•*§fflßsg&H*aiß» miscellaneous.- -r D tt large ioarsugarWUQbWs f.i- eag«;a»ds crashed®. » •» w> powdered do; )refin«f) in-store ui for.sale r. JAMES A HUTCHINSON A Co. _ '•*’ •' * 48waterand09frontits SHS a 5 MOLASSES * GOLDEN SYBUP. bb » B£l2teifrnigar boose molasses;SSdo cold* i “ypW SQ.M bbls.do; 35 !0 gallon key*do; for sale by. JAMES V Mirrens son * co. WINTER WIIALE OIL—6; cull bleached, just .reed and for sola by „ J SCHOONMAKER * Co.. . SAL SODA—ittQOlbe just ree’d and for sale by J BCHOONUEKKR A Co. Jygi -■•••:• No st wood n. BEEN Al»l»i»u.U obis prune, for saie by r.jKtt • - WlCK_* M*CAJ>DI < £SS. SAI.EHATUS— 14 easiXcieTelaiul for sale by jaai WICK AATCANPLESa. - BACON— A wail lot prime, for"ale by - * j K2l WICK * ITCANDLESg. Bacon and hulk ham* bacon; uoo shoulders do; 32 hbds sides do; 57 do in bolk, on consignment *ud for Mle by - janli) SELLERS * XI COLS. BEANS— 3 bbls white beaux 4 do asst do, in ston and for ale by TOISDEX.TERA Co. GIIKESE— 40 boxen W R cheese for *ale by jaiiifl __t\MNDEXTER A Co. “ PEACHES— iiO bu< dried peaches tor sale by janlP ••> POINDEXTER * Co. COAL-Onkrs for coal lu be delivered in the city will meet prompt attention if led -with - janlß ’. McOILL; BUSHFIELD * ROE ALCOHOL- 5 bbls for mlc by ; • ’ jalS ■ R K SEU,ERS;S7 wood it. ‘ ALOES— 940 lb* for aalo by Jaalil A QUA AMMONIA TORT—3 carboy* for sale by jSL jaoid ’ RE SELLERS. BLACKING— WO dozen for tale by' _ janW • •' ' ,BELLEH&_ SUNDRIES— 4 bbL lard; 35 btuhels dried applet, 10 do peaches; 4. nozen araoilea socks; 6d lbebeeswax on consignment an for aaioby folri ■ J D WILLIAMS. lIP wood st. dTOPFEE—US Lays prime Rio codec just ree’d and fo ! \J *ak by fouU7] ' " R UAKTOBP * Co. COTTON— 40 bales North Ala. to .arrive per S B Planet, for nda by FORSYTH A Co. ian!7 •» ’ » water street. /CHEROOTS-JDJ3OO Savannah clears, 90X00 Zan dc forsaleby i . .TgCK * M-CANDLESS. TAR— d bids N C Tar for sale by j*33 WICK A hTCANDLESS. SODA ASH—IS -cask* best oaality'in atore and for •ale by - J C BIDWELL, Agent, _i*9o ' • -; water street. /CHEESE—3O boxeilam WB, lOcasksdo, in store V/ and for tale by - Lia9o] ' 1 Jt. tfIDWTSLL_ TALLOW— 50 bbls No 1, rendered, just rec’d and for saleby IjaSO] JC BID WELL- . GLASS -300 boxes assorted sixes, irotu6*B to 94m00 country brands, for sale by- J C HIDWELL, jagj 1 water street. GREEN APPLES—SO boxes and 13 barrels green f pOBACC—3O boxes John Ward's 5s tobacco, a prime I article, oa hand and for sale by jitttf ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—IS sacks bulled buckwheat dour pm up in small sacks foe fomily usejust rec'd and for sale by . ' GKO A BERRY. 1 DRIED APPLES—9OO bus. in store and for sale by Jaai . 080 A BERRY. SCORCUINOS— 10 bbls S Salts landing and for sale .by N Q*ut3J ULOA BERRY. SODA ASH—O casks just rec’d ou consigntnerit and for sale by , ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. }K£S ' ' ' 1 56 water street. AFRICAN CAYENENNE-110 tbs for sale by )ia • HE SELLERS. TTIXL CORKS—4OO gross for sale by ' V ja±» RE SELLERS. rIBACCO— 95 boxes ‘pound lump’ Virginia Tobac co for sole low to close consignment, oy , jan!3 ATWOOD, JONES A Co. HAVANASL'UAR —17 boxes Havana brown tugai for sale low to close consignment by janl3 * ATWOOD. JONES A Co. /-yyiTON-OO bales cotton jam rec’d per Lady Bttob \j andfor^saleby j ISAIAH, DICKEY- A Co,, )an!3 ‘ * : 53 water street. LARD— No l lard in bbls and kegs for sale by JanU • ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. BUTTER AND LARD-<5 bbU roll baner;a kegs do! 5 kegs lard, just ree'd'and foVsale by }ant3 A'I’WOOD, JONES A Co. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—is sacks 3oM rec’d and for sale by ' JNO S DILWOHTH, janU i 73 wood iL MOLASSEU— 100 bbls plantation molasses, (new crop) just landing and for sale by jal3 vRROWN A CULBERTOON, 143 liberty st SUGAR— 17 hhdsN O sugar just, ree’d and for sale by janU _ ATWOOD, JONES A Co. pir* for sale by 1 1 ’B. F. VON BO.VNHORST A Co . j«3 y : No. 35 Front «L T EAD—CBOpiff* Galena lead for sale by I * janl’ JAMES A HUTCHINSON A Co. HEMP— 50 bales Kentucky dew : rotted hemp for sale by [j»4) JAMES A UUTCHINSON A Co. HONEY— 30 boxes bo nay just rec’d and for sale bp jan!3 ■ ENGLISH A BENNETT. . Window class—un boxes exio 10x13 window glass just rec’d and for sale by : ,uA - BROWN *r CULBERTSON. Bolivar fire brick— aojno Giorcr’s Boiiea^ fire brick (wemnted) in store and for sale by jm4 . SAM’L M KlEß,lcanalbasin,7ih st 'HiTK BEAN'S—fiO bu'wtiite beans in store and foi M]e by [jan4] : .SAM’L M IQKR. PCiWT, ARB«—IS casks pearls, prime quality, iust received and for sale by Jm j 8 F VON BONHORST A Co- IOPLAK LUMBER, and Pine Joice, for sale by irtW " W. W. WALLACE. JUNIATA SHEET UlON—6OOO lbs No 90 Juniata sheet iron (warramed)iu store, andfor tale low to elpv» consignment by.;. jjai»4] BAAt’l< M KIKR ‘ PEPPER— 200 sacks pepper whieh can be sold very tow to ihs trade, jast rcc'd aud tor sale fay ■ jri . - , POINDEXTER A- Co. lALERATUB—I too* b boxes ted etiki (ox itlo by ) j»« ROBERT DALZKLL, liberty st LOAF SUGARS—3OO barrels assorted Nos. for sals by flanST UAOALEY A SMITH. ianDLES—SO boxes Cincinnati mould candles jus f ayw ' tor sals by S A W HARBAUGH. kKACUES—« bos dried peaches, a rood article, jus rec'd for sale by [jifl] H t'W KARNAUGH. LARD— No 1 lard in bbls and kegs for sals by jiO ' SA W HARBAUGH, IB wood at. SUGAR— 10 hbds N O saga? landing from suTarlio- Jdandforsalsby. jjaSJ 1 JAR MOLAsii2so" bbls N o molasses lauding from ■imr Taglioni and for sale by JAR FUiYP. Rirn— 5 tierces prime rice landing from steamer Si las Wright and for sale by ptej JA B FLOYD. LEATHER— ICO tides N Y sole leather landing tram from ttenraerGoudoUer (br sale by _ . POTASH— And scorching* for sale by laS JAH FLOYD, 193 liberty «t OLASSES—W bbls N. O. Molasses (new crop;) br McOILUPUBHWELDARUE. RICH— 5 trcs. Rice, lo arrire per stmr. 8l ClotuC McGuX BUtfHFitXO) k ROl TbAISLNS AND ALMONDS—IOO boxes fresh Mala- K, Raisbrt Af frails soft shelled almonds for tale by J.V naming, oo ““2 UKOBU) WILSON A Co., • ian7 ■■■ > prater street - MACKEREL— 100 bbls No. 3 larrejfor tabby. Avsniuiti-* EDWARD iIEAZLBTON, jelß East side Diamond. T IOUOBS—I3O gallons Holland Gin; 830 do Freaeh 1 a Brandy, rac’d on consignment and for sale by jinl3 • ’ - TASSKYABtaT. AOTTOI-da bales Memphis cotton Just receive |_/and for sal* by jmvOOD, JONES A Co . CAN'ESYRUP-» bbls per «t/Pennsy consignment and for sale by ; janM ' •D T MORGAN A lO3 wood ML LiHVP ln fineordei tat sale by , TcGILL, BUBHFIKLD A ROE. Bnr.tr SIDES—UMOQ lbs in store and for sale by : JaU McGLLL, BUSHFIELDaRUE. SUGAR— lOfaKdiorir erop'N O'sbgar rac’d perCei ..r" 1 ou V” ijtKtiAß—GO bbls Bhennau's pore cider vinegar —UCICWHEAT FIX)UIL-a> sacks boiled buckwheat JsS^.^^^rsaaasaL WSSI-5"“- c g“ *. Co. IS «ooa «■ SPENCERS HLES-H.«l quuun'Cn Si*"*' . „J 1 monmcof^ TIELCIAN CISSIUEBES-P” '«•“ ■*» “• )ttict7xt COUUII CASUY—f'or couab» eol . jg-^giffiSSSSSS!--!: P C T^U I-A * ,r ““ “ Ud ° *' ''jOeZ MOHLEH. * C.; T/SS Fri "“ 1 . ===T(oJj|fgEiS^iiru«cM _ HiKirciLte3 - 3n?irb«f iJjM md »r ' * B OAKFO nD tc... “'-I-ER-3U kcj. l.anw.T'libta *Tl.nii»S *oB> B".;. Z**’ U> ro, ki?G,‘lt ItOE... )»nia ,^ x „ prime chetM, >rs® *»«’«» eUKESE— by ! ibia day »*rK u jj cLTCIIEON, 13* liberty »l r" ITkK&to" *' “ ul "'* ““ • XJ jutf reeM and tot 4 & W H.VRDAITGH.' ■p’UJl.-Jl-jai fcbt* l7 ■*■*• *•** & .wood iire«t_ TjiailCnn nit. IWitf. htap: « d<t >ft JAMB * vratcr tod «* front sts. OPEAR fc JACKSOXT* SAWS. Just •rac'd • fall O -PUT .f «*"» i Co. • Janll .■•'•.• I® wood fiwfc libi> hmifs kilftblVto-, 15Ws« 6*-i QCiaJßniß-35 tUki Featherin 0 « k * Ginseng;* p se** Mod Apple* lKk Beeewmx;» «•»*** “ ,w Wjltoa nafU* «•' tv r-v v i*. • 4 V X, , t- ■• • • GSOCEBIESf &i.r - - •-i ; WIHSU) cil&«MCUPoh^Vttie; 10(jf«uk,LM - -?to} _T* M « Tmb do;- - «•- *>. “ •B 8 Madeira do; 1# “ LU ■/ •- 'do; JO. “• - Symmsto*, do; ; *' - * “ - piyaL ■ do; . !• * Teienft, do; ■ 10 .« Ptlottherry, do; ... ■ fi. “ . Golden do do; - a - “ Brown do do; 10 Lisbon do do; • ...15' *v Dry Malaga do; .10 ••* Gweet do do; For kale ia quamiti— io suit, by P. C. MARTIN, dc*ii _ i ; - 'tor, Southfield XFront sla. FHBSB FHUIT,4<— 40bx» crop bunch Baltint, 1000 MessinaOrtß;ri; -... 5 frail* Utter; j :... S cases Citron; 'I - - t bbl* thehed Almond*; (■ 3 bbl* Filbert*; J ,,: 10 bit ANo 1 Uoek Candy; { 60 K»I»d Herriiif, receired per gtmr. Consul; for rale by . | LAMBERT k SHjPTON, nTia • W wXyi fcLD wood, it MIimCTSBED TOBACCO- : r.. •35bx*C*b*o**b5i; • ■ }-• «•*??•■ 35 ** Chapmen's Se; an “ ivcV6*; 33 “ Rotssllft. Robln*on T s ss; . . I SB “'ltraaehe's Is; v. 30 * Dawson's Is; on consignment tad for sale by A. GORDON, dell Water it. TNtUIGS—UoiB.MyTrb, Turkey; - I I J do Ganboft; ! . do Kino True;. , ' da Opium, uew crop; | do Galbanum, strained; Ext Jalap; > do Dandelion; j • do Belladouna; jail received and for tala by IL A. FAHNESTOCK * CO, deU ■ . cor In A .Wood u*. FUH-150 bU« large No 3 mackerel; ; 3D do do No* 1 felt; ! 40 hf bbl* do Not SAP; 65 bbla No 1 ribbed herrinx: 24 do No 1 Salmon; ! 15 eaaks large OodtUh; t 100 boxta tealed and No I Herrinr. Receiving: and.foraalo by LAMBERT It SIIIWoN, dc3o imitO Wood at SUJSTIAI —IV« hare iu*t received i one ca*e aaaorted colored tiled**; ! “ :**. very light do do; J S “‘ U « k ' . do; very heavy; u „ , • do; very line; I- " an d col easbaas; d “ black do; which wa will aell low to the trade. 1 . . v BHACKLETT Jt WHITE, dc3o ' ■•••' • 1 PgWood*! *pBODITCB-40bip dried peaches; j ST 97 kep lard; 10 bbl*. do: ). • roll butter; !. Landing and for **i# by 11AGALEY k SMITH, I*l No*. 1M 4 2d Wood »L COLD CRBAX. in china poo; Beef Marrow, Bear’* Grease,and fine Up Salve, in china not*, for •alaby, j JOHN D. MORGAN, 1 jal i Nt. 031 Wood n. B BOOHS,—SO dot. food coru broom*!' 11l u guilt bon'd “ ' ‘ 1 5 ** hearth “ 10 ** • whiska “. • For tale by pall SP VON BONHORST4 Co, *DBODUCE—BS kep bntler, j X SO bath prime chestnuts;.. ■ -y J'S'tST" . ! - 25 venison hams; ( For tale by [deJtl) LAMBERT A.SHIPTON. SCMDBIK9— d bblt Fresh Roll Butler; 11 bbl* Clovemed; 20 sek* Peaches; i l bale Hops; ' . > 2 kap Lard; received par turn JJeavar; for sale by L. S. WATERMAN, dels 31 Water A Og.Front *t». SOGAB—4 hhd* prune New Orleans; 2 bblt li R crashed; | 10 do. assorted soap; For sale by * J. D. WTLUXMS, dcJO UP Wood st. .VrOLAJSBS—IO bbl* N.O. prime; V iXi. 2 do Banr House; , I. 2 do Pima, steam ay rep; For sal* br J. D. WILLIAMS, _dc3U_. J- llp wood at. OILS— 1000 |ulls winter bleached Whale Oil; prime ' article; ... [ 5 bbl* Tanners Oil; j 6 “ Crude do; instore; for tale by O. BLACKBURN k CO, nvt , Water near Cheery ay. FEATHERS* Ac—3secko Fe»iieril If Kki Guuenf. ! 4 «k* Dry Apple*;. 1 box do j ' | I Mk He«»WKX: to arrive; Cor sale by ie 15 1- DlCfcV & CO. NCTB— 4 bales Almond*; j 10 bza Shelled; 1 SI bags Cream Nat*; j S ban Pea Nat*; for «ale by { delS ! J. D. WILLIAM .9, SOAP AND CASDLKi- 1' 200 bole* No. -1 CuicinnauScap; SO . a MouldCandle*; Landing front North Carolina; for aale by IiAUALKY k. SMITH, Jal No*, lojk. dJ Wood ft. _ HOPS —1C bale* I*l aort western N Y Hope; 1 do 9d - ** u I do lit “ eastern . “ Carefully teleeted and of extra quality; in store and for sale by POINDEXTER * Co. janl 41 water at S~ UNDRIE&—B bbls lard; S * fresh roll butter; C fc dried peaches; , 9 u clover seed; Jnatrec'd and for sale by L S WATERMAN. jan3 91 water jml tfcl front at* SOAPS— 10 boxes pore Pslm; 5 ** While; i “ Bose; A “ Sharinr, i S.F. VONDON’IIOBSTJtCo., No. 35 From sL. FXUSftH FRUlT—aodrant Smyrna Eft; •„ 2 bbU Zautfc currant*! “ 4 bosva Licuev* i-itrou; •JU «lo .MKiLisiint; J. I). WILUAMSy UU Wood iL For aala bjr deJO 'HITE CHALK—2SOO lbs white etalk lor rale by' SPTS. TURPENTINE—I 2 bbls for sale by JslO R E SKIJ.ER.S. Window glass—aoobxs. eno? L5O * 10x1% 00 “ 10x1 i; for sale by 9. F. VON BONNHORST A Co, ji3 , No. 35 From st. PLASTER PARlS—Suitable lor ilwij* ou hand and-for tale at No. 2*4 liberty street, near Canal. . • [jelta. W. W. WALLACE *Hn—o bbl* N* 1:7 kegs do; in store and for salo ,b y Ijaall TASSKY k BEST. NAILS— DO k*n asi'A; for sale by S. F. YON BONNHORST k Co, jal No 35 Front street. SUGAR— as kbds N O (uru on hand and for salo by _ ATWOOD JONES k Co. BUTTKR— 3 bbls roll; - 3 ken received this day and for. sale by Danlj TASSEY k REST. IWTTH’r IKED A®B~&Yfc-Hor sale by " janl , _J k R FLOYD.’ 'AYANA SUGAR—I 9 bxs’ Havana tuzmr on . band and for sals by ATWOOD JONES it Co. NO. SUGAR—IO hbds N O sufarJolderop) jnstree d . and for salo by BROWN A CULBERTSON, •and ‘: 143 liberty »t /710FFEB—10SI bus prime Rio coffee instore and for \J sale by [jan3] IIAOAIAV k SMITH. WHITE BRAZIL SUGAR—COO tap saps nor qual ity in store and for sale by • jan. BAQALEY A SMITH. i AItABATUS«—6 casks and on* box just landing 1 and for sale by • S F VON BONHOKSTA Co. mOBACCO—IOO krri No 1 six twist tobacco for X salaby ATWOOD JONES k Co. PEA If UTS—3I bap pea tuils for sale by janl ATWOOD JONES A Co. nOZiOQffE-Fonin arid Dtuneshe Cologne W’n- V/ten for sale by JOHN D. .MORGAN, jal No. Klj Wood >t. /COFFEE—IOO tap prims peen Rio eoffee arriving V/via New Orleans, and for sal* by i . BRoivN ACULDERTSON,I«IiU!rtyjit._ LOAF SUGAR—llO'bhlri Louisiana refinery No 7 loaf socar iast rce'd and. for sale by jaall * POINDEXTER k Co. FEATHERS— 1327 lbs prime* Keatucky-feithers jus received and for salt by jaall POINDEXTER A Co. COAL BOATS—B (area substantial coal boats for sale. Inquire of ‘REYNOLDS A SHEE, LARD— 10 bbls lard for sale by janll REVNCLDS A SHEE. MESS PORK—In bbls and half bids a superior arti cle for sale by [jail] REFOLDS A SHEE T\RIED FRUIT—IO bo* dried Peaches; 3J- do peei ±J ed do: 30 buahetd dried apples for sale by _ janll t REYNOLDS » SHEE T>IO COFFEE—344 bap prime peen Rio eoffee; 25 Xv bbls Loverinf’a crushed sugar, landing from saw Northern Light, and for salt by • • janll *_J ' JIAOALEY^ABMITH. RAISINS —200 bxs bunch raisins per sir Consol for sale by [jail] BAQALEY; * SMITH. ifOLASSES- AND RAISI.NS-105 bbls tnolaeses, UL 150 taxes bnnch raisioa per str-Avalanche, for fo by [janll] 1 BAQALEV A SMITH. 110 : COFFEE—4OO bap prime jpeen Rio eoffee . lsn«tif>e from sir SL Cloud aud for sale by janll ~ - - BAOALKY A SMITH. »UNDIUES—Spice,• madder, • logwood* etc. on band ) arid for sale by ROBERT A CUNNINGHAM. DRY APPLES—2S bushels for sale by ». F. VON BONNHOhST A Co.. •*3 . • • •; ‘‘ I No. 35 From *l. LARD— 147 kep leaf lard, ree’dper simr Amerie* aud for sale by [jail] L S^WATEBMAN. bbls nnsll white beans tri store ana to; tnJ< by b S WATERMAN. CIiEEaE— 50 taxes for tele by : F VON k co t ta3 . • ■ I Nol 35 Front si. TTOPSr-*5 bales western New [York 15 do. H Couiiccticul River and Eastern do ( just reccivmg id for rale by BROWN A CURBIiITSON, jgnlU I** , lbe r iysire c , ._ >j«, iait ree'J Bod far rrciiisoN &■ co. SUO AH—10 hW* prim* new eroj tali t>y 1 0*10) JAB A IllTi fpOBACCOS—I6O lx» ball*, _ choice loan UTEW HOLABSK»-lM U.U ?!■»>■>• prune quality; ’ , . . No» !$&» Wood »t. T> AWiaiwiii box** b l u "^ A s [iv u i ,, sArmL Jlll itwl lor »b br ■; UA sitfs\soW^i‘t p!G RIO COFFEE—IbO _ *^UI«W ! "' ■* > PRICES CURRENT* ? fv« -~>.jj ''■.Aro , '»ljgt»Mr ItuiiM nwjftfciaH&ir»(«w«Wtfi*fr» ■. ~.; ;: j-- : rf-fc Aahes4-DcTY SO pr. eeat. i Pearl# —| 0 7| Scorchingi-?..* £O.Si- Salrrara* •••| 0-7} Ale—perbbl $7O 0 • Asiee—per dox>..-i 0;» - Brteilee—lXjijrfipei cent. American* j 0 Batting—prr Si . Eagle j 010 Hon* 190121 - Beene—per bu»hel.|. Small White &SO9O Common A mix’d.... .££o7s WWWWI HU4 -fWV Bnekete— 9 dox. I. Patent Bearer Beeswax—Duty sWpr.ci. Yellow 24023 Blooms—p ton. I Bloom* S|SOSO Brooms—p dot. I Merchantable tfii 01.23 Shaker-.-.' H 7302.25 Barks— 9 coni. I Cliesnut Oak -i 0530 Black Oak 404,50 Hemlock 30&3O Coal—Duty 90 peret. ! At the river- ift 03} Prom wagon .«405i Cotton—Duty free] . > Tenn. and Alabaua-..f-608 Chocolate—V &-I Number 1 10011 Choc a. prepared 20022 Canales—Duty 20 per eL City dipped 4010 Pittsburgh Star 2? 0?W Cincinnati do «r» 022 SpenaJbeat brand*.**3o 032 Do ! inferior 23 030 Catlings—? & ‘ Fotmdr)’ hoL ware, aa”d—o3 Furnace do* *2l Tea kettle* P dot. --5,00 Wagon boxe*? ft--**-**— , Counter weight# 9 Sad irwt»?l> net 4--44105 Cotton Yarns—lP » Short reel— 1 . No. 6 to No. 10 f ••♦lO “•1140 13 .-•••17 **:l4 44-13, lucreosiug leentper lb to' No. 24. | Loug reel V dot. No. 500 808 “ OJO- t--7 OS « 4.007 “c«IO,VOa iu»..-4&iOtJJ CovejlrtYam 9 ft- ••1)0022 Carpet Chain • ••‘2 U Cotton Twine 200-23. Candle Wiek 4-013 Coflfcs—Duty OOper eu Java, Old'whitf.....,-12014 St. D0minpj......t...|r0 61 Laguayra B 0 S| Bio J*}o St Havana... - -j- Copper-4 Duty cu pig barand olils prct:(Hdfree. Braxien 27023 Sheathing 20027 Old I*ol9 Cordage—Duty 20 br.'cett. Manilla ~“0 IS White rone -t-0 12 Tarred ••• J-0 1! Pack’g yarn, fine- -0 10 - J common---.---j-0 9 Hemp Bed Cnl* per dot— Extra long —1.0303.75 Long. —jOiWS Common -^01,02 Plough Line* StOI.OO Manilla Bed Cord*—pel dox. 40 yd. 0 thread -*05.00 •JO A 30 do ...,•• • -25603JS do Plough line* 01,25 Domeatlee—per yard., Thistle. Poahuoi Appleton, Ac. "10 8 39 Lowet ABruna‘ck.O|o 10 PennSkl'g*. A No. 1- —-0 7} Allcgbeny D'* —0 Allegh’y BNo l Pitt Millo 8 Alleg*y D Pitt Mill *0 7| Oregon P Union Mill- - I —o— I’ennMill.-.i— o 7} Pittsburgh do 7 Hr..Sheetiug Pitt Mill-•,—£> 4 light M brown 7 0 »t | Ljanvale Aiir'i Fall*-40 6 .VAlarketFk Walthm-r o—, Bleached. |O4-4 5 014 1 Ftl-14 llandt'u Sbl’ng— 0— 5-4 do- 0— , 1 Methuen* -*-0 161 Saco -40 , Hudson —0 18 A. C A. -! 0121 Rochester 11J0 12 West Branch -ftf * | Brown drills 3 0 0 Bleached Iw 11} Prints— j L'oumou 40 "l 1 Good Madder 9-0 15 MerVck.Fl river Ill's—i 0 11. Drug*—}kt lb Aloe* 14[0 17 Alum 40 41 A*at<riida 18' 0 25 Anow Uoot —fo 12 Aquafortis 10,-0 11 COMMERCIAL RECORD REVIEW OF THE PITTSBURGH MABKBT» ro* THE Wta jSXDtMQ LAST EVESISO. la reviewing the market for the week ju*t past, we have no important variation lo notice. Iu Breadstuff* and Provisions, the .market is more lhan abundantly: supplied; and to ite already abuodani stocks in hand, daily addi knu are made by the river arrivals from the lower During most of the past week, the weather has been unusually mild and pleasant, which had it* effect in rendering the market more lively than it would otherwise have been. w \ ' Thc lram»;iortati':»n.lines East, to Baltimore and Philadelphia, have been enabled, by the mild wea ther of the past week, to do a brisk business; and Urge amounts of produce, such as Bacon, Bulk* meal. Lard, Butter and Cheese, have been forwar* ded to the Eastern market by wagon and railroad* Business along the wharf hat, for some days past, presented more activity than at any time since ; the oC the Fall trade ; and the river bust*; nets generally, although in mid-winter, has presco* I ted more than its usual activity. We are now | within a few short weeks'oTthe regular opening’ of the Spring trade, when wc anticipate a heavy ; bnsiness. j ASHES-—The nutlet is steady, but not active.*. The receipts of the past week have been quite light; but, Com the unchanged prices of the mar ket, we infer that the supplies are altogether suffi cient to the dspiand. We have no heavy transac tion* to notice in the;market;-sales have been lim- ; ited-at the’following rales: Pearls and Saleratiis,' 7107|c; Pots and Scorebings 5051, and Soda Ash at4)ol|c |> ft. ALE—The market is without'change. A steady business is doing by oar bouses at the nimal rates, via: STtSUf bU. i' APPLES—The receipts of > green have been fall, and the supplied ore quite abundant. We ncAe regular sales at p lihL BACON—In this article the time has not yet ar rived for anything jliko a brisk trade. Dealers have been mainly 'occupied in laying in ibeir stocks of Bulk-cneat in the lower mark els, and con- : verting them into well cured baoio. preparatory to . the opening of the Spring trade. The sales of the past week have been ou a limited scale at the fol knringrates: I Isms: GOG|; Sides 5051, and Shoul de»at4ollcpß. ] - ) ‘ BULK MEAT—Receipts have been heavy, and the market dull, during the past week; and al though large quantities haveibccu forwarded east, the market is still abundantly supplied. It is held usually at 4« B, at which figure, being too bigh to meet the views of the purchaser, sales have been limited. BUTTER—The market in fairly supplied at pre sent, but very bale; activity is .manifested in the article. Sales amounting to some 50 bbls roll have been efleeted at 12013 c; and 50 kegs at 1010 c p pound. ; BEESWAX—Very little is doing iu the market. Supplies are limited, and sales ' to a moderate ex leal only have been effected at.21022c p fit. BUCKETS—SaIes/of 100 doz Potent Beaver have been reported io us at $2,2502,50 p doz. BROOMS-^-Wo luve no change to notice in the market. Supplies are rather light, and moderate sales only are reported to us at prices ranging from $1 to 1,75 p tloz. BATTING —Sales of.tfXVßi at 9012 c if B, as ; in quality]' • ; BRAN ; & SHORTS—Some accessions have been made to the supplies during the past week; but prices, so for ins we can learn, present no change from onr last week’s report.' Bran con tinues in fair demand at 13014 c, and Shorts at 16 to l«ssr bu. COTTON fARNS &- SHEETINGS—In these important articles pf Pittsburgh ma.uo&eture, a lively business is still doing; with sales of 3000 fils yarns, and some 30 bales sheetings at the pri ces quoted in the above table.; CORDAGE —We have no changes to notice in the market There, 1 'is u steady trade demand at (he following quotations: 1 Manilla rope, by coil .ISc'p Qt 1>) cul> • • • 16 White rope, by coil.. U>:ciit. Tarred ru|>o, l»y coil IX' cut FarLinff-ycrn, l)o common ■BKDCUSDS. Manilla ......2,0003,0001,00 <> doz LX? per coil.2* ...—p lb Hemp'. : 1 p doz Do coil .lie e & rijjvnn lives. "* Manilla ....... 100 . Hemp.,.. 67} srdoz CHEESE—The receipt* of the week have been comparatively light; and salesliave r bet*n’on a re stricted scale at lhe:usual rates of G|o6jc for W. B-, and 00111 c for Ooshctu ; . CRANBERRIES—CM*this article none nro com ing in, and supplies' are almost entirely exhausted. We quote nominally at $2,7503,00 p bu, with limited sales. • i CRACKERS—The market is without. change. Tbo following are tbs manufacturers prices: •Water Crackcn............54 fiQ p hbl Butter do.; .......4,75 “ Pilot Bread..; .......3,50 •« . Sugar & Soda Cracker* 7c p' fit CANDLES—SoIes amounting to 200 bxs Pitts burgh dipped have been effected at 0010 c p B, cash and ume. City Star are selling ml 22023, and Cincinnati do at 320 yB. : |!braad,ibraela ntturer.M.. .U-i.wk.h d- Oats— 27 0 3) Corn- - 0 40 Barley 45 0 60 '6las- petti. I Pitub:CotfiTnon-.-» ll 0 13 Honey—Doty DOSwr cent Cabal -f Q Western comb p. b lk 0 Ginseng—Duty 20 pr. cl Ginseng 20 0 30 eHajr—per joa of lbs.— Tim0thy........ imu 01QJO Hide*—Duty & per cent.— j Missouri i 0 0 Spanish 14 0 15 Do. salted -L 0 Do. kipp* per skin.-1,00 01,02 tireetr- 0 4 'Hemp—Duty as percent— Mmounfc 01,30 Manilla .. ZL 0 ]Z Hop*—Doty 20 per cent. • First*p|. *4O-.......1210 —. Indleo—Duty lQperc?nL Bengal, lb J JO 01jOO Spanish---- 145 0130 • Manilla 05 01,00 Iron—Duty 30 per cent. liar, Juniata 2)0 4 Common 3 0 31 Sheet .....s|o 7| Boiler Plate*- 0 0 <H ae a Plough wings 4)0 3 “ Slabs-..-... 4 0 4i Russia Hheet & jj Lead—Duty 20 per cent Missouri Pig *4lO Bar j- 0 41 Dif. sizes Pipe per ft iO4O m tWeet 0 J! Leather—Duty So pr. ct Sole, Baltimore 20 0 28 New York is 0 a> 5 Damaged 13 0 15 Slaughter 0 10 Skirting 21 0 22 Harness, black 10 0 21' Bridles,' black, pr. doz. aides 30,00.036,00 Russett do 30,00 04” U) Upper finished. -23JJ0 otsjX) Kips, finished* .-244 U 03041) .Calf Skin do- •.. 15.00 0204)0 Lace Leather-*• 18,00 0 S. England Seating, No. 1 per do*. ■•-454JU 0 No. 2 per dnz. -. -ftyjo 0 No. 3 per doz-N.. 25.00 0 _ Shegpskins.--j >2|o's Lnmber—duty ab p. c. ad val. per M. Pine, cl'r.in, pr M. 020,00 Common u ....... 010,00 Clear, U “ 030,00 Co*n*n 14 *■ _l 015 JO clear 8 14 -io4a.no Corn'll 2 “ 000,00 Floor’gel'r 1 in do* —i 018,00 1 in. common 0 Oak do do 018,00 Pine shng’s p 10002J6 0 34» Laths.sawed, 1,a)14<3 0 |JO Live Stock.—pr 100 lbs m. Beeves ftjrt 0 4JU Hogs 3,02 0 3,75 • Cows 4. Calves- .G,u> 0|u.(ll Sheep v I.W) 0 IJO Holassca—Duty 130 pr. cl Sugar bouse 37 0 40 N. Orleans 20 0 27 Naval Store*—Duty 20 Borax. refined at 0 25 Balsam Peru—l-3^0.0V5 do Copavim • •» 0 37 J Brimstone* 4 0 5 Camphor. refined—-40 0 SO Chloride Lime, cask C\& ?J Cochineal ~.--168 &2flU Cream Tartar 25 0 28 Copperas •—llO 3 Glue II 0 13 Calls------ 300 33 Gum Arabic————ss 0 70 “ • Copal-—* 33.0 50 u ■ Tnuracintb • • • -31 0 37| “ : Sheßac 15 0 16 u : Mastic —1,20 01,20 Ipecac-;- --87 OL«> Jalap, powdered-- 110 01,30 litharge s\o 0J Liutionce Boot 7 0 9 Liquorice Ball 18 SO Lac Dye 26 0 !M Magnesia Carb 53.0 37 Madder, Urabro——ls 0 14 Madder, Common •• 0 .Myrrh, Turkey 20 0 50 Oil-Vitriol 4|o 5 “ Castor 01 M “ Cassia 100 04JJO. “ Cloves 2JO 03,00 “ Lemon 325 0350 u -Bep'u'i 5,(0 05J5 Opium,TUrkey—— 0£5l) Quinine SJW 03,00 Rhubarb, root-—->5O 0 33 Hal Amonoc 20 0 10 SallSoda 5 0 5} Senna SO 0 lb Tartaric Acid 40 0 SO Vitriol, Bln 11*0 12 Dye 'Wood —Duly sp. cu CMQwood b\& 7 Fustic- —2)O 3 Logwood. chipped- • -C|o 3 Fc»th«ra-duty 25 per. et. Kentucky ...31 0 33 Ohio&Penniyhra.—3l 0 32 Fruit— Almonds shell'd-••-SO 0 25 Soft 17 0 18 Hard 13 0 14 Currants, Xante——l4 015 Filberts b(0 B Groundnuts 1.25 01,50 Turkey 12 0 14 Malaga 12|0 10 Raisins, Museax-• —0 Bunch 2JS 02^0 tt|/vyn. 0 Cranberries 0350 Lemons, Sicily Ux 3,00 0450 Oranges do 3,00 0450 Peaches, dry,bu-- 150 01,62 Apples, dry 03 0 08 Apples. Green, bbl• 1,37 0150.< Fire Brick— per M. . Bolivar 035.0O r Common-•• •••'•'•13,00 015,00 Floor— Duty 20 per eeut. Extra brands sjJ6}os,i2} Superfine 0540 . Fina OIJ>O Ry* Flour 3,75 03,87 “ blf. bills 0 Buckwheat, prtb- 01| hlf. bbls. noue.. Fred— per bushel. Brail-- 13 0 14 Shorts 0 10 Flak—duty on tore'n. cnu*t ! *JO per eeut. Mackerel. No. I 012^0 Noi I,bUI bblt. 0 No. ♦£ • 010^0 Noi it. blf. btda, O No; 0, 07,50 No. 1. kitt & Herrjne.N*. 1 06*iO No. *i -• ■& Salmon, No. 1, old- • 0 New 0 !» Shad 9 0 10 Cod. per fc 4> Par*— ' Bed Fox, No. 1 per cetiL • Rosin per bbl- 1 0 Pitch -3.00 0 3JO Tar. Allegheny. • 5.06 0 SJO N-Carolina--5.01) 0 SJO Turpentine. g*])...'G» 0 AS Varnish. Copal- -1.73 0 2,00 Balls—Duty so j». c.—per keg. lot) lbs, (csifing nails I cent advance per lb.J IOO3Od Juniata--3itl '0 3,75 H 0 9d 3,75 & A JM 00 7d “ frU 0 J5O Jd “ 4JO 0 4,75 4d * 5.00 0 4415 3d . “ (US) 0 64!3 Spikesper fc 410 5) Pressed o*o 7 Boiler Rivets 0 7 Oalnam—per 6 Pittsburgh —0 • 8 Oils—pergml. Linseed Sf*4S 00 Lard. City- « 0 7U . Olive 1,40 0:1JO . Sperm blenched 0 'l4s •* Unbleached —7 0 1410 “ Fall 4 0 Whale 70 0 75 Tanners per bbl ■ 174)8020,00 Paint*—per lb.; —,0.02*. * <* 37* Murtrmi - JO 0 13 Raccoon O 25 Mink & 8» IWrSkin per E> 14 015 Glass- Black Bolllc* Quart per *ro» » OA.OO Pint, do-"- 07,00 Mod's wineAßtofaJ — (W.OO Claret per &9jX> Window filat*, per bo*— City brand*. fcrlO ions Patent do.. lOill to ! Pros, Blue 70 0 00 ; Lampblack 510 7 Snsd. WhiUng->» —-I|o, 8 Cnrorae Green 3? 0\ 65 “ Yellow No. 1 33 0' 35 ** •• No. 8 85 0 » Brunswick Green. ■ 12 0 80 White Lead, dry . 010 G| •• Oil v purekeg .t4li 0 1,65 Country brand*. Pilli 03JO 'loil2 04.00 Gunpowder— Duty 20 pr . ffpcj 4.75 ®sjo ! Earl*. Cl lb* y - • • • 03.00 | Uo. do*. I Ib.rtnisfrs— 07.00 , FFFQ do 0 *.«! i Kuclr do. in paper* 0O.(*» ! E.K-k powdrr 34$ 03,60 : Grain— Duty 20 per cent Wheat 01.00 [ Rye 45<Mi ->• No. I 0 pas I lied ©)® fl Yellow Ochre 2)0 3 : Ven. Red 4)0 5 1 Verdigris 30.0 3d LRIED FlttTT—Tbero'is a tair demand in the market, with regular sales to the trudeiat. tor Peaches J 1 <s*4 aad of Apple* at ti’ditVjo p itushel. 7 FLOUR—We Had .the mulct today about where we left it at the timh of our last weekly re port, with hut little variation in the prices, Uofeaw tl be a partial downward tendency, We would re mark, however, that from jhe small amount of bu siness done at preset)!, anjd .the nominal charac ter of the rates it is difficult to give anything like a satisfactory view of the pfuaent state of the mar ket. We quote moderate sales from store at 1,90 to 4,93, and from river a1j4,7.7 47 b!4- lleUuliog from store at 540£5,L>t p hbl - Further tales of 200 bbl* on the wharf at 4,73 4) bbl ! FISH—The market still maiutains its usual sameness. Soles t. • the trade nre regularly effect ed at the following, rates: Marker*! No 1, VZ3 18/Kh.No 2. lO.frf). i\n«l No-1 at 7/Jl t» bid. Sal mon s2o;' Shad 9510, ami llrrring nt 0,70 p bbl. FREIGHTS—Very little is doing in the way «•(' freights, and wc observe ub change worth noticing in the prices: To Ciacinnati 20025 To Louisville 1...... 37 To Nashville 73 To St Lodi*. 1..'. (12075 :To Baltimore, Via Brownsville... .900100 c 1008 i To PhiladcL via Cbarnbemhurg..-1,3001,37 ptOQBi | Freight* from Baltimore; west, are given in tbe t Baltimore American a* follow*: . Front Baltimore to Cumberland—On Co (Tee and manufactured Tobacco 25c p 100 H>, and Groceries : Dry Good* and other mdse generally 35c tg 100 ft. i Wagon Freight* —From Cumberland went. we i quote the rate* a* follows,; viz: From Cumberland , Ito Wheeling 100 c (p 100 Df. From, Cumberland to i Brownsville, 73; and from Brownsville to Pittsburg 15c; oomtnisaions and drayage at Brownsville, 7} cents; GRAIN—We have no new feature to notice.— We quote the following nominal rate*: Wheat 100 c; Harley, 48050; Rye 45015 c; Corn 40c and Oats at 26027 c ba. | GROCERIES—Tbe market i* without any ma terial change since our last weekly exhibit We a correct hit of price* in the above'gt-uerhl table; G LASS—The following is a list of prices of some of tbe articles of Flint Glass most sought af ter by tbe country merchant*: Plain Tumbler* 1 pt from 3 to 10 oz each, p dot, net ; ;. Til 032 Pressed do 1 and i pint,' from 0 to 10 flute do do .6201,25 Decanters, qt, light 2 ring,:gjiwa 5t0pper......1,73 do do heavy 2 do,cork. •. .3.73 do do do plain do .2,30 do do do pillar ilo .0.30 Wine glasses, plain 50073 do do pressed. ....1,75 Pitcher*, qt, plain .. : 1,5701.75 do do pillar and nhbied ....7,53 do Iql or creams .; 00 Moliws fans, pt plain.. 1.25 do - do doribbed.' ....1,57 Plates, C in. pressed and fig. ..V, 73 Castor Bottle*; fluted. Jar*, 1 gal. Laqucrcd cover, do gal . do <k>.. HEMP—There is an ipereased demand in tbe Eastern market, and quotations have partially ad* vanevd. The limited ttdeks in our own market have not, ns yet, been effected by the increased eastern demand. We bebrof limited sales only at the rate of $l3O ? ton. HONEY—Very liUle is coming in at;present, and supplies are quite iirajited. Sales to a moder ate extent have been cflected during the week at 15c tL HOPS—Receipt* have bcen light and very little is doing. They are nominally held at 10012 c p pound. llAY—Sides of the week litre amounted to some 20 tons/rom wagon and from river at 9,300 10,50, according to quality. IRON ic NAlf3—The following i* a correct list of prices: ' j \ ■ Flat Bar, rem l to 4} inch 3 pH) do from 5 to 6by } to 1 incli..3| do Dandy Tire, different sizes TTt] do Horse Shoe 3101 do Round and square fromr!fiF s Heineh..... • 3 do do from 11 In 1 i i’J} do do d02t02l 404{ do ’ -do do 3to 3} I*s do do do 3| to 4 >s| do do do ato } 3100 do Band Iron 303} do Steel, American, RiiMer 41 do , do Spring •'•s| do. noop Iron * 3107 do Nails, cut,10,12, 16,20., 375 p kg do 8 and 9d.*4-00 do do (i 7d 4,30 do ; do 3d 4.75 do | do 4d 5,00 do do 3d 6,00 do LEATHER—The market continues MCady and 1 ; prices firm. Our delcar* are doing a fair business at the following quotation: 1 Baltimore sole • ••...~..20021c p New York 15020.d0 Slaughter 15019 do Skirting 21(323 doox I Tppcr. * *« -23025p d Calf dtin* 13020 do ID BlaekHunie* 19>02t Rough d».. L ..... 17018’do •LUMBER—IV market U fkirly supplied with' alt kinds, and moderate. sole* at the following ' Pine, clear .....$3O p M Common 10 'do l Cberryde Walnut Boards.'.. 16020 do Hoplor scantling board*. .10 .do' Shingle* 2.5003,09 r Lath*.. 2,0002,25 LEAD ie LEAD PIPE—We coatinuo fo quote regular sole* of. Bar at 4|c, and of Pig at 4}c*r B>; Stdf*Vf Pipe at CIOI2IC. according to itze. MEAL—Receipt* continue light ondaalesmod enlc(i**asWotf Wcf bu. : | V'.-VJ*' matTß«i» i *W». pig H*tal—pr ton, Cmo*. N^L’poultry 0324)0 i “ . Forte--31 032,09 Ranging Hock. »_ __ : No. 1 PoShdry • • 3PCO- 037 & - F0rg0.,..-. & i Tennessee-v*•— *— ® ' Mcrce'r County. __ Foundry Pig**** 02S4D Forge...- 1 .)...- O—— . MahonincCoonty, Ohio. Foundry P<---31j«) oay» Forts ,do 0 • ■ Flatlet Pari*—dun* free. Plaster Pari*.o»2,«J i Wml per fe—Duty 00 per rent jPrune ....33 0 35 Full Hood.- 0 33 I blood & 0. JO I blood 2d 0 ift i blood A., Common 0 «L Tuli washetl... 94 0 ’25 J Whiskey—per gallon.*• Common to Itectifled------ ISJO 21’ Good rye and old* ?••••••'•• 37 0 60, Zinc—per tb f*heel 0 16 Slab i. a 7 Freights—per 100 lb*. '• To Ciiu-immti. • Provisions— Bacon llanut* 0 6* u Shoulders 3104 1 “ Sides-.} 4|OS l!ogTound,cilycure sjo . •• country do* —0 . Lsrd No. 1, inkgs--5)0 ®. “ ** 2,ih kgs-—o—- ‘ I.lnbbU- 0 IH Bauer u l,inke<..9lo lb) “ “ l.in roil.l2)0 13 Cheese, XV. B * k Goshen 00 W Crock's, Pittlb. Wat’r. pr.ibbl.-* —0 4.00 Do. lhitter*.' 0 4,75 Dry GoOils-..'.. Heavy To Louisville. Dry Goods Heavy ;••• FrotuLouisville to th- Dry Goods .. 0— — Heavy 3 To Si. IsDuis. Dry Goods.' iC2O 75 Heavy-. ............i. 0 37 To Cleveland and Erie.' Dry Goods 0 40 Heavy ..35 0 371 To and from' Brownsville. Dry Goods'(dowu) 0 IS Produce,Ac.(up)... 0 10, To Nashville. Dry Goods ...,0 Heavy 0 -J To Wheeling. ' ' Dr}* Goods 0 15‘ Heavy 0 12 To Zanesville > Dry Goods'-.. 0 50 Heavy 0 37 To Beaver. Dry Goods 0 10 Heavy 0 To New Orleans. Potatoes— per bush. Common Reds. • ffif 0 <W Nrshannocksp. hbl IJ7OI JO Ra^gs—Daty 5 per rent Country mixed-3) DmgotKlwhite 4)0 5 Hlceopcr& Hice--.---*- .(40 ' Seed*— duty linseed 80 pc. Clover 387 04,«) Timothy 1.75 0 2.00 Flaxseed 90 0 VS' Mostanl.-.- 2,50 0 3,00 . Bplcea— t*er Cloves.-.* 33 0 33 Cassia iu Mats-... 82 0 20 Ginger.-- 10 0 11 Nutmegs IJO 0 IJDi Pepper 10)0 U Alspice-*. 13 0 14 Snakeroet —per lb. Virginia.’.' 0 14 Scnccca 0 —. Heavy Goods nominal Glass, Ac ~i. 0 MATES or FBEIOirT OR TBE rrSKSTI-VA* CABAL AXD Apptes and green fruitperlUUlbsOOcls Ashes, Pol and Pearl, 1 50 UuUer and Bacon, • 1 QD . , Beef, tailed, do 70, .• Bale rope and. Bagging do H7J Berswax, do -75 Bristles, do 00 Brooms, do 1,75 - C-eese, , do SO Corn, do 60 CoitniL, do 50 Chilled Rollers .do 75 Drags and Medicines, do 87 Dry Goods, do 1,00 Dried Fruit do 65 Floor. . per bid. -if ;*OLOO Furs snd Peltries, per 100 Iba 1.26 Feathers, do 1 ,25 Fumilurr, do 1.00 Glassware, do 75 .Gists, Window, -perbx 00 O<W Ginseng. per 100 tbs. >75 Groceries. da 00 Hardware, do • 87 J flops, do 871 Hemp, do . Hides, (raw 75c;dry 81) do l.« 0 leather, do 40 • 1-esd, do 40 lisrd and Lard Oil, do 50 OiL Castor, eo 75 Oils, (ex. Lard and Castor,) do 75 Pork, per bbt. do 0 137. Rngs, per tOOIbs. 631 1 Ropes and cordage,- do 00 Specie do lA> Seeds, do 75 Skins, Itoer and Buffalo, do 14X1 : Tallow. do 62 Tobacco, l-eaf, do (2ft do Manufactured, do 87 Wheal, do 50 Wool. do 01,25 Whiskey, per bbl - l jDO TO THE tin VIA XUSOUQAOT3.A SLACX- - Soap— Duty 30 per" cent Pittsburgh' No.l- • • -410.' 5 Cincinnati 4)0 4| Steel— jwr &. Foreign CasttShear ltl.o 17 Do. single 0 Id Best Ok naan 0 13 “ Engle 0. 11 •* Hoop L 0 15 Pittsburgh Manufacture. German Sleet 0 0) English blisicrt 0 12) American blister 0 44 Spring. 5)0 5| Spirits— per gallon. Brandy, Bord'*--BUU 0 2JO - Rochelle 84)0 0 Sfrso Rum, ancaltb pf-tJU 0 l.Ti, •“ N- 87 0 1,«) “ N* 40 0 50 Gin. Holland I,(U 0 IJO. Sagsr—Duly JU per cent. N- O prime, hlnf 0 5} - tuir, hint 0 4) Havana, white, lb-9 0 9) Brazil *• !b-lO)0 II Pulverized. Philail- -0 Salt —Duty 80 per cent. No-1, atloat i...o— •• 1, in store • • • .IJ7O 1,50 Table, do*, box - 0 —r— Shot —Duty 30 per cent Per keg 14.(0 014 JO Per bag 0 1,37) Saltpetre —per It. Saltpetre .b9)O 10) Tobacco— per I>— (lOper eu off for easb for manufd Tobacco.] Duty 40 pr. ct. CigarLcaf* 4 0 0 ; Mrnuftddo U <9 7 Ladiea’Twiet 0 0 in Plug iii key* 6i«J 7J Plug iii bozct «13 0 13 8 Twin! 7 Cavendish 0 fi ISsLumpiu box-- ll 0 15 «» «' - 12 0. 17 10* “ ~ 13 0 14 Scotch muff* 14 0 16 Rappee 0 13 Cut & pry 1 lb pap o 25 Te* —Duty 30 per rent. i Imprrilil 65 0 4l> Gunpowder 45 & TO Young; Alytrti 30 0 40 i Pouebons 50 0 75 j Tinplate— Duty 15 pr ct. 1 Banraßlock O —L 1 X- 4 lu 0 So i Tallow— Dbty 10 pr. cent. ' Rendered •••••’ 3 0 4 Rough- 0 54 SoapOreate 1 41# 5$ Vle'ee—per bol: Solid boiet \-•• 0 Wince— Duty 40 pr. cent _ WATU. Class, No. l—Ashes, BaltPhli.fi. V Bacon, Rutter, Lard, Cheese, Poik, Tobac- co, Tallow, \V. Gists, and Whisky pr 100 lbs 00 : Class No 2—Hemp, Flax in bale* | m —' Class No. 3 Dried Fruit leather, Old Rags. Skins, Seeds, Wool, L2D Clmi No _4—Beeswax. Heathers. Fura,Ginsn'g, Hops. Mdw. loose Flax 125 Marine Inaovnnee. Rales of lusuranee on cargoes of steam and keel boats. Fm -Pittsburgh 10 Wheeling.Vo. Jo_ u “ to and from Cincinnati. O il) | “ “ to Louisville, Ky.- • - }& • u "to Si. Louis. .Mo l oji " *• lo Uoonville.do ( 0 y '* *• ui Independence a 02J “ *• leGalrna.lll tltfll ** *• 10 Memphis, Ten .... —10 N :.. j • From N Orleans to Pittsburgh- l Sfn . Sl Louis | 0 Charges by (rood Hat Busts’/ 3 10 New Orleans \ . P MutJcir*- •• - tlWt Q a.tm I.VTcnrrilTf lid <J ijd tifbori ?5 £t I.SG Dry Malaga Of iff 7\> Swrel- ttt H 05 LAftl)—\\Y have no change io notice in the market. Receipts couUuue quite full, aud consid erable shipments hove been made liaM. We quote sale* io.* regular Way ui .'v'i.'ijo which may be relief! oh as the ruling ligures nt present • OILS—We observe no change io price* since oar last weekly report, and We note regular sales to trade at the following rates: Tanner* $17220 4»bR Lard 63St>*, and Linseed «sgsBc p gaL POTATOES—The market is well supplied, and the receipts during the pleasant weather of* the post week, having been quite fiiP. Sales of Ne shanuoek* from store at SI-1731 ,«t) > hI.L Reds are dull, and will not bring more than 37c bit. PIG METAL—The sales of the week arc 72 tons Ilecla, (H. R.) cold n t 37,50, C mus. 100 tons Hutlalo, Allegheny, at 31. G mo*. For. all other articles not given in this list we refrr to the above correctly and carefully revised table of quotation*. » —- Money, Itoekf and Bnalneas. The Eastern market*, for the week just closed, •how a slight improvement on the last, which tuupl be attributed more to the .peace rumor* so current nt Washington, than to any other cause. Tbe Bank* show a little more willingness to di*- count, and private capitalist* are loaning more freely. The Southern and South-Wesiern mer chant* will awn be in the market at Baltimore, Philadelphia and New \otk. The cotnmenct meut of the Spring trade will create a new de mand for Money, and will tc*t whether the Banks ore in-a position to meet the; want* of their customer*, a* the spirit shown for a few day* would indicate. M hether the Cambria, that left New York on the 29th, took any specie, it Dot stated positively, but the impression is that the, did not. or only a small amount. Sterling Exchange had fallen, which indicate* a cessation of specie export*; for. American gold, the chief coin now in Rank at" New ork, cannot be shipped, where Sovereign* would pay n small protit. The Money hfarket, at home, is slightly IjeUer, ami currency con be sold at 11 per cent discount. on improvement of } per cent. froii|. last week. Money, in the street, remain* much the tame, j>er haps a little cosier to be_had. Price* of Stock*. New York, Jan 29. ITS 5 a of 7*3 S7i USGVof -02. Treasury' Notes 99f0| Ohio T* : 10110} Ohio 0 s 95|0( Illinois Bonds ! 41011} Indiana Bonds ' ! 501051 Kentucky O’* Pittsburgh C’a Cattle Market. Btrvra—There were nl the yard ou Monday, about 500 head; 330 of which wore taken at $4O 5,00 }> 100, according to quality, which figures present a slight improvement since our lost re port. Home—Only about 150 head were at the yard, rhich were taken at $3,5004 p 100 o>* net. Sheet— I The offerings were unusually limited rilh sales ranging from $1 to 2,50 each. Philadelphia, January 27,—Beeves, there were 930 head brought in. Sales nt 607;50, with a few extra ai $9 i> 100 D>s. 310 driven to New York, 410 unsold. -f ' Cow* and Calves^—l4o hend olfercd, and aales urere made at SSOIO for dry Cow*; 312024 for Springers, and 15035 for Milch Cows Swine —There were 350 oifered; and sales made at 5,2300 100 Ota. Sheep—About 1030 wcrCbroughl in, and, sales made at 1,5001,30 each, aa in quality. ] PORT OF PITTSBURGH 7 r«T WATER IV CIUXNKL—FAfj.IIio. : ARRIVED. Lake Erin, Hemphilt,'Beaver. llcaver, Clark, wellsville. Caleb Cope, Beaver and Wcllsville. Dispatclt, Nelson, Urownsvilte. Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville, jlinggolu, Cope, Bridgeport. Dauube. Cock. Browiiaviile. r*lo Alto; MeDohald, Cin. lien Kush, Hunter, Cincinnati. DEPARTED, L*ke Erie, Ilemnhill, Beaver. Beaver, Clark, ycllsviJle. Michigan No 2, Gilson, Bearer. Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellville. Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. .. Dnmibe, Cock, Brownsville. Pika No. 8, Lynn, Cin. Hibernia No. 2, Klinefelter, Cin. J BOATS LBAVIHQ TmS DAT. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, Bi.il, and -3 CINCINNATI PACKET, 10a. v. .. . BEAVER PACKETS, at 9 and 10 a. and 3 o'clock, f.M. GLASGOW PACKET, 4 r. it. _ ' JEWESS, CincinnoU. FAIRMOUNT, Su Louis, . s "■ *'■ ' . Wl , . . > Uv'.V >VA' | HOOBE6i49TB,;FARMBr fce; Pwblie Kale afTalMUi , I-Wlld. nffrr at pobUc uk, on Wednesday, tab let day of March nexvthe fsrralate the p/openy of Thomas T. Bool.dereased,situatedin Sflddleaex -ahipj Haller, county, PoA containing about one Lmhdrcd end eigbtyaeres,- one hundred acrea cleared, tweatrof which are meadow, the balance -well Timbered. 'The improvements are. alwoatory Dwelling l!bt»e,*a jine newitframe Bank Bam with stabling under ibe whole, a frame Wagon t*hed and jCrita Cnbj a fretne AVasb Hooke and Spring House, with a never failing Pomp at (he door.ia large Apple’Orcbard, with’a variety of ortt hr frail and ornamental trees. • & 0 75 120: 0 2A> . 45 0 70 ■ Hie above is considered one of the bevt throis In Boi ler cxxtnty, being of the best tjnality oflandi beauiiftiliy situated on ibe . Pittsburgh and -Boiler Tbmpike : toaa, seven miles from Batler'end twenty*fournuie*trora Pittsburgh, arid convenient to Churches School-houses and Mill*. ** ! ’■ Tmocs-One tbinli in' hatid, and the balance ui two equal annnal payments, with interest from raid' ! | WILLIAM CUXNLNaifAM, jodaflt; ■ ' 7 Exeenter. , * Farm far Rent or Ltasi, MTLe undersigned will rent or lease k>r a term of years, a portion of the farm where he now re sides, 'containing front CO to 70 acres ofJjJlabla luidiand: 40 acres oi woodland, one large 'stone 'dwel ling house, one log bouse, and a large bans} which can be used Ifor storing; roots |or convened into a spring ,hou»c. This properly i* lietwccn three and four miles from rittsbiugli, on the Motionguhcla river, city side. Jl is jvery spitable for a dairy and vegetable la'on. Possession giveu on the Ut of March. For particu lars inquire on the premises of jadQd til Ist march; l' HENRY- -WOODS- eg 1 " iron sue. P«S THE three story Dwelling lloase .and Lot, now JUKoccupied by 11. F. Scbwrppe. Esq., on Penn *v near, Hand. Thu Lot is 21 by ISO feet, and is pleasant ly situated. For terms apply to the subscriber! who has .W i : FOR IBENT The tlhrefr story house ou the cornet; of Übeny *L and Irwih’s altey, 'now occupied us a wholesale and retail* grocer’s store, by 11. F. rickweppe/ Fossessiopjpven immediately, on application at tlio warehouse' oi John lrwih & Sous, No. ilAValcr street, by dccl4-3ni .11 JOHN IRWIN Choice Building Lota for. gale*, TRe subscriber offers'for. sale sorac *vefy thoice buildidiug lou in Aileghnutr City at low prices. The lots are beautifully situated, for rural residences, andlabout one-fourth of a' mile fromthe Allegheny market, or the old Allegheny Bridge. The skeand : terms can be made to suit purchasers. Inhuire of thh'subscriber!brbo cun be seen at the of-* ’EbetiflW Casetle, every forenoon, and at other times at hU roonfs at Mr. Hays’boarding honse, Robinson's newirow, Federal si.'Allegheny city. : ? 1 D.N. WHITE. . FOR SAXE. •* WBu THE NATIONAL tlt/fEL, on Water street, JHLabove the Monongmhela House, and the stable ou front street, being a leasehold for the term of ill yeaft, from the Ist of April,-t»U, subject to the payment ofSIU) per annum. If desired, v lhe fee-simple tu the lot which it OOfeetfront.on Water street,ext»mling through to FTout «t, can be purchased. Enquire of detumf . WM. Ml DARLINGTON, a A two story brick dwelling with about six acrea of ground attached,: situated at Oakland. The place is well stockedjwiUi Criul w all kinds, and is a desirablu location lor ailhtnil;'betng<nllrely oat of reach of the river and din-' of the' city. Au omnibus leaves Oakland hourly for the city.. Apply to' j.ji-Hi i ATWOOD, JONES A Co. A new. .three stofy brick dwelling house on' bS{B Wylie •ireei.-l’otseMiou given ou the first of JglLApril or sooner if required. Inquire of joai j j IK I?LOYD, IUS liberty streeL geft A two story brick dwelling with about 5 aerei £•■ of ground, situated od the bank of thd Ohio river «s»in Ute borough of M hebester. Apply to jsj till i : JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co. : To’k>et* JA THREE dwelling houses situated on 4th street fc-jB near canal bridge, til the city of Pittsburgh. Al a room “5 by aO feet, with a convenient en trance on Sth sn, near wood. Also, a frame dwelling, twoTstories, with an acre of ground enclosed and under cultivation. situate on Ohioilanel in the city of Alleghe ny. i Inquire of [ , I Jll WILLIAMS*, japs • I, lIP wood street. To Let. \ ■ mTha new three story fire proof briek storaoi second st. 007 occupied by Edward Evans; fo rent from lit of April next. Inquire of l J SCHOO.VMAKER A Co., • af wood street. '! • To Lot. gO The subscribers will rent part of the ware- Bl house now occupied by them. Apply to XA, LEWIS, DALZELL A Co. • jojil9 54 water street- j For Bent. jig The two large rooms tu (he Chronicle buildings, on 4th street, now occupied by Whimey A Iju ' saats. will be for rent from ibe first day of April next. 'oquireof HENRY MORRISON, ■Mftf |yj liberty st .“1 “ For Bent. - A bandsowely (wished rooai on Market street, i auly occupied as a'Daguerreoiype nsubluhiuent Uiml A Co. : Also, well finished and well fur nished tiw- suitable lor sdektirs, odjuuiiog the halt of Hi. UrrcMil- l-tw A~oci»l~n. .1 EU. lo Kail, l> b IiAfZAM, ofXf; Otftrc, market Mice!, twlwccubd and 4th j- --- " To Let. ■' jvk The l.’wrllulg Uptime occupied by the s«b*c;i- on streef. oU»ve Sumlifirld It has ™™^*snariou» l<u'*k Uulding. l*u!h room with hot and <oUl«urr.j».»~ll— » ■“‘l.- raid The Irmil io-™ ufl «bc first itwor J» suitable for L/Sfi ™ . WM M HARIJXf/mX ! r.r- n-m. . tut, , u .i cW.-i.it-nt dwelling house on fa Federal st.. Alle S Lcny. wrntrrlj r--i-upwd bv Hrs. AurtCarwm. Rent low- pirawii tlie Ist of April next L 1 J Ud/ZA.M. Itdrnrdiate possession of fh* al'trf* bousa can be Ob tained by applying to Al. Creighton, : al tbe canal ware house o< Clark A Thaw. •' 1' For Beni. ~ , MA large room on the :M story ot l‘ lc warehous occupied l.j- the tubsenlrers, near the loot c Wuxi street—a good .location li»r a strambos agrnev or an Insurance oiSC*. _ J7jajiU L _ UO.IiI.MANHAJJAjUIISOj^i, I For Bale* ' ... m! a Fine two •iorv brick houre. on main ttTreef, IH Allrjlirnv .ity, near the upper bridge. The !3t i« •jj ten in from b> IUO deep.; fur tmn* inquire or Urtlitf A WASHINGTON, 4th U r ~! ForSaleV -i I oflrr for tala thn huu-* .1 now occupy- on Bgja Web-ler »UTeU a lew door* wt»l of Seventh JBJS..'r.-n h U a two ••inry brick !.Oo*e. v>lt!» four |uu Ut* oil ei.cli door. 1 Will sell on u UUtiTul credit, jaliaatr "' ll IAtWKUi^ To iet. * On<c new three «tory' Dwelling Ilnu««. with ■Pa bath h«mj«e» attached, wiuule near the corner cf ami Wailuiißtun etrccl*. Porecsiion gi?- eu on the firai of April next. _ jaia. •!- For Sente fire proof warehouic, 24 feet front br JUS. 80 feet deep, cut M-cunil *t. near wood. Uent mod enir. lii.juue'uf J SCIIOON.UAKKR X Co, _delt»_ . VI wood »t For Rets*. Vt Anr at iwo ••nried brick dweljhtff bouse with _£“■ seven room* *ud larer yard. pirasauUy situated the HU want- -Apply n.M It SCAIFE. jSlilU.3w • tM «trcet newt wond- i ToLrt. , MA hirfe, commodious, and well finished,threi story b rick dwrlliuir. oh Venn »t- halfway he tween Harrison allfy and Wayne »l Posses ion leiveu ititwcdiatclv. For particular* inquire at tin office of . \V W WALLACE, july-Jltf 2U liberty *trceL Pop Bent. U A Smoke House. situated on Plum alley, for CWrent lik]utA of ROUERT UaLZKLL A Co, street. • J • ■ ’■* dccjj i j Per Bent. -.- MThe well rttteuhed'atorh on Marked atreeu be tween third anil iaa'rtH »treet», ul present ©ecu pn-d b\- {(arrow* anjl Turner. Pi>.«es*ion given on ike firvl.oi April next. ■ JiitlW] Kl> IiAUZAM! ! T* 'Let. hfi* A dry (oodi warehoil»e. 97 wood street, second |j“U door almvc Diamond alley. Immirc of tU-fj ; D T MoHUAN A Co. ’ W* CtIUJSTIOf UKSIUfeinCK. HAVING removed do the city, tor,convenience JBSILtn professional business, I will rent tue Mansion lloase, and us immediate enclosarp. situate oh tbe blulls of the Mononeahela, one mile above Pittsburgh. Janl43tawy JAME* S CRAFT COAL LAND FOR SAl.E—Seven .acres coal land | for.sale, situate in trend of the Monongahrla River, starve Brownsville. I‘n.. having a 7 font vein of coat, whfch will be sold in exchange fur roods, lor particu lars apply lo locttij S A IV ll.VRUALtiHjltlwood »t BwildlngLot IN MANCHESTER Foil SALE—I have for sale a beautiful building Lot m Manchester. near the ferry. 21 feet 1 froul l>y Isll) icel deep. It will l>C sold low. aud on areoinmodauui.terms. Term* unexceptionable, thrin T** ut.AWKI.V. Renl Estate Agt. PhilideL 2S. SS| 97R597} 1»}099} BLACK SlLK!*—w U,MURPHY n*k# the atteuuoti of buyers to hi« assortment of nboye poods includ ing rich plain Italian dress silk; poult de soie do; blue hlaick do; rich watered do; do watered and striped do; siUts for cardinals beside n larce assortment of Fancy Dress bilks ehangable satin*, it., allof which will be sold it the lowest possible prices. jai>3 Aijxqhett, Feb. 2. BEESWAX— 1500 lbs in store and for sale by jstj ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. BACON -3 casks assorted Uacon in store and for sale by (js'Ja) ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. • CAMPIIOR“4bbU-r«r sole by ja2H R E SELLERS, Itt wood st. CARD IRON—K>O lbs tor sale by y jajs_ R-JE SELLERS- G' AYENNE PF.PPF.R-150 lbs Jersey, n prime arti cle, for sale by _ R F. SELLERS. SCOhciHNOS— aooo lb* prime for sale by jaai t J D WILMAMS, ttO wood «( COFFEE— dO^agv: ontfie Kin; 40 do .Medium; 12 d< Lmniayt*; 6 do old Java; lor sale liy ja2B- J D WILLIAMS. SUNDRIES— 1W Iran* Rio cotfee; 70 half chests Y. 11. and Hitperiul ten: IS bars pepper; Stl boxe* wliite Havana sugar; 100 bbl* large No 3 mackerel; 100 bbls NiO molasses; 10 casks atapiee; for sale by - jwl4 ; ' . JNO GRIER. SACON AND I.AHD—‘At! pieces Uaeou llauis and Shoulders; II ; kfK> No. 1 Lard; received ou con »irun«nt, pet snarl Pitet No. 2. and for «»le l-y lf ul ® ___ ’ • IJAAIAII DICKEY» Co S~ UNDRIEiP-IO Lbjs smait while beans;iido tlnxseed; . 3 casks seorchings 75 dui euro broom*; 15 bales hdn*;iutl received and forsata by jaiU JOILN 27 wood st MACKKIIEIT-IOd bids targe No3maek«rel; 44 In do Nal do; |, SUdo do NoS do: Just rac'd and for sa|e by pn4{ POINDEXTER A Co. CloVPKfc-'ju) Lagrprinic green IUo cdllee for sale bf. / JaUl _ • J A It FLOVD, Gus’cloverseeiTlor iiiToly ~~~ r jam 1 J A B riiOYD. CJPERM OIL—3 rnsksl winter strained, wnrrnnied t?I pure, for sale bv J tfCIIOONMAKER A Co. . BACON SlDE?*—ut bbda new bacon sides just recil on coutiitumenl kmi fur sale by jon27 - I ' aELUULS A SICOLS ITALIAHV— 33 bhli No 1 beef tallow just rac'd, and for tale by (jan27J J SELLERS A NICOLS. LARD— 5 bbls No j, 151eg» do. for sale by ja27 MeOILL, nLt*ljKlHD A ROE RAISINS— IVJ boxes Raisins for sale by ' j>27 McGILL, 11S11FIEIJJ A ROE. TTOPS—*4 bales Hops, fint sort, for sale by xl jaCT McGILL, BUSHFIELD A. ROE. RICE-25 tierces Rieeforsaleby jag? 3JcOH.U BirSHFIFJJDARQE. I*o*7* ton * Bttr jfbbr assorted, m store and for f.^ eby . L a Waterman/7 Ja»7 31 water aud C 3 front sU.. CtUNDRIfcS-;Alt)ertean French leaf. Aloe. O {man Vertmlliod; Dutch do; Cmuese do; cold, foil; English do; )iut rent'd and for sale . Jaiild .. ; JOEI, MOHI.F.IL IMRTONE—2ea»I Burgundy prrcH-i»> re <pa« enuineHor «le ,ti? {VU ; - R E aEM&W. j_ . i : ! ■ ■ r i : 4==fiATEB.OFvI)ISCODMT»_ ; P '* ''baim or uaautiNTZcuMM&ripiiyt. * - r p,.ti.nw Brakere, Wo. 85 Htiletcaret, bear4toM , ’ ! *p«jiS«yhr»Mt»' 4 .■ •;'••; I*4laa«i»- B*h’EorPiU*b«rs>» •••♦hfiflutelM ACrancMS- I|. Kxchangeßonk .•«••*« s?at*B*np -_■-•>• *V M»rrh> Ban. Book *pvl . r.Virflklß, - BkMfFhlUddpk**'v*P»» Kiehaage Bk.of Ve-*. U flinrri B*nk--«*-*-''*pa* Famera Bk.ofYa “: 'ffiSainm' # Bk-oJU. VaUep, “ . *M%«letCMßtyi« > W Bk.of Virginia******** M j ••« • ■-S* Wheeling *? -« Moatro®eryC»'‘*> a * k . d ?„% of W, lown ‘—i*^ Oolarabl* Drug*Oe.«> par *> X!b!?3s»**’ - Doytesiewn B«ak-*‘"ptur J?* ,kmbor * Karmen* Ilk. BoiJiwpar ; - Famera* Bk. BoeksOo.pai Bk.rfTea«!M«-*'* Farmer* irkL«Maa , r*P« Far. 4 llereh’iaßk-—--? Laneawer Ca Bk.~. par Ptawera* Bk.—• -r •U. Stater Baaki**«*;**3o Bliiaart*. , - Susquehanna Caßk.*: - State Bank-..••-■ *'' » , Übigh Co 8ank,...... + „ *»«** Car#,b^\i: Lewistown- ••* •».♦* Caaiden Bk-—"* *•• • J* •BMOJaiown•••• U,Bfc.ofCkai}wo»*'7 " {*: Carlisle i '•••' “-Commercial Bk*« H EneSk. ••• u Bk.ofCeori««ni"?.** 11 Farmer*’ and Drover*’ jßk.of Hamburg---'- •• 1* Baak, Wayirfabarg.. " Merchsms Bk-■*•'•*' J! Hamshu^x♦•^•••••• , " M Plmuer* AM«h»»Bk: II HenekdeJe -.. " B*. of South Carolmav U Lebauoa w- “ .: M**tl«b«l. Baltimore Bka.- par « Bal»m’e4O*BBerip"lo VorkDk. « Cumberland Bk.of All©- ' Wettßranehßk.—*r- gl»M**;;y'7* H Belief Notea l ••.*••••♦ " Far. Bk. of Maryland-• “ M4MHk.Pilta.do- « Farmer*’A Mechanics * City ACoonty Scrip—— “ Bk. Frederick-* “ •• • Ofelo. FrederickCd-8k........*-- State Bk:and Branches I| Uagemownßk “ MonaiPlcaaant.....'- Mineralßk--.**—• * Steubenville ' . “ Paup*eoßk. SLClalrtTille « Wnshlngtooßk..*.?••• “ Marietta u Bi.ofWestmi!aiter‘*-- *• ; 'NdwLhfan “ Hlehigaxs. - Cincinnati Banks------ “ Bk. of St. CUir , Columbus do- “ Bk.of River Rairco---—- Cireleville ••• u Michigan In*. Co--* 6 r Zanesville 11 Par. 4 Weeh'»Bk----*-8 ; Putnam-----*-----.:*- * Wlaeooalm Tarrlfy, Wooiter * Mar.AFirel.n.CaJtiUw’e# . Masiilloß “ Caaadoa. ' Sandusky-* « Aiiablventßask*.*...* 8i Ceauia--.- •• •• u , Back of Er^laodNolea. Norwalk S 4 70FXaa., Cleveland-.•*• “ QoldAlpceltValac, Xenia ** Napoleona .3 68 ; Dayton u Doetta....-'.-S 13 •9 tO \ Wevtero Reaerve*.... “ E*|le,old. 10CO Franklin ffk Colamboa " Ragle,new •• 10 00. ChiNieeihe ° Donbloona, Spaniah. 18 00 Lake Erie * Do.Painot>. 18 « Seiota- M Sovereigns 4 83 Lancaster ............*lO Goincaj ........... 8 00: Hamilton .....13 88; Granville go TenThalera 7». Faßn*wß*kCajuoa..*nlo TenGnildera 3fo! Urbans ; **.6o Loniad’ora* • t--- 4£o; Kentucky* Exchangt., Bkof Kentackr....... 1| New York -. : Ipnn Bk^fLouisville * Philadelphia iprm Norhetn Bk; Kenta’ky* “ Daltimore * (pm Slew York—City Banka, par. Interior B’ka-.*. > For Bib« EXCHANGE BROKERS, &c. For Beat* HVBBET r BAHBA 4 GO., T>ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers It in Foreign and Ddineetic Exchange- Cenificgtesof Depodte. Bank Notes, and Specie; Fourth-street, near* ly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current money received on deposits—Sight-Checks .for sale, and col* IcetioiM made on nearly all the principal point* in the , United States. 1 For Bcat< Isiilieu The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold. Advances made on -consignments of Produce, skip* ped Eaat,\on liberal terms. . mchU - H. HOLMES * SOY, BANKERS and Dealers In Exchange, Coin and Bank Notes, No. 68, Market street Pittsburgh. Selling Rates. ' Exchange; Buying Rues: j New York. Ipr Cinsinnsti, Idb ; Philadelphia, fdo Ixnisville, 1 do : Baltimore, {do St Louis, -1 do ■ Baying Rates, BANK NOYES. Buyitig Ratek Ohio. 1 dis Co. 4 Scrip Orders, 1 dis . Indiana,. Ido Relief Notes, • iJdo < Kentucky, Ido Pennsylvania Cr-' • Ido ! Virginia, Ido New York. do. Ido do Wheeling, |do New Orleans,' Ido : Tennessee, 0do —Maryland, 1 do .j dcclOtf . : CO-PAKTBBaSHtP. JOSEPH U. HI LETT) fie of the hnn of Wn. A. Hill 4 Co-) and WBI. CY Cuny, (late pf Erie, Pa.) have entered Into Corartnefship under the name of Hill 4 Cray, for ths purpose of carrying onlthe Banking and Exehange busmen inall its branches, at No Jl5 Wood street, three doors below Fourth, west side—Where they, solicit tbs custom of their friends and the public genr erally. JOSEPH H. HILL, tuchia - WM.IC. CURBV. j toexnr ir. »ou_] Iwk. c. ccnri HILL dt CUBBY* { BANKERS 4 EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dealers ill Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight Bills of Exj change, Certificates of Drpo*ite, Bank Notes and Coin! No. 65 Wood street, thinl door below Foarth, wfft tide. Faf»£ijn<U and Currency received on deposited and cotlecilous mode on all the principal eiliesiu the United Stales. . . 'll Si-ht Exchange pn Baltimore. Philadelphia. New : York, Boston and Cincfmuti.canitiualy for sale.- • Ohio. Indiana. Kentucky, Virginia aud Pennsylvania Bank Notes bought ami sold on favorable terms. Exchange ou Kaglond, Ireland,Germany and France procured,<kc. ' . mchlu ; WILLIAM A. HILL * CO.. TYANKERS. EXCHANGE BROKERS, ami Dealers Is iu Foreign and Ihmeetie Exehsuge, CrriiSentes-oj Deposits, Bank Notes, and Specie*. No. di Wood oue door above Fourth, East-Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' T octsdAwF ! FOREIGN F“CHASGE. ~ BILLS on England. Ir»- .:ml Scotland bought,to any amount at tbs : ci----' Rates of Exchange. Also, Drsib* payable in an. i:„t‘ the Old C<mhtric*ir from XI to Xiuuo, at the • • • S 3 to the £ Sterling, wiihoul.dedueiiun or disccu - i. Ly JOSHUA ROBIN* SON, European and General Agent, office sth si oft© door west of wood. octl?tf » iiVm oxmm-L janwxmD axuM KRAUER 4 RilIH, X)ANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers ll i n Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer* titiratrs m'Deposiie) Bank Notes and Coin, corner of M and \Voo>Uir?cis.-dirertljr opposite St. Omries Hoi tel. * tns>-‘Jhd|y'i WESTERN Pl'sD»*. Ohio, Indiana. parehiued at the lovreft-rmlc*. by i S. HOLMES * SON, dclfl 35 Market streeL JOHN F PERRY BALLS OF EXCHANGE—Sight Checks oa New York. Philadelphia. anil ' Baltimore. Constantly for tele by N. HOLMES 4 SON. dvio - ’ 3S Market st. COLLECTIONS— Drafts Notes soil Acceplari ces payable in any part of the Union, collected oh the most favorable terms. N. HOLMES A SON. 1 EXCHANGE on Nor York, Philadelphia, and j Baltimore. at tight, ia «utJu,io*uit purchase rs con stantly for male by KILL 4 CUKRY, ocUl \Tood iL below Fourth. WESTERN FUNDS—The Note, of the Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky Banks purehused at low rates ofdiseount, aj the office of mix 4 CURRY, i octll ■ No. HS Wood at, below Fourth.7* COLLECTIOXB'on all the principal eitiea in the Union, made by; \ HII.L A -CVBRy, ' octll : No.f»3 Wool «U bclowjPounh.• New Uooka Jnal Kecelrtd. . HF.AV KN upon Earth. br Janeway. one vol. - 85 e Chamock’s choice wora* r>y Ly minima, 1 vol'6Bc Coiucincidmre* of the Old 'and.•New Teilnrceot, vi uic ». by Rev. J. J. Blunt, 11. D. one toL ' *1,53 Clialmer** Miscellanies. Poems Essays. 4e. I/O Select works of James Verm. Wilton, Phillip* at>4 \ ■ Jav in one large rol. for.the low price of : IJO The Free Church Pulpit,3toli, .' &/BO Modem Infidelity, by Smucker, . Ijfe of David, “5c Daily walk with God, Matthew Strong, Circle of Human Tholuek, - Memoir of Charlotte Elizabeth, 'Hie work* of Francis Turretine in the original Lat- in. to be complete in 4 vols 3 rot*, now ready. ? Willit’PoetieaiworksinsplendidTurkey Morocco.' r The above with a great variety- of uew books jn»t received. ELLIOTT 4 ENGLISH. ■ janfl [Pont copy} Sfl market at. be‘weeit'3d and 4th. TT'ALUABLE New Year'# Presents. V Waverlcy Ndvel*.l!7 volumes J2nio, illustrated; •• \ ~ - 3- • “ Svo- • • Mrs Sherwood’s Works 16 rols ICmo, illustrated; • Miss Edgworth’s .*•' 10 “ ** - t ’ Harper’* Family library, IS2 vols complete; \ do Boy’s and Ctrl’* “ - '• Work's of bbnkespeare, 7 vols. 6vo, the beautiful Boa*, ton edition, finely bound; Butler’s Lives of the Saints - 4 vols. elegantly bound Ilanuah Moor’s Works. 7 vols. Exploring Expedition, 6 vols' royal Bvo do do 5 do 'do do British Essayist*, 6 vols. Turkey jnor. backs - \ The above,- together with a large assortment of ele randy bound family and' pocket Bibles* Cotpmon Pray cr. all sizes and bindings, nil of which will he sold lower loan ever offered iu this market, at the old stahd of | KAY 4 Co. jaL i- cor 3d 4 wood s( THE Philosophy of Life and Philosophy of Lan guage, by fred-Von Schlegel. f SralUt'a Hr searches in China in 1841. '45 and '4G, with a map and plates. < ' .ti • The state oi'the Departed, by Jno. Henry Hobart. D. D. ,Tbe Church Universal, by Dt. Stone. Goldsmith's Poems, illustrated. Thompson's Seasons; do For sale by j*2> BOOKS— Cntfflmm of Iron, or the Merchant's and Mechanic'* complete guide'lo the iron trade. 'A I jew copie* onl V-,— rery ecarce. Simond*' Literoturet of | the eouih of Europe. Chamber*' Information for the people. Chamber*' Cyclopedia of English Literatim. Wendell'* Blackitone'* Cotnmentariei, a new editfo in 4 beautiful Tolumesi ilollecVii Poem*, a new e splendid edition. Parlor 'Book of Flower* lor *e«*oL*. paß] ■ J L BEAD, 4th near market . : One elegant Uoeewood nix and a octave Piano Forte double nieed . i«w if tie, irou irome-made • I * I I •Chickcring. Boston. One <lo, gothic panel* and moulding*. 0 octave—Os * Co. Nev York.. One do. gothic. pane!* and moulding*. G octat Ualai Co. New York. 1 One superb grand piano, CJ ocultm—llerz, par Tlie-abova pianos .forte* are warranted, andl been seirelrd by the .subscriber, particularly Ibr t Jftwd quality toil© ami fiTuisit us iuuiical iiulrum< : For sate ot uelorr price* by l jag; JOHN. IrMISLLOR, 61 wood -«_Ji ( Btetalleftoua* Plano. • BSbSSSA 'A-SPLENDID araoflinent of Rot IT oY^Tiwnidand Mahoprajr,grandaction 1 I « | I lauM. Frame, juat finished and ibr w , Alo> two injendid RoKWood Piano*, with Coleina celebrated .-EoUan attachment, fiuiihed m thorn modem •tvle,'and for sale at F. BLUMES, ' jeB3: 112 Wood »ircet, 3 nho**^; B LAKE'S ELECTRICAL APFARATUS&r Ac mie*, SetooU, Phyricion* and private ■* n^* ,e * price* iar. loiter, than app*r»m» or emra! efficiency lold • lor iu the eiuirrn erne*. rbo-B&ore *el can \ 8, .. A \VinSK3~2S dm orta* JT „ V VOS BONXHORBT A Co. roll baiter < n in citr* article. tar i*k by • •. IIABMAUOH,3a»<»d tks Tor tale by * U K SELLERS ; <• : .hards* *u/nris ■V- r-*yw«J«? >- , Kentucky, Missouri. Bank Notes; S 6 Market at. ’Scwßookii' J L READ, i i dth ti near market [fw Plano Fortes. ?sg.^? h,, jiBS>wi->-c> =aEß=saaaas»|;^^^s^ the omtTHtwiam TTAnra YEGEPABLE EX-nuCLis an rnralua- . n - bid remoJy fot ilpilepiid Fit*, or Falling Sickness,. . Convulsiona, Hpastas, Ac. It li well known, that from time imramottal, phyricisus have pronounced E^iileiK. ticFit* incurable. Ithas baffled all their skill,onjl ; .. btttuted powrr’of ailmwficioe, and eossetpictitly thou- - snhdshavs stuTcred through artUserable existence, and -, at lost yielded up their lives ort the altar, of insanity, ' )Vbh all deferenco, however. |to the opinions of tha . rreat and learned, We isay that ithu been cured. » HARTS VraEfABEK F.XTRACT, Porsixteen years,has been tested persona -.. have sulbred; with this dreadful disease, and iu every case whhnrii has hod a fair trial, has effected a Jicraanentcuni. ) — _ . iFtU of 20 yeanand 6 months, cured by the use of this truly worodrful medicine. I ‘Kend the following remarkalitc case of the son of- Wm. .Secore, E*q, of Philadelphia, afflicted witlt Epl- - haptic Fits 27 and O monihs. After travelhi(g through England,-Scotland, Germauf and France, spiting the most,eminent physicians, andexpending fot •,''* ‘medicine, medical treatment and advice; three thou-. . siiid dollars, son to this country ia November lut,-.without receiving any benefit whuev- :- er, and was eared by using ■; hart’s Vegetable extract. Mr. :Wllliam Becote's Letter to Drs. Ivans and Ilaxl. .. v l have spent aver three thousand-dollars for. stedi->. dno and medkkl attendance, t .was advised to a tuur to EuroMwith him, .which l did.l first * '• England. I consulted the roost' eminent physician* there in respppt to his case; they examined him and prescribed aocordingty. .1 ,remamcd : -thteo -«ionths'. without perceiving any.change-for the> better, which - cost' me about two hundred and fifty dollar*pocketed - - by the - physicians, and the most tuol I received was. . their opinion that my son’s case was-hopeleas andposj- lively tncurablei I aecoidingly left England, and irer* eJled through : Beotland- Germauy nndFrance, andr»- : Urned home ia-tbe month of November-last,' with my son as far from being.cored as wheit I left. I saw your - advertisement, in otm of the New; York papers* and concluded to try Hart's Vegetable Extroevseeing yoor siaieronu ond certificstcs of so manv cures, acne ta . • twenty and thirty years’ standing, and lean assure yod . lam not sorry I<lul so, as by the use of Hart’s Vegeta* . ble Extract alone, be wo* restored to perfect health, ijis-reason, which was so-far gone ss-to unfit him for-- business, is entirely restored, with the prospect now before timTof life, health and usefulness. He m now 28 years of age. and 27-years.and. 8 monlhe-'oT-tlna >. time has been afflicted with this roost dreodthl of dm* ; . eases; but thaak God'he Lnowenjoying good heailh.; .Now, gentlemen, faith without,worka.l don’t believe, in. -To say that 1 chall lie ever grftlefu) io you is one thing, and asTbere enclose you one hundred dollars, 1 hava no doubt but that you will think this is soother and quiteta diffisrem thing. The debt of gratitude I •tiil awe you, but please to accept the pressm : n Interest on the debt in advance. , !:. ! • -Yours very resp«trulfy. • (Siguod,). .WIiXIAM SECORE - ,J.. i • |YO TUE AFFLICTED. ; One iof the ’ proprietor* of this 'invaluable incfflcme was afflicted for several year* with -Epileprie Fits.—.. The disease hkd preducra the worsxeaeet-upon his syfiem, via: Loss of memory, imbeoility-of mini nnd a perfect prostration of the nervous *)Vtem. He bad tried the skilijiof the bestphryweinns forseven years, dbd grew worse under their treatment, and’ ha,knew that this ’ medicine was his only hope for heauh and lifa.‘and was ihervfore deterimnca to’give it a &ir tna),’ and to .’persevere in its use, which be did. and the result v ’ was a perfect resioration to health, which ■ wa* ‘ ued uninterrupled for nearly sixteen years. - r ••• —■ : We ;would refer to the following persons who have been eared bt 'osing Hart’s Vegetable Extract: ' f Col EDenrtow’s daughter was ailUcted nine yraro, resides at Yonkers, New York. ; \Y Bennet. nine years, 171 Grand st. J Ell*wonh.'sevea years, 12Dover sL ; Joseph M’Doaml, tune years. East Brooklyn. L. L H \v Smith, New York Custotn House. , - ' 8 Kelly, twenty years, Staten Inland. • ”--l bliss E M'Kecf. twenty years, Yqrkville. - blits E Crane, twelve years,'ll2 Hommenly sL Wn H Parsed, twenty-three year»,-73 Nortolk st- • I ‘ Jacob Petty, four years, 174 Delaney sl 1 Pbilo Johnson, twenty- eight years, Gresncanic. frC j Judge Randall, M East Broadway, New York. • . Thomas R Jones, of the U KNavyi - ' Capt Wm Jennings, B«v‘.* si, Bridgeport, CL " ’• -. Reference also made ta-. ; -Dr W L Mdiiroc. GullforiLO. - ■ Rev Richart TaggetL West-Davenport N Y-. B«rTLßoshnell,Baltimore, hid. r i Mr Joseph BradleT,lls.orchard st, NY> C II Doughtoii,sJo2 Eighteenth st N Y. 'Mrs James Bertholf, Chester,'Orange'eo. NY.” ! John Faber. 173 Hixabeih sl, - do : DA Richie*, 219 Delaney st, • do ) James Bniui, 138 Baflolk st, 1 . 'do .: 'Charles Brown, JOUWater • do All of which may be called upon, or addressed, port - paid ! :TV . Preqared by Dr B IL*T, ; (Into Ivans 4-Hart,) New York. G FITHOMA9 4 Co. 140 Main sL between 3d and lih its, and -100 Main st, between 4th and sth streets, Xincinnari,. Ohio, wholesale and retail agenu for the i south and west. ; L WILCOX, Jr- corner of Market st and the Di**: mood, onlyqg’t in Pittsh’g Pa ! ' jaSMswly MEDICAIT*. SURGICAL OFFICE. N 0.65, DIAMOND AL» ijt LEY. a jew dgors below vl Wood streeL towards the; ”dR* BROWS, hav ing been educated . 'Ttj&EfBIBSEB&S and been for some time iq . TMfjfiMflKjmtKßNEe' genera] praeaee t .nowcaD-' as fines bis attention to lh«. treatment of those pnvata and delicate complaints for o » and trentisirnt oftliose coinplumU, (during which, time lie ha* had inoro practice and has cured more pa tients than can ever fall to lbe.lq.t of nny privatn'-piac.-.. tjtionef) amply qualms lum to-otfcr ossurancss of speedy, penuonent, and satisfactory cure.to.all afflicted with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising'thefe’, - from, i - - : Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted with privafe tlistases wluch have-become chronic by time or-ag-a grarated by the n«e of any of the common no*trams of the day, that tbeir complaints can be radically and thor oughly cared; lie having given his careful'oncctioti to the treatment of such cases, and succeeded in hundreds of instances In curing persons of inflammatioa ortho neck of the bladder, and kindred disease* which often result from those cases where other* have consigned them to hopckiis despair. -He particularly invites such hs'have been (ting and unsuccessfully treated by others to consult huniAvhea.pyery. satisfaction will be giveu them, and their cases treated in a'carcfu],'Jhorougnr'atdl'' intelligent moJiiier, pomted out by a long expeneuee, ' ’utoily. and Inyestigntion, which it is imposMblefor thosa cnguurd iii cjlucrul practice of. medieinu Xo give any oue class of disease. . “;{Jj”Hemin oriiupaire.—Dr. Brown also in/itea per* sous affliettdwith Ilcmia to coll, as he has paid partic ular attention to this disease: : Skin,diseases; aUo Pile*, Palsy, etc., speedily eared. Charges very low. - • N. IJ.— Patient* of either sex living at a distance, by. stating-their, disease in writing, giving, all the sympr. toms, can obtain medicines with directioos-for-use, by addressing T; BROWN, M. D., post paid, and enclc*-. ingafee. • - ' Ofiee No. £5, Diamond alley, opposite the Wavguy ■House. 'lj . P' - ; fp" No cure no pay. • ? tleclfl. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. fre !soir fi tbs tine Ibr Bargains, ALEXANDER * DAY would.respectfully inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and it* vicinity that they' aro liow selling otf their very large and extensive stock ■of.dry goods:at an unparalleled redaction i>f prices, their abject being to exchange good* for.cosh, Ain or* der to effect this in'the shortest possible time they will sell off their entire stock at such remarkably low rates a* cannot fttiLp) suit cash buyer*. A fine opportunity is now offered, to personsiuwant of cheap drygoods u> supply themselves at & camparniivelYsmallexpease. We have a large and *pleudid*iock ot ‘ . LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Palo Alto, Balena Vista'Gala, Englieh and French Me ; rino Plaids; Oregon and California do:' Plain Black and Mode colored Do Lalacs, Trench Meribos, assortedcol on: Alpaefia Lustre*; Bombazine*; French and Mcotch Cashmeres and Moiuliit Du'Xalne*; Trench and'Earl ston Gingham*, etc. .. .. : r DKKSS „y\b MANTIU.A SILKS. A large and splendid assortment of rich Mack Dress < ; «n«l Mantilla silksand blue black Drcss-Soiins. '■ i j ; SHAWLS, SHAWLS. ■ Jtf&Zn assortment of super French,.Turierri and Cashmere Shawls; plain'and embroidered silk fringe . Ttnbex doJChtuneleon and Brocade silk do; plain black 'silk do; sapernU wool long square -Brochea. do; plant and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embroidered Da Ltineado. !' i. CLOTHSAND CASSIMERES. ’• : Soper French. English; Cloths and Cas- 1 siinerca iu great variety. i' • :§ATINErrS AND FLANNELS.' ; An excellent assortment ef Sattiueu and a taiga stock of red, white and yellow Fannel*. . Blanket*—Super blue Blankets for overcoats; fiue twilled d«K American~premium , ' 'Also, a large assortment of Ticking*, Checks, Prints* .Muslins,' together with almost every article in the dry good* line, ftr ALEXANDER fe DAY, ' •janld ; ?a market st, N. W. cor, ofdiarnflmt- PRINTS ONLY. ::L j[ : 44 .. \ /CEDAR ST., NEW YORK. LEE & BREWSTER Established a, warehous'ln the year IS4O, foe the par* >..>& pose ofiopplyingthe City andimcridr Trade with v rniNTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY, at : • c uAi : . ;. low price*—and exhibiting, at all season* ofih« Tear, the Lowest Assortment in •. - TIUnVOELD. They are 50 w opening Sereral Hundred Packages, h, 9 'S compnsiug eyerynew ityleof Forti?u and Domcsrie: production, many of which bavojtm been purtbaaeff, • > and are offered for tale for Cash aadshorf credit, at • PRICES REDUCED -..Vyr , . • • :i , > ; . .FROM •. r . . ONE; TO EWE GENTS Jt per yard below the pnees 01 April and May, a» printed - Cataloeueai which nre 'corrected daily, for tbo 7 -?/ ¥ information cjfliuyet*. '• -• V -X;/ PHIST WAREHOUSE, ). Kw York, Jaue, 1d47. •y- ; -jy ftlittr y V/V i Card—Monday, Jan. 10. ' y! / Great reduction ln trices—w RAfurjunvf N. E corner <th and market »U., will,-from Um/' ; late, tell his Winter drew ffood*, and a larje proponipr*i •" lh< '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers