The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 08, 1848, Image 2

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U V KBAdll/U B BOOKS. k Co.
PmsaciaH Daily Caxcttb U pablished
Daily, Trt* Weekly, and Weekly.-lbe DailyU gerea
IMlazs per annuo; tbs Tri-Weekly U Fire Dollar* ur
annuo; tie Weekly is Two Dollar* per ■nrmm ttncffj
JETXBnxrona are earnestly requested to hsad
their fevors beTore 6 r. st, and uwtr in thadar i
practicable.' j ■ * •
l inieUlßene«.lto»e«ic Mar
j*t»j r f e ? r, » Ini P oru » Money Markets, •*«
SoeFLrstPa** Kiwi
EdttoriiTCormpondeneeof the Pittsburgh Gstette.
j • .Washington, Feb 3d. ISIS.
There was a brilliant speech lcniay, by Mr. Bell,
cf Tennettee,—-the ablest, I think, of the dincuation
a poo the Ten Regiment Bill "It is not often that
* speaker is -enabled to enchain the attention of
. Senators accustomed to bear elaborate speeches,—
bat it seemed io meal times, as if the friends oftho
■ Administration were appalled in listening to the
-• •« • • eonaeqoehces'ofthe warof aggression in which the
; , .-«mnay is now engaged. If we do not close the
*' *■'/ 'War, said Mr. Bell, before the commencement of an"
*•" ‘ ■' - other neW year, it will not be possible to “dose it at;.
; ‘-V sinViboat seising upon the whole of Mexico.—
. Erery day's progress increases tlm difficulty in,
■/; which we are.engaged. . The internal and the ex
- ‘ iental repose pf thtr Republic were endangered by
• •> tbe male, of war in which we were engaged. Our
waoqnesta were compared to those of Cortex, and
'«s not less lesa briHiant They reminded one rath.
' «r of thi lymaace of chivalry than of deeds
" of yaior pertirmed by our people. In conclusion,
Mn BiUijaidi—and in a u»e of voice that reached
.every! heart,; and penetrated every crevice of the
■ .. Senate Chamber, ■ 'Sror -rats wax. Make atrea
, ty, the bej*youcan, nod at speedily aa you can.—
' OetaHof New Mexico and Upper California, if
.‘hjotf are resolved to have them, andif you cannot
> *«**a?« these, be content to have less. Msinf m
yotrr boutuitriei and your honor’ and give the
country Pekoe.” •
The wholei speech was of this spirit, tad adorn
k ed with strohg historical illustrations and beautiful
..'.•'loetijhor.' It. told upon those who beard it, but
<. the goodtopKsaionaoftbe hour may pass oIT with
abe. cold' redactions of men resolved to promote
Tbrniirlrev&ftuyfctfccy sacrifice the country in th*
The ProSUrwy Resolutions offijred by tvro or
three sea«tor» from tbs South, have called forth a
'•erica of a different character from Mr. Baldwin, of
( . 6oniioctieat v Tbejr arena foliowk
RoolctJ, THat if hoy territory shaft bereafter .be
‘ acquired byihoUmled Sute* or annexed thereto,
r: / (fee act by! which roeh territory is acquired or an-
:’ eexed, whatever such act may be, should comaio
. , v«tn. uuafterable fundamental article or provision
.. ' >.'• -jvheyeby alavery or iavolnntaryaerTiiudev except
/‘ _ as punishment for crime, ahaU be exclujud forever
. from the territory acquired or annexed. .
* 1 /•• JZrjcfwd,'Thai in' any ceuion ot territory |bat
• - Tday be acquired as tne result of the war with
JC*xico, the fdestreioflbat republic, expressed by
( ';ter'cocnmssioners in their negotiation with Mr.
■ ■Triit,'to provide for tbo protection of the inhabi
i ’’ •» ,i,? tantaofthe ceded territory againattbe introduction
‘ of the spietri of human slavery therein by a’Mipu
:to that effect in any treaty that may be made.
; ! caanot,' consistently with the rights of those inhaU
isnts; or •with the' principles ofjustice of liberty,
' . which have vbeea proclaimed to the world as the
■ baai* of .our institutions, be disregarded or denied.
’ ; bouse or axrxosxTATma.
. ... . The House have closed . the debate upon
the President’s Message, 5 , with a very able
'• apflprb fmm Mr. Caleb B. Smith, of Indiana, one
1 *oflbeablett men in Congress, and a practical argu-
V "'wik, distinguished for great good sense, ns .the
speaker always is, by Mr. Vinton, from Ohio. The
*pt*eCh was ai vindication of the solemn vote
Vnd jndgm.cnl of the House m declaring the war
’ ’ to have heed ;“uncoostiUiiionaliy and unnecceyaa.
. by .the President of the United
• States.”. ' This, might ‘iafcew to be, it was said, but
. ..<• the judgment of a party ha&f but it would be the
■ judgment of the country wheh the Jroe history of
• the times'wis'written,'bad.’parly were
1 swept away. iHe.rejoiced in the vote he had fcii v
V. en, and which was a solemu rebuke to the Preri
deni of the United States.. Much of this speech
had' reference; to the finances, and went to prove
. ... thaithe. Administrationwerespendiagmoremooey
. bow in prosecuting the war with Mexico, than du
ring the war with England. - It was made a coru
plaint, too, agmiast the dominant party, that they
• concealed thcir*purpoaes in regard to the war.—
•• 1 They wouldDOtarbwibeirrea! designs.
" Mr.'Smith aleb>dvocateddjrecitaXBtioQ to pay
r Tfthrfunar\raiitotw coa-~
.* '.tinned., r—W*, ' are adding enormously to ourdebt
... jtit now, tad without any knowledge of its
.real amount
Mr-Vinton did not takolbis view of the question
, • direct taxation, first for the reason that the Pres
...: ideal’s Message made' no reference la the subject;
• • -aecoodly for the reason that ft did not seem .to him
lo be practicable,—thirdly, that those who origiaa
ted obd*were| responsible for the war, ought lo
. lead in proposihg some practical way ofpayiog the
. ~ ' war expenses, j He could not consent, while the
■ party epon the opposite were advocating free ttad«i,
. tud opposing oIP. protsetion to labor, capital, aud
• • * the agrieohuxal; interests of the country, and while
.the petty in‘poWer seemed.indifferent to itsiaiL-r
-iu] prosperity, and to the state of the world, to grat
- - : Tty iham in the imposition of a direct tax upon the
■ ■. people. That would not remedy the eviL
axrxxKtD MsoLCTtosa,
Tbe files were closed upon the Message here
by the previous question, though there were fifty
• • ’ ahmbers.awtsJO* to speak. Some of the resolu
‘ • tuns of refineoce pending were contested,—and
Ibe jreas and nays were called upon the question
• ' H Of Imposing a tax of five mSUottf 'upon •'stocks, in
terest money,' and other property," This was re'
' jeciedj forty-foui to oae hundred and forty-three!
’ • 'Thh yeas ’ and nays were called upon tbethyee
: Mowing resolqtiaais, and the Whig Members vo-1
ted ofinhstively, with tho friends of the Adminis-!
. tmion in ogposition:
“That so touch of. said message as recommends
„ that be mode for-tho foroilies of those
who Imre fallen,'or died in the service in Mexico,
‘ be referred toi a jsdect commioee.
iThot so mQch,of said message as declares that
it meybscome proper for our commandinggenenils
- fn the fieldto give encouragement and assurances'
•of such friend! of peace in Mexico
•. «s establish a government there, able and
'-wiQiag to 'conclude* peace with us, "and secure'
• ■ 10 'us the Indemnity vrp demand,” be referred to a
- eeledt eoffunittee. •
) rTbxtaomachpf said Message as relates to the
i manner in which the war with Mexco ooght lobe.
.. prosecuted,'and the policy that-should be pursued
•.an respect to it, be referred toe select committee,
... . Upon aQ these topics, we may look for elaborate
trepom.:-,". •'>: [ ' -
• h'has not been u*ual in Congress to give that
>. grave delibemifoo to the Message oftbe President
■' «of the United \ States [which has attended that just
wowreferred.'; it i», however, full of the gravest
* ' aad if the members and committees do their
f '4oty, will roceive the matarcst consideration.—
There ore questions of domestic policy not only fo
hecousideredylsoeh as money bills, tariffs, interna]
ampTOTemeoi*. post rtiicr, and Indian and tofritQ
s ■ rial aflhim, bet-affecting tbe foreign polr
;< <y oftbecoantry.= For example, following to
'jri are all tobejconsidered by the Committee ou
• Toreign Relations:
•• • --j2smb«4’.Tfaat *6 much-of the annual
' - a/tbe President 'of the United States to tbe houses'
‘ > W-Congress ntjtho present session, uhx* reference
4o tbe reUtfoa* of jthe‘United States with foreign
aatioan-rlotbg.caaaea that brought oa tbe war
-with Mexico—<o the alleged inraaianby Mexico
«f tbe. pf;Te»»~Jo the commencement of
-tn thft eSints made by tbe President of
• the United statea to obtain a petpo—Cothe cession
' by Mexico to the United Stales of a portion of her
■ ««ritc*y ns an indemnity forour claims on her—to
. * releaae. Cf Mexico from her liabilities to our citi-
sens, and the assumption of their payment by the
'United States, iogytnjwr with the recommendation
■ that tbe provinces of New. Mexico and tbe Cala
fonuaa should be retained by the' United Slates as
i. aa indemnity—that- they should hereafter be con*
nuf country, and tbe
‘ .civil IswaandjuriidicUOQ of the United Staiesex
’ landed pear Ihemj’and tbe recommendation that
1 xhe other .Mexican provinces which have been
• • redoced to our possession by conquest should coo*
. tione to b* held as a means of coercing Mexico
- <h aerma of peace, and that adequate compensation ~
should be fixed law for sueb officers, both civil.
!. as may be employed to conduct such
‘ government, be referred to .the Committee ©q For.
jsrign'Aflhio. , j ‘
I -Aon a *rieaof subjects like these, —andpre*
.. a^l |ad'in thiadbnn l oae can realise something of
"the'labor*'in the Committees of Congress, when
membeni do'tbetr whole duty. c a.
in *aga»tii». *«.
; i ’ Feb. 4th, 1618. ,
- J Th«» W*san company of gentlemen
. H&kitce of Cap** Wttra of the Exploring
- lu± yvettiw. to nwf Pr. Scoresby, of
• igyjjf ■-a sb rend distinguished gentlemen
« 'mi' connectedwith the General Government,
aa4 the two Hpt^tfG»S w ** ,o,l< * be, * o foota»
: * haw'ware Prcfcaem Morse, of tbe Magaetic Td*
csnpbi Hetuy of lie Tp^<w<»> t Qq. j
of ibe AHwopmicai
Obgcmioty,- visitPfttsbargb.' f the
r ***» next tor the ptnpoee of obtaining,
throojh the Ageadtr of the Tdesraoh. a more reiia.
bto listaa to accuracy of different longitudes and Mr
Vattemare, the <ti«e?mp,,«Tw4 gentleman,'
who has devoted hi*best days to the interchange
of good offices bet Ween his own country, the Uni
ted States and the most enlightened nations of Eu
rope. Mr. Vattemare told me that such hod been
the generosity of the treatment to him aince uis ar
rival in the United !Sutea, that,.he bad not been
Permitted to pay a jungle cent lor his travelling or
other expense* From the landlord to hia porter
and from'thc siagelaod Railroad proprietor to the
coachman, all had insisted that one who came sole’
ly upon amission of knowledge, and to promote the-:
culture of good feeling, ahould at least be delicate*;
ly complimented io; the manner I have named. '
Dr. Scoresby dorjng the eveninggavesome inter
esliog experimentsjia physical magnetism, and ex*
pressed hia belief id animal magnetism to the ex*
tent of a sympathy} between human bodies as there
is in bodies of a physical character. There were
some interesting experiment* in Ison, not easily
explained without} a compass and steel and iron
plates. A way however, was pointed out, to make
the navigationof iron vessels as safe and accurate
as those of wood, sod either to calculate' by inva
riable tests the least variation of the magnet, or to
provide correctors; of these variations. While
Iron vessels are as}common as they now are, and
greatly increasing, this is an important discovery.
Between Glasgow tod Liverpool, and between Cork
and Liverpool, tbe Captains navigating iron steam
vessels know of thjtse variations, and merely from
this knowledge,{without understanding the cause
or knowing the connection) apply the remedy by
steering their vessels to a point which allows fer
the difference of variation. Correctors may be
applied, and would be absolutely necessary to en*
sure the safe navigationof iron vessels.
It was staled by far. S. that the virtue of ail Iron
might be easily tested by. the simplest and most n/
liable experiment*; The principle was that tfie
far iron was tutcejtiiUtothemott magnetic aUraC
tion, and this magnetic attraction is found by speci
mens from each of} the ores. Tbe variation will
be (bund five, eight; ten or more degrees as the case
may be, and in order to make the experiment a fair
one, there should be half a dozen small and nar
row plates, (these fer. convenfency) from each oT
tbe mine*. TheirreUtiveattraction, of course may
be easily discovered. This subject is one of im
portance to the Iroii workers of Pittsburgh/ AUo*
ghiny and all Penxiiylvania, and although a may
be communicating is well known feet to some of
them, I have ventured Jupoa theotioning on expe
riment of great advantage to the Iron manufactu
rers, particularly of nice work, since it has impart
ed so much pleasure ;o a large company of scien
tific and other gentlemen now In the' city. Will not
Professor Snruxxhtake tbe hint and makp and il
lustrate of thise experiments fer the benefit
of hia scholars or that larger school, the Public.
From Profeuer Morse, lieafp that tbe Telegraph
Will Lw.o'pento Charleston this week, and between
Mobifejand *»ewOricaus immediately afier, leaving
only the gap between Mobile and Charleston to
be filled up, which U already in the course of con
struction. j s- B.
iGtnirUjTajrlot'i Letter.
The letter of General Taylor it indeed charac
teristic of the man, and will be read with pleasure
by every man who u opposed to the gagging ays
. Urn Adoptee) by the administration against officers
who will not -wag lihfif tppgues in it* praise, but
choose rather to tell the plain honest truth. The
Presideur and his ‘supporters have been prating
about aid and cotnfbrt to the enemy, through the.
publication in Mexican papers of opinions given at"
home by our emjnept Statesmen. It appears tbaf
.Mr. Polk and fats Cabinet hpye been to undigniiled i
and so weak as to Apply this “mad dog” epithet to
the General, who ||ave “aid and comfort" to
enemy at Pab Abo, Betocft de la Palma, Monte
rey and Buena Vistk To the charge, fhat his lee.
ter bad a comforting effect, be. says with much
force,-—see nothing in it which, under the tome
pircu instances, 1 wbuld not writeJigaio. To sup
pose that it will give the enemy valuable informa
tion, touching oui pfjf or prospective operations,
it to know very Uuj? qf'lhs sjfcjpcan of
/p/jypjgfion, or of their extraordinary sagacity and
fen'(in'ea i# fcrcptnff. constantly apprise*} of oar
movements." The jGenrr..’ mwerer, knows the
difference between intsl tit r<?<J end the
•ham article, and mils the gijqiigiitra
lioa how fully he understands their motives in
, charging him that—r“ The apparent determination
of the Department to place'ine in atf'HliUfde''art* the Government has an apt illustra
: tion in the well kuptfo fable of Eaop." As the
Secretary cf War atyj Ifee TR/cn;iive have been
: guilty of such a petty me ana easy, wp givp the doc* j
ament Gen. Taylor refers So, from Esop. He aq*:
doubt has chosen hi/reference not only for its op‘ i
j propriateness in itself bat from a thorough knowk;
odge of the calibre of the officials with whom he
hastt deal.
Document /referred to by Gen. Taylor, and to
which the President hit Cabinet are referred:
The Wolf lxd tbs Lsct.—A woi/ and al*m.b ,
came fo the same stream to quench their thirst.— |
The water flowed from the former towards the: lot-!
ter, who stood at anibumble distance below; (but
no sooner did the wolf perceive the lamb, than
seeking a pretext for ihis destruction, be ran down
to him, and accused Shim of disturbing l bp water
which he was drinlridg. “How can 1 disturb it,"
raid tbs poor terrified creature, “since the dream
flows down from yoqlfo me? and I assure you that
I did not mean to give you any offence, by drink
iag at the tame stream." “That may be," replied
the woif “but it wu only yesterday that 1 saw
your sire encouraging the hounds that w;ere pur-!
suing me." “Pardo# ms, 0 pnswered the lamb, “my
poor sire fell a victim to |b£ knife up
wards of a mouth'sines." “It was then,”
, replied the savage beast- “My dam," said ?he iu-,
| nocent, “died on the day I was bora." ‘ Dead or
1 not,” vociferated the] wolf a* be gnashed his teeth
! in rage, “I know very] well that all the breed of you
1 hale me,7 and therefore I am determined to have
mv revenge.” sprang upon the de
fenceless lamb and devoured him.
—Those are determined to commit
an act of injustice or tyranny, aiy neuer at a loos
for a pretext”
The aid and comfort General) however, hsslutie
fear of the lamb's Cite,[for he «ayr—l ask no
fevor, and I shrink from no responsibility. While
entrusted with the command in this quarter I shall
continue to devote all my energies to the public
good, looking for my reward to the conanoiuneM
of pure motives and the final verdict of impartial:
history." ]
In the course of the dispute about tSe jirigta of
the war with Mexico; the loco fooos have hid
much to say about -documents, but no document
-bu beau applied with; a tithe of the force with
which the aborts is given by old Rough an? Ready.
AitJtT OP OcCl.'riTJort, >
r* Agua Nueva," March 3,1 Sf 7. f
Snt: I have had the hoaor to receive you f com
muoicatioa of January i.27th, enciostag .a oewspi
per slip, and expressing the regret of the depart*
meat that the letter copied in that slip, and which
was addressed by myself to Major General Gaines,
should have been published.
Although your letter does not convey the direct
censure of the department or o( the President, ret,
when it it taken in connexion with the revival .of
a paragraph in the regulations of J 633, pouching
the publication of private letter* concerning opera
tions in the field, l am not permitted to doubt that
! have become tbe subject of Executive disappro
bation. To any expression of it coming with tbe
aujborijy of thcJPresidebt, 1 am bound by my duty
and by uiy respect for tii« high office, patiently to
submit; but lest my silane* should be construed
into a tacit admiasiou of the grounds nod conclu
sions act forth in your cotamuniagioD, 1 deem if a
duty wbifch Jowe to royselfto submit afewneraarks
in reply.. 'I shall be pardoned for speaking plainly.
In first place, tbe published letter bears upon
its face {be most conclusive evidence that it ws*
intended \paly for private perusal, and not at all
for publication, u was published without my
knowled, ahjl contrary to my wishes. Surely I
nej.d t)oj Ua/ ; that I am not in the habit of wriung
for tli« nfWspqpppi. .The letter was a familiar
one, written to an old friend wieb whom 1
have for many years interchanged opinions on pro
fessional subject*. That) be should think proper
to publish it, tinder any hircuinstances, could not
| have been foreseen by mi.
In Iha abseqee of proofthat tbe publication was
made without toy authority or knowledge, 1 maybe
permitted to «4jr that the quetation In your letter
of tbe six bundled and fiftieth paragraph of tbe sus
pended regulations of 11C5, in which {lie terms
“mischievous” and fc diagfaeefiir , *tre employed to 1
characterize certain. lettirs or reports, conveys,
though not opeply, n .measure of rebuke, which,
to say tbe least, iis rather [harsh, and which many
may think not Warranted bv the premise*. Again;
l have carefully\examindd the letter in question,
and I do not admit that it is obnoxious to tbe objec
tions your commjuiicatioo., ! seo nothing
in it wluch, the same circumstances, I would
not write again. To sopdoa* fhtl it will give tbe
enemy valuable' infbnaauon our past or
prospective line of operations, is to know \ejy lit
tle of the Mexican sources of information, or of
their cxtraordinsrjr sagacity and facilities in keep
ing constantly apprized of oar mdvemeat*. As to
my particular vwwa in regard to the general poli
cy to be pursued' towards Mexico, I perceive by
the public journals that* they are shared by many
distinguished, state&nen. lad' also, in parity's
Conspicuous officeroftbe navy, the publication of
whose opudons ia not perhaps obstructed by say ;
regulations of hi* department. It i* dHßenh, then,
to imagine that the difiason of mine can render
any peculiar aid to the enemy, or specially dit to*
dine him ‘to enter into negotiation* for peace.” -
In conclusion, I would tay that it ha* given me
great pain to be'brpugtii into the poshioa to which
I now find myself with regard Ip the Department
of War and the r Government 1 It ha* not been of
my own *eeking. To the extent of my ability, and
the mean* placed at ray disposal, 2 have sought
(aitlifully to serve the country, by carrying out the
wishes and in*irortk>us of the Executive. But it
cannot be cuucenlf il that, since the capitulation of
Monterey, the contideneeoflbe department (and,
1 too much tear, ot* the President) has been
ally .'withdrawn, and my consideration and useful
ness correspondingly' diminished. The apparent
determination of the department to place tue in an
attitude antagouistical to the government has an
apt.' illustration in the well known (able of ./Eaop.
But-I ask no favor, and I will shrink from no res
ponsibility. While intrusted with the command
in this quarter, I shall continue to devote all my
energies to the public good, looking for ray reward
'toltoj'consciousness of pure motive, and thetinal
vcrdicLof impartial history. I am, sir, very res
pectfully, yourobedient servant, Z. TAYLOR,
Moj. Gen. U. 3. A. Commanding.
Hon. \V. L. Maict, Secretary oCWar.
Below will be (band in extenso-the Free Bank
ing law (hat wo? under discussion in the House of
Representatives, at Harrisburgh. on Monday. It
contains all the good qualities of the Bank laws of
New York aud.Ohio, as well as some others espe
cially its own. The stockholders are made individ
, ually.liable lor the circulation, if the State debts se
| cured are inadoquate when the Bonk is wound tip,
| thus making the public perfectly secure.
! returns are made imperative, amjftbe whole scopo
of the bill seems well adapted to raise the value
of our Stale bonds, and at the same time to atTord
the bcbple well managed and banking institu
lions. , '
An Act to Beialste the Business of Bank
ing ofthe Commonwealth of Penneyl-
Stcnox 1. Be it tnaelrd by the Senate and Uonte
of/Reynantatiou of the Coauatmvtabk of Penn •
tylvauia in General AuemUy met, and it ia hereby
'enacted by the authority of the tame, That the State
Treasurer is hereby authorized and required to
causo to be engraved, and printed in the best man
ner to guard against counterfeiting, such Quantity
of circulating notes, in the similitudeof bank notes
in blank, oftbe diderent denominations authorized
to be issued by the incorporated banks of this State
Provided Juncever, That no note of a less denomi
nation than five dollars shall be issued, as he may.
from time to time, deem necessary to carry into
effect the provisions of this act, and of sncti form
as he may prescribe: such blank circulating notes
shall be countersigned, .numbered and registered
in proper books, to be provided and kept for that
purpose in the office of said Treasurer, under his
direction, by such person or persons as the said
Treasurer shall appoint fortboi purpose, wthat
each denomination of such circulating Dopes shall
all be of the same similitude; and bear the uniform
signature of such, or one of such registers.
Sscnox 2. That whenever'any person ar asso
ciation of persons, formed for the purpose of bank
ing, under the provisions of this act, shall legally
transfer as collateral security, to the Treasurer, any
portion of the - public debt now created, or hereof
ter to be created by the United States or by this
State, such person or association cf persona shall
be entitled to receive lrom the Treasurer, four
fifths of such circulating notes of different denomi
nation, couotersgined and registered as aforesaid,
of thq.amount of stock so deposited; such public
debt shall, in all cases, bear an interest ofiat least
five per cent per annum.
Szcnox 3. That such person or association of
persona are hereby, authorized, after having exe
cuted and signed such circulating notes-in the
manner required by Ifiw, to make them obligatory
promissory notes, payable on demand a( the place
of business within this Slate,’of such person or
association, to loan and circulate the-same as
money according to the ordinary course of banking
business, as regulated by the laws and usages of
this State. .
Stcnox 4/ That ia case the maker or makers of
any such circulating note or notes, countersigned
and registered as aforesaid, shall at any time here
after, on lawful! demand, during the usual hours of
business, that ia to say, between the hours of nine
o’clock, A- M-J and three o’clock P.M, *t the place
■wherq such note or notes isorare payable fiulorre
fuseto redeem'such note or notes luthd lawful money
ot the United States, the holder of such note or uote*
making such demand, may cause the Same to be
protested for non-payment, by a notary public, uo
. der hia seal of the usasT manner, and the
Treasurer bn'receiving and filing in his otfice such
protest shall forthwith give notice in writing, to
the maker or makers of such note or notes, to pay
the same, and if he or they shall omit to do *o for
tea day* after rue!) notice, the Treasurer shall im
mediately therebjKUi, ha shaft be satisfied
that there is a good and legal defence agnjusi the
payment of such note or notes, give notice in tbe
newspaper published at Harrisburg, in which the
laws of (his Commonwealth are published, that all
the circulating notes issued by such person or i>
socialioa of perrons, will be redeemed out of the
tnjft funds in his bonus f_? that purpose; and
the Treasurer afer.ll be required to apply It?
trust funds- belonging lu mike,' or makers of
such protested notes; to the payateut, vn of
all such circulating notes, whether protested or not;
pul in cicculalian by the maker or makers of such
protested notes, pursuant to the provisions of this
•act, and toadnpt such measures for the payment
of awit uotea ms wilt; in bis opioids, 'tnost etffccm.'
ally prevent loss to tbe holders thereof
S. Thaljhe Treasurer may give to any
person or association of persoas, so transferring
stock in pursuance U the provisions of this ect
powers of attorney to receive interest or dividends
tboraotj, which such person or association may
owq use; but such power mny be
revoked upon stifch person or association failing to
redeenj the city-iilaling note* *Q issptd. Pf when
■ ever, in the opinion of the Treasurer, jfie principal j
! of such stock shall become an insufficient security i
i and tbe said Treasurer, upon the application oftbe .
owner or owners of such transferred stock in trust i
as collateral eccurity for the payment of such cii
culating notes, may, in his discretion, change ori
transfer the same for other stocks of the kinds he
fore specified in this act, or may re-transfer the
■aid stocks, or any port thereof, upon receiving and
cancelling an amount equal in proportion jq tbe a
mount secured by such stock of such circulating
notes delivered by him, to such person or a*?©*
Sspr/os d. That the bills or note* no !o be conn
leraigned.andthe'ijayrijsnt of which shall he ao
secured by the transfer of public .took*, aUU be
•tamped ou tlieir lire, ‘Secured by the nled« of
public stock*."
Seenu» 7. That in case such person or aaaocia
fon of ppnorn, shall fail or refuse to pay such bill,
or note* on demand in the manner «pecified in the
fourth acctionofUiuiact, the Treasurer, after the
ten day* notice therein mentioned, may proceed
fo sell at public auction, the public itocksopledii
«n, or any part of them; and out of the
of auch sale, shall pay arjd cancel the said billa or
notes, default in paying which, shall have been
made as aforesaid: Pn>vulej. That nothing in tbia
act contained shall be construed aa implying any
I the partof the State for the paymentuf
I the said Mis or note* beyond the proper applies
lion - of the aecurtuea pledged to the Treasurer for
lueir Redemption.
Scctjo# 8. That the public debt to be deposited
with the Treasurer by any such person or associa
tion, shall be held by hint exclusively for the re
demption of the bill* or notes of suck person or
association, put in circulation as money, until the
same are paid.
Sttiiox ft. .That the plates, dies and material*
bp procured by the Treasurer for the printing and
nuicisg offhe circulating notes hereby provided lor,
abaff remain in hia custody and under hisdirvction,
«*d lire expense? ntcesaxrijy incurred in procuring
said plates, dies an.d other materials, shall he audit
ed and settled, by the Treasurer, and paid out or'
any moneys In the treasury ijot otherwise appro
priated: and lor the purpose of reiwbusing (he same,
the said Treasurer is hereby authorized and requir
ed to charge against and received from such per
son of association applying Gir such circulating
notes, such role per cent, tberon ax may benafficieni
fir that purpose.
•Sfxrrioii 10. That it shall not be lawful for the Ties.
«u,rer. or other Officer, to countersign bills or notes
ior any person oraMocialion. lo an amount in the
aggregate' exceeding four fifths ofihc pubiic'drb
so deposited, as provided in the secondsection 6'
this act; and the T»fi**wref or other officer who
■ball violate the previsions of.this auction, shall up
on conviction, be adjudged guilty of amisdeinouri
or, and shall be punished by a line of not le«* than
five thousand dollars, or be imprwoned not less
tiißß five years, or by both aucb fine and imprison
Section li. 'jThai any person or association of
persons may establish offices of discount, deposit
and circulation,npon the lerm* bn<J conditions,and
subject to the liabilities prescribed inihisucj; but
Iho aggregate amount of the capital stock of such
perm or awociation abtill not lw lets (ban fifty
thousand dollars.
Section 12.pThat the capital stock of every bank,
whether established by an individual or an associ
ation, under the previsions of this act shall lie just
equal to the. amount of the circulating notes which
such individualhanker or association hasreeeiyed,
or is'entitled to receive upon the securities deposit
ed with the T restorer,(n accordance with' the provis
ions of the second suction of this act; and the
shares thereof shall bo apportioned accordingly.
Section 13. That every persou or association of
persons establishing the business of banking under
the pruvisionsof this art, shall make u certificate
wbjnh iliatl specify: First—The name assumed to
distinguish sif ch batik, and to be used in its dealing*;
Second—Thu place where the operations of dis
count and deposit of suefi bank ore to be carried
on, designating the particular city.towuor borough*
Tbird—The amount of the capital stock of such
bank.andtbc number of sharra into which Uie sahie
shall jjodivided.-Fourth—The names and places of
resilience pf and the number of
shares held by each respectively; also, the period m
which-such bank shah cotnmpQce and terminate*
and such certificate shall be acknwledged by iho
signers thereto, lietnre any -officer sufhoraed to take
ackowledgemenu of deeds, and tiie same shall be
recorded in the office of the recorder of the coun
ty wherein such bank is located, and a certficate of
the same, under thu hand-and seal of su'd recor
der, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of
the Commonwealth.
Samoa M. That the certificate required by the
last proceeding section, to be recorded and fifed in
the office of the recorder of jbe county, and Secre
tary'of the Commonwealth os aforesaid, or conies
thereof duly certified by Either of the said officers,
shall be deemed and ; taken aa sufficient evidence
in all courts of law and equity.
Section, 15, Thai such individual banker or a*
•ociation shall have power 10 carry oa the buaineu
ofbanking,by ducoanting bills,!notes endother
evidences of debt, by receiving deposites-*fe; bay
ing sod selling gold and silver balboa, foreign coin
and bills of exchange, and by exercising sncb ioci
dental powers a* shall be necessary to carry on
sach business—tochoose one of their number as
president of such bank, and to appoint a cashier '
and such rtber officers and agents u their law.
ness may require, and to remove such officers and
agents at pleasure and-appoint others in tbeir places.
,S«ritoß Id. That it shall be lawful for airy indi
vidualjianker or association organized underthis
act, to provide for an increase of their capital, and
the number of their associates from lime to time as
they shall think proper, by giving notice in the man
ner prescribed in the thirteenth section of this act
v ' Swnox 17. That the shares of the capital stock
of all banks established under the provisions ofthia
act, shall be deemed personal property; aad may be
transferred ou the books of such bank, in such
manner as shall‘be agreed on in their articles of as
sociation; and every person becoming a sharehold
er, by purchase or otherwise, shall succeed to all
the rights and liabilities of other shareholders, in
projwrtion to the amount of slock held by such
person. No transfer of. stocks shall be made that
will in anjr-way impair or weaken the security of
any existing creditor of such bank.
Bectjom 18. That all contracts entered into by
any and all banks established underthe provisions
of this act; also all their circulating notes, shall be
signed by the president or vice president and cash
ier thereof; and all actions and pro&ediogi in law,
either in fevororngainrtsuchbank, shall he brought
in the name of the president thereof and no/suit
shall abate in consequence of the resigna
tion or removal of such president, but may be
maintained and continued in favor or against his*
successor in office, who shall succeed to all the
rights, privileges and liabilities, and exerciso the
same powers of bis predecessor; and judgment and
decrees obtained or rendered against such'presii 1
dent, for any debt or liability of such bank, shall be v
enforced—hr»t against the joint property of such
bank, and in case the joint property of such bank
proves to be insufficient to liquidate and satisfy in
full such judgment or decree then in that case' the
said judgment or decree shall be! a.iien upon the
capital stock of said bank, so much of which msy
be sold Upon the same judgment or decree, as will
be sufficient to satisfy the same; and incase of such
sale upon such judgment or the financial
officer of such bfcnk shall transfer to the purchaser
or purchasesaid capital stock upon the books
of said bank, proportioning the amount equally on
all the shares of the capital stock of said bank.—
Provided, Amercer, That no. shareholder shall be
individually tiabte beyond the amount of stock by
him owned, for any debts or liabilities of the.said
bank, other than the circulating notes, signed and
registered as prescribed iu the!second section
of this act; but iu case there shall be a deficit
in closing up of any such bank, in! tbe amount re
alised by the Treasurer from the sale of the pnb
lie debt deposited in his hands for the security of
the payment of such circulating notes, then and in
that case each and every shareholder shall be and
is hereby made liable for tbe redemption of such
circulating notes by such bank issued.
Sectios 19. That it-ahall be lawful for all banks,
established under the proviiuous ofthia act. to pur
chase, hold and convey real estate, for the following
First.— Such os shall be necessary for its ioime*
ditto accommodation iq the converiieqt transaction
of ita business. i
SreumA—Such ** shall be mortgaged or convey*
ed to such bank in satisfaction of debts previously
contracted in the course of its dealioga.
Third.— Such as it shall purchase at ales under
judgment*, decrees, or mortgage* held by such
i bans. No bank, established under the provisions'
of this act, shall purchase, hold or convey real es
tate. for any other purpose, or in any other way.
! And all conveyances of such real i estate shall be
i made to tho president of such bank; and the said
president or nis successor, from time to time, may
sell, assign, and convey, the same, free from any
claim thereon, against any of the shareholders, or
any person claiming undef them, when authorised
'so to do by the directors of such' bank- ~
2o.Thar all and every bank established
under this provisions of this act, shhll, on tire first
Monday in January, April, July olid October, in
every year, after having commenced the business
of banking, make out and tramaiitto the Treasu
rer, in the form to be prescribed by him, a full
statement of affairs of the bank, verified by the
oath of tbc president or cashier, which statement
shall contain—
First.— The amount of stock paid in according
to the provisions of this ucL
Second.— The value of all” real estate owned
by such bank, specifying what portion is occu
pied by the hank as necessary to the transaction of
its business; •'
Third.— The shares uf stock held by such bank,
whether absolutely or as collateral security, setting
forth each kiud and descriptions of‘stock, and the
■value of the saiuy;.
Fourth.— The amount of debts due to the bank
specifying such as are due from moneyed or other
corporations or banks; and also specifying the
amount secured by bond sod mortgage or judg
ment; also the amount which is considered worth
less. or partially so.
1 of debts due ty such bank
speeding as ape payable op demand, and :
such as are due to other banks.
Suxh.— The amount of claims not acknowledged :
by said bank as debts.
Seventh.— The amount of notes, bills, or other
evidences of debt, issued by such bank.
TZizAth,— The amount of losses cf the tank,
specifying whether' sharped on‘its capital stock i
o? profits, Mace its last preceding statement, and i
of its irvulc mis declared and made during the same ,
period. 1 • “•• •• : • ' j
A’latA.—The average amoun| in each amount, 1
Jurinjjtt. *«■»«« Mile :
bank from qlflie sluuebolSen mtfip ou)t| mao, ]
th« greatest amount duo to the bank in each of 1
the said preceding three months, ftora all the share- ;
holders in said bank
Tenth.—' The amount of die increase of the cap
ital stock, if any, andtbe name*of all peraonawho
shall baTc become -parties to the article*' of asso
ciation of the bank, or may have withdrawn there*
front since the last preceding repdrtj and it ahsll
be tho 4n;v °» >ho Treasure, to cauw tho state
ment requifca tdbe msdd by lh!< ‘ section. to tie
publish?# in a newspaper printed io the county
where the place of business of such bank is situa
ted, and in the paper which publishes tbc laws of
the State in Harriatmrgh; the expenses of which
publication* shall be paid by tho bank.
Section 21. That if any tank, established under
the provisions nf tliis act, shall neglect to make out
and transfer to the Treasurer the statement .requi
red in the la*t preceding section, for twenty days
beyond thu period when the same is required to t*
made, of shall violuto any of the proviso as oT this
•*4. the Treasurer may proceed in the ume man
ner to close up and redeem lie £T??h!:ng notds cf
•ueb bank, aai* provided in tbe fourth section qf
this act, for fading or refusing to redeem
lating notes.
Sccno* 22. That if any portion of the original
capital of any such bunk shall be withdrawn for
sny purpose whatever, whilst aov debts of the
bank remain unsatisfied,qo dividends on the shares
.of the capital stock shall thereafter be’ made, until
-the deficit of capital shall hare been . made good,
or the then existing debts shall have been paid:
Provided fanrnxt. That this section shall pot apply
to their circulating notes. - ‘
StcnoN 23,'Thaf every btlnk, established under 1
the provisions of this act, shall be liable to pay the
bolder of any or every circulating note by it issued, 1
the payment of which shall have been demanded
and refused, twelve per cent per annum, as dams*
ge» for the non-payment, IhcrooC in lieu of interest
I from tbe tiraepf such refusal, until the payment of
such circulating note or notes, together with the
j damages thereon
SscnoM2J. That all banka established under the
provisions uf this act, receive payment it
their par value, when offered, for all discounted
paper, or other evidences of debt, each others cir
culating notes; Provided, That the bank or banka
having emitted such circulating note or notes, is or
are redeeming at their counter, in specie, or de
mand, such circulating not«, at the lime that such
circulating note or notes in or are offered in pay
ment of such debt,
SocnuN Sfi. That no bank established under the
provisions of this oct,»bali commence tbe’bustnesa
of banking, unliltlie one-half the qraountof its cap
ital stock shall havo been paid info said bank In
specie, nor shall at any time.'for the apace of fifteen
days, have on hand, at their place of business, lets
than twenty per cent m specie of the amount cf
their notes in circulation as money.
Section 2G. That ho director of any bank estab
lished under the provisions of this act, shall ap
|*ar as drawer or endorser, or both a* drawer and
endorser, ut uoy one time in such bank of which
he is a director, for a greater amount than fivr
thousand dollar*. ' v -••
Section 2 , Tbut ijo bonk,established under the
,>rovi»ions o( Him .ml, shall issue or pu| into cirvd
latiim any bill »r note of raid bank, payablo al any
other place than at suid bank, nor otherwise that
payable on demand, aud without interest: and
every violation of this section, ly any officer of
officers of such bank, shall be deemed a im«d*
uieannr, puumhablu by a fine of not leas than live,
hundred dollars, and imprisonment hot lea than on?
your, or both, m the discretion of the court. ;
Section Us. it shall bo the duty of the
Jraiifiurer to receive mutilated notes byhimissued
,snd to deliver m lieu thew* other circulating notes
to tliu same amount: Provided, hotetwr, That nd
new circulating notes, ■ elivered in lieu ofsuch rnut'
tdated notes, shall l>o ol a less denomination than
ten dollars. ;
Section 89. That it si all be the duty of the Trea-'
! u P er J® *°P n «• lf > e returns are received by him 5
from the several baJtk,, u* || prescribed in the
twentieth aecuod of this act, to notlfyihe SbcrutirV
of the ( ominoti wealth, lllornoy General, Auditor ,
Oehcral and Surveyor general, that such ruturna
are received, whoso d.ijy it shall be immediately ;
alter receiving auch notice, to meet with the Tren*
*«rer, aU or a majority of whom shall form a board ii
of examiners: the duty of such boardofeXtuninerai
when so fanned, ahall be to examine the return*
of all the *evcm banks, and if, in the opinion of
■uch board, or awajonly of them, any bank estab.
hahed under of this act, baa been
f° l }“na6tfd,orirtho puplip dpbt placed in Ibe
hand" of the Treasurer as collateral security, baa
•o depreciated in valuo lliat the bilMxitder ia in
danger of losing, then and in such case the Trea s
urer shnl; give the president or cashier of such
boflk of ijoiicu of the decision of auch board
pf examiner* upd request suph banfcor banks to
increase to security to au amount specified by
Rich board of examiners, or a majority of them, or
to return to the Treasurer a specified amount of
the circulating note* of such bank or banks, and in 1
case'that any such bank or banks fails or fail, re
fuses or refuse, to comply with the requirements
of such notice, for the space of thirty days after
having received the same, then and in that case
the Treasurer may proceed to dose the business
and redeem the circulating notes ofsnch or
banks, in the same manner as though auch bank or
Unks had refused to refiegm Ihpfr circulating notes
Section 30. That the Legislature may at any
time alter, amend oc repeal this act
p I*gtalat**». .......
„ 3,1818.
.“tirSf’o coocnmrf in aeranl
t "*"’°°° 10 oUoWsSionlSireo-
AGSrfJSjT* “"‘“J'o 'hwe additional taxea.
.a ' *, "“owuince acaiuu allowi,.*
R *R™d^S2^riyf
fcgea, Etp artv-iWaya and Mean.) alao. a Snn
nSarivei “ red ““ “» StaloUek, to £
th«Kiii^!^ >u * e '^ ien into considers
hour of adjournment irrimL** ”" 1 °”' 11 * ta
- Th” “Pplemeal to the Monongaheta N.viputa.
Company, will coipe np tomorrow, there will be a
fierce apportion. The membe„ from W „l ing .
100 Co atraioing every nerve to defeat it, it will
carry 1 think.
SKTimS,? c " en S , B e 'i luring U*Snatadcr of
S3“t? ““ ~»»dmaioa of private and
touU bill*. The bill relative to notes issued under
Ilamarao, Jan.4,18(8.
w„ ‘’ rtUo,u Panted today
Z,^L. b ? “ r t.l <,v, .’:,“* , ' ?d b r 230t “trna of
Weat Deer townahip, Allegheny countyi for a law
to ProMiil tie aale ofapiritou, lfquorv
Mr. Sanhey, one from Mercer county.fer a new
SZd l "? oll,TO ''- oKt ito
pm™ assatexsa fcr ■ **?*
tnd the question being on the amendment, that the
provisions ef the bill should apply only to those
which now redeem their notes in specie, agreed to.
Cn.l”tol>ed °“'“ PU ** ‘ m '
of Eri “’ report'd a liiU ielalive to
the payment of damages on the Erie Extension ca
nal, wkch pawed second and third reading
Mr. King, called op the bill, a supplement to an
ajm“T»r*tmg the Harrisburg, &mrgh and
Stojrstown turnpike company, which passed third
Hooas—On motion of Mr. Fox, tbalHousein
"T»ol«, took up the supplement
mcor P orsUn^the Monongahel* Ntvigs-
H£to”G,A rttto Waa taken bothre the
70 **««*«■ ro* fMOTEvr
”“**• ZamtAnr Tsylox.—The electors of the
cityandrountyd-St Louis, and ill Who are in
rw,i? P?*/* 1 2nciu*r Tanox for the next
President of the United States, are requested to
.*h e ooT5 eo !^. 1 ? , “« this xorowu, on
I °?? ehniu 7 next— of du
btrtkof Watktngtmandtlubatdi of Butna Vuta
—m order to pi ace the name of Zachahv T*no*
• ; y promniently before Un people of that
Natiom J S ‘ tte ’ ** ** of the
Z.vmritaa Guari-The MeaSTCochmo, an
now mnjmfeclunng at the “lower worka.' 1 window
!*“•«? I W*opn“f q“«1i!y-' V»hearthnarti.
c|e very well apolien ofj and, on all hand., that it
ja oonatdered qailn equal to the Ihiuburgh manulhc
tore. They are doing businere on a lane scale,
employingmany hands and contributing in no mean
“*re.!P V* feneral property of our town;—Zs«w
vtUt Courier. i
.T’ 1 . T re« roa Taramo Vmn—Mr. Underhill
oi Lroton Point, fornous for the culture of superior'
Moonneedyesterday in. the Fqfmirs'Qub; -
that the Lest tune for pnmiDgvfutfii Vin Mfcrch and
•\prili that he never pruned .in. February unless for
convemcifce, and then he employed artificial means
to slop the bleeding; when pruned in Match or
Apni the vines were in no danger from bleeding.
■"A. 1. Com. Adr.
rr Et^ocs,—A paragraph in
cue of the nbwspapcrs having hinted Ibat Genvral
l ?« n recalled by Mr. Polk, on the recom
mendation of General Pwrce, this gentleman has
addressed a leUer t« if.e editor of the Boston Post,
emphatically denying the truth of the alle^abon
Rira-.Ori-x—Tlir Xtw Turk tinrcw
fiver clear of ice. The Colombia steamer leave*
this afternoon for Albany. j
Rsdcctiox or WacEa.—The manofachmin bare
jwm to reduce the .wage* of the operatives.—
rtuf Suffolk aodTreraont mills ’at Low
eU, and the fetark mill* at Manchester, have : a'ready
adopted this course, a* the oa«. it» siuetl, to
aavotUctuuom ooatinue&lotses iutbeir
Wk learn that while the member* of William
»t tbifemtai fm Sday i«mS Wwii
broken openJ>y tome erfl disposed pencils, and
property to considerable amount destroyed’.
Two -Jdivr. gol into a %hi « n, Rraticji-ou,
on Satunlay niglit during which ono-ef ihynt wv
'“ Itthbod. that hia h£> WM Spited oh
Hn it howvvcr, tow«ieara;(iirid«y<>(«‘oft)a» ■
C«mip«Bd(B(i »f Plltihufh atuitt,
Tuk Eatits> TwxjßAyM.—'Tfifi abaencejof our
Congit* new* end Eastern roarketa, ia owihg to a
broalria the telegraph,-mboar3o miles from Bed
£trd, Pa.. Persons Were mm to mead it yesterday
morning, but bad not succeeded in> doing so in
time to give us our despatcbee before we Vent to
jirea*. . - ' ’ ' ‘ ».
Uemtpoodence-of tha Pltrtbsrgh Gsretir,
Sr. Louts. Feb. 7, ISI9.
A messenger has arrived from Fort Mann with
newa from that place, date* to the 20th of January;
ten day* later than the advice* received on Bdtor
*»r- }■ \ i •
By the messenger wp Jiave npxya of. much impcr
tance, jmd lf*ro that tyl'Gilpin \y*s' au'llij Fort
Brent, ip much trouble.' [
Tbe Indiana in New Mexico bid Our to be: very
troublesome. - j
It ia *aid that the Mexicans and Camaoche In
dians are gathering in the South in great jbrce,
about 230 miles" from Fort Brent, and were prepar
ing for an attack upon that fort. •i‘ > '
Col Gilpin was making every preparation not to
receive them, but to march against them and ■gift
them in their rendezvous. i
The means at CoL Gilpin’s command was ivery
limited, but he hoped to be able to march by the
middle of February. The greatest difficulty i was
experienced at the for; ip obeying, the orders 0 (
Col. Gilpin. His hofsy* tfe alj dead,; and of 800
cattle only 70 npw remain, and are daily
lessening this number. j.
An attempt was made at Fort Mann to bend
alores to Col. Gilpin, but with little success,' A
detachmeut of troops, Lieut O’Hsrra, which -was
ordered to escort a sutler's train, deserted to a liao.
A Court Martial had been ordered, but the- rdsuh
had not been ascertained. !
Exctasire Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gasctie
Flour—The market ia quiet, and very littld is
doing. Limited sale* are effected at $4,0001 00Jc
¥ Nd. J -
Grain—The market is dull, with no antes id re.
port. . Prices are without change. I
. Whiskey—Sales at 17c 4Fga?l. j
Molawea—Sales of 300 bbla o( Sl|c p (pill. 1
Sugar—The market is steady, with sales of ioo
hbda fair N.O. at.4|oll p Bk. j
Bacon—Sales oflfnm* ¥ & Shoulders
are offpfCtl at 21021. without hading buyers.
Cheese—dales at Plo7c y &.
Butler—Roll is telling at 11014 c ?ft accord ng
to quality.
Lard—>fodcrate sales only ore effected atGltSGc
Provisions are rather dull, and very htpe is do
ing to-day. J
Cuhats Is strangaly destructive to the hu*
cuticle, (or skin) the sudden change' from heat-to
cold, and lire smoke causes yellow, dark, coarse coin,
pleiioni. Then il is requisite that the pores of the akin
should l>« kept open—that their mouths should be freed
from impuriiy—*twas thus the aiiaientUonum I’hiiolo
phers cured all diseases—they computet) that more
the pores of the skin, than any other outlet of the body,
diseases and- unhealthy vapors ten ihroughUie
il is necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open all'
humors are dispelled from the akin from the pores,
when they wash with Jones’ Italian Chemical Soap. | j
have seen it cure the wpnl and oldest cases of Salt
Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores,Barter's Itch, Sore Head,
Ringworm, when evenr Other internal and asternal
reiaedyh*u fhjleo—lts effect rendering the skinwllS,
clear and soft, though it he yellow and coarse, is won’
derfuMrit rttoovesFreekles, Tan, Suburb, Morpbew,
and disflgnftmenl of top a^ln—lql person's must
be particular ahd ask for Jogxs Sqbp—to be had In
pi.uWt.«\m mcksovx, uSTCw&S
69 Liberty »t- ■ Pnoa.Al cent*. no* UdAwly :
HJ-To TO* Halt and La**.— Comstock’s Nerre anil
Done Liniment and Indian Vegetable Elixir, is the mo It
cure for Rheumatism. Sold by WM. JACK
-tt m. Agent for Pittsburgh. . novlSd&wfimT;
I YestenUy.theTlhinst-atao'clockp.*. Tdrs. Eliza-
S*TU ’Dsoslxt, wife of Ur. William liagalcy, in tbb
rth year «f her age.
The funeral will Ukt place from the residence la All
legheny, on Wednesday (10-morrow) morning at ten
o’clock. The friends of the family are respectfully in
vited to atjknd.
'CoaTCAUea* '
■^MfSSsa® s6 ®®®'vasssc •
p r*?s® rft ‘Vbi andTuwnshipe of Alie-rbcnr In,* Good* T
•«»SMristti4KrtSfi , &* ( S^fS l «,?? Thu " J .«r'”{"“»• |W» itts kiioo'clock,
Sy the i&h Febniarv M n .n —VI “ r *be Commercial bale* Room.corner of Wood »nd Sih
i meet in County the Coon il2S*e* in SEJnSI **'.■??* * UlTehcy ’ ***ecounl
, i y^C “l^ov.ock,r. t ,!,
vehtioa. The uid county convention will al«o«DMim Vy ar S* quantity.’ot. Cjuecusware.ichtaa, glattware,
a delegate from this dhtnet 10 the Whig NatiMaf c!m- frocfneiu Ac x 1 cask French brandy, !
venttoa and an elector for this district utxm ih* «■<,«,, * CIU * Holland gin t for arepont whom it may. concern
electoral Ticket. Ute state topay tretght* and charge*.': AUo a'jeneral auomnehl
Tha primary meetings in all the Towri.hin* „ hou ** h , o,d «“«* kitchen furniture, superior
Pitt, will be held at 8 o'clock, r. and C» the \v?3. "tit wntdow blind*. mantel clock*, looking glaaxu,
and Borough* including Pitt, it? o'clock, ml of car P cnu ?< leather Wd*. cookingstovya,Ac.
dai*. T)l\L McCI'RIIV pk ; At o'clock, f. tt
L Pautta, Scc*y pro, tem, ' . ’ A quantity of ilr k l R ood»,''U>ou, rfioe*, iready made
- : i a ri_. clothing, Ac., from a country store, also fine cutlery,
' , y*ae» * llquori. carpenter’* tool*, brace ana bits, secordeou*. violins,
■iflil'T 08 ’ helves. quarter* and eighths pipes bran- b,p, ‘* comb*, watches, jewelry, con*, pistols, fancy ani-
Ac, of the following celebrat- cle*. buok*, Ac. •; tebS
ed brand*, grades and vintage*, viz: :
Olard Brandy, dark; Re he a© Port Wine do pale; Market do-'
Sazerac do do; zr Trash ,lo-
A Seignette dark; j Hunt
do pale; « Burgundy ,io'
Henneiay do dark;' 2R S Madeira ' do
do do pale; ?!■ M do . d©-
pinnetfCastillian, do. | Symington do;
•’ do do dark; * Kaxal do'
Swan Oin; ® Pale Sherry do;
Bl'k Horse do; S Brown do do;
Imp’] Eagle do; © Golden do do;
Pine Apple do; TrneritTe do do:
Irish whiskey; «? Lisbon do do;
Jamaica Spirits; I* Claret. do;
_BL Croix Rdm; Sweet ADry Malaga do;
Together with a large stock of the above Wine* and'
Liquors in bottles. Also, Cbampaigne and Claret Wine*
for tale as imported, on pleating terms at the Wine Cel
lar and Liquor Store corner of Smithficld and Front su.
fcb* 1 P C MARTIN.
J .. Wm. Penn Soiree.
**» e«iuen* of Pittsburgh-and Allegheny are respect
fully invited to attend the Hirst Annual Soiree of the
»» m. Penn Hire Company, to be given at the Lafayette
Booms, on Tuesday evening, the 2UdFcbra
»ry. roe Supper will be served up by that prinre of
caterers, Mr. Strickland. Mr. Daniel M'Afee and his
Band, from Wheeling, will be present. Tickets can be
procured from any 01 the following Managers:
n. Cameron, Hope. . J. Fulton. President.
Bagle. J. C. Montgomery, W. Penn
JVm. Splane,AHegi,en r . Wm. Krebs,
D. O. Herron, Duquesne. J. Caldwell, "
Wm. White. .Neptune. Wm. Platt,
>Vtn. Campbell,
&^ h u CC £’‘■L 11 Co - B. E. Elliott,
TV S’ a^,, .»« he L v ‘P , ant. J. Prophßtor, -
{'■ Collincsworth, U. Sam. Jos. Spratlev. “
, f “‘hingten. John Lamont, “
- f °W ; dtit
Sbawla, Sbawla.
, vc O' large and superior assort*
meal oti super. Turkerrt Shawls, extra alt wool Bro
-5 9 a * braerß d °i Plain and embroidered cloth
do,plian and embroidered Thibet do; Brocade. Damask,
and Ottoman Silk do; Plaid long and square do; to
aether with a great variety of other description* of
Shawls, all of whicU we are now selling off at an extra*
ordinary reduction of prices.
.5 Market it, N Wcor. of the ~
sortmem of fine Plaids selling off at an utmsual re
duction In prices, at 75 Market street; N W corner uf
the Diamond. ALEXANDER A DAY
fine assonmem of French and English ClotLs sel
ling oo nfa very great reduction in prices.
feb9 75 Market it, N W cor of the Diamond.
FT|HE partnership heretofore existing between the sal-
X' senbereis thu day dissolved, by mu tool consent
! Either of the undersigned will settle the business of the
feb£hkhaw3l.T ll J FORSYTH,
/CLOVER SEED—For sate by
57 Water street
a LASS PAPER— ’JU) reams ass'd Glass Paper, su
perior to sand paper for .Mechanical pun*o«es.
Hardware dealers and Drugfrists, at a low rate wiiote
«aie.i Manufactured and sold by J KIDD A Co.
feW Carper of wood and Fourth sis.
SOAP— 75 bole* Hyde'* common and fine Soap* Cot
jt*\tby [febSJ JKIDDACo.
LE.MON SYRUP—SI doz fine Lemon Syrup for tale
fewI*. 1 *. J KU)U * Co.
Chronicle copy
LARD— GO kw •No 1, and 5 lib I* jo., now lan din*
from itf. Skipper, for «ale by •
J»AIA}fWCKK\-A co.-
' p ' >a .... ' Water and From sirecti.
W li, "*?n r ° A ? fi i VE r t ! Sf * *l r - c ** k » Cette, White
•ad Burruaidy Pori Wmr, expected daily, to »r.
lre and lor ui« by the cask, by ’
f - ._l* C MARTIN 1
'•» pint and quart boitl«i.
for tale bjr (fcbwj
t \Y-k-'7 SKKY, A r . *iu) half I>M* O. R
it'- ■ inSaS**^** 53 ? Wwk* «tvi half cask* old
•ttt mid? Ui law, for *air by
I<M ' I* C MAim.N.
POT ABUr-M casks for sale low to close coiuitrn.
mculLy [felfo] I’CMARTLY
BUTTER-10 hbls prime Roll Duller rcc'd tlii* dav
ami for sale by ’
COFFIvK rtc u.h, tfr America and lor'ale
ly - ;Teb?J TASM4KY a IsKST.
10 cu»ks m More mid for nilr In
. . _ T-\SSi:Y &. _
rp I T 0 b * le « P»j Coilon. duilv expected, for
V * aJe *o clo»« by BROWN L CULUEictaoN
145 liberty .'.tew.
[OP»-16 bale. We.lern New York and Cbnu.
KJYrr Hop*,Jusl arming »mt lorsale by-
CIpOLtSH— 3 kbd« fur vale
, Jjl-’ 1 „_. ISAIAH.JfICKKV 3c Co. •■
LININ’ LAUKS-A «'ip;>lv c>f above cood» cow
»f»ntly oo band, alio cam'jjfc'and iiucu cam.
'■HfyWwpriced tail fcTe.- '
VL.\X.\EI*S-sAt rcOuoed price* by the
'• »»rnr.nii Wilijt.’pfHy _
~WoTtlatM tciftli & Market
. LM* fir B«l«. ~ '
Jrkier k"- 11 »®«r failing «prinir of
%rß ’ cr I<cb7) ueo .
FISH— dO bbla lares up 3 ina*;©;®*.
ShiWCu ;* 3
i •• a *
, {n*b SaUooo, u> ator* aod.tbr aal« by
Af CLASSES—III) bbla N Orleant, ignr bouse, eol-
JJA dsn syrup, in store and fur tale bv
OU*^— Winter bleached whale oil.
I ‘ ** . • “ I*<W- *' always ou hand
U T l; <j_ BLACKBURN A Co.
Ol!iiUkit~n>ebds prime S O sugar.
*5 Übbtaloaf ~
... 6 ~ cbrasbed *• in store and for
by . IlebT] O BLACKBURN A Co.
PATENT BUCKETS—23doti fur sale bv "*
_ _ fct>? j O BLACRPUftN A Co
STARCH— IS b&e* of Uonbrjrbts no l. fur sale hr
pLEACUiNU POn-pER, iCWonde of Lime)-8
*M «*»*» 9/ direct from the maun
(iclurer in Ehtgland, received per str Saranak, and for
sleuths lowest market price for cash or aporoved
MERCER, BROTHERS A Co, Commission Mer
chariu, Philadelphia, tor the sale of produce ge
ne,rally. Liberal advances made on consignments
lebS-dm -;
Nj>. L m»l rec’d and for sale
_br ■ {fete] R E SELLERS.
ALWt-S this, just rec’d and for sale by
— fllb& R E SKIVERS.
BLUE MASS-OS lb*. tor sale by
PULV“baYBERHY-2JO lb| fcT saleTt/ '
CREAM TARTAR—CT 3 lb* tor sale by
PEA 'NUTS—ICO bush fusion? and for sale by
DRIED PEACHES—ISO bush for sale by
-fet* 3 JAKE» dalzeu.
FIRE BRICK— ItU.UHJ (ire brick forsale by
landing from steamer l*er\tu)i
V wr “ le b >‘ J AAl£3 VALZEUI ’
1 . ; noil! water st.
IJ\LQUR— 301 bUis Buchannan's extra fatuity tlour*a
superior article, just received mid for sale by
-fe >>3 ' 11 OAICKORD it Co
DRIED BEEF*—OOOUIbs sugar cured dried beef in
store and fur sale by liVSj K OAKFORD A Co.
B FOSTER, Agent.for Mexican soldiers and
IT procuring pensions, St the otliceof Wm EAustin.
rxit Burk’s buildings. <th »u Pittsburgh. feM
CLOIUDK IJMK, 10 e«->k«, u prime uniilr for »alc
_ IfrW), ‘ J KIDD 4. Co.
VfASW* ULACKDfa*aib d»Viwu mrd lioxtM
I*l. ft>r*»lc Uy* J KIDD A, C«i
fc AKRL-rrS SCOTCH SNUFF, (OOfc 1,,T»1, tv *
“< J KIDU 4. Co
ELVJST VIAL CORKS, eWrro** Yor .ole by
. fob* {Chronicle copy] J KIDD *Co
BACON.— 200 piece* [Shoulder. jit«i rrc\l nnd for
»«lc by [ifMl ATWOOD, JONKS ACo
LARD— o lard Tor »m!e by
. «>b4 , ATWOOD, JONES a Co
J. feM
-100 keg* C twist K)- loliacro ib r sn j e w
_; .-_- vr ATWOtIU $ Co
IJLUK OIUUA-t! «a»e» heavy (duo drilling." j u '„
received ami lor i&le by 1
HU *•"
Ju.i opennd by [leal BHACKLKTT& wHl'lV'
I>LKACHEU SHI^mNpS.—J fatt< medium priced,
JD tcc i« V rd by 4
VEfcT PAHIUNd.— One (u« heavy black veil pad.
ding, juat received by
ftM : ■ aUACQj.Tr t wiirrn
Si™Sr^“’o bl " ck '
l » la 1 SHACKLWf i WIIrTK.
EOCK lHm'DKßfor uue HI manufartttrr.r* pric«
icl>j y»Uf & trom »ja.
C'lOUHrtH of jjwkl quality for tale’by
teb3 water k from ,t*.
CEDAB LOUS,—‘A> will be told >u close
conilgimjenu ISAIAH C*KY t S
. '
-Wateracjrontfu. ’
FS, a “‘S lu * ter' '■
'I " 4 ** lc by 8 * W HAIUUI'GII.
1 ; BO 3J wood SL
~ ehi .. SA WnAßßAt’mi
~ ’ I uo oil wood *|.
SSSSfcr ik rfts? ,a,fJr Stared, » primeanicle, for
ijjtleby 1 [leba] . Wicy ftJcCAXIILESS
bbU Cider Vinegar, for vale by
Kept constantly on bandane for
. •' ■ ! . '':
litmus ■attd Lot at Aiutum.
'' >ll be offered st public one lion on the premises, oil
Wednesday the Bth. day of Feb’y, at 7 o’clock, r. jc, a
Lot or ground situats in the bth ward of the city of
I’liuhorgh. fronting 1U feet on the ‘Allegheny rirer by
l(u foci deep, on which is erected m, neat and subs tan*
ual two story Brick iloose in front and on the rear a
•mall Frame House, {his property from* on two st* each
4U feet wide; is in tbs neighborhood idf glass and iron
works and foundries. Title lunexeeptionahle. Terms
at sale. [feb3J J JOHN D DAVIS, Ancfr. •_
Sale of (Jold § Silver Watches.'
Will be sold on AVeduesday evening the 9th inst, at
half past 7 o'clock, at the commercial sales rqom, cor
urr of wood and sth sis, an invoice of hue gold and 4
silver watcher consisting of 2 gold detached lever, H
carat, made by MJ Tobias; a; do patent levers, heavy
cams, seven jewels, htade by'J Johnson, Liverpool; i
csld patent lever, beivy case, 17jewels, made, by- AV
Robmson; 1 do L Eplne, 4 jewels, made by M J Tobias:
t wlver patent lev;r watch, made by!,Taylor Jt Co; 11
det «ched do made] by M J Tobias; together with
o, i , f T ,ff ol ‘l ami silver watches. Gold pens, Ac. Act
which can be examined on day of sale. •
,eU7 -• ! JOHN D DAVIS, Auct
• Ji ionn ? t pTttr '*B Machine at Auction.
On Thorsdoy afternoon, the 10th insi., at 2 o’clock,
l ?s le * Itoom ’ cora « of Wood and
“W one ot the most recent improved
eastern made bonnet ‘pressing machines.
fcb7 ' 1 JOHN D DAVIS, Aoct.
„ ... J 1 1":? S*" l ?'Property, at Auction.
On AN ednesday eveuing the tnb inst; at 6 o’clock, at
thr Commercial sides room, corner of wood and tth.
sis, will be sold for cash, par funds.. That valundle lot
ot ground situated on the south side ;bf Third sp-be
tween wood and suuthheld streets, adjoining property
of John Hague and the iretr. of David Hen&, having
a fiunt of JU feet and extending back tiO. feet sibjeetw
$4l per annum ground reuu ‘ •
ftbt • i JOHN D DAYI3, Auct.
joarru uprcscorr. “ : -i," • Vf^VYsn
<Late J 8 Strickler A Co.)
Manufacturers of i>b®nix £re proof safe*.
sonth side, second street, between Wood and
Southfield Pittsburgh.- J 9 Slrickler having deceased
and the surviving partner SJri Jo* Lippencott. hivinc
associated himsSf with Mr. AVra C t&Sr, Se businSS
will hereafter be conducted under the styls of Lipoen
couAßan. ! : i . . r .
Trial of a safe in Ctocionad/Q.—'We, the undersign
ed were present at the testing of one of J-S Strickle* A
Cd’s improved Phoenik fire-proof safes. 'Hie safe- was
placed tu a farnice ori the public landing, andsubjecied ;
to the intense beat ef a stone, coal fire tor more than
three hours. In one hour and a half the'safe came to
a bright red heel; the door of the furnace was then
closed, which caused itn increased and steady heat for
the balance of the time, until the cast iron wheels were
partially melted off; the furnace was then thrown down
and the safe cooled and opened. 4 The money, papers
-and books which it contained were as perfect as when
placed there, the binding only',-of the books being in
lured by the-water in cooling the safe. \V© have no
hesitation in recommending it to the public as a safe
superior to any we hare ever frtu tested, ahd believe
that it will stand any heat wjucb might be produced,
except aheat which wpold melt it to a solid
Springer A Whitman, L Worthington, Kello-V A
Kenneit, Bcnj. Unier, W G P Brcese.jfllunie-hwi?* »i«
9 Duugan A Co, Stedman, Slayard A Wm Manse,
Mead A Wuutor. j . ; - ’
AN e, the undersigned, selected the safe spoken ©
above, from a lot in the store of Truber A Aubery, thi
„-*• ?: SJKF*IEog.
liefer to Cook A Harris. Broke;*. Pittsburgh;
_ Hussey ilatma ft Co,'do ;do [icljd&wlyg
XTLNN AN Just received at M A Miner's,
A* Columbian Magazine for February.
ibaskwood’s - * January.
Flirtatious in America, or High fctfe in New A'ork 'and
Saraloga.-t>y SeauGeld. - '
tfie Pirate, or ibel’erilsofe Sailor, by AY H G
Kingston, Esq.
Janies 11, or the’H Ainsworth.
American Cottage library, edited by A AV Franklin.
Now-and Then, by {JamT Warren, VR S, authr of Ten
thousand ti year. j , •
TW Mysierics and Miseries of New York, by Ned Bunt
ime, complete. n
Tire Bride of the Northern AVilds, by .Vevrtbn M Curtic
Rodolpho, or the Freebooter of Fonneniera.
.Aluscoma, or Faith Campbell, by. Aria Ashlaiul
.Chambers* Miscellany, \ol2
Ijring age. No !W.
_ &üb»cnptions tai;<;4 U>f Taylor’s Detector-at the-N
t ork pnee, a year. A ,»pien<l»d assortment of Va--
lectmcs avail pncea For sale af
..... i ~ MiiA MINER’S,
f g hs . -■ smlthficld sl 3d door frotaW.
S UNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS.—NYe bay© ja« receiv
ed a large supply of book* for school libra
ries. pulliK.ied t>j d:e Amencun School Union,
uml u|*j'roved by a commiueeof publication,'
cn members of the following ilenominanons, vie Baiu
uvt. CoafregytumaJ, Episcopal Methodist, rreshytetiak
and Rrtprmed Duicji. These puhticaoons comprlre
upwards, of six hundred bound volumes! lof prices from
T" ,ui “
The Tuiwt alio publishes two libruries. No 1 A “ of
v V?y ■ volumes each, all numbered roudv for use
frotu «P tot^laiUrelowpriccof
-. teW-f ualyien-cenuavolume. Also,
AAouth.CabmetluLrary.e of fifiv volumes, at the
ovr pnce of two dollan and Also. Hmtv
•rodW tickemwi jS«
fc— pSfc-SL ke ' !AM ihe 'ahovf iyo the
on apnlj cation. A^©fGU SH,^’
tebS . [Pou eory> . 5B market at,; bet 3d A 4th
To the IxMaraole, the Judges of the Court of Gene
iai Quarter Salons of the if rate, in and for the
county of Allegheny. \ »
rIE petition of Gibson Lightcap. of the towftshja. of
Ross, in the , county atoresald,. humbly ohoweth.
that your petitioner hath provided- himself with male!
rudsror the accommodation of .ttavuSere and others, at
his dwelling bouse ju th,e tnwufhip aforesaid, and prays
hat your-honore wiU 1-j pleased to grant him a license
to itepanubuintoaseof entertainment, and your tre-
u Cn duty bouad will ever pray. i
AN c, the subscribers, citizens oftfie township of Ross,
do eermy that the above petitioner is of good repum
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
ifouse.rooni and conveniences for.the accommodation
and lodging for strangers and traveUo re. ajid that said
lavenju necessary. ::
Nemy, F lyery, D M KccTcr, AV Graham. [leYh*
■ -SMBL'imrl MSMi
ew« «£?.**“ Ir^m Ea*iem cities,via Cumberland. •
r P*G< proprietors of this popular line, have sineelaif
. - r *‘ or K* a Jz»tioii lately increased thei*.-futilities to
meet the wwhes 01 shippers; and era bow prepared to
forward a greateremouni by the VIVEIMY LINE,
**in!—i *** •‘‘dtuanti teguln wagons' al low rates. •
nu» Imv will ryn throughout the year, deliveries
4004* through the agents ia Baltimore arid Pittsburgh
to owner* and consignees at speeihid rates and time.
.n?ik P ?2?. U Philadelphia for the line .ahooid be
‘•Care, J B Robinsou, Baltimore."
The only agents are, ' • • -i
W 8 Chari** CLBahssoro..
EDGERTOJi k Co, CamUrtandT:
GW CASSjßrowjaxille. • .
J O BinWiSEL. PirnWt
« cl«TjHSi'BsußoiaC —
HHBgi. stalmero of tea per cent, {the sth instalment)
3E3Qm all subscriptions in the capital stock .of
itu.coiui.un>-, applicable to that portion‘of the road
under contract, u required to be paid on of before, the
Ist day of March I 6«. Stockholder* ii Pittsburgh
will pay to J W Robinson, corner of 3d and wood sis:
Sv«S !! ii ytcinitr, to Joseph. G launch;in
i>efUr»llc and vicinity to James Stewart, -local treas
urer. Uy order of the bdanl pf directors,-' =
M°™ COUUH the
* ”“*** w ourtug myehitd's distressing
>Yom the Temperance. Banner,' Nor 31647. |:
btarr.—We ure not iu the : hnbiiiof paflLnr,
m»cb If** likuif patent medicine*. bat we I eel dupoaed
id end Bywp 10 thou who are alDiet.
edwtthacough. Ailer having trie*}-the u*ual remel
iliUr** reinove acooatam and Outre**inf» couth, that
for aeveral day* afflicted one of our chtfiiw-uTwah.
out iucccm, we were induced to trV AlorvnuWcoufh
<tfid by U .relief wa» obtained m a
protred to be the panacea IoBTS?a“ liSt.
. Prepared wbi>tf»«lc arid retail by the proprietor
JOHN’ D MOUGAh’, DtuniiL.
:J"*_ • wood at, I door bclovy < V a tpitid alley
pRHAUUJI GOI.rP» ; a-Reo^rb y Up«V*thii
A, jj?? “ lttr 3e lot ot the b?« tntde pea* ever Wt to
tm*ett).. Ity uffemi£a cumtdcrablepremiuhi overthe
pm, I have had. them manufaetdred mSH
K° “ mhT ! i> 0 a‘ “r 1 Cau c^!E^ a,I J recommend
tl etn u* »uth tor the finene** of the cold; their ca*v
eln*ue fine .mooUi point*. B AlioTa uZZI
uronmento? other brand, for £l« it ea*re m \ri£l warranted, at the watch and lewclry. .tore
' v 'y,'VIWO.V,
eotner of4th fc market u .
", uAi-mu i’au —i,
M s»
■ JS. “ SOM qtulity,’
L Va ulue tnriory natter, i
M " «r« paper,
ai bonnci board*. • ’
»«Wwr, b
ftM e to lh « eity «nulf «t low price*.
_j~J^ be^ki'now-inimported! crgurs of
ciiifii»tine of Csvm i 8 ?^ bmuda, arrive
Wwlunglol, regal,
fnluift. Lord T?* I , An^s‘w ' da Faster, Loudon
——- car Bmlth field Jt ifoul tt. -
f«r*K AW whole and
i *«■ lUhaikev*Olivo oil, 10 boxes
I^F®, » u P‘«»<lbrh»dylrpit* l 3b!)U crushed « u .
f* f ' 4 “ ll **««' I Cnt.r.lnuf.H «y n >(». 10 boxes le.
wrto bjr [iel>7); 1* C MARTIN.
lnvitee the auction of tliu ladies 10. hi* excellent
assortment of cashmere ami alpacca hoar, jtiuluditur
oral) tuul bl'k ribbed. Also, Uaok spun silk: thibci,
llanm, Had oiuttu hosc< a lullassortiaent,iuid allow ,
PflCc*.- ' :1 : fel>7 '
WANTED.-* young married loan, who i« nc
f f quaimed with the vrhole**le dry foodibuaiocu
** well at wholrsaU and retail grocery, vraiirt a aitna*
Uoii iu either of the above braneheaof barine**. Would
■»k only a moderate Mlary. BcYciencf given. Ad
dre»« X V through thiroflicq. : ' fcb3-3t«
SALESMAN’ -WANTED.—An experienced aaJeinwui
4o.the whole*aie dry good* buuneit. iOne who can
come well recommended lor bonenty and. correct "ba»-
inc»* habits, may hear of a initiation, (jy addreuinjr
‘•Po*t office box -US,” giving real name rfnd reference.
fcM * •
• 7”“ Drag'SCor* fer SiUeT : “
SITUATED in ihe Uourijhin* jowncf \YeUrraie,the
termiiiur Pittsburgh;and Clerelaid-Rail
Itoad, 50 trufe* by nyer from Pittsburgh, The owieni
bu*me*s cr the establishment ts fair and can be increas
ed indefinitely, lie | ownera wiahing to rtUie._from
tbe buwuen 'vilj sell ou reasonable ieow aipriraS
aale. : Persons wuhutg to make iaquirioTr^referred
j na3t ~ •- ddp»
QTUCCO and Plaster of Pari* from the mill of lt W
P Cunningham, for sale by OEO W JACKSON
jcHdaadwSmS 4ih « uu liberty.
mms well known line of splendid passenger Steam.
1 ers ia &ow composed of the largest, reheat best
funshed had iurrushed, and most powerful boats ea this
waters of the West. Every nceomiaodabea and corn,
fort that money 'can procure, ha* been provided fa pas.
seugerm. TbeLLae ha* been’inoperanonfaiveyeaj.
—has csrried a million of people untboaTlhe least iaj*.
ry to Iheir persons The boats will be at the foot of
Wood street the day previous to startinf, for the recep.
tion of freight arid ine entry of passengers on the ten*,
ter. in nil cases the passage money must be. pail in
advance. ' ' - ‘
The MONOXGAHELAtCapt.Sron, will leave Pitt*.’
burgh every Monday morning at 10 o’clock; Whecliag
every Monday evening at W r. a.
The HIBERNIA No. & Capt. J. Kuzmi-tM, wiR
leave Fitisbargh every Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock:
AVheeling every Tuesday evening at 20 r. x.
The NBAV ENGLAND No. 3, Cap*, a ihu»,. wiflV v
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday, morning' at 20 . '*
o'clock} AATieeung every AVedhesdayevening at 10r. x,
The PENNSAfLVAISIA, Cspt GaxV. wfll leave Pin*,
burgh everjrThursday morning at 10o'clock;AVheeliag
every Tbnriday erening at 20 r.x. . -
The CLIPPER So. 2, Capt Ccoou, will leave Pitta
burgh every Friday morning at 20 o’clock; .AVhcellar
every Friday evening at 10 p. x. . ..v 's- . "
* The MESSENGER, Cape Da Caxp, willlure Pitta
burgh every Saturday morning at 10 b’etock-Wbeeliag
every Saturday evening at 10 r.x. “•
sitnday'packet* "
The ISAAC NENNTON. CapL. A. Q. -’ifAn-fl -ia»
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'efoek:
Wheeling every Sunday ; -
May 20.1847. ' - . .
CALEB Coi , E, ,
and Saturday, of eachweek, rrturi
ing on Monday, AVednexlar_ and Friday. ' She haa m
boat at thni Undiug between Wood street ami the brhfoa,
prepared to receive freights at aay iime. -.--
oetlS- .. No SWooUst
• y. Taa rme steamboat
Charles ll Clarke, master, Will,
■HHBHHthecomlnff'winter season, make dally
trips to Heaver and AYeUsvule.leavimr Pitlsbu'rgh eve
ry morning at 9 o'clock, and AV'ellsvxlla at 3'Q’clock. r.
*• dgcio o7g. HARTON, A CO 4 . Agta
pittibcbou*. HBowasvni’a 4^
! Dally Faekstliaa. .
FEBRUARY Ist, lata FBBHUAlorig*i9l?-
(fi***~ foUawiflg. itfrw bottS cwnpirta;
■ t&B 1 sss
new, and aialtted up without regard (oexpeoae iK
I roRCINCUWATiT'^'C... ~
~f —►. The fast ntzmuurttaiater <•*
(ILjjJJgl • 1 • J.H CRITTENDat
. IfergSteß IsraaU master, wilt leare «* kbor*.
■raEZSSfcsthisdMrat 10 O’elock pod tire ty. For
;g» »ppfr on boant : : rf r ba
freight or passi
ifßiAev k. - The new and elegaatsteamek
[Jfe lr.mfC GREY' VLACii'v.'-- •■♦_■
_<fej^y«3K ; Brooks, master<-wiH leavo.fur iffunt
day. For freight,-or vmtatn
apply outboard. . ; . ! ..‘ffoSr
! FOB~NEW ORLEANS.' '~ rr ' —
/«?«>- k . Theiphndid oewBtaanef ■ •
—fegjStffßt Captain Atkinson, wilHesvefor thu
ana all uuenaediatartjora. on
Thursday Feb 3d. For freight or passage, apply oa
rv . The avrifr steamer • • -
i|S££aa&_j! )or ?J r P Kiuneyy master,-will fear*
for wheeling, on Monday,
Wcdowbr and Friday, at 10o'cJockprecJiriy.' ”
, n 'f* v * . V i*^ e *n?ererr Tuesday, ThurtdayandSa-
at 7 o clock, a nt,’precisely. , - .
The Consul will land at all the interne dial* ports.—
Every accomodation that can be proeared for the coo*
fort and safety of passenger* Mis been provided.- - The
boat is a! to provtard with o sell-acting safety guard W
prevent explosions. For freight or’ passage ap&ly oa
or David CHEBBsif 7
* cl> * ~ comer of Ist and Smithftc|d its.
Wabash river packet.
. B 1 The steamer
n wgferiyMM Wm J Kountx, commander, will km
and intem»diaid:'peets.
on .Monday the * alt nut. For frei-rtit or pawnee ’aonlr
on board or to; i • J NEWTON — 7
_ _ -
. v for wabash river} _ T’l ’ '
, The new and simmhi>Bt
. «e£~bits& A. .MJtf cr.mafttV wit? lesre far tho
• and all •■ intermediate ports oa
Sunday, the Cth um, al4 o’dcck, r u. For freight or
passage apply oil board ut’to ' ■ •“
spire**-. iv s 'The light draught 1 • *• ’
, g>- . NEWARK, .
.mattes, will make weekly tripe
r- 1 ?:;.; - r H wn.nva W
fecKjaatroirr,Elizabeth and •—
•la cmr packet. ; Tt^
The. new steamer .
UfWewa*..., DESPATCH, i 1 v
, <g£ggtfgNclM;v rauter, will. na. as above,
?J > g ß^’l U ? 1, y«T c *y^ieidin- t rihaMdMywssMorfaT.
' 70 'VHB EASTERN CrnE&Vhi
GW VPERsSPQ?** 0 CpißEHL^k l *
tie S?,?”" '•ia. wft.
w f t JSSP U,RE » C^riwid.
gOggYTH fc DPXCAX Htub’r.
» CO.»a BXPllEgg
w **«»oToVnu^Li*J
EiprwcJomiitayaxa**; , .n
asi.sfiSSa.ssPr -Sawt ■
rilliburgh mad wertertuoerchanli — ’
lj Xofciß«B. No « Sooth ChufeTi* «1I? “® u * , 1 -» D»T
"rSSitxJ? u ”»“• 4
T 1 ' pmi l[ .iA N ,,sX£ oAYaipßoj[l'muj)KL.
." mo Agent. YAttke Dej*a -«t
% r jfsJ,* t » Philadelphia,!Penn’s aru! Ohio
CtARKB* THAWW/ Transportaiiob
... ’ : Pitubureh.) -Oomp>y.' •■••.'
will receipt &xr'6UV Iba produce;etc.,
Gay. to go through by the shore' lias after the ISUt mat.
. »sl_ : CLABKB ft THAW.,
_ ilarnden *. co , *" T .T"" • -
°* , M B ? er *»d Renllluiei Oflfcce.
IIA.NRDEN’ 4 CO. continue to bring, tmitoak
•nypbrt of England, Ireland.. 8«oi land ©r
.V"” I '*■*«»: opcn Uie most liberal Krtii, wit], their
uiunJ Duoemaiuy andatteuuon to the want* and con.
ionofemnuirnuiu. \\e do noi allow oarpas*enße>*lo
be robbed by the swiedlm* scampa that
port*, a* we take charge of tltein *be-tnomei*i n, ev _
port themselves, sndsee to th«ir >reli being. and .iL
»pateh them without any dftiwttiun bytKetUw
We say this fearlessly, s» we-defy one of tnlr rutSh ‘'
cere to show that they erere de tamed ia hour* Srteii-
Liverpool, whiltf thousand* qj‘ othm «v» hJi,;
™"«».uattl could'tie
ch ip rate, which too frequently proved l£S- *
We latent} to perform our contracts'
wh*i it cosy. and not act as was the .
iSstiSss £JS9sx&3ti^sk
land, England; Scotland and Wales.v " an **io
Ocean flteamSaTivaUea Cnn . >-“% i
v. s. mail line to soui*utpro v •
thebSSniffS N VSwSbttfN;
strainers of r*b» year JdfcJ,
f The ' 4 i
ian’yrlsiS. . *• Johnston, ou tiir l&th;
s,The Hermann,' Cant • '••“ .■ ‘.
■ m^ I !i? w,OB **» SW» FMt JStt.'
“ front H^emeu.orSoinh«ms! nplon £ r Dre “cj>• -51S0
Co. A, ; m. u fcM ,
1/Murphy hasou U«1 Dra?» R-.t
, Corded MarsailMVtoS; A £ -
French Cotton .■•■.■&