Brownsville.
Baltic, JneoUrßrownsville.
AUanUe, Parkinson, Brownsville. J ;
i . Barns, Sonfish. i
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Clipper No. 2, Crooks, Cjn.
PACKETS, at 9 and 10 3
o’clock, p.m. i
SAVANNAH, New Orleans.
sip^? ra . nc ™knts tor mi.
loT« P * ek " Lu “i !«■>« for Cincion.ti,
*’ d
'“TI “ Vf.u.d«ißiH., t A X.
5'”P w"! d <!«•«» Uk 0 ».».
Nonh-Wcstarn via CJere amt, daily, to a. m
Erie and Western New York, daily/s a. *
Mladelphla, daily, except Sundays,
We s t’aJi a*L p' * V hi j? Hu * 3 *• *•» ck>aM W*•
“ I NaiL Cmcbi. k Louisv,dueS r. dotess a.m.
alU,n ? r VV tt ,hl i'* ,on *<*«« 8T - *■ el’s sa, k.
£L o ."*^t£? Clsveland, duelO a. m., closes 0 a! u.
Erie and Western New York, due tf r. m., closes 8 a. M
__ • . roam* > 1
SxelaalT* Sale of Gentlemen’s Wear.
.. *“* o* LT «“■» or rax awt-w au.itaoax.
wwf p U^Vf DOre •* CO£ ! d ‘tore west of Charles it
V*rE •na'l remove in Orae/nr the Spring Businesa,"
«“» present Store, No. 813 Baltimore UrceL
emit of Chsrles slreei, to bur new and commodious
the same side of ' On street, but two doors above Charles
where we shall be happy, to *ee our friends and cus-
~ I o ** experience oflait fall,‘when firit we took up
£ U,e * Dr ? Eusines* exclusively)
convinced us beyond a doubt, that d business like our*
would meet with the same encouragement here, u sim
.k#r l? t i b J uUn V , t nU L for “» n / fears past had enjoyed in
the Northern Markets; and that Country Dealers, by a
single trial, would sec the actual necessity to divide
their purchases, and, in no instance, to buy their Wool
len Goods where they bought their? Dome-tics, Dresi,
or Fancy Goods. We have, therefore, madesuch ar
rangements for the coming Spring Trade, that we con
fidently invito the attention of all Dealers visiteng our
Market to cor.Establishment; assuring them, that in the
exrent of our Stock, Quality, or Prices, we shall be
second to no House m the Country '
We here laA rnr own Uuper. ie Eeiepe; end will
ho kept nupplied dnrinp the- nciwon, nrilh the mwrn
"l? F*»er Good, in our linn of bndnn...
which England and France ean produce for Pantaloons
and Vesting*, as also Scarfs, Cravats, Suspenders,
Gloves, flaudkcrthieu, sod othet articles adapted for
Man's wear.
■ ova stock cDxstsre or
French, English. Belgian, Gennah. and Domestic
Cloths, Cuetmcres, and Doeskins, of every color, shade,
and quality, which the best Manufactories can produce
and we guarantee to sail the leading makes, as lieoli’s,
Sunoiu-*, Bonjean’s and Montag nac% French Woollen*
as cheap as their agents in New York.
xcm‘s nxr h'stxb. asp sita wisp cssnwsxrrTiii..
Tweeds of every kind arid description, foreign and do
mcitic, Summer Cloths, Croton CoaiihgsL Coddringtoo*.
Gambroons, heavy Bombazines and Alnaccas, with a
number of other choice and desirable Coatings for
Spring and Summer wear.
kaxrr casßicsara, Lttnc* sanxisos *xt> riants'n*.
tX these Goods, whether for extern, or beauty our as
sortment can uot be excelled anywhere. F.very steam
er now J) rings us our own importation of the very latest
styles. Buyer* with us hava the greatest advantage, to
get their inney goods, both foreign and domestic, en
urely diflerentTfom what they can find them any where
else, as tno*t goods of the kind are ordered by us from
designs of our own. ’
Lcncti in x-Enxixca
White S«an faced Drilling, Dork and Nary-Jo. Drown
French do, Checked linen* for coats and blouses,
Urown French Linen*, Farmer * Drill*. for servant*'
wear. Children's wear of every kind,' ordered *>r
pretsly tor the purpose. Billiard Cloths two yard*
wide, ot the celebrated factory of Iwan jfnuoiu
Military Companies aud College* furnished with
Cloth* tor Uniterm.*, at factory- prices’also, vriO)Milita
ry ana Naval Trimming*. orevrrjrd^rcrif.tion.
Black English tfauui, black and colored Vclrel*. black
and colored Silk Serge*, black ami colored Satin Set
s'* black and colored Alpacca plain Aipoceas
and Bombazine*, Silk Velvet ljniue*, Vcnizioi Scw
ing*, Rubmaccl* do, Black and colored T»i»t, Patent
Thread*, Button* of nil kind*. Worsted and Silk Isnd
ins*, he, Canvas*, Padding*. Silciiat.* Holland*. Wit
pu*, Witte Mullins, Colordd do, Wadding*.
rok coacnMaita*. -
SilvenDrab and Blue Cloth, Dnsb fsik* for curtain*
nd lamng*, Wonted Damask a, Buckranii and Drab
Velvet*. ... -
' TUB mOUAtets. 1 '
Cloth* and Cawimere* of the ruling Color* for Gaiter*,
and Lasting*, black and colored, of the be»t <;ualiiy
CarrosADE*, Kesttcbt Jtijrs, Dnmu, and oiicri
tow priced Boat trod Pam «utT*, arfactory price*. Mer
chant Tadora and Manufacturer* of Hemlv-wi'lo noth
ing. a* well as Country IteaJer*, will ;firtd ikenwcive*
well paid in examining oar stock.
To enable-a Merchant always to sell cheap, hi* *iock
mnft lx of. that nature tint fashion cannot deprecate it.
Othherwtsc ho ia compelled 10 charge more on *«me
(root!* to make op for In* lo**e» on other*. A* in ottr
bnttne** thi* difficulty is happily avoided, our stock al-
WB 7* l^tnff. *■ a*fe oue.-wenot only can. but will tell
ottr Goods, either for cash, or to substantial aud punc
tual customer*, on time, at rates that, shall give fitll sat
•faction. MARTIN LEWIS & Co.
233. Baltimore st„ sddors wWof Charlc* »i
i store.
Orooihe Watkint, Duncan
• n H*w Book* ud Pitlodlcali,
TUST received *i Af. A. Miucr’*, Siniihbeld ureet,
if 3d door from Second. ;
Wallace. tbe Hero of Scotland, by Gabriel Alexandt
•aporbly illustrated. I
EraaffelJua, by Longfellow.
Tbe Abbey of Innumoyie, by tbe author of “Fallii
The -
Chairman A Speaker's Guide, by Tbos Smith, Esq.
The 4 Ladies’ Science of Ettiquetie end Head Book of
•*he Toilet, by un English Lady of Rent. <
Etiquette and tke usages of Society, by Count Alfred
1 IkOmy.
Fowjer's Phrenological But—price CO emu.
Lirwg Are.No IOsT i
Brian G’Liaa, freeb supply. •
Godry’s Lady l * Book lor Jutland Feb, fresh sapply.
A Urge and splendid assortment of- Sour Books, rota
pritutf a new one entitled Punch'* Comic Songster.
A ncn and beautiful article of Note .Piper
Also a fresh lot of cheap pjieed Valentines. Tery hand
some and remarkably comic. > fcbll
■ Wm. Faun Soiree*. .
THE citizen* of Pittaburg b and Aileghenymrareapect*
folly invited to attend the Pint Auaual Soiree of the
Wm. Penn Fire Company, to b« given at the Lafayette
Aaacmbly Room*, onTue»d*y evemug,ilie 2*l Febtu
ary. The Supper will be aenred up by that prince of
caterer*, Air. Strickland. Mr. Daniel M’A/eo and hit
Hand, from Wheeling, will be pretcul. Ticket* can bo
Srocured from nujr ot the following Manager*:
.Cameron, Hope. J. Fulton, President.
J. Larimer, Eagle. J. C. Montgomery, W. Penn
Wm. Splane, Allegneny. WmlKreba, “
D.O. Herron, Duijueaua. J. CalilwclL u
Wm. 'While. Neptune. Wm. Platt, “
Jo*. Kaye, Niagara,- Wm. Campbell,
o. Schneck, 1. V. 11. Co. ILlLEIIjoft, - *
W. Gallagher, Vigilant. J. Prophator,' “
W.Colliuewood, 6.1. H. C. Joi. PpraJley, “
J. Craig, Wuhingien. John Lamont. " «
G.JUackiiock, 07 8. :
K. J. M’C&u, Floor Manager.
..feM . ; dllt
count of fuji Ast» ft. ctAia m.,'Tm*ni7iflit, ri..
MTbe subscriber having uisumed the manage
ment ot this long established ami popular Hotel,
respectfully anaouiieea to Traveller and the Mil*
tie generally, that he will be at all time* prepared to
accommodate them in all thinn desirable in a well
regulated Hotel. The Hotted is now belli? tboronehly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture added, and no
pains will be snared to make the Exchange ono of" the
very best Hotels in the country. >
Tho BiiderMgucd respectfully sollciu a continuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
Not<ee to Contractors— Proposals will bn re.
eeived at th,e office of the Youchioghe ny Na»ipi*
turn Company, in the Rorouib of West Newton, until
Wednesday, the 23d day ofFcbruory next, for the con
struction of Dams and hock*, upon the Yooghlocbcn)
nrer. improvement. riant oncf specification* of the
workrinay be seen at the Company's OtScc any time af
ter the lath of February next, ami any information in
rertrd to the work may b« obtained from J. K. Hay,
Engineer at Pittsburgh; The proposals will be address
ed to the President of the Company nt IVestaewina.
. ALEX. PLUiliat, PresYY. N. Co.
1 _ Wcrarwroy. Jan. 23, ’4H. ieb-iw3iT
Notice— In pursuance of an order of the Court of.
Common Pleas of Cuyahoga eoontr, in the StaWof
Ohio, made at the November lenii of »uid Court,
the uncollecied assets of iho Estate of Robert Colwell,
deceased, will be sold by the subscriber, stpublic nuc
tiou, at the door ofthe Court House, in Cleveland, in
said county, on the CUt day of March, IMS/at 10 o'clock
A. M. F. w. DINtJIIAM,
Admid. of Estate of Robb Colwell, dee.
Jan 20, 1643. feliSWGw&wlmT
Onricx or tux Alleouctt Bjubcx Co., >
: . Pixtsbuxuii. Feb. I, Xb4i J
A N Election fori'reioderu. Malingers, arid Officer* for
X\. the “Company for erecting a Bridge arer the river
Allegheny. opposite. Pittsburgh, in the County of
Allegheny” will be holdcu iu the Toll House, ou .Mon*
day the Oth of March next, at ti o'clock. I’,'M.
lcb*j-dlinAw3lT JOHN IIARPKR,TrrnJ.
Union Cotton 91111 a, l
PimauKflU, Feb; 1, IH3. y
OWING to alterations and improvements making at
tho Union Mill, the Proprietor*.offer for sale ut low
rates, some excellent Devel wheelgrariugbndshuftittg.
cards and other tecoiid hand mactuucry, all worthy of
attention. Call and see, or address ; '
EOB SALE—The subscriber* will sell the Engine in
.tlieir old establishment—the cylinder t* 0 inch and
sa inch stroke—also, in connection with it their Bark
Mill, which is nearly new; all being in complete run*
niug order. This nijords an excellent opjwmjniiy- to
Tanners wuliiug to use steam power, a* it will bo sold
low _ .WAR HAYS. .
febtf* comer of Liberty anil Ferry sis. Pitt.
fNKENO t BEESWAX-2000 •«>* Olnictij and
/-lINh .... „
\T TOO lb»Bee*wnr irmedMr mr Flimur and for
I3GG3 h BEANS—i tibl Errol bbl Itearts received
!i and for fale by ISAIAH DICKER*, A^Co._
PELTS— ICOO Xos 1 tnd a Sheep Pelts, landing from
str'Michigaa and for tale by
fcbld JC EnnyELL. Ag’l. Water st.
S'" ALTS—23 cutis primajusi rac'd slid for sale by -
fcbtA • i C BIDWDLL AgX
eeired direct from Sheffield, pea, 'pocket and
congress kuires, for sale bjr.
janl4 LOGAN, wRSOS k Co. ISO wood at.
SUNDRIES— L2Q bti. Clove tved; 200 bu Dried Peerb
e«4fi Mito Dried Apple*; 40 bkD Roll Duller; l bbi
' Saw ta tb« -. , ;
A LEXANDER A DAY. would respectfUly inform
JX. the eitizen* of Pittsburgh and iu vicinity that they
are now selling off their very large andexfenshra stock
« dry-goods at-an unparalleled reduction of priees,
‘r e . l T„ ot>;^ct to exchange goods tor cash, Ain or
ii this in the shortest possible *'•"** iher will
sell c-ff their entire stock at ?uca remarkably low rales
as cannot fail to salt cash bdyers. A fine opportunity
ts now offered to persons iu want of cheap drygoods to
snpply themselves at a corttparetively «mnti oTTw»n«c,
»c have a large and splendid stock of
Palo Alta, Bacon Vista’Gala, English and French Me
nno Plaids; Oregon and California do; Plain Black and
Mode colored De Lakes, Freneh Mentos, assorted col
ors; Alpncca Lustres; Bombazines; French and Scotch
Cashmeres *nd Mouslin De Laincs; French and Eari
■ton Ginghams, ete.
A Imres and splendid assortment of rich blaek Dress
and Mantilla Silks and blue black Dress Satins,
A large assortment of super Freneh, Turkerri and
Cashmere Shawls; plain and embroidered silk fringe
Tiubet’do'Chameieon and Brocade silk do; plain black
silk do; super all woo) long square Brochea de; plain
and embroidered Cloth do; plnin and embroidered De
Laincs do.
Super French, English, and American Cloths tad Ci
simeres in great variety. ! ' ■
! An excellent assortment of Sattinets and a large stock
: of red, white and yellow Faunels. ~
Blankets—Super blue Blankets for overcoats; fine
twilled do; American premium do- etc.
Also, a large assortment of Ticking*/Cheeks, Prints,
Muslins, together with almost every article in the dry
voodsliM. • ALEXANDER fc DAY,
J»nl3 75 market it, N. W. cor, pfdiamond.
A. A. Mai on * Co^
INFORM ibejr friends and the public generally, that
being aboutjto remove to the spacious and elegant
Htore recently erected on the adjoining Lot. They will
blow out their large and well selected stock o/ Fall
pid Winter Goode at cost, and in many cases less than
post, to enable. them to open their new store with an
mtirn stock of Jiiw Goods.-. 11m sals will tsßsunci
his day and continue to the first of March, or until i
heir remoeaLt Their extensive assortment 'of I
press Goods wifl be sold full 30 pek cent, leu ih«n esa- l
si prices. They consist of thewtohst fashionable Cash*’]
meres and Detunes, Gala, Mohair, 'Silk and Oregon.
Plaid*; Also, Bombazines, Alnaecai,Ac. • ••.. .
Cloak Goods "French and German Merinos. Queen’s
Cloth, French Plaid Cloakings, Broad ninth*, or all the
rhost fashionable eulors: Black and faney Dress
of every variety. Shawl*—Cashmere, Terkeri, Tartan
Inlaid, and other shawls—a very large assortment, fully
reduced one half in price. Flannels—Welsh, Knglitn
and American Flannels, of all eolors and qualities.
Bonnet and Cap ftibbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gunpc and
Fringes, Wrought Collars and Capes, Laecs, Artificial
Flowers, Plumes and Feathers, Scans, Cravats, Hand*
I kerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, etc. Linen. Goods of every
| description. Woollen Goods—Cassimefes, Cassinetts,
Vestings, Beavers, Pilots, Tweeds, Jeans. Whitney
! Bath Blankets. Also an extensive assortment of
Calicoes, Chintzes, domestic Ginrhams, Checks, 6 tripes,
lickings, brown and bleached Muslins, etc.
[The following wilt be some of the Prices:
cashmeres at N c. Usual price 37|
Mousselin do Laiacs, 12| “ u 25 siiwj ji
Gala Plaids, fiO “ « 100
Mohair & Oregon Plaid*, 20 “ * 37}
Aipaeea*, 18} “ “37}'
Flannel*, SO “ “ 31}
Wrought Collars, 18} “ “ 37}
Calicoes, 9t020 ' - * u 13}
Cauinetu, ato 31 - * “ O) .
WffetherjritlieTery article in the Store, which will he
offered equally cheap. Viiiter* may be itsural that
will uoi be disappointed in the qaalitv or price* of
our good*. A A MA&Q,\ k. Co.
i Dry Good* at Wholesale.
\%f K would respectfully invite the attention of Coon*
YJ tty sud City Merchant* to our very extensive
■lock or Dry Goods, of the- most lucent purchaxe and
definable styles, among which may he enumerated:
17 case* I'riiils, new Spring itylcs;
h " Ginghams, English, French and Domestic;
<1 u Mdliucline de Laities. Kug. and American;
11 “ Alpaccas. in all colors and prices;
17 “ Bleached Sheeting* A ShirUngs, }to 13-4;
H- “ Fatineiu; black, blue, mixed, Jfcc.;
5 '• Cauiracm; block, blue and fancy;
.7 “ Tweeds, Jeans, Cotihams, Prince Alberts As
. 7 il Summer studs; a lull assortment;
♦ bale Yellow Drilling, from medium to fine;
5 ** Blue Drilling, irom medium to fine;
Together with a full assortment of Cloths, Cashmeretls,
Drnjp DThe, Flannel*, White Good*, Trimmings, Ac.;
all 6f which we are prepared to sell at low .prices for
Cash or approved credit And would invite all persons
liviig iu this market to give us a call.
I SHACKLL rf A WHITE. 00 Wood st
frpO two doom above Diamond Alley.
; [ n»»k», Bt«lt*t*, Driuni, Ac.
JUST received at ZUBCLON KINZKYS, 157 Mar
ket street 1 doe fine wax Masks; 6 doz Jjaper do,
11 dbz ronum» <loj 3-gross metallic Comb Cleaners; 1
doz Egg Boilers; X doe ball Spoons; 2 doe bone Mustard
spoons; 4 gross German Stiver Spoons; 2 do Butter
KmVns; Ido fancy Toy Uoolui i»fUO China Marbles;
U doi fine woollen Comfort*; a great-variety of woollen
Coat* iutd Ceps; 6 doz tine French Willow Baskets; g
doz willow Market do; 0 do* Straw Traveling baskets;
d doi glass Motto. Seals; 15 doz bone motto Stamps; 3
Alleji's patent Revolving I‘itiol*, opnirs common Brass
X’isnjJt; 2 doz setts Cb*M men; 5 doz eetu Dominos B
dnz jfayhtr's Tope Measures: 12 doz faucy metal Toy
Baskets; 1} gross steel Key Hiugs, assorted; 3 gross .
Clunaßogz;! dal strings Amber Becds; 12 nests toy
Druths; X dozen willow Cradles; 1 dozen Clothes lias
**»«.[• _ i«a
J Card-Monilsy, Jsu. 10.
fi. K. corner 4th ami market will, iVom this
dute,jsell his winter dress goods, and a large prtrporuoa
of h;i stuck, adapted only to the winter season, at
gr-atly reduced price*. Il being his object lo sell olf
this purl of in* vti'cli in innke, roottt for an curly spring
<to .‘regard will be liad to ths cost of th** goods;
but they will be offered uvprice* that will eniure their
sale—-such um California plaid*. at 1 »1 former price 25c;
laperida. at 25 former pnee y?Jc; Primed Fconh cash
aterciailvf, former price .71 c; do. 23. forme r price 37 tc;
French all wool do. ill ct*. lormer pnee G 2 and 75 c;
wperjdo.- 73 tbnuer prico 1UO; toper plaid Thibet cloth,
W and 75 tdrmrr price IU); besides a large assortm
of -niiuer shawls, worked llood*, Ac. st price* mi
Jowei^tban*—' — • <r - *
"£V<KNij?niXf« ou Uici! ana,.
JC 4>rvceut of goods suitable tor furnishing hotel,,
■tearaboalx,Ac,, among which'ore 13 bales Uckiiigi.n*-
tortrifcO do bro. drillinc*; 3ca.“r« 5-4 and 6-t Mruchmi
•htnijjgx; 14 do |,} and do; a bale* heavy linen
i craslif 7*4 ■ and t—l linen table diaper, ilo. do. Dtuitask;
Scotch wid Ru*ua diaper;- low-priced fancy madder
priuUi white counterpanes;plain and twilled blanket,,
Ac., which will be aold low ior coih or approved credit!
_____ _£3 wood *t
Black and colored alpaccas-\v. ~r
Alhrphr bo* on band at very low once*, nu aiaorv
mont pf above pvxln, including ditfcrem shades of
Drnli |Color». Coiumoti usid Kitto; fvamnne Blue tloj
Maroon do; Urowu do.; Block arid Blue do.; Satin stri
ped dot; Matm Haired dog Fancy I'laid do; alio, au a*-
MJruncnt of Mohair Lustren. including some.'very
and rlo»*y. In Wholesale Room*, up stairs, deal
ers will find a cboice stork of above and other rood*
by liiclpiece. at low Cush pnccs. j a -^
I Bhatrli, Sbairliu "
SELLING ObF—A very-large and superior assort
ment of super. Turkern Shawl*. extra alt wool Bro
clmdmhue Casbraero do; pJqm. and embroidered cloth
do; plain and embroidered Thibet (hr, Urocadc.lhunask.
ami Ottoman Silk do; I‘laid long and square do; to
gelberjwjih a great variety of oilier descrlnttons of
Shawls. all of which wc are uoxv selling oCTaiatx extra
ordinary reduction of prices.
fcl>9 1 ~73 Market st, X \Ycor. of the Diamond.
FKEMUAI GOLD FENST-Rec'd Vy'expreta this
day a largo lot of the bcst 'madu pen* everbroTio
tUU city. By oiTeruitf a considerable premium over the
ordinary prices, I have bad them manufactured supe
rior td any heretofore, and can .confidently recommend
them, a* such lor .the fineness of the gold, their easy
elastic and fine smooth point*. Also, a lanre
nssortnieut of other brands tor sale at eastern prices
and svarmitod, M the watch and jewelry aiore of
, * 1 ' W W WILSON,
corner of 4th A market si.
BLAOK SILKS—-"W U MUtU'liY uks the attention
of tyuyers to hi* assortment of above poods, includ
ing rich plain Italian dress ,i!k; poult de soie do; btue
black ilb; rich watered do; do watered and striped do;
silks loj cardinal*: bc.ide a lan;* assortment oi J-'urtcy
, .** cbnngnble saliu*. Ac., all of wluch wiU be
sold at the lowest possible price*. j«,,s
O MUflrlrt. N. h. corner of 4th and .Market streets,
caJli aiwmion to ihe superior long cloth shirtiuir mu*
lutg,be is *Mlinc at t-J et« pfyd—also, his superior as
sortment of IRISH LINENS, warranted pure flax, and
of the most approved manufacture. Also, Linen [.awns,
of every quality, and a fell assortment of gentlemen k
Ladicn-cambrlc handkerchiefs. j QIl 3
4 LPACCA &CASHMKRE liosi-VAV li Murphy
xl invites the attention of the Indies to his excellent
assortment of cashmere mid alpocca horn, including
drsb and bl'i ribbed. Also. Mack spun till, thibet,
llama, and cotton hose, a lull assortment, and at low
price*. _ fcW
Super. FRE.scH~ci:crrri:s"gt:rxiN r tj'6PP-A
hne assortment of Trench and English Cloths sel.
ling ofl si a very great reduction in price*.
.. „ • ' ALEXANDER k DAY,
. . Market »r, N W cor of the Diamond.
SllACkl.Err k WHITE-Dry Goods Jobbers, U 0
\V oml st. have on hand a well assorted and season
able stock of DRY GOODS, which they will sell to
western and city merchant*, on very reasonable terras,
and law price*. .Mon of the rood* \ycre Uiuchl during
tnMutijnouUt, ami at reduced prices.
BLEACIIhI) DRILL?, &r.—W. It Murphy 'lia*
open uu« inormn- mtu «aw Aniorkeag bleached
unil*; alio Lnl.tenchcd do. Aniorkeag No l; ol*o *llck»
mg* ol Tarioim prices nnd qmfiiie*—anil offered low by
die pieee and yard, «l N ft corner oi <th and Market
*^ r ‘- feW)
Drab jiorkbnh for bkuTts^r
Murphy hu« on hand Drab Moreen tor skirta. Abo
Corded Mursailes skins,
French Coliou do {* ncxv article.
Ladre. Mornroe and Colton Vests, Ac., northeast
corner or*lih ,
COCHECO PRINTS—WR Murphy Invites tht-aueri
uon of buyers !o his assorunciii of shovo superior
goods, neat styles and-plaids of pure madder colors,
and warranted fast; also, Fall ilivcc and American
print works do. also fun colors.! janlS
Murphy lm» on hand, at low prices, an usoruneni
«ii common. medium and superior linen table diapers;
also damask Imen tuMe cloths, napkin*, etc: alto hock
nbud. Scotch diapers for lou-t-ling. inis
T) LAID. BLACK aLI’ACCAS,—A /ew pc* of satin
X barred lately recMj ulio, an excellent
a.wmneut of fancy barred «10., v Vty to “m ilwdre
gotnli home of [i«Jl W II MUKPIfY.
vintSf r ths? “ IMI Mttfkel coaiinup. to Mil
7LAXNRI.S— Red, Brown and Barred
Aj, AJ < Ü b a few Ul ' rl> ’ ”Pfi' fcd ,Vora mantiliui.
S'l.r’ toy iiHorf, .'or
'. tMnooilat
tops Domestic Blankets iu*t
received on consignment: for sale hy ’
. 1120 ... COCHRAN; 20 Wood it.
• —, —~ • i ' fehj
JXfcN LAM NS— -A mpply of aliove irootli cou*
w ri murpiiv. —.
i ' 1 ™ ‘ No 2 '■ rrii-JS I bl, bockwh
y *?*V-*»Mkadriea peach**, receired
andfcraaltby . (JEO A BKRKY, . -
)ajb lajcoodgref
Bleaching powder* (cuonde of us»Ha
<apenor quality, diitet fromihemnaa
jacmrer In England, received per elf Sanaa*, and for'
. sale at ike lowest market price for amoved
bttu,by Wfe_MMErCHELTBEE
IbTOTICBi-Tbe pßbile . are. hereby informed that the
4.11;. Office of the City-Woier Works is now-esmblished
m the old Court-Hoa*e,-adJ6hrinf the Select Coaarii
chamber, whqre all persons having business with either
the SopennttadcoC Clerk or Assesten within
the hours OC.B and 12 a. ■_ or 1 andSoxlock t.M. - „
„ [ feb!7d3tr; ;> ;■•■ ; ).
te m,r N r '
Cam; FoiuuGs-jaw ii: Mem»a.ww<r im
„ r “>! lugi,„t market p jco for cwumr ntii-
Rag*, 'liber la or.,i««u aif •■fcrnepA_j«2»_
liarhanfrWexira Rye floor
JX tec’d and foc*alo by 8 £\V HA&UAUGH, ;
frM • :■• ' poSJtroodrt. , ,
A of proprr rtrtnjth for Hal*
dEm l le , !2is2!F*i"* ,! nit •>»*«,aiiwi <»4 4>t
•“"•P.ACfdJßHKweontf irrjiuby “
fcMq 1W Liberty ttreft.
JaL The subscriber offer* for «ale * H/ig and
-Bflß on LibcrtT street, a short disuses above East
jUlejfheoy city. Hxe let Is S3*et frost
on Liberty street, and toss back to ea Alter &siec(.
TbeHouse erected thereon ii Brick,neariy new,two
stories high, 18. feet inftoalby abaulssindepih*nnd
contains tea eomibrtsiie roams, exclurive' of-pantry,
coai-ceilar end cellar. All the rooms hShe fire-places,
and drain* are constructed to carry. off the water, and
the boose is in every respect in good order and very
convenient, and is well soiled for two fomUies. The
property will be sold low, and time riven on the 1 »»r»- T
pan of the purchase money..
: Inquire of the subscriber, who can be seen arthe o£
fice of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the boors
of eight and ten, and at other -tunes at his rooms at
Mrs.Uays’ boarding house, Bobiason’s new row. Fed
eral«. Allegheny City. p N warm .
-_feb!stf . ; Agent for the owner.
Only One Left.
subscriber has only one of those cheap dwslUnr
bouses, situated on Decatur iL, left. This house
u bnek, three stories high, and contains six rooms
It is of recent erection, well built, and possesses crerr
convenience for a neat residence for a fomitr.
having- a separate' and independent yard. ' '
■ET*"™ l house will be sold at the lowpriee of
SUJS! and time gtven on a portion of the purchase
U “ l < rb "“
: Inquire of the subscriber, who can be seen attheOf
fice of the Gaiette, every forenoon, between the hours
of eight, and, ten, and at other times at his
Airs, liars boarding bouse, Robinson's new row. Fed*
eral st Allegheny City. , -UK WHITE
Axent for the owner.
Desirable Lota of Oreui ArsaU. T
A NUMBER of beautiful Lots, fronting an that gnat
thoroughfare, Penn street, or .the Greensburrt
turnpike road, and ontbe Allegheny /.very and interna*
diate streeu in the 9th Ward, PiUsburgh,arn now offer*
! for sale on the most reasonable terms. ■
iFor private residences, ‘holiness ud ttanoJhetßTiaf
csUtiliihmcnU, these lots pre teat situation not npta>
cd,ifetpialled f b/anjrtJOw for. tale. Tbs regularity
with wuieh tbs streets an laid oat. and the lent char
acter of the ground, render the lots convenient, and
available at once for building purpose*. T%e title is in*
disputable. ; Apply to' HABMAJt DENNY, 3d of,
at Law, 4th n; near Grant. j
Rami Eitats In Ohio.'
A TRACT of I tod, 00 acre*, in Harmon, Port*re Co.,
xA. on the Cuyahoga river—-about 30 acre* under im
provement. .Also. two unimproved lota in the: village
of Warren, Trumbull Co- 00 feet by 00. Alto, a lot of
ground in 4a cehtre of Hartford, Trumbull Co- with a
fine dwelling house and store—one of the -best stands
for a merchant 90 the Western Reserve. Any or ail
this .property will be told W\Jttrr accommodating
terms. I3aIAJL®ICKEYA Co.
• fe hlO Water and Front sis. •
Real Estate tmMsnir Ootutty, ' ‘
A LOT, Storehonsa ana Dwelling, situate on the
’ Erie Extension'Canal, in the village of West Hid.
dlesex; a desirable location for a merchant Also, a
1.01 and yood Dwelling House well «pfor a Tavern
Stand, in the village of Orangeville, on State Una of
Ohio. Tcmseasy. - ISAIAH DICEEY A Co. • '
febto Water and Front it*.
Lot Oar Sale.
AMJT iu the Cth ward, 48 feet on Logan street by CO
feet on Clark street; one of the most desirable l©.
cations In the 6th ward.’ For terms apply to the enb
scriber at the Methodist Book Store, 4th near Market
•‘feet or-at his dwelling an Clark street, opposite R
fronUo'sGrocery store. ffeblOJ J L RF-ATt
Efi FOR liliT ~.
| THE three story Dwelling House and Lot, new
by H. F. Schweppe, Esq., ca Penn sl,
near Hand. The Lot is 23 by ISO feet, and la pleasant*
ly unrated. For terms apply to the subscriber, who has
also FOR RENT !-•[
The. three story house on tbs earner of Liberty st and
Irwin’s alley, now occupied as a wholesale and retail
pocer’s store, by It F. Schweppe. Prsinirinn jriiuii
immediately, on applicatoftTW the warehouse erJohn
Irwm A ftois, No. 11 Watafatmet, by •
For Same*
M A two story brick dwelling with about six acres
of gronnd attached, sitnated at Oakland. The
place is Weii stocked with fruit of all kindsJ and
is a desirable Joeajico for a Tamil; being entirely ant of
reach of the river and dirt of tip city. An omnibus
leaves Oakland hourly for the eity. Apply to
juiSO . . . ATWOOD, JONES A Co.
wi FOR 8 AXE.
rfHlA*bove the Monongahela House, and the stable
011 Front street, beings leasehold for tbs term of 21
yes rs. from, the Ist of April. 1845, subject to the payment
of S-tOU per iimum. If desired, the foe-aimple in the lot
which is GO feet fronton Water ltreet,extrading through
to Front can be purchased. - Enquire of
+ For Beat.
MA new three story brick dwelling house on
Wylie street—Possession given on us first of
April or sooner if required. Inquire of
JAB FLO YILIS2 liberty street.
■ i .. Far Baiat.. - "TT
MA two story brick dwelling with abont fiacres
01 ground, situated on the bankofiho Ohio river,
m the borough of Winchester. Apply to
• TO Xet. '
AsA THREE dwelling booses si mated on 4th street
bsjf near canal bridge, m the city of Pittsburgh. Al
so, ■' room 75 by 20 feet, with a Convenient en
trance, on sth st, near wood. Also, a frame dwelling,
two stones, with an acre of ground enclosed and under
cultivation, situate on Ohio lace, in Urn city of Alleghe
ny. Inquire of • J D WILLIAMS,
J ona HP wood street.
MTlie /ibw three story fire proofbTiek store or
second st. now occupied by Edward Evans; foi
rem from Ist of April r.cxr. Inquire of • •
-l >n lg 94 wood street •
M Tbe subscribers will rent part:ofthe ware*
54 waier street
For Beat.
AJ> A handsomely finished room on Market street,
JSSiiaieiy occupied as u Daguerreotype establishroeut
by iMoriatid A Co. Also, a well finished and well tar
nished room, suitable for societies, adjoining the ban of
the Mercantile Library Association. Entrance a: Phi
oeC?7 Office. market street, between 3d and 4th
For Heat*
THE larg* «ud convenient dwelling boose on
A3_Fcdcral si_ Allegheny .formerly oc copied bjr Hrs.
Owno. Rent low. Poseession riven on the Ist
of April next. ED GAZZAAL
Immedinto possession of tbe above bouse can be ob>
tamed by appiymgio M. Creighton, at the canal wore-,
homcoi Clark A Thaw. - decS
M poTKsn
A large room ou the 2d story of the warehouie
decupled by tbe subscribers, near, .the foot of
V °ou street—a good location for a steamboat
agency or an Insurance office.
• For Bent er Bala.
.BSk . A neat two stoned brick dwelling boose with
JjTjß seven rooms and large yard, pleasantly situated
~. >» fhe Bih ward. Apply to \VM B SCAJFTL
_fcbl4 3w . _ Ist street near wood.
For Bala. '
A Fine two story brick house, oh main street,
AiiAllegbeny city, near the upper bridge. The lot i*
Stl tcet id iront by 1U) deep. For terms inquire of
dctStf, A WASHINGTON, 4lh $L '
foleti ’
M.One new thrpe story Dwelling Hooee, with
tauh hoosee attached, situate near the corner Of
WyUe and Washington etreeta. Poseeasion riv
en on the first«/ April next cuseMimogiv.
i«2g • JOHN F pßimy.
j - For Beat.
MLT’FJ* 11 ' Sre pm ° t . M&t tea kr
Ju3.eo feel deep, on second st near wood. Heal m*wt
erntn; • Inquire of J SCHOONMAKER A Cor- ,
J « w • -- 1 - .
; ' For Beat. .•,
isL A Smoke House, silnated on Plnmalley, for
_s?]g rent Inquire of ROBERT DALZELL A Col
- . liberty street. dec!3 i
. • For Beat. . - r
JLrfr Tlie well farnifthed store on Market street, be
tween third and fourth streets, at present oecu
|«ied by Banawa nud Turner. Possession given
on the first oi April next [uv22] E D GAZZAM.
To Let,
JrX A dry goods warehouse, 07 wood street second
JiVlm door above Diamond alloy. Inquire of. • -
deed D T -MORGAN A Co.
COAL ItAXD FOR SALE—Seven acres coal land
fur sale, situate in bend of tbe Momingahela River,
above Brownsville. Pa., having a 7-foot vein of coal,
which will be sold in exchange for roods. For portico*
tars apply to [ottJS] SAW iIARRAUGU, 33 wood st
' Oal IdU ngli'ot
TN MANCHESTER FOR 3ALE-I have for tale a
A beautiful building Lot in Manchester, near the ferry
23 feel front by 120 feet deep. It will be sold tow, and
drt accommodauuff terms. Terms unexceptionable.
royl» JAS. BLAKELY, Real Eslate Art •
: Lola for Bale.
riiWO building lots in the sixth ward/eaeh 24 by 133
A feet ou which them is a never failing spring of
wat *r- ' [feb7} GEO COCHRAN.
B. A. FanxnsTocx, Y A. B. Hcu, N. Y. City
B. LhAHKEsmcx, . -j
G. W, PAttimTOCt^'
Wholesale Drag Store la the city of
New York.
THE undersigned are extensively enraged in thr
Wholesale Drug business at No. 49 John street, in
the city of New York, and are prepared to supply Drug
cist* and country Merchants with Drugs, Paints, Oils,
Dve-ttutfv Foreign und American Penamery, Mender,
Weaver A MnnderV Chemicals, (of their own importa
tion) unit at) oilier articles in their lineof business, of a
tupcriorqunlity as low as they can be purchased in this
Xcw York, Fcbld BA FAHNESTOCK A Co.
Flics of Legislative Bill*.
fpHE Bourtl of Trade is indebted to the kindness of
A George Oandc, Esq., for files of the Bills acted up
on, at well ns those before the Senate and Hons* of
Rr|irfscuimivesoi' this Stale. Members of the institu
tion rah have access to them it the Reading Rooms.
rcbl l 1 _L _ J° 1 JtARPKR. Scc'y.
TOBACCO— In store und lourrive,on conaigument.
440 } and i boxes John Rucker sup ss; 00# boxes
lenry ;nnd James.fis; 2SO # boxes Johns A Lewis ss: 20
boxen Maratou fie; 15 boxes J M Stanard fit; 20 # bit
t II 11 Warwick 6s; .15# boxes John Rucker supr Is;
40 # boxes Henry A James la for sale by
feblO 41 Water and*&J Frout streets.
have this day reduced the price of their Soda Ash
(which i* ivsrrautcd by the manufacturer* from HJ to
& percent.) to 4Jc for Cash, or 4|c for approved Notes
at 4 months. And tor buautities .ofd toos or upwards a
deduction will be made of fc per pound off these pri
febl6 . IflO Liberty etreet-
Steamboat tfor- Sole. ' .
K. One-sixth, or ihrre-cixihs of the
t fL'*. ‘ ft steamboat Germantown, for sale on
C&&7551 tfccomraodatiug terms by .
fobU ; First street near Wood.
TULI24 AHUEL’slndiari Vegetable Hair Oil, for
1 promoting the growth. MiAeung and improving the
air. and effectually nrcveatiug it uert falling ooL for
sole by J MOHLER, Druggist, -
feblt) : (Chroalele copy) • cor Woodaudoth «ts'-
SALESMAN WANTED.—An experienced salesman
to tbe wholesale dry goods who ean
pome Well rocooimendodfor honesty and correct bus*
iiicss babils,'may hear, of a situation by addmainff
“Post office box giving real name and reference.
fob 4 I' ' * • ' .: •
, OITCC—AH penbo* indebted lo ibaJCitjrforHjr-
C'anwTXer, nudin the «ratHwottnufaUiiniii t&e
4MM7V'*KbefebT tioti£«i(o'caU«tl!|ii efiea ot U*
< «tn far tbt stmt ibnhwiik othar
isa-pui&wiUJ w.faMtuled&r Uie recorny oftSoMari?
w)i nFjz~'
FARMS, fe>.
I. rates of
Exchange Brokers, No. 8j
■ psnaqrlTUli* , .
BukofPiimbargh •*••?»
Exchange Bank ...'...par
Merck-A Man. Bank -par
- BksmfPhiladelphia- -• .par
Bank of Germantown *par
u ChoiceOoaStY'vpir!
u Delaware C*v? -pari
•“ Moatfonerv Co: j •p*r|
CotaabiaßridM Cb,** r .parJ
Doyleetown Buk*«*”par|
Famerc* 6k. Readuu'parj
Fkaien' Bk. Back* Co. pari
Farmer* B’kßaneaa’r'par!
: laumMWrCe.Bk.Mj.tPar
L«oeuterfik.».'.>*. pad
17. State* Bank*— ...-00 1
Gettyabarrhßk.***. <• U f
OiWlw>Wßr|«« ...... <7
aingoctmuiß Ca Bk..
Leluffh Cofic&kf.'o
fanner*' and .Drover*’
lane*dalo>»* >4>
; ‘wuriJ
rorkßt?-........... u
Wm Branch Bk.* • . u
Belief Notes—•*.-.•'• « i-*<■
CHy A County Scrip— u
Okie. (•-
Rmeßk.and Branches'll
Mnest u
Stoabenvtile........ .. «
UiiMtia... «
NewLUbon- ».#
Cincinnati Banka-..»♦» *t
Oataahaa do* «
CtrckviUe-.... . ...j «
Pate am-
Western Reserve-—«**
Franklin Bit CaJmnbms **
Lake Erie—-—.;*
!*»«•■- -i»
Granville * 50
|>nn’rs Bit Cantpo—9o
Norfcern Bk.
R«W Y*rk-Cjty Buka,
u2iwas!£ “* “” l|r i»3u i« u»
in IWp I
pod East,caliberaltarma; • • c t
entered into under the nama of Hnl A
Cca«„for Uaptuposa of canytag Banking and
Exchange business in all itsbranchematNo. 65 Wood I
era Dy. - JOSEPH-e.-HUi,-
nchlfi - - : ! - WM. C. CURRY, - J
“Wj, : £ em«i»T, |wm - f ra *7'
yvnffißS fc EXCHANGE BBOKERB, I)nl'n in
J FonifnuASDtiAadeTiiae Kulfiijriiißilt.nrE..
BrakNownS, Cam
Wood .Wert, third door below Foerth.
*I d toecioedonSbJ™
MtSsuS" m * a *t? “* vp-ins
v l !Pkg , *“r> :i1 *’ WMAiwililiS-ldir
“A Cmawwli. coiutuily ibr iddw.:
K'olookk. Ud Fene^Wuo
Buk |
. itelmd, Germeoy Fraieo j
’ ' __ Jf« HOUOEI 4k gON. ‘
and Dealers in .Exchange, Coih and
-O r
Exchange. .. Bayingßrnet
New York. Ipr 'Cincinnati, >' ■ < j:* 1
Philadelphia* —1 |So L«SnSa? J **' * ‘J‘‘ -
Baltimore, y -Ido
Buying Bates,-. BANKNOTES?'- Baying iW
*■' -Hdis Co. A Scrip OidereTl dls ,
' - . Jdo- RaliafN,2^ ,e ” ,^2 l , |.
Kentseky, - - .■ M do Pannsyfruu Cy '«do’ 1
VirrlmM, • «do New York J ‘l«do
-90 J do,.New Orleans, ’ U*4o J
T “g«r ,94a , I
JJ ta Foreign and Dooestie Exchange, Certificres of
Ue P***«> Md U'doditL
008 V=?U Fourth, Earn side, FiCaburgb. PiLl
- FORkiua JKXCBANGE. !; ■
TJILLS on Englasd.Treland, find Scotland boneht to
JLP any junouot at tlie Curreut Rules of Exchange.
Also, Drafts payable in any part of tbe OU Conhtriem
from Al to Ato(B,.u!diie rote of $5 to the £ Sterling!
or diseooht, by JOSHUA RQBIN
SON\ European and -General Agent,- office fith- st one
jloor west of wood. • -t - . oeii&tf 1
in Fortira «ad Domntic Bill* o£Eirh*nw. Cer-
S? e *sVl5 B je? ite ’ 2*"*, Itfote * Coin, cdraer of
3d and Wood «mu, dirtcllj- opposite St Ouxlei' U<>-
■'• ■ ■ • •'• ~--i- - ' narAdlv :
■ ■ • ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■'!■ • - mmwsciv ,
Tir^TßßaiPcaoi —: —
v ““u™ f-.i
Kentnekjr, i r • I
. Missouri, ;t
purchased at iha leweti rates, br p4nlr , . |
• . 4m ... j *«• HOLMES A SON, ; i
' ■ I ‘ f • -3SMarfcer«rtet. I
•'-‘j- - . j
, n/holseS t SON.
_°gjP - - aSMErirefh.
/SoLItBCTIONS—Drafts, Notes, andAccepian- 1
V”*’ jwyabie in any part of the Union, coilcetal An
u>« mart feTorablo ecru. N. HOLMES & SON;
• dcl ° . ! - • := 36 Market si.
TI7S®HAB|GB on Now York, Pb!lsd)lpUa, : (tod
-a-J Baltimore, at sight, in sums to nil purchaser*. icn
standy for salt ty . ? • HILL A CURRY, * '
. * ; ' Wood st, below Fbrinh. >
BUNDS—The Notes of the Ohio,
V T Indiana and Kentacky purchased at few
rates of discount, ai lbs offieadf ■
octll No. « Wood at, bdovrFWnh..
all the Pris«nal cities in ! xi»-
umon.madeby- •< - Htl.t.A- CURRY,- -
1 No. <5 Wood at, below Fborth.y
■ •'Wlmaa.'rt. Liquors. -v
QfJ A while, halve* qeanerii and eighths pines hran
uyv dies, wmes,gfns, fee, of the following celehruK
id brands, grades and vintage* viz:' ■ .
Otanl Brandy, dark; Roncao Port Wine
• do do pale; Market • do; -
Bamac do- do; 'STrosh'
A Seignette - dark; ~ Ilont . dot ,
Hervneasy do .Sark’; % , , dp;
do do pale; S> LM< do - ile
, Pinnet,CaaUllian, do; 2 Symington-' do:
do - do - dart; •“ Pazal ; do:
• gStf \ ' R Pale Sherry- -• d* •
• EB k Horse do; o Brown do ■. do!
tap! Eagle do; g Golden do d«
K"® Apple do; - g Teneriffedo
Inin Whiskey; - X. Lisbon 'do do* r
Jamaica Spirits; • ** Claret - - dnj-
St. Croix Bum; : . Sweet&Dry Malaga db? - ■
?<>f ether with a lam stoek of the aboreWinei nnd
liquors in bottles, ipso, Champaigns and Claret Wiftes
for sale as imported, on pleasing terms at the Wine Cel
lar and Liquor Storm comer of Southfield and Front »u.
feb9- ■ ; .P C MARTIN: j
MBortoa Hods of Hestlag Houses. : -
H. G. DEXTER, of Boston, has arranged and pa
tented a plan for fceadug booses, which has' been
successfully used in Boston. New York, fte., and what
ever applied, has received the decided preference oyer
stoves, Furnaces, etc. Its advantages are— .' :
Ist. Great regularity of temperamre.
2d. Freedom from smoke. ; 1 H;
3d. No unpleasantdryuess.'
4th. Easily attended to and sot liable to got outJof'
■ order.-
6th. Great durability. , , j
'■ A model* and specification may ba seen and appara
tus obtained at the copper and Tinware factory of ■: .
W!U B SCAIFE, Krsl 'j .
foblSlf - between wood and market,!
/~1 ROCEEIES—I3O bags Rio Coffee; 75 packages Y.
\JT H. Tea: 20 do Imperial and Black Tex SO bids No
3 largo Mackerel; 5 bbls No 1 Herring; 6 bids St Louis
$ i! Molaues; 10 bbls do Loaf Sugar; 35' bbls Vinegar;
75 boxes Ss lump Tobacco; 30 ken 6 twist do; 40 boxes
j the Nectar Leaf do; 15 bars Pepper, 5 bbls (iroußd
Pepper; ICO reams Wrapping Paper; 0Q do 'Writing Pa
per, for sale by . H ROBISON A Co.
febll - .laOLiberty street.;
-600 ream* ruled up fair and fin* qaatitie*.
200 * letur 4 - .• ’ * 7 ' |
: *. ]* flat cap, good quality,
300 “ blue factory paper,' ‘
SO “ tea'paper, '.
fiO rom bonnet board*,
5,000 Bundle. in> ,nd raj wnppin t peper,! in
.lure uni which w. offer to the are trade eilorprice.
H New loth
JLi. growth of 1840—from S tolO cent*;
. Prime Ohio do. Behnont county. .*l.'-'
_l?® *f ?®5 ,J E ** tera eitip of the eeaaoa it now betafc
reeeiyed. • Brewer* and othe renting Uopa, will find it
much to their advantage to obtain tbeit enpply from ifcb
undersigned, aa-they, intend to aeli throughout tho «««•
O.W.SMITHACo., ;_i
PitUbnnrh Bnwerfl
HAVANNA CJGAIi3-iauW) imported- cijan -of I
Ihe following celebrated brand*, panto arrive
cptuiiUnf o£ Cevea, Anbiquedad, Washington reroliiU,
E»prde», &C«lßpie. Hot Amiga*, de Fu«er, London-
Hfu** L°rd Byron**, Folia pnucipc*, Meant boat do.
Vilify* «u» do; Sjrfvia'» do, La Uayider* r*t, do <io
La Palm*, ' Coigdorea, fijj
• feb? . .• ~ . . cor.Smtthficldfc front niJ
T)SODt'CI>—JS) bbft fresh FaipiJy Ft out; 10 bit* So
JL 1 Lard;tf bbU Butterria kendo;-!? bMsCorn;J
bbu ByvjSbblt Baas*; lost Tee'S and for tale by •. -
. ~i. . .. BBOBISO.YA Co'
-feblt . . i ISOLibertyitrect: \
fhlL—l2oo fall "natural colored winter gpentu IOCO
febM . • MILLERB’tICKCTSOX.- 1 i
ta»md cttfcnm ud bTWdr&ulta,ffbbl*^TtS^3
fnr,4MU loaf^o,« cuw feaon'aynp,' l 0 bexeaM&
nwu. feraala by at a&c"
" - - - THg o;ra.Y ifiienfgnyi - r T
XZ ble remedy for EpdepticFlU or Falfrw&ckaM*.
I Conrnlsions, Spawns, Afc. -RiaweH known. iW ft!!!:
immemorial, pbysiciani. ham Taraaoonegd.Ewii—w
tie flu incurable.-.h'bas baffled til their sMlLtoMua'-
power of-olt medicine, and cooseQtemiTtkw. -
»and< bam -suffered through a mlserttle eSuma!S'
•flw yielded op their lint on the olljj bfinsailrT ;
With all-deference, however; to U» ioclaioimtf t£a
greax end That it ha* bencme£? '
v - year*, bat been tested l>y Tatar mzhm
who bare suffered. with this. dreadfri djwaLffSnT
erery ease where h bis had a fUr Eri*L ha*3ig!B*T
permanent care. * .•> - •• <™-- m -
ieptle Flu 27 yean and"B numbs,' Alter tranUnw •
ihroogh England, Scotland, Germany and :
rata,lkuM •
mojcji.,. mailed treatment ud ajilcaSuiTtW
mnd dolUn, remraal mid, kl« :**loiji, dSmOTta
Aoremberlast, withoutreceiving aar bcnefitwfeuem :
ef, aad Was etrred by using ■ ' ■ ■^T^r. , • •
haets Vegetable extract.' ■ ’
Mr._WiUlam SeeoreV Letter .to Dr*. Ivannas* Bari. *
rhare spent orer three thousand dollars forr£s£ •
i*»a aaiiiSrdiCflJ apcndaqce.flwaaadsiaadto-'niUa
to Birope wuh hiuvwhiehl dii. 'i fim' rSmd -
England, r eonsultetl the moat -tAyd*
there in respect to bis ease; they examined Wmis
- -1. remained tbreo .-aiomba "
without perceiving, any chang%.fer the;beW..wbJdh
cost rpe ,about-iwo hundred. eeekaMi
by. thejibjaldans, jjnd th*; moot.-thatlmeMni
their opinion ibai my son's casa was hopeless and Dost.
liTdr mmiMda.; IfcngMs ktLEmjnmtuiduil,'.:
elled through Sendand- Gennany and franca, and •
turned borne in the month of November,.last, .with my
sou as far from being eared, as when Heft. I saw toot- '
advertisement, in one of tho Now Ydri .
concluded to try Bart's . Vegetable Extract, eeamcaaor
I stslementaandcertificates of-somanykcntasLrsoamOf' '
tweiny and thirty years' standing,.and I eaa assure yo* ■ •
sam not sottt 1 did so, as by,the use oLHstfaVasat*• -
ble, Extract alone, he wu rcstbtxdrtojierfect bcabk. ■'
IDs reason; which was so forgone satoaafitbim'A*
business, is entirely restored, with the-prospector
before him,of life, health •
■? 8? years and. 0 moaihg«ftbh
ThTfcbTSr A2£2rt
butpleaseto ceeeptthe meant«mat
as Interest on the debt in advance. '
One of tbs this;lnrafaaMe'iiefi&at v ‘
was ’afflicted for several years wilh EpOeptfo^Sus
•ed grewworse under their treatmenL and 'he >«» •
font tins ttedigme was. hi* only b««i for health aal
hfCj and was therefore detenalrteo to nrelta.MrinS
andto persevere In Its use; whiWbediiLkDdumresu ■*.'
was a oerfeet restoration to hesldi; which wa* ‘
bed uninterrupted for nearly slrteen »»«*•• •■* ™ u -
We -.would- refer to the following pdrsahs bam - •
bc ,?yS£* b 7 Han’s VegctableExiract:^ ' '
- EDenaJow^daughter Was grwirtftd aiiia 'wsia. ‘
resides at Ytmkers, New Votfcv ' - * ,
' ' 7 C ‘ J '' ?;V*
• »?iOTS!i eT ? n 7* #l, » laD OT"*t-7' <- - ' -•>
«■ ■ --H 1
. DrW LMonroe, Gailfofd, ol" ' " ,- ’V' " |
i ■"S3Sffiaes^!a*"» T; - - •
; ■‘gwganasiasasf* ..
John Elizabeth st. ' • \L r *
• DABigmm.atsWmmrLL 2 • .
‘ Smm.l*StHToU .1 1 - 3?' ■<
; ' to-'
cp»n, or mUmud,]«t
IN 8 a«k I'-““ tam'ntmi
*rs r* 5 ■ Main st, between itnaadSih siiMtaJ
Lii} VU r / r i. eons « of Market si and tiklia.'
uomLonly sgtin ritub'g Pa.' , '.jiSSwW
S Ii)i AMaVD Al 4 ,
?' -•, * few doom bclom (
jn Wood street, towardsitba ‘
. ; / jfggSil&V•• DBto btm V '
«Sr 10 the mcaical.,profeswmi ’
• md been for t»
generai prwticA now coo*
; -V>. .nnes';hl« .oHamlpn: •
twolxnenl-of. tha—.piimf^'
'• and delicate runuilafais to..
■ _V? Which hisoppartmiliWan^
• \v» .
Eleren years t*>
[om'dy aid treatmciitofibo»econipltmits t fdartny wt,!^
,t;me hehsshidmdre.Bnictice'aodblueuredmorena«
tiwits than con emr fa/j to the lot of any prirote. pirn*'' ' *
amply Qualifies" him to offer aanwmMi'jf
.speetjT. perroannu. andssiitlacioryearn iftßUaiUUfffi -
diseases.andail:dises«i'«ari*t^r«Kyyy < i | •
i Dr. Brown would inform liiose nfflieud rrlib* prirato •
diseases which hare become-chronie br tims. or'a».
gravaied by the use of any of the common of --
,the day, that their cotnplainu can be radieaHy tyf thor- .
ooghlyxured; he haring given bis careful attention t»
.the treaimeiit of such cases;.«nd succeeded ittbundreda! '
:©t instmsces in persons of inflammation of tha
the bladder, and kindred diseases which *
resah eases\where-othtti'-lnrrß TMaitemd:
.themto hopolesadespair.. lie psrticularly.inriteasuck
ns haTe been long anil tmsuccwslUlly treated by others
.to consult him, when every satisfaction will be rima ■
*.*4 eir cases trented in s care fill, Ihoroorn and
engaged ui general practice ofjnediiine UCTeanr
one ciius of disease. • •
ZEyneniia or Ronture.—Dr. Brownalso inTites per*-’ ...
sons afflicted with llenua to cuH, Os he has paid naSe
ular.atteuuontothis-disenie ■ - '•
:cg£. c £?W^ r - t ’’ ««, mi*. : .
S. it—Psiienis of either sex living at a di«tsr>*«V fay' «
staung their, disease in writing, giving
toms, canobtain medicines with directions tbrusa,
, T. BROWN, hLD., post paid, aadS?U?‘
1 No - KamondaDey, opp Mite the Wamriy.
! " ~ : | : ‘irr.NVcarenbpara. • " ; - decit.
IV Mattel Brett, am Wat
• i rimdlaa*,
nSwalm tßraitcfew. 5|
* 9*aieSeirip -K ♦ f*
* ■ :
r Exeiasfe fisTof V*. v ij \
i Fanner* Bk. of Va.---- 14
Bit oftte Valley,-—-;«r
rIM.4 *
rl do itugiuiim<>» 1}
r». W. *
rj.-do,/WeUt&ariv--* 1}
r| do Parker*ijurp‘~>; **
rj > Ttaaiucci■ : '
•IBkof T«naaa*ee*;*rr ’i
iFar. * UercVta Bi-.--
Plantar*’ Bk.«--*, •••..
|Mtak’*jik. l N«*bea: 1
. iMth Owtfiu.
|Ckfifenßk •,*•» • I
iComoercitl Bkf*-r*>v 1
BjuofGoomsown.***' 1
BLof UtmbßM* 1
Ueicbaan i<
Pitmen AUcchokßkvlj
Bk. of tank Cvoliit*' »l j
' HurloMlla .
Btllroore lSc«r-”—-**pai
Crake riaad Bfcof Alio-.
|tjUgyM...,W>» {...'1l
Pkr.Bk.of Mtfjrltsdr* “
Fboen' t Mechanic* **
Bk. (Metick'— l » u
Htjeraujwnßk • *
Bk.efwe«tthiiur •» • ■
f River HsJsen****—
gulnf.;Co*««u. e
iMeefa'*Bk—••• ff
stasia T«nrit>.
Jtrsln.Co.MUw’e •
OUttdilr ",
tvestßnnki»>.~. B
•f Ensli&d Notes -
*~~IM ?»££«?.
PC»poleoßi -3 60
Deebleeas, Bpeahli/ie 00
Do.Fattiot«»<»t'** l&CO
Boyereigai 4 83
PrederieksdW-V.. .*7 to
Tea Tktlen* v’..‘ 7 ct
Ten Outfers ■ •~ r .
Lonisdtyt. '•'■’i w
,p*f,Jlat«nor.BTa--'. ,
wort Cough Candy is offered'to* the MbUa’ar-al
pleasant and effective remedy forced!**, eolda.*tuar«r.
P 1 the Q»ai and .la such ease* it is '
haye Molded decided, and permanent relief; i*t
ila rapid. sale .and .'great success or a remedyfortbfe
abow diaoeaea where it ha*, been nsed f it'pro«li<*;j«r
beeonw one «f the most nsefM and popular medieiae* .. ' '
Ills; ode red *°°i pleasant roliefto the conaamnetra." *
vocalist, and-jmblio speakea^n^
The name of the preparation indicate* its leadiariai*
gredient, and i| will be .found to be hy *n m*. ’
pleasant a the taste, and may be used by children and '■-•
adolta with entire annuniiv. ..The tnnr^.».
Ptsparation: are of. the best qonlhy, and it may be re. ’ .
bwu**^ Sa «»;ntr«pectapureand genuine aitlela. •
Farailißs wouid no doubt .promote’iheir*caofort*nd -
bjr ‘ ke,pio » a “PNr* especially in tbi'seaaoa of ‘
. This valatMs Coach Candy is considered a great **’
- wstanrto Mothers; being superior to aD the patent it. ;
■ of ui creation, as
*°r c 7 L r I ** except formonifiAJtxi-.
at or this article will convince any person of its awed.
cv, nnd the proprietors therefore oe/yanypenon Ldthot'
United States to produce o cheaper, .more DleasanL'e**'
effective remedy. •- vV
: Sold wholesale and reiaiL by the General Airenti •
9MYBEB, DrSristl •
corner 3d and market its, PittSbeirt.'*^
, Howe.* Co,;Proprietors, Sfp l College HaUCUela^
. .Highly. Important!! ' .. ■ .' • '*■ '
SenOFULOUti ,CA?iClia cUEiiXi.--The ibllowiv
certificate from ahlshly.tespeetahle.lndy, has beea
■eut a Dr. Jayne by hit egcui. uJCt"
1 Co ,v »■ Cenircvillevli, Mareh tSth, •
! Ma. Jxtxx—De«r Str—Putyto mv fe llow Mrre ’ '
demands, that I should add ray testimony to the ‘ ‘
tabfishad efficaey-pf your: at-naartYal- r h
what thedoewr* all pronounced an tdcsrahle
lousCaneer of three year’s standing. Aftef '
nse of thb remedies ofthe profesakuLWi m y :
Jn their use, and hopes m their efficacy were coSS’- ' -1
| commenced taking your Alter*tist v
had uken it about alxmoatfis/l was nm'Sair
cured by it, but my Laucer waa literailr'roortdodianw''
L 1 ““ compTeuly aiid-peanaiMriilCiv
cured, anif have no hesitation- iu snyine thatiliathn -
jnost efficacious constitutional ham f ‘ • v
SS»KSSS&3?3gS!Sf^?!--n :
mow to be true. \ ours, . v - Jon Hiaafli^^
U .
- • Pul»«rti»rp fnu««w i ■ l ■-T
LI HS.;• RHKD *;CllTI-EH—1 a dary
LU. oWe to my felipw creatares. to stata somtlhißr 1 .
“ orc respcetniir your Vegeahlo Pulmonary JMlsriau' 5 ■ ‘
?iuce I first used the Hals ant, abea; eleven years sgoi°
he nappy effect of which I. then gave an aceonnt oZ : I
■are had.several severe couphunis and attacks u tar* ‘ " v
ungsioue alcw day* since, ,nnd': in every Iruiaaeelg l ,
mve used the Balsam aloue <viih complete and
uccesa. It has effected relitj'and cure in a rent finr
lays. It !* certainly u safe medicine. 1 do not uosv
hat it will cure a fixed consnrontion, WU i it '
via be in many case* a preventive, and. prevention in
letter thaii curci 1 do.therefore, {orthpJove qfmr 1 >U
jow men, earnestly recommend the -use of this Balsa L
mail pulmonary complaints. I am confidentthati
has beea the means 0/ presemug my life to thisdi v--.
Boston Juna 10, MB. ’ DHN’JaMiS' PARSONS
J >orsalebyß A Fahnertoak,A Co,cofaerlrai ■A?
wood and also corner wood and Sth.' ■■-.-'- v -tan • •«■ ■ ■
BA. yAHXEaTOCK'&Pacnaouie or Coach n»i
. Sam, hu a. great edranap, over
J.ou<h Preparation*, a* lu pleaaau tui« Derma, ifei
B« u*«a without inconvenience., -.llot iiTw-inl r; - u
Baliau coiuttU in the «pe*diacM of iu cure. VV* &T ’
known aome of ilio mou ;
jin «ich weather M i Wo:h*re'2iS®SS ? d.rf2o''-
winter, evenrotwia Haile to'takh^«>wsfcZT2sP "
precaution* are tufd.'; '
. n=rf * '^^P'tZfiSpgSi'
tht» City .,
, mis
JL NcLutt’rWorn «Decifi? l^ff^l®lW **** oMfe** .
Uaapoom fall, urf althouME? !£^7 # *»<*Vi3£
,**w-y« Owe bm
TWO TUOUUXD WOJUtt pitied ft*? E 2? >.
.iiuu ‘.vii•’'^ii-,,i!W u *i:WU«ni»fc'«i.!o^»
i-r. uwpiji