IK 7' {•’ k '■■■ it* r • h: •; ii- ; ■' ; v W\- >]} ■ Pi’- r. v'4 * *r . ♦.»*<.• .V«.y. ‘4g falls 0^ v.Cr.-v ' t. «* Lvt. % fi||ili^l:i|l:l \iUj;iS'^ : iu’ > -affif f:- : r d % \ * V' 1 tei|#a *|Siiltfliß S^oNP®®^ Hi' : ::s : 7;r».<-‘:.;;!j;’":;vV‘i .ttSSj/ V‘* .-nHO ' * *‘*4 .*• 0 * ■ ■_ • ' ,£'-,• ...... , • ' ’ ■ &-<'&*: “• . ;,v v:"y’S:rr.^v: : •;:. J < '<• i. . ••*,■ • jf ■' * I ! rf&fiXf. *£&?+&**?. Z&tgsx BOOKS, MUSIC, ic. i • HEW BOOKS. * v.iynß Coatlct/o* tha Hypooftafintaaskadiby p. P. i-: -Jack, Aajbtt«P&y :!£. Bbwaii, .gathur otjUtiin (be J • Bectirr." •*’••' •■■--.'•• -•••-.-■ TAiA Star at tkorFallm; by Card*, authorof Black Plumed Riflemen. The Magic Figure Head, or the Lady ef Green and - Blue; by Charier Carey, ef the U. 8. N. The Bandit's Bride, or the Maid of Saxony; Louisa Htanhope, author of‘•Striking likenesses,” Ac ■ ■■ Immlla Lyamore, and Mr. and Mr*. AVoodbridgr; br Mis* Imslie. ; ~*e », / . Imndai Quaner.y Review. •• Untea Magazine (or December. Life of Joseph T Hare—a large supply. , TtoMuaneri^UMlur,bribe auibac o(>IIi«oi7 er a |Anb.’ ; . . ' > ■ The WUfalaeu of Woman, by (be same. . The Old Commodore; by K Howard.' • • Jeanette Allison * the Young Strawberry Girl—a tale of Sea aiul Shore; by Ingraham. : 5*" 1 ! °r f>*yli»rtit, a prize tab-: by J S Robb. Mrr Rowland Ashton, tf vul; by Lady c Lon*. " .*. w 4^ >I,!nior * of Versailles, and th* Court of Louis ■ • lbs XIV. Personified, No*. 0 and la Karal Cemeteries of Amcriea,aan9.' ! Magßime*, Newspapers, etc. * • • • I‘ttDch and Pictorial Time*. per last steamers. * . Brother Jonathan. Philadelphia Courier, and Yan kee Doodle Pictorials. ' For sale by WM S CAIjDWFJ.L, . r* f *_ J 3d st,*opposite the Post Office. READY FOaPCTBLICATIOX • JL?I by J. A. AU. P. JAM Ed, Cincinnati, the following fedyr and valuables Work*— , I Doniphan’* Expedition—Containing a sketch of the life of Col. iA. Av. Donipbaiu the Conquest of New , Mexico: Geo. Kearney 's Overland Expedition to Cali . fbritia; Doniphan's Campnigu against the Navijos, and , his unparalleled March upon phihuabua and Durango, and the Operations of Gen. Price at Santa Fe; with a . Map and Engravings, by John T Hughes, AB of the Ist Regiment of Mirsouri Cavalry. Hisloiy of Kentucky—lts Antiquities and Natural Curiosities; Geographical Statistical and Geological descriptions; with anecdotes of Pioneers life, and more • than oue hundred Biographical Sketches of distinguish* . «d Pioneers. Soldiers. Siatesraru, Jurists, Lawyer*, Di- Tines, Ac.; Illustrated with Amy engravings; by .Lewis Collins, 1 vol. octavo. The Twelro Months' Volunteer, or Journal of n Pri- Tate in thei Tennessee.,Regiment of Cavalry, in tha Campaign of Mexico, during 154&47, containing nn ac count_©r the March of the Regiment to, Vera Cruz, a . . description pf the Country passed over, manners, .eus i toms, Ac. of the people; Sketches of Camp life; ac count* of all the action* of ollwr Volunteer Regiments, • . ■ , and a full History of the Mexican AA'an List of the KH led and Wounded, Ac; illustrated by a large number of correct Views aiul plans; by Geo. C. Furber, 1 volume octßTo.- !. - . deel BOOKB POB. Tn.fi SEASON—llluminated Gems of Sacred Poetry; a splendid imperial d vo., with beautiful illustrations oh steel, by Sartain, nndlfef pages by Schmitt and Sinclair, richly bound in Turkey morocco and white calf, superbly gilt. Um Christian Keepsake, an annual far UMs: with Slendtd mozxotintkngTavin£s,bySartainjbound in ar eaqab morocco. Christmas Blossoms and New A'ear's Wreath for ISIS; a snail quarto volume, printed on snow white pa - I»ij embellished with splendid mezzotint engravings.— lAus is by far the most beautiful juvenile annual pub lished in the United States. The Poetical AVorks of .Oliver Goldsmith, M. 8., with eruiote designs, by the Etching Club, in Va rious styles of binding. • - ■ Thompson's Seasons, with seventy-seven designs, by the Fhehiag Club, in various styles of binding. The Poets and' Poetry of America; by IL AV. Gris yrold. - ■ • The Poets*and Poetry of the Ancient*, by AViltiam Peter, A. 1L; superbly bound in Turkey morocco; spleu didlrrilu : . Willis’s Foems, in various styles of binding. Gray’s Elegy illustrated. • 3 Ifetsan’s Poetical Works, in various bindings. I.ord Byron’s . “ * : . ** .* • Shakapenre’s “ ■ ■ u « The Poetical Works of TAiomas Moore. Ballads and cither Poems,by Mary liowitt. Poetas by Amelia. Headley's Sacred Mountains. ' The above, with a great variety of other new works. In splendid ttylak of binding, suitable fur gill books; for aale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, de3o ; Booksellers, cor. Market A3d su._ t&lcable Standard Works. BRANDED ENCYCLOP.tDIA—A Dlctlooary of Scv. eact,literature and si%cotspriiing the liiitory, drscriptMUi ■» and adealifiepiacipks of every bra&cli ofhumsu * .with th* deriratioa and dtfiniuoo of all the (eints to ge&cral VM T «ditcd fey WTBraade,F R S,d| e - Illustrated bjua • awtous raaravim cr wood. • Mona’s Norm American dllss. cootaining beautifully cob • oral maps of North America, Canada East. Canada Ifcst, Nova Beotia, Newßruavwiek, Northern Tnas, New Mex seo, Tesas, Oslifornti, Metlra, Central America, Yaeatan, Rest India 1 thuds and aD the titales and Terrill rtesht tht Union. - Neal’s Puritans Thr history of the Pnritasi from the • it formation la 13i7j to the rcvolatioa ef iTttLeomprtsiwaa aceonlof thrir prjndpks, Ae,Ae, by Daniel Neal,M A, Tcvised by Joha O Choates, M D, wuh aia* portraits on steel; - > .latvoaeduami Tha ass of the Body ia reUlka to ti»* Mind, iy Oeorgc MJ), member of of Pbjsicsaas, fee. IFeallh aad JTorth* /ir which makts tha maa, a very pop* alar JsvmQs work.' .* faribof Um Sea, shipwrecks, . Ae. . Bomb’s Speaker—The *Jsws3o Speaker, earn prising ihmiiiliij min ami iimlni is liiliaMtim with ■ wtrr tiea of pw«s far {raeiiea, by FreadsT Burnell, hatraetor la Tba hbors vocb r*eel**d «nd for ah by JOHNSTON 6, STOCKTON Booh»»rVr»,c<ir markrtmdUrd it» PIANOS! PIANOS!! TTRSEY KLEIBER, Dealer inetutrm Piano Forte*. | li at J.-W, WoodweU’s, No. &5 Third Street. *Rie Pn>ry>« nay le examined at all bourse and the tqlnrti • ber-wilf betneru from 11 to 12, A.'St., aruTfrom 4to fi, P. M. each tiny. - Pitub-g. Oct. ta, U« We, the undersigned. would inform the citixrus of Timbargb and aieinity that we have appointed Sir. 11. KleibeV sole agent for Western Pennaylvaiua, for the aale of oar Piano Fort e*jfroot whom they may be ob tained at our own (New York) price*. . ' NUNNS h CLARK yewYorir.~Sem.l.ieiWtgMt< MISCELLAHEOU& > AOREA.TCPK£,gcrferaed by the original and oalytrea and ftnsiaaliw Pill, prepared ad euld by tt E.eEL • , i Jioi*a’FAC*a*T,Weitaortl*Bd Co^Fa-) i ; JidyWih.lW. i J j£r, ft,X.SdUm—kmarn ofdaty toyooand thealllieted ' jsdaeea at lokld tar haabta teetimaej in frror of yoorjuitiy . tihbnlrt Irnr Pill*. 1 hetedctcrTcd doing ao for y*mn,. - adberiM W Drry Crockett’* taxxim, “be sore yeti axe right, -■ -tVTrfhrr* ” Mart oflbe many preparation* of eapi»« landed loti*able*,hareanahintoobtmaneinct TowYherri’l* ban WeaoSmd l« (be pabtle. B&d. indeed, lWim tiey will‘wrira thm all,” «• they are jort-wha yn ft™ to be. I h*»a baen aflbeied with Lmr rMpialat Com ay yooth; bare rede red ranch; employed am emacat pbnkiu*, to whom 1 paid reach reeoey; bare - wfc UmJ; been eoreitedaad phrekhed almortlo death; Crated ft or « and SoaUrritea ap a» IneuiabU. la . 2SB-71 ««iodaoed to try yoor Uycr Ptlb, aad SOON GOT WELL. (bathos of which uaowsoi&cieat to httpme clear ' «f paiaia the aide, and all tbs other lyreptore*. for at leak •12reanthti ToarPilleaftalMtbebcateatbanielceeritatd: . bdicaiU,Betip|pbs wfiraraKk mbM altta An* ■ehAstgtTe re* reach relief 1 beta kept them »n my, tfore £rd sr 7 rear*; aold haadred* of boxea.nd bare «mr Aeaid a eomptaial nlleted by asy one who baa ned ".'them. TbeybaeaeapereedcdalmOatereryotbcr p*U tatbn ' ia a abort time will baiuih them all. 1 Mniitlr.rrn—m—* tb»a to all pereoas pbjiie, Lfrtr fv-'r 1 "*”* Bill ‘ a<l * Jftrtfoiia leoa* 'giAcr Una for la rerior toCelctsel or the Ho* Fill. Ertptrt '■•"iMnwii . i JLMouu ' ;r* there'are other FID* before tin poblie ~ CiUoUwFilli.Rnow«lio*ul()uOE!nirsCiMßli fA fm amf takaaoatber tirentiuac prepared aad told by B . ‘ f ftpy rt« K. 57 IPood-al betweea Third aad Feortk **M4bf Dr.Caam, Viltii )Fard,DM CcKST,'Alfcfhaay :V€*y;.,. *’ _ ■ • • DR. JAY HE’S ALTERATIVE. • W«havebeen informed ly Mr* Roaeof aearepcr fcrmedeober by DtvJajrma’a Alt*r*UT*,wblcb I WBTM iu asperiorinr over ere 17 oiberremedy of the ..V. ' ... V*a Bho hat been alßieted for the la*t tixieea yean ' - ~wfefc NECROSES or\V|llTßisWEl.LlNGS,attended --vlth alearatioAa aad-enfoliatlna at reran*bone*.di l ■ ' TbKMiekdilunMypwcMhmbeeediielitfKtilfnß . .; tim (rental Vooe o t the cranium, fro si both her imi, ■wriUM ud haad*, and from both iega, end front the left ... tawal boae. and from the right »***, br*tde*painfal ■t.: . atom oo other pan* of her peraon,wb»eh have baffled * the akin ef aaoaberof tbemwteimnentphyajeianaof ..«creU*—daring amt of the lime her aa.feriag* have 1 * been aieraasng and deplorable; Aboonuirre month* ateee the ml induced wtry Dr. Jayney Ahenuire. • f.. ■ avUeh ha* had aa cusaiihingty hepfj effect apon her, a•: by removing aU pain and ewe)tlsg«»and eaauag the tueen to beaWwhtie at theaaae time her general health . buhrrnmnmaiplrirlTirrtm-rii.rnthii ihr now weigh* 'SI Ibaiaor* than *hc <ud before *bc commenced the u*e ■■ «•’,! Eve. I’ocl [•' -:-F>ritotberiafcnßauoß|iaqvin>orMn. Rote, No. 18S STORE, k S'- S :y ‘ F>*nl> at oe*r Wood. • jyS I- ' A 6TRONO’EVIDENCE that Dr JAYNE’S EX pt#.-; •- fa anperuw to m»l diet raedice far rlc (WiiinwfagtiiM Him'lii'i- n- L — ■-•*—f*- 1 jgV'irV ■*. wty islfcaUha auwpmona whoeonuaeoeed the Igiij.J.ii- '«a»«ri*to their fraUica ten win ag® Mill prefer ii to all ellwrrraeeiieeo/lhehjod; aoawhere any hare beta induced SBr&r'jii'’ .toljy otb*r ptepnxatoioe they h«r* aliM»i mnriiWj been " ilW]i)Rii»li< i> rimrinp- tb« benefit which wa* renaonab!/ hsa&V ji. artjcinled frm the high pf»iw» beetowed by the proprietor*) . fan t«Mn*i u ibe t** of fann’ LOTCKibiiT, n rgfi?i". g ttmUf' tint W-nem failed to. relieve then. tid which ffijWvy'* ■i tofaj temtot lUeaoaJ to amato* pnlaonhrydifcaaea ffijrfr Ifmnifddwlj by Dr D, Jeyue, Hutodelphia, end aotdos 3s' - ! rinnb) ■ ALEiTjAYNKS . • • " "dfonnhei nisr AED| . iepiurw t. gnu DtOTCAS, ■y - ■ IBCTIBJ » COMUSIOS SERCfIiKTS, (u Ae«W*tai»dofB«y fa&hepartj , • Nuhtiile, Tennenaee, 7 . i • -T]|rilj; fin* pTOßptw4fajUfa<d»eat>fln»thea%le •''fV «d l)r» Good»>ufoeene»,«n4Mcrth*ndl» yen ■f '- wryb. .••-■•-• •• •■ - —. . UriiOlk . ;■ .’S *<*,*.*«,«* • _-;■•».*•«•*!■* * !“f^ - ~SS»«*iMi«oii'. » , ;*.. .1 U is liberty * epP««t« ■aitkfidi . ' • A ‘ -'■'¥■> aad Grew© oailable fee jn*irh>nrry,ea ■S. ' faraaleaßooa. '-- • ; - ■; -•■ r ■»«*■ r .. - --v—'. , " • oiSOt. . • ':' ' ' .■ i gfpf moot eßy«ffdtnttclttPOTtaltbnofPfWj;ei. ' iAWtXaadGltXat^cxefarWety.aartbarittrtade v 4RtiMaeiUi la dilereat pan* of Ka rope and iEe ‘ . audswilh well ftnown btauee for: rny flfluie «appfy of • ; ■ •“ SSkSxJooorCwbfch l w.JI be Able leaeil-delnra red •'■•■’■ Yorker NtrwOrleaiwor ' ' «aihl»«»w»tltlielowMi»Mlreipfice fere**bof »p -*' ■neinl rir-T I bate «a store asd cellar a »rry large . SSKfmS aoßoner Wraes mad L*gao»a m lu»omd SSliio««Ca«4 bnrt,** “ •. •••:• ••! '*,&££s2S‘n. •. ■ -rmwan-' MAft Just* (tom < i KiptoJbdelatilß aid New Yo*WPebloTeaCeaphny ■ ( ectapriiing •' ' S . ; ’ BWeC-i -«■- gauw ■ s , mss?4j'- r -Ssas?" • ■ ■ • ■ fWJMJ 4 IVfko»nowerii. - ‘ iffiSSSSSSr- --,*•"?!>•«<•■ !:. ■ :• ■'■ ' ■■■«« gfiJißAl»K^Celeb ■f :r;« ; ■ j V *■ MANUFACTORIES. i HTT KACHCte WOBKS- AND.FOOWDRY. -> „Jonk waioa^* co., A AE prepared to bttiW Cotton and WoollenMoehia il e»y of every description, each aa—Carding Ma*. chines, Spuming Frames, Speeder*, Drawing Prime*, Railway Head*, Warper*, Tw tiler*, SpoovisDresfon* Frame*, Loom*, Card Grinder*, ke n . Wrought lion Shafting uned all, tizes of Can Iron, Palue* and Hangers, of the latest patients, alido and handLolhe*,. and tools of all kinds. -• Casting* of every description furnished on short no tice. Pauenu made to order for hlill Gearing, Iron railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for heating Factories, Cast iron Window Barb, ami.fancy.Casting*generally.— Ordersl e ft at the warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Lib erty street, will have prompt auemioa. Renta to Blirkstock, Bell A Co., j K Moorhead A Co:, G E Warner, John Irwin A Sons; Puutxxrxh. II C A J II Warner, PieubcaviUr.. janlfl ; CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. - EW. STEPHENS of Wheeling. E. P. Shoenber • ger of Juniata and J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, hare ui* day entered into co-partnership under style and firm of Stephen*, Shocnherger. A Co, at the Aneborlran Wotks, Wheeling Vu^for the purpose of manufacturing iron and nails of every dtmnptnaa. IL W.SnrtacKs, HP HHomxaaxi.J.A.Btocxtoh. STfiPfIERS, XtiOKSBKEGER fc CO, ANCUOR IRON WORKS, Whaimgt Va. . Manufacture all kinds©! bodar, sheet, bar iron and nails, A B steel eliptie'springs and axles. Being con nected with SAxinbergei’s Old Jaidala Wort*; wo offer an stnicle of Juniata'ron [branded Sboenberscr] equal to any made in the country. All of which will bV sotdatibe Pittsburgh prices. Warehouse of the Work* cornerof Monroe and Water streets. rayll Ja*. UppearoK. . John U Wick' LK Morgan. LIPPENCOTT & CO.,' Manufacturers or iiammkrku and cast SI EEL and Spades, Axes and Hatchets, Mill Pt Cut,Chcular and Gut caws; Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes, hlauocks. Pick*, Ac. Ac. Having completed all their arrangements in tho con struction of new machinery, and in securing the best workmen from the most celebrated establishments of the Ease aru now manufacturing and will keep eon •innUyo a hand and for sale alt the above nrtie'e*, Lav ing availed themselves of the latest.improvements, and are'determined tkhl in workmanship and materia! they a tU not be They promise to prodoceurbelcv, equal, if notsuperiur. to any that can be had in the East. Tney inviu-the attention of doalrr* loan examination of their stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they are convinced that the) will bo able to fill all orders in their line to the entire satisfaction of purchase**; Warehmt*e, Water si 4 doors West Monongabela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. N.B. Person* having business with Wm.LippcacoU A Son, will please call on Lippencott ft Co. ocdMly NSW FOURTH STREET BAKERY, CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STORE, will open on Monday, Aprufith, four door* from Wood si, and next door to A Jayne’s Pekin Tea Store. A spleudid assortment of Fancy Cake, Confeetucary, Fruit, ©-, fresh on the eountcrevcry day; among which are the following Macaroons; PoonJ Cake; Lemon Biscuit; Pastry; bpooge do; Pepper Nats: Jelly Cake; Almond do; Molasses F. Cake; Ginger Nut*; Wafer Jaablef;BpougeUiseuit; Federal Cake; A. F’s; . Sugar, dot Orders for Ice Creams, Jelly, Brides’Cake, Fancy Confcctiouary, c., c., executed in a manner une qualled in quali.y and beauty k>y any other establish ment in thi* city. -. Fresh Uresd, Twist, Rnsk, Ae , manufncturtt) solely from White. Wheat Flour, andfree from ail drugs,every mt>rning.__ _ *p3_ ANDREWS - Allegheny' venitian blind factory.* JOHN A. BROWN this method to inform his friend* ■lf. i iB • ami the public at large that his Factory * 1 ■— *s*unw in full operation, on the East tide ;of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a coii| **■* ■ slant supply of Blinds, ol various color* £539 * nnclquafiiictsare constantlykepton hand, jsal|i also si No. 5 Wood st.Pittsburgh,ntJ.A EE3SV. H. Phillips’oil cloihwareroom. Venitiat} Shatters made to order in the best style. Blinds repaired at th-; shonrst notice. N. B. His Blinds wilt he put up, -without any addi tional exepnve so that they can bo removed in u mo ment in case of (Ire or ter wenhiug, nnd Without the aid of u crew dr e ocildlVAwlsmly WBI. ALKXANUICH A RUNS, COFFIN MAKERS AND FURNISHING UNDF.R TAKKRS, corner of Peim a&d St. Clair streets, oeposhslhe Exchange Hotel, entrance on Penn sum, retpectlolly tutorm their fririui* attd thv public, that they are prenurrd id furnish and attend m everytnlngin •ins hue of Undertaker*. Aiwajvon hand a large no fornrrnt nf ready made Coffins, < overrd. lined unii bn ufo-’t in (Jie very bev manner, all son. nndsixi-sirscty iunde SUroods of flannel, Cambnck and uiuilut, aiidalt Kixrs made in approved styles. We keep a large ns sonment of whie ud black, cotton, .ilk nud kid Gfovoi, snbic for pall bearer* and mourners,crape,yaps,col lars, and every, thing neeeast-ry ‘Of dressing the dead, and on reasonable terms, as we purchase all our good* intbe hia stern ciues. Auo, silver plates lor engraving the name and age; We have a splendid nn-.vhcujveand hor-ev, and any number of the Lest carnages. Every Uiing attended to promptly and punctually. octftly W. W. WALLACE; PITTSBURGH STEAM AIAKULK WORKS, ,Y*i. tiU and SW iLforrly strsst, mar tkt Canal ALWAYS on hand and madetoorder, a large varie ty of Marble Mantels, Pier, Centre Tables, and Buteaa Tops, Tomb Stone*, Monument*. Ac ; all whieh, being made of. the choicest marble, and manufactured principally bv machinery, will be sold low for cash. N. B. Persons-wishing to purchase Mantel*, are informed that it is henceforth unnecessary for them to go East, a* I can furnish them with an article in all respects as good, and (freight, •nsursnee, Ae, consider ed,j as cheap as they can purchase them for tu tHe Earn. Cali anJ see. | jc2ff COPPER, SHEET IRON, AND TIN . WARE MANUFACTORY. FtUshtrrgb; Peana:.’; . having made great Impraveaienu t in the eonstrartion of their COOKING AfOVES, respectfully invite persons building SteambcM* tD call and ctamine before parebaslug **" we e*n supply them with Deck Sutves, Forges, a<i<i ry other kind ol Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron w»rt . -«*ary in famish* tna u - »e ai»o make to onltr ■ liortest notice Sal Tul*e« aud Cbum >rr; Co;>;>-. .«ui- .if Smam Engines ajid every variety of woes m our line. Mio SHERIFF A SHIRK WBl. McCULL' of Vials, Bottles and W. Gl&u, No. l:j» WOOD SrttEEl'. OCR factories, being now in fall operation, wr are prepared to execute orders in our line- protaptU*. !>sr.e,' tbe lii»t luta.ner we have adej-icil anew plan ui tbuieuing WitiJawGltiA*, (.die bxm: approved plan cow u>c<l in tfcts erut.) by which we lam aal a superior arti cle (>lau dsUened mi tfci. plan is perfectly-lavcl sad true, w.ili a very fine lustre- Faimeis anddnslerc fen. risUjr, are requested to null sad examine for them selves. sp-S BENNETT & BROTHER. MPEKNBW ABE MANUFaCTUBEKS, Blrmluglian.tncar PiCt*burjgti|]Pa. Warehouse, JYo. 137, Wood street, PitiiburgL WBM’tWlLLcoosiamly keep on band a nod uxm £&/mentot Ware, of our own manufacture; and Vfl l superiorquaiity. Wholesale and country Mer ** ■ chants are respectfully mvued to call and ex _ attune for themselves, an we are drie named to sell' cheaper thanhaaeverbefore been offered to the pub. iie. Orders sent by mall,accompanied by the cash« eitv reference, will be promptly abended to.. febXS Great Waters Bolt Hiaje finalaetory, CINCINNATI, O. a GARDNER A Co., woald inform the trade that t\ • they are now manufacturing the best Butt Hinge cvermaifo in iba L’naed Stales. At tigs tt our priuci pie haatnets, wo intend to tend oui as complete an ar> lielesscafi po**ib»y l*e made. There engaged ill the hsn)wa>eirade ( we think, will Cud iiiotbetr interest to tee oar Bans All wrder*promptly aueaded to. myfi AOABDNHRaCo. corof htb * main »U ‘ JOBS IBEBIFB A - - C«., Nos. 99 and M Front tts, ' Bum FoonrouindOiaFlg* ■AH . rutsi Bxllb of all sites cast ■ foot the late* improved t>u -11 : . terns and warraoleif’.eqoal to any. Also, Brass Castings, finished if ordered, Gas Fit* tings pat ep promptly and on reasonable term. oovtMly rriTsDumm srrEEL works and spring AND AXLE FACTORY, mat jonts. jotu r. qcias. JOSES A ROIGO, MANUFACI UHEKi of Spring and Blister Steel, Plough Steel, 8(eel Ploagh Wing*, Coach- and Kliptic Springs. Hammered Iron Axles, and dealer* in hlalleable Casting*, Fire Engine Lamps, and Coach Trimmings generally corner of Boas ana Front Piltsbargh, ra. <• spts7 LIPPINCOTT ZBOS WOUBh. IRON and .Nail*, Hhovel*, Ac. for sole at oar new Warehouse, No-59 Water street, near Wood, run ning to Front., - Also, an aaeoßmem at the old stand, WeJlaatcr’s Row, Liberty street. Jlaviagmadegreatadditiotuto the Soiling Mill, all orders can be filled promptly. iwrJO _ . GRAFF, LINDSAY ACo BIKBfSCM TiCK FJCTUEI. CAMPBELL * CUESBt * •... us-ver icreuu of FINISHING NAILS, HOOK HEAD IJRADtt, Iron sad Copper Tacks, IRON AND COPPER SHOE NAILS, Pattern Maker* 1 Point*, of every dMeription, Office No, 9 St. Charles Hotel, Third street, ’ frM __ PltUbnrgh. •P. Mcltakt. ’ FLIRT' GLASS F.STABLISUBIKBtT. MULVANY A LEDLIK manaiseture and keep con* Kianuy on hand Cut, Moulded and Plain Flint Glassware, in all i}a varieties, at theirWareboase cor* nerof Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Our Works continue in fall operation, and wo are consundy adding to our stock, which enables u to fill promptness. Purchaser* are respectfully solicited to call and examiner,prices and terms. mylOdly \ r a»d&cw J. mu*. TH<M. jtmWKPyi J r ,. WhoUtaic Variety Store and Looking Clou Manufacturer, i Wood Mad Fotmheu.phubnrth. l LTAtfJast Keehred from the Kart a I a nr* and rood at* M Y y iety y° odt v i l aciiidiaitctoc>t^ kAccw* - Sw." 1 Cw ’ n " k * -•«" ■»«*. wlr* a» patient and qualitr^ TTe«era Merchants and others are req rested to cal (and ««?»« ,b sft? d«*where, o r jKt. AU Audi of Oilt. Maheaur aad eomooa LookinrUtas «» aanafaetartd and sold at Kaatatn pricea-w-Hi COACH CO A C-H m making.- fwm the very liberal meat the eobsenberbas reeeWrd Mne* fS&Mb be has tened himself in AUiJKf,® BT baa ladoeod bun to take '* lease, fora “——"■“wra Pimm? hi i»» oecnpiea, in Bearer street, immediately beaidel ibe Presbyterian Chnreh- From the too* experience u the above libsiness and a desire to please, be hopes toner* it and receive a share of public pstronaoe. Mew oo bend aad Iniahing to order, Koekawty Bog. vies, open add top Bagfica, aad every description 0 f Ckrtiares made so order, from Mveaty>five dollars te aigbtiignaret fsepS-difl JOHN BQUTH. . ilhavtafaiidlltlrDNtUafSaltok, BLACKSON ft FOUNTAIN, Tw riJprfoun, bars repainted end fitted «P their Shaving, llair Urawfof; aad SbasyoMiiiff Salooa (a the mode** s*yk, and idrenmrsd to wait eo gt aUraea at ooee, with case, contort sad pditesesa •They are prervtd to wait ee ail that nay call without deky. ; Tnsokbil tor past wa jatidt « mmTiiisnn.of the was, at eerddm, eoraer efUako street and the Diamoody (Wi of Dayk Pry Goads Btnrs.) - tf VKOKTAIOJC FtTLMONA RT BALAAM.—To • V ,k * I—l^^^l*^ I ***V'f***** PahowMrylhh«^_L| an jatbded that theFtgifahls Pulmsmvy Bahan naval nbUnediciae. 'lthaswen usadiatMtpaeewithptaulcto screw wsjioUtltato tmsnltiptaf the top, attended with a ami* coegh, ton of vosee.aad the nHlsp of noth Wood wfcfcb hid emkauly miked neayapproved puuhtun. A ftcr oibg tb« ba'nai eu week tfaajnucatH tetee ntarned, add In was enabledto apeak tadiwy. Tbis.rass ooeaiisd acme lion wee, and the mail aow appged BAdeJy.la w tba M Jalshorieeabtofaen. Bsamatfnfl/ iptui, CmMsd,KH, Jan. 30,10* ». J&ORMLL, MO.' fSito Rttteth by B. A-Fsfawtotfc, f cTSSS«f Itiiliwfitbuftrt htorfdi. > ; UK MISCfitIiMEOUS j ’iHWSS-Wf : wßiTine H FLUID.—Ia snlieitwg tLsp tn> agaof foe pakfie forfltisartkk,it»butrijht *«>dpi : which the chiaa for sujijoet it base* snoold b« fully foie, ly sst talk sad also mm nahstm b« gtvda that tbs'cca’ .muaity wilinqthsispasMumhy usiag ic - t * ;.)• IX*4r»tpUes it is mil karat that tbsgtaenSHof hack Vinks” arc corrnfd sf a.praeipitalc, hcid.tcmtber by gum Arabic, fold whaa thswsiier,cubsr tn wholsoe port Is evaporated Ut* gua aad pvedpitau an left as a pasty mass ta the pea or mksuad which eauUins it. . It is also co«iaao •fo add vinegar to the lah tstxlm to make it mor* fluid, which htereMCS U>* evil by acting m Dvs pen, if • Med uas, corroding it ihroughta aver horttims. Now.th*»Wri tiagFlutd” difienCrumthcs mixtures in every respfot, as tltsachetaieal viseid matter to Bold it together,tberaforo wiiloerargvtthitkjandkein* very flaid a large quantity flows from the pea into artvyssface pcaetra tiag deeper into U»« fibre of the paper making a monpema seat »tsia and on less easily moved by aUruioathaa if if was ooiyplsttered.onthesurfora. ItslSoeoetaissaoßaatterthat hssoaafisityifof mctalk iron, therefon will not corrode sierl pens—it will not mould, sad il wnics of a bluish green color ysti»* few hours it becomss a deep tlmk which Will endure for ages. It is warranted superior to the foreign trite e known by ths.muiM of “Arnold's Writing Fluid,” and ooe-third more given for the.mae priced As a guarantee against impoeitian of *uy kind being attempted the Hlowissireeommendabdu will euSce, se -all m»t be awsrc, font the names then given coud not have been ob mrned by any means for an unworthy purpose. . We recommend “ Hibbert'sChemieol Writing Fluid" to thepalronage'of I >ubUe,ssalintrate srtxeiemall res feet*; it lm free from the pea without elecgfog it up end m the eoune of a few hour* becomes a deep bright blnea. B A Sampson A Co. ; Wick and MeCandJeri Robert Moore. John Parker, . Wm LipjmeoUA S Wigatmaa A .Co; A Douglas Frvw.s Belkn Robl B MeTall, Boukp’r C A MeAuuUy A Co. forW. W Wslfoee, Juniata Rolling MUb, Aug 20,1 W?. f Mr Thoe K Hihbeji—Dear Sir t 1 have been using yonr Chemfenl Writing Fluid, and find il a first riu articM for UMOthec. it flows freely from the pen sad become* jet black a a few'hours. : YoanAc, T H TUTTLE, Bookkeeper for BheeUs A Semple. ritubargb, Avg 2S» IW, Mr T S ILUtrt—DnrStß jnniit 4l botlkof I»ur W riting Fluid, eome thro* week* igo, I cooiidcf it l ot j equal if MuiMfcnor to Arnold’* or xnr other ink now io BM. i klum nf RfUMtullV. WILLIAM STEWaRT, Book-keeper .1— r » - for A rthsr ti ieboleoei t-Ca IHlUborgh, Bcpt ll.lW. Mr T K iiibbcrl'—Dear Sin 1 am ns mg toot Chemical Writing Herd, and Cad it to be nmoet excellent nrtick for cteoi pro*, adildoeaoMcfcg them op tike the generality ot other ink*, tMlowa free and become* a deep bite to • few boon.; Yoon, fteepret/utly. WILLUM CABR,IkiA-ke ateper .M John Parker. . Prepared tad told WtolaaJe tad Retail bj TkoaaaiK. Hibbert, Druggut cad Chaaiet; canter of Liberty tad SeejUifeU {‘tracts. PiUibenb, Ps . OcthJflin UAKZAII^ATAfIt'BKDiItKAt). - THIS Xt Ptui UUr» impinvrairni baa now bcea in m about two years, and wherever U ; it known, preferred to ail other Hcadateads For cheapness, atrength and convenience it ha* not and caanoi'bo-equalled, ai it i« decidedly the beat, cheapeti and most convenient Bedstead in use, and per* , fectly (•tool' against Bags The principal Cabinet maker* and Turner* in Alle gheny city and. in Pittsburgh, have secured Right* to . (canuiaetutDand sell ihe article. As there are spurious articles nod imperfeet Imitetion* in'ihe market. purchg 9cr» would do well to examine the cast iron plates on . which m tbe genuine nruele the name o<* the patentee, K. F>Garxaj*.isiavatialily cast As a proof of all thn i» claimed for Gaxzam’a Bedsteads the following certifi cate from Cabinet makerswrll knowaiu Pittsburgh and the 'Vest, issubmitted to the public: tVe, the subscribers.practical cabinet maker* and Beil«:ead manufacturer* of the pities of l'iUSbureh and Allegheny,' Fs, do hereby certify that we have bought the tight to manufaetare bedstead* williGauam'a Fat cm Fastening*; and eonaider the same tvptrwr u> <my with which we ate acquainted. James Lemon John Wiirew -j;T it Young A O Robert Fairman ?5. R Hartley James It Bara John Liggett, Jr. J a*. Lowry * Bon Lowne A arbln Riddle A Brennan Thomas. Farley Hammy A McClelland David Laker Muses uullaek Hugh Wallace llobert* A Kano J Mayer* Jan W T/oodwvll J Neoliano George Snyder Wra llaklctt J Me.Ma*tera A Co Fot Rights to make amt sell the above Bedstead* appiyto EBKNUZEn F GAZZAM, jp.uh. ratrmes I'nos. CtaTit.fonbtrly of Beatty, M'Kcture It Co J thncina.v.i, O. Jxo. A. DxATrv-----' 7ane»vi!!«.o. Cttas. G. CYiEJt- BEATTY, CROniEK-dt CO., Q«n«ral ComMlisloa roit tac calx aku roawAKoino or YVKSTSHH PUODVOIC, jY0.v.31 Poydras Streti, New Orleans. Rosa to— Measts Martin A Co, Ranker*,) n n f ; Jamd M’Gregor A Co, J n * ■ . David White A Co. Madison, la. ■. - Ellis A Morton,Banker*,l ° ' llosea A Fraser, J Cincinnati. A M'VenxK-,K*q, • ) H N Kearney,E*q, Banker. Zanesville,O. D M’Donalil A Co, Wellsville.O. Kned, Parks A Co, Beaver. Pa,' J W Gill. K«q. Wheeling, Va. ‘ H YTClurkan A Co. (u-.r-.i P nvlC-fim 1 A ChaUiag* to tlaa World. qnyEMT KtVK DOLLARS will be paid any one JL .who will prodaeoU spot orffelnt, green or dry,mat cannot bo extracted with Hoh’s Improved Chemical Soap. 1 have the saiiaiacuon of saying to me people or grease, tar. piteh, Oil, pain, or any other greasy tun* stance, from all kinds ufgenUejcerKs orlsdie*’ ekitb.ng, carpel*, table eldihs, merino shawls, l*di*-s' bonnet*. Ac, wiuouttaiaring anything that pure water w-U not injure. More.than one thousand persons indifferent pans of the country have told me they would not he wnbout it; if it cost one dollar per cake. In trying this B©ap on mors than 300 articles of I ghl siihs, satins, al paecas.aqd calicoes, I have only found three pieces ot •ilk. two. ofalpucea, and. font of esJica, on which it eLanged the rotor, therefore before poinng it on a light dress try a sample of the dress first 1 state this because* 1 .us determined not to recommendituny stronger than 1 biow v» bdstrirjy tnw . N U Hun. t’.icf-, ldi eii per cake, Sold, wh'oW-eale aad retail by It K SELLERS dreSl 57 wood « Useful and Orsamental Gifts. A FINE as*oruaenl of taoey articles, among which are— - : Handsome Crochet Rags, wimand withoot clasps Sir*) Bead and French silk bay*, Silk parses,new styles; Ivory tablets; pearl memoranda, . Enamelled and ivory paper cutters; Nnpoieon and portable inks; Cigar cases, wub comb and glue anil memorandum Boon Toothpicks; plain cigar eases; Ptiruobos; pocket books; nredle bfttks; Fiutcy bojc**; Berlin iron ba*kclij WiltowbukeisAe.fcc. Now’open sod for sale } PH KATUN 63 market street by i • dctt HjMii.,... , , — .»cuy X befoiii inndo on die moat approved Rastem plans— mill mint farbionaMe RasiMn pattern* tad colors. Alk» TIIK CIIKaP ROLL, or DOS KJN BLIND, on band or made to order of all sixoa, and a: all prices. Goaaoy Merebanu and others are mylted to call and examine llr above for theaselves.aa all will We sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedoction nade to wholesale purchase ft. > aoldty . A. WBSTRRVELT ■ ' GincOLAß* , W miuwtux, I). C, Dee. Cdi,lEl7i Oscar D. THomptcn. Ks f Piiaburgk, Pa— SIR; | have read your adttrtitemeni in one of tbn l’iu*bargh paper* wiUi not a little eurpriM 1 find taut joa have copied ray btuiaeu Ctreslar enure, and appropriated it UToufaelf. I will uko the liberty is inform yea thru tny buniiiei* Circular u ray owti eom* r)«i’ion. and in not common property. J atiill rtotwil* Bglymnvml to be placed in a pillion that wilt induce ptr*ont wliii do noi know me to sunpow ibat I aui not eapnblo of r'einpdirnjt my own li«*inf** card; or ibai I m cupalik pf pilfering and appropriating tbe card o' am capable. - j»iifem> b another fc> njr own o*e. I am therefore:. the tie uuiiv of noticing and exposing your plagiarism in this manner •. . 7. C »O»HIi».NS, ; Attorney for Patent*, Washington, D.C. {W»A)I newspaper* tint have published Mr.Thornp son's advertisement, will lease insert the *bor<-. dclltf OLOBKB I OftINQJS TRRKEBTIAL GLOBES, cootainioj mil lb the lata dbeoverir*, and Orographic*! improttmenb; B]»ilbetrack*oftbcma«lctlebr*iedeircusniaTijmior« C'«** piled from Smith** new E&gliih Globe, with addition* and ÜBi>roe*mraUbyAßaia&Smith. Keriied by Koewcli Park. LOSING'S CELESTIAL GLOBES, eontiinbifc all the known *Un, nebula, it e. Compi'ed from the work* of Vt ollanton, Fluatted. Ue I jl Cnille. Hertluu. Mayer, Brad ley. Ilencbel, Mukeljne, the tratiMCtioo* of the Artrouoo teu Society of Londou, dee, £e. F*on Smith** New Eng iult Globe. > ioliortonA Stockton hßTajuUrreeleeda few pair* of the thrive in lize,** fellow*: 1 mir J’d toebca in diameter, 1 ** »| “ 4 . I « :!•«•« Jajik* K-l.ssuj 1 u «si|loknA u ■ American, Chronicle, and Journal copy, hell APPUCI’HO.V will be made u> ih«* rre*!dent,Mana ger* and Company, for creeling a U ridge over ibe Biver Monoogabela opposite Fiiubar gh. in ih« e»an|y m Allegheny. ftMhe renewal of tbiee certificate*, Moi 117,1AJ,J49, in ihcßute of John Hauler,each for two sbarrl of ttoekiaaald Company, ttaid certificate* be* Jng lo«tor wulaJd. ' MICHAUD FLOYD, Attorney for iho Eiecotor* of Joan llantcr, deefd dels : - > - ’ • • " • ‘UPAIITJHi*’' GO-l IJU l JUi > riIIIC l IICP at<tp - Tllll mlißcnbai*. Olt Ibfi Ifcb ta«W«uoeiated ibenuolvea, onder the firm of mowa it Caiberuso. io:the wbotessle Uroeef )r !ai>d General Produce aad CocßWiMloa botineM, al NO 145 Überijr street; and respecuelly solicit ibo peiroflsgo of their friends and the pablie in general. i . .H OROWNf dw3o • A CUMIKB-WOK. j PHILADA. ADVERTISEMENTS DERKY & NICKERSON, • JBannfretnrera of • IWHISOS, SACKING BOTTOM, 1 WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN BAGS \l or all uticiumoa# . . So, |«i Soalb Pr*nt Unit, . . Back of 7: A, Ifriltbn't Cabinet Ware Idaswfy. . PHILADELPHIA} T A .V 0 *?*” tcftwii!iB.tJ.Moen,‘ittheoflleoolihe. AX Merch*nt*a Hotel, Pitubandu ariU to promptly **£*•&»•* THOSvG. DERRY; > . _««»PlO-dly; A. g NICKERSON: ; . • OAHRIAOBS. ■SswtJssia®aSe;' *itn!» “■« i »*£s!«i.'-toST 1 aSJL“ FCR! I FOR!!! FCBS!!! ~~ * Tte^SSKa;- of FANCY FURSj nch M SloJ&, Bori, «iT. o.edtofel r>»hMliliFltarrtWc"&V*U Sod ato their odvaaufe.aad no nlstake. All end a*! N ° a 'H ,x "' " “ 1 v ' <■ » MEljlOAli. i < UK.TOWaSESD»S. •SARSAPARILLA . JUsit extraordinary Mulieine in ike Work. ■ Thrs extract L put dp m Quart bottle*: U u in tines chrap •r, pi*asaaler,snd warranted superio^toany *old. t•/cures disnsi without vomiting, purging, .siciMi or ds, Wiitslihglhsp- -i>t ’ I' 6RKAT SPEIXU dhfl, BolUE& BEDiCINK The great beauty tad superiority of thitSampariu ora» all Char Mediant is, wbiistit Eradicate* Disease it iLvigur. ales the Body. It is ce* of tba very best SPRINGAND BUMMER MEDICINES ntr knows, it sot only purifa the whole system and strengthen the person,' but Iv Citaiti Nine, Purs and UieA Bttid. a power p"*—■*“< bp no iilhtr Medicbc. And in this lieslh* grend»eerttof It* wtmdeilul soeeem. It has performed within the past two yquv, mure than I£JM) cures of-Severo Cases of Diksm j at of these were cwuidertd inewable. More ' : iiftoe nltrm nt*..Mi:^ l , I ’ ' S.OOOcases of Dyspepsia; j 4t>o esses of General Debility and WanLof Enetgy; ?JIOO cases of different k'eoule CompLiaL; . B,too oxi of Scrofula; ' cases of die Liver Cooplabt; : ' s£mo cases of Disease of, the Kidney end Dropsy i iPOO cases of CoatumpUOo, 1 Asa Thousands of Cjisesof Disease of the Blood, viz: Ulcers, Erysipelas, Salt Khcum, Pimple* on the Face, ke- As. To* ptber with numerous cases of Sick Headache, Fa a m tbs side and Chest, Spinal Affection*, Ac., Ac. This; wc are aware, must appear incredible, but' re hare letter* tram physicians and our agents from all parti of the Vailed States, informing ns of eitntordiosnr corn. 11. Van Huskirk, Esq. oo« of die must mpccLble druggisL a New ark, N. J.,iufonas us that lie ean rtfct to mure tk«j IJO es ses in that place alone. *rberc are thousands of earns in th* City of New York, which we will refer (o with f casnre* and' to men of character. It is the best medicineifur th* »rcrentiveofdi*eam> > rcrentiveofdi*eam known. |t undoubtedly saved Use live of mure than | djJOO LniLStxx Tax Pact Skasok z ', < A* itxemurcd the cause of disease, end ptepumLtttem fu ■ the Bumaier season. Untrxp Btatm Orncxo. Capt.U. W.MoCwsH.or tub UircaoStatus Navt, And mcinber of the New Jersey Lcgislalurr, ha* kindly scut us the following certifiasLe. It tells its own story,- Rabwst, Jan. 23,1^7. A year sines 1 was taken with tba lafluenta, and my whole ¥*Um leftin a debilitated *l*U. 1 was iaduced to Ly Dr. omacail’* Sarsaparilla, aisd alter taking two ur.tbree but. lies. I wa*. very much relieved, sndaUributa itgulin-ly to the eaid BampawilaJ 1 have cuatauad taking U, airi Cud tliat 1 improve every day. 1 believe it aaved my liA, and would twt ba without iluadflr ay annrid»rslii.iu. a W. McLxaji, hi* U. 8. N. BetdrcLA Cmn This eerrifieata edmffalffely peons that this SarnpanlL has perfect control otg Gw atom obstinate disease of l!i« bleed. Threa perwefl rtftd in one house L upnetdeuied. TnxX*CmL»axa. D*. Towjtaoti—Dmxßir: 1 ban th* pleasure laia&rm fen Ual three of ny chlllrtn haVe barn Cured df tlie Bero* ula by the ote-of you* excellent medicine. They were sOielM very merely with bod sores j have only taken four bottle*; It took thins awry, for whselt 1 (sad myself toiler deep oblkation. Toma, vamartflhliy, ’ leaao \V. C*At*,lUo Wcostsr *L New Tort, Much !, I HI. . GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Towasesd’s BumparlUa 1* a aursmgn and speedy eon far incipient Ccenaption, Basrenn**, Laneorrbm,o(~ Whites, obeteoeted or dUSnlt Mssstruxlioa, Jneeatinteaea ofUrint, or isrolunlsry and far the gen eral nraiialioa of the system—no matter whether the malt of unerrnt eause or eases, prudared by irregularity, illness er Occident* v- can bo mote svprtslog than Its mrtgeratnie sf> Let* mi tbe human frame, l'crsaus, all wcakaas* and uss>* tada, taking ksrumi robost and fullefenergy undtr its influear*. It immediately rauutcrarts the nerve loencm of the Lassie Lime, which u the great cause of barf i maw. It will not be ’etpected of ns, m ease* of to delicate a na ture, to exhibit eenifieates of earn performed, but w« cu assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have beea reported to us. Bcvernlcasct where faaulies hare been without child ren, after using a lew botUee of this invaluable medic ini, have best blest with healthy offspring. Dr. IbVMJcnd.- My wtL being greatly distressed. by weakhem and general debility, and suffering continually by [win and a ernistion .ef bearing down, (ailing of the womb, and with other diiSsullics, and having known cases where your medicine ha* effected great cure*; and also hear inr it recommended far sack cmesnslliave dnenhetlj obtain ed* boil 1 1 of your Eumet of faraajwnJL, and faUewrd the direetimt* you gar* me la n short period it removed her complaints and restored her health. Bemg grateful Xue the benelti the raevrved, 1 take pleasure in tea* acknowledg ing it, and rceummendmr it tha pobtie. M. _ Albany; Aug. 17, lt-H. Cor of Grand aod Lydias Cot*scxnr, Sept. 37, IMS. Dr Thwvtrswd.’ To *D whom LSI* may ccneern—lhlvD to certify that my vrifa . used on* bottle of you SanaparllH nmieus In her roafia«ment.iuidrr the raiut a laming an* drlicata dreatastasess, beinj iroutled with the driper, <wrl tiite of th* feet, ntrvans affiitW-j. cad very much debilita ted; with my persuastaa, and the recommendation of the** who had deed it, »h« was indneed to try It, wiUt litll* or u<> faith; and volte* it.to ssy, th* ecdiciuc had th* happy and. drehwd *ffrr.t,nut uttly in ike, hours uf eanfhicosnt, but aflec tha eiwreliau of one w«k of it* cw. the dropsy and ner tocs asaeiioa ttti way to an **4'«u'.uwg drrree, and her health *s how better lima it been far * long lim* pre vious. • NewOtleart. If thu will be of any tcrvif-* to ytm or any oo« who doubts the success of th* sedrcise, yon are entirely wclewa* to it. {nbmribe mymlf your most obedient and obligedr'rvant, 6 H J a m. TO MOTHERS AND MAURJED LADIES. Tbu Extract of. AanajawilL has been exprcmly prepared tn refercaee to famala complaint*. f(o female who ha* ran *m to fnppuao the t* approaching that critical perkd, “ TKt t»r« »f </*•”«bould negteci fa uh»7ii,a* it ts a errtai* preventive fae uy of the aamerDoanad-bonibla diseoate fa which femalea'are eukjeet at Uii* time wf life. This period may be delayed far aevenl jrar* by ncisg Ow*medktne. Nor » it In* voluabl* to thewe who are apprtwhiag womanhood, es it t. ealcoLlvd to aausl naiure bv quickening the blood asJ itirig.raUng the sysUa. Indcvc, uitsmcdicioe is uutl* nahlefae allot th* delicate diseases to which Women are (abject. ; . It braces tba wni»# cystem, rtsewipcrwahoDy D*wlw. jal ,ew«nfa*-- by remomg the lmpuritm erf the body— not so far »-*i.nal*ting tbe tystoi as to produce % subsequent laxatko, which is tha case of most medicines r.*-n fcaak aeiks*** >*d *•••■•- • --■* GIRLS READ TIUB. Ton who have pal* coapkxtooSr dull eyes, bletches oti lh*‘- face, rough shin, er freckle*, and are *• out of spirit*;” use a buttle or two of Dr Townsend's Sarafarilfa. It will elcauva your thud, ranter* th* freckle* and blotches, and gir* )uu aOimstkm. t parking eyrs, fat* spirits, and beaaUful conpicctsom—all of which are of tmasnsa rain* fa unmar ried ladica. DYSPEPSIA Nofluid or medicine has rrrr bees towmil whieh so nearly rtmUn the gastic juk* or m!u» is decomposing food aad strengthening th* orpu of digestion, a, this prop*; raUouef RormpariHa, Babe PoiimiTi Albany, May 10,164 ft. Dr Sir—l bate brrn aiflirtsd fur sttrraJ fuii mUi dj,prj»ia ia lu tint turns, _«ritti swurj an* of ttomach, baa of appetite, extreme heartburn, and • pot it*ram to all kind* of food, aod for TRb (what 1 cuuld «at,) 1 bar* been enable to retain but a mall portion on toy stomach. 1 imd. lb* usual remedies, but they bad bat Ittlla or bo effect is remising tbo eamptaint. Iwu in doced, about two months since. to try tout Ettraet of Sarsa parilla, and | oiNur with litU* cuomlmct, but after using nearly two buttles, I found my tnpeliu rcstofrd, and tha 1 heartburn entirely removed; and 1 would canwstly rtcum* ' scad tb* me of it to (box who bat* been alflicted a* I hat* -hern. Vwit.At., W. W. Va* Zaapr. No*ZJ. IMC. flulea Island. - ALMOST A MIRA CUC I trad tbo following, end doaU if you can, that eonwuap • iwraannotbacured. TbisisoalyaueofUiaarTcralbuadnd cam tbal Town*™!’* Strmpuriiu Uu earad: Dr Ttwawaif Dear Kir. I was taken, a little men year ago, with a severe rough and pain ia my aid*. It in* creased vo me »«ry Cut. indeed. 1 was Precmnoeed by phy sicians In kata lb* quack rirwrunpOon rraised big* quan- ULmof bod metier, bad night sweats, aad wnkrng very Cuts By doctor said ba could do nothing for me. 1 *it| into the boptUlta bop* of being bencfilted, but was pronounced there as tueurabW. 1 was turn greatly dwtreswd at lb* lung* and could bardly tratb*; I *ooe became emaciated, and circled to die; Wat eun&atd lossy bH, end was obliged to bate wa.cbere indeed 1 omuol give jou any description that would dojustk* to mycase. I was supposed byny friends to be past recovery i I bad triad a great a umber of tmalm, and all seemed to be •■> noputnuao. I read of mb mu« (nurdlniy care* perfocßcd by your medicine. and to tall you lb* tretb, l-Kspeeled tbera was turn humbug in them. Bat lens induced to try it, i did m, and am eery thank fu| Idid. leans* my that lam entirely errll, but am so for iMuttwl as to ba abuat my bnioess, aad bop* to be catire ly well in a fow weeks. Aly coueb and peon ia lbs side, and night sweats hat* left me, and rais* but eery little, and am Cut geising my usual strength. I frit it a duty l> jtss you a statement of my case, lo publish if you picas*.; ram* Blown, 47 LtUl* *t, Brooklyn. Opinion* off Phyßlclant* Dr Townsbend is almost daily receiving order* from phyt iicissj in different parts of lb* Union. ‘ TbUt* lacertiiy that we, Urn undersigned, Phytic Un, of th* City of Albany, hare In numerous cams prescribed Dr. Townsend's Harse partita, tadbrlireeittobeooeof tb*oust valuable preparations of to* BarmparilU in th* market. KPi'cuao, an JWILSUMIO, R B Bums, ■ n, Albany,April 1,164 ft. PEEumuidou'jbp. This u to certify that we, the undersigned, practicing ThMMuniaaPhpM-unsofth* City of Albany, hare freoocat y'prrscnbed DrTownscod's Ctxapound Eiin<t ofKatu arilia, aud frua its knuwu qualities, would recummsad aid b* public for mercurbl, mrofuhius, and othcrc atkaruus wo rases, tn preference to any of tbe adrertisrd rtaodies iuonts . use, A W Rcssilut t, Albany ifpril 2,1&44. W* B Brsimor, t r. Principal oAee, ISC Vultonst, Bun CuiMing, N V; Red diog if Co Btata et Do*ton; Dr Dyott Sf Sous, LU North Bcc ond *t 14iilnilelphia; 8 8 Hance, drurgiet, Ualliraorc; and by pnaetna] druggists generally throughout tbe Uniud Slates, iTcsl lsdiei and tbe Cauada s None gtnotnt, uslcm pul up id the Urge square bottles, which contain a quart and timed wilb th* written rignaluie of 8 l'TOVVNBbND,andkiiuams blown on (be Class. From tbe New York Daily Repress of <4pn!'9,lH7. A pretty tiling appeared in the slicets ycsUrday. It sru (heedrertising csb,or lUraparilU Ki press of Dr Townsend. Tlie whole thuigu got bp lu good taste: some «f the wrna. wcutal Umiseapc paintiogsare besullfal, which,together with the scroll work, ui cold, glutcalne lu lie sun, made a show rarely equalled in Druudway. \V* taka this op|>orluoity to sny we belicr* thb eetiactof the sar*a}mriUa dtserrei tbe wryjgreat popularity it has acquired. - Btrvotu Debility, New Y<>U,Marc)i'J7,lfH7 Dr. Townsend:— I basebeen alOictedmureor Jess for 3 rear*, with a dreadful Making in the chest, giddioese in the brad, lorn of appetite, pain in Die limbs, andgeacril debility, brought an no doubt by tbe eoutinaal beat aod coU to which lam subject Inin my Msincssasadycr. 1 bar* foksnother medicine*, too numerous to rotation, but with liule or nosue ceas. lwMmduemlbywhatlnwiotbcpapertotrvabottl* ofyouyBar**pnriHa,tniawhkbltbundgmtr*lieC Ihatt sine* taken sereralmor* boulet, tod 1 can unhesitaUtfrlytay it is lb* tost. medicine I hare mr taken—the jmnin my chest Is gone, and [feel qnlle adiSemtman altogether tine*' 1 hare taken your flkxmper ilia. 1 hart now a lhaueserl had. My wife has taken it with tlumfea neneh. eialresults, [would recommend U as,a family;»edieio* generally,aad I feel eoannetd that ifMOatdthenfeould nut be half the sickness there b, aad conaeuacnlhr mit so manr Doctor's bin*. Cor while it restores appetite, it alss girt, to tbsstosnachandbowsl,their r*gulartouetit keeMihablood ta a healthy state, so that disease is notso likely to (Jtaek the srstara. Aad loalilboMwboar* aedia khauhvdat*.lm*> try. Dr Townsend'a tfempahlta 1 1 . TnoaatSwra, 70[Heart Oamkarln tbe Uoatta* BdowbtaaccomtortooUscrchlMHTed DrT«nucod’« Bimfariih karincdtfct Jim of ibotuudt of eiudrtn.—! Thaloltowißf ccrtidol* i* ttkcWfroa t »n« number l rcctivwl Ub «t(k, -7} •! n \\»r ' . N*w Tokk. April IM7, DrTowaaradi Dwnr—Om er my euldrcs nek with lh« C«ae«r ia tk« noaih and throat, alUdcd With (rat dabUitr; Haw hear drier; I obtained aooijof four aad Jlcurodit dirocUT, fcr wbkh 1 calf aosro you I fed m* fraUful, Toan rapeetfillr. - - £uz*iiTnFowuft t g7Dubr<L»«t. - tor afe by K £ ><£lXUtS j f»s7»57 Vood it, him W and dth M, who ha S« *wiat«f bTSI TOWNBKNOnfe Afirat tat dlfefttns; eu. jM<J.wlyF r ' Qnilmnd'i Celebrated Flnid Hirniiia. rrmi3 U»mild.i»&»*d Uwwt uU-teid ud tpelot b*» X log a perfect lolatuw of chcaicaSr port cartMuu of tlntiii; po(mho ill the medical (jialltw of U>« fiEt pre* Mntim ol Mafwti*, widtoot bttar liafelo to CinAooerf Utttla Um twwtltiertoKtbjnrioodT.apaa tfa«co£oftbt ttomtek OMuWononfalofUur RoiirMopait tquf* •Jtat tadmttlltohsufatMipoqofelof Utn«U. Koi nla to It A KAIINEaXOCX it' CO,corner it tad ffbo» ia>d jh»dMdt» *n flcLau'i Worm.BpMintJ T“ THIS it to certify ibot, br ukinr<mc-Tf*J of oetor iow’i ptMcdtnwoide'oifTO.wam*,oddbyiktifc* ’Mid incdlciftcoeliiltfof lerrowt et.— It U trolp the tnoft worm medicine ever •ocb. Imuitb»*eiw»we w<u*. * \ ‘ ,■ wm (jiuiong •. i , .'■« :, T » iWlJkiju-TointfiiD'-'' j for nle lip I KIQO feCa, No to WeotJ itnse: tim I ■ -1.. j • '-A - -t'V , * , DRY & VARIETY ROODS OnUemnk rantihlnc Ooodn. HR PL .TODD havetki* tHy'rcttjvcd direct Yrom • the manutactsrera. oadnCif farate atNew York prices— ; 1 cue ol those Bxua Capcrfiae Shina mnnufactuTcd for oar own talcs ;and w&rruted well d*-c. ; - (• l cose crSaxony aod Merino under Bklru. wnooera and Drawer*, boos very fiseJ , l ease Room* nad Caller* inr h,^t ng w ;.k ra,t. Inn nunehed. : ' • , 1 case patent nwiveljoiiit Suspender*, with other Good* too numerea* to mention, inttludiaf blk aad fancy ndjasung nocks. .1 • . . Bnun uow ud plain Satin Stocks, ilotsbatiae bow and ninth Bombazine Stocks. - Silk anUStUnTtee, nth nlkftod satin Crtvnu, with one eoso of low priced ShtrtA)whtclL.wn:'«re sum in quality have Beverbccnkmpuaed In price in this ejty. We intend to close the nbov« Good* of by the naekare ft ?s-!!2 lW k . ctlr, ‘' eal ! ot ' orFunrhawra to our stock of Goods, knowing that low price* will iniore them a * pce lL“ le, -w « haetodd _ 2fi . wood _!!i npAtiirx, a doom below 3d at Wholesal* Dry" BobdiT NO'Vopcring at the Wholesale Dry Good* Rooms p• i •V I . ,^V.t *. Uee H. a,i • u>, Y• ,w, P«* of Alpaccas kO pc* English Merino*,* rase* of Oregon Plaids nod Cssb* meres 10 pcs French Btoadeloth,44 pc« fancy m-*i-- mere, 5 e««i eaaslneti, 10 bales ted, white an i yellow flaitnelv, 3UO pc* blankets.ncw aiylescAlieoet.dorneitic ginghams,glovesiaudkovtery, together with i general BMunroeaiof good*. MtrehnnUare invited to examino on; stock, aa we are confident It will favorably compare wnh Eastern slock*, in style* and prices : ' _*[cl7 i A A A CO ftATTINBTTS, T WEEDS, Ac- W RMUR p **HY mviiea me auenuoa or dealer* and others to hut excellent nsaortmentof above goods, in his whole sale rooms up waira, os well as in the retail department, meloding— Dark mix'd Sotinetis; 810-nnd black do; Invistblegrevn do; Balia airined Mk do; Gold mix'd Jean*; bine mix’d'Jeans* : Gold mix'd Tweed*; . , All of wl lcbi will to ..1.1 lowliyiho ,r,rtory«rJi U *o.l on hand, Cloth far cloaks, and birred PeEase do, for Lniwgs !• •! ; , jg-jo Saw Arrival. , " r ' oflNDlA * , . R .V B i I ,t ; R f’ o ? ,tei ' c ®' n J'f* B tngili« following kinds; India Robticr, Long overcoats sack overcoat*, short overcoats, ca'e* witnout slcevcS capes with eltcves jwnebos leggiugs, bate, camp blankets, bond cokers, travelling bagsaaddle baesgancovonsprovUioa bags •leant l«at I'Bckeis air pillows far cosh iocs an beds hog nicks, for the ladles and fcauines: all of which tee have a complete astoruqent that.tee offer wholesale or retail on the lowest pots ble tettaa, at oar India Bubbnr Dipot, 5 wood atreeu J A H PHILLIPg ' FKKNCII TCRKER.RI KUAWLS-Wt have Jo«t received a lane adduJoa*] supply tf extra Flench Ictkerri sbmvl*. As these" goods Vie very senree, we would respectfully invite iFe>ladies t-r call and ciunme our stock, as ved an seilrtirtbcra very low* ALKXANUKR* HAY W market M, N W ear diamond I f at ZfTlTULuft Klft- O Sl-A ’« New Fancy #tore, <57 Market street— O dor <-ords and Tassels, to/ l.sdieVClooks: • -aewa'. » 8 pc* Sc arid Bilk Fringe, 51 inenwide: •J - bloc u ' “. ■ i «* « .** “ 1 laei “ wuh a Urge assortment of othercolori. dell |Usi aWETV|iI>-li}; AJimi A Cs r a J barer saper English Drab Cloth; Do do do Pearl Drab CJolh: forever, bo uncu and sack euils; which will be made 10 order *1 the shortest notice Add moat reasonable icnaa by _ ANCKEHA MaYER “ c »*- 70 wood *i,sdoors ibors 4tb» Ti&KStl have jait-roceived'bv eZ< XJ press » Terr handsome lot Ladies' Diet* Good*, consisting of— . ■ > Soper cmbrOldcred Cashaere Robei; Do Uroeade merino j do; • FinepUm Cubun-re*, sbeamifai artlele; Gaia and Caabmere plaid*. ; _ ALEXANDER A DAY n *a 73martci at corof ihe diamond- . L’LANSEts—Ked.Tjtown and barred Ftanacla. A Ah additional *opj*ly received from ihe nunufae turr.rt. Alro, a few piece* low priced Caisinetts; for •*!«uy GKO COCIIKAN «P‘t3 VBw~»4 .t OILsuTIAS-—4 rasraVapcrtiiir and tuctiiuiu. uiack k?*nd colored Knjt:*b£ilet!a»,ju«t received dlrectfrom I reporters by SIIaCKLCTT* WIfJTE PC wood it |jTHDTsi»-.ia grouliKtucdiinahair and ijk over U coat Binding, jan rcc’d by Grrene A Co>a Expietf, m 3) day* from Philadelphia;. or sale' by siiACKUfrr a white c| B- ■. •• ! - PC wood at i 7L4Ailifii«s4l RED. white and yellow flannels; also, a large fat of heavy twilled flannels.jot rco’di for »alo very cheap. ' ALEXANDER A DA Y ''<*l7 YSmarkn at. W .W*it diamond MEDICAL. TRIuaPUAXT EDCCESS. CumumpUvtM, rtmcmber thai-it ia Tfaomp»m*» Compound Syrup vf Tar .and U'iW Sop ■ thn uUdch it daily touting tuejx rt markable curra tn PULMONA.RV CONSUMPTION!!! Asthma, Braaelutu,SpiUiac Paia ia tbs sad Brad, Hss't, tS WonptDg Cta|h] Croup, Hires, N«rtous 1 rcaian k<>er CosAal . ■ ass Demand Itid&ryt, «|eV . • • I'llRREFOBE|U«iri«filtiplirioHi aiittim of Tv or Haptfcs m inutations an tbruad M. B.l*. Ihomca—Dear S.r—l bs avion l»h mg bsasflt 1 bars experienced from lbs us of yoor Compound Bnspof har aad ffaptbanadsm it my dsn to Übra job MIL l bad bsta long sttkud wiibtmyaMrtsefh,caasjac «rnn pfaaialbshnmt, with gnatappr4Misa,'diAealiyetM«a&>T iiilw awangtlW- Ug srens to tulag most adnrCssd astdkiara. t thought L ■ would sdhen to wbat I bad baa tuteg. ;> tsdiag mywtf gtltwg shm si Iricnd pmusdtd fa» to try a bottls of your prrnratioe, m)fag »-hs owtd bis tile to iu rlrtusa.” 1 ia : UMdiatc.y procund a bottls sad comatsactd using it. and bs tort 1 bad tskaa two bottles, 1 eras cumpbuly restored to • health, ; . - 8el«!j Sat lit* beaefit o fathers 1 mki the ibm krief tUUBMxL Any farther iaqoirks'caa be made at toy rew dcoce, 1(8 CalhaftM (treat. UoMU’ulJy your*, FoasCls Futosx. ' ; StUi another Remarkable Curs. Culiik,fa. t J!fsT.)jD,IHS, ; About six yean iior«, ia eoowqaepc* of the sedentary: ni'o/x of ay bmiarw, 1 iru attached.with mtch taki lu Ui= brraii. |iJ|iil4liou «tl llulKirtud ilmrlHnN breath,' ; which were uuj fallowed by the fa.lure of appetite, eitrtsM wakefubete at aad jwrtial para y*k ol ay Itabt—tbc* yaptoat of a deranged >yctca being fireqacotly all ended With (pitting of Mood, foe abottttwu yarn! an* occasion*: a:)y thrown iaU> coorulrio&a, which kit me ia a snhmftle Ma<e of began to tfiect wy miad. Prow late' to tint my suffering* wm more or k*t utiTt, util at length, they incieaecd to each-a and the violence of tie lyaptome «m eg augmented, that lor a whole year 1 w*e. unable tobtirad to any biuiaea. Dorirg thktiae Iroasall-’ ed aoat abk phytictaia aud attended to their pecaenptiaaa* bat 'all tbeir skill was uaarai.iag to procarv me ratal; and at length they regarded »y reevrerv aa entirely hopel* In (hit cradaiMi 1 war iawrmad of lha wiutaty (Scale af ihtem’i Cvmiound flyrapof 7 armed Wood eye «owwhal|uailaf tomiM.ond though 1 hadgtrea uprt eipectabesa af a leeofuy of my; Uwmrt health by kam KraM,Tct being AroaglyadTued to'try thii medians, I was at length prcrailcd opoa to do eo,. and I hare now that by the use of mi bottle* my health ha* been restored. W lam now able In attend to bunsem with ae math leciifa s; utoal. IIENUY MYEIOJ. Of DkhmnmTowmkim Prepared only by ANGNEY A.DICKrdJN althaK.X comer of Kiflhland Sixaeeftreete; Sold by L. WILCOX, Jr. ftiobargb, indreepeOtahli Dfnfluii generally. Fr«e*socia,orOnedollerpa*hd»!a» ■ t AUTlG.V~lkware of imitations, and pmham Thom ' *oa*» Compound Syrup of. tar from boo* but fedrerUmd ajmila, nr of those abort tha etupieioa of dealing U Wn terklu. I • ■ decllAtoi : SQEOnAS S TOOTH JPABlb.' I A rsamew DRiunct. I Till' beat article known forcleaning and whitening the Tcctli, strengthening the gums, sweetening the hrraiii,Ac. It should be used «vary night with a stiff bru«b, and the teeth and mouth Will only require tsligk walking in the morning. Wet the hneh with warm water, or cold will answer, and mbits lewumiaon the paste. when eooogh wIU 'adhere for d-caning the' teeth.. It leavgsadelieioas taste in the mouth, unoim' part* a most delightful fragrance to the breath, llstaada oiuivallcd as !a pleasant, rfleacioasvlroavcaleni, and: •afe Uentnfiec. Itla warranted notunojarethoteeth, baitoproierTeytent. • , Uy eeing it regularly,, it will.remote the urtar and prevent ns | accumulation—-prevent tha toothache strengthen tha gums, anfl prevent alt diseases of them Chemists, physicians, and the clergy TCcomaiend li a decidedly snperiorto every thing of the kind in use.— Ask for Shenoan’a Composed Orris Tooth Parte, and observe bi» aiguaiure is attached to each pot Kocoatamndidby Dr. Cuiie,;£sl Broadway,ose.ol our beat Dentists, ami by moti hf the. old established one* ia (be United Buies, and even Xienrively seed, t.y'ibe Nobility of England and Frv* *•. ■ A large proportion of tbe disease, t bat afflict mankind arise from wise derangement of tiit a toraach or bowel*, which a limelv u*e of (baCathl us Loxenges would ennrely obviate. Persona of bilicua habits should al* way* have a box at hand, und take o do»c whenever they feel the l*a*t derangement in their health. Ajndl* cions ose of Ulcme Lozeuges would prevent theusaoda of.caees. ! • For sale at WM. JACKSON'S,- corner of Wood and ■ Uhetiv>« . i , dectn Wbo Uae Uoiuiuou i'loparcd Chalk, ire' olirn not aware how fn’ghtlully lujurioua t UMa the'skin! bowjeoarae, how rough, how sallow, jellow. and unhealthy) the skin appear* nflcr ueing prepared chalk! Itesidcs it i«injurious coniainin J alatgequan 1 tity «f I/ad. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable artlcW whiclf wo call JONES’S SPANISH ULY ll is perfectly innocent, lieuivpurifiel of all doleterouaqtwlitie*; and it irapun* to die akin r«l, healthy, alahaster, clear, living wiute, atthtaame ume octing as a cotmeuaon the akin, making ittoft aad smooth. . Dr. Junes Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massa chusetts. kayij “After analysing Jones’s Spanish Lilly While, I find it po«*ca»esihe n»sl beautiful and.natu ral, at-Uie same time innoccut while 1 ever saw.. I eerismlycsnconscientiously rTrommrndila osotoall whose akin requires beautifying.” ‘ • {□•PriceSifccqUabox. ‘ x by| WM. JACKSON, it hit Boot and Shoe Store,*o Liberty sUeet, heed of Wood, at the sign of iho Hig Boot. I • jga 1 Ladlca, ladies, I’m astonished,. i ! When yod know, that you in promised A nauralrliferllke, snowy white, That you ill still use common rholk, And look a deathly yeliow fright, i ■ , Tboihcnie«of laughter nnd of ulk. . .|f you would use a box ©f JONK*S I.illy.wkite, it woald givo Jour kkm an alabakteryet natural whits,; and at the same time clear and improve it. gold at JACKSON’S, rt Liberty at. Price » eenu per Lox. . i «»8 ■, SCUATCU. SCOATCII. ~ rpKTTER.ITCII, SALT KIIEUAJ, weald JL lor a single dayseratch, wbsntflieied with the Tetter, Itch, urpthn diseases of the skio, if they knew' who would relieve aad euro theid. >T>stM)rrible|to be obliged Mrob and seratolc when: alone, but more horrible to abstain from it, (for decency sake,] wiieu inicompanjr. Let H be rememht ted that TEfTERand ITCII OINTMENT it the mo'i elfiendout af any other preparation inexistence in caring the Tetter, Itch, and other diseases of ihe skin. As airdisesses'of the skin-most arwo from the impurity of the blood and fluids vf the body, and where nca dis ease be of longstanding, and the eonniuuon greeted iheieby. if Dr.Leidy’s&tiuparilla Blood I’iUs’-be used with too Ointment, they wdi cure any ease whatever, and if they-do pot, the money will be returned by Dr. Leidy. Most cases, however, be effectually cured Dr Leidy’sjTetuir and Itch Ointment, unless the whole system u impregnated by the diseased humors, wfateh will be complete!) carried off from the system lit i J)r Leidy’a Ulood PUU. eud lha surfiiee of the skin heal rd bv the Oictaknu .Price ofOlntmem ii eents. For, aoleby I B AFAIJNEYTOCKACO octri) : .-[ j 1; cor wood A front its ' moBHINBiCOUGII »rsup.-lt mroiioWun iVlgreAt Panacea la 'curing,my child's dotressiug: BwineriNor;9, *47. • tCrtvon Br*flf—are notin.the bahit of pall ns, much less uklngTateai Medicos, hat wo feel disposed to recommend Morgan’s Byrup»thoto who an afflicted with a cough.. .Alter luvfng ufatd the usual tMketiea to' lemovo u conriont end dinreislng cough, that(hgd fet several days aflLeiedoae of our sae eess,we were induced » tty MorgaaV Qmtgli fup, sod by itrelief wus obtained in afewbourt. i ltptovcd to be the panaeea tnthiacese ai least .: ; •*. ... - nrt'--’ wo«dst l ldoorb«towdiaMn^ l ;,TjtMSPORIA33ON LINES. BOAT LINK. ttaßOf J 1847; fiEIBH : Flik iKA,*!? PORTING ueZl •nVEEN PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN CITIES, WIIBOOT TRAHaMtFMCaT. fpiiX improved method of eanryingnsed hythislonx A Established’ Line, U'now sowed known Urn de seriplioßis unnecessary. Good* are not touched on the roatel tba> all transhipment or extra handling it saved. ; The Boats are of light draught sad perform thetruipi in from six to seven day*.... . . i i The capacity of osr Warehouse* enables as to start ■ny'ebnsirnrnems made tons. Receiving,»toiiu.c, and advkncesTne of charge*. Being folly prepared to make sale* of Prodaee, we respeeifolty solicit coniignmems of western Hour, Race?, Lard, Batter, Cheese, Wool. Feather*, and cubef ardeles for sale, oh which liberal advances will be made and other nsbat facilities afforded, pledging our selves that cay bomness enimned to as shall i>e a*, promptly executed and niton as fair terms os by any other boose. JNO McFADDENACo ' Canal Basin, Pittsburgh i JASMBAVISACo t mehltf 849 and ESI Market at, Philadh ?! pORTABLK_ , ttiUi 1847. JSSBaae FOR the transportation of Freight between Pittsburgh and the Adamic Cities, avoiding transhipment! oh the Way, and the consequent risk of delay, damage, breakage and separation of goods.- > "i ' Pnpneton.- BORB&iDUE 'A CASH No »W Market street. Philadelphia / 1 TAAFPR AtPCONNOR : OorPennand Wayne sts, Pitiahcrgb 1 (PCONNOR A Co. North street,' Baltimore W A JTTAPBCOTT, WSoathitvN, Y. J**? 01 * Encouraged by increased business the Proprietors have.added to their stock and extended their arrange : menu during the winter, and are now prepared to tof .wardfreigut with regularity and dispajob unsurpassed by y other line. Their long experience as carriers, •the palpable superiority of the. Portable Beat Bysient, and the great capacity and convenience of the ware houses at each end or the line, are peculiarly cnleola* fod to enable the proprietors to fulfil their engagement* ; and accommodate their ouiomen—coafidenUynjTcrmg he paft as a guaranty for the future they, respectfully. soliaiiaeoDUnuanCeof tau patronage which they now: ' graiefutly acknowledge. . All eonsirnments'io Taaffe A O’Connor' willbe reed , and forwarded. Btfiamboat charges paid and Bills of Lading'tranomitiedjfreeof any chaige for Commission, advancing or storage. Having too interest directly o|r. ; indirectly in steamboats, the interest of the consignor* -must necessarily be their primaryocjjrcim snipping 1 west, and they pledge thentelve* to forward all goods consigned to them promptly and on the nest advents* genus terms to tho owner*. :i. - Marah 1,1847 -. ■. ■ i , mart; ! J,«. BIGKKk, “ ' i ' roEWABBiflc & toajussiofl bebchjnt, Sail Beater Point and Bridgewater, l ■ HATER COVtTT, TA*, : Proprietor and Agent of steamer* SJFrrrnf 1 ■ ■ ' lM'biiiis and sailt errwsia pirrafiiißoß. aed beater,. TITILL he prepared on curliest opening of eannlnnv ■ V igation to receive propertT at hi* wharf boat dr in wnrenoDfe, for all points on brie Extension, Crokr Cat, and Oslo Canal*: for all portsen Lake-Ktie nq'd upper e.byFcsn>. Improvements. Apply to oradareu lebJJ-dtf JAB DICKEY. Beaver IIOEPCHDBHTPORTABLE BOAT UN E; MS 1847. JHfcafi MJpntETKANSPOnTATION AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PJIILADELPiIIA AND BALTIMORE.; C7* Without -Transhipment—/T1 Goods ccaiignad to our care will be forwarded, with out delay, at the lowest current rate*. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all in* true lion* promptly auended to, free from any extra charxefor storage or eommts'ionb Addret*,orapply to C A McANULTV ACo . -CanalDasin,ritul)urgh!i BTORAGR. Having a very largo and commodious.warehouse, we arc prepared to receive (in addition.to freight for shipment) a large araoemt of Produce, Ac- on Storage tu low rate*. . [mart) .C A McANULTV ACo" PKOILWOBTn A- CO’S LINE. SSgtEai 1847. EXCLUSIVELY for'the transportation of WAV PHEIGHT between Pittsburgh,Blaireville, Johns town, HoUidayabuigh, .Water Street, Petemburgh and all mtetmedute Places. ' i ( Onn Boat vail leave the warehouse ofC A MeAnulty A Co., Puubuigh,every day, (except Sundays,l arid ■hippencan always depend on hating their goods for warded without delay and at foirratea. This Line was formed for the special accommodation of utr way business, and the proprietors respectfully solicits liberal share of patronage. - JOHN PI CK WO RT lY f WW, j 011 N MILLER ROBERT WOODS. DAN'L il BARNES WILLIAM FULTV JOHN MILLER, lloliideysburgh ) , R it CANAN,JohnMown {Agents. C A McANULTV A Co, PitUhorgh) 1 RErERKBCEJ. J J MeDevin, John Parker, Robert Moor*, Bagaley A Smith. Pittsburgh. • •_ _____ .mart; ' Utß KKIE 1.1 D SlCUllilJ USE. T 1847. ASSfaaa '1*11(8 Line being composed of Btesraboiits'LakrHrie X and Michigan, running dully between I'liuinirgh and Beaver, and freight ami passenger Canal itoais, running between Besvcrand trie. and cmuKcung with C M. RisetTs Line of Steamboat Propellers arid Vcasels' on the Lakhs, will be prepared upon tkveariiettopen ’ iag of Naylgatton to carry. Freight and PaiseAgeis to all points on the River, Canal and Lakes. a • „ MI IMI V ' feng’en wTth prooiptne*s and diipVicß, Uie propriefor aou agent* respectfully solicit tram then friend* and be pablie geaerally-tbrnr patronage. . r . C>l SEKD.Eirie. Propneior . ; REEU9, PARKS ATo, Beaver, A<ts JOHN A CAUGIIKV, Piusb’ghdo Oor. S«aiihfi*ld and Water su. opposite tkc'Monongs* gabela House. txrca to Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York Geo Bufialo * K N Parks A'Oe, Cleveland 1m A Armstrong A Cd, Detroit i MeClsre A Williams, JUlwnnkw • llrictal A I’oner, Chicago Wm Power*. I'owrruown, i'enna ■ .GcoMaetiehuyre, Evuiuluirgb, Penna John Ms Arthur, lliinwiown, do Wick A Acker, Greenville, do Craig AFrampU>a,iC!arktvllle, do llsy* * Flamo, Rbarnsbargb, Pa. VV 0 Malm, Mtaron, do .> R W Cwinin*b«m. New Castle, do mail '* PITTSBURGH"* CLEVELAND Lissd . 1846. fiatil JL'Clertc. M. IloQca. T. A chmond A Coj 1 . CLARKE M CO., Forwarding k Canainlaa Htrtkuti. OEAVKK. PA- i: rili|R a rents and Pr&rietor* of this Line (so favor* A ably known to the public),will be prepared oa the earliest opening of canal navigation to receiveprbp eny at Pittsburgh and Heaver, and deliver the sameal any point on the Ohio canals, and also on LnkesKtie end Hiehtgen, with the greatest despatch and atreaa*' 00 able rates. The proprietor* of this line solicit the basinets 0 1 their former customers with confidence, knowing that their faeili lies are ieeond to none. Apply to or address ' O M BARTON, Agt, PiUsburgh/ - CLARKE A Co, Beaver. \ JanM T RICHMOND ACc C welaiid.' - WKBTRRR TRAHiPpttfATtOdCOr UNF, . , BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, / ? PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK.. THE stock of (hit line eo«sitta of a doable daily Line of Roats and Cars, [owned by themselves,) which are in good order. The subscribers are pr*pa> red to forward a large quantity of Merchandize asd Preduee with ccrudnty and diipatctu: < Produce or Merchandise consigned to any ot the un* dersigned. is forwarded free et any charge tor casuals* sioit or storage. BiUs Lading transmitted and all mstfuctwnipromptly attended to. The business of this Lino is conducted on sirtrtly Sabbath*kecping principles. Address, or apply m ■* D LEECU A Co. Proprieiors. ; . Cana! Basin, Pittsburgh HARRIS A LEECH,Proprietor*; -j NoKiSouih Third street, Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR A SONS. AgsnU, t .NoJ(4 North Howard street. Balumore’ ] W B WILSON, Agent, . . n>«-bI(S No 7 'Vrustreet.New York! BhAVKtt. WAUttES * GLKV££TaN& LINK OP CANAL PACKETS AND STAGES.- 1847. ■' ifflnffii ffi canal packets teleg apii a swallow 8 L r daily at Jo’clock. ertertlie team boat BEAVER from Pittsburgh, xrvn next morning in season for the b Cleveland before night ; lie receipted thnngb, securing berths, laeoti in the Stpgo, on application at Beaver, [leaving rmsburghai'y j the agents; ' <> ti M HAUTONA Co, Piusburch CLAIIKEACo, Beaver *h. JESSE BALDWIN, Youngstown M B TAYLOR, Warren _ i \ ' AHD 5 |B47t. BEBflSl~r I • TO TBE IgHT BT BOMONQAUELA ROBIB, VIA BROWNSVILLE A CUMBERLAND.: : THE undersigned are now prepared to forward pro* dace, Ac., to the Eastern Market* during 1 the en*ii* lag Winter, bn the most favorable terms, by this expe ditions route. i . All ptoperty conßTgned in us will be forwarded ai tbe lowest rales and with despatch. - ' Merchandise received by this route promptly for' warded. J O UIDWKLL, ArH. Pittsbureh. G W CASS. Brownsville.' ' 80v77 E EOERTON A Co.Camberitnil; “ PtT'TSSUlitilf'AND'GUlfiS: a VIJLLAP" 1847. cisr^* AND FREIGHT LINK. *■ THIS Linb eemustingof freight andpaaseneeypaci* eta, will ban regujurhr during the t season between Beaver am! jUreenyille, Pa- by which freight and pas sengers between tbctwopoints.will be earned premnti v and atlbe loweslnUta. .' : z WICK A ARCHER,Greenville, Arts li ORAIG A FKAMPTON, CtarksviifoT do:i McFarland a kimjb« Bend S«- HAYBA PLUMB,SharptbJrgh, doP W C MALAN, Sharon, • WM. MATHKWB, Pnlikai, {ft- REED. PAHKB A Co, Beaver, d£ ; JOHN A CAUUt tE Y, corner Water and Smith fieldsts «pCt* : Opposite the MotinnKUkei*-House. Pitt^hnrrii 1846 | A« n l 1847 Tobictiigsrip, Flu nod Wheat-Met* oer iim n« Oila,BAins.BcKU,Weol-4n>etv>:rl»lbs u : « Abm rate*. WU CLARK, gmwnsvfl^"-,.! -vMWtr TBASSPOBXATION LINES . ThOiKW ' _9fi9fl9Ki,CtipL'Cbarlc*Hoops,'caameneea her thik<4ay, leaviog Pitu Ourgh at uVeloeL*. island BeavctAl* tfcfooa.R. cnneciingwifo Pit i* burgh and Cleveland Line of Osd nai Boats gaily to.Clevelaitd, *>A Bcrw, Warms and Cleveland Lineof Canai Paekeiaand «age Uwchee daily to WarrqA and CwialPmcMt Lines ro New Castle and. Greenville, Pa; Ene ExreniioJi Une to Meadville and Erie, u Neil. Moore A Co’s Lines of Stage Coaches for CleveJsnd and VVoostpr. leavp Uea* ver daily on the arrival of sleaflfooat Ueaver_fion P.mburgh... lla rxoN A - ' apfo CLARRK A Cq, Beaver. . ~ • ■ ’• " 1 i: ; JHltug?!-!' 1847J’ or trk rxnMTLviEiA ard ohio ca»ai-*» . BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND.. E N PARKS A Co, Cleveland, O. ) ; i .'-H o PARKS, Beaves, Pa.’ b { Propneior*. W T MATllEßrPia*bargh, Pa. ) ! - THE above ldne utfow fully prepared to trahspon Freight ted Passengers-from PiusbarghsmlCleve*' land, to aaj:paint oaths PepasyitEiwa A OhioandGhio CanalaX" ‘‘ 3 J f: ' The facilities of said Line art nol equalled by any on said Canal*, in number*-and capacity of Boaisvexpe* rienee of Captains, aadproatpihes*of Agents, Afi ... One Boat'learetPittfburgh'axjdClevaianddaily,ran* .nine in connection with the Steamer*. ,;i . ' - ..Michigan' and-Luka-Ene,' between Pittsbnnrh and Beaver; and a Line of first class Steamboats, Prepej-t lera. Brigs and Schooners, on Lakes Erie, Harm* Mi chigan and Ontario; i . 1 *; Property forwarded is any- pari of the Union with desp*teh. E N PAHRS A Co, Cleveland, AgU .. REED, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agta ; W T MATHEK, Pittabergh, Agt, spM Cor .Waifor and Smlthfield street* :• ' TUROUGHJN'MJIOUK&;r Vi PACKET BoalsSwallow #hd-Telegraph Bea ver doily, at To’elock, F- after the arrivuT of the morning Boat froaPiusbcrgh.atKl arrive at Warren in time for the Mail Line ol Bttgea, .whieh ksve’immedi ately thereafter.an4 artiva at Cleveland atffo’clock, r. ■■ <■ : i This routs is the most oxpeduioaa'aai eoofortable one to tho Lakes.'. *'• COI’ESALEFFINGWRLL, >: REED.PAHKBACfo.BeaveA , JOHN A CAuGHEY, earner Water im Railh&elil sis* upaty Opposite tlie Meaoagabeln House, pittsbergh 'CITiZKHS POM*Btfe-BoiT i;m*r apiai mumm i! -V FOR TUX TB«ItSPoRTATtOV OF ' ALL KINDS OF MURCU ANDIBETO AND FROM FUladelpAU, BattlsnoYo; SeTvT«*k . sad Bos low. THE oncoarafeqent th«.a lice has received aUee has iodoced ihe prpprie loir to inertose tho stock by adding s number o! fir class boats/and iaaicad fbro aibgenU,.wowlll givo'oor oVp.'iiceiptn ior Treiglitshipped by tiialiuo.'' r ' Tito boats are all portable, consequently freight is uhen tho whole distance without tranahipoeat, thereby prtvenlißg.damasc from IreqaeathiUKiling on the route', and aa ,each boat is owned* Syi the. Captain who rans them, whieh is a suflicießtfibar-’ antee that there will brno delay on the note.; All Produce or MerchaßdiMt consigned Bs: the nndemi|ced will boforwarded MISSION,for advancing and forwardiaf, and will be shipped without delay at tho lowest rales-of treight. . . ; ■ - ~ . - >'• Wo respectfolly solicit a share of pablie patio' nage. . WALLINGFOItD&ro.., f i Canai Basia, PUtsburgh ' CRAIG, BKLLA9 ( \ • Broad Street, Philadelphia. KMILLER, Agont - ;• ( .!-. '.Bowley’e Wharf, Baltimore. Hitlabarah; Feb. Ip. 1M7,-, , , •*< DO. SWATHE’! t- COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. A eertaih and safe euro lor coughs, colds, stlhma, liver coniplaint, spitting bliiod, pain's lathe aide or breast,ncrvoasdobilit]r,wb6o|f)nh'cnßgb l , broken • eoDstitation,. TION oranydikease of tholnngsor . brcuL * Header are yoq suflenog ' ? ' with a cold or disease of the . * laogfl, try this remedy, * • - yoawilj ootper. ' ' ••••*' haps regrelit. t •• ' It will arrest all those disagreeable symptoms whieh. strike such tenor tu the mind, fie prolong your days., Beware of si) preparations to coptaia Wild Cherry,excepttbaibeanrigtbb wif Dr H Bwatre onthedulaido.wrapperot eacblmtUe, as they are quite likely dcstitatiu et the article in>m which they borrowa oamo.-* - • : {• I Rtadichet'iS ftastdon*! ’ :V | 50,000 DEA'iUS BY CONSUMPTION Would perhaps' be a'small esdmato for the ravages ol tlii* dreadful disease io a single'ycar; then add the fearful catalogue of those c#t,off by inflama* tios o( the-Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, Coughs Influenza, other" diseases ijl the Lung* and Liters ... . i..... And Uie list would present an appalling proof ,o( the latality oi thveo two classes of discatna. But It is 'lmportant to fchqw that nearly, all oi this -dread waste of human lilo might have been prevented by a timely ore or Dr; SWA VNE^COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRYi. i . .. -1* ; - This'mediqrno' has nim beth'before the pablie' nn»«.ir.yt,.i i f'-V:. ■■■ • if. »* '• -u-V--*'. r Tfiim the wild Cherry Tree. Its Vepsiaiioit ss a remedy forConghs, Colds', Bronehiti*, sod. Co* somplion of tho Longa based entirely npon yts in> triiitie merits, owes but liulc to intiatcd newspaper puffs. Thneo who give it e trial, being benefitted i»y it; recommend it io their. neighbors, and. Ihuo .gradually and surely baiit gained *n enviable repu tation and worke4.it* generic ;Ose.j One bottle never fails to core a recent cough or cold/ while with strict attention totitedirectiona that'ao-. company-earb bottle,iUmc in palmonarr diseases of long standing nod of The most alarming charac ter, has always given relief, and in veryVmaay instances'ha# effected complete kind permanent, cares. Dr. SWAYA'EfS Ctltbrultd Cu/nnoumfr Syr* . upof Wild Cherry, - Read tbe most remarkable core of Coasoaptidn ever placed upon record*—. , '.' • . 'Dr Snayae—Dcar Strtl feel it a dobl brghjtiLitJe due to you—and a duty to the aQieted generally to oSermy bumble testimony in Davor ol yottf<,'oas pound Syrup o! Wild Cherry.: Some three', years Since, 1 was violently auaeked wiibeold ‘andlnfla, motion of tbe 10og.a r wvbtcli was accompanied with’ a very distressing cubeb, pain in the breast aadJtcad very considerable dikcliarge of olfeasive mucus' from the (uo£s,.cvpeeially upon clutngesof,«reatliar. boweter slight. At first i left ad aurm abbth my. condition, but was pretty soon convinced litafl was rapidly going into consumpubni: I grew dally weak*' er, and at lepgtb was scarcely able to walk abbut or' speik abovo.a' whisper, adebittcas weakness ol my lungs,' buriTig* ibis time 1 1 bad tried' various preparations add prescription*, but |odbd ui> relief—growing all tbe time worse. Just here I waa' advised and pomaded by si dear friend In Wilming* too to nuke aulll Ot yuur Byntp of Wild Cb'erfjr i must confess that previously l haßbcen' pretudic ed againat patent medteiees, and 1 am still bgainat those coming oat of the band! of empirics, but undeirtaodiag yoer'rdalmid U»' tko'profesrioir kuid practice of medicine, and haring implieUa liiih in tbe saying ol my iorthwitb/perehased ot Dr Sbaw, one of your agcnts)a Tew bouica and commenced its use. Wy disease, at this titne vas o| .twenty or ttvtntj,ljVe months*standing, conse quently was deeply seated. -1 fpdntf,^however,“coo* aiderable relief from tbe brst four or live bottles.— But being a pobliesptakcr t frequently attempted to prea'eb with my increasing strength and'ibcrtby ruptured those vessels tost-trad already bbjpn* to heal; in this way, doubtless, my care- was yiestty; retarded. In consequence of. acting thusrmprst deotly I bad to o*o li or Ifi bottles before I. Vas perfectly rcstotod. 1 *! have no-queatioa, a smaller number ,of bottles woujp -rOgde .me sound, but. rot tbo above iadiscreUoa.'-Tbe Syrup 1 allcred ibo le*crisb habit', did awayjtbe distressing cough,put a elopio lho discharge from tb6 lungs, and gave them audtbo entirety item good health. 1 have deferred offering this certificate li.il now, for the pokpoae pi being perfectly 1 satisfied with tbe pcrinancncy of UlO cure, and now that 1 feel pctfteily well, l ofer «t with piesssm. , . ; RCViJIV. JORDAN/ i“ Dublin-caunlj, N.C.' y } CAUTION! CAUTION! *!.*' J h - Avoid all spurious preparations of Wild'Cbairy, such a* Balsams; Bitter*, Syrup* of- Wild Chcrfy, Pill* purporting to. contain Wild Cherry, it.c,k &.c, as'thqy are all tjethioos and counterfeit, and contain none of tbc.virlueaorUie original sodge'nuiae. pre paration as prepared by Dr.Swaynt, and. Ibchint ever prepared in this country. Doctor - S wayne'* .Couponed Sjrupof WILD CHERRY ia'coipposcd of vegcUblcingrcdieou,tho Wild Cherry,amToUir cr medical aubtuhcc* cqally at; efficacious; tf *ot more to; <tbo whole are *o effectually concentrated aa to render it boyond all doubt; tlieimosl pleasant, < .slrcngtheoing, aodciTcctoal remedy ever dtVcbver* cd tor the care of Pulmonary consumption; ahdiaU ; diseanesef tbe-Longsand Breast 1 The very ilaet, IWks it* bavingsucb a train -ol “spurious tumildra, stands to prove iu great curative' properties: •“ • •• 1 Thcrel'ore. invaliaa, inquire for tee original prepa. ralion>«ach bouleof which i* dgvelopfed iaa liTul wfapper/wjtb'a likeness cf; WiHiim Pena eo* grated thereon; also bearing .the:signature of Dr ill »AByße r UiecouaterieUing of.#bich will trepan? lahed aa forgery.-'- 1 - ■; • j . Prepared-only by Dr. H. Swir»*,N W sorter or Kibuth and Hack'S tree La r l'hitade!phia. J ! For sale in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail by • WM‘. THORN; 63 Markcistrcel, ' £.l OGDEN A SNO Wi)t£N;corbcr Hnd.A WonfaU. u. a. Fahnestock & Co. .corner oi i»v aod WoodandClbaud WbodatrcetL*'' *"i I|. ! B.JONKS.JiiU liberty street ' . . 1 . JOHN MITCHELL., Allegheny city. .'j ■ :And by all TespcctableDroggUDand dealers; jn Medicine, throughout the UnncdStttea and Cana.- da.' • ’ •: -- r-S •• • tepfcijj tlYJlU9.lv. FIELD oilers fursale at the loWcst * Manuftteiorefi’ prierJ'rs very extensive UMOrt* mnuofPAl'Kß, eowprisi** every possible' yviety, adapted to the Wants <rt eoa»*i*r» m all ace tioaabf me country,, Paper oi' all kinda made to order at?stjbn . TUeilockof PRINTI.VCTAPER isttnsiualjyUrß apartotwhichiaorveryaiiperiorijußlinr; ■ PAPER BAKKU’d HATBRIAhT ; of every description, iwpmiod aadhepuftaHUnUyon bon., vix.rFellings* tVixe.Ctoih,;Foerdriiuer Wires- Bleaching PoWder, Bine Ultramarine, Twine, ,4c., . " ' RACSJ. j •«*<• ■' Cnuvett,Bale 9 " -'• Ln - psrvbjucdvfarwl S ELI, HRS’. VI ftlloifaen.? Mr. R.'K Srtlt resiir«»*t.iiicf>f; - iat b. eladol 1» htd «Um«; asatavt..,, abooiyoorVcrmifosc.i boughthjutindrSytTiim^ your Vemlftike belief LhiaaJ] otMra. jx*~ ct ritparnlKj JOli bjf R E. ruIISSS \55?;, w* rm : ■* ?;A7«:>&\»i£*a3wpS£^^'“®ss*^«®r^VA®iK*Cj22s2Bsss! isgisSSSi • IIFDIC'AL f .s OiLtiUßailAlkietinri'o —• . ; MEDICATED LOHEN’UttT, Affu rt>t4U’i/,fo^ •'•V; :\ ; ;: r'; ; : • T-hB/ UIKRMAN imidheutanl a way to ; X/ jbmal.w that chiMrea will taka It m ««* ffrtthwAar/esnaßifot* sr«ttd«vhu . tw, a Tot of Ysoth rwts ua th» Sock of art JUlsfyirectMa; -. •••■•• *“•* ' ''’SHERMAN’S CbuCH LOERNOES. N IhstoLsmagMan thdateslf-toait-Nas and sdieidd re* «dy far coagto, rnlds, nas|>Mu, whsuyiag cmAkT • " ihnlusgvor cbut,*to,«ic. hat MTcr known aa ibusbcs vfoars ,Uw* did •»< giw ki Mia ■tiaOetMto. . Several tbwaad buim have Utu : the tot ytw/rtfterug to health pcreim at staual ttur mss* • > aiMIUNM tabukfog liMtcrih* toOddftutwtM cvhHwdcwigto. TrtydsKoccnwkathtdrynpthdkuwihV tat rndtf it o*y, pniMt* c tprttoratwo, alia v tU tkibsTw :. irrtUlMji, *a4 wmi Um umnuiiiw cicuiuß'iaM. Th*y arenMdslhwtaeucstoitaUuo of naa*t rstoslturtilre ' toi»bl,urrut , s b toedieu«,wj»7* uUuubieJly njjw-Jl*. -Ifutalreu'.nJlL tfo. . dramisfccrtdksiAhsv* to«aufltred vftUii •uo&'tolLir- ritt, ■ BBdmtorcdto|vrSreLlMahfisyiMMUwa ■• ' ; I WUre tUr* » wneh |«» j,, ih« hrrwttw Jd*,ot •< SUr (jiric««aly li‘i Rtla) lUUtr afjdwdMcr iha fo«. tad mi Wi «tovl7|/xu«W toiido»thtftfos»U»to*i>lfoaid . : BaEttAtAjfy WoaM LO/XNULA? [, TOoMtort toAUtW.;!!* ana wewooMiiigaad HHeiwtßircratg t andCT*>d«aUt,wah • with ud M dmtri £. Vwfcwi mm^uuu MarUatewths swfoetni th* body; ' «rmg*,:hcndneh*, droewntos, dram*, Mdda imrting in *trt«, sritoVigMad lAVatowe • n troubteMM .CcmrtM, lhk*u »«b^ tMW is thttowan f dt^dUmihiSUtuis' tlw ita—eh or towsblfotiro. ***—_ do*, ypyeOts, Jeaaae*,, UnOed thnoiiag ysint.u vanou putt sftW hudy.'aW-tuZe uu^roi^nik. , L™ydid»rfu.«».taort,™ w , suuLMAN'fl CAiirupaLozEadEsJ W i • 7>»J. P T * 1“ nervous or wrl|" tk-aSR* • : pelyitoUDo ofths knVMw of ths Mdrib. dstouAwurr laJtonatslmy or’pttlrMl swa Ihnwt, howd -—* - plnhrt, fchrt%;ofprrwfc»ar.n*taw of wahiagaf TU <hot . Of tb. riototoh «• hymnea • J iontUy drownacM t£m(k tbs [ day,and wafisfiiWihrongb Uw a%hf; tbcknS tbi-ii ! mmcrhn*. diarriMßS, f, r •on* tranllisgoc aUendfog hm surtk*, wilTbdfod Lu»a rwr«g.nto touertmglhsVnoyaneyWysnfo; nwd tftre cryOy,ndrttoot*all lb*npkant ijmftimt arw» s too Ire* bring, farm* who hart bcca too kwh Im rt, and -in tbiTHtfonjii s*i '■lnbk ewapp-mofu-nrem: •• ■\ SHERMAN’S yt>Ott MAN’S PLASTEO-i •.ThsW»tst»«ngtUaiagfhwtsri»ibswwld,aedasdrert»« reajrtyfor**«*,orwndLAmb theMekjbia*,side,n3k, mjb,ta,ral!il«. W.™w apnr u i hwn.sad BBknartHdabbg cures. ■' ■ .to lirwqaphiat and dtaU bt'woro «rtr - totoaung rthtf . la .wagU, cohl*, nrthrea. dilkidiT trf . *W«««n df «h« *h«*t or dmS/lbsy wflf to sooth sad greatly beat Cl tha 7-—.— ndatoryhehii*, vthtos«U%«dtot(ndaUduw£Smi*a - dscidsdwmiart frarn so* of thsss truly artZ&JXL «*., . gtomfly mwamad U&, tamfinare u ffi-sawtes^aadtes- Imrfr-;: Tl», m oypia of ulinl, lu«, lh«i a.4,pota«,Jr«ll btau»Uo Ur. wed U.m. a. «ij] u tt , oiuiMabi,r,l to : SsrcrH (anas bars cabcd at fos warebouto toWw Itoir nreras nd thaah*, at th* alsM»t nuneutsus etn* S oa ptoten hare cffreltd. * -DircCUunslbrnto anon th's tak«fnMLeisMv**ih a ncianheMb.'Skona hum. Itiinasorimtvou'ibsuid alwtyisxk for Sbemo’sFww Man’S nSer; and to* that pegtt ttogrßuw,M fosreare nanyworthk* ijiuhcos fy tm- JCfatore, by . Sold wbckwl* mud r*Ud ky W, JACKSOITii hJ Falsa ' ' - Mtakana'Warthocw, ; No, W Liberty Mrstt; fiin sf th : 810 BOOT. . ■. '/jafcll Mly. ' WHY Blf CEI. J 3 DYTJ SAUSAPAKILItA BUOrO D PIL LB are becoming no First, Beeatise they are prepared bwDrN 'B LeL dy himself,a regular DruggUt, 4/temiU arid* Vhyu cun of Fhiladcipbia, wthi knowi ihe naforf, the Quality and charuetcr of the Medicines nscß%t bla” pills and.their adapiatiaa to diseased ;• •' •*<.’ Second, 'Becamro the public can take' thlm-with 1 greater'confidcocolhan most o)hcr pills'whicti are prepared by persons ignorant both bfvhedichtb nnd - direaaeii' '■ tt. '■ Third, Bceagie ol their combined effects;proper/ . , ties not contained in' any other pill*; namelyypurg* tng from the stomach and bowels all DitheattNy sob •lanced, sod at lbe tadie time thd btood and fluids of the body. ' ''. u, .' i : Fourth, Because they are' the chupcst a*4 best -. medicine knewn-ao single box costing hqt Sp cents, and containing 40 pills', saving lit 'persons'. SAretianjr doUarsoltaimea in'Doctor'* iiilu/tintl.tiumeibua mcdiciDca' bought As tried on thu rcc- ninicnuiUun otbvhcr*,'. ' .1 ••- WHOLESOME ADVICE. Whenever yoa have oeftaaion to-take-any medi -fSffiwooee • -.i ! Dr. Lddy'o Blopd and ytkiwill not :have occasion to-take anything eUe, They will alwajs be ruond good in almost ail. wormsol disease, loilamation ol.tbe and intestinca; cramps ol the: stomach;' cobe, Waleibrsah; iuward Itiverv, foul, breath', bad Usie in the month, Bouf crocia|iuas'and. ol the: stomach, ebstivehees udijtuirgesUon;: jpontok appelilq, bUlioos sQecUons, diseases of the inlee*, and kidneys, diseases of the sklo, keaiy . ermiouk dry and'watery pimple* or blotebee dr ib* lace ana body; totter, mb,prickle heutand sa!k'illi«eid,fc'ead. ache, giddiness, leiulriem/'pslßs'ovu'tbe-heut, o( the breast,' side's, along thu luck and spine, rheuma tism add gout, levers of all kinds, small pox, fario*' lotd. meaacls, scrofula,erysipelas, and rt afiorllhey are good in all diseases having theirorigin iip the-, stomoeb; liver, and tatoatiaes, and imparity if the Uood i Hj*Twen|v\five cants a Bo*. ;< r Sold Wholetalo add Retail by B. A. Fabnef loclt &Ca.,eorMrofFirataod Wood, IUO corner of Riithand Woodstreets. ~'~scpgi) •■' UKOKULA Artli SCKUPULOUSr «>rju.L, Scfolala all iu.Multiplied.rprnu*. whether in thaLof KingVKvil,eiiUrgt!me«jU •» the' gapd* f»r bonen, Goitre, While Swellings, Cnrootc tUjomati*m,Caaicr; diseases oi'ibc Skid orsjdno, or of Pulmonary Gonsunplioa, frum 6nr tad the’ Hide caase,which is'a poisonous princir, e more,one** inhered! in the daman system. T*ieVeH Tore. EBleavlhii principle eas bedestro;ed.^ UUTJ( j(. eai care eat> bo eflccled, hatir the priaf.*p] e foa whichi Ure dUease depends, is d chtm niustot necessity follow, no matter the disease should manifest itselL' 'i'nU therefore la the reason why JfTdd’t ALrdftaTiTKisgah eiti vemlli tuceerefal in remorjrg 30 cany dulitoni 11 *>®*treyr tba-vinitor principle pm»» -»hic»i those diseases ha< e tbeirongin/by entying. into the circulation, u>d with the blood jsconveveU lo the minutest &rre,.reaovifig<eVwy.tiitriicaei*f disease from the system, prepared and sold at Jf «*, 11 houth I'hinl.Suret,Philadelphia. .. .. , r ■ rokiji’Pea.Store, Mui 72 Futriii'iirae, ftttrtmh', mcKII - IVRD ALsi a Rev AsJa dtllNN,a wellktmwn«mfn.,» •Fpisr Uciyrmmnof ittePwtestanl Method i«l Charcti . The uoderwßucd having been afflicted daring tbepa»i wmlerwnha disease oluu» stomach, pro. duutng great p*lit in the slaauehfor tVuor iwrlvdkuars - wilbcmilßiennlsdan; mid -niter having tried JarioiM srith liule eflxei, was ihrnithed with n.taMllrt •fib l> Jaynefe Carminative RaJsam. 'This be ami he eorcmj to the tiueemos, and foand invariably that this ’ medieuie earned the pain to abate in three erjbur bub. ate^'niid;in;fifteen ortwemy mlnmesevery* duEa»v seasai|an-wa»enurely<jakwhl/ -The medicine was «f. temardjidied wheneverindktliouofihe approach uf painweic perceived, and the paiawn i herebyprevent cd. il« wroUnaM.lo iue the medicine every'evabiue _and •omehmesmtho morning, and in a lewwrcki health was re for restored, that the sulTerer was rdiev ed from a large emoaniof oppressive' paia: . Faxd ex petienee, tfierefore, ho i* ..U Jayne's Carminative Ralsam, as a talaiary medic ia ior diseascsprihectomaehiuul iww'eW VA'tJfiifc’ N * For sale in Piusbnrgb at the Tdheunb street, near Wood, and atee> withe the 'StmworiM'.&CIIWARTZ. Kederal *t/ceu Alkeliuv . |.'UIE PSUFURKRF* ~rr ' - * Cream de’ Auaiaia Aacio.*, £r»c slaving; - . » •Comma laßese,tor.sbavmg} ' Almumle Cream, do; ' tfoperfine Rouge,on Porcelain stamJe . . Lavender, Aftslc terra huel; . . . pc!Wderipttes, ofAH'pmtenit; ’ v ! •'. r i , hanbossed toilet lanes,-cuutainmg iragrant>*t/arin, ferihehantUe‘enieftasedjiihog lanitumfi*otpu,su.t -ahfe wrprescnis.-*• . ... .. - Tr, •;-pefsiatt,«rCliiherepowder; •' it ‘ • . lodninvufctaido lair oil, lancy.or coambu wrappers,(nn>Vyeem> \ Jones’Soap; Nymph tfoapj Bom Lip »alvei ; “. \ Cold cream, eUgniiUypamp}, \ I’arepalinsosp.iubarsaitdcakes; .• , -M : Vh* e,t Sod * ‘ogether w.ili a grcul variety ofhne per tain cry; ituirtemed; for sale by . , •, U.AFAMRtSTVCKk/a lP- viq : . cprCih " STKhtt nj* by ■ J septlS- : ►A*. VUUKUtU KTMVftbA fer SCAIKK,- "• ■ ""OUrt »<<■««« eiTXS BURQ h gazette. fUHLUniED DAtt-Y t k W>yEElfcy* WKfckiA AtditfJmsO»BuiUiAgt t Zdu. t iUtrHtPmiL^^ ' ftAT B 9 OV a DVK aflftlM «. poein«prtJon of l2lbJ'e*, or leu,.« lSfoja««monjwUl»ootalt4inijou«ii«, 4»lu» ._ ’l’hrce ;■<• ■■■■,..: M : .,,**> J>o W«l» - •" .!. ■ « 3 Ttroe ; *■- . , •< One Month, . . . . ..» 4* tt* Two’ ■ »•■ • .....i.AJCW Xhree'■ -*« •• • '*** . nme propertied- ' . Ooe square, & month*, without alteration, G*cji additibaasl square for 6 month#,' «••••*■ jjj£' fcUch addiUoeaifcciarefer |J'* Two.aqaarea,6 months, reVaWeat (f * llaehaudiliotnj sqbare;f» months,•■•••V* - ' - ’ I WIKKCT O**tll-WUKIT I* ***** :'7*T t I -Due sqirVe.3 insertion*, * r .' - • '. .«. > cactiaddiUo.il ■ -' •to«- ;'(j i PiTO.lwesor lew; one ye**» •**TV'***V* i... i.4c . ijf Ul i • « « If w . V « »tw - if Three months 11 4U .v , . «*•. w • « : Su* •,“ ir >*fi i. « Twslre ‘ , jlO 00 rrAU a4Tertlßeaw*»l*b« eharse*n»y ttoeqhtre, S adiagbafttottf>ere««V.,bc g tfW»tem Urn loUnl«f jjfcwll 'fa £ ■: -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers