The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 31, 1848, Image 4

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    77 'MEW-BOOIM. ’ j~"
' ‘ 1 1 w 'hr Uiumaaked; bye. P.
~ . find., „ r tlu , J orKjlray . Lj
; i ~ Mw, aallu>r of s Likim™, a i. ' ■
j « Jto. by
I .Qnkrfar.yßeriew.
,1 ■
' of Joseph T. Hare— a large aupnlr
U«p.- Clrl—a
: nod 10. I
l«»Po^k.ri*^ ,h Van-1
* • <WI. . . J WJI S CAI.D\VEI,I„
, --- i- -- .•“,ix°pr* o «ife the Post Office. |
. MW Z ! i * 'h® lowing j
5.4 l
*ndtta P u fc tihuabna ■«! JA«rin“h
MTnVr 110 ”* of Gen. Price at Santa Fe; witli a I
S6S • I “S ht *> A BtrrUie l
SnS^ftTS 1 ”'*[ ,on l' lj»„ l
~ I,w* "" 1 p. l *"? vr Om. C. nirtar, 1, alamo I ‘
= : ' deel I ;
OJ Oemi of .Sacred PoelW:
- "■T™* illa.irationV
iUamJnßtol pare*: liy Sc
.bound bTurt-ymorwcco
. foe ChrixtUa K*ei>ai(
. . releudul mezzotint engrav.
aoeaqno morocco.
.Cbrlilmu liioAtoaii an
iS*S; a small quarto roiuait
. , get, nnpelliahcd wiih'tpleif
V^f 1 * itlt ,h « niott l„L
. UMed in llic.fnitcir Stoic*. 1
>VorWt)\iver riolii.rn.ih, M. B. with
•"“•hvitrtena toipu. hy
rs Clu»s in vanoo* 4yle. of bimW. 8 ’
JSg “" i r ”«T Vf VL W. Gri»*
The Poru and Poetry or the Ancienu. hv \Tslir.m I
Shakspcare'x u >. u
i HetulW, Sacred Mountaink.
,_T?, e ® Preat variety ofothcrticw work*,
jiff#* 1 ■**» »Cb. u di«., mumUo far sift book"*!}
— ?=5L_—_^®??i i ‘s l is«TjpoJiMarket&3drta.
-^».^ TalnaWe Slfl ndaS Works.
ofhB *“ *”o*l ftp,
'■ ™vi. PUJ ***r*nta»oo wood. r 1
'jM«y retaining beatflifidlr tx>U
•nd of Xenix America. tU. E*2, Canada HTert,
* 1 v?lsf*fe.Tg7» America,-
; , “ 4 ■“ 8ule » ««* Tetris
funtoa*—Tlwlhiriory «r the ’Puritan* from the
wfaMtey ia.1517, to the rrroluticm of lr6a, o»mpri»att «
* - £frS?«Lu2f d CbottlOj M w**T«traiui, (tccij
. « fa relation to the Oeam
~'^2Z'jS£Ss&S& ta & S::s
the Sea, bemgaflccting nanalloai of shipwreck*,
■b^!T. 1 |?. 8 r t * t T'' n>e J «T“ n * Speaker, eomprwog
egweatary mjq ua«tmw ta deelaaalicß. with a^elec
* ""THa abort worki reeei red and far ale by
-._ Mt , Book»efl»r.,eof market-’’’H «U
ea^er * uet »'fnt Piano Font*,
JLL MJ. W.-Woodwell *, $5 Third Street The
J™?,??* ®f «“™ed.nt hour*, ami the aul.ecri-
KP M U K' y er * imm ‘f 10 A7M.anafm.u4to
each day. • T Piiub - ff , Ocljß, >4O
•Sfejjf •'?»W iafonn Ihe ciljztnaar
Vicinity that we have appointed Mr. 11.-
PJ o * i:n p for tMn for the
•ale of oor Piano Fo nr*. frAm whom they may be ob
tained at oor own (New York) price*.
: w ‘ V - I *NUNXS k. CLAJIK.
_Wgwjj»rk. Sent.-,).
•A 6E£AT CIJRE, performed by the original and only troa
Aand ramaa Liter Ml, prepared mi sold by R B SEL
Mouta* Factcxt, Westmoreland r*~)
«r'» - July lath, 1847. <
Kr. R. E.
“ThnaW* Urtunooyla &rcr of yourjuttly
celebrated Lmr Pill*. I hate deterred doiac »far itxrL
•£"“«*? DmtCroekeU’amaxim,“be .areyouarerkhij
, uragoaMa. Mert of the many preparation of r.»aviei
aad aaaekc, landed to the ihiet,hire sank into obUrioauere
mr Lirer PiJ« barebcea.ofiertd to the pob'k, end, indeed,
lbelwT* they wdl'•sort he them aU,” as they are jut what
*3?" t *’** to *« V I hart been nfflitted with Lirer
..Complaint Com my youth: haw angered muck employed
- K* 7 mlaratnhTskiiu, to whom I paifi mucha£*>e7;h;, e
i ■“* k,oo sfoaitedand physickedalaorttodeath;
; aerate 1 5 or fl Umes, sad Aaally gmn up u incurable. l„
; JK8.71 wm mdneed fa try your Lirer PHI*, aad 800 N GOT
w J&Ll*. On* box ef ttfamh u aow fuficieat to krepme clear
ejmpjom*.far at Icut
: l»maMhx. Your Fill* artnleothebeeteatfcartfclereruaed;
. r»P®C«wrTU*mueb*lekaew at the ifam
* haee kepttbeai ia my store
far 0 «r 7year»j eold bandied* of boxes, tad bare aerer’
"“P l *** utfated bjf any one who ha* used
Wfa.; Theyhare superceded almost erery other pill iothii
neighborhood, and in a abort time will banish them all I
mfaWfalljrwommnrt -them to all person* Mediae phyife.
whether far Liter CompUiat or Biilioer a4&elion? *| mm
' ' CAUTION—A* there are other Pill* Wtoe’ibe publte
cau*» Liter Fills, pemw w bo want the QENUIWB Aoold
■into aad taka no other than thfe prepared aad sold be It
E gELLEIt3.No 57 irood.t betw«T-?bi,d
.Boldby Dt.Caiul, Vifth IFard, DM Cctar,AUr*W
at 7‘ Ls
“ ; ' DR. aLTKUATJ vYL
. WehaTebeenlnfonneOyMr*. Kowof aeurcner
fcrmedoßber byDr.J*yn«'« AitormtlTe.which
■■ *«P«* , ® r »y S rer ?™y wberrtnredy of the
two* iBbe hi* Lock afflicted tor tho lu*f lixteen rear*
■ W«* Weertuon*and enfolittioit ofvarioß*bonc*.do'
. *wwhicn uae many piece* have keen discharged from
• • wa. frontal bone of me cranium, from both her atm*.
yn«a and hands, and irom. both legr, and from the left
; f bone,andfrom the right knee, besides painfal
.. of her pe«on, which have bafaed
v. u* «Ul©f aaaaberof lbe.mrme«irjentphyjiciaesof
Mi.eltv—daring most of die lime her aafferingshare
axeraaen* and deplorable/: About'three month*
:•••*-*i2fVr°T B s indo « d , » try Dr. Jayne'* Alterntme,'
.. weh ha* hadan aetooUlungly hnppy effect upon her.
' swelling*,and cao«tn* the
... nicer* to heal, while at the laraetime her gencrarbealih
■ “*becoaao»Jnj>Jeu:ly restored, so that the now weighs
*5 .kuHS.? tha <“* ***>'« *he comcneneed tho u*e
. . ofjhittroly vatnalilcprepanon,—{rat Kve. IW , •
-w^\i a S'» ,Ka ° rCTI - v^ST ?, B J E '
• j* rfcjzvllANTii nperiot to t'l other itaejict for
" BroochUk, AUbm. Md other Pulmo
■ ... . £****• "*■ PctwmwbocoantawJ th*
;. »•«« h JW tnwlto t*o jw *5O *tUt t >nkr it lo *ll
' * TO*/ *** ■ h **-* r,Tr to • r»liw> them, oad w^-h
..-jpuruK. 0 - axbuw j. bcscas.
IAU Be** & BkepanL
iCCffM fc COMiiSSIOS JJBRcfcim
~ . ; ; <ai ike old »uad of Seay & Shepard.)
•••; • - V - Nukrllte, Tertoe«ee, *
■ U/UX give pioßPttad fttliifat mention to (be ail
„ *" «<“ Dry Goedi.Urocerie*, and Merchandize ren
«»D)r« Tbey feel prepared id mend (oaJl ibedcnui
. VKfitaaf ikeir btttloeu efficiently and <(deaticy i n no
ffiftgdaforlbeir own aeeonni)*eip«rtial/jr.
. itfcr to &L Atlen,"* Co; J. W. Uaiier 4 Ca, Pi:u_
"Bit.-": • : deegACtp
Urd Oil.
THE taderMfeJ ire now prepared to fnrnlih their.
ewtocoers »od the public gtnernlly.wiih u excel
lest enlele of lArd Oil oftbmr own maavroetaic. which
they wUleellea weewtnodxtinyterme. I'lbeiiOilibeT
Relieve to be ix rood axuay offered in the raafke;,an<i
air bo rataneaif not «at>efv»®*7* ••
k ' lBliberty,et,opho«tfl*mJihfiel4
': F, &-rLatd end Grease ratable fer.nochiserjves
far xtto aborc. / ' . f : nv&
'» i.r ■■ CABO. . ..• j
• A- SI aatnow engind in Uw loportaxioa of Bnwrf'es.
' «ad Oink, ejcelotivelr, Md bavisr ouule
- - «RUKCMeßWia4ifci«iU parts of Karate and Ui® !■{.
; i vadfintfcwe!) known bouea for nyfuuiie vnppiyef
IMP Lfapter*.wfcfeh 1 will lie title to sell; delivered
fottfee CtMMi Uont»o( New York or New Orleans or
■ • aii!seity,atlhe lowest market price f*r eua or *>
:• • provedpaper/-Ikavoiatoremt eeUara vrrylario
. MDCkorrerynpenerWlseiaodLiqaorse* imported:
• of ttoteoecceiebrcted brands and riatafeafor saJeoo
• flawUrleaMhr • ' I* U MAMIN*
■ • 'wl at t mitiußeJdsa^. 1
I7UIII ' TBA**Jtt»t received i Uom
. J?..FkisslpW« aad New \c*k l’eklnTeacWinr 1
' »Orred and BlackTßaa,'.««inpiL i ]2
:*a*il*wtar . .. i|.. - ¥
-• ' Mjw*. Pinepoloc*; *
xxPute.ds Kx.P me do ..
J . . ' Barer Leanir*®* . tWondSneeboot
**: Extraloedoj . »Wli»ii*B«akf(iw; •
'VErtrfftMOaepowief, IVekw Flowers;
ExtraFiaelmpefca/j wane flavored.
' ; JW JMvtfft* tore been selected with (mi fire
’ hesfiadt**lnihocdßt,aodwiObe*o7d
«• fMr ttiM as (*a be kad V any (dfaer boase ia tUs
>€rtT«- -■’* ■- V JAMES UIiAOK '
• - JteM eoraCToftaWandMiifafteld at*
S!l _ FA*****! FOB S4UU.CaJ«b'
Ulmr,rmealUka,*lkfkaiTW<M UUUu
*MM MMra» tor Storw »o tori alter, u> Mod
; «u onlor.
i-i” p‘-&
-* ! *\'' ’.iffilfcrMfriJfr.niMn- »f.'.i.i.h f r. '"-r, -■—•>—«^»f.r l -,t¥'ff v yV--f : .-..--i---LJ ir - *’v ..•••: ..a--
KSSLSrIirV 11 “’" "f cltitao, EiS led
iMSIf iftyiSg l P" 1 ""- ■ M * “d t*ed Ultra,
t?‘'&° lm 'y •“*"*** ("rairtiJ on.hon W!
mtiJ I?"i. °«er <°’ Mill Ge.rieg, Iron
,' SlellJ a Pipe lor heeling E'acionrl. Com
flro V ; ‘"r 0W ?*^ 1 ' Mi 4 f»oor Coolings generally-
Srafrdi'.t'ifr l V * ff "'iioo*o of J, I'eSSei t Co.-, dib
w/ ••reel, w<ii have prompt aiirotion.
. __ Rare* n
wf,” B C ,,““f.5: r r JI * «*vf * MoorkeodtCo, G E
#? r Jl e f* John Irwin A Son*; Pitulmxrh. -
| _k_^.« Jlt Warner. SicubeavilhL. ’ j.nto .
E co-pAKTarKKaii ip aoncK.
f/P 11 ENS ® r , w teejir*. B. F. SboCTber*
h * J.A. Stoektoncfritwbergfc,
«d F* 1 u,t ®e°“P*«ow*U» under tty !e
■nd firm of Stephen*. Bhornberger £ Co, nl Use
Aoehorlron Wort*, Wheeling Va.,for thepurpoaeof
«anof*eumng iron mid nail* of every deaenpiKW.
W&tt£n?. Va>
taFiran end
eh f^ c *r«W «a* ail eo- Being eon
ereted wrih Bhocnberrer : i Old Jcaiaia Work*, we can
°f JcfliaiMron (branded Shoenberaerl
equal to an y made In the country. All of which wm be
™l^M itUhcrKh » ,i ; i « s - WaTeWeifScWoVK
comer of Monroe and Water atrrcu. myj|
f. a
*l/^o^°^^. arran sen;eau in thecoa
ftruction of newj machinery, and in. wearing the beat
workmen from the moat. felehraied c»uliiiSmenu of
the Rack aro now maufacUmag and will keen Mn
suuulyo a hand a«d f or ti 3 S» re "jjjg* s??‘
mg»v*,*d tbco,clTc»«f the Ute,t improvmen*.
ere dctcrrauted that in workmanship and material they
will not be cgcelled.. They promise to produce arlieSel
Thet t * , * ny >*«can tchad in iboKaa?
1 drSiCTw*? urnt: ‘«® 1 » on examSS
or their floct tiefsrc parch asm* eJaewhrm »< ik-,7T1!.
convinced thaubrvwiil be able to fill alt order* ia iheir
u i t Ucc 03 of l' nf charerr;.
at. 4 doorc W e*t Wonongahsla lloe*3, Piuslurgh,
* CL?* ?«"?“* huinfeM with XVa. Liroeaeou
it Son, will plcaso calton Lippencou A Co. ocUUly
oprn on Monday, ApruSjfj, four door* from Wood it
unaWriJoo'loAjiyna'.lVkiiiTe. SISS ’
j;,t o fcltoSSjS?" J«Ji woni wliel
aa&a ssafjfu,
fiSfiS fi.’diT." 1 ' “* **■* w "*«*
fJ’£«?i. , ! rc 2oL Twi £h B * ,rt » 44 -r nianfUctared loldy
from Whim Wheat Ficor, ajjiWreanroiaalJtJfo«.,Mery
S®™?*: ; *p3 as&SSBF
Jons a. shows .
gBBHBBTAKEg this method to inform hi* friend*
EESSF P« } J‘C a: largo that hi* Factory
BBTTB- J 5“v w iv ruJlo ,P t «lion,oa the Eagt «,de
!■ ad
• |®k *&
lima. rep«,„ 4
P e P alD P> mthoatany*ddi
nonai piopnie to .that they can ue removed in a um.
”2 e!»?7r oft " 0 - r “ d Ibc aia
a e r y» dr e . gcUdljrkwUntr
®BABOR— illuminated
. o *plendia imperial «
on Mi-t-l, lijr Sartain, and i&
: tmitz nml Sinclair, richly
»nd white calf, mperhly gilt.
'. «n animal Tor itHS; with
Y 1 ?*- hy Bartain; bound in ar>
‘l* New Vear’s Wreath for
»p. pnnioilon enow white pa
'ldulmezTotir.t engraving*.
|autiiuljuvenile »nm»«i pub*
rr>|ipctmiJy In.orm iheir frirndt and the pottlio, that
S f TKS r<l . *£ fun,i> ? a:,d Mta * lo *'ln
Vit,**Il,e 1 l,e t r P ndcrukera. Aiwa}*on htmd alarr* *»-
Co ®«* fovcrpd, lin«d eST fin
uu'f c J cry , , i p *‘ raaiujcr, all aorj* aod»««h:ady
a 1.. b, oad» of flannel, Cambnek and mDtlto. and all
«1 c r flrlc*. We keep a lards m
• ’cK‘ ‘lTn' MBJ b * c ! t ’ cor(m ’ * i;k «n«< kid lijoew,
•n,l V a P |l « , *r«r» and moornrr*, crape, cai>i, coN :
d l »P tor dre Ml n- ibe ij^d.
andoa ra Isoaal.le.tenM, an w e purchase alloprßood*
A ‘*®' " llTcr Pla»e* forcnjrnmri"
i° d a " c '
d .i ny "““-‘erof ihe twt carriage*. Every
Mll! >, ;. aHcl p e d to promptly and pnccmally. ocilly
• L/w. w. Wallace. ,
«• r i Cr.l 3L ? U !l MAKULfc WORKS,
4 ‘a®¥* «««.' ««**• «I rwl
- "V* «• ljCr*on< • wishinff to pdiclum Muielt. *»
»o ft p?« J l h *V‘ ‘’ ,> ‘ e , ncefo r tL unn eee**ary for tlnrm to
fo Kitt, jts I tan furnieb tbcio with an article jii %n
td'ioVcli*-2°^’ a . t ! d<fm S hl ’uuunuife,&. c , eonlider-
El ““ lk ™
v, c ,
rrnirAt l’itt.ffar,*, l’enita:
[ i, L- *n|>>acrilrt;r* bavin* made *rc«i improvement*
rctn^ e i c J > " <ln,r,,on of the * r poking Proves
respectful y civile persons txiiidir? to call
s •«%» Jjnsgrijtoi
i'iin Ptp. rolnwt. ■ »»r> w i.rmm
'* f? llUl niyrp ia «...
ass'seate:. -Jj?
__ * SHIRK
ivw. UeOli&bY it C©L“ ' r
WaonTai Hirers of Vials, Bottles aad W; Glass,
~ tTI , , Nq. wood street. ,
O r,,/i if/!®* ~ein K now fa f«j| are
?* !° eXecole Of'iJl* in our lino. |»nr>;Jp:lv.
v* m* w * *•«« n.lopie.l n a-CTnif
ihe\suLr^’iJh*'i! 15,t “i* 011 aw> " oTBdnow
cir tof.. ‘*\ whic, ‘ tanioat u Mpeiiot an»-
r ._,j v I ';‘ Vcr > Si* lu*«ro rainief*amJaealt»ie-n.
Z&. rt^BCB,cJ to **n »nd examine for *££.
: f », t^l-I ;^*'‘ sw ’AKK M A \ U FA CT U RK K * *
Ulrmlnßham t {n«ar IMUabara-ta,]!**.
137> ' V^
keep on band termj «•»«•
£» mem or. Ware, Jr our punllVSr^tS
cLani# nnj f;*peetfii!l)*mTitei||«, eailstaf ex
- determined to aeU
Gilcrcd 10 tbe pata
...Jonß tbe trade ih*
* lU ? 3r ;“ t ?. L0 1 ? ibeUnllau [lin#,
-fcrm..dr m (tie United Ante*. ,Ai lh!« i« oar pm**
pi.; Imimeis, lo readout i.» completean »r
ticlenrcaii (>oMildy t>e mule. 'ruo*e. euccuted ift tin
hard era te trade, wr thin*. w.USad rt to tieu7 B fciS
i» oar lluiu ia >J orders .irwnpiJr auejuietl to i
T* A UAyUNKIt A Co.]Sl,L.
JflrßL Jons heibriff *
- Sf*»i\o*-s3«n4wrn»m«u,
kTB»'IHI b * a ”J ,u Ko>*»«a«uiGnnl;
, y**» kJI itzea ca*j
fIS .... „JipQ.Uie latei improved ini
-fl| tenw#ad w*n««iied equal to
. gltr.
• oorlOdly
f '“™ ta *Wf2g&'tfg£& Dseßi * u
IUAC »JH JasE3 <l p IO( ' 0 "" '• «»'•«
rSSSSSi f'“ r ”"“' Ol “"• •»«f™- *SSi
iiippUcoiT jabs woHui
N* 1 mW’ &c> &r ,lUc w hew
nr,.r» f™T' 0 ' “ Wood,™-
toTiiS. r "“T”''“ tte •“”■*. «'»**“'••
''-^Sp^sr loll ' Ko "“*
: uiuirj.mMm Co
JlNlS 'l™ N "Fr"°™ , ° l ‘ KAO BHAIhJ
‘W" 33^ “ >»«“w. re & y i‘
nerof Marketod Waiemrceu, Pioibnrah. I
■ ™ , THOS; KKJJEDV, J r „ ;
mokiak randy Store and LoldigOlaia
! f. Hanufactunr,
Cillery ud GnahjTV pJ**’
w «!ejn tadoU»e™ QMliif.-
et.nme Hi>rc parchuinr eli ew L„?!J"®*^ , P e
All *m<h* ©fOih,M*l^^M^MViffvSl l?Uf &* u
J.«.n._rra.rt_ S ,{3di
mSufifuZ'liZ L‘^' r *'
hfl bulocoird himxeir In All<**».«i Ce
ladoeed hist to iok<f* f C juf 2.**’
il and receive a »b*ro of pnblicp«rona*e ** ,OlBcr *
Wow on baml aa4fini*hlnj to order, Xoetaway n D ,
pa, open and lop Doggie*, and event dcferloLon
Oarnoge* ude lo order, from «ceatr*five doll*™ d
•jkhthatffto. JOHN flnii-K? M ;
fey ***“*> "• »l*tt atoatiaum of &
*w p«*«>tion». I
•mm awW«uiugy.*”*» Tb» caMcct6yt4
MnHt hlStthZ^ u ™ZVC***<»*TM $c
fifj I ' i ~
fISSSm*7 wki»lsq
fflteagftSK -fesiSISSS
&•*■«*» isryssa?5 r to ,! fc '
TV. rcobuscb4 “HibbertY
tbepeunia*. oj joblie,*.
J*|*i rt flow* (ire. froa tlu pa
“ a®*"" a * fc » hoar. W
B A £uapKa J. Co.
Robert JUw,; .
Uet^inuifcDovlu 1
• ttah4BM.TUl,BoSpf
Mr Tit* I Mjli, an,HM7.
r£tl'si?S # “>. lUl ®£«H—Dearflirs I fam bcuiuia> toot
te? “*«->“* ««S!S!3ff£
H TUTTLE, Bookkeeper
tor Bimll* fc Scnplt.
. WILLUM BTE«M^. keep#r
IbrArthar Aichalacu te Co
*** J* to f* • article for
bl^ rt^^E^gEj*S“ . .V
Wllij All Ct&R, B&kkKptr
£Si^ I SK!,a>sa , £"“ "'"s
-tiAaZAJI '» PAT JtiM T lifeTus>t<VA-ri:
, , : THIS Ht Plus Ultra inproTrufiil
bM oow l>cea In tw about taro yews and wherevor it
** known, r retorted is sli other Beadsteatls.
KordieapMM,KTCMib and eonroixienco it hat not
and cannot bo equalled, as it js decidedly the best.
The principal Cabinet ranker* and Tomer* In Alio
sheny city and la Pittsburgh, have secured KSehra to
nuiibettuudKlllteuScte. A.U>cre, re ,S„“„“
oniclt. ujd ImpsTTrel iaufciton. In the Gniket, perch,
?crs would do well» examine the cut iron piaie* on
in die genuine article the nuna of the patentee,
K. F.O*xxjjt.isUivanaMyeast. As a proof of alltb?t
is claimed for Oowam’i Bedsteads, the following certifi!
ri(r^sSpSs‘r l i l ; b r.“ l ” l ' iml, “' s, '“ nd
PiMdo heretr eertlflrth,t „ h“ „
the right to manufacture bedsteads with Uazzam’s Pni
cot Fastenings, and ©onrider the Same ntvtrior loanr
fwrbiucs with which we arc acquainted!* T
James Lcowui; •• i, John JUHJrew
T ■SJZS** 0 - totmr&mn
J R Hartley Jcsraßßarr
Joan Lined, Jr. Jas. Lowry A Sou
Ljwtie fc erhu, Riddle 4. lin™™
Thcma» Parley Ramsey A M’CJelland
R‘ T w,^ a H er • Moses Bullock
Hugh Wallet* Roberts A Kane •
J Mayen Ju W Woodwell
r issnss&c,
_ Alexander Lawson
For Rights to taake and sell the above Bedsteads
° ~ 1 Patentee
T uo.Bx OT ,<W ly °r ß e.«r, M’Kcnxi*
,* i n.'V • CUjcnujati,o.
cu... 6.
General Comainlon Nerchtati
Ho. 31 Peydnu Street, Neto Orleans.
Minin * Co. Ilanfcrrs, > „ *
” Jawce MHifejfor & Co, j ®''
Ellitfc Morton. rLnit...-« | t '
. f&hT&ftSSZfc
SJl’Clurka.a &.Cfv
ly-tfliAluclißiuce. <lMtobaiA Ta. .
uvlWm -
to tba World.
•'S 3 \£Y' ri j E POLLAKHwilJbepaul to anyone
who will produce a .pot of paint, ricen or drv ihat
c..nno, no w««c4 wiff Jiofti loKa g
2W\J •**<■*** of aayin* to tae | W nlr *I
ft.* place, Thai thl« allele. by my own improrem-iu on
unrivalled in itur country tor oxiraruus
Jtesfe, Ur, pitch, oil, paint, or any other rrea«v «uie
''e-nail kimtjof ftcSihW,
l»We Mml* racriiiu .U W K I,tp ta ,S’
.^f!T'‘ 4 T* l i‘ trj .‘i f,Ceoa > li:ln 'l ll,ll l'urewuier will nil
on«?'«r‘Y f J^ 3 ” womaod pcnoiu in didi-reat
p jr:» of it,» country Osve told me they would run be
I wujotiii,if UcintennOollarperrake. Intmiip vh.*
fn* 1 have only abend three pioeej 0 ,
“'?* two of mpaeci, and four of calico, on which it
changed lb< rotorf therefore before puUinc it on a lieht
° f V,e *"** *"»• I nute l \hr.?«X£
! s r"-" 4 " 7 Tr,',y„,i“
bik. „ to! ,
J d ec2 | i ’ K K SKMJill*
i 6? wood «t
a Pivt*. W9tt4 , Olfti.
Anri— K *'‘' <,n T n !* c ‘ 4 *» c r uniclc*, winch
Mandwnae t’mchw with and wnUoec elaaor
Ne-lllcadandFrer-eh .ilk Urc ,n * p *'
J J ilkpgr.e«,new*iyka
Jjrory ißtru; odarl memoranda,
FjruscOed and Ivory taper eutter*;
. and ponni-le ink»;
Ci *%oo*T' i*' 1 ? *'“* •“** "fraoranJum
Tix)thrie4; plain ea.e»;
j orbeUwi&pochei book«j ,
£*pr-lnre* ijrectle book.;
fJr«y *»ar*i *rim itoa ba»ke(s;
" Ul °w h<»»«', 4c. 4c. Now open and for *cle
’ *•' H EATON
O market atrect
mied hy tfce e»b <
'ended 10. fctii
1 inthUeity
e»*'2inL ry »i Wer t ,a, V l, ’ d #ll,er * * fo mviiea \o ealfan*'
exaaime tlie aaove for. ihem«elve«, a* ail will be «n' 1
_-»wir —_T ; ■ a WBsrmyvt.T
I S cmcL'LAn. ~ - ■
S'C S’“Sf O „T4, 6 f o, r;,f™»‘"^£J, JS
po*i»on;ind Is no* common propenr I
apMbtf"oSSSS S?JJ h„T‘ x> “ 1 MI "»>
! saw/isfb
° f ” Ucin!; t d •?!»*« SrptaSriS.fjffi
L*2£KEKs?Eftlssjgi ■»
uaj>f(i»*m«nubyAaaia*"?£,: l k wiUi *ddlti*B« ud
, by«o,m:il Park,
bin tUn, aebaln' ttr •*^' i *'9s, k ‘s» eoo,aUl * H jjalJ U»
WollutaLFhwud'ifiV.V?** w* t P >m * u,k » ° r
lejr, MuSalnM Mayer,. Brad
*r ■
f li loch** in diameter
}j ■■ ,•» .“ : ;..
1 ?ieariftobeaff « -
_Aat f i ea ,Cfa rW i;tfc,ft a djo a nai co p T . ,u..i~
’y ! 2VOTIOB * ' T~ *■
iefj”'”' l ' h ’ *f J»hn"Kn h “*c'.l
. '-I i , .s,asKg«--
I . ’ilaDdfacißirra of
I » M. *I.G orjcßirrioiij
Batitf 1 A. niiim’iCaimt WarcMamify
CARRIAGES, “ Tr: ~- i
CauUaUroa taod aaJJbr ~u' ”* *«ri *O7 kn&
v c t.4£’< s r^S^aT rt * ,B ‘ ° l I
®*» to orfcr at t£o diortnt po«tU JjW Tt dl *"!«***
— f £7*?!*.■»«?,of»deelS«*UrSt * W<l *“g»Win
I „„, t . * MM"' FEE* r;; - -
- ks
IJ 1 ™" *MU I*&k« partliuiftcohew&M . P 'H! * c »*o
•SSi- !? *k e {f and n#Sukt’^!ife wiiJ '
Jeeeired ihiA be fauhfiUt aiiwwfcStoZ v/iL rt
Tfcrt «l, a bom Awl, HdfadelpEr WNo * *oni
_ Da.TOIV«SEHD'S -;r 7~~:
•r,,! «»™iol l uptriorto
■r* k r„'s^ v wS».
fi&EAT MKnirfNE
'ffiSuSSsiMKisy^2Si^“ PHUro * S(D
£yfW J i*ur« and iS&k Biaodj »i~—rr~iuwi J H-nft~»»
Qfcthi* grand JcTotf L wdodwAJ
**“*»* Jt **» performed within the rait two
then 23,000 dire* *f Serere Cues «f:i£awe- JforfMlOi)
<^ ud “ Td iacunblc. 3lureiku» U ****
«U*» CMt* of Chronic .
S.tMjcaae* of.Djiptpm; ’ 1
<tt»®e»orO««r»lDebiaiy«ad\V«atof Kwr-ri -
'<«» «•*» Pf * t real Frank Complaint*; !
2*oo cuti of BerofuU; 1 ’
1,300 cafe* of the Liter Complaint;
%50Ucmm of Ui»e»e of the kidney ud Dnpir
SMC ease* of Coasumplioa, * i *
*ml Thouwnd* create* of Due** of the B!ocrf,r»: Ulcer*.
tf7»ipelM. Salt Kbeum, Pimptceonthc Foe*, ke- ic Ta.
*!, U, * r 7.'lr *? e *J cf Biek i HeadaAvlWjn th.
udeahd Cbett, apical AScelioii*, £2, &e.
*-*? re * m ? t «ttw incredible, bat w* hire
££"/£!? <wr «S® U from all’ part* of the
tafof *“? “ ofntraordmtry eur£T K Van
ttutkirk, tjq; oueofikemortre*p«ieUb|«dnrm*i»la.Ncw.
"*i u that be eta reftr to taoicSan LOO e*--
£**? l^P '* e $r ,110a ** There arc (bou*md*of«a»e»in (*,,
'" } ” ds "* ’"’*U refer to kith picture*
» lo ,. me ? r °/. eh * r * r, * r * 11 "die be»t meJiSi G> f -U»«
lf^S\ ;•£<«?*» faww. the life
i Chemical Writing Fluid*' to
isfimrata article in ell rc*.
» without dogging it op *nd
Mow a tee br,rtl blaek
Jmui taker,
8 iVifklau 4> Co.
Franc,» Seller*
C A McAnulty A Co.
«,000 CnLDUx to* Pair Skamm t 1 '■
, i UitrrtP Btitm OrncKK.
Urr. O. W. McCLCAK,or tub UjuiioBt*»» Hatt
the i y* w Jer *»r U*t«ilature, hi* kwdlrJll
«»the following eerliiieale. UtalbiteoinieUirj. ?
Aw «aee |niU« with lUls£i!£j
miern left to a deta,laieU »UU. Iwu iaducod to rer Dr
t«w or thrJbot
iS *£L~3u'*su e4 \? 4 lltrit,u,e U «««irely to (he
■aid Sampenl|a. 1 hare costumed taking it. aaj a iu,
«f£r^;*n^ t r^( d>jr V 1 bdi*T« itwred my life, and would
•"* be without it under loj anuideratiao. ’
I O.' HT. UoLkaji,Uu U. 8. N.
‘ • . .. Scaoroi*Cc**n.
K.?i^r C *r Ulk^ U f ro « ,u * i » tJ T P«m (hat Uiii SarnMnlk
hvLS^ r °’ tr U ' e 1 di«*»« Iflh.
***** Thm F*»» ««. d « «>« home i, unprewdeauA
Towt* CaiujaM.
Sir s 1 ban the plearar* to iufc na
I°j“ ehildrea hare beea eund of the Se io
tub br the me of jour eicdlcut taedidae. Ther were
T «7 *y«ra|y with bad lenrlwi only takes Ji«r
boule*; It took the* away, the which J -ft«| L«rif«dS
deep obtijaUoa. Voon, myeelfully, *
k.. vto, (u {'Kn.' v - «**“• ,w w ™ : ‘> ■-
Dr.Towarcci’i ?anipuriii» ti aWfveiru cl rpteir
wefcr incipieht Cotmanptioa, Carrrno eu/Leaeorrbo or
WhiUi, übitrated or di&ult lUreitnntjM, Ineonlid^^e'
«KSJSS^Ti? tß fA ,,3r < ‘ 3ch * r P’ M?s »i-
P2^r 0tt * r may er wnethir the mult
w «SSt. C * HM ” WKh I’ro4l^tsi 1 ’ ro4l^tsi b J imjdarity, Übua
JfothU» na be more nirp-.-ula; tt.aa iu iarlroratim; ef
le«* on the human frame. Pervert*, alt weakaS »dL.»-
tude, from it, ct cnc* become robort aod fullofcoenr
Mder 1U influence It immediately ewunteracta ibenm
k~*» of the fcaah frame, vfcith A the creat cam, cf*bL 3
tn~ T?-?fcJ!s * l 7l le f 01 “;«*» *0 delicate-a n*.
Jure, to exhAitjtrufieate* of com perfortied. lot weeau
aMuraLSeamr ttd,thalhuadrediofcuwihare betarercjlcd
C **V wi “"* UrcWn wit Sat Sbild
r*a,-after 11*015 a fcw, bottla of thii imtlcaMe aediciin
hare been kbit with healthy offteriar... ™
TVmnjmd, Aly wift be in; freotiy dbtrcmd by
*bil«rr, «„| ,aftA» comininlly
by pur. and 4 aenalioa *f bminr down, £dHa c c fu,i
Ih?™« d1 22- C^ e l ,UIB S- ttl,ies » “ d hiring knoiu-cue*
fa. «*“« r**l cura j and alwhear
wx it recomaended for Mth cam a* I hare dexribed.l obtain-
A. JOUt UineX f s and fallowed
* thert j»»sod ilrrmorcd
?u er £“?!“«■ “ d «“«»d l*r beallh. fcinr rrateful Cft
the UneiiLi the reetirrd,l take plcamre ia tkm
«* lUand feommnrfiM it the public. hf.D. Mbo.
Aug, 17, IHi, Cor.of Grand tad Lydic* Ma.
1 Ur T.IL-J.L.f t» . toiMCKie, Bq4. 23, IWS.
taff.VTr* T* U * boQ m»y eoceern—This l»
MmUTy that ny wife Mod one bottle of yoar SampariUa
F«wo to harconfinrarot, under lb. mo* tlarxaing vU
lie7^,?^^ w ’*^^ ubbdwlll,u >e < , n>pry,*wtl-
Uorof tte feet, Mroas-nStetl.>o*,ead \«ry otueS deWi-il
“?j »•“ “/ ttd lb. of ths*'
2ft. 2“" «r t, l , *." M,ad ?* 44 ® ,, J it, or«o
. to .“ y ,* t l ** wU-i=» bad ibt biMriU
desired eaeet, no< only la tlw hour* of eoufttfiataubat allcr-J
Uo expiration of one week of iu m, (L« diesnr ead.aer
roMaflorti* gateway lo « uineukhg dr«iM. and her
JUjJb “ *»">*U« Uuntl U*l t*cu for ak*g ,»« prfl.
If this «1U be of any Kirise to y Bn er ana one who
doobU the the mediae* yon a* entity rweieofiU
I lubecibc myself your most obedient and obliged r mat.
S SJaxee*. .
b *“ wpremly jrddared
la reference to female complaint*. No female wlfolai. re*
we to wi>|«wc ( *he u apjetebtOf; that critical perted, “ Tkt
turn *?/ lift.' ibouJJ neglect to uke ii. W Jt i»a w ruin
prereoL** for any of the uumeroas end hortiWe dim -» to
wh«h fcaaie, timcofljfc. Thi»i»-riod
TX FJ'Vttfr:™ 1 £"• •»:"«* IbiiotdkiM Nor
‘‘ **" “J lbo r * ho woinufa ood,
mi 1 1» calcoUtctj tl> o-i.t nature by <:uickr:uu; Hit U'ojJ
»o%tl i °* Ul U e dfJlc * U which women «*
■ >l qyteg.itPewiwnaaaenaT th. w.tu
f?"** tie impurities of the'l<ody—not
uJJLJ' ?f .u Ule ,yUe ? l “ to r«vdw» a tuber Duest re
laxaUon, which a* the cm ufnwtt medicine* t.t.~ cL e—> i.
.weaknem and tfisea* •.■wuwwaaw.
\ou who hare padeemr.plexion,, dull eyre, blotch ft cm the
ttre, rung,, .km, of free t fe., lout ene out of *mr. U” a”
\T ? f Ur luv, , u * a " l ’* «irwjwriiii i, nil!
rlr*n*eytrnr U.*kl„ the IrerkU, uu j Uole'i.n, und
O T >l^ l,U C’. ‘if * rk l Ul * W** , P* r ' u . »«J Iweuti/ul
fcSrtT"** 1 * ; ' ,h “ h "* r *l“e to nnmar
*Jrt. **“ * t,r ■**• rfwewmtd uhkfa w
f^/rwT^L^ Uj * **"*« J““* ®«* «liM in deofaputiae
££!* &2SSiP ! " t "“•«*«"'*».■*■>*
W'fl'JW' i.iu
I °f uaraaeii, U of amwlitn, titnutc htanburn. «a 4 ■
. jrtat a*«ruoo u, »u kind, of £*xl. md fc, r nitki filial I
. Urea . u,^ fclt *» «U« a mimll iJrUon
,* tiwl remediv*, butdiWliad
j w “ * fCI « renw»iug ihe complaint I wiu ia
doc«l,about tw,. Mnco. (5 Ut J/2££.
t\. «nu rrl/ removed; and I vroulJ *«rn*»il* '
□*e«» lb* u*! . o fit w tbo* who bate been a/U«t«J u |
iJ* .» 1H ' o0 «> f «*. W. W. Via Zawrr.
u . 'At.MO.ST .1 JlllUlLt
>l" fcltorm;, uJ tok ,( „„ n,,, _
be cui*d< j hui#«n y oneoflhe Jj
Tef/J?« , Sht‘r 1^ar &, l 1 ?"•*«. # Sius * *"*■
i, • ,th * «c»*rt «aj; i*,n to my tide Jt i-_
Cfjuedou me eery U-L ludeed. I.VL, nnmoWtd by ,*}.
to hate the inucfc .1 I«r C ~iaa.
l f h* 0, *we»ti,j B 4 .nil,- « *
*y doctor wd be cottUl do uoihicj tor we. I »X t q..
. It. Wof tern- b«*W but „ pr^oWjiw.
’ i 1 *?**"'" Iba-lung* aud
, could hardly breaiht; I emaciated, aad,^ c , e s
t.»d.e; wy Wtl, aad wee übl.yej w r , u „
»vthtr» i ideed 1 .raaeot tire you u« <
wooU do j-.Uk* to my e«e. |wu »u r pLj by ay fric^di
Wd ail meand to be toftopu,.***. i ntU u *'
Iraoi dairy cure, performed by your umdiciae, ud to toll
{£■* **« Uul ‘ *«•"»» *»e humbuj to tUi
WJI I era* it dueed to, try it r I did to, aud Mtn n * .t.rfr:
Jd-U. i <a.iwrt ajllhet lam entirely well,
To -ueercd m. to be abhul my buiinc*. ud W-e to be
1/ »«Umm bn neks. Sly couch* , n d 21 £
• od wgUweak hare left me, ancPrake «J
t» (ait yxiiiur my urual itrermth. I felt ii . .
you a .latot tent o7mif oat, to publiih if you pltjw U *"*
Ptrxn iw», 47 Uttk n, k^Lly*.
‘ i, • OplaloAo ofphvaleuns. ,
Tow*~*lU b«lim
niuaktt iKcpratMu of tit B.mj.rill.ia*.
Rflouag, md
J ' /|Uo*, M 0,
“■** Jlpril I, IBtj. t StSSSSia ».
y Cumjwmul Kiinei of 3*,,.
anlla, w*d frotu it* known would rctunmeni ild
.tlfiI'* 1 '* *' WoTulou*, iod otherc «U»»i ml
mw, u> pftfcreaec lo tayof the idmtM remedy
Tklbuy jipril 3, 1«44. &VSSE,V’
~ ISB Kultanit, « TO Buildui^T'vi^Ud
;• sou., fiMh *£:
«rt *t .Fkiladtlpbiu; S 8 Mutct, drureuL iStltimnn- ati.l L*
Won. I .nji„,,uiJo. l » l i»|, to (1m tarn aqiur*'bottles.
w . b,or^ u “l* riH * >*»?«« Of Dr io*«»«»iil
The whole thing t« rot it> in g,jnd tuie :' «»»ne of ii.« _
* Serroa* Debility.
w &.*& s r,“rjd“ w *“«“
'&XUK'* HOij i, «u£fc *? “.““I
«i..k.j.-Tr*:. ,S! * ,T ".»«»«.
r. w . tbo Monti).
rectbtd tibimh »«‘*<froo» a jr»»l number
For w le b* Q K tSuSSln"** »»*"■«>*
h.t*,«"w £4 S*tSK"TE*» HoS7.WwL«I,
pf&x>r, rstfAJ
mlTo/.band’s Cel cbralcd' Fluid fln*Duin
fo»fe‘ tfw bomi^r'ioiyuTAS ( r"r C ,^
*towek. Oh Mbit »po. kr n l7fthVyLyg,“* ?*?* oft . U<
li *'
»srg ‘ (--
I fMm*f * r * ,c f‘ aB ®; , »'WorTO Sptcinc.
l 1“ ,0 b f l * k of Dociflf
XMcl4 mei Worm*»|i childofinnU.Kh^l
ssa ts&ss
•«i "S' sis-wr 1 ■ -H
j KI1)D k a, No M™£s IS2Si“„. I
• "•.• ... . -. •ek*-: J
‘ “L. u 7‘? -W«'4i» kitu iaiuiMarrf
m.*? y r °' tol mtruiW «I!
‘ a *.
: toWiur m «d ta C,
.Satin lioerand plain Saiia'Sioek*.
liombauße U>w uid plaia.Buiibaxioe '
.all >.l Simi,Til. ~ci ,„ k , a u
onc c»-c of lot. pnefd Shins which wc a-c .L-Vr n
gusm, hove noser tom “ita
Wc imem! 10 close the nlnyw im. ini * ~,Jp
—” np ;*‘‘ ir *’ 3 door*" below U rt
Waoltiiu* iPrr'^Ooed^'"
pre English JUerinoi.a r a»cj o’r On?«n pfatd.^fr^. if
merer, 10 r c.
mere, 4 eaers caulnett. totnlM
Huiioef«,3oo pee blankets, new
; ——• 1 A AMttO-jfeCO »
SA JTIMETTa,\i~n miim
,• ; 3*H Y inwite* the attention'ordealer* .and other* 10
m* excellent AMOitmeathf atbre rdodMn hi* whotfto
i)arki«U’4Satinctu; ,
Bin* and black do; • '•
Jnviiibte* green do;
Satin »irved blk do;
Cota mis'U Jron.j Woo miiU Join,.
Cold mn’cr’-Xweed*: • . * _
All of w| icii w ill eold low by tho oiron «» w,-j.' «u
C ‘ o ‘ l ' forck,oU ' anJ barred Pclili £jS.
Hew ~
«v,, r „.. n »ii, al
poncho*, leggings, hats, camp blanket! bun cmE?
travelling hugs, saddle gun cover*, nmviiidn i ■ ■ _*
..™i«.l, M toj.jirpllisCSr , l3BSnßSS
biig ruck*, (or the ladies, and cneiines; all of which we
have a ih« we offer whiSsalVor
nv’l (
rearce,we would mipectfully invito'ihTladiea to call
" "**&£& ffißKS&r*
»»t25 ?Smflffc et> t,J< Wcor^rL^
N°wFancy Bu>i6,C7M*rkelsirecl--
0 dox Cords aad Tassels, for Ladies’CloaS: ■
“ .1 Oeata’ - «i .. »
widef < ?'i 1
With a larpi efj'ffcoiyi'' ; , dcll .
tho sliortcit notice ami moil reaiooeble i»m« by'
den , ANCKEH* MAYfeR ' :
Sc wr embroidered Ciwhinere Robes; !
. l>o Brocade trerino • »' do: :
Fine plain CMtunere*, a beaktffal article:
t> am and Cashaicre plaids. •; ' ’
•— ~ .... 75 market >Lror of
T, I !^ AGWfiljS—Jled, iirowD and barred F*Snap[t
tfreii l U*« KKe
*lew r*ccci low prired Ca»*iflt*u»: lot
,;' f. - •■■•■ . ; tiEO COCHRAN'
--- inwmdd
»OPCfllflß ai.d Plf.lUin. j.ltu-t
reMrred tint cl fiba
Tdu by b]iAOhLtrr& w»iu|:
pro, ‘ fi S ored mohur uululk oft
liindlne, ju« rec’J by Greene & tV« Eittrca
<fey« from «> ul« br. " i
,„ Jfl ttMCKUHT* WIIITK [;
• ■ ? * ' 99 tread «t
P'l-AiinELa! ' —r
i3tD.v.lmc an«J yellow fianneU; *1», a tarre-loi of.
-£vheii7y I willed flanncU, jtm rec’d; fertile »eiy cbeaS.
_'iZ 75 tn«fk»r»r. WAV^oranuiwnHi
'SOCCBrfs. I
Consumptive!, renumber that it u TTw/n/uon'i
Ryruprf Tut pntiWood Xap. 1
Ma which is duiltf effecting tuck rt f
markable eurtt m «
Atthoui. Ilroochiti*, Spilling of tlaod, pai* ia the 8U« and
Orcwt, U-*~*nn». Fetation of the
Heart, CwshVCrtwp, Hwm.
fecrvoai’l ruaora filer Cwapbial
_ m l Dlieaxil Kidney*, cte.
I I IT-.H FIFO HE, btwilt oi'xljipuiiuca ulctare* of Tar or
•;*. Jiapthi *« loiUUoot areabruad' .1 ■ ,
v M. B.l'.'J'tumtaoa—Dear B.r-l be a» 100 Ufa me be.efit 1
bare a*pm««d froa Ih. wof joafCowpoa* B»npof
l erWap*, render. ,! raydulyto bfanTjoi ol it. |
t aflkted with a eery bad cough, canattjrierere
i J*'o m Cha breatt, with pal oppreafcce, djficuiljof breath.
, Igw of appeGa. Uu» variou* reaedtet wiiUmf
fa»c».-»«_«ibTaed, I b*j) of'y o but be
»«Mja adhere to wfail I bad been «mr. Fiodhwaywir
«C*'to>g Won* a Iritad persuaded me lo tij a of rout'
j-rr/=*.-alioo, tajiag ».bc owed kb life to iu«rrtue* n fin
lordoteljr procured a bottle and ewanuntnj tokr it. J»d be
l l ™.} two boulea, 1 \rto complete Jy mtored to
• C»r the benefit of other* I «■»*» tba above brief
lUtemeut.. Any further iiupdrie* csk be made at btr reu
denct, Kg'Cathar.M atreet, *
- &*»U another Rem arkabic Curs. '
- . . Carllil*,Pa ,No».aO.|Mi,,
About at* tear* (rare, ia cattMnttencn of (be aedeotary
•W'ure of my Ivatnert,} «n attacked with Kftrt mini in
Ifap brraal. pa),diatom of the heart and tfaortoeteof breath,
which were toon ibiloacd by the fa tore of appetite. extreme
wJtefulnraalnia’kt and pirtiat paratyaboi my limb* tbeae
ympU’iee of a dej -anred ijilim being Ore Gently attended
■with (pitting of bio «T. For about two yean I wutiion
aiy Ikisiars into eo«r»e!*fc»(, which felt me ia a abatable
»U'c of facbl<iieMaait began to affect my mfod. Fro*) Lne
to time ray (uttering* tVcre more or tetsaeerre, until a! length
they incicwd to aue.S a degree, add the ewleacc of the
! *yra>l«n» were to aog’menud, that ffor a wlmkjettl «m
| woble loattrad toany buiiacM. Uurirg iKift
<4 « *ne nblepbyaietaua a%d>atteaded to their prucriptwaai
bat all their akill eras onataitog topeueun mreJ<«{ iatf
at le igtb they regarded ay rttorenr a entirely bopefca la
(lib cooditiuQ 1 wo* (abroad oi the aatutary e&eto'af
'lhc ft*oa>» Coafouad Syrapof lar and Wood Waptha, ia a
cur wwewbaliUoiUr toßune.aad though 1 hadgirei uaaß
ri|» etahiiof ofa wtemy oraey fjmerhealth
“*>»’ W. yet being (truaglyadeued to try thb taed)cJo*< I tw
at le igth paerajled'Bpua to do to, and I here a«w to Jar. ’
that by the locofala Wtleanyhealihbaabeearcdoccd,«M
1 am notrabie to auend to bosaeM with a* ameh fiwjlka a
tWto'. HEiVkY rdYfckl#;
Or DkkiuanTowaUi.
I’iipsml only by AKONEY It. ltttetf.l.
,eor& tr of fifth and Spruce ilmli
by L. WILCOX, Jr. Pittibergh, uj riwtliMi
Dn«i«U .t«ncr».'!y. Price 50 ci*, or UMdtCirMkgttlt.
* UuTKr.V.—fltwir* of tmit&tioet, and purdiMiTlHl
•os’* Cotnpsund 3ymp of lar froainoac but aßfertted
or of thus* «bo*s tht sajpksod of dtaiiSff it na
krfsiU. L iKlJ.inm
* SriICILMA A*AaXjj,.;
* * TK.WJCM BSNTOlic*. : ...
fT»MK best finielo k.iownlbrcleaning and whitening
X the.'i'cct h, MrengU'eningibe fronts, sweetening the
brrrtUi.&c. h should t-c asedcfeiy night with] a/iifl-i
bru<b, and Ut t teeth, and mouth wilfonly require fcfligh •'
.was liiog in t he morning. ’ Wet the brush Mik-wara |
water, .or cold will answer, and rttb it a fearoihes on'
the paste, wu« enough will adhere for e.vsmhg the ;
teeth. It leavers dnlicioat taste in ihe‘nw>Ui,atii] ua |
pajtsa most dcL'ghifu) fragrance tothebrosth. Itytand*
1 uic ivalled u a-plenum, efficacious, e(*T*nienL,nod j
»af j UomriCee. Jtis warranted nottashiuro theoeeth. 1
1 but to pn-*errethan. j. '] .. •,
- |;y using it regularly,. it will resioTe the lartir and
pr« vent Ua .accumulation—prc'enl the toothache
strengthen the gnms, aod prevent all diseases ofuteu 1
; Cheguiu, phrncian«, ttMthe cfergrrecotMaeod it a
debidedly supMidrtoevery thing of the kiad jjtnse.—
Ask for Gherman's Compoand OrririTooth Part*, and 1
obierve hi* signature is attached to each poC • [ I
; Recommendt-d by Dr.CasUe,3Bl Jtooadway.bne of I
our Inst Deut;sts,'and by start of tho old established
aubs In the United States, and even t xwqsiveli used I
hythe Nobilityof England ahd Prfse*. j .
A largcproponionof ihedisnase.t hatafflietfcinkind
arMfron some denngea»mofth< aiocoMfaorbhweis,
i which a Uraelv ue of the CaZbi ut Lozcares would
> entirely obviate* Persons nf bilious habits' Aiotid' aJ
war*J«ave a box at hand, and take* dose. Whenever
they fcet the least derangement m their health. A Jodi-.
<>o»s use of these Lozenges tredd prevent tlossood*
of eases. 1 i. -- T
h For sale at WM, JACKSON'S, corner of-WoodhnU
.Liberty*!* ~ ■ > dee«l \
1 ,ADIEs Who Use Common Prepared Chaft. in)
-H ?- le . , *.* tot aw “ w how inghtfally injurioai tis tot
the shin! hew coarse, hoar reD3h7how salUiwUi|low, ;
and uiihcnli'ty the skin appears after! using prtiared:
enirlk. Itesidea, it is injurious, cDmainijigntiugeqaao ]
uiyofk-od. We have prepared a henanfiil vegetable j
tvh* b we call JONES'S gl’ANUli LILY/
WIjITL. itperfectly tuuoccuu being ponied of alp
delcieripusqa limes; and it Impart* toitbo shin Attala
ml,healthy, a; nbyier, etear, living white, atthaaame
timd acting as • aVosmctic on the skin, maklng’itsort
ad smooth. i . , , •;
Dr. James A W' p»«.u-*
Vr. James A wewefl, rraetieal CJtrjsui of Mm*u
«,?? eu l .W* v After analysing Joneii’aB**nUtj Lilia
wliiie, l find ii]x mcaaeatheajwt beamifal andnata.
ml, ni the muuo lime innooeut whim 1 evec*3W« I
eenainlv can cohtcu •nticusly recaoinjcnd ito uq (ball
whoto »kiu rciJUiri!* h eauufyiiiir” i
■{□”J*rie*!tteent><a box. ! *• ]
• by )VM. at hia'Jioot and Shoe
Stpre,?O Litcny aUcei, head of Wood, at the aim nf
theliigUoot. ! v . ..
Lodtei, ladie*,Pm as lonixhed, S 5
< • When you know ttuil- you are pnnaiaed /
A natural, liMike,»n»wy white.
That you wilt stillo*e common chalk.
Andlookadeathly yeUowfriehL .■
The.lhemoof<laitßhter."ndof'ufk. j
Kyna,would u*o i kix of JON K’d ktilyl white it
wojtwipveyoarkktn an aliihaater yet natural white,
•uni at the uma lime cleat aud improve il' told at
<jACK*ON* l to Liberty »t- -Free stems frlii.
1 j bt®'
. . tfCUATCii. SCiIATCn.
Hit * •eraicli, whan afflicted, w:tb the
tTrder, Lcli.or oibei di'sea* ecoftfco »kin, if tbev’knew.
who would relievo andcurc them. v -j ;
*l’i« horrible to lie obliged to rob ud wretch -when
atom-, f‘Oi store honible to a t*uun from tl, Ifor.deeeney
*akr,|w!woiJifi»nnnay.. Ltt it be led that
Dr.Lkmy •IKTTEttaml JTCII ia toe
ino«i at any other preparation itt existence In
curtne the lettrir, Itch, and other iliaeiulti oflba akin:
A* alitliaeaaea of the akin mart triae fmai Ura iotnarliv.
oftlicMood and fluids of the t»dy, and where »acn dia
,ea*« be of *tandmff. and thn eanttituiioaiaffceied
thereby, if Mr. Levy's ttar*ajurimiikx>d I'fll* be ttud
with.the Ointment, they will rate any cate whatever
andif they donot, the will bt' retnroed by Mr*
L«Wy, Mo*tca«es however, will be cflkciiiitlt eared
by l>r,l.cidy’a Tetter ,and Itch Ointment, onlcu tbe
whole ayatem la, Imprecated by the diaeaaodihamora,
wnteb will he completely carrie l off from the syatem b?
Mr brood I'iUa.und th# mrr'nco of ihcolritr brab
cd bjr the OictmenL Price ofOimmeai S 3 cent** For
eor wood* front ala
lOUUANU CUUUII tfYRIf j» -It juroWd to be the
great rajiaccam curios mjr child'* dwtrcßtins
Banner, Nor.'s* 147.
Cocoa B»*cr.~w'e.are not ial&'tnt>uVpnffinr
much let* wkitijr.PatcoiMediclnee* bst we feel disposed
w recoromead Morganli Syrup to thoao who ardafllmiM
with a coo*h. After bating tiled the aseai ftme'iie* to
remove a constant and djsaewitur couth. Itel bad for
setsmldays afllxted one of oar children, wiUioatfa'ne
-1 cc,« were induced to try Morgan* CoStTSirtS.
aadby itrelief waaabtuaed to a Jewboan,-U proved
lobe Use panacea la this case at least. \f ■
Prepared wholoisale aad retail by tbe preorieter.
> a ! u£ l E*Sa"EK^
TSffi'e: °^^,r^itzh a s
•enpboQ ts anneeeaaiy. • Good* are Milooched entire
»«ei £" • ,l Wwlmpmwi* orextra handling it
i Tbe capacity of oar Waiehoare* cdahjea t , to llore
nayegnatranemamade ton*.: and
•dvueetfreeof charges. •- - . V s * .
i Bc'Pf/aUy prepared ip. make aakt we
respecuolly sobc.u ewwtfWßema oft western Flour
articles for sale,.on which liberal odeaacea will be
made awl other n«a! faculties aObrU<d t picdrinr onr
•elvef that any*tosinws entreated i* u shall be as
promptly exeeatodaud npon.aa foirtermaas brnnv
othethonse. : ; JNO McFaDDKN &.Co 7 *
' Canal Baaia, rituburch 1
Sl3 and aSI Market «t, PhiltJa i
T?OE Uja transportation ofFreigb't'beiween Pittsburgh'
r and tie'Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipment* on
Joe'way, andtbt consequent risk of dcldy, damage,
breakage and sepamwa of goods. - ,
j Prtvtiiton. ■ -r
* ..... BORBHIDUE A CASH ! •
No Wf Market 'WreeCThiladeipiia
v., .... _ Cor Penn and Wayne hs, Pitssbareh
O’CONNOR A Co, North street, Baltimore' #• V •
WAJ T TAPSCUTT, MSouth st, Nf Y. fAgeou
Encouraged by increased business: the Proprietors
have added to their stock and extended their arrange
menu daring the winter,, and are row lo for
ward with regularity and dispatch unsurpassed
by any other line. Their long experience as carriers,
the palpable superiority of the Portable Boat Sixteen,
and the great capacity ud convenience of the ware*
houses areachendof the line, arepeduUailyeaieaJa
ted to enable the proprietors to fulfil their engagement*
and accommodate their etutbmer*—confidenuyoffenng
•*t us a guaranty for the future they respectfully
.pS"SiSSp“'‘' l ’" n '“ l! '
*i* te!ft^ko,Cto W-WUbe rac’d
ckBf *« paid and .Bills ol
Lading truauaitted free of any charge forCbnlmtssion.
? d 7 ao « 1 . n » or »wr«ge. Having, no Interest directly or
-indirectly m steamboats, the interest of tho consignors
mnst neccManlv be their primary oojcena ; snipping
west, and they pledge thmselvea to forward dil goods
geons terms to the Owners.- ' =t ~ ■ •
. . ■■.
,*m- .Point andMHdgmilcr^
.. niATia cbtnrrr, »a.j ’
Proprietor and Agent of steamers
An> HlcSSli
NRTILt* be prepared on earliestopeningof eanat nav.
i7-L£ f ff‘ m ‘? rr, ;f ,T^ pro^lt 7 S l hi| i wharf beat or'
in wuifehonsejforoHpoint* on Erre Kxtcn-*ion< Cross
Cat, «nd.Uas Canals; for all ponspn Lake Erie and
upper Lakes, as alio to forward produce, : Penn’n.
Improvement*.'- Apply ®or andreas -$■ . T
fcblMrdtf . . . JAB DICtfBY. Beaver
1847. AaffltogS
iiro 1 HmcMANm™ B TO T AND°KRoi[ rVrre-
; withont Transhipment—m
Coeds consigned toonreare will be forwarded with
ooidel*y,-at thedowett current rate*. Bills of Lading
transmitted, and all instructions prompter attended t*
free from any extra choree for storage or commission'
. Addre**,orapplyto C A AIcANULTY ACo
. Ccija/ Basirl^riUtbatgh
- ; . , ’ STORAGE. j ! .
Hiving a very large and commodiova warehouse'
wd an prepared to memo r(La addition .to height for
shipment! a large nmoant of Produce, Aci onStoraueat
•owrotifc Jmartt] C A JHeANULTY ACo
@a@iiB4 7
r^ or tio! lf*«j«Vfaii6h or WAY
rtil P S l ?f- l 5 ~T . bel ?f e^?A l *‘ lttha^B, » l W T iJle;Johni
town, IloUidaysburgh, Water'Btrcet, Petersburg!! and
ail intermediate places. - s • ““
Oue touwtafeaye thewarehoiwe of Q A McAnultv
A 10., Pittsburgh, every day, fercepl Sundays,! and
ahipperscaa always rtepend on having their goods to.
warded without delay and at fair pifov i '" w "y
This Liacwa* fotatod for thetpeeiaf accommodation
or the way business, and the; proprietor*-respectfully
sohcita liberal share of patronage. < - *
willmm-fulty. f ‘
- -i-JOIIN MILLER, HoJlidaysburrt ' ) -
; * JI 5 Arents.
C A McANUtiTV A Co, PiiubnfjfcJ
•. j. ' BtrtßEKCt*. . j'
J J McDcriU, JohaFsirker, Robert Moore,-Bagatev
ASmith. Pittsburgh. •• • ■-
Ukk emii a.lO BicuiviN uhk;
: lb-17, aastfyufdty
Mils Lfool'cingewnrwndofBt'*«mb*iat*LoieErie
X-aml.Miehtgu, nimi-ng duily bciwcca j«i t td, u , B h
•ud lkavrr, and isrighl and passenger Ouucl' Ifouu,
ranning beiwreti Ikuverand Lne and <y»duecti«i with
C H. » L?n -^°, r Sc!Utlb ® a 1 l ProperferS end Yesrels
f" ,b S ? lU u P rp P f trrd upon the rhrlicst toen* 1
iftgof Navigation to carry Freight and Passengpra to
alt points on the River, Canal and Lakes.- - I
.< every facilny for cn.cyir- f.ei.hlnnj n.v
itn,tt..N,ll,i,n> w u l eM and. dupucb, Ui? propliiior
hr publiegraeniliy patronage. i ~'l
' ! O M KEKD, Kria. Prnphutor : I
KhKf)Sv I'AItKS ACa.lfoavcr,Acts f
v John a calt;jir-fr! PitTa^
ot>r 'g^brU fi riM^ d Wolcr ''“- 0 PP 0 ' i to Woiisnga- j
aErxa to,
, Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New Vert i
. . Geo Duvis, Bofialo
H N Parks A 00, Cleveland
Jas A Armstrong A Go, Detroit
- MeChireA Williams,Milwnakic
Bristol A Porter, Chicago
Wtu Power*. Poworsiown, IVnra i
Out Jlnelirlmytc, EvmiAliurgli, lfonria
JohnMe Arihur, Huntsiotvn, j O ,
Wiek A Acker,Greenville, dal
Craig A Framnton, Clarksville, ’ <k> • '
Hays A i'liunb, Sharpshutgh, Pa.
: JJ,C Mulan, Sharon, - dot
R Caniinigbam. NewCasile. do ; mats
m-rsm;KGH & cLevplanil iluii:.
1546. :, ;SfeßiiS
IL C'ltike. ■ 11. Iloopt. T. S dunoio *!&.
L-V"."' CLARKE & CO.. i
I nrwMdlng * Commlaslott Htrcfcuu.
. BEAVER. Pa. ,
A*em« and.Piojrieujr* cfihia Lind (no faTOf.
y « no »n toMpttMic), will beprepared on Hie
I*l ii M p^SS2S»-' Df a nwigaiioa loircei
!*£ » nri ifliwr Ibe fane ol
tnypoial ontaa Okto canal*, aad alio on Kri* -
“iSs”' ! ' i,l “ ho £&!?'
; dStS3^ ,, E‘ “'«lt ihe ionnlu oil
iiAfpif. to or addreM ;
’ llAKTOi'f, A^t,
t.. • • CLARKE A Co, UctYer..
jina T RICnMUN-p 4 Cr rr.*l*nd.
I|VEBT£iUf Ti<ißlBPoftTATl(ia*lJo7
TllANSl'o'i TATiU.-V rrap 1
which ire in jp>od order. Tfcenabrcnbcn •!,»
red to forward alarjeqwuuity* of
•Prodwe with eenalnty aud dlapatebj " - aa .
'/-s? d^, i 0t r Alßre *s , l d i wco, “ i » oed ** urbt tne an
io"o?.»'rS«S n, * ri . rM °' * w ct “ w L c«iiS.
«Sc dS l ‘* •
li l * IlM'!, condwM m ,mmlr
SabbtUpkeepin,principles Axbtre.t,or ,pp|, i, ’
. D.LLUCllAOi.Frsprigiart, ;
No tit South Third etrert. PMladelnhia
• • No 7 Wett •iittl.Ntvr Vdrfc - •
oiSjCHSSBreTEua! apii SiHlB?
;nd W.™ S miXfirfiSSg' J,**
■»*“ wb«h reul> Clanltnd I*fo4 nirtr? " • ■ “"’
: . V7.«a»B?iai»!4?'.
.Mi {vßTAVU?^:Jl n^ U ’'‘
184(5 *■» 1847~
i# m gksr
■ndpmjned are nowoTetwred to forward pro-
X doe«,*c. l » Uie hasjer«Wa(£BWdorinr Ibe ert«a
dStSi'nSa” lßo * t f»*oi*ble teram, by exp*.
. JUerCheiidiw received by. thi* route p re in»Uy’ for,
• • g VcaW‘
iNOPnKmiiT une^V' l^’
Beaver and Oreenville, Pa, by which freiebiJSS?-
,: JramaafttfL
’, MoFARLAND A KINO, lii lKi *’ J°>
. lIAYK A PLUMB, SbarMb?rrif S°',i-
IV C MALAN.'siianMi, ' "*SS
WM.MATHEWS* Pulaaei ; r V *. J*
KERB. I'AEKS A Co, li.Vir 5 !;S° !
JOHN A OAUOllK%,nerwsl“ilss_„e ß J
«nu» . Oneoel.*. ** "*■
1840 v ; . | ]t^7
, untmi : **A» lr, A>,'YA?&MAN > PKnbii i h. J
1 ;
t»wy|ioi***cl«k,A.‘lt, , *odfiea*<r«i:i M-.
cannecuty *WlrPlrt*lWTXb and Cleveland Lim cS
ui Boat*doily to Cleveland; Beaver, Warteb and
Cleveland! LiM of CaAll Packet# tod Scan Cokcte*
daily lo Wanrn cad Ctovelana; Canal Paacct LtM i B
New Cento cad <Jrt*flviUo,'Pa.; Urie KxtensioaLine,
to Meadriito-cnd'Erte.'' Neil,KfoAra k. Co'sLibe*of
fc»*eCoaelie* far Clevefaad and Wooaur. Icaveiitea*
ver daily on tke-arrival ofueaaboai Beavcrhjon
Puttborgh.! Apply to i ..'-
: G MIIARTON A Co, Pittsbcm
_»Pl< • CLAKKKACo;Bearer - , ;•
taioiTCTilf, J.
lS47n nt&ztib.
. tub ftniUTLTAHU IJ»D OHIO CkUXLif -
B N PARkS.ft Co, Cleveland. XX ) i
R U PARKS, Bewei,Pal' J Propria*!*.'"
r T£!l-. «>o»e IJne it now ftfijr prepared 10 Iranipon
A/««lu»nd P&stcngets from Piiubarnband Clbve*
pamtoaUj* J*ennj*ylrMajt ft Ohioand Ohio
*aid Line are aoteqiud/edbV aflTca
J^?.. Cw ?n** ,B - B,ia^e ™ oapoeneof Itaot*. e*pe*
ALS*, pajnl - u Md pwmpwmofigen»,fta;''
One Boot lean* Fjtttbnrjb and Cleveland daily. fen*
mne In conneeuoa with thetStcamera. . j*;.
Michigan between Pituburrh aod
r^? T "\ and aJnuieof £ra elaaa Steamboat*, Propel
'^lS^'2^*o"^S“OT, “ t * to “*i “““cF
. vvT 8 M«&^^?r:
-2?! i . ■ Cor ,Waier and fenUkbeld ttnset*."
tl*u WAmUSHr-”'
BdS)l : 1547. : ffljfpijffa
THEencberageinenttMi line! 3 received i'ine®
ita commencement/!«a ladaced the XwiST
torn to i qcreue the e toek by addin jlfnnmberoTfi? '
pte.tnuj; damp, from lre,o,nt bidliha:
on <bn tonto, andar-taeh boat ia cmnedbr th.
Captain who ram them, whit* U ttimSUffiSg
.«■*» *SUM «• on the nSteP C-
MerchaoiiiM contirnod to', the
tofcm “ ded FBBfffir COM-
MlbblOTT,(bf Idtaiierng and forpoßjln,andiuQt
. vferaipoeirnlij ibiititi .haro of public ndiroi'
najo. WALLINGFORD k Co.,“p
' ' ' ~i.£ a “Fß«llD,'Pitt^b^^Bilr;
Broad Street, FbtladaTnhia.
. KMILLBBj/iprat |
Plttaharghi Fob.- re ß^,, . l '.?i lfclU '4-
COMPOUNfliiYffui’ Of ; | -3.
A certain and tale care lor. cußgibvtoldt, &tnt,
.. ! iT * r «piuiof bloodTpalna in the inle !
' or i breart , yD«rrooideßi!itT,»hoapitaf€oo'’h >• !
J »?ktn CONstfap." i 1
TIOJI or Ujrdu6ae»rifctliina«ry ' ! -o
brent. e Reader tns job ni ffemiu tlj.-
■ *®ld of the ii^.]
” ‘ lanffw, try this remcdjir '' v '• 1 * •!
yoowiU not per. 1 ' ‘ i
. « - b«pe regret IL- ; \T
It w«il arrcit all those disagreeablesyniptoAswh/eH'!
SPijTO* !-W»rto Wi&aj.&prtlonj jonrdaS'l
P^WPtlfla*' purpoitiag to coiUiq
wM Cherry,paecpl.tbat bearing tbovignature t Wr
H bWATire ob the outside -wrapper si eacb»txnile'
asl . h «X ar« qaito like!/ dei«iSc?f
which ibey borrowS'Dame',' ‘ ' \ -*
‘ • i •*.
'UV I 'i
Vf lbVjhe.raiU*
d thisdreadfn diserte ma siajloyehh ibeoidJj
Uie fearfal catalogue ■of those cat Aflby
lion ol the Lungs, HemonrMmlAsibma/eo izhd
Influenza,.HrnachitiJ.and other diseases ol the;
Lqogt aodXtrcr.
important to ncarJjr all ol this ifrtsicT
wa*U( ot human life ulgbthavs been.prsvebtcd?
JiTus.jnedieuia.baa now been betas iWbbtiC'
ESfPWr .?«%'«»» original prgfekl la
from the Wi]d then? Tree.*- Its reputation ns ! a
*^^yr«fCoogb# l CoW« i -Bro ß eblfi«/'ai l d toav
BUOpUon of the Langs baaed eniirelr noon Its- io. ; .
tnotie merits, owes but little to inflated newspaper.;
nulls, 'lhtwo whoffifc ite trial;: beinftwnedtted
by it, recOaoebd'lt to-their- neighbors, »bd iS :
gradually and surely hasit gained sa enviable rtnb
uttoo sod worked its .way, into general use. Obe'i
botiie never tails .-to core a recent , congh or • eoltio'
while with strict attention to'tbediracUona Uui ab
company each botUeil* oseln pinlmdnarv diabases
of long standing and of the mart alarming charae.
ter, has always given relief, and is very mabv
•artanccs has eflcetOdi complete and pe/mabebt ’’
cores; • ••■ . j._ ~
Dr». h lKd YhET.S - Ctielmleil- CotMVtwtt it/rm -
vpof lNUdChary. .iTT ;
Bead the Boat'tc'markaUo cure of Conaomplion
ever placed upon record— , i.
Dr Swa,ne—Dear Sir. I feel it a debt of gratiiode
doe to jou--and a doty to Ihe.ailicted general!, lb
crier at, humble letiimnn/midror td >cair iJoc:°
(rounds,ntpol Wild Chore,. S&u£XL'££'
*'?“> 1 "muioleotl, aUttkad o,lth cold end. (Ha,
motion of tho long,, which waa accoaipanidd* With
a ter, distrcastcg cough, paitt ia the bream tod head
-a ter, emutderabie discharge of oleajiwmocos i
from tho lahge, ciaceiallj opon chaoses oT weather
bowcscesltsSt. At 6m Malt ao alarm oboati at,
condition, bat was ptcll, sooa coariaccd that lwat
rapid], going into coasumpttoo.-I (raw dalfriwcai.
tr r If “•* lc »t>b »“ eearect, able to whig ihosTJ.
•path chore a whtsper, such was ihe cicecdioa
wcahocwt ol mjrltutgu,. Dicing this lime I had Died
rtriooa prcpamUcosapd prcscfipUmts, hot ioanli ao
rcltnl—growingall thoUmo worse. Just here two
adoised pad puraooded b, a dear friend ia Wiltmac.
too to make atrial ol joor Sjrop of Wild Chirr,
I aaa,t coaleis that preiiooal, 1 batlbtfcu Sroittdtc
ed against pateatmeotcioco, aad 1 am sUll'Siinat
those coming oat of tho hand,,.ofreatpiriei; but
oadorstaadiag., lo the proresdob nod
ptaeUco or metlicino, aad hosing implicit Jaith ia
o. 0 JH 1 ° 8 ° b “r&wnda. i. lonhwtlhpitrehanea oi
Ur obawp one „r joor agents, p few. hollks lend
commoaced its. ope.;. Alj L) liami,eotthls tinwlwas
ol itwenty ortwcot, flrejatipthi*
menu, wasdpepljr soiled. ; 1 ronnd, hnwererTton.
.Mdnrahie relter ithia the first lorlror ii,c Iroiiitw
But hejag a pubWc kpcaker ItfreguehUh'dtSatited
■ tp preach with m, tncrcaaing atrenkUt'amribeKb,
raplprcd those wrecl. um. iaddolreadyititgai 2
bealjln tbm.waj. doubtless,-o, care wligreau,
retarded* Jo conacaeeacei ,of.. acting that rmhrli
donll, 1 had 10 hie 11 orfitf bottles ttcTotflWaa
porfceU r femotedi J haM 00 qMajODt'-e munfi
elhrcd the Je*cri*h babjt,did a»jr.ihc.cijitreuin£
eoogb, pat ,V*tob.tolk«r <W4bAi#.6fluttffSoa
obw. Torthe porpuio ol bring perfectly Piffled
-witb the permanency<jf the; ctteldAdjww tlit 1
I eel perfeeilrwell, 1 oiler it nilboleinK.. /T*J
“ - HfiV. J.i». JOEDAW.f' •
- Dnblia county* N..C, o-? .•.-,-;r! .
’’"a ' '' cAimorti > ■ ■ j
, Awtdall sponona prepamutna oT Wild Churrj,
snch as tUlsamn, Bitloru.Sjrupaof, »VBd titan,
Pilh purporting to contain WildrChcrr,;*e, |£
-?• *Beyare jilJb?titiou«,aad counterfeit,eod contain
none or tho virtues pTibn original and cauultfe fa re
ps ratldo:» prepared by Dr, Serayne, aedtbo tint
oycfr prepajed ja, .tbit .ceratm:
Conrpponti Sjntp of.W] Lli cfiKlittY iscotmmUd:
nrvegetable ingredients,the Wild Chorr,. and pth.
erjticdicalsohataaccs'clialiy a."eiUcaCium,l| |noV
, more toj the whole are •o-effectaslly'cobcifftrstW
a« to render it beyond ell dobbt pieaia&t
•tfeegihcß! effectual remedreref diocorerl
ed lor tbo core of eonsetnpUpn, and all
diseaseeor.the Loegeandißwatt; Tbff SSI fcj C tl
from tt* barioff jwtb n train ol aparioae Imiuton
siartda.topnvo itsjneat.emtirorproperlie* > - ’
%‘ ! b |:
4 -)'Votiita. i
Ph l r •
Metfieioo,' rt^tikSwuSSfySi' md c7nk"
■’ '■' i l'‘s>[tf«i
■ prices, a vtrt I°*^*
rotxnofl AFER, ee»pfi*injf -OTcrr
edhpjwl totiiewaum pr commawr/m atTsLiinnfllVir'
.fbper.of all hW'wde.m Sfe
P4PKU ItAKfclh't) MATKMIA, w '
pfotirr,desenption, inmortrii and kcpteSlsislTiL
hJibd'»i«i.Bohitgm Wire Clout, p O £|S2SWf “b
;<?«ijra*#,B«ltiitor>e‘o'nw»tUjpei Baririh* L •'
s E^riS.. vtjw, ™ GE '- , ""“'' as* LIUU
»l*bV*ad l«Tin S
elrnJrd b© bkd wnnn*, Bndfaavinr h-V,.?* lltac^' » c °n» ,
■boat jt>at Vermin* iUtobl2.i?F Fa* ***** *«tl1
yo«rVcfwfta better , «*®Wer
Prrpired ud told b* ‘stsJivi ’ >1
pORTADLE^E*K!S®J , iI?- 'I \ •
. i v; . •
'•'•‘•i ].' t <i. lUw JlilVU ' wJj-:' "’-l j_' < ...
r-t ; ,v ■ ,:. : v.-' .■' i:'
. i j; ■
T\B.9IICSMA7Vb«itfi«OTcrc4• w»Tfai_tO .: r
Mfti .BNlMlu/acwßitta w :
***•*!“*”* u< **>»» &■«*«f c«lt
:•; - SHIK.MAM’S tOOCK LozEjruisd
■E&SSS2SSZ SasSHrafeSf.'
“ p<«» Sum,
~W.~-lto.ti. Tl—j
4?V '**•
»»'■ Foot ? r ‘*' lf V <, «*& ffi: »"
■'asfSLs^jssts^JS^SSSc s2s
OOP am LiU ‘ .40a •
Md CWMMI long rr^--? 1 ™ 8 * *«■« *°»W Wwm
,«Uliwir«rerbuu£ nirrifLtl*"^ * ndma
> t p~ k**HciW.
Witkotttuj’ benefit *"*«* «*^iuu
•kfp, ud at liwM l*"“*
'mh»ui«aof<b«hfvt, bw»*bf tfe ffyarfftTfi**
ißlhn.rn.Myor form w, ii,w* r " fe < j«^£’"j!£ dQ ' t T
■phlotilbatttf, ojjpftMwid or *u£m of .l*?
.<m erw#j. a£;Uw —nn.l. -1
ftflcelxio*, a»d tU-atrrow di-nm,
SiS^sss:,&sr^fe !k cwi
,SSSS‘^£sS l “£;’-^^|SpS!
■fctwlhtecj Opjimaaa of W
' *
90 n »««*Ulyiwtfcß •
ctaß or.PiuUdcipliiß, »|k> knows the nature. the
gw* W*s» fpxMut b«u. Jfw«Sg 3
u^, IUo 0,9 b«t>
niedidh* kfiown—a single box eojtingkutlSxeuU
Md ceniaJnisff 40 pills, saying in perutßiiirtnanr
doJJjrsotltUmcs.iß tDottor’s; brlE^sndtArleioui
tfffiW**,*** Iho rcciimfteßdaUon ,
Tun 7 * WIIOKIiSOAIii Al>vVc^\; J, >|; '
h« » 0-occasion la .lake anjordi
52£lfy ifl . , M K L ,O9P .«»m6ibUo« by
pl (BodicMMw.jwm tea
■ Ul!eat^i>S 4 :^ 0m ' n<M b J ro^“«l»aoiWb«rt
1 •• V Vrm f*%> SanmpariUa Slood PiDM V
taßdyottmlLßiH.haTo' oecaticn io liakn snVlbinz
eJ»e. They will always bo Jnutid good in almotl all
wormaol tom, Inflamatioa ol the stritnKh.'bowo
\Li.Vi nr » e J and ,B jMiM»ess cramp* «| ibe- stomach; »
colie, Watcrbrash: inward liters- loolbraotfi. bad.
bate in the mdaih, SoprercetatiDM nsdneiitroi
cosUtencirsAtt indieestioo, want of
appetite, biliioosaflecUou, dbeasesoT the spleea
«od kidney*, diseases of th*f skin,, aealj enttiood
diyaed watery pimples dr blotches of ft* fob «a
.body, teuer r njb, prickle hquajuitaltrhocia, head*
«ehe f pains over the i*vt,ol
1 £l* n ??** alopt ihe back and «pwe f dttm. *
.. U*o» I ever*.«d all kind*, ama)] pbtjnriiH
;^*? e fe2. ,o,a ' e l f y*P c,3, » *« d w,«Bk they
sort to rfl dtoeaaea laving their Wigmiiß the
' k * B^inte * oh'd imperil/ of the
CTTweotydSfecMUa Box,* : ui
.Whotewlßaml.Retail by B. A. FolmJstock
4t Co., corner of First ahd - Wood, also corner'of
tt«th and Wood streets,/ SSS
S'-hi’ u AKU SUKOb ULOUS ■ S IyJslT,
JrtOh.--bcwijiJa ,ia all its mulUpiied'fSrmsi -
fw^V ,or *? lhat enlargements n the
Ooiue, White Swelling*, Ortobic
fBt£** ?? £ r ' Skm dr Spine,
w!k F J? ** . Con * urn P li °n, emaaate’Oom ono
fiao p ? a **' * h, eh U 8 pribcipJe
.toiirc °f Jew inherent m the 6on»aa»y*tem>Thcr»<
Ml eowS’n'hL* pnbtiplaca'd Uedestrojdd;eo radi
iS i*?”* 08 . b° '“octed, bot if tbo
u. ieb -the diseatQ depends/ »■ removed €icer«
;Jho diseaso cbuold blandest iuoll. This, tlrfiibro ‘
I , JS.?r n, ' h l y^Tt,Vs Altmuw i*?o uZ
vcraally.iaceenslel m removuijr so, many malignant
i ..l lh ®* a ‘d“e«e* have tbeir origin, bj'eMcrinn
4flto the circulation, and with
• fibre, rcmbfitj£.‘evcry Wrbeleuf •
■ ThinJ Strect.i'biladeiphia.-' -i'-lur v -
iirgyigi. » ; wch3i
tia~hf* wui> * dra -siouuck. vorpekbaerr did.
*'22Sh l - ,We^? after
c e?ey\ifnraidtfiivrtUo>«“b e y\ifnraidtfiivrtU0>«“b
Wtliru Jayae't tamuasiire luiimm, Thi»ben£!i« '
Mrdiny io ihe'dlreeiiont, audjWod invariably iffi.w
S^ e a e , e W. U « thr« irfflmf,! .
? nd 111 fiueea oriwcniy minuioseTery
ifsTC?*"* 4 wto hever indicaiiouet ib c .acnJ3r i | l ,!r
.pßiaweiepercnTed.and ihopam was ihCTcby^rr,,,
i (oril»CKBC«iofUlßMaaiacll w USS^gKjjjfg
I ~
- ‘
l 4 { ' ‘
jcfei i ‘ C ' futncil waULaWnder,L*t.-.
! ‘ --
. i > .fSL lo . d ft-to | * c * l containing irasrsitwitrsris •
- v B f et * n *.d*Chifie*e'powden : • *•
- T «?to* , >lehairoil, '••- .••' < ' * ti//. > -
- |Soap; Ease Lip salrei r *
'' il •
iSIiW 01 ban amt cakes;
ef soap; together wnb a
whhepertunicryjjßnrrcmedifortaJebr , T
| n tM ■■- • : JIAFAUXThOTuOff ACO
V . '
*wat couKihu hto¥^v;
i • ■'••' "'M U SCAlkfcl,
. firrtrfbtl*TCTiaarfa>tfc'W~til
' ‘M&i<j*xemß*ii4ia£i, 3i~U,»<ar tlifUil frL f
rjitwss op iDVEiiTiiUfi,
OnetßiertiooeT 14 lines, ;0r1ew,...«,u../"vn m
Two insertions witbocUlterationa,
Three nut
OnpAVeek .• . «- -■ «: s &■
two Weeks. •■• • • ** ■ .V> ~
pree " -■ " st«
One Moil thy « ", ..........4 i*> <
Three “
adverliseinenWia same,p(v>fxylipB>
Ood*qtiare,6 moiilbs,’without aHer3tmn^»»i (l °
» „ ... .. 4 . .... 15.1 l
bieh additioonslsqaare rorG iuontb*,..*.*»*i.^ t,li
U: . *«. . j# . „ ;> .,,.„vu0 tv.
One squire, 6 months,renewable at 1
|V£. .I*. .• « “
ityciia(!ditinutsqaarerorl2moAifc*»*«*»«*> > (f lo
Two; aqua fet,G months, re’wable «i pleasure 3) ou
Eae^Suditjntial square,6 omoUa; .ini
, Wlklci.» OR 'TRI*W«*I» I* T>Mi,* ***lU*.
3 insertions, •>*>
V.ji' “ each additional iwertioa,.w ; A -
' RCSIRRS* CARDS. . cl; :
FiveJleee or lew, one yeti.. »*.k f» l*)
*».i‘ « . & hr
« one yeer, daily & weekly, lo t»i
- . ix Doolba ", ; •'8 w)
, -ioTXiTifxaxifTftJv wrtut rmi.
For list*, or knione *w«rt«oaV«»*»tV^»SiK , iO
« *' " T*o, *S o7b ( ,
. Three; « t(ii> •>.
> .if •• •• Three oioalhi/.3 '•.. V
' ‘ '**■ " £*, ' “ '••••ii. uwi . v
•i « « Twhe *. Slow) '
X7*Ail adTertlsemcßU to be chewed by Uas kqsare
aad adkeouotoi A 5 periapt to be giwa *tfj»retbe
unoeAt of adrerUiißf exceed* flO dollar* per year.
I, , j,:.. BVUVW CAftM. .T'Ui'jl
i rii» Um»<» imi omw. s cd
|,; ■ !ij: v , : . : ... l ««
' i iV- ,'•* , ■' ■ . . -