The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, February 02, 1848, Image 2

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T ,^ rT 7? K7 * OH Dust Giztm is pabluhad
WeeWy U Two IWlam amaim, «rSr
V* ean »*»dy requestedto hand in
before A ». it, and as early in thedayS
**. .V*.
Domestic Mi
srt r ‘ tm ? onA t Money Markets, Ac., s
Editorial Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gszett
| Washington, Jan. 28, 1843.
| - The Peace rumors are revived to-day, and come
gia a leas Questionable shape than before. What
|us. been foreshadowed for so many dayi, is no
|«knU true. The basis of a treaty hat been agreed
iBpQo by-Mr. Trist and. a body of Mexican Commis
laioners appointed for that purpose. What has been
Idone, however, is to be regarded as little more than
j "Peace Proposals,” and these proposals are,'that
| the Rio Grande shall be the Boundary to the line
Of New Mexico, and that a line West .shall be
drawn from thai.pomt to the . Pacific. This gives
to the United Stales Upper California and all of
the country east of the Rio Grande to the New
line. There are ample reasons why even
this unprincipled Administration shnttM n?t
*>»d<his surrender. people of New Mexico
▼ould mve mare troublesome to the Government
than almost any other portion of the Mexican peo
pK and they qje‘ withal among the most loyal' to
the Central Government. The country Is bot
worth the smallest fraction of the cost, and it will
hardly cause a single heart burning for the Ameri
cans now iaNew Mexico to leave iL California
is modi more valuable, though, excepting a Port
on the Pacific, .entirely undesirable to us, with
zoom enough already in our own undisputed tern
toy for a population of three hundred tniHfon. of
people. .♦
The hope of Peace awakens in my own mind
considerations that make all other questions sec*
oodary. .The Peace party in Congress is strong
dao, and if the question was pot to either or both
of the two Houses, they would advise it even with
out thetaritory proposed to be secured to us on
the payment of fifteen mflifowf of dollars. If more
territory we must; have, it is better to buy it than to
Beal it,—and a treaty of peace upon*such a basis
mint be much more mutual and lastingthan one of
force. The sum of money named is a Urge sum,
hut better to spend it so'than in arms and muni*
1 (ions of war, in raising men to be slain in battto,
or to die of diseases contracted in the comp, or
from a climate uncongenial to our People.
The Whig members of Congress, in their meet
log last evening, after a spirited discussion, and
of a breeze,—a gen tie one though, which
neitbdx rallied the temper nor disturbed anybody’s
equanimity or good feeling,—resolved that there
thavldie a Whig : National Convention. Some of
the Iriendsof General Taylor, esteeming him as a
good Whig, and believing that no party nomina
tion was necessary, and others believing that he
would be nominated, the Convention were opposed
to Its being held' with a view of naming there a
candidate for the presidency. All these were over
filled, and the largely preponderating and finally
controlling sentiment was that a Convention should
be held for thin nomination of candidates for Freni*
deal asdVtoe President of the United States. The
time and place, which were immaterial to the
great issue, whether there should be a Convention
of not, were left for a future day,
week, Old Whig Guard have done well so
far, and guided those who would have made an
innovation upon one of the most sacred usages of
the Whig party.
The Rhode Island care was .closed in the Su
preme Court today, with an argument forthe Plain
tiff Alas, that the high law officers ofthc Govern
ment,—the Attorney General,—should ever be
found advocating the Government of the Mob.—
Though the whole* Bench of Judges received their
places by the-appointment of Democratic Presi- ,
denis, I have no* doubt of the issue. They will dc
cide in fevor of Itow and Order, and against tbo*e
who participated in the rebellion which ended iu
the-Court Martial complained of by the Plaintiff.
Hmi Clit, it is thought, may argue his cose
. on Monday, as the Bor have ail kindly given way
to him, but his associate or opponent in the cam.*,
Beverdy Johnson, of Maryland, is not present, and
’ ti you may have beard, is the party to a threaten'*
ed dual between himself and Robert J. Brent, of
’ Baltimore.
Some few Private Bills were passed today in
the House of Representatives, and notice given of
A Bill to render more secure the live* of ptuaen.
gers sailing on otir Western waters.
Mr. Fbalpa closed his speech upon the Tea Reg
iment Bill ia the .Senate, arguing the expense,
wrong and foil j incident to such a war os that in
which ’tha country is now engaged. He showed
that was incapable of sapplyingtbe means
of carrying on the. .war with Mexico, and thaireli
nnce upon any such means would not only foil, bnt;
Aim oar soldiers,—that the aggrandizement of
territory, was contrary to the spirit of onrfrro Re
. pyKfiean Tn«f that war. led tg despotism,—
- to a dangerous, increase of Executive power, as
•eca already in the muhitiide of Executive officers,
is the levying of contributions, and making war
without the authority of. Congress, in the enact
ment af tariffs for the collection of foreign duties.
War, 100, was contrary to the spirit of the Institu
tion* cf tie country; and its moral effect* disastrous.
It was impcsuible, foo, that the Castilian race could
•ttaJgaaile wtiti the Anglo Saxon race,—so dis
'cndant were the elements. The descendant* of
the Puritans could do* anile with the Spanish race,
and if thirty Mara were la be added to the Union
Cwathte portioned the.CWiaent, it must destroy
* other portions af the Republic, Decay, dccrepi
diwoltuioa were consequences certain to
law bom the course. w» had marked out, .and un*
lew we put a atop to our wars, paturuedtotho puy*
««iu gf peace, we endangered the welfare of the
Republic. .At the time of ihc£trealy of Ghent, it
waa proposed that iho : old Canadian French line
should be the one (adopted' between the 'United
feyKs and and had this been done tie and
• portion of hia conrikneals would now have been
aatgecU of Queen Victoria- The very mention of
created a feeling of
are ask Mexico tomrrendereme half of h«r tom.
tarf,o* deduungto'do ?hi«, threaten to take the
wltole cf il from her. llatt wuld ike United Siaiet
neam nuk a proponium fnm any human pmrrr?
*■ *•
% .*S s
I . v
Washington, Jan. 28, 1849.
The Committee on Commerce have under con
nderalioa the suhjecl of the Internal Commerce
of the country, and will probably repeat btife at an i
early day for all necessary public works, perhaps j
drrtliog the Lakes from the Rivers by reporting j
t a TT .^nia f or perhaps testing the rincerisy and good
fchh of the JExocutive by presenting a single Lake
'huhor and n single Westorn river, where tbe jns
fuNi of the tjjirrr"''"'}' *" to htt io.
This done, it is probable that all
other items d* appropriation will be embodiedin a
■tnju fr-n r I texibt nbtihs wholfl agaia wiil be
■ doomed to the Executive Ve*d|rittce it is deemed
jusi and netressary by “the powers that be,” to al>
sob Urn energies of ttie Govcrumcnt in the prox--
of a foreign war. The Dead Sea and the
■ Golf of Tehaanatepec are. deemed legitimate ob-.
jects «f expenditure, hut not a cent isntiowod for
<mir own Rivera and Harbors.
The ft>«t Office Committee have not yet acted
upon the various popular memorials sent them
from various sections ef the country, in regard to
•he xemoval.of postage on'ooutuy newspspert^aud
tlomst the .entire reading of u great *ns.
oCtthe ‘Poopfej ad .puitelut, .noi«iSo
ff 1 ""W'eta«4' To rack,' iloaM
w M lree as the grinds, for what the healthy brec*-
es Of Heaven are to the human body, intelligence
istothe mind. . Free.ochooU and free presKs wiU
JW secure the freest riphu nf riti«.n.b,- pi
Ihey establish the only sure foundation upon
a Republic can hopeito prosper.
I am inquired of by those interested in Pennsyl
.vania politics and Pennsylvania property, if the
State Legislature will pass a General Mnnufactur
ing Law. The subject is one of vast importance to
the internal prosperity of the Stale, and its triune.
diate effect would, bd,—and 1 speak with knowl
edge of the fact,- to bring a great deal of capital
into our city from abroad. New York is just upon
the eve of passing such a law, carefully framed, p
those interested will see, and this offers additional
reasons why those representing the State at Har
risburgh should take care of its business welfare.
In the New York actjlhere is every necessary and
just security, and no one can take just exception
to such an act. j t q.
Cotonal Benton attd Colonel Fremont
Washington, Jan. 29, 181 5.
Colonel Benton has resumed his place in . the
Senate, after on absence of nearly eight weeks
What hit labors Out of the Senate have been may
be judged from his written defence of his son-in
law, Col Fremont, which would occupy three pa
ges of the smallest type of the Gazette. There is
immense labor in this defence, as indeed there was
during the trial It is> however, characterized by
the bitterness of invective and obstinacy pf temper
peculiar to the Senator from Missouri, who permits
his judgmenl to be warped, and his feelings,—his
passions, J might have complete mastery
of hia reason. From tho concluding paragraph of
Colonel Benton’s defence, you may learn what his
course will be hereafter. Gen. Kearney comes in
only for of the Missourian’s hostility.'The
Government js blamed for giving funky orders to
the two principal commanders in California, and in
addition for altoWbg the Court Martial .at aIL Es
pecially, he says in the conclusion of hii argument,
do I blame the Government,—meaning the Presi
dent of the United States, who, unless restrained
by some events which will hereafter transpire, CoL
Benton will be after, with a directness of purpose
and perseverance of exposure, which, if the war
is fairly begun, will admit of no compromise. What
attempts will be made to “take him ofl', remains to
be seen. .
CoL B. made his first appearance in the Senate
with a Memorial to Congress, signed by CoL Fre
moat, setting forth that certain Drafts which he had
drawn upon the Government in New Mexico, for
the publia service, baft been protested. CoL F. is
responsible for these, and very properly calls upon
the Government to relieve him from the embarrass*
meats which are likely. to attend this transaction.
However just the claim. Congress will be slow
to remove it. The j friends of the Administra
tion who, like the President, expected “a short and
a cheap war,” seem afraid to liftthe curtain of ex
penditure, fearing the sight may frighten them and
alarm the country. .<
ms Exmsn>mjscs or oovouncetT.
The Committee on Ways and Means made sev
eral important reports jto*lhc House today, accom
panied with aome important explanations in regard
to the finances of the country. A Loan-Bill is re
ported for eighteen millions of dollars, which ««m
the majority of the Committee of Ways and Means
propose to borrow outright. This Mr. Vinton of
Ohio reports. The eX-ChanceHer of the Excbeq*
uer reports a minority .Bill for relieving the Treat*
•ury by the issue of Treasury notes, lt isprobahje
that the loan will be insisted upon by the House.—
The Executive gad his friends in Congress, are
neither content,either rigidly to administer the sub’
Treasury law, nor to repeal it outright. They wish
eighteen millions __ of Treasury notes in order to
neutralize the effect of their unreal hard money
exactions. The struggle in the House will be be
tween u dishonest andian honest policy. So tong
as Government dues ore paid in Treasury notes*
and the Treasury not*s are paid in Bank paper,
but little Uann can cotoe of the exaction, but the
authority ! to issue Treasury notes at all, is not only
incompatible with the sub-Treasury law itself; but
in tho present state of .the country, with sound poli
cy- The House might; be willihg to repeal the spe
cie clause of the sub-Treasury tow, and the law
altogether, were it practical to do so, but with the
Executive Government \v)->- • it is, and the Sen*
uto organized os it is, t practical The Lux I
iaess men of the Ea#t*-j-i. .-sure now crying with
almost one voice against what they call “the ac-
cursed war,” and the -fodious sub-Treasury law,”
for no one feels secure while eilherareinexisteiicr.
The stiag of the sub-Treasury law is oply extract
ed just now, and may be restored, and with double
force, with the least turn of the wheel of fortune.
Many of the friends of jtho Administration are con
vinced of tho inutility and oppressiveness of this
law, but they are not those who receive their
monthly, salaries from the mint, and whose labors
are light compared with the multitude at
The amount of the deficiencies in the Bill report
ed today is between twelve and thirteeamillionsof
dollars, for the present fiscal year, and the Secretary
of the Treasury in a letter sent to tne Committee
deems it important thaflhi* sum *Wmi/t be provi*
ded for at once, and the Chairman of the
tee gave notice that he should call up the -bill on
Wednesday of next week. The seven
millions discovered, some dsyi since, does not re
lievo the Department, it.seems from immediate and
pressing embarrassments. More money is requis
ite, and that in the peremptory words of the Secre-
tary of the Treasury,^ imauduttiy. It is to be remem
bered that what is now saked is for the present fit*
cal year, the very period for wbjch the last Con*
grew, as was made the most ample ap
prutions. j
During the discussion of tiii* subject something
was said of the' printing of Congress, and com'
plaints were made of ttie delay under tlte contract
system. The Public Printers being put upon their
defence, exposed the Secretary of tne Treasury.
who it seems took it upon himself not to leave his
Manuscript*, as they were seat to Congress. Al
terations, additions and emendations, were
.and the Printers who are so ofieu made to bear the
sans of authors were blamed for lack of promptness.
The Secretary Treasury »enl in his estimate!
for sixteen Bullions of dollars for the necessary
sum to be borrowed,—the error of seven militnuf'
only reducing the original estimalci two mififons'
from which feet you may learn bow unreliable are
all the estimates submitted. The Paymaster, for a
single example has reported just now, that $3,700,.
000 are necessary to meet the deficiencies in his
branch of the service alone. No wonder that defi'
.denote* like these exist when the Quartermaster
General ia his single department of service is cut
down to the joynd Atop cf $7,900,000.
Mr. Hsslxt, of Igu, read a pe/aoual explanation
today In reply to ttie letter of Mr. Hampton u the
Gmxetletuno weeks since, growing out of Mr. HV
vote upon the Asbmim amendment to the vote cf
thanks to Geo. Taylor. Mr. IL did not like the in*
ferenco that Au amendment was offered to ember
jas the action of the House and declared that he
acted in good fiuth out of respect for Gen. Taylor
The true measure of Mr.Hcnky’s respect for Gen*
He would ride him if bo mold, and not being able
to do this, (ace\bir speech of the cflher day) he
barks at his heels -on& at the feet «f all those who
honor him as one of the great and worthy men of
the country. Il’Mr. Henley really wished a pure
yote'of thank* to Gch. Taylor, why did he encum
ber it with any extraneous amendment. x. n.
Tv* Bryrxia lima Wobxa are now inToll ode*
ration.. Tlw mcchiflcry is propelled by a ste£n
engine of some 250 bpfjtp power; there are three
furnace* now ia operation, and about 40 hands are'
employed, turning out, ou,w an average cf gig joo*
of Btannfimtored iron' per day. ' Ttie^-various kinds
of round, saj and square Iron from these works is
pronounced by compAtiwt judges to be fully equal
to the Iwstin mnrkeljjsudwiih the fecilitie* of pro
curing pig iroa and coal from pennsytva
niy througb the Erie Extension Capal,fhn pyoMie
tors of the Buffnlu Works | can compete
with manufacturers front any section in the prouito
lion of this staple articlcr-ri/jr/fafo'4i/{vmsrr. :
; “Fioutimnio MAKaxscTUMa."—Messrs. A.Rob
esoadc Co 7 extensive calico printers' and cotton
mannfarjnrftrs, of Fall River have felted. The
affairs of the conceit] have'been oosdoictedin a
prudeufmanuer. The'iunrmeaU ofthis firm to
their help amounted to i12,00G per month. The
.withdrawal of such's Jatg? monfely spm from the
town,afthi« season of t|)e yeff, .mtut be fradgkt
with injury to many laboring men and timte fikQUies
.Tbs Gtiaaufc , MAromrnHLEw" I*or at New
- bu reoeired its third feed?
| ioff,n4*ftioQg rocs'iujibe Bouse. It will be
wot to the Saute, ‘where H viQ se-
.*~/ 1 ’’ *»_ j
nif jI T~ # *‘~'~' v ~*r~~'"*- —' fit—ißrittMi
ooTta«»il7<rflfci» wock- ’]
Xr#C>l toUUHtM,.
CLiT feEETUfi.
The mq Btaf tat night in spite of the poetpone
nnt, the naliootu tfonev, tfOigently pot
tM the room vu umfe, «u ooe of which the
Wings of old Allegheny asjr well be proud. The
jpadous room was err
■paciocs room wm crowded ia every put ud the
greatestenihoaiaam shown tErooghoot the. whole
meeting.. The old Whigfirebum»brighUya*ever»
and November next will show from this district a
Whig majority that will throw our past well do*
tags in the shade.
All the Resolutions adopted are Whig through,
out,: and tbg man who cannot go into the fight with
them for bis creed will look in rain for a pni.ti ri ]
chart 't’hc proceeding# showed the strangest de-'
termination pa the part of the friends of Mr. Clay
to urge his claims to the nomination for the Presi
dency, while the determination was as fully ex
pressed on all hands to the nominal ions of
the National PonTentkm|yboerer they- may be.
The nteetiog which was called to assemble at the
old Court House on SoturjUy ereaiog and posr
poafed to the Assembly Rodins, was held last night
The meeting came to onto at 71 r. m., * nt i \vm.
J. HOWARD, Ksq., called l • the Chair.
The Allowing gentlemen Were then nominated
as Vico Presidents:
Geo linger, city; John B; 1
Township; John Sarnpso i
Gregg, Sett, Fayette; Joscpl
hara;H Rowland, McKeespt i
sailles; Uriah Applegate, Eli:
city; John D Day. Allegheny;
James Graham, Wilkins; ft >
Jones, Lower St Clair.
Sfcrtforiei.—James B- & urry, S. F. Von Bonn*
B. Marsh, Robin ion Township; W. M.
ibe riff, Lower Si Clair
I, Manchester; Levi
McKnighl, Btnniag
rt, Fauntly Muse, Ver
abeth; AUeo CotdeU,
Uriah Applegate, oily;
bert Davis; Ephraim
Mr. Howard after the oq miration, stated that
the was called by he yaung Whigs, but
be though oqt young, yield* I to none in the ardor
with which he stood forth .in support of Henry
GUy.-j . \
Op ipotfoa of Robt McKnigfet Esq., a committee
of seven were appointed to drift resolutions. The
Chair named, Joshua Hanna, Janies M. Cooper.
Charles B. Scully, R. fi. Sellers, David Simms, W.
W. i Wilson.;
The committee then retired to prepare resolutions
and.C. O. Loomis Esq. was called upon to address
the meeting.'
Mr. Loomis in the clearest manner enumerated
the tnany claims of Mr. Clay to the suffrages of the
people for the Presidency. In no part of the State
had;there been indistinct nomination made for that
high, office and' it was most proper to make the
first; movement here in the Iron city, and he would
therefore nominate Hxkxt Cult. Here the Speak*
er was by the meat enthusiastic and
long continued cheering. Mr. Clay, he said was
the first choice and after him the man who should
receive the nomination from a national convention,
no matter who it was, so he was a whig.
Mr. Knox was then cklled for and ■ brief
address, after which the conmhlee on resolutions
report. The resolutions we will publish
tomorrow, and can only say that the Whig who
cannot find upon them a platform broad enough to :
sustain him in the craning contest, may look for it:
in vain elsewhere. After these resolutions were
read another was read as follow*. >
■Setolvtd, That a committee of twenty-five be
appointed to invite Mr. Clay to partake of a public
entertainment in the City of Pittsburgh, at such
time as may be most convenient and pleasant to
him. Making it at as early a day as will suit him.
which was adopted with an unanimity, and a
heartiness that only Clay Whigi give.
After , this’resolution was Charles B.
Scully, Esq. took the stand and made a speech that
called ont the moat hearty applause.
' John B. Sheriff Esq., rose and said as the com
mittee on resolutions had not named the tariff
be would supply the deficiency, and read a series
that endorsed the principle of the tariff ot 1842 in
all its length and breadth, supporting his resolutions
with a pertinent speech.
RobL McKhight Esq. was then loudly called for
andaddressed the meeting at length, but our limits
forbid a detaiiedreport
Wjc. Pea Fix* Co.—This efficient company
belonging to our sister city, on Saturday night are
to hive a festival supper to which we acknowledge
the reception of a polite invitation. We doubt not
the company; will prove as hospitable as they are
efficient when duty ejiu them 40 the aid of their
fellow citizens.
HAbsas Coves.—A counterfeiter named Hard
was brought before Judge Irwin, yesterday, upon a
writ, of habeas corpus. His honor demanded bail
in the sum of two thousand dollars, in debiult of
rirhteh ho waj remanded to prison.
Fxxx Ltcruxa—Mr. Ailenwill deliver the next
Lecture before the citixens of the sixth Ward ou
Friday eveningnext. Subject, Th* Vnixrrtity.
u Thx urx or Hacuxot to be bad at the Book
store! of Elliott and English, Pittsburgh, and at the
Dreg store of Elliott and Beckham Allegheny.
Committee appointed by the War meeting, in the
City of Pittsburgh, on the 4th of December last. |
to ascertain what fomilies or individuals are safkr- | Oc* Tmi to S*.vr* Ft—The question o»
, u*K* by the absence af those serving in the war with , who has the; fee simple right'to this interesting
* mo » nt °f money i»J- portion of uiir continent will soon, we suppose be
i l eCt *^ m Pittsburgh and Allegheny, \ finally settled. In the first placets welisYrseen
. haabeen $390, <«*. I Mr. Polk claims it tor the United Skates, bv the
Of this sum the commute© , right of conquot. In the second place, the m.pi
? hare paid, • S2S3,S3| now therein-—meaning vmur* from the l/uued
Leavmgin Jbe hands of the " States—are about annexing it to the United State*,
committee, Sllo,ltlt And in the list place, the 'Ansa Legislature, is on
j 1 here were t*u*j*rg*r persons who applied to , the point oC tiding it to the United States. Of
| the committee for relief The sums paid to each j course the several fifW we have referred tr> ,tn
j jwere from o to 10 dolls., according to their necessi. j not stand well together; for, if the United Suite ah
M«ia>-of the persons wbo have received aid j ready own Santa Fe, the fmU there have no bu-
J have preseated themselves to the committee a sec- 1 tineas to <m»t h to us; and 5“ Texas owns it. her
j on r. t^,* nJ ‘••peeJilyia- ' righto exclude the claims of the United Sutesnnd
j creased, there will only be about 3 dolls. to give to ofSaota Fe. ' We presume the object now info u
each of those who have already applied, leaving nite all theaejtitles lathe United Stales. Mr“ -
out of view a large number who are doubtless in mer's late proposition in the Texan Legislature u
iwantibot.who have not, at yet, made known their pnbaUy tin fruit of an understandtogm Lhi* Vv
.J** IV,£p. dL
i-: .1 •) _ ** . . ‘ | Ss*ta b't ipfun ibo from Uie same source.— r&t.
• A Lgrraa now JeME McLrac.—Ad tbe truly JUfww N*e £r*.
great ud patriotic men of the coooJjy, arouacii by ! J
tlw pleaent fearful couditiou of our public affiura, I Wtuaor Paonao r« Knr Yoat.—The Anti.
arecomingoul luuondemnatiou of IbePitnidenl'a W.lmut New Yurt mefta
I oonrcutioa « Albw^™ tb. MU, ?J
SSSSSIassS EP«tS.vs-_-3:
the prosperity but the tary Life of our rewihiie. d*. !
minds the intervention of every ettixan. whatever ! v -p^
hit station, who awes allegiance to the country '. n *¥ D legislature is about
It would be the duty of a judge to Hart 60t2. 10 whid >
bench, even in the midst of the trial of an import. "Jftj h j* L mt * *
ant cause, for the purpose of saving theldetfa UfJ? Co, ? rt . *“!**««** *>7 M«bOfl
peraon in imminent peril; and shall not a judicial TtL\S* WI » U CUt *^Lj r ‘i. b l *-if was nofvalid.
•officer, without - incurring the charge of being uo- I P««ed the Irill, and the House will
mindful of the dignity aPhis crate, be perStted t prob * b,sr pve ** “ octoo * '
to step forth to save the periled existence of the
Republic. |
This letter 'of the ;venerable McLean will
have great weight with the people of the United •
'Stalest— LottunMs Jour. |
Washington, Jam. 7, 1848. j
I Mt Dili Star To all human appearance, Lb© j .
I termination of this miserable war with Mexico is Lixmut Biwist.—The late Thom*. K>» v K-
S^v^SS™fTt Wben ,lie fim *ntek. qneathed S2OOO to the Union Methodist Episipal
«my judgment a waa unneeessanly and ancon. Church, payable in four years. Mr Kellv direct
After agreeing upon the terms otLWbicb a treaty
should be made. tbey should call upon the Exncn- 1 iTm-jiTJn _"V ,
tive, by resolution, to offer a peace toMexk»upGn tb* , Jfclwn at
that bans: and daring the nesociatian we Supreme, Court of Isnjtuina, M> rplafion to the
ahoulffbe suspended. If the President n& t *shli!! > ib222 I>o^e ” , 2:*^ ,e ,bl ‘i , i
to do this, in the' miiiury appropriation bills, the ffid jS2^*Kl? , / o J ,refefei,ce . 0» 4 balf
army aboold be required to lake nmh positions as , cour * e ’ litt tW count
shall carry out the vieWs of Congress. **Theaebill* «rlY° ooc »J ,ul that they are only entitled to the
the President could not veto, and ho would be percentage in the liquidation or di*
bound by their ThU rf lhe ■“ “ “* e W*m».
by the House. f * . j ~ . ■ 1 1 j ■ -
to those already in cironlation, wohld flood m noStiisDS of Uw
country with that description of paper. -Bdchan Whig Conyeation, jbrtbe Presidency—
emission would constitute aGovemment bauk, Wedoqotbelieve iherojiaSy
i controlled and managed by a party administration. ranwr —Ob uiiinati Gttjtttt. k .•
We have now fifteen millions ot Treasury imtes ■ ' ' ->> • \ ' '
in circtdrtion, and authority to issue five millions Twa Smnn.- I The Cambria left New Vork c»
more. I would not increase this circulation Liverpool on the 2®ih nf T.n •. g, ■ .*!*
lar, but /educe it os speedily as wwiterSochh , -Whof Jam The BrUnnftaailpd
system would b« iocomparably more 'daiigrrout r°f" °“ Is ho* out
to the public morals and the ’mihlin ■ liberty ihim *>xbu»en days and fplly di»». .... .17
anr cfnbr- of king that could be devi. _ —7— —''ts 1
To mat ,ny Ap rtvpmp jo p,y UU ? MkhiJK fe
the current expenses of the wa/, I autfw. have lost to P tlm couiurv
ixe loans at pv, WT»aff w* tpofp th,n £? ffi. Jpyeti^vpa,%
cent, interert,and,u loanspanQot bn madp at {h}» property,fof ihp ■rranVofSolSfflSLf* **
rate, let the administration .resort to a system of 9 ' hsfbofs, •
taxation; which shall cause the people to feel the Riqict Aosin—The --i
expenses of tbo war. AH wars should be accoro. Jobaaon and Mr Bentto '
ponied by o system of direct and fnlernal taxa- amicably settled * • P ° a ** °* Baltimore, has been
tion. Nothing abort of Ibis can show, in addition i •
ThoSKu- willi Eoftad ww nobly stncuiiwd
by the people, not tlw field, fbe pay- and petticoat robes,
menl of taxes. And they will sustain every ju»t ’ '* * * (
war in which onr.cmmtry shall Iw involved. Iluf T."? is a movempnr on
1 risk nofbiog in »«y»og that u attempt to adopt Vortc to prepare thp of a UwS
such a system offagttf/on wou|d wind up this Me*, fiuinng all the free lanfcs of that Ktate ta££Jm
ican wax in sixiy days/
war should be put ian end fo. This - •
by— io'yiaely day., a„U f prtTU IWS^SSISff&E
. J*rn®y tapectoraut, which will
the roasm which pwitracts the ??“*
**** Md b “f* lh9 wSRSwfc knth££
up, ahd thus remoyes evsiyobstruction to 1
radon, white at the sams aJJ inflaiSatlSffa^ A
fined, and a eon u certain to b*
BtoiwUtfe, lWuißiof ßlood, g“
Ib.o iuo Jonbb£JS
j^SVr^jssr 1 i, “‘* i “V“«rSSS
Paooaiat or Dcvocsact.—Pawnssof il* Lou
iavill Journal, say* pointedly;-^A little over forty
yean ago, Aaron Burr waa brought to trial on a
charge of treason for ondertaking to raise within
thej/mlts of tbe Uqited States the mesas of wrest
ing Megfooi from the domlaioo of. Spain. It was
treason tht» to flreua of the. ppnqttest .of Mexico,
Urt it I* the height of palriotfoa to pndettake
itP* dentin is right.foribe eboqueat of-Mexico
and not the ‘dismembcrp)enl pfttie
Bair'srealotisecL- [ .
bg*a«t».h»*a|r'ctoa | > U-SuJ i^5?JSS!^ifu:®!?SiSSSS^
sss&sr a^a “j^?arfS
Cmiifrim, if PilufcKfih Gaittu,
Correspondence of ihe Pittsburgh Gazette
e Waxhisotox, Feb. 1,1848. .
_ SoATt—The proceeding* ofthe Senate were
generally unimportant in their character.
The Bill allowingan extension of timeto aatiafy
the claims far Bounty lands awarded far military
•emce during the last war with England, was'u.
ken up. and Mr. Rusk to make it more in accor
dance with the feeling* of the Senate, offered an
amendment which compromised tb'e affair as to
an extension of time. Tie made a speechof some
length in support of bis ameudment the benefits
of which he strongly urged. After much discus--
tion the amendment was adopted.
Mr. Miller's resoluubn calling on the President
for information relative to the law which levies
duties on goods shipped from the United States to
Mexico was then taken up and adopted. -
The Senate then laid aside the morning business
and proceeded to the discussion of the Ten Regil
menl BilL
Mr. Douglass defended the Bill at much length
aabeuig-lhe most proper course to adopt We
should in passing tho bill sooner procure a speedy
and honorable peace. '
At the done of the remarks of Mr. Duuglaas,Mi
BelJ, of Tenn, obtained the floor, when on ruotioi
the Senate adjourned.
House.—After the organiaation -and the usual
morning busines*. on motion of Mr. Goggin lbe
House went into Committee of the Whole in ref
erence to the President’s message. Several speech
es were made by Eooofoco members that were ve
ry severe upon Messrs, iibett and Beddinger.
Mr. Morse followed in n speech defending Mr.
Polk and the war.
The question was then taken on referring parts
of the message relative to the supplies, to the Com*
mittee on Ways and Means.
Mr. Wilmot moved to amend by instructing the
Committee of Ways and Means, to report a bill
raising five millions of dollars annually, by direct
taxation until the close ' t of the war, which was
adopted, yeas 93, nays 251. The' Committee then
rose and reported.
Mr. Colamer then obtained the floor and review
ed the War question, at the close of lus remarks,
Mr. McKay obtained the door, when on motion of
Mr. Cobb, the House adjourned. t
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.:
WasnuuroN, Feb. 1, ISIS.
Tho Hon. John Davis, Senator from Massicbu
aetU died in this city to-dsy. I have also to an
nounce tho death of the Hon. John W. Juries of
Tennessee formerly speaker of the House offttep
reseotalive*. J
i The death of Honest John Davis will cati'ic re.
gret throughout the United States, and hfajilaee
will not-soqu be filled.
PMiLaoixrou, Feb. 1, ISIS.
General Quitman and family are here Unlay.
The state; Treasurer is paying the February in
terest on the state debt at the Pennsylvaniaßank.
Exclusive Correspondence of (li« Piiuburgfc Osset
Puiudkltuu, Feb. 1,4, r. v.
AU the Eastern markets tre entirely quiet; si
dealers generally holdingotTfor the. foreign nev
Exclusive Correspondence of the Pittidbrih Osutte
j Clncuixati, Feb. I. 0 r. u.
Flour—Nothing is doing,—dealers are holding off
for the foreign news.
Wheat—Limited sales of Prime Red, at &5c V
bu. t
Oate-rSale* at 2?&2Sc pUi.
Groceries—The market is lees firm, but I notice
no change i n prices.
Whiskey—Sale* at ITjc^gaL
Killed Hogs—Sales of4(3at 373&257J »100.
Lard—Sales ut Oaljc
Cheese—Sales of W. R. at 7e pk. Market quiel.
From the loath
There ha* been an arrival at New Orleans from
Galveston, but neither the letter* or papers contain
anything sew from the army or the Rio Grande.
Au Indian war has broken out iq Texas, that
promises to be of a very serious character. It broke
out lietween. the Delaware and the io
consequence of the encroachments of the Dels*
wares upon the hunting grounds of the Comanche*'
who have lliia far defeated the Delawares.
It is thought lhis4roublo will lead to a genesl dis
torbance aijioog the Indian tribes. Among the
rumors by this arrival is one. that several'tribes of
Indians hive volunteered to fight for the United
States, against Mexico.
■ Scott.-A communication io the New York
Bnnu State# that t Com mince has been appoint
ed to make arrangements for a public reception of
M#j. Geo. Bcott, on his arrival m that City, to con
clude with a grand illumination in the evening, and
a Burner and Ball at tbe Astor House.
Cotxaipqt wrote thifr. Coferidg* wrose “not fcr
ft day 4 bat Sac lUtimesi* la'ihese day* a "Wan
and nunonaf Wftf*.’»i* will do DO barm to rerive
this picture we think-—£ipr
“Boya nod girls,
And women, that would groan to aee a child
Pull off an' insect’* leg, all read of war,
The beat amnaement for ameal!
-The poor wretch who baa learned Hisonly prayers
From curse*,' who know* scarce words enough
To ask a blessing from his Heavenly Father,
Becomea a fluent phraseman absolute j
And technical in victories and defeats,.
And all our dainty term* lor fratricide;!
Terms which we trundle smoothly o’er our tongue,
Like mere abstractions, empty sounds to which '
We join no leeling and attach no fijrrii!
As if the soldier* died without a Wound'
As if the fibres; of their:god-like frames;
Were gored without a pong, as if the wretch,
Who fell in battle, doing bloody deeds, ’
Passed off to Ileaveh, translated, and not killed-
Ah though he Ijad no wife to pine tor him
No God to judp: him!’” •
AniLSlaveiylantl War, Debate*;"Mr.
Mr. Dix; Finances; Supreme Court, The I
Whig meeting in Allegheny; Mexican Affair*; Out* I
givings of the Administration; The. Prosperity of I
our Manufacturers, Steamer Yallabusba; Pitta*
burgh and ConpellaviUe Rail Road Meeting- Our
Currency, our jTrade and our Tariff; CapL Wm.l
Wall; Pig Iron and Free Trade; Gov. Brigg , a
opmfoa..of ihejMexican War; Congressional Pro*
eroding*; Peace Proposal*;, ietter from M'Lean.l
Warand ourduly in regard to it—Peace, War
and President Makiug—Uoahdarie*—From Mexi- I
co—The ontrage upon’. Gen. Scott—Presidential I
Tickct-r-The Tax ou Ground Rent* —Mixed I
Races In Spanish Mexico—Canal Receiptsof New I
York—Slalisticsof the Western Central Rail Road I
Route—Slavery m a new Form—Branches of the I
Central Route—From i New York—Pittsliureh |
Banks—Treasury Department—Expedition to the |
Mines in Mexico—Numlwr of Steamboats Built I
StrLonte—'Western Water* —Macon and Western I
Rail Road—Suspension- of Gen. Scott—Supreme.]
Court—National Convention—The Fremont Court]
Martial—Newsjltema. - I
Latest Telegraph new*, Foreign and Domestic.
Commerce; A carefully compiled-Review of the I
Markets for the'past week; The price* in the local I
city markets; The Cattle Market; The prices of I
American produce in various parts of the Union; j
Amount .of Floiir, Wheal,Cora,dcc n receivcd since
the. opening of the Canalf Canal business and
movement* of produce; Market in London.
City News; Spirit of the Press; Copious Extracts
from the leading journal* on the interesting topifia
of tbo day. y :
For sals at the desk, singly or in wrappers..
Pnce C cents single copy. I
a year m advance. I
,n7*Tax Clout* Is strangely destructive. to the hu
man cuticle, (or ikiu) the sudden change from best to
cold, and the. smoke causes yellow, dark, coarse com*
plerions. Then it Is requisite that the pores of.the skin
should he kept open-teat their months should be freed
trom irapumy—two* Urns the undent Roman Phlloso
phen cured alt diseases—they computed teat more
the pores of the skin, than any other outlet of the body
diseases and (unhealthy vapors left through tee
It is necessary, therefore, to keep the pores open—all
humors are dispelled from tee skin from tee pores
when they wash with Jones* Italian Chemical Soap 1
have seen it cure tee worst and oldest cases of Sail
Rheum. Urysipelru, old Sores, Barber’s Itch. Sore Head,
Ringworm, when every other internal and external
remedy had failei}—its effeet rendering theiskin \mk,
dear and soft, though il be,yellow and coarse, is won’
derful-it removes Freeklcs, Tan, Sunburn, Morphew.
and disfigurement of ihb skin—but persons must
be particular and ask for Joan Soap— to be had in
tetuburgh at WM. JACKSON’S, sip, rftee L* {£<£
W Liberty sl Price 60 cents. novlSdAwly
SrxirreoiT Mn gap Onto*.—Connell's
Magical Pain Extractor—ll u uow conceded Lr medi
cal men that Council'* Magical Pain Extractor, mann
. factored by Comstock A Co. ttt Couruaml at. N Y is
the greatest wouder of tee tOtli ceutury. Its effect* are
truly miraculous.- All pains axe removed from'bams,
scalds, *e 7 and all external sores, in a few minufes a/-
ter it* application! healing the tame ou tee tno«t deli
••V"’ QO It i* equally beneficial in
all kind*| of inflammatory diseases, such as tore Nip.
pie* and Eyes, Sprains. Rheumatism, While Swelling 1
■W* V nii **‘ > ¥ ,W| ' Chilblains, (Erysipelas, 1
teles, Tkj Doloresux, Ac. We might add as prooflo i
all we aay, roe names of many eminent physician* who I
ase It In their practice, and hundred* of tea clergy who
Cruse It to tbeirpcople. Kind parent keep it constantly os 1
and, in eases ol accident By fire, life may be lost with,
out U, but by Its use all bums are subject to it* control,
ttideas tee vitals are destroyeiL Caution—Uememher
and ask for Connell's Magical Pain Extractor, menu
fast Bred by Comstock A Co. N* Y, and no other
TiSU. 1 ? i' -'i <“ Hiutanth.»
Liberty A, head of ood.. novlsdAwfioT
E7-EUim or Colcmbu—Ham Toxic.—To tee Bald
and Grey—Jf you with a rich, luxuriant head of hair,
free from dandruff am! icurt; do not fail to procure tee
genaiaa Balm, of Columbia. In ease* of oalduesa jr
will more tean.execed )'ou* expectation*. Many who 1
bare lust their hair for 'JO year* have had it restored to
it* original nerfocifon by tec use of tliia balm Are 1
.*mt« or cotuuiiou appear to be no obstacle whatever: it I
:afoo cuum tea fluid to flow with which tee delicate
hair tube u filled, by which means thousands (whose
hair was grey as tee Asiactic Eagle) have had their
hair restored to its natural color by tee use of this iiivati I
liable remedy. ,1)1 all rase* of fever il will be found tee
most pleasant wash teat can be used. A few apnlft-a. I
lions only are necessary to keep tee hair from falling J
oat. It strengthens the roots, it never fails to impart a
rich glossy arn'earouce. and ns a perfume for tea toilet I
it is unequalled; three lime* as much as other
miscalled hair rcXoredvcraiid is more elieciual. The
genuine ntauiifartured by Comstock A Co., SI Counland
street. New York. • I
Sold ih Pittsburgh. only renuioe, by W.M. JACKSON,
89 Liberty *t., head of Wood; m Washington, Pa. by
Siweeny A Son; in Brownsville, by BeunelA Crocker
m Cammslntrg. by Dr. Youel; also, by our agents in:
every town ill Pa., Ohio and Md. nuvlfeJAwfonT
[E7*Yrllow Trelk and putrid breath,
?*PO'‘irT like roueu ifeatli,
l> rr|'ulM*e and tii«cuA,inj;.
All rould havr leciba'i Mtiiir a.% prarf.
S«r«-i bfcate—Uard pum»—man ur girl,
ttlif *—na) . quit-kly liaaic /
Aihl ure * U>l ol Joliet' Tuolli Paitr.
It eoftr l»ul ii cent*, and i* really • Iwauiliui arliefe.
It fir"* tea trrte a due euaioat. Sold in Pitubureh at
»Liberty , uurlWAwly
CT Doe* your Lair fall off does your hair turn gray
I* it hanb, i* il dry, or dirty, I pray!
It ’it* thuv you rail make it mu. ulky and fine,
Bark and healthy, and l<auleoui a* thi* bajr ol mine
And to have (hi-, yoa have but three shilling* to give
For a bottle oi J.ue*’ Hair BcMorauve.
Reader, if win leave tad hair you would really lie a*-
tffßabed at tl.r lowly efleet a three ahilliiig Cottle of
Jobes' Corel Batr Itctlonuive ha* on it; it need* but one
trial. Sold at ev Liletty «l uovlOdAwfy
Dl7“ Don't have yellow dark Teeth—they can be
made pearly while by one tune using a box;oiJnne»’
Amber Tooth Paste. It hardens tha gums, aweelen* the
breath, Ac. Sold at e* Liberty »L iioviDdAwly
. C7*POJ». «ua*a, A«e-The Genalne UayaV Liniment
l* an article more justly celebrated aa a care for the
above than any or all other*. It* cures are elmostin
numerable. Sold by WM. JACKSON, Areut for Pilt*-'
Iwqrh. uovltUAwtloiT
CT' Indies who u>* Jones’ Bpaniih Lily tV'hiie, have
always a fin* white transparent: skin. Of tek a trial
will satisfy any one. Bold only in Pittsburgh, *t 89
Liberty st. aovlVtiandwly
CT Don't have a Font Breath—lf ypu have, use a
two shilling bottle of Joucs’ Amber Tooth Paste. That
will malt rear breath sweet, wbjten ypur teeth, Ac.—
Hold at M Mherty u. oovlGdAwly
jmerta Haw un Lawa.-Com.tock’s Nerve and
Bow laulmem and Indian Vegetable Fiiair, ietee moat
eflecutal core for Rheumatism. Sold by WMTjaCK.
*riK.Ag«*lfor Puubnrgh. noVlfidArwfiuT
DDCD—On TQe*dav I j»iJrm. THEODOREP,son
of HrrehLah and Matilda Anno Rutnn, arodlia nuntte*
and two day*. n | .
The foncral wil! mke place thU afternooitiai three
o deck, from tbe residence of Mr. Alex. HavW Federal
•U Allegheny city. The friends of tee family are invi
ted to attend.
toContraelora-PropowiU will b, n
««ved at the office of the VoUphlojrtienj
lum .Company, m the Boroash of \vv»t N<h«ru>a, uutil
Wedneadar, the tOd dajr of February «xt,-6rthe eon
(tructioa oftonw at d tocke, upon the Ybughlochenr
nvej lOpravemcßt. » Plane end ttMifeaftpitof the
ww jL n ?2 r i* «*J' »' »b« Companri UffieTany time B f.
ter feeing of J^r ß * r >' nett, and anjr’informntion in
regard to the Wdrk* ntar be-obtained frutn J. K. Dnv
afiitt» * r *w> propoiali will h»^*; lrT . t :‘
'*»y ! at Weettkrwjon.
i, Preen Y. x. Co..
1 ««*I of
Bti teuf
ena or »aii) Coart, ts<7,
of Robert Colwell,
>ub«enber, at public aur-
Cletelmd, in
‘W^ M 10 o'clock
of Robt Colwell, dec. ,
febaJflwftwlntT |
•, , ' Pfmwiwui j>b. !, If4i<
ittendon. Call and a**, or aiiidrea* ; : y)
r fcbipriw: MOORHEAD? COPKI.AVri >rn
r HuftMcaiUi* Pf>«Kf::
Aofaro'lM ftr•’[fSSJ of
tJPKte’flwiSS'B ssa^aat
arbenn will to held at: ihc otUce os uid Company. op
MonwjatoiiAli slay of Maralnioxij o'clock r, M
Omre or tv< Auxuaorr Rkpoe Co./ ) ~
Air- Pirmranii, Feb. {
for P**«M*»»«x Manager*, amt Officer* foi
t® “Company for ercctmir a Under atn Jbr’rivri
Allrjrtaiy. oj'Pmitc Pltuburgb, in rthe County o
Alleghany" will be fcoUSen iu the Toil llotiw. on Mon-
Jay th* Uth of March next, at 3 o’rfecki I*. M.
tcbSJlm&w:itT j, jo»x IIARFIvI*
S0l!8K-l kfjr eouuirjr clnarfd, a prime article. for
ullby tlfb?] j NVICK AIUrCANPUy.S
—l4 bill* pilfer Vinegar, mr rale liy 1
MAty? »W*AK-Jl.hl.
BACON— A entail Lu print* country cured Daroti,
i«»t received and far sale by f ■
. 1 H.How.VA ciTMirarrsoN
feK 1 ' : lis I-ibrrty »L
(ROOMS—7O dozjurt reerirrH and far talc lie !•
> feto ißnowxflfc cm,BKRTs<)N
r on hand iv lor
•auto Um far MUbr
'• IM lih»ny »t.
T 7 I ;
fefct Mfcnj> «wmFTr.jitnoß
/WJUV-O Uki just motived p*r mby UtooUrn*
L/teatabjr } rU£.VbJUtKY*Co,
w<r ■? • . pwtfn>
ABD-fiD bU« Kq 1 UsS No Ido.for nto
l»r : t»«n i nHOfP«HKY4Co
TOAfftnrß ■•mHfcrwfrfcr
L Wttfap
Ir nßOUßkiil
CianMln. ■. .fi'
mg ptfawy meetlufvWubm *anl'distrieU, on Satar-
d *T Ifce JWh February-ucxv to appoint delegate* io
meet ;m County Convention at the Court Bouev in
Pm*b«fgh, on the teeceeding WetfnflHfaß to ■aswfgr
delegates to the State Convention to be held at llama*
baiJBJO nominal® a ‘Canal Commissioner, Senatorial
Sectors and Senatorial delegates' in (he NmionaJ-Con
vemiofi. The aoid county convention will also appoint
a delegate from thta district to the Whig NdtionafCoft.
▼emtoa and an elector (or Ihia district upon the Stale
electoral Ticket. ' i •. 1
The, primary meeting* in’all the Township* except
nit, will be brld at 2o’clock, r.ji„ and in the Wards
and Boroughs including Pitt, at 7 o'clock, p. x. of said
d*y- i, , . IMNL. -McClißDY,Chairman..
1L Pstxta, Seely pro, tem., . jaS5’
Farm for Bale*
MI WILL *«‘ll at public sale, on the premium,
t Thursday the UdiofMurcb. Ib-hq at llLo'clock
. M-, all ihut curtain nlutiiutkiu und tract (if
lamt situated in Versailles township, Allegheny county,
late the pnuM-ny of William Perry .McCullough, de
containing about bd acres, from &5 to sixty arm
°> which is improved and in a high state of cultivation,
~n "hieh is crecioj. a cotuihrtuble stone Dwelling
Itousd.and frame Barni with other outbuildings;also.,
,an orchard of select fruit. This property D ultout lit
miles from Pittsburgh, and tho Creensburgh and Pitiy
tiurgh turiipike passes ilirougli it. Tliis tract of land
contains. a large quantity of stone coal and limestone,
ot an exccllam quality, and the Central Railroad, as at
present located, passes near the hoic. Term*, orie
"’vj' *n nnud, sod the oilier half in one ami two years,
with idlrrest, to be secured by Bond ond Mortgage.
..A- ROUT. CaROTHEUS, of Plum, i
n <nd» . Kxecuior.
I Store To
I TIBS Store is situated on liberty street; be*
7 ~r rTl ' *ttd unit,door to the grocery, store of
• _ John B. bell. It Ims two froatsfTumiiiigthrough
ito Ftertysi, is large and convenient, and is well adapt*-
rd tor a Groeery Shire. The re is a good cetler connect?
• »?Y u w . ** d*® tenant cun re-let, if be chouses, as
it hd*Jin outside entrance. These premises will be a good tenant.
• Inquire oi the subscriber, who can be seen at the of*
.fice or .the CJarette, every forenoon, between the hour*
;oi eight and ten, and at other limes at his room* at
Mrs. Bays’ Umrduie bouse, Robinson’s new row. Fed.
eral st.jAUegheayCity. DN WHITE,
•' e r* ” Agcntjbr the owner.
D ealrabi* Lota of flreaad ftr »alf~
A NUMBER of beautiful Lots, fronting on that great
thbrnughture, Penn street, or the (irec ns burgh
turnpike rood, and oalhe Allegheny river, und iutertne*
diale streets m the lith Ward, Pittsburgh, are now offer*
ed for sale on the most reasonable-terms.
. private residences, business and manufacturing
establishments, tltese lots present situations not sunamu
ed,ifciiuallcd. by any now for sale. The regularity
with winch the streets are laid out, and the level char*
*«** Vi* ground, render the lot* convenient, and
available at once for building purposes. The title is in- ‘
disputable. Apply to HAItMAR DENNY. 3d *»•
f .. L . ■ or ROBT. McKNIGUT,
febS-dlin Attorney ot Law, 4th »q near Grant ’
wit r. M’aatOE.
Warehouse Commercial Row, Liberty at.
’ | mrsavßuu.
r TU!'*L.? ob '' cril>er h#vin ? large and extensive"
■l."orison Pennsylvania Avenue, are nouetuanuiaec
tunng, from new and improved patterns, every variety of
Coal and' Cooking Stoves. HotloW.ware, Plough Cast*
'V“pon boxes. Fancy FWGrates and Fenders;
Kitchen do, svilh superior rungrs for Cooking purposes
together with every thing in the house building liurjsueh
as Conductors, Uasius. Bcrapers, Vault*rims, l*iuteU for
w ,n “0“( lops, railings, 4c., on hand or made to order.'
Machinery orders carefully and punctually attended to.:
fcbl-dlra QUINN, M’BIIIDEA Co. ,
ri^OBACCO—4 hhils Mason county Leaf Tobacco. in
± store and for sale by JAS HL"lCil ISON A Co,
I 43 Water rt -
HK.\IP-fiO bales Ky dew rolled hemp, SO do Manih
la do, m store and lor sale by
Ij'EATHKHS —1000 lbs prune Feathers, for sale by
frl'V jas mrrcinsoN 4 do
11*30 pigs Galena Lead, in store anil for snle
bids No 3 large Mackerel, for sale
.11) (febg) JAS HUTCHISON ACo
.—lB ke«» nu'ul No*, for vale l»y
TjnOpt’Cl-^—ReeeiveJ per steamer Ludlow, 12 bbU ;
■A CUrver Seed, d do Fla* Seed, 4do Roll BuUer.U
do HTuie Deans, 17 do Lard, G 5 kegs do 4 »cii WqoL I
do Feathers; for sale by febl BAOALKV4 SMITH :
Bacon a hum pskkd—oki a« Ham*
M bbU llerapsecd; perSuur. Fairwouul For sale
lowio cio*4 consignment.
' j*3l “
[I*ADER 4 SHOVELS—I!»V and Minin Forks*
> manufactured by John purvw A. Co. 'For taie br !
ma l. ■ N 0.30 Wood •!. i
'E'EATllKns—lB tack* prime far nlc by
BACKS'— JOQ lbs lloyroond for tale br
rUACCO— 30 kegs C Iwio for sale by
POTASH— 3 cdks prime far tale by _ -
rUGAns-SOfICO Common for sale by
S^P^^T 375 IW J Butler; 85 bu CloeerSced
IS bu lined Peaches; 5 do Pared do; for sale by
MUL74> UANDLES—‘JO In* jusi received nml for
{i-Ulj ,AT\V(X)p AJpNKSA to
SOA P-HJ bit So 1, on band nnd for taie by ~
RICE--111 Tiercet. reccing p.-r tim'r Ml Vernon, fo
tale by febl HAftALKV k SMITH
BL*Tn;H-Kbbl» Roll Duller, just received andfor;
SUGAR A MOIoASSIS-iB lib.U N? O. Sugar;'2G l
bbk dn. Multtsvex. landing from Mmr. Ml Venion,;
aad for tale by ja3l JAMES DAI.ZELL,
ATH>—I? keg* No. I la-hC luinl. Just rerrtved and
tale by A MVAXI)I-R?vx_
COAI. AND COKK—Orders for Coal or Coke will
b reeaifed ami j.totnpllv tilled bv tbe
subscriber at bis otfice, corner of penn und verier sit
STUCCO and Piaster of l*art» frmn the mill of If IV
Ciniiiin#hui.i, for sale by MIO H' JA<‘Krs»N
jaiMdaudwamS 40. »i tn-ur Hiktiv.
3f)RK-»ia> bbls tur*» piirk; 1-* do Kumti d«». in store
X nud fi;r_ta|p by_ U«^ l l SELLERS A MCOLS.
.MAMA FLOUR—TO bbls for sale by ,
A J*® SKMJqtS ji NICOLS. _
MXXER'U UIL of ibt best quality always on hand
X mul for tala by \VM YOUNG A Co.
CASH FOII RAGS—John IL Mrllor SI Wood »irret,
W, M P“y thehighest market price for couutry mi«.
p»l Hag*. in cash. or good* at_ca»h prices. j»-«i
T FATHER—OGO sides heavy New York Sole I.rath
-Li »1“> 1000 ride* best Baltimore leather just rc
eeirea by W.M. YOUNG. ft Co.
: I4J liberty s;.
81-Lf LEATHER—The subscriber* hare constant-
Jy on band arucl* of Lcatbrr l'mtablc for machine
belt*. b> wluch the iUc'udon of raaon&cturer* l* invite*!.
• _ wm young ft Co.
SL'MjlU}£s— 40 bus dried Peaches, prime nnsTiiy; 7
: bbU P}ax*evd; 2do Lanl; 4 do small white Beaus,
landing (ram steamer Grey Engle, for sale by
I JOUX 8 DILWOBTH. 97 wood ,t
SOAP— 4UO boxes CinpuißfU Hoop jam rcc'd and for
GARDNER IVANTI'J)- A good ganlner, who can
conte jwdll 'recotnniended. will find a permanent
sithauon’and good wage* by applying at this office.
STEEL— A general nnotuiienipf Cast, Shear and |>
Blister. Germjut, American and spring tftecl m
■wye and foor sate by I, 8 WATEIUUAN, •
. 31 water, aud 02 front su.
FEATHERS— 04 sekt just received and for sale bv
• UROW.N * pppuEMsttf/
>o bl ; • Udfiberty st.
'DUCKF^S—dOdos Beaver Buckets.just received and
fl >° r •**' hy Itebl] BROWN ft CULBERTSON
3°IX;ByTITJI-a bbjs frcsh HwU Un«er>id»ue*
.VxeJrßd a>id for iptahy
ICEWJust received antl-fer sale by
AJU>—4 kegs No 1 Leaf! for sale by
ONIO.VS-34 bush large white Onions, for sale by"
‘ fel * WICK ft McCAXULKSa
CORN BROOMS—Sd dor for sale by
l«iw* i" «on> «~1 i n
°f fcbl TABSKY ft BEST
O LASS—SOO bxs assorted riles, from G
T.T to 24i3U, on band and tor sale by
[OAPft CANpLES—y Vf* CincinnatiNdTsoap, 7
1 bxs Candles, in suire and for sale by
PEACHKS— 130 bu received and for sale by
. fcW W 4 H McCOTCHEaY
fmEESK-m bzs prime, received and for u | e by'
V_ Ahl ’ _ \Y *. R McCUTCHnO.t
/?IU>VKRSEEJ>_ou btish receired ftwHSfuis bv
Vj' • w&RMcCirrciltiO.N
/~2_RkKN;Al*l*L|Ja—.Wl bhl* for wle by •
y, «M . WICKJfcitfctiASDLESS
B ‘“f"" *«-
;J-* wtikmas.
S r- ***=*.
vln Mills extra family flour, ami olber choice
unutda kept constantly by ~- ! BWM
jga iUBOWN & CULBCRTSO.V 145 liberty n
D AIOLA4SRS—'ju hbdi prime'N OSu.
nr, 40 l>bi» pnma M (j. Molucca rec’J aml Tor
: U**l- »EI.LKBS*SfcuS: r
T ,^7fr-I lla l lf C^ ,l, y 11 ‘wj-ailoliap.
JL 111 00 CJuilau rowchong; au caliy boxc* vtrio •
%j,brublqr JBtfllMlSlS.
-- . - UP Wrgiiilrm.
T ARl>—l: libl, 4 hbj arul V krri f. r Q i il-fi.
fomW bj \v Jl .M 1
* - • * ■ , 19 ktnoij alrvri
Ti u ( " ANTh-ia— - ]Mro untuntulirii rum* with
iwocklUrri ?„ ftilihl 1
Ttßgig m Kills AT lx>vv~riii L -m- u --„-v,;,
SUFKKIOB rai.VTS iroil r“
oiie* Uh» olloatioa of tujertoTli.-® ! n *
■Woof i*fipiQ«uip«Miinf &«£&”'* ”53!"
■ ■***< ■ ’i'■u , '■ j X a WATF-EMA.V
S*S3F ‘aaroßsaa&i I ',
« [ v * r*t its?*
v,- \ ByA»cUmbr t <! -■..
i 'Extra Sale tf, Uoumkctd Fumlbt&. '■. -V ’
Ttanday, Febre«T, 3d, »t 9 o‘cioek'pißi «1 the
Commercial BiJc« rants, corner of Wood tM FldkiU-,
will be aold tfnextefeaire aiaortnieni of well kept
.bold ftwiiturc. from ■_ family' who TtrooTinr
Mahogany diningf card and eemce-tiblea. subonLoy,- 1
apriag-acat wiju, rockiug chatfa,parlor _ch*Jr»;lai**.
filUramc pierlooking glaaaca. dreaaing Freneh
igb and low pott bedaieada, UrdueU cjupeU, SpanUh <
chair*, plateVarmef,'dmnb'waUer.'bo&ireaae; jnahog-'
anv bureau*, fancy and eommod chain, aettee. >
; - Alack China, glnaa and qaeenxWoref ‘ ; ' f - ■ r
I Co*e decanter*; ■ *
1 Box a dorinpehor Bheniifc wine.: }■i; -
; M>l . . __V_ JOHN D DAVIS, Aart.
Largr and Positive -sa& tf Dry Goods. : ,i.
' On Thumlay iiioniiut;, February 3d, n( 10 o’clock, ai
lop Commercial Sales Boom, comer of Wood and FiAi
•tt., wUI be sold "
A Infs** assortment of seasonable foreign anu datadN
tic Ury (foods, among which am three cases bf Man
chester one rue iodigO blue check, one bale,
superior brown 37 inches wide sheeting, one ease Ore
gon plaid. superior kerseys and jean*. Alid:»iiper
cioms, cassuuercs. satmetts, alpiicga*, uterine**, black
»aun and silk, silk hdkfs, and shawls, hosiery! doves,
* ,^,cnt l^CIul » calicoes, red ana yellow
- At 2 o’clock, rt. m. > •
*/" e crate assorted china and litteetuware. .' j [• -
J hair chests yooug hyson tea. \ :• [ f
• 5 r?? r * ’ “Viiia inanulaciarediobaeco. .!:
, ®*'b* r ', ORu ?»f. 8 Lbls mol«y*cs, Spanish cigars.
brown and tea wrapping paper,.band bores, rnkteirfs}
shovels, 4c. A general assomnent of household furnb
J“- r T» J 4 *- 111 * P 1 * 4 'carpeting/ splendid transparent
and vemetan wwdo# blind*, feather beds, Io4hlan
keU, mattresses,*c n 4c. ' i. T; v
. At6lo'cloek,pjiL ‘ -Ti O.
An extensive assortment or German fancy goods/cnl
\rrj, goM and silver watches, rifles, shot pTns. (dstbls,
-£*** t «al?reU«u, ready madJTlotb
uig.B ,da> and JO hour mantel docks, letter and tap
writing paper, blauk books, a retail stock of dry goods.
**■**• ' • . feu?
< ‘ &??** U-Jhatim [ji
Cta FnJ.y, lab. 40, .19 6-clMk, f. it, win l» nld
»t ihc Commercial Sale* Room, comer of Wood and
Stli sireeU, the following rateable property. »«♦ : !
. -Vu*"?. W ? fl fc* o ™** P* n of *1» celebra
ted Hamilton Farm. ofwhicbabout Coheres art clear
'd and under good fence, pleasantly situated on the
smthbaok ol the Mononguhela rim 13 miles shore
Pittsburgh, opposite’ Uck No S, on -which tferuro
three Dwelling Houses, Stable*; an Apple OrchardTand
a ranety or other Prolnree*. Then it also ait excel,
lent tile , for an exteudre Vineyard, pronounced \br
competent judge* to be equal-to any rituaUoa lifthe
country. Also a good mill stream supplied by A larre
stream of water running through the whole lewthof
the farm, at present Occupied by Wa Fritr, whowill
show the property. : ?,;7-
• Aiso—Thai valuable Tract of Land, No
-Rockdale Township, Crawford county, Pl,
lng liw acre*. ■.•••■••• ,--: ' • f - : ,r ■
Auo —Tract of land No 1300 in township No j, xahn
15, of the Ohio Company purchase in Lawreaee coon,
ly, Ohio. Tarots at sale. i -
i* 27 JOHNJIDAVIS, Auct*r.
. Hou*ta and. let at l Auction. ■> •'i
MW be offered at public auction on the premises; on
Saturday the Sth day of February, at 3 o’clock, r. ic-t
Lot of ground situate in the But ward of the city; of
Pittsburgh, fronting 19 feet on ths Allegheny rim! by
Ibu feet-deep, on which ia erected a neat and tubsbut*
tial two story brick House in front and on Uni rear-a
small Frame House, this property front* on two st» each
40 feet wide; i« in the {neighborhood of glass and iron
works and foundries. Title utisxeeptionsbls. : Tens*
atsale. > .[jaga] JOHN;D DAVIS, AncCr.
n. h-.toojst.
a r 'f’Hn ' f ;
"■? »*rwixa man asm rosara rrmtt,-
ISKORM their-friends uid lie public g enerallr,that
being ibwil to remove to tbs ■ntt
•flora recently erected oa lbs adjoining Lot.' The* will
ihrirUrge and well eoleeted stock of.Pttt
anu Winter Goods at eoar, and in many eases »<-*di«n
coal, u> enable them to open their new store wttli aa
eanre stoek of New Goods. The tale will, cotuadnce
wis day and 'continue to the first of March, or until
war removal. Their extensive
Dress Goods will be sold fall 3U pejr cent. less than tiiu
al prices. TTiey cooaist of the most fashionable Cash*
S. Dehmcs, Gala, Mohair, Bilk and Oregon
Flajiis; Also, Bombaznies,'Alpaecas,fte. -
*»««“)«> Merinos, Queen's
Cloth, French Plaid Cloakings, Breed Cloths, of sill tbs
taost fashionable colors. Black and thncr Dress silks.
»«“**■•. Bhawlt—Cashmere, Terkefi, Tartan
,Plaid, and other shawls—a Terr l*rye assortment, folly
reduced one half in price. . Flannels— Welsh, i*»gW«h
euJ ’Amenean Flannels, of all colors and onaluie*.
Bonnet and Can Ribbons, GloresfUosisrr, Gians and
Prtnye*, Wroognl Collars and Capes, Lacss, Artificial
Flowera, Plumes and Feathers, Scarfs, CraTaU, Hand
kerchiefs, Fancy Huttons, etc. Linen Goodsof erdry
oewripnon. Woollen Goods—Cassimeres, Casiiiaatta,
yestmM, Bearers, Fiteta, Tweeds, Jeans.' Whimsy
and Bath Blankets. Also an exieatirs assortoent of
Calicoes, Chmttes, domestic Ginghams, Checks, Stripe*;
Tickings, brown and bleached aJusllns, eta .
The following will be some of ths Pneeai
Cashmereaat 18<c. Usulpric*37(' : v
MousselmdeLaines, . I**- . o*.■a'.n
Gala Plaids, . fi? ■ • .• !£ r*
Mohair 4 Oregon Flaiils, S» «' -«: 371 i
Alpaccas, 18| .*• . * g-1
Flannels, go -a ' a gjl . i ;
Wropght Collars, • its] •• * 37J..!
CaiicSea, otp Iq' f •
CMsmetu, 9) to M “ u ' SO •
Toftibtt with every article hi the Store, which wilt he
o<Wred_eqoaUy cheap. Vuitare may bo assured that
they wait not b* disappointed ut the quality or price* of
our good*.. OuuMJ A AMASON\fc Co;
t- T*w»| LmLUi* iraaimwrj
MR- N- W. METCALF would ansooweto theeiti*
7en* of AUeabeiiy and vicinity the intended aa.
tiw«ai nf li«» school frutu the ooniw of Maodunhr; and
.Mrawb-rry kirrru where fur the hiM twelve umuik* ho
ha* been reaching. On and after April lit he will ©<•-
cupy room* ou Federal rtitet in Rowv’ Sd
door from the bridge. The Academic Year will con
o{ fite “»«»*» each commending
ou the firti Monday ut February and September.! j -j;
„ ***** Tumos rn natox or nv* Jectmts.
Fngti.h Department— Ineluding Beading, Orthatrr*.
phy and detailing, Writing, KngtUh Grammar, Rhetoric,
Jjogic, Kn~h»h Composition and Critiqiim, GeotrrnDhv
Il!'4o 0 -, Arithmetic and the higher branches of Maihe
malic*. -Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronmay,
Uotnny, Physiology, Geology. Intellectual and Moral
vs‘*, , . K T nJ - nl * oU, «r branches requuute to a thorough
Kin:li*h education ~....
claaaicol Department-Including {he Latin, Greek tuul 1
Freucta languages ecefi an addmatuQ'choreeof.. SC 00
- Tlie services pt competent Teacher* are aeca'red-for
*uch n* tqay desire to receive instruction* in dnririnr
painting, and music. ' ” r
Those designing to enter will fihd'if <b r their interest
to do so ns near the opening of the session aa possible;
>et pupils wiU be received at aiiy time dunmr the
s'-f-Moiilandl will be charged at the! nhpvu tales'enlr
tnun the nm« oi N* deilurricww will bo
utade tor abreuec* ereept yi fMcamprotractediUha**.
Any inl*|moiiou wto china y bo desired yoU becheer
*“!*> epp'niumcated io those who call upon tin in.
stmetor al hu . j ■ . ia*dlv ; -
Reierence may also U wad* to th» following gaoria-
SRrVnr'S*?&*•** Ho "- c -Stale*.Piiab 1 ;.
-Mr. _ KeT.JI. !),£*■”’ i«■' '■
1,1 aeaapa that ijtfrTTtfL **£
EUn%tw* e r ,lk ® cl “J*** of them the tapm tbeyr*-
S?v,? ,w 04 *° “wJdaT
wttW any the firft «hipv-i
>;*?* *<• frorffitii/,. itwi a«ty one or «£
fj£nw!,iH ftfVSpt ?e« kM?£rS« £
h P t Uwiuandror other* Veto dXau*3
inoiiihi, until they could be »eat iiiaome old cxafiTaut
*?“ frw l prwed tbeir.voSM. !
p l r^w v«4 «W»cia bottonUr, wit
*i»at it tnay. anflwpt act aa wa« ti>gintim i»«i.^,i.^_
jrh^fJLaSs®*^* B '' PM*»iMds!«!ffis
w hen it aiuied their convenience. ■ “y.- •
k-^sgasss^K 1
"fifcAWi.i." D,B b*sW«ng of the. Tea? ini*.
jVB§RPE^ c . cjthia Compeer CriUaaLl
WgWMtr QOCa e month-aa.GpJL..
■HpHBIPII.- - nax srtrTuar.
wiv, C.pu CTO.TO, ea tb,», F*b. 1M».
|; ysSfe^Ti^s;i-
Cp. Agent* at Bremen.’ febjj-'
P R ML S Huisea siies- . ln*
subscriber h»» f?ni? uroof tbeae bSap dw«u!s
■Kifcbou'efc Mtnnteul on bft*niru-,lefl, tL.^
1 i 0 H«» *tu ta HU •titaiowMfc.ur
c£TtL C r!!?,? an * t V** **'W bo M at the O(.
bßSlifaflJ^* I *?** ■WW"* between the hour*
11 oiber umea at hi* rouena at
JMjf ■ b«udm tf .l tf « uc ,BbWn«,tfi
* heHjr Cu * »» WHnt m
• ‘ • • Agentfortheowuee/i ,
1 Sellers* Fkmlly 7 Me'dleiniVln Oh^^
Year Ijrer : PiE, .7*** h M OCf^'“lo «®
■•" i- '■«•" •ssg&gr- **?.ssg&z& !
4»S“S ; SS?“ , s
sofeS.TS , S l ‘ l "■ i^'wSmiS.
M«w!r ***£>**’ .W Cm MoudsjrftxUdarJof
■» irih IW^for ,b * trial of issue* m mucauses, arid
®N Jurors, wuncsset, and other jwrroqs, bound bv rtf'
'W'l™?*': or otherwine, to appear el the said Court
k ‘ mt,ficd »H»f' 8* ‘fc® J*y. sod place m
as Kiroed tu them. By the Court, v.
? febt-sK* . lUBAMIIBLTZ, Pm Deli
-Al rrs, al Ferry *l„ Hew York . W 1
! drier Pittsburgh; IlLeriek * Co.
Coiaiputioms of Western leather solicited, and lib
eral,fttrvance> made, ii‘required. ■ lebi-dtSm •
Adraocs on Printing PVEer. —
TOIIN JL UEIAOH. 81 Wood «*«<, JE£ fc -W*
W sale of PrinUnjf Paper, for C. !*. ±
wotilil inform bis costomcn that,'in eouseouence of th£
advajiceiio mgs, paper, will be charged fo r the ores,
eot at riflVeii e«-iu» per pound, or • *7 1
Imperial print, ‘23*-JJ at ,' • «««•« i
Doubtehletlium,JMH37at‘ : ' 1 ••
J*a ? .• _ -jpHN.n arKLT^H
l&i Liberty »t.
,t ■ , ■ .a.. irrsr«rr r- :—■
S™ ssna-sfeSr 1 "™ »«*«;■
il’i,- f . HKFERENCSS, f , *
Mcwr*. Man*Geo,' W,SmiAi r~.*• _
Pe.i»bck A OoJWm. B. Holmea *’. |Kj
wlljiUqrtPiltabwgh,^ |»a. Uaurs
‘c. c^s;®r|latt
, um jpjpwm i«i ji . in ~i iu ip w m
"tracisun * piiTiBCBaH
rrinsvMiwireKm oripkuiMiiMwpt
' <ks KuS,**.
» water* of the Wc*i. 7 E»«r *rt«mnnd«iioaygcy
i fort tint money cu procure, ha* been ptow« tar p***
• "Wnß«rtr*nw4iteekM hee»i»*|wauott.tepvcjteajr*.,.
• —bni carried a million of people withoel
rjr t<j their pemu. The' bemta wiU be «j 'tfy <***>*_ ”
Wood itmt the day previou todaitiiti w the ifrtr..
turn of fteitfevaad the entry of penengeraou, the regi*-
' ter. Itr all eaaea the paaaage money muUbfP*"* 1 * .•
adraace. j t'T'
1 • TbeMONONGAHELA, Capt-S-roxt, will leare Pitta
burgfc'cvery Monday morning at lUo’elockjWlMMsliag
emyMouaayevemngailOy.K. ' •
' The HIBEUNIA No. A Capt J. KunsrxLTrx. will
learePUliburgh evcryTueaday morning U Iv o'clock;
Wlieeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. iL
Wednesday packet*
The NRW ENGLAND No. S, Copt a. D|Uic, wiU
leave Pirtaburfh erery Wwlneaday - rooming at 10
o'elockj.Whceluiffevery.Wednwdayearning at l»r;X.
• ■ thcdsday Vacket. I . *'
The PENNSYLVANIA CaptGßAi, will leUte Pitta
burgh wrdry Thursday morning MlOoVrlock: Wheeling
every.TUuradayeVemngiulOr.*.. - i /
. The CUPPER No. a, Capt. Ctoou, will leave Pitts
burgh every Friday morning at 10 o’clock: Wheeling
every Friday evening at 10
. ! satpbday packet.
The MESSENGER, CapL-l)x Camp, will ] e a«e Pitta
burgh every, Saturday morning at 10 o’clock Wheeling <
every Saturday evening at 10 r. .. % ' : •
The ISAAC NEWTON, Cape.-A. O. Miao». will
leave' Pittsburgh every Sunday manung at 10 o’clock:
Wheeling every Sunday evening ai 10 iv*. •
Marty. 1847.- - '
• : • ' The steamer
. /[ ~ ,J* CALEBCOPE,-
’ will leave for Hearer, Glasgow mad
MHBBttflßWensviHe, on- Tuesday, Tbnnday,-
aad Batorday, of each week, at* o'clock**.». rerun*:
ing on' Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She Sas'>
boat at the landing between Wood street and tie bridga,
prepared to receive freights at any time.
T 8. & W. HABBAUGIL Agta. »’
’ oetl9 .No 33 Wood A
— The fine steamboat
> fErHr: ft beaver
tgßSnftfflft ChariesE. Clarice, matfrr, will, during -
■MHUit coming winter season, make daily,
trips to Beaver and 'Welisville, leaving Pittsburgh avu
ry morning at 0 o'clock, and WetUvifle at 3 o’clock, r.
n. deelU O. AL IIABTaVj A CO-i Agta.
I**B. • 18*B."
PlTnßVßflß* BROWnVIUB :.u :
Daily PaektUlar
.. k. ' The following new.-boais complete
•• f O Uu ** for the present Season: AT- ;
. liAXTIC, Capt. James PaVkinaon;
■naanBRALTIC, Capt-A. Jacobs; aaALOUIS
brLANK, -Capt- E. Bennett- The boats-an entirely
new, and ate fitted up without regard to expensb. Ev
ery eoaUbrt tbat money-can produrefaaabeen provided.
The Boats will leave the Mouohgabela Whan’ Boat ax
the .foot of Rom st : Passengers will be punctual <m
board, as the boats will certainly leave at'the advet-
Used htfdri, B.A. M. and 4P. M. janS
A The sew dnd magnificent stammer
t (L-.T/Ja ~7£ Jewess,
■ llfcpwrKllM Boutber. master, wilt leave as above
■■HBHHthi* day at 10; a. 'u. For. freight or
passage apply ou VoorL feba
- jf-rtm— 1 k '' ' The new, splendid arid last rdastim
.rJirTryJ* steamer BROOKLYN, • ™
ipSgXSrSa Briceßotcsjnasaer.will leave for abort*
Mflklßß&SDaud tniermediaid porta on Wednesday,
the |M lust at lOo’ckwk, . For- freight oc tuusaee,'an-
board or to J; NEWTON. JQN^MonongaheU
. . . ' - • FOR ST. LOUIS '
tv The splendid simmer •
. aobth Carolina,
Dcvutney. Master, will, leave for Urn
HHBBBBBBfobbve and . all intermediate ports, on
Wednesday, ;Eor freight or passage, - apply ou boar^
- feb9
jnaa» h_~ Tho flue tteuDcr
JGfi%«BNoki, muter. wiU learc aa above,
at For tmyhi af
on board
poaaogc appJ;
irtff,- r, ' TLe fair ruuoinjr *1 comer
._«fcsjss*wl ■ Pot, muter, will leave u above, ca
next at 10 o’clock, a. U.~Fqt
imghi or pauage apply onboard.-or to .•••.
- / P. WILKINS, Agt
. K *lfce fine packet steamer :
Lln-iWo Pennsylvania,- ••••
Cray, muter will leave os'abow ißi*
at 18 o’clock: Ai u. ■ Ffcr fetch
or pouage, apply on board. '• . }«%i? -
**** ruun *i£^o mer
iimnß' Cormlv. mnc> will leave a* above.
the fine steamer .
Ufedfcift# ~. raw ENGLAND,
M T r fr - a* above ever*-
!S^s^s^ ,r ”■»
i ■■.,■■•'■ ... WIRST.'I/)l!IS. . 7■ ■
il • ;/faui o** jv to* new smt Out ramune ueuncr ■■ •• •
r ;■•'.• ANOLO BAXOX, „
nuutef, will leave aa ebore,
; Jbi," *■ °' etect - :*":iae*'
; ' -. FACJU.T.-, ■
1 ty tight draught «trntw»f '
' LfeAi^ : .: , JifeWAHK,
• make weekly
• -ufVA**» k ' The newaieam<r
Z.UktbiiiSe i, : ... despatch. ,
dBySE.I ■ -cuuter, win run u a bam.'
oottfikitcuyenn luMdir *• *i
4* ywidBai!mlj - -
board! . 1 r ** “*«“•* PMMffe apply-c*
j T t*wp«rtatlßa iaiM7
TO E a rf:Ri< CrrUii I YIA
OaS Kl l *« •“ merrtaodui
rx :• w u*£9-'sJisSPP ia *CwfcHiaJ.-
Brownarillc. >.. :
- __FOKSVTH a DUNCAN', PituVg, fmtr • S
nii£!? U 5» t« jirea to any of 1I« aborw
“***«*» olpm daily at ar. u.-
gjatt bin
TnSsipouTAxioat 'juGbS?
>t«r« c£ktritt4 &*•lEoi»i«rrf*MsK*^r
totbal df.Edfitrt* ACo; ■“ * **V
hw!£22rt“ a JWJ* rf,tta,u » rt * o *iwtbuja»-- -
**.? -.Vi*' ; {, Haiti*** fa
“•,*-««-*- ■
'. 'vil'.i • ; ! 1 ROQn^TON>Ca(?mW!«aA.
■ } : ■■•••• j J ROBHIStt*,
,P«#iylmla Waioi Liae.
ijfe- JSdKfeSL'
Running Day and Night between Pitubuirb an I Cliasa
.S?y**#,«nd by Railroad between Chamberst-org and
;*?*J**»*Paial Ibß fint abipmefct will'learn each end
On Utb January iiut; . No mote rbodc'wiU be received
“tan can be carried through eaen day, without delay,
<n uw rente.- Time will be minced to Four Day* when
the road* become waled. •
After, TA* the Dorou of
- • ' 218 market »l~ Philadelphia, t Ptan'aifiid ••
• CLAAKB A THAW, f Tfan»|ioriwioo '
■ IHttobtuuh./'Cotapy
ILf We wiu receipt for OUUO ibt produce,etc., Mr ■>
W. to so thrwurb by the obore tine tiler the iitit.
fcn» • CLARKE fcTUAW
'' ’, - v DUultt(l». • :
rTHEjiirtaenltip eofonyexuiinj under tli? firuiof (
mutual corueiil dU*olred
On the Ist inyt,' 'lm biutueu will be closed nt ibe old,'
•Und by either of if*, uiuyr tlie name oT tha &na tor-' ■'
•Uiat purpow, '>Beiof dettrfoVlo hareouc liudneaa. !
c with m* little delay aa poesiblc, uro wouU re* ‘
epecindly request Iboaa Indebted to call arid kriiM,
tbnraecotinu.. , • • JQHX DMVOIU),
„J»» . ■ '••••••. U JhJUNu.
OHN D MWHD harinf aaweSwd with him h i*
brother JameeU’CoßL uaderUe' rtyle oi Jl'Cord' !
A.QBe.«ritt«onUiinate Hal, cap and pur bu<-D«« ta :
-T. l^**^ 00 * br *?tf?P ,l ’V whole » a lc and retail. at tber
-old »t*pd, coneref;.Wood and sth afreet* wb-re they '
aolic>t,B continuation ot the pauonajK u> Überollr be- r
wowed on the old firm, JOHN DAl'COiUi* :
- ' JAMES H M'CtdlU
from U»'Old and trail known baa trf
. nrCorddt-Kiair. i taoct maprcUully f*cou»*ad lo
tbe patronage ol tb« public u>7 succcMe«V'Mp'4 JI »~ '
MConi*Co. . , iljaSj.- -Jl 1> r “*
’ ;_Kaikr, jßatkrti, Siawif 6/, •
fUST irerirctf ht ZEttfrOy fI|VZIW£ u? Mar.
' act Btrrct. 1 doc fine util 3ia*fc«j fi d?,, iiaii h dn» -
■f *«** c««uoon dot-tf rnwa metallic Of«>~ v*j,ia#«--i • •
doc *<* Bulera; Hoy Salt Spoon* ; .
f*po°D«i 4 fTMi Gtnaii Alter udoUutter
Uada; satWl^na.RfaAW
Udo*Qua woollcuCotmoru;n great variety m waoluJ i
U dot Seal* 3 doa -boue motto,
China Dontidol Uriin Amber Seadr : ‘
i £s^c££Jbs£
-P— ~—i •■••' ia®"' '
-r . -irKwjiov*sT —:
we ■
• j : v'". :