The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 31, 1848, Image 2

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    ' globed,
. PaUm per unaa; the B*™
<&*££*£,*& issi'»«•«* h^dto
prwirehte.-, - - £* “* i“ ««*T *n th. <Uj £
».. gtort P»«. toUlwUM^,
Wednesday night, Jan. 28.
* wo *«ta in the House,-tho
o„b y M,.RU fit y, ofMMliWn£)r hu Anli .
■ W '’ *»<l distinguished hr his attach.
taE'w*££!? L
rSf.aPntfiMli Uiviuity’School of Cnm
tailgo, and is «, scholar, „j „ hpo ooo .» j
•lot not heat much of his speech today, tat Here
-' tumntionol members, nnd those
who heard the argument,—which was AmiSlsvery
“TOaghput/— speak of it aa very able. What a
ia this speech compared with the alale of
Keling io tho Hotlae of Representatives a few
yeara mace. I remember when Mr. Slade, of Vei
raont, bj a mere AntiSlaveiy sentiment, pot the
lt'--S?““* ,^' or « d ?«“ “d Mr.l
' 2““’ of^oail Caro l:na, proposed to leavo the
; Mali, because any man was brave enough to ven
ture a whiaperof opposition toSla very,-whether in
! Kariclof Cninmbia, in the territories, lor Flor.
tda eras thon a territory, or among the States. Then
I too, a caucus was held, at which the War whs
made upon the Bighl of Petitibtf, and Mr. Ather
ton, (one of the Senators from N. Hj introduced
• the ecletaed Atherton Resolution,, concluding
with the Rule which dung all Anti-Slavery memo I
nalg tact into tho laces o( tho-Petitioner*. Now
Petttiona are received, and in the House respect-1
; Jolly treated.: The freedom of apmwh, mo, gee, I
hand in.hand with tho right of Petition, and a
. ; nemberi, heard in Congress without alarming
consequences to the Union.- This is a wholesome
ptegreas of public sentiment, or rather a return m
the sentiment of the Constitution, which guaran
tees toall men the ftuedom of speech and theßighl
to Petition Congress tor,, redresa of grievances.
•" The second speech was lium Mr. Henley, of laa
and it had tho honor tri be the moat leveling and
groveling of nay made Urns &r during the seiaion !
and ! do not think it will he possible to mamh ft
daring the time led Som this to the end of hiaterm
of Mr. Henley understands what it is to
gosh low as to be upon tho level with the under
ground laico Focoism of the country. Hiaspeech
must have been intended £>r the pothouses and
subterraneans ol his own home, though there can
bebuta very few low enough to endorse sue
•«talT.| *
| There-was a Democratic speech made in the
’ Sea “ a contra, well worth hearing;- however
nmchone mighttfiflerin sentiment from the speak*
• tr '\ B,was chaste, .dignified, instructive and able
- aopportiag the war, it is true, and iu vigorous pm?’
•cation, and advocating the continued occupation
, of Mexico. But all thiswaadone with much per
- multadoets tor the opinions of others, and with
; thegreateatrefpert fcr gentlemen differing fiom
• iiaotro riewßofpublic measaittfc Nevertheless
, . Mr- Dix did nc*advocate’ the.extreme views of
. , , .those now adnunirtenngUie GoveramenL He held ,
.■ ~awarof conquest to bo wrong, end the dismera-i
, ; bennea; of . Mexico to be wrong also. Hecoocn>
: , red entirely in the ientiment of Mr. Calhoun’* i
ipccch, as to the wreck made upon frmitiri|if,- F
i • our own, by departing from the land mark* laid
down by those wto framed par Civil TtwJitnti n r« I
*. ( Much, .too; he discounted of intervention and coo
• • was disposed ;u> find, exoxio; tor’the
eondnet ofhUownpajtjtowtrdsMexioo.froniihe
i . Curt that Guizot iaFrauce,&nd. Palmerston in Eng
j: land, had avoided, atoretime, the abitract right cf
thcrr waititwea to njym
thia continent. .’The ambitions viewa of
V 4 , cf Spain; (to place-a fcvoriteurpon a : Mexibaa
• ■ throne) were afro mentioned,to prove there was
- ;• • dangwofatorinHoecupancyofMexicobybneor
* l more of there European powent This is the old
, . 'en men from all honesty;of purpose. Iftevdo not
■. r ■‘tori Mexico, tons atker pneer ttnU. The moral sen;
. • resolves itself'into this and r ebe.—
Now. every man knowsi-rnnbody better than the
. Senator from Hew. York, tor he avowed it,—that
. Uo People of Mexico aro averse to Monarchical
Government*—ondallknow;too,thatfcra quarter
rfa oentory this cotmtrjr has proclaimed the doc
... trine thai European seOkmcnla'were not to be tol
_. crated upon this Continent.' . This has frrrtt avow
ed a thousand, score.-of times by so called Demo
,i * cratic authority, though Mr. PoQ; did '-depart from'
... ttto allowingEngltind.soliberalasiieeofihs Oregon
_ K - .territory, after declaring the' be “dearly
. and in the L r mted Suites.
• ’ ilr. Dix unwittingly pronounced a severe con
deirihstion against the A'dmiaigtration, hy siting toe
conduct of Russia, Prussia and Austria towards
Poland, They begun the wort'of Partition three
quarter*of acentury since,.and-Poland is now
blotted from, the map.of nations. They commenced
. j>iecemeai,'too> and each of the three Governments
with every slice they took off, affected to believe
that every additional weakness wai the signal of
additional danger to these overgrown dominions.
"So they said in ex case ibr their tyranny, until Po
■ • Und was all demolished. Mr: Dix in like manner
• affects to be alarmed in regard to
. even quotes a sentiment from Lord Behtick, to
frighten oar (countrymen into the belief that per
haps Eogiand wAi seize upon wbai we leave of
to. obtain payment tor the Mexican Bonds |
due in England. A proposition having been once 1
.made to seize. Spanish territory tor the payment
.qf Spanish Bonds, by Lord B, and Lord Palmers
~ to» having mom recently spoken of the non-pay
ment of American States, as •“a stain upon our
character,’, the Senator from New York would stir
; op a little of Jonathan’s blood against his Brother
Bolt : . •
nVfcfcv •’ -
# ■ ,
.S*S?T.' i '.
. '
Hoch was Mid, too, of English encroachments
the woilJ oror, —the mind of the Senator,—him--
■ aelfanee «h aUe officer of the Army,—-gave evi
dence bow fcts mind was dazzled by such ialne
glory as tin*—England, upon our own continent,—
Ffofohd, in Central America, os the nominal guar
* trie of Hosqnito Indiana, bat in reality,
, utenitwy aa big aa New York,—England
iathe East,-—England upon the Island of the Sea,—
her Steamer? everywhere,—always committing
cobbery, bet never cunenderingone inch of territory
except upetcompulsion. The Army, too, which
lt wia very wrong that such should be the
bctj.wan to be.tbe propagators of civilization !
ehristianiiy.Bo have all oppreaaera declared Dura 1
the foundation of the world, and unless «»Wttn«.»i 1
' immorality is jo be presented as entirely distinct fitim
personal immorality, no excuse can be found £>r
the eoaqbest ef aneighbaringßepahlic. War, Mr.
psosecutedfor three porpo*
nea,— to obtain indemnity for .wrongs received,'—to
■earn is boundary upon, terms which we thought
tobejajt,end(opay forLbe expenses of a war.—
~Hualast canaefor war, the wvw menwbo secur
ed peace eotirelyforgot in the treaties between this
coontry and Grett.Britain. All wise Nations have
Anottentomtlpß remains
..A* tinsgreat and praqierbaa country toexan auph
terms ftom a weak, crippled .and conquered ppo*
-pie likethe Mexicans. -
Among the Senators in their seals to-day, wan
ColonalBealoni" -He -baa finished his. defence of]
Wind Fremont; and thw finding 1 nfthe Court will
nt^ibeknowti. •. tnthw Missourian
«Ufes lihe u 614 ligrcw which h*»l«t her young.
Auxs the fa' iha office of. Marehall.
rflho Weaem are jfeaare.
Seuo, Gaanox, of Waahingtott.
nd Ban, of.Wetfmnwltad.- They are, I believe*
ahm lhecity of Wuhiopon, and ad«y octwovrill
dedde o{nd tha i fcitmule eompethor* amoagthe
geellemeo here, and the maoy ai heene. : ith
. ;
•V" *
■»yre»« C«art,'4fc«. ; .. ■ •
■r'SsVs''.i'.v,t’-:‘L----"-' i- WMhiftgton,2l, is*a
tWO-Hoaaea of Coagireu hare had worn*
V«y good debalea tjponiho WM ahdihe
- . Finances of theGoyenunenlf—4he; farmer collect
• fr»f qy diabnased In lbo Houao, and the latter the
■ Senate.. ; The . Speafceis .in theHousewereMrv
Hump**, oCli, Mr. Rhett, of S. both oM
i •;< ndaUsxneaben- 1 : Mr/tliompacmyiqxwch vu.
' and .drew drowda to WU the
7 both aides being oompfellad to hr
■ ' The speech \iraa
*K*rchioj review c/the Pnsatdeta’apoiicy iQ^ca
v Wav-end the whtoa of Legula
: •*
ay Esusrua urqq*& 4 c».
| peace rumor* but we see Done more credible than
I Iboaewc have bejbra given! A letter date Mexi.
I Lane arrived m.Ou, city, and Jhi, afternoon CoL
I ■ uS?°S « tu command, from Ayotha.
I ■ "ley, wigade u now comfcrtably domiciled at
l Aaortaya, and on Sunday, Cushing', brhrnde
11- 1 command conaiata^tbe
Irt and 2dPennayh-ania, New York, South Cam-
Jina and Mauachuaettt VrimUeer* • These «mo
room ***** aev ***>FS and, aa Geo-
Marahaft u expected in a week or two, with aome
wa, »0U ftirtber movement,
must be made. <r
An expedition idt the city of Mexico on ibeSQtb
of December to collect lie rent of a silver mine at
I I * c^uc * worked bjr an English company. . “The
party coaimed of the tab Itegimentof lntknur. ,
aquadron of dragoona,aod a couple of pieceaof ar-
P&T, mutetb. couuaad of fS. WiS^ ( ? l £
Hh-Tbeyietum m lOorla daya. :
or TXoora. —It reported by a letter
of the SdtlqWt *ordera havo .been iaatred fitrihe
departure of the diaiaioiie of Mai. Geta. Butler dc
Pattenoa the latter ead of due or cothmebSSeaL
of next weeh. They are to move on Han Lui,
Pagu ndal a pout Unaaide of thu p|« t .
diverge—the. use Jo Zacatecaa and tbe otber u a
town tothe aoutheaat cf Stu Luia. Thia i, the
plau of opoabonaat preaeut, and all I have been
.aMb.togather oa,the aubject The Movementwill
talc place ex eoou aa the guartenuiratera cae fir
the expedition.-
Mxhcaii. coxoxxat—Tbe new* from Queretaro
i* not of mach importance. Tberahasbeen in at
tempted which, was by
President Ahsyo» assisted for. two corps of artillery
The ringleaders are detenmiied to wait npin
»y» teare* tiw presidetttiaJ chair,' which was on
rthe bib of January! when Congress meets, and the
Constitutional lYeudent be declared. ' HeiTera is
roidtoJ>e,,the.m*n- ; 'TV lejuter* of ihe. re rob
have .written-to the Oovertars'iiid Xegislstnre of
tbe.diflerent states, denouncing Anaya as a friend
ofpeace. • '• -
.-Waaluagtan, Jin, 25>18J8.
: «xciie9tent exuls naval men Item
wajacatung-jin- oboaequne jof a repart
GtUffiqoadnto, fn iwJy to
tcnmlartinoa the wbiect. hare ntame&br an-
KS^L!? 8 eaiah»ci«r« Pbtt Ckptafo attba
)****, Vera Otii waa nnbocomißf aa
tOmdei'ia thephaence of an enemy. .' ' • .
nraen i%ntnr in operation be-
frfrfco*6 o^pro^rißg = io : c»H7-ta
• **» ■<niiiliini aT« flatter am* lb*
«d> few!*
8 i* quartering oii the enemy with a
« n f*“ft.!wiitt.a ofa jaeeo.with the morals
of IhcMerjcan War. Tie President's “IW’
thechiduin Seats Anna ifiom his cnck-
stHarena, and placed him at the
“ad of tbn Annina if Mexico. Tbn natntal »e
-quol to spch'a proceeding, is tbn «SX> lieeaao fcr
Of gambling in tbn trity of Mexico.
■ Mr. Eheu,in bis speech, showed a rare devotion
to tin President, and uhacoountable seal in bis be*
bait Ho bad been lot'inlo the Piesidenfa secrets,
and cameto the Houre the Prcsident'a defender
He had a peep into the documenla ortho StatoDe
panmeni, -denied to the Home; and undertook to
prose fern these that the President bad not cider
ed tto troops to move to the Rio Grande, until Mr.
Slidell wrote the President that bo wodld notio
and on the dale of that letter, (Jan. 12,
IStOJ the order was given. USeyejbe dacaasrnls
“ormr »«„tehsratewenra.iUr.oadoSsdemro/
Mr.JXuia. Uu"' and Us onirr, nuUr k ,«pUw
»,-but the important part of'Mr. Khetl’a speech,
and that on which no doubt, the’ Present bererf
ter means to defend himself was the bold ami nor
same doubt ofthii nvowel of sicb a creed in Con.
sr r c^yr rora a State’s man and
nnHider.. Mr. Vinton, ofOhio, sought m n,^
I ®“*oee:, doubly sine by direct inquiry, and it ivas
i avowed over and over again,—(hat “tbo war ma
ting power ,waa in the President." It was siid’
and natmnlly enough, to), ader this, that'the Presf
dent bad not caused warm eii* by ordering the
inxips to the Bio Grande, andthat war
j did not exist befcto Congress declared it-to exirt,
onthel&hotfMay, 181 G.
' bfr- Asbmnn, of Massachusetts, wished to Itniiw
then, how. the gentleman, and the President's
mends came to vote that "and“bribe
i “f M «bm.» “Oh, that,” mid the alsureerionist.
"i* another thing." . ,
Mr. Ashmun then lead from tbo Prerideul's Mes
aage, when the Preaident trowed on the lhtu/
May that vartktn ezuud,— and Mr. Kheajto
save himaeU; wa* obliged Id fly from the Exectiilrr
and to throw himaelf upon what he called the r 1
Kiluticn. ' '
I 110 argned now long and caraertly-tu gJ
Uml tie Exocntire wni the irar making j»wl
and not Omgrew, and certainly deatmrealheciJ
11 <*fcr thin high federal docuine,-l]
morn Federal I hare niter beard in Congraaa.-
| From lb© Hacndlng-drcumiUace*, it seems piob
Ue that the Execctive means to talJ back upon th
high hooded assumption of power.
The tea Regiment 801 was the subject of debit
ra the Senate. • '
Mr* I'beips, one it tile Vermont and
member of the Finance Committee, discussed tb
aubjeet of oar finances thia rooming in a very aet
aible and practical speech. Find of tbe eatlmaua
They were *15,000,000 for the present fiscal yea,
and tbe nctuni elpeoses were $53,6w,00a The,
were for the present year and wool
reach at least seemly/,. sai». boa, deducting lb
$7,000,000 discovered, or not before mentioned b
some unaccountable blunder in' the Treasury Ik
paitmenti—they would be $03,000,000, We wen
said Mr. Fbelpa, overrunning Mexico, as the k
cuds overrun Egypt, and like the lomuu, warn d.
vouring the substance of the country they overmi]
It was argued,' that neither a loan noe TrcasUr ■
notes could rebevu the Treasury if the war cor.
Unned. . The reason that tbe war had not stoppel
long ago farwant of means, was owing to tin,
traortlinary stale of allairs Si Europe and the shir;
mentofspecie from that country to our own. Ther ■
was not now twenty milllonaof apecio in- all ih ,
Banks of the countiy, nndconUnualdemandswer,
made upoa it for foreign export Theßanksoool,
not much longer bear this work of depletion, am
yet the drain continues, as long as the war con
turned and there would be an end of paying specie
stall. While money in the market is rprnrk at ooe
and a half per cent, a month, the Government
would have to pay thia price as well nj others The
| work of depreciation would go on, as long as the
warwenton. The Govenrment oould not be be
lieved by Treasury notes, and if wo tried it, we
should ford the syytelnof co, r-nentsl moneyrrndof
the' French rrsrrgnntf'retrin*. ..tpootrs. ,
scwmir. v.'
Mr. Wmui noilg lu. argument tipcst the
EJiodeJilajiil cue today, hardly occupying tWo
iioura, where one of the counselupoolbcutheraide
"** engaged time days! 'The Coon room was
crowded to excess, and the Judges had hardly el
bow room lor tie crowd of ladies. Mr. Webster
reigns as a lawyer, monarch aupreme of the Court
room, and draws immense audiences to hear him
Ilisargnmeat today was upon-the Rhode Island
question, ana embraced questions of high national
and pqjitical cqnsidenuipn; Mr. Webster traced
the progress of English and American liberty, coo
trastingihe two,—the one inimbefere the Stewarts
down, and the other through the Beeolution, con
federation, convention and constitution. It was at-'
gnedthat there was but one way-ro procures
change of Government and that the.customary, le
gal and anthmized way, common in all States and
Governments. It was not by themeetingofarnul.
titude at Chepactet or Newport, and each setting
PP a Government of their own, and mainUuningit
by face of arms. That was not true liberty, nor
was true liberty an “airy nothing,” but something
raioer which had 1
U A local habitation anti * nunc.”
Mr. WehfUr rawed tho opposite cotnuel that if
they wauled to confront the idea t&U i„ thi, conn*
try the people were sovereign, they would haveS
gosotnewhereAlsotofindan adversary. A man\
would be deemed more mad than Don Quixote
who should deny it. The peopld v bere were the’
aounm of all power, end delegated it to whom they
would, but when they delegmed it they required
that those who were in vested with aathbriiyshould
eierciee it in the manner and iontis prescribed in
on. constitution and by legislative :enactmcnu.
They conld not overturn aulhorityjl Iheirpleasnre- :
and atthe instance ofevery primly nsscmblr.which
might chose rotate nuthority into its own hands.
I have gnot, time to fellow tho argument, but
maydosowhen it is printed, as it embodies in tho
wnallssf possible space sn admirnblo commentary
ujxm the constitution and conservatire l.bcrty Any
other kindf of liberty though boiterousi as the
North wimtiaila professions, has no fetmdatiph to I
rest upon and imparts no hope of safety a thosi
who pcnse&a it . • . . l &
Jfexleaa ACTUr*.
Tbo. papers from Mexico contain, numeroua
i""*** I "** mT UflUtnttw. ;
which hi, brag!*..W
g%*ia aamhotEcSffiy.lm, the
"B o ™**- letter.Jkm throws
men Mjupoa Gen. Scott’s Wall, sad other
ters equally important ' • . ;
««r. (■»*., treaty.) and that
"-a-. -
SS d Ji“ Wra “ r 'Whole, Urn, for^Tt
SSsassssi &“■«»““ -•
Seam v*® 1 c * n . t ' u f°» at rrcenl. The
H,“ ,“' l )“ | e" P»d u Genera! Taylor', Si
erra Madre hoe; hoi then the question is, didjbe
SteSfe “,.* Permanentfrontier
Ju&nc. . 1!®““' ” m ' rtl r ** »lino of militaty
* 4cr •*“ condosionof
Mvor •«»-*»
s „5“ atreaty doe, not stop the
JBIS 1 . a “S* l “ e T“ i “ llk ’ m the last advices,
X^p o rc^~Lx£
. Another question is, eao Mr. Ttlst act as a nlen
lEs‘?*,UStt ke “ ""“‘W. “* what**relation
Jo« !he hdd to the distinguished Secretary of
J T!? rfG wSnSootthas authorised
h> act, does nt* that authority cease with
the suapenston and poaitlre recall of Gen. Scott'
Gen. Scott, aa you will have learned from yestca
day" i^ngteseoQalproceedinjta,'is no lot.gercx.ui
tnanJeMiachfefof the amjTne has gouito Po
“ b V ried r “ d will, S the
couraeof aixor eightweelis, arrive ia Waahing-
S.l e B 1 Inhere, be one of the moat pS
nent candidates Ibr the Pleaidancy. On Hie dim-
•jje.'bo case seems to be narrowed down
to Qai, Dnllnu or Walker, writ more elements of
harmony and Mtccesalhl oombinatioa than them
are at this ltmo between Clay, Scott and Taylor;”
In further explanation ot thia-’iie in the tear"
upon Genl Scott, we copy from the Waahingtoe
letter of the North American, tha following:
l”«<ttuinc the operations iof the cam
paipn tb bo eluted, applied la November for leave
gJJ3 iJ’SJfcSS
Coprl of Inquiry will not affect this applicatfon, and
he Wbe expected home aa toon JtiUvnemS
*{H»? J l ?*® ff to determine* to attend it,
which u questioned, or aooner, unleaa the Prom
dent counder* Itjnfuic to change hi* viewa.
* er r > f 8 ‘ Mre * t «W* out of a
correspondence between the two officen, in refe*.
to an order of Gen. Scott coSri»io?hK
wnhng from the camp, which the Secretary otWm
h'Z j xJZt't lrn ' rtoU 'tt- Games
.Ihas won no enviable distinction
throughout these difficulties, however vahmble
£3[ Sr ‘i* ** so officer. There sre
fltti of a grave character, which if-brought to liitht
mjyfPVe.d.flcren.ritai. to
Geoyral Worth, aadothifm, who hare
»« been dmaaaj m the public correapoodeuce
•*? withrthen.
Whoso gallantly and achievements might have
claimed some respect with theao very import^
E ro ?” be. I bhSov c£SSSI
[ for all that he has done; bnt 1 cannot honor
SSiS--®- of brave aoldiera,who draerve
aa much of public grahtudo and consideration.—
Polity napiratioaa,
iwllrnh paittaaaa, at borne have pcallyibcrcd the
whom the'
SSSltefchL l ibvlr
fi*reeperity of our Ibuftolnn
Some lime aineo in natidnff in usenion of the
free traderi, Uat nor colon minu&onrcm Crete
mating tammy &«, we lootoccaaion toaaylhal
U>e price, of tammy Book, did not beat out the
free trader. dory. To doe lid. mallet of pro™.
!dy in it. line b'gbt, and to confirm the pourioa wo
|Uied tookj wo gite the following letter from
j which we copy bom the National Intelligencer.
L 33» in hi* laudation of the Tariff of
Uliibtilei to tt all the. prwnerity of llem»
fry, and aueru in lo many wonfrlhal “our mtnm
finthirea are afro in a piteperou. condition. 0
r He >hn. attribute. to the tariff the high nricea
our produce coed by the frmine S' tiJThS
** which he
°” m “ nic “ re » “ wbolly-imlrue
,r** an not in a ynupeton* condition. Tka Cot
”TZ Jr r™«‘ lien any ahlr
•Wrriutlka United Untie. The profit, of He
““ “* h«>fof«be yej
fiSfrSfEi,'” “ nL > “ J *» the’S
° f U ‘ em °° <h"dend
iJThe actiial Hale ofthfr branch ot buaineu i.
Jjj* ** a r»du»liy but wgulMfydecliaing
hl f! D dunag which the deprecia
i^lMw^i e t^ ed r!f rulltwentyperceirt - The r
SviTrSi P fD ,P C I rt y “08* difficult to I
»eIL Vjtmay ihirly be stated that an interest in the
best andiwrwest concerns cannot be sold without -
Jew of at least twenty per cent.
,It is' true that, doting the last »»■> . -~j J
l *t n pM “ ““tion.'luiMhfr
has been the result of undertakings hrcTtoualv
“ d ° f ooffi
. Tho Freaident ,nd Mr. Welker attribute ,ij
r£?£ Mper l of , the country to the tariffof 18iG.
“? to “■”»cauae. Itia true tbitthecre M in.
“’ Un " &hnc * k “ “Shred
nnrmMty with our owapndgclicioa.
<»*■ peculiarly to
is becoming ineyitiMe. mai
It ia one of tin, wiae conaeqnencea of floe tmde
fke ua common partaker. in tlie diatreaaea”
ountnea, aa it la one of tha capocial object,
prtfeetive ayatCm to guard ua againat them,
any brunch cf mannlactnre iaproeperoun,
jmg a good profit inEpgianfi, uprWecUre, a, in Um'imiX fe
JZXlf’i But te ‘ Ul « t b "«urh Of manuim.
Jutfud sban.m the general depression, a*
* “ i “*‘“ 1«R linS^lSall
M ““;“***.uderest jn Uus country involved in the
In fact, tbia atnleof thing, appoara m
JgnMyippnacbii&ud titeroia littfcorWdouU
rtutotenuuty, month, wo ahaltaee tl„£
lerat in theaamo atato of depreaaion which the
couoo manuiocture now presents.
. . 10,0 o f labor ia yet very high, un
d™vh P /°f P ' n - ,y "f ite lut few yuan/ S, fe
to to ***'“; tal '‘Munut
"CIMO aymptoma not toU mia.
“utange. Capital will not long hoixii
only.offerer. Labor muataliarewith
u ju^iopoitjonor hard times.
1 b** committed four
blunders. It was so emuiouaofmiUtarr
gw? that tt niahed into a war without counting tbj
9P*t or the consequences It reduced the revenue
mithona of dollars, after this war had
£S a *£f eJ i. ,n *^? d ** incntui of *" it ought to
lT„n '° c,nell ‘' >““» of it. own imperbv
thofcnn oflonn. and fnaann
a year, iwt we jire now approaching lA* h«v
•»»* ofikttiU. The gold ao unexpectedly brought
totuayear ago ;ialeaving
Onrmwcbmtt. are bleeding a,t£o nt/dWm
?T? p ' f “ ntl * "tomb. Trade atagnatea. price,, re
pending. OurSubtrouury begin,
f? •"W" * “Sfan »tb. .entrance to ihccavdofl
w.'Jf'iVI™' 1 ™' Th ° of onr eaglea ia all out-I
wmdj there arc no. returning India. JViiiS. Mi.
W , t “ altall urn aeo bet™ the “J
of another jmd of war! ; One thing, I opine, an
Adtmmatrnlmn retiring from office amid minrled
and delight, which will wnlce the
MounUdaaf our hiUs from the Atlantic to the Rocky
*ten».r rajl.bmha
J C,r ,!' ew Wean, from Red river
vu burned opposite Donatdaonville on tie 18 in*.
The Pleaj-Tine lay*. "The Ciiiowing is ■■ full a list
*?* “ w “ h,v ' *«» *Heto obtain!
Mrn Jane CtamLeriin M d cUd: Mr.,Niclolea and
■'“boa™; Mta. Betnatd and
ttslehSl2^ r ' M , r ' P **o’ of Shree report, and hie
two Alton, and a aon of Jndgo Welle. '
■™ “red went Mn. Pane,
oTr<^L, to 7wS'!'Li ,r Mr. and- Mrs. Piles,
“n SS' '"“toie.Mr, P.RJoIS
ihSln W to
Byanactof Congreaa,panc<ianhcl..., ,_ n
Urn Ffeaiaeiit euabliahed a Lund Oflco. „
Sts. Morie/iA the Stale of .Michigan, to pnmde Cx
| the inis rftho minenj Unda in the noithera part oa
that Stale. M
‘ ! ‘ ■
SSXaS SS^i^K 00 ' it »
comnxnaw ltaiS“ ttad,Jr * ,e ““« “4,
fk.’ v® lb «.foUowiDg proceeding! were had bv
/bomiß^ *° d J ° b “ c °Kui*'fercconstituted i
1 " :“ to M °' ri “* correspondence
Co 4 Wm. Larimer, Jr H
Pretidem of flu P.fC.R. R. Co.
ciU “°* of Connellwille
.nd neighborhood » respectfully invite you 10 af
“*[ V“ '"H l * fjtntiticalioa of com
ert: b * P. ulu “B llie first ipnde in the
ground, on ihoßntwouon of the eastern division
of ihe Pittsburgh and Conuellsville Railroad this
J?™™ «,*. ••clod? and fartLer, ne h£« fiie
honor of tendering you n dinner in Iheir behalC to
be aerved at the Asfoind House at 4 o’ctock r
in wl,’ 'mi,' “V! , 0V1|I '““ of 'he high nattoialion
St^tatlSf’pin h m ■* independent
come m 100 Pittsburgh 4: Conuellsvilfe R. R. -Co.
pejtfolly, yourobedientservanis.
„r.O.EflttJ.W. Phillips, H. (Waller A A
Co^"« R „Si J ge,„ < ;nS 1, ” n ' T
p, Cranoj House, Jai.a>, ISIS.
nf«bi» date on
Sif-Sl'fcn tontholJi-r. of the Pittsburgh J; Con
neUsTillo Hail Road Company and the citizen* of
your place, inviting me to lmak the ground on tlie
eastern lecnoncf the Hail Road at loVfock and
“f* «: fW Ashland HfiSa’uMj
° ’ ” bco “ dulyrceeived and
1 '“'■ol cipryrui my feeling, ofgrat-
Snrf U,Vr? H St you I h * v ? ,atc“P'S
of “n*i™ction
or lb* Kill Road, that trill connect PiUalum-l, with
tbe aca board by tlie neareat and moat natural route
-opening up an eaay Intnaporlalioa
i l "'?'r'»Wi of Ihe rieli and frS
Y< r ,BlK ? h '° y 'T' 1 ’ 1 ” 11 * eaitani] weal.
1 feel confident, gentlemen, that tbi, improvement
when completed, will in eonnection with tbe nnto-
SiilhKoSt 1 ‘ h ' k '* d of Ul< ’ ol >>°. and other Kail
Roads ttow beingconstructed, East and WesLhar
ing thenr iorannn, atPlttdmrgb, malm ourlronQty
tlie greti. inland city of tbe Union for all time to
population. Commerce, and m.nufcctS
. FocUn f confident tTiaci you will concur with me
“ o!w? PK T em ? nt £" wiU «*l >“ tbe prosjwri.
ty of Pittsburgh. I subscribe myself * 1
Vonr obedient servant
ToMeiara. T. a
McU«, I* Liadly, H. tt'aber.J. G. di
est bidder, tbe large assemblage present from ih*
Sc^LJ\V ? Phr infllng: ( ?? ,nU *' on ‘ lcr the direction
P t* * nd , M,yor A A McEean aaMa£
fSSL- d lb ° me ° r pKwwswn, annulling to the
*iße Railroad
‘K’diry, lK'
kpounty, open the commencement of the Eastern
~tUbU^ h , ConSKISSI
. Iload, haviag heretofore labored under such a,}
vene eireamidaa«a,be recounted tbe miLy I
of ttua route by tbe, Baltimore i: Ohio Rail Road
oompany, vrlueb bad been abowa from tbS u‘S
and largely oa tbe piepeota ofSia
“ tb. coacluaioo KT!^,“3Ecj
r rd^d^“^*” d 4s£2i
nellaaville IUU Rood, and dlthc wibt
inty.rf Kmdaugk, „ ptm tbe h J
charter of tlua road, be apolre empbaUcSfeof the
peeaervahoa of tb. cbartSHmiaiSncSk
feta—Mid be bad been a warm friend fifa Rail
; Boad by tbi, route Com tbe tawteninE-AdJte,.
P~pte that they might rely, onhte mwtSddoSl
boa to tbe canw firr the promotion ood 'nioweiu
lion of Urn rnuburgh and Connell,vilfelUduSd
UL rammer -poke whh gmar energy & aTIeS
. u!c' cpncluajou of hi* *r>eech b*.
took tbe spade from the contractor?, amfSTck it ’
uito tbe ground sad threw up the earth. eviVW*.’ n
to the croivd that be Ed Sm
•nd pronouaced lb,, the eommeacement Vf tS
I i, 0 " H'ttsbnrgh t ConneEvdle
Sih ■?' ri «e
and prompbtudo with which the pStltS”'^
ville extension towards! tbe Mirvland
contract tbi, day, evince, a pm&Vy'lSl?
nation on the part of the nrrseat nZj.f®osl
- workT Suof
I Rttalvfjy That the hnnwotwe •
ifgnty and ability of ihe prLsnOfolM ,n *
| Pituburgh aed CoSJile
I»ny, with Col. WiUiamlLirimer iVor ;
Ktuburgia will, in the opinion of the ?ibhkhol.Loi
fehbon^d P!1 ” r '
tcntion and concern of not onlvih* mw».i • ,
and capitalists on the Atlantic ae»l.n.«P-mj*™ *
particularly those of ibe dties of^^m nd
; supenor to any other cithrp p r a 1 ,
ViSma, leading £ s?^
, those of the CTiesaneake ?L. * 0b ° to
er in diMaoce tad cbeapdr ia^Up^? 0 ” f
keen aevond time, demErtrated by
ne«t. bt the lervice of the *
Company 0P ° fl * & Had
u, " l, "fih"w£r'tbJ
•Md, and a production tVom theThrS,
O aml bavcl, tmauJJ, „| tlie I’iiLal.u™. l. sfi
Connellavdle Railmad, than the other Incft D 1
feU» Mid main atom, ’.l»“ y "
U, f cit > r of l Column i„ to. Slale
mcre.«n g : production* of that near .JS *
gion will continue to follow Uie .t; ,™“ *?*
pavipbln like, n„d Si'oK.*» 'l S f
w^ ( dr y 7rSUlsT.xr^"™
dfreutan J. waun. J£2 “ I “ U '! rf '
in the thorteat «paco of lime ?»;
u«t largo cife,C,So U “ c - ™fe
uplhe country—end tDd P°pubtioti
Rttoivtd, That the route by the v» nrr i f__i
Road connection with the VJ * R*il
by succoring and aT.ltiii r} to lh « enJ
may be pnaecnted to “n “La “".'•'“clioa, •<
JWri,/, That too ,L„u y
badly tendered to Col. WjiliftW m ? eUn » * ro
preiidenl of toe beard and wX„ L fr'“' r ■&“••
genera eon, in S
On motion.
The proceuion lien in the tkao or&* .. Jr '
returned to town about 4 o'clock 35*5*/? /**”*
monies of the day beinnover thn " e,t * w**
to the Asland Hotel, kept by W wi£!u£ re P®'" J^
down to ■:verymraptaoiu dinner ?**
occasion, Ailer the first and
fS£^nd^S Weit i ,ni^
r£, < SS n “' d uTSL-*-
nch viaada, raijinn etc per excelfem J3Sn“?" l i° r
repajt over tbia .third courae, the ,n
I refeled with a variety of aontimentt, ip£X. W "?
anecdae, appropriate tolhe occaaki tEfsfli I,J I
and toaet cue ot, arith a lively ajeinSo I
iloiß-t'^ *w„ 0f fdije&tc&iag «s"ExtnSo,?sf
@BsgE&A& §ffi|s®feas&
JohnF.: Hunt,| Sweliuies. : VlOif
oai n, talir “• «“»«lnn». l “‘» ,U| .-'
fcatoM tbe.TU»l4,-*re dettfoyerf to S* e ® ntro **'
ys r
As ' u tas
ry between —The terruo
Uel Norte) is still the Grande‘(or
when proclaimed *tapeadou*‘desert’» as
acutraj’greund «.k:A Zj?: U, . J * losenoß to be a
Mexico would erer Stale* nor I
there to moved nn A s-Jf-L s®?* 10 *Ppropriaie until
The SSTft! b ¥ rfE ’ a
contains, under data & 11 t^ nOTU )
of a memorial to the of t®* raoathia dranjbi
•oai'atirea of the Staffer ad^ OD *w Rfpre
sons who luxi-e settled rin^t^n? o^^ 9
which wo extract the -®™pde, from I
• “From the
county seat at Cornu* 1110 ® r " ld » to the I
journey, through am&SfcS 1 11 days’l
tut* of teauit x_*2j!J5 M e ? un f r y> almost desti • I
and ddngtroutto tratJ£! %X * t^*'ciu *P i '* ttn< *' I
diaus and land* of ? ax ? nnt of tkt la- I
•on. re .,dS| When per-1
“only nrecflnd to np Ce s«s™“ d,, „5 t T d ' r I
at least two week* t£\^t 14 a take* I
sides subjecting them * he c^tiontbe-1
of the road" j S • 10 Rallies «?d dangers
—i i l I
Jascakt 30, ISIS.
Seuh—tL J«n. 20, ISIS.
John A. Speaker ° f W , m - <£u«y and
van •^* v> o : * !e Judges df Sulli
wn. rej«Sd’Js3’ Senid. Kill
Housjl—Bill* »o ousinesa transacted,
districts lntroduceA ?^rWKm em t e “‘ n 11,0 c 1 and
-tcsiamcnUwas r ? ,atu * to *>d
E<*»l Im«Ulg.n c< ,
*?“' oa ,h '
Meun. Cook °° &****&'*
lie to be «irpf„> WouM Waft> *** pub-
I- t or u„ wcll
Bw ;" i "' i w> - "-a*
Jnonb &™ Jcr ,
.TTeTf '" ' IWter Offer
“ H.O Ui«iglUon of Messrs.’ Cook & Il!UT ,„ £ ,
passing coonterieit money. . .-.- siams, lo
JDS WJSlfr -““A man nam«fTt>nVh*r
- a-jrty,
h« mMU ’ °'~ ,m iD -p"^-
fiom Mfm -
Eivorii ” Dc “ mbcr n ““l«T of Iks oU
orw;*r:°' ,n ’ d r t ' id '
„ " W, ' d “!■' **■“* «» mw numlier W
mcnces the new!*otam«, «o<i .fr oM ,
C,w loro stork*, Ll WOrtb
np |iio AT » -
fiv. t ? P * “ =*cnl U.. 1 will
t, ° r ''-
“»»nnr»|M. That most important route
cfes *“ e •»
0 « continue to draw u Jar*,
ert part of euiem traveL -i
; rr*SE
ni^l a Jir c A 4 Q»»-
mu« * tk.. •MOd.tio. wi,, mM thill
Room, of tb. , „ " g
U “ l Mimheli lasher. wtit .
" mml " W^ T aficetein
cswkea,nndupon wlal tonne, hecanbe induced
w . course ofA.teuomnndlcclure.mtte
»««> Ictterdktij
SotTnr bud ““PW« «f Wint
“lcntjr of the rectos of the Guritti. 'Tyrian
bZTp .'l''' 6011 “ « *i«> tkeKtlw
wpn Post office or ouraclvcv
« A< ?“ ,dllnr “ *>“ So">of Temperance
T"™* Tempcritnce
Hall lie <ko enbject in a new manner-
Quick, a teieswpkic despatch was.
a few Jay. .mce, thjinlhe office in lhi. Citylto. Si.
houi., and an atewj, received in five minute.
° “4* of >*« 20th insi,tke bam of
Jame. McCurdy, ,n Butie, county, w., entirely
consumed by fire, with it, coMerne Tie lor. I
keavy. Itwa. the work of an incendiary. I
Corvaapopdetaeo ef
of ffi. Pinuenffi n„„ s .'
. Philadelphia, Jan. 20,10 r a*
The mail arrived at Pelenbnrgk today, but
kfougkt no; news from tie feat of War
.Arrival, item Yucatan bringing daics toSOth
reprewnm .ffair, Ulal , (U^ rj „ a
mod deplorable date. Pmporitioa, kaditen made
l>csendm s Commissioners In Washington to treat
fur. annexation lo the United States.
The American frigate Bmndywinejnnd mail
schooner Ankalyc were at Campcacky on Urn ail
Owing to non* dnrangrment ii He tilegraplUn
ta En, l , .eh»re , «ni TO l no
FtidnJe.plim „ o eosnlimlay nH*rnoon.
~ , Cinoonun, Jin.
04,6,11 *lCSj£>47?
i&cV^ M —■*«■«« « nia
bb i*,?^ s ?. Pork al *7.75 9 :° f 200
IIo PSr Sa l« ais36B|»l2Bllc '* loOCw
1 s-^M
atrong roaaoo that it makejtbe pooreSdnifw
pay oa much to defray the «SSaS^„?(i3!'
•ooa aa prictie.blr, lo
S^ Pid “ >f ““ !UPPt r
SAasnr Covar ILutul—Li eD t.- Cbi:
£** concluded the reailinir of l.i« •vr' :^m .5 nt
which U,e tortwcntpfh^i^vta
the defence; and Iheathp^uK
, ’Vf Tajiaiioe ltnWat&hMbfe'th..'
feur hundred thousand Haga have aheS7 : biS
pocked in CmcinnaU, tor the season of IW7-8
w-Jl n F^ ew!deo,etl oo«faßr,'|eTen for thi,
Swf e *“P Uoa of«.wf few place*.&,
motion leads us to believe that the same rate of
mcreasehu occurred in die West.geaerSir-
CtHCtnnait ChrunieU, ' \ - * , r
n ‘r A 'i U "~" The u - k*hipPfowK/A,Capt Thomas
, con,m ®nJ'n«, u under for
the La* Indies. Uj, »j d lhtL u* j v W
uT« a °t t w,u P° <tot ,in her, to aucoeod the i
late A. 11. Everrett m United Slate Cowmisaioner
P,° lTnileiJ brig EJ
•shortly expected to *iii fcr the coast of Athca, un
der command of Lieut. W. S. Qgden. I
SptciAt. ELecrto».~<Joven»brShuhkhaausaed
writs.of election to fill the in the Buck,
dlijl Lehigh Congiwaional. district, onioned by
the deatlrdf Air. Horubeck. The election, thkeal
place on the 23d of next month. , . • i ;
Hoa. Damo. T. UAtoarnr'died on Toada. lL
otlliockltivcr. It„ w„ an .a,) y .cder ofLo
** Judge at the tin. of
: K-,
■ And u have thla,you hivebStSJS.jSS^''? l
Por a boulo of Jenca' Itei, Br,ra™,r “ P “
I. 1 I
1 “i 0 ” lb * Jl exceed your expectation*.- 1
I }| ave . lo .“ hair for ao.yetrtLavehaJ it muar«3t
I iH onginal Pertectxon by the tue of thi* 1
I «*“ or condition appear to. be no obstacle I
I iilm-.cmmm- the fluid to flow with Which UiedelK
I u,fiUed », b r rw i*ith neaa* thousands (wh£if
« the A«*etic Kagle) hay* tld uSJ
htttr re*tored to u« natural color by the u»eofthi*in*«L
*°-fUcase*off«yer it will boibondtba I
moat pleasant wash that cmibe used.- a few atmlilr
JS!* h‘ ~ i £r ° .3?" I ° !k " P ““ “r fnnfi.
X i ■b* 11 nerer foil. lo taraj, J
nch glossy appearance, inflate perfume forthekSei
I ho ? d *: ihmiime* a* much as mber
every town in Pau, Ohio and Md. ' novl&l*wOniT I
I l * «nui«ly deatmcUre to the ho
" Id. and , J° r,k v ,) 11,0 w, H^ en eh “*® fron » he « »
K ®" d Th/n™?! * caa « # L TeUow, dark, coarse roro-
Of.. ?“* n *» l * requwitfe that the pore* of the akin
from itmt,!^^. P ‘ fn ~4 ,B, e,r “*»»** should be freed
a,M *&■ an3i^t «uIS»
£«*«*“tl?ey computed that more
I t^* ku \‘ hl YV?s Totber etitleiof the body.
It U See«. o^ d .S ,l, 5 aJ,b J ,i vn Po« lea through the
huiore aT^te f fS n ,^ k^l, t .*^P or “ oplu-oil
whenitirVT».-K_:.i , from 3" e skm from tbe pore*,
hare re£Tt Jo, ‘ e * H !tn Chemical Soap. I I
Ku^^ d C “^ lh f :^ l |a.».r oldest ease* ofSali ]
»“1 disligiirciiictit
® Übc2, “S‘
and fpo»*n» andlmg* up.t»»e%ucua which eW. ?£££
J |W olSraSlo . fejE?
!'SS3";S' ta “ «■• i?»p!.u i»«^sisn. l^
ouett, and a core is certain it* be eflectnL >!■» ..«£
£,%”?*+ - ,r ' kinT " ■*>"< n "lb
03* Don’t have yellow dark TVelh ik*v ~. n
made peariywhileby one timft’mimr /?" **
ifesfcsar*? a
A. A. ttmn !a. fa.. "
: fegs^S-aSSSSSS
: P#3sfssii
asiu™, wc.u.^p^j,
‘ ' 'Jo* '..'L','v ,*-‘ and 31
pjaia. -jo lu • *.
y»w«in Si “ “ £j
“•«««> oto jo . -. a
saar s -amitessr
, [jAtwil AiA MA.SQ.N A Co.
M'-BHICJE 'rtlß 11I2S—Thk'
™»i*«E. k V«,'”„?'‘F‘ ‘l s ?' ■'“*. k«»'.mSlx
■pn*£ JSK. “ -“• ’■“' "« fKk Mpuant and ii«fc.
•iSasKiJras p*» «
Ag»n> fof tbc owaer.
e«l indefinitely 'nJ ¥“* ««n be tat rras
«he b B «n«M will „n S . l ° nUn (nm
aalo. . pec*otu wLkw?,? "■•“““M* **** *‘ private
to Jon. Kidil * Co. mqtunee are referred
Tills. * Co> °J W«H«.
ian3l " *“ 8 MACIUNTOST. . ,
tiui Which £T«*e *ttcb^Mn^i^.‘^fi, t r aIn * M
Meaner Barack, and ibf fa ? tl0 "' KO ' J \* T
pnee for cart or nppnrZi WU, by - lowe, ‘ “"k*
ja3l ; Wit M iUTCnELTIIKC,
'Pirn LAST .
1 -M*. by p. P. H. Jarar,; r y ,, tS ~ A Chrum
{Chronicle an<l American chn»» JKn3 * ‘
‘Srt, >-*
s*** *• *=k
-=2- _ CABSOXaWrrMtd.T I
7—----- 1 - -u<Ui «■ l*«t libnir.
; PAMU,Y FLOUR—JO bbl> for Mje by- i :
rjSS* fr “ n “?"*
G* H ’" ' '
■sst •** vr*™** 1 -
s*SsS«Ssy s ‘“^-
1 : _J^»\VATER.It A j,
J '"VfATlzniujt-.r
Jam? PAI-ZfiLL
kept tomtamlr br 11 '*°® , » •nd olheri choice
pnm« n; OSo
ssr astas'*
By feTT»|| 1
- -- -
I On Friday, Fab. 4th, at 2 o'clock. Kx_ will bo eoM
Uj untojX fc„„, pfiESiSSSTIfE
I b«^t ttf tSe3foWnsa£damv*r-l2 mle* above
Vh£*^v ep^“'! * theSrt
I lent site, forao exirasiTc- Vineyard, -jiroadanced by
j competent judge* eqaai toanysitoationia the
conntry. Also a good mill streamKipplied/'by a lam
water running throcrh tbe whole length VI
•WpWrtr 111 occupied by "ia; who will
vmlaabla :.Trtct of Latfll, S*o iMS, in I
I Sg^aWMm! ,r?Ml,lft c ™ w * ml ccMiutyr, Ft, contain.|i
iA^ir : TSf^2f ,tooi in township So % rence I
<y,& “ ,^ P S/: p “ r ‘ h “ “ '?»'*»«
. JOIIX D BAVIS, Aoct-r.'
- Good*.' ■■■■. a ■
*° u *i&om wme, bjr order of A*-
n •A*®o'eloekj*.iW. •-.•i-')' r-''-)
i 1
TOTP'aj piper, bend box.
. '•",.•••• . Al 0 o'clock. t h. . I
mfda S M?.M r °C ct *°* c ? nJjeellAneoiu "book*, retir ,
Icrv fi« tabJ« WKJ cnt.
•r*2Sfw3" a V
~JTr-~ ~
IW fret deep, o^U e fti~*\ Alle * b * B J r rir.r by
ual two Karr Hock »|.l*Maraudubsian*
MB*ll FrameTlni.^ B "d;*>n the rear a
"“*• r j^°gS^,Cs^.
moral of hi. school from th e “\ u «-
hirawbi-rry .Ireeu.whcm •f 1
ha. beeu U-acEuig. On and mOrr sl—'i.'?®““tlh*be
ropy room* oa V«l«!u
cloorfrom the;bridpt The. *£?•**
•ut oftwo Wlaoni of.Srattwm.i.. 1 C ?°*
oo the fimtAlooday.iaF.ebfn»£^^£,% l gy n<u, «
■2LATZS OF Trmos TZX t
Enghiii Depanmem— _
Phy nnd definfo, Writing-, EnglS GmfflvSSSSS'
Jjogic, iujgU»h Composition aud
lli»iory, AmhtneUe tuid ifac higher
Natural Hjdoa6pLy7<^s£
Botany, Physiology, Geology, lnSS“«uai?lSs^OT?
.Utu.ic.l IVpnrtment—loci oiling the LmX CricKeS
» micb Ituiputjeoceh on odtiffiml eh4tm ifX!i£ m
-.TJc if men of competent Trechrr. «ie jJgZ
yet papils will be WcivA at
•eutonand tnllbe.cbarged at th^aboreSS^Sr
irata the tuna of entrauc*.'..'NodedoctJchi' »iu h£
StoWtKl"* **
Jiff'™** mjr ta i
I runt' _ ' rp j; .
1 i Svfflk kfc! mui'/itc Brmof
o» lir ISS.T 'SI: T coi«toHll»biTrt
T»e toiwueu will 1* cirwfri a! ilw oltf
' . ! JAMES S ArCo£h.
from'ihe old »twt >nmrri Arm Ju
; MEglg||tpl£l
& PAUna, CUKt, y -C^f-^
Er* 1 "“s s®bS
rr-■■ —l.' '• - -"■■■*&"'
Impennl-pnni, »*»*«« ' V - ’
ItouLte ilfdinro, JHM37ai • , ,
RKFEREN'CHS. - •'••••,' -i l'
Winter Sr^SfnLi* 1 M “ kel •**, cantinae»ia k
Sift* *<■«, JiS«7.tei ,crT “gS"
O superior lonj eloH’SHrfiJJtoinf fSfStFZ
anicje oCS&SS SIS2i"&P
■ t jJ** ortod i d pi
: '■• '■ >•» liVATKH'tim ;j
OCOUCIILNGS-500011* prime for. -
ja * ‘ ufamw , I
~ - - • ■ • >■>: ■■ -HOweod Mrctt? i
LMsjtf sisS6jggg&=-
"'•■ ' : '-IW Übcnya* j j
’B.'SNUFF— 2Do :lh#>c«TT*n»« _ . .
B..s'«r w '*"*'& ssfe*q>yw.
- -V WfclerupTet, : | !
r,, ’ I vnMr
‘ T ; -~— ;• |
■■■»* w iiACTaS?
—^ lA| < dickey
*■*' uSKm**™*
ID'S UU - i «‘S£**b, n i' i,,
SODA ASII—A ,t f l n Juit rfru • " |
' ,r
_: IL- I
faicAw CAytaHaiiE-uaiigfc,.^
— Rtf act
I *“.'Oouoon «i«l
' bXrUY packferTtNET 1
hlfVa&Mltaoam 11m atwMiiUmnt Sat.,.
J «n u new cotapoMd of toe urgest, b*«*
'fiSibeband famUted, «ad bum powet&l bow*
Wrnuw cf On > We«C- Kwr moa ton
fcrtUut D3OMT
Kneen.-HM lisa Has b«u in operation
—lwu carried a of people widtoQj tite leut in~.
JT to their penoiu. The.ooaM will bo elihctbci of
»»ood ureei the d*y preriom to ■urting, to »i« rretp. “
uoa of (Mtht and »ne entry of paweager* oa tin r*f£
•deanea*** c ““ UM 1)4 ?*&>* '
The MONOXg AHKUA, Capt. Snw*. wfll fctre Rtt*.
but](h cTery Aloodar morning at IU o’clock;' Whceiiaj
eveiy MotuUy eTeamg at 1U r. M. :
- , PACKKf.' /
Tba lUBEKNIA Na 3. CapL J. «jQ' .
"® re Puubnrgh every Tiiuday morning dt 10 o'clock;' '
[, «**ry Tue»l»f evening atlo r.'m. ; -
1 . jraDNESDi'r PACKBTi •'
, T* lB NEVV KvUl^kM)-No.- S, Capt. win !
l** Te .frjktouik ’swyWedne»«iejr jbbtslng at 10 .
' T^r J'HUnBDiT'p } .
.^®!2)IVANU,C»pt.Gju r !, willlmr Pitt». !
• - PUfn ny PACK£T« *'
. CJJPp Eg 1 N0.3, c*pt.cnoo»A wni leave rift*-
burgh ereir Friday nomaf-af 10 o’clock; SVbeeUar"
every Friday eveauif at I Or?*. ■ • • . - *"*
[ • The MESSENGER, Capu D* Camp, will leive Pitt*,
i. buijh *verr Saturday morning at to o'clock Wire liar
every Soiuiday evening at 10 r.w. :y. ""“"a
ISAAG a. Q, Ba*o*, wil ,
leave Pmiburgb every Sunday morning at lOoVtock',
Wbecliuj? every Sunday evening atlOjpTm. *
‘I . .ra-jr- r_ '• -The steamer
• will leave for Beaver, Giateow an*
i I on TneeJav;. iSuraday
aud Saturday, x>f each week, at 8 in. retunw
I in* on Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
I boat at the landing between Wood atrcei and the
I prepared to receive freight* at any time.
' . 8. iW. HAfeHAUGB, Ajt^
I . • octlf No 03 Wood at
r, • w ' The fine ateambota
I R Clarke,inaiter, Will, dnriitr
I the coming wtnter ocaaon.‘m»k...u<is .
j. tripe to Beaver and Welleville, leaving Fiuahurrh ova.
I ry mormng at 0 o'clock, atid WelUville at 3 o'efock r
deelp G. M. lIARTON, * CO-. Aeti! .
*B4B, ; . - . ISA. •
| FT:BIIUAR Y foIST k *FEBRUARV la. 1343 y~J\
L .ifaeu**? .. *“ following new- boati eowplmo
Ua.Vflfta* 1 1 vte **,«*». predent aeaaon: AT- f
BmnT HlTmii i r Jamej Parkinson;:
new, and are fitted op without regard to
erf comfort that money cau procure ha* been nruvkled.
Monongahela Wharf Boat at
l Ae
/ ' ' POR ST.TAWS. •'■ *i ' \
, . ff*Go* K. The fiut tunning steamer ’ .
maater, wiU leave a* above, on
55^^ B-B ** r,Md ny next at lfio'cloek. asm. Vn*
Jjetght or paaaage apply on board, For
u. WILKINS, Am. ' .;
fv:"ne fiaep&ckft • ,|
Grar. nuuler 'Vii[ lnreu >hn e Hi.
al.lß octock. -a. »., -i
-v PMfgg, ■ppiyonUanL •-, ■ V f jjiS,*"
V* c ' ; Foa iX)UTBVLLIi
.-■•• T! The fine steatocr •
I GR^YIJA cw;I i
• r F? Broot «- «■*«», win leave M ibore.' "
1 ~.’3 : TO;ST. LOUIS. ' .■'
1. K. Tnef««*-n»mliir gfcsuairl ‘ •
- yes&rtaS,, , coLoASsrri. •
■ffimTffi ° Mfc ' IIMI,> - s, ‘' '|| ,;
' ■ i k AUe fine stemoet ■
■,i SffcggHK
■•' -..; ■ FOB CLVCLNNATL !, ‘
i£^ v^«wajaas{issf
■sflyn »m k».—
T .*llo o ’el oct , FbrOtithor
FOBwr. mbi, r ~'
i'IV ".' 7“* «W«nd fort rnßtuntfiiiuner
vli" axquo KAXOtf, "»
■BsHßa&ftM. J VfUi Jeuro WfeboYe.
-V ' ; I .''v';;’. ./tob ct-
• : r ;'••"• - • . >'.r,. a»2S
V' lL . K v -~ ~ FOtf 4iRQ\VKSV I r f .T« .. .
■ flWtoiluifF • i;.'( :r{j •. .
’ MlrluorpuiMs.;^SlS' Bre *™ , i3? f«.
ii °- |, "-“-- ’■ j 'i* w
«pi. 4: s? t“-~
ignfafwfi* m J . ©tSWLTCHV- '
|MP3L Aebu i mmster,-'wiu run
M w’S ! Jk,ir” vw? **'“<«?
gggg>^"1 '' ~" —,
«u«*u S r T„ befo f wi f dedu.«ad. fiSiibJ
U>« loweai ewrem w «MMp*teh and at
Kzpi«Weiajes «*ji r « ta ~.v;::; ._l_
*£sSSaSKsffi»!!* ■
'' •■■ssasatK
fj HQBIHwiKIhSS.^*
On lie roaie * 7W^irfiiK?^*"^fcJ ,iUH "^ l »r*
M» rotcUbecSteSA o^“Cedto *?■****■»rte*
- L "-- • ■ ■ -~- ~
«® ES =aßiap£6 l S^-
*>a«ijpuMi i ajuTfor *?.!*» *“•
"■vJJxhT —‘-r -- - ._£KfcLEaii ±'Mcioifc
" , ° a -‘ <^UV wiait “‘iSAfes^ir.y*
... ...KJIOTESiaft tv
+ -■'•SUL roixPKCTEii t.
A WOMOL-C W»I, for' "nU tv •
A jais « KSgAEIUi.J?w^w«
UJKS-JiO tbajursatebr
-jwjs. - a'a'-aarj'.;
HWdo»a for «ateby
"V* g-T*,