The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 09, 1848, Image 3
MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR— 2J boxes D R Uif« |o*foofir; 1«» bkto masoned Norn. so»i;aoodoen»heda ajanl : 4a water end 9i front sta QUOAR.HOUBR MOLASSES * GOLDEN SYBUF. •-igf"” “ bM . %sgg&mß«'fcs '?&r RACi.S-TU hirteil market prieea paid ia cash fox CULDEBTOOX. poCHINBAL AM) MACE piu-tr«»t-!*nnfrS— -JUO 'h*]tre», rtc’d*ad 'SbvS Wk. R M'CUTCIIKQN. TTOft-iO W Ohio •*]~ n y; : - ia liberty meet Mfti'.AM^KS— IUU bbU W O Molasaes jastrcc’d and fonuLby DtoS] POINDEXTER* Co. COTTON-57 bale* Ju»t reVd and for sale by has : pous'imxTEn * Co. RAISINS— U boxes U R raisins for sale by iSa i f o WILLIAMS, UP wood st-_ w<f ni tHSVit-10 bbls XO;2 do FhUad'a steam sfr* IVI us: ldo can* syrup, for sale by . ,iaa P ' ' : jbwmJAM3._ L ARB-150 kegs rec'd per America and forests » clow cQßslgmnapt by. J _ SIJnI)HSS— if bbls buckwheat flour,#lbis prune apples,*do fresh butter landing from stx Rinrrota, »d farssie by. Us*] JA*'™ ‘T ARB-2DQ kegs No 1 extra leaflard; 10 do do; 2 Jjbbls do; for sale |y BRQWN fc cu1 jjeKTSOX. ■>OBE FHtflC—l cask "fresh, of'fine qMlityi Ju»* ‘ *'*»ala by JrVrec'd'mfldfor u&’by . _• jjniH !; J SCiIOONMAXEg * Co- • LNK UUOT—I wr»Ale by , i SCHOOSMAKER fc Co. fli wood«re»t CllfiESE~27 c**k» Urn ebwwtMVi by WAR MK:UTCHDON,_ISJ liberty «t -1 AH BOXESUrj»NoIehMM,rceM Md tot lOUby • [jtall Wjfc B BfCUTCHEO?»._ pmL TOxis-y p.j.f.^.rpubyg. BEESWAX- i euk end 4 bbl* b«w»wax, oa eon ■£»■"- " ,J ““ ‘'lsaiaH DICKEY. C. SUUAH-abhMipHnKiw^ejofcJmJ tor „UUT UROW.NA^atTOON,^ agrtf S^^SrSSSJSisS? 5 ? by TJ] iaAIAHDICaEYACo,Sewer»t SEEJ>-aobM prime Clorer«eed, 90 do Timothy, jost jte’J Mnd for *« l ,*^ owN t CULBERTSON. SUGAR. 'AND MOLASSES—2O hhds prim* N OSa gjMg fa TEA— 10 half che»t» Y U tea; sdo Imp. hnd O iTdo; i» =y s-swaas *’]*» ! 110 weod meet. .. «vmasssssaa~ jly ji' 160 liberty it. Lockwood—Johmtoa A Btochion b*Te jo»l re ceived Blackwood’* Ediabnrg' No. 380. lor December, IM7. ;; _- apikee txtcjaSd kti i IT” 4 ta •- 1 fcr g% Waterman. S toxe nrea-m -l|~r INTER WHALE OIL—S cuh bleaeW, jffl L”* TBCHOOSMAKEB tte. OAL jaafl .«■ | : yoai»rood«t wj&j^M'CANPLESg- ,*co.n-a BACON AND BU&K PORK-ODOh«BU >ieowUOO shoulders do; £t hhd* tide* do; 57 do in bulk, on ' r**'"** m .. m fc NICOLB. >EANB-2 febl* white been*; 4 to nutdo, to««» ) »"d fot »«iii|)jr, A Co- aneJ c.. /"tOAir-Order* <«* cod » *>« delivered In citr wiil 1/ meet orwnpt *o*lllloll If l*ft *i“ _ . ___ .rs*iSr ;•-McGILL. BPSHFTELP * ROE- ,COHQI—3 bbU itkrr 57 wood ,L . I^ wl ' ll ? fp, “ l,l,r aerntm TOBT-a E - AiSBIAC. MU Ur*; SsbwlwUdn«i _ /?*«•. pba««». jS {jo peacbca;4 aozen woollen wclta;69lb*beeiwmx rfaBRUART. n»o. * et *~ —... ■■*■* IS I ? ja n°^^r]«,. 51 1;? .« ;?5^- t ’ aslls sa _ (10TTON--« Notlk j PUnt, fat w l ' by TOH S3S.t^. /"IHEEOOTJ y faiwbbl I N rsti*™!"* ssaSi&Kssr &r •S» 07 wttfr ureel. rma.'gr'gy red, just rac'd and J C BID WELL. >W—5O bbU No 1, ret Hr : u«as] GLAS3-amboxe.«i«>iledoiej,ftt«>»“9wai » coaony bimnda, tot a* l ® by J C J*» i . IT\OBACC-3> bolt. John Vuti 5* IobMCO, 1 piimt jyug> AFFIXES 2CO tea. la s^ss^-" ta ® sffla a aß Sr ]3J 1 ■ fißwaursuvcl jia «• . 'X™S AN -yOLtoRKS-W po~ lor fpQFAbm—asfoow‘poand > utn P l ToUe* 1 “ n f » “*“!>*'“ c n-mSSS“oN&ACo^. HAVANA SUOAH—I7 bore* t*»»*n* brown «xsmi C“ orroN-ao h*» «H'D?cS^ , cr” ■**• by: ISAIAH I/jSf 01 TT Co. BUTTER roll twitter; 3 ke|» do! » “«« urn, Mi c>uaEiwoo ■. - • • E«ftd» Diamond, y nii'nm piimi Holland Gin; S 3) do French XaNB-SYBUP-3|> bbX >« « o» MOBmSS t COt 105 wood .1 Zv(rali£=lobs«i. MW crop ITO p« <*' SjtttiUgwß, oil nHAL'OH- 33w00d «. ®3sa&p@s» »lnn «uaru»« V W.3ON fc Co. Mute* o4u<u< '?'*'** ““joeZ moMJ* m liberty urd- SJ >*n!7 • !' i 7WPEE=sff¥i {J'saU by iinlO N. 1 Urt inbbl.fe. T-.HIKE'SiXi'-U' l""* J*al7 T>urre*=sT*'«*, I P ,, f \T“ 1 * 4 “' »i!n UAI Br ”°''-"i‘*i° ai:a'IFIELD * 80R... fIHEEB&i bow. prim.etoM, U*. Bie.T.c’J iiS 4 *' *W ■»«*.*_ lgUlTpial bu. pescb.i; >“ *0 fEJ)V^ -rfEariuffi- 5 i«i«» ■*«' >■"' •>' _UtaßcVi.ndfe.*el«b| fcW „ aRDaUGI I, TJLOUE-ieo bbU flour, Annbett fmA I #®” 1 Tiopgi.o iffiTdhurw..^ •1 J*o j • . yppd »OT<^* b.i«. bunine '"Xit 1 ”"' 1 ' ).W 41 water and w DUKDKffI-l! .Mb. F '*£™A.^j{l i 3S!Si r T »S the PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PRICES CURRENT, AMB RiTBS OP XUIBUTE ESSCIUHCE, FBHICHIT*. **. Borax, refined 24 0 25 ; Pfjpm peni WO 02,75 do Coparjra --30 0 37) Brim*lone 4 0 6 Camphor, refined-" 40 0 50 Chloride Lime, cask CJ® 7) Cochineal IBS ®2JSO Cream Tarur 25 0 29 Copperas -1)0 2 Glne*-” 11 0 13 Galls •'••••• 300 35 Gum Arable -■■ss'o 70' Aahoa*—Doty 30 pr- cent- Pou Pearl* O 4 Scorehiap a Salerams * g** Alo—perbbl I?®® • Axloa—p«r do*---- ®T Brlatlofr-Doty sper cent. American V fi™ •-•■• » 91 '-‘ Common A mix'd • • • • • -63075 Bucket*—? Patent Bearer- I***®^^V - aw»x—Potr aopt-*,»- 21023 “ Copal •••38 0 SO *• Trigacimh..-.31 0 371 “ Shellac 15 0 19 u Mastie 1220 01220 Ipecac 67 01,00 Jalap, powdered- • 110 01,20 Lithane 5)0 61 Liquorice Root 7 0 0 liqoorice Ball 18 0 20 Lac Dye 26 0 29 Magnesia Carb 29 0 37 Madder, Umbro-• •-15 ,0 14 Madder, Common-• —0 Myrrh, Turkey 20 0 50 Oil Vitriol 4)0 5 Castor 01,50 “ Cassia 3.00 04,00 “ Cloves 2J50 03,00 Lemon 3£S 03JO Bloom* Merchantable Shaker ....... I,7SO*#S Bark* —F cord. Chesnni Oik ■ •*£ BUck Oak «gs» ••• • 3 ® 3 » 50 Coal— Duty W per eu At the riser * 2ft From wagon* •••• •• • • Cotton— Duty free. j Ttttn. and Alabama o®B ; Choeolat*—F 6. Namberl— »»“ { Chocs, prepared 2Wr«B ; Candle*— Duty 00 per ct. \ City dipped Pittsburgh Star £1 Cincinnati- do---.'--- ®«3 Sperm, beat brand*. • -30 fifcß Do .inferior 25 (930 Castings—? Si Foundry hoL ware, a*'d—93 { Furnace do •••St Tea kettle* F doi. 5,00 t Wagon boxeaF *••• •’••• Counterweights F Sad iron* F*> nett*—4(9sl Cotton Yarns— F Si J Short reel— I , No. sto No. 10 1# “ U to 13 17 [ “ Pep’mt 5,00 05£S Opium, Turkey-..5,Q5 05A) Quinine 2J» 03,00 Rhubarb, root 50 0 39 Sal Amonae ••20 0 16 Sal Soda 5 0 5) Senna 20 0 19 Tartaric Acid 40 0 50- Vitriol, Blue 11)0 13 Dye Wood—Doty Sp. ct. Camwood 5)0 7 Fustic 2|o 3 Logwood, chipped.*-2)0 3 Foathere-dnty 25 per.«. Kentucky 31 0 33 OhioAt PenusyWe.- -31 0 32 Fruit— Almonds shell’d-• ••20 0 25 Soft 17 0 19 Hard 13 0 14 Currants, Zante---*l4 0 15 Filberts e)0 » Groundnuts 1,25 01,50 "BSfcv.&f « Bloom, old 0 “ Cranberries Lemons, Sicily bx W 0 04 JO Oranges do 3,00 04,50 Peaches, dry, bn- • L5O 01,Gj Afec«embbl-1‘“ Common 13-00 015.00 “ H 18 j laereuiog 1 eentper lb to - i- N'o. a 4. Locr reel V ilox. • No. fiOO —•• 80* I ** 600 706 •» too oa? "« 800.000,1000 strok CoTCTlel Yarn r ft---20022; Carpet Chain 20! Cotton Twine 200-22^ Candle Wick —015: : Coffho—Duty 90 per ct. Jara, Old white 12014- -&L Domingo 8 0 8» Lagncrn 8 & Rid- 9JO & H Flour-Duty 20 per cent. Eximbrand* Superfine £4,03 Bye Flour 3,75 03,87 . “ hit bbls 0 Buckwheat, pr 6 0 1.) *• hlf. bbls.—’• none. lavaoa “ Copper—Doty 20 pr cl: pig bar and oil S pi ct: old free. Braziers Sheathing • • • -2602? Old---- 18010, Cordage— DatySOpr. cett Manilla —0 IS White rope —® IS Tarred -0 U Back’s yam, fine ®. 10 ** common —® * Hemp Bed Crd» per doz— ] Common —Ol,St Plough lines 8701,0 Q Manilla Bed Cord*-per dot, <oyd. 0 thread-------05,00 20 k 30 do 2t»o3^ do Plough lines oli*r Doaeeattee-peryard. ; Thistle, Fashna. » Appleton. Ae..»--.-740 f 33 Lewel ABrens’ek-84® 10 PennShi’fs.ANo.l*— 0 ffiSassrsi-irf-i ynw*yT) Pitt Mill-;- —0 |4 Oregon D Union Min- 0 v' Nonatook Fean Mill--—-0 74 Pittsburgh do 7 Br. Sheening Pin Mill---0 84 Light 4-4 brown 7 0 84 ILaaTaloAGr’t Falls-54® 8 N-Maiket FA Walthm— ®-r Bleached, |O4-4 5 014 Fll-14 Hamlt'nShrtti— ®— 54 do 0-r Ticking*— ; Msihneas »• Saeo —® ~ Hndaoa —• A.C.A. ®is4 Boehester 114® w West Branch —0 7| Brown drill ’ASA, Bleached 100 Ui Prints— {_. Carnmoa s4® jJ4 Good Madder 9 0 15 MMTekJlri™rßJ'e- ® V Aloes 14 ® 17 jUna— 34® 44 Asafmtida—• 18 ® 35 Arrow Boot ® J 8 Aquafortis 10 0 U Feed—pet bushel. Bran 10 0 14 Shorn- 16017 Flats—dary on fore’n. eau*t 20 per cent. Mackerel. No. 1 012£O No.l,hlt bbla.-•• •—0 No. 2, 0*0,50 No. 2. hlf. bbls, 0 No. 3, 07.50 No. 1, kitts 0 Herring, No. 1 No. f 0 Saloon, No. 1, old 0 New 0 SO Shad *0 10 Cod, per fc.-.-r....- 0 Pars- Red Fox, No. 1 -g «) Muskrat 10 0 13 Raccoon 0 *3 Mink 0 25 Deer Skin*per 0.---14 015 GUu- Blaek Bottle* Quart pfr*TW* Pint. do •*“ fJJ'J® Uad'awine,S>6to(il — Claret per rroae- • • • «»t« Window Gian, per box— City brand*. 6xlo 10x13 Patent do-, 10x14 to 18134 - • • • . Coaanry brxnd*. Brio-- . iteia - ®4»-i flupovdU' Dotyaopr., FFFO rifle,- Do. dot. t lb. etmifi- FFFQ do 04.00 Earle do. ia paper*-. — 00,00 jKk powder-••-•3.® 0030 Grain— Dory® pei■*£«. Wke.t - •“*> U a «9 commercial record. , Ocean Steamer*. To sail from N.^ork. Hormtati ot th< To iniTt it Now York, mirax. Missouri, Mortin, Dee- S 3, Philada, Besson, Jan. 23; N. York, Ferrand, Feb. SI Baras. . Philada, Besson. Feb. a N. York, Fertand, Mar. a umraL. Hibernia, Rjrrie, Jan. I Cambria, Judkins, Jan. 29 sotrni**noa, ke. Wash's. Johnston Jan. 20 Hosm-m, Crabtree. Mar. 1» To sail from Byston. ur aaroo L. uvnroou Cambria, Judkins, Jan. 1 , , Feb. 1 sornuserms, ke. Wash'll Johnston, Dee. la Hormao. Crabtree, Mar. 18 i To arriTß al Boston. REVIEW) OF THE PITTIBURO-H jo* TBS WXXK EIOCO LAST SVETOro. I, oi review of the mKtet, fct the week jun ended, we here no important changes to notice. Every thin* remains quiet, end prices generally Jot but little, if eny vjiation, since our leetre- moat of the past week, tbe weather be. been quite wintry, rendering out-door business ra ther disagreeable, end Isisening to a greet degree the activity of the market Our rivers ere ell open-the steamers ere regu leriy plying tan this point to porta beßw end •hove, and a fiur amount of freight is patting fcr tbe aeaaoo. [ - ASHES—The market continue! steady and i quiet, with no material; variation tn the pncet ] Receipts have been partial, and supplies, excepting a Soda Ash, have fallen of£ We continueto quote moderate sales at 1 iron and Pearls 7*o7KScon£mg» and Pots, 00 and Soda Ash at 4105 c r »• ALE—This article still maintains Us usual firm to6|qSidee.s;Sboulders4ol i,end bogrouud els '• 1 , , . BULK MEAT—Tbeh> is a largetupplyin the market, end sales to eny extent could not be rfeo excent at a concession. I»o sales worth re- £v. »rS»Ttuowlcdge during tbe Swoek. The artideris dull at 3|c ft.. BUTTER—The market is quiet, aiuT Ps** show no change from former quotations. Receipts have been&ir, and ahljoogh conaideraWe quanti ties have been passed to the east, our market con- We hear of no heavy transactions, sales being mainly confined *?«*“* lartrade operations/ We quote 801 l at 12013 c, and keg at 2010 c r i BUCKETS—The racket is witbcutcfcange. Patent Beaver are in £tir request at $#502,50 f Am. • - j BROOMS—We quote regular eelee at fan *1 to 2 tp doz, according to quality. ' BRAN 4c SHORTS-i-Supphes are limited, and tales to moderate extent are reported to us at IJO 14c from store, and 10011 c at the river. Sales of Shorla at 16017c* bo? BEESWAX—Not much is doing in the market We give 22c as the 'outside quotation, with no tiles worthy of report | . COTTON Sc COTTON PRODUCTS—Limited supplies of Cotton are held in store, but so little is : doing in the article that it is hard to get at correct quotations. The recdipu of the week have been mainly to the' 1 order of the manufacturer* them* aelvei who, with very few exception*, lay in their arekt out of the-msrtet In aheetings, our man* u&ctorsrs continue to do a feir business, and from the improvement* which hare recently been made in the manufacture of the article, they are able to aim out KjJjtf TM. thenfermerfr- Pneee “ ft ,'!E? o “ d „to mat. tii. item of PittArngh menolictw. u object with theweftera de«Jer, M they esn now kS?tMbrown sheetings ** the same rates that ■ J!mhimm:ha»ed East,thos air wniUr "TS, conectquotetione of uido! above. JSEStSKSaB P °^fcKEßS-Tj4 The following «re lb« menufrctoier* p - W«er Cnckert.;. V*. 4.75 « Batter 3*o u Pilot Breed. e * ft Sneer & Sode 7C f the following quotation*: Manilla rope, by.coil Do cut.*••••*»•' White rope, by coil Do cut Tarred rope, by.coil. Do cat •(•.•••< Packing yam, fine... Do c0mm0n...... Manilla* 1*...2£0®3,00a« 1 00* dox Do per coil* ••••rf ® Heap-* '....1,62020503,75 * do* .DoVeoa-; tutoob um >■ . Hemp... .87* r «* Pig 2f«tal-?T too, 6 mot “ Form -31,00 «iy» »*»««»• « Foif* —g— Tennessee @ W Out* 26 0 J 7 Corn * 0 '4O Birlcy .-490 50 Glue— per B> Pitub. Common* • • -11 0 13 Honey-Duty 90 per cent. Cuba 0 20 Western comb p. 1»18 0 Gl&icni-Duiy 20 pr. et Ginseng 25 0 30 Hay—per ton of 2000 ib*.— Timothy 10,00 010,50 Hides— Duty S per cent — Missouri 7 0 9 Spanish 14 0 10 Do. sailed 0 Do.kippsperskin-l/lO 01,03 Green 0 4 Mercer County. Foundry Pig-*** 338,00 "SB ooing County. Ohio. Foundry Ptg**-31,000 05E,00 Fore* do 0 Planter Paris —duty free Platter Ptris- •• •10,00 312,00 ProTlsions— Bacon Hams 0 0* u . Shoulder! -~tr. u Side* 83£l Hogreund, city cure s«i» “ country do- —0 •Lord No. 1, in kgs • *543 0 *• “3. in kcs- —& , u l.inbbis* —0 5$ Butter “ 1, in kgs-• 90 10 •• “ l,inroll-l‘.!JO 13 Cheese, W. R o*3 «l Hemp—Durr 25per cent.— Missouri*: Ky—-1,35 01r® Manilla —« 0 »—• Hops—Doty GOper cent. Fir*t spLUB— •< —*l2 0 ladlffo— Dutjr 10 percent. Bengal, lb -•-1,» 01,60 Spanish 1,15 01—° Manilla 95 01.00 Iron—Duty 30 per eetrt- Bar. Juniata 210 ; “ Common ••••-••3 0 31 Sheet .....510 . «1 Boiler Plates—••••• 6 0 0* Nails .. 6 Plough wings 410 5 «• Slab* 4 0 4J Russia Sheet 0 15 Lead— Duty SO per cent. Missouri Pig 4J0'41 Bar 0 41 Dif. sixes Pipe per ft 610 121 Sheet 0 61 Leather— Duty SO pr. cl Sole, Baltimore-—2O 022 New York-**** •• *lB 0 20 Damaged 13 0' 15 Slaughter 18 0 19 Skirting--* • 21 0 21 Harness, black 19 0 21 Bridles, black, pr. doz. “ Goshen 90 9| Creek's, Pittsb. Wet’r. pr. obi. —0 4,00 Do. Butler —ro 4,“5 Potatoes— per bush. Common Reds- •• •OS 0 68 Neshannoeksp. bbl 1,3731,50 Rees-' Dnty S per cent. Country mixed 3J3 34 Do-troodwhite 443 5 lt Rice - 54® Seed*—duty linseedflOpe. Clover —03,62 Timothy 1,87 0 2,00 Flaxseed ®0 0 W Mustard 3,00 Bptee*—per ft. Clove* •• 33 0 33 Cassia in Mats- ••• S 3 0 80 Ginger 10 0 11 Nutmegs 1,50 0 1,00 Pepper IOJO H Alipiee 13 0 14 Bnaktroot—per ft. Virginia 0 14 Seneeea 0 Boep— Duty 90 per cent. Pittsburgh No.t----4|o 5 Cincinnati 4}o 4| Steel— per ft. Foreign Cast 4 Shear 10 0 17- Do. single 0 18 Best German 0 13 “ Eagle 0 11 “ Hoop L 0 18 Pittsburgh Manufacture. German Steel 0 Of English blister 0 m American blister-. - 0 4| Sprint BJO 6# Bplritt-iper gallon. Brandy, Bonf'r- -2410 0 WD Rochelle--;-.-ZOO 0 *3O Rum, anealth pf-1,50 0 1,78 B7 0 t,CO •• N„ 40 0 00 Gin, Holland 1,00 0 1,90 k*J?SSoS7*-^"» ** fair, bnd. 0 4| Havana, while, lb- -8 0 0k Brazil “ lb-lO)0 1! pulverized, Phil ad- • • -0 Belt— Doty® per eenL No. 1. afloat---•• • • •”0 sides---* 30.00 036,00 Rossett do 30,00 042,00 Upper Enizhed- -23,00 029/» Kips, finished- -24.00 036,00 Calf Skin do- - - -15.00 0-JO,OO Lace Leather-'- 18,00 0 N- England Seating, No. 1 per doz----45,00 0 N 0.2 perdoz-—3SJ» 0 No. 3 per doz-••• 25,00 0 , Sheepskins .....910 5 , Lumber— duty 2U p. e. ad val. per M. Pine, el'r, in, pr M. 020,00 Common “ 010,00 Clear, 11 u 030,00 Com'n 11 “ —015 JO Dear 2 “ 040,00 Com’n 2 “ 020.00 Floor'gel’rl in do— 019,00 1 in. common- 0 - Oak do do 019.00 Pine mhng’s p 1000 &50 0 3i» Laths, sawed. 1.001.25 0 1,50 Lira Stock, —pr 100 lha nt Beevc 0 5J3 Hogs 3,75 0 4<oo Cows A. Calves—(LX 019JM Sheep 2.00 0 2,12 Bfolaaaaa— Duty X pr. cl Sugarbous* -37 0 •; 40 N. Orleans 26 0 87 Naval Store*— Duty 90 per cent. Rosin per bbl— —-0 Pitch 100 0 MO Tar, Allegheny. • 6/JO 0 “ N.Carolint -5,00 0 Turpentine,gall-.- 63 0 65 Varnish. Copal-, 1,75 0 100 Sal la—Duty X p. e.—per keg, 106 lbs. teasing nails 1 eent advance per lb. l 100206 Joniata--3io 0 3,75 90 9d *■--*. -3.75 0 4/0 60 7d “ 4,25 0 4.50 aa 0 4,75 4d 5.x 0 4/3 3d b ---.-6.X 0 6^5 I,in atsTC-'--*1,370 1.50 _»le. dor. box --0 —— ■feat— Doty 90 per cent . erker 14,00 014 JO Per b«r 0 l&k IcltpetN—per ft. SxltpeuT. H 0 10i Tobwel ■ per ft—{lOper et. off far eatStor manufd Tobacco.] Doty 40 pr. et. Cigar Leaf* 4 0 6 MnuTtddo 8 0 7 Ladies’Twlst 9 0 10 Plnginkegs-* 640 74 Pin* la boxes* ~ -13 0 15 6 Twist 4JO 7 Cavendish* 0 8 12» Loss in Vox* **ll 0 10 £» ** « 18 0 17 tte “ “ 18 A, 14 Scotch unf- 14 O 18 Happen 0 13 CulkDryjHbpep... 0 85 • Ten-Duty 80 per cent imperial 65 0 60 Gunpowder 45 0 70 Young Myaen—*♦ 30 0 40 Poaehon* 50 0 75 TlaplM*—Doty 15 pr. et Banc* Block o——, j X 10 o so Duty 10 pr. cent. Rendered 0 7 Rough 0 54 gosp Grease HO 5 Vie**—per box. Solid boxes •• • 0. Wince —Doty 40 pr. cent. L P Madeira- ■ ■ - OXO 0 1.00 L PTenenffe- - - - 1,00 0 1,50 Lisbon-- 75 0 1.50 Dry Male** 0 70 Sweet 03 • 65 Spiketper fc——--410 61 - Pressed-- 610 * Boiler RiTsta-- — 0 7 Oakum— per h Pittsburgh 0 8 Olla—per gal. Linseed------ 56 0 60 Lard, City—— 65 048 Olive--- --1,400 I^o Sperm bieaehed 0 I—s u Unbleached/ 0 l/M ■ “ Fall----! ••• 0 Whale*——— 70 0 75 Tanners per bbl- 17,X03Q/» Faluta —per lb. Pros, Bine— 70 0 X Lampblack 610 7. Snaa. Whiting 110 3 Cnrome Green X 0 65 *• Yellow No. 1X 0 35 “ “ No. 325 0 *3- Brenswtek Green—l 2 0 X Whiie.Leed. dry—olo 61 “ Oil, pure keg--1J» 0 1/15 , » no! 1 * — a Red Leftd HO ' B *nL S'ellow Ochre 2kO 3 -» Ven. Red «J® * 3O O 39 CANDLES—SaIe* SO bxs Pittsburgh 91010 c. Pittsburgh SUr' arc selling il 220*230, and Cincinnati do at 23c 4p ft. ’ FLOUR—We bare no new feature to notice in the The article continues in an unsettled stale, and price* are of a nominal character. Coo aiderable quantities have been brought in during the p*»t week, and the stock* in market are more than sufficient to the demand. Sales have been Money, Stocks end Business, confined entirely to the limited transactions of the Money Market, at New York, for the week I tom, Wd., *“ ° f jaa en dad, Lm. to h.v. !*,» la„ c,„pcd extra brands, 505421,has been paid. * \ . j . FRLTT-The markal generally i> pretty we!l Tho tank. k... ben curudrag Iher, bu.rnea.far supplied. We quote moderate sales as follows: some time, and are now in as safe a position as Green Apples rate from 1,37 to 1,62, and for could be desired. Tbe’demand from|merehants;bas choice kinds at 1,75, tp bbt; mostly, however, at the lesa, and no difficulty has been found by tbcm £de“" obtaining ail lire bur. lhe>* neod. On tJSt Dried Apples are steady at 62fi6Sc ? bu. Crmn- Notes, loans are mad«.at seven per cent him berries are very scarce, and are sold to a limited notes are done in the street at one per cent, extent at the rate of $3 bu. | jcqqqJ ra i e a t on* and a Half per cent a FlSH—Racaipla havabcan paitirtlhoush nonlh. Traaaury Nora. ware under ptoteal Ana believe the supplies to be about sufficient to the . T demand. Sales have been!msinly contied to mod day in New-York, for non-payment of interest, erate transactions at the" following rales: Salmon, which was refused for want of the proper forms $2O: No 1 Mackerel, 12012,50', No 10010,50, y roQ j j^ o Secretary of the Treasury. The current ditbh? <* ecu. toward* Europe, ha, ratoporan.y, Ran. lflf j* doing in the.mde. “l «—>.“<• h ‘“* ■"> “ “P*® Supplies are fair and sales moderate at 32c p ft. 110, a raw that wiß keep all our com here. |Tbe GRAIN—>We observe no change iu the market demand for flour and gram, for export, has almost aince oor last weekly exhibit,unless it be in wheat added to the reduced price of cotton, which has slightly declined, and U now <PHted at m ,fc a bills scaree, and keep the rate full as 90095 c. Rye Li-nominal at 45048 c, and Barfey •t 60e. Supplies: of Com and Oats are rather high as at present. ' light, and sales to a moderate extent only are rf | In Philadelphia, the only movement in finance, ! fcctedat.4oc for the former, and 26027 for the In-- has been that caused by the new banking law, ter. GROCERIES—We have no change* to notice' in the market since our l**t weekly exhibit. Sop-, plie* are very abundant, and price* generally are i unchanged. Sale* of New Orleans Sugar at pn-; ces ranging according to quality, and term* of »*» from 41 tos|c * ft, Of N.O. Molasses, we qoute Mle*. in lot*, of 40 ’ bbl* at 2610261 c, cash and time. Rio Coffee, is firm at BloBic r » For Tea* and other groceries, see table above. GLASS—Window Glass of'all kind* continue* firm at full quoted price*. Of Flint Glass we quote as fellows: PJainTumbler* I pt, from sto lQoxeach, f, :•••• 31032 Pressed do 1 and 1 pint, from 6 to 10 flute dodo B 2 ®}#* Decanters, qVligbt2.ring, glass stopper 1,75 do do heavy 2do cork do do do plain do **oo do do do pillar do Wine glasses, plain * do do pressed r«*i’S Pitchcts, qt, plain do do pillar and ribbed. • • 7 *j~ do *qt or cream*..'.? Molasses Cana, pi plain. * 'J~ do do aoribbed... ** Plates,.6 in. pressed and fig 75 Castor Bottles, fluted Jars, * gal, Laquered coyer do gal do do J ' /J HEMP—The isuppliea of the market are very light, and wo bear of no aalea worth reporting— -11250130 p ton are the ruling rales. HAY—We quote sales from wagon and from store at 9,50010 to 10,50 0 ton. HONEY—Supplies sre quite limited, with mod* crate sales only at Ho29c tt. IRON dc NAILS—We note regular sales at the following rates: Flat Bar, tem i to 4» inch f*'- 3 *f ® do from sto oby Ito 1 inch..3l do Dandy Tire;different sixes •••31 do Horse Shoe ......3104 Round and square from 1 to 11 inch .3 do Steel, American,Blister *** «! *, do 6 do 3d 6.00 do | LEATHER—We have no changes to notice in the market since our last report. As in the eaM or - in our market, everything is steady and prices firm. See quoted prices in table above. LUMBER—' The market ii fairly aupplied with .all kinds, and moderate Sale* at the following I Pine, clear '• $3O ► Ceramon ....10 do Cherry dc Walnut Board*.. .16020 do scantling board* ...10 do Shingles..' <..2000300 Lath*..... * 20002,26 LEAD—No targe sales have occurred in the market. We pole moderate sales only at 5| cents r tt. . . LARD—Sales of Pig at 41011, andot Bor at 41 pSt . LEAD PIPE—We quote the ouUide prices of different sizes at GJol2lc ? IS. MEAL—Receipts have been quite light, and (applies are small. We hear of sales nominally at 45050 c tpbu, as in quality. .' METAL—SaIes oi the past week have been lichL' 102 tons H. R. cold blast were sold at 3700 6 mo*; 83 tons do, hot Ukst $37,0 mot. Sales of vmaHlots of H. R. Foundry Iron at $3B. OlLS—We.note moderate sales of Lard at 650 685 of Linseed at 56058c> gall; and of Tanners market, generally, it quiet, and not mbch doing. W« bear of limited sales only at the 3 * 62 ! Timothy 10702, SStoldSVukm, 2** fTta. ■ B*. cf Fl« « Msrssillei '-"..70 0 75 Port \JAOVto Calabria- 65 0 70 Wool, per ft—Duty 30 per cent* Prime .33 A 35 Pull blood A'-33 * blood S 3 0 30 4blood r »A 29 t blood k Common f*— 0 8® Tub washed-. 84 0 25 W nlskejr—per gallon. - Common lo Rectified 1640 81 Good ryeand old -.37 0 ® Zlne —per ft 1 Sheet 0 16 Slab 0 7 Freight*— per 100 Iba. To Ciucinnati. Dry Goods .... Heary TaJjOUtiville. Dry= Goods Heavy FroraLouiiville to tb Dry Goods 0 Heavy-..!. 0 To St. Louis. Dry Goods 830 75 Heavy • ••( * 0 37 To Cleveland and Erie. Dry Goods 0 40 Heavy 35 0 374 To and from Brownsville. Dry Goods (down)- Produce.kc. (up).. To Nashville. Dry Goods o'— Heavy 0 To Wheeling. Dry Goods 0 15 Heavy 0 12 To Zanesville Dry Goods 0 ® Heavy 0 37 To Beaver. Dry Goods 0 10 Heavy, ••• • 0 To New Orleans. . • Heavy Goods nominal Glass, kc 0— mans or txxiqbt os tot ruomri. alee and green fruitperlOOlbeOOeta ca, Pot and Pearl, SO Butter and Bacon, SO Beef, tailed, do 70 Bale rope and Bagging —do 871- Bcetwax, do 73 Brietlee, :do 00 Broome, do 1,73 Crete, - do SO Corn, de SO Cotton, do SO Chilled Rollen do 73 Drug* and do 67 Dry Goode, do 14® Dned Fruit do W Flour, per bbl. 67101,00 FUra and Pelthea, per 100 Iba I,® Feather*. do 1® Furniture, do 1,00 Ulaetware, do 73 Glaee, Window, per bx 60 0 « Gineeng, per 100 Iba 73 Groeenee, do 0O Hardware, do 67ft Hope, do ' 67* Hemp, do Of Hidee, (raw 7fie; dry SI) do 14® Leather, do 40 do 40 Lard and Lard Oil, do 90 Oil, Caetor, «• 78 Oila (as. Lard and Cat tor,) do 73 : Perk, per bbl. do 0137 Rage, per 100 Iba 69) Ropee and eordaxe, do 00 ! Specie do 1,00 j Seede, do 7ft 1 Skint, Deer and Buffalo, do 1,00 Tallow, do 6t Tobacco, Leaf, do 63} i» Manufactured, do 67 Wheat, de 10 Wool, do 01® Whitney, per bbl 14® re tvi tear tu Honceeima aLicx- Class, No. I—Ashes, Balt-PUI.N.Y. Bacon, Butter, lard. Cheese,' Pork. Tobac co, Tallow, W. Giaii, and Whisky pr 100 lbs M Clast No*—lump, Fla* in bale* 1,00 ‘ Clau'N’o- J—Dried Fruit Leather, Old Hags, Skins, Seed*, Wool, l» Claea No 4 Beeswax, Feathert,Fttre,Gintn'g, Hops. Mdse, loose Flax IJS BarlaelMwaaei. Kate* of luaoruce on eargoaa. e •team and keel boat*. Pm Pittsburgh to Wheeling,Vo. 19— - - to and from Cincinnati, O iO I “ “ to Louisville. Ky. |0 “ “ to St. Louis, Mo-• • • I fi>lj “to Boonvil!e,do-•• •' 1 9 3 “ *• tolodependeaea 202 “ •* wGaleiis,lU. H®l “ “ toMrraphit,Ten I®l “• “ to N Czrleao* -I 01 From N- Orleans to Pittsburgh- -l 01 St Lottie 1 0 Charges by rood Flat Boats 1,.,3 to New One ana TAR—The market 1* quiet, with UmiteU aale* of N. a at 5(30,50 r MA -- Wins KEY —Former quotation* are -fully abs tained, with regular aale* of Raw at ISt3IBJ; and Rectified at 21c 0 gaL m • WOOL—W* have no new feature to notice in the market See quotations above. which has Advanced the rate of State S'* to 7.2 Should the law pasa, and the debt of the; Slate-become the baais of bank circulation, it can\ not fail to advance the price, aa it will cauae there \ ;to be kept out of the ban da of speculators. A suggestion ia made in connection with the new law. that all country banka should be cere polled to keep their issues at par in Philadelphia, and hence they would be at par all over the State. Thiasugl gesture that should be rejected at- once, as unjust to the banks of the State out of PhiladtlpW In our local Money Market, there is no change to notice. Good paper ia done at 11 per ceut a mnoih, and a good deal offering at that high rate. Price* of Stock* New York, Feb. 5. U S s’a of '53 67* U S ff* of ’62 87| Treasury Notes WIOI Ohio 7s 101101 Ohio ffa 95090 Illinois Bonds 41011} Indiana Bond* 50|031 Penn s’s 711 Tenn V* Kentucky o’s Pittsburgh o’s Exchange Market. In Exchange*, not much ii doing at present We find the market to-day about whero we led it a week aince. Currency is a little •carce; the demand, however, is not beyond the supply, and we continue to quote the rates at 11 per sont discount ' Cattle Market. AtixaußTr, Feb. 7. Botv»—Some 300 head were at the yard on Monday. AH were token at *1(35,25. ? 100 Jba net, which u a alight improvement over tao quotations of last week. Hooe—The offerings were unusually limited, and were sold at prices varying, according to quality, from, $3,25 to 4,00 * lOO.fts net. S nXEr _Were also very scarce, and were all token at $2(32,12) each. Foa CmecivATi.—The splendid packet steamei New England, No. 2, will leave ns above thii Hay, as usuil, at 10 O’clock, a. m- PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 5 f e'er WATXS IS CItAJOIXL - STAJID. AIUUVEL, Beaver, Clark, WeUsvilte. Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wellsville. DUpatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. Ringgold, Cope, Bridgeport . Danube, Cock, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Allantit, Parkinson, Brownsville. Clipped No. 2, Crooks, Cm. pacific; Campbell, Louisville. departed, Beaver, Clark, VellsviUe. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and WeHville. Dispatch. NeLion, Brownsville. Monterey, Morrison, Browns/Qle. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.* Danube, Cock, Brownsville. Ringgold, Cope, Bridgeport - Grey Eagle, Brooks, Cm. . J. J. Cfitlenden, Israel, Cut boats x.BATuro this; day. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS,, end 3 CINCINNATI PACKET, 10 a.m. BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 and 10 > *, «*d S o'clock,r.*> i ’’’ OtiSOOW PACKET, A > «. A* A* Kum 4b .Co*t 9 at, inttm tun *si> rovers mxs*, > ■ "NFORM their frienda and the public generally, that . being about to rtmore to the spurious and elegant Sure recently erected on the adjoining Lot They will close cat their large and'well selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods at cost, and in many eases less that) cost, to ensbls them to open their new sure with an entire block of New Goods. The sale wilt commence Ihit day and continue u the first of March, or until their removal. Their extensive assortment of Dresl Goods will be sold full 30 per cent, less than uiu* a! prices. They consist of the most fashionable Cash meres and Delanes, Gals, Mohair, Silk and OregoQ Plaids: Also, Bombasines, Alpaccas, *e. • Cloak Good French and German Mennot, Queen » Cloth, French Plaid Cloaking*, Broad Cloth*, of all th# most fashionable colors. Black and faney DresssilkA ol every variety. Shawls—Cashmere, Terken, ranan Plaid, and other ahawls—a very. large assortment, fully reduced ene half in price. Flannels—W elsh, English and American Flannels, of all solora and qualities: Bonnet and Cap Ribbon*, Gloves, Howery, 6imps and Fringes, Wrought Collars and Cape*, Laces, Aruneuu Flower*, Plumes and Feathers, Scarfs, Cravats, Hand kerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, etc. linen Goods of avery description. Woollen Goods—Csssimeres, Csssinetts, Vestings, Beavers, pilots. Tweeds, Jeana Whitney and Bath Blankets. Also an extensive assortment of Calicoes, Chintzes, domestic Ginghams, Checks, Stripes, Tickings, brown and bleached Muslins, its. r The following will ba boms of the Prices: Cashmeres at IS< e. Usual price 37$ ■ Mousbelin da'Lainss, " 121 “ “25 and 31 G slalpl aids, 60 " “ 100 , Mohair A Oregon Plaids, ;20 “ * St 1 Alpaccas, IS| “ Flannels, » * “ •»* j Wrought Collars, Ifff “ 371 Calicoes; 9 UlO “ “ 12* } Cassirtelts, ' aw 31 * _,,.J Tbgeiher.with every article inths Store, which will bp offered equally cheap. Visiters may be assured that they will not be disappointed in the quality or pncet.of our goods- Qan3l] A A MASON A. Co.t Now Is the time for Bargains. Alexander a day would respectfully inform the citizens of Pittsburgh aud its vicinity that they nr* now selling off their very large and extensive stock of dry goods at an unparalleled reduction of pnees, their object being to exchange goods for cash, A in or der to effect this in the shortest possible time they will sell-off their entire stock at such remarkably lowjstes as cannot fail to soil cash buyers. A fins opportunity is now offered to persons in want of cheap dry goods to supply themselves at a comparatively small expense. We have a large end splendid stock of i LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Palo Alto, Buena Vista' Gala. EngUsh'snd French Me rino Plaids; Oregon and California do; Plain Black and Mo<k colored De Laines, French Menbos, assorted cm* ore; Alpaeca Lustres; Bombazines; French and' Scotch Cashmeres and Moutlin'Ds‘Laines; French and Eari storiGinghmms, etc. ' •• • "dress AND MANTILLA SILKS. i; A lam and splendid assortment of rich black Dress Msmiil* Kilks and blue black Dress Sahas. SHAWLS,'SHAWLS. ’ . 1 A large assortment of super French, Turkern and- Cashmere Shawls; plain and embroidered silk fringe Thibel'do£Cbameteon and Brocade silk do; plain black kilk do; super all wool long' square Brocbea do; jlaln and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embroidered Do twines do. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. s Super French, English, and American Cloths sad Co- AMD FLANNELS. ,1 Aft excellent assortment of Sattinets and a large stock of red, white and yellow Fannels. Blankets—Super blue Blankets for overcoats; fins twilled do; American premium da t ete. .?• Also, a large assortment of Tickings, Checks, Prints, MusUss, together with" almost every article m tha dry goods line. ALEXANDER A DAY, < jsalS 75 market »t, N. W. cor. of diamond, ONLY.- 44 i CEDAR BT-, NEW YORKj LEE & BREWSTER Established a warehouse in the year lMfl, far ihe pir* nose of supplying the City and interior Trade wuk P rRINTEb CAUCOtS EXCLUSIVELY, at : low' prices—and exhibiting, at all seasons j of the year, the Largest Assortment in i TiE WORLD. w ! Tbay are now opening Several Hundred Packages, coemnsing every new stylo of Foreign and Dometiio production, many of which, have lust been purchased, ud are offered for sale for Cash and short credit, at PRICES REDUCED FROM i. ONE TO FIVE CENTS per yard below the pncee of Apnl and May, u per primed Catalogue*, which are corrected daily, for the information of buyer*- I ,* PftlHT WABEHOVSXi ) KewYork, June, { Card—Monday* Jon* 10. Great reduction in i'Rices—w r Murphy, p*. E. corner 4th and market 4u.. will, from tbit data, tell hit winter drew goode, and • large proportion of hn ttock, adapted only to the winter kuwH at irredtfy reduced price*, it being hie object to «U' off this prut of hit tiock to make room for an cariy tpring aappiT, no*refard will he had to th« co»t of the good* but ibey will t>« offered at prtcet that will enture their »*ie—*uch u California plaid*, at lt| former price }3e; •uper da. al 525 former price 37|c; Trinted Scotch clL»h taerea at 111. former price 3lc; do. til, former price 374 c; Frtneh all wool do. 50 cto, former price «l and t ifi taper do. 73 former price ICOs enper plaid Thibet,ejpth. Gl and 75 former price 100; betidee a large aiwortmeni of winter tbawlo, wonted Hoods, Ac. at price* much lower than before offered. T>LACK*“A?fir“e6a)RfJ> JkLPXtCAS-U R rS Morphy hat on hand al eery low price*. *n oaeon ijßflta of thorn goods, inciudiar different t&adef of Drfcb Orion. Common and Hne; Naranne Ihua-ilo.; -dtiWniV Brownldo.; TBacljfcnd Blue do; Satin ptri* Barred do ; foney Plaid'Cff ;wUo, : aoranenl of ilohoy lattU'et. including toma *enr in# and glbtty. Id Wholetolo Room*, up ataire, qeaj cn will fold a choice nock of above and other gbodt by it* piece, al low Ca*h price* T^tHLS&HIScTtitk)DS— \V» have oa hand ad **- p Kirttnent of good 4 aauabte for turnithuig hrtirl*. tte&mbcHU*, Ac., among whiab ore ia bale* tickings, a*- •onedtd do bro drilling*. 9 eo*e» M and »>-4 bleached shirtings; 14 do I. i and 4-4. do; ’i bale* heavy linen emtht 7-4 and o-4 linen table diaper; do. do. D»tu*-«k; Scotch and itu**ia diaper, low-pneed fancy madder its; wfnl« counterpane*, plain mud twilled blanket*, which will be told low for ci»b or approved credit SIIACKLETT A WHITE in* wood, tt j»n4 _ .... : ‘ glitwli. Bh*wli< OELUNO OFF—A Ttrj targe and »up<nor*«)on. J> men: of taper Turkem Niawl*. «ir» ail wool Ufo* chad*. Sue ra»hmTr <lf- r llni a, “' trri s!oih ilo. pUmnjici miuroidriC'l Thibet»!««. Hnjeadr. I»u*w»k, and Ortomau Nik dti. I'ii*! tong *!>■) “quarf Jii, '-»• gather Wilti * great vaneiy «>t oilier dewcnpitotN of gbawU. *Jt ofw&icb we are now MUmg off aiajiettra ordinary reduction of pnce» * ALKXA.VPFJt k PAY. * f,;,S 7> Market *. S \V cor. ul the Diamond. FINE PLAIDS SFJXING OFF— An'ciceileiij a*- •orunentuf fine Plant* off si ki t unu*uil re. ducltoti in puce*, at 75 Marin Mren. N W consol the Diamond A I.i.XA.VDI -K A UA\; ocVek. French uluths SKI.UNO OFF-A O fine awotuiienvof French and Kfigbih Cloth* Mb U»* off at a very great reduction in pure*. • , - Alexander a Day. r feba 75 Market »l, N W cor 01 the Diamond. £"i HAL'lil-KIT A Dry Good* johb'ert, 99 IS Wood »U have on hand * well aa-orted and *eil*ofY ttti* clock of DRV GtX»DS which they will »Ctl to wMtrnt and city merchant*. on very reasonable ifrraa, and law pnee*. Mom of the good* *ctt bought daring tb« laat month/and at reduced price*. W • iLACK SILKS'—'V* R MI'RPHV a*ka the affection l of buyer* to hi* ataorunem of chore good*, milud- I rich plain Italian drew wlk, poult de *oie dorblua black da rich watered do. do watered and atriped do. tilk* tor cardinal*; betide a largo unortmenl oi Fancy Drtti Silk*, chmngable aaun*. Ac., all of which will be •old at the lowe»t pooible priee*. i*ns. o vpsiiioK'iiimtiiiiG r IS .MURPHY. N. F» corner of <th and Market meet*, call* attention to the *upertor long cloth thtrting JDU*- liniLhe i* aellitv at IS* ct* p|fd—al*o. hi* *nper«r aa •ortment of IRISH IXNFINS.VarraMed note flag, and of the roo*t approved manufacture- Alto, Linen Lawn*, of every quality, and a full a*»ortiaeQt of gentlemen A Ladle* cambric handkerchief*. _ WRITING A WRAPPINO PAPER— < UiO ream* ruled cap fair and fin* quail tie*,; 300 “ letter “ “ " i 30 “ flat cap. good quality, 200 “ blue lactory paper. 50 M tcapaper, - 50 rro»» lionnet board*- i 4,01© bundle* ttrnw and rag wrapping paper. In More and which we offer to the city trade at low pme». ft bs REYNOLDS A SHfcE. HAVANNA CIGARJ»-lOO.C©ti imported eight* of the following celebrated ’•rand*, part to .arrive eoniiiling of, Ceve*. Aubiqued*d,jWa*hitiKUm regalia*, Rapide*. E*culapie, I)t>* Amigo*, de Fuller, London Urania, Lord Ryron'a. Falla pnucipe*. *ieam boat do, Villeya extra do, Sylvia - * do. I.a Rayader* l*t, do do 2d, Orttz. 1a Palma, Caxadore*, lEagla Ppnf.'J!®* lor „jeby PC MARTIN,-. cor Smiihfield A fronfl *G_ S~ UNDRIES—<OO dot plartng card*, 200 whole and half can* »ardme», 10 baeketk Olive oil, 10 boxe* as*ort*d cauups and brandy fruit*, fi bbl* crushed *n gar. < bbl* loaf do, scaae*!emon Uyrup. mona,forjaiojiy _ {lcb7)__ T PC MABIjIV A LPACCA A CASHMERE 11 ONE-w n Morphy ■/V invite* the attentian of the ladie* to hi* excellent u*orunent of ea*hmere and alpacca ho»e, including drab and bl’k ribbed. Alto, black «pun *tlk. pnbet, llama, and cotlan ho»e, a full a**ortmeut, and at low price*. T ' f..- 7 PREMIUM GOLD PKSfc—W eipreii UiU d»r ■ large lot of the be»t mode pen* ever Wo l to • hit city. By offering o cowndrralile premium oyer the ordinary price*. I have had them fonuufacturrdt»upe nor to any heretofore, and con confidently recommend them a* «ueh for the fineneti of the gold, their ea»y lastic spring and fine nmooth, point*. Alio, a; large uortment of oilier brand* for »o!o at eomtern price* nd warranted, at the vraich and comer of <th fc enafket it. Boys CASSIMBRBS.—W n Murphy invitee the mention of parents to his excellent assortment of boys cassiraeres and tweeds of vanous qualities,(it the Dry Good* house, northeast corner of 4th ana mar* ket sis. j PtIObUCK— Received nsr steamer Ludlow, M bbls Clover Seed. 8 do Flax Seed, sdo Roll Boner, 3 do White Beans, 17 do Bard. 03 kecs do 4 aeka Ykool, 1 do Feathers; lot sale l>f febl BApAhhl A SMITH _ ■farlilTlß <sbU3'fEß.l*AsfK»— Another case W of Steamboat Counterpanes, lust received from N. York, and for sala by SHACKLtTrr k <Jc3O lto Wood* 1-^EaNNELS— lied, l |rown * ml B*rred Flannels.— < An additional supply teceiveil from the raairiifaclu „v. ai», . f.« ‘■fJs.i'SJ'iSnl'i'N; to ,aJ ®j 3 y *1 wood *L _ ■OLANKETS—BS pair largeTtomestic Ulankdls, just JJj.c-.Wed on «»■£»'«£, [SIn: 3> Wood COCUECO PRINTS—W R Morphy Invtiea the alien liou of buyers to hie assortment of above superior -1. neat styles and plaids orpure madder-cojors, 5Td warranted fast; also, Fall. River and American print works do. also fast colors. Jnnlo rtiAULE“DIAPEns‘AND TABLE CLOTHS--W. R I Murphy has on hand, at low prices, an osortmenl medium and superior linen table diapers; • .o damask linen table cloths, napkins, etc.; alfo hock abud, bird-eye, and Scotch diapers for toweling. i»j» Til LXID Iij»ACK ALPACCAS.—A few pcs pf satin r barred Stpaccus, lately rac’d; also, an excellent assortment if fancy barred do., very low, at.the dry ffhouscof U»3) w R MURPHY- _ RpSS GOODS AT LOW PRIChS-W R Mur nhy, comer 4th and Market els- continues to «ell »inter wrest Goods at greatly Reduced price*—Mut lin de Laities as low as 151 cu per yard, Ac. j>»7 TkRODUCK-60 keg* No 8 Uni. 15 bb!» btickwhe I flour, sdo flax *eed, Bdo imall white bean*, * do rve. 1 do timothy *eed, 8 sack* dried peache*. fecetred CEo V.ffi^ C~ ANTON FIJWNELS-At reduced lb* piece, at wholesale rooroi. "® ' , lcb7 nbrtheaat cor 4th fc market at, (up «te*ra) ■r INEN LAWNS—A mpply of above gojda-con |» *tanily on hand t al*o linen cambric and linen cant* hfle handkfa, low pnetd and flue. “ fet>7 INKS TO ARRIVE—I6O qr. caik* Cede,mite and Burgundy Port Wme, expected dady, to ax- ■' public Sale off Valuable Property. I WILL offer at publie sale, on Wednesday, the let day of March next, the farm tale the property of Thom** t. 8001, deceased, situated in .Middlesex town ship, Butler county, Pa-, containing about one hundred ana eighty acre*; one buudrtd acre* cleared, twentyof which are meadow, the balance well umbered. The Improvements are, a twoetory DweUingHocse.alarM new Frame Bank Barn with stabling under the whole, a frame Wagon Shed and Com Cnb, a frame Wash • House and spring House, with a never tailing Pump at the door, a large Apple Orchard, with a variety of oth er fruitjuid ornamental trees. . “liie above is considered one of the best farms in Bat ter county, being of the best quality of land, beautifully situated on the Pittsburgh and Butler Turnpike road, seven miles from Bauer and twenty-four miles from Pittsburgh, and couvenient to Churehes School-houses and Mills. ... Txaus—One third in hand, and the balance in two eaual annn&l payments, with interest from sale. q WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM* ja29:3t , Execute?. Only Two Left. ' a BRICK HOUSES* SELLING FOR 81125—The subscriber'- bos' only two of these cheap dwelling houses, situated on Decatur si- left. These hous es are brick, three stories high, end contain six rooms each. - Tory are of recent erection, are well built, and.possess every convenience for neat residen ces for small families, having each separate and inde i-s eaebi.and time given on a portion of the pur chase money. Such barguius, we' think, have not late ly been offered in this cjty. ' Inquire of the subscriber, who can be seen at the Ot fiee of the Gazette, every foTeuoon, between the hours of eight and ten. and at other limes ai his rooms at Mrs. Hays’ boarding house, Bobiuaon’anew row. Fed eral «t Allegheny Ciiy. D N WHITE, j MI 3I !■ Agent for the owner. :Farm for Bale. - I WILL sell at public sale, on the premises, #Si on Thursday ihe Oth of March, 1945, at 10 o clock flgta.. m *ji that certain plantation and tract of in Versailles township, Allegheny county, •late the‘property of William Perry McCullough, de ceased. containing about go acres, trora 55 to sixty acres ofwhich is improved and in n high state ot cultivation, on which is erected a comfortable sioite Dwelling House and frame Bam, with cither outbuildings; also, an orchard of select fro it This property is about 13 miles from Pittsburgh, and the Greensburgh and Pitts burgh turnpike passes through it- ■ This tract of land contains a large quantity oi stone coal ai\d limestone, of an excellent quality, and the Central Railroad, as at present located, passes near the same. Terms, one half-in hand, aud the other half in one and two years, with interest, to be secured by Bond‘ •" d u Mo , r ft B * e - KOBT. CAROTHERB, of Hum, ■ feliS-dffwfcwld* J Executor.- i>aslrable Loti of Groaxd for sals. BER of beautiful Lots, fronting on that great A thoroughfare, Penn street, or the Greensburgh turnpike road, and on the Allegheny nver, and Interme diate streets in the 9th Ward, Pittsburgh, erenow offer ed for tale on the most reasonable terms.. p For private residences, business and BUUSlfaCtnnng establishments, these lots present situations not supats ed. if equalled, by any now for sale. The' regularity with which the streets are laid ouU and the levsl char* aeter of the ground, render the lots convenient, and available at once for building purposes Um di.fuub,.. Appi, to febMlifl Attorney at Law, 4th ay near Grant- ■tore To Ist THIS Store is situated on Liberty street, be •fyW low Ferry, attd next-door to the grocery store of **John B- Bell. U has two fronts, ruiuung through 10 Ferry su, is large and convenient, and is well adapt ed for a Grocery Store! There is-a good celler connect ed with It, which the tenant can re-let, U he chooses, as 11 has an outside entrance. These premises will be rented low to a good tenant. tV . Inquire of the eubeenber, who cm be eeen at the of fice of die Gazette, every forenoon, between the boon of eight and ten. andju other times at hit rooms at Mrs. Hays' boarding house, Kobiason’ii new rows Fed eral st. Allegheny (Sty. D N WHITE, tf Axent tot the owner. Farm far Bant or Lease. • mA The undersigned will rent or lease for a tenn 01 Bfl years, a portion of-the. farm where he now re- AmtideC containing fromfiO to TO acres of tillable land and 4l» acres of woodland, one large alone dwel ling house, oue log houae, ud a large barn, which can be nseAtor storing foots or converted.into a spring house, i This property Is between three and four miles from PittsbuigJi, on the MenongaheJa nver, city aide. It is very suitable for a dairy and vegetable farm. Possession given on the Ist of March. For partieu °f HENRY I WOODS' a FOB BALE. THE three story Dwelling House and Lot, now occupied by IL P. Sehweppe. Esq-, on Penn near Hand. The Lot is 21 by lttl feat, and is pleasant ly situated. For terms apply to the subscriber, who has ijio FOR RENT . The three story house on the corner of Liberty st. and Irwin’s alley, now occupied as a wholesale and retail grocer’s store, by IL F. t*chweppe. Possession given immediately, on application at, the warehouse of John N °- U W * ICT 'W IRWIN Choice Building Lot* for Bale. XHE subscriber offers fur sale some very choice buildiding lots in Allegheny City at low- prices, i lots are beautifully situated for raral residences, and-shout one-fourth of * niile from the Allegheny market, or the old Allegheny Bridge. The size and tenna-esu be made to salt purchasers. Inquire of the subscriber, who can be seen at the of fice of the Gazette, every forenoon, and st .other times St his rooms at Mr. Uay*’ boarding house, Robinson’a - - rUHBiUiA. |C| THE NATIONAL HOTEL on Water street, JayLabove the Muaongahrla House, and the stable sireet, beings leasehold for the terra of h'l year*.from the JstotApril, lt-Ll, robiccrtothe payment of BtuU per annum. If desired, the fee-simple m the lot which is GOfeet front|on Water street, extending through so Pront cu, can be purchased. Enquire of dce&UT WM. M. DARLINGTON, For Bent! I ~ a A two story brick dwelling with about six acres of ground-attached, situated ai Oakland. The place is well stocked with fruit 6f all kinds, and is a desirabla location for a lamil; being entirely out ot reach of (ho nver and dm ot tbo city. An omnibus leaves Oakland hourly for the city. Apply to JkU j 0 ATWOOD, JONES A Co. : "For Beat. , A new three* nory brick dwelling honae on nSa Wylie street—Po«*e»»ioa given on Ui« first of JSflLAoni or sooner it required- inquire of Jiul JAR FLOYD. 1W liberty street _ f* or Bent. I A two story brick dwelling with about 5 acre* hf ground. situated on the bunk of the Ohio nver, iu tLe borough o' M nrhrMrr A|*{’ly to T jandl JAMES A IUTt-IMsON A Co, THRFJ-* dwelling bou»e.« situated on 4th aireet pßntit canal bridge, iu the city of Pittsburgh. Al *•*•♦•0, a room 75 'Ly yn feet, wall a convcuietu en trance on sli» *l, near wood. Also, a name dwelling, two atone*, with an acre of ground enclosed and under cultivation. .imate on Ohio lane, m the city of Alleghe ny. Inquire of J 1> v* lU4A.MS. . #R jl JIU wood street- Th« new three etorv tie proof bnek atore o FJH Meond st. now occupied by Edward Evans; J: XaBJxcOV irem lit o('Apn. noli- Inquire of J >CHOONMAKEH i-C©-f iaa j9 94 woodatreet. ' _To Let* __ —•* The subscriber* wifi :»nt pah of the warO^' M house now occupied !»y :!r m Arpty to LEWIS, l»Al*Zi:iX, it Co 1 For Rent. A handsomely finished room on Market *tro frg laielr occupied a* a Daguerreotype estallishrae by Morlaud It Co Alto, a well finished end well fi i»y Mvriftiiu » v-o. *v**-«. *"■ •• *.«■*»»•« ■—■ nished room, suitable lor societies, adjoining (he hall ol the Mercantile library Aasocialion. Entrance at Phi* lo Hall, I* H UAZZAM. oct27 Offiee, market street, between 3d and 4th • For Rent* MTHF. large and convenient dwelling house on Federal st., Allegheny, formerly occupied be Hr». Ann Gauara. Keni low. Possesoon riven mi the let of April next. E 1* GAZZAM- Immediate possession of the above house ran be ob tained bv applying to M. Creighton, at tho canal ware house of Clark A Thaw. dcc9 MA Urge room-on tiie !M story of tho warehouse occupied by the subscribers, near Uio foot of Wood street — a food location for a steamboat agency or an Insurance office. BOLLMANS A UARRISOg. janll —— - - - For Sale* Jgk A Fin* two story bnrk house, on main street, fjl. Allegheny city, near the upper bridge.; The lot is SJleet tn front by 100 deep. For terra* inquire of dcistf a Washington, <th *t Tor Sale* Ml offer for sale the house I now occupy on Webster street, a few door* west of Seventh street, it is a two story brick house, with four rooms on each tloor. 1 will sell on a liberal credit jan2hf | 'V li LOWJUE. To"Xet« MOn* new three story Dwelling House, with baih houses attached; situate near the corner of Wyli* and Washington streets, possession git* en utt the first of April neat _ _ - * JOHN F TERRY. For Rent. u. THE large fire proof warehouse, 24 feel front hr Kg M feet deep, ud second at. near wood. Rem mod crate. Inquire of J SCIIOONMAKER k. Co., dclO 21 wood at For l&cBt, MA neat two storied brick dwelling house with seven room* and large yard, pleasantly situated in the Slh ward. Apply to WM U 9CAJFE, joniaJw Ist street near wood. a larcc, comm odious, and well finished, three fiJB «tory brick dwelling;, on Penn st.. -If vray be* Uarrisou alley and Wayne «L I’oriei ion riven Immediately. For particular* inquire at ihi Officf of \v W WALLaCK, julylMtf *JU liberty atreet . orTlent. A Smoke Route. tiiuaied on Flam alley, for es!m tent. Inquire of ROBERT DAX.ZKI.E A Go, ™*l«ibcrty Hrect. dccia ; for Rent. The well fimuKhed store on Market street, be* JSW tween third and fourth street*, nt present occu* by Uarrew* and Turner. Possession given on the first of April neit. [nrlni) K D (SAZZAM. Mi dry goods warehouse. 97 wood street, second door sbovi Diamond alley. Inquire of dec2 I) T MtmGAN k. Co. ett —c o VJt tHYTSk s id k b 6 k . SB lIAVINO removed to the city, for convenience Jgß.lo profeutona) bu«ne«*, I will rent the Manvion Hoo»’e,and it* immedmeenclovure.vituateontheblttflji of the Mononjrnheln, one mile ttbove Pitwbnrrh. *»*»iJAMtvff 8 CRAr'f COAL LAND FOR SALE—Seven acres coat land for sale, situate in bend oflho Monougahela River, above Brownsville, Pa., having a 7 foot vein of coal, which will be told in exchange for good*.. For particu tara apply to [ocSS] f* A W ItAJIUAUGII, 33 wood it “ 'BiirainffliDt IN MANCHESTER FOR SALE—I have for aalea beautiful boildins Lot in Manchester,' near ibsierTy, •jj. feet front by t!XJ feet deep. Ii will be aold loyr, and on accommodating term*. Term* unexceptionable. mylP JAS. BLAKELY. Real fatale Axt BACON A HEMPSEED—SB Shoulder* 216 Ham* 8 bbla Herapaeed; per SUnr. Falraoont For aala tow. to cloao consignment. . ja3l CARSON A McKMGBT, RIO COFFEE—iII bags prime green Rio coffee; 25 bbla Lovenng’a crushed augar, landing from «mr Northern Light, and for Bale by Janll JAAOALEY AJ.MITH. SUNDRIES —40 bu»- dried Peaches, prime quality; 2 bbla Flax*eedj 2do Lard; 4do small white Beans, landing from atearaer Grey Eagle, for aala by jaffl JOHN SDILWORTH, SlVood at SUPERIOR PRINTS FOR 121—W R Murphy In cites the attention ofbuyera to hia very auperior tyle of Printa, selling at 13j. faat colora, ja27 SHIRTING MUSUNS AT lik-W R Murphy aaUa auperior long cloth Shirting Muilin, yard wide, a; 12g cent* a good article of usual width at 10 eta. Ja27 SUNDRIEiv— American Isinglass; French leaf; A me. ricon Vermillion; Dutch do; Chinese do; gold foil; English-de; just rec’d and for sole by ianlg- JOEL MOHLER_ rpANNEIVS OIL of tha beat quality always on band A oaslfotaUby WM YOUNG A Co, |. BATES w \ gaffe* OF P»COUy ■ H. HOLME f Exchange Broke**, No. 59 peautylvaala. , l Bank ofPitwhergh —-9*» f Exchange Bank • MerchfeWan. Bank-par i BkszifPhilailelphJa-• • -par , Girard Bank P** i Bank of Germantown -par t " Chester County-•-par “ Delaware Co.- --P«r NT—CORRECTED BY ~ ES - h'l B Market street. Bear el* si Indiana* , Suuaß’k ABranChes-* H Exchange ok. of Va-*MI Farmersßk.ofVa****- Bk. of the Valley,— —’ > Bk. of Virginia-1* •••• r M. M. Bk., Wheeling * do Morgantown--; J| N. —* do ' Wellsborg * H l da Parkersbarg—“ : TeaattSsti ** Mantgonx-ryCo.-*par u Noniiiimberland- 'par Colombia Bridge Co,*'- par Dovleiwwn Buk par Farmer** Bk. Reading-par Faroe»>Bk. Backs Co. par Fanner* B’k Loncaslr-par Lancaster Co. Bk.-• • -par Lancaster Bk.---**---- par U. Btater Bank-—--—-30 Brownsville Bk. par 1 Washington Bk.----—•••$ \Jettytbijr*hßk.»- • Ik Chambcrsoar*-- . Sasqoekanna Cow Bk.- ~• Lehigh Co Bank; , i ‘— Lewjstown- ♦••• Bk.of.Tennessee-••• r r FarjAMerehHsßk—r “ Planters' Bk.---~ * “ Cnioaßk.-* ; HliMtiri, : SateßkofMi»«Mm-v U Rorth'Garollßß*,, Bk.ofC»pe;Fear-****; \* Mereh’s J State Bank I Boatk Carol Ina. Cantdeußk-* * Jj Bk. of Charleston— -r J j !Commercial Bk• •• • •—• »i Bx.-ofGeomurwn----’: II Bk.qf Hamburg--- 1 *• ’J* Merchants Bk---*--"*; II Planters AMecha’sßk* II Bk. of South Carolinav II : Maryland* :■ - Baltimore Bks. jpur Balta'e AO R R Berip 10 Cumberland Bk. of Alio ghany v -; *t Far. Bk. of Maryland-? u - Farmers’ A Meehsmes u Bk. Frederick “ Frederick Co. Bk.--*--* i Hagerstown Bk .• •••••" . Mineral Bk--t Middletown Erie fik. “ Farmer*’ and Drover*' Bask, Wayneabnrg** “ Hamsbsnc “ Hoiieadaie Lebanon * “ Potuville-- ** We«l Branch Bk- MfcM Bk.' Piui do- City fcCottmy 'Seri**- “ Ohio. State Bk.and Branehea H MountPlcaaanl •• “ Steubenville u Su Cloir»viUe " Manelta M Paupscoßk- ..*•••••> W asaington Bk- •-•••- • “ Bk.bfweiuniniler •• •,• *? :• Michigan, v Bk.oftfL Clair.---';— NewLitbon- ** Cincinnati Banki--*v ** Columbo* do “ Cirele»ille- ZanMviUe Putnam-'- Bk! of River Bai*en- *r— Michigan Ins. Co-** •* 3 FariAMech’sßk--—• « Wlaeonaln Terrify. Mar.AFirefn.CoAlilw'e ft Canadaa. All iolvenißanke > * . Bank of England Notes liTorssw- Gold * Speele Value* Napoleons 3 8° Duuis—•• -S 15# s*> Eagle,old- 1 -- \ lO « Fa*le,new;—• -j 10 00 Doubloons, Spanish. 18 OQ Do-Patrioii***- M So tb reigns Guineas -ft 00 Frodericksd’ors- ■ - *-87 60 Ten Thalers ■ •*. •• ? 60 Ten Guilders ■ 310 Louisd’ors- 4 ftO i Kxchange. - , New York Iprm Philadelphia - • t pnn Balfimore ipnn a, pat. latonot B’fca-i-* Dayton WesternTßeserye " PrsnkJinß’k Oolgmbus " Chillieothe ••••'*• Lake Erie*** •••••—• « Seiota “ Lancaster 1® Hamilton- ”W Grenville- » Far&Prs B*k Canton*-**3o Urtana ?•• Sutaekjr. BkofKentueky 14 Bk.of Louisville * Norbem Bk. Kentu’ky- “ Haw York—City Banka EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. HUMEY, HIHIA * CO~ Bankers, exchange brokers, ana iuien la Fortin and Dourestle Exchange, Certificates of Dopoaita, Bank Note*, and Speele; Faortb street,.near* It omenta tba Bank of Pittsburgh. Current money received on deposit#—Sight Check* for <*l®, col lections mads on nearly all tka principal points in tka United Itntaa. i Thtjtigkest premia* paid for FsTsif* and Aniiim made on aenaifnkaitaof Predate, ship-! pod East, on liberal terns. ■ »cnio ; H. HOLME* *-gOH, ? T»ANKERS and Dealer* in Com and n BankNotaa,No.3s, Marketstreet, Pittsburgh. Bolling Rates. Exchange. Baying Rafo*. Now York. Apr Cmeinnnti, . Id* Philadelphia, Ido Louisville, ldo ; BaJ liner*, Ido St-Lcmia, ldo . Boyinf Bates, BANK NOTES. Buying Riles. ldle Co.'A Scrip Orders, ldu Indiana, ldo ReliefNotts, ldo Kentucky, ldo FawuylraaiaCy ldo Virginia, Ido New York do Ido Son Wheeling, ido New Orleans, ldoj Tennessee, 3do Msxylsad,: . ldo , deelOtf ' • ' l . . , CO*PARTSSRIBIF. JOSEPH IL Hii-L, (late of the firm of Wm. A. Hill A Co:.) and WM. C. Curry, (late of Erie, Pa) hare entered into Co-partnership odder the name of Hill A CcaiTvfor the porpoee of carrying on the Banking and Exchange business in nil its branches, at jVVood street, three doors below Fourth, west tide—where they solicit the eastern of their tbs pobbß reni ersllr - 1 JOSEPH ft. HILL, mchlfti - < WM. C. CURRY. mt.i. i t [wu. c. cunnT. I %gTLL A CUBBY, BANKERS k EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight Bills of Ex change, Certificates of Deposits, Bank Notes aod Coin; No; 05 Wood street, third door below Fourth, west side. Par Funds and Currency received on deposite,' and collections made on mil tfte priueipal cities m the United Biatea . ‘ , .. i Sigh! Exchange on Baltimore. New York, Boston and Cincinnati, constantly for sale; Ohio,- Indians; Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania Bank Notes bought and sold on favorable terms; • Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and France procured, Ac. • .. ■ • mchlfi • WILLIAM A, BILL A CO., i BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and Dealers tn-Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposite, Bank' Notes, and Specie. No. M Wood sL, one diet abovo Fourth, East tide, Pittsburgh, Pa octSdAwF , !■ FOREIGN EXCHASGB. BILLS on England, Irel« •, '.id Scotland bought to anv amount at the C< • Kate* of Exchange. Also. Brail* payable in any . ; the Old Countries, from At to £lOOO, at the t- \ S 3 to the £ Sterling, without deduction or diseoui'c . y JOSHUA ROBIN* SON, European and General Agent, office sth. *t ons door west of wood. ■ oetlStf . aLUUt k&aicU-I : fnrWAAI? taaJt BBAHXR * RAHM, 1 T) ANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,dealer* It in Foreigrt and Domeatic Bill* of Exchange, Cer uficate* of Defwsite.; Bank Note* and Coin, edmerof 3d and Wood *treeta* directly opposite-St. .Charles Ho tel. • ' • L rnny^dlyi WESTERN FUNDS— ■Ohio. - Indian*. Kentucky, ! : Missouri, • Bank Notes;; poreha*ed*uhe lowest rates. by i- j. N. HOLMES * SON, del® . \ 33 Market street BUIS OF EXCHANGE— Sight Checks oa New York, Philadelphia, and * Baltimore. ' Constantly fbt aale by N. HOLMES A .SON. dclOj ' 35 Market at; • (iOIXECTIOSS Drafts, Notea, and Aqcepiaii »cea» payable in any pan of the Uuidb.; collected qa the nu*t favorable terms. K. HOLMES A SON. d c tq i 50 Market at.' EXCHANGE on New -York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, at eight, in sums toiaii purchaf^rs,con stantly for aale by HILL A CUR&Y, octll • YYood sl, below Fourth.. WESTERN FUNDS— The Notes of the Ohio; Indiana and Kentucky, Rank*, purchased at law *“ “ ' h ’ “ mu.* cunfevi '• oetl! No. 65 Wood sti, below Fourth. OELECTIONSon all the principal citida In the Union, made by . _HILL « CURRY, . ocltl No. fiS.Wood ati. below Fennh^- New Books Just Reqetred. ; HEAVEN upoti Earth, by-Janeway. one vol BSc Chnmock'a choice works by Lyminjpen, Lvol 8?c Cotuctncidencea of the Old *,sud New Testament, , by Rev. J. J. Blunt, B. D. onevol. • j $1,35 Chainlet's Miscellanies, Poems, Essays. Ac. f 1,50 Select works of James, Venn, Wilson, Philltpa and ; Jay In one large vol.for th*4ow price of 1,50 The Free Church Pulpit, 3 volt.' - j 5, 00 Modetnt Infidelity,bySmucker; ~ Life ot David, « \ *se Daily walk with God, Matthew Strong, ' 3Se Cireloof Human Life, by Thaluck, ;• Memoir of Charlotte -Elisabeth, ' 31a Tha wbrk* of Francis Turreune in the original Lat in, tribe complete in 4 vola; 3 vola. now ready. •" Willis* Poetical works in splendid Turkey Morocco. Tha above with a great variety of new books; just received. ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, jinfl' (Poat copy] SO market at between 3d.and 4th. VALUABLE New ffaar'i Present!* : Waverley Novels, 37 volumes, l'Jmo, illustrated; « “ 6 ' u 9vo -i Mrs Sherwood's Work*, 16 volt 12mo, illustrated; Miss'Rdgwonh’s •* . 10 ; * “ “! Harper's Family Library, 183 vola, complete ] i do» Boy’s end Girl's • “ “ . Work’s of Shakespeare, 7 tola. Bvo, the beautiful Bos ton’ edition, finely bound ;i - . ; Butler's Lives of the Saints, 4 tola, elegantly bound; Hannah Moor's Works, 7 vola Exploring Expedition, 6 vola royal £vo do do 5 dri do do' ? Britiik Essayist* 8 tola. Tukkcy raor. backs The above, together withajarga aaaortraentof ele- Knlly bound family and i pocket’ Bibles, Common ayes,all sizes and bindings, all of which will be aold lowerUian ever offered iu this market, at the Old stand' of i KAY. A Co. jil eor 3d A Wood at - - jj #w Bodice. THE Philosophy of Life and Philosophy: of guagv, by Fred Von Schlegel. • j Smith’s Researches in Chinpt in 1844. '43 and 45, with a map and plates. 1 > . The mate of the Departed, by Jno. Henry Hobart, D. D. The Church Universal, by Dr. Stone. Goldamiih's I*oem», illuatrafed. Thompson's Seasons; do For aale by- BOOKS— Catechism of Iron, or the Merchant's and -Mechanic's complete guide to’the iron trade; A tew copies oritv^—very scarce. Simouda’ Literature of the south of bhtrope. Chambers’ Informatioa forAhe people.' Chambers’ Cyclopedia of English Literature. Wendell's Blukstone’a Commentaries,- a new edition in 4 beautiful volumes.' Halleek's -Poems, a. new' and splendid edition.. Parlor ißook of -Flower*—for all scaaoLa. QaB]’. J L READ, 4th near market «t. Hew Flaao Fortes* . ' One.elegiani Rosewood six and a half Piano Forta double 'raised ,coi fTaTWl ners. new scale, iron frame'rcuuta'b ■ 1 • I I ■Chickering. Boston. One do. gothic panels and moulding!, 6 octavo—Gala A Co-New York. One do. gqthie panels .and mouldings, 0 octave— Gde A Co. New York. One superb grand piano, 6J octaves—lien, Paris. \ Tha abova pianos foitff are warranted! and hate been selected by the subscriber, particularly for their good quality of ton* and finish as musical iustrumenta. For sale at factory prices by jaflT ' • _JOIIN H MEIiLOR, Sllwood at. ~ Metmiie frame Plano. Rnffil A SPLENDID asaoruneni of Roae wood ajid'Mahogonjr.gTand action F l * al*| llanos. Frame, just finished and foiLsalc. ' Alo, two spleudid Rosewood Pianos, witb(Coleman*a celebrated Eo’uaa attachment, finished in the'most modem style, and for talq at F. BLUMES, Je23 ~ 112 Wood street, 2 doors above 6th. BLAKE'S ELECTRICAL APPARATUS for Acade mies, Schools, Fhyriiiaoa and privafa familfoa at prices far lower than apparatus of equal efficiency is sold fof in the eastern cities. The abova set can be. seen, and obtained at the beok atom of - : jnSfl ' JOHN H MELLOB,'SI wood at TTEARTiI DROOMS! A doz oral- AA. ttteuied, for aale by i ' ! >. • jan!7 8 FyQN gONNHORST A, Co. RQI-7- BUTTER—d bozits and'3 hbit roll butter done uplncioihs,anextrk*nlcte,f£)r sde by ial3 ■ 3 A W. HA&BAUOH, 33 weed at TirHITE LEAD—looQke*stn~«ore,- . i - ~ VV jan!7 , ;■ FORSYTE A Co. ODER sacks pea nuiefor sals by \JT jaaU JONES »Ca jjFITS! FITH!! t THB OHLT BKMBpIJ . . Harps vegetable extract i* « ble mnedy for Epilepoe Fiu or gdUnj Convulsions, Spasms, Ac. It u well kwwn, time intraemorifcl, physician* have pronounced »uJP| lie Fits'ioconble. It has baffled all their boosted power of all medicine, and consequently tnoa sands hare suffered through a miserable existence, ana at last yielded up-ibcir lives on the altar, or insanity- With ill deference, however, to.ihe opinions of.lM .. creat.ahd learned.-ve say that it harbeea cured, s .• i HARTS VEGETABLE EXTRACT, j For sixteen year*, has been tested by many persona . who have suffered with this dreadful disease, and in •. every Case where it has had a fair trial, hatf eflccied v , and C months, cared by the u*eof this truly wonderful medicine. Read the following remarkable case of the son ol ... ;Va Seeore, Esq, of Philadelphia, afflieted with Epi- . •leptic Fit* 27 years and 6 months. After travelling, through England," Scotland, Germany and France,’ eon-.,; ;; sultimrihe most eminent physicians, and expending for;,: medicine, medical treatment and advice, three, then- . sand dbllars, returned with his son w thti country to • Noremberiast. without receiving any benefit whsier- ’ *r. and'was cored by using ' „ * : HART’S VEGETABLE EXTRACT. Mr. Wiliam Secore's Letter to Dm. Iran* and Itart. I have spent over three thousand dollar* for me*- cin« uMndicalumancK. : tour to'Kuropo with lnm,whtchl did. I first visited • • England. 1 ;onnu!tr4 the mort eminent pjjvaiciana th& In n.pecr u>,hjj.c«l , pmcriMd uccorti»Bl>- 1 w ¥"Sf' wfS.’tXSS ■ ■ wiihaut nerceivine any ebanre for the better, wtuea. co*t me about two hundred and fifty dollar* pocketed by tbej physicians, and the most_that I reccived,yaJ their opinion that my •on’* caw vrAthopc\cti*nA post tircly incurable. r accordingly left EneUnd. and trav elled through Scotland-Germany and France, and re- , turoedhome in the month or November last. with my - »on as far from being cured a* when I left. Isawyour advertisement in one .of the New York paper*, ana . .. • concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extract, aeeing-ypar statement* and certificate* of so many cure*, tome ca ■ twenty and thirty year*’ atanding, and Icanauurayett . 1 am not *ony 1 dtd *o, : a* by the um of Hart** Vegem. ble Extract alone, he was restored to.perioer henrnu - His reawn, which was so far gone as to unfit him-foi ■ buiinefca, is entirely restored, with the prospect now before him, of life,-health and usefulness. He gs years of age, and 27 years and 6 months of this «j™» has been afflicted with this most dreadful of di*. eases; but thank God he is now enjoying good health.' Now, gentlemen, faith without works 1 don’t believ* in. To say that 1 chall be ever grateful to you is oos thing, and as I here one hundred dollara,-1 • hava ho doubt but that you will think, this is another and'quite a different thing. The debt of gratitude I still awe you, but please to accept the pmenl'uaoo&t as interest on the debt in advance. - \ i Youfs very respectfully, • (SignadJ WILIJAM 8 ECO RE. On*- of the proprietors of this invaluable was for several years with Epileptic Flu. The disease had produced the worst effect upon his system, vir Loss of memory, imbecility of mind and a perfect prostration of'the nervoua system. He had tried the nViii of the best physieions for seven years, and gtew worse onder.their treatment, and he anew .. that this medicine was his only hope for health and life, and was therefore determined to rive it a fairmaL ana to persevere in iu use, which he aid. and tha recall was a perfect restoration to health, which was .oonli ued uninterrupted.for nearly sixteen years. Ws would refer to the following persons who hava % . been bored by osing Hart's Vegetable Extract: • CollE Denslow'e daughter was afflicted Bias fttrSp . resides at Yonkers, New York. W Benriet, nine yekrs, 171 Grand st J Ellsworth, seven rsari; 12 Dover it Joseph M’Dbugal, une yean, East Brooklyn, L> 9 . H W Smith, new Yerk Custom House. 8 Kelly, twenty years, Btaten Island. Min E M’Keef, twenty year*,-Yorkvill*. • ' Mies' E Crane, twelve yean, 112 Hamaenlr «t - \Y* H Pareell, twenty-three years, 73Norfolk «L Jacob Petty, fonr years, 174 Delaney st, - Philo Johnson, twenty- eighty ears, Greene title, fU Judge Randall, 94 East Broadway, Hew Yerk. Thomas R Jones, of the U 8 Navy. - Capt Wm Jennings, StaU sL Bridgeport, Cl. .. Reference also maae to Dr W L Monroe, Guilford, 0. i: Rev Richard Taggett, West Davenport N T. ” Rev T L Bushnril, • ' Mr Joseph Bradley ,115 Orchard st, NY. i .GH Doughton, 202 Eighteenth st NY. - ' •' ’ Mrs James Benbqtf, Chester, Orange ee. N Y. John Fhber,l73 Elisabeth st, de. D A RiehtoK, 213 Delaney st, . do James Smith, 138 Suffolk at,' do. Charles Brown, 100 Waters!, - do All of which may be called upon, or addressed, pad . > . 1 paid -: : - ; . . _ ' HZT 1 Prepared by Dr S Hs»t, (lam Ivans * HaxtJ .. NewiYork. ■ . . . ■ Q F THOMAS A Co, 146 Main st between 3d sn4 4ih tts, and 108 Main st, between 4th and sth streets,, Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail agents for the ; south and west - > . - L WILCOX, Jr-, corner of Market st and the DU' mond, only ag’t in Pitlsb’g Pa. . jaflSdaWly MEDICAL * 50BQ10AL OFFICE. v No. 45. DIAMOND AL* LEY, a few doors below Wood streevnowmrda the . I '• DB* BROWS, bar- . ip l * fijeoneijacal/profession,‘ - ! .to the * treatment of those-'private and delicate complaints for Of which his opportunities and study and treatment of those complaints, (daring which time: be has hod more practice and has'cured more pSK lieut* than can ever'falt to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply - qoalifiet him to offer assurances.or . . speedy, permanent, and satisfactory cure to all afflicted '. whh aellicafo diseases, and all diseases arising there, i'-..; front Dr. Bream would inform those afflicted with pnvala -.— diseases which have become chronic by time or ag £ aviated by the use of any of the common nostrums of e day, that their'complaints can be radically and tho> -ougHly cured; he having given his 'careful attention to' the treatment of such cases, and succeeded in hundreds of instances in curing persons of inflammation of tbo neck of the bladder, and kiudreddiseasesivhich 0hea..... result from those coses where others have consigned them to hopeleM'despair.' He particnlarly invites saeh as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others ~ to consult him; when every satisfaction will be given them, and their eases treated in a careful, thorough and intelligent manner, pointed out .by a lung experience, • - study, anti investigation, which it is impossible for those engaged in general practice of medicine to give an/ of disease. 7 flTf'H'rma or Rupiure.—Dr. Brown also inviles per son* afflicted with tisruja to call, as lie has paid panic- - - -. 'uisi at'.ctuou tu this diica»o. Skin diseases; also. Piles, Palsy, speedily cored. : .Charge* veTy low. \ " • ' N*. lh—Pauents of either sex living at a ditunce, by stating' their disease in "Writing, jiving all the symp- - toids, can obtain medicines with directions for use, fcy • - - addressing T. BROWN, hL IX, post paid, and cocoa : .ingnfee. . .Offlea No. 65, Diamond alley, opposite tha -< Lveny - Hottse. »• , 10" No cure no pay. dec!9. . H’ OWES HYGEIAN HOARHOUND A LIVER - wort Cough Caudy is offered to the public as - a pleasant ami effective remedy- for coughs, colds, hoarse-. ness, Asilism, Phthisic, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Croup; Sore Throat, Bronchitis, aua general affection* of tha Chest and Lungs. In such ca**« t; is known to have afforded decided and permanent relief, and fton» i its rapid'sale and great success as a remedy for th*' abbve diseeses where it has been used, it promises to become one of useful and popular medicines. It ii offered soo, dsapleasaitl relief to me consumptive and an astutanl to vocalists and public speakers gen-. eniliy. i ( The name of the preparation indicates iu leading m> gradient, and ir .will he found }o be by no means no pleasant to the taste,' and iqay be used by children and ' adults with entire impunity. The materials u»ed in th* Ei reparation are of toe best quality, and it may be m» ied on as in every respect a pure and gquoiue article. Families would uo : doubt promote their comforr and health by keeping a supply, especially ia tbo season of Colds. This valuable Cough Candy i* considered a great as* ristant to Mothers; being superior to all the patent Bn ‘by Jumpers in creation, as cuildreu were never known to dry when this candy is used, except for more.- A tri-. al of thit'anicle will convince any person of Us ewca rfyiiand tha proprietors therefore defy any person in tha United States to produce a cheaper, more pleasant, or effective remedy. ,i Bold wholesale and retail, by the General AgenL' .: 1 H SJTYBER, - corner 3d and market ats, PitlaSurgh. . Howe A Cot, Proprietors, No 1 College Hall Cinda naff, Ohio. 1 janlftt • . HlKhly imtoortaatlt - - ■ SCROFULOUS CANCER CURED.—Tha following . certificate from a highly respectable ladyrhaa been -- sent to Dr. Jayae by hia agents, Messrs Jason Ham A Cot Cemreville, Ll, March 19th, 1547. ' Ma. Dear to my follow creator*! deQutnds that 1 shoold add my testimony to the well es- ' tablished' efficacy of your atmirnrt I hava had - what the doctors all pronounced an incurable Serofo lons Cancer of three year's standing.' After a faithful us* of the remedies ofthe profession, until my patiene* in their use, and hopes in their effiedey were complete ly-exhausted, 1 commenced taking your Alterative... After 1 bad taJccn it about six months, I was not only - cnltd by it, but ray Cancer was literally rooted out ana dropped off. .1 am! now completely and permanently •_ cured, and hesitation in saying foal it is th® . most efficacious constitutional-remedy », 1 hava -- no' scruples nor fears in anderrigufa- iu virtues f ni< commending it to all aireilarly affected. ■ ••" •■ i *-Respectfully yqura, NaiwrFau*. ! Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir—Wo enclose yon a certifi- . ; cate from Nancy Falls, uf an important cun performed - • oqherby your Altetaihe. Tha facts stated by her w* j know to be true, Yourt,v Jaso.v Hsa* ACo . - Centreville, fa; March 19.47.‘ Per C J Woods. For sale In Puuburgh auha Fekin Tea core, 79 4th atfeet, near wood, i anB BA FAHNESTOCK’S Pneumonic or Cough Balf • Sam, has a ‘great• advantage over, many other Cough preparations, as iu pleasant taste, permits it to ber used without iucouvenienee. But its value u A Balsam consuls in the speediness of iu cure. We hare known some of the most desperate -coughs, some of Which bad been running on for a'considerable length, of lime, yield almost immediately to iu power. ,lln such weather as-we bayo had during the part-, winter, every one is liable .to take cold, unless peri precautioaTare used. • iYVeI feet and undue expoaore to the inclemency of often lays the foundation of a hacking cough, which needs a qtuck remedy to prevent aeriou* resolts. l . ; We bore numerous certificates of cures which it lisa performed, many. of which are from persona in. , this city and tho ncigaborhqod, and they are a sufficient refereueo without sayiug another word in its fovotj : ■Prepared ami for safe wholesale and retail by BA Fahnestock a Co, cower of wood and Ist and qrood and Oth ata. ja29T J L READ, l Pulmonary Balsam. - ■ • MESSRS.. REED A CirrLER-l feet U a dutr l : owe to my fellow creatures, to state something more retpccting yoor Vegetable. Pulmonary Since I first used the Balaam, about eleven yean ago, the happy effect or which 1 then gave an account ot, I Have baa several severe eontplamu and attacks at my ' lungs,one a few days since, and in.every instance.] . have used the Balsam alone-yritb complete and perfect, success. It has effected relief and cure in a very few days. It U'eertaihly. a safe medicine. 1 do not know, v ihat it will cure a fixed consumption, but I believa it . will be iu many eases a preventive, and prevention ia better than cure; 1 do therefore, for the love of my &W - low men. earnestly recommeua tha use of this Balaam, - (pall pulmonary.complaints. I am confident that it has been the inqatu of preserving ray life to this day. : Boston June 16, *4O. - BENJAMIN PARSONS. - ■ I For sale by B A Fahnestock. A Co, corner first and. ; wood and also corner wood ana flth. ~ j*!9 ;■ • Dr- McLano in TeSwuee*, • hpuis is to certify that 1 pufonnsed oue vml of Dr. •X MeLane’a Worm Specific; some two months ago and gave to a son of mine, some seveu years old, two. leaspoons full, arid although’ the amouni may jaree, yet I liivvu no doubt but tbeov waaupwanuot two moeuxa wcavs passed‘fioni btm.-rocasuwijp ;uo= • y Rone’s Creek. Carrol ca. Tcnis* Degu7, SfEAK » JACKIN’S. -'X .up,., of .bo,. : t»U : • .1 :/VJ: SUNDRIES— rti bbls lard;2baJfbbi»'do; lilWrfk'foa-V ' then; 5 aaek. drW;k«d» J«d U44hisr,aa4 for kale ACft ' i X I*rintpponid»ad;*6f»s|. , ,'s-;." J, by . Ott{Kß* -" < '■ ' f-y.s'j