iV. r , ■VI. . ;t iSz 'r G-iy- ""7,1 :> ais I .. -te?T' 7 i* ‘ •• • • • . am iumaix'-" .t. ; : «innus Piurt*. . / V / XjrCpinmUajonMcrctaku.lUS'Wood'K.'i ftttlbttrrh, t * • ■■■'’ V'. > * |3. A. DI JlRY.'Wholciale Grocer and Com* . \jTtali3km Merchant, anddcaler In Pgidace and Pill** ' fcucglrManuflgttfre*. ■ No. 1> Wood »t, Pitt»barfh. saux ’ aOkxxr bkxxt, jjl - V TBAIAH PtCKEY '* C&, Wbolnale Grocer*, Com *•' - J mlaaion MefcbanU, and deolmiltProdao*; No*. 31 'r : Water, sadlOT Front ttrteu, Pittiborgfc 1 ' *pqtS •. JAMES JL HLTCIHsbv, * GoXkaceeMotTto LewU Ifatchiaoa Jt Co, Corffi—ioa Merchant*, . . ud .Agents’'of-tkei.Bc.’l<otd*.VStftaai:SacartlU> T-- Surr..NatiwitoiadldfiOßiilrcu.Kiulmrikll jatUiy i ■ ; , • .■'• r . 1 ’ r - HWrV.* i r->|Kv&i:.«v «>•.», 47,;vv‘ 4 S llllfli 'ii l^ !>*•*' •* * ,; K-V. n;-x. iV»- ♦,••■;•. pet pfisi ■'r «"4 •£--f(/v'2 wv# - illilii 'X&mu ISPSI 3 ! -3 ttSSIl# icmm: tiai'Sist'swwSpw ■’ :h'!: ". V?;x<‘»'3. Bookaarf Hirket«tri<\ • ClnnicaJ, TWoiofieftL School MUeeV P* r iw«,-aaa ra&odi« Book» «bJ fta*»on»nr. *p9B Jj T •< BefkCfknMl KTri»ngj* , ■•' «l , BtukettrcwigyonVpcd mod 34 «*, AUrebnar* ~ -' Hotel Building*,PitUbgrybrPa- H-<'- l -' nycamoey pcrchMed «l tha.HPUJ .faltt. _ r . - TOIINGBIGB, WbofeMlajGroeendiilcrfai Prodnee . .. v Pituborgh.MmouSactoiw,Tin rUles,An-,No. «> liberty »Ul*imburKb. ■ ••• j .•■‘ : >-• u'-jang / ■ • ■x*«TTV ' • •"* '-• • - • ' ' ’ "MOUID ILOTBI' • • • T : fc B FLOVTVfIaIe J. : Floyd"t' Ci,J .Wholesale tf , Oroeere.Ko.lß3LibertystraetJ aep> JAMES Merchant, -and' dcaleß »J*iodM|d tad PitUlmivh t : ■. T-.' WATEB3UAS; Fonranl- I MerefaatlDgaw in Pitts- SrrlTjfaniiteuuwt' st-, MrftttProcMt — ■PrT.-jzy -J -' *~ . - ion «nPT«. j ‘ ; T AMBEBT * SISOTOS, Whole**# aroewFor- M .1 a warding end Coeuoisuoa .Merchant#,'dealers !io i/ : rrodaceeadPittsbaigh Maßnftrquas, Moa. U aadjtt l" 'VToodsL, Pittsbnrah. - ... .•,«<::.-«ftiai ' »<«■•»■ ■'atuJ- tB. ■nwntr.p. • wiisn t, Mt. Tkf' tOlLU BCSHHELDfc BOR, JVbriewle Grocdre ud Ccmwirtton Merchant*,Jffoj.lM libwqMl^ VmrjLIXQ ft fiKXElfeON,Broehrra*d . i fVfTmii »«V>a No. MC, liberty ■t^PitU- McCORO ft Kl>G,Whel***k*ad KetaU.HJUaad (frpMaLinukelunrv.aaddsalmia Fanef For*, ■ "carawwWqdd*pdTiftp «.,■ •• ...•.-; --»' - MURriIV, WILSON ft Co, %Tholettle Dry C<KNd« •epßSi N]|OI«MCS ft BOXI N«.-.fiS Muket n, wnid • iooi from eonicr of Eoanh. deaJeiela Foreign' •'■••; ■ 1 ID*, Cdlectiw *ll tb* piiaeipa^jefcif» yatolSuuei*. •*:> - 1 pouOTUTtt-, >■> A.ccruinaos. ■ i.-ic oust. - Grocer* udCottv / ’X. ftiuioQUMiFarw»nl(a(UeKhaDU ) -Ne.4L-'Wsi^r /, ] . ~' ettc«t> ...,/■ I, > i: •:.■•• • - -■■•'» •■•- ■•■-dedg; *DOBEKTBQN t Second *t, Robairt. | TJICUAUDx-LEKCII* Jr-la»«rte* and ftMeiin aVFbfeiiai >nl DnMsue-SSMlerr, Hardware and 1 ‘ damage Trusnlitn, of KlCdeaeriptioas, N<r 100 Wood ' »U Fttubvrgk. : • ,■■ • . . < : . *Caih. ,t.-\ *a<(TTi>i j, xi t. /.n 3 MI J i 5 MeE 1 sew ; dollars. . BUSINESS CARDS, 1 i rrtANOKB CMUBmion uil For - " "y." • •'■ • - meiul 1 . tWOOß'JONKSkCol,Coimniuioaaad Forward- A ins Merrbanu. tare rnatttfd tu their old «ten<V FrMrnr*BfTir<4wrgii. J octa '! 'blow* xan*. • 1 " -‘riUAUN fBKITKB, Wbotasild *nd RenD Drmlai, 1 'Mu iße C!*» Pitttfinjh,: - 1 ' yrjjZiXt&Wt-'tixiizwuv T yl *- . /I\tWOWN- &|ctiLBFntTBOSi -Wboletala Ofoecra, /'■ Jp'iadCbßiejtotoa -atofclunUr N«. ; MS-.Ufeeftfy |f^TOCJci' 6>; WIUWI [eoßjerWood»adCUi4U..". i irt 1 ' f.iry 'A.FAIU JtfeJSHfiw 1 T>AGAtEY .Di»yo4» ./i’.AWfAN - • aioo Mere : SUtm'Wbotente Oroeen, IB.uul yyKyibtti^h... r • ILTY A-Cov Fomvdotc sad Commit anu, Capal-Baals, Pituoarfh, P*.. ggF’“ u "S" Vi ow«W)>i V/a ith street alx ••jntfe&tnutr. •* tarn r.->conw».• ../r*a.w.«unjtuiv /COLEMAN. IIAILMAN, * OowßUan&extuvn «( \j Carrie* o utAAalrt, A-Rend Bpriu* Steel, *od ’jdeumld CbeMrTfinknfutftdf e?ery description*: manu&etoryon Rt Clair st Warehouse dSvWood at, OrtOahe'Bt.'CteaHea‘ ~ '- ■-■■ joanrsasox. \ ' '. • • * r, nnunonr/« to H. Owher fc Cp-OVhvlesaU Urocer*. CcnunUriouand For* Warding Afertbanu, dealers in Produce !add Pittsburgh ManqtacttraSuthsinet.bvlweenWoiod and Liberty, Pittsburgh/Pa.' : •>oet!4 • • !YEAQER.,hnporiexi and .Wholesale and Retail V/sdealer in Fancy and founts Variety Goods; nyu of the (liU Comb, igs Market it, nejpr Liberty/ Pitl^ur^b, ■ jUiua manor.’ > .- •i.-. ;j,imiwmp«yiUi.' :• - ThITNLOP k. BEWKLL, attorneys ail*w, omoes on JL/ttoUbfield, between 3d and dtaata.- . f ARD HEA2LETON, Wfeoleaale Oroeer. tart > of Diamond,, Bceopd doorfroffl Dtaoon Alleys rti -" l; ! ~l/ v"• 7 , my* • n. rw*LT. "" ! 4J Mrex orwurr.” AOKOiIART, WWeealo Grocers, dealyrs JEI in Rrodnee and Pitubiugti MhnuCsetnres/ comer of Gbcrty and Uami si*-, Piiubaryh, Pa. -feb!7 T7NDL!tftl It BENNETT, (lain B*liak,:CaUa«ber It Iji Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Cocnr*i»*ioo and Forward ing Merchants, trad dealers ia Produce and. plusbarg k Manatee tines, No. 37 .Wood su, between SM and 3d eta, • / . . detti ■• iTTMHWAKn ft SWAKTZ\VELDEB/lAjtorner» it l 1 LaWfhatafobaeedtbeiroAeetotbeSoaibstdeor Stoartbsi, between Cherry Alley and Grant j. 7 .... ' biSo. liner. ' •' jemswoot. TJBIEND, RUKY .Jt C<x, Wtaleule Grocers mad JP jDaamjsslba .Merchants* awl Agents 6k Brighton -Colton Yarns, No*. 6? Water, and U&FroalßU- Pius F BLVME, Piano Porto Mtnofiwiom*nd dsiiltk ■ • ue» Kruno. . •, row a. *o*m*j' l XMjHSYTiI kCo- ‘Connniuk>rr»ii<l F&nr*Tdtafr J? /Mercluuju, Xo, ao.tyuer " nyM ■ 'E»~H.EAT6??,’Deai4'r*iirotoTe*7Hoiier7, «ad PttK J 7 ■cy Suple Tt laming*; M«rket to, PiaibnnrtL Ai-tumng, \jT Foamier* and (tea Fbten.-109 Fmtt, >Vood*n(TFmttli!l^WfUoeto,rmrtmrßh,Pm.- — JD“Highe*t price ghreafor bid Copper and Bra^s. oco-.te. txmi. • n. s-mows., C V3EQ.7VV, B«ve%Mil*er* 1 jarM ,i. - \X dealer. in Fimbiurh aad-PotntScsweries,' i. Penn aad.Pjif it*/:. : -... ", "" '~~~ 3 ja^ GK>Sge COCHRAN*, Commlnion and Forwarding Merchant,?! o»gS\Vpod Hrec l. Pi lUbnigh. my!7 ‘ TTKXRY WOODS, Bdekauker, Mononrahela Kiev JUl‘ orders punctually filled. .Adams M Ut*. ,f • •'tertfaroojrii ihe Pot •'! ■;•; -, -. *3tHf '■* ’OTLA'RV BRUNOT, While and Bedieil'luidni - H fiwturer, Paitaand OP aierfhanf, corner bTLiher* ty and O’Hara »tfc,rin*baTg>u - )<flS BLACK,Mwchootmiof, >1 -W-rt»i f if,, rituburgk " :: folOu S-'IWCT^ORTII Grocer; Product - • «o^£ <^ri^ Na ‘ T " Wood TOSEPII KKoX AMinij »l L»w. MMbOTb, •I .lus Tewuned tke trtMtk* o(_him PtofwßtUw jfcaTKo. 7, iiakewflTa Uuildinx*, Gnat *t, oeMOttd, -fenag tut »b*enee, by T. J. Wsm iat J. Cbwy,. P»H> .-iu •./ -•■ • ■- jgadJtwu. JOHN D. MORGAN, WteiewlfiDpuffaL'tadifatf* aria Dyn Stuffs, W»»UiO»l«jVAnWi«Hfc«srNo.ttl* Wood street, opts dour ow|b of BwMd AU*y, IsOTgb.- • '■' •' ■: i—» : JAMES KERB, .Jr., to Joaepk XX. O.DbtU,] Ship Cbaadltra, 39 Water atred. oc3l'. JOHN «. MELLOB, -Wboleaalh cad Retail dealer laMuaie cad Masta* Inatrntnaata, BeWml Book*, reaper, gU«, BteelPeol, Ooijla, Yrixaen’Card#, cad !'Stationary generally,No^tttWood ?•*.' '! , • -ccpla - J' OHJf SOOTT4Co.,Wholesale Cnwr*, Forward ing cad Coouniaaioa Merelmnts, Dealer* ui Prod nee, T end Pittsburgh Manufacture. No. 7 Conunrrml Bow, i .liberty at, aeartbo Canal, Pittsburgh, Pc. : ..oeU3 T BCIIOQNMACKE * Co, Whdecals Druggwtav # No. 91 Wood street. Pittsburgh. : _ '■> JOSEPH JORDAN It SON, CowiMioaahdFor warding Mercbasu, No. lSLt&erty at, (oppoauo ami tb field »u>Bwpwxi’aßow. ‘ v . . .. jaafr , JOHN !>- x GALIATIN' r Attorney ox Lew, Office 00. 4 th at, between Grant cod Suwbfeld.'Soutk.aide, HtfobUMfcPlc; will also attend promptly to bataeM iB the coaatka.'. . 1 ,1 . ; • pOHN D. DAVIS, ABcriaaeer,e( TOHKfriVN >piWKTO.\Bo*todkr»,PrinUß, ■ :f) . Merthaattr Nft’fl Cc«nac«i*l Rov, '. •«'' ' - ; «pni BICHARD £URO, DuJcr ia Uotumker*’ P*™*- ua «aJ and Tuner*; Oil, ,~7.: • •>.:->•■*»»'. ■ .MVinwni'. 1 -,'..:. ■ '*4Jtma,r*. aoeuoos.; - T> WMttJffiOXkCA, Wkdrale Grocer*, Produce . XV« *nd CoauaWieuJUtreluuite, andpcAleroin rjtt*- E£rrk yo.m» tjbeity at,, Piaibo^, T>OBEfiT DAUtKtf. k Co,moU«»kGfoe*r*, It Ooanmsksiofa iw» Ertwxnlwx Merduum. dnlera i* Prerfßfceiuul Ube^^tt, "OOB’T.': A«! CUNNINGHAM,. Qrocer, io Pfodaee.aad FiuuanfcMan&foctßm, 3?o,ii4libenT*». >’ !-■ •» ■ • - • ■ ' frm : KOBKRT MOOKK. WbokiaU Gnrcr; SeetUytog DUdUer, dealer in.Pindo<*i Pituhirffc.Mam)<M-. ■ um, tod. all., kind* of Foreign and Dqbc site Wide* •adUquOMi no:It LitxrtjrPioaburgk r U ••' * fTTN. B. rtoek ofaaperiof CWMoaongakeU WkiiWj*, wkkd willbe arid loir for . "DEYNQUMJt SUKJ- Fonrartin* ■nd’Cimmkaioa r *dE«ibfcbuXK:lc>rtbrAltofcenj’Hjve jTradejdeaJitr*- ■W - m Groeetitsj Prods* Ma&Bfaemrt* ini ’* - XtoUflMStuicea.ia<*jJupaidatalluac : »fb;rOM> *• tiy n>f«.- OoraferAfWpti aiwUrwtn tta. ; • "p bXkFOfeD k Co- Cfipnaittirxi H ewton,-1 Jb» , 'Siaukfifilr Ueakra in Hour. <kmaaa<ift»<4«;^WoDgttgT t v .- ' • QHACtLKrr *. WHITE. Drilm »* ~ u& StomnUe Drjr Good It So- W )Voo4^i4 '“A'l &AKUAliGli,'Wool lirfrl«wii*rDealer* in - --0« Flnir «B 4 rro4a*« *aa*nUr. nnS Fomwflwf »4 , ■ Xmknau, Wo. - P >ypod q., Jfta»»nr||. j ••••)::>< U l 1 •K»H Ur.* •;> Macbw rc*aM4fl««oMH|uißFtii, nri stmr. HWtNo,I X,KBdfe;KJ«ttt .. ... J?talAH:MljK£V*<U*i • | , . , «M*J¥j2ttAl| .l-jnT !«•=. y*"/'.'- ;;_.v ', rij j *•>'!!-■>, j..! '• ' - *• '■■<> ■■!■•; ■; T-.i ■ l r ’:- / '*’ J, ;Vw I vV-'-'-- tf*--*^7.li ao-tv 1. Vf :^ -'^r-V ~ V‘H.; . : p' ! • *•. ■'-•> • n--;, — J***. ..1 •,--r ■,•;•, | lTr ,|| 1 r -;j ■ ! *i. : . ! j..— . : lfe BUSINESS CARDS, QUITO, BAdALEY* Co. Wbolnala Urorera tod O Prodoe* dealer*. No.- S 3 Market atreel, between £(h sod**, nortomdt, Philadelphia,- writ r.a*u**a.>*tmaffsoir, jm *w>u,*A*TLAinv SELLKBA * NICOLS, Prodtwe sad General Cot£ , mlabaUarcbuta, No 17 Liberty at,.Pm»bonrt». : Sperm, boaeed sad tdird Oda.;. - ja^s SC. HlLL—(Poeettaor to nill k Browne) Importer • sna msnafsrtnrer of Paper Baimnffi and Borden, rod dealer in wntinr. prim®*; aaa wrapiWr paper. 87 W ood at, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ragra and Taoaer'a acrapa .piireasabdsttlseTiiteeatinarfcetpTiee: ' *•- ■ j&7 S> F, VOX SONNHOBST, k-O^WhoWlfOro >'ttn,:Forwarding and ConwiMlrm Merchant*. Dealer* and Weataro Frlv tiara, hero removed to lbeir new warrliouir4(olda(andl nof7 Forwaidityjand Commlialon ; Dealer in Produce and Pmeburehmann faciarcdaruclce, Canal Batin, peat 711 m. . i dft fJUWBTI HEsT, WkoletaW Groeere and Commit -1,-tioa Merchant*,and deUerrfo Produce. No. 35 %Vood>t4Htt»bßTgfa: r ' ■ ' •: 'apa|- ril'iioMAS GUu Minnlic. Xttrer.and Dealer, in ClooH, Combt'aadYariety Ciooot, comer of Wood and Foortli »u, jia :T.’ r.jtotTmr. . J -j i; roasrm^ TIT Jp.HfcOBBVTH t-Cb., CaramiWioo Merehanu, A • wlm in 9aU,'Lamber,'GTo«riei,'Prp<taee *nl nttsbvtfa Jtf«nafk*tßTe*,'Cmnil B*un,’ Libertyaireel, rrtttburg&V V' ‘ -- .■ - fetia , ‘ WB)( WViIUMm. ■m <A R. MeCUTC!IBO!C, .Wholesale GroeerV y.f • Dealers in Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass ami Pittsburgh .Maantsctur** generally, tSd liberty street, Pittsburgh.': ; ... ■: ' ■ ; jylD , SOBS O. ,'wtct. ■. . " BAVUI M’caXDLBA'".- TtflCK A M’CAXDLESS, (successors toL.A. J.D. f T .. Wick,). Wholesale Grower*, Forwarding-****' Commiatoa Merchants, dealers id Iron, N*iU,OU»»» Cottoo'Yems, end Pittsburgh MitmmcturC* generally,. corner of Wood arid Water streets, Pittsburgh -, - - \IT R-EURPHY invitea the ladies toeall and ex ff-,.amine Uastock Of French Worked Cbllars, loobm low mSS centa.’ - » s■- ’ ’ -“aachW, •\trMITMORE k WOLFF, Importer, end Whole \Y ule .DealeTs.ia Hardware.. Cutlery, Saddlery, Ac-,N0.3> Wood street, Pituburxa. atwW WW. >VAUJtCB,MUI nope and Mill Furuish -4 ihgestabUsfimeut, No. 944 Liberty near the •-• : * • mtrtS • ■\XT O. H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law* has re ly.« moved his office tothe Exchange Boildmgt, St. Clairst, next door to Aldennsa Jooea ■ apdulm W: M. GARRARD, Dealer;in Fancy and Staple « Dry Goods. No. 79 Harket.strcet, Pitnburgb. novta-dly. . n¥r tv.- WILSON, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, : ff-.# Silverware, Military diode, No. 57; Mar ket it ' ’ -*• i • ■ • : •■•nov7 _ \\r 'tL.MURPHIV Wholesale and Retail dealerm *f. #jFcreigu and Domestic Dry .Goods, aonh cast earner of Market end Foanh sts. aoeg ■ J : - BRYAN/ Rectifying Dudller.Vsnd Wholesale • dealer far Foreign and' Domestic Winea and Li quors,'NA 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alley. ritttbanrttrPa. ‘ ' 1 • •. jy!7-4iy . XTTARJUCK MARTIN A C<x, Bankers, Dealers Tn iXjr Exchange,Bank Notes and Coin, comer ofThinl tusi Wood streets, Pittsburgh, Pa... 1 oovlfrdty 'A4/TLUAMB k 9HINN, (»t3ceessors to Lowrie and r' y y William*,) Attorneys' and Counsellors or law.— ‘Office North ride of Fourth street, above Srfeilhfield: frhl7dAwly • • (• ■wiLtoojtn.'- . . xao.s.x’ccaa. fITM. YODXO A Co. —Dealers in leather hides. fte /If 143 Libertyst ~ • JaaSily •_ TIT M. MlTCllELTltEE—Wholesale Grocers, TV s„Reciifyinc Distillers,'and Wine and Liquor Merchants. also, Importer* of Soda Ash and Bleaching yowder J _No.-XBoLihertyst.lHtub , g,ha. ." Jan Ally ofmta BLscMcaa. -. uxosoa aiJoxss. A BLACKBURN ,A Co., Wholesale Grocers •and X/» dealers in Oils, Boat Store,. and Pittsburgh Alan tUaetonrd articles, hare on hand, at all liars, a full and gen'ral assortnentof goods la their linn, Water street, near Cherry~AU*y T Pittsburgh. ■ ■ puil3„ • tuvnLwr-axt4» . .i . .. „,u4sxsoji u tiamt; EVW.“iFS7a. • Stewart's Bußdiig, Fourth st, sqflfod door above- Woodatrefeti-pUsburgh, nJJ-' ,’ 1 j *■ T^’ ' ; D..W: Bell, Coratuuiooer to Drposnumi. Ac knowledgments of Deeds: add othhc tnstnuftenu bf wri>- tiny, to be dsedjg Missouri.,’' . T- tivlgdro* . JOHN M. TOWNSEND,- Dntgpst and Apothecary, No. 44 Market at, thseeiloors abov« Third st, Pius-: b«jfh,, will hats constantly ea hand s well selected, as sortment of the best and qrasheat Medhtiuca. whichhc. .will sail on the most.-rcasonshlc terms. Physicians sea ding ,etden.will be pinsaptly attended to, and sup plird with articles lhey tasT rely spott ** genuine, .: ■, UTTPbyaieiaaa PrcscrißOoea-wul be accantely mid peaily prepared £rent the bestmats rials, atanyhuur of .the day or aighL.s .•. v Also toraaie,* large stockef fresh and good-Fsrfb-- larry.-: . .. • . • . ■ . - -jaMi. TTT ',W- WILStiN, Watch Makeraml JewcUcr.cor ' yy a ocr of4th and Market sts. A large eod>well selected itoek of Watches, Jewalrj, Silver Warej and jCUW UnJ. do, Watebey,' as bw as f I<»' - rjcoolne Cooper,.Tobias, Johnson and other approved .makir ofwstebes, may be had at a small advance and warranted: . Walch Work done' India very best man ner. ' . Bp-a JB, bWhiT/ER, Attorney at Law,officc 3J op • yiOsiteßt. Charles' Hotel, Pitlsborch, will al*o at tend promptly, to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green Pa. • " '1" . . um to ■ 1 ‘ ’ SlackitoetL-Bell dr 00, >"' ' Church 4 Cmrotber*, NPiusfcaigfc. Tfc T. Morgan. J bctadly E. J. Hwki/'iHoriwy :aad Cotrocclkrr at • Lavr/ Ciueiimati, Ohio. ..Collections is Southern uum, and in in Kentucky.pruaiMly and cart-folly attended to. CocmaUHower for itw »ule of Peunayiranis, ..lor taking Depositions, acknowledge menu, 4e. .. - 'Krrm to—Hon. Wm. Bell 4 Son, Cnrtia, Church tr Carodten/Wja. Wflloefc 4 .PaTfo- - ai!S EAGIX CCOTON WORKS, Pittsburgh. Wanufac ton Cotton Yarn, CandfoAViek, Batting, Coretitt YaniCaiMCkak-WlTpt.de, he. ; KING, PENNOCK fc'Cot, (PeeeeaaoraioArbueklea4 ATerjf,) }ta3 i•• - • . Proprietors. . A .UIDOinC | Cai No. 77 Ciait nnd, Xtw ;Or • Jean*, Agenufor J. B-Armant's Extensive Steam Hugurßefioeiy.. Always oo.haßd a largo flock of Lo*C Powdered, Crushed, Clarified IftTwrce* and Barrels. Alio, Bdpr lime Molasses. -Prices liberal, mod a feir allowance made on*li sales o£ or above M barrel*. - <<■■■ ' mchll rfth'ud Wood peg" f\ BOW. SMITH * Co-, Brewer* Malrtere, and •\X‘Bd)t tktlcn, PitUMi{li tod Point Breireriss, eor» andPcaa street, and foot of Pitt " awnao*.: : xixx.rdsrtrr. • XT' j*AB. NELSON AC©. Manufacturers ofllararoe r-. Xl • cd Shovels and ffpaass, Hoc*. Hay and Manure Vtorksj A&, Ac. - Warehouse, No. 11 Wood sl, Fitts* burgh.- •- • ; '• '• 1 : •~~ " "maria ' T. & BISHOP, Veterinary Surgeon, can be found at hi* Bene Shoeing Eatabushme ol ' jpOUDitaar 8L Clair street Bridge, lately occupied M /T be Maaan. Carr A Rowland. nvWCm' l,i ji. EATON,• Dealer io .Trimmings aad Variety X • Goods, Tortoia Shell, Ivory aad Horn Combs,. Woollen Varna and Wonted*. Buttons, Needles, Pin*. Tape*, Braid*, 4e- N 0.63 Market street,' betwoeu Dia* moiud and jth Pittsburgh. - • • jySSdly PICKLES AND PRESERVES—S eaaea UnderwootT* assorted; 4-eaae*Dougbtyi9eAaes Peach Preserves; g eaaea Tomato Camp; tor aala by • 1 1 t ti tmiima nrlJ ■•/ J. D.WILUAMS. T> AGWAREHOU&E—The highest priee iae'amhpdhl XV for good dean rag*; also, eaavass, bale rope, gras* w> pvew, ■*> • w *s^.’Ss% i Ssj££: • ' decaf ' • Wayne »U between Penn and liberty^ ‘ DR-DAVID HUNT, XXS Dentist, having made soeharrangetaeulainhi* Coal bttaiaeaa that ha can devote hi* whole time to the -dutie»ofhi*profe**loa,nuy be ices in hi* office, eor* merofllh and' Decern? street* between Market and Ferry any bouxlduring the day, from.lf A. *. till • r.*.’. Jj4My SBtf SUJDLERY AAgOffAtfi &TOEE. NO. IJaWH)D *^S*ITTSBDHOH. HAVING i* planished my stock-feom the beat sour ces, both docseflic and foreign, I take plcaanre in efinoaiqhg to comanwra and dealer*, that 1 am pro. pared to umiak them with all gooda in my line, on still bctter leriria than heretofore. . , • . • . Buyer* will-recollect that dealing “exclusively" in Saddlery, Hardware and Carriage Trimming*, I obtain thereby, advantage* that enable me to dety campon* link.- Cell, are, and jpdga for,yoßrwl»«** t »pl? • BICAAVUO ,; i, nus noantt kxzcctcd ix a avnxtox :> .'Mtanarttw I ernmn .. K. LEA.NS. ' Son Building*, N* E. Comer of Third and Dock Street*,. ■ , (up flair*) Philadelphia, .“ITriJERE ean alwaydoo bad aV abort notice—>U yfi -none MaU Manila, of all kind*; lira** and Pip* ted Seor Seale-for BaakE Societies, Corpora tton*,4c. Professional and VUittßf Caidfl engraved aad printed. Societies la want of Seaisof office, dra in vited to call and examine Specimen* aad Design* of the' various orders of Alston*, Odd Fellows, Sons of Tem perance, Ac* . . . . ■ novttfta ■ 7 v/m. tln^blin,” 1 iTTORIBT AT LAW) Buiitr, Pa. tiniX also attend to coileetioo* and all other U>*i. ff .ness entrusted to him. in Butler aad Armstrong counties, Pa* Refer lo , . /. AJt Floyd, liberty sL\ - W. \V.\V>Uace, do IK-*.l K -*. . . James Marshall, do ?F»«*burgh. - dly Kay, k. Co-, Wobd st. J _j«ri7 Vtamclu,'W*g*»'i*oa -ROBERTi IULL, of lhejoW ' - ; trm bfR-A S.Mall,i* tnnaufae* '"■■BMP’ Uring large ijuaati ties of Plough*, houghCutinrS, Wagun boxes, he. with the improve*, merits. oTthe leaver. Peae<«ek, Illinois, and other Plough*; of the latest arid best patterns now in use. Warehouse, 100 liberty •treat, ’Pittsburgh, opposite Iho.Uay Scatei Wetory, m Allegheny Cotton Factory of Mpasr*. BUekstock, Bell k.VnX rnKUi 'raX«TUUK .—No 7*J | Fourtli sty near Wood-AH quanritiee of Green aifl Teas, done vp In i|oanrv, half, and »>te •ssssa^issa^^^. ed .with the business,'and now prepared to smoke meat ilßthh entire, aatisiaetiou of those wbu nusy givs cv m i»»« ' No.-n -Cmatlisleatr *f P*** l .ATCINCINNkTI-l *m mutNork»««l ‘A. not of Pe an sylvan is in aU laslnmeau of writtng, * l ** •*??- :tloa*.ofpnsoas-in Uuo, *o U naed Prmqsylvaaia. Offiee.'Urw door* east * /71RibB'ciDEB~«bblo crab'eider on conrignW* aad Will haaofo tow toeleae by.. -’-V--"' • janta , , , ISA!AiI PICKEV B Co> • K&f 1 ' PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1,184 S. FORWARDING & COMMISSION. C.R.Di*QDDifa. : j .J. lUxsluo Sias. CHARLES fiL DASEHtIOVRR A CO. TOBiCCa qo9fllBsloK fiKBCQim No. SO South Whirred and No. 117 goodi Water st. RIIIL.ADKLPinA: ' , ThF/lS to inforni tbc'tra<l«t and dealers generally, of. J> Pittsburgh, that thc'ybavn made such arrahgcmeuU with the Mrginia \manofacturcrs and the Grower* of the West, West Indie *, and other places, a* will insure a large and rotistani simply of the tbllywitiydcscrip-; tioas ofTidmcco, which will be cold upon as arcom modaiiiiß Vrm» as any other bouse in this city or else where/ ■ and 1 all flood* ordered from them will bn war ranted equal to representation: ' Havana: : Ht Duhtingo; i Conttj T • ..... : Vara; ' Porio Rico; ' >S«cd l«afto- Cnba; ••. Iculni \ • k Honda; } -hacco; Aljto—BranchH ctOebratcd' Arainatie Stag Caven dish. with ■ large assunment of other, popular brands, ami qualities of pound*, •'is, Hs. (Ss, lGs and W*, Lump; So, Qs,Bsand Ids Plod fuidics' Twist; Vtrginia’Twut: sweet and plain] -in whole and half boxcs..wood and tin, together with every variety ofaniele belungiug to the trade, i ~ 1 j i : Jclfrdly CBAIO.|BBUiB 4Ch, Floor Factors and Prodncc Commission . Mcrehnuta. . , LIBERAL cash advances mads po receipt ot eon samunents . Thoss shipping to.our address will lw r*iD ihreeHlbanhs valus in advance in caw, by apply ing to our. friends, .. !, ■ . alesars. WaJluicford A Taylor, Pittsburgh. M>urs. Tbos. llell A Co M Uodgcpart,Oh>o. . Philadelphia, May 5, IMS.-. .. . tny37-tf N. B. All Produce rodrigned to us isiasured when in tbo Warehonsa oi'Waliinptbrd ATaylor, Pittsburgh,or in our store in Philadelphia.. ' : : C.B.ACo. GBOBOE COCHRAN. Commission tad Porwardlng Merchant* ' SO. 20 WOOD ST n i PimStKOB, GONTINUKS te trimsaei a genera} Committjon busi ness, especially lu the'purchase ktultole oTAroen can-Manufacturcs and Produce. and in receiving? and forwarding Good* consigned to Jif* can*. At Agent for the Mtiiuractures,he wul be constantly supplied with the pnnripal articles of .Pittsburgh MannCtctora at the lowest wholesale prieps. Orders and esniignmentsara respectfully Solicited.' \Tt_ Baltimore Prodare Conmlulaa Uo**«. I?DWAKUI CLAYTON, late S. Clayton * Son*, 183 U Lombard oL,.Wbolc*ale Dealer in Mutter, and Cotn miaaiou Merchant. Haying ibr lltalaat ten yearadevo ted bia attention 10 the a&le of. Butter, will now receive Butter, Lard, and other Produce for aaleoneamtnjaaioD, and (latter* hit taelf that from hi* experience and nume rou* ahippinc ?tmotoera, he will he aide to rive aatia faction to allfti ho may contign produce to him. Metaro.-Fj IV. Brurte k Son; •• ** AVmllaaon&hou, “ Wtthbtctoa A Kaatmaa, - ’KAV.io.llopkma,... . And the Merthortta jrene rally. det7-Im ' rJ'POHTTATo ' •' ' I~ *. TO*UX*OS. D. P« COSWAT 4t COh PORTSMOUTH. Ohio. CouituiMion and Forwarding Merchant* and I’nxhieeDfalrr*—also inrndlo the Purchase,. Sale am! Shiputeut of Pig Iron, Coal, &e. Mortara ' ' Atwood. Jones &Co„' Brown, Bailey & Co., 'Lorenz,Sterling*. 00., Henry Graff; Greff; Lindsay i Co-, ' D. I.eeeh & Co„ l.you. Short* * Co., | Clarke fc Thaw, martOdly ; • ■ 1 dfimos. JOBXF.PBB&T, [Lair of the firm of Malcolm Leech fcCo~! Wholeialt Grocer, Commlaaion * Flour Kerehant, DEALER in all kind* of Country Prolaee.Copfxr, Tin. Tin Plalea,Tlirafr*‘Too]t.-Zine. Lead. Ratlin Sfceet iron. Iron nnd Nail*. White I*ad, Dye Staff*,' Cotton Yarn*, Salt, JU?-.‘*nii Pituburgh' Manofiicturci generally, corntrff Liberty and Irwin *uceu, Pitta* JETLiberml- adraner*, in Caah or Good*, node an eonaijnuPeutaorProducf, 4e. : tnyJ M, uoiAcir ujitl!” " cTV. amm*. *. «. lunrros. tOVEi MARTIN & CQ- Pndnct) General ConunUalo a and For* .wording MerebaaU* So. 0 snuft'a -Wiuur, lULtucou. . tßeferio . M.ADeri&C-d. ; .. Ik h A ' . Maraptoii, Hduxh 4,Cou, jr»N»g»-- t . . : . John R Randall, >Baltimore. ocU .Hnghfenlina, ■ 3 dJtwly • {■ c. unuexs.' .. c.w. jororjsuw. ,• Laie of Pitwbnrgh, Pa. Late of Naahrille.Tenii. . UEHMER & ANDERSON Vr BION iIERCILVATS, so.“ 8 tsoxt nun. aswys s&ux>WA.T r cliotwi. oma* ,K<-fcrf Merchant* getKndiy. in Ptmlmryh.lyJU ; WALTER ft Co^ ’ ruHiaAtraii.* COMMISSION MERCHANTS’ AND DEALERS IX I’EODUCK'JKNKRAIX.V: JRylfcJ MCTU Hour. ULTtMOU. • -Kefer to»lh-Sprigg, Esq., futitr. ,T. Oran, Cashier, J.Londatreet A Sun, Hirer ft Daugherty, fUurg laffft fciuey, W.ft S. lVyis**, Siiaghifi* ft Derma* - -aa« • -- • ;.•••• , . EDWABDA.KEEI.rrr., V (Stiecewor to (toodman r A ..Mean*,) RECtzVIXG, FORWARDING, COMMISSION MKB ciiAvrANDixyrrosimoKEn,. "“inr. V* r ***‘ IrTM tm.Mm m h^wpl IUITIOHBBBI k COSMISStOI IBEGBIKTS. ALEX- LEVY & BRO'S. niCUMTI ; AXD ST. LOUIS, Offer lo sell at cither establishment, all kind* of Met* ehaudise, at the lowest rate* ofCoramlsuDii*, and are .afwaysprepared to make advance*. The licit bt'refe rences given if required. letter* addressed to mber boaac, will be promptly attended to. jj-IKaJI >• lutes TWnwraoa. w.:w. rswi'CELU THOMPSON tb CAMPBELL* COMMISSION MERCHANTS* / AadHaMflMtar*n«n<lutrdOil| . Nd. 30 Colombia »twi, .; ‘ ClWt\*KAir, Oioa. tp*l-ly n~7*~t-‘a’ : b paid forFl.iaw*d...r3l WM. H. CLARK, Fonraidlß(Jterehaal, Urowma vlll*, Pa. Altrndi particularly to the Forwardin' of Produce. ke. ■ For any liirtotr information, ajrjilp o FORSYTH 4 CUXCAN. Water at. ‘ . . ortta 3IATHBWI4PATCU, COMMISSION MERCHANTS.: Be. 41 water atrect, Sr. IxKtc Mo. ... . Will (tire particular pUention to the truing of Pro dure, and to ordett forpurchaainjr. *’ < Rem to—George Morgan 4 coj.Pittsburgh, Pa. BUgll , : ; ‘ - . joiux M*ccLL»ccn. - j. tt’acaitAX. e.». mjmwv. dOIU R'CULLOCGB * co n Porwardlng A Cnmlnloa Buehauti, ■ ■ hos. to. AW so era sramcr, - jaugr-ly* i. Howling’sAVliarf, Baltimore. INSUBAUCE. DKLAWRK UDTBAI, IHSPRAHGB CO. JOHN FINNEY, Jr- Agent at PiUaburg.h for the lh-l* aware Mutual Safety. Insurance Company 'of Phil, adclphia. Fire Risks apon buildings ana foerehandizo of every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes of Yc**cJ*,takeri upon the roost favorable tertn*. * Office in the Warehouse of W 11 Hohne* A Bro., No. 37 Walert near Market street, Pittsburgh. N U—The snceess of this Company since tbe estab-, lishmeut of the Agency in this city, with the prompt, ness nnd liberality with which every claim upon- them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant tb* ogsnt in invttiifg the confidence and patronage of his friends aad the. community at large to the Delaware M S Insurance Company, while it has th* additional adratuagvs as an lu«iitutlon among the most Ooumhiugitt Plilladclphia— as having an ample capital, winch by the ope. muon of its 'charter is constantly increasing, as yield* ii)B to each person insured hi* due share .of the prpfiu of the company, without involving him in any respon* sibility whstever; and therefore as possessing the Mu tual principle divested of every obnoxioos feature, and. in its most attractive form. , ■»■ •• ttay4 • FAME,AND MARINE INSURANCE. . THE Insurance Company of North America, through its duly authorized Agenbihe subscriber, otfers u> make permanent and limited insurance on propeftyt in. this city anil iu vicinity, and on shipment! by ; ths Ca nal und River*. : . , i DIBECTOUS. John C Smith, Pnu'l r | .Samael Brook*. Alex. Henry Charley Tnylor/ Kami W Jonea, RlwanlSmith ttonrt r Braun . Ambrose •’Wh\te i ! Jobu IlNeif John White Richard Wood f Arthur GCotfin. Sec. Tbo's P Cops. Win Welsh *lllll u the oldest Insurance Company In the: United Slates, having been chartered in mV Its chatter is perpetual, uto.lruiuiuhich stondiiig, long experience, ample'beans, add avoiding all risk* of an extra box-: anuma character, it may be considered as offerfiii am ple •ecuriir U» the public - MOSK9 ATWOOD, At the Counting Jtoom of Atwood, Jones &.Cu„ Wa ter and Front street* Pittsburgh.' • apfSbtf INSUBANCK AGAINST FlllXC. , TIIK American Firi Insurance ’Company--Office, No. *7* Walnut street Philadelphia; Incorporated A liislD—Charterperpeujflh .: n 5 . ’ Insure Buildings, ifumiuire, Mcreliamlmr, ana prop erty generally, rjtfier in )be city, or country, agaiast lessor damage by i re.’pcrpetoally or for liraiied'peri ads, on favorable terms. _• . .i DIRECTORS. . John Sergeant ; Samuel C. Morton WUliaiuLyneh . , Adolphus Penes"' Thomas AUibbno ; (teorvr, Abbot, . John WeUU, Jr. - • ! Patnck Brody, John T Lewis. ; HAMUEL’C MORTON, President. FaaxcaDJAWixß, Secretary. - ' .Orders for insurance by the al>ove Company will bo receivedand*iiuuronces effected Iry the undersigned, ■pint for Pittsburgh.' i OEO . novl7-3m« : .20_\Voods!._ ~paAskLW fihb wauttAffCK cof THE Franklin Mrt liisurmicit (‘©tnpaity, of Philadel phia, will make Intirtaiire,per iimtie/iiand limited on every descripiioh of,properly, in Pituburgh and tbo surrounding country; oii favorable terms. Tills cpra nsnv has a perpetual charter. fSltal, , I paWin. Contingent, Fund , M&QMQ • . Oft re roriiercif third and-Market Streets, PiUsligb. apt IOU* •! .; ; WAHUICK MARTIN, Agent. KBCK A DAVKKPORT, I ; ' c*u BuiUiats, cctosnstl, onto,' - ‘ MANUFACTURE lb order Passenger and Freight Cars of die most jippiovrd description, at reason ante prices. ■ lly inraiu of the. Canals, Railroad «iul River, they am enabled to ship upon reasonable to all points in the Writ. Their work will be warrant ed equal in:all respects, to'any made in thaUnited Buies. All orders puiiciually executed. I r KK r.K k DAVENPORT/' novlKhn ; • • * [Formerly of Boston, MnssQ . LEATHER— The subscriber is!just rrreiriug tip i wards, of tlUi sides of New Vork Red Leather, of euuicemt slamps, together with a general assortment of ljeathvr b» bis Uoe of business, curriers' tools, oil, die. All of which ho will sell ou.iby Btusi.reaunabla terms, at 10H Liberty st, (opposite.Uh SI.) . ; , i 1 ' dc&lltn 1 JOHN a BAYARD. _ THE GREATEST::BOOK OF THE SEASON Dr. AVcWier's.Urvat:. American • Dietioriaiy o£dhu Language, vjiAUUidfcti. containing all (bm tho termor. edua>ns .contained; revised, by. Chaoncsf -A. Goodrich, Fret, Vain College. The most cointdem edi tion ever poblisbed; one voL crown quarto,' ” Price,Sd. Foraalo hfj'. - ' J.I/RKAIU dcesH--I ft , -‘ , at, near MarkstjrL _ COPARTNERSHIPS. &k COiPARTBERBHIP. lOOA3i ft .KENNEDY hare ihi*: day .associaini J with them in the Hardware butmeu, i’hilip AVil*, Min ami Edward Gregg. Th*-»tyife of firm trill here-/ allot be Logan, Wiiaou ft Co. ; Till* arrangement ren tier* it desirable to clone the. nlil husincs* as soon a* possible. All person* vrliowi liabilities have matured, are especially requested to make immedisla paynnuiL Pittsburgh, Jan. . ,T OGil, WILSON ft- CO.—lmporter*--and Aj Wholesale Dehler* in‘Forricn and Domestic Hard ware. Cutlery, Saddlery, ftc-199, Wood street. Pitts burgh. ore now fully prepared with a recently Import ed stoek of Hardware;‘Cutlery, ftc:, to oifer very -great i»dur«menu to western buyers, being ilsinnalned to compete in orirea with any of the ,Atlantie cities. Al an on baud an extensive aitoruneiit „f Pittsburgh Hardware,.viz; Bba*el*,_Spades, ForkvHoes,Vices, Ac., all of which will be Sold at toe lowest ra*nufoc- : tnrer's prices. - * • : janl CO^PAKTHBRSHIP. x3s . THE subscriber* having recently entered into 'RH partnership wafer the hams of Gallagher, Long. £&* Miller, wrtb* purpose of carrying on the Bell and Brass Foa tiding and Gas Fitting busiiie** in all its branches, have taken the ’stand formerly occu pied by ill. Gnllaghet.No. 100 Front street, between Wood and SnulQbeld sis., wljctb they tire prepared to executeall orders for llells,.Dmst Castings, of every descriptlon.and Gaa Fittings with neatness aiid des patch. Steamboat jobbing promptly attended to. It'GALLAGHER* .1 8. A. LONG. • ; P. H. MILLER, N. B.—The attehlion of Machinists and Enrlneer* i* invited to our anti-attrition.toetal, for a reduced price, whirh ha* been pronounred superior to Babbit’* by number* who bavu tired both. Steamboat builders and the public, generally, are also requested to call and ex amine our superior, double bettoa Porcu Pumjii fur stebmboat and domestic use.' v 1 GALLAGHER, LONG, ft WILLEIL decltdly. • . " - DISSOLUTION. Tim Co-partnership of tbo- subscribers. nmjcr the .firm of L-wi* Ilutcbiiuon ft Co„ is this-day dis solved by mutual ennrent: Hither ufuswill attend to the settlement of. lb* business of tb« firm, and Use its namo for that purpose, 1 LEWISHUTCHINSON, Jaal , JAMES A HUTCHINSON. CO-PABTHEIISHIP- ' r¥TflK undersigned hare thii day farmed'* eo-partneT- I chip, under.(be finn.of Junes A- Hutchinson &Co n let the purpose of condoning ibo bnsiness heretofore carried oa of Levels Uulchuisan Ca-, and solicit b con tlnnanca of the patronaeo hitherto extended to the house. ■ ja.mes.a HirrciUNSON, LEWIS' Pittsburgh. Jan. I.ISO. iiVwisu iiirrCiuS^oS'! DISSOIiUTIOJr— The partnership hitherto .exist ing under the stria end firm of Wightnian'A Dal xell, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Dal rell haring disposed ofhis entire interest to 11. AMeht man. The, business of tbe late firm will be smt|ca by If. Wightman.who is authorized to Use the name of the lata firm for that purpose. 11. WIOHTMAN. ■puJUdaw feulylMTl J.BALZULL. THE Subscriber is now prepared tr» manufacture all kinds of Cotton and Woolen Machinery, at the shorlcit notice. Orders left at R. Wightman's Engine Shop, cor ner liberty and Water streets, will meet brrtfpromnt attention. • . H. WIUHTSU-N, Leaeok at, between Federal and ilatutuslty sts., aptSOdly _i _ ' Allegheny e»ty\ DiisoMrrioi. ' ’ * T ‘ THE co-partnership heretofore «listing the subscribers under the firm of Williams A Dilfrorth, was dissolved on -the Ist instant, try mutual etmsent. 3 H Dilworth, to. .whop (he settlement of the,Old busi ness is entrusted. will continue the wholesale grocery -business at the old stand, MO. 97. wood st. *- !\. WM. 41 WILUAMB, jaa< ' JOHN ft' DILWORTU DIISOLVTIOS, , i FTHlEparraenblp'shbeinreg between the subscribers. X under the style of Fomdextei .fc.Cp., was disfojved by mutual consent; on thfc ISth inti; and the businlM of the concern will bo closed by R W foindexiet find C 11 Grata. R W POINDEXTER, , A 1 fees .• • 1 C D OftAKT.- ’ CO-PAltTff JtllfiniP.. Til* subscribers will contmue basinets at the old aland, Mo 41 water street,' us usual, «6toihe style of “Poindexter Co." J. R W.POIMDFJtTKt, deca . C n GRANT. - TOHN FARfnW 4 SAMUKT. WlGimrAN'h»Vin= V OMUcinlni Ibriaaeirr* t«>£rliicT uoflertha Bfte 01 John Karrm It Co., for ike purj<o»e of eonliiwiif ib« homines* of the ‘Boatmen \ line,* will coiiiiuue to tpuis* *ei«»enerttl,l«3rwa/UiDp.and nommiMlna tmUnffe at lb* old ftiaml al the Canal Haain. Liberty micsrl.:' 1 1. . •••'• ••> JOHN FAIIRK.V. • . janllif . . j KAM I, WKfInSIAW. .C»>FArtMnMp> . JfMfK unifenugnni hu *woou»ed will* kntnMlfJohrt • Ji ; MeV>l*, from Baltimore. ifttM <.'mer«y aw uMt*r* ftF , tamkia«ian Huiwis. umirr.tlw in 3*Hir» A' letJuaunry is'-l*. ' 1 ' ■■-jrtft-‘ :•■■ • FItAH. EEttiEttH. : riC&AWL*WnUnI*--Vtia. Y«mv hatf *&Uu« Vy day uwiebUnl SLU'Caur, liw .“«•*- )m-«» Afill b»rc alter bf HOTELS. FOCSTAIBf HOTEL. LIGHT STRKBT lIAIiTIiIORE rvno *jn> thibsji-s, raorafrA*, MTIIIS '•*labli«hiaeni loup and widely known balng one of tba nuil rntambtbotM in tbe riiy of. Hftjtmiorc, lift* mc*si>y undergone very mm 's*# alterations aiid unporuvcments. An mure nets fca* bean addnt, amudningtiiifiiFrotnaiul airy •WpinrnfnrunmU, and axiritsive bathing rooms, ’ The 1 I jiaiot’ drpsrttnrnt ha* a!e»f been romidaMy nurgaitiactl and:ti(ini up ia atmiS «uiqi*« «>d iwfaiiti lu. •■>!«.' In turl die irlioSr :irran,*«Ln-nl ul tin: ha.< fcrwi reawidrlrU. with o «inyle rye o:i the piii oi ihr* |<n>prip|<ira toward* ihe mrufiin and pletisitf*oi thelrtfurns; and which ihcfiMrufideftilT aawnlwill, WlhbrtyllofcJMu (he UnioiJ ■' v -' ThnMaolo wiU njway* Is aupplfrd with every »b-. •OuiMal amlluiury which the Market athmU. served up.in a superior style; while in the way of Vines,'.te-, they vriU not ba surpassed. ‘ _ In,conclusion the proprietor* beg to say. lint nothing will ba led undone mu their! part.: and on the part of their assistants, to.render this Hotel worthy the ron turned patronage of their friend* a|uJ the pvbl;e jpen* efaliy. The price* tor board katra also been reduced to the following rntrr: Ladies'Ordinary, fl.TSperdajr. 'Gentlemen'* “ • l-S* u N. B.—Tbo Bagger# Wagon of tb« lion** vrin Al ways be found al lha Car and. Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, tree of charge. . maygtf PEIRL STREET HOUSE, CtXCIWSTIj DDO. a THE subscribers havuig purchased the entire interest of Col. G. P. Williamson, late of this well known establishment, beg linvo to stare to their friends aud the pohlia grneralty, that they have taken this commodious Hotel lor a term ofydara and will ex erttheir.besieuerficitiowakaua'deairabU home for Travellers and City Boarders. The Hotel is spacious and admirably planned ter con venience, light and air; having a number of parlors ad joining -chambers, presenting.nnusual’aitractious to families. • WIfUUCS - The: present proprietor! haring had the experience of years in this city and elsewhere, hope they will bo aide to give general satisfaction, being determined to give an divider attention to the boose alone. *n»e location of tha Pearl Street House isuneotnmon- Jy.eligihle, having fronts <*n Feart, 1 Walnut and Third istreeia. so llukt it is pqua-y desirable in view of the couTeniesce of business men. or retirement for priv nto boarders. R is near by the Banks, the Post Omen, the Maaoide Hall. Odd /Fellow's Halt, and but oae square distant from Main street sad two squares from the Ciiy. -Wharf, thus offering tha gravest indncements, esjieeial- Iy to country merchants and csunrally to all p*r*nu visiting Cincinnati. JOHN NOULE ■ racing . , - JOHN A PL'BLF.. SOTAW HOUIEr . coiAxx nr bslukoox ixd grraw sra, axhTUtosz, aofl IHINRY F. JACKSON. PROPRIETOR. gf3| This spleqdid and spacioua sU ■gg mated ter both botiiuM aJul pleasure travel!rrs/i» JS&Ao constructed as to confine ail the luxuries oi tbs best hotels, with cteganco and comfort. Choice suites of apartments. o« at all seasons reserv ed ter the accommodation of twiaidut guests, and fatu ities visiting tha city .will find the Eutaw House abotue, unsurpassed by anylloiet in the.Utlum.' . The location is-elevated aud sslubriaos, and it also convenient to tha -depots • and landings, at which the ’couches and .porters of the house an at all liases «» waiting to convey passengers and- their baggage to tha ■ Hotel. 1 ] ' • Txxxs-—Gentlemen's ordinary 1 per day. imdies' do | '2,00 do , ■ jaalfldStawam , ■ - i r ■ : • ’’ • ■ JONES* UpTEL, ; / so. IST, cHravtrrsraxirT, ntn.*uQ.rtTU. r •■ ■ ■■ a THE subscribers, undar the firm of Bridget A WesL have purchased Mr, Jones', interest in this establishment, and hops )iy the styictert. attention to the wants and comfort of their guests, to merit a cOn tinuanea af the liliaral patronage iherctoforn received by ir* former proprietor. • ■ Tbe loMko has been thoiooghiy rsnovated, andwe paired; w« therefore feel assured we ran welemua our frionds and lha public to aeeomtnodtfiious eunal to nay. - ia tha city of Philadelphia. ; N W BHIDGEH, Jlygtf = • ' JNO WKST. • GALT HOUSE, - cditxm mats in sixth ary, ctscttnuvL , MTJUS cttobiUhracnl Is now in the l>est odcr for the reception of the Travcliiig public. r JUyuig undergone a thorongh repair during the past win ter, and'having the mosisxjwriraoail iimnialhe west in tb« various (tepariutenu. 1 Hatter myself that all wii |w pleased who call. ‘ *n>o Incaiiuii.is central, commo dious and ptcasaiU.-'Fan $t per day. ..Cincinnati,March. 13, H1. W E.MARSIL N. ii.—Although not exactly a new Broom,drl* Urn same—« new. Whist on ihejobl hatuite. ipwi .TiIKOCKMORTON’S GALT HOUSE, 1 ' j/KriariLLX. tr.i m- AlllS Tlimx'K.MOirroS beg* to nrqtmuU Ua -fricndr that he i» «6»»» I**ai*»© of the (JAI.T HUtIHK, Louisville, Ky- where lii> hoi*ra totnccl. alfhis old Mends, nMuring Hiam.nnd the public, that U 9 aflbrt rbsll be spared to make *ll comfortable who : aVor Min with their patroungu. : juuUHly^. r — "AIiKUICABI • UOTKL, IIAI.TIHOBC.KU., a the lUilroad Depot, Prntt *t. nnltiroon:, UJINKV M. SMrra, prnpri(iior.(lßie of-the Ki el,JU,,.* and St. CU»flee Hotel*, . oeSMiy. '• l L-i—, H* Si rrjStb—j'or *«le a few bale* Western New York , emwth ot *troni Bto 10 <ent»: ‘’ > lioeteni and »' e»iem N Y, early picked, thi* year's growth. ■ 1 i • Priite Oblo do. Limoni county. [ . The general liwucni crop of I tie Beaton ta now I'tmp: received. Ureyrcr* l *'»l others tiling Hop*, will find It raurb to ih'cir advantage to obtain their supply from »»e umtenisnetl,'«» they intend to sell throughout the lea son * New York price*. 0. W]. SAHTII 4t Co.,' ofUMitm . ' : : - Htubonth Ibtnery • . “ I Aui'lVK.. .*.• . AJ,h rem Mis knowing lbeo«clvfs indebted to the Kt* late of the I* 4 * A .Dr*ro,Jr., deceased,ere hereby notified u» «aJU«d aeula tUcit aeenuts, audikoseltav inf *lsi** kg** ll ** r-*Uie t will: pietsni the* duly amihcnticaied w settlement. to. the wtbscitbciift.tbp i {* "3S«m : ’ “l- I* JOHN IKWIN, toeeit* { ; .. t..-i r.^rMaawic?; Vi wrlihißf*boet*74 : A. Ur*, ww by euitiko ftimi tteliaduu on rn- Cm&bm. 'A«Yli»fi*B»Ud*,flwn where lte*n Ipttooofl j i - :• ’i p**W*fc|<Wl7.'- > fc ,, , v -rt-,4 -d n»J« v t[r rif -»'■** it 1 * 7 MEDICAL. .... RALTEtt’S GINSENG PANACEA! riV>* THOSR fJbTTl'RlN'fl WITH DISEASED X l.l'NGS;—Tli<; uniirCredenicd 'atirwes* wbiili has littendoil thu um> of the ' KIXSEXG PANACEA it nil tin* various form* which irriudkm of the lungs as sumes, has induced the proprietor again to call atten tion to this .; i WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The weather -which; mark* our fall and winter uioiitha, is always a/ruitiul soured of . ' COI.DS AND COUGHS. These, if ifegtccied, nro but the precursors of that fell destroyer, cosumption. The question, then, how we nip the destroyer in the bud* how shall we get clear of our coughs'and rolds? is of vital importance to the public. THE GREAT AND ONLY iREMEDT will l>e found iti the Ginseng I’anoeetL In proof of this' sve how from lime id lime publishcd the eertlficatca of dozens of our best known citizen*; yrho h* v e axperi-’ cuced its curative powers. These, with a uiaa»of tea’ tiraouy from all parts of the country .-—front • .MEDICAI* MEN OF THE KIRaT STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, together with copious no tices from the L JOURNALS OF THEIJAY. ’ we have embodied in pamphlet fortn, and may be bad gratis of any of our aceuw throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF luyrruy have l>ecnusedinthi*city. :i THOUSANDS AND TENS Of THOUSANDS throughout the Utuied Stoics und Ciufada, and worn*., tenge any man to point out a- , i SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken according 1 to dirrctldns, and be fore the lungs had become fatally disorganized, it hoi ever failed to . ; EFFECT A PKRFEOT CURE. Why. then, need the atUicted hesitate! \t by re soft to (lie miserable nostrums, gotten up by unknown individ aols under the mummed name of.soma phy alciao, and puffed into notoriety by eenlfi(auu >; per* tons equally unknown? Whibit a modiclfle of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY h to be had, whose vooedicts are at neigh bors,—many of whom it nan . 1 SNATCniID FROM TIIE OR AVE' -In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the Teach of the pour at well iht» rich, wohave pat the price at * • i ; ; . ORLY FIFTY CEBTB, Ju«t one hnlfi the u*uabeo»t of cough medicine*. It i* for ante by our agents in nearly every town and village over the west, who are prepared to give full informa* tioii relative to it. ' T. SALTER, Proprietor, , | •. .Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. ASTHMA.' OB DIFFICULTY OFBEiIATIIiNG. Thi» disease is paused by a parojff»raal construe* lion bribe air cells; it is very tfebilitafog, almost caus* lug suffocation. DR. BWEETSKR'B PANACEA Is the only certain dure. '■ ? ■ . 1 - / Hoarseness can be entirely eured by a free use of Dr. Sweeuer's Panacea. { Catarrh, or common cold, which.uf neglected, will . terminate in Cftisumptien.’ ts effeetdally relieved and . cured by Dr. iwcetser's Panacea. i .. Bronchitis, if unchecked, will effectually lead’ to Bronchial Consumption, but a timely lose of Dr. Sweat* set's Panacea will.eflcctually cure itl . . . . Inflammation of-the Tonsils or Sore Throat.—This disease-odeu leads’to serious consequence* fhnn neg lect, sacb as ulceration of the throat.' On thofim sym]i toms. Dr. Kweetser’s Panacea should bo procured and used freely. ’ Chughs and Colds find a sovereign remedy w Dr. Streeter's Panacea. Pncamonia .Noth*—A very faul-diatase, resulting* from a violent cough and cola on •> debilitated or bn>* keii dotyn constitution; aged persoua arts subject to tu— Dr. l Pwoe ter’s Panacea ahcrnld bo: used bn lha first symptom*,.which ire a couch or cold. .-. ‘ Night Sweats.—This debilitating complaint will meet with atimely'cheßk. by using Dr. Bwseuer's Panacea. Consumpucm,—lf outbefinlappeiranceof consump tive CympUnns, which are n naiu in the aide and breast,, cough or spuing of blood, it Dr. Sweetser’s Panacea is freel)" used,.no danger need be apprehended.. • I ; ■ When the' Lang*, tlte Windpipe. dr Bronchial Tabes become clogged up with phlegm so aa to unpeddrospi*' ration or breathing! Dr. Swcctier's Panacea,.which is a powerful Expectorant,’ thould.be taken according ro the directions. ; ; •- . V InllueozUi—This distressing epidemic,,*o prevaJsnt in bur climate, is speedily curcu by Drt Sweeuer’s Paha* ■cr*.. ' . ■ '< . • Price 81 per bottle, or us bottles for BS. ’Fbrsnlehy WM.JACKXtti, SO liberty sti sign of the Up boot. uovSisl^y iMPOBTAKT TO THE XsADiEtt-Chineso Hair Cream, a mnlchle** article for the Growth, auiyaod-Restoration of the Hair,.' ThiiCrroiu, when nave known, will supercede oU.njher articlr* of the kind how uwd. When the hair K deoil, herah, Uiin, unbealtliy. or unnait grvy, a fswepplieutiona will make die bair.auU.and dark,and give it a bestuiil lively appearance; and will also make it retain its live* line* and health)' color twice as Inhg n» alfflie preptiV yatiooswhich as* geurrailyiuteil! Everybody uinp oritiittniH who arc in tin? habit of using nil* <m tKtir linir,'should at bufe purchase a bottle of ibc'Chinc** Uait Ctrsnt, aa ii la so composed that it will not ii\jare the bair like those other preparation*, but will lu-.aotiiy ‘.P&r'fiii.laaday w ihyeiy.aupcnor quaiisi**; sfn »l»e- IWlowiiig’leUrr from Rev. Mr. t'alilwell. mJMcs-ri, Ib-mlanhati k. tbreieh, Nashville,Oem-rol-Agenwfor the Western Stales: ' letter from the lkr.R Caldwell, pn'li'r of the Pres* byterian Church, I*mn«ki. I. Messrs! Hrhdershott tc Streieh—Gchitemen-. 1 take pleasure in aditing my testimony n»;favor <«t Ihceviwl fent prvparuliou called Dt. I‘urishV Cbinc-e Hair IVrain—for about two years aso.lmy heir wi*« very 4r>, brilily, and di*j**»ed m coon- i«U; f»ut haying pro ranl a bottle of the Cream, uiut ii*c«l it aceonliug to the prescription, my hair Know soil, elavtle and firm inlhu bead. . Man) iuiUouw and nils were applied, ’ «nrb'leaving my hair in a worse stale 1)1411 before. — This CrvauL however, has owl wy’aipociaijoU*.' f K% an nriirlr tor ilifjoilfi, my wife give* it prefer the t um to t><- n.jli Miii<-ru<un> in tio tr pfcf.u ntilorti forfht r «nlM. Kespcrfiully'. Ac.- • J-j.j ChLDWKLI.. In-Ssld.vniok’olr and relation I'itt.l.uryli. by John: M. Yo♦.!<«*riil. No. <5 Market sireel, 1 aial. Joel*hlchler, corner of M'ood and Fifth atrectr. : ■_ jnlftt. PEACKI. PEACE 11 Mtr ia ar.xios BUT IN EVF.KY MOniBH'S HOMESTRAI). f|HUS. undersigned. teas king been cou voiced ,'ol‘ the Jt Dm-cmilv lor some medicine adopted to the use of I'bildren and Infants lo auperreil* lh« u*o of afllbo** nifdjr(u« B which contain opium, and ho* at length sue* eeeded' in preparing and offrring to tLe public u cnedi rinr liiJlyansu i'nitgrtcry purpose fqralldl*rasr«i»f (he bowel*, "without the u** of that-deletdriuii* drug. nr any other calculated 10 injure iu tUa lewL.'nir fount Pang aero tu>* been fully tested out) tried, tho la*l}W*lva months, by numerous persons, ajjil found to posses* all the extraordinary virtue*, and to produce all the aston ishing ejects forth on the bill i>f direction*. Di arrhn'tu Vomiting, Cholic, Gripinx. I**ieiti«*. riickness nnd Diseases arising. from Tecihiug, acting iratnniialnly wilhobt disturbing any of the (unction* of the bod), producing the Sloppiest and most pleasant transition from violent nnitt to u tranjyiil audjo)uu* state of fcet ini: in the litue sufferer. To'be had whobrtaJe umt retail, of the Proprietor. Dy. JOHN KAUU.VNT. Druggist and Apothecary; John .Mitchell, KStiott & Beckham, and rao«t other Druggists m Allegheny’ami Pittsburgh. » - dccl3 SKLLKH’.H UIPKUIAL COUUID BVKUP.—It has power tocure! Pittsbcsor. Feb. 14, 1*47. ft, ft JigLbtßs:—My \riftj ha* fnr year*-been subject lo a distressing pougli, accompanied < with asthma. for the euro uf which slw used uitfcrrnt chough remedies, and had the advice of ills* ronsj ctmtjcnt physicians in England, hut all was unnvoiling. Uf chance 1 heard bfyoar Imperial Cough Hyrup, and was induced tp buy a bottle for trial, although I hud no belief that anything could remove her coiupl&iut. To my great surprise, Iwo doses gave brr immediate xclldt. ,81ic D at times troubled with a : cough, but two ica*poon*fulof Syrup always stop* iL- 1 eat ssriUii'l. after n trial uf three or .fouryears, that fcwlipf’s Cough Syrup is the bast cough rutdiclkc I have ever tried rjlher in the Old or New World. V/)l Fiiuncaxa Seventh Ward, city'uf J’.iub'ifgb- The above certificate should induce ait who aia troubled with or a*lhuia. to Rive the Hynipn (ri al. It way Uc had I'or'lß cents a tioltlr, at the drug •tore of ' _ It i: HKLLKUS,S7 wood.L - Sold byDr. Casaal, sih ward, and l> U Curry, Alle* : gheiiy city. 1 1 ’ ' i nn p ” SKI* I-nil's VUOIII-UUK.-'nia of nl Worm nicdieiuci! New L,os<»t, Onu>, > • - Jan. S, * £ Tld* is to certify that after using different prcpara liana Tor expelling worm*, 1 iKmgfct of 0. R lletmnn, of New:Lisbon,.tvro trial* pf K E Seller*’ Vermdugo.aud jayu ihfl'conlenU or oiio vial to three ,of nty children. From the 'first, aged O year*,- H expelled 43 worse*;, front-the second, ej years old, TV; and from' the third. 3) year* old, tlO; making AS worm* expelled by using fmt one viol. I recommend'Seilers’’ Yarmiitige ns a safe agd one of ibfl (post effectual Worm medicine* be fore ihepubllf. ' - Htoit Mokaow. . Prepared and sold hy R K SELLERS. No 67 Wood iiieel. Sold by Dr. Casual, 6ih wa’ydj J) 31 Curry, AN leghcnyi WiHinui J Smith, TeiitpemnceVille. ja!4 . - "PauuDlwlTtipriiifitrMir ■\] KWUV INVENTED—For the relicfaud Permanent IN Curb of HERNIA or RUPTURE. (Salted to «U sue*.) - ’ Thc«pctiorclaiinsbf'tb»aTru*t«jn»istln the com* parauve cim with which it may be tro(J>- The pad of wood' being neatly balanced on springs, yields to pres, •'■are oa any part of it, and thoroughly adapt* itself to any movement made by the wtaicr; It can l>e wont without Intermission, until a cote is effected. • The cub* sciibert have made arrangements lot the tnntulacture eflhesc valuable Trusws, io a superior iljle, In I'Uila dclpfcia, and have then now (hr sale at their office,No .57, doiihCeld st near sixth, Pittsburgh. • • • UEO.'WaTT,'.' " , . jeM j' -'' D. W.KAUmiAN. , JA YNEtt HAIKTONK*—-After gntof tint artel. -1 trial, we pronounce iLtam what itjirofeee tt—Oieb(itar(i£lc t withoulaaT eictptioo, in um. forihe - reetorsifeeaml prexmlioD pf IM hr nan hair. We ia<jw of BotMroui iQiiaurrt where hair hu beca mtored to head* which hare beta bald lor jeaf*; a ail we tiilak w« cannot do greterfrn* than to rauomtad to aIT-oar rtadere-wbn U ' tooiagllydrhtiri to aakea trial of tbwTVauc lamed *• . For «lc ut AtUbarvfc alike Jtohia Tea Store, No. 72 Knarih»tr»jt,oear_Wood__ _ . narMfcwT DltlitiS, llßl.’fiS—Jrwl Moblrr. nml apolhr reary. N- tt’. of wood',rind .Mli’ »m., [*in*. will keep coiiMontlytm hand, dnin*, point*, oiU, Jrr-*nirt». »rtr. - N. rare fully e nrflpwilid ril iiom the' beei innit-naJn, at uny boar of ilia day ur iii(;bt.eAL«o, mi uiaoruocut of perfumery, fine tootlOinir nml cloth l/fusher, He.,'which hr jvift *cll low ipr ■ • . : j. y , • nm>7 BH« 11. W. Mtmitlß, HVDHOI’ATiIL'<T, would ropcctfulty inform hi* friend* n)id tin* riiimi* oi I’lUvburgh and Allegheny that he luuf decided loremhin in the city diirin* ihn and in prepared io treat piilicnl* placing tnem’selvcs under bis run*, according io th« system as promised at all W.uier Cum Establish*, nirulsy tor ruber Aente or Chronio disease*. Those, uiihuia to avail ihr.uuelves of hii service* tvill call at McMillrry, corner of Liberty »L nmj Kvuu'* alley. ; Dr. M.’ha* treated Several severe r.anesdF diseaso in this rilf with'git* ttiWcce**, towhfeU he i»T*nmfted to rrfrr. • ‘ : ■ nnvtflf : "'j- JWV denei*tiwiUu'Cbcttateal tpOKßllkindeof eroptknu and dlmnewof ti«c Skin; AT each Ml'mipl«i4Jtoiftir*,«alt Rheum. Scurry, lledt Spou, chapped or erackcdSkm, and lor nil other iliica •C» of tbp «bin, which recaueeitefnal remedie*, Una- ItoepMaodeuapafatfeilr h alro dUpofeFreekleaiSon* antl.chanfea .'the eoU»#-of «u>k, diafinrad akin, to-afiae, healthy, yoaih&J, eton&* A freelieupplv. warranted genuine, and/nr- MhJ reduced pries of 37* per cake.lma laetUei \meti^d’ l ; hr<n«Kdbrnla byfr AFAtiNGSroCK*A' : oa, flarnaf Ik*and wood and aiib at the coma t of tilth - • •HW-Wonß*:.!-! :-c .. • • y. m EPSOM bbU Batumore rpints U/U ht . R J 5 SE6UOB,*7*oo«*l l . • «K-iL •f'-n 1 ! * ' si,.j'-.if.i u- •- •*-* .v x -2 + " MISCELIiMEOUS. AGKNOT FOR PATENTS; ■: ■<' w'ASiiraarojr.n.r,'' ’• •• . yKNAS .C. ROrmiNS, Mechanical En-meer arid MA for. procuring Pntema, will prepare (lie ne cessary) Drawings wid'Papci* for Applicants! for Pat ents. and transact all'oUirr businr*.* iu die Ihwofhis profession at the Patent Ollier. Hn can toasolted on nil question* refuting to the lenient ioßsin (lie United Mutes or flurope. I'emui tri. dis tance dexirotM of. having examination* nmdnjaf the Patent Odicc, prior toiiinkiug application for.» patent, roir forward (poet paid, mewsing a fee of fivcuollara} a clear statement of their case, when immediate’ atten tion vriQ be given 10 it. nud nil- the' iqformdttaa that coold be obtained by a viiitoi the appbeaat ln person promptly communicated. J . t . . AU Infers ou business most be pod paid, and contain a suitable fee, wlirro a written opinion is required. • Odieo on F. street, oppo*he-the Patent O&eB, : - lie has iha h'ono? of tefemfor. by pennisnow. to ■. - .■ Horn. Edmund Burk*. Coouiuaaoner of Patents; Hon HI. Ellsworth, late do - do . H Knowdes,Ataebimst. Patent Office; . « Judge Crunch, Washington, D C; Hon; R Choate; Massachusetts, U 8 Stuate: j - W Allen. Ohio;: - . ; J Ifoti. J U Bowlin,.M C, Missouri; . . Hon..WjUisJloih New York; Hotvßohcrt fenflb, M C. Illinois; U S Senate: -lEori.'J HlWfe, MC Missouri; : Captilllußhrie%e, Missouri; . Eraatoa Urooks, Esq., Pittsburgh. ,J w; woodweu., s PltUbargh Pnrnltare Ware Rooms, .\ ; • S5,TlUEDStkset. » ••• ;4wjs A largo and splendid assorUnost of Furoi- M&tr tlin .. auiutfde for Steamboats, Hoiel*i.andpri vate dwellings, constantly on hand tod made to order '' ' ' ' ’.' . .' Tbit present stock on hand cannot be axeeeded by any manufoetory'in tho western country. .Tersoos wishing to purchase would do well to {tire me a-call, os I ntn determined tuy price* shall please.; 1 the stock consist* in— ~ h ‘ 50 sofa* with Hush und llair-clolb «a»ef#;, ' 2 doz Mahogany Nurw Chairs; [• 14 pair Dirans; " h ia,doz fine mahogany Chairs; j l*i mahogany Work Stands; j . • < 3 doz mahogany Rocking Chairs; 15 marbtc top Dressing Bureaus; * I Hpair Ottomans; ‘ !' H marble top Work Stands; 1 IS eberry Work Slinks; . ‘ . Mahogany, Maple, Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads of alt descriptions, and a large assortmentof common furniture aud chairs, too numerous to mention,' morfrtf m.lurtscnrr. joksn.wct *-*■tsaaox*. : tIPPEHCOTT £ CO., r: MAXUPACTUREIW of Hammered and Cast Steel Shore!* and Spade*, Axe* and Hatchet*,-Mill, X Cut Circular and Gin Saw*j.Har and Manure Fork*, Hoe*, Mattock*, Pick*,' Ac., haring completed fill th«r arrangement* in the construction of new machinery, and in securing the best workmen from the gto*l cele brated establishment* of the East are now mOnufaetnr inr and will keep constantly on hand-and for .tale all .the above .article*, having-availed themrelve* of the latest' improvements, and are determined thntih work* mahiliip add material they will noth* excelled. /They promise to produce- nrdcle*' equal. If not superior, to any that can be had In the Ka*t They Imrite the atten tion of dealerx to an examination of their stock: before purchawng, elsewhere. a* they are convinced that they, twill he able to fill all order* in their line to the pntire ’aati.foenon of purchaser*. Wirtb«i*e.' Water etreet, '4 door* Hou*e, RtUbnreh, Pa. N. IL—Persons having butlne** wUh Wm; Lippen eoaASon,wi]lplea*eeallwvUppeoc?ttfcCo. ‘ ocflhlly j ... ... ■ ■ i - s**r Batdtrare Boue. ,<; '• ' nr, -ttt Joseph woodwell, comer of IQgaeifegaClWbod and.2d.»t», Ifiosburgh. Slaving MEllKawUiMfwithdrawn from the firm oF t AAa]ksc aSHviSwelTort jhc I*t of January. 1M7,1 take plea*- ure in announcing to my frfend* in the city, ana conn* try, that I hare opened my hew atom at the above nara. ed places Hating porehaacd my good* for cash, and made artangemenl* with manufacturer* in uu* country nn«! in Europe to be comtauily supplied, I am filllj pre» pared to famish Hardware of all kind*, on a* good terra* and'as low as any liwntßta w »v«t art" cliaru* and other* arempeeufully wetted to eall and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. ‘ The. following comprise* a part of hi* stock: . , ; Stearabupnand saddlery hardware, gun trimmings, file*.Naylor’s artel, cutlery, odga 100, *r “t 0 ?* locks, latches, scythe*, bun hinge*. screw*, fcmha.Fac tory pliaes, - saw*, mahogady board* and teocere, and ail other article* connected with the hardware taut* ue«*.. . V - mehlltf^- Hardware, Omllcrr, Saddlerjr, JOHN WALKER. importer and jPrtflßKgfed Dealer in Foreign and IhiW.c ■> tie k*fd- MuSjSSSflpivu-are. would Tcpeelfatly'tufond his menu* and tne public geftereHr, that he i* line h»» sprint- aunply of bnidwair, at the ohl'ttand of Walkesand Woouwrtl. No.faJ. wiodsirW«W>he. wiD disiwre of on ihc mewl rcasonablelterra*. I‘V-’'j lie sriU bo continually receiving fresh suppw* direct from the'manufacturers in Ihtropfc and Inis •eoatttrT, which wilt rnal.le him to enrapert with any estaWwh m«-nt.'ohh"»Ka»t-or Wean • :?-.ln/: . Wesicru-merchant*.nre invited to call and clause hi* Mock W(irc iNirehasiug elsewhere. jmarft diS'h's! HARDEN & CO’S., PASSAGE AND nfFPiKHiiriTANCj: OFFICE- Demon* brought SsotooiU try tbi»‘ ajrenr’y iijym reiwonahle terras, Sain twJ agent* of the lJrhXht ; 9termneiit have frequently can lioued Emigrants ui home and their fncud* tu Ajnenca, agajnrt the Inuui* practised upou ; them, ond Have al -1 why*'referred toibe well leant*u house of-Hsium A Co . a* the right pine* for nil toonpty. if theywruhed ,'iom treated with t >u ur Utility aud kindue,*. Darticiwba tulvcrUM:- theuiaclve* x>!e AccnU’for the Tlliick Hall Uue. aim.- whai is untrnr. and thus deceive thr puMie; as we prole** to he A.-rcnu not only of the •nick Hall Line.-bm every other good litre, and also Cunarii's Seam Line. u*.. light Draft* to ally atrspunt payable, at nay-of the niches of the Frwviucud or Nad dual Hauksfof Irc rt, England, IScvtluiid, tx. AVe drew tuir otvu Kx inge'; we do liot taku iDdney and keudit to t|t» East -K qrw Hue injvinit. tliereby causing mistake* I dc-invt. the Uroker*. Xc;*all upou yvfod,we il ui’-oumiodhie Uirui at .New York TttXP*.; ‘ -- 1 JUMH’A UUUINSON, Euiopean Ac’iJ , x-tltf ' • itb *l, oue do« below xidtat " ■ ’ Beaton 31 ode of Heating Honaea. MIL (. DEXTER, Of Do*u>u, has arranted and pa tented a plan for heatjm; bouw*, \vhictt h** been successfully um*il ui-Ho»iun. New York, a*„ and wher ever opi'll-'il, has receirwl ike decided preference over •tore*. Furnaces, rte. It* udva»lage*an>- } I*L tlreat regularity of temperature. Sd. Kredom from »moke. : ' tkL .Vo uupli'&uiii dryuets. 4lh. KoiJly attended (a sad not liable;hi gel out of order. . ; v ' •* 6Ui. Great durability. : * A model and rprcilicntion may l>e awn ond appara tus obtained at lUu copper and Tinware factory M IVM B SCAIKE, between wood god martet. Uudwuc Star* Removed* ; TX/HtTUOUE & WOLFE hanny removed from the I TT eornerbf Idbcny and & Clair ureets; to So SO Woodnre«t,(bice doors above eiCbarledlloteLwtuild retpcctfallr a»k tbe aueoiioa of bayafstoibeirsuick of HAKmVAKE, CUTLERYsad SADDLERY, per ships Saransk, JUononkaheta anO'Howiij direei fronttbe manafaciarcrs of Kriglandlud Germane. i ‘ Alio, aapplies of American Hardware, ftoa thepfis* eip«l naoptacturers of ihe EMtota SisML j ■ rueitsioek being ealiielyttew, and purchased apon the best term* they feel grcai confidence Id being able aucvrufolSj' 10 meet competition from any quarter, whetliereanorweai. [ . Tbe Hardware basin;** wilt be continaediM the old iliad. - • I ' «po_ ' tnOttiß K£Sfi£pyr<B.| GF the . late hrra of OUleipw & Kenaadyv Lootasg Glass Manutoetarcr and dealer m Cloeks,CoabS| aud Variety Goods, keen* cannauilf on tiand.of hi» own manufacture, every ucseriptionoi (lilt. Mahogany and Common Looking Glasses; VKUtltawer Toilets* plain and ornamental portioittraiuea; ■ r ! All kind# of Cloeas, Troys, sad Ivaiiers, ia KU» or doiens; Combe, Ttrtad*, and a general assortment! ol Fancy Goods, wholesale, at a small advance ;On east* Pedlin and others (applied with tttelp’s Chans, Cbr tier's |'l» by H frames at New York pneds ■ gtyghli 1 1 ; . NoCi, ear wood tad tin sta. qaleratusand glue factor? foS sale* O—The Adiniutsaator*oft>e iatd James McLingfcUn, offer for sale iko establishment sitoam larNluik Vvtyd, (urnterly carried on by bun, in his life time, as aSaten* tus and liiue Factory. The works are in complete for can) mg on the business, with &xiurciifce,aitd rrwiy ibrcoouneuoiiiga-. anytime. A liberal credirwilllie given, and all poniealars made known, by calling bn eiiborcf ibaundciwgaed. JAMES BIaAKELY, i 1 • • JUIIN MITCHELL, ‘ - »pt* ■ • 1 " Administrators ~ Btonougahcla LiTorjr V 1 U j HOBEkT 11 PATTFin>ON'fiaj opened the : 4tw* l * T V c htabis' °>i First sU, rotming through; to A-J—aiSecorul at, between Wood &iul£nhlhheld sts., itstlio rear ol the Mouougnhda iloqse, with an entirely hew sloeVof Horses ami Carriages ol (lie best! quality uhil latest siyles. Horses kepi dl liVery 'ill Itlrii best Manner, i . ■* _____ ' '' iF^diy, .ThAU "SVAit£lß»L>B—The highest price Jit cash XV paldjfor good Rags also, Canvass, Bale Rope, liras* Rope, Bagging, SVoolleii Rags,.'Cottou*Waste, 4c n by j . J W CHADWICK, i jnns I ' yvaynott.betweenpcrinamlliberty NOTICII— All persons having claims against oftr hrm will please present them’ for payment, anil UiD'O indebted to us not settling their accounts oefor before thii 25th irul., will be dealt wjlh according to law. jwilff •£._ . AtNCKER A MAYEIL I}RODI>CE-Ono boxes and S 3 rul» W Jacket*; . otxiu lb* prime Kentucky feather*,* 00 bids prreiise Stml; So kc«»'Nt>l lard; & bushels ciuvcrsecd; 12 do tiuioibr seed, far sale by ja3l . , ' / -CABSOX &• McKNIUIIT, Bth at! Vmbtlm iron Work*. • * LKIVIB. Cw-, manufacturers of oil ci-, zus linri s*broi t lluiler Iron ant) flails of 4ke beat quality;. Warehouse,sl waterandlos w awUlrwlo £trv *■ O Goods Moose iu Philadelphia. Oue dcquaiuled with tbo western anthuortherh fran'a andOhiu trate would cootaabd a mod salary—far farther paruetalary itmoiie of - . ; V ‘ OV MORGAN.' -Pi|>«bßrjtk,l)c.cao,M7.. ■ -"V~ .»• - ■ ! TyKßfCMEttY—Hxtracts of Verbena, patchoa* X ley, Violet.' Jockey .CJuli, Milliileur, bouquet d« Caroline,‘and .Muxk. larftc I'crtum*. lihs<. froin £3 cts. Fur stile by JOJLN U AIOIUMN, jat No. U3| Wwd st. WBAPPiM PAPKR . L'AU. bundles s*. t*. 51- aud I).C. straw paper; . 150 . •• .Medium Hag, t .. . s • ' SO ’ ’•* t>. .Medium Hnr-hvurv; fiir sate try octlfl_, _ KUYNOLitS AtiMtUS.: DYi: WOOlW—l.iibblii chipped* opyr»o(l;7i; do grid IbU do chipped Kusilc, 1W) db ground' camwood just received amt lor sale by : It A FAIINI>fOCK t CO. jot_ trout tls: f\ KOCKfUuS-SM) boga. prime, freed VX eh.*sj»"4nd half chu»t* iruaircrjytt'praKiso boxes- I-Vlo* 5» a »t> lumps tobacco, W k«*j£u twist do. \vttli» (♦ciicrolassoronen?of etocenes for uH?by. : *»V ■ ' - -JM* . ■ ’ kopksckhs rttiirwjiw r^iveTiJ, . £)Packet Vbift SaranaUj 4 task vtiptacerv’dast tJieel Files, comprunnf tcaery gederaiossoruaem. . uieaijcobwv of hUctiaisv* a>ui erHiumeraaencially POIXPEXTEB? k- Co. i nUUSHKO AN& VUT.TKiarKD SL’(»AR-JO Wjl ATPS~4O. f»ie* mul7 cuk»,juitrce’<i*itl OHbfttWljy •:• tSP Vu.HBOXMfOHSTtCo, ! TJtO cold bUfl'tCUatonfiitWce) infers»&° rid! Vi 7/ >,V •#*'; V! ;.:W V- -.-:«J’.U i' ; j,• U ‘ ‘ ' *" t-* e *■ -ft. S' MS—' Si' VOL. XV, NO. 15ft HATS. CAPS AND BONNETS. ■ r*'" FASinoN for Aim-MS,” j ri* .'m.corVV-k.ho’, >4! . v.- HATrKRH, • - - ' .-Tr caaxra orwobn xxn rtFiHirntxKTa, umaarttir, HAVE received their Autumn stylo. ot Hi ts, to .which they respeetfoUy'invite tha attenton of, Iheircuitoraem and citizCrw, Rcuefally. ' sepll ■rn*> NBW INVENTIONI-PATRNT MIL raCIRCULATKR AND HAT PROTIXrTOfL>-rhe will inlrodocd on Saturday, Ort. Uth. (Jrmremeti wishing a hat trieil with this dcurabw ant- win (draw call and examine. 1 • - i | . i i - ALFRED KEHVJL, Practical Hatyr. j octQ ' jfig.lteadofwot>d»t. FALL has hjeerr- / Jed from New York, the Fall style of HaUjwhieh '«S%he will introduce this day. Saturday,' Aug.p!Sth. All urose' in want of a neat' auil superior hat would do well td call at No. <5, AVood Street, 3d door above 4th. aug-Jstf ... FALL FASHION, lb47»— t I w COSTAR’S Style Gentlemen’* Hat* will W ifitro a%dured at Rxsvn.'s on TAiursday, August (ienuemetf wishing a cheop^Takfaionahle-liat of burgtßnanufaeiure, ahead ofVashionable Hats import-, ed *n\l t ad verti *cd bjr tome of the traded ease chit at -' augghf . , ■ . . . ISL head of wofetj A SDMHBB FASHION FOEHATS JUST..received from New York; the: Summer fin Style for. han, eonsittingof AA'hite-ReayerJ.Fcarl and IVhite' Freueh Cossimere llau,-with.Yeutßatora. Thom Jn’want of a beautiful, tight Hat are respehtfully invited to eaK.. EMOORR-.j tnaygd - 1 . ■ ' 75 wood»U3door» obov4 4tH ; LITERARY- 1 j Pl|lla4clpU»: CoUcfge ;ef Medicine, ' JRrflA, South of WalhtUttrteL ..L, I . Tim SPRING AND SUMMER COURSE OH LEC TURES FOR 1549, will be commenced odMondny, March i Oth, ISIS, aad he 'eohtintted four mouths, by the followiiyrFaculty; ■' ' ,::i | -i" JAS f AfeCLLNTOCE, M. D, General, Special and Surgical Anatomy. / ... j R.~ BURDEN;-“M. D-, Materia Medica and;Ther kpeatie*. - - : • ■r. . DP. GARDENER, M. D, Chemistry. ' - HETVRY GIBBONS, AL Ik,. Theory and Preclicd of filedieine, ' { LOUJS -H. BEATTY, it D, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. 5 JAMES McCLI.NTOCK, M. IX, Principle! andprae tice of Surgery. * j HENRYGIBBON'S; M- a, Institutes of Metladno and Medical Jurisprudence. i . S, R. MeCALYWCK, M. IX, Demonstrator of L\n»t-' ooar.' RICHARD BURR, M. D n Prosector of Sorjrer *. • ' Fee for the full course, ®70.. Fee for those wbq h ":e attended two full courses in other Colleges- S4U. j M *. riculstion to bo paid once only; $3.. Graduation 4 1», Practical Anatomy, including Recapitulatory Lcdtures, flit. The Dissecting Rooms wilt be opened on the 1st 1 - of Msreh. , .-From arrangements now pending there Is every rep-' son to hope.that the chain of Institutes of-Meuiclne. and Anatomy will be occupied by disiiaet-Proftsiora at an early period.' ‘ i- • ForftmherlnfonnotionißQuireof- I l ' j JASU2* JkIeCUiVTOCK, M. Dutr,' . ~ ,!70. I North Eleventh Stmt ihia, Dce.g, IM7, jan4. j •. KeetlTed >t M. A* Klntr**, - | . . • ATOUBtothe Bivcrriaguenay in Lower Canada, by Charles Lauman. ' Manr Stuart, Queen of Scots, by Alexander Dumas. Insubordination, or. the Shoemaker's Daughter; -an American story of real life, by T. 9. Arthur. I -i l tarry Martingale. or Adventures of a whaleman in the Pacijte Ocean, by Dr.,Laui» A. Baker. . < , The Market Queen, or the Wile's stratagem, by Mrs. Eliza Sheridan. . - ' \ . “ Bom Sbmerirille, or a Husband's Mystery su a wife's Deration, ;by author of “The First False Step,* l } with numerous engravings, • ) . The Death Ship, or the Pirate's Bride. Chapman's American Drawing Book. j • Ancient Monuments, History, Ac, by R. Gliddon. ' • . Animal Magnetism, by Alphonse Teste, M, D. , 1 - - The Swiss Family Robinoon, or Adventures of a Fa ther and Mother andfoor sons in a desert isthtid. -,t.. The Pharmaceutic Practical. Recipe Book for the use of druggists, by F. A. Souillanl. ; Blackwoods Magazine for December. ‘ Living Are, No IU2. • r Taylor's Money Reporter, Jan. Mill. { Greco's Works.the Reformed Gambler, fresh . A splendid uriiclc Genilcmen's Visiting CariU,large sized; For sale at M. A. Miner's. jaotS -February Jlayaslnes.' J IbRCEtVRD AT M A MINEKTi, riniiibfleJd street XVIM door Iron second: ? (lodey's lady's Book torFebritary.' i | National Magazine do - ; t Graham's dq . ' do- !5 Vhlon • • • do ; do 'All thp above, are equal if not superior in l|icir,rmt»el lishraents, to the previous January numbers. ' i - Thu Last zif the Fairies,! a new‘noret'lry 'G F R .James,E*q. , Tlt*_ Disgrace to She Family, by W. UJoncbarJ Jurrold. With illustrations by I’iiu. ' .* Rrian o’L4»i, or luck is everything, by W 1J Max well, Esq. The Cpnquest of California' arid New Stexiio/in the . and '47, by Jane* Madison Cuiu. Jane Eyrtcdiied by Currer J>U. TboSconryeof Venice or the l»uaa|,bv Dennis lUnnjgmi CLatnbehr Miscellany, No ii. I9U. l*ou» Book for die Million. r <?hambcr-of the! Trv - Mew and Valuable Book*.. UNBErfIftXED Coincidences in the writing both of .the Old and Testantenfi nn argument of their Trr *s nyi with an appendix, containing undesigned co-‘ inridenresbetweeuthb Gospels and Act*,; and Jose*, phtu. By Hey. J W J. lUsnt, ,Q. U. First American, from the second London edition- i - •.TTio Rrrors of MorfftnThftdeUty illtmratrd and re* luted, by S. M. Schrnurler, A. Mi, pastor of thu l.r*t Lutheran Church, (•crmhnluwii Pa. - .'bacreil J’lulofOi-hy, <rflth« S<A»tis: Illustrating the l >e . r i?. c v , L ol l* l in ,lhe phenomena of the year, in toar roniifleffininihrirtmfle dewed to each •caaou. Br Her-Hatifjfi-ttwsw& Jho Chalmer a l Mi*cei.aniea J embracing Review*. Faaava, awl Addresses. By Ihe lrieThotaru Chalmers, D. D. The above with a Urge variety w'.’new and standard work*, for sale low hr ELUUIT k KN'GIJSH, 1 lass - - 'X market si. between Dam! 4th. nHHIBTMAII A»& WEW YEAR’S AK- GIKf BOOKS, Ac., Ac, at eastern prices, leaflets or Memory, and illuminated auuual lor la-ti. Ora* of ths Season. for ISIS. . Flower* Personified, - do. y > Rose, or Affection's Gift do. Christmas Blossoms. Phe Parable* illuminated—bound in Berlin Iron. Poems of Fitx Green Hallock-^illuminated; Rough and Beady Almanac. Thompson’* Sca*«n*—eleyaniJy itluntnited A l»und. Uemraiih'* Poem*. do. du . Sonn'f Hour* of Childhood. Moored Poetical Works—splendidly illustrated and bound. • . - :. Byron’* Works, do. do' S“ deiidid Porl Folio*. of cap. letter and note size*. rgantly bound Pocket and Family Bible*. Rosewood wridngdeik* and work boxes!' Globas of 0,10 anil IS inebea diameter. For sale by JOHN 1L MEM-OIL _ddS ' ■ • gl Wood it. §»jwrb Aaaaalyad Giftßaok*Tor 1 8 *S. —The Charm; a terie* of graceful and elegAnt color* group*; with descriptive illuiirationstby Rljiqbclh Ellet, bound in scarlet cilk, iuid splendidly gilt.. Leaflets of Memory;, an, illuminated annuaffor IMS:, edited hr [Reynell Coate*, M.’ D-; superbly bound, tic* gamlyiiJaimaated and illustrated. • • . Friendship’! Offering, for IMB, elegantly bound pul niuitrmed,hjr*plendia engravings by Saftaini ChjUlian KeepiakCi niw Mi*»ionarvAßnuai,forlWis; bound in Arabian morocco, and illustrated by 0 beauti ful tneztotiat engraving* by Sartaio. •; ..The Rose of Sharon, a Religious Souvenir, for 1M& edited by Mi*.S. C. Edferton Mayo.' ; The Hyacinth; orAffertion's Gift; a Christmas, New A ear, and Birthday Pit tent, for Ibii . Gift of Friendship; a token of Retnembranoe for IMS. •: The Mayflower ah Annual for tMB; edited by Mr*. F- Oakes Smith; bound in elegant embotsedmorocco, andTmbeUuhedwithiupetbengraviuga, frowtdrawings by the be*t artist*.' . . :*• 7 The Voung LaoyVQitupanicn, and Thien of. Affe ction. i . . _'; . . , _ . . , The above, together with a large supply of Poetical, Floral, and other work* bound in the most superb and eottly. style,.*uitable\ for. Christmas and Neur.Year Gifts; for sale by JOHNSTON * STOCKTON, • daflt • s •' eor.Marfcet A3dtt*. Dictionaries, Greek, English, cias. at cal, fee.— .■ . . AnUion’s Classical Dictionary; • ’ ' '’ 1 ' Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; . . M’Cullough'* Cotntncreial Dictionary} Ute's Dietionary And Sopplcmjut, aru,‘manufactures and mines; •. i ')eb«sJ » Octavo Dictionary. Tensed edition; Todd's Johnson’s and Walker’s Dictionary; ' Woree*ter'* Dictionary; ,y. IJddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon; Robinson's Greek Lexicon of New Testament: Levered’* I-atin l;exfcan; Ainsworih’sLatin Dictiawsry: ; , - Meramlng ond Tibbin’s Frencn Dictionary; - Buek*a Tbeologiofll Dictionary!'' r L'tiioaßibln IhcUonary;,, Roblusan Colmefj Dictionary, Ac n Ac. ] Thoabove', witli a general aMortmeittofTheolo-ical, Classical. f Mlsee)lmnepus, and Sunday School Books, al ways on band and for sale low, by' 1 . t ... KLUCTIT A ENGLISH, ' / Merknj sb,betKeeattA4th. . - Haw Pohlleatlona. » ~“ MILTON'S POEMS, illustrated, llanos new edition oTthe-Poetieal works of. John liiltoii, with a memoir, and critical remarks on his getuqsanrf wri* tings,' by Janie* Montgomery; mu! one hundred bud twemyengruvings from drawing* by, William Uarvey. In two volume*. ' i Br*»na> GamTnrrxxkitT.—'The'four Gospels end Acw of the Apo*Uea, ; ie.Greek r :wUb English rioies, critical, philosophical, and yxegetical; hum, iudcje*; ete^togeiher-with tfie Episdei’BMd'opoealypse; the whole .forming,the New Testameßt-hV :the um of I** Kf ' - I .'« IV«fto:-1Ub of Bemrtthe Fourth, kulg 01 F'rattcc. and .Navarre, By G..P. R. James. Complete In four pan<pap«r; 2 vols. eloth. . . r jCiHfBTON AiSTOCKTpN, _ l a M° •: BooksclTers, comer of market aiul Gd »t» - thd.Grcvk'.Kev- A-iOluboufaiid oflhe 'war* «nd cainpalgrii -arMug fromibeatusggieao^ska,Gtcek-l’alrioL* iaemkncipn. lingilirir eownir/ troinih- Tuikisfa Vokc-riu twb.vi*!-' utne*|-#pieii<lid cb’jy with buineroiic lantilund cugia* yim;-.; , u. V ' letters* illustrblive of the reign of William HI, from rtlfl ponfatu,tn '2 volg: ; ; Coiapdmon to thostudvVlhq.lfoly Scripture* - . . Harry Mowbray, thrillng, romance, with Au eagra 'VfogyV ‘ 1 lou; ia tho lloly. Land, French Stage, and Shctehci sptMr . . .... ' . Ktmarketstrcet Ulktti DKVk. BOOIiB.-ll*rpM UrihMi, •' ' lewsmilktO PR Jiot*ln«# «»b, -,. Jt*riff»,BHh* Teiwwb of l.ihsrty*. ■ ! Chrisfophtr,Tadpole, hr Albert Smith. , - i-Ceamsdsrof MriUtdltfstnisd.' • • -Cosalsuof Morio«.>rF,*«>h*,Eiq, • ’XeaHdi ofMcaieoi' hyOs*. 8- Lippahß ftvihsunly. ; • tiUtottlaes for- New -Ma*e; jasr. reesiroftr >VM.B.CALDWELL, r ~ sttfl IhirJst. - Iftjj OIU eootuunty on j«nl3 .id at mail by JOKL MQHLEn • -..,r i -y 1 *s. For the PiUstmrgb Christian Ad voctjlc. the missionaries among the wbians. £• further account of*the Missionary anit other'tabor anting the liiJiaaiS) l am, 00l be- uninteresting to the reader* * "Ol’lhe-Advocate: ' 5 ""' 1 £ rtxeive UrgD sums.of jmoney from we* interest'upon tho • purchase nioney lor lands they have’sold- • -Jne Government owes life Sics acid Poxes $1:000,000; Uie Winnelvigoes, $1,185,000; 4iio Pottawatomie^*$643,000 ;-Ihel.Crecks, §350,000; the Kanzas,s2oO,obo; die Sioux tj/ Mississippi,: $300,000 y the Chippowas tipd Ottawa*, $200,000; tho fees and. Foxes of Missouri, 5175,000; .the Jowas, $157,500; the .Senecas of New: York, $75,00p; tho wages, §69,120; the Choctaws, 557,200; the Delawares, 546,089.. Inwall, fof these tnbe5,'55,273,100j all of which is invested at 5 per cent.,and yieldsahmtercst of §265,655 per annum. These annuities are paid oftener in their value in goods 4han in - cash. 1 ': - ' : -v ' v- a good many facts to send you of av miscellaneous character,:; and ..selecting them from, a very, large .volume of, official reports, j must...ho.' excused- for grouping them without any ragard to appropriateness qf. subjects, ’ ' ZiCherotees.—t There are. among .theso^peo- Sle native-tw well as wWte preacliere,— rethrenoof different denominations meet < together \l -appointed-camp-meeting*,’ and , labor;in concert of action to promote the •auso of religion. The American.Boanl of Foreign Missions have four stations in this 1 nation. The Methodist .Episcopal,; Church the nation has ten preachers, live of them whiles and five natives. The Baptist Mis slbh supports two schools.. /‘ 1 _ yChuxasaips.-~Tlm tribe Is represented as • Irving ih a fine country, with- a~chahning and ad improving ,in morality and irjdustjy, and it is related by thb Govem riieni as.“ an astonishing; fact*’’ that the fnll - blbods show the same anxiety to harp their . children educated as tho^haifr Tho .Agent of this tribe hopes in a few years to three . institutions 1 : bf learning among the Chickasawsj. and then puts forth this appeal: •i.h“-At this lime there are no preachers of aiity denomination urthe Cluokasaw district, yfbibh'lregret very much,'for there ‘certainly isiJroom for some of,these, good people, and subjects for .them to teach . the everlasting trUlnsofthe blessed gospcL J? 1V.,- iVCrwb.—The Agent says -.that, when ho wbnt ampng this.tnbe; nine years since, ho foimd prostitution, poverty,-gambling,-ca rousals, religion scoffed ’Bt,atidedncation ' deimised. with tho gradual disappearance off the game came mdnstryj and‘with’indus try every- moral ,and mental improvement. - They, are now exporters of-grain.-and raise cattle. They sold -100.000 bushelsof com year, most of wmeh lreland, «andl,OoO head of pork, irith large 'stbcks of cable.. Inlemperanccj hdwbyer, TnKraynnrh ' bfthe good which otherwise-would ; bo- done, —rdnd:asa singular-anomaly, sonift of the Cfeeks are alayeholderst’ i Sfnitnofej.—This iaa angular tribe of peo ple—stoical, coldj" and’ sometimes' cruel.— : They show .uaregariTfor ciyHizatipn, and desire lobe receded.aa.-bcyond -tSa palo ofciyilization. 7 *- fit issaidby. theirl-Asent, that othor. people make serious charges Provhlence : for theirmisfomines,' trOublesj or wanti, but the'Sermnoles never the “ Great in jury, l)ui..give.him'the fjldc of. tho ac coUnt,- and. leave!", kdahultee, io answer. fdr debit. ‘ v; • jCamarichaj The laws of Texas' <lo not acknowledge that the | Indians'* hkve 1 any right' of.soil, aiitl 1 the ranscqifenee is. continual eueroaclunents are- made upon this They. feaV jhatrtheir hunting such will no; doubt bo the cake in time. The Caddoes, Wacocs, and many other wild tribes, of Indians, inhabit a cowuiy contigu ous, to that held by the' Camanches. They liVe mostly on.' horses and ihttles,and are uninfluenced by any'.nj'oral dr ; Sdcial'obli gtOions. ‘To ’murder oi' st'erd 1 are' hot dbeni ed'eriminal offences, and "thifereart* ncpun ishiueiitsfor such crimes. lndi-' an? are homeless, though owners-of an im mense soil. and.the Govemmentjrfor*reu ses best known lb those whoa aHmmi«t w ll& department of the public servicer,have defined it wise to make no promises for the future in regard to soil.;’ ’ jThe Otioiras arc a wandering tribe of In dians. They have,, however, a small colo- composed of those of whoiri it is said by their Agent, that 'they are regular in'their dtlendhhce upon public worship -twice on eqph Lord’s day, are neat in their appear ance, anil seem to pay good attention to the - services of the resident teacher ond mission ary, who preaches the Gospel to them by an interpreter; conducting, however, a good pah of the worship in their own-language. The bishop ,of the diocese has lately , pro cured for. the mission a Aiall but very fine toiled organ, with.which the : Indians' are much pleased.. By means of this, tho chaunts.of the. church'tiro performed in tlieir. ownlongue, or, in the wards of the resident missionary andteacher/‘ the orean h?S been made to speak Indian.’” r .This new phase of refinement for tho Ihdiansj-—but there are reuny. things' In con tract- The proneness of . Indians .to vynhder from point to.point, arises hot alone from. thi?ir migmt&iy habits or inclinations. : They • would become permanent- settlers,- if r ih© Government would, only secure Acm in thbir settlements. Thus one. of the Agents, afjpetroit writes 1 -: j They-despair of ovei obtaining a per*. raiment location for themselves and tiieir posterity, where ; they shall not be importtmed and give placd 'to the : >Vhito min. Hence uational'as ’kveli as'iridjyxdual mitircß to' exertion' are r wanting, 1 and the. cHipf care with many is to supply present yarns and enjoy the gratification ofthe day inconeemed about the consequent's of to norrow. Hence also, it is, thatthe; ties of ove and affection-, which unites- them to ' heir, children, being naturally ;.very strong ” hey.are not .willing to be long, deprived of ' Ihtir presence}.and. thjisj whithersover "the r parents wander, ,the children mast wTtVyfer ■ \vith them. Wejre it not for tho iiiiiluence ol)bnr religion, which conscientiouaTy obli ges them to.care for the edacauon of thcir c M dl «*V^ oCo^d Imrdly'get them their childreiuo school at anytime**; 1 - • Agent * ai': Sank St. Mario wntea to;%w..aw:.thorpf'34 half and foil-blood churchmemberp—l7of each sei : or<U . inc<l ™ni«er>,4 one blood nah’O Msismm. who nriachc, lo tlio class .in ; thc atnence of an.onlaintilnutt ;Hfter.- .. ‘ !J; .OHoo ami' Omahmra.—A' g'aoa ildii of .Missionary labor has' been expended upon %ese Indians. • The Board of Vtihiign MlS wons navo sent out preachers— preaching asthe fustelement bf ciTinatibn; ; apd secondly. tbey.providevehaterei mtatal aiid physical improvement. theyare.abto to f:- 1^. ,,,1^ a 6 , V e5 *-“Manual labor has been in tfocpiced. ainong lids. tribe. >yjth cqrdplplo succe«*. ajid gewuig.ure common deployments uruong the YVumefcogoe giria, and tlM»••superintendent"declares "that te iho fault of the teachers rf Hub tritxraro riot civilized tPottmcalqmia.— Here/too/ia'an* inconr- • ».- iK'ng' record Iron, Baptia* Missionary . i aiuoiu; those Indiana: . , v ., diUd.Tii arc room sprajiitly, ot :pro ‘“ur° bom. natural* encWntiLls, fian nenoc,my.opinion .is ihaithediffi* 4’ Ues rail'iTa vVant of mental capacity or' pecoliaritv of dumicior, butm the- tfla hal' S ' "““itff him:ftnqi K, IXSdV ? " Wio ttotdd ihinfr of in? , S S C or lelleh «« ourciifes where e.aban d onoil aonsof dceanhol* Ihoirmid : ntgturevejsl and yet it woold id a> castfto ' l . bwtruction-..there, jMjherq,? As WHLmight the government expect: tiw u?se • tP Wo°m>on a burning kiln..as ihal .morals, .;■ ■ ietlew or rebgiem could be uingfil nmid die deamsof alcohol.*’ * \ . “/* *- i v The,women of Iho country br>j c W£Aj(ly [appealed to by the icar.hcr’to • il4w raco of. the family.’’'aiihev ■ are called, i There are also among this tnbe - i l>on of a Catholic church, Among tbe *' [rias there aw many Catholics w ;, t \ J '•' 2-' yj-t r ,-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers