The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 14, 1848, Image 1

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    '%Tk OUHA3T?.
iiuu')u#T» s*i~jL pv.i >
PoiladelpWa- f ! ..y f ., J . w , : leather «afl litn i
•■.,•f Ccwbwwow-whl For
■JCSifml uerrw, wkletftk tai Retaili>rWre«tj,
Si p. YON BONNHORST, k Co.AVbotetafe Gw
• cer*. Porwonline and CoanuMion Merchant*.
Dealers in PitutanrfeJfunifutures and Western Pro
duce. Jurre remoTrii to Iheir net* warehouse, (oM stand)
J»a 3% comer of From Hand Chancery Lone, nor?
SAMUQ* M. KIEU, Fonrmrdlafr and Commission
Merchant, Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh manu
_ . factored articles. Canal 7th st. "dtR"
OtWXtSTOCir* and Befell- k BEST,'Wholesale Grocers and Comrnis
chHict AVood and ■' •" ' JL'sioit Merchant*, and dialers in Produce. No, 33
* ' ■ wpodstj Pituborgh. : • - apag
.... ft. VIIOWJ
,Ao3S¥'*>fSnTi'‘ n, ™‘ I «**’ GIS *° d
ianToofi«wet mp«t«rgfa.- •
. I. MgmTOBTt
* -< - ! — : t MCWTPJU
' -l^raSp^sEAVßi,»»2;”r**' l '*’' t “ iic “ f”
IWABU HS&ZUTTON, - WhoUtilß Ore«r,«.l
UW-SrSimoaii, «piuitox T ’
hwjfci. _l ■ ■ - :: ~ ~ J ?j?.TXZ—
t TiSiit ' ■' joaa oraiuta-,
... ssa naiul Pa. .; — v^—
Nd. 1 3T-W o°4 «-» ** f" 1 2et5^
; •i • ‘i l •'■"» *•* • • --• ' ■•■ _—
F - BLUME. i 'H4na lladnCKtam and deafer
• W»tfr>UTtU»b»>rt. Til
' ‘o*o. kaaoaa. ’’ •• • ~; worn***’™ I ****,
Gwbob nbiioAif
Oomminkw Jlatchaota; lOS^opdot,
Pttrttv Manaihctmaa. ■^ood»t T yiu*Ml»t-»
fc Co- Btewa**,
Hop*, Piu»surgh;a*d JMni Dt,w
Pmiaadgiuau. • • - ■ i _- : -••-•-•' WV.
•I *jS EOBGB COCHRAN, Com»l««h»and FofWfcag
\JT Merchant. No. BO Woodtrat, L
- T IKNBY WOODS, Briekmaker, MoaoiwibeUjWr-
Bgga&fesff"* * s ™xt
‘ ffanaO , Bara ■■• , . .
, , ~*•.• Try- i •■ - - - "»miT mullT.J*.-
I miuion Merchant*, and deafen in produce; £«. M
w»ier; mad 107 Fldnt atfeCU, Pitn\rdfrfc.__ 5212.
V, 'tAUES aTTietchiso.n', a “
' * tTliwnt l . k. Ga, Camnm«oft Mereluntit,
%A*nnur%ir£* e£Ttool. nw»s^“Jf:
' 4iw|kl*«jaidW front rtwetH-fra^lV.
IffiioiiiiiiiUyMpgh*”*.>«: v<aod
aiSS,%£fe.., ***s
JciCo-, [«yce<torioJo»fp)> 1
xTjbtuTs^p Ctoadiew,»Whct ***** P c3l
; boojto *Pfe,
."••HMcSSoikKBa fc Co, Wbclewte DnifgUt*.
NoiStWood «t*efCPilttbqntfr- • ..L
* aßt. ttd siMixmm- , «■»_ ,
V?I *') ' jfnrig- ~* —" i
J •>n,£..^.'*o?ira lAhcnj «u»i -■• w« >
f Z-w «ra wttotertle Orocer,-Coniin{»«w*
vMlbSull “xl iflfwiht*'*™ Pitubutt^
i2t£SLf%oiM WtitTtc,Pimtgjgfa. J Jml«T
Prodoce. Not. 31 'V
i j '
..■RMfc^Tr^ I—i; 1 —i;" —<■.*". u jpUm
*W • - anxa- • *»•
I jr*7tij.KN Aj Ca- Cooxmtnrioa and yonr*rfjo|
aK^KSt I** 1 ** W *f er * Q£lKro * l, * t *^ t>CtW ** £^
rmxuAEß* rickctboh'
fjll&wMLiww Mereh*nu,No. Libeitr •jjPJn*-.
>**’i‘COßD £ KDiO, AVbolnal* wd.KetjU .
.Af- c -wi| a M l betaren, mad deiler* m T*BcjFan,.
jjSffiggySa Fifth »u. —•■
No. 65 Market tt^^cviad,
SStfiy «- Mborg*,?*- . -* P -“r 1
MerdußU, V».*lWv?
1 PAPPI mrlrnl" ««*»
\ - -*^ a -
'j^aMß-mmn.''' l "•• " -MAwa:*;'***"**^. •
i i_ Saxfte 'M*nsfretar»y N 0.190 literry
•rjoßEErr bai-zell *. cJV.wkoi4»i« c™?™.
, Kpommojuio. ud VonrwSui* ShKl*S!>*"
’ffrfotoe* ioi fitubßigfa-MtnßUWOiteti 'U bt J^fJf L *
SinbMit, p*. :TT . • :-• _
,onrr. f at cuNXiNoimt, Gmwn
.Uemlcr Ja Proda/'fl tod Htat*wlliM»auficuiry*t
UdiiHiCTiyi. y-‘- ' : ■ )>“
A. Tjutiltef. ,**»!« 4» Pr*d»ee«-'Fttutmf*b AWnafte-
*lU' kinda of Foreign-aad Doowalie Wmea
' I»ichyill be aold tor for
*C&*otarpw«7 J • ■. v. ,'t -V.x* «r*«.
• TfJEYTCOLDS It SHEE.J’onnudißf ■»* CoobolmM
JJV IJtteWUjfo? tke AUjr*brny Rivet Trwje, dealer*
• and
Ifreip--Corner of Pena Mdltwin <U.-•- . jmO
-'Ou-OAXPORDIi Co, Coaami*«ran MerehrnU. lib*
' I»jniTT ii wiiiiilw ButUifteld,'Dealcri la Flow,
ftw mi BoedynUo goat*. Uw, Ac. ", : tpit-Iy, .
v’ C. CBACXLXTT. : ' • !■&(■.WISA.
,'tQHACKLEIT A. AVTUTSi Wbole*nle Denier* in
Xfenettc'lfcy Good*, No. 99 Wwda,
iktcbent*. Dcnleriin
.S ttbU ,CS ,-f
; n/i* ■ * * •;
j ii* t*'«u
L>, r g t trr >} “*'4/2St* r h A
SMITH. BACALGV ft Co.i:Whole*nl* Grocer* and
Prodoee dealers. No. SSlMarkctstreet, between dUi 4
and 6tU.>*orth side. Philadelphia. - J»ov8
f.trum rm*«caniL. > ;. >»• !ocotJ,iUßnusT».
SELLERS & NICQLS. prodoee and General Com
nU*ioßMfrebaa»,.No J 7 Liberty at, Pituhursh.
Hpenn, Linseed •_ jaB3_
SC. HlLL—(Successor to Hill ft Browne) .Importer
• and manufacturer of Taper Hangings and Borders,
md dealer in writing, printing, and wrapping paper.
97 Wood at- Pitudrargh, Pal;. Bags and Tanner's temps;
pnrchased at the hlgeest maikct price. . ]a7
fiIHOMAS KENNEDY, Jr„ Looking Glass Mauufae-
J_ rarer, and. Dealer in Clocks,Combs,'and Variety
Goods, comer of Wood hnd Ftounh sta. • jlfl
r, r. fojbttH. r it ■ *. i. roasrra~
TP. kORRYTII ft'Go.. Commission Merchant*.
• dealers In Salt, Lumber, Groceries, Prodoee-and
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Canal Basin, Liberty street,
Pittsburgh. ■ • • !i ' • fcblS
; -ttm. sPcercacnr. soar. M'cncnxox.
fir ft R/ - JdeCUTCHEON v n>o!*il«ijGroeert.
,\j „listers W Produqe, Iron, {Naift.- Class and
Pittsburgh "Manufactures gtnernUy.laJ Liberty street,
Pittsburgh. i :. i, jy I®
TJ; rWiok.) AVholeaUa Grocer* .Forwarding and
Comrnlisipn.' Mep:hknis, .dealers in Iron, .Nails, Glass,
Cottdrf Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,
cpmeTofWoodand-Watcrstrecu.Pituburgn- ■
W. i.R EURPUY invites the ladies to ea)l and a
• amine hiastock, of French Workol .Collars,
someaslow aatfceats.. ill. . mcnl3
Wood stieet, Pittsburgh. « °p&).
W i W. WALLACE, Mill suuio and Mill Furnish
fg •lagestablishment,No.®44 Liberty
casual. it.! i.i’.i i}, \ • . mans
Clair st, next door to Alderman Jones. apaHg
W M.'TjAHEARD, Dealer In Fancy and Staple
• Dry Goods, No. TBfJarkpt Pittsburgh.
- noyia-dhr 1 • ' *•• •
TTT W. WILSON. Dealer in. Watehes, Jewelry,
W * Silver Ware, MUiody Goods, fte., No. 07 Mar-
Ut .t - • ■ \ . !:• > riorl_
Tir R MURPtiY, Wholesale and Retail dealer In
W • PtoraiJ* boaestieDry Goods, northeast
eomer of Market and Foarth sta; - • ■ ndtpß_
J. .BBTAK, and Wholesale
• dealer in Foreign aai Doetesuc Wnss aad U
ix&p£ tijhmr .rf.-‘ ainftM stf7^r.
"WTAIUUC* BIABTIN Jk Ofc, Bankers, Dealersm
W Exchange, Bank Notes and Coin, comer of TJunl
and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. novl»-diy_.
-« W vnt. V. SHOT
TnryifjaaSsft SIUNN, (successors to Lowrie and
yy Attorney* and Counsellors at Law.—
Offiee North side of Fourth street, above Southfield.
feM7dftwly '■ ■ ■ ■ :! • __
YOUNG ft Cfe—Dealer* in leather hide*, ke.
3 liberty at. jan&ly^
-rrr'ft M. ,MJTCHELTKEE—WhoIesaIe Gnreis,
YY • Di*tillers, and Wine, and Liquor
Merchants, alaoTtmporters of Soda Ash and Bleaching
Powder, No. 160 Liberty si Pittsb*. ha. . janddly
/v : BLACKBCBM * Cd-Wl»le»ale Grocim.aad
U, dealer* in Oil*, Boat Store, and HnaburthTffan
uactured articles, have on. hand, at all tunes, a full ana
general sAsanmeal of good* in uelr H**i Water street,
.near Cherry Alley, Pitubargh. • “1 11,
T\; W, trA.B. BELL, Attorney* *X Law, office ir
Jl7 # Slewin'* BuiWinJ,ftounh'*t, wcoad door »boT<
Wood street. Fjtuborrh, Fsu • . . ;
;Z>.-W.iß*U, Coomnsioaer to likePepotiUon*Af-
Itnowiedgmentidf and other instnieaeat* of wn
liar, to iu Mksourfc . • avls-Om
TOIIN M. TOWXSn.VD,. Pniggiit and Agothecr
, f iit mu ... .
<1 No, 45 Market au, three doers aixnre Third st, Pm*
bwgh, will bare eoniiaiUly- on hand a writ selected u*-
•onmeat of Ihfi be*l and -freshest Medicine*, which lie
atjjl aeH'on the most resKmable term*. Physician*
sending orders, will he promptly attended to, and sup
plied with article* they tnnjr’tely upon as genome.'
i. in*Physicians Prescriptions will be accurately and
Reauy prepared from the best,male rials, at any hour of
Iks day.or night. '
'Also for sale, a large fresh and good Psrfu
mtTy. . .■; ' ; , l»!_
Tfl T- "W. WILSON,'Watch Mafcerand Jeweller,cor
fV-i'tierof4lli and Market au. A large and
setoeud-Mock of Weieheai! Jewelry. Silver Ware, and
Military Good*. AJway* tin hand, and at refolar ea>-
lem'prtees. Gold Patent Liver, foil JewelledWsUhe*,
a* low a* *«*-, Silver do. YVMebea, u low a* SIS.
••Gen nine Comer, Tobia*.*3ofcn»oa and other approved
make Of waicbea, taajtJWjhad at * amall .advance and
warranted. - :
rryFlne Watch Work done m the very best man
ner -I'l '' ' «P»
JU. BWBTZER, AtteVnay Law.offiee 3d*U op
* poaiu St Cbarlrm Hfttel, Pitabureh, will alto at
tend promptly toC©Ueeuao»y».Washington,Fayeua
and Green counties, Pa.. i
'* 1 imi to
• . BUdutock.TJtU &,Co,
' ~ Church A Carother*,
E J. HENRY, Attorney and CouneeUor at
• Law,- Cincinnati; Ohio. Collection* in Southern
Ohio,.and in Indiana, and in Kentucky,promptly and
carefully attended to.. Commissioner tot the state of
PemiaylTsaij-for fhray Depositions, seknowledg
nienu, f«. i
< fira to— Hon. Wot: Bell Jc Son, Com*, Church f
Corotbers, Win. Hay*, E*fo \Villock * PaTia. AS
EAGLE COTTON WORKS, Pittsburgh, Manofae*
tore Cotton Yam, Candle wick, Batting, Twine,
(Soecefson to Atboekle* it Avery,) *
lang ■ Proprietors.
* LEDOCX Canal *treet, New Or-
A* leans, Agems for J.\B. Araant'. Exiensne Stoma
Sagar.Refinery. Alwaraon band a larg* *2®** °‘
tok Powdered. Crushed; Ctartded andßastardB«g*»,
InTierces and BarmU. Also, Sugar Hooae Mdasies.
Prieea liberal, anil a fair allowance made ou alUales
of, or above 30 barrels. .1 1 - meat!
/7«E0..W, SMITH'* Co, Browers, Malstere, and
|t Hop Dealers, Pinebuygh and Point Breweries, cor
ner of Barker's Alley aad Pena street, and foot of Pitt
«U Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 • ■ . _
b. f- sneoec. asmao*. ■ aULYOftfotv-
HPlft. NELSON k. Co, Manafertnren of Hamijer
. edStovcls and Spades, Hoes, Hay and Manure
Forks, Ac-, Ac. Warehouse,No. 11 Pm*-
burgh. ~,= - • - ™ r ! 3 -
x. B. BISHOP, Veterinary Surgeon, can
Tfklbo found at bif Hooe Shoeing Establishment,
near St. Ciaii street Bridge. Utsly occupied
r\ by Messrs. CaTr A Howland. nriMfira.
TThTEIATON, Dealer in Trimtumge and Variety
JC . Goods, Tortots Shell, Ivory and Hem Cmobs,
Woollen Yarns and Warsteds- lfottcas, Needles, Pms,
Tope*, Braids; Ac-' No. 83 Market street, between Dia
moSaad 4thV, Pittsbargh. _.IJ2&“y.
T>ICKLES AND f*«» Underwood•
d >tiw Dpcgbtv-.geaaee DescbPrevents
» eg. Toamo **.„&,.* J D XVrrJJAMB .
TI wiw toeuliH
K for nod clean repj alia, eanra*#, UU rope, frau
“I'”' h ** i * t ' !^''T\v.’chsdwic(!.
dec9t > • Waytic atl, between Penn and Liberty.
■ -:«uch arrangement* ut hi*
Coal thaiha eha dorom hi* whole time «o ib«
detie* of hi* profenien; our be ««en ia hi* efice, «or-
MroNih mi Deeatnr ewet*. between Markets*
Terry eta, «t any boar daring the d*T»6o*a-8 till
♦Kit. ••• " •" ’•'t •''• • -• ” 7
il SO. lM WOofe ‘
«i TAVKO repWhiihed my etock from tb« l>«»t no «•
Xw* bolid«w*tic and feign, 1 Ukepteaiare in*
ifcSi » efe«tn«. mx* HM ’fr «m P**
J£Sdtoftrei«h tbcm wUh all food* in my ““».« ,uU
sidSleVy,ifanlw*iß arid Cariiaf a TAmminfe, I obwm
thereby ddranttf** that enable me to dwjr eon»*ti«
liaai aea.aadjndfeforyouneWee. »P l 7.
‘ esobaviso .
ofrrrrr vnaariwx r*a*m t *xscct*» a * ««*«*
H. LEA NBi • ~
Bon Ruliiar*, T<. li Cdruer ot 'fhird «ftd Doek SJreeU,
TirilEßE c*fKai7l»« k»d not^®Tj^*‘
tion*, Ac. • profeuioaal aod Ylnuoff C*rd», engraved
; winter *•>»*orff* a sj£
vtaf 10 ralluduualM SP??™?*
nriooi ontenrf Mofiu, l*M Mlom, S™*
- i
~TM«LiNf •
JfutUr, Vcu
WLL *lk» attend; to collection* and all otfcef bu*i
ac*s cntnuted to him-in Butler and Amuttutijr
.J.A K. Fl6yd, Liberty »M • ;
F . . W. W/Wallaee, do l puuborgli. • ?
••• Janie* Mv*hall, do j , _ .
HT Kav 4- Co}. Wood *t- } . _J_ n ?"-u
CaMloi*- Wagoa Bot-
I bDMKRt' BALL, of tli« #^w
• ofSL fc, 8. Hull,»»»«*«"
hiring Ihrg* tjoaoutietoniougla,
iWeluyoflieiSert tod be*t pattern* tiowin u**.T
i l urect, Pituburjlt,.
Factory, in Allegheoy'eity, «*«r,ih«
to .KtaS?’.?Slip/ VlMcktuiek, Del/
Siric«ls'7r£nt'"*»TOttK»— No 72 Konrth
fl MOKE llOUSeTjjfflJSdJJdlLjiSiii*
“**' Sl^2rtS.^<tac«?.V
we ■ c*U. -Ctorst* Mltivr« F / us hIUJ-KIUS
■ :••:•■• . :-•• ”jNtWWSBTJKi.
all uiitiuoienu of wriuof, *3*o rMonlrl lp
tiouTct venoo* . in Ohio, «»,*«£ S‘sfflstS
pwunyhrwu*. Offlc*, fni?p f?RANcrf:
Crab CtDESMS bbl* crab elder on <oa>-^
.Jtf '*“ toW %‘S&MCkEY fc <*■
Borax— xn iu't«m bofttitutree’dandflws*!*
.til* -.*••.M-U
C. R. DstrESHOWKSi i J. RtMtW
N 0.50 Soutli and No. 117 South Water at.
BEOS to inform the trade and dealer*generally, of
PiUsburjrb.'lbat tb«y hare made such arrangement*
with the ; Virciuia niauataciurers aixl the Groik'eni or
the West. IVtit Indie*. ami other place*, a* will inaure
a large nml eon*Umi:*upply of, the following descrip
tions of Tohacco, which will be aojd upon ns accom
modating Jemma* any otJuirhou»ein ttusclCroTcl»e
where, and all good* ordered l'rotn them will be war*
ranted equal to rtqiresentaudtu'; - *-•
’ Havana] : i*t..J*>niin«o; i j -L..
Yarn; I'oru*Hico; .. I'cnn’M VSwd LeaflO-
Cuba; Ignini- hPlonda; J bttceo; •»:
ALSO-BraneWe c«ebrat«!lAttn!ianc Sit* Cawn
dith, with a large assortment or other popular PraoiU,
aud qualities o? pound*. &«, P*-^! 08 «****■**?*?
ss, <!*;«« and 10s Plu« Ladies’Twist? Virginia Twist,
he- sweet and vlaiti. irt'wboie'aftd half boxes, wood
and tin, together with every variety of artic W bwlonrfns
to the trade. - ■ r'' ’• ‘‘ joHMly _
CRAIG* \ : ~.i
Floor Faetora and Produee GaniaiMlpa
Slarebanta. •.. . i-t.i-.i-l-! *
LIBERAL cash advances made on receipt oi.oki
sigruaenU Tbow. shipping to ©ursddreMWiljbe
rxiD three-fourth* vmtus in advance vatAiS, »ya PJUr* 1
itur lo our friends, . _ .! . • • ' • ••• ■-ti* •
Messrs. Wallingford k Taylor. Pntsbureh.
. Messrs. Tho*. Bell Ohio. . •
Philadelphia, May 6, ItMA. •••/,- '
N B. AIJ Produce consigned to us reinsured when in
the Warehouse of WnllingJcrd £ Taylor, Piusburthor
in our store in Philadelphia. ; C. 11. * Co.
Comnlsalon and Ponraydlag Merebaßf.
J;rmaj3*S,lsi ,1
jT'<ONTCitJKS to mnueu general Cornraimon ba*i
w io tba piircba** and *alc of Ameri
can Manufacture* And Produce, «uid inrreeividji »na
wrwardinrGoodacoji»ixnrdtobi*«an». AaAgeuticrr
iba Maiuu*cw're*,ha will beeoiutanUy aupphed.wi|h.
the principal article*!of PUubqrgh Manufacture at tie
loveft.wuoleaaie price*. Otdeta aud c»iirigiunent» ura.
re*pecUatly, abUcited. '• .j .' ■ • :yO .
Baltlßon Produce Commission flaai**
T?DWARD'CLAYTON, law $. Clarion A.SepAjMd ;
•ri Lombard at., Wholesale Dialer in Butter,'snm Con*
o3»ian Merchant. Hire ins? for ihelojt ten years dero
ted hi* attention to the *akof Butter, aril! now rccrirc
Butler, Lard, and other Produce for »Aleoncatww»*wn,
and flatter* hinwelf that from hi* experience and nnße
rou* shipping -customer* he will be able topee .aaiia-,
faction to all who may comi&n produce to nttn. Refer
to- 1 - >..a ; '
•Muan. P.W. Drone fcSou; - \
Wm. Mason A Sou, :
“ ; WiihiaKtoa A Kastman, . ;> -* ; •
“ iT.W.AG. Mephitis,,.
And theMerchant* generally.; > dcl7-lm
a. ». cos true. •[_ ' : • • •t. «. ro*us*>s.
PORTSMOUTH, Ohio Comtniwion and l'orapird nf
Merchant* ana Procure Dealer*—also attend to the
Purchase, Rale and Shipment of Pig Iron, Coal, Ad. j
xtraa'Ta I ‘
Brown, Bailey A Co.,
IXLeechACe., ; •
CLuhe A Than, ;
.. dflfnod. '•
AtvrooJ, Jones & Co •
Lomu, Sidling A Co ,
Gr*H Liiulsay A Ca, .
Lyon, Short* A CA,
marlOilly •. ! -
. JOHlf F. PSRRT, ' }
{Late cfthe firm rt Malfohn Lercti A 00-l |
WhotMaliCneert ComnsUalon Flour
merchant, ' ■ -
T\EALER in «11 Jrimls ofCotunry Prodoee, Copper,
I / Tin, Tin Plater. Tinners* Tools, Zinc, I*su, B»*m*
Iron, Iron and Nails, lWhile Leai,Dy* STuffa,
: Cotton Yarns, Salt.! Ae- and Pittsburgh ilaoutactufe*
Knerally, career oi liberty And-Irwin streets, Pip**,
irgh, Pa. ! ■ 1
£D”Ul>eral adranoes, in Caali or Goods, made on.
consignments of Produce, Ac< - : ' ' '
A tkauii lots. c. t. sumA • a. ausTrox.
Prodace, CknsralCoinatulan sad For*
warding Hcrahetiti. !
so. o imi'> wtuar, natmtora
Eefcrto— . ! i . •
hi. Allan A Co. ! I PituVrh.
• Lari son, Sannder* A Co.,' \ ■■
John R Randall, i VBahtmore.* ‘
OcM : HttghJcnfciiu, • J
Laic of Pitularrh, Pa. Late of NaehTifle, Tenn!
XO. 9 FSOTT «TSEtr.fA»orK JIILOAI'WAT. nxmSAJT, onto.
Refer i* Merchant* gcnemlty. ht Pitubuffth. |
s-Locuftciucc - - ' ;
no. a* wr ru nowi.iu> snsx, tuxow maexitt. BAirtMouE,
Refer tn~D. tfpri«, Eeq., I’tudiier. T. Cn»S W-
Caoiiicr. J. 4 Hon. Miser A
lulf ft Ew*y, W. ft 5. Wyman, Slingtatfft itevnf*.
a&l ! '
(Successor (to Goodman ft McanO i : -
MAtssr-A INX'KSOA-Tlt or M^NTM'aiUJU.siounaa/rjMr.
Refer to—M. Alleii ft Co., King, Reunuck ft Co. :
a2rf . - '' ' u*®
. Oder to »«U it either establishment, all kiuds oi Mer*
ehualiae,-atthe lowers r»«*;Of Commisrions, and or»*
always prepared to make advance* The best of rcie
reaces riven If required. • Letters addressed to efthdr
house, trill lie promptly attended to. JyJthljyj.
JiXD THMrjra.! ' _ »• •
And Huaftctami of Zatauecd Of If
i oclJJl]
* j Cl»etsXiTT,.OlUC
»pg*-lr ITPCash paid fot FIax«CTJ-£U i.
Attend! particularly to the Forwarding
For any tiirtoer information, applyi o FORaiTU *
C.U?»CAX. Water »f '
18. 4S Water itre«l,
( = • Mo.'
Will give particular attention to the selling or Pro
duce, end to orders.lbrpurebasing. ,
pnnnv.George Morgan A Co-» Pittsburgh, ;t*a
. augll i
joua x'ccllocok. < t. H'nruK. C- p. wiaaaiaos.
Forwarding 4 Commission Horehantii
nos. S 3 4 its »m nnn,
jenS7-ly* Bowling’s Wharf, Baltimore. '
JOHN FINNEY,' } b A € cnl “ P* ,ubu rSh for the I*{-
atraro Mutual Safety Insurance Company oC Phil
adelphia. lira Riika npoa buildings and tnerchartdUa
of every description, and Marina Risks npon hulls or
cargoes of vessels, takeu upon the most fayerabla trrroa.
Ocdca In the Warehouse ofW B Holmes Alsro.,.
NoT37 Water, near Market street, PuUburgh.
N o— The success of this Company slnee-tha estab
lishoeiU of the Agency injthiacity, with lb* prompt
ness and liberality with which every claim upon them
for loss has been 1 adjusted, fully warrant ths agent in
inviting the eonOdenco-and patronage of his friends aud •
the community cl large lo the Ifciawani MS Insurance
Company, while it tea the odditiwul M *»
institution among the matt flourishing in Philadelphia—
as having an ample paid-in tapHsi, which by ‘hoop**
ration ot its charter is constantly InereastMg. as yaw
ing to eaeh person insured hit due share ig the proms
of the company, vritboot Involving him m any respon
tibility whatever; and therefore as possessing the. Mu
tual principle divested of every obnoxious feature, and
in its most attractive fona. not * i.
“ V7BE jjfD UimSCßi', . j
TUB lttttrance Company o( North America, throng*
j U dolr authorized Agent the übunber, «sn,W
mh-Mtntniu and limited fntnrance on property/itt ;
thi* city and it* vicinity, and on ahipmeula by Jbe Co*
aal cud RiTcrz.
John C Baulk, PreVt. Samuel Brook*
Alex. Henry •- Chaxie. Tuy or.
Bva'l W Jeue*, . , Sam’l F Smith :;
' Edward Stahb Ambro«« White* I .
: John A Brown
John While 1 i :
.Tluj'iPCopt HichardWood ' t
Wra WeUk . i ' Arlhur O Coffin, Sec-
Thi* it the oidect lanranca Company in the ww*
State*, having beeti chartered tt> It* charter **
perpetual, ana dram it* high atanduig, long experience,
f n»pii» tTM-aja, aiuTavoiduttf alt p*k« of an extra "V*
araou* character, it may be cotwide red a*off«nitt tun*
ter and Froot atreeu fituburgh. : _gPi*^U
niirauiicE AaAiMT' viHErjV
Merchandize, and prop-,
etry Kttfrty; : «stber in the'city or toantty, «ku>»*
low primage by fire, pcnnjtunliy.of for limited pen-
Johi Scree*!!! ! C Merton''.. Allibono _■ CMiseAbbo', . .
John Welih, J>. Pnmch «r»dr, :
j JobnTJ«ewi«.' ■ •• .
• i - ;BAMUKLC .MORTO.N,rrosldenL .
FtAJraD . .■ • • < > j
; Order* fur ir».wrnuce by lie above Cd»l*u* willfie
'received RiuiSiuiirancM clTeclct by ibe undoropicd,
■gent fiir Iltubargh. Of-A> COCHRAN,
norl'-Bn* i_• X Woo,i 9 f
rntlß FranklikiTuo |ii*ui«nco Company, ot JMnliulrl-.
I obilu will nuke luurance, pertuuiein und lium*r
JJevcry ieKripiina of property, in PrttolwSWi wul'Ao.
nurroowiing eouiitry r on lavorablo term*.y. rhucom-.
° $400)900 piity in J
third and Vukct
Dpi • • • WAIIHICk SI AIITIN, Agent*
' !■ CAK acitDixs, cxJas!t*.it, oaiu,
MANUFACrUBE Uv order Passenger and Freight
Call of the most approved dwrmt ou;nt lejiiun-;
able price*. By mean* of the Cabals, I Hailroad and
iliver, they are enabled lo'thip updh iw»rfoiiabl« tct*iU
to ait paint* in the W«t. frtcir work swll. be warrant-.
«d equal iu allircspecls; to any madb.ju the.UiutwJ
AUa,d,rtru U e^ L cJ^ Nri)BT . :
novtWm j |Fofn»afly Wlkutwii Maia.V_
L” GATHER— The rabsetilier is juat rerdeing up
-wunli of 1100 aide* of New Vork lied Leather, v(.
ctioicaxt stamp*. tOgellirf \*lUi u geiwrur assorUneurqt
Lcnltierlu iu* line or business, cumori’ tooU.oil, etc.
All of which he wilt *ell tlw inosl reasonable term*,
fflKB GKEATK3T ( W>OK. OK Hm'*£l£oX-i-\
1 Dr. WebvterV Great American Dictionary of the
Eii«Q*b Lanfunce ( -viu»itMES, roiu.nttt%r nil that u»e.‘
former edittoo* i coutained;.revi*ed by Chtrtmcey *A. :
Goodrich, ProC Vole College- The h*j« complex fdt
lion ever published: one vol.'cfowu quarto,' , Price Jl*-
Korsaie by ‘ " • ! .- J.L.READ,
dccST- . 1- 4th *L,near Market it., i
F' EATHEBS. Acvr-'Tibng* prime feather*;
pet Nnu;lcuk lWswbx; 1 bbl do.; 1 »ack pealad
• i • ■ • .i ■
LOGAN ft*KNNEL>V.;haTnjKa-day associated.
with them in the Uardware ImsineMf RfailiP v > «•
ton and Edward Gregg. Tim atyis of thin'Wilt here*,
-after '** ft.Co. iXllia.armJigenrent ten-”
'den it desirable to close die old inkiness as s<OTiT*J*
possible. All persons whose liabilities h'ave matured,
arc especially requested-to uaiaeilihie poyuwul.
Pittsburgh, Jun.ljl9n v w
,T t OUA3, AVU.SOS iwwmp?mn.,fni
*l l Whdldsrile Dealers in Pbreigit anaTJomesticlliro
ware, Cmiexj% Saddlery* ftciiaO 1 , Witodslresti PfU»*
. burgh, tire now fully prepared,with a rectadyi.itpf®rt*
• ed ttockbf ilaTdtfare, Cutlery, offer'very great
. indubrmcuU.'to vrwtero?tia)'c*»,»i»iiig dptortmfflsd to
compete in.price# with any of the Atlantic cilia*, : AU
so- oil bnhd ’Pittsburgh
Hardware, Ytzf Shovel#, Spade* -Porki." Hoc* Vices,
4c., all of which willJ» stud at the lowest wanupc*.,
turer I *-p#icca. y ' : ' s ' l ‘ * janl-
i. .u. .. a 1 . i. CO»PART SERStttP. f - ‘: ‘‘
TUG tubtcribar* having recently entered into
partnership under the name of Gailagher.'Ldng..
Aj^atMiUcr v for the putpow ofaarryinf on the Beil
Waurtahnf and Gah FUfihff btulneu m
VI iu.braiKlFN
plediy 11. UaJmeVr, No. 1(0, Front
Wood and Smiibneld «*.. wlieretheyart‘prepart'l to
«XBCUteaUotder9l\a,-&«n% ft’s**- Ci*msti oC ncr}‘
dewriplkin. and (Su Fillips* with ne*tnrM„en4ae*-
s patch. - * Btetotboot Jobbing-promptly ail* tWedf • l'
9 *lt qACLAGHO*, m
, ,8. A. CQNG.I 1. .
> I * .'•■vvr,* •• L' P; D.-MILEER, }..
. N, B.*-Tbe aneiuicuof MacbipUtS; aadEttginfcgrt is
Invited to our anti-aririuou metal, for a reduced pnee,
which ha* beea> pronotroeed'-duperihr *tb J Bw>buVuy
number* who havemad,both. Steamboat builder* and
the public, generally. are d»o revested t# cal jjhhdfci*
amine our superior double bcuoa Force Pumps jlof.
etct>robo«* aud domcatie uae. • - .'1
gaclagugb? cong, * hnu^at
mHE. Co-partnership. of iha.xubserfbwk- under lit*
I firm of Lewi* Hutchinson 1 1 UlUs d*T <“*•
’■ohfeiHiy mutual fconsent.' Either ofua wlu atldudfto
,|hq settlecicoLuf ibt' busineaa of the'lirtu, Bad BBpjils
name for that purpose. , . .t«
THE BBdrmienrd have thin day formed a eo-partnsr
•hip, aader the firm of Jauscs AJlfuteunsotr AOol,
lor ihe purpose of cuutiuuiug. the business berttpforp
carried on by Hutchinson Co., and solicit a con*
tinuance of the patrooare hitherto extended ; to ; the
. Piuslanh»Jan.l f l»*a.v ■ . ■' :
. ; , ,
15 W STEPHENS of Wheeling, K V Sbambenter
of'Jwitoti.-and i A Stockton of Fitt*ba»r*h."TJßT*
this day entered .into co-partnership under styje and
. firm oPSuphenit Sbrenbeirer A Co, Blabs Aaebor in>u
works, Wheeling, Va. fop u»e purposo-of
inf Iron and hail* of «»ery description.
iwnifHiM. x r suoMßcaoK*. t x xtuceto*.
, Vo.
Manufacture all kind of boiler,' sheet, bar . iron anil.
P «;i«, jy Usteel elipticspring* and axle* ‘Being Son*
nee ted with Shamberger’a old JmniaULWOTks, we .can
offer an article of Juniata iron' [branded Shtrnberfcrl
tonal to any made ini the. country. All of which will
heaeldattha Pittsburgh prices. - Warehouse of we
works comer of Alonrve and Wstar at*. - rayl! _
DISSOLUTION— The panaetahlp hllhano BXhst*
ink under the style and arm ofWightmsnA. Dal*
sell, ii this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Du»;
zell haring disposed of hie-entire Bis rest to H. Vi irtl
than. The business of the law firm will bet •« |Ued by
11. Wiihuuan,«bo is authorised to are the name of U»
late firm for that purpose.
spdaaaw ouiyri7] j.dalzell. . -
“ THE Subscriber U none prepared to manufacture all
kinds of Cotton and WoolenlMaehinenr, at the shortest
notice. Onleri left stH. Wi^himan'sEnytne Jtliop, cor
ner Liberty and
attesiien. ■' • H. ‘Wifi Ifl'llAN,
Leacok *t_, between Federal and Sandusky atm,
sptaklly __ Allegheny city. _
THE co-partnership heretofore exi*up* between Be
,übscrit>ers under the firm of William* A Dilworlh,
was Unsolved on the Ist instant, by mutual consent.
he** is entrusted, will continue the wholesale grocery
.. #. m
c. :, wr.A7fndue^
rnilE partnership sahsisung between, the n,
I under ihe style of l'omd«i[er A Co., was dissolved
hyiumoa) con*nt,on'lhe Ibb instjaad the business> ©f
the evneer* will b« closed by K W C
a culbertson,
dgrtP C H.GRANT.'
THE sabwnbers will 4 cotitmae business attbeoki
irtaud. No 41 water street, as ■saal.woderthe
„,l. .1 -W—xu. <** POINDKXTKE,
d,ea CM CHANT. __
associated themselves togrflier under, the. firm Oi.
Mn Fim k Oou for-tirepafposw of eonunamg «
bouses* of the ‘Boatmen’s Una.' will eouumre to trails
act a renerel torwarding and comnuuion business at
toe old stand at toe Canal BasimUVjyswH.
TUF. uudpriieueii has associated with liuwlf Jolm
Mcob,fn>u»Jlaltiroofe,lhlh"flro«cry wid Gener-:
*l Commission btuioess, oaderthe style of sellers. *
Metis dated-Ist Jk&uuT tSI?.
rtO-PAHTirERBniP-Wm. Young bating ddi
day usrfdcteted.whh bim, John H. MVune, the les
tber. business will under Un
rooo ato tbcwtov. raomaios.
a THIS ewabhshmenl long »ud known a*
being one of the most commodious in the eity o*
Baltimore, ha* recently ( undergone very exten
sive alterations and imporovementa. An enure new
wine ha* b**"i added, eoAtoinUg numerous and airy
steeping apartment*, and exten*ive bathing «*»*■
The Ladies' department hna also been- conmWtcl)
reonranixed and fitted op In a inoat unique and beaau
ful sivle. \a fact the whole arrangement of the House
baa been remodeled, with a single «T« on the P«rt of
U>* toward*, toe comfort and P*"?"™
their Guests, and vrhifch they confidently. *»»ert will
challenge eomnari*on with any Hotel In the billon.
Their table will alwaf* be supplied with cvcor aub*
atand'al and luxury whieh the market afford*, served
up in a aoperlor atyle; whiOa in lha way of \k me*, *c,
tbay will not lw*urpa*wd.
In conclusion the proprietor* beg to «*T.
will'be'tail undone on their part, and on thei part.of
their assistants, to fender thi* Hotel worthy the ««*
rtmlrd patfftftrg* of their fdtada aod-the pvWie gen
*rThe price* for board bav« al*o been reduced to the
. . *g p ". 4^
Baggag* Wagon of tho H.eo*» will al*
war* be found at the Car and Steamboat landing*,
which will convey baggage to and 6om the Hotel, ,Jr*t
of charge. *»■) ~M -
OMJJUAII] vww> '
ETIIE ȟbarribera havutg purchased the enti ra
inter**! ofCol. G. P. Williamson, late of .thi* well
kliown establishment, beg leave to stole to their
friend* and the public generally, thk* they have token
this commodious Hotel for a term of yean and wtU «-
ert their best energies .to make <l a desirable homa .for
Traveller* and City JJoardera. .i. • ■ •
<n,e Hotel i» ipaciooa and admirably planned
venieuce, light and air, haring a namberof parlor* ad
joining chamber*, pretesting mtwunl attraction* »
present proprietor* having bad the experience
of year* iathi* city end d*ewhera, hope ,M«y
able to give general tatlifacuoo, being determined to
give undivided attention to the boose alone.
The location of the Pearl Street Hcxsae Uaneommon*
ty eligible, haring front* on Tear!, Walnut *»t Third
street*, *o that tt is equally, desirable m vtow of tho
convenience of business men. orTetiretnent myrtyma
bonrdcra It i* near by the Bank*, the Pott Office, the
Masonic Hall. Odd FelJow’s Hnll, and but one *qu*re
distant from .Mala street and two anuare* frara ton Ui7
Wbart thus offering tbegreateat iodueemenl*. wpectol
]v to couniry merchants attd geueralty to all penoas
EOtiw: uoyiß,; _
ccraxxa of hAwntowe Ago *t^piw
miNBYP. jackson, ppopnihroit.
Thi* *ptendid and spacious Hotel, elegantly «l*
. teS uated for both business and Pleasure traveller*, Is
JB&to constructed a* u» combine all the luxuries of
the best hotels, with elegance and real|
Choice suites of apartment**re at all ?, OA *? n *
ed for the accommodalion of transient guests, and um*.
jlics visiting .the city win fiiid the hutaw House ahome,
unsaniassed by any Hotel lu the Uuion. .
The locatloii 'i* elevoted and satuhnous, and is also,
convenient to the depot* and landing*, ,at winch the
conches and porter* of the house are at all umes ui
. waiting to convey passenger* and.their baggage to the
, Gentlemen'* onlinsry / : SUSO per day
* Hadlea* _do .$» do
]aalod2taw3m ' - _—l
. Ho.JS, cunurur rrtxxr, rniLAUXLPitu; .
MTJtB ȟb*cribeni, mnlcr tha firm of Bridge* *
Wrni, htvn puxchawrd Air, Joum' Inlctert ii»
cltablUbmeut! and hope by the. atnelcal mentis
to lha wnnU and comfort ot their KU»»U,loiaema<uii- of (be liberal pmomafie heretofore receded
paired; we therefore fed a»ured we caa welcome aur
irieoda ai.4 publicWMcoiuwodiiUoH.e.maiiowi y
m of I'hiUildphia. •• T
Ibe reception of the JYavelmg Public.
diiiiu'iuidricMwl- J' a S* 1 H*' J ”>' w iVMAti^U
avor him .with Ibctr patronage. —
: KSt^iF
... oaGJXUy
e IiLTKBV > -
X LUNGS—T!.? tmpredwlcntcd tucccu .wMch on.
;• glnsrng. panacea. ; -
a «]1 ike vanou* forma which Irritation of the Junga «•
wees, bu induced tho proprietor tgawlo call atien-;
dttMothi* 1.. *■;: t
• n« cbaagaMe- weather which’ mark* oat fall and
Winter mduilni in alvnrjr* a,friTitfbl *ootee of . 1
Ilwi If neglected, are but the precurtor* of Gu fell
!J: ...; cosusipijon. • • -
thru, how Ahall we nip ike destroyer in
|V kadi bow>k*UiWß.|e» clear #fw eoogb* and
Isolds! i* of> vital importance, to. tKa public. ..
•iprtin>*foundln’tbeOiiuenic.Panaeea; Inprobfoffci*
have froiriilma to tint* publbhed the tertifleate* of
.&£*«* of our best' toown.eitiien*,; who bare expert
tifed it* ciiritiive power*." These, wlthja mau of tea
MlnUtewof tbwGoipe!,*c.,togetber with copiou* po
ttfTtiiWPl’lb*' " • *-• t
bare beeni used in thi* city. •
i tbrooKkout the United State* and Canada, and w» cka
. , ;
S'which, 'when taken according to direction*. *hd be*
fore ibelahg* bad become fotally diaorgnareed, it'baa .
Why. then, need the afflicted heiitaiat Why retort to
fhe nuteruble bwtnfma, gonenop by ask sown
«*]« under the u**otfccdn*mti of *oma eeUhrAled’pky-
Hclajiiandpoffed into notoriety by eertifleata* Cl
Ski edtiaSy unknown! Wbilrtu medicine * • -
la to be had,'whb*s voucher* are at home,—oar neigh
botarHßany of whom it baa
. ■ ■
-Tu order thafthi* invaluable medicine may ba placed
Wtkin reach of tbo pooraa well the rich, wa have
OUST*, '
lui% ans balf Ute'anal coat of cough medietae*. < lII*
mcaale by our agent* in nearly every town and village
Ever the we*t, who arc prepared to givafall inform*-
Deo relative toil- . T. RALTER, Proprietor,
T~ Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
tA dUeaae U canted by a pAroxyamai eotutne
ffeo of the air relit; it fo very dabUittti**, *lmd*te»a*-
lar auflbcition. DR. HWEETSERTi PANACEA it tha
forty certain eur*. • ' _ *l_
.. lfoaraeneu can be eon rely cured by a tree o*e Of Dr.
r Catarrh! wnffiaoc cold, which, if neglected.' win
terminate^in Ccaauinptiett, ta effectaally relieved and
bared by Dr. Bweetaer'a Panheea. • ' . . ■
r.'Broocbilivtf: unchecked, will egectaalhr .lead to
Bronchial Consamption, bat a timely tuc of Dr. Swtet-
KT’« Panacea will effectnaUr cute lu'' _ ,
i Joflaranlatioa of tha Tanail* or Bare TbroaL—lui*
flitcun often lead* to eerion* eonaequenee* from neg
lect, vochaanlceration Of the throat Onthefintermp
toma, Dr. Swcetaer’a Panacea ahonld be procured and
Sweeter’* Panacea .
Pneumonia Noth a—A very fatal dUeaae, re*alung
{mm a violent cdogh and cold on a debintated or bro
:en down. con*titauen; aged penon* are eabject to It—
Dr. Sweeter'* Panaeea k *honld be aaed on the nr*t
aymptom*, wUeh are a eooch or cold. % •
Night Sweat*.—Thi* dehiluating complaint will meet
with a timely ebeck, by using Dr. SweeWer** Panacea.
n Con*uniriion.—lf on the fir»t appearance ofeoo«umjv
tivc which are a pain m the tide and brent,
•eotuhrf *pitrtn« of blood, lr Dr. Swecuer’* Panaccai*
be apprehended. •
When the Lungs the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tube*
become; clogged up with phlegm ao a* to unpCde re*p«-
ratitm or breath:ag. Dr. SwecuerU Panacea, which a
k poweruil Kipeewrant, abonlil be taken according *0
the'directlon*: ‘ ...
Inducuia.—'Thu dittrewnr epidemic, to prevalent In
our climate, U epeedily cured by Dr. BwceUer'* Pana-
Price ®1 per !>onle, or *ix bottle* for 85. • #
* F„r file by WSL JACKSON, MJ Libeny *t., aigtj of
tup tljgboot- DOTStUy
Haic”Cream, Br tnaiehlev* artirle for the Growth,
autyraud Rettoralioa of the llair. Tbi* Cream,
when qoco knoanu'WiU *apereedo all other *rucle» oi
the hind now ueed, When tho hair u dead, barab,
Ihm. Unhealthy, or tumiuc grtO', o. fcvr applicotton*
-islil make the hair enft.anJdaTk. and give u a beamal
•lively hppeamutev; and will a!*o make it retain it* live-
Jmc%* hud liealthy color twie* a* long a* all iLe prep*-
Taticui which are generally u*ed. Every lady und
•rntlefHuU who are U the habit of u«nr oiU «m their
Jair. Iboiili at once pttreha** a Bottle of the Chloew
: llairCrfaia, aait uweorapotfd that ii will notmjure
She haix like tho*e other preparation*, but will beautify
'it, and give perfect *ati»laeaon in every in»taace. ; .
Korltoumony to it* very autwnor tjnaliue*. aee thy
■ CdioWlug letter from Rev. Mr. Caldwell,
rlleadjmiolt k Stretch,'Na*hviile,General AgemaCor
U.Caldwell,paatorofthe iSr*-
byidriun Church, PulaakL • . „ , , .
• Memre. Hendenhott A Stretch—Cemlemeo: I take
pteanuro in a.ldmg «y testimony in favor of the **«»•
tat preparation calicd Dr. I’arUh a Chine*® llair
Creant—fer about two year* ago, my hair waa very
‘dry. brinlr, and di«po*ed to c«*aa oot; but having pro
cured a Louie of tho Cream, and u*e<l U according to.
: the prescription, tny kaif « now aoft, claitK and firm
lolhe head. 'Many baham* and otU were applied,
each leaviag my hair in aworea ataJo than lmfore.—.
Tbi* Cream, however, ha* met my expectation*.
A* an article for the Toilet, my wife give* « prefer
ence over all others, being delicately perfumed, and uot
dhtwaed to rancidity. The l»l*e» especially will tnm
the Chine** Cream to be a dewderatum in their prepa
lUioi, lorlh. 1011.1. B—«*>lr. *»,- ■
Pola«kw Jan. ", lei?. K- CALDNYELI-.
irrSold who!e*aie and retail. In PiU»burgb, br John
M. Town*end f No. 45 Market atre'et, and Joel Mohier,
corner otAVood and Fifth *treeta. iul<»- _
fIIHE undersigned hu loog been convinced of the
I necessity tor *ou» medicine -adapted to the bu of
Children end Intent* u> supercede the ure of ell tbo*e
medicines which contain opium, end ha* at Ungtb suc
eeeded iu preparing and ©fertngto the nabUe anwds--
cuie fully answering every puipos* for all disease* of tha
bowel*, without the oae of th*tdelewncj»drei; or anr
other ealeulatedto m>r» in the least. The Infant Pan;
acea ha* been full* teitcd and tried. the la*t twelve
month*, hr nnmerou* penon*. and found to possess all
theartritordinary virtue*, end to produce nil the aston
iehina effect* u eet forth on the bill of directum*.' u
arrhffa, Vomiting. Cholic, Oriping, Pain*, Siekwws and
Disease* arising from Teething, acting immediately
withoul disturbing any of the function* of the body,
producing the happiest and me# pleasant transition
Irani Jftolmt pain to a tranquil and joyou* «tata of fool
ing In the little sufferer. ■ , „
To be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor. Dr.
JOHN BAIIGANT, Druggist and Apothscanr; John
Mitchell, Eliou A Beckham, and most olherDsugruta
m Allegheny and Pittsburgh. . decla
power to cute! Prmacxutt, Feb. 14,1M7.
RE. Bxu.«as:—My wife ha* for year* been subject
to a distressing cough, accompanied with asthma, for
the cure of -which site used different cwxh remedies,
and had the advice of the moK eminent; phywcian* in
Kngisnd, hut all tm unavailing.. By chance I heard
of your Imperial "Couch Jfyrup, and wa* buy
a hold* for trial, although I had no belief that anything
rould remove her complaint- To iny great turprU",
two doses gave her immediate, relict. She it at times
troubled with a cough, but two teaspomuful of Syrup
always atop* lL lam satisfied, after a trial of three or
four years, that Heller 4 * Cough Sjrrup l»the best cough
medicinal hart evs* tried either m the Old or New
World. Wa Farsaocas*,
Hercnlh Ward, city of Pltuburgh,
TV above certificate should induce all who are.
troubled with cough or asthma, to giro the Syrup a m*,
al. It maV be had for S 3 cents a bottle, afthedrug
store of ■ UV. REU.imCT wood.t.
Sold by Dr Camel, fith ward, and D H Curry, Alle
gbeny.cuy. ' ****-'
SELLER'S Vr.BMIPUUE—The greater of al
•Worm medicines! j
Thl* Is to certify that after using different prepara
tions for expelling worms, I bought of C. r. Helmati, of
Now Lisbon, two vials of II E Seller*' Vermifuge, and
gave the contents oCono vial to three of my elulnten.
From the l first,, aged 0 ycsr*,ii expelled 44 ;.»;©nn«;
from the second, 6i years old, 7U; and itom tha tlnrd t SJ
years old, 11 fc makiug Sts worm* expelled by using
put one vial. I recommend'Heller*' Vermifuge a*
tafo and one oftha Utott etfectual Worm medicines be
fore the public. - Jlcotj Moaanw.
Prepared and sold by R E. SELLERS. No 67 M ood
■licet.. Hold by Dr. Ca**el, 4th word; DM Lurry, Al-
Jegheny; Wllliunt J Smith, Tempcranc ovine. ;a!4
: Pii«atinecli'Bpriiif .7ni»i,
AIFWLY INVENTED—Forth# Whrfand Permanent
1\ Cure of ÜBRNIA or RUPTURE. (Baited to all
size*.) - ■ ’ ■ h.’-
The superior cUlmsbf-thiiTra*eeon*itt in the com*
PBjauvc e&*» with which il may be worm The pad of
wood being neatly balanced on spring*, yields'!© pres
sure on arty part of it. and thoroughly adapu itself to
any movement made by lb* wearer. It can he wont
without intermission, until a care is effected. . rhe eufc
tetibera baye made arrangements At the manufacture
of these valuablcTrusres,Tn a superior style, iu I bun
delphla, and have then now for sale at their office. No.
77, wnlthfield w. near Sixth, Pittsburgh. j
}e». , d.w. Kauffman.
JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC—AtUr giving thisartiei* ;
trisl, we unhssitatinjW frooouma it lobewhat it profess
es—ths bast ariieU, witkeetany atcvptioa, la uw. fifths
mtoratioa and prosmUonof the hemaa hair. Usanow
: of dusktow instaacts whert hair has btea mtoead to buds
which bars beta tald l»r year*; sad wa tblah wocsdbol d*
rmltr fsror lhaa to roeasaanl to all ear rvadsrs who a»
losiag their hair, to asks a trial of this Tank iaastdiatny
llostoa AfaiL, ,• ‘
For sak ia Pittsburgh at thaßcakia Tea Star*. No. 7S
Fourth stmt, osar wood ' warMAwT "
TrvUUCiS, DUPOS.-Jocl Mohlcr, druggist and apodi
\J ccarv.N.AV. corner of wood ami fith ihu»-
liufgh, vetfl-keep coiutuiiily on hand, dibgs, paints,
oil*. dyeHituffa, etc.
N. li—Physician**pre*erip»ioi»acarefully compound.
etl from the boat materials, at any hour of the day or
itlghLf Also, an assortment of perimuary, fiuo
and cloth brushes, etc., which ho will sell low fox
cash; • ttwyl
BR* O* W.MOnRIE, HVDnpl’ATHlSr.vrouUl
reßjwclfully inform hit friruds and the citi/eus of
I’ittsbargh and Alleghany that he has decided to reiUHin
in the city during tho winter, and Is-prepaird to treat
patient* placiug thenuelvi!* under hi*. earc,.accorunig
to Urn system a* preotised at all Water Cura tUialui»h
inentsj for either Acute nr Clironic Tliose
wishing to avail iltcnuelves of hi* »ertiee* will call at
Mr. Mttlcr'*, corner of liberty »L and Kvuu'a alley.
Dr. M. ha« treated several aevero case* of disea*a in
till* efty with great *ucee*s, to which he ia psimiued to
rcter. - • : .no«Af
T. doau l HalltN Oh«nle»l Wap* -
FOR all kinds of eraplion* and disc area of the Skint
luch'M Rhctun.Hctirvy, lltaf
Hpota, chaptedor cracked Skin, and for »H other direa
acs of the Hkln, which require external remedies to**
BoapmndtanpaiaUed. Itwtwi dl*p«l»Fr«»eklea,JSun
bora, Morphsw, Tan, ud change* tb# eo*»i
yeiiew.or disfigured akU, to nfina, heaitojsyußtofoii
eleamem, .A fresh supply,
•ala at the reduced price of 371 per
received, Iloflered for tale by B A FAHNESfOCK A.
Co-cohurln and wood and ai*o at toe eomeror sixth
and wood au. i- ••••■ '
Epsom BALTB-M bbu
•alabjr [jalOJ R E SELLERS, 67 wood »v
hr 14, • 1848-
,ieß«OT.yoa PATKSii, ...: j
■ WiBU.'MTOI.P- c- : , •• I .
Z WAS ©. BOBBINS* Moehankij ■ Engineer 4nd
• Annt tor procuring P»l©bU, wtll preptrc U>^
isss&ssa WJ?A , WS?iSwSsf
, Offica on F. Meet, oppowte ■ v
Halitt lbe tooorof wHmaf. tr. \ ■;
. Hon. Edmand Burke, C<W«ioaerof^#lcnl^
>• • &fss&^sssass,%¥*^' 1 ' :;
• :jton:WAll«n)OU«fc -■-" f'■ ■■■' t,.
••• ••• an.tmiußiii,in«’T«kr. ’-
:•■' sßka.-lWih-BiUifc.BA >»“••• ■" - ” i:.
!£?« m 8 c“&v »■
ayusßW® SSm‘?ss?'-W
-‘ U do* Ntme Chairt, •
"m laSMiSbSogwit&gnl -•: r -
A IS mahogany .\yfixjk.Btandi,
-«;■' a dot mahogany ***%£&*
tg pi«tbi«t top Dreuiti^Barggui;
c" SSSfiSWffiiS^'
' mmrarf '.. •• • ■- •
l„ rirM .to*. '"&Sg£lMiE£&™ t*
StS« t*o “• ta u, ”, B *^^?lL^uocTwS«
«ssßssSßffia£Sae]Sc :
State. nr .~k, p" r '*Y2' k ' u<nrto *' IT
«tsyn3*a£gV , *gSia ; «s,«te :
r“f u»
g«ddlcrx. tjpJ !
SSSWISb* taymyrt S'* 1
*uvs?£S Jr
V&iifi S k.*""**’tI** 1 ** '” ff
from iho mtnuiacu»re»* in Biropo *.'l** .[5?! .
wtict* will enable bun to compete unth *Wf ertabUM
u.p«d » o-> *»> «£gf
bU *ioekJ>efote IS*!-!
jaS©I?»irrTA.NCF. OFFICE. F"»'“‘ b ™l* l
SBfiJfiout by US* nffency bpwi
fra buy pbrlJfllitUreC
.mb in I'.cVei Ship. only.
njont. of tbo Briiub Go«tnmonl b«otoloonur
Sort Emljrnnu .lbotn»»n<la*.,fomio■oMoj'J.
osoillG Ibo frnudn ptnolwod opontbnlbnnd onypw
Co, aa tiro tight pUcotoaUto BMlr. u u«nr w, tTf
' to be treated with punctuality and kutdnew- , J
Parti** who advertise themaelve* aole Agent*wMW
- P,m 7 r Whg -—» untrue, » a £““? T d^ t S
the pubbrVtu.weprofew to *
mack Ball line, but every other good Buie, ana j*i*p
p.y.U; «»r of^
braSeabfthe Provincial or Aulmul
laud, England, Scotland, ire. Wo draw
ehaumwe do not lake money and aend U to dhoEa*
to eeiaome one eUe to remit, thereby caaamg mutake*
lAttlio BrokOT,4e.c«Uoponiu, ondjWb j
will accommodate them at New o*k rate*. ~
n JOSHUA ROBUraON. EuopoonAjTjJ ,
1 :• &th at, one door below wood, j
' Boatoa Hodo of BmU«| • i '
MR. G DESTEB, of Boston, haa artaneed aodpar
auceeaafully u*dinßowmTKew > “ft *£ r^a , fi? e , i j
ever applied, ha* received the decked presence ovef |
itotee, Fnroacea, etc.' It* advaaiageaar*— }
-I*l Grealcegulantyof temperature. , , ,
2d. Freedom from wrote. t
3d. Nonnpleaaantdrynea*. 1, _l\
ifb«nd not liable to get OBt-O*
order. 1 ! j
A^no^rwd B <s«ifieauon may be *een and »ppara»
,»* *> *' c ° [,p 'yVH eS”,C i
mayaStf between wood and market^!
Hardware Stars B**or»d». j ]
WHITMORE k. WOLFP having removed ftoffl JM
corner of-ldberi? and 8t Clair ureeu. to Nb M.
Wood «irew,lbi«o loot, bbo.o 6, ““ I ”AJ‘X l 'VEib
2r iSS e«S Monongnhel* and Artel
•oeeewfallyito meet competition from -MJ |
W bc conilnaod aUheold ;
: S^aaSßSa^gTffl®'
1 formerly earned m by him. la hw life ti»e»iui a sawm?
tn*aod»ilne;Faetory.Tbowork*aT«m complete order
; SssKSssa^ A ®ts^llS
i . Admlmotratora
S' TOBAGB, FbrwanJinf mnd vout
Meairm. Stiauir Co4'Geo. W, Brailh fc Knfi
J. C. Hwb«., Eric, f^.lajMUgj
—lso bin nrhne Rio «oIm; ISO bbU N Q
y,,., atM i fiiftek iciit 71 5 ifid 131 b boxci Y W
SSdG WtoJSi I bM«i oirmux cUy; 10 ca*k* **»«#.
luc 10 40. potwb. Wftther with • f* ncril
"■;« ° r «nK«rt««,Tnag*™*^MTiSfloirr. to.... i
ia iho tear of the Moooiwahela ,loo 'fj
new nock of Jlor*c» and Carnage*« ■***?■* .5? wj£
and jateat atylc*. Hotiea kepi at-lw«y-ta^jbelyw.
<«*•; k»p«. ““se l ”* w%S°vick,“
a c gs-, / woyne it between peon and liberty^-
PnmmcK— 2UO boxes niultS euki WR. cheese;
lOXX> I OXX> lb* prim© Keutucky feathers: 30 bb!» KTe»»e
teriMpkcn No t lortj Mbmhel. «“>»;
** Ҥ&tw>JiiwgnqravS!A_.
VeioviMlronVotki. ... .
LFAVIH. DjUJSELIi 4 Co» raa&uiacinrct* of on «•
■uualUr. Warehouse, 34 water and 1M frpntst_Jal9_
■ jjVt.iirilMiXM-WABiTKD—Py o wholesale DU
D Goods lloosa iaPhiladelphia. OoeorQuaioied with
IUO Western and nprthora Penn’s snd Obh» trata would
• Pimbutb. Poe 33, M 7. . ■
PBRFBMBBY— Extracts of Verbena,' Patcboo
!i*y, Violet, Joeiey club, MUUflenr, Houqort de
k«uM«to £> cU>
JoSlSSeub. toraloW. JUUi>^; .M|w£d’.l*
jam bundle* s*. C. 51. and D. C. straw paper,
IfiO “• Medium Raff, , ,
u p Mbdluin Hardware; for sole by
ioctlß mSVXOLUS 4 BHEE.
Vi-TlVOODiPd*bbl* chtopedlogwood; 73 do fT^
Wwood; 100 110 chipped Fuade; 100 do ground
cumvood 1.00 '““"iraSififcK * CO.
: i.« corner of front snd wood »ti •
Gi ItOCtIUES—SOU bogs prune green Rio coffer, T 5
r elicits snd lislf elicits fresh gTfem less; 130 boxes
J 2« 10s fls elb lumps tobacco,- CO kegafitwlst do. with a
ccnrral assortment of irrbrpnes for sale by.
Vjrtl JOIiN ». MLWOBTH, 87 wood at
i ( n pKgefeß'S FlLM”—Just received,' per
- & Packet Ship Baranack, 4 casks “ttpeneet's” Cast
. Steel Piles, comprising a very general assortment. -
The attention of Machinists aed consumers generally
jllaVlicd. ... LOGAN A KENNEDY
icPt ■ ~ • . * '• 189 wood street;
MOIJtSSfes— lflo bljls (new crop) $ d SJotasses
arming and for solo ov '
isnia =; . . POINRESTKR 4 Co.
Crushed,and pulverized sugar, lust reed and for
SAIERAIUS *lO boxes sml 7 casks, just reed and
for sale by _ 8 P VON BONNHOH3T 4 Co.
janlT 1 ' . , 35 front si
BLOOMS —30 tons, Kelty’a manofaeture. for sals by
jinl7 - ■ ■ ,» FORSYTH 4'Co.
"17 LOUR—BS lbl» Flour. Ilogf’s Brand, for sslobj.
,|P At, j3hns dilwobth.
YeurlaC* l ' Sj
aSStor/Kteou wtare^
door from tho bridge.. The Aeademlo- Yew will *od*
sisi of two sctstotu of five motnhajeseb canmenflag ’
oiuhofim.Moodar.inFcta«iy:«aS II -
aua or wmos rea sx»o« or mx
Tr-rhigins die tide ,‘OnSod
Freud. knp «•«» M «iMMomI diMPM-”g ”
■to doaau iwib »j«Mixr «f at earn
ftofi thorimo-ofcjuraneA'’ No dadhcrions
"^ r^S^asf£Ms««
folly comma lUtawd to thaw who
tractor tl hfamoma—
afro be, mode fo,ih* fcUowtaf gtffla
:"S. T. P. Dd«, AIDrtMT,
B«T,D.EUioS, . 1 , Hpr.n.AMg*)'. £ ,
Mt.H.P.gdmma'* Bct. aPffr* ?■':
■ PhilsdalphlK CoIImM -t WeHtlM*jl
■s:X/B&Uar*mkM h«L<£VSa>-
TUBES TOE IMB.-will b. cofficae need on Moad»f,
Jtodi eih, 184a r *ad b. «miiaa*dA«p*lA*.6T ; W
Sl j. , B*BUEDi§? I ’tL nj iiMiW.iiiaoM**^ 1
apeotles.' .' ' ' ' <■ ' . - ;|
; henkymbbok&'m. dJtbUS’mbr™dfc*°<
M«Udn.. ; ■ r ■ 7 .•
: LOUIS H.BEATTT, It D,Ota*ricit»lDtoA*«.
of WomenendChlldisa: ■ „
- JAMES McCUNTOCK, IL IX, Prfneipfaa asd rfjc
’’henbv'g&bonv iL-i, 1 iaakuM «oW*l»'
tad Modlcsl Jsrbsnweaco; '
tL B- McCAINTOCK. M. IX, PfffltrtrUW of AflfrW
‘“S&CHAftD.BUHB, M Prowtttf of Sowerr^!
Fee for the fall coum, 970. Fbo fee thorn who a*»s
attended two foil courses In other Colleges, 99fc WfiV*
ri edition to'be paid osee only,-95. Graduation 9jJO,
Practical Aaammy, including Boeojrfstlotm
910. lb* DUeeetiagKobma win be opened *a the* lai
of March.' ••• .■? i:i * - •!•• •'• v“‘-;i '
, From emageaeata now peadinf there fa rr«T im
•oo to hooeuat the chain of last! fates of Meniahw.
mod Anmomy wiU bo oeovfad brdMsetPnfaMn
atarcarirperiod. , .!. ~ .- .■ . •»:
No. lNonh£leT«uhStreet ■
Fhttadal»hfarPee'.«<7.~ Jaat ;
receives it M A Mum*, ?
X CoiiaahiaaMtieritfafor.Fehrimry. '
Blackwood's :'* 1 Januanr. '
Flirtation* in Ameriea,orHlghlifa-ui New York And
the'pßrila of a Sailor, by- Wlt G
Jamee 11, WHAinawdfth.
American Cottage lihrair. edlfedtrr
Now aad Ihe£by Sam’l Warrao, F&B, amkr of Tea
tboosaad a year. [
T%e Mysteries andMfrerieabfNewYbrb, by Ned Bust*
Una, complete. ,r;-. f _ ••_. ...
The Bride of the Northern Wild*, by Newton M Cextia.
Rodolpho, or the Fteebooterof Formenttia.
Muacoma, or Faith Campbell, by Aria Aehland. ■• ii
Chamben 1 MisceUany, No IS x • . 2. -
Lrringaee, No IM. •"••?••'••■'".: - {:
Tavlot'aMoney Reporter for February. - ■: ■
wibecnptiooa taken foriTaylort Detector at th«, N
York price, 91 a year. Aapteodid aworoaent
leauaeaaiailpricca. -Forapleat • . r - ..• :
fete • , dorfiSroa*i. '
Q UNDAY BCBOOt BOOKS—'Wefcata iaetreeariT*
O «d a lane ntpplT of books forSoaday echoed librb-’
net, pnbUsbcd by the American Sunday school Uttfpo,
and approved by a comaattee of poMiritinn, coariAiag
of members of the following deaoiaiaalieaa, .tix: Bap*,
tfat, Congrefational, Episcopal Methodist Presbyterian,
and Reformed Dutch. : Theme pabhcatloae - commse
upwards of mil hnadredbonod vo!ttn»es, (of price* from
8 cents ,np to TA) aH 'written expressly for Btrtday
schools. • In addiuoe to the above, top Uafoa gnbliabes
a large variety of books ta paper covers for mne
.younfehfldrcn,'for rewards, ACjAe.’’v‘ -• r
, The Uoion also publishes two libraries, ;No 1A BOf
one hundred volumes eaehi aU numbered ready fof.usa,
of books from » pegea’up to MO at the low price of
ten dollars, averaging only teu eent* a vohune. Aim,
“A YoathCabinetLmrary,”'of-fifty volames,,at: the
low price of tsro dolUrs and fifty eenla. . Afao, Uyiim'
books, question books, red and bine tickets on paste
boaH*. maps, fai Ac. I All the above we sell at.the
Ualoa, Philadelpbfa prices. CattJogaes of books; fnr
aishedonappjkatiaa;-, ,j ELUOTr A :
fete (Post copy} I w SO market it, bet 3d Afth
1 Fsbraary' Xsastlati. • (
Received at m a minim’s, smithfleid afreet
3d door from eceoad:. >
Godey’s Lady’s Boot for February. ; r, :
.1 fatioual Msgiaae;.. >■* ;. tdo--• •• .ji--.
• Iraham’a do ; . do '
Union do 'do- *
All the above areequali/noisaperiorin beircyßbel
lishmenu, to the previous January numbers. _
The Last of the WfriCs, a new-novel by.O F R
James, Esq. ! . .*•'•! .-.-^-.1:1;
Tbs Disgrace to the Family, by W. Blanchard Jmrold,
• with iuostratioaf by Fhlx. ' \T‘ r
Brian O’linn, or lock is everything, .by W H alas*
well,E*<f. I il
The Loek and Anebor, being a Chronicle of Old Dub-
Ibe- Conquest of California anil New Mexico,
ytaw ib4C aori *l7,bT Jvtm MidiionCutto. ‘
Jue Eyre, ediietl by CsnerßelL... . i; .
The Scourge of Venice of the Star Chamber of lh4Ti>
tmn«l )ty finmit
Chamben'Miscellany, Jio 11.
living No l&L
Bong Book forth* Million,
_ Valublo Books* < -•;
TTNDESIGNED Coincidence* in the writing both of
U the<MdandNewTett«awo**ait*igiaDeniosthetr
veracity, with an appendix, comaudnc nndrsigncd co
incidences between the Gospels ana Acts, end;Jose
phus. Byline, i. J. BJantj B. IX Find' Anwnran,
tram the secoad London'edition.
The Error* of Modern Infidelity illustrated and re
futed, by 8. H. Sehmneker, A. &L, pastor of lhsj; first
Lutheran Church, Germantown Pa. i ’ 2"
Sacred Philosophy of the. Seasons: IDttstntittf'tbt
perfections of Gob .in lbs phenomena of .the yeaMn
toot Telomes-one. rot arse devoted to each season; By
Rsv. Beery DancanlX ft. - .
niilmers Miseallanks, embracing JUriewa, Essays,
and Addresses. By the let* Thomas Chalmersf!). ft.
- T%* above with * I ary* varietyof new and standard
works, tot sal* low by ; ELLIOTT, A ENGLISH,
jag ' SO market st. between 3 and 4th.
Owporb ud OlAßMlufeilldl.
O—The Charm} a tenet of gmecfol and elegant Color
, ed • groups, wiih descriptiva tUustraiinns; by. Elisabeth
Ellet, bound in eearlet silk, and splendidly gilt- J;
' Leaflet* of Memory; ‘an illuminated animal Jot IMS: 1
, edited by |B«yaoU Coates, &L.IX; superbly bound, ale*
candy utnmwated and illustrated. i «'
Friendships Offering, for 1848, elegantly horned and
illustrated, by spkndia eagmvingsby 4getain. i'<
Christian Keepsake, and Missionary Annual, forJMS;
Wwnd fo Arabiad'tnoToccn, and illustrated by® beauti
ful menotint engraving by Sartais. ' ' i ! : -
Tba Roee of Sharon. •’ Religious Souvenir, fef 184% -
cditedbr-Mu.'&{C.fid{eitoaMa)‘o.;. -
Tbe fiyacinlh.lorAtfeclion’sGifl; a Chrisaaa*,3<ew
Year, aai Birthday Pit)sent, for 1848.' jr .
■ The Gift a token, of Bcmcmbmdse for
. Hm Mayflower an lAunsal for 184$; edited by Mrs.
U Oakes Smith; bound in elegant —bossed maroeeo,
end ea be Ills bed with superb engravings, from drawings
by the best artist*. i.-"*' 1 $•
The .Young Zmdy 4 * Oosapaixiots'ani Token of Affec
tion. . ; .5 -'
The above, together with a large kupply of Pdclkal.
Floral, and other wcrkvbocnd in thamoat superb and
rosily style, eulteble 'far Christmas and'NswiYear
dett 'I , <ot.Markat43d*taJ ;
• ntilltlredi 'ji
TTEAYEN upon. Earth, by Janeway, one voL i; 89e
i~i Charnotk's choice works by Lrnunrtea,'! Yol 88e
Cotncineidences of NewTesUtaeW, .
by Bev. J. J.Kaiu, B, .;tl£9
Cbelmer’sMiscellanies,Poems,Easayehe. - }- 1,50
Select worts of James; Venn,-Wilson, rhilfipannu- 1
, Jay in one large vobfor the low [ , ned of ;•-,<<■ 1,50
The Free Chorea Pulpit, 3 vola. • -fl^O
Modem Infidelity, by Smacker; ■ ..r-'
Life of David, . ' .1 ->■ We
Daily walk with Ood, Matthew Strong, ■ i l . 36a
CireteofHttmenLlfe,hyThetaek,: ; . She
Memoir of Charlotte Elisabeth,-. --i.vv*s 31a
Tha works pf Francis in the ongioal liht*...
in,tobeepiimleiein4.Tola;3vola.naw*eady*c. . >
Willis’ Fbetieal works la splendid Tntkey*Moroeeo.': .
.The above with a great raiietr'of'hew books, Jut
received! ELLIOTT k ENGLISH,
land IPoet copy] ■ SS market st. between 3d had 4th;
AnUton’sClassical Dictionary;' - - >■< ! .
. DictionsryofGreekandßoman Antlquiuesjt
'M'Culiougk’s Commercial Dictionary; ' /< <
' Ure’sDictioahryandSapplcia9ni,aru,nunafhclares
and mines; •• ■ j-
Webster’s Octavo Dictlotiary, revised edition;
Todd's Johnson's add Walkst’t Dictionary;
Worcester’s Dielionary; :.
LlJdeU and Scptx l * Greek Lexicon;... J l .
Robinson's Greek Lexicon of New Testament:
- LeverieU’s Latin Lexieon;-: :
Ainswonh’t Latin Dictionary: -
Flemminf and Hbbta’a Franca Dictionary; -s 1
Buck's Theological Dictionary} -. j v
Cnlori Bible Dictionary:. - -4-
. RobihsoaCa!mei'sDieuonary,tcJ;flte.; H■'
The abova,-with« general assortment ofThMlogica],
Classical. Miseetlanaoui, and Sunday School Books, al*
ways on hand and for sale low, |h ..• ... • - '•
dc3 . • 8$ Market »U between 3d k 4th.
Hew; Puhlleaftloma*. u - . •
MI-TON'S POEMS, ' Uhatratod. Harper's ■ new
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Ekgliih BOOKB-flwgrjfjfe
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Tii'iriio.rnu siit' '*
“i'j- J u t- T/V i H
Tbrae U a in'tlte flowing atory:
JTHija Oint-
• a ectopia of .
m*4e.tlieit apwarance
in the imperial town,-of ■ ;■■■■■■ Alley pie*
tendfld;mßt:.they ; \refa aHe the
that tie clothes made of
ed'thepropeity of remamisg intrinbu tfrliim
■who\rastmfit forthe office he-held} oftras
ertremelyßilly. r -
camital clothe* mut her' .
thooditthe finqicrar; : a
■oit^Jcoaid diiectlyfind oat whaipeopte in.
ny enpire worn, not eqnal tQ Uwuto^oe;
and thfflpjii ho to digtinguiih
the clever. &pnx the ■njpid. . r ßy JoTe I most
have aoaa'of tHs BtaiT.niade ‘diroefly for
'so he ordered' Muni of .
money to be' given to'the two that
toected u if.
ihey'irotk ed diligeiitlyj'lmt in reality &ey,
dwriamtod tho tineat ailha and, gold .thrWL •
•pot it all m their-own pocket*, and.hoiked
away at the empty loozna till. qnitßjlkt? ar
Wight- • • . .
: ' U I ahould like to know liow tbe two
t6is are getting on with mv atod 1 aaid the
Emperor oi» day to hiauelif but he was nn
ther embarrassed when hff remembrirtd' that -
a ailly feßoW,' orohri imfit.' for ‘hia office,
would not be ahletbaeetnßitaffi-: true,
he thought-aa farasiiegarded hinrariQ there
was no: rijdL whatererj but.yet-be psßfeaTed
sending aamff one else, to bring him,JnteUir
genoe of the, two wearers, and how they
were setting oh A before be went,himself:, far
everyoody in the whole town had heard of
.the’ wraderful property’ that this. stuff was
saidtopoesess. '-‘-y '
; wffi 'aend my wortbY t)ld' minister,'
ention;: a ho willbesileto * say hoWithe
staffilooka better thaivanybody >■>
Sotheworthyold. minister wenttoytha
room where the two swindlCTi wereL Wfldc
ing away with all. their aqd.ipain--
“Laid hffip ibo«ght the .old man* open*,
ing his 'ejee as /'wby I
canH see therieast thing whatever on,the
loom.”. But he took care not to say *o/
• The swmdlerß, pointihg to'tne antoty
fraihe, asked Mm most politely if theoolois
were not of great beaaQr.And the poor old
minister looked and looked, and could sew
nothing whatever. -.
to himself,Ufazn.L then, reaDy a
Well. X nevfetthought so.
80. l not . fit for office l . No,: nothing Von
earth make me say .that I
seen the sffiff!”
4f WelL ; nr,” aaid one of the swindler*,
don’t say it.the stuff pleases yohj<V.BO|.?;i -
i “Ohl beandfoll bcautifull the.wtoki* ad- .
mirildel” said the old minister, locking -hard
through his spectacles.. 4 fnus v pattern and
these colorat Wellj’wdlirßhaUnot.faU tp
tell llm Effiperor tliat they are most beanti
falP»-: “ *'
'hie swindler* then uked for more ao*
nef. and silt and gold tkreadybttlthsy'put,
as before, nil that was given to.lharo :inlo
thwf, own pockets, and. still continued to
i.wozk with apparent diligence .at the,einipty
100 m.., '
time after, the Emperor sent .*a-
.toisee how the'work was getting
oi Bui he• fared like the other; hestiftea
at'thb|l6bm on.'every sideybut ae there was
nothing" tKerelofcbursehe could see noth
ing; “Does the stuffhot pleasoyou as'Well
sail did the minister!” asked ■ the men, ma~
kiigffie same gesture? m before/and talking
ofsplendid 'colon and- patterns* which-did
not exist -; •>'»'{ X l *-
" l am ribtPthodght the new. dom
missioner; .‘‘then it musLbe that l am not
fitted far my lucrative office—that were a
good joke! HoweTer. nb one dare even
i suspect such 'a. thing. . And so he began 1
praising the stuff that 'he could not see, and
told the two.swindlers how pleased he waa
to behold Such beautiful colors and such
charming patterns. “Indeed, yourmajesty,”
said he to die Emperor onnis return, “the
stuff which the weavers are making:
traordinary,fi^e.’ 7 .
•It was the talk of the.whole town. . <I a ' .
The Emperor could ho tanger restrain his
curiosity to see this costly stuff ;* so, accom
panied by a chosen tram of courtiers, amhng
whom were the two trusty men who hadao.
admired the work, off he went to the two
cunning cheats. As Boon as they heard of v
the Emperor’s approach they began working >
with all diligence, although there was not: a
single thread on the loom. . •
“Is it not. magnificent 1” said the two offi
cers of the crown, who had been there be* •
fore. “Will your majesty only look? What ,
a-charming 'pattern!--'What beautiful col*
cm!” said they; pointing to the -empty
frames, for- they thought the others revly .
could see the stuff. - / • i * :
M What’« the moaning• of said Ihs
Emperor to himself. .“I see nothing I fAm
I a simpleton?.- I Emperor ?t- .
Oh,” he cried aloud, “charfiling! The.sfip
is really charming!- I approve of
and he smiled graciously, and examined the
empty looms minutely. And the whole soita
strained their eyes) and cried “beautiful!’*
and counselled'his majestytohavenew
robes made oot of this magnificent staff; lor -
the grand- that was about to.taka ‘
.place. 'And so it was ordered. .
I; The day ; oa which the procession. was to
j take place, the two mqn brought n the,Enipe- -
Tor’s new,suit to the palace:
their arms Ss though they! had something. ja-'
their hands, and said, “ Here are yeia Xok
ieaty’s knee-breeches; here ialhe'6o«£add
Shore the mantle. ‘The wbcdesnitislicttlAs
aOobwebj-and when dreseefy-tona
[would almost fancy one had nothing?a&; •
[but that isjustlhebeauty ofthis staff 1(1-
r... the ; courtier*,- qt
(though not a sinale one of them poulq,j*o
[anythingof theqlqthes.. , v . : ,
‘‘Will yourimperial.majesty most ojaim- .
1 oualy be pleased to undress?' We wiUtHen
! try on the new thinga befbre thegUsa!’* 0 ,)
i* The'EiUMrbr allowedhimseli tobetth-
add then the two dieatadid exattly
asifeaohone helped ; hiin onwith an atticle ■
of dxeasj while hisimsjeaty .tunied.hilMSif
roundon all aides .before the mirTor. ; ..7
“The canopy which is tb be borne abpve