The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 14, 1848, Image 3

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QUOAR— 4? boxes D R:larga loafnfmr, 1000 bbla
O uaomd Koa.'small, loaf *&jr*r;2oodocnt»hed*a>
«*r; 175 do powdered do; trefined) in rtore and for aale
.-i*M „ . : . 43 water tad 92 front iu ;
O'6o bbl* St.'l*Mii»aSfmrbOßMmolaue*;23do rold
•Aavrapi SOkf t>OU do; tS 10 ftlkm ken do; for *tldby;
• jto4 ' iAMES A HUTCbiaON A Co. ;
TJAGB—The hiibert imtrket'prieet paidincuh lor
/~tOCUINEAL AND MACE lost ree d and for aale
v j jag; ; ■ • - • 1 ■ j SCHOOXMAKER. i
iBIKD PEACHES—#K> buhelt, halve*, rec'd and
> fetealebr U«3S) WAR hTCUTCHEOX. ■
ABED PEACAES-9 buhela pared peaehe* ree d
and for *ale by WAR M’CUTCUEON.
) TTOPB—lObalea'Ohiohop* rec\l and for tale by
( XL: r. ; wa R stcutcheon, *
1 iaagi . ’ j 133 liberty atreet
OUB3K»W> bbl» rec'dand
fottk toby : DagS]_POL\DKXTERACo._
‘ /"tOTTON—67 bale* jut ree’d and for aale by -
jag - ! POINDEXTER A Co.
KAGINH— 13 boxes M R raisin* for aale by
j«SS J D WILUAAIS, lIP wood at.
HOLASSEH-rlO bbb N O; 2 do Phiiad'a ateaa »yr
opt I, do cane aynjp, for sole by .
■ - tuOi . V 1 . 3 DWILLIAMS. [
S-'-T kega- ree’d per America and for sale to
,1 br. . • J DALZKLU
UNDRIKB*^-!^bbU; buckwheat hour, <i IbU prime
.appl*%3do liT*ah butler landing from rtr Ringgold,
• and to Male by ; - Qaiil] • JAMIES PALZEOL
-T 1 AJIIj—SOU - keg* Ns”l extra leafTard; 10 do do; 3
' " * bbl* do: for tale by ■ v -
* . 1*34 1 • ■ . ; BROWN 4 CULBERTSON.
iriQSH FINK-1 cask fivab, of'fine' quality. i«u l
XL weld and for male by- ;
> * 1 ■ J SCHOOXMAKKH 4 Co. -
I>lN4 WOOT-I bale freth7>««t rec’d wnfforaaieby
)a34 - IteoodilßtL
/ShEEBeJ-2? cask*; large eheeae rec'd and for **ii
\J by • WAR APCUTCHEOX, 153 liberty at.
ISQ^ m ‘a;i N ' il^T 1 rM^HS)y lc
IyraaWAY— i cask and 4 bbl* beeswax, on con
M O3B—35 bale* Soaniahtriw* fox tale low to eloie
ikWij prime new crop, hnt ree’ and for
... .i:. . •• 145 liberty n.
tale by
* ITIEAS—IO half cheat* black tea* just rec'd and for
;• Uanl7l - BOAKFORDACo.
* i^DSbpiKK— *a fekt feather*: 1 each beeswax; 63
•' bin mi nut*, rec'd on consignment, and for *ale
£y Hjwl > IaALUd DICKEY 4 Co, 00 water »t
rpptv-aft ba« prime {fever teed, 20 do Timothy, jut
) rec’d and for tale by]
rar. 40 bbl* prune N OMolauea jut tee’d and for
v aaieV - IjalSl i BELLKR3 4 NICOLB.
mEA—IQ half chert* Y U lea; 3 do Imp. and (i P do;
X todo Cholan Powehbac; 90 catty boxes varied*
; »iTle*, fort&le by ![ J D WILLITAIS,
" -!«* ' • 1 ' ’ UQweodrtreet.
t' Y'A&D—l bbl,- i bblcnd 9 ken No 1 leaf lard, tea
Jj dared, for tala by W4hl iUTCUKLTEEE, .
i.. i*3B j i ■ • 100liberty *L•
BCACXWoOI>-Johnftoo A Stockton have jurt~re
eaired Blaekwood’a Edinburg Mafaxine, No. 966.
•> • tor December, 1647. i.t - J*n3l
In rtora and for aaleSy
ja>7 »•--- 1 | LB WATERMAN.
I TONE PIPES—I 43 boxes atone pipe* for aafe by
>.1a38 ■[ 1 ! WICK 4 SfCANDLESS.
Wl INTER WHALE OIL-6 cull bUachod, jort
If roodautlforaaieby, . .
jiag ■ : J SCHOONMAKER 4 Co.
SAL SODA—2SOO lbs jut ree’d and for tala by
• •. t J BCUOONMEKE& 4 Co.
>'-■ •' ' : • r • ” ' ■■.Nog4wood*t
SALERATUS— 14 cask* Cleveland for'feale by
** Pn w|a^SrIAXDLESS.
.nDACON AND BULK PORK-000 haw bacon; 1100
Jy*bwU*n do; 32 hhda aide*, do; S 7 do In built, on
>n«n\iTunchi and for tale by •
~j«nTgt , | 4 NICOLR
BEAN 9-2 bbl* while beau; 4 do aotdo, in wore
and for tale by . . POINDEXTER 4 Co.
i boxes W B ebeeae for sale by
bu dried peaehea forule by
_ : . ,j . , POINDEXTER 4 Co.
' /~IOAL-Ofd«rt for coal u> be delivered ia the ciiy w»J*
'--\j peet ptnorpt attexuion if le/l with
. A LCOHOL-dbblsforuleby
A litd' : R E SELLERS, 57 wood rt.
V ,A LOE&-9« lb* for ule by
V A iMja : T RE 81
A QUA AMMONIA FORT—O carboy* for tale by
A touts 1 1 RE
BLACKING— 100 dozen for *al« by
jentS i ; I RESELLERS.
hM« S 5 btuhelt dried appJe*,lO
, ©.d©jg*aahe«;4ii«tea woollea sock*; CO Ibabecawax
*- ; on coßMgameni an for tala by
\~/"*101!TON--40 lialeiiNorth Ala.' u arrive pciS B
*,V/TPlaiiet,‘ferial* by POBSYTII 4t Co..
'•’iP'j' 'f ' '■* I. - . 3D water street.
- mAß—«bfcl*NCT»ifoTUtob)r ■ -
t , jyp?.r, ( : ~ >VICKfc &rCANDLESS..
eufca bot >tor« «ad for
i C UIDWELL, Agon,
Gngrewr-aft ham farm’ W B. ID rail* dn. la tore
• and for sale bp 1 • u«3B] - " J C BIDWELL.
- m*T.l rrtr-lm this Jfol. rendered, jsut recM and for
by 1 1 ' *■• [}iSt] •; •3 v B[DWELL.
' /~lLABS—®obox**M«or«d sues, fraraCHgio 24*30
\JT coantJT bf»wl», fatwlfi by J.C BIDWELL,
Z l ., ■ . .■r ’ ■* } .' " • wa.t*r street. .
_ftPPLEi--3Mtoici'«ad :13b>rrcliCT , in
fpOBACC-a boxes John'Ward’a ii tobacco, * prim*
I aniels, on tend and for sale by
V■•: r ; ISAIAH DICKEY k. Co.
DBOtWHEAI neb bulled bockwbeat
jlfloox not bp in null sacks for body useful recM
&B for weby 1 i OEO ABOIRY.
> IfillED AFPliffl TfW bavia stare and for sale bj
ij-jSi ' OEOABERttt.
SCOSCHINCS-'IO bbU S Balts landing and for safo
brT ' Dauat] - OEQA'BEBKY.
‘ CIODA. ASH—4 casks just rac’d on consignment and
' D ferMUbr ' ISAIAH DICKEY & Co.
; t.Tjjjg . : ••;r? ■•; .••M water tract.
boxes 'poond bmp’ Virginia. Tobac
ITAVANA SUGAR—I 7 bosewMaranji brown sogar
. „
jit** •-: atwppd, JO.ves k Co.
:C! < S«br e^Ewf^Sh, <r“
‘ -«a . fid water street. .
* T'AHl>-Jio 1 laid ia bbls and Jttgs for tala bjr
iX/5aU ‘ ! ! ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. _
' ANOI-ARD-Jb^aiSfbauerTa'kagsdoi
ili km hnL last rac’d and for .tale by' i .
’ atwood, jokes a Co,
' iJ *TS«ISiI 78wood«.
“■* i n?‘w.’w J £3&T
•' Jlßifin shbct j£o.'^aoUnb« r Ko. SOJaolsta
Sr. steatites (warranted) in etor* land for sale low to
A i []m4] SAM’L M MEB.
\CKEK£k—IOO bbb N 0.3 Imtfforwle by •••
* •-Eut «id« Diamond. [■
’>-i» niiwilotUndiGißtgOdo FfgßCh
3j 2%. B&. -
>■» • J-^
nOTTOS-lX "*7
V and Ibnnk by >
StfOAR— 19hkd*d«wcrop NOk*
natows, oa eoiuifnnwut end for. *rn wood »L
jJfTH fl fc V HARHACGh, »; ■
*1 TIN BOAR—do bW« Bbennu'e pars ei. 'Zblrr
V i«* lw«llo« from Germantown,*™! *jok
l«14 . ! \ \y HAIUJA.
‘T>V* s kwM F - A ' r rack*bulled back* \
* **•
If CAvedidiiMt from Sheffield, pen; pockel and
* c. «,
anartere lot Opeacei'i
boiron cAM)V—For eoiuta coUU*
X Wamwaa, Jie-hs« ree'd end for »al« br
jua« •;. jf>ra. MOHLESt cor wood uui 6dt »u. _
P^F 58 ”".*""•■“"Sc® MOm.FJt_
FsTVOTi BONKqOMT* lc<> -
• »• • ; ••- •. . ‘ i« liberty itteet.
lABD— Prime No 1 lard ia kbit for tale by .
i'.Jaalk l i ' ■ JNO H IHLWOKTH
SaßiklTllKEF— i» tieieee tagtt cared inrii bee
I kit rac'd end for uie by ' I
ial7__ n OAIFORD *■ P 0:.
30 kegt boner, 4 bblt ilo! lutdiuj from
I ttr Lady Brrou, for tele by I __
. bUBHFfeLD k. BOR
'/7IHEESE-43 bole* prime ebceaa,| Urje tiie, ree’d
\j this day ’sari for tale by I
; W t R HTCDTCHEON, 133 liberty «t
: .T\EY .FRUlT—loo,but peecbeti J5O do'applet for
' jjTaale'by! ' I Alt nx)YD<
. ffWtft' MaIR-5 Uaiij for taddler’t uto
. 'MJ Jftti feeVS end for told by i
; ~ja» ; , ' BbW fIARIiAUGH.
T'lOtl-ia) bblrfloar, AnthsUbrmaA'inwore end.
J farwfeby Qa2l] • CEOA BERRY.
BOPtfilV baler Oblo'hope insufra sad forVale'by'
;i«a GBOiABEEBy.
bales Manilla bemp;‘ *5 do. KeaJoeky
•XL dew mod do; Jen ree’d and 6>i tala by .
- . , 41watet.aa4Bafnmttta.-__;
OVKDRIt»-« tdeke Facxkert; « teke Qiateaj;*’ l
P tbkaDtkd Applet; 1 eek Beetwas: 1 ctik do; uow;
irrVeUow Teeth'sod (mttjd breath,
toonfy cum* like rotteu deatt,
i |» reiwuita auddUfoetinf. i .
AU eauld have teeth ae while as pearl,
ifweet breath—hard (tuna-ettaa er.RU l *
G , »“ m | - ._SBSaSftS*.U
k«, BrfwTT. Aw'tgd ‘ i
H * t_ ! * Vv i
t---.,.--,,j. ; ; _.. .; ; .. .• I
Ron San Moon Moon's
rises, uti. rises.’ phases.
r- ’ 1848 -
IS Saturday,
13 Sucdey,
14 .Monday,
15Tue«day, .
10 Wednesday,
17 TbandiT)
18 Friday, •
(1 54
6 53
0 51
• 49
C 49
6 47.
Hertnunti of tlai
To arrive al New York,
Missouri, MorriJi, Dee. S 3
Phiiada, Beuon.' Jen. tt
N. York, Ferrana, Feb. 31
Cambria, Judkins, Jan. 1
, Feb. 1
, • -I ■WTTU.IrrfoS,
•ocnzAKrrov, 4e. | Wuh'n., Jobnjion Ju. 2S
Ws»h’n-,John*ton, I*e. 18 | Hoiman. Crab? fee, Mar. l-»
Uonaan.Crabiw.Mar. 18 To sail from Uy»ton
To arrive M Boston. | ltvnpooL.
Joshua llanna.
Ornct Pittsburgh Gazette, j
‘ Monday Morning, February 14, 184$. J
Tnr weather on Saturday was very pleasant,
and business in a general was way pretty fair.
Flour— The market,'on Saturday, was quite
dull; prices weire less firm, and disposed further to
decline. We could hear of no sales of cornua
queuee on, but as for. ns we could ascertain
we may quote SI,C2 to 4,75 as the ruling More
price*; add 4,3704,50—f10ra first hands. The ar
ticle was drag on the wharf, and purchasers
were slow to take" hold at the above quoted fig
Grain —Of Wheat, we could bear of no sales,
but continue to quote nominally at 90095 c. Rye
and Barley are also quite doll, and would not fig.
ure higher than 45045 c for the former, and 50 for
the. latter, from store. Com is in fair request at 37
to 40c, and Oats at 20027 c y bo.
Provisions— Supplies are very heavy, and pri
ces, .generally remain about os at our hut quota*,
ions. Some movement is manifested in Bacon.—-
Sales of 100,000 lb* oaFriday, not before reported
by us nt 3|| 41 and s|, 4 mas. A larger quantity
might figure a shade less, smaller would rule at 4>
5 and 6c, some choice limited lots at a shade
higher. Lard, is very duIL We quote , limited
transactions at, for No l,s|o6l—cash and time j
and No 2at s{c ft. Of Butter, we hear of uo
large transactionsthe article is steady at 12013 c
for roll, 9oloc for keg.
Fan—The market is not so active, but quota*
tidns remain firm. We note regular sales at the
following fi jure* Salman, $19020, as in. quality.
Mackerel, 12,50010,50 and 7,50 for the different
Nos. Gibbed Herring 0,25 y bbl, 10,50• y tre.—
Sh*d pbbUod 4,50 *hlfU>L Cod, f.,50 ¥
drum. i
market is quiet, and prices firm.—
Regular tales to the trade at 8109 c for Goshen,
and 6061 fyr W. R.
Mtt» Poka—Very little doing. Limited sales to
country consumers al 11,00 jp bbl.
[ iGnocwxs—The market is well Mipplied'witli
all kinds, and prices have not varied materially
since oar last report. We quote regular sales oy
N. O. Sugar at 4|os{c. Molasses is firm at 27c.
Rio Coffee at 81081 c. Rice at 5105fc y ft.
Rads—The market ,is quite' brisk, and regular
sales are ejected at the following rates: —mixed
3jo3|c; and white at 41051 c y ft.
AVurroto Paper— Wc give the following
wholesale ; prices of- straw Wrapping-Single
crown, 45050 c; med. 70075; d. crown 950100 c
Seed—We quote moderate sales st the following
rales —Clover, 3,62; Timothy, 1,9702, and Flax at
90095 c f bo.
, Feathers —We note further sales at 31032 c y
pound. !
Fruit —The market is steady and prices firm.
Green Apples, ate selling from store at 1.3701,50
F bbL Dried do at GSOCBo, and dried peaches at
lfiO&lfiSc'» tu.
Lake FaYiqath>x —The Cleveland Herald of
Thursday, states that the winter there has been
ono of unusual mildness. The straits of Macki
nac were, dear of ice in the forepart of January,
and probably will remain nearly so. The Detroit
river was free of ice in the early port of last week
and tits steamer Uoited States, arrived al ,CJeve.
land trom duffaki, was to leave for Detroit on the
10th in»L !•
HO wood sL
CtETXXAsn. February 10, ISIS.
Movxt SUnm—We understand that the
Banks in city, hare decided not to receive the
notea of the Bank of Indiana on deposit from and
’after Ist of March next
This measure has )>een adopted to prevent them
from beingidriised of Eastern Exchange for notes
cf foreign banks, which, though perfectly good at
home, are too remote to be made available.
We’append a list ofsuch as are now received
it par }’
Ohio-all Banksi
New York . u *•
New KnjrUnd « “
Pennsylvania—Notes ol par in Philadelphia and
Kentucky —!>'a and upwards.
Virginia—Wheeling only.
Michigan—Detriol Banks.—(Herald.
; '> Bass rzaJECT v* Momns.—A memorial is in
circulation; says the Memphis Enquirer, in that
city, for the purpose of procuring a charter lor a
bank with jxnrer to invest its dividends in manu
facturing. (No dividends are ever to be abstracted
from the profits of the bank, but are to ba invested
in manufactories, and the stockholders to look to
the miUralooe for a profit on their investments.
Wares |or tux Talisxax.—The Cape Girar
deau Eagle says that the men engaged with the
bell boat at the wreck of the Tallismaa, have found
forty-three bodies,—making the entire number near
sixty, which have been recovered and buried. A
number jumped overboard and were drowned,
who neveriwere afterwards seen, and some were
washed off the boat as she settled down.
Cattle Markets.
PuiLAunj’roA, ‘February 10. —At market, 1200
beef including £OO taken to New York; 200
cows and calvea, COO hogs and 1000 sheep,
. Prices—Beeves; 0,503*7,50 » 100 Bis. Cows and
Calves,- all Void at $6310 for dry, 12(325 for spring-'
ers, and 18(335 for fresh cows. Hogs, 5,5030/10
.the 100 fih. Sheep, mostly broogbt 1,5031,50
each, as iniqoaltty. . • '
TTriZrriZZf—Per ■ WelisvUle—-95 bgs ship stuffn
62 sksbrah, aborts - and cornmeal, Boyd and Me
loonj 3$ bids floor, Barnes: 87 bgs bran. Berry; 40
sks wheat, Eichbnum; 25 nils paper. Kennedy Sc
Bro; CO bbls flour. Browning; 50 do do, Blackburn;
lsacka barley, Haycock; 20 do do, Orum Sc Me*
Grew; 5C* pcs boiler iron, S F Von Bonnborst, 60
bxs-candles, S & W Ilarbongfa; 119 bbls flour,
Wick Sc McCandless; 3 bbls copperas, Eels Sc Ber
ger, 1 do do, Moore: 10 do do, Forsyth Sc Duncan;
sdo do, Brown Sc Culbertson; 773 pcs ; b meat, W
Greer; l kegUrd, 3 bbls batter, 7 do apples, 3 do
lard, 2do doverseed, Ilarbaugh; 45 WU paper,
Brown. i
Per Caleb Cope—o bbls molasses, MeGrew Sc
co: 1 bbl butter, 7 do flour, 13 sks dr peaches, 4 do
apples, 6 bgs doverseed, Waterman,- 90 pc* b
meal, Smith Sc Sinclair; 421 do do, S Sc W Hat
baugk 1 bbl butter, McClorkao & co; 27 bgs cil
mesf/Wrigbi; 89 pc# bulk meat, Bagaley Sc Smith;
58 bbls gr apples Betts: 2l9.pcs b meat, Bidwel;
25 tea cornmeal, Jas Donaldson; C do* horse col-
Ura,; 1 bx imUe, Frank; 1 do f), Farley,
M pea b meal, 17 kga lard, Dalxell; 1021 |ic« bulk
meal, Jordan & Son; 2 bbls lard,l dobnUer.l ark
ftniVLambert Sc Shipton; 25 pork bbl-,; 200 loop
3l l«a wheat, lo
do oiis, owners. |'
\-JJn*enrvtiU— Per Baltic—l bx «gg*,|l l«ir *P
.[ butter,2 bgs b wheat, owner, 2 bxs eggs, Char
■ 10 bbls floor, Burbndge Sc Wilsonj lbl do do
fv pkgs mdse, Forsyth A: co; 7 do, Forsyth
X>2Q bxs tobeoca Watermau; 0 pkg mdse
Sr s^h, Hfc sdo do, Mitchell; 2do do, Bollock;,
"tt* J “rnJ/ «dvs leather, Bidwell; 33 bxs mdse,
?? ® du do, Bingbozui 10 do do,
Bidwell; pi, da da,
Graff] Jliu'Y"' 07 do
Vickery. .
Crraacunara 't!.X
maonude,(or»km)>hefuw d J f k, coffl .
eold, and the smoke can** J>oret „ r lkul
flexions. Then Uts reqa»Jffifioulli should be freed
•hould be kept «>ea-th»“““ r J^- |u> m an vtiloso
itom unponty—’ Was ihustho lhft , mil 9
fhers cured ail Joliet of the body,
abe pores of the skin, than any_«*£ ~ n tUroDxh me
die eases: and unhe*hhy v «^ open-all
fit is necessary, ******* “jJfXJr lYwn the pore..
%—inrs are dispelled front «*“. u chemical »osp. I
when they wash with “iSTtraws of Salt
have seen if eoto the worst ■ J £f rb# 2^j u: h < Sore Heed.
Rheum, and
Hmrwonn, i when every otber * . ,i_
ranedy bad effect coarse, is worv
elear and soft, Ihoc fkA l Sunburn, Morpbew,
derful—it wnmee-|fWeMe* l Taa :^Bw^wli n , ult
sod disfigurement of U» be had w
be particular and “J - K Big Boot,
Pittsburgh at WM, l p < u t wly
S 9 liberty st Pries M cents-
* nxr wxTix ri ch aatoc—t aixikc.-
Beaver, Clark, WeliavlUe.
Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wclisville.
Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville- e
Monierev, Morrison, Brownsville.
Kinggold, Cope, Bridgeport.
Danube, Cock, Brownsville.
Bailie, Jncobs, Brownsville.
Ail antic, Porkmann, Bnnvcsville.
Germantown, Maclean, Ciru
Skipper. Stoops, Purkersburgb.
Cornel, Boyd, Cin. "■
5 0 a 13
5 7 ? 33
5 9 934
510 0 41
5 !1 10 47
6 13 tl SO
513 mom.
> Ocean Itesaisrs.
To soil trom N. York.
I’hilsda., Besson, Feb. 21
N. York, Femuid, Mar. 31
Beaver, Clark\VelUvillc.
Mtehisan’No 2. Gilson, Beaver.
Caleir Copo, Moore. Beaver and WelJville.
Dispatcli, Nelson, Brownsville.
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville.
Bailie, Jn«Ae, Brownsville.
Atlartttc, Farkinsou, Brotrnsvilla
Danube, Cock, Brownsville.
Ringgold,-Cope. Bridgeport.
Pennsylvania, Gray, Cin.
Hibernia, Eyrie, Jan. 1
Cambria, Judkiui, Jan. la
sornu.m'fos, 4r.
' r. «• . __
BEAVER.PACKETS, at 9 and 10 a. si., and 3
Steamboat' Packet line, leave* daily for Cincinnati,
111 A. M.
Passenger Packet via ErownsvQle 10 Baltimore and
Philadelphia, 3 a. XL and C P. si.
Mnil Coach line direct to- Philadelphia, 0 a. H
and IS) r. y. .
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 a. X.
Nonh-Wekiern via Cleveland, (Hilly. 10 a. iu '
Erie and Western New York, daily, 0 a. il
North-Eastern .toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays,
4, L «.
Eastern Mail via Philadelphia, due 3 ta. closes Id at.
West’n Mail. Ctudn. & Luuisv, due il,' closes S a. xt.
Sooth. viaJJaluinorr&\Vo*hfngtou, due 8’aSa. u
North Western via Clevelaud,'duelOA- k,clomsS*. u)
line and Wcstdni New York, due y r. m-t close* 8 a. ar|
ffMIE citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny are relpeft-
X fully invited to attend the First Annual Soiree-ofthe.
Wm; Penn Fire Company, to he given at the Lafayette
Assembly Rooms, on Tuesday evening,the SEM Febru
ary. ; The Supper .will be served up by that prince of
caterers, Mr. Strickland. Air. Daniel M’Afec and his
Bond, trout Wheeling, will be present Tickets cau be from any of Uie following Manager*:
S. Cameron, Hope. J. Fuhon, President.
J. Larimer, Engle. . J.C. Montgomery, WVPeftn
Wm. Splotte, Allepieny. Win. Krebs, u
D. G. Herron, Duqursne. ; J. Caldwell, “
Wm. White. Neptune. • Wm. Platt, “
Jos. Roy «r. Niagara. Win. Campbell, u
G.Sehuccfcl.V.H. Co. ILL. Elliott, n .
W.Gallagher, Vigilant. J. Propbalor, “
W. ColiiiiesworUT, U. Sam. Jos. Spretley, “
J.Craig,Wasbingten. John Lament, “
fcl>3 _ dllt
Niagara belree,
riMlB Third Annual ofthe Niagara Fire Com-
X pony will; come otf at the Lafayette Assembly
Rooms, on Thursday evening, the 271 b of February.
CapL Samuel pomer-cm. Hope. R. APAfiee, Niagara.
- A. Beiming, Washington. A. M'llwainc, -•*
Geo. Fahnestock. Uncle Horn. S-M’Kelvy, “
John Marshall, President.. J. M. Christy, “
J. Caldwell, William Penn. J. C. Blair, “
D. AI. Lee, Eagle. C.-Coleman, “
;Capi. M. .M’Sntin. Allegheny. Jos Blakely. u
ik. P. Anthutz, Duguesne. J. A. Parkuon, “
CapL M. Porter, Neptune. J. FI Al'Feely, “■
James Irwiu, Vigilant. Kv,F. Glass, u
J. Schneck, Vig. I. IL Co. E. Kaye, “
'W. Culluigwood. G. I. H. Co. Ja*. l>oiial<l, i:
Capt. William Frazier, Joseph Kaye, K*q.
R7* Daniel M’Atk-c, E»q., and liana, wilt be there on
the occasion. • _ frba
cdaxxxor pass and st. cioastu, rrmnvaou, pa.
MTlic subscriber having assumed the manage
ment ot this long established and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces to Traveller* and the Pub
lic generally, that be will l* at all times prepared to
accommodate them in all thing* desirable in a well
regulated Hotel, The House- is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, uud new Phiruiiure added, and no
pains will be spared to nuke the Exchange one of the
very' best Hotels in the country.
lue undersigned icspecifally solicits a continuant**
of the very liberal patronage the House has beretolore
received. : THOMAS OWsTOX.
feUWtf i * Proprietor.
IT* OK BALK—Tha subscriber* will sell the I'jipuie in
. their old establishment—the cylinder is «'• inch au.l
inch strokcrcnlso. in roiujernon with it their Bark
Mill, which linearly new; all being in complete run
ning order. Tl>>s affords an eirrilent opportunity to
Tanners wishing to use steam power, a* it will sold
low i il WA R HAYS,
febO* ' • I jeoracrof Liberty and Ferry sts. Pin. _
TJERFVMEUjY, SOAPS, Ar., ut store and for sale
'X by Joel Mdhlcr, Dro-jgUL cor. Wood and sth sts
Jules Ilaurf s Nymph x>*p,
“ “ Amandin lor Chopped Hands;
Roussel's I do do Jo;
•• SipeThsifc Shaving t'rram, rote A almond;
•• Ol .Marrow I’oiuaiuiu;
u Chid Cream.
lips* Tooth Paste;
“ Cologue Watet; fine extract for the hand
kerchief, _Ae. | _ _jeblO_
J* ri.ES: ‘Vegetable Hair Oil for
promoting the growth. *oiteiu»g and improving the
Hair, and eiT-emaiTy j-rrventtiie; it rrt>m isUmg oat, for
sale by ; J MOIir.KR. Druggist.
lablO (ChttUicle eupyj • cor_\Vood and_ith sis __
SALESALAN WANTED-—An-ciperienceJ talrsmau
to the wholeiale dry good* bnsiuet*. Oik who can
come well reciialmeutird tor honesty and correct has
incM habiiA, may hear of a situation by addressing
“Pod ptEce box vhi," giving real uarue and reference.
_fcb4 _ _J__ . . _
have this day jrrdaced the price ,of their Sods Ash
(which is warranted by the manufacturer* irnni sA to
f'sperernUto 41c|forCash,or4|c for approved Notes
at 4 mouths.- Auditor quantities of&tons or upwards a
deduction-will bel made of ic per pound off the*« pri
febO 1 ’ BD liberty stroet.
Bleaching iGwder, ( cuonda of Bum
casks of snpcnlpr quality, direct trom the manu
facturer in Pwfttaiiit, received per stt riaranak, and for
sale at the lowest market price lor<a*h or-aporoved
bills, by : Li sin j W A M MITCUELTREE
Notice— In; pursoanre of an order of die Court of
Commoo Flea* ot Cuyahoga euunty, in the J*tnte oi’
Ohio, made at'the November icratof said Court, 1*47,
the uncollected assets of the Flstate of Robert Colwell,
deceased, will be sold by the subscriber, at public auc
tion, at the door of the Court Hmlse, in Cleveland, in
fid coonty.oa’tbeCth day of Mareh, I*4* at 10 o'clock
Ajtl ,; • P. W. BINGHAM,
Admitl of Estate of RoLl Colwell, dec.
r'l-vrt .-TO, Jan -j), I*4H. fetdMtfwAwlniT-
Orrtcx or tub Alucuctit Uaiouz Co., |
PimsL’Kdn, Feb. I, tall $
AN Herlion for President Minwrt, and OiScen for
the *-Coaip*B>- for ereeling a Bridge over lb« nver
Afiegbenv, emposite Pittsinixgh, in the County of
Allegheny'’ wUI be holdeii in the Toll Ilouie, oa Mon
dsv the tnh of March next, *t 3 o'clock. P. M.
_fotaWlmfowdtT j ; JOUNJUAKPRB, Tret..
THE Phil«roj>hf of life and Peilo«ophy of
nage, by Fred Von Schlcgf I.
fmuth'j Ketesrebes in China in islt. '45 anil '4O, with s
, map vid plates.
The Utate of the Departed, by Jno. Henry Hobart, D. D-
The Chareh Universal, by Dr. Htone.
Ootdnnilh'* Foemt^UluatrUcd.
TbompMa’* Be**on*i do _ • _ _
For sale by i I J L READ,
jaS> | tihst Beor nark.c
M" OBE IliW BOOBS.—Margin! Orahsia,
atw novel by O P RJip**; FrTecfi ccals.
ZarUb, or the Triuaph or I.iberty.
ChriitMberlUmU, by Albert Bsojlh.
C.M—der of
Coootew of by F Boahe. E«q. -
Legcadi of hleifeb; by Oea. 8, Llppard; frtth mpyfy.
UiniiDU for 1 October. New Uiwe, jut received by
"ft* : I third vt, oppoilte poet ofltc.
rflfJE LAST OP TUK FAlllfEd—A Christina*
XTale. by O. P. B- James, JEsq.
Jaue Eyre; on aufobiographyedition; edited by Cur
rer DelL Just received and for sale by.
T)LEACHED DRILLS, Ac.—W. R. Murphy bat
l» open j this tnirnmj: one cbm Aiuorkeag filcaelicd
Unlit; alto Unbleached da Araorkeag Mu U alto Tick*
inga of rariout pruret iiwl qualities—and offered low by
the piece and yard, at N L corner ot <iii and Market
street. ! t._ febt>_
CANTON FLANNELS—At reduced pncet by live
piece, at wholesale rootxit. W R MURRIIV,
fcb7 • liorthcatt cor 4th A piarkg} »Hup slims.)
I) KMOVAL—I hare chanced ray place of business
t, to Frout t(ree| bctwecu Wood and SmiibCeld, ini',
mediately in tile rear of (lie haute I formerly decupled,
where I an prepared to do bnxinets at usual,
SI'NIJTUF.‘U-]G' bids Xu 1, 3 and 3 mackerel; U> bx*
ff»«h :«l liis honey, 10 trail* uloiOUdl, t lot
of timothy seed, 4 bbl* scorched salts, just .rec’ tad for
sale by . U«atJ jjX6l.Mll Jlc'aßWjCigT.
T BUTTKII—un bids prirno Pean’a baUer,
If, keg butler aitd Nad, ary apples nudpforhcs in
store and for sale by
ritKAH—SO I’iajf chcsis Young if)*'", Uunpowder,
J. Imperial, fund) IJlock—33 mid |3 lb boles Young
Hyson and (iunpoirderdo. on hand and for by
fl'ilCi.H—'l'lic subscriber* bavo on hand and for sole
I on accommodating (enns, a I area anil w/jll selected
assortment if teas of diiferrnt grades and description*.
jmoyvN fcjquisUJtiUTOqN. Jwwj*b«fty
WINES TO Ajl!UVf>-150 qr. cask* White
and Burgundy Tort Wine, expected daily, to at
„« ."d lb,«r. I.r lb. c..t, * p c MA ; II!N _
tags' Hit- coffee; 70 hnlfjcbeM* Y.
11. and Imperial lea; Uft ban* pepper; 30 ' »*“>•
large Noll mackerel; 100 bid*
. N O molasses; 10 casks Hipice; for **«"£
TSACO.*nWD ldeceritacon ijanu anil
1> tfl.oi.Mel*; 11 kegs No. I ioftrdi rereired on con
•yZ' a ’' “ SC.
SUNlilUiliH— 10*bills small" white beans; 3 <ii» Aaxserd;
3 corks scorching*; 73 dal con. broom*; IS bales
R'OLIVUUTTKB— 0 boxes and 3bbl* folfbutlWdono
up in cloths, an extra article, for sale by; \
jabS i 1 H k W lIARPAUOII,33wo4d ««.
WIUTK LEAD—IOOO keg* in store. J
jtui 17 i _ FORSYTH k Cb.
ITtLOCR.— liobbls l‘aiiei*on'*binud. a superior ar
. dele., 03 . Webb's" do do I
just reesived and for sale by t>4 W JIAKRAb'QII.
fob."! no 33 wood st. I
highest market prica will be' paid
I for a few barrels of good tallow by ■■
PIG MtTTAIr—OO uma I’is Metal (or ■*)« \>y
frtfl; : _ WICK i JI'CANDW2f't i
GIIKU3K— *8 Ikjic». W~R~Cbce*r, •JJca*k» dofar
a*to by j WICK k. ATCANDLBSa. ■
LOAP BITGAH—ttO bbls N’o* 7 and 9 (Loulilsn*
Eeflrfryll«o*f SortrforaaleltMrby' • ,
Icbfl ; DLRmmXiK, WILSON <• Co,.Tvjatar»t
Wm. Penis Soiree,
Now te ,
'A LEXANDER k, DaY would; re*pectfully inform
J\. the citizens ofPilUbargh mid iu vicraity dmtther
are now selling otf their very large and extentive
of dry goods at an nnptu&eied .reduction of prices,
their object being to exchange good* for cosh. A ja or*
dcr to effect tlii* in the *hortc.->t possible timti. will
•ell off their entire stock at surii remarkably low; rate*
as cannot fail to sail cash buyers. A fine opportunity
is now offered to persons in want of ehettp dry gdod.'to
supply tliemscive* nt a comparatively small exptnise.
We have a large and splendid *tock f*l
Palo Alto. Buena Vista’Gola.English andFrcnch Me
rino I’lauim Orcg&n and Califomm'do; Fiaiit Black and
M<x!e colored De*&incs, French Merihos, assorted rot
ors; Atpacca Lu*trrV, liombarines; French and Scotch
Cttthroercs and Mouslin Do Laittc*; French arid Earl
ston Ginghauu, etc.
A large and splendid assortment of rich bladk Dress
and Mantilla silks and blue black Dress tfatius.
A large assortment of super Frcuch, Turkem and
Cashmere Shawls; plain ami embroidered silk fringe
Tliitiei do;’Chameleon and Brocade silk du; plain black
silk do; snper all wool long squnra Broohea do; plain
and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embtoiderea De
Louies do.
Super F*reneh. English, and American Ciotlis and Cas
•imeres in great variety.
satin trrrs and flannels j
An excellent assortment of Suttinets and a large slock
of red. white and yellow Fannel*. I
Blanket*—Soper bine Blanket* for pvcrcodu; Cue
twilled do; American premium do. t etc. I
■i Also, a large assortment of Ticking*, Checks, Print*,
together with almost every article in tho dry
' janti ,3 market st, N. W. cor, of diamond.
As As Muon A Co.,
69 UAKxrr rr.. betwxks Titreo x.vd rotram vraxma,
INFORM their triend* and tho public generally, tbnt
being about t» remove to tltc spacious and elegaiit
Store recently erected on the mljoining Lot. They will
close out their large and well selected stock of Full
eud Winter Good* at core, and in many esses less thou
cost, to enable them to open tbflr new «lore with an
entire stock of New Goods. The sale will commeneo
thin day and coulinue to the find of March, or until
their removal.' *Hintr extensiva nssortnicnl of
Dress Goods will be sold lull at) per cenL less than usu
al prices. *!T>ev consist of the most fashionable Cash
meres and Delancs, yala, Aloluur, Hilk and Oregon
Plaid*: Also, Bombazines, Alpaeeas, Ae.
Cloak Good*—French and German Merino*, Queen'*
Cloth, French Plaid Cloakings, Broad Cloths, of all the
most fashionable colors. Black and fancy Dress suks.
ol weryxoriety. Shawls—Cashmere, Terkeri, Tartan
Plaid, and other shawl*—* very large assortment, fnJlv
reduced one half in price; Flannels—Welsh, English
;and American Flannels, of alt colors and qualities.
Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gimps and
Fringes. Wrougnt Colfare and Capes, Lace*, Artificial
Flowers, Plumes and Feathers, Scans, CravaU, Hand
kerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, etc. linen Goods of every
description. Wdollen Good*—Cassimeres, Casnnolu,
Vestings, Bearer*, Pilots, Tweeds, Jeani. WhlUtey
and Bath Blanket*. Also an extensive assortment ol
Calicoes, Chintzes, domestic Ginghams, Checks, Stripes,
Tickings, brown and bleaebed Muslins, ete.
The lollowing will be some of tho Price*:
Cashmeres at * e. prico S7|
Moosselin de Laines, • 12 j - “ “ SIS and 31
Gala Plaids, » “ “ 100
Mohair A Oregon Plaids, 31““ 37 J
Atpacca*, l&l “ “
Flannels, 1!0 * “ 31}
Wrought Collars*. IS| “ “ U7j
Calicoes, • «, OtolO “ tt I2J
Cossinetts, ' tSJtoUI u “ 60
Together with every article in the Store, which will be
offered equally cheap. Visiters may be assured that
they will not be disappointed iu the quality or prices of
our goods. [janJi} A A MASSON k. Co. .
Dry'OMdi at Wholesale.
■XT7H would respectfully invite the attention ofCoun-
H try and City MerchanU to onr Tery.extetlsive
stock ol Dry Goods, of the most recent purchase ami
desirable styles, among whichreay lie enumerated:
T. cascSiPrints, new Spring styles;
U - Ginghams, English, French and Domestic;
U “ Mousse line de Laines. Kng. and Amenean;
It “ Alpaeeas. in all colors niul price*.
17- “ Bleached Sheetiugs h Whirling*. Ito 19-4:
11 “ Sotineiu; black, blue, mixed, ftc.;
3 “ Cassimeres; blork, blue ana fancy;
7 *• 'lVeeds, Jeans, llobhsms, l'rinre Albert* 4 c
7 “ Sucntoey stuffsi a lull assortment;
1 bale Yellow Drilling, from medium to fine;
S “ Blue Drilliug, trom medium to fine;
Together with a full assortment of Clolhs, Ca*hmerelt,«,
Drap DTze, Flannels, White Goods, Trimmings Ac.;
all of which we are prepared to sell at low nnce* for
Cash or approved credit. And would invite all penaii*
liviue iu this market to rive us m.cdll.
, «lACKLF:mA WHITFkW Wood«t.
f r b9 two uoors at>ove Diamond Alley.
jlaiks, Dusk els, Drams, Ate*
J UsTT received at ZFUJULON KINKEVH, C 7 Mar-
1 doz fine wax Masks; 0 doz paper do;
3 dot common do: 3 gror* metallic Comb Cleaners; 1
doz Flgf Boilers; 1 oor Salt 2 dot Imne Mustard
Hpoons; 4 gross German Stiver Sjwon*; 2 do Butter
Knives; F do fancy Toy Books; anjgo China
fl dox fine woollen Comforts; a great variety ofwoolieu
Coals and Caps; 3 doz fine French Willow Uaskets; 2
doz Willow Market do; 6 do I Straw Traveling baskets;
ti dox'glass Mol tv Seals; 3 dox bone motto .Stamps; 3
Allen'* patent UevoWicg l’J*iol*;ftpaiivc«iimi>n lira**
l*i»U>l*i 2 dot sell* Ch»s* men; 5 dox v*:t» Dominos ti
doz TsyloC* Tap* s Measure*; 19 doz fancy metal Toy
Ba*k«rt*; If gro** st-el Key Kiigie, o-»o«e»l; :i jtto..
Chlua Ifog/; l dot uriugt Amber Jb-nds 13 nemi* toy
Drum*; 1 doreti willow Credits l dozen Clolhr* Bas
kets. a
• Carxl—Monday, Jau. to.
N. Fl rorner 4th ami market st*.. will, troiu this
dale; sell bi* winter dres* good*- «ml a large (»r.j[uj|(e>u
of his stock, adapted only to the winn r «-«wi ui
greatly rrdui-rd pnevs. ilt*euig lu* o'l.irct to sell otf
this part of hi* *mek to make room for *u esuly spring
supply, no'rvganl *»iil be hsd In tlis cost of ilu*-gt>od.:
iHjt they wilt be mjerrrl at prices that will rusitre tlx-ir
•ale—such as California plaid*, at l*i lonner pnee 73,-:
•uperda. at 93 former price yTlCil’rioted Scotch mtrii
meie* at t*L former price 31 c; do,ttk, tornier price37p7
French all wool do. Ut cu,-turner price AJ unit Tie;
super do. 73 lormcr price lOC super plaid Thibet cloth,
Oi and 73 dinner price l«t beside* a large assortment
of winter shawls, worsted Hoods, Ac. at price* miirli
tower than betore offered. jzltl
I^URNlSlflNfr (UH>D^—U'o hhve tm Tarn?
. sonmeut ot goods suitable fur furnishing hnialt,
steamboat*. Ae., among whieh are I3bales licking*, os
•oiled-. 6 do bro. dnltim;*: 3 eases 4-4 and 0-4 bleached
shirtings; 14 do ». \ ami 4-4; do. 3 buie. heavy Imen
rrash: 7-4 and s-4 linen table diapen'do. do. Damtuk;
Semeh amt Ito Mia diaper; low-priced faney m«ddrr
prints; white coßnierpaue*: plain and twilled blanket-*,
tc H which will bo *old low my cash or approved credit.
i*o4 _ W.'stnel *t
Black and colored alfaocab-w. u
Murphy has on band at \cfy towpriev*. an
ueui o( above good*, including diiicrr.nt tbuth-* w
Dr*U Color*. Corunuiit awl Flee; Nararuie Ulnc <fc*;
Maroon Jo: Brown Jo; litar k anil IL'ue Jo.; Satin stri
ped do., Sunn UarreJ do; Fancy Plaid «lo j a!»o. an as
sortment oi Muluur I.o*ire*» »ome \i-rjr
fine anil glossy. In WhoUutie Boom-. «p Mam, drei.
e r« will bod a choice Mock of above auJ other
by the piece, at low Cash price*. ja'ii
£t F.LLINO OFF—A »cry luge and ropenorawm
ls rnent oi super.TurkeirtHhawl*. extra uil wi**l Hr>»*
chads; hoe Cashmere do, plain and cmbrouJeti-d tloth
dui plain and embroidered ‘Hubet do; Brocade. Darua»k.
and Oiloman »dk do; I*l aid long and wjusr*- d«; to
gether with a great variety *d other du-rriptwn* of
HJiawU. all oi wbirb we are now willing oif>t an tiura
ordinary reduction of price*.
fcb« 75 Market si, N W cor.of the Diamond.
P«fisnUsrciOf.U'FENB— »lne*d by expre-* tin*
day a targe lof of the b**t made pen* ever bro i to
Uus city. By otfrriits a eonsnlrt able j.h iniutti over the
ordinary pnee., | have bad them manufactured wipe
rior to any heretofore, and can simbdently recommend
them a* *neb lor the fineness of the gold; their an*)’
elastic spring and tine smooth point*. Also, a Urge
assortment of other brand* for *ai« at ea»terti prices
and warranted, at tha watch and jewelry «tnre of.
’ . \V W WILSON.
febS-3t comer of 4th A. market »t.
BLACK BILKS—W H MURl’llV a*k« the attention
of buyers to hi* assortment of above Rood*, includ
-1,- rich plain Italian drew ink'; poult de *oie do; blue
black do; rich watered <U>i do watered and atnped d«n
silks for cardinal*; be*ide a Ursa ns«ontmnl ot Fancy
Ureas Bilk*, ehanglbU s*Uu*> Ac., all 01 wbicu
•old at the lowest possible pries*. i- J 3l^
StrPKaiOB _ »HinTlll6 MfHLIXMV R
MCUFIIY, N. K. comet.of 4th and Market street*,
.calls attention lotbe superior long cloth »hirtiug mu»-
iingthe is sailing at VJ| eU p»d—also, his aaperior as
sortment of IRWH lJN>2S!o*rarr*m«d mire flax, and
: of the most approved manufacture. Also, Linen U*m,
of every qualitf, and a full assortment of gentlemen A
Ladies cambric handkerchief*. jam
invite# the atlculioo pf the ladies to his eieollent
aswnmaat of cashmere and alpacca. hose, includiug
grab and bJ'fc ribbed.. Also, black spun silk, tin bet,
J lama, and coliuu lipse, a mi) assortment, tutu snow
S^wmnenfof French and- Kugliih Cloth* «!-
to,* ;;;
feW . 75Market at, N W cor tif the Diamond.,
QHACKLUrr A tvTntE-Ur/ Cornls; »
O Wood at, have on liand a wsllKXirtfd and *ea*on
ubla slock of DRY tiOOIW. which they Will sell to
western and city merchants, on very reasonable lent**,
siu] Uvr prices. Most ol'the goo«l* were bought during
die last month, and at reduced price*. . ,J”
1 1 Murphy haa on band Urnb .Morten it»r skirt*. Alio
Corded Msrsalles skim,
French Colton do la new article.
Ladies Morinoc and Comm Ve» u i * c i ttortucaat
corner of 4lii A market sta. Üba
COCHKCO PRINTS—W U Murphy invite* the mien
tlua of buyers to hinAuanmnit ot übovr superior
goods, neui styles and plaids of i>Ur<i ipoddcr colors,
and wnrranied fust; also, Pull River and American
print work* do. «!»«» fas! colors. janlH
rpAOLK WAl'mt-S AND-TAUI.KCIxyrMH-w. n
J_ Murphy lint on band, nt low prices, an nssonineut
ot common, medium aud superior linen lablc dui]>ers;
nl«o damask linen table clolht, inipkms/etc.; also liock
abad, bird-oyo, and &cnleh diapers for inwrlimr.
PI.AI D~ HIiACNTA f.P few pTs’or'sniin
barred atporco*. lately we’d; also, rui excellent
assortment of fancy barred do., very low. iittlicdry
goods hcKisg ot: (jtufi wu murphy.
¥aftT23njsDrerXT lOlur-
I f pby, corner 4th and Market sti,, combines to sell
\Vmlcr Goods at treolly Reduced prices— Mus
lin de l<aines as low as u'{ cl* per yard, Ac. ~ js‘i7
liNRN I.AWNS—A supply of aliova goods coo
j »(untly on band, also linen cambric and linen cam
bric hamlkfs, low priced and line.
(Vb 7 W U ML'lU’ifY.
"MS'K PT.AIIJM of'F—All as
” • *n tininjnal'
- All
* sofirarm of line Plaiiln »eliing olTot mi iiniiijuol re*
Uuciiou In jirit'ct, 01 Market *tnrt. NVf comer of
the Diamond. ALEXANDER & I),\ V,
TidVM €ASHIMKHKS.—W R .Murr!n~invii.V.
. II iho attention of parents to lit* cxcrllnm
or boy» ca««imrrts and tweed# of various quid lire. ui
the Dry Goods home, northern! comrrof.-liii oiU mar
ket sts. JfeW_
I.M.ANNKLS— Red, Hrowtt and Hatred Fln'intelT.—
. All additional supply received from the iminufnciu
rers. Also, • few piece* of !usy priced Cos jlfcetu.-lor
■ af WIKMIsL
B'LANKKIS— Sfipuir iar*o Domestic Blauketp, just
received on eoneitrnnmi!; fur sale by I
oJO __ UEp. COCHRAN, iW Wood »L
PRODUCE- Ui ke*» No it |a n\ ISli h burk'wh
tJour. 6do (lax seed, it do small w hite beaus U d
rye, 1 do timothy seed, d sacks dried peaches, received
ajid for sale by , - . GEO A JiBKKY, \
imao ■ 19 wood street
/IASH Fon BARS—John 11. Mellarfcl Wood itrrcl,
1/ will pay the higlie*t market price for country mir
ed Rag*, eithff >» cwdi, or good* at cash price*. ja£>
R~~VK FLOt’R.-—5O bbU Harl.nueti’* extra Rye floor,
reeM and for «ule by S * W iIARUAUOfI,
lrb3 . - no 3j wood »t. j
■ ''leered, a prime ottiejei »•"
OUSE-1 Jr«r country cleared, a Prime ntticU.' luf
taleliy {lebg] WICK fc McCANDIBSS
f riNBOAR—I4 bbl* Cider Vinenr, for aole by '•
V fcim . : WICK.fc McCAXDhEES
T EAD k SHOT—Kept eoiuttntlr on hand aiie for
I j git by feta BROWN k. CQLDFJtTSON <
BLUE DBHJH.-J cu«i hepivr blue drUlinrty joitl
receivedtodfor*»loSr •*: ; ' ■-'
. > - < .ftUACXLEIT fc WtIIIH ,
■, fetf' ,^; 11 <:■f.wHww«crcet,l
■ steel or quill pens, and the copying press. *lbia
ink I* the result of the^'.experimental several years,
devoted to the manatactnrc, on an' extensiue scale,_ oi
an article suited i<> all the-pnrposes of the consumer.
Tim pertrellon of this writing Ink consists in the fol
lowing properties: F'Lnnrrr —in which property, it will
be found to surpass all previous preparations. It will
• flow with periecl freedom either train quill or steel
pen*, nnd is entirely free from any corrosive qualities.
Cotou—Tlie color of tin* article i* a rich, betnttiliil
blue black. It is necessary, however, .to give cousu-;
tncnnbe following cautiou.
10“ AH good black ink. from its necesfnry chemical
cvnrtitutioii, require* expofurc to the air to impart a
deep color. It mart not, therefore. 1« expected, that
tho moment the bottle is opened, the ink will be found
to be a jet black. Tho first appearance will be pale.
But ojier exposure to the chemical action of the atioo.-v
-pltere either on paper or in the inkstand, it will assure
a brilliant black lnic.-HI
FmDtAXXxeT—The color is unalterable by the lapse
of time. It will never fade. On this account, all im
portant records sboold be kaade in this article, as years
only deepen and strengthen iu tinL
N B. ’riii* iuk is suitable for all kinds of metallic
pen*, and tor pen* made of quill*, and what is impor
tant and very desirable with many, will give a perfect
impression by the copying pres*.
D j“We are usiug in the institutions with which we
orecouneetcd.Morris’liluo black writing ink.and in
respect to (loidity, brilliancy of color and permaneney,
believe it superior to any ink we have heretofore-ased.
1A Thurston, cariiirr. bank of Wm Rich
ardson, cashier Northern bank of .Kentucky; GeoC
Utonthtney cashier, bank of Kentucky;. L L SUreve,
president of tire Gas bank; TUos I, Helm, clerk of Bar
ren county court; Curren Pope, clerk of Jeffar>«on coun
ty court; F B Atwood, secretary, Foreman's lu*uranco
Cnmpanv; John Muir, agent Lcxingtqu Insnrunce Co;
RSGrevlwin, sec’y Portland Dry. Dock A Insurance
Co; It S Cbamlwr*. soe'y'Frankliu Fire A Marine In
suram-o Co; J H Rhomcr, treasurer Louisville Savings
Institution. A supply of the above ink. jurt received
ami for'sale by [fo3J JOHNSTON A STOCKTON.
THE partnership so lung existing miller the firm of
M'Cord A King, was by muluul romuint dissolved
on the Ist tust. The busines* will be closed at the old
stand by either of us, u»ing the unmo of'thu firm for
that purpose. Being-desirous to have our business
closed with as little 'delay as jxissible. we would re
spectfully xrquest those indebted to call and settle
their accounts. ' JOHN D M’CORD,
jmid 11 D KING.
JOHN D M'CORD haring associated with him his
brother James M’Cord, under the style of M’Conl
A Co., will continue the Hat, Cap and Fur business in
all iis various branches, wholesale and retail, at the
old itoiid, comer of Wood and £th streets, where they
solicit acontiiiuaiiou of the patruiiaze so liberally be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN D M'CpilD,
■ .ja - Js JAMES S M’CORD.
IN retiring from tho .old aud well known firm of
M'Cord A King. 1 most respectlully recommend to
Ihe patronage of die public my successors, Messrs.
hTCordJtCo. Ua2«] HDKING._-
. Scratch! Seratohll, itch, salt, rheum, a would
for a fiugle day scratch, when alflictrd with thr
Tetter, Itch, or oilier diseases of the skin, tf they knew
who would relieve and eure them. •
’ll* horrible to be obliged to rub and scratch when
alone, bnt mow horrible to abstain from it, {for decency
sake,! when in company. ' it bo remembered that
most efficacious of any other preparation in existence
iu curing the Tetter. Itch, and other disease* ofthe skill.
A* all diseases of die akiu must arise from the impurity
of the blood and fluids of the body, and where such dis
ease be of long stundinr, and the constitution affected
thereby, if Dr. LekJv’* s*ar*aparilla Blood Fills be u*od
wiih the ointment, they will cure any care whatever,
and if they do not, the money will lie returned, by Dr.,
Leidy. Mort case*.'however, will be.effectnally eared
by Dr. Leidy’* Tetter and Itch ointment, unlei* the
whole system it impregnated by the diseased humors
which will be completely carried off from theaysteia bv
Dr (sidy’s blood pills, and the lurfaee of the skin heal
ed by the ointment- Price of ointment 95 cent*.
A fresh sopply of theso valuable medicine* just re
ceived and for sale by
fob! curt l«t A wood, alto' cor. 6th A wood sts.
Warehonse Commercial How, Liberty it.
r|MIF. Subtcriber having erected large and extensive
X Workson I’ennsrlvama Avenue, are now manufac
turing, from uew anu improved patterns, every variety Of
Coul and Cooking Stove*. Hollow-ware, Plough Cart
ing*. Wagon boxes. Fancy Kim- Grates nnd Fender*.
Kitchen do., with superior range* for Cooking purpo«**,
together with every thing in the housebuilding line; such
as Conductors, Uesiii*, tforapers, Lintel* for
window tops railing*. Ac.,-on hand or made to order.
Machinery orders cmefully nnd puuctnally attended to.
fobl-dliQ _ _ Ql’lNN.M’UimmACo.
I»l*''Q l- ESN !*
gpring, Axle, Hteel, anti Iron IVorka.:
CTOLEMAN. HAILMAN A <'«».. having completed
j their new works, are now prepared to mannfad
ture crerv drscnption of <’onrit nnd 13iptic r»pringr.
Iron A 11.,. American; Hli-n-r. Spring amt Plough
Steel, and ail *Le» of *mn!l *4|unre and round Iron,
whfob they offer for sale on libera! term*, at tbrir ware
liouse. No «\Yoml Sticri. where they u!m. keep on
hand a complrie anal liaiid-omc n«sf.hniein nt (.each
'l’nfoniiuc*. Curringc hardware, .n_ia!lri»b!n i-a-tiiips.
Nail* and Iran.
C: El. A Co., have made arrangement* with Me**r,
Pay A Crnttx- manufacturers of Shovel* Spades, Fork,.
Ae , anil will keep ritnrtouiiy on hand every eritctc
maile by them. Deiiier, ore n-,pei lliil!y ,ollcio-»l to
rail, s* pnges and term- will be made liberal,
" Z OellTnd Dross Foundry.
Mf. A F’ELTON. lh-U nnd Bros, Founder. ha« te
where lie w ill be p’.riLvcd to see li!» old ru.-loiii-
Church, Sn aint-oat. and I>ll* of every • i/e, from 10
li. I'XUH ponml*. i *»t Horn pattern* of tlm n mi npprov
cd tuovle]*, nmt wornuwd to br oHho l*,t nalerinl*.
.Mineral Water Pumps, Counter*. Uaib ig, Ae., to
gether with every variety »rf lira,, Cartiugt. it requir
ed, turned ami hiuviird iu the ucotr-t iiiumn-r.
j r j~ a. F’ t» the «"»Te proprietor of BsKtiir'v Asrt-
ATrtUTti'N Mctsu Mijurt!) erlrbratcd u>t the rediirtinu
oi melton in machinery. The Boxes aud t'otuporttinli
can In, had ..f him at ait times. jalrly •
PMUbur|(h 4 CleTtUwl Kail Road.
.Nonet: T«> snx'KIKILIiKJtS.—An Ki
fo L I—l mslnieti’ of tru per rent. Jtli« Sih inandinrnt)
n m Ih* rapliai «nck <if
u.i« 11}. applicable to iliut {Mirtiou ul Uie rood
uitdrf cuutr«ri. i« inpjirvd to be paid ■>■> or before tin*
|*i' day o( Marrh in S**:tal>nr«fa
\» |U puy t,» J \V lUdnn«>n. comer of TUI and wood »u.
lit- Halmevilic and sieinitv, to Jov'plj <• I*arock;in
Wrlmiilc and vn-imi) to Juitic* Stewart, local trras
urrr< Ur ortier of the M itirrciui..
A*<s l ATUrrT. *n- y.
ihEcr of iha l a AI- R U Co, \Te!l«visfc. [f« b-^lmitrl'
sctr Plano Fortes'
„‘ Onr elegant ![<.«.-« ix*l »ix and * Imli
. tlnr do. snihir jitu.eU uinS mouldings, 0 .• -i.-ive—Halt
A t'o. SrW York. ' ,
One do. gottiie pu'.el* not mouldings 6 octa-.c
Gale A t’o, New York.
One lupetb fraud piano, <»l ofiavw- It-rr_ I’ant.
The above piuiKi* loro-v art- \iari;ui:t-n'. and have
been aetrctrit l.y the xiliktilit. particular!) for their
ij'jaliiv of toiie ami tfni+h a* musical u.atruurrms
For rak in lartory price. by
;a-7 JO'IIX It UFJ.LOIt.HI wood .1-
" ’ BlrUllc franc Plsno.
A t*PLKM)III a*<oium-ui of Hreie-
Krtfipsten wood ami Mahogany, grand action IY
II S f | » duo*. Frame, ju»l Smithed aud for •»!«*.
Alu, two splendid itu*rwuud l'iano«. w-uti Ctdrman •
rrkhru’ed .Italian alia ('Lineal, ItuUhcd in the modi
mo<iciu »i) lr, uil ior »ale nl I'. HLI'MKS,
jciii na 'Woodaiierl, 4 iUx»r* tlxno bth.
pmTs*m;iwii stri*j« wokkh axu mpking
and axli; •FACTORY.
maac ioxnu * mur r vemo.
MA NUFACT.t’ItKlW (>l ■Jtriou am! Wl.ter »teel,
plough »;er;l, uteri plongh w ines coach and etip
uc Aphiigs Lainiiirrril.injii «*le», and dealers m mal
leable rastiiig*. fire entitle lamp*, tunl roach Irimimng*
Kim* rally,. corner ol ilo»i mid From «u, Ihmhurgli,
% . fcM
Sellers* Family Medletnea In Ohio*.
\V*tstXM’*Hn. Ohio. Jan’y S 7, leV -
MR.IL R y>M.Ll'.Krl—Your Vrnmfuge w uiiequnllr
edasa -worm destroyer." and ha* given entire
•uuiHretujD ta alt who have had occasion to u»e it.—
Your Liv«r I’illt err also gaining a high reputation
here, Youra respectfully, Cocm A Ways.
McCoasKixaY’iu.K. Ohio, Jan‘yl!7, lt*ls.
Mr. R. H teller*—Your Vanuiiugc sells remarkably
last, and has Rained the full confidence of nil who u*e
it; to, also, the Cough B>yrup. Your* indy
tauu. (iun.
Prepared and »old by R. R Seller*. No. 07 Wood sL,
Sold also l»y Dr. Sib Ward, 1). M. *!urrj - , Alle
gheny, and Wen. J. Smith, TempeoniceviHe. icbl
rpifK subscribers have taken the Type Foundry,
X No. 50 Gold-street, and will continue ibe business
lately conducted by Robert Taylor. They will ntteiul
to, Oil order* with puctunllty and dispatch. All ilia
TypO manufactured by tluiiu will bcllond Cant; and
-they will fumi*h all kind* of Printer*' Materials, of the
best quality.
Mr; J. A, T. Overcod f*still employed in superintend
ing the manufacturing department.
Proprietor* of newspapers, who have not advertised
for the subscriber, who may publish this notice for three
months will bo entitled to receive their pay in type, oil
purchasing five times the amount of their bill* lor ad
Old Type iflkrn-iii exchange for new at 0 rt* pei lb.
Charles Whiting, > ' WHITING k TAYIAHIJ
Theodore Taylor,.J {Successors to Kohl Taylur.)
Janld Corner (Sold *nd.Atutj'i*u:u
’ Original <Bolivar Bricks.’ I
IJIXPKIUKNCKD Judges, on a trial of one imd rj Itnlf
j million*, since lsdi, pronounce this article unsur
uuurul u,r durability in the construction of a'J kinds pf
Furnaces. Price 3ii,73 ci>h lor Until* of 10 M, guar
anteed tune month* um. (riders f«r a second quality
lkilUar Frick* will be executed at $lll iter M. if so de
sired, without uuurantea. A slock of tun first quality
i* now for safe at the warehouse, ‘Sloan - * Wlmrl,' Ca
nal Haniit, by J. SHAW MACLAKKN,
sepuitf Kensington Iron Work*.
‘ Advance on I’rintlug Paper.
H. AJKU.OII, HI Wood street, Ag-nt for the
♦J salf'uf I'rinting Raper, for C. K. luitubdiii A Co.,
would inform his cu»if>iner» that, in consequence of the
advance on mgs, paper will lie charged for the pres
ent nt eleven eiiil* per pound, or
Imperial print, tUHIM nt $1,75
Double Medium, at * :Ull
Jmn>_ JOHN H
LKATHIIU— !NJO side* Heavy'New .York Sole lwatli
••r; nUo lOW sMcs Ih-m Huliitnore Is-nllxw just ic
cmnl by WM. YOUNG. A Co.
I l:ijib**rty st.
■kjOTlCil-rAn Klci-.tiou tor seven Director.! of lli«
11 I’rie Cuuai Coninhny will be held by the stock
holder* ut llicir Olfici* in die lumnigh of Erie, on Mon
day the dih day of Murch ucit. at in o'clock, *. «.
M. U GODWIN, Sec - y.
Cuunl Office, Fjic, Jan. IH, I>lH. jnVTt
1 >KI.T i.llATHKU—‘l'hVsubsotiOer* have cotutairt
■ 1 iy on linnd imicle of. Leather suitable for mnrhine
belts, to wliich the attention of manufacturers is invited.
jh-jU , . . W.M YOUNG ft Co.
constantly tin luinil ai dry
good* housß of W It Murphy, N K corner o
4th olid murket sis.,.an asTonment of above,fowls,
wnrrnuleil not to shrine in Wjfsfung. piulH
11F.ATHKRS— «> sacks in store mid for sale by'
* j fliM ISAIAH DICKEY Cc Co. water nnd Iront st.
'•OFFfcE—-40 hairs '*' ' vdiunij Wdr
(lOFFTIE— 40 bugs prime Ilioj 40 do Alev
t «lw ol« i«viq for *alc! by
jaJW V« • - Jl) WILLIAMS.
CIOTTON-A! bnle» good Collon. ilally expected, for
j mle lo dote by UIIOWN & CULIIF.RTSON',
Into ' UaLilwrtynitryt.
l, >«bl» do., now Iniuliug
from fir. Skinner. I'or solo by ' ■ ■ „
. frbH ' Water und Front ►(recta.
ITONDON I*o pint awl quasi Urttlc'*,
j for»alc by.- y. •; (fobs]- - - 1* C MARTIN.
LBMON HVRUr-24 dox line Lemon Syrup for late
low by : J KiBD c Co.
• teW - ' / Chronicle Copy. ~
N Orlean*, »ajrM houie. gol
ideti *yrorv' in store and for «*!• W‘' _ _• •
feti7- • O IILACKiiIIBN lt Co. ,
- -
H’CORD A . «*%
caavEs or wood axd nr in sums, nrrrsscEr.n,]
HAVE received :Uisir Autumn sty-lo of Hal*, to
which they .-respectfully Invile lho: attention of
oheir customers and caucus, generally. ! septl
/ acmcuuATEii and hat frutkctoil—The
will introduce uu Saturday. OcL 9th.
Gentlemen wishing & hat tried with lid* desirable utri
cle willpleswo call and examine.. ,
ALFRED KKKVIL. Practical Walter.
octC ’ . 152. bend'of wood *t
rrL FAXL FABHIOJT.—S. MOOItE ha* receiv
/Se d from New York, the Fall style ot* Ilata. which
will introduce thi* day. Saturday, Aug. 2?rh..
All those in want of a neat ami supe rior'JuU would do
welLto call at No. 75, Wood Street, 2d door above 4th.
_jtugOrif J ! .
ig COSTAR’S Style Gentlemen's Hats trill be intro
«X£ducrd nt Kccvil'.h on Thursday, August if7th.
Gentlemen-wl.sbing a cheap, fnsbionablelmi of Pitts
burgh manufacture, shnul of Sathionable Hats import
ed and advertised by-iotne-of the trade. please call ot
_nu£tJfitf ' _ ISO. h«vd of woodjrt_
-Hh JUST received front New York, the Summer
®>aStyle for hats, consisting of Whim Heaver, Pearl
and White French Cussintern Hats, with Ventilators.
Those in wiint of a beautiful, light Hat are respectfully
invited to coD. S. MOORE. .
muy‘2d wood »u. 3 doors above -lilt
Desirable Loti of Ground for sale.-
A NUMBER of licuutifdl Lot«,fronlingon that great
thoroughfare. Penn street, or the Urwitsburgh
turnpike road, and on the Allegheny river, and interme
diate streets in the tlth Word. I‘cttshurgh, a« now offer
ed for sale on the most reasonable terms. •
. >’or private residences, business and mtmiJhcluriiig
establishments, these lots.present situuuuu* not sapaus
ed. if equalled, by any now for sale. The regularity
vrjth which the streets nrelaid out. and tin level cbor
aktter of the ground, render the lots convenient, njid
aVnilnhle at onco los building purposes. 'Hie title isia.,.
disputable. Apply to HAR-MAIt i)IINNY.'3d sf,
feb'J-dlm Attorney ot l«aw, 4th sq near Gram.
Only TwoLeit.
subscriber has only tw o of these cheap dwalHug
. houses, situated on DrCutursUleft. These hous
es are brick, three stories high, ami 'coniaiu six
rooms eaciu They are of recent erection, afo well
built, uiul {tosses* every convenience for neat residen
ces for small families, having each separate and inde
pendent yards.
{UPThesc houses will be sold-nt the low price of
$1155 each! and time given on a portion of tuo pur
chase money. Such bnrguiu*, we mink, have not late
ly been offered in this city.
Inquire of the subscriber, who can be soen at the Of
fice of the Gazette, every forenoon, between the hours
of right ;nud ten, and at other'times at his rums, at
Mrs. Hays' boarding housc.Uobin»gn‘s new row. Fed
eral »t Allegheny City. i D N WHITE
feblO- Agent for the owner.
Real Estate lzs Ohio.
ATRACToflaml, on acres, in Uarrisou.Portage Co,,
on the Cuyohogu river—al*ftut 20 acres under im
provement. 'Also, two unimproved Jot* in the village
of Warren, Tnnnbnll feet hr 00. Also, a lot of
ground in the centre of Hanford, Trumbull Co- with a
fine dwelling hou«e and store—one of tho ben stand*
for a merchant on die Western Reserve. Any or nil
this property wilt be sold ou very accommodating
terms. ISAIAJ! DICKEY & Co.,
feblO * Water and Front sts.
Tleal Estate In Mercer County.
4 LOT. Storebcmu. and Dwelling, situate on the
j|\. Erie Extension Canal, in the village of West Mid
dlesex: a desirable location for a merchant Also, a
Lot and good Dwelling House well suited for n Tavern
Staml, in the village of Orangeville, on State line of
Ohio. Terms easy. ISAIAH DICKEY 4 Co.
. fcbtO ' Water and Front sts.
Xot for Role.
VLOT in the tlth ward, 4S feet on Logan street by CO
feet on Clark street: one of the most desirable lo
cal lons in the i»th ward. For term* apply to the sub
seriber at the Methodist (took Store. 4lh near Market
street, or at his dwelling on Clnrk street, opposite E.
Trovillo'*Grocery store. JicblOJ J.LJIEAD.
1 for b axe.
gjjg THE litre* story Dwelling House nnd Lot. now
■ls* occupied by H. F. Srhweppe, Esq- on Fenn sL,-
near 11 anti. is by 150 feet, and is pleasant
ly situated. For term* opply to the eabxcriber. who htut
The three story house cm the corn or of Liberty st. and
Irwin's alley, now oceupird a* a wholesale and rctait
grocer's More."by H. F. Sebweppe. Pmn-csrion givcu
immediately, <th application at the warehouse of John
Irwin fc Son*, No. 11 Water street, by
deel4-ibn JOHN IRWIN
For Rent.
MA two story brick dwelling with about six nere*
oi ground onnrh'*d, situated at (>akland. The
plare is well storked with fruit of all kinds, and
i.-a desiniblelocation (of a iumil; being entirely out of
teach of lint river mid dirt of the city. An omnibus
leave* Oakland hourly for the city. Apply to
jun-.ii ATWOOD. JONES L y.o._
For Rent-
MA new three fiory brick ilwcllim; bou*e on-
Wylie -rreet—Fos-cs-ion given on the first of
April or »ooiict if n-*jnir«l. Impurvof
ia-jt J A R FLOYD, IW liberty street.
For Rent.
.■s*4 ’ • vo br»«*k dw rilnur willi al.-nut 5 acre*
*«C3 of tiruaml, Mtualcd ou the bank of the Ohio nver,
Ja£Lni the huroughof M nr!>crt>-r. Aiqdy to
MTIIHI'.E dwelling house* sitimW on 4th'street
near ranal bridre. m tho city of Fittsburglk. Al
so, it room 75 I,y y 0 feel, with n ctmvrmeut en
trance on slh si . near wood. Also, a frame dwelling,
tw o .lories, w ith an as re of grtiu&d rncio«rd.nud under
cultivation, situate on Ltliio Line, in the city of Alleghe
ny. Inquire of f , JD WILLIAMS,
'jan* -- J 1 __ HU wood MR'cL..
THE NATIONAL HOTEE on Water street,
the Mononguliela llou-e. and the stable,
on l tout street, being n leasehold lor the tcnnoft'l
year*, troco the Ut of April. 1.-15, subject tothr payment
of 4100 per annum. If dustrod, the tee-«iiuple in the lot
which is CO feet trout on Water street, cxUudirig through
to Front can be purcha*e*l.‘ Enquire of
dectatiT WM. M. DAUI.INGTON,'
MTbt> new three »inrv lir’i.pwofbriek ».forr on
*eeouJ »t no«v <irc»i|'ied by iilwvanl livsn»; lor
rent irorn l»t m’ Apnl u«k ln<|ttire «>t'
J M.'Hi.Kt.NMAKCIt A. to..
•„*t uooU ►ttrel.
To L«l<
Elite •uh«cnbrra will i.vnt part of - the ware
hi/uw m.w orcnpW by them. Aplilv to
I.LWIrS i'AL/.FJ.U X r,»..
janlU _ _ wutrr >trerl.
For lUnt
A tianiUcuurlv Ln:*tir'<l roots on Muriel street,
»!:.' litrl> o<*cii|Uft) s« a UtijcuriTcoiype r»tMt>ti»jiiii?iil
hj Mortal.J ft to Also, * well Jtnifthetl ami well luV
iu>lW room. *iuia!itp lor nwirlJc*. tuljoimus Ihr hat! of
ll»r Mi n aolitc l.ilimry A*«ociati»><i. Knirsnce nt I’bl*
to iiaii, i:dc;azzam.
ik-i-s: Otfipp. market street, InMweeit tfcl biiJ 4th
For Rent.
Till*, ami ronvenieiit dwelling house ou
Vbi federal »l, AlWh'-ny. fitrmrrly-tKTUpiriJ liy Hr*.
Aun (iarraui. Kent low. Iboseneiun j;iven oil the Ist
A April next.
esstnu of the above house cun be ob*
applying lo M. Creighton
Clark 4. Thaw,
- * For tlrnf
JfA lanje room on the tM Mory of tie warehouse
CIM i>ccupicil by (he aubtcribers near the foot of
street—a yixxl location for a steamboat
asenry or an In*uraure uffiee. “
For Sale. -
A Fine nvo »iory lirick hoov*. on main street.
Allctfiimr illy, near »lic upper l>n<lcf. The 10l i#
!£J feet iii irfoil iiy lUJ derp. Fur lirm» inquire oi
MOiif new three «un j jrwelfiug Home, with
bath houwt alUirhrd, n'ltuale near the corner of
Wylie anil \Vn«liinglon *ireei*. I*o«*e!‘»ion giv
eu un ibe fir»t of April next.
For Rent i
Ja& TIIK large £rr proof wnrehou«e. 21 fret front by
KtS SO iVet drop, on *ecotid it. near ivikml. Knit mini*
erale. Inqoiroof J SCHOON.M AKKRA Co.,
'• .ilolO *JI wood »t
MA large, cnmniudiou*, nml well Gnidicd, three
•tory brick dwelling, on I’cmi hi., halfway be
tween (iarnton alley uml Wayne »t.
ion given immediately. For particular* inquire at the
olTici! of W W wallacv;
For Rent.
MA Smoke ilun»r. M’.unied on Hum alley, for
mil. Inquire of KUUIiUT DALZULL. A Co,
Übertv street. dcclH'
For 'Rent.
MTTic well furnidicd slurs on Market street. be
tween thin! and fourth street*, at present occu
pied by Hurr.-m* and Turner. IV-eciiion given
on the fint iH April urn. |nv«l V. 1) (IAZZA-M
MA il ry good* warehouse, 07 wo mi street, xccouil
door aliyvv-Diumoml alley. Ituiuire of . f
deed _ j» T .MUHfl.Oi A eo.'
CIOAI. UkMl FOU —Seven acre- coal land
j for wile, nitnate in bond of the Mommgnhda Uivcr,
ulnivr lirowinvillc. I’u., huviuß a 7 foot vrin of coal,
which will I>e Mild in exchmipo for good*. For piirtiru
luti apply tS [ik'2.i| S A W lIAKUAIHIH, ICJ wood »l
Untlillng Lot . ’i
IN MANCHKSTFJt FOU SAI.IJ-I hare for rate a
hcnutifnlhulhlmg led in Mfiuehoetcr, near the ferry.
tSI feet front by IdU feel deep. It will be void low, and
on ticcoiitinoduiuii; lenni. 'iVmw unexceptionable. ;
niyll) ' JA3. HI.AKFJ.Y, Real Km ate Au'b.
Lota for Sale.
,f|lW(> biiildimr lot* in the eixili ward; each 21 by l-U
J liect on vvliich lliutv U n never- ftulinc spring of
wuter IfebTJ <:IX> COOHH-AN.
mies, School*, l'liy eiciunn and piivnio families. at
price* fur lower thhu apparatus ol e<|tiaJ eilicicnoy is
gold for ill the cneiefn cities. The iitnivc get nun be.
Men und uhlaijicd at the hcok slum of
jiCEI ,__JOIIN 11 MKM.OK, SI wood m
BACO.N fc HUMI’SHI-J)—■ aK« Shoulder*; lilt! Ham*;
0 1,1,1* perStmr. Knirnnmul. l\tr Mile
low to clone consignment.
RIO COFFEE—SW bags prune preen Hi«» entice; 'Jo
Idd&Lovrrmg'* enumed Mtgur, landing from *tmr
Ni.rili.Tn Lipin, und ter «ulc by
jqiill KMIALirV k. SMITH.
SUNDRIES —(t> liu« (ilrir.l IVul'li.-b,prime ijiiality;ii
bhU ilaxi'wd; 2 do; 4 do Kiimll while limits,
landing ituiu steamer Orev Kn*th\ lor sale bv
ja2)_ _ JOHN S UII.WORTI I. 2. wood «
vile, (hn aimiition of buyer* to hi« very superior
tylg of Prints. celling m U>|. fast roior*. \ - ]„•>; ,
OHIltnNCt MUSLINS AT K'l-W U MpjibyVrlu
kj superior Unit; cloth Shinim; .Muslin, yard widi-, at
121 crnt.y.a pood articlo of usual Avidtlj-tit 1U ct*, ja-j7
SUNDRIES— American Minglne*; French leaf, Am*.
ricao Vermillion; Dutch do; Chinese do; gold toil*
English d 6; just rec'd and for sale bv ,
i* n ‘ s . _JOKE MOUI.EIL
X?l«'4— on bids InigVnb a mackerel
, 4 half do - “2 •*
. tjuartcr'n a “2 >• ’
Iruli Salmon, in alonrand for »nle by
• feb7 m ' O IiLACKBUItX & Co_
WM B IXISTKR, Agent for Mexican 'soldier* slid
procuring pennons, aftlm office of Wni E Austin,
***!•» Durit’a buildings, 4th »u Piufoorgh. " febl
MANNER’S OIE of tin ben quality nlwayeon baud
L Bird for «ale by ; . I.AVM VQPNG A Co-
T)OT ABH-1S «Mk« fori
X pent by IfebSl I
taleJOwto clo*eeorui*Q
bhl«, primp; A&U ■ Butler • recVl tk&iJsY
Exchange Brokers, No. AS MatLetsuvcLneaHU »t
Pennsylvania*; j - lndluiat
BanknfPimburgh per Suite B'k A. Branch es**”)i
Exchange Bank'* pai S’ateScrip •!'.*; •*■*•• *•
Merch. AJdan.Bank -par I'- Virginia*
Bk*4>fPhiladelplu*****Par Exchange Bfc'of Vii;** 1 i
Girard Bank**** —--par Fi»rmcnfi*k. ; <>f Va “
[L>nk ofGfnnaaiowu -par Bk. ei‘tin? “
“ Cbcswr.Couiity-**paTßk. of Virginia u
u Belawate Co.- **par M. 4 M. 4
“ MontgotnetirCo-**pari do ‘Morgantown-**- H
u Northumbeilami—pai N. W.Banlf-ya*-*—*• l
Columbia Bridge Co.** par do 'WeUsberg 11
Doyiesrowo Bank par do Parkersburg* *•
Farmers’llk. RemlipK*pnr Tennfeaaee.
Famcrs’Bk. Bucks Co. par Bk.ofTenncsiceV— *
Fanners B’k Laneashr-par Far. It —'
Lancaster Co. Bk.*** -par Planters’ Bk.*:*-* •** *.—
Lancasterßk.-** par Union Uk.—*}*-**—*
U.States Bankv-—*—3o Jttlistrerli
Brownsville Uk>****«*paf S aießk of Missouri* •»*. lf ;
Washington Bki*****-***i ZCortlx Carolina. '
Gettjrsburgb'Bk.*— •II Bt.ofCaneFear* —*• U
Charabcrsourg** M erch’t 1
Susquehanna Ca.Uk.* —* Siaie Eank***iar«***** 1
Lehigh Coßank,'* —* BoutU Carolina.
Letnstown* •••• Camden Uk-'*— ••• • 1*
Middlptown **.i**-*-- Jj Bk. of Charleston* •• •* W
; Commercial Bk;
Bk; ofGconretnwß--’--’ li
Farmer*’ and' lirovers* Bk.of Hamburg—** it
Baalc, WayneAbuTß-“ Merchant# Bk- .1*
Ilarmbur*- —Planter# &Mecba'»Bk* 11
ifonesdali- *r' ** Bk. of South Carolina* • 11
Lebanon HBryiitnd.
PotUTiilc-*- —*• ; u Baltimore lik#.— —-—par
Wyoming-*-**. *.• BaJtra'etOßKScrip--10
York Bk.—**— jCombcribiidßk.of Atle-
Westßrincbßli.— “ ghany *. ; * U
Belief Note* Par.Ui.of Mirylnud— u
ilk M Ilk. Pitta-do- “ Farmer*’ k s|echhnies “
City AtConniyScrip- u 'Bk. Frederick--***** “
Ohlot l ' Frederick Co. ilk.
State Bk.eutd Branches 1J ilagmtownßk •. a
MouutPleasani*** ta Mineralßit—'l,**—— “
« Patapiaoßk-;>- -r u
•*» Wasni n rton Bk- - M
« Bkiorvv<*tmih«crv-* *•
-Marietta *•
[ . BXiriaiCan*
Bk;of £L Clair--r;*—
New Lisbon*
Ciueumuli Bank#-
*« jthcjofiiiTer pattern
Columbus do-
“ jiviiiilgan InaT^Cd-
* WlMson Vy-
Cantdnii •'
Batik of England Noica
Gold & Specie T&lnei
N'apolrons .!)
Darien-..Vi « Ducats---.---2 15(3 a 20
WeMern Reserve-***™ “ Eagle,old* • - 10 00
Franklin B’k Columbus “ Eagle, now • 10 00
Chlllico;hc H Doubloons, Spainiab. 10 00
Lake Eric-•• “ Do. Patriot* J 550
. “ Sovereign*4 $3
•10 Guinea* *•.•■•• SOO
•13 Frederiekid’oc* 57 W
Scioia- • •
Lancaster ••••'
Granville JO Tea Thalers • >
Fann’ra D’k Canton"—3o Ten Guilders
Urbaaa Loniedtos*
* Hentaeby* ExcUrtug**
Bitof'Kentucky**“”* Ii Net?York}prm
Uk-ofLooiiTille-t * I’kilodclpfua•■••••• iprtn'
Norbern Ilk.Kcuia’kr- “ BaHu&orn ■ {ftnn
New York—C|ty llanka, par. Intsriof’B’ks***-.
n in Foreign arid Domestic Exchange, Certificate* of
Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie; Feanb:sireet, near
ly opposite the ;B(tnk of Pittsburgh.. Current money
received on deposite—Sight Chrcks for sale, and col
lections made on pearly all the principal [points in the
'United States. !
The highest pre nines paid for Foreign-pad American
Gold. [ !• • <
Advaaces tsadj) on consignments of Pfodoce, slilp
ped East, on liberal terms. : -;i mcfclA
JOSEPH !L IHLL, (Into of the firmofiAVra.'A. Hill
A Co-) and WAI.' C. Carry* (late of line, Pall have
entered into Co-partnership uudeV the namfe of Hill A
CriiT, for Uas puipose of carrying on thcßsukimr and
Exchange business in all its branches, atjNo.d.t Wood
street, three doom below Fourth, west sider-where they
solicit the custom of their friends and the public gen
erally. - . i JOSEPU-.TI. JJILL,
inchis ; wm. c.cunnv.
J osxra n. tnu-l :; ' Twh. c - evaar.
Foreign ODd Domestic Time and Sicijl Bills of Hi
.change, Certificates oi' lVpo'itn, Hank Note* and Coin;
No. C$ Wood'iftrect, third'door below Fourth, wen
side. Par Fund*-and Currency received on deposite,
unit collections inadeon all the principal cities in lue
United Suite*. ' ; .
Sight. Exchange on Baltimore. Philadelphia, 'Now
York, Boston andCbicuinau.cbns!autly ior rale.
Ohio, Indiana. Kentucky, Virpinia'and Pennsylvania
Bank Notes bouirht and fold on i'uTorablcltcmw.
on England, Ireland, Germany uiid Franca
procured,Ac. I; - ’ i inehlS
in Fortiuffutld Dome-tie Exchange. Certificates of
Deponite, Bank Notes, and Specie. 'N'o/jt| Wood lit,
one door above Fpurtli, East side, Pittsburgh,.l'n. ,
octfidAwF ;: 'i •
EIJ.J.S on England, Ireland.;and Seotltid bought to
any amount; at'the Current Kates bf-Ejchnnt'*.
AUo, Draft* payable in any part of tlir OH Countries,
from Jll to jCltkri, at the raiti of.So to tburi .£ Sterling,.
wiihont deduction; or dUcoutitv by JOSHUA UOMIS
SON, Hurujx-au and General Agent, ouice ftth si one
door west of u<H>d. ; ■ • octl'tf
ALLE3 KttAUFJI.I !'■ • ' ' . FrUIWjUUI ItA ItM
Bankers and exchange brokers, amicr*
itt Foreign and Domestic Bills of Kap'iange. Cer
tibcales of Deposite, Batik Notes and Coin, corner of
3d and'Wood streets, directly i»l>j>osile St. JL’hirle* Ho
tel. _ - j-; ' • j ~tjnayu?-*Hy
}\ onioi:
• liidt uin. •
AJjn-oiiri. <,i .
. at the lowest rate*. t>y
Hi Maj'l'M *Uerl.
Bills of bxcbaxgk—sigiu cilrck-i ou
, New Yorir. • •:!
Philadelphia, and • |
N. IiOLM&i k ?ON.
a.'ritu *iili by
ilrlU ' j ;
tIOLtjKC'TIOXS—PrafU, Note*. an>j Arocptun
/ci'*, payable iii «i»- part 01 lh<* L'iuo:i.T;iM>llro!«*d on
ihr moil i'avoruMt icriiw. TV.: HOUMKS it SK*N.
dcjb j. ; • . ■ AVMarkel s^u'
EXCHANGE oil \cw York, Philiubiphi.!, and
Itaiiiniore, tit t*iclit, in *urai toMiit purchaser?, con*
stnntiy lor sale by * : A. jUPURY.
Woovl au, tielbiv Fourth;
"IirKSTEUS FrjSDS—Thn Noteioftbe Ohio,
Tf Indiana mid Kentucky Hanks, purchased at lovr
nut* of discount, ai ihe otfice of ;;
. •;; : mu. & riiißiiv.
oeitl No. fio Wood below I'imnli.
COLLECTIONSViu all tfie principal cities iti-tbe
Jhiiiqi. made by , lIUJ. A OlTimY.
ootll No. (>■> Wood su, below Fourth.
'Wlne*;& Liqaor*. li
.OArt whole, halves, quarter* aiid eighths pipes bran*
OUV t dies, mite*, pin*, Ac, of tbo following cclebrol
ed brand*, grade* aml .viiitaccs via:
Otard. Brandy,: dark; llotic ao Fiort Wine;
do Uo; , pale; liondouMarket. do;
Sarerac do; : do: : .STrarli 'i '- do;
A Sciguettc j > daikj.g Hunt do:
• do • 1 ; pale; « Burgundy ]■. '■ do;
lletmessy 'do! : dark; 2 SSMarteira' do;
do • do' : pale;' 5- liM do- j'i do;
Flnnci, Castilllan, dft..; S Symington ■! I -do;
do do i dark; * Ka2iil -. •. ‘ do;
Swan (Jilt;; to Pale do;'
Ul'k Horse do;> 5 Ilrtmit do ~ , . diq_
Imp 1 ! Euglc do;; J Holden. do -;i.V do;
Pine Apple du; : TencritTc do'. : do;
Irish WoiikeJ;: ~ la»Um doi - do;
Jamaica Spirits; ClnreJ 5; do;
St. Croix Hum;; Sweet APry'M-th'Sm do;
Together with a large *tock of the nbuvti Wm-t und
liquor* in bottle*. Also, Cliampaipuc and'Clnrel Wines
fur sale a* imposed, on plenum; terms nl the Wine Crl
lur attd Liquor Store comer of SmithGeid |Uwl l-'rotu si*.
. Ie : ; P C MARTIN.
HOPS— For: sale a few btiles We<icjh New York
(TTOwth of lsdt>— front B io 10 cent*: , '
Al*o, Eastern- mid Western N Y,’ early picked, this
year’s growth.
Prime Ohio do. Helmonl county. £
The general Eastern crop of the *cnson,'is row being
received. Ilrcwer* and other* tiring IJop*, will find it
mnch to thejr advantage to nbtaip their *anply from the
undersigned, a*, tln-y m|ctni to sell throughout the uu>
son at New Yorkpnce*. (.1. W. SMITH & Co.,
octlSdliin ] - Pittsburgh Urewcry,
HAVANNA OlUAß^—intiiUN) imported cigars of
the following celebrated UrnmlK. part to: arrive
consisting of. Cevri, AubiquriUd; Washington regalias,
Uupide*. IjAculapte. Do* Amigos de Fu«<w, tandon'
Urania, txirtl UytpnV. F«Un prinnipc*. steam bout do,
Vill- ya extra du. Sylviu’s do, J.a Unyaderii Ist, du. do
Sd, Ortiz, Lu l’alina, Cazndorcs, Eagle priucipos, 'for
*:dc i»y ; p 0 martin,
I*cl>7 • dir Staithtieitl A front st.
SUX!)llit2f*-'4(K>iloz pinying curds, sSljl whole, ami
Imlf can* sardines, tUbiuket* Olive oil. 111 boxes
assorted catsups and brandv fruits,’ 5 bbU‘rru«hrd >O-'
uur, 4 bbls U>af (16,5 cnscaiciaun s> nip', iiji boxes le
toons. fur sole by 1 [feli7] 1‘ <>, jIAUTJX.
rUODl'i.’ll—Uccfivcd per strainer ftibbts
riuver .Seed, 3 do Flax Seed, 3 dt* : floJl lluttcr, d
do White itcntis, J 7 do Lunl.Ul d«» 4Wk* Wool, L
do Feathers; for sale by ' t'cbl IIAO ALbLY A SMITH
TUTS—S bale* Aluiorid*; \ ,
10 l»x* Shelled; ' :
i! lingVCrcam Xots; •
3 bagi'l’ca Nuu; fornulr l>v
jlclS _ J. 1». WILLIAM S
SoapXndcakdleh-: r* “
‘-“JO lion-* No: 1 Coicimipii Soap:'
30 Mould Candlr>; [
(.aruling' from North Curotmn; for enlc.livj
Jal [r !_. lj> A l!0 WchhUj.
'TJ Ijolch liit won wcKtcrn N Ylilop*:
11 1 tlo’iil. ~ “ | ■ -t
l» ilj) Ui “ tusicrn 1 ' “
Carefully telei;t>'d aAd qf extra qmility, m Hur>' mid far
Mle by •; I’OINDBXTWI .V Col
janl , ; J ill'valiT rf
OUNl)HlKS^bbr.T a fur "P T
O S; •• frct-h roll I'Utirr; 5
* ti dried pcocho*; “ .
i!; “ clover . ?'• - ; '-
Just recM and for *nle by f. l 8 \Y.\TTukMAN,
]aWI 31 %yntcr nod cij Inmt «H_
SO APS— I(I bbSen loiVe Palm; - -
i: ••• jV'hiici • ' ; •
6: ■ ** >hav»n«:
N»».jW F/unMl.
I'.'RESH PBV tlrwii* Sra> nia
i aJibUZwiKecjfrrmiui
\*<o Jo M B Riuiin;
h f _
tar, ta ;.tar . ctac«
i-. V' diac. Jart weiTed by/ I - *“-■*-
I ri jknNHTPSCi-’ni r ~ '
[ * “
- 'v-V
: riii*.
■ tiie only HmaawnTwS^'^-s-
Harts vegetauleextract fo«ibr?hl«*2.>t
'We reniedv for Epileptic Rtt
,ii*nm!«ion*. SpaOTs &c.' If u well
time irame mortal, physicians hava p™ l —■»"—’ t
lie Fit* incnrnble. )i has baffled •UtbettakilbndM--':
•!*»a*tcd power of aU medicine, and COUaeqQaMtyHM l *'.*
sands have suffcredthrough a miserable exfoWhM,»*:.' ■
JtlaM yieldedup-lhcir-lire* on the altar©fikMistty*
»>iin all deference, to .the
F« a i and learned, -re say lhat it has
For sixteen years, ha* been tesfodbv many.pntlMlfitt
who have suffered/with.tMs dreadful disaaMj-UtteXA
errry.ease where it has bad a fair trial, baa tSc|H?SSS
l'itt iof 20,years and 6. months; cared by tkt
this truly wonderful-medicine- ' •••: *
~* lcai * 'he following remarkable cbm of f&aBOS«-»?
»'“• See ore. Philadelphia, afflicted with Bp#32
IcpUe Fila 1?7 yean and 6 months. After WaUIMT®
through England, Scotland, Germany and France, tos*%
suitinjr the miM eminent physicians, and
medicine, rqedical treatment and advice, umuOth's
r4nd dollars, returned with his son to *»<« eoaatiy ifl-e
November IfUt, without receiving any benefit wbalfft* '*
er, and wna cured by urine ”'~h
• harts vegetaulr extract, •
Mr. William Secore’s Letter to Ika. Ivans and gait.’ '
. Ihava spebt over three thousand.doßars for re~H- lv .
cine arid medical attendance. I was advised to taka a 1
tour to Europe with him, which L di(L -Ifirtt visited
England. - 1 consulted' the - moil eminent jApiM,** - 1 '
there in res]iect to bis case; they .'Vi.
prescribed accordingly. 1 remained three mnntbh '
withoutperceivbg auy.changs for the better, which' '*
cost me- aboht two hand red and .fifty dollars pocketed'
by the physicians,' nnd lbc motl tut I received wu
their opinion khatjny son’s cbm was hopeless poet*
lively mcnrehle. 11 accordingly left Lktzland, and trap*- -
died through'Scotland. Germany
turned home in iKe month of Noveraber . last’with; pry '-: . ;;
son u* far froln being cured as when I left. I wrywr -
niWertUemeni in one oflhe.New 1 ark papers, BF*d.
concluded to )ry Hart's Vegetable Extract, seeing yonr ' ;
statements apil certificates ot so many cum, now
twetity aad tljirty years' standing, anal canassartyom - k
lam not sorry I did so, nsbytlte use of Iforf* Vegtt*» :
hie Extract alone, he was restored
ilis reason, which wss so fsr.gpne wto'tmfitbtafiMP ; 1
buxine**, is entirely restored,'with the prospect
before him, of life, health and usefulness. -Hd ia poM '
:S( years of age, and 97 yean nnd 0 months of tide *..
lima bni been afflicted with tins most dreadful of dis* -
•cases; but thank God ha is now enjoying good health,
Now, gentlemen, faith witboat works I donl befits*.'
in. -To say that I cboll be ever grateful tOTOStseaO -i;
thing, and as.lhere enclose you oue hundred rtoiitrt, t ■'■' Ji
have no doubt bat tbnt you wifi think tMt'.i»'hootber'.';i
and quite a different thing; The debt o£-gX*bnfflat .-■■
still owe yoe, botpjeoM to accept the'present V
as interest on the debt in advance.'’‘ > ' ■ ‘ • -•
Yours very tespecifoUy-,: “H - 'a
(Signed,) ~. AVILLIAM 6EOOS&V '
Gae of .the prdprielbrs of lhis invaluable B46ebNk~- : -f
was.afflictedXior,several years with Enfleptit-FHa-'---'
Tic .disease had ‘predricea the wont effect apeahis -t
system,’viz: L6u of memory, imbecihty of miuv s&dkt’ -
perfectprostration of- the.hemm*. system. Us haA'-“'
tried. die skill] of the trestphysieuas for eevsn nsn,
aud grew worse tinder their treatment, 'and -he -knew l
that; this: medicine was his onlr*bope for-hcaith and ■. --. f
life, nnd was therefore deteamuna to give it a foirtnal*
and to persevere in its UM, which.he aid- add thsmalt
was a perfect restoration to beaith,<whica' vras'conii*' '.'
ned niuntemjpied for yean. >; ■
We would referio the toll owing persons who hav*-
been cured by using Hart's Vegetable Extreec.r- ‘ ‘ v r .
ColEDensiow’sdaughterwasafflictedßina-yMrSi •-
residesht Yonkers, New York. . .
, WBonnet, nine years, 171 Grand st . -i ’
JEHswonh,sfveuyeari,l3l)ovsrsV -i "T
Joseph M’DooraL nine years, East Brooklyn* UII
• liWSmhhjNpwYorkCnalnmHonso, - -
. 8 Kelly, twenty years, Staten.lsland.*. ; ; f --.---.-.l ' .V;.-•{
; Miss K 7>rKeevtwenty yearn, Yorkville, - b • •••,-
Miss E Crane, tyrelve years, U 9 Haunenly St
Wm 11 Panel!, twenty-threeiveara, 79 Norfolk st"
Jacob Petty, foot yean, 174 Delaney- «V
Philo Johnson, tkenty-.eight yeara, GreeaeaAls. ft]
Judge Randall, U 4 East Broadway, Haw York.
Thomu R JoneSj Of the U 8 Navy. ■*
Cspt >Vm Jennincs, Slain sl BndgepoTt, Ob - :
Reference also unde to'
l)r W L Moproe, GaiiibnL O- ‘
Rev Richard Tairett, West Davenport N Y." v ’
Rev TLRnshneU, Baltimore, Jtfd. '■-£.■
Mr Joieph BradleyillS Orchard st, N Y, : •
CII Doaghton, SO2 Eigbteenth st NY. -- - . -v
Mrs James Berebolf, Chester, Orange CO. N T,
John Faber, 178 Elizabeth IL do '
\ H A Riehtotl, 21S Delaney st, ■ do
- I - James Smith, 133 Suffolk nt, .. .. . -';•, do-, t ' J
i Charles Brown, 10U Water sv <W - -
AU of which may bo called upon, or addressed, Mtt -
paid ' ■' •, ■ ■
rD” Prepared by Dr 8 Haxr, (lata Ivans O HutJ
N>w h ork.
U P THOMAS A Co, HU .Main «. between 3d and
4ih *ts,; and lO Mun tl, between 4tb and Sth streets,
Cinciuunti, Ohio, wholesale, and' retail agents for thk '
south and west..
, LAVILCOX, Jr- corner of Market stand thaZX**. -
.moodtCply og’t )n Plllsb’g Pa- . jaSUortT ■
'~ilfgPlCAt~A smoldAli (JS , FICUr3
''■•V&'ii-r- "■ No. G3i DIAMOND Al*|
few doora.beloW
' j^-Wood• street, tosrarda- tho '
■-■ j)H. HRQWM. |hss. s
' iugb«urevulsrly«WfatM
CZ2g&&S2c3&giE/&p & theMnedical profeymn,
genen»l;pnretiaß.JMwS>* jifg
tuaSr h»'aamitmar(>d -WF&raJ
in mail in id ilium jfiliplk rnj
; N\ v him.i
j Atjr - rHrnirly 'ihrrrtM'l~ iha
slDily trenuumt of those complaints, (during which. 'Ss
time; lw> lms liad ninre pracpce aud has cured more pa- -
linns ihnu cau ever fall to the lot of any_privatd prafr-'
titionerj amply qdatifieir Uni to otfer tuianuices ~oC
vpml>Ypenmnieitt. and satisfactoryxnre to allofflcted- :
M'iih delicate diseases, and aU ditenses arising khete.
from.; i - • : • SiSs
I>r. Brewn ttould inform those afflicted wilh. privmta l/i
disenscs which have l>ceonie chronic-by time br:ag
gravated by the use of any of the common nostrums of :
■ihe-tlai’j.Uuu theitxomploints can beyediealty andthor- -' •-i
ouglily cured: be having given his -carefbT'atte'tfdoi ’ts •'“''l
the ireajmeatof such cases, and suceeeded in bundieda
of instances in curing persons of infiammatiott of-the .•
iK-ck blmldcr, amt kindred diseases which often . .-
rrxuli imm those ea»es where others have consigned - t-’
them ui;hopele?s despair. ■He particularly, invites such.' ,
as bave.bcßii long aHd unsuccessfully .
iu tonrlili him,' wbeu erery satisfiiction.'wUl bogiveh .
theni. aiid their earcs treated lu n careful, thorough and
intelligent manner, pointed out by a long ezpenense, J;
study, lind inrettigatton, whichituimpossihlaforJhOM
engaged in general pr&ctice.oi mcdicißo to give any -. v
one class of diwonc.
ityHcniia or Runinre—Dr. Brtpm al»oinvtte».per« - n
sous afflicted with Hernia to call, as '
ular iiUcruion to this disease.' -V. '-.ii ‘
- SkinidUoaMitc; also Piles,' Palsy, etn, speedily cttied.' - '.:
Charges Tery low. .‘ ;
N.'lL—Piitienta of either >-cxdivingatadistffnc6,b]h
stotingl their uiscose In writing,' giving aU the symp- :- r -.s
toms,' chn obtain tnedirises wiih directions!.for"osei *>r
T. BRpi\7», JU. D n post paid, and enelus .
nfj a ICC.
Offieb 7(0. G 5, Diamond alley, opposite lh« Ww«ij» - ; v'
[louite.i . > './..'•'''T-’l--’’'
gy fto enreno pay. 'L ••. V' ’• degtfr.
1. won Crftlgh Candy, is offered to tho public ns •... .
ple&saril nod effective, remedy forcoughs, >,
lies*,-Asthma, Phthisic, tVaooping Cough, loflumra, i :
Croup, iS>re Tliroil, Bronchitis, airageoerer affection*: \-s4j
of the Chem and Lungs. In such eases it is kncwn *0 3
have! afforded -decided and permanent reUef, and'too* ■" ■'.'•• a
it* rapid sale and great success as a Kmedydbrih*. - i
above disceses where it has been need, it proiniaea to .- A
becotnei oueofthe luostuaefol dudpopalarniedKi&ML • ;,1
It is offered socias nplcasant relief to uwconsamptSte,
and an .astistaafto vocalists and pablio .speaJCcn?(Qa* - ..1
erallj.f: - ■-W.'. * 1
‘ Tho name of the preparation indicates its leading ia«: -- Jj
jrretUent, xuid it will be .found-to b« by nomeanatm* ' .
pleasant to the taste, andmay be used by children-and v-*-
adulu with entire impunity. The materials used in tho .v.
preparation tire of the best quhlitjyund itiaay-bere- .
lied bora* in every respect a pure atfdsk v ■ ••• •’iJ
Families would no doubt promote. theircoafiagtand ». ■■
henlihhy keeping-* snpplr. crpeciaUvjaiho season (Cl 'x:,* y
Colds. ; L-.-r.-e/rtW
• This Tamable Cough Candy is considered a great i** -'
slstuut to Mothers; being suiwriorto all the patent B*».< : -<rSk
by Jumpers in creation, os cuUdr'en were never koown. 1.3
tociy tvheu this etmdy is tuctl, ciecpt formcrre. A to*
ol of this article will convince uny person of its ewca* - ‘JI
cy,,atui the proprietors therefore defy nay person in tbi.- . ”
United Stains to produce a cheaper, oioia.plnafgSK °t? '.vi
effective remedy. : —,. .. > r - ft •••■3
j<old wholesale and Tclail, by ibo General Agent.'- , -d
;■ . i
... corner 3d. cutd market sts, Ktunorga. i '
. •. ?o
DUti,Ohio. ; ‘ • ■
• r ~ Highly Important!!- '■-v.'.: • z.-yiil
certificate from a highly rei'i>eetal>toJ*dy ( feWM9R.'“.*A
•cut lol>r. Jayns by hi* agcata, Mew Jasoo Kim4k /S
Co: P • Centreville; Jflareh IfcbilM?..'.
Mi. Jxtss—Dear Sir—Duty tamy fellow cre«tsi«*. J -.:
demands that 1 shoald add my testimony »the welle**.
tahliahw etncncy of your xmauTivi. •'J.-havavkaA,'-:/i
what ifc doctors nil prouounccd an incurabloBei*i|p/f ;».>
lous Coiiccr of three vearV standing. After alhllifitf
use of the remedicsot the professiou, until lay patitMac' -.
in u*e, aitiHiope* in their efficacy were contptoth^. l '-;'-'"
ly exhausted. I commenced taking your Alterities. •' -v-
Afler 1 had taken it about six months, 1 was ••not tool? .
cored hy it. but my Cancer was literally rooted cat and - : -
dropped oJ.. 1 nui now completely 'aniiparmsMßily/
cured, find liuto no hesitation in sayingthatttia lha 1
moat efficacious constitutional remedy extant. ul.lmva :
no scruples tior fears in underugniirgia virtues WA -
ctpunuhidm;'it to all similarly affected.
. / Respcruallyyours, : ■ XattcrFiXU. . -.1-.:
Dr. D.,Jayne—Dear Sir—We enclose: you*bertis«/ (.-':
c'ate frdmNaJujjf Falls, of an important, cute perfbrtoed
oq her by your Alterative." The facts stated Cyber wa S‘
know to l>e true:/Voure, •' - • Jabox ILuiAOo
Ceuireville7ltL, March ID, H 7. • For C J .Wood*..
For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea store, 72 <lh
street, ttcor wood. ~ . ' 1 < : an> •
B'“ATFAUNI*rrOCK , & l > ueumoiUc or Cough ital, .' ~r
*&am,,baA a-grant.advantage .over, many, offier
Ctwshyrej»plioft*,sisiliipleaMß!U*tß.l*nmig R to
bo used willuMitvineonTeuleucc. But iu vsjae.aa a, ■
linlrata consists iu the spciHliaess'ofill cure. WiMts .
known some. of„ the desperate-coughs.ponded •
which had bccuninhing.oa-for a considerable ; . *
of time, yjeld almojU’iuuneiliaiclyjo Hi power. : '
Jit such, wesiber as, we 'jure hod doriartie' past-v /r' ; j
winter, every one is liable ti.taka. cold, unless great
! precautions are used... f . ;■ ■ /r'.:
;. Wet feet and undue exposure to the mclemeaeyof .
! the weather oficu lays' the foundation of a hacking/' /'
| .•mijti.'which needs a quirk remedy to prereoi'seribap ”
We !hnvo numerous certificates of cures wMch it
bn* performed, many, of which are from permits’la, . . /.-
this citv undiiic ncittliborhootL and theyareagaffieknfc • -
reference witliout suyine another word U»iU<*TOrv* - '
Prepared amt ibr »ule wbolcsale'and retail by.B’A. ■
FAHNESTOCK A Co, comer of wood «nd,l*t*ad j- :
wism! ami dth sis. • - - . . JtfßT '.
Pulraouary JtaUata: j u ,\, \ ■
A CUTLER—I fcelstt- a duty t
mvc in iiiy fellow creatures, to 'stateawnetMag - • ,i/
ntofs fc‘j*ectinir your• Vegetablc-PalrnoaoryDalaasi. • ••’ /
Huicc I'liret us-yu the Halsam, ab«ut;eteveo yuß'in, * •
the happy cdpovof which l.then gave sn iectUst 01, ! •
Imtu*, #ue a tew days since, and in -every' mßnea I
hnvo uled the Ualsoui tdoito mth compicte asiJt pgffeft ■™ '
s\tccc»»\ It has effected relief nod cnreiaa-TerT-faiy -' '■
■umljr n safe medicine.: Ido am kM# !*«■'
a tixed consnfamtinn • Hit l'heiltTT tf ' V'
c6*ea a preventive, and prertodMr tt
IHo therefore,tfor tba kiva •of bmt $&•
stly ivebanrtend theaMbfVhiaJJaW** ' ■
7 crunpiriimu.-: t-am it
fteanl.-bf.prcsetTtnirmvlift totlMtllay* r. ?f \
10,' , -WJ-/. ■'Rt^<T*Mlh •• * •"'
» A-JFakni^ftS?™^