glistev/- ' v- '• r - rtl • .SBVBOOKfc . _I utfcCoCT lew. of me ilypocnte Lmnxxktdj by. G. P. ‘ H o *®* l . wither of E*4>° »•• ■•—TheStar of.the Fztlea; by. Com*, author of {flack *»- ' • Made’Figure Head, orijie Lady of Greenand J ■•/..Bhmfhy Charley Carey, of the U. B.?L 7 '-.JPfcßnadtft Bride, or the sJ*id ofSaxonjr.Vy Louisa -s-Li s'EMsey; ••;•'' . . *•> W- &e.’ * t * j Mr. and Mr*. Woodbridge; by ~'i.<.>.'-LoridaaQttarter.y_R*viewY ■ r. u . j ---Umouiltyinina for December. .■•■ 1 Ajjf* ®f Joseph T Hare—a large supply. ‘ruaMafianrvCTUjg'MotbeT,by tho amber of ‘Hawiy * - - . •* • ffirtn? " J * ’■" • ;; i-i .:-3baO!4Coczßn»dorr;ykF/lio%rßnl. • Jeaa«o Alluob or US Young Sumwl«rry Curl—a • ,r r tala of fe*N and Nrore; btlneraham. • ‘ *"3 ® r ta Tl*b», a piSeTnle: by 3 S Robb. ; •... l - A&ton, 2 by Lady C Lw»6. Ib«XlV^ e&ior * I 1 tho Court of Leal* • Ko»f«P« r « | Wfi«l t No«.»BndlO. • ; ! •, , • BaralCeoieterieanf Amerira,^an2). ■ ‘ ' Magaaines, Newspapers, etc. '' ' 1 : J^ n ’r on P** « , l p lorialT^ales . 5 Philadelphia Courier, and Van* Ren Doodle Pictorial*. Tor redo by. . ; 5/ , WAI. t» CALDWELI4 ■■■■ ■» im*cl ■ •-; • M ft, opposite the FostOibce. - > ATBARLY READY KOnPDBLICA'nOS li by J. A.A U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, the following - -ww arid valtjahlo Works— {•, .-Doaipbna'a Expedition—Containing a aketeh of the life, of Cob A. w; Doniphan; the Conquest of New •. .Mexico; Get*. Keantcy’a overland Expedition to 'G»M* . floral*; DoniphanV Cnropaign against the Narijoa, oitd ■ hi* unparalleled Msreh upon O&itrualiu* and Duruuyo, 1 ~ : and ilia Operations of Gen. Price at Santa pc; with a ... .Map and Engraving*, byJoku T Hughes, A Boftlie .•i latiilegusent of Minouri Catalry. History.of Kehlnehy—lt* Autiquhie* and Xotarel -Gorioaitica; Gerarephtcal fitaiintlcal and Geological -.dcacriptiona; witk|aHecdetc< of Pioneer* ldfo. and wort . than ouo handred'Biographical Sketches of dUungulnh .' odiPioneera.Bokiier*, Statesmen, Jurists. Lawyer*, Di .: , tinea, Ac; illustrated with forty engravings; by Lewis . . ColUasyl voL octavo. rha Twelva Month** Vohnileer, or Journul of a Pti* to in the Tennessee Kegimetd of Cavalry,, in tho mpaignofMexieo, during 1649-47, containing an ae* tntot the March of the Regiment to Vem Crux, a ■eriptMawf tho Coontry pxksed over; mniusets, eus as,: Ae. of tho people; Sketches of Camn Ufc; ue tou of all tlm aetioaa of other Volunteer Regiments, d a full History of the Mexican Wan List oflhe Kil [and Wounded) Ac; illuiarnled a large number of frees wewa amlplan*; by Geo- C. Porbor, Ifrolume [>TO. 1 1 • ’ ’ • ! dfCl .TQOOKIi FOR THE SEASON—llluminated “ JLJt Gems of.faerpd.Poetry; a ipicudid ImpertnHJ to wn* beaatiful illustration* on steel, by Sanoirtj and ss ( - T .llhup)aaied ;pftge» by gchrniu and. Sinclair,-* richly • ’ , boundin > furtey moraecoand whiweaif superbly gilt. f . r ! ‘Tt»e Clitistiau'Keepsake, an'aniraal'for. inks; with " splendid nurutotim engravings, byßortainibaunain ar* ‘abesqaitnioroceo. : V Christmas Dlosao&s’.and Jirw A’car’a Wreath for . v tS theEtahing CUib. in various styles of binding. - 4' The Poets md Pbcuy of America; by IL \T. Cns* • • I.; . -3he Poets and ‘Poetry of thrlAheieat*, hy William tpetsr. A. U 4 didir gilb • : j ■ 1 l \ . • 1.7 WUlls’a Poems,laTariousstjlesofbLndlnff. f : Oray’a Elegy iuoslrmied. , 4 • .llentaa's Poetical Works, is various bindlnga. t - -ImrtßyTonh ] . *• a - Shalrcpette l * = f’' .Tflia Poetics! Works bfThomas Moore. _ Baflada PoCms, by Alary liowla. ' foam by amelia. Haadley* Sacred hfoonuias, ' . .The above, with ajrreat.variety of other new worki ■* ' ta epletidid arylea of tundlxic, suitable lor gift booki; fo ' • *** : • JOHNSTON * STOCKTOJ^ dc3o ■! : :•. \ Baokselieri, cor. Market A3d sts. tillable Oudanl \?o(*s. , BRJLXfDETI DietKatary of Sd saea, bttrttun and art. Sompriung lb« history,descriptkai ■•4 Kiearide priaeipla oforuy branch of hnana kaosriedgs. wilh the demariod ahd dsaaitaoa pf all the term* la esaeral muslnledbyao* aareos mtrftiancm wood, »-*- Morse’s Nortb Ainerieaa A Uv, eoutaiaiog heiatifallr eob , orad map* of. North Amcfieiy Canada East, Canada fTcst, ; «'J|fOS*'Bodtau N*w Brunsewk, Nofthera Texas, Now Mti* ted, Ffcrii*;'Texas, California, Mexico, Central-America, ‘-Yucatan, IPest India Island* and all the Stoics and Temio riesia the Union.) -•/?., : *• ‘‘-SNesl'a foritoai—The history of the Puritan*'frem the . Ttfcmstiem in. 13j7, to the reruiutiou of -UBW, wafmiag an ~ MedaaiarttMSrytnndpbs;he,&e.byDarnel A, .'rituU hr Joba O Choate*, M D,wuhaia« portraitoonttcel; la tsrevwunek 7 ' .; u TtnaM oftho Body la rcUtloa to the Mind, by Ucorgs Moon, M D. mcmher oT the royal college of Physician*,&e. ■•i.-xi Work.*. -- . JPeaHbend JPotlh' or which makes the mao, a very pop* .adwJurenikwork. t:; Pnrils of theSes, hctugtdTcetifig uamtiooi of ?h;p»rrcV», '. Ibumll's Sneaker—The Juvenile Bptaker, coopriaiog 1 », elimiuiiry rule* tad eierenrs in dcelamalies. with a setce* . v tiaa of fuse** for praelk*, by Francis T Hassell, instructor in /•The ahors work* received aad for s»l« hr _ ... - ; JQKNSTON A STOCKTON r .7 all • Book»tlkr*,cor market sad 3rd tto - PIANOS! PIANOS It SINRY KLfcUUEIL Dealer in eastern Piano Fortes, at-j. W. Wood well’s, Iso. 85 Third Street. Tho hmay b«.examined stall bouts, ondthe:*abscn« * . l**»:w»n b« thcm from lt to 12, A; M-,and from .. , * i oed,teK own (New York) CLARK. . , . h'gw.Ynrk. Sew. 1.1 MAArtahltl MISCELLANEOUS. , r •'• ' • • £■7.3-TiY Co norouf o*ct concern ha* a 'i&^3!^£- SaS^si!«Sfi3jSft£ r^£SSSSS^a,^f: ' nrcAMONT t BOXR_ Pri»ent..“ !{[ssss&s!&*?*!?** ‘£s,°’ m “ < " u “'' li •V’f^n*> !fi“KfH2Slr Uto*** •*>'n*.'™"!'"* l i • wlm <*». *« wsB&m** v .- .• 60 .'■ l~? P __i. Tarter tnor. buck*. , - "*&* fiSteSS l^* »!•*• cJr- Ssasssws® -*■. •^s if •••»». ■.-, ro r3ai«irood»t j«_ —-—- —-"""“' JIA» , UEACXOBIES,i . PHT AUCUIKN-WORKS ANDYOUNDRXi -t , ■•.■■ is .pjemmaa*. Pa. t. il » ' JOBI W i a>OM, . OO„ ! A RCptvparedtobuiM.O»iU» aniAVoolicn Maehla* A cry «i every description, each a*-~C*idmg Ma chines, Frames Boeeden; Draw-ng Friinaa, lUiirsay Heads, Warpers,TwiHers,epooL'is,Dr<*4iDg Frames, Loom*. Card Grinder*, fce^' Wxosgitt lipn flbaftiug tutted all sizes of Cast iron; PalpeS and Hacgeix)of the latettpaitwus, alido and handlAtbe% ahdtoolsofallkiuds. . ’ , Czstlotsof every description fumUhed on rhott :W>* t]ee. Pattern* made lb order for Mill Gearing, IrotJ r&ilinv, Ac.. Steam Pipe for healing Factories; Cast Iron Window Sa*b, aad.faitey,Ca*ung» generallY.— Order*! eft at t% Warehouse of J.Paimetfc Con Lib erty si;ce(, will have prompt attention. - ! JltfXJtta, ' B*sckitoek, Bell A Co, J K Moorhead ACo, G 8 Warner. John Irwin A Son*rPiU*bnr*h. - ■ (; U 11 Warper. Smubeaville.-. JanlP^ - ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. . . ... jom A. BROWS this method to inform hi* friend* I t££Bp aod the poblio at.large tbu hia Faclou ' CJ in failoßeraiiUa.on dieKaat vice .' I Imi ior the Diamond,AUeebtoiswfaerenconJ Stahl supply.of Blinds, of various dolors .andqnaltijcs, arc constantly kept on baUd|’ also aiNo.ft Wood St,Piu*bar)i t al J-* ■BSP : 'H. Phillipa’oil clothwateroom.-. > I Vehrtian Bhatters made to .order in the bextStylc. Kinds repaired at theshortoslnouce. ■ .•• :N. D. lus Bliada will bn put no, without any add>- Itoaal ezcpnsesn that they can be reaoTedm »n»* .meat in case of fire or lor washing, and without the aid of u crew dr o ' octldlyAwlamly WO. AX.BXAHDBH A - CfIFFIN MAK&Rh AND FURNISHING UNDKR TAKKRS,comer of Venn and. Su.Clatr-streei-s o*no*n« the Exchange Hotel, eutrasee .on Penn street, respectfully intorm their frirods.and the public. innt tb«y are prepared tofsrnish aud attend 10 evcrytbtpgm the line of Undertakers. Alwaysea band, a Urge a«* (oninrnlof ready made Coffins,covered, itn«d an*l bo* islied in the very best manner; nil sorts and sues rtad? mado Shroud* of flannel, Cambrick and moiltn, and all siacN made in app roved styles. We keep a largo ai wnraent of wbbe and black, cotton, silk and kid Glsvci, sable for pallbearers and moararx*, crape,caps,col- lar*, and every thing necessuy for drcuiDg ihe dead, and On reamnabhs.term*, ns we pa:ebare odour good* in tho Eastern ernes. Also, silver plates lor engruvine the pomp and age., Webavr asplendrdnew hearje aad horteo,and auy nambcrof.tbe best carriage*. Every tiling nuended to promptly and punetnally. octAty W. W. WALLACES ■ PiTTSBUKGH tfTBAM MARBLE WORKS, No*. «44 and 546' iiScriy #lr«», *'» AIAVAYB on hand and mode to onlcr, e lanrc VTtklc* ty of Hatble Mtinlela. Pirr,Centre Tables and ButeauTop»,TomUB:ontrs Monuments, Ac4*lJ which, being made of the choicest marble', and emnufnctum) pjiDcmally bv machinery, will be sold low for cash; ; N. B. Per*on«-wwhinp V 1 purchase Mantels, ar* Informed that tliftheneelortti unnecessary for.then! to go East, as I can furnish them with an article irtall respect* a* good, and (freight,insurance, Ac, consider : ed.) as cheap as they “ 159 WoOD’VTKEBrvi. M-1 fkUiifbetorire bc|iig;nvw-in full operation,we nxe V prepared » execute ordot* in oar liiie.prompvf* Danag Uta last summer.we have adopted a Bewalanbt flattening Window Gits*, ((bemoet approved piartetm used in the east) by which wo tart) opt a superior orb etc.- Glass Battened on this plahtsprtfccily I***l a * d true, with a very fine-lustre Painw-ftind rtealtta gen erally, are reqaesicd to- call and examine. far ibvitt eelrrw. ■ ■ ■' - : ; V 1 *P *' BENNETT Ü BROTHER; j ZtFEENSWARE MANTIFACtUIIEIiS, , • . . Ermtnghani, [ncar EttsbnrghilPta . W arehouaty iVo»: 137, Wood street, Pittsburg*. MatpaWlLLeeastantly keep on hand a good aarent »to|/mcnt ouW are. of oor own snanatacture, and wJIp supettorqaalUy. 'W'EolosatC BBdcountry Mct- W-' chants are respectfully Ihyited to call nadtex amine for themselves, as ws are determined u> sell cheaper than htsever bcfore ; been oBored pub- Ey* Ohlrrs scnl by mail, accompanied by the rash or eity refcrenoeiwill Be promptly arieruled to.. leb» . Uttat fftsUrn BUi: lUise Bsiiloctorr, . . CINCINNATI, O. ,'• a GAKDNIHI A Coi, would inform the trade th«t(; A j ihcy are now manufacturing thu-liest Butt Jliuni. evcrmodc.ia the United States. As thisiaonr ole business, we lntead.lo >eadow ttawnplei'- ana*- liclc uacdiv pobehlrtK} made.'rTbosd engsged ui.tW hardwate trade, we'tkink, will find Ji to their intcteia to «ce oar Batts •’ All orders promptly attended m. • reys AGARDNER A Co. corof fth v matnsis ; rfHW JOHN.SHERIFF Jt jAgSWiA ' Co- Ner.'WttlikW Fru:U *tS ' Kfl tc9 ' '■ " Baas* FouxntatandGzs FtXf . .: H&4a ' ' seas; Bctt4 of all sizes'east GB H;{j|a' - from the lates'imptovedout • ••• ‘terns arid warranted equal id . •'•-any;-/ Also, Brass .Casting 4, - finished if ordered, Gas iit tinea eat asßromatly andon terras. . LIPPINCOTT IRON WOIUIR. * • IRON and Neils, dhovdvAc, lor sam at oor new ‘TTarclioiisc,No. 59 \\'aier,*ueet,near Wood, nrog.toFronL .... .Also, an assortment at ,the .old.rAnd t Mcolatter 1 ' Rov.-, Lil>ctty street. :s ■■ Having made great additions to the Rolling Mill, nil crilera can be filled ptoaptlT» ; ' .. _ movßß GRAFF, LINDSAY A Co. . BIBfiISGHAS TACE FACTORY. CAMPBELL * CRESS, srasulacTcatxiov FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD BKADS, Iron aad CcßMr. Vaefcii IRON AND COPPERttIKJE NAILS,* ■ ' - ASO ’ Pattern Makers* Points, of.every dumptu/n. Office No. *Su Charles Hotel, Third street, . f,l,| - PltUbnrfh, JsmesE. krutiE FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. MULVANV ALEDMEmanßfaeturexnd keep eon aieuUy on band Cat, Moulded anil Plain Flint Glassware, id all lu Tarietles, at their Warehouse ear ner of Market and- Water strecl*, FituWgh. - Our Works cutttlnoo ln fall operation, and.we are i eoii'-ian'ly addirnrtooorjioek, which enables u to CU orders wit h promptnov. Purchaser* are respectfully solicited to call and examine prices and. Urths- - <: ■ ' mylOdjr • • - COACH MAKING. . • FJtfJXI fte wry liberal encourage ■ menttUo received since OffiPW' be ba* located liimrclf ifl AUegaeuj, RH'*— P9 1 bo* inducedhiiuto take* lea*e,en and u»p Uuggte*, and, every description of Cani«pe»made lo order. Cnmi.aeventy.five dollar* to etjhtl.Mnana. fscpSdtf) JOHN SOUTH. Shayto g and Hair Dn«iluß lUIMn. BLAUK&N * FOUITTAIN. lb»um«XJWr put favor*, we wlkH a coeliannct of the taoK, at oor Stlooo, eOtaerofUaiotutrtclßsd the Diaatood, {back ©f Aknndcr f Dry Coodi gtore.) , alt VEOKTABLK PULMONARY DILfIAM-Jo the proprietor* OftbeVegetaMe FuUooaarv Balauaf—l aaeatidUd that the YegtfihU Fujmruury Bmltaia i»a**J uabk swdkina.'- ltbubteit need la tfcupJaeanUb eenpltie •nee't»iDW«bfU&ate eonsptabtof the laup, attended, with a tcvtre rough, lour of vo«*,aadih*nuiag of muchUood wUcb liai toctioui'y raided Busy approred' praeriptiCM After the k'ua «Qe week the piUealk take returned. ' and he «l eaaHtd l-j apeak audibly.. Tbit .'caw oceuncd *<« tint kine*, and the aco b bow engaged not only to ac tive but ro bioriooibujine**. HatpeeUaS* youra, Concord, N.*C Jan faMSIr. JJMOaUJtX, A 1 f>, < . St/d is i'iiUaurghby.B a Cu.eomer.ol fc»tPßdwood,aUoeor*retbdtwnBdM«-; ■■ ideastl- A STRONG EVIDENCE lh«i Dr K- X I ,E.'IOR\NT w taptf-Cf W «U otllcn», U that thttasu pctio«»'vb*caHSMae*4 U» nMoftl b tl»ir ftaulin UB JWi prtfcr it (oil! oOttr rmedki of the kind; i ad *Wr myhm ka ioduerd to try other brej*rat>oM A*jr h»« «lao*i israniHy bora dUaprafaledla' ftaitio* the beiMfit which*** mwwLly titkijaUd hitb pnttra Iho proprietors nd Lno teturstd to the um of JtTWta’ExMcroaiirr, ** » itawdr-thtl fat* wmrJtiitdto rclint(but. ttiwhjeh Moteblr imr bad tu ttol n trratb* pUaooary dltnfca 'PrtpitdooJf by Dr D. J»JM. Pb&delfhb, tod mUob tocneyby ALEX.MViIK* • ' . . .. .7*fourth n 4et43d&mf tOSETQ D* PJtXTAXPi - , JLSSEBW J. DU9CAJT. ' Ma *’*S£S£iii>*mm*ui,' >■■■■:■' ■ ‘i . IOCTIM fcCOSilSSlO’i aEBtIIiSTS, ' {■! the nMr.umlcfSir sale Qik>vt*..’ . ' « . . nwO • • A SI am now earned in the Importation of Brandio, • jf\.W me* and Uhu, e«la»i»ely, and bavinemade a?raagtmea}* in diflerent pan* of lirope and (lie (il< ■ndawhSweU known liouw* lot ray wiaie, tepply.of Foreign Liquor*,-which I will bo abloio aell. delivered' in Use CflUKtn Hocvtaol New Yorkor NewOrleaaeor ultiiia eiir, elibe lov*e»t market price hi cw>h of ap. proved paper. Jbavp in wore aod cellar, every brte Mock.of very aoperjor''Wiue# and L'qaoi* n imported el the mo* t celeb rated brands pad for tale on alrinnrieniu by •*" FC MARTIN ? dSo*. • • amlth field M. Imiksii tjcas J«*»- «5 e I L? e l ,T0 i" • •» ! Philadelphia'dad fc*On« P »n; ajirlnJekuorffcdhOrcfii and Wart lea*, compruing ttjMwrfw-; ‘ ili.rVr ■1 SS'C’- : ■•■■&*»' . ■: tiszisw*-" - SSS3SS® ' Kura Fine InpenaJj. - n**Vl*™aL •• Th- aboirTea*fcarewenaeleeted wiiatwit care fcroSa #£b 55* wfllbe wld op at Our lemur****»*****Uj*j{jgj£{ffgJg*?*. '^HeeSS' ; .: /earner ofthitd and iroiihfield «t» . STOVE PATTERS* POR SA r.JS- Cnlfb libiiltr, Ventm M»Wr, AHcrttnv *UI Oil »,« rcwntWiM i«w *»»« .u hurl tutor mmM •rlr»n. Mill Ce*ji"KMilfcli poiuvna nnulu uj »nrtwe« ttvd*. Itellow* and *ll ibßfwfcetabecftmed by If* «»• Uta»b>i«ro»eq. AtwU nuihTt^aJjJ OLD AVISKEY, Ae—» whole uid half l»bD O. K. \Vbi*k*7, *UM« 1837; IS e uka aitd half caaka old ;ous- ■ i MISCEJMNJ HIBBERT-S GRBKO WUlTiau PUJUX-la eoliqtla; tU pi taV H sge of the public for itisb'el right Bpdprjiper 1 which tlicclsiai for suppen is based uudd h« folly sjutfoir. ]y wl forth, a&l sbo iocvb gharwtea. | W gives that toscoa; bioaity wili hotbe.'imposed jjpoaby uring jL . -, ' ’ ■ laths it is well knoim tlmt tha g«D«nl>ty of Zbu-W ire cuaposad of a prwipttats, held tojsther' °by gum Arabic,and when ths water,tuber m whole «r part is evaporated riwp*aaadpredp*to:#zrgkft ai» pasJynat* ia tha pen or uksuad whloi cowtoms it, ; It is also cutaema to add viorgar to' tha Ink mixture to.maka.UßUseifliiid, which thereasoLtheerdhy acting oath* pen, if eomdlhg ilflirodgh inaver bsrttUM. ; Now.lbt > 'U ft 'lugelhcTflhtr*fore will oever getthsek, andh*u>g very fluid' *■ lurgt quantity flow*from (he ptaiathaghren peaetra . ting deeper taste Ut* fibre of the fop** tusking a more pirma- Btat stooaad one fas easily moved by attrition then'll it was : it a! to toe tries so mstirr that - .hmtmaifouty.fovtaetaUe iron,-thereforv will aot ctgrode ttcsl peas—it will sot mould, tad although U writes cf a blairii green color yet In afow boor* >V heiJmo a deep bhek : which wiH endurs lor vgt*,'' Itij'wariueted Mipcrier to the • foreign attic e known by thews* of‘) Arnold’s AV ritiog Fluid, 0 and one-third more girth for the mnFprice; A* [ aguarualceegalast Impcaitiop of soy k:ud being attempted ( the following romo mends ties* will tufltcc, as all ruiut be • aWsre, thiitthe naorn there given con'd not' hare been oh. toibed by any means for an utwunhy purpose. We rteoionead ** Hibbcrth Chemical.'WriUug Fluid" to thapalnmage of I >ublk, s* a first rate artideiaall res pects; it flow* free from the Pea wikhoal cbggciq- it up *sd a Ibe course of * fowboarabeeomcsx deep aright black, fl A Sampson A Cd.. ; i AYkh uud McCswlle*i ‘. ; .lloberl iioore. 1 John Parker,. .Wn Uppmeott A Son |fl Wijhbasu Ce; .. MeQaewaas A Douglas ~l Fmne>* Scilcn 1 Robl B MeTaß, Bookp’t C A McAnully A Col for W W Walk**,;! l . Janbto IloUiog MiCs. Aug £0,164?. - Mr Tho* X Hibbert—Dear Sir: 1 bai* been using Jour Bbcmkal Writing Fluid, aad Cud it a fint rate arttefc for theofDce, it Cowi freely from the peo and become* jet buck uafcwaouifc YotrsAe. . ' 1 • T -H TUTTLE, Bookkeeper . for Bloc Us A Semple., •* ritUburyh, Aug B?, IW7, Mr T K Uibberi—Bear Sin Having procured a botfleof, your Writing Fluid, some three week* sgOjlcouiuer it tal ly equal if wot Arnold’* or aar other tuk uoiv ia; use; I kaow ®f. ; Re*;*ctful:y, • -* WILLIAM STEWART, Book-keepert.. • for Arthur S > FiUsburgb,Sept It, l^C-..: Mr T K Ilihbert—Dear Sir. laaUWug jour Chemical: Wriling Fluid, aud find Ufo be a laott tXceliettlnrttcle.lor; eteei pros, as it doe* uotehx them upiiite tbs geotfably olj other inks, it flows free ana become* • deep black c* a I'eW: hours. . Yours, Ilespeclfully. ■. L WILLIAM CARP., Book-keeper : | ' ... » . for John Parker- J Pieiwred and. Mid .'Wholeeal* aad Retail by Thousa* K ttibbvrl. Druggist and Ch«mi*tiA2rn , f **f Liberty aud Bouthficld Mreeto. rtttUxifgii, I'* OtttoZ'U | TUMUkA'd PATENT UKDSI'KAD. ; ‘ ■ tBSSSSSo ' :7HIS7> r « Pius Ultra ha*:»wbe&iHC«oßtwou*o yea**,and wccteekt it ia kr.wni piFianod loan oU'cr ttcadururt*.- • ' Foe rbe«piiF»s, and oonvcntenco it. Siua yot and emits it ife equalled, a* « i*. best, clmaprtltad mon convenient Bediteud in us?, add yet* f. F.'iJasrj^,i*laxarijlily cast, AanptoofozalUhit 1 Is eiiirandfot (Jawun’sße dMradr, the foliftwin* cetfoi. euitj fiDtn’CalHjuiimalteiiweU koowuin iMUhnnjtintiu thh-WhrLUnnhminedlothn p’thlte: ' We. thi.*ubtcriliCrß.practical cabinet maker* uha . Bedstead maflati-tarer.t of the cities of INtuiintitli and \ AHeffhenrjTa., do hereby Ccru(jr ihai we have the rich! tontmicfwture boitotcad*wUhGatcam’n I'sil pntl'atteftinjß, wrt consist l&e tune»?ir> wpay YTith which we arc acquainted. "James Lemon Join* Al'lirew T B YounriC •• Robert kaimto.n J |C Hanky Jutart B Barr John Lli*«:»v Jr. J«; Losm A’Sm . Lc *rrtet ’ ail.Sn KidtHe te Dr-Minao • 'floata* Farley lt«nt*7 te M*Clel!and Laker • Slwicj UsUnck’ tlsicb WhUor* ' Hi.lvOisjLKana • •• J tUiyrni ' -j«.» Wwßhlvvell • J Ncrhnim • .» Oeprf;r Snyder' WmJUsicit JMcMasir«4:U . ; . : : Alexander Latewn j ! ' for ILVuLs ts bake and »eil Use at-dve ItedfiaaiU apply to- EIIKNUZLR F UAZ/.AM, P MUfi ; MlCnteHi Trio*. llufcVtT. formerly of Itr.nuy, M’Rpntm . i- ...... u:»cmnnn.O. Iso. a: Csatii- ■ fcuienlllr.M. Cua*. O. OKA'ITY, BROTH KH it CO., ... ! , General ConmJulou DJerelian&i rußTHr.F*i.e Af*u mnwAtiniwo or . WKBI'VUR' fuodcck, -A'(b-ni rcydra S!rett, Nnc Orkarj, t i!et*rj.MirWi*Co. BacVrrt,) Q • ” ‘ Jamc»M‘tirpßuTAU» l v v Pavid While i Co,la »• Morton. Basket,) •*. : Uo-taJc Tf»2er, " | Cjac.nna'.i.; • A M’Kenjte.Kfu, J ' ~ . »|N R.wiey,K*<:<. Bei.ker.S.>iWsV.i!e,o. D M‘DoaaM & Co, VVfcUsTirt«",o. ; Reed, J’srka & Co. Dealer. Fa, J W tiiJL B*q, Wheeling. Vt • nvlft-flin rp- A OhaUciU|(i to t ; • VK‘D® •srtll produce a t-poi of M-’.t, cr«n or cajicct 'whir HnitV Improve* Cttcifltcul Strap.' 1 have the. sAU*fac»wn>« saying to the tefljecPl thkHerc, that »Uii artlertjfcyiny emi ur.provtSaenf «•» it, nowicand* unrivalled m iht* country wr cainejuiK etct»2,wr.pue!ijoil,pnint,**? b*TC bild at ikey wauld not be wi'bcnt fl. .t it cofi onr: dollar per ensfl. • In trying lflt» S&tpos. luait 3M nrveter n( l.ghiaiti*, satin*; at* nsec*.*.and flrderof all tires. andataSlprlee«. ■ . ; Cnamrj Merchants and other* are mailed to rail end examine the above for ihemselaee.oaeM will he 'wholesale or retail, and a liberal,deduction nwUs lo [wholesale purchasers, ”, j ablrfly' , ' . A XV E*" CIKOUI.AR. ‘ .vl ' AV*«niKOTo.t,U.Dfi \Ottaf Jf. Tkemfun^Ksq, fiu»bv*eh t j . SiKi I-h*va read T®*»r advertisement in one ofrtnft paperi with mt ■* lint* »srpri»e i Bull, ttinljco ha»e copied mjrl*u»incn Circular entire, and aopppnmrd it t>» your»clf- : I • will take the iit.efty to* Inform J«« Uiat my bbainef* Circular is ruv owiijcom- KXilfon and i* not common pfopem*. J n« wit* I Mir eoTiwntu* be placed in n pviiion tiiiii will mJoee nerfoni who do'not know me |n'tiipp«w,i)iat I s»® not, taph’rleof •'cmiKHifi* my own J»y>inca* car*!; or that » am capable of pilfering add ijpproprm ing. ihq cnr*i of another to'iayown #«,’ I am; therefore, under the re teaidv of imtirtng and erpoaing'yourplsgraTwra n« tliis . Diouiier • Z O liUm'lHs*. , Attorney formte.nli, Washington. I>.C. i flO»Alliie«r«papehtHat ha*e published Mr.Thoiopi ion 7 *adrertieeiueiit. will ptca« tnsgrUhe.above, itnllif ' -r ' ‘ •' OkODKS. LORING’3 TERH£»TIaL GLOBES, conUiaiug all :jb« ()U di*ar*rm, and Geegnffcie*l improteßKU!*; alao tb« iraetoof tfc« taut celebrated ciretßmari(a!uni; Coat dikd fro* Smith* «w English Globe, with addition* Bad iliiiecinnMiiltbf finnin flr Hifrith Keened by Ro«w«Jl IWfc. TXJRING’S CELESTIAL GLOBES,ewJtaujmgalUhe knows tUfi) ntbiilc, Ac* Compiled front the works of WoUailofc Fbnuted, L»e La t’ailU. Karelin*. Mujrr,, Brad ley, Htwcbel, Mwkeljue, (beWonctioniof (Jie Astronom ical Soefctyof London, tx, ft. V'om Smith* New Ear lubOlobe.* . . • .. ! ,1 , Jobnitaa A Sloektos Hare just mrirraa few jwin of Ift« aboee Globe*,tvying « eite.ei follow*: { l tsir ' itl incbee in diameter. l , «» « *- .1 '* : C « a , L . <* Mtai gtobei Q ‘ '• r [• EOTJCK. L • APPLICATION will boinade tothr rresidem-Mana. «r* nnd Cotnpuv, fat cycling a Bridge over the i ßiver Monongabelaopposite P.ii'borß lUc copm/of *AH*ahetjjf-to* (be renewal of ibtre certincotei, Nov U7«lri>,lsO,jatheM(ieof John Hunter, each for Iwo •fttreiof stock In n&ld Company. Bmd ccnif.cains he. Iqgloitor rai«Lid. iICitARIMLOVD Aitoltter for the Executor* of JuUn.lfuuu-r,decM dels ) ’ - >riO»t»‘AttTNKUanTP-TnVawcm«r«, ton the Vj jfchinM.,nxocidtedo»etn»tltri«,u titer iliu firm of Brown It Culbsrt**o, In'the \>rhdlc*a.e GtOcery and Groeiul Picduce and CommiMihn bonne**, at ho IL* t. l*rfy street', irulrespetriluliy iolicit the paUouafin of tiipiritieHd»aiidUie|mb!ie»orefte^h-^^ ■' . ffliliAM/ ADVERTISEMENTS H fDEiuiy' * rjiuKEtSoN, - ,■' AWSI»OSr a B4cSso ' BOTI'O'BS, ; _ •• WAGON COVERS ANJI GRAIN JJAG9 or all pEscßiPTio.ia i Ho. 3H* HoutL Front Btreet-i ; ‘Buck of IA. Vrilsm’aCabinet WareMmufy I PHILABEI.PinA ALL order* left with 8. S. Moon, at llieoflirt of the .Merchant’* Hotel,-Piusharrh, will te prinnptl7 aurnded to. . THOd. G- DERRY ; wpio.tfiT A. C. NICKERSON, : . . CARUIAGICS. : . i fWLLMtt OGLE, COAGtJ.AKD , JLfJiNESS Clunai 1, KnDSE EUiaddpMa, Lu of (he firm of Ogle f WaOoo. rettMXtfun* infirm* hi* frmrf* , ’ » ' *»d tbepobUc, (hat be l** aad will ke;p «ja»tanllron hand tad fcr **le,» haadwme atmtiacol Uotn wade to onlrrat the iliortrit por.itLuotk*, and etreutrd is' he Mrj httl Pifloetr, ofwlwtcil tutoneL f:h2i-ly' ' ! ;£i:ls ; i FDBS tt i'tiES!!! : . rrljVli sul.rcnber tveuld inviio T-*i}iea'a«ij ''X ! GrntleßH!oab*fllV»itiußPhtliulHphiii,a.idia’ W unt of lANCV PUIIS, roch «i Muff*. Boos T>pp ssacait tieteieparebatinx eurw!teTc,aa Kiev niil fiu4 it ia their adranugß and do mistake. All order?' reeiivtdabafl bofajlhfaa/aneDdedloat No RJ North Ttuf. n,.bo^/i rek ,r l ,^. P lu^ AraBK;o|i _ i , tod, M MEDICAL. 1 ! •' Tr, " v / . M ; ; SAItSAPAKILLA. - JMoet extraordinary Mediant in the •' Tbu extract I* pot up aSI art tatllea; it uad time* dhcap* warraaicdHiperior to any toU. f'Jeucea ! di»c*K wiihimkrOTtinf^atxug' aidacaaer 1 The pit bcanty end mperiority of tbh BampviUa W ollothecMcdkioeiai wh)bLilEraaicato Ducsk H lufiter* ateatbcßody. ItU oue of the eery bol Sl'lUNG 1 AND ;MJMMEUM£DI«NE3«er known/lt notoolypiruU the whole *y»te» and *d*ojtJiesi the pencet; bat it CtcattJ •N* tr.Purt andHithEiood; a powerponemed by aobtMr Mediae*. Jioil in tbia Lie*the grand eeerrt of it* wcsJef ful *occe»«. It bu performed within Iba not two yfctrt,Wra than 05,000 eflroef Severe‘Cam ofPtKtic; at least offbeat were ebtoaUredinearab!*.' More than" ' < iyXJO cam or CUraoieKht laaaUni; : 2.000 caia ofOppepfia; "* • ' , , f 400a*ei «f (Jcucrai Debility ud Waatof Energy;; 7.U93cam*of different FeunKComplaint*; ' * 2,uU> case* of Sacrfhla; •/' . } LncrCemnbhit; '''l cue* uf IH*e»»e of lb* Kiinej and Drop}; ;ujUO caw*of Coaiumptkw, . _ ' J ’• ) Inti •pv’P«"d»«f raw* offlheuo of the Blood, »«: i>r*i!-tlai. SaltUbetim,Pimple* en lit* Face, kfc. fee. \ -T»* rtiher with muacroua mo of Siek Headache,'-f*ut m U»*. &etndChc*t,tip'Ml feei L - This we an e»xr*,oust appear incredible, bat vreh*** UUcn ifo» pbjMdan* and oor agent*' from ail fart* oT ik«, • (jailed Sutojiofoncing tu ofextnordisaiycare*. 1 It/Vaa Ktokirk, I'lw. ooeofiheßWttttapfetabJedniggirt* fa 5«»- ark, N. J.,wibrm»u* that beeaniafc* lotnOio liaa IdOea le* is that piece aloob'- Thera nr* thoomad* of erne* U life City <>f New York, which we will refer to wHifpieaaurc* vA to men of character; lt'i* Ihe b«l medicine for™* I'lerratiw ofdiicatc knowm-At undoubtedly tuvad ihrflin of n»« than | ( 5,000 oottoiun tub Parr Bsaaosr ; A> it reread the came of diK3*C, and ptepartd them &> the Summer toason. ' V. * ! Uetrtß nmi Orncni ■C»rr. O. W,MrCL»A>e,or TKaU.'CTxnßrirtf kitd member of the New demy UgbkUure, ha* kindly W 'ui’lhe blkrwiM certifiolt.' lltrlli ittownitory; , . LU*w*f, Jin. 25, l^T. A year einee 1 was taken with the lufloetua, ahdmy whole »v»Um teftin a debilitated *Ule. 1 wa* laduetd to IryiDr. Tuwiuend’b Sarsaparilla. and after taking two or three tbol tlce, 1 we* eery ranch relieved, aad attribute it entirely if the told Samiwrilla. I hare coaUnwad taking it, and Cud th« I iutet cfiaUwl over the tajet 'otwtoale -dbewe' of i lli* Vleod. Tbree*t«r»onS eared m one tunvt U tthpraeHeqted. Tntsh Cntwa**;* ■ " . 1 .. l*r.Tow»iKn>—Dear Sir: Ihire the pkr»«ro to La&rm Clial tlirwe of my thildres Ikh been eitrei of .me Kio to the he* of TMtf ercei.'ctrt meilieine. Itirf rirr* ; tAfetn! eery mml; wiU* I*4 eorw; haeojinly t»kw four bottlea; It look'them away, fcr which I feel rnymlftaltf deep oblintiua. ■' ' Yoare, rwjwethdfy, ' * ; *• lifnotY^Wuui,lC3W«Art*ret. fjtw Yctk, M*rwb 1, Kfl. . ' j ’ ONEAT FEMALE MF.DICINK. ■•j Dr. Towneeod’# SumpnriUa. it a eoeweign aad »J*tdJ rare fee incipwn! Ooßiumytion, iUrrconcM, 'White*, ohrtructedor Uk htunu Irens*.' Wraon*, aU weaknem and hitf tiidf. trooi taking It, otonm bcedn* tobot and foil of tnerry sodef it* odour*, It ixacd ill (it eotmUrvb thenene fotaembf the Ctmafe frets*, which u the grrefettue of ,h»«l rtnoco, fji. ■< * / i- • It will not b* aspectrd of a*,» ca*ee of a»d(scata p ae (ihihtler/ti&rauf of cum het.wecaa amun Ike aldietcd, that hundred* of cam hww UmnrejeaLfd too* Sfreralcam'where f»mili*»h*Ttbetn, wilhoutehiU ren, after ciiag • few boUica of llwe .iaialnaUa med*ci»*, hniebera bl»*» mthl'taWil . - ; • Dr. jVtmurndr-My wn* bung grtatlj dktmaed by wcakneM end naerel debiliw, aod eoCcrtnc co&nnueliy to pi» - end a »*a*ali*» of Marmg down,- vf the wombTud witlt other diffkoltM*, and bating known caw* irbrie yourmedicinahucileciedpeat eadabohw 'ioe itieenemradca fur loch ctu*U I have drmribed.t obtain- VJaJioUWorjourXatrart of tJarmpanih, cel followfd the dir«eli to her cocCnraent, under the mort oUramg ani Itiirafe cirthiMtance*, belw LSmblcd trith the 4wr, ew*l liaeef the fret, nmou* af&tiotit, and rrry meet d*Wht»- trd; erill* my pneuien, and the rrcomweadtUon of.lboee whahaiuitd lt,*h: ww induced hi try it, wio» little ur no feUfe; »d etCßceil to «y. themnydrt htd Urn happy aad dolred (d«ct,nat only tn too hfrtre uf condndraent, bet, after tho npirtCoa’ur 093 weyt of it* km.'.th* rfropy and ner roto keectimf car* wjT to aa wtouiihbg decree, and her hcclthuuow t*tfer' than it had betafcr a fuse pi*- . JTirthw trill be rJ any' kttl« t* yon or any one who Tlocbt* t!:e.iuccmof the atdiebc, jyn arewtfrdy welcome *°r*3toiiibe nrwlfToar mo** obodiiatttd'otilirtdl'Treol. ' S » 3 *«unt, _ TO MOTHEBS A!f» MAtUUED RADIES. < Tfeie Ertresluf ier*»j*rjHa hu bet* ctpmdy prepared inrciVrtacotb fa*mlrc*i»pUiutt.' Nofemu>,w)»o tow m, tn tupiewo tiieueppeiaebiag that criUeeljwried,' “ TAa mn. 4t iUe, n Ac-Ad urgteH ta Uk* ii, «* it «* edrtain nieresitire fer any vf the s' iferiitde diwaet* to »hkh fncalw «* eobjnrt at ini. time Tlua p»od way b- itb»red fereetcralyeen by wmg iktimedicaew. Thor u it lei* reiueblo to who are approactuog wonmnUWK!, a* it ie calculated ui aetul nature by fl«uek*n«f: the blood eoi inttsmlioc Uieriitaa. Lodeec, tin* medieiM i» hnk oeWekw all of life delicate dircuei la which women an **U bnreUbe wholeeyitem.renew*pemtseutlytb« nata rol enerjie*— by mooring t!ie.tmporitie»of the body not eo fer,eiiu>uialit*t tlie *y*iea a* to produet a wbieqocat re> btatjoo, whwhu tlie cMeoftnml o«dieitH» token for fcmala tUD. rafoj Yen »l*o tare pbU'eoiapUuatiffdali tJM, Vlotrli'-.) Sd Die Uct, rough »iin, oi .freeklte, end art *■ out of ei’inUt" km a tank or l*v. e( l>f ToWKK-odH SarapiriUa. it will ckadw: jocr blued, remote lit fmUu end Uotehci, end cite y«u uumatioe. i [nr iliac ey«, Go« spirit* end breulifai cemgiectka—«U of wbkU are of ianwoM nine lo itutax; rt=d Udkii. DYBPEPSIJL lia fluid or tusdiciac loa erec been tlbeerered which M nearly rewatblo the jatuc jaies or aalia* io deeo&pu»ip; fjudasdslrtagtlitoinj the org-*a* aillm pup, raiioaef A»iri«nila. ' ' L ' C*Wk Ittratmairr, Alb4sy,Niu’ tl», IMS. • 'Dr TVwMKTtd:.* Sir—l Uste be*a a4l«*ff ffir tmnl ytan with dvrptprra ia its wont formi, attested with tour; «*» of tuiwh, 100 of appetite, tilrrae heartburn, and a great a»*t»wn to all kinds of fued, and Lr week* (what 1 could ext,) 1 hare ben tillable to retain but a taall portion cm toy Moaueh. 1 tried the bmxl reuse din, but they had. (■ut littl* or no effect la renoth*)* the coeiplsat I was hi ‘ ituccd, about two nmtihs tine*, to try yourili tract of&srsa. i»plls,xQ last. indeed. 1 m nrqtuWed by pbj »ieuo« t» hate the tpiSeVetmwiiipGoif . I ium<| laigeciuia lilift of bad iaatter,. had hlglit tweisls, asd auJuuj eery tail] ioydocUr»id U* could 1 do nothing for a*. I Went inin lb* hiMtutal ill hope «f being beoefiUtd. batwaa proaooncrj there at inennblt. t nay now' greatly Julrtued at thetusga and - coaid hardly breathes I'aooit became emaciated, had t% parted to di«;\vu» routined to'toy bed, and Vtu i-tbjwl to htiet micheri indeed 1 eanaot fi« you any ducfiptiun that* would dojuttk* to tnj ca>: ' I was ioj.jv.adTj my lrienJi. loti* waltect>t cry ( load lytcd a great uumber of irenedlta, and aliateincil U.'ne’toaapurtnwe, I read of mmM ex. trwordinary-ewree fcrfcraiad' "j yw medicine, and to ItU £ ja truth, I tuepneted there wy» sum* hoiabug in thra. at 1 Wat induced totry it, 1 did *», and am eery thankful 1 did. 1 cannot My that 1 ant entirely jeetl, but am >9 &r. recovered w to be about my basinets, aud hope to be entire, ly well in a few-we«ha. AJy enngh and {aittfa the ante.' and night aweeta hate left me, and raise but tery little, ana aa fast gaining my cyoal plrejrgth, - (.bit it.a.duty to gue you a statement ot niJ case, ti* jutMUb if you pleaa*.| fa-rut Blown, 47 taule it, Brooklyn. ' Opinions, of Physlelus* ; j)r T»«moft eituaUe rxeeantioni of lit* Sunepurill* mtto nnrktt, k-p hsuas, «t> i WtUMMj x t>j 11 outturn*,* »,- • I* tCiBKKMSt.XP. 1, IMS. Tfei* it la certify llial we, thii aiadersigfed, pracuaay Thuav>una't'l>pieiaM of Ih* City of Albany; ban frequent y timcnbed DrTdWUMd’* Compound'Ytlreel of dam from it*.kouwuqualilk** would fceoauacod ltd rb* mUic C>r mweurial, scrofulous, and others vtunreus wo rcrvia ueekreof to any of tlie af',4prll 9,1t4?."’ ' a prtilr thing sppeartdmtb* yeiurd.y. {I «u fbasoteruring cab, ur fiersiparina Kiptpaa of Dr Towucbd, The whole thing is gol up in cuud ti' the nnm mental lahtitcape piintiogaarebeautiful, which,ltijfHher with the *roll work, in cold. glistening in Ui« tun, cut da a show tmlj equalled iu UroMwajr. Xyi Uk« ikii opportunity to iiyytebelierf.tbii eitiaclofUie StrtsjwrilU Ur*«rt«» the it has acquired. '< H ffervoas Debility. - i ■ ~ • • Kerr Yore, Mtreb27,lW7 • Dr. Towmend:—! bare been articled ooro or lea fur ,3 ytart, with • drradfulsmkiag in the chest, giddinms in tin head, tun orenwlile, pain it* the lunhi, and central debility, bfuUgbt no uOdoubLby the Continual beat uni cbld to which I not Object to in my UuiMtt a* adycr/: Ifanni taken'oilier eieriieineif ton numercru* id mention, bol with little or nosue* .cei>. 1 Wat indortd br whit 1 ttwiu Ui« paper In trri botlJ*' of your Sirtajuril I *, from whleb I found great relic/. Ihnrc line* iabtn Mural wcrobbtUe*, and! can ruihesiuiiagly say It is the* belt medlciae I'hara etar taken—ibi pnin .ln my ebe.tucouc, aud 1 Ctrl quit*, .difftraul man allogilhtr asurs ! I bare taken your &anaparilla. : , I hart now* better appetite than ererj bad. AIT wife has taken ilwilh tbeaame bene&- eialrttullaT 1 would recommend it ai.a Cunily medlciae , reumlljr,and 1 feeleouribccd that ifMinedlhtra would uul bo half Ute sickness therd it, and eoiiKquenlfr not so many Doctor’* bills; fol* wbilf it restores appetite,' it also riiu t« tlia tlomaeh and bo web thui' tegular tube; il keep* the bkxx) m ahaftlliy aUte.aothatdifeatetaMltolikelyioattackth4 .syitem. And lo all those wko are not aiaKeaitbyftate, Jiay try Dr Tmnuead’a tiaraparitla -Tao«*fgjnTH, 70Afl«*. i . . CnukcrlntlieAlottiti. Bclow.p an wmouatofaaotiiercbild sated Dr Townaad'* /Farmsnrilb ku ured tlw lire* of Ikoimndi of childrea.— The following tcrljlicaU-i* aalcetedfroa u ereal namlwr rtcelred UiU week. j. . . „ ITgw Yoa*. April 8, IM7. i Dr Town *en«l: Dnrun-Oa< of my: children waa ter* sick with the Caneer iu the iaouib and ihmat, aUeaded with jrtat dtbililr. ll caitte Mir dring; | obUinad some of your eitdleut medlehie ( -vnl itfdhed it directly, for which I can aishre you 1 leel»ery fralrtul. : : Yours rotwetJoltr, • i > - Luti»jrTHrowua, ’ i'or »»!« by K.t stf.Ll.WD>lXronfirt, ffo67 Wood it, between UJ *ri dth als,. who Ims been appointed by Dr TOl\ Ajicl for wtilt|;he'ny w, jcSd^vlyV l’elcbßittii flnJd Mainttiar hlllla is a iftHd, ttfe eod'slenul autl-acid nnd,nperieal;'W II in- a psrftet soloUoi. of chemically part catbonata of JHajursiaf pootiiea all Cie medio) coalitki or the finest nre> atioßt af Megnesa, without being Ifablo lo fbna coocre iin the b«»weli;or toacilojuriowljr ppo a the ccntaof ibe’ slodiaeh ,0u« uUc spocnfalofthe PfuW Haemal* iscanir '•lcdtiastrenstatohaifaUauiooa&lofAlencsia. ' . For ulehy D A PaHNBoTOCK *'OoTannicr )U and ffoui aod Wood and filk' . ( ••• w > ■••• 4 jj- • pr. ~~ T)t!8 ino.ceruij! ipaU-hy ukina'6& Vial of Dnc'tor McLai'te'd Worm Spociho, • olttld of James Bhaw's .pusKd npw«td».of-?U w-nnn*, ttmlhr ihnnseof *nid medicine a child of my own pasaod/14 innewortn*^ tt M* tfd|y tlia.'inoatatn*tiiing.w?ormiß«iieinelever tern. X rcuit have tsro more vin!<: ! - WMCIUfORU: I , Wilkin.TowtuMo J*r«alofer:i.XU>ofcOo,r doors below 84 rt IVhßltiilt Drx Onsils< XtOW Whpksate Dry Goods Rooms, il GJMarkei street, Sd stoiy, 100 pea of-Atpsecu, SB pcs English MdHno*,3 rates of Oregon Plaids sad Oub* meres, 10 pcs French Broadcloth 1 , U p£y fabey ct-ii mere, a cases cusincti, iOhalos fed, white' and yellow flannels, 300 pcs blankets, new style* calicoes, doms»Ue : iotflha»a,|?lo»p» andfcoilery,together wuh a general sawnitontefgoods; Merchant#arelnvlted to examine enr stock, as we are confident It wilUavorably compare With Eastern ttecki,instyiesand prices, ’•!. de!7 ~ . AAMA^ONAQO D ATTIKETTB, TWEEDS, lU.-W S MUK nfillf inTuetlbs attention of dealers and otbefs to jps excellent aasonmentof above roods, in his whole sale rooms, up stain, as well as in the retail department, Ueluding—- «•. •: *•’-■•* • Dark mix’d Satinet!*;, ... ■, : i., Blu» and black do;'' -? Invis.ble freer,. do; - \ ' Shtin .striped blk do; [ - Gold mixM Jeans; bine nix'd Jeans: ' ; •? ?!• ‘Gold mix’d Tweeds: • . i • All of wMch will be sold low l»y iha pieee or yard; al to, ou band,Cloth foreiosk*,mnd barred Pelisse dolfor L nine*. • J ' dcg>-- ... BewArxlT«4* .. 'TCBT Received the balance of our tell stock ofJNDIA J KUBBCll(il)OD9,coapriauiBUit;ibUowinff Uitdsr Indiaßhlilicr; Lonf.overcoats.saek .overcoats, abort overcoius.chcct wntjoui/sloove*. caper with alettes, poncho*, leggings, bats, camp. blanket*, Jutse .cover*, travelling buits, saddle baas, gun coven, provision big*,- siram boat buckets, air piUovs, air cushions, air beds,, .bay rucks, for thy ladies, and eseiiic*; Ml of; which'we have a complete assortment that we odor wholesale or veuilon the lowestposable term*, at oar India RubJ*r Depot-Swoodttreot. . . . • TiteL- TT . •:. j*h Phillips. TDEIUCimi BIIAWLB —Wc JP have just treeivoda large udditiaaalsapply of extra French 'J'urkem goods are very aetrec, wc-wvdla.reipeclmnv,uivi|e tba-lsdieao call and extreme oar, sbiqk, ai^we.are^ning^hemyrtry wifi - ' ' *** •73 market m, ffW cor diamond ' liDbT iIMChJVED per Exprom at «l SKVH New Fancy »hore,G7 hlarsct street— ' 0 <3*2 Cards aod-Taestls, lor LsdWClnake| M >. Gem* ‘ - • .. 0 pss Starlet bilk Fiinso.aj incU.'ride; •• f •* blue '..•***■ ** .• ■ 1 ; •••J I ineh : With a large assonmeot of other co-m. ' dell . I Adams A» •'sfexpiesa— O r'upersapci EBcliih Drab doth; •' 150 do - uo J*lSua Oaad colored Enebsh syiotias,ja*t received diioctfrom Inpurtorsby . . tUUCKLKriiA.WHITE • • OcIO • . ■ ; Btwopfl'st: ■ Bl&ijipibj—CJßnm fitured nehui affifulK atu coal Bisdlu. iust ree v toy titocoo & Co»a Kapraw, LaSi diya from rkiUdelpiut» oraate by ; ; . . . aiiACiuxrrA white ■ “‘dels • OTwoodat - “frLAMlir ffLAIINBLBI fbMSICliBtl . < fj ED, whit* end yellow fliutfiel"; Awe, • *• *f HWa?y twilled CanpeU,jujl ret’tl; fornlevery cngaf. • : : c*<*l7- 75 rairkrt m. W W rdf d**nwad i MEMCAL, . TilUinPlim SUCCESS. . 'CtnitwhpUvcai remember that it is Thomptoas Compound Syrup of Tar < end Y>'ood J\‘ap ’■ -'Aha tekieh it daily, effecting tucM re- • - > markabm - ewru-in- ••••■ ■ FOLMctoARY^ONSUMPTIOrIni,'! Attliaa. Bronchitis, Spitting °f B:ood, Pain ia thy Sid* an 4 finast, bon Throat, Boar ham, ftlpitaiioa of Heart, Whooping Uoagb, Uroop, Hite*, N«(t\in 1 noM .Liter Ceaphiol ana Diseased JUdasyi, etc; f|UlEßEFOߣ,bewanofali»par*oa» niatamofTeroi’ 1 Naptha u imitation* are abrtod it. S. V. Tbocewa—Dear B.r—l fat artonlthiag hoeit 1 hare experienced fret* the aid of foar Cotapuoad Umf of Taraadltfanihafeadeja itxaj datyto iaibc» y«t of tU I hcd teas loaf nlUcted with a reiy tad cough, eaasfegsttan palsialbaUcul, with great «pprc**;oa, difficulty ot brealfa urad'lou of appetite.' tluc vanou* nweulei without •Ceci. -1 heeaait iarned, I baa«d of y««lr BwdiiioW WovWl iss ittai ta mUe’tooit ndetrUsed aedieiaea, I woof hi I would adhere to. what (. had bee* using.. Fisdwgwywir tellies worn a Iriasd perwuded me to toy vbrtlla ofjW pce«r»li»i,»aytog*'hetfrredFan acdately procired a bottle tad toarnhred tuxug it, l* ton I had ukca tern bottle*,! was coaptcUly mtond to health, r . r Solely fcr the beaeOt ofothen I oak* tha aborebnef ttaleacsL Any farther inquiries eta ha Bade at otf rtu* deuce, 143 Catharine street. . KeipeeifiiDy yours, - Fascia Puvor. tUU atuiier ' Rtmarkable Cara r , r. -ti#lWt,’TaVW«. - S».iWi, About >ii year* since, ia cooeqaenea of lb* aedeauiry. aatoreof ay rotaeia, 1 wa« altoeked with seetn rain* » Uit r*lr>it»tioo pf the heart and shortoen ofpreath, which wen mu* followed by tlit fa lure of appetite, exlnae Wakefuloci* at eight jui partial {anyili ol »sy UaU-tbese I Wptoaif of a deranged syitesi being ettendwl i *it2»piuinj of blood. For about two yean 1 wae occasion-, l;ly thrown i&W foqrelriaoa, which .left aw in hMeraMe ataie of feebleness andbegan toaScct ay tojad, iFioattotoe to liateiuy sufferings wen acre Or fcaaTcrg, uabl *• »««|th they lucieued to such, a drgreo, end lbw**ieae« of tie ■TBpioan were so eagarnted, that wr awhuleyear l mm uiiablt to attend to ane business.. Dorirg Uusliae iroasutt- 1 cJ tetnf able physicians and attended to tSeir prescript/aas,: bdl all their skilT.was uaaeeiuog to peoeura a* ftl*f,hna. athength they regarded aw rteorery as enlireljiiopel» l» ihU ccadfltoa l'wsis iuanasd or the muteiy Sjrupof'Ferkad W WCICsQN at the retwer of Fifth aoi’flptdceetfeet* . Sold by v; WILCOX. Jr. Pltu>orgh, asd rr*|i«*taMi 'DTarti* l rri« Sftefi ,ur Oto dollar jwbottla. •. CAUTION —Bewan of iaiutioa*,'aad {wrchewTht* ioa’« Compumd Syrop. of't ar from none bat adrerthed aniili or uftliMC abo»e the rapkloa ordtaliaf ia tm* o’-r-.. i docHil lm _ - SUKimAK’S TOOTEI FASTIS’ A IRtOUCH si^ujrjcs. Tli V, best atticle Uuwii’ CSi cfeiuußgaud wnitegtng : lheTl:etu I .ittrcnipb«iiipgUie turns, .sweetening. Use t»reath,fc«. li »bduul he asedevery'Bigljl with -a still bfmh, and the teeth and Math willodTy requlreashxU wishing in the mdroing.- AVer tbe brush with warm water; or cold will answety add nil* U a Coir uses on the paste, w&eti enough will: adhtaciforlejmnniJrih*. teeth. thaiuMih,«a(iis< parts • most delightful tragniuee to tho breath, Jtatands unrivalled as cfiteagtona, eoavcnicnt. nail. iafc ‘lt |« .warranted. not to injure tlm wets, bßitO pre*ervelliein. Ity using it regoltrly, it will retnoveihe Urur prevent tia »ce«»Blnti«i—prevent the toothache: *urmrthra the game, and pretent kit diseases of lueio Chenusw,pfcyaiciaav*ad iheeleygyvecommead it ■ decidedly superior to every thiqgof thekiiKljß,B«.TT AsXforShenoaaVCoatpsHrnd Orris Tooth Faster b.m*. observeh>s .)• •• - Reeomraeiwedbr .l>t-.CasiJe, 3)flJJroi4w»y,paeof nor best JfcnJists, and byimo’t of the old established ones ih the Uriitod Stales, hud .even. .Xteaiitelr'wed by theNobilliyof-Eogtxnd and'Prr’vu.' ' ■ a proportion of the disease: t kft afflict mankind : ariufrfrosa mao derangement dftbtatoar»ehorbuweta.' Which A timely. n«h of tbeCalht tie bosengta VohU. entirely.ohvihtn, Fervoasof. bitioiahthns-shoiri«fht> Ways nave a box atbuad, And take a dose whenever they feel lhu'lca»tderaagemenlmth*il health.) : Ajudis. einita use of these Loreagea,would prevent thouatapdtf WM. of Wood and.’: fcfbttt al»y-. “ ~y • dr-eit ■ AUIKb Wbo Use Uiawipu FreparedChalk,. ire | j often not awara bow/nyhifuUy .injurious .‘Us -to: ibe akin! how sparse, hew rough, how aallow, > allow, and unhealthy riiapkfo'a|>i»eaf»,.afttr;t«unn- prepared ebalk!' lkalcW it In injurious, containing aTargequart tltv of lead. We have prepared a bedmifal vegetable article, which we call JONKS*S HPANltftt I4LY WltlTEl If la perfectly lnnoeem,being purified of all tfcletcriOusqßAlitieaj'hnd It the shin a nato-i rml, healthy, alabaster,clear,'bvJng white, attbeedme, inue acting *s a cpoaclioon.ihe akin, Baking iteofr •ind amdout.- -a j: ••i-' *' : Dr. Janes’ AunctSoa, Practical Chemist of Mam ebusetu. iayc “Afteranalysing Jones’stoanish Llli? White; I find St poiseanes the most beautiful and stats* ral, at'lbe tame, time Innocent whito I ever taw.:.! certainly can conteicnuoealy recommend it* use to all •Wl,o*eukmreflaire*bfaaiifyf»g."‘v; . < artettw a box. : by WM: JACKPON, at his Boot and Shoe ‘StorWHOUliertraUdet, head of Wood, ni thesigu of theUtgflooU- • •• ' Jk®-’ Ladies, ladies. I’m astonished, ;• When yoe know that you are promised A nalureliUfe«llkß,*jiewy white,. Tbatyoe will still are comraanehalt, n : Andlookadtntbly yclWwfripbh ? !’ The theme of laughter,aud of talk. ,• |f you would* live it’be* 'of JUNK'S Lilly-white, it would give your skioaa Wlab&ateryet natural while,’ and at the tame time clear and improve it. told at JACKSON’S, c>9 LUwny «tl Frnx stt cents per box. \ ;■ : r iDUATCUT T . / TETTEB, ITCIf, UaI.T HHEUM, Ac—Who would lor a tingle day tcratch, when afflicted with the T«itirr, Itrb»cr otbct dUcuea oflhe *kin, il' Uiojr kuew who wanW rriieveendear* lliun.' • } ' rj'iibntnClo tit be obliged to mb and aerateh when fttane. but more boTtlbte to abuun ft®» it, [tor deccnay saie.i wticrt tn company.- LetJl he reman* ted.tbol Dr. LKiUVTS 'iEITEU and ITCiI O!M\MENTi» tie mo«i cffiuacitw* of any other preparation m existence jn eariiig the |tcb,ud-otherili«ea»«>ot the tkh»: As alldiseAKt of the »kin min a rite from the imparity of the blood and flaidtef the bodr, und where mh 4U-I caw bo of long Handing, god tb«i constitution ase ited ll.Jirhy.ifDr. Leldy’t riuMparilU iltood I’illtbc twd, with iM ; Oujtroont, chey will cure any cate whati »er, ud if they do not, the money wifl-be returned' byDf. Leldy. however, will be efftCiamfly eared by Ut Lcidy’# Tetter arid Itch Omunent,mle«»; the : tytteni !* impregnated by the tlUeaaed hanora, which will la completely ieaffie*off from the lyttcm by Dr LejdyV Blood PiUt.anJ tlit »tirfkee of ibeiain heal* tdbrihoOinUnenU Price of Ointment Meehu. For SbL' .11A FAHNESTOCK ACO ’peivo/' ■'* cerwood tt frontoii , MORGAN'S. COUGtI SYKUP —lt proved to be thef great Panacea in coring my child'* dutrewlog BannerjNov.a,^. 1 Q, con Sixcr.—Wp are not in the habit of puffing,< mad la> taking Pxlttt Medicine*, bat we feel dimoted: to recommend Morgan 1 * Bjrrap to Omwwb* are afflicied' with a cough* - AAes having triad the nrnal remcdle* to rtmnv« a and diitrmain* coagli,'that had for teveiuldtTt afll.cted one of oar eWdreu, without tac* eo«*.wr wefo Jwdtieed «» try Morgan 1 * CoogU’ ityrnp, onahy urelfef wa* obtained mi aft w hour*. IlpiorcU ■to iw the panacea in tbi*c«w at least,. s, :e suite and other usual facilities a Horded, pledging our*' ■elves’that any business eptrasted tolvs'shallbi as promptly executed and npotf a* byjany other bouse. - JNOMcFADDKNkCo. • ' Csaal Basin, Pittsburgh ' v : - JAS MI>AVIS SCo _ ? HU! anti tflM»rlcet ‘pITTSBUBpUPOIITABIiED. MSB. I Ma 1847. isawßii TG«ORllwif»fiitwn»iwntrfFrelehtbeiWehl , m»bdf*h 1 I: and the Atlantic Clticaj avoidinlr tra u ihipwcmh oa [ Uta FW» #nd the-epn*6}Bent rub of delay, damagt, ( breakage anil.separation of. g00d5.,., I’ 1 I ; . BORsfuDGE & CABH 5 •' ' No ttt Market street. PhUdelphni I ,i. : i .TAaFFRA-CCONNUR l GorPsan eixWVavne tts,piusbargk I 0 5 CONNOR4.Co t Nonh«l«ct,6alumorB i . ' • W fcJ-T TAPSOUrP.-TSfioaOi ft, N; 1-J j Encouraged l >f increased business the .rwpoetbri I 'fcavo added to their siotk and extended tlieir I mem* during the winter,’aad arc ItOw prepafedtofor- j ward with regularity and diepaich oworptmeu • bysnyoufot'lins.' Tlieir long experience a* earners, I tkp palpable superiority oClheTortaUle. Boat Eynain, I ana the great capacity and convenience of the ware- I booses stench endor tlte'lme, afe peculiarly ealciqa led tu enable the proprietors tofolll] ihelrengagemehu 'sad accommodate theit cu*ton«r*-rConfideuiJyufleT|nft • i U* past as a guaranty tor the fanrre they rtspectfiply I . solieitaconunooneeof inaipatreiwgewaichuieyiiSw | : rrafofally-tcknowliHige. . ' k > I J t •. All esnsiEnmcntstoTaaJTe A O’Connor will be refe’d i and forwarded.. Steamboat pnidasiKßillaoi , LadiDgUari-aittcd free of any charge for CoßUtu**w>> i' 'advuMungwrsoraM. Havihg'no interest directly,or. ~ indirectly in steamboat*, the isforest'of the eoasignira J nftttt newaarity l«e tlieir prunaryoojeci in snipping r west, and they pledge themselves to forward's!! goads r consigned to them promptly,and-cn the utos;.a4van a ' aeons terms tif the owner*. March 1, IM7. ■ w •- ■ * marl . " - • ' .•-J. 8* DICKUY, .•. . -A Jt COUinSSION; BKttCflifl?, !" ’ ’''Jffast Bcaser .feint jbji4. Bridgewater,-. 1 V ", ,p%tr*n ooDrxr, »a>, ~ j j • i ~'"‘ ;rrt>ptiett»rand Agent of'jnc'nccri___ y j AMD naixr Ttrrint**' yirrobaqa giro skatzß, TTrir.i,kijpwpatod oa carUwttopeningof canal naV yV. Igalioa la retieive property t: -tii wharf boater in warehouse, for all points on Krie Kxtcniioa, Crops Cat, and rOuio Canals; for altponsrnLako Brio aad apper Lakes, assl&o to forward inoduco, Penny. Imprbvuaenia. ' Apply to or address '■ ' \ . febttMtf t . >; . , ,-iJAfI HICKEY, Bcavey ia DBpmr.s jsc s*T]poxb*Aijx»jfii A Ts OPPROIIUCK 1 AMI) MERCHANDISE TO AND FEOtt PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPHIA ANDTIALTtMORE.i . t Goods consigned to oiirearo will ho .forwarded wuu* oitdelatffcnbVfowctt-durrrtt rhtda.' Bills of Lading naitMaiaed. nnd allisstractions promptly attended to, free from any extra oblige fur «»ra« oT Mwmlesien Aidrees.orai'pty u> O A McAhUlll 40c, •: ♦ CcnallJ4sin,Piuaburjh 1 '* ; ' . BTORAGE.T v . * • 1 Bavlnr h very largn dnirtonm»6dwrts\w#rel*ou*i, Wo aie preparcro to reedvn (in addition Id fietphtTuy piobwouth A ce's fciatt;," •; j ■aigai' 18 4-7 .msM ] £XeUJSIVF-LY% the traniponiflmf.or‘YVAf F3UHGHT betwSn nu*h«rgh,FhifT«vnfo,3abnfr towoi llolUdayshaighiAVater tUreet, Tetersbargh- dud FcavMhc wtirrboust'o/c A McAnoitT ±XoJ, PitUbtrgh, every .day, [except Sandays,l and thippersean always depend on having theif goods waMed Mtboatdel&y and at hdr rates. 1 This IjnewasfoißKd (oMlw special seoommodatlos of the way business,, and the po>pricicr». respectfully tulieitVlibc^alUtareofpairontge. 1 ,; [ - JOUN PiCSWORTIf JIILLEU DAN’L U BARNES lUJBEBT Wpt>o3 . WILLiAU FULTY, JOHN MILLER, WoHidayibgrch } It ll CAN AN, Johnstown lAgrnt*. C AMaANULTY ACo, l’iual>uri>U J .• - ! CLKFK&KItCKS.' E- | ' John Parker, Robert Moore, Be*aley, ASalih,pimhcntn.. • -«• i ‘~LAiE KBIB AM) SIUBIMS USB.- j tjEOj'.: 1847.. t Line l>eing composed of Steamboats La&eKr>4 —.Land Michigan, running daily Pittsburgh 'aild U«aver t aHd height and nfu*criger Canal Boats, nmiune between Ceaversnd Ijlc and connecting with O M Vocd'* Lino of J&eamtioat PropHfefs~aod \ cssilS on the Lakes, Will be prepared apou the earlirtt openr iagoCNaTtgaiion to carry Freight and Faaaenger* td ullpoinuoo the Hirer, Cornu and Lake*.. 1 llatirt? evferv facfluylbr.eoo«eyto(r freight andj«-» •enters wtiltprornpUiei* and di»p»tefi, the propuetorl amt agents tcspew*llf»licil. from their friend* and * PU i« " rj REEDS, PARKS A Co, Bearer. Aits • JOHN A CAUGHKY, Piltsl.’sh urgh,'i’enna * John Ale Arthur, Munuiowe, Jo ' Wick* Acker, Greenville, dt> Cr*i« A Franroion, Clarksville, do Hays A I’lumo, Shurpebuigh, l*n. W C Mulrni, Sharom d" ..R \T Cunningham. NewCamle, do. "WMgTMiRa TttAagporiTATtog VO.' A CO'S. OLD ESTABLISH KD TKANftI'U RT ATI UN USB, ‘ BETWEEN TUTSBURCII. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A ND NEW YORK" THE sioek of.Utisline eo**i*t».of a doubhrdaily Lius ol Boats sttdCar-.fowned by. themselves,] wlMca are in (too* order. .TUo wubrirelicr* are pr-p*- red to forward ar.lurge quantity of Merchandise «.ul Produce with conaloty and rJiapaieb; :-Produeo or Merchandise consigned to any or tfte un dersigned. is forwarded free ot sny chyxoioreonmie> tidapruiorose. : BillsLudingjTunswitted and all jotarucborjs promptly laaided . r ; - ' ••’- Tim business or this Linn Proprieii'n. ; i • < Ounnl lia~ro* Pittsburgh .IIARRUALKECH,pTDpruuofV No 111 South-Thud uttrvPmiadelpliia JOS. TAYLOR A HONXApcnK No 114 North Howard *trert;T>siUitJicnc W K WILSON, Agent. - • - No7>>Vr«trtrc ■ AHD 1847 TO TfIEEiSTBI BOMKQAIIEU BOCTE, ; .'VIA BMIWNSVIUiK A.CUUIJRRLAND.- >■ npjm ffiHfwiifnj ud nownrH'med »«► forward pro* X dace, fttn la Uie Martent Jusrkett dsnog"lhe ente* ing\Vtntßr*©atkes»««lsvorableteims' by tl>i«exp*- diijoesroate. - " . JHJ property eotnufned »©es wiUbefcrwarded ntthe lowctl rate*aid wiikdespatch. ' Merchandise received bvtbwrente promptly tar Warded. 3 0 BI&WELL, Ag*t., PiitAbdrcb. Tr..: - U W-CABSUlrowSawlle. - , BBVT7 -j ■■■ EEfiERTON* C6,Cirtnt>eri*nd - ‘'PlfVlifiDUUli AlrtTßffifKNVrLLfc' 1 1847. -fcJSU FAEicnrr link. -- milld Line consisting of freight and pa»Mm|wrP«elc- X ou,will run:reiful«iy daring ibewsren beiwren Leaver and Gteenville, Pit* by whfeh freight dn<) pus iseajrorsWttweenlbo two points,wiUbeeaffiedpTempdy abdaube-towaurawa. • :••■.• {. .. ,? •' -WICK*- ARCHRn.tireeovme.Agti CRAIG Ai’ttAMPlXi.N.Ctajk.Vilic, d« ; ' ; «M»tf/ do* >. H AYtS AFLUMH, tfdjrpebiif*)!,' - Hoi 1 - •; , • . W O MALAN. Sbanm, - - • * do: l , ;• WM.XIAXUEWtf, »'sl*»*i, :*t : f . KKKD, ft Co, • . do; ; JOHN A CAUGUEY.rorarrWatrraitdsorthßrlU si*, aj>ClV Opposite ihe MotsintshMs llnawr, Pitislmrsh TO TUB. KMT BY BAbTIBOKK AND 1; ' ohio it ailkoad. .rjhllE robseriber# will receipt for the delivery ef Fro* • X dace to Baltimore by the Noooagahol* Slackwnicr «ltbc Wlowinfpneet.— V lAsbc*, Bacon, Bauer. Lead, Lard, Fork, Telfovr* .Wtiiikey,' . B,«adfllau—67J efopetl(»lbs/-v - Tbbgcea.Hamp, Flax and Wheat—eta per 100 lb*. . : Ashes, (Pot) Apple*. Cheese, Flax-Seed, Glßa»,;and Leather—KßetsperlOO lbs. , Ol!i,Bkln».Beed*,Wool—llfletaper 100lb*, j Beeswax,Fe*ther*,Fttra,'Ciiis*og,and Saake*Kcot *—HOeuperlOOlbd. AU property consigned W either oflbn undersigned ,w|ll lie forwarded without delay. Tree of Ccxmnittiou, /Btabortf rates, "XV 11 CLARK,Dmwn*villrv.- IJANNAA WATblßMAN.l’ituborgli. ■BOTgadtf . • ■< ■ • • , ~ lUS linbT TTrITMi .1847. - .ON fH« AND'OHIO CANAL?;' 7 URfWUEM PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND? ' K N PARKSACo. Cleveland,O. } ~: U forwarded to any barter the Union-with despite k. E N PARSsJa-Co, Cleveland. A«£ REED. PARKS fc Co, Beam A«. , W T • * • apa - Cor ~W Star; and FmitiScld «t rm t i TO CLKVKbAHD Tta. wX»wpw~~ ' 1847.^sdia £ver ddly,al3o.clock of the B»rntnrßoai from Ptiwbwgk, jrod anive at Warren in time for the Mail Line cl ttagfif wfcreh leave immedi* aiclrthere*rer,*utd amtau Cleveland otso’ciock, r. ThU route li the "tom «n*lBi-1847, - j !. . :,.Tibtt.B WAY® E>S •• 1 \\: COMPOUND OYRUI* OF WILD CIIKRAY. I/ 1 A certain and core lor |cpogb*» ,• colds, aaibm*, liver coa*pl»int, spitting bloody pains in the tidi {!„ or brcast,nem>usdebiiuy, whooping cough - broken CONkBMP- ' l,t • ••• • ’'TION oranydtteaaeoi tbeloogtor ’ i; v breiat. Kcadcr are yon - •!]. • tHtb'o cold'crdiSesßC ot the ' Y” longs, try thia'ifetsedy, _ ; .yea will-not peri- * • !;' : ~ haj» regret it. - • f ? 'cji It'will nrreat alt IhcGedwagrecable sysnptofas whi ib , /•tribe sueb terror tolhe mjM.'&firo'.TOgyooydayt. I toward of 'all’ prepansUODj-parycitiiij id coil: in Wild t;herry ,cacept )r-l fl b’iTATSe otMUiejiutride wrappcr.ol ctefa bflU e, aBtbey'prtordi«as During thm tune t hadLtned rarious pfeparetions aodipresctiptiotisj bulfoUadta rdlel—irowinslll tlre tifflo wortm.-Jusl here l was advised and ounoaded-by a dear friend, ttr Wiimißg* toitomake atrial oLytmr Syrup of .Wild Chcriy, l naiwtcOitfcc* that previously I had been prtjadic \ cd against patent »ediciuM»«ad 1 aia.stilt agaiMt those coming out of the hands- of empiries, not understanding yopr claim? to the protcciog piacucejof piedicinp, end having ituplicito Jiulltm the siyiog ol my friend*,. 1 lonhwith Dr Sliw, one of. jour ajcnb.a. lcw, biHlltajafcd co/mnenerd its n.iu. ; i My direase afthia-tiuitwcs, ol twenty of twenty avo ( jnonifcC staodingi .c?n*e-i cocnUy .woo deeply, seated. Uouad, bow*:mfcta r ! siderable rolicT tram tbolirct: iuu'ror live bottlca.—, JJut beldg « pablic speaker LfrtqucnUwoUcaptOC to preach with and lhcitby ruptured those vessel*itnat .had begad U>; bealsin Uusway.-doobUess, my cure was irentfy; retsrdcd- in consecuenca;ol'i:3ctißg-tb» , llm6rn. 1 dcntly l hul to u»o IS-or 15 bottles berore-t wa« I pexfecUy reslowd.-i-havft sm.sutntttnrj^-mnhb' ! smaller:number, of. botll**. wopld Jtava.snade'Ble. sound, but ror-tbe>abetre indiscretion, alUvedthe-lcverisU habit, did; datrcmijtg j coaoh put a. stop to ttie discharge of matter froto 1 f belungs, and gare .them and, the ectirosjstoctguwl health • i have delerfcdolfcnng Uua cc'rtiEcjitc till now, for the i of perfectly satbfled with the ;citfc,-and now that % 'ccl pt|(ecilj Dublin'county, i.. ; caetioni'cautiov ' ' ’ Avoid all tpui'ioUi pnjpanmoae of Wild Cocny, each a* Baleata», Bi tiers, Sy rups’of - Wild Chewy, Pilis piironrtipj; ly contain-WildCUcrry, &e, *C| as iljcyiatealLbetitiuu'sandCTunterieit, andionciin none of the Tit-low of!the briginnl a'ndgfenoine'pw . iteration as prepared bV SWnjae'r sod Ulo brst ever prepared' in ‘this country.- Doctor STWjnee ComwAiTO SyjvpV>r,\yiLt>.Ct!ViKßY IscoidpwM of .vegetable nigrettiehw,the Wild Cherry, MHloth* ; or-medical substances c«jatly »-elEcaci(uiij|l f . no| ! morn so; the whole are ip effectually concentrated i u to render it imytitidiali doubt the - most, pieasanL , htrcegijicning. amf elfecltial remedy 'everdiscover ] Cifioriiic core“Of l'btmouary i ctm»umj»liooVted4ll. dtseawis of tho Lpßgslaed^Bre’aat.'•'-Tne ; .'.«py'‘ tact from tW havlog buch a tram crl'spufious hmtatorr,- staodsAo prove its •••;/ T '‘l’hereiore, iuquire forliieongisalprepaf rauon.each potile «.f .winch; is coycietKid lilul wrapper, with aiiteacsa. ol' AVilliam t'ebn «nr - graved tbereonfaiad hearing the sigoalcreof Ur H. 1 Snayne, copnterleilui'gpf whipb.wiß .lie, pun-, . tithed, as lurgcry.,••< r . '■ : . Prepared i-aly by. Dr. H. Swam*, N W r coraer -f.r KtOHTtl and iUc^'Strcota/rhUadcipbiaV.. -- > pur jiaJe' in I’itubufgliwhnlesaJc and tcujl yy - i\VM. 'l‘i-I6RN,'W ftlarkct»ircct, , . . OGDEJY&. SNOWUtIY, comer-hid'Si AYdoil rts. . It. A. jrAHNEyiUCK A; Co..comer ol .jUl'anf Wood ssdGUiand '^ C 1 xKir : Ubnrtyklfeel | '- J ’•JOHN MITOHELLV Allegheny city. v " V ; Andlay Bit respectable Druggists- sod dtaletsl In thruoahoot the jda- , . , .- > V c .. •- i.-.ibpiSg: l . ; it OUKATCUKE,pjtot mul you jeorweullhrm to H- rEn* - * bee*. eHUeud irub Liter Conntatef fj«* wjr.yoqft; MfC auffeied a*eN r « a l'“>* ! l gtatiy einmetirtJmieianJi, to wlimn l raid much nu**s3 lull Wh Hood; Urbwomitedwid pbjrneked aland tomcat*;, tVELL. tlueboior FlucUij*ow«lficicaltoke»ji»ert»*r ,of Mid in Ibe aida.aied *II IKO olUer aympfaww, ht ,ut leiatj ; |9 nkStUi*.’; ‘Your Fill*' awiaW.timbrelealhart* l**er «a: tbeinf nu!J,*not griping x taxE *ickiu-*e at* W itoa ! ncMmlclrt-B*»w!i frfael!'• J hate kept then ivnyttott; for C or 7i**ra; wU.buadiW* ofbuMa.and fan**, oe»fr heard* ling* *itopUinl':«»fre< b l wy.o«. *fWhM *«d ifacni. - 'Xbry hire’ wuerteded almoal er*«y other gill it lift* acithtmbdod.and in ■ ilc*iwo* piiliifnl nicer* ba oilier parts of her person, which nifye bsJHed tho eklil ol mnomitcjof the'roostejaiueotpiiysicUitsbf oar citv-~dunng most of the time hec.saiferiags have’ beeneXeniiaf.ct'ondilepforabW.; Aboat thteemoruhs since'*ho .svn* induced to try Dr. JayueNi'Alicrative, Which haii’hed aiiuMoui • Pot sale in PUnburek, atnbePteKINTEA STOREj’, ,raFourth st- msYWood. „ i-,,. - . . jyS Cll•XLE^ia , Vlißsilt\UOEi .'‘ljcon*Wer:te»e> than ajloibers. - ■ ; . ••'.!. '.. v Ocnbnr t?nd, • . •:Mri R- E. Seller*r-rMy *unTl.i*onth*old,4eiiuverr resdess at nighvand baviag.maeSi fever utinteaVrcoo* riodod hf had svorafo, and havinp heard a areal deal aimut your Vermitnge.l bovgltt a : via] and dtve nhn * I 'dose< wbirh expelled fid very larke worms. i;lcbu*ider yOur-Venaiiaae better than alibtWrs. • !;> 1 1 •••.'•-•^•-tfsH»N-pJSNtWet’ i! ■ Prepared a&daoU.Lf K. E. SKLLF.KK, 37tV«od «L ■fold by D 7. Caml)fiUi ward] and D. M. Curry, Aite- Ihflhpaay, • i -j mtM . r**„ X^'imnCAt* JlU?iciT£» Xa2XNOES, Aiwrooft ius* : Y\p"«tfrq\iiN Vllil'_ _ X/. ehumeusaihUtUtm«HWhs « n*ias ttob-j u, m,e PotiofTeoUi ftoe m Urn toft *feach la i' A f : - ~J • 'jrotstibisi'nnd.rsayototht yeuu'nels af yidtlsg win T ro»y iff wads’from a parties tfaa »fya(nh»Hmy«c - toftetyoccowgfa ■wtiriiM|«»d«W MaiwihlnU|Mpytfwc la Hato*tornieetHu» - drvfe-tifccrtihcalctuTvtotoagkrtoefwirwtodtfßlvir* tuck&smUwe»vfcoto**Ucuw»to&«mta«Atl*tVrratr. joanalo«ttllapeoirtk«*JUibyojß*tlb«ik'T~-'--' T .'' - paiftrovAlsn** FtstUr*. (price cahr fctt wU to tjijdicd’wrtbt peri; liard’wa.a litfiSftto.' '{faUtudad artfk cuctDOBM, ft < tev aOtutk or Juatirc ioi&c Wor w euldcaitoriic tonticitoj ttouhl to awdai oebnito toytires ‘AREaiJA^’awokuuizEirpta"^ The** .ymlmiclym tom to NttatSalftto EWnw.wkiaMikiik stoyesiuto ac4cnymr»nw 'aHoccvUn [oftgcftjttUWMMttrm^cßdyuudasis>Wfch out tbclr «Hr fauO|E.miMtt4| enma imckc *i» «H7«lUft ■mirtril — J,v * v ~~ l — l —- , f-r niln>urswitiii't ■ ilhin‘~; J 1 * -'--* ,v — A | Ihriyl (ftnftulioT »uetoiljcarstb«m..(, . !; '.. Sp*r*mivf (kcjMt>«rUfdw»fl«a tto’toetf|4»ru'| • ’ deep, cud ct uam apJctMidovltfac ttftLvah fEccki, Uct&f*tlto.Ntt**(ttwito«cß«lioeaiUMttdamM>to ■ u of best, oter tbe mace < > trioa, .toadsesM-.druwiiaew, rerun,' kirpor,, duftoted .. iliiiuii.'iiirfilifii mrfrf h rltti fiirti end ftucoiii ~ «obcL tolhd ' bto. fctf, tod tMfa;l»4e womb,.High itfttoae<o, i 5« « iba rteaweb dd towtb, faiigm, amtm, MwUuk pan* gwoc l«sneisi,UmWf. Unwart'ey fitokgrljtogn • . tbootier p*s«*»kcffcw.jwt* or dui M/, • km «r ton* t&lac rsiaijr m ()w uCIWatM tManliluiM. • ' tjjm»di*cto/x** w dint* sad bom*/' . ' -. ~ . ; u They rite hctmdalcyiikf ia'fi#»4u « dcithtodika wUdudaupftWfteeifc flmiitofUc fintorsty ioihnntoi*T ocfew* jggWg tt » tones S|i,>wmMe?earn ■ •■ •'ehoHc t '»ps«w T ’«rMep nfl W.Wt—i.a,fae toweto' hgtorkal ifhciinekSto in fttmr llmlift ghrtofnTrt ifrnjW the 4>Tf n« ddbMritftcij CTsmrt&idnrrfan, hcritide.OrJH«iyof&t%M«r;/p dutmtaWdf caq>&« towprtiyyjrtniud delete* cnUt»uareakfM u ftc ijiaptaai , loftin' iirfaf* fraat vtotoft tw» mo fad toi!n,jftH abtaicMitkcbrdiMteiUilataftf, wißlsi tairebU euatMcefioiiheucTTCk... - ~. ■n; . 1 • -niKaMAPT’S TOOK aUfIN.rLASTnLO . ' .I%* bm unacUcftiac jlM«a ifc« vary, cad • ammin i^UfaceWitfTTJ^idcS^S'lo - fiac ape t Utd Jjweia, iftho«U toratS MO >. • tbe ttgiebar Qtc thwr cr «knwb, ad it irA dM m| *U, \ witeC la **&»; wfcfa. »fthaaj iifc»l(ft d. btqthfaft a|ye»l— ot the chat Wifnaicft', flintflfli lariideljf moOiud ptaily tcccfitAc fcdnC-fmai •» ' iiiitrtfTTf-^'^r'^-—n’Tritinttid'inrt VnfrfcUc ' 4m4*d *appo»t fioai ■■*'«#(mm Indy- itRMM&f ft»» ter. i rbrifcßJccomflynn—nJtha^Sinfaeictto «jlotUrft|«niiai|kef.iiidk«idbcnMir.W'MjM< . cr rtlisC la (M^«p'rtfln f eaojrift.-Tbey ealieelyfcflfaeatifmi ‘.\ •ate ftina esj *34 after*) trtm Qtc iipuitftiJ ail \ liatd«ii»ltaraiMMl Ucs.ioiftßM tVt eaiftdiMt&urt ul |- iUfl>dMHilhH’dMiyiihl dpp a* dtifciw; to - I totfc*aotttatfid wiiu3f mdkoatipmmt » /; r f f > StTßtl (Rmu Urt oU ft Ik wikaftlcftp •• fttif yiiijii iweeJ tagerakoi o— etbaa - itoWf'fay'eftrtto." rimtlMufata ■ Oa Itok ifutk thtoni idl t . ftfedafl* «f D&Btoxseto tmm*, - It ieinporrmt yieiltoU elmyiftdi £v Bbmnft’a tm* Uc*>» Hater, to ni ltot roa nt thc ytn«lM, M (ton er* mmr wartbta MtbKpy: - - >»r:tto tra atot—t^ “KrJsISSS ntul >j W.JACXioif uki'rrt. Mefliri—•Wewbowr; Wo. ca Lttoitr dmt» fin ti ,th monooT.v,,- t ;•■> -J.-.* . i!Kir£BAIrItEASORB WUYU&. liQ- StDV’U MAaSATAIUIXA BliaOP riLlditra bceiifflias^boitammlly popniar .Ktwt,Btcaoyelb«T*re'prt!pa?i«f . . dybimaelf r are2ttUr Dniggut, Chestst nd l*bjr*i’ . »i»t» of PtuUdeTpbii t vbo kntort ibe ftatorv,‘”d»ft qaaJily &Bdcbirftc'tef6f.tbo.Medlcißea itMdiaftU • pilliaudUictrwUptatieaitodueftto.• - ■ J-*' \.- ...becoDdf.BccauMlitft pftbUeeaaUks'tlwaiaiQt greater, confidence Ibaft.BtQstntbftr.piUe prepared by peraom jgatwanl bolh.ot* oadtetne ftbd ••duea*ei;r':; r ',".' \^l -.iV*.;; \ • 'Tfiird; Becbore oftlfetrcanablned l efiectß l prbpCTj ties net.cnftUiMd ui!; any other pUtij namely, pirg* ihglnimthflitotnacbandbofteuftUnnhefUUiapb* • Ttaucea, and at tba 'tamo, line pbrif/mg Uie oipQd anil lliilda of tlje body.' V * % Bearase they are-Ura 'cheaptot; and l)e>t . medicine known—a tingle box eoatiogbni'Sbeßbtt, . aod cuauiniits4U pUlc,aaving ibuisj dollar* oil timet, in Doctor’a biut, aed waneiUW medieinen bought & tried bn the aecdmngndidwy ol utbUk . -r . ’ * ' .•V.jvi v :n to.’Ube uylbio| eUe.'Tbeyytill'aiyiranbefodßdtoodiealatotnU ; «6ndi'o( diaeane, Inumationoitneitocucbibpve 'el* p -liTcr ond cntopt ’oI tbe ntaiaaclg coliep Waleibmbt"teWard'lftfern|-foel’ taate lb tbe PoaU»,~SoQr,croctaUott» and acidity el . the itodiacb, fcoithreneini and indignation,Airimt bl IppeUte, btllioun afieedona, ifiwanw ofUbe-aMtiii &ndkidniys»dueaaes'ortbeikin, aeajy 'empildftd dry and watery pimplen or blotcben oT ibefacbeu ' ibe betit»«l.. v tbe breaaW along the toek aod >pw*,rtaaotn« tiBmji'n(] oi ail Unda,'fmaU pbx,vari4k laid, meaueln', acrofuti.eryripelu.Btulinnbort theg are'good in aii:dltoaxes'baving. tiieir origin fn‘ IM stomach. liter, and ialciilxoecT and unpimty'-of war blood'- - r »••>>•• - ,; .' ' flirTwenty£?e : CenU a-Box. ‘ " I '' Sold \Vt»iciale andTUtail by B. A. VabunVeck 'dt Coiycofueror rimi' alio [blathrand'Wobdftreeia, ? v«rp|29 J' i . ijCKUt ULOUS j 5 ia its taaltipUed fbrtnaj' Iwnetberin that of King 1 * iglaqd«or While Sveilidgf a 'Carpuf; j KtieUiaatl«nl;tJao»er t dneaao of the Skin oir Spine; -or o<-FtdjnOnary «maiute'l>bni'i[d>f andthetmse dnne. wbicn is a pdisdoduu prineipli ! more or Jew inherent ia.U]ftbatnii cyneab'Kef** irorb.iinlea> thie principle ea»be destroyed,no.rtdw l 'calcareeonbeetlected, botif the pnpciplenpQii' iwhich;:lbe- disease’ « remoyed, a .cnroi I |ioo|t pf necessity iolfbw, no matter under whatlom.; Hbo-diMasesfaonMisanUcstUMll. /rhi*, therelbre :ji the reason Jintrt to nil.' ) j;«ciszlly tnceeula I'Ln removing so many maliinun^-. 1 ! ‘diseases.. It destroy* the virus or' princ!ple l><>to jurbicit those diceatofthave tbeirorigin, by enteyins ' into the eircolafiok; sod with the btftodts caireyisZ' ' lio tbe minutest fibre. retm>viog ; eTety -|nttklq o| bi*et^bfrbmlhetWtesil.'-Preiaredandu4dail l ld, : : ijiloaUy'l'Jiird Street.‘VkiUdelphia. , ! * * H .' r *' ’• I f r- Siildnt the t*tkin.^ I ?aShire,ffa > 7ZT , onrtbstr«9.'' ( , P»ukiriagS;Jil-'- ' * '■ mchfii,'. ! blt. : MtiiKia j cißUlATiyKßAidl*Bl ' UO.Mibo'Bcv ASA SlllNN, a well haewn sad pop . {i'ular'ClcirvmanofUieProlestaalMethodinChvea, I I Tbe amtett>giiedh**pgbcenafllirteddstlag>hopfta4 winteir «nb «ometlavs : pto>*- iludng great pain ImhesioiaflthleT tenor twrivetauni’ j iwiilioaimicmlMUm.nnd iftim.iirnagiriedvvsnotoL ' iemedies viih lbmUbed with ft battle j pfllfDJayhe I sCnrtuaauveltals«m;rTliiftbeesedee-„ . I cortmf lortedireetioiji.sWlfttrnatOTirtably pujtlub! ' taedicmecsjiitdUie jrsia'WutMUo in threh •rfasrinirf**' 1 Ltecf'antt 'in -fiiieen or twenty, minnlcs every jrneesy ! yensstiodwsseiuixely qsicled.•,Tbdtoedfewn 1 tcrcveidsmed whenever indiesiidasofibe puia «ceieperceivc4 tod tbe jautwastbsyeby pfevsnH fd. _llecontiiiuedi»ft*o the medicine even; eveataf : cud sdaicumcs in the mortuiv, and in., a' leis' sreeto heeiniwa»*»rftrreviend,thftt thesafierdirwftatefieT ' . e«l from e-laige amount of oppre*tiv«-:pe fa.,; Ftotoeh/' • Mricn«e > tKete{bre T bed«aooofidcoily >eeeamendlF~ ' i> Jayne's Cerminalive Balsam, as a mlataiy medisia .forduesaceofthettdmaeh'and Jmweta.v v: A BHLN N|* >:Alfetheny eHj.Jtaj 1: j Fot nde tit Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TKI 6il» WFodnh street. •lear.Wood. amtaito etthft.Dre- Smrtorn PteCllWAttTg. redenil ereel. »AHrtlWI i LiialiftluiMllKttT- r dtf Amanda Ameto\ far shaving; ; i ; CreamsU.Reye, toribavtng; . i Almoodo-Creem', ' 'do} • •* •••• • • • ' . / ' 'Sopeifiae.l4ngntenPere«ieiaWaiids; ‘ ’, r togstperfaiadd wiia.havendtr, 1 > l lleadh/irt'pdwdeVp’oJs, iftllpsufcnUr;!- '. ’!• ■ i Embraced'toilet,'bates. eontatflißg ipfraet eitmcts far thd hhadketehkT} a Swat bog, aed 4nuet stops, sun* far ;wer,-':... •-•c.' jlaJianiVtfgeutUehairaii;" *^tkai , »pL^iaianeyoieoa»»n'fi*pP e ts.(re“*««»** < i s Soap; Ante Up stive; ';,/i ■.Cold'erestu,e(ecauii]rputep; ■• "'Puts palm vosn,in bars andeakeq- ;‘J/ :abdl »ospi Boila«ospj’toteib«rw»ib n great variety ‘ .Ifi««.rw«|.gj-tolg | . tiole - ■ • injrig . ;WPPd«t»'jy STSfS s T ,Hii * *e»ttdv ,■- ■. i 1 1PJTT8B0RQH OAZETTEr?;. eUuLjSUEo;jmjly; WJ.'ttrfenttv * { '4l r i‘ i !■ UATBS OS 1 ADVEftTISIVCh fl OtaelntertioaoT Ulmii« Igh,.. »•<... /Two(ueAi(M villiOßtilUifitiDßiiMMMiVt^O * 'h’hwe H " “ Oie Week ••.•-.'* ’ ; h'l» 1 iTwttffcfU. 1 J® r ' Three “ '*••• ‘ s®. J OidMimlb, • *2' .• Two “ - *»■', .Ttreo “ “ Longtr adTertiMtocnU Is mu proportio*. • vEacU adJitJOniai ■iaareforfi month*, 5tXJ’. •«., :’.-r > It"-- r a*.-,- iO Qtf k ■ One Moaro.G month*.tenewaHe *t P\cA*are','Js 00.;* ? Ji. *?’ r ;<* So 03'rT KachaihliUoa«Uqa*re Tor 13 taa? Jm...<•••• *2s 59 ’Faro *qnarc* , .l»nwl»Ui*,re , wah’ jea tpleasure, 30 W *• .tiaciiaudilioMl•quare # 6-®o'rtlh», ,*••»••••• B-ffl 1 ‘wit*Kif : o» t*i*****'-» iJi/sii*-* r*MM, ’ One square. 3 lorerlion*., jl fiO. j each additional in*ertK>fl l .'...Y..;; j 37’J VCT.**** CAM*., ; ’■ 4 ‘ line* of jMAj’boe J***> W i i m m . «... «z month*,& do sit “ «• oi9 :.v •'