. TirelwnSßPßfiff 6AZM. 1 r/'''-*' :ht rjmmJS BBOOP * C*‘ 1 - fittidcbbbi - : . ~ "* . gATCRDATMOMCm.FEBBITASYItUgIg. P*n.t O*3am» to pwbliahil Wwkly.—The Duly U Be**a S2ft7«£B£; Srri-Weikly U PiTe itonuipa Sff^S^SSiaT»oP° u «*'P ei>aaant »^***** ■ , T // '. Fa* iATW CccnaertUl Mar k*u, BirtrTfJaw*,' ltepert*,-Moiwy Markets, fce. see tkirtpqif '• !‘— , m trwiwtnini ar« aarnesdy requested to hasd la ftSirforon befort end es fo* day s# ,• , .I.', ''' - ". '' , • r ' •' .. *. . - - ' r ftLiTEBT DlSCttltOS. ~ I -s. •• \V*smaQTos,Pah. 15,1818.. ",‘Jib* gJuiorfiom. Florid*, Mr. Yclxx, has given . »fl» S£diMtebnen» .ofM» npoa U» -p—pihfnfojfd by hi tn, claiming thcrighl (br thi SowH to extend ibe Xnttitotioii of Slavery over •i- maf territory which nay be added to the Umom— i » Tbb boldne** of tbeavowal ofthisprinciple is. to, .• <• to commended,and >U the more, that it ia made at ’ x dda'preea© time and'in the quarter, whence it • - tttr-~ : The member who advocate* thia doctrine ... is sot alone, tat many, perhaps aD of* 1 ? • pemocraey riand by him, resolved fint that' Mem* , r co shall bedeapoiled of her territory, andaecoadly, • that thi Institution °f‘Slavery shall, kayo afcotiog. • °f N - who )0* «** . moment aeeraa. eenriUve as to the imMuudu of aiaveiv aai the Smling awakened by it »t home, ■ 'At ihl qturflim to Mr. Yolee the In - ' stilnlicJorSliverycoold to carried utto Owfc if!Coiindn win Snooted to the Union?” “Notre* ponded Mr. Y. SrOlnhcgly. if Ceutidn wss “dtnaled V/M.'&Aeoa there SlnVery.previooUy, ; Slid Mr. A, continuing the l^rf, ' couldCspntU »boli*h SlaVery if if won • <^°n. ■ of the United .It ooukl not," responded the Senator from fTorr. - ‘ .fair .ny body coold go to snob territory, on m 1 ’out of tbnUnited Stolen, wilhlheir Sieves, oowuh; Sir mopwy.nr ns with e wife end child,-ond ' there! would be no power in Congress,or.elaewbonr ' »D fraud this 'question of SUvety.-not to o Sieve, crmlerfere with this species of property . in toy monner ■ Thi. then m the doer “' 'uinni tbnl frde soil may bo converted it arrftbty. tndit il svowed nod re-iterated m • 'aennie, end to nmm from the peotSute of New :. York who ta. not even to deny tb-. SJoutW members of tbc nifro Southern schoob 'here hot no much in tho bnbil of totmS “* »“ a . ■;; dkhJolhe'Northem Lccoibcosfhst while the on" ■' rula srith almost imperial swey,-tho other yte olntoet withcrotreo submission. Another f .' Jtetnlof Mr. TnloCo PoSUvery speech will be ' . ilirood Wthonow ondinthe second port there was SlilUe cpiaodc . worth remembrance. Mr.' Ynlde wd adme of the doctrines be had haard woe bot “Democracy run mad. lid' »« ' dbuil regarded himself aaavery conservative land : of nDemoom. Mr/ Foote, the I«Pfo” SeMg . ifrom;Missiodppi,,«nd.one .of the wmaaMh. . Khbot esltodit-Propesiv.Denioemey Ye^ AspoodbdMt. Ynlee ?but it ptogn»es beyond nil Mimu- The Bsrntaming Demecrsls of N. Y, 1 W AntfStovory Democrat every where must • *** (behiht from this nod be governed nccorthng ' • ly. Tbe domineering Xocoftco Southrons do oof ■ skonehtthnttho“Daogh<*ces" of tho North, Sieve* " 'With while stunt, shell .hove even tho freedom rfiooeeh, and they rule hero almost a* they .rub : .twiand weno than all ’find cy»t willing wb ••••• ■ mc&'oftheir'.tyranny. ‘ .:. ,«*W*XWTTOMIICOISB THI.WX»ar 1512._ . n •. Upon tin «is*cajCßrrßiif,Mr.Upham.of\t, moka todaf in a very plain and pointed argumeri* Y: igaini the war, ■bowing the difference between . -tha war of 1812 and that with Mexico. Except ibatboth wen -wara, no other pmnt oC resemblance oa b. tend. Mr. Buchanan, “the oppoaer of IboWrf 1812, and the nviler of Madiaon,” a» Mrl ; 'Wllinot said, cotdd no doubt. poim out ih* 1 £serence.. The Executive of the Dnited State* -1 fa 1812 couaented to aak the advi<» of Q»ogre» ' Md* Googieaa consented to, declare war upon T adiribe m 1812. Whereas now thePreaidentbfr _ gun the war with Congreve in • CMion _ 4t J^ V ahdtbe war not generally known until Hood bad ■ boeniaed. Moreovermany.whotook_gjrtmJhe_ -"WwW.weie repuua/it. opponent, beeng] ' ,'SwerelihnMr.WeluUr,tnlherfcT*shtinstb« •-iJLyepm the Ocean. England the, bed-, pew- *nd Oto domed to bermtAttsn of the '•an,* of her fleets however ahe said: : |i : ’ jtaJnaieh'waa cathe owßniaia wav*?, * i ! •. .Hetbooeupon die deep.” - ■ n& umm iboee waveni and in tint homo mnny do ■nMßmeet her, mid defe« her' if ttoy coold.- thin,'However, wn. tint Mr. Boehtutmi'n posmon, !,£, the tnt begun knd it will ule . good many - modmn Democnlio white-trnshingsto give even s Jodi, oouide to hi. old Fedemlism. h mnypnsn «rrenl hmong the hnnsetn on to the Sum Depjtl ' .Am, or with tho» Ottond who Uveoow-npmtt^ present Admiaistiatioii, or in nhopefal dependence nenl, if perchnnoe Mr. Buchnnan eouhl -SfteadSTbnt.il will nvmlbnt 18110 wnhUt»e AWtowMr. Bodmnmi;nltnsether,-ofhisbe i W-t-y st Unonster, hisemoer in Pennsyivtutts hiaifiatloonductbere.- . ■ i ; Sir. Uphsm, of Vt, wnseontenl to reply to somo Of the wvillnp open the other sitb, .wdbont “cor. tho w« blto Afrien” ns ho might end. rststny to gnie upon those who Uvc ’ bio metstnorpbosed into good h..5.i... >nd Ingemoßs, Tmtey. mtd Melnnem Wniisms ind Hnbhards, Benerofrs end Prenumef .Yfells end Crittendens nnd n score of others who Ui been either boastisl of iheir-otd Fedemhsm, Jr hove declared Ihsl they mdheied to tits long u the old Federal.petty hmi any eiistence. . x . ; .. ns uuaaiu- I Ib tie Housb there «u » ptouacied debate up iU to. lean Bill wiili.Beeolution pending to dote Ihe discussion U>m°m,-W. he'-enjl ipeeches were dt-We. toedmr.lbeinodimpoitmit ftom hh- SSoirfMw, ewof the mo* practeal a»d ‘ ■ SStoLun. of <*> Hot*. It trv “***£“? upon the moral. of the war, nor upon the darao. S^^wm,but upon toewKexpen^mtot|ie itttu of to. Treasury, topic. ““""“f.'“l tbm 'i* mach difiereneo opw»o. *nd the *£»« axteea dt whkhtoe Treawuy Deputmeol toe • ‘lAowdtt cooce*L ... Bn is« contra* between the opuuoM cftho prfwdpd Treasury officer and toe .He member 6om , WMMefaUßtt& 'M-.riWt Receipts TtoUble.Reoe.pU gST; ««3U,:... ■ wgjgj . t~r. ' asoopoo - . tpoopoo !' Imports necessary to raise s3cpoo,ooo enaiun *A~jngktt minimi, or seventy-seven mdlions f iQ.it th. .Tenge, impoiu of lStt-45-tth - taleew to. ta pbru were »35,000p00 more thM U ne>l> pterions years, which was oemj • toine to Furope. According to Mr. Hud '•*>l calculations, toe receipu toto too Treasury iu. nreotjeto millions, this would require on I topiiionrfaisopoopoo. The Lom. required 1 would bo S2BPOOpOO, ho believed instead of the .'MMOOBOO tamed mid this for toe doficienc.es of '.! lU premnt fiscal year eloae, when ell to. expen. ‘serf toe jeer were knosra. , , . . 1 Mr Hudson showed how seelously. end to whst i Depmtment had on. down the I and ihl a. he beliered fcr pnrpoees tr 1 The Secretary of War Ud cut down ! £2tades of ha department, mid m thejemees alone, uemly eUht, ’’ iiilTinnr w ~- , - J l—*- Thi * n *° acir would be neccesa- eribidlUQiarleruwatercoMeutedlotooreduced . I pound flat Conpeu = „ffito^m<«Md tlay-oould U renewed -1 N.ry : lad cut down toe ■- ! w£mT»ipMPoo, mid 'the ?««*«_£ ** ! tiSfidßuitcareioleed- not to bo outdone byhn. ; bad hunted orer some of.the Indian * \ treaties mid .bund torn be eonll take eighteen j dollars hum thelndlaas, and hetoerefcro ; adYised this tbtusction of a small pittanoe, usual l sHy diatrihutod for purposes of education among ? th. Indiana of hla own oountry.ta order that he hntoMtom.more deadly blowm toe ar.ge.of • pZIL.-' This piece of Bmootire ectmomy, Mr. j ~-i inated would U apjeemated by the ■: v.p.. limese-shtgeu milimca spent up •• "^Swciiaawar. middlSpOQtaken Iromto. ! jf jiaCkwpelimidofdomeutaiy teachem i -^-h’lhe 'Aborigines!. ' ' i la of opmioii that toe war, if eontin ■ ! dirut usmioo. TU.eil day will Wd*""7," l |nr v- I. 1 M wflltoe to send hi. ***!StoSmuon*thepeople- But it will take ’ millions now, with all too rero ; y«« r - Haw wcaJd to«ed m they: are for State pur- quarterly.or^iMamd i P"** l - .-a-. Vetoial exoaeineu, Md yet toe : T^.y^i^^t^'^maaururi^to^' r-~T ■ mm lfii»;cf&dUa*fc, i . '* * - ' So'maay rumen am ifioatm mgaWtetbe I**£* arorscr, that one can "hardly keepttp vtitb-ibecy-£ . Ii ia sot true that Mr. Clay will -withdraw Wore -leaving Washington; nor before the meeting of e Whig National Convention. His own'indiaations would lead him to do ao, but troopa of experienced friends urge him to bide his ttme- - Ls-theCoaveo' tion, Mr. Clay will perhaps give anthontjr to his friends to do by bi"* as they-may think most con* dative to.thiie weUhre of. the country, aid the good of the Whig’ party/ Nordo I believc that frie pre sent r>«"i»it candidates'of the party will thereafter be found in opposition to each other/- Till then, let us “trast in Providence, and keep our. powder dry." - -v . ’- " Mr. Qey. will leave Washington r and probably go as far East as Philadelphia; before '• crossing the mountains. . *• ®* elate of freight. It has been asserted that it no time has our com merce bf*o so 'unquestionably prosperous as at present, - and we propose to give the figures that will atop the falsehood as neaithepUc<| of its utter nnre os possMej When one asserts that;Commerce ■ flourishing, it jnetns that the rates of ! freight are high, and that ship* are fully employed. Let ,us at the freighting business of Now Orleans, and ice if business has not been a little better in times gone by, and what the prospect of freight last year was, compared'with this: 803 0 POET AT HEW OBtKAHS Febj 4, ISIS. Feb. 4,1917.') In crew i...155, 73 85 ......L... 80 55 , \ 25 ......1... 55 70 •• i -:lsd«c.' T0ta1...... 1.'.. *293 '.IW ’ W ioc. Here we increase inthe number of square rigged vessels,; of near one hundred per cent, and if we take tbe ships alone, an increase of more than ohs hcsdsed axd sixtssh na cnrr. This is the ratio of increase of ship* offering for bus* ness. We next want the amount ofiroods offering for transportation, compared with last year, to seo whether the ships are to do as good a business now as then. Tbe amounts are as follows: STOCKS AT HXW ORLEANS. Feb-1, ISIS. Feb.4,’47. ■ Voriitioo. Coaon 201,507 Tobaccohhds:.. 8,111 MO* Floor bbla...;. .60,303 250,275 205,912 dec. DiTidiog the freight et the two periods by the oomberof veucU, aod »e have the Wlowiog re; •ulc riOPOTTIOS TO A' BOTTOM. 1548, 1647. Excess. 77C bales of Codon IMS , 272 bides 29 hbds Tobacco 27 • 2M tola of Flour . • .1446 1172 tola -Thus it will be seen that on the 4tb of 18*7, the Teasels looking for freights were only bal as numerous as now, and bad at the same .time fin of business compared with that we bate shown. ' New Orleans is not alone in this great change and depreciation ofbusiaess. The’declineinNew York and all the eastern cities, has been greater.— j Last March, when the Sarah Sands left Liverpool, j she was full of Flour at nine shOliafs sterling the barrel, with grain at 30 pence sterling. When the goes to sea at the same date tins year, the can not get even 15 pence for flour, and 5 pence for grain, and yfet the free traders have the hardihood lo say that Commerce is more favored than last ye ?n*Maich,;lB47, there were packet lines at sea with freight , lids of $25000 each on board. Havre packets loaded for > Liverpool at New York, and, London packet* loaded from the same port for Liv ’ erpool, and earned enormous profits fcr their own-* erfc All ia changed now; aadthe li»» roa to their ' proper portiat rates that will not keep the ships good In 16*7, schooners that in ordinary years carried corii from Richmond to Boston, went to Galway, ioilreland, and vessels lhat dolho Mo lasses and 1 timber business between New England* New York end the Vert Indies,' were divertedto sach an extent' by the grain trade, that freights o* molasses could hardly be bad at all.. Newjvessels went repeaiedly front New York with freight lirta equal to. one-third of the «hip?e value, and indeed lo was'the'demand fartnaaportatioo, Utfc • 1 I r. lli . ImrTiWj ITTrI rtlSnd ndes, P**# J***j“*«®A 'months ahead. ' ' ‘ >• _ . .. The demand waa in advance of aH supply, but the reaction’was eb'rapid that , some ships char tered in advance, when they returned to load, tound ships at the other tide'Of the pier loading at rates 25 per cent under them. From thaftime the rate has gradually, receded, until at present it does not remunerate the owner to a fair extent, and instead of’the prospects of'ship owners being good* there cannot be a doubt but that small return* must be the order of the day long enough to reduce ,he profits ofthe four years, commencing Decem ber.lStG, below theprofitsthat were made fromlte; comber, 18*2 to 1816. Ships buili since the tariff of 1816 havd been more-expensive, by reason-ofthe sudden demand, and it is a fact not to bedenied, tW we have in amount of tonnage afloat above the fair demand, that enables owners to live. The senseless assertion tb*i our commerce is bow high ly prosperous, has the lie given toil by every, price current on the seaboard. -.The same authority speaks of declining prices in the whole list of agn* , cultural products. B tells of decline in iron - and in factory stocks, and in every line, show* the r absurdity j and of those who opened the j flood galea of European competition upon us, to , reduce thi profits of our ships, our mines, and our > mills. I’ • Tii* War t*. The Farmers. The burden of the embarasmeuts growing 1 out of the Warwith Mexico bas yet been fell only by the commercial claasea. The price, of agneutarid product* i have cot CUlea materially, U,c gains id Sm naif prosperous aeaaoo are cut yrl exlumaleil, and the farmers have been very comfcrtahle in .heir circitmalanceaßul this alote £ £■*»<=»■ not contioue lon*. If commerce is to be pro-ra ted the agriculturists throughout the country mne feel ita ejecta Every man who haa a bushel of grain or potatoes, or a barrel of flour, tosell, mu,t |™t tobealoaer by ihedisturbseccofourcom merSal prosperity. Hour the farmer t* injured, i» easilyseea. When he sow. hisseed, be doe. not closely recltoo how much he will want, and sow only mat quantity,' but he considers the chances that a part of his sowing may fail to come to maturi ty and pula in something mote on that account.— Besides, he will need to sell a portion of hi. crop to obtain tho means of buying articles which be does not produce, mid Sir that reason-so bejdant. 11 ore than his own wants require. Hence, under ordinary: circumstance., there is a considerable excess of each crop over and above the wants Oi the farmer and this excess goes to market. . The curious circumstances, or law of trade, which many do not understand, end which make, agricultural dependant on commerce, is this: that, SHthe demand for this excess or surplus, so wIU be the price of every bushel of the article raised throughout the country. Iflbe surplus wheat crop whicbtbe Iknnero have to sell is thrown into the Nhw York market fcr exportation, and the demand price high there, ,mr«y.to*d of “Sin the country advance, in value If there i« no market for it when it reaches New lork—if commerce is crippled and stagnant, and trade Is S>p£s-toen £El»,abd Ibe wbde crop ti de PfcSSTtSto uno feraer *** not A ucntTS'-;^u^s Sme OTomptkm; and there u no encouraging prospect lor the disposition of the excess Ihroagh [he activity of commerce the coming spring and imminer, u the design, of the . government cootinuo to derange the operations of the commer- ig'tocwnach the custom of the agricultural portion of the community to regard themselves as Caving little or no connection with the commercial and, indeed, it is no uncommon thing-to see the people of the country manifesting something hke a filing of unfriendliness to the cities and themer* rstmnia, which inclines them rather than otherwise to reioice when embarrassment overtakes them Butit is a very ahorleigbled sentiments—JefTcreon tralv. that “commerce is the hand-maid of ag* Suffi «dUi»noS posiibleforlhe former to Seriously-crippled without injury to the latter. kiTn lesson which some of us have imperfectly feamedLthatsHthe iolcresu of tha country are: wJ3^ M d related by tiea of common de iSJSSr Agriculture, coromeroe, manofeeturea, SstrtSrhoffrfS** so WluMldy couueob \ S°lhrtSw «ooolbs separated wuboulhsnnto ki & while eillicr of the “oSixtoSSrftoirtUiil, Hurt tbo agricultural '^•SsSSsstsiss- JSSJS** £ “SE’ThSSTvutoi; S^ift^ws^fw^ S.ini.vS:cndouoWoad -•* tarrH.T.XumiuiU Tma. would 'w. '1 lurioa—Ob. the fin* Mood*y of March lie people cf IDiaoirwiU be ceiled open eccepl or reject tbe'aew CoastHutioa which bu been «wr ed At tbe wnflUmp two other qaeatiou will be •übmitted to them rela tive to the ercliuiioa ti tfce,cok«odpoptu*U<ta Ud ttwo aittUSt - \ Americas LakS^-RoO 1 the lart ;and recent report of Chief of the .Topographical Bureaawefcave the following .official record of the deptKof aid width and acgrcgaleeattcct of tbuj great Lakes. - - _ Vi. ' ’ "The great lakes of tour country, which may just ly be coasidered inland seav, and to which the in land cothmerce described in this report relates, are, the following: Charajilain, Ontario,. Eric, St. Clairj Huron Michigan, superior.] These lakes are of great depth, as well as of greet extent. The entire ineof lake coast embraces about 0,000 miles, 2,000 mileg of-which constitute the'coast of a foreign power.. ]; 'Lake,ChampUia is... • Its'greatest'width. Its average width. Lake Ontario is 105 miles long. ’ 12 miles. • 8 miles. 1 10S miles long. 52 miles. - •• 40 miles. 210 miles long. 57 miles. 33 miles. 13 miles long. 25 miles. 12 miles. 270 miles long. Its-greatest width . Jts;averege width. Lake Erie-is Its greatest width. Its average width. Lake Sil Clair is '.. Its greatest width. Its average width. Lake Huron i 5...... • • Its greatest width (not inclu ding'the extensive bay of Georgian, iUeiniJOmilesloDg •• and average4s wide)is.... - 105 miles. Ita averagewidth.......... 70 miles. Lake Michigan is. 310 mileslong. fya greatest width 83 miles. ; Its average width 5S miles. Lake Superior is 420 mile* long. ■ Its greatest width.l3s miles. width 100 miles. These'lakes maybe considered as. connected throughout their whole extent* Lake Champlain connects with Lake Ontario by means of the river Richelieu; the lock and dam navigation of Sl Law rence river; tlw Ottawa river, the Rideau canal 'through Canada; and the Champlain and Erie ca nals of New York. Lake Ontario i* connected with like Erie by means of the WeUaml canal through Canada, and by means of Oswego iand Erie canals -through the State of New iork. iLake Erie is connected with Lake Sl Clair by tbo deep and navigable. strait of Detroit, 25 miles fong.— Lake St. Clair is conuccted with, Lake Huron by the deep and navigable strait of St. Clair, 32 miles long. • ’Lake Huron b conceded with Lake Miqhi*l gah by the deep and wide strait of Mackinaw, and ! with Lake Superior by the strait of St. Mury’a 46 miles loug. This strait is navigable throughout except for about oao mile of its length, immediate ly adjacent to Lake Superior, where, from rocU and the extreme rapidityofthe current, navigation ceases. These difficulties can, however, be easily aurraoiiated by a canalof not more than'a mile long; with locks to over come a fall of about 21 feet. . The onljr-additional obstruction to this im mense extent of inland navigation is in St Clatr lake, on approaching the Si. Clair strait This-ob struction - consists of an extensive bar, but not of great width, over which not more than seven feel waterj- in depressed conditions of the lakes, can be counted upon. From an 'exaroinaCou of this shoal, it has been found to consist of an indurated marl, j leaving but little cause of doubt that if a cluinnet 1 were once dredged through, it would remain a durable improvement Lake lies exclusively (except the strait near Rouse’spoint) within the State of Ver mont and • New York; the former occupying its eastern, the latter its western margin. It is not cemsided a'dangerous lake to navigate; and the principal protection which its commerce requires, Is iii'form of breakwaters, to shelter its open har batw’. _ _ ' ThtTclegnpbCoapuirl ] The Louisville Courier, an Account of: the proceedings of a. meeting « the Pittsburgh and Louisville Telegraph Co., bold in Cincinnati on tbe-9th and 10th instant. 3. C. Halt of this city presided, and IX H. Lyman acted as Seen.*- Tt appear. lhai Mr. O'Reilly has transferred hi. interen in the Line to Thirteen Trustees, for the use and security nr the holders of the Stock, to wit.‘J J Rogers and Joshua Hanna. Pittsburgh. —T C Wiley, Wheeling,—Thomas Moodey and R. W McCoy, Columbus,—D R Lyman, /ancs viUe,-ij D Phillips, Dayton.—J C Hall ami Crafts • J Wright, Cincinnati,—£ G Whitney, Madison,— T S Bell and Win CornuransJjcmi*ville—and Hen ry GRolly.. These Trustees manage the whole., lme,'until a more perfect organization is. effected. Measures are already in progress to reduce the: , price of transmitting private despatches, taequaJ-i i Ue ibfe charges to the press, to secure a certaiu | connection with' the lines cast, and a prompt de i snatch of every thing received. . ' • i i xte following resolutions were adopted -by tbc j ! That lbe stockholders of this line feel: a lively interest in the construction of a Southern liod.af. Telegraph through Nashville to .XeW Or* leahs, basadon the same liberal and public spirit ed principles‘that characterize our own line, and tharshaU keep w viewth® great interests involved IP lie |M . .'■.V.-..’ 'I R&oiv&i, That we.wbo know Henry. O’Reiwy, j take pleassrein dommeDdiagbna to the-favoraUe 1 'rtgarJ of tb* people of the South a*- a gentleman j rtther with, his oorrert views that tbc Telegraph; system is the servant of the people, and not anex ortutiinl tyrant, i>trongiy commend him a»lhc most ; suitable person known to us, for the consyuctiou j of the great Southern Telegraph line to New Or :After the adjournment of. the stockholderV meeting, the Trustees met and elected -J C Hull of dacinnati, .President, TS Hell of LomsviUe, Secretary, and Joshua Hanna of Pittsburgh, Treas urer.' Mr. Reid was elected general Superiutend eat of this line, and Ofalllhose in the West con structed by Mr. O'Reilly, aod he is apon.cu oi as pOMCssiftg tie highest qualifications for the place. ,Obe.of the regulations adopted provides that no aseht shall receive communication* to tie forward -3 When be r koows the line ;* out of order, with odtbis direction in writing, fixing the time beyoud which it shall not be forwarded, and all dcsjwlcbe* received are to be as promptly delivered as a me*- aenger can carry them. jXhegTOd* r i l * Q ! cori,,erte 'l with tin* enterprise, express a perfect conviction, that uoder this man agement, the stock in this line will be auoug the. he* dividend paying stocks in the Union.—Cin-l euuutti Caseue, \ iPITTWCI'Jn AJO CoSMOASYILLB tt«AtL—A Wn teri jjt the Baltimore Americau say*- —Tbo true courfe it seem* to me for our people to pnr*iH% wuqjd be to turn tlieir attention artd bend aUthetr effort* to procuring a charter for a Railroad from Cumberland lu the Pennsylvania line, to connect with the Pittsburgh and CooneUsville road—lcay insthOM who'at present control our road to their own way of'getting along. Let us bid them God speed, and 'give them a helpiug hand on their way ta Wheeling. Nothing theu could be charged v> {action on the one hand or to indifference to equal ly important objects on the (Atier. Should the man ager* of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Comp.j 'ny fcfl, the responsibility will be their*, and some thanks tnnyJw awarded those who saw the danger from alar and saved the city. Should they succeed we will have two great aveaaes open to the West. pouring in their flood of wealth into dor city; and in looking back to the past, it would be with a feel ing of gratified pride—not of regret—at those divw sionsin seotimenl which awakened inquiry, re formed error, and stimulated endeavor to lhefnlJ fruition of a double purpose and a glorious results Mr. Wilmot at Homo.— The indcfiuiguable Davy has been appointed a Delegate tt> the State Convention. If he don’t make the wool fly, we are mistaken in the roan. There is sport in pros pect, and the “harmonious democracy” will have U very stormy timo of it at Harrisburg!), wc hum bly think. A majority will undoubtedly declare h preference for Mr. Bu'-hannau, in the prescut statu of feeling in the interior, in spile of the opposition of Mr. Wilmot, Mr. Fraizcr, and Gen. Bowman.— Philadelphia Nttc*. ! The Utica Cosvextjok.— The New York Herald has a telegraphic despatch of the 14th, stating that Geo. Zachary Taylor will receive the nomination of tbit body for President, with Hon. Jokn/A. Dix. for Vico President local Intelligence. HONOR TO TUB BttAVK. The friends of GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT, Allegheny County, who are fovorahlo to lus nun nation forthe Presidency of the United States, w xnect alMcFadden’s Wnreliouse, Peun at on Tut day. Feb. 32d, 1818, at 7 o’clock, r. M. Sign'd by over 1500 names i Tmc Au-EOHEtiAS.-r-This paper is ‘hereafter U» be published daily by a new proprietor, and our sister eify ia large enough to support it well. All ’experience abows however, that, a daily in places nepr a city Urge as Pittsburgh, stands less chance of success, than it would, located > iu the roidat of the old paper*. The success of the Alleghenian wiD be an agreeable surprise. Lieut. .Far kelly who was wounded in Mexico; and Who did such good service 100, has arrived at Veya Croa on his way to Pittsburgh, where he will be jwarmly welcomed. !\ Real, EsTATßr—Wfi' would call the attention i all interested, to the sale oflota to night nl Davi auction store, • HtriwoVa Panorama will continue its exhibitions anbtherweek. The audiences are largo and ah well pleated with the exhibition which ha* real Inerit . : Mjulxrvjxu— I The Irish melodist and novelist, will toon be in town ami will give a series of eo tertainments as novel as pleasing. • Jetferso* Township.—The Antimesons and Whigs pl'Jeflersqn township will meet it the school hoortof William Lowti'c, on the first Saturday.of March,'« » o'clock**, for the purpose of noml eating a ticket for lowusliip ofllccra and organizing Committee*. By order of Committee..; • ••- Great GRoc*RT>rQ ur reader* may have notic ed Vhugo .brick;' building which bas jurt been, finished in the lbatoond. ft Is to be the Grocery Store of Sife’ HiweJioa, one. of the most popular re-, lallmerchants iathecityrrJiW* •• r l Thirty Thuusaxd Valctuot were dispatched to oS puti PJailadelphifc '*•',. :J ~ .:.j,;-- ■ By^iAGSETiamEGBAPH. sf PUtrtmrgh 6stttt«« \ coxaßErtuU" * ' o( thePiUsbaryh Usxelie. Washikgtos, Feb. 17,1613 Seuti>—Mr. Yulee again advocated his subsu tute for ihe resolotioa of! Mr. Dickinson, of New York. Mr. Rush made an elaborate speech in favor ;of the Ten Regiment- Bio, and asked for prompt no tion, lint said we should accept the boundary short of the Sierra Madre, and the cession of the Cnlifor Hocsn—Mr; Kay-** substitute for the loan, bill of Mr. Vinton was taken up. jt allow* the tssue cf Treasury Notes-to the amount of $10,000,000. The substitute was rejected by one .vole, and the origi nal bill pa-ssed, yeas 132, nays 14; • , . Washington, Feb. 18,1848. Sesate—ln Uie course nf tbo morning business, Mr. Ashly from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported a bill relating to the. United States Dis trict Courts of Michigan. • The bill relating lo.tbe compensation of’Bost Masters was then called up andjailer variOfrs at tempts at amendment, passed. I '• ; Mr. Baldwin oflered a'resolution declaring that all collections made from Mexico, ought U>,bc ap plieil to the liquidation of claimspfAmerieinS-Un- I dcr previous treaties which was ordered lo beprin | ted. '-][ The bill for. the relief of Col'Mcßeawas -.lhen calledajp and-passed. The tnaroiog business nits then laid aside, and tho discussion of lie Ten Reg - : .iment Bill resumed by •j. . j’ '< i . ■•Mri, Greene, of Rhode Island,, who addressed I the Senate in oppositionto the whole wsr poUcy oT I the Administration. At tire close of his remarks Mr. Mason obtained the: door, and the Senate ad- journed to Monday. i | Hocse.—A resolutton'wus offered, providing for the support of volunteers which was debated by Messrs. Haralson and Burt, and laid over, j ' I Mr. King p2esculed a petition asking, for A grant I of lands for the Georgia! Railroad. This was debo- I ted and referred to the Committed on Public Lands- FOHKIGX NEWS. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Cnietto. Pmi.AUELPiUA,Feb- IS, 1618. The following will be found a careful abstract-of the news by the steamer. Some new failures are announced, but they have been caused by the stoppage of India Houses. The Bank of Wales has resumed operations, and affairs look much brighter. Consols and unsettled •by the doubtful appearance of French uflhirs on the electoral reform question. The Overland Moil Jins arrived, but the news ffliulc importation. i Hope ic Co- the brokers, have invited the hold ers of Louisiana Bonds to deliver them up, and to acquiesce with the 1 proposition made by the Citi- xns Bank cf Lousiano for their redemption. Cardinal Mussina, affable arid influential member of the church, died tit Rome recently. Abd El Kader, the gallant chieftain, has been im prisoned and treated with great rigor by the French authorities, because he refused to write a letter of thanks tothe FreuchKing. A hospitable reception this, and much the one extended to Napoleon by England. There are symptoms of a general improvement in business. Money is getting abundant, tbe .coin in the Bank of England rnpidiy increase*, and above all the roanufoctureraffre improving. The fcw fiuiurea are of minor importance. At Liverpool cm the 25th, Wheat declined 2d per 70 lbs. Flour was rcaree, and was held at the late quotations, but with feW buyers. Corn and Meal dull at previous rates. 1 On the 2Slh Wheat declined‘2d per biMhel more, with no increase of '<db>pb*itfon to buy. i At Loudon, on the 21st, all kinds of grain were. I declining- American Flour was held firmly,tltough 1 sales could uot be made 1 , except at a decline. Corn )iWf4 fallen 2* per quarter of |460 Drf. Ou tfco 241 b a farther Oepressioh lock iplacc nnd •American Flour, except the choicest. brands, rece ded. Ou the 2Cth, but little, done at steady price*, On the tfoh Wheat was inactive, and prices were •tnainiaiovd, and little inquiry for Flour. . Od. Com 33<533* per 4So;!ba, Corn Meat 14a(S ‘llsGd pcriOGlbs. The most reliable qurtatiuu for Flour, best, is 37s Sd229i, noil dirtU 'lron fetoains uoalicred. : Scvrralfomnce»w«re cot ofblasun addition loikise before given. Xbew Has been some disturtiancCiitt the mini eg rliftricts, from the workmen slrikiDf wages. - Tobacco, Kentucky but j* quoted al3{old per pound, stemmed Si^od! Lead, in Ixmtl, £lor3L£tG 10s per ion. IWiwnns—OUTlacou HftSlOs per cwtt Long] Middle*, free from bone. 302'C’Os; Short da Shoulders 2i>2r3os; IVime Mew licet' blltfSts pea tierce; Me*« lOirnlO?; Primu JlOiSltt*; Canvassed llams :Wai<Xb; Sailed do 21<i»3o*; Fine Leaf Lard ffeifd*; Lesr* »nd barrel* Ordmsry IVioe Mess I’erk 4Ss«»si New tozrls«s Old Mew 4&<r rriino Tiiii4ov Red Clover Seed oofrlfi*. Fine Cheese 4i<ht per cart. CarreaponJeacu of <Kk Pittsburgh Utucoe. Phdartelphia, Feb. 13, ISIS. - The southern n»:nl bus reached Petersburg arith luter new* from the llki Grande. - • By the arrival of letters! front Saltillo, infunntF tioo ho* Iwim receive*!, that the Mexican* arc coßccntrating their forces to oppose the American* ea route f>r Chihuahua. | They were reported to be at El Fatso, in Rlreiigth with 12 piece* of artil lery, and warm work i* expected. A train belonging to Mesrrs. Squire ctud Collins; co route for SuaU.Fe, waa taken by the Mexican* at ]V»'*i«ho. Alexander Jicwtain of CapL Mean’* company, was bung at Saltillo, for shooting a Mexican lei new olDcec. Letters received in town from Washington, that Maj. Van Uuren (wtu is paymaster in the.army) has in lus possession a treaty of peace from the Mexican government. He reached- Vera Crus with the last train from.;lbe city of Mexico, and may be expected at Washington soon. Kxchotv* Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Caret!* PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Philadelphia, Fck lb, 4, r. si. Kloi;r. —Sales of Western brands at $4,70 p hbL, at which figure* there are more sellers than buyers. Rth Flour—Supplies ore quitu scarce, nod is held at $l, with sales, however, over $3,G3c f Wheat—S?!es of primo Wheat at 12S p bit. . Gxocmct-lu sugar the market is steady. Sales of Laguagraal7®7ic p fit ' ; WjtisxEr—Soles nt ilSc p-guL . ' Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. BALTIMORE- MARKET. Utiitimure, Feb. 11,3 r. jl : Floiib—The market 'i* quiet, with moderate transactions nl $5,03u y bbl. I <7raj*—Sales of primo White Wheat at 133 c, and prime Red at 1314f1‘d7 ¥ bbl. In Guru tin market U dull, with sale* of prime WUito at 5Uc mid of prime Yellow at f>2c p bu. Paovtsto.v^—llcy round Ilactmis selling at flic y 4».~Porls and Beet"ore. nonliual; Lard is in good request, with sales at “StUd • • Death Cole.—Thelmas Cole, the distinguish ed landscape painter, died otv Saturday the 15lb, at hi* residence ucsir CaUkill New York, from what disease we are not informed, lie leaves a wife Hilda numerous family to mourn his loss, a Morrow in’which a large' circle/ of devoted friends will share. To Art hfs death Is u great calamity. - Naval—The Hoop of War Germantown, coat mandcr Bucbannn, has ; arrived'at Norfolk froth Vera Crux. Among her passengers ore second officers of the navy. She boa also the remain* oiT Lieuta. Chancy, Watson, 'Morris, Rodgers, and Surgeon Ramsey, and) Midshipman Carmicbnct The remnins of Major Twiggs are also on boardi Pennsylvania Legislature. lUßßiiauaa, Feb. 1&, 1818. - Tho only proceedings of the least interest were in' the Senate, where a ooimnurn'cation was recciv* ed from the Statu Treasurer iu reply to the Scoolo resolution nuking for-information in regard to. the lotm of SDJO.OOt) • recenfiytauthorixed. Ho states that he 1m negotiated i{ loan of for nine ; ty days at six per cent.} and WmmuiiicatCs tbq names of the bonks by which it was taken. • ' > ; TaxeX;OS a UiKju»)itu.*.—Au officer. arrived in town on Friday laat’from Pittsburgh, PennsyW vanio, wilh n requsitloq from Governor Sliunk, of Pennsylvania, ; for the iKtrson irf Elixis V. lliTlcjv On a cluvrgeof obtaining money by GUse prblenccv : This llirley is nowin icustody intho city prison, oita similar charge committed inthis city. He will be taken-back' to-rUtsburgh for' trial—Aw lcri' UtraU of.jhe ,15icA. - ; . . . ; . ! • Apror*Titn>T ur TIIE rCESJDKST. —By enrf tcith ih'e xan*cni-.of th* » s fwarf R," smiwdeii, of Pennsylvania, to bis treasurer of the: mint of the United state* at Philadelphia, iu pkuxf oflauQ fioash* tcaov^L titfg gtrßot vr rtirts , cat mis n» fast—F*J*®*f} 18|,. •' of A Mamed Women— p; n j Correspondence WfeaofUbw* Iron Plough*—fxpan&i®S Mr.Asbman’s Resohl. tioii—Eminent Servics 'of Mt Pope Pms IX—Rirer ,Casa»]xie>—Ke«» ItenwrrThO- GreatAmericanlake*— The Wary*.the Farm er^BMcofFreigltta— The Ttdegrajilnc Company The War of Conquest—The Spiniah andAme> ican Invasion— Vote of Tbanksto.Gen. Scott and fieri.Taylor—Profits ofManufactn res—From the AroiY—A word to Whig Friend*—Free Banking and Pat Redemption—Stealing Territory—Sir Wilmots Speech—late from Europe—lmportant I Debates in Congress—-Pennsylvania Legislature — Prestdental Nomination—lron Trade—Late from Central America—Land Fund and the Public Debt Slave Cas^—View* of'Otmqueaf—Mr.' Clay in the Stroreme Court—The Difference between Mexico and England in 'War-Mode! Artists—Taxes on IteUulers—News bylheSarah Sands.' j Latest Telegraph new*, Foreign and Itotnestic. Commerce; A carefully compiled Review of the Markets ibMbe past wees; The prices in ihe'local iity markets; The. Cattle Starket; The prices of American produce in various part* of the .Union; Amount of Flour, Wheat, Coro, &o, received since the opefling: of' the Canal; Canal businea* and movement* Market in Londin. : . City Newt Spirit of the Press; Copious Extract* from the leading journals on the interesting topic* of tlie;day.' - .-I. - ' I sale;at.the desk,.singly or in wrappers.. • Prico G cents Single copy. Sub*criptioDß;s2 a year to advance. jrj- Uss ik* Pioes* Mkajcri—lf you to be so*- cewrul in any, undertaking, yoamnsialways’ttseibe proper mean*.* Therefore, ji you have a^eoughiUje; Expectouartand bectireAtor ltiithePW r ancon*- Have you Aititma •or.dtfitulty of bjeaUung* then the only eiltclcufnicßO» ; to'curo youi ii to w Jayne's TlxpeetnTtm^«rlucUwUiHaitaedialelyoTetcotne ihe ipaxm wtoirb contract* the’ diwneter ;of,tie tube* and fo.nen* and bring* whith cjog* them up.ahd tbui removes «*er*ofc*micgott to itteo iwpi* ?atiooi while at ihe *amdta»» *n iaflmnnKUion, U anb* Ldued. and a euro is certain to be effected. Have you Bronchitis Spitring of or «y iPulmonary Affection, then -.use. Xante’* Expectorant •and wliefis certain. and.yoO wiE dad that you bat* attbePekia Tea Store* 70 4th, linear Wood. . v-W -l l« t7 ; ; 'Does Tool hair I all off", docs.ypar hair turn’gray , ffiiU«.h,i.ltdrr,orJlny r ljprjyt i Tf xis ihi*, yod <*o make it *on, «lliT am fine, - Dark *adnealthy, and bcaateoiis aaihikhairoftnioe And to hare ohie, you have bta}btee shillings to .give For a.boule-of Jaues’Hmr Ewtorative.i v • . . , - • Header,.if you hare bad batr yatrwould«*allv be »*• umisberi at* the- lovely effect a three ishiihar bottle bf Jones’ Cowl Hair Restorative has on «;it needs but ene uial. Boil»i,a:UUerty st. noWW&wty- irpTotßriUttaso luk*.—Cotostdek'iNerre arid. ito« Uuitncntond Indian Brxir,b«imttoet effectual cure: far Rheumatism.' bold oyIWM. JAUt «(»N.'Aaentfor. Pittsburgh. , novlBd*wtoT. ■' ITT“lhin ! t' hhve a Voui. Breath—lf f oahave/SM a mto sliilSinK bottle of Jones 1 Amber Tooth 'PhMe/Tbst will makq ynitr breath rA-eet, whiten yodr t«tK*C-r Bold al 66 Liberty »u . - > " r \ . ' MAHfcUED, la BirtnioehaxD oa Thursday, 17th inst,i by the.'Rev. Dr. t'piold. .Mr.Taosus R. Ijica,df m alias Rxbkcx M. daughter of the laic Joseph. Eatou, Esq., « Bradford,Mats , _ _ On Friday afternoon, ti»lBih idsLj Mrs. Ha»*- n Moors, consort of James Mop»„p*Ucni maker, in the 2Gih year of her age- : ■ : • ' . ’ Grctt EB|Uilt-ftenrfr* . , _ IIOR Cotiahs,Colds. Asthmaand Consumption. 'The < GREAT AND ONLY RBMEDYibrttarxar©oftto above • diseases, is tie HUNGARIAN' RALSAJI' OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr-SuchM,-<H London. England, ami introduced into the_ United slates uhdrr tie imnwKUate superintendence of the Inventor. •yUe extraordinary sneers* of this medicine, in the cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrant*; the American Agent in soliciting-for treatment the wor*t possible tbatcan be found in the community—ease* that eeci: relief in rain from day of the connhon remedies of the day. "»‘t have been given up by the most distinguished nltvsician* as confirmed awl incurable. ]Tbo Hnngun an'Uaisam ha* eared, and will cure, the Oost Jetpcrate of case*. It is nolquack nostrum. but a' standard Eng )i»li medicine,'of known and established efficacy! J'• Every family in'the United Hiatci should be,supplied with Buchan's Hungarian Ifnlsatq of Life, not Only,to counteract the consumptive tendencies,of.the.climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine in all '.caaeeios coliL, cough*. spitting of blood, pain in the sideband chest, irritation and soreness of toe difficulty of treating, hectic fever, nightbweafs. etnaci atom ami sene raldolumy, asthma, influfjoia, whooping couch ntid croup. • Sold in large botilrs et 01 perbotde,wilhluit-direc tion* tor the restoriitinn of health. , • , . " Pamphlets, containing a mass of- English and Ameri can certificates, and other evidence, Showing the un equalled merits of Ibis great Enyttah'Remeqyfmay bo 1 ' Ist and Wood and Wood and Cthsts! ffIPOKTAM 1 TOENG denttdetors anil Si Vwk M|V HuyiTNfaroyl a.iVAta; sujUmA Ymk. ' j. 3lbPtahiw»wodteo«Bpri«i Logarithm of X» rUhorie Sim «nd Tw* Kalutal Biaeaj Taososte; tbe’lkavwraThbteiaod-nfttl.aai: kfuVb*. ttttMhyi m-vttw tk«whr»/ ip ilm *f «i4tt u«{ is fMriifc DuJfaQ i.bVr, Um work comprisa SO fiaM'Bon.af Tkbka, WdgW. of Inn, BUrajti of Materia Dismiss, lie., for lajiof oat B«ilr*oit^Caa>l». BiofJi of which boa eem befo» bwrftfii t ibJ sll inJispenskMc to the Engineer. Tbbbo ■ {ml saving of tune, aod wilt enable tbs Mi furnish rauftsa* areuntafy (ad wick nueh. tit) u tin matt experienced ia.lbe ppaewiflf kU. Tie table* of logarithms; fcc, ben fa corrected end compand with dtftrtai edition Üblet; mod all the tablpstlwoaghokl the book h carefully by jaoa& fi«r tine*: brace tfae meet tteeee may twpiaeed ie the* ewroetwßi . ALriO, ricmikna’a iiTWi n*'X*kn*?» Cm* aeaw*. new edition, 204 me*. eklkiged, with 35 p*jw« entirely new matter, kkd much unproved Uwwtfhou*.' It ts twlievod tbeee booh* ere sowed adapts*! to mil the •tort pmfcsaioni that tboy cannot c/trd to do withotf the* end that they will aid ie rewarding weU-duocttd neetal Both a» (or nle by ail (be wittlrel Beokmfiwilkiigh act ibeUaiud States and Cinida , sad at j JGIIKSTON k Sfflh-’K'iON’N AVhdteaale end He«il .. jiook ofIM .Market *«*. j- 1 ' Stw"York AdT»rtii«M»Hl*<®* • SPUING GOOUS.-BCRT BROTHKiq bare re moved from their former »tntid )n Prarl urreU tn TNo *s# Brood .tfrft. New Voik, «nd ore now prepared to exhibit a l»r*« assortment of NVw York City made, and French Hoot* snd Shoe* ot our own and other celebrated manufacturer*. compriv in- nil kind* of eoartework, and tine city made style* ofW-d... Amon* the Lakes’ 8h«« may be found A ta Sick. Jenny Uml, Manhattan, PoJU, hmekerboek r.. lluaknia. and Tie*. There are all new style#, and on excellent variety of color*. We"ate al»o manatee* lurin' ih- vanou* style* of the Conyresr Gaiinr*. which arc «o much admired, and »n coneenidnl. W< have all of tiie dltkftntl hind* of Ladies’ Cloth Shofs, suited to thr Spring tale*. We hove just received 3*o easea mens’calf »«wwl.Mptr, . 5111 *• “ kip and thick dp, ’ l«t •• u fine iraiution *litcn boots, 155) •• - thick and kin btogdna, ~H “ boya’nnd youth* 1 broken*, -*, “ , womens’slippers, • •(i-j - pet boots and buskms, ~ common gaitera. \ I (tree assortment of Mitses* Shoes, to wiiieh we rertwetiully iurile the attention of Country Mrithwi ■'■- ;■ ' ' ]TKW ABBAXGEHESTI ; IS4S KXl>Kt ' s Lrr" LlNt; 1848 PIIIt.ADFJ.FHtA AND ITITWBURGH, VIA CHAM DEtISBUKO, BY BAU.KOAD AND WAGON. ACAII will leave Philadelphia daily aiter«l»t Feb tuarr, with the Mail Train, to Chwnliendiarg, which wiil enable the Wagons to leave there the same j B?i relays of horses, rumtiur day and night, se cures the certain arrival of good* in Hve Days trorn pyw..pb,.. C„., Pittsburgh. HAISB A LKBCH, . ' J'J and 16 sooth 3d St Philadelphia. ' Ws wilt receipt for 0000 lb* produce, Ac, doily, to go ..toojkb, a. Am. ii..^i«u,. a uu Sfc|i ~ New" Goode tor Bprlng of 1848. Tir It MURPHY, N. 14 corner of 4th and Market YY , •». ha* the pleasure of informing his eastomers ami buyer* psucralfy, that he ha* cdmmeuced the! re ceipt or hi*, tiowls, and has already open a -rest variety nl goods saitabie for the *oo*oo, at price* VbaicnmolToil to please. , •J_ , ; , try- Merchants aru invited to Vi»U Bl» Wholesale Room*, up nair*. anil examine the stock of Hew goods, which will b« offered athbout eastern prices fohlP • One Week More. ' . HUDSON'S Grvni l'tnutarca of the Hudson Rivet will open for knottier weak at. I‘hllO Hall, com mencing on Monday evening Feb, 2ai, and contlmie every turning during the week, except Saturday. Ex hibition* to vcfiool* every afternoon 01.3 o'clock. ' Ticketh Jl& conK to ho had attbc Motmiieuheia Ilotwe, St Charluv, Exchange and Merchant's iJqtcla ond at tho door. Doors open at 84 jUtd exhibition will commence at 7 o’eloc k. w._-><dP_ JUST received a fresh supply of India Rubber Goods comprising ft dor liorse covers a fme orMle; 4 do*, swam boat bucket*,-19 dox. poirs of l.emnsi loug and eboir '4 do*. lons copes; 4 dox short do; all of which OPEN THIS MORNING AT W R MURPHY'S, an ussomnuut uf new and handsonw styles llntuh Pruili.hrowu ami-whUo-alw small figureddo tor in fants' w.eax—yard wide douhla purple, «u*«tor.^uU. I- J.NBKED OIL—CO this linaed Oil in flora and for •^iUiSSS-* BACON— 33-hhda prime shoulder*, 10 do aides, juat received and for sale by ' - . ichlO SELLERS A MCOL9. L~ aRDOIIi—IJ bbls Condllnc's No 1 Lard Oh t In „, r ICOL g; : MOULD CANDLEH-30.Lk»ic* Mould Candfca in store and forsnle by tchw _-pmxpjwjs-Krcow._.j. riVALLOVV—Usf barrels .Tallow just rcc'd per Heatue r- I Reaver und for solo by i -VcMU ~ B A wl llAttgACOjfci-- T‘ aUD—IOO kert No 1 Lard, 10 barrels do In sore | j f u r sale b> 1 S A W UaRRAUGIL C' <OHN-» boys yellow Com Just receivedou’con '! nieiunent nod forsale by • '• '■ ifirr I aA W - BEANri-b» barret* whito Beailaiusl'-received and far -1 ■ Sk\V 11ARBAUUH. •fYKACtIES—W sacks dry'Peaches, ICO tacky'dry “"it# .. IvUTTKK A barrals • fresb coll hotter * do { fresh egß* n i-eivedou coitsifltunentaud toe sale uy ■,t)S 1 HI W HAKUAUUH.M .. TVEOUII - 79 barrel* Flour, bmithi brand, extra; 19 do 1 rm» ““ md >*„' i'w SSliioi tpjEMn&m&p. Kxmmmmwusßssssßm-- i-sSs'ss.'sa haosi Tkartb* mud AstuuMniei voien «flte »v-L. >- Rh • i ||i .Jaifltf - kaqmw Mrrefti'Wnfdft"Borpu(rfc« mod TuwasUpref AUejtrtWT ; &.'£*rrmptOTj I fir I’flTl'l ' _9BhM ; ■■■■■• ' : 0uTOHmyinonunff, ovSI; iSlr** of • i Spma»nr«eetinp, within cud dittrietm, on Setar- CqsffljertiihLV T ' , DKt in County Conwinim ml the Coun Houw m .onrfry consisomenu,» l»*g* .mMonmep *iw %*i , line *** '. FittabtUKh) oa toe weeeedinf Wednesday. *> appoint nle and fancy dry good*, *c. r i t.-iM v 4*. ‘ i t iT U t?.Z^3riSa>—oa th* 1 .dfcledmtt* to thmBtmt*Coirrenuontob*heulmt-Hmrn*- Sm At 9 oc^ 6 ***I** 1 ** • •! AJSfndfbrniiKC*® 4 ■z£EsiizsBss2s£iszp& —• H “^Ssss3RgS®SS ssfc's&s a, ““r'!r stwsss4t»sis^^“^“ .Lu:ag gssssiffi^jsstfsj^g^r^' nun xmtOHr nisa mtpWft ejr'KOp,Ac- ; .;■■■•,= ••'•< ■) ■-.- ' ;■;' -_'• , ' jj, ~ .j <• j:. ,- . iJoob atAtuttoa. -- i'jx/'J’.ui will bo mold m Urge collection of mmloable ““**7*™? ■sssgfasfissafiwKjiSS^ Kiteriri«ty. blint booU, l.rnr «!««(>"-, '“SST’’ <i^ t °iog.yb*Svi^A^»- , yrais >nn IBStBASCtn' THE Insurance Company of N*brthAiaeriea, through its duly aotborittd ApsnL the subscriber, eifem to sake permanent and limited.lnsurance on property,** thiscin- aad its vicinity, and'on shlpmenu the Ca» halvas Biverai directors; , vv/. iSs-wSr r “ s^inVood -- WraWrl.li;. , , , • !»ssa. ; 2” * • $ Aa*un Aihboan.; • Stunner Bxoofct : AimnJß G coffin, i Heskt D SBtMSKNSet’r- '/‘Jm iiJrttf the llmild .’nit u the olden lnttwuice pie jecttxity.lo tin public . WU, V At the Coontin* Room of Attrood,/dfiM* HMJXP ter end Front meets PitUtrurgh. . ~ f ftT—"***"* I**** 1 **** . tad Vul WildlUJr 4' LaV MONTCoUmftVintona* ‘A- the Basmeis Aleu generally, that h«- has reproved 'i0%t0.33 Waier. street. where he will deroee lus alien*. tio&toaftetcluMYe.Cpotnrisiioa and. Forwarding b«jr 'neasl‘ J Not being'inieretled In the profits of ouy parties entrusting him with their fator* have aguaraa reythat he wfllmakn the best sales and parehasM.the TOJket will afford. 'Fonranbng carcfirtfy, aud prompt ly attended l& asheretofore. ' •Rrferain 8u Loui« to. Messrs. Franklin t- Vcnr, Henry tba«, Esq, Agent Protect. Insurance Co., in PI tub'* to Janie* Dalzeli, Esq. and JttO. McFaden & Co. ; , Bt Looia, No, Feb lPdlw • ■-t ; . • : •RECORDING REGULATOR AND SURVEYOR’S IV OFFlCE— Removed to - the second door east ol Hand street, &t Pf an streets f oid ptace.'' '' : UX MeGOWIK, khIAUt 1 - • Recording Rcghlatdr'and Snrreyor., • citT dailies copy U times. . . - - Administrator’* Notice. riTAKE notice that I hare taken out Letters of Adtnini . ■ isrntion on the estate of George M’Cobe, Ute'ofl Aletheity eitjY dse'd. All perrons baring clauijsori demands against the estate of the said decedent wtll orcsent them duly'autitentieated, to me, for settlement. ISABELLA.M’CABE, Administratrix, • , ftMPwtJtS North CojAmon, Allegneny.: • : To I«eW ■ M A laree brick Dwelling House on the corner of Federal and Robinson streets in the city orAlle- Vs OSIN SOAP—2» bores NoJ;CincmnaU :86apfc WICK * MCANDLESS- T»?"i» !01^ m ' gR ” A "'" lt,^S'pSr co. WSS 3 speeu “ i T“!jl^ quATOirro-ts c.a°t» for *»"’^ l)D \ £ Duncans expectorant, GEfUKp-i dot. : jar sale by. J KIDD A Co. . - Chrootcre copy. ■ ■ • • IIKATIIERS—S3 sack* Feather* landing; from stmt L5 miX “”’ r JAMES PALZEU, i A Jg- mb, ‘^ l,fel^fe^izELU mO'ARBIVE-aS sacks 'Feathers} lOiaeks Glriientf; 1 » sack* Goober Pee* a *ck% DryApd e*. At sab ■- ISAIAH DICBXY- A C»n .. . • • Wartr atidFroutiia. - ►URE CIDER VINEGAR for ii ftblS ]iIcGILL>BCBI :k* now .landing Xrotu ittLadjr t PICKET A Co. • XIEATHS3IS-S7 l» Uftoaudini • fcbfcf • • : /"IOON SKlNS—OocMcknow'linJin'sfro'ni mtl h£!r** < ?"’ I'' 1 ''‘ T ii*jsai icfev* : c. /■"IRUSHED SUGAR—£S W>l» Levering* crushed So '. wtcicticcAaiiLEsa. ' 1 LQAJ? SUGAR— : talebjr, i _-.. : • WICKA iTCAXPLKitf. - iPICESof «Ukiad»fi«»t)c wboW*aloby. I - SVrCK fc M-C ANDLFAS. n-'g— 1 , !g tm ' r '~ < oßSrff»TOu&‘ T kTEAT* VOOTiOII. ]Wi«, li» \ »loby • ; •:• IftblfeJ JOHN P AIOBOAN. >b*it,Xacs' >4 N*tual tuaiNNi ttstTMr m —effrl BACON-9QO poa box round Baeoow coyganieoi • JOHN SCOTT * Co. vmejjnj? mnirorr*<*■’ ; and Cum*; tbepobli*. ik wiuptov* beginner to iHitr rapid' without it> —m LbU'No' 3 Mackerel,.large slie, SPTS. TURPENTIN'E—‘JO U»U in stow »nd for aula h* JOEL MOIILKB, tebi; , cor. Wood and Firth wreta BIUMSTONE—On* bbl in More *nd tor *ftlr by ' febU f ! JOEL MUIILEB- " F ‘” °“ jS'ii 0, Man b i r J2 i . BEARS OIL—3 rro*« In *iorc and for nfo by ■ fcb!7 JOEL MOttLER. UNIPFJt UERRIES-1 bag. jw we*d and fertale by . . R ** !s y4' l V R ?», ‘ lebl? -1•! ’■ • - .'.7 WoodU. ■ Ti^i/ WK - ,:c,,t "‘""ScaSxEk CHINESE VERAUUJONV23 Ibt jnu rac'd and for u]e by - )(t*H7l • • It’K SELLERS. POW’D ARSENIC-338 lb* ;u*t recM «id for irle by febl7 • 1 i : • H E9RLLKR3. y KPD BOttOX ENG.—9 esses jusi ree'd and for sale by ; [febl7] R E aBLLKRS. SiG~U:XI>-r471 Pigs Lead just rac’d perstr Amen* ca and for rale on ihe wharf by ' ' ' , ibb!7 UURBRIDOE, WILSON A Co. Water st. IYE FLOUR—I 3 bblasuperior forsals by - ; „ fe|,i? . J D WILLIAMS, UP Wood »l. CHEESE— 30 boxes far aaki by » r - . r - J D WILLIAMS. ; iCORCIUNGS—S bbli ■Ou sale SUNDRIKS-I9d rfozEcgVld'doz Tow Yaru;l Hickory Brooms ou consignment and for sale by feblT . i. j; - i DAVHJAA.MS. FRESH TOMATOFS-a dot in'bottleaj- a sujfotitnr article ■ [ftblTJ 1 J D tVjliUMi. AMPOIL—B bbli winter strained Lamp Oil for sale iby [feb!7l . WICK A M’CANDLESS. TANNER’S OH,-14bbUforsalebr k ,«. febl? : .... • AYICR A M'CANDLESS. CtfoEß VINEGAR—S 3 bbls for sale by / fcblT -’ i >VICK A M’CANIHjESS. O RDAGE—4O coils 3,4 J, 6}, and 8 in. Manilla; 3 colls », end 0 ! la.. Tarred Rope* on consignment and for sals by ’ ’ ■' ’*J C gIBIVELL Agb feblfi • : •' • Water street - LARD OlL—Eight bbls redhed %\lnter, of the best qualify, just rac’d and for sale by . lebli J BCHOONMAKER A Co, iH Wood »t HflNTEtt RPRRM OlL—Warranted • para Wlftie r >l,-- O' l . t Co.' tASTOR OlL—sbbl» ju»t rac’d and for sale "by ) ! J SCHOO.NMAKEU A Co. >3) ken tor mmleby , FORSYTH k DUNCAN. > Co. roSWisr tc S" CYTIIE BNEATH&-i<lodoi for sale fobUI VON. BONNHOtoT A Co. T¥rHrrE~Hsn—s~6bli prime inmeciedTor •ale'Vy W fohld 8 F VON-BONNHORST A Co. . 1 Slysou, Gunpowder, Imperial rac'd and for *aln by . L S \\ ATERMAN. , CUiiiaE~B3 boxes' W ft landinf and forsale*by feblO : ROBERT DALZEIL Liberty st. • SUNDRIES— 10 sacks cruda Ginatug, t bbl Beeawax, 3bajacoloredßcanajust Kc’dandforMle by .. . leblO . POPUBXIhS A Co. . IOTAHH—* casks prim«jus» and for side by fublO WICK A M’CANDLESS. CORN— 13 bbla Yellow Corrijust Tea’d and'for tale by teblO WICK A M CANDLKSa, C" OBN MEAL— IO bbt* for sale by feblO . WICK A M’CANDLiys, itv TWIST—9O kegs superior \‘aTwin foraaio by 3 feblO WICK A M’CAXDLKSS. T AR&-NoBLanl just.rao'd and fur sale br' ffblSh CLARK A THAW.’- S'IOTTON DIAPER—One bal« heavy bleached dam l j. ask cotton diapers, one bale brown do, juU opened SHACKLEI-f tivillTK, ! feblU ■ - . MWoodatnret. f-VANCY CABSIMERES—Five eases new »pt 'tiS'"**'*"* SUACKtCTTAWHrnt TTENNEBECK.CHECKSrtTwo Coscaof very dark IV blue shlrtiaf checks just received by : . . HHACKLETf A WHITE.: .; BLUE a ORANGE ..PRJI'jTS-?3 cwfea .enriru.iww ■tvleaand bright colors, just oneued by. lebff ■ ■ SHACKLCrr * WHITE. ■ C~* ASTOJI OIL—9 bhlsNal,iurt rac’d tmdfor aaleby fcbio * • ■ • •. John P Morgan, ; GOPAL VARNISH— 3 bbls Copal Varniih. N \. No 1 mid 9, for sale by JOHN D MORGAN. i^tOPITB|IA&— IH.WtU for sale by - 1 J fsblfl -- JOIIN P MORGAN, v . „; MOBOAN /TORES—4 batoavelvet bottle cork* for aaleby: (j fobir - •"•••■ JOIIN P MORGAN, r\ r ACASSAR OlL—dgrosa just rac’d and for sale by ML ftblO , - * v..« , JOHN D MORGAN- • . '■ ’ -Pott copy.--,, My ••. ■ . UGAR—l?bbUNOSartr£iar.Mleby ' . I fcbl4 v - •>-.« • KJRbVX'H k PPNCAN. Buckwheat flour—<2o «k* hun«i non Kioai,UbbUdu. 1 inHer*»atlibr»alel'y .. übl» g&QAiiauiY. .■'•f'-*.'.- -yT' ~~<~-]^} l 'yi^'■ .' ~°- .•■••■' ;'-'-i,- -. v ■; Imw«f o f Of JlWlll FiaK jSrp • .-• . • (ATION I?*BUBANCE.,. t&rj'fi j.; 'Statement of a* oftbc Imot»!vc« Oompkut of Nottk «*,» published bt oonJbotdty -with tho prwruie** Act of AncmblT: ■ • ~4JC**-''. ,, -'.‘" •' s' ; " i • . SIOETGACEa . . • k' *- ■ • k 'All of whichain : ; i*- jt v\ ; an Beal Ertaie'ln the city ana county of ~: i„. ’ :rn»lelplii«, ■■.:■-■ . ; <SW“® LOANS.,.' ''inrkiA iwi Philadelphia Coontyau Per CenL at par,«, « ilWgw Philadelphia City *3 v‘. United State* GovV da 'do •- , ifWjflwJ® Cheiodc'akc ft DeL Canal Co. S4&000 at TV 1 >'® Chewpeake 'and.Delaware Canttt CoopanTt'i i- < TUndelDebtaipai.. ’ . 1M»» CincinnatiCity.'ltond* *1 par, ;;; . • . J : ' l^2£SS LehiabCoalaniiPiaTijjutionCoiSllyiOOntSS 7 B^oooo 3J> do; “>do •* -d6,'««,qBo*ti|o.;t Co, WIQfIOQ at v. . vv .. . <ia -do .esAfflataa.a3-ioci j. -ty i. Boat Loan, - ..••.'(>'•>. i'* 1 . If**®. .. i .'hfOCHo*‘ t *ft rti i -da*haj**Getmantownaj»dFerkiomeaj h Turnpike-Road Co, at S« ; ;3i*do •43 ' do 1 -echUTlkill-Ntwiaation Co, ■ ’t»l ’ • ■ 144 : do Merchant’*and Manatee- '• _•? j_• 14 ? ■ . , tuiWaUanfeK«*b>, f - ; ...,.«![.<Mg® sh 'do Phiiadelphiaunak ...... .■ M®® •.§••£’ T«W»S.tws r 'S»- ai do North *>**s a- do' <«w» Co- of Penney 'SWO;. JJ9?®' lOO'.do'-iFohn’aß*^.®^® o *' , ~ '‘•lffSjß’ 373 do' Union CanaTComnany/ : 35 -- ~s ' " I-MU . do. In*.Co. ofN'orth,An^vra r v.> 'A; Note* Receivable, ' - l Bl' PoUei«Uan*ettj&vJ". .; £«: -;W/ \M r UebuDaetbe-CdmjMinyL' - •£'■. '/ *-l ?! JlSim ptopenMin iha’Caia*pTA*»tp»- •' jj* ¥ t" ' - -w'ft7iO,7ad2d ARTHUR O COFFIN, i^ei^ ■ iTfjraTD • •:• •■■■;•■* Having taken a •' *2n«V^tt c “UJKffia&So 2tt«33US3SKi4&M orßppouti debility,.«n4oJ»B»j“^ S ba*S£ <•«> YOUNG. Bnirfn, , my.nun.; eftj. Fulton ■tre«lißrookJTn*.t ~ ITT Still Another great cord which prtfrt* km aw* elSthe bo depended ope* ■ Head had )"SBS£S& i^owP*s^*£isl ibeir SoHie* and Wend*.nottollman* ttoMjnny $5 Bsssm-s^ig ni*m y .mi# ■•’’'MSuSSSSSS-!v b3ne,al*outwardfe»er.:...;J j FRIET~ EFT&LD k RGE-- ■" . * ‘*.j ... . !j CEDAR YORK. Wtrabotaa tbc TC»r46*^^fa>r^^W'g>, ». ■' ~ low ft* ****?«* , /t | ra®^lsl2L~ foaii’rWnit<rtrery aw mad •MOiurOoHi'Bißujfofwhieli haw j ml been pore baaodj, iad are offered for tale RM I&2I} •' - ■.j. .. ■■ . ppoxf - • r • ' !* • ■•• ONRJSSS^I prfaittd Ctttlojrueo/wtaA *• ewxeettd daDfj fct the tuibttnaiion ofP&ver»~ -;, J t ,^. > .--Ti '” PIUST WA&KUOVnB| > f,„. i . - Sew tote’ V.V i Jrsdi*u . chickarinf’a Ruofc :. >• '• : .. • - - - AvuperbrotewooilfcxociavoPisna, . ale »nd patent irca frame. mage J.Chick«rm*,B<»t6nl j *\■■- ‘ll A Trety-elegantroeewootf ns too a half octave Viaim, ntfw irtale,,aitf pfaentiroiTfriiiiey madeby J.Chiekering,-Boainn. ■>•■ i The above ead^ npw open for «*iamio»tion} for lisle ei'Mr/Chictwinj’s trij cet for cath or approved paper. •. - >. -1 r Abstvon band, one.elegant ium• oqA (*otlac ppneUi cazrcri moulding*, sad .moulded Vf»jdocinTe»».*»pde tCb.Jievr'Vork. 1 ,:-• f . One dp. carrM roaewoed OoeUTa, made byCale York,. r .w >. >4" “ 1 • ; One mahogany second hand ocmve*. of ,cx« ..nenl' tcue* tnd in gwd Ofdiwy *- m - Chattering ■ JTCOnD A ;■ , - Jwf 1 I.(Suecee»or» to ATCord k. i-. .MHL -!. • . Comtr tf-Wood eatd'Jftjik Strtidtl' ■ PARTICXJUUItae ntioo' p*M to sor Retag Trifle. Gentlemen an rely. upon eeniljfther Baa AM Cepe from our cetmbHehmcal of lot UB eurxxuti lod WoixxajbiuVof tieWnsi imla, irod mljis,L£nyx«r Country -Hetcbkn'U, respectfully mrfiedto cmll .and exeifto* pur Stock;« OB.can esf wiiK confidence.tfwu merttArde •iid wet It Win not •ufer ia».ooroj>Ari«a ln Philadelphia. T.i , <•• • ■<•■••• few*?- <. EERFUMEHV, SOAPSi ln; etero !Md far «»I« br Joel »^ • • BomeielV ■•• ,-r -do ■ do : -\ -V do? - ' •* • Superßne SbmTing Crews, row A mfancoa, *• - ••• Oic Umrfow-Pomatum; . v * i “ •• ColdCteantf£• i:‘; ; ■ hoco Tooth Pans;- • "•;■• "•• . : “ . Cologne-Water, 6ns extract fee tend rt tc. - • • ft bl °- s^&‘%iste^Sss^sr- irihe: Sfrychniilej rbbfchati .Ad&palg,H»*pbaio wu,; y. Pn»M»- Tnnnin;■Citrate ()(• inn tß<l ■ iebLS ’ ‘ <— • '' • - ■ ‘fl? : V*iooo street*--. -ITr R. MURPHY BaVou bKMI «8 excel eal «Wort- VY . moot of-mncy.aeo.Sakv CkvaeXtoa Wnid,- Maa fancy wipe, which he-is j®woftriiiff*t*eiytow prices; also, nulmssortmofll of plains waterei!, striped S®«TOAWdMtwjbloekSlk§.V»cltta» n s *»» piece* of very soparinrand m«H d ® Uhiue, and ililitm pfalrf MaekJfllk fiff a fow patterns' of CivafljtiaiieTnTO Imi.&c. ;■.: ' A ~ ' ' V ■«- -■< - feM7 *fc Kt.Kfrnox vnll h<ad « .tka hogo Jamea- A Jouea? iuH&kecaiawn t .Allegheny couuty. on Mon*, day the Gtb\lny«f March next, to eleo thrte JUaMg*n of the Piuaboreh sod Jhitler-Ttanpika Road, for the ea< imine vear. • Sy orderoi' lhhSoarU, •'••=• j fe?lsdtildawlt • . f iAOTIUR McCtLL j - - •-• Law’Swttce, j> •, »: ;• - I^.v TAMES •I baarc»owdtothiir«ff|**'l»ftld<*>r-«euof Rody; Kttwrwm'a'Uveijr gWtftlfcitiMfc,. Buiiafrbtsib* rtiice any bait* ijcm for hint u obore.. T - .7* {£ •fftalTfllia. ~ T»EMOYAIr-lhave changed mrpUed of-boslaeia K, to Front meet between wood and ttmnhnnMf lifl.- mediately In the rear of the baosa I formsflr occupied, where l am preparedto da bniiaess tu a**aL . ,jedl . ..r ? ■ Al-KYvKPfiftOQRPOy. LOST— Yesterday (Thursday) .toofidna, between the boors -oftcaand twelve, a tarse.Oofd.Pea,- Bard* bios., mn ketr; <<Ttte , finder >wUl* b» tberabyrew aided by leaving it at this office.** »•»-*' t. ' ! feblSdlf.'/ WICK A STCANDUastR. RO\VT^Y^ l iamisicra.''aod ..chnnVJfo, W.'FroulSW bdftMoa.Wbofi'an* aigftct streets. \ :■--- * ••' i •■ • fcblß..-'- 1 nCTURt-Rev; Nateanlel West fritt dTe.a’L« I j ture on the euhieetof TVmpcranjSc, at uetuperanc* lull, ontWa (Tuesday) evens, Feb. I*th eaijy. gaa ltßhttng,- The Public are respctrfculy tnrifed.’. CJUNPRIES—IS bill Ctoreneed; aded} O W casks Scorchinrs; 17 barrel* do; .15 ea*ks Bacon barns,side'*,.and shanwel*; - fcbld . MIS* fcXSo.S7\YatCTsU. ■lasss^^^^SllluSsi I>ACOX-40,O» lti* prime Bhooldcfsi city coral; SWO jfcSUEE. PEg -*° ■rifabia^-v/,aSoiT.Waodst.v>. biles Ohio Hopa.fiw aaia *-T. : •* Ti ftblS . . JOUXBMLWOirni. VDIS aawoodst CIAXDLES— W boxes Donld Candles in atm and for ;Mlob y Ifcbiq S JbWiUAßftiUOtt. «T6iloau»ye»wiaj'*> l ® r -*V " i*;^..,■ ■■".■• I -■ ■ . *«ns*sj£ win ■ TkmmaiMA sf- T J.S» p Tl irSw^'^ 1, ' k ' 'WSDXStDAT P. AC jUSTj^J^riU BlgjgPe&P* s Krr HHHtoT Ktloß *‘ : v..' j I I i rr •tJTOAY P*jcßJ6T. , w <~*:! k.,i 'SSSS? 8 * llwrf.gW!g«L«3£giaS{g sSS^&feass^snE -sSw*?t«W»|^ ■ ftftftg .... ... .... - •■• A -.-.' j,,.„,.it - :rr«*nfflgsHg@ i. m§g®mm coarpfcet* r -422 m. fcr~ib» P7* ent^2!f22if^ . «B-aga «asßsri^: |M|: [Mg^#SS*'£. U*p*»ge«pßlr«£>?M4. i'~ ,‘ . ■'••■ ™ ett .ji-j i., ;***», «--■ W-ft» ft«SStof wi—EWPIT- ■?««••; leDl - ■ EEmjuißPAEiun'«)aßUNnm , .7j\ ",vr~h ’ & iJ®»isfflsaffiSESSrfS dry» ifirt H atilTrlll T* of rprXy*ilMft c TV’ I Va^ r “^^°ir M ILTE»BEBQE«. «<n. L'liSiStA fcj^(SSif£iiitss»ftfe{<|; | and' «JI ‘ mtennedUto wj-jJ BuwUy^tiw** ItoJtoW p. M£±. iar<J«y. Erery be fcn»M**icly6C'tM*«nrer»b»»be e ttj>reTWe4r iy2 WL3^ ? Z*ftX &£** - «-sfls?£SiSßS£' ILLY. s*s?«^^Bssa- , i nou^sKelaCUy taifiECdlj I "H^.' 1 -Tt-fcsiglfl ccpuoo EXPRESS :ixmmm :. niAiii^mx I<w>n)K’«n4tltutiiitttotiri 1 < w>n)K’«n4tltutiiitttotirii* MBBCUAWTO «ttl otto* wckUpr good* ort-faSWC* cd ttttt-(Hi.te4faDauaM7aaSu,'wd-ttB«'«»»> UiUou* linegbrngEast; coanoetin& woh Adamy fe (m BspteMaiilyiWßalumart;, \ ,: J -/ k1 . , „‘ i; . , | u < 'Throujh' receipt! will he gfrea ta Any of th« *bflTt ptgce*^" Merch*«BM'.anff'|Mxd^6»'■ifjijf, wtlrtufonrirded. : •••.:.' '•v. .'.v •••-• ;•'- .’•.■•■.«—•'-* ;■. - •■ B O: VICKESftiJM,* *« •aoT<Ptf *- .~ St. CUriity « r : uolipsk miimT&noii'iiUnif J*i TWlMriitgrtrfilmMidrtMkttdßM'iw IrtMej «t CnaWl»<: toi* btloat tf nir*loU»lof LiraiankCo. ■:r '=-'‘^’^^:-Z':.-: T r\ '*. , Pirb&sryfc n4/wedcro'mrehiaqt!«njN?i£*4 |y KofeiMl fCo 09 Bo<M>Cfa»ricMl, !|>lU»if l fa.jQM uthoracdagntaf Aiali»ii>h«Tmiritliin.- •-■■--•• Thactlj intent «\r • w" w /,«>; < -•...' .T ’.i:.:; ; I C.CIPWJELL,FiTfahTT|h; <•?.«. *« f .- O W CA-*S Dromtrilk, aVi.iv .•amiif* L ■■ i TH£OCGU IN' ETVii DAYS -FSBH - PHILADGLr PtuA TO trrreBUBOH,.BYi WAGONS,,.,•' [taming Say end KltfaVbeMreen PrtnhwTh«hdCi«i%, janbnTg, and by HafiioadbttwetaCtwiqmbttrg £a«< 'Philadelphia. The finx shipttemerillSeaTdcfccaeadr. ■ on Uth Jaauary iast No more EoOdawiflbe meftrd : on the note. Time ■rULbe vadaeMt* VasrSaje #fce£v >xhe loads hecodM tented." V' ’ ~Z~i r i-'C -.0 i»V * s t- ,; J.’SOTI&L A'rW& *^iV'Th 6',bepot* 4*- !■“•■. ' Sift AUffcH’MipliiifldludhUtt Ohio ' . •• = XKiABKc fcTttdAffT* h'TtanapWatioo " v ■UT'Wb will> neobfl^fertti)^Jb*§33n&>|iWipH day, to go lluoaghbjMtaabayeliiiaawrtbe iSthlaau; 1 J«a3 t .•y!^ > tI4BB».WV: -. i' :.. ■ ■y .iiiiijtDKS't ro'k. A' oV - SETT ■ ' ; '^SSSBSiiSS^S^SS&m: lfrind.Scoukad or . ttnalnmentiiSty ul iort«f«oußisrtwi * fWo«*c* not allew.oQj»taa>kfcTaW, ■ . be robbed fey tM*wte4lfas »etxf|»'i!nt u&tt'w *•»;’ '• porta, juwßtti«clArß» of. them tbatabfanaitetfffr*' port lh«a»elT**,ra*J oaotoUitir wall beinf,' end do* l »w«"t H'M* l * tnrTM ini thipif-/ We toy thU.fe»te«*ly, *» Wa dety «M«f otfx fingr Gr*to »lw)w that Uwy wen'detained 4S hoon nratU • rerpoot, nhU£t oTo&en wen4oimun4 .-j boaer# taaoueotrt craft, «**? • tarhieS wo pnrajed (beir : 'fte intend to-perfima oar 'contracts honorably* com. VhntUinay eetas war tin case last KUOPf either.pedenaoU sol -alt 9*> whehftsaftEatncir ‘ 1/ • Drifts drawn'at Pittsburgh for any knm ftoa XI 4».‘ XlOttV parable u any of the provincial ltaoks u In land, Engfpri,Scotlandaodwalcs. *■•<•■'; / ..•.•I . JOSHUA RQBOfSQJJ, • Biropcau am! Keaeral Mem, ■ •<• • feM-., j/r--V'^‘S^>tt|Fjrt > 'vna(topr.t>ei(nf.weM«| j ■ Oeett lUUb ItvlgitUii : ■ c.fc '.JT, - '.*» r,-IfrOai thflv'bejinfttp*,of ilw. y*a*rltSBi • JWWytaaxntsre at tide ..CompinyTniU ;*eil F»*oUftj,-: •MC6ttc*»:nioaii»#«flrftow»s • : :* ,- . ypny new vnHy. . Tim Wii&iiattra,'Capi/3. Johnmgty on theSfth F*Vy-;. » IhoUMmaaii'CwpLXrabirM.ba the iUth Much, Iwl. .77”V.pHaM BREMEN--’ 1 ThflWwkinr«, oa tkfl moCM»Tch,J«». \J .HmHennjwtoolheaplb Apot 1 , . j- * « * ’ Pateue £rota N.Y. to.SouinarajXon or D remen, < > • tlVi. * • “ ; Turn BremencjSogthiiflpTon toX-Y^-**i150.,. Fwfrefaht CT'panwte.eppjy aluw office of the . t ' JCCROS|^:AnM»t : Sottthmn|«ian;7i : i',i, | . 1 V j j} 4.21t51. ! : i■"- grom the -beffinnijif of tf>o,Tc*r t»«r. i ttttxun ql.Uui. CqmpMywiiloall' •-, JfJtPßuKfrttgaluly ooA+itaatAh utallow*; ■<■■■■?■■ •"• -fW» *WT;TO»X. •'' ■ iTta WASHINGTON, Cept-T, J ©!m«on;<rti ‘A# 1 ioirf I • • t\ :<TtaUemaao,<2»pt.OTiMre«;©t»-th» 80ih 1 8<9l : f " V •-•-:• ' ••". • non lUXU •*• ; ;TOe WASHINGTON.on tho-Uth.Fnbraarr.ltt& • .•‘I ™«KRMANFMtI» . * j •: iP»*i**b from S. > “ "£wtt Bremen or Soolhnmnton to New Yoik"CU9i ■ ntUteofficegfihoOcemL r Steam Narfrarfpa kt,'Nfcw \Vtk,W*S 1 ;• Bit, Cnoaxri *■ Bam; ai • * Wm'taum Afeinn , C.A.HjqCTM»CQ.Agg[uaAtßmnaa. V.fcbr»<| * -To'udlromtbo KMtemcttm. via rfIUK projuietort of tUt popular -uae, have itctM 1 • .X ‘rfrarpntetfam Utjfelj; wereajied tbeif tacEUISS' V moot Ore wubea of tlnppere. and toe now pre&arad *C f *■ . torwwd » trttwmoutaWiao FTVB DAV-tSi>y. ‘ i Wilt run tinxijboat'Uia : *year, J fialjtttlw 1 •. noda-ihrejibtheanemia j ; ,J toWwnare MdqaoMiieaa M >n * i phiptaanlafremPaifrdalphia far Urn-line-'nimold ki I marked:^Ga*t»4 BBobboo*,OsUmur*^- *. u Tr;i ,v L-'" SPENCER’S FILES—Head ~ - tla<;a£aUamoraMatior aalobr Mm, pf mr:rr^jnatw,%g|aa*m ; j >v.wkMlUf WM i : # ft"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers