The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 19, 1848, Image 1

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    X- ‘RTAOS fCASfT
y - tTj?r
; SE :
1 ' BBHRffiSS CARDS. , ;
. ■nnSwS*' 1 '* 1 * Vner ‘‘•‘•'’"•'thniertciia
,/ f l ,?* iav * roomed Iq Uielrta * tat
W*l<f aodFrorn Mrteu. PhtAargh.-T . <*tf»
rmtuuaTua,. . ‘. : -.Ii:"JSSr
•**i.‘ertj«tt»rr •■ .. 7'. -.—
s , wJ AJnio ' ,ioo MlBi'>Uiinhfi*tLa«ft'o®se7'
• <th»tregtijiboro amithfiflil >.■ .-■: '•' »pl7lj
- ss&a,*' «£&»«>«
. -J7 y M*->V WLoleitJe: Groci?r« Coinßi**i<m uW Fai-
r rf"*l (rmjwier nin?'TYbo>i*i«j/i®S' K*ts|r
i**» »r»Lor. . t . njjttaiaSwiDx
. UHKZUsrOSL WbolettfcflrocCT, cut
•- j --_*• »WAtT. V ,'■ 1 • JCtft GCCUn. ’ .
IfPrW 4 CSmiABT, Whotetala Qbeer*, dfeaU*.
.%JL#ttnodDc« Md Mtt*littf*li Maiuijfcnra: earner a?
Pa.- .*fcbl7:
1 l ®V ub ’ G *' l **k« i*
; iS^Si^ l “ ie -“I*oroe«”.Comnßi?eoand 1 * 0roe «”.ComnBi?eoand Fonratd*
1 iKnT^ tja *VfH. d f* lc? »'* tt Pftfctte *nd Pitubarph
Wood al; be**nfSd fcAdad »it.
- T - —' '■■■■ •; - ••’ '•'•■•:’•• • OcU 7.
* 4 Bwart *'VbJ>Bß, Alton*,, «,
"“■ sw •? i .V*- Tm
l - ’ • . aieSal
J: ttcrehana, No. ab TR*f
«i^iSSlSi^^Uw* l^ Pitufrmi,P*7 . • j
• VX Co«mi«ion Mer*tanu, IDS AVood jt, Piatbar^
, »—■ ,' -- r 1 "-.••■ 1 ■ i> . , origlf ;
rtSsf‘ E & nEMtv '. IVtofeuU Grocer indc££-
yfc &Unnfaciarai. No. lfl Wood «„ Kttrtmtgh. • ,
; *snrn. 1 •
Ca.;Brewcn, Mtlrten,- aarf
■»wSdpt PKU^ y Bft?yiy i ¥olnl
*“HYt^yy■ Uonbnnkala JUr-i
filled.- Adjre M jgrfei-
»WI Bed LewrjkUn"*
Cj* -WhoiMßJ* Grocor», Cuei*
**od«*» Ufofc 98-'
Water, mad ltffFroa«.«recu,pituaanrlt.r- ncrg.
■JAMi ? if : ;m TC HI 3tw . k COASoi-tt.Mr.
•to! & <-V, Ctrtr.!r.ii*icn J|C|o)iant*.
•J2L*^K.“i; W teUnSr-Hma Soswne- :
Oroc»r, Prodm«!
N °- **•' SS'M
li w»«wfrwJN—B»y»w iu»»»J«nSiwli»»tfi
Buearcu’i Boililian. Gnat cl, 'occupied, l
Aawf. Wj a&ieiwe, by T. J. ,i&gKaa mad_ }. Cbrictr,'
3&P. • :■-■ ■■■ laaitant...
- iIORO ANJ WfiolwalcDnijEUCaad d«a\-
"ggn-' .V• -. '■ •-•'•• • • ' •' -• •■• -' . frnl-- \
j JSSuijS! uuT&Uuicad lusuumtniij Bcba6l Utok*
i nffTnSUiis Bud Fepirdallli, Priottn'Cinli,uul
I jeneimlljr, No. bl Wood »t, Hiubmjlu r ;
j BCgM<»,tKHightatt»kaamg»d».: - Kpi^
'TflflJfSbOTft Wholesale Grocers. Forward* Commission Merchants Dealers InProdoce,
toa JSttsbtrtghttts&Taetare, No. 7 Commeretalßdw.
J. BCHOONMAKER'fo Wboksalo Druggisu.
■ No,M Wood'stroct, -Kmbqryh.
Commission and For*
%twe*a Grant ud Bnith£«ld. Soiub;wd«,
nl«9.*t|aa4 pnnptlr to basiaua
unrng countio. ,- t ; . .. oegs-|y...
JOHNSTON t STOCKTON, BoebeOers, .Printer,,
•ai ftp»r M«nitf«wii, Market at, Pia*-
ttargk.. ,' j <e
Jjk tf* dear Market attest,
• CllriiCal, *Re<flogicaL ftiftoncaJ, School, Mbee£
taaaoca. aari Mnhodatflo6ks :sod*a tpec
| f VC.BOHkflri'gQN (ad Eicbauk.
3d ujl, ilercha/u^
o»qkl-r*te»L-;p^t' v
TQBB Cibetr,dM)f? la Produce?
v Issaag ll ’
. Ifapa.JlOtfc 1 n ' * BJCBianTUmC
T.fcBJrXOYD,! I *!* J. Fiord h Oa,J. Wkotento
tf^Crocer^NftlWliberty «traet > . acpa-■
'•;l! fl j., MTwleMk Oww,Coauniwlon
V juitl. dealer 1a Produce• <ui*l Pimbursh
' So. &t Vj-mier «u, PimbaagL jaaig
=, L ■ VmTIM; Iwia Wctfcl* . |J
*,* Xrf«#-Bw,»e«l,iteU«in»»ndXaUriof<lxj be*
. g*»UtT- T 'Warelww«»ft4w»»rr«nd 105 froal «t j»iav |—
‘ r .B. '\VA*toUjA.\, >Vfroie»»k [J
f . ■ * ro
1.3 JJwuiuag.and,Copipimpft JJgrelHmti, 4e*fcr» in j 5
®3 %
i~ ' *t£«. acnwreta.,; wiun a. not
pcCUAjBVBUnELO * HOE; Wholesale flrocer*
MCTcbaoy, No. U 4 iibeny stj;•
ALLEN fc Co* CommtMKm' iuKf 'Fonrcrdiar
jWLjMef A««to,- WM*raml Prom *l£betw«h Wood
»ad Jtttfkof IK •-■ •=• ■ - • ■-?. -•-,- jiao
_ • ;.c. 'y-mcxpibox
HlXIt ! RICKCTSOX’WhoIes Giocar* bjh!
. Conuxuaatou Aierci*ou F J<<vpo ) Libeiiy *t, ftn*-
'■' "• j«n»
McCOIU) * KING, Wholesale -and Retail Hat and-
Cap M4t«fa<tai*f*,pod dealer* in Fancy t’ur»,
corner of Wood and Fifth • ' , ■’ j«n«»
TLITJRWIVj THLSON k. Co, Wholesale Pit Goods
NIIOI/MEB Jk SON, No. 55 Varket inrnU
* dtor.frora comer of Ptxmhr dealer* in Forefesr
and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certificalcs of Utpoa
j. it, Bank Notes'aml Specie.'
Q7* Collection*'mhde 4a all the .principal cities
\hropgfcoutthelioiledStates. -dee!7
ORUV, McGRKW'4 Forwinluir ind
CoramiMtoa; Sfcrckastt, No. ft Commercial Row.
litany at, PitUburglyPa.
*w. ruumuTKß. ! /: • A/ccisxxnoxt ' ic.iL.oujiT 1.
FHNVEXTEB * Cv4 WfaDleaato Grocer* and Cum-'I '
Wfioo and. Forward mg Merchant*, - Sd'4l Wu-r f rf*
ItftKl.'•» ;.r 1 .y, : -j* • Wg' l
OBKHTHOJT 4fc Dralm Jc Ca&
■ Mwion Merchant*, No. lOP B*c<md-«L, Pin«fetirirfa.
•pICHAfiDT. LEBCH; *3r+ Imiibrtafand PcaJw in
- »ni'ltonc«ne,‘B«id<Uf/y,‘,lUnhr*r®iu»il
--- • , N0 > 133 Wood
■ f-" : ..... .
JMomera, SboemaJcfrt’Tobl* iwTFind-'
Coil«r»' Toor<,’*adT*im<fn*oa, p,
Koi ‘ WWoo< »t;y«o«bgr«h: • ■ :'-Ar«ptt?. -
S«OJtt*r fcoujoox. ........ u«vn. a. ssSs^hi
R [r ¥ <&i Omasa, Produce
>■»*” Cocttoiuiou Jklerekftntfc andlteslenia Fi(M«
rm ’~ .__-«• • v.-. . jtnlU-
TlOffilT iDAIAELL 'fc Co, WholfUale Gnxen,
XkjwmnmmioM »M Fonmrdinf Merchant*, dealer*
Jw.l44ljaettr>t ■ V .; ‘ ' ... ~~ -iSftj:
BO®® 1 * * 1 t O^ KB -. Wholesale Grocer, "Rtitifylnk
} "/"Hue*, Plnrturgh Muulhc*
all > Uftdr ut Foreign tod Uomeaiic Wine*
U IJbiitf at, Piilabirjju . Ff- •'* n,
;P*S%jH »ywr-Uf}{«*x>eliofroettot~ -iS
pjOLDS Jc flHKß'Fonratdin# ecd Cocnnu»»iftn
Hirer Trade, deafer* '
'Fiitobwrffa M*nnl«ctatt«and
pricei, In euH. paid at all tinea foreowi.
3LW Cohgr tffKanWbWin *U.- • jatuO .
T> OAKFO&Dfc'Cfe, Coouedwlon'Mrrebmirtt Üb*'
oppoaite Smitbfitld; Dealer* ' in: FlpCr,
<****■ «ad Seed*; *fe»Bao<r, Lard,**. 1 - aptt-ly..
'A. 6 - aUfllttr. - <rUrU »•
omutt. ... . .. mitr*.
ftUACKLtnT. fc Dealer* in
Pry Good*, No. »
,*?***#i*4 .
V {&£ aif.yXkWH
• •• •'
Q ' W. HARBAUGIi Wool Merchant*. tinier* in
k “^
S l^"k ,ta ii r 5 n, €'' K'J^mppinf
* c*tv■ Forwarding *nd.C«Bim*don Jklerchmu’
j**kr»ia pJCUbnißli Manofaotore* and Western pit
dace, bate removed m iheirnewtr«r».hAn.lT*??”
Puutrareh- ;.T~- " *» Liberty •treat,
" 1 — - - ! • ftblfl .
■ TOC. lirceWruW, _ ..
rfmbSrrt' S«f«,™ U !'il' , l, 0I “‘ *"' l
PitUburSh. f»her«lly, 133 Liberty jitreet,
: -lOinf n. . ..
comtr of {a”iv^ff;,»^xy wr, ." r '
lV : the ladies to call and ex-
Fnack yrygs*
' * and Whole-
W rloae and MUI Puniiti
iJ-Vi* ,a 8 MUhluhmeni, A'o. 911 near the
<•'• -• ■ •■-•-••■ . . marts
-"WT Robinson, juioiiify .it ho* re.
ri«T* • ®u °Sco 10 tbs Exchange Buildnipi, Su
CUif at, negt door to Alderman Jones. ' ap&Um. •
WM‘ OARjmm, Dttltf in Faiiev and Stable
—*oj7.Market street, fruttmrgh.
\v : in WudSTj^weirr,
U&L 81 ** r " “*j Good h Acs [No.. 57 Mnr’
_-- ••--'*. J nov.
'XXT R MUppyv, tad Rmil dealer in
*!JLi r 's**£ ' ted , s°°”* Good*, north rut
Corner of Market andFoorth ala. - anttn
If *3&VAX,* DhtUICT.- aw} . Wbof otafe
ffrwfjyog ftmwtle Winn anJU-
■VJTABJUCK MAJtTW k. Co, Iliak.rv tv.i cn ,
■u/ivi^ h V JKE ’ r ‘ k cod Coin, corner ofThiril
Krf'VoojMweu, fnabnnb, ft, ; . oo.iii-ii.
h ! -it."w.* woman.- • • ...
v Atteroey* and Coui OtUon ai i*v,—
Foß ™‘ • treet » ®t»*» Brailk6ekL
: m£^l
and Wine • end Liquor
■SSSS^&iJ^&T^ porteT * of Soda *** •»* Blemefiw; • jensdlr
Ajericau soldien «...
«* *• office of >VmE Anutio,
■Bghjtßrk’ii fruUdag*, 4th »t, Pim.Lufgh. ■ f“i>p
to Odmßoat yLa!*, and-PittsboryliMan.
*?V e ba . h * nd '« all times, •AU end
in ** U“e, Water street, •
near Cherry Alley, pnuborgb. ■ •'-■ ..'t H
■»Y^ ,r iffl" l , i l _ Tl . . ALo*tt*o« a a&L
Attorneys at Law, office i>
* CC ° ad dW ° r ab6T<
a£liSsr^ eQ »" C°owwwiorter to take Depositions.' \c-
CSSwffSgar l
“V't 1 »*aaoaalila terma. Physicians
ak^ *l J ?^ r y?fiOw wSe'aS^
Military Goods. ;Ah*aya on band, and at reenlar eas-'
« xr' 1 "’
. warranted. • - . . i •
ne?^ Rna ****** *tows in the <rery bestuian*'
10 -WjLpoo, Foyetlo
, :'inn>to
Black stock. && A ■]
Charcb ACarotbars, J
>-' 11 ' oeKUI
*° T ta^. lll « Depositions, aeknowledg..
_ Hrrrs TO —Uoß.Wtn. Bell £ Son. rqnir, Church *
Caro the rt, Wm HayVEsq., lyiUocfc
TWaitargfe, Manat
YaM,HDaj«lleSvick, Barnntf.Twi
yoveriet *ra, Carpet Chain, Warp*, he.
‘ ' ' ' J ; KWO, PE?iNOCIC k CJo,
(!*ieceuota to Arbucktef fc ATeryJ
A ■ LKDOUX + No. 77 Canal street, New Or
e Amaofs Extensive gteant
»««tltefiaery. .jUwttya-oß.hjuid * tore stock of
Lot* Powdered, Crashed, CUsfied sad Bastard Savers,
Banrlt.; Also, Sugar Moose MaluMt
ttieOT liberal, and a Cur alloiralice nude od 'ali safes
oi.'OTabove3obarrels.* •* mehli.
fir^TL f 4 MalitersyHtnd
I^ r *- PualJßTfh and Point Brews riesTror-
T. B: m BISHOP, Yeterinery 'Surgeon, can
. *'wr-tn^ w his Horse Shoeing Establishment,
' vf Bridge,lately occupied
m J npwbod.: nrfdOai
;L 1 M-EkTOX, Wafer tn - Trimmings asd Yarietr
Wffrst*ls,-Biittoas, Needles,
B™ *e- No. B 3 Market street, between Dia
*moud.aad4U» afc,Kmtmrgh.-- I< ■ ■ .•• : jyyvtjy .
piCKI-FS'ANDPIQ-aERVES-i.3 esses
L 4 c^e»Dotgbtr,SrtMnPetehp reserves:
cases Tbm >tS C*Unpy for alia by - - ’
nv!3 --■ *•«■.; ... '.3. H WILLIAMS.
p AC WAlltdlOlSEr-Jbe highest price in cash paid
Li> for good clean rag*; also, canvass, bale rope, grass
ope* haggiug, woollen rags, cotton waste, Ac_ by
r Uvsu; » i:i j, J.\NY. CIUbwjCK,
decflk Warne aU between Pehn and liberty.
Denti*t, ■ baring' toade
. . . . - aucbarTangenrentarahlf
bodneo that ha can devote hia whole time to tire
* of hj* prMeaaioo, may be Men in hit •ffier.eor
her <rf4th>*nd Deflator wreeuy between Markrtand
i;-./-,.. jygMy
JIBW MMtpif;n4BDWiEß. SWSB. . ;
TTAVZXG rwletjuhed mjr atnefcfranthe bear *oor-
LA; cca, botkeotnertic And foreign, I take pleasure in
aannnrtng ■ 10 conttHnera-cnddeatera, tint -hmn pre
>*red 10 iurni*h.ib«n With elTgtiodain-tmr line, oa atilt
«UeftcnD«Uiaa lietelotore. - . ' •■ ; :
■ J £ir er * ,w*li recoteel that dealing
♦ddlery Hanlmra, and Carnage TOmaing* I obtain
Mreby, advantage*. that -enable me tadeir eonrpeti
»tQP»- ace, and jndga foryowraelres. . . *p\T,
pf tvui pnournaa no*m.Y kxkcctco ct a, scrmoa
i , ’ • Majorca, tnr
• « M - iUB ANS.
soa B«Winf* r N. K. Corner of Third and Dock Rueets.
<np stairs) Philadelphia, . •
MTitEBE can alwaya be had ni short-notice—Ma
■*» k “**i B ™« end Fla
**J? r t } caI * Societies, Corpora
xngca.Ag,.-.; ... . ; _ -.- ’ pqt&Upi '
• |... —........... tiulUr, Pd.
.|iniX *W «ue»d to rbUectioua «nJ *Uoiher litwi
;• i. A U.Fiu7d,lJl>ertyaM i
: • 'I.W.W.WaUw.,.,«£» I ' ,
. - • Janie# Marshall,
J|M? ' • X.f <:Co., Wood, l . |.• . j„„ r :
Wagon lJox
- jutt, or. ihfl oid
.. pfR-A ft. Hall, U mamilae*
tunas Jarg«jn«niHic»of i’Jouufca.v
noitgh Gtatiops Wagon u»xe», Aci with the improve-
TOnU of tho Leaver,! 'fleeeoek, lljtoou, and oiher
noagnijOf tbalaicrt and l»*«l pattern* new in ,
AVarthcnie,. 103 Likny atreet, J’itabureh, optmite
W lUy gcaie; Factory, In Allegheny city, near the
Cothm Factory of Meier*. BlaeJutoek, Bell A Co.
•!*• '1 ' : '-• ■•'- ' ' • dcloly
PKKIS TKAi STOR^—No 73 Fourth
f3£sfr*V'."ear Wood—AU qaiutitioa of (irceu and
Tea#, dons kip in quarter, ltaJfj and one
witna package#, TuUfflutrjirpm £(JcU. per pound to
ir?"A. JAA7.fia.Ajp. for Ftim Tta Co
'MOKB HOUSES—J ilmre provided fflytclf with a
j goodamok* hoUie and daret'ul hand*, well aequaint
.'4 .with the hu»iuci», inj torn now. prepared to.tuioke
meAl’lo the entire’ uUtfteUun o( those whomaygiro
me ncalt Charge* a* low'** oaf bouse in the eny.
j:. - • L JItAH. SBLLKOS,
,~dec3>' . . j • .Ko. 17 liberty
Cnnaliiioiitr of Deeds
A T. CINCINNATI-—I am aoUmrixedby thftOoTer
jOL nororpcpa«yi.Tajuate take acknowledgment* of
all itutnuaeou of writing, also affidavits and deposi
tion* pfptiMu ia i)too, b b* used or reeordedtn
Ptnnvylvanio. • Office, 1 iwb door* Ui« Mayor I *-
°®e«fajmaa*tt,Ofcio. EDWABO P CRANCU, :-
puydOdandwlyT Attorney at Law., ,
bt>l * «»*b cider eoaaJjnißßd'-
•aodwillbaMWlowtecloMby •
f" 13 IdAIJUI DICKE)' 4 Co, f
| • 4
4 RemwraL
telwJrS?u^ usl **» Ute JaraM MeKain- The
to* Ha and Cap Manti
old ~Tfi or, ll. 0 f'O-TTWoM wrerh, nrnriy optxwite hi*
L,i wou,d inxite H» taemd and th*
whirT *•? of-ilau and Cap*,
uajor beauty and dorabihrr rautiot be *i!rpa*fs<L
, -;. WSI. DOUGLASS, 77 Wood at.
I from H »! *»4 C«|* ilanufkctorr.
s_v®£ Tfpecttul!jr_ weanrawd tile patronage ;of mV
nend« and the public erneraJir to nr aucrcmor Win.
•utmenber will introduce oa fbunrdar, Oct. tttk
'raen wlihiM a hat trird with thlt deurabJe ard
cic willpleaatfmtTand exauurte. -
; -ALFUED KEKVIU Practical Hatter.
octa. . ' - IK. hcadofwood.t j
fTb^’Aifj'^ASlJXOßr.—t*. MOORE has rtcriv-
JJctl frpin'Kkw York, Uie tall style of Uaia which
Wi?lintroduce this day. Saturday, Am. 2-rv
AU taose in vnuit bf a neat and superior hatwould do
: W * S °' <a » Uood JU door above iih.
at Recto, a. ou Thursday, Aueust, ‘ 27iV
Geimemetiwishuuja cheap. fwiiiffluWbai of l‘£
biirjth manutaciure, ahead of.iiuhionnble Uals imjȣ
ed and advertised by some of. the trade, pleweedFu.
ain-Vjf ' • 1 kffiVlL A CftX j
•■• ■__ IS± jtsad of. woodst 1
/» Poa nATi^-
©Sik.' ti f,^i; eiVcd from Ne\v York, tbs Summer!
v[?«n?« t*t>n.«i*tuiff of AVbita'lkaTer t>mH I
rtnarS * •••:•■ »- _ . . • MOOBE. ; I
75 I
„„| N„. w 1
< T\iv<a ..i-i.. i-FHlLADKl.i'inv
1 “M" »f
vj|k >k» v? • • laf) hdk e made curb atrsof emenU
where Lid; v?V m / ° l^ pf Mw** In ih»* city or eU*.
-r r?, ultk * n » i “K“i ‘.ttmiu 1, ■ i
’ ! T; i rcii j^gg??-
iliih uiih » ‘'cW>r:uri| Aromalje Bug C»v«a
tSr i& ttqaisa-s.*!^
* ' HMty;
~ cu-ua. tfc ,
Floor P«etor.,na Prod3r« ComnUrfon
T mi'D Merchant!. :
*. Tavlor, Ilituborrh. : .. '•
Ui?^ir^X ro^w < fr ,iin,edlaa * '* itnßnfd wh^ftih
Commli.lou o»a Forwordlogn.relitnfc
*t-, Hmtcmiß, (
I ]V,') ij iranmet* penpral Commisaon bo4-
ibopurehaur and nl« of Atner£'
caa Alai.uiaeture. and I‘roduc-, mid in ™>luffkni
JPJTxt 0 ?" 5 foiiMsncd t u h,* pare., A* Aaeal for
\t »* conitaiuly iSk
T W* I 't ° r K,(,l >"*Bl< 'STnidSZSg J2J
OWAIIIJ CLAYTO.NY l«te H. Clarion fcSen*. tf.i
I-ombanj mi] SVBoWnle Dealer iu Du tier, and Sor^
««»•* faf u»e ikrlSr&SaSS
Ifetir ’S 5e ° r Ujt,er -- W ' tl *»w rrceivq
aud oilief Produce t«.r*ele on edtniaivhnl
ium^l ' fron ‘lu*experieareaudnuiCs
r ™}* 'bppifg customer* lie will bo able 10 giro
Action to all who may coylp, produce to ]£T Be&f
.Jhiri rj \V. Urane tj^w;
• 1* '"'Bl.JUluiOC & SOM,
u .' 'Viilivnfioit H J&uimao,
Apdjbe Mcrchamj^rnfr^ly. in * 1: 1
~ , . , ■', ' i
? £ F%; ■■• - B*»*n.HuW*boJ
B L" u "E^. e ”' "--■ .MnqrtMr- “1
■...'- 40HVP.IPEBBT,
’l?,"*®*' *»«*• nnSnntry'
Tln,Tui l , Jatt*,7limer»’X D o!«.
f«>ert Jrou, Jiou ftttd Nail*. White I-esXDyi |<iuS».
; Couoß Yanw, &c~
COni s Twf Uhcny and Irwin street*, 15tL*
: {4 Cash or Good*, made on
couiignmeat. Of Prod We. Ac. w<wu ‘ , m^*, 0n
‘ *• *.»_ uAiufei;
wuauf Mirehantb
Refer JUiraioxt
4 Co, j PiUab-gli.
DavLonvSanoder* A Co., 1
’t» o} !2^ l^' lalJ ' > Baltimore.
_<*!< IlinAJenkin., j Jkwly
{■ n. trmcea.; • r “w _ TW^i;.“'
{'* l^ bar £ 1 '- Late of NiLUvili^Teiuu
L E H M E fl '& ANDf’rsqm
> AuaiciLorrjs -
nil?, *«.iU>w*T, cranxcMt. am.
Rater to Mcrebaau generally, hi | > |iu!, urg t L rpfft
'tVAX.TjCB <TCo n
v >iWTfi:cjuis '
rifwfl 1 ? - ; 11 CmW». T. Cwm, Em,
SA“ '• J - Sou, iliter&Pougherljr.Sltnc*
lu£ r* W. tt 6. \\ yraja, SiiijglulTA Dev rim. .
_ ■ -*-•■• • ! Ilm>
,c KD ' VAn P A - KEELING,
_ (HicceMor lr» <«Mxlman Jfc Umml
Rixama poRWAjiDiNo. coxnwssioN* mu-
Xi i x f T "} V* * ass, a Kanos, tws.
lUfcr U»—M. AUefl fc Co, Kiuy, J’cimock It Co!
— l -- ; Aflm
I mnomiut * couission mmm.
cwewsiATiiASD V WiL
OOer to Mil b! eiltier establishment, mil kind* oTMen
rbandiw, *j the lovrrsr titca of CuxnmLu.uin«. tu>4 un
•Iwayg prepared. to make bdvance*. *fh e best ofrefr!
rencf* j*ircn If rtqmnpl . Lelieri addressed u, ehh7r
hoose.wiU U* promptly attended 10. • ,yoodj y
lAMB Tmxarmx - -
THOMPSON * ciMPBKtO.'" 11 '
co^LS^S«f r g,SHANTa
i\o.‘Jl> Cclanibla sirect,
sf-tf-Iy ID*Qi»h.pan; fnr Flax»wt a ’T-[| n ’ oina -
» WM. IT. Cl. AUK,
Attend* particularly la the Forwardingof Produce, ie,
f' **K ■“” ocr * upplyi o FORSYTH It
lUISCAN, Water *».; oetW
; **• w. MATHEW*. \y y ,u™“
; ; 2*o. 4* Ykate* street, ..
■ l' Hr. Ixicift Ikfo*
nil! nv.o particular attention to.thc eelliujof pro
ducer, and to orilefs for tiunibssiiii*’.' '• * •
: RKn(k Morgan A Oov Pittsburgh,- p*.
jjou* cSv. trusainos.
Forwordlijjt i, Commlasion HcrcbanUs
*«*. -ttl A d.» fh>CT]( utrejct,
j ;»n27-I)-» ■- Bowting-a.WTrarf,- Haltiroora. '• '
JOHNFINNKY, Jr. Agcut aiTilubureb (br the ivj:
aware Mutual l<ufcty liMoranre.t’paipajiyror niil
.BdelpMa, - Krt'Klokjiupon building* and rnerckniulifa'
pt.eyety description, and Maryw links upon hull* or
cargoes of Vessel*, taken upon tb< most favorable term*
' \\LT Office in tho Warehouse of \V Ji lioleies A liro
No. a 7 Water, hear Market meet, Piilshurgh. 1
N l*—The ancce»* of ibi* Company w'uce the csiab-1
lisluncnt of the Agency in thi# city, with tlfo prompt
be** and liberality with which every claim upotr (bein'
for loss luu been i adjusted, fully warrant tJiv ogam irr
inviting the coufidence end pntromrgc of hi* (Hand* and
the eoimnuirity at Jitrge to tae Delaware M 8 Ituuntnee'
Cotnpauy, while ithahtba aUdilinftal advantage* n* au'
institution among the mart tiburuhuig In Philadelphia—
a* haying an ample paid-in capital, which by the • or*;
ration ot it* chart iiri« eonrtaj|tly increasing, a* yield.
fog to each person insured lifs'dne »hare of the pmlit*
ortne ebrapa/jy; without itrvolving him in any reipou
libility whatever; and therefore tu poiseuiug the' Mu.
tual principle divested of every übaoxinq*
in its mo*t aUuniye form. • • , ; uot4 >
fPllll Amcrirnu .Fire Insurance Cotnpuny—Ofltcfo
J. No. TJ WaJiiulsireel Philadelphia: incorporated A
DlSK)—Charter perpetual. ]
ln*nreDuiJdiii|j«, rufiiiiurtf, Mcrcliaiuliie,' a hil'prop
erty generally, eiUicr iu thq' city or country, ■gainsi
loss or damage by fire, pcrv«uuiiljy or for.Jiailte-d. peri
od*, on favorable terms. i ,
John Sergeant .• ' Samuel CMorfon '
William Lynch- !• Adolphti* Peric* ‘
Ihonuui Allitfone V ■ Oorgc Abbot,
John Welsh, Jr. i’airick lirady.
JobnTLewii.... ”
' SAMUELO lioinuv, President '
Fiiasci* D Jaxticb, tJocretjU'y.
Order* Air insurance by the above Company wilt l«j
retired and ’imummec* effected by the undrnuinted.
gent lor Pittsburgh. ' / : OfcO COCHRAN, '
- ■ . • at Wind rt.
iwaunAsoE coT!
'I')IK> l-nuikl(f) Fife Iniuroncu Company, of ITilladef-
X piiiu, will make Itniirauc'e, jx-r rimncul tuid limited
de*ch|iit(ni of property, WJ*iit*)rareU»ud the
/avertible Icniia. TbUeouv
“ aperpcliul charter.;
pany iiu.
i SSfS^a
Office uftiurd nuJ MarkjTrtreei^ttiutob.
_"fjJQ'f 1 M-Aimv -A,^„
ifcfcXn.; at,)
C o 6e Ca,,Bl *. Kailrofcl uid
“ li ° u “" rf
rrith 1 th,,,^.^-A»tc_ thi» day Laaoelaled
•on aTd ri^dKilia Wil
wit bo «r!« of linnlwiirhere
dent h. : arnlngitncnt ren
•wiape’clane £^s!^ n 5? , * 10 - (5 Luabilirieaho3e matnred,
T/tVh^Vu^f 8 *•' CO»—lmporter* npd
cSW^a^M. 0 ” *» Portfm and Dorae.tieHard
tS. are n?iW Cry ’ Wood.trcat. I’itt*-
ed *tock of irßTib!^ y i >r jS a i red *2°* a ret ' e »tly iioport
iaduecmontß tp o3er TerY great
, compete in^w bny ? T f’ dttemuucd to
citiM. AI-
Ilardwarp *i“orbnem of Piurbur^h
A c - on of wb^rb^itK Hoc*,’ Vice*,
tnrert pHcm4 ;C “ *° i 18 loweit manufac-
, at , : . _, tr C®-PAB.TSEHBHIP. '
piedbv H ft. tin K avo *^ e *>nnd formerly occu-
| . ...,. ; 8. A.LONta, “
invited' Bttemion'of MaicHiolit* airfEnliSert'ig;
•»sc? J? e,aj ’ for 11 r*‘H ei! Pn«,
j7ntil£r«^^V phm< i 0 v nc ?‘ ! wpeHor to BoW'* br
Ebbni^21 ha+ f, Steamboat'builder. and
luniSS-!!.^^” 1 t s l,r »s re nlw itqueited to call and ex
. • Forie rurapa ( ° r
rn „p „ ' wmomtSsT ““ :
Tfim < S : K!? n ?| ,p «f wbseriUert, under.tbs
«.!f^ w ‘ ~uw:hia * 0 . n * Co-t »• this daydik.
t. CO-PAHTarfingmP.
* £*•** i hl# da r formed a eoiartne*
th s finn . of Jwne* A.HtUchintcnACal
ean&dEnCT oJ.conuuumff.iliß bawness hen-loforo
wned on by Lewis Uulchuuon Co- and elicit a eon.
&?'“ »f 1» P.1r0... 5 .’ .SSw'i'S
„ Co.pknamhln- WnH... :
]? 'y srWiIKNH of WheeSny. B F sLvabemr
U ! ttMtM, , aad J A f>u>ck ’ ot J of Piiuburgh, hove
llu*dayetnered into co.pnrtoe»,hip under stvW end
i™U c °* 1 * 111 "' Annin. iron
u-tS’ ' j. l W« \ B ’ wr «>a purpose Of raenufactor-'
iay iron and uads of every description.
alt kind of boiler, .sheet, Ur wnud <
'£ Uc ‘P™?* «!*«. Being can*
nected with Shanberyer's old Juniata work*, we can
ofler an article of Juniata iron {branded Shcenberjrerl
r<]ual to any nude In the country, All of which will
price.:; Warebouso oV to
wor«» comer of-Monroe an sts. royli
M U-; f?" kn ‘“> w f oi V lO !ate fi nn will be aetiledLy
GT.»'« Si wbo U *“U»o«*d to us* to name of to
uSSeit? ** pß , fF ?“ , \. «.* WIOirrMAN.
.epEttUw Dniyl’4?! J. DALZKLL.
I Subaeriber ia now prepared to rnicnfaetniA all
MiilV rf 7£ t i la * F?? "L 0 ®, 1 ?.? Machinery, a&he »bone«
0^ ar « teAat K. itrbunnn'e hjipne Sho{ t , cor
wxeeta, wUI weetrtaitb prompt
••• 11. WlOimlAN.
'^iS“°** L » betwr « a anrtsandmdtv
» Allapbnnynry.
m ,_,• J)Midti?Tioir.‘ *
• I HTk Co^!in^er,^ p between thf
J- undcr ** of.William*-* Dilworth,
Jft TtoSl'Sh ? n a f l»t luxtaiit, by mutual conJia
!? '^ ni “Ulertont of tbeold biwi
ne*» ti euirutlcd. will conunue the wboleanJe itrocerf
.bpune«» ai the old ataud, NO. t>7. wood «u • ”
- . WM. 11. WJLLIA.VS., "
John s. im. worth 1 ;
rItHE pannartbip eob«»kitßß beiww-n the •a , ..*erji«cr«,
X oiuler the «>-lc ol I‘oindcitcr wa« di**olved
«>y «otual.cot«rn!, n« the Isth io*t; and the bunineex of
1C W ami C
lUimnt- K W PoiNOKXTFJt.
-«***• C II LEANT.
Uh M|p»riben will, continue bu»ine.« nt tbe old.
.Hi. ?«»*!• ■>■=
CUSSJ&SZ&*’ .■;
fjar/ will MVJiS'Jl'ujlrt 1 ...-
L*saxss©teairsB^!& te ~ 7-
5 * •, JOHN ' r
—jgM4a - i SAM'Ir WKniTJUAN. r,[
nralemgued jha, UMoctatad.vnth hiituelf Jobn'
. X Nk'd*,_£roJu Laiuiuora»in lie Grocerr aod Genet
■;-•,, ■-.. ITtAS. SELLERS- S
tiip—Win. Young bavins
V/ day aUwlatcd'wlth hint, John It:.M’Cunc,U»c lea?
11 r. hrrcaflrr be combined under the
finnoi \\m,\otii«*Cu-. WIU.LUI YOUNIi, i
, . V . ./ jxo. iL arcirxr, . a
*WG<*fsn>Tmntomw, nonim*. ,
Ra nils establishment long and widely known at
'fcfiß be* B !? one of ibd Bloat cominodfotj* in the city of
■mm Baltimore, ho* recently undergone very m« , n-T
aUarazloita md impnr6mnenta.T'Au entire new
winj? ha* been added, containing immrrou, null airy
«5 ,fa ?' , ?.' ~,m r nu ’ lmihinff room*,
rhe luuJiL'a' department bat nl*o been einiinleteTy
reorranixctl and fitted op iu a tnoit otii/jtie and besuu
tut style. Ju foct the whole arrangement of the iloute
hu been reinodeled. with a tingle rye ou the pan of
Y' e . Vfppnrlorn, toward* the cwnfort'and pleasure of.
their Goctu, and which they cou&deiidy **gen will
challenge comparison with any Hold lit the Union. '
Their table trill alwayt be supplied with every lufo
■tanu&i had luxury wluch the market affords, served
up ui a superior style; while in the way 1 of ‘Wines, Ac.,
they wdl not be surpassed. .1 1
In rOuclukion the proprietor* beg to say, that nothing
will be Jett undone on their part, arid on the part of
ilidr assistants, to render thU Hold worthy the con
tinued patronage of their friend* nndthc pvl’ic geu
erally. . ' • ; r “
The price* for board have alto been'reduced to the
following rale*: ;
. . »t,7Sperdoy.
CjentlrnKli 1 * •** ; 1,50 u
‘N. U—Tho Haggng* Wagon of the'Home will al
way» wind at the Car and Steamboat Landing*,
whieii will convey baggage to and from }ho Hotel, free
°/. r - ha !’« p - , 'jj inaygtf
M ‘ "CrfccnnrAU,- onto.
. THE subscriber* Saving purchased the emir
mien-.t of Col. O. P. Willikm-on, late of thi# w*.
known establishment, beg leave: to stute to thei
tnemt* and the public generally, that they have takei
tint ruuuuodioue Hoteflor a term of yearn nud w ill n
rrt tiiejr bed energies to triakeHjt ‘desirabl* "home lb
Traveller* and City Boarder*. -
The Hotel 1* Spacious and admirably planned for eon
vraiencedighUind airjiartag tunomber of parlor* nd
fiulhUc*; C^am^er * T P ie * eotiu * utiusual oitraclioa* ti
Ihe present proprietors haring had the erperienca
01 yean in tlua city and elsewhere, hope they will be
ame to eiya general satisfaction, being determined to
gtre undivided attention to the house alou*
r •n^ alU>u - u, ’ U,e |,Bsri BiKM House is uncommon*
ly eligible, harm-from* on Pearl, Walnut and Third
afreet*, to that it is equally desirable iu view of the
'Convenience of hu*iiie«t men,or retirement for private
boarder*. It is near by ilia Banka, the Post oihco, the
.Masonic Hall, Odd FelluwVt Hall, and but one sqnnro
m*iant from .Main street and tvyo squares from the City
” hart, thus ofle-ring the (reatCKtinaacrmenis. especial
ly to country merchants and generally to all persons
viMiUng Cuiciuaati. .. . JOHN IVOUL.E,
•: BV.TAW- HOUSER ;. .
omara wr asinnoßE aso ccraw *rv ttiLTOioca, ml
; s*o • On■> splendid and spacton* Howl, elegantly sit*
Effl °«*d for both business and pleasure travellers, is
Mftfaso constructed a* to cambmeiiU the luiuriesof
the be *1 hotels, with elegance and real comfort
, -Choice soues of ajrartmcnl* are at uli Seasons reserv
ed for the aceonunodation of transient chests, arid fam
ilies visiting the city will Ctul the Euiaw iloasaaboroe,
unsurpassed by nay Boldin iheUnioo.; ' . *.
.The location is elevated .and salubrious, and i» also,
convenient to tho depot* and landing*,' at which the
conches . *nd (Killer* of the house, are nl nil time* in
Voting to convey ptisengers and their paggage to the
.Juudr-fjeniicmcn’s ordinary #l^loper day.
. Imilie*' . do 11* 00 do
janUhbhawSm •
'. *p. Ha, pnnauTrnttrr, piuhosltjiia.
CESj THE subscriber*, under the finq of Bridge* A
:fca West, have purchased Mr. Jones', interest ui tin*
M»c*tnl>li*hmetit, and hope by the sifjclcst attention
tq (ha waul* nnd rnmlurt of llicir guest*,' to inert! a con*
tiiiuance nf iho liberal jintronngo heretoibre received
by it* former •
'rite house • lin bee* thoroughly irnpvn'trd, and re
f aired; we therefore ferj assured we caq welrntne our
rientU and Jlie public to uccoramodnlioo* uniat to any
iir the city of. I'hUkdclnLin. N W-UKIIXHX
ctmnn a*ts *au butii m. ci.vctxas'iT-
MTHIK esmlditlmirut is now' in best order for
the reception ofthe Trarcting Uublic.- “Having
uudergmir a thorough repair daring the past win*
ter, and buying :br most uip"rirnr*<l mep in Use west ■
in the various department*. I Uniter mysplf that uli \ril
bo pleased wlso call. The location i* ctinlral, entruuo*
dlmU and pleasant. Fare SI per day. 1
• Cmcumaii, March Hi, "I". W K MAH.SU. ‘
. N. eiactly a new Broom, it is the ,
iuM-*t new Wuiit ou the old handle. apdtf
MAKIfI THROCKMORTON Legs' to arquniol
bis friend* llmr he 1* aguin lessee of the CAI«T
HOUWIi, IjOttUviUe, Ky n where he hopes to meet.
ttlPhis old friend*, assuring ihcnt and the public, that
an etfort shall bc-spared fo make all comfortalile who ;
avor him with their patronAgc. '* , janltilly
• * BAXTtXOKZ, »«>., ’
Rtt Bcpoi 1 Protlst. Baltimoro,
ijfij IIENItY M. SMITH, proprietor, (late of'.ilus Ki-
Bad St. Charles Hotels, Pitsburuh)
i oct'.Kldly J* \
AM Per«ot;s knowing thcmtelve* [mlei.teJ ta the V*-
late or the late A .JJravo, 2r.;deceased, are hereby
notified to call and aeule their aeeouttu.'hnd those hav*
ipgclaißt* against the Hatate, will piesent them duly
dtuhenueated 'er aeiilcaent to ihe sahterlbci, at u«
. warthoßMOf John Irwin A.Hon*, Noll Water «b
del«B» JOHN IBWIN, Exeestor-
| ./ - t.
TS < ? E t,^ wfeb “ g ''TTU diseased
LUNGS.—The unprecedented tucco which hnt
attended the use of the ; j j
n nil the ration* form* which iiTitatioi of the Innya e»-
•ume*, has induced the- proprietor ayhia to coll atten
tiontothis ... ■. j
Tho chanyable weaker which marts our fall and
winter months, i* always a fruitful source of • ,•_
There, if neglected,' arc but the precursors of that fell
destroyer, "
The question, then, bow thaQ we nip the destroyer in
the bud! bow shall we yef clear; of our coughs and
colds! u of vital importance to the public.. :
w»|l be found in the Ginseng' Panacea. laproorbf this
wc Imre from rime to lima pub!i»hed thoj certificate* of
dozen* of oar best known; citizens, who have experi
enced it* curative powers. These, with n mat* of tes<
of the country.-dtom- •
Miuisters 01 the Go*pel, ; &c., together with copious no
nce* fromtbo . , ]
wo have embodied in pamphlet &nn,-»nd may be bad
Kraus or an) - of our agents thronghout the country. •
nave been used tu this citr. ' ' - I
throughout the United State* and Canada: and we ch>
enge anj- man u> point - » . ,; . .
-- iKXMout a. .
-t which, when mien according to direction*. tnd ha.
,*SSSS lmd ‘“■‘S tooigunol,; 1, K,
Wb>,. then, need the nlßicied LcsimtoT Wly reaort U
"S im.en.hte no.tmraa, icotten up by Qnkni.wi iXi£
■tl» under the onanJaed tuune of some eelihrsted nh»«
uetaih and puffed into notoriety by certificates ci nZ»
■WtEJSgfgWf ,Wu4l. mrfldnJS * **.■
James a iiutcuison.
In ordef that medicine mlj be placed
pSd*eiricfat^ ° f ** P °° r " We " Uie ™ h > weh«TC ;
j'tii bait the u»nti] cMtofcouglrmedikinet. nir
L> - OUr a S e,IW m ,l,!uri >‘ evef y W>wn and village:
f£' r at<! prepared to give fail informa
tion relative to it. - f. SALTER, IWietor,” :
uroadway, Cinciiiitmii. Ohio.;
A ’ ou . D »TicjJi'TY OFim^fiuNui
?»««! by »jinrtjxr«ma! construe,
tion of iheatr eeUs; ids veir debSliutin*. almost csus
'"ff •uflbcnuou. DR. SWEfcTSER* P^ACKAS ifco
oulv certain cure.
" tolr ""'“i * *4—«*.
Catarrh, or common cold,, which, If nealcete'd. will'
S"*d? “>
vcr s I’anaccti will effectually cureit. ' ' t T '
Inflaintnadon of iho Tormli pr Bom TWt.JrhU
diKcaiu. often lead* jp »cnon« eotueqnenee* from nrtf
tnm’ T£ h J* BlCfr “. lio ° ° r t3 *° tortat: On the fimaral
i«dVJily. W * ****** ' hOOW b 0 «S
s^SIrtSiSL' 1 ' *°' l ’ *4??4 **:
I’litumionia Xo:liiu~A rery fatal dUeuei
from aviolem cough and colifon a dehiliuiL
Jen down conali union; aged persons are -.ML
iir. hweetcr'n Panacea should bo iiMd ori
aynijMotnc, which ore a eonirh orcoU; *f
AiKhl dehmtatinir complaint
wnh a tmu-ly, check. by using I»r. SweetacrVl
Consumption.—Jf on the fir«t appeoronen ofc
tire symptoms, which Mo «i«iain the aide ah
coujTh or ►nitiinsr efblood. if Dr. Swecteer-* i«a
trccly urrd, no danger need bn apprehended, f
n hen the Lung*, the Wuuipi|>e. or Uronch}*
become rlof?rd up with |<ti!e<ui so as to imjii
muon or breailurjr. Dr. tiweeuer'a Panacea, ’
» powrrtul Expectorant, should be taken aeco
tuc direction*. ; • >
.TWonic. w pnjralra in
our cum ate, u speedily curnl by IV. Hweeuei’a Phi
. . PriceBlpejri«uW.orMxhoul««A>rai 1
A iiwr Cream, a ramchJe*.. article foe dm|<tawt)i
and iWioratmn 01 tl.e IJair. TbJ* Cream
when once known, will lupercede all other nh«!e* of now imcA Wfo-n the u*if i. dead, |
Itin, unhealthy, or lunun« grey, a few application*
will make the haia jan aiid dark, torf pro it ■- Uraiifuj
UTflt- apnea rnnrp; ami will pl*« make it retain haiivrl
« n r M Bn.Hiraftby i-nW twice avion? a* n’t H.e
.ijtUotu wkiehi mo cenerullf u*ni. K*err iddr a».l
Eil!^c >n «v o,e 111 talui ofo»ing oil* on tbtii
itatr,.*honMiiM>ncepirTch4ac a bottle of ih<j Clilnesa
lUif .Cream,.ftaUM*odjmpo*eil Uuu it will iiotinjuro
lae hair lire ihwc other preparation*, but will IwaotiA*
4 nml pT«- penect *ttutacriot> in even* iiwtnmi*.: • •
HJhor qnalitfrvae* ih/*
P * ,OT ° f *'**►!
Me**w. Hemlamhotp & ,HtrMeb-*;euil«»ii I take
pitnunrr tn adding tajr teatnuony in laror of U»J excel
i«it preMrauna . called Dr.ParwhV ChlHMi Hair!
for al«»m Ivro ycara ago, tnyfcalrwhaTMT
n,, l rr ,!i a^r’?W,^‘ 1 1,1 co ‘ t « out; fcuT liaviiig
c«ml « boUle. oftiit Cream, had weed it accofiiio£ to
theipreacmmon, my hair i* now totCelauic and dm :
K> Hie head. • Many baJmint and oil* werti
J ca ™f »r “»» m » worae smte than Ufere
ITU* Cretan, however, hn* met my expectation*.
A* an article for Uie wife gireiif prefer
ence over ailotherv Inanr delirmely perfumed, and not'
dwj'o.rd |.» raitrnliry. The ladic enpe.-inUy Will did 1
«He CW<* Cream i,> he a dedd.-mpim in iherT prrna
laliom for lire U«let. ilrtpcclfullv, Ae i* '•:
r^iV'w 7 ' l^ 7, , , ‘h-.tJALMvil.!*-
~H 7^ Wd xyholeaale ami retail, m Miwboreh.bjT Johi
-M. 1«wwwm!..N0.4.. Alurkn «srret. ami Joel Moblei
rii ni'T ofWmel and I nlh «trcf l«. ' jiiMi
PEACE! PEACE!! - i [
HE undersigned has ton* Wen convinced |uf the
nrcesMty tot some medicine adapted to lie >im of
.lrrn ui.J Imams to tbo use of *1) those
medicines which contain opium, ami has at length roe.
Cccdru iu preparing- and offering to the public * riWi
cmc fully an.w cruig every- purpose for all disease! of tha
Uiwcis, without ilia use o< that drleieriou* drug, hr any
other calculated m.n&rc in the least. The Imam Pa M ;
acea hag Woo tested and trixd. tb« last twelve
months, tiy nutnerinil.jicTSons. aud found u> ikhsoc* all
the extraordinary virtue*, and to produce all the uston
islung effects as set/orth on the hill of directions. Dj
arrh.i-a, \ocoiung.-gholtc. Griping, ri.m s S,ckne«an»L
Ihseascsamuig from Terihn.g, acting immediately
without distarhing «»r of «be functions of the ,'lajdjl,
producing the happiest and mast pleasant traiiiitioh
trom violent pain to n tramiuil and joyous statu of feel
-tog in the little sufferer.
tv"? Druggist and Apothecary: John
Ali.cheJL. lihoil A lkokhum, and most other Druggist!
m Allegheny and Ihlt.l.iirgli. . dw-n
k? pojrrr jo cun-: lVirfeutunji, FtH». It, tkl7.
II I. toa*MK~My wifi* ha* !«.r year* been.iihjcot
to a nrc.-jiipmii.d with a»!limli. for
the cure r.| which »Ue- u«rd diir-renl cough remedies
nm! had the advic-i of ihc imom cimncm phyucians ia
ws, unavailing. lty chance I heard
«il >«ur Imperial Clinch Syrup. und wn» tuduced lb bur
u l«,/tilc lor tnul. although I hail no belief that nn> thing
eotilrf remove her romplaint. To my great »ur >rUe,
two tWt*» :«a\e her rnm.cdini* reW. Shi-isuttime*
troubled with a cough, Imi two toojiiooiikiijl of tap
«lw ay« *Joji* it. l sni -*nti*Srd, alter a trial of thrfe or
lour years. that .S'ilejVCouclt Syrtijt u the h«M kouah
mcilinne I have ever tried cither in the Old or New
" ® rW - U’M, FAIKBOfKrt.
Seventh Ward, city of l’nt»burvh.
Tne itlwiye eettibente-should induce u)l who arp
troubled with cough orn*Uuua, to give the Syrup k tri
al. It umy be hud for til cent* a bottle,' at tin* .(nnr
■*".«* II E SKI.I.KHS, 3“ «oodi»t. b
Mild by Hr Cartel, 3th wani, and D If Curry, AHc
gheny eity. - ' Jalls
OKI.I.KR’H VKRMIFVtni—The grotict 7f*7l
kj \> oriu medicine*! Naw Lninx Own* f -
; Jan.*, I*P" [C
, i”"? i* to.rerufy that niter uting djlferent prepara
tion.. for eipcfling worm* T bought ofC. Y. Ilclmaii, of
.Nov Lisbon, two vial, of It U Seller*’ VertnifuceJaiul
anve the commit* of ona vial to tJm-o of my ehihlrcn.
bibm tin* fu-it, used 0 year*, it expelled 43wohn«;
irom the *ecoi.d, l-j year* 01.1, 7H; arul iron ilia third, ai
jear* old, 111),, making dl3 wonuscxpclted by ukin-'
hut one vial. I recommend Seller*’ Vermifuge ai n
*alc nui! one of the riio-t effectual Worn medirine* be
fore the public . llcort Moirwnv,
Prepared und Ktld by It E SEU.KIP#, No 37 Wood I
street, bold by Ur. Cn»*el. 3th ward; I) M Curry i AI-
J Smith, ‘i'etnpernnci-ville. ju!4
" PetmTltloek riurtiiu 1 XrtiM.'‘P~
TVJhWLVINVKNTEO-Forthc reliefand Permanent
i>C«r O «ri«KKN,A O MCUPTURK, ftiuiicd to all
The superior claim* of thin Trtt«a eon*!ii iti theeitm
paraitve eaaj with wbich it may he'woro. The pad ui
wood bt'iirj’ neatly balanced on spring*, yield* topfe*-
!« ou any part of di. tuid thotouebly adapt* tiaelf to
ty Ibovemeiil raadn by Ihi wearer. It c»a l*r worn
ithout; until a euro isetTecied.' 'fur ruU
tH*ers have ui«dftnrrang«nem» tor ihe rnann/actnie
thpue valuable Tros*:*, iii a superior tiyl», in Pblla
Iphia, and hove them how Kir aalt* at their ©l&cc. No.
, bmtthliehl at. near Sixtli, PilUburgh. . ,
Uta). VVaTT,
I**"®** It tote whtt itpnfeu
«-7«lie.b«t#rt«k, wilfioot ui eurejitiou, ia tee, ruribc
mtorttion and prwemUoo W the linaaa hair. \\*t know
r^lr^l^rk" b ? MtoP J e *" s **•* *• think *«cauooldu
emlerfewUiatrlo fe«oamtm! tea]] our rraten-who ar
T) B e *S Mol.fcr t .tnisp.t tinrt apfllh.
teTn.}f "•• cur,,cr <ir wixhl ami Uh *t», tW
?Az&i&:z:‘™ auily m *?>* *****«>*,
.* >eM «i niiy.liouror the day or :
of non tooUiAiir I
„ h c bru * hei S h e w,Il .oil low /or
nwyl_ |
B n I S U^ 10 H ,r '? fl<l * «W|- «»'C CUIMIM «f
Jh , A lpg^,,y h» decided to n ranin
pnllenU ? laU: !’ U P«pMcd lo treat
to tbe iviifnr • tU .^ e T c * ulu J" r bis cue, according
a-nu El TiluJ*?!™* « fJI Water <W Establish-'
MSA «W , «r--Aiute or Chronic disease*. *IW
r**'? 1, hi » “"«»■ will call at
• Itr M hki * on, "°C liberty *)• and livku's alley. 1
l tl.Uvitv ,^? .V rca,l i d •,°* cral »evcre cases of disease in
Set ty vrlti < lyQl . Kt( PceM, to.whicli lie Is pahaitted io
Chemical Husp> i
£ «£h.. k i>, ? f '"PUwuWi <liwax>f oftLe SkiftlH
fcL^7hn!l3 p,c, * Ulo , ,rte, j tf,lJt lUi auh, Scurvy, link
■ sKtfteW or.waeked aiin.aad for ail other discaJ
8onB«*»n.»!r Squire external remedies, this
W tA ,l «U»o dl({K>U Frr-cklr»Tt?iin
«<-[tnww?JfB r *^* n » changes the color of dark{
* V o *.* 1 skis, to'a fine.henliiij', yocihfu',
'“ s“ C *J J »epp*jr.warranted tenniae, andfor
{*£.*! *& P‘ ■« of a?» per cake. baa jut been
‘*, <or>a!o l.y IJA FAHNESTOCK k
wwdsuI*ni* 1 * ni * lowland atw ante Corner of sixth'
g4l/1%-<U'kbl»' Ba{tiniore epsoa salts for
sale by . [jaMj. t* E SEUJBBa, 07 wood *V
i ■■ • utV .>*••
... .
• , : --.l■■■:■ i'T- '=■■■■ ■■ r::^
- . tjo, Timro snrrr. . ■ , f '
- A lane and splendid assortment ofFurpi-
for Steamboats, Hotels.' and pri*
dwellings, constantly on hand B*4 made'
’ The present stock on band cannot be exceeded by,
any: manufactory in the western country. Pencils
wishing to purchase would do‘ give ms r ctill,
as 1 am determined tuy prices shall please; "Pan of tha
Stock eonsisu in— r
‘ 50 sofas with Plush andHair-eloih cover*;
* 2 dot Mahogany Nurse Chairs;. .
M pair Divans; ,
12 dor One mahogany Chain;
I Idrnahogsny Work Stands;
I 3 do* mahogany Rocking Chain; ’ •
I 15 marble top Dressing Bureaus;; >. ■ , .
B pair Ottomans; .. .
I S marble top Work Steads; f"
IS chefir work'Stanks; • "l ,
I Mahogany, Maple,-Cherry, and Poplar Bedswada of
laO descriptions, and a large assortment, of reunion *
furniture and cluur*rtoo numerous to mention.
marfltf . . . .
: | us. urraarrr. ■ ' jftn* n. win. • l. l Hoaask.
MANUFACTURERS of Hammered, and Cast Steel
Morels and Spades, Axes and Hatchets, Mill,
l tmt, Circular and Gin Saws; Hay and'Mahure' Forka,
I Hoes, Matfocko, Picks, havnig'eompleted oil their
| arrangements in the const racoon af new machinery,
j and ia securing the best workman from the most cele
j braled establishments of the East are now rnanufsctnr*
I ing end will seep constantly,on hand and for sale all
I til's above articles, .having availed than selves af the
I latesr improvements, and are determined tbatiajrork-
I amnship andmaterial they will not be excelled. They
promise to produce ;article* equal, if no£snpcrior, to.
any that can. bo hadtn the East'7Hey invite the stten
lion of dealers to an exanriAttlon ofthplr stock before
I purchasing elsewhere; as they are cooviaeed that they
will be able to fill all orders in their line to the entire
saiisfoclion of purchasers, .'Warehouse, Water meet,
ddoore WeilMonongahela iloase, PitlsbnrebVFa, ;
N. U.—Persons having business wiih Wm.Uppea
cott A^Bon,wtll|ilcas c .callonL|ppeneoa l foOo.
- NeW Hardvrarai |
E&aßifiapf withdrawn firm the fiitn of .Wjdker
and Wopdweil. on tbelsto/ January, 1647,1 take plea*-,
ore in announcing to my friends In tnA' city and conri-J
in, that I have opened my new store at ihe above nam-i
ea place. Havinfr purchased my good* far cash, art! 1
made arrangements with manufacturer* In this country 1
nod in Eorope to be constantly supplied. I amfidlypre-j
pgred to furnish Hardware of all kinds, on as Rood
■terra* arid as low as any bouse East or Wen. .Mer
chants and others are respeenfully'invited to call im
examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhcrd, This
tfaVlowiac comprises * part of his stock: •:, . }
- : Steamboat and saddlery-hardware, gud
hire,Naylor'satceLcutlery,,.anvil*, vice*,
locks, latches, scythes, buttUnges, screw*, Union Pad
tory nlanes l saws, mahojadyl»*atJfa and ven*er*,and
all outer aruclet conneetad'Witk.'tlio fcaniwarebusl
ness. ' , rfyftfi;;-;;! .j . piphlltf|
; giardwar^cmwy t laddlM , y t 4f.'H
| Foreign and Domestic ha«£
fyietiiN ami the puMlc eentirallr, that heTs ftow reCelv
in* bis iprine snpplyof hardware, af-tlta old stand df
alker and Woodwrll. No. t& wood at, wiiiehbe wifl
dispose of on tbe most reasonable term*.' J.
; lie wiiL he continually receiving fresh supplies direct
front the, ntaiuifneiurers in| Europt'and'.llu* country, :
which will cnable-bim'tocompete-wiUi any establish*
m«ni either Easter AVese-nl,; i.
d oil kro>
tfVti it—
. (lie first,
ariD «£Ct
Pam era.-:
rous rap- |
Ml breast,' I
] ! merchant*.are-hreltedtoeaUandeiainifli
| lit* purcbuing cjnwbrrr., ; •• 7 ijflaxS s
I 4!m!>gEMt'rfAXCßnOFyiCE. Pctror btooghl
| "»i'iii*»oPt liy. ikir putney upon reaaoaabU urzw,
I Iruoi any pan ofEnglaiui, Ireland, Beotlaotl, &' Wple*
aod ia Pocket Bh4>* only. PoreijttCcrTWponiknUoßti
Oft, aa the right plMofijrilLtoMplKif they,wished
to be trcsteJ wiihyuiretuality and Eindnerw." *•“• i
•Parte* who advertise thenseiTr* sole Agent* for thff
Black Dali Line, cuito what is untrue, and thus deeeitd
ti»e|roblie:au«fpmfc»»'tol»o.A««nu'flo» only ofiha
Black Ball line, lmt ertry other food line, and atsq'
. •Sight Drafts to tyty amoast payable' at any of the
onmches of the.ProVtncialbr National Banka •of IreJ
laud, England/Scotland, At-' Wedraw our own Ez*. I
change; Vre da not take money «ndaend it to tba East;
lu jrw sotae one else to remit, thereby cansutg mistakes
and delays. Let lire Brokers, he. call upon a*, ohd w®;
■will aceonunotidtn them at Nfw Vorlrrates. • !
JOSHUA ROUlNfWN.’Earopean Affn. |
fithst, one <k>or below .wood. :
Pitt Slftehlne Works mud-.Fomidrjp’.
! rnmrßQS, p*.- ) . t • ;
JOHN' WHlGHT4Co^araprepared to bttlldCotton!
and Woollen Machinery of every description, such
!■* Cardins: .Machbcs,, Spnuuhg frame*, Speeders,!
1 Drawing Frames, lUilwa>" Heads. Warpers, Spoolers. I
lotting Frames, Ijooirs, Card Grinders, 4«. Wrought*
Irnii Shafting turned,- all sizes of Cast Iron, Pnlhes and;
Hangers of the latest patterns, slide anil hand Lathes,!
ami'tools of all hinds.. Casungaof ereijr description:
fttnittWd on short notice. Patterns made to order lor’
Mill Gearing, Iroa Railing, 4c.- Steam Pipe for beating,
e.aetone*, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Castings
feitenll}*. Orders left at the Warehoaseot J.Falmeri
4 Co, Liberty: street, -will haye prompt attention. • '
Reter to Hluckstoeli, Roll 4 CO4J K Moorhead 4 Co.;
Cl K Warner John Irwin 4 pons, Pius burgh; O C 4 j
' )aul8 :
“ ilardj Shir "H*®'
Store KkaaowMl*
IXTIiITUOILKA, WOLFF having removed from the
* " corner of fabeny «uid 8t Clair streets, to No 60
wood three doors above pt Charles Hotel, would
ask Uic attention of bo vers tv their stock
per ships Barannk, Monouguhela- autTObtiia, direct
froin the manufacturers of England and Germany. ■
A!*©, supplies of American Hardware, frost thepria*
and mamutfcturen of the Eastern Bute*.
. fbcir stock being entirely new, and purchased npbn
toe best terms they feel great confidence in being able
soceestfuHr to meet competition: from any quarter,
whether east or west..
The Hardware luuues* will be continued at the old
' apg .
aJ—rhe Adminlstrainrsof l»e Ule James McLahghtin,
oner lot sale the establishment situate in Ninth Ward,
formerly earned on by bim,m his life time; as a Salcra*
lus ttntl Glue Factory, TJia works are in complete order
for carrj ingon the business, with 6iiuie.t > 4c,aod ready
li|rcotamcnVinga> any time. A liberal crcditwill be
given, fend all particulars mode known by calling on
i ilher of thr undersigned. JAMK3 UI.AKELY, :
_yj" . ■ . ... Administrator*-
• 'i a. K.iifd'i ~
QTORAGIi, Forwarding and Commission Mcrchtt
O w street, Cana! Basin, Erie, l*a.
Messrs. Spang ft Co.; Geo. W, Smith ft CO4 Kink,
Peuuock ft t'o; ffiu, 1L Uulrae* ft James Xl*}-
»e!l, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa. Messrs- Vincent, Him rod ft
Go.; Lester. Symci ft Chester; Wiliams ft Wright;
Brown ft McCarter; J. C. Bee'.x. Erie,fa. [ja3bdtm«
SLN DRIES - ta> bag* prime lUocofcn; 150 bbisN O
Molasses; 75 boxes manufactured tobacco; llis f
chests green and black teas; 75 Band 131 b boxes Y II
apd tl I' boxes German rlayj 10tasksaaleni*
tusjj 10 do. potash, together with a gene nil assort
ment of groceries, in store and. for sale by
ja3l! CARyQ.V ft McKN'IGHT, Othst ■
7 }Uononc»hell~l7lr«ry gtmble, ' '™-
BOBKItT Jl. PATTKK&OX has opened the'
wai'inn liable on-First running through to
n I 11. Second *t., between Wood nod Srauih&eM.sts
m tlio /ear of ibe Monouealida House, with an entirely
new Mock of Horses and Carriayoa ot‘ the best quality
i°uu i! t'" Hor “ S< k< P t *t li»e>T in the best
*|3 AO WAftEiJJiXsjt—The' highest price in cash
J-V P*‘d for good Rwr; iilsd, CWui, Bale Hope,
(tba. Hope, Hogging, Woollen Bags, Cotion Waste,
>«"•» wayne st between penn and liberty •
T>HODUCK—aw boxes and ZS casks \V B cheese;
X tkjnu ibsprinraJientuekT feathers; 30 bbl» ntu«
laril; oO kec» No t turd; t& bushels closerseed; 13do
timothy seed, tor sale by ■
J a '-i . c.viiaoar ft jtfcKMCirr, cth n:
ft AI-BSttAZf \V A STISD—Ur n wholesale l£
O f«ooils House tn Philadelphia. One acnaaiated wiib
ii.. » t »iern and nanhera Pcrin'a and Ohio trateweald
.anil a good salary—for farther MrucnUry Inqviie
I*imbnrth, Pee 3ft, *47.
■»>Ka®Ma^KaV—KnrrneU of WtSMutThlwhoa.
j- layr Yx? l Jookry club, Milltfeur, .llouquei do
Lorolme. nml Musk, lure* Perfume lln**; ftom 13 cU.
to t’ot sal oby JOHN D. .MORGAN,
;jf* . wo. wi w«*j *i. *
JOWi buudleo 8. C. bL oudj). C. *tratf.p«>«r.
150 ' Medium Hair.
• • tt) ** U Medium Hardware: for nle by
pcH9 SHKK,,.
BYK WOOlfct—<23bbUrhipped logwood; 73 dogrt
lOO ilo chipped Fustic; 100 do grouruT
camwood jtui received and Tor tale by
: , , eoroero/irooland-woodim
f'i bripV prime
U clie»u und half clients freih gffren teas: ISOboxe*
10* Hubs a lb lump* tobacco;s0 keg* titwiMdo.witha
general nsfurttnem of jrrorcnc* Ibr «ue by? " * " *
ian4 _ . JUlfo ». DILWOICTII.OT wo«i„
OFackci Ship baranaek, 4 ra»ks“tWncerV’Ca«
| tael tilea, comprinriga verygeowal cuummenrT
! f heaueotioH of Machmifn and coofumera aeoerallv
.•invited. • -•••. JA)U4N4-Kt£Nl&!>r?rf
-.•• !.. ■! 120 worn) -
ISO MjlTinc* crop) \N
jmviug und fb> atla by f':-. ;.r7“ru-Tf;
ia . It Co.
. . ; ,> : .aaftont^
B'gr B -” <7
V^ briek~fefwirbf' i■• •
. . ..... j;
Y 19, 1848.
ZENAS C. SOBOINSr 'figioeer asd
Agent for procuring, Patent», will prepare the ne
cessary Drawings and Papers for• Applicants' for rtl»
and transact all diner business in the One of his
profession at thd Patent office.' He can-to consulted'
on nil question* rHating-to-lbePatrat Lasrs nod-decis-'
ions in the United fitates-or Euro pa. Persona' U a dir*,
bnee desirous .of, having, examinations made at to
Patent Office, prior to making application for a?patenL
tnav forward {post paid, enclosing a fee of fire'dollars)'
n dear statement of their case, when immediate ans tv*
be giTan to-itf-and all the information tl
could beebtaioedby a visitoftho.applicant UlPOi
promptlycommunicated., . ;
A t ““ business jnust be post paid, an&eonlifci
a suitable fee, where a. written opinion is required..’ .
twice on F. street,' opposite the Patent Offish. 1 '
“ii **ir?booor of referring, by peraimioa, to ',!■■■
Horn Etoapd-Butkc.,Commissioner of Patents; 'i •
Hon H L Ellsworth, late do • do. •. . :
HKnowleiCMach'iiilsVFatentOffice: "• -" l -
Judge Crunch; Whihlngton.DC: : ;
Hon. R Choate,-Massachusetts, U 8 Senate;
Ifoa.-W.Allen. Ohio; i .
Hou. J B Bqw|in, M C, Missouri:
Hon. Wsllis ifalL, New York:
Hon. Robert Smith/M C, Illinois;
Hon. 9 llreeee,U S Senate; ■ ;
. Hon. J H Relfc, M C Missouri;, - i- : ij. ■:
Capt. H M Bhriere, MUsonri; ■' i •••,.■
Erastns Brooks, Esq., Pittsburgh. , ■ tnmrlfl i
Plttsbw|h Faraitars Ware Roeaii
JU lift I
• • Tm| BcaUurri • •
. ’..1 .1 .7 . .mjanw.. 5... .. " .
I VfE. N,W. METCALF would ani*mne»to the A a .
■ 'iur «ni'tof.AU»riietiy ; *ntt'* iMendedTe
?■ metal of lursd»ot&tim<i# <«B*t of
i Strawberry sweets where jfor.the Uil tweire mocik*hc
I' nss-beentehrinnjri-'Oifchdd e&CTAprfflst'fce-wiH Oc
* cnp7 rooms oa Federal street in “Cotonade Row ) ’ , | , Jd '
: door from lie bridge. ,"n» Academic; Year will ciuv
i sisi'offwodeasiona of trenwotha eadtebaunenefaj
• oathofirmafeodariaFttmaryAad-Septeaftbe*, {• '
iutb dr'TvtruKi'rxs sasnos'er straxcurm*. (
■i .English Department—lnrlndhig' Beading,- Onhagfa>
Writing, Biewoe,-
nwde*{ Jistnrsl t pfcilonciphjY. ChemiurT) -Aitfoiioriy.:
Botany,, Pbysioiocr, Geology, Jntellw: a, si «o 4 MoW
Seleaeo tnamrotoet branches requiem to £ Ibormfali
Classical Ihjjv«utrfteiit—lncluding tie ijaiin, Greek 4nd
flrettdh tataiageteßcfc kn additional charge of^-tacO 1
secured par.-
meh a* Btardestra.tD receive instructionsio danui.
■p^fltff, , toia-pftMe.-* : -' '.*••■••••< -• s'.ir;vr--| » T? ;
i Those designing toenjet trill ftnd it fi*r?ke»ristore«»
.to do so linear the opening of Uae session as possiljte;
7«t papils -«fd be teed-any'titad during lb*'
• *t.U» above .rates ofijr.j
irota.tae tuno of entrance, No deductions will {be i
to*d*ferab«esce« except in-ehias of pMirjiiciedllbMkfr'.
j . Any iafenaaUoowlileoinsy be desired will beci«Er-,i'
fallp eoiuauniealed to thbss'wbbcalt Upda ihe Ini
•agctora* Us rooms, if. ;-v • .•■ tis>£ Ja2Bdlf~'.:
may also beitaade to’the following feat s>
Dais,.Allegheny, • HomC: Stealer,'FiKilj’g,
‘HeT.lXßbott, “ > .-Rea.O.lfc-.Hid^te,—|
..:.-:AfcH.P.Bchwai* ** .Rer.H.,PTeV. ‘ a l
Philadelphia College of Hfedlclae,
'; u Ffc South bt Walnut stn& r. ;* • J
JL TI/H123 FOR 1549, will be"eotjihleneedon Monday;
J, B. BURDEN,!!. D, Hwrfijlcdiu xtd TUf
• • '■<,.■ • v •>- ‘ s > ‘
GIBBONS, M, IX, Theory and Prhctieool
atedirtne.-, -• ■ •'-'••,••■' ■,•• mj -
—55S' 51. P, liutitßtea I
*nd Medical Jeriaprodanee.:- . .> T : j
M. p, Demonitiatu o£A&jt*J
I si: Xfectorof [ -
„”® <®f “w fall cetane, »7rf. ftd&rihMßwtohite
’ f i t ‘“? d * dt » in other CoUesr*," 940.. h({v
r d™!* 10 ? i° ** P"* l °° c ® onl J> •*> unanmion 9fh
rntctini Anatomy,uthtadbigßeeaptalatatyDeetWa,
of March Brwn>» will be opened on Ujft. lit
f^®m *n'af«aenla ajerali every rfli- '
•on to ' hope ihatihe ehaire of Inititmee ef Medici to
•enA Anatomy ,anll be .occupied by. diiUnci Proftuct*
ihfoimbtiba inquire of ' '1 '*
1 JAMK3McCLiNTOCK;M.D.jI>iiit,
riuM it . i,' • - No. 1 North Borenth Street,
Philadelphia,Dee, gy, i&|y. jan4. ;J -
Ju«t raccircd at ,\i A Miners. • j •.
. J.V Ccdmubtoa Magazine to t Febraary. •.-s. -.;, t _ ‘
Black wood a “ January. -<
Ftoaxicma in or HigrLlfa in NeW Fort odd
Saratoga, by SeaUfield. • £
Few? ihe Peril* ofa Sailor, btW II >
■' '••ungltoiv&q’. ’ J •'■'••»'’ 11 .■••'•■ . :.> •,'.•*•, •'
JwpeaH,orthe Eerolatioaof IGS3,byAVU Ainswon u
Library, edited by A'W trankliii. ‘
N ” end Then, by Sami Warna, FRS,asthro/Ti a
Ihe Mystenea and sC»erie« of New York, by Ned Bant.
• line, complete.. -• : i:..f*••• i.:.j .
1 T*» Bride of the Northern Wildo, by Newton U Curt*.
Bodoipho, orthe Freebooter ofFonnentera. 4 ' • ■•'■ -
J -j. .
.Chambera’ MiiceJlaay, No 13
• - '- 1 - : {■■.: u..-
TaytoraMoney ßeporterfOTFebruary. . - ; j .
Subacnpuona taken for Taylor’a Detector.Wt the J
b.^ pnc f’ f 1 *.7*"*' awonmentdf'Yi -
leminea at all prieea. fferaaleat , . _. }
’AI «• : - - . 51 A MINER’S, -
libS . •. • •nmhfield aWaidooi'fromaL ’
SCHOOL' BOOKS.—Wc have- Juiit rtfcfcr •
• w.^ B !!S5-!^Pf H l r <tf : hooka fcrSoodaTiactoollibp.
net published by U» American Solidity School Coloi.
*5“ approved by a cotamluee of pubheatloaTeciimjiSn r
of member* of the foikrwinj denosainaurim,: Vic Hu *
“h Alethodutj Pteabylrnai ,
and Eeftmcd Dutch. -Theae > pabheaticmv -fcompri. !
• The Upfenaaopabtlthea tw® libroriet A V of
volume* each, all numbered ready foruv ,'
filin' fro?n P?ff** up'. 10~230 at (hie love pricet'
if? uywuffmr oiJr-tea cenu*Tolacw.-. Ali(.
A *ouih Cabinet library,”, of fifty, volnmeic, at th
low pifc* of itoo dollar* ahd fiffyeentc'Alift! 'Hym:
hooka, <iuetuoil'lxibfcß,'ycd .and lilac' ticket* 'en iwat
J}"} r^J, “®Psi. t 4«* All theiabove we tell atth
Untom Philadelphia * DataW^bf-boots -ftr
mUmion apgieaifc> , fc.r 3 OOLlOrr ■„
.r fPcKtcopyl ..,; fiOjnarkctat, bctadS4tl
frtxft Btsemdl .7 *.; - ; ... . • r > " LL J^
X«iion»lll»jmaal rok 11 *' • " * *"f
Cr«hMrti:---do . ••• : .i :{
•Umon . do ► ' do : I
__Jllf)niCUl4, to liwyttUCffllJlliuafit mnnh«>» ?.•■. 1
?*Jsyr“* "<»”!>r C P
’tas , .M[ b ’ j»»w.
laefc U cwythiaf, br W If M«-
,‘ n i?*g£ , f d .‘^ : H rr ’^ * of p 4 1 i^ij'
MiNW Meicdl'iniiw!
. '**£? *wa odd »4|, by Jam?* AladJwiCata.'?! • - - I
JaaeFonre,edn«lby CanerUdL. - ;•. ■?■■}:. ~[
Cl»«mbei»»,JJUe«Uaar, Won. --. < ■■»•
Uruir age, No 191
Bomr Boofc for the Million.
°V i^ e ™jtufidelirj .illustrated ipd re-1
rot«!, by B. M.SclnpnckeiyA- M., pastor of thS finL
LuUmrwi Chufch,.GenuauunrnTfc - n 7-3 nL ,
<?f L ,he »«»«w tlluMnuins tins
peiftrtions of Gtxl in the phenomena crf-ih* y?if, £n
W§^ ai * a * «“fc™cin|rHeYf«r»>«»»!
JJv iho ,Ute Thomas
jn* afcore with i liip aanety of new abd sbmdanl!
wort» r foTtti.U>wby ELLIOTT* ENOLfSft: i
• r . i-.. SC market »t !
S”?J'^ An, “ u * , * nd out Book, for I
b?Tl“ Ch *n?J * eenee ©(graceful MdeWantVdror-;
enp ,H? # by^Wi&beth'
Ul«, l<n.»dtt .lit, »nd'.p!endwir_‘tih. “ 1
• of-Memorr? m iihjaaaicd ■wSwei -tßis.;
•The H/Mfntbj or Affeetion^Ciffc 1 -* Chri*ttuiT?lfew I
> <£f* ■*« UinWay Pretend for 184jS. , 7> •:
ijgf Glft °f FneodtJup;« tok« for j
E. T oit™‘ r -SS;ffi; n if™, 4 f*mi •»»»• '.rMri i
V^un * Token ofJtftc- •
The »bore, togethe r with a' tarve nipbly.’of PoriienT :
s®*? 1 * Md other-nrorkthound In the mt metSandf
°AMi? lßatahr J k STOCKTON! -
—. . ...--• ; cor. Market*. 3d iu. ..
““bJott Hw.i.rt, :
Modem ytnuekcn " ’' l V 1 ; 5 ' 00
■ Life of David, •_ ••■'•• •■ ' r •••-! :•■<•.:. ■■>-.-
: Bgr *«£ "**?«* Mwthew Strong-, • . J,' .1 gi
Memoir of Chariot)*-Elizabeth. i , , . . • v™?
] The works of FrancisTurretoain the'orinnil lit,' - :
k s^ plendl ‘ I ' rillke y ••■•:
of new books; ..fait
received. . ...-; .’••>- . ELLWIT £ K\VU i«ir •
.jnna ir<Ht copri- Cfi market «iUaiMj^lh.
°”" k . En|ii.h, ci .».
-Anthon's Classical Uuuum •. ,•!'■* ' ‘‘l '. ir:
; ftcuonary ofOreek amTjloiaah' Aniiqaiiie. ; 'Y v .
M Colltnighs Commercial Dictiodafr:• • :
i i% ,t . r? *k. octa^o l, L c l ioM *y* r«vi<e<l ecJuion-" •> r
i • Joinwos MJ.W*lker’s iHciiomrr '
1 ..Worcester's Dictionary; . a * u T>.:».
• Liddell end Scott's Greek Leiiedij' ' ‘ •
’ RobroonVGreek Leifcon oflfew T*«Mn».w*-.'K
: Ureren's Latin Lesieon; «*«*»«; .•
; Ainsworths Latin Dictionary. • V. ‘
.UnJonßiblb'DicticniarTj' l
Robinson CaJmeVi Kedanary. Ar. 4r . .
: del '’* c.. / , ■^ J -OTT &
UT*’’iy t> enr^kYE° li:h T n ';^ l *" li °"*lbuLir«J«S
A.’triS’S'* U ."“. T “T u “ it —T 1" «»r Com Uri
_janB. ■.-, •• UookseUcrs, comer of tasrkct
foa;h« •iraijle.of.lhci Gn»k fMmutaTiiiSj./
flWfflW tke Uote totem
' ' ' 11 -‘.l 1
, j ™. i.— , ...:,., 6i . £ ,.._J
i ' .. -■
ART- 1 ,
T morris'*
•J* 1 fer <jailTptei, -ottfui* r •::
a>eaotowaa&b«m^wjk^T^SS;. v -_
£«?&s2tt •
j.:flJki,-™*inki**#i»jtfri©t,stt.kinds rf ftrritfrliT ~- T ■ 1
aretwnAeeied,M6Tri*’.T)lirH*ek- , nitipj, , i|ifSSjtia : > *j
bc^©j?»^^Si^Sy, S'^?SirS&SSiK!S r r ■&£
i Md#^e*jsfa^ l j|ttcnt / bMk of. Jfenmelrav <Q«a O '- •. v. •*
CwsJkmßjr cattfifrTwSFw: L£fa«fek - ‘
pmidcnt oftia CltfC* flu>
reocouatfcourt;CnmaPope.'ckdtofJefiersancdsa* l • y‘
ty.tfonrt; PBAlwdod,-fecit uLiy,-Vbtosab -fitAMfecft-J- • ; - v
<j«np«nr; John Malr, ipent Lexington isnnaps;Oec ■ r
gfcs»j»^BW«e l e:
n'dforml«l, r jfeJl JOILVSTQNtBTOCKTOW. ,\ . .
‘ 1 *■•'-.« < rt>fai&l«iA4.i»«n, - 1 ' ’’ -!V
oo the l«t inst».iTts-boifaw* wfilbs dosed si tho-old v-..
•tnndbjr miherofas, ju{m.ikSfjMun*' of tk*imfSr -’
tbsi i>«rpo*c. Tftlffldn ~' v Vtf
•pectAiUp,»aß««t IbOM.iadebtedto oVtteSdwSi -
iWrweotoiiE-.!' * - ‘ • JOHXSIPOOUL
■-&* . ...v.anaiarT;
TOHN I) iTCQED V ; ,- ;
Js«e» &TC°rd,‘under ihfl "ityV Of ftPCbrd '■». ;■
triU condmß dM ISst;Cktßßtst Rn.terfaa* ls ' '
•Jnt* tuious bxancbe»,-irtolett^.snd joUiL nib." .V'
old •UndfXornerorWood Siia ah' •'
■oiieit * edoiinnatfos of ths.taujrosMn'KriilieafctffliaL '•'■••'
wovedpatbeddfina,, . John t> ipwipit' •
.. .* ■•.’./• 1 s -'JAMOSwOoStt ■ ■•;' ">'■
'. : i
•_BersteUr gcraiikn ■ •.- ja • •' .? : •'.
gtemaasasaaftS ■■
f '•
»r ftui • end iTrs tiirftrn m«l . f
:?d k)T Uai omtiacau-ptix* o?cinaacnt9sMnt#,, -™--.’r- •■'•-
tliCoeTaldabla mediciaM -'V - •
eeiredudiocnlo:liy.;f i'—/, ■--- "" "s *■, :., •■ \> -
' ’>■
.<j i.-Jj arm-//TT - •
’ ■ „ sATio’iix.jxrtrtriiinr-'-"^
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Viieuen do, wtf» *apenori*n«»;for^oktaxtSmS-^-f
-** *>6webdldfc|ttß^rtS^. : ’' .ir"s
wini]aW.ja^?raiUii^», 8 . • . \
>^ in *^' ottl * r,<!areftlll i r " a t! i "' ,;,ri -vrhWt : aMfa. ■■■•• •-. p
~tfeblHU m -r ; : - t - ~ ..
V/ ihuf,new works, are bow pmuied :,. ■■’•;■■
lira erepr 4 M ;* ‘ '-h
iroflvial«i Awefir-an, :Eii*J«r.‘,'SprlnffTu*J. pUm? '
Tprih*- '4r- - ■ ••• 'l’r^V
/& • A FULTON, BcU hi« &. •'
Q fo^lt -airs! commenced bfi«irrr*« »i a;« « -
— . Pumps, Opwaciv B*iliSrT*«^L
yeuier with crery ranciy 6fßr»** ASdoMTh^SUiAT
AnkrtioT MWa£,‘ ' '
of:««i D a.iDjwhi 0 '-' : -
.can be had of him .tall u^ i *»*»«» y C9nTOttj>a.
ft ,** litaboggh'ArcleVelAaAHM«iy=rr*» .
«T1?1 • .'
jUUraemof iea percciit Uha&h . /
■SSSSIPt subscriptions irt 'atrkik'<t/
uu*coinji*By,-applicabje to.that lWitioo QC•
nadcr cuiuxncL is reguirrd to be mud <,a or bafcre i£
Isi day of ftlareli itHS.• tSSLHf
wJUwy, la j *V Eobinsan, comet <rf JttawL*2Sf2fc- ;
T lcllut 7» to
\VeHsvtile and sicimty toJamc* BtetSMtT*CT!Sg ' • -
urtf - - Dy-order.-of f ._,,j rtr- . • ■ ■••■-. .
ogiMonior ai c u k co,
Jtuko.-FftniiTfcr-’ n 'J -iA" 7 . -
- itWji **
*ci'.v™ Sit” 011 “ ■ - ‘
\ O?o .»npert) grvtd piano, - *'* '
Tne above pianos forte* BrcmrfahtS^KfliJXj.
• i*? - '•' ■ , | »,.
\ ix\
Pyderoaylcyand far sale - y.wjntra*?:.
-*g.. ’ ' V:
• \
" jfc'amtokL^^'.^Sfr •.•;*-■
|eny raliy,..comer,of~liai» and Wow *'
M_ „ Wmmnoa, Ohio,Jutfratiitt i■ •
eda* s'^xtonnUestTorer, 9 tad-fatr iif«2s33M •
Uur Liver Fills are aW RaSuiSaffi>*SBls2 •'•;:
hwc * ®5” respectfully, - . B •
Mr. R. E,
MI, And *» panted the fall ~
| * *°> **fo oS h Syrup. t J v'iv
uuramoflSejr!®/WS tl :
3agaafeftgSß& -
Aj miJ_U a ns, *iecß.lWi, pjpaDone« , Uii*ilrtid«**m»tk ’ -
PMBedfordurabilitriUiUiecnnitmetioao^SirtSfSr*". •
‘ »43,7 S r«fi jSm- (nufrof«»@S£l -5
:MiJeed mne awjtha we;.. Urdensofa*«:
ij-*sgf • V|l • / -. "rWi ! tr i r
tl\«l< of Printing Paper, for e.- f ■
\rouM uu<sm jus«ustotnen< ib*t, in cofi«<iaena*wfi?v:''
pdranee on rags, paper will boclSr^iOTSa^fif^^
: ;{n>peoalpnnt,st , «ii.*al, . ..>. :...-»r . •".- •■;££? -■■
■ Double&ledium,:HM37at- * •'"•-•• t- ; *i.Kfl»fio<3
~- •• 40H».».>
"Vy j W -.^* 4j **** tB^*
W h«rwt
• vu*t tJi>4.u ■ .