.; ; . ;****&+*?* ]•■ ■■■ . '••'■■■: 1 •■■■■'■ ■ .'- ■.5 -- r p:'^:■ ■ .-‘. •. ; - ;1 ■ - ; j PRICE DOLLARS. BUSINESS CARPS. ‘ \—- , htfir-n rtonnnN- Cnanwnon uid For ■“* ■“ ""2S? Pimbcrrtw ' jo®^%2s^srzs. Froat rtrcrU. Pnitburfh. «*HL __ I. Qtniot itnn. n. %. »Rnw* STIBOWN f * CCLBEBTSOX, Wbolrwl* Cwwn, fYiujd Cocami* tion Merchant*, No. 145 “i . Rmfargh, P*- > dc l l l lr — PAHNKSTOCK k Co. Wholesale and Retail j'PwCT*M*» Wood and 6th eto. JT.L_ BAGALEY a SMITH. Wbnliuta Cm?", li flp Wood fTrcct- Puubaryh. • -: ; Vi VjLMeANULTY* Co.ForwardinirahdC«Bmi*- ,-\y« ctoo Merchaau,C*nal Jiatin, Pnubargn, r*.^ VTv.’ORUkXDO LOOMIS, Anoracy «* ou \jt 4lh itreet, above SmilhGeld. ’ *P* ‘ w*.twixKA». lotnr'r. jwsixr*. 4**.w.irAna*i» G>LKMAN, HAILMAN, A of Carriage Bprtnn mnU Ax Irk A. band Spnn* aaditkalera in Coach Tritaminc* ofe*«fT‘}r*£PP' Jt ’ n ' BxnafxrioTT on #L t!lair «t. Warehouse 4J wooo *u, mvtrn »te B L Charles-Hold. ' jotrvcAtaoxl : ' i. j. wawioirr. CIR3ON k MeKXW;m\(*oerw*>ra » k Co„)'Whole* ale Grocer*, Gmnd«en *nd For* - -warding Merohauu, dealer* in Produce and Pm»bargb . . JoaduC»eiure»}Bixtli*tKeLbcjween\%oodand)Liliciir, rUuWrt. P«. ■ 1 I”-” C f YKAGEIL Importer and Wbotaadf •dealer in Falter and Staple Variety GooaiL tifn of 1; - U£ GiU Comb, 108 Market *L, near liberty. P,l |^[p —iXaSovsEor! j.mniwi mt K' ri f' DUNLOP * SEWELL. attorney* at Law, odicee on Baitbfield, between ad and lut • HKAZLCTON, Wholeeal*pn>*f r * rtriiU of Diamond, aecond door from Diamop Alley, . - H-lwiLT. JOK* OP*'"" - TD WALT k GERHART, \Vbole«aleGroeei*,KealeT« Tiln Produce and Piiuburph Manufecture*; eproeref ijiirtr and Hud *u. Piiubunrh, Pa. " t fcb ‘ T - - ■ Tjemr 'alligb' Fjm B. MXOUMU.- ' J JIH9 T. T?NDLiSU ft DENNETT, flete ftigliihi Oallj Xi Co.) Wholesale Oroeert, Connniwioo and F 4 inf Uetehaou* and dealer* in Frodoee and Pit JutuuheUtre% No. 37 Wood at, between 9d oaj TntOHWARD k BSVARTZ WELDER, AttoH F Law, hare removed their office to the'Sout! . jMtnb *t-i between Cterry-Alley and Grant »U M-nnaß,..'„ !_oso. artrr. rajiairoon. ■ijIUEND, HUEY k Wholesale Grocer* and • T* Comm mi on Merchant*, and Agent* for Brighton Cotton Yana, No*. 57 Water, and 109 Front *ti« Pius* hergh, Pa. . • ' • • I f»l*8-_ TTli-BLUME, Plano Forte Mannlketurer and dealer r .ln Msucaj Inurnment*, 113 Wood it-, neirSih. -. ; > mcli23 race* rotsmi. ; - jobs a. roearns; *EU)RSYTH Jc Co.. Commission and -Forwarding x Merebauu; No. 30 Water it, Ktuborgh. tnyl*_ FTH.*EATbN, - Deale»ln*GloTeaH«j«eiT.and Fan i cj and Staple Trimming*, Market it, Pituburgh. ALLAGHER, LONG k MILLER, Bell mid Jlraa* \JTFoander* and Gu Finer*, ICB Front, between Wood and SmithCeld streets, Pirttbargb, Pa. yriligiipj price given for old Copper and Bra**. 010. voaoav. TTiniaia r*i.»nw GEORGE MORGAN fc Co, Wholesale Grocer* and l Coguni»*jqu Merchants, 105 Wood it, Pitubursb,. n GORGE A. IIERRY, Wboleiale Gtoeer and Con* \T ml*3Lon Mercliant, and dealer In Produce and P»u*- targfc Mairnfaetare*. No. IP Wood it, FiQ>barph._ G-EOW. SMITH A; Co., Brewer*, lMal«er», and dealer* in Hop*, Pituborjb and Feint Brewene*, Fesa and Pitt eta. • • • •' ' " 4 ■ : G BOBGE COCIIBAN, Commission andTorwmrdmg Merchant. No. 20Wood street, Pittsburgh. gvi7, . HENRY WOODS, Briekmaker, Mohimguhcla Riv er. Alt orders punctually filled. Address by let ter tluosmb Use Pott Otfiee. s3>tf TTILARY BRUNOT, White sod Red Lesd M*nn i~l far inner. Paiut sod Oil Merchant; corner of user* ty srtd O-'iJsrs sta- Pittsburgh; }tls .m«i» DICssT. maiuu *«• , Thif *l« DICKEY A Co, Wholesale Grocrr*.,Cora- JL mission Merchants, sad dealers in Produce; Nos. 56 water, aad 107 Frontstreets, Pittsburgh. ; no^_ JAMES Ai HUTCfIISON, A GO.—Successors to Lewis Hutchison dr Co, Commission ■ Merchant*, •ad . Agents.-of the St.' Louis Swain Sugar. Be laery. No. 4S water and Pd front streets, Pittsburgh., t It BLACK, MerehontTsilor, Exchange llaildidgs, . St. Clair at-Pittsburgh. juUKi rOHN R DlLWORTH—'Wholesale Grocer, Produce I ■iwi Cocuaission Merchant, No. 97, M ood street, jttborah. r>»o4 TO9EPH KNGX, Attorney « L**G Pittsburgh. Pa-, t| has resumed the practice of hisprotession in tus ot ; 5r0.N0.7, Bakewill‘aßuildin*s,.Graßt.sU ocoapjed, during his absence, by TJTSgbam and L. Chn«ty, EsmT . . . ; tiHd&wtf. TOBS *>• MORGAN, Wholesale DnOTb *jef la Dye Staff*, Paint*, aUjVanuih**, *c. No. Wi Wo6d*treel,one door Booth of Dttutmod Alley, Pittfc feunfa.. . • ii2L JaKct KERB, Jr* A Co., l*qcee**or toJo*ephD. Q. Dari*,) Ship Chandler*,« Water *treet, oe3l JOHN It MELIiOR, Wholeaale and Retail dealer InMuftie and MuaieaJ Inatrementa, Sebocl Book*. . ||py-p«r« booght or takra tn trade.' Wioloaate Grocer*, Forward- In* and Cocnmiaeion Nercbnntt, Dealerain Produce, i -aadTpittatarrh Manafartnre, No. 7 Commercial Row, Übany_M 3 nearthe Canal, Pittaburgh, Fa. • t*Rd T~BCHOONMAKER it CO4 AYJwiaaale=Dmf &i*t* |J , No. 94 Wood street. Pittsburgh. . JOSEPH JORDAN A .SON, Commission and For warding Merchant* No. IS liberty at., (opposite 1,1 Bampaan'a Row. ' jan<L TOHNL. -OA*LLATIN, Attorney ni Law, Office on tl 4th at, between Grant and Smithfield; Soaui *ide, yitttborfn, will aUo attend promptly to buainea* in the adjoining eountie*. - ' o^s? JOHN D. Davis, Auctioneer, comer fith and Wood Wood at*. Fittabcrgb. - oct ' t TOUNBTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printer*, a) and Paper Manufacturer*, N 0.44 Market 1,1 itta burgh- ' LJ2- J 1 1* BEADS Book Store, 4lb; dear Market street, - ; Cla«aieal,lD«ologieaLHiatoneal, School, Miscel laneous, and Methodist Books aad Stationary. ap-g Jl W. ROBERTSON kCe, flanker*'and Exchange i Broker*, comer of Webdand M ala, Merehaai a ' iinMi Boildinra, PiiUbargh, Pa. .• — - • |EP*Carreticy purchased at the usual rate*, .octll _ JOHN GRIER, Wholesale Groeer.deaierin Produce. Plate*, Afcj fe-t No, ' ' »liberty at, Pittsburgh.- _ ‘,— -•/. - " S3CIUXS FLOtu. Jt fc R FLOYD, Pale J. fiord A C4,J Wholesale 1 Grocer*. No. lPi LibertT atroet. JAMES DALZELI* Wholesale Grocer, Commission Merebaut. and dealer in Produce andl Pittsburgh yr-m,f.-i.Trs. No.ai Water si, Pittsburgh. janUl > S. WATERMAN, Wholecalo Grocer, Farwird ilW *aA CoounUwon Merchant-Deijler to l »«*- soil Prodoee, No*. 31 wXer^i., Ir&FfPWt-tt ■ •' 1 " r ' jobs «nrwo*. T AMBEKT * SinPTOjf, Wholesale Grocer*, For- Tj wording and Comaimum Wercbanu. dt»ler* m Kodoeanudßtubaryfc Manufacture*,fro*.U A3S . Pln*htireh.. Tt f a rforu- • i>i> *iiiwiiu>" _wiLjkiJi so*. -W-cGILU BUPIIFIKLD A 808, M-«sd Merchant*, No- U>* ljbe H£.‘ t '’ fnubatth-• ” - * r£l "it &uzs. 'iw.'Wim*; . WS V Jr TIC ALLEN A Co, Canumr»ioa ana Forwaraing Jy| t Merchant*, Water sad From M, between Wwd and Martel at*. - . . - .'• J»uQ . ••'-ww m"™ : c xr. nciroos. .Vfll.l.Klt tt RICKKTSON, Wholesale Grocer* and ML CwnntiuiOD Mnctomt*,No. IW, liberty *Ul‘ut»- “ -nCcCORD.* KING, Wholesale ond Ketail 11*1 and JM_Cap Mafculaetuter*, end dealer* in Fancy.Far*, £ogief of Wood and Fis\h *U- -DHPHV/ wjfJIQN A Co, Wholesale . Dealer*, No. 8 Wood »u Htuburgh. •%T lIOLMCS A SON, No. 65 Market it, »econd l\. Jpqy froa corner of Fourth, dealer* m Foreign ±JL ltane.tlc Bill* of Kxebonge, Certificate* of Depot jhlfrapwal ■{■ Boiled «mied • • J «' ? r\BUM, McCBEW A Co-, Produce, Porwerditie ind I 1 CoSiUilon Slereb.nu, Ko..(J.CominercUl ltour, lttectTit.Pim*crßh,ri. T'? I.%'Minnn. *. ectstsßO*.;-. cn. ?**”• ThOINDKXTEB A Co, Wbolcwle Grocer* and Com- Merchant* No. UWater ThOBERTBON A REPPERT.Prodnee Dealer* ACom xLarfwioa Merchant*. No. HO Second et. PitUburgb. V ’DVCHABOT. LKIeCIf, Jr, Importer and Dealer in * Upomrn and Domestic Saddlery, C*rri***Trijnmins*, of alldetcripooui, No- IU Pltubnrrt. , V--J -TJICIUai) BABB, Wbolroul. uid Beceil I*; I '/’" JSiLeeiAcl, Morocco, Sboeouker.’ Tool. ciulHod lop. T.nneri' did Culler.’ Toole, end Tuierro" Oil, No.lOOWood «t, Phuhanth- *rp!J kottxr loamo*.- •*«**• *• TV ROBINHON k Co., Wboknla Grocery.P««w** Jv # tnd Conunliiiou MerelisnU, and *? H ** btbgb MuttUactarea, No. 1W Liberty tt,/llt |^ufgb t T>OBEKT DALZETX k. Co.. Wbolyiale Grocer*, K.Caegnminion knA forerardmc Merchant*, deokra fcProdttee and PituburshMamiiaeufre*, Liberty at., Fimbar»b,Pa. . .. /•• - few* _ TiOB’T. A. JCGNNIN'GHAM, Wboleiale Grocer, Xt, Dealer la Produce and Pittsburgh AUntiAeturc*, Ko, 144 Liberty »• / r~ Jy^L ROBERT MOORF. Wholesale Grocer. Rectifying nitiUer, dealer In Produce, Pittsburgh Manafae tttnt, and all -kind* of Foreign and Dnmeitk Wine* •ad liooora, No. II Libertyut, Pilaburjh.' :fT7N. ft Ob baud a;tery Urge aioek of *upenor OhfliOßoafehete WbukCf, which wDlbe aold low for auk. • ; ./ ; - _ nra^iy L ol arreoLo*. ’ / ~' - t. Umax ’*t> EYNOLDS A 6HEE. Forwarding and Commission JK« Merchant*,font* Allegheny RivrrTr«dr.«h-alrr* - fi OreeerUß, Produce, Pittsburgh hlanulncture* and ' Chloride offline./ , Tha birfaast price*. in «aO,>aid al all lime* for noun : ttT ry. Corner of Pcoo atw Irwin «!*• ; janvi \ T> OAKFoiID k. CommlMion Mercliani*. Lib- XV.ttty «4 oppowte groithfield, Dealera ,u .^® ur « Grain and Seeds; also Putter, Lard, Ac. apt4-ly. eriun. Tin*, a err * white, whoie«i« !*■>«»> and Domestic Dry Good*, No. OT ' IURiiAUGIJ, Wool MeWTSStiri)w»fc»Jn . Or Flow and Produce reneraUr. and Forwarding and •fTTgliiilii TT n w "*- Piuikurgh. . BUSINESS CARDS. T SMITH, RAGAMSY A Co- Wholesale Grocer* ami Produce dealers. No. 993 Market street, between 3th and fth. North'side. Philadelphia. nor* r. belli**. nrrsnnton. »so. wonts, isvßTH'nv SI2J.EJW & NICOU*. Prodnce and Grnernt Com mission Merchants. No 17 liberty st. Pittsburgh. Sperm, Linseed and l«ard Oils. jail Sr. iuf4«—(Sorcessor lq Hill it Dmwitr) Importer • and mamifartarer of Paper Hangings and .Borders, md dealer in ‘writing, printing, and wrapping paper. H? Wood st- Pittsburgh. Pa. Rags and Tanner's scraps purchased at the hiceot market'prieo. . ja7 , SF. YON ItOXNIIORST, k Co.. Wholesale Gro • eer*. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Dealers in Pittshnrcfa Matiufastarc* and Western' Pro duce, bare rertmerd to their new warehouse.(nhl stand) No. 35, corner of Front st. andChaiicrrv I.ade. norT SAMUEL M. KlfllL, Forwarding and .Commission- Merchant. Dealer In Prodace and Pittsburgh mnuu tsetared articles. Canal Rosin, near 7th *•- . d9l 3'ASSBY k UK*T, Wholesale Grocers and Commis sion Merchants, and dealers in, Produce. No. 35 ood sK Pittsburgh. , . a)nil IHIOMAS KENNEDY, Jr- I-ookin-Gln** Mnmifnc . tarer, and Dealer in Clock*. Comb*, and Variety Goods, cornerof Wood and Fourth at*. j 111' I. P. rowmi. tt. J. POESTTH.. P. kORSYTJI k Co., Commission Merchant*, . • dealers, in Salt. lumber, Groceries. Prpduee and t’utsburgh Manufactures, Cana! Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ,1 ... febtd \Tr k It: McCUTCHEON. Wholesale Grocer*. >Y • Dealers in Produce, Iron, Nails, Gins* nml Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 15J.Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ! jytH Jnqs t>. WICK. DAVID X'CASDLE* ■\VTCK k 51'CANDI.ES3, (successors ttrL. A. J. D. '|f Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, dealer* in Iron, Nail*. Glass, Caltou Yams, and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, .corner of. Wood nml Water streets. Pitsimndi \\r ■ B. EURPHY invites the Indies to fall and ox \j • amine his stock of Frfcuch .Worked Collar*, some'as low as 95 cents. . rnchld •YTTHmiORE k WOLFF, importer* and Whole 7V: sale Dealer* in Hardware. Cutlery, saddlery, Ac., N 0.50 Wood street, Pittsburgh. n P- > * t ■\rr IV. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Famish •ff • in* establishment, No. 5114 Liberty st., near the. canal.. ; - m*rX_ T Tf O. IL ROBISSON, Attorney at U«. ha* re . If * moved his office to the Exchange Building*, St- Clair at, next door to Alderman Jones.. fl P‘Jd » m WM. GARRARD, Dealer in Fancy and Staple , Dry Goods, No. 79 Market street, Pittsburgh. novl3-dly I .. . _ ITT IV. WILSON. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, If , Silver Ware.-Military Goods, he., No. b? Mat heist. I : i _.L" ov '. XT’ R- MURPHV, IVhnlesale and Uctaildralcr in If .Foreign atnl Dcmeslie Dry Goods, northeast comer of Market and Fourth sts. m>‘rtl JI3RYAN, Reetifying Distiller: am) Wholesale • dealer in Foreign and Domestie Wioe* and Lt quors. No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley, Piuahorgfa. Pal Jyl7-dly_ ■TTrARIUCK MARTIN k Co- Bankers, Dealer* in 11 Exchange, Dank Notes and Cvin, corner oi Third nml IVood slteeu, Pittsburgh, Pa. novl9-dly it. \r. wiixtAia. - wx. at. ntrav TfriLLIA-MS & SHINN, (sueeessor* to Lowrie and Y f IVilliaids,) Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.— O.ijce North side of Fourth street, above SmithGcld. fcbKdAwlyj . tra. Tutnto. I • Jbo. i. m ccsk. "TTT.M, YOUNG A Co.—Dealer* in leather hide*. &e. YV 143 Liberty su jamlily -|TF k M. iJITTCHELTREE—WhoIesaIe Grocers, YV • Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and liquor Merchants, also, Importers of Soda Ash and Blenching Powder, No. 160 Liberty st-.Pittsb'g, ha. janddly oum BUcaßuiu. oxtiaas s. jove*. O BLACKBURN k Co- Wholesale Grocer* and • dealers jin Oils, Boat Btore, and Pittsburgh Man ufactured articles,-have on hand, st all dines, a full and general assortment of goods in their line, Wtier street, near Cherry Allay, Pittsburgh.' jaa!3 • DAVID W. BILL. ALOEXSfW S. BELL. k. a. mows. V4UV n. ssi.i- -■ ■ -■ DW. A A-R BEI.L. Attorney* at l«nw,oiee m • Stewart’s Building. Fourth st- second door almve Wood streeL Pittsburgh. Pa. D. W. BeB,: Comnustuoner to take Depositions, Ar knowle<lgtn«nt*of Deeds, and other instrutnentsofwri ling, to be used in Miasouri. nvltl-thn* JOHN 5L TOWNSEND, Druggist and Apothecary. No. 45 Market *L. three doors above Third *t- Pitts burgh, will have constantly on band a well selected a»- sortiucnt of ihe best and jrcuhest Mrdieine*. which lie will sell on the most rranmablpterm*. Physician* sending orders, will be promptly an ended to. and sup plied with articles they Buy rely won a* genuine. |Q”Phy*iciii» Prescription* will be aeeurntrly- and nenuy prrpar»*J from the best material*, at auy hour of the day or night. ■' Also* tor sale, a large stock ef fresh und good Perfu mery. _ P-nl W AV. WILSON, Watcb MalrrandJcwelkr.ro;-. • ncr of 4th and Market st>. A large nud well selected stock of Watches. Jewelry, Silver Wnre, and Military Goods. Always on baud, and at regular eas tern prices. Gold rateui Lever, full Jewelled Wntebes. as low as 649; SUveT do. tVslches, as low as fit*?. Genuine Cooper,Tobias, JoUasonaadoihcrapproT-.-d make of watches, may be had at a small advance and warranted. [o"Fjue. Watch Work done in the very ten man or nrr.'? JIL SWUrTEUR, Attorney at Law.offire M *L «>p • pMiu StuCberle* Hotel. PitLsteirsh, will *l*> at tend promptly to Collection*, in Washington, Fayette : and Green counties, Pa. ■era to BUckstock.Bell & Co., ) Church k. Cetuther*, . Vpituhtnjth. P. T. Morgan, ) i Tl _J, HENRY, .Attorney and Counrrllor at Xj» Law, Cineiniinti. Ohio. Collection* in St-utLet,- «.»lno. and in ini.l i i Kentucky. pionvtir mi.l carefully utU-Minl u. C*tiiur.*a«ioiirr no »>.** *>•' 01 Pennsylvania, iwr taking bv|-u*.ti(»ti«, ucki.«*w:. Jz inenu, fc. lirrn, to—Hon. Win. Hell A Son, Curtis, Cl;arrh If Carolber*. Win. Hay*, Em;., WiUock 4 -Davi*. aCS ' 7AGLE COTTON WORKS. Pitwlmreb. Manutac- Pi mre Cotton Yarn. Candle Wick, Hatting, Twine. U)«e(iet Yarn, Carpet Chain.. Warp*. 4' r - fc c. 7 KJNG, PENNOCK A On.. : (Suceeuor* to Arbuckle* A Atrtj,) jnn3 i - Proprietor*. ALEDOtTC 4- Co.. No. 77 Gnnal atreet, New Or . Ivans, Agent* for J. B. Armani’* Lxt'-nsire Steam Surar Refinery.' Always on band a large stuck of Loaf, Powdered. Crushed, Clarified and llartard Sugars »u'fierce* and Barrel*. Also, Sugar House .Mol»,»e». price* liberal, and a fair allowance mode on alt •nlr» of. or aboTc 51) barrels • inehll GKO.-'W. gfMITH * Co_, Brewer*, MaLter*, and Hop Dealer*. Pittsburgh and Point Brewerm*. ror ner of Marker’s Allay and Penn atreet, and toot oi 1 iti »L, Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ it. r. xersolr. axetsox. *uu. e.'Hn.rr- HPJtS. N KLSON it Co. Manufacturers of 11 amnn- r m ed Shovel* and Spade*, Hoe*. Hay ami Manure Fork*, Ac., Ac. Warehouse, No. ll Wood »t.. ritu buryh. I ; . marl3 _ «wv T. B. BISHOP, Vrterinery Snrsreoo, can *XW|. be found at hi* llor»e SboeingJl*tabli»hti»rut. J&J»/«Mt»r St. Clair street Bridge, lately orcupicd' M •/*( bvlMeur*. Coit A Bow laud. nsOUim TTiTkATON, .Dealer in Trimming* ami Variety Jj « Good*, | Tortoi* Shell, iTory and Horn Comb*. Woollen Yarn* mul Wonted*. Button*. Needle*, Tape*, Braid*, Ac. No. 03 Market •trect, between Iha round and 4tlj *U Pituburgb. jy’jSdly T>ICKLES ANDPRKSCTIVKS—-2case* Cndcrwoml »■ assorted;}! case*Doughty;!!care* Peach Prcwrrek, * m u.«: EAGWARKnOI'Sn— The highc»t price in cn-d/pald for good!clean rag*; al»o, cunva**.bale rop^/graa* rope, woollen rag*, wMic.A^.g deeSl j Wayne *u, between Penn ami/.d»eriy._ DIL DA>l*D HUNT, Jyy Dentist, barring made such arrangement* in lo» Coni buiioei* ibat be enrt detroto hi* wfiola utne p* tlm, duties ofbi*!profe»*loii t may Le»eeni|thi* other, cor ner of 4th and Decatur streets between Market and Ferry at any hour during the day, from aa. it. ul! 6 f. x. j ; jyj>-ly SBW SiDIILEBY DABDttARE STQEE» p, T* LEECH. JRm , WO. 139 WOOD BT./PITTSBrnonl HAVING}. rep|«ni*hed my *Vock iroiu Uie l.r-l iwr ee*, boro domestic and foreign, I lake plna«ure‘in aimoncuig to cotuumer* ,imd dealer*, tnai J »ni pre pared to turoi*h them with all good* lu my lufe, on still oeller term* lhan heretofore. . . Buyer*- will recollect that dealing ‘-egcluuTclr’’ m Saddlery, Hardware «r»tl Carriaco Tnmmiug*. 1 obtain Uiercby, advantage*' that enable roe to dely competi tion. Coll, »ee. and judge for yourielre*. «P 17 . } /ES6RAYISO or ctzbt Dxacm/nox rontmt kibcpted is a avreaum I / . XAXXUt, HT \ / M. LB A N-S . Son Dulldine*, N. E. Corner of Third and Dock Street*, /* (up stairs) Philadelplua, HrHERE canalway* be bad at short notice—Ma yV aoiic SlAiut Medal*, of all kind*; lira** nod 1 in ted Door Plate*; Seal* for Bank*, Sorieiie*, tsirpora- UojilAc. ProfeMiotml ami Visiting Canl*..engruvcd and printed. ISoeietie* in want of Seaßof ufl»e«f nre in vited to call land examine ftpecimen* aud Destgri* «»l tne various order* of Masons, Odd Fellow*, Son* of rern perenc*, Acj novmlTm_ } WM - TIMIIUN, / ATTORNEY AT LAW, [ liutUr, J'a. : WILL also attend to collection* and alt other busi nes* entrusted to biro in Butler and Armstrong countie*, Pd. Refer to J, h. R. Floyd, liberty »t.) • W. W. Wallace, il<» \ |, ir , lL , m ,i, , . . James Maraliall, do j 1 in » b «rij«- dly Kay A «‘o.. Wood »»• f _ Caillagi, Wagon Uox ■ ee, Ac. x\ .l nouKirr iiam.. of the old firm ofR.A H. Kail. U ttißnuiat qOßPHP' luring large >|uantitic«6f Ilougb*. Plough Casting#, Wagon £>**«, the Improve ment* of Hie Leaver. Peacock, lllim/.., .rod other Plonghs, of Ike latest iuml be*t pattern* nowin u»e. . Warenou*e. IUJ Libeny street, Pittsburgh, u],|m*ii« the Hay Mdale; Factory, in Allcghenycuv. utut the Colton Factory of &!**»<*• Jliackstock, Bell "-uPBKIS TEA Fourth Is SlhTilZ™ .nil POT"" 1 V" loihlemilc «li.l.clioii«f „«. „,i. m •fjJs'yaW dec® j No.WlMmrty.V-- CommlsalonVr of D**d* . AT CINCINNATI.—I in authonred by the Gover nor ot! Penniryivauia to take acktiowfcdgmenlaoi all insirumitnts of writing, also affidavit* lions of person* in Ohio, to be u»etl or recoroeotn I'enmylvariia. Office, two door* east of the Mayo*? Office, Ciatianau,Ohio. EDWARD 1* CKANUI, mayiiOdahdwlyT Attorney rd Law. - CRAB CIDER—S 3 bbl* erah cider on consignnieti and will ba sold low to close by janl3 I . IHAIAH DICKEY fc Ca BORAX— OW lb* tepj borax iu»ircc'd and for »n!< by Uaulfi] JOEL MOIILEH. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING* FEBRUARY 5, ISIS. FORWARDINGS COMMISSION. aR. I>istr»uinvpii. - J.‘Kiw*ijo S*\x CIIAnLES n L JQA3SKSnOWKU jfc CO. tobacco Ybs¥iTsiu¥sMcHASTs, No. 3D Poluh Wbarr*r, mulNo. 117 Honlh Water »t -; j l’lflLADKLPitlA:' : BlvTOf to inform the trod* nml dealer* genrraltjvof Pitbdiurch. thol they havrtnudr*ueh arranpriuent* with • ilir i Virginia tuunnfricitinw* am! thr (Jrowrr* of the WctuttViii mill other plartu, pH will mount a Inree. ntnl oonMatil *>npply of tin* follnwins drwnp* tion« ofTiilcnrmwhich will Imi *ojd upoa a* Rrcora mmlniin" .term* tut any other h<nt«e in thi* city or eli>r.- where. mini all pond* ordered from then! will l>e war ranted cr[tm! In representation: ■ • ilamiiri;' St. |Vm)iii"o; CVnn.; V Vara; ] Potto Iticn; IWnJ >B>«rd I^nfto- Cnlio: i Ijrnini A Florida;) .bftreo! ••• .AltSO-i-lirnoch 1 * eolebmted Arotonlic .Stnp Cbtmi* di«)i. within large s«*«orttneiit of miter, popular brand*, nml ijnalltie* of pound*. s*. ID*. Id* and ft!*. I*ump; 3*. th>. And tik Pirns I-odie*’ Twi*t: Vitcuua.rwuu . 4r. «w*ri and plain, in whole and Imli'hoxc*, wood nml liu.uiertitcr with every variety ofurtfo'e belonging to tip- irr»|e. : ■' i irn^ir rCRAIO. IJELLAS &.Co'.. , Flour Factor* and Produce CotnmUilon ! . ' Merchant*. j LIM-RM. ca*h tulvawce* niud-s on reieipt of eon* *imihieni» .Tliomi *hippini; lo our adore** will be Ivon ifiPtn-fourth* tMuo i“ advuneo in tush, by apply ing to our friend*,' ' t - . • >lc«*r*JWn!lin!pnnl& Taylor, Pitubunih. Mc**trilTho«. lirll h »>-. llrHl g cpt.rt,Ohin. , Philadelphia, Mi>y 5, l»ti. • • | ttiyfl7-tf \. U.’.All Produco consigned to m i«tin*ured when in llm Wart'hmiM of WulJlutrftinl 4 Taylor, IhlMnirph.or in our More in rhilndelphia. 0. H. k Co._ : 1 GEORGE COCHRAN,] Commlimlon and Forwarding Merchant. : i so. fifl wood *t- rrmißCßGit. f . • , . . CONTINUES 1« tranwcia general Cotrtitif»!onljari* ne*#| o*poei:£Hy in tlir purchase ami rnfe-ofAnitm* eon Manufactures and Produce. aud tt»rnco;*iriff and U'rwnnliiiff (jotnl* continued to hi» core., A* Asvnt tor tin- Maiunariurtv*, ho will l>« constantly •tlpplied wiiU tin- principal article* of i*i(:*hurcli Manufacture at the InvvoM wholesale price*. Order*and cansijnment* ore re.peruully solicited. . = _ j3»__ Baltlmore Protlncc CommlailoH House* I?I>\VAIUJ OT.AYTON. late S. Clarion ,1c Sjus, IC9 j Domhiml Dealer in Gutter, anil Com* mi»»ioir>|eiThaiit, Having for the lust ten year* de»o ted hi* attention to th«* »nle of Uutter, will flow receire Rutter. l.iirtl, and other Produce for saloon eotmnistien, ami linnet" himself that from hi« experience ami nttmc* roti* shipping customer*, ho will be nhle tolpivc *nti»- furiiou to all who mny consul produce to kim. Refer Merits. P. W. Urunr & Son: Win. Mnson A Son. , Wiiliinv’ioti A l -nunim, i T. \V. AO. Amt i)i« XWrliartt* c**m'tnily. O F tI<XH'«T I- : j 11. F. CONIVAY ACO.,[ rOKTSMoPTH. Coiitmnwoil nn.l funriirdityr Morrjhnm* ami Produce lu l ' lo J»aio Bud Shipment of Pij: Iton, Coal. Ac. ' utrraio: | Aiwood. Jones A Co . Brown. Bailey A-Co., i.orr»7-Sierlin'* A C<*Henry tJra<T. (Jrutf. l.nuUoy A Co- l>- I* ,, ccli A Co., l.ymi. Sliorb A Co- .Cbrhe A Thaw, marKVliy JOUS F. PE BUY, of ||iu Jinn of Malcolm Loch A Co-J Wholesale Grocer* Commlnlon 4fc Flour * ' Merchant- i DKAl.ni iu oli kind* of Cminiry Predate. Copper. T:n,Tin I'lalr./nuurr.’Tot.U. Ziuc. Lttul, iUi'Wa Siu-ei It'oi. Inni uinl Nail*. While I .cad. J*y<? Stufl*. Colton Yarn*. Salt. Ac., and Pittsburgh Manufacture* I'enenillrj corner of liberty wul Irwin street*, Puls* bursli. Pit {]y-|.jljcral wlvnuerj. in Cash or Goods, made on conMgiinient* of Produce, Ac. _ roy3__ a. noaATK unx . c. r. siartis. s- »; iiiitnox- LOVE. -MARTIN & CO-* Produqti Crneral Conmitiloa anu For < BTArdlng Merchant*, i : : 50. 0 aj-iraa** wiuar, lur.nsiiiaK. .Ilefcr’iti |M. Allen A Co. / ) piiuh r-h Mnraphin. Smiih A To, \ 1,,u ? Jiavifton. Saouder* A Co.. Y | ■ IJohn R Ranflatl, J.Bultit#ore op 14 . lllughJenkini, > dAwly_ J U. tKIIMUL ’ r, Mr. *IPKCM<a. l.ate of Pilb-hureh. Pa. I,ntr of Na»bsilh\ Tcnn L'&HMER & ANDERSON DKAI.KIiS INUtfl’ro.N. FORWARDING A COMM IN* ; ' ‘ MON MKKOHANTM. so h »Tu>v‘r rrnrer. above r.so*uu*\t. rwt*«*n. oiu. Ilncri* 1 .WcreUnnu genernliv. in pi»«Jmrrh f” . WALTER A Co n COMMISSION MERCHANTS AM>i)K-U.Kjfc* INiI'KOnLTKCJKXtaiiU.V. v*. !*t Kjljii liowAunsratr, ccu»w miini ritiiMonc. JSrfur 'uV— D. S(irup. ♦ ,'a«!i u -t. T. ,('ri>i»s &«(]-. Ca«lii<-r, j| l.«mJ*.UVrl4i>(Mi. HUtr 4 l>>u«h<rty. Slid.'- luff 4 Kii*+v, \V. Jt s>. hhnglurf 4 l>tvn*« ail /Tkdwaro A. KKKUXO, fiEcrj\ jfN«'i. r<inwAtil'l.v;. » I*m ver j ' h'Han r \\i)Ci»nos huoki:R- Ilrfcr Jfr-M. Alien A,IV».. Kin*. I'em.uck, ItjCo a‘J* ■ J : lii'-m IDITIOSEERS h CpBMISSIOS HERl’ill.MS. X!IEX. LEVY 4 BRO'i. CINCINNATI! AND NT. I.rtUIN, Oil.r tciS'-'tl *i.'tiher<<4i.ni.ii«!iiTu*iit. all Limit ofM.-r - Tatrtoi anil ui<t ttlwnvd pre'iarrJ w» aiit|tnri*«. Th* rri>’* rrm-ct jr-Ven rJ Iswm a<Mrr*i«-<l torit*irr bcuif.. ui!i l>c pnilnpll)' oilrruV-l ;o. jylJally jauub Tinmpsnx. w. tr < *itfrr't.i- TIIOJIPSOS 4i, CASIPHKI.L. commission merchants. And : ?lannfacturer* •fLlnaccil Dll, . ! Ni*. Jl tolumbia »tr*-el, 1 } • '»v-tx*J't >'r-*i-iv| ;• ;* .rri.l i;-c 1^.11. 4.X, . _ f “wsi. li. rLAnR, Forwal-illug Dirrcliant, l$ro»ro»v lllc, P». Attend*.pkrtintlarly to the Forwarding ot Prmbicc^, Ac* For nnV ruMo' r inforttutiu-i, npjilyi o TH A ri'XCA>{. Water »t. n. »v. siun*\v«. w. t. i-ATCti. i MATRKWS A PATCH, COMMISSION merchants. ■ No, IH AVoter atreet* i Sr. lau.i*» Mo- Will girr pariiruiar attemiou t.i the selling of Pro dnrr ntiil, :■> <>rd*t» lor parrhasinc. v ItmiKti— tieorg.; .Mur;j'i & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. ougll •! ___ _ .i— .... loin u'ctiLU'i r.n. j M ittiiAX. c. n. atAOivn. - JOIIX MTILLOI'OII ACO« Forwarding &. Commlsilou Rcrciiaat*, j '.rt A Q.'» K.-v-;rir must, ' ! jan27-lj # B-jwlii.g * Wharf. Ibdtimdre. j .-INSUKAKCE. I>KI..VtV‘ilK 'MI'TUAL I.XSLKANUK CO. JOHN nSNUY. Jr- A*rut ni Pituliurwh ibr the Drt* u nurij Mtilunl fairly imnranr* Company m I’hil wirlp'iiit I. Tift Ui.k* ui*m buildm;;* and nwrchnmluc <)f , 7.‘. r 'y'|i!-*.irir>luni. :u»! Murine Kirk* upon huiU or ; iMT"r»p- .if vc*t<V», tuVritu]>ou the mu*l favorable term*. in the WarrhoiiM- of\V D Holme* i Hn>.. 1 Nottt Wuicr, ticur Market »sr?«u l’itubur«l». «nccr»* •>< itw* Company aince thp *«»«•- lnt»m-iitioi the Acenty in lUia city. with tpa prompt* i,nil'l..«'ni:i:v with which ‘-very claim ti|*m then* \iai jbm 1-eeii ailja»tril, luliy warrant thu nseut in /inTiuntf the iniihdenee uml vn!nm*i,ii ol hf«Xri#nd» ami itir cohntmnity **l luff*to B ,r Delaware M W.Jiwuiiuire Compant, while it hm the itdilitinual a* on i„nmt»*ci> aiiumif the him tioariuhln:' in Plul«UHj>lwn— * liavinL’ uii ample pni<l-m cupual. vtbirii by the op«-- atioii of iu etiur:rri»c<.a*iam!yincnn»l:ij.**)irid* nir to ojt'ch per *Oll iu»urrd in* due *linre or the front* .f Iho company, .without involvin',* him in *uy,rr»pon ihilitv whntrv. r ami therrlare 0* flm Mtl inii prin*'!|’lK diverted oi every ulmoxioa* fcatm*. nnri a ii. nnwt attractive nmti. PIKF- ~A %•!> MAUINE INxiitASCE rpilli'liwuiaiirf Company uf North Amrnm. Uironiih 1 MlltllUTl/I'il AjMlt. Ilf o;t* r» to tnuku jxtntiriiinit luttl limited Imunuirt* on pfop'tty, m tii»» rm'lund Hu Vicinity, and on »lvij)inci»t» !>)• liic Cj»- nal ciul Uivtt*. imiixrroiw. J„| m 0 Smith. I7c» t Samuel Hrt>o*« Al**i. Henry Charier Taylor Sum'lAV Jon-». Siiin'l t Smith lUlwimt Smith Amtmnm "White Jiilm A Ihown Jufi.liJl'llumiM • John Whim JnlmllXcir Tho'« l' lj.pa lticbanl M o»tl Wiu Wd-h ' Aniiurt; Ci/tiin.See. Thi» i* the i.ldeil lumrnnoc (.'oinptmy in the t'nilci! Stole* havin” been olinnri'-<l in 171*1. lt» chnrtrr l« perpetual, nint rrmn »«iiijrh .1.-imlmy, loiift cjperirnce, Uiiipln ni'-an*, mill nvoiili/itf nil Tiaiiw ot an m:rt» ha/. , arilou» rharm irr, it rimy he mamlm-il n- Otr-rinij iun. pie •••curii) •" lh'; public MUsl-S AJ WOOD. ,\t j 1,.; r.'«itnitiiii lliuiiii of Alvmotl. Jonv* St Co.. W n tex mwi Front »urcti Vtrl’i, IXSVHAXrK AUAIXST FIRK. rnjlK ;Anirrienn Tiro liiMinmco Complin)-Office. I Willful! Utrcct Philadelphia. mitirpornird A . liiaure Merchanilue. xmit prop erty enwinil), cm*f ix the nty <.r c V ;mirf, ngum'l Jom or rlairiiiitc by IfriVpcrperiimiy <>r t«r burned peri <m!<. oil i'uvoruhlo terin^ ’ : diiuxturs. • Johii Scrjremil SanmH (. Morion j Wilfiani l-yiia-li . A.hilplm» K-nc* TbWtiiD* Aliihono (jeorge AWx»t, J.ilm WcWi.Jr. , . lalI "' k UrtUly, John T Lewi*. , HAMIXI.O MOItTOS. I’r«**ideiit. \ Fn»si:m ]) Jahvikh. Seercinry. Ordrr* lor mnirm.ee l.y th-' above 1 .i.iapohy will Imj rrrt'iveii aiul'inriirm"'* * etfecf.l hy the ur.derMcmul, ,T K cunyr )*AiHir 3 i, am wautA^.. "mikiisTfuib ikhuiiak uKcbT riiHK iFraiAtin Pirn ln«urmi.:<j i .ujipiiiiy. <>l UnJmld- I iiniii will male lii.nrimiu, per muM'-nl ai».l lumlcil imrlery'iWcripiimn'ipti'l'- rty, in riiot.nrtfh miJ Hie fotiniry, on iuvnrnldn tdrih*. I lu« c011i r,,,,y i,* . r..ic.».i ?W , /WI |MIU| jn 15 .l»n! i|3 lljir WAltltlCK MAUTIX. Ayr,n. " f RKCK A, JIAVUXPORT, '■ CAM UI umtu-s aMiMA'n.miio. '• MA-NUl'At-I'DIIK lo order I’luH-mser Him oi the iiw,i iij'pii'vc.t .h-.crmimu, m r*ji..m i.iitr price*. II) nicnn« of the i'hiiom, Itamoi.il ninl IDver ilii-) m»Jermt.li‘ll*> »hi|i *i|mmi an~»nuhl't term* 1<» oil in flic Wt *l. 'I heir « orh will l/r w-nrriml e«l njiibl in nil re*|»ei:li*, U» .uuy llltnlc in l|ln Lillte.l Stale. ■ All~«.lilen> l.mictnnll) eic nteil. . * Kl>'K A J)AVTh\i’OUT. imvMiri Jl oiiiierlyjil lhi-loMj Aln../ j_ I»;A‘r»li:it— *nm *uh»<ri|.. ri- I.MI nc.-kmir up-. j witnl- i.l lltri .i.h * ot ,N* w V...W Itr.l «>l l.ii.tiir..., rurrii'f«' timli. oil. etc. All ivlu.-li ho «ill m-II on il»- mo*i l. rni., at ll.i LUic'ny el., (oppocite. t:il. *i , ite-Jhn __ JOHN 11. nAVAIU). rrmToiiKATFxr hook of tiik ?iuson _|_ UrL WetikUrr'a Cirent Am. rn an iJii lionory ol ihr |ji{:li«b I.utimuse, v iah 111 |e lei., ii.nl.’iiniiiH ill! thilt llifl foruicr c.liiioin cnniaiin-.l; r. viM-.l l>y Cimtiiii-cy A. (iomlrjeh. l’rot'. V.nk Ihillr*.' Tt.e tmxi runiplrir eili. tinn ever publl.hi'd. ono vol. rimoi .pinrio. i'rico $4l. l-'uf mil'! hy. J. !•- KKAL), tlec'Jl Ith «t, n.'flf Marki't «I. lAKATHIuis, Imp* prime H uncle ' Fin.Xuu; 1 en*l lter»wui, t hhl *!<».: 1 rack pralrii l•cncl*■». fecitivM cin co.iK./iiinc.it. ja-r «imr. I'iM No •’ ttnrtK° r ,a * c by • JSAIAH DICKIE & Xo.WWaier»v ! ■ 1 ! ' CO-PARTNERSHIPS Ac. CO-'PAtfTSTKRSIIIP. ; . lOGAX A. KENNEDY hrire'ihUday aMig-Utrd J with tlirm.in tlit; Hardware basinrw. Hdlm \\ tl- M>n and Fdwnr.l Gregg. Th«j (trie of firm vrill litre niter br Imran. WilsonA tin.* Tbia nrnmgctmnt fun der* ii desirable In clo.e die old bu»iii«**’3* *<*>h tt< ptw«iblr. All pervm* whoso liahilitie* itave trtotufeil. ar>* especially rvquosied to umke inmurdisto payu*ni. I’ittslmrah. Jnn. I. l»4 g . 5 LOGAX, WILSON St, CO—lmporter* knd Wholesale Dealer* in Ferris'* and I>oine*tic Hard ware, Catlery, KmhUery, tr;{l3o. Wood »treei. nre’itn tv fully prepaid! witiia recently iinporl rd Hardware, Cutlery, Ac.. m offer rcry.great inducement* 1» ucatrrn buyer*. I»eint to. compete m price* with any of ijie Atlantic cities. jAI-' *o on hand mi cAtenciVi* assortment of I’ituhttrgli Hardware. *i2i Shovels, finite*, Forks, Hoes, Vice*, ftr„ nil of which will be »ol«j ui the luwe#t ‘mamiluc* |Urer*« pricer, ; ..... ... . j=ml CO-PARTNERSHIP. j JGK . TllE)Oib*cnbvpi buying reeebtK* emeriti into pvl parfirrsiiiji under the name of (ialJaghen 1-Oap, Miller- for the purjusc of currying on the Beil flmis Founding ttjnl (las Fitting busineM in all in brunches. have takeu' tin* msml formerly oeru piftl try H. Gallagher. No' 109 Front itrert. brtnVrii U’«>oJ and Suilkfibld st*.. where llirjr nr« prepared to execute ail order* for ILdl*, 15rn** (lasting*. of every* iWeriplion, alii! (las Finings with neatness and ties paXeii. tstcmuboiu jobbing pnnnniiy atleMled to. i 11. GALLAGHER, ' ■ • ’ s: a.-long; I*. H. MILLER,;,'r.. - N. R—The attention of Machinist* and Fj'gineeft is invited to our rmii-ntiriiion tnetnl.fora reduced price, which has been prom>une«4r**Jperit>r .lo Brfbbit’aby numbers wlio have used l«*th. Sieumbout builders pud the pub£, generally, are aim mji:e»ie»( to call nudtex* amine onr superior double bclton Force I’uinps; fur itebmboat and domestic use. ,V * 1 - .GALLAGHER, LO.NG. A MlLLER declTdly. - _ • ..[( ■ l_ DISSOLUTION. :. I Till! Co-partnership of the. mlKcribcts. under tbc . firm of Lewi* UulcJunson dt 'Co.. t* till* daydis solved by umnißl enusciit. Jiithef’<ol u* will attend to the settlement of the limine** of: the Titm, aud bad iU name fur ‘Hull purpose. t'-'i . . LEWIS IIUTCHINSONd jinl JAMES A UrrCIIINSOX. CO-PABTNEH.SIIIF. rfIHE unde nigned have this Huy lortned a co-pirtaer -1 ship, under thp firm of James A.llulcbin.cn A Co., for the purpose of continuing the business Jiereiulbre earned on byLatfl* Jlutclrtnsoui Co., and-soHrit a con tinuance of tlieAtatronage liitherto extended to the haute. JAMES A HUTCHINSON, lewis d. hutchinson. ritubnrgh. JanLlStH, j • - DISSOLUTION— The t'nrinership hitherto exit ing under the style ami firm of Wtghfiunn \ Doi ted, i* this day dissolved by mutual ro.iu nl, Jolm Dal sell buying disposed ol lu* entire intcie-t U> 11. Wisht man. Tim busines* of tlie late firm will let fettled by 11. Wightmen. who (* authorued to u»-- the name of the late firm lor that purjvjse. H. Wltlin'.MAN. »ptUbd3vr L-cly rt 7) J. DAI.ZI'.LL. TITF. Subscriber i* now prepared.to mancfictufe ?ll kind* of Cotnm ainl Woolen Alyvlu:i<-ry. ut the shortest hotter Order* left at It. Wighltnan * Kugiae Mjop, cor ner Liberty and Water itreew, wtit m.-. i wnli piompi attention. H. WliillTMAN. l*eacak aL, between Federal end Sfl idti.kv sir, (pt'Jbdly .vlleehtny city. DISSOLUTION. cO-partn«r»hip heretofore eiistlt*" bttwreit the A sub*enb«f» uialer die film of Wdlttuns A LMwouli. \ru« dissolved on Ihe Ist iniiinnt. by mutual coun ts! J H lhlworth, to whom the settlement of the old bust fiess i« egtruslcd. will cuiiUttUe tl*c wholesale grocery business at the old stem!, Nd. 57. wool «t. H. \VIIJ!.I.\M« JOHN s. DILWOimi DISSOLUTION. THE pannenhip Bcbmstttig between ibt sohserilwr*, cn-Jcr dm ittlc pf Fwndaxier A Co., was dissolved 1-y mutaat conv w, on tbc Ifoh tailt and the bu*t»css o' he conrem Wirlb*rlo«d by H W I'otndciiei and C Httrrnt R X 7 ITHNDKXTI'.U, A tIULUFUTeON, dee-S C H GRANT. COsPARTKRRSIDP. ct'IIE «Bl>*er.lKt* wi!i coittmue bus/nrrv at the old I stand. No 41 water Mroev, n* oiinl, under the styleot.iwexter w poi NHKX EKR* - der»- ' (|H HRA-NT Association. JOHN FARKKN k .-A.MIIKI, U KiIIT.MAN ti»Tn.!t jhmjirtv*'. Jtir tin:> ”1 Joi.« Furff-T* \ 1.. r tftWpuiwW or'cwiuijumj* l!i«* oi itir l.lur, rnnUnur rutran— •t a. va'iicn<t (j.rt*6rill:i,'’ *■•«! « Uimiu»i u« :J »uimi U! li.c Canal Ua.*n.. l.bfrn I. jnll.V FAUKILV mm*i. wk'.iitsian folriririrribl)). rpiij; t.».» ■-4K»u:rvl «uh John | Nrrol*, Horn lktlUiiu.n- ui tif im-crn m.-i ill h*iMi * tiic »ivli* of halter* A N.c.Cn i!u.. il Nt'jai u;.r) 1-U r\o-‘P\nT'sr.nsiuv~-\\n.\oM,s, i.»*i.r.p!-i« V , d.-iv u—h-.iitr.l Wi«h Inin', Jena It MVitne. Utt.i-a -tt.-r bu-i-ir.. Will Incf-mur hr r.jnrfurW under the firm <m VS'm Y-mn-ift. Co WIMJAU M'l .V; j;ui a j.NO. u. mvem'- II Ijl T ELS; FO TAI V~IIOTKL, .. "i i.ioht sy tnvr lui.-riMnim rooa asp jutESfvmopuffio*. —- THIS ;»m* ai>.! wu!d> Uo-.mi a« K5l hrt.ic on* of <!.■• «n«»»v comniotJicMH in iV niy w Jt£L UaJuiiMin-. Un* frc-l.tir umirrsorw «rr? 'l'/n' •ivc allrrslniin n.i.tW-r.i’.<rnc..u An rnittr i<- «v >viU){ ho* Ix-. ti luAOriL onIaJUJMS lit.in'"rt*U- :ftnl ui/y »ic<’|>ltiE »l>ar!lu'*nV». <uld « - ltcil»i*f T!)** LnAW ri'-fanmrni lja» »?«" t-T.i . r-nrcaiiw**! ntl'l i:f* :'i « ino-MH'inii' ~c"' cliall* iiff corcipnn-ou wniii ;i»-y lli.ml in l-ic 1 • Th«ir talilf wt!l uj«av» l*- »uppH<*o wt«K » v.-rj •tantin! amt Injury whi'rh tU murk*-: «&«!•. M-rvr.l iq> m a wipcnor Myltr; whil* in iliv way or "iw*i tb**y will not liv *-tirpiu»»r<l. lit ro'ifliMmi ihr nfupri- tnr« b'S In *n>\ ihnt noiltmp wtl! !-■ I<*tl mjiltuw it a |>ai». and <n» tin- part nf lo H«d«-f 'tn* I ;h<“ ro>i- Uiiunl patronage ol liietr trund* and lb* pvl>iic ernli). Thr price* for board barn ul*o turn reduced m i,ic following rMf(•: I julie*'Ordinary, ; SI. “3 p*' r 'my Gcmlrtiien'* " • \ |{;—Thr llasrv'ac* Wnprn of i-.« Honae wid a.- woy» M found u; the (*df und Sfoituibo.U lanolins*, which wall convey bOflfitge lo anil trom the Hold. tree of charge. ___ _ m:?T“iL PEARL HTHEET JIOL'SK, iwisjuti. onto TIIK nh*«il»**T« having ptfrchitM-d i2* mierunofCcbO. I*. W.Uiam*<m. Imr <>i Hu* < JS&knuwnlotatdulirapntJbeir !f=«v< m n»f '« M"' mend* and tflic public jcciiefttliy, 'hhl they hav w» rn thi« romrfiodiJ’ii* lionet tor a tenrf ot lyrar* and wi.t ex ert th-ir bent rneryie* to make it.a dt-dtuble h>>ftic “ ,r Traveller* anil City 'Hoarder* : The Motel i 4 «p»«:i'>u* and admirably planned for con venience, light am! air. having n number ot pnr.ott ad joining chamber*. pre*c.. hg unovual tiKrurtioin to The present proprietor* havin' bnd the e*penctire of year* In thi* city and riwiwhcf. hupc they will be able *o civo oe|irr»J iiiliMactimi. .being determined Uj give undivideda'leulmii to ll»e hoii*e alone The torninm liir IVuil Sum! lluu-r i.jmccmmmi h etuNLle. Uaving front* on I’enrl, Wnltict und Hnnl •irvet*. «o that! it i« rqnally desirable in mcw ot Ui <■ oriv•• [Deuce of hutniro men. or reiirrrnentfor private lt i* near by the IlnnW*. the Po*t OiFic». Uic Mawnir Mali. Odd Fellow 1 * Hall, and but imc *.jUnre ; dUtant-mnn .Mam «rcet ami two *<|unrt-» trom the t. Ity Wharf, thu* oirrrinc the fiicatrrt mdiicenicm*.e*perm.- ly to country merchant* anil generally to nil orrion*. vieiting (Tinctiitiali JOHN *">}}■ - inch.’? JOHN A DFHi.U , ECTAIV l!Or«E, _ consnt op BM.itd.mt: am. nuiv m*.. nimt-BH. *t>l i MKNttV Ft JACKStt.V PKiM’KlirroU. | Thi* vpteiioid and «parioaa ilutcL eu-gnutl) m<- *JiS unted for With bu.u.ea* ami r.lcamiv traveller*. i* XL*L~<> coiiAtruclcd U» to fotuhim: ail the hi*.unr»ol thr br*t hole!*, with elegance nrd real enmtori Choice filin'* of an* ut nil ►eii-nti* n**erv rd lor tin- accommodation of tt.mucnt que*t», und iiie# Veiling ilie- City will tin.d thn liuiaw House a home, im«irpn*»ed by any Hold in die riaon. Tho loeotnm In elevated.tuid ealuhritiu*. nml I* aiM' convenient to die depot* nufl landipg*. nl whie.i U‘« cimchu* and jairlrr* of tliftj hou.c nni at nil tune* i i u aluaj; to convey pa»*cQgcr* and tliur t»a{tgoga ,M *“« Tuts* fienilemtn’k orrtimtry 8t,5" per <!“)- ! Ijolje*' do »i WI t -*' jiuUhliflt»dtn i _ _ __| JOXES’ "IioTEL, i so. I.W. ciiwtvr ATBKKt. i , im.»r>r.triiiA. rwfA TllF.»uhfccrihrf*. under the firm of llniltre* * '"(?! Writ, lmv« purcliaacd Mr. Jcmc*' ijib re»t m tin ES*c tlabluhoieut. and hotw by the »iriri«'« uttciitiod to the ivunu und romfort ot tlu-ir j;uc»!«, to merit» con* imlinnec of the liberal pntTonußO licrelnfote received by lit* former proprietor. •- . The home hm been thoroughly renovated, nmt re. pnimV. «. th.-n-forc feel u**ured we out xveteome our ridruU and ih" public to BccomriKKliitioti* eiiunl to n«) i„ |!te city of Philadelphia.; N }\ ’ jj)«tl _ • _ " | GALT. itOVfiE, ; ncißvra siAia A»u*tXTit mu. nwmsATi - f -if* THIS ctahliAlnmuii i» now m thr i«-i ‘ ' WS the reception of thr .Trnvelm ' I’lildte. H«mmC JSStniwh-rsoue a thorough rcpnif durnii; <»** l’ l ’’r v let 1 , and. having the tmut vlxper..-]"li'‘wil in Jlie-vnriou* IU-iiamiu-nt*. I flutirr ni) • 1 th“ I.elldcuM-d whoeull. 'lhr lurnnou i* nmlml, diriliA ami |de»»»Jit. Fat-l’ ,ff . i.«|j CiiicinuuU, .Murclt M, 4* , , in* h,,,* the N. ll.—Allhoiigh not eiartly a «c«v llic«in, i -1 Ui* „„jii{ — njicw Wln*l on the old hi.iull* . . _ < ” Tiinock’iiiimTO.y* «alt iioihk, aims TimochAiitii^'Ni,",ir*r di lII* old IriMltt*, ae«tntlu.'» ' rmn'orlnldit who ini etfon «liail be efi»i« d to rim ■ . «for him with tJieir|H»iriiuuit<;. . “ 'amkuican hotel, Onpovile the Wall S| l®Y u WX'vSX* £BLelimiKe and Bt. Charlce lionde, I it.h..r..t. I prROdlT ... - =~-f riiTpii -"" «•"' N " v v ” ,k wVicit lo Ihmr v " , ‘“^ Irl , a M .]| ihrmnthnui the *e«. u|dcr.,gnrd At'>i" \v. .SMITH A * -"i tan at New \or* pmu*. n,eitery. IwllhdlitiJ t u, 1« fl’urehoujus of John Irwm (kWIN. Hiecuiir iillio e«l««4 »» ‘‘"/poaSYTli A Co. pimburghj Dec. 28» IflH. MEDICAL! ' ' ' SAPTER’S | ] "GINSENG PANACEA! rpo THOSE SUFFERING WJCiI DISEASED X- LUNGS.—Hie u>iprco-<lcuW Succr#* which ha* attended the tim of the I i GINSL'NG PANACEA n nit the various farm* which irritation of the longs tu same*, li:ib induced tae proprietor jagnin to call oiicn liboji. »bin- ! ! 7 WONDERFUL PREPARATION. Tlie' ehnnpahle weather which mhrU our fall and winter mouth*, it always n fruitful woiirccof 1 .COLDS AND COUGHS. These, if neglected, are but the of that fell destroyer, ; • COSUMPTION-! The quc.rtion, then, how shall .vre nip the destroyer in ilr«n>rid? how shall we pet clcnr bfiour cooghs and co!ils! U of vital irrfportnrtce to tne jfablic. • Tin: GREAT AND ONLY; REMEDY wCI he found in the Cin*emr Panarta. In proof of this we have from lime to time publuheij the certificates of dozens of our best, known whoikave experi enced iL- curnlive power*. • The»c, |*ilh a mass of tea tininuy from all ports of the couwtrjj—frony. ‘ MlfolCAL MEN OF TIIHTOST STANDING, Ministers of the Gosnel.Ac., tngdthgr with copious no tice* from tile-' ’"S j. ' : JOURNAWV OF TIIIT IlA^. • we have embodied,in,pamphlet jiiim/nitd may ncliau crai* of aiiy pf oiw ucuuti tbronpltdut the cduntry. ; HUNDREDS. OF lHXra'(*ES . liarsbeeit usedinfill* city. „J-J,,, THOUSANDS-AND TENS OP, THOUSANDS lliroughoat the lJmietl Slates and Canada, Atfci wa cha_ leu&a any inaufio point out a . . . ;,J SINGLE INSTANCE . ' : -- n. , Khleh r ,whett taken according to jiLrecUont, and.tiq*. for* thalang* hnd become fuiully disorganized, it haF ever failed to f i : EFFLGT A PERFECTiCURf; .Why, then, need the aillieicd hesitate! '* hy resort to fin* miserable nostrum*, gotten up by uJtlrn.tWr individ uals under lh<s a»»utucd tuunri of soffle; cei • Irmteil r* l )'* aiclan, tutd puffed into notoriety by rertifiefto* n jmr •on* edtmllr unknown? Whilst a niedicinu of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY is to be had*whose voucher* are ut ‘homc,—-oiir neigh bors,—ituutr of whom it bn* j SNATCIIItD FROM TIIIVGR-WF. In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the trncli of the |>oor as well the rich, we hare puUhu fifty CENTS, ju»i one hall" the u»uul cost of cough.medicine*. It is for sale hr our agent* in nearly .evefy town und village oV Vr ihp west, who are prepared to jrtve full informa tion relative to it. T- SALTER. Proprietor. llruadway, JNncinniui, Ohio. "YhTHMA. OR LMFFK-I'LTY o|* wiEATiuNf;.— This di-ntse 1-* caused by n construc tion of the nirvrlj»; ii i* very debilitating, almost can«- iug <.uir..i-«tiun Dll StVW.TSEU'sPANACEAiaIbo only certain cure. < Hoar*cm*»« can be entirely cured by a free use of Dr. Swrct-'T'a Panacea. i Caiorrh. or romniou cold, vvldchi if neglected, will turrciniiie in ('giisuiuptiaii, is-effectually idieveii and cured by Dr. SwerUrt’* Panace.-L (j - Ilroiieliit;*. if unrhrekvd. will eilcctoallv lead to Droncltiiil Cotnumptioru but atiraeljiase ol Dr. Sweet fur* Pimof-a tviH effectually cure ii • lr.diunntatiun «Y the Tonsil* or tJofe lliroau—'Tliis i!!*ea«e often leads to serious tunneipiences from uog lrc!.-sui-!i as ulci-ratinn ill die throats Pit the'firs: syrnj*- icm*. Hr. Swectiier'* Panacea should;b« procured aiid urteii freely. j , . ' Coughs and C«dds Had a joverrJffn ranr'dy in Dr. Sweetcr'i Panacea. \ PiK-uruoi'iia Nollia.—A very fatal disease, rouhing fmia u violent couch and coin on a debilitated or brv keo down ronstitutirm: aeed *ubjcct to it.— Ur. Mwecter's Panacea should be-used oo liio tret ■) miliums, which an* n c«»u«h or col?. Night Svvrnt*.—’lTns ilebiltiamig complaint will meet wiili'n limply rbeek.'by u.m* I>r. S\ltet*er » Panacea. licmsurnpiioit.—li <>n the hrst appeanuice of con»uni}s- Uve symptom*, wbioli arc a paiu m tlie side and bren*l, couch or spituiK 01 blood, it Dr. Swij«t*cr’s Panacea ts freelv use<l. no danger n**cd he apprehended. \\ lieu liie Luncr. the Wnidpijm. or, Hronchitl Tul<e* lierumr ciovecd'up with j-'ilrgni «c. »» to impede respi ration or hrcatiiin*r Dr. Sweeisef* iPanacca. which is a uowettul Expectorant, should be ifcken according *o die ilir-ettvins. * V lut!rr*?i/a —Tin* distrr—utg rpidenttc. so prevalent 111 our clmiute, is spec.bly cured l‘> I>r * Paua- P.-ii-r Si p-r U>tile. or mi l -<.lilt-« fji So iv,r .ill- l.y W.M. J.VOKM'N. '? Lit.rnj-' >J . turn of tbr l.itrtx--ot ; BjwAirty. MPOUTAAT TO THE LADIES— H'.ir ‘T-aiit. a. »nai.<-t«i-*« art;<sftnr the (iwwib. |> a .,nv knit K-*t..ruiioit of tin- U*jtf Hu* ♦ mint, rtljrn .rice lw»ii..\vill »ujM*rcc«J<; all other article* oi kunl rtmv uvil U'lntii the bmp •» ileiul. hticb, ntil.ritilln. .*f Itmuiit: fcre). f l>w application. n..ik- Inn Mitt'aml xt n ttvi-!y n;—-ftrai.rc. anl \till ninllr, )l rrti.tu.il* lire* amt t.—»k:iv r.iior twice h* a* nil ’lie turn*, ration, uli.-'ti air *e.nrjjtj;> u.-,<! itirrv Uiy :«ii<l p.u nr- u» tin Iml-ii ol£.wk x».* ;. ; i tlieur »N- t::nr 'lie «h.xr other i-iif «i:1 l.esultiy n. ajr.t c<v.-. p-n Vi-t ni«:tu- tv lolinwi-.i Ictt-X iu>m ttrv. Mr. l.’a jd>«< it. t/> n. n.lrr»l.o:t 4 StftU-ti, Nn*h>m<\ CKticial lor tlir Wr.t rt. MhU-. S. : l-rttr, iiom tnr |{-v. XI. Caldwell, pa*tor of the I'rc*- b>ten : ‘ , *X ;su,ie,v ' i*u(a»li. V iiritiJ.:r>liou‘ A Stretch—tienticinni: 1 ta*e flcanirr in feii'.inx tuv text Inxm.} ta lavor oi the c \ rrl |rttt preparation rnlinl Ur • Chine— Hair **i*««n—«i»T utamt mo ymra »cn, JctT hnir wnarery ,trv. •Tilth. nn<i i!ri;>o«eit w. ronf out; but ImTintf pro* ruretl u boti> ol lb- Crvatn. ami ut*<l it aconitine if* ti. - r'f. upturn. mi bait t.'iiovV roh. eiaihr ami hrtu t.. the h.-.nl. Many btihntiu anti Jll« Tip* *'t \ •*:n. KmvMrf, lia« met my r-xpcctati.ui*. nvttrle lor life Toilet. IH) vvdr give, it prefer- I ni! h'.-mg d.'lirHtehlj'ermurd. and lull rhiu-.. i».- ih •i* .d* . lb- ip-e'ttiCr. fe , Jim. T. t»d: .11, CAI.DWFUi. i; e-Mini wii(Ke«n!«> and retail, in IJiiSAbursb.hy John M Tmni.end. No. 45 Market eirrcij and Jo* l Mulder, rnn.rr of U'iuhJ kjml Fiilil _»trcet». j{ M'l lU PE ACE I PEACJpU |;i*T TN r.vr.UY .MOTlir-irs iiOM)>»TILVD : rpHK iirtder»isiircl ba* long lu*eii;eouvinced of the X neer*»ny loi mine m- dicui- i.» tho Iter of L'lui.lfcn and Infant* U» »upereede Ilie nee ol all tho*e un-divine* vi Inch ctmiam opium. a’"jl ha* at length *u*> remted' ui prepurntg and oib-img tin public n tneilt* rrn- hilly nue-.veriiik' every pnrj-<i»i! hit *!' diM-n»e»or lh« |..*«ve|«,. uithotil lkn.li nf dial iletetf P’"'* dr.iy or any other raleulnled to injure tn the tea«S The Intnnt I'unJ ne. n ha* b.-eti tully tested utiil trill. ■'<« ln*l twelve inumlt*. bv nnmerou* jw.r»"u». oml tfttmd to uo**.-»* ull th*' ej:ri<on!inar\ virtue*, and to pi.hJ.tee nil the n«nt»- i»hln- ctl' Cl* a* »et forth cm the blllsOt •Urerhoti*. Ih arrhn-n. Vcurvititig. Cholic. (Inputs. Pw««. Stekne.* and Ih*ra*e» urt*inc front Teetitiuu. Bfiing miiu“»!iately without di*turhtti(r any »i tins ot dm hotly, itroduemg, tha happte«t ar.d most >lea*ant trau«;tton irtnn t toicn: pnni to a trttiuiui! and ;p) nut autta ol tcel tug in the little Xulleier To l*c had. waoievale and retail, o Ihe Fropr.etor. Dr. JOHN SAUdAST, l>r.tCßi»i ami Aivihecary. John .Miiclteii, iuliooA. Ikehhsim, und m >*t other UrijS«t»t» in Allegheny and Piu«l-urch _ i ___ ‘'‘ 'lilL Otui CUtoai sVKLTV—It ha» O imivi'i to cure' •»- Feb. 14. l“l.. HK. Hr.U.Ku*:—My. wife ba* for year* been «nbjerl U> n di*tre**inir roash. neeoinpnniea • with n*tlitnn. i*>f tneeure »*t wiueh ali’r u»et| dill.;refit couch rettiedn *. and had the a.Klre of t!r! tn—l rtmniaul |>hy*ician* in Llncland. bin ail w:u< uuavuilmg. My chanci: 1 heard ot tour lmi'fnut fr.ugh Syrup, and wa» induced to buy u t.otile for trit.l. although l hiul no frelie! that on) thing cenhl feuiute her complaint To SUy yrenl Mirpriw. two do*e» cove )»er iimncdifttt relict She »« at tune* troubled-with a cough, but two icispooniYul of Syrup I hlv. ays. »u»p* H. I.am Anu-iictl, olti/r a trial of three or four year*. ibai'Sc!ler'» Cough Syriip i* Urn bc»t cough tnedie'nc I have ever tried cither the OM or New Worn! U’U. I'AUiKofUNE, Seventh Ward, dily-ot Fiu*burgh The „bov.t cernfientc thinild iijiinee ull who af*' irouhh d w.iti cough or »*tl:ma. m itve the S) mp .* tn [ui It may l.c had lof 'Jj cent* II l-ntHr. atlhc drug I ..„rr of U V. sKl.f.riUS.o: wi«.d M. Sold hy Drt'ini'l, sth ward, nitf D 11 Curry. Atlc gh.-ny et-y. . .. .'Kl.bllll S vr.UMUT.GK.—Ifhc (trctiu-M of al H \\'or.n medicine*: * NfciV l.tMio>, (lutu, ) ' I Jan. i.-A"- i Tin- i* to certify thru after umiiC ilurerent prepara m»ti« for eipcUing worm*. I boughtm O. F. Hctinaii. ol N. w lasU.i., two vial* ot II F. S*dicf*' Veniutugc. ami irate the co:iicni> <>( one* ml to ihfce of my ciiil*ir«u:' |‘roiu thr'hr*’, uv.nl <i year*, it <3 wom*; irom the *.ceomL-J vrur» old, ?!►, niid troin the third, *.y year* old H'l. making Hid worm- e*pelh-.l by uwnp inil one vnil l leeornm'-ml Scllui*' \ctmuu|t» 0* u . .n:.- nmt Ol the 100*1 cileciuul Worm med.ejnc* lie liiretneinil.hr r Mt ull MoRUOtV. |*t. pui. d und mli! by 11 E SF.M.EIIS. No .’5? \Vw*\ Atr* ct Sold by Dr. Oth wnpl; I>M Curry, Al legheny; Wtlliniii J Suiilh. Tciiiperjnicevillc. pßteoi Jllocfc Hpriiiit Trail, ” ' XTFWI.Y INVENTED—Foribc rcliefand i\ Cure of iIEU.MA or KtirnjHK. (Sailed U» all flirc* | Tne aupenor claim* at thia Tru*4 con*i*t in the com liarunva eo»a with which it may worn. The pad of wood being neatly balanced on »piut*», yield* to prea* sure on uii) pnn ol a. and thoioiicbly ndapt* itaclf in tiny iiiovjinr.m nmdc by the weaiVr. It eun be worn witlxint liilcrmi-Kum, uiild a cure li ttdeelcd. The *uh *ci!ber» lijvc made arranßcnn’iiitTor tlie mariutacturt of Ute>e valuable TniMra, in a »upenor atyic, in i'tnU iltli.fda, and have them now fur »oie at their ollice, No ' 77, Smillificld »t ocor Sixth, r*n*-l.»ir#»*. (iHCWAIT, D W{ KAIJ-r'MAN. 1 AVNfc’S TIAIU TONIC.—AH«r |mn c tlu» articlr ,) iruil.wc niihrtitailuKl) jt lub* whut it profe** the bv.t article, without any eierjUinn, m urc.furthe rc*t.T*li..n mid j»c*rrratioli of Ihr hiTniu J.aiN U t kuu» )*«*; •»•! •<« “‘ink wtcaim.nd ur,,|cr lator than tu ncomiuniJ to all our reader* wim a> i.~inc thtir hair, to make a wuixl lhi* Tonic iuuueditifl) U,»hiu ,Wail. ! ! | p- ot , ,|, n, f »t ihr T»a Sw», No id Dlll'fiS, DHt'tiS —Joel .Moltlef. dniggiat nod npoth .•enre, NJVV. . ..ro'i of \tonJ itmf .’!»» *t*., I‘tti bnreh. will keep cm-tnnily oiijhaiul. drug*, ptunh oje-ioii.. .-n- ; N li.—l‘l.» *'ii mn'» pr»-M‘ripuon* i!tr.-iu)l> e.-iii|nmml ,l umii 111*- bc»i »iiii«ii:il« ».n»6y Immii I't tU.- ilnv «>i ,r>rll|. At,.,. till H««*'fllUCltl 111 iH-MUllil-r, . Itlll' -.till rloili lirn»lt>'*. *,-;!•which He ,will sell !<>" mr - Ufc |i. : i «»ayl . Du* ii.’\v'.'Mouui*t HYimoFATHisr, w.‘,nu mp-riiiillv ttiioriM till UK'Uilh uml lilt- cliumi* <>i i'iiulmn;!i uml Allr»lmuy that In: jiu» derided i»ninniii in tin- city ilufim,’ lint winter, arid U prepaid io treat nnhcu'r- placing iliriii»«tlvr» iimlrr bi* cnic, ncrindiiig in tin’ ■»y*i<-m n» pruoiiieii ill n!l \Vnlcr Cun: Celnbliidi innii*. lor cilhrr Anne nr I'hrrtnle ili»en!«e*. Tlrom tti.liiiie w> nvail iltem*r|vr* ni' li|» *itvii p« will rnll at 31r. Altllrr**, corner <»t Liberty F.vnnN nltry. Hr. M. lm« treated rirrrriil *cverc caicMii' ilterarc in ifii* city wiih great *iiecer< t ti* xvtiirb ho i* permitted to rrll . f , . ( . novVtl' i’i Juntt’ lullau (jbemival FOR all kinds of eruption* amJtdikescraof ii.« Skin, »urba* l’iinple«,Ulairhrp,Sall'ltheaio.Scarvy, Ileal Spot*. chapped or cracked 3Vin, rind for all oihrrdtaea* *c* oi the ttkln, which requite citernal »emrdie*,Una tfoaptiantUunpotuHed. halm iltrpcU Freckle*,S uiir_ burn, hlotpliew, Tan, and cbaiipr>-llia color of dark, irllnw, or diifiguted *kiu, lo a linn, healthy, yoaihfulj clouracM. A freah tuppty. warranted Renuine, ouu fur. ■ale ai Hie reduced price ol 37J p.er 'coke.b»*.|U*i been received, in niTcred for vale by UjA F AIINhSIOCK- & Co_coni«r Ist oud wood and alrq ai the corner of mtb andwomlm* .. |_W»» IAPSOM SALTS-5l LbU Baltimore op»om tail* for <j tain by [jaioj K E SELLERS, 57 wood at,. MISCELLANEOUS. , AGENCY FOR PATENTS, • . 0. «•, ' • . r/FJS’AP a. ROBBINS. Muchtuurnl /\ A"ent for procuring Phtr tit*, will prepare inf • Drawing* and Pcperi tor. Applioon** tor 1 nt*. eel*. a ml transact all other ;..ti»mcMin tint hue oMi* imHVwonnt the-Patent O&i . Ho ena l* on all *iur*tion« relating to till Patent lawn anti tU-ei*- ion« in the Doited Stater nr 11 trope. Per*oji» a« J »}»■ inucc doirour of bnrinc cj.nnunation* iftnflo niuie ■Pnlem Oilier. prior to mbkin* application for «.P#J*»b 'may.forward (po«l paid. meHrfinira A'C of fire dollar; n clear statement o£ their rwr. when .immediate nucii tioit will l>e "iven to it, nnr! nil the infiJniiatioiis loaf could be obtnihrd by a rail of the- applicant to per»°“ promptlycommunicated. .. . L, All letters tm busines* tnwl be post paid, nmt contain n suitable fee, where n written opinion i* required; • (Wire on !•'. sirrct, opposite Uni Pntmt-plbce. ; lie hn* the honor of referring, l'V penrttwun. to; Hon. Edmund Burke. Commissioner of Patent*; ■ Hon HI/Ellsworth.lni" do do; ‘ II Knowles. Machinist; Patent Office; r ' Judge Crnnclt, Washington. I) 0; • Hon. R Cliontc, Mns»aeliu.ictu. C S Senate; > Hon; W Alien. Ohio: : Hon. J B Bowlin. M C,•Missouri; ' : Hon. Willis Hull. New York: lion. Robert Smith. M C. lllrnot*^ • Hon. S Ureroe.-U S Senatit; _ / lion. J H Belie. M C Missouri; Copt. II M Shrieve,Miwotin; / j. ■ ' S \MBS w. WOODWW.U ■ • ’ Pltdbarcb Fnrnltitre Wure Room*» /-CT—3 A law mid rplcndid assortment nf turr,VulUble for Steamboais. llntel*,andpn vale dwelling*. constantly ou hand and pade B fe*s!ssr l si,, »n M* MnnCte ohll ST ,nf munbnoir in ,ho , S’S-l’m.'-S" ai'ZS S I'lush mill Bidr-dnlhcoTcr,; j , 2 doz Mahogany Nurse Chairs; LI pair Divan* _ . - 12 dor fine mahogany Chair*, ldmahoetuty WorkStmidK- _ ; -• ;j ,|oi ihaluncaoy Bocknu Cliatrs; * ISiunritle lujt Dressing Bureaus; , . 'fi pair Ottomans: ‘. marble to? Work Stands? • ; ; a .£S , ,^ l Ssf<a7-«i nil V». ril.iii>il-. mill » >.»«? c in mini i. ud chnii., 100 imimitoo. to mtnuon. murttf ———— w u^o TippßS vs'‘i co.";" 0^; Cut Circular and fbnSawr; Hay and Manure bork* Mattock*. Picks, 4 c., bavins completed ajMlictt arrt»"t’«neni* in the construction of new macluncrj’, T: „ the best workmen fto» »hc most celt- X. . .-Mi i rren'* of the Kn*iurc uow reaniifuctur- M ■ . ■„ .iMiwni «* tliev are connuccd Ibot tliey K?£'SSlm5KvS; W »ndt/-„.tio'i of r.urc'taser*: Warchuttie. Water street, wi.l ■ifonowoln-ln Hou.f. I’inif’S 11 ' ' !l“- h.,ln* Ira-i 0... ivilh Wm.lopron rnil » Son, -ill rl' «<= f *" “ n 1 C i octOdly _ . 1 4 ; Sew Hard-war®. Ilona®. ; ,!T WOOim HU* of ®M£y?G55 w<k>.l Tmd di PiuM-ursh. '1 lav<n? from the finu ot »nlkcr the Ut of Jaituerj - . 1*47.1 lnfc®Pl caA * ,i,«, | csenrd tnr new More nt in’? ft. .OTrcaro rTni.ire HbtM: tiurchfliwd ray irocd* imp e«»h. and anil m litres con.untly pnml i»'uraiah Hardware ot « k »nd* of. aa.nowl L.. nI(l i R 4 low B» nnr hoo«e I ASt or « eet. Aier pii*ant» find other. .re ine.ted K. rnll and f,MC,h,- roe stork. l*foro purrha*uw eU-sn aero.- The !"S=KC*«W £#& lii^sss ini oilier mm • inchtlu Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, ’ JOHN WAI.KKK. lni/iorur and r ift Forttinj *2iSly , Krw , hi» B-nISSJ Ahnl h“V te.il:::, ;i,:4 *? *• •.nn». . ,e,]i *nj, ptie* ill reel wn! jiUi* i-iujiury, with an) Hr Will tie f1»!l«ullul ! > i-CC -Uil WHII-ll Will *-.lU.»irt kui w «• KK-.lt.' ri.l.rr 141 . ior *W . i"v>s:v;i:'\no . l.nmsnt MTV'', * 'Valr». - , TI.UIOKX A- .TH«- ;.v tSi» U|U „w,h a„v rntt.ii Unoli'WJ »<"!.»" tofiii u.c u»v<r::i:»rfjt t nmieti Jjm2r:n»:> at ?>'•'«<■ fl"' 1: "' 11 «-a‘u..t ihr iri.mi- | t»ipu. wajuirwiwl !«» rtn* well known I iTil j a* I tie liclil fi.ne for * l « •** n u, lie ifttir.t »i:ii »■>« i_\, ( ftU'l «v»- in'i'i'i-'tiy -i.i, Hi Aifii-m-.V. i;.nn. umt imve «1- >4MS cl- llauu-. n .V •fiiy. ii City ivi.-heJ J . e.»ir Af-M- !«>r itic mSi lun'u."'.'.''.:u„.n. Ur pubtie; »» to be Ajrri ■ lllal-i Hu!’ M>.r. Inn ev.-ey other inf huinrd • >u-uiii Ij:>' nuut iK.m.* m «o, ■j.mwnii pay bra le.hmn.f the I’l.-'.n. iil or Nut* lan I. lui q Un<l. >riitlji;d. Ae '* •* ■fha ngr; w* do itol tube imuiey am to I el MMiir one cl*c to remit. Uiert-l' a:n ilelav*. ltn>h*-fv •' n ' " ' j'oVilt \ iti»i;t\s-o.s, l.>lf - >'.oae 1 r’*:Vi;it flnl- dfl'rmvr ,IS not only Oi Ilic ;uo<i Lino, unit iu;o iat.l- n> «ny 01' the [ iiml iSauko nflrf. i- ilraw I'Ut i , .end it to Ki«j K»"l .w ctuKiti? roiatnke* 111 u?i>n u». and we ;ir -X v.tj A • of k’c.v x« o‘hl. Bouton Mo<lc of llcolt I U i. IhATKR. «’t IboMii. hi e%-)r npplicd. ha* n-ceivnl the ih-ci.: UoVe». Fiihiocemji-ic. il* odrimliii 1 J»l. l.rrut resiiiuntj ni mtajmr; I ‘At rr- r.lnm iiVnl -njoW■: ' :m. No u:ipleu«i»nl dryim**. 4l)i. ruii.lv attended to and mil order. ’ ilh. Ureal durnbmiy. ig Hons*i« . nrranunl iuiil pa * v. lin< Iktu irk. A iv. ai.rlWti'T i-5 are— ihle to pvt out ot' e »e«*n and appnru ar«* lUrtory “t MKK. HrH ►t. A moilri uu-1 uprfifiett'jiiii may i - id.tjuwd at the «-Oj.|*<;r mid Tim wm n si «»i uuu oiarKft. Hardware Store Honored. W'Uir.MOKK A WOLKK bavin: u’lnovrd Irom inc J.ibcri> *i.l k.Cl*;. ...i.'.., ■" "P »" \Vood*ireei,Lbice iloor* uixrve Pt t. nailer t rvrpetiluiiy ark the nltentioa of IIAUmVAIIK. CLI LWn and bALIILh li ,reod per *h:P« Sarawak. Mrunngabela und Kvaeia, d.ieci ironiltie manufacturer* of bii(ilaml and tiuriuany. Al-*>, vapphro cl American Hard vure, lieu U.cprift opal taajiuiaeiurer* of U.e Knuein State*. ,• Tern «u>eL l-eitifi entirely new. r ud purebnaed upon : the Ue«i trtra* the) trel q reatcor:lieinmija-t'CinirJt.'le «ueeet>»fuily io meei competiuou V«»m any quarter, wudher ««»t or west. I V Tne Hardware buMne** will be cbir.ir.tiCu »*»»•■ •land. *•- THOMAS BKNJiKM, JR-i / -IF ilie mte bun V u..ie*inc 4 Kennedy, Uuiu.a Mauumctuhr and dealer m Uci*».u>mb*, end Variety i>oo.H,lkrep* cou- mntly an baud, p! bt» own tnunut.iciure, eviry dejcnytiouoi <».IU WsUjnsany and Coiiuaon Ipookiug tila*«»l '.'d 3 : 4. and i di awer lo.icu: plain and oniuuu-mal poriiU.iirtutKa Ail kind* and Baucis, ta *«»'“ OT dujcn*: tbjiiibl.Tlirraila. and o sener.il aaaoitiudm ol Fancy Good*, wbolealtie. »t a wnull »dyn*ee on co*i- Fcd.an unit other* aopiibed wnti t'belp » Cbuna, Cur tier* I‘rtnir, and tu l>T 14 irvnic H N*:w Yoik price* 1 No -or ivnnd tuid Hi! ets. ■OLI- K FACTORY FOR **ALt» lnufl «■ lute JamciMfl-andtitiii. iltriuueiil Pilwte in Niiltli “ ard, Inin, in Ini Ine tnae, a» a Silent- I lie wotk - are m cuntplcic anlrr i ie«, wild Hxitirt'*, Ac,uml ready i uaic- A iim.rat credit will l»e lir»inuil<- known li) caUiinf oo M. - jami-s m.AKt%L>, John Aiirntiii.L. Administrator* <JALE«ATb'S ANl>,< O—•l , :ie Admiiii-'ira!ili olfrr for *.i!e- Uii eslab) ic.nr.rrly t-arnetl on by I u.» und c«iuc-Factory. ( for carry nißun Uit* t>u*i for coinuiriicmß on) R.vr ii, uml nil pariicuh diner ol live, under* (?u Uvfry Slnblei’ ' BAVI'KItMIN In',-' upeiie.l.ilir n I'nTt *t, ruuiiiniJ'Diroujin to wcm Wood oniiSmUhiifld *U-, ii.-nh lu Uou*-s \vjth an entirely ni Cn rnasi* of tfw luiat quality r,f, kl -i.{ ut livcrv in Un- beat jyihlly VP-T ic'iiipfiinit’lwVce’ iti> cash i>»: n »o. CunvasM, Bale Hope, Woolen Unjt*. (.Won Wc»ie, J W CHADWICK, • *i. between penn aqd iilxnr n* hn in,: claim* ntn»in , *t «ir Warn! them tor payment* Kml |iot art lint! their account* on or II hobnail with ucconiinß IP l»w -fvNCKKH Ji_MaVlCR._ r» en*V» W, It'chews utlirra; 510 hbls i{te;t«o alicl* rlovrrwcJt 1" Moaougabi _ HOHEKT 1 ■lJpvwtlunru «iut>ic t j3k_Ju2lSeconit «c. hi" ii< ilu- rear of th' 1 MonV .lock nf Horic* u nid. lule*} *tyle>. Ho lxuitincr_ k _ I>.Mi WAHEHOI* Vpuid for i;whl Hu (irti!.* Hope, UuL'Jiii|j, Ae.tiy >ll6 ■\TtniCF— All per*. !> firm will pfeiiMS tl|o*e iiulebteil tu u* belore lltu ‘A'.lh •junltl • I>iu»m:cn-a« i« iilxu lII* [irlrnn Hi liirii. 'ill Nu I tilnoiliy for *:ilr «’ ' \>«uvltii IroiVlVork*. I i:\VIS. OAJ.ZU.I A. !’•>.. Innnuiiiriurer* <»t nit **• i It>* lt:.r. Sli-. I. n Iil« r ImnWrul .\uiU «.i Hi? l» *v liuuliitj. Wsin-licHUf. .1 \rut.'r liiul iui lroi.it *l JaW Jj M.KSMAX W.iKTri'-O-L-Hy a vHo'i On o t»o;nl« lUiu-i: h IV nail.' |.i»mlOnc *»t.U C.'Mmir.aul u i:u«J >«.u. . »> mtluJi j'«Mro*i.ai\ il'ijuiic U ’ Jr* D T fciUIUI.NiS. ; I* t;.-.: ai,' 7 _ j. PEUFL’MKKY-I-Uau.ivi* •>< WrU'u’u, I'ul'-iiQu- V S C.-.i.. «li: I l .ir..!i,.i, Mu.* i'rru.ui- lii.^.ficnipci*. l»i »*t S> ciu !i I : >|| - i lM.j- JOIt.N l> .'I<HU.A,V „',l V W IWJ Wihhl »t. .Mt'KNiojrr.fiU* *l M'llAPl'lXd PAIM3U \V iiiihilk.' > r .'S. n.id l> O. <trsw pai-cr; J.m - Momma Hau. • . : . S' D..Mcdnn.i V.uidwarci «er sale by __ Kill M)I.W DVli WOODS— i£>iiln» . luijw(*«!,'?j i\<« Rr'd l.n-w.-wl. IlkJ .!<> l-’u-Ui', l(U do -Jrouml i i,ini\ ( H>i! .iki rn'i'ivil luttl mr -ul-e by IIA IAHNFNYOCK A CO., jnl rornrr oi iroiiiand wood Mi (’ “1 ItOCF.HIII' I —■Ai«) bite* |*nniu-RTj;rH Rio co(|Ve: J 5 I rli.-.u anil bull' ch-»t<in-idi jm'-.-u lei.*; lUhliojes HU •> n Hi lump* lobncm, 6»i Vein 0 lwi*i do.-with a c*'nprul i»»soriHictit ol'RroiTfie* fur Viili* by, i ■ . juuJ JOHN S. wood UnpKSCIiKS Fll4KS’>~JuT,\ ef : i '.iv^ > r,i Ol’atkei Slijp Cu<l yu'i-i File*, coai|iHHinßQ 7riyf;enc(nl inooniucni. Tlfo tmculion of Machining n>id t'omumeri Retiri'ally l* invittd.- - ‘ LOGAN AKKNNKIiY . »ctl_V . j . l*» "\f libit (new. crop) fifo'Mesial* IItX arriving and lor aale l>y j'lswsr. roiNDKXT>ai a co_ ANo'ruiATJtl/'FJJ Wl W Ijl-H jV/ Cruihetl-ami pulverized tugnr, iti»i rcctl and far mtlwlowby x fjatl HHOWX k. Cin.UFRTyON ALULATLp—4t ior *ale by t ■i )nnl? - ' ' 4Q host* (uni 7 ca*Ve,ju»t rrcM iuiJ » F VON IKINNIIOILSTfcCf*. f. jSfrujii »i- _ T3LOO.MB—Oo tcu», Kelly'* manurnciule, for inle by J) jsnl? tVUSVTU Vo- FLATS. CAPS AND BONNETS.! rs . FAS,,l< i i r*V^ hrMN ' ; j ZJ «£, . jl>fiOftO fc.KWCi | - 'HATTERS,. ! • CnKTOt OT WOOD A TCP Pil'llt HKF.STS. WTTTWIPWSK, HAVE received ifceif Autumn, style oi Hl3 '« which they respectfully toyiw (ho.ntl&nioii of thrtr customer* and mimi*, tyrnoraJly. • ?. . A1 T !SE\V XXTESTIOXI-PA'PKST AIR fJciRCIHATKH AWD-HAT.PROTOFPpIt.-Tlje csZLiubscriber wiU introduce. ou Salordny^(Jc*. (feiitlemen wwhine a lint tried with thii.deMritbw cl« wilt pleane call arid examine.;- ; i! . AI.FIU'JJ KKEVlLcUmetical Hytter, octO • ' l&L head oL wood »t ’■pw PALIj PABHIOSr-S MOORE hij* receiv - A3?ed from New York, the Fall »iyle of HilU "hicli 4S&h* will introduce thta.day. Saturday, Ait?- -•*«- Ailuiov; in waul oi-aneat uiul nuprnor hat would do well to rati nt No. 7.7, Wood Street, 3d door above 4th. fashion, ..iMT-miian: ft I flCOsfl'AK’S 5 Style Gentlemen’* HnU wtM bc inl»o- OUnced «t Kwinfifou 'rbn>».!aT. Anint*: 2T|!i- Gfdiirmen wifthinen fn»ltioitnWe hat of I'm** Ivureii manufacture, Ahead of tasbionnble Hat* import* ed aud ndverlitcd bysome;Of the trade. pt«aso call at KEKVIL.& Co.*, 15d hand of wood ft , gbISIER FABHIOS FOR HAtf £u— Ifi JI’ST recetved from Now.: York, ihe Smnmer ®SuStylc for hat*, (jansisUnj,'oflWhile Reuter, rear! and White French CWmerr lint*, with; Wnttmtont. Those in want of a beautiful; lijh,? Hat ore respectfully invited to call. j. ; ~S.-MOUUIi . may2d i TJ wob«lsUHdt>on»‘a>K)veJtU_ LITERARY- Phil»delpt»l» Collecelof Medicine, Fifth, Satith vfJyali/ut street. : mi IF. SPUING AND SUM.UEJt COURSE <IF LEC- J_ TURES FOR ISlS,'wlil.be cofnmencedjm Monday, .March Gth.-IH*, and be continued four mouths, by the ,M. D., General, £pecialand D., Materia Medica and Ther apeutics. ' i D. I*. GARDENER; M. D. Chemistry. -: •- . .: ’ HENRY GIUDpNS, M. DL Theory and Practice or Medicine. V- ; t. .L.. I/UIIS H. REATTY,M.D. Obstetrics and jDueaiw of Wotncn mid Children. ; . j JAMES MeCLI.VFOCK, M. D.,;Principlea and. Prac tice of Surgery. « i • ! , . HENRY GfBBONS, M. D. ltumnte* ©f Medwn© and Mcdicnl Jurisprudence. j ] ». It. McCAINTOOK, M. D, Demonstrator ;of Artat -OnjUCHARDnjUCHARD Btmit M. D-, ProieeicT of Surocrj-. Fee for the folleoarse, $7O. I Fee for those woo h*~c attended two full courses in crtlicr College*, 4 $-10.' M *!• riuulation t/> be paid once ou)y,sA, Graduation*-*! practical Anatomy, including Recapitulatory Lectures. SJO. Thu Dissecting/Rooms will be opened on the Ist ofMarch. ..... 1.. • . j From arrancemenl* now pending the re il *T®ry rea son to hope that the chairs of liutilutr* cf Medicine and Anatomy will be occupied by distinct FrofejxJra 'at an early period. ! i For further information iuquhe of i , ■ JAMES McCIJNjTOCK. M.D,. Iks*, '• No.-1 North Eleyeitth.Sfreet PliiladelpTn£TPec.'S7.lM7.. aal. » I Received fit M. iiSliner's,!, A TOUR to the RiverSaguct ay in J.ower Canada, - by Charles L&ittnan. * \ ■ Marj; Stuart Quectl of Scots, l y Alexander Dumas.. Insubordination, or.'the' SUottuaWr’s Daughter, an American rtory’of real life, tyT. S. ArthbrJ • Horry Martingale, or Adventurt*:Ofit whaUnian in the Pacific Occaa. by Dr. Lotii* A-iHeker.- - | The Market,Queen, or the: M'u'it'i stratagem; by Mrs. • FJirn Sheridan'. I t .i Rose Somerville, or allu*l>and‘* Mystery andja wife's Devotion, by author of ‘•The Fir*l False with numerous engravings. • i * ’ ! The Doth Strip, or iba Pirate’s Bride. j ! Chapman's American Drawing Boot ; ■! Ancient Mouumehts, History, ke, by George Il Gliddon. : <! - Animal Magnetism. try Alphonse Teste, M. D. ; Tho Swirs Family Robinoon, or Adventure* Of a Fa* ther.and Mother arid four sons in a desert island. The Pharmaceutic Practicul Recipe Book ft»r| tha use. of dmsei*u. by'F.'A. Sotiillard. < RlarkwiKnl'3 Macaunc for December. | ; .ivittir Asrr. No It>i Mr -r Rrr jrr. Jan. 14th. T*>*!or'» Money Rrporj' Gm-iT# Work*.tins ltcfonuejl Gfuhlii«r r Ue.«B rapply. A article 'Gentlemen** Visiting C»rtli. large »i7.v«l. For>nlc nt;M. A. Mincr>._' i jjanlS February lUßtilnM. i ' EKCKIVKP AT M A MLMill'S, SmiCiisl l lire el. -?A i<« >or *<*rr>tjrt: i ' <k-l->'s Lady'* Ikiak ior February- . i N'aliuital Magazine ■ ilo ; > { Grahnra'i ’do do . Lilian do do : r- < ,( All thr above ere «H|ua! if not nupeiiorm tl*:ir embel lishment*. ii> liie previous Jaiiuarjrlnßmbei>i' TJic iof iluj l-'iurK'-*, u new Aovcl bj\G P It Jfis.l-. K*.J. ‘ ' 1 M ! 1 ijr Di>-:r:ir,- «> Hie- Fniilly, by W. Kaccimol Unnn O'Limi. or luoft u overxiliinc.! by V.} il iiuir well. !•*<;. . • |\ *n>rt lv«rk uiui Anchor, b -u»g a Chronicle of Old Dub tii»».ii). -•. “ ; ■ The t'on.jmxt'm Cfiliionitn aml.Ne.w Mtaeo, imae 's»<-;ir* l'liiumt '-irf byjiutih** Millivolt Cutlf.j Jnne Kyre. ritiuM bylOirter-Bell-: : : i Tito Ikoorgr uf Venice oAtln: r .■* Chamber 6Ml»e Tri* . f.iitmi. bv I.Jannida;! j . ' <'liani‘>pr» ; Mi-ei-llmiv, Noul. •* i . Lmne see. No m I 1 I .. for Out Million.- : :l jnC.* • New »n«l Valnal.' : UooW tT NPIW<;.\KP Coincide ucc» tit utc wriiitEP hath of I ilie Olil and Ntiv Tr,iamrn(..a>.nr;umcjii of their v.-mrity; with «m appendix. cotitaitifea? tinilcrti,‘n«i inridcuVe* hciwetir.iiio Cofpela aud Act*, Jiml Jn-c-$ pUii*. By Her. J'. J. Blum. U. D. First Aincricjn, trom the x-cond Ixtmlmi olition. ' ' • llic Krror» of MoiU'rn lnijiJclitv il!u«tratiil and re bv.S M Si'l'iile. Vof. ,\. ?.U. j'e--.or"of Vue f:.-»t !.u'i>T*nt•. , iur.“i;«Tlnnaii«owu l*u. Jj t hitnfoj.'iy oftiw : : euf!iu«: Jliiis'iitmp the pnrii'i'itoiM i-f Clod in ' «!i- jdirmiiiii-ua of t»;fcj year. in four volume* - one voiumc devutejl tooth M-ftMjn. By H-v. Henry IhncanU I), {' \\ Ctinli T '- , *“ MUcflUnje*. eml>mclne.tf»*v:—K«ny tMialiiWa Misccll*nj<\*, .iy*, anil .\ttfrca»es. 11 y the Into Thoiou* Ciia!:rtfi:<. 0. D. The above with a Jarjje variety of' new at*H*:;»mlanl work.-. Tor »«1<? low lly- W.UOTT .V KXfJHISH. . jn•■■.•> • 5<J mar«ct *t.;betvv>*rn ;i i tul4ih. riHIUSTMAS AXD NEW TEAII »•$ AK- M Al>. GIF!' HOOKS. ir_ 4r„ ai l'iM. n price*. ot Memory; nml i‘‘nmitiritcil amma jbr Isjr: Gem* ol'ttio S:u«>|i. lot Ir-tS. Flowers I’crsonifieii, ijfxo. or Auction'* Gift ild. Phf I’aratdi-* iilmninotfil—liourti! in IWlin Iron. Poems of Fiu Green'ilnllock—illuminated. H.n:t:h nml Rraily ; .\lni;mac. - Tiioinp-on'* Season*-dejniitiy illustrated ft; fioiinil. Goldsmith's Poems. Jo. 'Jo . Suuuy Hours of Childhood. Moores Poetical .Works—*ple(uliJly iUixsltaled anil iouiuT. Heron's Work*. > Jo do ; Splendid PnrYFolios.oi*raj\ letter and no:'; \&ue*. lilcimuily bound I’pokci utid Family Ilibles.j IloseiYood wntiniriWls-and vvi>ric boxes. < Globes oi’o.lo audllti indie* diameter. J For «ale liy JOHN H. MTJ.fcon, Ouperli Ami nil anil CffTßoolct fot-I $4B. O—rhc Clninn; tt.t«rie»ot'{:r!n't-ful r<t ;:roup». \'itiiite»yri|'tive tllncrauoit*; by Elizabeth Kites, bound in «farlei *ilk. n't' *plend»i!ly gila lit-ntlri* of ..Memory; ait iUuminuU'd aimualjibr nliicil by Cpntr*. .M. D.i aupcriily bound, ele gnuiFy illuminated nndillutirntcd; } Friendship'# OCVriiu;. ibr Irt.~,_ete' n nuitly bound and illiioiraied, bv ► plt-udid mgruvingiby £artuini!; Christian Keepsake, tnsd Missionary. Anr.nuljforlfW;' l>ounil in Arabian morocco, nnd sihunruted by V beiuili s'ul ineiioiint nnrravlngnby Sartiiiu. - , l Tnr'lfciee oi'jibnron. s» Hstieiou* SoctYe/tir,for 1643; edited by .Mj*. S- C. Ivdgerton.Muvo. . ; The llynrinih. or Assertion'# Old; a Cbriitma#, New Yeur, and Birthday Present. Tor ItUH. i Tim Girt of Friendship; a token bf.Remcmbritnae for The Mayflower; On Annual for loir; editeiLby Mr*. 11 Oakc* >»nuth; bound in elegant embossed thoroeco, and emhellinhed will; *upcrb engravings, front drawing* bythn best artists. • i . ! .J ' - The Young Lady's Companion,' and Token of Affec tion.' :j • • if- The above, together with a large supply of Poetica). Floral, mul uiher work*, bound id the most superb and costly ityle. suitable for Christmas and New Year Girt* for iid« by JOHNSTON & .<IX>CKTI>N\ dc/Jl. • ; i cor. Market & fld »L«. Dictionaries, Greek, EngiuuTcia*- *le»L&c»— _ i I - Ambon's Clas.MculDicuo.hnry; Dictionary <if flniok mid Homan Anlupiiiicsf’ MVulloukli** Commcrrial Dictionary; . ' Uiy‘» Dichouary njid SupplcmoM, art*, manufactures nnd'imncM ;■ l'_ • Webster’* Octavo I)iclionoryjftvi*£d ediribti; Todd's Johnson’* and Walker a DiclionaYy; • Worcester’* Dictionary; ',f . Liddell aim! Greek. Lexicon; Roliinioifs Greek Lexicon of Mew Testament; la*vcrctf« Latin lexicon; i Ainsworth'* Luii»: ; l)icUo»nry;J Flemming and Tilijiiu'* French Dictionary; , : Buck’* Theological Dictionary; Cniim Diblrr Dictionary; , | fliiliiiuoti Calmet s’Dictionary. jkc.. Ac.' The above, with xgeneral assortment ofTheologienl Classical. .Mi-cellaneotn, nnd £tniriuy School llooks, ul ways oil hund and fqr sale low. liv *; KU.IO*T A ENGLISH, dc-j -.**l Market *i„ between 3d A 4th. XtW PuhllcaAotif, ’[ MILTON'S I‘OKAIS. • Uloitratod. Harper's new edition of the IVjiioal works'of. John Milton, with n memoir, ami eriiie’aVrrruHrk* on \hi*'rjeniu* and vri ims*, by Jamr* .Voutjmtticry: and one hundred ur.d twelitv encntyinpi from drawings b'y'WUliiun llarvey. In tun volumes, C ', j ' Scenccv's Gciiwc TrETuiiKrr.—The four Gospels and Art* oi thd- Apiwiles in Greek, vv'fih FnglLh hwe«; critical, philosophical, und cxejjcticul; maps. indexes, tourihcr wiili ?thc Epistle* ami ot’ocnlypse, tbs whole lonning tLejNcvv Testamanl—rur the iim 'of nc!«vl». Colleges, i>:nl Theological Scininarie*. i<> Rev. J. A. F;>vnci'r.;iA ; M.; A Nuw 'Movuh—Midsattiuier'a I've.—A fairy talc of lovu. Dy.Mr*.b.C,Hall.’ . ’ . • Uaxsu. IV'.— ill' Henry the Faun!*, king ot France*und Navarre. Dy G_, t‘. fl. J4inea. Complete i:i foot 1 pari*, paper; 2 voL. c.oth. For sale by r. JOJINrsTON A STOCKTON. jan> ’ ljiatkioillerw, joiner onaiirkvt n;i«l I*l »t» ENGLISII llOOllij—HiH<*r>-of tuc/lree* Fov o'otixm. amt of-thc wars aim cßinpalgn- uvt».ug from tho sirj;:nies of ilnv Greek Wtrmi* i.t KUiranC'l' i . ling I‘ieir cat iiiry.icpia me 't'lriki-h »«.»«•—in • urnes—Jp.eu'iid .setjj. r.uiiierou* jo*;.* mm l.euer*' iilustoutJe of mcrcittuof W'iJjurh Uj, upm l«Cu» H-b—wiih fine iwrirmi*, ui U voti. ■; .i i ConipaiiHm ioUie»tuil* of iWlioiy tcrputt*< ; HaT/y Mowlfra>|'lUuing K>a.»iitfc, vi\ir«w ce>«u»- T '°mi'r in thn MnlrljinJ. Frt-nch Flip-, Skeiciwn in Chin*. •*' Mitw ‘ i iil mnrllfinimrl OUK ftn.wllOliWn -'ln'tnrO Urihnin, ... no.'l k,fi F II J;oniTn« 5 JCariffi. or lh« Triumph ofL.Wriy. . j <.*hri*tapbcr.Ta<lpolt» by AlbcrtUm.ih- j CoßmandrrafMilu;cilu*tratrJ. '. • . • CoirnUM of Mor.oa. by V «oul.e f E»q. ,( Lexesdi of by *»«• s - krr«w* «>P?ly. mLm ui fcr Oclobcr. Mm c; jajl rwTnJ br . S W*I.B.OAtDWIXU, ■ «bint ft; oppno.te po«t ABee oil* con»tani!y oujtpxtl atretail lit ntf iaM3 1 •• :: • SIDIII.V- I JIG tom cold. Wmi (CUaioij ftintacej. niz metal for »«M liy* . ’ WINDCXTEU, & Co, YOL. XT; NO. 104. MISCELLANY, ' - , ; For the PituLurgh Christian' Advocate. THE INDIANS OF NEW MEXICO AND ‘ ; . .. NEIGHBORHOOD. ' . ’ ;SiriceYny Last letter an appendix has been sent, in to the Report.oLthe Commissioner on jlmlimt .Affaire*- Jt gives a .description, not very pleasing, and somewhat preiudi- .. cial, of the: Imliaiis from St Louis West to New Mexico. The Indians of New Mexico are represented as-being as hostile to the. Americans as .the Mexicans themselves. Life at Santa Fe is representediaaraost-vi clous and lawless,, particularly among tho . volunteer troops. The wonder, it is said, is not that so many hare died in such a gentle and salubrious but that, leading such .lives, so many have lived. ' Tlie most interesting Indians of the coun try/ and neighborhood are .the . Caimahches, Aripoboes, and the Chyennes. , The latter are, a very interesting tribe, and the follow- >■ in" is the reply orone of the chiefs, Yellow : Wolf, to an address from the Government .Agent: . -1 . My father your words are very good: the Chvennes all hear and cherish them, ana those that are absent shall hear and remem ber them also. My father, we are very poor and ignorant, even like the wolves m the. prairie: we are not ; endowed with the wis dom of the white people. 'Father, this day we' rejoice j we. are-no more .poor, ana wretched ; our great father. has at' length condescended to notice us, poor and wretch ed as wo are; we now know we shall live and prosper, therefore We rejoice. My fa ther} we have not been warring against your people; why should we-?-on.tne contrary, if our great father wishes our aid, the Chyenne ' warriors shall be. ready at. a moment’s warn- ; ing to assist in punishing those bad people, tEo Caraanches.” Here I interrupted him. saying that their great father had plenty of soldiers at. his command—moreover, it was • not his wish to embroil his red children in ' war with -each other—on the contrary, ho wished to -see’them • unite in harmonious brotherhood. He continued,—“Tell our great father that the Chyennes’are ready and willing to obey him in everything;, but, in settling down and raising corn, that is a thiii" wc know nothing about, and if he will ■ send some of his people to learn us, we will at once commence, and make every effort to hvb like tlie whites. Wc have long since noticed the decrease of the buffalo, and are well aware it cannot lust ranch longer. Tell - him also,” he said, “that the white people," a short timo ago, killed one of our wisest '■ and best chiefs;-that the tears of the orphans and relatives of the deceased chief are not s yet dried up; vet wo still remain" the friends of the whites.* It was a friendly chief thus lolled, and the Agent spoils all the romance about frying up i tears, by the declaration that the' way this ? was to be.done was to pay for the.dead man. Such is always the . custom, whether the . death be by design Tor by accident, which was the case with this friendly chief. The' Chyennes are.asmall tribe, numbermg five hundred warriors, who are situnted in 280 lodges. LIFE IN INDIAN NEIGHBORHOODS, AC. ■ As a sample of the living in the neighbor- -. hood of tho tribes, 1 -give the following ex ! tract from the report of the writer. He is speaking of a settlement -ori the 1 Arkansas < river, made up of old trappers .axid hunters, the men being American, French, Canadian iind Mexican: - ' , . .... ! . “They have a tolerable supply*, of cattle, horses, mules, &c.; and I am informed that this year they have raised a -good crop .of ' • [ wheat, corn, beans, pumpkins,, and'other . •] They number.about4so-souls; and of tins number there are about 60 men, nearly all having wives, and some have two. These wives .are of various Indian tnbes, as follows, viz: Blackfoot, Assinebeines, Anck urns, Sioux, jVri\w)h6es; Chyennes,'Pawnees, Snake, Sinpach, (from: .west. of -the Great lakr.) Chinook,-(tromthe mouth of Colum- .. bia.) Mexicans, and Americans. The Ame- ■/. ic;in women, are Mormons; a party of Mor mons having, wintered i there, ana, on their . departure for Califomiajjleft behind two fam ilies. These people are living in. two sepa rate establishments near each other; one called “l*tmble, y and the other “Hard-scrub* - hie ;" both villages are 'fortified by a wall 12 . feet higli. composed of adobe, (sun-dried brick.) . Those villages are becoming the resort' of all idlers* and loafers. . They are - > also becoming depots for the smugglers_*if liquor from hteW Mexico into .this country; ' llierefore they must be watched.” ... Another interesting tribe of Indians. are the Kiaway Indians,'who, , like the Caman-. dies, aro unfriendly.' .They move with the ■: celerity of birds, are expert horsemen, and - Continually upon the whig. When least ex-' pecked, they are in your rear,; and when ready to meet.charge, they are far beyond reach. As a : constant force, it is recom mended* that there shall.be' 260. mounted ‘ ritlemen, 100 Mexicans arm-1 cd with lances and* pistols, and - these last mounted upoh'their own-horses, it is' said by /• the Agent, speaking from experience, they will, ho found bravo and.daring, to'a fault;.' and further, that “’they cannot be excelled m the whole world for a service of this sort.” This is high praise for the enemy with whom - the country is atwar; but ii is no. doubt true, -1 asl it conforms with all the information re- - ceivedlfrom those who know of what stuff the Mexicans are made when well com inanded. ;• • - - . ( fcl WJkkl st. Tlie demonof Intemperance doss ils work among tliose Indians, as well as others.— The old traders, however, do not pneourage ruin-selling,as they find it-the worst possi ble enemy to tlieir own business. It is only the unprincipled and demoralized who en gage in this, traffic; arid it is to be hoped dial strong measures will be taken to put them dowm • • Erao. ’■ Ji asAingforr, January *27, ,1848.-. Anecdote about, odb Brazilian ‘ Minis ter. —The !Jon.David Tod, the new. Mini ster-to Brazil, while in Philadelphian short time before he sailed for Itio, unexpectedly mpt in. Dock , street,-just as he was going ddwn to the boat on his way to Washington, an old school-fellow of his from the interior! o! Ohio, whom ho.commonly’called Jake Miller. They had not seen each other for several rears, though intimate irhJnds - in their earlier days, wheiif they attended the. district school together. . '• ' ••Why. Dave ! ;l exclaimed Miller,'clutch ing hi» "bund with the strength and tenacity ei; a vice,-“is it indeed -you 3 why, what in the.world brought you here, and what are vbu gohig to do P . “0, I am just on my way to Washington, Jake: but l expect shortly to proceed as Min i>tl»r to South -or Mn.iccd! why, thmV a good woy off, if the iroumphy we leaml together waa trie. *• a.ll do you.cet any pay for it,. eh!!> looking up. inquiringly..-.. , 4 ® • yes, I get nine tliouaand doiliuß ontjS v and nine thousand a year.” . ■ [‘lndeed ! why that s an immensp snm 'Of mpney—still I nope you may get .it: boi l can tell Vouy Dpye, (whispering rahis ear,) it s my epTidul opinion thatyou'Uim'er mait a' yraieArrF—G*r. Tel ' - ' l The mteroretation of* the fimda-. mjjntal- to the whole theory’khd-.practice of religion ;but lho«j>irit:of the interpreter is fundamental to the interpretation itself, jEW crylhing d,eppult vpon hts.eye bewg-fincle— upon the spirit ana attention of be in i; pure and right,/ If ;(he.mental,.eyo be : evil.' the very light of the'sacred, page wil£ become to it as darkness;.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers