\l- ■" * »**V -klMi ' R ’i • i:;j?»^.v:- ! v‘::;j5; Kif , >. llilllil* •SKt ;v:hf‘‘v-:4;:;®'’; ; :* r [ - ••> .** *> ’i'" u: ; nr-:v : : 0 - -wikt "j j\ c i |l* r "Vt -j « '‘R f; v r i': .. " | JMU . .> . ..-.V.- ' i 4v: x&i Whi- ••; h -.-vf w;r / ? t’• i 1 I <; ').• . v r ■< . |Tsrs ,-w- «,£s** a iSfeJilsS fiiiy'X^i-^iT^Vw liSfsws IwSipSife ~ ,fv/} £vR .'S;# ij : i| :.v; •• I |L - • -.V'. ■. \i i 3 , '■'UW'JUrTv I*s -J* Ji7 •-*W I J i J Of\ TT] -••'ir-PMGE-S. BUSINESS CARDS, i * 1 \.lt*. S Fcrrr tySew York. •• .. ..; .g ;•.■■•• r •. Oner Puubcigb; L Leviek It Co. ’ ... • • ;■}••• ; - ••: ‘ a LESASPEB Ojmmliifcn iadlttw* ; Jl.'Wirdiof ladlQSFrafltaty ■■' Pimtumdu- . ' • ' ' • -•-■'• . mchll •■•■ l TtVOOD? JOKB-fieCtf.} Coaaliuoa and Forward* ; ‘:J\. fnf‘.Merchants,' bare re IQ rued to tlx lx old xtand, >' '''Wswsnd Front stmt*. Knsbnrfta. ■■ -c octfl J. crurmos' - ■ ■■ iTr. A:-.- TjßOim.Jt CTfLBKRTBON. Wholwalo G«e«r«, 145 L*Vrtf.‘*t-. RUtbwtV f«. 1 •' /.vj » ■.‘'pcSVf:- ,"D" A.FAHNESTOCK*Co; JD« Pranfrty comet Wood and flih »U. / IT*-. .. j..,; ■JP*> Wopd.jßrcct, RtworiA.*' ; : - >; CA. McANULTY* Oo^bnw^^'Cg®™ l l< . LOOMIB,‘ iUU>v • ' rtfteUaboTß , ______ waaofrewy oa Bt<-Cl»*r*t/!.W*|*hoiuo..<3 -.. . Cpporitt tfl.Charlo Haiti/ ("IABSON t,MeKWC^;(«tct«><>i»s'«-’o<«l^r T Beaflibawftgittsfcagh, . tAIH yviwn « »- —» • .TUJNLOEfc BEVVH4* a»>™*7? M Law* 1 JfraltMeM. bttwscnad and OBl OnQitli', PWAX.TA' GCTHABT, Wholesale Grocers, dealers Din Prodace aod-Tittibcrgii Ma&BOeOBcs) comer of 4bcgraMJßao4.ua, Pittsburgh, Pa. •»' ? >fehl? • ! j.-iMstu-t tponrr. • , ■-/pNVtiSBk BBflnn'n raitfrCodub, GaiUgherJt ' ‘ /-ri CaJTlVLolettlo Groccra,ConrmSmog»od Forw*rd« / &-U6rchaali.'.»iid dealer* la Prodnc* and Pittsburgh J\, Jusaftctars,NolUTWdod *tj-berireen Bl and 3d km. ’ Ty.C;..',' •••■ etU •• . - -roaWAttD A. Attoniey« at * ;>®wn4 { «4 tatweeaChcny Alley aad Orm : mo-Eurr- ■" ■ jumvroo** ,'.. x i 'RI!ET' 2t' Wliolettl* ’ Gro«r« »ad *1- w TTKJRSYTHds Co, - CoesjtfMlon: A Api“ Ffcrwtnim* NaXW*ter /N ArrlArsinm.T/rvrr. A:: urnTTH; ton mJ Unm vT Pquiklct* nad GuTiUsn, JOB between r rr,:-SVavdUtd fialtbfiaUSttetu, kubosh, Pa.' i - , vw iWTBiiA....... • - wiimi ■' mini jrrGORGE MORGAN * CoJ, Wholesale Gieeert and Ij rW*odeL,-n&dftxrgii. « »•«. w. umi. /jIJBQ* Vu.SMITIf * Mal«er% and - -l3jTd»*UU in Mops, PRUbargh aad Foim Brewems, : Pena and Pitt»ta:/.i-V; V.'vi . - j»*' COCHRAN, Cdnmiaatoa aad Fatwardin* C Merchant No.aSWood meet, Pittsburgh. myl7 •OTtySRY. Bi r/JT er. All orders punctually felled. Address by leK. wrrtfcroggfciltß'FPtf Office. • ' ~~*3ortf ifarttAllY BaUKOT.TVli, iii Hintt- 1 n fatiimtiy Paint and Oil MorctAntjcoroee of lifter* jywadO'Harasm,Putsbargk. ■•? E3 1 I*ls . TBAIAU DICKEY * C*, Wholesale Oncers/Oon iXrsiaioa Merchants, and dealers inPiodueaf Nos. SO Water, and 107Froot street* Rttaburgh.-.. •■ norg •'< TAMES A. IHJTCHIBON, ‘t GO:-SBCce»»or« to ' pO' LeWiallalchisoaA Co, Catnzausian aad. .Agentsof'the',/Bi-.Looii Stoats Sugar R*> t,a > Sakryl.No. 45 water tad 0} front Pittsburgh. jtat •■•//’, ■;'• r ' A ’• R-BLACRfMerehomTailor, Exchange Balldidn, VBt Claim, Pittsburgh. ■•,• > ■ • ' falftt ■©HNS. THLWDBTH—Wholeaale Groeer r Prodnee ■ and Cocmrtssioa'Merchant, N0^87,-Weod street,, tabdrrb.' " •"• ' : -'- L jafai. »• V iTOSEEH.iKKGX, Attorney « UwXPitpbbjgVPa-, ■ u has Kacwdthii metae* of hisMufaytoQ iahinbt .'.Jkm,.No.'7* BekeweiVaßuildings, Grant at, oeweied, • . bjr T. J^Chrwy, JOHN Hi MORGAN,-Wholesale Druggist, and deal er in DvoStaSk Pamta,OUa I Vaxai*has, Ac./Na.93l WeodaaeeL'ecnaoor Soolh of Diatsood Alley, Pitte- Utogfc .♦ v^.-. JAMES' KERB, Jr.,ACo,. (successor mJoacphD. Q. Paris.) Ship Chandlers, JB Water street., oc3l -TPHN H. MELLOB, Wholesale and Retail dealer "“‘•“'tJ la Music and Musical ' Jnmlimeau.'Behodi'Baok*,. v Faber, £Utes, • '■ JOSEPH JORDAN'A VOS, •Conuatisjon and For* iwardiitff-Merchants.*'No. :*8 Liherty.at, (opposite Hm’nhfield st,,) Sampson's Bow. 1 --jao6 TOHN L. OALIiATIK* Altoniejr. u Lnr. Ofiet on t| 4ih «U between G refit end.amhkfield, Sotub fide, P&4 wiU.elao.axiead-pnnßpUr>tnilßuuseM ' ” toentie*. 0cf194y._... rOHN -D.DA VlB,'AbctiaD©er,eorDer £fe and Wood. >?W4oa«ts;i , to• TOHNOTONT 4 -STOCKTON, Btihkartiiars,. Btlalors, rT*jJpsadT«i>ec<‘HSnpftftnjrepj/ia. 44 Market aL, Pitt** ', tntfgtb,..'; '-■ y. - . '■ .''itg' Jf-U BRADU Book* Store; 4flL dear Market atteeft Classical, Theol dgfeal,’llirtoneal, • School, MisceJ •'< Metbodlsr Book* and Stationary. l apSfl . 1 ’ T; W; ROBERTSON 4 Ce*« Banker* aail.Exehknga t| . Broker*, comer of Woo 4 aaii3d*tt* Merchant 1 *; UMißaiUiag* Pittsburgh, Pa. : ||yCMttaty putlmw it the motl rate*, octll -TOHXCRIEK'WTtoUsaIb Croeer.dealaria Produce* tl'Jtoibnrgh Mantifactuit*, TSttPl*ics.4c^4c.,'Not «aLftertr«t,Bttu'barrfc.v r '* •: ? -' •* ia&g MUBAM* WUTtD. ■ , V'Tt AR FLOYD/Rare XC.FJoyd k-.coj.Whelasale ff ', figgiiax*, NeJlfia Liberty street-' — tepS > :. ! .i r -TBj t p3iL :^^f^iqj-;-Ori ta 1 rnmrnlMribn ■f t/Merchant, and dealer. laFxodoce. and Piosbargh ! I;. 1 :'Mug< , « l ‘l |lf tt No. 31 Watcrst. Pittsburgh. yanltf- i. . -Ti WATERMAN,'WhoIe**!® Oroeer, Forward »-"< JjLtar ‘and Commission Merchant, Dealer- in Pin**. « y .‘ - 1 banth’Maaufoctiifce aud'Prodnce, No*. 31'Water st, i.-ii--—«*rg|Fw»t*t. ' ’■ • jS3-. ■ . laKSQT. roua suirrocr. • ‘TAMBEBT * SHIPPON, “Wholesale Grocers, For *'■ . I fwartime end' Coaunisskm Merchants, dealer* in ■ J produce om WbbdauiTittthnTth.. .i . -•■■ .-.•*■ fcbS3 - • ;i in. kxwuL' 1 ■ ™a. a. awuawu>..- ’.wxLtxa £ ko*. . ~Tkf~efilt>V BCOHFIELD A BOG, Wholesale Grocer* --- Contaiitioa Merchant*,'No. 194 Itibcrt^sLy. x. auxa. " Aixfu jqatjea.;, , ' tm. iTroctat. . ,TIJ"-ALLEN 4 Co, Cemmiraioa and.Porwardac in. Merchants, WateraadFrentstA,beNra«aLWo*d ;,.,:«Sdll*rket*i«.: ' y . . ■• Jacfl - C,I , *• WA. MIMA*. • %m- w. mmtmw 11/riLLEB4fiICKEISON.moIe*aI« Grocers and lvl. Commission Mexcbarcs. No-130. Liberty :bar&.P*.: • •• - - ‘ ; ]anl4_ . "TkCcCOHDfc JONG, Wholesale and Retail Uftand ' jar Can ManaftCturcffc fad dealer* in - Fancy {■! : ‘comet oi .Wood aad Fifth *u. ~ . . . .’• jaafi « 3STLSON 4 Co, Wholesale Diy Goods -■- JYjr Dealers, >N».B Wood et, Pittsburgh.-• " • *ept3 ‘ -cXTf HOLMkiS-4. 80N r No. dS Matkctat* *efiood '-J\.'door from comer ofFoonV dealers in Fortiffn’ _ ” tn d {wnAfift BilUarKirha»fft>Certifie*ieaof Det»o»- v: vjit, Bank Note* andSpeoe, - , •/- ■. ■ • ~ : . i 7 try- OoUection* • made on all tho ytrineipal’dtiea ' the Uniusd Statea.. i.; dee!7 ■ /VRUM.'MeGREW A Produce, Forwarduiruxl : '\J c6msiMiou Merchant*,No. 0 Commercial How, - . liberty ti, rmibargh, P<- , *pH ; - :'.m7SrTyouo»xt«x • 1 ecuusnoxT’ ce. ojuutt. ''TJCIHDEXTEK A Co., Wbolenle Gneers and Com-- • j • Malnn iwl fawnfdmf ilerchMM. 5».41 'Hater " ,n, w-' »' •‘•decg ‘POBEgrSONAHEPPERT.PmdaeatVaktiA.Core r!-''-t XL«laa*oo Marchaaayfio. BtUbuii T>ICHARDT. LEECH, Jr- Importer aad 'XvTfttetta and Domestic‘fiaddlery, Hardware and Caxnafe Trunmuin, of all deacnpUcoa, Nr 209 Wood. it,Piiuburgb. • • • apSS. .• v. ‘DICIUBO DARD, Wholesale and Detail Dealer id ’ JV Leather, Morocco, Bboemakers’ Toole and Find inc*i Tanner* 1 and' Cuder** Tools, and Tanners* Oil, v> ■ Pto.iooHoodst- Pmabaryb. • • sepl* * aoizxr Ttoanoos. , • aarnnansr.-.- T> ROBINSON fc Ca, Wholesale Grocers, Produce . Xv* tod Coeuuaatoa Merchants, aodDeakrsu HIU- Mfffc hlanafactare*, No. lfjQ liberty si* THtsboigfc, DALZEUi k.- Co., Wholesale Orpeers,. . •XV.Co>OTm»Uftaa»4 Fomaxdma-Hers boats, dealers tOBTV • A.- CUNNINGHAM*-' Wholesale Orocer, * Dealer m Produce aod Pinsbwrb Manufacture!, ,IH liberty Sli ;• .1 ••• ■• M* ■ * T)DBI!BT JiOOILE,, Wbpkule-Groc«r, Fmdaet, Pin*Uugh Mcwulhf- M-tiMft,. iud,ul. kuuU« (oreifn ud Wiui .t.i >. endligpora, So, U liberty *t, Kmborgh.■. • -JETS.Bv P» a«ad VTpry.Jirfertoekofupenar OnAloaoaffahela AVfcukey, which wjli he told low for :; ~ ■ mygMy --IT*..'o; xn rotat.: ■ . • ■■ j. l inn A &HEE.Fo|wtrdinj ud Co at million XVM*itliuti L lsnkt AJ)(tkeny ItirerTrade, dealers Mannljtetme* ud . •Otolldt,rf3»B r , , .(.in.' not.-. pricetJlo eukumidot all umufeteoaa* lig CptMt»(P«lllll»ttiwiD 111. '■ jug - il) , .OAUuBD k. Co., CbanJiub* Q * U * SmhbAel*;'®e«im : In "Floor -PT*kudgc. SETXEBS;* NICOLS. Prodwe and Gewra! c«£ Mission Merchants, No 17 liberty st, Pittsburgh, gpeytn, linseed end Lard Oils. . > j^L; S-C. HILL—< Successor to Hill k. Bmwnr) ImportTr: .sod masuMerurer ofPaper Hangings and Bonders, raddesler in writing, prating, and wrapping paper. U 7 Wood sL, Pittsburgh, Pa.-Rag* and Tanners scraps' pprthseod ti thg higecst gtaijgetpriefc. fy . ja/.- Sir F LIu2^ J 2i” OR ?T»>J :o ,- Wholujle'Gri. ttetlersin Pittstmrrfi Mumf*«mrei end Wenenft? 4BM, tore mnored to their new werehotue. (old cundl tndChtp- > ~’~-‘<;iTioy7 ' SAffiF** Hl^**** 1 * and Commiwlon M«siiuiLlte*!er In Prodace «nd Pirnbank manu ttctnjcd ankle* Caaal BmU»« ae*r 7th at- 1 - ■ dal " fTIABSEYIt BEST|%Ylioletals‘Groeen and'Corami*. 4t * ,e " taFro4a ?*- "2**. nHO MAS KENNEDY, Jr.Leoklnf titan Manafhc* LtoWt, udJtem]«r' in Clock*. csnb*,'aad Variety ood<,conMrofWocid>BdTocTth «t*. ■< ■ jlO . - *•- r. i lU. > J VAMTTTT •t*kOßStttl,k Co.,Cotamiuion Merchants. a,^ t * Canal Baain,Xiberty atreei, Pittsburgh; , . .... .'•... ~ • / (eblB 'LJOir, ' • : *obt. tfcrTcwxrHt. • McCUTCHEON; Grocery -f T' *Dealer» .in Produce, Iron,- Nalls, Glass and Liberty itwi, •rat Law,'office do *- apltli.. ' k c j i tsann to’casnLtsai aESs^SßSSWST!ssiafc’dl ■Comal «a»a - Merchant*,- deale ra in Iron, Nails, Glau, Cotton\arna, and pittabargh ManaiaemteajteaeraUy, comer of Wood and Water atreeta, Pitabniya 1 ; TJST , B. EUBPHY inyilea the ladle* to call and «x< . TT , • .amine. bi» atock of French Worked Collars, ■onto aa low aasa cenu. . ' 1 tnchia-. WHITMORE A WOLFF, bnporlara and AVbb& .TT_ «»lo -Dealers'ln Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlefy,' A 'T T; ■ tsored hi* office to the Exchange Boßdinea, Sl Clair atynett door to Aldcrtatut jonea. -^Pn4m:. lAf . G ARRARDe; Dealer in Fancy ana Staph TT • Dry Gooda, No. 70 Market street, Pittabanrh/ norlAdly TXr W- WILSON,' Dealer in Walchc*, 1 Jewelry, - ,TT • Stiver Ware, Military Gooda, Ac., No. 57 Mi»« . 1,..'... • novr 5 •W S-- MVHFHY,"WhoICaa)e aad Retail dealer in Tf • Foieiyn mnd Domeatie Dry Goods, northcaat comer of Market eadTounhata • ;• ■ anpa . Ji, BRYAN, Distiller..and Wholesale • dealer in Foreign ead.Dcmeanc MTnaa anillj. onort, No! M4Xiberty eUeel, v ands3DiaflKmd Alley. PiCaborgh, Pm. jyl7^ly-. *\¥TARRICIC' MARTIN A' On, Baakera, Dealers • f Autk Notes and Cola, comer of Third and Wood sacetarPittabiagh, Pa - noflftdly • a w..wpjaa»a. . wx. ». aHcrti'' TYTMUAMS A SHINN, (succetadra toLdwrie and • JL«:,J;iUuuna,) AtianMT»aad Counsellors at Lew.— aide yfFoaiih aayet,abbra BmfthSeld. tohlWAwly... .. •- ~ ronw.'*’ • -■ • nb.*.M'crx*. M. YOUNO Jc Cl-Dulin in leather hidea, kc. lOlibWTrt. •'' '« • : ■ ' : jtiS-ty | ’ hUTCHELTREp—WhoIeaaIe [Groeera, T a RoetUjtae, Digtillen,/and Wine ana Liquor muuailM, ÜBpeKtera of Soda Ash and Bleaching P**dT t No.lflQ Liberty si. RBabY.ba ' janSdly i 0; 'BLACKBUBM - * 00. -TiVhoietmla- Greet r* and • 4ntor» md KBtbmh Man ueand h»t* M k>Bd. u «11 tiinai • &U and feneral aaaonmaat«rfaad»ia tkairlina, WsSaratrecv aearOeoyAM>y t Pinrt>«t»fc -- ■• -• •' • -■• aolS ; •UTIOtr TOt •_• iUEmtL' BOi.. a*\ - -■■■ : TY"’W.JfcA.& AGotnex. at Lsw, ofice in J/ • Strwt% Building, ratflh at, second door a bore WaodKreevPiittbarrt. P* ; * Ii Wl JteD,' Coanmbaar to" uks Depoiidona, Ac> knowkdjmeot* of Deeds, and other inttnaaetm orwri •tmy;n»bo.oaediaMiMoori. nriMci* ; OBN JC. TOWNSEND, Onfriit tod Apothecary, -V Ap. 45 Market at, thtee doan sbova Third tu, Pitt*, burgh, will hare constantly on hands'weltselecled a*, soranent ot the best tod Ueibeit Medicines, whichhe 'oil‘ the 'man -reasctoafele tens*:-''Physicians scAdinfardefvwinbe promptly attended to, and aup* pli*d with ankles they mar relr tenon as ranßine. . - -QTnyvieUas Preie notions will be aecmraulr and neatif prepared &sm the best materials, at any boor of the day or night. v , - •; ’ Also fi>rnle,ala?jeitoekeriresfc aadgoodPtrfa. TT.‘ iWV.WILSON, Watch Maker and Jeweller,cor ».?• nerofdth arid Marifci at*. A. lares abi Wil wleeted fiockofWatcbu,-Jewelry, Silret Ware, and MiutaryCoods. ■ Always on hand, and at tegular eas tern price*. Cold Patent Lew, MU Jewelled Watches, as tow aa MM Silver WateheK as low as fiS. •' . .Genaiao Cooper,Tobies, Johasaa and other approved Biaks .of w«tears» may ha had at a email ad-nmeo and wamatedr . • iiyPMa Watch Work dona ia the very bevt aura per. . *|C7 . B. S\VLtTZER, Attorney at Law,office 3d »t- op*. 9J • poin« St Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also at tend prenjaly to OoUeetkmi, in Washington, Fayette aod Greco counties, Pa. '• um ta Blackatoek, Bell 4 Co, N i .Church4Carothsn, : >Ka*hnrrh. B.T.Moiyan, ij. • ioelJdlr ? 1- UENEY,' Attorney and Cooneetlor at L»w, Cincinnati, OMo. Colteeiioa* in Son them Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Ventnekr, promptly and csmfidlr aileaded to. - Comatisakmer for tba Slate of J*enn*yfr*ina, (or taking Depoaciiotu, aekoowkdz* menu, 4-e. - Bans to—Ran, Wm. Ben It Son, Cnrtia Charrh t CapMhcra, Wa Hey*, E*q, WUtock + Dari*. *a3 TAGLE . COTTON YVOBK3, PitUhttryh, Alaasfae* . tarn CotUfl l*t», fjidh Wi»| Jfmtrmg w. Coverlet Yaa ) Caipet Chain, Wajpa,Ac, he. - . .. *aNO,PEN?vOCKAOo, • . ,(Soeeenon to Artoekle* 4 Avery,} jand , ■. ? t Proprietor*. A . T.KDOUX 4 Co n No. 7» Cana! «treat, New Or* .lean*, A|ent» for J. B. Amanr# Erteaiire suem iJa#arßefinery.; Alwaya.oa katid a larye stock of £wC Fowdered/Craabed, Clarified andßaitardSufan, in XSetca and Barrel*. AUoißnfar Hatue Molaaae*. Price* htoor*l„nnrt aHalcallownoe taade on all**lc» oft or above flO batrela,-• . •• ■ mchU , ~J.EO. W.;BMITn‘4 Brewer*, MalAcrs, and Jr UoO Pitwntrrh and Point Breweries, cor* ncc of Barker’s Alley and Penn street, and foot of Pitt sttFinabaigh, pit'.' _ 1 * • •w.y.-imaoa.- tnun. alkx. rarun. ■TTFia. NELSON 4Co.M*na{actarersofHsnuner~ , 1* cd Shovel* and Spades, Hoes, Hay and Manure tt>rks,4e., 4c.- Warehouse, No. 11 wood su, Pitta* borjrh. marl 3 (4 ’ T. B. BISHOP, Yetennery Sorreon, can NMa he ioand at hi* Horse Shoe ins EatabUsluaent. , ff'wm »ur &C.Clair street Afidfe,lately occupied *1 /T- hr Mcjst*. CmT 4 Bowlaod. nr3dom A. il. EATON, .Dealer in Trixmxunes and Variety . ■ Oooda,; Tortoi* Shell, Ivory , and Horn Cotnha, fooltonyamaand Worsted*. Buttons, Needles, Pins, Tapes, Braids, 4e_ No, (O Manet street, between Bis* raond and 4tb st,Pituonrfih. u^-, jr^dlf cases UnderwoodTs .. aaaorted; 4 case*Douhty;Sca*e* Peach Preserres; S eases Tomato Catsup; toy sale by- - nvl3 . . . X D. WILLIAMS. I AO highest priee in cash paid L> for food clean canvass, bale'rope, grass mpe, bsgjin£ woollen rags, cotton b^ !- deegl' ' Wayne'«Lj between Peon and liberty. BR. DAYIB HUNT. Peatisw bavinf made # v soebarrangetoenuiuhi* Coal boaineat that-hs can devote hi* whole time to tbs datiet 'of his profession, may be seen in his office, cor* uer oT4th and Becator streets, between Market and Feirystf,ai any hohy,,dnrinf .tap day, from 8 a.m. till o r. k. ‘ •' ; JyflMy - BBW MOBLEIIBiEDirm tMJtf. R. T- LEECH. JR* no. lsa wood iT.nnwauis. ‘AVIKO fnlettlshed mystock from the best aoor* . cee, both oomestlc ana foreign, I take pteasnie in* annontiaa to-coesamera and dnlert, that \ am pre pared to torttiah them, with all goods in my line, on still better terms than heretofore,- ’• - - Borers will -reeelleet that dea&nf ■eketariveljr 0 in Saddlery, Hardware and Carriage Tnmminn, | ostein thereby, advantage* that anahle mo to defy ebmpetj tioh. Call, see, and jadge for youiaatve*. ' l sp!7 ~ . • JSWftBATiB**- ' l . ....-u. ; otuaet aaggrno».ratntfm«»cPTp ora rtratoa . >JUJnB)JT, M. LSANSV*- Bcu Building*, N. E Gamer ofThird tad Dock Streets, (up stainV Philadelphia, -;. \TTIIERE cm elwsjs m bad at abort notice—>Va* TT tone KUnAUstf«)Of all kinds; Brass and Pla ted Door PI alar. Beala tar Baoka, Bociatwa, Cprpora tioas, Ac- • Professional: and Flatting Cards, nyraved andponied, Bocietiea in want of Beals of office, an la* vtmdtocali aod sssmi us-Spec linens and Designs of (he venous otdm of Masons, Odd Fellows, Boas of Ten pcnace,Ac. - • • - •. - > aovBd3m ATIOBIET iT t’iW, . Fader, Fa. : TI7 ALL.also attend to eoUcctlotu and all other bud* Tf oeueatruatedtohla'iii Butler and Armstrong enmities, Pa. Refer to v . • . '..J.AR.Flofd,ZibertraLV ■ | rtcubun^i. dlf Kay A Wood at .J Jan 7 FU}«ffcj,Ploßfk Castings, Waaoaßin 'y‘ . . aifde. • -7». ROBERT HAL!*' of (be old _ ofH.A 8, Mall, isfnanuiae* * large qtufntjtiek of roughs, Plough CeatmA,* Wagotf botes, Ac- with the improve* mcntsiaf :tbeg-c*ver. Peacock, Illinois, and caber Bought. of lbs latest and beat patients now in me: * Wareboase- lOSLlbertr street, Pittsburgh, opposite the IHrScale; Kaetorr, in Allegheny city, ,near the Copon nekrnr ofkfessr*. Iflaekstoek.lkll A Co.. N delbly PXKII VISA ITOBK-No T 2 Fourth EWIB »(-, near Wood-All ooantmee of Greea and j|Kgftnieek Ted*ddflo up In quarter, hsU cud oim pound packages, ranging from fiOaU- per pound to tLfia' *' Aff AYmS. Agt tot Pekin Tea Oo • SMOKE HOUSB-I bare provided myself frith- a good amoks house and careful bands, well acquaint* ed withtbe baameaa. and aauow preparaAtoßnoke*. meat to the entire satisfaction of iboee wbomay give me a rail.' 'Charm as low as any bouse in tbs drav • ’ FRAU. SEL!«KBS, : : ~ decSR - •" IKo.ULiberty tt. •.. - . sC Dssds ~ • r j- XV T CINCINNATI r~\ am atthoruedbv theOover* J\,- mat of. Feaasylvama to taka acknowledgments of all uutnuaesa of wilting* also affidavits.and dapost noaa .ofpersoas fa. Ohio, to bu need or recorded » Poaosylvaala. tidrs.tvt doom east oftha Hsyort Office, ClnrinaaU, Ohio. EDWARD p CSAftCHi : 'ratyaodandwly^T- 1 > AttdmbfHlAW-'.; CRAB CtDEB-to bbla crab '.eider om aedwillWecMlear toctow>*i>, • ..malt;iQAiaif , FORWAEDKGSCOMSnSSION; ’2- fLjjijtasiioWEa;- - ' J. Rctauk) Same." OHABI.EB R. DAHBSBOWSB'*;Oi ; ' TOBACCO COMIJSIO.IHKBCHAJTJj . Xo. K> South Wharve*, tai No.. 117 SouthWatePfat - • PHILADELPHIA:-, v ;; V ;v -DECS to inform fha .crude and deaJeifageaeT»|ly|-ef JJ.pjiul»nrgh.thatihcy.baro made iuchenmngp arena •? Virginia, manufacturers and-the Grower* of the «*«, Wc«! other pl»6e«, m wiUinmda a Urge and con»>am»uppiy of the following deuit booa ofTobacco", which will be sold uponaa.accb roodaitfng terms aa «ity other house- in this city erelse* where, and all goods ordered from them will Wwar* ranted equal to representation; • . Havana; St. Domingo; Conn-' ..T • Vara; Porto Rico?.: W»eed JLeafto- Coba; Ijruiiil A Florida; j ■ .bacco;' "l < Branch’*. celebrated Aromatic Slag Caven duh, with nlarge-assortment of other popular. brand*, and qualities oTpoamU.da.Ba, 12s, 1(1* and 3Ss,Luidp; s*, Oa, 8a and 10a Plug; Ladies’ Twist; Virgini* Twist, Ac- sweet and pints, Jn whole and balfbore«i WOod' and tin, together with every -variety of article belonging -tothe trade. -^.-jelWly s£ne«7l*ne; CRAIC, BBLLAI fcCo.. FlourFsctars fdaMUaildß LIBERAL cash 7 advance* made on treeipt oPfon ahpanenu .Those ahlppuig iooureddmt will be ramlhrecfoartha value in bya pp]«. tng to our friends, .. - ■ ' r 1 * Aleum.Thor.-Bell k, Co- £tridzepan,Oluo. PKftiJ''-’' ’rTr m** ■ ' N-B. All Produce conwgned to ua Uinsured.wheo U 1" 0 ■ arehouscof WallingfordATsyfor,Piiubttrth.or mountcre in Philadelphia.. ■ ■C. BifcCo. ; 6EOBOBOOOHBAS, CommUalon wad FonranUngMerehaaL a B' 'w,pOT »T-. mmtruan, 1 r ■ WrtrtALrSte.tranaactft'general Coinnuraonbaii neaa, e*pecially in the pnrehese and sale of Amori*' ean Monuracture* and -Produce, and in receltiutf and forwarding Goods consigned to hieynre.; AsAgentfor the Alaiiuiacturea.iie wQI be cou*ian\ly*aunplied.with the principal article* of Pittsburgh 'Manufacture at the lowot wholeaale price*.. Order* and esaairnment* are raspcctfitlly solicited..' J 37 Prod nee Coat mission Bonsai p'DWABD CLAITON, late 8. Clayton A Bona, 1(9 -Ei Lombard at, Wholeaale Dealer in Butter, and Cota* Myyya Merchant. Having for the last tea year* devo tm his attention to the aaleof Boner, will now receive Batter, Lanl, and other Produce far talc os commit*fart, and Bauer* himself that from his experience and njuae rotu shifting ..castoraera he will be able to give aatia-- faction to all who may consign produce to him. Refer Mtun. P. W. Brano A Son; • 'Win. Mason A Son, ‘ Withlngton A’ Eastman, •V .TW.Aa.llopkin*, And .the Merchants generally. ». «. .. > . ■ U. X. TOXLOOOX. . B.F. COJTWAY *CO~ ... { PORTSMOUTH, Ohio .Commission ana Forwarding M. Merc ham* and Procure Dealer*—*l*o attend to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment of fig Iron, Coal, Ad. , aaraxio: j AtwOOd, Jones A Co,. Brows, Bailey A Co- Lorenz. Sterling A Cia, . Henry Gra£ i A. Col, D. Leech ACo- Lyon, Shorb A Cw, . ClertaAlhaw, marlOdly • . , ■ ; .JOHJF.PiaET,. 1 firm.otMeJrafaa Leech ACo-t . whuMalaOrgear, (lonuaiialta A Plow ” Merc hast, • D KALES ia all kind* of Country Preface, Copper, Tin Plates,Tinner*’TboU, Zinc, Lehdjßauia Sheet Bran, Iron and Xatta, White Cotton Yanu.Sah.'AA.-and eeraer of liberty and Irwia atrmfa, piu*. ifriiberal advance*, in Ca*h or Goads, made on eanaimm«ntaAf Pm*,,,.* >■. ' > loti •.t T. Ukrta. aa. luWrcox _tOV€. MARTIN AGO- 1 rrodaei! fifainl Cobublulm and'pe** •‘ • warding Merchant*. •.. » ! „ ao. 6 ina'i wuamt, ju uamn. - Refer to— • - , :• M.Allen k Co, ) ‘ , JJejmjrtoo, Rmiih & Co-, • t FUm’gb. , , Darinm^jßaonden It Co- 1 John R. Bin Jill. >D*] timer*. ) ocl4 . HmhJoatin*, , . " j A**dr . j. b. umi —— • .c. v.inaNs. of Pmibargb, Pa. L«tf efN*»iTUl«,Te*n. ■ LEHMER A ANOERBON< At com in - . BION. MERCHANTS, *4,8 noxt mm, aaovx aaourtraY. axcnruit, Mto. Refer to Merchants generally,'to Pittsburgh," *gg> . * WAITIE * Co^- -• runs Acadia U.. COMMISSION MERCHANTB> ~ AND DEALERS-IX PRODUCE GENERALLY. uktu umrußtrur, uun* xxiui.iumioti _ Rffcrtor-D,, Spring, E*d-, Cashier. T.Ctojt. Esq., Cashier. LLandsireet JtSou, Miser £ Etaueberty.iituj*- lolTAEusfcy, W. 4 S. Wyiatn, Siinglnff4 Derriti* L.«*L . ■ ; ttifcdv t EDWIBO A. ksBLISO; r T iSwccewot. la (kndiua 4>UMiu,) . s'. RECEIVE* G, FORWARDING. COMSHRSIOX^tER. CHANT AND COTTON BROKER, iT ■ looo* aocnt or rLxxTU** k'&snr, * cxntnktitn.. Ibrfet k>—H; Altai 4 King, pcanOck 4 Co^^- UH.TMSKBU fcCOMIBSiO!I IEECfIISTJ. * ■ Offer to k(1 at either establishment, all kindsof Mer chandise, at the lonni rate* of Commissions, and are atway• prepared to make advances. The beat trf refe rences giveu if repaired. Letters add rawed to either bouse, will be promptly attended to. jyJpdly THOMPSON 4k CAHPBEU. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Aad Msaaftrtarers ofttaind ptlr No. 20 Colombia street, 1 .. w i Ciraasan, Onto. «p2i-ly Pawl, for .-• ! wh. n. CLAHK, Psrwardlac Hvrekaaft BnmuvUlf, P*. Attends particularly to tba Forwarding of Prudoee, kr. For any fsrtoer iuforMation, applyt o FORSYTH 4 CUXCAN, Water sC • . petty MATHEWS 4- PATCH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No, 48 Water street. ••••'•’, f»T. Lotts, Mo. i -Will give particular att*ntioa to theselb&gofPro dace,.and to order* for purchasing,... Rnn to—George Morgan 4 Co, PitubarsJv Pa* • angll ■ ■ tana Jt’crubccß. i. ittztnxx. ' c. d. « lsfenos. JOBS B'CILbOCGH 4 CO., Forwaidlng A Commission Msrebsati, JUS* S 3 403 SOVTJI STBStT. • .« jang7*ly* Wharf, Bslumore, ' INSURANCE. BLAWRE MUTUAL, INSURANCE CO. JOHN IXNMIY, Jr, Agent at Pittsburgh for the ]>!• aware Mntoal Bafety Ipasrance Cotmwny of Phil adelphia. Firo nisi* upon buildings and tnerebandixs of every description, and Marine Risks npoti hull* nr earvoesof vends, taken upon the most fevortbl* term*. \pr Office in the Warebooseof W B Holmes 4 Bra,. No. 37 Water, sear Market street, Pittsburgh. N B—The snccess of this Company , sines the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ness andliberality with which every cldm upon them for lost has been' * dimed, AiUy warrant tbs sgs&t In : inviting ihe confidence and patronage of hi* friends and the conmsuity st large to the Delaware M 8 Insurance Company, while it has the additional advantages as an institution among the most flourishing in PhiUdelplu*— as having an ample paid*in capital, which by the ope ration (”01 ill charter is constantly increasing, as yield ing to each penon Ituored his doe share of ihe profits of the jeompany, without iuvotving him in any resbon stbllitr whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mu* tut prmclple divested of every oU}oiiou feature, and in its roost attractive form. \ 'nov< FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. HIE Insurance Company of North America, through , its duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, offer* to make permanent sad limited Insurance on property,- in this'citT and it* vicinity, and oa shipments by; the Ca nal «ua Rivers. . ~ * ’ DIRECTORS. John C Smith, Frost Samuel Brooks Aiex.‘Henry Charles Taylor . Kam'i W Jones, - SamTFSmith. Uward Sotitli Ambrose Whilp bhn A Drowu ' Jacob M Thomas John White JobaßNeff'. • Tbo’s P Cope • Richard -Wood Wm Welsh Arthur G Collin, See. This is the oldest Insurance Conlpany in lb* ; United Blales, having been chartered in 117 W. Iu charteris peipetual, and thwi iu high standing, long experience, ample means, and avoiding all risk* of an extra has* ardoos character, it may bo considered a* otferiuc am ple security to the publjo - • MO3E3 ATWOOD, Alike Counting Jtooui of Atwood, Jones 4 Co., Wa* ter and FrontatrocU Pittsburgh. apliSlf ' INSURANCE AOAINST FIRE. IJIE American Fire . Insurance Company—Office, • No. 73 Walnut street Philadelphia inebrperited A 1 1 1 810-Charfer perpetual. ' ■ ' ' f \ - * Insure Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise;' arid prop-- erty generally, either in-.the . city or countrjv-'araintt loss ur damage by fire, perpetually ot for UjaiferTperi ods, on favorable terms. 7- DIRECTORS. John Sergeant SaranelCMortod ’ William Lynch - Adulpha* J’etie* ' Thbma* Allibone •-'Georye Abbott John Wel»h, Jr. - . . Patrick Brady, JohnTLewi*. . SAMUEL C MOKTOX, PreeideoL ■ FiAtrcza D jAtmea, hccrelary.- ■: 7 Order*' for imurance by the above Company will bo receited and sn*unmce* effected by iheundenigned, agent for Puitburylt.' : GLOCOCIIUAN, . : novl7«3m*• . . flO iVokl »l. FBA2TKUS FIltE IHHVBASCB CO. I\HE Franklin Fin luMrance Company, of Phllsdel* , phi*, wilt make Into ranee, permanent and jiifliied eu every deaoripubnof property, in FiiUbaryii and the aurroffiMUnf country, oa. favorable .teno*.. Jliia Com pany ba*a perpetual charter. ... Capital, . . #4oO,ooQpaiU in. Contingent, Fond ' • i‘ li J •' -• *300,000, < s ; Offlee comer of third aud Market itreet*. Pjiubgh. : aplitfif WAIUUCX MARTIN, Agent KECK 4 DAVKNPOIIIY ' c*a BiiLono, ciscnrtvrt, onio, MANUPACTIJtIh lo onier i’uflciiger and height Cm of the moat approved de*cri(>tioit,«Lfra»on< able prices, lly meant of jlilaidw»«b«uunMa,Philip Wil* .•on and Edward Gregg. I'The’ style‘of firm jvHiiexo ■ner beLogmorWaion A'Co. -Am* iarrangstaeut rea .oers it , desirable to,.close,thcoid business** soon u pokobld: AirpeT*dti*'tkhoseUabDitie«harematured, are especially requested to mako immediate payineat. | - I Ru*bargb,Jau.l,.lMSL_ j . ... T 1 OCAJf,:-Wmos,, CO^—lmporters _,mnd -Li »» holesale Dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Hard* ware. Cutlery, Saddlery, 1 Aeilßß.Wood street, Pitts •ocrgfl, aye.notr/ally prepared Jeilh-oreeenlly import* ed stock or Hardware, .Cutlery, Ac. to offer rery “great ■ femdcemept* Id 'Western -tmysrv'beinir determined to of thaAtlaaxieaiLicsi At-' ao on hand aii extensive assortment of Pittsburgh »& feho»U,ißpade*, Poke, Hoes, fices, willbo j •old, at. thq-lowest msrjtifac. ' '-a'." "CCtPiaTJEWBIP. ! • ’S\ ■ -THE subscribers hariag recently entered Into . fdi .Partnerehin nnderthe name of Caflayher. Done. Miner, lor Ine'purpose'ofcarTying on the Bell -v Bnd Brass and Gad Fining busier u in all its branches, have taken the staad formerly occu pied by H.~ Gallagher, No. . 109 Front ’Street, between Wood jind Smithpeld sla.y yvhera they.are prepared to exeewd all orders for Bella, Brass -Castings, of every description, shdiGaa-Flttugs with neatness and des patch. •Steamboat fobbing promptly attended to. ' u. GALLAGIIBR, * : ' '«•> 1. 8.-A. LOJSG, T; . ... , ,i» ?r tnrfcnj ”N. B-—The attention of MSehtnUu and Engineers ia iqvited fa oar anti-attrition metal Jlbra reduced pride, which has becn-prononyced superior to Babbif* by, number* who have used both: '* Ste'ainbOat builders and tho pobbe,-generally; are nlaocecttciieduj eali anjl ex-' amine our.superjqr. double t>cUpa.'.Foree Pmia Sot. stebaboat anadomestic use. 1 ’ T * | ' •:.;»! GAIiiAOHKB, LONG, A MILLER. dec|7dly. . . ..... , ' . i .. j PfIHE Copartnership' subscribers. l under, the : JL; firm of.Lr»ru.Hi»tchineoo -b is tijsdsy dis solved by mutual eontebL Either of us sril atyeadio tue settlement of the business of the firm, Soil use its nemo, for that purpose. .• j> t . ...... LEWIS. HUTCHINSON, Jtnl JAMES A HUTCHINSON. . / . cq-PAHTWERiHU*. ]. 'r' r | nus cndersignea have Uus day formed a copartner* JL for the, purpose of .continuing the business heretofore enftied on by Lewis Hutchinson CO4 and solicit afcoo-1 ttnaaneobf-to-patronage hitherto extended 14 the Loose. " ' JAMES A HUTCHINSON.-- •• .. -> • LEWIS H HUTCHINSON. Ptmb»rgh,Jaa. • , , . . CooPirtmershlp 1 ; . | , = EW OTEPIIENS orWheefing, E P S&amberger of Juniata, and J A Stockton of Pittsburgh, pave this day entered into co-partnership undes strlq end arm of Stephens, Sbtenbcrger A Co, at the Ahcnoe iron works, VV'ksaLng.Wvfor the purpose of amnafoctao ng tron and nails of every description. | . j twtTjrtnw, * r SHOEtßKaoxa. rawrocxrwt aWHXBS tt IH9WIBEROEa* CtJU ajnclior Iron works. • WinHor, To.- MapsJactora aUttodef boiler, abed, bar < iron! aud nmil*, ABiinl elijnic iprlnr* and axle*.' Dei or ;e6n» BeetedvtOrabcßnberfer’iold Janiataworka, wei con otTcran.aniploof,JunulaLroa [branded Rbrsbefcirer] equal to any ffiftde In the country. "All cr which twill' bfljohl at As. Pitttborsb.'' prieea. Warahosae of the worka comer of Monroe apd Water na. L mftV- T\UBoLt7Tlo3—The partnership hitherto exist* IJinf under (he style and Em of tVtglOßua A (Dal -sell, la this day diaooirad by.tmmal consent JobnlW* zeil having disposed of his, entire miereilto.lL Wlehi man.^Tb*bosineo of the late Era will be settlAniy 1L «Vighuaan.vrho is authorised to use ibe same cjfibo lam Em lot that purpose. H. WIfiOTMAN. . spt9h»wOaljrm73 • J.DALZELL.T v TUt {Subscriber is now prepared to nunsfactnfc mil kinds of Cotton and Woolen MUchinerr.-at tbe thtfrtest . none* Orders left at ft. Wlghtataa's Kofieo SlmnTcor oer Liberty and Waler streets, will meet sriih prompt «oeatkm. IL WIQIITMJJ?, at, between Federal and Sandusky sta. tpOMly ’__ ADeghenycay. .. DWOMTioSi ' "T~" fPIIE eo-portaaniup heretofore exisang between the A subscribers under the firm of William* ADtfwpnh, ■was dUabired on IbalM instant' by mutual consent. J 8 pilwortb, 10/whoa tbs settlement of. the old pu»j~ wsate entro«ed,VrilJ continue the wholesale srokerv baaineaa at fog ok stand, NO. 97, wood at - T':.- . WM. IL WILLIAMS, Jtnd ’ 1 - JOHN 8. PILWORTII * DIMOLtmOS. i fp«R partnership sabetsosg between the tabaeriheyt, A indcr taastyleof Poindexter ACo.,«*aadis»olvea bymatsal consent, on the 13th in»U and the twines* of Ao ooneera will ho closed by R W Votedciwr asd C H Grant. ft W Wi!NI>KJCTES 1 r A CULBERTSON/ 1 * de«®.'. . CII GRANT.- co-pAßTaEmnip. • ’HE nbsenber* will commas. sund. No 4l water- street, a* o»aaltßader the styla of '’Poindexter T j • . - t . ft wtowdexteb; , deegp CMORART. j . ' 1 Association, i P - TOHX FARREJf k SAMt'EL WJOftTNaN haying V a*«oeiated themselves together apdrclhe firm of John FSrrea A Vo~, for the parptM&w cefetiuuini the bpaiaesa of the ‘Dmtswa's Line,' will to tcae** act a general forwarding and cooastoJotrbesiiieei or tba old stand at the Canal Basin. liberty street Copartnership. rpllE undersigned has associated with himself John J. NiroU, from BaUuoore, in the Grocery ami Conor* Comncuina bauneis. under the style of tellers 4- NieoU, dated Ist Janoary HM& janltf FRAS. * eO-PARTNKHBIHF— Wm. Yoang having tiii. day aMociaied-wiih hho. John tt. M’Cane, ike Ira e location U cldvited and ulubiioav, and U aUo convenient to the depot*- and landing*,-at which, the coikhe*and pertm.of.tbe hou*e are at nil timet4n waiting to convey ptuengen and their baggage to tbe Hotel, , ■ ordinary 81,30 per day. .i . Ladies* . do ‘AOO do JanlMfltawJm ' • JONES' HOTEL* -jto.lfiO,auti!roTti*i>tT, faitAt>Kt?nti. “ M' "THE aubccribera, under the find, of Bridge* * West, have pnrehatedAlr.JopatMmertaiinun* eatabliahttenl, and hone by tho *tricte»r attention to the want* and comfort of their gueita, to merit a eo°* tinuanee ofthe liberal, patronage heretofore received by iu&nner proprietor. " ' ’ “’V..5 • The bbuie ha* been, thoroughly renovated, And re* paired, we therefore feel aaaoerd vre .ean welcerae our Friend* a«d the public to founy in the city of Philadelphia. N BRHJuU * • . ilp»f ■- r JXOWE3T. "~**"galt house* coanxa kaih a» nxTU ri. aactmtart., a THIS ratabllalitneiit l» now in the beat onler for the reception of the Traveling Publk. Having, undergone a thorough repair during the past -ter. and having the mo*t eipcrie need men inti*;w«M intho varioueTepartoonW, l fatter ntyaelf that Ail *«1 be pleased who ealL- TbeloeatJon w central, coramo* dim. „id pleutiit. J “l'. v F MA nsi, (tuicmnati, hlareh 13, 4?. ■ W r, WAlisi - W. H—AJthoogh -not eaaotly a new Broom, ri U the *nme—«ijow IVliirt on the old handle. Apelf “tubockmobtosw oai>t no lolismax,it. , , a AIU3 THROCKMORTON!««•■» Jiik friend* ibnl.ho-i* *fain le»*e* of the GALT HOUHK* lH«» Hotel*, nt*bw|h.l ' of.afldtr •■ ..> • A LL P«r*ooA k#o*rmi ifceauJ m UuJehted milflo* tr** 11 ”* MUle.telP:Aeeoaiiuj«M tb«#o MJ* ' " •"' {, k id;. \ iT*- Ai-i-i'X T *. -a ,\**l>i 'J | •'•"••' H-. ~z : '''.' .../';.; GINSENG PANACEA! TO' THOSE'.SUFFERING .-WITH-,DISEASED LUNGS.—-The unprecedented (access which has nuendeii the useof tfae\ 1 ■} ; _ : GINSENG PANACEA - ; ' ; n.ail ibevariou* (onu which irritation of the lungs siimes, has induced the proprietor again id call attetfe tiorildlhls w : ..j. ' • WONDERFUL PREPARATION. : i - Tlis.ehangahlfi weather- which maiks our- foil and winter mouths, is always a fruitful source of 7* ' COEDS AND.COUGHi.*; j /**' ‘ Tliase, If neglected, ore' Butlhc'prCCtirsdre of thaf fell destroyer, 7 : ,' ; ; y* [ The quejtionj then, how we nip the the bbdT we'get clear" of ©Or edughs »*»A colds? is of vital importance to the public-' ; . ; TIIE,GREAT AND ONLY, wiil be found btjtlie Ginseng Panacea.. In proof oflhls vre hare froiri tiine lo timo the iertifieates of dozens of ooz’-best kuoaru citizeua, who hure experi* euced its carative powers. with a mass of tea. tiinouy from all part* of the country,—from MEDICAL MEN OF THE FlflßT STANDING, ' Aliuisters of the Gospel, 4a, together with copious no tice* from Use - ' ' ' - * : '' * / - < . •. JOURNALS)OF THE DAY. ... r . we have embodied. In pamphlet form, ana may be,had gratis of any of-oar arums ihrmigbout the county. - , JIUNDREDS OF BOTTLES • have been tried In ihUelty. • ■.THOUSANDS AND.TENS OF THOUSANDS < throughout the United Slates and Canada, and fee cha lenge any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE ' n which; when-taken according to directions, «qb be. fore the luugahad.become.fatally disorganized, it hat ever foiled to ’ - ' .- . ' v . , EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. 1 MThy, then, need the ailfiietcd herilatef Why resort to the miserable nostrums, gotten up by a&k aom Individ titl* under the assumed name of tome calibrated phy sician, and puffed-inio notoriety by eertifieate* ©1 ptr fbns equally unknown? Whilrt a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ‘ S is to be voneber* are at hofts,i onj. naigh bors,—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GBAYB. I In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed 1 within tiro Teach of the poor as well the -rich, wt have patthe price at. - _ - - ONLY FIFTY CESTE • last one half the Usual cost of cough metficinea. It isi for sale by our agents in nearly every town and village over the westfwtto are prepared la-fire fail,informa tion relative io-.1l ‘ T. HALTER, Proprietor, Btosdway, Cinelnnath-Ohio. - 4 BTHMA, OK DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING.-*- 4A. This disease is caused by a paroxysmal construc tion of tbe air cells; It Is very debilitating, hlmast cans* iu# suffocation. DR* SWEETS LB'S PANACEA is the only certain care. , Uoareeocs* can be entirely eared by a free use ef Dr. ; SweeUer's Panacea. Catarrh, or ceausoo cold, which, if nagketed* will terminate in Consamptisn, la eSeciaally relieved and cured by 1 Dr.Sweetser’s Panacea.-- •- 1 - RroDcbitis, if -’unchecked,, will effectually lead to Bronchial Consumption, but a tiauAy ase of Dr. Bwoet aerts Panaeea will effectually core if Inflammation ,of tho Tonsil* or Sore Throat—This disease often leads to serious eonaeqaeaefa from neg* leoL inch as ulceration of the throat On tho first syrup* tbms, Dr.Bwceuerfe Panacea shoaid be procured and used freely. -• . • . - Coughs and M#- fra a sovereign remedy ia Dr. Sweeteffs Panacea. • Pneumonia Notha^—A very fetal disease, retailing from a violent'cough-and cold 00 a debQitaisti or bro ken down constitution; aged persons are subject to iti— Dr. fewteiet's Padaeeh should be used on tha first symptoms, which sre a cough or eol Letter tram ike Rev. K ColdweD, pastor of the Pres 'fcTl«TriwCbsreh,Pri«»hl-.‘ - - -. ;. Messrs. Ilcnderskott 4 Strefoh—Gcntiemcor I take (deassrre la oiMiag my testimony tn favor of the eteei rn| preparation called Dr. Parish"* Chinese Hair 'Cream—for about two'year* ago, tar halrwa* very dry, brtiti)'. and disposed to com« out; raL baviug -pro cured a Lottie of the Cream, and u»cd It according to the prescription, my hair 1* sow *oA.'elastic and arm to tbe head. Many balsam* and oil*, were applied, reek' leaving my hair re a worse was* tha* before,— TbirCreaaa,however, ha* met my expectations, j AS.an oniela for the ToilcL my wife give* it prefer* eneeovev all other*, bring delicately perfumed, and not di*pow-d to rnnriility. Tlw ladir* tspcclal’y will find the Chtnnse Cream to be a drsuteratam iu their prepa* ratinos lor ih« uuleu KespcrtfUlly. 4c^ IMlaski. Jan. 7.1*47. IL CALDWELL iEDT9©h! febofesale and retail, in Pittsburgh,by Jobs M. Townsend, No. 43 Market street, ami Joel MohJet, corner uf Wood and Fifth, streets. ;nthysiclass in England, but all wa* unavailing. By rhaaca I. beard ol your Ini|>crial Couch Syrup, and wa* Induced to buy a buttle fin trial. aUboegh I bad no belief that anything could mnore her rim-flamt. To my great surprise, two dose* gave her immcdia!* relief, tih* Is at times troolikdi wuh a cough, tut tuo of.riyrup alway s stop* It. lam satisfied, alter a trial of three or . four ycat*. list Seller's Cough Syrup it the best cough rncdit-iue I have ever-tried either in the Old or New World. Wm. Fsraaoviont,: Seventh Ward, city of Pmsbureh. - The alviva certificate should induce all who are troaided with cough or astLrqe. to give the Syrup it tri al, . It may be had for tti cent* a twttie, at foe drug store of R E SELLER*. 67 wood *L ' Sold try Dr Cassel, 6th ward, aed Dll Curry, Alio* gheny city, . ■ lanfl SKLIkKR’ft. yKßillFL'Gt—The greatest oT al Worm medicifiet! Naw Ltsaus. Onus f J»«>.H,!S4» J Thi» it to certify that after uxing different prepara- ] tiona for expelling worm*, I bought of C. F. Helmaa, of New lit bon, two vials of R F. hellers' Vermifuge, and ; cave the content! of on a vial to three of jay clularen. From the first, axed fl yean, it expelled 45 worm*; from the *cc oud>'Bf yean old, 7ft am! from year* old, lift making 9(3 worm* expelled by utiug but one viaL I recommend Bcllera* Vemlflics u a »afe anil one of the most effectual Worm roedietuc* be fore the public. Iltrau Mcnaow. >47 W Prepared and '•old tiy lt F. SELLLKi£,~No I 7 VfooA *lrr«t tfoid by Dr. Caiael, iih word; I) M Carryi JU lrphfi;y;AVilUitm J bnuth, lYropcraneeville. jnH. -“Wtuit Bi»«k Vpri«i| sfriiiT' \JEffLY INV&NTKIb—For the re lief and Permanent il Caro of HERNIA or KUITURE. (Bnitcd to alt aitea.) V- 'foe itxpcrlor claim of tbi# Trwreon«i»t in the coin parativeeaaawilhwhjcbllmajbe.wora. The pad of wood being neatly balanced onapringa, yield* to area* •ore on any part of it, and iborcstbly adapu Uaelf to any mnvvmenimado by the wearer. It can be wont' witbont intermuiion,until a earo la effected. The cub aotibar* have made arrangement* for the mahofaetiire oftbea® valuable Tnuaea, in a aopenor atyle, in Phila ' delphia, and have them now fartaldat their office. No. 77, smithfieid it. neurSilth, Phtaburgh. . UKO-WATT, . )<3o d. w. Kauffman. - TAYNK’S HAIR TOltlCi—Aftir tniif tlui article’ ,i -d trisl, w«anht*iutlflj}rpraaouaesUtofawfalitprefers Urtwtkk, witkoutia* asctp(ioa,ia cm. farlhi rutoralwa tad emcmnoo of ih« fccmaa hair. We know of numerous mfeness when fair ha* facta rsfaorvd lohafa **v« fatnfald far yrarjud «■ think wt earmolds greater fetor that to motuwiid to til our Naders who fa - DRUGS.— Joel Moliler.drnjwut'and ispoth* JL/e can. N. W. corner of w»«)U pnifoth stay Rift*-' ii. 11-—l’Uyajcian’a prescriptions carefully compound* ed front. the bet} materials, at any hour of the day or mpht.fAlso, an assortment of perfmnenr.'fLne ioothaialr aud cloth brasher, etc, which he will tall tovTYor c *™» -••-••• inayl Th R * **. W.MOBBIB, 11YDROPATIUST, would ra“'.. f ,? , J’? cl M^A nlunn hia friends uud tlie citizens of MtUbtirgh and Alfegbeuy that be has decided to remain in the'eitr daring ihejrinler, and is prepared to treat patients placing themselves under his car®, tccording to the system as practised at ail Water Cure SttaMisb mepts, far cither Aetna or . Chronic diseati a* Those vrishtng. to avail themselves of his services i 'ill call at liberty stand Evan’s alley.! ; Dr. M..has treated several severe cases of disease, ia this city with great success, to which ha is permitted to refer.: __ ■ uovttf «J' , .f* af *'*MU«t> Cfaialcat Hoop* ; i TT'ORaUkiodscf oropfiona and disease!oftte.Shin; l: sath as Pimples,Glotehe«, Ball Riearn. tfcurvy. UNU Spot*, chapped or e racked Skin, and for all other.dlsea.- sea of tbs Skin, which main external remedies, this, Soap stands uupjualktL It pj«o dispels Freckles, cun bura, AloTphetv,Tan, and chaoses lira eolor of dark, }eUow,pr disSgved skia.fa.a ≠bealthr > yntbfttl r elanrafaiM A Trash supply, warrantedrenefne, and ffc* OlpAttUruocedpriceoftffper cafe buiuttaen neelved, ia offrred far sale by 11 A FAUN£9rOGK k and also at the cornerof sixth , PBOM SALTS—M bbls Baltimore enaoa salts far R E OSLU9U) 17. wood sv MILT MEDICAL. PEACE 1 PEACEM X>n » MEXICO. oii || : MiSGELLAMEOUS AosscT.m pATxarfi • •«. ■. ■' *• *•■• • •- . . • TBTAS 'CI' feomiNS, Metbs&ieai EBgincet end Zj 'Ag*nt fiir.-pt«aDßr Puente, -mU prepetethe i*e» cesaary Drawing* and. roeni for Apriteanta Sol Pet* eou, And. truuact. all otbrtbacneta In Ihe-llnt of lua profeiaioa at lb« Patent:Offleol He caabo-canaahad on all cautions relatbirte Ore PatentUwim deeie ionatntbe UnHodSt&BsovßßOMJ'Pefsaasal* djs» taaeodeairosa ctf baTisff' ezvuaaiknia’Dado At wm PatentOffce* prior to jnekingapplication ftr.a'jiAtrat. : mar fonrard (port paid, eaelodnie feebf ftrenoUaia): eef«arataletnentoftheire«je,wteti:fabinediaiO AtU&> tion'will begitCß tojt, 1 aftd L aH ‘tkAlis&HßStidfl the* ebnld be obtained by eWtef the appikanl tepwioo pnxnptljreooßxmnieeted.: : v i, 1 S. All letters oabnaieepi nsetboMwl contain aamtablefee,\?bereawrittenopmifinlaieqnlrea.* , Otpceon P.etreeV°pp«wit#thsP«teßiO#ec.i . r He hea th* honor of referring, by pfcmiHfan, to.m 1.- Hffll, Pil»tlh|. i 1 . -Honß.'l#£Uewonh•:- •. Hem: J BBawfin l li.G t 'lTt»oczv , , *1 . L- Hoa. Willie Haft New. York; ■ ....... lion. Bnbert BtaUh. lt C, ElinoUj. " IKu.'Sßreeee.'Trgßenata}" ■ . Hon. J H Belw,-H O SCeeoari? ‘ — ■. .w <.o< • Krettuaßrook*.Eag«Pitubnnh. ... ..maylS .. I' :v-.v o-i- • JAMEft : W.iWOODWJSLL* • ■ ; ' : ntiibardi mitiM ,W«r» »<•*% • -*•* t f* * ..fiAft IVUB M&CtJO* . 1 - '*,*/ , AiKTO.mnd Pntttp tare, «oS»bte.for Bte*totoitp, H©»U.«ad p£ ' 'T%9' prnMßVMoeb od hand essniet be ey wded bT v urf mna&etorr ia wutera.conatfy.. nnoae wfaWn*to purchate wooU do.wel] to give * sSjj»; »«i «fn determined my pricte *UU plesse* . PP** BfU#, ■tock eojuifti.inrr '' ' SO •o&rwith'Ftaib tad HfttoclMkAwttayf -• SdoaHahoganyNane Chain; • HpairKvaat:.-,..', . ' , • 12 so* fine maaojgaay Chain; . 18 mahogany Work ' - l '• 3 doz mahogany Rocking Chain;, .• /■ UoarUo top Dreuinf Bantu;. 8 pair Ottoman*;? v. Bmajhlotop WorkStanda; . i MaisSj^tople!xlM^ni all detcription*,' and a Urge anonaant of m— femiture and chain, 100 tmmeroa* to mrntfca. : , ' • marttf ■ * * - ! i MS. ÜBOWt. n ! n rjmKFV • , XXPPBHCOTT,* CO»» 'I MANUFACTURERS <»r S»e« Sbotel* and SpadeH Area and HaUfcetf, MIILM •ui, Circular and Gmßaw* H*y and M^«_ t f«kjk Hoe*, M«nocV*,-Plck», Aei/hartny arrangements in, tbccotumicoonaf gear jnacalaafT? uid'in •emtriii*-th*li*t»ortnßea.£rosiliM*aoa*eal*' famed establishment* of the EWw ieg and will keep, constantly on hand t |", the a bore article*, taring araßed *g* : Wgnt sunthip sad *nH ** ** promise to piodaee asr that eanbehadln don of dealer* to aaexwmaatfon ofthey swlt befara purchasing. elsewhere, a* «fa*J *» conrincedthat they wU! be able to SIT all Mere faUirfrliae <», tia entire taxiifeetJonof parehaeen. • Warehgnae<.WateT treat, 4 doors Wen Monongahria Hooae, R “£*3£rfE^:'_'' . N. R—Terrene barinf witt eoutSon,wiUpleaiaeanoalipt>eoeott*o#. : QCtfdlr ~.-T ~.u , RS|NBplwhUn«« from tha' ftnfc of :Wa»tr tb» WOT JUBMT, tM7,I tU« b« in. nanooocuig.tomy£riend»inU»* »afl «W. trr. that I have opened my new ttoW It u« above aaar -eq,place, Havingporehased my gooda foremh,.tnd, end »aft«?^baeoii«anUT«pjsW.l«iMyWs l pared to fotnuh- Hardarara of an kinds, «r\a».;|pod terms and as low ms any boa*e Em oi ntH JMw* chants and other* are rerpecolhUy. incited to ttll ui examine my stock, before purchasing 1 etoowtera. : Tbs following comprise* a pan ofhi*»«chi •■ • -y~ • ‘ Stoamiosl and mdfllsry hardware. ftra tn«4“**> dies, Maylot'a ateel, asllory. adg* toota, unh, wyV locks, latches, scythes, bntt hiage«,*erewa, t,otoaFae nos. • v •' — ; mchUtr- ___ emi. >w. - JOHX WAUEB, Impener and IBMBwtMDeakfia Foreign mod PoBMWtk hart*. Mil I feapeeifolljr inform Us J**®**' W bis.'spring xnpply ofhawWan),atthe oldAandof [Walker and Woods' Norwood evwtjch bo will •UspoM-fIC oh the most reaaooahle toitnß. T’ •?*•• '■•• ■ - i lie will’.be eoßtmiallytrtcemttg fccah mmdiea direct from the maaa&ctaxen in,Earope. and tin* country, - which wSenebU him to compete with any establish-, zmm, caber EB»t er Wetr ' „ -J" r- ‘ . . . 1 'Western raerchana are Invited »e*B and «xwnH»' Ur stockbcfonpurchasing risevrhe ter . ' mare'*• ißAuiixrd co*iu pmos am> iSW[iaEMnTA.NCE OFFICE. 'Fmoo*-tn*ngfct‘ OBBSmt by this anttey-Bpoo seasonable terms,' frommarjartoftfeyland, Ireland, Scotland, tWile*.' IfccdiaFaeket Ship* only.. Forpigu Correspondents and agents «f tha flrhub Gorcmment have frequently, ean tiooed Emigrant* at home and their friends in America, hgalnn the ftand* praerised epdn them, mad hate aK .waye referred to the well known boose of HaxdsS fo Cob, a* the tight place for all to apply, tf they yrisbed. to bo oeatad with peseta ality ami j~ ••. j_ Fame* who advertise themselves sole Agents tor tha Black Ball line, stats what is unmte, and that deceive the public: ms we profess to be Agent* ao( only of the {Back Bail Line, bat every other good Line, and also for Canard 1 * Steam Usd. £i*bl Drafts to ui aaonat payable' at cuty of the macfcesof (be Provincial or National Banks of lie* JaeJ, England,’ Scotland, Ac.' We draw our on Er ebutre; ore do trot uke money and tend it to tin East to re* someone else to teak, thereby canning tmatakco and delay*. l«t ibe Broken, Ac,callnpon as, and wo. %ill accommodate tliem at New York rates. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European AfcX " ' ftb tt, one door be lowwooJ.- ; PiU HMUBrt ~Work« «wt Foundry* (TOILS WBlGlITft Co* are prepared to bmld.Oottot. •I and Woollen Machinery of ererr descriptSon, sach a* Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Bpaeders, Drawing Frames, Haitwaf Beads, Warpers; Spoolers, Dressing Frames, kmas. Card Gnndra, ftac Wfooght Iren Shafting tamed; aUjisea of Ca*tlroo,.P»UieS and Mangers of (he latest patterns, slide! aad hand Lathes, had tools of all kinds.' Castings of description famished on short notice. Padenu made to nrder far BUR Gearing, Iron Railing,' he. Steam Pips tat baating Pic lories. Cast Iroa Window Sash aad briar • Castings inetally. Orders ioft-ai the WatibOasoorJi Palmer. L Co* Liberty street, will bar* promdt attention. . . I Refer to Uaekstoik, Bellft Co*'7k Moorhead ftCoj 0 K WirncrJehfl lnrlnfe Bona,' Pittsburgh; GCA* II Warder; HieabcnTOe. r jaalO } ■■ lliintwan Ittr* Bsauvsd. -■ jIXTHITMORK ft WOLFF haying resaoyed ftw* tba ■Vr eortet of liberty and St Ciaii streets, m No §0 Wood street,three doors above 8t Chart*# Motel, woeld tespecifeny ask tha artoattott of buyers to their ktoek ; OfIUROWARR, CUTLERY aadBADDLMY, toy'd j per ship# Ranamft,*'MonM|ihel4 asd direct bdsalhe msnafaptawa of Loglind add Germany. | Also, tappUea rtf American ilinlware, from tbs prin cipal msnaiaciiren of the Eastern States. : I Thetr stock being entirely new. aad parchaaed span me best tarics they feel great eonftdeaee is bemgaMe seooessfhlly to meet competition from any qmanu,. whether oast or srest. | Tba Hardware bssitwas will be eontlnsed at this old I ■ '•‘■l*. S~itERATUB ANDOLUBTACTOEV FORHiltf —The AdMlaittreior*eft«e Ute JabeiWeteaghUa, o»r for uia Ute atebilchnest eiueWmNinthWerd, foraerly earned wbjf bn,ln hi* lift Ume, tee Were* St'end Ulee Factory. The work* ere in complete erder i earn in* on Uw b&»l»«»a t nrlih Ae,end reedy ei eay dae. A liberal CTtQtwiU be fttrn, and ell particular* madeknown by eallinj on eiibcrofihfl endettijnei 1 .. I >Bt« . •fc — a. KiaS W, — T* CJTOBAGE, Fbmerdiq* end Comnuiaioti Merchant, O fith meet,Cenhl B»mi,l&ie, Pei ;• - « ' H: •••_. .. . _ _.v j Messro. Spang A Geo. \V, Smith is CO4 list* Peacock A Co.; \Ym. B. Helmet k. James _DnJ-' xell, Esq, Pittsburg b, Pa. Meun. Vincent, ltimrod A CdJ Lesser, Sennet & Chester) WUHa»s>A'Wright; 1 Brown A McCarter; J, C.- Beebe, Erie; Pa. ■-UeaMdlm* c tTNDRIES -150 bags prime Rio coßee; 130 bbls N O Q Alolasses) 75 boxes manufactured tobnceo; 123 half hnu ftoen and black teas;7S 6 and 131 b boxes V B nd <) p da)2X boxes German clsyj 10 casks cakfi* tus; 10 do. potash, together with, aj general town*' ntQDt of groccric.*, in store and for sale ojr jjaai CARSON h MegNIOHr, Bth »t 1 . JXoaoacabela ttlTsnr Stable*' :• ~ ! .. ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened ths l/Vanlorg* stable on Pint «V'running urao|hto: ■ illr Second sU betwecnA£otxTKaj Snuthfield.sta, Ua the rear of;the UoaongahKa;lisaaepnih an entirely dew stock of Horses and fnrTisgeh’oi.tHfebest quality and latest styles, lireryUa ihe best manaftjt. • ; -.yt' •••' :y>.v4 "- -g . Jygdly - T) %pfc*b'piteo in cuE: XV paid for good BturtTdUft.Canx|**,*/Bale,’ Rope,: Onus Rope, Bagging, YVanHeii RakiiTCottoa. Waste. ScVbjr ' * I huts - ~' Wayne n. between penn and liberty- T>KODUCB-SOO boxes and S 3 euki R cheese) . D 0000 lbs prims Kentucky featheri; 90-bbla grease 1 inf; fiO-kers No. 1 lard; CStushelsclorencrc; 13do tuiothyteed,lbnaleby< -' ) • - * •- t . laia ■ CARSON A McKKIGHT, Ah at. : Tcibtlbs Iren Werki. "EWIS. DAIiZBLL A Co, manofsctdrcroofallsl*- j zes Bar, bhect, Boiler Iron and Nails of the best Inality. Warehouse, Mwatcr and 103 front st jalft . ! D ALKSHAH WABTKD—By a wholesale Dn p Goods House in Philadelphia. One acquainted wiik he western and northern Pcnn'a and Ohio trale wo aid •ommtnd a rood salary—lot further Mrttcularr Inquire fi * VjTHOROMi; .. Pittsburgh, Dee 30, Ht. ■ t 'jhEllFlltlEßT— Eitract* of Verbena, PaieEou- XT ley.'Violet, Jockey Club, Milliileur, Caroline, and Mnk. lane Perfume Ban,' from 83 ctt. tofl 32each. Foraalcby JOHN l>. JHOKCAN, . |]kl ■ - .t -h^'MlWoodat" ■ttrUAPPISQ PAPER- I ' • if J5OO bundles 8. C. M. and D.C. itraw paßerf- .- • ■ 150 • • Medium Bar. '| ' •" - u K .. •JO "'• IX Medium lierdwaiiß for cafe br |ocUB . - -REYNOLDS fc kht^, T\YK WOODS—43sbblichtpocdlojpaood: TSdoeFd XJ logwood; iOO do Chipped FoaomlQQ camwood Jtui received and fbr aale by | BA FAHNEnoCKJkCb. .JM ■ . comercf frcffland wood It* *-« t prime rrwHrkte^aarat \J cheat* and half eheaUJrcakgrten tea*:lfflha*« Ip* 16* fia a lb lump* tobacco, 50 kega «twmdaWSK generalaaaortmentof rrecineaforaaleby' °*’*r** l: . : JOlgfaDlLWOßT^gWTvwt^- eUI File*, consul I 1 ••-■•••-■■ I >«imadatfec4 O Atejauga . . .fOIXHE U'U.KHATCS-io boiM u3T ' D P VOX BON ci tiaw* | . i :.•.•^''■V"T^i^*l»«*te«3fjW'J, : V;-.. j t ‘ ail uS'.V-Ji? Vj .»*’]•/;wild »: ~l;-ijfii ' t .. >. I’i.-s-ii; ' ’ LITEBABY’ ■ »' - L—iil’ HWiMTy) ; " •\fß. H-.IV, METCAIF. wwdi iVI taa of Allcsbnty ona Tici«uj,;Ooi«ttirfoa": iqevalof'bis school front the cottier pfßaadstky and 8 Wwlwrry itiSa where for lit UK nreUJ “*2*“ *>• ku bwn ttotllaj.On *ml KUr JButtUl tajrtl <*- coprnooaa o« ilrwtb^WOTfloiw^W JP9a?as»^aswgag}3t oqthotitflfooaaTiaFebrtßcrt aadSAptmber., u i. Readia*; Wwltt •bjfwd dalni, Lrjfio,-n»fii«iiandCnfiriifn, Cfcttnpky, fliileißaS^JoS>erteatslaawqyt«aa_»o>a^>g3BlS ■ *)ra«Ml»|j] TV|tf £atfo^'GttNk Slid ehek knaftdl tknitlrkerp cf—f# W. ' 'TfcrSmßSagftfaßphwitTwehCT aia aswfrtd.fot kaek M way deatro' »ractNp fctatrastfeaa ferdr**l**j idtSZ VrtTSiija 'w.W*f3esTM’si -toy* tinetenor \ B»ifco«a3fsmt.bCeitrfod aS-'ftff'Sbo%a : »s**a onlj Irossth*-ti&M ofsnasaes^-;Soi Adaaikisi yift'ba ■ads fee shaaaceeaKeptfaieaietofprotracted illaea*. >* AarfofonßstidD.vUca.aay Mdesuedirfll beebeer* to- tkoee'whoeallspoa'tba4»~ at kis'room*' ;••. v 3 ijaSßdlr. ; ' auty'alMM'Wßte t» tWdblkwnr’CSwia* .. - Dr. T i V.^UU,>oefb^r l ,;. HnkCL'Bhdttiteri^ Bsv.SlßUo*”,-*- .' Rer.D. tt-Biddlej ♦•llr.|LP.Bckwmti~ n ‘ ;<: RevrH. ,; l>TW t '-- ! ’ *r„ ~ .|Ca*le«e ’Of.M*dle>n> ~ - t .: Sutk, tfrsekV rrHE STUNG AND SUMMER COURSE OP LBC- X TUREB FOR wfflUeonnnenoed on Monday, Marsh HtPlßia, tad'os oAatiaaad tar sulks, by tka > ‘NL;p; owral, fpedslandf ML. D» Malaria Medieval Tto- I JLlLfliMwanaLMia(Wiy: HENRY GIBBON 1L Sl Theory sod PraetUa at Medicine. •• •<.'•■ >' i ■; :lOCO & BBA7nr,JLJ&,OMMlrieasadSbMses rfWum QIUm } w»dyi«i u* rn«- K, SL,"lulinw of IblUao and Medical Jariiimiaenee. ; R.R,HsOA2NnxjX,K.D 4 of AnaW '.jactiAßD DTProeoetor of Sortery; Tda for tfaa fldl worse, irf.' FW for those who kr»a attended two &B'esemaia etherCodecttL- fdti ’, Met* firodßaiiontJO. factual Ana*cre,ißCfodlpcgncsgitnissoryXiCctara»,' 10* The TM—emif Roosai win be opened ea, the let oTHekk." /".'■ * ;~v ••■ : aorta hopetha* th*ehairivflaittacm.of Medicine and Asstemy 1 trill fee eceapted .by.dittfoet Pnibaen " JAKES McCLbntKXH. r - • Vti? “'•<* HotmnaAaumt? * raitaielpUa,Dae.g t tMT. jaats,- :; f y i s &2SS^"r? mtn .!£2&- Ffoiadone in Anirnca,orjgifhX4&,ttt yew.YoA eacf W t Q..Q iaaea4l, er-tke Rmtttiea mßrbj YY. HAierwenlt.' Jibrarr; edited Mr A WRnaklbu., tkea,V Seal WaiTca, PR S,anthr pfl>a cf Ifew York, by' Ned R^nt; VAide.ar l tba.Northani'Wilde > kTNtwtM K Curtis. odotpkftrexihejfreeboeterefJtotaeaieta.:.., r . s^3K^js^ ■ ■ LtvlnfteANofM. '•> Ikplerti.MOßryißepaaar farFfebraary> -wbaedpdeu fakes irr Tajicr I *. Seteetor at, the. K .Yorkprice, §l ayesr^Aepfeadid,Msetcaeßi ef Vs-; leadnee *{sßpriee*.''Ytw tale at' ••;. -•f .••-.* i •••'> , ’‘ , *V-v r v --‘ 1 ■■ M‘A MINER'S,-' :.;• l-.-i-.r i eatiAkald«t,dd,doorlwcs2d. JCNDAY WTHOOL BOOKS*—We tore. JutreceiT* j«la tarceeitopty eTbbcdafbr Sndayfeebttsi 1 tm, laiWsisd the Ataerfcaa Sanday aekota i Sblm, .sad approved by a ceostitMa coniiatiiif of p«Bfe«n oT the Wiovripj denorniaadons, Bep- ‘ptStoßenatdoiprtea Mpwanhi of six feaadAdhoand keWdeMarMtoes dost 8 eerna «p to 73.); alh mitten expreuijrinc Saadsx. school*. * |n v addiaon p» OteiUntpajpaUiAes o larje Tanety. of booka ia pepet-. coran for qtdie yotfDj ekudrta, loir wvardsi'fte. *e.' •* *' •■ IkoHnioaalie.pobl&heetvrouhiaHee.'Nrfl'A* of oBSlundredeelBnea«aeh,'«l)aultajad ready for osa. of beaks tao. n psfas-api togjDattketoirpticeof lAleo, ■ A LurwTi” of fifty Totomies, at the dtwetkafeookArSd aadbkte-tiskMS oatpaee board*, naps,’ Jts,:Ae.: AH -tke aboivam'eallatthe Umoih PkiwUpyaprikaL-. Oalopos of. book*,fer-; ..ELUOTYABiauSK, : ~_/eba ' V ~S3 nutkrt «t; txt 3d 14th r’ •• n ::~Feßr—wr-.-Mecetl—» AT M A : > ffmilhffnhl Amt \i 3d door fracs , Ledy*e Book for Ffebnary. ' «Ba -; Oiahsabdo i ’.do.. -:f ( ancqtjarfrpqfsßpßlorfatHeiretiibett' Lnunents, to tbe anyiuiiSJauoary nmnbeo.' cf tbs nines, a-new novel by O P R T4 iH^iS’b?l&‘^‘ w - a “ tor4 **"*• or iacfc»ie eiat|lhioy, by W II Mu 7ke Lock*ad Aaebtrf.bsiaje t3mmicle of Qtd Sob-, ■fixi.cy.rr-.: ■■ i ' .Ika.Caaaaett of Califonda snd Near llexko, in'tke . 'ytanlßUand'O.'brjaiatt*MadinaCntu.~ Vr - Jtae'Eyra.ediaedbyomarßeU.' - The Seoßire of Venice or tbeSUr Chamber oftbeTn- TW..7, H»tinlp» " ‘ •Cbaiabara > Maecllany, No U. ■ -_ »W *M Y«ll»M* Btfa. ■> ■ •] ~• • ■, If iradGKED Coincidence* ia tb* writing bothvof v/ "tba Old aadNewlteitameiu t ßriar«meiu of their veracity; with an appendix, eontmatbr undesigned '«>• nwideocy-betwttn Acts, and Jose* pba*. By B*v. JrJ. fiotu. A U |Knt^American,', tromthe second London edition.' and w*” Behmnekef*' oflhi to* Unhcrmn Cfcsrtfc, Oetmsmown Pa.' < ■•.:.• ,-4 ...B«erad.niioajphy of.tha Seasons; Ufasgatingl£» perfretwa* of.Gfd m.lh* phenomena of the year, in Jbor.voiwnes-ooe.vahu** devoted lo each season., By, R*T.H*nrT"Dtuj■’■ o»swn Miscellanies, embracing Reviews, Essay* ■ ■wi.Addr«iwm.. By. tha lax* Thomas Chsbmers, D. D. Taa above with a lane variety ?of new and —iwHid wwh* far sale krw br .; ELLIOTT * EXGUSfI, j»g. . . 6g market at between 3 and 4th.. C«jHrhAaaeal aad Gift Beaks ftrlMS : O—«e Cham; a series of mesial and elegant color* - « fltoopa, with descriptive iHosimnan* by E&zabeth EOeti bonnd in eeariet eilk, andvptendldh- ' Leaflets of Memory; an tit—fc» fMft . ChnstUn'fc bound in Alabina mbrteoo, aad illustrated by 9 be to3-' ftdaenpdai.eagtavutta by tannin. -JE^Jf^S^sHFSh 4 «elt|ioos Souvaalr, for IMS; edited by Mia. 8. C. EdgertoaMayo. •* ' •to* *flraeteth,-orrfeetioa»» G& a ChHsthu*,’K«w> Year, and Birthday PtosaaVfer IMS. 1 ; .l;?. CM of Friendship! a token of SeuabtuM 4k Martow L aa.Aaaadflii lfl«; by Mill & Oakes Btfdfh|boßadln ejegtntsmbotsedmorocco. Yeas* Lady’s OoapsnVas .and Ibkea of Afee. _Tha i above, togeiherwith «large supplyorFottle'*V Flonl, and other work* boe&dln the tnosredperb afld e6*Uy«yto, suitable fcr Christmasand New Year Cdt*threats by , JOTOarroN fcfIIUCLIUN, - don •; n ■; „•• : • ♦ KdJOTT/fc*ENGLISH. -_jinfl iPoeteapy); «market KL botwacnfldandfihr DJSS22- 0 ** Clv ** kf * *MrUafc, OU*.' : ~Aathen>ClaaaieallKetKmary;<' . . ~ .. . DictiotuayofOrpekandlUaaaa.Antimuties; - : CMntaercUl Oicttosajy; “ "T; ' Webster!* Octavo Dictieaajy, revised edithn* ! ' -Uv UddelfainSeo&VGreeVtineotj; »'**r • j -■ - ! ■■ ’ ’Robinsofl CalnM’iDittlohtfy/tav.&e. ' - The abbve, enth • (taeral anaranMt efTheobjrieaL t .r e^., - . — ' ■ ■ t ™|ti -byvJMWa. MwrfftMaery; mrsA -m» t»w«wtpyi and' j^°^^jk^^nflafr°at'dr > wi | >ts by Wilhaci ilarrey. indexes! ete, i Mo?lljpwi the *hf ijiawTeftMscflt' -For.the use of .poU<|ts, , and Tlteoiopcsi Beairiariei.; By ]. AlSotaear,-A.'ht,‘l" ' - ; ' 1 t..;- - 1 * Nxw r Jaxtf HxxsT. m (Of JJatry the, Fobrth, Way pf ;S>inct aßi,Navarre,ißy.G.--P. tt Jaon! Ceatdeta in foot 4oU. eME' - : ' janb 1 BoekaeDei^eornerofaatketahdadia E*V »=d ofUo wa oimMr*ar&dr fane .the rrayyietof the greet =attriatfgSe*aeiw£ ■«SSS«Rft¥SS2SS^3S purtrac*dnn4 SSSftv. , j ht • "si ■} ] t-TOL: XV. . N 0.% 164.? - MSCELLASEOM T frMORHIS fc Oo 3 *, BUACJtWBmNQ JjntJsr ■ V.». «?yloyQtillpena, tod,U»ccpyfaf:; ptim IVk. j *? *£■«*■« ortho experiment! .qC;OCTajaljyean. • •htttthi tn inn imnathniiuti. ftn an «««>iui«« •cnie,oc'- u nnlcta. rend io3 all.iha'ptsnoaes of the oonwiwiw. perfection orthis writing Ink consist* in the-feW - yrog properties: • Ftctaen>A whlch-prepfcsiy it will •. Jf JS P5 a *>'* a i.««rtjrtJ7 ft*e CNnnatffcovtosrra'Jeaaßttaai j vr’^vP 1 ?* aitietai i*,;*j»fch, baaaufid Bine black. Iri» necessary, bownrer, to" fifecoosa* ■ sTowtouon,regairt»oipb»n« to t£a f «if to'impart a • yy ootor.: tx mtet.-noi, thfrefars, be crpeeead,, that/-. &tt alter expoaore to tbefhumeaj m • ■ Pnwiwmvr-Thw?r»lnf ia unlttnhlabidNtißia' of luno. It will &ayer teas. On this account, nUiaK'' poetawreecrd* shoold.be made lathi* arts!*.** reara par^dMpaaaadßreiistbeattstißk'.. NB.' ibis ink is saitsbleibr ‘*IV "kinds' oT BwtaUnw.' ptts*,bnd faf pen* mada tad-wtau -ia«iimt*»'&. •tagTaiid ycry dcslrabiewiih many, will gmaperfoct ; ' Wo are astafiavtbttoUiMtkJO*whte. *fckh w* - am connected. MDms’bloa black .writing ink. tad ia ;■■••: re»{mtioflaidftr,brilliancy of cbtor'andpenuneaev, ; bebaralisaperiortoaiiriakve bare heretofore asad. ; •. A.Thantoiv cashinv bantnf Louisville; Wm Sieh> •' «al*en,‘ ckihkrVKcinbem 'bank of-SMuckr,! Geo O - CwaikißCTi«*jki«r,t baaJr of Ketuekn blfhm«t t president of UmOu bank: I Tbos L Helm. clerk of Bur*- <■ rraccnatr coon; Ctmvtt TOpe, cterk«fJettTaoaeou> .:. tr court;? B Atwood, secretary* Fireman 3 *. Jaaanno*'.: Company; Join Muir, agent Lexinrttin/Insurance. Cs{. B B Goodwin, —cy PonUad Bry gpock Qo;D 8 Cbanbett,«eYFrukki'lin, k Mwiin Jn** sarenesCojJ HBhoßttr, treasurer Lbnkrilie SeviaM .' laMltotioa. Aeapplyofthaabtfva ink, feat' recafred ■:■ and foraalobr TfcSl. JOHWBTONITbTOCKTON. I - .. . . 1 '•■ Lx ■ . > ... i T^HEvpArtnetotip -»o Bxbtiaf sadftribtflmof \ ! !M* PfUM-j Bring deiwm-io Jaw oat- barinw , u hole . rßqa«.(boM «wl wnl* w&woqntt. iOBM DJTOORD, ■ i«S9 ’ '. HDIUta. -« ■ ...... WAN D hPOORD ’haring aaeociitad/ wiAhim hl> OrbmixxZnmm BTCori. andarthe njrle «f IPCWd A Co, will condnae the r~* — r Tnr tnifnrM ia •Busvarious'biaoebei, wholesale andtstiil. M the oldstand, corner of Wood and fife streets, where they •oncit * ccntinaatkia of tha patronage so libenUy b*> •towedoathfloUlnL" ’ JOHN'D-WCOUI ■; "l*» > JAMES-8 ! . TN "retiring tVoa tho oU and welt fcaownfira >JuM’CoedjfcKia|;,l bom eyspectfeUy yecoMuaend to ' of the ybjie jnjr :■■ . >• .riXCTTEB, ITCH, SALT, KHECM, * c^—Wbo wonldv. IfiniliihJiyienitJi, when affltefed With th* r ltrt, ore the? diseases ottho akin, JTthey know - j whowodd relieve end ears them., . . '~’TU horrible tobeobQred to rebaad »Wtelmm kan*hleiTefc«laiaft**Ste. sakej.wfaen in company. Let-itbe remembered ihu Dt CODY’S TETTER end CTCSOBfENT ia the ; moM qßcaciogS of agT-other preparation; in existence • ia earinr the Toner, Itch, and otherdifle area of the skin. A» ag dueaeeeofthe akfeafaiteriMrftßM i>»t T n r q r **T~' ; *t. the blood.and Jaffa of the.bbdri.Wtd where snchdU-. *' ease be of lo&Kotattdherfkda the ****&**«*»■■ «~p W i ll yryH with the ointment, they will care any case whatever. : I and If they do not, the money —flTrir'Ttttitiidil •hr Dr. - 1 e SS B » *flwww*.will l bo.««iqojaUy eared by.lfr.lfidy’a.Teperand, Itch firlniTTinnr nnlsw ilm • ; whole »y*tetn If impregnated by the dleeahad'' hamore *• edbytnd ointment. -PrieeofofatmantSdeasw «- ' ‘m!’. '* " • "••* " A-FAHNESTOCK ACo. ••■:■■■■■• rWy - conUt* wood, aleocor.etlL* weed Mi. ■jomiqnjnt ••:..• _ ....... «lan . . JATIOML fOrSBRI, ( Vtnkou#Oraaiu«ld Uaw, Übcitr iL v . rkj on Peßnsrirmiua AWnne, »re v-^ " • 8toT««; Ou? '^BBTJtBqSSIStSSSi fes - I topUm with trery Uriflg int>£hc*» h°WrWiS||. '. VMlljhq«TtJt^.j t fry ■■••.■■ CT madam order; : _ D U Q U'E SfflJ '■"!'; HAILMAH Vk kniu eoaplitcd ' J ibctr mw works, are-now prepared to-maufae- W».«tctt description of Coach and.Hlptlt foriim. - : eop. AmericaiL'BUster. Spriar «f. wjO- cli mes of riaiil'tqtMro-aad-roßndnS. which theyofler for sale enlibeTaltenns.ai their ware- • tense, No,-43 Woodstrret;, wtere» they -also, keepria - uad'» complete. and , hai*d*ome aasonxnenj ’*t ity|» ' ■•• hardware,' ra«ting» t C.'H; haTe made anrnnyemenu with Venn, wy A Crotta, maim&etaren of etereisgpades. Forita. Ae. arid; wilL Jceep. oowtaoriy on hand vntr attic? made by them.; Dealers an respeetftdly aoiseitedto call, as prices and terms will be liberal. '* jyg ~ ■ Beil mxcT Brhiinpwmwtry; -' '~‘TXI A . . A FULTON) Bell and Bran Fmntter, baa ro ..fg bailtandcommenced tiaiiDatt at Ins oia «»»..,* £» wtere ho will be pleased to see his'oldctutom- ' • ■>*•••••:•••<•■.•:;-...r *,t - «nd Bells of eaeryaiie. £ran 10 M ICyxn pocmdsjcast Cron palls ms of the qw«t anm* ad niodeU, and warranted Jo be of the best mstcnals. ■ ;3Uneral Water- Gonnlcn Bailinj.'he- to-- Cetbex with every variety of Brass Caotnye, if teonir ed.; turned and linUhed in the neatest inanMr < ’ ' - {p* A.'K-U the sole proprietor of Bamh Aim* Ammoj Merax. so jortly. celebrated ibr thoredsetioa of, frictioa in machinery.. Tbe Boxes and rvimr—' can beiiad of him at all -tnse*.’- : -*■ •-• -j Kt.i* ■ ■FitubVfhdrcimUadßsii BaadT* NunCE TO STOCKHOLDEaa—An in ■■UhA stalment of ten per cebt (the' Ah tnitabnent) hll sabacrihnma In- tha: uus company, applicable to that portion of the road .onder contract, u required to be paid oa'or 'lwfin tha tst dsy-of March• 1848.: flioehboUfcnt ha Kusbonth will pay to J W Bobinson, comer of 3d aad wood ate in Sallnerilie and'-vicinity, to Josqth O' iiebckHn WeUsviUa and.vicinity lo JameaStcwnn, Jocal true- ' axer. By order of the board of directors. ' . 1 * f 'A G See’v • Officoof thePACB .irXS*Zi^ . . Ifew'PlAAo Pqrtes..■ .“ :• _ . ' <• ejegautllosearood six and a half •kSMHkut< Fhm Forte doable raised ’car> * . Oiie do. gouuc panels and moald&tkv6*denwi-•. -..., Oo* da, gothic'panel*, cad-m«ldiair*.tt octerc— Gale*Co, New ° * K “ T " : On*»apetb giaadpUno, «| octtres—Betz, Puli. - Th* above pints fortes are'warranted, tad htT* .been selected by the subscriber, paiti'eaUxir for their goodguality of tooe aodJEbisk at iiinqg»f~intiiwnw»M*» >• For sale-.at factory price* by. - t.. . j«g ■ „ JOHN U AIELLOS, Pi wood «L' ’I. m , , MetilU frUM>itao« . ■mssggm a splendid Muiißai of bcm* celebrated. Aeolian' attachtnimt.-Juthhedfa ito mwi xaodem ttyle, tad for sale at r • F. BLUUES. jeSS- ■ m‘Wbod>treet;tdoortcbOT?teh. J PITXTSBUBGJ >H'BTKEL-WOMES'AKP WPHTHfn ; AND AXLE YACTU&V. _ tuAC JO.TB. row * enrol of.spring ; sod Wiste* ateeL lit plwijh ,wuir». €o»eh «i dh2 be spruti*,. hammered iron axfea,’aod dealers la ml InblA f ging, fin engine >«! trjniniliw jcaeniif, comer jot. Bom uilFroQi. Ktubuiff ;; ‘ VaTj'irv RT^T V P^°^^V ollb ’i* a > S7 « 18 * 3 niufuttaa toll. who Jure had oceaaioato on it— • Jour Ltrw Pill* /are ntsa gainingafatgh repntadba hero. YoanrtspeciMly, Corai xTyltr* ■ „ _ McCcßrnxemiiOhio, J«n?y57,1843. ; Seller*—Your Vermifttre Nllißaukiblr hut, end he* gidaw! lEe-faiy confident of oil wbo^un .«i»o,»Uoi the. Cough Spup,v .ypaT*mpjr > . r ,~ t . . W K. E ■ Sold also by Dr. Cassel,'6th Word,3.hL-CnrrnTAilaT fiheoy, ind Wn: : rrHE Trpi»tV.»n/tr Tl . ‘ ; pohtnttrwl, l tad will contianatfae •■baSSa ' l»»hr *emrtoegd fay Boben Tayior. - new-wS-taeS tonll orders wah puctualityaad dfengiek - «n the Typ«, c; - . ~: ‘ Mr. 1. A; T. Pretend instill employed in iag tbemamtiaetimng 4ep*roae«tT;/v^ f«Sf2SSSr7TO^iIS2®^S^SS matUhtwillbeentitledtoreeeiretheir on pdrehJainfi five times the amount of their WUs ffar ad> vertiunf.:, > »f,-v, t : ;/ .'■ '-‘-i-'i’-J i.':-.-~t:\",; ••' " . Old Typo taken new si a eij per U». r; Cfc*rk*\Vhiung,o WHITO.G k TAYLOH, Tbeoion Tajlsyj~"(Sbee«i«e»-»o Bob*lfcylor.) janlß .. ..-. -;-• •.■Comer Gold and Ann Btneto • Orl|tesl JmakVorks. • . ■ •■-■•• •• ««■ JOHN JL MELLOH, -gL-Wdod the ' sale of .Printing Paper, for C. H. ‘jV - would inJonnhi* cß*UNn£rs~ihit,'te ednkeWii'^j.tJ:. advance on -rags, paper'wffl be chaired’fcrtkd nt2- sat at elercß cents ae»ppoad,OT V. ? ■•*. Imperialprint,23*32 at. ‘ we>«.-v l '—i'/iv.il ~g«, : -- ■■ya . l :..\i - > • i iJoiin ‘r'EATOßiajOOxlde* aeavyNewVoth Bob iIbC: JJ *r, also tOOO sides best BaltiiaonXefatfaK^Mx^ fe-seeea tsa- Oanel Company‘wUl,befaefinSSSoek- bolden at tbelrOfleb mtbeborotorltorESrK/iSr Mr-' day the Oth day of-March next atlO MUi&jttm. J) lyt&bhrul artiele of I»jag.i jaAUHi PICKEYfcCo., t mm K 1 at. it “• ~f utmMrnmmMmß H •O f*w ’^ft.'fOOVT.