The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 08, 1848, Image 4

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    'S ■.
t ■'■■■■ SEW BOOKS. .
i ' mriE Cbtmct. T ortho Jfypocnw Unmasked;by O. £.
• >"J..-1L James, Esq., > ■ • I
- ,■ .Ashore; by. R Howard, anther of Ratlin iho
. i .
7\ Iv:. - '-. 1 - THe fiiar of the Fallen; by Cuma, nmhor of .Mack
Plytaedltifleami--i -- : ..
. v : • . .•: The Made Figure Head. octb*TAdy of Ctetaand
JUaeftr Cliailey Carey, of the U.S. N. - .
." Thcilsndu'* ortho'Maid c.f.*saxmry,by I<ouua
t?ianhope, LiltJ!nr*»e»f ,«o
. LeoUi* Lyutnurr, and Mr. a>d Mr*. "Uoodt.rhize: Lr
j... • MwLe4bc. -• .. - ; . ’ 3
' . J.otu!ajf Quarter.)'Review.
'■ ;> Union Magazine for December.
. " •>, Ufe-of JowpbT Harr—a largnmsrmiy. ;
'IVt .Motlrfr, t,jr UHvamhor of ‘History
-., ®l a (inn.’
,■'.TbeWlfulnessof Woman r bytl,e «atn.‘.S
• • '
•• , All J M> , n:V>r l! ’*‘ V<flintf SirawberryGul—a
•- r4^*; of Shore; by Ingraham. • ,
Koara, a pn/o talcum J S Uohb.
i, = , i -..vMr,Row | iu>dA»hton- I s»o};»>y| J i.| y ci/ , m } ;. "
■ •- x l y^jJ l<]o "' of and (li** Court of Louis
J -RowursPervotilGed. No*. 0 and 10.'
: ••5' ,r *^^ror.trriMofAnicTi«i.yan9.
- ’ Wnffaane* Newspapers, *ie<’■ «
v~; : -r. liOnuon l'ttsich nnil PictorialTime*,per Jnslsteamers.
• ••-.r.7 :i»W» r r. Jonathan. l*luladi<tpb'm C<xirirr. and Van.
i - - ace boodle Pictorials. For rale I>v
. .Ui i- \V r M *t CALIrtVELL,
.. ij.??**-, iju.‘ 3d at. opposite the Port {Mice. -
i - T.. . , Xa »y 4. A- & li. P. JAMKS, Cincinnati, the following
newnad tnlualleW'orks— - ;
~i a .sketch of the
' 1..... Ine'of Cdl.. A._ W.. Jkininlmn; the Conquest.of .New
- ■ • . MejueodCea.‘Kcitrui:}:’i» ChrcrUndTlipeJition lo Cu!i
-* i • • fc'ni 0 ; IwnlphanVCsnipaipi ngninst ih» Nnvijos. and
' ’ ' nu noj'iualMcd March upon Chihuahua nod Uuraugti,
h.' : nnd the Operations of, (Jen. Price at Santa Fr; with a
f Moa an 4 li graving*, by John T Hughes, AH of the
, • '.‘.'iMlJrglihealof Mirsoufi Carol/y. 4 ... .
' ’lfi store of Kentucky—it* Antiquities and .Natural
'‘Curioritiiu; Orocrmpbiral Statistical and. Geological
deaeriplitw*; witit awcdole*of Pionecra Idfc.Tuid tDore
*' , thanoufcVtiiii3rcdlUogTujililralSkeiclie*«ifdiAUticui‘li
, • \ed p|ou««'*, Soldient. Stnlennen, Jtirutr. lawyers,Hi«
•' * " to* illtutnicd with forty engravinrw by Lewis
Comvjfli^l. octavo..' . . ;* .
• 1&49; asmttU quarto volume. {Tinted on utmr while |»-
. i twr.embiUirhed with splendid meiiotint encravinjf*,—
. ■ Thu n bjr fat the mow beautiful juvenile annual puU
lished in }h* United Maim. >
, ■ , j ..Hie Foeucal Work* of Oliver GoliUmitli, M. II with'
. tuuneroo* vxtuslte i!eiiKn*,by the Ktching Clnb,in~va
7. <rioua*lj'le*ofbim3iof. >
• Thompson’* Bes»ons,~with iK-venty-aeveti designs, by
. • ■... i the I&cliijtff.Clab, in variona style* of binding: ,
Tlie Poeu and- Poetry of Ameriea; by R. W. Grit*
» wold, • . , -
The Poeu ami Poetry of the Ancient*, bjrW'ifliara
t A. U 4 nperbly boaml in Turkey morocco: *plcn<
4Ulf cim ' i
\\iui« , lPoetßt.iiiTanoai«ty]esofbln<]lnir.'
Gray'* Kl^yilluitreied.
» llemaa’* Poetical Work*, In variant bindings
1 " '2i4V w''" -.4-
. V.-**
Bran de*s encvclq>.edu-a Dictionary or Pci
roe*, literal arc nsnprjdup thehiuorr,<l*iierir>tic>B
BadteienUfieprioeiplraof miybrjnehcf human knowledge,
wilh the drriraliua wd definition of all the tn ml in general
.... . hm, (tilled by W T Urandr, b’ HB, /*e. Mounted by nu
‘'aerbtu ennringaon wood.
Aloe**'* Noel 1j Atnrrieui containing Veaulifulljr eul
-1 * tttd map* of North America,Canid* tut.Cinili licit,
.: Nora Scotia, New Snincwtck; Northern Ttuuj Now Mrs-
Florida,' T«taa» California, Mexico; Central America,
' ... Yttalan. jftit India lalanJa and nil theSute* nod Ttrriit*
tk* in the Union. ..
Neal’* ToriUo*—The hbiorjr of the Puritan* from the
■. T*fbnaalioo in 1517, to tlurcrolnt.on of ITbS, mmpriaing aa
' account of Ibtir praripler, Ar, Itaokl : Neat, M A,
. .miaed hr John OChnatca, M D,Withnitk (fcrtraiUooilxcl;
' la In TMconn ' i
• j . . Tb**k of the in'Tclatiaa to the Mind, try George
.; : iloor*, M D, member of the royal college of ITiyiiriam, Ac.
JitfCßlU Worki*.
, TTaalihaad IKortir ot Which male* the mao, a rery poj>-
■ skr JnctiUe work. |
. •. * . -
•. . ? t v .;
W 3.'.
.• *.y.4',' r- <
.*; jl"- ', .* i£\m i .
’■ v r—w ■
; ; -i#*
' *r’ •«.
:»M‘-:V. ■;: TVf-.
. -sy' ,< ::< ». ••'i (■':
•: • i
/- • - !V , ;: ._m. ;
" TbeTwalTe Months’ Volunteer, or Journal of & Pri
f Tale in the Tennessee Krgimcul of Cavalry, in ihe
Campaign of Mexico; doriuc ltilG-17, coutaininff an ae
eboStor the March of the Regiment io Vera Crur, a
• oewripihja.of the Country parsed over; manners, cu*-
toro»,lt©.'of the of.Comp l.ii'c: ac»
ttmnuof all the actions of other Volunteer Uctfimt-ntjC
: »nd » full History of the Mexican War Lift of the KiJ
' l*o and. Wounded, Ac; illustrated try. a large nuinlxrr of
.‘•comet; Views ondjtjau*; by Geo. C. Fur her, 1 volumd
octavo. /.i .. . . , t dec!
1)OOK8 FOB TUB BBASOST-lllurainaied
JJI/COUof Haered I'oetry; a splendid no penal i* to.,
with beatti/ul illustration* mi steel, by tannin, and !>
ilhuninatedpager by Schraitr. and Sinclair! richly
boand tn Turiey morocco iu»d white calf Miperbly gilt,
~Tl«e ChniUan Keepsake, an annual lor 1345; with
•plendid nteajotintteajrravtngs. by gartain; bound in ar«
abfaqne morocco, t
•Cbmimaa Blossoms and h>w Year’* Wreath fur
Lord Byron'* :• ** . «
Sh'aitpeare'* -?• •> u _ u
-The Poetical Work* ofTboras* Moon*.
IlaiUjl**ntl otherPocm*,bjr liowitt
“ Poem*by-Amelia. -
lkadley’sgacml Moamain*.
'Die alxive, with a pT*ot variety ofother new vrorki
in splendid style* of binding, suitable for (tifl book*; loi
■ale by.
Booksellers, cor. Market & :W mi.
: falnablt Standard Works.
v frrslsof the Ilea, betugaflcctfognarrstioiMor shipwrecks,
Ae.-" ■ • - v ••
Russell's Bpeakrr—The Juvenile Speaker, eomprofog
dka&wtery rule* and c semises is detlsuulieo- with a selec
tion of piece* for pfneiiee, by Francis T RoMell, instructor n>
1 The abbm work* rroeirtd and for «!c by
all ' Booksellers,v«>fcj«rj-Vgt aud I4d »U
~ piakosTpi.vsos ::
TTENRY KLEIBER. J*«lcriuc»M«Tii I’irmo Vt>rt«-s
IX Bt J.AV. W.MXiwetl s. No. Third Sim't. Tin
Piano* uinylm ciutuined at ott h<mr<. ;nul the Mih wri
IwrwtUiLi liter.:, from 11 to li A. M- .utd from 4 n
«, I’. 41. och day.. < . I’iiul-'f,'. ** t- 'Jd,'«
■\Vn..Ow undcrfijmcil, would inform ill"* of
TittnUurcU audviciliity tlmt w« have appointed Sir. H.
• Kleiber .Kile ngetn tor Wcelernl'cnii.y Ivamn, for the
anle of our Piano Fort*:*. front whom they may be ob
tained at our own <N«w York) priee«. _
. : N*W VnrW.
a GR£A.TCVRE;ter6irfneJ by the orißinaland.mly tme
ijjutJ renuioe Urtr Till, prep, ire-1 «ad sold by II K
IfBlK. ; \
'.. • ; Moam , i’*CTTHT ! AViVII.O"fL.rJ C<u, r*.,)
• • ; July IWb, 1647. . >
• Jfr. JUT, Stlim':- A*rw oidulj toyouam! ihearties*-.!
radons aselftlidd mV humble te*unj «yi« f»»crnf joaryustlj
t .|*t. n l > rijitf l';lli I hue deteirrd IIOUIS *) for J«ar»,
- adhering to D*rr Crockett's matins, **be sure juum« ngl'j,
• the* pithead.’* Meat of the mtuy preparation ofempi. set
«d quacks, lauded u> the skies, hate some wtuobtiTMmsoiee
younbltdrPi !sb»»e bee coffered lojhe pubic aud. iad-Hil,
I believe they will “sarme them all, 1 ' as thry are just what
• yo« leprteeat them to be T bate been afflicted .with Liter
• Unptaiat from my j<mth;hute' suffered much; em|4nyed
• Buy eminent physicians, to whnm 1 paid mneb money; hate
/ moeh blood) been vomited and physicked xJimaliq death;
nhvited£or 0 time*. Mil finally cisra op as incurable. la
1&S-? I was tad need to Iry y«>ur Liter TiUt, and SOON (JOT
WELL.j Oaeboi of which i inowsulßcieiiUo keep me e!»ir.
of mu ib tbe side, aod all lb* other symptoms for «l least
‘ 12 moo tbs. Tour Ellis are ato the best eatharlie I «ter used;
betnt mild. B«t griping a* giving mueb sickerte at the stonr*
' ach.Vt rite memufcH relief' I barn keptihem in my store'
' (a ll or 7 year*; »(dd hundreds of botnL and, bare never
' heard* i»nge coofdniat utiejed by anyone *V l® u**d
*bemi,They hsite *u{*r€tded*loo*» pill » this
Deirbborhood. and in a short time wiU buiuah tkein aii. .1
' canesUr racoomuid them to all persons needing.physic,
wlsether Cjir Liter Complaiat or Billions J flections I cod
- alder them ftrsupenor loCaluacl or lb« Out Fill • Respect
fully yours, t J I* Moiau
• UiUTlOif—Aa tbeje are olbrr.l'iUa before the pub tie
■ r*» » ien I Jeer fills, pemms who Waßtlbe GEN UlNEsnonld
' sak-for and take no other lima those prepared aadsoW byR
jg api I .PIIH Vn S 7 ft'ood*it between Third andKoorfls
' ** SoU by Dr.CaaaaL, Fifth irard, D M Ccriy,Allegheny
city.: J
;« DR/JAYifE’S Al.'l UJIATIVK. .
. We biro been informal; by M«. Uo*c of-neure per
' finned oaher by Or. Jayne’- Aiunrttve, which
trgm its mperioriiy over ercry other remedy of the
- "kind. SbebMUcnefilictedrdMUo year*
■ irilh RKCROSESm \tlllTEa\V hLLINUS, attended
*' witlLolceratioa? *n4 eafuliaiinn of-var.«»o«;iionc» ; ilB
' Ti«*whiehume mpe<ib«vel«-endiieh»r»fed from
1 '• • frontal hone «t the cranium, from both her ami,
<* WfiittiWdhaad*, and fr«n s©tb leg*, and Iron Uie left
tenoral bone, andfrotn ibe Tight knee, b«?»idc* i-tunfol
. <hfl«kili«f aaomberof the most
"•oareUV-“during mmnof the time her *u3ennge bate
'' horntytnn-P'ganddenlnrnble. -About three mouth*
■i—»» «k„ vbd induced to try Dr.‘Jayne’s
': " which hs* had tniaitoßiaftingly happy effect opoo her,
byreaurinr all |rain' tu •welling, and enuring inc
.•«• vicera to heal, while at the »am«- 1 fine bergenerai h wto,
•iaabeeeiaeeoinpletelir restored, »o ihai *he now we:gS»
•'SJlbitohre than *6e anl before ehe commenced theute
*» wf thli truly ealuabte prepauon.—(edt Kee. Fo*t- •
Foffcffberiiifermnutm,lHiiuircc»fiMt«-Ro«e,No. J 99
. -IH, rEKINTEA swni;
I Fourth rt. neurWood. ” • if s
JV. EELtOBaNT U npeiior io-a'l other lemedmr for
.pthm, Drceehttisy asthma, sad other FnlmO
MO effectless, is that the same proms* wboersumetwed the'
amofitu their frtaiiie* trwtean sgo still prefer it to all
and wbereaby hate been induced,
la try other, they bote almost invariably been'
disappointed la, rtcniiiag Ui* brnefft which wae reasonably:
aattetmUd Irma tba hitb praises bestawsdby tbe proprielon,
wad hatare tamed tor be woof J*f»a , tir«CTO*A«T, a
• remedy that bas brrer foiled to rrl.tfe thrsa, aadwkieb
mbahly amr b*dit»«u*l ka/rrsting pelnueary diseases
by Dr D. Jayne, I‘biladelplua, and eoUoe,
~ tfettOaßsrtf. •. 1.. ■ • mfoarttst;
ran* it MtirAU, a\i.arsv j.wbcaS
- i DVKdAB,
„ T >u - '(it the old *wid of Kra & Shepard,)
- NMbTilJc, Te*fcrec,‘ ;■
/arTTILL cjto' prompt and faiflp aftcalioa to the isle
’■ W cf Drt Ooodf, uioeefic*, dnd Merchandize gen-
fc- • -
.. • i : j4*rdOU« : .
rriHE Bnder»i«ttc*> arenow-pn-iuucd lo fureul. their
. I«nen>.Jy. wuii»ncscci’
. tiMTwill•eHOTaec«mmoda»in<ternrf. .iheir ••* |b cy
a.,ta>.u>»i ,1 “""■■ ( "7Jo BDANiS()N
vi."‘-T ’ ! laliberty *t.opp»«ic emnhficld
T» »Lod;<i.rta« fuitaJdo Uif
fof-aaic abovr- ' ' .. , .. < l i L v ~‘ i —
■; . ~-r ..V v CARD*
'• n «f *i«no»reu;i»r’*d»'» , b c l m P on;,,inMU - r3n « s
TJKWirf ~Knw Win*™* laqirni* »• imported
S&iS&SZS broad* and.
■plfcgpJenMbr . • e, f | M |r imilhf.cM
TKAW Ju*< .. rvcfiTfU Uom
♦FSuSSll'pfcli wd.Xt* \"T J*«W" r «* **"W.
( *priafiSJl^ P /> c * h 0«*« 1,1,1 Wvk reaa, CMspnang :
, tto>»*winr . r- : '- '
*r~'“ i Vj#.®;'J ‘" :* . FiiicOoloitfi
' •RfS’J r is”’ Kl.Fiaerti’ ■■■
.v,;.; •
: 'j^sssr,...-
.■ « tt ?sSsllSi , .wilh Jtreai <*re
- *• TW MJ* e rant, OJul will bo «n!d
f. br «•«' «T UK! ketlJiH* blll } »{ntiytrtfa« boose in thus.
.; v JaME*-W*CK ,-
4 j*£gja : wi,
' CTOVBPA*TJ“^ II .fbV“ efr/oiSnfSlS
OU>U»riP*tt«n>M«l"b" l 2 l "J ll i l^e ;ibtt in ■wood
r pxrr foundrst,- •*
A REptrpafedJo>*iW Cooanand Woollen Maehin*
xl.-er7 of event -deseripiioa, tack a*—Carding Ma
ehroer, Spinning Fflunev Speeders, Front e*, -
Railway Head*, WarperßvTwilters,Sfiooi* a, Dressing
.Frames, Loom*, Card Grinder*. Ac., tYroogbt lion
Shafting.tamed all aise* of. Caw Iron,'Pollies tend
llangm,of the Inert pauern*, Hide and band Lntlies.
and look of oil kind*. -
CauMing* of every! detenptiob furnished on *fatm r-*-
(jet. Pattern* made no order for UJfi-treating. Iron
railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for beating Factories* Case
Iron Window Saab, and fancy Casting* generally-
Onieraleft at ihe of J. Palmer A Co.,Lib
erty street, will bare prompt attention.
! .. Ksns to '
. Biteknoek, Bell i Co., J'K Moorhead A Co., G E
.Warner, John Inkin A Sons;-Pittsburgh. : .
G_C h J-H AVamen Sfonbcavillc, janlfi '
EW; STEPHENS of Whcelirg.- E- F. Stocober
• per of Juniata and J.A. Stockton of Fiusbargb,
have this day entered ime under style
and Gnu of Stephens Shoenbcrger A*Co, at the
Anchor Iron Worfe*, Wheeling Tartar the purpose of
rnttnuiVctoring irod and nails of every deaenpuaa.
E. W/Srvrma. R F Keogitmexa. J. A.BrocinriL
. j. Wh£uaig,Va.
Maonfnciuje all Icindsof boiler, aheefe bar iron and
quit*, A H ateei elipue sptings ana axles Being eon*
.nested with Sboenbergti's Old Juniata Wait*, we can
oiler an Article of Jamata Hon Ibnmted Shocnbener]
equal to any madein Uic country. All of which will bo
nordal die I'iiubarghpriee*. Wmboaseofllie Work*
corv'rrof Monroe ind Water suceu. '* nylt
jaaLippeacotL I John D. Wick. : L. K. Morgan.
IYLsrKKI* and Spade*, Axes and'llaiebeu.
-Mill *4 Cst,CircnlKr and Gin raws; Hay ani Maunre
Slanotka, l*ieka, Ac. ie. ’
■ Having completed all their arrangement* itt the eon>
siraetion of new machinery, and In reesring the best
workmen from tbe-cioat celebrated of
thr Fail, are bow rnaoefnetanag and will kecp.eon.
nsnilyo a band and for sain all the a bote articles b*v>
in< availed theatwlve* of the latest impiovemenu, and
are determined that in workman ship and material they
will net be excelled* They promise to prodoee artielea,
equal,if notaopcrlor. to any that can !*• had in the Hast.
They invito the attention or dealer* to an examination
of.tbclr Rtnck before porchasmg eisewbere, as they are
convinced thattbey will be able to fill all order* intbeir
Ime to the entire satisfaction of parehaserr; Warehouse,
Pfc. i
N. It. • Persons hrfvmg baimet* with Win. Lippeaeott
A Hon will please ball on Uppencott A Co. octMly
open on Monday, Apm Sib, focr doors from Wood at,
and next door to A-JaynoV Pekin Tea Bure. N
A splendid EMorfmem of Fnney Cake, Confectionary,
Frail, e.,frcfthoailie counter every day; amoDgwkicb
arotho followingtr-
Alacnroous; PoondCnbe; Lemoo Utaeait;
. Paxiry; bponge do; - Pepper Nnu:
JcllyOake; AJmonddoi Molanea P. Cake;
• • Ginger Na»; Water Jumble*; HpoageUiseoit;
Federal Cake; A.P’r; Sugar do;
Orders for lee p ream a, Jelly, Brides’Cake, Fancy
Cont'eetiouary* c., exeenied in a manner .une
qualled in quality and beamy by any other establish
ment in ibis city, j .
Fresh Bread.Twict, Bunk, &e Manufactured solely
frAm White Whraf Plour, and free rromnJldntgi.every
mandttg.-- •] npa ANDREW?^.
fIBIBI TAKES this method to inform hi* ffltnd*
■{ASBWp and the pttldlo at large that his Factory
- Xturw ia Talloperotton,on the East side
IIJM of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a eon|
tteaH .-staai supply of Winds, of various colon
tCOBRi andquaJitiesarceonttantlykepton hand,
■ N*. 4 Wood at, Pitabargh,ai J.A
CSV -11. IfhUlipj’oilelmhwaieroota.
Venuian F&tmeismailo to order in the best style.
Olindt repaired atlheahonednouee. .
N. B, His Blind* will be pul up, without any addi
tional cxepnse so khat .they removed in a mo case of lire or tor washing,'and without the aid
ofacrrtv dr ;e ] oetldlyAwlamly
TAKERS,cortter of l’eim and St. Cfatr utcvit,
o-po»ji« the Exchange Hotel, entrance on,Penn nreet,
rr-pectfUlly intbrrd their frirnda and tha public; thar
Lh<) arc prepared fo furoiab and attend io everything in
tin- Alwoyaod hnod t large as
. ?<-(liik*m of ftady made Cofiin*. covered, lined and fin
.-tii'.l imUc very I 4« manner, ail curls andaixca ready
' mu'lfl H!in>udaof fiaimol,Caiabnek and muslin, and gll
» ic* Kiude id approved style*. We keep n large at
-nrtiiicot of win f sad black, cotton, ti.k and kidUlovcs.
; for pall lieatjer* and mouroera, crape, cup*, cot*
[ tur-. &iid every thing neccutry for dreiatng Uw doad,
i and i.ti rcu-Buublts term*, as we pureha«e all our gmfo*
.a the Eastern cmn. Also, silver plate* for engraving
>he tinoic and agD.lWehaye a splendid new Learseand
b.trier.and aay nuSnU-rof the best carriages. Every
thing attended m promptly and punctually- octutly
.Vat. S«t aiul tHf Liixriy Ktrtl, near t-i* Ceaal.
4 L.W AYS on band and made loonier, a large varie-
IX. ty of Marble;Mantels. Pler,Cemie Tables, and
Jtuteaa Tops/roiny-Hfoite*, Monument*. &e; nil which
i>.':iigmnde of the choicest marble.and munurmtuird
jirinctruily br machinery, will be sold low for cash.
U I’rrsoni wishing to purrhase Mantel*, ore
informed ibufiLts heiicoorth ututer<-»aary forthepi In
C > East, a* I rturn,’*ll theta with an article m uli
m-jm-cu ai» end (freight. in*nrattre, At 3 i-nn,td<*i
c. 1.) o« cheap us iltcy can purchase ihr« far "i tiic
K..*t. Itall and
' WAKi ; . MANUK.vCrOKY, .
No R Mitrset sim t. J’iti»burgh,Penn3:
* pllE ■nt’-scr.i-t'rj .liaviug inldhgrr 4r Iniprnvrmrn
1 itrttfreonsirnclfou of tl.j’-'i iTKJKING WOVE:
tr-p.-ci/ulij- i-vircprrirrrtvffiliH.:? HicainboU*. u» «-:t
- >ii rcamiiii: hr;,»n- purcli.i‘aiu. ~ '.voean supply tln-i
elth IJc-h >i/». «H,--I'm i;re, flitu ~ '--Ty Ollier kir.d I
' opi'er.’l'i't :i-id Sfic't Iron . • cMary tn fgntivt
•<'? a M^atnlma:.'j
ut*r> ifiakt-.v* or,l. r >onrM w.'.if s
I'.*:-. - sits,) Chn-it' »r; lfo,-,i .... j: neam l.ncni*
*,«-irvri>' vnr>-iy<»i wui.ji pur im-. ■
MO j .SllllitlFF A SllllW
Jiaanraciurcrs of Viab, Uoitiei and W. (ilau,
No. f»' WOOD StKliKi*.
OUR ficiflrievliritix uvut in, full «;>enUion.w«* *rr
rrrpin-'l lonxnctii: o'rdr'ifc in nor 1 r ; «.. jiro.npj)•
O.ttJHE tlir U»! >iiniatcr wr. liivcai'-op'ctin ns«r
\\ in:l>>fO<«hi<>. (ihr most npjmivcJ }*mn mi*
!•-«-<l in lie r.w.) UV v>hicb we lorn nut & »rf* i u<r ar:»
;I ttu-jiNl entti‘floß xperfeeily wvr.t and
i.«e. wilt (i very |inc lumiv P*mw;r*'-i3>l dnalr»» em.
r*-1 >* urn rrtiar jirti lo call and examine lor
<4Fk::nsw;ake manufacturers.
/ Birmlßghjwt,(bmp lMtubitr||tit) P*<
HareAouu, AV>.| 137, Wood. ft red, Fittatrurgh.
■ *|j*XN WlLLcnristaally kerpon h-mlagood *«»ort
vMm ment ol v ßrr t of our own mabuiuciuve, Slid
supcnuriißltbcy. .Wholesale unU country Mei
** ctiauU art respectfully invited loeall and ex
tt.pmc for ibrnurtve*. a.« we are dele mined to sell
cboaper than before been ottered ui the pub-
fC/ - Order* seat \>y mail, aeeottpanled by the cash c
env refenwic. be promptly attended to. febVS
(ir«l Wertem Brill Iliage Mainfactorj,
. * GAUDNKRiA Co., would inform the trade iba
l\., they ure now manufacturing thebest Butt Iliegt
’ evcrjnadn in tile United State*. A* this t* our prmci
pic lm»ine«/?we in Send to .send out tu complete an nr
tide a* can ]»owt!»y be made; Those wigsgeilln (Ik
hnrrfwntc trade;trie think, will find ittoUieir intcrr*
io ten oar Butt* All order* promptly attended un
mjs • A GARUN Kit & Co.torof Hh *•■ main vis
Co., No*. W and fit Front su,
Baas* FocaDan»aiul<J*»Fli
- -' ***»> BxLLS'of*t<:ca*t
, _ from the Intel improved tiot
gf'lH • " '• ictus and warranted equal to
, any. Also, Bias* Castings,
.finished if ordered, ties Fit
lings pnt ip promptly and on
reasonable terms,
Ituac 39NKS. i i011)1 t. QtllM. •
MA N UFACrURRKB of Spring and Blister Steel,
Pfoigh s Steel Ploogh Wing*, Quoth ud
KlipticSpringv.ltgmmeredlr»n Axle*, and deaiera in
Malleable Coning*, Fire Engine Lauop*. and Coach
Trimmings generally comer ot Rosa and Front at reels,
l'iii«t>urgp. Fa. ' spt*7
iHON and Re. for tale at onr new
Warehouse, Net. 8S Water street, nearWood,fan
ning »Front. . • •
-Also, nn e?acnmeni at the old' stand, MeMutcPs
Row, Liberty street.
.Havingmade rrtataJiStlonsio the Bolltngjttill, all
orders ean be filled promptly,
novSO •" i * GRAFF, LINDSAYA Co.,
" T BlßMlNflflAM fi'U FACTORI.
gsscrscTcauuov .
Iron And Copper^Tacks,
i : . Atm
Pattern Maker?. Point*, of every doeription.
Office No. » St. Charles Hotel, Third street,
. foldi* •• ~•■{ -■»- Plttotmrßlu ;
TFT Kfetvinr. I Jsxc* K. Lsnus
MULVANY kCßDMKiagsaraclareNjtd keep con
stantly oa hand Cat. Moulded and Plain Plim
(ikssware, in all its varieties, at their Warehouse cor
ner ot Alarkeiaadf Water streets, Pittsburgh.
Oar Works continue in fall operation, and we are
conuamly adding to oursfoek, which enable* m to fill
orders wiih promptness.- purchasers are respectfully
coliriud local! and examine prices and term*.
myltidly j ■ -
Wholetale Variety Store and Looking Olou
Manufacturer, . »• ,
j. Canier of Wood and Fourth cu , Pittsburgh.
|T aSium received iro*fi the 1-Ast a large and good a*.
Xl>M>rinic»t of Vanety<«oDds,melu>ling Clock*. Accor*
drnu', Need|e», G«oc Capa, llaoks and Eyes,
Cutlery aud Cwulia of rvnry panem and quality.—
Wegein Merchants andoiheraare rcqsestedtoealland
ezaniino b-forr purdtasing sluwbere.or going ihu.
AH fcind<pfOiii,Mpbo*aoyindeouvoouLookingOU*
esjuiiM'iiseiur.-d ahd sold ai Kas»MH prirr*. oerJl ;
FROw the very, liberal /mcoarage
be;baa ioeaird liimwlf in-Allegheny,
>^r g **T*« has induced him to lake a leate.fora
™ —^“" — **terfnof year*, mow
occupies, in Beaver street, immediately beside the
lVesbytennnChdrcli..; Prom the longexperjeneein the
above busmens antfn desire taplease, hehopcsiomer
it and receive n shire of public patronage.
Nowon band and finishing lb order, Koekaway Bug*
sics, open and lop.'lloggiea, and every description of
Carnages made to order, from sevemy-five dollars to
•ifhtboiwrat.' .* -1 * JOHN SOUTH, ;
Shavlßß aad Ilalr Draaala« Saloon*
repaiatedaad CUadapUMir Jsharipgi Hair and’
Stiaapomiuig'fialoopjpths mudvra. style, sod an prepared fo
wiiloogvnltmrn at Ooee, villi earn, pelitoaus .
Thcrare prepared lowaiion all lhatmay etll withoet delay..
Thankful far past farvrv, ue ididt a coatiattaaea if t£a
aase, at ear &looa, corner of Uorna ttrest a fad the Diaiuoad,
fhwli of. Alessader J l>«y t » Dry Onods Blore.) ' , afl
Y ths prnpncfors ofUw VegstahU Fuhwarv Balaam)—!.
aanUificd that th« yegvtahia l*ulmo«ary fialma.Maval
ubW mcdwiaa. Ithaa been used U this emaptela
«aereo*insar>»lhC» bomalqlatof tin’fungi, Attended with
a smra cough, Ima of voice, sad fbt raUu of maeh b 1064
übteh had previously frnlitsd many approved pmenptioM
After atbg the bulasaiaßc weak Iba pauaiVnsroyttsraad,
sodbc-waa caallcd to speak aodlWy. This c*m oeguged
KONI ISM BBH, sad tbs msh U Mtr ernwed ant oahr ia
tta.tutjajaherlouhudatm.- « B-pretWkyymr*. .
SoU u PtttAurgh ky B. A Fahoretoek, * ot
fil*( aad wood, alaoeordxth kwood its. . . dodM ■
: . 'i V; ■' . •/>'
FLDID -ln robering tup tro ageoT the pablv
for this article, it is bnt eight andpt ppdr® italictatrili oa
which th« data for snpportu bawd *aouM bafiißy aadfeir*
lyahtforth sad tb*H*asnara&le«* b* gr»w thu the earn
-nudity will botbeispowd open by nstng tt.-
. Is in* first pise* it i* well knows that the geoeraCiy of
bfaek “ißk*” art canpaed of a preap*tale,'licld togelhw
by gnaAnhk.asdwbea the water, cuheriawhol* w part
is evaporated thegaiasndpredjitiaicare'kftasapastym***
ia the pea or i&kstead whsth eoutaia* it ft i* also
to-add viptgsr lo the-laic a store’to nuke itna-re Out*,
which iocreoscethe e*U t; sriiiig on the pcs, if i
corroding it through in a»«i hortliasc. NawJhe uWn
lughlaid”diSirrofrtaelbr* ' widures inerery respect,a*
it is a chemical lOrul on requiring no riseid matter to hold it
together, therefore witlaescr get thick, nsd being very Add
a targe quality flows from the pcs into a rma spaee penetra
ting deeper kito the fibre of the paper taui&g a morepenaa-
Bcßtstainasd oue lesacasily nosed byatiriuoQ than it it was
out/ phutered eft Use surfoce. ItatsocoatainsiioaaLStrilat
has an affinity for metalic iroo, therefore'will not corrode
steel pens—it will notmoaid, and afahowen it write* ufa
Waish green color yet in a few hoar* it fccdfoa a deep bbek
which will ruder* for Sges. Ili* Wamated superior to the
foreign artie c known the haoM of ‘‘ Arnold’! WritiM
Rtn»U,’ , andooc-third mdrrgma for th* note price. A*
agaaiaulc* egiiartimporitioo kind befog attempted
the following recommendation* will saffiee, as all mast be
aware, that the name* there given cuuid not have ben ob.
Gained by any mesas for aa nasronby purpdse.
Wertepmaxnd“.!libbeTi'sCbeaical \Vritliif Fluid” to
the patruoage ei ,«ib&e,vt'afim rale article in ail res
pects, it flows free from the pen without dogging it up aud
ts Ibe coarse of a few boursMCotaesadern br.ebl Ulack. . ■
BA Rampton A Co. Wsdraid McCsndlus
i Robert Isen.' Jokdnikrr, ■ -
■Wa l.ipptneoU A Boa S Wikatman $ Co.
McQuewans la Dongfoe 4 Fraaea BeUrrs.
i Bobt 8 MeTall, DouipV C a MeAnulty A Go. .
for ty tv Wallace,
Junata Rolling Mills, Aug SO,.'I&H.
Mr Thae K Hibbert—DcaiSir: I hate lieen using year
Chemical Writing Fluid, and find it a foil rale article for
Iheotike. it.'fiows freelyfrum Uk,pen and bceomr»'jcl'black
a’a few boats, * YoanAc,
T H TUTTLE. Book-keeper
for JKssell* A Brtnp’e,
* . FitUburgh, Aug 2y, IM7,
Mr T K Uibbert—lVarKir: Hating procured a bottle of
I our Writing Fluid, tome three week* ago, 1 couaider iliuU
/ equal if u4.(UfcHur to. Arnold’* or anyolltcr ink now ia
tue, 1 hnovrof. ' Kcepectiul.y,
. for Arthur £r Co
. , F'jLUhurjh, B<pt 11, IH7. 1
' Mr T K Uibbcrt—Dear Sir lam u>tag yoar Chemical
Writing Fluid, and find it to be a moat cm heat article for
•teel pen*, pit doc* »o< doe (heia nplikt the generality of
other ink*, it flow* free and becumceadeeii black in a few
hour*. Your*, Ketnrctiuliy.
CAHIt p ’
WiUJAM V tjtVi&fcktvtwr -
. for Julm Pirn**.
Pieparrdud nli Whelsmls ud lUtsil by Thom** K
Hibbert, Druggist ud Cktmiit; earner of Liberty..and
SmUliScld MrreU. Pittsburgh, I‘* Ostiitfru w
TII!8 If* PiuuUlita improvement
ba* how bees In me about two yearn, and wherever it
it known, preferred to ail other BeadsiemK
Koreheapneu, strength and convenience it hat not
'and' .cannot be equalled, a« it Is tleciuciljy the best,
Cheapest fchd most convenient Ucib.trad in use, and per
fectly piretf tt Sai nM
Tbe principal Cabinet makers and Turner* in Alle
gheny city Pittsburgh, have secured Rights to
manufacture and setl tbo article. - As there ere*purii>u»
nrticlcs ondimperfeet Imiaition* in the markrt. puiebn
sers would do well t* examine the cast inm plain on
which in tbo genuine. article the uame of the patentee,
E. P.Gazzail,isin*analdy cast. As a proofof alllh 't
is claimed tor Gamut's IV.-dstrsds, the ihtlowing certifi
cate from Cabinet makers well known in Pittsburgh and
the West, ta submitted to lira politic:
. We, the subscribes,practical cabinet makers and
Dedctead manufacturer* of the ediesof. Pittsburgh nnd
Allegheny, Pa., do hereby certify that we have bought
the right to manufacture bedsteads with Garzam’* Pat
ent Fastenings, and conrider the same tvprrior to nuy
fasienlnaa with winch we are acquainted.
. James Lemon John/U'tirew
T.U. Yoong&O ■ Robert Keirmsn
J R Hanley James B Rarr _
. John Liggett, Jr. Ja*. Lowry A Son
Lowne A . arbu Riddle A Urrnnan
ThotSas Farley Ramsey A M’ClcUand
JJavid Luker Moses ilateck .
jaa W
<icat|cc ftnydn
Ilojth Walltc*
J Mayrrs
J Ncetnnas
WtnHaiJeil J JtlcMasien A; Co
. • • > Alexander l.inm
I'or Riehu to oakc and. sell- ike atwvri* Redfleude
entblt, i'mraie#
T*!**- ItXATttjfunjurly of Btratiy, Sl’Kccxw
filV- t'inemniu.O.
Jte». A. BtATri }'.aiw*vtl!.j.O.
Cuia G. Coaa Nswlhluoi.
General Commission Mcrcliaati
iYo. 31 PcydraJ Strut, fit w Crlmru.
UIFEKTt*—» .
Mi-t-r*. Mania A Co. Baiilrrni. ? q
f r Jat&ct MHtrreur A Co, J *
t** lfcivid i\ fti.c A Co..\Jtv!i:*oa. It.
» KUi» A Morton. Bankc.-*,!
* > C.«ciaat:i.
A M'KeHi.i!, K*'! )
it -N Jvtmi-ic,', keq, Hanker. O.
1> M’Onfishi K IV., WctlsTil-r,!*.
. Nerd. I'aifcj. A Co, Ursvrr. Ha.
J.W is I). E--|. • troUi'T, Va
•A ChaltcsJU lo the World.
rjl\VE>;t I!C®La- r,i. |.« p «.•; :* *‘-5 f<:r.
J. Wlltf.CT'-J r «»pOt Cl 04 ’Udn » dr -
1.-illiut Ire 4J<r«r.r.ii wnii lloJ'i • -
fii-i**.. I'bavf i n «>i «a- i>» ;».•*>-»*■ c
n:iHf W.i.iiis uiir: vtsyrd i<» tV * wmi- i■ i '-ii'l*' >
»<■ •»> •- ij*». rt'-n' 1 - *•* ‘"'v * ’>■•••
ilsii-jr > »«:■»> v-nr-|.*-.«rr- -cr -.••• • •
lupt’O, * >.*U. .sht-, <«•- • • •■.•-•
A ... »•• j-i-.ti h»ur «•*. ii :m ::i.• C'r - ; :•••'. •v • " •
ru.ijrc. i;-:. «.!>«'L-.c- su.u-j:i i •• • » :•■•
r.'.-M-u; ,1, .1 tvi.: p-r ' _'.••! I -
p.i:’l , a*. :| r« : - -ce», l m>«c <«•> V 4 . • -
•*A. swi» o! *•> nl*J- tottr e* t--. r u .v. v»*
r.a;;mi!:.r.»M; ifcc«:N»n» r*'S*'-- •"••>*< *'•
-r, I
I I to. ' r \y"‘ J *:;
r.i_r, f:» ci> jri rake. sjoi‘f* , -V...>iu »i-.
t.>Y • ' f. KSi .i.j.kb -.
(liefal and Ornament*! Gift*.
A Ft\i> .*'»orj*«:ni rf tan*!)' w.i.
/JL»r«a- •
|iaii<l*&n»e iV-.r1.-i IJac*. and » th'tit cln*;-‘j
S!«-1 i.n ! |\-i e.» mU «.«*«•,
IvitfynliVu; {win meiinrarpl
Kiiamrlioi a>.<! i»r.ryl aj-.f cuii-t*;
Nnpolruii ai 0 pori-*->l- ml.*;
Osar ca«. », wiUi rrnni. ai.d im-J inrmrtrai.duaJ
Toothpick*; phiji «par ea*ci.;
I'orind**!*; (Foctrl lwV«;
P*plr-lore’s needle
Funey boxc*; Berlin iron hu«k'tU;
Willow l>aitct«,Ae. Ac. Now open nnd tor itlr
G 3 market *UPfi
G I*o B IS 8
the latrdimumio, and Geographical imprnmaetibi
alMthatmhrt'ftb*mo»l eeJcbntedrjrciuoQoicab’i* Com
piled fro** Smith’* new Eoglidi Globe, with tddiiioqt »ed
unprof tmnit« by Annin A: Smith. Reviled by Rotarll Park.
l.oniNU’S CELESTIAL OLOBES.cusUii»n 7 atlibe
knows ita/*; nebula, tc. Compiled from the wvrki of
Woltutoa. Ptaauted, De La CaiOa H»relin», .Mlyrr, Brad*
ley. Hmcntl,Mwkdjne, the In&mttiont of (he Aitmaom*
kai •Society of Loedou, &e. £e. F»oui Smith’* New Eng
lubOlob*. : -
-jchnilaadt Stockton bava ja»t received* few pair* of (hi
above Olobet, varying in nza,** (oUavrr. i
1 pair ItJucbr/iii diameter, ]
I "■ Of “ “ !
1»0 « “
1 u wmi globe* 6 “ **
American, Cbrwicle, sad Journal copy*
Application wui bemade u> ib* Prudent, Mima
■j[rn and Compan), for creeling a Uridgc over (in
River Monongahela opposite Pintburgb. in tbc county o
Allegheny, for (be renewal of thiee certificates No
117, IsjO, |(9, jn ihe tune of John iiunier, each for iwi
Kboreoof etocklnaaid Company. Hind cnriifirnn-a ho
ing lottoriiivUid. RICHARD FLOYD
AUomuy far tbe Kxeeutori of John Hunter, «lec’d
: dels. .
C'U^PAJCTNEBSIIIP— TM-* ’*, »u tut-
I Sib ia<Li associated Uicrm-elve*, umlnr the fum of
HfOW/l i Calbcfiawi. in 'the' whoJeMl** aiiwcry and
Ceiitrial Produce and Comim<»Km bu»ine«*. m No MS
Liberty street, vnd rr.*prciiully wiicit (lie prurunag.- of
ue« U.C p.Ui. i..
dfrgi A CUf.KKBWIW*
Manufacturer* of
. wagon covkils and grain bags
;np *Li* ueacKirriops
Ha. as* Soatb Front Rtreot,
Rack of 7 A • Bi/wm’# Cabinet Ware Manujy
ALL order* left with £■ ri. Moon, at the office of tin
Merchant’* lloid, I’iusliurah, wiU bo pinmpll)
attended to. TIIOH. G. DKKRV
acplO-dIT , A.,0. NICKKRtMIN
■ i carhiagks;
HARNESS JtAXEICp* Chrmut it,
EQCRK; . J'kilobffdu, I*l* of the firm of Oft* A*
khT^W*' l Witm, mpcctbllr ■(*» hi* ftWi
7"*““®**«ad the public, that b* hu and. will beep
constantly on hand mad far *al«, a handsome anrtant of
atflio—M* Camara. VebieJ** of all ttylr* and demrlptjfm
made to order at lha ifcwmt pnmiMr mtiw, aod eiaculcd a
b*_vtry hot maimer, ofw letted material, _ '__fcbxt-ly
■ riiM! FDEsft"fum;/} ■ ■' r
fT»HE ißhuctlbcr would reapdnfully invito Ladies and
A Gentlemen hMut vuTiinr Ptiilattolpbia.and in want
of fANCY. PURS, auebaaMaffi*. Hot*, Tlppita,-Ae';to
fiyo naacall befaleporeba*'flg«l*ewfcer* r ai ibeywiil
find t( to their advaJiuwo tad no mistake. All ordarr
received abail bn fiaithfaQr aacndod to at No S 3 North
TkiraM. above Arch, Puadelphia.
fcy Puft 1; Jtobtwaiweyi m hand.- - ■ MSttv’;
~i, DB-.tO,\ynSESDTS
■ ilmtiextravniuory Mediant-in iLe W'vriL
Tlu* cxtiact i»-]>wt up to <itart tvOle*: :!b*u tnec* clrcap*
«r, pimaator, ud nnuud cupcrior to tar *o!d. •* cun>
4'aekit without piup'tg, iidu«M or. d*
‘ r - -cut
Tbagmt beauty uut superiority of
all otbcrMediaiM U, wbilttirEmliealc* Dbtate it lu*ir)T
’atei the Body. Itis one of.Ui* tery fce»t SFRIAG
ertr koova, it trot ouljr puntit
die.whole jjßem fcod Unjjfilhem Uk Jiereoa, but h Cr*aus
Xot t P\*r*_anul RUh i><WJ ; a power pmirwd by do uttxr
iledwof. "Af»Tlo tbii UotUe graui *ccrri of iU wanJetfol
; aacc«M,: it Lajipertonsed.withui lUt p*>t iwo jcxn,n>ure
than 35,000 cure* of itirr* C*ki of Di*ea«i at least s,oUti
«f thoc; were u.QUderrd uKbrabk. Jllorc iltaa
3,000 c**<>oruiiruuic Übctuoaiiaia ;
3,000 ?*■*■ «f. Djigcpiua:
40i» csifc* of Geocrd Ucbilitj *ai tVasi of EecrQ |
7,0000k* oCdittrrttrt temaJeCmoplaiuts;
: cam'bf Weroftila;' . {
ljUAlrikuoi Hie Liter CompUint
DiieaM of the Kidocy tod Drcjxj,
DJ<|o caae* of Ooamimjiliou,
tod ThliUKUaLof cik» of piwax of the El.iod, fit; Ulcrn,
Lry«i[xrl*i; dtll Rheum, Piinptn on ihe Face, tic*. Ac. To
gether uutntrou* coej of Sick Htadacbc, l‘ain in the.
ndealul|ioat AOectloiM, Jke., 1 Ar.
Thu,.we arc »*..-e, miut tpjiearlncredible, but wc hare
L-itcrt irum phyuebi* auduiir ageoi»! from »l| part* of the-
United Stalei, infnnumg us bfetiroonliiMry cures. R. Van
lluAiik, Ksf|. oiieof tiie most mpeclnblrdruggLU in New
ark, N. J., inkirtif us that hf cin refit to moie tkau 150 cn
te> in that place alone. There are thousands of case* in the
City of New Vdrk, which’ wrwiir rclrkto with pleasure*
and to men 6f character. It is the; best medicine for the
I’lctrnSite ofdiirtr* knnwn. It ttn'doubtedly lured the lire
'of m.irr than , i
! 5,000 hUILDIUUI TUC PaaT Acaaoi!.
A* it recoored (be esuse of disease, aatf pi rjiared them A)'
the Summer wawlu. . I .
Usrran 6t*tA« OrricsA.
Cirri G. IV..VcCLKsN.or -rut OatrauSrans Karr,
and Member of tl|e New Jersey Legislature, ha* kiudly sent
u» the Ciiluwiugtcriibcaie. It tell* ii* uwa story.
■ i Uaaw.M, Jan. di, ls-T7.
. A year since I was taken with Use Influenza, and my wliolt
? stent frit in a debilitated slate. I was induced lo try L>r.
owusibd’s Sarosjiarilla, and allea taking two or three bot
tles, 1 w4* eery much muted, and altribeleit cutirriy totiir
Hid Sam|wrilla, I liatn cvuluiwrd taking si, and Cad that
I improve erriy day. I Iwlsita it mted my life, and would
sat In without it under ainr iwmiJoriHun.
. O. W. McLaaa, hu U. 3. N.
' , SflaercLa Coud
Tliispertificahicttßclushcly prom' that this. Sanapanlb
has {erfrrllcv aU cr * T . tht ftsl obtliuate discass of Uie
blood. Three persons cured hi oue iiouse b tmpreetdcoiedj
: TtiMß CbOduh.
• 'Db 1 . TownKciß—D*»r fist' £ I hare the pJrtmre to iaCann
roa tint three of my children Imre been cured of the Pcio
fab by! the uae'of'yoar exdllirui btdicinc.' They were
aiflicled rery aererely srlth bal iuuj hare only tabm-four
botiltei It took lbam my, Ibc which I feel tejmlfasdu
deep obJiraltou. Tom, atepwtfully,
lejao W. CttiJK, lWWcaiur *L
Heir,York, Matt** l, ICC 7. !
Or. Srimparilli' t» a loner iga and speedy
enro Air ionpicct Ccuumptios, Barrenness, Lencorrbm, or
of Uriui, cr tßToluuUry ducharge thereof, and for Uw gaa
eral pnistration of the syitem—oa matter wntther tl:* mult
of iohefeot cans* or causes, |>r« irregularity, ilia ess
% t accident* ; I
Nothing can he more Hirprt'ing than its inrlgoratffie
feet* *«, Ute human frame. |'er>*<io», all we ikons and
tade, from taking it, at twee become robust and fidlofrurrjy
under its jnfluwtcc. It iaumdialely rvualcncli the nstte
IcanesSof the friualo frame, srhieh is the great cause of Us:|
rcjiMtsi' f. .. . i
It will not be eipeeled of us, in cases of so delicate a pa
tnre, to exhibit certificate of earn perAirtaed, but we <kn
assur* llie ulSiclcd, that bnadreds of eases bare bees rrfvrtfd
to us. ?te»gf»t eases where Csmilies hare been without child*
rm, after using a few ‘buttles of tills intalnsble tusiLcise,
hate been blest With healthy offspring.
Dr. 2bvissa>tf. Aly wife beuig grratljr dbtmrnd by
weakneu aud general debility, and suffering coaiinuatly
by jwJti and a eeiitalidh ef Wlriiif down, lalliog uf the
,womb, tuid witli oilier dilßeullira, and hatbg known cases
wh«te jouroedieius ha* effected great cam; andalsuhear
ing it rectmuriended fcr such cases u I hate described,! oblaiu
ed a bottle of yiptr Ktlraet of Hamparilta, and Ibllowed
the direction* you gar* me In a short period ilmnuted
her eorapbiub s&d resionu her health, utmg gratrfal far
the beneals the reeerred, I take plecwre in tkusaekaowledg-.
inr it, and rteonuatading it Hit peblie. M. 0, ‘Moona,
Albany, Aug. 17, IBM. Cor of Grand and Lydinss's. £
Coesicns, B«pL 29,1W5.
Dr Tnr*s*nd: To all whoa this may eutreern—This if
to rrrlify that tsy wife imd one botUe of your .B*rea>nriHs
Srntoiß to her cunftacorpt, undrr :lha and alanning aut
slicale cireausslasices/lcitn; Lnmlleii with the drom, »»*!•
ling pf the kit, iienoes tdcdiisii, and eery much oebilita*
ltd ; with tuT |<rsusskzi, siii! the ricociocndsUon of Lb oat
who had died was iudue».l tu try it, wilh htlle or no
£uth, and it to txj , tiie medieia* lad tbs'hsppy sad
desired.eif‘4-t l nat c;tj ia llic heurs iif cuulineucnt, hut alter
U, O tiiiitstiou at week ff iU use, the dropsy actl-ner
sous stlVetimi ipfix way lo an astonishing drrrer. aud her
health is U-* Ullic tloa il hwl U«a far a (I'ug tuts pff
If ihts wRI be of <nf srrrii-e to yro or any one who
<lohfau tbo slitere» of me medicine, yon s/e entirely welcome
to it. ; '
1 subscribe mjself your tausl ibedictit wd oblijedl - irkul,
> Jsui.s
ThK.Li-'sel.if £sr»n'jri!M list bero rtprewly pnjured
in rekrenee to feiaala rumpla.nts. No let*ok; wl»o h.u rea
»„ ~:|'["u»e <h« isappm-sclußj liot rrdiral j>eried. '* 7Vi<
iu"s W i.-ijUUr it, ai ii ill reiuiu
pretrn'ii»« ; r tl’l.' ul tliu uiunu) SCO u<-rittd<- diw:iw> lr
uu» lie ed ii .- f»>rrsl yia.-> y> c*t;ig lil*mfilitiiw «
i!.»[. eio in.--' >•.— .•!•..i.-w. -iJi woi,^.i
*ilM .! ■' towiirtli n.MUru
lersklKx alto s ’***“'
■ ttKtft Tlti -4
, 'v-jf
!.»(.* tnrißT>«rvr..A!-.'i.». V«i l'i, t*fi
Uislr ~r 1M rt li.- r-iiflj.'iinl, ■ »
tb" i 1 !w.j lin-ltH 1.l If y J»r:f k.T»r»rt ,i(
1 ". .It. l ei «tl»r ir>cr_^
O-Uf'f wr««T.): >i'«l {"! w-'.il-l -.-irrirtify r'o-u.
.iwi.t U.» ur* jt t: .."M wl»’> l.j» p tvr., juhM lf.i u |
. i.:.,-, -V-. \V. W. V*> Zui.l
Krad the J*.lh.v»u.g, au«i 4-mjl* <1 ton oi, that eua*>iiuj
<_<j >*o i'iua pu of the vocraihnudi > d
r<-o ihat TowupniT.C-’arwaptriU lia» cured :
Dr 2V«*wm<i-- l*»ar Sir. l win Lutu. a lillk tirrr a
jnr ago, with niwrrir cnti*h tint 'jam in mythic It in
envtilon uir «»rj 6>t,'juiffM. two proutruured hy j'lij
-1 wit ■'«,« jo h*«r (lie i,uiet coniijin|4iui 1 raided large iju..n
-'i'l** of t>a<l inatlre, ha I bight and tinhiug veiy £*»t:
oj itortrrraid he could *l') nothin; 1 lor dm.' I trrul iota ihr
lln«pitai ihh"|<w of law; l»ueiiu»it, but >ti pr>><M»wed liter* ,
&» iiirunitir. 1 yrjn bow greatly Uiiiroard at ihw |«n;» anil
could hardly l>e«in» ; I HUB Uranwenracatrd, and ti|«ettii
tu die; !w*t nHilsiwd to my ,*u vbligrd to hate
■xtlxM indeed I caunrtl gne ymi any description ll.«t
would tfn jualKc; In my raw 1 wit tupjawed by ray (Viroiti
to h* part terxocry ; t had tried a grtwt number gf ittnr-iitr*,
winl all h**m*d to be to lui pmpia* ; 1 rr*.| of tone Bunt ei
tminlina/y cam |«rionued by yonr mtdieiM. and lo felt
ton (l>r (ruth, lj»a*j>>cUd there t ya» mrnt humbug ia thru,
but I wwa iuducvd lo’try It, t did wo, and sm veiy Ihuia('u)
I did. I cannot ,-wy tint law entirely wtfl, htitawroCtr
recovered at Ui hr alwiul bjj butisc**, and hu)« hi be entire
ly well to h fewlwrek*.- My and }<u(t ia the tide,
and night iweiii lux JeA me, and pure hut very litUc, and
am C»« gaining my U>ual rirrogth.: t felt it a duty to giee
you a itutcmeul til toy eate, to publish if you plriac..
froth BlUimty 17 Little it, Urooklja,
Ojilialona of Physician*. ,' r .
Dr TowaUtutd i» alouwt daily rtcet.mj order* from phy l
tician* tu different nerUof th« Union. - ‘
Tlimu lu certify unt we, *be utfertigned, fhyuciaao ol
IhrCilyuf Albany, hata iu numerous raw* prescribed Dr.
Towuecod'f Lilicte it tube,roc>f (he mot!
tal'ublt perpanlHaii uf lae BamparilL ifithetmarket.
11 f rctuto, M D
J;VVil*oh;'m;b, -
i • i I! BBaicae,ii d,
Albany, April 1, Ifrli. f KEutlLftpuu. j| D.
Thi* us to certify that we r the uudamgned, praeUru-g
TUoeuouian t'hyiicub* of the City of Albany hate Gtuucut
y jirocriU-J Dr ToiwmcuU’w Compound Eilract of Sana
artlli, and from ll« ku»wn ijualitka, would recommend ild
hr public Cir aicrcuml, tcrnfuloiM, and etherc uuaaou* wo
•no, io j-rtfereuee to any of the adwertiaed jctnedies iuoots
ua. AW llta'»tLUT>,
Albany April 3, WM B Srairrax.Tri
FrmclnluiTtce, IX Kaitoa »t| Sira Buildicff, 7T If; Urd
din- J- Co t»taU U B-xton; Dr llynti 4- Son*. Kfl Aorth Ser
ood at I'hiladeljdiia; ti 8 llance, dryrgiit, Callimorr; and by
principal drnggitu jenently throughout tlir llniM 8lalc»,
tfot Indica and the CausidtL* *
Wooe| gmoinee uulcm put up in U>e large aqture bottln,
which contain a buart aiwl »lfnrd ayitJi llte written wcaatuie
.uf 8 I'Tf/W.VsKND.aUhi.oirte blownuu the Olaaa
Kroro the New Vori Daily uf April 0, H 7.
A pretty lituig appeared tu the »tircts ycilrrday. Il wax
.Saru|dniU £ipm*of Dr Townwend
The wlmlr Hung i» pit up in good (a*t<:: *oqi« <,f the on>a
tnental tandM'U|« jiainitugaerc beauliful, which, together with
the wcrull work, ig cold, ghiteiiins tu tlw »un, made a ibow
rarely rijuallrd iu Broadway We lake lh» opportuuity tn
tay wrw believe thu eat.act 0/ the Mtr«iurilU duerrel Iha
Teryjgreat popularity it ha* acquired, •
Krrrnni Debility,
„ "■ N«w York,March 27,lB*7 _
Dr. Townaendl—l hutv been afflicted mute or Icm fur 9
rear*, with a dreadful Making iu the cheat, giddinea* in the
head, Inks of appetite, pain in (lieiiuht,andgrtwritl debility,
brought on uodouhl by tht'eofilioual heal and Cold Id which
lam tubject to ui ray butinea* a» a ejyer, 1 have taken oilier
meiucioka, luw nutenrou* to ntcnliuM, but with litiDuriiukuo
cm*. I*« toduerd br wluU ttw i„ th. jM,<r lu teyn berftU
or your tiam]wrll , a, from wlueh 1 fl.uhdgrtai relief,*! hare
tinea taken •creraliaore huttlrwj «ud | tIU4 unlie«uiin*lr«aT
II I. U» 0.1 anllOal h.,' cr.l „}
cheitiegour, aud 1 (eelquite adiffeienlman alUwvther linct
I hatetiaenyuurßatta(wrilla. | l.ircnow, betlernwwtila
. than crer I lud. .My wife baa taken it with theamna bctwli
cu! retulu. 1 wouM mottrarnd-it „ * family medicine
ceneeiJiy, and I ful «-neiuwd that if to tued thetr-Would nut
. cuutfharwlw M M
Doctor’kbill*; fijr.wlulaitrcitorea appetite. fr.Uo c i. c , ip
the.Uu.ach and lameU their regular bme;it krepa U.e Mood
iu a hcaUhy «f‘ e .«» »!'*» •»««« U not eolikely U> attack U.a
s,* 1 bi iwiSfteSsr r* “ “-“■'i*- 1 -r
a,«a ■ D,
5£TJ' ” ",V .rito«iu. or oywr,»._
. J.W
1Kk I “ u ‘* "' J «■"•!, >n™drf with
trial dckU..x.itca-< our dr,,*;' | „bui«d wmtot roar
"""“I athtw, ud itfortjil Jmetlj.lhr whirl, | rat
,ou |, ' V«tSmp«follr,
hetwf«» :u ud 4th .u, •»«. Jta, n’
‘ T ” U r '^^ D «'« Afirol for jiUejheny ei* ySifitjV*
ilnibanJ’* PiniiT fiaVnpiinr'
rjimsi M aiU.Bfcttd .Irpwt ield "dSrJrili-b*-
m * nS -4* l* rkcl • u,ul [ Q ® oMthtmicall* jwro f»rb«ntV of
M*firest4; i>M*eiK« all ikeotilical nualjlhVgrdu Gnnl nrt
paniKuu ofJW*{mc»a. without Uiu R fiablo to fom conw
lirw in (he br»w*ti;or fowtiojuriooSr O hon tSyJZUliTUrtf!*
*l^t»*rtrrd^hluhwfjt*a, p «a l f u | i? :
Dr« .IcLtM'« Woret Hpfelfl* '
fTWISUw tonify thut, l»y <«k>nrone via! of Itector
W ohr» HprtJhc, hr.liitil of iame« ybaw**
wona«f-«Hd br OmaworMhl
rqcdlciaea child otuy own niuxett 14 Innm ■jum. •
li i* truly ibe. moM *urpri?m* .wormmSwiMlever
Keen. I nmt h»»e twd moje .vul*,
• s • wm oilmori: : .
PdrnkbN «IDi»*Co,Noi V {?al^tffa.
—->*■ ■; ■j , ; •- \ ■ ■ ■&s»' l j
»?; '■:! *■? ■' ff, rrr
,DBY & vMCTY:6tiOi)&
•d>»t!mini yuiiuaißyHuuai.
HWt.WOD bav*tti» dey iccavedldireekftini
. the axußnctareit-aad ©Bar Cot «k zi2icm Ycric
price* ■ •' -." '
lease ot tbsse Extra -Superfine Shirt* manufkeiared
ei«te*sty u>r oar owa talcs sod warranted welli
■ . ■ L •• f t
t ca*e of Saxony and Merino'coder Shirts,.wrapper* i
and Drawer*, some very, fine. *
I case Bosom* and Cellars, toe lading Boa ins with Col-;
tar* attached. •••.f
t caw patentswivelJointSespeoikr*,w.ithlothet Good*,
too naoeioa* to mention, including blk and fancy
adjustingStock* • ■ : j.' " -'1
Snbn Now and plain Stun Stock*.' • i |
Bombasine bow and plmnltnmbaaine Stocks.
j»iit aadSaunTiea, nch stlkaad aatinCravats,with
our ca»e of tow priced Sfcinii winch we arc sure in
quality hare never been -in pricS itilUi* rity
We imeud to close the o'ove Good* o‘< l>yjthe packuge
and would call the attention of l*urebik*cr*\a our stock
of Goods, knowing that low prices will injure diem a
specdysale. II&KTUDD
s»wood «, ap suirs; * doors bclow/dd »t
Whhlciialk Dry *
xfOW o/ictimg'm the Wholesale Dry Goods Boom's
1> 62Mnrkct RUcct, t!d »toiy, IU» pcs or JUpocifas, tilt
pc* English Merinos.:! raws of Qreynn Plaids and Casfc>
jorrrs, )t> pcs French Broidckitb, 44pc>faoey i ca'U
tnerr, 0 cases cassincit, 10 bales: nrd, white and yellow
liiittnels, 300 pcs blankets. aeW style*caliches, dnmenic
gniglmm*.gloves HitdJttsiezy v to£eiber:*iih a nsrerat
Hssjrttncnt of goods, hlerehaols are invited to examine
oor stock, as we are confident U wlHfevordlily compare
wiih Ka'tetn stocks.ia styles and prices. V
de»7. ; .. /.j. ■/:: I'A.AMAgONJkCO
iJkTTiaiKTTS, TWKKIIS, ki~W It *M,fk-
S PHY IDTUM the attention ofilealer* and other*'lc
hi* excellent ni«onrarmof above goods, in hi* whole*
sale room*,up stairs, usweflasiu the retail department,
initialling— , '. ; 1
Dark mix'd SMiaett*;
Blu* ami black do; * 'j v •
Invisible green do; f
Satin striped blk do; . ;. .
Gold mix’d Jeans; blue nuxM.Jraat: i.
Gold mix'd Tweed*; ?
All of wl ich will be iolillqw by ih« piece nr Yard; a •
;o; on hind, Cloth lor cloalrn, and barred Fclimc do, f< r
i. ning* . - • • drvO
B«w Arrival. f ' the balance ofour fail stock oflNUl >
UIifIUKIIGOfUG, coii.prisiug lb, following k< lv^a:
India Kabher. Long overcoat*, tack overcoat*, short
overcoats, cafjea wiuioui aiceycx. rape* wilbeleeves,
poncho*, leggings, bai«,eamp blankets, home cover*,
tm veiling bug*, *addle lia*«, gun cover*, provision bag*,
•team boat backets, air pillow*, air air bedr,
Img rock*, tor iho ladle*, and enaiinea; ail-of which we
haven complete a*aoraa«uUliat weolfrrwhole«ale or
retail on the loweaipon bio terns, at our India Kubbvr
IkpoLStroodtueou . 1 ?■
nvfll _ ; J k HJ > HH.TJi > g
rffUpwn-xtniKKiLß* shawls-w e
I? have ja*t rtceiveda large additional sjpply ofextra
Frenclt’Toikerri;sbawlv Aa these roods are very
scar re, wo would, respectfully; ip vilo.Ulo Julies yvcail
and examine our tlovkia* we are oelllrir them very
low. . . ALEXANDER* DAY ,
prCS ' - 75 market M, N W cor diamond
JUfiO* lIH3EI vSb per KxpreM at ZEDUIoN KIN
SKY'S New Fancy Score, «7 Market street—
. t> dor Cord* and Tassels, for Ladiev’Cloiaks;
P •“ « Dents 1 *
<• pcs Scarlet Silk Fringe, S| inch wide;’
it •* Mar “ . “ :
a *♦ “ I inch ’ “ :» r
With a large assortment nf other colors. ■' dell
AdsrtsACs’s Kiprcas—
Sanersuper Eariiih Drab Cloth; S'
l)o do "3m IVarl Drab Clotki' forpver, be
and sack coats; which will be mndptoorder a
the shortest notic&aiiil most reasonable'lehns by 1
dell - 70 wood st,sdoors ahtnrr dih
■fYREbJOCboS—VYc have Just rrcrireu by cj
XJ press a very, handsome lot-LadicJ’ Dies* tiuodi
eoutminyof— v
toper embroidered Catbmcre Holies; :■
l)o Itrocadc do;
Pmepbin Oathine res.abeamifal article/
Cain and Cashmere plaid*;
ji*9 73 market st cor of the diamond
L'JjANHTkCs—ited.-flrowii and barred Flannel!
A An additional supply received irom Die maitufuc
lureni, Also, a few pieces lowpriced Catfiueui; to
•a!<-by . ObO COCHRAN
__*pllJ ‘ ,'sfiwnod«t
_OII. fcj l TlA>—l .erm i>up«rboe and nie*iiain. ntiu:t
Oond colored KrigltshMlstiaMOst received diicrt from
tmporteis by - bUACaLKXTAj WIIITK
clctO- ‘ _ :(09 wood ft ~
bINDINU— t-j gross figured mohair and silk oter
coat llimllne.jnst rcc’d by Urrenc A to’s Ex pit »,
m-tl| days from Philadelphia; -or-saie by S ' ’
delß . i|o9 wood i ;
RiAIiKKLB l ¥unifuLini ’
RED. white Will yellow ftatweH; *Uo,ft large lo of
heavy twilled flannel*, just rcc'd* for »aJe very ehe ip.
<VI7 7fi market i.!N W eyirdiamnn I
Cumumptivts,.nmtrubcr thai U is Tltompsun't
Compound Syr»p of Tar and il'iiod Jfap
tha which is daily effecting such re
markable cures, u» i
Ailhma. Bruoeiiiiit, ? pitline of B ood, Paia in the Sidt and
brr«»t. eorc ‘I bruit; It.*—-me*#, Pslj.utwn of the
Hrsit. 'V keeping C*B ( b, Croup, Hive*,
.Vrrro«» I rcsu>i» ..<rer Cvtspbrat
- an) Di*ra»'il kulurv*. rl£. T
'I t|2 K'.T.rOl K, fan. .re nf,.> .purum. m lium of Tar or.
1 i<>|.Uii si uiiulU-u. vrr alrruu-t }
M. S I', i hnina.4l Dnr 9 r- - i lie miimudiing IwucGl I
Mif «vj<r» neni from (hr ur of jour tauiiMiud S) rup-if
imt »t.u N.piha rrmlrr. il my duly tu mivnu jou oi it. I
ta'l la rn l.u.g alflifUd villi a vrry Cttit r.'ugh.Jrautmg Mrcrc
|«'Hr li.r bm.|, with npp:ta< ou. ilißidtiil) ol
in!' and )<>•> u( iippriiU I'S-ng varioui rrmciiir* V(i buul
• liil . I !>nur «!..-□.« J, | lirird of jour but tv
».» .i 1., i*;.nt t b«l b i^J'lli;
" a; .• ITI j • Miii-nl to • I j •’! ) -ur
I s }
...I- >' and
I l,vl U 1.., Ut.» butl.n, I \\Jt <\,n,
f-. <■ 'f (-r tli* b*n*-fil I \\i* akot* tri
J.irfr, .'rrrl . l. ?
, 1 y I , KtV'> v 7.
•S/iti an‘jth*r HrmnvTcabte
T.rjblr j’a , K'*
A!>Kl » : f j*vr« m.f», m AtnUi
- r v!.r!j ? lii./tV- y.f«-
tmj-l.’-nu v.' a *>»--•> '*'<■* Ir.^-UUj
•|..njnj <>t sWit !>*.> yc»f* 1 .coili.w
alv mru*n .nlo »tiVrl i IHt Vir ']tt a inir»Lbl*
tu-fftl t<ts«a loadrrtwy wlu4. from lm»
, U >im» my w'rc store ur uaul at !• ojlii
. li.rt ti cif*o-d to »wli a- >!'{|ii:c, (It t»o>j>Ps of l n»
«<>« ausui»i.i.4. t'.iit lor * wfcol, j»»r 1 was
vu4i:r iu*i'#iiU (oaay iMunia, Uarir* thi«h»»« 1 t outwit
• d «im : l)lr jJ.y.t «.i<! i*UrniW Uj ih*n*' prcwripbirus,
I’ui :iJI ib<«r.»iH|) k J w>hv»i u-g i.) prix-tirc mt r*l oH
ji icoj;;U il>*y r*£v«!i«l wj t»cov«.») ucu’iiiijr hufwlrM 1»
lUn ccwd.limi J .w , »i|...mrd <*4 Ui« u uuty effects of
1 luaanm'i i'omi>.H<i<i f*, tujiof 'l urtud Wuuij issptbsi it •
nor *MWit«*ba<iiHni» i. mtur, and (bough 1 Itkd'gmll tip all
rt|»rlal.oes ofa.*ctoW) <i| jay tifairt In'* th by hup—
jrrl bring •■.•• ugly a.ltikd to try (bit tni-dictM, 1 MS
jil kr;m pr»**ikd uiuo t.ids sn, sad I laiyd M*, 1 !* »ji
ibid by th< use of mi Uiitbiiaj bsslth muk«4,aa
Tain iwwab.c to alirnd ki bniiaca* with ms milch taCilkj *
uniat. - _ . UKNKY aIYttHS.
Of PichiasotiTowaihft
I'rrparrd ou!y IvAJitJAKY fc DICKjUN Sifts N.&-
eorurr of b'tflh anJ Sprue* street* - j
Ko-d by L. U ILCOX. Jr rilUburgV, a|id rrspeetaMl
Drugs £»ucrally,' Pfit* Lfl el* ,yr Out dbltsr par buttle,.
t AUTJO.Y— Bfwarr of iotilaliana, aiul 1
«i‘i C<>uij>cmml Syrup of tar &uin;aoa< bat aJrnlM<
agents. or of übore the sojpaciouof draliug in Mtr
trrfeiti. ) dseltU im .
TIIK. best known for cleaning and whitening
the Tcclh,itrengtfccnmg the «am*, sweetening the
breath, An. It should be used every night with n still ■
brush, anti the teeth and mouth will only requireaslign
washing. in the ranraing. Wet the brush wtlh-waim
cold will answer, and ruh it a fter nows on
the pa<u, when enough will adhere fbre.eaamg the
teeth. . It leave** delirious laite in the mouth, and mt
part* a mo*t delightful fragrance to the breath. It stands
unrivalled as a pleasant, rSeaciotts, cotiveaieut, and
dfnuißcc. Itis watraatcrl not to mjuc ibe tcclh,
botto preiervethem. ’ I.
a lly using it regularly, it will remove the tartar and
prevent ns accmnulalion-~prevent the toothache
ktri-ngthen the gums, aud prevent all diseases 01 incm
Chetaisu, physician*, and the clergy recofamend it a
decidedly superior to' every thing of the kind in use.—
A«k for Sherman's Compound Orris.Tboth and
observe his signature is attached to
Becotmaeniitrlhy Dr. Cavil*, isl UmadWay.oaeol
our I rest Drntisis, and by mo*tof the old esuhlUhed
ones in the Untied States, and rvcp Xtensively *u*cd
hy the Nobilitykif l-!nglaiid and Fr*’>s r !
A large proportion of the disease. ( hataHUet mankind
ari«e from some derangement of tbt stomach or bowels
which a timetr use of-the'CiiUn'tik Imungrs would
entirely obviate. IVrsons nf bilkus habits should al.
ways nave a box ot jiund, and take a dose whenever
they feci the leastdcrangementtatheir health. AJodi
cmxm use of tirese Lozenges would prevdiit thousand*
of eases. .1
I Fnfiiitx WM. JACKSON’S, corner riftVoodand
i Li)«iiv_*r« ; ■■ ■ ; dcctCi
LAUIICj* VV ho U*e Common I'lrparrli C-nalk,. are
often not nwore how frightfully injurious t it lo
the shiu! huwcearfe, bnw rough, how ration, >iliow.
awl unhealthy the «km appear* alkir using prepares
chalk! - lloimle*, il Is injurious containing *large quaD
lily of lend. We hate prepared a beaititful'vermable
orticir. which wc call JONHS’* SPANISH UIA
SVIIITK! ll it perfectly iuriocent. being purified of all
dolcierioH* qualities; and it imparts to theikin anatu
raJ.bcalthy,alabaster,clear, living white] aUhetame
time acting as a couneticoh-$e skin, making U*ofi
and tmootlt. , -i . .
Dr. Jame* Anrterwn, Praedett Chrmirt of Mass*
chnscli*. saym “AAer analysing Jonr»'* Spanish X.illt
While, I fiuii it po«*c**eji ihe most beautiful and natu
>al{ oJ iLo tamo tiian innocent while Jiover taw. I
mm«nly can conscientiously u*ctoa|]
whore »kin requires bcaultfying.” . t
JO*lViee 2icent« a bo*,. ,
< 1&-Suld by- WM. JACKSON,at hi* Uoot and Shoe
Siorc.M Lilwrty *ircet, head of Wood, at the ilgn of
ibelhgpoot. _ _ jvh
Lndi», tadlr<, I’m a»toni*hed,
When you know that y<ra am promised
A natural, lift-like, •nnwy while,
That you will »till u»e common chalk,.
And lookn deathly yellow fright, i
The theme of laughter tuid of talk. }
If you would. u*c a tax bfJONK’SLUly.wliiusU
would give your ►kin au alabaoteryrl natural white,
ami at the tame time elcnr olid impiove'it, fold a|
JACKSON’S, t» Liberty «L- Price:» rente per Uu.
rpKITER, ITCH, SALT HIIEUfti. Ac—AMio would
X lora-MDifln day M-.iatch, wli«n dtil'clrd with the
Teller, lusb,nroi]iri tli*co«e« of the skin, if they knew
who would relieve and euro them • j
Tie linrribir Jo tie obliged to nth nut) rcrmch when
nlonn. I'Ut.tnore horrible to ahrtnin from it, (for deeenry
-ale,| when in company, Let it he rcaiembi ind Ikai
i)r. I.KIDV’S 'JKITKK and ITCH 01NTMK.VT lau.r
nm»l cfficnciiwn oi any other jmparntiou in.efiHence in
curing the Tetter, Itch,ami other «ii*ea«rti of the akin
A* atl<hsrn«e»of tberkin raumumc from jhe impurity
of the blood and Baidu of the body, and whom Mru di*-
M»c hp of long standing, and tlin coiiMitatfnn. adccicd
thereby, if l)r. l«eJ4y’<* Sarsaparilla l Hood pills hr. u*cd
with the Ointment, they will cute oriy 'cnsft whatever,
and if they «ta not, tho money will be reiithmt by Ur.
(jcidy. Mart ensev, however,will be efff.ftmully cmnl
by Ur (•cidy'r Tetter ami Itch ottlets the
.whole system i* iho.dtaeared humors,
'which will he completely carries olf from the vyaumby
Ur Ulood PiH<,and the surface of the akin heal
ed by tho Oictment Price of Ointment 23 «enu. • For
gate by DA FAIINEtfroOK A CO
oet’JO c«r woodjlt fionl ata
kIIORGAN’tf CUUfJII SYRUI*.—If pruned to be the
iVI great Panacea in earing wjrehtldV duirpeiUig
COIJBb fnm liw Tcmpertneo ’l7 .:
'' Cooau Situr,—We arc noUn the habil of pnßng,
touch lew uthiug Parent Alodicinea, but, wufireldMpaaod
to recomincntf Mprxau’oSyruptojboae whoareal&jcied
with a cough. .After having tried tho usual remedtea to
remove a constant and diairereln* cough, lhar hatMhr
Mvsral days one of our ebildren, without
ee«*, we wen indocsd to try Alorgan’* Cbugh Synip,
and by livelier wad obtained m afewhoartl It proved
to be the panacea in this case at least. .
Prepared whoteule aetTretatt bjr the prabrieMCw'^
' - • y ; •• iWft'MjpiaE&BtoC-j
Mli, u «or bokrer diaßftadAj, 1
ifcapi 1547. -fiSaa^ss
tween tittsburgh and the ka&tekn
method orcarrying urcd l.y this ions
X Established; Line, fa no* »o well kcowu ihat ue-
Kiipiipms unnecessary. (ioods arc not touched on the
route, thus all-transhipment or extra bundling is «a*cd.
The Boats are of light draught addperform iheinnp*
in from six to seven days. ,
The eapaeiiy of oar Waieb©u#es.enablei a* to store
thy consignment*made tout. Receiving,storing, and
advance* Tree'of charges.
Being fully prepared 10 mace sales of I'mdcetvws
respectfully solicit consigruncuiy or western Flour.
CarQDj'Luni,Boiler, Cheese, Wool,Feather*, and *itbei
ancle* for rale, oh which liberal advances will ‘x
made arid olher usual,lacilHies oflhrdfU, pledging bur
selves that any bir>i;!e'-i eniruMcd tn q* *TiaJf »<* a*
promptly executed and upon w fair terms as by any
other boose. JNO McKADDKNACo
- Coiull Basin, 'l'iusbimA
’ • JAS* M.I>AVISi*Go . •
mehttf tfE> andi'd Mnrkei »t, I’liilada
&BBH “ 1547. fStSSiSS
1j»OR ihr transportation ofFreight beierern IMishutgii
: 4od the Atlantic Cities, avoiamg transhipment on
the «ri>\ and the conawjucni n*k of delay, dairiage,
breakage and sepanuion of goodt.
‘ No SliMarlfet street. I’hiiidelpbia
; Cbr Penn and Wayne sts, I’iibtbursh
O'CONNOR A Cb, North street, Baltimore l . .
..W *ii T.TAFSOUTIV»I?oMh»t, N. V. i A^ nw
Encouraged by increased business the Proprieinr*
have added to their stork nud'-extended their arrange
menu duriug the winter, nnd-areno*. prepared tp ior
ward with regularity and dispatch.unsnrpa«« d
by any other line, tfheir long experience as cnifief*,
the palpable superiority of the Portable.'
and the great capacity and convenience/*/ the ware
boase* at each end 01 Urn lute, tire peculiarly ealaua*
ted h> enable the proprietors to fulfil iboir engagement*
'and ucioiiinuxiate ibeii ru'iontn—coiiGdoutlyuflerinj;
. l/r past as a guaranty for the future they respectfully
soHcitaeonuiiaauccoi tnatpauwpugc which*
gratefully acknowledge. I
All consignments DTuafo A O’Connor will bo rcc d
nml forwarded. gtcontbout charges paid and ililix ot
lading tran-naittrd free of any charge lor Commission,
adsancingorsiorage. Having no interest directly or
indirectly in steamboats, the infrrrst.ol the consignor*
raoMnoecsiarilv be their in snipping
wrst,and ibey pledge ihemselves to forward all good#
consigned to tliem promptly-aud on the most itdvania*
genus terms 10 the owners.
;Marrhl,l&*7 ._j • mare;
Eail Beater Puini and Bri4gewater t
Proprictoi and Agent Of steamer* ,
baity skrirEVß htthbubou ab» bkatxk,
/ITTJLL bopicpared on earliest openingof cmiainav-
W igation la receive property at hi* wharfboator
in warehouse, fur all points on Erie Kiicnsrnn, Cross
Cut, and Onio Canals; for all pons on Lake. Erie and
upper Bake#, os also to forward produce, c .by.l’enn’x.
Improvements. Apply toot address
icbif4-tltf JAB .UICREV, neitv^T
YkdkpehdjekT v on v am.K
jgil& 1847. - timssM
koh rm4‘i'RANHronTA.TUiN of I'Ruuuri-;
; • ID-Wiilujul Trajubipau'ni—Tf? . !
Unod* consigned ionnrc|rc will bo fo.-wmlrj kith- -
oni delay. «l ilie towcai current rale*. Bfllri of Ladtiij*
transmitted; and at] tortraetionuproinjuly attended to,
free Crow any extra ebaryeftor nompe'c.r enrsnielion.
Addrcss.oraat-lv to *•< A McAMiLTYACg j
1 Canal Ra?lu,ri:»i.’u|K*i
sio Rauf. j
Haring a large atui eornnwlioiu w*re‘ipu>g*.
ilarni* * »erv lnrß« eofmi* ..rr'i^u.
we are prepared to receive (in feldilinn 10 fieirln fiv
■iiipmeiit) alarec amount ofProdoce, &<?., on Montreal
loir rue*. (marti) O A JiIeANULTY
■ pickwouTii» co’B Lime. ;
iJXCLUSIVLLY for the muntwriatioji of yfAY
J FltKlfillX between Bimhdrgn, UUir»vitlr,
lown, Holhdayaburgb, Watpr.tiireet, i’clttßl.'urfili: mid
ull ir.tcnncdute Places.
OneßostwillieavethewareboaseofC A McAtotiy
A Co., I'iiiabuigb. every day, {except Sundays, V ; and
ahippeMCan alwaya impend on having Lbcir goods tor
. warded without delay and at fair rntc*. i
. Tliu was foictiil lot the accommodation
of the way huctnew. and the proprietor* respectfully
■ohtltn liberal share of patmnnge.
i < pTvpntutt.
JOHN MII.LKR, HoHidaysliOTgh )
1 U II C.\NAN. JoUu-tonn. .. • } Agcuu.
0 A MeANULTY It Co, BiUthtirgh )
J J McUvviU, John Barker. Robert Mooro, Bagnlef
* Smith. Bitf l.nrah. mioG
“ .IiKK JjKLK.ASIi JBlCillliAS
'1 Mils l.nir te:ns ccßpo** j*pf S •vnnirmi* Lake fhV
J_ an.l Mn t gan, running dully *.<;i».on l‘ uv.tnji
and Henvrr, .nut imsUt and pnv Cannl |>4iu«.
mnuin* between Braver and fine amlcnnntrtiiif'ivdh'
C hi K*rd’* l.inr.rf sS.rtuntniai l*ni|Hdlrr* and V«h~-H
on (hr lAhrv w-U be prepar.-d i>|«>n the Of.en
itjnf Navigation to cany .Frtisrlil and in
ali point* on (lie River, <‘ utnl Lnkr<. ' ! r '.
having cvrrv l3* iln> h»r coitvrpnj: <rei/»b< and fim
srnjii*; wiili |miuipiin-*j and ilippatcli, the pnipiipuir
mid Hf.vni« r«*p*-ru.illy i..:tt ir.-wn n,c;i .'rends nml
In* pnVhc jf-.M-ratly ihr.r jt
• St .11.V.1i, r...v t’n,,,r.-!.,r j
Itl-.KI*. - * !’A It o'* A :,vi
Jt'tt.S a_CAI-OIjKV,
•Cor. 4n.i ' .7*. i>|i|Kt-itc tinu.'lo'i.>i\j;a
gaCi-ia iloa«iv |
Whrrlrr. Oroek-r A. Co, New York
(••'•> Oavi*, UutfaUa ; ■
ji N; Park* A-Co, Cleveland - i >
i’as A Ann.-liongA Co, lli-iroit • ;
IBei'lurr A \Vi!iuuc». Milwaukee !
R-.-tolA Pnnrr.' t’hir-irn \ '
tv m Ci ' *nv*r -ii An. IVnna i
I >r ■> AI.II. < r M>ll. t-.V I'll"! •■igtl. I’rnitl r
. .Mr A' inn. ! >» -ij Jo
s\ •! Y A Al V I. '•’!» .if.-, do
; Itf.i-g A t , r.irri[iin:i, <.\j'fc-vi!!e. .1., I
Huy J # I‘i‘niih .Sharp*.,ii(»;h,l’a.
\Y C AluSan, Hlwuwi. do 1 .
Ktv Dtitto.-'rlinm 'N«,w j‘V)«ll(i, ; Co ' ntitfi
rrnsuiiiMiu it <:ujvfi,AM> i.i.Nij.
11. Cisrke. 11. Ilonpv. *T. h rtmumJ A Co.
Korwtrdlßg & 'Coumlulnu Mercfankats.
•JVHE and Pi.'irioiors.of ibis Lin>i.(si if w>r
i. ttbly known 10 ibr public), will Ini jin |mrrt| i»|i Uir
oieliwi opr nine 01 canal uavigutmn to nf-i-ivc prop
eaynt l'ill*burgb and Hcnvrr, nnd deliver tb<-iiHUi-i ai
any ptum ou the Ohio ennui*, nnd ajspon l«itktfsj
•!id .Vicbiga'ii with die greairsf despatch und ut trs*-
naable.ratra / r
The proprietors of thrs line rofeit the luHnr**:_ol
thrir (bnoer rastomer* with eonCdcncc, knowing it'ai
ihe*r fru;iliLc» are second (o none. . . _
' Apply to or fuldrc**
G M lIARTDN. a<i, l*ili«)jorgli.
CLARK PI A Co, Ucaver.
jjartSl T_RICHMOND A C; __
AEBteg3> ; -18j7--.SiOßfe
a co*», 1 :
TMIK stock of ibi* co-»ui* of a double-daily
Line ol Hosts ami Care, {owned by
which are in good order. Tbe .Auiiecnhers are pr>oa
red to forward a large quantity of Alcrcfunduc. r »nd
Produce wlUw enaliity and dispaicb; {
Produce or MerchandiMMOiisigncd loony or tm*
dcrsigpcd.iA forwarded frecoi buy chargeior cOmmle*
sion or Alorage. {
~ DilU Lading transmitted and all imtruenoos promptly
nuended la‘. . t
■ The:bu»me«s of thi* Lioeii conducted on strictly.
Sabbath-kci-plor principles. Addrvs*. or apply fo
.* I) LEECH A Co, Proprifior*. }
Csnul lU*in, I'itistunth
No ID Mouth Third ctrrit. I’uiJadeliibia
No 114 North Howard street, Baltimore
Wl) WILSON, Agent, | ;
mrhls No 7 West Miyct. New York!
MiSa 1847.
LEAVE Reaver daily at 2 o'clock, r. Alter the
arrival of the »te«mt>oai UKAVF.It from I’libhurgh,
and arrive at Witwn next morning in «x«nn tot the
Suers whiebjeaeh Cleveland (>e(ore night.' i [
'POAM»irt» win I*o receipted through, securing berths
on the Packet*,and seats,in the Stage, n» npptirHtirin
on-bo-irti steamboat Ueav'ir. [leaving l'liMburelt !jj j)
o'clock,*.M.,)ortntVe agents: f.
• (i M lIARTON A Co, PiltshuVab
JBSSE lIALDWIN, Vnonrnfawrt
apt 6 M R TAVLOB. Warren •
184t> a»» 1547
via mmrtiavnu *.:cu.mih:rlani>.i
THE omJcr»i**rd prepared to forward pro*
dticc, Ac.,t« the |H|kii.Markets during the dott
ing Winter, oa thomolnlvoratile terms, by thin expe
ditious mote. ... ■ i
. All property consigned toss will lie forwarded atlhe
lowed rales and with despatch..
‘ [lfeicliandise received by itii* route promptly j for
worded. J C TTTTtWKLL, Ag’i, I‘ituiiUrehl
' 1 ! (i tV CASS. Brownsville.
noyOT ; i E WlHirrON A :
" piTTSntiitOH And aufcEs'vu.i.K
-1847. .
a'lllS Linoeonsldingof freight and passenger Pick'
eta, will ran during the reason |«t*c«ri
Heaver awl Greenville, Pa., by which freight and hit".
sengersbetween the two points, wlllb<; carried prutnndy
•and at the lowest rates. i ' \
, WICK* ARCllKH.Grrcnvi'lf, Acts
• t CltAlOAFßAMPniN.narksVilt dW ;
: MrPARLAND A KING.Uig iJehd. * dll!
lIAYM A PLUMII. Sharpsburgh, <io
- W C MALAN, Sharon. 8 I! ,
WM.’MAJWKWS, Putasii, •’ • £
R RED, PStKS A Co, Beaver, . Ll
JOHN A Water add SnnthftH.l'sw
ap6lv Oppcwitn tho Mnnrmgahnln Home. Pinptuireh'
1840 *»“ 1847:
'pNEjaWritieri will rcuilpl (otlhoddlwrtAf Pro
-1 »““»»• br Um Honmiplicl, aiiikwiwr
»t the following price*.— •
? aeoa Lead, ; Lard, Fork, -Tallow,
Whukcy f ..« ~t, andGiaas—wi cUpcrlOO]!*.
lu cti per 100 lbs.
AahcMPnt) Apples,Cheere, Flax-Seed, Glaaj, and
Leather—KSetxpcrtOß ihs,c’< ! . . • jV
- Oils,Bkina.Boods; Wool—MOetsper J00lbs; ■ - ’
“'■'•""lT. , ” J Slukeißooi
i -j
-All property consumed toeiifcer of the undersigned
will lm forwankd wilhoat delay, free of Commission.
•IjAevq.vstf* .WH CLABK.DrowßreiW*.- k:.t
TiiguCLAE ifOUttlßG
'BICA-YKK*- r* i
-pnm- x Vbo'neW«l> , i*pieiN'drtcuter. '.-i
. lfPT?£j* “ ‘IIKAYBK. L :.
,_4BMQqSS<- 'Caj>t-Charles lloo]>B, MUBeflcct bcr
cwhnp'etinj wfeftWOM* ta«l C«AcJ*i«l Lbic uf CM
mil l*»wsai(y i?Clfevelta*»Q* J*w*si
Cievcliini tfnedfCAnU I'acfceuJanirXa** \4»cli?a
' daily m Warren tak Ctevdomi; Cinuirociet \»
New Casile and tirceavillti, l*a.; fine KiWMwii Line
to ai«*d#iUe awt Jiric..
i*n.*c Coaches tor Cleveland and >V oo^tr-Je*T«njea
vt:r daily on tto arrival oi *ic*rabo*t Beaver nom
-aptl' ' V • Co,'nearer...
"" t! Ail ON UXtiV. : i. At'
■ K fi>I*ARKSJu Co, Cleveland, O. I _ ;
IC(S PA'RK&ltcaver.l'a. • '
.. W T .MATHER, ritMt’lirslijl’a. ) ■ i'i ' i
a <llls alxive Litteiianow'fnliy prepared in
Ptrigbi and Panniers from.Viujdjnrpli and LicVr*.
loud, u> nay point oritbc Vcnntylvan;* 4tJ.‘liioandOnip
Cunal*'. " 1 ' ’ " !; ' • ,*• ■-
The farlliue*of said Line are no! equalled hy WT*"'
said 'in ABtnN«r»'«iiidiaapkd«»y ! af-fl4Mi».>ißer
rirnec of- unit proinpiuerrfof AgentaMC* r
One Boat leave* Pittsburgh aud Cleveland daily, runr
ninit in the Steamers. •
Michigan and Lake l-i'lweenPittfhniph'-afid'
(leaver, and u Line of Aral eiaxs Steamboais, l*TOpcl-'
Wvllrik* and SrlLooi)et*, on Loiea' Erie. UoiOß.'Mi*
rhieun and Oiuarip/';-: - ''""' 1 ‘
Property forwArdcd-m an? partof ili.r l/nion with
denmeh. ' ii Ib'PAßhtj A Chi Cleveland, Agt* }
• ' ' -RHED.l'AlHvSftifav Beavcr, Igl*
' ' W T :slATHHR.l’ilUbargh,'Agt!,
«p?l ' ' - - Wflter >nd‘ginltaftelA-|trrot<
to cLKVKLArfD'vii.'wAnaAa. ;
• ' 'THRObcir'lN ai llOlTK?,; i,.
■pACKUr Coau Swallow nnd Telegraph' Icnva lien*
'JC vcrdnily, at flo’etock- p h.fief ibb'l'Ttfvni 4fthe
morning Hoar ftoni PiiutrEtgWytind arrive nt Wortcnin l
time loriite Mail el reap*, whiok leave Immrtji*
nidytliereafter.iUHlarriiaa:OleTrlii3*«l3© , *lock;;r.~
. /rbirrnnteiathe mast ciptdilioM nairtajbrtAWe
ouc iome (.aces.. ' , iV /i ; ''.v
- : T."
JOilK A CAUULlLy.oorTvrr.Wnlir siiUljfllMrldsU,
: ifafijdKifwtrßheUJlocaoJittitlntfith; ..
;pcm THE TRjßsrnßTATios.pj: -i ;j. ,
Pliilmltlpbla, DiUlAvrvXitr'Mrk !
.. • j;, r •
nPUIR cneoqngetnent Urs ljnqh«* receUid siftttf
JL- its commencement, hse.induced .the. propric*
tor* to inereani tjii rtockby'addrtSjfii tuimbferptfijr-.
-class bdAls; rUill Ida to ad of"iving reeeipffi aslicrclo
roro ■ us-agentt.'- ve will jWe ; oorown receipts lor
freight shipped bythis Jtne','p ;
" *l*ito boata arts’alL)«irtible,coMcqocntly freight
,1* tafce'n the whole dulnne© without transhipment,
thereby preventin'* damage froarf-fteqtrent hradltOg
; iin the te«tej«nd aa.cacn boatjlit ntwned-tjy the -
Captain who run* Uiem t which tk.a mflldapt guar,
.anleoihat on delay on Ihtsrdnlej i;
Ail l’rodncc or the'
umJcnticccd wi|l irfi forwarHcdll'flßtTOF.COftl-
MISSION .for advancing end forwardingj.aad ‘niU
be shipped vrithDUt delay at'tbp" Joweit 'rateh .of
IrctßlU- •: ! ; "T ! i, •'
•Vve respectfully' eolicit-a ehanrof pabH'e batt\)_
r.»rt. HAt.UMitOßDik.Co.i'
Cnoal iJasiri.Pittabtugb
CltAlt>,- BKULASds AgC.'
• . Broad Strccl. l’hiladelphJa. '•
• V MIUJSB; Ageot >
. .. . Bowiey'e Whatf»Baltkdtorev
Pittsburglt, Feb. IS. 1847. . .’i ' !. «-:•■• _ ~ ?* ,
A certain aotlsafc cure for ccoghs,scolds, Aithroay
liver pttbe y ido
- orbrowt.nervpniidcuihty.wiiiKipiDffcanghi :
broken CQNliliAII’* ,
TION or any dificasc of the lungsorr’, :
bruasL; Reader arc ybti vufl'cnng
trilb ;a cold rirduease of the. •,
: ' lungv, try thii reniedy,' '•\ ; u .
, . ' ' ' jod will nol per.
InpsrrgretitJ? ' i . 1
It will arrest all:th(>se which
strike sacli terror tu the'miod, dc prolong yonr days.
Beware of all preparations purpoiting tocotitiio
Wild Cherry;exccpt that bca.nngtbesigoatirre of Br
il Stvatnkon the outside wrapper'ol each bottle,
as (hey are quite likely-destitutc pJ the article from
which they trorrowa ' r". l V . • ♦
.Unulwhai *'
50.000 DEATHS : BIT tX)ASUM[T|ON, r
Wnahl pi-rhipslin small estimate for the “ravages'
nl tint (Ireadlul disease in a stngle.yearf then add
llie teJrful eatalogac 'oI 1 those cut off t>y lidlunila
' lioriof ihc Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs
. Influenza,'
Lungs and. Livor. ' , , it . >; .
A»d (be lirlwolild prerent aiiappalling proof «•! the
latjlitv ol tfici<} twn rliSMs iif dii« uv t*. pi|t it:is'
U> know ot-,.Ujfs dread
v. nf li'Jiji tn pie tiitglit" have been prevented
by a timely uac’of Dr..S\V AVIVII. b LOMPOIIiSI>
-Tins mfdirim; lino ruiw bceii belore the public
contft eight 'Near?, andis the .'uf-tgmal' prenajati.m
from thu Wild ;(}|iefry Tree.' Ilk reputation as a
remedy for Coqghs. Cold't, Broticbjtis, and .Con*'
►•ar.jplloa nl tlic Lungs barn! oitiirVjly tiptui' in
triii'ic U'i'itta, riWt-s but tilth. t» tlilLled.
pull-*. 'Priowt who give it c tna! r il»oing‘o(hijijfittird
byjt; rmvtiimeiHi ! »t tr» their licighbdrs'/iiiid 'tluu
2ra.lo.illv ood surely hasit gamed sd euTcibU: tepU|*
Litims aiui'wnA'ed its- ivuy- iiucr.genrrtf bsd.
tiottlc npvcr fstls to rare a recent cough or -cold,
while with, strictntlonliop toilic-dircclioM thlt pc
company .each bolUc.its esc in pulmonary diseases
of long standiug-aud of .U(C ruiirt alarmiug cGsrpc ;
tor, hnu always civeh relief, apd in very iiuany
ha<r eflccird muirdetc and perinsnunt
i»r. A'IF.4 YSE'S^rhl'nitrcl..Ciru.jnntnd Sjjr*
uj>nf- WiLl ChtTry. *-/ • t s;
Knd the rahst remarkable'cure drt’ohsumjitlon
everptared upArrrecord—- ' ; , .. 1 !i .C
Dr 1 feel’fth debtofgrkt&ijdc
due to yonJ-Mftha iluiytii ihc afflicted gduerally to
otlcni.y in layor. ul yotir ycrica
piitird Jyrop oi 'Wtld Cherryv vijobe three
smcol T'wai vidleiitlyaUackcd withcoffl ami rpfla,
utaimn<;l ,tft& ttjpg»,V|ikh was pceompanied. will*,
a \t; -y ’diatrcjiMpg emsh, paio in the breast audhqad
—a'very cnoridcrablc dlscliargo of dQoniiiVcanvdas
iN'tii tl,-r> ciphciaHy upon clmiiges of wcaliier.
i:'i'vci’ef slight. At firxt I Iclt np titarur' sbo'aU bij
yras pretty s.iou convinced that f Was
rnj.t«lly going into couaiapUon. .Igrow dailyiweak*
er.und at length was scarcely able 10 walk abaSrljoK
spuiL above s| whirper, sacb, Wav iibceiceqdipg
werkfiers cl my lungs, - Daring thictime l IcfiUried
viritms preparations but.loeod ho
relief—growing aU’tfrc’ Vmic wopift. j.ust bef* ( wot
cilrjscdand purfuadrd by a dear friend in Wilming*
ton u* uiaac atrial 01, juur s?yiupof.)Yild/ (.'bqrry.
r tnuvi'cuDlcss .lhaLprciiously J
,ud nj>.;iii»tpatcfU tiieaiciiics, and l am still against
lliusn comiog out of the hafidi ul* empirics, t<ut
undcrslandiug ymir' claims' to the prdfciiibh|aiid
practice of iuerfreiue, nud having impliyile faith in
the saying ol rqy friends,•l lfmhwllh -porctraued y»(
L»r bhaw,‘dne>f' yiiur agents,a few bdulcs'afid
comtucoccd jU use... My dueiic otlhis time «u
ot twenty'or iWonty five months': standing, ewdsb
qaeolly wos deeply seated. 1 foiihd. howctcr, cob*
sidcrabie relief (riua thcArst loor or fivehottlo«.~
Hut being a public speaker.! frequently attempted"
to preach with tnyiqcrcasing strength and thereby
ruptured those jTcsscls tßat began to
bc. in Uus way, doubUc*a, my curb waj grtkUy
-rcUrticd. In cpascnceiicc of acting'thusnaprii*
dcrirty t had lit use 12 or lO botflei bcfdre l vrte
perfectly rcslorod. I have no ‘ question/ a : much
Binallcr'numhct' of bullies-would have made (tie.
sonnd r bat for tboubove indiscretion. Tbe Sy’riip
1 allayed the teVcrish habit,'did; away the distressing
cough, put a stop to thfl..iliachalgo iof mailer frop
the lungs, and gave them and the colircsjvten good
health. I have delerred offering thnrcertificate till
now, for the purpose ol oeirjg-'perfectly ’satisfled
with the pcruianctley dl‘ the curb, and now that‘ 1
iceipcrlectly well, 1 offer it witb;pidasorc.'- > :
- / REV. J, F. JOUDAN.J ;
Dahlia county, N. C.
; CAimONl CAPTION! * ti:
Avoid ill spurious prepar.iUoc4.o| WildCbirry,
such ia Baleamr,' Bitten, Syrupajtif' :^VilU^C!^etry , l i
Pills piuportinj to contain Wild'l.'lierrjv ACm&c,
as.they arc .ill ilclitiougand counterfeit, awl contain
none of Die virtue# of t|iu'originalaudijcauirig |re>
parhtUiii as prepared by Dr. Mwayne, ao’d iho brut
ever prepared m this coontry.-iDoetor SWayae'e
Compound Myrjipof WILD CtiKHK-Y i*composed
of vugeuble lugredicnLttho Wild i'horry,
cr medical vntwtaneca VtiicaciousVif' but
more so; the wbote'aro *o clloetually concentrated
a* to render it huytmd all doabt-ihe most pleasant,
strcngihciiiog, ajid clfcctual rcmijdy etcr'drstoveK
cd lor the cure of pQlmonary .cotUumptido, aod all
diseases of the Lungs and Urca3t; The -very dact,
Iromils haring BUcfra train ol epurioaa inubtom,
stands to pnive iU gtent curalirrvproperties'. <- :
. Thcrcmrc, invalids, ititiuire I'or Uio onginal prepa
ration, each bott(c of winch is cavctdpcd in a y beuu>
liful wrapper, wtth a hkennw Fqtin (h*
. graved thereon} also bearing the tjignhlbre"of UrH
Muayno, tho couolcrleiluig of which will be pun*
iahfd a» forgery. ->- iV t !. F i' •
i'lt'jured only by-Dri H, SwArrc-N-VV- corhef
or htoitTn and Hack Jjtrieis, lliihdelpbia. 1 '
~. Koc.wJa in ilituhargli wholoaajo nbd retail by I.
OGDEN & S\OWL)KN, ; corhcrj£iid & WbodsUl •
B. A.-h AHNhM'I OCK de Co., chfuer' 61.' Ist wjd
Wood andLthnnd Wood streets;- '' - «X
S. JONES, IWHdby'rtriLeet ; j'. .
JOUftJktITCUtvLL,; Allegheny city. -
And by ail respectable |trogguh. .oml- dea|r«im'
Medicine, tbruuglmut the and Cans:
‘ k •_-_'«cpta...
-( Eu:LH>.rers Ibr side? ai
mrm of PAPER 1 , t-niftprivmg every, po-ud,!,} varfeiv
adupiwi lolue wimiKoi mwuaror* IttuJJ veciiniw t ,fu?;
cuaniry. I aper' nt alt At
1 iVstwkof PRINTINt; PAl'Hlhis inu»h,l T I.J- :
apartof whidnsof very asperioiquality . • ■ ~T f e
PAPEII MAIIKR.J4 MATtitil rig flB l [ •
of ovary desenplion, impoited and krpt cotutnniTv
ban., via: Fulling*, Cleih, Foifdrh viL
Itliiuchiug rowdjfr, Blue ininmiArijifc.TWiiie, Ac i^e
. - *
lUlinirUl '
rn.'lr.. ,i nißhi.Vii.l Unn ( mwh-fivi* SrnreS tefe
c 0.1r.l hn toil mm>, ami Ituvina liram JSK
rtoul )»jir Vcnaiiiinc.l to. K ,, a,IM a”drsStoS
diJjra. .wlarh eg polled iti very ilarrs'Ji;™.
your Vermifuge Lcticr thun alloiUri. •. i, e «aN>lef
■ j: 1 - -• :: /;; : 7' ii;\-
i;. ? . '
wu tHggMANTS >
DIL. fiUEftkl AN has iltscuTtnd * «r»j U sp'ks nedic a.
plrsanl, to (hat ehiUrta. wdl lak* ii. nstdOy a«d t w
toenr? Str that hii/ar »«wUt is around ska boinS; i . . ~
grt, aPutofTixtlh Paste oa thS twekur«acUtWt«,~
*aca Bill of Directions.'‘.i
, Tbtso. LOBtnc«* av« lh« tahaS, isar son: asd tdtsLul tna
«dy forcnuglu, «ia
Ma,tigtdM**rftbatirsgsor cht»r,ttc, tie.
hMSctcrkaown an snuanca whore Ihty .did laolgin jaiitci
satislacUOD.'. ffstVni'Uiuuwwl bvin uarc.ti««u a.nil hiU u
ilia b*t}car, rc«U>ruar tobcalih i&-*lou»l«vu) ,u-e
ofeeasiuaplsoofMul Umtc Lborib-J iunlcr Site
«>M* aodconshs. - . TUt> do aol and d.yuj, n, tkvo ,*
hut rtti<liril»»>f, prorate «l«*nraiiai,Uiay t»t:k-Liuis ,*
imiiiiM, iwd- rtua«e, m« j*fusiaui* mt «M-*Lu^o.a.t.
"Tli«y arv mad* hows a ouahiusiiuu ufaiuoti lalwvk uu, ,
tatrwiLnrcuugh mtdkrwE3,-ahd ars Ufv-riJ. t,.'
- awry thing iituaolSv (htuarouirlaiuU. Lu«
•tired* olwruiicait* hare hc«a uOercd of Iku «v*drriui ts<-
iutm, frocs those wa* have hem fa»« ~<,1,.^.;
,«au:restored toiwrtectlmldi byombj i r -^ <
Where tbms* ouch (win in the brea*t<rsiihvt»e/'i BSrt .
man'srodr AlaaV rh*im (price cnty re
tapjdied over, the jwW, and Wwu uli rthtrrU. Uau«-i*!*4,
- wub eoaltreßMs, a 6w.cfelliarU> •* taaadre IcmiAjL. „r u
miM cathartic Jitdteitie, should he u*d a< uir..
~ tU i SHKRMAN'ff WORM LO^ENUto 7 * •
There Wa|««*cd ua moiddriti l.tiVv-'
OWCMCS.tnhie inlalhhlejihe only rertaln.wwa tlesiroiins
Many di*eaee»nri*re4'rofi wori'i, -
and oceaiiankxif and iuUß*euuCcmj,aad t rcudisl4,Wiio
-imitbrhrtw.beuig are rerrollra .
mSicwd with there, und are dccureff tor Varwas t^siluuu
. wiihoutanyhenefiii-whea one dose <>r there Lvriaiari noutd
apt tdiiy curs there. k ' ,
> ; .^'l>*)yi»tiwq/ , it'srouj>-raksii theJmobor
sirekreajli l |iiekiiigattWnpre, B nDdin fo f. u< i^ Uuri _ .
shtftffdat.tmtOhffrftrreilwui ibe ftntud
I>l«cduis at tli* nure r a |u* w j&g wnudire aLlhe fl 4 Jt
«l orheaft/ref the surlsrs oulre bodT,-jliftud.s2a>r slut
•ring*, .headache, drowsuere, vcrtijo, torja»,. diaiirUd
dreacts, Idddra sUriwg in sleep, with frigt.l 4 aAonuii
•oreebißesa tnwbtreoae ffl&i. rol;*ll
b*e,fiU,h*fftariv<Althenß>tfih, j» •
.Iheahnuaeh ur bowels, taljjue, ntnrea,‘sy-i.KT— * ,’fa
cioua aOTeUWvfcauncscrbloated Mow*cborlm,tuLoiiMu-*'
stMotisgpsßSiW vuiousiasUof (Jw fauly, a ttte-di »Je'
iblßgn>ii>ginth«Uiro^,|tftiing{>ru M iuMshM(v4 l c u i.hi..»
fnajucnl d«*uT<'i pre* WtttUnug Irwn ihe bonvisl Orel, I ",re^
(uues'discliargatot'slimcaadinucuk . , ■ - '
- They'pTc unntfuiste telkl'ißoemjus br sirt
pilcitauai ( ufa*«.l<rert, piwaMoCUre qtirite, diSMadtncr
lunammatiisy or putrid vore’Umwlrkonl or stuhsisr cun '
plaiot,fcinUng,opprtreioo orasenreof sinki*gof-tJS.nht>( ’
cholic, sjwsoss, cramp of the stsaucU' or bowels. he%trrw>l
all irervow-disaari, drowimris timittl) o,«'
day, sad »afcelbli»as‘through the n%hl; choltfaw r l, u H
eramorbvij oiarrhffi*, bnitude eea reuse of _p rr *
’ SOM, iibeeDmg'yr allrintrng biys forties, willfiadfca tauii
.gesrciUy mins^,usd tajwrbaj the buuywywfnuib; uwd
< sC«r di*»ip*tioo,Uie» willrcstost (Jw lane ofifaetj^.m
:jsrally,asd remove alldlseaapltMutsymptnths
tstofess fitiucD Tenons who hare beeareohigii lArrs.uJ
shandoaed thy will F»1 .
,mSrtWe«aapa*en of lire nerw*. --. ... v..TCi
The betlsbrnpUieiiinf plaster in the world, and* so,ervira
,ctnedy lee psia»,o» weakaere ia'the bssijkics,kidi: PBL li,
bmbs,joints, rheumatism, fcmhres,-Jte-. -tie: -Obe ruffian a -
ysi(rw^*^thsd i Jh S^ at «,n«tAlirflew«m I
Warranted repeat* aUotfcert, and
.gsS^^arfias%ißS?js riITSI. “ ' . ...
)ln bweorephrecpni
Aeref«Bor(b.Lmrestrired^indtt'irffiaflSdXai *.
asUmishmr. relist L ln coaghs, coldt’hithca.'diSeuffv ol
breUhtKfepmisKia of the ebett .or stsureh, thefwill iiu
dreided rapport from one of these truly Hrencrerauie p|>»
trnhtC. U their operilioa. ttay are stimaleM, taJ, «vd
buns who hare,used .thenq ti well ad Um' inuted teiffurer Jt
•0 useesltbnted and diilunbhed clerrrßßdnhVsfeMia. Ie
-be the most Mefal ml hlfhh'.Bedaatod ptotfefr'T?;• T*
. Several perms bars,relied -at the uruehoree itfeiiu
l^lr^stt^-isas^ thanks,nt ths«bm«rw,^ „ IT M
are a Qm hack dfereh ydulM snlh a
me uniDt of Or; Sherman 1 mias. Uistmnortaatyoushjsld
■lwap ask fcr Shersaa's TooriUaa-s Pbrfer, and s*s that
So ret -thd utnums,** ihera are Wa&r'worthkm
wkedfSbour thi true fihemn'e Plm't*»>,by
v tfold wboletalenbd retail- by W; JACKSON at* hi« Psitn '
; filedteine-Wareheasr, • Nd, fe) Liberty street, tlirtor in
' 810 SOOT. , ■.* j :.: -fa4U T .
PH,LB arc becoming so nniveraaily mipubv *
.KiraVUecaaseUicyareprepare*!bybrN-C Lei
dy himaalf, a regular Druggist, Chemist and' Physi
cian who know* the'natarb', the
quality And chancier of the Medicine* tued in bia !
Because the-* public can take Ibiat with
greater/confidence than, must othcepilia which are
.prcpatcil by pcrswiß ignorant both ot-tnedicind ami
: Thud,D«cdoseol their combined efledafpinpcrj
lies mil, contained in anyoUier pills; oancly.-purg
ing Irorothe
; stpnccs|snd,at tbe;umc.,Line ponfyiug.thq blood
and Quids of ihe body. :
. Fqojthjjlccausctlicysrc thdiiliiqipcst’ojldbcst
incdlcide dinglo box coaling lis'lS cents,
aud containing 40 pilU, saTing lil persons' tw> many
-dollars h|f>ritncs,tu Doctor’s .bills, and'-nvtneiou*
medicines bongbt ifc tried fid the. tcfi< tuuicfulalioa •
Ol OU.uis; . • • I '*. X
Whcvover you lia'Vc bccaaibii- t»i *Uko prdi
cinc‘ do '«<>( be Iriding with year constitution by
trying all kinds ol pills or father In cdicindsypd sen
published slid recbnimended by one and but
ukeatjuuce ; . •
. Dr. Biood'PlUa ;
' ami'yqo wiU not Have occasion Vo uke'anything
else. They wiij plwny* be.loartd googin.almost qll
wormYtit dise/isc; lhirahtaUoo »| luc«to(aa'ch
elf, liver, su'd iiiicsliocs; x'raat|»s' ol
colic, tValerbranh: inward lrtvcni ( loul breath, bad
•tasic \d tlie'moath', Soar eroelailons and- aeiilily ol
tlipstoihach;coAivcncasaiiid. indigestion,' : w«nt «l
'appctile } billioas afiections.idisease* uf the’ tsplec*
«nd kiiineytf,Uu«aies 6f the skin, scaly- eraptiond
dry and. watery pimples orhloiebea .wf lbe£»M,ana.
body, tqttev,rasJi;prickle heat and salkrtmem/nead-i.
'ache, giddiness, leintncss, pains over the ‘ heart, ol
Dio Urcaiit, sides, plpngthq back aud rpitiq, ri*cuma>
lisjo arul gout, leversul all kimlfl, snialJ.pox, vfino*
.|yso. a r>4 shpfk they
‘a|p gO«lin aiiilikea«cs hsfiag Iheir origin. >4 the
slotuacli, liver, and intestines, and iwiiuritjr oT the
‘blood'; ;:', - ■"- :r r-£ .
‘jt'l.'Twebtysfive dentsa'Box. ' '” •
' Sold .Wholesale and RcUii by U. A. Fahnestock
- &. Co:,‘ebrneror First- BbdT.Woixt, also berndr of
bixlh*and Woqdatrtcts t \ - ' :i ; r ~ i ""' --■ : acpii^
in'.'aU its mullipJiedTdrtni;
whetbdrtalbai uf Kiug'ii Evil,'enlifgeta’ejita rr tiio
glands or bones, Ooitre,-. White .MweliingsVChrontc
Khcumatiam,Cao*er,d»e=i»es l ortHet!ikin6i , b6ioc,
a tidUib kaDio'eauso, which is a paucoaotu'priacipia.
tnoreorleis toharcot iathehatuair system,.'y her e<. -
prinerplo can be destroyed,novadi-'
epi cure can be cdccied, .the. pnaeiple-upon
.which the disease depends,, is removed,
tuusiul necessity follow, no matterunder>lu)ttorm
"Uie. disease ahugltftuaotfcst'lUciT. .'Tills,'
is uo reason why'JathL-’s Alts-UatiVk is. a 6 uni .
versally successful in removing go njany nutisnaia
diseases.. IF, destroys-' the'’virus br-princqile/irmn
whic.l lhbso dlkeasc* have their origin,by'entenug
into Uio.circulatiou'v and with tbe bloodls convey« d
to'tho rainuteat fibre, removing.every'partible uf
.disease Irom the Fcepareiiaiul solileiNo.
B Mouth Third Street, 1
Mold at-tho Fcfah Tea b'uTrc, N 0.72 Foiirthvtree.
Pittsbargh n • .... i; .
Ij'KUMtbbltev AMA'Sitl.\N,a well knowti sad|Mip
’P- ulsr'ClergvißaaofihbFToteitsutMtthbdtA>7litWcti.
ThctihdtriigfredhavtnpbcenslEicteddofmylli'upan .
winter wilfr a dißfase,ol the stomach, immeUmes.- pio
ducihg great paiaiu thcstomasp.forun or twytyclwurs
Wribval uueriuLvhm, *ml alter bsving triedl vui{du*
rciucdies with liilleetlect. was.lumLshcd. wltit a.bdlllo'
ol Jayne’s Cariiiiaaii vc tistrum; This be
coruing to the dtrectloaf, and found invatialily thSillus
mhdicine eatued the pafatto mbato in three.or four mm
.ales, and in filleen or twesty, minatesevgry uwre»y
sensation wa*entirely quieted. The medieute wirf uf.'
terwatdsosed whenever indications of the ayp'ioscG of
paiu wute perceived, and the pa m was thereby prevent
ed-,'- Ud continued to aie'UU:- medicine-every eVdidug ,
ojitf somctiincs tit the nwritina, and in a lew weeks
-besltb wh'M far restored, that'the sufferer was ndiev
ed from fl large omoont of oppressive' paiu.''From ex
perience; therefore, he eua cuu&dcntly -reeotnme«d l»
U Jayne’s Carminative Balaam, as u salutary mediciii
fotdisejUcsoflbeplomafh'audiokrel*. - •‘A MtuN N
’* ' ' Allegheny eityCifat
For sale m riUsLarsh at th&FEkIN TEA #*4iK
73 Fourth street,' neurWood,. and ulso -st ike Drw
Store of H 1* MCtIWhRTZ. Kedeiat ureet. AileSbsi.y
-JP -Cfrtimde > -Amandi Atte<*\ 4w iksvingj i ' t
“Cre'aio aid Boifo, lorslutvipg-, , ..
, doji • : i.-
Superfiho Itougo.on Foreclain stahdsi :.. .. /
;Elvjaiu»crau>aK*,pei/utned with Lavender,-Ans ,r *.
-terrenltel} v
. llcamifulpcw<Jerpftir*,ofall pauernrr " ‘ ; yi
tjnubsicd toilet boxer, containing iragranrexuart*
for the hatidbe’ehidi. d teem bag, and uniet «dsp>,uM
able for presents.- '••• • j i-, - -
i'etsian, or ChineXh powder. -
.. inJiaa vegctaJjle hair oil, , » ;■ -y
• Bear’* Oil, iu (aney pr ctimtppn < wrappf<* l .(n>sc
cd|;.. v L
Jones’Soap; Nyißph'Sospj.Rore.Lipralve; .
■ Cotdb'ream,elegantly purup,* ‘ ' • ' •i -
Fuiepulntreap.m'bhrsandeake?;--' - : *•-
.- bht-ll reap;-bod* reap; together with a grratvqrii ry
•office periu turn: ;imicmvcd» forsafebr> -,• i y
; ... / . .. BAFAUAWriJKAip/
nvio ... , cor.ddi A wot>o.»i>.
\4TKaSi UtliVT iltxiliihtl SI’UVKS u
O wiscy. . -• AVM B.ACiUFKi^
wirtia ... ... firWhUHrttanaritatA wodH
VUltLlfeilED,i>ilLy;tW : 'VKl‘4*LY AWKEkiIV
Oneioscrtionof, Itlines,.or lew
'l*woinseriioßS witboafalterations',;.. iirii .
Three i " .V .“ • |
Onn Week. <l " |M
Two Weeks •••t-ff!!”-
Three-. . • ; .*) . VU
One Month, ■ '• _ * V*‘’
•I'hrpu , . u . 7 r
, Uj* ailTCrtißemcjita t n samc P, rt ’PS r I^.
Qoe squaro.G mouths, without allnraU'oivr*, ,! *7:
,«», •. J»»: v* ; '»< “
; .li»ch additionasj uquare forG cpoulli*, ,
One month*, renewable at
Each aiiditlnnsi square for. l imootha.*•«»*•• *,
TVo moathi,ro'wableat plcawm, M. «0
.wiwtt on T«i-VISKI.T iN »*»>;»-
Un*Kqqare.3inaertiona. r
.*• ;•« each additional .
• ■•■ : acfttvi£w cau4H * ./ . -w.
Five lines or K ,
„ ,j « oo»je>r.d>llj*. mimkl,,' 14 |o. '
<t »>' ''stf months '* *' “* • ft At
v* at iinr., .
■*,,' : it '>'“*•: Three, :**
" h ■ Three mAa1ha,.........
t . „ « 'i'Slg' . “ '
j v ■' *•.«•;• ■ r * i .. .Twelve .*•
TPAII sdvcrtiromeM* lo be tharged by the aquarr,
andadilenuntol.ii R*r««l lube.given wbewibe
, w—mmiiiwwiiw