; :j. .y : L, ■ ! '■' ll!lll8^^ f>, - ' ” T ‘ ' TUB PirrSBUBGH G. BY EBABTUB Bl ' • FITTSBDBOBi ■. >HDAY MORKP?G,-fEBEPAIIY 14, IStS. PnwaiitoTiOtina hun®Wkk®d D*fs ( WeeUj-f?n» Dkihritbctcn SdtUtfi per übSBiUA TriAVtekfyi* Fit® DdUirrpar • —Wa«Hjr i.Twn innliMj \ ■ '■■"■■ ' [' 111 M . ®®nemri«4Bested lottaidio tbcu Avon tofer® ft r. il, sad u; emrljr in the Awj u z? ■: pnntftMi ■ ■ • i- Pi»ti»orCoifflßi®*e!®ilatellJ|eoe«4)Mae*tie, ll«r. ken,fUrer_Nr>n, imports, Uouejr Uubu, fcc.ee®' . ttWWt/J V..»Q < \-i)i !«• Fint TM® tn SlmiQuuou Siwa. EdftorialConespondenee of ibe [Pittsburgh Gazette. ► LAUD FtTBD ASD PUBLIC DEBT. . •V ' - WisHUtOTCW, Feb. 9,1646. ' \ The Chairmatrof the Commifteeot Way* and Meaisf has given notice tW at the end pf the pres* ? eat quart eiof the fiscal year, to shall move aßes olution jj»quirm£ of the I*resident whether the re* ~ , i‘b* sides of Public Land have been apr plied to ibepayment of tlje interest upon the loan <- ' made by the last Congress ud for v waietolfc'piymeni oftbe Und fend, by a solenm stands plt'.XfJ It i* complained ol the Executive, by ‘ 'Mr.-Vtstob, Ihai'be has either forgotten the injaoc ‘ •:/' tfoks of this Jaw, or has sought’to subvert them in tbe recoinmendaiioos the commencement lJ .. 'oC iiwe present session'of Congress to reduce the * ' 'price cf the public lands and to I Appropriate the re* P (CtipU for the proseciuibu of the jwar. -This is in - !d*»civ»taliap oftbe .taw of dongrets, sod the vibkneommahdstioo show* by what/a frail tenure the i liar, no held ia the remembrance of those who are ‘ tO'see them executed.' The law says, that V. for tbepayment cf tbej6tock‘tbe stlesof the pub lic | tn hereby pledged,? tjod it is Afterwards *-'v made the duty.Of the Secretary Of the Treasury, to C >'? apply. a& land receipts to this ptjrpose after the first , 1.,.,-)' f y • VTnXjWAaf-GALLSTIH, SJtP.fOUpsnT.- . V. f -;• Itorecaat letter* of Alu*t and Mr. « r sbßßxr*,axftexeilingapowerfttlinlloeiiceagainkf * «* the vehte of tbo a warning ‘ 1 yofoe : 't(/^ape^l&. r ;.i{ > d : ebnden|as,aQ«rwilhuore I * fißancUl' experience than any man living in tbo v -r country, the whole monetary Go v* I I ' disastrous, totim public c.iip«o*phrity*etditabfAhe pmr be that tboPrew* dent; »wx t ß»Ujwi» *cr, ash .wmtytnr • aivtno xos ' 1 ooxamX’V* x ersTc; ' r A#hir7GaliUirt tialtalapcni Congteas its ccnstitntionai powcr bf bringlng tLe *' : %Ar h) n : do«/hy-withholding auppiies.' It wasin * way lhe ; Brit»jt Parltimem jml the curb into i - of George tbo ’third, .anil brought his v w«ir upon tius American Colonies to ft , Miv Gallatin give*|’sd many reasons far end. '- iaf tbri war,'and p«yay»; tbc; consequences ol' its i xriatumanceia such vftW.colora, that they mast to.every patriotic. snd reflecting l ' -thhii-' Hia language toW it, after roriewingthe - --paUcyctf'the Adminisinilim;that if these projects, 3 by the most unbounded Ambition, are to * vl intoeSAct: .' ;' ‘ J , . ... iiflxnll not simply tayllut it will inflict a mortal vphndOn ouV iiistHtu/oos; I assertj that it would ticak derwit bur own Union into separate commu* desirny our Nationality.* . * , " ft a warning cannot pass unheeded.' ; : ’■'fth Mr.Pomseit, coming from one who '■ Wi.mshy.years in demonstrate * V* the poGcv narsued (towards >lexr • ; this cooiM from the’ Democratic side o« . j 018 «pMlry, ( though word* of and wisdom ■ • earaof tlioae who now adminia-. idpariheOflWtmii»nt.-...r;;-;: ! ; « »t Slavs case. J i.‘ : * '-t. '• \ ; A Bifl was reported from tbe Hottso Committee ' ,ott Military Affairs, this. morningi by Mr.- Burt, of the • 1 e f semceS were ’ .iinpd by hoe of of the Anpjrduring the ■ '.fijori’da ' .The Slate, made! his'eirape to. the jrapepij;, ar.was taken prisoner them.,. Being ns* , _:■ person upon the restoration y Tf Q&ea* sent hua with the rest of the h'ladiua.vest of tlm>Csat»aippi rarer; mad theown en have {hade claim upon the j Government lor . ' rfVfuffVsloe the TbA nm, it appears, . Wnaistod-ia Ctatnnrinee bftbe Whole, though ». “ f , hi ! ‘ Jbti. msda'fln eisbdrnte trillion, ift wbich ; the eonsiitutipnal question of Slave, j - iy.Wfft' fikwilw|, views upon the | t; ,v.'Jfeikia*r mah, : ~-apd that Con* • recogalre' tbe idea of property- Tbl» branch of the subject is argued,— 'other grounds 'At hkvj^g fl 9, oyit wwraating remmneraiion. It >• -. Qna cxample in the history of .-. in which Congreas has paid fcr a t ; V' 4 Slave, and ataft aa recent as the 2Sth Congress, and ¥ • this the result of an aecidenL * "? ;, C oikbo.v—the' wiiiror raoviso. H tir Indians, reported a bill,establish*: ajT«ritorial Government over the Oregon ter • ** syompanied bythe Anti-Slavery Pn> ■C' .■.'■.'’■fa before incorporated into the House proceed -ings, and in the bdl which was strangled in the v thatast session of Congress. A brief po ■ Sodtllerii voles and under Southern in* ;'TV bill —«a. xiux , . r mado^a iodepen* ■ t'dMt.anßMbi and in.bis Argument held that the to be influenced by U»,divided *!«oto»*tain war, aadil was true there were gTeat ‘ i dtvistoas. itaay regarded lb» war as one of ex i- «a,ptad rapacity; and other* were talking about ne « oor bibod, of manUest destb ■' ‘^ r «nd'he'ihardly liiew' wbst’clse. As for the ■ j expressed opinions bad. aU' he wished in p^^fTiyb* - ia the provinces we held. Cat ' fibnliar were enough,.and,;more Aqd. - C ; MilSfles»dtocatedibe Peaccpolicy asAbctroo Jeffry rf. kwr Qovtemiaeatygnd ritod the high ex tto eWy lay** ttantar. to show that cijital r aii • l 2gei; ’Wecould. by wr own wrengtb, and upon malm Pcace at once. We! tWdL'lharßoundwy'vhfchiWO claimed, the Bio . • Osaada,- and we: bad.'iadeatany -and more than in* in tbiapotoeaiion of California New * : * lissioo. Tbnb 'protlifoea brought us largely in safor faeeurityfcrthd fit* i fm^*-avatf-Teis*;a’ single Slate;and a wcakterri *tofy',hmlndttbba^>tordemaflding'thailwhea flght -1 tog injta'ldojied igauitf^Mexico, and surely it was not uuceiisTj for ns.to seek for security against ' - 'sdcha ltaople.' As for. Califormai>Wwas al‘lhisf ; '’jpoiMno ; capßUe of flefooding herself .’New Mex ieo iWaa top** to is ibe bmilityof • • knew what to expect.., We oouU ’ !®4ncia<*rAHßytoflflaentboimndmentnilmaia . ; /xalaonr.pomesrio**- 1 • ,V;'L A war was tobe'continued hyourGovirn -1 y y was again said thstft would be a'war upon' _ l oil of Mexico, be 'hoped this naiioa Jm2qs crn^*" 1 ' mal«*wmr upon'nooi»mbat-: - trtiiha&bdatTyofMexico ; :it was said,tW *4‘ tft wii'eA'ln.rme,inp^p^ihpOTirni jl- «SS»saS‘a[iatbg ya.«nu*°« u»;| : -.gSs^SKSS^ & ss: at lie where they fell, at Gov. Shunk says* to have tlwir requiem sung by the winds, as it poss et through the long grass over their graves. ■ Mr. Polk and tbo party so fierce for the whole or none, knew very well that in a war with England, the iron, timber, hemp and-powder, would be used to a large extent, and.that! it would not be a ques tion of subjugation, nor absorption, nor wvuld it be a mission to evangelize the world. It was none of tliose, but a rough and tumble fight with a hurley fellow, whom we could hit smartly, and who would hit us in return. As the contest would have been a naval one to agreal extent, let us see' bowoarNary comperes with that of Great Britain* and for tboTpurpore we make the following list: smrs in coMiiisuirt— manitaut 1, ISIS. t’nited States. Great Britain Ships of the Liuc,... Frigate? and Rasee... Steam Frigates..«... Sloops of War...... Steam Sloops Brigs >... Packets, etc Small Steamers...... Store Ships. 5ch00ner5.......... Ordnance Transport. .12 *»l ..0 91 sum its oziunakt ato m'tLDrua. 1 . , ' Ordinary. Building. Ships of the Line 1 •*> Frigates .."..8 2 SloopsofWar..*.. .10 Steamer* \ 2 , 5 Here, then, we have a total of ships, good, bad aud indifferent, amounting to 09, ugainst 243 sets, in commissicti in England, to say nothing oj* four hundred and ttrenty-eight other vessels, front one hundred and fifty guns downward, besides the commercial steam marine which England has fostered and fed upon our mails, while our Govern, mentbas tnraed a deaf cor to tbo wants of our gallant' Navy. Let us see the extent of the sea . going ships that could crons the Atlantic to alt nek Us, for in addition to the above, it must be re mem. bered that the. vessels of the various Meant navi gation companies—those of the Cunard line, those of the Peninsular and Oriental Company, the West India packets, the boats of the General Stcatu Nav igation Company, and others are under contract to surrender their ships for the, public service at any moment when required to do so by the govern ment. i Ships. • • Tonn. Canard Line, .....11 ISOO Oriental .......127 IOOd Besides these ships that would come to attack us, Great Britain can put guns enough afloat to watch , all the ship* we cobid send there. Util enough of the us see bow the lloyal Nary is manned 'Thb.number.nf officers and seamen actually em ployed on the Ist of January. ISIS, was: Officers of various grades, (including 403 midshipmen, 325 Naval cadets, •- nnd 211- EogpneerxJ 4,489 Petty Officers, 6,818 •Able and ordinary seamen, landsmen, and boys, (including iCroomen, Chi nese, Cooties, dec. J 10,219 In addition, the packets employ Sl3 officers aud seamen; the surveying vessels, 1.71 C; and the troop and store ships, 383; to which add, marines, 10,500: boys, 2000; and the coast guard,l captain, iScom- . raanders, 2C3 lieutenant*,: and 10 mates. TheAraencan navy hasu*»wirjservice not more than one-third of this number, nor doe* thennia’ ber seem likely to increase. Hadlbe country been forced into n warwith England, oar galliot utvy 'wrald have bed ftin nnrrjual ml ilirrrr ojooa>t^4 > witikl The .contest would have’been,' .which navy could do the mint harm to the com*, meccc and cilics-of its opponent.. The'stars'aud atripctwoald have isrim honored in every conflict bat would we not havo bad reason to (bar the result. Not from a lack of valor bo the part of our hardy tars, but from tbe-immense preponderance of men aad metal over ohr own.! John Bull does not run like tfCfcniaman or a Mexican, but stands up to t!*e work and is only! beaten by hard' knocks, i Mr. Polk knew this well enough, aud took bis resolu tion accordingly, tile sneaked out of his whole or nano-claim to which our title was complete, as he said, and took what England ofiered. Had he stopped there all would have been well enough, bat no, the blood ot a cowardly executive was np fora fightfendbeinvadedacontitrythatat the commence meat of the wnr did not hive a ship that could bear her flag from Vera Crux to London, without stopp ing at Havana, Bermuda; and Halifax, at route to refit {He attacked an enemy whose army we have jputed at appoints and at immense cost, and really-have stayed our hands only because there are no Mexican forces in the field that require the efforts of anything beyond a corporal's guard. The might ofl?ngiadd roide tbo President acqui escent nnd the weakness of Mexioo alone caused him to commence'it* conquest Such arc the reas ons th&t made Mr. Polk supple towards England, and so peremptory with : Mexico. Had Mexico been ebie to compete with us iu an appeal to arms upon as good n toting os England, she would hare found the President and his party as ready to accept their fir*t offer, hail it been a tine far east of theltio Grande. Our soldiers and sailors hay* woo all tbo laurels, and the projectors of this war, have for their share the shame uTaneakiog out of an equal contest io attack an enemy,; our-inferior in every point mental as well as physical. f • New* »t>zne SaKoHl-Asns.—The Now York MattofThorsdayj has rioftomo to hand. The fol lowing dispatch give* ail the news we *ce> New Vonx,- February 10, 5 F. - Having examined - the 1 Euglisli pa;ien received by the Sarah Sands, I abstract the followinO addi tional intelligoncej ‘ ! : ' There was less btioyaucy in the Commercial world, owing probably, to tbe newa from Ameri ca ondthe .eontiiuiAl, .but there-wo* reason to regard tl« ilullawui prevailing a* otherwise than’ temporary. There had been a few additional taiti tires at Frankfort.; New* from tlie.Cope of Good Hope, bad been received to the 15th of November. The Kafir war was proceeding favorably. The native* had been defeated by 001. Somerset. The Hampton controversy had got into tlw Coart , of Queen’s Bench. At Moocbciicr; on the 20ih nil, the general aspect of affairs in the Cotton trade wasunfavore blc, and decidedly retrograding. Tatlok Mtrnio a r HAanrsncxoa.—A large and enthusiastic meeting of the friend* and advocate* of Gen. Taylor fbtflbc Presidency, irrespective of party, was held at Harmbuigh, (Fa.) on Monday, the Horn-Judge Bucher presiding. Judge Bucher, Gen. F. Sken Smith and Cnpti Partridge delivered addresses. A commiuee was appointed to desig nate delegates to the People’s Convention on the 22d iostant, and report to a futnre meeting. Di’U-vxss of the Coal Tkadk.—Tlio coal trade languishes, and bittiness in PotttviUe, Pa. as well as the other villages in the Schuylkill district*,;!* unusually dull, while labor find* nodemand-at any —From the languor in the iron trade and tlw general retrenchment, it i* not expected ihdt tbe market will, this year; require Bay-increased quan tity of coal over lairtyearV tonnage. •' The Western Texas Conference of the Melho dist Episcopal Church, South, adjourned un the 3d of January. The Conference was held at Cedar Creek, and presided over- by Bishop Capers. The increase; of members duriug the past year waa 063—whites 091; colored 270. The Eurtem Texas Conference was held at Sun Augustine. The increase! of membership wits 391. -A VaUmcle Reus— Among the personal ef feels of llm fete John Cook and William Wallace Cook, to be aotd is ooe which is of |secullar inter est, . It tt a minaltire likeness of Beojamino West, enclosed in a silver locket, which ho* the iuscrip thm: “Benjamin’ West, aged cigliteen. painted by himself in Urn year 1745, und presented to Miss Steele of Fhlladelpb ia. n —A ort/« American. > 'Axotiieb Heav'T Failuxe.— Tho failure 'of a,' large iron firm in 'Worcester -wss 'nhnounced Jn thiscHy yestetdayi Thf* : failure is ’ mid ;lo have; been precipitated by a failure in'Broad street, in ; thi* city, on whose notes tlie Worcester firm were! endorsers to the amount of S25,WJO.— Tra vd j'tnqrnNCi Bt^l’izai l ‘especiallyAire>gfl,xs: at a veryJuw elfo in this' city at the - present time.; TivEarop^vniy'mtie^KtfftltiWtfeoingWari. The t°e packet ship » udungton Imog,l -for Lioerpool, has been postponed to the I2tii fast Her freight list is unusually, small.—BmtaH 2Yk^ fer* -:-K .C:'iT -V''. f havp tkii pew amusement in* flictedJupoa.lt awoe idem of the/impression given to'eniudiettce may not be inappropriate. Aeon-' retpuudeut ofthe'llalumore' Sun, writing from’ Washington, **ya>— - - . The only .time J visited these model artistes, (any lnrt.modeU of t|ie forat_di»we, by the byj was m the earlier part of the week. The room • waa lolesably full: there woe mien of all conditions ?and ages, and laaics, too, whoiiad been inveigled there by the mjsrepreaentatiDns of certiin presses, which, instead, of-acting thepart of guardians of public morals have imperceptibly become aider* and. abettors in tho cause of demoralization. There sot a grave Senator with his wifef and suter—yoa der a distinguished public functionary Iwilh his belterhaUj a lady, somewhat distinguished lor un flinching rigidity ofmorakTand saturnine disposi tion— around them might bo seen a fair sprinkling of Venerable matrons and unsuspecting young la dies, all-anxious for this remarkable moral exhibi tion to commence. By - and by, the curtain is drawn aside, and an indifferently formed woman, stuffed and padded accordingto the most approved rules, stands before them—a faulty impersonation of Power’s “Greek Slarb." A thousand indeco rious comments are immediately buzzed around— the welkin rings with shorita ofapplousc and'encore; a perfect furor of excitement prevail with the crowd . of men, and tile ladies, doomed to have their mod esty shocked not only through their organs of vis ion, bat of hearing, pull down their veils, and ait pondering over the cruel refinements of the I9lb century. U is vain and idle for the sophist to say that these lascivious exhibitions can be witnessed with the same purity of thought ih?i one would exam ine a sculptured work of art Those who reason thus are either entirely uhucquainled with human nature, or purposely seek to misguido the unwary for the gratification of their owu brutal passions. For evcry stoic who can gnze at these iaceceatfu Ueaux with unshaken, un seduced'*—there are hundreds Who willlie carried away 9nto the regions of impure thought and lib idinous fancy. Another writer remarks that n calculation of a certain degree of moral abasement in the public. mind induced the introduction of the first set of Irartists,* 1 and it seems these impudent outragera of decency suppose the moral sentiment to have now sutficientiy relaxed to tolerate a further step. . Thin.onwnrd step has been taken, as we notice, • by n New York letter, which says:—‘■The ‘model artist* fever has got to such a pitch in our city that there are half a dozen ‘mites’ of the kind at work every night; and it is given out, that to-night one of. them discard* any thing in the shape of covering. A word as to the origin of tlun exhibition which has so delmsed the morals of. the public. The first we. hear of it, was at Farit, that hot-bed of vice. Debased ns are tbo tastes of Paris, the public had to be trained to bear tbe immodest sights, offered in the model artists. From France the. mania spread ta England, bat there tbo tone of public opinion was tooipurc to allow them a long season, and a change wis made to New'York, the .Paris of America, forlicentiousncss. Not that New Y an early and hoopraUe terai nation. ' T 17iat the present war with Mexico might hake been avoided by n more careful apd' forbearing course-of policy on the part of our National Rulej*. Mr. Sanderson moved to amend the motion by striking out and inserting the following. . : •-{ - “Tliat the cause of humanity, os well as tue best interests of tbe United State* and of Mexico, alike' deranud that tbe existing war hetwqea 'these two UepubUcs.be brought to.an eariy and honoraae termination;, and that it is the duty, rii it ought to be tlie desire of the President ofthe United Slatdr, so to effect this humane and desirable object, j Mr. Mamie, tw common content, prearoted tie fiillowing amendment with tho view uf bringiogfit liefore the Senate. , ; 1 '; | “Resolved. Thai our Senators and Represenm lives in Congress bo required Jo vote against afy measure whatever by whieh Territory will sccree to the Union, tiniest as a part of the'fudamenpir law upon which nay compactor treaty for this pqr 'pose is based, slavery or involuntary servitude, cx ceolfor crime, Mhall lie Circver prohibited. i Tbat, however muchJtis to be regretted that tie war with Mexico was commenced, yet the maty offer*on the part of the United State% invilingtlait government id enter into, negutiutiois for the for* mat ign «Ta treaty of just *aaeriand road. . : 1 i On leave, Mr. Morton moved logoinlriqpittide*-; tionof a supplement to the act incorporating tic Pennsylvania lUUroad, pftssed through Committee i of the Wliole. ;' ‘ ' 1 Szsatx-—Mr. Danisfe a hill to incorporate. ti| Atlantic und Ohio Telegraph Company, and a tt ther supplement to the penal lowa of this Comma wealth. Mr. Benner, n bill to incorporate (he Plul delphi* and Atlantic Steam Naigation Company.- The re*olutions reloti ve to the War \r|tli Mexil cume uu m order, and were then postponed ms uext Wednesday. j . Tho bill for abolitton of Capital*punishment wis on motion of Mr. Sanderson, taken tip and tiaaadd thrqhgh committee of the. whole! . • f LacxruiT Fi:u*ace.~ This property, with alack, tHiihling*, advertised for sale by the aberiff fcf Westmoreland county was ofiered at Greensbundj, on Tuesday. There wa* abont five thouaaad lan hid for it, wlienthe Sheriff poslponed the sol; Tlie i* situated hear.. BlairsviUe, o a the Fenttsylvaoia Cana). : » Tax. Texxobafuic Burnt)**.—R fe welt known that words are used for phrases, to- save telegtfc plucexpenses. In one of the «y«edu the wofd’ “dead’; uxenn* ‘’oppeared • in Ids seat today offer £tt recent illness."; This aucoonU ferthe (kite in. telligence of tbe death of the Hon. John Devi*, la tius despatch, was wrrtlcn “John Deyttr deed- , *Y- Ifottkßenton. j j*-j, 4 - : k -i : Mtyor Hobbie, it is said' wttbes to introduce 1 Eogiisb rale relative to goveratnent -irrla-,'tl . : -gt ; f : pdwjßjigffi t ' if®!! f W«mm« ■ j Serchel B. Johnston .has beea appointed by tbo Governor oC Georgia, Senator in the place of Mr Golquitt, resigned. w ’ The Supreme Court Room wasdeosetycrowded today to hear hlr. Clay speak on a case of great importance. -Mr. Clay was looking very well, his voice wi admirable—clear and musieal/and the audienc heard him with breathless attention. ! A man was arrested and token before AJderman Steele, Independant Police oflicer, on the chatg* of passing counterfeit money,! hi had succcodcdra putting some oflj-qn a clothier Jn liberty street— We uedeistuid the money was given kina by a Mr. HalthoasO to pas* (Mr.iHalllumse) not-sup posing it to be spurious. The man was held to bailin-thesumof $3OO. ' ; The money was of the denomination 'of 10s Northern Eank Kentucky badly executed. Hutabx’s thx Hciaos Kitoil— This exhibition opens tonight: at Philo Hall, at Will be noticed by our advertisieg columns. Tbe encomiums bestowed by the preiu of. Ciucianfcti, have been very liberal, and a visit to New Yoc l ' can be mode-in imagiaationj We doubt not, sali*’ fectorily nnd pleasantly by a visit to Ihe Panorama. . Font Pitt lnox Woaxs. —We havo • received an invitation to attend a supper to be given by tb* mechanics of those famous works to the proprie ties. on_Wednesday evening.- These meats are- high compliments to the owners of works, showing that the proprietors have not only Uie labor of their men. but also what is quite as es sential, tbelr good wflh ' *- Anxnr.—Wc understand a man named- Jooab Davis, ha* lieen arrested, charged with tbe murder committed in Lower &L> Clair-ToWuship, a, few days since. A.Load Lire Paoinsro.—A correspondent of the Jefferson Inquirer mys Mr. Buchanan will live to be President of the United States. If so, it will be very many yeara'hcocc, judging from the mun ber of -his Locofbeo rivals. Ixuxou Ca*al_—The Chicago Jooraal Mates that the canal will be navigable in . the spring, be fore the lakes are, from Buflalo. . Aixaim Kklly, Esq, was, on Thursday, elected President of the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincfu naii Railroad Company. '" iIiJIAirISETH) TEIiEfcrKAPH. Cormpsadms sf Piltibarih Gantts. Exclusive Correspondsnce of ths' PitUbargh CszeUe PHILADELPHIA. MARKET. PmtxSExrsiA, Feb. 12, 0, r. u. Flock—l hear of limited transactions today at $5.7535,81. .The. market at the close woa dulL .. Gjuis—The market for Corn and Cals is dulL— Prime' Yellow Cora is selling at 5Gc bu. Sales of prime White Wheat at 130, and of prune Red at 125 c, dull,—Sales of O*u at 40c bu. Gbockwss—Sales of N. O. Sugar at 4 \ for frur and tic tor choice.' Sales of N.O. Molo»*esot27Jc . Lagua>Ta Coffee isTaeUing at 7}, and Rio at 11c p ft. • 1 • t Pzovrsioss—Sales of western Prime pork $S p bbL Sales of Lard at 7437 J p ft. Sato are only for the supply of the regular trade demiind. Cottov—-Nothing doing excepting to qunsere.! Ex el outs CaricaUoad*are uf.ihQ Pilisnaxgk Gtziras, • • « t - ~ - ''- , Feh. i l2 ? 3f..b, j FLorK—Tbe Taarkei ir steady but not active.- Modenle salmi of H.'S.'btsnd* at S3,C2J per! bbL«~ City Mills i. helJ at whicti figure poreha rts are not disposed to tote hold. > j Gkajk—Liiwifeifsalca tifPriiuo White Wheat St ISOujISIc per bu. _Sales -oTPrimc White Cora i 50c, andoflrime Vellow at S2c per bit.- -Mode ate salcscfOatoat42£»Hc-tE bo. Rye is quote at 73c Fhu. i , C.zocsxixs—Sales of N O Sugar at ft. N O Molasses is selling nt'2"c per galL Rio CoP 'fee 71c; Laguayra at 7c fth . WmsxgY—fiales areelfected at,2oc y gall. • , Bar Cattix—Regulsr Sales occur nt;s2,7si|» 10!) un the hoof - Kiuxo Hons—Sales of 467 bead at ptir 100. - .i - ' Bacos—Sales of Shoulders at BltSCi per lh.. Correw—-The Market is very quiet and nothing ta doing. * : r i Clotts Sra>—Moderate sales at $1,37( ,i«xr bu. , . ' Coax hlzALp—Sales at per W. Rim Fu»t*a—Moderate sales are eflected at $4,- 12l3i,tSlci>hW. ExefasiTe Cortearondeuee of ihs PitUboigh Gazetlc. NEW YORK MARKET. ' - New York, Feh. 12,3 P. M Fwihl—A firmer feeliagis manifested id the mar ket. with moderate sale* at SO. GxAtn—Tbe market tt active but. without any changes in prices. ISiovtjiojer—Fork is unchanged, though the) market is less.firm. Lard is held atfilcbullhetr uf no solus at a higher rate than Sc ft. HcuFis quiet; Lead tt unchangwl; and Tobaceo inanimate. r - , ’ Deaixos are holding off for the foreign newa the market is in a dull state.'j Correipondettre of the PltUlmrch G'azette. CINCINNATI -tyARKET. Cwcwitin, Feb. 12; C, f. jt Flour.— The market u very qukt,;ud the tea deocr downward. Selea of 200 bbU at $4 p bbl, which ii • decline from last otjotntiotu. Coos—Prime White is adling at 2S£2?3oc V bu. Oats—Saki otSO.aSfcc pbu. WHEA’re-Salea Prime Red at 85c ? bu. Gxoctxto—The Sugar market 14 active, with, ■ales of 140 hhds New Orleans at 4j0&!, for com mon to Prime, We quote tales of lit IUo at 7|c pB. Sales of New Orleans Molasses 24Jc ?gaL Haoox.—Sales of llama at Sic + fc. . lutD—Moderate sain in bUa at stc fr fit. : Tatum’—We quote 8c as'the asking prices,' vriltoot sales. , HT’To Stiamxut -Bln akd Onms.—Connell’S Mmgteal Pain Extractor—lt is now conceded by medi cal men that Connell's Magical Pain Extractor. manu factured by Comstack.fe Co, 21 Cotmland :*. N V, is tits greatest wonder of the l(hh Century, lts'effeetiare truly'miraculous. All paias am removed frombarns, scold*, Ac 7 add oil external' torts, bi a few minutes al ter its application; heating the agßut-on themost deli cate akin, leaviuff no scar.) Iris eqoalty beneficial in all kinds of inflammatory diseases, such as sore Nip ples and Eyes, Sprains, Rheumatism, While Swelling and Unities,'nurns. Chilblains, Erysipelas, Biles, Tie Doloresux,«fec. We might add as proof to all wo say, fte names of many eminent physicians who use it in their practice, and hundredaof the clergy who K* ) it to their people. Kind parent keep it constantly on incases of accident by fire, life maybe loti with out it, bnt by its tue all burns are subject to tie eoatiol, nnleas the -ritals are destroyed. Caution— Remember and ask for Connell's Magical factored by Comstock fe Co. N Y, and no other. Sold by WBL JACKSON, Agent for Pittsburgh, 69 Liberty si-, head of Wood. novASdfewOmT •ny Use tbs Pxorxx Mxax*.—lf yon wnh 10 be suc cessful in any undertaking, you must always ‘use the proper mesa*.’ Iherefora. if you have .a cough, tue JaiXt'a ExrxcToaairT and bo cured, for it ia the proper means. Have you Asthma or dUueulty of breathing, then the only efficient means 10 is to use Jayne’s Expectorant, which will immediately overcome the spasm whieh contracts the diameter or the tabes, and loosens and brings up ihe mucus whieh clogs them m, abdtbus removes every obstruction to a free ja,pi ration, while at the tamo time all inflammation is sub dacd, arid a cure is certain to bo e flee ted. Have you' llrouehlli*, Spilling of Blood. Pleurisy, or-in fact any putnmnAfT Affection, then use Jayne's Expectorant and relict Is certain.,sad you will find that you have used the proper means. For sale in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 4th street near Wood. l»al7 in- Roes your hair lari otf, docf your hair tarn gray Is it harsh, is it dry, or dirty, I prey! - iPtis thus, you can make it soil, atlky ami fine, park and healthy, nnd beauteous ms this hair of mine And to have tint, you have' buQhrce shitting* to give For a bottle of Janes’ llairßeslorttWe. Iteader. if you have bad hair you would really be as tonished at the lovely effect a three shilling bottle of Jons s’ Coral Hair Kesiarativo has on 15 it needs but one trial. Sold as ta Liberty tl. . novlgdfewly RT” Don’t havo a Foul Breath—lf you have, use-* Iwoshilling bottle of Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste. That will make your breath sweet, whiten your teeth, kc+— Sold at« Liberty st. uovlOdfewly fn a> ’Ladiea who use Jones’ Spanish Lily White,have always * fin® White- transparent akin, (if this a trial will satisfy any one. Sold only in Pittsburgh, at fe> liberty st. ■'• : t»yi»dandwly • rrrTo TICK Halt axn Lamx^-Comstock’s Nerve and Bom Liniment and Indian Vegetable Hixir, is th* most effectual cure far Rheumatism. Said by JVM. JACK ON Agautfor Pittsburgh. ’ novlSdfewdmT tm Don’t' have yeQnw' dark. lVeth—they'cin'.ba made pearly whita by one time using h .box ©T Jones’. ny'Pn-vs Boxes, fee.—'rite Genuine llaya’ linimcnti isau article more jus(ly : celebrated as a cure far the ■Lave than any or all others. lla cures are almost i&f Snaxndde. Sold by WM, JACKSON, for Put? Ty;r- ~ f f'Ta.SteubeariDe, o» thr&h fcifiauk**, Rdr.XoteTt Andrews. UicNixct AiWiALor, of that pUcd JoXr. Zs*OjKi Kresty, of Pituta-gh. . .u'-••_'--1 '•«- On Saturday evening the l-jh iustanl, Hobekt, oldest ' child of Junes and Sank Lemon. aged IS years. 'a.!' - • Tbeianeral will take place this morning at 10 o’clock Jmn .the parents residence on the Fourth street rood » short distance beyoud the colony, The friends of the 'fcnuly.nre Inviicd to attend. •" ' • - • | •• • ATBEViKOa/ • ; : ! C./. Bsnß,—' Stage Manager. £7" la'consequence of. the iiiamphant success of Barney AVUUams, he has been re-engaged for #ro nigha only. ■•'• • | This evening, February 12th, will bo presented the Comedy of ' . j■. •THE IRISH Pi )ST. ! : Terrance O’Grady Barney Williams. After which the laughable Farce of the OMNIBUS Pat Rooney - Barney Williams. To eoncltide with the laughable Farce of ■. j . , CONTENTMENT, to. RICHER. ; Christopher Strop r r Me. Saunders. County CobtobMob. 1 AT a meeting of the County Committee of Corres pondence held at McMaster*’ hotel in Pittsburgh, on the 2M January. IE4B, the following call was agreed upou: That the whig, ■ini Autimasouie voters of.ihe several Wards, Boroughs and Townships of Allegheny eooutr are invited to meet at their usual placesat hold ing primary meetings, within said'districts, on Batnr dny tbe-gsih'* February-next, to appomi delegates to meet in Cdunty- Convention at 'the Court- House in Pittsburgh, on the succeeding Wednesday, to appoint delegates 'to the Slate Contention to be hclaat Ifarrts burgn to nominaie a Canal Commissioner, Senatorial Electors and Senatorial delegates to ibe NntlonalgGoD veutiou. The said eonmy convention will nleo appoint a delegate from this district to the Whig National CXm* ventuMi and an elector for this district upon the elate electoral Ticket. * . i TTie primary meetings In all the Townships except Pitt, will be held at It o'clock, r. and in the Wards and Uo roughs including Pitt, at 7 o'clork, P. X. of said day. . ,;. DANL. McCURDV, Chairman! . K. Pstjixa, jec'y pro, tem, , ... S*'& i Pitt Machine Works and Foundry* [ * * • ' HfTMVSfiU, M. \ | JOHN WRIGHT A Ca/areprepared to build Colton and Woollen Machinery of every description. «»cn ns Cordiiir Machines, Bpiunuir Frame*, .Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers,'Spool era. Dressing Frames, Loons, Card Grinders, fce. Wrought Iran Shading tamed; all sixes of Cast Iron, Pttllle* had Hangers of the latest patterns. slide nml hand lAlhbs, and -tools of nil kind*. ..Casting ofcrery description furnished on short notice.. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing. Iron Railing, &c. Htcara Pipe for heating Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Castings generally. Orders led at the Warehouse of J. Palmer fc Co., liberty street, will have prompt attention. ■ 'I .. Be let to Uluckstock, licll 1 C 0..; J K .Moorhead'A; Coc O E Warner; John Irwin h. Sons, Pittsburgh; 1J C ft J H Warner. Steubenville. jan!9_ HtmoTsl. William Douglas, loir James McKain. The Jjm ul)Knb«r ha* removed Iris Hot and Cap Manu ®*wifaciory w H 0.77 Wood street, nearly nppodtehw oht stand, where he would invite his irinuls nnd'ihe pnidin generally 10 an assortment of linn and Cap.*, which tor beauty aud durability cannot he surpassed. I - WM-- DOUULASS, -.7 Wood si. Having retired from the Hal ttud Cap Manufactory, I must repcciiully receommend tbe-palrouage ofiny friends and the public generally in my successor, Wtn. Jcaglas; , (fcbt4fon) JAMF3 McKAIN. improved Sflrat.Xaehlse, j rpUE above riachines are now in use in almost every I Slate in the Uiiioa, and been tested by_ expe? nericed .Millers, from whom several hundred rerttSfdies might bn tfivciu but we dee mi I unnecessary. Believ ing that they will recommend themselves to all dittos* nl.to give them'a trial. Iking mode entirely of iron and elecl, will last 20 years. No obligation of purchase will be required before the trial of tlie Machine, Alt orders or Inquiries addressed to Jno ssheriiT4Ca.No- M First street, Pittsburgh. will receive prompt alien lion. [f«bl4w6m*T] f. It L -FAOCN' Steamboat for Sale. "a>“ tv Ouenixth, or thrrc-«ixtha of-the l fjL” iiiiuj steamboat Germantown, Ibr sale uu irfSlniSTuß accommodating terms by .SOBBB WM B SCAIFE, fetU4, •, , Fmt street near Wood. -Par-Beat or 8»lf> - 1 MA net*- two storied briek dwelling bouse with seven room* and large yard, pleasantly situated in the 9th ward. Apply to WM M SCAIPF. • fcbHUw - ' . ' 1«t itwi near wood. T ARD bids refined Wiuter, of the best I a quality, itxd rec'd and for sale by febj4 J SCHOO.VMAKKRA &x, 21 Wood st liriNTEß SPERM anted pare Wittier fy Whale OiL Blcschcdi for sale by ftfobU - • JSCIIOOSMAKER k Co. CASTOR OlL—SbldsjaV rec'd and for sale by J fcbi4 j scHtxiN. maker a do. WHITE LEAD—SSU kegs for sale by . • ' feb!4 FORSYTH & DUNCAN. SUGAR— 17bbls N O Sugar for'sale by kbit. ■ FORSYTH A-DUNCAN COPPERAS —10 bbla Copperas for talc by ! febll FORSYTH APUXCAN. COFFEE— iXU marks Rio Co five for sale by • I frb!4 POINDEXTER A Co. 41 Water st. CJHOTr-4a keys Shot, No*. 1, 2 and :t for sale by ! . o iVliljr . KHNPEXTKK Sc Co. BOPS— fit boles western N Y aud Coonertlcut bopi * for male by POIXDEXXFK A . Co. O OAP—4O boxes rosin Soap forasle by febfl4 .. POINDEXTER St Co. 1 -T7EATIIERS —27 socks prime Temu, to arrive by T? ctrj Lady Brron, for sale by. ISATAH-DICKEV 4 Co., j febl} i , • i • WaterandFront »U. ' . I ; ?2l>oxr»tlo do? - - teeSl jand BOBT OAWELL 4. : . tibttljr *lrrtC Tittn£-44 b&t»: smm . «o& ? peiM * fork Mor* u 4 jTfeg— U> McGILU BUHIIFiKP A HOB.! T)ATrCVC —SO by [~7 Jji'ibi?- '; •* M<=cnLL?m:sm-TCLDAKor. fpOfiACCO—Nol Y*TwisiJl. Wine; 13 cfi" casks Hast' Jjayicjncao. just received and for safe by • - -i febld • MIIJ.KR ARICKETSON. fllAß—2s bbls .Wilmisctou Tar just rec'dandforlsole j. by MILLER A KICKLTSnN; MUSCAT WIN B—t!3 boxes .Muscat Winejast rceSl attfj for tala by .MILLER A KICKETSON; BRANDY FRUIT—4 ease* Drandy Fruit junt fecM and for tale by MILLER A RICKKTK>Nj ’ CHI/OROFORM— 5 lbs just aacM and lor ante by folia II K SELLERS, 37 Wood »L TUST rac'd, 50 lb* Hyd.'Pdtaahj'for ttlebT' ‘ O lebia (Chrou. copy) J KlftP& fri. lARD-V-SO cuu of a superior quality, put up express? tif for family use, jut rcc’d amf for sale by ! . tebfo ! DROWN * CULBERTSON] - TinNCOW CLASS—4ooboxes 6 *10; IKboxeslO* ff 12; JOOboxns 10*14,for sale by . I folia B F VON BONNIIORST A Col BKOOMS-IOU dor for sole by j febl3 ■ 9 F VON BONNIIORST A Col PIG LEAD—I9O pigs for sale by I folia S KYON BONNHLKST A Col SCYTHE SNEATHS—2O dox for sale by j fcbl3 S F VON BONMIORsT A Co. WHITE FISII—3 bbls nrimo inspected for sale by febl» 8 F VON BONNHORST * Co) ' 7 bale* dew rotud Ky. Itemp, just received au4 for sale by BROWN * CULBERTSONI . tcbta : ' . 145 Liberty street. GLASS— 123 boxes B*lo W. fills*; 40 boxes 10*12 du;3iOJ>oxeilUKl4dp;for**leby | febli: i It ROBISON * Col SOLE LEATUUR-S2UO lbs red Sole Urnler foi l sale by*-: ■ ; {febli) R ROBISON ACbL. . CHEESE— 32 boxes Crama Cheese, large site, ric’d and for sale by \V A K ATCUTCHEON;. • febli . . _• 132 Liberty, street. SHOULDERS— l'iObO lbs Ptli«burgb smoked Shoul den on hand aud for sale by - i febli WAR M’CUTCHKONT HAMS —10,060 tbs Pittsburgh smoked Hails no Itand aid for sale by {fell) . W R M*CUTCHBQN.- CHEESE— 30 boxes W R Cheese for sale by l febil ■ . S F VON BONNHORST A Co. riYOBACCOES—OO boxes assorted Tohaccocs lorlsals JL by . S F VON BONNHORST A Co. SALjERATL'B— 4 casks for sale by febli S F "VON BONNHORST A Co. JUST received, SO lbs Trcclp. Caxb.lron, and for salt by llfbHl J KIDDACd. YARNISH-150 gals New York Varnish. for sale by jebU- (CUrtmlclacopy): •. t KIDD A.Co. DRY' PEACIIES—ISO bus Dry Peachcij 70 ji Dry Apples jnst received and for sale by . ‘ ' foil! S A W HARBAUGH, 30 Wood s!. Jtv end for sale by > _ fob 11 SAW HARBAUGH. \ 'COftCHINCiv—IO bbls Scorching* rcc’d per Caleb O Cope and for sale by febli S A W HARBAUGH. BDLK PORK—I9,OOO lbs Bulk Pork, bog rorntd] juit received ami for sale by febli SAW HARBAUGH. BACON-330 Haros; sot Sides; 059 Shoulders, city cured, in stor* andTSr sale by febli - SAW HARBAUGH. V VALENTINES—A splendid assortment Valentines, comic and sentimental, for sale by fehlO : JOHN H MKLLOR, fil Wood st. SUGAR AND RICE-7 bhds N O Sugar, IS tierces Rice landing from sir Colorado and tor sale by . feblO • JAMES DALZELL; OEGARS—\CUX) Kentucky Segars on ronsicnmenl. for sale by |icblU] GEO COCHRAN. F RAT HEIRS on consignment and for sale‘by feblO GBQ COCHRAN, Sd Wood st. lED CORDS—I(O dox Bed Cords for sale by » feblO ’ FORSYTH A DPSOAN. "VTAILS—34O krfft Juuista Nails for sale by lY feblO FORSYTH k DUNCAN; [OAP—ISO boxes Soap for sale by I fcblo__ FORSYTH A DUNCAN, lANDLES—IB bit Cin. mould Caudles for sale by > feblO' ■ FORSYTH A DUNCAN; HTTSBURGH CANDLES—3O boxes for sale by feblO FORSYTH A DUNCAN; SODA ASH—4O casks Soda Ash for male by . i' feblO FORSYTH A DUNCAN; iCORCHINGH—I3 casks Scorehlnn for sale by ) 'feblO FORSYTH A DUNCAN. GLASS— 300 boxes Window Glass, ass’d for talc Lv feblO FORSYTH A DUNCAN; ’ lUMBLERS—7O luxes Pressed Tumblers for sale hr . feblO FORSYTH A DUNCANJ f PAPER— 450 reams WrappimrPaper for side hr ' febiO • FTIRSYTH A DUNCAN; J^IANDLES—OO boxe* Cincinnau .Mould Candles per . \ V strNew England for safe low to closacoulcnment. .-ftbof,; .T*-- ; CARSON A iTKNIGfrrH LACK YYADDUtG—SOO dot juit r«’d sad foT^ by •. >. [feW] ’ BHACKLETT-A YYlIn'E T^LoOu—so bbls c'xtrft superfine Fbmily Flour for* X sale by [lebO] YVICK A MUYNDUati, TpOBACCO— iWbxaxupariotOsTobaceo for tale Jl kbl *, MVANDLESS^ D. DhttSsJduttt J£r Jl— . .......... A of Zktma&at jfrf*GtmlS ffist., On Tw*daT February Ifch at »ti o^lock.^-!*- *t {b« Cbmtaereul sift* Boom, corner of Vfood and ab streets, wilt be void without hf«Te M cwb inlouio suHporthasers. thh w b°js ,®f cr k. domwtif-Dry Good*, dataag«l'U<«nUf bf lrtil the nor* of Mr. June* Godin*, aapag wbtch arc rich bonnet naJCs.' gmnW'atti net, malL Swim and barred nuidint, shawls, silks, bodetyi fil*tea, floweT*,-i*- cT r "'hud; kS? Jt«P inner article*,be. JOHJ* SDAtIS,A«u., try-The sale will be continued from day to daynU alfusold. -:••-••= • - •****'• Ean-Salt ofGreemn, . l\ On Monday •ftemooo'U»« 14th the Commercial Sale* Boom,eOroet of Wood and filh streets, will be sold without wn*. toelow a cbncefu ’ 7 half chest* good tiaality Y. H. Tea, y ; 4 u ,«« .V . • . , ‘I ’. Black Tea; ~ . ' 10 boxes Virginia Tolinccoj . ■' ‘‘ • . 29 boxes Segars;’: • II dozen eoal au*t Devonshire shovels; 3 bbls Molasses, 1 bbl Beana; , ; '( 3 bbl* Bice. Stove* aid ripe, Ac. ■ . ; feblsl JOHN D, DAVIS, Aact t.\ . DrjrGooda.-,-- •> ■■ \ ,i On Monday morning, Feb’y 14th at-10 iLe,Commercial Sale* Boom,-cohier of Wood and {ah UreeUi will be *old, without reserve,.;..- . Au* extensive assortmaut ,of staple and fancy Dry Goods, Ac. At 3 o’clock, p.m. ‘ A- large quantity of groceries, eonfecticmary.glass ware, china cueensware, liquors, Virginia pianutaetar* ed tobacco, shovel*, bay and manure fork*,' matene*. band boxes, stoves. - Also a general assortment, «f household furintnre, aapenor tran-parent window blinds, mantel elocks, 8 day audttboarcloeks, Woki« gluues, carpeting,'fte: ' 1 " At 6J o’clock, p. m. • \ Boots, shoes, gumovershae*i smbrellas, readymade slothing, cold aiid silver watches, spy glasses,, tbecu* cles, combs, pocket knives, razors, knives and fens, ■bears, !«els*ors, braes and bits, German. fancy PRINTS ONLY 7 .; 44 ! :i: CEDAR BT., NEW YORKj LEE & BREWSTER j EtaMUfaed a warehowe in the'vear IBM, fin thejmir< pone of eopblyiiwthe Cily. Bod interior Trade wil* . PRINTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY,? ai : low price*—and etkibhiaf, ni *ll' nswiii' i - of the rear, the Largest - AuortnMnt Jo ' )- TiLE WORLD. I - ■niej* are now opeumtf.SevenU Hundred Package*, eotojinsinf every iw« uylo of Foreign and Domeeue proanetlon, . many of which bare ;ast bean parehaeed, and an offered for rtleior Cub and »hon credit-at-l PRICES REDUCED '■■.-l FKOM : : • ONE TO ETVE CENTS per raid below the price* of April-annJttajr, a* per printed Catalogue*, which an corrected daiiy.ldfwo uiformotioitoffHiYer*./ 5 ■ ; . , r, j~ ! ■ paiMT wAßßnarsE; > ; 4. New York, June, lfc>47. 5 ' Jy^dir.tl To tltM ItouoraiU the J udges ofthe Court rfGeneral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in e&i jbe' lhe Couuty of Allegheny.}: ■ . \;t I/U-'- TUB petition of Jaisea Cn»*aa A Sonof the ftee&d . Ward of tho ‘ciiy ofFiUabarib* fat the county aioreeaid, hninbly *hcwi»h that roar jfcjiGoitra hiib provided tßemaelrea witK nialerial* fat ilitiOQ of traTeterir jtnd oftiera, at thet? dwelliflf Ihjbm, iu the city and word afbfeeflld;' and ptAfu that. war honor* trill be pleaaed lo great them alletaee toMrp a Public llwuo of Eotertaunnent. 1 Ana Toot peofttD er.aarn duly,bounds will pray. j .. .■ ti ' *i: Wei the solitcribeni'ctfizeDi of-the ftfllfibfWaTll'Of the City; of PittsLuigb. f it' tiooera ore of good repute Torho«*t]T*MW®peranee, and aye well prodded with botuh roatnjjjfltonvenien ees for the'aeeotoomdbtibn and traveler!; and that uid tavern ia niabtlary. .< • Chambers M’Kibben,.' Ow. binger* • ; John Andersou, - . HcntTB+Mi>£nW|'; D. iu Miller, li. Wearer,;. j y j John TTiair. A. N. MepoweU, “ ' Win. Wuaorti Jus.-' .fm. Wlfwmi Jus«< GeorgeP.Stmtl£ 'i. Robert Rodger*, Jno’T. flluger, febll - Ktw Beelu ■nd F*rle JUST received at.M. A. Miner's, SmilhlUld jitreet, 3d door' from Sedoad. - ' --V' i 1 \ . i Wallace, the Utro of Scotland, by Gabnel Alexander, -superbly illastratcd. i ' Evangeline, by Longfellow!. i •.; > .'lTjc Abbey of Imusmoyle, by the author of‘‘Father ' Clement* .■.■•■■■■ T: - • The-Chairman & Speaker’s Guide, by Tboa Smith, &q. Tbe Ladies' Scieoea of Euiqoetw and Hand Book of . the ToOct, by an English Lady of Bank. L ‘ Etiquette and the usages ‘of Society; by Coubt AlEred DOnay. •' ; • Fowler's Phrenological Bust—priceSQeentt. •' J: Liviug AgeNolM; ?; .-2-- Brian Olunn, uesli supply. Godey'sLady's.Book.lor r Jen.andFeb n !fresbfapply. - A large and splendid assortment of Soar Books, com* . pruts? a new one entitled Punch’s Comic Songster. A rich and beautiful article of No|e Paper. i: : . Also a fresh lot of cheap priced Valentines, very hsod .sotoe and remarkably comic. - ■; . - febll Hsmmotb Palntihgi. ‘ > . ■ | UPSON’S great ihmbrmmaPf the: Hudson Bivor li vrill open torn short tuneat.Philo Hall, cotnmeo* cimj on Monday evening; Feb.llib, and coaunoe every evening during ibeWock, except; Saturday,- Tfcteim* mettse painting on oVer, IU,WV feet of caii'tn|S,'Jqprb* seats with wonderful ueeuracyeyerf city, landing from New York Bay to the month',of the -Mo* hawk River.. Frptn its Geographical and National im portance it is considered an extremely asofiil Vosaoftfor schools; over 0000 of which visited the, exhibition in. Cwehiunti. Schools admitted in bodies bn liberal tentu any nilemoon during the week, by applying to JOM.U MeJlot NuStWooastreet - •/ ' i j-r. -ii . . >i • Tickrth 95 cents; to be .haa at the Wononffabrl House. St. Charles', Exchange and MerehanTs libtc fa d BANKERS and Uenlcr*fcr Ciehanri, Chfarib Bank Note*,' Nd. Market street, nttsboiglbi ■ gellingßates. > Exchange.‘ .'BuyingEateC , NewYorfi, *pr Clnehinati, •, l ills':" ■Philadelphia, 1 no Louisville," I do Bslliroore, . • Ido fit. Louis,. >... Ido Buying Kales, BANKNOTES, Baying.Eatea. Ohio, It die Co. fc Scrip Orders, ifels t Indiana,. - “do Belief Note*, “doi Kentucky,. “ do Pcnnnrlrmata Cy. “do" Virginia, “do New York do w Ua|: do • Wheeling, i do ' New Orleans, “dot Tennessee,! . . 3dp. Maryland, ' febtth/ ? • ■ 1 . . ■ ?;■■■• • . Utxloa Cotton Milla. j7> Pnrsxcaon; Feb; 1, lssa J : OWING to altexaiibnsi and improvemeuu making at the Uuiou Mill, foe Proprietor* otfer for sale at low rates, soofo excellent Bevel wheel rearing and ahaAing,. cards and other second band tnaehmery, aU worthy at aiteniion.‘ -CaU and*we« or address ' < * -feb2±M4w AIOOUHEAD, COPELAND A CO . ifS BfX:ERrE&-130 bfor/ Rfo Coffee; 75 packSreiTY \JT IL Ten; IB do lnmcruil and Bltck Tea; 50 bbli No 3 Mackerel; 5 but* No I Herring;'s bbls S If Molasses; 10 bbls do Loaf Sugar? 35 bbl» : Yiaeg*r; 73 boxes 3s lump Tobacco; 30 keg* <5 twist do; 40 imxea i the Nectar Leaf A>;ls bogs Feppen sbbD Grtonfl Pepper; JUO'reams Wrapping- Papeit flO.do Writsuf Far per,forsaleby It ROIJISCiN : A j febli ; JH)Liberty atreeL* WRITING A YVRAPPJNG PAPER- . i AM reams ruled cap lair and fin* qualities, 1 , yoo-; “ . letter ... i 7 ; ■■ • “ ; . 3 i I .30 u ; dat cap,godd quality,; 200 “ blue factory psijier, ' < 50 “ teapaper, . • ' i fiU '■ 00 gross bounet boards. . j. 2.0 i» bundles straw.and rag wrapping.pipef. la store and which we offer to Ike city tradgki low pflecs. foM ‘ , ■: KBYNOLD6 A flligE. ' PRODUCE-130 bbU frril Family Plour, 10bpth-No 1 Lard; ‘J bbls Butler; 12 ken uo; S bbls Coin; 5 bbls Byei 5 bbUlleuns; just reo’a and for sal* by 1 . R ROBISON A Co, ;i • febli ■ itJO Liberty streeu QIL— .VJUI gals naturml-colored wister SpennfWO gnls blenched winter Whale; 800. gala low priced Wbme Oil, just Tec'd and for sale by ■, frblg . MILLER A mCKETSONv:.,; , A LCOHOlr—Warranted a/ proper atreafih Jbrrltat* (era oud Dnisgut* s , two always on- h*od ftadr tor •ale on accunuiuaaUkHLtemubT ' i'' - , W.tiMiUTGnEWUBE,^ % ■ frbl* - ,l. > t (" 1 XIASS’l t Al >^R^^>ecßMMl f4 vaniaandfijrsalebyv JAMES DAL2EI.iI: l'cbs * ; * * v uog4 waters!. I?LA)UB— 3® bbla BueJjannon’s extra fomity flourt ft ? superior article, juureceivedaad for sale by :) ! fobs : * ; R OAKFORD A Co. DRIED BEEF.—3OOO lbs sugar'cared dried be«£ in atom and lor sale by [fcSf R. OAKFORD k Co. CLOKIDE LIME, lOxatk*. q prime article forUale by-..- ■;/ .IfoMl » i J JODDfoCa.. MASON’S ULACKING.ISO ioi two for rale by ' tfefrft 1 . .JKIPD A-Co__ d ARRETTS SCOTCH SNUFF, 4»* Vf fc >l. _ JJ• |_J ;__T KIDDjk. Co, YiXViT'ViAt CORKS, 600 pros* for sale by si- r , feM, [Chronicle copyj -ij KIDD A Co. : BACON.— 0G0; pieces (Shoulders >utl rec’d. andffo sale by ' {fcblp IATWOOD, JONES A Op,- LARD.-5 kegs Urd for rale by 1 :• feb4 j . ATWOOD, JONES A Co. SOAP— 75 boxes Hyde's:common and fine So*PS for sale by . i J KIDD A, Coi: : SUUARjt— 10 hbd* prime NO sugar.; >i ■ 6 bbls iuaf: ' .** •?i : 0• ~ • chnislird ;'• f* In store and for sale by ' ' _ [t'rbTJ j 'O BLACKHURN A Ct>. ! PATENT BUinO-rrS^aiiloaTforraieLy" • feb7 ... ! O BLACKBURN * Co. , STARCH— 15 boxes of no 1. for sain by fob? : - O BLACKDURN k. Col HOPS— 15 b’nli-s : Western.' New .Ycrk 1 andTCrion! _R4WrHops,ja«tarri?iwnndlbrsaUby ' ‘t'/\ feba ■ DROWN k CULUKRTSON.* GOLDEN BYBUP-W' bait bbta Pur® Caoe J*foa Hy nip lor safo by BL'HJfIDOR WIiSCN TftTKW ORLEANS AIOLASSES-TOO U.U PWiit;,^ i>( Molasses for sole by ■ J. “T* febt) i t .. V.- ■ DUHBRIDGS, WILSON A Co » fob» -■ »i JOHN B PUAVQRTH, 87 Wotjdw. SUOXtW) UhW’N O ttogar’ lanAnjTfiwn sit New v Knglnudsudforial«by •- JOIINSTHLWORTIIP QOAP—7S boxes Cute burn tl Soap forsale br ' v;-v - . J_ j Tto bomb «yerjf:*n»«n4»T acitoMailOoMock, w*eU»* arcryThnndayeycalng»*• .’• ' The CLIPPER Ka*l^ ; CaoWf»>fl.fe^Ft°»; terrb every-Ftidsy monuag «10 W bmUb* . every Flidey CTealPt,*t;lo* *•; ; -;, ■; • . ) SATURDAY PACBUBT.. erexy SAUirdayeTenmy»tLOKM. o:.; The 13 AAc" NKWTWf^^S^ See^^WM***** .• Mav».lM7.- 1 : ?'•'•-* '-' ' ' —. BKAVEB PACKETSj—itEW^AKBANp^aiENTS. : . .f.‘-'' •• u*T*fe;B»»« r 'oi*jjpwr; •■* on Tnudny,.T*ttr*i*JV a“ «- p« r l«d« M.i« Ml; , . NoiVoMM . beaver ahb iviaiilviiiii i^krj TH I fin * «««ml^, | - - • iKff iKjjiAue eomtoff winter mum,'lMS* miff trip* to 'Vcra^lwTmTP^rrt.T*. rr moraine hi ft ifetode, «a< « 9tftk4x, f g*■ • okiubjon, hca, Agu. " WTTfBraOH * BBOWIWiLLI •■ ■ .<•.. ussiy.PA*k«t ZYI*t,;W9 LEAVBDAIUYA.TB A-iL f ASp.4P.JC • '—l--_ i. The follffwln* nnr boat* eeopwta ■ torfeiftLtOTp**> m »pply_oa.OcOT. —■- - • ■ . MjßgyCTW'Bum.mPteT,wfll lPtra iornobm ■nSEoMMaud-all intmneaUtß port* dar* and Swmdaff of ;JPorfr«ijtai» fa** JebiT , GEO B iiILTEXBEBGEg, A^t. . u .u¥oti:asaKSATi. r », ' ;;. M&zAMfBl 1 Gamlf, muter, will tear* a* ■BBSSSSBtbis'daj tt lOo'eloek.' Forfivcuor pamfc, apply oa boardl/ • • •- • . ■• 1 retail . PITTSBUKGH A/WHEELLNGPACKET. .. -l&eemil steamer | IftSS&foifla 4 Dmmt P Kinney, muter,~wiD linn ■CMBsSHKeeularty for ; wheeling, o& Monday, ;Wedne*Jay and Friday; at 10 o'clock precisely.-, ' I«ne YVbrelirijrertrry Tuesday, -Tharsdsyam Ba uiniiiy,efyo’eioek.Bta.pßciMlr. ' k ‘ ; -.The.Cotuai will land at all the uUermediiMLPenb—* Eyeryaceomodaiioa Uut cm© be ptocnted fautw Can uh safety of passengers baa Men provided , Ate bgat'ts *l«o prorated widi a aeitactiaf saietygwa t» prerent eipkntOM. Fdr freight or • punn •nH tm board or to >: V DAVID (JHEkBBTT** .. • MA ■ eonm of-lateral JMtTbliM#*.- > r - lFilnnrr foesaiwViwaiuno .BHKA39Mibriia£sy«Qa>ana mtcapcoitt* pbdts, tut Monday the la Cut. ■nrlTT ■ rf.^^EWTOxTom^. ! Hiller,'matter,-;iriU;tear* fix* fro .■BBSSHBabovaand all izilercaediata. pottaott Sunday, Ufe.Gtb last, at i o'clock, r jit Fpr 'pmAw - passagenpply ©aboardor to 'V'. '". .yrj fett •; GEOBMHJE!raEBGEa.'Af«ni HeK^POB^UZABETBrANS~fi^ONaAI£: ._ • ; LA CITY PACKET. • k." ,! Tlw ncwarcamer- - '-'t l ' 1 . . ‘’Despatch;'*•* patter,- 'wQt ton 'a* afeotr, ■-■■SMMneaTiitg •*** Mobdbr «B^clock t JU-IC.y-F« I2PS,*-- fct ccnKcai.ajro,. asi.rmnsrr waagowToia Mtaans '■RSESRB&333S* duuras Line goingEftstremzactiiigrrilb AdanaJtCoU Express dally, “• T ' Tkrongh-reoelpu wiD.M glen ttUoy of tU «bM» place a - Bferebandisd *lid v 6atfcitea'ofjjliT 'ss®r weight forwarded, • I MIW ■ ■ ■- gm»* to foal oTEdgeftaß v ruLbnrgh sad iraUnaapSiMDAnLMUM tttf ty Bobtaaoa. No Od South UtarlSarW ls 111 Ml awbarimd sgrat of.fois Lias in tbaEwtuactera.-. ~T 7 Tbsealy agtatsan - 1 ’■ o W CA*lß?#«braUß,- : r«i J- ?sBBsgaMSs3aa»i.-. 1 ■ ■ y »may THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS FRQXT PnitZrSTL ' - PIHA TO PITTSBURGH, BY Rnnnihg Day and Nl;htberweenPitttlfot«£uatStt*.' benbnnr, Sod bV-Rafliaad bijrWeon ; Philadelphia. ITia fim tiiipym ®ju Irsraftsra^^* on tkvrpaie. Umowißb« redoecdloFoarDbts«wra ■ tbs roads become settled. ..•>?.>. • yj;BUiT£lg,'AgenC'i At. thsi DrpoW~W -essisae ■f^sSj^sxsassee^- ■ _janA -- - <■{ - ■■■ ;> ■ ' A THAW.- • hakndkV * ct>, '• 'WWMfafai:* Mtotf fS HANfiDES 4*CO. continue to bridf PCMH --gfaVfoa taj.p*iior England irajßt&BcoSsadsr “■F 6 welej,* oponihi mow Überil ieriMj'wuh UMujtoQotulnv.and tbewshasod'eoib* “rtofeiamigntki*-W*rfb net allow tejrMa4ufers'f»> be robbed by ihn ■twftilimg ■>« thm • jgir portt, as we t&kdehsrge'or ihetfj ibs'cMßMbt IbeVio .porttheauc|rei I ,.ctt4 WeB-tdaji'anadifc »p«co tbem.oriuout tnjr deiemin '»® »»7 this fcirlesslj, a* w« defy.©oe of wujiltor ffentoihow that they were detained 4dbw» oyai.ja Liverpool, whilst thousands of oiben.we(e v ffirtabiaA months, until they eould b*jent in «auw ol4.eraA, pi £ .erSp rmte, which fto fitqnbstly pro i/A their'eoflumJ - 1 we intend to perform oureomrstts hdnombly, exit what it may, and not wisibeeasaUsiMaaOs.' with ether officers,—who either performed os a|k*j when it suited tUeir oourenkßce. . , • ••.;/; 71 lx ‘ Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any torn fax* Ato £lduu, payable atany ofttia proviaeitl Bnikakilr*- land, England. Scotland and wales. - ‘ ” "TT’ i : JOSHUA R0BIN8«f:- J- ' ; i Etropean and (fcueml Agent. * _febl , ■ ' Ftflivstreet, f#odearbotawAy^T' ': Occam Steam : Bmvin«lmm'CoaiS^^^* U. 8. MAIL LINE TO SOUTOAJd WSo.^SHPiag once >m«Sjiifal|sn - rxoac x» tcm*. * | Hannano, on the tfth hn im» ...» -,...• non vtxttx. ' Tha WASHINGTON, on tbo lftli Ff'bmarv taia/J The HKlUlANPiJctfceaHir^Bteelt' 1 J *!XiSrt£SSS3fgsSaS "SI . C. A.HtOkapJtCo. AgentsnlhwnM. 1 '- •-ftlljl■'*' jst _ IW«lim will;nit»-Uuotatbbotihi 'w*?’j*3££'il,s - iM»’VsrautaS,?SS»S£SSC r *~ 1 . '; Jfl Hoaorto?r ff * 1 •> * + : -vwwg ’ nU ST* JfKkTßaa coßntsd; (aruU fffl"^ .^sssssscss^