The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 08, 1848, Image 3

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    ’"'ESS &.“*•
• 4S water «adKi from w
**? 30 bbU 8l Lotus «unrhooMaolsaM«: S 3 do cold*
«•«Trup;» WbbU doffi 10 fmlloa k*«d£ foruEbr
RAC3— The highest naikcl once* neidi'n
ra*« u 145 Ui*ny *«et, by , “» »r
U*& . mows * CULBERTSON.
lOCHINEaL AND MACK inn iwM .n a f.JTTu
Shed PEACHEB-SW bushel's, halre*,
for sale by [jalS] Wt B M’CUTCl<g> ™
)A&Kll PEACAE&—B bushels pared pesetas ne'd
_«nd foe sals by WAR M»CUTCHF/)N.
HOPS— 10 bales Ohio hops rac'd and for »»i« br
, jufla Ida litany street
HUUASSta-tUj bbts N O Molasses just rac’d ana
fofsaleby £jaas]_ POINDEXTER*Co.
COTfON-67 bales juit'ree’d and for sale by
EAJBINS— 15 boxes M R nisius for uds by
JM. WILLIAMS, 110 wood it
! ~lf QLAB:j£3-10 hblsTSt O; a rin «i#Wm «y«
; JJX upjldu cans sjrnip, for sals by
L All o—lso kega per America andlor talc to
close eonaigtiiaent by. J n*r.gpj.r.
I OUNIJRibS—u bSI» buckwheat. ftoor, 61 bU prime
I >J ypiee.aUo fresh boner .landing from air Bingrold.
and for tale by [jaa<) JA3IEB mi-ZHJr.
* T AfiD-a* kef a. No~| extra leaf lard: 10 do do:
Xj bbla doj fot sale by >•
KQSE PINK—I cask fresh, of fine quality, jos*
rec'il am] for aale by
t.NK BOOT—I bale fre»h.jtist rec’d sod for'saJe by
/''IHEESE—27 casks large cheese rec'd and for asl<
| fcjr W4B M’CUTCHEOX.lSelliberty at
! Ififl BOXES largo No I cheese/ree'd"and for sal'
BILL BOXES—3CO paps rhr»er pill boxes for sale by
jaJM H E 57 wood a.
*OEESWAX-l and 4 bbU beerwax, on eon
uj aignmeni ud foyssle by
'OSS—2S bales Spanish mou for sals low to cloao
. consignment ATWOOD, JONES A Co.
OUGAB—®hbds prims haw erop,'nut rce* and for
jenlfl 143 liberty at
.■fITEAS—IO balf cheats black teas jut rac'd arid for
J.; saleby Danl7) B OAKFOBB A Co.
OUNDBIES—OO sacks leather*;. 1 cask beeswax; G 3
O ban pea aota, rac'd on cotmgtnneat, and for tala
by 1 u*a<] ISAIAH PICKET A Co, fig water at
SEED-® boa brim* Clover reed. 90 do Timothy, joat
rac'd and for aala by
SUGAR AND MOLASSES—9O hbda prune N O 9a
|rart4obUapnma N O Molasses jut rec'd and for
. aaWoy [jaaal SELLERS 4 NICULS.
nnEA-10 half cheats Y H tea; Bdo imp. fipjp.
'■ ; X,lO do Cbulaa Powchoaf, ® catty , boxes various’
iiyfoa, for aala by . J D WILLIPMS,
. . .'ft** ' . 110 weod street.
bbl, i bbl and 9 ken No I leaf lard, rat
deled, for aala by W Aid iITCHELTREE,
‘L'■ •• ICO liberty at
TJLACKWOOLL—Johaaton A Stockton have - just _ re-
XJeeived Blackwood's Edinborr Manxine, Na 366
for December! 1847.' j«„T)
Nails ASiy s^iKß—3m rep mii« 'roiiw
assorted, in afore and for sale by
STONE PIPES—I 43 bom atone pipea for ule by 2
TATEVTER WHALE OIL-~5 casks bleached, jisl
ffi reed and for sale by -
SAL SODA—2SOO Iba joat rec'd and for aala by
Mna ... -Noaiwoodau
g ±HKKN APPUia—U btu prime, lor sale bV
SALFTH ATUS—H cukt Clereland for sale br
BACCOi— A small lot print. for
Bacon and bulk poBK-aoobama bacon uoo
shoulders do; tftt hhda tides do; 57 do in both, on
eonjjxmaeal and for tale by
BEANS— 3 bbls white beans; 4 do asst do, in (tore
and far sale by - PQINDEXTr.ft A Co.
/“IHEESB—4O boxes W B cheese for tale by
V-/1 janl» _ POINDEXTER A Co.
TjtACHES—Lafbu* dried peaches for sale'by
X » janlg POINDEXTER A Co.
GQAL-Orders for coal to be delivered in the city will
meet prompt attention if left with
ALCOHOL— 5 bbls for sale by
J»18- ‘ BE SELLERS, 57 wood si
ALOES-340 lbs for sale by
' A <JUA AMMONIA PORT-3 carboys for tale by
J\- i*aia a a sellers.
gLACgNG —100 dozen for sale by
SUNDRIES— 3 bUt lard; £5 bushels dried apples, 10
do peaches; 4 nozen woollen socks; CG lbsbeeswax
on eAnsiynmmi an for sale by
)H3 J D WILLIAMS. 110 wood st.
f^OFTEß—SJbtgipriiM Rio coffee jnsiree'd ■"«< lo r
VA Sale by fraa»}>~ B OAKTOBP A Co.
COTTON— 40 bales North Ala. to arrive per 8 B
Planet, for sale by FORSYTH A Co.-
I«U7 30 water street.
V for sale b]
i Savannah dear*, £IXOOO Zara do
TAB— 0 bbls N C Tar for sale by
30DA ABU—l3 casks best quality in store and fox
5 sale by J C BIDWELL, Agent,
I*3B ... : * - . water street
IHEEBE—3O boxes large WR, 10 casks
/|IAtLO\V—4O bbl* No 1; tendered, jost rec’dandfor
'J.‘stlaby- JCBIDWELL.
/“I DASS—3OO boxes assorted sizes, from 8 * 8 to 9i H®
VT country brands, for sale by J C BIDWELL,
J»3» ... ' water street
boxes and 13 barrets green
VjT apples, prime order, just landing and for sale br
JS3B SfeWaZaßADGUawoodit
fTXJBACC—3O boxes John Warde ns tobacco, a prims
X article, oa band and for sale br
TJUCEWHEAT FLOCB—I2 sacks boiled buckwheat
X) floor pot op in small sacks for iamU y ree'-d
and for sale by " GEO A BERRY. .
T VRIKb iPfLEB»(im boa. in store and for —br
l/. j»a GEO A BERET.
SCGBCHINGS— 10 bbls 8 Salta t«mt««»g (or sale
by [jangl GEO A BERRY.
i. - OOPk casks just rac'd on cotuignmest and
} O fbraaleby ISAIAH DICKEY A Co.
jag>- / - ~ • ; so waterstreet,
A-f EICAN CAYENENNE-110 lbs for sale by
. jag R E sra.T.VRS
>4OO non lor sale by
n v. i
• TTIOBACCO -85 boxes ‘pound lump* Virginia Tobac-
X co for sale low to close consignment, br
iania ATWOOD, JONES <6 Co.
HAVANA SUGAR—I 7 boxes Hsrana brown tugtr
for sale low to close eeaeignment by
jan|3 ATWOOD, JONES A Ct*--
/COTTON—3O bales cotton just rac'd per Lady Byron
,%J and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co,
i 68 water street-
LABD— No 1 lard in bbls and kere-for sale by
-jan!3 ' IgUAll DICKEY A^Co.
BUT2*EK AND LARD—d bbls roillmrier; 3 keys do!
Shea's lard-just rac’d and for sale by
» • —r ATWOOD, JONES A Co.
BncvivirPAT FLOUR—*S sacks!nst rac'd and for
sale by JNO 8 DILWORTH,
jan!3 - 73 wood «t _.
FJPLah t JluhkW: and Pine Joice, for sale br
jyfltol - _ __ w7wALLACE._
sheet im (warranted) in store .and for sale low to
.close consignment by [jan4l HAM’L M HER.
bbls No. 3 large; ifor sale by
i jcld:' ' East aids Diamon
TiQUQRS—BJU gallons Holland. Gin: BSO do Fcsoch
fl i Brandy, rac’d on ceosignmeat and for aale by
janl3 _ _ TASSEY ABI3T.
fI'TOTTOS—I33 bales Memphis eononjoit .receive**
l/andforjgeby ATWOOD, JONES A Co
CANE SYRUP—‘X bTu per sir Peansylrenia, on
cohsignmrnt and for sale by k
jaal3 D T MORGAN A Cx, 105 wood at.
T)ULK SIDES—3O,OOO lbs in store and for tale by
L’GAR—IO hbds new crop N O eager rac'd per Ger
nianUnrn, on consignment and for sale by
. jail ■ , SAW HAEBAUGH, 33 wood «t
"rnNEGAR—>2O bbla Sherman’s pen cider vinegar.
V last tswdln# from Germantown, and for sals by
jaadf • __ _8 A W lIARBACOII.
'i><;CEWfiEAT r FLOUE--fiO sacks boekwbest
M 3 i flour, a choice article for Bundy us* for sale by
' -fcrroyruVHQlAi’S POCKET CUTLERY—Jnstra~
, YY deieed dirret from Sheffield, pen, pocket and
t Co. m
"VVfiS'Oiik'M FILES—Head Quarters for Spencer's
5 Alee; a fall assortment for eale by
- - - A Co.
JT froy rmeaess, Ac., in»t rac'd and for sale by
> JOEL MOHLEH. cor wood and Sth its.
TP 1 " i0 ° ** "S MOULOL_
A^g- 10 u>u ,tcd **
B'^H 8-40 " l0: »V“vS? BO>N fIOIi - ST *
>11: 1« hitlV .«'"«>■
LjUU>— Prinu No I Jatd la bbli for m!« bf ~
jtjia jxom.diuvortK
HKKF—t» tierre« mete cafid dried" Ecef
1 W iint rac’d and for »ale br "i
BirrrEß-Ob I'keg« 1 'keg« butter, 4 bbi< da-UotSilif front
■tr Ladr Urn m, for *ale by - _
CHEESE-43 bozeaprimr
thi* dar and for aale br
■ wnigi VVfcnATCI
'■Ualcbr '■
Bueit hair* s bai«
jiuirec'tl vml uio
H°Kr 10 >&r6*r b wffiS°r ste?*
* \ • ' ‘ iff wood'nrett
TTEUP-ao heirs Menille heart 45 do. Kentucky
JX dew retted do; just rtc’d end tor mm bjr
•Jig 41 vnuer end M front m.
ODNDHIEB-35 «eka Feather*; 0 acki Giaaenr*
peeks Dried Apple*; » actßeeawMjlcMktebow
fnm atmr Lady Madison, and »f pi _
• iawT. . ■ . ISAIAH DICKEV * Ce.
/Saia2TjLPPl£B«-lia W* for **Je b*
aUu>-U fccnfto. I LnrLkrd.l r JBM yeceive^ud
bales Almonds;
1\ 10 bis Stalled;
■ • ’ abacs Cream Nuts; .
8 bag* Pea Nuts; for sale or
jdel« J. D. WILLIAMS
900 boxes No. 1 Cincinnati Bosk
I ' 50 u Moold Candles;
finding from North Carolina; for sale by
_ jJal ' Noa It A £0 Wood tL
TTOPS—lBbales IstaeinwnteraN Y Hops;
.! v - S do Ist eastern «
Carefully selected and of extra coalite, tn store and foi
41 water si
IUNDRIEB—B bbls lard;
I 0 “ dried pesetas; . .
a u elorerseed;
ft rec'd and for sale by L S WATERMAN,
f*3. • 31 water and 09 front stii
►APS—IO boxes pure P«li»7
S - ■ Wbije;
V a u Rose;
\ . 8 “ Shevtnr;
No. 33 Front it.
T7&BAH kttCIT—JO drum* Smyrna figsj
-1-|. \ > bbliZaatee currant.*
i ‘4 boxes Geneva citrou;
-g”) HO Woo d_.t
T|7TNDOW GLASS—EOO bxa. Bxlft !
»F 13*< “ 10x12;
. 1., . 90 “ 10x14;
lor ,«1« by : S. P. VON BONNHORST ACo
P- __ No. 33 From .t
LISTER PARlS—Soluble for Land, Ae_alwayi
00 hood mod for sale at No. 944 Liberty street, oeL
L bciot. W. W.WahaVv
143 liberty st -
SHGAR-! hhdN Obbl. extu.
VJ£oe, for hnan J p \Vn.t.iAWs_
T? 7? VI? ~as bbU £*« family flour for •tie"b>“
A M’CaSdLES& for
i4O Boxes W R cheese; 33 casks doffor
V b r o«ai wick a ;
OAU2UTUS-40 cult Cleveland, for «ala by
*“ eo ® ftT do'Maricaibo; 43
,/doJava;MdoLaguayn,fortale by
•pfiATHERS-tOOO lbs prime Feather*, for tale by“
L*^~JJ < 5« pi S ,GaI,n * Lent In note and for sale
Kj___ Ifebfl] JASHUTCmSOV A Co
AT^S KE ???Sr M ' bbl 1 N ? 3 la s* for sale
ill by [febg] \ JAS HUTCHISON ACo
IOT—l9 keg* aastd Nn, for tale by
SPATES a and Mason Forks
manaiacuired by John Purru A Co. For sale by
. 1 GEORGE COCHRAN, sole Art,
J* 3 * 'I No.auwcfoq »t. :
'EATHERS—I2 sacks prime for Lie b 7 ’’
T>ACON—SOO lbs HogToond far sale by
rpOBACCO— OO kegs d twist for ivv, "
i prims for tale
/"HOARS—«yx» Cooa&oa for sale by :
SiV?P H £2 S T? 75 lb * 11011 BttUer, 95 ba Closer Seed
\ 19 ba Ikied Peaches; 6 do Pared do; for sale bt
M6ELD CANDLES—9O bxs just received and for
>Me by tfebl] ATWOOD A JONES ACo
No 1, oa hand and for sale by
"pJCE—loTiereea, received perenn*r Mt Vemon, for
XL tale by fob! BAGALEY A’SMITH
BUTTER— Bbbl* Roll Batten ju*t~reeeived aildfor
fcbl WIdKAMeCAXDI.Fs.”
SUGAR A MOLASSES-25 bids N. O. Sonar 90
bbls dp. Molasses, landing from star. Mt Vernon,
and far sale by ja3l JAMES DALZELL,
HERRING— 200 boxes dried herring for sale by
O PlCES—Ground Allspice in 51b cans; gronud'cin*
O gex u 5 lb cans; groond cinnamoa in 3 lb cans; gr'd
. tn 3 lb cans; African Cayenne in 1 dox do, for
tale by &a9S) WICK A NTCANDt Ps^T
IRISI] UNENSi wamnicd pun flu. common and
&n* t at low prices, for quality.
io store andloFsaJe
LaHD-04 keg* and 15 bbli No I Lard in core ami
fot tale by Cjaite>] L S WATKRM a v
EYi{ FLOUR—B 7 bbU Rye Floor. ■ prime'ariicle fo
wady use, jost reey and for tale by
CW half chests, 300 catties fresh Teas, embrm-
X eo* a ehoica ranetr ofichops, on hand for sale by
)*n3! IUGALCT A SMnrtl.lßAiOwoodst
in prime order, jim'riee'ifiind
CIGARS— 130 II Choroot's just rec'd and (or sale iJv
/~YNH>NS—A smalTlot prime, for aafiTSy —:
BARYTES— 17 cull baryua suitable for white lead
manufictortra, jmt rec’d and for «ale by
T EAfa—l3oo p if» GaUna. in sure, for sale lew by
-Li J*jhl7; FORSYTH A Co.
CiL^RA l fUS*i casks jost rec'-d and (or sale by
O jsnlH BROWN A CCLB^»7^'.V
OATS— 100 bos os eoaaignmeat, for sale by ;
Jtf 5 J D WILLIAMS, 110 wood st
T7EATHERS —20 bafs prime feathers just rocUand
X jbr.-sale by [jsMj BROWN A CULBERTSON.
SOAP— 25 boxes No 1 soap; 10 do do Palm 1 soap; 10
do fancy; 3 do castiie, for «■>" by
jaalS! i D WILLIAMS.
BUCKWHEAT FIXJUR—II sacks, a superior arti
cle, 1 in store and tor saje by 1
SDXP[-yo boxes prime Soap landing trota steamboat
Gem Washington and for sale by
jag [- ’ . JAMES DAt.grr.T.
/~IOMBS—4O gnu wood Comb* jostrec'd and for tale
K/ by . J C UDWELL, A*ent,
.J* 3 * water ttrett.
Y A tupply ofthe £i*lJ r
JJ wut Mills extra CmuJy Boor, and other choice
brand* kept constantly by
jta ; BROWN fc CDLBERTSOX. 145 U 1
ONIOS'S-M bub Urn white Onion*, for tale br
. fe>»l WICK A. McCaXDLKSS
CORN! BROOMS—SC dot (br ule by
POTATQt-lH— lODhhlm received and C6i
**lafry fcbl TASSEY * h«~-
IRIED PEACHES—IS) baihtli in store and foi
Mlc by febl TASSKY A BEST.
"WINDOW GLASS—fiOO bn aaeorted iiz*a,from6
TV 10 Sizau, oa hand and for male by
50AP it CANDLES—76 bxa Cincinnati No 1 Soap, 7
bza Mould Candles, in store and ior sale by
PEACHES— ISO ba received mad for male by
ftbl Wfc R AIcCUTCIIfcON.
CHEESE— 100 bxa prime, received and for male by
/~\LOVERSEED—3O bub received and for male by
febl I . IS3 Liberty at.
PEPPER —300 aacka pepper which can, be told very
low 10 the trade, jut rac'd and tor tale by
SAI.KRATUB A tone in boxea and caikt for male by
ja4 | ROBERT PALZKLL. liberty at
SOAP-}IOU boxea Cincinnati Soap juit rec'd and' for
_aale by [jag] JOHN 8 DILWORTH. ,
GARDNER WANTED— a food cardaer, who can
com* well recommended, will and a permanent
situation bad food ware# by applying at this office.
—jt» L_ dlw
STEEIy-A general aaaortmeolof Cast, Shear and E.
Bliaxer, German, American and Spring Steel in
atora and (an aale by L 8 WATEKMAN,
jag- f- 01 water and ft! from ate.
T7EATIJEB&—64 ecke juat received and for aale by
lid Liberty at.
'DUCJU!tB-jO doz Beaver Backets,just received and
JO (of ssic by (febl] BROWN 4 CULBERTSON
TJPLL BIIiTbB-3 bbls fresh 801 l Butter, just re*
JV ceivad end for tale br
T>lCEWJast received end fer sale by
ARD—ft ken No I LeaC for sain br
C HOARS; 60 boxes half Spanish, fur sale lu close
/ consignment by SFVONBONNHORSTACo.,
Jaal7 | _ . wood st.
/HANDLES—® boxes stearins; 10 do star; 5 do sperm
V forsalaby_ J D WILLIAMS. ~
T>UTTER—3 boxes prime roll for *s!e br
LARD Ac—<oo bbls No 1 sod 3 lard; 70 bbls No 1
tallow; 80 casks sods ash] for sale br
-l** l4 1 JOHN GRIER.
DRIED PEACHES—iso bos. receiving from the str
Lake tne and for sale br
jenl7 . r JAMES DALZELL, water st.
FAMjYj PRINTS—Fire case* new «iyle, finer
vnfafjpnau, lost ree*d and for sale by ;
■g T BHACKLKIT * WMITfI n wood ft.
WULLUTO B —Fir* bales extra heavy
dnlUjn«reFe/Tedby ' ,
IMI * i «HAcytjgrr; fc WHITE.
,H , *T w j ntw "riined, eoo*tanily — oji hvTd
j aw! toi sale at retuj by JOEL MOHLKR,
|tnls cor, wood and ftb »».'
P < f^m T 9 E ?~ 300 Lb, *' cxu » j ß ,j luiding
X (roa ssr Genustowo, ud for file by
1 J "4_J 8 * w iUhbauch.
P ,X Sft£S a ? bbl, ft? h S ß s B * llr * faml, y floor 12*
do and Clark’* brand;4o do fins flour: in
Jtota and for tala by AX FORD & Co.
T /(*B£ED bbla prune linseed oil on con-
for sale by
lalJ ■ i ""gEffifcpa'frrocOLß. 17 liberie ,t._
Lard OIL-'SQ bbla Conkling’* ho 1 winter lard oil
for sal* atrednd?*! jute* by r.r - ....
ianio 1 g£I«LERa A yrcOLB.
T3UDTER AND FKATHERS-2 bbla and 1 box but
=M tar *n4 3 lull feather* receiving from atmr Lake
tgeandferaatoby; JAfl. DALZELL.
D B J, b^"Mss/s^
"I7^P R .'f: lfio barrel* flour, Swearingen k Harford’s
X and for sale by r ‘ • * ■
•' 33 wood st
t,ai * ta,b " “
bW ?t 1 00 owmgnrtent and for
Mia by liman SELLERS t NICOL&
R l i^i«uf?,£Sf mi * n,,ofo « nn “ MdEnjiUh,
j■»- V 3 SCHOOVMAICnL M irood street.
P 0 aew porkf IS do Bump do. in «toro
. tad far «*i> by [jctt] £ NICOLS.
FLOUR—7O bbla for salt by
5 Saturday,
0 Sunday,
7 Monday,
9 Tue*dtr,
9 Wedueaday.
10 Thnradar,
11 Friday,
Movement, of the Ocean Steamer..
To arrive at New-York. Tb aail from N. York.
... . Havas. • mnt
aiiJwnri, Moniu, Dee. Zi Philada- Beuon. Feb. 21
v- £ e “ oa l i*? 23 N-York, Ferrand, Mar. 01
*l. *orr, rerrand, Feb. 21 Ltmrooil
r . . . “T 1 *”* 01 - Hibernia, Ryrie. Jan. I
Cambria, Judkin., Jan. 1 Cambria, dodkin*, Jan 29
. F«b. 1 somuarroa,! ir.
... wmuarnw, Ac. Waah’n., Johntion Jan. 20
v>aatiu„Jobn.tou t Dee. 19 Hoimrui,Crabtree ’ Mar. I.
Hunaan, Crabtree, Mar. 13 To .ailfrom Byaton. ‘
fo arrive at Bouton.
Office Pittsbueqh Gazjrte, )
Tuesday Morning, February 8, ISIS, J
The weather, for the poet lew days, baa been
cold and snowy, which has leaded to slacken, very
materially, the buaincsaof the market Everyitbng
seems at a aland, and prices, generally, show little
or no variation from our last quotations.
Floue— The market is quite inactive. The re
ceipts have been quite full, and prices, if anything,
have become more unsettled. We continue to*
quote regular sales to the trade, from store, at
$1,8704,93|; and some small lots extra brands at
.50S,O<S> bhL \ . •
: Flo tra—Receipts are limited, and the mar
ket quieL Soles are effected at 3,7503,87 ? bbL
; ®trcawHEAT Fi/>im—Very little doing. Moder
ate sales are effected at 1,2301,37 100. j
Goais—The market is quiet, and prices ate of a
nominal character. Wheat would not command
over 95c; Barley 45050, and Kye 45018 c pbu.—
We quote moderate sales of Com at 38010 c, and
of Oats at 2G027c p bu.
.. Provisions —We have no changes to notice in
the market. Supplies are quite full, and we notice
nothing out of the range, of regular trade sales.—
We quote Bacon nominally at, for Lams
sides 5051. and shoulders at 401|c p'jh. Lord is
quiet, with moderate sales only at* 5051 c p Si.—
Sales of Roll Butter at 12013 c. and of keg at 9010
cents p lh. 1 |
Featuers—The market is tairly supplied; and
we note moderate sales only at 31032 cents ft.
: Dels wax— -The article is ralber-duU, and would
not bring over 22c p ft
Brut Meat —Almost every arrival.from bislow
continues to throw into our market large quantities
of this article, and notwithstanding the liberal
ments to the East, our supplies afe abundant; and
we have no sales to report at any price. It would
not command over 3jc y Cl*
Fur Ciscinsatj.— 'The fine steamer, J. J. Crit
tendeo. Israel, master, leaves tbis : day at 10 o'clock
a. in phenol the Hibernia No. 2.
Cojipaiutivk coot or Coal axt> Wood i roa
Steamboats.— CapL Carlisle, of the Marshall Key,
look in, at Canaelton, Terry ax, la., 22,000 bushe a
of coal at 7 cents p bu—every 14 bushel cf which
equalled oae cord of wood in producing steam,
thus saving The difference between 14 bu pf coal,
98c; and a cord of wood at $3,50 to 3,oo—the
pnee now asked on the Ohio—[St Louis Organ.
Cattle Bsrkcti.
Baltimore. February s.—There wosa falling off
in the supply of Beeves' this week, and the de
mand-was rather more animated, which caused an
improvement in prices. The offerings at the scales
on Monday amounted to G3O head, of which 420
were sold; 70 left over; and 140 were diveri to
Philadelphia. Sales were made at prices ranging
frora : 2,2o to 3,75 p 100 lbs on the hoof equal to
4.5007,25 net, and making an average of 3J21
gross. Nothing of moment has been doue since
• in the week sales-were made at
5,500 b, but within the last few days we learn that
5,5005,75 is the range of the market.
Cincinnati —Per Hibernia No 2—124 bbls mo
!asses,'Burbridge, Wilson & co; 30 hbds sugar. J
Park A* co; G bbls whiskey, Bryan; 10 hhds sugar,
W 5c R McCutcheon; 1 ert, C Iliwscn; 3 bbls oil,
t b Louis McLane; 1 refrigerator, Bidwell; 4 bxs
agars, Mezonee; 2 pipes, 1 hlf bbl wine, owneri
Per Monongahela—ls 3 bbls molasses, Burbridge
A: co; 300 bis manilla hemp, Irwin (c Son; SO bales
a*too r King, Pennock A: co; 50 bbls whiskey,
Bonnett; 75 do do, More; 1 pkg lwoks, Screiber; 25
>x» soap, S McChirkan & co; 12 bbls lard oil, '7 Ido
scraps, Lyon, Short Sc co; 6 has paper, Mellor; 7
hhds bacon. 14 libls molasses, Burk; 30 mules and
3 horses, Wire Je Mahew.
Per Grey Eagle—3o bxs raisins, 19 do wine and
fruit, 20 do sugar, 30 qr csks wine, 50 bbls whisky.
Miller A: - Ricketson; 30 bxs raisins, 50 sks coffee.
Smith Sc Sinclair; GG csks soda ash, Poindexter Sc
co; SSbbls molssses, Burtridge A: Wilson; 3 hhils
bacon, owner. 43 bbls mackerel, 30 hlf do, McClilr
kan 5: co; 5 hhds shoulders, 5 do bams. Green 60
Wds whiskey, Mitcheltree; I bx patterns, Coleman,
Hadmao Ac co; 2 pcs bagging, J Kerr A: co; J 4 sks
rags, J Howard Sc ou; 15 bbU hams. Orum Sc Me-
Grew; 20 bbls lime, Crumpton A: co; 87 kegs, 1 hx
tobhcco, Reed; 10 bxs com, Sibbett A; Jones; 4G
hbds sugar, Blackmore; 3 bbls, 4 bx truss hoops, B
A Fahnestock Sc co.
Parltnburg —Per Skipper—2 baa mdae, Mor
rn; 7 bbls corn, 7 do bean*, .1 kepi lard, Williams
Dilwortbjll bbls whes/, Voegily, G 3 do mdse,
Perry; 15 hbdt tobacco, Bidwell; 00Iqjs lard, Isaiah-
Dickey; 10 bbls apples, 5 do peaches, 1 dor-15
kegs, 19 jars butter, 7 kgs lard, 3 bbls eggs, Samp
.tod & co; 9 kgs, 9 bbls lard, 307 pcs pork, Church
«k Carothers; 1 chest, Irwin & Son; 40 bbls wbraj,
McClurkan ic co; 2 ska feathers, Waterman; 352
bbls potatoes, owner.
• Bridgeport— Per Ringgold—l2o bbls corn and
wheal, 13 ska barley and peaches, 6 bbls, 1 set do
Morgao ic. co; 2 hhds tobacco, Roe; 20 bbls rye,
beans and corn, owner; 36 sks and kgs barley, Sea,
20 csks and bbls floor and beans, Berry; 13 bhdi
•obtcco, Mitchell; 150 b'‘ ••
tobacco, Mitchell; 150 bbis Hour, J McCully; 100 do
do, Drum & McGrew: 152 do do, owoar 33 do do
Cope. ....
WtHroiMc— Per Caleb Cope—S bbls clovgrwed 1 ,
2do butter, 1 keg lard, 15 ska dr fruit, Smith St
Sinclair; .355 jrs balk pork, 4 bbls lard. 1 kg do, 2
bbU butter, 15 bgs cioveraced, Bagaley lc Smith:
65 bbla flour, Applegate; 253 pea bulk pork, S it
W Harbaugb: 12 hgi barley, 8 do oata, 2 bbls seed
2 do butter.'Heazelum; 36 bbls flour, 1 do butter, 2
bxado, 2000 hoop poles, 5000 fire brick, 100 bii
fire clay, 3600 gales staoe ware, 100 beer bottles,
owners. .
Jo SrxAxsoiT Mis *» Omnts.—Connell's
Magical Pam Extractor—lt is now conceded by medi
cal men that Connell’s Magical Paia Extractor, manu
taetured by"Comstock A Co. 21 Courtiand st. N Y, is
the greatest wonder of the UUiLMntnry. lu effects are
Uti't miraculous. All pains are removed from bum*;
scalds, Ac., and all external sores, in s few minutes af
ter iu application; healing the fame on the moil deli
*?.*? lraviQ f »■» •«' It is equally beneficial in
alt kinds of mflsmmatory diseases, such as tore Mrv
ples and Eyes. Sprains, Bheutnatism, White Swelling
and Lteer*. Bruises, Hums, Cbilblaios, Errsipelas,
.Biles, Tie Doloresux, Ac. We might add as proof to
all we satr, the names of many eminent physicians who
use it in their practice, and hundreds of tLe clergy who
praise it to their people. Kind parent keep it constantly on
hand, in cases of accident by fire, life may be lost with
out-it. but fcy lla use all bums are subject to its control,
unless the vitals are destroyed. Caution—Remember
and ask for Connell's Magical Pain Extractor, manu
factured by Comaiock A Co. N Y, and no other.
' .Sold by WM. JACKSON, Agent for Pittsburgh, 69
Liberty »L, head of Wood. novtSdAwCinT
E7“B*lii or CoLtmaia—(bus Tome.—To the Bald
and Grey—lf you \n«h a rich, luxuriant bead of hair,
free from dandruff and scurf, do not fati'To~proeure the
grnuine Balm of Columbia. In cases of baldness it
will more than exceed your expectations. Many who
have lost their hair for UU years have had it reatoreif'to
its original perfection by the use of this balm. Age,
state or condition appear to be no ol»>aclc whatever; it
also causes the fluid to flow with which the delicatp
hair tube Is filled, by which means thousands (whose
hair was grey as the Asiactic Eagle) have had their
hair restored to its natural color by of this inval
uable remedy. In all.cases of fsver ifwjll be found lha
most pleasant wash that can be used. A few applies
lions only are necessary to keep the hair from falling
out It strengthens the roots, it never foil* to impart a
rjch glossy appearance, and as a perfume for the toilet
it ie unequalled; it hojda three limea aa much aa other
miscalled hair restoratives and Is more effectual. The
genuine manufactured by Comstock A Co., 21 Counland
street, New York.
Bold iu Pittsburgh, only genuine, by WM, JACKSON,
69 Liberty it., head of Wood; in Washington. Pa., by
Son; in Brownsville, by Beimel A Crocker;
in Canonsbnrg, by Dr. Vouel; also, by our agents in;
every lown-in Pa., Ohio and Md. uovltidAwfimT
CT7" L’ea tue Paorxa Alxsn.—lf you with to b« iue
eetsful in any undertaking, you mutt alwaya htso the
proper meant.’ T|ipfpfpr* ? if you have * cough, um
Jsms’a KxrtcrouvT and lie pared, Ipr It 1* i(ie proper
meant. Have you Asjhijia pr difficulty qf bre&jiilng,
then tiie only efficient meant to cun you Jt to um
Jayue't Expectorant, which will immediately overcome
the tpaiui which contracts die diameter or the tubes,
and footent and brings up the mucus which clogs them
up, ahd thus removes every obstruction to a free re«pi»
ration, while at the aame tune all inOamutation ia tub*
deed, and a pore it certain to be effected. Have you
Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Pleurisy, or In fact any
Pulmonary Affectum, tlieu ute Jayne’s Expectorant
and relief ia certain, and you will find that you have
gaed tbe proper meant.
Fo i mis in Pittsburgh at the Pekin Tea Store, 73 4th
Kttei nea/ janl7
j DyVatlow Teeth r -id'
........ putrid breath,
Spongy fume like rotten death,
l< repul tire end disgusting.
All could have leetb a* while aa pearl,
Sweet breaib—fasrdguim—man or girl.
Why delay!—nay, quickly haite
And Vi? a box of Jone*’ Tooth Paste,
ft ?ojti but tS cduls, and jj feaily a beautiful article.
It rives the' • flue eusms!.’ bold Jp Pittsburgh at
BO Liberty at. novUkUcwly
. ID'Piu*. Sot**, Ac.—The Genuine H#y»'Lintaent
it tn aruele more jutily celebrated at a core for (be
above than any bt all other*. Iu c»ret are almott in]
numerable. Bold by WAL JACKSON, Arenl fi>r Piu*-
burjh. tiovlSdAvrfmT
Don't have a Fool Breath—lf yon have, otea
twoihilUnirbottJeofJoues’AmberTooih Patte. That
will make you/ breath tweet, whiten your teeth, Ac.--)
Sold at tfi Ltbeny’u. uovlCdAwly
Q7* Ladiet who ate Jonet’ Bpaniih Lily White, have
alwayt a fiaa white tnntparenl this. Of thja a trial
will aatiafy any CM. Bold only in Pituhonb, at 89
Uhorty it. • • % MTWtUi»dwly
r i • e i.
~3 tf 6 13“
5 7 7 a
3 9 8 SI
6 10 0 41
3 U 10 47
.3 12 11 SO
Sl3 mom.
~6 54
0 53
6 SI
0 50
6 49
6 43
BEAVER PACKETS, At 3 And ID A. ji, And 3
o'clock, r. u.
E J. CRITTENDEN, N. Orleanj.
GRE\ EAGLE, Cincinnati.
- «*— -
>nU IJl" ', '“'*" “ I‘lul.Jelpl.i., 0a ~
SSfsL*" 4 *««l»n. Mail Coach Li,,.,* a. >.
gonh-\Vc*tem Tit Cievcltnd, daily, 10 *. M .
ine tiieatem New York, dtily, 0 * W
IMth-hoaumiMilaiblpMo, Jail?, «icj?pl Simdara,
Wa*,” 1 .. n Tl * Uilladalphi*, due a*. ** rloaem 12 w
Mw'.pl'riH. 4 * £
Sau.h.*.«BiW re 4\Vs»hiitjtttm, dua u p.w. cl's Sa. K.
Nonh Western n» CUveltnd, dua 10 a. HneloMsoA.M.
&i« mi Wm.,n N.w York! du. « ." cIM./i .:J
A* A. Blaaan * Co..
T .f l V' B f^ r^ t • ,, TH,ItD ** D *« e *ni rruzra,
INFORM their fncnds end thepublio generailr, that
L being about to re more 10 Uia epaeiotS wd efecwt
oiT MMW jr if^ cte4 °/* Uje adjominj Lot. They mil
and well »el*«ied stock or Fail
id Winter Goods at coat, and in manr cases less than
enUrellUkN thC ?- £ op< 3^ heir nefw ,lor * “»
enure stock of New Goods. The sale will commence ;
Iheir L^i e ®° U^ S 10 ** first of Mareh, or until
extensive aswmiem of
Press Goodswill be sold full HO per cent, leu »b»ri usu
al prices. They consist of the most fashionable Cash-
De^ Qe »- Gala, Mohair, Wlk and Oregon
Pl £i d4 \A Uo \ Alnaceas, Ac. 8
* nd G*nnsn Merinos, Qnecn’s
£ , Cl °akincs, Broad Cloths/cf all tbs
most fashionable eolors. lllack and fancy Brest silks.
PlaiY^n.T^ 17 '^?"I*-T,rklri. 1 * -T,rklri . Tanan
assortment, tally
reduced one halftn pnea. Flannels—Welsh, English
and American Flannels, of alt eolors and qualities.
Bonnet ud Csp Rik Dons, Gloves, Hosiery, Gunp. and
'pi?™ f nd C *P**’ **•««•. Artificial
Ww’ P r And Feathers, Scarfs, Cravau, Hand-
F “>cr Buttotu, etc. Linen Goods of every
desenpaon. Woollen Goods—Cassimeres, Cestiuetta,
Tw « Jeans. • Whimsy
suid Also an eztensire assortment af
Calicoes, Chintzes, domestic Ginghams, Checks, Stripes,
T>£* lE f*' brown and bleached Muslins, etc W
The loligwmg will be some of the Prices:
Cashmeres st IS* e. Usual price 37*
W * - “ 35 and a
Gala Plaid*, fo « umj
Mohair A Oregon Plaids, 20 u u 37i
Alpmcc.,, IS| « .
Flannels, ao « «, ail
Wrought Collars, !■} « s;l
Calicoes, 9to 10 » "12*
Cessinetts, to 31 « “60
Together with every irtiele in thCfltore. which will be ;
offered equtliy cheap. Visitsr* may be assured that
they will uot be diuppointed in*lhe qnality or priees of
our goods. [janail A A MASON A Co. 1
. * *• ***• Hn« for fisVcsitu.
A A DAV would respectfully.inform
the citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicimty that they
are now selling off their eery large and eztensiTe stock
ol dry roodi~at ah unparalleled reduenon of prices,
their object being to exchange goods for cash, A ui or
» 10 this in the shortest possible lime they will
sell off their enurestock ai suen remarkably low rates
e>.cannot suit cash buyers. A fins opportunity
is now offered to persons in want of cheap dry goods to
tfieoiselres; at a comparatively small expense.
We hare a large and splendid stock ol
Palo Alto. Buena Vuta'Gala. English and French Me
rino Plaids; Oregon and California do; Plain Black and
Mode colored Be Games, French Menho#, assorted col
ors; AJpacca Lustres; Bombasines; French, and Scotch
Cashmeres and Mquilin Da Laiuet, FreaJh and Eai
ston Ginghams, etc.
A large and sp.endid assortment of rich blark Drei
and Mantilla silk s and blue black Dress Sauus.
A large assortment of super French, Turkrm ami
Cashmrre Shawl*; plain and enU.roidered a ilk mug*
Thibet duJChameleoii and Brocade tilk do; plain black
uik do; super alt wool long square Brocbea do; plain,
and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embroidered Dc
Lames do.
Soper French, English, and American Cloths and Cl
simeres in great variety.
An excellent assortment of SalUneis and a UFge stock
of red, white and yellow Fennel*.
Blankets—Soper blue Blankets for overcoats; fins
twilled do, American prenautn do„ ate.
.. * •■»»* a»«rimeoi of Tickings, Check*. PnnU,
Muslin*, together with almoit every article w the drv
good* line. ALEXANDER fi. DAY.
jatilll «S market at, N. W. cor. of diamond.
Established a warehouse in the year l«fl. lor the pur
p°*e oi supplying the City and interior Trade with
low prices—«tul exhibiting, at at! seasons
of the rear, the (.arrest Assortment in
are now opening Several Hundred Packages,
ung every new style of Foreign and Domestic
jon, many of which'have just been purchased,
o lie red for sate lor Cash and short credit, at
per yard below the pnce» of April and May, a> pci
pnmed Catalozuea, which are corrected duly, for the
utloriualioii of huyrr«i
New York, Jane, IM7. \ jvSdiftt
! Card-Hoadijr. J«n> 10*
Great reduction* i.v piuces-w r Morphy,
N. E corner 4th and market *t*„ will, from Uut
date, sell fau winter drew good a. and a large propbruon
ofhia *tock, adapted 1 only to the winter aeaaoo. at
greatly reduced price*, It being .hi* object to »ell off
mta part of hi* »iock t© make room for an early »princ
“pply. no 'regard will b« bad to tba cod ol the good*,
but they offered at price* that will ensure their
•ale—«uch a* California plaid*, at 1»J former price sHc;
•operdo, at 23 former pnee 37J-c; Primed Scotch cash
mere* at la|, former price Ole; do. 25, former price- 37 ie;
kreneh all wool do. SO eta, former price 62 and 75 c.
«P er do-former price tUk toper plaid Thibet cloth.
tel and 7S former price 100; besides a large assortment
of winter shawls, worsted Hood*, 4c. at price* much i
lower than before offered. . micr
Black and cdCoߣErALl , AcC7^\v“R
Murphy ha* on hand at eery low price*, an assort
raent of above good*, including different shades of
Drab Colors. Common and Pine; Nazarin* Blue do.:
Maroon do; Drown Black and Blue do., Satin stri
ped do.; Satin Barred do.; Fancy Plaid do; also, an as
sortment pi Mohair Last re a, including very
fine - and glossy. In'VVboletale Room*, up stairs, deal
•r* will find a choica stock of above and other roodi
• the pier* -- low Ca»h prices.
! il>y (ho piece, at _ Ja»h price*.
I BURNISHING GOODS—We have on hand an a*-
. tonmeni of goods; tollable tor Airntihing hotel*,
•leamboau. Ac.,’ among w!ii*h are 13 bale* ticking*, a*-
•orted; C do bro. drilling*; 3 ca*e» M and 0-4 bleached
chirung*; 14 do |,{ and 4-4; do; 3 bale* heavy linen i
cra*h; 7-4 and »-4 Imen labl* di»per; do. do. Damatk; 1
Scotch and Kuuia diaper, low-priced laney madder
print*; white counterpane*; plain and twilled blanket*, i
Ac., which will be aold low lor ca*h or approved credit I
>«?* ... W wood at
SHAdtUOT & WHITB—Dry OewU jobber*T»
Wood »i, litve on band a well nuntil and eeaaon*
able alock of DEY GOODS_;which they will aili to
weatem and city merchant*, on very reaaonilde terra*,
and low price*. Moat of lLa gh©d* were bought during
tne la*t month, and at reduced price*. ja4
BLACK R MURPHY ask* the atlrutlon
olbuyera to hi* aaaortment of above good*, inelud
nig rich plain Italian dreia aillr, poult <!e aoie do: blur
black do; nch watered dp; do watered and tiriped dc
'ilka for card! «: beside a large iuiunmr«i »’
—v.r,r rdi ?* l,i *l e ‘^ c * * tr ? a lueurunent i>i Fancy
, .** cl »an*able aatuis ie., all of which will be
»oj<l at we lowed possible pricea JajiS
iHmTIHG MUSLIKsi^Vv 7 "1
kj MURPHY, N. K comer of <th and Market ttrcett,
doth thtnin* rfu.-
luxgthe i* sctlimr at W* eta nffcd-ajso, hit superior as
sortment of IRISH LliNCNSvtrarranted pure flax, and
« the most approved manufacture. Alto, Linen towns,
of every duality, aurt a fyll assortment of gentlemen h.
todies cambric handkerchief janl
BOVS CASSUXEnKS • —W It Murphy invite*
Ibe attention of parent* to hi* excellent assortment
of hoy* ca»»iinere» and tweed* of various qualities, ul
the Dry Ciooda bouse, northeast comer of 4th am) innr
»'» ; fel>J
PHODL'CK— Ileceived ner mourner I/urtlow, 12 libit
Clover Seed, I do (lu Seed, 5 do |L»ll JJuller, 3
do While Meant, 17 do Lard, I*3 keg* do 4 tekt Wool,!
do Feather*; for tale by fell JJAGALEYfc SMITH
TirmfE COllS'fKßl r Aliß»-.Anoiher ea»e
ff of Steamboat Counterpane*, iu*t received from N.
York, and for tale by aitACtfLETT & WHITE,
df JO __ Wood at.
‘ MtfELS—B'"’ ' 4 Mann el*
I?LjVNNI -Bed, Brown mid Barred }iann3s.—
4? An additional supply* received from ilie manufactu
rer* Aliq, a few pieces pf low priced Cassineits. for
spKf _ j ¥& wood si
BEANKKTS— t»P*ir lar|{n"lteniestic Blankets, just
receired on eonilpnnient; for sale by
COCHECO PRINTS —W R Murphy Invites the atten
tion of buyers to his assortment of above superior
goods, neat styles and plaids of pure madder colors,
and warranted fast; also; Pall River aud American
print works do. also fast colors. i ß niB
"TTjrELSH FJ*ANNKLB constantly. on hand at dry
JT ffPftf!* hp>‘« *>t W U Murphy, N E comer of
dill and market to., a;i piapnment pf above goods,
warranted not to soring w washing, jantfl
TAfiuemxnsi&H A^TT^xTiLTrcc&THs—\vTr
Murphy haa on hand, at low prices, an assortment
of common, medium and : »ui>erior linen table diapers;
also damask linen tpble clothe, napkins, ete.: also hoek
abud, bird-eye, anil Scotch diaper* for toweling, jal#
PkAfD AL'J’ACCAii.—vA few pee of satin
barred alpaccae, lataljr -epM; «liu. excellent
assortment of fancy barred 00-i very low, at the dry
rood* houee of o*3ll' W R MURPHY.
} phy, comer 4th and Merket «e- eontiimce to eell
inter Drew Goode at greatly Reduced prices—Mu»-
lin da Lainee oa low at tgl cu per yard, Ac. Ja27
PpOD;;CE-» ker» Np inari WbWi buekwhe
Sour, fl do Sag seed, 9 dp small white beans, 1 do'
rye, 1 do timothy seed, 9 sack* dried peaches, received
amd for sale by : I GEO A UEJUIY,
iaStt . 1. 19 wood street.
riOFFEE—W bags prime ftjo; 40 do Medium; ia do
9 dp Pitt dat|a] Ibt
5 narr watzk c* chiaxe^—palleto.
Bearer, Clark, WelUville.
Cope, Bearer and WellaviUe.
Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville.
Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville.
Ringgold, Cope, Bridgeport.
"■““be. Cock, Brownsville.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson; Brownsville.
Grey Eagle, Brooks, Cin.
clapper, Stoops, Parkersburgb.
- Beaver, dark; VellsvitHf.
Michigan No 2. Gilson, Beaver.
Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellville.
Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville,
n Morrison, Brownsville.
Batoc, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic; Parkinson, Brownsville.
. Da nn «>e, : Cock, Brownsville.
Ringgold, Cope, Bridgeport,
skipper. Stoops, Parkersburgh.
Y«« Property. -
T ??* r ,* 1 Mle, on Wednesday, (be lat
A of March next, the fans late the property of
1 >iomu T. Boa}, decerned. situated in Middletex town-
In Jit i'if r coan,y » ! ’*> about ope hundred
«uid etghty acre*; one hundred acre* cleared, twenty of
wuicto are meadow, the balance wall timbered The
taproYemeou are, a Dwelling Home, a large
* ““I,?®, 0 * "3 th • u,llin ? under the whoK
a frame ''agon Shed and Corn Cnb, a frame Wash
8®“?" *“ d fP™* Houte. with a never tailing pump at
er fed? r ' VjIJF Apple Orchard, -with a variety of oth
er fruit and oraamental treea. '
The above i t considered one of the ben farm* in But.
•f Co L nfy ’ be*! quality ofland/beautifiillT
“ nd Batl * r Turepike roS
R«lh„^h e Lj°® “**. r twenry-fourmile* from
•ndMilif’ “ d c °n»enient to Chorchea School-home*
Taiats—One third it* ha ml. and the balance in two
equal annual payment*; with intere*t from sale.
Ml ■ ■ oniy.TwoiVft? :
l brick houses selling FOR tlias—Tl»e
•übtenber hu only two of theta cheap dwtllintr
faooeea/aituated oo Decatur at, left. These hoo£
ei are brick, three sforica high, and coutain tix
roonu each. .They are of recent erection, are well
tmilt, and pottett aTery-coDTenienee for neat redden*
ces for. total! families, having each teptxale and iode
pendeniyarda. . H i
•AST v??* h . OO . M * Will be told at tka low price of
•IUo each! and time given on a portion of the pur
chaae money. Suchlbaftnins, we think] have not late*
ly been offered In this city. 1
Inquire of the anbscriber, who can bejseen at the Of
hce of the Gazette, every forenoon; between ;the hoora
of eight and ten, and .at other umea at his rooms at
. "??,* boarding houae, Robinson*a new row, Fed
»fshen7 cuy. ? DN WHITE,
j^* l *** - ■ Agent for the owner.
Farm fop Sale.
M- wi* *, • * ** public sale, pn the premiss*,
on Thursday the Pth of March'. U4B, at 10 o'clock
A. AL, til th»t certain plantation and tract of
tana situated in VersailleMpwnship, Allegheny county,
late the property of William Perry McCullough, de
ceaaea, containing about bO acre*, frotn'SS to lixir arret
UnnproredamJ in a high ttate of cultivation,
on which i* erected a'comfortable stone Dwelling
House and trame Bam, fwith other outbuildings; also,
an orchard of-select fruii. This property is about 13
miles from Pittsburgh, and the Greensburgh and Pitts
burgh turnpike parse* through It. This tract of land
contains a large quantitft'Of-stone coal and limestone,
of an excellent quality, aSid the Central Railroad, as at
* ,ed ’ P»»«» bear the same. Terms, one
half in hand, and the other half in one and two years,
with interest, to be seeureiTby llond and Mortgage
_fcbSJ2wtwU> ■ ’ Klreua,.
ADeilrshli Lota of Ground for iaj*.
NUMBER of beautiful Lots,froutingon that great
thoroughfare. p*inn * street, or the Greensburrh
wroptke road, and onlho Allegheny river, and interrae
dme streeu in the Bth Ward, Pittsburgh, ere new offer
lW •*!* on the most reasonable terms.
Fot private residences! business and manufacturing
establishments, these lots present simations not supatt
od.if enured, by any now for sals. The; regularity
With which the streets*re;laid out, and the level char-
P; tha fround. -render the lots convenient, and
available at once for building purposes. The title is in
diiputable. ~ Apply to IL/uLMAR DENNY,: Od a*.
feb3-dlm Attorney Law, 4tb|ai
I t_i KtrifoLit |
4K& t ~ Btore “ on liberty sireet, be-
I JEH,7 '.fT 7 ’, altd o' s ** do °f *0 (be grocery ■lore of
I , John **■ It bat two froiiu,.niniunr through
to rerry »L, u targe and convenient, and u well adapt
ed for a Grocenr Store. Hiereiia rood celler connect
-1 E a . w,u » **» w “ch the tenant can re-let, if be chooses, aa
u has an outstde entrance. These-premises will be
rented low to a good tenant!
Inquire of the subscriber. who can be aeen at the of
'B < L*** Ua * •«n r Wrenoon, between
Sr.?\i u j\ * n . (l *t oilier uoes, at hit rooms at'
furs. Hays’ boarding bouse; Robinson's new row. Fed
.^ Ueghen7 D N WHITE,
few tf . ; • Agent for the owner. "
Mi Farm tm* B*at«r Liui<
The uude reigned will rent or-ieese for e wnn of
7* #r »> * portion, of the fern where he now re
j “««; eonteinin* from CO to 70 ecree:oftilleble
lend end 40 mere* of woodlend. on# lerge etone dwel
ling hoau, one log hoaee, end e lerge hern, which cen
w u **°J, or * t °nog rootejor converted inioeeprini
home. Ttu» property u between three end four mile*
from PiUehurgo, on the;Mohongehele river, city tide.
It ii very emteble for e deiry end vegeteble term.
rottetuon given on the let of ilereh. For peitieu
lere inquire on the nremieee'of
jeVOd til I«t march ; HENRY WOODS-
iwl THE ihrM *u»nr Dwelling Housa and now
CU i’ le l by . ,, • Eaq., on Fena .l,
near Hand. The Lot feel, and i. plea.anb
lyutnaied. For.ub.criber,whoha.
The threr atory houM on the comer of liberty at. and
Irwuia alley, now occupied a* a wholesale and retail
poeer a itorfc, by H. F. Schueppe. l*o»»CMion men
immediately, on application at the warehou.o ofJohn
Irwin & tfona; No. 11 Waier ktreet, by
3,„r Ch !“**, Bnlldln* Lot. r O , Sole.
lip lubunber offer, for calc tome eery choice
Lxuldidrne 10U in Alleybcir Ci.y u tow price.
*ne lute axe beautimlly utuateil for rural relhlencea,
and about one-fourth of a imile from the Alleirbeuv
market, or the old Allegheny Uridge. The laiae and
term* can be made to «att purchaser*. ~
Inquire of the subscriber, who can be aeen at the <jf
fice 01 the Carette erery forenoop, and at other times
at ui» rooms at .Mr. 11 aV*' boarding bourn, Itobinsuu's
aew row, Federal aL Allegheny city.
j* 2o . '• D. N. WHITE.
BHIB ,THK NATIONAL HUTKI., on Water street.
dHbabore the Monoiigahfla House, and the stable
on rruot street. bemg a leasehold for the term of SI
T r'l',!e r "' n ti ' 1,1 of APk. ISU, cubjecl to ihe
iSß lh ' feediiople /„ !bc |„,
which 11 CO fed frontjon IVaiclurcci. extandins thnnieb
to rroni sb, can be purchased, Enquire of
_ decaafT \YM; M. DARLINGTON,
1. • . «r JUpt.
Mm a lw ® u * or 7 dwelling with abont dz acre*
JBB , (round attached, *ituaied at Oakland. The
“■P'*eeu well .locked with fruit of all kind*, and
ii a deairaM3, location for a lalml; heiujf entirely 00l of
reach of the nrer and din of the city. An ommbu*
eare* Oakland bouily tor the city. Apply to
' For' Rent.
M A net* three ttory [brick dwelling houw on
\\ ylie itreel—Pos«e»»ioii given on the fim of
Apnl or tooner II required. Inquire of
JS* 1 * R .treet.
M X lwo uory brick dwelling with
of ground. situated on the bank oft
iu the thorough .of .M nclit-»trr An
THREE dwelling bouaea situated on 4th atreet
canal bridge, in the city of Pittsburgh. Al
*®’ ■ f 0 “5 oy &i feet, with a convenient en
trance on Sib at, near wood. 1 , Alao, a frame dwelling
two aionca, with an acre of ground encloaed and under
cuiurauon, aituate ou Ohio lane, in the city of Alleghe
ny. Inquire of > J I) WILLIAMS,
' 110 wood a tree L ■
To Let.
MTbe new. three aiory ,Sra proofbriek atore oi
aecond at now occupied Ibr Edward Evans. fo
rent from lat of April next Inquire of
; I. J 4 wood atreet.
a The tubeenbera will >ent pim bf the war
houae now occupied by them. Apply to
_jam» ; F. $1 water atreeL
ilk A handsomely huislreit room on Market street. ,
> V?: c .? p ‘ ed V* &*«u"reut>j>e establishment I
b> Norland 4 Co. AJ*o, ■ well boished ami well fur.
m»hed room, tuitable tor societies, adjoining the hall of 1
Library AtaOciation. Entrance at Pk
lo Jlaii* , lK D GAZZAM,,
ocLff Office, market »trefet, be twceu Jd amUtli
For Beat*
Ak THE larfe and convenient dwelling houie on
Mts.rtCtnl ,L r Allegheny, formerly occupied bylJrs.
Ann Oazzam. Bent low. I’ossessiou erven on tie lit
ofApnlnexi. L D GAZZAM.
Immediate possession of the above boose can be ob-
Creighton, at the canal ware
house of Clark ATbtw. j
4 ~ ~Ren ~
- Por~Rem.
■* llr S« room on the tid itory of the warehouse
by tbs subscribers, near the foot of
? ,rect— ■ S'** l location for a steamboat
*sency cr an Insurance office, £
%-t , « ® , °*‘ *“**•
A * Fin® »wo story brick-house, on main street,
JK» Aileabeny city, near the upper bridge. The Jot is
V* * loot 100 deep. inquire of
- _a ! Washington, <ti»«.
~~~ : For Said.' " -
M l offer for salt the; house 1 now occupy on
webster street, a few doors we.t of Seventh
street. It is a two story brick bouse, with four
* ,ch fltwr> 1 will on a liberal credit.
To LeU* T
#»ft. 9?J! new ,hrPC . * ,or T llo.fse, with
.Bgjghath houses attached, situate neartbd corner of
enlSlhlV hu, * WnFosJesfriongir
en. the first of April next. “
-j"” .
For Beat.
© «iTi!?,u.T proo i warehouse, 24 feet front bv
Ja» feet deep, on second «. near wood. Rem rood
dcTa ' In, l mreof J »CIIOONUAKKR A Co.,
'■ 21 wood it
._. , For Rent. ~—
f *‘ ,wo , i° rif<l rick dwelling house with
-•JeJL *"room» and large yarjl. pleasantly situated
tlh wanl - B s*caifk,
- J*t street near wood.
. , To Let. 1
H» >. A, 1 , r **t commodiou*, and well Cnubed, three
"7- elt * lvre llinff. on Penn it., half way ;he
tween (>arrnon alley and! Wayne «i •
.on jiven immediately. For particular, innuiri
. . . . . foTiUnU
ff» * , • Mouie. rllukied on Plum «lley, for
T Porixisu-
The well furnished itore Dn Market itreei.
tween third end fourth etreetm »t n~ * . b<? “
C fur ircrpi coal land
t •"-
a feet from Lv lllfffm Jien I. St?' “ Mn »[
(111 •i-nn.moJ.!:,!?.!” 1 Ue *P'’ " l*> *°lft U»W, *tld
mvlo tl ?*u rn lfi , rtnt unexceptionable.
• 11!?-*“-. JA9. ULAKKLV; Real A| r*t,
IS bhJ! H.m E,,P ? EED_aa PkobWiW SlO Hmm.;
r^“ii’SSSSSJjW' Bm '- •»"
cabson t. Mcknight.
» W bwi prime pten Rio coffee; 23
XV bbU LoTenng’t cruthed tugar, landing- from etmr
Northern Light, and for tale bv r '
-J* 1 * 11 IsAGALEY A SMITH.
S U hffi£”!2 h* Wed reaehet. prime quality; !*
3 dt » < io kmaU white Bean.,
landmg from Meaner Grey liufo. for tala by
£/**«*« attention of buyer* to hit »cry Superior
Pnnta telling at 181. fait colom. j*27,
C* 111UTING | MUSLINS AT UW'VR-Murphy peile
tuperjor long doth Shirting Mualin, yard wtdh,'at
12* centt; agpncfanicle of usual width at 10 eta.’ jag? •
P fK“ Vermillion;
Lnglith dojiutt rec’d
rican i tingle**; French leaf Arne*
i'Dutchdo; Chinese do; gold foil:
l and for tale by
i ; Joel Mnmm
Bf the best duality always on
• steel or quii! pen*, ud the copying press. This
ink u the result of the experiments- of several year*,
devoted to the manufacture, on an extcnsiue scale, or
an article suited to ail the purposes of the eousumer.
The perfection ot this writiug; Ink consists inthefol.
Utxnnf; properues: FuriDtrT—tu which property it will
he found to sumass all previous preparation*. It will
flow with perfect freedom either worn quill or steel
pens, and is entirely free from any eorroMvo qualities,
ki , c0 . ,0r o( 4n ic*e i* a rich, beautiful
blue black. It is necessary, however, to sire consu.
mers the following caution.
E7TAH good black iuk. from its necessary chemical
cynsutuuoa, requires exposure to the air to impart a
deep color. It must not, therefore, be expected, that
the moment the bottle is opened, the ink will be found
o The first appearance will b* pale,
"wr exposure to the chemical action, of the atmos
pbera either on paper or in the inksuuid, it will assure
a brilliant black hue_/~TI
n r^ tA -’^‘ C T,7 The «» unalterable by the lapse
of time. It will never lade. On this account, all im
portant records should be made in this artieloTas veara
only deepen and strengthen its dm. ’ •
a is suitable (br ail kinds of metallic
“ft 1 ' o . r .1 uil K*»‘i »h.I U impor
tarn and vepr dewrablc with many, will rive a oeifoct
impression by the copying press. p penecr
“ t > ho institutions with which we
are connected, Moms’blue black writinr ink and in
t«.p«cl u fluidity, brilliancy uf tolar aad pa™£ay,
»■ l 6aflk q{ i-ouisnlle; Wm Rich-
SSS n ,^ 1 “"i, Nor v , ' r i; b ; nl i ° f Kuotacky” Sc
Gwathraey cashier, bank of Kentucky* I l fthrau»»
president of the Gas bank; Tho. L Helra.’cfcrk Sbl*
ren county conn; Curren Pope; clerk of Jeflerwn emm-
ILmnanV-» ec ' et fOr<.Fireinan’s Insurance
hn M^ 1 f: Lexingjou Insurance Co;
r^n‘?rt I ™K Dock & Insurance
Co, D 8 Chambers, sec’y Franklin Fire A Marine In
surance Co; J H Rhoraer, treasurer Louisville Savimrs
Institution. A supply of the above ink. just received
and for sale by_ jicfij JOILNSTON AJ>TOCKTON\
Tonng Ladles’ Seminary, — —
M juuoaun;
R. re. W, METCALF would announce to the citi
tens of Allegheny and-vicinity the intended re
moval of his school from the eorner of Sandusky and
Strawberry streets where for the last twelve months he
hat been teaching. On and after April-let he will oc
eupy rooms on Federal street in **Colouado Row » fid
door from the bridge. The Academic Year will coo
aut of two sessions of five mouths each commencing
on-the first Monday m February and September.
„ **?“ «f Tcmos. ram anun* or rn*K jso.vnia.
English department— Including Reading, Orthegra
phy and defining, Writing, English Grammar, Rhetoric,
ljogic. English Composition and Criticism, Geography.
History, Arithmetic and the higher branches of Tvimbe
““ue*’ U? ,u ”, 1 Chemistry, Astronomy,
Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Moral
Science and all tuner branches requisite to a thorough
English education g.jooj)
Classical Department-Includingthe Latin, Greek and
French languages eaeh an additional charge of* •• 80 00
The services ofcompetent Teachers are secured for
such as may desire to receive instructions in drawing
painting, and music. 4,1
•niose designing to enter will find it for their interest
to do soi ii near the opening of the session as possible;
yet pupils wil be received at any time during the
session and will be charged at the above rales only
from the time of entrance. No I deduction* will be
made for absences except in eases ofprotracted illness
Any information which may be desired will be cheer
tully communicated to those who call upon the in
structor at his rooms. ia2Sdly
may also be made to the following gentle
!*• T i, F Allegheny, lion. C. Shaler. Pittsb’g.
SCT5 CT L D i, H 2? u ’ Rev. D. H. Riddle, - 8
■Mr. H- P. Schwatz “ . Rev. H. Dyer 4 a
»tj neu Grant
Tl Dtaaolntlon.
*° ,o . n * « li *uny under the firm of
ATConl A King, wii by mutual content dissolved
ion the Ist init, The business will be doted at the old
■land by either of us, using the, name of the firm for
that purpose. Being deairooi/to hare our butinett
dosed with aa little delay as possible, we would re
•oeetfully request thoto indebted to call and aettle
their accounts. JOHN D M’CORB,
_ Co«Partncrthlp.
OHN D hTCORD having associated with has bis
brother James M’Conl, under the style of hPCord'
* will eonmtue the Hat, Cap and Fur business in
all its various branches, wholesale and'retail, at the
old stand, corner of Wood and Slh streets, where they
solicit a continuation of the patronage so liberally be
stowed on the old firm. JOHN D M’CORD
I P l 1 H ti 'l n f £ mm , Uie oW and well known firm of
At Cord A King, I non respectfully recommend to
K®, P*. 11 ? 0 !* 0 of the public my successors.' Messrs.
MCord - (jaiSj H £> jq^q.
SersUebl Scratch!!
rpCTTER, ITCH, SALT, RHEUM, Ac.—Who would
A *«■*»»?« day scratch, when afflicted with ths
letter. Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they knew
1 who would relieve and cure them. '
I Tis horrible to be obliged to rub and scratch when
| alone, Lut more horrible to abstain from h. [for decency
?W H.T^!. l L l^25I PS ,, J r - ‘ l be remembered tbaf
j most efficacious of aiiy other preparation in existence
I in canny the Tetter, Itch, and other diseases of the skin.
skin must arise.fromtbe impurity
| of the blood and fluids of the body, and where such dia*
ease be of long standing, and the robititmion affected
thereby, if Dr. Leidy's Bar»spsriUa Blood Pills be used
I with the ointment. they will cure auy case whatever,
rand if they do not, the money will be returned by Dr.
I, *«?'. -?*! however, will be'effectuailr cured
by’Dr. Lady s Tetter and Itch ointment, unless the
: w bole system is impregnated by the diseased humors
which will be completely carried off from the system by
Dr Lady’s blood pills, and the surface of the skin heal
ed by the ointment. Price of oihuuent 35 cents.
A iresh supply of these valuable medicines just re
ceived and for sole by
_jebv _ cort Ist A wood, also cor. 6th A wood sis.
Jl , Msaka, Baskets, -Drains, Jte.
UST received at ZEBULON KLNZEY’S, €7 Mar
ket street 1 dos fine wax Masks; .6 doz paper do;
I a doz common do: 3 gross metallic Coiub Cleaners; 1
doz Egg Boilers; 1 doz Salt Spoons; * doz bone Mustard
Spoony 4 German Silver Spoons: a do Batter
Knives; l do fancy Toy Books; 2Q.1W1 China Marbles;
0 do* fine woollen Comforts; a great variety of woollen
5 do* fine French Willow Baskets; 3
doz \\ illow .Market do; d do* Strew Traveling baskets;
d doz glass .Motte Seals; 3 doz bone motto Stamps; 3
U. . * K* 01 Rfl V‘i r,n S W«ols; 5 pairs common Brass
ruiols, i ooz setu Chest men; 5 doz setts Dominos; 6
doz raylor s Tape Measures; 12 doz fancy metal Toy
“fl S'?" •“«» Key Rings, hssoned; 3 grosi
China Dog*; 1 dol smugs Amber Beads; 12 nests toy
Drums; I dozen willow Cradles;! dozen Clothes Bas
keu. i,on
'vie r. x'iuii
« •rebouao Commercial Row t Liberty at.
I Tlv htc J? heT h^vut ? erected large and extensive
| A WorksvuPcmi*rlTomaAvenue. are upw manuftc
tumif, from newandimproved pauems-evary variety of
Loal and Cooking Stove*. Hollow-ware. Plough Cast
mga, Wagon boxes, Fancy Fire Grate* and Fender*.
Kitchen do with superior range* for Cooking purposes
tugeihorwiih every thing in the house building linejsuch
a* Conductors, ihrniw, Srcrapert, Vault-Hm». lintel. f or
window topv nulmp*. Ac., on hand or made to order
ilactunery order# carefully aud punctually attended to
febMliß . -tjpifo, M’prilbKACo.
, rivi . p JOKES 4, 4UIGG, iOUT F wo °
iV'f*V^nur^ t f 1 V BKI V i 1 01 '. bli * ler »»«’i
H Tb5 ’’ llr , c! p,ou ? h WI, 'S»- comch and dip
•e.hf,. ?££;!? ? e "‘ d lro " , ule »- *■<«» m maH
U g fiie e . n ?!“ f , « n P*» and coach trimming*
kcucralir, cpraer of Ko». and Freni j u , PiuJbure"
Seller.* Family Medicine. In Ohio.
M„ bp «r, iVSIW™’,. o * o * JM’jr». 1*43
.A F ‘ *>our \enntfuge u*
ed a. . “worm de.troyer," and ha. riven entire
!?“•[*?^° a ‘i.JI 11 wbo had occoiiou to use il-
Vi* P * Rawing a high reputation
here. \ our. respectfully, Co^raltSlua
M , R P M<Xffi«»LUV}u*.OhioJin-yS7, IMd.
f... ia k ScU , er *r, Your ,} erm ‘ fu 5' »«U» remarkably
fMt. and ha* gained the lull confidence of all who ate
it; to, alto, the Cough Syrup. Voura truly
*’r e P‘ r '. d “, nd »®>d by It E. Seller*. Na tt V&SfV
Sold al*o by Dr. C.***t, sth Ward, D. M. Curry, AUe?
gbeny. and \\ m. J. South. Tcnitwrancevllle. feiii
1 Typ* Foundry*.
'!? “”.W~ *»• Foundry,
Ao.jSGold.Mrrei, and will continue the bmiue**
uuelr conducted by Robert Taylor. They will aueud
to ail order* with puctuaiity und dispatch.- All the
rype manufactured by them will be Hand Can,-and
Oiey will furnish all kind* of Printer*- Material*, of the
ben quality. > -
■Jtr.A:T. Orerend 1* still employed iii superintend
in# the manaiaetunng department. i f
Proprietor* of newspaper*, who hive not advertised
for the •obicnbcr. who may publish tlii* notice for three
mouth* will be entitled to receive their pay in type, on
purchasing five ume* the amount of their bill* tor ad.
Old Type taken in exchange for new at B ct* per lb.j
Theodore Taylor, > (Bocce**or» to Rob.-t Taylor.)
Corner Gold and' Ann Street*.
‘BollTar Brick*.'
T?XPERIKNCED Judges, on a trial of one and a half
Aj millions, since l*4i prouounce this article un*ur
fa**ed lor durability in the construction of all kind*' of
urnaco*. Price 823.75 cash for load* oflO M,truer
anteed tune month* use.. Order* for a second quality I
Bohvar Urtck* will be executed at s2u per M, if so de-. I
tired, without guarantee. A stock of the fir*t quality
' now for sale at the warehouse, ‘Sloan 1 * Wharf Ca
' Ba*'- ' •
Ja ”?> h T 7.' Sm a\VTuclarex,
. _ . Remington Irou Wort
idvtaee on Prtatlns~Pap«r.
JOHN IL SIELLOR, el tired, Agent for the
O aa!o of Printing fypcr, for 6. a. Laiabdin & Co.,
would inform bn cu»toi«er» that, ui coiucljuence ofihe
ailvauco on rags paper will be charged for the prta
ent at eleven cent* per pouud, or
Imperial print, sy "3£ at _
Ifcmble Medium,iM*3? at* ' ~3.
s, ' reh "’’
„ li J3 , £iKXCEs‘.
Wflm. Sj.atw 4. Cfo Geo. W, Smith* Co.; King,
Prmiock i U).:\\m. a llolniet i Hro.; j James Do!-
jell, t«i, Pittsburgh, Pa. Alcona Vincent, Himrod A.
Cq.; Lester, Sennet 4. Che.ter, William, A Wright
B™*n & McCarter; J. C. Beebe,
ICfotlee—lu pursuance of an order oflhe CourTof
Common Flea, of Cuyahoga county, in the State of
Oluo, made at the November term of .aid Court 1517,
the uncollected asset* of the Estate ofllobrd Colwell,
deceased, wtll be «dd by the subicriber, at public auc
tion, at the door of the Court House, in Cleveland, in
•aid coutnyvon the Oth day of March. 1545. at 10 o’clock
; Admit!, of Estate of Robt. Colwell, dec.
CLCTotagp, Jan 1*0, 1545. felnMdwAwlmT
Orncz or nit ALUtuiictt Heidok Co.. >
I‘ittwiuboh, Feb. 1, IMS. 1 . It
AN Election for President. Manager*, and OfEcenlor
the “Company for erecting a Bridge over the river
Allegheny, opposite Pituburgb, in the' County of
Allegheny” will be holderi in the Toll Houae. on Mon
day the Oth of March neat, at 'J o'clock. P SI
lebd-dl mtwOtT JOHN HARPER, Trcas
Urilon Cotton atm# -
I Prraaraou, Feb. l l i«uu c
Ore.* 0 ft ' , t *7 ui l on * improTenwtru mhkinr at
the V uton Mill, the Proprietor, offer for tale at Few
nue*. excellent Hevel wheel reariurand .hart
cant* and other «ecou4 hand raachuierv Vi
atteutiun. Call and m. or addm* * ■
, holder. »tlieir Offiee & fie toomh „r ift lhl ' ‘l~ k
i., the Oik 0., o/ M.«h ..St U^S
C.n«l Offiee, Erie, Im-n &a°°° D 'Y l **■ tgjj
S bhl. N o
cheiu (reenud bUck 2l£ msl"*!. .*2 »“ c > c '* l2s ««*)' I
wtf Q # P doJaSl bSs. ! |!fc” * V d 13 ,b *»«* Y H
tut; 10 do. £Xv°s!iffiTO l h Uyslo - et “ kl '“ ,e »-
— * MfKwinirr.ftK..
L_ Halifaeitytc
S^uET 130 bbl ' N " ..I. fcr
.J** 3 MtU.KR& iUCK£TSO,V, 1
„ i i; VijHOUU
Exchange Broken, No. 5(
PenaiylratUa. .
Bank ofPiusburgh • •par.
Exchange Bank ......par
Merch. A Man! Dank *par
Philadelphia* •••par
Girard Bank*-t>»*'-<par
Bank ofGemantown • -par
w Chester County-*pax
° Delaware! Co.- --par
“ Montgomery Co.--par
. u Northumberland-.par
Columbia Bridge Co'.-• par
Dojrleetown Bank* ""par
Fanner*’ Bk. Bejbding.par
Famen’Bk. Bo«» Co. par
Farmer* 8% LaOcaa’r-par
Lancaster Co. Bk.-" .par .
Lancaster 8k.." par 1
U. Slater Baak""—^
Brownmile Bk.. par i
Washington Bk,
.Oettyrtnwhßk.U*. . l» I
<%ftmber*oarg"i' “ ]
Snaqaeheana Cdßk..
Lehigh Co Bank,: -
Lewistown- _
.Middletown U
Carlisle i m*.
Ene8k....... -!„ .... *«
Farmer*’ and Drover*’
Buk, Wa)rne*bßrg.. «
HamtblUV""."."" w
Honeadale «
Lebanon . «
PoniriilQ""- ..... «
West Branch BkJ*-
Belief Notea
MiMßk. “
City ACoantrSefip..—
„ Ohlo.i
State Bk.and Branches 1*
MountPleasant*—•* «
Steubenville'...',.... .. «
Marietta «
New Lisbon* ♦ «
CincinoaUßankai..... «
• Columbia do* .•>..■ ~u
Geauga*... •• •
Norwalk r .
Dayton* ....* «
Western Rnerver*—"* u
Franklin Ck Coltu&bni M
Chillieothe-**.......... «
Lake Erie— «
Sciota.- ;.... u.
Lane a5ter ........... #.lO
Granville —...g0
Fara’n B’k Canton-. ..30
Urbane :....go
Bkof Kentucky*. ♦>~.. |4
Norhem Bk. Kentti’ky. “
Hew York-City Banka
JJ in Foreign ana Dontwue Exchange, Certificates of
peppaita,' Bank Notes, and Specie; Fourth street, near*
If oppmUe the Bank af. Pittsburgh; Current money
received on deposit*—Sight Cheeks fn tale. andeol-
J** highest premium paid in r*rcigu and American
•4 ig-si ss&ir ,l,^ f
■ I. HOltHKi *■ (Ok.
Philfdeiphtt, ;JJo LomrriK;
BA'.iniore, f lia 8;. Lccu. i Ido
Bo,m{ BANK NOTES? Boricßllci
Oku, . tlJi. Co,*Scrip(MiSriaT
K-ntuckp, Ido F.nn^,lyijoV Cr Ido '
.VtaU, . ;ldo H«rf«k, do id.
do Wheciic,, ido Now Orlevu. Ido ]
dSxSr' : ■ »<£
TOSEPh H. HILL> l (late of the fins of Wm. a imi
«, ISfc 1 <*"T. P*tiS2
enteredfcno Co-pertnmhip under the came of-HoL k,
Cu**t, tor the purpose of carrying on the n«wVipy
Exchange bonne** ldall ita branches, at No-65 Wood
ree doer * Fourth, weit they
*** t*Hom of their frienda andthe public niu
er^T- t , - !. JOSEPH fl. hilE
- PC ° lg !•' WM.C.CURRV^’
j «dh a. ralT ~~7r ! —ffw*. o.
B-. ; HILL *. OnißTt*
Foreign and Domestic Time endSightßUla ofEx
-s£.“a»' \vJ2f CWm of B*nk Note* and cS;
N®- e »> v ood meet, thud ddor below Fourth, wS
J“ d ?' *n«i Curtency received on depoS?
"nhcdsSr 1 *“>* P ri ci.ic.Sg,,’
v Bi s h^s* chan fVi 0n - Philadelphia, New
' “dClncmnau, eonatantly {or aale
Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia and Pennaylvania
Bwk Note, bought and sold on favorable termi
P rSS“ic; “ lreland, Gennany andFnjneu
F ‘” n^-; E “ 1 «&, P r *’■
TiniV.™,?? 1 ?!' ch axob,
1 ,-
without deduction or discot,t,y JOSHUA nnwr*f'
" AMER *. RJHm”"" tXm "
P S o?fe t S'cl”
.nlTtvlit H* o * rCo,e * Md Coin, corner of
M and W ood streets, directly opposite Si. Cbirlcs Ho
—: li -nhavusdiv :
| Kentucky,
Ww b2Sv
purchased at the lowetVratM. by ‘ ,®***’
! 35 Market strek
Check, oh
Philadelphia, aod
■V HQLUfA * sox.
_3S Mirket iu
Constantly for tale by
“»« & *or»bl* term*. X. HOl.Mrs *. cq ”
del< ? ■jj—i—. _ »*!«*««.
Ndw Tcfk,. Pbil»dal P hu,'* n d
ter,* “ lu “ 's^Tcte"--
■ ocU ‘ ' ii Wood >t, below Foonh.
Vl/SBS—Tlve Note* ofthe Ohi(
. ”&“* *nd Kentucky Banks, purchased ax lu
rates of discount, aj the oflice of
v. " HILL & CURRY,
M Wood »t, below Fourth.
CB§»ST "i lh '
—£llll :i ' N" j M Wood »u below Foonh.
. ...: : *S W B °? ki ,J«*«taeeeiTed.
HSV Ewih, by Janeway. one voi. 65c-
Jl}.Cbftrnock'* choice works bjr Lysunnsh, 1 voV'ffic
Coimutidcnc. of lh. OU;u4 JICSS '
,by Bev. J. J. Blunt, B. D. 0118 rol. «]<»
Chalmer's AtmcelJaities, Poems, Emu ke. i!m
jlvs«°/‘. < * fJaß,e ,*V Phillips «ad
one larve voL for the low price of ' i_so
3>«u. r . . Ho
Life of David.. • 1
S' walk w»lh God, Matihew Stronrl »u
sof Humkn Life, by Thaluek: * .
memoir of Charlotte EliiabeUv 2??
The v*>rk. of Francis Tdrtetme in the original Lat.
wVn t to < ’ c . om P lc “ “».< vols; 3 vola nowraady* <7
' m »I ,len ‘!id Turkey Monaco.
me above wuh a peat .variety of new banks ;„.i
: 6 . ELLIOtT t EKGUSH 1
_}*nS [Post copy] fiflmarkeist. between 3d and 4th.
i Kew Tear’s Presents.
* ' V u Yer ejr *y° u Tcl volumes, Utao, illustrated;
sn.‘.raK^h‘.lS”" 1
*• s-.
Exploring [Expedition, Aval* royal oro
do •1 , do 3 dt» So do
Essayists, 8 vol*. Turkey mor. bseks.
Prayer. allsue* end blndinr^ofwws
ial‘ *«• • ; KAY A Co.
■• ■ ■ ; 1 i; - Cor 3d A wood si
Iron Works.
TK!W?,.‘aia. - f »«•
OoldVfoltii'a Poerm, iUotiraled.
Thopp*on'c Sewoiu;
For ule by
: J,«1.;,..J L REAP.^Sr^, r ., , ‘ l
. if! *?w Plaao Vortii,
n * Rosewood til and a half
octave Piano Forte doable • railed
' liYaf tc^e > **oa fcaine—made bv
k «ocur»ioJ.
gSI^K^yJS" I * fa**** * «S*"^
■ 55?“,Gi? «™>d pi*»>. IM ocara—Deri puu. 1
hJnt f b ?T5J ,l *? c>l ■» warranted, andhav*
been aclected by the subscriber, particularly for iheir
®^r , , l iL' ! l,'£',°‘".‘" d ffiiuk ■• muticnl iwtnuacnu.
*0£ < «le at tactory pnce»:by »-•
1«» JOHN H MELLOR. 61 wood a.
A SPLENDID aawrtaentor Rose.
I I t mud action Pk
r, ■ * ■ anew. Frame, jtf»t finished and for ««ta>
eniihllZS Roeewpodfoanos,with Coleman's
attachment, finished in the most
“wo ctyle; and for sale at F, BLChfPS,
jftg »aWoodstreet,adoor»th^ : e*ih,
TttM®*' ELECraiCAL APPARATUS for Aeile
« nu ?*’ Se*»«><*..PhT»e»«pt and private familifiTal
J3s®S**f I f* er *•»« IWtto. of canal cfldeorr U
•old for w the eastern cfcca. - The abora»eteiinhir
•eea and obtained ax tin beet ■*'***'
; - Ji ” ■ . JOBS* MBLLOB, 81 wood st l
IPmeucd, ffSSS fo. XnuaU=*lFsZ
-J->nl7 •. -8 FVQN B&NNHORfIT k. Co.
-fe‘i— B * 'y u_:
W' i ,W7 LEAD_IO0 ° *•*■ tora™,- -. >.
1 17 . • FOMVrat A
Cr B !S^ 1 f *,
KS * :SOH» • i ■
'A Manet street, near 4u a
_ ' ladiaaa,
riSkateiTk ABranekea.* Ij
rS’atoScrip ♦ • : «
r ; Vufiala,
r Exchange Bk. of Va..< ]j
r Fanur>Bk.ofVa>'-<.. **
r Bk. of the VaUgy,-*- u
r Bk.of Virginia*....... u
• HAM. Wheeling 4
do Morgantown***. 11
N. W. Bank Va-- *
do ,j WelJ«barg...*v 11
do <Parkeraburg**>. **
Bk.ofTennessee**** *
Far. & hlerch*ußk*...
Plasufra* Bk.**..’«•* *
Union Bk,
jFjrr PITS!!
Harts "vegetable extract Uantavuiaa
ble remedy for Epileptic Fits orFilling Sickness,
Convulsions, Ac. .Ilia well known, that from
tune iannemoriaJ, physician* have pronounced Ebttrp
be Ruiacarable.- It has baffled all their skill, and foe
boasted power of all medicine, and consequently thoo*
unda havei suffered through a miserable existence, and
?*•*•* °P their lives on the altar of insanity,
•van au deference, however, to the opinion* of the
great and learned, -re say that it has beea cared.
has been tested by many persona
'who have suffered with this dreadful disease, and in
* Ter T c **® where it has had a fflir trial, has effected a
permanent cure. > . .
, f*** of 88 years and 0 'months, cared by the use of
. this traly wonderful medicine. - 7
~5f“L? 0 fo “?™S reoiorkoblo on of lb. Mo»
nm. Sec ore, Esq., of Philadelphia, afflicted with FtA.
T IeVLl e VL 6 After traveUug 1 .
through England, SCoUand, Germany and Prone#, CM* '
sulang the mat eminent physicians, and expending for
medicine, medical treatment and advice, force foon
sand dotiare, returned with bis son to (his coonUT in
£ oat^cei,rin * “f benefit whaley-;
er, and was eared by using . _
Mr. William Becore>e Letter no'Drs. Ivans and : RarL
. I have spent over three thousand dollars for medi
cine and medical attendance. I was advised to take a
mur to Europe with him, which I did. I fi m
England. I consulted the most eminent nhnieiana
there in respect to his case; they examinedhimand
prescribed .accordingly. I rrmuim-d three .moritha
without perceiving any change for foe better, which ’
coat me -about two hundred and fifty doUara poeketed
by l the physicians, and foe roost that 1 received was
their opinion that my ton’s case was hopeless audsosi-'
lively incurable. I accordingly left England, and Say. ■
elled through Scotland. Getmiuty and France, and re
turned home in foe month of November last,’ with mr
son as far from being cured as when 1 left. I saw yoor
adveruseraent in one of the New York papers, and ;
concluded to uy HanVVegetable Extract, soeiag your
statements had certificates of so many cures,' qJ
twenty and thirty years’ standing, and I can assure roa '
Ism not sorry I did so, as by the use of Han’s Vegeta
ble Extract alone.~he was restored to perfect health.
His reason, which* was so far gone as to unfit him for
business u enUrely restored, with-foa prospect now
before him, of life, health and usefulness. Hois sow
« yean of age. and 27 years and ff* month*, of foie*' •• *
tune has been afflicted wifo-this most dreadftil of dfo.
eausj but thank God be is cow enjoying good health. •
. ,«bw> gentlemen, ftith without works f don’t believe- *.
in.. To say font I chall he ever grateful to 'yew U one
thing, and as I here enclose yon one huadred dollars, I
have no doubt butthat yon will think this' is Mother
and qaito a different thing.- The debt of gratitude?
still ewe yon, hut please to accept the present -m-vint -
as interest on the debt la advabce. " amoanv
Yours very respectfully,
- TO THE • aE *
I proprietors of ibis invaluable turfeiaa •
was afflicted for several Tears'with Epleptm Hi
! The disease had produced the wo m eflfcetutton u.
I system, tic Lni of memory; imbecility of a
perftet prostration of foe nervous system, lie had
cf physicians for seven years,
*™ w worse under their treatment, and he lain?
tt£ t^?JslfS? n fe W y .«3r hope for healtbimd .
““*ras lher *&nt determined to rive it a foir tnaL
ln *** “**’ which he did, and foe remlt
* perfect restoranon to health, which was coati
ued nntnlenupted for nearly sixteenyswrs. -. ■* •
We would refer to the following persons who have
*SI p VegetolleExtreet; -
, ®JW b,er vu afflicted nine-yean.
***£«• atYookan, Near York. .
w Banned tune years, m Grand at. /
ifs 77^ T ?f , ?ftJ^ T 1 a ?•"»* 18130X61 «•
Dr WL Monroe. OoiUbrd.o. ' : "
\ prSpSVaBS^BTf K 'T- ■
I4r Joseph Bradlwj.iß Orchard st, N Y.
C H SOS fijAteemh « N Y. T
BenholfTchestar, Orange ee. if • T •
John Fhber,l7B Eluabeth it.
' DABichtofofflSlKMttysJ ' S
Ws Smith, U» Buffolk.r . So
I 'fllaaomrl*
State BkofMiieoori*". It
lerth Carolina.
Bk.ofCape Fe*r> ••'••• 1)
Mereh'a Bk.,Newbern* 1
[State'Bank •■•••• 1
! Soath Carolina*.
Camden Bk • I
Bk.ofCbarleston*** •
{Commercial Bk""".. !
|Bc.ofGeomtown"..- 1
|Bk.of Hamburg*". •* 1
Merchants Bk*.--.*" 1
Planters fcMecha'sßk* 1
IBk. of South Carolina.. 1
Baltimore Ska....par
Baltm’e&O RRBerip* * 10
Cumberland Bk. of AUe*
ghany ... lj
[Par. Bk. of Maryland" “
Farmers’ k Mechanics **
Bkl Frederick•"*••• **
FrederickCo-Bk.**—" «
Hagerstown Bk ...... “
Mineral Bk “
Paunscoßk «
Waiairupoaßk *»
Bk.ofWesuniiutcr .*.. «•
Btof St Clair-** k"
Bk. of River Btiiu*--.-
Michigan Ins. C 0... •- 3
Far.* Meek's 8k..".. 3
Wisconsin T«rrU*y.
Mar.fcFire In.CoJtlilWe 3
Allsolventßankß."i.. 3
Bank of EnglaadKoies
-WTO riser.
Gold*. Spools Tains*
Napoleons ? a 80
Duetts** S 130 3 SO
Eagle, old • "-.10 00
Eagle, new JO 00
Doubloons, Spanish. 13 00 j
Do. Patriot 13 30 I
Sovereigns ; 4 to ;
Guineas f ;soo I
Frederiekad’ors *7 (0
Ten Thalers 17 fo :
Ten Guilders *3 30
Looisd’ora .430
New York 1 orm
Philadelphia* ]L
Baltimore ....... .}pno
'.par. Intenor B’kt*
N«rYSS?" 4b7, ** 8 H ** T ’ iW * Bug
4ih* tuTSSHnn 1U f* «V between 3du4
Ctorf™!5 M ri? > ' I “5i a . ,t ’ betw »eo i& and Mi ctreata.
who l “m ,°: •»> .w«a - AteA
- *' SUBGICAX. OmCB. "
. No. 65. DIAMO.Vn ATJ
Woocl * ‘° W < *® or * >
- Baow Jf»H«T.
KCCP to tbo medical profrujoa.
aod been for^ume : time ia
ecocraJ pmctidcTnowcon»
\v fines hu attention to ibe
treatment of .uosa jvirat* '
w hfeh his oppomnhiee ■»>}
• EKrcn'Veartaar '
Um^habM?? 6111 ° f ' ho * c which-
H”* ha * wore nraouen and baaenyed man Dt
I Ds. Brown would inform thoee afflicted with' minta
e v^^ hUve * beconws chronirby^^TS
£e %?-' ue of of tbc eonunon uotmiaucf •
caa ** r*d*emlly nadSor- '
S® h *JT 1,lgp ™ bU «■*•«*! "teation £~
of tof,u * h c “**> anti ntcceedrd in hundred*
t!} of Inflammation. of tfco
«anit ?^S e .j. b Bdder ’ djpetaea whieh’gftea
' wher * other* har® pnn«j
L^ l ilJ 6e * P^ ir * He particularly Inriiesiocb•
rf oare oe«tong and uuucce**fully-treated bv olhen
to CQiuwh hxm, when eyery MUitfartion will be »{«-<■ ■
t eil c “° .
intelligent manner, pointed oot hr a lour rznmtM
en^ed n 1n U>Te * U^,^‘ v i hicl ' il “ «npOMibiSi« &££
«f medicine to girt any '
** or Rupture.—Dr. Bfnwn ■?■/. ran
“SafeouwrtfetS ** t “> b “P*WwK.
«’■> otei ■••
tJrinr tt ° f eitbef Mx Uvlng at a d)«. nry . w
ingafee. ff -■ M. D-, postpaid, andenCi-.
o@ce No.' §5, I*amend alley, opposite ill's i .
• declP.
Lr~ No cure no pay.
wort Cough Caitriy is cifereu io the public •• a “
ixcaaant and effective remedy for cough*. colds, boar**.
PhtM * c - " boopi us L n g U ft fl u e * a ir .
■ ?*?*• lochia*, andgehenU ejection*
haw sStSirf if 1 ,uch «“*“ »»• known u»
i,?*' de s ldcd permanent relief, end front
'*? ,Jll * “«* fteaf success a* a remedy lor the
above dueetes where u has beeif used, it promise* t*
becotac one of the room usetuJ and popular medicine*.
It u offered »00, u* a pleasant -relief to Uie consumptive. -
erljly 0 “ U4 “ m to vocai ‘* u Bpcakcra P gei£
The of the preparation indicate* its leadiiur ixw
giedient, end it wili !•« louiid to be by uq mean* un.
,Uc "«*. =“>' be u»ed by children aitd
},h eul,rcS - m P ui:,, y- ? he used in tho:
4,15 °* U>e be*t quality, and it may be m
p>nt?r ** lo *T5 r > r - rt *P wl a Pure and genuine article.
£Sh Sr v rou, - d DO c^uit P™ o " os theircomfort and
CfcUta! by kwpm * * * a Pf“y» «»pccially in the season of
«}.T!S T^w b i° ***& CindrU considered a great a*-
10 Mother*; being rope nor to all the patent bo
by Jumper* tn creation, ju children were never known ■
!d £FriY h 8 c ™ d >’ u “***> except for more.. a tr£ • :
at of this article will convince auy-persou of its ewca- '
EfritlSqYj’t rherefore liety any person in th*
BoU Wholesale and retail, by the General Asentl ..
. ‘ •\ “ • H SMYSEH, Drugglat.' ’ •
; “rpey 3d and maiket-st*. PiShuSh. /
ft College 'Hail ' •
’ r ‘ ...
O certificate from a highly mpectable lady '
JMttoDr.J.y«byhuVaU, P Me«2 =
what th« doctor* all pronounced as incurable -
loua Caster of three .year’. attodSr^SffiiSgSST
‘“ T T“ I
s^y^x-ss,':: 3lo
: JUareh W. ! <7. PercifWaocia.
»trecU^^* bUlSl> >t^°FckiHTe * ,lore >
! T* Pneumonic or Cough BtS-
Couth\?2l* ua ffreat . *drnirtage over many oibe? .
U ?r.S re * >^ Wlon ?’ “ ,u pie»*w»t taste permit* -It to '
. u * e ® wiihoui tnconveaieuce. But it* yaluo m u •
o*«*m eonmta in tho speediness ofiu eiu®. w* kayo
wWmJS,! deaperata coughunome'of'
Mfiuch bad been running on for a considerable icacth '
of time, yield almost immediately to it* power. ■ *
■f a » uc o weaiber as w« bare bad during tba dmi -
winter, .every one is liable to tabu'cold, unless-areal
.precamionsareused. . umeM.grea*
‘Wei feet and undue exposure to the inclemency'of
the weather often , lays tba toundation of a baduxjr ’
resulu. W^ ae * remedy to prevent'Mrioua
|We hayo.numerous certificates of curea wbicb le
?*• I^! for ? e ?» “* n 7 of wbieb are from persona In
this city and the neighborhood, and they are a*ufflcitnt
reference without saying another word in its lavor
-rrepared and for sale wholesale and retail h« n *
FAHNESTOCK k Co, comer of VSi *
. J I. READ,
4ta Unctrmarko
Tkf KSSRS. REED A, CUfctß-lftS h k dntr’l
. JWL owe to my fellow cream™, to state sonuSw
more respecting vour VejettM e
Btae« I Sntiiw tie Baluxa, about clavenVLirF^S'
hSS^t,t2J,k^ e u.f ty, ‘, mce > erery iiuuoc?!
lt has c dec led rei ief and taro^ric^y '
aSr" ss ™' ? '
“”“ r ‘T.iT 1
= -1 •.Dr. MelMUto'in'Tennaaaea.T -
T i?t *° ceml y that I purchased oua rial of Dr- •
JL MclAna'a Worts Specific, aome two months tep
“w pw to a son of nunc, some seven yean old, two
easpoons foil, and although the amount may appear
arye, yet I hare no ,doaot but there was upwards oC
two ntomss Woaus passed from him,' mcasaxiar
from one quarter of an inch to two inches lan*.-' ■
U W iiOLtUJAT; ' ;
. Bone’s Creek, Carrel co. Term., Dee V 7, lo<7. 'ftjf' T -,
SVKAR fc aAwa. Jast tac’d aVSTi
supply of abovasupener^Mds^for^a'b^ —.vT7
CjUNDRB»-dI bbUlard; a half bblt di; IS huTl£L ; •
Sj then; S sacks dried apples just rceeimt .
Q.hier, and for sale by Dafj ISAIAH SaSwE®-*-''
riUM r£ATß=lNT6oxea rx'Pbi'iipobl trend- ' •••
iiy **«j t^UKitir^Sn^-.