The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 09, 1848, Image 1

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' ■> -
i NBON, LAPHAM ld U»U»r Dml-
P SSSiS£ni*OfWwtero Le«b« •oUeUrf..BdUb.
enl advancM made, KWSt*
• . ivyNlvdeß CORDON, Comniuion and to r*
A^SSSSSS**"*;« w “* r «* **
■■in i ■■
Pimbatuh. I 11-'-
■ - • OIOSSB **r****
~ -i : M- B. HOWX
TiSawS i CUI.BKOTTOS, Gro<:cni,
Comnuuu>n ftlerchaoU, N0.14A
fj, PrcfgiiU, comer Wood > ,IH *»*» ***•
TVAGALEY * SMITH, Wfcolewto Grocer*, 18 wd
rial Wood ttrect^• PltulmTgh. *■.
jr\ A. ieANLTLTY A Co, Fomfgb* "* C SJ” i *'
(j. uon bfctctanU, CuuU Bulo, PHUSuitb,
• 4th fctrcct, alboVe Southfield- • *P _
w*. ooimix-. Joint ?. jixxreo*.
/-10LEMAN, ILMLUAN, t C»-J */
Tninulaetoryoii&L'CUirtt. Woiebociew . mlto ,
opperite St. Chtrle* Hotel. 1 —■
. ■. J.UCUMttf’
MximfMtufw; Sixth itreet, beweeuWood
Pitubargh, Pa. -
dealer in Fancy awl . ,V<f?rrrPin»V" r ff h r
thi Uill Comb, 100 Market It, neat Libettr, "■
—■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ !' 1 * hwpl
GSSKHJrX-—l —TT intrm anim.
ftliySSiMrf >oj i-SW. ■*«-
<uia bSX, q^ha*
jauStomreTNo. 37 Wood bttween 8d «nd 3d
H Law, b*re rtmorcd their office to the South, nda of
Fourth it, between Cherry Alley end Great »tfeet
• « rxrm. 4l»t tiftf. uKllWftte'
T7BIEND, RHBY fc WboJe**l« v
X Conunutkm Merchant*, ud MggJ" ®**fe*“ «£
Cenon.Y«iw,N«>fc j»,i
borttuP*. S 5-
F.i» B s.Ms:«??v“2ss: r 1
TjSßrnP* Co.
J Na-30Waler«L,Pttt*burch- mylf
p aTi.armrR.LONQ A MILLER, Bell **»*
(t Founder* and Ga*Fbter»,l®Fnmt between
Wood end Smithfield ttrceta, Pittsburgh, n.
j£7" Highest price giren for odd Copper end B»
Gboboe morcAm* co. mw;
Coaainioa Merchant*, 10$ Wood it, Ffrujgyt
Georoe a. berry, whoi**ai* ftw •“* g*£
aUn Mmh»ot,*nd dernier
tenth Manajhctuicii. No. 19 Wood it, Pittsburgh-^
k Cft> Bw«ft
dealer*, in Hope, KtttbaJjh sad Point Brewer**,
ter thnwilnto Port'Ottfle- 1 •■ * '
H fmerttrer, Psiot tiw OB Merchant; eeaer of^^ T '
tr and O’Hara eta; Pitabuirh. _ J e **.
|_ o.u.m. Merchant*, and dealer* in Praioce;
Vater. and 107-Front wreeta, Pirtetwigb.- •-
fi^ry^So^iS^iu« and M front atrcerc, Ktuburgh.
janl . .1 . • : - :
• R. BLACK, Merebont Tailor, Exchange JWMidra,
. BtClaitaL.pjtUbnrph- — >g”P-
TOHN 8. BU.WORTB—Whole*ateGroeer»Prcdnee
J and Cornmiaaion Merchant; No. S 7, Wood »n»t,
Picabnrth. ' I ' ‘
4 IUMIIM fcM. r
3 < SSS&pl?JfS!piSS^^
ti«7No.», B^.w e G'.
danag hia «b«eac«i l»7 T* J * "S®*® .{sdAwti
Vwi*. t . . •■• * -
JOHN D. MORGAN, “if"*;
tf“*" - i . - •
. ,
bantbl or uken m lrsdc. jgptf
TnilfißCOTTkCo, Wholesale Grocers, Fonrsrd-
pimbnub, F«- «!«_
BCHOOXMASEK ’ txo, moW»il«
. Ko. S* Wood street. Pitubntgh. _
—^. rnt f mttntM A SON. Commission sad Fbr-
Jw& XKatr No. U Liberty it, lopguu
Smithfieldsul Bampsou^ Row. • 225-
gfeasigg rro ° pllr 'SSI.
J' OHND. DAVIS, Ancaoaeer,ecn»eifiA«ndW«)d
Wood >U. PitUbcfHh-
tnufh. ;• '
or* SUMW- 1*”
J. £,»«»
JOIIN GIUTtn, WbehnU Grocer, deoler in
■fSKSIvDi PMJ. rjrrd fc COJ ,'VW»“
*!’■ Grocoro, No. 183 Liberty ctroct. ■ iepa_
8. WATEBMAN, \Vtol«jl« Gwtr, FoT«irf.
r in. *fvi Cotnmuuoa Sleiebuafc
jhUwifMJarM *nd Produce, Not 81
f« Front «L : ' ' ——
■ - im» MHW.
Wood u- PiluOariL ! ! -——-~t.
Merchoou, No-194 Übcr^l,
VPSen **?£ aa*i'3S«S|.
M. Merchant*, W«WrndPtnnUtt.,bctweea Wyd
and Jtofcct J »»*- • V : ,V/-
Crtt iSafc BICKEreON,WfefeuU Otocimiuid
Metch*nU.ft».CT< LiUity
*ft«>CORD k. KXNflf W*ole*ale »ad Kegul H***nd
ÜbertT tu Piiuborgbt fa- i*i~.
- Lfff s ””- * C.K. BtASZ.
C*irla«*Tjlanian,ef mtf ascriptiona, No* K®JWood
SL, KMbfct^T^ ~ ■'••*• • ---gfe.
BAKU,Wboleule and Retail Df* I "J*
KLaibcT, Morocco, Stotmakm’ Tpota «w P»®**
pTf, Tunm' aad Coder* 1 Tool*, andTannar* Ou,
Ko.loo WoodPittiboixb. ' . xpH
.nwrf Mimoi: iamcil a. Koonoo*-
Xi ROBINSON k. Co-,Wbole*ale Grocer*,
K, and Coinmiseion Me reboot*, andDealerala Put*-
bortb Manufacture*, No. UQ Liberty »t, fttuborgbi
TbOBCBT -DAI2ELL R Co. Wboleule Grocer*,
XL OomaßOieaioa and Forwardm* Merchant*, dealer*
UProdace and Pitaborgb Matwtacurtc, libertraL,
yitttbnrrfai Pa. - . .- •
tOBT.'A. CUNNINGHAM, Whotml* Grocer,
U Dealer id Product and Pin»bonA>Uattl*emre*»
klMliWnro. JlW_
KOBERT MOORK, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying
UttUfer, dealer in Produce, pUtabarfb Manalae*
urea aad all kind* of Foreign aod Dwieilic Wine*
aadLiqm*,No.U:Libenyat, Pioabargb.
KTN. B. Oa bind a eery lar** atocb ofrepenor
OtoMoaoenbela Wbiakey, which will ba aoldlow for
caabT TT .• •.* tnygMy_
.. i» o. adftwua. ;
*DBTOOLDB*Rim; Forwarding andCMßniMion I
J&lteKfcaaa. far «b* AUrglKiir UiterTwJc. d** 1 *"
C Oroetrie*. Piodac*, Piiubwgh Maaofactorc* and \
CM«M« ••• .
TV* UgVm ptieAAa eaApaid at all time* for eow
rry tat*. I Ootnffofpena anoltwla tu. '
EOAXFORD * Co n Conwri-lwr MerchanU-LW
•*nr-«L, cDpMiia tallhfteUL Dealtr*
fataia tad fleitaatoßaagr, Lari, fcc.
. aTcT maarr.i . ’ CTqa. % wai**-.
OHAMUrr't white,
St RUUIIBAI’OII.WooI Ht.ckuniTlW&r;™
Mini. BAGALET-fc Co*‘Wb©lesale Grocer* and
Produce dealer*. No.S»Market*trcet f between sth
} fltbj North ride. Philadelphia. ®°_T?.
v rmanan. .nu. sir^vm,‘MAoVt*H&.
rivinpßa k NICOLS. Produce-and General Com*
S N"« Ü «, Pitt*.rrt.
Sperm,linaeedandLard Oil*. • J*rL
Cl C. WP-T-ltHaeceteorto fail! * Brownel importer
N -afl maiufaetnrer of Paper Hanging* and Border*,
Sd dealer in writing, ptmtut*. and awappuif paper.
87 Wood at, Pitubcrgh. Pa. Rag* and Tanner** ecrap*
at the hlgeert market price. la?
> VON BONNHORST. k Co. Wholeaale Gro
aMr- Forwarding aud) Comminlon Merchant*,
Dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufaeture* and \\ eitera Pro*
dace, bare remored to their new warchourc, (old aland)
No. 35, comer of Frontat *nd€h*nsery Lane._ nor 7
S*AMTCi7m. Krcn, For4*Tdiß<r and Commluioa
Merchant,Dealer inProdnceandPitubnrghmanu*
: /-hired artleie*. Canal Begirt, near 7th at da
m\SSEY k BEST, Wholesale Grocer* and Commie* ,
JL *ioa Merchant*, and dealer* in Produce. No. 35
Wood «t* Pittsburgh. •' *P a .
tHOMAS KENNEDY, JrJ Looking Gla** Manofac*-
turcr, and Dealer in Clock*. Comb*,**nd Variety
odv eomer of Wood and Fourth at*.' jlO'
r. r. rotmtt. i ».-i. soanru
31' P. kORSYTH it C0.,1 Commiauan Merchant*
• dealer* in Salt Lumber, Groceric*, Produce and
tUburch Manufacture*, Canal Batin, liberty aircet,
Pittsburgh. : i * 1 fcblB
VV m Dealer* In Produce; Iron, Nail*, Gla** and
Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, 153 Liberty street,
PitUbcrgh. | JrW
savin js'cansLxaa
ions d. wax. i i*■ -— .~~T~-n
-TTPCK fcM I CAM>LlS&(niccesaors toL. &.J.P>
W Wiek,» Wbole*alc Grocer*, Fbrw^lnffund
Goaainlon Merchant*, dealer* in Iron, Nail*, Gla**,
Cotton Tam*, and Pituburgh Manufacture* «encr*ujr>
eorner of Wood and Water etreett, Pitttbnrgn
WJLEURPHT invite* the ladies to call
• 'amine hU stock of French Worked Collar*,
some as tow MSS cenu. '■ j * n 5“.!3L
-TITHmiOBE ft WOLFF, Impetus «nd WJ?™
\\ tale Dealer*. in Hardwire, Cutlery, Saddlery,
Ac., No. SO Wood street, PitUburyh. *P ja
WW. WALLACE, MBl none «n£ Mill FWnUb
• Ufe*tabluhn»ent,Nb.!H4 Liberty *L, near U»c
eanaL r
tf.IWBINSON, Attorney at
jved his office to the Exchange Building*, St
text door to Alderman Jones. apamn
WM. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and Suple
. Dry Goods, No. T 9 Market street, tituburjh.
WW. WILSON. Dealer in batches, Jewelry,
. SilTer Ware, Military Good*, Ac., No. 57 Mar-
Ketat. ■ - . -
W R. MURPHV. Wholesale and Retail dealer in
• Forein and Domestic Dry Gtwds, north east
corner of Market and Fourth at*.
J BRYAN, Reeiifjrin* ;DUtiller, and. Wholesale
• dealer in Foreign and D OlO
wen, No. 114 Liberty etrtet, and 53 Dtamond Alley,
- -S.r*h, Fa. I jyl7«dly_
TABRIGE MABTIN A Co, Banker*, Dealer* in
r Exchange. Bank Note* and Coin, corner of Third
Wood street*, Pittsburgh, Pa. norlSMUy^
H_ v yniiw wm. m. »im»«
TTnUJAVS * SHlNN,i(«aeeet»or* to Lowrte sad
ff Williams.) Attorneys 'and Counsellors ill*"
Offie* North tide of Fourth intet, above Southfield.
febl7dAwly !
, ww locyo. joo. a own.
UTM. YOtJNG 4 Co.—Dealers in leather hide*, Ac.
\j 143 Liberty at- i - ;an&ly_
E* M. finTCHELTßEß—Wholesale Grocer*,
• Rectifying Distiller*, and W to* and Liquor
hast*. alaeTlmponer* of Soda A*h and Bleaching
powder,No. 180 tt&etty »t Piasbfr. bm. janSdly
ouvnaLacaanl. ' t amass a. JoasaT
A BLACKBURN * Co, Wholesale Grocer* and
(/.dealer* in OiU, Boat Store, and Pituburgh Man
ttfaetarad artieleajbav* on hand, at all time*.,a fnU *od
pwwi murUnentofyoodi in their lute, Water street,
near Chewy Alley, Pittsburgh- » * nl3 _
nino w. axu. {• aiomsos s. atu-.
DW. A A. 8. BELL. -Attorney* at Law, office i
# B*ewart's Boiling, Fourth st, second doorabov
Wood street. Put*buig\ Pa. • .
D. W. Bell, Cooun&iioner to take Impositions, A<
other instrumentsorwr
tinr. to be used in Missouri; nrUl-Cm*
JOHN M. TOWNSEND, DmgfUt anil Apothecary,
No. 45 Market K, three door* above Third *t,Pitts
botch, will hare eonstantiyon hand a well *el«wd a*,
sortmenl of the best and iteshett Medicuieawbiehite
will sell on the most reasonable term*. Phyweian*
erderawill be promptly attended to, and •op
plied with article* they mat rely noon a* *enatee.-
presenpuoos will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the be*i material*, at any hoor of
' k ALo sujekef fresh and*pod Perth
mere. ; I _>^l_
-fry w. WII.SON, Waieh Maker and Jeweller, eor-
W • oer of 4th and Market sts. A large and well
■elected stock of Watcher Jewelry, SDvef Wye, and
Military Good*. Alway* bn hand, «id d wtiif w
tern pneefc Gold Patent Lever. full Jewelled W tUhea,
u tow asftt; Silver do. Watches, as low a* *l3.
Ofnng>A Cooper, Tobias, Johnson aod other approved
yn.fc. of watehe*. mar bc had at aaaall advance and
Watch Vr*oY£ done in tho very be»t taan-
B. SWETTZEB, AUomey a"tLaw o!Ee«3dst,op
. Si. Charles Hotel,* Pttuborgh, will also at
tend promptly, to Collections, in Washington, Fayette
and Greets countie*, Pa- t
uin to
BUfckstock.BellACo., )_. • - , -
CttnrehJL Carother*, S-PituWrgh.
PtfT. Morgan. i 3 oc^
EJ. HENRY, Attorney- and Councillor at
. Lew. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collection* in Southern
Ohio, and in Indiana, anil in Kentucky, promptly and
carefully attended to. Ccmmi**ioner for the State °l
Pennsylvania, ior taking Depouuoos, acknowledge
Wb. B«U A Son, Coma,. Church*
Carothera, Win, llaya, Wfltock * Dana. «3S
LGLE COTTON WORKS, Pituburgh, Maonfae
tore Cotton Yam, CandloWick, Baaing,Twine,
C^ n rm cyp«* cgjg Wggj £_
(Sacceaaon to Arbncklea A Avery,)
jas2• ' i- - ' Proprietor*.
ALKDOOX ♦ Co- No. 77. Canal etieet, New Of
price* liber*!, *nd * &lr »Uow*aee mide oa *U wje
afrorc M barret*. i _ -"***l.
fIVCt W. BMTTH 4- ;Co, Brewer*, Master*, sad
•t, Pittabnrgh, F«- I
IL r xtuos. ilsbjw. ALXX-rasTUtr-
TT PAS.NELSONfcCo,ManiiraetnTenofH»aiißer-
TT.edShoreli andSpaAee, Hoe*, Hey and Manure
fSK,to, kc. No. 11 Wood
burgh. '•
'amu T B. BISHOP. VeicrinerT Sorreoo, can
*7V, be (bond ax hUHone Shoeing EctebliihaKnU
JOB® near St. Clair;etreet Bridge, lately oceuP» d
uT?by Meters. Carr it Ecrwland. l?’#* • _
t 5 TTRATON,'DeaIer in Tnmmm» and \artety
*3agr Ui^erwood l i
il assorted; 4 eaee»D«mghty;2ea»ee Peach Preeervte,
for good deod rogo; 0100, conoooo, b ,* l "
repo, boSS*.^W c s^J.’S , L&>w3ciE,
. Warne jfc, between Penn and Liberty
■agßBtti^--ss!SiJgia. , ga
Cool btulnott Iholboeon dorolo hlo ■jrtolo taatoAo
dodei of hi.profcooion,moy manual
oor oMlk ood DeootM oireeW-ljl»«“ *?S
FOrr,olo,oloo7boor, dotinglb.dor,from Bdid till
80. Or. : '' ' ' 1*
TSSrtfftSffiEi dooHoo^clooi.r.^
Saddlery, Hardware and Carriage TnrnaUnrm, 1 oonia
SerebjT advantages Unt enable■'»* to defy eo “?l a *
tion. (dell, we, and judge tor yourselves. epi?^
" nsuvns
o? mu nmxrmn tmam locum ■» * bto“*
Son BoMiop, N. E. CarnCTOf Tkid*'" l D« k Sneea,
» ■ (op stain) Philadelphia, _
TfrQCBE on unyi m bad a* »iort no^cc TSt*
W KnocM***Mxiuta»bf allkind*; Bnasaod Pl»*
led Soot plates; Seajs br Bank*, Societies, Corpom*
tknuuJte ProfnxkniLl aad Visiting Cards, engrawd
BkS«kainwant of Seal*ofoSee,in in*
-seed (o «ii and •y« l »' M Specimens and Designs ofthe
▼ariaaaorfartof Maaoo*, OddFdlow*, »om ofT«o*
penned, tc. ■
AfTOßjrßt AT I.AW,
ixml also attend to collection* and all other boil*
W%rJSiSSi% him in *»«!« Ammrong
couatie*, Pa. Referto , .
J. k R. Flojd, liberty *l- \
W.W.WalUee, do V fturtHir| s.
Jaaee Jlai*b*U» do f •
. Jiy |Ut fc Co-, Wood*. ) 1
*t4o»«k CMijjfi.
'■■■! roWEKt’ HALL, of the old
- ofß-i 8. Well, « ia*uuf»c*
o. • dl. ctapiulw ■» ■BiffiSSuW
I 1 Noinibayjt-
- Commlulo»tr °f_p*s^ v ,v n Gorcr
-4 T CIKCiNNATL-l a» authorised bywo^,
A. no* of Feanayfrania to »k« acknowledftn*
irmstnimema of writing, alto aflidswa •"i.jSSSin
{SaTof persona I* OhiS, to b« nwd or n»ow®°“
pennaylTtnia- fX&ca, taro doom east of
Ofiea, Claeinaati, Otda' EDWAKO PCBAJiCH,
Attorney at Law. _
GIP/tH criDEß—<shhla crab eidat ox coaa>gi««»
. _ ,_
[jjff •■ I- isaiah PICTET A Cot
Bo BAX—OOO lb* refd bcraxiattrae’daadfiwaal*
C.'fL Daxnmnwca. • J- »^p > °A l rn
No. 50 South Wharves, and No. It 7 Sooth Water *L
T>RGS to inform the mule and dealers generally, of
W Pittsburgh. that they have made such arrangement*
with the Virginia manufacturers and the Growers of
the West. West Indies, and other place*, as will insure
a large and constant supply-ot the following desenp
lion*, of Tobacco. which will be so}d upon as accom
modating terms as our other house in thi* city or else
where, and all goods ordered from them will be war
ranted equal to representation:
Cabal Izuini A Florida; ) bacco;
\LSO—Brandi’s celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven
dish. with a large assortment of other popular brands,
and qualities2fpout*.*BA Igsl* «mI
s*. Cs?tis and ills Plug; Ladies* Twist; Virginia Twist.
Ac sweet and plain,' in whole and half boxes, wood
ltd tin, together withevery varietyofarucle tetonmag
to the trade. jelQ-dly
CRAIG, BELLAS 4s, Co., ,
Floar F»etor» ud Produce Commission
'' Berthsati, > r
T IBEBAL cash advances made on receipt of con
iiignmehts Thosa shipping to our address will be
rap three-fourths value in advance iatACB, hy* ppiy*
in* to our friends, _ .
rfessr*. Wallingford A Taylor, Pittsburgh.
Messrs. Uto*. BeU A Co-Brulgepart, Ohio.'
Philadelphia, May 5,1945. . . my37-tf
N B All Produce consigned to us is insured when in
the Warehouse of Wallingford ATaylor, Piu*burgh,or
in our store in Philadelphia. C. B. A Co.
'ommlaalon and Forwarding nsrehant.
[ t -fa 25 wood rr- rrmacaon,
HtONTINUES te transact a general Conunuaion bust
-1 If ness, especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufactures ln reqemug and
forwarding Goods consigned to nis care. As Agent for
the Msnufiicture*, be will be constantly.supplied with
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacttir* at the
lowest wholesale prices. Orders and cstuignments art
respectfully solicited: 1 I
Baltimore Prodsee Cammtaifon flavin
Edward clayton, uie s. ciayton a son^-iat
Lombard at., Wholesale Dealer in Bmier.andCoa
musion Merchant. Having tor the last ten year* devo
ted hi* attention to the **le of Butter, Will now receive
Butter, Lard, and other Produce tor sale on eommiaiiaa,
and flatten himaelfthnt from hi* experience and etuae
rou* shipping customer*, he will be able to give satis
faction to all who may consign produce to hint, Refer
Mean. F. W. Drone A Son;
Wm. Motion A Son, *
“ Withington A Kastman,
T. W. A G. Honkina,
And the Merchant* generally.
a. r. coswat. u x. Toatusaox
' IORTS.MOUTH, Ohio, Commiuuou and Forwarding
Merchant* anil Produce Dealer*—«l»o attend to the
Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Pig Iron, Coal, fee.
unmnn • ..
Atwood, Jonea 4. Co., Brown, Bailey A Co.,
l<orenx, Sterling A Ce., Henry Oral
Grmfl; Lindsay * Ce, jj> iS 0 "
Lyon. Short AC*., Clarke A Thaw,
narlOdly <^<na *-
[Late of the firm of Malcolm Leech *C6nL _
VholtMl* * Pitta*
tEALER in'all kind* of Country Produce, Copper,
±) Tin, Tin Plate*, Ttanen’Tool*, Zine,U*d,Bn*M*
gbeet Iron, Iron and Nail*. White Lead, Dy* Sins*,
C-o Hon Yam*, Salt, dte- and PitubsrghManttfaetare*
generally, earner of liberty and Irwin'meat*, Pitt**
U7*Liberal advance*, in Ca*h or Good*, made on
coßWgnmenu of Produce, Ac. a SS—
Produce, Otacrtl Commtuloa tad F«r>
wtriln| Merebtal*.
so. 6 oux't wxuar, RALxncaas.
Refer to— ” .
M. Allen ACo, _ {PiosVgK
•Mampton, South A Co- J 4 8
Davison. Bunder* A Co., T
John R Randall, VBaltoor*.
ocH HothJepfrms, )
J P. 1 pl ■ .■ v l*. .
Lata of Pittsburgh. Fa. Late of Nashville, Tena.
so. S raoTT niut, asovx asoarwAT. iwUiUTtwia
Refer ta Merchant* generally. in Pitiabgrgh. I P aJ .
rwal ciui*
ru*b»a umi.l
ANDDtIALERS in produce generaija .
so.Ataocm BoirAaosnrr.
• Refer to—D Sprirr, l>j-, Cashier. T. Croai, taq-,
Caabier, J. Landatrwt A Son, Hiaer A Dougherty, Sling-
Inff A Knaer, \V. A S. Wyman, Slioglaff A Itevnea.
a tH ■ ■ Ct> _
to Ooodinin A M«*an».) '
.< in-1 soon *cirm or rnsra I ** a**, npirnta, ttx
Kefer to-M. Alien A Kin*, Pcnnoc* A Co.
Offer to sell at either establishment, alt kinds ot Me.r
ehondiw, at Use lowest r»w» of Comnussinus, mi id or
tiwara prepared u»jnake ad-ranees. TUe best of me
reoeeo rivcu if required. Letters addressed to eithe
how, wdl be promptly attended to. jyjXily
mm rnowreott.
And Monufsetureri ofLtumd Oil*
I i No. 'JO Colombia street,
! CwcrrrsTt, Onto.
«p2My Tt7“C««b paid for Plai»fe4..£l]
WM. 11. CLARK,
Forwarding Etrcbaßt, Brownsville, Pa*
Anend. u> lie Fotw.rdin* °f Fred* Ar.
For any furtoer information, appl>t o FORSYTH*
ICUNCAX, Water at. 25..-
"■ ?' “mathews * PATCIi, •
;' v w ”• SV4B Water aired,
: Si. Loot, Mo.
I Will give particular attention to the selling of Pr©*-
I dace, and to order* for purchasing. _
Him to—George Surf an A Co., Pttlaburgh, P*.
angll ]
, joas m'ccixocgk. ’ “I******-_ c.a. cciajaraos.
Forwarding A Commission Merchants,
aw. W A M boctu irrassr,*' l . Bowling's Baltimore. .
JOHN FINNBY, Jr- Agent at Pittsburgh for tbe l>ej
.l »w*re Mutual Company of Phil
adelphia. Fire Biaka upon buildings and merehandixe
of every description, and Marine Bisks upon holla or
earraet of Tcuek taken upon the moat faterable terms.
rfrcSoinlti Wuttaieof W BUolmo.AMro,
NE3J W«ur,oeolMorkel'-ltitl, Puuburgli
N B—The success of thia Company since the estab
lishment of the Agency in thia city, with the prompt
neaa and liberality with which erery claim upon them
for loss ha* been adjusted, fplly warrant the o«atm
inviting the confidence and patronago of hia fnenda and
the community at large to the Delaware M 8 Insurance
Compaur, while it haa the additional advantages a* an
institution among the mo*t flourishing in 1 htladelpbia—
a* haring an ample paid-in capital, which by the ope
-1 ration of iu charter ia constantly increasing, as yield
in* to each peraou insured hiaduo share of the profits
company, without inrolrtng lum m any respon-
I Ability whatever, and therefore as pos*essing the Mu
n!aJ of erery obnoxious feaxure, and
in tumoat attractive form. ;
THE l»*aranee Company of Nonh America, through
its duly autfiorired Agent, the «übtcnber, offer* u»
make permanent and limited Insurance on Prop*«>-L«
ihl* city and iu « entity, and on ihtptnent* by the C»
nal t ana Hirer*.
JofcflC SmiUj, Pre»l Samuel Brook.
Alex- Henry £ h m^p*SStk T
S*m’l W Joses, • F B™“.-
Edward Smith Ambrose White
John A ; Brown jSftft’Tff 01 "*
4w.'pc™ i SSJri^d
WmlVeW * Arthur O Coffin. See.
. ThU i« the oldest lowiMce Comply *“
a..i»«- baring been chartered in I7M. Its charter»
tXi. .toiMB, it m.y bn “"^f'2 1
ter ayi Front street* Pimbnryh.
■ |« B fmfWCE AQAIMT FIBB. _
mill* ‘ Amenenn Fir® lmuranco Company—
T j* o 72 WaJnul atreet Philadelphia: incorporated A
ertv renenUlv! eimer in lb® citf or country, *ff»jo**
touStaoisibyllte.pcipemiUToribr Umusd t»n-
t-v_ ft-rrennt Btawel C Morton .
wotaEmb • SSSawS"
i isrdsr .ffls«ss.
•*~i& feastsr ■
agent for Pitttburgn. xWoodtt.
noTl7-3tn* - e , oOl oOOp,idt n .
Capital, Qnji
igoa Box-
1 ; wvr.K a PAVEHPOBT,
I/TANUFACTURE to order I'assenger and Freight
JVI Car* of the most approved description, at reason
able price*, Uy means of the Canals, Railroad and
River, they are enabled to ship upon-reaaonablo term*
to all paints in the West Their work will be warrant
ed equal In all respects, to any made in the United
IKomicriy of Boston, Ma«a.]_
LEATHER—' The subscriber'is just reeeleing. np
wstUs of llfll sides of New .York Red Leather, of
choicest statnM, together with a general assortment of
hisiine of business, currier*’ tools; oil,etc. -
Alt of Which he ‘will sell oil the most reasonable terms,-
at 1W liberty st, (opposite OlhsL) ‘
MrtLlin ' JUILN D. PAYAIU). .
nr Webster's Great American Dictionary of the
irlish l<U L ff u 4ff e i vs*J«n»*n, contain log ailihat the
I earner Editions eoutained; revised by Cnauncey A.
prof. Yale College. Tbs most eomnleto edi*
gSLer Wbliritfdi«“ »ot croon I»jno.. ><ieean.
; -y.rftTHKP fl t* e -T‘ ,g 7 ba ** feather*; 14 u«lt»
T^ptiNaSic«r iiec *T rUilbbl dajl prttoA
J- f Js;.*—Teired aa eocrignmentper «tmr. Pilot No.
niS» r " ' . MLHWUMt
LOGAN A KENNEDY hare this day «*oo»tcd
with them in the Hardware business, Phuip ■« »-
ton and Edward' Gregg. ~Ths style of firm will here-_
after be Logan, Wilton A Co. This arrangement ren
der* it desirable. to clote llie old business, ft* *oou n*
possible. All tffraons whose liabilities have matured,
are especially trijuesied to make immediate payment.
Piusburgh, Jan. 1, ISAS.
OOAK, WU.BOS * CO—lmpontr. m*
1 i Wholesale-Dealers in Foreign andDoutestic Hard
ware, Cutlery,- Saddlery, Ae-IA9, Wood street, Fitts
burgh, are now fully prepared with a recently import
ed ■tock of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac-, to offer eery ftp* 1
inducement! to western bnyer*, being determined lo
compete in prices with any of the Atlantic citiea- Al
to on hanu' an. extensive attortmest of PitUburyn
Hardware, vix: Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes, Vices,
all of which will be told at the lowest mtutufae*
inter’s prices. : ■ J* n * _
A THE subscribers haring recently entered mto
partnership underlie name of Gallagher, Long,
A Miller, tor the purpose of carrying on the Bell
and Bras* Founding and Gas Fitting business in
all its branches, hare taken the stand formerly occu
pied by It Gallagher, No. 10# Front street, hetweeu
Wood and Smitbfield sts., where they are prepared \o
execute all orders for Bells, Brass Castings, of rrjry
description, and Gas Fittings with neatness and des
patch. Steamboat jobbing attended^ta^
B.' A. LONG.!
N. B.—The attention of Machinists and Engineers is
invited to our .anti-attrition metal, for a reduced pnee,
which has'been pronounced superior to Babbits by
numbers who hare used both. Steamboat builders and
the public, generally, are also requested to call and ex
amine our superior double bctiou Force Pumps for
stebmbosl and domestic use.
deeWdly. ; ' ■
mjIF. Co-putnenhip of the, tobtcnbere, iiwer Uw
I firm of Lewis Hatchinton A Co., it Init Hey dit*
ioItN by mutual content Either of ut will mtteira to
ue tetUemem of the buiineu of the arm, ana ttac in
Dane f.r that purpote.
rpHEandrbare thi» day formed a eo-partn«*.
I ahtp, under the firm of Junta A-HaushinatmACfcr
Ut tile pnrpooe. of continuing the buiineaa herelcu**-
mrriod in br U»if llulchinw Co., .ad Ktol» eo«-
Pltuburgh, Jto. I,lBw. 1 . -• —'
Coaftrlßn l ! _
E W STEPHENS of Wheeling, E F Sbmabergw
of Juniata, and J A Btookton of Pituburgh. have
thia day entered into ed.partner»hip under anrle and
inn of Stephen*, Shmnbereer A Co, at the Anchor iron
work*. Wheeling. Va. (or the purpoae of manutactui
! |ng iron and naiia of every draeription.
i w mntm * r fttountaoaa. .£* lETO SH <,> ‘
a UTuflutg, Va.
Manufacture all kind of boiler, aheet, bV iron andl
naiia, A B ateel aliptic aprtnfa and axle* Be ng eon-)
netted with Shmnbergefa old Jnniaw work*, < « c«
offer an article of Juniata iron [branded Shnjnbercerl
equal to any made iu the country. 'All of which will
be sold at the Plttaburgh pne«- " erehouae « IM
worka comer of Monro* and Water atn. myti
DISSOLUTION—' The partnership hitherto exist*
inc under the nyle and ana ofAVtghuaari * UmJ
ttll, is this day disscSved by mutual consent, John Da •
tell having disposed of hi* cadre: iutemi to 1L AViffht-
*nte business of the late firm will be Milled by
11. Wightma»,who is authorised to wtbensrae of tha
late firm for that purple. V'nll^vlT^
• sp&iOdSw {July 1 4TJ 3. DAJ»7r.I.U
THE Subscriber is now prepared to manufacture all
kind* of Cotton nnd Woolen Sfnehinerjr, *t <k« ' *«u»l
notice. Order, led nt R. W*ktmnn> »*«“* »“££“s
■?.»«> “ dw * ! "“ , ~'*’ w s. , wCTmFJs: p
Leacok »U between Federal and su.,
iptaodly , - .Allegheny etty.
rffi co-partnership heretofore «*«»*
subscribers under the firm of W tlliims A Dtlwortb.
was distolred on the lit instant, by mutual consent
J S Driworth,u> whom the settlement of lb* oid bust
neaa is entrusted, will Continue the wholesale grocery
intone .t mud, N “^'^Jj LU i Ms .
milE partnership subsisting between the saMeribej
I the styla of FesndeXter A Cfc,wm dissoHrd
by mutual consent, on toe l*b tare boutnrss of
£aZT mw ?"~‘ * 5
co-PAKTanensinp. ’
THE subscriber* Sfill continue business at the old
' rand. No 41 water street, a» vsaai, undenhe
style of-roinaeiur r w roiNDF.XTEB,
d-ea ; CH GRANT.
Associated ibrotselTe* together udder the fin«
John Furren A Co, for tbepuipua*of eomlmiiißtbe
bSSws. oHUe ■ltoamicn’aLine,' wtUconunuetoW'**
act a'geiwnsHbrwaHHtrohd **«m«es»rt Mt
the old stand at the Canal Ba»i jRRKN
Co.Psrla*nhlp* , 1 . .
TIIB undersigned has associated with himsdUoMl
Nicols, from lUllkaore. m ikeOtocery
ai Commission business, uuder the style cf sclera *
ju.»ur m* rBAS so.ijns. ■
/-(0-PAnT!rEn»niP-wm i Vot,njb.T»,i!a.
ly day associated with him. John H- M Cune.oe le
iVr Mill bmultr >» rniidafirfJjSct u»
Enj, „< W,,Y«wAC. "iV^jeUXB 0 ’
rcoo *n>.TittwTos, r*oF*iwo*-. .
anus 1 long airtwforily *lown •*
SVSrtE 3UT!S3S?tJSia& -*
-3rt3SKSrfSa , ira^-s»^
reorgmnixed and fined op in a mow unique aid.beauti-
SirtTie/ In fact the -whole arrangement of ne
h** been muodeled, with a tingle eye -on Uo part of
r£mSS!r* toward* the canton and peasureof
theirCioMU, and which they confidently ***•« wiii
*halten*e cofnp* r '* /,n with any Hotel in toe Cruon.
TbeiAsble will alway* he »upplied with wery «oh
rtutUl and luxury wbieh «*• «" kel
np in a superior uylp; wUla m the way of 'Tinea, 4c^
* b ß conclusion thcproprietor* beg to *ayVjg* "fjjjflj
of their Mood. hod geo-
"’rie price, for txxrd here «I*> been rediced to the
following rate*: ai-s,*rdav
Ladle*'Ordinary, lAtl “
Tho n ßifgare Wagon of tbe Honae will al
•waya be foundattha Car and
which will convey baggage to and frotn tie Hotel,j>*«
of charge.: j L _,, ■■XSL.
ciscinsiTt. enux ’ .
mTHE subscriber* having porehmed the entirt
into reel of Col. G. P. WiWuo-m, l«orftht. well
known ertabiiahment, beg J«»ve W *ute to their
friend* and the public generally, that thty h * T ®** kea
ihi. commodious Hotel tor a term of-yaM *,*'
ert their beat energies to make it a desitable home, for
Traveller* and City Boarders. ~ \
The Hotel it spacious and admirably panned tor con
venience, light and air, haring a number °£P“ t £ r *
joining chamber*, presenting unu*ual attractions to
fa proprietor*' having h*athe expcn>rt«
or year* in ihi* city and elsewhere,boj» theyj_ be
able To rite-general satisfaction, bein{ deternuijeil 10
Kive undivided attention to the house aline.
8 Th* locaiion ofihe Peart tttrtet Hcjm woncoramonj
ly eligible, haring front* on Pearl, 'Vaunt and Third
street*. *0 (htt it u equally desirable ji view of the
convenience of htl.lttou men, or rettnmnl f™ pn'"' J
hoarder* It i* near by the Bank*, the Port Offieo, the
Moaome Hall. Odd Fellow’. Halt, and >ut «“« # 2“"*
distant from Alain street and two.Muaret from the Cm
mart thus offering the greatest e
ly to country merchant* and B«MnM to aU Pgao"
mw* or axi-Tiuou asm w»w * tB '"
the beat hotel*, with elegance and real eimfort.
Choice.auite* of apartment* are at all season*
ed for the accommodation of transient gwits, »°d f*m-
Sieaviriting the city wUI find the Eutaw House a home,
SSSSSH by any Hotel in the. Union:
The*location i* elevated, and salubrious, ■J*# 1 ? “?v_
eonranleol to the depots and landing*, »t
coacbc*-and porter* of the house ms st all time* m
waiting to convey passenger* and their btggage to ui
B ’T“"tS I «v““'*° n SS“ T - :*® p * r to T :
j«nipdataw3m: ~ 7
“! . .JOn>’ HOTKLt
in dgejty of Pluladelpma- jpft> WEST.'
, 'qalt noißß* ■ ‘ ' ‘
wii« avn SIXTH Hi*- Q^CWnUTI.
ter* »«d h*vu»lf moral*, lflt**er thyself that alt vril- •
Inth# y>nou» uf P* is centnl, cotiuno*
dtaw'Sd g5J* P " d **i--W F, HAKSH.
• Sa.t oiHF Loui»viU«, Kt., wbei* bo hope* to mecl
*iu Monila.'oorarinf Atom oml tb« public, thol
* l>«^»ruu«Ji^»* ke ill .comfortable who
"TffinillCAy HOTEZi,
aonw»ili Pratt »üßahimore,
ufftTOV M. SMITH, proprietor, (lautof tbs EX'
*ixd Su Cta»lß* Rt*bu«h.)
. ' • ' ; ' ;• •• -•-
*■ botici.l - ~
. , . rnMTii k&MTUif themaelree indebted to the Ea*
A*£iiaf Set lata A-DraTo, !r, doceaaed, are hereby
±kS££ eK their••«»».ui tone ha**
? oli ?fri«* urainrt the EataU, will ptexatlthem-duly
•etuSSrls tha eubmriber,at the
iSn Irwin A Bona. Well Water ht.'
'LVNG9.—The unprecedented success which has
attended the use of the ( [ .
n all tie various forms which irritation oftheJungtfas
mines, has induced the proprietor again to call atjen
iontoihis ■
The clan gable weather which marks .our. fall- pud
winlermonihs, is always a fruitful souree of •
These, if neglected, are b« the precursors of that, fell
Tbo qowttion, then. bow »hall we nip the deetroycr w
the bucl bow ahall we gel ckor'of our eougha ? and
cold*! i| of yital importance to tbo public. '
wiU be found in ihe Gin*eng Panacea. In proof !
be« from time to time publl*hed tbo of
*doxcne of oar bert known citixen*, who hare experi
enced la camtite power*., The»e, with a taut of ilea
“,aWi&o^™r^S? f OTANDW6.
MinifUta of the Gocpet, Am, together with eopioo* no
tice* fom the - ■».«„
we bare embodied in pamphlet form, awl l “**{£ had
rratisof any of our agent* throughout the countryi
bare been used in thi* clty. ; • vTtfl
throughout the United State* and Canada, and we pna
. >
n wlieb, when taken according to direction*, and he.
fort s»Tonga badßoeomo finally diaorgaxu*«d,j» ,Mm
ever failed A perfect CURE.
Wbf. Iben, needthe afflicted beainda! . tt If Mgto
ftettaerable noetrum*, gotten ujrby Biikn.iWmkplW
tel* under the auumed name of tome eejenflM P*7*
Sdka, and puffed into noweieiy hr eerii&e*Jp »*.!*•
M eqaaliy unknown! YVhilrt a mefflmaa#
Unparalleled efficacy
•%b»had, wbo*« Toucher* are at IV EmfO-
TOp.m >
*■ order <>«■ this inraluable medicine may aa piano
WiUin the reach of the poor as weU tbo riel, vahaea
prie o*l.T PtPTT CEHTI, , i
la»t ene half the u*aal eo*» of cough mrdittnoa. ill to
for tale by our agent* in nearly etery towu and nilago
ore the erect, wu© are prepared to pre_full Infofma*
Slfrolatite to it T HALTER. .
Broadway, Cincinnati. Obio._
A Thixdi*ea*e i» eaaaedby ap«ro«r»mal eonrtrue.
ttos of the air eell*; it i* Tenr debiUtotmx. almort ean*-
iMauffoention. DR. StYEErSERS PANACEA I* foe
° l£**mjie*a ean he entirely eared by a fr**a*e*f Dr.
Sweewar'aPanaeea. . ,
Catarrh, or common .eoW, Which, if nefloeud. w
trrminata in Conrompnon, t* effectually Tailored and
aired by Dr. Sweeuer'* Panacea. ' ,
Bron&tia, if unchecked.: will effectaailir U*4_ **;
fironehial Coa*umpoon, but a umely u*e of Dr. Swell-
Cr l Panacea will effeetnallT euro it. - ! i ■.
"inflammation of the Tonub or Sore
(Uea*e often lead* to *erioo* ron*eqacnce» j Hum ,!**•
»«. *aeh a* ulceration of the throat. On the flr*t ■ymp*
Teoacea .hould ha proettreif and
U Couph* sr «nd Cold* find a *orereiga remedy ib Dr.
3 p^fu?o^ s Notha.-A yeW total dUaa*e. te*ilanf
from a Tioieht pough and eoldon a debilitated or bro
ken down eonaiituuon; aged per*ou» “W* l »
Dr. Sweeter 3 * Panacea *hould bo o»ed on the firrt
•TmDtoina, which are a eouch or cold. , n ■
Sweat*.—Thi* debiruaung eamplaun will .meet
wilh a timely check, by uting Dr. Sweetaer • Panacea.
Con*ompuon—lfou the fitot appearance of eotuhmp
lire armptomt, which are a pain tn the «do and bread,
eotmlTor ipitxinff of blood. ifDr. Sweeuer a 1 anaeea 1*
froelv used, no danger need be apprehended. ■
V^enthe Longa, the Windpipe, or Bronchial Tnbr*
elogged op with phlegm to a* to impede fe*pt
ntion or brrailnng. Dr. Sweeuor* which i*
u powerful Expectorant, ahould be taken according to
d»me**in* epidenue, to preTulenl in
our climate, U «pwdily cmred by Dr. ;Sweeuer a
Ce priee SI per bottle, or lix bottle* for ; ■
Forage by WiL JACKSON, » Liberty of
the big boot . , noguly.
Hair Cream, * matchleaa article fer the
Ueantr sod E<MnUoo.o( the Hair. Tlua Cream.
SSfS.tfh2U-iiuip.Krf**" " ,h ;:;r , trZ
the kind no* wed.“ When the hair u dead,Utah,
tkfnT unhealthy, or mruln* icrey, » iew nfP'iJh'W
will male the hair aoft and dark, and jive Uabeanful
titdy appearance; and will alao make it ie»uS
lineal indbralltay color twice aa lonßa.alUheprepa
rauoncwhtfh are groemlly o«ed. Keen l “ d f *”*
are iu the habit of uaiug oita oiWlmr
Kir. aboold ait ouee jnirehaw a-ljoirtot*! the C|>tne*«
Hair Cream, aa it iaroetaapoaed thetu aoll nounjore i
the hair like those other preparation*, but will beautify ;
»U and pro per?«t aahalartion In every instance. :
For teatiamnr u> it* very aupennr i,ualitic«, *r« ¥*•
followiSr letter from Her. Mr Caldwell. tnJMeaara.
llendwrSott A Stretcb^Nashftlle,General AgrMjfoT
lh Uws«S»tS?fte'r- R CaUwell, paudor of the. Pre^
by Mli^ > lV^d4i l !hlu k t Streteb-Geutfemen: i'**•
pleasure In addrn* my Icaumony in Savor of theerccl
lent preparation called Dr. Chme*r IU«
Crea*r*—f{>r.about two year* apt, inr hair wa|* very
brittly. and dirpoacd to come out; hot hannr pro*
eSttl abotUeoftbe Cream, and: u«dit acconkcrto
theVrwhpUon. my hair it now aod. elaauc mid firm
W ife head Many balaami and oila 'T tre "P t '* tcd '
each leaviwt Biy nairm a-wtaae auto than
Thia Crcaimhowerer, haa met my cxpectatuwla, ■
AaanaSelefor theToilei. mywtfe preejt preftr
— over all other*, beinc delicately perfumed, *nd not
rd to rancidity. 'l'im Ww* rapmaliy. *ul Ct>d
ini-te Cream to be a .Wide return in tiwir;pre}M
,ll. for the toil'll. Rc.pcctftiliy. kc, ) , -
,v., uk ; j aa - is 47. R. CALW fXl*--
|rT*Stwkl wboteaale and retail, in Pia»hnr*h,Uy John
MTown.eud. No. 45 Market atreet, and Joel MoW«,
comer ofWood and Fifth atrccta- jpHtf. _
! 1 PEACE 1 PEACE 11 i I
Kirr l* atßiwM, __i „ 1
THE -trodmifned ha* long b « n t c< *™ nc f£*£iv f
nece**rtr »of rente medteuifr. adapted to lie ere of
CUiUirenand Intent* to *oper«edelhe u« ot •>«***•
medicine* -which contain opium, end hu «t length *uc.
"ceded InTreparing end offeriug to therubbeamedi
cine fully every purpo** for all dvrem*i* of‘be
bowel*, without ihe.ure of ibatdcletenMidrorror any J
other ««/cuJ*ted: to injure in the leiut. The *$ !
.p« ha* been fully tetieil and: Wed, the la*J twelve
month*, bynumeroni perwn*, and found U
'the extraordinary virtue*. and to produce all the aston
ishing effect* a*-»ei forth on the biU of direction*. M*
anb«*. Vomiting. CSfliCj Griping, pain*, Sicki.iei* and
Dircatet-aweinir from Teething. acting inutfediately
without' ditturbmg any- of the function* of the bod),
producing thehappie.t «nul mwrt
{rota violent pun to a tranquil andjuyou* itato of feel
“ItebfhafwfiSSa and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr.
JOHN SAROANT, Druggirt end Apothecary; John
Mitchell. Eliott k Beckham, and wort other Brogprt*
m Allegheny and PitUburgh. > dec -lg-
end had the advice of the mo»l.eminent pnyvielnn* in
England, but all wu unavailing. By chance I heard
of your Imperial Cough Syrup, and waa induced to buy
a bottle for trial, although I had no belief thar anything |
eoald remove her complaint T°„ m / ?£ at -l •'”s”*'* i
two dorea gave her immediate; relied »he if at tune*
troubled with a cough, but two tea*poon*fafof Syrup
alwty* *top* it lam *au*fied, after a trial of..three‘Of
four year*, that Seller*. Cough Syrup t* the U.t cocgh
medicine I have ever tried either in the Old or New
\e or td. . IVk F.iaturcaxi,
W Seventh Ward, city of PttUburgh.
The above certificate abould induce all>wluv are
troubled with cough or asthma, to give the Syrup am-.
JT It may be had for SIS cent* a bottle, at the drug
•tore of 7 • UF. SELLERS. 57 wood »t
Sold by Dr Caerel, sth ward, and D II Ctirry,.Alle
gheny city. .J J—i
S' ELLER’S VrJlMiri’UF.-Tlic pe.ta] lof »1
Thi.i.toeenif, lh*l "fl*. “«»£
liou* for expelling worm*. I bought oi C. 1 • Hel in an, of
New Li*boti, two vial* of R E Seller*’ VermOuge. and
,«e foe i.ontenU of one vial to three of children;
iL the fint, aged 0 year*. it expelled 45 worm*,
from the iegoud,eSyeari old, <O, and Iron the thud. .4
shJS B£S' e «l®S v
P sfsa?** ma " eifeclual I
f 0 told by R E SELLERS, Nb 37 Wood
itreeU**Sold by Dr. Careel, Sth ward; D M Curry, Al-
Slfomr. William J Srniih, Tcmpcrancevilte. jaU.
- , patent stock IprialTfrau,
aTPWLV INVENTED—For the reliefand:Pennaneni
(Baited to all
**Tboiuperibf claimtof thi* TruM eon*i*t Ib ihe com*
eaiaueoeaia with which it may bo.worn, ►rhe padol
L«Ad being neatly balanced on epnoga, yield* to pre**
ISreon any part of it, and thoroughly adapt* tuelf to
S7movemont mada by the weaiSr. It can be worn
withoat Intertaliaion, until a cure n effected. The aob
aeiibun have made ananiemenu for the manufacture
!5 there valuable Treare*, in a aopenoratyJe, in I'hUa
dlfohia, and have them now fanale at their office, No.
77, Solthfield «. near Sixth, |
i-ao p. w.kauffman.
JaYNC'SHUR TOWlC—Afttr fmaff lh»> arttela
trill prc«o<a»»l tohaJhatitwoftM
~ .. t y?wmrtid«. mthettttßT tveeptico, to forth*
and frmmtioa of lA* hroan half. W« hnew
!/T£*rous miunees »h tn hair has ban ha*4»
«hkh fa«r« beta haU for your*} «iw thbk wteaaaot da
• __t*r favor thaa to vceooat&AJo.all oar .rtaden who ar
»«»!>, lopkca tnaTof this Toaktinmadiairlj
D" RUO9, DRUGS.—Joe! Mahler, drucgtit and arvoth
eeary. N. \V; comer of wood anifoih
uu.rfht will keep contuuuly ;on hand, Jrnga, pwa»».
"'a? Mciaa’. prereriptioa* carefully compound-
J!(ntn ftc bc« material., at wy hour bf dm daVor
niAt »AlK>. miaMortmeiitofpetijauery, fine tooth£wfjr
addelotb bruibdvetc., which-bo will rell low [or
ca*h* 1 : i - • *f —
Z\n.. B. w. nOERIB, n YDBOPATQIST, wotild
T) fCTperUWly inform Ul. friend* and the cluacn* of
Htubureb and Allegheny-*■* ho h“ decided to remain
Fj Pi lr during the vrjnter, and i» prepared to treat
miLAiu macing uemrelvc. under hi. c*r«, according
ffiff prac tired at all Water Cure EiUbUrii
meat*, for cither Aeute or Chrome Thore
Siting to ntailthfemreWe.of hi. renrl«*wlll tail at
Mr Jdulert, corner of. Liberty .1, and alley.
W DnAI. ha. treated revexalacrere care.of direare in
thl. city yritb Steal luccere, to whieh he U
refer. '’ l 1 ’
, ». J«n< WUu CO«mle»l
flp»tt»and*imp*r*iled. . UaiiodUpel*
hare. SSrptew, Tin, »d chMiw thcrtltJr^dark,
j gygwt UL.ndwt«4uidite) .1
- -"J -; , ,• . . ; j . ...
X 9, 1848,
; Miscellaneous.
r dGESCT! FOB' PAxiiNT«i ; ,
• • ' -• •wlanntdto*t>.c. . .
ZEN'AS C. ROBBINS. -Mechanical Engineer, ana
Agent for procuring Patents,
cessary Drawings and Papers for Appbeanii fpr
e-.*s uid transact all oibtr business in the Uneof hU
W feWori at the Patent Office. He can he consoJttd
in aU questions relating to the Patent Law»“ nd
ions in the VmWd States or Europe. .Pdreons .at a <j£
:tance desiTeas.of baTinp.exaimnauons road* atthe
Pnient.Office,prior to making application for a patent,
may paid, enclosing a fee
a elear statement of theirease, wten l , m ” cdl f, t l " a^?T
Office on F. street, opposite the Patent Office.
He Ss the honor of referring.>T perrtmion w
Hon. Edmond Burke,.Commissioner of
Hon H h EUsworthi.laie . do 00
II Knowles, Machinist, Patent Office;
JudgeCranch, Washington, DC;
Hdti. R Choate, Massachusetts, U B Senate,
Hon. W Allen, Ohio; • ■ • .
Hon. J B Bowlin, M C, Missouri;
, Hqn.WiUi*HaU,New-York;
Hon. Robert Smith, MC,TUInoIs,
Hon. S BreCce. U S Senate;
Hon. JII Bclfe, M 0 Missoori;
Copt. H M Shriere, Mtwonm _* tl9
Erasths Brooks, Earn. Pittsburgh. TC.
JAMEfc-'W; WOODWELL* I • ' .
PittibUih Furniture Wtw Boom**
___ A » T “*pf"'S J ’i»<.r<n|tnt of Fom
-10 “I" 1 " v . h ,~l ,uw to exceeded by
2 dot Maboffany Nan* Chain;
12 cSao^ *l l?
t 2 m*lw»jf»ay '
t 5 ipaibte top Dreumg Bareea* j
. \\
■ -.
I asirttf
Co*CvcdarJJ^ampleted •BJhefr.|
tmuipgntepa In to tffffffffcrnre from 0»$ TOO * i 6ele *
a»d ia o ©w maaoftatnr
b rased eetibUtowna oTto fc»* u& for tab *U
in, <rf to.
■™r f S rt J‘i-fSKs
eonAso, i“ P'J"* " 11 "» UfP«Moa*®-
_ “o'EHl'woomvSL'^rur -t
MMS&ttJAnwU „idM tu-ntuWt. Hrn«.
wWB|-^ J !SS , JSi!S!SB;
uafe tmngtmttto u* fully pre
.ndin Kurop?tt> I ‘»2’^“*7 f^F P & on u rood
as^ , s® a S&Krr*
s^ves.k’ssss l^.'1 -
I pp'jjs'^ I s&sKSf*
di.s*. ofoothe
lie will be continually ««eiwn*«. f “ coontTT,
from the mJEuroi* tny eiiablio*
which will enable him W c«npe« « l “ *“ I '
meat, either Ea*t or W«r , d w ea ]t *nd examine
Wntfn merchant* are ia ,V„ l .il. mart
kh flock before jmrebaauig/***""?•
Sou of ft. B""* 1 '<"VSXoll fHoSff “o Amonofc
uoJed EmTcranu al home ana ineir iitow ..
lh7Ctmanl f Sr»m _vu. al any of the
: Siyht Drafi* »*»T “MiS Bank* of Ire
hranche* of the lhnmnctal wtdraw oar own El
- -
Mlsl f I . K V.t,Wdoot.«low'>ooi
Lt oSi of:moim;
2d. Freedom from *moke.
0, r> <»> <"■
• order.
w t« «»
between-wood and market-
Dudwtr* Star* BaMOT»d» -
WcS™, of liberty ooi 8. ”«l -So”
Woodtueat,three door*aborc btCUriM Hoiol,wo^«
Froen'Uwmaniifaciurers of England and nrin-'
TuT.bpplie. of Aaerieanllarfware, from tbe pna
cipalmanJaeturers of the Ea * apoa
■fiwtf stock being entirely new, and pa«MW“ apon
the best term they feel gre« confide^
aueaeaaffclly to meet competition from any qaarwri
•aSSiSatt-wiU *« continued attheold
I «l«nit. -; *■ ■**
“ 4 i°s\r.“'
tasaitd blue Fiuory-The work* are
for earn »agou the business, wlihfijnu^ cre ua will be
for commencing a' anf time , A . _ hv t( || w « M
given, nml all particular. muOe knwn caum; on
lithe, of the uuUer.«gnod jtaN .tIITCitELL’ i
I - • . admirmumtara
“sssag. , s , ?*^s.‘Wfe«ji.'
and : latest Horse* kept at uvery
highest price in Ctjsh
—OO. .1- bemoon pooo «°d libonj-_
NOTICE-All- P«>«»“ boviiw cl “”* £5
firm will olewe present them for payment, and
-riubbucE-® 0 boxe, • I ’ J . c **‘ cl c j£o£o
I .tri,for t MoKXlCjgJ!b»b.
IVSTk?sto*»ilerft. ui Koto of <to bo«
I Warehouse,M vnuer_an£lWjVontjit_jal»_
I Pittsbargh. Dec
PERFUMERY— Extracts of Verbena, Patchtra*
!ev Violet, Jockey Club, Millitieur, Bouquet da
ISiHI bundle* Si. C. M. and D. C. straw paper;
ISO •• Medium Kae. . ‘ •
■■ 1) Medium Hardware; lor *ale by
«eiia • reynoliw&siiee^
ItKYe^VOODS— Mil» chipped IpywoodrTu do gr'd
l_J logwood; 100 do chipped Fufiic; IUU do groand
,u.. t CO.'
i ß 4| comer of front and wood sta
/-GROCERIES— 2OO bag* pdme green Rio eoSee; 75
I t chetu and half cheats fresh green teas; 120 boxes
m iQsfis a lb lumps tobacco{6o kegs 0 twist do. with a
*eneralaMO«mentof groceries for sole by. • !:. * •
*3an4 JOHN 8. DILWOBTB, 27 wood st
(V<nPEBCK&'B FlLES"—Jast.received, per
hJ Packet Ship Baraaaek, 4 casksMflpeneer’s? Cast
Steel Files, Comprising a very general assortment. !
The attention of Machinists and consataers generally
is invited; LOGAN A KENNEDY
ic9l '
Molasses— 150 t>bu (hew crop]
j arriving and tot tale ey--
jan!3 - . , ■ - 1 POi
V Cmbed; and, pulverised euaw, Jutt _recjd__|nd fat
Mil low by P»fl BROWN k CULBERTSON.
OALERATUS—*O box** and Tcukajut we'd and
□ tadutf S ? VON BONNHORSTfc-Cc.
:JTWI -»:i V , 1 »6ontaL_-
iom ’
~ 1 -i AsmON FOB ABTIMS. •; f P»
H ' **
wood Jnfrani *>
tfcptr fprtoAew «nd eitueo*, gtowraJly-. i' :
~"l"_ npAKIi - VASHIOSf r H4T»—HEEBE t:R.
j sijle >J!rf
ahead of faehitmahlc Bjta I ®P®T* •
SujUveniKd br lornoof“'g^S'k^Sl” .
_ t«k*lf i‘ " ' ' . IS2. b«*o of *f ’
‘ I just nteitti from Jiew York, th* Bo®®**
'#&itvleibr >.■)>, eonsutinff of-Whito_ Bearer. Pearl.
aiid It§ite French CaxiimereHaU, w«h
.Swik or wbeaotifal,- light Bat^wrp«tfiiHr
■‘SSS&f - -il-rf^a^ATOih--
• • oilii.a.ipiiia Calleaei.Of MedlclMy~
fiareU StV-ISiS, andot ecatiaaed feat mod\h»» by.ibo
ft Jj§”Kra.lfSoCC, M. D-,0«l«i»l, Bpetial lad
*^D?KOAEX)ENER,M. D.ChMßi*tTy f jLL rirf
M. D:, Theory*“3Practiceof
*IEoDIB*H. BEATTY, M.Dj Obetßtric* andDUea»e»
M.-.D4'ln*bOi» - ofM»Uoib*
ud Anataay will be occupied by dutinet Prafeu^ra
| - ; . A No.tlNoftb'BeTenAStreol. •
> Fh»fHidphU,J)ec.gilS47. - ; •
>e : TOUR to the-Rirer Saguenay in Lower Canana, oy
luryjsiwL Quienof Scot*, by Alexander Dum*a-
InsuUrdinaiicn, or. the Sboemakar’a.*“.
: Am«rietft **onr or real life,byT.B. Arthur. , .
Harry,Martina ale, or AdTentorea of a whaleman® Ih#
] Pacific'Ocean, by Dr. Lou* A. Baker. •' • f
The Iflamt.Qaeen, or the Wife** atratiywa, by Mra.
Rwf«*rtmel'ora.Httrfu|^VMw«ty;^a B *rift^
by author of *fTb* Firai Faiaa BtePi wiih
'. mnoeroda eagiaringi- J _ j""
The IkatS'Sbip, orthe Pirateh Bnae. ; .
Chawaanle American Drawing Boot' '[■■
Anaept EcypM®* Moudmenti, History, fce, by George
i ROtiddon. ■ i * j
Animal Alphoß«oTe«te,M.'J».! _
The SerSFamiJy Robinoon,ior Adrenmrea of a Fa
i then*»d Mother and fear eona in a d«ertUlWd.
The Fbamaeeatie Practical Recipe Book, tar : the u*a
rofdH>*li«a l bxF.A.SoiiUUnl: tv.
Black Wood 1 * Maiarine for December. - .
LiriftgAfe,NoWa. -• " j. •• f •■!
Taylofenloney Reporter, Jan. MUu ,v. ; ,-
Green!* Worka,the Re fanned Gambler, fteah ropply.
Awlendid arade Gentlemen’* VUmn* Card*, lam
fixed. For aale at M. A. Minerh. --- janla
Tfc ECETVHJ* •erect
TV 3d door from aecand: [
Codecs ImAjH Bopk'fijr Febnarr- t
Kntiogal Magazine • •; do
Grababi'e " do |do
Union* ri do • _ •
All tta aboreara eqttal if n« enpenor in meir embel-
UihoenU, to the preview Janawy number! _
The Ud of the Fairies, d new notel bjf G V B
TheDicnee to the Family, by W. B!an4 J*n>ld,
with unmmioa* by. Phi*.-; :■ v'...:,
•Brian (FUnn, or lack u everything,,by/W. II Max-;
The Lh>ck and Anchor, being a Chronicle of Old Dob*,
Tlm C<2mte«t of California 1 and New Mexico, intho’
yearalS4Sand *47, by jame* MndUonCuOf.
Jane vyrovodited by CnmfjßelJ. ■>
,Th« StoMgo’of Veniee or the fbnr Chamber bf the Tn*
1 hT HannipW- i-
Chamber* 1 Mmeeilany, No 11.
Livingafe.Nein •"
-goag Boo?for the. Million. 1 • • Ist2s
ft -Sew and Valuable llookfc . " ’
TTNDESIGNED Coincidences iu the writing both of
U , tfa Old »nd New Ttftuuwu. <^>s^.
vencta with an
tnddeWs between the Gospels andAeiaandJose
-SruTiByReT.J..J. BhtnW First American,
fronuio eecond London edition. !j_
The! Errors eif Modern-infidelity lllnttrated and,re*
fated, by S.M. Bchmackcr,: A. M., pastor of the. first
Uithefcm Church, Germantown Fn ; ’
t>actcd Philosophy of the Seasons: flluitrann* Uie
perfections .of Cod in. the phenomenal the year,m
bnrwiMM.flM volume deroted to etch season, try
Ksy.HearyDeneanlXD. v- : '
Chalmers Miscellanies, embracing Renews, Essays,
and Addresses- By the late Thomas Chalmers, V. U
The above with a large
works, for sale low by . ELJJQTT A ENGLL- B, v
ja2S • 66 r i »*ket st. between 3 and tut.
««a**ftb®Be»»on;forlM4. .
Plover* Pettooified, do.
pnu, or Affection"* Gift do.
• chrotmms jUotKUD*. !
Phe'Pwnbte* illuminntedr-bound in Berlin Iron,
pbein* of Fla Green Hxlbek—lilmnlnued. -
Itooirb «nd Reedy Almnnnc. t -- ; ,
Tboropwn'* Seeeon*—eleyintly Ulwtfnted A bound.
, Goldonlth 1 * Poem*. 1 ]do. " do j _ —'
- and-
- | do vdo
SplendidPortrolioe,ofeip,letternndnote eue*.
rieranllr bound Pocket end Family Bible*.
Rosewood writing de*U tad work bozee.
Globerofd, 10 and 12
dc * ~
S—s graceful andelegwjt colo.
ed .rrtmpa, with deieripuee .iUoMrauod*; by Elixabeth
EKet/boond In acarlet lilt, and ralendJdlyjjUt.-
leaflets cf Memory; an illuminated bnapal tor IMS,
edited’by IReyneU Coateej M. Da MpejUy bound, ele*
bound In Arabian morocco; and iliuauated by Obcauu
edited by Mtt. &C. Edgehon. Mayo.. ( =, . ■:
The Hy»«inth, or Affection** Gift; a Chnctmas, New
Year, aao Birthday Present, for •IMB--J, ;•; •
The pift of Friendship} a token of BeinembranM for
Mayflower. an Annual for 1649; bdited by,Mr*.l
E. OaKe* Smith; bound in elegant emboeaedmoroeco,
and embellished with aupfrb engrarmgai from drawing*,
by th*l**tani*ta. . _j ; • . ..!;>• • • ■
TheToung Lady’a Companion, andj Token of Anec-r
The above, together with aiarge *ofplrofPoeucii,
floral, and other wo:k*.'bound iu the moK anpeTband
eoetW «ylev auitaMa ®t Chriatmaaiemd’Jiaw Year
Girts; »r aale by JOHNSTON * STWKTTON,
dc SI ' < ‘ eor. Market fc 3d at*. ■.
atcel.Jbc.- •.-«;.••:■ .'' --I-'
Anthoa’s Claaaical Dictionary; .. i ... .
Dictionary of Greek ahd Botoan
M’Cnlloueh’* Commercial Dictionary;; • ; . ,
lire!* Dictionary and Supplement, arts] manufacture*
and mine*: • •l ■' ' ■
Webster's Octavo Dictionary, revised edmaa; .
Tbd&’s Johnson'* andWalker* Dictionary; •
Worcester'* Dictionary;' : ' M
Liddell and Scott's Greek -• l . ...
Robinson’* Greek Lexicon of New. Testament;
Leverett’s Latin Lexibdnf
Ainsworth 1 * Latin Dictionary:'. '
Flemming arid Tibbiu's French Dictionary,
: nivMt'tThßnioyical Dictionary;
UnUaßibleDictioniiy} ..
Robinson Calmel’a Dictionary, Ac.* Ad. ' " . .
TUo above, with sgeheia) aasortmentofThcplogieaL
Claatfi si, Miscellaneous, and Sunday School Book*,' al
wavabnnand and foreale low,by' r
vrayaonnan 5 ; ELUOTTifcJSNGUBU,- ,
66 Market at, between 3d k 4th;: •
—■; 1,1 ■" 9ew~PixMic~atl<raa. •: '
■»fTLTO?fS POEMS, illustrated. Himfi'Wr
JVI of the Poetical worka of John Milton- with
a tndnolr, tad critical remark* on his genial and wri
ting*'bir* Jam** Montgomery; and one hondred : and
twenty engraTings from drawing* by ’William Harvey,
la-twotomntea. _j; V 3 ''i 1 ' ' ■' ! 'l- .
: SnscKa 1 * Gun TtfiaKor,—The four Gospels and |
Act* Of the Apoetlesy in Greek, with English notes,
'eritieid, philosophical,' and exegetieal: maps; index**,
etc- iogether* Efctak* and apocalypse; ti»
whole] forming the New Testament—For, the
Colleges, and- Theological Seminaries. ■®y
Rev-.AASpencer, A.M.., n ~i •,
. A N*w NOTXti—Uidnxmmei’s Eve—A fairy tale of
love. ByVn.S.C.BaIL-1 • ;■ • V*-{ • * •
Jain*.Hear IY.WTb*' lift of.Henry.the Fourths
king Of Fkancs"and Jfavarre, By O. P.R. : Janies.
Complete in four o*rt*.pan*r2 vols-cloth.- ••:■
For tale by JOHNSTON t STOCKTON, t .
|mB ' Booksellers] corner ofmatket and M eta
pHQLIIB BOOKB—Uittory of ihe ;Greei ReT-
Jli olatioa, 'and of (ka wen udeammkaa uiusf
fromibeausateieCiibe GreekPjfrloU toLiriAacipa-
Uactheir eoJmiry from the Tol-
wlUi muneroi* wap* and
"Km* wmi»? W f H"
’% i» Wifely
In CUM. /•"."''‘rteJggllDtßEESONi.
. ■ i i :• ttaurkttMMet •
u£U< u
: <**».
J .. ; , ~M ~, . ikirin,■wnlliwlo'
:^^ou.Mn^p.H,r J sa^ r r-
T* IG MSTTAL—W Hobs eoU bTut' (CflrtterffoaT
Jfjf"* I"'**’ 1 "'**’ 'ttmiaxtoCi?*
«» . , ...... ..
►LJ XT. NO. 157.
»tfcelorquillpan, and the copying pm*.-TO* me result of the; experiments of MTtnl year** -
devoted tothe manufacture,onan extetmOO'Sesle,. of -y , t
»n artikle -salted <to all the puipose* of the eOßsunwr; : .
3Trei Defection, ofihlaiwriting lakeoariat* ttthefoj-.,- v«
lowinc properties: Funstttf-ta which property tt '"nil
be IbiSa to sareasit aUnreviou* preparation* I It will .
fiot* with pertecr freedom, either,from quill .or steal - * -
otni, mid U-entirely free from nny corrosive qusEues.' .
CattaA-The color cftthls apiele;is »rieh»qeawuul
bluoblhck. It Uoeee*»*ry, however, to ghro eon••.«•*
necessary chatilcsl’ s . i
eynstimtion, require* exposure to the'air to unnart a
deep eMor. It must not, therefore, :b» L «wi«V «k*Jr
thernijrw'nt the bottle Is opened, the Ink will be round
tobeiijet blsbk. The fire* appearance wtilbe pale. --t
Batafierexpoxnre to the chemical action of-the atmos
phere either on papcr-erintM inkitand,u will assure
a bnlliat black • . . .. ■: •• ■•' 1
Pkx^ajocsct—The color, is nnalterahl© by the laeso ,
of will never fade. On thu account, :*ll •
poriahl records should be toad* fa this article, as yean, ■ .
oillT dhepen and strengthen it* unu • . . ,
NBl "Thi* ink is suitable for all kinds of metallic ..
willl I whichwu.. ;-
Mom*’ bin* black' writing ink, and la • ».
mhecFto f uidlry, brilliancy of color, and permanency* .. • r
belwvt it superior to.any ink we h*Te h«:retofore wed. :? -
.> A Taurston, enshirr,' bank of IxndsnUe; IVte R»«h* ~
amoHi' catbur.- Northern bank of Kentucky;. 000 O: ; >- i’
Gwatljiney. ca*hier, bank of Keatuciyj iLShreve, ~
nmidtntof the G** bnnfc The* L Helm, clerk of Bar- • •
ren county court; Curren Pope, clerk of Jefferson coon-.
ty court; P B Atwood, secretary, Fireman 1 * Insurance
Compiny; John Muir, agent Lexington lasorancs Co; -
SS Goodwin, see’y Portland Dry l)ock A.lnsurance ~
Co-j) B Chamber*. lec'y PntnkLin Fire A Marina In*-
suranee Co; JH Boomer, treasurer LooiariUo Bevinga '
Institution. A snpply;of the above ink, lust received
ifeir joiixstona stockton.
-dby” -
! Toons Lodles’ Benlitujri
j - utniimt.
TUTR. N. W. MErrCALF .wooUi»nnocLiic«xoiliecui*.
jjL ten* of JUlegbeny and vicinity the intended re- '
noraCafhUsebool from the'comer, ofSandnikyand'- \
Strawberry where ibr the lasttwelve monthahs
ha bisea teaching. On and after April Ist he will ©e« • '
copy roots* onTedertl.«tt«etii>*S3ploatdeßowIB.*i* 1 B .*i* •;
doer from the bridge.! The Academia Year will con
sul ©f two'sdsalon* of fire month* each commencing l ' "
onlhrifimMcnday ia February end -September.
• Jura er nous ; r*n iiwh or rtv* xosxss.
gnjiTth Department—lncluding Reading,:Ortbsgr»- :
phyind defining, Writing, Qigluh Grammar, Rhetoric,..
Logie, Pngiimh Kimnoainoa end Criticism, Geography*
Hi*ioryrAj»th»etie and the higher brancbea-ocMathe-.
mtice, NawralJ'hUoscphy. Cbemistm Astronomy... ,
Botany,Physiology,'Geology, InteUecutl and Moral
Science and all other branches requisac'to a thorough - -
Bjcfttbadacati^.v*!***;''’.'^''’'^'^’.''*..!*'^ o a*-
• fHifr* ll Department—lnehioing the Latin, Greek ana
French languages each an additional eharga of* •■ 80 Otf r -v,
• Tire services ofeompetentTeaebers are secured for
each u may detin to receive Instructions la drawing,
pUntingi and made. '■ ’
Tlu»e designing » eptat will find it for their tntetest .
to ido m u near the opening of the sessiori aa poadble; - -
yei paplla will be received at any time daring .the.,-• ~
session and will be charged al the above ratea only/ ‘
from the' time of entrance. No ‘deductions wOl be ■,
iwrfe for abteneee exeept fat care* of pro true ted ill tees.
Any information which may be desired will pa cheat*
fiiiJy communicated't* thoee who call upon the in
structor ef his rooms; 1 •• - Jattdiy. >
Reference may alio ha made to the following-genii*-.
m lhr. T.F-Dala, Allegheny, Hon. C. Whaler,■Pliah’g* .
•Rey.p.EUio«i^ ? j Rct.P. H. Ridifle, *•
Mr.H; P.Schwatt “’, ReV-H-Dyeri ■ * _
rpHB Iparmerahip to, long exuiihg taidar the arm of • i.
• I- M’Cord A King, was by mamal content dissolved •
ou thd ltt Inst, The business will be closed at the old* . f
«t«nH by either of nt, : using the- name of Jhe ta fof |
ifr*t purpose. Being desirous to.have our tmunet*.!
doted with aa Halo' delay as possible, we would re- j
- , -jj D JONG.
Co-Portneralilp. ' ■ •
JOHN D MXX)RD having issocuued with him hi*
brother Jamet hl’Cord, under the style of N’Cord
&Co.iwill continue the Bat, Cap and Fur business is
alfiurarioue branches,.wholesale and reiatl* afetho ...
old coiner of Wood and sth streets, where they -<
solicit a continuation of the patronage'to liberally-be-
IV retiring front-the old and well known film of
kPCordfc King, l most respectfally recommend to
Serttobl Icrttchll .
X for a tiaglo day •jwreteh, when
liner, Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they knew ,
who would relieve and eare them. ’ - _v;-’
■Tis 1 horrible to be obliged*) rub; and r scratch when,
alone.' but more horrible to abstaln from it, {for decency
most cScacioae of any other preparation in existence
in curing theTeuerjltch,and other diseasesof theskm., .
Aselldiscasehoftheskiamusisrisenmrathounpumy, ,
of the Wood and fluid* of the body, and where such dis- =
ea»ebeononr»taiiding,and the codtamucm affected. r
thwSy, ! if Sarsaparilla Blood Ptiltbe used
with the oinnncDt, they will cure any case wiuilev«, * .
and if they do not, the money will be returned by. i/r. ~l 4
Leidy' Most cases,' however, will be effectually cared
by Or, Leidy’s Tcuer and Itch ointment, -unless tba •
whole system is impregneied by the. diseased bumora.
which will beco«MetWj~carriedofffrom<hesystem by >
DrLSdy’s'bloed'pius, and the surface of the skin neal
ed-bydbeointment.^Price rrf;ouum«dSe.centa • .
1 Afresh supply of-these valuable medic me* itutt-W
-eci,cd &, «1. kj, A FAHSli?roiK t • ;
ifebd . cortitt A wood, alto cor.Sth Awood *U.'
, • ; siukii Bukttii DnuniiJU. • •
nruar M ZEBULGN KIKZKY’S, ®7 Mjf-, “;
«J Mt street Taos fine paper dm _
3 das common dot 3 F°» nxeullie Comb.Cleaner*,! *
doz E« Boilers; Idol Sill Spoons; 2 dozboooMMUrd ...
Spoons; i noil' German SUrer Spoony a do Barter
1 dofLncyToy Books; 20,0u0.Chin* Marbles;
edoxfinewooUenComforuiagiearwieryofwooUea- .
Coats and Caps; 3 dozfine French ''{H ow ,. B “ ke {f ; *
doz Willow Market do; 6 doz Sttaw Tinseling baskets,
S doz class Motte Seals; 3 doz bone" mouo -Stamps, 3
Allen* patent ReeolTing Pistols; 6 pairs common Brass
Pistols; 8 doz setts Chess men; S.doz setts Domino*; o.;.
doz Taylor*s : lipe Measnres; 13 doz fancy metal Toy .
Baskets;* U gross sleet Key Rings,-assorted; 3 gross
ChinaDocnl dol strings Ambcrlkads; 111 nesU_to> •
dozen Clothes. Bas*
keST r " ■ • •- ***■-
i . . aimosjaiwranmT.
WuehotM Cowatrelilßowi Übertyit.
j ' mranat. - ' ..
TWE Bab*criber having erected large *nai extencre
WoTkionPenjaylrmnUAyenoe, an nowmanof»f«-
turing, ftamoew widunprared pattern*, erary wety p l
Counnd Cooking Stove*. Hollow-ware, Plough Cas
ing*. 'Waronlboxe*, Fancy nr« Gnue» »nd Fender*,
gtcien do-, with eoperior range* for Cooking purporea,
together with every thing in foe hooee bafldin*une» e«n
s» Conductor!* Buim, fenpen, fc»
window too*.’ railing** Aeu on hand or nut to orner.
ptittsbuegh steel works and swung
Tand axle faotoky.
Biicljojn. l „ » «““•
JOSES *• ftmaoi
MANUFACTURERS of «pnng .«nd Muter M
■1 ,ri H. E. BELLERS-Yoor u une«u»ll. ~
JVLedasa “worm destroyer.” and has given entire
MUafaction to all who haw bad occaaonw n« it-/
Your Liver Pills are .also |*uus« ahtgbrepuialion .
bem. Yoon respectfully, Coccn A Mats.
bent. »oo«r«^u ra^mux oiuo l Jan?yaT l lMa.•= • •
Mr R.E Seller*— YoarVennifttgusellsremarkably .
faai. and baa gained the fall confidence -of all who ase
ie tot-mlto. the Cougb'Syrnp.: Youratruly "
. - ■ . I . . lwm GBZECi ' '
• Prepared and aold by R. E Sellers! NoMj7 Wood sh,
Sow i”“rDr. Cu«l, 51k Wud, S. U Cuny, AUo- .
cben'y. and Wmi J: Smith, Tempo rancenUe, _febl .
. . iTypeTPoundry.
THE subscriber* barb taken the Typa Foundry, .
No » Goldatitot, and -will continue the. business
lately conducted, by Robert Taylor. They will attend ;
to ail'ordaTa with poetuillty and dispatch. All th*
Type manufactured by them will, be Hand Cast; and.
they will fuxniah all kinds of Printers’ Material*; Qf the
best Quality. ■' ■
•jlr. j. A- T- Overend is still employ od in superintend* .
ins the manufacturing department. • .
Proprietors of newspapers, who hare not
for (he subscriber, who may publish thisnotice for three ;
• months will be'entitledto receive theirpny in type, op '
pure basing fit* times the amount bills for •
taken in exchange tor new at 8 eta per lb..
Ch&iles Whiting, i WHITING A TAYLOR,
Theodore Taylor, J .(Successors to RoiftTaylor.)
janlS '• Comer Gold and Aun Streets.
Oiriilaal <Bollvar ] - r-,,
.•EXPERIENCED.Judges, du a trial auda half
r, millions, arnce ISAS, pronounce ihisarticlaAttsur
passed fer durability in tie construction of all-kinds.of :
Furnaces. Wee 90,73 cash ter load*eflOM,guwr
ian teed nin« mouths use. Orders tor a second Quality
Bolivar Bricks will be executed at peril, if-so de
sired, without guarantee. Astock ofths
it now for safe at the ms^>
ual Basin,by:; ' J..BHAW MACiABEN
aestfiif . • Kensington Iron Works.
on PrtnUng"Pap«ivV .
JOHN H. SUXLOB, 81 Wood aireet,A«euito*©
sale of Printing Paper, for C- Sk Lsnibdia A C 0.,.
would infona hiSauomen Ott
advaned on vaga, charged4>r theft**',
cut »t eleven cent* per pound, or j _ ..**-«.•
Imperial j>rint,'22"3P at
STORAGE, Forerartiaf and ComaiatfcmMewhiaV
“ '“"hSScjcts*- ; ■■ ■ •■' '
Ateasn. gpaar 4 Co.; Geo.' >V', Smith k CoiTCftr,
Penaock 4 CoTlwni. & Holmes. 4 Bro.j lame* Paly
«H,EKHPi*ub«iTsb,Po. •Mctowjnacoiu.Htoylfc 7
CO4 Leeier,’ Senaet 4 Owner, William* 4 Wfifbfc v
Bnwn 4 McCarter, J. C. Beebe, Ene, Pa.. {JtSSdlm*
CiUNDRIES—ISO bofff prime Rio coiTee;Jso bbU N O
O Alolawee; 75 bole* mannfkemred tobacco; ISS half :
cbctu (TMa and black lean 75 6 and 13 lb boxet Y H
«sd G P do-i 900 boxes German elajr; 10 casks aalera* v
iu«; 10‘do. potash, together with a eenenii'Basort',
meat of groceries, tnaton and ibr sale by ■
, . jag CAKfIONA McKNIGHT, febat
x RATHER—OOO aides heavy New York Sole Lealb* ‘ *
I 1 cr; also 1000 itdes beat Baltimore Leather jurt.*e*'7
ee&edby i : j - ; YOUNG. 4 Cm. ■ y
lag' ;■ ■ HyUbertyat
M Erie' Canal Company will befcdd by tbectOek*'
holder* «l Ureir Office in the borough aCEne, pa Joon« .
d*yihefllhdeyof-Milch next.ulOo’cloex, *:». •
• ‘ . U. GOODWIN, Becy-r:
rCannl Office.
Belt leatheb—The .subscriber* Mre
ly on hand article hf Leather Ouitable *» «“*“?.
bdu. Vwfaieh theaseßtisnorißaffiiihennz* tatnTiua.
TITELSn FLANKEta cowaadr o» *“**■*: ■■
W rood* hba*e of W B MoiT>hy, S C,Cgm*r of.
♦Ox-and maxiet eta, an aitdxw**®* efahoTeffljw^s.
warranted not ,to*hring in waihfag. •
'* 111 I 111 111 V II IT 1~ I
d. a. toowr.