The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 16, 1848, Image 2

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. ■ (tTTai Pirmcsoa Dailt Oizcnt ti published
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' Psaasyimla ligiaatan.
'/. . i ' Hamsburgh, Feb. 12. 1819.
• v The Senile, has been engaged'entirely on local
■[ : bins. • ■. .1
! In tbe House numerous petit tons were present
ed agaiaiL any ehaagu in the grant to the Erie
. Battroed. iTbebfllfcr creating tbe new county of
DmtD VW passed. [Tbtr Committee made re
port ihvoreble lA the publication of fioal proceed
. kg* of tfae Geofcgfcai: Survey. Several local bill*
were yM>nlf"ira»teWjdis. i/nffifw.
, iV p r w/nVi ■ ArXatigT.~'AMistrc»Bpgaccident oc.
: coarredoa'FtidxyeeM ScbnyUaU Have*, caused
br tbe breakfaroftbe truckle axle of afieight train
HmwW Thetbocoibtire and pert cf the train
. j. nera thrnpt off tim.irecb, kOliog a Mr. Lynch of
;• itw Three others, name* nottrecertain-
CSSafunyw^ 4
'H* cJnwiiPn* EJo-trd E«
Vu.l «t Jfew-tprk
-« - p. |«t j fe T 1 fla* of too reweU mow
' m vuleitouinMonn for tb«. «iw> !*><*• i:
Fa Yjdu Otc£A*Tl.e f*cw rbipTbomu Wijghl
:- i • im tarn UUa 'dp-fir-Ten Cna,to eomf uuopd
-i'F'-:'dddlUdd' *•!
VM UltfTCommercialJaielliytace,Domestic, Mai
krts. River New*, Imports, Unuey Markets, fce. »e
turd page. >i i{ : ' .
BdUDrial Correspondence oi the Piiiibargh Cawtie
- • !-.- Washwoto.v, Feb. 12.
IWruleyou some line aiQce,of ah-incident coo*
neckeiwdii. the’ Domestic Slave trade hfthis Dis*
(' fr&Ai, R® fact*.'of which were brought to Ibe
Hoom upon •mcaionofMr.GiJdiDpi.of Ohio, who
• * tl»®, House to inflow the appointment of a
. Select ComifiiUee of Investigation. The House re
; fawJ».°wu»EbJthailliher»lity:ofrooatoftbeSomb
era members,-and the union with them of the
(<*•l body, af (bo TjOoo Fyco part)* from the Free
i States. • ■
The case, was one in which a woman, or rather
* monster injraman forpi, had sold a slave twice
, —*ooce to ibe.Slave himself who had bought hia
own freedom at the sacrifice of ream of toil on the
. pact of himself and wife, and who bad nearly paid
i for hr* freedom, and finally, at an advanced price,
• to one of tboM fiend* who deal id human flesh.*—
The cue . U flfre which excited hardly • lea* in dig.
; nation among the humane end intelligent gentle
men of the South,’llian among Northern men.—
One of these, Dutf Green, wlxne name deserves to
mentioned, promised iliat the slave who had been
• torn from ha home under the circumstances before
meatioeed, should be brought, hack, and delivered
up. Through the influence ofhis Southern friends,
- he expected to be nUe to accomplish this, and by
;. creating some claim (among the fraternity of slave
dealers, he ia having the slave return.
•J, although ‘Messrs. Gt Jding»,Dickey and other
■ members had been Assured at the Slave pen that
the Slave bad gone to New Orleans. . In the nlcah
time, the l woman whohad been originally guilty
of (hiS'Uaniactipn, was csUedopontogive an ac
count of herself lywns found that she had spent
$l6O of. the 6800, and it'was~Deeeaiary to refund
- this amount before the greedy purchaser wohld let
go hit hold. The inane)*, however, was subscrib
ed ta some thirty minutes, and the man set at lib
•; . ertjr, and a btU'ofsaie, such as the white gets from
1 the Almighty, of his -freedom, was given him in or*
' dcr that he might escape from-any future shylock
m the shape jf a traffickerm hbmaa "flesh.,
the laws .of the District of Columbia itj regard
to tbd Slav* trade, are, os I have written, antique*
■ ted end erneV and juitwuai they Were ir Mary*
load at the tune oftbe cession of District, fifty
. years ago and morel Whatever melioration there
has'beeh ebewherd, in all this time, even .with
' the .'Representatives of all the People and a!|
. the States, as the- proper gnsrdlans of the District;
■ i ■ and the only legislative power over it, no light has
penetrated here. Before the Abolition excitement
■ \ these laws might bavebeeu amended.butnot now)
and never, I (ear, until. a more' conservative in*
• flueoce finds icawsy into Congress. There wain
tune wh?alhs best citixeni oftbe District petition*
- ed Congress for tbei Aboiition of Slavery here, and
. it would have been .less difficult to have obtained
a bearing of Congress for such a prayer then lhau
now. But in regard to the Domestic Slave Trade,
a thing which is repugnant to the feelings of every
good man, it seems strange that no steps have been
’ taken adequate to lhe enforcement of tbe extent cf
the grievance upon .the attention af Congress*.
I i, , Baplatu of the Country.
- - • -Wasimcros, Feb. 12. -
- The news from Old England and New England
. both represent the. Iron tmd Cottnn 1 intererts as
depressed, and a reduction of wages, or an entire
suspension of business, hnstoberesortedtoinboth
countries to sustain lhe sinking fortuneaof the cap
itahata.>n AUthis is the fruit of the free trade j>ol fcj*
of .the two countries, or ,that approximation to it
which, under the prevailing Administrations of the
two Governments, have been adopted. - lu Eng
land the reduction of wages has been teuperrent,
low as wages were there before, and the Laborers
whoofe much more dependent upoh their employ!
era than- in this country, bare been compelled. u>
submit to these necessitous 'restrictions. The ef*
foci willbe to enable the British manufacturer, by
reducing the wages bf labor, successfully to
tood this- country with foreign goods. In other
words,wo maketariffsforthe'.Protection cf for
sign maaofiicturcn»,;and wheu laborers there are
compelled to Live upou a pittance hardly sufllcient
.. to bny their bread and salt, we take measures to
' bring our own people to Ibe same necessitouscon*
The Iron Interests in Europe are sadlyde*
pressed at this moment, while the facilities for ex
* port and the cheapness of freight, and more than
ell the low rate of duty, .will enable our rivals in
bosmesato become in a measure our masters. If
Pennsylvania has bot, she will rue the day in
which she made her sacrifices of principle to pohr
ical by treating 6>t a moment such a
man os; the. present incumbent of tbe Executive
chair. ' “As good a land* man u Henry Clay,“ raid
Mr. Buchanan inbehalf of one who made him
Secretary of State, for perpetrating the untruth.—.
“Equal protection,"aaidMr. Poll- himself in his
memdrahle Kane letter, and which meant no Pro.
tectum at aIL Can Pennsylvania cfaer again be so
deluded by those ?who keep the word of promise
10 the ear and break it to the hope.’’
There are many' here, connected with the maoo
tactunng establishments, who ilidulgein tiie hope
that this Congress will make some revision of the
Tariff •Itis ‘ a mistaken apprehension entirely.—;
The Preazdent would oily *put hia veto upon any
such bill, even should pas* Congress, but this
is practically impossible, with iboSeaate organized
aa itiv lt be hoped, however, that a Whig
House wil) do their duty, in the premises, and re*
peal theactof.l&lG!; .
The Treasury Department finds no relief in the
temporary improvement of Stocks, except that
Treasury Kates are not coming in as last as they
Were daring-jtbe months of January and Decem
ber. When the Notes are at par the Bank bills are
more expeditiously converted into specie and paid
OTer fiv'CttstomHouse dues. In New York, lem
Vintarmed, however, that the Government isuring
the Bank of Americwouch more than its own Sub
Treasury establishment, and indeed the Sub Trees
toy law itself continues rather ip fcnn than in its
spirit and letter. It : serves, however, in the very
- attempts which are made to evade it, to embarrass
' tbe Government, and if Congress, in a spirit of
.. just scrutiny and independence, would examine
‘and proclaim ha details, it would be abandoned by
the* strong censure of an enlightened public opin
I see here a good many Wetfern Merchants on
their way lotheEatf. They and
anxiously of the modelaiy relations of the Govern
ment. They know that the business of tho coun
try, to say nothing of the “happiness of the People,
is intimately connected with the continuance of the
War, and the financial questions growing out of
the war, and hence with, if they can, to see when
.light will emerge from the Cimmerian darkness
which now surrounds the Notion. The West, hr
•tnnatdj ht herself inthe present state of affairs, is
- more prosperous sod ajbie to meet engage
ments than the South.' : New York Merchants tell
me that tbe Western myn ere [meeting nil their
engagements withcommeadeble promptness, white
extended eredds hive generally become necessary
at the South. “As a, good name is better than
riches," iapnvslelife, so il is with men engaged
in business. (Ssdtt, indeed, is btit-another fixra of
peTtnuil reputation, end is tobepreserrod as the
apple of tbe eye.. Even # con tracted business and
small profa, are iariprefcreblejto the hazards of
extended trade la doubtful times, like the present.
r- e.
.Soorr loJjyncilHrffoe
era fovonMe
to bUtommation to the higherofiee iathe gi&of
presidency of tbe UaiXed &ater-
Tlie csll is
done its doty to this, brave General, agd will hot
baye cans© Jbr reproachi'shoold the old • veteran
not find favor at the hands of the electors of other
sections oftbe country.
The .vigor ..with which these primary movements,
are made on the part of Uie. (Heads of, those who
expected to'come before the. National Conven*
tioa, argues the happiest rerah to the approaching
campaign. -It is not with the .Whigs' as with the
toco focos, who meet at the summons of their' file
leaders,;and go .whilhef they are. bidden. The
frierids of the hero of Lundy’s Lane and the re
cent and brilliant victories in many a- Mexican
field, advocate his claims in competition with those,
of Henry Clay. Zuhary . Taylor, , and the other,
names the whiga have chosen to honor, feeling that
he will have justice done... It is not. Scott or a lo
co foco, and we hope the good friends'of Mr. Bo*
ebsnan will not mistake this demonstration for ao
appearance of even a difference of opinkm on the
part of the A\Tugs, and flatter themselves that they
will be beneiilted by iL Let draw the true
inforcnce from all this preparation and prepare Jot
the defeat tbe Whigs of old Allcgbcny mean to
givetbem inNovember 1818. ; !
%Ve have,still a long list of names which ws are
unable to give, and are . told that many county lists
are still out We should have been glad to have
given this entire list of Whig names bill ore pre*'
vented for .want of time and space.
PUtibargli GuftU.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette:
Wasiiwotox, Feb lf>, 1818.
Scuts —Tbe Senate was engaged for a good
part of the morning upon Petitions and Memo
Mr. Badger moved the reconsideration of the
bQI for tlie'inrrease oftbe Medical Staff of tbe ikr
my.The'vote passing the bill having been recon
sidered, the question recurred on agreeing to the
bill, when ,Mr. lladger moved its indefinite post
ponement, which was agreed to.
Agreeably to motion. Mr. :i Felch, of Michigan,
brought in a btU relative toihe District Courts of
Michigan, which was readtwice and referred to the
-Jud ciaty Committee.
Mr. 1 ulee moved to take up Mr. Die kin son's re*
solutions providing that no new territory shall be
Slave territory, which was agreed' to after a little
debate, af the conclusion ofwhich'Mr. Yutee re.
tamed his speech, contending that people who shall
go to such' new territory -have a right to carry
slaves. Nor is there any.power that should pre
vent them, or that bad a right to do so, contending,
also, that the Constitution did not give power to
stop* them.
The Senate then proceeded to the consideration
of the Ten Regiment Bill, agaiust which Mr. Up
ham, of Vermont, made an extended speech, com
menting with severity'upon the cobrse of the Ad
ministration in regard to the war.
Mr. Rnsk then obtained the floor, and tbe Senate
adjourned. ~ \ -
Ilorsr.—Mr. Kauffman offered .a resolution that
the debate should close on the Loan Bill to-morrow
at lO.o'dock, which was 1 agreed to after debate
yeas 409, nays 87. •
Tbe debate on the Loan BDI was then resumed
by Mr. Crozier, who opposed it. . . .
,;Mr. Houston, of Alabama, followed, contending
that 'Mr. .Walker’s estimates would be more than
fealized. • : ' I
Mr. Hudson replied, and showed the glaring
blunders of the Treasury Department in the fullest
manner. , ' -
Mr. Nichols followed, in defence oftbe Secretary,
advocatiug the suggestion thrown out by Mr. Houv
,Philadelphia. Feb. 15, 16(8. •
: jThe Southern mail has arrived at Petersburg
bringing all the back dales due.
; There have been several arrivals at New Orleans
from Vera Crux, from whence the adnces..ere
brougfat*-dovro)o tbe 2Gih of Jan. and from the city
of Mexico to the;l9th being six days UiertUan
the aews by the Edith.
* The Courier which took the Message of Mr.
Polk for the American Star. was. captured by the
Guerrillas, near Yen Cruz, isken into the bushes
stripped and shot CoL McClelland as soon as he
heard of the outrage, proceeded in search of tbe
Guorrilles, whom be cut off in their retreat-
. It is represented that the robbers are out in great
force upon the National read, and that the Small
Pox is very prevalent among tbe troops 'at Vera
A train had arrived at Vera Cruz with dates to
the 19th of January from the Capital, unmolested.
Oriaabahad been captured but we have no details.
The train of Gen. Marshall and that of Cot Miles
were met at Puebla on the 17th of Jan. by. tbe
down train. ■ *
no quorum of the Mexican Congre**
at Queretaro,and the session wu to pen dr d. N'oJ«a •
• peace or. the morehieau
. of tbo Piniburfh <?czea«
vutrau, Febk 15, 4, f. sz.
it steady hot not arttve.—>
wilfaoot change, lliougfa
.« dull and nothing doing,
mark*!, is without change.
f nominal, .
of ihft' Pituborgb Gazette.
ltimosk. Feb. 10,3 r. v.
et i* quiet, With moderate
brand* at $$JS2c p bW.—
'ts p bbL The redpU of
G*aj.s— Prime RedWbeat i» told at 1243120
*'bu;and of 061 bo Prime White 1253139?bn.
Sales of Prune While Corn at 00c and of Prime
fellow at Oile bti. • Moderate sales of Rve at
72373 pbb. . r '
Wmsttt—Sales at 2Cc per gal.
PnovEMora—The market is dull with do sales to
day worth reporting;.
iraocans—'The- market is without change.
Corretpondenee of iho Pittsbcnh Gazette.
Cnfcccurx,, 6, r. jr. .
.Floub—Safesof 9OObblsaisloi l O6i perbbl •'•.
Wunazr—Safes to a limited extent at 47Jc per
Moto***—New Orleans is now 26c per
galL This advance is caused by the recent ad*
vance in X Orleans.
Scqax—The market is active; 200 hbds fair N
Owere aold at 4R2H|c per tt.
Mew Pobk—Sale* of 1400 bUs No 1 at $7,50 y
bbl .
Rtco?f—Regular sales of Hama at f»c; of Shout*'
tiers at 3c, ana of Sides at 4c>perJb.
Ilouaoirro is held at 4c, but purchasers are not
disposed to operate. '
laßDisdolL ' .
Rzclosive Correspondence of .the PiUsbnrgh Gazelle
New York, FeL 15, 3 P.M
Fwr*—The market ia steady, bit-presents little
activity. Limited sales arequotednvday of Gen*,
caeeax sO,Q6loC,lßr.and of TPeatern brands at
$5,87106* bbl. • .’. . *
Obai.’S—There is a good inquiry for IKhent, fat
milling; other grains are quiet The market .’for
corn and oats is dall No change in prices -
Phovtsioss— Lard is scarce and is held at Bf, but
no sales ore quoted higher than Sew Jh. Safes of
old irerternjXo. 1 Afeas Pork at $9010,121.* bbl
of Prime Beef) we quote safes of City packed at 80
y bbL Safe*.of iKestera No 1 Mess Jfeef. at SS,-
37! * bbL Of Bacon, we note safes today of city
smoked sides, at 7Jc * ft.
The Cotton market is quiet, and nothing doing
The' market generally is without change. Deal
erVare holdingofffortbe foreign new*.; ,
catTcrn a vast—February i 7.
:The War of Conquest—The Spanish 'and Amer
ican Invasion—Vote’ of Thanks to Gen. Scou and
Gen. Taylor—Profits of Mannfsrturea—From the
Array—A word to Whig Friends—Free Banking
and Par Redemption—Stealing Territory—Mr
WilmoU Speech—Late Cram Europe—lmportant
Delates intangre**—Pennsylvania Legislature—
I%es*dental Nomination—lron Trade—Late from
Central America^—Land Fond and tbo Public Debt
Stave Case—rVicwa of Conquest—MA Clay in the
Supreme Court—The Difference between Mexico
and F-wgtnrt ja War—Model Artists ' Tares on
Bctiikn News by the’ Sarah Sands.
latest Telegraph news, Foreign and Domestic.
.Commerce: A carefully compiled Review of the
Markets forttopaaweeki'Tbe price* in the local
eity markets; The Caltfe Market; Tlie prices of
American produce in various parts of the Union;
Amount of Flow, Wheat, Cora, tot, received since
the opening of -the Cattab Cfenal boAineits'and
more meats of prodace; Market in London. ’.
Spiritof the JVis; Copious Extracts
fismibajeadingjournal*on tupfi*
, mee ooenasßgin .coM;,
7 :
r--: HQSOfe TO SHE BEAyB.': vr
M6e fteads oTGEN. jWINFIELDSCOTT, in
are favorable lohis.’nomi
for tkePreafdency of tiie United States, will
taeet ta lbe<Hd Cook House, Diamond,'oa Toes*;
day,'February 22d, 18 to, at" o’clock, tvM.'"' c
1 Jaxcieaß Speer ■ T J Bigiam .
Alexander Jayues , James W Baxter -
Harvey BoUmnn' - John Forsyth .
C L Magee .James I{ Sewell
James Mar*ball ’
Harrisoo Parry . . .Alexander JL.Miller
!Wm Boyd ■ ' Solomon Stoner
! Richard Rivard* .'John D Mahon
1 John Wiljbck,. . ; i - Alexander Hll&nds
John McFaden ' John Gebhart
Wade Hampton j William Mackey
Benjamin Dartiu|tao James M Christy
James McCauley.. j Thompson Dtmglias
Wm B Mowry ? ; Wnfi B Holmes.
John Piper ■ . / Bo ben Leas
L Severance {PH Miller
Irwin 9 Abrams ; James F Boyd
John Haney AC. Stewart
GM Hatton - James Buoton
K Hoover ' - John Macarty
Charles Barnes John G Brown
W J Kountx John Zeller
Johi BaUorntim . ’.Morgan M Shirk
Cyrot Townsend Moses Kipirk
Samuel H Baker John Shaw
James RStnith v J B Moore
Alexander Porter - j Nathan Boyd
Andrew Richey ) Saninei Boyle
S Blain ; Janid Brooks
Nathaniel Sprout j James B Slade
Joseph Deiratin ' Thomas Breodin
John Jacobs -j H Fulton
Thomas B Moore | J Jack
Alexander Smith j KII Douglass
Mathew Clark L E Franks
J H" Robison John Howard
R H Hasten Holiert Hays
JKdbii ; T‘
.hotna* OalaLsn
' James E Chivey
James Wray
. i»oa'
A F Fnaldia
T 1C Wilson ; William SkikA
John Miller ■ ' ; Robert Devine
Michael \Vi*e__ ■ John Eddy
John Wise i J M K Snodgrass
S Cuthbert [ Washinrton McKelvey
J H Dougherty : Junes Carothers
W M Martin ’AH Brawn -
Robert Carothers Robert S Moody
Joel Means , Samuel Smith
U R Means Robert Smytben
K D Smith Janies S Smytben
Robert McCauley Joseph Elrodd, jr
Win B Whitaker ~ Jacob Slrowd
Joseph H Elrotld ■' ' AJ^Stewart
Jacob Hartman ' . Akiandr Criteldou'
Uriah Applegate John Critclilon
Alfred J Truman j Hugh Martin
EleasSpencdr . i James Stanley
Josiah Watson - ' i Hams Lyon
Robert Thompson ■ Adam Mabood
Sampaon Fuliviler GW Rankin
James Douglas* ' M McMaaten
Ivod Robb : John W Dean
Thomas E Franklin Wm Youdan
Andrew Joh|iston‘ ;Wm R Walker
Joseph Knox : Mark Borland-
M C Ftorsemer C A Dravo
Juries G. Hays ' - Samuel J\lcCune
Alexander Poster SatriuelW McClure
Samuel Milliken . CF Diehl
JoirD Grey. ; Joseph McCliritock
R Smith i Joseph Deaver
Bennett Lake ' Richard Taylor
J N Laupfiliri i Robert Stewart
John McCurdy. ; Silas Lane
Samuel Roberts . < F Wirt
Theodore P. Kramer i John Hutchison
James Roberts j ; Joseph* McCracken
Erven Boyd j G llSwartx
John Dean " John'S Walker
John Bafllie T J Speers
R A Becks Jotui Era as
Elisha Keer
WUhero Bojrd
Enoch Sprout
Joseph Leslie
. John McCone
; Daniel. Follinger
! Jacob Debolt. .1
" R LjtJe
j Jesae K McCurdy
: John Smith
; Samuel McMoster*
; Marion Osborne ‘
: • Thomas McMasien
Isaac Clevber , I
. : Richard Clark
H Sardine
, Thoaßussell
A Coleman
Robert McFarland
E Huahman
Tbo* Dithridgc
A Bums
' Samuel Burns
: John P Black
. Arthur. Long
W S Stevenson
. Robt Morgan
Arthur Hickman-;
• Frederick Hind ]
Jamfra H Cochran
’ Thoi TeUiirtl
'S H Herron
AVm Davis
James Troth
JII Lange
lAdam Finlrr
iltiigb Duff
S Ballard
AVS Collins
Elijah Barton
John Winter*
James McKelvey
; A Donaldson
Robert Shaw
Samuel Olivers _
J O’Brien
Jame* Lumer
X Good
li Long
Adam Brackett
|HnghT Harper
. Wm T Barton
• James Jacob*
; Peter A Wok'
' ‘ Wm Sloan
. Alex Robbins
James Knowiton
Alex Jtoover
' Edward Conway
E Worthington
H L Patterson
Thos Jlawlriu*
James Porter
E A Bam*
J Newton
R P Young
Daniel Hill
■1 - Kabt A Bennett
WeiJ Beard
Thos Carsou
Peter Wy|ey\
J O Holme* \
Wm Murray 1
R Bailey
A Woods ''
James Shearer
Robt Loring
J Hammond.
John Burke
' Alex Gilson
_• William Ilob*on
! Ematiucl Thaw ;
'June* Wier
Geo Gilmore
Qwnezer Boyle •
Wm Gilson
Thoms Wills
J H Henderson
Edward R Jackson
Alex Thompson
Wm Riley
John Logan
Jfl Beatty
J M Klinefelter
James Knox
Rbbt Armstrong
Henry Drown
John Liggett
John Jones Jun
George H Evans *
Andrew While
George Varner
Daniel Tuck
Win Kennedy
Win Johnson
W'W Trimble
J Zimmerman
James Gregory ' -
Henry Gorman
.John Smith
'Samael Vane
•John Smith
Franklin Kroeh \
John MSimra»
Simon D lloMtnau
R Marshall
\Vm *?lewart
Canard | Shoreman
David Sims-
Henry Montgomery
William Proctor.
John ArtHer*
Wm Mara
John Z olden
C Myent
Wm Maxwell
Andrew Stewart
David McWland
Thomas Cluster
KB West
John Aadrewliiggs
H Hector
9 N Fmdley
John Blackburn
• S Hascly
; Wm B Dravo
i K Karthens
Jno Wm Eckle *
J McCormick
Wilson Wall
Win CoolaiiHnpr
Wm Gardner
Jefferson Perry
Wm II McFall
Bradford) Well*
Bela Grimm
9 Recdbury
Henry Jacob*
8 Nirefy
Sergeant Elliott
H N Mowmuu
L M Ferguson ■
Daniel Pent* Sr •
Joseph HRotrock .
Daniel Pantz Jr.
D S LetTingwaU
Albert Merrimaa
John Howell
EpUraim-Pal me U*r
Francis McClure
Robert Minor
Jacob Miller
Jamies McQuiglry it
.J M Boyd ::
Robert Minier
George MUJer
Loois Shader
■ Wm Newlln’
Jacob Beihl
Joseph Hutchison
Joint WeilovßD .
Wm McLatigldiu
Edward Fike
Robert Garrard jr
D Lmnbeek
T Lawrence .
John Cooley .
E Napier
M Roiu'
Ki'anris Amtvell
Jno Wallace
’ Crawford Rockdale
Alan Wilson
Kobt Bolivar
j.Wm Rook
iW Wilson
: J R Herbert
A Kirby
J Carol her*
It McKean
Jesse Wingate
S Maloney
F IJmnn
Rtfcert Lang born
Robert Rush
Joint Simmons
P Kerr 1 t It .Barr |
J Dougherty. David Fnliart
G Thomson J Huoler
A Grove' Wm McDouneli
Roger Bell Joseph Hunter
H&bbonv .. MI McFali
J C Thompson R Graham
.W Gibbons . . ,DCliody
-Wtn'Folton .... , JBrenneman
S'W Hope ; . W Stout j
G Voegbi . W Parks!
W Stock * J Spears!
WmDugen. ! Jas Painter
N-Bobio»oa •» RotertScoit •
JAliniier ! KMPoWer
C South ■ ; Wm Todd
JHaorwk . • J.Gadd j
S Eakins i ■ • S Franklin Thompvjij
Jatoes Robinson ; R B Brown
PAlbert .. ' ~ ! JJQiawidUie • -
Thos MaKeever TM Finley- ,
JJjya efc\|' CjrtS Cbnrin -t ,
Jama* Bourn • : NSichey: •
PBwtafcr ' Fedhtaad Sdwertr
-«*.«*' is. ,w- S;_. x 3
Comfortßdiley •- J Mullen.:' ,
Jtf'U' Bright Felix l Ziaflettr
T.C Hopkins V W V JTallen * •
W-Wood - \ . Sam Sheridan
Wm Cooper A Bankhead?
T Jacobi-■ JolraGrifajv *
Robert Wallace * 'John Walthour
W Kobbisco .... TSpeakman
Alex M Watson H Spcakmao
Joseph Srtnpaon ; W-Speafanari • •
David Smith ' - » John Otteriiou
John Moor . \. Jos Harden ..
James Boyd - " Fauntly Muse
S Moor • S Smith : •
Thomas Smith J Smith '
Gregg ..E Bayne.
y\ra Brau JMcCJeary
J Johnson a Gim /
[SCaskey John Muse
b Buroingbam J McKean'
And L Crain John Dickson i
It Anderson p Grove •
Wra Penny John Scott .
E Anderson . S McKee
Wm Dinsmore Clark Jewell
J SbepWr J Dawson
W E uVrison Hugh McCoy
J H'HddebranJ J Cotts
A Mcßride Thomas McKal i
R Baker W J Sargnrit
Adam Gold jr Jos Clark
W F Oarrelt A J Frew
Frederick Kockeback D Frew
T S Smollett EH McKee,
A D .Hathaway C McCoy :
J Torrance Jas McCoy
J Dawson ' J W Taylor
Michael Condron Jacob Q Nauis
George W Flubley M Kisslcr !
Robert Montrose AGochring
James C Crawford Ebenexer W St litb
A Heckeniouper . J Carson
Jolin L Lerbum John Winter
Cheater R Molt Y Cinner :
Jns C Anderaon Samuel Watters
John W Cue • John S Alien
N Findlc T J Turner
Joseph Barker Robt Scott :
Samuel Charier US Bent '
Richard Dean Joseph Bulford
Simon Ilcasly W S Vangordoi
Samuel A Keller M Y Worthing
Robert Timber* Edward Richar Is
Wm Keller-- Wm Ansbuix
Jefferson Krotts* Hezekiah McCoy
Daniel Petrie Alex McKee
Cnnrod Kaercher David Groves
Henry Bufcer Thomas Make*
Wm Moatcm Robert Horenci
John Leiaenring James McKee
Wm Block B W Hutton
Robert Milton J Y Johnson
A Wilson Thomas Folly -
Edward Little Jamesß Turner
A W lVntlahd, John McCldren
James Person* Wm Rhodes '
James E Stewart John R McCartney
Datrid Orendort' WmKasly:
J W Popo John Pqrter
Wm Smith Samuel Murray
R Shirley Jas Humimer •
John W Thompson IS Rowe j-
J Kelley John McKee i
SN Pierce Thomas Sbanlejgh
Peter Thompson'• Jacob Becker jr
James E Dickey ' Jacob Lowery •
A Ham's John fUwersoai
John S Logan John P Hay.
Win Bran inger OJJarvta
WmCHerr Andrew Byera i :
Solomnn Warl Peter Keait i
M P Hubbard Josiah McCUntock
James Simpson Alex W Bayne.
-Wm Small ■ . GW Gardner 1
Isaac P Poss , '
Jaa N Wilkinson sA Fu reason !
S M Bratton R E Simpson- j
JobaOX'eill D Galbraith " --
John Albertson S Simpson ’
Wm 0 Neill Jaa Galbraith : ;
James McEwen P Schofield . r*.
John L Vnuxl, * . -JMcDontiell
SC Barkley ‘ . JS'Shoeriiig 1
Samuel Tnmble William Hughey
Thomas Houston Wm II Hoevber
Michael Fislier Isaac Janes
Isaac Ross S Hsraman ;
S- S Hudson William MeClaren
Joseph Nixon J P Anderaou i
Sam W ; Hibbert J S Atleri«ry i
John Sharp John Bayne ’
John Giltillau Edward Donghdtty
John Lindsey Thomas H Puma
RW Whitesides Alexander Burnt
James Young J Adams
Samuel Stewart Joel Monroe
James W I'eUit . Tbomnx Philips
Johu A Lambert , James Harvey
Charles Carroll • R Clarke -
Alexander Gaines I A H Dunn !
GeOrpe Wallace ' William Hock
• WmFßartiet Edward, White
J Steen. John White
Robert MeClean ' J Tnstin
Samuel MeClean-.' James B Smith
Samuel Lynch Robert Shaw •
Peter Hama - Andrew Shaw
Robert Welton G W Whitesides
R H Glenn Joseph MeMasb n
James DutT Thomas McMasten
R C McCormick U McFrtelv
J McKeown RE&baw
SENwbct J R Shaw
J S Barn* R Glasgow -
-Slack JE Wilkinson
“John McMaster* MHendersou
G ImrimeV— E D Henderca
R Carotbera J Draro
SMe Masters t W Dravo
Robert J Jcllries '
Roltert Stnylbers Wm Mcßride
John (tmliam James Hood -
John Nolands . John Oliver
Robert Rankm Edward ChriMf .
J E Rankin Janies Garvar'j
J Taggart . Sami E Ellis' V
•\\ hi ridost John Shannon \.
Jacob Snyder J W Philips
David N Williams J Mitchell '
Wm Hugo Andrew W Moo e
II A llyad* • ’ Thomas Moore'
Wm >f Price Samuel Lewis :
James R Flyun John II Ism's .
Robert William* George Hart
James C O'Neal . James Hart
George Stewart John Hamilton ‘
Wm H Fletcher William Duncan
Janies Hunter J Black .
H H Irwin - H Atkinson
Henry W Gilleland Dnnean Kami ho*
J Brown . 4 Hugh W Johnsoi
R H Brou'it Thomas Lewis
J Wylie James Stewart
Joseph Jellrey John Baldwin
J A lJeor* James H Baker
A Usher Tbomas Montgonierv
J Fan* James Irwin j
John Mefcer William Gibiaui l
Jnmea Hyer> Jolin Gibson
James Young William Staley
John Hunter Thomas Johnson-
James Dillon John Hoffman
Thomas Bowman Isaac W Afthton '
Benjamin Adam* James II Menson
Peter Morgau John P Atherton
David Williams George N Wilhelm
Amlrew Edmund David Fdmer
A Ramsey John Barret ',
JohnMcFflriand John Warnoch
dohn Caakey Joseph Thompson
Green ' Frands Bojii
John Ingram William Lee
John Y Mills 'DaridO'NVilj
UG Young JosenhiKera
Thomas L Smith l» Walkinpihaw
Joseph Smith Jautes McCalpia
Isaac Jones R. Grulmm
K Anderson J Anderson ' .' t -
Benj Cuckeu, Sr Wm Andemn ,
A omiUi— Snmuel Armstroot
John Bialioji !,• W Brown
C L Melville John Bags
R A 'Mnlony tiatnuel Anderson
Rcjiert Melvil James Brown
J Campbell John Anderson
; Byoa J o im Young
John Brown A Mebary
RobertMomion A II Medaker -
James Morrison R FWilheht ■
Jam*a Wilson R J Shaw i - ?
Robert Wilson John Fisher |
HaJen Smith . SF Morris • ;
H J C Torrence !
John Hendrickson J S Boltcly ;
Alfred Cuty J H Speelman I
James Flnskn JHStrobro •
Jamesßedgar JS Wilkinson' i
A H Stewart Edward Emerson i
Henry Starr lIC Crosby ■
G I( Gichclberger EUAlbvn
i lIS Spikcimjn JC Kelley
JH Tucker . W F Ip/iq
J Larkin M'S Goff V
' U s ' .
dTßullock RHlUntou!
S Hickman James Grocnlcaf
G C Huey Edward Ewing
•| 0 .H u « I , I ?^ b,ul 11 CnldweU .7 ;
J H Wilkiqson Hiur t &iff ’
JO*.rst ; JDudcson i
J McClure a J Jack '
;. F i 7 Sam’l Irwin . ;
It J \v alters Geonre Kuo* ‘ '
WmE MeElrjy i'
,P John Collm. :
l', 111 SLPierre
John l-Jlam, ,• JEKennetr : v
Ih Palcrmn JohnEAflim ,
WioSrechwehkr B K Wilson ?
thuill. Bcoir ,KHWnllire
JorareSunm . Join SttHer .. f
t H S;? cr , Stephen Mwton
Sim-1 Hnnltecter ; Rnhl Mnxwell
BN Kennedy Win P Woo*
£»° 11 Black ■ Snm'l Kelly
Peter M Mngreer Jotepb Miiler ■ ,
rriS" 1 'fw“ JieUon i
JEFfeyvogle . MoyiMn
Jw> Ncuiser GeoLaurev *
SW Brook. H.WFS a
HEWbitlel • k
C M Means Johu Irons '
GWeigler. JCSatennghi’ f
Tui UlUo ' •jpmcSS i
J H Joseph Speer ;
GWBnoton’ JasEcole
S D Cunningham J K Ronaom 1
JPiain * “ . Edward Ransom :1-
John Lahm .Wm I
BPOrr 1
JP Wright. Win E Brawn . I
JPSlaler John P Wn»~e • '
C CampbeU Robert Graham •'
Jljoughefty ,111 Rom • "J
Jaa Buchanan Edward Graham i
fired Bgulke ; Jas 1
TR Holmes • ... .Wm Rarnher C ' [
Henry ~ FraudsAmtfronc.
S Glass . SamlLtaasev ‘
Johnflowm Jiff *
H Bariev Robot OfapbaQ
.a*Y^j^^ii.^/.i-..rrf^uv&v^-;-; r •.^• r , - n t
- t-.y-r,, 3 r • &$?
WOto;.; • -r . , -Dankl Cotter j. 1
SaalD Tool# j " B*ml'\wsori i
S Patterson;: ■ ■ :-!-•■:'■ UwisWorfcfein I
WmUeMedbrt - , ' Hexekiah Tmcot£
M Heriy."-? •. v ; : .Wip Boyd -:- V
Wm Bryan'' • Harvey Tapper v ---'
Samuel Templeton...;..Michael.DurMacahaa
Joseph Beed JWbeatfield
JasNOßmger : • j WmSutch
Tboa Patterson * : ■ * S'DdoidiK ♦’ l ‘ • •>
Charles N Friable Josßiler
• Adan-Coats ‘^Wm-Wibble
Stephen Logan . • Wm Black
Wm F Simmon* . J Wheeler • ■
Robert McGrath . - ~B Litchfield
Matthias Seiber - -ThosE Jones’..
$G* skill \ R Wharton '
. /John NesbaetE . Daniel McClelland
WR Park NiehoUaManST ,
James MeCJatebey ■ Daniel Gtore
Peter Auraod John T^*^ tn
Baml Sands A McFarland "
Crain Robert Leaman
. ohnELioyd • Charles Ferguson '
.[aecb Q Bergin H Utzei beraer ••'
Geo Forrrester Alexander Kiak
A Hossmer. Jas Femaon
Wm Golding. : . Daniel Fofliat •
James Mordock Alex Welch ..
James E Henry P Arnold ’
C Breading • Wra Bowers
® Gibson : - Chas MnMbrd 7 . .
I* S yep », - ' - Samuel,Kasa..
[AFRupelt ' JuGarden ..
[lease Johoaoa. WnrDonahoe t -
Daniel Shroener R . . .
M Matthews John Walker
RMead Richard Dawson .
FYBenoet. John Kendall
{?,* Thomas Fleming i
Wm P Talbott Henry G Moor?
w m Hartman (of C) Lawrence Holland
v ‘ Joseph Thompson
I** R Boiton John Henderson
Wm Lambert W Adams •
L Mifflin Thomas Speskman
W S Allen Robert Findley :
SMoor • ‘John W Boyd
Charles Brewster . • Wm G MeCteur
ThotfM Little Peter Forsyth
R. Clarkson Jos E Gregg -
R Reeves John Speen
JosDonalason JosK Kinsbury
Augntfis R Anshms JosßHaydon
JEHotehihsou Jacob B Hayfcr •
John K Grahani \-
J T Bhouse James Gregs :
Samuel H Thomas*/ ' • James H Speaktnan
And McKee H Vaflenline”
RApilkey ~ RReaxJn , ,
JGilkey , JHGilion ---
Geo law ‘Edward Boyle ',
R.Gilbert Robert Young :
Sam Hamilton Robt Mansfield
WHolliday . RobtSampsoii
Geo II Perpignan .; R Bradford - ‘
JS Harris Thos Dickson af -
- DanlH Stone,V Ben j Crain
G Grove AbmSCrain
\V Schrider JS Stewart
JRHarbtson A'Bixler
Z W Bennington .. WBixler - '
J Sanders . jHPhilipa .'
Lnke Cockshoot Gideon Etcher
S Robbins Isaac Wtoans . '
W Robbins ' .' . Daniel Kohler. .
S M Irwin ~ John Thompson ’
R Sampson - - . James Cart aright-
Robt B Carnahan - Franklin Kirk ; .
TSimersU Prser Franl* -
S Gibson K FVantx
XMcGrew Andrew S Peterson
T C Dickson jr Jacob F Giu ‘
J J Ritinger . • ' Philip Johnson • .
Alfd H. IhWfjf, B J Hunter
W Lucas , Conrod KFuller
SLueaa i Jacob Hanson .
J Lucas - [ .Henry J Detnhiler
B HuneweQ ' John Keck , :
' John W Anderson
Alex Hahn J-CKaufiman •
TbomasDwenn i' Chat F Wright
‘ TMMarsbaD
HllCbesnut Wm Marshall
- JamesJohnstdn . John CMarshall
Sami Hill. . ,J Patterson • .
A Lamberton- Robert Green
Tbos Winired - Tbo# Jones •
John Hcering <. Geme Greer
JR Murphy Jss Wilson
Wm Crady SKeely
• CBeringer Henry Place,
T Garwig JasJefirey
. John Spence Charles Matthews
F Rainbow ‘ Wm Adams
Sample Henning . Jas Brown
Sam I Greer M Heron
And Stewart ' John Rcwrt
AM Brown RoU Hay ..
Thos Mercer J Gilleapie
Piercn TutiiiH Wm Hall
Wm Spence Semi Parks
G KeJlyr Hugh Dallsell
S France Philip Deer >
Peter Howse Hiram Howse"
BeojKirk RMcClnre
Jos Hasten Jacob Fidele
JM»a W Brickell J
. DC Levis J Williams'
—*Hornbeck G Frank -
Alfred M McLaflhrts -
R McFaddrti John Herron *
JosAllisoo _Xicbolos.FriM
-EphGraham John
N Miller .■ J M McCJeQsnd *
Ralph Hoy N Brice
Kennedy Ferree Tboa Wilder
Alex Warden- DnVid Kennedy
WSh«ptfd R A Reed
Geo Thomas • p McGratty
Edward llsll Tbaddetts llnston
Stml Price Roger McOou,ld . .
John Reed Wm Reed *' '
James Douglas. ' David Forsythe
Jos Brown 1 France
John Martin C McL>aaen
G GoiSne ' JuSdoou ~ ‘
Win M°rtm •V? Duncan ‘
James Simpson , SBlarik
Thomas Horner ,
Robert Black . - Robert Jboes
JM Adams > Alexander TbomMoa
Thompson Hall William BtephenJi
H Knox Henry Crable
Darid King, E Harien
K Burke P Casey
U Hunter HWooUlayer '
P Mcinioc George Soede -
John Shinn A Bennet ’
T B Aspen Eugene Allen
J Lynch « . J Park
SB*i Gregg Sumrel Riddell
Thomas MrMastera Joabenh Warner
James Dickey M Harris
'''Wltodds -- SunhopesHaines
W Spear John Merdithr:
Robt Atrbinson Chas Willis
Johnson Campbell Mitchell Buckner
A B Shew Geo Duvall ,
John AJgeo CCbester
■ J Lawreaoe ..Santoel McOov -
J 0 Crawford fR McKnight
Theopilui Howard P Stewart
SAdel , :J Stewart :
W Calhoun Wllowitt
J Fen too M Hard
MWoodruff Philip Hirdinz
A ETaylor .• AMehood -
CMirer Haimes David ftjyd
BCosrpenbwaiie B Shreero *
T Bates JJack
R Fiord John Dickson
Rudolph Bailey Uriah Coffin
Francis Seou John Sloan
FMcßride . Hansonßurrell
Adam Begg. . piasQuay -
J Winters,.. Fred Gleeson
D Mclntire • -Sami Ckane
JLPascce Elisha Hoops
H Powell J Kringin
SKrinno JBLyon ,
Henry WaraoiiK Simon Day •
Auguatua Thornton JJi ElatOo - ’
Samuel Bruce Chris Collin*
Chrirtiaa Myers Reddick JFllaan
Josbas Stequwk Geo Crooks '
0 Gulliver Geo Cooper -
James,McCord Conrad Snipes
& Bunuides Afichiel JlfcCtrtv
David Mtrsbsll • Tbos McCarty
J Marshall • And Craig
Thomas JUiQigin J Ssngree
Benjamin Rnenwy . Jobßiichev .
Sami Sean • If'xn Guy '
•J Fnlloo jr 1 Murphy •
Robert Stnith TFm Boyd
James Simpson Harvey. Gray V
A Leech , # Geo Hawklw' .
I Setsoa Chamnman ' GeoDjHogsn.
I Leonard Walker - James Alexander
IWm Ilervey . IFm Etnerr '
1 John GOliland ' R Handson
JohaScott . Andersin AfcClajn
Wm Potter J AfcClqry
John Coen Adam Black
Geo Parker ' Tbos N Porter .
J Connibaa John Kirkpatrick
H A IFeaver Tbos Little
David F McKee . A^Wakefield
.Win Brotberton
EEJlolmen i
■ 9 B Robinson
A N Afeeklsiu
Tto> itfttun *
Jacob: Wells -
Geo Watson, sr
R PJttarshall
WmJ'Jtffller '-’ ’
C SaUeraon . ■
(X Yeager
P A Ounslead
8 E Haines
'Adam Getty
: Jatnet Wmfat :
-M P Patton
Jacob Berger
Tboe W Wright
: Wm Armstrong -
-SDoaajthan •
Wm B Carry -
John Allen. •. , ■
Simon Aroatraog ,
Tboa Beit ' -'
R Better-
S NcmHth •• ’ ’ r '
EdwgrdftinJip.:; ;
Alexander Hindman
; P"Wiflef
W McGee 1 -
J Doherty
Jm A Knot
JP Scott
CII Bidweil
Jas II Graham
FB JWpOpßnell
iFmLKuuell _.
JAT Bingham •." '
Wm TPiUs
ITS Smith
K J Gamnl -
TtufflWi Belt
Sami Palmer.
JTra I< Ad*m-1
JPin Buchanan
JaaA JUcKnijgfel ~•■
J'boaP Dunn
asD BoatreU
U ilailett
John Hrular.
Robert Finney
Saml Fulton
Thoaßty .
Edvard Gate*
Hfllery Reynold*
Edvard Loaf
Jacob Sultou ■
Jaaohmlt *
Job G Patterson
Tbumaa Faooa
Ephraim Harriott
Mr* 0 *
•' - • i-
Jotaiogji , ■ Gr.frai'Elur
Suwd HeCndicoa s fWinHEtfß* ■-
t ‘ ' J«HBarchilda-i-
A<£»B«Jl<' • WMGoralv '
flWB'." SmW '« Vm JDbnisoii
Jokn-Beei-el' - JwEabrt
.J«me,.Joluuoa,..„. Wm Allen
Wmßingium R Brigham
‘H Wj Jweiii Wm L Draisoa
s*?'? Call; * - '■ Geo McGee_ "
&BMpQpctran ■ _... .‘WFomtb ....—
’ James story
We haTe-fireor Blx himdred namesto’adJ to
Ihe above-call, but cannot Sir want of time tad
space. • .. .
. ! r *. jdbsd,' 1 ' ' ..
\e«trrd*yinonuße. ATarr
M. Greer, aged nearly 7 yean.
Tfce friend* of the family are respeetfuliy utTited tool,
tend the funeral,to-day at. 3 o'clock, without farther
notice. .
••}•-• .. XVHKSXVn. ■
C. J<Surra, ■....... ...5tage Manager.
• Ip* Farewell benefit and posilire ly lasi appearance
oTßamey \Villama,oa Which occasion be will appear
la three arid* most popular characters.
• B 7“ IWa ere oing, Febroarr 15lh, will be. pre sealed
. the celebrated Drama or' the
Lorry Madiran....... Harney William.*.
Pryce biaebe1a,...... r ....;...,...'.c. j. smith.
Afterwhiefc, by request, the UoihabJe Interlude of the
IWW.TOWI...!; >i
lb ronclada, with the Ferre of l! I
•. TO nut [ .. * ••
Exelaalve til* orOtnUcßuß’i Wear.
.. A yfif,y t,T *IO*K or THE EIEB IH EALTmOBC.' ‘
"fit 00 ” ***» “ COf ) d «w»w« ofeharW*!.
ahall remora w lime for tb« Nwiflc Busmens
ft, from our present Store,No. aiD Baltimore street!
**•* of Charles *ireet. lo our new. and curmnodioas
Warehouse now building, No. 233 Baltimore street, ca
thy tame rife of dm sweet,but two doom above CharS
shall be happy to sec our trieads andcusr
when firttwe took iip
thiaßnneh of the Dry ftooas Business exclusively,
: wnrineed ub beyond a doubt, that a business like otire
r,lh . ,h r“ lnß here, a. sim-
Uar esUbllsluaenU for many rear* put had enjoyed; in
the Nonheni Market*. and that Country Vratm. bv 1 a’
■iaaie Vial, would see the-octaal necessity to divide
their purchase*, and. m uo it»ianee,totniy tbeirWool-'
L? 1h 7.. ,x^ ht tbeir-Domestfes, Drew,
or. Fancy. Good*. jVVe have, therefore, cade snrh ar
raJigein,mu lbf ihe coming Sprint .Trade, tlmt we eon
fideWly iante the afuation of BlfDealer* riaheiw our our aasurin* theta, font in the
. e*«nt of oar Stock, Quality, or Price*, we ahall be
second to uo House ut the Coumry. -
i «y »»» B«ytn i» Biropi, v.d mil
hskeiH iDppbnlduriiir th, Muon, <hr „ ewe ,t
rnd choicru.Ru’jr iood. fa oar lfa« o/ bn.faeu,
which Enjland. and Prance can produce for Pantaloons
“d V*»t»u«, aa-ialio Scarf*. Cravat*. Suxpender*!
Otovcß, Handkerrbefii, and othet articles adapted tor
Mm’s wear. ■> ~. ( .
_ , • • UJIUIST* QV
French, Engbili, Beltrian, German, and -Domestic
as.cbetp as their aynus m New York. '
tf"** »*** B’arra. Asn »nx wxar esatmrarms
TweeiU of every kind and description, foreign and do
mestic, Sommer Clcnhs, Croton Coating*, Coddrinnon*,
Garabrooru, heavy Bombazines nndAJpaeeas, witha
mimber <rf other choice -and denoblg Coatings for
Spnny.und Sommer wear. .. ~* 4
Of these Goods, whether for extent, or beamy, our as
sortment can not be excelled anywhere. Every neam-
toponatiea of the tc rylaiwl
; w *th tu have the greatest advantage, to
cet their fancy goods, lxnli. foreign and- domestic, ' eu*.
jfef r £Jshu l^ Ckn them any where
£3iXS*KSfe? f kurf *" 0 " lOTj »>-•»“
.. ,y usass • axo. vnuorea. ‘
Ji»»T do, Brown
French da,■ Cheeked Unem rur.ebat. end' blocuea.-
Urown Freyh LawnyFarmer* Drill*, for Wrvanu*
wear. • Children .-wear of every-kind, ordered ex.
preMlr for ibe winw. BillUni Cloih*, two yard*
W M»-Sf^ fkb "!* d f«» r T-*riwan Simotd. 3
and College, furnished with
and colored Silk Serges, black and colored sShtXr*
‘ n ** 1 ?£.’ C,nv<u *’ Paddiap. Bitoia*, Holland*. Wix.
«ui*, \\ bite Woalm.,Coiardddo, Wadding*. S '
foa coaciuuxcsi. I
SICTT. Drab and Bine Ooth, Drat, Silka'fitf cnnain.
•d liningt,;\\orttrd Dwaatkf, Buckram* and Jhnb
; ’ . '■ ;j m* ssonura.- •
Ctoh* ftnd v Cft«Ußcm of the ruling Cofen fcr'Gdten,
sad catered, of the best ouster?'
GOTifeußßi, ksmctT JtiM, Dccnsv and other
Paw ituffs, nt factory price*,' Me t
ch*m TaQort- and Manufar turn* of Ready imade cloth.
t -°? n .'n r IValcTs will find thea.elveg
W*H polo in tranunihymif ni^y
To enable,# Merchant nlway* io %e]\ cheap. hUrtoek
«awre that faibba caanoj deprecate it.
OthhemiM be N.eotnpeUed tp charge more oueane
rood* to make lip forhi*ipt«>i on nUten. Asinottr
btuteeja tha dificahy b happily avoided, our rtiikaS
I”*-** lu » only can, Ut will «]!
o*s Goods, either tor cash, or to übatamial and pane.
WlaMaum, oatune,atramsthai;*hall firefiiQ *. t i
ui;. makhts lewi* & co„
: **•» 1*"“ »«tof CtorteaVr
OPP9*B«- W«kui* Duwaa k xhbe store'
Oeomm Steam Barliaifea Ceiapaar.
*■•-*■ ?£ I L TJ * t to aocnuiotoa *xa utxci •
tffc-' ™ BO “* begtnaiaj.of th» year l&4i thrr
of thia ; Company wiU *aiL regularly
a month, a* follow*: > •
: l _T~ : .KHOM NEW YORK. . . \
TuaWaahiaglon, C*pt_J. JohoMoo,on the 90th Frb'r
Th. M.rch, ,*L
2! w«ahlnyum,oo the ISth of March, ls4s *
The Hermann, ott the 15th April. 1945.
?1k Washington, on the Zkh Month, lbt&- .
bo **b April..-;
r—ay* “°c> N* i. tO-Southaapton or firemen..«n
ljJ"» Brtmen or Southampton to X. Y.... 8150
1 * fte °? ca 01 **> Ocean
Swam Nartndten \V ifltam at. New York, or to
V. • ;
IV the llunoraMe tktJuJgti of die Court of Get*™!
QiMrCw Simon* of tJu Ptaee, in otul f> r
■ &*•**<>? AEt*KrnvJ~.~ ; ..
mUE Petition of DASiEL BARVER of the Borough
4- Elisabeth township m Uw. coumv
igm«id,'hnmbly sbewetb &
provided hima*lf.-wtth -material* ‘for ~ tbe*cxius«£
?•*« o{.TtaYtlen - and cthers/ru hi*' diteHmir boatT
■ and - pray* u£i your
fraat him a Iteenv “io Jeep
«. fiiJ S‘acSL«n l W, t Sr ‘S"”;
tu^“ u ,t " ra *«
. . John Walk*r, Sr, J K Shader. ■
; Jamr* tTael."
- . . WMCaoghan,.'• ..
RnaA Kproqt. ~ , • Rent wiUmu-V. - ,
1 Walker, . , Berg Cpuuu,
fcb«Sj ■ • ««»™na*i>'»nr.
B. A. A B.HrIL:N V Citr!
& fcftwmw*. IPitUbureb. TV
O. W-.pAßxmpciJ ...
W»«l*tal*<Dr«| Btore i& ihe CHr’ of
rHttr* • ' S«W York. * ,
P*f&eix r a&n^t
* M*»wer • IVniunery (oCtbvir. owo imuorw
•}* oilier article* la Uielf lin f 0 f btulortiTt^a'
Ss££g£j£ 'V h '' r ““
• N>w York, Febifli i p A FAHXESTOrg * rv.
-J. ,e. i ni *» of L«|iiliitlv(i Bills*
«dr 651 ®f the BilU aclrd urv.
00. a» wrll a* ihwfi betore tb* Senate and Honco ni‘
Krprtwntanveiaf tJu* stola. .Member* of tie bmita!-
ita.ouiW wmloihem.i ih.R,adU.«Roonu.'
■J!°» JOHN HARPiSn,BfcV.
V. 1 v ; .1. ft WATEBttAN,’
- &blQ •"• UAVdlegfcndgapMnt Mree ta. '
TEAS—SO kaif cbem and caddieii YoauV
iu»**W?* t,B ?P? w . -er » Imperial and Black Tea*, just
.eg* and for m„ by.. *» *-WATEHAbIX: I
CknrenMtt SW ba Dried Peach.
, Pjf; B v.^ U , l l>nw * ApM«; <o’bbU Roll BuHenTbM
KBrf;! hale Hemp In »iore and for ule by' ‘ • '• •
... •■• •' : 18 WATEIWAX,
febld POIXDKXTKR k iSv
i"tPRN WEAL—III hbN for utlc by
■ , U lck ' * M'caihhi'.bw
VS.®" U - JM* o * .-r”
Tv^SSblS o 8 Urd *«■ " c ' d “"J *r «i7bv
heavy bleached dam
. ?“ cottoo <ligpeit,Qoe bait bhiveu do, Jim oneiu-t]
raSSW 1 ?.- ; • «ucKLm'Mrf2v"* J
- fcl>lt I -■■■• . W Wood.^,
CHECKS—Two Cliia<^imduV
•W.— tW- -,
TJX4JE & ORANGK r«»*« -«,r ' “
.DtnrU. «»i jS^e|cdb/ atfrß oe,T
few* .^u^xAT4"VHrrR
fVfJi.??** iir^wn itb br
iOli Sßmob^x
- iVoRSYTH L Thtvpaxt
fWPEBAS-IO HUi OogprrmiteMd»-by
k'r.Heinj., jiutrweired
Am &rui»br bfiowN t culukbtson. •
*W* • MS Ltbctijr «ire«L
i; /.-'.-.l '• ■, r.'.v- ■:\-/v.V-‘■,! /--o-:-i?: v,; : ,cf; £ ?qr
IUCTION SAus. >j:\
' By JihttO. PaTiiftiiiqwwft: j.,:^
a.. i- Lbrgt-Sala of JJr7 Goarfr. fr.- —j?**-
Oq Thursday moraine, FebV 17Ut atHOo’clockcat
the Comine relai Salas Boonfi«?ori»4> ‘hfWSjod' lid 4hh r
•treeiv wUI [be sold, for c&ih cnrrvn:t-, r wuhmu !►
acive, for account whom it may coneortf <n tatedslrfe.
nnonmedt of foreien and domettiV affastaSlh
thy.Goodtfiuc.. ~. .i. -1...•■•...!■ ■■■'■• '
- -------- 1- - *1 * tfrloek; t;* “
One second band one bor*e bu«y m jood order, m>e
©ne hor« Bfigh deirH! ot’frrasuatyea* bridle*, 3'«&y
and X hour clock*, writmg hud wrapping
el*.-taatehcaJ baad:boie»,-a quantity os Yocnjßyrtn
and Black rice,; raola**ea T - tobacco* fe.
farßfUovet, Ac., AJ*o,a general asaorttaentof
hold fnraitore, amoug which are mahogany • Imir. clga
spring acst w&i*. rocking ehairsj fancy and comnsm
ebairs.’buteaiujthhlea.'heusteqda, work stands,-, teatfifr
beds,.l>eiMineltranspamit-wii>(l6wbUnds, Ac. ' g'
• ■if:- dfelocV, K X.- '
An Jnvoice of rood quality table and pocket cutlery,
ready made [cloiluo?,;, hreshes, comp*,
gold and silver watches, mound ipswuaeuta, . umbtjH*'
la*,Germanikncy.goada, hooka,drfgoods Ac.: . ,f«5
Carpenter'* Tool* al.Auction. - - -. 1 -
'' On Wednesday erening the lCth test at 7 o'clock, at,
the Commercial Sales Boom,' ebrher 'Wood ond Flßh
streets, will be sold the cofltenu of two chert* and c«h
box eaipeuters tools, embracing' a large and geiieru
assonment;whichhre worthy of the attention qf fte'
trade, Salepositive toeloM a concern.-; 1 ' : I
febid - .] ; . . ..i JOUN D m\T3, Anerrg
A Bargain ln B«tl EUtate. ,v.rT
AeA The tabscriber otters for *olr a iioose am) I|bt
CSiMon Liberty street,* short dftlunre shore East
. Lane;Allegheny ;cfty.;‘ltoe Lot is’£i feet front
: on Überty street, and runs baek to aa Alley W’fdft
j The Bouse-erected thereon is Brick, neatly new, t4ro
L atones bighJlS.fcet in front by about 55 fa depth, arid
i contains tea comfortable; roomsi erielusive of pantft’,
I coaLceUar' end eellar.' All the rooms have fire-place*.
; sod drains are constructed to earryoff the water, '
! the ' hoose •is iu every respect In good order nml very
i convenient, and is well salted'(hr two-*mriliea.i Tie
property wilt be sold low, and time given on the latgfst
part or the purchase money. • i • • .g--
'lnquire.of Ihe subscriber, who can be seen at the of
fice of the paxetie, every forenoon..between the hows
of eight arid! leu, and at other utnes at
Mrs. Hays* boarding .house, Robinson's new row.FW
-eral st Allegheny City.-,' - . D Jf WHITE, B
j." febldtf } !
• Barney WHliaina.
■ V / Omly On* Left. . YV IT'
•frtJ BRICKHOUSE SEUJNQ FdE *iiii_'rt«
gB nubieriber boa only one of thaw cheap dwdUifi*
JHkbotunjaitnsMdoUlDeemlaraL, left.’ Ibis' hoiifce
is bricky threbjrtprfes . Wrt; and"coiUain» six roofa*
It is of. recent erection;. w*H built, and possesses evdry
ronvcnkncfilibr n neat resident*, tor, a smallfamily,
bivjogaseparalo.apdindcpeudcntjaid.' ; , J: ;
• , bouse will he sold at-ihe low pricajof
81 US! and lima given pn>-j»nion of the purchase
money, - Such*bargain,we dunk,Tut*not laielybeitn
oflertil in thli cliy. Y-'v’-- ” i] ;
- Inquire of lbe sub*criber, who ean be seen at tie Of
fice of the Guette, every Jbreaoon. between the bofcra
' of eight nod; ten. and • at .other times .at bis rotu*,tir.
Mri.liars’ bbordihff house, Robinson's new row. Fed.'
era! tt Allegheny City. -j • DN-WUITK-H
-; fcblS ■ .[• .•.•».!• ■■■/•■ :Afotfortbeowotnu-"'
Boston Mode of Heating 6o«m«»'Tv
Mr. (i. DKXTER, of Boston, has amend and fta
teuted b plan for beating bouses; which libs. behd
i successfully heed inßoston. New York, bo* and wMr
; ever uppliedJha* received the decided preference oijer
| stores.Furnaces,etc.. j T
; - Ist. Great regularity of tetnperarore. •.' '? j
; fid. Frettlmh from smoke.' ?.
- ‘ nd.-Pfoabpleasantdo'nass.. . ...: - —,-lj"
. 4th. .Easily attended \o and nothath to grt outior
order, .r-i .t-t • ■;
! stl). Great durability - ■: / j ••
| A model and specification jnny be seen and appixa-:
lus obtained ft! the copper and Tinware factory of- 1.
! Y , .WMBSCAIFE, First <
&Mstf '. t -Ibetween wood and market!'.;
. ISisf" Bonks -}f ••
TCfiT received at bL 'A. Minct’s,' StaiUifield street,
U 3d door torn Seconds' ■ • 3••
Wallace, the; Hero of Scctiand, by Gabriel Aicxsac jr,
superbly illustrated. ■; • :•;>'/ .•
Eraageline, by Longfellow. . ■'.•'•j. 1 *
The Abbey or tnaumpylei .by lbc.aultor®f“js«i*r
Clement.”.; • » ../jf
The Chainnaii & Speaker's Guide,by Thos Smith,' 1*
The ladies' Science of Kttlquette and Hand Be*'
the Toilet, by »" ° -*>«b Lady of Rank.
. • ~« twoM, by BD tiugfcib £»dy t.
"Etiquette and tbetmaetof Society,'br’Coaitf Allrtd
D'Omy.. I i • ••- •_• ■ |
Fowler*aFfcieiialoc!c*2]3ut«-&tic»SOeeiUk , ■ §
liriaiAga No WiC : : ' . ' r .'!»<§
Brifcu &LiuiL freih apply.
GoiSey'* Lady** Book torJimondTeb., Cr«afc*upply«
A larje and aplcitdidaMoruuenl-of.&mff.Book*, cm*
: ptliuij a uew one entitled Punch’* Comte Sdapt|f.
A tick and bdaatifal article of Note Piper ■ $■
AUo • freifc lot of cheap priced Yaleriune*, 1 rery kaan* I
•ohie and reaUrhabiycomld.- • • ':’ ' • -fehl#-1
’ - Wfamyiii^h
CDSON’B great Panorama of tinr Hnrtioa
n will open tor ft short lime at Philo Hall. coniiadp.
ring on Monday evening; Feb.llihJandconlinaeiyety
evening daring the Week,'except Saturday., ( TUii
menu juuntihg on oreri UUXX> feet of canvaaa,'
unu with wonderful accuracy gvery city, towaaftil
landin#fiomNewYorkßaytothß mouth ofthe’. Mp*
; hawk lUver.t From u* Geographical and Notional ufc.'
: portanee it U tomidered on extremely aaCfol let too &r
. »rhoo!a;over|UUOO of which Trailed the exhibition £n
< Cincinnati Sihoolt admitted in bodies on literal term*
! any ufieruoootlurinr the “week, by onplyinr to John SI
Mallor, No ilj Wood street. v o F
i Ticteih Sa teats; tofbe had 411 the hlonoarahsa'
Uouu, &l Cbirlet, Kxebange and Merchant'* Hoona
and at tbeddor... Doon Open at and erluMtioa wWI
roameace atTo’clock.-j-'. . --febllg- '
• [ Hemoral. . -f ~~
n. William Douglas,- late James -MrKaln.' 1 T&>‘
Jtm «üb*erit±r ha*removed hi*Hot und.Cap Manfl
**w»factory lb No. <7 Wood*trret, nearly opposimw*
old .waml,, where he wiiuiil ,iuvite hi* Jhenot and.tmr,
public genrrallj'.io an'assortment of Ilai* au4 Cap*,-
i which Tor bcality and durability cannot be surpwtetUi <
.j WM- JOUCILASS, 7S Wood st-|'.
Having mired from the Hat and Cop i
load mpcetihlly reccommeud the: patronage ofmyi
friend* and the public (fejirraDy to my successor, Wa, i
. 1 Hebl4d3m)... jA&TKaMcKAIXjjj
•siavv this day reduced the price of their Soda. Ash ‘
iwfaudi uwairsutedby Itemauofacrurer* from Kill
no twr cent.) to[4{c iurfJasb, or 4Jo for approved ptal* i
at 4. idotilha. - And for ouanlitles offf ton* or Upwardtn
deduction' will be made of ie per pound Cfl'lhe*n pa-‘
c«. - W ifc M.'MJTCIIELTJIEEfc 1 .. I,
foblJ t . ( ■ 160 IP- Tf strcefel
i_. . Liberty »>
flair Sale,.
►£ One-4xlb, or three-fixth* -of itfi
r }\ j7._b3 M4ubboat;ttannamo«irn, ibr sale <a
aeroamiodstinr tertasby ■, vS
- wm bscaife, ' S
icbH; j- - --• i Flmiircfinp»r\Vood-§
I' Union Cotton 31111 a, ),
- ■ ■ ' ’ftrascsaa; FeV. §
to Olieratiouaaad unprpvcmeatsiSakiDjrst
ibe Uiiicn‘MiU,lJie Proprietor* Offer fur aalo alloO
csnUnid'otheVfwortdhJindnwchlnenr, ait WprttoSrl
wienrion. CsU u4;Ke,6r sUreM’ : f --T
fetedgrtor t HOObIIEAR COPELAXDfcCO g |
/rtROCKRIKS !50.batf» Rio |
VT H. Tea; a)tlo Imperial and Black Tea: SDt2a*JCfc'
4 torn MaclmfekSbbla Not IlCmnrS b W»' BTltoma
Hu |0 bbbdo Loifgusar, EGbbla Ylnerafi
“5 boxea 2a lamp Tobacco; X ken t nrbt do: 40 boxes
I the N«&r|beaf doiLsbae*Pepper;SbbUGroimi
Pepper; lOOmims Wrippinrftper.SpdoAVnthi* P*
xr,/ot«lebj‘ ■..->■ ■ ROOIBOX* Co, ' 5
1 18° Liberty »tretL r
Per,:*.. ,
Mil: V • .!■ ■ vny, j
reaau ruled Mp (hit and fin* qnaliiict f
• ; axi- letter -*•*. •' • • •-•••- r
IO u flat cap, good .quality,' 'r. l - 1 0
£U>. bine faclorr'paper. - b
- : W H teapaper, ' 5
.i >s .-.. Wrroti bonnet board*.... K
. S,OUO bond e» anaw and raff wrapping paper,-l<£
store and Which we olfcr to the city trade at liiw prieew
PRODUCK—IoOUii* freaU Family JTounTUl»bl# J»J
übi» Bye;S bbl Beaacjiut rac'd ana&raala bv, ; .1
.-. ' n :.";r7 -;-bßOßnoN‘«rcoi:>,vi
ftbll. ■■ -■■• . v iSomtcrtyMwt' I
{ \IL~iaX) g»!b» imtiraT ealoTed ■vrimer SpcrtmlDWl
VJ-sala bleached wi&ter White SCO jalf low prirwf
Oil, ju*l recMsnd for sale by-’ .'i
frbfcl 1 • >•„••,• MU.LKR,* BJCKgrSON.‘ si
. A l£OHOL—Warranted of proper 'mreiigtiilbrHabl
-f*. lcr»ojidDruMim , u»oah?ay»'un'b*od'-mniJ;&|{
svieouaeeotmuoaauuteßDfby l •£
w fc M jirrCUELTHKE,
fc>lM ; -t , ..lOajUlwnytwct....[
BBUOK liom Kit tUdiuiy: Pip 4
trine; StrychJiineiFbtuphate Ammonia: Phoaphaie!
swtaj Ur. Cwu. jPoTrara; Ihnmn: Citrate ’of Iron andi
Oxide filren Chloroform: rote
.roceiTMlathlfojlaalobr i•• .Hfl SELIrtiESrV I
• feVIS .Li. .h 57 WoPcUtracL-j
■pLEACUiNGf ;*OWDER,'lQilorideof \
JJ of prune Quality,-for iile at ihalowevt butrket
price. [fablS) , WaiMttITCHKLTRKE.' i
fIXALLOW—Itj bbbNoliraudr'red. ju*i rac’d mulTot
1 rale by -Vt IfeblSl’.| J C BiDWELty Agt
BAJSIXS —Slit ]4ai'We’d
- fortalebyl tfrb> s l , WATER.MAJf.t-j
BACON— 6QGO lb* iiioried-.lliccnr'lh Vt&re’otni for
rale by - - [■• ffcblSl ' i . p B-WaTKRMAN. ’'
csACCO—CO iega. No twin (Gedgo brand)
X luuduig ftoniateamer N'eir Eagiaud aulfoe
by IfeblSl . f , JAMES PALZELL.? -
FLOUR-OO bfcl* s Flour; laadingirom itr WclUyiUe
and for rale by I JAMESDALZEIX.
PORK- AND LARD—OO; pc/ bulk Fork aad 1? ken
Ijwl receiving from Caleh Cope and by
t>bl3 . i • J/tMIW IIALK^LL. 3
VnANNKR'S OIL & bhi» Ta
A lOu bbli No 3 Mackerel (branded, tarafe) rec'-tl
and for jaleJty HifrblSp. i : 3AMKB DAI.ZKLU' -
Rvp. w»u nit
Lake Kne und for nije by . , ' v . -.v/ 1
. b*bt3 ■ • | ; •• •• !" "“
riUM/JW-lfiOUbU Beef-Tallow forulo by 7
X.fcblu •;- •-••■- 1 -. ’JOHN fHIIER.
—***■- - - ; ' ! foBS*TH4PUXCAX.’ 5 ::
UUITKIU-4 bbta; imh Roll Boner landing
ana by - | u QBO A - aER R^“”f
:rrn —— - • ■ -i • ->a »8 Wood it. ' ;
T\IUED APPLES—aoo bu. Dried Appjei jn'iiorc and’
by . ifcbirn geo a
btlt biiwU,baton oiid
Jurmie by .; ItcblSj t ■ rOBO* BERRY;* ,
■pUCKWheat FLOUR—fiu »c)ri boiled Buckwheat
ItOLL BUTTER-rW WfeVriatoMuiSfr
:J mJ for lilc bf , WtCK * MVAHDLKSA?
'DACq.’S-iaooo b» prime Hhoalderi, city cared;'sou>
44 H>» pt&ne Side!*, for »aie by' '. .
; j KKY?fOLD3A'BiIRR_.
fPBA PAPER—‘JOO nwinjcul rac'd andtbraaiehr :'•
I . , REYNOLDS Jt tillhul
CORN— 10 bbU 'Oorn juH iJunduiß frem*tr s Skliwr
nndwraale by JN<) 8 DILWOtcTiV '
•■ Kb 15 1 :•:••• : ~ Xo<7 Wood »i
TTOP&—ai bnltalohla Hope for aale hv
Tl fehiS j - t JOHN B PfLlTfaftTir 1
/'tANDIaES-CO boxeataobJd-Candieaittttoroand
jyaaleby [feblSl 3 *?
eHEESK— 00 bote* eheew 'Hit tte'damlnf.* lIIL.
MicUffaa end for aale bfl •*“ **"** *«r
Ai*L W..,,.,
S' tus"* ' HI “ •»! Ibt Ui, b,
V.""* j c buiwbu, aih.
■ ■ » <*:,• wmMjm, . ■—.l i VtnA.'tgi
jcnicisaATi *wiTß«*Ba
water* of the We*u Every
fort Hat nonet «*D>TOearf .’b"teeagrp»jo«Jtop«h
•eaje™.; TfaeUae bu beenin ©permto
-fii carried amilAioa ofpeopic will**?
nUoOtetrpewon*. -The boat* ..•JW- . I“SLS
Wood sireet the day pterion* to rtarfin*. fo* tie ««£.
tioaoiVftPigM and the entry of pai«ns«* !TS*£
ter.- In all cate* the paMagft money must be paid a
The MOXONGAmXA,Capi.»Tuxic,w 4 Utr«ro W,
bargJ* cTcry'Marulay manunji al 10 o’«»ck»
ereryMonday evening MW r, at y. : ~.'.7 ‘
The HIBEUNLA. NO.-S, Capt J. KuntfKLTtx, wift/-
lenra aomiuf at Ui o clock; - ..
jW|wieUii*BTe?f:Tat»daf *t?'
• . trEDraaDATPACKKT. • ■
Illte NEW ENGLAND No. JL.Cppu S. Bus,.will*
PitubtugbeYery Wednesday monuag ftl lO ,
, «T Wedue*d»7f?Tcmuf t
' : . THUIubIV PACKET. "• ■" *'
Tbc PENNSYLVANIA, CaptGUY. wilUeave Pid*.
burgh every Thursday tnonutijr atlDo'clock; Whcatiag .»:
eveVThataday.oTeiungfttiar.'*.-*: ‘
■ V' —• ! FRIDAY PACKET. - 1
* The CLIPPER No.iCapt.Cxoou.tnt] leave riii»J ! -
bunrh every'Friday too nutty .at 10 o'clock; Wheeling -
every Friday •v«»iW “M op * «- ■: - '■••. , )
Tho MESSENGER, Capt Us C*»v will JetrraPiftJ-J V
btinrti every SauudaynißniuwaitOo'cloek Wheeling./
everySaianlay eveningat-10T, a. ;• .. . . .. , •
'■j "••" . acrsn>AT I k ACE£T. ' ;" f ■
- ilte ISAAC-NEWTON, cap*.. A tt Uahx, will ..,
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday, inortungat mociocki,. f '
Wheeling eTerySttudmy evening atlOr.*./-.':.
: MaT1&1647.- .V . V ■■'."• •
: -T3» steaxnet -. .?• /
; ; A - CALEB COPE,' -*. . •••
- wSnmS will'tisrerot DeaverrGlagrow and '
■■■■BSnßWelUYUlev''ou Tuesday, Thursday, 'l .
just Saturday. ofeachwrek, ftt fl oYlocia. w. main*. .
Ing pn MbodayfWodaeeday fand Friday.:.Bbe ha**| I
bMttt tho tuning betweea Woodatreet sad the bridge; ...
V-• ociU..''. ''c. ,:Np,33 Wood rt.' ' .
'■ tfklu. lTJl • . , BEAVER :
- sSOjcSftß Charles 11 Clarke, muter, will, diniNf • ; i ~
*NMNfiflßBib* canting winter seaaoa, make daily, ■ \
Uip*-u>BearercwdlVTUiTine, leaving Iw*burehievo./k: • •'..
kti dcclg A CO-; AjnA- v\ "
e'ffsa 1 " .' m ■" .■• ■.' ■"-■ ■a j a..
Ayeal ibr lha qtrqere
r ; piTTucsfiH AB&ownmis; .;«
> ' • iDaUy.PMkttLiai. - : : jr>rg ' .
FEBBJJARYIrijIMit, r ~ . FEBBUATIY4m;I«S; v : 2 v
r— LEAVE DAILY A*9 AM, AND d PStt.‘ ‘ ; ,f
'■ 1 k~ 7be- (bUowu>g uew baiu eomalMo
i lL .. -_r3 lhV lino: for* the mw»i »*«•**• it..'T
LAKTIC,: Capt.: dtuaearPftrtirrwi k | r ;
■■■■SZHMBOALTIO, CapLA.Jacobattsid LOUIS-Jt. \
M E. Ben&ett. are entirely
oe ar.lud are fitted'npiritbout regard to • ■ '•
IrycoiufartthstiooaeTeauproc'urebasbeaebroTtfeiL'. '?■
Tbf Doots wiUleare Utb Aluiwuigabela WbtufUotU M ->
(be footof JU>es Paseengera, wilt be fancuial tea- •
boird,fti» the bint# will eeruuttly learo at tb« adrer«v .
lieedboars,dA. MjftudfiP.U - jaatt ’•
h ■ The new attd fast steamer • ' : * 1
r tffcgrffriß BanifK master, will lore far ahora • ..
■BHBSalSbod all ihtutnediafe pons oa Wedaeit« J >|
d«re aod Salurdayrof earbweek. J For freight or p&a^
-aageftpply.ouboard orto ; n-r * . :i,.« •. u >•.
febg,, n : GEO » MU.THXBERGER,AgV r i !.
r/j . ,tt)fcciSinNMATi. ” '
f 1 Ttig'ftutninult^sieanier'•'* ••. 1 ' l( • •
r Gonoly, utasier, will leare as above,, r.
StCTgrSttßtfaU.-day.tu.loo'clock.-: I'or fireigbsugf .* v
passage..apply!on board. // .- it - fehll -1 t /
--nTreßttßGll A WIIEELINO .PACKET. : 1
r-"\ '- TboawiAateaaier.
■ gfc&jgaflff.'DorseT.-Piaiuier.'maueT. will (eaVO . ■
■■BBSSttßregalstrlf for Whreltbg,'on MoadaVi
.Wedue*dayaudFpday,aUt» O'clock prvciaelr. '• / > : , \
lyfoTe tVbeeUngcTery.Tuesilaj - , Thursday and T I
Utplay, at? o'clock, a io, precisely. - ’ ■ <.j
•' TUe Consul wiH Jand et all the uitrrmediata ports. -
•Erety aeeoKiodatioa tint «*■ be procured for the com* '. >
ton aud sa£ny of mssbmrt has Iweh prerlded/ - Tha ■■ A- 1
-boat i*. also provided wt}li a aelfiacusg safety gnard to-rz {
preyeut caploytoiU.' ■ For freUbt or naasace' apply oa ! :
board or to. ~ DAVID. 0 iIESIBSIV V
.ycb< . • --reomerof Ist and Smhhfietdsta.-
.\VaJiasu irrai packet. . if
. i„ " i
id J Kdtwix, commander, Will le*r»,y'' t -.
. La&yette and .’Jrilermfcajnte'.jforbi j
ooWpnaaftho TUtliux. Forfwlrtifor pu**aff®.npaly' ‘
1* on Unn! or to - • * J NEWTON TONES, ■ ’
• -''ii *• M&qaagnhelaMatiu: r * ■ t
KOR WAHASH B‘IAIEIL : " •“ —r. ..T l*
K; ’ll* new and Ughtdrangh* fTeimbont' '•
A. Milter. muter. \rin leans for
RI! .uiioTmeJiaU jom.ouij ..- r
ifondtj*, tfae Oh ui»t, at 4 o'clock, »x. ; Foe freight ©»■- I*
putan apply ©a board or ” • 1 *
fcb *‘- ‘JO^BMILTEWBEROEIL-Airtat' •‘ >1
III - l * «
LA CITY PACKET. "■'■' = • *
. /f©‘o k- • i... > .j v. i«
•.• ,7---y ; : DESPATCH,-,:: 4,
VfSKffiSKSaS.- - i
iSSffi;”# 1 ®??’;:;
Kxj>«Mck>*c»d*iiya». *. , ;, -..i
E c £s2? -.;
Tr^j?^ f t 9< ftt»pciwl»r Lux . :
&isS?^^ b °r ;i.
«»Wwhl. ■
,ta »=•*»* «!■«.
.; v ■ • O'WiIiASS Ibontillit. •■ > -: t l<«
' . f OtCubnlnf, ■
-g” ■ j B ROPIKSOV. R*h;-o— V •;
_' y*£a«yw*ai» W>«oa -•. '• .■•■ , I,"
SS& D,r .?2 ,^ b ‘ >■««•«» IW
fS,7* , P a k t ’- nw Wmlnc#d to
uw ro|td« ttocamo sekUnL^
aia bctlkr, ajcou . y.
• - SlPMfkrtßU KutodeWij. I
1 n-WnV ' Vi' ; ' '■•’ WXtbofrluj
•».r J T^ e ’rtU.tMejpt-fiit Quou is-
I '*£„“«» ,b WB b hr. M» abot. ir»,
- )lua • - - ■■• -■•"»■«' 1 .
\ «,«"• ‘ UAiW|>KJ» * CO-, •':••-!••.• ■ ✓
porn, u wetS. r)ISEfr^J* KW , : “» wfcM liooo*. u
, -
rawjxSuUi ttoy'^midrv?'°ljlbPri were;detuned :. ■ \ f
£IGOQ. i batnLU k >H t ' KrH * ,tir ? ft for sum Crow £1 *{>.. .'I /•
SS^sSs&tKgfi^ l - B^. l *^' ;;■ ,i;
■ ■ : -i. .. : „ JOSHUA ROBINSON. . ' . /
; V*M r M ■'•- - 4 .c_/?JTup«aaaauGfitex»lAf»»tV< .
-i? •:• ' T\fth Creel,.ne door behruTWapd. . V
Oce— - - ■ • - -
obm a Bxmitt wibUowa:’. ' •?T''-' r , 7*
Hfnnlaan, oplWawh Ffb. lstS, vs;f i.
f •JVW’AfemXUTUX. outlielSthTrfemur. IS43_ ' ' '
. J'mw** from N. y. i&tSmiaainptoobf Brea>m..*!» ' ' J i -‘
, “ from Bremeaor**onUuußpfan4oa{ewYoA.;*i« - : i»>; •, ,• •»*
rycgX,S.. *»
I J . WM.lmut,AytmtatHaW- ;-^^= E - 0?t
C. A. Hkdqcktp E-Co. Agcwm at Bit-men.’ I '' j
! r U rt »«* --'j J
- . J’B iuimxso.v. ' ,?} I
• • Pn^,^*CJjarW«. lWtimof*. ;•
as— 1 ?'
- —— -•* ■■• ■••-■ --•■ Watafwwt.*
-g p>< •*-’ , : *■« I'Mlinmurfrfi nn. - -
.e^su B i« »i« br ~
2 tr'inir 1 >■''■■ ■iiT H ? yi l H *^nirr
, *■
'a*. ' ‘V;i
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