s*.., 5 •' -*-'Vji V* ' ' ■Vti’-yi'-S:''&>■Vi;- WSS'rfife- . '■-■ V.**/’,''';'?:'-:/';': . Lf* CVi J, ,|, •; nfi -1 kfAV'ul ' v -•:£ J £ i v v t 'Y > v . -k- « ,J' §" " $K?':3 vs: X*.u .i, 1 r.*r ■ ]■% *>£ 'rf'-.-K..nV.;;•>tS;. « k\ ■ v *f- m- Sr. :■ V*’i’ / $ tmgmmm ywtfy rv-'SIfK :•: * jv ~ ip •vr-.-lJh **M l »* x S\o.if h«»%*: i -* *" ,s :■••:'ri-V'V-ii s•'“■'• o'» r sj?fs sl- : s'''A" ,VV?i c. • ’ i 4 *.*' 1 -* ,■?* ii* "k .» * »'* :* f:r. *>]■ '> ■(Ji '&w ■; : . * V •» »•. • * . uusici&c. ! . _The fitar'SfTW fcafeA; By^CSiHi*, l saniotof. Black •V • named IbSani'n.’ ” ’ ■ • '•• » { _JH§r Mane-Figure Iftad.' or the Lady «f Green irtfl Hop brCbaitey Canr.'ol’ the u. 8. N. ' * • yiH^r B*** 8 **** 1 * PndcrCTthg at tod pfSaiooy;by IVotiUa Btnihope, •gther LUcenrtteO , l>fril!tl < jrnmort,andMr:aadMre. ’WoodbUdeV; by . Jim Leri*. • - ••■■■ • * ' Jjondon Qnaneriy Rpriev "■ ' ' -V'., •' •*•' * • „£if c ®J JoaephTHarp—e large rapply.' . * Moiber,by the aatbor of‘ninory “jJJe'WilfolwM V tVomtfn, WMame. The Old Commodore; by l> Howard,','. 'AHfion’ or tbe'Young fclrajrWmrGvrl—a tale of Sea and shore; by lujmhaw. ' ' katW/or Dsplifrht, a prif e laLjbyJ SRohb. &r Itowlxnd Ashtnn, U to«; by C Long, of Versailles, and t£« Conn of Louis PlowmPmonlCeAVoi Oabaia'-; / Rural Cemeteries or America, rand. ‘ • ! ■-''M«ftiinMjKetr*pawrr» f >tc'. London Punch arid Pictorial j Brother .JopaihaUr Philadelphia Courier, arid Van- > iee DopdJc Pictorials. For’shieby* ; ■-■ ■ " w.m h ! _wrl v * 3d st, opposite the Port OiSee. . J N's UUiT IIEADV MB PVBLICATIoif : byJfA. k. U.P.JAMKS. Ciacinnaiij ibe tallowing rat and valuable Works— . - ; j , -Bonipban’s Expedition—Containinc~a akelelrCflhe j Ida,of CoL A.W; Doniphan; the : Coam*c*l ; of New ■ 2UiiaoOGea. Kearney* orerlnml Erpnditkm to' Cafi fonus; Doajphan'e Campaign against On Nevijos,' and Me .unparalleled March upon Chlhrtabua and Do tango, and lbs Operations of Gen. Price at Santa Fe; with a Map and KngTarings/by John T IlDgbW, A JJ*f the Istßfgimeat of Uinonri Cavalry. ! *- ' • nirtoiT of Kaotacky—lts ATrii«fulife*'-aad’N*niral‘ Cariosities;’Geographical, BtaUntical' mid -OeoSogtcsl descriptions; wit* anecdote* of Pioneers UIV, arid more Ikaßo&V hundred Ifio graphical ♦»krtehe*of distinguish «d Piooem. Soldiers. Statesmen,' Jurists, Lawyer*, W uine% Acaiilastrated with forty engraving*} by LewU j :: ',TTyi± \ ■’ “with beautiful Ulimratiptu ontieek by Sartaio, and Sfei Jlhndinatod page* by .sghnmz , Sinclair, - richly, '' ' b«md hr Turkey moreceo aud whitacalf. »ui>erbly gilt ■'fTb« iCbrijdan Krepaake, - an annual.for '#w*ndiB nienotint engraving*, by Saruun; bound m or* • - abeaqaenwioeiAx. .. V Y .J , .i--••'.u'-' : ' .’■ClirtaJma* Bio»»oina';#hd Nnr yaai’a .\yraauj for ■ siuartOTolumf.jarij.iiedpjjanow while par jet, embeffiaediHlh aplwjtQ theapiini ppgravjnga—■ .Tbur'i» br far*t!ii mo«,>«UiUiul juvenile annual puw . ' Hibediiitba.UniWrstattfc -, 1 i v ~ u y. -.-j <••. i ibe Poetinl Work* bfOUrfrQwluutb} &LB. r wuh ?! . . .-••.» • '' IbMßpaonVSeaawaJ-ttriili eeventy-aevea d*«g“> »j: IbaßcningClobiin'Tfano'Ba'atyleanfbinding. * • Tbe Poeu and rtwtiy of AaedWjby jR,rW. Oria- 1 . , . I y ■•• • ' Ik* rFoetk and' Poelry.of tie Wiliiam Teter. A. &L; ispetbly boand Ln Turkey tdpioecortpldi ' •• ' 4ttlr gilt. • ' . . i . • ' : * Willij’a Foeinajhj various itylea of binding. ■ Gray'ißeryiDttatmed.; ‘, ; ..i .■ - 'V . Heffian’i'ftetical Work*, in vaiiouabindiug*.,. . xXoidßyroa’*',, : •’ .ißhakapeate’a . •>* 1 ' The Poetical Work* ofTbomu Moore. •• ' r BaUadaaad other Poem*,bjTlarjrliomfti.... ,l - v Poemaar Amelia.: ’ V ' Beadier* Sacred Mountain*. • ' " ■ •, ... . Ihe above,with agreet variety ofolhec near work*, in aplendiilatylea of umduij, tuitablaTot gift book*; for .v jonssTON'it sroatiuir:' jj.,y * -'.BobkaelieT»,‘cor. Market tad ata. Tillable Standard Workii , BBAIfDE'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA—A Didioiaryefßei. asd art, cbofrisag the hbtdry, dcmriptioa m~j Kteatifie priadpic* of trtrv branch of hoau knowledge. *i(fc lke tferiratioe and difcdUcn of all (life teimin rmtil 9m> edited |j W.T Brynto, Pit 8, ft. Illiutratef byna- Amiericaa Atlai. containing beantithDr ccU •tai napi of North Awriea, Graajda Ejt, Canada »P«t, Stfifeb, If nr Brtnnrkk; Northern Tctas, New Met aadJ'rtarWa, Tc***, CaEforoia, Mexto, Cental Awnca, ~ TrVt", rr«tt India JiUnd* and tilth* Stale* and Temtcx the Uumb. --•••• N*aP» Parian*—Th* hjitoryof the Peri tarn from the *efcrm*tW»P m7,t»th*jmrahitja> of,lTBd» ewwyu 4c, Jte, bj Daa«l Neal,hr A, OCfcoata, hi V, with mat jmtßUUoarteel; ru owoTlbt' Body Unblin to the Hk-ly Oweje y—..M O-aaenWrof therm! eoUegeefthyttan*, Ac ' Juvenile WerkX ..n .IFcalth asdJForth- os whkb nahn the in, a wy w . xarJareaile work. > !' Nribflf lluBQ,hiii{illMth{ nßwon«,wf*>) \ Jte.7;.' . -'i -' •' ■•. /.•■ • ' Bom]! V Speaker—The Jarroile -Speaker, eoeepriextg V The abort work* menaced sb&Stt ate by • . ~ ,• , V . JOHNSTON A STOCKTON ‘ alt. • / .BjoharDer»,eor parhrt end 3rd m “'/--TOSOSI PIAttOBII. V, nTN*RV K!.raßi:R,DealeHu«-aMomriinoFortc*, H all W.-Woodweiri, No. S 3 Third Stfe«t. j .yhe : . Viauot quit be examined u all Itoara, t«d 'ho tobten* ■fcer ■»«! be ilier* from 11 W M-, 4 w ‘ each, day. . Pittabt, Oct. 2V’« » V We,‘‘the Bftierrigned, inform the citizen* of ■TitutTßTShand ▼ieinity.th«y« hare-appomted. Mr- H. ' Xtelber*ole sffcut fcrWettrrn Penru-ytrama. writae • fU ftfaur PiSoFonf*. from >ehom they may be ot>- T- lN ™ Vo ’ t ’ P KUNNS k CUU®. ' Ncw'VorV. 1 • IStft-ocffiMtr ■* f * B *‘' HoUU'FactdiTi Wotmotthmd Co- l*fc,) ■' ’ Jihh, IM7. { ..I # «: '» g •—t cfdntj lnjao tad thtefijjgtfd fadnennetoaddnyhweblelntinotiyin&torofjoorjwily MkknW Um.fiit*. lha«i*teireddui»e*ofe» y«»»> *dkeriß*4*D»TjrCroek*U’»»»*»», - be *»*y®**”njht, «vTTy^h— u«« «nt*«»ym* l ? l ***^ «p»- ** __J aL*. la the (kin, bate f**k into abbraanace b km fceeao/fawd »• Ike jatefc. and, indeed, THlwifc«y wffl'•nrrivt the*aH,”&*they Ut jrntf wkd 4o«ltprnat Iken'to be I ban bent afiKted *itb Lwer mr J«thj Jum mM •«*; >22fmbeßtpbnidaai,towbonlpttidmaehaooey; bate l3*i*fchtod;£e*» tootled and f«hy*kk»d.il*Mtwd«thj ■derated s or o tine*.*od “t^Srfwnrrr W*ito b thedde. aud ell Um other lyaptow-for »t «**»t ngSflii ■ y»«rrilumai»«kebe»leaUi»nicleTeru*ed, wW^M-bolrripiag W tiring BMek netaif al the »ton- S\3w&, msmo£ r*l*f 1 bate k^tst«bj i a ny iiore srV«r?yeart; ttU hundred* of-be*«,»»Jb»f* ***** eanpUfrt ntleied by any cctirko faa» imd * it Cram, «.!• ' ■" ' _ * _ - - DR. JAV’J?E’& ALTEtUTIVC. . ■w„ Vkta bees lafi)RKu*bone*.on-. teotCr part* of bet ponon.yhfeh bava bailed UeftiUW * ««mberof.lte moat eminent phyaletowof «K citr~ her.mHfennp* have ; • turn girraurrar am* - ALoot three nwdtha^ imloeed .to lry Dr. Aitejalive; -iwfclcfc bu hod effect upon ter, %y rtmorimrail pup ua ptrelimjc*, and cawmx tb« pLi io teal, while at the **s» une ter General health bcfoao eottpietdy rMiared, *o that ate no w wt igh* —«temd before the eonapeneu ueow '*^asS£SaBS£SSSSCS&£SiSS-: : M ! g»Footh*faoarWood.'i - ■-• •■-' ill I * JTtBOSO EVIDENCE Ifat.-' P> A. tX'JIOB.AHTu tamratto » ! 1 owr *° r *CadH'Cni«wrfeB» Bf4acfeitM» *«>»»».*■* •jnitfrPTa.i~*. tfc, UM prtwai Un •s?*nnirEii tat T*w» *S° *fj ,«iWrn»*4K*ofUwki«J; i*i*>*r»Mf oU» tbcjr'W* ftlßMt u77;iaU7 bwa rflmrl?”* m iteTnat .U» Ws& «kxh w»»,r«a#»o»Mr i Mtkittfed fa* tbi UißfiuM taWwrfhilw propfHUiOv, ,»d k£toi*ttmdi«iE:«»* of JiTwtt’.EipxcTOßArr, u • rt-i< ha Mttr failed to r*J:c?m thus, wd wkiea 'JSJLw ■»»«*«. iMU'tIBW; ■- - ncBCAT. : IUCHDS 4 C9*W*BiOK MBRWISBTB, • (uUte oW *wn«i|''MMß]itiod (ulrfm uitMlißtolk® WlOj »"« JL'H-f’-wlL^SwpOMetl'lo«tendtomll tbedefirt sSf*®? r SaSi fssu&^ Asisa^ssass-ssrtßwss - to .-m*^ Jij be relurnd i( nol •»s-* a J , jsj ß ju ( t SON ■ <>r«mh»»bowi. • ■■■•• • -- •• -’ - »; • •' CABO* • . . • .at an turn camtcd i.i Umi lopottnuimof ' AIWtXKI Wwiyi “ft 6 i«-di#erenJT*«rta&f .f-JiwpeM* .«l»* W* ' ££hrw!3r**n know# borne* ft* ray tutsre rnrp'y of • SSfiSTififatoDi*.-wWeh I will b*»Wc» Kff^drliv.ercd Itaomiof New Vnrt or New Orlpac*or gy^ySShr tewrrttor v 'e**ir*f ffp* tore m Rote tftd cellar**s^**s tsm^mmaam ‘•*5S; ■••'v w>' j VKAft Jbol tetri**d horn ' idiift #nd Wfw Y'ork Pekin Te* Cocrpinf *'«< Htwt Te»»c e«pri«BK | ! 1 /.•;'■'! 5A , ‘-*"u!sa: ,<' . FiccOolMf;- •■•••• .1 - V • Hl.Tinctfo Ig&ss** v, iSfassr-" •JSSSESBcb «ekcttdw.ti«imeare:i nrjiCE • s - / ttwl roithficMai* r rtiTT HxdiiHß wolig'^gFQpMTßV, ■’ Jom« wnioHT ‘ :i ARK prr|«HrFttl>uUd ItotUniirflirtVfcotlrftMdrtin* cry or trntj i each a*—Cardin* Ma chine*; Spiiminiiffo*»* BpetSdera, Frame* lUilwa'rttaiilaf\&rpera,'rariUeP*,Bpooi* T ***? B * Frame*,' l.«om«4€ard Grinder*. fte-, Wmirtl h«w KhaiuDff'tiireedfallaite* of Ca*t iron, Paine* mo II suffer*, of ike Ja»*t pattern* *lMe kind fcandLeww** eiid tnoirofallKada. •* • of ererydeacnpiian furm«tieiltm*lion «*• lice. Pattern*-toade to order for Mill Gearing, Iron ratlin*. Ac.' ‘Staua Pipe'tor heating' Fuetnriem c*« Iron -WUHfcnr *a*ti. an.i fancy Cauin« ffeifemllv:— Onteral eft at »1»e Warebotwe of J. Power A °®-r erty«rt«i*mllb!fyeproinpi auenumt.;• IMarkwtork, .Bell * Co, J K Moorhead* Co., « F Warner, John 3n»in * Bon*; PrtUbargh, t ' -GCfcJ II \VaniCT; BtrobcaviUc. janl9 CO4**ttTVBJUUIP SOVICB. • E- >V. STEPHENS of Wkeelirg. E. F- • eerof JurtianaadJ-A4 Btocktui ofl'tiuhargh, have ui»neelitli|inc spfiDM eftl axles. Deiajioou* {netted with Jeaisu Works we can lolfer an »ruele*f Jauaiatron {branded Sbooßluraer] letjuaJloaajr«*Uelßlkecoontnr. AllotwiuchwiUbe *M»ldaube I'iUiUorph prtees, Ware bo we of Uie Works Vomcrafilomoeand Water street*. .myll- iJmUpPfACoui; .Join I). Wick L-fc*Moigan. LIPPENCOTT & l \/t ANUFACTtJREIW ef HAMMERED unit CAST ' IVI BJKEL ftmvel* and wades, Axe* and Hatchets, iMiltX CouGrCclar nd Oinraws; liny and Nxmtre Fork*, Hoe*, Nnttneks. Pich?,.Ae- Ae. j Having completed ail their arrangement* in. the coa st) oetionbf'tfew machinery, and in reeonne thi be« iworkmen froo.vhc most celebrated establishments of ; the East. oj«* now manafcc taring and will keep eon* Istanilyd ahandand-for Ml* all the above artlcirr, hav ing availed thetaselve* of,the laiett impioveoents, and ‘■re dfctemEnedhhat In workmanship and material they •will not bij excelled,' They piomKe to prod ace a rlicle*, -equal, irndt Mperior. to oar that con lx had in the htm. iTuey m*Ue lh«.auenuan or dealer* to nn examination of iheir stock before pordhasntg elsewhere, a* they are .convinced thatlliej will be alitc to fill all orders in their dlnalothe entire aatlafactioh of purchasers; Warthdose, i Water aiiidoots Wen Mononguhela Moose, Piusbnrgh, P ?i B. I’ereorishatinghasinca* with Wo.LippeseoU •AtioiLwill please call on LippeacottfoCo: oqiMly.. mvlpornTH street bakkrt, CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STURE,wiH opehcn Monday, AtmiSth, fear doors from Woodst, : and next door to A'Jaytte’a Pekin Tea'Store. ; • A splendid aisortment ofFaaeyCake,Confectionary, [Fruit, e.. freihonihecooiitereverydan imongwhlclt iareihe . ’ , . „ -, Mueareotikj • L #outnl Cake; • -iAuiertßiaeiii; ■ • Postrr, ' 1 frpongtf tte| - . PcpptrNott; • JtllyCake}' Atmonddo; MolarteaP.'CakK • - tlmger.Nuw; Wafer Jtimbi«;!Jp©ngeSup«it;"£ '’tS&^'tSfSS^VSSfSti ; m«mnthiacity. “ , - , , Fresh Brea4 Tpist, Rask, fas . solely “ALLEGHENY. yENiTIANiUU]WM?At7rORy> i t *r?yr m- ijoiib a* Bttowßt.; - > . HBHHtARES ihrt rfietiroJtolntonnhli'THen' 5 * . atltrfgrtbxu hJzFaetoty Kssaß in fuiloperaoon.on the £ut *le« ; i jtant sapplv of Blinds, of various color* v And Qhalmet, ore dotmmdy kept on hoed, . also at No. & Wood at‘, Pitabttij&svJ.’fc . Blinds repaired-atthe-ahonjatootice,.. : ,t] N. 8.. His U4ads will be pat ?P, wuhoatanj addi tional exepn« io that they canbe rembvedu) u mo ment m easeOffiroor lor wailunx, and wiilwuilhoaid, of a crew dr j e .-.j .* -. . ocUdlyAwlgjiUy.-,'^ , v war; aljbxahueh a sows* ~ /COFFIN MAKItRSJJnd ft. CU/r.tlreeU|, o-prtsit* the Exchange Hole), culranee ou respectfully inform their, frirnds and th« public, that they are prepared to famish and attend io everything In the tine of Undertaker*.’ Always on hand surge a*- bonmeniof ready nude Coffins, covered, lined and fin ubr.l in (he very betrniufueH «ll*oh* oad sizes ready made Shrouds of don net, Cambrick and niSSiia, and ay Miscxmade ui approved styles. .Wo keep a largo'-**' aon'iaemofwbi« *ad black, cotton, aiik uwlkiiKilovea, sable for poll bearers and mourners; crape, cmps.eoj lort, and every thing necessary for dressing the dead, and on rcbatubW terms, as we purehuse all oar goods in the Eastern awe*. Also, silverpiste* (cren»n»iM lUe name and axe. We have a splendid new hearse aad lorreisoad shy lumber of the best carnage*. .'Every thing attended to promptly trod punctually. octAly W.itW WAtbXOt. , : PITTSDURUH STEAM MARBLE WORW,' ‘ . ,M.*. *H and 3« Liirrfy tttftt,’ m* tki C«« al ALWAYS on bond and raadetoonler.a large Varie ty of Marble Mantel*. Pier,Centre Tables, ana llaiuauTop?,Tomb ftones,Monuments, fte; all which, being nude of* the thoieesi marble.amlmanafncured principally bv machinery,will be sold lowlbrcjuh. • N. U. Persona-wtshitig to purchase Munttl?, are Infonncd that iris hence forth unneemtary for them U» co-Kost, usif can farnitli ihrm with an article tn all respect* ns good, and (fmeht, insurance, Ae, consider ed.) as cheap a# they can purchase them for in the JC.ISI. Call and x-c. JrS l5 COPPIiU, SIIKET IUOS. AJSI> Tin.. , ‘WAKC MANUFACTORY, No 8 Market nrect, Put«lmrfsh, Front:, ' n i liF«u l >Krit>cr< Jisrinf iua«lr areal Improvemrni* A in the rfmcrurtion of ihetr COOKINu WTOVEtf, tefjicctlulljr i>irilcptr«onn hß.Ming,>‘tr«nbA|i* lo eall nii.l t lamina them tvith Deck fc«io*e«, Forj*t*«, and ktnd *i n. . -ritf in (■mutt inp * f'lrsmWtat. also malir- to order n:i <* TnU*** and Chamber; Coj-t.rr »v« r nn.l retry variety of wotk >u t.»R ilir fa«t •miiDier «« have adopted a new plan nf linircn(i« AyindowUlarn, (tiieiwwt app-oard plan,now, u»i d tn the earl.) by winch we tarn but a/Bper'ior arti/ cl/- tilaw flaitcnctt on tct» plan taperirctly bvr.i nbJ true with a eery line lustre Paiuter* and-drain f ffeu* cra’lr. *re ;faio«*teif to c*?t and examine for tbem relve,. • S »!■* BENNETT & BROTHER, {tKKENSW'ARE' MANUFACTURERS?. Biraln|ium, [near Flttabnrgh,) P»i _ \\anhmm, A7>. \Tf; Wood streef, tilhbutgK. *anr\\V)LLconruml/ keep on band a good a4*ort jPek/meiii ot -Ware, of our o*rn manutacuire, and Yjy . VV’tiolesale and country filer* : «V ere ropceifulljr incited to coll and ti atu.ve for ikrm*cl»c*, a> we are Ueienntncd 10 *ell tbi:aper than ha* ever before bees otfoerdt* the pub lic. | • :i: - \rj~ Onlera gem hy mas 1, accompanied by the each or ft:v reference, will he promptly attended to. feb’JO (treat Wntcro Ball Hin;e Sanrirtsrj, CSSCIIVHATf'O. i , GARDNER A Co., would inform the trade that A.*2 they arc now maiiafactnrmc the best Halt llmcc evrr'niade in tbo United rHatkf/ A* ihU'i* barprtnd*- plr l'u«iue*«. wo intend to «cnd oßfh* complete »» *** title »* ca-i po««.l.ly l/e n»d«. Tbo»e Otiffosdd m tiro knrdwa.e trade, w# think, wtti 6»ti it to their mtereM to*eooafliwu Alt'order* promptly attended io.' niyi AOABO.VKK A Co. cot <».*¥»,*■- «»!««* .jouji srbbipf * Bmm Fcctop* andOaeFn* all *ize* ca»i • frori 'the' lafe» v Improved pat iy- W r warranted equal to .--Abo, IWu* Caiim**, ' :t,firui&ed if ordered, Oaa. tiV* 1 pal ap promptly and bn •' -AO* s rifr&BVfniii steel- work* and spbino { : AND AJCUS FADIUHY. ! iiuc joni. . • . ■ J ioaa r ‘ , ; : -JOS*B A <*ETOO, C-. • • i i/fANUPACI'UBKKH of bptm« ftiul Ulster Su«J, jVi Ploicfa 8too! FlourA’ CBoch uni EJipucSpnflß*.llMiiflerc4lma AiJm, «od dealer* tn Mbjlc#l)/c Ca«i*iOt K«» -Engine LaojM. «nd-Co«ck Tnmmiiiwrencroilyfiore*/#! KnwaJtttFrcK>l«tre«»i PItUfaBTRB.T*- • »■■•-• v ‘ - ! “«pW upfAcott uuis woßjtk. IKON ud Nail*, ShoacU, fcc. for we at oar now WarcbqoKt No; •# Water atreet, near Wood, run -nin* to Front. ... r : v .z iuto, an. aaaaruneai nt .lbe old rtand, ncAUikri ■Ror,Liberty«trcft. . . ,■ • „ ;lltviiwnydeaycal t&e Jlolluis.MiU* all LIND3AV fc Co. EißHlMfllß TACf'PiOTBI. i v - CAMPBELL A-CIUSS9* Itumiffllim Of . iHNISIIINO NAILS/ HOUtf IJBXt> BKAD9, j C JOPpi§frBHO E ,NAlI>a, . ■ !• ‘v : inn’’ ' t 4 . Pattern Taint** of aery .iamption, ; Ofied Ne'. O ft. Chxrlei Hotel,'Third meet, •' - •ifrM . - . Pltm>ttr|h» Hyf ULVA.NY keep can -IVI ausutr on b tod , Cot, Moulded and Plain Flint GUssware/ln all iu varieties,'*! their Warehouse eor» nrrof Markeitfld'WaxerttreeiSvFiWbayii. , Ocr Work* contiape in fall operation, a on treare eomtanlj addlhglo oaf. surah; which enaHes us to fill order* with protaporasJ.rJrcbaser* are respeetfolly solicited toeallandexamioo prices and icrroa. rnylWljr TDOH-ICKNafiDSy Jr n Whoktafe Vanity Stare and Looking Ofau , iunufalurtr, ■■ . ! CoreeraMYoodand FoarliiMf .PjiMbßfgb. f TAtf laitreeeived fio*a the Kant g lirfe'ond coed »«■ XI soruseiu of Vineiytiondi.incioiiiaj Clock*. Aecati i ritoor.-Pinf, Needle*, Gun«, Cap*, )|w>k* aailEyep, Ckileryand Cnmb* of every p*uera- end quality.—, We*iers Merchant* and other* ate rexirctcdtofcallandr examine b£>re ri*eyrbcr>*, or yoin< Kati. AH kind* of (fill. M*bo pnee* optfl ' 7 coach MAKiH a. " : • :'• FROM.Uta wry liberal eaeoaraf* 1 .JJPBJIr —«be jabeenbar aaa. received tinea MnMr k« h*«ioraitd Unheir jo AJlcghrnr, iadtted him to use* lea*e,6>ra 11 '"■» " term of year*, on U>o property bp now Mcvßicr, IhßeavcT itxeeV immediately _be*tile the t'refyTterieaCSereh. From the long experience in iW above linu&e*sud a«U*irein'plea*ej'be hope* to meT it and rtccms a ttare orpjblie patronMie. . Nowonbandudfiniih/ngV>9rdM , i Bockaway Bur (ietvrveo and top Boffgie*, and otery jbK'W™ Carnage* aide to older, frora * fl,rc “7^ ( J e uJ{7 *®, aitththawarec .jtetSHtil '-i. JOHN. SOUfll. TtLAc&on Ji remiaud eniiMad a» ibctr Sbarnifi Uw Urrmieg and (UnnMnw' a*Io» d iv? V} wS.m gaJSamta at a**, ir2i>rt«, enafert «d odluwea ; ‘ They ae« prepared to wait w ptt that flap oJlwitWA'ldelay. ! Thaak/d for put feme, »r. foWt **»*»£“* of the ■M, ti ou Selena, co*a*r of Oaka'dro* m 4 JM (Heagf Almßderfr.v*yfrP»Tora4 •, ' TTKOKTABLK rUtMONART, B^MM-TtTo : V tb*prctffi«tonftfaMV*(«(2bl*P ISS®' . • pM UFiHti «H» Pf*. A. * Co/emar of l. ■'...■ aremEiMNEOiß^rj.ii 111BB£B I FSCfUfiHCAIiW|UTIS4i ri-jL.PIP.~In (Lgp tn> are of tie pgiilk J" “i4pf t ■»»** Mieta the chunur support isbated should be fully anauir ,|y sellutlh sad alt©somegusnatMi be giua that tae «um. mostly will jsot be iapoMd um by using it. .. • * iD tht fial'pW* it is wtfl known tail lie generally « tJyli: jinks’* ere composed ota prtc.ptlale,. held .together, bj gum Arable, ud wlien tie w*lcr,’eitker ta wholeor part is ova ponied jie gum ui tie !*•<•’UiksUad which ep«i|»ini.il. M» w.alto eomuuvi lo mid vinegar h> U.e JnV find* wUicHiucre**es t!*Vril by itciiu* ou tie pen, if a ttixToae, eurrbdiogitthrough iuatei lurtliine. ?(ew the** Wri ting Fluid*’- tlitfcn from the* u»«iutt* iaevery rtt|>rct,as it is kcbemkat eOitit ua requiring no viscid matter to hobbit together, therefor* will never get thick,and betne very fluid ■ urge quantity flows from tie pea Into tgtkeil spate £co*trv yjwg eeepcT into Use fibre of the paper erasing * rsorepetjni ncat i tan and one lets easily moved by attrmuo than H iikwoe oo:y ptoclcrtd os lie snrlbce. It am contain* no matter that hatuanficity Car ssculie; inm, lhereto re will not corrode steel pens-Ht will not mould, and althoegti il writes of a bluish green color yet in a few.{touts iibqflkici p deep black whieh will fendhre forages.'-lllf warranted superior u tie ftVti gu artiee known by the name’of ‘•Arnold’s 'j\V riling FJuifl,”andone-lhird tnore given tor tie nmepriee.* v Ai, a gnanstrd sgsimt imposition of any kind bein'; attempted (he fcUowthg redomniendalious wilt tuAcr, at-ull mil'll be affCT,that the barney there given cou.d not have fcetii i.b ■ taiDed by any mesas kir u unworAy pnrpme. HjbbejCsCbemicalAYgittpg J'htid” to tkspatrmugt.ol article in aif.ro p**U;it flows free from the pea without.clogging it up and ta Use (nurse of afcwhovnbccoaesadecp. bright black. .B,A Sampson it ;C©.r, I Wick nud ilcCandies* Robert iioore. ; (John Father, ,' W« IJpptncoUA Sow |.B \Vig(il*an tio. hleQutwmw fc Ihmgtos -- ' Sabi B AlcTnU, Uamp'r |C. A McAtiulty Is C 0... • - 4 ,;.br >V W >V*lhee, \ ■ ■ - 'i![- : Juniita Rolling Mills, Aug Mr- "! 1 ' ' for Jului l’*r«er. Ptenaredtad told XVbeWaale and Retail by Ttiomar K HibberVDnigii*, and t Chv"i» , » c«9« , 'i»ffi4SMUrj" lJ £mtihuS hirvrta. {** _ . ~ UAZ'iA-U ti I'ATJCh 1’ U>iunlt.AU. T 1 1 THlS'iW'Plitf'Wifa liiiptofi’.tfTcnt I hhMtbwlMseS In life about itvo'yeivrs,'awl wherever'it Is kuowii, pit fenc'd w all other Ueadjrcadv For chcapnc**, B»ensth and eoarenicitf<* It ha* not and'unapt be equalled,as'it is'decWediv the ne«t, chcjUiekUna inpet movement Bedstead in u*e, ajid per fectly proof Hue*. ' ' The principal Oahiae* fltakem ai*> Turner* in Alto* theaf erty *u»d ia-.Fituburgh.have *ecurcl-lltßlii* w ommUaetuc tad eeU the article. Asibcrearc'ituoaUa article* and imperfect Unituiiotu in the matkeupeicim »cr»woald name of ib« patcnivo, £ i\t#A*ZAJtit*ifl««mbly cast. .V* n jvrv><>r u/«hUi <» i» claimed tor U4Majn'*Bii ACo •••:: Alexander Lawioit • • ' Far Uiahls lO -nuifi and tell tiie above irediteade ; . • F UAZZAM. •■■» • :ott» • .. t'i'icctee TliOß.BXATrT.foTOertyor'ftrttijf.M'Kciszie , , (hiic.t\nnji,o. JSO. A. tf*ATTT~ ? 3UnccTiita,U. Ca*v, U. Com— *..N-:wOrL£if. ÜB.VITY, BROTH KK At CO., QtO«ril €omnliilen fierrliftat • FOR THR MtK ARU TOMWARDIRO nr ?• WBS’I'VUS PttOUl'CK, • : &j. 31 Poydras SHrfct t New. Orleans. fltriiio— Mean*. MitrUß A Co. Xtenkrra, > K • ** jßmeiMVrcjßwAOsJ I '-'' » David White A Otf-Muhson. la w Ellis A Mamm Banki?. - *,) " ; Hcuen&Frurr, SCtnnnnau. A M'Kenxic, K»q. „ * , H N Keair*«y,K*ij, Banker. Ktirc«vt.ir,o D M’DmtiiM L l\i, WttfsriHe.O. Rood. Park* A Co, ll«a**P, I’#, J w (iilhKwj, kr-efmy, » m it Jl’Clnrkan A Co. I rir»'nr-h V\. XV AAt M'ifliPlircr, i*r • nvtc-Cm . j A ChfeUanjM tp tb.« World. any «.r«* JL Vrhowillprwm*etf«pOtef pa>n:,Birrn or.lij.ibal ran,id i< axtraeird'with lion’s lutptasrrt Ohmuc-a* Hnap.' I have »bi* wntxinew-n ofrnym* w n> r itrt’jd* o' lbi*t»>arr,ihat tin* nntrlc.Hy injr own in:pr«vftti--i* on it, iu»w stand* ttnnvnUrd m «bi» oMiitry ior rur-si mic I‘iriue.ur. piieb.ofl, or any oihrr .en-asv » sluicc. atom all.kind* m gemvmi n l * orltl-.-- rnrpclh, talilr. (i-ofr, itmrum wliitTri-*, l:i-m *’ Ih.uh--.*. A*. without «narias aitytbiuf* ilmt pete ■ar.u.-r wu. ■ n< tajare. Jtlnre M one tkowuinii t«-i''W:« m di.« urn. part* of da: |tl ealirivcfc, 1 hero n*f>“ liftnul three pic-rr* ia »il»r. Iwo of atparta, and war of ui«-n. an -wtixjj it rhonftd ibe roJor; therefore Orfnre nomac d mt n lutht drr« Viry a nsiple of the nnt. 1 *®e this i cnn'e 1 amtoeferniineil net u> rrremmend a any s.fnr.rrr ih »n . knavr to t*e *tf!city trae :»K(lntt Pnrr, ltf| n* aereake. !*eld. Wjol. antcil i* - ***. ,v . ’ * ‘ U K SU'.U.KK* deal ‘ ; Useful aad Omnoaentat Clfu. A FINK a«>orlmcni i»f laucjr article *. timm:* wirfrk btc— ... llind«»®e. Crwhci lUa*.*.U| an.l « th n;i rlv-pr, Me-1 OcaJ unJ Krefeh «iTi; Uifis >li!k pnr*e«,!t*w ttotf mb’ett; p«ri memoranda. . KBimel*cJ*nJ I'fO'T tape* ruurr«. Nap«‘»«n ■r.'Jpomi 1* Cinr cn.«e«, tttih *cm - > arid *!»** and im-raiiranJum l too*; Tnoiltpick*; plain nfar fav*l - poeke.t Ueia*; i'apLrtore*; needle »«k»; Fancy boie*; Berlin iinn lia/k't*; nnd immi fuibioßthtff an'ico>ri>. .Merctisal» »utt 4»U«e above tor ihrm«tJv»*,a» nIM«.U i»* «®-u wtwic*j!o of rctail.aada liKml drddcuoa tuuil-: •'» wWrubjpurchMcr*. _ .. *?idir > _ a wJv»l Uu( yoa h**r cojnfrd tny fcttaiaeoo CircuUr '.nttfr, and' appfppnaied U t.» yourtclf I wtJi u*e ihr iihe/iy4o laiofto ;dj) that inX ''Utiuew Circular it nr ovtu cotrl ’ fitnipn. and ta'noi.cosirecn properly. J anaii notw.i* lwiy-e®nwntw w placed ip p pttiu&n font will m lute capable of rcunptminj rty oarp h'if|i‘«y car J; or iU'4'i an cnpalrlevf piUenii3,4ii>t approprin m* )ka i'»f44ei mother t o tt/oWB a»t.' i'nui, w-dtr the t v._ ee»r;t}» of npnetoj'aaiJ exySoatrin Du* mtinrifr* 1 '* i/ iioiijitris. ■••; ' i " Attorney for Poier.u, Vtythinrion.t). C. • !(W»A1I newrpapera t‘i«t ha*e puhlmhcd Mr. Tnomrv •on*« adrcnitemcm, trill picnic ingot th* almv'* '-Icluf . ' . QLUDBS. • LOaiNOU ’rt-’JIBEMriAL GLOUKB, coaUit.fti; a!l th« Us disrortrirt, and Oeoftapliica! impruttmmU; ah., the backeof ibe owl celebrated «*trt«uncsi t piled fro** Bputh'eaew Eetlub XliuW, *lih »dm* ud iivpro*4aKa(» by Annin ti Sailh. • H«M*4 by Ho»*elI I’ark. LOHlNO’SCEL£sTJU.QLOߣB.rcn-cilni* a Bridge over ttir BWe«Monongnhelaop|>o*ib’ Pui*buryU.ifi toe cjuniy <>f Allrtbenr. for tbe renewal of thice certif*. .me*, No* 117,1x0, 10, in the Mire of Jolm Hunter, eurli tor two •h«rr» of hoc kin said Company. Sai.J cori,Pcair» be ing lector mwUid.. , t ,l i Aß ,i > 1 l *., Attorney for ihe Executor* of John Hunter, «!r« «J : dc!s * /Sib«PAjiTNIcH3»MlP—Tne futucritH-i*. .in the O 15tbi»*t.’.iiv*oeiatc'ltbem*r!vo«,umlerilir iirtn cl Hrown fc Gallicrt*on, in the whnlenalr Grocery aitrt Ornerar Produco and Conum**u>n liomneM. «t No'M.V 'Liberty wreet, vtd MkpoeiWlly {*}h*H the pairom»R« of their friend* and the public ib gen.y*|j ßnWN> deeg)! A UUI,HKRfSt>N. phTl ,M)A. ADVIiLITISKMICNTS T DBimv MlukEiisos, * , Mansfairtorers of &WHIN6B, BJUEINO BOT'lflflS, VTAOON' COVKUS AND IijUIN DALP OF .ALL l*»{SCKim«f« So. 384 South Front Street. flntkof 1 A. Hilton** Cabinet. Watt Manufy J pniLAMLFIirA A (.borders left with S-S, Moon, at llw office of the Mettfcant’l Motel, Pittsburgh. will br> promptly aUendedin7 THUS- «. DKKKV 1 ... Teplo-4lr . Jt- NH.KKfthtlN • CAXUUAUKm! 79 J ! IKrrXMM OQLK, COJtCH JiSU JIjUWESB 0 Ch«m.l ; fl, 2PffjßßTv,PAit«dWpAfiT, l*t« of the firm nf OgL- * Wat**. i«s*rtfuPy inform* fu* friend* ..ww““*?"*^ tip pshlie, UniL* to* nrvd will hr»j> ciSJUpUr on band sad for tale,a haudmme anrirtmeol of Vrhielc* nfall itylr* *nd de'crinlio»u ML hiedtrii fhßahorU*l|i>ef,aad rareuird to Tto rtrybt*keJrd material. _ . fcUB-ly_ ~ FCMirp&BsYii7^ : : fr»JIE-»ob«cril?crWDttW.re»|«‘*lWll» invite La4ie* and 1 {fcmlemenabnaiTitiliorl’WadxtpHla.aodjnwaoi fcf tANpV FUBP,«orh w M*&-lJMVTrpj>i.t<&e.,fe %ito uafiQ befoic pbftb**nj?« MrhrTr.iw lUevwill. Ini it to their wd ik» ■lnaljfl. “AH onfert redr.i*ed etaH’bc fnidirallr trteaded to at No MWonii IppS^S^aj .• iMi.rowjlsEjrD’s ■ '■ j, S A il S A P A Kii L A:. Must extraordinary the-\\'aril. Tbo extract *• jwt up la Quart >ott,r» :unn tiatt cheap* «r, pitwranter, an*l mrmM superior to as* 10U. ’'turn .. ilneue without vomiting. pacing, l aicknea* or d» » i - bilitalmrUMp .*'*l - GREAT; SPRING JSU SUHMER BEDICINK Tbe grant bcsutyXuul superiority of (lii* Stmjwrilu or»r all other Mrdiciue u,.uhilst it Eradicate* Discam it lincor atesthe Body— Uis.noe of.the teiy bed.BI’UNGfAND ever known, it not poly iwifia the »>*!« system awl strengthen* the peraoo,, but it jcrtoias Net r.Ptin aiuti&tb BUkml. apowerpowtuedljiu oIW Mrilkure. Aod ia lUi* lie)the (raadxcretofiu aroailcrlul tuttes. It lu* perCkiaed withut. Uiejiui two year*, men tluii X>,ooo cure* «r Revere Cate* of lJucaiw; at Uid o,Ukl of (lie*e wrre C'^iViJr-rrd turtirahU. More than j 3 ( Ot'nßiaaliiot ■ j of Bj>pc|r»Uf ' | “ 400 case* oT tluieral Want of Energy; ?,oflocaics ofMifTcrcul k'ctMicCoinplajuU; j 2,tXW nf.Scrofuia; . , hirer Complaint J < n/Al win nf Dnca*e of the Kiduey and Dropsy t of C»>ii»uiftptit'o. And case* of Blood,»«: Uieera, pall Kheura.l'implraoaipa’Face, Ac.. Ac. To - , nUirr ttilli uuoirriHi* cru of Hick Headache, I'atu in the »ide»«idC»it*t,HjiinalAtlcaloo*,Aci l Ac ; " . . Tii*r»; »1 are aware, mu«t appear incrtdib|e, bul w* ha« l«H'. r*;iom'lil*J»ir'wua »U(I our agenU' fnnaall of the United Hul«i,'*uJWmi»(; w« o(ettraopJu»*r| cum, _ B. ’ Van Uuakirk, Im’ij.; oil.o|'the tiiMtrtspccUblediuggidsnt ««*- ark,'.V. J.,iiV'or’n* u* liut lic cu refer to isufe tkau ISOca- K*rn tlrat place alone.. 'I here arc lhini»ndi of ra*e* in tl>« Oily of iNe'V York-, w'hidr we will refcr to wtih pleasant uii lo uitif of cliaraClcr. lt,i» the be*t mcdiciue bn the i > rcTCuliTe of ducaae knonp. It undoubtedly Mtedtkc live uf mo.re th*o a,«wi tniLDUN -rnt Parr Sums t X> il eetnurrd liit cause of disease, and prejwred then A) it-Kuiumcr «*«. U*iTao-Bttrkt Orrlcaa. Oarr.U W. McCL***,iif tusUsmaßriTa NaTt, rnrt nr caber of the A'cw Jersey LegtsUturv, has kindly sent t*Uie ki.lnwins erruikatc. ItuibiUwwu story. " Hanwat, Jan. 23,1H7. AyniMtitfwl wai taken with the (udoeiiu, and oy whole jytiaa Jeii in a debilitated Mute, i was taduCtd t* try Dr. Towns. oJ’* Harsajwrilla, and after taking kwo or three boU lle*.J taaatwry lunch Telitird, and attribute it entirely to tbc •rani Hxna|wnlU.< Miite couttnued Lilting il, and hud that I imi-rote i r»ttieoadusiiety prores llcst Biia.dUrwsiwnila ha* tantcL ncttrol mi the moat otmtiaaie dimw of lha 1 : Three ooe hecue is nnpreMdenud. , 'Totent tir: 1 lure the pleasure to iaftwn you Ural thereof ray children-Hat* beta cured of the Beco (UkaitrT ‘the tree c f Twirf'escdiait' oedidae. • They wtrt ' tAidteil Tery.ten.rtly irUh bad torts} here unit llirs £>ui [ beuleap lt took tisti awsy, for wtnch l feei nywlf oadM ' Voir*, . < • ..,;ya>o,\V. ( p*fi»,lV \7oo*>r ft., 1 i Lif.* York, f.fattk' i y .• , % • , •«|:S>.TFZJIau: MSDICiffJB. . . ' 'Dr.'h’owu’icid'.' Hirsaynrdia.li a sorweigb aad tpeedj : cara for iacij>v«it.UiuJUiui>ti'.d &f Iho gen* ual Vn>*tratiun of the ij*U»4nu aaUtr, wjitlher fits mull : or iahrrtul cause o'r causeo, 'produced bjr irregolariiy, tHusw ;t r Widen t» ... „ 1 Nothing rau be JSort lurpriiing than tin wrfgoratine eft. ic'U ou the buniau frame. Ter»oa*, all weakness ard laau* tudr.JrPi.t liking it, at <®ce become robust and full of energy tidrr ili influence.".H imtardutely couailcrads Ihentire . lusuess of the I-_vnlc frame, whidpu the gfeat cause of bai| •ceju* l *- - • ' • ■ K niti not be tiptelcil of a\ in case* er eo deheate a na ,’tiiic to rxlubit ccrtiCcstcs of cures, perfheard, but weean • icy— >hr afliftrd/tlial hoadjtdifafciki bate been r»i>oiUd ito ui" Bcvtratcascs vilitre fausiUeihaltfceen.wirhoqtchild* rca,kAer ustu'g a few thi« intaltajhle lacdkiss, l hate WenVieitTnlhbralthTul&prus. . •• j J>r. Tetmim-l.' Mj wiTe Whig greatly dulramd by ; wraharr< end gt'beral dcbdilr,' and luftenm ccatmualJy iby treiu sud- « senaUoa «f Uvpg dowb, ullbg cf the woeik. and with'”other ddScultiu, and .baling known case* t w!it i e eour rnedkisehsuiaflected great cures J and also heir ; iu? rrrpccijiujcuthd f >r such cnx* as I bare described,! obtain ed a bottbr of row |.iu>ct of flarapwrilb, i»d ; Mlo*td ihe brcents she rertired, 1 take jk. Tf) .MOTHER.'! AND MAJCUKD LADIES. Tiiii Ennict id HirarjwfilU Has been expressly i»e*|ar«d lu rriertm.r to fsmsi* cauipwonta. ftjnalc who has m bi *upi«“*- she is »ppr«acltiug tliaXerrtirJ jwried, “ TJu ;ur.. if Vji,'' shouM tit gleet lo take it, as it i» a certain *i>r*srubje«\alUos Ifne of life.; .This sna) tie delated Cw serrral year* by ii**Bg tblsmedien* Aar ~ ,| Wst ~i!u:it- e to U»>S. wbj are 4,>|>ruuhi»{ wonwnhsiod. *. it i* ciii-uls'id l , lunlore bt truu-kroiug tlx liUrat ii .l u.'ir-.'Jii'i; U.*»j»«.ren Imps >l. Um meilicine is iaiiU jwu c su* I.i t:i Ui« lw wtsstb wiufttu art if brv»% the whole »i>(ru>. renews permaGreitlj ihe natri ,l *- -by ftoi'istug tlx liopurilirs srf ihr body—uot *.. far'sli'*nUtutg the »l«n ■» to Kodure a sulwrepwal rt- Istau-u, tihtcb is the case of must mtdscint* taken for female wutDs.il and disease HEAD THIS. V„I, ttiH' lr*ee iwir r.wu|>iVti<»s. dull eyre, b'.otrhr* sa Ike is/-.. i-.-irli fne.il., au.| Jit ‘ .K.l id'spillts'," n*• .. o-.til. -i it* • *>t Ur T»jti»»ci.d*. SiiwipsnlU.' It will r.*f ‘>..4 tentner iHC fieri)r* »Ml H.iUhr*, ukd ijet.UiLC rtrt, Auc uml tWaaliful ■ •wn|' | Ve:i.>a *l' u! ttuieh ate of Imioefks* tidur lo naOMT DVSI'KPhIA. Bird vr Ri'dfii*' ha« emr Wen rfirrotrrtd wH«h *« tirorl* meintile* if.' £u»UC julre nr aim lu dreouputiut lot! and *sr*tTMfi>T. Atbmr r Mty lt k>. .lUffled w.Hi' l:ri> »( »wui««r!t. 1li«i nr opprlil*. »»tirm» htoflburv, null o , r ,„l nrjMii, In uli knit* «l (aid. tad (t tßt> (»lul 1 Coldest,) ilurr U-*a umthle Ur retain bi>l 4 »uut| |wli«i ~n . I Uj uniwteli 1 irwi ihe «mul r»»w«!»e»,' hit (m}' hod' ltd | .111* on lOrtl in nDtHIu; Uw rtW|>)a«)t. i«w In' .icu 'tl,*l>--ri In-' uxwlm »«*■•. Idlry ynur kletiVt t< JWiito -1 mat! Mt mih 111 lie enuirdtno-, bat oileruuaj; i«.. I. t'. ■ ■ I tut »p|« Mr rtOuied, uni lb* |.f .1 iixim mii.tlj maineil. mid l truuVS cn/oesily mewa; I ii.n u i' 1; t.i ihuir n|,u lure Leen olhteled at I lute U . a Yi.urv tyc., W. W, Vo* XoWDT. ,-S j« i', Ir-Jli. ' ' ipelcalibiia. AI.MUST A MIUAI.T.*: U«o4 ihe f.‘U"vui;, and tlooh* t( >au con, that cu>uon|>- .i.ir-n:-.-' l-c rul'd 'j l.ti ■•..nlyooc cf llte tetenlkiuidrrd • iiui T<>wi>'cieor .Sir. 1 «a* UJiro. t trtlk oters , fJ| 4-0. With 1 irr«-rrriiU|;!riaJ yam u> mj tide. Ii ri'iud imi me 1 tT) bit, indrrd. lau prundoarrd ,by pit}. hair (hr ijiiirx nib*nmprii*i' - 1 railed lor|« l|ui' l,itr.'(.r ketd molicr, htl twrau, led ni.Vbj wrt tut: aty d'o4*r ntd In fin'd tlniwdhtu; l«-r to*, i went :«li> the iutt fill iulinpruf leit:;h'it*li«*d. trul ttjr prr«touw^dll»*r* 1 «• i.j urjMr | *.!a ,. K i>. ind'td J ».-Bt»*,jim / d«» , .4|»«d nt‘l-«nrra4ai*iKrof I'nttUWt, •uU'lxvori tii’ln W IKlp*».|»-r<, i re*dl/.»u*o*'UW*t'r»- f (tiwrdou'] r««« jiefiuru«i:tb«ad'itolu>u»lMu*riid'i SaiwjurilU, o»J bclitxe it lobeootof ihaiaad nl-uMe ™m*rtlivM nf the StruiporiUa iu the market . I . .■ •; 11-PiMuao,*® • i WiMox,ai>, 1 , H UCsjooa,ji d, j . - Al'mny, April 1, Icti.,. w , f K£uupDOU,*B. Tl.ii t» that we, ondemgaed, proetieiag Thoutoiiiaii I’hyiicteht ufthe Cityal Albany |i«vi frenutui j l>rr>efr«ie<] DrTuwnteud’t Cumpound Ettrtcl of aaito . tnlli. and fp'iu 111 Itnuwn tjiulilirt, wuuld ircvnuacud ltd fee-' jiuljlic fur mercurioi, utoaruu* wo • tiei. ia picfrrchee to any of tlie'aditrlixed itmeditt inosU um. . 1 AWhcm^Tr, • lAlrany ' 'Wm B Stomtor, t r. , l'rmupaioilet, 19ti Kyltoa tl. Suo Cuiidiuc, H Y; Hod', dinj 1( Co Sutr tf Uiatoa: Dr Dyott 4* Soat.Tlß NoftiiSeo. usd ii t'liiiodelntiio; tf 6 Hence, druegutj tklu'uor*: udtj lhe Uailcu SUUt, :ir.»l ludit. oud'lhe Couodo.i . Mum g'auiuc,u»l'«» [luUip.iji llie Urge ojuore boUlrt) whirb Coutoin a uiurl wufurtrd wilh the wniUhtigaoluia, of S j' TO\V/V.~l'.. > » I*. blown on lb* I'rofli Uie S'ew Yuri litpreu of dpril i),lrd7. A iirellr thuij; oppeared in ihe lUrtU jtiUru'ty. It trot ; (lie euh, or .*Wrt»[»»nlt4 BfDr Towu»tnd.. ' Tl.e trhote U.rng it gW up in pxnl toxte: Mnne of Ihe emo mrulil hcngia Uts ehc«t,.f iddiwii* in lh* head, low aifiefiU, fain in the Iwnlit, and general debility; brought i* notluuMby lite continual heal and cold lo which )tm aubjret Lo in usy euunci* ua dyer. 1 hart takes other medicine*, (no ntioenrtu lo mention, bul viith [lUleLf uotoe cun. I wa* iiiilnrid by wlwtl ww in Die piper to try a bottle of )nur Haruparil'a, Irnm which I found great relief Hurt *ioi« takeu wtcral mure MDr«, sul l cao unhesitatingly mj it i* Die .ben nwdJcirw 1 lim. Mirukro—(lie uiu in my Cheat ia poise, *ud 1 frel quite t^iliHi.RUtau altugttlier aIbCC I tiavr tak'tu your OarMparilla. 7 hirenowa belter appetite ilctn e«er I Lid. Aly wifelua lakrn it with theeame lentfo emlreiulu I would recommend jl u a family medifina. Eeurrftllj’,*ucl 1 feel cniiriocej that if w> ttwdlhete would nut lx half the aicltuna them ia, and conteunenUr aot wi mul .Doctor’* bill*; tor while it reUorea appeiil*, it felto rim In Jtln-.iimraebatulbowtU-Uxir fsul»r Use; it ketn Dm blond m a hfalUiy atale, wo Dial diieaac i* oolaolikrlr to alUck the .J.trn, Arid to all Ihoaewko w« not in ahealthyatatr,! ■* try Ur TowoKiid’»s : *r*ajaril!i l ‘ _ . . :Taca»»sniTa,7oAnro*t. Cankcrln (he Month. Below**m accountofauothweMld nted Dr Towownd'i H»rwjarilU4iaM»ed the Itm of iWuxmds of thildren.— I certificate ia selected frola a gnat uumtier jreceii'nl Uii» week * ‘ m ' Nsw York, At*Hl 0, IHI7. DrT..w«wndi Uc*r*ir.-0 n ,.. 1 f tt , childm».ek ben .mb with the Cancer w th* nwmh aw! throat, attended with* great il.Wny. . Ii«"« aw l.obfeunedMntaof your ee£»llret medicict, and it ehrej ■( dfrrctly.for which 1 ran axtire j( and l»»vn and Uf>K|»|iJf‘ f f _T Dr. McLant'i Worm KMclflo: " /pinsrMordtVtyihrD.hv UUWinte ml of Doctor , x Al.flmn«?.f l\t»rm >t»er.tur. oebibl of JumoeSliawhi p:»r«ril lipwaiil* of .Tll.wtirni*, *ml.|,y }h« pee of nul jicdirinm cli.ltl ofiiny owii U inrse anirmr-. y»» i-ttly ihr wtoal ■‘urpn.in* worm medicine I rVer .MTU. I inoal have two atore.TinU. ; ; rt WM LILMORK for aalityJ;tJDD A Co,f , my if MiMiiiQmi H*. k. -ffJUD ha*e torn t _ *:lf<^Y£jk 'mem* cl ttbao.Extra ciporiae Rjlnii wuiWMtflHd • ulM.tßdjrantated'well of Saxody and Iferiao ander vraspcr< ‘ and Drawer*, abiae very fine« ue poMBf. and Collai*, iactodU* Ootoot viib Col '^atent ;a»e patent _,... toonaffleroaa tomeubon,inelßduiibUrind fhfley 1 adjusting ’■ t. 1 . Patm Uow and plain Satis Stocks. bow and plain Uomtuxiaa Stock*. ' : ’’ Pilk.andSaiiflTirt,neh atlkand Cravats, witi ionr et*e' ’inerts, 10 pen French Broadcloth,44 pep fancy •eawt ‘inere,6c»«e*ca*'ioeU,lobalea red,while mod yellow, i ftaunels, 3UO pcs blanket*, atw styles domestic l.eingltaats, glove* ami hosiery* together with* general "asHwuqent of goods Mrrehanuareiajritedioexamine [oar kioct, a* we are cocfident it will favorably compare [ with Kiuicrn stocks, in style* and prices. ! _dfi7 A A MAZON ACO SATTISKTTB,TWKKDB,*e-W RWU?T I’ilY invite* the attention of dealer* and other* to bm vxc«d lent OMorVwcWof. above (afcis, wiwle -Rule nxnns, op stain, aswcll-asmthe mail department, lnCl llir§ mii’d Saijnetw; 'J : . 1 \ Bib* and black do; _;r Invisible KTeen do; ’ ' fviiin •■Uiped blk do;. .j, Gold rais'd Jean*, bide mix’d Jeaits; Gold mix’d Tweed*: .. :V : Altef wl irh will be told low by Urn jijeeß nr yard; a)* Vo, o-i hand, Cloth, forcloaks,-«ntf bartml felt*** do,'Ad :1. "“'t* : * ■' ■ ‘ 7’dc>o. Sew Arrival, i JUST Rereived tWLaJaaee»fbcrllJl stockef INDIA H UMIKK GOO US, comprising thMdoilDWtagkindlt Mia Robber, Unng overeoatssackjOvcreosuv short overcoats, eaves witww-sleeves. espes with siscves, poov.uoß,|c|x'ns*T bus, eamp'.blanhas, haras -covers, itnvelllnx h«|t«.*addk bus,|ca&«»Vet«,MOm(SmlM#* «icM> lM*at jnUews beds, bug rocks, (or >be ladies, sad easiines; all of wbiebwa. have « complete assortment iSstwttoCsrwtfllcsaia Or -reuul on u>o lowest poas-blo urns,at ooriuita Rubber i »»U4 -, JiiIIPiHMJPS. fi.'iuScii'mnuuu' IT* liar? jwtrretlveda larxeaddfiisntt SFrenrh Toikerri shawl*. As lhe*el coeds ata.'veer seatee, we’ wenld respeetfiili>'lavite tSe ftitfiet tn £*ll land 'ffxanuutt ourstoek.as we are selUrtr themJrcty: low, ' ' '-• ALDCANDRBfc OM!t\ \ nrad .“d markettr, N iWcar dihmppfl/ : | UsT HKC tj VKD per Kxprsw at JtERII LOfil |tl SKY’S flew Fanejr 9»re,o Martel street— • 6do/.Coni*-andTassels,btrLadle* 1 Qoakst •». < ' • « . “ Genß';. ,*?;,-. r . 0 pes Scarlet Silk Fringe. ?| tech wide*. , j? - bloc- M •- « >«V - . : 4 ’> a **. 1 inch j **, \ Wirta a Uryc uwnmeill of other coiftni. dell - - I.UpT IjfcCEfff gu-bT.Adjuaf fc Cjj’rtlprcM ‘*~~ . jfcs-'uper wper Ewliih Drab Cloth; ’■ Do d* do . FearlOral*Cloth; Iwerer^ba fines* and uek coatf; which will (Hnidttootdcr U the (hottest notice K&dnMtTvuonable term by. ••.. ANCKEKft.HA.Yta . dell • 79‘woodal t >dbbi»aheTaw T\KEtIS (HfCJDft—- We Have jui neelni krel* XJ press- a very.ban ilsotoe: kX Ladles'. Dress. Goods, consisting of—. . f '--i? • .:■> ■• : £uperemliroldercd.CashiaefeKobeai .j ; • | Do Uronade merino dos..■•••]•.• • I , -Fine plain Cashmeres,a beantifol enisle; ■ Gaia and Cashmere plaids* -: i • Aj.gjtisjpEp * pay : av«., . L TSmarhetsicofafUtc diamond I,'L ANSELS—-Red, llrowa arid'barred-Flan no!*. An oddnwaai topply received from the auufee* lure re. AIM, 4 few piece* tow priced Ciaoitjeiuj fi>» •ale by , . tiEQCUCIIKAtt' i >ptin " ' , ; • tßenal rt i ,J tt—i eeeu wpviftne aid isMiotu, oiaci Juidcolnnsd 1-Ib*luA tileuivjul rdceiveddiiectfisß lopofienby. SUACeLKITA WMITK dclO . , ■ ■■• , 'j Mwondlt groat ftrerod snckaif and «ilfc over •eeat Binding, jut reeV bjrtirern* * CoVExptet*, .to SI-day* from ttoiladeipbity orialehy !• < .BHACKLSrrfc WHmt • de!B . ■ • 1 t PQwoodM “ VLiKBBLBT rLAAmill < 7 IJKD, white ani] 'jeltow'Baius'e(*vtbo»4- (4fie tot it AUirary twilled flaanefeiJrtt fee’d, tor «4le very ebeep. AtKXANDEJttDAV drt? 7S f*W cordtanwU , MEDIC At. TftICBPfIAIIT SufcCEftS. Canrutxpliw, rtmtmUr that it it Tbomptotfr Compound Syrr.p of Wudd A'a]* , tha whick it daiiu (Jfceluig tueh rt* tuarkabw txinrxn' PULMONARY CONSUMPTION!!!; Brooehiut, Kfitliic of B ia to* Hid* tad BrcaO, Nr ’ilmil) Uoarwnna, tbo Heart, tV hooping C— ,b, Hire*, 1 stnwi I rtmort i.»or (tnnpliml tsJ lhreaard Kidney*, etc. :.i‘» r |'ltF,B>'FOHE,btwat«tifal>»fMiri.KU«.s(umof Two* J. Xapilre at imititHMii art abroad t M. d. I*. *1 | with toretw (are* W ■he lieart, !ul|nta» of lb* heart ot4*Wlar* of breath, abrb were *wm Jwilwited by lb* b lare uf appatilt.eKlmr well fulntw at aifbt and parUat para ytao u« rey had*—there • of a deratirrd eyatrm being frvgdtiktJji aliriuM wiheptiiing of htaeei F«w tbeatiref pare I wre nwreitre* a-ly ihrowa »W cawviiUbreo, which kft rec're a reitmlaa e«<* «r frebkwtreaadbrgw teaCretrey reaad, Frere hwe tn tune ay tafirhap tie wore re- krererew, ntil atkaglh (hey iixitawd ta «wh a dtgrea, aad tha v«I«»ea af tha •rnidore* wrre re that (or a wholryjtr;l nf aari»l« toaHred tdoay bmliw,' BfrlrgthHUwaliwwU ed Irene abk phynkoiii' and attended to their preknpliou. bat all (heir *iiU wat wmi tag to prorare aa nli( «d at tensib they regarded wy (vcorery at tstirUy ll tKn rewdilMW i wat iniiwwd 0i i UM atwunr cScCtl • Theanw't CreapcmuJ Pynipof Tar ahd VTood Nifdo,hio care wawwlul i insiTlr t-wlur.l»d.tU«fh 1 had rivta Sjflß npecutrfßt of a re-"«t»y «»I Wjr fcfirer hcatlff'by Nm oeenv Ttl br»g»ffviijty»J*ti«dW'lH ihit »rdietoo,l W4t at kwtta prvralkd niew to do in, tad I how abw that by the are of tri ootlh-* *J htallh'Yiatbeyß rretorM,lM I eia uowab.e ta ailriiJ to totuaeat with atreuch bcililf g ore,;. HENBY MTERS;’ or Dwb&Mn Tnwrehto,,: AKONEr It WCIW>N altWIT.t. corner of Fifth •"« Spree* *U*«l< % . flvd by L. WILUOX, Jr PttbbhTgh, tod lUg UttMl OrurewU erofrally.; ( aUTIO.V Bewrreof ifluUtioaei'iad.parchareTMff •ooN C trek.u,. . . I', . !. . i dot article known for cicatting and whilenins. tb« Teelh, aUrDKibeuint Ute.tiwwt sweetening the •ircaih. «tc< ji aboard be tuod entry nigbl wili .« aUt. bru*b, and the teeth and Booth willohly rtqoire aaitgb, wa»hin< in'the morning. Wrt the hnnh with mm water, or cold a (rwfitneaon tha paM«, when enaaghwill adbaia foe e.f Ut leaib. lilea*aa»deliej6tt»taatoi)i the-tnoadi,UMM parte a inoatdeligbUidfragTaAee totko breatb. fttiaada unrivalled a* a pleaaAol, effleweioua, edhvwalent; and •a&dentnfii-e. Itia wairanted not to t&Jare the teeth, buttopreeonrCthcta. ‘.i- - ■ i" i ••• • Dy * u«ing tt regt>larly, it wdl recnore tha tanar tad (Trcvent n* accumulation—prefenl ike toothache itrengthen the guma, and prevent diieaae* of laem Cbe«t#tc,pbyaieian«, and the clergy recommend-'ll a : Ueetdedly Miperiorto eytry thing of Ute kind lno*e«—■ Aak for Compound Prrla Tooth PaMe, a»d obMfve hi* wgnature ia attached id eteh po*. ’ 1 ■ l: -' Kccdmmendrd by Dr. C«*Dp, 3iq Qraadway, eae of oar beet Dentitte, and by «w*t qf;ine old etlabliakrd' one* in the United States, and even *teniively i u»d by the Nobility of England and Prirra.t - • a largo proponioa of thediaease) t katafSietmanklnd •ritefrom lento derangement of tbt atOßWeher bowels, which a timely nac-ofJhc Caihsruo LosengaMPoald enrtrelr tthtlare."' Pchonr itf bilicu* ltabiu ahotd4' t a4 way* have a box at hand, and take a dose whenever they feel the least dermngementm their health.. A Judl*, ek>usa*e of these Lowndes preupl thousands ?Voriaieat WM. JACKSON'S, eorncf of Wood and Liberty ■» ~ . ■ dcegi;, LAOIJCa Who Uw Common Prepared Chalk,, ara often not aware how frighlfally injnnotu 4 I>U w the ikin’ how coarse, bow rough, hew tallow, yellow,! and unhealthy , the skin appears after umi prepared chalk! Bciidek,ilWinjumßS,eonlaiuiu*aTaigeqtu» ; tu? of lead, we have prepared apeaaufal vegetable .article, which we call JONES’S SPANISH LILY* WHITE! it >» perfectly iunocenwbeinf purified of all deleterious qualities; and It Impart* to the skin a naia-i frai, healthy, nlabasier k elflir, hying white, si the same time uctmg m a cosacue oßJUioTidun, .mating it aolt and emoouu j s Dr. James Anaerson, Practical: Chemist of Uuu chasstiy MVK “After analysing Jones’s Spanish Lilly White, I Bnd'irposieoei the most )>eantifal and nata-, ral, at thh same liae tnuoecpt tfbiip t oversaw. I certainly can conscientious!? reborn ruend its ase toalj whose *kin requires betunityiHr." i ; : “ H3*Prie«iEkcent«ubo*. |-j . • K-Sold w WnjACKßON,nihil 800 l >nd ! Store, 69 Liberty, sucet, brad of Wood, iu the sign of; the Big Hoot.' ' 1 Ids 1 Ladle*, ladies, fm astonished,; j I Whenyou'ktmwthatyoaaraPraßised | -A notoral, life-like, ineWf whije, That you will still ase eosamon chalk, ; And look a deathly yellow fright. ! J l. The theme of laugh icr and or talk. I - |f yna would as« a ha* of JONpS Lilly-white, It i woollfive your skin an alabastrt yet natural white, : and at the same time clear and Improve it. Sold at I JACKSON’S, Ht Liberty PnceTfclceritipor boi. ]; - ! i_ ' myS ’ j "SCKiT'Cfn. TErrEO.iTCHi SALT HIIEUM, Ac—Who would for a single day scratch, wltsu afflieied with the i Teurr.ltcb.orothei diseases of tbd skill, if they knew ! wbosroukl relieve fttideuVptbeW-T 1 *' ' * : i rj'Js borrih)a.lo he obliged to tub and serateb when 1 atone, hat wore horrible Is abstain item it, llor decency . takc.l when ui company. Let it lie mmemt* led that Dr.Lhi>Y« TEITEKand ITCH OINTMENT is the moM efficacious ef any other prepst'oilon-ip eiiOenee in fcuring the Tetter, Ityb.ant) oft*' dUeares of iheskia. A* ell diseases of the elfin mast ao*e . cqrwmd Afiddtlrfß * jIOfIUAN’H COUGH nrorrd w Ce’lte M/RWH Pmj)iee* In Coring raf ehildy il»tre«ilag COBBh p rI s« e Banner, Not, 3, ’47. Cocoa Simf.—axe not ju.(£c,h»Jili of puffin*, roach lei* ukipjr Fot«mM*diemaht»*l wofcoJaigweU £ rMwaneud •rtth • «»*&. After fcarirwuW itftvw) re««lie»io a «jo«umawl«li*treMlß*-«wihjiitt>»d fix | •oßnl day* one of our w «£*«; we were induced to .try; Koifen 1 * Coert ,8y rep, in.) by It relief wa* outlined m k fcw toui*,,. J Lptoyca totw the p*D*re* to U»« ens* •. i •; nil.■*-••“ '-iwiwXiUlWtwfliniMiy, I TfiANSPOfiTATIONi (LINES.! aHUCM-WBJAW.I6 WAftmit.! HOB 4847. gM— TWEEN PITTSBURGH AMU TUB EASTERN CITIES, WniIQPT ; TEAII«I?«EPTs: ' THE improved method of carrying tbti lons Established JUse,' (a now so jsrcJl. known that de scription u Buirgccsstry. Goods arenoi Wracked on the route, thus all iranshipwdatofeXti’aAahdliofc isansed. The P”’* are of light draught and perform their trip* is from six to seven «»I£ •. v ' •• , The capacity of oar Warehouse? enables hs to store any consignment! made tons*' Receiving, Morihg»ai»d radvancesTreeof eharges-;.' ’ '. 1 Being felly prepared *o mat* sales of Prodnee, we trespeeually solieil. eoo«ignß»eiUi ofL western Floor, t Lard, Bauer, Cheese, WooL Feathers, and other, latSles for sale, on whirM^*” l w,i| ** Imade and other usual facilities.uaordsd,•pjcdginr our jselve* that any business entrusted to us shsll tn a* Ipromptly executed and «!»**• an r ■other house. . JNU iIsPADDUI hie * .-outer neuae Canal Basin, Pittsburgh: 7AS 80 andgSl Market st, Phllada I igfcgHT' 1847.' Scmiy } r»OK Ur r aadWAlUnflAtaties, aVdidmg.lranshipmeiits ou tlb«;way,.*ndthd..e©nsegoent'nsli-of ; delaf, damage, ■breakageaodseparatmnofgoods. { ■■■ _•< , . BORB&JfltiE'fc CASH '. ] ;• • , ;No»MAUrkrei (tract rhi*de!ph»* 5 jTAAFFK AO*CONNOR : l OerPenn and WayneH^PaubargU. ■ Enconrsrrd by' inerea-sed bdiinecs the Proprietor* •have added u> Uulr slock and extended their nrtauge (menu daring the winter, and are now. prepared WH®r* ward freigui with molarity and dispatch tin«Brpa*vii bp aay «i*eHiner~ Their* bmp’experience M eamen? the palpable asperjodty of jhq YortaMOjßeat t*y*«ea»,i aj>4 grtaj fc*pa*li/iai}4 f»nvpfl|cncHd£ Bie *arp ihbore* at each cod or the (me, are peculiarly calcula* ted to e(ia|^p,^Apnpci^tor^v>> £ *n*WPJP enl *. and accommodatetHeii coftoinere— coßfidonuyoaroni t he pail a* a guaranty' tot the fiitnrc they . ljy_ .Mlieiia'eotiimnuieeor.(hatpainiiuga which tbey.now 'grate/any ackaowlodw.,;. . ... --j - rep d, and (hrwarded! ‘Bteajnboat.'ch*rgee paid and JljLUel. Uadicgtrtnsailtcd free 6f anycAsrecforCommission* advancingif - storage. Uaving no f uUerp*t,directly:.oc ihdirepUy m «leamt»UCK ‘ ksa mercuandwe to .and. from pitts rnuUHTPHILADELFIIIA ’ AND BALTIMORS. i BTtWnboat UnnhtytneftL^SO ; Goodact>ostgnedmoßr«ar«wiUbefi>rwBrdcd.with»- •atdelay.at the bwMteamnt rate*..: Bills of Lading: traualned, and.ailnutractionspreapdy.attended to,i ni^^^tjsassssr^:. j * aaTW ’ mm *v* J >. .Canal Basin, PiUsbaight;- n’ORAOE. • ! Baring ft very laiga and eemfflcidmns varehoa* V» are prepared te receive- (in -addition to 6eight fo for 'iVe irsrihwnation of WAY PBRIOIIT between PiUsh&rg(r;B!airkvind, Jphn*-'. town, llotlidaysbflrgh. Water Street,',Petersb tin* and an intermediate place*.;! * > • ” ‘ > One Boat will leave thflVarehooscnrCAMcAntxtty 4. Col; Pdubnrgh, every;day, Fnndatrsj amf ihippcncan always depend on nkting thelrgAodifor waraed without deldy and arWr rates; ‘, : This Line was formed for the special tccommoa&uon •f the way basinosi, and the 'propfletori' rwpeelfoily soliclta liberal thare of pstrony!- ; t * -JOHN piCTtwOOTtf^TOjiJnjiiu.E*^; ■' DAN'L II IMKNKS .OOKJIT WOODS' WILUAH FOI.TV: JOHN Mll«kKK,ltollie«e«iafHietnbaMsLalfßKrir X end Mrehigan, nnun; daily iM-iwreu Pintiforgb •nil Hearer, and freight nod r>e*»c|!jtrr Cnnat, Uoau, nnitinc betw*f*» BeaVefttHrf'Krie. mml ennruitfiHg with CK jfoetPe linear tfiraaboai Propellers and Vcs*eU Aatlae i.okee,willbe'p>rH‘«rrr, Arts JIMIN A CAlTCllKV'.'PitubViM' Ctft.SotithSaUani WatereW. ! opj*oeii* the Muruiaß*- tefar-latloase. I' turrit to' ' ' • • , . • Wheeler,Croetrcr k Co, Ttew Yori ' " «»eo Daert, BalTalo ■ ’ K N Parka A Co, Cleveland jas A AroathmjrfcOaVlArtrait MeCture A Williaars, Milwiekie ■ ■ * Krinol k. Porter. Chtea** We Powers, Powwretown, Penna - - «eoM»rhciinyie,liTßH>4.orj»li, Peima John MeAitfcer, H«nt«wwti| ' do Wtrk k. Aeker.MrpertTdle, do" Oet* A FrearpKW, tHarttiHle< do llaytA Pleaib, JRilrpsbatgk, Pa. ■ W t 3 Melon. torero*,- do R W Canninghain. New Caatlrs dr; i-wuS'. rirrsnimnu & unh.. is4u. .ttaaa . T, fcehinond JtiOo. • • CLARKE * CO;/ *• f (TtrwanhHff i; Coanhiloß HmkaiUi BKAVJE&. ift. , . ; a'HK AcenU aodi’rforieloraof this Line (ao fiw*' *bl>inswß tolls* pabltchwiHfee pTrparrdan.th inyu I'iufhainMiiilMVctj ul deliacrifteMUM ai any,point pn uo Oh»eanaU, *nd*J»oon Lake* Kria «nd wkkif an* wiik Uie fr**te*l dc»patyit and *tTe*> * otudffnfUcWw . • •••“>-• 1 Tli« proprietor* of iki* Una mltdl 'tke.faufarta ef tbtir fonoor ttuumefl confidence, knowing that tk«(tMUtiie»Ma*cea»d»BnorKis.;- - - -> Apply to or addre** ,*v , . . * U M IUKTON/Afttttt^Wt*.- 1 < • *-•• *- • CIJIRKK * Cto, Hearn. V* ? y‘"' JartSl • ’ natniMOND** Cr C Waßd.' ' SQ» v OLD lOTAUUSIIKU TIIANSPOHTATiuN' LINE, BfcTPWEKN I’ITTSUUKUII. ft-:-:’ PUJLADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND N&W YORK, j niUK .M#el «r Uua 11m ca»M«u*af a-doobia dail# | ' JLiina ol Doau a&4 Can, (owned.by; ifecUK'tvWiV vbichareiagßaii order./Tba aob»&nlien in pnpa*! r*4 t»forward alarfcqwuiir of Metcfc*adis« ari 1 Produce witkwrtalnly.andiijapaiea;. ---- 1 ' -•*■■! Predace or MrrchaivUiwcoDKKned is ur« l&e «n- Jenifuedfli fofljayW fi<*e ft M j •mb ursiofuc. »••* •i •; f' ’■ UiU*.lAdiug'irtLiUiaiatdanJ*'liu»trociJoti»p'rbfflpU7.| -aueodedto.' \ ’ Tbc'Vflwncu of UiLa LiMU'« Ucbargh. HARRIS & LHECM.Proprieion, ' ' ; Nol3ito*li>Tliirdrueet.Pai|»deJpMa; '■ . JOS. lAYLOK*«)N!t AmMjT I No 114 Mnwh Howard Htwl :. W 11 WILSON,A«enW -u WaZWcßßwi. SfwWt •.. bfeAVuti. WAU&ICA * CLKVKLjtaD ; UNKOP CaNAL PACKET* AND tSTA(U2L i > ' imT''iWMijiii* •CaNALPaUKETO TKLKM APH A, SWALLOW | BAVK fearer daily 'tv o'clock,*. after the 1 Xj arciralofitioat*aml»oußEAVKlt fan Piinhontu auL.arrlve at Warren BMißoraiu* in aeason fcruie BUfra which reach Cleveland before night. . ' Plunge re will be receipted thranutuaecariaabctthi oitfce Packeit,and aeait in Lhr Su«e, on' application oa bfean) iteamboat Beaver., [leaviag PiluOufth at 9. CLARKE A Co, Deaaer- ... fc 4ESSB BALDVVm; VooogHpwa aplS MB TAVI«OJL Warren • 184 ti *»» 1847;, TO TUB BIST BY BBSdUGAIIBU BOOT)!', VIA BBOWNSVUUSi* CUMBERLAND. •• Till! andenigaed mb now prepared 10 forward pro dace, Ac.,to ike the «nto* init Winter) on the non hverabte term*, by thk» eipe*- dillotta route. * ■ AJlpropsrtyeonaiinrdtoaawinkeforiranlednttM lower t ratri andwithdeajraieh, . • • - Marabandiae reeeiveA'by ibia roots pranptlr tbr wkrded. J O MbWKf.t., AKH.PnuGargl M W CASS, Urow»sVitle novtr , ,E KGERTQN A Co,C«nb«rliafl- ' ’^lTTTBinKQU'AlDoUklbavltCla'' tJSTUS AND FBEIOIIT TlllS'tihe eonalab'nffof [rei|W ami paucnfcr Pack*-, ebs willntn tcnifuly ooriax the action between, Ikiwrud Oreenaiite, ly.wtuck bright and au*., aenerrsbrtween tie taro poinu, will breamed promptly and atihetowcatratea •••' ’■ . WlCK'fc ABCHKHipreentine', Aftt CBAIG * PHAM WON, ClMl.'.ilft, ai NrPARI-ANO AKINtI, Ul« Dana,' a 2 ll*yAAPLPKßßlUtiabirjli, 3?;'- wTa MAI.AN. Htaron, ' aS WB.NAJUKWS, PaM)j(.■» S ' ■KKD.PtiKSAnt.lloiTrr. S ' JOHN A OAUOllßYfSoynerWater«m!6am)iße!(fu< apOf . OppoaJtr Ibe Mnnontabela ItnMiie, Fittdtuwfr. 184 G 1847 I] iflSfißi - 4flkk n»mh, JOK -• Jy TUTUS BAIT ST SAITnOKB Alb nutiV. dim uATX"* aau sasSsessags; .Arbea, lUeoa r Bailer. Lead, Lard, Pork, Talk»w.‘ Whitley, ' ■•- e, andOlajo—gricu ior ICOiba./ - “ d • Oil*, ljkina Seoda, WeoJ-UletiperlMlbo. ’ . aad Saaks-Root —tWcuperlMlba. • ~ All propertyeooitfned toother of tie node rained will ho. feawatdadwlthoei ifeUr " fnw bf,Ciaaini*»Sioa.- ataboaoraiaa; W H CLAULBrowarrOle; y> v;:* lffir fl^W^^WATßiiLUT.rttalSafl^ iiiKQiiua numnJMCKKi 1 m • Chn»W fliwßS.coMpaftnfr-fcet day, le**m*,JNa*j ’trank .1» o'ititi, •- 1 'Mttk.r.u ickl>^tad' i !fcsf icSai tKf&rn.c**** ss&sstss&ss^^si ; v«r daily on ,tbe, arrival ctf •teUßboUißnvcr Aon \ »t»H ~ j . ;*W ■*. :" --.. . jj.Mlorf 1 LfllßV :t r. ....., EajC£i|.;JS47.;. ■CBJt- H G PARKS. Beaver, P*. . 1 Proprietor*. ‘ . : X Kfi'ielinitfdPiWießnrttWwPmßbdMß'MiUeTe* lead,io any point on iharenfckytvun& Ohio'MltJOhi®' . Tb#faoiliue»or*aidLja«AreSM»eqiaßedl>yeotob «aid Canal*, ipiu»^t»,»n4.ca2»ejty*(,ftoet*.’ei|‘c‘ tienAor Captain*, and promptriei* of Agent*, Ac. ... ; One newt leewFrnibargto andCtethlhiJddadyVro* Heater; and a Line" trf.tol eto**t lcr», Drif» and riboonent-cn Lake*,trie, llatpo,Wl|?, jclilfrantni OiUarld" J • } Property forwarded toanr perl of the Union who ilccpuclr . . K H FAKKSA.Co.CIefdafId.AKU, | '• TT - ’ :l ’'REKDiTAKKfffcO^ltenrcr.'Aga* ; ,■ . - ,W T itr : ap?l ■; Cor Water and &nitharld.ai«eia,. ' >ro c4.feivici.Anp Via. tenUflarr tß^TMre«a«: ! •, •• :-^IHROUfiU PACkttTDcatitiwaltoir and Telegraph lea** Pra yer daily, 1 «rjb l ef«k'lMA4‘luwrta* lif the n>«o!ne Uow f»«i.riWbw*h{#oc l amTc arWhrren i» time tor the Mail Pined than*. which leatcunwedi*. ilel>*therein the doh crpcditiooi and .eomfortaUe soetD iboJjnkw* Jn. i 1../ w ij-iivai i «-i.ua-j 10HNjtCAUIi|lKV v oatnetW«teTa«dßdßCiBeU»tii mbs^ .4 -mi -maJ*fcc'ttaaiw«Kf4MartiP !i ALL KINDS OF AND.FBOM InrtjiE'ehfiWgswilSJW*£w*hijwcel , i*j that X tia commencement,liu jumaced.Lbe-preprie . toratfrlht^rtthea^fchfrMdlDf’• ndfabir bl fir ’ cl&fcib, r>/•.-BroadStraw/ ..‘i u,U If'AllLLEßyAgOptl iL. „•;* i PUtibwgh > s.atrt .-•...1 r\. A Certain aWaafb'cuie for edbginr:‘eofdc/ Jithiai, - mde, ’ ; .*! ■■■•4 bw>icn>‘-eoaimadofi,'-COUbVMP-' •vTiOflofrMydiaeaM«*tMl«tfeia c - ,/ ; ! •, y'■’ •"> ; v »-v> ■■'. witbaeobfceedtteaaeeCkhe’ '*’• ' t:-r Jott»diß6t»BEi:' .'•«•' • tJ'‘l • • , v iii« vinpi«etre»ll.i-!i.-4-;f i »-••; ; *hifh • •ifikf (ocb tcreoi fcproloag yoaudoq* - Beware ot\ k j Wild Cfaenj. eteepb thaHjeiflpg ibn*i*MSaro«fftr ! H iSwAinr 9Q .Lbe.poUß^e-wwpe? 9i jcgsb bayp, , ai tler arc q«He ■ ; w,(ia):Uwms.-Br®Slisupti6H“ ■ Would pcrfe»riebQ'a«tnaJl e»tinnto>figf thararagßa ol • j: lid'apj Wo,Lo‘9jpi f j •. .lnHirefttp- I BrOQCbiU*,iad 'W9fl dtseaare,?* $» • totigAM'&jteVV' • . . i. ;• And ibe lUtwpald pttsenhaaappalUag proof of the fatality of ihMt/nftffafaAp aw/jfrßat it la 1 irapnitaiit trt Vnow, that iicarlji allol, ihi* dread wajitb’ of bdniun lilu'mfglt Lj^tqbi*a pwreiUcd liT a timely IwWAT«J?iT LVMKJUWp SYRUPOK WJU) OIIERKYV' ' . r .'.; r . - •Tlu» ««fkfne !i3lr-'' , mrtr boea‘beroj ; d llre jjoblle *omeWbfy«rtt,' , oiiowthfr- ( ortgl*al'Wep3« l stjDir' from tbe'Wild -Oiferty Trine; -n» rtpatattob remedy for 'Caatbe.CbUa; Brooebma,' tad Cob- 1 tdmpttea-ettlie tiaoga taswyentiretf trfniic merita,jawn.Mt little tb indited Mwypiper pstU.- 'rftoaewbiigive-itJsCtriiV being beacliiied bj.Ujtrecomnicftd'.il'tcl *fleir (radnolfy.tadavely harilgaiaod’oweamble ra*o uUoa and wt»>ed *t*:.w»yinto gooejal mb.v Ose bpule never (avl* ,io core ; cold, wbOewlth eo'mpiSy 'darb 6*e 1 a tyalmoaanr dlieaaei of long standing of the moat alarmlacebahcr ter, bau-ihrajr? mapyl i&atadrer ha* .aid’ permanent cotes.'*' ' r ;>*'/■-' ‘ ••■•;•'•*•. ' ■_ • Orl SWA YKK'S • Cefrhralfii Ctiptptxtnd Syr* . Head,t he idolir ren«rt4bj£ Coro' ererptaeiJd opborirecdWii ‘' .... ' DrSwaytoe^peirSllf.icydi.fta'ictKofferßlitßdfi due.to'TOß generally -®j, condition W«aa'.F*Hl ' C PW.“ W®fvfS3T er. and aUcueUi?waraearecly able to walk aboat or, •polf übdvd V iiper/ I Ju eb' »fai the exceediijr weakneu ol a.y lunga. Daring tbit time .I Toriotik pfeparatiOßidndpreaertpooiir, tmt loichtatf bem-lwiar , advbed and pareuadM bf»’4efcr frleed f» WlhaaMV' toßloßake>a.trlalnL,yaßnSyrup*ofl I mutt confess that prcTiotwly.l k3dtMsoa>ptc/Bth£ > - ed pgataai M.aiifLngaißrt (hose eewias. wit. of the of landenfiadiag y.bdr CWigiS jW: the an^, •prodUcci Kavtbg'iiaplicite tfao aayinff o| : mj rncud«, 1 forthwith parc!\aieil .of Dr-tftaw, -«»e of ‘-ybe r age a taL ■ boniek -awl commoaedci its dutaidet- !dt twenty-otttreatyfire tß«Brfdf qoottly waedttesly MatetLci'foßad>kßwavar,«DiK sideraole relicr Bat being p public frcqjtf ally jWempted,' to preach with mt ihctealing strength ipd thertby rnputied thAsqJVeaaeta iaat hirT'alroaijyJfegaa’. t° . retirdW'.’ I, i W cobWwi ttcfrmir j irtpra*' Meetly 1 hid tb'oro,ii 'ti I ', \ 6ttotiidtWrOfo 1 1 perfectly-rcstb'fAi;’ r ' ("bate* Bh’ l l anjallef J ß , nmbcf‘ef ! bottlfci | wo«ld hartr Thbbyfdp iUayWMihftberfsli -coogh, ptii-'B-’aLßp totha djschilge of the lßoea;4fidjhT«thmttdU»«atirvB>feM-|6 d 4 ; heahh;v* kavd delemriOffcnegkinaeertrSfaretiU 'now, for theparpusQ of being perfecU/^aatiucd' with the pertaaaeoqFof-tha*care,- aad eowthai I: 'VL" ci.uric7iiX‘CA.DTip?nV.^‘.' t ' IM \ [ Ayold Atl.apkripW'PrepniauoM;of Wild. Chany, | nches Baisaaa, lit ttoisr bynipa- oi-i W ’KUaporpßrtiagia«oWaHi Wud i-’bor T y,-dtc,■•«€', at they oreot! eontare ercrprfjafcJjß, thu.MwUrr. „iDoctor-S»ay»ea Oompoawi-of rep of WiLU CtiKHHt taconpoaed of T«gctaWe»asredjeats,tlre WiW€herr3r,«ad oth* er medical..~ . (from iu havinf aucb a train*af apnriosa • inhuton,■ [•taodaio proto iugrrucaratraavprapeitica; >j .[ Tberelurejinwlni» : ,4iw«irdforina originalprept: Tatnw.tMhbbttleof witch [tennlbpcdinabean,- -tiial Wr3fpeiy wuns Itk&esi oTNYNiiata'PeßTi bb* gr>*eDaHog.tlm«ignaiaf« 1 Qf l '(>*M.‘ ihe coußtflrfciUßg of w£&tip(lU^|>«n- I’lrpared-oalf by Dr.t!?- Sw*m^-W-eorMr of Kioh-tk tatfftaes Street#; rwtufclphia. » ! «> - bate to ffntfrauUli^' ; B; ol- Ut to 4 , Waodaad4titandWood Rtmu. ■-•• it (S, JONES,lQQLlbemttrtat' : 4 JOHN ;• • • .Ahd b)(_a!l ns»pectatile‘lintout«' amt'Araleri fis' Medicine,ltmwgfaburihb United £&tija«|MJ Cana- >>s >•••;» r. . UtILV SKW YUIUC. jriYKU&AM' Yl&lil) otfnrM nlB Ai iibeiJovcn ' Y.J. Mannraetatera’priee#, •■awry ctlea«i*e oMon* nciiloi yAt*-a.plc4.to tUoyroau oicoowSßr* moll section* of tlw ,country. i’apcr-.o<*U fcmib.madtt laienlcrw alien of PRINTING PAPKIti* Barwaliy • purler,»hichisof.TcfTMper«t<]«aUtyv< . > ■■■ r. ; PAPKtt UATK&IAL»> •. of every »>o*er?ptioe« impoiliul**Bd:k*pt cauUntly «*» ImirJ.'vtz; t'eJung*. Wite'CkH«i;J ? oenlnßiCT- Wire* uleacbiDg l'oyder, iUac^tJligrnanoo,Twinr., Ate.-, kr • Cubvart!Baiei»a,o'ra*eHopB, Bntffint. pnrrhaaed, for krbic* ; tk®ihi|he*t price ib t-u*k wUlt* .N»w York. JtlvJlHtß- 'CJKiXERS’ VKRMIFOOR, •‘f coo»Wc* IbM * a ’* ! . 3 Qeiol>ci2ud,iiH7. C . *• Mr. K*M»*oW,Mm:rpfT b»vinr niaeiv fcT**MtUßCvl< w#* *jKi.Wii> eipalJed poaiVerLuiiiiaa lieiir(iltan(UloU«M».;., *«i®jnOTGSrissp: . ),i. .- »OU S«DA»mOATB. » «-■••• n> cl • ' / nig tafcMk. ■ wa, ligfcSSTSrtSumur^Sw^ste,,irtfcl'P* utt>t««twr • Htwitt Ihaearaefaniai ifa jWhfct 1 i>iAil tn 1 1 r~ t ■»»—--,•" •• ■fe«fr*7**yp t »*<*<»*>.Uahh i*r»ow • »nyWf*jOO,-*a< tt>qp hhadeg fdtr.the writowm igi. sUiudtwb, lh«vdo»otclttck aad drjda tbecw^fc^ imuMlßr-Mf 'rcaaM'-ttfc iwdli*ftiC'»ftf'«»£iuuf «****' * * ,«l w-lnfc-*4 «,«| ionutStf Cv«gh nnI«(DNL «n4>r« umImAMI) cuirtwc W.. ' ' Un4mli •)«• faw 4 . s&naesee* 4 -.. %BSs£Bm&s£s& ■ • -V' I* 00 ÜB *“ arummwrpae ooJ« «*ru« vura ecuttfribi 'J sasgßSWK&S^s^ hrtmotA«»cn»,»tnnarw««t»oiiti ESSsr.;n4?.l «.<**”* CAMrnoa LOZllNGfift - 1 ■ ■'. ' rj.«»iUidwtn,ihtdtti^iainl'^-^Smtrnm’ ± ' Mfl tfrfffiidnfc Wtvtanttfdßkag of ik. - •pjjCTwp.oC . , t*-$/*rri**i l **m*, At>mteo»(bw c )i tZZX .. wdrfahrw tkrarir the afcht; chulm u* *W4, ’jhjVy*j yjUpJat«.U»laM*aCU>» ifcUei g** 1 . Vt£Wwfc J •Av 1 -: -. ' ■:• . -.T**h niASTtn. : ...-■• ’ i ■ • i ■ ' ! *1 W ”W ,t **ly B '-P* | *lW^» | Woun «wi: -■ / xfjHfSjSftil tW* *fr**“» p* ic wauffhM pat ■■<•> v ■totflOaß «oUiy uku, diSraty-at J I;g£Ss3SirtS ; - ■- sßasasai'i^SEssr'ft-'-'' to«i» -~* ’ »>»op»ir*w*Mn fcem» tthp / ;i "TOPseypraMf^.fmM**ikrf«neh' &&£, vto* :AeuauMonZr.Bbcmn ittaw. __ iMra^wrsfteshaaafiV' ; n ’rfreater } ■SrtpSrfcrf'bJ boll) of ipedtcuiojutd B . ‘’dttCttCt/" *••"' 7® 1 1; -; ! -i '•-' ' V‘: "':' l V| ' tiiW dT combiaed cflec Ij, 1 ptope xX 1 tiuaoicx>«u>Bbin-asyo4berpl!t«;buaet)'. J |Mf*> j ibg lron.tbe «ob* ' Bistn; aoif at- 4 lira: ibe blood • ■ ‘iodfluid* of the •• j Koartliy Bocnwe iJrayaro 4he cheapest and-bcst 'mediciDO kaown—aYtßglebox.£pji&y tatS&ceala^ •yd cpfnaiaifg dO plUr, sarieg ti> peraoot m manj dollar* ott-liiseo to billf.aod notnejoua dwdleieeaiK)a{lit ATtricd'db'ihVire'di tnCuemlstiua/ ■. • II otltcn.-*' —■ - ■(••.*.■■ .' „! WHOLESOMB AOVKJI , \yh«De»cr joti Rare oecawoa W lake- iny «ith:-f oof. cuostitajMe/bj^ ; kioda.ol, pills or other medicine*-jof »•«. 4 •p cramp*'ol U>e;atDuacJis.- tOotiiV-AVMerbnsb: Jonl breaUi ( >*4 .. laatetJ*tbC'ikaU),Sosr/enetaUou and. acidity M./ . ‘theateß^ach.coclircses*and iodijerlioti, 4 waal ok.-. '®r »he' I 1 wd kidne/a, dueaaea .oT-Ute aki»i'•ealy'.erwjdioM ( ' : aNJyiielM»r*}ui>pricilebeatuadcallrbaom.head-'' - ache; gNldi&caa; leintsesa, paiaroaer UJt beart,«4 .tbebreaai, y ' [ 'lUm’aml gr>tit,lerr>Jt.l s!I kinih<, *tr:all pcr; WrUK- i_ m attin they i 1 ale gbodtabiidaeartea ha»jug-lb«irorigid in 'U»e t t ; ;’ aloßMcb, liver, and iMcattn**#. aßtMmpurity of M** \ ; :Uood■•>'• i/r.iih •; • rj ; M (OTFvektjsfive cents a Box. ' . <--- . ! . [bold.WtiQlesaJe »ad Miit 6jr. B. A. ; lCahiraabck-' ;, l&t>>.,e«rßeraf,Fim aad.i¥ood, ai*o,.eof«aiot > . j!-ynh r aepiSS'i-: rbCUUkULUUb >A. INCJS,—Scrolul*“ift-all■ its: nalUptMdlbvMsi. ; 'W&eißirln'tha(ePKie4Vßril, 4 enlajrgew«>nl*.**.>tlMi‘' riahdaor boot*, <4ottre, dmaacool'the Hkul nr,i)pieefe. L caiutiala.Trom ■ jafad’^e.aaiqo }* % I moPoO*jflWllol*eWOtiolhehoman»j'«teni. TherA t 'fem,iialeaa,lhia principle can bcdc^iro^ed.no'htrfif^*'' x^rci^e'^^aW’ettii^lcdf 'bet lf.the 4 pnacipiea|o»)i'x which"'lnc-'di*'eaau‘depend* l ia ' rcraored, a , jddoiotaieeecriiyiollott/niyniaUeronder whaitoow^j tio diaeake-mh'oWdhiaMleatilaeit. Ttiir K tberolon*o . ■jdthd'tcaadniHlifJainx’AJU.TJvriATivKia raufir. “f maJijnaoi> duc^ck'- 'll dfcSirt>ya the airiuor whieii. Ihoae dueaMa toyo Ut»;«rofi|pn,bj |cnU?nng' V fdto the birchiatmk hod with Uie blo»»d u cunruji’d 4 ‘to -the .ouontcat-’fibre, emjr p:i>licl« of;.- ,. .’dUea»o from ttto and » «ff«wthThird.ttircei.VhnaderphuL ’ *” ,'. 4 .. ■; r Blb . ~ ' :• 'iacidjr |■} OAbSJttt ' ;ueiiß»ASAdmniw;a.weiUßowupm»j»K^ r \ CICT(a«aaPC“« f Bkffifned.karing U«mai&ietedd|tnogtkeyw^>. . abater~wtU» a duraae otdw aomeioora yio • ‘dying gwhi* pain faiM'aioaaehibrtenoitwrlrctutiro. I , ymlio{i'tuttenaiMioii, : ai(4-'ed*r havinguied a a Un«*4 I it‘Dri>JayTw'«o«iaio*J«ra U«lW«. .Tiwabtuuedac-^^ ■tthfidirtidMU«t»Od food invariably Uut^u*. eaaaedthc'painuabaia.iatliree erioarnuu.- . : hi 1 fideea orlwefiiy : imnaie*every’ ajiraiji V waa^fiihdt;‘oakhM;- i 'i 4 hentetUeme wavelet . luicd whcaevkriodk;atioß»ofthe appnmebnf * i peraeivodtaadibepam. was (hereby pravrw*t j bdlhmad UMuo'ibc eiedicme every evening j ana mnaitimn* in rhn rnwointi vnif ‘n t, ydi»eaieaofihbßtdKaetivid'bbweU. . A blilA Ju. . '• \-: i* ■■■■■*"•■> ’-''-‘'U Allegbeny ehy,fr3»-. • -. fbc.Hde In-Flualicrgh at ike phairv ,'fEA rtvie i -.MKounhaucaifC.wu Wood,, and. hlm atih«>lhdi] 4 hire of It B db'lftKAiflTZ. Vedeni areei. Allegh^y. .w„, c •■»* ur > ; ‘ Cream ala Ee«, tortimvios, v '- ,r ." lAlhuvtitt CMdsf, * ddj ■ • ■ • •• 1 * •• • 4 •;■ t SuperfineKouge,on Fpreetalnatandn;' 4 . 4 '.' 1 -' 4 4 .,' .f ixremJ£ * • nk'rki of ADVBttTwjiu, »• Oae inpertiuo of IXUbmt; or 1e0;i.....;...5u MU Tiro insertion* wtiboalalierationa,«•••«•»„» th*2J> r ; Three. ~ Vui?} OnaWeek “ " .... l,U> \ Weeks ■ ?.• > ... fa > Tlreo • “ **• u ...mm... 3 toh OseMonth.j .V .4<*> ■' 1 Twn « " :... CW* 1 Three ", /' . 'QT* Linger advertisement* is same (irupotlioA.'. ( 1 . * OaesqtttKpC aitcmioo,.V> I.MJO . \- -''' V--- •:.** |i! :-{* t- ,-,>•«». li •Wl , ,• (Sack adJittoa&si square rbr6iDOntht»..*».4 ft (*»« 1 .M* 'js.el r. U.|T;«}l ,£ i»; w ,: w - at plewmn, U <.»;,. Kseh ls«iooti*.li..*...' 111.14,.: y —" K.ieb *fMiUesai.s^ivire r r> moDtlta,' ! vriacjur; i* wit ;*■ One aqnare. 3 ii^ertioiu,.... M -vf M - 'eacb-additioualio*enion,,..».... J 7 *• ; 1 [ '’ > »•. * -jj-ji; . Ptve Imetorta»s;4efc ... .. ■. > ftitjair,dailyi.ecklj.nmui l . " . sli moaib* 'V - ; iu« . i.'ta»va»vr«KMlisT»'(ti'.«rKKKLT..rA»aß^i''\ r 7 Tf ** W i" *« ' v,.ji ; a.r> theMnbc''' aij if CkrtWtoojlsWiPYrhiiinlhk i t