Si.. .. '*l. ; ... ■! :f.'f r oifflKi !■' 'r?; FRLCE SEVEN I)OLLAKS.. BUSINESS CARIKS. .7 . i \SON. AOo._~-l!i*lc uud lwt •rV'er*. •t-’V. ,r^ '• . . . Fniladclphla.' j- • .... , , (VMukr>wrpf»,l->!Cm ... AfjyfA.NUKU. -<»OHlK>’v. 4>>mmljMioij ami V*r wanling SJorriwit,W Wotei and JUS front *!■«.. I‘iiljtxirEh. I - • ~IC* > lL £ VWTK)O, fiSLCb..tVuuniiMiiinaml Kunvardr Jlcrtli.'tulis havii returned tu their old WatrranlH~rni«n«t*. jSronrtmf Ijlrerty and >t Hair *treei*. Pilulmnrlt. fra., .. i . . • nwyU : ‘ l a.'cTXtrtTNiV l ''' *' nkitw.v THROW'S ,4, Oin.BKKTHON, .Wholesale nr«K-^f«. 4»’iJ nooiUiiiiriu ildfctoma So. Hs.ljl»*rty. »<•, BA. FA!I>fHSTt>CK St ro. l AV'holr*al# and IMnil • jrugtjubt. /!nriu-j Wood andCjtijU. . Tf}__ r r - . Grocer*, Id owl ■• ll l’iit?. /. : ~-tiimjKuiuiox.t ,■•■■■ "•'* ;.:*i.J.*c*si>.»r. • CIAK-SOHA McKNIGHT. (*uoeM«ot» to 11. J k.CU>.\ Whol-tMeCmrrr*. Conuncsslot'. an< 1 or » ► - arahlinjf Mawtiaat*, •Vnlcr* in Prodoce* aad ... .Aiaaufiwiuw«;Si^tfrtMM>fiwe«a%hoodnMLih*ny, Pia»l»BiylwPtU - ■■•■■*■•■ i GVKAGTat, importtT. and WhoWc.and IMad irValer id Statf*. *lv . IhaCUtComh, jp9 Majjirt st, war Liberty,Pittsburgh. " ' iwru. . jrvUXIXJH IPRCn*ra.n. aitonrM Atlnw, officM on JJ Smiihficldibetwr«i3d and 4ih»ta. - J *E’D\VAftD - mi\ZUTrON. Wbojesalo Grocer. Mat FrtLle of JXduiead, ««ocd door from ttamoa Alley, rKtuburgh: : : •' ' . Tf WIIT • [-'."l. ' . 4UUJ. > ufi«usu.. .. T7WA W A GKfIUAWi XVnnlcaale Grocera, dealer* " X!ph .Manofaeoite*i owner of I ‘* •*’ KUaUfffl, ' " U*KS t- BK*SUTT. .... T?NDt.lrill A l-jiflith,. Gallnch'er A • • 'l’iCo.V AVKnlcuttlr G‘rpccalConnni»oon andTorwnrd*. ; JnJr ilnrelmnuJ nnd dealm in I’rodnco and llttilninrh Jdanu»ctuit»,KoLa7.Wood*t n betwecn*ddandjld*u. " • " 1 i, . OCU . „ *rt 0 R tVA lU)A W V ELD El U Attorney* otj * .i' • ; l"- li«w, haT« ( rcraovrtl tbclr office to the aouth aide on f ■■■ JOunli «1 bettreenChcrry AUcy and Grant atn*u . • ■■tT». -1 ■;• - -=■•• • , • 'T. a. ratw;,. : • cco-iaa. uxnwooa FmK«D, lUnri* i. 00, Wboleaale , Grocrnr and Comitiuaioii Alcschaata, and; Arenu for llrlpbion Cotton Vhhis,'No*. 57 Water, and JOS Front at*., Vitta* "• bnrgfa. Pa.. it" • CtW; T 7». BhUSIE,' : riarid’Forto and dealer .JU »Ut US Wood at, near 4th. *’ , j.• •'; ■ • mchg3 ' urua roasTTU.; • v-iomra. Jto»stT«» ; TrtOßin rH. A. Co, - Conunianon and> Forwarding I 1 Merchanu,Xo. Ml Water it, Pittsburgh, toy It y~l A Belt and Ilraw AT Founder* : atid Ga* miera,- HO Front, between .Wood and trmilbileld *trceu r J*itulnirgh, Pa. - ~ Jpy Cgheit price piven /or old Copper and liras*.. 1 oto. Moaaaxl : {• t x- .. .wumw raucKa.- , EOBUU MOQGAN A Op.. Wholesale Grocer* and \JT Commitioa ilerchaiiu, IU3 Wood lHtuuurjra, ,F«... . .. ■■•>.. .. auglt GEOItOF. A. l'inißV, \Mioletale Grocer and Com tnKUcra Mercluuit, arid dealer in' Produce and Pja»» • .••'•bnryh'ManofßciurVr.'Ko.‘litACood*l,~Pituhotsh. . 4 .Qio.'.ir.oxitu.-'■ ’•♦•••' • ai.-a-naows. W. SMITH ft Cok, nrewcnu hlalstcr*. and \JT dealer* in Hap*, aud Point Breweries, i ; r Penn and*.' .' ■ l a « • GFORfin COCHRAN. CoCKraesion and FonrahUi«S Merctovnt, No.i'O Woodeireet, Putubutßkj inyfT ' TTENRY WOt)lfr», Uriehnmkcr,Mot>onv*sdtelaßir« ll gr. AU onlcrapnAciuatly ClleiL Address, by let. letthroagbtbc'PoaiOtSec. I •• '• ’ aISJ-tf " , Blui.Vrr, Wltito and.Rwl Lend bbmn y " ; i r l fafturnr. I’aiaiaitd Oil Merchant: comer of lubcr- U ' J ' ty*‘»d Olfara MayPiusburph. . • - * ttntlir tuanx. - • • • bobeet ttrery. iu,.v =H»Al.m-IW - ,KRY-ar:Cn4TVTifilcMdrnr.»c«Ts. Coin. J and IA Product NoH.Un Water,Sndf()7iFrom-rit^rt»; j PiusbMr;h L ; < TAMFS U> M-Lewi* ilutebisoK A Coi jrerrtiam*, nnd. Apeuw, of Mm ,ftt. • iuiuis Srcnin Suear He ’ * 'Anerjr. Nu.. \ .- I : JIL BLACfcMerrbont Taitor, Fjchaure UuiMiilc*, * St. l’ . _ ■ . *TOIEYIC DllAVORTM—Whulcsale Grocer, r:<«toco • and ConuuiuJcm-.Alerchnut, N0.:27, Wood^auvei, ''/ Piruhorgh. ’,j\' i .. ; i.l . • : JOSEPH KNflXi.Aßoniej'. al Laarcvniiw the practice of hut profession m hu of £et, So. 7, • Bfikew'cil’a ltoildinßN .Ucna su ocmiiucd. •tfunrig'hiaabsence; by T.J. Di«hmn and J. flirwry, Em,a v . •■■■•, iV. i /.■ : ,:f j-<.lAwti_ JOHN-Bt -MORGAN, Whoieude Druggie a»» dead er ill Dye Stud's Painla{OiU;Viinii»lie*, Ac., No.IW} - . Wood Blrect, otie door skmih of Diamond Alley, l*m*r ' • burgh. ■ s . * • 1 ‘ - JAMtS WKRH, -it* &f!o» .to Joseph D. tll'DavD.!ShipjChandlwra, jllliWan-r tlrrrt. oi-~fl JOHN 11. MELIXHt, Md Retail dmler in MoileandMti*irnl hmruntenU. School Pook*. . Paper,. Slate*, tSuwl Pen#. (p'llt*. Printer*' Caul*, n«.l' •/ Stationary generally, ■Nh.'St -\Yuori stu l*itTisutrgli? - ; Kyßagabocgtiiur takenin trade.' >rpls ; JOHNSOdt7;ACo^IWjK«le*ale.Croea*,ron»ard 1 WjK«Ie*ale.Croea*,ron»ard- Ing nhiiCoinmiirlon Merchant*, Dealer* in Produeey T n.i No,TOomnnsTtiaHlmc, '' IJhJrty Canal;Titt*bnrgh, Pa. •_» octlS , ,T~ ftcrioONiiUKri AYbrdcsalo -Dro-gis:*-' tl ♦ NdiSl Wood rtreet. Piurtrorcb. . JOBBDH i JORBAN-‘4' SONf CoiamtMlnn and For warding Mercbagty No., is liberty *L, (opposite l yciidi£dd«CjSatn{itm , '*Ktiy r . '. • -janO on vCmiwna 1 (>nm( : tnl SnitlifitU,' South «dn, •'pitaburab,.FwvwrUj jtUp.attend promptly to Lnwnrj.*- .in thead/oiuiugeountte^,, , •.. • . -.V JOHN D. DAVIS, r sdt and Wood Wood eta;- ffitfOPTghl'" •' ' '..... octf JOHNSTON A ifIOCKTONj BookwHera, Printers »qd Paper. Mabofecuirer*, No, 44 Market *l, Pub-. laugh. • 1, i jed . J J*“ REAJTS Doolt Slow', 4th', dear Market ktrect, • ClaaaiealfTTieehijpcal, School, Mi*reN |nnr<-Ht*, and M£thbrii«l Book* hurt Stationary, apilfl- . JW ROBERTSON* it Honker* -ini Ksclutnge .■Brokers comer oC Woortaad 3d alt, Merchant?* Hotel BoUdiugai'Firtsborjth, Ps.‘ C' •; ■ _ - JDrllitfrwcy lawhuedatthetmuirtlti. ; TOIIN GRIIiR, Wholesale Crocer.dealerin Produce-' tl l’ituburgii ManutacUires Tin Plate*, Ac., Ae*N©» iCO Liberty »t, Dili* burgh. . *?- • janfl; ' iowTHoTP, .* ’ . ' • ~ldbu*D non. ■■ JARFDOYD, (Into Co?) Wholesale ,Uroccra,Nq.lltt Liberty Street. wpS, JiUtra nAt3rCT.T;ATluilc»alc Grocer, Oomniuioft Merchant, and, dealer iu Pn>dueo.JU)dP»ttahtugti Manufacture*. iNo«*i4 Water at, Pituboigh. janlfr! T 54. WATERMAN; Wholesale Grocer, Forwnnl —-1 Bnd Cammimlon Mcrchant, Dealer iirPitU-.. • ibunh JJannfaefuryslaiid Produce, N0*.31 Water>v - * «aoul PronVfCV t : .1 ~~ P 7 , BBCST f 1,11t,1,t •• 1! ‘ JWIX *im*ro*. T gtiIBEKT fcSHIFTON, Wholesale ilroecr*, Por -1 t »anting. amt CtunmiaMOn Wcrch*Hli, _ dealer* in Produce ana I’iUibureh Manufacture*, »sSl^: N u. an**' siatai-' 11 to e. jnaicx. ! * Tkf AIXF3T& ;Co.,'£bimuinion and Forwarding JH. Merchant*, \Y'o*«j • r - ’ > * janfl • vat siuot. - > c. w. iiconos.. T»*-ILX J KRJt HICKErSON,'U-bo!e k mlo Greevra.wl ’ -111, Coominkw Merchant*, No. ITU, liberty *u, 6flnth,Pa-J " '•’* ' ' Jan MeCOKD JbiKtNO, Wholesale niui Kr.Util Hal and Cap Momtlactun-r*, ami dealer* in Fancy Fur*, • comer of Wood aid Filth m. . | . jam! MURPHY, WILSON fc Co. AVholetalo Dry Good* Dealer*, No. 9 Wood at, Pittsburgh; tcp£j NJtOLMtei df. SON. N0..-&S ttarket »L, nwoml • door irotn comer of Fouuh, tinder a iu Foreign and Uomnaue ililli of Krehaugeu Certificate* of Depu*» lL Hank Note* and Specie. ■■} •;■'■. • , ' ITT* Collection* made on all tiw. principal ctdc*. lbe.Uui(edState*. '1 1 • ' • "dert? : ' r\nUM, jjrGltKW A Co., Produce, Forouriiuv ar.d Vr ComtaiMloir merchant*, Jk'o, 11 Commereitil Row, jubeny n, ' j," .-. _.. . jl'-w. ToWDerrix: "i- 'evusteno*.'' / c,n. uiuvr. F)INDKXTHU 4 Co., Wholesale Grocrre aod Com- ; Dinion and Forwarding Jlercluuxi*, No- 41-Waiar atreet- 1 J • ‘ : •" ', 1• ~ . dcctS . T>OHKKTSONfcRKPPJiKT.ProdueeDealers A. Cnuj- XV wfawnq Merchant*. No. H» SCcoinl *U Pittsburgh. T>TCHARDT, LFXCH, Jr M Iw XvForeiau and L)u>ne*uc. Hadit ilartage Triatainga, ofalfdctcrip Ku Ptttatwrtfu j. : T>*CllAK|> BARI>, W!iolc*alc a XV Leather;- Morocco, }<]ific mak ing** Tanncff’jaiid Cutler** Tool No. 10n Wood «t;. i.*itl«l>tiTgti. • aoaCKt tiMUBoa. umdsl «. ioeis*!*. - T> RDDINSON & Co, Wfioks* o liroeer*. Frodur* XVe end CommiMiou Merchant*,' mul Dealers iu Pitt*- burgh Miumiaeuirc*. No.uO liberty *t, ’ l*m*bursli, Pa. " ~ ' ... iaiito_ DAI.tM.Ii & Co., >Vl,ole*ale Grocers XV Uomrtt»k>ikh ami Vorwattiim Jh-nlmnt*. dealer* Ui Produce and -PiUibursb. ‘ frWt DO ITT. A. ICUNNINGHAM, ‘Wholesale Grw{r« -XV Dealer in'Produce ami Piiubutgli Alanui'aentrot, N'o.W liberty rt.l r T>OBT®T'NOOBIV.>Vhn;r.B!c (inx;rr. •. Xi Ditfiller. Wny.Pi - IC Oa liainl a *ery Ilf;-' *ti>rk of tufv»-ri•' ‘ ‘ i■! ■ ■ • ■ ___!' ' r _ [' ' U O. ICTMLM. • —....— - i t. I. HtSK.-'* * KllEE.ronran!Hif XV MerckMtn, iot the Allegheny jliv crTrsilr, ilralrr* if. Groceries.- Pruducr, l*m>t»urrfk >fanut»ciur<*» ntiU UUandeofli**. !••-■ ' ; The hi-bctf pricf«. >** ea«h, paMM ell tirnei far ronn- Oomcr»f~lVni> aruHra'iti >u.' jan-JU T> OAKFOIU) ftJCfl, 1 , C>min>UM>on. T.ih* XVeeity •c.'bMtwile ?*tjuthfiel4.| Dralere in Hour* Ur*Ui end SeetUf»l*> Matter; Leftl.j&c. ' »pit-ly. jb (. WiClLth. ’•’ " I.! OHACKLKtT 4 WHITE, Whf -VAFoyyljpi tadDomcrtic Dry£li 4 V\MIa}UJaU(uL SVooTU O* Hoot and-gratae*ceaerully. pwnmitiion Mtfciuau, No. 33 Wi TUI] PITTS BUSINESS CARDS. S.Mrni,ltAtiAl;KY it On- Wholesale Grocer* and Produce dealer*. Nh. Market street, between 3ih aitd Cth, North side. Philadelphia. nov^ F.*vM.nss. rrrrssfnnn* iw. fiiLiua. si\itvr.«vn. SKf.I.DRS A. NlfttlS, ProJur.* and General Com- Merchant*.: No IT Li!>crij rt, Pitldni Sj*crm, I juiced and-1 wild Oils. jail S'-C: HlLT.—fSnreesiuir to ITdl .V Proven.-! lnt;wirtrr . and inatmftirlnrrr b{ l’aprr HatiytM"* and l'».nler«. riid denier in verititi". priiMin*'. and wrappin.' joi|mt. f>?.Wood «t.. Pirtid>arah. Va. Rnttv nnd Taniirr’s nrrnps ptirehaserl nf the Iripeesf market priee. jn? Sl*. VON. |!ON,>n<)US'l*. A i;«L. Wbolesn!,. Orol • errs, rorwartlmt; ami Commission MereUants, IVralers in I’iit*t>tirjtli Mamtfnstnrr* and Wr.tfru Pn-* dnee. Jiarr rcmoenl to (lirirtievv vearrliotisr, (rdd s'niid) \Vi v rerner nf l-'ron t at. ami I‘han •■•■ry Lrfmr. miv7 SAMPKTj M. JvlF.n.i Forveardiri" amt Commission Merrhiud. Detilrr in ; rrOdurc and Pittsburgh manu fncntrml arthdes, Canal!llh«ii,. near TPi st. dOI I’ASSKk' A RIvST. WhoWaln firoeer* nnd Comtni*. won Merrhant*. and drttier* in Prodm-e. , No. JV3 ■Wooil lhlitlitirgh. j ateJd. ri MI OAT A sTrihVN KDY. Jr- U>oViii7f;iawv Mannfae. A'torrr, .etnl Drnlrf in Cloeks,CU.mbs,'and Variety Coods, rorner of Wood and Pobnh sis. ji;» , T. r. FOWTTtI. j * • • E. J. rotsTTU.. T, P. k<>Ry\TH A-.C0., Commission Mnrebanu, • dealer* in s*tu lantile-r. (Jroeerie*. Produre and ,HU-»lnirrli STitnuthrittres, Canal tbiniivlaUertv strimt, Pittslitm-h. • ; , 'fehJH WV. M’cncitt*>a. i' bobt. s'cnnitJt. . A U- MrCUTCHIXJS. Wholesale Grocer*. V* • Produce. .Intn. Noil*. Glass amt Pitistiun;li. MaumaclureSKcucrally. Iki Liberie sired, . ■»*' ! . ' jvlD jnu\ ii. \nm, j j>aviti mVakpi-ks*. WU'K A..M'CAXBIiISB, (nicc^ 1,. A. J. P. ‘_\Virk,l -"Vyi)i*Uu4li! Ft>r\Ouiltit:r ami Comroistiuii 'lT«*rrliajiui;»|cal ro • ff « BWTtn! lit* oifleetoihe Exchange BuiMing*. St. Clatf at, neat door* to'Alderman. J»nr». np^dlm^ Tl/ - AL GAKRARIh! Dealer in Fawvnml Staple Tf •.Dry Goods, No. ?J Market street, Piiuhttrglt. ; Ttr .W. WII««0.\, Thaler in Watchra. Jrwrtry. -Tf' • SUrcr.WurvyAliliury GooD, Ac.. No. Mar ket »L ' "' ! • _ n»v7 ■\1 T. IL MURPHY, Wholesale and Retail dealer in • If. * Forrifn and Domestic Dry Goods, northeast corncrofMarkrtand Fourth «;». nmr.fl T , Bin'AN, Rectifying IIL tiller, and Who'enal* V Vdenlec iii l-'o reign and IXunrsiic Wine* anil Ij quartf ll4 Liberty street, oud Si Ihomoiul Alley, I‘jtlsbargh. Pa. j jyl7-dly & Go..- Bankers Dcnlrnin yf Kiehange, B» nt Note* and Coin, comer of Third ami Wood streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. ’ norlMty 7 n xv.yrrt.uim. tnc m. 'XVTIt.F.TAMS k SHIN?** (succeston la Lowru* and t_f* Winiititi»4'A(iarriey* aiul CauuKllon at I«nr.— Oiiice North »ulc of Fourth sireei, above Smith Geld, • (VblTdicwljr WJCTOCSO. . .. . • - - VcVtTE. 'Vt'T’M. .YOUNG k C0.4-Dealer» in leather hide*. Ac. .TT li3 Liberty tt. j. janflly Wk- M. MITCHELTREE—WhoIesaIe (ino tifdl in Mi?«outi. nvl'i-uin' JOHN M. TOWNSKNI). Proven and'Aroth«vnr>. No. .13 Market »t., three duors alcove 'riiinl si., Put— tiar;rh. xrilUtare coiLMautly on hatid a wrl! selects! a»- ><>nt}tt-.Bt of Die best ami hmshc-l Medicine*. which tir y ill *c7l on. ih* most rrn*onal>?e terms. ■ Phj *.icinn% ••'•Mint" orders, will bepiompOy ottemiod to, ami »up pliod.wilhnrtielrsjiiry intif n-M upon as iteuitme. -IPr'J'lnsjejatis.l’rejirnbiJoiis will Ire nrenralely nit.! neatly.prejwnal tram the jre*t material*, at any hour of the .lay or tiijlit , ; • Alio for s.ile. a dork offresh and pood P*ftu rnery. JT" jnnt ■'WT W. WII.SON, wifi} Mafcer«mU*w, 7 \y • nrr of 4th and .Mars-M st*. A . larse nnd well selected stork of AVatclte*, Jewelry, Si’rer Ware, mu! Military Good*. Atwaysya linnd.otid et recutar en trrn (triers. Cold Patent limr. ftillJewellrd Wuirhes, as low as 8 tt>; Silver do. Wniebe*, ns low*ns St": , j»U punnptly lo tjoiU-clbin*, in Wa>Vingtou. Fayette und Grren eiiuirieo, Pa. ). . - . kefra' to-' - Blarkssoek. Bell A A ‘, A.Caroihcrk, ’.Pittjtiuryh, • : D. T. Moryan. i J ocKSJIy 1A J. 11KXRY. Ainmiey ami Counrrdb»r at rff,:,-.. r.i11rr1i....-S-utVro Carcfull; K' i<», Ibr die Slate of Pennsylvania, lor tnLri IVpo-itiun*. neknowlcdu jumtls. J-e. Kmx to—lL>«l. Win. Bell k. Son. Curtis, Church Carolhent, Wra. liny*, K*cj_ Willoek 4 Davis. n'.i I.V\GUT COTTON wj>RKS. PitubuTgirAUmiiar j lure • Couou Vara, Candle Wick, Bolting, Twine, Covcrlel Vein, Carj-ci Chain. Wnrp*. 4 r - Ac- . “* KING. PF.NMJCK Ji Co- Arburkk** A AVery.) jan2 . ' -_5 ; . Proprietor*. A - I.Kl‘01 ? X S; 13*-, N*oT7 Canal rtn ci. New Or • Isuur. Ageuu lor J.lli Artsunt'sKxtcoeivoSteam Sov*ar Refinery. Always on hand a Infge stock of |ymf.'l*oWi!efi-il. CVifshcdfClarilietltmil Bastard Sugar*, in 'i’iercc* anil Barrel*. • Also. Sugar lloum* Molam-v Pricea liberal. and a fair ullmvmier mndr on t nil «ale* or,oral)OTcslilmrnri». ; - luclill . G 1 BO—W. SMITH 4" £o., -Brewer*. M*l«tcr*,_and || llo|i D-nlc r»,‘ Pittsburgh and PointUfewijrirs. eor- Bro-irvr'* Aileyaitd Perm street, ami foot of Pitt sb, Pituhofßli; P«. ? • 11. r. SELWCC *. KKUUIS. ALRX. V-WH-XT. HP.A.H. NKLSONJrOo, Manufacturer* <>f I Imntm-r -• ed Shovels and Spades, Hoe*, Hay and Manure Forks, Ac. Warehouse, No. U Wood st„ Pitts burgh- ■ . {• • ■' rnarbt *«k T. B. BISHOP, Veicrinery Sorc-on.can sSrsWlie found at bi» Horse Showing i>tabli«hmr ni. JhP-Jgtf near SL Clair rtiect Uriiljr. lately occupied M /t l>v Messrs. Carr&. Rowland. nr'Abxn "|.h u.iIATON, Drtalcf .in Trinuoingsand Variely P - Corals, Torlois'SLotl, Ivory and Horn Cnnib-, Woollen Yarn* and .Worsted*. Buttoas, Needle*, Pm*, Thtpc*,lirtuds, Jte.,‘No. (KkMarkcl meet, between Dia mond and 4th st, l*iiuliargli. : ~ jy23dly_ en*esnn»lefwoo>r* J~ assorted; 4 cotes Doaijbty; a eatet peach Pret'-rves; a case* Tomato Catsup; idruloby.- RAG WAHEHDUSK—The highest price tnradipnid for good clean rag‘s;til«o, canvass, bide rope, gnus roiic, baggiuz, Woollen rags, cotton wo«te. Ac- by - f J. W. CHADWICK, ilecSr " "AVnyhe* tt; between Penn and liberty. ? DR. DAVID HUNT, Dentist, having made ' • mch arrangcraeiiU In kb Coal business thru he can devote hb whole time tu the duties of hit profession, l4ay. be seen in his »tEce,'cor her of 4dr and Decatur ktreets, between Market ond Perry stti, at any hour diking the day, from d *. m. till' d p. m. ; l i>-Jiuiy SEW SiDBIjEEV UiEDWAKE STOEE. R. T- LEECH. JR. HO. 133 WOOD HT., PITTSUCnGn. HAVING wplenitbed iny ttoelr from the best sour ces, both domestic and foreign, I take pleasure in* anaooelng io^consumer*[etui dealer*, that 1 ani pre. pared in lumisb them with.all goods in my line, on »Ull U tier tcnn» thin heretofore. ' Buyers will recollect that dealing u c*cln*ivelv'’m Saddlery, Hardware nntl tarriiiecTrtinariiis;v I obtain thereby, advantages that;.,tumble »na to dciy competi tion. Call, sec, and judgejigr yourselves. . ENGRAVING vr.rrnjv utsctnmo.v faoAtTtT rux-vtco w a serunon i " M. LEANS, Sun Duddiugs. N. l'» Cornfcr of Third and Dock Streets, > ■ ■ (up Mair«)]PbUarfdj)hia, WHtniEcaußlway* tin fcn'd ht ►hurt nottre-MA 'SOMC HUci .Mkuai*, of all kiudi; Bra*» und Pla ted Door Plate*; Seals fur Bank*. Soiimu s, I'orjmm tiou*,Ac. Proicviuonl a'ml Visiting Oanl*. eiigray»-d ond printed. Roddies in wnut of Souls of otiicc, an; in vited m call ntid exnmitieSpecimen* and the varinu.* orders of Musontj Odd Fellows, Sons of Tcm perduce, Ac. ~ j novNL'Jrn ~ ■•cv'iiT't, rsni lin, ATTOUXEV AT LAW, . f'o. >rtcr mid Dealer in ny,. Hardware and wos, No' HW . 1:. \t7ILI. b!m» attend in holUTtion* and nil otlu rlu-i If- nets nifni.lcil in him in lSuilcr und Arm.tri-n; . counties, Pu.« Ib t'r 10 | J. A K. K.oj-'l l*crty *t.\ \V, W. - Wallace, d., I „ . , ■ torn. M.rJill, A. > ‘ ,_dly Kav A l'o.. \V'»od *o } y. ihT id Retail 'Dealer ju r* 1 Tool « und I'uulj i, ami Tanner*’ Oil, , • . scptJ I’longhSj pbaig], Cnstiiu'is. W*K«»ll!»>xe«. Ac.. With the iinpiot •*- tnejiU.of .Cic Irt-iiv.r. .. iVnein-V. illm«i«, unit other l’loush*. of Jbc Intc.l atid.lH.-Kt {•BMerim m,w in u-<- WoteboiiM', -HSf *tr , ** , t- npiwHitr the Hay Scale; PaeU.ryO in Ailtgbcny ;-n>. m-ar ibc Cojton Pseiory of. Mer-r* 1 - Idajk.iocL, Jkll A <•« ‘ •• • dr.lcly :-J Pourtb JL * near \Voo«J-?AU *ju.nntm'S <»• J ,r "" ft-Scfcßlack Ten-1, dimfe up u. ipmrt. r, b;.tr, nnd iNiumt package*, rantrtuir tr-.-m I ,cf .|“' U ''V *° jy- A : _JAYNj ;^Skji , !:i. e *iill^ , ''' , — piovi-lrd » emu I uuokc bnu*. midcaictul «■ •I'mmt rd with the W*lne«.«4 i' .i cite mrai to ibe entire naitsiiirtum •*« lliw-v.» • • o.*" -■ __! si •• yfc r, o:-- Conimia»t4» rr °f ® r !u , ,i tr i;,» e f. felf I‘enusylvatiin, Other, two door* *-*sl thlice, CiHtinnati,Ohio. leDWARD P i Attorney IV-.nler* In CRAB cnUKH—« hid* crab eider on c*)ii*ipiinieu -and wtllbe sold lowjlorhi** by .' . ~ w ° !■ ISAIAH DICKEY A-C».. S)»,Xo.O) Wood at., [ frbtTtlV i lercfianbC Dealers in . Li »l Forwarding n nil iod Pittsburgh. ' BORAX— Obwjbt.refit Uwa*iii*« recM and by (J.waai JUEL MUHLEIL FORWARDING k COMMISSION. '*• It.' J. KjaalimCSanx. CIIAIUaKM H. & CO. tobacco CDBaissiuji aiKiicuAsrs, Xa.&J South VVhnrvc*. nml No. 117 South W:u«-r »t. TjrjfS: to inform Ui«.- ir-ulc uml ft^lrrAj^n'Tolty. cS I ) t’iTTst.or-li. ilfel they h;iv<: iuiMic(-u»-Ji.;iri;»-r}.’>.-imnilj with thu Virgin!;! ‘ illaiilll.u'Lutrrr iuml LV (rroW»-r» of the \Yr-j:* i>l:ir«-n, :t» will in-itrr a lircr>* ni"l ro'iMilii <>/thu luKowr-' il.-'i rijv !!»>••<• ol'Totiarro. which wifi‘ln- m>ll upon u* nrcoin*- iiHrtl.-iiiui' |i ritt< n- ut.V other luiii-o in llii. <‘itv wlu-n*, ittul .nil poof* nnt»Tf«l loan.limit will Lr war* rarlirri rtjnut in n-pr'-Mnn'tioji: llarsuii; M. |kimihKi>. o«nm4 Yum: ‘ . l*oiii> Rico; lVini'u_- J*Scvill.rnflo <**tlia, . Isuiul A. l,Toti-la; ) hnoco; ' Al.StV— Rnuir]i'« rrlitlifnlml Aromatic Sliip-t’nxrn r hrniuU, unit ofp*u:u.U. .'w. ~t. 1 jil* anil :tt«, Lump; ■'*. f>«. IU» I'lu"; Tuj»t;.,Vir-'iuia Twi.l. Ar_- «wivl ntiil'l’lnin. in n hole anil linli (•oxa - .''. irtiuil' .iml lin. ioi*-lh*ir w ith every variety tilnrtirlc' UHonvim* totfir »n»ie. . ■ jellMll) ' CItAIO,BEIiLASACo., .Floor Factor* nnU Prixlare Commission 31 ernhnnfs. Ijnr.ttM. i-n«h divum-e. niml.- on receipt of con j nmtuetitu Tlu’tc >.!iipjiiu-' in oi*r aJdr«-Ki'will l)it r.tiiMhn'r-lirjrtficvnlDn in'mUuuce I>"V r!‘>7* iwr 10 our frirtnl v < * Jilnwr«; Wnllin-fnr.l A Tavlrtr, ritubtirali. Mf Tliiii. 1U I 1 &• C<>„ }.riilj:cj>art,t)iiux I’inlmlelphrn. Mnr .7. . niytJT-lf . N.- It. Ail l'tnthu-e ron.ijjticilto ii< !slo*ut>*inrr in Philadelphia. ... Cl. It. A On. \ aKORGE COcimAN? ' Commission onil Fonrudhig Merchant! Ml. VI HlWIt *T- riJT^r* r SUlt. ‘ ’ CoNTIXI'LS te ii:>n»:.cin tn'umil (Viunaraian t>o»i: up'* l *, especially in the fwirrliami nmlsnle of Atucri run .’U:uii|lnrturc* nml Produce, and in rrrciyiu;*riml fonv«nlii|s LiXeU cn.isiLinil to ln.« rtirr. ArAcrnt tor il.r Nl.iuutiu-lim”*, hu will he constantly tuipplird with ■he principal Manufacture St the lowest ivholcvale price*. Ordorssm) c»n«ipnTiieatS nrtj rr.>|>f■•ti'u’lj Mili.-itnl, ■ • jjj Ilnltltnoro Prodnoe-Oemmlsston lioatsi EDtVAKI) 'IWY, Ittle S. iTtnyion i’Son»j IjS. Lomhanl \Vfjoir*nlr.ljr«lrriM Ihmrr.^qdCom-* miijiiou AirrcJnuit. Having tor tbrl.nt trn yrtirt deto. li *l nnrntion tol'a- mtlo c shin 10 pfre liii.-tion to nil who tuny ciuif iipi pnxtarc to him. Refer uv— JK-tsrr. F. Af. Ilrune A. Soit^ *• W'm Mmon tc Sou. • . “ ‘‘ i T. AV. A (1. Hnnfciiu, Ami thr iWrrUant* srm*TTi!ty. ilrl7-lm S. r. OINWV*. U K. Ti.JUXSSna. II.F.t:ONAVAT&CO., * "" rOUTSMOiri'll, Ohio. C'«unmt«iijon nntr Mcfchiinu- nml IVtKlnre llcntrr*—nlrosttriwl to tho Ihucliatc,'Sale tuid Shipinriit of Ihp Iron. Coni, Ac. • • XErUTtK- Attrorxl. Jones A Co- IJfiiwn, Rsllrf A Co!, Isirvnz, t Co-, Jlcary liraff. Cirmt, landsay A Co., 1). Leech A;('o.. l.yon. Shorli A Co.; C’.atko A Thaw, mariuily - • - . dOnos. JOII.YF. PEIUIt, (T-nto.cif tl !atc*.'ilnopr»’T»(J>; Zinc, I**aj, Kauis Stu-ct iron, lruu- umi Mmlx. Wliiir Ixisit, lfy« Stud*, Cotton Sell. &e~ ami l*m»imrplt Manuferturrs erueraily, corner of labrxty sad Irwin street*, Fin** Lureh, l’:i. 1 |l./*l,it>eml' fliiva tiers, in Cash ar Goods, made on r*of - ' nif^.. LOVE. MARTIN &, CO .Pradnsf) General Commission and For* / wardlßßNcrchs&tii • no. li *rid*R‘- wiutu, nuutu ; •. Rrfertoi— k y >lI.Ai:cnACo. J ~ „ .. . MhntplDit, A f«.. j I itim kb. I):ivUr-,i.s.inuh-riAi*«.. ) John II K:«i«.lni|. >nn!tli*.rc o=ll Uatfl!Jrr,i?hu\!.Kits i'cp«ih.i I’r.t.rAnFyj.v. Jim- ■; Sr".-t*. K-j. i'u-Um. T. Cro-, i>*j. I'il.-hi-r. ii.Ulivi 1 A N...S lltfrr AjAitiirhciiy.Sli.-ie-" itui i Isi-aty, \V A S AY\ man. S'uur'ii*! A lA irK-d KDAVAun a. KknLtxt:;’. '! fkt;. riAi'i"l ON ttCUKKR. ■’ fi'-ii;r tiri-Sl. Aib'Uj.V L’u.,Kit. t , iViuiuei A _ Ai:iTi«.\KEi;s it roHSissios auiKcmsrs-. ALEX- I.EVY & bro's;; CIMUSMTI AM> ST. LOriSt OJ«-r to y:i! til • 'tiicr'.iui-jL ttU kmHj of Mrr chitiilijr. at tin.- Jow iv-t t.iliA hi linMitwKKn. na>t tin: htwti> « |>f -i»*r< il t«> mukc a-ivam o. I hot of rcio reiici-n Jyit'T* :uliltc.*<'tl n* ritlrrr hou*c, WiIUU: piouipily titUiudM to. jyt'JljHy J.IMItS lu'iWlVx-*. W. IL iwrui*' T(IOMPSO\'L'CAMP»KLL. HANTS. And HaniLfactam’* ofLlnterd Oil,; i im.MVij. a;v -• itfMy '/ 1:..-:, li-ii l^bj " WM. XI. CLARK, ' - Porwarilliig Xrrcliaul, nrairusvlllr, Pa. Attend* pajricnlnrly to tlur I’-nnvurding ut PriMluci-. h+.‘ Fi,r nnv ftirOKr rnformatiou. apply t «> PORHVJ'H fc. CIJNCAN‘.;WnIcr »t. -• ; 'ofilc i), u'. su'rtir.w*. rsfnt. ;M.\'rilE\VS A PATCH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS' No. -1H Water street, ! Si;, Mo. NVdl iriv'n piirtii ybr utienlinu ba tin* Mj'Jins of due*-, amt t'n nnlcf. furpurehariug. r . lii ruj in—ibjur Morgan A C 0.,. Ptt;>biirgh, Pa. amtll ; , _ • JOltX K'l LLL»n - cn. J il'siaiWAX. 11. !L IXL«irT>OV. joun M’crLLorfiir & co., j Forwarding L Comullslnu Slerohants, , sg». bd A.i>i >*n;m JtruKrr, - > jniiST-Iy,*. : Bowtinc’* Wharf. Baltimorn. l-NliUliA-NCR DKLA’IVUE JilUTL'Al* INSURANCE CO. Jr- Agent at PiiLrinirsh forßmiW I. aware Aiutunl Kifcty InMtmiiro'Compfttiy ofi’liil udL'iplua. Pirtjl Ki*kiiii|ioti ltutlding* tuid mcrchtlndi/o ui' every dK.cripuon, ami ..Marine fli'b- liiditiirnl of tim Agency in Una city, with the pnmipu nc*s atul lit'enility with which every claim upon'.them for ln«* ha* been adjusted, rally ivarrairt tliu ngmil itv inviting tlnj rontiilejwe eral pntronage of his frienil^und 1 . liic c.ointnainty ut large to the Delaware .M S llisiirtmec Company, yvlule it bus tluj an. ui»liiuiioii , ainon,‘'’thii limii tli>ur?» in Philadclpliju— a* having bn nttiplu puwi-m capital, which by the ope ration ut it* cliartef is coasianJly tncrvefJng, uJYield. ing lo.cnch perron insured hi* due share of the prdtil*. of (It? coifiasny, without involving lulu in any respon sibility fWirr; am! therefore a* povscssuig Uic Alo lunl princlJV* djve*H'd of every obnorimts'lcuturc. und in it* ino«t yraclivo I’orin. - nov l FIRE ANiTjIAIUNeInSUIt ANCE. aHIK liisbmitcc Company ol Noriii Aumritii^tiirdugb. it* duly authurijwd Agent, tlie fubscritcni)tuivut uiid linnird Iniumnce on projK-rty, in tills 6ity aim livvicimty, and on lbipmcnu by the Ca ual vnd lUyur*. ; ‘ ’’ • i . DIRECTORS. 1 John C Jipibb, I’rcs'l Samuel Brook* Alex. Henry ! tlmrlo*Tajlur l Sam : l W Joucs,' Siiin l V Smith filwnrd i-initli ArnliroHe While Jacob M Thunius Jrdin R Ned » Jcmn A-Brown John Wbitu llio's P C«p* ■' -Richard Wood Wm Wd.'h Arthur C Collin. Sec . This i* tlie oldr.l Insnranre Cotitpany inUio'Vjniicil Slams, Imvinvf In-, n c.lntncrcd nr 17!* 1 H» elranrr u prnD.-iual, iiml uriwm-‘S hiuple mean*, iind-nvoi.liira nil n*kv of mi extra-bitt nr.loit* i*har.icie T , it may-t’O ctm*iil<;r. il n* obvrntg iun* pie Jx'cnnty to the public MOr-KS ATU'OOI). Ai tin: tmuniun; Romn of Atwood, Joiica .VL’o.. Win , H r nml Pr.Mi sirroi* Piti.buadi aplfetf _ ' INfSUU.VNCK AGAINST FIRE. riTJIH lAiimricJ.i I'.ro lusi'ramm Company—O.Tmo, J No rg Wiiluul etli . t Pbikutvlpliia: im orj-oiutcd A ' ItiMiro WuiidiriL-. Furniture, Mcii-Imiiouc, and prop*, i-.ny gencniUv. citio-r in-the r by or .i.iimr;, rv;:ua.t li»*urd»ma?uliy liic. iwr;».-imiHy or lor hmiir.l jn-n-, oJi, on lav HUblo icnu... ' »- ’ ‘ HUUXTtiRS. John Sergeant ' ‘ Samm-I r Mortmt William ).» m il Adolplni. |Vm-« Thomas Aibbono . i .eorg.' AM*‘t, - John WvLbjJr. Patiick Brady, John T l.evri* ABBM'i *N, President KraMJ* DJaNVIkiIS'U ictai>. ftr.lir* mr u-.-nnnu-by ttut ulhjv.s t lAipsny aillle ri'< c i»cl uiid ■Homliitrr.s.tJji v ll 'l ''V omicr-iyncd, for iTlApovb. <;«*• U«;miAN. no, tT-Toi* * '■*’ *V l *'*d r'-, FRANKLIN P’lßLl'lAhl UANk'K CG.' '’iMiK I niiAii.i f ire l.i-urio-. Company, m L'h.bnt.'l- I phi... vim make |,i«iic;incr l p- r immi lit J. id buolc.l on everv of proiHTiy. fi'l'itl'lnifv’li ;m>l tb'' .•iri'MindiiiL' iiumtiy, on ravnraldc torih*. ThLvont luiiii bn* cburicr. '*■ *. no - ijnms*) piu.i ui. Co-iliti'Jfilt, I'liinl • *.WMt ■ * i nine comer of third aud'.Mii'kii »tr*-* I uw> "h._ a|l ; W)IM:u*K M a RTI.V, KKCIC & IJAVENI»ORT, MANUl'.M'i'Clfl. f. ••nl.;i JWeusrr tmd Freight |!n,'i* rimln-il .Inp u|hiii leasoiudile loritu o. all pomi. 111 lb- W*-M. Tlicic w•>:k will V- s/i.rranf -.1 njunl in• all ri'.f« ci4. 10 nny nnidc in the LiUltil Sial-«. All order* punetiuTtlc , x-cuoal. i,i/;k. - nuvtKhii { |foriii-rly Ihwmn, LKATHF.n-llie Ki 11... fit., r 1. Jll.t r-r-n:lliir lil'- wurdV ~t lL'*; file m .Ni.'.v .York .Mini Lratber.fri < ....irc*i Mnnipi , WOli u :'rii-r:il a«»orUlle»il «f Ait u in.'!i tn- ih '.-ll on i'd- nio-T rrn‘OiKilda terms, nl BW I.taClty *L, lop|«ie-lliJtilli «l.) • ‘ " ' '• ■ice:!m •- JOHN B. UAVARIhJ_ riiirp. (iitr.ATKsr ju-ov ui' Tm: sh.vsoN’— 'X Hr. W»:b*ti r'« t.ire'nt Amrrican Dn tioiuiry of Jbu lojUliAt Loiiiuasi'. i.\*i;ati>on>. cnnlnining alt that the jorincr c«!iti..n« -oiiiauird; by Poll Nut*; 1 cuW Ib-eswnaM bid do-'J p.:al<4 ivarhos leeeivctfon conM.-unn iit. p,-r -m.i. Pilot No. oaoud fut sale by, JJjkUaU LUCKKV.A Go* /. janO'; _ No. M \VaJ«r-»t.i .., , : WffimmmY GAZETTE. T " 1 ■.■■■■■■'■■ ' —-* •• J. ■■.!■■ - - • - •• • •-—-—••- --' ’-' -— l —-—.' -..'i .; •■• ■■: ■ ■ PITTSBUIIGTr, TUESDAY MOJIXIXG, FEBIUJABY S.GS4S. CO-PAUTNERSHIPA &v. I rCO-PAItTSEUSIIIP. i JKJAN A-UKV\r.m' t,:ue ihi* .by n^orui-.j J .'V , b Mi tire Unnlvrarr lmvim ; w<.'f‘ii:!ip \Vilf -•"i tin. I | j)«vai«| Tln-'ctvltf <>f Jinti will •licMii. nc-r1... l-v :alI . \> iS.ui A r,..:"US< am.vJc».ic«t ton to ilo»t tLr-**td.tjidiiu-- i. 4 A!l wjnv-o Jiobiijiicii Ihitc nrc .•»j«Tt»uy r-.iu.-M'-.l 1.. imiVt. immcdiaU; IMutui»>lr, Jut. 1, M*.. ; J' CKiAX, WII.SOV A, rO—lnii-riT- nn.l _i U in I Wot* uudOoin-W ILW j V;iTf !‘ —uiilii-ry, .Vi' .law, VYo-wi Hir.'fl. I’m— rtr nW fully pK-pnrn! »rii|i u f- r.-'iilh iui|'*>ri rd >ii< lof Mnitlwmr-, tVtterr. lo oiH r v«-ry. ponl .imJiicciUi-iijA to wr-t.Tw tiinvr», I.Mi!i~ ibt. nioiiwl to yomtH'b' in prices with imy 01 iJm Atbnttr d'i*-*. AIJ m* on Hitiiii r\tcn«it »i a-M.rtiuriil ; o! I'rtt*bnra4i Ibulwar... tin Stidn.'],.. 5i. 4 .:..; N Jh.-. Wind • Ar., nil m \t|iiHru ill be Void oi il.e InweM mamiiaiM tujcr'« prii-Oh. - . jnnl v co-r:\ttT seus mp. A -THE •mlwTitn.-M liuv im; recently ,rjiii:{cd jfilo i pannro-hip lunlcr-flti; mime of f lai't;;, • Miller.lur.llir purv<>tc of c.nrryfn-.: on lie - licit *^7i>iiil;tim»» Foumlinnavii tins l*mlnplm«im -«fn d|l ill broiiilipi. ti-'itc token tlic *| jobbing promptly aiirmtrd id. It. UAU.AGIIER. S A. Ln.Vti.i »*. 11. AJIU.KR,'. N. B.—Hit* otiwitioit rirMorliittlM* nml'Em-iiierrii U invited !<■ *iKir tuili-qurinon tuetal. tar n reduced price, ,wlucli l|us In-cii prmniuncc-J ►oivrior lo by huWlmts \t In. have tiMill biitli. buiblcrnuiut l*i** puMirt. pityrmlly. urc nl-o rKjiie~lcil,lii cull uiui ri ■mine our Mperinr dnubtf- t>rlinrt' rotre I'unip* lor ■Mcbnilioiu BII'I doiuuitttr n«rv • • <1 V*' - UAIJtAUUKK. U»NCJ. A. SmJJ'JI. drclTdly. dissolution; TUE ‘orilir *tibMtriher». «n:i A Co., w-tbi» day di»* biiltwl bjr innuinl donncul. Tisln rof ut will ttieot Ui IheartilcnirMt of tin* liu»ntr*.v of the Ilrtii, - »(l4 use ita BAme.i*r tb»ipurpo*c. ‘ >t , _ i.KWLs ntrrcinfftox Iftttl JA.Mi».AllUl , CUEyf>o?l. CO-PAIITXERSinP. 3rt|lTI txrxJc^Tki*;A***l hnv<‘ thi* a c&*partJi*f* L- «hip, muk-r the firm oi'Jnmt** A. NntohitiMu &C*., r.lho pDnKjfv aC mhiuiUiiuk the liuunutut lierttaftfrt carnet) an nf lrt& lfuiclan»nii <%>., auti *oiicii a eoa* Unctne# 01“ th« patruna-’c hitherto eiinuleti tu tha fcm»e. - JAMKS'A IHfirillNSON, . I.r.Wl* U. t j rittitTßrc?'. __ ' • • ’ • "JCoiler.* ■JS \V STKI'JICNS of Wbeeimc. H 1’ _!.% of Juuiuu,awl J _V of l“i:ifborvli. huv* 'TVi* itny'ciitorrd’ iiiii>”rt>-['arim:r»lup uiuler. mie and Ann of Sirjihrn». blnriiliersrr A f\r. ai thr Am-fior iron workW, %VttreHß?rVa;iT»rtti* of uinnuucluT* iii£ irm ondJtuilt of every desonption. IV*RTrPtfrts, "KVItHOKXWiBiICB. JiflWW*. STEPHEITS. fInor.NBEROEn &. CO. ANCHOR IKON WORK*: . WhtrUvc, Jo. .Manalaeturo nllkind of boiler. ihect, bar Iron and tiaiU, A II otrcl elipuc apriiwa unit ailea.. IWhig ton. tifroteJ .with blmuiberger'# old Jm.iatu work*, wo era otrer nn arllcle'of Jumalu iron Jlinuided Sturiil'erfpirl etjual to nny mmle in tbe'mnitry. A!! of wWb will be woid al rti«‘ l’itl‘liiiryh prior*. AYarcliouie o ( lbs y ftinifr.»f-MuaxM~ uu-l \Vait,r aia. "’ myll DISSOLUTION— ‘11m pnniirrwliip hitherto iiifprunlfr UitlAtyle ahiTbnii rr»l to IE Wishl inau. Th* buauitfM of Uw lair firm Will bo nettled by 11. WigTi»ua?i, Who i* authorized Ui u*e the I'lumroi-Uiß late firm tor tbit ptfrponc. 11. WI(»UTAIAN. ; •-sptSUAhr ( Dohr IMT) J DALZIXU THE i* now prepared to raanofiuitirr all limU.of Ci<::ou aud .Woolm MacUinrrr.aptnc i!iflnr«t mrtft'e. Order* le Hrt R. W'ij.'MinHr'a Jyjjrpii: Minfsci’p- , uer l.ituriy and Water meet*. will inr'-t wi’li prompt attention. ’ — H..\VH il| r.MAN, * '• Lcacok at,, between iTedcral am! Saaiiif-Vy »{«.. 'ipfA’dly * Alirgbmy rity. DISSOLUTION. cn-pvutnerrhip h.-retaiorc l«tw--ea ih« X ouliwriU-rs emiot Jlie liiui liliainf A Diiimrth, Wa* di«tti!Vi*d OH tiiO Nt i;:Ma;;t, by mutual i-j-irrul. J St Dtlwurth. in whomtbf rrttlnrnrit ni'thii « t'UMuc*. at ifr, old eltt»d. Nu. *i7, wood at \\ M. U. WU.UAMS. jani ' JOILN S. IHl.Wiiliril ! JJISbOUTID.V. parinlrhlp between U>C ea-nMT t-er*V X -U»ner tb«. Mile nr RmruViirr A Wa> di-Mdied •bynJuiuiU ei»ri«»nt. mi ibr t < *l» ir.yis «id t*ir bu‘i»w*r. oi the crniccm w.! t« closed by R '•V iVdndrjte* uu.S C 11 Oi;«i. K W l*UlNl>h2si'KK, dciU CO-IMUT*K!ISMr .'l' .I-Il'j), f\i. Jl' Wlil-I' kiA-MI-.t, U'OftV ini cU~ -■ -■ r- •,( \v * • .;»! - l’a*.i> I.>‘~ ny •»ii«*<. • . .■ john rvnurv i jaul Ju" Mill. H'IMIIMAN. ('o>Pnrlni-rslil)i. r|THK t— with |int...-J?'Joh- X \il'ot>, ffo'" IkiltniKire. tb- l.iio-crj’ Mf-I (Noe,- aj ’Cdiaaiskfim no.l-r tho stylo .s ' . . ».JNO. It. MCI XL HOTELS. . WHUfTAPf HOTF.LV' ' . I. I.G,ILTr fiT U KKT BA i.PI >! OH I- . .1 rtd imp«iro'>-m-in- An i-nurr ii-w* wbig.Jm* Jhh-h iMdeiU cor.iuiui'i; immurmi* nun niry drilling Bpartntept". hint ■•Xt-n-ti- baihing rivnn, Titc Ladie*’ department b«* nlm l**-*-r» einnpl-i-tly • reorganised and titled up m « mu*t uniijae mid bv»«n* til!style. InYnM the wind- arrwiigt-inpiilot tb- lloil-e hasiicen m»tl<>d«l«d. with a stnsl- vyo mi tb* r«rt nr tb- proprietor*, luwnrdi the emu'ort und pli'a-nrc <>l ■ihidr C,ne*t*.. and which they ■ennlnlcuily a--cit wjll challijiiße-coinpariKiu wnli nny Hotel m lb* I'linm. Their will ulwav* be .applied with every »>■!•- Kinntial mid luxury which tin. ni.irkct afford*, icrvetl up in n Kupefior .n-lct while in the way of Wine*. &0., they .will not, l«s sutp:o>*C'L , . ' 111 conciii'imi thn |rropm tor* b-g to *ny, that nothing will be led undone on ih-Jr part. a:ul on tl.e [■.irt ol lbctras>.irtaelt*.to remb-r dn* H-Hn! ivorthy th- o-n -luiueil patronage of thwr Irmnds mill the pvbbcgen ' Tbo.priers.for IwardJiotc also been rrdnco>l iA the followinz rale*; Iridic,.’(tnlmary, gt.oi |«r daf tieuUctnviiA “ U s ** “ , N. B.—The llangage Wagon of lh« Hi>u*« "ill al ways.-lie found ol tnn Car and St-sniboat Honduras, ivlurh will convey tmggngv U»amt from tbu Hotel, free of ebarga. £22X2l— pEJIIU. STREET HOUSE, nxctvNATt. onto. , M. THE’ subscribers having purchased thu-ntiru Irnown e*taldi»hment. b-r l*nv« m slah* m tltcir friend* und Ut*- publia ccnrtaUy, Oml they have taken thi* rOfrtniodjV.ilsllot.d fi.r a term ot ye.u* and -Rill «- ert their iic-t riierincs to makn it a desirable ho urn lor Travelirr* and City Boarder*. Th- HotirHsnn'mm’l «nit adnuruldy platmnl for con venience, mebt nad.air,having a umnUr«« imrlor* mb 'joiuing chamber*, presenting unusual tUtracUpits The iircsent proprietora.havimr bad the pxperir-m e of year, in thi* city and cl.rwbere, ho|ic they will K iible to'srivn satlsfnetinn. being ih iemilncd to eivc umlivid'Mi.altcnncm to the house klpitP- • b The location of the Pearl Silr—t H Clltt u ik cuually dcj-irabl- tu view cd the leonveuieiice of tiuiine** men. or retirement for private ' boarder*.. j|-i* near by the'Bunk*, the I*o*l the .Masonic Hall. Odd IV-'hiw's Hall, mid but one di-mni from Mum mi.-.-i and lw<» Mpiar-- from the L«> iVlutrf- ih-crvai, •tittriueemonls. capeetai 'ly in eiiuutrv inr.'fcbums ni.d generulh; viritinc ttfncmtititi- JttHN NORM'* „„, tt a7 JHHN A DbßLlv_ EUTAIV HOUSE, < tOßXrit i’V 7ULTIMiiItK AXl> Kt f*'/ atM., UAi.TlM'">lt2- Mt’-U •IIHNRV F. JACKSON. HIrtPRH-rWJR- . . . Thi* splendid ami s]i?«:iniL* Hotel, cjugiyiby Ml* Bu-iicd fur both bu»m«s* and pleasure traveler-, >- consir.urtcd a* to cnmhmo nil Hie luxuries of die iMj-thoteli. WKh cleiTi.nee and real comlart. Choice »iute." ot apnrtnifUi* «r<: nt ull e<;;omi* t-'v* • cd for die nra ominojiitniii of transient -ue-t*. ami lam l(i<-, vi*utiig tie- ciiyvrill find lin; Flitaw Holim: a tiolitf, u'4»un’a-*-'*-d hyinuy llotet in die UiiioiL ' > . T'ue loentiou is.oicvuttd and salnbnoiis a, *‘ l ccmvetiii'iii to the d*-p„: i ami landing*, at whirl, die , „*cb.-s and iiorter* of dm . house a.e ul atT t.ncTU’ w-obbuj Ui convey'passenger* and their tniggtige to Hi "'rru.M*.—l h-nt'emvifs ordinary- SI..VJ |tcr jlay-.. Luli-V do it*' ** jaiillMilawLbn •_ •. - ”j(»XBS’ HOTEL, '*«« ibe ‘item o! J »»9'Wi-t.: havi-Tiufcli.i:cd .'tr. June* imnre-t in tf'e ip- by th- vin-'.t.-«t ntt-M'on ihmi.ll-anill’-fl*’- luth-rilv of PlMlad-Jplua N t' B»*LJ«*L , !‘r - oAltHouse, twt.NVB M*p* V'Ot *mn sIK mnxvxTt MTIHS e-tnbbrhnirnl 1* ‘row in Ih- In st ord-V If t ,),c rr«--pnoil ofih- ’Pravclin,. jhddic. Having ii.nt-r- mi" u thi»roii-;b repair during t:.- psstwiri* kii.ij»» i j ,,k 'vsr ih.- variou* i!ci'nrtim'ni«. I ibitn-f ii.v*.:,! ihnt ull "it jj. *•!„, Tbc taemioii i* cri.'.fC, romino- d 'tw !•■. marsh. N |i-_AltlM'*ich lint « xaetlj a new Hrrmm. it tht l >ani<—o ih'w old handle. . ■ tILr6ciC3IO*ITON*s galt iVouse, un b.VLU.u- sv. ■/*,- Uli.S THROCLLMOinttN ln-g« to art|unin‘ lu- uii ud- t|n\t lie irv.again l«*«.--)ol tJnsfiAfc* JSyfclHlFr'L, I/out** ill-, K* ~ wlp ru ho ; hopvs tv meet all I,ls old fnmidi., m-nroig ,e wuo avor him with their jintrotutgiv." j jiuiltdly _ ”. AMERICAN HOTEL, mOpno-itr ih« Railroad li'Mii, Prutt M.Bultimorc, HI'INUY M. S.MITH, propri' tor, (lin* <>■' Uie *•->•* rhongr mid Sb ChaHes Holtl*, iSohurgb.) . ~ r ~ r .• NOTICE* ' AJ.T. Pcrfans-knovnitg (bcmrvlve* indebted fo thr Us nw Af/thts I vq Atbuvo.Jr, iiccra-<:il, axfl I«rr '»y noiiijcd u>.,oi scltlfttlivtr account*, atul lUfrschav* Inucbit’d* antwtri the Kniatc, will prc».ai>t jhvm tluly aiiUient'C'ttcd or-seulemcnl lo tho *ulivcribvj, at ,ute tAfrjiMwi'of Jalmlrtgiu tSnn*, Noll WaierYt a Ssßflm - - JOHN IRWiN.'KMcotot GINSENG PANACEA!.. rpo •nnt.-i:. stii-FKiuNi; .avjjii d|sf.asi:d J tnniiccedeiitrd a U ecf*» winch Im julci.ileil ill*- ii,e in n.e } 'All PAN.UIiiA - ii all ili,* > liiim,. whtrh Jtrilaiioii of the lurnc-m*- huin-x. hits induced 1h» proprietnr aram fri roll iiilcu lioutoiliu \vo\mnm. preparation: - Tire rliftQsaMe’ w-ritbrr which tntirV* »uir fall mut wirier numtli'. i» always »'fruitful *muoo o« 1 Tuesr, if negh eted nre bui ilic (irccursors of thttl fe)l dcfUi'Ver, , ’ COSUMPTION. ' 'Eire. iiNPMioa. then, how shall we nip Inc il'l't/oyer in the h‘unr edngh' anil mill*? )i of vital importance lo tire public. .? ' THU GREAT AM* OM.V RF-Mi:i|Y rvi]l he fouml in lha Jinis/ng .P:itMi**cn. ,In prfiof of thi* we have trout lime lo time thr crn(lififtte* of rtrvcmi nfonr Im-sI kjmwu i-ili/ms, who hnf<{ expen ('Heed it* curative powers. 'ijiie-re, U'l'jl ft lti:|«» ol l«» timouv from tril parts of the roiiiiiry,—froni i MEDICAL MEN OF .THIS FIRST STANDING, Ministers Of the (iuspel, Ac., tiouhrr with cr«*ou* no tices from the ! JOURNALS OF Tlin .IUY. } ’ wc have I‘iiilhkJicil in pamplilei joriii. and msy ire hod gratis of any m' our agent* tlimuiilmtn tlre.rmimry.. > • ' HUNDREDS OK Iti'VITLES.' j- , ... have hecti treed in Hire i-itv. . 1 . THntlSAN'IrS' AM) TENS OP THOUSANDS, throuriinut the United Stnie* and Canada, ami vre fbtu. Icuee iiny man u> paint out u \ ■ ; SINGLE INSTANCE . ) n which, when taken according to direction*) and be lon* tire Iting* Imd IsrcniHc fatally disorganize!, it. bas ever failed in • • 7 ' j EFFECT A PFJIFECTCUiah ' need the mliictcd hesitate? v> by Keen to Cjc. irusrrnblo nntiruirre. gotten tip by onkr.nw todJvhl- Vtda under the assumed'name of sotHn Cei«Nnrf pity. , ami puflid into notoriety t>y eertifiewfe ti |wr- i equally unknown! Whilst a medlcirta n liNi’AR-VLLFJ.KD KFFICACT ] , fate bo hail, wtwsivvoucher* are at home, cTSi BalfL fcorv—manv of wlnnti it lu» I SNATCHFJ) FROM TUP. (?n ATE. [, IB order that ihU InvahniMn medicine mar n placed Tltklp the roacli of die poor os well tbo flea, tra bare pat the price nt . , . I- OlfliY PIPTT[CESTB» j Jnst ono half the ustinl cost or.coujjh tncdicinfa. Ills, for «alc by our neent* lit ncurly ever)* town ana Tillage over the wc«t. who are j»fei>atpd to'pve foil Ittforraa liooTrlauve to il *il SAIJn-^Proprletor, ’ 15roud»tty,;L‘utciuaaii^Oluo. ASTH.MA.OHDIFKH'ULTYOP ERF-ATkINT?. 'lliis dtsen.-o 1* capsed by a cbtutruc iion of the utr cell*, it is very dobilitatinc, almtist eaaa- Inx’ auilbrution. DR. SWUh/PSIiIVS I‘ANaCIIA Is Use ottl? eenain care. 1 lloarscner* can be entirely eared by a ftM a{e 9f Or. gweeiaar's Panscea. I Catarrh, or common cold, which, if nefleelmL wil! .Termiuate in Conrumptitti, U effectually relieve! and cured by Dr. Sweewer** Panacea. f Ilronchitis, if anchrckcd. will effcetaally •lead to Hronchinl Coavtnxption. tmi a timely ate «f Dr; Bweet ier‘* I'ftnucra will etfcctaally cure it. . j- Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sk>r* Tbroat.—This tllscate m'lrn lead* to serious con«ei|uences ribta heg. IccL such n> ulceration of the throat. On the firm *Ttop> torn*. L*r. Svreetser's Panacea should be ptoetireo and Used freely. Coughs and Co!il< find a sovereign remedy in Dr. DwecierS I’aivaee*. .: ' P:veu'moio'a Noth*.—A very f*tcl iliienei trinUlng from n violent mutrii and cold on a dehilitatedlor bro ken down constitution: person* are *ali;er i l to ifil— It. sweticrs Pntuice:’.- should ho uacd on lie fiftt sjtnjnoms, winch nre n nr u»id. Nieht S'.vc.ab-. —’I'hi.v dchiluautu complaint will meet wi'.lt'ti timely ciicrk. t*y ii.sity Dr. Swrct«:r'» l‘;t:iacM. t'«::«rn!|it;un.—Jf on the !:r«' nppearirrre *f rot)-ut:t)>- liv« syrnpimns, wh*«h tin n ji»tn in tin* «t-?a entH.rnst. eoujth nr *pntmc of l ,! oo,!. hi I*r. Swcetrcr 1 * i’ahnri uis irc* lv u.-eii. iio it.riij’<.T :i~s*d !>•: n|>]ircbfiliicd. . ' Wlirn -.:.** l.ifn;:,'. t!.~ Wmdrye, nr JJwnchial Tohc* becmitc 1 t:|? ■•»u!t jmipytn .-o ss.trf intj.edr re»pj fntion in hr* nthliiL*. Dr. S'vcsi *cr’« Tnntierc. which i» t- pnv,mil Kx)v;ctor«iH, slioulJ he taken tieennlt.'ii; to tlir tltrcvtnms. . - J This ili urr-smi: < j.iilctnii;, so |um?aleui In out c’Jjnaie, is specdilj cured t-y Ur. rjwi.ctrcr? Paua- I’ncr .*'!• J“* r hot tie. nr .t 1., mbs for *l> ' j Per side In WM. JACKSON, id f .itw-nv <»f the btj? i>oiH. • iiol .’■isly IMIHIUTASTTO THE is A »IK?s— Hair !,I.nrtlch- Mibr C.mVtn, Tied vile-'nr. l l l»>' i "t i.lje.LLuit. 'Jlii* i». fntn. llic'Umt’ uje'i. IV'.e-. fm ’h.ur i- d-.u1.! li.u-it, ttiilirnldU. or ••r.*v. si fova.iJ'li.M'i.'iiK will iioilie lln ) heir Mid ami tbirk. unit tits u a.i- :,.ii hrfetyai pew..»:!«» will aliojtmkt. u tnani.i:* *rrc. A U.’bLKRTSUN, f’ 11 O’.t.' NT. •' , at «r,l'f I'Tiry ‘‘l"' t ll ' fnl-.(.t»iftu let IH.-iahrrslniit Jth.; Wt ».-.:ru : la Ol’t 1 ti-11l '.a,.K t’fu* . .-rs-iu: afi.l i>n» ih-Ji;uus *..t! till- lint liu;: 1.4 t> •Mif-; »u»u- »ii.v, wtii-rr.— t to ihv r.»..h !r..v);»V Tt.l- t'r- .tin. 1,.- U- L 1 i-i.UAi.J.HiTr. ht II *'AUnvi:u. »rrs.*!rf Whiii-«nlr nni! r.-mil. in » , John 43 Mnrkrt >»rr«>U iuiJ Jo.-! M.iWrr, oiirtwr of W.hhl) mol J-'iilh amrt*. pilJif PEAfK 1 PEACE if iut ix kVj:i:y au'Tiilus humkstkap».lg*ud liH* I'.tig •>' th* ( uiMr<; 11 nrat 'lisjiniis to Ho- is*'- of jil those mi-du-i!,**. wbi-h foutniri opium. nml tut* nt>ncih <*.«eil**»l- in preparing and oiit-tii'B fo tin* ptih|i<*:it tn»di» citip lolly mtiWrni.fjflvcry purpose lor all ih>ra»|.» 01 the •Imwri.s wiih'Jtil the i»c Of that delrlorioif ilms} or nny otlirr «• liiculuiril j.» injur*- in tlir lrn*t. llu* InlaW- I’aiJ :,r.*a li:i< Im-.-h tuliy tested mid tried. the InMtw-idve mouth*. iif nutn**roii« pof-mis nml found to preyf" all the eiirnoritinarr virtur*, bjhl to produce nil the _n»tuii miiing ■•U«'ct«,Si> toctlt on-Ui*- 1.11 l flir»TUii;i». I»t -urrlniM, V'ouikiujr. VTio'io. film*.. and Dura»e.« nrMint; from Tootlim;.'. »r'.n; 'ttmti|*iTiati*)y without unv of tit** function-. ol tin*-hotly, pri-luring tin* imppmM and mo‘t pl./funl transition iiotn vion tii (nun n> u trnntjuil umJ jo) ous state-im tevl iti'g ui the lull*; ! To Im* lihdwhidcsik nml retail; of tit*: Proprietor. Dr. JOHN HARMAST, Prupsi‘l nml Apoihorurf; Joint Mitchell. MlidU ,V |hiciliDt[i. cml .most oilier llrngfku in Allegheny hndJ'UOburgk . __ dre>3 Sl-XLER*?* IMPKIUAI. t’OUlill SYiUM’i—lt lia* power to r lire! PiTTsniißGrh.Fcb. M, IT: U. Iv s>uxr.»:—My wife bur lor j corn Inch subject to it di» cough. accompanied mill asthma, lor ilinrurcoi which flu- uned dilL-rent cough r*jiiicfln*>, and ll’t'l ihr ndvtce Ot the inn«t eminent phyMpiun* in Ilnglamt. hut all wit* unavailing. Hy chance I •Tuutnl of ymir Imperial Cough Syrup. it tul wni induced to huy a hoiilc tut trial, nllhough 1 hud no belief that anything could remove her complaint. To my great nurpriec,, two d«w*» gave her inum-dialc relict. She Ljnt time* troubled with. a conch, hut two i<*n»pooij*iul tii‘ Syrup nhvay* Mop-* it. 1 ani »nu-«!ii'd, uAer a trial ol lltrco or Tout yearis that Seiko Cough Syrup i» tli*i hop cough me<‘.:cmc l Imre ever tried cither in tho Uhl or New World. Wit. K.\iKm>t;ii.\K, • Seventh Ward, city of I’ill‘hurgh. Tin* above certiCente ehould m-tuee nil irlto hr** wrdi cough or a«thiun. to *nvi* i!u* Syrhp n tri al. It may Ur hud foj -St cent* u bottle, at lltudruj Mure of 11 K SliU.i;ilS,sTwood>t. Si.lJ !iy Dr Cu**el, Silt- vvnnl" nr.d D II Curcy, Alle gheny cny, i janu , ijlll.LnirS VLULMirLtiE.—The grekteil ol al Worm uiediciue,' Ntw*o.*i, (httu, f Jftlt. i Till* i*. to ccrlny that after u*ing diircr.uu hrcpiua nun» fur expelling worms I houghi of C. 1-. Ilejmaii. ol X'sw la?tmn, two uul* ot U K Sellers’ Vcrmi.lcre, luid’ guv** tins cotueais of tine vial to three o! my Liiihlieu. l-'rhm the lir.Ht. nerd 0 }*-ari. it «.-xpHh*J 4j i wonn*; from the mto*i'■ Uie must cilectuui Worm m*-d|i'jncs t>c forc Ihc i*i.:*'.lc, llfuit MoHhoW. «|*ri'p:ir>.-il .uni «>M by R II SI'.U.KKS. No 37 Wood • tycei. Sohl by Irr. C'n«*el, sfh wh’r*l; D M Cojrj, Al k-ghony, Wiliiant J Simtli. Tempcnii»c.*rill**. 1 ja| l Patent Uloclt tlprlug Trtui). TVTDWIjY IXVKNTIID—ForIho rcliefaml Pcrtnaucm I>iCuroof UKiIMA cr ituPIUKH. (Stated to all The rupi rmr cUiinsof tbm Tro*s consitl in the font partitive istcs with which it tuny he worn. Tin* pad of vrond licuttt neatly liatineed on springs, yi**!d*’ to pfet sitro gn any pari of it, and ihorougtny adapt** ftuclf to :ui> imjv.-tncui m::r!e by tho wean:;. It cun he worn without i'tjieimiiyiuit, until n cure i* rIT.-etrrf., The * uh aenher. 4 have, mat!** arrangemcn’.* fcirtlie mnnlifaciurc •of the***! v-rtlu>iblo in a superior Myi>*,.kii I‘lulu deiplua. end Imv*- iht-miimv fur rule at their oihee, No 77, Siuitkhelil si. jicar Sixth, I’uhdiurca. 1 tihX>. WAIT, ' _ _ 1). \v: KAt' rF,MAN. lAY K E’jj lIAIK.TONIC.—A Her gwme tlju article ,]. trial, we pr.iumiuce 11 to Tie what |l prod-1* 1 iv—fbr l*c«l article, without w*)' reception, in u*e,fliriht Tr-«f,rniii'in and pr>'Hrtkih*n of the luir. \\ e know of nunv roit* itnlauct* wli»rn hair has been i**»lurrd' toh*ad« winch have fer«n bald bn 5 years; sad wc ihiuk werstiiwt do ersdrrlatur lliau lo rccuiunoiid njall uur readirtiwho »r f. **i rig Ibrir leur, la iiuLc a Lrial vf thii Touie immediately t lkn.*n,Vail. ! K.-rwU in ihiisl*urgli tt m* Sn.rrj Kn TJ lYiirtlniruli-iiar tVwal nnrailkw'l' Dltrt.'S,' DUriiS—Jim I MohU-r. druggist :ru.*r.d w.-Mi'uiid Am -n»., Ibn.s li*.r;u. wdi .Vvip eonsmmiy t ,it baud, painu, oil», reuiUJ?imormbi>friK:id-J nml the ciktcn* .*i rilt.i.irtgitguid Aii.iyf-.rny U..U J.e ha/t tkenled Ui tettia-.ii ill ills Mil* during tin: winter,and is jnep-area •jniii. nls'pii.eme Uiem*eivc. ..u*'.**; Ills c.»re, a|-eor«i«.g to uie srMnn ie- prat-iii'd ai all Water Cure Il*;ahh?.ii* rncutf. tor nr A«:ut*a or diaeiaes TtiOsc wi»f> avttil tliCmw-h c> ol Ins remcm will t all at AJr. -Miliur •»',corner yf Libert; M. and il\ un'-* lidey. L'f .\L lias liL-aicd -vvi-r.vl *-rr i*.v»as of'»ii*ci/sL* m thi* city with grdur liueetis, to which hi: ;» jM-ilnitu-.l io " " l V,'Jimc* , ~uatii,u l r iiemn«i hudy*. lA<)|{ allkittdaof vniptiont uKf k‘l••c*^t•»^>f.t? , • Stitt! . Kuril an t'imp!cs,l>kotr tic». Soil ILienm ScuiYy.Jlru .Spmi.vlmpind oretucird SKm.aiul wruri other disci.- *e* ol Ihc Skin, which renune cxtutrml u-niwpe*, this }*i>npsunil» uupaiaited.' L .il>o dki-l, rreeklcK.M.n -lißrn. Wotphew.Tßti, and ehnnues the cnlor’ot daru, ypHo«v,o; dti.Dgurcd akin, to a Uno, hcnlthy, ynnthfal, clcarncrt. 'A,fresh tupply, warranted ccnutnct amf fer »nlo Ihe reduced price of i>7fc per .eakn- Irulatt been received,tsoiTerrd lorjalc hr I* A KAUXESrOLK Sc Cri (com«rl.U and wood nyd ulHi nl the iorucf of plxth and woodM* - •_ 1 ' ' ’;' ‘tW" SALTS—‘JI hbts Hsltitiio’re epioht kalU for j iftlotoy ‘' [jtaoj • R K'StlLUaDJ,srWootf medical; BALTER'S cot.ns a.nt> rouciis. - UAUJ>E*V A- co s. P.VSSADi-: ANA i^2Sr'fv ’i-ce'^;’:; I j-.'.^'r..':' I '.t':.-Lre mu! :h> .r trresiil* m Amtucn, u*-;iiti'l :/ie Ir.nidi re:ieii-. d rijvc* s'u !C. n:vd hi..- -S-. v.2(f mflTrrrti»tlre.wrsJ lV ! ...I t.* upL,n^^l^e> iiii'k li.ili' oVi-O umw ii.-i r7,;;A’!‘V::S7,7> ,\*..slVl!i« (.rur'ji Ar'kul^f../ JittUl.?:. 1 "" '"l-- I 1 ■ V’. " llo.anu’.Mode «V Heatlaff Hou»r*. Mil. o. m’.xvin:. i'-trt-r tt .or Ikuims ti—i--’*. U J l £. ..t« .•.•..tilllv IWwtnn. Nf\» \or t. 6 «*..••*«•» « I" Int* n'fi.Tit ill - «*«•* '<***‘ll'rrli’nince ok ' I'uriii’ro. «Ir. Ju- uiji—, . IJrtrilwwe Store WnIT.ViOHK A WOI.FF bavin* removed fwm the corner of I.iltny amt Si tliurr meet*. to !>9 »0 • WrxjJ *srecl, linen dnnr* above Cd tloiri, rcfnectfully it»k llie nttertiion of buyer, to tacit f U>c» of (uKmVAIII:, CUTJ.tKV nnd SAl»pi.tK\ . tcc’tl >,cr ships Saranak, Monnngalic.ln ircdHuMia, direct (torn luc mnvintucuireni of tlngleiid find lienuauV. Al*o, JujijlltMPf Arrcncan Hardware, fioiathc prin cipal manuiheiurcri* of tin; Kastorn Suucs. Their suck bent/; enurr tynew, «mtl piMcliiren open the best term* they led groat confidence nt keii'B aide *uctes»fully’ to roei't cumiiciiiion from 'any «jtiitttef> whether ctt*l or west. ~ Tin: Hardware bustnrs* will be continued at Uic old • ♦land. *l*-- TUOMASIiKSiNICUy, , , OF ihc !htc linn of Uiilerpie A Lenin'dy, Looking Glass Manutaetorer ami dealer in Clocks, Cornua, and 'Variety Goods, keep* eonMuutly otrhiiiid,or hit own mhuutucturc, every description oi (jilt, Mahogany and Common Looking Glasses i,—3,4,aad4»l«awcr Toilets; plaiu nmlomanienlaliioiriiaiuramca ••Allkjit?Uc>rClt>ck*iTfiiy'*,an)p' ailcn*, m art:* or dozens; Cotubf.Tlireuils, and a general ussortmenl ot Fancy Goods wholesale, at asniali advance on cost*! Pedlar* and oilier* supplied vmtt Flitdp'a rier’a IVinls, and Id by H Irameval-New York puces njjSOU NoCj f tor wood and GU sty . OAlilA'fu’sijflJGJLUlit'iCl-llSVroßSilLiJi jj—The Aiiiriimttraior* of i -e I n'* James MeLundlitift, oiler for rale tlic r.;abli:!nnem *uuSlc m'Ninth ward, formerly carried on by h'm, :n b* life Cmr, us ivS.ilera-, tun and Ctuo Fa-toty- Tbo works am in complete orecr for eurrj ins on tftn business, widi filturcs, Ac, and ready; for commencing At any lime- A liberal crcdu win be eiviji, und idl particular;!made known by. calling on tidier of the undersigned. JAM ia ni.AKI.IA, • ;■ JOHN villArU'-Liij, ! a 3l rt ; - AAnimUrntofs j i 1 vcry Stable. : KOIiHK l 11. I‘A'ITJJtsON Jia.sopened the, Xns-CTX lanro . Siubl- «n lint runiiing ttifnugli to SUOlSccnnil st. l- luo <> W iajJ in tb'o rear of 11.0 Minvn.iiphol.-. Konse, W lb ill milnrly; ncw'.stock ol‘ llbrses and Carriers of thl* U#t quality aml. Mile*. Honds kept at. livery hb tlm In-st Manner. _i„ § iV*Ur_ 1> Ati U AKi-'.HUUrIr-tilo lustiest pricS la ra»h: k, naid lor ctxxl Uaus aW Canvass. Iffl IV-rV Itageuiii, Woollen lings, Col!“li .Waite,, Ar..,»ti- j w 9 chadnmick; ’ jattfi wayne >! lietwcen pciiit ami liberty XIOTICIT-All persons iiavina cinims atrnitisi ( our; l>i firm will ft. are ptr-cui diem 1 for payment, mid, Unite indehini lo u* not »tttlins ilHir»«u.ot.;U» on <*r iK-inre the fill) mst.wili t>cdealt svitliaecnnUnr to law; JUi i id .UNCtiiiH A M>V lUL_; MISCELLANEOUS. AGENCY FOtt PATENTS, \V4!HIt\OToS. 11. c. * - ZENAft f, ItniiniNS. MeclmittcfiJ ; Knijincur oim Atfcm ’for reoenriirs: Parent'*, 'will pK»pnro the, ue *-«-ss:tfy IJrauiii-v nnd Paper'for Applicants for raj enl-, iu,.l trs.nsnet nil ml., r l.ireinc.'* iti tire lme of la*, pri.fes'i.oi at the Parent UlCcn. He c.aji .be coiwutted ■ *ti nil .(ii.-.ilr.n- relating to the Parent Uiw* iiitit deri** io.i« ii, j|,;. I'tiiti-tl S'nre* or Huroue. Person-* at a .b*- lanec of having eiiiiiticmti.i.H nituh- at lh-.‘ Pa:i:nt ‘ >.li«-c. v»flor to'ij ;rfh*'ii-,»ti(>n for :l patent:' iwtv urd tji.K-l rani, rtielu«iii" it fre'.d five. d»>|l;.w), :i eieur •taicin-ilU'f lireir e:i*.:. when nttetl iii.ii will I* ,*jveti‘ nf il, .nuf t.rt tire Informnti.m thor. ■ tiiit.l i.e ohiuincd a \i-n of tl.n npiilleaui; promptly *-a>nisiiiiiieatc.l. AH letters no bre-iue** imi*t he pon paid, smd comabt a ioihilih* fi*r, wlrerc a.u riifei. oinuioh D leipnrtil. (ttßcn on l*Vsireet. oppA-' l '” the Patent Office. He littis the honor of referring. i>y pennission, to . .. Him. lidiniii'.l ThirVe. fommltvinncrdf l*atc»u; 1 linn .11 1, l-Ji.'svofll). lute. do do H Know:*-,,Mt.ehim.i, ParentOflicrj Jinl-re APndiii.jtmr; Oft ' lloiL r. Ilhihire. .Unermehu-wUJi, V S Senate! Hun. W Allen, t tin..; llort.J H Itowlin. Al f. M.«srvnn:- -i Him. \Viiii«lli*;LNc.w York; 5 ; . Hnn. Hubert Smith. M lllmoi*) • Hon. S Krfecr. U S p-ennto; ' Jinn. J H Relli-. M C .Mbwjuri; Topt. n.M shrieer, Missouri; . , a FhTt«lif* Hrooks. K*rj. Pil|*l'«rt:h._ • r^y.' _ ~ JAAJKS W.-WOODWKIj, PiUabargb Furniture Ware Room*, so. riiinn st«i:ct: _ SA lar"c mill -nlmulid a-sorimrarof Fnrni tnn- ’ miirehlo for Srenmloaia, Jiafl*, arid prp. mte «lwelHnjre,«.iwumtly on lu.ndand inode Tire on hand cannot be rxrrrikn! by n„y wcHern wiiliine to imrrlsusr. would dowvitll to give ran a call, a* I tun determined my price* »lialt plea*e. I art of the fi» rafuA with l’lu»h and link-cloth cpvera; * a dor. Mahoysny Nur»c Oiair*; U pair Divans „ . PJ do/, fine mahogany Chairs; 12 mnitnmtry Work StnniWr 3 doz-mahorany Ilackusr Cliaira, 15 matblp top Dtcmihs Burcuua; . p pair Ottoman*; f marble top Work StamU) fumiuireuidctiil'Wo r.M«n»ulomOTion. .. . maiOtf . —. Cut) Clrcdlarnlid Cln Sows H»T ■"iST.fIE ItoAvMMM*., Wcto. ic . hu-rtus r ,S. 'S r nrtantrement* In -the con«roction of new macWnery, aatisfococm of purehMctt. \\«rehi»u*eji w«ir rtreet, 4 doora Weil Jtononeahela lloure, IdDbaKb, 1 N. D.-Teraoo* having buimes. «mb Wn^ Uppon eou * Bon, will £teaJe call on LlppencaU & Co. octildly V— «ew Rardwan Home. . , /-j*v mi *. lrr jo'JKPII wiKHtW KI.U corner o. Aft»3£ES|w«>.ir«naa.l Having froc liieJtfm of Ayalket. mJd vfcKdwTlLon the l«tufJinuory^aT.I r««'- ure in wnoaaeittg to my friend* i» trv. that I have opened my new store al £o above cJ i luce. Hftvina porclwcd my'ifoo'.Mar ca.h... mail- c.mngemenw withratmuDemreri >n and bt .Europe to be eoitspritly .upphyrel r p:iy<;d to nin.ish, ILiTdwarc ol s.i. kiyui. on. u» B«fd , -rms nnd V low as any ho.ireV-aelorWr-t Mcr ’ t •«a*'d«Ah.*ri are rvsiirctsfu'iv iirrrtnl to call and ehtewhefo. The ii.'invriittr ct« - . V.l l'„ < -i.i A :M. N«j >lr> 4,1.. ill,vlull'd lu inid tu„ iialito u> gel out link*?. r ilii. •luraUliiy. A .na.1.:l ...iJ V|- iii.-y I"' .«»l> ” J ’IT"! IU«. al Ihr OPJKWi' mut Timv*P*™.'«i>ry «*l WM l; SCAM-i; Hriml ni*rk'*t. I)fy)l)t;CK— aw imie» and.d.» ca»lfs \V ft eb«t*i' luimo K< i"UteCy f« uOicr.s i»r idd* snuie: :m k.-. No 1 I.’-InulicU lk*di linmlliy hei'di lor sale by . CAISSON S Mr KXIf /In - filh rj. VvbitvluH Irou XVorkii, \ TkAVIS, DAI./.K1.!. ,V Co, iiMiiuU.cUirvrspCan s j aii JlnT. Slk.-i, Ctiilrr Iron and Nav> ot the ■jnnliiy. \Yiirr lurthcr particuiaif smjuii o/ .!> 1‘ MOiUJAN. I’itl'imrjjh, Dv.i: oil, ’l/. ■DKItFUMKHWCxtructit **f Wri.eua. f’utolti UL lev, Vun.-l. Jin-»l!> Club. .Miliilir-IIC Iktiijuev •Ciiolu'ic, and Mu>k, i.true I’cnome liwutti io«ia>eacli 'For».dcV.i JOtl.N I‘. .\lOii(JA.\,l -mi- .No. USi: WoiaU: WUAPPI.VIi PAPI".Xi Kim bundles > C. M.’abd D C. .-,trnvV. paper; : I'iii •• M.-dn.m lSn>-. • ■ _ - O. .Mea4u!n Wurdwnm; Kir*ale ’ay' oc;1 3 ,tu;\ t ffiiiui. J'i VK I’ij «. tiit>|ieU frrM /' HU i!o tJujrjre.i i'u»uvij. UX) -ik I) a r.\UXi:sipL'K A co. -•-•n-uriicr o:‘Jio;:nind wuld *u ri ltOCniUEs-r - -!-'' j'ninc Uw ci/tUx; 73 .r ■•lie*!" ur>U f,-a P ; | l-jo in*3* -j ill lnnif>« loliUi'ro. :i0 i< *-/•>« *tviit iiu;vritha j . ,JUiIN >. DJUVXULi’I^AVOWIHtI 4 * kv 1 D* !•*IJu-'l I its''fj T>er i Mir*uia«i. 4 linin' M.-:: Ifilc*. very jj-juijrai - '. I'hr ininiuiurt o: Matun'iJiU i h irvaij. •p£ r LuliA.'»2. KJ:.\Ni:i)V . 'i*Af xvcwl MOj-'iSSiX— lal-1.h!% (atnV crOf) 'N:O-Molai’ie* Airsal 'lTrtiUirU anri:pulvumud'*u(!ir r u<*l roe'J utul t<*r »ulb low hy . foal } UKIUVN A. CiiU]fclf CJAI.KRATUH —<0 li«sc<« nmf ? ca?tr»L jn JJ. which.-they, retpertfuby.- mviioiheatrermonct ilieir eiutuitier* nnd vttir«nk*l : PALI* FAKinONN—fVMOOßEhanrefrirr I sf/e.iyrem N«rV«V. the-FUI-dyle-et Haw .whirl, wiU inirudtiee.ihis day.tßnturday, A of. JMj>. All those in vvilnt of it neot nnduupenor hnl would do weTl tn eallal No.’73,'Wood fttifet, 3d door above Uh. fjull .’FAaiiio»,Aifl4»^i«:E«K. & • J <1 COSTAH'S mvlo (ifiid-mcn's Haw wdLbe uttyo-, nt Krr\ iL> 'on' 'rimtsdaV.'- August _drih.'ii wisliipg.u cheap, .fintl)io;mme..li3t-nt l*»tw— ’bursh tuaiiiiftietiiic. uhend of fanliiomddo I It*t-<_ import eifund advenisedl.v semenf tlifttnnlel'plwernll at " . / . KU'.VIL A. Co-V • ; hiigfifltf- " ‘ : J.Vihfcitil fifwimd *t li. RDM3rER FASllloWtSoltHATS— ■Jjft frpm New-Totky the Summer for huts, c-muti/ting of Beaver, A’caxl niuT White French Cu-sitiicre Haw. vyitfrWiuilator*,- .Thoncin waut of a Ueaiiiifnl, lig|if Hat are re.«pcetftilly invited to cull., .. • . 1 - S.-Mf)OUE,~' : i.. ' hliiyy* ■", * ~ 7ff wcWnldiX'ft Joor* aliovc 4th LITERARY- PhUadrlbhU: CaU«ge. of ; Medicine, • . .Fifth, SouOk of- WalitiU ttrtet. ■ The spring and susunarcoimsE of lec- TDRta FOIL lP4rt,. - wIH lie cannUcucnloa Monday, March tilh, 1-l-s, arid be continued fburmontli*, by the folfrivrintr Ftoenltyp ; I- . . JAA M<;CLINI.t)CK, IM. a,;GMeral, Spoeitlalal SurgicalAtwtomy. ; ; _ J. K.-BURDEN; M. D., Nlalerfa Medtca and Thcr- kpeutic*. - . l ~ j. ; •; 1| D. P. HARDENER. M; D. Chcmlftry. HENR Y GIBBONS, iL .U, Theory and Praclice of Medicuie. .. -.} . . m, -. '!• •' ‘ I.Otns TI. TIEATTY, JiL Obstetric* and Duea*c» ufWottint and Children. : . JAMES AIcCUN'i'OCK.AL D, Principle* pndPrae* lice of Surgefy. f i: ' ; • HENRY GIBBONS, -M.- D., liatitote* -of Medxinr and Medical Jurisprudence.. . - • .; S. R. McCAINTOCK; M. DeiAonitralor of Anat omy; - r ... .. '.L .i. _ IUCILUID BUIUI, M. IX. PrrHeclor of Surgary. •• Fee fnr the full cdor,e',‘*7o. “Fed torthore whok-ve. attended two full 64l>. M-.t* riculation lo bo paid'otjee oidyj &i. UrndunooaSAL Practical Aahtnaiy, inclading Recapitulatory Lecture*. SJ«: /rha Bwceunx Rooms will.lie opyued on the Ist ofAlareh. “ ; ■ ;■ ■ Prom ajnutrcmeftla now pending there i* every yea •on to.hope -that the chair* of }tt(|itu|ca of Medicine and Anatomy wifi be occupied .by ’distinct TTofewtorf at an early period.- ■' ; ; i- •*- ■- 1 - .■■■ ' For further infonnotion inuuiro of ; . ' > JAMES MeCIJNTOCJr. M. Daas, . • No. 1 North £2eTett± Street. , Pliiladelphin, Dec. 27,1547. jari4. : ; , IteeeiTed at JM.,AViMltter’#. - < A TOUR to the lUver Saguenay ih Lower Canada, by Charlea luimrian.. . Mary Stuart, Queen of Scow, by 'Alexander Duma*. Insaftordination, or.-thet Shoemakerl*. 1 Daughter, an Americajt *tory,of rtt*,sT.S.Artbur. • • Harry iManitiuaJe. or Adventures ofa whaleman in the • Paeific-Oeeart.vhy'Dr. JxmitrA.lDaker. • . . . The Market Queen, or }he Wife’s by Mri. E'd/it .. d. . .j • . Rose Somcr.iile. or a and a wife'*- - IVvttfwn.'by'milllof Pal*e Step,” with numerous engraving*, i -tj- .. .;• •The Death Ship, or tbo Ptnvto's Bride. 1 Chtipmnn’s Amerirati Drawingßook. • • • - Ancient F-rrpuhcr MouuuienD, IJi*toryJ Ac; by Georeo ltGUdd'oiL • ! ' ' • . AnimarMamtetisßi. by AlphOnio Tc*le,--M..A ' ’ilic Swim Family Kobitition, or Adventure*, of a Fa-, "thcr and Mother and (oiir'«dii»id it dl-kert L«lanA . ( . The l’hormaceutif tactical Reeljw Jlook for the uvo of by F. A. Souillnni.- rrackvvtxvJ'AMa-ttiiHe tor Dcecmbbr.'; Living Acc. No IW. '. ‘ ■, •*’• . V .. ..'-h'• Tailor’s .Money Rip-mcr, J:m. M;h. [ HrcctrslV’nrks. tl.e lU'fonnnl (taihMef. fresh supply. A ?t>!i:inlid article GeiitlL'iueuVi'Yisiiiiig Onrdv largo -i/cd. For r-010 nt M. A. Miner’’*. ~ • ’ janla , ** February Magaiiiit-s, j>JvOKIVKI> AT M A .MlMUlfif, -Stiiilhfleld- altect L Uildoor from aecuud; (\ lt<>ok for February’. Natiouai-fdagutkie I Ait.’’,' .r* Grabullf* do • do !' Union .' ' dl* "• ' do 1“' ' . T“ Ail die aliovt- are ctpinl if not sujwriorin their cmbcl* ii-lmii-nu-, to -J.L- !'[tv;oia J:i:inurv umuhurt, -i Th- tusi.Forriie-rairiew.-a uotv'jrevd by G P II Jwues, E.*t,. . . i:. The lti-.s'.acc t.. tixe Family, by \Y. BlaOi.hftjd Jeyrohl, tvrtfs tt'i-.-irtuthifs by •’ Bt»n:i O'lamu v£ tucl. i 4 everything, Lb W JI llu v»-!!. F...|. ' ' r ]’ ' - Th— lock and Anchor, being a Chromes* of Oul Duh- T'u- t*oi)<'ji,-.-*t of Ciiifbriii:. :ir:'! 'N'cwiMi-x:eo 1 iif tlie . } i-ar* wnil'47. l*> Jhmp‘ JltultsoivCaS*. J:i;i-.‘ Ky. _ s, tdii-n! L>y t.'urr.-r . . ! Tlu iki Vr.iico llii •h bf liie.Tri- {..i-uiL U- Uina^.n. :;.u.u..rrc-.Mw.-,!a.,v.Ni,.n. Niiui i**>ok n-r tit-: .. . \nr null V«JuaL;c iiook*< ■ , ttUm-liieaco r.i ijicuridfu: Loth of O :i.c OM an. I N<\»- arpuinuit or" llirir vrrjcr.jrwnh uit voulaiiiux co*. nn‘ii}yriiv« bt'rt>i*c;ii (fospcU v am2 A?t>, yiii l>y Kcv, J' J: iliau'.. il,-1). Firai American, «:>*:»! tfc<* I ’Ti.c O/Jiiftd/'litr iUup»?at«l aml I t*» ? M. .S:j;Uit»vi.trr,.>., ii!* inijiiir.iJi' Uia; flrii. t; »* irT Uv NRaw>risr IJJnairstut’j feu-' P;-i«t Miri hi. tile Hnui'Aurua *ay*j ac:.\ A , «. Hv tlic ia;<* l.lmlrruTs. i>. U. The aimvc u i:ti a lai"c |jf ikw «r«!-»t:iin!nra wurkt.tor lalcjuwliv ' XUJuTT & EMiMSII, 1 :lnnJ-4ru. ' • f ‘ 11111 S" AXD SEW TKAR’S AS. V MiALNOII'T ROOKbv&'V A'f- «t eastern pus'cu, Ij’h Apt* 01'Memory*. 8 !'d illummuieil nunuut I'nr H4~. <**-(lj*'oftJic'Sea*riu'Tt>rT^l i . ..{ ' Iln-*, or Arim-Ooij'* Girt do. ClllUSlllX'i Hloasoiiu. I’Jic •’la'cii—l« . - ;>e l“nrnt>i'*iv illuniiimwi!— lt»o>i»-filc'niil)f f Jc ltounil. - <»oUi-mull* I‘orian, f «lo.’ plcnitiil Fort Folio*, of>ap. lclier and now *hc.«. . rJejcaiuJy bound I’ockei and Family Million. Ko'cwnoii wriiuiir clcrljt andwprk l>oxei. (ilolx:* of * Dii-liuitary ofGrcck-Sud Roman Antiquities; M’Cullough's Commercial Diciiouary; i ' Urc’s Dictionary and Supplciuont. uiu, nitiitufactures and mines;" ••• ' • Webster's Octavo Dictionary, revised edition; .Todd’* Johnson’s am) Waiker’sJJictjonary; Worcester'* Dictionary; • ; Liddell mid Scoit's Greek Lexicon; Kohrn«on> Greek. Lexicon ofNkw Testament;' I.ev*r«(t*» Latin Lexicon;" ' Ainsworth's Dictionary:- 1 : t • Ekuiiimig unil T|l‘biii’s;FrenchDietioiiary»- 'Buck's Theological Dictionary;'.' Vnlon Bibb:Dictionary: : • Rnlrinsiin C.ibnut’s Dictionary, He., fee. ' * ' Tbd alxivc, with « general assbrnnentofTheologicnl, Chv'fii.-uJ.MisccJliuicouß.rtmi Sruudaytitjliool Books, nl-' w'ay* on iiiuid and for sole b>w,by .i. • . . . . - dc? ' ‘SCAfarkct stj, belwecn.ld 3c 4tli. h'cVr'Ptildie'aUbnir MU .TON’S POFAIS,) illustrated. ; Harper's' new edition of Hat Poetical works of John Milton. with imicoioir. ttiitl enticol remark* on his genius orulwri liiigy. by Jawc* Montgomery; ;i)td.ortc lupolm! and nv,-iiiy i’ll;;ravings'froiu druvvutg* hyWilliaro.liarvcy. • Iji tiyo volumes.' - ' [ SMrxfTKV tiRFKK Trar*xrrr.—-The fonr GmpclS ninl Act* ul' thc Ai’o*|]c*, .in Gttek,; wit!i Eiij;lifh iU>!c< cnuttil, |>liilo»crliiou< and cioiqlteal; juvifw.: tiulusc.-', cic- toyi'iher wiiti ltic ; w*«alj'p»c; tli«- vvliole fofiiiing ilic New Toumwjiil—lor tic w»e of CUllejc*, anil Tlieoloific'-i SittUflAric*. liy U-y*. J.'A.; StirnfrtvA. M, ■'■' ; * .• ■A Nnv Nova.—Miimiumeri'Evu/—'A fairy laleof Itfvt, ,Ky; Mrs-S-C, Hall. •• : JAiii-v lli-NUX IV.—I’M i’f.Ucnry tlic i'oarilii Jjup'uf l'r.u'ifrt amt NiiynrVr, }>)' f> v>iUi itunwjjiu? xsjaya wad *»S*»* Lciirr.-* iilunmt;*c of tt.e rergiijiif 'Vritfiaw ISI. Ite-C lalTP*—w»ih'6jU.'»- 1 i iuibj/u«l»eJ ibtf ltoiy f'erputfc* ••; itiriilsg rou»iu>ce, yiLU.sU.e>«f«' V ‘nouV w ihr/lr.ilv L»n\t. aua SacicUcs • hijuK ... .. ••';•■ cUmMkMaucet . : Xariti,ili<-Tria«U« vC LiWiy. .. -1 Gjo&tuJtr cr Malastiluttra-t^. Oo«nu*» -f «>y As * lj ») : * . Lrcctal* af*\l«*io>:/by Uccl-3. Llftem-wato rajifly. • . • Jr*l ' • ■ '* • "" F - ti \vi <»ir. UB c.ifeW»>l’utrciail by' .. ' •'•. ' ' •‘“f I' JOW/MOmiKir.^ TWH looa.wfiM&tVtfifcWn ftua'aci) *V» /;.“V v ; | YOL. XV. NO. 156. : MISCELLANY. BV MISS ItA&aiET.JUnilHXir, JACOB'S WELL AJfD TIIE’SAMAIOTANS, Ourlasl View of/Jerusalem-was -very fine. ■We looked back from~>i Hdge on “the norths cm road, and saw-it lyin'* bright and 'state- • iy 7 -on its-everlasting ft looked lower than from most other-points of view, Xrwn.tho.M6ab mountains forming its lofty back-ground.. ,\Ye. deaf ended, thotdppe be- ; fore us, nnd, ; lo& sight of tho Holy; City for ever., . •; . ' ... V.’ / ■.‘'A^iiwejwefe'rtruckwltl^tiiQ. r vindcol-.4;- rtriug bf the scenery.' ; All tlifs day, tho hills ' were-dre&ed in brilliant soil, red,. • greyj arttYbroini; the tilled'.pottidhs of frie r - arkXlhe shadows purple or • - lilacs AlYthe-hiilir'Bhow traces -Of having - jj . been onceterraccd; rind they wore still com- ■ ■ fdeiely..Bo*iu. tlio.ueiglibarhood of our en- . campment this evening—tbo: teuaces Fol- . • lowing'Oic strata oftliqstono; .which all fay t slaniiugr- Thisogives a singular air of wild-. ricas to thp 'most culfiyaled spots.. Hereand there wero tKisms among the . biffs! the-red - son drbpjiedhfl and'olive trees, X X or full ot dpland'iradcs wind-> HH:. ing among slopes iris, cyclamen, arid anemones, 1 -and bristliag with .•••, till hollyhocks.- Oiuvtre went, past,deep old wells yawning in tho hollows, u • or stone : .cisterns..where -the., pnttlo were'-* • crowding to,’driuly past a few .camels hero* -rH arid there, browsing in tho dellsj past groups ./. of Arabs with thpir asses, carrying cbm to the • city;pastsbue'viflagescrowningthe steeps, •■■■!, tifl^afrfl Encamped'beside a - • % beautiful old-pom.'Wo wero- : tmder tho ; shelter of a rock, wbose moist crevices were fringed withideiicate- fems.HvWhi]e dinner v i,*) .was preparing back oa our road— * - the narrow, stony road which, wound rotind v * the verdant-nVomontory opposite to onr rock ■ ■ ■ ■ :■ -rto find, a djoneysuokje which '1 had seen ' climbing and; blossoming to a -great height; and I brought back' a charming hyidfal of flowers.'.'” ' V ■ " , - r While wejwereial dinner in the tent, ft ' sound-of Bcnfflitig was hcard outside; end - ' ■ ■■-■ .when"our'dipgqmari next: entered,'.he w»ft: -'.b out.of -breath. • .We .afterwards heard the V whole story,'and were amused lotfind how X" zeaious our MohanuUedan servanUKcould ho - ur this'cause Hof Christians. Some Arabs, ' H with their loaded mules, had come with tho mtehtioa.oXencampirig beside the pool; and pa ,finding, ihe. ground .partly occupied, , though there was: plenty of--room. left, they . became abusive, and wondered-aloud what Xi'" 1 ' business thesp cursed Christians bad in their <.u country. ’Our dragoman resented/ihis, and X -1 throw the speaker down over.tbo’ i lcnt-ropee, f:• £ Tliero was theu a stout scuffle, and our cook ‘ • X coming to -help, and -tho Arabs . Ealiing one ' - • \ upon another over the tent-pegs in the dark, they had the worst ofit, : and wont off vow ing vengeahee. 'We heard no more of them, •, ' • • however.- .-i , .Yr~ • . o-i -xu The next moming .we saw tho hlediter ranenn, like basin of water be tween, two hjills. We were not going to- .. • \vnnls it, however, btit to Kablous. the an-. cient Sychafj xvhere' lies tliat JacoVa WdLl .V-HH* tit which die woman of Samaria wais worit - : to draw Hvater. • Our road lay through a . ' i : . now called Hawairahy where the crops veto >•: splendid for miles, .and- the villages were’ 'thickly planed ou, tliurhilla. .The.,ground :- .. ‘ rojo-iri a genus of gablet-lands, -of whfch thuro .Was a succession, .of, ibrqe, when we 'v ; v' 'C! \v>re.leaving lite riclitlfawarrah valley. The ; rviach* in liiia' part' of th‘e Tfp-jy TJtrtif wero '.' »*V:c IkuW/jyil-of tioaes, hetweeri'walis, or • t?hclcs througn oiivo grounds ai'nT'k&adows, br jraths miming -along shelres of tfife rocks, with'a bit of rocky staircase at'-each, .end, about ascending .or descending ••'which oUr . „'. good horses made no difficulty. - j .--t • > r Before entering the vaHey-Arliere aid- sy*-*—-*■<--» • chuj- lay betweeu the JEbal and - - J ..\ Uerizbn, wocaine io the fine, fertile ' oi ground which Jacob bought.. The'valley opens out into tins wide basin: and near V i ; ~ die junction qf the valley, and the basin »s ; 'v_.y, the old well Athich is of the conversation of JesUa With die Samaritan a woman. Somo of our party- wotuid'-round the base of tile hill to tne well;-and. some-v (?-id.l for ojie) rod© by themppCrjpath,, ovwi the shpuldqr .the hill,. and.scame dyu*u. on the ;p‘Jier side., .1 had thus>a fine ; v_ri view. o{ the whole locality; of the Talley • where the city lies- I —‘d narrow, Valley, - rich > - - Kvitfr fig and olive groves, and- bvejEungby ' the rocky bases of Ebal and GerurirnfwLero 2 : , the square' tho »tram of jhorocka. • From; this -height, ’ Jacob a land Jooked .a beautiful expanse.' • ■ ■ Ihe well hs_'aj niere roogh heap of stones, with a hole iiij the middle, nearly-closed up T ' . What there is'below]ground,.I cannot say; ’ - but this is sdl that is to be seen nn-,iho giy- .>. face. Tt is- hot a well likely-to .be in us© • now, for there’are maiiy Kpnngs and ’ehlallow cisterns (though no well) between this and* " ’ the town'which lies'abdut a nnle and a half •* off- '■ • ■ •-- s ~ ; Everybody knows that, thetjpwa'had no ’ friendly dealings with, the. lire. ■ •>' : Jeshs.'. Tho quarrelihadithen. lasted’ - • above five hun: < \- | rebuilding - the temple of Jerusalem uM the -;■■)■*>.■'?-• 'Jews hated them as’ a : mixed* race arid ‘ ' would uof admit that hay to :share in temple woralup,- or any* 'other Jew J sh privileges.' It really_ wasaxribstserious objection- to the Samarilanß, thaf tbey were : V' of a mixed race; not 1 only because the Jews * w4 believed that they held-the prbfrdses on tho vcty.grpand qf Ure purity qT'lheir','nice, but because the mteimaijiagesof the format Sa maritan Israelites .with Aflayriahs an'di others • _i - _ disposed them to idolatry, or al * least -do a * - worsliip as mixed as their race/ So'thoSa- «* hiaritans were excluded'fitira ihe relmildinir' of fin lemplei above firo hmia»lfyoinrß ,?•. .As 1 , not Mkipemufied-tbihelp, they ' did all they could to, hrndet. About ona - hundred-yean after,; thoy- obtainrf ,\tam ! from the Persian Court : (to'whicfrlboth'tlie !.Je.WB-.and they wero subject): to build a ee' •'{ heathen wives/ or ollierwise, and whp yet | wished to w ; prship‘Jehdvali'mr Ins’temple r **' '■ 1 resorting do Sj-char, to join the Sahiarithna! • ,'B aiulrender tlieir raceyet raoro-rrtiked.' Tliis' *- v " was ihe tpianfel which the womaii of-Sama- t » rig ; refcrred io when she spoke ques- ' tion,.;w!iethef “men in • d Uiisjnpajitain,or l in.Jerasalemi; i -.andithiu ; Is ” 2 explained her wonder; fruU.JqsUSvfbohig a § Jew, should hsk frater of.hcr,, a 1 '- ' } Samaritan. - There was alwVquarml abputTf their Scriptures; the - • dayi-fiiat the Saniaxitaashadialtered.tWtt or • taxts r relatuig io these two v r ,^ KbalaudOerizim,.intheir:owu'sacredcbpy of-file-books;of Moses-; - sisting, -of courstythat theirs 1 was' thU -'tfuo : 'copy.". V • .. • V-; - fhad alwaysiaken* - a strong interest iu this oldrquaneL;feeUng : • iympiiihy u-itli bbtli parties, - l%ht in. die wise -and soothing wbrds'oßle. sue- conceriung - it;- Tor both parties tp hegr, UuU .G^'ivasfnowlp’bfe were betas "W taletu temple,, or. tho: mountain- ar' Srttar' . Aud what a- lewon- m-liberality if WftMo above the suorea/pftesr the Jerusalem.;: -ffiSAiiLSgr ot'Cuur>e, trron;-, ft, tlteir tierco:anuor*;but ' euph .had ; .mueh.totplead-'oatlushoS 1 J t a“ ‘ 1 he Jews tvete bound to keep ' .X^pp.ure!:andJt S U,- aa Ah. • hft °f hfttli, that Jeftoyah K poldJuj-oilmtaho Jehpvah, f ia i Moses, as; they .' s mil Uiem to worship ui th Icm, U|eV cqidd/nQt/be b] OSeuir them^elves. t ’ '■’v'" . Jj , I , 1 ,t , , *• J* \ * i X - •»•',■'- d 1 ' «. •■