The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 05, 1848, Image 2

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ITT-fta>Pmaacsoa Pjult Oazrtnt u published
'■ DtSr. Tri*W«*kJrj *«* Daily is Beren
. DeUmr* per annom; the Tri-Weekly is Rto Dollars per
9- ~ vuomjtbi Weekly is Two Dollars per kssom, srfiwp
"• •' -
, KdiiotialjCorreapondcnee of the Piuabargh Gartue.
The W«r DtUUi In Coheres* 1 Ute of
the Tnuarfi We/
-. Wjuua.vovos,Beb. 1,1818.
■ ” : Yeaierday «|| pay-day nt the Department* and
' intend of paying off ibo indebtedness in Specie,
Treaanry 'nolea were to. There would
- not be ad much objection lothia, were il not that
, the aub-Treaaury law ia norhinally adhered lo,and
praenledai a ! panacea fc/all the itnancial evila of
Government. | Some of.the Clerk. were compell
to diapoae of their Treaanry nolea underpar, inior
der to obtain the ueceaaary meant of paying their
monthly expehdiluyt. One bombed dollar, in
Treaanry notea were exchanged fcr the bank pa
per of the Diatrigt’which, even though the Banka
7: :• - Ore are not chartered by Congres* and do buae
' neaa thiungh Tmateea, nevertbeleaa they promptly
. redeenTtheirnoteii in specie. The-monthly rnlm
ries arming the Clerka in Congreaa were paid in
Specie,r-dtherwiaa ihcre woold have been -« *>'f
fnioio iiong the Representatives of the People.
In however important, aa il i* you have
’a fbceihate of what will be thrown upon the Govern
' in the event of the. continuance of the war.
There hras a direct proposition in the House today,
tanrpsscsts lie loaracslA iTtxtco nv a" Dinner tax
/■mat 'foe Piorti. Thie proposihon came befbre
> : / the House in ndonbhi turn and upon ovd diatinct
.... / propoahio'ns, introduced by Mr.'Wamonof.Pn, and
• / ••• MrSkay, of N. C. Tbi. ia well, ea the People
■■■/ ; ■ will ain understand, through the of the
-/ ' ' 1 maeman, that if the war continue., who are to pay
/ - the coat. Mr. Wilmoth amendment earned in
■■ / ■- ' . Committee bf the Whole, urn. that “Stock, and
7 money at iniereal” ahould be taxed to the amount,
/ ... cf three million, cf dollars. “And other property,
/ ' - - ■ waa afterwards added. Mr. Wilmot waa opposed
• ■ to the tax on tea mnl codec, as unequal and unjust,
1 ' did made aome reflection. upon the Secrctruy o*
: ■■■.. 7 ’ tteTieaaury.'Mr.Walkcr.lorrecommendiiigauch
’ atax-i The ordinary expense. of Government, he
held, aboold lio providedfor by custom., but not the
; ttOrtiirdinaryexpenfesmcurTed bywar. Thesolie
. would meet with » direct Uuc. ,
' Mr; McKay, ibe Chairman of the Committee of
. . . Way. and Means in the laat llouae ofKeprewti
' - tativea and under whoac auaptceathe Tariff of 10
■ • waa phased, mid that if Peace waa not accused dn.
- 'ring'the present aeaaion ofCongrea* hrlahodd
". - himself move odirser rax of ftes euSaea. jT *>f"
upon A, peplt «f tht «"■»"* “P"’™'* f""'
. ‘ pnuea of lla rear. He hoped Peace would he ae
, ' ikied, hut if il waa not, lliia waa the onlyremedy
•-. So Idol-ont lor tSe vinta of the if the
- wtr conlinuc*.' ' » ,
The preaent policy-hcem. to be to incur debt
without limit,—to reduce 'the Revenue while in
creasing the expenwa of Government (aa by
changing the Tariff oflSl2 tir that of lblCmtime
' ‘ : of rear.)' Money ia borrowed, and the pay-day put
' 1 off. Treaanry note, ate issued, almoat without
■ ' limit.' Twenty million, and more during eleven
t■ ■ ■ month.' of the paal year. The appeal to Con
- -gresS is urgent to put an end to tbia state of things.
. : The enormous debta of the financially opproaed
- . Govemmcnuof European accumulated ateahhily
. - . at lint, and now in England and France the na
tional indebtedneas ia counted by hundred, of tuff
liona: If we.would not have, like reauhweraual
■ avoid the-ruinous ware, extravagancies and vices,
which have elreractcrixed the adrainiatretion. ot
- . v these GoTemroenU.
The debate upon the President's- Message waa
■ brbugbi to n cloae at two o’clock in Committee of
■ the Whole- Mr. Goggin, of Vo. made the open
“ ' i : iug- a'peecli .iu reply to Mr. lUiett, of S. C. who
hbida that the Preaidentia the war-malahg power.
Mr. RheU having been aomewhat »vere upontle
' ■ - Whigxwas jmid.backin hreown com. Hi. puh
lieiilc being aomewhat full of “twitting, and turn
-7 ■ in -,i attached lb all parties, bn' “aatant n. noee,
Syx however, a dhamiomrt whenever the
Generel Government haa ventured to “atep in bc
tween the wind tmd hia nobility,” u a South Caro
-7 lhjia„,lie'waatiund aaailaUe -tt »U, aod
' : juathr rebuked fir.hia impertinent inamtuliona oT
'7 kum hgmnrtUm Whig'party. WiUa
' - ■ igopriety could the charge he made againit John C
Chlhonn, the Senator who aaid, “he would exrner
■ ■ ' pliiilge a dagger into hia boaom, than .to vote lor a
,'SXlwing war to exirt by the act of Mmoco.
r ' ; v— in the daya apbech waamadobyMr
' CoOamer.ofVt. He diaeureed the wrer, the ongi
' nSordcre leadi.g to itacmstcncc and the proM
■7 77- evidence tlret U waa a war brought hff Ac
7 .7- , Provident. Them urea a pmper .
: ■ imaereble band of c^umhiatora,— tram handatif the
aoldicr. of firtune, who hang on to U,e
'iirt.of pbwer,-and throw up theircap. whenever
7 cart Whig., and “aid and comCirttothe enemy.
7 Them politiciana claim to absorb all in
- . 7 their own prccioua perton. mid puttlmir markup
.- ■ on a man who hold, that true I'atnotußUXOnaiata
f . •. . iu loving hia country, honor aa be would la own
'-I' ' '&„din«xactingjurticefromhermihcwood
■ ' MU ace true religion pereoniiied in lhr»e who
7--7 ; -7 Sgc in holy things. A man may not even.con
--'7 '*7£n«. : aem y i.g, ; approve hie
- .. . _ v j (hr a deliverance, from evil, or wam
- - 7 without sirring up the bile of
" 7 ■ : - to achihl, —hat
i'- . ■ Sstatewuan, he “By whom the violated law
" ' a—aka out .U thnmkre," all murthe deaf aa addere
' nS dumb *1 oyrtere, for fcurof givmg
;Shn chu. of chuckleheaded men upon atdu,
kSThave learned hke a parrot in the market
; ihouae to »y, “aid and comfort to the enemy.
Mr ColUme'r rebuked'thcae men aa the member
.::' 7 ffiom did belore him and then waking a.
--7 y man loving the wellhre of hia country, he coin
.:-*v:7, -1 mealed npo. the evil example of war, he l"!
a weak nahpjt to
wane of herbeat provincea, heforejwe would make
. i peace with her. In the caa. of jftxiol Jt u*™*
than >ia, & “ W Pobmk tbe Mml.can cim
rninrto. firbida the nale’ of ontof,
7 rrthieMexico to aedher »d mid pfejda a. the
of Peace aid threaten to take ail, if aha
' :7, 'ii'SrnotwiUiaglyyieldono.bal£ Dponno.ooeprirmi.
r of equity can fhia be done,-ora Repobhe like
■: :' ■i! g. face of arma compel peace upon auch
1 -- i t- n—ma. “Men,” according to a proverb quoted by
?.■:■< = TflT.n “Who 1 have loat ah hoaerty me the
■ ''7‘ainitaablieallolheir honor,” nnd hence you hear
v noumehmid abort “the honor of the conatry m
■•-vibe wtrwMh Mexico.
finumpmeticalmattereoffackilwonldhe weU
, u to aememher m pmmmrtieg.ln.wm,-and
L. ' m,Public Domain. What
" -uEtad, aheaurreadered km* ago, and our land |
a-enwoulddotn® <° ' rmrabCT
-• < * duowtog*” immenm^ deUnp,
■ . k-.V,'^•id-A.eoanny.whichanotliejgetiereUonwdlhaye
f'. too, according to preaenbed in.
- 1 kopars*- _ deUaoftheauh
'• “ • rnSTwrhavelthcd be, of her^
o'" ;. owe., wlm can myhow
, -i «meh,l». te^r^“ o T“"oert, md !. not
pnrticalarly when no princip’-c ia at stake..
.--.vA'lfyc'l jii;Bongtaaa,ef Blinoia, waa beard in fte 8«»
•' “I' 'unei. defence of Ibe Admini-Cclim and the war,
~ Thare ww tn.haa apeeth. aume aoeiahle blaata
unmet Santa Anna,—the aamo Santa Anna (one
V'-- " ‘ of thn mow creel mid edd blooded men the world
-‘7.1 ■-, ;i ■' Raa ever aeen) wtawa Jamee K. Poifc called from
7,( l -Bli - _a.-Waed placed at the head bf the Army of Mex. I
■ If,, (col Tha Senator ■defended the treaty made by
ri-1 ' -yl— mJ wvmleaced in hr Filaaola, aa one of brad
;• ■ . t-i, ef bi *
-;7 'nudtheihihi thoaowho the perfect
'. 7--■—thaßkiQrandc have to reaort lb* Santa
if. .7- -7. lain loo,fe* bin war npcnlbo Mcxicmi oonatitu
u.-‘ rtAßtwanprotwdncedn tuaryw, a tyrent,
"P™ “»*
. ' — l— hbmadeand mapriaonerofwar.too.a
L?, ' u* ,y ah*Srtialcc.tainted to to hind|ng>-
E-i o’ qi!<*mna.mler.|
"c . ever g» nmu
~‘''77,.;44-Cl-:y.; • \ "
7- a
f.V; %r.
• 'hi*!-.
ii :
ffiSllj® l
lIV KttAyr.Uai BROOKS * Co.
. *n earnestly requested to band in
thSJr toon before as eazly In the darns
practicable. '
Fn unn Commercial Intelligence, Domestic,Mar*
kets. Bird .News, Import* Moaejr Markets, tc-, see
thirdpafe; ■ /
Bee First Pa|s for HUcalUaaoma'Sow*
[' i '■. . _
W'^s : \
etf a jisat national claim toil® disputed territory*
Ilia a* Men * tiUnb/coMneH, aio* N”
mained m undispnted puMßwinn of Uw Mat bant
of lie riVer. - There -were Mexican people peymfr
acknowledging allegiance to Mexico. There
vu i Mexican Custom ikonse, and the exaction
of revenue. Bm enough c; this territorial question
you will say. As nonet o tyrrany ever was com-,
•milted without eome detea x, »o we may expect it
here at home, those whe hold that the possession’
of power offer* good am efficient reason for its
and abuse. & **
The Bsvtaas Barrie j—Tbe Walker *«.
W; tshioglon, Feb. 1, lSlo.
A Report has just- bee i received from the Sec.
retary of the Treasury toon the subject of the
Revenue Marine service. In this Report, there
' is an account of nil the vesseb built the last year I
and now in service. There is a sorry account of
the Polk, but the fruits are attributed to the model.
The following refers to the last vessel built at
The defects in the Polk were discovered in time
to preveot, in a great measure, their occurrence in
the Walker, which vessel ia now completed. •
* In this vessel nil the superincumbent weight a
.-Bove alluded to, has been dispensed with, end the
shad sufficiently elevated for adaption to an in
creased immersion. This vessel was recently
launched, and will be immediately transferred to
the hydrographical party, of tho coast survey em
ployed upon the southern coast, and in which ser
. vice it will no doubt be eminently useful.
The following offers abundant evidence of the
importance of the Revenue service, and of the good
recently done on the coast Wo copy from Cajrt.
Fraierof the Revecue Marine.
During the previous winter, when all the vessels
were at their proper>stations, these little vessels
traversed upon this coast a distance 0fv0,3&l mues
spoke and boarded 1,201 vessels, and afforded
prompt and important relief to 89 distressed ves*
Mis. Estimating.the value of tboee *«“]• •* ft*
moderate sum of *510,000 each, is a capital of
000, in the preservation of which, the officers and
crews have been instrumental. The older ptfleers
of the sen-ice are, general), men who have been
reared amidst the hardships of; and are intimately
acquainted with tbe navigation of tbe coast Amt |
it w a fact worthy of remark, that notwithstanding
the small size of tbe vessels, and the character of
the coast upon which they are employed, no sc
riotis accident hat; beihllen them dunng scvernlj
years; giving evidence of the stall of the coraman-1
de S»e vessels themselves, are fine sea hosts; and
although small, wet, uud uncomfortable, are per*
k 6? would reiterate the suggestion, that additional
small sailing vessels ,be provided * au PP !
cancie* heretofore enumerated. One halfofttu.
amount expended uphn one of the steamers would
provide four such vessels, estimating the cost at
*15,000 each—sufficient number to maiutaio a
vigilant guard at every point.
' Tbe total expenditure, on account of tlte service
for the fiscal year ending the 3flth Juno lost, amoun
ted to die enonnooa aum of SSOI.UJ -I; ofwhich
{323,107 Cl wna expended in fulfilment of con
traits entered into prior to March 4,
count of the construction nnd maiuttunanec of the
woShleaa ateomcm, nnd for which ftuth of hn
government wna pledged. The* coutnmtaTwiog
Saw nearly doaed, the recent arrangement wtU
relieve tho government of this ’
tore, nnd reduce" it to tho aum of *1 ..\OOO P« an
num It was supposed that some of the steamers
might bo dUpowdof advantageously to private
individuals, to he naed <bx freighting,
poaes; nnd. with that view, on the ™vol °f the
McLone nl New Orleans notice ™
in tho papers of that city nnd
whole of obe month, and proposal, in, iteil. Jem,
era of every description, adapted to ocean navipo
tion, met with reedy sale and high prices at thru
place. The result a-aMhat which
bad cost the government one hundred nnd twenty
thousand dollars, but non “jitary lad w“ieecived
and that fir thm tkovtand dollar* . W lull j'jbcp
evidence is ueceaaary to exhibit tho enure More
0f reached New Orletma, from
Pittsburgh: and the department is this day m re
„« Se gratifying intelligence, that the per-'
fijrmanccs are such as to meet iu most sanguine
Of ihe many sham plans afloat for raising
there cannot be . doubt that the Treasury report,
and estimates of. Mr. Walker are the poorest. Tin
blunderiag. report of dao day i. not printed before
he gives facts that eonfate hi. stalemenla in the
most vital part. ' About one yenrugd, upon the pub
lication ofihe receipts rif the Treasury lor ounquai.
ter it was predicted that hi. estimates of money
front would be Itund deficient to the ex
lent office milUon. of dollars for the year, winch
prediction ihns been fully verified. The detection
of Wonders does not make tho Secretary more cau
tions, nor does be mate bis e*imates-w.lh any
more sagacity. He eontinn. to goes* fcr hi. la
bsr. do not amount to*ihe t‘ty of caleulauons.
though he taxes Maoris*. >• ■■■‘i and mental .nee
ey to nialte them. Mr. Waiter's Trearery e.te
males now bid fair to be as incorrect lor the year
ISIS as they were 'iur the year ending Jnne 3D,
1817, as we will show! The ordinary revenue of
the Government is from Customs, Lauda, and what
» dashed as mwcellanoou*.
We sliall now grvewbsi Las been received from
these sources lor the quarter ending December 31.
1817, contrasted with the amount that should have
been collected .to bring out the climates fcr the
year ending Jnne 30, 1819. We copy fnun Trea
,„ry reports, and commend the fart, to the alien
tioa oflhe free trader*.
The first column shows the amount Mr. w alter
expected to get from three items for nine months
ending June 30, 19*9. The second column shows
wh*t the one quarter should be, and
the third what one quarter really did bnng:
Estimates Proportion Actual
9 montlis. I quarter.
Costom., . 00S>«1
' $7,931,216 $0,295,339
. 6,295,339
I DeScimcy 3 raootlu, *'-“5^7
I 9 months, 4,707,721
If we take the item Customs alone, wo see a den
ciency, compared with llie proportionof the quarter
ofsl,2WT3, giving for the ycars3£So,n!>.ThcFost
made a peat outcry a few days since, because U.o
Wiiigsdoubled lie ability oflhe Administration to
negotiate its loans arpar. Dae* not the Post aee mtlie
figUfeawc give from time to lime, good reasons why
capitalists abonld not late loan* Coold a merchant
get credit npoa such blunders as these. ; Suppose
a merchanl ia trouble asted a money lender to ml
vance bim 818,003, (not millionsl of dollars, and
should ufierwatda Say he had made a blunder of
87JOOO in his debts, of course reducing, as one would
think, his demands upon the money leader to the
same extent. Suppose after the blunder bad been
eodfcsaed.lhamereianl should say u> the money
lender I now want 810,000-wnuld the leadenmt tha conclusioa that the first demand of
SlfiOOO was only the sum wanted to ennblithe
merchant to keepolT, clamorous ereditors,whi n he
could think of some way to put off pay day. Would
he not discredit all his statements! Call the sec
retary of the Treasury a merchant, such as »».
have described, for such is tie fact, and you will i
see at once what good muon, capital*, hav/i %
turning, deafen, to Mr. Walker, cfala. If tie ,
Treasury Department will restore pubbc confidence
in its figures, it will*! much- toward. Cscihlanng
loans. At present, all is ignorance and conceal
ment, and the attempt to supply the Treasury is ah
most as idle as the uskoffUlingnaieve with water,
dm bottom of which defeats all eflorts to Gil tt tn
the manneuthat the wade of war and official tguo
j ranee drain the Treasury of all that can be levied
of borrowed-
I Tint Tare Whig Pususq.—The Philadelphia
Kcw« makes the fallowing declaration in regard to
its coarse, which cannot be commended too highly
c» too generally adopted by the Whig press of tl«s
Unioft-'Ourpaper i* exclusively devotedto thewhig
oarty. We arenrXToyiiy meu—nor CUymen
STlcoUmea. W-a^^.and^olar aspoh-,
S, are concerned, we are nedung WeMO •
devoted to vriutifk* and notto mm- We rpoog- ;
n?« no maJ asa Whigcandidatolbrlbe P/esidea
ontj|!,«i, regularly nominated according to «•
2blmKdn»as«!byl Whig National Convent**.
We oioDOrt him then, because he has been chosen
of Wl “* P“tV' lte
fcore ot atr» W" 1 jnuuflc.
Kurland, ftfftee .wedlr operale on
• n, r* l '’ - w “LS • ke 'P re, '" t
the iron inierral. rai/road iron ha, been
low AjUntic eilie.
bftrad raker iron
LlrLdrbyihg *>* ■
! AraoCJWS WrtDtt J*
Vaiunrr-On Tuesdsft the & the
a entry the name p£Xnt Velley, New
.brokeiuskatt, and boned ft. ■ . ?
Tks Mx**m Txwrtx.—The Rook
enea of the Methodist Episcopal CtmieV*
last sesaioe, appointed a eowratfiae
the expediency of purchasing the Mormon Temp*
«t Kaavoo, fcr literary
livrt -Tariff iddmiH,
Fair Trade lUGDiLixrnr.—As free traders bate
been all along boasting of the elegant operation of
tbe dee trade tariff, and its efficiency In': opening
and keeping open foreign markets, we make tbe
following table of exports to prove it. Wo givo
the exports from New York, Philadelphia, Haiti*
wore and New lOrleans, of the following articles
from the Ist of September to near the present
time, with the exports for the vorrospondiiii; time
last year. ‘
. •; ExtMim. j
il&tS. Variation.
-Flour bWs, 87U.UW 1.U17.H1 73?.*M«W
Coratncal Uts, MIH 79M7 »W» iiw
Wheat bu. t.tisVt'M .t.ITUHti ec
Coro bu, y.uTiU/t l-SJUH d*’
Rye bu. 1 t)r*tO iUiCat 1 ♦Kt.'-tl dan
oils bo. ;17..Vrf IllViU lil.MUilfC
Barley bu, ] 7,ail WM»? Kt,tUldec comment necessary upon such a table? I*>
not the ugly tigurea overthrow all the fanciful argu*
menu of Mr. Walker and the rest who mistook a dis
pensation of Providence for the effect of theirlegis
laliou. Mr. Walker says in hia anuual report that:
“U is not contended, 'great aa the future augmen
tation may bd as to import* or export*, tonnage, t
apeeici and revenue, that the advance wtll**»■*>
rapid us it wai this year. when, with the shackjea I
ttricken from.couuueive, ira UiutuUd fonrard at 1
aucli a wonderful nite of progress. ’ I
Mr. Walker will Gnd out eru lung that whai 1,0 I
calls bouoditi forWnr.l, was nothing Iml'o ru •li nl
produco la fo«J starving lnen. As lie I* °
mathematical dcmohitnitious, suppose wo
that the figures for 15,7 were Imundieg forward
and that tha decrease of ISIS as compared with
ISPI istbo robourfil. haw long will it take Ins freo |
trade gain an gelbaek ta its old place. aye fur for
behind the point at which it started toboundl The
fomiao lias given i a restating plausibility to the
idle stories told by the free traders. We are now
begining tn sire the etfect of the bleeders committed
by them and! wo ahull not fail u. show to the pen
■ of.this state in the fattest manner how totally
thoir bosineai has been injured by the attempt
1 lottery ouitho. merest force in the world; practi
• cal free trade to their, benefit.
Cleveland an* Plttsaergh ttall-Roud I
The worli upnuthis road is rapidly progressing I
sad gives jiromire of the speedy end successful
completion of this enlerprise. Col. Eicunsust, the
principal edginecr, has now completed the locu
tion of the road from Wellsvillo to Hudrou-lron.
the Oliio lliver to within 2G miles of Cleveland, j
The route of the toad is a very practicable one; the
grades nrc all easy, nnd the estimated cost of con
struction one half less than the average cost of mil
roads in the Union.
Proposal* will be received at Knvenna on the
SHh of March, for grading and preparing for super
structure | tbo road between hreedom, in Mart.
Countyi to: Hudson. Tins will place under con
tract for grading,: the whole road, as for as loco
le The means for grading the road havehecn raised
by our enterprising ciuacns along the bnc, and for
the funds necessary to complete the work, wc
must look to capitalism abroad
Tile question is often asked by our friends, can
these funds be obtained?" We answer, lea. C,e
profess eoj to he wise, above others in mat era of
this kind hut there ore o few established facts that
enable us promptly to decide , h "
not doubted that Pittsburgh and Cleveland are the
two prominent business point in this section of the
Great West, and thnt the business between them
is already large end rapidly increasing, and " “
railroad can Ira sustained between nay two points
west of'the Alleghenies, il is between there cities.
The policy of Pennsylvania will, for yearn to
come, proven! a railroad passing along the shine
of tho Lake through that btato. Our road must,
Sea, necessarily, become the tlioro fore of tha peat
north-west to tiro, east. At all times the nearest
* route, at certain reasons it will be the only one for
the transportation and travel of this immense re*
gian of coujryy alre a jy in ,hjs direc
. tion over rood roods, which, at this eeaaon of he
. vear, are : almost impassible; and it ta computed
that evert now thia travel would sustain a railroad
without at all taking inlo the aeconnt the immense
increase i of travel that sneb a road would
8 * Taking into consideration, then, tbe important 1
points connected by this
the road i effecting thia connectiou-the fcaaihihty
of the route—it* cost of construction, and tbe *-
mount of business il most immediately aecure. we
do not hesitate to declare that it offere *
better iavestment for the cnpitali* than ■»> other
Rail Hoad yet constructed m tbe United btaUs. j
We do not give the facts which uphold tins opm- J
ion. It was not our purpose to do so at this«-
Vet our remarks have hot heea made at random
All the fact, connected with this subject hovebeen
carefully oillatcd hv scientific genUeraen, end their
coachman* we have here expressed.
These facts will he soon collected tn n proper
form and presented to tbo country, and we doom
not Ihhtitlniy will promptly enlist all the caprtstl
that will he needed for the speedy construction of
thitt rrknd-— Ohio Slat.
PcnaiylTsaU LegliUtar*.
HaMUSBCTfitt, Feb. 1, ISIS.
Sexate.— Mr. Levis reported a bill-regulating
certain election districts in the "everal counties of
ihwCoinmoawealth. Taken up nod pawed
- The in Executive session, took up the
nomination of tbe Hou. Geo. Sharawood »P«*
deal Judge of the District Court of tbe city and ■
county of Philadelphia, and unanimously confirm*l
**Bills. JiiWwrwL—Mr. Johnston, to aecnre mar* 1
ried women the use of their property; al«, to pro
tect such property from executions levied against
the property of their husbands; also, to secure them
the right or choice made under last wills and tea*
, laments; also, a bUlto establish a boundary line be
tweentbe counties of Mifflin and JumaU. Mr.
M&uliias, a further supplement to the act to incor
porate a Company Ui build a N angatum Lock ou
tfie river Schuylkill ..
Hoist.—The Speaker presented the Annual Be*
port of the Monoogahela Navigation Company,
whidi was laid on the table. -
The Auditor General State Treasurer. Secreta
rv of the Commonwealth, having been authorised
C. an ! act of the Legislature, to conjointly prepare
bdl* for the action of the ensuing Legislature, with
a view to raise revenue, yesterday sent into each
House the following, which were laid on the table,
and the Report accompanying the same was or
dered to be printed.
An act (supplementary) ta the several ads lay
inc a duiy on retailers of merchandise.
An 1 art (supplementary) to the several acts rela
•ting to tbs licensing of inns andtavem*.
An act taxing Bank dividends-
An act relating to nnctiou duties.
I Ari act clianging the tune wheu certain ofiicei
shall .make their returns. ...
ArtKiiTtutviK—The Canal Commission-
tcrda'y appointed the .mder-nained individual!
atati’ Aseola on thu Columbia nadroai—Jo m
Raflliin. J. A. Cunnjnghain, Aaron Oaburn,Charlea
lieidlemao. ‘
The date* of our re porta of proceeding* at Mar
risbureh art? not a* laic as route have published.
The •' proccedi ngs come down to as late a period,
and wo keep near the mail without trying to get
aticod ofil. 1 _ , •
Important iJeelalou.
'rhe i Methodist Episcopal CciUcnanj Church, nf t
}}tooll</>»-. A. jl.
TUo X Y. Commercial Advertiser contain* aa i
-abtfhd or Judge Edmond s decision in tins iro- j
nortknt erne The history of this dispute is Ciruii-
The .WH* »* 1
lecrh from ’be Advertiser, first nra feint the ewe
of Uev. Mr Maflil, charge* being brought against «
woo, prior to the hu* annual conference
in New York was pastor of the Brooklyn Centena
ry Church.'to the effect that, by certain irregular
■proceedings, be had assisted Mr. M. m evading
'certain proceeding* of a disciplinary kind which
the Church desired to exercise. After a fnU bear
iotf bf evidence and argument* on bmh sides, the
New York aaauaj conference by a formal vote sun
! petided Br. Green from hi* ministry for one year,
1 whereupon the Bishop appointed to tho vacant pas
i turate tbe Rev. Mr. Griffiths. Mr. I
I 0 neatly resigned hi* connection with the Melte-d
-i< Episcopal Church, the Centenary Church pro
fessedly doing the some thing and extending an in
vitation to Mr. Green to become their pastor- The
invitation was accepted and when-Mr. Griffiths,
under authority of the Conference andjbe Bishop,
went to take possession of the parsonage and the
Church, he was met with a refusal, on the ground
tbsl tiie Church bad withdrawn trom the confer
cnee and denied it* jurisdiction.—Acting under
advice Mr. Griffiths instituted the proceedings
which have elicited the following decision from
Judge Edmonds: - .
iThallhe itineracy at their preacher* is a « ell
rule of |be Mcthxliit Epucopnl Church
acil thtrt their practice of cnfnrcin, thtt itineracy
bv“mcan« of & BUbop Mtionins the tmubcn—
ereimtion, i» not contrnrv to he. nut the Cm-
ESnrME Church in Brooklyn, luteins been or-
SSSeJ is coenuotioo with noeiety ,l Inrse i,
KSaoW a* *he connexion continues, by the
SSSSa Disciple” laid d»w* for the Gov
ernment of the Church- , .
That their meeting house and having
becabuilt by contribution t gener
asy* and forthe use of the Methrehat fcmwpg
congregation, it is nc A id the power of the tru*
S?Jr divert them to any other pupose, or W?.
withdraw them from the subordination which wait
volgnlarily assumed at tlie establishment of the so*
■“3li. DO excow fcuto truntees llinj tUcir actioo
Ws been sanctioned or governed by the nunilier of
male* now worshipping in that nouse, it l«ein B
ihisir only duly to sco tfiat the temporalities of the
idaißty are Ciithfully devoted to the use intended
whose benevolence founded and endowed
!• (That they erred in refusing admission to the rela
tor M their preacher. Thai Uis the duty and has
been the practice ofthi* Court to enforce th#nghts
Uina w><J that with regard to ministerial
office* and corporations U is competent for fbu
Coutl WA only to direct them to act. but the rnaor
D er in wWcb they shall act Therefore a peretnp.
torv mandamus must be awarded, commanding the
to admit the; relator to their pulpit and
papoafgc.' * . .
OjaHon. Wa. Bawnx,haa been appointed by tfap
Minuter to Bologna.
I _ _ J.:.,
Hatter. and Thing* in ■•nr Ynl*** ,
(Jtißuriday evening the MtnerjaHooij*,
lira toth J.y of the celebrated Tho •
aolcmnixed by th» delivery of a apeecb "“MS •
>il» of Mr. Allen, of that city, before o rerpecleUe
Xiregelion of old faahioned people, both tnebab
Sfficrie.n. The celebration waacoitlrauedon
Mondiy evemnp *1 Ibo Minerva Hoorn., and can
ried on by dancing, eating nod dnnlung, nod .11 ,
ei.y In* week waaabJ
Janl including Ml victim*. Of tbei* Ibenj wer*
mertlSwcSen W, boy* S 7, girU H. Coa*um£
’ aingerl”hn. team* i qnW•
ssn-eiK k
l.tcotnotivea. Tbo nbirtln baa ■“• « ‘"l! jj
in it. winch civn ft *ort of Itfthaa UiU to nc
atirill iniuic/'w> that hereafter cow* will bo *4“*
Si b, clear Ibo track, .n Uio potenltal namt of
llrannbi. oaedaa a Bet tel.
Alaml aitl canal lonia are moored for the Winter in
,e Atlantic diatk haain; many oftlient are We11i..,l
i..,l in* familie* living on board during the winter,
accommodate the apiritual. wu«U of
iho old Olivo Branch ha* been pur fnto
requisition as >n KpiwopaKhurcK i ,
At » huge meeting of the Board of Director of
the Union Theological ffeiuinan'. in this city.heW
on Monday afternoon at the Seminary, the Iter.
Thomas It Skinner, R R, was unaniawuHiy olect
. ed Professor of Sacred ilhctoric and Pastoral The*
I oli KV- The friends of tlie Seminary and Christian
public will rejoice if the services ofUr. Ski nnercan
lie secured to the in-iimtion. It w beliered tat
his health will,Sc* promoted and lu* raluable life
prolonged, by exchanging the responsibilities and
1 duties attending the care of a large congregation
fir llie more quiet situation ofa professorship, ur.
Skinner has been pastor of the' Mercer street Pres*
1 byterinn Church in this city from its formation, and
I en'oysthe confidence and affection of his people in
I un* eminent degree* while as a divine, he justly en*
I joys a very high reputation.. . 4 , „
I At the board of Brokers on the Ist mat there
I were sales of Treasury notes at U9|; Harlem K it
advanced 1; Morris Canal Fanners Trust
Co 1; Long Wand 11III; and Norwich andAVor.
center ItlU; Canton 1 Co diosed at ycnUmloys
I price. Heading abates declined I and bond* l
The closing rale of *toek» da the Ist was U. &.
I o’s of ’O2, 07|S9nj ofilBTA Ou}; of 07 00J; Ohio
1 Os D6}; Kentucky ffs 03|39C; Indiana Bonds 33.
Acciprrm—The rtearoer New England, a*
learn from a passenger, on bet recent tap between
Pittsburgh and our city, met with two «nou* ac
cident*. When site had arrived a few miles belo w
Wellsvilh*. ah© woa discovered to be on tire m the
CHS. The report ran through the boat that there
woa powder on bonn}, and Uw consternation and
dorm which prevailed, is not euaily
The boat was immediately rounded to, when such
a u elfarii»gont” u» cameotf, has not been witnessed
in a hmg tmw. By proper excrtion.-lho fire, how
ever. was soon extinguished. and as the powder, (a
single keg.) happened to be in the bow, nothing ve
ry serious was the result. The tireorigmatedffom
a candle, which one of the hands, unpacking away
«.me pioJ.. carelessly lell in ll«. I«>U
two boxes of goods were destroyed by it.
passengers soon recovered from the fright of.tniß
anticipated hhne but they were riouinecto a
Uotr up, which was not at all iu anticipation.
On Friday morning last, a few hours oflerthc
t,cat passed Wheeling, an crpUwion tank place,
which blew ithe heads out of.fmtU the cylinders,
rendering the boat perfectly powerless, svtorm
sailing was concerned—but, fortunately. neither
scalding nor otherwise injuring any of the crew t*
passengers. The Inml was rounded to again. and
bv tlie next steamer which came along, the passen
ger* were taken off. and brought to our city, arri
ving here on Saturday evening. l*he New hng-
Uod—«*-laidi-m>, and will le until the Captain can
goto Pittsburgh and procure new cylinders, which
will probably occupy ten days.— Cuuih. V**"*
City. ‘ ,
It may l»e proper to state that the alave haa allu
sion to the New England- No. I, not the No. 2,
which left here on Wednesday for Cincinnati. Tho
account is ao sprinkled with absurdities, howevpr,
that we caunot give it full credence till we hear
further. __
SnxAtvK Hansojan.—Some considerable time
ago. vre noticed, on Hie autjiofityof several Indiana
MDera, u iwraonal rcamlre between Senator llan
began and Mr. McDonald. The account published,
overly reflected upon the. Senator k>r the plit be
took in tbe brawl, and hia mode ol lighting. which
I evinced qualities of a very low order,not ca».h
reconciled with true bravery. Shortly afterwards
a counter statement was published, sustained by a
portion of the pres-S Whig aud Locofooo, and bv
affidavit*. SupjKJMDg tbut the account unfavorable
to Mr. Hannegun.was incom>ct, we so Hated.—
We tc»k it lor granted that lliere the matter would
I re«t, blit we were mistaken. The papers in which
1 t’.ic tifst uccounl originated, hava collected and
I nuldisbed a number of additioaal affidavits, which
entirely txtulpate McDonald, and mom decidedly
1 than at first iaeulpau the Senator. ...
The conclusions last armed at m the Indiana
whipped lUnnegan, by amull
ine him honorably, lace to free, for the part he had
taken againrt him a* leader of the ©mb at Attic*.
1 That Uaßticgan was counected Y'ith the Attica
moli, and when McDonald was knocked Into tbe
I canal, did, in a coarse and impioua;way call upon
1 the people to “kill him." j
I Thi" version of tbe affair is IM laiut, and we
I hope lb Icft.—CinanvaiiGttittU.
C-ot Fceuovt’h Devexcs.— Nine more columns
of Col Fremont'S defence have been published in .
the National Intelligencer, and the cod » no* Tg;
i In that portion of lus defence rcadua.tne irWM
I a* Tl it m remarked that the* diifcrenl charges are
considered as so many trial* upon the one act; but
he wonld take no objection' to it The charges are
taken up and answered ttyiainn. The defence
further reiterate* the protest against the ulegakty
I of trying him, because be refused to settle the flu-
I fereuccs of his superior*. j It also aaserts, that all
orders given by Gm.Keareey to him (fremontl on
and after the Ist of March, IM7. were in violation
| of the order* of Gen- Scott, of Nov. 3d. IMo, to
I Gen. Kearney. The third day's portion of the de-
I fence, it is understood, geics into the incongruity
of Gen. Kearney’s evidence, a* contrasted with the
l other witnesses' testimony. Jbo budget of evi
dence. has been sent to the President, and it
is for him to approve pr disapprove the finding of
ibo Court- _ j ;
7b the IZtlitors if lh» Piudburglt Gazette.
It may not he generallrknown that Dr. Mart, a
gentleman of most excellent reputation, and dis
tinguished abilities in hisprofession is now in oar
1 City. Dr- M. professes to be aide to cure the roost
obstinate cases of Stammering, where there is no
I organic disease in the course of a few lectures-
I Re brings with him numerous, and highly respect-
I able testimonials; and from actual observation of
the benefit my own daughter has already derived
I from his system. 1 codsidcf it duo both to Dr. M.
aud to those afllicted with'this disagreeable malady,
1 to say. thst I have great confidence in the efficacy
Lof bi" remedial measure*. Persons afllicted with
f impediments in their speech, should not foil to etui
and sec the. Doctor, lfjhe cannot satisty them
that they may he benefited by his system, they
need not undertake the’matter.
Dr. M. may bo found' at tho Kxchnnge room
No. fi. ~ !.
Pittsburgh, Feb. 2, lblo.
To ike Editors oftlu Pittsburgh Gazette:
I learn from your paper of Thursday morning,
that the legislature of Pennsylvania has'adopted
a resolution, proposed by a military member,
ing the two cannon captured at Ccrro Gordo, to be
mounted -on carriageswmd placed in front of tit*
Capitol complete tbo picture,
they sitould have also ordered a‘statue of W illiain
Penn, arrayed in the uniform of a Major General
of the United State* Army, immediately between
i the other two “Peaco Makers.” Dkab Coat.
Wise.—“ Good \ri»« iiuakcth lire heart glad,
says the good Book. We have had tbq pleasure of
tasting the wine made by Mr. Glasgow, from hi*
vineyard west of our city, and have no doubt now
of the foct, that our soil and climate are suitable
for the grape culture, and that wine will be a profit
able crop. Wine countries always cause sober,
citizens; this seems a paradox, but it is true not
i withstanding.— St. Jsonis New Era. I
New E.f,r.*Tt> lUje Hoads.—The Western
(Mass.) Railroad have petitioned llm Legislstureot
thsl State for $3,009,9090 increase of their capital
stock, in order to complete a double track the whole
distance from Albany‘to Boston, and to enlarge
their depots, Str. The Boston and Worcester.
Railroad hare also asked increuse of Sl**.;
000,009 to defray the cost of branches tVc.
Dividends—;Tho York Manufacturing Company
st Saco, has declared a semi-annudl dividend of 3
percent; the Massachusetts Millsat Lowell, also
make a dividend of 3 per cent; and these are about
all the Cotton Mills, which make up their accounts
in January; which have been able to make any
djvidend. Some of them, in making up
nual accounts, find tbiU they have been working
at a serious loss upon their capital.—Zfortert A{-
vx : • .
A Mom'UCxt to Wit. Pcoi.—The citizens of
Reading are üboql to : pry«:t a monument, with a
sjaliite of Win. Penn, tlie’casttobetakeu from the
one at tlie J’e n n»ylvan|a Hospital, -The object is
to commemorate tbopenlennial anniversary P*
the foundation of Reading by the Pemi iamily.—
The materials ore to be of Berks county iron and
sandstone. It is dot to cost more than one thou
sand dollars, i ; ’
CoixTraiA-v Maoazixe.—We have Irom the New
York publishers Iho February No. of-lhia Magazine;
wliich sustains its former high character. The em
bellishments are above the usual style of magazine
prints, and abac are worth the cost of tlie work.
* Hitt’s MnsciuNT’a Mauazixzi—This work, so
indispensable in a counting house, liss slso been
yeceircd. The table'of contents assures us tfial
ja our reading offhe jjjagazine weshall find much
jo pjacs ja oijf Qolfjmpj.'
TaTLOI DEMOWTEATItIM is Clnci.vxati,—A.calf
ia in circulation is Cincinnati for a great Taylor
meeting to be held at the College HalL The call
‘ is aaid io be receding# very large number of signa
ture*. Many of the oldest and best citizens head
the list . J j
of the nssboryh Gastric.;'
Wailitgloo,FeV2 ) rm:
Mr. Clay it promised a bearing in ibe Scpreme
Court onMoadsy next. He will not temain long
in the city after this, bat wHI probably i visit Phila
delphia where ba bas' business, and perhaps New
Yurie before returning hetae. An Invitation is be^"
• Ibrahim from the citizens oftbe District, ;lo par.
take of a public dinner, which he will not-probar
bly accept t ! '
. t bear of another letter from Gen. Taylor, in re*
1 gnnl to ihe Presidency. It confirms of course bis
Whig predilections, as such a man is hot icapable
of disgaising his sentimeots upon any: subject
where deeming it proper (o make them public. If
elected be says lie shall surround himself with a ]
Whig but in regard to' the minor offices
he does not propose to exclude the .party
to him from a participation in their benefits. Of
Ibis letter and other portions of it, l.auriyuspeak
more fiilly-hcreafler. • , j
The Whigs meet this evening to lbe time
and place of holding a national convention.
Gorrespondenee af Pittibargh Gatattt. I j
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh; Gazette. I
1 -) COHGBKfIS. j I
3_ Washington, F»h.-i, 18*®- I
Sexatx —The body organised and gave its at. I
tention to the usual business of the morning, which |
was not of special importance. Abiung the bil1 s |
passed was one making an appropriation (or the j
improvement of the Savannah river; I
Thu. morning business was then laid by, and the I
discussion of the Ten Regiment Hill resumed by I
Mr. Sevier, of Arkansas, wlio made a speech i* J
his usual vein. He vindicated in detail tl» con* I
duct of the administration, and charged that the I
Mexican* began the war by attacking Copt Tliorn* |
ton's dragoons. He disclaimed any intention on |
the part of the administration to compel; the whole I
of Mexico, but expressed himself il favor of that
course rather than the withdrawal it the troops to
a line we meant to hold as proposed by some Sen*
ators. ;■ I
At the dose of his remak*, which occupied the 1
attention of- the Senate nearly to the hour of ad*
J joumment R. M. T. Hunter, of Virginia, obtained
. the floor, but gave way,upon a moikmjto adjourn
t to Monday, the 7lh of February. |
I, - Hoc**.—After tho organisation. Mr. Wilmot rose
* to a question of privilege, and ctailned the atlen*
lion oflho House to personal explanation. -
This ended, Mr. Vinton, Chairman of the Com
mittee of Ways and Means, moved that the House
go into Committee of the Whole iipon the. Loan
Bill, which was refused. ;
Mr. Rockwell then moved that: the House go
into Committeo of the whole upon. Private Bills
which was agreed to, and several private bills’ dis.
'posed oCand the Committee rose, j •* ;
A communication was receive 4 irinn the War
Department, .iu answer- toa resolution from the
House, calling for information in relation to a let
ter by-Gen. Taylor to the Secretary of War,
in reply to bne when Gov. Marcy attempted to re»
buke Gen, Taylor for writing a letter to General
Gaines, which was printed. The reply of the Gen-
eral is characteristic. He slates'that—he would!
write il again were it necessary.! He was fully
aware of the hostility ol the administration, which
was a mstter of perfect indifference to hi®- |
felt secure in 'his perfect rectitude, and asked no
favors'of them, oor did he shrink-pom any respon
sibility upon that or other question*.
i A motion was made to print the letter, but while
the question was pending, a motion was made to
adjourn to Monday, the 7th of February, which
was carried. •
KarjlMd Senator.
Correspondence of lbs Pittsburgh .Gazette.
PinubxLrm^.Feb. 4, ISIS. ; |
1 learn from Annapolis, M«L, tiikt tins Hon. James
A- Pearca, tl* present U. 8. Senator,‘bos been re
elected unanimously. - llis time expires in March,
IStV but as the session* of the Maryland Legists
lure are tri-ennial, early r.clion was necessary. He
will now continue to iidoru him until lsoo.
Whig Nstießsl.Cps+ewtloo.
Correspondence of the Pitubhrgh Gazette.
Wasuixotos, Feb. 3,1546."
The adjourned of thi members
of Coogress.was held last night, and the sobject of |
a (fatioual Convention was finally disposed oC
It was unanimously resolved do jhold the Con.
vention at Independence Hall, in the City of Phila
delphia, on the 7th day of June.; | -
Exclusive Correspondence of tbe (Pittsburgh Genii* I
Feb. 4, G t. it
' "'Fuuva—Tb® market Ufloiel, with moderate sale* !
.at $5,J»71<30 per bbl. • ! . ■
Ifr -Tbe market is quiet* 411 J prices quite.
Pnuvoiowv—l hear.of no sale* of any arti
cle worth re|>crting. f j I ;
Geocebux—Tbe market is without change.
OwinS to the rain to-day every thing is depress
cd. • { i
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittsburgh hsiette
Baltuioxx. FeU 4, •% r. u.
Fuira—The market is but not sclive, and j
moderate sales »uly of Uowiud- street brands at
ss,f>o per M>i. , : I >
Wheat —Prune Red is selling at 127 c p bu.
Corn —Sale* of Prime White at 45(330c bu;
and Prime Yellow at some. •' I
Coßkueai. —Sulcs at $3 blit : '
I%iuk Puitz—Sales of Wyrtt-tnat $lO ? bbl. J
Me» Poaa—The market is dull, with moderate
•airs of Western No. 1 at sl2> bbl
Bacox—Sides of Hams at ;S£ffloc; Sides at 7c,
and Shoulder* at &2t>lc. j.
Lard—Sales at 7jc » ft. ;•
Wiiisicet—Tbe market is quiet, with limited
sales at 2Cc per gall. .I
Nzw Yoax. .Feb. A. Jf.u.
Every ibiog is dull, and sales sire only to meet
the regular trade demand. ; •
BaZAUsnrri-s—Tbo market ris dull, with a leu
denco downward.
Eicluwto Correspondence of the Pitrsdnrgh Oazeiis
Cixclxxati, Feb. 4. 6 ml
Laid axd Pobk—The market is quiet, and noth
iog has transpired worth reporting.- _ |
WmsxET—Limited sales are effected at 1 4c if
ours—The market is .without change.
Flaxseei>—Sales of 1000 bu, at 90 p bu. :
Cdoveesso—-Sales are effected at $4,121 jpbu.
Labu—Sales of 300 bbls at 3jc and ISOO kegs
at Oo JIL f
Mrs* I^oxk—Sales of 400 .bbls Western No. 1
at $7,75c V hbl !
New OntiAxs, Jan. 27,1SJS.
Cotton.—Market unsettled,With sale* at u decline
ofia*. Sugar lair, aj 3la4c.| Molasses, ISnlSlc.
>Tour ‘dull, with sales of Ohio.under $3. rreiguls,
nothing new. Exchange* limited. :
Smmxo Ivrxuja esce —Qesred, ship# Margo
ret aud Soulliimrt, New York—Arrived, ship
Marathon and brig Deposite,'Boston.
Jutix Qrtxcv Adaus eajmjibattbe absorptionof
Mexico is innitaUe, not desirallf.
Clout* u destruetlve to th# ha
msn cuticle, lor skin) the sodden change fro “ b**',!®
cold, sud the smoke e*ti*e» y'jlpw. dark, co *
plexiotis. Then il is rcjuteite tent the pores of Jhe skm
diseases and unhealthy vapors teft throoghlhe
It is necessary, therefure, lo keep the pores open —»!l
humo?i wr2.;pellcd from the s\in from the pore.,
when they wash with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap- »
have seen U cure the worst and oldest cares |of Salt
Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Uarher-s Itch, Sore Head,
Ringxrem: when every othe?
remedy had failcd—iti effect rendering the skirt vrtßtt,
dear and reft, though it he yellow and coarse, is won
dertul—4t “Soves Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Morphew,
ud disfigurement of the skin—but persona must
l»e narticulaf and ask for Jd.ics Soap—to hehiulin
MSS*? at WM. JACKSON'S, sign of
bp Liberty at. —PnerfiO cents. = | novlMAwlj
n-7- jw, TO nr hair fall off; does your hair turn gray
lrithmbnsitdry,ordirtr,]rpreyt ' ; .
If’tis thus, yon can make it iofv«(lky snd ne, f -
Daik miun«eaUhy» •«» bew«o«» as ihi. hiur of flunc
Anil to have you bars but three iliillmgs lo give
For a bottle or Jenes 1 llatf fitstdratjY*'
Belderfif yod have bad half you woold reallv be as
tombed si the lovely cjfcct » lhr« sjulluif Urtila «r
fows’ Coral llafr B' > ‘9ratiTeiiss onUjitueedsbutone
trial, sold si eft liberty ! ; gpvitf4s»iy
: “Tjssjttisteiiissa' 7
Is reptusive and disgusting.
All coold have leetK as white « P««rl.
gweet lireath—hardJpnns—man or girl.
• t, eoK u hut S 3 cents, and is;reoJly a hcaoltfol articb
* k;"* * 6,18 ‘“"T 1, i
. m-Piua, Sow H«r>' Llnlmejil
■jK^^s?usrssis£. , sas&
’:• •"'ATHia'atok.V?.':) |
C.J.B»th,Sl»a*ger. i: J. DcviAj TreuaTer..
:.|Trinuf rosing, February Cih,;willbc pmedod
ihevnumi of i •
Citot Iraridan, j Cl Pimth.
|- Mr*. c “ mor
i To conclude wilb die lauabable Farce of the
DUMIi IitLLE. .. - -
Ylviaxt. -A
Miry,- !••••• Mr*, bander*.
, steel or qoiirpens, and the copying press. This
ink U the result of the experiments .of .several years,
devoted to tie manulacture.lon in eglensine scale, or
an article suited to all the\porpo»e»'of the consumer.-
The perfection of this writing • Ink coasts iiiiheto *
lowini properties; Fltottt—in which poverty it wd
he (bum! to surpass all previous preparaubrw. U wU
flow with pertecl freedom either iroih quill or- steel
Mas. and is entirely free from any corrosive qualities.
Sum—" The cotor of this article Is a rich, heautncl
blue black. It is necessary, however, to five consu
mers the following caution. / .
fry All good black ink. from its necessary chemical
eymstitulioii. requires exposure to the air to ” ,
• deep color. It must not, therefore, l>e expected, tha
the moment the bottle is opeued, the ink wil bo sound
to he a jet black. The first appearance will be pale.
But after exposure to the chemical action of the atmos
phere either on paper or in the uustand. U will assure
a brilliant black „ • ~ , ... .
PeanaxaxcY—The color w unalterable h> the lapse ;
of time. It will never fade. On this account, all im
portant records should be made In this article, as > eats
only deepen aud strengthen its lint. ' - •
s U. This ink is suitable for all kinds of metallic
pens, and tor pens made of quills, ami whnt is mipoi
tint aud ver>* desirable with many, will give a perfect
■fe connected. Morris 1 bine black wntmg luk, and m
respert to fluidity, brilliancy of color and permanency,
believe it superior to any ink we have heretofore ased.
i - A Thurston, cashirr, bank of Iswisyille; .Rich
bnlsonl cashier Northern bank of Kentucky; Geo.C
(iwathmey cashier, T>ank of Keutueky; 1. L shreve.
presiiicmt of the Gas bank; Tims I« Helm, clerk of Ilar
ren couiity court; Curran Pope, clerk of Jefferson coun
ty court; P B Atwood, secretary, Firemans Insurance
Company; John Moir, agent Lexington Insurance Co;
H H Uckslwin, sec’y Portland Dry i)ock A Insurance
CJo; D ft Chambers, scc’y Franklin Fire k l
nsuranccCo;J Il’Rhoiner. treasurer Imuisville Havings
institution. A supply of ibe above ink, juil-reeeived
and for sale by illeSJ JOHNSTON
TkTRW .WORKS—Just received at M A Miner's,
, Columbian Mspuinc for February.
; Blackwood's “ January,
flirtatious in America, or llfgh life in New anu
; Saratoga, by Senislield.
jPepetbe Pirate, or die Perils of a Sailor, by W H (»
. Kiucston, Ksq. ,
I James IT, or the Revolution of KBS, by XV II Ainsworth.
1 American Collage library, edited by A W Franklin.
I Now and Tlteu,by Ssm’l Warren, FR S> nuthr ofTen
! f thousand a year.
j The Mysteries and Miseries of New York, by Ned Luot-,
1 line! complete.
I The Bride of the Northern Wilds, by Newton M Curtis.
1 Rodolpbo, or the Freebooter of Fonnentcrn.
j Muscoma, or Faith Campbell, by Aria Ashland.
1 Chambers’ Miscellany, No 13
1 living ape. No IM: , _ ,
1 Taylor's Money Reporter for.Febraary.
| Hubscriptinn* taken tor Taylor’s Detector at. the N
1 York price. ?.l a year. A splendid- assortment pf Ya
' '-•>oe« at nil prices. For sale at
smithfleld si, lid dour from Sd.
SUNDAY SCHOOL c hare ju»t wei»«
od'B law* supply of book* for/Suudny. school Übru-,
. published by the American Sunday School Uuton,
uid approved by a committee of publication, consisting,
of member* of the following denomination*. viz: I«P*.
ti*L Congregational, Kpitcopal .Methodist. Presbyterian,'
anil Ketomied !Hitch. Them publications eorapnse
unwards of »i* hundred IhmiimX volume*, (of price* front
i a cents up to T 5.) all written «pn-*»ijr for Sunday
(chool* In addition to the above. tlie liuoii publishes
a large variety of book* in paper cover* tor quits
vouna children, for rewariir. ■
’ The Union also publmhe* two nbrane*,' No l A i of
one hundred volumes ench, all numbered rrady tor use,,
of book* from T*J padres up to tIM at the low price at
I ten dollar*, averaging only ten centra volume. AUu,
-A Youth Cabinet library" of fifty volume*, at thp
I low Price of two dollar* and fifty cent*. Al*o, Hymn
I book*, question book*, red and blue ticket* on p3*h\
I board*/map*, Ac. Ac. All the above sell atlthe
I Union. Phllmlflphi* P™'"; , C
I nishrd iiu application. LIJ.IOTI *”, , .5
| feUS ' l l*o«t copy] At market M. lift .« A lin.
To the UonoralJeTthr Judge/ of the Court of i7enf
T ffl Quarter Seuioru if the Peace, tn andfor the
county if Allegheny. ‘
rplIK petition of Uibson Iniibtcap, of the township pf
lllloss. in the county aforesaid, humbly Mioweth,
dial! your paUtioner hath provided Him*«lf with matt
pal* tor the accommodation of traveller* and other*, at
hi* dwelling hou*« in the town»hip aforesaid, aiulp rajs
thai your honor* will be pleased to grant him a license
tokieep a public house of entertainment, and your pe
titioner a* in duty bouid will ever pray. ;
1 We, the subscribers, citizens of the township of Rots,
I do Certify that the above petitioner I* or good repute
for honesty and temperance, and i* well provided with
house room and convenience* tor the accommodation
and lodging tor stranger* and travellers, and that B«id
tavern i» necessary.
• Bavne. James Kerr. Chaa Kernel. Daniel Daroa,
Robl Hare, Sami Dodds. B Dilworth, K Cooper, -A
| Neely, P leery, D M Kcever, W H Graham, [icadt*
PREMIUM GOIJJ PKNS-Hecd by ejprrv. this
day a large lot of the best made pens ever bro no
I Ibi* city. By offering o considerable premium over the
I ordinary price*. I have had them manufactured vupc-
I rior to any heretofore, and can confidently recommend
I them as such for the fineness ol the goJ. their easy
I elastic spring and fine smooth point*. ALo, a. large
I ossorinunt of other bnuid* for sale at eastern pnees
| and warranted,at the r .
i (V)fcS-Ttl corner of4th A nniriiefsU
SOO ream* rolfd cap fwr and &ue quai.iK-*
auu - leoer v . . **' *“
ao u flat cap. good qolhty
900 u blue Citciory paper,
fiO “ lea paper.
50 «o*« bonnet board*.
3,000 bundle* itraw and ra* wrapptDp pafer t
•“j*” 4 ” ° jer " •s&ssi&irasg.
f \-t_m vren— A young married man, who i» j»c
\Y nuainlrd with the wholr*ale dry good*
t i well a» whok*al« and retail grocery, want* a wWn
lion iu either of the abov e brnucbr* of bß*»«w*«. '»*>o!d
tu>k only a moderate *olary. Reference* given- i** 1 *
dre»« X Y g, through Uti* office. ;
M'eRCEB, UROTHERS k Co, CommuMon Mer
f ghilndalphia. for thr *ale of produce, ge
|wr*ny. Liberal advance* made on conajpUßßH**.; •
I fnbVtim '
iiimiß mir-s-bbu n« i, j«* *™*«i «“} /«* »
> t>y ]ltlw) It_K hEIXtJtS.
fc ,s^ % 3xßk
BBpJ<E 4
TARTARS ■■>■ lb, “fe^FJ.UaIS.
LOAF SUGAR—w bbl* landing: from strainerßeit
tvivauia and for talc by JAMES DALZELL.
wbi n°a< water «t. :
■ipA nCto-'QQ b°.b ■„
T) m ,S l - t j&g Buariu
p.KtymcK-wwo t,, bTict fa-. g'^>,. ZE^
COFFEE —ICO bait* landing from steamer Pcnnsyl
vuoia aiul for sal* by JAMES
lc b4, no-*-* water, it-
LOUB-3UO bbl* llucJ}annpn'* extra family flou
DRIED HKEE—3ooolbaaujar cured.dried be*s
store andtorsale by t»SJ 11 OAKFORD
W‘ M U FOSTER, Agent for Mexican .soldiers and
procuring Incurious, at the office of Win K Ausuu,
Estj, Burk’s buildino. 4th st, Pittsburgh. fcb«_
CLORIDK LIME, 10 casks'/* prime arlirlcforwiie
by | [fcbl] J KIUD A Co.
for sale byT IJeUJ J KIDD A-Co.
arrkttsScotch snuff, focitj. for aairby
feb4 J KIDD fcjCo.
tfECVEr cross for sale by
y feW {Chruntcie copy] J KIDD A.Co.
Shoulders just recM end for
iale'by ’ ;
riIOBACCO.—IM-keasfl twist Ky lolioeco for sole by
J. j r .bi ATWOOD. JONES£C»._
BLirE.WDIdS.-t2 eases' heavy blue drilling*, just
reeeiecd and for sale by
/• e b3 no W wood street.
MBRICS. —Fire eases low priced, me
-10 black and font-v colored cambrics
(fc.ii *n acklktt a whitk.
\J dium, and &
jffst opensdby
B LEACHKU SHIRTINGS.—I sascs medium priced'
rood brandi, just received by '■
•\rKBT FADD NO.—One case heavy black vest pad-
V dine, just rt eeived by __ >
—Titree cases plain anil figured'black,
ind blue, just opened by '•
steel mixed
feW .
for sole ai manufacturer*: prierf
wa|er A front Sts.
Rock pow
tkt>3 -
water fc front <»«. .
will be sold very low to close
water & front its.
constantly for sale at tlie lowest cash
water Is front its.
TCLOUR.—K 3 bbls Patterson’s brand, a superior nr
f tick, W Webb's do do
ust received aid lor sale by SAW lIARBAVGU-. -
fete! mi IP wood st.
tlie highest market rrice will be paid
trrcls of good tallow by - ‘
Tallow.— i
for a few bl
total 1
lari>aii|cH'» ejira Rve. floui
"'no 33 wchrl *L
f A S "»*** ‘"'WiHT HksNtess
BACON— A small Jot ofprime country curefl Uaecta,
just received end for sale hr i
fROOMS—7u dozTust received anil for sakibr a
LEAD a SHOT—Kept constantly on
sale bv fetal DROWN A CULBERTSON?
BACON >b« for sale by ;•
. febg 1M liberty st.-
HOPS— for sale by ‘ ;
COTTON— 123 bales just received p«.stmr.BrooUyn,
for sale by- PBIENInUIKY A'Cq, -.
Metal - ' * 1 ■ r ' ’.67 Waters*.
-40 bM* Not Leaf Lard. 3do No adojfor wle
(frfcg) ' FRIEND RHF.V ACo
[7*EATUERB—S sacks for sale by ■. t _
j -felitl. ' . ‘nUEXDRHCTt'Co
mOBACCO—4 hhdt Mason county WTobateo, in
J. atomlandfor tale by ‘ JAM HCTCUISOVA Co,
nebS w . «Water at
TTEMp— 4t> bpiea Ky dew rotted hemp, 90 do ManU
*s * ——SUSwww*, sco
Iv -gft' ll'.'
By Jofcm DilteTUrtMttowt.
'iOiiMouday moniio^cbruarrT^j.Jfl
mvl' jUjlhinif, JolJ ">' l i" r . *sS'*tSi;
■ • Auction, v - . , ' I
lOu Samnloy evening. Oe-fith in**, *V«^4 C > Ab
Mtnmercial Mile* looffl. «>«>« ©f wood !«,»«
£* will beeold a Urge collection of nimbi* ■““•s•■[*
-*, in the T tt ‘
of science .and literature. At**
biauTt bookain pwat variety, iPttrr and e fP
j»ap*T, on exieaaive collection of»», *ud valuable
European cngraun&a. : -- ■■ •
; i tapenor lined trfolin, and 1. bow,
I l fine accbrdeoa. 1 1 clarionfct, " |
, jjuiic boot* lor the Piano, Ac. ! .
j fcM - ““ P * l " U DDAVIS, A»«.
. . Third Street Prop*™ at Auction;. •
■; On Wednesday evening the Pth u»»W ut 0 o *}
the Commercial tales Wit, ««wr ufwpod muT.&“
wiirbe Mild forcosh. pax fund*.'
of ground mtuatedonthe south aide of. Html
twwa wood and tmtthfield «xeeU, adjoinuig
of John Hague and the heir* of D *^‘S, l i en . ry ’of,., ,?,
a front of UU feet and extending hack SO. feet ■abject to
*a r "’ JOHN D DAVIS, Auif
• ’ Jlouau and Lot at Audtett. , .. .. .
; Will be offeraiTat public auction on lh* P«nu*eP, on
Saturdavtbe fithday of February, nt 3o'e lock, r. *H*
'Lot. of ground uniat* i»» the UUi br
I’huburrti, froutiug W teet ou Ibw Allegheny nre» Uf
100 feet peep, on wliieh i« erectoJ a neat mud *ubttau*
tial two *tory brick llou'*e in front and on tho rear a
unoll Frame Hou*e,tlii* property front* on two •***«■
40 feet wide: i* in th*hei|thborbood ofglaa*
work* and toendriea.- Title une*cepboD*ble. Tartu*
at»ale. (ja^»J> '—, JOHN P MAVIB, Anetr. ..
2‘v^uiler [gsfgfo..;: * A * B
, . (Late J H Stnekler 4 Co.) . ;■
MANUFACTURERS' of Huenix fins proof safes,'
MDtfa tide. second street. between'Wood, and
tjmithfield.Piiaburgh. J 8 Strickler. having deceased
*ud the surviving partner Mr. Jo* Llppeneott, having: i
associated himselt with Mr. Wm C Barr, thei buxines* \
will hereafter be'couducted under the style ■ of Lippen-
C< Trinlofesafe>uCincinnati,6.—'\Vi thevuidersigij-j
ed were present at tlie testing of one of i 8 Stnckler *
Co’, improved Phmtix fire-proof wfe
placed in a furnace oiithe public landn^.andsubjected
toihe intense heat of a stone coal Ire .far more-than i
thw boor*. Inone.hodr and a half .the safe come to.
i bright red beat; tie ,dbpr, of Uw fameo-WM facn
closed,whichcaused anuicrewed and
the balance of the tiine, until the cost Iron wheels were
partially melted oft,the furnac* WMtbeatbrowodopm
and the sale cooledjand opened. Tlie money, paper*
and books, which it eonuii wd were at perfect a* when
placed there, the binding only ofthe w*«ks beuigin
fured by the water in cooling the safe. » e hare uo
heiitntion in recommending it to the_ puWic. *s*
superior to any w« have aver seen toted. andbeheTO
that it will stand any bent wbieb might dw produced,
except n heat would med it tom * «*■“• . ,
tJuriujtei 4 WJiJtmon, L \V orthlnytom hellos* 4
Ucni. Enter. W GPCree.e, Maras Snath,. i.
S Duiifjan-4 Co. Stcdroait, Mayoril 4 Co, Wm Jddnse,
Mend 4 \Vii>stor. j ‘
• We. the undersigned, wrlcCtedthc- safe spdteu of
S'”" *“"I °
Agents 4 , ( S J KKLIJJO..
Refer to Cook 4 Ilarris, Brokers. Piixijburrh;..
Ilnuey Hanna._4 Co. do do {fe3d4wlyS
Berate It! BeraidhH 1 •
; X lor a Jiiinrle day scratch, ivhen a fiUeted ( woh
Tetter. Itch, or other diseases or the skin, if they knew
who would relieve wtd core them. - ..
Tu horrible to be obliged 16 rub and.seniieh when
' alone, but more horrible to abstain lidm it, [for decency
1 sakp 1 when in eomnony. Let ithe remembered that
1 most edicscious of any other preparation in .existence,
lin euring llio Teilir.ltrh,and olherdiseoses oi.tbeskm.
I As nil diseases ofthe skin most arise fit>m tbfe imponty.
| of the blood and doids of the body, and where such dis
ease be of lone standing, and the constitution affected
thereby, irßr.Eeidy’s startopanlla Wood Pills be used
with the ointment', tliey will cure any case whatever,
and if they do not. the mooey will be. returned by; Dr.
Leidy. Most case's, however, will be dfcauol y cured
bvDr. Leidy’s Tetter and Hcb Ointment, unless the
whole system Uimpregnated,by the. diseased humors
I which will be completely rained off fromiheiTsiCm by
i l>r I/eldv’s blood jnlls. and the surface ofthe skm hcal
led by the ointment. Price of ointment «3 cents.
A fresh supply of these valuable medicines Just re
vived and for stile by .
* V |! ll A FAHNESTOCK 4'Co. •
cart Ist 4 wood, also cor, fleh' 4 wood SU.
JMiBl 18481
To and from the Etuieracitiea, tin 1
THE proprietor* of tlii* popular une.ii*re«ince their
re-vrgnniratjon largely tnerea*ed their faeiliUe* to.
I meet the vri-Wof Clipper*; and are i{? |
forward a greater amount by thd Fl' 1< HAY l.ll^r*
I as elto fcv aWiaottal rr-jzdnr wagon* at love ptra. ; •
Thi« lta« willi run throughout; the year. -drfirenß*
rooJ» through the agrau in Baltimore and Pitubargh
to owner* aad dnaugnee* at «peeifi«£ rate* and tune.
Shipment* from Philadelphia Ibr the line aboold bf
marked-Care, J D Robiaaon, Baltimore." :;
T,. raiT «.»u.y, BBoBij . soN
. i - aa {* Charles at, Baltimore.'
I KDGEBTON * Co, Cumberland. 1
f 1 - CI'.W CASS, BrowiwviHe.
IVH ; j c BimVEELr Pituborgh. -
Pittsburgh dk OlaYClaad Ball B©»4.; : 1
—w w KOIIBETO »•
Hjitr-J stalmcnt of tea per eenl, l the sth
■4fep43*»VT' ail MiUerinUotia in the capital .trtoekjifl
twTcroupany. applicable to .that,portion oOie-woJ
under contract, u Tctjtoired to be. Mid on or w,|
1A day of hutch IS4* ‘ SiMihchJcr*
will pay to J AV Bobiwon,; comer pf 3d*o«
iu SalinevlUeicnd rictmtr, Jo Joseph O Laeoefc;us|
WdUville and vicinity to Jomea Stewart, local treas
“>• °"'t r ° f,h ' b “"’ A “o Sfn&T,
OillceofiheP^.C_RX c 9u>X* l^’i . , l^-.- l l5 l ? td ®
pnrrsBURCH steel works and spring,
and. axle factory.
baac jona. * .• roar t quoo.
MANUI'ACiT-RKHS of spring, and Muter «eel,
ptooxh steel, steel plough wing* coach and clip,
no springs, hammered iron axles, and dealer* in mal
leable castings, fire engine lump*, aud coach tnmmißO
center of Rom and r root sts, Pittioo^n,
S AIRMAN WANTED.—An experienced salesman
n» ibe wholesale dry S«*l* bo»ine»*._ One who can
come well recommended ior honesty and correct bus
iness bahii*, may bear of a situation by add ret«nj
“Pwt office box 43d," giving real name ana reference,
fcbl ' • . - - ' ~ • •
ToLct. • - ' "
j-tt A first rate stand for a country store
£j§ about 12 miles from tbo city, in a Terr pobUo a*.
Js&taation, nud an excellent neighborhood. Aaacned
toiheatorehoo»e.lhereUap>od dweUiug house, gar
den, stabling, Ac, The. premise* haT*Teen"occopißd
sa a store for a number of’years and i> tnoSghl to be
one of the best siaud* in this acctioa of coantry. En
quire Of Gregg A hPCaalless no 107 wood tfreet^Pm*-
* Drag ster* for" i’ ; '■
SITUATED In tbe flourishing town-of WelliTtUejtbe
terminus of tbe Pittsburgh and . Cleveland Rail
Hoad, SO mile* try river from Pittsburgh.»Tbe' preseat
business of tbe establishment it foir and can be lncreas-,
ed .Indefinitely. ’lTie' owners wishing •to retire from
the business will sell on reasonable terms at private
■ale. Perron* wishing to mate inquiries are referred
to Jon. Kidd A Co, Pittsburgh.-or
ion3l dam *
Union Cotton Hill*, \ ■
■ . Fimacaoii, Feb. 1,1H3. }.•
OWING to altefationa and improtemettu ntakmf »
the Uuion .Mill, the Proprietor* offer for *ale «t low
rales, some excellent Bevel wheel gearing and shafting,
cards and other second hand machinery, all urortny ol
ntieniion. Call and sea. or address, -• „■ _ .
febtM2a4w _ MOOSUKAB,
TSTotleo— ln purstianeo of;an order"of.ihe Conn of
J> Common Plea* ofCuyahogu county, in the gtatfi of
Ohio, made at the November tehnot *aid Court.;‘M't
the uncollected assets of tbti Kstaie of Robert Colwell,
! deceased, will be sold b* the subscriber, at public auc.
lion, at tho door of the Coup House, in CreTelaud, In
cou».rriiU.,6U, d> r °> WXUffiSf
' 44 ' Adml.torh>tate'ofßobt.ColwelU^.
, J s n 39,1S*S. - feb<d9wAwliHT,
nenmikbeU L ;
1 i'rrrrat'Mn. hebruarylit, IM9.
*An Blmion for rreiitlent, Manager*, and Officer* of
t£« Company for erecting, a hrtdge over the
luinsahetu. oppoiiln PitLtmreb, in the couuty 01 Alle
gheny, will fee held at the ot .aid Corupany, on
h:hi% K " "* r “jo"n thlw^
AN Election for Pre*ideul. Manager* anil Officer* for
the -Company lor erecting a bridge overlhe river
' stlif*’ r»ur n<4t«to«»iim-dhio.
. ” . : NVATStsacttfifcOiilo, Jaii’yS7 r le4S
Mr. IL U SELLERS—Your Vermifuge u unequall
ed a. a “wumi <ie*troyer, n and haa igiven entire
Mtiafaciion to aIP who have had occasion to u»e ic—
Your Uv«r rill« : nre altOßainiug.ahtgh repmaiion
here. Yourare.pecu’ully, Cotcu fc Mat*.
McCossaxantig. Ohio,Jnn'yin , 1 IHd.
Mr.Il.P~ Sellers—YOut .Vannitiigo eella remarkably
fant. and hu» gained the full confidence of all who u*e
jn m, aUw, the Cdbgh Syrup.; -Your* truly i
1 ’ lsaaiL--tUEM..
Prepared and told by It. B. Seller*. No. 57 \V6od »L,
Sold alto by Dr. Caaael. sth Ward, D. M. Curry. Alle
gheny, and Win. J, SmiUuTenilxranceville, ‘ febl
ll PLEAS wUl'lbe held at PiJUbutgh, In] and for Ute
County of Allegheny, oji tW fiM Monday (Oth dayjvf
March, fhejtia! of-Liue. in civil caftaea, awl
all juror* witueiwr*, and other. per*on*bound by re
euimkancca orotherwi** to appeKatthe .apt Court,
are hereby notified*® appeagtt .the
aiiirued to thetri.: By the court. ■■ • ■ _ ■
fcbL-tUt ' v yyLTZ, Pro:
r A-NBON,"I»APHAM* and Leather Deal-
A er*. ifc Perryiatv Hew York.
R*rraasce»--JohnO'rkr Piiltburgb; HLerick * Of,
. prntftdffphjai J
Consignment* of W’eatem Leather elicited, and lib
eral advWea rnade, „ , i »»*«»««-.
—Adveflff on Printing Paper. ~
J' OHNII MCLLOIL 81 Wood itreet;Agent for the
9 *S of Pdudng Piper, for C S. LaMiu fCo ,
would inform hU<e«W»e» *«» inconsequence of the
advance On rag* P#per *» 1 be charged for the pre*
eDialelevencenWperpotitidjOr . ;
lea red, a prime article, fo
; Vinegar, for nolc by ...
lis 1 utterly
.-A.- kib o r : n -
S TOJtAORr Forward ioj and Commiufon Uafthap^
Mrwt*. Spatir fc C« Uf o. .W,Bc»hl | A
peuaoek A Coj W £ *%«» * *»4- ?*]f*J™*
Jell K»a*Pmitiurehj Pa. ;M«ur» \taunt, Hlmrod k
Si* l i2fcV Sennet A Chetter, VfiUUcu AAVright;
jjrown_A^lcC*ner t J. C. Bww. En» Pa. Q«a9dlm».
"OLEACUINO tPOWDEtt, (CUonde] of UOf Vr®
h cuks of wperior, qtuUtr,-direct twa the fayinu*
taetnrerla-EngJmul, receded to,
I I P Burfihv tuonhfcnd Drabßoreca far ehira. Abo,
| • " Corded MerwiUfikirti,
1 French Cotton do (a nrw arU£lc.'S '
L»4ie* ' C9,rton Vt»U, Ae.j nftrthf fc»t
lcorperof4UtA«n;ltet*t»-. ’ . J teb3 .
y~U»H FORBAGS—John 11. UcUortii Woodatrcet,
w wilt pay ihehifbert market price for country mix
ed Bift} cttar In cub, or good* at cub pneca. - j*2«
~~ a "'""TTTrr*'? v t 1 1
; fry V» ;
cncnUTi * pittibuhuii
unitedKidiumU ed,accommodation aod coca
waters of the Wert. Jj*«T
fart that money can hs* fo, hvTyesr*
i »fifrS'feji'it’s?:
[advance. ■'
.The MONONOAS^fUptS^W^“! c *”^|^
burgh every Monday morwug at w • .
every Mouuay evening at 10 r-*? , '
- The
leave Pittsburgh every Tueaday »*«»* “ ,u ° etoc *
Wheeling every Tueaday evening.« w ft »• i
, 1^
bwS every Tburadav momiugatlOv,ctock, AMieeliaf
burgh every Briday morning al io ocldcV, Whaling
every Friday evening atlUr.x.
J every Saturday cvenif g at I
I m. l T a i»P \T\VTOS, CspL A. U. Mtu-V, will
le Jro Pittsburgh every Sunday rooming at 10 o'clock;
wShSImSSt Soroliy creuiug *tV> r . f .
I 1847. - ■ * ■—■ •
. ***** h. •J M CALEB COPR,
, Ufer&jtffg? will Jemre for Heaven C%ow and
jfiSSataWelifTilie. oa Tueiliiy, Thursday,
prepared to receive uAtatAEGIL Agu.
: .-ocug:,: ; N ?P 3Wo °d’ l - ■
:•k “a" {£•
a! - 1 .
1 “! s
■JSSCMtHgSeinAi.Ttr- Cape A. Jacqbff and IA)UIS
WIaANK, Captßßenneu. The beatharc enumly.
new unde re fitted op wiihoutTegard fci rtpense. Lv*
; used bourn, BA. M. and 4 F.M- • . i _
• - } FOR ST. IXHJiS. ' • ,
J_ . The splendid atearaer
and all mterroedlate poru, to-
Sm>*; u 4 o'clock; P»>. -FK.-fifWj « p?gjf'
I. apply on boanl
.'77 > FOR NF.W ORLEANS. .
■*<&.*. r . „ •
Centaiu-Atkinson, will leave for U*®
and all imermediale ports, oa
•« w r 'U oS>
' Dorsey P Ktnney. nuuter.r will ' lmt«
(ot Wheeling, Monday,
| s.-
KyES jpo^:
Every aceoraodauod'lfcat can be ptoeored ter_U**J com
-1 rm”' 1 ” ■ '
•iL ‘ The splendid.light dwn At ateamer
‘ . I - : FINANCIER.
lVn J Kounu,iCc»m*odef. will leave
CMBsteSKaior LafayeUn and juiermMiale porta,
“feb4: . t Monongabelu House.
• "i* : ’ • The new.nnd lightdnwnS*»sleaniboat,
«©tfVj#iE& ; A. Miller, rooster,'yrillMqire for the
.iwt ait Intdrioediate Doru on
Sunday, the 6th initial 4 o’clock, For freight of
q , ”' ,! “ai.WTmikA [ ~t -
i. .i-i' PACKET.-' •••.'; "
. -i»iu»*«Si«~y .. •’
:iMI» Uord, mu\eV, «Ci!l;>«ft«»»«klr'Bp.
th. i&ovc Mru Banng !>• lenoa-
.‘i-'i .-I'-'ii . ••.Thaaßw,nemer»..-; , i'
VfPiS» ' !>. DESPATCH,t*
• Ifi-'flrlfftS Nelabo, master, will 'nut .aa ahevev
■SHOBMleaving . .Monday -
Wedneaday.and Friday,'
'noagaheUCity every Tuesday, Thursday andSamrday,
at 8 O'clock, xm. For pawh|e applyjm -
” { BeUptf VAafportstiiA^b*'
' ®2aft oaaftfiTiTi
■K^Ki' ftSS
SHIPPERS ami oihcra may-rety thataltmerehandU*
and produce will be (brwarded'to and/from the
caatern chi**; Uy ibe above Uae, with dC*i*jcb and at
I JOHN F CLARKE. Ajrnt, Newport.
/ C H-BOON'S. Baltimore. ; t.,
McKAIG A AIcUUIREi CnmberlamLi
W H CLARKE. UrownaviU*: i '
■ FORSYTH A DUNCAN. PjttabteJ * jaftfy
Bgga BCS&fiSS&uE!)
>o* i-ntrrnL‘XT>, aiL-minßX, \TA*aI3QTO>, gIULAPM.
-» rERCUAXTO And ollwe* aeudui*good*i*e muoiw
jyi ed that! this is the fastest, »a*»t,»fldißWexpe
ditious Line going l Kait; connecting with Aflame fc Co *
Erptess daily, aUlaJunwre.,'-
''Through receipts vrUl' ly ohora
KropritUifiof »lm popu£r Liu bit* ebtogtd lb*
Artac? M Coafertaad firota lit* bout* 'of JUelfiug I* M*-:
ruii« to that of » Co.
Fitlibargb tad ««*tora «*rtLasUi ore botificd t&ti J Bar
j* KobtfdCA. N a9£ C&arln it- B*lt7alor*,‘f* lit* oal|
Miharijed *n* 1 *>f tki* Un i* ’ th> Ewtorn dan..
O W OA*S UntwuriUtw;
: " EDO.t KTO.** A-CftCrmWlml,
! •: dwfltf,- J B ROBiKSQS,»»HItoo*e.
. PenatylTMdMVKWijil^
Tflaouau IN FTVK DAYB-raoil WU.ADEL
; piUA to pittsbukoh, by-waujn*.
Running Day and Night between Pittibaighand Cham*
bernburg, and by Railroad betweenCfcambiMbur? and
Philadelphia. ' The first shipment will leayieai-h end
ot* 15th January iiwL No itmw’goodi wßlbeieceived
than can be carried through caeh : day. apthaot iVrtay,
route." TinwvcyloS reduced to Fotuj V»> * wbeti_
the road* beooiaewttled. ' - ' ; ~ TJ ' m .
I i BUTLER, Ag*ifo.
OamadMtttnnUsMiduhtjvPfwiv ami Ohio
CLARKE k TUAw, ( Tranapnrtatwn.
’ . Pittsburgh.} CompTr I . .
frrW* will receipt for «ifi ib* nroduee. *tf.,pr«
dav. to'eo throurhbv the ahoteUtte afwtUwUih nut 1
•' uy CLARKS fcTHAW.
: lIARNDEN * C<J.,i , U_ .
1 1 Puuiiftr had lU«U|i*ea OUce.
>JHp HANRDEJ'tACO.cowytiao .tohnug
tiYJFVfroot any panof Ireland.,Scotland oe
JBfiSCWales. ppon liberal taring wuh their
usual punctually anabueudoa to ihe wani&fcnri couv
We do not allow our paasetiters to ”
'be robUd by the swiedlitig seampt-foat iiiAst tUn •*»-
ports, as wc take charge of then Urn' mrtanii t**-
i port tbemselye*. and we to their wfU'Jnrijjjjt anddo*
»i»aich them vrithow any dctsntion by foe <*-
We say ihUTeailowlyt aa wn U«uj\onc of ufij
l ’rtn to thfivc that they were detained 4dhou« by ua in
lihrerpool, whilst Tbodaondr of 6tUcra were damned
thfoithis uutil they-could be aeat inaotnedderail. u a
oh2p rate, which too Jrcqtuaily proved ttoit tc>r*,'m».
'Weioteuilto perfarm ooj etuumet* boaaf£j!y. roci
what it may. and not act mwm the case iwt'»eatuu,
with ether officer*.—who either pertemwd uct nil,or
when it suited their convenience. " • ~' '
- : Draft* drawn, at Pittsburgh ( to .
jCiOOB. pavablu atanyoftheptQTincvd'Uutixilre
land Bualand. Scotland and Wale*.' ,•* r *•
European and General Aubuv
- __FfoH«w« t onodooibeh»r
** Oc«an Itraw VavlntlMi CaatMttyr
, • ajya Front the beginning of the year trd-V
'/ffidMHEiht steamers of this Company will coil
once a month as rollout: -
2HHK . ‘ : rao* *kw 'toes. ■
The WASHINGTON, CepL T. Johnston, on rtit' SOtfo
.The Hermann, Capt Crabtree, oa the QOth,T%L. 134*.
mji <i
The WASHINGTON. on tbo. b&h Fsbrntry, fs IV
j ThoHEßttANFonfooSAfo March, -f .
■ rassagafrom Jv y. toSoutberapamor Bnmah
• “ front Bfr*atpu Southampton to NewYorh..<ii(»
’ F&f «f passage anphr at the office ofthcOccau
Steam Navigation Co- at- New. York. <* ir* 1
■ jLt, Caoeuy a Rosa. •Agents at AutllaVjpy,,
Wir.ljiajs, Agents at Havre. ' j * •“ • *
O. A. Iluacao 4 Co^Agenu_a\Cr«eti. "i f t -h|
m'S&. E:r £fS4l|'fe'£S,'fc i C “-
JU—J“S?STON i srocSitix
P OB S 7 m neu paV; U da Romp do {,, Ito _
Family flouk-jd
lua SSLLESsijoooLS,
■ : ■
:• ■ . _ - ■■■ -f
; ; : V
T' ||s&