MISCELLANEOUS. QLGAR— a boxes D K lu|t loafsafmr; 1000 bUs < -P Ne*- email, loaf uxar, 300 do crashed sn ffw; 173 do powdered in store and for sale & T JAME3AULTCHINSON * Co. - 45 water and Og front su CCGAR-UOUSE UOLAHSES 4 GOLDEN SYRUP .kx M bbls SLls>aissunrbo(U«iuaUeaes:i2Sdorold‘ «a nnipi 1 a brbbls do: 25 10 gallon krrtdm -W« r ■ - ■ JAMES A IILt3E®N J * BCtllQOXM>ifPn fr Co SAL 80DA«£tt)IU Jim rac’d nad £br*lieb^ i ' J SCHOO.>'MEKXttT& Ao at wood »i SsSfS'.is.T i SELLERS k XICOLS. JEAN'S-, and for aqir by rbite beans; Ado asst do, in store _ POINDEXTER* Co. ,P?SgS 4 -«»*«.*fcJ P«i&s roriatebV ' 71- I'OIXUEXTm i Co. “ •» *Ur»nd in the eitj- wi L/neeiprumptatieniioii inert with ; hlctliu, BUSUFIEUitHOE. ■QBMO lbs for tale by A FORT—3 carboy* for tale by . m: sw.i.pns „.,,e. na - ’ on coiiuyianem an for «ab- by <•'• • Ja»S : ... J D AVII.UAMSvIIOrroodBL /^tOFKKIi—y3 bugs prime Rio coflee ioti rec'd and fu .y atfe by ’ • frunf ' R OAKFORD A Co. JOTTON —ID Imlc* North Ala. to arrive per SB planet, for talc by FORBYTH A Co. j*u]7 ... >» waterstreet.■ /''UIEROOTB— 30,000 Savannah cigars, yfLOOO Zara do V/forsaleby . WICK A jd’CAXDLESS. -• •AH— Obbls N CTarfor sale by • - j«3U ~ . WICK A hPCANDIaESS. JODA ASH—IS casks best quaJiiyinsturc andfof •aleby - : J C UlDwELL,'A#rut, )a9B -'■ • • : • - 'water street.. GUCESEr-aO botpi large W It, 10 caries do,lu store ami for sale by ~ [jadoj _• J CillttwKl.T. ?|IALIX)W—SObLts No I, tendered, just reo’d and fo X~ wlr by- pa3o] JC BlDWri.r. ' •/~<LASS '■ 300 boxes assorted size*, fromflHeto S|kqo U country brand*, for sale by ; J O MDWRIiL, ja3B • '•' - - ■ waterstreet. GREET* APPLES—2O boxes and 13 barrels arccn order, just landiu* ami' for safe by ■ ; SAW IURBAL’GII. 13 wood u ’ fIAOBACC—3O boxes John Ward's St tobacco, a prime JL article, on band and for sale bv . jama , • - ISAIAH DICKEY- A Co. "RaP^VlffiAT.l'iiOUß—4l saekthulled buckwheat DHJED APPLES—2OO but. ta store and for'sale by _UEO A BKUHV. SCO&CHIMiS— 10 bids 8 galls landing and forsale by- . . (jtuan _• JOEO A BERRY. SODA. ASH—O cists just ttcM oo consignment mod for sale bjr • ... . ISAIAh DICKEY * Co. i-. • ■!-••••• • • -SO water street A PRICAN CA.VEXENNE-llO'lbs’for aale br ; .xV)a« : ? ■ . ■ .. RESELLERS. 'TTIAL CORKS—4OO grots ibr sale by • • { '• RKHEr.TJTRS rpOBACCO--l*s l<oxes-pound JostP* Virginia'Toboe* . J. CO for.sala tow to close consignment, by ■ H' J4aU ~ • ; ATWOOD, JONES A Co. AVAMA SUGAR—I 7 boxes Havana brown sugar , for salyJow to close consign me at by , * lanlA' •• 1 ATV\ ; OOD, JQNE3 A Co. \ bale* cotton just ree'd per Ladr Byron - V/ and for tale by 13AIAH DICKEY A Co, . . l»aI3 SO water ttrect- I . TARD—No 1 lafd in bbts and kegs for sale by . , . ,JU_jant3 ; . _JBAIAH DItKEY * Co. Bb'i'i'tH AND LAUD—O bbls roll batter; 3 kcgi do! «tegsJahl, just rec’dand for sate by ..... - J*al3 ATNVOOD, JONES k Co. Buckwheat sacks 2m reevi and for sale by JNO 8 DILWORTH, . TJ wood st. MOLASSES— -100 bbts plantation' molasses (new 1 crop) Joat landing and for sale by : iaU BROWN A CULBERTSON, 143 liberty st SUGAR— 17 bbdi N O sugar just reed and for sale by jan!3 ATWOOD. JONES A Co. STOVE FOR SALE—A good stove, for tailors’ usei entirely new, for sale low > JaiiK ANCKEB A MAYER. X' EAl>—lOOpirs for sale by JU “ S. F. VON BONNHORST A Co . J* 3 -' ~ - No'. 35 Front «l TTJIAD —1300ptfi Galen* lead for tale by <*wbb A.S4irtfp»xT><’iW Lbyj_ o»4Ji_ .JAMES A' UUTCHINSON' A Cp. ! tONEY —30 boxes hotter jost reed arid for sale bp jaal3 •. - • ENGLISH A BENNETT. WtIDOW. GLASS—I 33 boxes Bxloloxl3 window flail jut rac'd and for tale by • . - jaae > ; BROWN fo CULBERTSON'. Bolivar fire brick— Dollar fire briek (warranted) In store and for sale by ’' l»t»d " • SAM'L M IflEB, eansJ basin, ?tb it HITE EEAN&—SO ba white beau lo tion and for aaleby : UaxH] SAM'L M KIER- PBABL ABS>—ls eatka pearl*, prims quality. just received and for tala by ■ jnl > . -8 F VON BONBORST&Co. FJPIiAS LUMIIi'.H, tuul Pins Joke, lor lialc by iramf ; \v. _ w. yv aelace.* . JUNIATA tiKKET JRON-«00 "lb* No 90 Juuiaia cbcet iron (warnsKail in turn and for tala low to clots eomiynmept by (janl] BAM’E Jtf IH'FR "PEPPER—2OO each* pepper which eao be told very .£7 low to ibe trade, jut rac'd and for tale by SALKRATUS— ♦ una in boxes and casks tor sale by j»« ' ROBERT DALZKLL, liberty h* OAF SUGARS—3OO barrels assorted Nbs/for » a *t l by Uan3( BAOALEY A SMITH. d~IANDLES—3O boxes Cincinnati mould candles jua L V tec'd and tor «ale by . SAW ILARiIAUGH. FEACHiJS— 40 bos dried peaches, a good article, j urt vc'd and for aale by [jag] aA W Harh a* : f f H' 1. 01 '—No 1 lard In bbla and kegs for sal* by • i 8A" W UARRAGGM, 33 wood at. 1 •mss^~sss|:: LEATHER— lGOnde, N V“l«le.lh.rui.(li»,n<p Ocmmct Omtoicr f^VD. lib.n', ,t C oiTON- a , W.. C.,, t UGAR—iO bbda Prime N. O. Sognr; tor I jad ..MctULL,BL’sHFELDto fHiS - - MOLASSES— 30 Lbl* N. O. Uolumi (new male by McGILL, DUSHPIELD * BO A EICE —5 trea. Rice, to arrive per sunr/Bt. Cloud; fo. aale by JtfcOtLL,BUBHPIELD k KOE. BAISLNS AND ALMONDS—IOO box** fresh Jlala- U\ f>»il» dmllrrf almond* fat foie bv ; .-v . BUUHRHXiK, WILSON A Co^ MACKEREL-l® bbla No: 3 large; for eale by V . EDWARD HEAZLKTON, jctfl ••:.■•'• East aide Diamond, lATIA WOOL SACKS, tor aale'loir br . aUUU aytMAwtt » JUUKPHVA LEE. T IQUORS—lSJjrallou* Holland Gitri SSO do Freqrh J i Braodr. ne’d ou consignment and tor aale by • .■ ; r TAS3EV A BEST. ff'IOTTON —133 balea Memphis cotton just received V/ and tor aale by ATWOOD. JUNKS t Cft CINE BYRUP—Su bids per atr conaignmeut and tor eale by * jan!3 7 D*f MOKG AN to Co., IQS wood at. BULK SIDES—SXMXfi Iba in aura and tor aale by iaU McOILL, BUSHPIELP A ROE. SUGAR— 10 hhd* new crop 'N O sugar rec*d per Cen trum town, ou consigumeni and tor aale by ia!4 1 S A-VV/HABJIAb'OU, 31 wood at. bbla Sherman’* p*« cider vinegar V iart landing from Germantown, and tor tad# br %al4 8 8 A W IURBAfCH. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—SO rocks balled buckwheat flour, a cboiee article tor family aae tor aale by ,-al4 BA W HARIUUGH. : POCKET CUTLERY—duaI te~ yeired direct from Sheffield, pen, pocket and -“ST a -£!PENCfitt'S FILES—Head quarter* tot 'Spender'* sztfrm* At.! BELGIAN 'eaae-übw *tyh CollOH i CANDX—iW. fousba cold JMaaenesa, Aci.pt*t racd and tor safe by • ~ - Wl< .. JOEL MOHLER- cor wood and 5& its. $ “ "jag uouLEni 4 * fc Co TfanlO , , ’ __l44'liberty *ucci. ■ L~ Aim-Piiic No 1 Uri it, Uil. for „!• _ IMU , JNO W UU.WOItTH : BrglED ciirrJ dried l*cf * |aat rac'd and tor aale by-,.. _ . - > jan!7 • .- ' R OAKFORP ACo. BUTTf3I— 30 keg* batter, 4 bbla dp. landing from str Lady Hyrou, for sale by. . * • iaul3 ... / MeGUJ>,_bUSHFIEXD.fc « iarge»txe, rec’d >■ -. • IV/ tbiaday ajid tor *afe by ' I*p» W-& R M*COTCIIEON, IS?j»bfrty »b_ DRY FHUif-lttTbu* iteacbcV;l3» do apple* 'tor aale by : ‘ ‘ k JAR FLOYD- DEBR. -UAIU-6 bale* deer hair tor saddler's use jsst teed and toraole ,by, . __ • jm3o . ; ■ . , • SAW HARBAUCH.. ELOOR— l&f bM* flour, Anabuu, braid* iu store and ■ tor aale by. . .. (ja2t] UIX) A, jOKIU|Y. TTOPS-10 bale* OUo bops in store and tor male by 1 H- j*n ObX> A BBnUY; . IB wood -street- t-TTEMP—3O balea Manilla itetnp; « do; Keututky -V IT- -dew rotted dor hut rac'd and tor aale by. ■ , A HUTCItIMS k Co. r >si•>, f rt.-,-, water nntl W front_*U. •'« ' ■’<JFR/tS^"jACia«N , S^»AW»A-Ji« teft'd .» 'full ■■■■■: . ■ ■ ■ ■ \l7 - vf v lOqretksLSl - do; ' 4’ •*- Hunt-' do; ’ I® “ Trash da SSUadairs- dot' -••• .. -•l3' “■ ;LM ' " •da'-' '• i • 1# Symingtosi" do, • 5 » FsysL “ do -10 . * . Tenenffs, ' do; 10 “ Pale Sbsrry, do; S u ' Golden do do; 4 “ Brown'do do: 10 “ Lisbon do do; 15 M Dry Ualagn do; 10 “ Gweet do • do; For sale in quantities io salt, by P. C. MARTIN, degj - ■ - cori Smitbfield A Front su. i'“* !gH^i£S^s^. b “ cropb "" h 4 frails Doles; , 5 eases Citron; - 3 bbls Filberts; 10 bxs A No 1 Rock Candy; «=,. i" LAMBERTfc SUIPTON’, - • • 1331135w60il it Vf ASCFACTCBED TOBACCO- “ IU. 25 bu Caliamagh 3«; 3S “ Cbtpman’t s*; 20 “ Ivc'*st; . 2* Ro**c!l & Robtaton’t 5k So “ Brmnehe** It;' Dawton't It; on cotuigmneat ttd A. CORDO.V. Water ti. tllUGS—Clam M] rio Opium, new crop; • 00 Galbasam, ainuaed: ExtJaUa? ’ 119 ,J ' -■■'. Ul - ’ cor tot Wood rat. 'U ,I *. 1 f“ , 52 1,b J‘ u fS« N °3»aeker»J: ' ’ J. 30 do do Nosift & ' 4UbfbblsdoNoe9ft3; 1 • 2* hcrtin si SM do No 1 Salmon; 15 casks Urge Codfish; , • IUU hoses sealed and No 1 Herrinr. RMmIn ff andfor.al.by - LAMBERT* ShTptON*, • : • - 133ft135 Wood st CILKTI*S~.We barcjuu received ““ k 7 • ono cue assorted colored sileiis*:*- * “ “ tcrrlighl do > do; . ii* u ’•«' * , ’s C * do; very heavy; .. , do; very fine; ' • “ v «**dcolc**b*o« •: •. “ JV block ■ ’do;. 'T ,Whl£h wv willsell low to the trade.' ~t •■*:.*' • , SUACKLfcTT t WHITT, - de3a ' / 09Wood si ,TX*M>DCCB-#»bo*a dried peaches; ' -L' C 7 ken lard; . . MObbr*. do: ' „ 0 - roll boner tondlng and for sale by BAOALEY ft SMITH, Ml _ • Ktw.lbfttfUWood.et. CBEJUI, u chiua pou: Beef Morrow, J Bear's Urease, and fins' LipSalre. in china pou.tor J* by JOHN D. MORGAN/ *»1 • No. 831 Wood at! iROOKtS.—SO dor. good com broom* ► - IS *• ffuilthoifd 5 **- hearth “ 10 u whisks * i l For sale by Uni) S F VON BONHORST ft Co, X>RODUCE—CSkepi batter; X- ■ SObaih prime chestnati; 5 seks ginseng; • s • - • S do loops; 35 venison boras; For sole by [dc3o] LAMBERT ft SffIPTON. SW DRIBS—O bbl» Fmh Roll Uutter; • 11 bbls CJoreraeed; SUKkiFeiehei; ; ■■ 1 bale Hop*; » kfj» Lud; received per «unr Bearer; for til ,L.9. WATERMAN, M Water k 63 from da. SDGAB>4 UidtßruM New Orle«m», - - 2 t>bU l) It cruthed; ‘ 10 do tuortrd aoap; For i&le by J, d. WILLIAMS, Uc3t) ; 110 Wood tl. ' OLABBKS—IO bbU .N. O. prim*; ■UX H do Sugar iiouae;. '•i do Pula, iteua irnsp: J. D. WILLUMS; 110 wood a | 1000 gslla winter bleached Whale Oil; print 5 IbuVannm Oil; • 6 u Crude da: in ■tare; Cot (ale by O. BLACKBURN 4c CO, • ■ Water il. neat Cheery ay. ?EATIIER8 t Ac—33 wki Feather*; Back* Ginseng; 4*ck»DryAppJe»; . 1 box do Icakßeecwax; 1 *ek Beeswax: la inirr; Tor wale by .A.** L 1. DICKY A CO. TTB—5 hlln AlinniiiU; X 1 10 bxc Shelled; 5* bugs Cream Nut*; - ' 5 bag* pea Nut*; for »ale ly - dels - ' ■ • ' J. O. WILUA MS OABAHO CASDLKA— : aw boxes No. I Cmeianaa Soap: - • • 50. ** Mould Candle*; ■ Landiag from North Carolina; for sale by , BAOALEY A SMITH. _•££ No*, li Aiu Wood a OPS—lsbaJe< !« «on wttiern .N Y Hop»; C do Ui “ tuurn “ Sundries-* btu uid; 5 “ fre»h roll butter, fl “ dried peaches 1 3 “ elurcrseed; Jn*t ree d ud for tale b j L 3 WATERMAN, .J** 3 , SI water and 03 front n« SO APB —IO boaem pare P»lm; ~' 5 *• Whhe; I 5 “ Rose; ! 4 “ Sharia*; 8. F. YON BONUORST k Co , No. 3S Flout *l. PHUIT—4II dratn» Hmyrff • - 2 Mils Zsnt.'e rufnmti <Ujie;i(jiiii«v» ciirou: 20 iij .MKIUUint; J.l>. WILLIAMS, no Vood »l THTTi: CHALK—23OO lb. white chalk for sale by r__l»10 R E KFJ.t.vp* SITS. TURPENTINE— I 3 bbli for tale br i*lo R E SELLERS. Window GLAss-goobxa.exito 150 10x12; , , , 00 “ 10x14; tor sale by S. F. YON BONNHORST& Co., - No -35 From at. PLASTER PARlS—Suitable for alwaya on band and for aale at No.' 2tt Liberty street, ueai CanaL ~ [jelUL ■ W. W.WA» J-anK ARD-4 bbla No 1; 7 kegsjdo: la store and tor salt /by pant] TASSEV A UEST. 'AlLB—Jti5 kegs for sale by I ■ S-F. VOXBONNIiORST & Co, H No33Frontatreat. SUQ AH—itf bbd* K O sugar on band and tor salt J>y ATWOOD JONKS A Co. BCTTKJX— 3 bbla-roU;. 1, ■ ■ • 3 kegs receired this day and tor mala *>7 . _ _oanl] TASSEY A-BEST. r|ilHOTin'lEßDAiraYK=n by" X leal ■ J A R FLOYD. [AYASA BUOAR-19 bxs Havana sugar on band and tor *ai» by ATWOOD_JONFa A Co^ O.SUGAR—lBbhdsNO(Ugartoidcrop)justrec'd It « «ad for sale by DROWN A CULBEIt'I'SON, .. M - 145 liberty it bag* prime Rio coffee in store and foi V/aale by pau3], BAOALEY A SMITH. WHITE BRAZIL SUGAR—9OO bag* superior qual ity in Hors and tor sala by /•*»_ . BAOALEY A SMITH, ' ARATPS—-5 (tikiand one box just landing LV andforaala by g F VON BONHOILfT A Co. r|v,IBACCO—IOD keg* No l six twist tohaeeo tor JL , ala by . ATWOOD JONES A Co. PEA RUTS—34 bags pea nuts'(br telcTby janl' ' . ATWOOD JONES A Co. COJ*OG?RB— Foreign and Domestic Cologne Wa ter, tor sale* by JOHN D. MORGAN, jal ■ No. Ml Wood «t. COFFEE— 100 bag* prime green Rio coJce arriving via Nswr Orleaas, and tor aale by jan4 DROIVN A CUUgjrrSON, i43_libcrty LOAF SUGAR—IOO bbi* Louluaua refinery No 7 loaf auger mat rec'd and for male br lanll rOLVDEXTEKACo,- I^EATiIERS— 1037 lbs prime Kentucky feather* jtfa ’ received add tor *aia-by , jaall . . POINDEXTER A Co. GOAL BOATS—# large sabnantial coal boats tor _*aia£_lnqaTr»of_ REYNOLDS A SURE, -ft AKD-lObbD lard for sale by BEYNCLDS A SHEE. MESS PORK—In bbl* and half bbla a superior art!- cia tor sale by jjalll REYNOLDS fc SHIX. DRIED FRUIT—4O bus dried Peaches; 3* do peel ed do; 3U busheld dried apple* tor sale by janll REYNOLDS A SURE. RIO COPFEE—S44 baga prime green Rio eoffe*; 25 bbla ItoveringV eruabea sugar, landing frtxn sunr Northern Light, and tor sale by janll DAOALEY A SMITH. _ RAISINS— 200 bxa buucb ralrin* per strCousol tor aale by (jaUJ BaGALHY * SMITH. Molasses and raislnh-im bbia motaiaTs; INJ boxes bunch Taisina per sir Avaianebe. tor tato by_ r U«UI] BAOALKY A SMITH* T>lo COFFEE—4OO bags prime green Rio coffee XV landing from *ir Bl (hood and tor sale by. . janll/- BAOALEV A SMITH. SUNDRIES— Spice, madder, l3fwood, etc. oitlittud and tor dale by ROBEiri'A CUNNINGHAM DRY APPLjs-rSSbnabcla tor sale by . . B.F. VON DONNHOBLSTACo . j»3 ' ' 11 "■ No. 35 From it. Ti ARD—I47, kegs Jmf .lard, rea’J per fimr America -Lit and for eaU by . pa3j _L B WATERMAN. BEANS-GI bbla small while beau* in store njia fol sale by pn3) L B WATWtAIAN. eHEESE—SO boxes for sale by fct. F. VON BONNHORHT A Co., n No. 35 Front st. BOPS— 25 bales western New York hops; 15 do. Couneetieul River aud FAsforu do. just receiving auu torwda by DROWN k CUIIh&TSON, fc janlU % 145 liberty street. SUGAR— 10 bbd* prime new crop. Juit rec'd and tor .salei'by. .. palOJ lAfi_A HYItIJISON A Co. TOBACCOS— 150 bxs' end butts, <L<>iee bran ATKW MObASSEH* , b *»|e. PtantnVMola*. puoo VttWn “ Ui ||A S OAI , ?V * SMITH," y j„, ' N0."13*31 Wood-'. Rs»n»-ui ix,„. woc4 ,, RlO COFFEE-100 grceu Rto eoffee tom .un., '^'““‘^'e^a.oKTH. CJALT PETRE-W bbla refined salt petre; »■!*?» .O erode do for aila by Jja4J ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. ‘TVOSIN—SO bbl* rosin just tee'd and for sale by ; XV jan4 POINDEXTER A Co. , rpiN PLATF>-150 boxes {M Ponßnol brand, for ealo JL’tyJ GR£BR» m fibwW.M. Sun “Moaif KU. rii ci. - ' Son" . FEBRUARY. • rises. 23 Saturvlar. ■_ 31. Sunday, 31 Monday, . 1 Tuesday, 2 ‘ Wednesday, 3 Thursday, 4 Friday. j 4Si , t 42. 453 64t 4*4 4as 103) 453 11 27 4 57. mom. 4 3*l 021 .lloremtati of the Ocean lUaneri. To ornre n New York. .To tail from X. York. ... : : HAVRE. ' -"‘“Ouri.Monin, Dee. 23 Pliilade., Besson. Feb. 50. PM«d», Bcmii J„,. 2! N.York, Ftrmd.H.r. ai n. lork,r errand, Feb.- 21 LiniNOL JJTEwwI. Hibernia, Eyrie, Jan. 1 lam.bna, Judkins Jan. 1 Cambria, Judkins, Jab. 20 1 : , Feb. 1 sorntumos, kc. ... •pyTHaanos, ke. Wash's.. Johnston Jan. 90 »>a»h il. Johnston, Dec. 18 lloiman, Crabtree, Mar. 18 Hurman,Crabiree,.Mar. Is To aail from Bystou. Fo arrive nt Boston. uvxaruou PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE. COMMITTEE FOE FEBRUARY, JOSOT7A HaSXA- Mr. 1, TOTTFX. - Ornce Pmsßcmcii Gizrm. > . Tuesday Morning, February I, ISIS, j Busixw, through the city and along the wharf, presented an activity and bustle more than usual lor the season; particularly on the wharf; which exhibited atnore general atlr than we remember to have seen since the close of the Fall trade, j The weather is again quite cold. The river, for the past fvy days, has been nearly a( a stand, with .seven-.left water in the channel '•' * Ftorn—The market, since our last report, lias Undergone no material change. The receipt* have demand, and the- present supples of the market ere quite foil We continue to quote regular store sales at $4,87 to 4,93; and first hand aalea.to a limited extent, as in quan tity.and quality,, • > CoßsutAL—ycry little is doing in tho article.— Rcceiplsare limited and supplies light. Sales in a small way aw effected at 5035Gc p • Ryb Flolu—Sales ore quoted at $3,75 bbl— market dull « Blckwhkat.Flocr—The market fe-duD, and prices on the decline.; Soles to a limited extent are effected from More at $1,5031,62 fta; and from wagon at 1,25. : Potatoes—Receipts {continue quite full, and the market is fairly- stocked.' Sales from store are ef footed at $1,3731,50 forXeshannocks, and-75357c for Reds. ’ | 15 CD wax—Ycry little', doing in the article. Liuu ifed supplies are held in store, with moderate sales only,; at QlfiOSo Ih. Featuees~Coasiderabh* accession* have been made to the sallies; uud the article, at preseot, is dulL We hear of limited sales only at 313 '32c* ft. 4 : • --f'. —V r « have no change to notice in the mar. ket Moderate, sales are effected at the following ralea: Salmon $2O; Shad 9310; Markerel Nol, 12312,50; No 2,10310,50; and No 3, 7,50 bbL Lake Fish ore nominal nt Herrin?, S&OO 4*- bbl. .-7 Fecit—Green Apples are m fair request, with regular tales at $1,3731,50 y bbL Dried Font is also ih fair demand, with sales of Peaches at 1,50 at 1,02, and Appjes at 62368c.p bu. Baccs—The market is quite inacUve. We quote moderate trade sales'as follows: hams. G 3 •Cjc; sides, 530jc; and shoulders at 4341 c p Dl Bulk Meat ‘is offered at,4c p Bl,—hog-round, with more seller* than buyers, at 4<c. Butter—Sales 20 bbls roll, in tots, at 12313 c ‘ and 30Ttegs-ot 9, 9|®loc p ft. ! LaiY—Sales 10 bbls good leaf at sSsjc * Vs. ' Hoxet—Limited sales are effected "at 15220 c p pound. . ’ • Hors—Sales of 5 sack* at 11c ? th. Caxdus—Sales 30 boxes Pittsburgh dipped at 9310 c Bi. f j ” / " SoAr—Regular sale* of Pittsburgh Rosin .at 413 s*, and of Cincinnati at 4j{isc (» ’Bl Rjce—Sales to a moderate extent are quoted at 5rSGc pr Bk Heavt Lw« bt tue J.ate Flood.—h i* e »tims ted that the damage by the late flood, between the Mississippi over and the Allegheny range*, will amount to $10,000,000, At half cost, $4,000,000 would not replace fences alone. At least 15JKK),- 000 bushel* or com and oilier grain are wholly tost; sod 300,000 bale* of cotton, mostly unpicked held, is wholly destroyed; besidea some luel ft low water mark.y-ISL Louis Reveille. irports or River. St. Zcuu—Per Brooklyn—l2o dr bide*,. Ewalt x Uebbart; 1 bbl, 1 kg mdse, Uppencott &i Son; 10 bbU scrap iron; Lyon, Sborb &; co; 00 kgs lard Laugblin; 12 bgs- feather*, 2 bis cotton. Atwood’ Jones t co; 103 bbl* flour, 254 do lard, Grier, Ibx medicines, Towusend; 25.L1* cotton, Friend, Rhey A: co; 30 bgs peanuts, 25 do feathers, Dickey Sr. «>• 50 bbls pork* Reynolds Sc Shoe;:» bbls whiskey Watson. ' ** _ C'wci.^a/.—Per —la lt\s cidse, R E 1J do liiron, .Myers'A: Iluntcr; 10 bbla lard oil, F .‘Tellers; 14 hhds snjar, Ilagaley A: Smith; 11 bxs mdse, Green 30 LLU whiskey, Watson; 33 csk* bacon, MUtcnhergcr; 1 hx tndae, Anker'd;- Me)*er; 1 do do, Hingbam. 100 bbts tnolaases, Wra : Holmes M co; 2 bUa, 1 k« mdse, Schoonmaker Sc co; IS bbl* ktaf rosar. Burb'ridge, Wilson &: co; 2 hxa mdse, WalliolarU Sc co; Si* bbla molasses, 2 bx tndae, Ihmscn Sc co; 4 caka soda tab, Yon Bonn borat; 40 bbla molasses. Perry; S caka, 3bxa,l trunk, 1 lxll mdse, Mulranr A: Ledlie; 17 bx* glass ware, Vpuog, Ibmacn dr- Plunket,-1 bbl, 1 *ck, coi ; fee, I keg, 1 bx mdse, Oweu Jc McCabe; 1 do do, Steele Ac co; 1 caii vsniisb, Poindexter Sc co; 0 bxa rodse, Clark Ac .Thaw; ? cska old copper, Leech & Son; 2d bbds augar, Parke Ac co.' . Brounuvxlle—Vct Danube—l wagon, Cooper; 44- bdla iron,.Evans; 0 bxa mdse, H Gruff; S do do, W Bigbam; 43 do do/Ilobertsop A; Keppert; 82 do’ do, liidwelJ; 43 kg* nails, Mitchell; 35 pkgs mdse, Bid well; 53 kps nails,' Burbridge, Wilson Sc co; 8 bLgs mdse, Hays A: Black; 15 do do.S Ac W Uarbaugb; 462 ft lumber, stmt* Isaac Newton. ParltnbvraJt—Vcr Skipper— 33 kgs. 31 bbla lard, lO hhds tobacco, Dalxefl 4V co; 2 bbla lard, 18 kga b w flour, Hogan; 30 )>bU potash. Taaaet' 3c Best; 412 pea bacon, 7 kps lard, OrumAc McGrow; 167 bbla wheat, 54 aka do, VoegUy; 1 bbl, 3 kept lard, 3 ska rags, 1 do feathers, McGill, ButhfieM 8c Roe; 19 aka earn, Bogero; 10 bbda tobacco, S kegs lord, 3 bbla butter, D Leech Ac co. - Beurrr—Pcr Bcavcr—ll caka pork, 1 bbl lard, Bagaley.Ac Smith; 7 bbla, 1 keg lard, 2 do butler, L S Waterman; 0 bga oil meal, Wright; 3 Ibis clover aeed, Carson A: McKnight; 114;l»bls flour. McCuL [578 bblsapples, lira to; 3 ackshatr, Friend, Ritey Aj co; 15 bbl* linseed oil, S ft W Harbatigb; 2U bps' oaU, Ohio stage col ’ JWte OrUaru —Per Pike No. S—3oo bUa molaa aea, 29doa b do, 43 ldf do syrtip, 20 trea rice, 29 bbls loaf sugar, Burijridge, W’ilaon Ac co; 200 LUs molasses, Bagaley X Smith; 2 erta wnre, Hodgkin, son; 108 mahogany plank*. 10 du joists, Robert* A: Kane. ' Hrffrnfir—Per Caleb Cope—l 2 bbla, 33 kgs lard, 18 bbla apple*. 429 pc* bulk meat, S Ac W Harixtugb; 5 sets rag*. 3 do flax, 3 do. dr peaches, I -bbl butter, 52 pc* blk n>ea(,.Uagalcy Ac Smith; 3 *k* dr peacbe*, 2 do do 'nppjes, Stnilb ffc Sinclair, II bdla leather, 1 Itg lard, McFaden; 3 bbl* lard, 129 pea blk meat Bidweil; 7 bbl* doverseed, 8 kgs lard, Friend, Rbey k co; 11 l>gs bran; Boyd; 13 kJd flour, S 6 bps sundries, owner*: 2301 pcab meat, 6 kga lard, 10 bbla green applei, Church Sc Carotbera; 4 libls drpeache*, 31 do'rye; flour, 40 bps oilmcal, 5 Ac W Ifarijaugb; l bbl eggs, 1 bid, 20 kga lard, R Dalzell Ai co; 201 pea b pork, Bidwcll; 8 bgs clover aeed, 5 bbla whiskey, 1 keg butler, lbl tog* pota toes, IOS hbla apples, GO pc* bacon, 70 doz brooms, 46 bga oats, owner. Eeatvr —Per Michigan—ls bga cotton twist, Friend, Rhey Ac co; 20 leg* lard, Cuughey; 5 bags peacbe*, U do applet Bidweil. or CotcMßii—Hsr* Toxic—Tu theßald ana Grey—if you wish a rich, luxuriant brad of bair, firefffrom daudroff and scurf, <lo not foil 10'procure the genuina Balm of Columbia. I 4 cases of,liaidneM it will more Ilian exceed your expectation*. Many , who hate lost their hair for till you* have liail ji lesioreil to ii* original pcrtection by lbo aw of Uil* (mini. Aft*, stale or conoitiou appear to 1m m» obstacle whatever; it also cause* tlie fluid; to flow with which the delicate hair tube it filled, by which tncfuis ihouiamU (whose hair wg» grey a* Uic Asiictic-Koffle) hire had their hair restored, to its natural .color by the use of this iuvnl •■'inedy. ’ - M — r - ttable remedy. In all cartp of fin er it will be found the tuoet pleatajil wash |Uat can be uwd. A few applica lion* only are neceefary to keep the hair front (ailing out. It •tfeuglheu* the root*, it never tiij* to impart a rich gloeay uujKjnranee, cutdm a perfume lor the toilet it i* unequalled: it hpltla (fine Ume» ta mucb b* other raiacslled hair rextorailve* drutft mote effectual. The genolne manufactured by Couutock A Co., lit Conrtlond itreel. NeW - Sold In Pittsburgh, only genuine, by JACKSON, Hi Liberty at, head in. Wood; iii.Waahiugiou, Pa- by Sweeny K Son; in JJrpwiuviile, by Unmet k Crocker; In Caminubnrj'. by Hr. Vouelroiao, by our agent* in; every lovrh in Pa., Ohio arid Jhl. novlgtlAwtaiT U7*Yellow Teeth and putrid brenih, Spungy rum* like rotten death, | U repulsive and disgusting. All could have teeth aa while as pearl. Sweet breath—lurd guma—man or girl. , Why delay!—nay, quickly haste And tue a box <>( Jeues* Tooth Parte. nU hut dSeeuis, and is redly a beautiful article, a tlm teeth a fine enamel. Hold in Pittsburgh at rnyai. ' noylthJAwly BT-Pir.w, Soma, ik—i 'be Genuine Hays* IJiiinjent i*-»H article murojuitly. reltbruied u % cure for the *t»o*c Utau any or all other*. Its cure* btc almost in; Hold by YVM. JACKSON, Pjj,I** 1 ** ,K>" l*die» who Dae Jones’ Spanish lily While, here » fi«e -wrUile transparent tkin. Of tbia a trial will aaiia/y. a nr ouc. Mote ouly in Pittsburgh, *» 80 Liberty »t 4 noyllldandwly i CT*Don’t-Imtb « Fool Breath—lf you have, hhi twoehillui* I'OUle of Jones’ Amber Tooth Po**e. ’That w I make- roar breath tweet, whiten your teeth, kcj— SoldatMLibenyet-: novlGdltwly tun Halt xsx> Lamx—Cotas lock’* Nerve and Unite laniment and Indian Vegetable Hitir, is tbs most eflcct* a|.core, for RlmuinaUwi.’ gold by WhL JACK- Ac*m for wrtWJwrtajr PORT OP PITTSBURGH T ‘fjzr **ATIX Cj aUJOKL—KISTTO. „ „ ARRIVED, Like Erie, Hemphill, Bearer. Beaver, Clark, WelUville. Caleb Cope, Bearer and Welliville. Du patch, Nelson, Brownsville. • Monterey, Morrison, Brownsville. Ringgold, Cope, Bridgeport. „ .Yo. *jeon; Danube, Cock, Browurille. , , _ . DEPARTED, Lake Erie, Hemphill,/Beaver. Beaver, Clark, VellivijJe. Michigan No Gilson, Beaver. Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and Wellville. Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville. Monterey, Morrison', Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brovrnaville.- Atlantic, Brownsville. Danube, Cock, HrownsviUe. ’ BOATS LEAVING THIS DAT. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, 3 a. m and 3 ' r.-jr - CINCINNATI PACKET, 1&a. it. -BEAVER at 9 and 10 x. and 3 o'clock, r.n. GLASGOW PACKET, 4 r. *. ANGLO SAXON, & Loui*. .1 COLORADO,-St Louis. JEWESS, Cincinnati. FAIRMOUKT, Sl Louis. PASSENGER ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1811 • Steamboat Packet Line, leaves daily for Cincinnati, 10 A. 11. } • Pocket via Brownsville to Buliimora and Piuladelpluay-8 a.*. and Or.*. Mail Coach Line direct to Philadelphia, 0. and IS| p. *. • * • Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 8x a. North-Western via Cleveland, dally, JO a.*. Jjrie and Western New York, daily, 0 x. *. North-Eastern toiladelphta, daily, except Sundays, *1 .a* it- 1 arrivals and departure OF MAlliS- EastemMail via Philadelphia, due Os.*., doses Id *. " est’n Mail, Cindn. k Louisr, due t) r.jr, doses 5 a. h. S lll . X l .*®®l ,in,ore A Washington, due Hr.*, cl's 17 a.m. North w estem via Cleveland, due 10 a. S, closes U a. X, Ene and Western New York,due or. *., closes ti a. x. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c . Sow la the lime for Bargains, A LEXANDER k DAY would respectfully inform -aX the citizen* of Piusburgh and its vicinity that they *J*, now sdling off their very large and extensive stock of dry goods at an unparalleled ‘reduction of priocs, tiieir object being to exchange goods for cash, A in or der to effect this in the shortest possible time they' will tell off their entire stock at such remarkably low rates ns cannot util to suit cash buyers. A fine opportunity is now offered to persons in want of ebeap dry-goods to supply themselves, at a comparatively smalt expense. >1 e have a large and splendid stock or - - / 'LADIES’ DRESS GOODS.* ‘ Pelo Alto. Buena Vista’Gala. English am! Freneh Me nno Pioids; Oregon and California do: PlaiiLUlack and Mode colored De Lollies, French Mcnhos, assorted col ors; AlpaceaLnslrvi; Bombazines; French and Scotch Cashmeres and Moaslin l)v Laiucsj'l-'reueh and Earl slon Ginghams, etc. DRESS AND MANTILLA SILKS. -A large and splendid assortment of rich black Dress and Mhutilla Silks and blue Hack Dress Satins. SHAWLS, SHAWIjS. A large assortment of super French, Tnrkerri and Cashmere Shawls; plain and embroidered silk fringe and Brocade silk do; plaiu black silk do; super all wool long square Hrocbea do; plain and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embroidered De Laines do. | ; CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. Super French, English, and American Cloths and C**- tiraerea in great variety. * | SATLNLTT3 AND FLANNELS, r An excellent uiortment of Sattinete and a large stock of red, white and yellow Fannela. Blankets—Super blue Blankets for overcoats; fine twilled do; American premium do- etc- ». ...j.' • Also, a large assortment of Tickings, Checks,‘Prints Muslins. together with almost every article in tha dry goods line. - ALEXANDER t DAY, jMli 75 market at, N. W. cor. ofdtamood. P RIN TSjONI/YT" 44 CEDAR ST., NEW YORK, LEE & BREWSTER Established a warehouse .in the year ISUS. for the pur pose of supplying the City and interior Trade with PRINTED CaUCOKHj EXCLUSIVELY, u low prices—and exhibiting, at all seasons of the year.jhe largest Assortment in THE WbRLD. They are now opening Seven! Hundred Packages, comumiug every new style of Foreign amt Domestic productioQ. many of which- ham just been purchased, and are offered for tale for Cash and shea credit, at PRICES REDUCED ' •; FROM ONE TO FIVE CENTS t*r. yard below iftrfprve* of April ud Alay, a* pvt jinnW Cuia!,o^at^-w.hieli tin corrected UejljMor iLe int'orm/nion oc'i>o)rM; ■ i • PRIST WA££IIOCSE. I New York, June, 1?47. $ Cm y, Jkb, io, I _ ... LN FRICKS—W n Murehr.! hi* Winter dress gaodt. TOnrtargefrftwaVlfrifr or hu stock, adapted only to the winter letnii, at: greatly reduced price*. It being bit object to aejl off tui* part of hi* slock to make room for ah early spring ■apply, no'regard •%* ill be had to the co«t of the rood*: but they wul I*s offered at pricr* that will enmre their •ale—such as California plaids. at U‘| limner price tSc; l super do. at 115 former ppcc tl7|c: Printed Scotch cath is;rea at I*|, former price 31e; do. 23, former price 571 e: French all wool do. 50 eta, former price 6» and 75 e; •dper do. “5 former price 100: roper plaid V.lufcet cloth. 1 <U and 75 former price 100; baatdea a large tMonmem of winter ahawtav wanted Hoods, &c: at pnces much lower than before off? rni. J( {Q Blacken if coLofiFni 'ali’accas^nv^r Mun:hy fo»» on Witl at ».?>• luw prit«-*, u;i n»*ort. I raenr, < i alm>vu i.ood*, luclcding linlt tem »Utul«» of Droli Colors. Cowlou and lilue do' Maroon do; Drown do; Ui&el ami Blue do.; Satin atri* pcd ifoi SaUn Barred Fancy PUid do; alao, an as cqrunrnt of Mohair Lustres. including acme eery fine and douy. In Wholesale Rooms, up itairs, deaf* era will buda choice stork of abovo and other goods by the piece, at low Cash prices. j.'n IJUBJiISIUNO GOODS—NV* have on luuu] an at* . aoruneat of poo*U aaitoble tor furnishing U>ula, steamboats, Ac.. among whieh are 13bale*tiekiitg*. w itmcd; 6do bro, dTilKrir*; 3en»e* 3-4 and 0-4 bleached shirting* Hdo } and M; do; S bale* beavv linen eraab; 7-1 and M linen table diaper, do. do. l/amsak; Jtcoteh and Russia draper; tow-pyleed fancy madder prints; whit* counterpane*; plain and twilled blanket*. Ac., whieh will be sold low tor cash or approved credit! MIAUKLEIT A WHITE, _ja«« VO wood at SHACK LEIT k WWTE-pry Good* JobberiTw Wood at, haVe on hand a well ■•sorted and aeaton able stock of DRV GOODS. winch the) will sell to wralem and city merchant*, oil aery reasonable term*, and low price*. Mo*l of the rood* Wf VP bought daring tholaai rnotuh, and at reduced prices. i«l BLACK SILKS—W R MURPHY oika the attrition of buyer* lo bit usonaient 6( above good*, inc lad ing rich plain Italian drew (ilk; poult de *uie do; blue black do; rich watered do: do watered and striped do; tilka for cardinal*; beside a larc# assortment ot Fancy Draw Silk*, ekangoblt utina, Ac., all of which will be told at the lowest poasible price*. ' jan4 COCHECO PRINTS—W R Murphy the atten tion of buyer* to hi* astoruueut of above superior goods, neat styles and plaid* of pair madder rotor*, and. warranted fast; also, Fall River and American print work* do. also Cast colncs. ;*nt4 i SOPKBXOR IUIRTIia SSUBLUTB-W R MURPHY. N. E. comer of 4lh and Market streets, etlla attention to tirfauperior tong cloth shirting min- is selling at M eta (ted—alto, hi* euperior as sortment of HUSH pure flax, and. of (he moat approved manufacture. Alto, Linen I .awns, of every <]naii(y,.and a fell assortment of gentlemen & Ladiecgamtrrte handkerchief*. ' jan3 WIIITS CortTEllpftgtiw,;, .... of Steamboat Counterpane*, just received from N. i ork, and lor sale by SdIACKLIfIT k WHITE, „dc» . no Wood *!._ 1 FLANNELS— Red, Urowu and HarredHaiineTs ' Au additional supply received from tbe manufactu rer*. Also, a few piece* of low priced Catsuteit*. tor »•!« by UKOIiGE COCHRAN, »pl 3 _ SO wood st. TkLANKKTß—£3pnjr large Domestic Blankets, juii XXreceived oa consignment; for sale hy «W GEO. COCHRAN, 26 Wood st. WELSH FI«ANNLL.H conataittly on hand at dry good* house of W H Murphy, N K corner of 4th and market *u., an assortment of above goods,, warranted mil to shring In washing. - janlg fpAULE DIAPKKS AND TABLECLOTH3-W R X Murphy ha* on baud, at low prices, an assortment ot rommon, median ami superior linen table diapers; also damask linen table cloths, napkins, eta.: also hock abud, bird-eye, ami Scotch diapers tor toweling, jnttf PLAID'BLACK ALPACCAB.-A few pc* of satin barred oipaccna, lately rec'd; also, an excellent mUorinicnt of fancy barred .do., very low, at the dry goods bouse of frq.l} W R MURPHY- , EOLl« BIJTTEB-OU bbl* prttno Penn’a butter; keg butter and lard, dry apples nod peaches in •store anJ for sale by J k R.FLOYD. fflKAS—hO half chests Young Hyson," Gunpowder, X 1 Impetiai, and Black—m arid Ulb boxes Yoong Hyson and Gunpowder do. <m band and far tale by jawlU ROUkaiT A CUNNIN«HAM- flpEXS—The subscribers have oiiliandamifor raJe X on accornmodaiing terms, a large and well selected assortment If teas of diflrrent grades and description*. Ja3 BROWN k CULBERTSON, 143 liberty st fpEA£—dO package* fresh' Y. Huyscn, Gunpowder, k X Imperial, for sale by 8. P. VON HONNHORBT4 Co., jafl No. U 6 Frout SL I,'ISII— UXi bbl* No I, S and 3 mackerel; 10 half bbl No 1 do; 2U bbl* No I herring, and (0 drums cod h*b, just rac’d awl for sale by ' 3anlo ' ROUKUT A CUNNINOIIAM- MACKKKKIr-A) hlf bbls No 3 large; . 20 Mil* No. 2. for salt- by jy at H I(IIAj£LI“IU.N', east aide diamond^ M - No* 1,3* and 3 mackerel jusl rec' on consiginnciil and for sale by janl3 KNfiLlhtlljkllKNNinT-j. WHifi: wbliVfijSTß h'sfl' LlTi * do. ill prime order and for sale by jahl9 ISAIAH DICk'KY t Oo^ MACKLRfX— US bbls lam No 3, for sale by _ ;ani_ JAMES A. HtiTCINrtON .I FA’I'iIKKU—AW iba primo'Ky. leather* iot sale by - JAMBB A IjIfICIUNKIN & Oo^. BtrrrLE -CORKS-liS grow fuVsalc by _joW R B BEI,| 4 UIS. i BAD— 1W) rig* oft consignment tind for »alo by . _j jaSS nOBERTpAL'/KLL k Co.liberty lb SALT— ICO bbl* No | Salt just rac’d and for tale by jaaa MILLER k lUCHCTBOX. 'f^KATHErijt—.'io sack* in Horn and for sale by WAIAIjMIICKEY k Cutwater oud iront »U TI3KKSWAX—IGOOIbi in atom and for saleiy i> ISAIAH DICKEY k Co. tACON-3 coska-aworted Dacon in itoro and for I tale by , Lja&] , .HjAIAH DICKEY k Co.. “IAMPIIOR—4 bbli'ior sale by ' ■ R R SELLERS. 59 wood at- tRIi. IRON-JOO Iba lor ulo by ■i*» '• ■ - ' R E SELLERS. CAYENNE PEPPER—I3O lbl Jcney, a prime grti dc, for laid by ’ - • re SELLERS. ' S” CORCHINOS-MO} lba prime for sale by ■ jaa& . y v J D WILLIAMS, HO wood at. /710FFEK—40 bags prime. Rio;' 40 do Midistm If do L . Hom«« tor Sale.' ‘Jfissssrssssa^asffi' ~ • K•S' % ft* K3 . 81tl «*d* of *io street.; itis a two “rs *4* on 'rti.h i. ereettd > nible ind e„. n*ge house. This valuable properly will be sold at a laryaia on easyj terms. • • • * UOO * OM,BI » Tie other botue'ij situated on Isabella street, Afle clienj city, neartbe Handstreet bridge. It is a 2 ttorr Dnck, Mw and! handsomely finished, containing two parlor*. kitchen, SEBfZI bm noor, four rooms ou the second floor, anil a finuh- Srt?sf fet *. Tkl, i ,ot ; nin * back M*® u» an alley. Price, only abootthe costofthehouse. Terms easr ■ ft’ ’l • ob * crib « r » "K® «*n bo scea at the of “*.“dieColette,everyforenOcm. betweeu the hours of.eight and tea. and at oiheF times at his rooms at Mrs. liars* boardinghouse, Robinson's new row. Fed-: cralsLAllesbcnyCitj. i\ D N WHITE. _ jano tf- ■ l Agent for the owner. Public •fYwltushleProperty. T WILL ofler Ist public ssle, : dn Wednesday, the lit X day of March next, the fismtl late the property of ihomas r. Boalj deceased, situated in Middlesex town-' ship, Butler county, Pa'* comaiuiug about one hundred 8 ™ acres} one hundred acres cleared, twenty of which are meadow,'the balance well timbered. Ihe Improvements afo, a two story Dwelling House, a large new Frame Dank Bunt with slob Una underthe whole, n fnuqe Wagon Shed and Corn Cnb, a frame'Wash House and Spring House, with a never failing Pump at the door, alargv:Apple Orchard, with a variety of oth er fruit and oruahtcnul trees. 5 ; The abovels considered one of the best farms in Dot ler county, beinroftho best quality of land,beautifully situated on the. Pittsburgh ; and Butler Tunfpike road, sevenmiles.lrwp Butler dud twenty-fourmiles from Ftiuburgh, and convenient to Churches School-houses and Mills. I • ' ’ ; Touts —One tliird, in hand, and ll»e balance in two equal annual payments, with interest from sale. ' l ■ 1 wIUJAiI CUNNINGHAM, -l 8:13:31 | " : . Execuier. Farm.for Rant dr Lease* MThe underiigned will refit or lease for a term ol years, a portion of the farm when be now re sides. containing from GO to 70 acres of tillable land and 40. nerds of woodland, oue large stone dwel ling house, one log house, and a large bam, which can be Med for storing roots or converted into a spring house. This property is between three and four miles irom Pittsburgh; on the Mononghhcla river, eity side. It is wry suitable for a dairy and vegetable tana. Possession given on the Ist of March. For paniett lor* inquire on ibi premises of jadUl til Ist march ; HENRY WOODS- For Bale.or Heat. . Jak A new brick building with steam engine, hav .l&ing a Urge supply of water, whieh has been used as a Unoery and can be applied to any manufacturing purpose. ALSO, FOR of the best locations for manufacturing purposes iu the- immediate suburbs of the city; cool plenty and cheap, and but fifteen minutes walk from the city steamboat landing. Also for sale,* few building lots in the same vieinity, Kor terms ap ply to GEO. COCHRAN, SO wood street M IFOB BUL : THE three story Dwelling House and Lot,’now occupied by, H. F. Scbweppe. Esq-ott Peon it* near Hand. The 'Lot is HI by IhU feet, and is pleasant The three story' house on the comer of Liberty st and Irwin's alley, now occupied as* wholesale and retail grocer's store, by ]IJ. F. Schwenpe. Possession given immediately, on application at tile warehouse of John Irwin A Satis, No. 11l Water street, by " decH-3m j ; : JOHN IRWIN Choles Balldlag Led for Sals* THE subscriber oilers lor sale sutue very choice buildiding lots! in*-Allegheny City al low price*. The lots am beautifully situated! for rural residences, and about one-fodrth of t mite from, the Allegheny market, ortho old Allegheny Bridge.. 'The rite and terms can be madd to sail purchasers. Inquire of the subscriber, wbocan be seen at the of fice of the Gazette] every forenodu, and at other times at his rooms at Mr. Hays’ boarding house, Rdbinson’s new row, Federal at. Allegheny city. I*SU • i i>. N. WHITE. M FOB SALK* Iffg THE NATIONAL HOTEL, on Water street, the Monoogahela :House. and the-stable on Croat street, being a leasehold for the term of 21 years, from the Ist of April, tblfi, sabjechtothe payment of 8400 per annum. If desired, the rceJjimple in tha 10l which is GO feet fronton Water street, extending through to Front st* can bej purchased. Enquire of decailf j WM. Mi DARLINGTON, ! For Rent. MA two story brick dwelling with about six acres of ground attached, situated at Oakland. The place i**well stocked with fruit of all kinds, and is a desirable location for a famil; being entirely out of reach of the river laud din of the city. An omnibus leaves Oakland botirly for the city. Apply to jan2o : ATWOOD, JONES A Co. *- 1 F**t Rent* MA new three story hnek dwelling house Wyjie street—Possession given on the first April or sooner if required; Inquire of _J U 5 I . Jk ft Ui'VD, lux liberty street. I For Rent. MA two story bnck dwelling with about S acres of ground, situated on the bank of the Ohio river, in iae'-borough of M nchener. Apply to jauta . (JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co. - -- t~ To t.g.T- 7 * Xsk THREE dwelling bouses ritaatedou 4tli street USB near canal bridge, in the city of Pittsburgh. - Al : so, a room *3 by 'JUfeet. with a convenient en trance on 3th st* tjesr wow!. Also, a frame dwelling, two stones, with on acre of ground enclosed and under cultivation, rituals oo Ohio lane, in the city of Alleghe ny. Inquire of ; -J D WILLIAMS, jsutf ■ 1 j HU wood street. | To Lei. Milts n*w three story ute proof brick store o M«and su ms Mi- Edward Evans: fo real from Ist of April next. : Tnoairtof j J SCUOONMARER Jt Co; jaulO . _ . 24 wood street. ’ - “ MTbe mbserjlwrs will rent part brntr'vrtt*' boose now ochapied by them. Apnlv to LEWIS, A Co* : *■ 34 water street. IFor Heat* Th* two large room* in tl*« Chtbmele builthnpa, iexon 4th street, now occupied by Whitney & Uo him*, will b« tor rent iron the hrm day of April next. liMjuireof !!Ji\4Y AIOJUUSON, _ ; jsalibchr n. - Wax BtnU A Uan<l*omrty BnuhcU room on MarkeJ Mrvct, JtPi lately ocfopkd u a Daguemotype i*»iahliihjurut If Morion*) t Cm. * Aim, a wrl] Knulial and ire 11 fur* ■ualu',l imuu'. •uiuhil> lor Mieit'U~»; C,« Uni: n( tLr Mnvtuuite Ut*iiiry A»uH-iaiasii. ,Knirciie<? at I‘lu lo I IiatiAZZAM, Otficr, markcl nwtl, ben«««w ad aoJ Jt,h | To Let*--' ; MThc iKrellijtg- House occupied by the mbicri ber, on *niird street above gmithfield. It has •paciou* back! building, bath room with hot and cold Water, gas fixtures, is slate roofed and ha* a large yard. The front room on the first floor is suitable tor on office. liaSrtf) WM. 31. DARLINGTON. For Heal. _ JeK _YllE’iorso atu) convenient ilwclliur haute on Jo.Ff*lvv»l «-• Allegheny, fonnejly occupied by Hr*. Ann (lactam. Renlilow. Po*se*tion girensui Uie Ist »>f Ajiril neat 1 . . I K D li.V/.'/.AM. - . lunncdi&t* poaaesaion of tho above house can be ob tained by applyingtcJ M. Creighton, at the canal ware bousaol Clark Jc Thaw. ■ deed For - Beat.; A large noth on the 2d story of the warehouse ocru'ded by the subscriber*, near the foot o( street—|a good location for a steamboat agency or an Iniuraiice office. janll ItOLLMAXS k GAPRISOX, For Bale. A Fine two story brick hoase. oo tuoin street, J3L Allegheny city, bear the upper bridge. The lot is 2i Wet in iron! by lull deep. For tehn* inquire of <CLWf : A WASHINGTON, 4th at ‘“For'tel#.-'"': t M: I offer fer sale tbe house-1 now oecopy on Webster-atreet a few door* weal of Seventh street. -It is a|two story brick house, wuh four foouj* on each 'floor. 11 will sell 0111 liberal credit lawatf . ;w II IAIWRIR. ' to Lib T • M. One nor thlre story Dwelling Hon’w, with bath Uoijw* attached, situate near the eomer of Wylie and Possession giv en on the first of April next > J*» ' • ■ ' JOHN P PERRY. - For Bint, ’ Ah THE largrfirrproof warehouse, 54 feel front by JUrISO feet deep, on aecond st unar vroind. Rent mod •vale. Imjmni of J HCJIOONMAK>iR* Cfe, ♦Wifi 21 wood si . For Renit'.T A neat two storied brick dwelling house with JlgS seven rooms and targe yiirtL pleasantly sitnated I lie ‘■th ward. Apply, to WM ii SCAIFF. jantautw ' tsl atrerl near wood. ToLet. - l a, g c . eominodious, and well finished, three tetWVtory bnck dwe ling, on penu st., half way be tween Uarmuu alley and Wayne *t ro*«r*. nm given Immediately; For particular* Inouirr at tlie oflice of W W WALLACE, july'Jllf 241 liberty street. MA Smoke House, stiuaietl on Plum alley, for rent Imjuiie ol ROBERT DALZEU. A Co, lubrriy siteet. \ < drcl3 M- The well fumirhed store on Market street! be tween third nml fourth eireeis, nt present occu pie*l hr Harrow* and Turner. Postessioti riven on the first 01 April next {nvgg); E D OAZZAM. 's• Te lict. • . MA dry gooiU warehouse. {tT.wooil street, second door above Diamond alley.: Inouire of _ decs ’ _ n T -MORGAN * Co. a* coitNfUY itfeAuKSci; HAVING removed in tbo city,for convenience |o profitMionai business, 1 will rent the Mansion House,ami iisiremrd atacnelosarn.aitnaieoathebluOs of Ue Monongahela, one mile aliove Pituborgh. IsnHSmwt/ _ JAMEH y CRAFT COAL I-AND FOR BALE—Sevan acre* coal land for sale, situate in bend of the Monum-ahela River, .sboreDrownsvillr. Vs; baviog'nlT foot vein of coal, which will be sold In exchange fuTVood*. Fur partieu larsspply to [oct*3] HA W HAIIBAUGH, 33w00d at Dnlltllnk' Lot ‘ 1 IN .MANCHEBTKK FOR SALti-I have for vale a beautiful building IxJt in Manchester, near the ferry. SCI feel, front.by I» feet deep. .It will be told lowland uti ■eeumiuodaung terms. Terms unexceptionable. mvlft JAS 1 SCNDKIt2<— 4tSJ bags Rio codec; 7U half ehcita Y. 11. nnd Imperial tea; 93 bag* pepper; fill boxes white HaratU sugar; lUU Lbls large No 3 mackerel:' IQO bbls N 0 mulaues; 10 casks alvplce; for sale by J*U _j r JNO ORIER. • IjACON AND LARD—3O3 Bacon Hams and XJMhoulders; 11 krga No.l iuinb reeeired oncon •lgrimnl, per tnnr. Pilcl No. 2. oild for sale by 1 . „J«d> ; - IHAIAII PICKET kCo SUNDRIES— lt> bbl* sraallwhitebeansfsTdoiraisecdi 3ca«kaseorchingK 73 dox com broomv; l 5 bale* hoy*; just received and for sale by I»U4 JOHN; H. DILWORTII. 97 wood *t MACKKRfiX— 100 blil* largo So 3 mackerel; 44 ht do Nol do; . CWdd do No 9 do; Jait rce’d and for salw by lia-tl POINDKX’mt k.Oo. COFFEE- 200 bagiprime greciißlo eoffee for snle'br : . JAR FLOYD. CEED—CS> clovcraced lur aalo by ; ; G irtl . . . ■ . ? Jk.lt FLO.YD. CPERM OIL—3 casks winter strained, warranted C pure, fur sale by : *VI J BCHOONMAKKR k Co. BACON SIDES—so hhd* new bacon aides jnst rec'd ou coiiMgiuucnt and for solo by ■an37j . .; , ) SETXCTS k NTCOLS ■ f HALLOW—\O bbl* 156' 1. beef tallow just recHl aiid 1 for tale by - SELLERS‘It NICQI3. : ARD—6 bbl* No 1,15 kegs do. for sale by . J ja37 . McOILL, BUBHFIED A RQE.3 - )AISINS—IZi boxes Roisina-for sale by U ja37 MeGILL, BBHFIEI J> A ROE, i rOPH-4 bale* Hops, first son. for sola by v•• 1 ' . 1a27 MeGILL, BUBUFIELD A ROE.] RICK— 23 tierce* Rice lbr,»alc by r jafl?. , Mcf.-nJ> JHJSIIFIELP AROE HON-eo i6h» Bar iron, 1 assotted ln Store abA f. »• ' Vswalteiimai*™ ■' l ,n a.«M«u4Biiraia»i. IMPOBTAST TO BICOV DBA£SBI> - / T JORDAN 4 SON, dealer* fat BiCoa and Lard, V • m*&ufactui*rs of Lard Oil, and General Commit oppoute SmuhSrid; «tt»burfb, Pa. Particular aneimon paid tolio sale of .Jv{- * S. hare made arrangement* a* hereiotoi*, far •aokinf and paekiatf bulk meat and bacon the pmaent •«a»on; and theirlony experience in thi* bastnea* gives tb*m assurance of giving satisfaction to tboie enimtt tugmich business to their eare. • . - i fherejjre adTaaUutrt.io be derived froa smoking neat lo Pittsburgh, with which ail may not be aequain-. .J.*- 1 ?? 7 ** fD ® ,e «ny Point below with-;- out tnlurr,and aAerbaTing been unoked here, can be' forwarded to the eastern cities, either by wngou or br canal, without transhipment, where it almost invariably : SSS SSS.’SSS?"’ “ 3 "” ra " r “ n^"' d * i Brthij arrangement there it a saving ofeaaka and S,I*"* 1 *"* »*«*,• ■ which are tmayoidable expeuaea’ where llaeotj intended for eastern innrkeu D smoked' at potuu below: not taking into account the fact that it' arrive*-m much better order than when packed far ,****'; .u al *° he borae in mind that Pittsbargh ia oue of the beat potut* in the Union for selling Baecm. • umciczs. ‘ “ Evana A Swift, , • s. _ James C Hall i Co, I Cuicinuali. 4 P Campbell, CMUicothe. . ~ R HHurlbul A Co. New Albany. Ind, • _ Teasdale ft Malone. St. Ixiuis. jSfo rdec&gm I ’'£:2tp* Cmn °f>" Cu, aud Cnt, of to#Uef of - the e * ta, °- of Muni and, Murtlaud, Samusl Maitland, William Martin . A Maryhls wife late Mary Mnrtland, John Murtlaud. Jpmes Murtlaud, William Murtlaud, Martha Wvle ? J, .k A i trr ; Jo , hn Arth °r A. nr. Heather and EUm bath Munlaml, children of Arthur Munlaad. dec’ll. ,kJ«£ ?£!*.! u aX m lbo P®i itio, » of William Munlaud tha said Court have awarded an inquest to make rsrii ‘J®" °f Estate, to w,u A certain Kr pteee of ground andiuesiiiafe thereon ereeted, shoate otf the north side Coats*’ alley, between Delaware Proijt and Second street*, and in the square between Yin* and Bassatrns streets, ia the eity of Philadelphia, whereof the said Robert Mnrtland died seized; and if partition thereof cannot be msde, to vain# the same and that the said inquest will meetoa Friday the 4th day of February, IMS, si lo o’clock x, *, at the Rubi *•“ No !• »uth sixth street, in the city of I uiladulphie, to go to and upon the said premises „. . L , * HENRY LKLAH, High SherifTof the City and county ©fPhilad’a. JsnlPdlJt ( Type Foundry. THE subscribers have taken the Type Foundry, no.O> Gold-street,'and will eontiaue the business lately conducted by Robert Taylor. They will attend to ail orders with puetuality and dispiueh. All the Type manufactured by them will be Hand Cast and they will funuak all kind* of Printers’ Materials, of the best quality. t ' ; • . Mr. /. A. T. Overend is still amployed iu superintend ing the manufacturing department. of newspapers, who have not advertised rpr the subscriber, who may publish this notice for three monfait will be entitled to receive their p*V fat type on poretuuing five times the amount of their bills tor ad vertising. - __—- • V p ?. , .^* n in e «kange tor'newatO eta per lb.. Charles Whmng, ) WHITINtr A TAYLOR ; Theodore Taylor, { (Successor* to Rob’t Taylor,) janlH Corner Gold and Ann Street*. N. York. \J and Philadelphia Peakm Tea Co. having under stood that certain persons in Pittsburgh were claiming the exclusive right to sell their Teas in that eity, would Stole that they ' have abandoned some tim* siuee the exclusive agency system, and that neiher Mr. Jsynes, Douglas* A Co., nor any other concern has a right to claim any exclusive privileges with their teas. iTiie geueral Agent of the Company, Mr. J. H. Slock dale, is now at filcMaster’*, Eagle Hdiel, Liberty %u Pntsbnrgh, ready to receive orders. All Teas sold by this Company, are warranted equal to any sold in the United fatales, and no payment required until havers are entirely satisfied a* to the fact. • ’ Principal Warehouse of the Company, No. 35 North Front street, Philadelphia. novlltfcftaw3m » M’CAMOXT A BOND. Original <Bolivar Brick*.' T? x,, £Rl l: - s y Et> JuJfe*. on »trial of one and * half Xj million t, ainee l&C, pronounce ihia article uniur- j paued for durability in tbe eoiutruetion of all kind»,of 1 Fur" '■*«. l*ri' unmet*. Price *2X73 catb for loadieflO M.'cua. tJtteed mno month* u»e. Order* for a tecond qoality Bolitar Bnckc will be executed at s>o per M, if to de ured, without guarantee. A clock of tie firit quality *• for tale at the wareboute. -Sloan's Wharf.’ Ca nal Batin, by J. SHAW MACLARKNV tepmtr KenMagton Iron Work*;. TVfOjrciJ—An Election for teren Director* of the r hJle Canal Company will be held by the Mock bolder* at their Office ui'tbe borough of Erie, on Mon day the 6th day of March next, at It) o'clock, * k. - , _ _ M. GOODWIN, Sec*y. Canal Office. Bnc, J»n. I°. Ig4c. j«»ei - SUNDRIES— 150 bag* prime Rio coflee; 150 bbU N O Molasses; 75 boxes manufactured tobacco; 135 half cbeiu green and Mack tea*; 75 0 and 131 b boxea Y H and 0 P do.; aiO boxea German clay; 10 cask* wJera^ tux 10 do. potash, together with a reneral assort ment of groceries, in atoT* and for eale by lag! CARSON k McKN'IOHT, Cth at. REMO\AL—I have chanced my place of business to Front'street between Wood and. Smithfield. im mrdiaiely in the rear of the bause I formerly occupied where I ant prepared to do bneinue a* neuaJ ’ ALEXANDER GORDON. SUNDRIES— IGU bbla No 1,2 and 3 mackerel; £0 Lti fresh raisins, 30 hxe honey, 10 trail* almond*. l lot ot timothy seed. 4 bbla scorched salts, Just rec’ and foi •ale by [ja24] ENGLISH A BENNETT. WOOl*l—The highest price iu e ash pai.l fo: alt the didereni grade* of clean Wsabed wool, by ML'RPIIY A LEE. Old Woo! Warehouse, cor. Liberty st. and Cecil's al fr?- - tnyll>d&wtf lUiAS— CjU half cheat*, 3U) catties fresh Teas, embra cing a choice variety of ehona.oirhand for sal* br mna uaoalky a HMrrti, is * *ju wood at HKURINO-30 £h|s~fn prune order, just ree d am! fbr aaieby .Uaffl] WICK & hI’CAXPLESS. ONION'S— A small lot prime. for sale by . JadgU _ WICK A M*CAXDLI 17 cB»k« bary tes suitable for white lead 1 manuiticturers, Just rec'd and for sale by jnl.s POINDEXTER & Co. LEAD— IGtW pig* G sic no. in store. for tale low br . . FOBaVTft k. Co. SALEUATUS— I cuki ju*i ree'd and tbr*ale br Jtm» DROWN A CULBERTSON*, OATS— ICO bu* on consignment, for sale by ,_MIS J D WILLIAMS, llti stood si. Lee* prune frr.thersju.-t rve'd and Jrior »ale by [jaut) BROWN tCULBHKTSON. SOAPr-S5 boxes No 1 soap; 10do do Talm soaw 10 uo fancy; & do Castile, tor said by J* nl ? J D WILIJAMS._ /“UGAHS—SO boxes half Spanish. for *ale toelose \_J consignment by S F VON DONXJIORSTA Co, »iS wood st. CANDLES— 9> boxes stearin*; 10 do *J«r. 3do sperm for sale by WILLIAMS. 111. ITER-3 boxes prime roli for sale bv • LJ aJ ?. J d Williams. LARD Ao-4tw bw» No l and 2 lard; 70 bbls No 1 tallow, h> casks soda a*h3 for sale by J» nl * JOHN GRIF.R. EUtID PEACHES— ISU bu*. receiving from the atr Lake Ixte and for sale l.v JA.MKS DALZKLL, w»tcr»L *|7ANCY PRINTS—Five cases new style, farter J? ; spring prints, ju»t rec’d end for sale by SHAfcKLgIT A WHITE; 00 wood ,r. TjßOttTl bales arm hr*w Xf drill. Jim Kccivml by h '**r BHACKtETT * WHITE. constantly on hand JU ami for sale at retail by JOEL MOHLER, J* n,s __ cor, wood an J Sth its. POTATOTS— 000 bbl* extra - potatoes just landing mau »tr Germantown, and fur sale by . J"" # * W HARBAL’GIL bb,B Buchanan 1 * extra family flour IUS d« Ualentiue Autl Clark’s brattd;4o do tine tlour. in e tor sals by . 11 OAKFOIU) A Co. B INSEED OIL— ll.ts prime liaseaif oil on con signment and (or sale by .. . SELLERS ANlCOLS.l7liberty*L_ LARD lll* Conklin*’* No t Winter lard oil Mr sale at reduced rales, by ’* aii> SELLERS A NICOLS. ‘TJUITTEH AND FEATHERS—3 bbls and 1 box but- JL» for and 0 sacks leather* receiving from stmr Lak» txie and for isle Ljr. oaß3j _ Jah. ItAl.yF.r.T, DRV. APPLES—2OO bo.bcl* dry'applc* in store and for sale by 'B-A W lIARRAUGH. IILOLRi IJO barrels flour. Swearingen A Harford's brand, just landing and for sale bv .*!»_. 1 : »* W JIAKDAfGH. PEACHES-108 bmrdry peaches. Ohio halve*, in ♦loro mid for solo by SAW flAßßAl'lill. )Bs * I. ;• 33 wood st. LEATHER— 10 bundles bridle leather on consign', raent dinl for sale br " _j __Pl» AIJERRY; AllD-li bbl* No 1 larii on consignment anTfor sale by _ [jaUlf __ SELLERS A NICOIJt. * KAGS-Tjic highest markcl.prices paidiia ettshfor rags at.lfo liberty Mrct-l, by DROWN A CULDKRTSON. B!WN ZH rAn xswrtment of German aiid'tSidiih; French cal, Gold nml Stiver leaf and Dutch metal juit rec’ and tor sale by J »CIIOON.MAKER,JM wood street. MACE just :Vec'«l‘anil Tor saie V- J SCIJOONMAKER. Dried PfclkCllka—ax> bushels, halves, recU'and for sale by Liaia] W_A: R M'CUTCHEO.Y PARED PEACAES-S bushels pored neaches'recM _und for mile by MAR M'CUTCHKON. HOPS— il) ba|?t Ohio hop* rcctl and tor »alc bv ! VV t U M’CUTC lIEON, ISd liberty nrwt OLAJ4SEI*—IU» I'tu hi i) .MoUMCiijiiii ree’d *nd' fjaSi) I'OLVUEXTER It Co. :• jiut rrv'tl oitd for.uln hr POINDEXTER fc Co. ce* M It raiaini for auto by J_D WILLIAMS, nn \vc -10 I't'-i* N o; 3 do4*killwJ-a »uW«yr upi 1 uu canr syrup, lor »alr bv w3S I ~ J OAvaxmi*. 1 lAIID—Ujo kcft rco’d [x-r America and for aale io JLi ek>« SlNl)RlJii--!4 l.bfirbuckwiient flour, ti l birprinio ■pplra, 'J do firth hulicr liiiilintf from str Riuraold. and tor talc f>y |Jatf4|- JAMES DAf Jirfll. * LA bujSL k 2S,i'». 1 « t =»P»wF» J* B4 - . 1 _ BROWN K.CUI.BERTsbv _.»!** «■ J SCHOONMAKEII 4 Co! pmK ■Hrap^ggagregs^; PILL bo: . j»at Jf-1 (SAIAII DICKEY, Co. -- r: - • ••- lU lib«rtyi«t S ‘?^ k f. !? ttl, F r, C 1. c«*lf beetwwc <5 Scte^&r ,ack * 0 *ek*'GiMenp4- •.*■•* D»i«I Applet 1 «ek D«c#wax; 1 cK*k do; n>w on*lmy from «unr L*Uf Madlwn, nhd for »«t» by •-. •. i«*! . ISAIAH DICKEY *C*‘ : HATKSUKiaaCOCII . . . *• BOtMK No. 58 Piaasyltnlu BaakofPltrtborrk • ■f.parjl Exekaojra Buk •■•/••Par I Herck. £ llan. But -par - BkiorPUlaAclpkia-f • -pv I Girmnl Iluk ! £anJtofGeraaaaw| .par \ u Chewier Coantrt«-p«r! “ Delaware Co.-1.-par, “ .Montgomery Cb. * -par “ Nonhaaberland-Mpax CblambiaßridgeCD.--- par Dojrleajowo Banf——par Farmer*' Bk/Readtag-par Faaen*Bk. Back* Go. pax Fanner* B*k Lancaa'r-par Laneaxier Co. Bk.--- .par lueaiicr Bk. par' U.&uie« Bciik>>-v"-30 Browaanlle Bk. - rrr~oouuxTKi) ui M*;sopr, 9 Market street, near tiissi • /'lndiana. V ‘iSutfß'k A. u 3*«4BeTtp • ....i. « . ; Virginia. Exchange Hi. of Ye.*. Jl Partners Bk.ofVa*:<>* *• Bk.'ofthe Valley."— r* “ Bk.of Virginia-..".*:. « M. Wheeling 4 do Morgantown* ]J N. V 7. Bank Va-—i - * do Welisbnrg***.V-* 1} .do' Parkersburg"*. •* : Tcaaeutr. - Bk. of Tennessee* Far. A Merch’tt Bk*—* PUnters'Bk.-- •••:> SUtaßkofMissoari*". if Washington Bk. 4 Getty*barrb.Bk 1| Chaabersbarff*'* •••*•• u .Sosqnebewit Caßk.* ~ Lehigh Co Bask, Lewisiown* .... Middletown ••••*• *4 Ene Bk.'**** *>. Faraen'. and Drottn’ Bask, Waynesbarg*. u Ilamsbnrir •>*.>• « lionesdaie* “• Lebanon •••* ..•*•... « Pottsrilie « ] \ North Carolina. Bk.of Cape Fear* •••«• 14 Merch'a : 1 State Bank 1 South Carol Inn. [Camdenßk '* 14 Bk.of Charleston*** 14 Conunereialßk > It Bk.ofGeorrelown*«*»* l| BkJof llaotrttrg**** •*' If Merchants Bk l( PlameraAMeeha’sßk'* 1| - Bk. of South Carolina*,*li Jiarrland. • >; Baltimore Bka.**.**.*ipar Bahm’e 90 R B Scrip* • 10 - CamberUnd4lk.©fAlle« ■ ghany—*****!** .",11 Far. Bk. of Maryland* ♦. “ Farmers';* Mechanifs u . Bk. Frederick*****", 4 * Fredcr.ckCo.Bk..••**•“ Hagerstown Bk -••••♦ Mineral Bk> *•••—*..** M Westßranehßk.****** u Belief Notes « MAMBk. Pius.do* « City feGoontrScrifr**” M i Ohio. 'State Bk. and Branches 1| MocotPleasut***.. »• u SWnbentiUe*....... . u BLiClainrillo • • ** Mihetu«>». « PaUpK!Oßk* **i****tr :** W aaninrton Bk .*..*. i *'** Bk.ofWestminster••»* *■ New Lisbon* « Cincinnati Bank*”***- « Cblnabti do* ...... « Cifeleeilla..... • ... « Zanesville .-. ... « Putnam*.« Wooster —— . « ' niehlfsn. Bk. of Bl' Clair ■ Bk. of Hirer Raiten*** Michigan Ins. Co*«* -0. Far.* Mech's Bk Wlaeoaaln Tsrrlfy, Mar.AFireln.CoJlilw’ed AUeo!rentßanki***.*<* -0 Bank of England Notes' Qcilii*^cU^u. Napoleons 8 80 Deeau****i**g 156 t*> Eagle,old* ••* 10 60 Eagle, new 10 00 Doabloons, Spanish. 19 00 Do.Patriot*" 10 00 Sovereigns •*. I 83 Galnesis* $ oq FrederiekWor* 87 80 Ten Thalers* *.» .* 7 80 Ten Guilders •••• .8 00 Lotuedtors* •• •*.* 4 50 Cleveland*"—••«< Western Reserve- Franklin ITk Columbus w Chi11ie0the............ “ Lake Erie— **• Sciota**'. banc alter ..t*«..10 Hamiltoe 13 Granvilie Farmers B*k Canton—3o Urbans- -.‘oo • Benlneityt IkofKemacky |1 ll.of Loaiavilfc-. *• for hem Bk. Kentu’ky* ° Sew Y?rk— City Banks • Exchange.: -i* New York •****•••* 4 pm Philadelphia Ipfa Baltimore:**.."* *|prnt i,par. Interior B’fcs*.** > EXCHANGE BROKERS, let. _ HFSSBT, BARBA * CO- I ' T)ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and denJera X> in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Cenifieaieaof Deposit#. Bank Notes, and Specie; Fourth street, near* ly opposite the. Bank of Pittsburgh,i Current money received .<fn. deposits—Sight Checks for sale,' and cbj. ecuons made on nearly all the principal points ia the United State*. . • ; s highest premium paid for Foreign and American ! Advance* tnade on comigiimen!* of Produce, elu’p- 7 y. HOLMES * »o». j ; T) ANKERS and Dealer* in Exchange, Coin rand J> Bank Note*, No. 55, Market »tre*vPiu»burci : ; Selling Rate*. Exchange. Buying Bales. ■ £££&, is. ss&:' ■\t Baltimore, |do St. Louis ' jdo Botm* Batts BANKNOTES. : Burin* Hate*. ldu Co. k. Scrip Order*, Idi* Indiana, Ido Relief Note*, ldo Kentucky, Ido Perurrlrama Cy ldo - f irrims . Ido New York r do Ido • do Wheeling, |do New Orleans ido '• Tennewee, 3do Maryland, ■ Ido • - deelOtf 7 ’ ; CO-PABTSEBSIUP. JOSEPH H. HILL, (late of the firm of Wn. A. Hill & Co-) and WM. C. Curry, (late of Ene, Pa.) hare entered uito Co-pannenhip under the name of Hnx k. CnsT, for the purpose-of carrying on the Banking'and Exchange buunei* iu alHt* branches st NoJ£ Wood •trect, three door* below Fourth, wesuide—Wherethey •Olicii the eualom of their friends and the public Wen* e **Ur . JOSEPH a iulL, . , , tnchts WM. C. CUBRYp •; roearaalmu.) [w». c. amar. HILL *, CCBBT, ] s JANKERS fc EXCHANGE BROKERS, Dealer* in J Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight Bill* of R*; Sente* of Depowre, Bank Note* andCoiu: I f?* flt D >l £ d * XneU t** l ” l doof bilow Fourth, Lu •Ida. Par Fund* and-Correner reeeired on dep£iie if • « ,1 < J ecUoo » mad* on all the principal eitie*iu the United State*. , Exchange on Baltimore, Philadelphia, New *prk. Boston and Cincinnati, constantly for *ale * - Oh.o Kentucky, Yiigini. uj Penn.y'linii Back Notes bought and told on favombte term*. ; • Exchange on England, lreland,Genuauy and France , procured, Ar. . . ; mt .|i a - 7• WILLIAM A. HILL *■ pn.. * ; EXCHANGE BROKERS, nn<l Dealer* one door abort Fourth, East tide. Pitttbhrsh. Pn H oetadAwF • ** ‘ f •• . e TOBBTON KTrirANOB. -- jILLS on England. In. .. , 4 . and Scotland bought to ii, ?Lf» ni^ Unt M t the ‘ * of Exchange. p J&"Jf a “f“ ••" ,he Old Countries ,£ * l t h’-‘ '•oi 85 to the £ Sterling! without dednetma or ducoi; tj Ly JOSHUA ROBIN- G *“ eru ‘ A »* nt » office a b *t one door we*! of wood. : oC tl&tf C,l J*\v &po«itc, J Bank Note* and Com. corner of .sl nnrt \\ oo.! streets, directly Ofpo*ius St; Charles Ho. *£*: L . - ’ omriMillf • WE3TEUSFUSDU- Lm Ohio. l\ Indian*, Kentucky, Missouri, . , , . Bonk Notes; . 'enued at Uie-loweit rates, by , A N. UOLMESJ * SON, . cia ' US Market street. iILLSOP KSCUASGE-Si-h! Cb.ck. on -L>. New York. ' ; Philadelphia. and _ , , Baltimore. Conatimly for aalo by , N. HOL.UES * SON. 35 Market at. /~lOI»ItECT109fS-rDr*ftj, Kotea, aiid Aeceman. V ce *> Payable iwjuiy pan of the Uulon, collected on the m«i favorable term*. N. HOLMES & SOS - J ? 10 SO Market sL ;®*‘ eir Tork,: Phikdolphi*, and ,tw ,mor f ‘ f l u «*»* » »uii purchaser*, cot ■toady fax mI« bjr . HILL. & CURRY. Wood it, below Fan-' W, E ? TERI ? FpWp®—The Note* of the Ohio, ’ T lndi*na and Kentucky Bank*, purchased at low rate* of discount, aj the office of I ,i, v HILL & CURItY, No. 65 Wood st, below " N'g- Wood rt.btlow EounH. ttv..®** Book. JtUt R'colr*4. 14 *;-»nb, bv Jij»wi)-,om tqL .* 89c jJLynontock • choice work, by LTml&stan. I vol BPe eotocinciaenee. or ihaOldJnad jicvrTeSment, .h> Bey. J. J. Bluni, U. D. on* to*. . * 8155 Cualmers Miwetlanie., Poem*.GnaTßl&e' i vi Sejectwotk.ofJamee, VeattT^ibmJpwii^ lwl 1,80 J«y ui one larte enl. forth*low price of 1 ' jjjo TVFree Church 5.00 Modem Infidelity, by 1 Ufpjof David, ■ * Wlti ' t* o * l * Manhew Strong, s«c Cirri* of Human Life, byThaluek, £* Memoir of Charlotte Elizabeth, 3^ *n>c .work* of Franei* Torrvtin* in the original L»|l x«-‘V?£? com P in 4 voJs; 3 nla. now wady. ' >\ t»i»» ro«iea[ works i» splendid Turkey Morocco. The above wtih a great variety, of new books. just £ls"}lv_ . “-Utm- * KNGUSII, f* nC (Post com-1 .5A.ni.tV..., between 3d ajui 4th. yALI'ABLE Hew T«ar'» Presents. iWaTertey Novels, £7vo!nm«>, I'Jmp, illustrated; Mra'Shnwood , a\VoTka,lSvols ISmo, illustrated; Mis* EdgwonV* - to a ! • Harper'a Family Library, 189 trdls, complete: do Boy’* and Girl’* “ u ■ \ Work’* of Shakespeare, 7 vol*. Svo. the bcantifttl Bos torj edition, finely bound; Batin', Lira of ik Saim,« mla. kinad: Hannah Moot’s Works, 7 vols.‘ • 1 * Exploring Expedition, « vols royal Svo „ . .Jo 5 do - do do : Bnush Essayists, S vol*. Turkey mor. hacks: ; 1 JS'rl'&VT*,” wil , h a *•»■» a**orunem of .del gantly bound family and pocket Bible*, Common Prayer, all sizes and bmdinij,. m| ofwhichwill be sold lower than ever offered m this market, at the old stand 0 j..i - • KAY* Co. -i l * cot 3d & wood st Hew Dooki. _ ° r mpVSftuS" *" CM “* “ m ' «'-Kk * Goldsmith’s Poems, illustrated. • • • Thompson's Seasons; do For sale by JaSlI * B r • J L READ, <lh »i neat market. 1 •OOKS-Cajpchwm or Iron.' or the MeichnntVami jO H«f l»o|e * complete guide to the iron'trade A op :r‘ o ?'^ yer JrK%ree. Simond.M?i.£?,w Chamber*’- liifomuuUm tut the S£]r?n^^i^ 0p * dia of Kn*U*U Literature, - - Sow. Plano Fart**. . • ” r"~ ' Cne elegant Qbsearood «ix and a half ttMgvl ociavo I*lollo Forte doable reined ror- I f S-lT7ir|4*ef*i new *e*te, iron frame—made by, ■* >^1 " . IfChJckermg, Uosioa. «.' kCwJfcwVork PIReU TOOuldia ?*’ ® octnre-Cal* r* 5? lWe panel* and njouldinrs/OoctaT*— uai«*Co. New hurt , Ou« superb grand piano,- oc|are»—lfcrx, Pari*-' , lae above piano* fortes am warranted, andhavc been teleeird by the- •übteriber, particularly tbr their sood quality of tone and (bush an musical liittruraeut*. I-ur aale at factory price*'by '' f Jmn JOHN U MEI JjQB. dl-wood it .• -iiww Kelalie frame PUbo> .figsgis* A HPLKNDII) assortment of Kbso wood and Mahogany; grand action. I*i .l I, | >antML finished and for aale[ Alo| two 1 *0160(114 Boacwood. Pianos, with Coleman's celebrated Alolian attachment, finished in the most modem style,'and for. aala at I . K. IILLMES, • JcSs • : lli Wood street, g door* above SOi. , BLAKKW JXECTKJCaL APPARATUS for Atzdc. reie*, BehoOt*, Physician* ami private fnmilica, at mrleea Air lower Ibtin apnafa&u ot equal efficiency i» ■old for In'the ewiern ciu'ej. TheaWvo »dctu be. and obtained at the bcok More of . JOlL\ U MELLOn, ei WOQ d w •25 doz onu- BROOMS -ft WffiSKS—! HKARTH;!—-. _ (Qeßted,-f»rWl«bf ' - i i . j»a*7 r V,» y von Bpxmioßat & co. Roti?BsTfE&3tl£oici ud 3 bis* roU'banei’cioM tfoib cloliu, ka ejitmmrode, for «Ue ir •.. JMgT ■ ak \V HAHKAUQH, jxwaad ml -rtTBITB LRAD-1000 Wore,' ’ ■ ‘TOBaVratciL PEAfrw&uckftjie«Bot»fet H!*b7 f*. VX JmW. >1 .'.AIWOOIyjQNBj & Cp, ''l' T "\U * • THK 'OSIiY niXBDYI H' ARTS YtXiETABLE EXTRACT U an irtvalba ble remedy tor or Ailing Sickne ai, Coavubkme. Ppaiuaa, 4c. It U well known, that from tune immemorial, pkywciaa» haYc proaonoced Uc Fiu incanbte. It bn» bafflednil tbeirakill, and tho bMitcd power of all medieitw, nnd coisaequently tboo* - Mtnd« havaattfle/ed through a bum table eikienee, and * l .!v r Sjeldedop their Urea on the altar of insanity. • »> iih all deference, however, To the opinion! of Uta : and learned, we »ay that il.haa bee* cored. . UABrS VEGBf ABLE EXTRACT, For*Jx!eea year*, ha» been teated by> many-peraon* who have Buffered with this .dreadflU diMaae,mnd In every .core where it baa had a fair-trial, hat effected a permanent core. ;;. . ff ar ? and-8 months, cured by the tree of ■ this truly wondcribi medicine. ■ , remarkabk e«ia etf ihe •oa-XxT ?* E *‘ , ' ,of rMadelnhia,«fflietedw«hEpi f?li C k R r T 7 W” rnSulw. After travelling ibrotijh England, Scotland,Omany and France, eon ndung the rant eminent physicians, and expending for uedieuie. .medical treatment and advice, three thou- - jand dollar*, returned with hi* aoa to this country in November last, -without receiving any. benefit, whatev er, and was cured by nsingi - 1 . HARTS VEGETABLE EXTRACT. 1 William Secore** Letter to Dre. Inna and Hart. I hav* spent over three thousand dollars for medi cine and medical attendance; . 1 tras; adnsml to take a loot to Europe with hiavwhiehl did.* 'I Hha-Visited - England, i consulted the most eminent physician* there in respect to his ease; they tkaMinrd hitu and -prescribed accordingly. I remained three months without percetvingany change- (or the : bettor, which eost me about twohondred and ftfty dollar* pocketed by the physicians, land'the most-'lhat I recemd wa*' their opuuou that my son's ease was bopelets and pc«i tively tncniable. -1 accordingly left BigUad,and trev' elled through Scotland. Germany and France,’and re-1‘■' turned borne intheTnooth of November-last :with By ;son asfar from betapeured a* when Heft' ] saw yonr : . advertisement in one of the New York papers, and concluded to try Han's Vegetable ExttdcVaeeinfi your '■ statements and certificates of somany cures, ranei of - twenty and thirty yean* standing, and I can assure you :" lamnotsoTryld>dso,asbythenseof.Han'sVhgeta. ble Extract aJonel be was restored to perfeet' health.'- His reason, which was soihr gone ns toanfilhlmfor' business, is entirely restored, with the. prospect sow before him, of life, health hnd usefulness. He U now 23 years of. age. and 27 yean and 0 months of this - time has been afflicted with this most dreadibl of dis- - eases; bat thank God he is now enjoying good health. - Now, gentlemen, faith without works f dou’t believe in. To say that 1 chail be eret grateful to Tools one thing, and as I here enclose you one hundred dollars, I nave no doubt butthatyoa will'thinY'this is " another andjqoite a different thing. The debt of gratitude I •till ewe yon, but please to accept the present amount as m(erest'on the debt in advance.-- " N \ . Yours very respeetfolly, . (Signed,) , , WILLIAM SECORE. 1. TO THE AFFLICTED. TT One of the proprietore.of this invaluable msdiciao was afflicted for several years with ■ Epflcptio Fits. The disease bad produced , the wont effect, upon his . system, via; Lou of memory, imbecility,of nJadTaiß * ; perwet prostration of the. neryous systemT^Ue■ had - tried the skill of the best physicians ibr seveayear*,' and grew worse under their treatment, and. heanew 1 that this modieida was Ids only hope far health and ’ I life, and was therefore determined to.nve it a fair trial,' - I and to persevere in its use, which be did, and timresaß I was a perfect restoration to health, which waa cooti- r ' ! ued uninterrupted for nearly sixteen yean . * • We would reter to the followingpersoniwhohavo ' been enred br using Hart’s Vegetable Extract r .‘ Col Elknstow’s daughter was afflicted inine Years, resides at Yonkers, New York. ■ • W Rennet nine years, 171 Grand st. J Ellsworth, seven years, 12" Dover st. : . H.>V Smith, New kork Cuilom House - . • ■-i ■ 8^ KeU ft. twenty years, Staten Island. . MU* LferKeei; twenty yean, Yorkville. : JUu E Cnmetwelve yean, 112 liammerslr rt. ' years, 73 Norfolk it. Jacob Petty, fcair ysare, 174 lfelaticy si, Philo Johnson, twenty- tight years, tiroenctiile; Phi 5 • Judge Randall, Q 4 Eastßroadway, New York. ** Thomas R Jones, of the U S Nayy. Copt Wm Jennings, State »t.Bridxßpo'rt,Ci.-' Reference also rande to ' ft . , .* Dr. W L Monroe, Guilford, 0 a^aßSjffisssssT-: Mrs Junes Benhoir,Ctjeiter,OTuireeo NY- John Fhber. 178 • . DARiehtc<;2lBDdancr,J . . 'TV. .James Smith, 138 Suffolk st, ' ‘"-"S' ‘ - lOO Water »t, :Vdo ' of wbid. mar D. calte« : . s ('*“ >'“■ * H**,) 4ih* «L T l I .S'lnr? A Co. 113 Mi::i b,ureeii 3d and , i. nndYGP Main st, between -4th and 6ih streets. Jk^ KBDICAL *. surgical OFFICE. ! Mo. 05, DIAMOND Al»* ' LEY, a tew doors below • siteet, tow tho ?£•' HROWBT, bM f/tbe- ! and been -for eomia rim. < n : general practice, noyr cco- fiuci.hu attenbdtrto the of tfioae^^nrato' which hi*_Dp{>orninii&i and : nlntl .-: -, mJ" r »iuaoc«ly devoted totba >.. study and treatment of those complaint*, (dariOr which •"■'•' time baba* bad mow practice-mid baa cured more ha-" UenitihanctLii ever foil to the lot of any- prinua. «£. titionerl- amply qualifies him u offer aanhtaen of aad aatiifacibry cure lojillafflJeted - wtodciieiw disease*,and all diseases aming jhere,: . ..Dr- Brown wooU inform those afflicted willi rmrato dleeatea which have become-chronic’by lim#w,ait„ '■ SfS*£*. u ** of any of the cotmnoa ndatnunaof- u>e day, that thetr complaint* can be radically abd thor oapaiy cored; he bavin; given hi* careful' attention to - the treatment of *neh ease*, and eocceeded in hundred# : - of tnrtwtee* in conn; perron* of inflammation of the -V n *bo bladder, and fandred di*eaaea which often • rcmltfrom thoaa caeca where jnhera. haee : Uiem to hppclemletpair. lie particularly invite* each "' - a* have been long andan*occc**folly treared by other* - every .atUfcetion.wM be ovra• * them, and their cue* treated-in a carefiil; thoroonhand -. intelligent manner, penned oat by.aJonr ttpenence. »tudy, and investigation, which it uimpoauhla frfr ,;••• engaged inreiicraj practice of medicine, thrive any / "* oco *>tn**cf disease. . ,- -; - -- **V V ■■• ■•• ; |£J-Hemi« ur nu p u.tt_bi. Bniwnal.a inriici m. 7w P - a^“ U o{ 4*» «ei living at adiftance, by ataung their, disease in writing, giving aU tiwarW- • tom*, can obtain medicine* with directions for a«e, by • BROWN > IISS.® No * *U®y»cppo*itt Uio WaeerlT V |Er~Jfocareho'pay. - ■ ..' -decl9 "■• CCROFCLOt^?^CF“?t^"^ B following •Sn. 1 ?? 1 * respectable lady; ha* beeH •«ot to Dr. Jayne by.hu agents, Mem* Jason Bam fc T c «“ 1 «TUIe t { I*, March 19th, I-M7. Ma. Jato—Dear su—Duty to my feUow oeamrea ■ *« 1 ?^° u ' d •** »T testimony to the. well es- : ‘•Jksh* 1 r? f Atasnitftrs. • 1 has* had pronounced nn/incorahJe ffcrofa loos Cancer.of three Tear's standing.- Afterafhiihial ns« of the remedies of the profession, tmtil my patience . i intherruse,and hope* in laeir efficacy were complete- ■: **haasted, 1 commenced taking year *Altefaiive* Juler I bad token it about six months. I was not only eared by it but my Cancer was literally;rooted dot and > Irfffy? °.t • 1 ** - IM y. yoPpletely nntf permanently ' no scruples nor fear*’in umlerninunjr its tlrtdea and " commending it to all similarly oifceted. ißespectfiilfy yours,* ' ■ -KiserFsixa : . D r -Jsyne—Dear Sir—We enclose you.Bfeeni&» e ate from Kancy Fall*, of an important cure pertbtnwl ( ou her by ycmr AliemnTe. The facts stated by her wo kiww to be true. Yours, • • 1 Jaso* Itot *Co : ; March Ifc *47. ' ' Per C J-Woods. For sale in Pittsburgh at the Phkin Tea 4ih street. uearwootL - * . . jjowtrs i Jn*OEIAN HOAttUOUND t LIVER • , V —wort Court Candy-i* odeml'io-the BuUtc t< ■ pieouut nod effective remedy ibreoogh*,ecdd*, hoarae neu, Asthma. ■ Phthisic, Wnoopj^Cough^ ar « nel «ti», md general n&ctkma ' > of- the Cbectood Lang*. In such cueiui* known to■ ■■•' jl Me decided end permanent relief, cad from ' - * aJ “ ■“* great anceeu ua remydy fcytfw •bove diwesei.where a has been uaed, U proraaeVto beeoine one of the moM ceeful and popular medicine*.’ '- ~- It i* offered too, as a plenum relief to the conumotiYe^ SnUly* a*n»tantto toe sluts and public epeSm^^V^ preperatiooiadicatej ii*-leadic predieat, nod it ; \vill be found tdbeby nonennaiUH plcesajit io the uwe, and may be tued by, children and : -v‘c adult* with enure impunity. The material* nred in the ' -A>' preparation are, of the beH oonlity. ml it mwA. ‘ • ?** u 1® every mpcct a pore and- geaaiaa article,' (amilie* would nodobbt promote tbsr comfort and ’ L ~‘~ e . Co?^l 1 ' by * «»pply, eipecialtyin tlmaeaunof^V,' i 1:™! j autnntto Mother*,- bcidy superior to all the'pmeht ' i fy Jumper* in- creation, as chUdreawem ■■"£?! I hi of y »id? C «i , Ji # e “?» dy ® xce P | for tit* ; ; Sold wholesale and mniVby the General ; u M aod PlttSfc^h.. J i? o*** 0 *** Proprwfcrs, No.l Colleen H»U : nati, .. -- '••'v&jgß B. A*. FAHNESTOCK’S’Pneutnonte or Carirh Ha!*-? • Sam, ha* a great ■ advantage’qve£ cough preparation*, a* it* plenum ttkW-'penaflf f(ra»- ! be.a«ed without .inconvenience,*'dim-Jti srahlo •*■£- HAliam eonsisUitt-foe tssiwdia«i*oJ4««m , a. , aVB , h«T*;3fc3r:. known come of. the tno*t .desperate ;cough*,‘aott*d(tijf - which had been running on forn considerable’ - of time, yield aimoal.itiiniediaidj'tpibf , In wen weaker as^ve’baw-bad.darin^’tKnVjn'"'* , winter, erery one !■ liablfl ta V precaution* are need. • > - ' Wet feet .mid undue exposure, to tho incldflMcy of T ”v - the weathe/oftelt lay* the tonndotion- «C»'fc*r*inr "1 rough; which'need* a qiiick.maedy lojorreoitadrioun - p «We bare immerooD certificates' of core*'which it ' lia.» performed,. uuLny ofj*h)th'aro tVom Hdiahua in - thi><city and the nngnbothoad, and they amaujßcient ’ ' V rei'ctrjice witlioui «ayUnt another word In ire'flifrfr . •:<. ■ > I’ni'&red onil «ale wholnala and nudTbv R a "‘* Fahnestock m-co, fcomer. cf wood ISiiSa^ viuod andflthstd. • ~ '; - - >' Palaonlu-y Htll.m -mrKSSHS. HEKO i CITiXEK-4 ftet b ii, ~r Al «« 10 ray fcllow crratoms, to ■U te U SK ASKS P^SvSSLfasS^’:: lune*,onoafewil*y» tine*, on* % 0 wood and dtp comer ftfi'P rrms tt££&i\2S&i£i\a ~~ • 1 McLanc 1 . Warm l<Mrlfif^i 3 f?f, </rl ' J Tlal .® f rr * and P»« toa*oooftane-*wM? f fvi^ , ii. ,aoi *P*' teaspoon* Dili, and alihou A the tw ®' |“l*. r« I i... oo3? to I K“t' w “'. TWOmocus> worn pasaed unw “ lUBOI &«“ 9 W*“ CT ®T « i S^nJ?SeSitoS: ,w ‘ ,rlu S ”P--■-• ■ ; >^,-..iop.vo Vt . n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers