The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 31, 1848, Image 3

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rli., f
•’s/ X
’-it/:r ‘
''} i\ I ■ ’ “DICE—6 times prime rice landing from steamer fli-'
' Xv 1— Wright ana finr sale by. Uas] JAB FLOYD.
T EAniEB—IOD »lde« K Yifll«lMiWnii»i<i«fwni^
; -"Vt•*■'<* .1 4 frontsteamer Gondolierfor sale by
. - :. jtns : ... • ; UE FLOYD.
' ‘ ■
‘ 1 / •* v*
PBARI. ASH—IO casks first quality, pearl ash for
sale by UaT] iBUBBRIDOE, WILSO-V A Col
; CtUGABr-SJhhd* prime N O sugar for sate by i
1 ticrees hew rice I‘cc’dper Silas Wright, for
Sundries —w btu floor,* doimiu keg* do; &
bbls roll batter; 1 hbd ham; I tierce jolea jutt recM
' satOßsicnmejit and for sola by
'• jaT V•' 1 50 wateraad.UT7lronT tit.
■ 'r\fcl£D DKEf— wTtlirejai refer cored, irfnSTEeH'
1 ! - U jortrtt>i ai»dkir»alevy.- _ ’ . ’ ■; ' •
. pn|T ’ ■ '• ' R OAKFOIU) A Co.
BUIXOt— afkr|i r butter? 4 bbla'doT landing froo»
. ‘‘■ r^^% 3 BF,ELp t nOF.
boze*' priaM cbeew, large eiac, r*c’<i
’ VtibUrinilotMkiliT •
l 1WB |; WA B U.^
TVET raurr-too bo* jrfad**; 1» do apple* fet
; i/wkbr ■ j*«ru?vp.
f TbBEB UAltt-fl baW deer'hair for liddlerlum
» Jj/ iotl i*<M and for ute bjr
’ * nrrotth-LQ iQtaa hoot >H tun *a& for —it fay
Jtl list CEO A BEftBY, l
• f$ wood MCtf.
tit:. - 1 v
' i'
SUGAR —23 best* !) &:lu|t lotfn(tr r lOlXlbb!i
assorted Not. ituiL lot/ ißnßSßOAienibidßu
far, 175 do powdered do; )r*flft«fija store and for —u
w Jta4 : . 45 water and » from sts
5U Mils St Louis sugar house molasses; S 3 do gold-
npOBACCO—O boxes *pxod lamp*. Virginia Tobac
* ‘^S.Ts%sg*%& i * Crt
YJaVaNA SUGAR—l7'boxes Havana brown scri
FI for skis low to close coowfomeui by.
/XnrON-30 bates cotton jast rec'd per Lady Byron
ty tod tor sale by ISAIAH DICKEY ACo, :
|an!3 • ’ • ’ 50 water street •
LARD-No I lard in LbU and ktti for sale br
. ’ Ttli'itJt AMD LARD—C bbls roll baKtn 3 bees da!
\ l» 5 keys lard, jast rec'd and for sale by
i . ianl* ATWOOD, JONES A Co.
B~ CCKWHKAT FLOUR—4S seeks Jut rec'd awffo
janli ?a wood »t
MOLASSES— ITO bbls plan tattoo molasses (uei
crop) just landing sod (br sale br - -
>al3 BROWN a CULBERTSON,' 143 liberty it
, OCCAB-17 hbd* N O sugar Just rac'd and for sale by
STOVE FOR'fIALE—A, for tailors' ose
entirely now, tor tale low . ' ' '
T EAD—UO pigs for sale by I
,75a 1 No. 35 Erect «t.
■ T EAD—I3OO pig* Csietia lead forsale by
(JkMP—JO tales Kentnekydew rotted beap for sale
BONEY— 30 boxes boner lost rec'd and for sale bp
\\f IN DOW GLASS—DO boxes tixlO 10x13 wisdom
I? glass jast rec'd and for tale by.
Xf fire briek (warranted) In store and for sale by
Jaa4 • , MAAI’L M KlEg, canal basin, 7tk at
WHITE BEANS—SO bo wbhe beans in store and for
sale by • Uaa4],'. ' SAM'L M KIEB. •
PEARL AlHj—ls casks pearls, prime quality,
hist recMred and for sale by -
. jal , gy VON BONHOROTACa.
T>OPLAR LUMBER, and Pme Joke, for sale by
SIIEEI* 1 BON—SOOoTbe No S 5 JtrniaU
fj sheet iron (warranted) in storo and for sale low to
cloee cootitianeai by - Qaa4] SAM'L M KIER
PEPPER— ®0 sacks pepper which'can b 6 sold t«t
low to, the' trade, just rec'd and for sale by
SALEBATUB— 4 tons in boxes and casks for sals by
Is 4 BOBEBT DALZELL. liberty st
LOAF SUGARS—out barrels assorted Nos. Cat sale
by [jan3l ;BAQAIJW A SMITH.
CANDLES— 50. boxes Cincinnati mould candles in
rec'd and for sale by B A WTiARBAUGU. •
"DEACHES—4O bus dried peaches, a rood article, Inst
X fat*ale by [jatf] SA W itARyAUGIL _
LARD— No 1 lard in bbls and keen for tale by
i JaB . BA W UARBAUGH, JS wood tb
SUGAR—IO hbds N O soxar landlnr from atrTarUo*
aland for tale by i)as) - J h_EH/)Vi?.
MOLASSES— 00 bbls X'Qmhluim l»n.»n» (nQ
. * onr «»d for sale by JA R FLOYD
POTASH— And scorchinn for sale by
Jan 3 J A B FLOYD, Htt libci
/COTTON—3O bales Colton, to airire, and-for sale by
V/ jane -- • : • * ISAIAH DICKEY +Co
[UGAR—lOhltds i’riroe N. O. Sorar: for sale by
Molasses —uo bbls n. o.' hfoinw inewerop;) for
tICE—S tres. Rice, to arrive per star. 8l Cloud; for
EAISINB ■JO boies freth; SJ hlf bxs; to arrnre per
Nortbem ljeht, and for sale by .. .
BUTTER— A lew bbls roll butter Just reeW and for
saleby • S A W HARUAUGH,
• land . 33 wood, it
IEAN'S—A few bbls roll butter just reeMand forsale
CORN AND CORN UEAL-A small Ist on hand
and for sale by. QU] 8A W HAB BAUGH.
EYE FLOUR—3O bbls . rye: Sour a prime article for
aale to eloee consign ami by
, jsfl 1 SAW HARBtUCH.
PEACHES—ISO bushels halves, dried peach-
Xfeeforaaleby BURBBiDGE,WILSONACo,
■•■jaanaryfi - .•: -waterstreet 1 -
T7LAXAEED OIL—S bbls flaxseed oil No 1 quality,
JC received and for tale by
j. . W and R hTCUTIHEONj ■
JaaB, , - .. 15cl liberty street
(I the North British Review. - No. 15, November,.
1»49. IChronicle and Americsn copy.] ; jfoifi'
EOLL BUTTER—4 bbb prime roll better jan rec’d
and for seta by BURBBIUGE, WILSON A Co.
./IB£hs&-tl boxes prune Vhcew rec’d and fi»r sala
\j by OaS] W- and R MTUTCHEON, liberty st
Raisins and auionds-uo frwujjai*-
lUuinc&U frail* toft sbellalalmoudslbr tale t>r ':
vtltt rtrccl
A FPLE3 Just received anil for sale, 57 bbls rreeu
A. apples, bv ORUMMcGREW.ACa,
|a7 Nod wntmereial row.
/'XHLORIDE UHE—U cuki joitrecM and for tala
V/by ■ U A FAHNESTOCK, * •
js7 ••- ’ comer of Ut and ttrceta.
ISON SAFE—One large iron tale lor tale by
ja7 '■ tf A FAHNESTOCK, A Co.
LEAD— 30QptgaGalena leadjoit landing from ttar
ATplaocbe and ibr tale br
jaafl BBOWN A CULBKBT9ON, I*s liberty at
SHOT —13 ktn auorted abot, landing from atr Ava
lancbe far aale by BROWN A CULBERTSON.
SWEET POTATOES—2S bblsree'daod for aala bj
• jaad corner ofwood and wafer ata
G BOUND NUTS—IO sack Tenaetaee grand not*
ree’d and for aale by WICK A bTCANIJLKSS,
jaaO- r * coracrof wood tad water tit.
bbla No 3 Maekml (branded
L lane) for aale by o>3] JAR DALZOX.
/|OFFBB-a.7 baft greea Bio, part atrictly prime
Cr'Bs do t do Lagoayra;
Anirisrudiortalrb; !••
dear* y. 135*135 Wood at.
MACKKREL-IW bbU No. 3 large; for aale by
jelfl . ;• Eaattide Diamond;
] AAA WOOL SACKS, for tale low by
eUUU mytfdAwif ; MUEPHV A LEE.
•JMG IRON—Aamall lot of Allegheny iron for tala
bj_ liawll . 3* H FIiOVIX
Bp awn. BtT.SAR—fiO baira Bimart aarar la atora and
OtnoN-IU laia iliM. coojniourjel^fcr
nil by ' . .. ATWOOD, JONES *. Co _
wla by L
X JinU
; nr\EY APPLE*—3O tmiieUdryopplaa fet'd tad for
; J/iil^b T . UTJI IiW.fcBM'CUTCUKOX.
X*ABD->loim No 1 Utd rec'dTutd fatuH by y -"
jat) : • Tw A B J>TCUTCaKD?L-
I'EkTHEtt-aHW ib»'aiming aadapperleMiereir
i handondfoT wdocyTlW * B M’CUTCHEOX.-.
DRlfll PKACHEB ■■ 2ip bnabeU ia MaW iaffa
Til. by Q*l3]~ TASBEY *. BEST.
~r IQUORS —130 gelkruj Uollmud GUsSSOdo'Fnneb
-V■.?^ ,ly, " c ' ll ” ‘^rraCTfife:
riOTTOI-P bmJea Memphis eMitt jo«f received
CTendforaaic by . ATWOOD. JONCT* Co
/^*nr~hyhi?P—SD bbU; pit aT P«iw]rlVania} _ ©n
V.ST MomSi i
_ la fiaa order,
■ofib* B -^^^s«ssar£?r ro *'-,
Ovnaurmxj .
ObenoMn'* pura cidgrTlnymi
\'bucKWIIEAT“FIX)UB7*‘“SrtSi I S r k^a«bJ“ 1
;X> low,achotcajj^
TV ««t«I dlnct Croat' JMkSoIV !«• ‘
tea ca.^
: T>ELOIAN ' Onr nwatrt
_|> bricbt rtripe*,joiwe'd aod toakby ••' ? V t -. •
-lioaneseu, Jw.,ivuwc'<l*adlor *nle »nr
tall ■ JOEL MOHLKtt, cur wood and &b m.
-•fjOTASlf—ApiWenleleW retail by. • ... _L'
jf, '■■ -J _ JOKb MOHL£B-_
Appriwu- iVUiltfM'd thfaTdiar and for aab bjr .
s*aW _ ■•; YASSEY * BtefT. i
Brfforifrglaofoam for «aloby -
j-»«7.- ■•.•■•-, SF VU.X UONNHOBST* Co.
: kut 4 iSTm pruaa article) ree’d and for
little by -TbOBEBT A CUNNIXOHAU, ‘
’» jtnlO i 1M liberty etrett.
LOVErUO fabU flour, JUubot* brand, lb *tow and
foraalaby .- OED A UERBV.
00 (r eaka. Booeao Pon Wme;
If . UqreakaLM do;
* - Host.• - do; > •"
II « Trash do;
30 “ IS Madeira, do;
15 « LM ; do;
10 “-. . Syarinrtom . do;
9 “ PayaL* do;
.11 « Teuendt, do;
10 • “ • Fait Skerry, do;
I . * . Golden do do;
'5 “. Browa do do;
10 * Lisboa do doe
15 “ Dry Malaya do;
,10. “ Uweet «lo do;
For salt in quaatititt io tuit, by P. C. MARTIN,
. deal ‘ ~ cor. Southfield k Front sts.
FBBSU PBtJlT,Ae—4O bxt cropboßch Raisins.
- lUUMetaioa Oranree;
. AfraiUDates;
5 eases Citroo;
3 bbts shelled Almonds:
3 bblt Filberts:
10 bxs A No 1 Rock Candy;
_ M bxs new scaled Harriny; reeelvtd per
state. Consul; for salt by- - ,
■ TIS 133 A 135 wood st
-111. ttbuCabfcaaftife;
33 u - Chapaairt Sk -'
» “ In’iti;
» “ Riumll k Robiasoa’s 5k
» “ BrmaeM'rl«;
•> “ IbwiM'i lr, on eoaunnenl tad
I \RtJGS—GumMyrrh, Turkey. “ •"
XJ ■ ‘ do Gamboye;
do Kino True; •
do 'Optam,newcrop;
... .do Oalbanutn, strained; r -
do Daudeliop;
....... do Belladonna; jnst received and foi
dM b n y B. A. FAHN ESTOCJC A CCt,
ael3 corlstfo Wood »ts.
P*H— ISO bbls large No 3 mackerel;
, 3t> do do Not 14 3; . .
40hfbblsdo Not 'ik a;
£5 w * 1 Ribbed berriay;
M do No 1 Salmon:
15 casksiarye Codfish; „
Rred»lo r tnd fonSu^LSdSKi?ASH^TON,
• 1331:135 Wood tt
SIZtBTIAB —Wt hatoißti received
om case assorted colored sileiias; - .
- « If* U«ta *> do;
block - -do; very heavy;
. do; varyioe;
~ • “ .“ do; .
which wrwill aelltow to the tWla. .
«30 • • 90 Wood tt
pKODCCK-OOban dried ptubti: -
X 07 ken lard;
10 bbu. d«
. • “ roll batter;
Laodiof aad (or salt by BAOALEY A SMITH,
Jal Not, 19 A 80 Wood at
COLD CBJBAJK. ta ehiua pots; Betf Marrow,
Bear*# Grease, aad ftoa LinSalve,u eblu pots, for
lal Ns. 831 Wood tt.
*DIIOON9r~3O do*, rood corn brooms
JJ .13 •** *nilthan'd -
* hearth
10 whisks • “
For salt by Uall 8 F VON BONHOttST k Co.
DRODCCE-eS keys bouer;
X JOboahprimaehestouta; !
stcka riaseny; . [
•••■•• 5' do - am; j
i" 35 venison hams;
For salt by. fdcX] LAMBERT k SHIPTON.
SVIIDRIBH bblt Fresh. Roll Batter,
■ U bbls Cloveretcd;
SO aeks Peaches;
1 bait Hops; ,
3 ktya Lard; received par soar Beaver; for Wa
br • - j- L.S. WATERMAN,
del* • - . MWattr AO3 Front tta.'
STOAB t hhdapnmt New Orleans:
- • 3 bblsDß crushed; < (
_ ' . • 10; do-assorted aow • i
■Wwfijtofcr J/awiLUAMa,/
dew -. •• ■> no wood st.
LCOEiASSBS—IObbIs N. O. prime;
U. 3 do SnyarHooae;
_ , . . •3 do PhfljL steam syrep; >. ]
For sale by J.U WILLIAMS, 1
. dcao . - . ' no wood tt
| ~\lL**-1000 (alia wiater bleached Whale Qil; prime
, VSws'raaaaw 00; . . !
3 **' Cntda do; in store; for tala by j
ptO Water «l, near Cherry ay.
?EATHKH3, At—3s teks Femthcrsi
X 0 teka Ginseng:
4 seks Dry Apples;
' '1 box do
- leak Beeswax; •
J - 1 sek Beeswax: to arrive; for sale by !
- >*_ • * I. DICKY k CO.
kj'DTiPd bales AI moods; ’
XI. 10 bxs Shelled;
3 bays Cream Nats;
'" ' 5 bays Pea Nats; for sale by
300 boxes No.' 1 Cincinnati Soap; i
• 50 - Moold Candles;
I.ending from North Carolina; for salt by I
_ J*l ■ Not. U AOO Wood st
JOPS— 15 westernNY Hopt; j -
• . 5: do Ist “ etsteni • ** . !
Carefully selected aad of extra qnality, ta store aad for
laal . 4t water st
SUNDRIESr-6 bbU lard; ' '
• : 5 •** fresh roll buoer;
■ d “ dried peaches
3 “ clover seed:
Jott we'd aad for sale by L a WATERMAN,
fr»3. ' •' ’ tl water and 03 frontsts
C'O APS-10 boxes pare Palm;
O - a “ White; •
• 9 • Bose; .
• •• 5 • Shavian
for sale by S.F. VON BONHORSTA-Co,
I*3 • No. 35 Froct st
?BEIH FHCIT—ao drams Smyrna figs;
. 3 LblsZantee currants!
4 boxes Geneva citron;
80 do MRRaisins; !
110 Wood st.
DTE CHALS-SSCO lba while (kalk fot ul« by
j*lo KK SELLERS. .
SPTB.~TURPENTINEr— U bble for sals by t
j*i> ■ R E SELLERS.
TinNDOW GLAS3—SOD bis. 6x10;
ff ISO - 10x15;
. --.,. .- »o “ loxifc
foraalsbjr i F. VON BONNUORST k.
i»3. . . No. 35 Freni n.
PLASTEB PAIUS-fitiulil* for Laad,Ae, always
oa hud tad for sale at No. 944 Liberty street, uetr
Canal. flelOl W.W. WALLACE
LAKO-fl hUa No 1: T ken do; tn stare nd for sal*
by Uulj TABHEY k. BEST.
XTAILS—UtS kafsass'it; for ule by - 1
i> tf.R V<LN BONN UOHST A Co.,
_;«1 . No as yroalatreat
SCOAR-a hhds N O sonr on hud tad for sals
BCfTOUO bbls roll; :
' 3 ken Recited ibis day . and for'sab
by ptal] TASSKY A BEST.
fjtIIOTHT IERO sale By"
X j*nl Jfcß FLOYIX
HAVANA SUGAR—I 6 bra Havana npr ofl
hand tad for sale by ATWOOD 30X0*4 Co.
"\f O.SUGAR—I6 bhdaN OsanrJold crop) jnstrtcVl
J3l» tad for salt by BEOWN* CULBERTSON,
jaii4_ 143 liberty; «t
/''IQFFEEt-106* bafa prims Rio code* in store and for
l_/sale by&U3] BAOALEY A BMJTU.
"ITTHITE BRAZIL SUGAR—6OO bags superior qual-
Tfity ia start aad fot aafo by • -
SAmiATPIr4 eult and one box lost landinf
and tor sale by g F VON BONHORgT A Co. *
OBACCO—IOO km tin 1 six twin tobtceo fat
Mtalty , ~ ATWOOD JONES k. Co. .
T)KAJrCT*-34 bap naU for sa.
nOLMIB-Fonin and DegtiMi* Colofna Wa
\jur,totiMtbr .. JOHN a MORGAN,
fl. ■. ' • ; No. 83j Wood a.
/COFFEE—IOO green Rio codee arTir tag
V rla New OtUnij tnri for sale by
jaal •.- BROWN A CULBERTSON, 143 liberty it '
LOAF SUGAR—IOO bbla Leeimna refinery No 7
lAf nnr j«M m'd u< ftr ule br
fall • ■ • • POINDEXTER A Co.
BATOEBS—I9S7 tba priou Jbatoeky fttthf n js»
neibnd mitombbj ■ ■ • ■" ■
BOATW lam tobataatlal coal beau for
U eel*. Ingainof •■ • REYNOLDS A BHEE,
ARD—IO bill lard for sale by
i jaatl . • BKYNCLDS A BHEK
'EBAPDSX—(a bbUudhslfbblaanp«rior*rti
.cU tot Mis by o*lll REYNOLDS » SURE.
DRIED FBUrT-40 baadried Peaehe*; 3* do peel,
ad do: 30 bcaheld dried applet for aale by -
RIO COFFEE—3*4 ban prime ~green Rio eoffee; 85
. bble LoreriagU crnaEed Mfar, landing from star
Northern Light, aad for aala by '
RAISINS— 800 bxa banch rai*ia» perbffconroi for
•alaby- IflU - HAGALKY A SMITH.
Molasses and raisins—ice-bbi* motaws;
' 130 bom buck raUia* per «r‘ Avalaacbe,' for
isMby liaatll BAOALEY A S3UTH.
RIO COFFEE—4OO bag* prime green Rm .coffee
> landing from etrStCtoad and forcale by '
jaatl r -i lIAOALEY A SMYTH
S~ UNDIUKS—Spice/ madddr, kßwood/etc/ ou band
and for aal* by ROBERT A CUNNINdUAIJr
TbBV APPLtS—2sbwlwUfor«aiebr .
J ) , / sTf. VON BONNUOl&T * Co^f
' I*® ... ' • * -. " No. 33 Front at.’
T'ABO-147 kege leaf lard, reeM per itmr America
I jjifldferaale by Ue3) __LS WATERMAN.
BEANSM* bble soel! wblte beiua la more and to;
emit by ■ ■' tie®! L » WATERMAN.
- ya - •■ • • - ■ • No. M Front it.
S 3 bale* writera New York hop*; Id do.
ss&* “ffisssraasass^,.
■ " , 143 liberty *Ucci.
S'~ UOAR-lOltbd* prim fori
eale by jjelgj ■ JAS A. 110/LHiaON A Co. ,
rnODACCOS—I3O bx* andTfottfc'eWee bran
VT»W WOtAMEg-lM bbleFMntaWUolaa-r
Janl No* lßtdU Wood it. : j
RililMraa boXf.toJKhß^iut^BWliwdiiif,
PIOISON— WOtotuotf irooforaiieby -r- ~
jM; JOHNS PILWOBTH,ff7 wood et
RIO bag* prime frees Bio <efffe«
Madina torn atmerTaelioni. for «ale by •'
jmT• . “ JOHN 8 DILWOBTH..
SALT FETRE—I3 bbla refined ullpeUe; 0 bage'
crate do for tala by [}a4] ISAIAII DICKEVACo. ■
'‘OOSIN—OO Ud* rods par rac'd and for cala by ■ ; j
Ji jaai -c . POINDEXTER ACo.
r|UN HJtir£-U9bexa»4 M Fmfpool b.
Aby k i*u*
■ V.
Bon- - Son ~&xa k!ou%
rises, seta, rises., phases.
S® SuanlaT/i’
30 ttoadsjr. «'
31 Monday, l
7 7 453 748
7 7 4 53 84t
7 6 4ST 938
7 5 4 55\ 10 30
7 4 465 i 11 87 *
7 3 457 l mom.
7 8 | 4 fialj 08! {
m HoT«atau«fth<
To arrive al New York.
... HAVEL .■ 5-
Miuoari, Mpriin, Dee. 23
Fkilada, Beuoa, Ju. 23
N. kork, Ferraod, Feb. «1.
' uvcurat.
Cambria, Judkiat,
■otmuvmjr, Ac/ , W«»b'n., JohnitonJaa. X
Johnkoa,Dfc. IB Horniiui,Crabtree,Mir. lt»
lloriH»n,Qr«bjre« ! Mtr, W ' ’'fo iiil from Bfiloß.
To arrive ta Bo clou. uyulpoou
x. B.ouia w. h. craxT. chas. zva.
Monday Morning', January 31, ISIS. J
Tbb generally, on Saturday, presented
no material cjiango in prices; nod sales were com
fined mainly to the home trrnlo.
The. weather, although somewhat colder than it
■baa been lor tjie past two weeks, Wat quite pleas
ant for out-dopr business, in which way some ac
tivity was manifested. :
On Saturdajr, aloug tlie wharf present
ed more animation tlian we have seen for some
time. Several boats had just arrived from the
lower trade, mostly with Groceries lor our
market; oil o( which, together with several of our
steamers, which were making ready to depart,
made us think, almost, that the Spring trade had
commenced. ] ' “ •
The recession of the rivers was partially-check*
ed by the repent rains, and a. rise of some two
feel had up to Saturday evening. It is
now, however, gradually failing .again, with tome
6 feet water iij-channels
Fluui—The market,'since oor last report, has
undergone no change. The usual quiet
ness still prevails; and we note limited sales only,
from store,at $1,8701,931 ;\and from river at 4,73
pbbL . i '
Gsa»—Everything is quiet, with no further
change in prices. We' continue to quote as fid*
lows: Wheat|looc; Rye and Barley 45030 c;
Com 40, and Otis at 26027 c p bu.
rxovoioN»-!-The market is very quiet, with no
thing doing qf consequence. Bacon hams, we
quote al.GoCtc; Sides Sos}c; and Shoulders at
401ic gr ft, | Bulk meat is held generally at 4c
hoground, which is a figure too high for the views
of the purchaser. Of' Butter, we hear of no
large transactions. Roll is steady at 12013, and
keg at 9010 c ft. Moderate sales of Lard at 80
file?ft, as inequality. >. • i
PiTTsnrxoni axd Cmcucun Paeans.—• This
splendid line ®f steamers have again resumed
their regular tripts from this city to Cincinhati. The
first to depart] is the Monongahela, Cap*. Stone,
which leaves, is.per. advertisement, this day at 10
o’clock. •
Pimßutou;A.iD RaowKamxs Pact*!*.— The
splendid new packet steamers Atlantic'and Baltic,
will commence their:regular trip* this day at 8
o’clock, a. u. j ! i 1
We learn from tlie Louisville Courier, that the
steamboat Allen Glover,, recently exploded her
boilers on the Warrior: river, but there was fixtu
nalelyroloMqf lifeby lbe acridefit.
Baxxs. —The. January 'number of the Bankers
Magarine states the name, location, and capi
tal of the Banka of each State, with the names of
the President and Cashier.of with the circu
lation, specie, and the population of each State, it
appears that are 703 Rant?*, SOS ?niiiytnf of
Capital, 116 millions of caculation, and 41 millions
of specie, or abbot $2,50 for each individual
The recapitulation also contrast! the extremes
of Bank captains follows:
Stales Banks • Capital Population IStO
Massachusetts, 100- 748£00
Louisiana, 0 17,000,000 354,000
Rhode Island, : *l3 11,000,000 100,000
South Carols lli, 1 14 595,000
Ohio, 4S 5,71)0,000 1,500,000
32 1*600,000 . SOoiuOO
0 1,200,000 681,000
Caxsx. Bum or Nrw Oautue.—The Picayune
io giving an account of tin rips recently made on
that Bank says},
‘'The back had in specie, on yesterday, one mil
lion eight hundred and seventy seven thousand
one hundred and sevenjeen dollars against one
million two hundred nod clghty-cx thousand two
hundred and sikly dollars in circulation. Making
an excess of specie over .circulation of live hund
red and ninety thousand; eight 1 hundred and fifty
seven dollars, j j J t •
Hrar.—Conflicting statements are made in the
paper* with regard lotbchemp crop., A com*'
pondent of lire- Louisville Journal wya the n-reipU
from ' Missouri ;in ISI7 were in he Louis, 50,330
bale*.—the average crop in Miwmri bribe last
lour yean, 7203 ton*. In jSt7, tie crop is said to
be below that average, id Missouri,' and in Ken*
tuckey, to ha7e: (alien off pearly one h*lf Hence,
he. conclude* that Kentucky rnanubtetore* will
have to buy largely of Missouri, oauunung os they
do about 10,000 tons annually! ; . *
The Lexington (Ky.) AUaa sets down the Mis
souri crop last year as ah average one (7,302 too*.)
The average crop of Kentucky is said to be 17,000
toos, bat from various causes ii)?i jbr wiO not
exceed 12,000 ; tons.' Hence it infer* |b*t the
hemp coming hi market this year, will be sufficient
only tor western con sumption, and that whatever
is shipped east,' will cause to the name extent a
deficiency Sir western manufttcttmirs.
Spirit of the Domestic Markets.
New Oxuujcs January 2U.-rSeJe*- of 230 bbU
Meas Pork at $0.23; 40 at ftJn, ■■».! .30 at 0,45 w
bU. ■
” Corn—Sales of 700 sks white and mAxedot 20c
p bbl; 425 white at 00c; 200 at 21c: 900 yellow at
bScp bo. • !’
Oats—Sale* of 300 aka $t 44c per bu. •
Cc*too—The demand is active. •
Sugar—There i* no change in the prior* of lh£*
article. } j::.
Molasses "180131 c. I '
Flour—St Louis lUinois sflQ.
Nxw Oxuass, January 81.—Air. barques Uht
cs, from New York; St Andrews, da Kilby, from
Bastoo; Louisiana, Jhxn Bahiinore; brio EtUs. flam
Boston; St George do.
Cittls Vsrkiti." '
Bugwiox, January 24 .—At market, 125 Beef
Cattle, 200 Sheep, 125 Swine.
Price*—Barf Cattle, $56*5,50.
Sheep, 4,47, % 2£0,3,3£0,5,50.
Swine, at wholesale, $338. -
nU bj •*'
'N'ES * Co.
Ht*r Orkantr- Per Mt Vernon—2o bids molsv
ses, 31 hhda sugar, MercerBc Robinson: 35‘bbds
do, 26 bUs molasses, Dalzell; 19 hhJ« sugar, Cole;
fl csks wine, 8 bbls do, owners; 1 bx-docks, Todd;
2 tbjs .l tibd sugar, Edie; lOtrca rice,
Bagaley & Smith; 85 sks coffee, 87 sides leather, J
Perry; 98 dr hides, Hartley; 8 bbls scrap iron,
Church k Corotheng 1 bbl oil» : McCully fie co; 7
bbls molasses, 1 sugar, Kngl»«h &
Cintuuuui— Per WeUavjU©—soo pcs bulk
44 ties lard, 43 bbls do, Jordan 6c Son; 22 do mess
pork, llagalcy & Smith; .75 dry; 4 bis gr hides, 1
buffalo robe, H T Leech; 71 hhds sugar, 300 bogs
coflee, 1 Ire rice; Ihmses; 110 bbls molasses, Bur*
bridge, Wilson & co; 10. sks rags, 1 do ginseng,
Mellor; 16 do rags, 28 doloots. Morgan <lc co; G hM
bacon, 1 bx venison, Friend, llhey & co.
JVajAeiife—Per Fairmouni—L bbl, 1 cat, lak dr
peaches; 3 mks dr apples, 7 bbls do, 1 sek feathers
®°i 45 tons pig metal, Spang Sc co: 3
sks Mathers, 1 bx mdse, u bbls peach brandy, 1 bx
mdse,Batter fie lire;42~sks featfera, 1 do wool, M
Alien sea 4 bbU'sweet potatoes, Moignn Sc co;
83 bga Mathers, 1 do'ginseng, 12 do pea oats, - 1 bx
specie, Dickey & co; 35 bbls lord, 3081 ncs bulk
meat, LaoghUn; 479 pcs bacon, 8 bbls heap need.
Carson Sc ofcKiiight; 194 blooms, Coleman id Hail
man; 2 hhds tobiacob, 1 bcl| samples, McMidsm; 64
■cks feathers, Poindexldr & ox 8 rolls bagging,
King fie-Pennock; r oyster box, Falconer? 87 Ires,
jO bbls wd, Grier; 3 bis, 4 bdl* moss, Ankrtm 8c co;
,3 hhds tobacco, 1 bx samples, Maxurie: 51 met, 2
tranks mdse, Graff; 18 csks scraps, 1 pkgundse,'!
chest tools, Shoenberger: 8. rolls leaiW. 4 fltewsrt
8c Hall; l.csk dbeese, McCtndleu; 19
iMNS molasses, 6 j hhds sugar, 48 (res- btb, I hmsea;
7 hhds. sugar, Periy; 60 übls molasses, 1 B&rbridgo'
Bcco..' * i . i . m . -
—l*er Penniylvsiua—lB bxs bacon
Myers 6c Hunter; 1 do mdse, Hill Sc Brown: J box
Guthrie; l do, Mellor; 80 • do candles, 'Atward 8c
co; 8 do cooper’s tools Kcevia; 161 bbls' mo U sscs
i l *did sugars, l;cak claret, Bunsen; 1 box. Lisech
8eco; 17 bbL flour, F Sellers.
and potrid bresth.
• Bpongy!jrea* like rotten desib/ v
1 ,*• repulsive and disgusUng. !
All could have teeth as white as pearl, -
Sweet breath—hard gonmHnaa or girl.
Wh> icU)-?—flay, h»*ie
And u»* * box 01 Jcn<*’ Tboih Piute
It.coils boiS3 Ceuta, aud ii resllrabeaotifttl ’article.
1 ri''?:, 1 '""* •“ u, “ l ■&u 1* PH™ p ui*S«
Lipptlp «L, , ; , j.. - . BOvlD.Jiwly
hargh* ! novWd*w4mT. ;
ST Udles who om Jooe*l.Spwiris UlyV (Thiie, has*
*dw»r** while traaapsrsHt «U,l rif
wiU ssMr any oM. AoW o*Jy> ftSiiSiJmS
Liberty*t • »•••_ - ■ ■ , aovlMss4wly '
lETI> reby fi»o notice, ihes tl hsrs i ravgnsff- my
suaatMa as Cuy Wateharn, frees (Us da it.
I«» GAfWEUjb&LY'
J* *. i. St,*— ** r
j 7 rxrr nranx w
' ARRIVED, ! -b;
Coasal, Dushtncy BrowiunDf.
E*fcp Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.! i
Bearer, Clark, WelUrille. -1 '' \
Caleb Cope, Bearer and WellsnUe. A
. LAuii MrLane, Bennett, Brovraville. • j
Dispatch, NeUoa, Brownsville. ; I
Monterey, ——, Brownsville, i j
Ringgold, -■ —, Bridgeport. !
Pennsj'lrania, Gray, Cm.
Welhville, Barns, Louisville. !
Fairmrmnt, I*o6, Nashville.
Brooklyn, Bois, Sl Louis. !' 1
Pike No. 8, Lynn, Cin. ;
Consul, Dushane, Brownsville.
Loaia McLane Bennett, Brownsville.
l«ake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Bearer, Clark. Vellsville.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Caleb Cope, Moore. Beaver and Wellville.
I Dispatch, Nelson, Brownsville!,
\ Monterey, ——, Brownsville. :
\ Grey .Eagle, Brooks, Cin.
- Pennsylvania, Gray, Cin. j
! fJenesee, Hunter, SL Louis. L
i Ocean Itsansrs.
To Sail from N. York:
Philada., Besaonv Feb. 21
N. York, Ferranti, Mar. 31
IlibemU, Ryrie, •• Jan. t
Cambria, Jodkin*, Jto. 29
•octhaxptos, Ac.
! BROWNSVILLE a. and 3
t.w ; 1
BEAVER PACKETS, at 0 and 10 a. K-, and 3
o’clock, r.u. ,
ANGLO SAXON, St. Lotii*.
GREY Louisville.
COLORADO, Sfc Louis.
Steamboat Packet Lins, leaves daily lor Cincinnati,
Passenger Pseket .via Brownsville to Baltimore sod
Philadelphia, 8 a. wfind 0 r. *.
Alail Coach Lins i direct to Philadelphia. * x. u.
and 12* r. m.
Western and Southern Mail Coseh Line, e a. a.
North-Western via Cleveland, daily,-10 a. a.
this and Western New York, daily, V i. a.
North-Eastern Uuladelphia, daily, aieept Basdayx,
Eastern Moil via Philadelphia, due 3 a. a., elosfo 18 K.
\t esfnMaitCtnein. ft Louisv,dua9 rr, clones a.
South. viaßaliunqre ft Washington, due 8 r. a. cPa A kla.
North Western via Cleveland, due ll)A.a,clooe*oA a.
Erie and Western New York, dae »r. a., closes 4 a a.
. Sow li thi lias (hr Btrgslu,
ALEXANDER ft DAY would respectfully into n
the citizens of Pittsburgh'and iti-vicinity that th •]
are now selling oCTtheir very lares and extensive su> I
cd*dry goods at an unparalleled rediiruon of prie *
U»eu object being to exchange goods for cash, ft in < r
der to effect this in the shortest possible time the* w 1
sell off their entire stock at such remarkably low rat i
as cannot fail to anil cash buyers. A ;&ae opportunip
is now offered to persons In want of cheap dry goods L
•apply themseiv'es’al a comparatively email upcast
We nave a large and splendid stock 01. 1
Palo Alto. Bnena Vista’Gala. English and French Md
nno maids; Oregon and Caliionua do; Plain Black an
Mod# colored Da Lames, French Menhoa, assorted co
ore; Alpaeca Lames; Bombazine* French and Scotc
Cashmeres and Moulin De Iftinss; Franck and Ear
aton Ginghams, ete. |<
'A lane and splendid assortment of rich black Dm
and Mantilla Silks and bins black Dress Hsti w.
A large assortment of super Frenek. Turkeni as
Cashmere Shawls; plain and embroidered silk trim
Thibet;do£Chamsieoa and Broaada silk do; plain »t-r
■ilk do; saner all wool long square Broehsa do; j*la
and embroidered Cloth do; plain and embroidered 1
i .Im« do. |
Super French, English, and Gotha and Ca,
simere# in great variety. f
An excellent asaonmeatof Sauiaetaattd a lares totx
of red, white end yellow Fennel*. . ! .
Blankets—Super bias Blankets for overcoat*; ft
twilled do; American premium do. ete.!
Also, a Urge assortment of TtekmgvCheeks, Prin
Muslins, together with almost every article in the d
foods llnft ALEXANDER ft DAY,
Janlll ■ 73 market tt, N. W.cof. of diamond
: 44 l[ ..
Established a warehouse in the year tS4d. for thept
pose of sopplyingthe City and interior *l'rs<le with
low prices—and exhibiting, at all seasons
of the year, the Largest Assortment iu '
They are now opening Several Hundred Package*
comprising every new style of Foreign and Dumrsts
production, many of which have just been purchase*
and are ode red for sale for Cash and short credit, at
per yard below the prices of April and Mar, as p* r
printed Catalogues, which are corrected daily, for th i
uubnnanoii of buyers. M .
New Votk, June. IH7.- ( !; jyttdisu
Card—Monday, jss, 30.
Great reduction ln n Morphy,
N. F. corner 4th mud market SIS 4 will, from tbit
date, sell his winter dress goods, and ft'large proportion
of his slock, adapted only to the vrihier seaton, si
greatly reduced prices. It being his dUjcct to sell off
this part of his stuck to make room for an early spring
■apply, no‘regard will be bad to u>* cfot of the goods;
but they wui be offered at prices that will eiiturs their
■ale—such as California plaids, at UJ former price 23c;
super d*. at 13 former price ICie; Fruited Scotch rash
meres at lv|; fojiocr price 3lr; «>,, SS, former price 371 c;
French all wool do. W> cu, w. piW' Cl anil 74 c;
super do. ‘3 former price lltt \uper plsul Thibet rlulb,
ttl ami 53 former price luu; besides a large assortment
of winter shawls,, worsted Hoods, prices much
lower than before offered. j ; j»io
Black and colored alpacca»-\v. r
Morphy haa on hand at Terr lowjmeeti, an aeaorv
mem of above gooda, including dJffarmt. ahade» bf.
Drab Colora. Common and Fin*; Naiaruw Uluc da.; j
Maroon do; Brawn do 4 Black ana llliiei do-} SattA. »iri
ped <Jo4 Salin Barred do 4 Faney Plaid do; aleo. aA u
aorunent of Mohair I .nitre a. including mutt dery
in* and jloaay. in Whoteaala Roooa. up turn, deaf,
era will find a chaiee alack of abort -and other good*
by the piece; at low Caih pnrea.i j jaltt
FURNISHING GOODS—*We havajdn wTan"aV
•ormaat of good* auitablc lor ftirnishing hate.}*,
atearnboaU, Ac., among which arc 13 balea ticking!. aa- i
aonad;odobradnUinca;oeaaeaM anil (*4 bleached I
ahirting kH do l and W; do; t balea heavy lineal
era»h;J-4 and d-4 linen tabic diaper; do. do. uemaek; I
Scotch and lUtaaia .diaper; low-priced; madder
Sriou; white counterpane*; plain and milled blanket*,
e., which will ba aoid low tor caah or 1 approved credit
’_JaM i j j Wwoodjt
SHACKLETT A WHITE—Dry Good* Jobhejay-'pb;
Wood at have on hand a wall aaaoricd asdiaaaon*. I
able ctoek of DRY GOODS, which they will ibeU. tq I
weaters and dry merchant*, on eery thrw*.
and towpricca. Moat of th# rood* were bought during
the laal mouth, and at reduced price j la 4 •
BLACK Sliis-W R MCRPUY a*k* &Vaueikion
of buyer* in hi* aaaortjucnt ol above good*, inc ad*:
,»ng rich plain Italian draw ailkj poult de *m* do; 1 lu* j
do; rich watered do; do watered 'and atriped do;
aiU'c fee cardinal*; beaida a lam auertioent of Fa icy
Drc»« Mika, chan gable taiiiit, An., all of which wil be
aold *t tha lowed poaalble price*. . I jaiw
• ape*"
PfUNTS-W tt Muiphf hmwa iha *s>ea-
V; tioa of baytn to bis tMomoeat of abort topcrior
goodt, neat' atyloa tod plaid* of part 'tuuklar rolor*.
ind wsrru **d Lut; alto, Pall Jurat rand Ajaorienn
print workadA alto Cut colon. | Janld
MURPHY, KIC. comer of 4lh mm! M*rkn atreau,
call* auaaxioaioihaetiparier loaj eiotb ahirtiof mu*-
Uagfba la aeliinc atl94 ala pr yd—aleo, kU aoparior *»•;
aortaaaief IRISH LINKNS, warranted port flax, au«l
: ofthaßoat approved manufacture. Alao; untu Lawna, i
of arary quality, aod a foil aaaortuMntof geatlajaen A
E*diaacaabriekaßdkereUe&. . _ j__ jaa3
f V of Steamboat Coaai*rp*nea,raat received frcmi N.
York, and for aala by BIUCKLL'IT k, WHffK.
dc3B HO Wood at.
TTEZNMXo -Red, Brown and Barred Flphnele.—
J/ Aa additional tuppljr received from the jnanniaciu
nn. Also, a tew piteea of love priced ICsuianu, iot
_ | » wood at.
itaTr'lar|«~U>m«eae L Biuiktu," Jucl
11 received on coneifnnwad for sale hV
‘ a3D GEO. COCHRAN, » Wood <i
WELSH FLANNELS eonvtantlr on hand at dry
foods hoate of W U Morphy, N M earner of
4tb ■ and market ate* an auonment of above comte,
warn aied not lo ahnny in watlnay. [ - janlO
rruBLE diapers and table cloths-w. it
X Mutpky Jtaa on hand, tl low price*, an ueomncnl
ot common, medium and aoperiur linen labia diapera;
alw <«T»t lirJh tabla eloibi, aapkina, ate.: alto bock
abtd, Scotch diapere for idweliny. JtlB
PLAIDBIIACK ALPACCASe—A. few pr* of'ialin
barred aipaeeaa, lately rac’d; atao, anaiccllent
aaaonmant of lancy barred do., eery low, at the dry
yooda tome of - ' {ja3J Xv R MUBPIIY. .
KOLL BUTTER— 3O bide prime :Pann*a batten
keg butter' and lard, dry apple* and pe«hf» m
•tore and for ule by • J t It FtoS U_
T'HAB-'»'balf"cbe*r»" Young Ujrtou. Gunpowder,
Imperial, : and Black—Si and Itf Jl» Loire \onng
Uyaon and Gunpowder do. on hand and for aale by
fiilff AS—"He anbaenliers bava on hand and for aale
1 on accommodating rarma, a larya and wellaeleeled
aMOctment if leaa of different grade* and dwenption*.
jag DROWN A CULBERTSON, 14J liberty at
fpF«A»—5O paekayea freah Y.Huyaen.Gunpowder, A
1 Imperial; tor aale by • '
‘ No. 05 Front »t
-•VAJbm—lUUbbfrKoi7a»nd*3mMketeJ; 10 bbl
J? Nol Uo: a> bbUN’ol liemnjc, fcnd 10«hum*cod
till inn rcc'u toiil forrualo by
jftlllQ ■
MATKF.nF.It— I'll bM« No 3 lure;
20 libl« No. ii, for »«lo ;bjr
jy SI n HBAZLETON, et*t sid« di*J»oud.
ACKlinEI.—l&O bhla No* |, a, *ml 3 mackerel Jurl
ree’ ori consign tmuu and (dr aide by , „
jy ,oa English
WM'fK white fi»h; 15'haffbludu.
LBAlh-100 pie* on consignment Mid for tale hy
jaiM ROBERT DALXEIX * hl>crlr«L
SALT-130 this N» I Salt ja« rec'd «od (dr »n | r by
ja3B Mll.UJt ARICitf.fWN.
FEATHERB-M urki in More and for sale \rr
jaaß ISAIAH IHCKKY * Co-_ 1l^£L“liIg?.t
BEESWAX— UOOlbainatore and foraale by
BACON-3 casks assorted Bacon In wore and for
aaiaby Utaa] isaiah picket * Co.
/“tAMPHOB—4 bbU for aale by v
|j jt39 It E BUiLEBS. 56 wood at
Garb iron-ioo iu tor wi« by . • .
fry . . ■ R E SELLf JIS._
CAYENNE PEPPEB-tfiOlba ieriey,aprimowti-
da, fot bjr R B SrXIJSBB.
i • -.'l-.- ' . ’
vTwo DwslUttg Boum for Salfti “?
Aft , ONt of tbuM houses is simnted on Penn ftreet,
Jgjß in this eity, hetvycen'Hasd street and Garrison
alley, on the south side of the street. Ills a two
story brick, 23 lest is!front, containing 0 rooms,aud
handsomely fimshetlr The loi runs bsek 11U feet to a
twenlv foot aller,on which is erectcd a stable and car
riage house. This valuable property will be sold at a
osrgsin on easy terms,', *
/'The other bouse ultilnatcd on Isabella street, AHe
gbvny etty, near the Hand street bridge, ft is a 2 story
'bnek, ucw and handsomely, finished, containing two
parlors, dinmg room,|kitchen and wash house on the
. Hrst tloor, four .rooms tin the second floor, srid a finislt
ed garret. This 101 l rubs back also to an aljey. Price.
fthulX). only about ihe chst of the house. Terms easy. "
. Inquire of the übscrilwr, who can be seen at the of
fice of Ihe Garctte, every forenoon. between the hours
of eight and ten, and at other limes at his rooms at
My*. Hays” boarding house, Robinson’s new row. Fed
eral si. Allegheny City. D N WHITE,
janS if 1 Agent for the owner. !
Public Bale «f Valuable Property.
I WILL offer at piiblic sole, on tVednesday, ihe Ist
day of March next, the fann late the properly uY
Thomas T. Boai, deceased, situated in Middlesex imvn
ihip, Butler county, Pa., containing at>oui one hundred
and eighty.acres; unclhuudred acres cleared, tvveuty of
which are uieadow, (be balance wall limbered. The
lin|irovenicuu ure, a two story Dwelling House, a large
new Frame Bank Bain with stabling under the whole,
a frame IVagon Bhedj and Corn Cnb, a frame Wash
House and Bpring House, with a never faitihg Pwnp at
Ihe door, a large App)e Orchard, with a variety of oth
er fruit and ornamental trees.
The above is considered one of tbe best farms in But
ler county, being of the best quality of laud, .beautifully
situated qu the Pittsburgh and Butler Turnpike road,
seven mules from Blitter aud iwvuty-lbur.wiles from
IMUburgh, and convenieut to Churches Scliool-bouset
and Mills. •
T****—On* third in Hand, and the balance in tw
eijual annuaj pa) menu, vrith interett irom sale.
Farm for Beat or Lease;
a The undersigned will rent or lease ibr a term oi
year*, • portion of the farm where ho now re
side*. containing from 60 to 70 aeresof tillable
land and <U acres oi woodland, one large stone dwel
ling bouse, our log house, and a large ham, which can
be used for storing roots or convened into a spring
bouse. This property is between three andjfoor miles
Irom I'itubuigh. on the. Monougahela river,; city side.
It is very suitable for a dairy and vegetable (arm.
Possession given on the lit of Match. For partieu
iars inquire on the premises of
)natkl til Ist march HKXRY WOODS-
For Sale or Boat*
J*k A new brirk budding with steam engine, hav
la Ist a large supply of water, which has been need
as,a tannery and can be applied to any manutaetaring
pdrpoae. t
ALdtO, FOB SALR—one of the best locations (or
raann far tuhng purposes in the immediate suburbs of
the city; coal pleuty and cheap, and bnt fifteen mlnntcs
walk uuea the city steamboat landing. Also for tala, a
I>W building lots in the aaue vicinity. For ierms ap
ply to GKO. COCHRAN,
renl7 99 wood street.
kj THK tbco# story Dwelling Homo and .Lot, now
fcocrupted by 11. F. Schweppe, Esq., an Penn »L,
near i'Und. The I*otU £1 by lfc)fcct, ondisplessani
ly situated. Far tcnus apply to iKe subscriber, who has
also FU& BENT
Tbs tiitoo story house «o the comer of liberty at. and
Irwin’s alley, jiow occupied as a wholesale and retail
icroerr'a store, py li. F. Possession Riven
immediately, on application at lh« warehouse of John
Irwin & Moos, No. 11 Water street, by
decli'Om ’
Cboleo B«lldla| LtfUfbr Sale*
THE subscriber oiler* tor sale some very choice
' buitdiding lou in Allegheny City at low Mice*.
The lots are beautifully situated for rural residence*,'
aud. about one-fourth or a mile from the Allegheny
market, or the old Allegheny Bridge- The 1 sue ana
term* can be made to inn pure barer*. 1
Inquire of the eubecriber, who can be ae«n at the of
fice of the Uaxetie, every forenoon, and at other timet
at hit rooms at Mr. Hart' boarding house, Robinson's
new row. Federal th. Allegheny eity.
J*3J 1). N. WHITE.
THE NATIONAL HOTEL, on Water street,
above the Monongahela House, and the atabla
oo > mnl street, being a leasehold for the term of St.
yean, from the Ist or' April, 1*45. subject to the payment
ofStU) per annum. It* desired, the tee-simple in the lot
which is 60 feet fronljon Water street, ezUiiding through
to Front st- can be parehasnj. Enquire of
decs»f \v.m. m. Darlington,
Far Beat*
a A two story briek dwelling with about six acres
of ground attached, situated at Oakland. The
place it well stocked with fruit of all kinds, and
ia a desirable location for a Jamil; being entirely ooLof
reach of the river and dirt of the city. An iomnjbus
leaves Oakland hourly for the city. Apply to \
For Beat,
A new three story brick dwelling house on
■Ha Wvtis sircel—Possession given on the first of
or sooner if required. Inquire of
3a. JAB FLOYD, 193 liberty street.
For Boat*
a A two story brick dwelling with about S acres
of ground, situated on (he bank t>f the Ohio river,
in the borough of Alncbrster. Apply in
jaict JAMES A IUTTCIuioN ;A Co.
To Lot. I
M THREE dwelt;ug houses situated on 4th street
near canal bridge, ia jhe city ot Pittsburgh. Al
so, a room 75 by 'JU feet. with a convenient en
trance on Stb si., near wood. Also, a frame dwelling,
two stories, with an acre of gtoudSenclosed and under
cultivation, situate on Ohio lane, in the city of Allrghe
.ny. ' Inquire of J I) WJIJ.IAMK,
pmS . lII* urpcvlUtrceL
MTh# new thrt# story fire proofhriekislore on
second *L now occupied by Edward Evans; (or 1
rent liom J»t of Apnl nest. Inquire of i
janlV S 4 wood Street.
a The .subscribers will rent part c( fob ware
house now occupied by them. Apply to,
janlfl . M waierhureL
For Rent.
>■£. The two large lomiiv in the £liroujr!e building*,
.Ciaa 4ih street, now occupied by WlntnA- A im
mar*, will bn for rrut (torn thr first day of April next.
.Inquire of HKNItV MORRISON,
\ ' 150 liberty si.
\ For Beat*
*efy A htupLomely finished roonwro M*rkpi street,
■MB lauly occupied n* a Dsguemotyp* rsiaMisbmenl
iy .*J»rUi’d A Co. Ai«i. a well finribed and well tur
litb'.! cum.ld.l u,r ryciei.,-*. r.d.«l(.itur tip- hull of
t.e Aleo.u.'liilc Iji-.ary Aswvisi.on, llnltniu* ai pin
ts Halt, C P OAZZAMi
wtVT Office, market sirret, between Jd and <rli
To L*t< T
' JyA The iNrelluip Mouie occupred by thrjiubsrri
her, on Hurd aired above &nuthfiet<L li baa
"T**»paeivns bark builditu, bath room withjhoi and
cold water, gas fixture*, i» aisle roolrd aud bai a large
yard. The ironi room on (he first door ia suitable tor
an office. _ \VM. M DAKI.LNOTON.
For Real.
TUB large and convenient dwelling bout* on
Xa.federal ( t , Allegheny, hirtaerly occupied by lira.
Ann (Urram. Kent low. Possession given ob tfte lat
of April next. K li UA^ZAM.
Immediate poaaeauon of the above houaa rail be ob
tained by ai-piyini to M. Creighton, at the rani) ware
bouae of -Clark A Thaw. ! deed
'For Rrnti
A Urge rosuu ob the dd atory of the warehouse
fcSB occupied by the-subscriber*. near iheLtuot «f
atreet—X good Unlijn lor a steamboat
agency or an Insurance other.
For Sale. ■ ,
M A Knm two »uiry bnck bon**, on a»*in «trert,
J(§.Allffh»ny elty. »e*r tito upper bridge. Tb* tut it
Zi lett in trout by ltd deep. Fur lrnn« inquire of
detar _a WAtttiiXfnoN,jith»t v
Ml offer far tale the hou*e I 1 now occupy on
Webster street, a few doors west of Seventh
street. It it a two story'brick house, with lour
rooms on each door. 1 will tell oil a liberal rrijdiv
; to £•». ;
MOnt new three .story Ihvafling House." with
bath bouses attached, situate near the cdnrnr of
Wyiia and .Washington streau. Possession giv
en on the first of April next
_jaaJ JOHN' F rKRRY.
For. lUBt.
THE large fire proof warehouse, 24 feet front by
JSifiO feel deep, on second it. near wood, Relit mod
erate. Inquire of J SCIiOONMAXKR k §o„
_dclfi _ 21 wOod »t
for Ittnir " " :
AA A neat two storied bnek dwelling house with
teven rooms and large yard, pleasantly. situated
the tlh ward. Apply lo WM K SCAIFE.
jtniajw I st street near wood.
MA lam, eoremodiout, uud well finished, three
story trick dwelling, on Penn st., halfway be
tween Garrison alley and Wayito »L Posses
ion given Immediately. For particulars biquirt at the
olfieaof i W W WAJXaCE,
julytMtf '• 344 liberty street.
-i p or j
MA PmoVa House, situated on Plum alls}’, for
rent. Inquire of ROBERT DALZKLL, >A Co,
liberty street. dentil '
MThe wrl! furnished store on Market street, !*,
tween third nurt fourth streets, at present! occu
, pied by llarrsws ami Turbor. Fo*»es« civen
on the first oi April next. [nv£3| El> fiAZZAM.
.... _ T# M -. -j -
Mi dry goods warehouse. 1»7 wood street, second
door above Diamond alley. Inquire of i
deed 1> T MUIUIAN .fil Co.
'et'- collitTHV likaiuKHCki p
£■ HAVING removed to the eiiy,4br convenience
professional business, I will rent the Mansion
House.and us traraediato enclosure, situate oalbeblufli
of Uo Mouonnhela. one mile itlmvo Pittsburgh. 1
Jenl«3tawi7 __ JAMES B CRAFT
CIQAt« LAND FOR BAI.R--}>»*n acres roai land
/ lor sale, siltiste in bend of the Mnnungahola River,
above ilrownsville, Fa., having a 7 foot vein of coal,
which will be sold in exchange for goodi. For partieu-
Inrs apply to [oriS] SAW IfARIIAUGH, XJw.khJ st
Bi»lldli»*‘liot“ —t
IN MANCHESTER Hill NALE-l have forlsale a
beautiful building l«r>r an Manchester, near the ferry,
tSJ feel front by litolert deep. It will I* sold |oiv, and
on aroomioodauiig lenns. Terms unexceptionable.
mylM JAP. HI.AKKI.T, Real Folate A»*L
hJUNDKIEN— W*> bags Rio coßcr; H) balfchJsts Y.
5 it and Imperial tea; S 3 bags pepper, SO burrs whits
Havana sugar; I<4> bbls large No mackerel; Idil bbl*
N O molasses; HI casks altpicc; for sale by j
jal4 • JSOGflfcn.
BACON AND LARD—'AO lUeon Him* nnd
Shoulder*; 11 keg* No. I Laid; received oh con*
ngnmeiit, i*r almr. Filet No. 2, and lor ante by ;
jmtl _ IS Aj ACo
SUNDIULB Id tilil* mimil 'Aliiie*l>enii»;UJo2ii«rd;
II: ranks •corching«i 75 do/ com broom*; IS! lm!c»
lions jiikt received and fur wile by l
Jsirjl JUI J #•_ L )l f
MACKKREL— IW liliUUice No I) mackerel; I
4-t 111 do ' No l • do;
fill do do No 3 do; I
Juatrcc'd and for «al« by palj I'OI.NDEXTLR Aj
COFFKC-UID bagsorimc gtfeen Rio rnjfec for *1
j«2l - JAR FLOj
OTiSili—SO but ctovericeJ'ATr mkn by i
jail • L J&R J=LOYP.
SPKUM OIL—3 casks winter strained warranted
pare, tar sale by •
jaiti J SCHOONMAKEK k Co. v.
BACON' SIDES—20 hhd* newf.iicou sides just rrc'd
on consignment and i«r sale Lr !
TALLOW—S 3 Ibis No 1 beef isllow last reejd and
forsalc by. {jau27) - SELLERS klViCOlit.
lARD— s.bbU No I,ls~ketr» do- for wilq by 1
i ’ ja27 UL'SUIIKP A ROE.
RAISINS— 123 boxes Raisins for sale by. i.
>a27 MctllLL. BSHPIKU* A Rofc,
EOPS — 4 bales Hops, first sort for tala by
jagy . MeOILL, BUBUFIKLD * 808.
tICB-SStkrces Rieetbrsale bj_ j " !
L, Ja97 . MeOllJ* BUSHFIKLD & ROE.
IRON— 00 lonsliar
tala br
j*S? . .
' rl . . ■ 1
\ ■ . . ! •
J JORDAN k. SON, dealers in Bacon' and U>4
• mnnsfactaren of laud Oil, and General Commit*
(ion Merchant*, 13 liberty atreet, opposite SrallhSekL
Pitubnrgbi, pa; Particular attention paid u> the tala of
, J- J.'A 3: have made amngtiaaoU a* heretofore, far
•making and packing balk meat and bneon’thb prerat
season; and their long experience in this business gives
them assurance'of giving satisfaction to ihos* earnm
inifsaeh business toiheir care. t
There an advantages lo be derived from Booking
meat in Pittsburgh, with which, all may notbeacquain-
It may be’ shipped loom from any point below with
out injury fcnd after having been smoked here, .can be
forwarded to (bo easlem'citics; either by wagon or by
canal, vrithaut transhipment, where it almost invariably
amvea in fine condition, Aid generally comt&hHdt tb*.
highest market prieea. i -
this arrangement there it a taring of casks., and
freight ou: the same, which ere unavoidable eipense*
where baton intended tor ea.vtem matki'lt i%- smoked
at point! below, not taking into account ibe fact that it
•ffivca in much belter order than when parJced in
eaaks. It !will al»o be borne in mind that Pittsburgh is
one of tlie beit points in the Union for telling Bacon. ' “
Evans & Swift, )
James C Hall & Co, i c,n «'“n«*-
J P Campbell, Chillieoihe.
U H Hurlbut k. Co. Nrw Albany, Ind.
feasdale k Malone, St. Louis, Mo. jdecy-^m
! In tin C>
Philajdphia, ,
of of Manlaad,j
To Daniel Murtland, Samnal Munlaiul,'William Martin
& Mary hi* wife late Mary Murtlanii; John ilurtiand.
Junea Mnnland, William Manland, Martha Wyle;
and Mary. John M-Arthur A. BL, Hesthetahd Biia
btth Maitland, children of Arthur Murtland, Uec'd. :
Taka notice that on tba petition of Willi a*] Murtland
the aaid Court have awarded an inqoeit to make parti-'
lion of certain Baal Batata, to wit: A certain,lot or
piece of ground and meaaaago thereon creeled, aitoate
on the_north aide Coatca’ allay, between Delaware
Tront and Second ctreau, and in the aquara between
Vine and Sasaafru atreeu, in the city of Philadelphia,
whereof the aaid Robert Mnnland died aejied; and if
partition thereof cannot be made, to value tbe aaiae,
and that the aaid inqneat will moot oa Friday the 4th
day of Februair, I*U, at 10 o’clock a, il, at the; Rubi
eaa Uouae, No fa aouth aixth atreet, is the City of
Philadelphia, to go to and apon the aaid premiaea.
IPdfiS t^>o county ‘
. : Tjrp* Found rw, { ,
THE subscribers Dare taken ilia Type Foundry,
No. S 9 Gold-street, and will continue the basinets'
lately eondacled by iloben Taylor. They will attend
to stl order* with poetuality and dispatch. All the
Typo manufactured by them will be HadpiCaat: and
they will furnish all kinds of Printers’ Materials, of the
beat quality. ‘ .*
Mr. J. A. T. Overend is still aaiploycd in superintend*
inff the manufacturing department.
Proprietors of newspapers, who have ndTadrcrtised
for the subscriber, who may publish this nodes forlbree
months will be entitled to receive (heir pay in type, on’
purchasing five timee the amount of lluur bliu tor ad*
ypmsinr. • .
Old Type taken in exchange for new at d-eu per'lb,
Charles Whiting, ) WHITING k TAYLOB.
Theodora Taylor, { (Successors to Robt Taylor,)
janlfl •; ; Corner Gold and AhnKtrcets.
VJ-and. Philadelphia Peakin Tea Co. hiking under
stood that aertain persona in Pittsburgh were claiming
the exclusive right to sell their Teas in thareity, would
state that 1 they have absndoued some tints sines,
the ejaluafv# agency system, aud. that neihaf Mr.
Jaynes, Douglass A Co., nor any other concern has a
right to claim any exclusive privileges with their teas.
The general Agent of the Company. Mr.>L R. Stock*
dale, it now at MeMaster’s, Kagle HoisLXibertrst-
Pittsburgh,'rssdy to raeeive orders. All lass sold'by
this Company, art warramsd equal to any sold in tha
United fttates, and no payment • required until buyers
are entirely satisfied as to Ute faet r,
Priaeipai Warehouse of the Company, No. 31 North
Front street, Philadelphia. u
novlldgtaw3ra BTCA.MONTV» BONK
Original'Bolivar Brick*,*
EXPERIENCED Joint, ou & trial of one and * half
million*, ala** 1645, pronounce tlua artieleaiuur-
Mated for darabiUtf in the ennatractioo of all kiiidt of
rornaraa. Pruw (23,75 caib for load* of 10 M, guar
anteed nine montha uw. Oidera for a aecond quality
Bolivar Brieka will be executed at (SO per W, if ao do
airrd,*rithout guarantee. A stock of tie firat quality
i* now for *aJ« at the warahouce.'Sloan** Wharf,'Ca
ual Batin, by J. SHAW MACItAHKN<O
trptCtf Kensington Iron Work*. -
XTOTICK—An He«ioa for uru Director* of the
ll Erie Canal Company will be held by lb* «tock
boldera at their Office in the bo roach of Erie, on Mon
day thetithday of March next, atloo'clock, a. it--
Canal Office, ftie, Jan, lg. 1343.
QL'NPIUES—150 baja prime Bio code*; ISO bbli N O
O .VotM««; 73 bozoa manufactured tobacco; US half
cbeut yrean sad blppk tee*: «$ SandUlb bozea Y H
*J»4 G P SO box** Ge/ppnclar, 10 cub* ulen
lu*,- 10 do.;pou*b, t«f«Uwr'witli i men) aoon
meot of-rroccrtta, in atom and for tale b»_
j«2l GARSON |t McKXIOHT.Miafc
REMOVAL— I kavt chanced m? ptaca ofbuabeta
10 F»#»; «4Mib«iweea Wood aid Umiihfi.ta inj.
mediately is the nv fii (H* boot* I tbrmarif occupied,
where I am prepared to do boaincn m usual
SL’,\PRIRB— 100 bbla No 1, S tad 3 mackerel; sftbi»
fre*li»pj»inm3)bj*hourr, lOlnil* alraonda, 1 lot
ol Uotutiiy acid, 4 bid* aeorened tall*, jail rec' and for
tale by fraS|] ENGLISH A DENNETT*
WOOL, YVOOIJ—TYxfI hizbzM jippa so each paid tar
T Vali tba different gradea of clean Withrri Wool,by
ML'Ri’HV k LEU: 1 %
Old Wind Warehouse, eor. Liberty «t.«jtd Ccri!** tU
ley- I mylfldfcwtf
I'KAS— (131 half ci>eit«, 3U> etutiea iteidTreas, embra*
. s pbolea variety of cbona, on hand for aala by
jan3 j U4OALEY A SMITH. ISAgOwpodat
HKRRI NO—dlO btda'iu prune ov3erJu« rcc’d aa3
tbr wd<!_l.y_ .[jaypj WICKjk. MCA^PLESS.
C HOARS—ISO M Cburoof • juct rec'd and for *ale by
t ja r&i WICK 4 MCA.NDi.iygt.,
unnll lot prime, lor *ale"by {!
jan-Jl . £■ WICK k M'Ca.VDLESA.
BAIIYTE^ —I? on*k* baryte* nutibfefur whitc icad
taanoiufluref*.ju«irce’d aod forage by
LEAD—130 U pigs Galena, in store, (bp sale low 6y
janl? j rOBSVrft A Col
SALERATUS— 4 casks just rec’d and jar sale by
OATS* —KtJ bus on consignment, for tair by
jali J D WILLIAMS^'! >0 wodtl «.
l .’KhTMEllla—-*d hag* prime feaihen jur>t rrc’J and
X tor saintly )j»at) BROWN ACULBEKTSOX,
SOAP— ‘ii (toxes No 1 twflp; 10 do do Palm soap; 10
do fancy; sdo casliie, for sale br ;•
CU( JARS—50 boxes half Spanish, lor sale to close
i consignment by S F VON BON.YfIORSTA Co,
l*n!7 • ' • •■- 35 wood st
CANDLES— SO boxes stearinr; 10 d« star sdo sperm
for *ale-br _ _ J P WILUA.MK.
BLTI 141-3 boxes prime roll for talc by i
jalS j p WILLtAMg.
EAR'D Ac-4UO blits No 1 and 3 lanlTro bids No 1
tallow; tO casks *oda ash* for sale by i
Dried peaches-uo ui*. receiving from the str
luka Erie and for sale by ,* V,
jenl? JAMES wgter tt.
F” ANCY PlU.STs*—Five cites new style, fancy
■ spring prints, ia*l ree'd and for sale by
StIACKI.ETf k ffHITRW wood st
BROWN DRILLINGS—Hr# bales extra heavy
drills just received by - • **' ‘ i
strained, cotiUantly on band
and ibr sale at retail by -JOEL MOULER,
)»nli ! cor.yood and 6>h sts.
POTATOHi— 30 bids extra s>oißtoea just landing
from sir Germantown, and for sale by
w ii uiwiun
I7LOUR— 3ttt bbl* Buchanan'* crUa faraiijL flour 125
. do Raldntinr and Clark'* brunt; do do find flour; in
•lore and kir tala by - It UAKFURD A Co.
LINSKKD OIL—M) bMa prime Jip&ead oil on Coo*
tignmcht and Hit tale by ' ,
jat» j_ . SELLKRS A NICOLS, ITjibcny Sl_
LARD OIL—SO' bbU Conkling'a No 1 winter lard oil
for ealeai reduced rale* by
janlO • SELLERS A fhCOLS. -
IDUirmt AND FKATIfERS—S bbla and 1 box bow
Jj ter and 3 sack* feather* rccemujr from *tmr Lhka
Erie and for *ale bjrJ [jan3] JAS. OALZELI*
DRV Al’PI*ES—2OO butliel* dry*pple*in*tor*’and
ft>t «ale by SAW HARHAUGH.
ISU hamU flour, Hwcarinyen £.Harford's
. brand,jusllanding and fur laic by .. !•
' jam Hit Ay HARBAUGUJ;
PKACIJR9— ISO bus dry peoelirs, Ohio halves, iu
store and for sale by Si- W HARUALGH:,
ja2o _• IB wood it.
LKATHKR— 10 handles bridla leather on consign*
meut and for sale br ;; •
janiA . -
LARD— 15 bbU So 1 lard un consignment and for
s&teby: U&tHC SEU.BRSA_NIcpLB.i__
RAGS— The highest market prices paid In cult Tor
ran nt 145 liberty street. or
I)RON2K—Ati assortment of German and Kngiish,
X) French le«4 Gold and Sitter leaf and Dutch tuctal
just rac* and for tale by
- J KCIIOOXMAKER, 24 wood street.
CUCIUXGAL AND MACK just rac'd and for cate
DKflSl» L , IACIIIi*-!!DD builKh, halves, rec'dand
for sale by [jeSS] WA lt MCUTCUKUN.
lARKD PFAOAKS-H bushels pared pescheiTee’d
nnd forsala by \V A IbM’CUTCHKOX.i
HOPS— ID boles Ohio hop* raft'd and for sate by ! B
jnn&V. : ; 153 liberty strati
HOLABBKB— IUU bbts N O hfolntses just rac'd hnd
forsslaby POINDEXTER A Co.!
COTTON— 57 bates just rac’d and for sale by j”
]atfl i . POINDEXTER A Co.!
RAISINS— 15 boxes M R raisins fur sale by j
jaifl V J D WM£IAMS, 110 wood at
OLASSES—IO tibia Nofifdo PitUad’a sTeamiyr
up; I do cana syrup, for safe by )
Jnn2s ; TIJ 1) WILUAMB.;!_
LARD— 150 kegs rac'd per America arid for sail to*
close eoiuiipitueiit by. jb J j)AI7M.r. i •:
SUNDRIhIS— 14 bbU~buctwW:fti fiour, d Ibis prime'
appte% £ do tresb builcr tainting iron sir Ringgold;
and for sale by . ■ ■ rrfAAHMDALZKLL.
LARD-'AJU kegs No t exthv leaf lartljlDdodo;2'
bbts dm'for sale by -Vi i
'IJOSK PnSK—JL cask irvslig. of* &iq. quality,'ju*t
iV rac’d uiid for sale by ■.' '
jmttH. ; : J SCIieONMAKEtt fc Co.
PINK n'lKJ'J’—Ti'mle Iri-sTiTjost forsifa
;■ ! J sciiQoNsrAiyju aco£ *
.. .4 , d| wood street
CIHKKSE-S7 casks large cheesTrVd and for sale
J by ; W A il M\'UIUHKC»i, mSbSffS
1 nO ««® l? r e?, Nt * 1 «*<?«* fee’ll and YuTiilc
isJUby ! ■ UatH] \V A R^fClTlYlltPriv
PILL BOXEJt-000 paps pmer pill boxes for sale bv
1 Ut K 8KU.KR8,57 wood «t '
J***! ! \ ISAUU I>!CKEY, Co,;
MOTJMjS. bales Spanish most foTtale low todcss
consignment r , -ATWOOD, JONKm a
TEAS-IO balfchemblack tea* jun rac’d and for
sale by QaplTl ■ R OAKFORDACa
CJUNDRIES—BO sacks feathers; tcfflwmnfttt
{J. outs, tee’d on consignment, and for.aala
?r > U«o41 I3AIAIM<CKKY* Co. M waietfetJ.J
CjtINDRIES-U bbls lardfilbnltbbiado: 15 bsgafee*
O there; 5 sacks dried apples jtm received per SB
Cashier; and for sale bylja4] ISAIAH DICKEY * Co.
SUNDRIES— 35 sacks Festhcra; 6 sek* GirisengfA'
•cka Dried Apples; j sek Beeswax; l cask dssUu»w
landing from etmr Lady Madison, and for sale by ’
jwO 13AIAHD1CKEY « Co.
Iron, uaorud, ia atore and fur
lswaVhjwan; "
Jourt of tfu Ctty and County of
: Exehtßf* Bnbn. Nt. SS Mattel wtttil, Bear 4u at
’ PtßaifhuUu > Indiana. • ,
' BankofFitubargk • •••Par State &k *Branpkel*» 1)
l Exchange Baak •••'•••Par g-ate Scrip • • >• —■ M
i Merck. i Mob. Bank *p« Vlrrlata< ...
I Bkp«fPfcilade!pUa'»‘Pu Kxehaiafeßk. of Va:>* 1}
Girard bask par Farmer* Bk.ofVa-—• “
Bank ofOermanDwn rpar Bk-oftba Valley,-, ■ **
.-** CheiterConnty**-p»r Bk.of Virginia
• “ IklmnCt.*
> w 'W<wt*owryCo.»*par do Morrmatown-v 1J
u Norihombei land*-par N. 'V. Uuk Vi-*-*- {
CoJambiaßriilfeCo.*- par do l 'WelUtrorg------ 1J
Doyiettown Hank par do: Parkerehunr- — *•
Farmer* 5 Bk. Heading-par Tna«iU«< ;
Faoiera’Bk. BoektCo.par Bk.of Tenne**ee*--* •
Farmer* B’k Lancaa'r-par Par. & MrreVu Bk---•
Laaeaater Co. Bk. par Plantar*’ Bk.***- •
Lancaster Bk. par Dniodßk
U. gutter Bank->>-*"3O : BUsaovrl. >
BrowuTilte Bk. par St*ieBkofhii*aoari'*>« H
Washington Bk. Nartfc Carolina*
GeuyabHrfbDk.**** 1 • 1| Bk.of Cane Fear—ll
Cbaabenborg M Merch : *»k., Newborn* l
Ba»qaehaaua Caßki-- State ; Bank-»****'**--*» 1
Lehigh Co Bank, •*•••• Boatli Carallßa> '
—.... .... _ CaadealUT* ■••••. • H
Lewuiown*"-' •••• —-. .
Middletown I) Dk-ufChariestoa*;* •* lk
Carlisle ♦ “ 1 Commercial Bk* •«»»»• * 14
Erieilk. i. “ Bi.ofGtomwii—y U
Fenner*' nod Drovers'- Bk.of Hambarg***' «•' )|
iluk« Wqaabuf- M Mereba&u Bk *l4
** PluienkUteU'ißk' 11
UonewUle M Bk.of Sooth Carolina-• 14-
iobuoaf» •*• “ JUnrlMtd* : ■ -
Pousvilld *f Baltuoore Bk*.****''***^?
Wyoming •** .. ** BaJun’efcOH.RScrip>-10
Yorkßk.*-** “ Cumberland Bk. of Alio*
West Branch Bk.> ** jthany .*•••• ••• 1|
Relief Now* •• ** Par.Blt.of Maryland** **
M4fc M Bk. “ F*mer«’ Jt Meehanier* 4
Gljr hCoantyScria-*" “ Bk. Frederick**?:-"' M
Ohio* ftederiekCo.Bk.****** **
Suteßk.a&dßraoebe* 1J Hagemown Bk ••*♦•? “
Mount Pie « Mineralßk*.•*.—*•••• M
Stenbenvilfe********- • u Patasrcoßk*-** V a
Stdainrille.........* “ Waekinjtonßk.•**••»* M
Manotta****** « Ok.ofWe*tminiter •••■ 4 *
NewLUbon « ■ Michigan*
CineiniuiiUank***i*** « Elk.of 8l Clair***?***—
Colambs* do ** Bk.of River Rai»en....—
Circleville * « Michigan la*. Co*:* S
Xanorrille • w Par.JtMeeh’sßk*?**** S
Pitman*-' Wisconsin T«rrlt*jr*
/Ulaolrealßukt'*...'. 5
Buk of England Note* -
—~#«7of'£ tW.
Gold* Ipoclo valsi't
Ntpoleeu ........ 3 do
poc*u-v*l 1301 SO
Odui * ■
Nenralk* -
Western Reserve «* Eagle,old* • lb *0
Franklin BY: Celumbvs M Eagle,new lb 00
Chillieothe ” Doubloons,BpanUh.'lV 00
UktErie " Do.P»triet»..-.--.*lBM
Scion*- - « Sovereigns 183
Lancaster -lb Guinea*"*'*.. S 00
Hamilton--- 13 Prederiekad’ors—-*f7 fib
Granville ......go TenTbalere- • » .V 7 60
Fmnn’rsß’kCanton*-—3B Ten Guilders---- • 3 M
Urbana ■-.—. go LcaisdVw*-*--*.. 450
Kcntackx. ■ Bxebangti :
BkofKenluekr**.*.... It NewYofk *prm
B4«fLealaviil«» » Philadelphia tpm
Norfcern Bk. Kenta’kr* ** Baltimore——••• Jpnn
Row York—Cur Banka,par. Interior B*ks-*--
11 in Foreign and Decaestie Exchange, Oemfteales of
Deposits, Bank Nous, and Specie; fourth street, b«ar
ly opposiu the Bank of Pittsburgh. - -Ccfrenl money
received an deposit* Bight Checks'for tide, ana col
lections made ea nearly all iha principal points in the
United State#. 1 ■■ r ' *
pTka highest premium paid for Fpjniguend American
Adeancta Bade qn tpaaignnents of Produce, ship.
ped Bust, pn liberal terns. \ ~ mchtS ~
__ S. HOttoßf * BOS,
T)ANKERS and Dealers. in Exchange, Coin and
Jj Beak Note*, No. 45, Market etreet, Pittsburgh.
Belling Bates. ExalAnge. : Buying Bate*.
New York, ' spr .CUeumatL . Idle
Philadelphia, fdo Lcuisvilia, ldo
Baltimore, (do 81. Louis,- ldo
BuyUg Ritas, BANK NOTES. ' Buying JUtes.
Ohio, • 1 die Ca. A Scrip Orders, 1 die
Indiana, 1 do ' Belief Notes, life
Kentucky, '1 dp Psnnsylvama Cr Ido
Virginia; Ido New York do Ido
00 Wheeling, Ido New Orleans, -Ido
Tenneeaee, 3do Maryland,' ;j do
deelOtf • : ;
JOSEPH IL UllX, (lata of the fina of Whl* A. Min
A Copland WM. C. Curry, (latfof Erie, Pa.) have
entered into Co-partnership under the name of, Hol A
Cexzr, for the purpose of carrying oa the M»"V[ng and
business iu aH iu branches, atNfeJp Wood
street, three daora below Focnh, Wt<t side—?Ke» they
solicit the eastern of their mends and the pubUe cen
eraUT. . hThUX
»*hlb f WM. C. CUBBY;
*- bill.l - ; [wm. c. ctntr.
D foreign and ttomsstie .Time anq Surhißills of Ex
dartre, CenUeates ctf Dcposite, Bank Notes and Coin:
No. 6ft Wood street, tbini door, below Fourth; wen
side. Par Funds and Currency received on deposits,
and c dice lions made on all the priucipal cities'tu the
United States. ~ <
Sithl Exchange oa Baltimore, Philadelphia, New
York, Boston and Cincinnati, constantly for **l*
Ohio, Indiana. Kentucky, Virginia and. Pennsylvania
Bank Notes boaeht aed sold on favorable terms. '
Extbasn on Englantl, Ireland, Germany awl France
procured, Ac- 1 ' , m c hls
13 in.l-oreign and Domestic Exchange. Cenificateeof
Deposit*, Bank Note*, and Specie. No. 04 Wood
one door above Fourth, East afde.-Pittsburgh, Pa.
oeibdftwP i '
BILLS on England, Ire.'-'.ri.i mid Scotland bought to
any amount at .the > ■ ••--ii Rates of Exchange.
Also. Drafts payable tnan.M 'f' of the Old Countries,
from LX to AIOUO, at'the . -of fSts the £ Sterling,
withoutjledustion or diseou.... i>y JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, Enropean and General Agent, office 3th st one
door west of wood. . • octiSxf
atLxx xxsxcnu} . fanwaanjumi
JL> in Foreign sad Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer
tificates of Deposite,. Bank Note*, and Coin, eoraer of
3d and Wood streets, direellyopporiteSt Charles Ho
tel- IS- . nuYthMly
W™ c s£‘ vc *°*v{
Indiaaa, .
Kentucky,, •
Bask Notes;
purahasad at the lowest rates, by
delO 35 Market stroct
> NewYorir.
PkUadaJpkia, and
33 Market at.
Constaatly fflr sals .by
j —Drafts, Notes, and Aeeeptau
' _/ces, payable in any part of the Union, coßetted on
the mostisvsrabla Unas. N. HOLMES A BON.
d«10 ' • W Market sl
. *j Baltimore _
uamlf torn]* h;
[GE oa New Toxic, PhUad*lpbi*,.*ad
' uxbt, !■ *um« tomit parehu«n.coa*
Wood >l, below Fourth.
[fESTEkII FCMDB—Tb* Notes of tbs Ohio,
V Indiana sad Kentucky Banks, purchased at low
:s ofdiMOQnt, aj.the office of .
No. U Wood tty below Fourth.
all tto principal cities in the
V/Union, made hy IIILL « CURRY.
will . • . No, 63 Wood M- below Ifcunh.
Boek* Jut Becslred.
TTEAVES upoo.Earih, by Janetvay, osavoL , Bse
XA-Chareoek’s choice works by Lyniinrtoo, 1 to! Me'
CMocincwtencea of the Oid!and New Testament,
by Her. J. J. Bloat, B. D. one voL |i«
Chalmert Miscellanies, Poems, Essays, 4-e. |AO
Select works of James, Venn, Wilson, Phillips and
Jay in one lure rot for the low price of IJO
Toe Free ChureE Pulpit, 3 roll. : - Si©
Modern lnfdeiity, by Smaeker; • ' '
lift oT ltend. ~i.
Daily walk with God, Matthew Strong, ,38r
Cire!e of Hamas Life, by-Tbeinck, . 3Pc
Memoir of Charlotte Buabeth, 3le
The works of Francis Turratina in the original Lal
in, to be complete in 4 vols; 3 vole, now reedy.
Willis’PoeUceiworksiniplendidTßikey Moroeco. .
The above with a great variety of new beoks.-jas(
)an< fPosteopy] SO market si. between 3d and 4ih.
YALVABLE . Mow Year's Presents.
Waverlcy-Novels, 37 volumes, ISmo, illustrated;
“ *• 5 . ** Svo
Mrs Sherwood's Works, 18 vols Iftno, illustrated;
Miss Edgworth’s “ 10 •* “ “
Harper's Family Library, 163 voU, eompl«te;
do Boy’s and GirPs *• ..
Work’s of Bbakespeare,'? vole. Bvo, the beeuli/ut Bos
ton edition, finely bound;.
; Butler's Lives of toe Saints; 4 voL. elegantly bound;
Hannah Moor’s-Works, 7 vole.
Exploring Expedition, 8 vole royal Bva
do do 5 do • do do ~
British Essayists, 8 vole.-Turkey. mQr. baeks.
The above, together 'with a large assortment of cle>.
Rally bound Ismily land peokel Bibles, Common
syer. all sites and bindings, all of which will be sold
lower than ever offered In this market, at the old stand
of l ■ ' KAY. A Co.
Jal - ■ _\ _ . cor 3d & vrood st
new~BMki4 “T
rnilß Philosophy of life tad Philosophy of Lan>
X. ruige.byFredVonSclilegeL “ 7
tHuim*s Reuarchea’urCtuna in 1644. H 3 tad '4O, with a
map and {date*. ...
The State of the Departed, by Jno. IlrnrT Hobart, D. D.
TTjc Church Uniter**], by Ur. Stone. •
Goldsmith'* Poem*, illustrated;
Thompson** Seaoous; do
For tale by
<th it near market.
BOOKS— Csieehum of lron, -or ih* Merchant 1 * ud
Mechanic's complete guide to ibc ■ iron trade A
Aw copies oniTj-Ttiy seam.- ftimonds* Literature of
the soathof Chambers' Information for this
Cyclopedia ofEngUshLiternmre.
\\endsllt Bjtekatones Commentaries, a new edition
,la 4 Halleck's Poems, • new and
splendid ediUori.' Parlor Book of Flowera-fox' all
seasoLe. btf) ■ J L-RKAD. 4th near market *t.
• Hew. ftano Fortes. , —-
One elegant Rosewood six and a half
octave Piaho Forte doable raised cor*
I I M.sPWlocrS; new scale,iron frame—made by
' * “ ■ I • Cbickenag. Boston:
_ One do. gothic panels anuroouldmrs, 6 octaTc—Gale
* Co.T*cw York.
' Onn do. gothic panels and moulding*. 6 octave—
Gale 4 Co. New York. '
: tupeib prantf piano, C| ociavc**-Here, Paris.
The a Loro piano* lone* are warranted, and hove
been seleeted.b)' the. subscriber, particularly ,ibr their
good quality of tone and iTulsh as tnudcal instrunieut*.
• tor sale at factory prices by
j*S7 V. JQUN 21 MELLO.
JR, SI wood »L
'. ' SteUlieftaae Ploaot .
. EbSbESSM' A SPLENDID assortment of Bom>«
n 4 W«..uod and Mahogany, grand aciion J***
* *, * I "I* ano*. Frame, just fimsbcd ami for tie.
'Alo, two splendid Rosewood'Pinpos, with Coltman'a
celebrated JSolian attuchmenV finished in the most
modem style, and for sale at F. HLUMES,
■ jeg - • • US Wood street, gdoors above Mi.
mies, Schools, Physicians andprirate famUiei, ai
pneca for lower than apparatus ol eqnal efficiency u
aoW for in th* ca«ern citi**. The above mi con be.
•cen and obtained at the beog More of ‘ ‘
.i*» JOH.N_H MEUX?R, gl wood «t
* w«>3is-«~sr=r.
T? <^iSSST‘?rfw?y^I:jl6t! ’ ,roi l' bune raona
J> article, for rale by
I»*3 _••__ ~ l \ SAW HAB.BAUQU. 3j wood ft
'HITEXEAD 1000 hwla mre; ■
**»” - ■'•' ■' ->■ A *!i • FOKSYTK A-Col
OBER PEAS 33 pack* pea nut* for by
U )Utl9 JOiVES • Co.
' t^.'' V ' , ‘: v ' 4: ''''''' I'
I*" I r r !-i! I-'S'l''*!'
TTAKTS TEC.*PTAUr«K KXTRaCM* «Ui invahui-..
JOi'.-bto remedy, Mt* orFtllingSickn***, - •
tAwvulsiotu, £paitnt,.&c. It is.well known,tfcht train A-;:
tued immcmoriaVpbysician* •';
be £iu incurable. It has baffled aUtbdrskiU, anu the . .
“W 1 4!! power of all medicine, and consequently thou
ranij* havs sufferedthrough a nluWrableexlsUncp. sod • •
yielded up jUdr live* on the altar of insaiuty.
•Vito all -deference.: howerrr, -to :• the. opinions of tbo ‘
fTeax ami i«anw<l. We say that ii bn* lures cared. . . *■•
Forxmren yem,,bu b«tt lrste«Hiy many, persona
this dreadful disease, and in - l .
eTC Qt case where it baa haifaiair trial tr»« effected a
permanent core:. ~ • ■ * "
uf Tfaryand G months, cured bytbe use of
this,truly wondertul medicine. ’ ■'■■ ■• -
-Keadtlw folWiu* remarkable ctu* of the ton of
\\m, of Philadelphia, afflicted vrith EpJ
lepue flu 27 year* iunL tt month*.- After travelling'
through Eugland, Scotland, Germany mud Praoce, eoa
•ulwig the most eminent physicians, and expeodinn for '
meiUcme. medical treatment and advice, three tbdu- • ■ "■■■;
Mnd ; dollar*, retomcd.wuh * hi* sou to.ihii eduatir in •
November last, wnbont receiving any benefit whaler*
er, abd was cared by using • ■ - t
Wr.AVnUam.Secore' Dra.lvkn» and flart >
I hhT* spent over three thousand dollar* for medi
cttie.'.and medical attendance.. 1 was advised to take a ‘
tourlo Europe with hint,' which I did. I. first visited
England.. 1 eoftsulted the' most. eminent, physician*
therf"- in’ respect to his ease," they, examined aim and
prescribed, accordingly. I remained. three months :
without perceiving any. change for the .better, which
:.ces|-me about two hundred aud fifty dollar* pocketed
bythe. physician*, and the.znoal that! received was
uteirpjttniim that my son'ir case was hopcletsand posi-'
tivehr incurable. ■ T accordingly left England, and trav
elleff.ihruugb Scotland. Genaany and France, find re
turned home in the month, of November. last, .with my -
son as far from being cored as whea l left-i.I *awyour
advertisement ip oite of the , New York.’papers, and
concluded to try Harfs Vegetable Extract, seeing your
.statements and certificates oT so many cures, some of
twenty ant) thirty jecrs'.sUinding, anu I can assure yoa
I am.uot sorry 1 did so, as by the use of Haxt’rYegeta*' •
hie Extract alone, be. was restored to perfeet heahh. -
flie reason, Which was. so far gone as to unfit him for
business, is eutirtly • restored, with the prospect now
him, of life, health apd us#fplnCfv.,lle;i* now "
• Ts sr, . of a gCj «od V? years’ and .8 months of this
tune has been afflicted with this most dreadful.of dis* >
eases; but thank God he is now enjoying good health. " .
• NP* r . gentlemen, laith uriihont work* I don’t behave -
l?: : 4° »ythat I chall be ever grateful to you is one
thing r iand as there enclose you one hundred dollars. I'
doubt but that you will think this is another
ami xjuite a different ' thing. The debt of gratitude I
still ewe you, Imt please to accept the present amount :
as interest on the debt Lu advance.
Yours very respcfctfully.
•{Signed,)* • ••’ • \YILLIAUSECOBE.
jvft. / • TO TOE A??S4OTEtj. - ■
. One of the propnetom of this. invaluable medicine
.vrasiojflicied&.setferar years with &fleptje Flu.
The :dis«aJo. had pwdaefcd the wont e&et upon his
vis; Loss of memory, imbecility oftnindTand a
perfect prostration.of the nervous, system. Ha had
tn«l/,iha skill of the bestphyaieidn* for eevenytars,
mta gyew worse nndwtkeir treatment, and he. knew
that ;lhii mctHnae was his only hope for health and '
life, and was therefore determined to in Veit a Bur trial. .
and to persevere ioiu use.wMehho did, and the result ;
want perfect restoration to health,which Waa 'conti
for Bearly smeenyears. v
»>e would refer to tha following persons who have
cored hy using Hart’s Vegetable Extract; ' •
- Col H Denuow’t daughter was afibetod veatt. .
resides at Yonkers, New York. • ■"
AVSannet. uins year*, 171 Grand «L-
J Elirwonh, *cv« ysare, 13 Dover *t ' '
f?«PiM^^t^«TWs,Eastßrook | yii,- L. L .
It W Smlih, New York Ctutom House. -•
twenty****, Staton Island.
MUs EaTlfeef; twenty ye***, YorkviUe.' :
Thmnas R Jones, ofthe IT 8 Navy, -
EffS «• -,
Dr W E Monroe, Gailford, O. . - - i •
n ?hT ponN T
DARichtnn,JllflDelaneytx,' - '''do 1
Jamesßcnlth, 138 Soflolk sl7 '. : • • >do ' ‘‘
Chmies Brown, 100 Water si, i do '
p,jd .®‘.^ ch called upon, or addressed, post..
by Dr.'S lU*r, (late lvans A Hsrt,)
jP ? THOMAS k Coi^A46 Maiii st, between 3d and
dih Mi* and 1® Main st, between dUt and adt»treet«, ;
Cincinnati, Ohio, wholesale and retail agents forth*
L WILCOX, Jrv comer of Market stand this Dre* ,
momt cmlr a**! Ur Pittsb'g Pa. , ■ ■ j«o»vt*wiy
- a tow dootarbelow 1 —-•
;■ street, towards th* .
“SIL BBOWW, har- ."
&the medtoaf proftsslou,' l - .
• . and tor some, tune in '
. |cncrafpnwticef nowcon
treatment of those.privato
complaints for. | ■
~ ■* ifvHtim.- Eierenyears as
i ' ririnnrirtr ilrviitrif to the '»•-.
■todyund treatment_of thou complaints, (doling whieh ' ‘
tune. be has had more practice and bos cared more pa- •■•■
tiema }han can ever fall to tbo lot df .any private pt*c>
mioner) amply qualifies-him io offer assurances of
•pcrdr. petmonenu and entisfacWry core 10 alt afflicted -
with delicate disease*, and all diseases arising there ■
from.?- •, , '••.■■ •■. -7y- ■ ■ ■ ■
Drißrown would inform those afflicted with private ••.'•
dtaeases which have become chronic by time-or ag
gravated b'y die nsc'oraJiyofthe corona*! insurant* of
the day, that their complaints can be radically end thor
ougbly: eared; he having £iven his careful aneniion to
the tteatjnent ofsach cases, and succeeded in hundreds
of insUuees in curing persons of i^ T • •
neck of the bladder, and-kindred diseases which often
result ,from those coses'where others have consigned
them lb hopeless despair. He particularly invites such ~
as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others
-to consult him, when' every satisfaction wilt bo given ■"
tbenu jind their cases treated in a careful, thorough and
• intelligent manner, pointed out by a longe xpenenoe,
| study,.and investigation, which it it impossible fofthoM •■
in general practice of medicine to give any :
ouctuas* of dtsensc.
L LLr iHcruia or Kuptur*.—t)r. Brown also invite's per-,
sous Atuicted with llcruia to call, as be has paid partic
ular attention to.this disease. .
_Skin diseases; also'Piles, palsy, eared. •
Charges very low. , ” • -
. N.p.—Patient* of either sex living ai a distance, by ’
stating their disease in writing, giving all Uto'syrap
■ toms, can obtain medicines with directions for sm. by '
addressing T. BROWN,, M. IX, post paid, arid cnelos
in* a fee. a J - ■■
Office No. 65,. Diamond alley; opposite the Whverty
House;.- 4
n~7"~ No ears no pay. - W.-deel#.-
' • Highly Important!!v, .
Scrofulous cancer cubed.—The fallowing
eeytifieate from a highly respectable lady, has been' -
Mat to Dr. Jaytto by his agents, Messrs Jaws k.
Co:, v Centrsvilie, March.lWvlSl7. .
- Ma.;j*rvx—Dear Sir—Duly to my Allow ersatoree
demands that I should add my testimony to the. well ee-. . ;
•tablisbad effieacy of. your lumiftx, ; j haw had* •
what the doctors all pronounced an iscßrable &rofc- ■
‘bus Caneer of three rear’s standing,'. ARera faiihfal
use of'the remedies of the profession, until my patience •
in their n*e, and hope* in titeir effieacy were complete
ly exhausted, I commenced yoor. Alterative. * '
After 1 had taken itaboot six month*. I waa.imt only
earedby it. but my Cancer waaliterally rooted oaiand V/ '
dropped off. I am now eemplately: and;permanently
cured; and have .no hesitation in saying this* Bis the ■
most offieaeious coasritntiooal remedy extant-T hava •
no scruple# nor fear*-in undersigning Its viftays azsi
commanding it to all similarly afiected.-. ....
•RespeeiiulJy voars, Nxxcr Falls-
Dr. IXJarne—Dssr Sir—We enclose yotta esrxifi
eattfromNsneyFalls, of arv importantcurm performed ’
ou heeby yoar AlieraSTo. The facts stated by her wa
kncfwlobe true. Yours, Jxsucr Hut & Co' '
March 19, '-47. Per C J Wood*.'
• Forsale in Piitsbnrgh at the Pekin Tea store, 73 4th.
street cearWood. . • • ;. ... »«a.
wort Cough Candy i* offered, lo the public os a
pleasant and ettretive reaicdyforcoiuhs t 'eold*,bbane<-
aes*, -Asthma. Phthisic, Whoonlnie Cfongh. Tii
Croirpi'Sore Throat. Bronchitis, and general affection*
of tha'Chest and Lungs. In sueh cases it is kooWn to
hava ntforded .decided and permanent relief sad from
it* rapid tale and great *uece*» a* a remedy for the
above;<U«eseswhereilhax been used, it ptoqJkb to '
become oue of the mo*t useful and popular medicine*.
It i* offered soo, as a pleasant relief to the consumptive,' ' '
andmi astisiaat to vocalists and public sneakers ren*
•rally:,-: ‘ ... ?--• •
Thsrnamo of the preparation indicate! its leading in.
gredieni, and it. will be foondtobabyaomeanauir
pleasaat to the taste, and may be used by children and* '
adnht,with entire impunity. Thomatentls nsedinthe
E reparation an of the list quality, and it may be re- "•
ed oiva* in every respeet a pure «d genuine article.
Faauliea woald so doubt promote ,theif comfort and l ,
Cold e ***ri n C a supply, especially in thb oeaaon of
- Thityalnablo Cotwh Candy t riwt **.
•tstant-to llothen; beuig.auperior^oall tha potest B®&* ‘ -
by Jumper* ia creation, as children were sever known.'•
to tin* candyisuted, except for.moro-A tri- -
ol of this article will convince oar person of its atrea*
cr, and the proprietors therefore defy any person jntho predate* cheeper, more uloa*aat,'«r
effective remedy. , '
tfoldwholeaalc and retail, by theCeneral Aren't. '»
) f. •■■■■? H SMYSE*,DnML
i' eonior 3d and market ats, Pittsburgh.
Howe A Co., Proprietors, No 1 College Hall Gnete
nati,'Qhio.; ’ - . . •■ ‘Jfoitn. -
B ! A.FAHNESTOCITB Piienmonk or Cough Bat
• Banvhas a’.great advantage-over, stony other
Cougbipreparations, aa flit pleasant taste.permit* it to
be used without.inconvenience. Hut iu value as a
Balsam consists in ihe speediness of its eure.. Wahare
kuotvti.some of.the roost desperate-cough*,'%6me of ■* .
which, had been runiiing'on for a considerable length : '
of time, yield almost immediately to its power:'’
In (ben . weather: oa we have hod oaring the past
wintef, every one is liable, to take cold, tuu£t* great
precautions are used.- ' - ■-■ i
Wet feet and undue exposure, tb.the incletbeney of -
the weather otlen lays.the foundation of a hacking '
cough; which deed* a quick resaetly to prevent sortoua
retulth. ■
-. We-Lhave nutrierona- certificate* ;of cores' winch it
has; performed,-many of which.
thiejcily anil the neighborhood, cind theyarea'snffieieut
rcforcitce withwt say iug another in its favor
- Prebared-and for aato wholesale and rttailby D A
fAHoIBfOCK A Co, comer of> wood and lat ami
-wood qiul6th *U., -• i ■■■ .. }*ah
•! ■ Pulmonary - >rt
Messrs, rked * cutler-i feei iCTdntr r
owi u> my idiow crcamre*, to‘■tatei »pr#ctiu«:
inow' : »«*pecliup yoar Vegetable :
Since.! fir»t u»eit toe Oslmcl abaui eiaven y~—»p."fpv
thehibpy effect of which (ttan (Sate anacwml x>J,I
hax*« h*d several *cver® complaint* ami anacka,at inr •
lun£»jhneaieurdays.'tliicei and in -every umttc* 1 •
hare UMd ihe 13oI*aai olmie with eoutplctiMUul perfect
»uccesi; : It-has effected relict’ ami cure in a very few
daj'i.'l lt i» certainly a safe TO6diciae.:Md®iitot know
that cure & hxed«QßAcinption,l>atl belie re .it
will he in many rtuea n preventive, nnd ■ prevcaljqn. U_
lKtiey.lhan cure; 1 do therefore. ionic lore' of-BBY tel*'
low irieo. furncfttly recommend tie.uie.of tlueJßailaajß*'
inalifpulmounrjrcoinplainU. Tam cotdLleiaihal U
ho* bfecn the mean* of nre«enrm*;n>ylifen>inl*aar*
Uosicm'JunelU, MO. : 'BENJAMIN PABSOSS .
. t’or eaic by 11 A Fahncftoek.A Co,eomerJWC‘a«
wood'and al»o corner wood and Cth. • •
• ? "*n T«*'
f'.'~ Dr.'9lelimao~ln _ &
rrtiUS U ui c*tilry that 1 pujcH»«f6itc>i»lof Dr. ; 7!
JjNeUart 'lVoOT.*i«*iSc.jSJ
-ml jn>g |o ft totxof niIKiHRV KW# j<HB ■***»', j
ahlxHtA lh*-amouiil JQ*J ■pf*ir y-jvt.'S
tJv woc*Ajm vow* pm»«1/hwi,*«pa^.
- <\
carrot Dea 2Py
«*. . t j.. 'k