The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 12, 1848, Image 2

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.• fITTIBPBOgt - - -
fl ATORDAY MOBJOKG. mwJA&Y 12,1843.
'■#*' ~ J - TTM*™" J*m*»r*a* IXult Ga«it* ' U pabHiiwd
.;• V. IwKiTVi-WM'Ti Duly l» Sereo
V ; , Kjjft.Tfc, ■nnt~~T **“*Aj7t> r~r
■\ WHrr*** AVWMT , ig < IWPdU«*«W atom, uHatf
art «*nie*Ujr j?qoe«ttd to hud in
nS fipM'befert ftr; «aiiy in the dijr u
_ pmcticnb>t,~ • -' •:' '■; V ~
F«K tASnrCdßsterdtl IsteßigteaetJDomeitic, llir*
kstsTßivar-Kvws, Imports, Money Markets,4c.see
.rn-fitodp^a. 1 : -:- •'■ \ f •• ' .
:.*/• rflfiatdal Correspondence of the Pittsburgh G«2eue.
] /Was&cvtcox, B,lBlB.
• vTfci.febtfeic going on very slowly in the Sen
MB 6pm the tea legimenl bQL .-. Mr. Casa is whis
p«jßf ll>chi i niiglit allarenota3 anx*
Y ••. feta ee&Chimasaoif Ybe Military Committee to
ihia, Tee Begimisnl bill passed. Mony would
pafct jndeed that it ahooU not pass, even upon
I - fbß CRttfel«(.«xpeiLM alone. Bat then there is
* ’ •• B&ittnnfiM ataotttttaf Falroaago involved in the
BftQ,wUchect*e*eooQft*iit impetus to secure its
Think of aomjß 'thousands of influential
expectants urging Congress for Military appoint-
* J Mr. Mnx«*,tf N.J.Ud lho floor tod»y, and |
‘ * but, * Tery cood-peeclt upon Ibe w«, it. object, '
•- Md'oooMqMMM-’ .Tb" PrcsUeot bdn E «lrc«dy
'aenn Ibettiriuqr wbidi boregmrici a. in in-
\ aannitj.iMi more linn -uSfient for thUporpow ,
< ni bdaf TMolred to bold on to this territory, Lad i
aamsam tx farther pramilion Of tin war. Il
,‘i nuldlOiitvowid, to taltaboot“.ectirityforlho ■
<• throw-withaOomtnmont EkeMexico. Kabody
CKr4an«4 «*ia» Hat connuy mould invade tu, :
!■• and ao can oonld baTo any appreUenaion of such
‘ u.niaL Mexico oral about a* mucli to be dread
' ' *d by ba an n weak ebUd by a giant It was iajd,
, thnl there were point. in all warn wlien
am Ibe conquering naliona were glad to mnie
p«aee, : and that We migbterelongbednveatotbis.
The men and phoney which Congress wu now
colled upon to yote was for a new war, hitherto
dianrowed. It waa fir the conquest of the whole
c -of Mexico. - i f! ' ■
. Mr. Caaa Woptd nofadmit tbia, and confctacd
■ ' thu the annihilation of thewholc of Mexico would
lo . peat mibbttnnc. He held only that the ob-
V' t .' Yinnie ■innbbonineta of Mexico mfehl lead to tbia
. V,.V -*3SUU. .. •• • ' .
; And would l«d to it inevitably,if the war, a*
tmw prosecuted,by the Administration *
veiedin, said tue Senator from New Jersey. A»o
~ - f»r such a war of conquest, lie added, I will in t
',| - .Vatefor one cent or one man,- regarding it as
$. ' trotis to our free idstitotiuns, and tending to destroy
| -ontpqblkrlibcrties.. The supporters of tire war, re
? lyiiij moobdpoi “indemnity and **>e.
5 ~enrity fortire future*". Mr. Miller showed that we
f: *’hid all that .was desirable iu the way of indemnity,
x ' * ’ «nd tbil security could be had as well by stopping
s■ -■ the war a* by the continuaoceqf the war. MV.
~. Mr. Calhoun bod characterised Mexico as a corpse,
L tad significantly, asked, what was to be feared from
\' v eoch'a mass of lifeless fieslL Mr. Mfller pursued
• ' V the fignre still farther,' and characterized Mexico
'*> u ndoadbody ready Cjt the dissecting knife of the
Executive. The President could seize what be
wisheAflHeicoaid «Jop off* a head, an ann, or a
v ; leaving the trunk could secure all the
•• , a practical’ peace ; in twenty-four
ifJwreaiy wished it. It was only because
' im desired more Mexican territory that peace was
• eocxww obtained.; -^
• ‘ ", • Tyg Tirr.lsimr—loan buz.
’ The • snl3«t.;of most interest in'the House of
1 Representatires, was the Loan Bill, upon which
h&. Ttnton, of Ohio, aa Chairman, of.'the Commit
/ tee of Ways and Means, gave an expose of the
• ' flnajacesof the.Govemmet- Much of his speech
V' hadrefcrence to the estimates, and the Chairman
. that Mr. Walker had over estimated
• lit the add underestimated all the expat
i .!dttitres> ‘ The detail! of these discrepancies were
| /gfvW si length, shd the speech in this particular
important ibr rderence. In the ag-
S. , it was stated, and upon evidence of cor-
V\ <r rect estimates, that the expenditures fcr the next
]y\ /-teal-yen’ could, not be less than jxxTy^w aiUions
of deHart, wh3ei the only meaas to meelii from cub/
Vw ud lands would be twentyeight millions of
Just as Mr. Vinton was illustrating the'ae
<i.yr • inexorable told that ths,tiuie
ondeir “the one hour rule,"’ tad ex^riid..
' ' MV; ligon,*of then read an Administratioo
‘ Spired upon rahtlers and things in and the
• . -prtcfcfcduigs here'ended upon this subject for the
day. Mr. Botts, of Ya-, was in tbe clmir.
F: A bin* , '* r ere «P o, *® ato Hotue
' during the morning. Mr.F**iaiT,cf Pa,who
kiaaitho liead of the Committee on Patent*, and a
, • vary fifiqfnt Chairman, reported one for iaforing
r . energy into 1 the Patent Office, by means of
•” additional Examiner* end Clerks. •It was stated
boaineasof tii/ office, was. eight mouther
k • the time, and that the applications for Pa-
VtoStscaiw in. rapidity that the examina
tions tpero becoming more and more retarded.-The
no effect, though the
urged by aeveral members., The whole Patent Q£
v , 4ce Uin need df thorough reform &om head 10 foot,
* ahd bills am' before Congress for that purpose,
may not bopassed for a longtime
' ThejSoTaxxx Cocxt continues thronged with a
• diaapjJoiatod |rabiic. Jlf. Clay ts there every day
’ a looker 00/.waitiog las time to - take part in the
. * ‘proceedings assigned him as one of the counsel
ftpftß-Vw pending cases of bonkrnptcy. • The Court
/its botabout-half itsTjusiness done, and most leave
• / jiannmtfh with many cases of importance postpoa
ed. : 'r' '
... / ' ,Mr.Lorxx, whose “Irish Evenings’’ have im*
/ Mrted ,ao ; much. pleasure at the South and East,
/■' wd give a concert in Pittsburgh ere long. Ho gave
a concert bere last evening.
• TOe President's semHMntUy evenmgs are'made
most .attractive by the general admission of all who
*iek to'while away a pleasant hour at the While
- Hon*. The President does not always appear,
* bathis lady, who is'quite popular with bD, makes
jneretluLn>«nsads for the ahsenco of himself So*
• dal visiting,and gaiety of every sort is now at it*
, . There U dancing enough nightly to
1> weir down the. legs of giants, and there are scores
who dfl'ghf™ this and some very
grave perwumgesat home prove very light footed
be,* If there 4rai» hut irutiiia clairvoyants, ao
thtt good sriyea ai home, to say nothing of copstit :
liflt the enrtain upon tlm .soene, and I
bate known at least one believer 1 in this for *can
steg power, who was all the better for the belief
Uart tbe eyes of Uwse at home might at any W
• be fixed upon him here. . V
wsSßCtoroa iuwfpMxjr., . • .
Ttare is- to be n splendid ball given on the 22d
ja honor of Washington’s birth day, and to
to the of the Washington 1 Mono*
as yet, bears the palm alone for
lafgr ~ contribution in behalf of'this noble en>
K)]sfw' - •• | ' j•:
Jbae ere many memorials here, and one from
tb*. legislature tf Virginia, urging Congrea also
» nwehaae Mouirt . Vernon. -The visitora there
‘am thrr—"3» *T“y season; and the tomb of Wash*
lutM «agkt to be the ccsaincm property of the
'Hatiab •: After the death of Washington, the join*
raaofatibnpemod, we* thata marble monament be
eneted by the United States in the Capital in the
CSty cTWaihingtou, and that the fondly of General
Wmfcfcjgbm be requested to permit ius body to be
tmder ifj and that the'Monument be so
aa ; to opuunemorato the great events of
hb afttey'aad political life. Neither the remains
efWdhmgton! bene, nor did Con
g» era do angbl toward* tho erection ofamon.
UDant -The 1 . People, however, have taken this
natter in hand, and the corner stone of a mono.
tsj Wudoa the 4th ofJuly of the present
jgtx. "difficult to know the cause’af the nt
W ihn cnitlof Coharess. but as-a remmifr
•&& nalattresting ‘ and iaappiOTaalfi I add
tha btvr of Hn. 'Wayiingioo, the re.
giUw mijT John-Adsms inuodoces
.nmessage to Congress, of which the
' j^y^nyfoua'alwtmt:
' «A»lb* «Hithnenta of that virtuous lady, no less
, V |JiMM4IbT thisNsboa than abe is at present greev
tmvtr be so well expressed as in
•• '-*• pfnrnrr Vaxsoy.Doc. 31,1799.
' Wwi-'Wbtb* I feel with keenest anguish the late
Divine Provide**. I cannot be in
• ; jho^«irnfol^tributes of respect and
; xmwdb* c i*ei ad fuiiy ro
<** <»r jqg.ggf
<rtlch I Urea
' Ijag ted before rue, uerer ti> °PP^ n ?y
• ynhtic wflL 1 muat ooaiept to Iheyfr
v ; wi. ... * i ■.•!.. ■ , , •. ... .i < . .■ r
raMaear tdr-irenkDiS io >tte aaliadduthiili l
~qQl feeling Itnake tOamense'of pab& duty. V
•.“Withgratefol acknowfedgementsand
«d Cguiks for, the poreonil respect, and evidences
of condolence expressed by Congress and'yourselC
l-rettndg/vcry respectfally, sir,- your most obedient
and hnmbie servant; ;
A letter like this, needs’ no praise, and one hard
ly knows which most " to' admire, the hnabsnd of
such a wife,-or.the wifo.of such a husband.
• ; E. B.
We find in the Poet of Friday, some attempts to
defend die present dishonest tariff, which has been
upon the cepntry by Locofoco partisans.
It is no'hew thing for this Post and its fellow work*
ere to defend the present hut Uiey shall have
in this quarter, refutation io their hearts content—
Xlie article referred to *ayi>-
, “The j assertion thaltho “Treasury baa been de
fiauded many mfilionsof dollars" by the operation
of the tariff of 1810, is; best disproved by ibe-
FACisthat the revenues under" it have exceeded
the estimates made by the distinguished projector
of the bilL"
The distinguished projector estimated that for
tbo Jyear ending June 30, 1817, he should get
from Customs His, subsequent report
ffntwi that be received in that time only $23,719 u
SGI. Showing lhatj his 'estimates were blunder
ing or that the figures were felse. We leave the*
Post to take cither horn of the dilemma.
• The article then goes on to say that “at no pe
riod of our history, have the various interests of
agriculture, manufacture* and commerce, been so
unquestionably prosperous”
Which assertions we will severally show to be
without the shadow of truth and challenge tbo
Post to come into the field and disprove oar posi
tions. t
To commence with agriculture, we would say
that from September 1,154 C, to January 15, 1847,
agriculture was in 3 more prosperous state than
now, as the following table of agricultural exports
to the Post’s coveted foreign market will show.
Exports from New York,Philadelphia, Baltimore
and New Orleans, of the following articles from the
Ist of September to January 15, 1947-18.
ldW f 1547 Variation.
Flour, bblfl 570,M5 ; 1,017,324 dre
Commeal bbls IUTkCU > 9D.9UI inc
Wheal bu 1!I14«0 i 1.174,190 dee
Com tm ' tt,U70.420 dee
nvo hn r
Outs bu r 9l-C&1 dee
Barley bn 7,230 | • 9U.447 tUlMdec
Doe* tbo Post a till aili t cken the agricultural
was more prosperous? IXjcs the editor say
puce» ere a belter wjy to show the state of t rade?
Let huu look ut tue following table of price* of
goods at New Orleans, ;oq the 2Gtfi of Jnuuary,
1848, koatrasted with Feb. Ist, 1847. Lelhfhi if bo
dares rhow this table to his readers and then repeat
that at ho period have we been *o unquestionably*
prosperons. i.
new oatxtxs fmers or goods.
J0n26,’48, 1,’47. decline.
Fair Colton fo 7*071 11*013,403*c
Flour, bbl 56,00 9lfio
Pork mess, bbl sl4ol4*. 4,2505
Cora bu 40035 80090, 40015
Docs the editor like this better, if so let him ar
gue increasing prosperity tothe agricultural inter
cat from it
Let us now look at tho profits of the “lordly
manufacturers,” the lords of the loom. Mr. Walk
er in his report of Dec. 3d, 1315, when be made
the appeal that resulted jin the present tariff, said
“it is a question of per cent age and it is to decide
whether money vested in our manufactures shall
by special legislation yi«Jd a profit of ixs, twsktt
on THinTr res. arrr.~ th\is declaring that prior to
the act of 1846 the manufacturers did make so
much. What fact* now, in'relation to manu
facturiog.profits under the new law. The larges*
print works in the United Stales have become
bankrupt and their goods sold out by auction.
* The Neioiuryport Ilrmld tars that the Stark
MilNr nf ascertained on the Is: of Jan.
that they bad lost $59,000 or more than ooe-tweu
-ty-fourthof-their-caphali during.the.sir months;
and lhat tht Amoskeag Company, one of the most
successful in the country, is unable to make any
dividend on the last six- months work. The New
bunrport mills have barely mode enough to pay
their workmen. i
>The manufacturers have begun to reduce the
wages of the operatives. The Suffolk
Tremont mills at LoweQ, and the Stark mills
at Manchester, have already gdepted. this course,
as the only one, it is them from
continued losses in their business.
■ Tho iron manufacturer* of 'Eastern Peonsylvs*
oil too have reduced the wages of their operative*.
Will the Post now sfty that at no period have we
beea so unquestionanly r .prosperous, and does it
want more proof. .It shall .have iL
Letusnowtakeonr'.cpsunerce find, see if that
W not been condition than
at present. LBt us sod bow much oar ships are
earning and how prospered* they are.
Flour. Heavy Goods Grain.
Marchl,’47 1 8s 85s0!)O 29d330
Jan. 16, ’lB 1a3d22» 20*025 6
7s 6do7s 6&Q&'
Is not the Post convinced and has it not been
convicted of stating the most palpable untruths.—
With what claim to respect can it pretend to give
honest information npod the effect of the tariff ef
ter having its positions falsified by figures, like
we have given. With what decency even
does it talk of propriety and yet publiih in the
some patter'that contains, this assertion, the fol
lowing paragraph which ; falsifies the whole. It
•ghya: i. •
Regular rate on the street being
u t> Ma FOR A. NO. 1; AND AS HIGH AS
• Are we prosperous! 1 Are not the capitalists ami
money leader*, by it* pwn showing, eating oul
tho vitalscfoar business with 19(324 grcenL in*
teresL The whole trpuaeni aftho Pori i* diahon*
eA, and its whole aim is to give a false impression*
We again invite the attention of tho Post to our
figures, and challenge them to disprove them. Let
copy the article and refute them, not by
words, but by the “ugly figure*” the same length
of refutation on the part of the Post, shall go before
the readers of the Gazette, a* it will copy from as.
Stand up to the mark, .'and the wholo affair shall
be exaxniocd in detail. ;
PeaaiTlvsais L«|iiUtar*<
Harrisburg, Peb. 8, 1819.
The Committee of ."Ways reported a
bill graduating the Licence of/has and taverns. —
The rental of the houses is the basts on which the
scale is founded. The minimum is S2O, and the
maximum may-reach 51000. Tbe United States
Hotel and others like, in your city, will be compcU
ed to psy about 5500 per year. This ts a measure
which the temperance uien have at heart There
are a number of them here too, and their seal
merit* the approbation;of all who believe with
them- Juleps, smashers, cobblers, See. 6c c. must
go up,and then down. Tbe prices will be raised
and then, whose quarter?
Brokers' are Xo be subjected to a similar law,—
The object is to raise revenue,- and both bills will,
doubtless, pass both Houses. On leave, hfrMvers,
(Ways and Means) reported a bill authorising tbe
(Stale Treasurer to negotiate a temporal loan,
which on motion, was taken up and passed a third
reading. Mr. Frick, a supplement to ; the act to
authorize the New York and Erie Railroad to con-,
struct a railroad through Susquehanna county.—.
The Speaker decided fhe bUI private, when as ap
peal was taken. Tbia ; discussed at some
length, when the motion to consider was withdrawn,
sod the bill was made the order of the .day for
Saturday next . r • *
l l* Scuts.— On motion of Mr.Soaß, the Senate
then proceeded to a consideration of his resolutions
relative to the war with Mexico. They were pep
rained to pass through Committee of the Whole,
and coming up oi second reading, the Captsin.
addressed the fleatin at length in their support
The first jesolution ixsipz, under consideration
Amendments were offered by Muyt Johnson,'
Sanderson, Daraie and Johnston,'' ud alter a long
discussion, tbe subject was posponed tor tbe'pre*
sent and the amendments ordered to be printed.
• The bill *be House, authorizing tho State
Treasurer to negotiate a temporary loan, was on
motion of Mr Daraie, taken upand passeytbese.
vend readings. “
; Tm; Ison Toads—The Fuddlera employed at
the Phatnixvflle Rolling Mills, held a meeting a
fern days ago. to take into consideration tbe propo
Kd reduction of tbeir w.gc,, of
monlb'i notice had W enttu lb™ bylteCom
pally. Arednetiouof w«ea iu teen e«*tedln
S cf tte machine atop, of FotuviUe ba,
°ilhcSb!ii«lor»of the iron wort, in thi. repon
they filially came to the coadnata, tb« (he
hammer was deatined to geneml nhanloti:
ed their ctmlempUled opposition.
Tux Save of the . A N Johnstoa ' has been found
some thirty yards j from the . location. of
at the lime of the. explosion.' Eveiy thing in it
was sato and sound—a Urge sum of money, pa*
• - j_-~ -"
; (100. Jon MCtaifl authorizes tha National In?
.teQigeneer to contradict -peremptorily a story tha/
/hie had at smart time written a letter to Mr. Polk
approving the Mexican War.
' XllautratlOKa of Prtnclplfii. " :'??£
The Post , comes j hailing into the ; field, withes'
long tirade, Tneant for a review ot the Clay meeting:'
Itwould have been more satisfactory if the L editor
had expUinedthe course of argument by whfoh hie.
convinced himself ibsl his “man 1 worship” was his
greatest Virtue, and that the respect of Mr. Clay’s
friends was “rotten and reeking.’ . Let "a# have a
defence of your own honesty, which is so very
doubtful,' if your declaration of what-eonstitsied
your merits was not false. Let us know whyj you
look one why and row thejstheri Face tho march,
and give no doctrine without practice that
illustrate it The washy flood of words which
are given as a refutation of the principles avowed
by the Whig resolutions, are so bysterically strung
together that the feeble idea meant to be conveyed
by them has quite escaped us - after tho most care
ful reading. As the article was intended as a total
annihilation of the “aid and comfort” meeting of
Mr. Clay’s friends, it Wuut be answered. Wo sub
mit the following In reply, jascivering the whole
ground with wonderful correctness, though written
for an entirely different purpose:
(“Reported exclusively for the ( John Donkey." ]
(TVriffm exHiuivelj/for tin Post.)
“There have been so many other matters claim
ing a place in our columns, thai wo have omitted
noticing, in such a manner as they seemed to re
quire, the proceedings of the “Great Clay Meeting"
in this city, on the Ist instant. .We were notpre-"
sent, and cannot, tbereforcvspeabercatAsJroaftlio
proceedings not mentioned officially by the report
ersforthemeeting. But our correspondent “B. O. B."
who was present, gave such a statement of these,
as was, we presume, correct—tjudgiug-from the
heavy cannonnading that has been opened upon
him, from the fortress of the Gazette.”
Without farther preface, we give os a rejoinder
to 80. B. the pertinent remarks of J. O.IL N.
Mr. Foote said be had boon very much sur
prised at tiio higbfalutidg hyperborealions of the
gentleman from Tar River, (Mr. Badger,) and be
thought it very evident that a great deal could be
seen in hisepeech which was not apparent What did
the gentleman mean by the “flickering light of glo
ry’s candle?” Wat Dot this a masked battery open
ed upCfi the President and his friends?—a* the im
mortal Cicero saya, in the third canto of Leviti,-
cus— ' 1
‘-Guam fiickeram esndehbu«, vhigwbam dementis;
Au ramibus cognovit, tarenunn petackee!”
Sir,-,what says General Taylor about this war?
Sir, 1 will tell you what he. says, here under his
own signal manualj in the despatch which I hold
in iny hand—(Uobert, bring me my
bo say< **l would not see a cabbage in Mexico
withered.” No sir— -hut it ro happens, sir, that
they have no cabbages in Mexico, and therefore
General Taylor# opinion comes to nought—is
going for nothing bat cpldrlnw! As the sublime
SlankenSergias says in hia “Steiumarke und Saur»
Krautenr" ! :
* Dtbfteiftn lufc(cnh<tra'rr ter
: @pUsemurfladicitmqlbent|(rbrummrii9talt,
®cttttftnc|lt tin tluntrumcr |faat^ttuh —
tgnriUcftn oi()rintann! *• :
Now, sir, the President is blamed for the small
force given to General Taylor. S Why, sir,the very
documents show .that General Taylor had author
ity, to make his army as strong Jts be chose, and to
get whatever he saw fit or deemed necessary to
prosecute the war. And the old 'General advised the
government, sir, what il should do; and be talked
strong, and he ttdked well—be talked air,- as well fought In jhe langvage of Power’s Greek
Slave to Ctrrar, !
Qe rnaqt -f tp;rr 4Wf;4> Twr.
O/a: <jit ft
XWT tuX CpavqßVTU, liBtX.
' There, sir, wfaat do you think of that! And if
that is not enough—nf my words, added to these,
are inefficient, Dr. Bovnton, i the mesmerist, is
here, and can put you all to sleep to your heart's
content Therefore, I say it is false—false—
FALSE—that the President authorized a ran upon
the bank of the Kio Grande, jbr upon any other
bank. No, sir—in the language of the poet of all
time — j |
“Panicnm tmieum. clink,
Mexico’s got thr chink,
Tho clock struck oue,
.The mouse ran dowu,
Hickory dietary--- 6 .
Mr. President, the last line, jl See, is not going to
rhyme, and «o I leave the quotation unfiu»bed to
burn into and sere the consciences of our oppo
nents, who wish to plunge the land of Jackson and
Joffereon into the \ arterifil exasperation of Cimmer
ian dissolution—-as Confucftu confusedly observes:
©»^a4 : ©^'?
(Our Chinese foot was not renewed when we
famed oar new dm*. The type we have snbstiur
ted will be, we hope satisfactory.)
What if it.wai the object of the President to con
quer Mexico, was not America conquered?—Did
we not bold our farms and . divefling* by the foree
of wens; not even our wives and
children the trophies af oar prowess in firms? And
who should object, if-oararmy, after being disban
ded, chose to take unto themselves Mexican Sab*,
ns* after the manner oTlhe children of the pope,
os so beautifully described in the Cherokee version
of the Rape of the Lock : •.. _ I
“Iluncko buncko hominy squaw,
Winkum hliaknm chousem outotem, '
Ga-gegrt-a-wa: ugh V •
I ..think, sir, l see our brave and gallant sol
diers, enjoying "*hi§ new Paradise, each with
bis Eve and little Cains and | Abels gam Wing a
bemthim—. ! : s -
Mr. Clayton wished to know if the gentleman
jueantplaying at monte t ; j
Mr. Foote—l am not to be interrupted by the
gentleman from .Delaware, yrho comes here to
instal the deadly sirocco of ihe Wilmd Proviso
upon the «ltar of pur temple of freedom,
whose bitter, waves forever crumble beneath the
pangs of a Promethean desolation. I would say to
that gentleman, in' the language of Potiphar to Jo
seph* wife— j
“Timeo damme, doat fhout bandelibu*.”
I will tell that Senator, sir, that I scorn to mtJlen
ial annihilation his charge against the honesty of
the Democracy. Sir, they are as honest as (he
Whig*-r*s honesl as the Senator iu'mselfi—
Mr. Clsttox begged to explain— •
Mr. Foote—l am satisfied, aar, |nd beg the geo-'
tie man’s pardon for what I have said—l beg all
yonr pardons, gentleman—l beg yours, Mr. Presi
dent—l beg my own pardon—l beg every tody’s
pardon. I meant to have catawampously chawed
up Mr. Calhoun at tho close of my speech, and to
have recited to the Senate {the greater part of
Chikle Harold and Jefferson’s j Notes on Virginia.
But I intended no harm—l hope no Senator has
understood me— !
Several tv/eei—Not one of tj*.
hit? Foote—l am satisfied—human nature t>
weak—a* Sbakspeare says: i
“Ah. this rebellious moantaio of my thirst,
Pulsates, like Etna, forithe crater gone,
And hips time in Elysium."
Thx IxosTxadil-tTlic followingisfrom a Glas
gow paper ’received - by tbe Aceadia. ‘•The following
statement of tbe foreign exports of pig-iron during
three last years will be inusrexiiug to parties en
gaged in the trade. The' foreign exports of 1647
have exceeded those of any previous year by 21,.
3GO urns. This increase is on }he' United Stales.—
contumpt. To Ffajoee,Qt:najiay f and HoJlaod f tho
export has been less than in I&4C. The same
causes, which have seriously injured business in
this c gantry have been! in operation in all parts
of tbe Conttuenb : The addition on the export* to
the United flutes is 31.075 lons in l&!7over 1810,
and 19,079 tons over that of 1845. We havo seen
very flattering accounts of tbe progress of their
iron worts, but recently there |fa» been many ex
tensive failures amongst their masters; and
when u is renumbered that our pig-iron paps a
freight to New Yotlof IGtper ton, and duty then
of a larger sum, biu stiO competes sutteufaUy with
the tron produced in the States] there is a lair poa
pect tor mnaufecture/s °f, ? n jncreased bust
ness from that quarter.” : ]
Tho increaixd export* of Scotch pig-iron in 1810
and 1817 was to all countries 34 tons, of which
increase the United flutes t00kj.11,075 tons.
Tho exports to the United-Stales have very
much increased'the year part, especially in the
finer descriptions of Iron. . [ .
Exports from LterryMo/ta 1840 and 1547, to New
Tori, Boson and Philadelphia.
'■■'fails BaM- Hoops a.xd Suxrrs.
lam: 1 ® mu jlCSCton*.
In 1847, 12,035 j 7195 , “
Increase, 12l 24,730 j 5009 “
Tux Skasos. —The month of January has passed
with scarcely-any show of coldj weather. In ma
nv" place* 4m grass is springer u Pi, lh ® *hr«bbery
in the garden#!*beddingxwpidly, «ud there is roopi
!o fear Hint tho fruit will bo entirely destroyed.—£/.
Louis Republican. ! • j’
Hatchiko Fish.— Hatching egg# by. artifi
cial heatis well known, land extensively
practised in Chiria. as is also the hatching of
fish... The sale of spawn, for Lhis purpose
forms an important branch of trade in China.
Tho fishermen collect with care, on the niar
gin sa/face of water, oil the gelatinous
raattersthat Rpawn of fish, .which is
then placed in anogaf-sheU ‘vbbh hfta been
fresh emptied, through a limMl 'hbld,which
is then stopped, and the shell is placed , un
der 5 a setting fowl.. In aj few days, the.
Chinan break tho shell In warm water:
fwarmedby iiwann). The young fisli are
'ttmh- kept in wale/ until \ fimy are large
enough to bo plarcd in -a' pond. • This «|jto
in some measure counteract# the Krearde
stmetion pf pnawn by trail-nets, which have
caused the extinction pf many fisheries.
Jfartin’i China, j
Russia a*d AtWL—The Emperors pf
countries have forbidden oil persons to
msgnetic_ telegraphs, unless by their
To"£FEditof»4f the Pit&urgk GauttK \
:iiEBmlQkTlU>’?ipiQsATloll. ■
' Textile Wfaigs sf Coantyi .
• Odtfwlu feds fi, lively, interest in the success cf
the W?ug party would' «y efew word* to yxu *1
-the present erisi*.
QYou will soon bo called upon, to # ' express your
preferences"torfiWhig standard’bearer in the np
prosching canvass; tbs subject"!* important' and -
deserved your most mature chniideralW,
Two candidates will be brought prominently be 4
five the-National Convention' for" its : nomination;
the friends of either will go into the Convention,
warm, zealnu* and ooh£denl;lboth of them will be
backed by powerful and k nuojferou*. friends.: The
Whigs ot Allegheny County are to express a pref
erence fbrone or:the other.- A choice utobe
made between. General WINFIELD SCOTT and
General Zachary Taylor, the controversy has nar
rowed itself down to -this simple issue. We arfi to
have Scott or Taylor; one or the' other will be the
nominee of the'Whig National Convention; there
is no mistaking tbe signabf the times.
It is supposed by aomo of- his friends -that Mr.
Cay may permit his nametogo before the National
Convention, as a candidate for the nomination, the
distinguished Kentuckian has not authorized his
friends to say bo, nor has he even intimated a wil
lingness to ( become a candidate. Hia national or
gan, the Louisville Journal, is now advocating the
nomination of General Taylot, and Kentucky, the
home of Mr. Clay, has given evidence already of a
determination to support General Taylor, while
Virginia, the birth place of that illustrious State*-
man, 1 bos, by a resolution of the Wltig members of
her legislature (passed unanimously; 1 believe) de
clared her preference for the- hero of Buena Vista.
So has Tennessee, and so also hayv other Southern
States. Thu Whigs of Kentucky would gkuy in
seeing Mr. Clay .in the Executive Choir of this
mighty Nation, but tho fear of defeat has induced
them to look for another, around whom they.can
rally with an assurance, of vietdry: they ore on
wilung to hazard another defeat with Mr. Clay.
The Whigs of Pennsylvania and the North, are
now enlisting under lire banner of the ecar-cover
ed hereof Fort George, Lundy’*Lane and Chippe
wa; the persecution a this distinguished Statesman
by the present administration has excited tire hon
est indignation of the Whig party, the blood hounds
of loco focoism have been turned loose upon the
gallant Scott: even now he is.the object of Mr.
Polk’s unyielding.proscription, of biner party- proj
tcription, of loco foco proscription. In order to
prostrate ‘the greatest. Captain of the - age,” Mr.
Polk ha* 1 ordered a Military Court Martial to try
the gray haired hero for .having , shown u a want of
official respect to William L Mare y,-" and the hero
of two wars is to be tried before that notorious ten
egade and reckless political partisan,-Caleb Cush
ing, asJthi* Judge,—a proper instrument, forsooth,
to do the dirty Mr-Polk and hi* loco foco
CabtncL *";*
It is now to be decided by the Antiraason* and
Whig* of Allegheny County, whether'they will
stand by calmly and view with indifference this
onslaught upon the gallant Scott, will you approve
of this persecution of a brother Whig.—lt is said
that the Whigs in fourteen counties of this State
have expressed their opinion in county meetings
and convention*,— ttrtlve of these have declored
•for Scott ttco for Taylor and none for McLean or
Clay—this is as it should he—the honest yeGlhanry
of the country should speak out m thunder tones
at this crisis, and let Mr. Polk and- his cabinet un
derstand that the unholy crusade which thoy_have
commenced against the illustriousScott.Will never
be sanctioned by a virtuous people.
Gen. Scott as a Whig is lob firm and unyielding,
as a Statesman i* too enlightened, and as a soldier
too victorious, not to excite the hostility and jeal
ously of the prossnt administration.
.Lettbe.Wbigs of. Allegheny speak out, let them
speak out as with one voice, for Ibe gallant and
victorious hero of Fort George, Lundy’s Lane,
Chippewa, Vera Cruz, Ccrro Gordo, Contreras,
Cberubusco and Mexico. Akbudes.
We are requested to lay before the public the
following correspondence.
To the Mayor of Cincinnati.
Respected Sir— Byreferencetotbeeuclosed copy
of Resolutions adopted at a late meeting of tbe
Select and Cotnmop Councils, the undersigned
wsru directed to assure tho citizens of Cincinnati
of the cordial sympathy of this community for the
distress arising from the fearful inundation by
which your city has been visited.
To the undersigned has also been- confided the
gratifying duty of transmitting to youtbesom of
three hundred dollars, with a request that it might
be applied to the relief of the most di»tres*iug suf
ferers by lids calamitous event.
At a recent public meeting it was resolved that
this amouut, bcinga portion of the balance still re
maining .unappropriated of tire fund contributed
by our benevolent fellow citizens throughout the
Union, for tbe relief of the distress arising from the
Conflagration of April, 1515," should be devotod to.
the'alleviation of tbo destitution occasioned by the
recent floils in'youp Cfty.’uiider {he couvuajoa
thalsuch an applycation of the unexpended por
tion of their bounty would most fully carry out the
design of the generous individuals from whom this'
fund was "derived.
Tbe undersigned beg leave to teuder their infik
vidual commiseration of tire misfortunes of your
fellow citizens." • ■
And hare the tumor to be
very respectfully,
your friend*.
Thus. lUxxunx,
G. Adams.
Matos's Orrua; \ , >...
... CuManxwti,Jan.l3,lSl& J
Meters. Bafceweil and Adam*.
GmdftrUui—l received in the cquae of.msiL
your letter containing' proceeding* of.|*Select and
Common Ctraraib’* cooseqaenl upon, a meeting of
your fellow dtisec* of Pittsburgh, and also accom
panying amount of three hundred dollar* to be ap
probated Sat the “relief of Ute mSererr by the late
disastrous flood ol Cincinnati."
• The sum forwarded I have placed in the hands
of our “General Relief Committee" to be appropri
ated under its direction io accordance with the
wishes of the kind donors.
The proceedings of tho citizens and public an*
tborities of Pittsburgh, I have commtmicnled to
our City Council to place upon the records of Ciu
! cianati and such other action os may be pauper;
and which in due time I hope to have tlie pleasure
to communicate.
"For the kind terms in which you have expressed
the action of the municipal authorities of Pitts
burgh, and your j individual sympathy, allow me,
gentlemen, to express, in'bohelfof the citizens of
Cincinnati, the warmest thanks.
Very truly, your friend, ’
and obedient servant,
11. E. Sfcicer, Mayor.
To a similar letter, addressed to the Mayor of
Louisville, the following answer was received.—
To his Honor the Mayor of Pittsburgh.
Rupttud Sir— Your letter enclosing a copy of
the resolutions adopted at a meeting of the Select
-and Common Councils f your city, aud tho sum i
if Three Hundred Dollars, wns duly received. J
reported the same to our Chy Council at their first
meeting after the reception-of your favor.
The undersigned, in behalf of the citizens of
Louisville, hereby tenders Jus respects for the syio
palhy manifested and aid afforded by your Select
and Common Councils.
Please accept Jar youreeli' iiuumnce of ray high
regard and esteem.
Re-ineslfuUy yonrt, A:c.
Wm. B- Vamcx, Mayor.
Tax Tbjxt Tuxatt. —The Baltimore Sun’s Wash
iagton letter, which is more reliable than the Union,
says:—We are now in dsilv expectation of a rati
fied treaty, but must wait for tho arrival from
Vera Crus before we can sny ought on tbe subject
Should the treaty, be ratified, it would require but
Utile arguments show ihaj Jhe administration can
not very well assume ine responsibility of nendiog
it backto Mexico wiUioul submitting it tothefflenate.
Such a' course might be perfectly justifiable per st.
but would place the county in a very uaeaviablo
light before tlie world, and render future, aegotia*
tions very difficult if not absolutely impossible.—
My opinion, thereiorej isth.aljhc treaty,'as soon as
)he Congress of Q.ucreiaro snail Save' ft,
will meat with very. little difficulty here, and So
supplied with a legs! form long before the day fixed
tor bolding of the Democratic National Convention
But the probability is that the Congress now ss
rambled at Queretaro, will object to certain terms
and that these will have to bo settled by cpramisuoa
era. vested with full powers from' both govern
ments, and meeting at some neutral place -most
probably ia the Havana.
should remember fbal it is only, tho
wounded pigeons which flutter. ' If the political
turpitude of.ljv- Buchanan was only in dio imogi.
nation of ihp effitof of thp it wop)d have,
been quite as well if hi* .friends had .allowed
'‘Truth crashed to earth’’ to effect its own restore
lion. Wo commend u Verita.■l' , to tbe.entirc speech
of Mr. Wihiiot, tor the fecu will come in play afier
bo has assumed th&t “patent democrat’’ who -was
in fed almost the last surviver of th* old federa*
party, and oa§ *.yho left it with regret.
Accident.— An old Lady, whoso name we could
not ascertain} residing In the upper part of Alle
gheny City, was vu severely burned on Tuesday
evening, that she died in a few hours, flho was
setting by the tiro, oifd a hot cinder -fell fituu the
grate from which her clothes took firq and was
burned off* before oasisfimpe coujd be procured.
Kxv. Joirx BucxU. X). will Preach (by request)
on the Mediatorial Dominion of Christs’ .fomorow,
(Sabath) afternoon, commencing at 2J o’clock P. M
Set bound# to your zeal by discretion, to
error by truth, to passion by reason, to di
visions by charity.
Two potwn* a : axo Roast Bxef,—-In
Oregoh labordrii’get jhree dollars a day, and carry
a'hod made of rosewood.
fr?- Uix rnx Paorxx Mxaka—lf you wtsh to betne
ceMfnl in any undertaking, yon must always hue the
proper means.’ Therefore, if you haTO a eough, use
tHentho <mly efflelent mean# loeure yeti is‘to um
Jayne's Expectorant, which will tmmedutdiy overto(he
lie spasm which contracts the diameter oP fee tubes,
and: loosens andbrlnfs up the mucus which’ e%» (hem
tip, nbd thus removes every obrtraeuoii to a free reset.
ritfonTwhile at sjme time oU inflammatidn u *&.
Ueljt'aS'R cafe fe cetttia f&otei
Pffuruy, pr la (ac( aPJ
Pulmonary Affecuqu, thea use J«r»,s Lipsctorant
usd. r«Uef is certain. and ypawiU And feat you havo
at ihs Pekin Tea Store. 7* 4th
Wwd, .
Caniiyond»»B*af;PiittHr|lt CUtsettW
M rf-.'i iiPOMIM. znBWS. V %-JT'
--'Correspondence ofthis PittsburghGtrea*. 1.
New YcrkyFeb. U/lsjiS.-
The from France are that the hiirn moitihlijTicJ. -f. '
The Bank of England added xndre*
stock of bullion in the week just closed i !
(Italianaffjun areas unsetlledas ever and the
Popfhas quite enough to do to quiet rival &ctions.
Switzerland is comparatively quiet l
The elder dlsraelii is died Amotion has been
made in Parliament to’ reduce the dutyonlea,
jrinch Lad John Russell has refund to alkiwj and
a most striding comment it ii'upon the progress
said to be making in English Free trade. 1
Om. '«">&>foneeof tbs Pitubatgh Gfcutts. i
Feb. 11,18i8.
An nm'val from Havana puts ns is possession of
Inter news from Central America. The Havana Bi arid
hu received by the West India mails advicesjrom
Honduras, and translates the despatch received by.
the government of Honduras, from the authorities
of Guatemala, in winch the latter. decline* iji the
mortperemptory manner to.omte in aiding Masi*
cd against the United States, The reply is clime*
tensed by great good;aense,;whlchis highly &e<fr
taide to Gen. Carrera,'lndian though he be. I
, He {states that after a careful examinaudnj oi"
tbW relative rights’o{ the two belligerents,*-the
United Stares and Mexico, —he does not find ex*
istmg between Gaat&mals and- Mexico j any
treaty controlling their mutual. relations, while a
treaty of amity did exist between the United States
and Central America, whieh‘Guatemala, as cue of
the States meeting such treaty, were'bound to re*
spect, and she would therefore remain ncutraL -
Correspoadenee ofthe Pittsburgh Gazene.
Washington, Felr. 11,1618.
Sjevatt—After the morning business, Mr. Tur
ney made on elaborate speech in favor of the Ten
.Regiment BilL ' •
Mr. Breese, of Illinois, then obtained the floor,
but again *gave way upon a motion to aejjotihi to
Monduy ibo 13tb iost. ' I • .
Holsz—The whole oftbe day has been devoted
to the Private Calendarin Committee ofthe lYliole-
When the House adjourned, was to Mond jj* the
13th inst. ‘ ' | ■ j .
Exclusive Correspondence oftho Pittsburgh Gazette
PmuuiELrata, Feb. 11,4 riu.
Flour —Tho market is quiet, with sales of 500
bbls Western at $5,'75(35/51 p bbl }
Con* Meai^—Limited sales st bbli
Wheat—The market is dull,'with moderate
sales at 1252130 c a* bu. I
: Coax—Prime-While is selling at 55cbu,
scarce—with an active dcinaod. |
Cut run l -The market is very quiet, and nothing
doing, }
: Sugar ato-Molasses—Sales of N. O. ol4i<3sic
Market firm. In Molasses the market is
dull, and very little doing. [
pEcmsiOTfx—are unmoved. |
Wmsxrr—Sales at 22c? gsIL j.
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pfiuburxh Gkzetis
Baltimort.. Feb. ll? 3 r.- *.
-Flour—Sales ol H. S. brands at $5,5025,501 f
bbl. Market quite duO. )'
-Gram—'There is a good inquiry for ’Wheat for
railing purposes, but other grains are quiet. {'Mod
erate sales of prime White Copp a! sl{3S2p §> l»q.
Cojw ilsAL^—Sales at 52371 y bbl.
Psmb Poex—Sales oC Western at $9,50 p bbl
Mass Pork—Moderate sales, of new Western
Na 1, st4ll,So?bbL
Puke Bar—Sales of Western at $7,50 » bbl.
Mrs* Bor—ls selling at $l2 p bbl
Lard—The market is dull, with moderate softs
only st BaS(c * Ih.
WmskET—Sales at 2Gc gall.
Exclasire Corespohdenee ef the Pimburch GixaMh
. Nrw York, Feb-11, 3 r.a.
Flour—Sales of Genesee, commofc brands, si
$5,S7| and Fancy at $6£5(2t»,37l qp bbl. ■
Wheat—Prime White is selling at 12Sfil32c f
bu. Sales of prime Ret) at 1253127 c p bu~
Coen —Sales of prune Whi(e at jJGc p bu, of
pjime Yellpw ‘Ric. * *' ['
' Provimoxs—The market is inactive executing
in prime Pork, which is quite Ann—Shies of Lard
ats|33c*& , . -
Cottos—Karkgt dull and nothing doing. |
WuisucT—Soles at 25{c tp gaU. ,
Correspondence of the Pitubarrh Gazette,' ‘
Cixcucun, Feb. 11, G, rj. ■.
Flout—The market is stagnant, and nothifig has
yet been done id indicate the effect of-the foreign
nevt V ■ {.
Sugar—'The market is active, with soles of 100
hbds firir New Orleans at H&i |c |L
Molasses- Salue 200 bhli New Orleans
Wtukey—Moderate sales at 171® gal '•
Provision*—Tbe market■ is very duu for all des
criptions. Sales fit county' Lard at 5‘23j IK
{TJ-BiUf o» Comma—Hath Tone—To this Bald
and Grty—l/ yoa wish a rich, luxuriant bead df hair,
free from dandruff ami scatty do aol fall to procare the
genuine Balm of CdlaniVta. Isi'oaaea of baldness if
tyiil tnoys than exceed yyui Many who
have loot tbeir hair for 4) years bare had it restored to
ita original perfection by the nee of thiebaltmi Age,
date or cocailioa appear la be uo obstacle whatever, it
also caoaes the (bud to flow with which the delicate
hair tab* is filled, by which means thousands (whose
hair was grey as the Aaiactic Eagle) have had their
hair restored to its ualural. color by the use of this, inval
uable remedy, la all cases of lever it will he (bond the
most pfcaeanl wash that can be used. A few abplica
turns only ore necessary to keep the hair from.uliiug
out. 1? strengthens the roots, it uevtr fails to Impart p
rich glossy appearance, and as a perfume for ibe toilet
if Is w3<tmt4r& if {toW tyres Umcs ps mush si other
wise ailed nair restoratives atjd is more effectual* The
genuine manufactured by Comstock k SI Cot)rUand
street. Kew York. . h .
Sold in-Pittsburgh, only genuine, by WSL JACKSON,
00 Liberty *L,-heed of Wood; in Washington, J*a_ by
Sweeny * Son; iu .Brownsville, by Brunei k. Crocker;
in Canensbnrg/ by Dr. Vouel; also, by our agdculn;
every town in Ohio and Aid. - ndvlsdAwGcuT'
ET'ffo SrcixsoAS Meji asd Ontxxa.—Cwiaell’s
Mogicw Pain Extrector—lt is uow conceded by'taedi*
eat act Uun CoaueU’s Maaieal Pain Extractor, feann.
futured by Comstock & Cq, (g Cqiirtfesd >l-&i i>
for grsawsi wou#e» o/the ItMh c<aiuijr. iu effects ore
truly raincolons. AU puns are removed from barns,
•raids, Ac ? and all extsraal sore«| in a few minutes af
ter iu Ofplicafioa; beating the same on tbe most deli
cate *kui, leaving no scar, it is equally beneficial in
nil kind* of inflaramator)* such as sort Nip
ples and Eyes, Sprains. Rheumausm, Whiie.Swelliug
and UJean, Bruisss, lhtma. Chilblaiha. Eiysjpelaa,
Biles, 170 ltoloreaax, Ac. We might add as proof to
all we >ay, the names of many eminent physiehuis who
use it in ufeir practice, and hundreds of the clergy who
praise it to their people. Kind parent keep It ocnMunih'oa
hand, is onset of aoeidem by fire, life tn»y be -]{,*(
out it, hot by iu nt* all bunts are subjeot to us control,
unless the vitals ara destroyed. Caution—Remember
and ask for Council's Magical Pain Extractor, luanu.
fcetured by Comstock fc Go. N. Y, aud no other. :
Sold by \VM. JACK9ON, Agent for Pitubunrh, W
Liberty st, liead of Wood, . oovlbdJcwflmT
Does your hair tail off, does your hair tuni gray
I* It kareh, i* it dry, or dirty, I pray! j
Ifiisthni.ypn cvi U**Ve it rail, silky and fine,!
Dart; and brfllthy* and beauteous as this hah ermine
' And 10 have this; yoa'bhvO hufUirte thltiini'rtb' riVe
Poria bottle of Jeoes'Hhixßestorative.
Beo&r, if yoo have bad bait you would really he as
tonished al the lovely effect a three shilliiigvdtde of
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative has on il;1t wed* liui o nd
trial. BoM at to Liberty st novl^v^-
niKSiTkitTt Cokkia or rorr ornca iUit.
o(7>Ws are sow prepared to etceatvin a superior
tad expeditious manaer, all kinds of Jos Paaynse,
each ai tanre Potters,Stemuboat Bill*, Bill* of Lading.
Letterßhect Circalan, Itandbilli,Cards, Rei
j aoox ASu XARMitxT f atmua ■!'
to tar exleat excested in ike best manner, aid all
kinds of Pnnaag doao.wlik accuracy and tube lowcs -
rates.; . ''\
K7lnpertuk to AdVertissrsr—The adrer*
Usemein wkieh epnear in the -Dally Morning GAzetle
also anpearia tho fn-Weclrty.ihue receiving lb* ben
efit of Aha ctrvelatioa of all; wiikoat any additieusi
any extra expense. Advertisements ore also inserted
in the country pftpernpqh resannqhla forgis.’ ' .
QT’poa'i have a Foul Drealh—lf you have, ate a
two shilling botilo of Jews*- Ambel Tsolh Paste.
will mfke roar breath sweet, whiten .your teeth, ifcc.—
Sold otbO liberty tt- ' oovlfidAwly
I 'V ■ DIED, . \
iOn foe 11th instant,‘Mb. AVm. N. Clcxvros, aged 34
years.; -
‘ills (jlendi and ilioire if the family are inviici) (0 at
tend kfe funeral from the house of-huS moilher, corner
of Col veil and Henry streets, bn Bundaf > st’’& o'clock
s. m. .Tbe members of the .Scientific Association are
alto infiled to attend. ( , j
On Friday mnniiug, ilth lost-, at S nfeiook, WaLuxc,
•on of yhiilei' hud 'Agn« 'Msy,-iirthi TOfye'af Jf h|s
#B«- '. * ' ; -f .1
Tbe funeral will fokc place on Sondsy afternoon, at
3 o'clock. The I'rUndt and acquaintances of tbe fami-.
|y are respectfully invited to attend. , ; ' j
On Fjtiday, the lllli iasi, Mrs. Hannah Best, m the
73d yearof her age. j .
The {bneral will takeigplace on 10-ropnow,,from the
residenne of her son, Joseph Best, at 3 o’clock. jThe
friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend
without further nolle?,[= '
Athisj&itu. V.’
C. J. B#tn>, ...Stage Manager.
rnr Last night of the engagement of Mr. Bnriiey
\vuhsas.; -
Bamsy Wllliviu Song and Dunce. * j
|rr* ITtis evening, February 13th, will be presented
iheDramaof " V .
Larry o*Cig- ••••y ■ • * • ■•' l y •• -Barney WilUiaa.'
After which the laughable Interlude of the ' -i'"
-• 1 ; BQRS To good LUCK,
Baddy O'Rafferty,. v.. W. V........ Barney WHBittg*.;
Tb conclude with the laughable Farce of the !
WlntecVoaßroom-.-*--: v- Mr. Saoaoen.
Em 11a.— .wMii Sauden.
’i-•••! IV :'j -) VS-'</-t
- A’T • ,*f K» Coonrj' Coac&ißeenf Cortes*
A pnudcncß&W at MellasteiV hotelln fitutarzh.
<m tha £M Jannary. IS4S.Uk following call wa* arncil
Bpoiu.-That'fhar whig attd'Antiniasdnic-VDtcrs'oflhe
•c TBral Wards, Boroughs end Townahipaof Allegheny
eooaty we i&vitnlla meet attheir end place* orhcrtfl
jng primary meeting*, within said districts, on. Sator;
«*7- thd Sstl!. February next, to' appoint delegates to
meet in County Convention at the Coon House in
Pittsburgh, on the succeeding Weduesday, to appoint
delegates to the Stale Convention to be held at Harris*
burgh tp nominate a Canal Commissioner, Senatorial
•Elector* and’Senatorial delegates to the XatjonaUTon*
vention; The said county convention will also appoint
a delegate bom this district to the Whig Nndannl Con*
1 ventton. and an elector lbr this district upon the State
electoral Ticket.'
.The primary meetings in all the Township* except
■ Pitt, will be held al 3 o'clock, p. au and in l the Wards
and Boroughs inclodinr Piti, at “ o'clock, p. it. of said
day. , uANL. McCURDV, Chairman,
ft. Psum, Sec*y proytem. - ja3o
, H. BOUISB * §O9,
BANKERS ud Dealers in-Eietienjre, Coin and
Bank Notes, No. S 5, Marketetreet, Pittsburgh.
Selling Rates. Exchange. ' Buying Rates.
New York. • |pr Cincihnad, 1 dis *
Philadelphia, • . ido Louisville, Ido
Baltimore, •* do St. Louis, Ido
Bajrinf Bates, BANK NOTES. Baying Rates.
Ohio, • • I|di* Co. A Scrip Orders, 1J dis
Indiana, *■ do “Relief Notes, ' ‘‘ tie
Kentucky', “do : PennsylvaniaCy “do
Virginia,' u do \NrsrYork do “do
do : Wheeling, ido \New Orleans, “do
Tennessee, it do /Maryland, “ do
Eieenlor's Sntlce.
ALL poisons knowing themselves to be indebted to
the estate of RobertUdbhll, late of Faycnetown*
ship, Allegheny county, dcc’d, are respectfully notified
to make immediate payment to the undersigned execu
tor,' and those-having-claims against said estate are
requested to present item tor payment. •
Fcbl2w3t J R M CAUR. tj r_
OIL —WOO gals natural color'd uiuier Sperm; 1000
gals bleached winter Whale; 800 gals low priced
lVhaJe Oil, just rec’d and for sale by
ALCOHOL —Warranted of proper strength for Hat*
tars and Druggists' use always on hand and fur
sale on accommodating terms by
FEATHERS—?/ sack* prime Tcua~ to arrive by
sir. Lady Byron, for sale hy - r
Water and Front »U.
SALuKHATUS— 31) e ask* pure Salxralus;
75 boxes do da’ rec’d and
Liberty street.
PORK —U -bl*U mess and prime Fork iu tldre ppj
for sale McGILL, J3U3HKIHD A ROE,
BATTING —50 bale* Cotton Gatling for tale by ■
TOBACCO—W ken No IVm Twist'for rale by
MOLASSES— HO bbl» plantation Motasce* Itadins
front Mr Clipper No a sad tor. rale 'by
feblg _ JAMES' DAI.ZELL.
CHEESE— To boles W K Cheese for rata bv'
febia JAMES DaLzKLL.
i ICE—IO tierces Rice just reo'd and for sale by
casks S- M. Wine; 13 qr casks I fact Ssutcnie do,
just received and tor sols by
■fchtg * .. MILLER A RICKBT3QN,'
SobbU Wilmington Tar just rcc'd end for tale
MUSCAT WINK—2S boxes Moscat Wine jutt rec’d
and for sale by MILLER A RICKKrSON.'
BRANDY FRUIT—I cases Brandy Fruit just rat'd
and for rale by MILLER A RICKETSON.
/CHLOROFORM —S lb* jast aec'd and for sale by
L> febia . - B E SELLERS, 37
JUST rec'd, 30 lbs lljd.Potash, Car said by
febUl (Citron, copy)., i KIUDAOo.
T ARD—SO cons of a superior quality, put pp yipms*
XJ ly Tor fcunily use. just rec'd and for sale by
Window glass—. wo bores a * io: 150 boxes 10*
lift 100 boxes 10*14. for sole by
lebia a F VON BO.NNHORST a Co.
BROOMS— 100 doz for'iale by
PIG LEAD—ISO pica M sale by - «
febia ) 8 F VOX -BONNHLBBT AOr
; for mJe by
) febia ; -SF VPN IK
WHITE FISH—S bbl* prime inspected for tale by
HEMP— 7 bales dew rotted Ky. Hemp, jutt received
and for aale by DROWN A CULBERTSON,
lebia j . 143 Liberty street. .
G<LASS4-125 boxes B*«10 \\7Gla«;4oboxe» 10*12
T do; 90 boxes 10M4 do; for sale by
let'll Jt ROBISON A Co.
by [febll]
i iba red Sole Leather for u]e
CHEESE— 32 boxes Craina Cheese, Isrtre size, rec'd
add for sole by W A R M'CUTCHEON,
febll [ ia idbpuy street.
SHOULDERS— 12,000 ib* Pittsburgh smoked Shoal"
ders mihand and tor tale by
febU i • WA R MCUTCHKOX. t
HAMS— IttOOO IbtTituburgii smoked Hams on hoi
and for tale by (fell) IV tt M'CUTCHEON.
•a W ii Oicpm for vtid by
3 f \OTj UQSs HQasl' fr Co.:
(HEESR—SO bote
> febll j
riVOBACCGE*—SO boxes assorted Tobaccoes lor salel
SAL.ER.VTL S—l casks for sola by
febll 3 P VOX BOXNHOBST * Co~
' Y LST leceired, 30 lbs Precip. Carb. Iron, and for tj
Üby ■ - (febU) ; . I ODD A go. t
■\TARNISII—I3O gals New Ywt V»m»h for xsle by
y febU . (Chronicle copy) J KIDD A Co. _
T\R¥ PEACHES—ISO bo* Dry Pbaffe* 70 Jo Dir
X/ 'Applet jutt received audfoteale by
fcbU 1 i S 33 Wood ct.;
XL and tut ule by
fcbU «
SCORCHINGS— 10 l»bU Scorcbinga'ree’d ptrr Caleb
Cope and foriele by
febll , S ii W IfAROALGU.
Bn.K POEK—IS,OOO lbs 'Bulk Pork, ho* round, j»*t
received and lor tale bv
frbtl 3 *_W_HAH!UUGH.
T)ACf)if—3*l llaan; 2M Sides.; 233 Shoulder*, city
ffl cuf*u, in (tore end for rule by
fcbll 3 A <V HAHBACGH.
T rAI .EXTINE.S—A splendid assortment Valentine*,
V ' comic and sentimental, for sale by
frblO JOHN H MKLLOR, 81 Weed »t.
SUGAR AND lUCE—7 hhds N O Sugar, latierc.-*
Bice landing from air Colorado and tor «ale by
»>b!o JAM EI, L
SDGARS— 37000 Kentucky ktegats on con*i?macnt,
!’s'i f ?yM GKO tt>CHKA\._
T?EATI{EHS on yonsientnent and tut aaJc by
-T febio OIX) COCHRAN. iki Wood u.
BED COIU»-10U dot. Bed Cords fur sale by
VTAILS .840 kec* Juniata NaJls for sale bv
SOAP— 150 bole* Soap for sale by
feblO , . FOItaYTU A DUNCAN.
(NANDLES-10 bxa CSn. mould Caudlea far aula by ■
EITTSUURGU CJM&Dt-ll) boxes for sale by
feb.ltt ; • FORSYTH & DUNCAN.
SODA A9ll—4>» talks Soda Aah fur fain by
SCORCHJNGS— 13 enrk* Scorching* for sale by
G 1 LASS— COO boxes Window Glass, ars'd for sale by
TUMIILERS— 7U boxes Pressed To abler* for sale by
E APED—4IO reams Wrapping Paper tor rals bv
febltf * rOIISYTIfA DUNC.VN,
fIANDLES— 60 boxes Cincinnati Mould Candles per
V/ att New England toraaW lostto close eoowtnnient.
BLACK WADDING—POO iJoi juit rce'd and for aale
T-iLOUR—SO bl»la extra superfine Family Flourlur
-T »lc by IfrbO) WICK A'
f POHACCO— 110 bj« ss Tobacco' for *ale by
T)IG: METAL—OO tons Pig Metal for aaJe by
fIHEKSE—tft 'boxes W R Ch’ccee, til casks do for
\J s*lc by WICK A ArCANPLESf '
T f, a»ni-« (Louisiana
RUKuIUDGE. WILSON + Co. Water su
•es, Louisiana Refinery. for sale hr ' ,
<cbD_ llfllßlPGE. WILSON A Co.
/IIOLDEX SYRUP—IOhaJi bblt pure Cane Juice
VJT Syrup for »ala by BURUIIXiE. WILSON fe
'VfKVV ORL&AXSJtiOLASS£&~«!M bbla'Piomatioti
ll Moliweafortl’jby • • \i.
tffii » "fiURIIIUDOH, WILSON k Co. ;
CORN AND BEANS—2j bbls Coro. 10 do isd
While Beans for sale by
.fcbO JOHN H S?7 Wood .t
SUGAR—O hhd* N O Sugar landing from «rr New
V England end for sals'by' ’’
‘-■*3*; " ’ 1 JOHN S DIMVOBTU.
QOAF—'7S boxrs Cincinnati Soap liifaalr Ov •
PUIJ) COCHEOO PRINTS, a handsomo article,
J. • ana colors perfectly fast, ouly 191 cts pr yard.
1?INE BRITISH PRINTS, rich and’neirsiyfeTTt
. low Prices. W R MURPHY.
CLOVER SEED—For sale by
fa b7_ 57 Water street.
GLASS PAPER-800 reams eas'd (jlnat Paper, »u*
. perior to sand gitnyr for Mechanical puiposcs,
Uardtran dealers andPrunUU, ala Tow rate whole*
saW. 1 Mduuiactdroiam) sbldby "JKIDO&Co.
fthfl 11 • • • '* Corner of Wood end Fourth Ms.
SOAP— 75 boxes Hyde's comtnou and fine Soups for
_ sale by • ■ [febfq KIDD fc <*q, '
SUGARS— JO hbd* prirno N Qwga?.
; * s you ImT" -
Fatkkt uucioire-ss <u>TEr.ii.Ty
- » ct>7 - O BLACKBURN A Co. -
boxes Of Bonbnghu tio l. ibr. sale by
fetl7_ O BLACKBURN * C q.
' v «wr« New Yorkand C©niT
JX Hirer Hops, just arming and for sale by.
7 a l6i>klsUU& birds for sale by
V_ feb : I&UAH DICKEY t Co
=' ——-
fpYO.buildinc lids In the sixth ward, each 01 by 132
&£?i ■ “ “tshfr. *
.s I<B Liberty street.'•
Xi fnxa itx. Biupper, for »*le by ■• - • M 7* uu, »
jfs™, by^^r irr Tk^“‘"'
xp? r 8 ™ m «* ■'-s a-
Chronicle copy. ~ ,
- ,<eb7 O HLACKBURN i Co.
/~\lL3*“Wlaiep bleached whale oil. •
l r ' l&wj 'o^blacwvßi
'll- AftcnofiMß&fF
' -By JpfcM P. rtlTtlri«eU>lirtV,- * :
", Extra Saity (rMW|^» -
On Monday afternoon the 14th in*U el 9 o’eloettat
tie endtkh
ttrecu, will be Mid withoat re*erre. to cloi* a coucim
?W cheats good gnaHiyy-fb \\ { JM.
10 boxer Virginia Tobacco} . .. i
tß)boxe»Begef«r y
iCdoren coal and Dcrorubire ■hovel*;
■J bbts Malo*»e*}lbbl Betas; u j
'JbbU Rice.' Stovea toa pipe, Sic. i
febli) ; JOHN D BAY)
Drjr Goods*
On Monday moraine, Pcb'y Hth it' IO °' c^oe f’;f. l
the Commercial Sale* Room, corner of Wood and ; «n
■trcet*, will bo told, without reoarre,'' .., '
An exteawre ntsortmant of atsplo '*na
Good*, Ac.
At S O'clock,'?. H. ■' '>
A large quantity of groceries, eoufee nonary ,gltu**
ware, china cueeuswore, liquor*, V irginia monufac lur
ed tobacco, shovels, hay and manure fork*, matches,
land boxes, stoves. Also a. genual assortment‘ : o<
hooMhold furniture, superior transparent window
blind*, mantel clocks, 9 day and 30 hour clocks, looking
glasses,carpeting,Ac. j \
Aid o’clock, r. a*. - ’ * '•* .
Boots, shoes, gum overshoes, umbrella*} ready made
clothing, cold and silver wutehes,spy. glasses, specta
cle*, combs,- pocket knives, razors, Knlvebaad forks,
shears, scissors, brace and biu, German fancy
Jioolt, Paintingr, and Mutital- hutrwHtntt Ot
■ Audiaru ;. •/ s•' "
On£aturU»y evening the 21st inmant, at 7 o’clock, at
the Commercial Sale* Room, corner of Wood and Ath.
streets, -will be told a largo collection of valuable mis
cellaneous Books, embracing inhdard work*,' to the
variousdepanments of science and literature. Family
Bible*, blank books, letter'and cap writing paper, Oil
paintings, mops, charts, engravings, taoUju, accord*-
on*, flutes, fifes, fancy articles. etc. S
lcblL . JOHN D DAVIS, AncOr?:
.41 V.-l
Establisheda warehouse iathe yearl64A'fortbeiftr*
pos* 0 fstippl y tog the Chy andinierior Trade walk ,
■low priec*—sad eihibiting/at all seasons n
of the year, the Largest Assortment ia
T&fi WORLD. !
- They are new opening Several Hundred Package*,
comprising every, ns w style of Foreign and Doibestio
production.. many of which, bavo jam been purchased,
and are offered for sale for Cash and short credent"
• FROM • ' -" •: ■
per-yard below uie pnce*oi, Apru and May,- *a pet
printed Ciitaloeoej, which.ajo-coireeied daily, for U>»
ulbßaaiion ofbaycnt. ?•, • •):
• JS'ctt York, Jana, iBW.' j
To the Honorable the Judptt of tke Court of General
Quarter Scxrt'ont ef the Teaetf in and for.ih
County of Atieghfjry.J; - ,»' < i. :
TIIK Petition of June* Cmsan&Son of the Second
Ward or the City of Pittsburgh, in the county
aforesaid, humbly .shewcth .that your petitioner! hath
provided themselves with materials fot the accommo
dation of travelers and otberfc, at their dwelling hours,
in the dtyand ward aforesaid, nod prays , that jodr
honors will be pleased to grant them alicenwia keep'
a Public House of .Entertainment. And your
er, at in duty bound, will pray. ; , - ,:f. '
We. the snbseribara'ctlvMßi of the Second W&£ of
' the City .of Pituhotffh.' do corner, that the abort peti
tioners are of iroodsepatefar bonc-sryand temperance,
and vraUpyJvWed wiib'house room and eotrrenien
pe.ifep.thY ewaatomdatioh and lodging of torangens
and travelers, and that said tavern is neeessary. ' ‘i- *
ChambersM’Kibben, Geo. Singer, ' ?
John Anderson, Henry 8. Mairrtw. - i
Ik H. Miller, U. Weaver, :
John Thaw, A. N. .-
Robert Rodgers, • Jniv,,? :
Jno. T. Sitoger, ; oec;ge P.'Smith. ■if i
fcb!4 - ... . d> .
Hew Book* and Periodicals/. '
TUST received at hi. A; Minet’s, Smithdetd street,
t 1 3d door from Second. •
Wallace, tho Hero of Scotland, by Gabriel Alexander,
superbly illustrated.- ,i .
Evangeline, by Longfellow.
The Abbey of Itummoyle, by the amhbr*of ‘•Father
• Clement-'’ ... o'. • i i :
The Chairman A Speaker’* Goide, by 'nos Smith, Efcqi
The Indies’Science of Ettjquette and Hand Book'd
the Toilet, by an English Lady of Rank, ■» • 4;.
Kiijnene and the usages of Society, by Count Allied
trOrsay. . .v.
Fowler's Phrenological Busi—price 511 cents. . . l {| ; !
Living Age No 190. ; . .-,.4j .
Brian O’Liun, fresh supply! . ..?.!•
Godey't Lady’s Book for Jan. fkh., frtrjt' supply;- <
A large and splendid rtrsouuem of Soar Bodes, eon-.
prising a novy-uae entitled Pundit’s Comic Songster.
A rich as«l beautiful artiCle 'of Note Taper ? '
Aim a fresh lot of Cheap priced Vnlenune*,veTT hand
some and remarkably comic. ' 1: 1 fcMl: •
O’UBSON’S great P«B9tama of tho Hudson River
Q. will open fe? C short time at Philo Hall, ectnmpn
mtg on Monday evening. Feb. 14th, nod continue every.
U»>S tiie. Week, except Saiurday. .Thistm
■use painting on over I'XOOO feet of canvass, repre
■ta with wonderful accuracy every city, town hod
Hdinz from New “York Bay to the' mouth of the J 46-.
River. Front its and Nationalhn- :
Bence itis considered ah extreme!)' uiefol'leison&r
of which visited the exlfUiitpt£ yi
Schools admitted in b<albsoaliVsraltarax»
daring the week, by Jobh H
til Wood street.
cents;'to be hod at the Manonrahelo
fuS^^BCharics, Exchange and Merchant’s 'Hotels'
-dear. < Boors tipen at «|:ond exhibition will
crmnaence at 7o’elock. ■ febil
'jkTQNTULY REPORT—:Tt» Girard- rife losurahee
JSX A&soitt aiid Trust i Company, of Pbilsddphht,
report that 83 persons hare been insured as their office.!
during the past mooOn ' ■'
10 Merchants.
3 Clergymen, -
a Female*,.‘
. I Physlcinn, *
3 of other pursuits-
Of these there ice iusared'&r RSUOO and under,'\ • IS'
•' *.*'' . “ . BQoo ' •«.' • s
"i •“ w icioo' “ • s u>;
U ' 4 Clerk*,* c, ,
■ 3 AttbroAo at Lew,
. , $ Farmer*. ' - ; -
. 1 Tauber, ’ L.
Of these there are intqrod for 1 year and over, * -7
i. U « ;V 7 .. .« • JJJ
*' whole life, •:&
\VM. B AKEVTELL, Grant iL,
- • Agent for Piiubarfh.
Only TwoXraft. '* -••?]
subscriber has only, two of these cheap dwsUirj
litfiiuii situated oaDccatnrsi., left.- These boas*
C 4 are brick, three stories high, and contain .six
rooms each. They are ofrecest erection, are well
built, and possess sveryconvenisuce fijr neat redden*
ces for small families,'having each separate and Inde*
pendenryards. 'i
IP" These booses'will be sold at the low price of
firitteach! and time given on a portion of toe mir«
chase money. Such bargains, we think, harp (pi lale*
ly been offered in this city. ’i:
Impure of the subscriber, who ho aeon at theOA
fice of the Gazelle, every forenaoaJTieiweea the boon
of eight and teu,. sad at -other tunes at hi*
Mrs. Hays’ boardhig bouse, Robinson’* new tow. Kid*
ertljt Alleghany© l)\. D.N WHITE i'
•*»ci>lP‘~ " - Agent for the owner, <'
cocsk* or rpra axd at. clAie srt, rrmacxon, ri ( ' •
mThe sobflcriber baring assumed the munjN.
ment ot this tong established mid Ho|d,
respectfully announce* andtha'Vab,
lie generally, that he will be n\ >1! tinjfs preparedita
accommodate; them iu al\ dysirable In a well
rrgolaied Hotel; Itotjtc U upw befog thoroughly
repaired throughout," aria new Furniture added,and no
pains wiU bp. spared to moke tbo Exobange one of the
very bp«jL Holds in the ceAwlrv.. • ■" M
Tse tuidetsjgned respectfully •solichaa continuance
of tbe very iiberel patronage the House has heretofore
received, . . THOMAS OWSTON, • V
h felUdtf . •, , . Proprietor! j
Real Eitata In Ohio, :•
A TRACT oflmid, 80 acres, in Harrison, JWiapo Qcv,
on the Cuyahoga river—about £> nrres under im
provement. Abo, two unimproved lots'in the villags
of Warren, Trumbull Co.; W feet by.9o. Also, a Jot’of
ground in the centre of ll«rt£Qrd,'Trumbull Ci, witty a
hne dwelling of the best, stands
Ui a merchant ou the Western Reserve.' Any c; Jail
this properly will be sold on vert acconwaodaurig
terms. ISAIAH WCKEY k ■
•fefalO , • - : Water and Front sts j:
R*al'E|<(gt* In Htresr Coaaty,
4 LOT,’ Storehouse and Dwelling, situate on the'
-t\. Erps the viliaga of Wesl-MiJ
tile&ex;* a desirable location for a merchant- Alto, a
lmt and good Dwelling House well suited fora ,Tavepi
Stand, iu-tbe village of Orthrtrllle, bn'StateWiliQ of
Oltio. • Terms easy. ISAIAH IHCXEV ti ' V
feblQ Water tnd.frVont »1»J
FOR 9ALE~iTbe*BabKriben wi3.*eil tbo Enginejn
their old cy tiodor is 0 iueh and
tH inch stroke—also, eatfneetion with it their Qaric
Mill,.whichUuearlynew;all being in cnmnlue>nm>
jtjng oidur- This affords au excellent (ippsomnity .10
Tsiiners wishing to use steam pow»T, as it will be sold
low . .W :k RHATSj >
(ebb* com*; of Liberty'cadTc rey ais.
Lot.Cnr' Sale* -
4L(XT in the Cih ward; 49 street by SO »irert: one of ska mos* desirable lo
cuuour in the Cth ward. For verms apply to the sub
-scyibcrotthciM(jtb*riWU«Jk Store, 4th neu Maiket
street, ot «t hu dwelling sat Clark street, oppose fe •
Ttovjllo.'s Gpoccrystpre. . ffehtai JL.BRAn-.
1 IlotneeepaUtlolledletaea*'
/PHE undersigned having been gppoiuied sola Aaedit
I for the sale of the genuine HoffiopathtoUedieiaea
fur the Wfcst, takes this method to iuform ’He Phyp.
cioiu and the poblio in general, ikat he. has received
frmnLeipzig (the central Aphdidcaryl a hew supplyW
said Medicines. ♦ AO the hew publication* t, u t
pathy, Sugar of Milk, Gtobalea. ko- an always kepi
on band., Btfereoces—Dra Reiphlhekh. jivako a&
uv .• . - JQJOs O iIACKOi’EN.. 7^?
fcbll(C?iaw3t Liberty st. above
f/esa sssassßa®
a*l»iw Xfiww
vi~, N i£V; - r*H*n s Hi, oroid
j££iL . ; ' .. wnttnr;^;-
. .. MU' r
nAME to Ibe.ubKfiher oa th® tshhliut,3lhMpii)
V, Si * ec .P »«k*d with a awtVmw fork in the rWear
and a hole in the left. - One has on a large cnw'beiL'
The sheep are utixed merino. - . ■••.rT?
_jaS9watS* ./• .. Ea«J)eer ujwuihi*vW
fresh Family Moor, IbbblsNo
Jt” t laudjabbls Butter; Id kegs do; Q
|h&l* xlyeja bbis lh»ns,- just rac’d and ftrsale by™’-;
V..V- / ' ‘ B EOB»W.', » cil :
i'VfERCER, DRCgHERS- A Ca CmmU,,..
il j! chanu, FhsladslpUa, forthe salTof«»fc e
Liberal adtascaa wade on cnpslpament*. - i
GABTOU OIL-5 hJiU'NaX josirecM and f or
. if Us, fast xeett and for sale
BLUE MABS-Sslb»,-for iale >
ft*q ■ • •• E-E gEEf.taKt’?
PULV UAYREHRY—&IO lbs for sale br i i j t
febd- -■ -i’E.ESELLERS..}.'
/"IRKAMTARTAR—O7S Rs for»*leby
iV. febs '• • aB BB.fwre »
T OAF S V' <sAi iandinr frem ateaißer Penn-
STivanlA and for sale by. • =t JAMES DALZfuS^
-£*^7_}_!_‘-- • • no H water at t >
PEA NUTS—MX) bush in store and for tale by T
• JAMtS;
PEACIIES-lM husk for sale by
fchs , ( ; JABBj nai.CTa.t^
< ‘ r jL-v , ss-w ” ‘ "S'
„ „ Jr«, jF **•*'- -I -
r-; ontmiw tPITMBCTBia -
OAI LY! PAC K E T V • N't,
lion cf frtieit and the entry of paaunfcM ,cm W' **s+
ter.* HralTcaaeath* paragemoney mart * P»«*«
advance.. • | ;• _• • •■•■„■
: Th«MQXOXaAHEU>C«rt.BTWWiaitjgf2E^
brajl, BV*!T M 10 <&**>
everyMoaaayavewaf .
Th« HIBERNIA N* <i «W. J. Ku “™; T !S,*S
leave Piiuburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 ectocs,
Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. )t - ... >
The NEW ENGLAND No/* Cap*. 8- Otx, *•"»“
Jemve Pi»ubnijhieT«ry;Wednerf»y. mortung; 10
o’clock; Wheeling every .Wedmniby evening **
The PENNSYLVANIA, <*pCGaAT.wfll, leave Pirtt
bnreh every Thursday morning M lOo’clock; Wheeling
- fbidaypacket.
■ Tbe CLIPPER No. 0, Copt Caoou, will Wave Pitte
burri every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; Wbediag
every Friday everting at 10 r. K. ‘
The MESSENGER, Cajn. Bs Cawwill leave Rtts
bnnta morning at 10 o'clock Wheeling
ever)- Saturday evening at IP r. u. 4 * .
Tb* ISAAC NEWTON, Capt. A. G. Miami, will
Wave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning it 10 oVfcek;
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 r. ft.
May 2», ISI7. | ■•- ' .
beaver packets.—new arrangements.
• ■ - - • - j. ..Hwewamer , p .
■ will leave Cor Bearer. GUbgew. tad
■■BRSHBaWcUiriUe, on Toeeday, Tiumday,
* o **nnUjr, of ««hw©*k r alOo’cloci t A.M.relaia'
&ad Saturday,w
In* on Monday, Wedaeaday_ and Friday. She- 1 bus a
boat ml tb* laiuhaf batwaea wood strut sad tb* bridge,
prepared toreo«»efrelflbtimi«ay time.; ' •' .
* ' \ a* W. HAJiBAUGH, AgU-i
oetlS j - "" No.33\Vood«t
K 1v finesteamboat- -
t M : BEAVER- , ■ -
■ lwtgMa|' Qbtriu E. Clarke, cd&g
MBflEliSElkecoauits winter make daily
trip* to Beaver and WeilrrUle, leaving IHtabanh eve*
K. dael& gM-HARTON, ACQ-,Agt«-
1144. :r lift*
DaUjrPMlut&lU; '
tv ' The fclUrwing new boat* cooplett
liL .... J ihft-llne for the prc*ent aeasao: JkT»
tfSu&TMg USWC.- Capo Jan?* Fukii*oa;
hTLANE, Capt. Ii Bennett. The boaiv are emirtly
new, and are titled op without regard ta expense. Ev
ery eoafort lhaltnoney canptocaro hra been provided.
The Boatrwill leave the Mmuwgahtfei Wharfßodtax
lhefoot of&ou aft. Pai*eifg«n will bepscelaaloa
board, a* the boat* will evmudjr leave at die adver
4fred boon, 3A. M. and ♦P. hi _ * iaaSl
* FOR LOUISV3LBE. , •“' rT^
. Campbell, master, will leave oa abov*
■aEKSBBBIIus day olloo;clocl:. v .For freuat-or
passage apply oa board. ' .. j'"*. .febll
Connlr. master. rfcll'irar*. m abora,
■BE&&3SSBthb day at 10 o’clock. For freight or
powaye, apply oa board. - •••■• = ' fcbll
, . i twill glee «ut~ , 7-
aSlttSiSfe Poreey P K-jiney, piaster,. will team
■WBnMlmalarly iQe Whet-tin*, on Mbnday,
VWnotday and Friday* tl 10 o’clock preciwly; * -
LXavo Wheeling erotr Tuesday,TnundayandSa
*orday, al7 o’clock, *m, precisely. ■. , -
- The Conn) will lasd at all the! imermediats poeta—
Evary accoagnjoa lhal can be procured fottbetain
lort «u»d apfety efißaittncers has beenprokWed. Iks
boat u pup nmrided with a telf-aeim* safety guard to
pn** ,u exriowottA •. For freight or pasa*j«« apply pa
board or to . DAVID C P*EBBSK
• - fcbt.. • .•j; . comer of l«tanfrßTfth*»'d«t*.
k Tba splendid light draught steamer
rfvT;r? I financier, >. - s f
- • Wm J.Kountr. wnrander.- will leers
IMR3S3MMor Lafayette. usd -intexmediate porta*
ooMouday.the 7fi»init TPt frelghtor-passags-apply
on board or • i, NElV'TOjf *IONES* - c*f
tebl .. .i'j . . , .Ktotfmaahala.fßous.
... , K'fellfcanew anilllffh»dran*h*jteaSboat
f iiC£S3*V‘ ' " CUttßl ’S^jStDTsTsy.
' Miller,'mutter; wiJl*JeaTe. for, too
flMSSSSHtobbore aiul all iutenaaUimte portion
Sunday; the 6th. cut, uC o'clock; r£j*>For:freiiht or
pasaage apply oo ban or to .'
. fehll Q«£ MILTEJiHERGEH. Alma:'
• •> -■ ■ .
* /TboMwstctoaer : .i\
KctattW'.inaiiM-. as abore,
poogabeteOty uvdSatniday,'
a» j*.' paaaage rnypt^an.
yo* axuptoMt, WAAarsoT©x,asxn**£
TouißontnL ato .lUr-xsKXAsm* onm. ‘
EBCHAXES and oUtcrs ceadifirfooda m
AU. ed tiuit this is tba-£ulsstj safest, and ««nt »ni*.;
dxtiooa Line going East; eoaaectiur with AAuzu k. Co’a
Ernrei* daily, si Baltimore. ”, -. * -T T
• Through rccelpts will begirentOßOy oftltaabciTa'
places. iTerchkndiio'aad packages «'aar 'aiza or
weightforwarded. - . ~ -
• Express doses daily ai Sr.*. . = t
I • Si:- ; H. G VICKERT.'AgeoL.'•
ttovSOtf 8l Charles Hotel BoUdinss, wood at
guiratotiulaf • • > ,•>.•
aadvaUraßCßbsitoanßßflfiad tktt JSsr*
ty NBgtfl att Ui ChariwiLß«Ha» &•«3f
«a(tanß4a(t&taf tbi*l>i&»ia uUEtaUfacitie*. -
..Tkaaa}/t(ai*fen. .h.- . . , . ,j
:JC-BJQWHX,Pitubafrt,. ».
; O W i\»VS UrowwTilk. .
; ■••;'■ EDOAKTOX + CormaWliai:
: ‘ ' J » ROBlNSav,B»lUw*r^
"T Pesmtjir '
inU WKga" l Lt»e. ~'
. phia to rrrrsiiKßGii, iiy w/uons, -
Boanwir Day aod Nj*hl hencrea ftlltburghaad Ctam*
CiaaKE i-TMAW, f Trnu.portMtoft'
; ~ .’ , . Pittsburgh.) Corap’y.. ■ \, .
ET*We will wetipt for COOO Qis produce,eti-De*
. d V» |® So through by tha above line a««r thelsihta»V
- JIDB • ' I " ' • ' CLARIg; 1
• &££ HANEDKN Jk CP. coiibnue to bring penauff
: rran ? fKn:;ltUid -Irdaml l&£EK«r.
«iKisir^n\^!^Jf pori . ,iie “° n terms, with ihmf
ftS to *« w«n* «*«
befobbßdbrSS l «»?S» ** °* l * Uow °“ r passenger* td:
Don? «^,Sl!.T ,ftdlinB v , ?« :n P» thaWnfest'jhe U*
porttbamS^°K^ rff,>o^lhetn therle^-,
tuidiee to their vreU being; .abide-*
\K? ..I??*? «*«*ewiai> br the firat ships.—
Xro “ «<* e ‘> OM Of OOTteS mf
V**™** detained 48 boars Hr a*3&-
thotifond* of others wsje
‘b® »nt lii some old cruft, sta
«-ta.jSwttJSf3S&32S 1 .W & ft
-1 V forknysonfrooiflU^
: ;i . . _ JOSHUA KOBIVSa'!,. j
:** ■ -■. .
! D. S!£SfKSS> I SSSS^oI??J^s.:
- ..From.the beginning ofhJWk TrsxlSti.
'xaaflVKtlM of (fan CgobnhywUl nit
pace a month uxuSowk “
‘.I rum jmr xuai, 'V.-. ' i,.-! - *
T ea the 2kb •-.
i-Tha Hermann, Cupt, C»}»iree,'on the2hh Feh. J 943. :
£» }VABHip;®TWontSi^.‘February,
.Jb« HE&bSANPou th«SOlh Much: '* .
; nuagv from N’. Y. to Sontfl ampron or Bwawi . .gifra '
' Fgr freight or piwage apply ai the eifiea of 'die Q-Sn )
r.„ 45 WilJiAm Nevv Yoek,ex l»„
'ffrctnga. '. febl; '''
"F® Eastern cities, TinltuxnberlaoiL-- •
I’.r*" P ro P«i<tB*i oCttt* popular line, hare iinee their. V
K largely increased their faciStlcaao.t
wishes of shippers: and are now prepared rto - ■
greater amount by the FIVE IJAY LINE* '•
*> alio by additional regular wagon* m low rales.■-,. j
/ His lina'wilT nut throughout die year, delivering-?
good* thnw*fcthe a«nu In, Baltimore and Pittsburg*"
to owners and consignees at'specified rales and time-, .
’ ■ Shipiaenufrom Philadelphia fcr the .line should M ''
markad u Care, J B Bobiosoo, BahimpreJ’ -
Hie only agents ire, ..
II J B ROBINSON*, . • ,r.J/
1 • 03 » Charles it. BaWa*w*i-f i
'i • EDOERTO.Y&Co, Cumberland, j .
■i • • ‘i O W CASSi JtroWMriMe:; ,
feM- - •• - ■> J c BiPWEKU PiioSUrgh- : - ,
1 . If 500 reus*rsledeap fairaod So® qualities, •
' •/ 200 - letter .
• .TO *» fiat eop. good quaiitr, .
200 « blttelaeuiry paper, t . .. -j..; . -
: fiO now• V.>- • /!.l
- " '■ MOO Studies kmw sad »r wnmiui, paper, U »
•tore and which we offer to
fehg ' ~ ' I : ' , REYNOUM SHER
lod* '
;; -J,
x &l*ta,';','; ..Y7,,)j , .•; ■ ft
aTVCCtri&ffiuSuST&Sii Cram Uu mUTof R-W, ;J.
HSAto Ate br 080- w jackSJ; ; ™> v
|j/«ei»ifnmeaL ;; ISAIAH - DtCTETACfI^~
.- \s! ■■•
. rjIEATUEHU caaiually tor ule ulM.bva|.'<uj>>
j?pnc«i i:- . i3AiAfli3i(acr*&r^
*N .. *