riiic'E se BUSINESS CARDS. AI.F.\AN'DL*R \GORDON, Counuisrion ami For. warding .Mrrflliant, 51 Water and 106 Front *U- Pittsburgh. : mchll ATWOOD. JONES k Co . Commission and Forward ing Mdrehnnba- hare ruurned< to their old stand. 'Water and Front »treei». IHtisburgb. oct2l raaooic* . ... ewuws krnra. 8R.4 i:.N AIU-3TEIL" m«lc»ale and Retdil Dragglsts, comer ofjiberty and St. Clair stthets, Pittsburgh, l’a. ‘ * - i mayl4 A. CTLSMTSOSr' 'a • 1 *. B. BBOWX BROWN , A'CL’LBKRTriON.* WhoU*ale : Grocer*, aud CodinUMloa Merchants, No. 145 Liberty. st., lhtirtmrgh, To- 1 do3lly. ’ A. FAHNESTOCK k Co, WlioUsale and Retail Hrug*i|->«, romer Wood aiutCth it*.- >■ jyl EAGALKk k SMITH. Wlioteiale Croeer*. Id and 80 Woos street. Pittsburgh; CA. Mr/.NL'IiTY & Co, Forwarding and Contmu • won iVrclianiK, Canal BAnio, Pittsburgh*;. Pa. j V'. - ; • tnchi G ORLANDO IXXJMIS, Attorney at Luw, office Oi • street, aboTc SmithGrUl. a|>l?ly urx.couau*., - jo»»r. jetsi\c*. eJLKMAN, IIAILMAN, k Co.MatMfactsrers or CarrisgtfSprin* * and Axles/A. Rand Bpriiig;Bte«l, and dealer* in Coach 'Criimuiiigs oferery deaeriptioo, manufactory ou St. Cluir st,. Warehouse .43, Wood it, opposite St. Charles Hotel.' ' • 4 4 ••janfti' jou* esuos. . - a j, ucjCXtotfT. CAUSO.V 4 McKNIGHT, (successors to If. Coulter * C0..l Wholesale Grocer*, Commission and For warding Merchant*, dealer* in I’nxluce and Pittsburgh Manufactures; Sixth street, l*iweeu Wood and liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ • . octtl C YEAGER, Importer nud Wholesale and. Rethi •dealer in Fancy and Staple Variety Good*, sign oi the Gilt Comb*.m3 Market st., near Liberty, PiUsburgh," 1». ■ ** * ; ; i : ' oetlf Dana vcxuir. j. ruaannr sewx L'NIAJP k SEWELL/attornr Ts.nl Law, edict Smith&fltt beiufcn :U and 4th UK.’. TjIDVVAim fl HAZLETON. Wholesale Grocer. (Ml Jjjride of Diamond, second door trotn Diatnou Alley, Pittsburgh. ' ' ■! ' tny4 • ir. rw*LT. . , . ions gmttakt. 3AWAI.T * GKBIIART, Wholesale Grocer*, dealdr* J in Produce mud Pittsburgh Manufactures; eoroerof Idberty end Hand Pittsburgh, Pa. febl7’. Tj*NDJ<lSil k llFAMrrr, (l*le English, Gallagher & ITi Co.)WholesaleGrocer*. Connmssionajid Forward* Ing Merchant*, 'and dealer* in'Produce and. Pittsburgh Manufactures, .Vo. 37 Wood *L,‘ between iM and :M tu.- • ■ . ■ ‘ r " - '■* octlj TjtORWARI) k SWARTZWKLDEILAItonieys nt JL Lbw, hare removed tbrif office to the South. sale of Fourth sb, between Cherry Alley and Grant street. l_ ; ktaaj e. a. raicth. • cco.bukt. • . lAvnwuoo. 'Ij'WKXD, RHEY It Co, Wholesale Grocer* and J. Comtituoou Merchants, and Agents for Brighton. Cotton Yam*, No*. 67 Water, and 103 Frout *t*.,lHua burgM’a._. , f*bB * *1? .ULUMIV Piano Forte Manuforturer and dealei * J. *tn Musical Instruments, 112 Wood st, near sth. _ . mch23 ‘ i 0“» *• fowmi; TtORSITiI k Co.. Commission -arul Forwarding JC Merchant*, No. 30 Water st„ Pittsburgh. myl4 FH- KATON, llealer in Glores, Hotlery. and' Fait ■ cy nud Staple Trimming*,* Market <l-, Pittshunth.- fIAUMiMALLOSak MILLER, BeU and lino UTFotftidcr* and-Gas Filler*, 100 Frout, betwjfe ’»ood and Snuthfield *trc*H, Pitubargh, P*. \ price given fur old Copper and. Brass. G°*o- moeosx. \ wimmi BAuratti EOlUaij MORGAN k Oo.» WbolesalcGrocer* and ra. ConuniMlt,n Me bant*, 105 Wood st, Pituburjb, IIIRGL A. lIKKIIY, Wkolttalr Grocer and Coi nii<iinii Merchant,anddealertu ProdneeandPiti gh .Mannfltcturc*. No. 10 Wood Pittsburgh. »■"* «. PAiAit. j. aaowti,. * Co., Brewers, MaUterv an VA dealer* ui ilops, Pittsburgh and Point Brewerie Penn and PtttM*._ p_i. ~, , j M | GEORGE COCHRAN, Commission and Forwardin _Mcrcimnt..\o.J ,^\Vood*treeu Wttsburgh. ntyl".- TTENUY WIKIDS, Drickmaker, Mooougahela Rir JJ.er. All onler* punctually filled; Address by lei ter through the Post Otlice. - a3tt-tf Tl_| ILAICY 11 and Red Lead Mann J_L ucturer, I‘oiut and Oil Alerchant: corner oflJhei ty and O'Hara sis, Pittsburgh. ’ j«l5 P l f I>rT - ■BOTJorr I'intrr, ji. * TSAIAH DItKRI k Ps?lVholr»le Grocer*. Chan* X mUstun Merrham*. and dealers in Produce; Nos. SC Her, an.MO7 Front streets. Pittsburgh. . norrt JAMES A.. HUTCHISON, k GO.-—Sucre**or» to ilntcliiso:) k Co, Commisstun Merchants,' aud- Agent*, of the .St. Jxmis Steam Sugar lie* 6nerj|. No. 45 water and 02 front street*, Pittsburgh.. JR. III*.\CK, SlerctionlTailorfEiehange Uuildidc*. • B*. Clair *U Piii^lmrgb.; .juioti' JOHN K. IJlLWORTll—Whoieitaie Produce aud Cuzuuiision Merchant, No. 27, Wood street, Pittsburgh. * • ' -■ •- ■ ‘ >u| - • TOSKPH at lmw, Pittsburgh. W has resumed the practice of ltl* profecsiun in hi* of nee. No. 7, Uukewell's liuildingv Gram *L. occupied, danng hi* absence, by ,T. 3.' litgbgiu and J. Cltrirty. : • j2SUwtt JOHN 1). MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, amt deal er in Dy; Stuff*, Painks, Oils.'Vamubea, Ac- No.trjl JVood street, oue door South of Ditunutid Alley, l*in*- fcn nth. | ■ . janl KJ-JiR, ft f*arce«*or to Joseph Di G. Chandler*. 30 Water atmet. oeUl • JOHN H. MKLLOE |\Vbole«ale and Retail dealer inMiuie and llurii-al luexruutent*. School Boob. Piper, Slates, Steel Pmi*. tji‘»»>. Printer.’ Caid., and Stationary (teuermlly, No! el Wood .1., I‘iiiUiunih. lU"Rags boughtortakeuiutrade. ' »ep!s JOHN SCOTT A Co., Wholesale Grocer*. Forward* me wd Commission Merchants, Dealers in Produce, *od Pittsburgh ManuOrture. No. 7 Commercial Row, liberty st, Hear die Canal, Pittsburgh, 1*». oeU-J JBCHOONMAKKR 4c Co, Wholesale Diunisiti « No. -4 Wood street [Pittsburgh. JOSEPH JORDAN 4c[ warding Merchants. [ HnnihGeM st-Q Maropsun's! ISONV Commistion and For* INo.'; M liberty (opposite ■iltow.-, jano. JOHN I*. GALLATIN, (Attorney tn Uw, OSeron dibet, between Gra ut and Smilhfir Id, HouUi side, Pittsburgh, I'li will also attend promptly to business la the adjoining eountiea. ocSsJy JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctfou*er»*omer &h and Wood Woodst*. •Pittsburgh. - 1 > - ■ • • oeiS* JOHNSTON A UookaeUcrt, Primer*. wad Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market at. Pitta* imrgb. j ~ . ' • >• > . •; ]«o JL. KLA 1/8 Book 4th, dear Market street, • Mueel laneousJand Methodist Uookt and Stationary. »p**t . JWJUODERTSON A Co., Bankers and Exchange • Broker*, comer of Wood and id sU- Merchant'* Hotel Building*, Pittsburgh, Pa. i |r7*Carreney purchased at llio ntual rate*. oetli JOHN GRIER, Wholesale Grocer, dealer in Produce; Pittsburgh Manulaeture*, Tin Plates, Ae., tc a No, 113 Liberty st, PituLurplu JaaS rottir ixoio. • ■ , stcs.su> rton>!.; Jk It FLOYD, [lsle J., Floyd A Co n ] .Wholesale 4 Grocers, No. lift! Liberty street aepd JAMES DALZKLL, Wholesale Grocer, Commission Merchant, slid dealer in produce and-Pinairurgh Jdanofacinres. No. S 4 Water sc, Pittsburgh.•>- |anlu T . S. WATEILMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward- JLising and Commission Merchant. Dealer In Pitta* burgh Manufactures and : Produce, No*, til Water st, and(3 Front at. _! yJ7 bxxbt Lsxairr. i jons snirrus. T AMBEIRT k. BHIPTON, Wbolesals Grocer*, For- I i warding and Commission' Merchant*, dealers in Produce and Hnaburgh Mamifaclores, No*. 13 and 135 • Wood st, Pittsburgh. fcbgl 31L n. M'OtU. a Srsnunzt.v. WXLTBS B. 808. TtfcGlLL. CUBUEIELDA ROE, ■Wholesale Grocers XtX and Commission Merchants, No. 194 liberty si, Pittsburgh- ? v jySl' N . X. ALLZX. - ' Atax. Wife ft WJOCE. ' MALI.KN A Co, Comminion-and'Porwarding • Merchant*, Water and Fh>ut between Wood and Market st*. . . •• janO~ *VfTLLI>H A HICKETTSON, Wholesale Grocer* and JMCamuilssion Merchants, No. I*9, liberty st, Pitta-- burgh. Pa. • 1 . ; jan!4 MeCORD A KlNG,|WholesitJe and Ketail Hat and Cap Manufacturer*. and dealers in-Faucy E'urs, comer«KWood andEMjli st*. " ’'jm2 MURPI rv, WU-SON A Co. Wholesale Day Goods Dealers, No. 3 Wobd at, Pittsburgh. ... *tyts ■ N HOLME*-'A"'SON, No. 55 Market.second • door Trout corner pf Fourth, dealer* in E’oreigjJ. and Domestic litli* of Elxuhange,Certificate*of Depos it, Bauk Note*and .< i .".• .•: 01?" Collections wade on all tha principal cities, throughout the United Slate*. ■ dcc!7 JXtoll, McGlttrW & i \J Coosmission Mercbi Liberty st, Pittsburgh, 1* to. Produce, forwarding and its, No. 0 CammeiciaHlow, -. »pn XW. rORBEITCB. ii CCUtEBTIOB. C. It cm.lr. pOINDEXtIiII A Co., Wholesale Grocers nuil Com* J. mission and E'orwaruing Mcrcbanis, No. 41 Water at reel. j ** • 'dec» . DOOERTSON A REPPEarr.Produce Dealer* A Coni- JV mission Merchants. Nn. |UO Second it PlUsburgb. -piCIIABDT. LEECH,) lmnoner and Dealer in XV>orejpi and.lhmtesu& Baddlenr,-Hardware aud of all descriptions, No* WO. Wood at, Pittsburgh. [ ; .. ,ap33. BICHAIID BARD, AVbhlesaln and Retail Dealer in Leather, Morocco, Hliocraskcrs’ Touts ami Fsnd- C ? ,l ! r *’ Tools, and Tanners’o»; No. too \\ <»<d st., PffldißtKfa. • fcOxxjrr jtnsiMu*. • - «, Wr _ B . T> ROBINSON * Coy ’Whole..!* (intcer*, ProduV« XV. wul (.uimiii»»KMi M<|rrKauu, nitd Dealer*in Pins- Uirsh Manuforiurea, Nu. l;0 UWny ,« piurhunrh : £Wh»J' ■DOBERT &AI«ZKIJ.i* Co, Xv Comomimion »»« Merch.hu, dealer* U Produce nut Pituburga Aiatiutaciurea, Ijbrnv •< JPiOiUufh^Pu. i , , • J Jeht ’’ TfcOßT.' -a;*CI«MN«HAM, Whnir«|« u roC( . r JLwDralrr in I’nxJm'G unJ I‘ituburgK WBimfarturrj! Jia. >44 Libttir >t! 1 jyj*» * EDBEItT UPORR. WbokOle Grocrr. «U«iiiV»n» Dtailier, tlealrr in I'mducr, PitUburtfb Monufkr. .Hirti. mad mil kind* of Foreign an>l Domcatie Win*. •ftdLiQUOM, Fit!»l>urKh. T ‘ '• JC7“N.iI. Oa band a ycty large fcit* £_of »up«ri<ji . i .'Ow Mauoa»lt«lm Wbi.-Ley. which vt ill Irf k»M tow Un' ' • mjzbly ! l. a ■ >■ »- «««. i TDKY.NOLDj}* SHIR l *jl•girding sod Cummi»*ion it . vCVMercliuta,fertbr Allegheny HnerTrade.deftlfrp 1 J'iiuburjfb Alonufaelom mini i. The highett prket,in e*il».pnidmt mil time* for eoon* VT f*|»- Cdrjnr of Pena iuid Irwin rtt. • }Mfl '• T) OAJffOBOkCo, Corn mi* fciou Merchant*. Lib* y.t ft, oppotite toiUifioW, Dealer* in Floor, ' : Butor.lAnlr &g. ; «p|4-ly. k C. MACItm; 1 • OHAcSuSIT.-V WinTF, S PJW'I® **A 0*o«-«lie Dry Good*, No, J» Wood r bPittrtWTtk. f feblTU" ■ C \Voq) J3c~fil>iwVErtta**. lb V! tiMiraodl'roiJnce «Qer*aJr,|utdFonr»nli»g«nA n ji M*tcbiau,No. 33 Wood PiOifcirjb. l *T£tv ••'. ••••■■•-. >'.uiV. wiX..*.'.,-1 .si Kjv i-j ' , sMyjrg.'amageig^^S^^iLjiflSSSßßS^j^^Bj^L’- , - - , ■■■■■:. ■■.•■•■: v K:V v 't:vV ; . r F ■-..•;:'[■/■ ; ' ::■ ; ; £*i-‘%S?. F: f;-- lV THE NTTMHIU.II ten DOLiiAES. ~—~ " — : ' ■——- *• ' ■'' " i : '‘.-;,;r '!v '■-&; VOL. XV. NO. 151. ' •’ —-.— ". . . :-r. \.—•„. BUSINESS CARDS. SMITH. IUOAIJBY A Co. \Vkoln*le Cromer, and Prortntr ilsaWt No. 220 Market street, between ‘Sih «"d at, Ntrlb uH.rPkitad.lphi,. h Mrt r. »KujtK«. mr»Br*oß. i . »»« mmti O AL XICOIJI. IVoducr and General I \ &rKsJ^s3 n^«!;. ,Jb " , 7 * Pi '“%s>- a C. HII.L-Jsoftn.wr n Hill ft I!rd„ne| Jn.pc.nrr O. on.l lonnofafliircr nrFapt, | I.n f i., e ~,,d ItoSrrn V.1 1 " , »..rg”«2t; »'»t wrappi,,- paper S. ~ S £™?-„5L 1S ? ~OBST ' * cer f* forwardm* and CAimuuxion Men-ham* ui Pituburah Mannfatiurc* and Wttvm Pn>.’ vJ« h ”' "'“"/.r*mHnKtld iliadi Nf.». c °™" ° f Piom .i.«i,d Ckaimir Laiii ..JJIJj ’ and CdminiMion Dealer in Produce and Pimburnli man» farlarcd aritclct. Canal Batin, near Till at' <ta r |VWs* BEOT. vriSSiZitoZZZ* ci^Aul IWOMAS KENNEDY, f r -4 • h “ l *w u V 1 * firoepric*. Prodw* uml ffttigh. • Mantu * ctut< ‘ , > !*»««, Übrny m«t. w^r?Kc ß fe„,u smtbsL ■ ■■ ■ ~—— —- - •'• ' •- • jyi#• W l ™.* .V”' R-EUBniT invitnihe Udie* to eallnmt rx «!>r* ' v “ rk '' , S' l r mjmiow; V>VOtn> Importer, and \\i,'o U‘. *" v *f£. {**js ra:,n Hardware. Unitary. Saddlery. AO.SO Mood *treet. ISuiUumh. ■ »pt» \T W.-;M ALLACE. Mill Wont! and Mill Fururtli fT ' • ,n £ establishment, No: all Utterly st_ near ih« ?* naL : , . maritt IT- Oi 11. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, hat 1 1 y V moved hit office to the Exchange Building*.! . *uf »t, next door to Alderman Jones. - apdStm WM. GARRAIID, Dealer iir Fancy and Slop jioTia-uiy 79 Market street; ntuburgh. XT Vf • ‘WILSON, Dealer in, Watrhe*,' Jewelry .»,* ♦ SiJyerWore, Military Goods, Ac., No. 57 Mar - etn - nor? XT MURPHY, Wtoloale and Retail dealer in I f, • Foreign uni Domestic Dry Good*, north ca*t corner of .Market and Fourth its. ni trfl 7 . Dl^ Rectifying Dutiller. and Wholesale • dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wine* and U SNo. 1H Liberty alrect, and Si Diamond Alley, JTgb, Pa. . ; . . , j T |7H»V WARRICK MARTIN A Co-, Banker*. Dealer* itj FJtcliaoge, Bank Notes aud Coin, corner oflUrd ana Uoqd arceu, Pnuburgli, I‘a. novJlMily H.-W, mUttlß. j uu v uirxv AV’MjffAMS A 9IIINN, (*ccce**or» to Ixtwrie and T» *>illiam.,) Attorney* and Counsellor* at l*aw.— ‘ ido °f*‘°unh street, above Southfield. feb!7dAwly .taesa. FW * Co.-Dealer, j„ | e affi« Su»Ja£ T_»3 Liberty *l janftiy \V" MrPCHELTßEE—^ Whoteemle Grott-r*. TT • DUtillm, and Wine tfnd liquor iwu?**’ « poneM ** Hoda Art and Hltae<iff l inn Liberty it. Pituby. ba. janSdty OLIVU f'LjtrilBt&X. nciiiap M • JlMa_" V' * “ f , tr *. ,n Ola, Uoal SuJre t .aiid Pittsburgh Man* artlelci ' h v e o» all tWs. a Yuli and pwwrtl tuortispni of line, Water atrret, near Cherry. AHoy, . _ _ . jaui3 DDAVIDWBKU- 1 AUSUWOI »( BELU *■ • * A. Ajioniey* at l*vr, oiEce i» « otewan > UwMiag, Ppunh-«t., tecond duorabove »»«jJ<trefUl'itub«Tph. l*a. - , 1). W. IML Comsustioner to take DeptHition*, Ar ki>o\rledgm«tit*or Breda, and other tuatruoieiiu oi »r,. Un ff . to be uied tu Mimnin. •• uvl'd-Gm* '.I S wd A,*,Leary. • V -m * door * a'»™ Third »u pint bun-U, wOlltaTa eomtanth- on handa \rel]*Hrrt,-d oa •onmentof the beat and fir*hc»t Mrdirtaea.,wbieh t.e °[ l ‘hrjno»i:reawnab!eiemi«. w nrotiltn.wU be attended to, and mjiv P irUT.\ U ‘ ■ rucle a* fermiur. " hyatrtani IVaennuona will be accurately aiid 41,6 Ul 11 ur ' (trr «l e i a lar~« atoek rf/reah and gwi'Tvrfu —lL L_ i aiit W " • Waich Makernnj Jeweller,cor ,l T . ncr ill-Cth and Market *U.s A. (aree atul \rell t,o ?\, « Iwa >! ou »>«*l n > rrjrular ea»- l*m pnrea.(,c»ld Patent Lrvrr, 101 l Jewelled U’aJeUe*. • low n* «|»; .Silver do. Walclic*. a* low «• 81s. lake ol watrilej, may l»e bad tu. aajnall advance and •tirranted. lLr"Fine .Watch Work done iu the very heil man* ' aptf JH. SWETTZEH, Attorney at Law,office AUt., op. .posttrSl.Cha/le* Hotel Ihitiburxli, wtU ml*o aH iet.d promptly u> Coitfetiofti, in [Wjulmurutu. Faveiie attd Green counties, Fa. 1 i.„ , itrn to ! \Btaekgioek, BeUKCo., Y c * ro,bcr N > Pittsburgh, , !>.,T- Morgan, ’• „ r| 1/ J. HIIVRV. Aiiwuey bud C..u.i<r.-11..r ut jfrU? C I UM ; ,U1 "‘ U ’ oi "°- Coll»ciioh« m fitnuihtTM carefully atfcnded it*. Oooumsuoner for ibeVtaleof lor “kittf Ik-poliiwiis, aeknowleds- T £T r i 1 °,l' Wn J; *• Curtis. Church t Carutbcr*, Win. Hays, Kstp. Willricfc j- Davis. a ?j T I,'At.LL CyriOX WORKS, Putibunb, Manm'w J ture Cotton am. Candle Wick, Batting, Twin coverlet arn, Carpet Chain, Warns, te be KING, PE.YStX'K & c«; j an3 (Successors to Arbueklea h Arery-) A 1.1-.DOLX + Co-No. 77 Canal street. New Or • » 2* l A * ento tor J. H. Annant's Kx teiuit e Steam Always on hand a large stock of U»f, Pawti<r*d.Cru*b*d, Clarified and Bastard Hocar*, in,Tierces and Barrels. Also, Boyar House Molasses. Prices liberal, and a fair allowance made on nil sales of. or abore 30 barrels. ,1 mcKH' \\: f Brewers, llmliters, and *j°P IWlers, FjtuWgb and Point Breweries, cor wr of Barker s Alley and Penn street, and foot of Pitt si- Pittsburgh, Pa. • . u. r. astsoa. s;xeuox. ! alkt. nmn. IT tCo. Msnnfaeiuremol Hannner- XX* «d Shovels and Spades, Hoes, Hay and Manure Porks, Ac.. 4c. Harehoose, No.! H Wood at-mu bnr * b - 1 j maria IRn T- JL .BIBIIOP, Veierinery Surgeon, cun TgfiH bejoand at bis Horse Shdsilig Establishment, : »**!&. Cburtnt t Bridge, lately occupied M^ZTbrAlcMrs.Carr* Rowland. ur_MU.n r P c *}f r , I * Jl ,Trinuniup and Variety • •n\* Torto ‘!,s‘*c»v IroryinntT Horn. Cotnbi, .swollen arns and*Worsteds, Buttons, Needles, Pins! £23*®"'^ * C Z* 0 X «*Market tlreel, betweenDia tnond and 4ih si.. Pittsburgh: j • jyVfrlfy PICJH.ES AND PRESERVES—3 case s Underwood's sswjrtrd, 4 cases Doughty; acases Peach Preserves; -■ a cases Tunis to Caisnp; nmu hy , ’ E AG WAREHOUSE—Thelrigfcest price iacashpaid > for good clean rags; also, canvass, bale rope, grass rope, Lagging, woollen rags, cotton waste, *«.. by . > w . J.w>cifAi)\vicfc : dec# » ■ Wayne st, between Penn and liberty. . mt. DAVID HUNT. Dentist, baring-made 7, 7T_ '■ 1 . ' ntebarrangementimhis Coal dial tie can derote h{« whole time to the ttmtea taf his profession, may be seen in his office, eor. “f ofglh>aifd Dacatur street*,- betsreea Market and at any hour daring the day, from 8-a.h. tin , JJh. ■ - l - irtu-lr- SKW.IADDLEBt DiEDWJSE STIIBE. ' TTAVILNG ’ replenished nty -stock rrom the best sour* .Xieebbolh-domestic and foreign, 1 ! take pleasure in auuoncihg to consumer* and dealers,"that I am pre pared tojlumish them with all goods in my line, on still better tehiu tlmn heretofore. Uaycrji will recollect that dealing '•■exclusively" fri Saddlery, Hardware and Carriage Trimmings, I obtain thereby,| advantages that enable nis to defy competi tion. _Cal4*er, and judge for yourselves, . • - 1" ; : xiaiuVDo \ or imt mammas nuu<m,v xxjxctzd » a scruuua ■=';T Son Buildings, X E. Corner of Third and Dock Streets, >\- (upstairs) Philadelphia, WHhßF.tiaalwaysle bad at short notice—Ms . V.of all kinds; Brass and Pin tsd i Door Plalcs; Seals for Banks, Societies, Corpora- Uou*, Ac. Profesaioiinl and Visiting Cards, eugnved [and printed.' Soctetwrta wanl of Seals of officcTare in vital to call ami examine Specimens and Designs of the vanous orders of Masons, Odd fellows, Sous of Tcm. peranre, *r.- . ■ - ~ ■ ~ novNttw ' WM. TIMBLTS7 ATTOUSHT AT . I,AW, i - • - ; ilntler , J l *. [ i WUAt al*o attend to eoHectiotia nml all other l/a*i ;UM»«|ilruatcd to liiiu in Uutlef and Armitromr counOea, l*a. Itefer u> • , i h • J.4-U,Fk>f<l,.liberir *l.l ( „ W.W. Willaca, «lo 1 D , . . i ..1 i Jamoi Marshall, do | P^Mburgl.. ■'Hr.\ laytCg, Woo>l n. ) - ]bti7 PtOßKbi, Ploti|h Caitiagi, Wagon Uoz. ROWKJfr* HALT* of llir old oflt. it y. Holl, it uiuuufac . taring large quaftliiifa of Plough*. Pfougfi'CaiAiiiiga,'lVagonltotpa, Ac., with tin* lmpwr»*. n»rtit«;oi' tfio leaver JVaeoek, Illinois, and other '’•'•tgtnt,vf-fba latrat and l*at (*■"- Plough*, v/i®- lair»t and l**t pnltrrn* now in u»c. WarrlxniM, lUi »irrrt. PitUburgh, oppoMio ihe H*y heal*; Factory, in city', near the Cotton Factory ti{ lUnekitock, Kell & Co. t 1 • ilolsly •:2«a PKKIS TJfi MTOBfL-No F.’.Fouml uear Wood—Alt uutumtira of Gtecu and »r£*Hl»ck Tea*|.<k)He up m quarter, half, and one (•outMl jmckagea, ranging' troin ait it. per |>ouiid to »«*M. , JJ*J A.iAVNl^Aft.idrlVkiuTtaC*»._ SWOKi; IIOL’SB—I bare provided inywll wfih'a Rood-»B»okp |ioor< cud earriul baiHiuwi>U ae/)U«iut -T-J <rnh the tij»jne»g, anj ani now prepared lowuoke at- 10 ihe enure (aiittarnon of (bore who way give ■ p * u - Charge* u |«iw M any boot* in the citr.- ; HIAS. .SKI.LFKB, ; A T <'lV^.?T^ , .“ ,oner ° f D«««U A i-‘ NA . H aaibamed liy tU fiorer 2nuX^^.' u !. t> ' U ‘r a * «c»np* W«m«nu of ■sSSOT &&tzs& maywjnuwry-r , , ; Awtraey Kt • CBAB CIDKB-tO bUt ctab eidar and wiM beaoU.low to tiLfb? °* toMigxuma >an * 3 ■ y* iMAIAII mespy m Cat- Jbm rrt'J «rtd IwL luf.-mM-.t »u, .‘I?..- • ’l FORWARDING & COMMISSION. cilAnr jKTg"- j. Itouuo (bn. OJtE.MIOWEtt A CO. tobicpo cosmssios AKHCumis, J °'' dJ Whiihrrs. am) Xn. 117 Houlh Whirr *r - l*iril.Amu>lHA: ■t *° ‘nfnnn the irade mid dealer* generally, of with*! 'h®* ,iar ** ninth-surlfTirrange meats t).-!»♦ - ,V r *?'""» manufacturers mid the Grower* of » Pst, « r*t Indie*. siul other places. si will injure » urge nml poh.tam «upi»ly of the following descrin «K»n* oflobspco, whirh will be wild Drum ns nrconi jnodatiiig terms an on) - ollirr house in this city or H»«- . ? r */ •P 11 * bll goods ordt-rrd freitn them will be war raiiUii pijunl in representation: llaraiiu; St. Jh.mitiffo; Conn.; f inra; • Fon«» Kirn; IVmi'a.: \Ssetf twaflo t-ul.a: : liiuini A Florida: J harm; | Al^*o—Hranrh* celebrated Aromatic Stair Cavrn -1 ohli. with a large nssorlnirm of other popular brands. am| gushth-h of pound*. ss. UV4U* and IMsJl.unip; •£< *»». ~»and hi. I'luy; |^nlic* ! Twist; Virginia] Twist. ««-•.. swi ft nml plain. ~tn whole and InUfWoxrs, wood and Itn. together with every variety ofartirle belonging ■ . . jeltwlly ° . fHAia, BKLLAB ACo., Flettr Factors and Produce Commission 'Merchants. T lI.FRAI. cash advance* ioa<l« on rereipt of con -I J aignniriilft ‘t'liono shipping to our address will lie rs.iti ihree-ftnirihs valttu in udvancu m cssn. br annlv. ilia to our friend*. / ' 11 ' Messrs. Wnllmginrd A Taylor, Pittsburgh. - Me**r*. Tlio*. Ifcll A C-0.. llridgepart.Ohio Philadelphia. Aliy 5, IsiJ. my^-tf A “ Produce toii, igned to us i.insured when in . n " arehpusa wt U nlltrtgnml A Taylor, riti*hunrh.«r storn in Philadelphia. c. n 4 GEORGE COCIIRAN, Commission a,iid Fbrtrsrdiair Merchant. CONTINTJSte transact & general Commhson busi he**, especially in the purchase ntulsalc of Aincri can Manufacture, and Produce, and in receiving ami Good* ron»n;iied to his care. AsAgriniiir .r .Muiuurum. hr ...II l.„ cnn.uunl)- .u.mliJj will, 11.. [.rini-ii’al a.lu.lc.of I’m.liurpl, .Mnnuiaciun. nt th. IZZ 2 OnW. ~ul a 5um.,,,, are rypcctiully »olirnrd,~ j j 37 T? Sim???,?.* nce Commission rioasr. W "- ™ C,,A lat,: S.A'layton A Sous. Kid -Dealer in Hutier. amt Com .^M, Irr r m " 1 ' ,M“ V '»P for Ihelast ten j ear. devo- W Ins attention to the sale of Ituttcr. will m.w receive in, flmi.' a " * nha ,° ll ! cr Frinlure for *u!e oil commi.simi, O.id flniirra hiutsclt that from hi. exm-rience fne.i V ,aU>,ni ' T< - u *. ' riu Co wise satis iatU"ii to all mho.may cun»i H n produce to him. Refer I Mew. F. W. llrunr A Son; . W ni.Masou A Sou. - M itliincnm A iji.tmnn, . . I'. W. A (i. Hopkins. And the Merchants generally. ' u t wititsstw DiPiCOXAVAT ACO., Ohio, Coimnis.ion and Forwardin' I Merchanls and Produce Dealer*—also attend to On urebate, sjul.i aud Shirment of Pi- Iron,’Coal. Ac .. , . ' mxtni; Alwood, Jones A Co., l-orcur. Sterling A Co (Jraff, |,iud»ny A C<o, I.yon. ShorbACo nmrllKHjr ~ JOHS F. PERRY, •ors. J* ? f 'ii? t,n, ‘ "‘ Malcolm Iwech A C0..l wholesale Grocer, Commission ±. Flour D, ' n . Merchant. 01 aI1 Hi« lUol C0,|,11r 7-Proiluce. Copper, rm. i in Plates. 11nner»’TonL., Zinc. Ix-ad. KiUia -... et Iron, Iron and Nail*. White Uu,\. Dy* Stuff-., Cuiion Wrn*; Sah, Ab-and Pittsburgh Manufactures (jorahPrL corncr of liberty and ineia streets, Piu*- ETlJberal advance*, m Cash or Gootl*. made on eoiuignmenuonWnrc. Ac. mya t iioKAcs un-s. c. T. Minn's. sTs. uTwrrns. _ r J-OVE, MARTIN 4 CO «*roduee, General Commission aud For wardlug Merchants* sail IfEASS WtLSJtJ, «lLn«nc. Kefer to— AJ. Allen A Co. > , Manipton. Smith A Co- Jlitltugh. • Duvimm, Saunders ACo . 1 John R Randall, J-Ualtimorr. MugiiJen Ictus. j dAwlr )■ b. ttniKnn. , \ r (iflhtLrl-urgli. Pa. ofNa>hrilJe. TeniC — Ul ahitj^,^ I ?‘,ANDE II RSON. ii^ . SION .MKHCH-ANTs. ; 10. 8 tBUTT STRSCT, ASOVS BSOADWAT. CIWISSSTt. OHIO Uciens .tlerchniiiH gcnernliy. 11l Pin*l.uri;h. 1)1$) WALTER A Co^ t'LOL'R A URAIX COMMISSION MERCHANTS. •AN|)|)K.AM:|IS IN I'Rf»m:t:KOILNI^tALLY. shtii mm-Asom-Kirr. a turn- majceut. BiLnuiiSK. Iteler 10-D. Spngg. f»ashler. T. Cross, luff A hrfscy, W. A S. Wyman, MmjlutfA’hcvfie*. fc . tiiif* edwaud'a. keeling, ‘ “ (Succcor to Goodman A Menmit iIECJ-aVINO, FOHWAUDINO. COMMISSION MKR . CHANT ANDCOITON BROKER. Vl ' T .f r ". l M-’tWltl. lIF rUNTU'IUM, MEUriIM. Trxx. Relcr to—M. Allen A Co., King. IVnuocL A Co. ABtTIOIUBKRK h mUmm MBKCHiSn. ALEX* LEVY & BRO’S CINCINNATI AND MT.LOCM, «»Jcr to (HI at riiher ritubli.lmietH. uli kind, m Mer chandise.-at the Jone.t rplci of Comini.iion*. and are alway» prepaid to make advuace*. The U-.toirrte. rejiecs pvrn tt required. -Jitters addressed to either hou«e, will be promptly siieadcd to. jydtkil.y iAMKS TJlllMhklV. .. w, CAVM ,_, THOMPSON CAMPBEhL. COMMISSION 1 MERCHANTS. And Maiiufaetuyrra oflAiurril Oil. .V*. t-IMllduiilliU »Ue,.|. f *P-l-ly tn*~<-o--h paid lur llaiNtid JJ ’ „ WU.ILCLiBKi Forwarding Merchant, Brownavllle, Pa. Aiiciml. paniculnrly to the Forwarding of Prmluec. Ar For any lurtm-r mionimiion, upplyt o FOKSVTII A U.NCAN. Wnlrr *l. \ ’ P. u*. MAntr.wa w Y ». T nt MATHEWB ft PATCIj, COMMISSION MERCHANTS’ So. 4k Water atrret,- ... „ . , S*r. I-»c», Mn. " ill give particular attention to the wllinij of Pro duce, and to orders liirpurchsiAUig. Jlu'KKtu— (w-drgc Morgan k. Co, Pittsburgh, Pa ' _nugl_l r M'CI'IJSX 011. 1. M'KKUtAS. C. 11. CLLBtatX>\ • JOIIS .M'CVLLOrGII £ & CQumlaalon Merchants, m®. W tc ys-iuicni niiEBT. jntr./-ly* Howling'* Wharf, Hatiimorr. JMJKAiNCE. DELAWUB MUTUAL I.fSUHANCE CO. JIJUN HNNKV, it* Agent at Pittsburgh for th* IXi awoni Mutual *ticiy lusuruuco Company of Phil adelphia. lire Iti*k* ujKin building* and uicrahanduc of every description. Dial Alariue Hi*k» upon hull* or cnrxiw*of vessels, taken upon Hie hum favorable term*. Onice tit tb« Warehouse of W li Holme* k Uru, No. J 7 Water, near Murket sirvet, Pnuhurrh. N ll—Tlie sneer** of lhl» Company since Hie estab lishment of thr A-wiey in ; thi« city. with the prompt. new aild liberality with which every claim upon them for lo** has been udjutteO, fully warrant dm event in invtrtns the confidence andpatronage of lit* friends and U.e tu largo to the Delaware M S'lnsuranco Company, wlulo it ha* the additional advantage* a* an tnitltoTlOß among the mo*t nourishing In Philadelphia— a* h;iTin~ on mnple paid-in capital, which by the opr. rattoit of its dinner i* constantly tucrenriug a* yield in? to each person insured hie due share of the profit* of the company, without involving | um j„ any re*pon aibflity whamver; ami tbereinre a* possessing Uie Mu tnal principle divcuted of every obuoiiou* feature, aud in it* m.ott attractive form. „ov( y d. wilmaals. FIBE ASTU DtARIXE INSURANCE. IUIU Into ranee Company of North America, through 1U duly UuUinn/id Aftent. the *uh*enlM.-r, otters to make permanent aiul I tinned Insurance on prpi>erty. in this city ami it. vicinity, and on iLipincst* W die Ca nal and River*. . , DIRECTORS. John C Snjilh, IVcs't . S«mael IJrook* Charles T.ylor w 1 Ham'} r suiitii M »anl Nmih Ambro*-. J°' ,n A Hf"wn Jacob At TlioUm John mite John R NelT I Th° * P Co,* Ilkhnrd Wood , ArtiturGCoffiti.See. Tspwiljoolik*tln»urn»ceC<HJipaiiy in ihc • United Statn, having (wen chartered in J?J4. lu charter i* pfijiflail, and fnrm in high •tamlinp, long timicni'c, amjilft mean*. and avoiding all risk! of oii_4itra baa-’ ordcni! character, ii way U» cohiidt-rtd n« otfrrin- wn pie wreurity to On: public. ATWOOD, At the Counting itooin of Alwoys*, Jouc# A Co. W< ■ler and Front !treri> Phul.nryh. - • • IHSCHAKCE AGAINST FIRE, ?MIK American Ftro Insurum-e Company—Otlice, . No. 7J Walnut street Philadelphia: incontoratcd A 1910—Charter perpetual. liuuru Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and prop erty generally, cither in tins rify or country, against losi. or damage by lire, perpetually or tor limited t»cri ods, on favoruble.lemui. ••••. ■ i LtIKKCTOKH. Jobu Sergeant - . Mmnucl C Morion William L\ nflt Adolphus Pern:* 'Finnan* Alljboue ‘ (lecirgi: Abbot, . Joint Welsh, Jr. ; J’ulrick Urmly, " '' John T lytvvia. SAMUM.,C AIOJITO.N, President. Fsaxctj I) Jaxvii:h. Secn-niry. Order* for iinmntnee l«y thu nhnve Company will Im received and’insurum:** cflt-cied lay tlir imiierrigiusl, lgent for Piibdiurgh. tjlX) jtiovl7-3m* \ * : yri U w>l si. FRASKLIJ! Flits: INSURANCE CO." r J'HK Franklin Fire Inwall*© Company, of Philadrl- X pliia. will lunkr Insurance, per inunrnt and limited on every description of properly, iu Pittsburgh and the surrounding country, on tuvorable term*. This rom pauy lias u js-rpt-tual cli.irkr. |:«i,iin | , . ■ Minimi p.ij Contingent. fund SotU.IXI) Ot£rc corurr ot'Alnrd ami Mnrk>;! streets, Pitlsb'rh °FUmi WAHIjIOK MAIU'I.Y. Agent. KJCCfI &. UAVKNPOHT, c*i aniLUKka. mtix>*ri. j\NUPA(.”rt - HK n, ordi.r runiiijrx and Fteisht Car*, of the moil uppro««t>l'- f rri|iin>i, 1 m n-a-on uiMr U)‘ i»«'un* dl !hii\caiinl*,' Railroad and H ,v er. w«pnnl.|f«Uo f |,ip upon reanonabln trrnu tu aH jxiini* u, the \\ mi. Tlicu work will t>« warrant s',n£ J ' m A!l\, U re **"' c '*’ a “r »n«(Jn in tlti: United state*. All order* punctually executed. - „ KI-.CK A IMVENPOHT novO-.an _ U'oMuMy of ItoMnii, Maih.j LEATHER— The MiUcnbi-r „ ,„ M t ,-ermine utT uttrili <►< JUKI oitlc-k i/fNcw Vork Itld fooicc*! .tirnp., «N*rlli.r wttli a K r f ,„r,| "• Learner m tun hue ot t'U»inr-u, curriers’ t,w>U ...i AH of which lie will nell on the , HOk , u '• rUv ,1 Jtkt Lib.,l) (opponM -J2KSS.- - : JOII,\H. HAYARD. fIWB fitIEATKST ROOK-. OK ■llll:''skahov' 1 111. W.L.K,-. Or.nl AMAricM Kj, g l,.U Uwiß. c„,u, U .,i,„ .ipR,., £ tortupr ediltoitA contained;,revt«-d l.c tMiann-.J * OooJrirb, Prof.Vjli. ColIrB.; Tlit niu Hoit ever pubh*lt«d;«ne vof. crowd (luanb i»ri*« ini Ft.rialel.yi J. UH&m£ ~ dec. , l J- *»1» «, *l, : JJHATIiKBS, A- —*-7 tag 1 * pHnie !J'S,k.vl «.i?» Ntttii I enak Leeawax;mud-T * ” PITTS: 'GH. WEDNESDAY MORN COPARTNERSHIPS, kc L * CO-PARTNERSriIP. KF-V.\Kl)\' have this day associated l.j ,n m lfie Hardware Imsiness, Philip Wil *o« and Mward Gregg. Tim », r i e offinn u ill iietc . ' r ;7 ilsou A Co. This arrangement reti. £ r, “* e I’Usinc** as soon as possible. Ail |M*r*ou* who«* liabilitic* have matured, -w ” "" 1 ‘ imn,r,iin “ w"™l T. < W| A l?’ , >' , f so » * CO.—tmponrr. »nd . Douteuic.Hard horeb - • rrr * Af .iail. Wood sirccL Pm*- ed ,Vii' r 1 , u,1y I'WWrwl-wilh n recently impori iiiduren/ I,,ar<,Wßrr1 ,,ar<,WBrr - ‘-uflery, Ac., to offer very great comwJi « W * - K fll ‘WVfr*. being detennined to !f *• with any „C the AtJnmir cities. Al- U “i"™” "HcxieflMfe oisurtuient oi Pittsburgh Ac HI 7’ u' z; i St “ , .! < ! l ‘’ Fwks, Hoes. VicL. pri^| h,Ch m ** *° IJ nl lh " lowest manure. 4.^ r £gk •übscnbsrs haeing recently entered in^> L u- , l 'l r,UI r f> “V 1 *" ,b " na n»' 4 <*f filllhljflier. IW. V W - {t, J. fo* pun*™ of enfrying on the Helk all fmmdtng and Gas Fining husim-.s ip\ m>. h. n i ,r n' '? Te l? kr " ,llf '"nneriy occu-\ Cir;‘' y»: a,1a ? ,1 «- No- l'* Front KIWI, litween Mood and SuulhfieUl .I*.. where they are prrpared to eiecute all order, for Dells. Ilnu. Cnslinc*. m ever? naMd P, H.« a | ld f,a * w.th neatness middes patilL pieamliuai lobbing promptly attended la ; H. GAId.AtiHHII, -S A. MtNG. i. n _ . 11. MIM.KR, . *>• »•—Hi-* attention of Marlm>j,ts I« > lrt °. ur n,,,, ' a,,rl ''°n iuelul.ji>rn reduced price, men iia»i Iweit promiuiiccd superior lo liabbii'* by Z bur ;; u ~ d bo ‘ lL builder, aud lb® Public, are ulmi reouesied io cull and ex ,,C,‘°n Forcc I>U "'P» to OAM-lGlikn, LONG, & MILLKIL T ■ DISSOLUTION. 111. (. o.parincr«hi[i of vl,« tmJor tl tmn of Lewu liuirhiitaou &. Co. i, ii,i» day tli •oiveJ by iotimal .roi.M-m. Kithrr of in will nllru.l tbr M-ttlrnrtm of th«- buiim-w of the firm, mill nee i name lor liiot purpou-. . t LEWIS IILTcIHNWjrf, J “ nl JAMES A HLTCHL\BOX 1... ' ,i CO-PART.VERSIIIP. MlKuiiilfniieniid !.:■• • i!»» day lontictJ a co-partner rtHp.uqd-r tliu lirm of Jiunc* A. Hutrldnwn *co. “i r r ,w of roHmumitf ibe bn„i„e„ hcrclofon .carrtni on by Levri* HiitcLiii-vn Co., and kolicit a con Unuance of the patronage hitherto extended rt> tht h ” u “- , a hutchinsox, ruuinml. jnn.l.,-i‘- MVI: ~ *‘*«IOiUTIOW- - •TkIBBOtUTIOIf-niepani.c-r.hij, htihrrto r,M- X/in : ; U'.drr iJ,e *|v-k. am* fsnii of WiphliiUin A IhU- H \ u <*?> dissolved by mutuul content, John IHJ zeil *>a vini; {disposed of hi* etilirc ini«rc*t m U man n.o Um.me*. of rhe laic firm will bo settlrif l.r 11. « ißhiin*ii.wbo u authorized to use the name oft lie late bnn fo< that purpose. H WtfJtn-M t\- .puswaw] , %‘uiymn j.dalzß.i! Drown, Dailey A Co. Henry GrsC D. I.eech A Co . Clurke A Tlisw, dtiinos. kiEf r"i"' ibcr . l {.! l “T ■» m.nnf.cmr. >ll kniJj of Cotton ami \\ ookn Machinery, at the shortest J!r r 7 -1 frn‘ R - W 'r h,n «n'» Shop, COf in T <UK| " * ,er * tr «*»p will nu-ct vnth prompt \ttcntioii H. \V!CUT.\UN, . J^“ cok * 1 -’ bctWfcn FcdcrQ l anti Sandusky sit ipUOdly. . Allegheny city.' T DISIOLVTIOS. HR co-partnership heretofore existing between the .übffrflker* under the firm of Williams A Dilwonh. rVtWIT? #n ‘7 1,1 jin»tw«t. hy mutual consent. J H UUwoith. to whom the settlement of the old bu«jr ne«« it entrusted. will continue the wh«>lc«ate jrrocert busmenuttlie old stand, NO. jr, wood »u b 3 , . "'M. H. WILLIAMS, .ii o4 JOHN H. DILWUHriI T . DISSOLUTION. HK pamterahtp sabtunrig between the euhicribere, Bttoer the style ot Poindexter A Co., was dissolved !■>• mama! dmernt, on the 15th inttt and ibe business of he concent will b« closed by R W Poindexter and C II Grant.; I H Vf POINDEXTER. . « A CULBERTSON, *«® C II GRANT. T CO-PARTNERSHIP. HK subscribers will coounae business at tbo old stand, No U water street, us c»osL under Uic style of ••Poindexter Coi" ' Association. JOHN >\4KRKN A SA.Mt'HL WiHHTMAN tmrin; ft mxnruifc'd tl|em»*dve« to*rllief undr'r the limi „f John • Karr.ni A C.*., lor the purpose of rnninwinc tbe l-nsmcwot th« -Rommcir* Idne.’ will minmur to in.iu «fl «* cenersl i.tfwsrdmj; nnd romnm»ioii btuine** 01 the uni Stand ut the Cannl lU«in. I.U>en*.*irrrt • I N«”«*u. from iialiimure. ju tbc Olocrry and (inier iilC(uniK,*-i,"l | iu .,, lt , 4 . uii<!er tbo nvle of Sellers A Meuln. itaieil Wi January tM lantgIantg KRAS. SELLERS. flO-PARTNERSHIP-Wm Young havintr this v/ day avsiwinted vrjtb him. John K. M'Olhe, the |e«. ther lru<inees will hereafter be ronductrd mntor the firm of Wnt 1 ouiijr A Co. WTLLIAM'YOrNO. -jggS JXO. It MTUNK. ' HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL, L I a H T S T ft K K. T UAL T 1 Al O K R f'wa *u> nirasros. rnorstme KB THlSevisblutimeiu tons und widely known n« pjg J^' U K oue 01 l h" mon commodious in tin* ni) of Baltimore, ha* recently undergone very i-ilrn »iv* xlteraijonik and imporoverueiiis. An inure new wing ha* I**** 11 added. rnniKimni; numerous.nnd lory 'I lie l.ai!ie<' drpnrnii i-i |in,. nbn l-ri.u e'onril.-ii'lv K-.n-aitne i and bind .. ( > in a rn...i m.i.in*- nnd braiHi- JUI Style. 11l lurl It,e wlinlr arrmtjtniirni 01 the Hno-e bs* tie.'n n'SKebded, witli a single eye mi ih» pun of lbs proprietor*. towanU the roimbrt sud pleasure of llieir (iuesu, and whirb they roiliidetuly assert will challenge rompansnn with any Hotel 11, |J,e rnn.ii I'brii'tslile will always he supplied with every *ub stiuilial uinl luxury winch iht toarket adonis. «.-rved up in a kU(MTior style; while in the way of Wmr v A« , they wilt Hot lie surpa<eetl In ronelusuwi the proprteiors tn say, that nothin? will be leit miilonr on ih-jr part, mid on the partnl tli.'if OMiusnu. to render this Hotel svonhy the con. imued palruiuife of their friend* tmdylhe pvblic g.-u Tlie prices for board have also been reducsd | () ' ihe following rule*: l.adies'Ordmarv, Sl,7sf>crdav fleniJenien'v - . i/g) •• ,N, 11.-—l7tc JtaggngF-Wagon of die House will ol be .round at tifo far anil Steamboat l-nntlmgs. whlcli Will convey btiggßgv in and from the llotrl. free ■ t ‘ haf H e - • ;_jj. _ ' inuyVif PKAXIL STREET HOUSE, . ctSns.VAri.miin. !C&) THE subscriber* having purebufed ihe entire £g| interest of Col. (i P. Williamson, lale of this well *J“knOwn establishment, be* leave lo state to their friends tad die public generally, that they have taken thin CMinnodioos Hotel for a term of year* and will ex ert their best energies to make it a desirable! homo tor rravetlqrtaml (*uy lloarik-j*. Tlie Hotel t> spnrmiis and admirably planned for con venience, light and air, baring a number of parlors ad joining chamber?, presenting unusual attractions to families.. 'Hie present proprietors having had the experi.-m-n of year* in tiiis city and - .-where, hope-tliey will be uMc to give senerai. tntHinetian. being determined lo give undivided attention to the Ixius* atone. , - fhe location of die Pearl Sitrei Him so isuitcoztunnn ly eligible, having trouts on Pearl, Walnut aiul Third ■(fret*, so that u is equally ilemirable tn view of the convenienca of business men, or retirement for private boarders.[ It is near by the Ranks, the Post Otfico. the Masonic Hall. Odd Fellow s Hail, and but one *miorr distant (Voin .Mnin street and two square* from tic City Wharf, thus o tiering the greatest inducement*. crucial ly to country tnerchanU and generatfyto ail twnwn* nsitingCincinuati JOHN NORI.H >nclity7 JOHN A DL’lll.ll ECTAW HOUSE'. COR3E* tv axLTiisonK AM» ECTAW *ta, lucmioßE, WP.I HENItV V. JACKS<)V. J’ROI’RIbTOIt. 9 M 7lu* splendid and spacions Hotel, elegantly sit uated for both business aiul pleasure travellers, ts so constructed aa to combine nlhlhr luxuries of the best hotels, writh elegance and real comfort. suite* of naamwnu ure at all-seasons reserv ed lor the luxamßiodauaii of transient (hiests, and fant. •lies Ti»juhir tbe city will find the Emaw House aliotue unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Union. The locution is elevated and salubrious, and is also aonvenleni to the depots and landings; at which the conches, and porters of the house aro at all tunes in waiting to convey pasaengcra and their Luggage to the Tuna—(iendemcH's ordinary ®1 Ju per dnr. H d “ J " ■»«> do jantMstawlhn JONES' lIOTEC, * IBUCT > t-niUAUxtcnJA. , * Hr. subsenhers, umter-tlie firm of Uridges i Weal, havu pnrebaaed Mr. Joues’ iuten-n in this establishment, and ho/w by ihe atnch-ai nttemiim to the want* nnd comfort «l ibeix gussis, to merit a run tnttiuiiPc the Itlwral patronage Uentoforc received by its Former proprietor. . 'nie liouse has been thoroughly' renovated, and.re- Tpatred; wr ibrnifore feel aasured we ran welcome imr triends and thu public to ncconuuodalioii* r.oiinl to any ,tu thu city o( P!itlnilal|dua. . • N W BIIILKJHM .jlygttf. j ___ JNO WEST I ' * OALT IlOtllE, ~~ \ niBTEi siAtx Aim stxrn sra. nxnsxAn. Ctt • UiiH estnhhshtnent is now in tbe !»•*( outer f.lr fca the n-crptior, of tbh Trnveliug J'nblif-. Ilnving Awa»iiiHlnrK<i]ic a Ihurough rrpeir durini’ the past win ter. ntul having the most experience.l men in the west in lint .various drpnnnn-Nis,.| Hauer myself that nll.wil U* pleased who rail- Tlie locution is. crntrnl. roninio ilinus Diul-plpaAunt, Fare 91 per day. Uineinnati, Mar-th lit, '47. , W l> MAIbSH. H'jgAJthwigb not rxectly a new Uroom.it ■■ the snunr=s'nrw_\Vhiatonih'ooldiiiimlle. _ _ apbif TIIdbCKMOUTON'S OALT HOUSE, UlL'nrVtlXE, X T. MAHIH TilROCK.MOit'ro.V Iwgs to nriptaint bis friends that he {* tignm lessee ol the (JAI.T llOUrit-1, UouisTUlr,' Ky.. where he hopes to nu et alt his old fnends, nasunng tli«m ami Ihv public, that no eirori alrnll be i-paredjojnake all eonunriable who ovor him witli theirptUfunagr. janttdly AiUEHICANIIOTEL, * ajU-Titionr. an., lr MOppoeitv the nuitruad Jvpoi, Pratt M. llahiinorc, lU.MtV M. SMPTII, pfopin tor.lh.ie .if the MxJ rliauce and St. CiiaiW lloii-ls, Pit-hurgh ) ooaAUy HOPU —For sale n Jew bales Western Ne x Yotb growth in l?-tb—ironi rf lo 10 ernts: Also, HaMcru and W.-itern N V, early picked, this year's grow th Prune Ohio do. Ih-luioiH county. 'fin* general Ifostcm rioj* of the season 1« now being received. Ikewris. und othrrs using Hops, will |in,| Jj rquch to tlwir udvuniage Iti obtain their supply ir UUI iUo undesigned. n« they intend to sell throughout lira *»•*. son al New York price*. tl. W. SMITH A Co,, ocUsdom Pittsburgh llrewary At.!* |'cr»«D*tiiowm(jibc»«elvr«lndel>(e4 u> it,6 JU. Utnof tbe Uie A .-Ura«o. it., Upeeaaed, are Jiereby uwjftedio eall ini «cUlr Hwtraeeatou,iuM) tho« hav lnreUlm«a*amMihe K*iato,witl|»ie*ei,t u>eui duly audienncaicd or W the übierlber, at ibe vmbuon of Jubii Irwm ASofi*,Noii VVaier.pi: deMi-lm < ’ - JOIIH ißWlNt,Kxeealor . ' 1 "HdtJcK; r*rvf A HARRKL of Urt nmted-U, Wvlfbiiif about U 74 I*«r»» by nuwke ffmaibolanouig lUjr lati r Slib io*L.,Mi>l b* Ul <*«•.io ib®imaojer 'mWcnter* • ■ KAI.TKU’S. ■ GINSENGj_.PANiACEA! . ptni. diskaseiv J. kkilt.-y.—The unprecedented nucoei* which ha? altemlej ihe ure of ttie. | . 1 ' V GINSENG PANACEA ' ' n nil th« r arioaifonnutyliicti Irritation of the lank* as »mnr*s. tia» induced tin* proprietor again to c&Uaiten* tiontoijki. .j * - WONDRRnjI. PREPAR-kTJON. The rKangahle \vea;her which mark* our fati and wmter month*, h alway* n fruitful AoUree.of j COLDS’ AND CUUGIIS. '• Thene, Jf neyloeted, are but the precursor* of that fe deitroyqr, . _;. t The <|iie»iion, than, how »lmll we nip the destroyer in Ihe.hiitC how *hal! we get clear of our coughs and fold*! i* of vital importance io the public. • THK GRR.\T AND ONLY REMEDY will l*eT£>und In the iHnneng I»ajiacea; : -|n proof of tbi We hnvd front time to time piibli»hedjhe certificate* c dnreni iif our beet Irttowii eilireti*, who : have>«pen frn-ed iU enratrire power*, niette. with a roasi of t.ei , * n \n*£»? pm 1,11 I’ 0 ”* ol , * le counlry,—from AD.DICAL .MEN OK TJIE FI FIST‘STANDING, tJee!! frrmi * c -* lOJtelher with COpiOU* 110 , JOURNALS OF THK DAY. wc have embodied in pamphkn u>tni, and tnay.be had • i;raii* of any of our agent* throughout the country. , . I HUNDRKBS OF WJTTMM • har« Wtn used in this city. THOUSANDS AND TUNS OF THOUSANDS ' throughout the Untied Slate* and Cansllu. ahd we cha lcngourty itiumo poftiioui a ~ , J SIXtJLK INSTANCK. n whtefc. When taken according 10 direction*; s m t h« lure tlicltmps had become fatally disorffanued. j. h», ever fatfcd to “ . * « ua», A KFHBCT A PERFECT CURE. \\Tiy. tlirtt. nerd the allluinl hesitate* üby re ton 10 ,, o *,ru n'J’ P^ ll by on It rtown tndivid* ual* umfcr Uin uMtimcd name oi somo c*-. «Wi»ti<d nhr ucin«,qnil puffed into notoriety by c.-rtificoias rirwr. ions efjiyitlv unknown? Whilst a ntedieinool ■ ' » .iT f- N { AIIALI.KLKD EFFICACY l» to be had. whose voucher* arc at home,—our nclch- Wr«.—idanr ofwhennitjtaa h * n .SNATCIIKH FROM THKtiiIAVE. / " • In order tlinl till.* invuluable medicine may lie placed Within iW reach ot tJiu poor ui well the rich? we have put the price at • ONLY FIFTY' CENTS, ' jn»t one half tfm usual cost of cough medicines It ii fur *nle by our ngmit* in nearly every town and villnci over the WML who lire prepared to rive full inform* Uon relative to it T. SALTER, Proprietor. Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohio. Aktiima, or difficulty OFDRKaTHINO - Thii disease t* caused by a paroflPunal corutnic. ttouof the air ceil*; u is very dubiliiattne, almost caut IIL paXacba u 3,= oniv certain cure. Iloartenes* can be entirely cured by a free use of Dr aureet«r'» Panacea. Catarrh, or common cold, which, if neglected, will terminate in Consurnptisii, is effectually relieved and cured by Dr. sweeffer - * Panacea. , Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effectually lead to Bronchial t-onstunptinri. but a tiiuelv >i»e of Dr. Sweet | ser * ranaera-svil! effectually cure it. 1 Inflammation of the Tonsils or Sore Throat—This disease orten leads to serious consequences Itom itev lect such as ulceration of the throat. On the first symp tom*. Dr. Sweeiser'a Panucea sliould ba procured at d .umd freely. * Cough* and Colds find a sovereign remedy in Dr Sweetens Putiacea. ’ Pneumonia Noth*.— .A very fatal disease, resulting from a Violent cough and cold on a debilitated or tiro keti down constitution; aged persons are subject to ]L Dr. Sweeter * Ihuiagea should be used oa the first symptom*. which are a couch or cold. Niilit Sweats.—This debilitating complaint will meet with a urocty check, by using Dr. Sweetserw Panacea. tonsumpUun.—lf ou the first appearance of cousuinp nve symptom*, which are a pain in the side and breast, couch otspiume of blood, if Dr. Swevuer's Panacea is freelv- used, no dsngrr need be apprehended; When the Lungs, the \Vindpi|>e, or Broncliial Tubes bccninn clogged up with phlegm so a* to impede respi ration or breathing. Dr. Swxvfscr's Panacea, which is a powerful Kipcciorant, stibuld be taken aocordiu* to the direction*. ° Influenza.—This distressim'epidemic. so prevalsi our elunatr. is speedily cured tfj Dr. Mwcetseps p, R W POINDEXTER. C H GRANT Frier. AJ per bottle. or uiibolllra l'orlJs, Fur «Qtg by W.M. JACKMI.V. rt> Liberty «u sign of the big Ujoi. __ uovOi.lv IMPORTANT TO T iYk~ l. AHI Hair Cream, a mateh!<-»* rmich- i'ui.iht Growth) lieauty Sml Kr.lucntion „{ the Hair. This übrii once knmnu.'witt .uperrr.i,. nil other nrl.rle. of ihf kind Hour used. When the hair I. dead. harsh, ihm. unhealthy, or lurning grey. a lew nppliVainm* *ill make ihe hair mii ami dark. and give its u-atnnl lively oppeainnce, and will ul-,« make it retain n« l,y e . _!»#'*» and hriilihy ru!ar twice rig a « nil ib.-prem,- rraiion. whieh are ip-neraily. used. P>ery lady ami prntlvmau who are m the. habit of using nil* on their »i»Ot»ld at once jKitrlisue a U.nle of the Chiiirse .Hair Crewo. m* h Uw composed that u will not injar* the hair like lho*e oilier preparations, hill will Iwautify !**• *•"1 10*® perfect •ativiaetion Rpeverv instance. For tckuinouy to it* very superior qualities, see the following-letter imoi Her. Mr Caldwell. rn'Me-rv ll»nilu)iieit k kUretrb, Nashville, General Ar«n« ilir thK We««tntHat»-»,- _. JtiiiN rl\itmi\. SAAI'I. Wit HITMAN letter from the |{e r R. Caldwell. pa«:or of the p» bytensn Church. Pulaski. ..Messrs. Hender.liott ft Strelcb—(ienilenito. 1 take pleasure in adding tuy testiiruuir in lavor of the excel lent preparation railed Dr Parish's Chinese Ilnir Cream—tor atuuit inn year* ngo. my hair \va» very : dry. hntlly, ami di*|to*rd to come out; hut having p/o- I cured a tiottle of the Cream, and u*«-d it according to Hie preenpnon. my hair in now sort, elastic and firm to the head, .Many balsam. and oils - were" apphrij, rae|, jean, ,s my hair lu ti tvorn Mate than brlnrr.— I i r> on. hr».»> vef. !ni- l:ut Hit ••xp., ijmui,. > A - «n lii.i it..- Toil, nn ; it fr.'f, «■- no-. oil other*. I*emp ddn -iVI, )-. riiin.'<|. disposed in ranriditr The ladi.-s espn-iail) will tnd ihe t 'lintr..' Cream lo he a iie*|drraiura m their prepa rtiliiiii«,n.r ihc.toileL Respectfully, Ac . “ I 1 <» -ki. Jtin. T. lelT It CALDWELL. [O'*soid wholesale am! retail, in Pittsburgh. hy John .M, Tcminni.t, No. 45 Morkn street, and Joel Mohler. j corner oi »\ ond ami Firth .nert*. jnl4tf. HI T IN KVKRY .Mc/l'flKU SHOMKSTKAI) 'PIIK tm<ler«4C>ied leu I-mij; Iktii rouviuced ol the •*. ni ‘ c * |, e' , > u>r urfim medicine adapted i u ihr uk> of t.lMlomt ami liimnt* to mp.-ri i.-il*- ilu-ikc of all tJio«e nti-dx-tnc* wln.-li contain opium, and has at length »ur. ri-nlnl in preparing-and otlenn* to the public • medi* rm*- lully a.i«i*<-nnic every purpose lor nil «tieeo.«e»ofth* 1m»«cI«. wnhnul the uk ul ibaidetrlcriouadniifi or any wher ralrulatcd m injure- Tu If.e 1.-u.t. Thu Inlum paii arrn Im. been Hilly trited'uml 1,..-.!. 11,4 Imt twelv? months, by miin.rcu. permit*. »ml Miinri t» p,>«*r... a )| Hie extraordinary virtue, and to produce alt lue u»tun ikbiiix dln-u tu m-i forth on the t-itt of directum* J)i arrlnru. VotminiK, Cholic. (iripiny. Pain*. Sicknc* and Ih-riiKi amtnt; ironi Teething. acting iiiitncdiau-ly without di«tnrbinjr any of the luuoiiuut of the bodv, producing ibe happk«i. tuid nimt pi can ant irm.iuoti frotii violent pain tu a tranquil um| joytm. elate of fecl» in? in the little eutferer. to !«• had wh-.lrmlr and Mail, ofihe Proprietor', l>r. JtJIIN SAHCiA.NT, Druggut and Apothecary; John MiK-hrll. Klbott A Hccklinut, and uutl other llniegi.u m Atkahi-ny and Pitulmrgh. declU IMI’KKIAI, CCIL-011. SYRIJP.j-lt ha. pt.wcr tocurel Pimmi-wm, "Feb. U,|?l7. It. K sr.LUjrt.-My wife baa tor year* beta jmbjecl to a <li»irc~-mK rough, accuraimukd with axihtua, for the cur*: of which him u«ed -tnkrriit cough rctitcilie, and had the advji-c of tin- mint eminent phyniciom in Ijigland, but ull iiiiurailiiij., Jjy chuucc I heard ul your Imperial fougliVyrup, and wa» ludnced to buy a Inittle for trial, although I bad m » belief that atiyihini could remove her complaint. To toy great sarpri«\ two dove* gave her munediuie relief. She it linime* troubled with a cough, but two tru«poon*ful of Syrup alnny* »top* il. J am Miixikd. after a tnnl of threw or Mur ) eats, that Seller'* Cough Syrup is the he*t cough metUeiue I have ever tried 'either in-the Old or New "°Hd - Wsi. Fatarorwr. . Sovfiith Ward, osy of-Piiinliitrirh. rbe aiKivts crrnlirate »lwndd induce mil who. are troublrd with cough or wilmm, to pive the Svnm A tri al. it may he had fur 25 ecutt h hottlc, at the Urur T 11 K SFJXKRj*. 57 urnxHit. Nild by Dr Cmml. 2th ward, ami D !( Currr. Alle gliciiy «-ity. jttui SKDL'EH'K VniLMIFL’OK.— The prcate«t*of al U onn medicine*! Naiv 1 Janos, Omo,> Jan.-. I*4-: i Ttu» i* lo certify that aArr usinij Unfrrctit pp-piwi tion* tor ciix-lling worm*, 1 laiupht of C. V Kclihan. or New 1 j.lkjii, two vmU ot R K Heller*’ Vermifuge, urn! Bave Urn content* of one vial to three of my rhlldroii. From the Aral, au«t (1 ycnr», it rgpeUvd 45 worm*;, irnm the tdciuid, t-J viur* old. TO; and from die third, 2| year* old, 110;. nnikint; 215 worm* cxpclW bv u»iui: hut one Yttu, I rrconimeinl teller*’ Vemuhipi R « a wife ami one of the mo*t clfrCtiinl Worm medicines he lore (lie public.. 11 co it Mooinv. Prepared ui.,l m>I.I by R jj SlXl.fcßy. N u 07 Wood *neet. tfnjitby Ur Cth ward; D M Curry. Al legheny; William J Smith, Tcinpcranoi'Vnir. JaU ~Psi«af Slock sprlav I‘rnii, ] NEWM INVKNTtD—Korihe reliefand Permanent Cure of UKRNIA or KUPTURK., (Suited u> all piles) The .upcrlor claim* of thu Trui* don*l« In the com parative caw with which it may ho word.* The pad of wood hemp neatly balanced on (print;*, yields to prea* (art otl du)' part of it, and thoioughly adapt* itself to any mov-nnmi made l*y the wearer, it can be wore without inierini.«»ifitj,»imtla cure li effected. The rub (ciiberi have mado arranfwocou for the manulaouirc of ibeto valuable fruifei, lo a auperior (tyTc, in J'hila delphia, and have them now rite file at tbvir office. No ??, ttaitbfield »i. near Math, I'iiisbnrph, IiKOj.WATT, I) W. KAIWMA N.. 1 AY NK’sJ MAllt TONlC.—AtttVjltioj thti artleto .1 lri»U«« |ir.«.MnM- it (nU *L a t U rmfr»» *»—lhe bc*l arUetri wtUiout u> eeerpUmi, id om, fi.rik* rc«tonlH« and |<r*«crnitivn of the hrman U*jr. VV« know | of uamcrutu nHaiiee* »Krn hair hu Urn rrtlortd toheade 1 ttiiich hart \>rra bold lor yean; *ud we think weramultle erralrr Tatar (ban to rteoinimod to all our reader* wb.i ar - Imiu* their hair, Of laafct ■ Inal ofllii* Tomc iauarJiiuit Boitvd Wail- . KorW« m piiuWgh at tK. /Valia Tea Sion, No 72 Fnurlljl.ii/-H:iiaar tv«wd DItLC/S, Dni.OS.—JoeJ AioMrr, am j afxiih niary. .V » .«nrnrr or wood ui>.) JiU »|*, frit,,. I<iirgli, : 'will kcrp 1-oneiamly-m, hand, dniirs. i.ainla. oil», drivatuff*. ete. j , .. ( . X. It— I'hyririrnr* prwripuom earrf.il!) compouml r.l tram the *>o*i nmterinli, ul iiriy bunt in llic dor nr .nipht. Alw». dti ntMimneiii «it'-|>rtiiiimjrv.'Eiir looth; |,ni r nml cloth brii»hrr, rUi.. wiiudi lie will sell low n.r ■ - mnyl Du- It W.MOnmi, IIVDIIOPATHIST.^ouId rcipwilullyinraaaliuineiKlt and Itix rilizrfu of I'jii.lninjb and Allegheny that be ha* decided ii> remain in i lie mV durine the winter, and i* prcpim-d to treat patient* placing IbrniMlvra under iii« rare, accordiinr in Ilia •ytletu «» procured nt nil Water Cure Establish lurm*, l'»r either Acute nr Chrome disease*. Those wishing tn avail of lain aervicra will c«|| at Mr. Miller**. romerof Liberty *(. ami Evan's alley ' I»r. M.iih« Ireatetl several severe row* of diieaw j n till* city Villi great succesi, to which lie is permitted to refer... . 't . . ' novi'tf < T».J«iac«’ Chemical Hasp* FOK’ill hinda of era pinna and 'diaeaaea of u* Hkuij mctiM Plmpio» f UJ«cb««,b*U Übeiua.ekarvy, Heat ypoti. diatofd Ot cracked Skip, apd far ali other diaea. Mi of inn saw, which require external rejaedjf*, ifcjj U'alao Freckle*, Sun barn, Mpiph»w,Tun, and elaaoitea the color of dark, jellow, rr.dtiMarod.-akia, to a ; fine,healthy, youthful, eleareeia.-J A »'?•/», WPlf. warranted (prawn* and (cr *aldatlb*eqlaeedpf)oeo(37tner cake.lnaJaßt been 'j ’v I MEDICAL. -COSU.MPTION. PP.ACE! PKACkYi wn n nicneu. nmnnar. - jyttdly KAO H .\Ri;h<)l ! jiVi—'liie- highert price in ca& ' paid lor good llue»i «l»o. Cuuvtua, .Dale Rone, .t<ii»» Roj'e, Hugging, Woollen ling*. Cotton Waate, Ac., by • J W. CHADWICK, _ J i “d> l vmync ai. between pcini mid liberty ; penon* haviug clnima ogniu»t our 1* firm will ril. aic prt-fccm them for payment, nnd thote indelm-d io u» not settling their account* on or .tieb>rc tile 25tli'in»t-. will be dealt with oceunlme to law : ANCKKU_a^ALVYbai._ lk.i.w m7d ea»V« \Y R ehee.e; OtllMb* prime Kentucky bather*; .TO I,Mi greaaa Inril; fid keg* No-1 tlard; tubmhel* eloreraccd: 111 do timothy aerd. for anhnKy ' i“--l CARSON A McKNIGIITj Cth j>t._ i.W IS, ItAl./Klil. K t'n., moimf.rlurtr* of all *i _J Hut, Kln-.1, Holier Iron ami Nail. of die l*c»t .onlity. 51 vratrr ami 110 front »i ;upj SSAiMtnksi WASTKfclliy a wholuMlC j»« O tiooO* lioa.n «n Philadelphia. Our acoQaiuiei) with the w< «tfrn and nonlttrfi Penu'aanJ Uhmtratewoulti eimimauu a good ..lurf—for Antherp.niealiny iuqatie of 0 , . , | 1> T MOKff AN. PERPUMEnY-I'.itMfn of Verbena. Pmchou lc)\>iolri, JorkryjOJol., Millitl.rnr, liomjnet do i'nrnlme. nml Mu«k, lurpi: IVrfmne Hum, fruiuVSci*. U>SI Wehch. , For mlubv JOHN 1». .MOIHiAN, J n » 1 No. 03i ,U«kl «l. WnAPPiNO PAPEn- " law tiumlk'c ?*. K. M. mill IX C. .iravr paper; ' Wi - Mr,lmm |Ur. * J “ IX Mfditmi Hardware;for rote bT I J > T . IUjVNOUW A »HKB. • DA F. \\ (Kins— li!.-. bbl« rltipprj logwood; 72 do crV) logwood; iu> do chipped Ka»tic; lU* ,lo crauml camwood Ju«t received aiifl for talc by UA,FAI!NI>roCK ACO. " '■ofnec of uoiji and wood ila ; ’ GROO:mr:S— •JiUbaU prime green lliocoS?;75 ciieai* and ball ebr tt. fresh green icaic 15(1 hoi*. »-*• ie.fi. a lb lump. lobuW fibkfgAO twXrWi* J general aMortinciit ot grocerre. for .ale br - • • **• diuvoutu;*? wood • 5 QPBNCKII’S FILKSi”— — OPacket Ship Saranack.-I eo7t.^Llt?L CJ i^P er Steel Fde., corepri.in* a very Rcner*aU^££L\, t, “ 1 . f be attention or Macbmiiu and cotiiotSK^f^tu.- far"- €S,?gSSSf sr. 6i !. 'f'-'-'r v , ~ V.:.: MISCELLANEOUS. AGESCY FOR • PATENTS, Z' .. •.» wjtauiaortis. ac. , ENA* C. RpBHLNS. Merhanienl Engineer and Agent for priieuriuir Patent*, will prepare the tie- UruwingK and Paper, for. Applicant* far; P.et entk aud tran.net nil other husine*. in the line of hi* prtife-auMt nt the Patent Ofliee, Me can be consulted on all ijue.tioiiA relntint* u> tho.J*aient Uai and decis ion* in the Lnin-d State* or Kurojie. Perkin* at a din •al*®® desirotj. of having examinations mada'at the Patent Oifice. prior to mnking application for a patent, ranv forward (pent paid, enclosing a fee of. fire dollar.) a clear staietnent of their ea4e. when immedioie atten tioii.will be givcu u* it. and I nil the information, that eoilld be pbmined by a.visit df the applicant in person promptlyr-untinuaieateil. • ! AH leiierx on business muit be post jiaid, and contain a smtabM fee. where a written opinion Is required, ii on . * ,r ®** l - opposite the Patent Office. Hfharthe. honor of referring, by permission, lo ; liort/Tidmund Durke. Commissioner of Patents: ~ i lion IM. Ellsworth, late do do II Knowle*. Maehinisi. Patent Office; Judge Crani-|i. H'njhiugton. D C; (Hon. H Cboale, Mnsiachuseti*. U S Senate; Ifoa. W Alien; Ohio; . Hon. J" It RowlitT. M C. Missouri! .lion. AViltisdlall. New York; t lion. Robert Smith, M C. Uliuois; llon. S Hrrere. U S Sennte; ' , Hon. J II Relfe; M C Missouri; Capt. H M Shrieve, Missouri. Era*tti* ttrooV«; K*q., Pirisbnrghi otnj'lft ■; JAMES W UOomVFXU Plttsbnrgb Furniture Ware Rooms. 1 A large and splendid assortment"of Purni* ture, suitalile fur Steamboats. Ilutel*, and pri* Vute dwellings, cousumtly on hand and made The present ttoek on hand rannot be exceeded by any mamifanorr in tlie wntrtn country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, a* lam iictermtne<rmy price* shall please. Part of the stock consists in—. fin sofa.* with Plu*h and Haircloth covers; ‘2 doz Mahogany Nume Chair*; * 14 pair'Divan*; » ' lS doziiiie uiahngany Chairs; PJ tna.lfognny Work-Stands: !i (Fui mahogany, llockjng,Chairs; _ IStuarbb- tup 1 trussing Uurunus pair. Ottomans; * H marble lop Work Stnnds; Id clierrT Work Blanks Mnhogunyi'Mnplc. Cherry, and Poplar Kedsteads of all descriptions, and a large a»*ortmrul_of common furnilurp and choirs, too uumerous to tneutlon. mririUf , ;**. urrt.Si.nrr.- ioir* r>. met. l. *. aoionx i IiIPPENCOTT A CO., MANUFACTUUKUS pf Hammered anil Cast Steel Shovel* ond Spndi;*. Axe* iuid Muichets, Mi!], X Cat, Circular tuid Oin Saws: Hny‘and Manure Fork*. Hoc*. Mattock*. having completed all their arrangement* in tin* construction ot new machinery, ojiil in securing uk* beat workmen front the most cele brated estaldivhmenis of the East are now manufactur ing and will keep eo'istnntly on hand and for saJe-’ali the above articles, Waving availed themselves of the latest improvements. and are determined that in work* raanship amt raaienai they will not be excelled. They premite to produce article* equal, if not Superior, to any that ean.be had In the Hast. TTicr invite the atten tion of dcalcf* to an examination of tneir stock before purchasing elsewhere. a* they are convinced that they will be nble to fill ail order* in their lino to .tlu* entire satisfaction of pureluuer*. Warehouse. Water street, 4 door* Wen Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, I‘a. N. li.—Person* having builne** with Wnt. Upper coit h Son, will please eall on Lippeneott & Co. _ : .___ Kerr Hardware House* JO*KPH WOODWELT. comer of and 9d sljl, Pittsburgh.. Having gJfJlPMKEMrwithdrawn from the firm of Walker and Wood well, on the Ist of January, 1517,1 takepjea*-, itrc in announcing to my tricml* in the eity and coun try. tliaf I linva opened my new store at the abovegjam e«i place lliiving purchnsed my good* for cas^aud uiudc arrangement* with mauu/heturers in this country and in Europe to be conslatuly sonptird, i amfully pre pared to lumish Hardware of ail kind*, on aa coot] term* and o» low a* any linose East or West. ' Sler chant* ami others arc re»|>eeumlty iuviicd~tq call and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. The following comprises a part of hi* stock; ' Stcmulxtot and saddlery hardware, gun trirmniußT, files. Nay^ur's.steel, cutlery, edge tool*, anvils, Ticca, locks. liilchr*,scythe*, hull hinges, screw*. Union Fur* lory ntaiica. sawa, inahogaJy boards and vetieer»,‘and all oilier article# connected with the hardware bus,' ties*. . _ ow'lUltf Hardware; Cutlery, Saddlerr* £c> JOHN WAI.KKR. Importer end &51B8eY'3MWrtD ra I >f ,n Foreign oral JtunirMifc hard lTlu«lfaa#ayg#<.nr> jenpectiully inform hi* tnend* mu! the public generally, that h« f« now tereiv hi* spring »n[>|>l vof hn/iUvnrc. at the old standof " alkrr uml Woodwell. No. gi. wood «t. which he will diijMtM* of on lhe uio*i reaeoualdc term*. , [ . He mil l>e continually troeiving fresh supplies direct -from llie manufacturer* in Europe ntul this eountrv, whirli will I'iiuhlt' luai !*) compel? wnli any establish ment, either I jot nr \Y«-I Wrst.-iii merchant* nrvjnviir.t to call and examine hi* *iock.l*.'lure purchasing rl»ewlicjc. maxS ■tjs*Cs HAHDEX Si. CO'S. AND BUIITI‘A.NCF.' OFFISH. IVrson* brought ■tfl lAMpiii ; by ltd* itaenry u|mu reasonable terms, from any part oi'ljiglnnd. Irelnud, S-oiioud. tc Wales, andin Packet Slop* only. Fotrtgu ConTtpondem* and agent* oi'-thc British tiovcrntnvnt hart; fretjnemly cau tioned Emigrant* tit home and ihcir friend* in America, ilai uaudt ,ptaciiMicJjpoii them, nod hare al ways relemd m the- wcflX'owiTTflTaTr'iirHitflftr A Co . a* the rizln plnce tor nil to apply, if they wished to he treated with punctuatity ami kimlno**. Parties who ndverutu thrmselvr* sole-Agents for the lllack Ball line. *iute what i* untrue. and thu* deceive t!f public. a* we proteu* to b* Agents not only of the lllack Uni] l.inr, t.ut every other good Liuc, and alio for Cunard’s Steam Line. ;hr Drait* to any amount payable at any of thi die* ot ihe Provincial or National Banka of Ire. land, EnglattiL Scoilnnd. Ac. Wr draw nur own Ex "liau?.-; we J.v n.i( (•,>..• iiaonrv and *r<ul it In ine East ind iMa). ti.r Uniktrv Ac, call U|u»n us, and wo * dl acroinni.Bltiir thrtn at New York rale* JiiSHFA UoIIINSON. European Ag'L 6th »t. nor door t>cloW wood. Itoaton Mode of flrMlng Houms* Mil il DI’IXTKK. oi Bo*ion.'ha» arranged and pa tented a plan lor healing houses. which Inu been sucresatuUy used in Itoci.m. New York, 4c., and whe’r ever uppiint. has teicucd iti<* ilrrided prclercnee over stoves. Furnaces, etc. Ji* advantages are— -Ist tlrral rcgtilßrny uf tctapcralure. SSI. Freedom irmn smoke. i5*J. ,No im|)it'a»nii! drynen*. 4ll>. ma-m Jed lo ami uot liaMn to get out of onlrr slli. Urea* Jumliliiy. A model ami ,b,-;iihiii may teen and aman it obtained ui iht ei>p|*'i anil Tinware farlory-oi W.M U *CAIFK, Firat »u inayAjti iieiwcen wood ami market. • Ilardwtrt Eton lUanorcd. , TXTIIITJUOUK * WOLFF having removed from Uie corner of l.ibcrij and 8t Clair street*, to No 90 • • ood street, tlnee doors above St Charles Ilotcl, would respectfully, ask' the attention of buyer* to their of itAKOWAKK, CUTLKRY and SAOULKKY, rac’d Saranak, Alonougahcla and Itossia, cireci maijuitttiturexs a/ tr-ifnid and Germany, AUo, i»up|iliei ci' American Hardware. from itieprit. cipal manufacturer* of i!te Kactcrn State*— e,f »toek entirely n«*«r, ititd purr bated opon beat.terinvibey led fireat confluence in liruift nt»le hucfcMfuily; to iueei competition from any Quarter, whether ea»t or wwt. T&e Hardware lu«ia:*« will be continued at ihe old Kind. : apO THOMAS I )£ ‘be law firm of Oillerpie A. Krmirdy, Looking founusaetarrr and dealer in Clock*, Combi, and Variety tiood*, keeps cou-uutly on band, uMu* O,r P tnajiulaciure, every description 01 Gill, Malinuauy OAtl Common Looking Glu*nc*; I,u 3,4. and 3 Jiawer plain and ornamental port.itit frame*. All kiud»of Clocks,Tray*, and \v inter*, ia*»etw or ; dozen*; Comb*.Thread*,and a general urortiaent or: l;«ney Goods, wholesale, at a »maM advance on coil- j ** C, V*l,* aa,J other* mpjmcd wub I’bclp'a Chart*. Car nor* rnnt*, and lb by (4 frame* at New York pncca ui)"2ou No flit, -or wood and 4ib OAI.KUATUS ANDGLUK FACTORY FOK SALK O—fbe Admjmatrau>r«nf t.e Uie Jurne* MciangttUn, offer (oriole the «s.iutiftslimeut aiiuaic m NaUb Word, formerly earned on by ban, iu hi* life time, tuA Salcra' tu* and Glue Furinty. ’I bu work* tire In compute onlei '°f entry inpoulhe tie*ini.M. with Axiom, Ae.jnd ready Jjg commencing *• any time. A liberal credit will be gmn, and all particular* made known by calling oa enbrtot lb* uiidcr»igiu-d. JA.MI3 ULaKKLY, JOHN AIITOtIELL, AilmiiiUintnr* Mouangalirla Llviry Stable. .a HOHKttr 11. I’ATTKUMJN ha*opened tha JWtoarj largo stable mi Tirat *L, running through to fl I 71 Second at., between Wood und Smithfteid «t«, »u tbc rerjr.of iho Monoitguhrla Route. with on entirely new »loek of Horace mid Canincc* of lbe lic*t ipialhy dml inturt atyk*. ikiraea kepi at livery ia lliobeil VeanTim Iron Worka. —---. : -, A , v .- . ji.-. MATS' CAPS AND BONNETS; TASHKWFOR AUTUM.V. •; /Til •/■ - • 1141• t M-,.- :: . rm <a% . M'COBD * KJ.IG, a% ' lIATTERS/V " ' ill cwfrt or woo# nronrntstwans. unTOtiMK, • iTTAVE received their. Autumn style of !lats,i|o :JJ. which they respectfully invite the Attention ; of their customer* and citireus, generally.- - • .aeptjlf' ; ; ; /S HBW Ain 7 gCinCI'EATER ANDIUT PROTAXrrOR.—The vvill introduce on Saturday, Oct. bth. OenUemcn wishing • bar tried with this desirable aftt?« cle vnll please coll and examine.. : . ' ; j ALFRED KEEVIL. ■Practical Hatted , it - • oeo- ; 153. head of wood si it vrfc FAIX FASUIOS.—B. MOORE ba* receive ‘JJtd frosn Sew Yartr.thh Fall' style ot IUU which, wilt introduce this day. Saturday, Auy. 2?th f Au those tk want of a neat and superior hat would do Well to call at So: 75, Wood Street, ltd door aboTO 4lhT 2*Uga9tf- ; FABHIO3T, 184T—BFXBK A COSEAR'S Stylo Geiiiiemeh's Hats win b* intro/ ml Karyii/a .on 'Rmrsdar. ■ August ■ STlhu Gentlemen wishing * cheap, Jashion&ble hat o» Pitts, bargh ■manefactare, al>e«d of fashionable Rats import-- W *nd advertised by some of the thulr. plcfise call at! - ■ ■ . ■ , keev/i. * Co.'*,; ; 1 1 head of wood st • FOB nATg_ Jl'or received troia New -York, the .Sommer Style far hat*, eonmting of While Braver, Pearl ■na White,trench Cautmere Hiu. withVerttilator*. vrprtt el a beautiful, light Hat ate respectfully invited to e»ll. " : JJ; MOOHEr * ;• 95 wood *t. 3 door* above <ih LITERARY- Philadelphia College of Sfcdlcine, 3- Fifth, South of Walnut rtreet. ■■■■■-■ SPRIXG ,AND SUMMER.COURSE OFLEC* I TOR 1343, will be commenced on Monday, niareh Cibj ISW, and be eontinuedfbur month*. by tlte following Rieoltyp McCLINTOCK, M. D., General,' Special and Surgical Adatottry. ; J; If BURDEN, SL p n Materia Medica and Ther apeutic*. • i j *?• BEATTT, M. D., Obstetric* and Di*ca«* of Women and Childreu. tiee^Mj^ CL •^ T ° CK ’ >L *• VtiTl *¥ e * and Prac ’ o £jjB\*RcCAINTXJCK, SL P., Demonitrator of AtM* ■lUcnAßl) BURR, M. D-'Pro*ectoroTBufgerfY : Ftse for tRe full course, S7U. Fee for those who h --J aitended two full eoune* La other College*, frlo: M -J neuJapon to be paid once onlyUU. Oraduaiion 1 4« aton »J p t including Recapitulatory Lecture*. 9 1,#cclin f Room* will be opened oif the lit ot March.- j ... now pending there i* every aon to hpph that the chair* tof Inadtatea of Medicine ami .Anatomy will be occupied by dutihet Profcaaora at aneorly jienod. , . For funner informotion inquire of- ' ' < - j JAMES McCUATOCK. M. DE*tt . " in.*] t,l. „ I North llleveiilh Street. Philadelphia, Dec: g7v ■ jmi-L •' . . I L t .S ,e * , ** d ** “• A - Miner',. m J," S ‘ S "" r “ Lo ”" C “ aJ *' ly . >larvj Stuan. Queen or Scot*, by Alexander Duma*, r Biwbonllnauon, or. the Shoemaker’* Daughter, an ! America* «ory of real life, liy T. S. Arthur. • ' ~r T,^l ol r“K ll,e ‘ or Advcntare* of a whaleman in the _l Mi£o dceitn. by Dr. Loui. A. Baker., • n Hi” Shj;i£" n ’ 0r u ‘' Ro*e pomehille, or a Husband’* My*lery ami a wife*. - Devotion} by author of-The Fim False Slep.* l with' - nmaerou* engraving*. The Dealh Ship,or the Pirate* Bride. Chapman*.(AmericanDrawing Boot • ~ . tL <ilidd^i Pt^,er aiouunienu > lil'Wry, Ac, by George Animal .Maknetito. by Alphonms Te*te, M. D. Tlip Swu* Family llolniiooiv or Adventure* of a Fa four son. in a de*r r t i.iomi Tho Pbartniceulic l»m«tical Recipe Book lor the u.e iJfuf'P 1 }I** 1 ** by R* A. Houillard.' . • C *“ a f Magazine (or December.' Living Age} Pfo Ma . Tnvlnt'* Sidney Reporter, Jan. Hik Grecnv Wdrki. the Reformed GamblCri freili lunply. ipiendi,P article OetuWwenVVidline Caßlijargr «*»“**• Ut *nle at M. A. hluier’k. S , (Fcbrntry Htnzliitii - 1 IJMEIVK I ) AT M *MlMjfpi, Sriiihjvu ,„ e « «*l doof irora ■. • liOdeVV Lady * Book for February. ' •National Magazine .. do ' • Grabairt’s ; do do 1 ‘ union;; .- do j 0 ,15® < ' qu * l * f n t °‘ thcir einbel jo the previous Jauaary.numbers. <l4 a new novel l»y G P R H w - “t** a 2rdl?^- ~0f lOC * U WT T lhin £' *»r W.rll Mai- I ■f 1 * 1 Anchor, beinp a Chronicle of Old Dul*- Coiiqueet of California r- .1 Jfexieo, in th. amr'47, by Jamr- ., w & Jailc Eyie, Mied by Cuner-i, 1 . BtpoW-of Veaioe-o» l)x ounal; by. Dennis Hannipan Chamber*' Miscellany. No U. Linns ape, So 193. Soup Book for the Million. *»d VtltubiTOobkir both of • Srw^! * la rarnt, a r i argument of their n..£u£l^ b .* a “PP* undeai*ned co- E n i^ H^ W r% ,h ? U Go^ s 5 I 1“ AcK ®»dJwe* I *i a D «** American. if>iai lxmi.Jou edjnon v , . , . V mr » ot Modem lntiildjry iiitmtraiul mul re "SlSi?; ri M ' ■ P=>lw of 111. Sr.l lanhrraii church. Cenxiantown Pa. SMrc«r Philosophy of the Season*: Illu.iraiiiu,- ihc 00,1 u / lh * Pbrnomena of theyelir, m K." m^rn„ T ll“u ‘ , "° W ' l “ '" h »>• .?!'**}>¥* M,sc< ‘* ,anift »- embracing Review*. E*my». ,ht l *" ; Thomas-Chalmer*, Dl). Thf abort with a large variety of new and Mamlnrd work*, tor aale low by ELLiiypr A KXGf j«|| y j a> market u. between a a „.| 4th. CHRISTMAS AND NEW i'a^i^Xp lFT BOOK ?: 4c - kc - oi'canefn price..' cS2»!L*S!SS: •'" m " l ; for '“• Howerj IVraoitiGed, do. * i Kow. or Atfceiioo:* Cbri*unk* Blossom*. '■ I” W'Un Iron. 1 I oenttdf Kitt (•rren Hillock— illuminated. Rough :aho Ready Almanac. ‘ ; Sunny Hour* ofCtiiMhbod. /! illiiftreud mid llyroiiyNTorks. do ' ■ j 0; !. ? ort le-tierand now size*, hlegantly Lound l'orkri mud Family Ui!>lei>. IwkwowJ wnnnr desks and w«k boxes. j (ilobes ofp, 10 and 13 iachei diarmstet. L°4 T , JO)L\ 1L MELLOR. . «lWood»t. * nd ® Ift Boolt* for 1849. Jno titerm. a series of graceful uml elegant oulor ?.*}. ? r ? u f* 1 ,^ descriptive tllnMruiinn*; hr EJizalvcth Lllet, boutidjin scarlet wlk, and splendidly pit; . • Leaflets;ol Memory; an illuminated annual lor 15|y td»«l l>r -Keynell Coates, M. D.; superbly bouiid ele gantly Jllatniiiatcd and illustrated. - lbr I * l -- Wwdui splendid enrravinirs by ttartain.' u'i“? Iv^ p ‘ uli '’ Missionary Annual, for 1818: £°. u " din Arabian morocco, and illustrated by 0 beuut> ml meizoiinl encranugg by Sartain. ■ ' 3 The Ito*e;of Sharoa, a Religious Souvenir, for 15K ediled by Mis. S. C. Edgenoti Mayo ’’ The Hyafinih, or Auction's Gift; a Cliristmai New ' f “ r l PmhdayPre.cn,, for 1513. ItjJ! 1 olrt Fnc,ld ' h, Pi * tokcit of Remerabraano for "" ?"" U ? 1 S' 1M» 'tiileil i)- Mt«.. «n i .LiL*n?^? Ul i h ' ’? and ,n *l*f*«t embossed morocco, Young Lady’s Companion, and Token bf'Aftc- The above, together with a large supply of poetical SS’ “ d ? lh '! ' w^ rk »; bound in tl.e most topertTaml ' T t %XJ V f u,ublf v Christmas and New Year f°r »«1? by JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON' • eor. Market* 3Jias. Dafcal,^tci? 1K8 ’ G f* ek ' Clu. Anihou’s Classical Dictlotiary: : i Dicuonary oflJreeJcwui Roman Antiquities’ i M Cullouah s Commercial Dictionary; * ; and HirUonury and Supplement, arts, manufactures WebMrr> THCJtonajnr. rcmed edition; I Todd • Jofciuon’aand \Vn)liter?* DietiomirT: • t\ orcc*tcr'» Dictionary: Liddell aitdScotr* Greek Lexicon; " Kobm.on'i* Grvek lexicon of New Tr»lnmcni* Leverett a Lexicon; ’ Auisvrori&'a Latin Dictionary; E te ““J.THiWn’a French Dictionary: • TjieoU»mr»l Dictionary: . Vmoit Hijde Dictionary; • Itohniwiii balinei't Dictionary, 4c- Ac The abov*. uisharr.'- *-• Jiuvil, »ilh a piucra! a/M>'run*m">nVolt>jncnl, f . MMirviateutto;' - d ” Ll _ 5O Marketau between 3d &4Uu ; New Phblioßtlom. Mir.TO.VS l-OHMS, illuMmtrd HariwrV Me *. nlaiott oflhe Ptwtienl vrork.of John &Tuton witb n memoir, »Wl rnueal remark* on liii uruiu* «ml img>, by Jam,.- Mm.igomery; a.nT J ™ u «‘ b »««"!• vutiraJ,jihiloiop!iicflJ, and cxecetienl- m»Jr. •-L i ,c ‘ > P?r± tin i.i. of ■g?frsSs:zr3Zxi v&ihss Gompb-te in;j«u paru. paper; aVoS. &£'• m fr STOCKTON, •j^ 9 -. • : comer of market midM «»« SlltiSigl .JSJJk »«nicroui m*p* uJ «n*r». iieVeign of Wi.llUm Jtljftom 1 fi»o ixmrwi-, <■ •.» vols. ' -'•• ,h * *i°*! oT«Wo Ifoly Scnpioir* • . M'^V iD » rwatnce, viih fio.eagr*- Sugr, ind Skrtchei unfee'dandferule br •■•••: i: . m»2sw» - oTM rtifo," fcj ts*o.' r MjpWW ,*frt6l*T, r •' >nAf T \ i '.‘ i j Mfi-'y. •’ 'Al«—3o loum ,co\ ,\i j \ -J-J. ° f >'» ■»«"> of Robtrt Manual ... ’spsssSffiigs aBSSSSI : I piece 01 frrouml uni thereon i reeled iJtaUA •■' oil the north- side heiweXf ' Viiw 1 * ,r * eu r«d. in. the square between *' V me and Sasafru iireru, m the n» •«/ pk:i*.).i.i‘ • ~ »l.«r.of>h. -id ■Brt.nVmAKSJSirtJSSif - niado, .to. value tW.eau*; ' h< * ,ld »nqae*l will meet on Friday the «th -• rt*y of February, atlO o'clock a > a.;u RjJ? ~;; , No «xih.itwcv.in. the city of .’■' PUladdlphm, to go to and Upon the fcud pmnleet • . wJk «u ! •» , i.-‘ •' -JIRNRY •. / nlfldfst Shenfr of ihe City ami county ofPhilad’a. ‘ ' T’iT* ' Tyi»« Foundry, ' ,•*■ ,” 0 - C»oM-*treeU am) will continue th# btuincs*' • ia*ply eonduoled-by HobertTaylor. . They Will attend WtUI onlew with puctiiality and, dunmCh.. AU Urn,. l i* afil . c, . ur ?, d t J*) r *hftn w»U be Hand Cast; amT " l«*r qoalijy 1 ** tonda ot Primer*’ Materials, of lh*/ ij • ,^ r . r / J - * Orereid 1* kti!| ampler): ed In lUpermtettd-’ *»* the ruanu&eiuttag department. - •,■. •. ; ; - (*T M™? T ' r !L nov 7P*P* n S who hare -not advertised P ubll *h ,hi * notieefor three nonlha will be entitled to tectirc their‘pay iu type, on - *ertiri^" ? fiTC Unie * amou ' l * of thetr bill* torad : ' ‘ €yp« t»hea in exchange for new at oma per Ur' , ffessvj ■ : . ; , Comer Gold ami Aim Street*. \; •. Mate • Sfo ?b^7^ ar »? ir T; :i^ty *°.»rftll«w creatures, “ 1 ,aou, d »‘W my testimony u> the well**. . wkSS? r” , , c “ r ,f f your; ALTZBAJIVE. l irorfi; rwitouncwl an. tacumhle Serofu u« o rThl f r<e ar * ARer afnithfur ‘ Hf?w* . reme , d f t * °*«w. profession, natilTOjr paOencA . lr io, S* lo l H ,r efSc>c r were complete- . aiW it.-i^V 1 c . on V T,c ? ee , d ‘akin? yoiir Alterative.-* ualw M *k months, iwm not only- • l tr my Canc ' r waa literally ropteii out and SSSTiSfIJ " m “T yuruP'orrly : - e “° hosuolioH 1S“5Sj!“““ uuumiiiuoml irnieSy cSm.t ‘ I iiavp ’ ’ " V or fc*r» in underigbiin? iuvinaeriahS' .commending tt to all similarly affected. ' rJH? P f CUul! s'7 ' VitrrP.y.i - : ' know AJ x. raUVc - fact*•tatcd try her we ‘" h ° HO'VKS HYCIEIAN IJOARHOUND tc. ‘iJViUl . ™ rl S° U £ h d >' j * oUeml lo the public o« a ril'bnic. W&oopmr Coujh.lnfluenziu . B^eeoe ™i affection - -•••;. have nriillV ? 5 6 ? - *“ch ca*e» tt U known to ■•-. ... : ;. L . |l* v * aadpermancmreliei; and from • , • - Bn . d ff r . ent n>cccs* MR remedy for tire : •* :lr ' gwro di-Mew whew it hiu bwft.wwL it pronto - , - - , Kf.sr. °’! e 01 tho mo «u«iul and popular medicine*, .., • ° Here “*°o, o» a pleasant relief lo the consumptive, ••••• -- - "blly? tuUltantlov pablic epcaken ge*. : -- A irreli^itf 31 "* a^i Pf c P a » a «*o'ilmlfehte*ilelfndin;;in- •■"< ; E£r? , \ a ?, d h wxJl » 1° be by no tnemi.iW - *rfni!?»-.n ,l,e . la *J e * ftnd . '"ay be used by children umT ' A!T' lh em,re '“Pumty; Tin* materials used in the - - are v ‘ i,c * l ‘junllty.. and it may he re. ' , , PomiliM ,^i,tTs ryrc i |K^1 “ article. —' ’ hen?tKh« F “/* 1,0 doubt prontoir. iheit comfort nod ■ cL“S • iltlplns a •“Pl ,l )Ve*jwciu | ly iu the .reason of T®*??' bl .“ C 0 " 1 * Candy in coniidered a great as- . > i f Jmnvi. WoU,eW: ,DS * u Pn c,or ,u all to" patentßa y Jmnper* in-creation, a* children were never known •} nl-wVhu !i- , Ca J‘ J y wi ‘»‘ J .*kccptibrmore. Atn- ' • . •, “!•?' ,«* “rtreie.wiU convince tiny wr<«n of iu e'wca-' 1 ' -' - ’* , proprietor* the.reiort deiy any person lathe : - - f .jSfSSfrf'' , Sold wholesale and retail, by the CeneTiitAgcni. ': ' It S.MYSKB, Druggist! , , comer 3a and market sl*j Pittsburgh.' °z? * 00 '* Proprietor*, No'l 'College Hall Cinein- • ... janlD " T) A; hAIINhSTOCICy Pneumonic or Conch Bal- JLI* >am, bain preut advantage over many other -™ r h preparation., as pleasantiu.te .permit* it to i£t U “ w «J‘ow inconvenience. Km it* value os « consist* in the speediness of ils cure. W« have S ,n n i.’ o i n i e of xiw mwl desperate coughs. some of ‘ u<! been runmnp on for a considerable length ofstirac, vicltl almost immediately to it* power. • n m,Jl n i " wna,l,# , r have had during the past n • ver > onc •# liable to take cold, unless great precautions arc used.. e • -i ,w L CI , ?i. ct a,,, i u "? uc ‘•XPosuro to the inclemency of tl ?r . ° ftcn . lay * M dilation of a bucking results WOirJl m ‘ c *l ß ® quick'reracdyio prerentsenous , -V' c £“■?" numerous certificates of cures which itf mniiy of which are from persons in V lO nci ?“horhood, and they.are a sufficient rciercnce wiiluiul saying anoihei word in its fnvor. ' • Ptn£enmra v-V.- Wholesale und retail by BJL •• %83SZ.*-* Af“snf nEmS“uTLrai-““r II » duly I Ifi owe to my fellow creatures, to state something £££ r re «^ C,m s IOUl OU , r . Pulmonary Balsam. ; Jhi n.JLfj l <r ■ the-itaUam, about eleven years ago, *. . the happy effect of which I then gave nu account of 1 hail several severe complaints and attacks* at mV - h-.v?’.? 7Si P ? ays s ! l>rc - and in' every instance 'I • used the Cnlram a.one.witii complete and perfect ' Oi.t .-t .-.l rebel tmd cure in a'very few <!")!•. Ins ccriubily n iutr medicine. I do‘not know ..T diui.it will cure q iixed coiuusnptiou, but.l believe it ’ £.‘Kirr r C i“ V* ? I' r, - ve, “ | vc; and prevention is !««!£*“ cuw, i? do therefore. tor the Jove of my fe|. . . £ «i!* V“ ~riUly rw ‘«“Meiid lhe'use of this BiJsam, ’ r ' ma! pulmonary complaniu. I urn confident that it it/, n . IP ' t , n ,“i u ‘ V preserving uiv life, to this day, Boston Juno 1.u,-41. . BKNJA.MI.V PARSON'S* ' ! r 11 A &’-Co, corner first and : i'. wood and also corner wood mid bib, jnW rrsMto . P r » MeLmike in — I ? purchased one vial of Dr.-' '*' ; * "° nn /- p P ec,fip » »«”'< two ’tnonlli* Q ro ■ml ;guve to a sou of iniue, some seven years old two »^? 00 - I ‘/r 1 k “ nd nhhough tpc amount may appear >ct l have no doubt but there was upwnrdTof T'to.TUoysisn woou3 passed from him, mcasurimr - tronume quarter of da inch to two inebeslonr. • - ? _Rohc^Creek, Carrol co.Tetui^J)eciS/^^r^ja* l l Jud S e *t on ® efona ud a half XiauUions, siuee l»iS,.prouounce this anicl-runsur ' {Spii co , nil -^ !ion ° r 011 . kinds of • *' 821,10. eash (or loads of 10 M, ruor. E&tE P 0 "*?* I **-. Onlere for a second quality ' llolijar Bncks will be executed at QJO per M. if do d«s u rC noJTV a, °^ t i (niart 5 ~1<; -*-' A ‘ ,ock ot 'qmiliw !iti n 81 warehouse; 'Sloan's WTinn, 1 Ca« " .efc”’ hy ' J - B,uw •• , • , septjJif Keusioglou iron Works. •.;.»*mb«^7lhrTr Election 6>r «fen Directors' oftlio Company " ill be licld by the itock holdent a. their Office in the boroosb of Erie, on Mon .' l “V M«Vdi day or March next, at 10 o'clock, a. 51 • - ' ALGOODWIX, Soc’y. ' Caflnl Office; Kne. Jan. 13. lSJj.r' . . . Cj b NDRIEtf-150 prime Rid coffee/ 150bbl*XO k 7 -Molasses; J 3 boxes manufactured tobacco; 125 half pTfcn and black least ?3t>audnib l-oie* Yll 1 and tl'l do-jSttlioxcsCieniiuii clay;loca*k»*:Uera» tu« 10 do.'potaih. irith -a ficncrat'[anKirt- . "' ruuit or groceries, in Rtore umj tor sale l>y : . carsox it. Mcknight, cth u. ; ,, . RWIOVAI.- 1 have changed iny place of huiuiei* .\9 btoM street betweeu Wowl4ud Smithfield im mediately uube rear of the k.u M I formerly occupied whsra lam prepared to do bmihcu lu usual. - • V?_ . _ ALEXANDER GORDOX. SV.A*. WUIS-ICO bbl» No 1,2 iuni 3 mackerel; af bis ' 7re»b T&tsins, 30 bxt honey, 10 frufls almond* t w oi timothy seed, 4 btS* scorched sala.^™"?hnffTo,- *alc by UaSl] . EXCiidSll rjjaxXCT^-/ pOCnECpPWNTS ‘ ’ ' lion of buyers to hi* assortment of aborts superior . />,. goodvpeat styles and plaid* of pure m *lA*X colotl , l ' aH &vfcr-andAmeS : ' - * printworks do. also faif colors. * • - - jains SirpEiuou"sniHTi?fa ihjBr;iw«_\v r AIUKi'.HY, NVIi eonier Markn ■tn’ci? call* auemion to thfcsupenor long doth aJiini,WS ‘- J liiiß hr;u seller atm ctsp*|ci~i»fw. hi* supeftorail- i ¥ • sorimemof JRI&H dajc, aiiJ ofilic most approved tnauufacums. Also, Linen Lawn* v - ofryciy fWaUty, ami a full fcMortmealof gentlemen:* \ l*ndi« cambric handkerchief*. - ••■••.. iju^m WMITK .-A::.,-. > ofMeambool C.oumenwum*, jn*t received from N. *•»«, aud lor sals by SIUCKLKrr*. WHITK, 1 ~ ■ MWoodV ' -.-‘V. 'Brown mid Dafml Flannel*.— I 'ii' Wl "w allu f )p,y re ?* ivt ' l front ihofmanuiactu- .. Also, a few pieces oi low priced Cassinrtts, fur ' ' ' GKOIUIBCOCinUN;.. ■. \ TJL.VJVKin'^—iSpair largo Zkoiiietiic'Ulankcta. just " " • ' Sj received oh coiunrnniein; for safe br ' ' •? 5 I .. li“. COcmiAN, MlVood ai WiiLiHI PLANNKLA «on«buniy.ou.lmaj,ai dry 1 :pH«l<jlimu« of W II Murphy, ft K cotmr ol ■*iu and market an assortment:ofabovi-roodi,- u-1 V-*-," ? r .*?^‘^J lo > h » l nff » l washing. ;l ;• • jmn ri'Alilk DIAPERS ANITTABiLEcEoTHS-W' B. 1 ' ' X Milrphy ha* on hand, at Ipw price*,’jut assortiaeni ' " T ; • ot common, medium and superior linen table diaper*; . r ;Jr. ; v also damask linen table cloths, njoda*, h«V • ahud, lurd-eye, and Scotchrhapcn'for toweling. U|s' \~l ■■ P ?W CK A M >A 9 CAsX ' V,e " oflatin r -'• - i-. barred alpaccn*..lately '■rce’d; also, an excellent BMonukut of fancy.barred'do., very low. otOiedrv - \ ' good* house of [jaJl I AVTH MUKPHV^* I '’ ■■■••■ BCTtfEXC-OO bbls pnmc renifa butter; ' / M*r' k<l P butter and lurd.dry aniitci aud'ncaeh»« Moremidforsaloby : 7 “J fc uTLOVD rpKAK-^O_ half chr»K~Yotili- llyson,’GunDowd'er ‘ ‘ ±. Imperial, and Bl«ek-rl» auM &;Jb. J . .. ltycou und Gunpowder do. oa hand and for aale br ■• ; ' : i • « • • ri^EAS-Th« MbscnUrs-hava^uliSJTiijd'iS'r'iiK. X im oocommodaimg tenn*. a larue and well ' a-.?nrfrural if tea> ot thtrerenl anitrc* and de • !-• F-««bo.n.nhorstkc». ‘—-— : "—^l rtint »L v ; i.R JH*”- ’j-i '--■■■ imimtT A cmAivk...« V - .v. 4 Idofcbl * *'.’‘4 MifSkleM/MP" - 1 - , AA c . c . dn ' c ?l l » l B ll »« _ ■ Idjor snle hv > ■ MISCELLANEOUS. i ; '"' h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers