The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 07, 1848, Image 2

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    'l’lih m’JBBPRfiH-' (tA'XRTTR.--
■« QTTu •PrrmnoK DAn.T-OAr*hx U
■ - .Ss?’ »!id tWl/üBSS;
• lt FfraDeUaneer
><■ •
••• Wnt ?*>* ft* Kl»«nll>MffM.ynn.
. EduorlalCotiwpondened of the Piiuhorfh Gsz&ee.
<■ i • , Washisotos, Feb. 4,1548. /
. ■ Tbs Whigs bad s glorious, emlrastasti?, tunnf
mxu meeting this evening, and agreed'tili 6tta
Natwaal Convention should be held in the city cf
PhUadtipkia, on the Ith ef June. The Convention
viß be held St Independence Hall* • /
Cincinnati wunamed, and received a Urge vote*
PiOAurgb was *•' <• in Ciror
of Philadelphia unan-
' imant.
, X«et the Whigt
Union afthaW
We can ifw<
Tim Coc&iUee inder can.
Tierioo ' Steam*
boat Navigation wThe
■object, in view of the many accident* uponjthe
Western wareo dmingthw past sis months, excites
•; a .deep feeling among the members, and a general
latere* in the obunliy. It is proposed that Engv
naera who sre/earelesa'ihhll be subject to fine and
imprisonment, and that, the burden of proof that
they hate not been cardan, shall real upon them*
•eires, the explosion of a boiler and the lon of
life thereby; bring prma facts evidence against,
tbe*»- /It is farther proposed also that owners of
ateaadoats ibe liable to some extent tor damages
J lammed. These plans|are not mitored in Com*
but are the mbjems of consideration. The
/WiHM bi hrtib HrmM OfCongrats, I am an*
. ./tfaovisedtosute.wouldbeglsdtobeinibnnedofaay
■f reasonable remcdyfcr the existing eviL In theexci*
7•. ted stale of,many of the members of Congress and
/ of the farple upon thia.subject, there may be dan*
/ ger of legislation of so stringent a character, that
.ft will destroy.the moral effects of the law. c.B.
PaUie Laadi aad Territory.
, Wasnwoto!*, Feb. 2,1847.
The amount of surveyed - public lands in the
United States, and now ready for sale, is 241,391 ,*
139 emu. j; ]
. la addition, there are east of the Rocky
‘ ■ K - • Mountains,'and Vest of the Missis*
sippi, exclusive of lowa, 173,^49,707
Vest of the Rocky Monnls ins, extend
• - 'tog to the 49th deg. ofNorth latitude2lB^)3o,32l
.* .Vi ; :........... .•. 097,086,023
There are al*o Emigrant Indian lands westof
the Missouri and Arkansas, amounting to 132,295,-
. CB6 acre*. !•.
I hare quoted these few lines from one ofthe ta*
bles appended lo the report of the Secretary of the
; Treasury in order to *how the felly of our seeking
- ■more territory by conquest, and the above ia for
from being ail the; Public Domain. The whole
• ’ quantity is immensely beyond the capacities of this
■ Government to people beyond any part or proba
/' - tie ratio of,'the iucrease of population fer centuries
'to come; And yet there are men who seem to
" feel crowded, notwithstanding the millions of acre*
of waste land* within onr borders.
The President sent a Message to the Senate to*
day, in. relation t 6 the rejected treaty proposed
between Mr. Trist and the Mexican Commission
ers, in September last. The terms were called for
; by the Senate, and the President precede* their in
troduction, by his disapproval in the following Mes-
T*. Smtll oflht. TJailtd Stain.
In answer to the resolution ot the Senate of the
13th Jannkry, 1818, calling for information on the
nrr*i*iipp between the commissma
. ; «noftbe States and the connuiwuoners of
. during the suspension of hostilities after
thebattles'cf Contreras and Churubusco. 1 traos
• mil a aepqrt from the Secretary of Stale, and the
’ which accompany it.
I deem it pwperto add, that the invitation from
• theCOmmfrsSoocrscf the United Stales to thcMcx
• lean commissioners, 1 to submit the wo position of
boundary, referred to inhis despatch No. 15, of the
4th of September, 1817, herewith communicated,
wunaauthorixed by me, and waa promptly disap
proved, and this disapproval was communicated to
■ the eSmm-iraer. of the ,te
leatf possible delay. JAMES K. POLK.
WASHCfOTtfK, 2a February, 1848.
■ 'Y TES EECniEtr BIU- _■
The Senate debate was resumed at the usual
lionri after the mmning business. Mr. Bell, an old
member of the'Hoose, and Gen. Harrison’s Secre.
ttry of War,-"continued the debate in the Senate
upon the Ten Regiment BilL He discusse! the
policy of i the War, or rattier asked what was l. -
- 1 policy of lhe Administration in prosecuting the
War. The friends of the Administration were
pursning a masked policy.' They had deceived
hua,<ind they were deceiving the country. He
. came here expecting to vole for whatever men or
' money might be deemed necessary for the prosecu*
ling coming here, lie fonnd a decep
tive policy pursued. Senators here were not frank
end bonekt in their sentiments. They did net de*
- sare a Peace. They would not, if they conld help
it, make! peace upon'even the surrender of New
. Mexico and Upper Califomial What they meant
by the term teturityfbr du future, was,
until they fotfered and nursed a Government with
whom to make peace. They bnt acted a part
when they said they wished a treaty of peace with
Mexico. : : War was to be prolonged at the sacrifice
of hfo aid treasure, and experiment* were to fa*
made in Mexico and upon Mexico.
Mr. Bell put a good many pointed question# to
\ the friend* of the, Administration, and one or two
. flraitnrs answered in reply to pointed interroga
Mr. Foote, of; Mississippi, wu'd, "with an if that
.fee would be content with tfew Mexico end Up*
per *> l>c »p { *, the if, however, meant “security for
«he future," -agd'thU most be obtained, bo would
DOC cay how, until be beard front Mr- Caw
lit. Cum, a boro Yankee, a* he is, was disposed
to asswer otte question by asking another, but the
; ft-w— firom Tennessee would not let him off bo
«esOy. MrC. said be was for obtaining indemni
ty cud security, and these be meant, after baring
‘indemnity to beonderstoodsu anyone might choose
to ialerprit it, security against an unstable Gorera
‘ menl nid an obstinilepeopfe.
* But would the President and his friends make a
treaty with the Goverbment of Mexico?
Hr.Caiia said they would if they could obtain ae*
\ coxity again,—and they might do this by making
' the Siena Madre the boundary between the two
Hstioas, and keeping our troops in MexKo until
this “seOuriiy for the future" wa* enforced or made
certain, i
Tkeaequeatiorii and anawera made two or three
jood points in the detain. They by no mear.r aul-
Mr. Bell that Ite conquest of llse whole of
Mexico was llot designed by the Admiaiatrationc-d
Mr. Foote, yoo see, aaya one thing in Tammany
rr.n uj quite another thing in the Senate. / He
is out of doom for the whole, xnd in doon for New
Mexico, Upper Californio, nnd in n aeeond explc
' uatkm, for the Sierra Madre,sa • nntural boundary,
Bis .good many other of the loco Foco Senator*
„d Repnwentatiyea, be is a Propagandist, xnd be-
Beren, ailho Crusaders of old did, in converting
’«» unbelievere in Democracy, thoae obatinnln
Mexicans, «a Mm Cnse enlied hy the sword,
: Uwoeld be amaaing, if it were not in alarming en.
moufcmeht open peraonai end national right, to
Bear Senators ahoie the Mexicans tr an unwil
lingneas to tarter away their soil, ettixens, nnd
noon tdtta beat Province of their Republic. We
may wring ail this, them, and more too, hat
«M would think an uawiliingaeaa to surrender all
&o great marvel. /
Tba Hotue have bad another day upon the Pre
■HjW. Message,--^wo LocoFoeo speeches to one
opoathe Whig jiide, though grinds out
e (hsforooa complaint of the comuminion of time
By thnWktgßpenkcn. Mr.Stephena,ofCa,mede
’ B TgT y eloquent speech upon the war, and upon'
,u, infamous, *1 be characterized it, of
declaring that the President wae not raqmaeible for
ti. War with Mexico. Ha also spoke of the bad
dftta Secretary of War towards General
Taylor, arid promised a pointed reply, as it no doubt
Will be] when tweired, in the response of Genera l
Taylor toGor- Marcy. Mr. Stephens ia one of the
/ mmked men .trftta House, though imall in atamre
/^ l lmaltl»T^ to H'F P^°° 1,, * T ,“ d
fhilin him to make good themmlym,
/- S'triSoS “ *? **
- ' „ong tta very ablest men of, Urn body,—clear
rs iongteinded, wmmtemtod, and wdh .
• withal thalwrings like a trumpet. This u las
... seal and abiUty from the arst
Wm. Pcx*m*jpcmrAKY or Amjbhwt crnr/7
A tctj seat and taftcfal ctubowed note,' baa been
Uid opou oar tabid, enckmngno invitation to a UiU
to bo given 00 the j22d of February. -The elegance
of the bmtatKnr p.Ve.Jt .ate to aaaumo that
the ball will be one of the marked event! of the
1 • : Tk*-PrU* oAr Cottan.
The lut iidrice* 66m lirierpoolsre to tbs eflect
that Cotton is .sdlW smallaprice as was
erer known/the “market 3oIL This fret,
! ever of importance,! assume* additional - eonae*
| quence when it is remembered that the greater
part of the crop 0f1547-8 is yet to be thrown upon
the English market in the lace of these low prices.
Cotton has been held back tlie present season lor
an advance, bot as it baa not been obtained it mast
go to ha "«"»! and be aold at the current
rites. To show the accumulation aft be Southern
Seaports, or rather the retention of the crop in the
of the planter, jwe make the following state*
ment of the crop and exports, from which it will
be seen at a glance that we bare the bulk of our
Cotton to sell upon a’ dull if not a foiling market.
In the early part of the Cotton pickiig season, estL
mates are dangerous, things, but at the present time
none can deny that the Cotton merchants are able
to place the .amount jjf the crop of 1847-8 with a
good degree' of certainty.
The various authorities on this point place the i
figures at bales as the minimum, and 2,*
400,000 as the maximum of the crop, and the me
dium is therefore taken as the correct amount upon
wbictflo base the calculations propostd. As has
before-been'stated, tije price of Cotton in the Liv
erpool market im&ow at its lowest point, or as low
as ever knoufdr'Tel us bow see if we have not
a sufficient amount jof Cotton to force upon the
English market try keep the prices down, if not to
depress them. To 'get the amount we have to
■hip, it is necessary to add to the crop of 1547-$
I 2,300,000 bales.
•’ 1,1347, 215,000 “
Stocks on haod
.2,515,000 -
Supply lor the yeari.
From this supply there
will be wanted tbr
home use, J. .450,000 bales
Stock left Aoff. 31, '48.103,000 “
Home demand Sc stock.
Left tor exportation,. 1500,000 u
France baa not! taken in the last six years over
300,000 halea.uA pul 380,000 tor the French de
mand. All other; foreign ports in the same time
have not taken hut; 235,000 bales, but allow this
year 300,000, anu tj>e remains tor Great
Britain, andia as follows:
Crop for exportaiioij 1,900,000 bales*
Demand tor France! .380,000 bales.
Other foreign places,.3oo,ooo "- 030,000 “ -
Balance for Great Britain, 1,250,000 “ ■
Of which she has tHus far 193,000 “
Balance to ship,...] 1,057,000 “
At the corresponding dates of the past five years
the stocks to be shipped stood thus:
18(7... .621,000 bales. 1814... .974,000 bales.
1816....761,000 A 1813....979,000 “
Thus it will be Men that the atnoaat to go for
ward is larger than few the past 5 years. The natu
ral inquiry next it, tow large are the stocks of Col
ton in Britain to which Ibis vast amount
is to be added, and larhal are prices now and last
year. Confining the examination to the Lirejrpool
market, the facts coin be obtained with all the ac
curacy desirable, jfbe great mass of Cotton is de
livered there, and in fact the Cotton trade of Liv
erpool is the trade of the Kingdom.
The stock at Liverpool on the Ik of January;
1817, was 439,970 l ales, as is shown bv the Colton
< Tables. Tito same source gives the imports of the
'year 1817 as 1,059215 bales, which added to the
stock on hand, giv?s a supply ibr the year of 1,-
527,215, which mu «l bo reduced by an export of
127,120 bales, leari ig tbe amount for consumption
1,400,095 bales.
Consumed in
Slock on band for 1,915,.. 355,035 “
Amount to be shipped, ......1.097,000 u
To this should be added lor shipments on the
way, to be added to the Liverpool slock, sod not
included in the 1,0: 7,000 bales,do,ooo
will give for the ui e of Great Britain up to next
January) without b leaking of otfV'next erop, (
1,482,935 bales*
Consumption in ; SIS
Same as ISJ7,. ...28,030bales. .
Per week, ' 1,057,000 “
Stock otrfaanJ, Jan 1,1519, 305.935 “
The next point to examine is; whether the Li'
erpool quotations era likely to recede or advance
d a ring the reception of the year's supply. A table
of prices on the at Liverpool,pbced
in contrast with the price* of the same grade after
the export of G2l ,w 0 bales f r the amount sent
thrift subsequently Jan. 15 ' 17, will enable u*
to compote what I effect ili«- * \ port of 1,057,000
ltales will have upon the <piv>t-uoas of Jan. 1,1918
LivrrpooL,Jan. 1,’47. VzjtorU. Livtrpool, Jan. I,’4S
N. O. Fair, 021,000 4105 d
MobUe,' “ 71(371 bales. s|®4f
If the reception of 021,000 bales caused a reduc
tion of 2id per pound on New Orleans Cotton, is
it not reasonable ti suppose that the reception of
1 ,097,000 bales will depress, or at least keep prices
at the present low; point? Is it not only probable,
but also inevitablej that the Cotton planters will be
i tiged to sell their crop at a reduction that, com
pared with last year, will tel] with greateffectupon
the gross amount of our exports. We have alrea
dy showed to what'a ruinous extent our exports of:
breadstuff* have (alien off, and no one can say that ■
the figures of a laler day will not be still more,
yin«r us, in a comparative table. Great Britain
has now cheap bread aad cheap Cotton, added to
a reduced Americhu UrilT, and we shall have at
no remote day an opportunity to judge what effect
this will have upj>n our business. The famine
has ended, and we shall try free trade upon its own
■mil] merits, finding it a costly experiment.
Fcaairlwil* Legislature.
i Harrisburg, Feb. 2, 1539.
I JHorst —Mr. Baker offered a resolution that here
after the House sii until half pail one o’clock; not
agreed to. Mr. Siiith (Bradford)onethattbe House
hereafter meet at 0 o’clock in the- morning, which
was so db to require the ilouse to meet
at 7 P. M- and continue in session until halfpast
7 A. M, when the resolutions amended wo* post*
poned for the preient
Reports.-— Tbo-Committee 0 a Bonks opencdthe
flood gates this morning, and the venom bunt forth.
The Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Schuylkill
county, the Lafayette Bank, PhiTs, and several
others were guilotined. It was riot only inexpedi
ent to grant the prayer of the'petitioners, but 4m*
practieal.and radically wrong.
Mr. HtU, no act for the protection of Cemeteries
and Graveyards.:• Mr. Noble, one to incorporate a
company to make; an artificial road in Allegheny
county. I ...
Mr.Otwine, an net limiting the loans of the banka
o! this Commonwealth. Mr. Meyer moved the
House consider bill erecting a new election district
in York county, vetoed by the Governor, yeas 3,
naysS2. , .. ,
Next in order was a reaoluuon excluding from
the Legislature stich matter as falls within the ju
risdiction of the courts. This elicited some little
discussion, and was finally postponed indefinitely,
by yeas 63, nays 56.
The bill*abolishing the Board of Revenue Com
missioner* was dext in order and was postponed
until the last Saturday of February, by a vole of
yeas 46, nays 441 This is a virtual killing of the
bilL 'Several Locos were disposed to treat the bill
fairly and give it a full bearing. Tbev voted against
the postponement] but the unit mol and enfortu.
note absence of a few Whigs, enabled the enemies
of the bill to succeed. The bill to incorporate the
AogusJiaaiaa College was next in order, taken up,
and passed the Several readings. In order next
was the war resolution, which however, the House
would not consider.
The House then went into consideration of the
bill to provide for; the survey of a route to avoid
the inclined plain pn the Colnmbia road.
On motion, the Committee rose and asked leave
to sit again. ; „
SnuTt—ln Senate this rooming, after the usual
presentation of Mr. Daraie (Financ*) re
ported, with amshdmeols, tlte bill lo provide for
the repair of breaches upon the canals and railroads
of this Commonwealth; which was token up, and
passed its several!readings.
Mr. Matthias {Select Committee) reported, with
anamenmdentflne.bill loexempt the property of
the University ofjPenusylvama from taxation..
- Mr. Daraie, (Fittnace) on leave given, reported
a bill relative to stock held by the State In turnpike
Companies. 1' .., „
Tbe bill ,to extend the charter of tbo Farmers
oad Mechanics I 'Bank of Philadelpia, was taken
op on third reading, and after some discussion it
passed finally by a vole of—yeas 19,nays 10.
*Mr. Srayser offered a'resolution requesting tbe
Committee on the Judiciary, to inquire into the ex
pedienry <* to amending the existing law* in rela-
Ucni to indicia! sales, that the purchaser at such
sales shall upoh payment of the amount of h» bid
Uke such title aslis vested in the debtor, tree and
discharged from nil lien*. Agreed to.
The bill relaitveto the Harrisburgh, Portsmouth,
"Mbuatioy and Lancaster Railroad Company, was
taken up and pawed on second reading.
To omu or; iu. iro. or autuom-In
conformity with «n ordinrnco paired tie 25th rf
October, 1817, all otrnera of bacla, wajona, omw
boaea,cara, catta cir drnya and pnrnle enmajea, of
everydcacriptioc,arerequired, on orbefore the
lat day of Februnry, 1848, end yearly thereafler to
eaU at tba oOce of thoeily treaaurcr, and bnro tbe
name repaired and numbered, nnd to tote out
iicenaea for the euluiuy yenr, Each end ere ry per*
'■on neglecting, will forfeit $5 for each offence..
The Cavrt of lnqlmrjr oa Ocn. Scett*
' TbeNewf-Orleaaa Delta has beea favored with
a manuscript copy of the following General Order
of the Secretary ot War, issuirf by of the
President, which explains itself:
Gnu£u. . W “
itfrt > AnrrTA-vr OtxxjuLvOrrcE,
) Jbn. 13,lSl&.
The following orderj received from the Secretary
of War, is published for the ialonnaiioo and gui
dance of the officers concerned:
Wan Dxfartxext, Jamtast 13,1849.
By direction of the President of the United States
a Court of Inquiry, to consist of Brevet Brig. Gen.
X. Towiisan,‘P«ynia>ter General, Brig. Gen. Caleb
Cushing, oud CoL K. G. W. Butler, 2d dragoons,
members, will assemble in Mexico to inquire and
examine into the charges and allegations preferred
by Major Gen. Winfield Scott against Major Gen
eral Gideon J. Pillow, and Brevet Lieut Col James
Duncan, captain of the 2d regiment of artillery,
and the charges or matters ot complaint presented
by way of appeal by Brevet Major Gen. W. J.
Worth, colonel of the Bth regiment of infantry,
against Major Gen. Winfield Scott and also into
any matters connected with the same, os well as
such other transactions a* may be submitted to
the consideration of the Courts and aAer investiga
ting the tame, the Court will report the facts in
each'cate, together with the opinion thereon, for
the information of the President
The Court will convene on the 18th day oi Feb.
ruary next, or ns soon thereafter as practicable, in
the Castle of Perote, in Mexico, where it will con
tinue to hold its sittings, unless the exigencies of
tbepublic service may require the place to be chang
ed, ui which case the Courtis authorised to adjourn
from, place to place, os circumstances may be occa
sioned by its sessions.
Should any of the members namediin the order
be prevented from attending, the Court will pro
ceed to and continue the business before it. pro
vided {the number of members present be withiu
the limitation prescribed by law.
First Lieut Richard P. Hammond, 3d artillery,
is appointed to act as Judge Advocate and Recor
der of the Court
in case the Judge Advocate and Recorder should
,be prevented from attending, druuablelo discharge
’ the duties, the Court is authorized to appoint some
other persou, dr devolve the duties of Recorder
upon member. f
W.: L. MARCY. Secretary of War.
By order R, Jones, Adjutant General.
It will be seeu by the above that Gen. Scott is to
be tried upon an “appeal" of Gen. Worth which
fact makes theinsalt greatertoGen. Scott, for none
can dispuute that Gen. Worth's petty squabbles
'about his rank could be settled after the troops are
withdrawn from the field, as well as now. The
Nevy York Journal of Commerce in speaking
his recall says“We believe that public opinion
here' as nearly or quite unanimous in condemning
the act, ft* harsh and uncalled for especially in view
of the campaign which, amid a thousand -difficul
ties imd dangers, and with such inadequate means
he his conducted to so successful a termination.—
Fortunately the Administration cannot strip him of
the laurels he has won, whatever may be the forms
of hiimilhaton to which they subject him, or the
deeper humill islion to which they subject them
selves. S*
It was rigid enough to order a Court Martial for
the investigation of the case, but to assume in ad
vance that the Cornmander-in-Chief was- wrong,
and bis subordinate right,—to suspend Gen. Scott,
and restore Geo. Worth to his command,—thus in
flicting a double censure upou the former,—is. in
our opinion, going far heyomTlbe limits of proprie
ty, and deserves to be severely censured in its
This order, it appears from the Union of Thurs
day : night, has been modified, and now reads as
follows: '
War Department, January 17,1515.
The order of the 13th instant, instituting n court
of inquiry, with instructions to convene in the cas
tle of Perote, Mexico", on the l&lh of February, is
changed and modified by detailing Brevel Colonel
Belknap, lieutenant colonel of the sth regiment of
infantry, a member, id place of Colonel Butler, 3d
dragoons, relieved; and appointing Captain S. C.
Ridgely, of the 4th regiment of artillery, the judge
advocate and recorder, in place of First Lieuten
ant Hammond, of the 3d regiment of artillery.
The court will assemble in the city of Puebla on
the jfifo day of February next, or as ■non tbereaf
ter as practicable, instead of the Castle of Perote,
with the same discretionary power to adjourn from
place to place, as authorized in the original order
for its institlulion.
Ttoe Xew Treaty’Proposltlonr
The telegraph reports that the steamer Edith has
arrived at X. Orleans with later news from the Seat
of War. Her dales are from Vera Cruz to the
29th of January, and from the City of Mexicoabout
two week* earlier.
The Mexican Commissioners have submitted a
treaty of peace based upon Mr. Trist's proposition,
made by hini last September nt Tocubaya. The
treaty is in fact foe one which the President
says he has notified Mr. Trisl would not be
accepted. It may be that the Executive has mod
crated his views, and that peace will be made. The
boundaries laid down in that proposition were as
“The boundary boo between the two Republics
sbal! commence nt a point in the Gulf of Mexico,•
three'leagues from land, opposite to the middle of;
the southernmost inlet into Corpus Christi bay; ‘
thence through the inlet, and tn the middle of the
mouth of the river Nueces; thence up to Yoke
Lake, or Laguna de las Yuolas; thence, by a line
due west, to the middle of the Rio Pucrco, and
thence up the river to the parallel of latitude ytx
geographical mile* north ot the fort at the Paso
> del Norte, on the Rio Bravo; thence due west along
the said parallel to the point where it intersects the
western boundary of New Mexico; tbence north
wardly along the boundary nntil it intersects a
Lraochoflhe river Gila; thence down
er Gila, until it empiies into the Rio Coloradu, and
down or up the middle of the Colorado; as the case
may require, to the thirty-third parallel of latitude;
and thence dtte west along the said parallel into
lite Pacific Ocean." ;
The'Unitcd Stales upon the agreement of Mex
ico to this, line, were to pay $15,000,000, in five
annual payments, the first to be made as soon a*
the treaty was ratified. The $3,000,000 granted
last year were no doubt for this purpose, and
though foe Executive has repudiated Mr. Trial,
that officer ha* no doubt in all things carried out
what he thought Mr. Folk’s plan*. The New
York Courier and, Enquirer gives tbe following as
the present treaty, which it will lie seen is substan
tially foe same:
4 have ascertained from Queretaro that the
treaty d&s include San Diego in tbe cession lo the
United Stales, and that tlie Rio Grande is tbe boun
dary up to 32 deg., and thence 1 think to the Gila;
but the exact liae'l cannot giveyou. Lthink,bow
ever, the boundary will be ibis:—Up the Rio
Grande to the 32d parallel of north latitude; thence
to tbe nearest waters of the Gila; thence down the
Gib to the Colorado and tbe centre of the Gulf of
California, to the 32d parallel of north latitude.and
tlteoce due west to the Pacific. lam certain that
San' Diego is included. -*
[Not if tlte line runs west at 32 N. from the cen
tre of the gulf] San Diegn would be left north a
long distance, and the 33d parrallel, a* in the first
draft, is the one if San Diego is included.)—Ew»
AH-speculatioa ir now a! an end as to what will
be done with the treaty here. It will be ratified at
once by an unanimous or noarly unanimous vote
of the Senate. As to the,consideration to be paid
to Mexico. I think it is 516.000.0 W- from which,
however, I ain inclined to believe, are to be deduc
ted all the claims due by Mexico to our citiien*,a*
well those already awarded as those that may lie
awarded by futnre commission*. On this point,
however, my letters both from the City of Mexico
and Queretaro do not give precise intelligence.
Tit i: Treaty or Mb- Tkwt.—The telegraph news
in another column settles the lari that My. Trial lias
negotiated a treaty in spile of the assertions of the
afflicted administration press that no intimation had
been received at Washington of it The Sun say*
If Mr. Trim’s treaty, for I maintain that he has
concluded a treaty with the Mexican Commission
era in Mexico, heconfimicd or ratified by tho Mex
ican Congress nine at Queretaro, 1 really do nut
see how the odriinirtralion cau get rid of it, or
avoid sending it Into the Senate. But should Mr.
Trist’s treaty fail to be ratified, then Mr. Trial will
have no more, chance to treat.
1 understand, from a reliable source that«special
tnesstnger/uualriady been dispatched to him to bring
him hems by or, at any rats, to expel him ftvut
Mexico, city andconntry. This is nothing more than
right There is 807-ja«tance on record, in the
history of ancient or modem diplomacy, where
a lunctionary of'that sort remained an hour lon
ger at tbe post to which-he was assigned, after he
was recalled by his government; but it would seem
that’ in the case of Mr. Trirt the.agent treats the
Government according to his discretion —keeping
the Mexican secrets better than those of the power
that sent him. I • .
Tatloe Mittiso u? Cincinnati.—The Cincinnati
GaxpUesaysof .the meeting held on the 2d that
the turnout last night was tremendous—the largest
perhaps that has taken place in this city sineelatO.
The great mass of the people were whig*, but a
very large proportion orthem not of those who fa
vor the nomination of General Taylor for tbe Pres
idency at Uhrttme. Just as tho meeting was ta
king a vote upon the resolutions, the floor of the
Hall gave way, and tlietieople fled precipitately by
doors and windows' The flight of so many per
sons was alarming; some jumped out of tbe win
dowra! others rushed for the doors, regardless of the
conifequences. The scene was frightful, two per
sons, only, were Injured, vix: Mr. Stone, and Dr.
Ashton. Upon examination it was found that the
floor of College Hall settled between eight inches
and a foot, m or pear the centre.
Cot. Frjcui/ntS Taut.—The Washington Cor
respondent of the Baltimore Sun sayas—“The Court
Martial in the case of Lieut CoL Fremont tiavc
punished, bat only to a very limited extent The
Court did not, in all probability, find him guilty of
mutiny; b°t tnereiy of.disobedieueo of orders; but
of this I am dot' certain. • I feel certain tliatlbe
sentence of the Court will be remitted by tbe clem
ency of tbe. Exccdtive. j
National Convention.—The Whig Central Com
mittee of Ohio has recommended the election of
delegates oa the put o{ Ohio, to be made si an ear*
I T**J- !' ■
- The market reports in another column will fully
explain the state of the -Fnglwb nuirkels, so far as
they affect- Agricultural produce and what ismort
important to Pittsburgh, the metal market
Twenty additional {adores arc gaxeUed r since foe
sailing of the steamer of January Ist lathi* con
nection it may be proper to state,! that the New.
. York branch of the bouse of Santis & Cot, of Liv
erpool has stopped payment
The revenue' of Great Britain j for the year bos'
fallen off, to the extent of sU,oood>oo.
The chief deficiency is in the Excise, Customs
and stamps, indicating but too clehrly that the peo
ple have been compelled to curtail the consump
tion of commodities of first necessity; and -the defi
ciency in the item of Stamps, which is no less than
i 1175,852 on the last quarter, marks distinctly the
decline which has taken place in .trade. , i
Under these circumstances it D}ast be apparent
to every reflecting person that whilst the causey
which have led to the actual deficiency in the in
come of the country coutiuue in operation, it fs
scarcely possible, during the ensuing six months,
that any very great improvement [can be effected:
and, instead-of any reduction in the duties of Cus
tom or Excise, the question will rather be to what
extent of additional taxation we shall lie 'compell
ed to submit in order to keep foq expenditure *f
the country within the limits of our ordinary jin
come. - •
It will be' seen that free trade is about as weak
in England as at home, and thatj the taxes bsve
got' to be increased. Tbe government means to
keep dowii the price of imports ;by checking tbe
volume of tbe currency, which is done through tbe
maintainance by tbe Bank of {England, of the
high rates of interest in the face of tlie large receipts
of coin. | j
In the manufacturing districts a gradual improve
ment seems to be going on." In Manchester en tLe
11th; out of 294 mills and manufactories, 109 were
working full time, with a full complement of bands;
30 were working Yuli time with paly a portion of
their full complement; 51 were on short time, end
14 were entirely still Of the operatives, 31,773
were working full time, SOCO short time, and 7422
were entirely without employment. y-- J t
. The manufacturers were silently and cautiously
reducing wages, and the operative* were generally
submitting to their reductions. Tbe iron-worker*
bad reduced their-prices considerably. Sheets,
which on last quarter were quoted at £l3 lOr,
were fixed at £lllos to 8 Bs. No fixedprice was
'settled on for pigs, which are expected to become
scarce, in which cose prices indsl advance pro
portionally. j
There were supposed to be at least 4000 Iron
workers out of employment, and tbe wages of those
employed bail beeureduced ffom|ls to 2Qpef cent.
The men. Itowever, generally manifest a disposition
to resist this reduction. j
fo eland. —The physical misfortunes of this a?
dieted county seem U> be abating, but tbe wretch
• ednets produced by the sway of’evil passions ap
pears to be still pervaleoL Additional districts
have been “proclaimed’' by the Lord Lieutenant
as within the operation of the new disarming laws.
The repealers are represented ns very much at
odds among themselves, with considerable difficul
ties in the financial departmeut i
Tbe most striking feature, andjit is no less pain--
ful than striking, is tbe progress bf destitution ap-.
parent through the West and South. From Mayo,
the local journals brings us accounts of inquests
upon not less tlian six bodies, in all of which the
verdicts ran “Died of Tbe Mayo Con
stitution stales that six bullocks had been houghed
one .night during tbe last week oh Mr.-Jamca .fuo
hy’« premise*, a large and wealthy fanner. The
outrage would seem not to have! arisen from di*-
1 tress, as, though the animals were killed, tbe car
carcasses were left behind. {
' For five days of the last week six corpses lay
ueburied at tnnistymon, awaiting the Sabbath that'
a collection might be made tb provide coffins for
> them, as the deceased either had no friends, or none
. who were able to provide them {with any. Some
f of thoac bad died of destitution. .
The criminal Courts, with a special commission
had been in session but had adjourned.
Twenty-eight convicts weresenteneed to transport
•athm.Thc court, at its rising on the Sth, adjourned till
the 10th of January. Up to that time nearly 5U
person* had Been arraigned, yet! there wa* not a
single ucquitaL and. in almost every case, the jury
found without leaving their hax.{
Mrs. Mowail oiid Mr. Daveujxart made a most
successful appearance ■ at the Princess’* Tliratre,
London, on the 7th instant.
Both Mr*. Mowalt aud Mr. Davenport are deci
ded acquisitions to our stage. I
Rev. Bishop Hampden was; confirmed in hi*
new dignity o* Bishop of Hereford in Bow Church
London, on tbe 13th, amidst a great crowd of pei{
pie,.by whom he was loudiv cheered. lie ia a de
scendant of the renowned llampdeu.
Dszadkdl SmrwßzcK.—lntelligence has been
received from Malta of the total of her Majes-
ty’s steam-frigate Avenger, on the Sorelle rucks, otT
the northern coast of Africa. The Aveuger had
on hoard 270 persons, all of whbm, it i* feared,
were drowned, with the exception of a lieutenant
and four men. The vessel was {commanded by *
son of Admiral Napier, and among tbe victim* was
Lieut Manyatt, son of Capt MarryalL It appear*
from • stale meat in foe Maks Tunes, .-that when .
the Aveager struck, two boats were lowered,
one containing Lieutenant Rook*, tbe surgeon, lbs
second master, and five seamen;; but they were at
once carried away from the ship; which they
thrown upon her beam ends, the sea making a c)eaa>
breach over her. Tbe boat reached the coast of
Africa at Huerta, but was swamped in the attempt
to land; only fire persons, including Lieut. Rooke,
gaining the shore, llr the aid iof some friendly
Arab*, they were enabled to reach Tania The
Avenger was a first class steamer, of -1444 tons,
and 050 horse power. !
trrsLx: —Espsrtero loaded £t .St Sebastian on
the Ist instant, aner an absence !of five years. It
was observed by those near bjra that he wrpt
whilst stepping trum the boat on tbe pier. He took
up his residence with Senor Lasals, deputy for St.
Sebastian. After entering it, he I came to the bal-
oony and foe garrison marched by him, in review.
order. Tbe alcalde and civil authorities paid bus
tbeir respects. He left at one next morning for.
Madrid. !
Capt R. H. Judd, R. X. many years command
ing a post-office packet at Holyhead, died at Chel
tenham, on foe 29tb uit. He was the last known
survivor of tbe boltleof Bunker’s biilL
In France there does not appear to be any move
ment worth notice, except that caused by the sur-
render of Abdel Kader the Napoleon of Algeria,
who seems about to share a similar fete at foe
Ladds of hi* late enemies. He has * uremic red to
foe Due d*AumalealAlgeria,on condition of hi* re
nting to Sc Jean D’Acre. Thi*[ event establishes
the seennty of foe French dominion in. Africa, for,
deprived of their brave and chivairic leader, tbe
Arabs will now probably give up the hope of ma
kmgjmy effectual bead against tfie invaders. A re
duction of the army in Africa, frpm oae hundred
thousand to fifty thousand men is already spoken of
Tbe moat recent intelligence from Paris inform* u*
that tbe French Government had brokeu faith with
Al>d-et-Ksder. It had him that it
esunot consent to hi*guing to St,- Jean d'Acre on.
any term*, and that, with reganl'to Egypt, it must
first sue whether tbe Pacha will agree to receive
him. ;
I ler Royal Highness, Madame Adelaide sister of :
the King of the Freuch, expired ; oa the 30111 uIL, :
at 3f o'clock, at the Tuilleries, in her 71 A year,
bnvmgbeen born on the 21st of August, 1777.
Tlte Eioperur of Russia i* said to be' seriously
iIL The Cologne Gazette of Jan'. 5, soys:—
asserted that tbe Emperor of Russia is seriotfaly
indisposed with a bilious fever, a complaiut from ;
whicn his Majesty has frequently suffered, and one
which, as is well known, i* dangerous in Russia.
lr act .—We see that his holiness Pope Pius
IX, progreiues-witb his constitutional reform meas
ures to the great satisfaction of his subjects. A
Ministry «>n tbe most comprehensive plan has been
formed. The Ministers have sill State appoint
ments, with the exception of Cardinals and Nun-
jio*. I r-
Twelve hundred mtukrts had arrived frota ;
France, in puraiiam.-c of an agreement entered in
to between the .Roman, Tuscan and Sardinian
governments, to proceed comcidently on the sub
ject of reform.
An immqdiate revolt was expectod in Naples
10,000 Students hail been banished from the Capi
tol, but thu order was subsequently revoked.
The hostile fin-ling against tho! Austrian govern
ment was daily gaming ground;bnd lilllu <iou[it is
entertained of it* complete final independence.
An Army of Observation was bejng formed under
General* Parma and Modena, for .the purpose of
keeping Auotnun despotism in check. The great*
est.eotbumiasui prevailed. 1
An emeute had taken place in Rome, the scenes
nf'which were something like those enacted in
Pnris at the clo*e of the last year of tho reign of
Louis XVI. The mob, beaded |by Cicerowhaek,
brought up on the fint dsy a long demand of rightr
and concessions resembling thu five points of the
O'Connorite charter.—^The civic guard, comprising
0,000 men, were called out for tho purpose of meet
ing the supposed insurrectionists at the gate of the
QuirinaL The doors in tho city were barred, and
every precaution taken, but a heavy rain dispersed
the crowd. In the meantime one of the Senators,
Prince Corsiai, went through the streets harang
uing tho toob. The mob gathered around the Club
of (Jircola Romani, from the belcony of which tbe
Senator addressed the people. “Sifenxio" bawled
out a brawny fellow, and all wcre : quiet '"Tell the
Popp," continued the man, u thm tbe people are for
him, and for him alone; that if lie listens' to the
scoundrels around him, and if be does not send
them to the right aUnit, this Roman blade will do
the Imsineas.”—-Shouts followed this warlike
speech, and the crowd ultimately quietly dispersed.
The report of a collision between tlie people and
the military alMilon is confirmed. A sanguinary
massacre had taken place, which, was apparently
acquiesced in by the superior authorities. The
number of inhabitants killed and ’wounded by the
soldiers is staled at from thirty to one hundred and
■sfty. Among tho killed was the ;aged Counsellor
Maxauint, nearly seventy year* 1 of age, a very
venerable citizen; be was cruelly.murdered by the
soldiery while in the act of peacefully entering hia
own residence. The svutas ardae-out of rough,
usage given to tbe military by ihe citizens,'; and
bad been smouldering for some time. i
The British barque Helena, of and from Dundee
for New York, with a cargo valued at $lOO,OOO.
was totally lost on the third day after leaving port.
Six of the seamen composing her crew were trash*,
ed overboard ttod drowned.
From Orxoon.—A dispatch dated St. Louis, Jan
29tto»ays :Leyi* Thomas Glendey’and oao compan
ion arrived today from Oregon City,-which place
they left on the 23d of September. 1847. They
bring no newt, but a lot of letters 1 for various per
sons, a among which ia one to Presideni; Polk,
Tbo& H. Beaton, dec. i *j
Correspondence : of the Rtiabafgh Gazfete. '
I „ , • , < Liverpool, Jan. 13,1845.
I Bark—The ttock of Quercitron u-smali, and pri
ces are advanced ia consequence of the' aby-nre*
, of arrivals. - Iron—Since oar Ust, the redaction in
.price both in Staffordshire and Wales, '.has beea
' confirmed: and the genera] quotations may be con
sidered £2 p ton lower than the prices qiioted last
quarter day. In consequence of the notice given
to the men of a reduction in wages in : Stafford
shire, great many of the' works ora and
although the makers quote low priaes,] yet there
are. few who. will make contracts at present rales.
Should tbe make be kept down for a few weeks,
v* are under the impression that prices' will not
go lower than they are. at present. We believe
that Scotch pigs have seen their lowest price, and
that any change will be for tbe better.* Present
rate*—scotch piga, £3; merchant bars jrf JO*; best
bars, £3 15s; hoops £9 sa; sheets £lO 10* in Liv
erpool !
Liverpool, Jan. li, 1848. -
Fixra* A3D Geact—We have had an extremely
dull Corn market during tbe past fortnight, and pri
ces have declined Is Gd p bbL on Floor, and 3d to
4d ybu on Wheat The demand for Indian Cora
and Meal has been very limited, and prices of tbe
former have declined 3* to 4s » quarter, and of
tbe latter Is p bbL 1 ’
Western Canal Flour 29s Od to 29s fid » bbL
Baltimore aadPbitadelphia 2Sa Od to 29s Od do
Sour 23* 0d to 25a Od do
Indian Cora Meal.. ISsOdto oeod do
WhileU.S.Wheat.9sGdto 9s9dp7ofl>
Red and mixed do SsOdto B»'9d do
Yellow Indian Cora 31a Od to 33s 0d»480B>
White do 31s 0d to 34s‘0d do '
. Stats or Trade—Trade at Manchester contin
ue* dull, and prices of many descriptioni;of Goods
and Yarns are lower than at any former period.
Spinners, tempted by the low price of the raw ma
terial, and hoping for future amendment in trade,
have still further increased their production but it
is feared that a continuance of ibe present dullness
would have tbe eflect of causing, in some instan
ces, a-return to short time. . ..
P. S. 14th January.—The Cotton markyt today is
rather steadier. The sales are 4000 bales.
We bare bad a large arrival of staff to-day from
Ireland, and the Cora market is extremely dull.
Western Canal Flour 23s Od to 29; p.bbL Best
yellow American Cora 32s to 33a p quarter. Corn
Meal not saleable at 15a ?bbL A. D.'fis CO.
Correspondence of Lhe Pita burgh Gaiette.
London, Jan. (4,1848.
Metals.—Scotch Pig Irbo has been dull of sale,
and prices have had a declining tendency, sales
have been made in No. 1, at 4Gs, and mixed num
bers at 445, cash; but yesterday the [rates from
Glasgow came higher, and the quotations are now
48s for the former and 4Gs for the latter. About
2000 tons of No, 1 have been told for spring de
livery at 475. Rails and Bonfire dull oi-aale al£7
in Wales, and Barin London it £8 5s lo £S 10s.
Staffordshire Hafs at tbe works are.£7 ss. Welsh
and Staffordshire Pigs are dull of sale—bot blasts
in Wales COx, and cold No. 1,80 s. Swedish keg
Sleel is dull of sale at £l4,'Uut faggots are firm at
£lslo* to £lO ss. The stock of the formeris large.
A fair business has been done in tin plates at foe
late reduction. - i
Correspondent* of Pittsburgh [Gazette.
Anothtr Fight tcith th» GutriUms.
Ceneiposdenee of the Pittsburgh Gatatte.
Philadelphia,'Feb. 5.
The steamer Edith, has arrived at X. Orleans with
later news from foe Seat of War. Hiri dates are
from Vera Cruz to foe 20th of January, j i
Thu Mexican Commissioners have submitted a
treaty of peace bated uppn Mr. Triila proposition
It has come by foe Edith, and has been sent to
Washington. ‘ {i ‘
The train commanded by Col. Wither*, reached
Real Del Monte in safely. [This train is an expe.
dition that left foe city Of Mexico on the 2GUi of
December to collect the rent of a silYor mine at
Pachuca worked by an English company. The
party consisted of foe Dili Regiment of 'infantry, a
squadron of dragoons, and a couple of [pieces of
artillery, under foe command of CoL Withers, of
foe 9th. They were to return iu ten [or twelve
day*-] ; l :
CoL Wynkoop ha* hud another engagement
with the Mexican troopssudCheßllen, anil has cap*
lured General Valencia, and Arista who; bad been
released on parole. [This division marched from
foe city of Mexico about the 20th, for tbe' interior,
in pursuance of Gen. Scou's orders, to overrun
.Mexico- and was,.with Geu. Cufoiq£*
route for ‘San AngeL This cranmamL'caasists of
tbe Ist and 2d IVnnsylvama, New Vork, South
Carolina and Massachusetts Volunteers. These
removals make room for tbe new troops, and ■»
Gen. MarshaU'WaaeipeclrdinaweekOrjtwo with'
some five or six thousand own, still further move
ment* most be made. [ :
CoL Domioguei of foe Mexican spy : regiment
had captured Col*. Torrejon and Minon with then
guards.. - i.;
Gen. CaJwaisdcr had left foe capitul for Tolu
co, on an expedition agaiust the Mexican* re|ort*
led there. ! ■ •
revenue assessed l>y Gen. Scott! is already
coming in freely m specie. $120,000 Usd been re
Advices have been received from the .West coast
of Mexico. By it we have later newsfrom California,
and lean* foal -VW ranger* attacked the Americaji
poarunons in Laparre and San Joee and defeated
the Ameriranitrui>p* and burned foe houses.
The American* retreated to tbe Cpast, where
there were two American vessels of War to assist
them. !
Commodore RJJgely is, we regret to! say, dead
He was in command on the Western Coast of Mex.
ice, <ri one of the American vessels of war. lU*
disease was foe gout.
low* ItaaUr.
Correspondence of lire Pituborgh <^*r*ne.
Sr. Louts, Fell 5,1818.
Lau> advices from lowa City state that tbe Leg
islature has adjourned without electing-either Uni
ted-States Senators or Judges.
From tbo latlaa Conatry.
News from Fort Mann haa"been received at
this city down to tbe 10th of January, r There had
beeo nothing of impurt*mc« developed since our
last. There bad been a good many death* among
the soldiers, but. from diseases contracted before
.they entered tbe luilian country. i
There ia six feet of water in the Missouri rivet
/mm St. Louis to Cairo.
Lxclusir* Correspondence oTlhs Pittsburgh Gaxstw
Philadelphia, Feb. 5,4, r. m.
Ffaoua—Tbe market is quite dull with moderate
sales sales only of Western at 687 p bhL
Cue* Meal—Sales at $2,87 p bbl price nom
inaL \
Wheat—Safes ol prime Red at 131 ir buf trans
actions limited: j -
Coxjr—Salesjof GrfOO bn. prime Yellqw'at 66c p
Whbxkt—Moderate sales at 24lc|sgali.
Groceries and Provisions are jnaclivf. No sales
worth reporting. > i
Exclutivs Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaxetls
‘ New-York, .Feb. fl. 3 P. M
Fujcr—Sales of Genesee, at ldil.,of
Western brands at 687 c tp bid. The market is dull
and prices on the decline. - | '
Ihuivistoss —Tho market is hesvy and but little,
doing. Sales of Lord in bbts at Bc, and in kegs at
Flamxh>—Limited sales at 110 p bu.
Gnaw—Prime White com is fiSfltVJc,
and prime Yellow at ,MX262c. j.
Eielosiv* Correipondence of the Pitubureh Gaiette
Ualtimoer, FeU;6, 3r. xr.
Flour—The market is quiet, with moderate
sale* of H S brands at 560 c <p bbl. Sales of city
mills at $6 F M>li M which rates thenj are more
sellers than buyers.
Cora Meal—Safes at $3 ? bbL \ ■
Wheat—Moderate sales of prime Red l at I?i(3
127 c F bu.
Corn—Sales of prime White at f bu.
Oath—Are selling at 38&Ile wbu. ; ;
Gxocxßua—Tbo market Is dull No large sale*.
Ptoviaioja—Market depressed, with less iu
q““r- ; i .
Rxelosive Corretpoadeace of the Pittsburgh! Gsietls.
Cincinnati, Feb. 6.6 r. h.
Flol'S—Tbe. markets generally are| dull; and
withouLchaage in any important particular. Pri
ces merely nominal. ' ;
Provisions—There Is less inquiry io the market
but prices are without change. i
Sugar—Sale* of Hair N. O. at 41c » ft.
Molasbu -The market is quiet, with , moderate
sales at 24c f g*U- .
Molasses and Sugar are dull, but rather firm,
Coflee is without change.
Wutsxrr—Sales at 17lc FshU* * 1
\ Tmt Ngwa and tu* Mittxns.— I The news by
the Acadia has had a most depressing effect on
breadstuff*, and we leant by telegraph from New
York that cotton yesterday declined 4 cent per lb.
Tbe decline in flour in the . Baltimore market has
been full 26 ceots per bbl, and corn aiid wheat
have also declined ia the same ratio.. At New York
tbe private advices were considered still more un
-favorable thin the newspaper reports JSefr. *Sus,
; ! -C*»ParbMn2i!p - Sdtl«e.
EW WJS'HI'INS ofAV betus;, ;K F sflusoberger
of Jamat*. aod J AStbektou of Pittsburgh, havo
UU»dtT enured into eo-paitnenhip under style end
ina-of Shcenhorser &Co,«tthe-Anc 6or iron
works,Wheeling, %a, for tie purpose of manufactur
ing iron and naila .of every description. • ' >
Whirling. Vo:
Manufacture all kirpl of boiler., sheet, bar iron and
nail*, A B deel elipuc springs ami axle*. Being cdti
neeuid with Shenberjrer** old-Juniata works, we can
offer an article of Juniata iron (branded Sbcrnbergtrj
•quki to any-made in the country, i All of -which Will
be aold at to* Fitlsbargh price*. Warehouse of the
wort* corner of Moafoe and Water sts. myii
MORGAN'S COltell SYRUP—It proved to be (be
gnat Panacea in curing my child'* dmressihg
• From the Temperance Banner, Nor 31*47. >
Cocon Stacr.—\Ve are not in the habit oi' putfihg.
mach less taking patent medicine*, but we feel disposed
to recommend Morgan’* Syrup to tbo*c who are affiiet
•d with a cough. Alter haring tried the usual rente*
-die* to remove a constant and distressing rough, that
bad lor several day* afflicted one of onr children, with
outisuecess, we were ioduced to try Morgan's cough
syrup, add by it relief was obtained in a few hour*. It
proved to tie the panacea in (hi* c*w nt least.
Prepared wholesale and retail by the proprietor. '
JOHN 1) MORGAN. Drug*'..!,
f*b7 wood at. 1 door bc|ow diamond allajr.
ExMtttor’i Soalee,
T : ETTERS testamentary with the will annexed on
1 1 the, estate!of Garret Wall, late of Elizabeth
township, dec'd,Laving been granted to the.subscriber,
all fhirson* indebted to the estate qf lh* said decedent
are hereby requested 10 make immediate pa) meul, und
all havingebums against said estate will present them
for settlement td the execator* aforesaid.
fcb?-Ctw*T Exec's, Elirabetb township.
: Administrator's Notice*
LETTERS of adiaiiusirtuion on the estate Of Cajit.
William Woll, late of the United Slates army, bare
this day been granted to the subscriber. All persons
indebted to the estate of said decedent will make im
mediate payment, and those having claims against said
.estate will present them without delay to the aiareshid
administrator. JOSEPH WAIX, Adm'r, ; -
feb7-otw«T - Elizabeth towtiship ■_
CIGARS—IUU.OOO imported cigars, of
XL .the (olluwjng celebrated brands, part to arrive
consisting of, Ceves, Aubiquedad, Wn*liinglon regalias,
Rapides, Esculapie, Dos Amigo*, 1 de Fuster, London
Urania,Lord Byrou's, Palin principes, steam boatdo,
Villeyo'exim do. Sylvia’s do. La Bayadere Ist, do do
3d, Ortiz, La Palma, Cara do res. Eagle principes, for
*ale by PjC MARTIN, i
feb? ’ cor Sntitlificld A front *t._
SUNDRIES —((JO doz playing cards. 300 whole and
half cans sardines, to baskets Olive oil, 10 boxes
assorted catsups and brandy fruiU,’s bbls crushed- su
gar, 4 bbls loaf do, 5 coses lemon syrup, 10 boxes ile
roons, for sale by (feb7( ; P C MARTIN.
invite* the attention of the ladies to his excellent
assortment of cashmere and alpacen hose, including
ureb and bl'k ribbed. Alto, black spun silk, ihibet,
llama, aad cotitu hose, a lull assortment. and ut low
prices. | fcb7.
LINEN l«A W.NS—A supply of above goods con
stantly tm hand, also Unen'Carhbric and linen cam
btir handkfs. low priced and tine. \ fel|7
G ANTON FI .ANNULS—At reduced price* by iths
piece, at wholesale rooms. \W R MUKPIIY.
tcb7 northeast cor 4th A market »t, (up stairs.)
. lioga for Sale.
fpWO building lot* in (he sixth ward, each 31 by! 133
X f**l on which there ii a never failing spring of
water. (feb?) GEO COCHRAN.
40 bbls large no 3 mackerel.
J shairdo- - 3 “ ;
.Quarters “ “ 3 “ j
Irish riatmou, in stor* and for sale by " |
MOLASSES— 100 bbls N Orleans, sugar boose, gob
den syrup, in store and for sale by
leto? ■ O BLACKBURN A Co.
OILS— Winter bleached whale oil.
“ “ lard always on hand
SUGARS —10 Uhdt prime N O sugar.
H bbls loaf ** !
6 - chrusbed V in store and for
sale by (fcl.7) _l» BLACKBURN A Co.
PATENT BUCKI-7TS—3S dor- for sale Oy " "T
STARCH— li' boxes of Bonbrighn no 1. for sale by
feb? _* O RLAJKItURN A Co.
Bleaching powder, (Cbionde. or um*j—s
euiks’of Superior quality, direct from the tnarm
tni-turer in England, received per sir Sarauuk, and for
sale ut ibe lowest mtrkrt price for cash or aponired
bills, by (Jaai] W A M MITCHKLTIUIB.;
MERCER. BROTHER? A Co, Commission Mer-
for the sale of produce ge
nerally. liberal advances made on consignments.
ft-b5-ora .
CASTOR OIL—S bbls No I, ju-t rec'd an.) for sale
by i (fobij K E SKLIJIKS.
ALUM— 5 bhlSrjust rec'd and for sale by
BLUE MASS—3S lbs, for sole by . ,
frb3 [ _ _ ii e »B.uak^
PULV BA YUEKRY—33O lbs for •air i»y , ,
frl>s R K HELIXES.
C' tREA.M TARTAR—C7S lbs for wde by
■J_ febS _ Jt K SELLERS.
LOAF SUGAH— 4O bids Uniling from stearaer I’cnn
>ylvs»ia niul for sale by JAMLS hA/./KLI
-IpU!i I n.« vS water »t.
PEA NLT si-HSi bust* isi *uirr ami for *»[>• by
DRIED PEACHES— lflUbu*hfor»aleby
FIBE BRICK— SU,UjO fire brick for sale by - 1
/~!OFFEF7—IOO bag* landing from 'stemioer reousyt
Vi vanin and for sale by JAMES DAI.ZKLI
IMAIUII— 300 bbls Buchannan's extra family flour, a
1 superior article, just received and for sale by
frbd It OAKF'OKD A Clo.
DRIED BEEF.—JOUU lt>* sugar euml dried beeC in
store and for sale by [fed] R OAKFOKD A Go.
WM B FOSTER, Agent for Mexican soldiers jand
procuring pensions, at the office of Win K Austut,
Burk's buildings, 4th si, I'tttsliurgh. feb4
CUA>EIDE LIME, 10 casks, a prune article for sate
i by. [itWl J KIDD A Co.
MASON'S 3OO doV'two sized
for sole Dy_ (»>U] J KIDD *. Co._
(1 ARiU-rrrs SCOTVII SNUFF, 40oib, for sale by
y if H J KIDD A Co_
TfKlA'lrf VIAirCGRKB, HAJ gross for sale by | .
V jeM (Chrimicle copy] J KIDD A Go.
BACON.— ‘XU pieces [Shoulder* just rec’d and. for
sale by (feU] ATWOOD, JONES A Co.
LA ED.—5 kegs lard for sale by • !
_ »>b4 ATWOOD, JtINES A do.
rpOBACCX) — IUO ktps 0 tw»< Ky tobacco lor **Jr by
I jrM ATWOOD, jofoa<■ Co.
BLUE DRILLS —cssc* heavy blua dtiltinp*, [just
tfipired and tot salt by !'
Ob 3 no W wooj^reet.
CIOI.ORKD CAMBRJCS.—Fire train low priced; me
/ dlutn. and fine black aud (kucy colored cambric*
lull opeued by (<f-3| MIACKI.Krr A WHHX.
BLfciACHKO SHIRTINGS.—4 cue* medium priced,
good brand*, jmi received by
I’ADDI.NO.—On* *a»e heavy black tcjl pad
f diug, jutt received by
SATINETTS.— Three rue* plain and fifurtd black,
Mrel mixed aud blue, juit opened btj
KOCK POWDCK for tale »1 manufacturer* price*
leM water & from »u.
t" tOUrlnM ol'cood quality for »»le by
teb3 water A front *t».
CIKDAII LOtiS«—3o will l»- Mid very low to close
< consignment. ISAIAH DICKEY A do,
t«U) water Afrom *u.:
i LEATHERS constantly for sala at the lowed raih
. price* ISAIAH DICKY A Co,
fend water A from da. ■
I^LOL'R-— IUJ Ibis Patterson'sbrand, a superior or
. .tide, 03 Webb's do do
just reeitved and tor rale by SiW HARUAUG|I
feb3 no 30 wood st ;
1 FALLOW.—The highest market price will be paid
. for a few barrels of good tallow bv
RYE FLOUR.—3O bbti ilarbnugh'a extra Rye flour,
rec'd and tor sale by S A W HAKBAFtiH,'.
feUI no 33 wood d. j
SOUSE— I keg country cleared, a prime nnidwTfor
•ole be (lrlij.’| _ WICK & MrCANDLF.<3
17-fNFfiAR—H bbls Cider Vinegar, for Mile l.y .
V _frb3 _>VICIjQb McCANDI,R>is_
MAPLK SUGAR—S bbls for sale by”
feh3 WICK k MceA.NHI.K3S
BACON —A small lot of prune country cured Baton,
just received nud lor sale by
mtow'N a cultikrtson;
feba I<3 liberty at.
BROOMS — 70 doYJuil received nini for stilTby | ~
febd imoW.N k CULBERTSON
LEAD A SHOT—Kept cotistnirtly ou hand nmf foe
sale by fcb*J HROWN A UUUtHUTSON_;
BACON SIDES-2tUU) lb* for sale by " ’
teba st.
HOPS— for sale by
feba _ MctiiLi, HusimnuiA roe
COTTON— 25 bides just received per »!mr Brooklyn,
lot sale by FRIEND UHKY A t o,
tebtl 37 Water it
“T ARC—jti bbrTNo 1 Leaf Lard. 3doNo 2 do, lor sale
Xj by [feh-J| FRIEND KIIKV A_Co_
1,1 EAT HERS—A sacks tor sale by
' frlul FRIEND HfIEY A Ci>_
BACON— J enks Sides,a do Hiuus.2 do shoulders! fur
sale by _ (feblj _ FRIKNI) UHKY ACo
f I'OBACCO ; —4 hlids Mason county Leaf Tobtti-e<i. in
J. store and for sale by JAS HUTCUISON A Co,.
BKESWAX— 1300 Ibi'in store and for sale by -
BACON— 3 casks assorted Racon in store and for
sale by (jrJSj ISAIAH DICKEY A Co.;
C AMPHOR—4-bids for sale by "
jalS R K SKI.LOIS. 34 \yood st.
CARD IRON-IUO lbs lor sale bv H ~~
CAYENNE PEPPER—I6O lbs Jersey, a nrimeimi
cTe, fat sale by It K SKLI.KRB. f
SCOHCHJNGS— 6000 lbs prime for sale by "I
Jaao J U wili jams; no wood n.
COFFEE— 40 bags prime Rio; 40 do .Medium: ufdo
l«aguayra; (J do old Java; fur sale by ,
BUNDKIK&— too bags Klo coffee; 70 half chests Y
H. and Imperial tea; 25 bars pepper, 30 boxes wliilt
Havana sugar; 100 bbls large No 3 mackerel; 100 bbls
N O molasses; 10 casks olspicr, lorsale by
J»m. , - J.NOcmnn.
T>ACON AND LARD—2Ui pieces Bacon Hanu sitil
ShouMers; It ken No. 1 Lard:,received on con
signment, per star. Pilel No'. 2, and tor sale by i
SUNDRIES— 10 bbls email white iteaut; ifdo flaxseed;
3 casks scorchingt 73 doz corn brooms; 13 bales
hops; just received and (or sale by r
land JOHN 8. DILWORTH. g? wood st
\f ACKEREL-IOObbU large No 3 mackerel;’
laL 44 hf da No l do;
60 do do No 3 do;
Jast recM and for sale by {Ja<! POINPFXTKR A Col
C*l)Nl)UlkJ6—American Isinglass; French leal; Amo
'O ricaa Vermillion: Dutch du; Chinese do; gold foil;
i English do; just fet'd and for sale by j
OIL of tbiTbest qu'siitr always on hand
X and for sale by WM YOUNG * Co. ;
f T. 4.
AUCTION ygALE& ’ \) _L
i Dr John P. P»T**> AttCttMWT,
Sak c/GdJ f Stiver.Wattke*.
! Wifi bewld on Wedne»day tKh iß
liali'i.Mi 7 o'clock, at the conaaefrial tele* toon. *o*
derofwood and &h .u.,an ittrcirt
gilvrr wntchr*, counting; o( 3 rold deUcned lover, IS
earn, made by M J -
ehee£ seven jewel*, made:b£J Joh&*on,f
C»M patentiererjheavy caic. 1? jewel!■? ;
Kobiluoa ldo «“*»»s.“ * T^*3
1 wlver patent lever welch.madeby T*?*®*. A/^.v..
do detarhed do made by M-J ToW| .
other gold and tilref Vatchea. Gold peny *e» *«. •
Which c.n h. AocL.| :
' Bonnet Prr*sing AToehtruat Autturn. - ;
. On Thursday afteraootytlte 10th $i»V al’* o<lo«j
at ihr Commercial Sale* Room. cofner.or.Wood ana,
;Filth til, will be sold utw of; the most recent ■
eastern wade bonne! t>re«ii«a'n>*ehinej»-' •• , .
feb? JOHN D DAVIS, Auet. | ,
On Monday Tih, at 10 o c^oc /»,*?
the Commercial Sales Room, corner of wood and 5m
•u, will be sold, to close.a concent for cash curreqeji
• larjre aasortment of seasonable foreign and doraestte
dry goods, he.
At 2 o'clock, p ro. i >
A quantity ot groeeric*, Confectionary, qucen»w»re» T
•bina, glaaawarc, splendid gilt frame largo mm looking,
glasses, carpeting, leather bf da. mantal clock*, window
blind*. A iarre aaaorunent/of new and second .band
boutchold furniture, cooking atovea, kitchen utensils,*? )
At 01 o’clock, pm.
Ready made clothing, gold and ailrer watches, ton-,
aical inatromeot*. fine cutlery, comb*, brushes, boo It.
aboea, umbrella*, rifles, pistol*, 1 apeetaeles, Yarieijj
good*, Ac. i - feM‘> |
Third Street Property, at Auction. .
On Wednesday evening the Put inst, otO o’clock, at
the Commercial sale's room,- comer of wood and sth 1
sts. will be sold for cash, parfund*. HiaLvalundle lot :
of ground situated on the south side of Third st,- be
tween wood and southfield streets, adjoining property
of John Hague and the heiri of David Henry, having
n front of 3U feet aitd extending back 80 feel subject.lo
$4l per annum ground rent. • . ' i
febl JOHN D DAVIS, Atict. ; ;
Houui and' Lot at Auction.
Will be offered at publfeauction eu tbs premise*, od
Saturday the&ih day of February, at 3 o’clock, r. *L,»
Is>t of ground aitnals in ilie inb ward of the city of
: Pittsburgh, fronling.l9 feet an th« Allegheny river by •
100 feet deep, on whteht* erected a neat and sabstanf ■
tioltwo story Brick House in front and on ibe rear a
•mall Frame House, this property fronts on two su each .
40 feet wide; i* bribe neighborhood of glass and iron
works and foundries. Title.'unexceptionable. Terms
at sale. - [int»). JOHN D DAVIS. Auct’r.j
JYmORRIS* Co-sTbUACK WRrnNo’lNKrfor !
, steel or quill peas,-and tits copying: press. This i
ink is the result of the experiments of several'year*, !
devoted to the nn extensioe< scale, off
an article suited to nil the purposes of the consumer.’ I
The perfection of this writing ink consists inihefoL*
lowing properties: FuiDtrT—in which property it will
be found to surpass all previous preparations. It will
How with perfect freedom cither from'quill .or steel'
netts and is entirely free from any corrosive noalities.
Count—The color of this article is a rich, beautiful
blue black. It is necessary t howover, to give cojuu
mersthe following caution.; . ■• i ,i, f
if/-All good blsck ink. from its necessary cbemicsl
cynstitution, requires exposure to the air to impart a '
deep color. It must dot, therefore, beejpeeied, that , LEAVE DAILY AT eA. M, AND 4 P.M.
the moment the’boulc ts opened, the ink wili bo found i w > The following new boats .complete
-to be a jet black. The fim.appiraranee vnll be pale. r . the line tor the -present eea*on:AT«
Bat after exposure to the chemical action.of :the atroos- t UfemfiQ - ijINTIC, Capt James Parkinson:
; phere either on paper win the uikstand, it will assure • ■riKSSSfIIBB ALTI C,,Capt. A.J scobs; and LOUIS
a brilliant black ; . .! . .1 M’LANE, Capt E. ikanet: The boau are eutirely
PERitAjtE-vcr—The color i» unalterable by the lapse - new are fined op without regard to expense. Ev- .
of time. It will never fade.; On this accoont, all un- er _ eotufon that money can procure has been provided,
portant record* should be made in Uus article, as years Boats will leave the Mimongmhela Wharf Host at
only deepen and strengthen its out. ; . - . ‘ the foot of Ross sL Passengers will_bo punclanl on— 1
N B. This ink is suitabln for - nil kinds Of metallic as~iho boau will eertatuly leave at the adver
pens, and for pens made of quills, and what, u, impor- hours, Q AMtL and 4P. M ’ jau3l -
With n«I, will ... - •■ S ?- i j m .~ w .- o B£Siss-Tr.- ~
impression by the copying press. : : • • • j PQ®f*Ew OttLEAlha.
fcf We nrc u.iu, in ihfiinniltmon. with which™ _ . jra**- (v i.
■reconnected. Morris’blut.blaek writing ink,and in j iJU , AMOUCAN EAOL&
respect to fluidity, brilliancy of color and pejnjaneney, Captain-Atkin son, wtlLleav* for the
believe it superior to any ink we have heretofore asetL ■■MBESMfcboTe .and all unemedtate ports, on
A Thursiou, enshirr, bank of Louis Rich* ■ Thursday Feb 3d. For freight;.°. r P”****- .fPP l 7 9 a
anLoii,csuhier Nomiem tank of Kentucky; GeoC board or to [fe4] : CEO B MILTENBEHuEH, Ag’L
Uwnthraey cashier, bnnk.-tif Kentucky; LLShreve, j "
president of the Has bank: Titos L Helm, clerk of Hat'
ren county court; Curren Pope, cJerk of Jefferson coun
ty court; I* IJ'At wood, seeretary, Fireman’*; Insurance
Company; John Muir, ngem'Lexingtou Insurance Co;
B a Goodwin, sce’y Portland Dry' Dock tc‘- Insurance
Co; D a Chamber*, scc’y Franklin Fire & Mari lie . In
surance Co; J H Ritomcr, treasurer Louisville Savings
institution. A supply of th»i above ink, ju4t received
and tor sale by_ tfedi JOHNSTON &. STOCKTON. ■
(Late J stStriekler t Ca) t <
Manufacturers or. FbMU;fire. proof ,»&«».-
Kiath second «reei. between Wood, afld
Mnnhlifi'l I'imliurgb. J S' Stockier bavin; deceased
and the surviving partner Mr. Jo* LippenooU. bariu;
, associated him tell with Mr. Wm C Barr, the business
: will hereafter be conducted under the stylo Of Lippeh
cott k UarrJ ' . ; . - ; ! . . !
Trial of a safe in Cincinnati, o.—We, libe.undent*®.
rd \» ere present at the testing of one of J 8 StricVlcr A „ . . _ . „
Co'* improved Phtrnix fire-proof safes. The'safe'wa* I WABASH RIVER PACKET s
ifttfrta iJBMfcSi ■=?
cloM-d. which caused an utcreaa«d and steady beat for V/w nr- P ££w
. the balaure of,the time, until thacait iron wheel* wefe ? Kr>«rH nr to j KPtSTDV JOVN. wpp *
: ajid the rale cooled and opened. The money, papers j — ; . .. - .. . .... . i . .
rand book* which it contained were as perfejeta* whan l- . .; FOR WABASH RIVER. ’
! placed there, the binding only of the books being ia- 1 i The new and ligludraaxh* stepjaboal
jured by the water iu cooling the safe. Wehavetio • ' f-fL-iiiiinr' CUMBERLAND,
; hesitation m recununendingril to the public; a* a safe : A. Miller, maiter. wilt leay e for <h»
; autxrior tu any we have ever seen toted, and believe ■HBSSSsBaboTe and all intermediate? Don* on
that it will stand any heat. which might be' produced, * MimJay, the mb insi, at 4 o'clock, T X. Foe freight or
etcepi aheat which would melt it to a solid jmas*. ; . passage apply ou board or to _
springer A \V tinman, li Worthington,: Kellogg Is .. feba ' CEOB-MlLTFVßrnnnti Ami
Kenneth'Beiy. Enter. W G;P Bree*e, Wants Smith, ,T j ~ n 7 r .., iT.rn'~";VT.V.. . ~~
■A Dungan A Co, ftedman, Mayard A Co, Wn Mann, I REGULAR PTVXaBURGH AND ZANESVILLE
Mtidl W.n.lor. . , i i . . :
. : j k.. Thd Ujhl draught steamer t
We,'the undersigned, selected the safe! spoken of J I ill .>■<■}r n , NEWARK,. ' v
above, from a lot m the store of Truber ft Anherr, the | . **jj-gjWßlinra,. toaster, will make weekly trips
Agents -- ' CUfcPRiNOEB,' « ■^■^*"s"*f l otheabojreporudttjuigihasisnaoik—
SJKHiLOO- j For freight or passage apply*aaboanLor to
Refer to Cook A Harris, Brokers, Pittsburgh; 5 ! _*?.*—_■ • 'D. WILTONS, Agt. ,
Hussey llan»» A Co. do do IfcldAwtyS tMeKEESPORT, ELIZABETH AND WONONGAHE
jITEW WOEKSi-Jo« rtcrittd tu M A 51fa«j I; ' 1• • LA SfLiSS.' ,
i„ C t l ’?'*,| l ? i * , F ' <, '°* rT ' ■ ! : h . DESPATCH, V
v,w h ;g
j^i?^'it e .oi»u.»wiiisai, T wu : Ai™«.niL I £.?-f’ eloc> ’ *• * r "
American Couoge Library. edited by A W Franklin; j '
Now and Then, by Sam‘l Warren, F RS, anthrofTen TT^-n-m^nTi —T T^rV^'^ — c
line, complete. {• 7 ' ;;»•■ ■*—— ■■ . ■ asst
The Bride of ibe Northern Wilds, by Newton M Curtis. KclipM Traupottatlra llata
Rodolnbo, or the Freebooter of Fonuenteni ' ; . <r W «y
Mutcoma, or Faith Campbell, by Aria Ashland. 1 Ir Ti >Jr ■
Chambers* Miscellany, No 12 : '' ' BBEgHj EHjgj I»LUJ.
i Living are. No IM. - '-"Si^^^EIIHEBEISjSSSSfc
i Taylot's Money Reporter far February.; i j TO AND FROM TUB EASTERN CITIES; VIA
Subscriptions taken for Taylor's Detector at the N I BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND
Wk price, St a year. A splendid assortment of Vp- i SHIPPERS and other* may rely thai all merchandize
famines at all prices. For*aleat m i ! O and produce, -will be forwarded to and *om the
i -M A MWEB“S» • ; ; eastern cities,- by. the aboTe-Une, with despatch and al
fcbS tmlthacld st, 3d door ftomSil: . 1 the lowest current
SUNDAY SCHOOL BOQKS.-We have Just receiv- j . t&pSJ
ed a large supply of books for Sunday school libra- ' DimUl A HUMPHREYS, pluladelphia.
ties, published byiha American Sunday School Unirm, »?. f
and approved by a committee of publication, coasistiiif r . w Cl ?E l ,
of members of the following denominations;, viz: Bap- { , prtnaSrHslMnjnTs* ' ;
tui. Congregational, Episcopal Methodist, Presbyterian, ’• FORaVIH A DUNCAN, PitUb’g.
and Reformed Dutch. These poblicanon* comprise i GBEiiM en.nt RTmnsa
upwards of six hundred bound volumes, (ofbriees from ! - fOoMMOk fIMHMbs #9*MMba
b cents up to rs,i all written expressly for Sunday j * mwi HSjH ittSjß lit k<l
schools. In addition lathe above, the Union Publishes ! '
a lam variety of books fn paper covers for Quite ' ' ~ M ' |M •wl . 'UI 11 ur l
young childrcu, for 1 Ac, Ac. >! | XJaccMakai.mD, asiraeoax, WASinninga, miLacn.
Th. Union .I»puUi.b,.mo Ulinritj, NalA3 of
one hundred volumes each, hit numbered ready for use, XT**®''HANTC and others aenuim;goods are iniona- \
of books from 72 nates on ta'saioithe low nriceoT J-'-l. .“1 that this u the CatfesLsaiesi, and most expe
ten dollars, eenta with Adams & Co'» •
-A Von.bC.btnJfLSm,,V of tfty ,oXi .735 . ®SKSA*SiSj " .
10. pncVSf mo dollar* .id £«)■ clou.; Alio,. Ufma Thro-EA mooipB; wdl bo Eiren lo aayof rhr abor.
books, question book*, red ind bine tickets on paste P~f_. r *“* P“*kagea of any sue ov
boards, maps, Ac, Ac. All the above we sell itthe. u ... \
• Union, Philadelphia prices. CotaiMßea' oT.bboke fur*,. • “pres* closes dsily.l3 ,_■ j
ni«hed on application. ELIdDfT A! ENGLISH, '• i ‘j n , i_ a. 0 ; ‘, 1 ‘A^^me.
feU> t Post copy] jSC market st, bet A «th .* - norg)lf j 8l wood st
To <h< Howmbb.thr Judg? cf'tU Court cfG'ei* ■ ftfeMTCßStt gQ
rat Quarter iSrart'aru of lht'YeaetJin and for the **■ “ ■ •
amntj, of AUightny. ; TCLIPBE TOAK*PORTATIOH U»K_
3HJE petition of Gibson Lkhteip, of the township of . *hs rroprjeiors of thi* popular Lias ehtoifed tha ‘
. Ross, in the rounty aioresaid, humbly-ahoweth, Ajeaej m Coaberiand msa tha houe of AlcKare A fUs
at yoiir petitioner hath provided liiraself with mate- « Edgertia A Co. • ;
-rials for the accommodationVif travellers arid others, hi ' \5 , “® wr lh aod.vr*stom«erenaalsafeßo»ifiedthat J Bay
ibis dwelling house in tho township aforesaid, and prays W®oafo Charles ,t. Baltimore t |i Um oot
1 that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license : * u ~J"^ r ‘ lr f ag«al of this Lise ia the Eutsra cltW.*.
•to keep a public house of enierUßameiivi and your no-i Thsmjy agtats are _ _ •___■•,•
.titioner as in duty booed will erer pfay.i,. * ‘ j .J C BlDtVELLjPiUsborgfc,
! We, the subscribers, citizmu of the township of Rota. J • Browastilk,..
;do certify that the above petitioner it of good repute ' ~ L_ f EDO A^ l TON A CeCamheHsaJ,
for honesty and is well provided with ; ■! B ROBINSON, Bsllnaory.
.house room and conreniences for the accommodation - 1 ~
and lodging for stranger* and travellers,' and that «*bt 1
'tavern 1* necessary. !•
i A Bayne, James Kerr, Chbs Kernel, Daniel Bums,
IKnbt liars, BarnTDodds, B Dilworth.jE Cooper, A
■Neely, P Ivcr»D Al Kcever',~W BOraluuq.? {fcdjt»i
-i. v V.hja to prrraBURQH, by wagons,
■ . .•_ - I k| .^Hunmi&lfayaiidNbihtbetweenPiasbargbnidCliamp
&S&&X iA>n ~-v jrv iiifaVßfiW
I.QJ.Q Tha first shipment will tecre each eud
; '-H iTm .AfTi/TX on 15th?annary uuL Nomtjro coodarrilt be received
! ECLIPSE TRA7JBPORTATIQH LINE.- than can be carried thrmigh eaelrd«r'witS«i delay.,
i To and from the Eastern citjes. via Cumberland. 1 wi the route. Tune win be reduced to roar Day* when
TIU-lproprieton of thin popular line, have'since ihrir the roads become settled,
rc-organiraiion largely increased tbeir facilities to ,J. BUTLER. Agent .) At the -Depots ol
1 meet ilie wishv* of shipper*; and are now prepared to : 210 market sL, Philadelphia, ( Peait'a ftud Ohio
, forward a greater ojnouMliy the.FIVE BAY LINE, CLARRE A TIIAW, - I Transportation
a* nl»o by additional regular wagons at low rates. : 1 ~~~ !. ' • 1 Pittsburgh. J Codp'jv
; i This Una will run throughout the year.; deli re ring .Uj «»• win receipt fat BOTOths prodace, ete n per
goo,!* through the agents in Baltimore and'Pittsburgh “*Yi to go through by tho abore line auer theTStli iust'
to owners aad consignees alfpecified rate* and time, i 4**«l • : CLARKE fc THAW.
I Shipment*from Philadelphia tor the line'iahould fe' '• " «_
marked “Cure, J U Hobiusoit, Baltimore.” . ! , [' HARADEJT A CCTa* •
[ Tlii*only ageutaare, ? r P»M*»wr aad Remittance; Office,
i J B ROBINSON i I ' - ' HANKDEN A CO. continue to bring person*
i MS Clurki n-B.iamorr .ny pkrtof Knjl.|ri, Irrtad. *oltat,d or
i KDOEBTON*Co.Camb.riMd ■ opoo lb, oral IllJdml renin, nil!, th«i r
r (1 \V CASS, Brownroilte JuuU puucualuy «id •Ittnuon n tie ™u end cot*.
M 4 J C BIUtVKBL. Pilubtirih SWW‘ l ' ?6* , “",*W»>»»
I —ei„.t,.,.t. ntbbed by the .wicdliny Keetpn thelmie.tU.e we
; * "/*}?., ports, as we take charge of them the moment <W re
(T|lJ Nil 1 ILK TO Si.(X.KHOLDhRS.—An 10- port themselves, and see to their well bcim., anddo*
stnlinrnt uf cfcm, (the 3ih instalmeiit) spateh them without any detenthm by thh&st stiios
a£H3;oAeU.i,!iw:t;pbtti,»tii,the .e» r itdl .lock W We.ny tW, Airliroly, e. we defy AsiffiSK,,
Uniituiupun),applicable touhat portion of the rodd per* lo *how tliat they were'detaineddrihodn bv us in
httder contract, ts iwjuiresHabe oaU on or 'before the Liverpool, whilst thousands of ottet* were demine J
t SlOdkUler. i.jPld.berfb, nuAiUl tqr.'MU ta •mkESSZSUSxZi
ttlllpn) to J AN Robinson, earner of Jd and wood *u; which too frequently proved their eotlins
lo U "ul l]lc , to Jo«pb .O Laeockfiii ' &e intend to perform Wt Con'trTcu .H-t
and vicinity to James Stewart, local trraa-' what it may. and »oi act a. wojT£?£2?
nrer. By order of tie board of director- l :• \rith wdier offioar*,—who either-performed not sK
Lr , L „. „ „ AG CATLBPP. SeCy. S whenU »wM«* their convenience. cr
ACRUCo, WelUville. • (fe’Mdmart . Brad, drawn at Pittsburgh foran«urafrom £i to
T)RR\nUNf GOLD PhiVsi-Rec’d by express ihj* f'tyjJSJ™ i« < fiK , L Qf^ B sPy t ? ,rinc, » , ' iJ * i » k * »*» !»«■ .
Jr, day a largest of the best made pent ever hro'» fa Scotland • .
tliU.ciiy. JJy olTcring a cotisWcrable prerniuw over the ’ ! _ JUSHUA, ROBINSON, ,
ordinary prices, 1 have had thcta maiudkctarril supe- ! f- ., Kei? u ? I>e * n and ‘General Agent,
nor to any heretofore, and can confidently reeomracnil ’ |gtit I '• film street, one door below Wc <d.
ihem os each for the fineness of the gold,.their easy ’
ulnn»M«% i I-Jbitp* f«eroero i?Sl*aSSlysu2St-'
' I fr'Adb reroe, WI!SSi, .i, > -eee.h .. U^.-
SSSfcT ! y.^,f^ s f ,ING J ON ' ci '’'- T -' J as
! "ao : T'. i |>^
800 “ blue factory paper, j i iha laih p«bniary. Ifiti. ‘
50 •• teapaper; ; ! | The UERiIAeNF Ctottta 20th hh^ch. -. <• V
dO gross bonnet boardg. ,1. Passage from jy. Y. to SouthameinnnpTin,mroM
; 2,000 bundles straw and rag wrapping paper, in “ “rk"S S
Stine and which we offer .to the city trade at low pneet. : . korflcight or passage apply at th- office offhfi J 5
iJ*5 .REYNOLDS A]SIIKR, l Steam Co*«
w« * Rort > Ageuts it Soothampum 1
)? “• Agenu at Havre...- ■ v
llsaxcgEg A Co. Agents at Breraco.' " f .
ipueTlbt Z?y u V?jst&- A :C ~
i'r.l., b, O. P. P J.me2 Ckn« w
W‘ ___^o^3T^ASTdC lrro;< .
43 Water It
WANTED.— A young married man, who it ac
quainted 'with Hie wholesale dry goods business
as well a* wholesale and tetail arocery, wants a situs*
limt in'tither of the abaio broncoes of business. Would
ask only a modrrsie salary. References giTrn, Ad
dress X Y.Z, through this olEce, ’ fcbg-3f !
SALESMAN experienced salesman
to Ujc wholesale dry good* business. One who can
come ell m.-qnunehdeu for booestjr and comet bn*-'
ifie**b«blu,maT hear of a situation by addressing
‘•PosCoffice box iSs,” giving re hi name and reference.
.j feW_ - . ■i • J-'I :• ;
1," * Drag Star* ftr lalii u ,' .
QITCATED in the flourishing town of WeiltTille, the
© terminus of the, Pittsburgh and . Cleveland Boil
Rood, CO miles by river from Pittsburgh. The- present
business of the establishment is fair and eon Bf increas
ed Indefinitely. The owoers'wUhtnr to retire from
the business will sell oq reasonablr terms at private'
sate. ; Persons wishing to make inquiries ore referred
id Jon. Kidd & Co, Pittsburgh, or subscribers. Wells
viile. , W * P 8 MACKINTOSH.
_■ <Sn-
loreiiM mmy cu protoxt, !»*
'MD*en Tba Line ha* been in operation to* five ynn
-his earned a million of peopl* lewtinj®.
rr to Ibcir person*. The boats will be at *ho to« o l
•Wood street the day previous to starting, for the rvcep.
tioii of freight and the entry of pasaeager* on the rests
trr. In all cater tl» passage money : mo«t be paid m
advance. •
The MONO.VGAHELA, CapL tfrosx, will leave Pitts
burgh every Monday morning at W o'clock; '* beeaug
every Alouday evening at 10 r. u. ■
The HIBERNIA Na 2, CapL J. KusxntLTn. will
leave Pittsburgh every Tueaday morning at lb o’clock;
Wheeling every Toenlay evening at 10 ML j
•Hie NEW' ENGLAND No. 4 CapL S- Dias, will
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday mornntg at 10
o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday eyeiungat 10 r. *.
• The PENNSYLVANIA CapL Otari will leave Pitt*,
bnrch every Thursday morning MlQoirioek; Wheeling
evCTy Thursday evening at 10 r. *-I _
fbiday packet. '
Tl»e CLIPPER No: 4 CapL Caooas, will leave Pint
bunrb every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling
every Friday evening allO e.M.
The MESSENGER, CapL Us Camp, will leave Pint* !
bnnrh every Saturday morning at 10 o'eloek Wheeling
every Saturday evening at 10 1. jl •
Tte ISAAC NEWTON, Capt A. G. Ala ata, will
learn Pinsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock;
meeting every Sunday evening at 10 r.a
i May 24 is*? - - • • •' ' ' - ■ r " :
C ‘ A, • . . Thotteamer
UgglnfflSl will leave for Reaver. Glasgow and
oh Tuesday,. Thursday,
Znd Saturday, of each week, at 8 S. return.
,„p«a u,:™«i.e
oetl* ' •No S 3 Wood st.
K •'.. The fin* tie am boar *4
. BEAVER r* -
' Charles E. Clarke; master, will, during
■flfliiHlHEthe coming- winter season, make daily
trips to Beaver and WsllsriUft. leaving Pittsburgh eve
ry mo mine at 0 o’clock, and WellsTiUeat Jo'cloc k, p.
u.. deelQ - O. M. HARTON, A CD, Agis.
Iggt, ' • 1848-
Daily Packet Lima '
L The swill steamer ■ - . .
. tfgJrgCjP Dortev P Kinnev. master, will leave
SHBRESSHbegulariy for Wheeling, on .Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o'cloekprecisnly.
Leave Wheeling every Tuesday, Thursday and Sa
turday, at 7 o'clock, a m; precisely.
The Consol will land at all the intempdi&td ports.—
Every accomodation that can be procured tor the com
fort and safety of passengers has been provided. Tits
boat is also provided with a selfacting safety guard to
prevent explosions. For freight or passage apply on
febl H - . comer of Ist and Snrithficld sts.
■-.•uw. k— The fast running steamer'. -
ft. • J. J.,CRITTENDEN, .
imTV e CX*s& Israeli master, will leave' as above.
a> g o'clock positively. For
freight or passage, apply on board. . ■ fcb7
PemtiylTaiila Wagon Llbcl
Drab noRKEff g for BKxiȣzw's
%*phy hM 06 knaUhnb Moreen for
Carried .Mtmilcs tkirtl ■ *T ea tor “«*• Aba
. French Cotton ,J 0 . 4
Ledie* Morinoe. and Cotton V«*t*
comer oflth A market
.. •' l- "• ■■ ■■■• ' !.>• , feU3
Y&JSfcEEiSSZfSiS 1 ««*
- 4^
' ’*