itfrrw ifaiT • ■ v *^ r ■■- •■- - - •- r•• i»-•■•••• i *** y-, - -v**-—*--* ~ v ,.3.-. ®T..®® HlJOCriJ* f-- p P *T Howard, ttukor ofJUUin U» • Cwti*, waborof lfit«k !n6«,or U» Jliid of 81x007; by.Lbui*a *of “SlVikiog UkentiteL* ke' ■ ■ «* MT. lid Ibltj&briSff. by ■toSSßßKskr...., i “ts*; r *’ b, " T 7 ci *-» ... •' I ;.; k«.tt»di.K n< Sa. , c«,,«,, Vm. ieel 4* ' V M » CAIJnVJXLT ’ MW Md.TiiatWe CuwtoMJi, fotloWlu* PoafohaaSi pTi^»it; n n r» JLtI , '• • •' •••• . r ufc of CoL a vvTrw,^j!r on A m,l ir *' *k«teli of the • i = ; "a3SMaas*£ys , 4as s-gs Ih«T nry, ImHdrEd °( Life. «nd MOra • -rin**.'*e ■«£l \_?7L*7 jeu ’ ■* un * U ' Lawyert, Di ■• U^SS?: T* f ~>r *»sr..tosi hr iswu j&Jj? m * ofutri- JkUrth of U^Tji^jTl«»tAiwng *n ae deKriptiaa of the Country Jh£s“ 1 .. , ° J m Cnu » a j&MiwsKSyisws; JSBS 1 — ' ' * ‘ ’ deer *KABOJr—lUnaUnaitd WUh benatiftjl in»rf—fplcndid uoprnai.a vo, nchi? v’ s£££ SSSS' > J&TZ& and New 'Teat’s Wreath lot V i^JLS^J IO , sm ?, Toltnise ’ Printed oa soow while pa «• ®,*j?w l L be *J. wrt3l ■Pfendid raeuotiat enjra-rSn.— m^-£?'^.j r °f k ? ofolh '" GoWraiit, M. n, with *•'••• r *• E,?u “ a “ b -“ ’- ■; ■ *■ •I ' wohL P?eU PoeWT of Amc "«*i by R?w. Gris* } ?:\ °f - lhe AJwienU, by William - f ' P npe r Gooadio Turkey inoroceo; iplen - ;• a^isfi scs£r ,, ' , ‘ , '' ,ofi, “ i » f -i • ■ :.;■ •' ■ in ”*■“ Shakspaare’a u - „ u ’ . iS^£^£*l. 1 ““' brn °™ ■ Headley** Sacred Mountains. new works, I • ‘Sffhy^ W ™ °f®' a * euuable forgUtbooka;Jbr „ JOHNSTON & STOCKTON*, ' - de3 ° ' • Booksellers, corjklarket &_3d m, ; Talgable Standard \forki. TkEANDE’S XNCTCLOP^DIA—k Dictionary of Be!- Sfv^SfS pl^ e,p: 's °I rV7 br>,Bcil of ko«wi kßowlidsr, wila the deriralsn aad definition of aU the tern* in rencnl , aeroascaarariapM wood, . J M«*»H North Aaerioa dtlaa, eohtaiaincleautlfullT cot i: ? agft^s^'stoiasi^ Ifal 1 * Parttmsr-Tb* hwto ry of U>< Pari tan* from th* • J . a 1517, to thernnUtoo of ln«, rooptMia- u J,, ~ ChoaU*, MD, wlihuia* ponniUonUctj; «»?>* ".»?£?** **! «»;>»Utiof> to the Mind.lw Owrjt Moor*, M D, member of Ihe nnl cotiere of Phnnus. At • • ■'■Javcali* Work*. . • ”"' kkh “ k " “”■* "7 w, lhsta, being ajbetag «vntiawer rhprreclo, speaker—The Jamils Speaker, eoaepriiiac «m«atary nfe* «m eurvae» ia deehmatko, -with * alee* Daa of p«—a for practice, by FraneiiT Uclaetl. uotroctorin afaeatfaastPrfnMtoa. Tie ahora work* received mid for tale by ‘ ■ JOHNSTON A.STOCKTON **l ; aiarfce<m}3rdtU * • PIANOS! pianos n TpKRY KLEIBER, Dealer iu eastern Piano Forte*. XL at J. W. Woodwell'a, No. 65 Third Street. The Piano* may b* examined at allhour*. the subscri ber will be there from 11 to 12, A. M., and from 4 to 4 P. M. each day. Oct. 2* ’4B We, the undersigned. woald inform' Iba citizens of Fjttaburgh and vieiuity that we hare appointed Mr. U. Kleiber sole agent for Weswra Pennsylvania, for the salaof oor Piano Fortes, from whom they tuny be ob tained at oar oertt (N«nr York) price*. ■ '.■'•• • •. : NUNNS Jt CLARK. NewAork, Sept 1. IKfroqttgJtt . . MISCELLANEOUS. A GREAT CURE, parts used by the orirloiJ and only Iraa jjMdfTtißlai 14m rui, ptapawd and »eld by R E »££,* Motts' Factorr, Wettaorela&d Co- p*_ >- - JuJyWtb.lW. ”f < Jfr. JL Sm StOtfst*~A non pfjvtyiAjov mnA Mamas toaddmlitßblttckJoaßyb fetor of tow huitT~ tiltknM Imr Fiba Ikm deterred doiar m fee* yean, adhtriaf to Dan Crockett'* Baris, *bt tar* joa in right, Ihca go ahead."' Msl of the assy preparation* ortataf k* l»4 aoackaJleaded to tba ekJc*, bn Kak iato oUlrioa met year Liter File hare Wen 6flmd to tha public, and, lodged, ] helim they will fc «nnt thes *n, w a* they art lari what jwi tnnaat Ibm to b». : I hart bees tfiieted Wkh Liter i Cosjrfaiot floor my yooth; bn taflertd such,* eatJond I may csiacst pfapidau, to trhaca I mid mack moer. km I Job sack Uoodj beta malted and pkjifekcd alaottso death: ■JjTttadSorttitter,arfflißfrjnera ap■> incurebU. 1 B ] U3S-71 oat lodaod to try jobr Liver aad BOOiT GOT WELL. Omboxof whicfaijeowmdbjealtdbtepaeelcar I at pais la the tid*,aad all the other lYmptota*. tot al leu! I ISaotfha. YwFill*trrakolh«bt*teatfcirtfcltrermd: I Wto(BiU,ajt(Rpia(orptimoocbrick»M* altkt I «A, Oat pte at atadi relief I hat* kept (Lea la st itort I fart * r 7 yeanj told htt*dr*d> of bom, aad hats otter i MM a MBf<t "rI*'** 1 *'** uttered by asp one oho hat need I thes. Tbtj htra Mpcrctdad timet trcrroihtr pill in Lbit I Mgbhofhood, aad la a abort tia* will baaieh them all. I t Qliatly lawouand thes to all pereact* needtoc phnic, I “whether tor Liter Cmphiat or Bill toes dSeetkau T coo? I adotiM ftrwprriof to Calmel or the Biot Fill. Beeput* j • «A* then another Pxlb hefcra* I cauaLiftrKnspeaoa««tiowaatihcGENUlSE&*ld I ** «»* prepared end sold by tt | B KIJiPtH, Bo 57 fFbod tC betoeea Thiid a&d Fourßi I Bulk. I Md by Br, Camel, Fiflh ITard, DU Cray, AQegheay *»7« • r , .. . *g3 SJL JAYJTE’S ALTERATIVE. We have beea informed :by Mrs. Roseofa eare per tew<oßk« bjrDh Alterative, w kieh piwu its aapenorftyorerevery otherremedy o t the >■} ■ - llu. She Ul been aiSieted Tor the last sixteen years Y ■ .With ITECBOQBtf or WHITE SWELLINGS, atleuded with aleemlcQS andeaibiiatlon of various bones;do i MfWhkh time maypieess haTe been discharged from taa i itoetal bene e<-the.eranlno,from both her eras, : wttat* sad hands, and rrom both kce.tbd from the left • femoral hose, and Aon the rifhl Jraee. besides bulnftl v «lemo# other parts ofherpersoo; which bare bsfied I f . 'lhdakajW aßaaberofjbenwM'eaunentphrsidansof ■■ mr of the time her stuferiaes bare " .. ooea axenttaLßf aad deplorable. About three month* ■r-': «*« wu induced to uj la: JaynV* Alterative. .v «wfckh ho fcaf w happy effect upon her, '-to removing all ana andiwdlings.and raasmg the - ; jUeen to heal, while at the tauietime beraeaeral health ;tea became completely nttored, Vo that she now weighs •..»fbamors than she<ud beforeshe commenced thesae of this traJy Eve. Eo*u « rorfarti*rlafonnlnon,iwpiircofMrs. Rose 129 Philadelphia. ■ •V Ffr«4»te*«wrtwib.«iSe,PBKlKTEA STORE, . -CTREperthsLaear-WpoA. ■\ .. .; -JyS • , t A . STBONO EVIDENCE tfc*l Dr itYNEtt EX ••\-JX tJCCTOBANTi* Mprriorto *'| tXhtt matiia tor .! 'CwgtfcC—wwptw> t jßirß>el»iU«ijAttlap.«>dotter FatmK • Mf7«fictjaßa,ii few (tens* ptnoea tlaeaugadik* ‘ awoflcia itetr fitelin tea nan **o wiii-pniasttote £ alteryrdiwofttakite; «teirtenaaytenteniteKte * * * UJ **«r tuttebn almt fmutaklr km ,-/4Mff«telte n iterna* tte teaefit rmaetkir \ «~<r “ ft to tbca. ud wkkh tttehlX Mttr ted tecral te thntbr MdaeonTdiMßH. Tmwte aalf kjf Dr D. Hpm, FkiiteaJpbia. tte aoU <* • , • : • > : alex. jaywes tX._nmo> . ■- f A»uvi,scxa (*S3Bpiiafk mac am. jen f Niauuos MEeSumt . * EtSyuteniion to lire ulc tefcfad Nenhaadice gen* 'ULilSenil tool) the depart* Scaly and {dealing in no topartiotfjr. Ji W. Bailey fc g^Kua- tfsjyw-.’". OH*: • ltw«faaiMi arc mwpttfmni to ftralifc their i fjm*men*aA pablMgeoffraUy, with as exeat* LijdArfLartOtlafltetrewnmnaftetCT. which, Itgl »uaa Mtoa«gedat>rt|icmfc Tbcl» fJtlther I KMtobaaeflßodaaureilitadift'fte ntfiXet,and BkgUTitflif netmicfirtrrtv * !"▼ . - - ißuhrrqr I 'aaA. Greoxa tmUMe tor machinery* oa I wa*-—>»atwTa uni - I Aiwrrtnirtin tke Importation fcfßrwxllei, jfM tttQias ««-i exthttt*eJjr,«wi katin* aude mbl» to jwita of Kiiftw aad uie UJ fesmaffl bSbIMIU of Hew; V»ik ot New Orietcxor wTi* S towfi* aartret pH** »e euk or S*r. r ?k»«w«f»wd,eell« * m Uxjo l~* — hnnimiil "«wiwfcmhMdd«tt- 'received tram imtm\ff«w rortrFvkiaTetCmaV ■WChtlripan aadSUckTe**. eafyr^^ SaSE-K'V " * Rack. Ftaaaoloao K‘^:rr^tS^c.FlStSS , '> Uofatt SoMteor,; ■astfc.-Sssar^' f r i'f JUo* Ravenri. .\ w&KaWM»te (W cut, ud wllib* aoJd gsem«aßaffJßa^ - Jtxrpuwwm* aiUitlNX ia veotf »«<^»«*^ ■ r* „ •- £JUI iIACniME WORK3AKP FOUNDRY, * i°B« waiauT* CO - • •mwooitaTWia»- M*lhrirSS»K J wr!-^?E2S e, *'i >rtw ‘ ~I F»**e*» Sd£,urf3r k lS2 ~TOtr* *’* ,M « uu«, ili'™*?? «, “"‘i 10 "‘"‘"• Mill OnibiTlm irmTtfe.\?2“t P ' P j S' k *iS”f Puioriei c« eny fUMt,vOl here prompt •apatite. * w E ° CtJH Winur; SKabcariOe.. E' i'O'PA&TSXBSHU 1 lOVICE. yy- STEPHENS of Whaclirt, K. w. Shoesber* J ' A * ■••**««•fKtwbwib, inwco-pbrtaenfcip ander style MUBflietariaf iron and nmiiaofjererydaaanpuoa. w -F Jnotsiiaatt, J. a. Brocrtoa. WBPfIERg, BfIO£ABXS6£E 4 COT^ ANCHOR IRON WORKS, \ Wkmßag, Vo. I&PAnZSIPI **bbaTiron and naii*, A B steel elipue spinas ahd ufos. Being con nected with Sboenberger** Old Jniau Watte, we can ofler aa article of Jasiate Iron [branded a»cnt>er*erT S Ba] to; any made in the «om]^|RfsBSiwsl2 wraerof Monroe ana Waiexwreeu. myll Ja*. Lippeaeotb John D. Wi£L L. B. Moma LIPPENCOTT * CO., MVlvit* «W»tS Of HAMMERED and CAST a^frS ,^ l rt & ‘ < 7 el **^ l J?P lde =•• Axe* and Hatchets, !**“.* ,S“» c s?*?* r . Ow Sam; Hay and Maave F»rk«,lloet,Ma!iocka.Piek* > fa&£e. ' “««» Having completed all their arrangements la thoeod wtaction of new aaehipery, andlla sccarine tbo beat SKffisSfiJi" »°« ert^uSUSJKf the Kan. are new manalhetnnag »nit will been eon. etantlya a band and Jbr tain all the above articles! ha*. Jot availed thaouehrea of tbo latest impiovements, and .will net be excelled. Theypromise to produce smelei ««ml,if Dot superior, to any that can be had in the W TWinvttothe attention or dealer* to aa examination of their amek before parchastag elsewhere, a* they are Usmtahejr wfll be able to fill all orders huhe™ Irna to the enure •auefaetinnorperehaaere; Warehouse, at 4 door* West Moneaiaheta Hoeae, Piusbarfh, -2: B. • Person* haring basinet* with Wa. Llppeaceu A Son, will plena call on Lippcncott fc On. octSdly IVIKW POPflTn tTIWET maenv £*■ coNFDtrrioNAßv AND raurr stoSSJi! open on Monday, Apru sth, four door* fane Wbod at. and next door to A Jayne's Pekin Tea Store.' A splendid assortment of Fancy Coke, Confectionary. Efi. ““““"-Ti-Ji «»»i>s«Sk Mkjtoqm; PamUoikej i. l n ir ?? i_ ' do; ’Pepper Nnl*: Jellycakey Ahnonddoj ; ldolassrsp. Cake; WaferJnmble*;t*pongc Jfa*eujc _hederalCake; A.P*k : . ! Sn*ar da . a£te,E«?~ lc ! Crc “ n *’ Jelly, Pride.’CakeVh'ancy ’ .?•» *•» a manner nne- SSSta “ d bc “ ,,, *r* 01l “ r ■»S9Sv&iS^ssssss^ «PJ j ANDREWS ' AlXraimNV VENmAN BUNDFACTORV. thi* method in inform hi* friend* and the public nt large that his Factor! ; rnpw in fu]lopenilioa,cn the East *tde of the DiamotAl, AUehhcny, where a eon! otant supply of lhians, of rartoas color* andqoaiiiiet,nrecon«antlTkeptonhand. •aiko at No. 5 Wood dt,Pisjbanrh,ilJ A ,11. PhlUips’oil cloth js7aien*X? a> • * BiSS^L.2 M# 5 or * P 1 w otit k “ the best style. ' rhonest nonce. n/.Viai , be P ul without any addi tional cjepnso to that they can be removed m n mo* fire or lor <n>n.iiij,;iuid »i.Uoui lie iia Ql .cm. Jr c- pci(il,t.l«rily •v&SuV'SX'litailS! rrspeetlttllp intorm tlicir. frirndi add th* public, that h! y im ' B < s r iW e ' l taa ’® a «** lo *veryihlngia ? r ndertftkera. Alwavaon hand alarye as- a n "' m^ f made Coffin*, covered, lined udd fin- Jir e T cr l.t'CM manner, alt *6m and sizes ready made ot fla anel, Cambnck jand mnvinu and aU , •izes made in approved styles. We keep a larr- as i Kirmen' ot n tu e. a ad bfaek, eocon, silk and kid Ufoves, “«> moarner*, crape, cnp*. cou lafj. ted rvcty ihinjt necessur for Uresiuiß the dead, *°® °n| reawnuble terms, as we pnrehase all our roods AUo * *’ lvcr p for engraving 'he nam-oudogr. Wehaveatplendidaewhcfuacwd hvr»e«,ami «uy namberof the bwi-caniMe* -Every Uimc ntiended to promiitly and nancUally. oct&ly 1 v WORKS, ‘k® Utterly ttrwt, :*or Ur Caaeh , A ,1,./ Y m 0 ? >•"? «nd madetoorder; a Urge vane- Brr.^sL W^b,c^ ame3 h ?«r,CJat» Tables, and ££'** “:7?P s »T <k ? b few?**. Monamenta; 4te,- ail whieh, beißgmade of the cboiee*t taarhle.!acd bv machinery, wiflbe sold low for cash. I nfe^l.^.k r t on ! T"‘ hil '/ Mantels, are informed that it U heacefonh annceescary for them to go Eum, a. 1 tan famish them with an article in ail 5 , t , .« , V£ R^, * I L d<fw^~Uttr * llce * *«• consider g.’ir. C “ ‘"“ dM p- ! ta » ‘» j £f COPPKB, SHEET IUOU, AID TIE V . WiNOI'ACTiR,- : HEu'wenbcra faavmg’.made great Improve menu I- in the eoanrartioo of their >OKING STOVES, rcpecuul yinvite persons btjjdi* •• to can and examine before parehaatim • -'eeanralriTihem wnh Deeh-SKovea, Forges v WtSrkusd a! IZpEXSL*** lno . v :' ‘ fo onlrr on the shortest notice Sal 71^“ d Copper work for Steam engines i»famni in ear line. feha • SBHHIFF & SHIRK ' WH. HeCULLT * Co- DannfutSßn ot I Uli, Botllei and ff. Gl rt |. D , No- WOOD STREET. 0,, , f n ben * DOW 411 fBll Operation, we are eXecQU! or i en ia car line, j>rooymy. . er w 5 , haTe »<fc»ptcd am-*- t>ii7, if " lD . d ?7 G i“M ll>e «wt apptored |.|aii now “ff 1 l £ wfc ‘«fc we tarn out a uperior uni. fjf' **"“• flattened on tfcuplao is perfectly level ud * ®°* hw»- Painter*and dealer* fen* «rsdly, are reqoetted to call and eiantine for Ujem- ' ; ■ BP-8 BENNETT * BROTHER _ QFEENBWAHE MANUPACTUREBS, ... Bl p» | nihim 1 (sear Pittsburgh,] Fa. I 11 *"', A °- Av/iwi. 2aD^^rsr“"^ k "'''»»w* • r»d «wso - Ware, of cur own curxuactue, ud gnpenorgnainj. Wl,ote*-te and ©oomrj Met •T®re*Pe«Wlr mailed to eall ud ex juniae tor theoweJvw, u wj are determined to fell rteapcr iboaluueTcjrbetore been offered to the pat* \£r Olden >cm brm*i!,ieeonlfiajup<l by the cad < c»y reference, will be promptly auended to. fetS Crtat Weilera BdU Hinge Baanfaelorr, ! CINCINNATI, Ol * A .GARDNER A Ce n would mfotinihc trade that . they are now manufaci.t/ii.g the r.«i Unit Hinge evermade m the United State*. A* th:* t< m,r priori pte biumetc, we miend to »-nd oot aacownietr an ar ticle ni can powibly l« rwaJe. Tfan«e en«a*eai«i tbe hardware trade, we think, wiilfiad it«oti,e,r mtcreat tn.aee our Boll* All order* nriHitpily aiir nilrd to myS AOABDNHK Afco.^r»fPn. v n ,i'° „ rXOUS BUKBiyy *. |JM| --S*»i «oa. S 3 and W From au, > - BaaMKoejwduamUiuFu. . .Hja r tsm; fictLa of all aixoa cut ■ I from the Utef improved pat ’ teoti and warranted equal'to ■ *#J\- ,Al*o, liraaa Caaiunea,. i nruthed if-ordered, Oa* iFii. (<Bft pat op promptly and on I terma. novlMly JOMKS '' J| s%!!&, Sf?“ o'. 1 *” 11 «wl Fram mtou, II ' uppiscott ino* woaKal N*’•awI*’ 1 *’ br *' «e» I ° “ „e„ Wood.Tu • A “ ““nnent el He old need, NeMuleFi I now, Liberty street. . *“> ■» | - CHAFF, LINDSAV A Cb. BIBBISma tack ncioßt. OAffißELb * CllfiSd, j I ’ • •_ . icaJTcracrtßkas or -I FINI4HTNG NAILS,' HOOK HEAD DEADS, .* Iroa ajid Copper Tack*. I , IKON AMD COPPEKBHOE MAILS. ' •439 I Patton Maker* Points, afezery dueriflUm. ■ .Office No. a St. Cbulci Hotel, Tfflrd itxecv I ' - FlUibur«h. _ JSZTEXSBi: VCIHT GL4AA M U J^£ iV * %UK u bud Cut, -Moulded. end Fiein File! J*' I '"’, “ Heir Wireboaie cor n,,f .WoH/iueew, I'iiuburßb. ln < M "pemimil end ween 10 our <!« k - “bleb reibie* 111 to fiU 7*** 1 1^"”**^**®* - - Porehaxr* are rerpeetfullr W mylod| ande * lll? ‘ nc prieeil * nd lnr , , Tnos. KKS.NEDy, JrL Wholesale Vanity Store and LooJdng Qian ■ " Manufacturer, '. 1. ' -rr'J * r ' v «odaud Fourth m* , n'tub' of *Ju pTAsJjafi received from the Ka>ta Urge and mod as* XAaonnw-ni of Variety ! | deopv, Pm*. Nepillea, (inh*, taT.a“ ffikd A *SST '■&*** V*‘ i ?* b * ®f e*orr paticrn and^Jal|X e i ** f ' c^H,, " < *®iJ'«r*ar»: r«junited^ callauA'j a J tf2^ n f b /".T ei’icwbcrr, or roiar Eue- AH kiada oftntt. WaboranrandectjnaonLeStiorSS e> ■anoiacmrcd and «old ai Kattetn nriraa CO AC H MAKI N Q . ' I FBOM the very lihcraf encoaraM> I f 1 ®® 1 Mbfcnber har redeired «mV P I BBE hs hulocatrd himaeir InlAUefbenr. I Vjy—aaa ladueed him to take a;leai«,for a I ' 6f year*, oa the property he now I «CBPiea, in Bearer atreet, imtacdiatcljr lbMlde the i PmhnenaaQnireh. Fhxn the long experieneeutho ' thorp basuted* and a deatre te pleaae, he hope* to aier* u and reeeire a- ahare of paLlie patnware. • - I - Noweahaad and firu»hing to order, AStaway Bar. I rea, open and ley. Baggie*, and of I .Carnage* Bade to order, from *o*enft-fire orilan to 1 airtthnaatet JOHN SOUTH. J B nitehtedad SitedflftUuir 1-hatirj,HairDntefor nd la Modem tejteVnd .r. pmZji ftidoo, with mt, eoaibrt n^nScaai .“SSis^a®asa^ »Udi teslfctoy^£, l^ij*L"Sr -f-Mirii »«d After «fa/ch*wSiSfJISJT *ppn«tj pfrrHpeo*. .a«M® s *^ , =ass 'cow^nSTSSS:^■ *'■ ' Aflftsa**N4<ftlneor 'izU * S£&£Egl&s& l *S& SsiisaSSw&'fsjrissss: tattyn„ ~1,^132; to.tha lak aurnr* tamaksftaon fluid. lk, * T 3 byaetia| oa the pea, if a dad tigfl find” diftri from th«» auxt&xa merayresx>cct.a* sMrisarSEissr.saSa has aa aftaxty for mtlalie' itm, therefore will oot eßtnfo ILmI pen* it will noemoalZaad iMif* It ww/J." whtehwiQeadare tor acs. i lib warmui2i«£rto2 S®*i?SS5SK r 3X , S , S« .&$&!£&: WBKC.* 01 ... Ssfe 1 • *•» mbarlKfof mt^LVL i !. floW>&t * fy “ xl ° Ut * p,a,nd Vroawi jrt Mack • a fowboua : YoarsAe, T H ftVTTLE, BookAwpcr , : for Btawlle k Bcmpla. - To*AVril«f FhuJ' Mtte lhmw*eJu»«o,T«c*def itul* SL*VtiH.??"^* WOf Arao H,** or Myothitf tih now U ° WTLLUM ST&W^n^BMk^cmr ; (at Arthur Xfidtolna 4-Co Mr T K Wrixiat tliU| ao4 ftaittltki wt intbatiitkb for' .. = am&.’Sssj&ss I ?trr vaaj* , lillS A Phi Rn Improvement, htx DOW best la bn abettf two vean, and waerever ii la knows, preferred to all other Beadstcods. For cheapness, strength and convenience it bai not and cannot be equalled, as it is decidedly the best, cheapest aad-aost convenient Bedstead la ase, and per feetly proof against Bogi. /. . The principal Cabinet maker* and Tamer* in AJJs pheny eitf and in Pittsbargh.ha*o toctred Risbts to manufecaieand sell the aniele, As there arespnrioss articles and imperfect imitationsia the aiaiket, pareba sen would do well to examine the cast iron plates oo which in ueffcaaine snide the'name of the patentee. K- K. Gazzuk. is invariably cait Asapreorofailih'l is claimed foe Conan's Bedsteads, the fallowing cenifi cate feoa CabmetmaketswtU knowala Pittibvvhand the West, t» submitted to thd public: . • We, tho tabserikv*. practical cabinet makers and Bedstead manabouuers or the eUiefof Fioabanh and Allegheny, do hereby eertfQr that we hare boorfat the right o mannfeoiare bedsteads with Uaxxam’s Pit. eat Fastenings, and consider the same mofer to anr Cute man with which wa us acquainted. C*etaon John M>Urew T B Yoani&O Robert Faitman J K Hanley . Junes 8 Ban John Limit, Jr- : Jgs. Lowry 4 Soa ltowne 4 aibin Biddle 4 Brennan TbomuFarfoy Ramsey 4 hrcfelland Band Laker Moms Mfrek HachWallaeo . ; Boberta^Ene i ' J*» W W^dwell J • Vtmnß ayder Wm Haslett J McMasien 4 Cb _ Alexander Lawson For Rights to make and sell tho above Bedsteads apply 10 f EBKNEXER F tiAZZAM, . ! Patentee Tbm. .farmer! jr.of Deattjr, M’Kenxn* sfessw — JUTTI tT .,-. Tm - . Cha*. O. CoU- : New QilMni BEATTY, BROTHER fc CO., G«B«r»l OodbliiUb Hirchiat FOR TBI-Uti IID tOBVARDIIO OF WKBTVUI PBODVCK, JVik 31 Poydna Sired, New Orleans . Rvnio- i Mfua Ms run k C* Baakera. I „ n *» . June. °- » David While k Co,Madi*ca, la. * • i" ElJi.kMotttn,Bankers,) , lloaeafc Fraser, JCmeianad. A WX«a»t Eag»\. 1 **** J{ ft Kearney. t*q,Jleiiker, ZaneiviUe, O. D kPDnnatd k Co, WellsviUe-O. Reed. Parks k Co, Beaver. Pa, J W GUI. K*q, Wkeeliiw, VaT BJJ'ClnrkaoACo,. ii, W* JR MiiekaJtrce, 5 nilMta |;- X T m „ A GluiUflkMt* th* World* WENf p«id to uyoot vte wtli prSSceedpot of paint, rreea or dry, that ewnut t>« extracted with ifeii’s tmprdfed Chemical <toap. I bare the aaiiafactfoa *f uyaqr to uu Mode at Utu place;thatthis ankle,by my emtiapnr4Km oo "i now stand* aahvairnl in ibtr country ior cancunt Sxea*<\ur.pueh.oil, paint, or any other grca*y mu atancr,]ibm«U bind*u»jjetutomen’i ofla«lic*>t.fot!,iue, /ttrpct*, uMeclodß, menno shawls, tidin' boaoet*. **• wiuw>a»o*ari*f ao)tbinf that pare water wilt not UW “ B ’ „ a * ore •^L 0B ? tooasand persons indifferent pan* of lb* o«0 bare mid me they wonld not be wiiiKmtrt;C4tdD*rearitollar»ereaka. Inintnribi* Soapon mens than 30b lrcht milks, (aria*. ai> paeeu. and calicoes, 1 bare 4ty fend three piece* 01 -ilk. two of aipaera, and fear * enJicn. on which itf changed the rotor; therefore (Wore Mifttieaaiixbi rear iry a Ample or the drcttsrili IdprihU because 1 em determined not to reecmmesdhainr stronger than I know mho strictly tree. NUllotr. Pnrr, ISJ eu percsku. Sold, wholcAle mad retail by IRE SELLERS, irett , : _... •*.. . i <7wood m . «ad Onuauilal out*. -A-arp" «t*wttoeni rf fancy ancles, aaong which Ua«lraoe Crethet wiaut wttho.l dura Bead and PreoeheUt bap, Pilkparre^Bawatyle* Ivory tab leu; peart «eaana<la, _ rauieiled ut ivanr paper eatieri; Napoteon and portable lake; afljgip*, «j»i* {Sail and «r»orindaa> Teotiiriekr; plain eifareaaeti : Port <4 ha; poeketiookrj , l k ij.i?W»i needle book*; : Fine? box**; pertin ironbavkett: WjHow buketr, Sc. Ac. Noor'open and fa* rale Pll EATON t»7 •' ; «!e» ; : ! -i beibre--made«&ifc« nest approved £aiteriipiMte- Ka»teia patterns and colon. iSo niK WifcAF lIOIiL, nr BOSHUN CLIND, o» band or ttarfe to order of all vfiei, and at all price*. Uiuntry MercbanU and others are invited to call and exauiine Ibe above -for theaieUree. aa all will be void wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction 'made to wlwlesale pore baser*. - _awldlr r f_ . ‘ A WKgTHRVgLT , I cinc(7i»4ji« I ■ ' .. Wanasarca. D. C, Dee. 6th. 1847. S JVwVr&j., ria&aH, ft.- '■ ‘£ ; I k«*« mM. yotir. advertisement in one of the Pituborjih papenwiifa not a ItuJo earpHee' I fod | wstyoa have copied mybaaiaen Circular entire, and ominpnAled it yooneir. I will take ibr liberty u> I rr o^8 “T baalnee* Circnlar t* my own com pewuon. and t* not common property. I wmlt- not wil. liajiy eoa*mttrt be placed in a poeitioo that will iaJuse 2253® Tr to ** ool * lDOir "* * “Ppote that lam am capable of my own buine*e card; or that I amcapable of pilfering aod approprla inr the raw of another u> ay own nw. | om; therefore. und- r the nr eemity or tunicing-aud expoeing your plaeien.nT m tbia mWoe ' j zchomtiNs. • Attorney for Patent*,-Waibiniioh. n. C. • »rAH newrpaperl that hare roOlftbcd Mr. Tbomp. •on’* adverti*eitteut, will plcaae inter! the atxrvr. delfif . . GLOB Bn. ! OWNO-8 TEKKtSTIAL GLOBES, eebuinia* all i * ** Owpaphleai (■pr.o<amu { .^sB4^sftate'SJSa3SS; &f tiaaa»etioMo?the Aetroaom ,.Um49fr t * 9 ' F»«S«itb*,NnrEb f .fib. ' l paw J 3 rndwats dimeter,; 1 • ** 01 i « • u , t « i s <* .1 ■ Amevtaa, Cbecaidt, and Joarnal eopy. . deoil I i:.' \ koTWE. .• I A PPUCATJON will be made to the Frc*£dent»Mana I OTyaodwompuiy, forereeiiog a Bridge over the FatibarjMd tSemwmj of f 1 ® **••• ccrtlfteatoa, Noe 11., IAJ, IW,In ihe narre of Joho^inmef,e*eb for two of atoek to laid Company. Said eenifieatea I*. iagloetormlUaid. { ftICIIABfrFLOYD the Exeestors ofJnkn (father, dee'd on tha I v/ lata IBi! RMoelated tbemaeive*. ander.Uto Ina of Brown * Caibertwn, let* tbb wbolualo utocery and General Produce and Coauniuioa tuajneaa, at No 1« Utestj; street,and seapecdaJir kobdi tha patronage of tbftr friend* and the poll!:* in general -.r***.* [ ■ MB BROWN. -dot* I | A CULFKBTaOff, . , FfIILADA., ATIVRRTISEMENTS DEBRT.& NICKERSON, I .• i v Maaafeciarer* of IWIIHUi BACIIHQ BOfTOIi, WAGON COVES* AND GRAIN BAGS i 07 ALL DUCJUMIOSI j ‘ . fS»;*W»oath Frontltntti Bedt of 7 A, VtUson'a Cobaiti* Warc&l<mufy ae. i. / irillLADßLPitlAs A lAordett left with 8..M00n, at ibe office of Ihe .« Narehaet’i Hotel, Pituhanrh,. will be pibAptiy 1 1 TI ‘W (I. DBRtv^ jjeplMlr . | A. C^NiaCESMN { - CARRIAGES. < ' ; ~~ fjtiA %ss!*u2S®k!£fgZ**? QKMf rkiSmd^ku, ki. "SSSSL ’’ MwirhMuay.rfgl^lS^toM.. l rlgaS^" POBK! FOBS!! FCUit! fFMIR abaeriber would mpaetfally Inrlla lAiln and . A J!?{ of fancy phßS,«k*m &■&, flo*CWpp!u. OTL 1 •In uae>i; bebia rarekMilv dmrlKn, U Iber Will K Jutd It 10 tbeir adraaiwa and e* atiaukt. JAJt otdtm i "H HJS' vu 'i j* —IV MEDICAL " DB. TOItTiSEND’S : .SAII SjA PA 111 LL A. r JS& b fiK2sissir 4WT IPSUiTiSb BDMER SEDICISB BWEKgiSf nonulcr H AadathuUit&tyraaJ aeeretcfiuVoder tul s-^rJSKE of Dyapepaia; f ( *£“»** of GcaeralDtbility and Want #f Ec»rry: ?iooooni of different FcaalsComplaiats; " cases ef Scmfoia; r— * iiOWeMO of U» (Jro C«BBlBtnt: . $»;«*• of Diaeaas of the Sidney «d Dnwy, 5 WO com of Oftttuwritftn. ” J • Aad tf of Disease orth* Blood, rn: Uletra, Erpipcli*. SeUKheins, Puoptciraib* Few. kc_ ic. jJ t*to*r with iumini am of Sick HrtdoebtJW ia the »ide«adCheat, Spinl AflecUoes, Ac., Ac. TU», we m twin, suit appear bercdible. but w* hare »rttira itaa pby»*»n* »d our agent* fan ail part* of the *J? * , n^reepetleble*u £ paaio Raw er*, N. u* that be can refer to more »i«i jan eu u that plaeealooe. There are thoumed* of ernes iu the citr of Rew Fork,, which we will refer to with plcaauret W «® wea of character. It ic the beat medicine for the . rimatire ofdisease jknowa. It undoubtedly eared the lire of more than . '{• . C*iu>e*» tbb r*aT Kaaeoa l A* H removed the cauae of diwam, and p» emred them' to the Sommer ecaaon. [ . •• * . r * *° _2. „ Vwrao Stitm Omen. O. W. M cClb&ji. or to* Unmto Ststu II *tt. sad member of the ftee Jersey Ujufoture, hu kindly amt aa the bjiowiag ccrtißeslc. UuUaitaownuorr 7 1- I RoHWat, Janfiß, |M7. Aycar since 1 waa taken with the Inftuema, and mt whole eratea left in a debilitated state. I waa indueed Id trv Ur Tuwnacnd’a Sarmparflte, and alter taking twToriLw Et Or*. I w*a verymum jeUeeed, and attribute it entirely to the n»d Sonapvitla. I hart conUnaed taking it, and dad that I uaprot* every day. , 1 better* it aertd my life, and would Mt ba without at sadtruy aawManUon. O* W. MoLsax, late U. S. R. ' ffbmtcfca Cctn TkiaeertiflmteeDadfflHaly prures that thia Samsonite haaparfentaoutrutorfr <ht rnoet obatinaU diaeam ofthe *ms« nm feral cnea in oh bourn ie untmeedenu A TillT> L'etuiM * » uiu VMiuui. : } Ur ? ** P*«w» «• Uform ?? &!£* ™* * f V *““"• »**• »wen cored of the Ben*- Tok by the nm of jeur eicellut medkinc. Ther mere »«« «ly tiKi foS SoUkV.5 oUk V.. U f* k *» which l fod myact/ad,, <etp obiifalion. iTeurt, MpmtfbUy, 1 3 . _ « . . 'i*i££ ' v • Ckeai, IW Waoater at Raw Tack, Utnk 1, HP. __ GREAT rUULK MEDICIRe. !• veweeeijn and needy' was: of Unse, or taiotwtWy daekane thereof, and for them- pruetretaon qf the yyetrm-no oulUr whether the malt •* orcauaea, prodaned by amyakrity, iUnew Rotkkgma be more aamfeky than it* krifoiainw tf feeta on the human foam*. VerMa*,all weaknew ndUma tade, feum takiay it, at 1 one beeema nbuat and foil efeatne under it* klnm It immediatily counteneU the mno kamcm of the fcaak frame, which u the pwl caaaa of bai| Itwfflntt* eupmedof nm eeeee ofnodettmua aa- Ur *» ** «“*• porfemed, but we an eaeure the aflaeted, (halhaadndi ofeaar* bare brra reported toes. Seeenl earns whore fomitka ban ben without reataQer Oinf a few [bottle* or thn intalahk medidoe. here baenUn with o&prin, , , 1 . Dr. Zbmau tndi - My .wife teim crady diilnwaj. br wesknem and pM/aij dekilin, and audense eounueO* by join and a wnmtkm ef bearin* downTfciiu- of the womb, and with mber dafereltin, and haying known coca where your medietas ha* edeetad mat cum; andaJaohaer ayrtawmiaetwled for cudnataMlharedeaeribed,l obtain. Ufraet of Barmarilkaad followed thadirectum*yoenre|me In a ktort period it ranted Ivf “*ker kmtoh. fiTing rtatefaf for the benOteahe reeeired,l takepkaaarein th3iknowWe, inn it, and recemmcndiay it the pohbe. M. D. Moouu Albany, Any. 17, lMt’ Coe «T(hand and L>dlu* S _ Cotaecm, fcpC 59, IBC. - . To 111 ■*““ *bia may cooemr--Thia ie to eertiQr that my wife Hard one bottle oT you Samrarilta Enesatn her mrfowwent,under the amt akrmiw sa* >eaU eiresmatancca, troukUd with the dropayTewil- ct fc«*. Mm«a a&etieea, end aery madTjeKhte uJ ”7 ,»* Aw remmieeodatioa ef thorn ' h ' n»“?«dtetry with IrtOe or no fathi md aufeee it u my, the oedteue had the ham and dednd e£am, »*e only in the hour* of oaodseamt. hut after tho exmralme of ana week of ft* u*t, the drum and Mt row adectMo care way. ta aa utooahiuy dmea. and l.»r health unow better than it had been kw afcmyum* .<*- now. i 1 If tnia will b* of any aemec tw rea or an* .m. _ k . doufiti ‘h.«>tt«w«fthamodki o e, r inrt tt; i^ j vl lc^. I aubeerib* myealf you mow ohedicslasd eblirtd'- rmat, S 8 TO MOTH CM iNO MUCBICD CADIES. nod nen^ild*dhm»a%, wljeh feoalM. « 'fauonij;. Tbrnrark may be 4cU)ed for wrtral y»ar» by uaiaf w .« kee ndimb-e to whe ere a» il u cukahleU to smut Mlere 'hy emekeatsg thy MoaJ indeed, (ha medime m util the deimtts diamn to wbkb women an It bmemthe^ whole *yWem.renrw« permanently the ntu ™ lfc * imputitiee ef the body—<»« to for atlmnhtmy the ayMm «to prodeee a MbeeuanTre. kmUco.whKbte the erne of most mSkim taKaSrfcmale UIRLB REAR THIS. «Jf 0U *2* “?* H* wmpkunea, deU eyes, btolctew on the fom,rMghakm, or faeklm, and ere ofmeriu:” u»- a -botUe or two of Dr Towueeod*. SbmpurSl /t wOI eleaueeyoer tdwd, luMt the freekte* «Tmo<cW*, and f^.ffSvy"*h*2r*• *•**.and braubful *h*h are of imaenm ralut to —— _ . „ OTIPCPXU. t* trtr btcm tinnW wbkb w »»rt y rtmik«UM prtie ja*. «r mil** « __ _■ Baa* Uifimni, AIkuT.MBT Ik 1845 BaSO* : s*^5 U, L?.^* fet S ,r, ? ,wa « u, *“*s*»*- Iwmbt Mtinfaet. to tnmrKttfwt •>«- £*lo, ud imm wUiau.SiSLJfwialSSS; i«H» l*« boWa. ffcuWmy apjwtiu rwU^rSTS «;.<a,iw . W - W -Sasffi •• .iuioffi Mnucu' • Rn 4 tM WVnrmj, a04.40«b« if y™, a. —n,,„. /V TVmucmd—Dear tftr. 1 m take*. a litu* onra 7**r in. with a mvtra eotek aad mia ia m* tid« It u! er»»-J on bx tcry £a*, u4~d. I waa onufcmaml by pbj* •iuaMtofa«*« lU <|«iek pcioo Imirnd tan «£J. Ulxaof bad mallei, bad ai(bt*«<aU, aad tiakiac ie»V &*, «iy touU 4o;m>tbug H ..| wStiatolha kApiul ia bop* of bcmj Uocfttlad, bat mu jomanuLd “‘fTT^- . 1 “» P»“ l y*Ut**-a4.iUw lan**4 bard!/ br<roih« } 1 «mq becam «moc«t«d, aaietiieW tod* ■, -omwofiuad U. my bed, aad «m obliged J bit, 1 < * wl J«» *7 fccnptin that would 4o jaauc. in my cue In, auppomd by my {Head, tobajaalmottry; 1 badtnrd a*n»« ai«b*rif aadail wcmnl ia b» lo oapiiinum. 1 nod of tow* moat n traunJiaaty eu«» p«rt-rmtd by you, medieiaa, aud u i.ii you tba traib, I WfttUdOM. »« >um> bamUg ui lUm. bat I wa» udur.d lotryit.Jd.Jm, 4*4 a«Moibao»fu| 144. I eHnot ay IUI | am caurtly mail, but am w fa, movenrd m atw about my' bomoca,, tad boim to w. fcw'wcaka. AJy ewyh and jaia U lb« ai4« aodmgbtiwmO hart Uft to«, and mm but »«rj little aaj am £utft>abf mj aaaal atrtqgtk.< I fcU it a 4oly Vrba yoa a ataumut or mr earn, la puiliih if m, plam , * fnu Brow*, c Litii* Id, BroUly*. . Oplaloat «f Pbyiielaai. Dr Towathaad erden from m.«i liciana ia dtlartat mrtao< tha ***• TbiiiiloeertiftrUatwa. tba Bodcnmwd. .< Mm Cily of bara U aaawrou* cam prtmrib*4 Dr T sSamJwriUa, aodbtiimittobamoTlb*ami «l*abh piafaratkw of IbaßampanOaialb« mark.l. HFfvuia.'at J Wiim, a p, B B lumi, m a, F mimmu.a Albany,April I, IMS. Tfck u Mrtiiy that tha (nUnM, prartlo*. Tbn■niulMuuofit* Gljot Albany. j pn*cnb*4 L>r Towoaetxl’i Cvcapuuod £i(nd ur3am<- fruMuU known *«Ud mo«B»aa iid fc« public far nkremml, acrofalou*, and otl»r« Zwot wo ££*» is prtfirraat* to any of U* ad wrtiwd rt*«K£ub ““ »>*>s *“ k “ “ ““ Urn «l«m MIU,,. V& ml. Vttn«^«b>li|y, 7"?>' ul ',* '•'"JMpaktaj i» Ui. choi, t u7i£a if'u.J -r *f P *i. U L ,^ n “ UmL*, tod »unt dcfcUitr ' brM|ht «« do doubt by lh*Wia«»t boat MiISIIjTSuSL* Its wbjwttaiaajbun^fMuad/er. •**““» too statrou* lo Moo, but wilhlittSoTJ!^ •of Touf StmjsnUt, from whkh I tomdEEt «Si« 7 S tiaet ukw tmrtl men boUJctj tad I cu U k Us km IkmJrZ ■* ! asasM^arsjaSES® m$ irttlftftttU.M tbaidbets bDoSSStWrSiftS sr»’- iSSfiassS “ “ nlWSZ'”**-* ' UovlinMtaatofnobirihlUißy. n,» *“ JV** ti * Ut « «f u »«Zdi of, dWM^* TN following eeHUetU k mUeuSfoml .i.TT*^— rewind libVwk. i""* * *** DrTowwtad; Pw lir-On. riek villi 0» Uucw k t ht acmtk *VT 1 (TMt dtWilT.I ItCUW MAT rffW-JoSS&^s! , 's Wi * ! MmyniliMl»trT|nteAiL j vJZ»y w ”» f ' : *UI*»«TO pl»L«y:w l nlj^y | J f*p *w tf r e aEixtaa Jw2lw7£T?!¥* *■ btlwra 3d ud 4th'abl miA l^S!f*." 9 F:Vfp«i ■». TQ'vwamp«u I flmbanlii CelcbrateJiFinJd iTinnt. flcLtatfe W>rm ipti,Htn 1 *- ;®w t**, ieen-.ißUikantWAßoiavitli. '.': i Wtt GILMOKS . ForuuirJ ÜBO*C»,fto(S'wia]S^^ 1I I • MY^VARIETy/GfiODS,,, Geatlttnen'l Farotsklnw ckode. I HAH Tt-»DD haye lhn day.rtcctTed **irwti fmm . themsautamnrehi.andoScrfor Waa[New : Vom- t cue el these Bstrn-Superlbe Shiny mannfnenmrf ' y fer “ ,r OWn *■**•'“* wunaied well ! dfo>e ef Saxony and Merino gr»d fr ovi rt . .*' • I and Rrawen, seam eery fIaTT : ’ 1 / a Ut?SISSt4 d - iaC ‘ ttdin « Bttotn Cel l/feaee patent awitd Joint Baipendtr*,-wiih ether Deed* SSsSi?. 0B ’ ,oclBdul « b,k “■* Satin now and plain Satia Stocks. Bombaxiae bow and plats Bombazine Staekel i Silk and Satin Ties, neh «Ik and satin Crnrau, with o ie eai-o of low pHeml Bbirta wbieh-we are sofa in q olity bare never been in phee in thk city 'e intend to eloao the altoTe Goods off by the niebH»»' Mdwwldeall the attention of PorehSeS tTw?£?k erooedaknowtay that towpnee. will i ß .u,e UaTS „ ■ HA E TODD i j.oea* - «dobratelowfeiat i L Whelnale Dry"OeodaT — ; —E~^~: I\T9X. o * , ? nin * 11 Wholesale Dry Goods Room a. in Ad Market meet, al atoty, ujo pea of pea Enylbh Meiinoa, d oatce-of Oreyon Cai* mere*>lo pea French Broadcloth,« pcs faney ea-a* mere, S caeea cairiueu, 10 bale* rid, white and vellM» fl4nucl*,3uope* blankets, new »<>le*calieoe*;do 3 me»tin dinghama, ylorea and b«iery, toyrther with a xenenil a„nj»emor pod.. M.robnuu ore in.dtdu,c«n™o oir ateek, aa we art eon&dem it will (erorably compare with ha*tern stock*, m uylee and pricea. 1 , re - AA MA«OV A fin S"7"!fjr:SS%,?r.S hi. f leclltm ouonmci M olo.c ™d. fiS° P park mix’d Balinette: < Bln* and black do; Invisible green do; ' Satin %uiped blk do; Co|d mix'd Iran*; bine mix’d Jcatia; ! -Gold mix’d Tweed*; ’ j All of wiich will be sold tawbriho n’lew, nr w.rJ .i I°ni > ii»» aCl '' Cl °to for cloak*, and barred I’choM do* for ■ "'"V dcio : J . Sew Arrival, ~i —•; *t®ck of INDIA ioAi?n?£ OO } >m ' eomptwn * lh * knowing Aindi: M ,a Kabiwr. Long oveteoau, cult otercoau .fain ovc-reoau, caret wiincmt .tee*«. ei «S 2X filwS! P®° ci «i earap blanket*, *££? travelling bag*, saddle but, gun cover?pro? ii ioabata! *>cim beat buckets, air pillows, ~r eiujfiwfif? 2ft bag rack*. Mr the ladies. Uil eaitiaesiall of whiekwe Uave m template aworuorait (but weofcr whd-aaM^f tJTtM L'KBSCU TUHKKHIU »UAWI.3_Kv 4 l‘ a '’' r j ■ 1 Irrfe l vr d U I.rrc «dd;i:ou.[ o/rr:r« Frcuei lurkerri .kuwU, jv. il™ jmSi -SI uuurcu.w. nld icipeclMH m7<b lEudiJl % uS ..rf OIU.U.C our .Bek,,. „ . !»SL:_l_ JUoiCori.«wtTa^jJ«; rL fficSn; • • ; - 5 p S # S c * r,et ? 1 * “ lilac u tt * . t u w -Ii inch •* i of.otber color*. 4 e n TUfc’THkCKIVEu-h* AclamsE J bmbqioili; , ‘ the ■kxtevt notice *nJ moti rea»onnble> term* br dell ~ Al J' c KEttjk MAYKB j -*■-Avi j.. ._7° woo >l *t. 5 door. abo»r4ii' tIQ&Kg (IUUOS--\Ve have ]um reeeired~bT'ek bttolWo tol D "-« o«i Ptiper cßbioHered CMtaaere Robe*;: ' u® luonnao merino j O . • Fine plain Cubraerea, a benntifal article: ! Ufttn uti Caakmcre pinitl*. ’ I W BuS*mciilas —iTF* — ■ ttf wood n j taE?u£ h** 1 tx * U,h rweifed diim/hS .£lo bT MIACnLETT A WHITE • «wh*nr«nd*irk'w; SUACKLEfTA WfllTK W «ood tt lr.D,whi(« u<i yellow flaniifil*; tiu * j lot J f kbravr twilled laaneU,)a*i rec'd, for tale very ctart' ALKXANUHKfcOAV '} >l. N W. <-or dmwxMi.l j MEDICAL. TIUUBfPHAXT Sl'CCExa. •• Lunsumpttro, remember that it it Thomptan'k Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood JYap- > tha which it daily effecting tuch re - | fuorkobie-tura m ■ i PULMONARY I'ONSUMPTION"* ‘ Arthaa.BwhitM, SpJcUar .if B 004, I**l B u 0- Siiraad Hto’U » Caw*, Atntutt • rtwn i-.tcf CcetpUiul *ul I)i*r»trd Kulbcft, »i«. | I '*•WV£POnfc,b«ina*( > r , ii, ipurwei * atvm-DTTvM 1 J, Naptha m uaiiaUoa* ira abruaj ■ M. 8. B,r-|ba utoahhiae totofil 1 ! wo f* d **• of Jw <xaapout»l Stmpcd }“ it my duly to tofcmjo!. otic J ilh a my id evu,h, nmug *».r* £?il *“*««■» «*.**!«,dufcatooi towth-l tT,° r **i F^ lt *: .Vff* »•»»« wto«0to» «».ho«i; *W.6 I baaatoe eiamtd, l h«t>d Of your iMdacia*. tol U to “**C »°* **?« *d md«iac». I ioeght I •vuM edhara to whit 1 Wal ton mw. yudiar«?mlf jtUtof w«m a Uivoii pnwM mt iTI/» a butOaof £*!•?**». *•)«! •ha awad hi* life to iu virtue* '• flmi wadtala y Broaawj ahottto tod rimm .i*id ariar K jml to ! u * ,B ,wo huu * t » l^r “ eotofde'ely* rettorad toj Wafy fcr tha baaedt of Otton I a»W tha ahora towf r A ,S r “ rtb ' , ‘ “» b* «*d« .t »y rat-! deart, 144 CaUartM futai. . rutcurunn. <Wtf/ another Rmorkablc Curt. .... . »o. this. Atout mi ntn uaev, ia cumm>|im*cv bf tb« **tj«*ur« “*•? «f mj buwo.-, I >ra «tlid<d »iU> mm paia. * *T C lU fc *w» mi •l.urlim. (JAmth, u . »*” •'"■‘Mtowwl bj tlu u ,«r* vl .»uk itutn ■iWulMkilU|ht mi puUai («n y»« ui» y 1..U -“A*,'*** bet H mtuadcd with vp*tag of blood. Iwabout two mn Iwm octant*- •.tf ihM« a*a toav■l>mi l which kft mi n • nuvreLU «a<vof ImUrawaad brgn toaflcet my mlud. Yrnta Low lolimonty **“* na f’ »•«w k**m»rc, »»ur«tamh Ibijf wcieamd to met. a dvgreo, mi lb« «TIU iyap(M* *m that fcx-• whcW nor Ini uaabiotoatWndtdaeyfauMcm. u«m* Ikit lim l rou*ult •w* J*p£*®“* k,l< to ihcir jwweriptiou, B*» •« lh*ir miH *u Mtiilegtb prxxort mi nli(d : “.**»*“ rrga'd.J WJ rt*o«rruu«»U>tJj bofiiai la lh« onodilum 1 uiviMt «f tba ml alary «&ato at Tk«m*m’» Ccmpmni * t ruj.of luut Wuud Nudm. fa a <a»«M*baC. taul .r t* «,«*. mi though I had giSahi *0 ttpcctaCae* at a tw«#*»rjr uf my Lemtt bit lib by T*‘ *»■*, to try thi* wrdieiao, I. ««a * pTTaIUd IM btfM.lktlkmMWMM, tbaibytho imoof « tot flamy health fca»t**a mtwvAul I mi oowabiv le atuwl to baaiae** with a* much fm/Ure a I ucttht myiiw.^ t Of DiekiiwoaTowwfafa. 1 *7 AS ° WKT * DICKsON at UmlTl. *»'«* by L, WILCOX, Jr riiUburgh. tad D Tf , fti*VE? cr *i ly - P, *7. a «».«■*• dollar pevhMtim < AUTlo.V—Beware of uniUtioea, mi uurrbaMThom * ol * Comj»t»d Syrup ol ltr from aoocbut admtM at okm a boat the ioijuuum of dnihy fa «n -»lianaAM'g ■ T„„- a iicatcH Dtimurux V lIE IwMarnelobmiwn wfahniai ihr TmJi,»ifengO»«tunt the *bbu, owcelcaivthe oreatb.&e. It *bou;d be tiled every rnrtit witha aiid bruiili, anil ibr teeth and monih willonly reqiireaaiivh w*Ain« In the mjjrnin,. Wet the water, ®r eoii will aniwcr, and ruti it a few limea oa the Pauo. when enoaghwili adhere for a.eaamf ih2 teeth.- ItleaveiadetieuKMlactem the ntoßihliiaSim* pama novidelighifalfragrance tsthe-breath. hrundt ■ " n ”** l * e, l** ■ Pleaaani, eOeaeioea, MOvaiient. and , » ,OTn “-“»>»'w«iUiw», ttj mbf ll rtimlulr It will rrmbre iba liiiar kni prevent na *eemaiiaikm~pr«vent th« ; tootbaebe •trvngthen thefiima. and prevent all dbcaaea -ofuen yk e *'3*> pl*y»iCiau«,and the clergy reeoaßtrad it a decidedly Mpepor to every thing of the hind in nas,— Aih for Shemaa'o Compound Orrit Tooth Auta.'ai»d obaetva hi* »ignaturo i» aaaebed io each not Keethaaendfd by Dr. Caitia, *a Browlway.oM ol our be« DeaUita.and by matt of the aid etubllthad one* ißihe United State*, Xnd even ateiuivejy n«d by the Nobtlity of England and Frv» r» 1 | . A proportion of Hodiieow.l boioHictmonkiiU on.efrom wiotodetonfooioiiiol tht <lodiotbi.rl»woli wb|cb o ... oflboc.ll,, i»Lo.fnpi„ u B omtrelT obT.OW. roiwio o( Idlico, labij, !bo Jd h*»d, and uto o'do,. wk'“,“, tbejrrcollJioksatderoititoawiiliatbcirbeollb. Alodi- of (how, L0u.,., woold proocht Ibouuiid, J inititiu* WM ’ JACKHO,Vfl t eoraoroV TC^odarJ AOIIC* Win, L»eOom.non t'rerhrcTCbiLi i 7- 1 Ol|en n£)lß* bow frightfully Injurin'. •, „ , 0 lie ■kin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow .Vii-T ck.U! II rt injuntn, cO,Muini.f.,„s„", Wlii/ki Ii i< Krfbcdr i..noec n ,, MnYpS^J l^ deleterious qualities, l and itimpart* •■> Oseskin arratu. ..I, tettllby, *}aljiulcr t clGar,' S,in t whffi, nfta SJ ar,sst“ ■ ».bi= s i“n I J>t. lamt* Anwnon, Fnetieal Chemist of ehuietts. says: "Ader analyAnr Jones’afthaoiibfnfL .Whiiej I Bnfl It possesses the must l* aßt jfo? aidßatU ! ral, i{ the lime tunc Jnuoeeui white l ever saw .1 certainly can conscientiously recommend iu ««£ roill whole skm requires beautify . WIU fTT’PrieeiUeeatsahox. .. , . (0-Sold byW.M.jACKHON.athi* U<K b h ■ ” - l *' ood - « »J«= .i*n dr • Ladlce, ladles, I’m numi-hod, • ,a 8 When ywi knew that yea are promised A’nctanJ, life-like, soewy wJute, - T»«yo«wjl| atilluMeowmotiehalk,' And looks deathly yellow fright*, *' Tfco theme of laaghter-Md orulk.- rfmrf would «*c a bo* of JOflfc* Lilly,white. Ir WMCffhreyoarskin an alabaster ret nutiJal white errandimplorelt Hold «i JACKBON’U'HI Liberty at. Price totems per la*. rpmER.rrCH, SALT RHEUM, wobM X toaaia|io dayaafairb,-when lateied with &<’ isft&sgirjisSfigtZ"**- jSSSSSMassOssm^ •* u?^f ' *W Terortahr ml ifaai Dr. LKJUY « TETTER *nd ITCH OINTAiEiST ia die oo« iAntiot« any oibe r prtparukm in eiUtenet ia CBrtnt the Totten Itcb, and otber diaeaaca of the skm. Anairdtaeaaca^ilißaiinmun*ri«e from ibe imjmrlty ortbebiood aad t aide ef Ua bodri-and where nen diZ lh ? wxltotian effected wiia tae.Ointment, they witfeare anycavs wbatevet add irthejrdaitet,tlie.neßay will be retornad by Dr. carl's Dr Uidr'a Bleed PUla.andUit m r SJSSffiS edbythe Ointment. Aiee ofOintmetu jft ■■W 1 BAPAIWEWOCKRCO” °c»oi cor wood fc float m MOKOAWS COUGH SVRUf.—[i prilTtd ki be ibo aa Jt «« ft ““ to , W eliiWdmreuSj iftia«ltaTtaapw»nCD BttnCTiNflT.i'iir Cbna iim.—we are'Botin the kabßV'».* aachleuuimf PateatJßadiclaea. iEJSS wboweaffiSS witbacoogfa. After bariu tnrfiieMai3f!£2iiM» ttmXe* coagaßtard dWnSi t*tffk/ihi?h«d to? aevefcldaya afflictedone ofoar Audrey e eta, we were indaced to try Morftn’a 6o«bS,»; and by itrelief waa obtained .in a (ewkowTu bu>?£/ lobe tbe panacea (Mbit cate at lenm. ; J ‘pw*ed “TfiassessK’i •jlfiMSEoM'/ION iMs. iiUiiil 1847. £Sjßsmßn tun ikA.»?rotaiNo MCKtT.iAftu^^?*^ TWEEN PirrSBURUH AND THEEASTERN l'C , f , TKAMtrHtXT. T 7 SSJ5 l ! p^I?^.n ** tfat ? d o( carr y in * ««d ty this tone i_F-*tablL»hcd. Line, is new so veil known that d<s aisMras;*? The Mpacitybf oar wnjehoosea enables os to sum- *- Being ftHy prepared to mate sales of Prodeee we respectfuNj\soljeil consignment* of western Floor Cheese, Wool,Feather*,tiid other anfelet for ta**, on whieblibenuadranees will be made and other usual facilities afforded, pledging our selves that any [business entrusted in at shall be as promptly ejtecatedsnd Upon as fair terms as by anv other those. \ JNO McFADDKN&Co \ Canal Basin, Pittsburgh \ JAB M BAVISACo • MflandtHl Market »t, Pbilada PITTSBCHOn PORTABLE B.XIWET mm l 1847; BW tj'Ottlhe transportation of Freight between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic cities, avoiding transhipments on the'way, and the consequent mk of delay, dam are, breakage and separation of goods, rnprittm.' Sc. CASH No 27 J Market dreet. Philadelphia TA AFFB A (TOONNOK an * ,ml ' v arne rtt, pitMborgh O’CONNOR A to, North street, Baltimore' / W’k J T TAPSCOTT, 75 Souih “N.T. \ Agent* Encoareged by increased boslnesv the Proprietor* hare added totheir nock and extended their arrange* n,en * i toeennier, and are now ward; with regularity and dispatch anrerpawcd by but other line, .Their long experience a* earlier*, the palpable •nperiOTity of the Portable Uaat Svsiem, ana the great capamy and convenience of the ware. “®) ,PC * *t each end or the hue, are' iwculiarlr calcula ted to enable the proprietor* tofnlGl their engagements and accommodate thdi ewtomer*—coufidontlyoffrnnj; ; hepaxtaragaaranty for the tblore they reapccifully 1 AU consignments » Tanfle A O’Connor will be redd and forwarded. Meamboat charge* paid and BilUof. Lading transmuted free of any charge for Cotmnusion, or ktorage. Having no itHemi direcllyor indirectly m Btramjioau, the interest of the consignor* mail necewarilv « tlirlr primary ©ojveim Mipping weat, and they pledge themseive* io forward all rood* consigned to them promptly and on tlw most advnma. geoa« tent* to the owner*. iambi. ia? J A M PHILLIPS DEBCIMBT, Snst Oanir Print and Bridgncater, ■ BB4TXm CODBTT, f*., '^^^Proprictor tail Ajfrni of steunen Em* aid D&itT bitwekb rirnuDkou aid bxatxb, |XTIU/. bo prepared on earlieeiopemugofeanal onv* * » (ration lo rco*ree property «t hi* wtrnrf boat or in warehouse, for all poinU'oa Erie Extenuon, Crors Uni, ud Omo Canale; for al! porta on Lake line and upper Lake*,Mttleolotorward prodQcr, Penn’a, : Inwrotemenu. Apply 10 or undrew ;•• fet>«4-dtf j _ JAS_t)!CKEY.Jlea*cr IVDBPuirDCfiT PORTABLE LINE. of*Sw>u!^ AHD MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM I‘lTrS ■-BOROII, PHILADELPHIA AND UuHtliohST r- : gywukoai Tnmihipmcni-TrT. ; Good* ctmtijpiotf tonurcare will be forwarded with out delay,at the lowcet current rafcs. Rill* 0 f Ladrn* transmitted, and all meinitnum* promptly atlrndrd to free iromuny extra|cUrre foretora** or eommiuton. ’ ! Mima, or apply to C A McANULTY ACo i Canal £Jn»ia,l’iUil>nrgh •! , t i KTOttAGE. i Ilarlßjr a Terr large and commsdieuawareboaei »e are prrp«rd to receiee (in addition to fiemht fo ahipmem) a Iftpe amoaut of I*rtdacr. Ac-, on Htoraer t lowrates. .. l»»lt.) C A McANUI.TV ACo ■ PICKWOaTH dfc CO'SLUE. flkSB 1847. Efflfetesa'jsji town, UolJidayrbntßh, Water Street, Pcieribnrah and ■II icietmediate Plasea. 5 'On« Boat will wnrehooje cfC A McAnnltv ■*Co.. Itusliurfh.emy day, {exdept S o ndaya,J and abippcMcanalwayaMpenJnn haTioßtheir roodi * • aided snthoat delay and at fair nto*. • s i Thi* Line was f'oipnl lor tlic special sccomro or un-way l>u<{iieM{ and t(jp proprietors rcetn aolictta l.oerai »hateof patronage- JpUN WCKWI>RTir“ ,W JOHPfcMILLER flArt’L 11 BAKNK3 ROBERT WOODS WItLFAM FULTY. 1 - ' MILIiKR, lloHi-layibarrh 1. R 11 lANAN, Johnstown - jAcrm C A McA.NULTY A Co, Pituburgh j RtrxftEKCKa. .Meltetitl, John Parker, Robert Moore, BagateT ANanh. Pittalmmh.i _ * ’ MO -x bUTMd iicarcjs tm. 'fetUSsaJL f 1.847. dSj&j,jgg 1 i;r t^asffisssrjgs** aud ileaver»and treigkr and passenger CanalUoiuu nmnin* between BcaveranJ Erie and conntetinrwiib C SI Art'. Urn of ludn, f® {■•■***’ *‘ ll ** prepared upon the earliest open ing©* Navigation to carry Freight and PasacinrerTui all poianon the River, Having evert faribty far »nvey»n* freie|,fand Das. sneers with prtmruUrs* and d.spVri,.*s pASSE ■mf M«nit tefi>ccUuUy solicit Don, i* ie „ fr nws and AopaMie generally their paunnsrr. ' ■ ’ OMRKKD, Erie. Proprietor PARKS A »'-o, Uearrr. Aetn ***** TO Whceikr, Crocker k. Co, New York i Ora Do«i», Buffalo * K N Parka fc tk Cleveland •J«1 A DrfTftii h«H'Jarr A Mtlwaakie lt>mul A Punerj Chicago 'Vm I‘owvm, Pftwrniown, Penn* Cm .Mncbctmyre, Kyaiut.iirrh, Penna John .M«Anb«rJUoat»iowß, j*, Wick A Aeker,|Grpen*ille, -do Croi* * Fraranlin, Clark»vll!e, \do !!.*« 6. W’’ Kt.. P«.< W C Mulaa, bharon. do NewC»*tt<*7 do mats PITTSBURGH <k CLEVELAND UNR. - 1846. lifam U. Cluke.. 11. IlLp* T. 1. cbswnd k Co. . CLARKE i CO..«rilta t * iiirthuu, T^IF/EL 11 »( >b<« Line (so faror eTrti?* «‘k*P*W»eJ,w.U be jftrpared on the earliest Optoma* of east) Bivirntioa u> receive nma erty at PiluhurA and Bearer, nnd deliveMbetarerTat “L££v«n - v.Vv lo^!" 111 *’ #lul 'fU»o'o Lakes Erie “abte nifT’lT T " C#l dc ‘ pWc *! .«**»•• j Tke proprieioti of tlrt* line solicit the basinets of 'thejr formr c«*toowr*Twiih eooGdencc,knowing that ilheir facilities areaecond to none. ** i Apply to or address I ! l*« a _IT.KIOMMO.NU k Cc r.TOlwd. | WBKTKaK>ia3Spt>RTATi6a cbr XLjIOI 1847. I ; D. LICECn IWh ■ ■ ■ P-O P*r*|y*HKll TIIANDTORTATIOK UNE. u .. HKTWKKN PITTSBUROII Pim.ADaXIMA.OALTIMORt: ANjtNUIV YOHIT ri'JIK nock or Mul lino eo.iula „r « omblt dgjhr : **•.*■ *“d<Mr*. [owned l.j- IhroolTrcl la pod order The to CarwtrJ , lorgo oo.ntil]> of Utrckkodue old wllk «ftiliu, iCd diopftcu.- I I v““? of MfjchsndiSe roimcued to anroi me Bn* " “T'UfioL^aa. iSed^" 1 * “ J 411 'Mtnicooin promptly ®r»bls Line u conducted on strietlr I m I. i . J ! ! ~2^F«P3» j i ■. iiarbU ■ ■ - No 7 Wrii sircei.New York jLIMB fegaag-* Mp. 1847. CAN Ai» rAuKJfTS TELEU MPII ASV?Trw?T!? If HAVE Beaver, .daily ;nf J o’clock! £ i-< arrival of the sleamboaißEAVEß Irom Pi *»lf u ih aiid nfriyc at Warren ftcximominr in season fot?!,..* Siam* which reach Cleveland before nirtit " 1 “T«o*Z" Wlll *>° recciptedlhr>o*h,«icoriair berths on;the packets, and tents In Uitl Su«e/on a,'Ktion • i- j ' 'KL4 : 4 " D ■ 1847 TO; THE BIST I BT HBSOSBAHEIA BODTB, e‘'-'»>KIUJkKD. ’ Sum rau™ ‘ f^*p"V' o “"“• hr «■!• «p«- io4tesws^rr i,ll,oli,^ricd micbtndiH receitcU by ifam route promml* •wdcd. : J C BIDWKLL, f i. ' 'p W OAB3. amou aiio QKkßavi£i,ir tttetf 1847. Ae », will nit rcßttlady'during ihe «Jtl n .*F rfa ? k ' Bcarrrnnd Greenville, Pa* b y w h r°h7r!ri?>!. 0e , . Wran •en/jew between the l*o poin *, willbe eanft i ■?“* pn 1 "’ and 4i the loweit ratri..* . , 1 "oeearrled promptly r WICK : CRAWtFRAMi-fON oKfc/iP.. McFarland t kinS Bft !iK I , S e »i3« HAYBA FLUMU,Bbarhi6,friK J * sK«*tiCr;ls -184b *«>; j§4^ „ L i9««o RAiitKoXg“* A,,D tllho filtowiojpnceti. 81*ok».tCT , ; Toii,ei.,n«4; FltxiSlvniolSi} u ‘“>* *"*& "saws —l® cl* perltlOlbi. ' ■ ■****• •»<! Baake-Raot “■*••? r *!' , HANNA fgpiitfi M*^A*yZ*Tßß!Lw,}naMbmk. TRANSPORT; ÜBQpLAa SORBING t’ACKiIT biir" • -iiA_ BKAVKU. ;f* i&EA neo?w %^il£srr jißß CharlexJloopa. her (hi* day, leaving p,u«, hurghamo’clock, *.M.,an«lleXTer atd <rek>c*.r w.* «-*wectipgwuh Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line of Cnd aal Uuay daily to ClevelnndTo.; Heaver, Wetreo and; 5 l « Te *«d,Lineof Canal Packet* and Stage Cbtefar* dai)f.Wj\ arrea and Cleveland Canal Packet Lmni lo &*Ue and Greenville, Paj Eric Extension LI do ui Meadvdle and Erie. Neil. Moore A-Ocrt Lin* of St*ga ODKbe* »r Cleveland and Woottcr.lcave Ucw .Ter daily on the arrival.of atcaaboat. Beaver fiom riutbargh. Apply to • - • - fc «M IfAltTONACisßtribarii' ; - >p **- •'i ' CLARKE A Co, Beaver ; ' '* UNION I.ISK7”' , ; S&sl&e* 1347. t; ST- p UN PARKS A Co, Cleveland, O. 1 Canalt ttnsr poU>l on Peftn, yl ,r “»'* A Ohio and Ot jnw&cOliin^uULiumaou^nlleilnr-jni.' «*« canal*, in nombers-and capacity of Boats.'ex ne*‘ nenee of Cnpiaiu*. an«J pnimpthSofAgeni»,Ac. , . ,^: ' One Boat leave* Pittiborgh and Cleveland dan*. run-’ mne in connection with the Steamer*. '■ ’ Michigan and Lake Erie, between Fitubarch and »ub . u» of E,.| ~'to (Mmbom,"?!.SS , PARKSACo, Beaver,'AfU** W T, MAPHKK.'PitUborfh,;Atrt, •pin ; 1 Cor Water arid hmitbneld.streets' TO CI*EVgLABD~VLL~\PAIRfekwr— -1847.2223^1 • • - THROUGH IN S* IIUUKS, i•; I pAUhPT lloau Swallow and fi-legrtth leaw Bea * vrrdaily,at 3 oclock p arteruearrivalofthe' morn itig Boa» from Putebergh, and arrive at Wa,?eain tiinn for the Mail Line of Binge*, vyhich leave weed atcly thereafter, and arrive at Cly velatw.ttt 3o’clock, v. Thi* route ii'the b»« axj«*tio«»-ari rtmfortable oae to the l.ake*. +; BSEB , LySls!? , sS J " ' RLKD, PARKSA Cj, Beaver, Anmi t • A CAGGHEV.emtcrWaterand Smlthlehlkti" apfily - Opposite lliftManaegahela Hoa*e. Piluhnrgh^ CITIZENS POUTABLB^ifiMfxWxr" aaei 1847.. ; »Qn the TBinrportrAfios 'or" ; :i , ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE TO‘AND 'FiOM Pblladelpbla, BaJtlmoro. I*vrf«k -• - ,ud Eaataa, ' ■ • - mHfirenconraßemhnt thf» linobaa'rtcei*ednn» .J. tu eomineneemenl.ftafl iodneed Ute pnprie' lore to increaae the clock by data boaUj and initcadorghribg recciplaatlierel* forp aeagenu, wo own receipU lor frelphl ahippcd by tbit Itnd.' ' •< r •— 7 he boat* arc all portable, Bonaeqdently Treighf t* taken tbe whole dotance .wUhout thereby preventing damage from Ireqaent handling on the rotte, and u each boat ic. lovood by the Captain who run* them, which u' a atifficigat gaar* antec that there will be ho dejay on the joatn? All Prodhce.or.McrchantUne the •‘l 1 forwarded FREE OF COM-* MibSlON.Tor advancing and forwarding-, and will be shipped jwjthotil delay at the lo#nct rate* of freight. . ( . j, >Ve recpectTnlly nolieita share or poblie^atro “*«• WALUNCWRD-S Canal Basin, PiUsbargh CRAIG, BKLLAB * Co., JCt J ! wtatf - Ban r? re - •; . • I oil. swa TjVK*aT~ — r “ i - COMPOU.\I> SVKLI* OF WJLD'CIIKURY A certain opd safe cure lor eooghs, <*lds, aallimu lifer coaiplamt, spitting bloody paisa is the side or breast, nervous debilitT^whooptejrcoaeb broken constitution. CONSlIflp. . TlOfl or arijr disease ©ftbe long* or . breast.-- Header are-voo stiflbmiff . with a cold prdueaso of tiio. lungs, trt this remedy, job will not per. i haparegreitu j II will arrtat all those disagreeaWe'nymptomi which strike such terror to the tnicd, & prolong yddMati. ■ i® 11 P re P aral lons purporting lodoalais J* i.d Liter ry, except that bearing the signature of fit H swaibk on the outside wrapper ot each bottle a * lh f 7 t n V* ,elike, J dwtitetool the snide from' wfatch they , borrow a name. ‘ ; Head what it has done!- > • i ■ > aunoi HEATHS , BV CONSUMPTION Wnnldperiiifi. bo o .mall nUmalc Ibr/lhe rinia ■» *>ingl. yearj then add the iearfill catalogue ol those cat ofl by Isflama twe ol the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Opogbp Influenza, Bronchitis, and other diseases ol the Long* and Liver. „ ■, A-d the list wnijld priiserft nn frnpalllug pnx.J ! »,| the totality ol ihcte two cJaJser ol*ditHsue*. -Hut it is UupjirUßttp know tbst.neaiJy nil ot . thin .‘dread waste, or (piuan life might have been-prevented Hits taedieioe. has sow been'before the pablie ,g snff a ML flod ii the original preparation from the XVtjd LhorrjrTree. Its rrpatatioa as a *emtdy for Coogbs, Colds, llrnhehiu*; and C«a mpUon of the laioga bawd entirely opoe ils >• tnnwe merits, owe* bot little to inflated' newspaper ddßi. rhnso who give’it e trial, being beoefilted or ii, recommend it to their neighbor*. tad thus gradually aod surely bull gamed atf tenable repg. uuon and worked its way into general use. One. bottle nesef fail* to core a recent coarfa or colil.. while with strict aUentioa lo tbedirectmtia that ac company each bottle,}t* ete in pulmonary disease* of lung standing and of the most alarming eharao-' ter, has always pn» feller, and in *try u.a.iWi ‘Uocc* has cfleeted complete aud periiiaoeoVj .ores. Dr. DWAYNE'S CdebnUed Compound ‘.Sur f -upof Wild Cherry. Read thejmest remarkable eare of CoosumbUoii (nerp!ac*d upon recurd— , Urbyrarnc-DearSin I r«Mlidebtor.r.litnd,| due u> Juu-aod a dim to tie affltelod generally u> idler er, babble leatnoony ia laror. olyoor Coro. poendbyrop u I Wild Cberr,. 90., ,C m aiuec, 1 wa. rioleatly .tucked will, cold and K mauoa of tbo lung*, which wat accoorpanieil witb a aerj diatrenaieg eoogh, pain in lie bnmal and bead —a*etjcon.ldcrab!o diachatje or offenairp menu I ss u e?iK«reT.^rfe;,i,on, but War pretty won eonnnceddbat ImL rapidly going into conmoiption.- I grew dad, aed. or, and at Ighgth wan acarccly able In walk .boat or apeak nboye a wlniper, neb wa. the exceeding WMkecaa of my luage. Danag Uu. time i badtrled yanuu.prepara ueiwand preacnplrruaabatlonod ' relief growing all the time worne,-dent here Iwu adnaed arubponroaded by a dear friend le kVUmine. j Mto utaka atrlalel year Syrop of WibliUbenV 1 maatcoafeaa that prca,curly | |a,d been preiadie ed agatort ijalenlteaoieiaca; aid J nor .L;.., i tboao coming eat el' tbo kaoda or empiriimbni I ondcratandiiig yoar the pioriioo'.ii! practice oTbcdictan.aad baying ilopliciu CUtb in tbeaaymrdl rny Irienda, I lorUiwilh porcbaled W Dr Shaw, one uf your arenlr, a fee boitW But being a, public apeakcr J fraoocnUy alternate, to preteli <Aih mjr iocreaaing itreekth and Ihmfwkt ruptnrtd thbre reuel.ln.t UrS,^^ , mj cure fa nrwtu retarded. Id eonteqaence ol jeii«» n.,.* 1 a to nkHs o“lb boTuWo“'"slk perfectly rekorcd. I bave 'no eue.'tlon r 'lnd^J' retailer nnraber of l>clllo «cu?d h ,,;V > d?"me wand, bat Tor the .bore inditcrettomlbe Srrw ®«£r Ssejs irasrsstrsaH fee| perfect!/ well, 1 ofler it wltb pfeuare ‘ •* 1 Dublin cint,;H. c! IEVr ‘ J - *'- JOKO: ' Ni ' CAUTIOK! j . a ch M d uijlfml'T, or Wild ChlitJ, I ffiS- B “««. sjmp« or Wild Cherry : ?*“'*" r J ,lc 1*"»K« „„u ilfca.l. The Wry”*! '"“it “ 4" r.hM j'^, C ™“'" <c,Un a »JI bop«“ w»l. tho|n,m Kuimf Jnjbr ' fSisSS^Kr'-'-"-, iSs?sr s * s !si , t<»'.' j, . ’ ou Sbool Ifce United Plaice ami t.’ana-1 •fjrtta 1 ao.» R E HOUSE sen timi. (t Mo™ tor *al«* ■>' thr lo*t ■; paw'iI 1 '” pru-M, a vrry rxtrrmvc tuHut -2|tni-u LAI/i?'' e«ry j>«*/Ufe varit-ii, °t, wanl *•* wnamaewmallaetutm. arnur * B P®*of«itl kiada uatl* » on)«f at c^en •V* 1 ' “*■ J'ttJUririfiO PAPKH i- hmtUl,U,p • panof wbleb if of vefr aajwruw «ia*tiif. *a*»*r MAitfcuw a&TKttiAti w overj- ucMripttoo, trapoitrd nAd tt'r l rnn*i-niUv- ep . r,* 0 -* ***s Prlitnjj*, Wire Ocib, Foiitilftnmt U |<«V ““wunf Powder. OJar I’liramtnbr, i'y*iiic, A<\, Ac _ i RAU&I , CnßTu«,Dale BwjAiPit, r . •. pan-baied,for wbleb ilte kigbrai pnee YT Ca«b w»llfo P*bl, • Nr>w VorjL.4~>vj|Ma *l Mfiuii&r u7i»TI.IT, MUjmnlit, Mittknt October M Mr. It. E. tfcllemWy *o«»l nootba o!< resilctt at aiffci, and fcavmt aark fern at eluded he had worm*, mad haring heard about you t V«nujfe|e, I boatbt a vial «ad doaea. wbiebcxpellcd £} very large teoriu your Vermifuft better than all other*. Prepared aad aold by X. B. SEI.LEaS.; tfeld by IV. Caasal,aut orard; aad O. hi i afceueritr ‘ ; ; . KIK ITKAa BOAVfT Abwlnnii'iuSto. ,es». sots lTIOF: a ; MEIFICAL " iw* MU)ICAt£U 4 LOZeKOGs; fuoU &U&* ' ■ tLAVTkM. ■ ■ •'»•>•• • Ba. suEHMANW'4Wt«i» «yi a -w«d*,. «rouad«e^bu*«;lli t . . . .nuuuuim couch uautua .< *»•*«. ““•«»*»* rtkctoil n : iOwl*lTtw ’V M ? l " fcww Wte terft auM within »3A fcT tri^“ s -urtjuu^u, bit waJ«r itlLc * lwtk * M,lf J r *■<■ Ihtw.u. ifriuiim. «U {£J3 ,I *W ( ««W*»»a!Uj “** *“«•••* They w» «St Sn^K.^** 4 «• , U*tM,oreuujb ,, “ , ' k n t* K »ojirrwrl>. drr4»olc»rlife*l<« km.m brrT'n?**!' ** ht ** >M <* *»|«* h«*»V lUU, Wuwlr^M.e ud rtMußd l»i«rtcc) M * u ' u “ f '' *. « , Wbcnr ihtfrmou^i . •wyr« ' ,rB, “ r allied *nr U>* p*rt, tad vT u eT “ »liouU !•*. • ah coatucMa, iii« ail«lc»UuftK! mul .; t *?* u> * • !-L :«ituuji« wbattSSSSS*^ .; Thmwo»»ikw»«#j ay *b c _ 11 T-ir^ t * A OU ■ , oWcamto>* uULUbi*;U* taedtcuecnmifeatured’ ir"Ai ■ rt *f *^ lp d»»u..j,ag tnd cecddoo too* «mcl i»t. ffWtn s ih^* l y ia g* IWOwrai ‘ Ul thir m " <*««»►* IUI tdieua wSL •*«- •Übuoluiy bu*£y Wb«oß*4Ur o . »p**dity cure Uiem, - . .“**» bum£t* truuW emp, drowiinw,, •SHLrtiJ*** “ •*» - ■fefiasttssatst aSSS- 552^' ' ■s?4ai£fiSgass?.StefiStf&“ «ou.*pp*UCej Icvuacw; bSS '"*• iWugjp.BH U wrtw»p«ru©r^ b J. o ' , “!i' n l' ,o h** •***■«r»upf inthe throat, iteW odimZJj. ?.£? u **• £rt*,u«t d«UT lo pus rtLtuJxJ “ ■ .. . CAMPnoaLOZEXnM d»Jt tad .wakcfulnm ihfwTTki B^h/^?',^ ruQ * U lh * ' darrfaaa, WduLl*or fSOiSfeif* U** Luim «rtb;, an! nam «I|. a* wnkmut mwuEH? v * m I**! loa (m hTinj. fmau V“«og lr«u . aOrtblt V, eitljJ y«tr»01 sMtiepiytb« w-aullipot • Ssß=sS?a^SS asSKsasgsgte ‘asiassSmSSSSr' - »k S. r ibm.,l ,l.' 1 . .sS^gyawa^ffisg '■ P H diy. SfcVKIIAI, KEABONM WHY OK. LKI nlkBLool) . il.IJi arr-tuTCunirg go Barrenall/ popqiar J^7 c '“' e prepared b. DrN B Lei. .A] bmjf.a regular Dref-ut, Chemist anj l'h,„- eian »f» knows.u>e nalare. tba qtiilO/Mtl eharaeter of Iho Metiiclaet uwj.ii hie pills and ifcelr adaptation to disease '■ SeetJßd, Because Uie public can take them »dh , greater, confidence Ibaa most-other pills whjfcj, arc,, ore pared bj persons tgqonoi both ol'mediejac and disease*.. - ; r . 'fhirit, Becoateof theireeiu'biaedcflecla. proper! ' LliM mrofamod te ao/raher pilU; namelr. pirn- . ws from tbe.abaaacb aid bo.ali allunl.calilir .abl IUKMhbj Jfccauso the/are the eheapeefami beat medicine known—a single boi coitiDsfcutiS cents and containing -10 pills, satin* t „ persons as.nianr di-llartolt Uinc-s in lluciorV bills, and imit.eion* iiii-tiiciucs bought & iritd ua the rue. übienuatiou oi others. -i, ...: '. . 'VffOI KDOMK ADVICK. • , Wbeifcter job hero occasion to lake sot mrdi.'- s <!»«,• do not botnOingwiib’Yonr’eofisutiiiion br ’ k«4* M.|»»IU or other medicines too sei pobiisbedaiul recommended bjr oae and another triit " latest once . Ur. Uuty'i SanaparUta flimj PilU and jijjrffilt;noi have oncaainn lo lake, anltkiaa «,ll atom be Icrd goodie almi.l oil •urmsof dueaae, JoUamabOD U Ue aioutacb, Wn 1 1 Ja !'«* »Dte>iu.««i: cramp, dl' Um ttobiacfc' Wlie,->V ftteibnuh: inward tc?era, fool breach, bad ta»le ia tbd nodlb, Sfo«ir.erncuiluft»'*nd'aciditr or ,r ihe »u>michjco«ti»ontt*aad.iodiffe»iioßa waoVot" ■ppclrtc, biliioM aflecUona, diaeaaer oT tbeapleea ■ud kidoejra.dueasea or.lhc akin, teal} ereptiOKl pltopte* Or bloitbfri ©Mbe iac« aaa bi«Jy. tcllerirasn,prickle beataDd.ailrhaeca.hud achc, gniijiiie<s, leiuine-K. jtaiiiTover ll»o beaxc <rf . ibe breast, *idea,-a/ddg the back and cpine/riicuna* itatramf a y kind., mnali poiu »»□<» J«nd. meawsla, «crorola,erympcUi«, and in abort they ■ arespodiaqjdfwlaMrabaTing ifaeirorijio in ibi ** T * r i iuteatiboa,'and impurit;'«r *Ue ‘ ; ceota a poii . 1 \ l.bold ( Whofeaale acid Retail bjß.'A.-Fbhneatock ‘ ? T* * ,n,t * nd Wuodpalso cwnier of ’ biath aJ>U*WpodaueeUe : . - '-V •• A " u SUUJUJLbus' S.H.UV ir«Ub.--rScromla in all iu multiplied furm*. .whotbertttlliaiorKing't KviVonlareeinetili n Hi# " Stand, ©rlto.c., Uoitre, While -Sendliagt. Gemot Kheyiutlftro; Canter, dweafcw or Uw Skw or Stjine. Coo »«»?1»b, etoantlo from <>■* . tndthe«ino ea«M, ftLicn Ma poisosoa* principle S^ e ,f-i& , .L ßbe^ ** **““*» .. u „ es * *hit ratli- el!^s ^,: j be * a^* d » but if me principle upon U>e duiMto tJtpenUt, i# remoted.a cure M®h*wty follow, no mailer under wtutlorm ' *h«mld manilcst iUell.. *J'toU, Ibereiore '• l * lc i . rc 4 4 { ,n : wb /.inn’. At.TCKATir£ mil Tcreuijr iiiccMiliil in remoring .asxaaj malignant " • »T** e W*f rltjdeatrajri the virovor principle Irwn - wiiic.i tnono diacuea hare their origin,brentennjr circulation, and with the blood i. convcvnl '°';.the;miftnie*t’ fibre, teaioting.ererr particle of lfotjiihe »jatem.. Prepared apt! »o|d at N«i. rx ?!°, Fchjp *l*63 Slurc, fto. WKonrtfattrcr. • PilUbergh mc ,t3i «Aanit* ati vedals a « __ AS,A wellkoowa-endpui.' • • - r-JI'** 1 '** 9 , ?s. ir ' man i'luieatantttcibodtiiChare!. Winter.enin oiuie •lomacititoiaieiiiiK. iho* . Mung firratroiQ la Utertioatch for tutor {arrive hour. , * * lVr bwiof tried- taiiuu. Irnsi» e T I^, L , A ll * f! ? ec,, WM»'Broi»he«l wldie bouiu. •«■Or U Jayne?* Carminative italUMo Thu be cud ac ’eorfliiynhy»e,dlrteti6n»,«ndfoaiidiß*.riably.UiJUl«i« T mcdietue enayed the pain to abate iu three or Jour min. yr*,,*Dfl. ; «a :uur«u oiiwcuty oiinuicseTcry na-n.v •entauoa a£i* entirely qaieietl. 'the medium wu«.r- ! ' ' lcrw*rt«u»e*l!whenererinuiciUoit.orthe .pproaru.if * waiihenby pie*cni ed. lltf cautioned to ue the medicine every e*eniu« • '*; j WM »o<aeUmc. iu the tnoriiUiir. told la ■- lew weeta heubhwMio/ UetaffererwUrelicir-. •■'W** «w«uu of oppre»*i*e • pam.- From n ‘ \ l ’ uciicinic. ihrrtforu, Ao con cunfideully .reecoueei'tl i» v. U Jdynev Carminative Uolfcotu, u a wlumry ntediein - • fordueafceofihetuißucheDdilowel...' a »I»IN JV-iA •’ " • ibeFEXi^Ptll^V^olt i.Fouiih ttnfet,. nttr WOwlj.nnd i.l*o m the Ilia C.ctm de? Amanda Aniete’, Jar .htviiur* . V" - - ; '.’Cre*unnhißo*e l lor*havmt; .. .. . -.•AlnwintaCream, do;' ;y * ;..l , Uiiugojdn l'oicclaui wand*; - ■ • - • leni^Al^l'T^* 0a * 4 ’ I * i,ftuuca w.tU'tavcnder, AojW ■ : - paii.,dfallpa:icriir;-. V ; ‘ j v«r?£^‘*^i. ,^lh L*- rtKa “> eout ‘^ ui ‘ l «t itatraiit «*a»*errt IhV. S HfcMUt bog.iuiil UMCI Hltps, uti ttleJorptdMiiit. ■ T - i- .4, F>rmt»|or Uiiiiejie powilcr.' > - JuJiailVrtgctaulKhairwl, eilp e '!' , *7V* ,ll ' lc^o C co,aa>ol,w rapiKT*,|r«He wrw-'. Jone*’ tfehpi Nynipb Soap; 1 ItotcUp »ni*r; . '* | t oMcretinJelcfuuUy puiep] .. . . v • Pure in lrar<> mid cake*; •. A. ‘ ' ttodaroah; tofctlier with m greatViii.i<‘ • , 01 Jiuo pcoumtrj: ju-urceirrO; for-»ote !»*» -> i.* { .U AFAItWhSXIAJKitCO . ‘ —J : Cor Cllj A *fr • yT itAja~‘fiu AT ' tTdO *»TI A U "jii-tJ Vfctr vvvMBBCAIKt, *. *ptt& • !*. t ’■ ’ Cr»J rihrtwtta warhi-t PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, . I'LIiJUSIIIUJ/tIAILV} TttMVKKKI.V & ; ■■ : KAIIKS OK AOVKUTISISG. , One in*ertJo« of Ijiinci, or i{y ; — ‘l’hrcci' V - u i |k. TwoWcrtwF. •» “ .......... s^; P'u :l <« OneMoutlt ’ % 11 • ... -4 tn • I brre 1 .<• ■j. “ • -? 5o ' a •<i«rrtwewcnu la nme uroportitm ' Unenjiißieiliwumha.wulio'm alteputpu,,.. |u (V* ajclitiuaasl wjnareforC oioothtf T ..*’[) I °vf tn °* ll,l . re _*je-Wal>le at plcliVrc, to jji r 12mouUia...- ; • i'Et*‘j‘“"‘•tK’fe'waUeiit »»:•«»» . . . LicitßtlUiU'itul■quare,«i umnlii* jp#,, ,»**«».» «» >»I.W*ICK».* n/naitt‘earn.,/ 3iMcrU05*,..................w|'» -k ' ” (ptb idditMtal in*erlioii„ t -,;, t1 , 1 i : j.' : • 1 ■ cun, rite line* ot lew, om jear,- k (k . I « Hi £ f)>v : u !; QHeyear.dailjrfe weeUfl |Q,r>i ■ -■ i■■ *; i r V* ; «tf nottUui *• . -yr—*\ 8 -. . iwertkm,g,,' I ; •<; ** Thr%, « “£; i ' ...... 3a. . , ) i•< ! H ; : « . 111y.1.. t . •»•••♦•*, 6IV 1617. | IMI.W deal |W« M«S Inudu I '-M'. ‘ ff. I’t,:-;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers