I* _ -I'tF; *■•■:• .l \ .•'•;< ■■■ 't'-'lb *' 'i. ri f f;»• • *'• • s*'. jj»4 . ,-',m : * , :f': SfcfC'r. ;> •*: i >£v • : j-:•> %iW‘3*U;V« v&/> .x;.v;* Iliiiillßll r ';:.o. .:;' •: • i?-: : v. T :;:. v.- • [; : r^v'_->w-U'r' iMiWII KL-.’-.v-hrLk'-.x-oifi’.-.'--.. vi- • -'*>♦- •:• 'lt.'v'Vv''-,’’- fVW - ‘X-^.-ivv.V i'l'Cf.' w f ■• Vf-' .'\s t l'. ’h t’ ! -^' , ' , r» K’s lr-; w » r*f \ 1 >*• w'vK- v >* : v- '■? *: - teifei® >: L x. *’*'* *' U-..>* 'V?%\ I'" •■*- 1 \f; v >. *llW?T''A F TF rf nJS^ on “J ni ”J ; ■ «k«lehxicah War; Lilt c?thn «£ I ** * l»ns» ntflnber of octavo * * *» d P l * i »ifcrOco- , C. Pnrbot,l volume * 1 ' ' '.-■■• 1 ‘ deel :j ]R' aZSSISSIL 5?“ BEASOlMLumln.lrf wito hS?2rtr * »plemlid imperial b vo^ . with Umiafitl dlnttrauona on steel, by Sextain, and 5 .-p, b, : SthnuirYid Wl.i? S? ■ i'Thf . ggyy whiw^ “petbly gift} V^ 0 * I ** 7 * Keepeake, an annual for idld; with' ,SS^^^^* afnriatM,byS * naiaibomidiau '\ IsSftSSt'JS 0 ??”!' Yw ' Wreath for' • *^Jt,S«iS2. mn ?^ , oe , tr T of the Ancients, by Williai SdSjrit^ 1 * T bound^l > rkcr “^ o ®c D isplei ■ ;SS‘sjwr U '* i 'l'" I *' “ "f*™ kindidff*. ISbakspeareV > « u ;Tto Poetical Work* ofThomasMooro. . : rj. f*^? 1 Tar ‘ et y of Other new work. laaplMdid atyka.of CindjDg.anitable for gift Look*; io IL;«r- : - „ JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, . BookseUer*. cor. Market A ad st*. <■ : : Valuable Standard. Vorkt ■nRANDE’B LNCYCLOPAiOU-A of g*.’ ! lbshistory,diwnpUoa / the fanratKQ and dsfaittcn of all ths i«ih la rm?*! jS^SJssasjfl^^ssanKi- J ew Snwrwidt, North*n> Tt'io*, New M«s "T&S2^feJl3?,^&* ta *i M . wi?o * Cea,ral America, lodra Irisodt »ad *U th. BUUj sod Tcrrit^- . ffa«tfan.Bl:lS«7,to>smolm;oß of 1788, comprising*, ® Cfc®* l *** MD, with nine portraits on *ieei J eftbe Bwly ia rckiioo to the Mmd.by Gcoree • ® aM, i KD, member of the royal college of Fhyaiciia*. ke : ; w Jwwemlle WorlLa, i the Sea, being afatiag aarratmoa of shipwrecks, I Rn«U’. »r°to-Tk, j. Ipte, rapltot tM ai mam, m Idkulo .tin, ■?- b, rmi, T ai».h, lutTMio, ia :Tbs aboes wsrks rtbeirsd and fcr s*U by I : : JOHNSTON A STOCKTON I MI -,:•••• . • Boofaeflew,eormarketaod 3rd »ts : . PIANOS! PIANOS It ...jJtiNRV: KLhaaJEß,Xiealet in eastern Piano Fones, JPL « i. W.: Wood well’s, No. 85 TTiinl Street. The t'iaoo* > Kuiy-M examined at all hours, and the subscri be'th*« fro® 11 to IS, A; hL, and from 4 to *» “-JU- Cfch d*J. .w, Piltaby. OcL ’4O We, tho undersigned, would isfonn-th* eitizeniofi TUtwnrgh and Vicinity that wo have appointed Sir. H. JOcAber sole agent for Western Pennsylvania, ibr the Raia of onr Piano Forte*, from whom they may be oh .tamed at our own (Nej* York) prices.; . . i* '‘ J • '-irr NUNNS A CLAEK. New York. Wept. 1. IfidT^x;k*i,ih MISCELLANEOUS. A | ORE &TCURE,'per&naed by tbv ortghul tad ealv tm u4*oUb7R R HEL I ' Uoim 1 Fictokt, Wetaorclud Co_ r*~ > !• ' '1 Jolt I9Ui, 1&47. < - .dfr. AA, ScSn.’-'Amt ofdutj to round thtAfflicted mkcim loadd ayh«BbS« letUanjis brarofroujiuili .. ttkknloi liw Pula. I hni d/tetrcd doing to for ton, . idhifiaf toDavy CreekeUh mum, “be ran too era rirfaL ' Mdt rdiif I hare kept thesis ay store I J* • »..7jnni cold hundreds of baxo,aad bare acrer | ' InHijUt cooplafot altered by anyone who baa sad I tfMk . They lan ntperadedalaeat every other pill ia thia I .-•eifhhorbood, end ta a abort time will thoa aii j| onieaUy reccnUKsd them to all perwa* needas phvaie, I ikwr firLmr Coaphiat or Biuwu Afleetwa*. icon-1 aide* (baa ftraajierier toCakae! ortte BloePill. Berne*. I AUy.yoan, jt. »«*«» I CAUTION—Aj (bare an other PiUi before the p«M~ I Catltfß Liter FUa,peraeao who vast theGENUfft£iao«ld I *ak ft* sad take so otter this thoapeemredmd aold brß 1 j} Wood >1 between Third aai FoartSi | Md by Dr. Caaasi, PifUi IPard. D M Cour, AJkrbcar ***■ -• . . acs f i DA JAYNE’S ALTERATIVE ' We have bees iafomed by Mrs-Roae of aeare per SiMdMher bjDr. Jijbi’i AlUratln/wlieii Btovu its eaperiority over every Other remedy of the • Audi She ban beea afflicted lor the laxtaixieen vein with NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, nttewied foittitfeeratisaa aad ea foliation of variooa boots. da nacWkich tune aany pieceaha ve bees discharged from tao lißßtal bone et the cranium. from both her arms,. •.yams aad haodc, and from both.legi, and from the left] "Saovai boots, aad from the right Isee, bnidetpainfo] 1 ■JcWoa otter pan* of her peraoa,whieh have baffled too akift ol a member of the nwl eat laeot physician* of ; par «m i-danef bm of the time Irer MBerituta have beea aienßataj* aad deplorable. ■ A boat three months I wsvlodiced totrrDr.Jayue’i Alterative. wtieh has hdd anaatootibiagly happy effect upon her, I . WWoiiaf allMui asd iwdlieg*, aad rotulni (tie I beiljWrtille it the »i»e time her een»rml beilih | Apititrotae comp leu ijrredasred.n that the now miabs I beforeibe eoßtaraeed them j l» I noon st, Philadelphia. ■ 1 _rprialem PittoWh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE I PlFOonha. wear Wood. - ... •. I AJSSPJKP EPF®**® ** ET ia Wjrr« la »l| outer ratedtet for assag^sss raifajKSSSS?K6SESCS ... «* ! 7 *7 nuioEjiSviL «u ; tod* wiihweJl-known bsuti for uy fame nmly of rmein, Uqaoti. wUek I will be able to wit, delivered id tbe Cwi*a Ilea** of New Ywk or New Orieauor 10 flrfa «itjr, at the lowest market price tor em*b ar ap • prorod paper. ;J bare in atore and'aeUar a rerr litre I ataek Of Yery Rpenor Wine* aal Lanon a* hnoned - of tbe moat celebrated brand* end visiaffestor *aJe oa plewcaftamaby - FC MARTIN • dOO <■ ••: ~ • cor l«t& H&jiMeJd tu FBIIB TBA»- J*m received Uata PkiUdelpWa Md New York jPelrtn Tea Cenpue • IBiiM lot of Orcea mad Black .A* toil** Of. i. . . .""■prawr . tireej. lUaek. - / YoM# Uy*Wi FiaeOoJoofj :■ ■ SL iJoaedo , Kx.Ftaedo . KieerLeafllymt,. Oolooffto«koo*, "/• Etutfiaado; , :£«ret'«Mkßve beeaaeketedwufcjcreat care . W«Nf MtkotkMtiVdceaiAUwearuaadwmbaaDtd I daco ; v ' > corner of third and aaltkfirld aw I I SVOTJB FiIiTHBI FOB SdUUOdeb . »ea«w»« paterae far Btoeraeo hand either w wood tfug«drl"f fad all ptnemramtato ordej.l 1 .?*■, MACUP *y^WORKS/ AND .FPUNDttY. 'Ar!n7Fy££ P**™ * nd WoonoTuieW*. ckbMto«£?ZJ eMRp .! l ? a ’ * nch an-Cnrdio* Mn- USES Vr STkiX >r ,re *> *"■>'>*”'l [ J?**i2s of e ** r * d «enptiaa famiibed on •hen no-' ® ttd * toordef for Mill Gearing, Inn • B«eam pipe for beating Fnctorie*, Ceil ij®® Bdow and faney Cutis** generally.— I Orckwtjaft at the Warehouseof J?PafoerftCo..Lib* any at reel, will hnv* fmaju Bfltt KltakUlC.., O E Warner, John Irwin ft gone Phubarri. | _ P Cft J H Waraer; gtcnteaom*. janltt , I ~ GO-PARTHKBsOip lOTICE. ' !'-R W. STEPHENS of El*. Itoobn. i £-*• gcrof Jamaxa and J. A. Suwkloo'of Pitubtireb, *“‘®«»-P*nnef»kiß under itylo maoaftctimng iron and anils ©f eaerydeWpuoa. W. StscHauw.lJ. F Puoasfinwaa, J. AoStocxtoh. BIEPHBRB, 890EH6BE6KB 4 CoT^ ANCHOR IRON WORKS, I Va. Matta&cwre ali kbd« of boiler, sheet, benron an< I * l ¥ Uß allee. Being con oeeted wiih Shoenberger’* Oid JtnlaU. Work*, we cat oner an article of Joaiatalroa (branded Bboenbercer f?, U £.‘?L 4n ,T m f Ae *? ttpeoyMrr. AllefvhtchwiUbt •old at the Pitttbnrgh pnee*.. Warehouse of the Workt eornerof Monroe and Water streets. mylt Jas. LippeaeotL John D. Wick. ,L. RMonranJ LIPPENCOTT &. CO., • /VTANWPACTURERS of HAMMERED and CAST Krm r^^P JO r e l *sp Axe* and Hatchet*. Mill K Cut,Oreular arid Gut J'awv; Hay and Manttre Forks, Hoes, Uatmcka. Picks, Ac. Ac. «*nnre c ?* B P^ ete d all their arrangements in the con duction of new machinery, and in fecorin* tho best workmen from the most .celebrated establishments of me East, are now manufactnrmg and will keep con •twiUyo n hand and for sale ail the above articles, hav- jLails?L ai l5? t^' n ” cIT . e » of «ho latest impiovemenu, and ESSf - rK tin^ orkman, . hi P " d “atcrial they will not be excelled. They promae to prodnee articles, equal, if not superior, to any that can bs had in the East! Z?.1 y - in ’. lto i k . e ? Uenllon of dealers to tni examination of ihctr stock before purchasing elsewhere; a* they am convinced that they will be sbte to fill all orders in thdr Vv2.“J!f 22S! e of purchaser*; Warehouse. jVaieriL4door*West Momngabela House,Pimbargh) *& B ' Wm.'Uppeaeott A eon, will please colt on Lippcncott A Co. oeiPdty W FOCRTH STREET BAKERT. .CONFECTIONARV AND FRUIT BTORE,wiI! | open on Monday, Apm Bth, four doors from Wood at' ondsextdoorto A Jayne’s Pekin Tea Store. 1 _A splendid assortmentofFaney Cake, Confectionary, «"MK«wrr J«n anrengwhicfi t Macaroons; . PoanJ Cake; Lemon Biscuit: i i bponge do; Pepper Nats; * Jelly Cake; Almond do; Molasses P. Coke; twKliri 1 ; 1 . y“fff J«nble*j Spon^B'.eait; _ Federal Cake; a. P*s; Sogar - 'do; - Ordere for lee Creams, Jelly, Bndea’CakeTFnDcv t-OTiectKMary, e., . e« exeeuiod m a-manner une qualled in quality and beauty by any other nient in this city. ; - r r< k«rv** Ac ; mannfaetured solely from White Wheat Flour, and free from all drurs, every mommy. J*P?_ ANDREWS ALLEGHENY VENITIAN BLINDFACTORY T i JOHS A. BROWS I TAKES this method to inform his friend* jissn Poblic ailefge that his Factory vpw in folloperebon.on the East SH. of the Diamond. Allrgbeuy, where acanl atant supply of Blinds, of various colon andquaJnic*,arc«»n*iaiuly tepton hand. aR at No. 6 Wood at.-Prtwburgh, at J. A pHBP l^illipOoilcbnhwaieroom. ‘S*” ? 8,1 . C io ordCr ia toe best style, w n at the shone*! nonce, n. u. Hi* Blinds will be put up,-vrithoutany addi tional cxrpn*e in that they can be removed in a uo mem m eo.«e offire or tor washing, and tritbout the aid ofaerewdr e • ocHdlyAwlamly G> WM. ALICXANDCK A SONS. ojjitl Makersanofuknisiiim, ilndkii- V'KfcuS', en«er of Penn and A. Clair street*. | °.‘ , po*»i*ric uebange Hotel, eutnuiec on Penn streri, rcpecttally inform their frirnds ami the public, that | iliey are prepared to furnish and attend io everythincm ime line of Lnderuker*. Atway.on baud a large as ««dy made Coffina, envered, lined and fin tstuid inflie. very best manner, ail sort* and sixes rctJy made Ntrondsof fianuel, Caiubnck and »u*bu, and all *•*■» made in approved style*. We keep a isrre as !* jrCTton* wishing to pnrfthate Mantels, ate inidnnea tint it i* henceforth unneerssary for them to go bast, as I can furnish them with an article in all respect* as good. and(fr«ight,insurance, Ac, consider ed.i as rheup a* they can purchase them for in the; r-i*u Call ami see. - ieiSS' 1 COPPKH, BIIBKT IUOB, ABD TIB • , WARE MANUFACTORY, n ," ** Brkct t ««*«» I’iiubßnfh, I’enna: I H»rjn({ nadepii Improvement* * in ihe contraction of their COOKING ttTOVEH. rr-«eetfaJ|r invite perwn* bedding HteaaibdW* to rail L ,i. C iS?l. n t l bcfeTe t ß **b**fnr.** »a can MpplyUam , rer *» •"*' -'-rry other kind of tapper, iin and Sheet Inst wort .. iniry i a forui»h in« a Steamlioat. We al«o make in order or> » w TiilieA and Chamber; Cnpprr and every variety of work u. our i.ce _J rM> SHERIFF A. SHIRK ;WM.MeCiJLLY*Co laDQlaemren of Vials, BotUei and , _ »o. IS WOOD STREET. V indow Glass, (the most apptorrd plan m used m the caw.) by whieh we tarn out a sapetior a cle. Ulan flattened on this plan Is perfectly I'■vat a ime. with a very fine lustre Painter* and dealer* •, •efr» BrC rc^ne * led to e * tll ud examine for tlu . benne _TT & BROTHER. UFEEHSWAEJi MANUFACTUREES, ' A(mar Fllutmtli.inu Uarthmuc, No. 137, HW tired. pM.borgh. CVnß'lLLtDUlulljr kecjisn butd a rood ojroH »J«/iocnt of Ware, ofoor own maantacture, and W|wfmr* Orders *?ni by mail, accompanied by. the cash or City reference, will be promptly aUended la. febSS -> Grcst Western Unit Utnge Saiofntlonr, ! ' ■ • Cincinnati,o. * A GARDNER & Co., woulil inform the trade that • : they aranow muafaeteHiifl the best Out llipn ever mode in the United Sttaie*. As this is oar princi ple basinets, we Intend to send oat as. complete an ar ucle as can possibly be made. Those eiitaxedin the hardware trade, we think, wUI find it.lo their latcrtii to see oaf Hull* All orders promptly attended la. ” . ntys 'AOABDNKR ACo.rarof Hth A.mblh«t» • JOHN SHERIFF * « '• S 3 and WFront su, Daaaa Koonpxaa and Uas Fix- Teas; Bklu.oT all sues east -.from the lates unproved pal lemi and warranted eqaal'to any- ALso, litas* Castrors, finished if ordered, Gas Fit tines pot ap promptly and on ! reasonable terms, 1 novlMly i I’lTrsilUntiM S'i'KEL WORKS AND SPHINU AND AXLE FACTORV. UaAC JO.TKS. . imr» _ JONES k. Q,CIGO. I iVf A o I ! , JS!S. A P rU . R 5‘ u, > f& P rIll « Blister Steel, 6/iMi* K l * l * “ ‘H I’’ 1 ’’ Bteel Plougli VVtnjra, Coach and teh Pfl^‘, : 1 ll “ , ¥ T ' ,1 P" Axles, • n «* dealers io Malleable Caatliws, Fire Knaine Lamps, and Coach KuSf "f F T eon,Cr Ko,e From streets. I ■ ;;-IJPPIIcOTT lHoa urnimit. T~ I gbovibs te.Jar file at oar bar I ®* Wufcr street, near Wood, run *■ u “ m ' m * *“ JxrrX _ Cl RAFF, LINDSAY- A Co. BlBllMifllfiCOjCTUßii : I CAMPBKIiI* 4 CfIKSB, I . .• ' M*orjUT9KM« or FINIMUNf* NAJLS, lUMJK IfRAU BEADS, lira utd Copper Taeki. IKON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS, AND I Patient Makers* Points, of every description OtLr.t No. U Sc Charles Hotel, Third streec ‘ ~J*f nw*»jtfL MTAHMRuJumt!?* ft* yi»VAN\' hiILDIJB nuurieture ud keracen- Cat ? Wooded-and Wain Flint *JI IU Wietie*, at their Warehouse cor rw u? rk . ctinrf Water street*, Fnuhurxb. t J^,^ ri Av onUnaa * a f “» operation, and we are work. wkicltenabJcs os to fill wheiteTii> h^i?T£V eM ' . I ' 3rch *- ,e, < we respectfully mrioeir c * ,min ' : pnee* and trnn.j 1 ’I iwi KKNNiepr*jr„ T" - I Wholesale Variety Store and Looking Glass I _ ; Manufacturer, i | Cuilery *nd Comber * nLACKSON 4 FOUNTAIN. Tonsorial JWtfmrTha** 1 IP repainted ud fiUsdvp their Fhariag.'HaJr uremia* and p haw poos Ins Salooa in lbs modem style, tad are prepared to jait am pslkM at Ones, with ewe, comfartaad pooteoew “hysre prepared to wait «e all that may call wJltmtdslßy. Thaakiai far past Aram, ws solid! a coatimmc* of Iks *•*l Mow Atloea, eoraer of Uaico street ami the Daaoad. W'hj? Aleeawderd- PsyV Pry • I fUL «ONA BT BALAAM^—7b “*Sf sasss 5Sw toSMS.Sa“ fa !W| •*-If b - F-b J I - saw^tss&fcif^SS 2^ss^as,-feair ,«irlum as^ftas&sagsSS h-aaaffiiutyiM-cKUtie i„- iletlpen*— it wtii MtaxMldLuitf «l(Kow »Bja;s^iKSBs3S ftFSkiri witKEof u, kind <*i "* rtcouimead “ HibberlH Um pwtnaaacc ol .« ~ il flowi frw Cron lb* pe “ UMconm of ■ Sew tarn W WnUppacDU&Bca «etUhcnh, p* OrtWOm . tiAZEASTB PATEM T BEDWKAD7 — THIS If* Plut Wltra improrrment ha* bow breu in use about two yean, and wherew it u known, r referred to all other ‘ Forcbeapnese, strength and convenience it ha< Dot and, dannot b© equalled, a* it ii decidedly the best. cUcapcMaad most coovouient Uedstead uuue.and ocr. fcetly proof against Bugs. The principal Cabinet maker* and Turner* in Alle gheny city and in Pittsburgh, hare secured Rights to manufacture aadsellthe article. A«there arespurious arttelrq and imperfect imitations in the market. eureka irn would do,well to eisnuno the east iron plates on which m the genuine aruele the name of the patent*©. h f-.V*«*iM«m*arlal;ly cast, A* a proofSfalhh«a la elalnted forOasaans’*Bcdneads,the ftUowiuaeenifi. cate from Cabinet maketaweU known in PitUbarvh and the West.tosnbnuucdtothe public; • Wei; tho *ub*critx»s, practical cabinet maker* and Bedairad manufacturers of the eitiea of Fmaburxh and Allegheny, Pa., do hereby certify that we have bought th© right tomaadfucture bedatcada with UazzamV Pat* eat Fastening, and eonaider the tame superior to anv freiralaa* with which wa are ’ James Lemon Joan AUtircw T il Young fto Koben Fairman J ft Hanley -Jamas ft ftarr John Liggett. Jr. Ja«. Lowry A Son l£*rn© ft arbm Riddle ft Brennan Thomas Parley Ramsey ft kTClciland David Luker . Ucacsftafkck IlugftWaUnoa Kobcnsjffitoe J Slayer* . Ju VV WKjwcil «f**e»aydvr Win Haslett JMcAlasicrsftCo' Alexander Lawron Fpt Ki*hi» jo make-ami «rl| tb© above Bedstead* applyjo EBHNKZEK F UAZZAN, " [_ Patentee Tltoa ftiATiT, formerly of Beatty, M'Jyrmi* A.l3a-- tinemnnti,*). Bum ••■f*Zane**ille,o. Gha*. U,» to as - New Oilcan* . . BEATTY, BKOTHKK dt (JO., Oa*af,al Commiiiton Marehauti tor thkkalk akd roKWArtcroo or WKBTKES PUODCCK, At). 31 Poydrtu Sfreel, Hew Of Icons, Raraaro— : Mea*r». Martin ft Co, Banker*.» n 1 ” Jamea MHlregor ftCo, l"• ®* ! ’ " Payid VVhiteftOo.Maduoo.la. ‘ :. ” PJlia ft Morton. Bankers, 1 . ” Hp*ea ft Fraxrr, JCineinnatl. A Bl’Keniie. Kwa, ) 11 N Kearney, hiq. Banker, Zaneavilk, O. D M’lktnald ft Co, WelUriUe.O. 5? Reed. Pa(ka ft Co, Bearer, Pa, J W OillUUqi Wheeling, Va. aSraurKfiCes J*’ , , . wft M M.ieheUroe,, ( Pllubnr « b ' nrltWm AChallamtotka World. TW paid to anyone who will prdnee sVpotof pami, yreen or dry. that eannot be aitramed with )loti’s Improved Chiakai ©nap.,, ) have tbn aatiatactionof *avine m tne Maaßeef Uua plate, that this article, by my vwnimptomSZl oo n, nowmniuta unwvaJled in ibis eMtntry lor eairaetiu yreare, ur. pitch,oil,paiM. or any otber rrearyaulT nance,lroraall kinds of urladir.'ttoUmM, ea/petaJ table tbA, merino shawls, la.lira’ beimcls, Ae,WiJhou>ftaunay anything thaty>ure water wilt not injure. i3joc«i Rap one tboa«and pcioona. m dtfferem pans ©f the baivftfp have tofd me they would not be , wiUMiuifttiritaeAtoncdoUarMrcaka. lairyurihia Poapon’ioore than 3UO anleicjAf l.gbt silks, uxiiu. al> pacca#,and©alieoes, I bare i#y fbend three pieces ot eila, two of eJpacea, and tear 4 calicm on which h ebanged the rotor; therefore (Wore fftaA it on a-Mxbt dregs try a aampie of the dross Trot, 1 sHethis »>*«•«-*? I am determined not to recommeadttaay wronger thin Ik now m bo smrily tn» N It Hair. price,’ IXI evf per cake, wholesale and retail *•*. 0 , : •’ RPIiELUJRK oee.l 37 wood tt '•nnect notice So] >r Steam Engine* ’ „,®«W aad Orntimailal cuts. aworttaeni of tancy article*, araoaf which llamlaocw. Croebet with. Bead and French tilk ban, Pilk par*e«, tww atylra; Ivory tablet*; Mari memoranda, K&uuelled and ivory taper cutler*; Napoleon andponiMo ini a; .with comb aod glan and inrmnranfo Tooihpiek*; plain cigarette#; rort'ojtt)*; pocket book*; Pnpictore*; needle bookie Fancy boie«; Berlin iron oaakrU; Willow tnuiel*, Ac. Jcc. Now open and ior acle' Fit BATON 63 market ato- I TV -i oeiore—made oa the most approved Eastern njiate £iri.wSi&*?L io 2?! , . ! ? andnolor*. Ajfc THECIILaI* BOU-j or DUSroN BLIND, oft band , < »r taadetoorderof all sites, and at all prices. 1 .Merchants and others arc invited 10 call usd examine ibe almvc for themaolves.os ail will bosolti 'wholesale| or retail, and a liberal deduction made at' wholesale purchasers. acidly, , OmcVLAB. WAsoiRCTDif. 0. C., Dec. 6th, !«?, war D. TJiompson.Etq,, Pimburgk, Pa.— fiMM 1 ba,,e oBr merit in one of thr VJ riUabargb paper* with not a little surprito I find Uatfon have copied my biuuieaa Circular entire, nod appropriated it to yourself. I will take Uic liberty ro inform yoa that rayboaineo Circular w my own com-' poattion, and im not common property. I shall not wd »:>K*y consent to l»e placed in a pmiunn that will induce petron* who do not know roe to suppose that I am not capable or j ptnpoaiog tny own business card; or (bat I aacapaJjle.of p>tr«rmg and ■pproprla ine tbe card o< another to cay own u#e. 1 am; therefore, under the no nbUflnf tad exposing yourplagiarism in this manner ZOkTjHUINB, • ... i Attorney for Palenta, Washington. D.C. .KrAII ndwapapcra.lriat have published Mr. Tborop **•» a advertisement, will pleaae insert the abnv. dctlif OLOBHR. LOSING'S THUKESTIAL O LOU EH, eoataining'Ml th» hie ducoTtrws, Bad Geographical uoproMtaraU; auothatraekaofthamorteakbraudrireuiMaTinLiiirf Com piled from Smith’a p«w English Uiobe, with additions and HnworauwiiUbyAnainit Smith. S»»i*cd by Ro,««ll Park I.OHINO-S CELESTIAL GLOBES,contniamcalllb* known rtuaj batmto, Ac. Compiled from the work* of W ollartoa TUartad, IV La Cain.. H«rrlk», Mayer, Brad “lf *J ,r T e "i f *i Maskclya., die (ruuaeticxi, of die Aatrooom- London, Ac, 4-e. >'»ota Smith's New tm» iuh Globa..; | i •. Johnston A, Stockton bars just meitrd a law pair* of iba •bore Globes, varyiagin sue, ns follow*: I f*ir | i‘Jtachf« in diameter, 9 1 “ •* . « 1 “ . .. 6 “ “ 1 44 sami globes 0 ** J American, Chronicle, and Journal copy. daeil A FPL!CATION will be made to the President, Mana fs. rersandjCompVuy, forereerin* a Bridge oeer ihr Uieer Monongahelaopposite PiiiMiureb.iq tb« eoumr of Allegheny, for the renewal of thiee certificates, Noe 117, l'.U, lid, in the natse ot John (lamer, rack for two ■hares of stock in said Company. Maid certificates be ing lost or nlilUid. KiCIIAKD FLOYD Attorney for the Executors of John Hunter, dee'd delS ;J., CIO>PAIITAKiUUIP —TW »ulcrs, on the J IStb iasl.| dtsoeisted tbemeeleca, under the firm of Urowa 4 Culbert«eri, in the wholesale Urocery and Ucueral Produce and Commisiloa business, at ho |•* loath Front Itrsct, Back of 7 A, Wilson's Cabinet Ware Manufty .... I 1 POtIiADELPDIAi A Wl }h S- 8 - Wooa i attbeodleo of the A.'a'NicKiKVv, : » . V ~M' OARBIAORa ~ WiWdyli*, lata of the firm of OH. £ Muhstlr oa hand tad tor ok’, has tad win ksep mods to * fcKSM 4 “ MRS I POM!! P0R8!!! *' of FANCY FURB, such "“lofi. ItoiS-Tippl'lW I jiw us a ealPborore purthwinj elsewhere, u^ e ‘ e find it to theJr udrantagu and no nisuke. All m-L received ahalj i«j faithfully attended to ai No S 3 th?,!Z Third xt, above Arch, ITUtadelphla. W - ,l h iriMM»'jM{f«h»yw. k«/*““ i I ' I :, ■ -\ T ’ :r ’. iW.’tdtfiKdfCb'w J v-' 1 - - •MM ARII/LA : . ! Mott extrtwrd&tary Htdiatu in the World.? ! ‘Wffll B^ICUK iSSSaSs'Sf® j wtkolkstheynadseeTetofrts Wotderfa) h**. I*tfaaed withm thepast two sears, mors cares df Semf Cadet of Ksoss; Al SJXki I of Migf caendered laeursklo. Morslhaai . ! dJIOO cases of Clicooic Kbeumthm • • of Dyspepsia; of GcßcnJ.DsbilitTaaft Want of btnr* ' c *“* °f U«r Ccsnpkal; ' and Dropsy, «una pates of. CesMaUiua,. i -* r,, ®f “*** ,Disease of the Blood, sb r Ujeer*, l hmipelat,Ba|tfthetua,Pimplesoq theFaeTfte- fte. Tw‘ *V* f . w .‘.r* ““««>« “** ot Sick Headache, TCfcTm the' wdsaadUbesttSpißsl *■/, 1 !, • w * •« ***•*, »“*t appear iacsvdible, bat w* bare ! LUen iroa phyucaiu sodbar agmU from ell tato of the* .Uaiud Suits, ujfcrmiog as R.Vaa ° ampi “J? rf* U Aew.-j krk } N. J., uiftnu us that he can refer to mon tban ldU cart Wm ‘fberi are ihowaad* of c«« £ £ Cite of Hew York, which we will refer to win, pfemora I W »o mem efeharacler. Jt is the bet* medidM feclhe ;l lereuUrs of disease known. It undoubtedly caved the Use I el mote lhaa ,1 ‘•Cfttadcai Writhp naid«.» to isaflntjata articlo ia all rtsJ 1 ® wdhoct ciogjin* flap and teomesmdeepbrirktblKk. ' Wkk aadMcCaadlcw j Joke Parker, j 8. Wkhtaaa ft Cw FraasVSelkr* C A MeAnulty ft Co. ; i . .. pAwrScam! theBw»««iom * M * U^^f***#*^ pfeptrodtbemfb I I ’ Umts Status Orncuu i Carr.O. T»U)trT«»aT*T*sn*rT kad memherof the JVcw Jersey Lcgiektarc, bm kiadlf seat' kstheAiilowiagesrtißcme. SliieUtfUowaftXy. * 'IfeSWsT, Jal « iu|7 ! A y«v uneel was takes with thsladaei»a l ftrfarmbok jywem fell in a.dshilrtaied SteC Iwa. ead^cdiDei Townsend’s Harssfarfik, and lifer takiag two oe tktm hot-! Ifet Iwa. *e< ftjjgrgr; lU -,} h ??r* t rr* t4bi,, «««• T Ufe.sadMdl ; j . _ a W.«eL«iß,lai*U.».ll. i : _ ■ RlDVeimCvMs. i Tkw certdfeals emrtafttly that this fcrm»n»a! basperfert «mtrol QtW Ihs mc it obstiaata dtmtTu ht- Yhr*ejjrgpß» ms bouse is unprecedented.' j m •. ■■• T • i • ; Dh. Tows****—Dmsifej 1 have the eftasna taiaferm jftlthatttroeofmySdmi t,rabech CTiw{afths«S! | sAp,zsdW, iraßSvttb-d £%S ta Eft£ fal GREAT YE.MAL* MEDICWt J sag sssa.'ssssi or Urine, or isroluatary disrhsr s thereof ud far the ra erel prostrauon of the system—a . matter woetber tha rwult ae!s£t.““ m *9 impdaHty, iftaess IKotbiiwan be more sarwtdi (than 1 its iarlcorstag efe ftets on the human frame. Bus im, all weaksme andLm. I aqder its influence U iaraddisiWy eountemfe (he aera femnees of the female frame, which tt the grat caase of barf I j It wifl aot be expaeted ef am, m cases ofsofdlaiii » tare, to exhifelcertidrolse efeaiee wifa£i, but wsmn to ua.- Several cues when ftimibm bars bra without child ren, aft**'aim* afcw bottles of this iavphmUa medUcftn! hire bees Uat with ksalthy aflsprtaf, ■**«■*, \Dr. Townxnd; M/.Wift being rrraOy distressed trw Weskam aad (Oeral debihtT, sad Mtflcriro ceaiinuliy by yarn and a Mmtwa ef bearisg dowaTVlha* ef (he vtomb, ud with other dificallies, ud Imria* known ernes' _ where your asedmiae has effected mat caret: aad afro hear ing U rerocnaeaded foe such earn as I hm described J obtain *.* •,. 01 J*® ef Sampsrtlta. tad followed tit dirauoasyou nee me In a ehoct mrwd it removed btr complaints and restored bar health. Deist rnteful for the beacEuihe received,! take pleasure is thus Kkoowfedr *ng it, sad recoKSrodiof il tbc pablie. M. D.'Modrb ! iJJkanj, A eg. 17,11H4. , Cor. of tlrand —i Lyj j„. ,i, a j _ - . r t8» l 18t5. -I |Dr nmmd.'.Tft aU whom Out may eooevrn—This is t*| eertily that ay wife used am beUle of your SanenwitU pcevioesio her eaflnemest,uodrr ih« mast ekrmiicwai debesw mreoastuces, bsra troubled with the droroyTeeft. hag of the feet, nsrveus aflseOcmi, ud -very much debilite. led ; with mr pervussien, udlthe mummendatioa of ihr— whehedumd H,s),s was wdaied to try it, with frufe or no feiihjiud najfieeit to my. thirsvdkine had the happv ud dgtiredcflevt.aot only u the klmriof roufajroviiLblaaJUr I tiro eiwroU* ef ecu week of; u the dropey ud ner- I ulus affrotioa cate way to u Wenuhiog degree, and her Mftth isnew better thu il bed Usu for a imumc nre. «*ro. • I If tha will be ef uy semVte-yun erirn m who dtmbts.Ut eueeemof the Bwdmne, too arecntnfy Wsfeoms tolil.-,' ' •nbeenbe myself year aeost ohtdfeal ud obliged ('mat, 1 8 dJuiJA. I TO MOTHERS AND MftItSJED LADIES.’ This Eitraet of Serm|«nHe hu beea cxpreedv pnjwrvd lalrefereacete fomslseompftxut*.' Pfirfneik elin biiiu. •oo to seppow *e is eppnmehmg that entieal periml, .« TU tutu fj uji.” should neglect to take tt,ea U isn mrtain preventive for uy of the nunwrous and honiWe dieemea to which fesuies are lubjectaiUu* lime of life Thftpaciod "*t£*•'•l** fcrwml'yera by omng is it teas valuable to thuee who are approach tog wonmnhdbd, as ft is caleulainl to assist ulure byeouickeniu the bbiod •ud lU.sjnem. ludevd.thi.mediraeW inral ■••le for ell of the delicate diseaws to wbfeh wemu an eunjrct. | ! It bracee the whole eysfea, renews praaaacnUy the naln refuetpes by remonag the-impusitie* of the body—not •u fer wUulumg the system a* to produee a suluqeiat ro- Uabtum, wbwh is the erne of smW medicine* taken for i , OIRLS READ THIS. Tea who fete pufoeomotsaioM, daO eyre, Mssrhes & cfedum your bLod, remore the Crtekks ud Motcfars, aad gi»4 you uiaauoo. s|writlmg ijo, &m sprits, sad benotiful Ctsapki.K«—all uf whkhEs cdounrus i ned todies. I i DYSPEPSIA. He fluid or medwia* bu ever been duecrrrrd which ae •early reseaUc* the gertie jaie* er mhaa in dwraposiu food udiMgthenmg tU organ* of digestkm, as this mw ratsps of SaneperiUa. r r^i I _ UiXACnujrT, Albany,Hu Ifcisu : lb Sir—l have been iftesi for several y**i«ith dppe p *m i,,u worW formi,.iM&d wub lour} ■rsg of stomach, loss of appetite, cstremvlearthurw. and n great nertfoo to all kinds of food, aad for weeks (wh*l I eouU eat,) 1 hare Urn uuhie to retain bat a milLnws f® *7 Ithe usual remedies, bet limy bad bnt Jrttfe or no effect in removing the com plant, i„„ j ducid, aboot iwo Baontbs stoee- to try nor Estrvt of Sanm jmrOU,aad Imgstsny with litllsrootluee, botaftenuiu neartv two botUes. 1 found my appetite restored, and the braftbnru catirely removed; aad 1 would caroesdv recraj I mrod the Use of it to those who Sere been afflicted M I feS I f?« tQ in*' W ’ W - V " nofffljlMJ, fluted Island, j ALMOST A UIRAIUt ; wiibom eltfps; ll*»d (b* Uiowinj, and doubt if ywi cm, (hat • ioi/*«« o lUnu»L TTu.l.™Jr u <«..rili,«,,^ kTOlt s cm* that ToWBKod 1 * SiMfiriitt W cwid * Of 7 iwnunJ-Dnr Sr. Ira ttktn, a liut, y«r HO,»itka Mwacoucha&d pau a ayaid*. It a errt*d oo B« »m indcad. Iwu pronounced by ph»- imao*tobar*th* Mof bad antler, haJ njjtliwtau, *o4 «aki» wrSti »yd<*«o*»idbe.coulddoDcithHiiar»*, 1 ■2a'«t o ih« bMpital ia hop* vf being brarfitudT but n pranactd Umn •* «*ur»bW. ' 1 w« uoV coeUhardly bralha ; 1 fo^Urmm maeial«dl»j„s£2 to did; U ay waielwr* _ fultcd 1 enroot jit* you aay description that • U,l ? fU t i ' l44,Q ' «* ***atythankful I did.; 1 eaaaot «y that 1 aa calaaly «*U, hat trnmUr twwtd a to b* about ay haiiam, arf hop* to b* entire ly wtj! in a few wetk*. *|y eovh. and jJia ia ibTwdT and ujlil twrat. hat* left at, minim bwTrcry little ml I« raiaac mj uoaJ ntrcajth. I fcU it a iulj U £ i4 yosaktauatnlorarcaac, topwbluh if nuplcMj > * " ■ Prraa Baowp, dJ UiU* rt,-Or«fclym. i Opinion* of Pbyilelaai, P* U alaoctdaily m*trinj onUn foa phi* ■k uni T 7 Wl s£ Wl> * B * m l* l> > D »*> |> d b»licra it taba ratable preparation* nf the SamhariQa a tha aarfcat, • ft P fnui, a 0 i Wuaoa, a p, BBBaust,**, P EEtiuMu.aa, A WESTKfIVKLT Albany, 1, IMS. Tbi» uto certify that w*. uU ■ - ' Thittwha Pbpici*Bf oflh« r-WHWD'f™**.. -o.?!7J’“l.fP"'"U»n. »afe°K£Sira?3SsE* HTOJS*i4SSfi^s«te- For Mli by E £ H£L Worn 3d kod 4Lb it*. TOWNSEND Agcal ilQiband'i Celt. THIH it i autd'.nAkod tl», iff* jwrfcrt •dJuUvhor tiow in ttoW«!«iof to net btfortpo&y .kT??*™!** wifetsasajs^Ss?^ ■_ Dr. NcLiß«>iWoraaM^ißr^ —* ' frHlSjt to certify that,.bjr takin t oaYrUi Vr jwiot J. HcLaa* • Worn Hpeetfte, a child of Juki p a «>e n>eilieine,e-ieiiiJd of ny own saued l< It ft iraly the noti rorpriuof wornSidnel^w ■era. I bare two more mala. • neierer ■]i WW.WUjpHE t For ttU b, j KIDD A Cb, No I, | MkS* j I 1- . «, 18ts, I Awit w mri MUM, W (IMOMMt of iba atdraUry I «ra«ur* of ay baaiara, I m. aiiaektd; with M rtr« paint » I *V. I 1 ?** - * P*l|"UU* of lin Wvt uim! thortoor ofbrralh, mhKb'wcra uxw faUofr'd by eh. fa, Ur. ofoppetilr. riUrat *««w**« •» "*Ht aod partial f«r* Jin At ay limb*-tom ywpliaM of »y»t»» (xia* frtaumlly allrod'd j »ui*ipitunf of blood. >vr abowtlwdicbn 1 wnucruioft> I ally tbrowa «to wlufcb l#u m is a aitrtaUt «*-. of feUramaod tops to a&ct Byiaia*. rJ IM totiarray auStnap mm aoraor teat«•**«,uatilalfcitk (bry uxicaad to rack a drcrcr, mi tot rioter. ofUc •ytopCiwM wtr* toaunraua, that fcra-wboiryearl *» aoablt trotted toaaybn«in«fc Dun to Ifcialiat I rowulV b«l aQ Ibrir toill wm mmi.loj to pwctm m raUt «3 **6"d*d .•/ mm ukoUirtj besukaa la j thu cnoditiao l wut totoraod or tokajuurr adrato ad Tbofluoa 1 * Coarmud tyrvpof laraadWaod ntKka. ii a earn aoacarfaalitaiLr totatot.aitd too«%b] had tiTcToaafl ci|«etaLoat of a nxmrry «f ay fcraer bcaito to kaa MBa,VrtbciDa iijm»|lynJrur#toiryUiMMd*iy t I wm Ji! * *m l r4 "P” ,oi ® ®» mm .u mv, feat by ibt orr of Wtlr» mj bruh). Jto. ton mi laarowab;ttoaunultobuuorar»itb’ataudk beifttla HWfrtrjrtXEllil. . j Of Dkkitnoa TtraAk - *7 ANOIfET k. DICX-ON attorN;* I earner of FiAh ami gprort rtrrcta • } , Sold by L. WILCOX, Jr. Pittobwk, aad - T rt| ramJrt?- Pr«so eu (J M dollar p£b*la. | CAUTION.—Brwart of iaitotioai. of auduitTbM *°*\ Cautid Syrup of Tar from am but admUad aftali, or of (bora abort tbr taaokka of Wtolte to mmm ter&JU.- ■' doelldlm inEiunyryowTOiTA. 1 ■ T - * FUMlni DUTtm• perfectly innocent, belifepurified «f nil! , dcletsnooaqulitlei; and it impam lo UiSTkhTa ral,bcaJihy, alabaster, clear, w& .uho^e SaSSSL" ' co,w ' UCoo *•V. «U*S?iS3S ))r. Jaue* Anderren, Practical Chemist r! “ZZi UAPAHN*JTOpK*CO • . ■ cor wood* front *» - WiE£. A {ES!I'?“ aVEUP—I, ptirf UI J £ UJjrcu taiCM.ln caring my ei'ldt durrnamg Proa tho Taaperance Banner. Noala. M 7 Qm«h fl »***.-*Wd are not.in the habit of pnißnia „„ », toreeoaaaead Nmu’ieynp to those whs ere •fflieiS tomJ&ntSXSS remote * coottuu tod diittetaio* eotab.khai had far •natal dap afflanod onn of oar Audr?i, w&rlY.n2- eettowe were indaecd to try Mor»«n>« and by a relief wuobuinedm a ffStnrt 8 ?!’ to tw ihe panacea la tbii^at&^l - j4 *«™ JHf YABIETTIGOOMi w**?*®^ y 2? l mm tfltaM Bm* »ij>er4i H,lr» I cate of Saxony and Meriifoluder t*kim 'L*. LLiJ lad Dpwen, ume *eiySiS W - t . ImepmuwKoliolMSuHMien, withai.,olj j I £*un «©W and plain B*UJ Stock*.' ! ’ : Jlombaxite l»ow and plain B&nfcixma ain-a. : ' I Sdk-aadtfaUoTie*, ncb milS _i,,v , oae ease of low pneedfibimiwhieh wni^'ll’pTj , WhoUtut Dr* aiiiir— - jAfOW opcnin* ai .ibe Wboletaio IhrCioadt Rnnmi ■ II fi< Malkei meet,!ld atoiy, 100 oc« j pcKii|lMMciinoMßJ«.«prtTOl'U^ P ,SMci£ , .«£«•, 10 ft, FrenA. irr..dib^'sr p >. r.!?F o«r«loo«, U .« .n, contdtM w li b ,t'*’ Kn ‘ ■“ ek *-'» “S' l " «id pric" ’^^ -Sy?- i :' * A MAW>V*rYi k B^ttSnMS5SRSteS5fiK iii«fiecltaßlßMomnentor (tw>dp.inlu« W hni» Sjy'-'.""" ..jbSjS&rJ&JEs; Dark aix’J Satinetu; ’ ! ’ * jßla«aitdl>labk * do; ■ . Inriartifc freen do; \ '. i ' Satin «ulped b!k do; 5,: • • ■ ... ■ AUj.r wl lot wii be«,falotnp{m,fjpa~ 1 rrfpertlbtir jjnlio tfctadfcJVKfi •nd cxamare oar Block, o we fare telUiJutemS }o "- '•. . ALEXANDRA DAY -P** 5 -- 79 Market it. N W cor diamond J SPY'S^ K *p KU P*T*S*P**«i *1 zkfIULOV ' - B , EY ? "CW Pancy Store, 67 JUarfcet air»m 6*Ccr£t andTaucla, torLadiu'Ctoak^ 5 b^ 61riaao ‘ffifwidie" J tfaper taper fcarlieh Drab cSih; theabonetlaouce anilnm nsaaboable taraa br dell > ANCKERAMAYKR . DmS. 8 «! L» r*7 W ' k*Tfc JflM receivedbr ej cou.f.^ do; Fine plain Cnbraeres, a beamifel article; Gala and Carhrneru pialtf*.' & DA Vi 75a»rfcct«cadbnoloi|d««l „T.r. p*ia U (W bread, WUh (real oppr****oT?iAcu}rt y I brtxlH y apyrtif. Um, vafiou* mwm without •***■ !*•«■ IWardof jw ardkiaa,bat be- I 1 »«*•* • ptnuadrd mt »i» t»r a bottle of toar J»«pareUoo,»yi. ? .b«o»t4b»Ufc:toiut*rlue*«> l i« wcdtatoijt eratuni a betlk tad cctnabactd uuns it, aod U! h»d ukta two boUlre, I »a» eoajife'l, restored ta SOUI7 tc Uw btacfit of other* !;■*)(«. tW abort Wirf Any faftbtr cut be maOt at my nv 4m, 1(9 CalbM.at street. **SSf ll » i’aancia furomr. j still another Memarmbli Curs'* I’B, eornerof Wood and drrltj TBANSPQRTAffM LBSES, •hveESlmtilsuhSh aOTSe^t^l TU®iWteTtd BeiMore*iryißg ( k.«ed j.y thisW ± fcwabliabed Lme, a now k, well known u>atde- Theeapaeiiyof'OUt Warehoeseaec uyeotornaeßi»ui)« iobi. Reeei advance* free of charres. 1 "Briny faJly prepared to make sates respectfully totieitvcomifnmenla of lUeoQt Lard,Bauer, Chee»o f AVootFe Mctoa for tale, eir wbicii made and oilier usual facilitiHiafforiJe; ►elves ihat - any bu*iue»i» cammed u promptly derated and upon as fair i other boose. ■. JNO'McFAD Canal 11a i JA3 hi WAV 849 and SSI Mar *blej os to «tonv ijini, storing, and I of Predate, we |we«ern Float, eaihe ra, and other -advuneek will l»e pledging our. -4 t 6 u« shall be a* fairterm* as Imanr .FADpKNftCo - oal lia*in, FilMlnrrrh 4 UAVfSftCi " tnehllf -,asi Market si, Philada PlT*«Bvnail POttTABI.® 0. IM>K.~ fifeaSßl 1547. ES«fig° I?OK thin transportation ofPreigbl betWecti 17 lad the Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments on the-, way, and the consequent risk of delay, damage, breakage aadseparauonof goods,. i: * rioyritten. 1 BORBRIDUE ft CASH . No X7W Market stmtt,. Philadelphia . TAAFFE ft O’CONNOR : . OorPonn and W nynfl sis. rrwWrgh • • O’CONNOR ft Co, North sued, Baltimore l* w ft j t TApsSnrr, 75 sodtS i"n. y " Kneoaraged by - increased business the Proprietors have added to their stock and extended their arr*|igc ®cn*» dlo Hski Bjsiem, and the great eapaeuv and convenience of the ware* houses at each end or the line, lore peculiarly calcula ted to enable the proprietor! to fol6l their engagement and Bcrommodau theircqiionwrs—confidently offering . hejmstaa a guaranty, for the fittare they reapcetfally ! r““ ey . Alj consignmems » Taaffe ft O’Connor will be rac'd and torwardod. 'Steamboat charges paid and Otitis d Oafo Canal*; for nilportaon Lake Erie anrt “ op per Lake»,ajai»o to ("’•ward producer •• “ —-jlorwanlprodHeer e.iiy Fctin’n. anrorcmenu. Apply lo or audreta . .. feliW-dtf _____ JAB niCKEY, flwcr IRDBPEBDEBT POB.T A Bliifi”, . BOAT LINE. BBSS* 1847. TOU TMBTHANSPORTATION OFPKODUCK' and merchandise to and from pjrra. , UURGII, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTLMOR D7*Wni»pt Tnuuhipmcnt—m ! Good.eouaignediooarcarewiUbe forwardedwtth* otttdeliy.at the Jowoat'current rmiea. Dill* of Lsdm* traniuiued, and ail uutnrction* prampliyauendcd 10 free from any e itra charge for «bra*e or commlMioa ’ Addre*a,orapply to C A MeANOLTY ACp = Caati Dt«in;riu*tißrth storage. • i Having a venr laiyjo tad ccmmodina* w&rehooor, ,we are prepared to receive (in addition to freight for ■tupmeftO a largeamoeiu of Ptndaoe, 4«., oiukoragcat wwrjuea. _ l«anij C a McANULTV ACo PICRWORTH A COVUHK. T “ Baißi:JB 47. town, l!©niday*tmrgh, Water Street, Peterabargb and alt intermediate place*. . • ■ Boat will leave the warcbou.e ofC A McAnttlty •At*., PutaUnrgh. every ilay, [except tpo«|.dorKtooni|,o,,,Lal« Krie .*"* MtoOipao, ninoiog daily helm, L'.u.D.jrt .»d_il.rawr,«..d ftostt apd Cannl .Itoaia, rt “a! I ‘StiS. i*w »Pdc» .nip* .up U _»; L“i« of Soptolioal Ptopolloia and vSa.pl, oil lb« fcakoa, will be ptoparrd upon |» of Navlnlior lo tony Preipbl ul Paa.,™, to alt pomOoti the River, Canal and Lake*. ■■ | llnvin|avary fardily for conreyiap frej.hl and pan. •W“» wnb l«mai and.diapaicb, u. 5 propfitor opd atotoia rppamW!r«ol.cH ftooi UouftimdinJd ke pat>l>r KcnerallrUteir patronace. J; M, WKh!D, Khe, ■' HEF.lfc*. FARKS A CoTßeaver*Arts JOHN A Cor.S#ruhfi«ldand Watertl*. «ppo,iuj the Mornings- Kafcrtafloaae. - h B KCPCR TO Wheeler, Crocker k Co, New York * (aeo Davit, Buffalo K N Harks & Go, Cleveland J*« A ArmmongA.Cc>, DriToit . McClure k William*, Milwaukee Bristol k Foner, Chicago . Wro Hnwrrt, Powrrstowa, Henna <«ro Marholiojre, t* rn ria John Me 4nhui, llunnwtws,. j 0 'Vk?k k Acker, Urrenvillc, do Craig k Fnunpton, Clerkvville, do 1 1 !!,“*' f. *', lmnb * Pa. W C Mnlan, Sharon, do ; - _ ** v Cuaniipthatn. NrwCaijle, do mar 3 ' PITTBBUKBH fc OLEVFLANI) UNfi.' 1846. ijfamn H- .Hoops. T. K rhmond k Co. ■ CLARKE 4 CO., t*?' and PrJiirteio™ of this l*i ß e (to favor ably known to th« public), will J,„ prepared onib* ° r /!, n *' "Ration to receive prop :J VJf‘i U iL U T •? 1 l- BcaTe V * nd d, * liTer »me ai ml JSkLS" 2? lW Vfc° can *'*’ ■ Bd alwon Ukea Eric •“‘‘H-gTWende.patehnnd ureu. The proprietor* or thu line .olicit uro Wine.. , £'u/ 0 ??,' -Wl* cenfiileece, knowing (hr their facilnJei ■reweoad to uonc, •• Apply u or addrew Emil'S: : Js? TJUCIiMOND 4 Ct. C frelaad.-.: WKBT&UB TRAKaPOIiTATiOa cdT' BMca 1847. jsitjsi b. Uscn aT"* OLD ESTABLISHKD TRANSI'ORTATiIW UNP betwkkn Pittsburgh. i* PHILADEIJ’HIA, UALTIMOQK ANDNKW VORK. TIIK tiack of tbi line co>at«u of a doable dailv Une of Boats and Can, [owned by lltetatelveafl wnieb tie to Rood, order.* Tbo *gb»cn|4r*ii£ b«o« jS.“ * i*>«« “i W I“ s*rtaiety and diapstrb; " A ™r“ **• « SlrrebaudUe consigned to any of tnc on fr“ * *»* otat*. For room" JhS U * nral “' d oodoll irutroctrom proopu, *uTr > ,i. b S“ iDe f" Uoo ii eoudtteted on atncilr BoliltoUr-keepinj nrmciple., Piilrru, or opplp to 1 D LKfccil 4 Co, Proprietor., 3 ' ■ ; _ Canal Basin, PittiharHi No ■« York: swags? I EAVK Beaver daily 3, -In'cWk^jA l ' o '^ " »rrisra , ofthe»icamfKw l UEAVI^f,om I NtHro,p h h and arrive a! Wane, next inorning in Kt Bi»cli winch reach Cleveland In-fore nirht ‘ -a?* s^A^SflfeJrr”? 184(5 *»*» ' ' | • TO TEE EAST 81-BMOIIGAIIBtA BODTEi -n,^ A .‘: RnwN ? v "!“ i cUMHp.ru.and ' SSmtam.! 0 tom., bf■ u,i.Vi,,., ‘ AH property con'igneit to as will be forwarded at the ’We»i rate* and with despatch. spj!Ws. i -«» ! PrtTSßtinOll ASD fiftfiKsvatK" datedl 1547. -j> : PACKRT AKD WEIGHT rpms Line confirtinrof F ~ „ aSßtwt^S WICK'A ARCHER,tireenvine ix >• CRAIO*PK*Mrt(ffoSE|L'Sp . ! MeFARLANDAKINoJIiiIiJi'' 1“* . lIAYM A I'I.US[B. ni, i W O MALAN, Wi.nu, *"' i . , WULMAWEIVB, L'uljuci. s°* JOHN A CAUU?frl^K'm«wli , ?"ss hl . lp4o *»d ~1847 MrSa Vtlhfl fcllowin*pnc«»- SlKkwMer ■JSSWSW.SSnfcSffp^^ Leather~lo9ctaperloo lbs. “-twd, Glue, and -o|U,WBfcBe eaclr boat it owied by the Captain who rnnrthem, which is a nfScientnir. aatee that tftero.will be no delay on thSroate. : - * All Produce of Merchandise eontigbed ttf the undersigned will beforwarded FREE,OP COM MISSION,for ndvancingaad forwarding, and will be shipped withont delay attha lowest rates' of Iretcht. •{/ - - !•■ • . We respectfully solicits share of ««btie patro "He- iWALLINGFORDkCo./ I ‘- Csndl’ Basing PittsburghV CRAIG, BELLAS!Bc Co:. Agt. Broad Street, Philadelphia. • < F MILLER, Agent ; • - ; u-. . i ; ': BowJey'a.Wharf, RalLmors. Pittsburgh, t-ch.,13, 1547, ~ > L.,', •> .. Dll. BWATirtf COMPOUND SYR Ul* OR WILD CiIERRY- - A certain and aafecore lorcoogh*, colds, < tsllsma, li*er complaint, Bpitliijg blood, paissjo the side or breaft,berroon de&|lrtj>liochje'gcodibi / broken; congUtoiion,' COMSUMP- •* - TlOJfor tielomor . bnsiaL Reader kre jon lufletinf with a cpld oc diaeato or tie I*7 tbl's i" • yoa will-not; per. baparegrctit. , ,h will arrest all tbteedisagreeable symptoma which' strike iaeh terror to the miod, Sc proloagToaf days.'’ 5? ‘* JI prepjraUoas, p«rpciiiß|. lOiCtxtfain VVifd Cherry,except that bearing the ligcxtaic ofpr If Swathe on the eataide wrapper ol eaeh bottle aa tbey arcquite likeljde»litutc of tbd.article fron which they borrow s same.'' f '! •. _Jtccdichal it Ktudonif A. ... 50.000 DKATHS BV CONSUMPTION ‘ Would perhaps bo nimall estimate forihe raWes ol this dreadful disease ih asiogle year, then add die fearful catalogue ol those cut off.'by loflama tioft ol the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coastin' Influenza, Bronchitis,»and Other‘diaeajouok the' Lungs and Liter,! • • : • •t . j; i f ■ And the list would preient an appalling iirool ol the fatality ol these two classed of disease*.,- But it Is i.uiprHiaiiUii know : .;tiiaf. nearly all oli: this dread wasteful human life might have been presented T»v ? timely one of Dr. SIVAYNL'ii COMPOUND SVRUBOK WILDCHEKhJ. '-i : This'medicine has .non been' before the public some eight year* iwd u tbejoHgißal iprepamion Dost the Wild Cherry Tree.; Its reputation u a remedy for Coughs;; Colds, Bronchitis and On sumption or the Long* Used ehtlrelr apofc trin*ie merits, owpabut litUe Lo inflate* newspaper pulN. IWo who give it e trial, being- benefited by it, recommend it to thriri neighbora r and ibaa grid naily and sorely basit gained an enviable repo tation and worked Us way into general use. iOne bottle never fails to care a recent cough or cold while with striet attention to tbedirectibh* that ao companyearh bouie,its aie.ittpulmonary diseases of. long standing and of the'must alarnung eharae* ter, has always given relief;; and in 'very maor instances hat efleeied complete andpemaoent cures. ! f ; ■. i Dr. SWAYXE’SYCttrltrttied Cvmp&ind Sun . ’ upofW'ild Ckcrry. ( .Head the most remarkable cure or CdetnmpUod' everplaccd upon record— j . . -S, . : Dr Swayne—Dearßm I feej it adebt of gratitude due to you—*«l a duty to the afflicted generally to oUor my humble testimony in &*or. el joor Com pound byrnp ol Wild Cherry. Some three yS* since, I was violently attacked with cold; and matronof the lungs,wbicb was accompanied with a very distressing coi}«b; pain in the breakt and held —a very considerable discharge of. offensive mueea from the lungs, especially upon change* of weather however Slight. At first I tell ho al&oi cotyTitjon, but was pfctty soon conviricedihat 1 wan rapidly going into consumption.' I grew datlv weak er, andai Icngthwpaecnrecly able lo walk afoul tr speak above a whivper. such was IhemtdeShL weakness ol my lung*,-During this time 1 had trim] vanou* preparation* sod prescriptions, but found do aU iho.iimo worse. Jast here Lwzs advised and persuaded bya dear, friend inAVilmiifc. ton to make a trial oh your.Synip of Wild Ckcm l mu*t confess that previously 1 had beeuprudds* cd against patent tnqdieines, and I am htf/uKSt those cooing out of the hands oremttiriekbnL understanding your cUlos "to Die ’'profiSmP&i pracuco of medtetnei and haring implicit* faith In l^ e “y in 4°f rny friefids, I lorthwftir porehasejif Dr bfaaw, oneof yoor ageuU,a few commenced tu use. -My disease ol this time was oJ twenty or twenty five months' standing, c.hij quenUy was deeply Vested. X found, howler, cX siderabie relier Iron the 6m lou ror five fools*.— But being n public epdibtr 1 frequent!, nllemp«!e 10 »“b mp increaning nlrntgl*W Uientbr raptured tbouc nemulnlnnl bid .nlfnndjfcgnb Jo bnnlilnUniwnj. doubUetn, rajeuru waTgretU,* rouided. lo conncqnonco or aelin* thtuimnra dcntl, l bid to me Id or 15 bottlon beiote ImT. perfocU, rcatored. I .barn bo emotion, «n much ■miller number of botUci would hare Blade M. oound.but Tor tbe.abote indiscretion. Thehvreit lee! perfectly well, 1 ofler it with '' * > Dufflih county. + *;**»**».■ A„,H.„ CA,m ° N! CAUTION! f ATOid all fpunooi prcparttjoni ol' Wild-Cham f, u f. b M BaUami, Bitter*. Strop* ol' Wild Cherry \ tl<* purporting to contain Wild. Cherry, See, “ they are all bcUtioii*>nd counterfeit, emiionttin one of the virtue* of the original and geutijoctpre. »wayne,«m UtcSJt ever prepared m this country; Docuir S Wayne‘a U>m|Kuujd Synipof WILD CiltußßY it ctittiSd or»e B ctablo ingrcdienta.lho Wild I herr,, dmioth!! cr modieal anutancea Mall, ad dot mare 11,0 .hole eliccloall, com&KJ Sih" 1 ” 1 be > ,m i *u doubt- the moat pteSS? atrcngd emrid, and elfcdlual rented, eacr dS Pulmonary rirnAiJuo!"Ed * ' L »»S«atd Brcaet. !Tho »ery“.? [““V 1 ? , 'a.„, !r .ncli.alisn ol apiinoea iutildE *Sf£ “Vf"*** ■“ Ifoalianili.e'prepcuS ; ’ fhcretore, invalid*, inquire for the 1 ration, each buttle of which I* cnvilboeS hTi P i sgspsSg &SI&SOF i>. JONLs, ISO Libert* atreei ■ > • •' ,c 'I > ' cu ‘ b le Drojjiu aad dcaiet, ia medicine, thrnngbout the Undid SU&SSgSffI ~- — L - • ' ! aepl*?q ■ .e@Ht.ig SSS* midaTa’d? : »lKe7:iffiSs •1 bertbekof PRINTWG-PAPKR Irnn-andat, ‘ ■‘^sa^iatsiasrsasifi, Weaehins Powder, illoe UltrtuiSnnVfw^ 1 "^; I - BAGSJ ■V ! rmae *Af;.*« • ol . n,r ***>Da}eßope,firoji»ltope. Da**i«- '.-VI | ! jssssss^^^f! rcaikM *t niehi, wid Uavjo i WhfM^S!‘r ,c,n * Ter r eluded he had Worm*/nmt havi,,«- I ltVi??. u,ne *A««*-. your Vermifuge I *«*'*e«l doaea. which exp-lied 53 vealanM«»2* *■*« ttr* jour Vermin** better then SllotterJ nBB ’ ; I carder J. Prepared and nU br IL it apr P* B»r®i*.: “ -•■■ ‘ r •' -■•!:• L wtlß *•**'*''• •t Uelkwnj PWwtnient trt>cle f ■: . • . .WMSlMtftsi g&gSMAaf'jL ■■■■■ ’■» ■■-' -■ - IMSTii.:a..,i 1 J TSKa^a^SSSBU^.'. WW’Wr to bc*lih JgjgL I !**- :^^^aass4%--®::: . trtiUUM, au^ • sa&& , sss^*jis£s^: ... 7u. «*!?£, SZ^S,^,TJ^ ,J “‘•"■Ft 4«A cfiSrtifiauj Uw j^£fcSl I .“,®? reo * ' T r ““ <*'*• “* »»“ M , iisUSMr't^ii^ With COtirtßtw; ■ irm V* tC*tWßp*i BiMalltartii kwdkiu, m—m “Hm au duurW iciaetSei 'a “WW hue,‘flto,wu*tt-ttii«-SS2 lb* atomsrfi Orbowel*. IkSS/ b #•■»« eiouappwite, Intowt. fcgtS rSJgi**W *W^bemiit and FhjSf e,a who know* the nature, thi 1 Vf* 11 / «d character of the Medicine* Awd in his pillaand theiradaptatiao tod»ea*£ •■•.•< t Second, Because tie- public can take' them tilth • greaier coafidence than most other pills wile*, ste dUeaS? b * PC ”° £ “ i * nonct oi tPedicioe ildS Third, Beeaate.ol their combined eSects. propttJ ■' contamed ip Aay.otberpUte namely,««.. ‘f* 1 ! 0 * tb s * lo ®« h and bowels aUtruhc»itb/«iE and nt ■ tin: same. lime punfrins tie blood" and fluid* ortho body. . ", •• .' '*' ourUl V IJtc * BSp M»7 ar* lie ebeapest end best medicine known—a tingle bos costinebetSdceßl* C ° n^ DS 40 to Penwoi s* m«y - doUarsolt umc* jn Uocior’* bill*,and numefbn medicine* bought & tried ns ihe ol oiber*. ■-i \ ~j-, r ■ ' WIIOI.ESOME ADVICK.., '. f,' you base occuioli'u Uke snr mnfi cine, do not be trilling with your constitution by other mefficinel yba ub punluhed and recommended by o»e and another bill' take at once -,\'-r- V,: Dr. Ijeidy*tSanopariUa Blood PUb' ‘ . , take-aavtliMr. * : el*e. Tbcy wIU alwkys be Aiuud good in almost «U r wornuol lEeslocuach.bom els, livee and .intestines; cramp* of ihe ntomaebi eolie, VVaterUaib; inward Irser*. lonl bmtb bad tk>ie io the, mouth; Sobr.enictaliun*aßd 'jidditi dtt theatosuch; costifcneak and indigesUbhr>ant-S •ppeutc, billions sfiecttAu; dbeaink «T tbe soleek amfkidneya/dneasesotllhe skin, sealy eropUaid dry and watery pimple* or btotcbeK oil ibn ItM mn ***}> and nit rbaem,held. ■chc, giddihw*, leintnea, punt oret the bMrt, o t the breast, udct/along Uie back and aptaei iboiau> ‘ Itrei and gimt, leter* ot-all kind*,.small po*.,*»t3* lofd.uwaae&.icrolßU.erywpeltt/andinaboriUmr are goodiaad duuaaes basing tbelforigin Urn ' »nie*Unes, and impurity of 16# blood ‘ ••'■ 4 f. i - l . . )\ iHj!Twentysfi»ecenUa Box. '* * _ Sold Wboiecaie’and Retail by B. A. Fahnealdek « eorner or Fint-aßd jVo«f, -alio* corner dr Stithand Woodstrceu.; i:- ’ bent 9/ ••• S*-’KOt Ut-A ArtU SUUuriULOUS ;-SWUIi, in all, ita maitiplied ToidK wbatbetiß that.of.Kiea’e Esil, eolargimeot* ti " riaod* or bones, Goitre. White Swelling*, Cttraiuc ,tUeotoalUm,Caoaer; dhicasea'or'thd Sk&'orßpiiw. or o! rnlmoaary ,ConMmp\ioO, emitjate'lVdm iTe and the same wbieb is a poiaondua'pnneipie morn or lea* tflberenl in-the burnam tV»* ford; oulesa this principle'can bedestroyetK no Amlh calcumcanbeeQecied, butir tbe-pnaciple upon whicb the' dikaase depends; a nuoted, n efiw .mnftoliiccfscityrolloy.AomftUerander.Mbatlflrui • the msnilcii itKelf. 'nu*r;iherel#& irlhtnuoa whyJathk’s Altckativc is"ppdnl '[f fl ®*7.* , j e tei»liil iartaafiii£'M i tmarim||miiai • rfestrdys thd 'slrpk’dr-brinciple^ from - wbien those discaseghasetbeiroriffiOfby ontefiDs ‘ ' to the minnieat fibre, re looting every i£rticj?of tbe Freparedand wU abltd. fl South Itiird Street. Fbifadelphit.--'---- j Fdkln Yea Store, Jio.'WFoortbatroe. ■Pittabuigh - ~- .-;*^ ” ’ •’■rmriigif t,’KOM the Hcv AttA SIUNN, a weUknowuniulpop 1 • 4 !l° r * r Cleryvmnßof toe t*re«»UßtAUthodjUtCb*rali Theundereigued having wwitf wun a diieaae ol the *iomicn, aoaetinea pro escuif (tmpain,lu Ute atoaMh for tea or iw«lw boat* wybmtt uitemiMiou; snd VaAei*' barterirterf * vatiuki lenediea with little dßieci f 'wma fotniibed withaMKflo •rDr D Jayne** Carniiaauve Ualtaai. 'TO* he .sbed-A* Midine to foe direetioiwaadfeaad invariably tbatlhia medieine caused the p*fat to abate Ja three or fear mitt* ; aie*,.aial fo, tlken ortweMy.minaicaevenr. •enreitoawuantaly.qjueied. The netUeino mi|i ( . Icnrafdsnaed whenever indication*of foe vpiwichw pnixtwcte perceived,and thepain waafoerebv prevent. cd. : tie continued to. uw foot aMiela* Over* • eveald* and wmethaea to the aanminy, amt to i ' ' healfo waa** for te*iafcd,ihni; foe offerer wnsreitov edfraualuxeaniMuaercppretolvc pa£a.Fnnafc* penrnem therefore, he can evnS&bity rccoouneudO O Jayne?CarminativettaUam,-aaa salutaryoiediru 'fordiaeuea.eftheMajßaebMdheweta: • 'ffaruift/N ; t v-'- Alkjrheay ehv.aKtt . For tale ItrPiUsberyh at theFEhiN TBI 3* Fourth aueetpr!itac.Woad, .aad wheat ike • W( Store of (IP SUiIWAHTX.. JfeJereJ Hrert. AJlciWfcr L'lsiiPKßFDaiaaT- ■" — - w *.■ Crean.de’.Auaadm Ameib*, lor ahavutfi. ;. Cream afa shaving; ’ ... , } ' Almcude Cream, do; .■ ' ' -• ' Superfine Uotoge;en Porcelain mndt;- ‘ ' • K F^^hntscentt>age,p^tfofhed'wiU | L«reaier l ; Hemifolpowderpatla,ofallpasentt;: i:- ■ y ■ hmboaacd totfat bum, containing Iragtagl ctlmft* . for,Urehandhe*«blcf| paeeal tfag>*ud hrtet •oap* t i4 |, > able lor-preieau.. r^. 1 .:Feraian,erChineaeinirdcu ’■ Inliao vegHanlehairotl, • UearVoiljinfaueyorcoennoowreppcrMroev adtAV Z4I j Two Week* i-‘V. i“ Three >* ■“ • . M ,9 ta> One Month, • *.* 1 ••••••••.•' d • : Two- :')•» i “ ..• ■ ■ ■. : 4 to . Three •« • «.., L Q3 , Looger BdvertiaeueßU !■ aame proporitoe | One aqeare.6 tnoeUu; without ..ly,* 1 ® for G.month*, 4 '*• IS M ....... * One MBire.G Bwnthj.renewable at pleatafoVl 6 ]' o It l» • «' '** ;j.lWlxS Each nddiUottal (or 12 coonlhf r•*<•• * * i J V Two aaaaree,6inonth*, ™ , w»bleatploa»nre..su i |iu Each additional >ai ( WBCU.T! OB TBl.WhftßfcV.lW .* Onoeqttare.Sinacrtiona, “:i each additional insertion,.... 7 '' '! ■ icaiw canni., . f j. Five line* or lent/one jear. •* •• : *< an.»oath«,'«..*.,6-»i0 . « « ; fi one year, daily kwetklj, uf --j&£?& j— ■