The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 31, 1848, Image 1

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    " ’;■’ j : --! ' '■ ■■ ■~ : ■ ! "' :ji |' "'S ' " : ; } J ' ;
ir f.
£ c}.
f „ Vrttsiness casds,'
StSssSKTSE™**. “* 1 >l.
'Wtoi.-u an*™, w •»«
■ • ■ ■ -
■■■ t ■■ j
" lMttbnrgh. '-•'- •' •' 11
vifgpspssg 1
. • rl.' > ... ‘ • • • • 1 • I ~ •
-? f’sss;."t2^£
•• ' , ~••■ .. 1 . Win i. TUUHfIj
. J « «T * t "* rt .-
,|f!' iy;;>' -; 1 -i-
•il :
-• ' - i i «-ri .. > anißlf Mft Sim
» c- XYtote** l *
•*«». l-SuSm MmtaMJ,
V- ~1 10?IWnt «!!««»■ —SSL.
j ßt ci«jf - —r * - - -
»• ‘- t i’.h :
■■ .v ■
i 5 • . J ‘’
tl •
; V -
TV* XXDEB,' CQBDON. - . **w
t; mftl - .■••'» m v • •* y; taehU 1
—~*'i, uxrr- * --!> av : ‘
rKtrpftoS, WW'*™**
Mjerehtnw,'N*.l« dS^y****
Lit Co.) Wholewle Grocer*. Cwanu*»«J p . U|bursh
lijtottCuiare*; Hixtf* xurirtj Ixf* l *!*?. l \y'ood
, mutmritb. Vm
/~t IYKACWt. liDpurlrr lUicl
A;,dcmlur in taney biul SUpU v# /ih7f«l’iU»bunihj
ils tfincomb, W Slarket ** wf Uteri’ M°EBf?
.^r'/ ' . ‘ ~—“j. it amoo*nrr»tx
lrwntlii.teliL- bctwcn 3d ***«*«!>. -«
... ... , jaiur os*****..
— .. i • . H*** t. umrr. ..
JIjCo.) PltubariV
‘ AujuimMowikk
Merchant*, IOS.Wood **?*
. Pa. ••• " • -' " —“*—
Geobob a: iibrey, \vhoic~ic
mltSoti M«tch»rt,«mlSJXSih
tmrrt Minafretara*> Wood lung* o ""
'/^Eb. W \v?KMITU * Co',
{jr fr*\ett ln llop», Puubßffh p ® urt U
sra™i»ku»yonjuffim;- ■» •>’■■ •
tria&CEHar*.**" .-.i . 'ill —;
. J i .!•:.« •' • • I I ~ n TCi!^**’
■'-■■’ “TOSEPHKNOX, At»BeT JUfJj StofgaTS
, 1 iroHN' D.
• •• n .
: fans n. I
r l > ood»t»wt > PUUborgh. .'
,;T£s?urst_\ Bote. ' -
' H TORN U DAVlS;Auciioneer,JJg*
J .1 Wood — - -
' '
ij.datJi.m~ta »~1 w°“"
; • msato •
: gijiat ~ Koi.s~iiff
- . ~. . .JOTS MBWOjJ-:*’:
■fßasssfo n^jaagdas;
feCrSS Ptoiarjb MmAfMiq, N~
=- - - - •
- I ,■ ■ . 1
ii ■ Xd
•' iA<S&FTB6nT tiw
mub**i «£§£•
• *^2SSs2ts=S===v
“ ng&agSrtgA *- •*-
■'. Jseur *i PjtuMirgb, ; • ; :—":ir !
. -■— »;•-«- T -mißH,' .' c.>. yy**-
i '.■ .'■*. w.'i«»HSoi'rii WboltMto Oroe*«
':- '''Si-.. ... . • '• ■'•“ '
ipycuAim SSilSSn^
t. ’“Xtl**o>er, Morocco,' gbyjtff. •,,lt mmiew OS,
1 ' inn,' TuahttC, uid Cutler*. - .MplS'
«S. 100 Womt«»- Printor* 1 *
j, . . -MfoW *» "nSal i
if TQOBEirr
i . VituborgN f*- ■••.•■• - ~ m ’~“
lULibcnr *t.
ii '. MOOUE, Wholnale |
■ fß<pj£?iw. dtt>r laFrodoee, PiU»borgh >I“B&c
s: - ••• Sr£d il. kind. «f FnwJm mdltaßwMe |
,1 ' '‘SSliiwkWUlJb'fV** ' I
On h*nd » «nr
, fc '
•• -• ' • ' - -' '- ■■-- •* '
fi SIIEK. Forwarding *nd <'s**“•‘,*2s
HtutaujU UtnufMtun Mi
I* 1' 6 * , “7'S n '
!: try ran.’ Coro»tofpMnttft ln»io it*. _*““ 3 j
Tk n*gmnniL Co~ Comnuomn Mmbnatt* l*)*
1 fv.ertv it. Uciltn in. FU>of»
CtMITH, BAGALBY * Co- WhOlmlr Grocer* and
JSIPTodoM dealer* No;SO Wiftat«trwt,betweeo Bfk
wa«STlwUnM*. Philadelphia. »ov9 ‘
iMSjm'Rßivwi. •; «o.*a»u,iu*mw>.
I OKLLEBS fc.MCOIA Prodne* and General Cpm
| N niSonMerebanu, No 17 Liberty at, puubnrrt;
fipenn|lln»ed»»4Lanl 0»l*-v : j«2S ; -
S ; c: mLtf&flhwwwOTtoinn fc Browne) Imraner
. and manulaeturer of Paper Hinpnya and Border*.
, tnd«caW In -writinf.-.rrimlno, and wwppint.piwr.
I flTWbod it;' PltUbargb, Pt Rip and Tanner** kmi
I poichMoA*t.tboMcff»ng*rfceipfiee.-. • j*T.
S F VON PONNUOROT, * Co- Wholeaale t?K*
• em, Forwarding and Commlwion MerchaftU,
Dealer* La Pittabargh Vanuteatticacad Weiwm Pto
hart TttßOWito Ibair new w*rebo*«e,(«d etand)
: No-3&. comer of Front at *od Chancery Lane.» twf7
SAMVEL M. DEB. TorwardlM and Cotarabstei
Merchant. Dealer thProdoea and Pittsburgh manor
ltfcctqSdtSfck^ Canalßaric,near7th«v,V ' . dai. ,
mASSEV k BEST, Omcmmi Comn.j-
I ikm Meickuu. end' deil.n in Prodiice. ; No.M
• • •yimbomh. .1 ■ ■ 1 ■ »!■=» .
-IIOHAB KENNEDY, Jr, I-oolinc Muuifce
tarer. taADealerm
pd! comer ofWood and Fourth it*. JIP
T. r.-wwnßi .......... s. i. vnanTn.. .
ay P- kORSYTII A' Cn., Comraitaioii Merchants.
dealers in Bah. Lumber,Ctoeerie* Prodneo and
Fiiubargh..MamifiMtntta, Canal Basin, Liberty street,
Mttsbnwh.. .1 >••••■ •• i ' febl *
11 r k’U.' MeCUTCHEON. Wholesale Grocery
W • Dealers in Produee, Iron, Nails. Glass w?d
; Pittsburgh' -Manniiicrares generally, ISI Liberty street,
I Pittsburgh;<• ■ ■- ■ ■ ' ■
[ jobs a. w«. i ,i •< . : Devin *’ean»*r**- n
| TiriCK A JI’CANDLpSS. (successors to L-.« i jf-.
’¥l VWM-‘Wholesale.Grocers,. Forwarding and
[ Comimssion Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nails,
Cpttoa Yanis, and Pittsburgh MnanjwmrcspneraiiTi
I cAnciofWodd and Water streets, Pittsburgh ■
ITir “B- ELTIPHT Inrite* the ladle* to Call Md■« •
■%¥•* hu stock of French .Worked Ctttaw.
semens low a* 25 cents. . . , ~ • .Jgß
IHTSIOBB t WOl.vF, Impontr. ■
ute.D»l"> ia !l.niw»r« Qoiterj, I S*'"E''
Na. SO Wood UtreU Ihtubnrrb •
ii « lAge*tabliihmeni, J»o.2U '
riJr naxt door \o AUlenn*" Jn,tc *- **“" -
' noVl3*dty- ■ ■ - ■ ■•■■■ ——:—— —
cgnw ofM«kn*nd* outth,t *‘• -
T- tjbvaN Reetifrint KrtiMen .'\Vholf«l«.
: ■•* _1
I Vvr*RtUCk UABTIN i Co., Banker*, l, {
km» •*** co, “',
i ntLiW “‘ llttbun;h ' F *~ ■ HQTI»dtT.
I VV \ViIHam».V Aiwrtejr* and CouneeNor*
I Otfce KoniiSe of Foortfi mael, abort ttabUMA
I • tofclTdfcwiy —-—4.- ■.
" ' un. -I • - • 450.*. »CV
TIITM YOUNG k. Co.—Dekl*f« m Icitbrr kule*.
■W. • ■ • ),n »
•nr * m.. «rrtnßfniaM\T>oi«*te Hwer;,
At RertifriM Uiullers. mnd Wmt muJ
of Sod* JUh «d Betchnu
pUrdr. No* Iflo Übewy ■*. Pitub^C. b *- IkdsJlt
i ( fa Oils, noat Store, and Firoburgh Man
I «fiehrid'aidrlM.'tarrt' on band, u alltimes, a
l§eSm»«fl»entrfgwd«m lKelrUne,\\awr atwet,
i Lear Oeny Alter. Pmsbargb.
•— «11 ALensox «. KU. ■■ I
-r? w'VXS. M BELL, Awmwy r »» Uwi ofiwe in..
%ifSIfSSS. » iii. ***** :
ticg.tabTiwgdinMmoirn, v •
•1 No.<3 Market «t- three door* wot®
UureK will hat# eonimtlr on ;
«>rt»nn «Tthe ttoltad* fTy&e«lMedie»ieAXrhichb^
.»y boorof.
™*rv. •• - • ,*n--
TIT "W. WTWONV Watch Maker JeweUer.eor
-\V*- rfer of4lh and Market iu. A Urj*ju»d
ulcTuWSilwr do. mniiefc«%«i Ivvaa.
J-n. SWEITZES. Auaroey *l °P*
j.'trtwft?'** iTh«rte«' Hotel. Pittsburgh, wdlajw at
tend'promptly 4 W*»W»> Farcn<:
And (jiwflCTiato, *
••L .BlaekawdußellkCa,: "
.-. aObwJi dslWhrti,'-•-
• - , - P.T«Mor|
*n T HKSBYi ' ’'*“4 Coaneeflor .al
1R ' Ohio. CoU«twu» lo 3<wlbern
oSfe'-SteioaiaSmj.» :Keatu<*r, ysj p si tSw
cafefaUr «fttnJfdto: ' Cftrirobuottf r )y t the baM«
vSSitiSS, for tt*»* Depo-itioo., .ck»>rted«.
Carother*. Wm: H»T*, E*q-i >Vfllocfc 4- DoTU. * 3 *_
-'^iiSS^S^SS&SSSISSS, -XT, SMITH * Ce* Urewerr, M»l««r*, ; end
•I j Pitt£aKh nd Fowl pr y?g <l J hy i !r
■nd^P 11 * tlectl Cooxoii
.»L,i > a«btttgbtft. r '•* •* ■ ■ - i^J — .—.
berth.' ■• • J -'■ - ? ..,. ..' .!■ -;
'M*/ -T.B.JfISUOP, VeierinetT BQ«eo*veari
: sfa&£sssa?jgs*assps^^gi
'H - TCttAit Shell, Irory «w Roro Comhm,
vtd Worrted*, ItattoM, Needle*, PiM,,
■V «&&, f ~ .W>TM ft;between Pena»nd_tisertfc_.
Drmif v ’ k<Tfer m * ?.«
>. iuch*xrah*Cßi«nti lithu
-JgW SABDtm WMWiSB STiintsi
“rt.rfSfl.M to, Tm.relr-,. ~*»_■
« rat *' "T"
tadptipied. Bocieile*ia»»»* <rf,Scml As*i wv^-bfih«
vitfj\n>ftll (XkBUM BpMimeU Uid l)p*)gTl>m in*
■ i Staler,'Pa. •• i }
gtund to collection* end all other oo*i
vy to. iiutlcr. and AnJUlrnog
*} 1
* ’ £ )*"*"+ ,
: '£l*- 1 K*T it. J
W*|M B«X
-rourkt* of oe"old
oTfi.* «. Hail, U mansfae
• i dctoly
f=..*SgMl qutnUtie# of (ifcen aiuS
oou»liB«*k»t ti i.- , ?W®L-s» A#t. for l’«wn Ttia Co
i| q> i -Jjr» *. ■■'■ ■■
OMjOKE lIOUBE—I e *l o “ f,u
SlSertwu*# bNM u» ««*•
ed i«i* Ua b ?« n *^'to* wboin*r.*i™
B,nna to , in the cm-
S“«iti. :
No. 17 Liberty
•>>« G« ver ', I
ra£i&slP&fe c«;/
b " ““ low DiCKEV>Co.
| jaal3 i •=-• •- .
ftwSi&S 1 *
■.■*;.v , "-;‘.y.'A , ..*.!M*' .■ *■•*.■■ ■ ■ ■..■■■•■ > ■;
c.ild™ HO wo.
cuablei a. onsniowiß • cu ‘
No. a South* Wham*.' ami fro-* l7 Soath tUr “*•
T>BRS to ihfennlhe trad*
> Pitubureh. that they ha»® C3 * dc ra 5
modatmg tem* uanT • <rt y r -will«« war-
- all • fcoo&oriewd from »e*a wiu « war
?. <* 6. "«1 wr Plop i)*J“jJsKSfESSi.
mi »iiii ° r *r ic !* j3lSs?'
to iha trade. ' ■> ■■■ ■ •
OT onrpS.» Bssaar*"-'?^
T Sffi&SE
th#' wtuhinji; !. •
-. sSk Th».J» Boa S «P*B.P) U o- ,
inonr»tow in Philadelphia.- ’ _ C. 11. K m-
•■”“ ” GBOBOB COCnBAIB. • .
CoramUaloo and FonrardlnK Merchant.
so'..3fi wood at-, misacaoa,.,, I
GONTtNUfcS lo uaiuactaponcral Commnndn bon
net*, especially in.Utapurcha« raiidaaleofAmen
caaMwiiSrturM and Produce, nod tatwewjo* and
■ A“A* S I“KF
tboNanufncturtn howul. be: constantly
the prioetpat article* of Manofactiiij •<«?
Jofre*! price*. .Qrde»iandc*n«pjm«nUaM.
rwpcctfullr ioltfitcd. ; •■■. >■■ •'•••■ !> J --
Baltimore Prodnee’CommUalon Hottie.
TOWARD CLAYTON, late 8. Clayton k *£"•*
FiCttahard it.tVholemlelVnlcMn Rotter, add Com
mutltfii Merchant.
ted hi* attention to the Ml* of Butter, will noartwira.
Hotter, Lard, other Produce te"£*£™s*£2l
and flatter* bimlwif that from hi* <e*pc*ta*f nod **®S2l
roufcatuppm* eu*tnroer*, he will ba able to ot# *»«*-
lartion wall who may eonnjro produce to hint.! B*wr
• •
. “ Watllaion fcSon, • : ,
. • “ WitUngton kjKa*tman, . . 1 \'
» T. W. k «. llotiltus . I 1
Andlhe Merchants generally.' dcl7-bn
. » nnwit 1 u t nnawav
bV. cosnvAY * co., . i.
PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, CommUdonnnd For*««m#
Merchaatt'and ProdaceDc«l<T»—-aliootrtndtoihc
Purchase, Sale'and Shiprnpotcif Iron, Coal, jke.
RCrriTO: Brown, Bailey fcCo-,
Henry GreiS >
D. Leech & C0.,-.
Clarke 4 Thaw,
Atvrood,Jorie*ACo., ;
]<ortnx, Sterling A Co.,*
Graft ljndsay « C 0.,.
Lyon.SborbA: Co-, (
matlOdly ;• ~
JOIIH S'. PBimY, i
. . (Law of the firm of Malcolm Lceeh ACoJL -.
WhoteaaleiGrßcor, Commlaalom * *l®»r
TVEALKR to all kmduofOountcyTPTodace,''«£££
J Tiu.Tm V’lntrijrinn'-rV Tools, Z i n t. Ras« a
Iron, frim and Nw 1 s^V - h 1 le.1 e. 1 ad.
Octum Yaru< SaU, AtA and ritnborsh >*«*£*££,,
pithily, of Überty aad Itww.atteetoj Pln^
“icrubinii 'ijw'wa* "'**•'*&!*,
consiimraents, of Produce, Ac. ; —57 —*
b. itouct in*.- c. v. um.
w»rdlnß Ucrclikßl**
.soMS pwuj's wiuu*, ast-vimma.
Refer to—;
M.AlleufcCo..-' ?Pitt»VjV ( :
Hampton, Smith A Co„_ 1
Davison, younact*A Co-* 1 ■.•, > •
John II BiiuUll,, .
orli Hugh Jeuhms, ■ J __ _r*!TA7_
' . n TBWtt. • - - c. w.. **»*»»•
1 Law of Pitislrarjb.Pa. ' "-Ute -
jo. 8 noTtmm, xaon cimxwuwv.
Hr fry w Merchant* generally, in Pittsburgh. ff**,.
;■•••' rtorttAo**!* . - _
H««w to-D; Rprifp, Eag.,
Cashier. J. Lands tract APon, «“•*
laffA W.kf. Wyman, Slmglnff ADevr* ».
a& ■ -_jl: ,—^=_.,
- .BDWAJip A. K*i«JWO» •;
' [AdiircMor ■ to tloouman A. aleaftM ._•••.
- Carri)N
wstscr-lwaawwni errt*»*a‘s»ssa,Mn»ttjt ,TXsX
Refer to~M. Alien AOs* kiog, ftanock 4 Cl
home, will:be promptly attended to. .Jy*“}lL
: 1 kM ° THoSpSOS *• C AMPBK£i. _
. j So.SUColumbia *r«*. - .jv'-, ;
,: > ',' . .. . . :vCISCTfS*fV^®IO
- upCVly J Rye* s '* paiil tor FtasacfA.-nT
-•-••• -i • w h; ctMUt, ; .|
Forwarding Mere>»**<, BrowaiTUleiPa. » i* f* w^.*{BSftSl l *S
. For any furtoer mfonnatiou, »W l n o FOUSVT I ! *
CVSCAN.WaterU- •' ;; oClt ----
” ' * PATCH,
' 'will pre particular attention to theajJUnf ofl’TO
doce. and, id orders i.
iforgan *; pc* rtaAtwg*..*!**
i QO<H '. 1 .- • '
Farw>rdlni *
. - . sS, !B * M irnotlt trOT.
frag.iy llo»liii«-. Whtrt Bulnmtut-
IM&&WBB.XOVOAL wsmaua co*
MNNBV, Jf > Ajrent nt Pitttburj'ti i
C% Wanimw of IV U lloimc. * &«»i
«Fj7 W»ter,near Matkrt*<r«l,Pittsburgh. : V •
N B_Tbo •«:«»< of tbj» Company
1 ti.hmciit of lh» A»wy. 1% Uiireity* with the
neu and with wMeV emy eUt/a apo«
1 Kv“|23iiiu bf*a Wjotted, fußywarcant U»
:£ilSs ihe confident and Mtroriaga of f««Uond
' Se c-omiatuiiiy ai largo toifio Delaware USloMtMee
l wluJo it fcM tfw additioiml “''JJ.WIJft ™1
' i
1 u hnriite an aa»pl« paui-'m capital, wbl ib by;' JffjPJ}?*
iSSSTdFiia-d™'? i-c-amMiy
*■ • _•*•{< MTitoa fataartd hi* das nhani of tit* pronto
10/tho Comply, withoutinvolTinihiwiin any re*w»-‘
dbita“kaanrlr, and ihatefaro a. poaa taaioj tka X»-
Sif pSSSSdiiaaKd “f taeryobuolvpaa fcalmajaj* 1
in ho root attractive farm. ' *~B '
l :*dalT omhorifod Afoot, flto Kit- Knbor, otS-t. i.i
m.koWTO»“»t *ts ItmHod lofonuto?on
Yieiriity, mol on only h £or.i* Ly ,tk; C.f-
SSKS?'::- , i
- SSSa-Hw*-. Sfif l M®W“t' '
VstoVPo£» :* - ~
oU ucunnr w> ,h » p° bl,c miwe* A *” l jy\.
. Coanting Hoom of Atwood,
mrgnrt From girtsu Plmtiurpti.
milfi Inwmnco- Compao)—
T] No W Wolnnt urert i’himJcii'hl*. incofpor* dA A
.»■>! «►
-VLrSlr-Titber in ll» rily or •"*
ITJ2 SrXSgJ W*». perpoaullr^''*•
„^o»f.»..W««»J itKCTOIt!I ,
Ittomw AUibon* - •. )
JobttWeUMr- , , . . . P.inekflfrtdr»r
t .gAMUFJ.^MOnTON^FToIdcrtJ.
meind m*lih»i*»** <IT«iol br ]sj SimAtH ' ’
•e**?*?*"* ai " I JKS-.
noYl.-3m» ■ ■ ■ ~ ■ • ' ■ ? ' i*n~~
ULIN-, ,-., ;■
AT LAWj, . i
ammOUf WOT* ?'J* ,or * ~k ten s “r WJIT
c °S? n ‘ c, "‘ ,f '!!!^®L^2^^ : ,
• • ! • CiO BTJIU)d», aactaain, oB|o, l
MANUFACTURE u> ofiler l'a*«ng<;r »mlFre»|lß
Car* or ikenw«t approveddescription, M«#*W
.1,1. J33T- lly mcm; of b'.anlv «*Ofrta>*
Kirrr.ibey .re enable* to W uw W
le .11 p.»”« in’ll" 'Vie. Tlmir «“* will toljnnjg;.
rU riiual in oil re.peeli, to,uiy m*l« ra th. Jlnlp!
0,.,e. *u-'l"»p"'"“ K «">.“““ 1 lf v ,„ MOT rr ;
noriUta i : ' [Formerly otTEnmn,Mt
EF.ATIIER— Th* «bieriber t« ju« rcerHmr_up
wards of UU>*iile« York Red. LeaH«fT.,«
, cooiccst ttaiopc, iojt«»her wiili a general nAprtnkWi.o*
Leather in hi* lina'ul' boilß<M l cumeT»’ tool*. 01»»***•.
All oCwhichihß will **ll op lho moil rtn*ouaw« I -err**! I
Ur. >V«Uter’a Great Amaneia. Weoonarf. W *£*
Kngli*h Language, rruaaiMED, containing all if l»l M
former edition* (contained; revised by CluuwM- ey A-
Goodrich, l*rrti. Y*le Colleeo. nie'nwwt corapM
tianever published; one voi, crown miarto. Pt tcb
For* jo by ■ > J. L. RE/ »W V
ideeai - '• ; 4th_st, near Mad :rt*n_
Ac*—s7 bag* prime fe*ih*r*».7i4
li ve* Nau; lca*k Beeawra;lbbl do.j 1 *aa k.p>tak<
o«*ehM; received on centif ament, per stair. I Fikt t Bo
. tfd forealpby ja|JAUTJicKEY *■. Co., !
iJb* • . • •• . NKHiyrnfltt-
nn.-p eWOSIITP.
LOO AN A.KKNNEDY haw ..*»■ «*T "Kf®
with them in the Hardwan bounw*».TW
\ eon and £d*»rd Gkr- . The. stria, of * n VHfii* I 2L
I after be Lomu?. Wilson 4 CA’'lW •nwjemwJWj*
ddrs:it desirable to tloartte;■ •«*««*;
possible. . AlTpersoor who«e Uabfo wa tave mapwed,;
sreeipeelailr requested to make lameduta.payneat
;; ritt&qr|h t -Jan.l,iaia. . n i_’ |/_ .]
EOOJLN,i IWIZ.SON k COr-tapown. "^
: WbohwiJe Dealers in Fore«n andDomcsUc Hard
‘ warfcCotleflr, Saddlery, Ae-iaO, Wood
barA“ar* MwfuUy wuk a reeentlybnp«rt,
ed stock Of Hardware, Cutlery. *c„
inddeemeota‘ to‘ western’ buyers, being: detertunea u>
in price* with atry of iho AUande ciue»- Al
so ort Aana an: extcnure assortment: of
.Hardware, six: Shovel*, Spadeev Forka,
Ae-aU of which wiU bo, sold at tho tawest oamifac
jurcr's prices. • ■ : ’^* n T
r»~~ THE subscriber* having recently entered into
• "pamtenhip wider lha name of. Oallajher,
fc Miller, for the mrrpose of earn ing on. the BtlL
Brass Founding and Ga* Rttingbunness to.
alt its branehes, have takm the stand fomterty occu
pied by H. Gallagher, No. 108 ' Front «treet>
Woodland Smitlifield where they * re P r
execute all orders for Bells, Bnu fia*ungs, ot evetT
.dceeripfion,- and Gas Rnmgs ■ with ‘iienuiew, and dc*-
puck StcwibOM jobbing rra-Pjj v
• H. A. LONG, .
i. P. If. MILLER, .
A N. IL—The attention of Machinists and Engineer* J«
invited to ionr ami-attrition metal, for * ,” sd l ?f
■which has been pronounced superwr-to Babbit s hy
‘numbers who have used both. cx-
Ihe-public, geuerally,BreM*o requested to cWI ex
atnine our superior double ‘betlon Forte ruinps,
. declydly. “ - • - I—i
milK Co-pami«T*hip .of U»«s *nh*cnl»er*, niuler the
- i firm of Lewi* Hutdunwti A C ,°:L Jh.lim/m’
»oive4 by niaioal foment. Ucter of
the aeoliwat of iba buwne** of tb* w>d at* M
«uma ft* lhai pan***. g nUTCHINBOIf. ..
Jtnl _
rtfllTE undmigoed h»TO lhii » c»-p«rtnrt*
I. ihro nnderUje firmofJainei A.llnlchiMonfcCOH
Gt of conunuiDS »“££
euriedon 6y Lawta aadaoUcrf * cm
fco P?fv\. ■■>■•■ ■ D. HUTCHINSON. -
■ Pitahorthi J*»« IW*-
B*“ MSOlitrTlOS—'^nwpartiwnhlphilhertDeiUt
it w jswta^^“y3®»
rgptawaw • j.dalzw-u.
riii** >• now pwpired'to nunofcetutt all
u !m! Woolen Machinery,
»d ww. .u«u,«iU "“JMK?*
notice. OnJer
. ser liberty ■
u'Bitentiao. .
t Le&cok
I’ fp^Udlf
DiaflOLtTlOSi .
Ifai euM* will &• eIMM W 5 w : UKXTKtt,
T ,, Lsr C N?r^pS ,^3.^sS
mi* &.* w .
A~» 1 ' ■ , CJjGRANT :
•rnir] paHHFS^SaMEEL WIGirTMAJi having.
IU. JSuA « *• C««l
N ’ C ,“ '”** ' FRAS. BELI.RIP-
tfuI>»RTSKII*UIP-r-^\ou»* Uur
terrjncr “*
tn. of ytm. YoO * 0»-
« 6 u * r -
3.' Eli* S!?, hu Tfvenily
StSSS StfS 2S32Z£SZ,~
' ' U Z?‘ u f corapkuly
sS;^JSSi?l«ei»..«*r' rf '^ s **’
"S'il.Wtttottl-,'*"' »■*“
i*!“HS?£Sii«T. ’' ; ' •5S' w J h »-
£-»£ "•"■<«- “• “£«T
• rr::-;r— —; '
MaDinaurfCoLOJ-»JWJJ; ,I,cir
>»»*“' ,o
I »^>‘“"' ■ &u,rt w
Ij- w. eouiiiry mfrtbaau j OJ | J »'
• jqiim APUBLh..
ISCTAW WO®»*» • {J_b|
Stji.K®K « SSKSw- <4”-
\ "&& asJiis
! lX£SZ££mi*vn - ** »?*T “"”
‘iaijfrteawaa ;
iTi . JOSES* HOTfiti • ' | |
i:S2SSrfSSr in«.i,»•«■■•»■ «»*><*•
. a
|Jn^we^T of '.', JKQWKST.j'
... TOAI.T UOUISi ■ ' j • I
mm far
w:s^iSsnSj^s.F“'* 1 ’ t*
. diwi *■>« si'siK'Jiy ** r 'vr kmabsh.
•Eg hii : frfrnd« toto- *■ whcra h« boj*» io >#"'
JKuOUftn V*‘‘Sr &m“3'OxMMiblic, lh«»
■-M ‘•SjfiiSi'ffljSSSmake > l ! 'WWkjl?! 0
a? —X ‘Unimx^
!£S2£Z2SaßßSßSsr*o**h,v . .[■:
n i>ujiaS?Wttfliepot,PmU*t.UaiunJow
-szSSSSiE fc » ‘■•it. w«niw>3.
i Iliauid oUimuMnjrllopvwMA"^ 1 ]
w* ei,w-, A JSSSafl* *» * bwr " u CJ lly JrJ'
jnoeU*D^?fi^ t 4 the? 1 inland lo *ell throucnout d>° l,6tt
*flii«i*'«” ,, y ot * pn Pimhureh lkC' yef T-
I . —'Man r '
L h:. 1
nd WO9B sottebwo jvmi msFjism
L I»UT«'GS-—Thjs Bnprecedßnled sacceo ■wrticti i>a*
tefideJlbeuieof U>e'.; '• ‘ i
flj ihi TBiioa* form* which trritatiohOfikolun&»M
- proprietor eallaiwu*.
h« cl*hp.blc weather which mark, cur faU.mwl.
rin er month*, i* alway* * fruitful aojrcd of
■hekif neglected,' we hut the inecunor. of that fell
M&a hirer ahall are gel clear of our coughs asd
cold.; is of vital bapo’ruuicc to the pu il~vi.f Y v : '
arUlba broad in the. GinicßsPeaacea. ,
.rec harp tab liar. ua'lta- P»bU*bed lb. ceri4»re. “
dnia aloi borekaown cheire, who bar, srpen
paced tia earatire powara. fbererWr a ,
mnoßyffom«llpartJofthocountn^>g’®j f pjj < Q ,
MIiICAL Mto OF THU Plff?F_i*copi(£aio.
MlnUief* of-ibe Go#pcl, fce., toother with c R
''^TJIOUAAAKi 1 and'wo'cba
thmogUotu U» Umied Stale* and Cafuida* antt yr*-, im .\
aay ■»<■» INSTANCE .I .
tt whieh. whea'iakta acetmlii'Kto direction#, *nd bo*
forKSloS £“>become u rally dlrprgasucd,at ba. i
eccrfaijedro PERFECT.CORE. ! , 1
my.fiea. »hy
■XmiaarXla aosirom* gntrea ; p J2“ , ,rJhJlidahyb
to tflbd had wto#« voucher# ate at botn®j*-<jiiT
TIIF.OBAVE., _ , |
•„ mi(f that ihijr invaluable medicine may be placed
JSSSiScWV " **““■» ” t * , “
CBSTR, : !,„•• • |
H&'aF"' 'TSJI^pSMK”’
tidh r>J^*iT<t.. . . . Broadway, Cincinnati,'Otao.^j
iLaSS&I beealirely cared by a freeure-ofrPt. |
i “SbSSre cold, which. K aaglcc-Fd.
I terffie la Conreuapdea, t. .Ucclaallyirejlafcd ■»?,
I «KS , sc«i.»*Mi
I Bronchial ConMunption, but a timely a*« of Dr-Sweet
a«V* Panacea will effectually core it. . • .■ —-.'l
IndSiaban af .he iWd. or *?” I
diMaw often lead* lo wnow eoowNjueotee frorn |
i__. iueh a* uleeraitod of the ihroat._Oo the firetwymp*-
fmnacea .hculd be procured ai<d j
I U XoupS»*»nd Cold* to® a wwereijn remedy inl>r. j
I ®^^2iS l N«h«^ : A rerr fatal di*#Me. rfratrmg j
I couch awl coid on a del.diialed or.too* ;
k£Td«rn cowrtiwSni affed per»on*
Ur. Sweeter** Panacea *hm»!d be u*ed oo.ue am
■tree torn*. wWeliarn a cough or cola. . .—!
Kweat*-*—Thi* debif.iatinyeomplaini
l , rnni t rlocoed up withphW ln *° ÜBioimperie My*- •
i TO TUtt LAPlßftrt-hmm.j
lSaMhrar , & fc '*. , S%
I ,‘SbEbMihore “bee
wVfffi wSr faia lte.. blri Caldwell, w:Mr~rre
* Stretch, Na*UtiUe,lleu«fai Agent# far
a Caldwell, purer of iba' Prei
' ‘dKTtofflfi *"ieb-Cea.le». f W'
«%,S,read. No. Va Ma.k.l «M. «* *s?>
—of Wnoil and Rflh *IWKU. - yM< -
cteJrf lo preP»™«
i sssir nrs*
m Altertcnv *nd Pitaboryh.
Kn*J»ndvbß» »N * M indnceJ u> Uuy
.of yoor lrop*nil Byj®tV i_r ijjf iKai.anything
SS6RBS eg^JgnsftttfS.
>'«*u- , ~-■ v«i,twv»i4cihj
troubled -nth «on|b !? tank. £2" drS
»1. It nay be hod for kEIJ.KU*. 55 «“«< 4 .
ghenv cio~. . ..... I —-
D Wojmimdirim.: 11 isis V
. h '" ",sS .^HfL^JggSfflK^-
lion* (of eipellmj wi no*'. I 2 e n f .f« , .Ycfßufnipj,«»'l
K.W U.b0,., '«« rui. 01 « S' «sS,rn.
no n» ° r y;.ai? KLSSPis <»w •
Fnnolhn fir*'- •{'■*“: 'uV Vnnfiwil *«'
tom the iccoiiii, N eift«Jle«n»y u»mjr
fvn Ihe public. , JXIW. No 3« 'Vrtod
JSTMS Vi.Crnd,uk *.w-,
gkran Wffltlm IMk, )nU_
-TM ,«m,lot cUtator 111* True* coii'l'l in TW *»K
of tteio y*latbto TfuftM.Jn o **Pf r ‘? 1 f /ill
fctahJo. w k»« thtio'tiow for »» l0 * l ikotroffict, No.
'..LiA yt»H? Mri K U*»k we«i*otd* :
.-r - .i tlM (_ urnnWii*** l * tilU our -reader* wh® U ;
Etogthdr Ur, to ■fkt i tnal of Tonjiip»^Wf l J"*,
Plllibwtfc at tMMria *
• • - - -’ ••-
'rSHCOM,TJIii , OB>-jSS Mobler, rfrojonn'tami
llioootv,N;,W.conwrofwooit'fuui <mU «U., I*iu»f
tjurgbi will ke«i> coiuinntly on liaiidj ufug*, i*Uiw*»
* prescription* carefully compound*
rd from the beta .materials, at any hoar n( the Jay •t i
ni*hti»A!*b, an Msortmenl of perfmuery, fine, ootbjbuir
ami eiolh bru»he»,.eU:,, which bo will, mil-hrw tor
ea«h. • •- • -- i • •• i ‘ ' : -
i reipcctAiliy iufartp bia friend# and the citueiu nf
ftiubantb and Allegheny that l* baa decided rrin *“{
in the city duriug thd-winter, and »• prepared un«“
phtienu placing UteraWtca under hi" cate,
to tha system h» practlWdtn all N' ater Cure BrtobJ*«h
menu,.for either’Acute of Chronic disease*; • rnoo
within# to avail themselre* or hi" *enrttei will -“I 101
Mr. M2ler-",con>er yf. Liberty al. and y.
Dr. M. ha* treated several severe cmw ofjh” **, * w
this city with great «uccei*,,to which he i» perut- ‘tea -
.refer.’ - ! - • ■ . ---. v- ••". ,n . -•.
eJ*wiißn.._A^Mh»apply ; e*£ *4®*'
OstornwlKkad wflod«atf
| ,Y' .' ::!:•• •JJ —•-
iV ■’ ..‘ !>• i
■:■■■:- ■:/’ !'.y> : :-ir •, ■ y
• ' iOKSOT'VOR , ‘J
F7ENAB f» • laical • Engik*** ****l
; Z^Kf?m’ t for P* oca^, g. P * IC fi!? iSStSfoM®*'
«**»nr.Dravrui(f» and ftpcrs
entt imrjraiuaet all otfi«bu»lfteaWlhalg»«
Vrnfeiuoo tithe Patent Ofiw. Hf «*« \
on attmUttfom rclating-to the y Vf ,
ion. intbeJJnited Staten or u a
tance:deu*««;of harms; exanunttcra £*£.•»»•.
Patent Office, prior to maiung 2,nL«V
mar forrrtttfrost paiffieodoams a Jgf.rTw!?!:
a clear atatement of their cate.™*” ‘“"“J?. q, 41 *
lion'will be: given loUt,' and alt
could lie obtained by a rmtof th* apputant »
aiuitablefee,where a wrineaopmioai*required.. .. I-
Office oh ttatreet. opposite the Patent OCcfr ...,..[ ,
lie baa tbe b«« of*, to I
HonHLEUiworth.late ; - J:
; \ ■ ' 1
•/«riF#Cranek:Wa*htn«oß t »C . ■ ♦•*■«•.■ I
r; >'Hoftyß : Cbdate,MaaiacinaetH USSenatfc, I
. ,Hoa4.WAUen.Ohtes^ ; i -■ ■' i.
1 •• : r . \
• , Hon. , .waueH«MvN?y l X«3nii-. •■.». ••..:*•, ..I
Hotl.'Bobert'SnriQf.MC, nßnol»i , . -1 \
, ■ > | , J
any. ipapgfactory to ‘*ir® mi aieall, I
•.". tSSitAwnr «<w* “*"« * i
J 5 CSo'SeE*"? . : !,f, ; .
. |lliwt>£^Dfet««ir ß ‘ ,K! “ , i .j . ;
■mtimWik *wl m«i*n»l »•? :jf noli «tq4n o r, to.
tmwnbo lo prodne* tt>«v invito tIU ttwnj
I uon oCdcßlerfto M eonridced that they
'•• Q?tallT ’ ■ ■■-,•■— ;.■ .• \ 1 !j..T I
iTT,'th»t 1 ham opened. m> b S T m^mmUfij^cUh. «d
Ns^^sSSS&sFfiS- 1
«na» and;®* low.«» any hoM*
■***!» <nU«y» *dg*-
ou-411, *iiliet K*»i£>t :ipiJ «adieiaoii»
- Wcit-m merrlunu m* »u*= .
ti<»***elrfc«l»w*fttTf*a**«S el**wb«t v L-f-—-
• <£SEia&^££j«
I' SJi *3«vi”' “o"l I <ic[.,*c,.c«;i upon V* »M w»
I --iiar .
r if <j DKX.TWU ol Do»»iu h»» *xt*n*tA aft
• irt. Umatitgujaruyof v | •
• sd. Frffabtm Inn>uauM. .. - I.- I .
i • ■ order. • I • [
j £> •£«*•.
: cbu.»d uik. 4. -■
I" ’ ■ betffrccnwoodurftntrttC
! nardwtM Itori .l*
Wn IT MOKE k. WOLFF b»Titt| reooVe4ft®» “*
*&eir tßckteus* enurcly
ihol<»uerm»U*j ‘Stainer,
‘locreufally I o »eet cowpeliuon
«hdlk#TM«orWtrt. . w.«nilKimd Ktlheold
Tke llu<lwiin!biiii*n*ill 1* ” ll V lll 5" * u * >p r^
1 Ullliai iUanUewiei *»4 “ft l ** V 1 i *T£ irJ.2
I and Variety <ioo4a, keep*
for coonaeiwift* «*t * Hoc- A £s*}iuik oa
*»*»&«. "“«s^jaa:
••'•• >' •\ . AdcV'P'»tfttipr*
.K < „n Virrt fcW Aroukh to |
illS&ad tlbctn*** ' V^ u i
R A £iJ for *&'!&«»;' plibi CmtvaW-j
- * , way na at bfltwoca IMHfcfcnA i |
'VTOnCB-.Vll per*°R* having «»:'
IS firm will dlca*< prr»fnt-th«n> .to! 'paym«ut, ; MHi |
Uom Indebted to ,n» tvol BculUig tlidf • c «° ual * r
TiBODUCB-SW boxas.nndiß'ewlw'W^c&v--
r GOOU It* prim* Kentucky. rentSet*, 30
iTrtjtfftoi' NO V Urfj oiUMheU W do.
X.KWIS "I 1 ' i " 1
1 E «. is« •**»•• * stiff*
i Anlhv!, Wntehou*fc> i
< ! ! P?l»lniiaVP«l-M,'g.' ' ;l " 1 " i -
, Tiump* »j»*> a.»SK?
■ )aM7 ... . ■ - v • —■*■'
jJ ■■ .:i . "■*
‘ to
.--“-fTSteSSSSj EB-jsa.
dAbtwtl) Intfodaosthi* d*r.-B«awi*r»AO^j d
.Sr^js^atesSßp^ :
A jggffitf ».-■■■ »■ | • ~~ I
•■Ligsf*y%BS.yg«SrfM. >w« mj-.
i i-nM ,■•■... .1H.l»^Ot»OOll«t
- mnraau ! ••—■
Tit** In'wtm of •bfematlfill* ilpt iW <
' ‘ pidUAiiPkl*'’ CoU«c* . •
mHE bfhß?
fc jvs“iSSffiocK, H. a, Otari,
M. V-i MuArli I«it> 4» «•*-
GARDENER.M.D Chsra.tfry. . j .. ■ ..
I GIBBONS,-M. D, tbeMT w»4 t'r'f** ®*
M !f)B> BEXTTY V M. D-, Obemrta end ***>““
*j£mS 3<CUOTSft >*- fttarip***
. Ul HOllrf?cisißON& °^T
tUesda! two fell ooom* otkfgllewj W{
rieulatira to be pud eaee OoWf •#! P r *sSt
IS AotSSiriiU b« occopiedhyajtmnl^
•tuieutrpttw. ■ •,
..,■ .;:N*.’l-NoflkS*«iuhl
111 their
tt eele-
BMltvd *t X.
A TOUR to the RiverSegeeaay us Lower CU
! w. the *j*Sg&i\B£p
l.i’ ra»l liftiT>TT. ° Arthgr.
HourMartisfsle,or Adjewomof*wkaiMM
t Piei&e'Otcu-byDr. Louts A-Beker. .
ThVir«ta» Seen, tr;«te-.Wife’ll *»ug«B,
Devotion, bf.Mßbor of* J Tto FimFbl* Bap
numerous engrmnnjt. .• ~ ■
I -The Death Slip, o» the Pirate* Bnde.
I Chapman's Ameneaa Drawing Boo*. • • ,
ificientlfcypMwr Monument*, Hulorr, *«»by
jJjinalSfarotUm, by Alpbpo»« Tests* M.lX*
Tte Bww o
. ■■ th«T and XMhefmi fear son* m a *»•««“ *
I Hi# Pharmaceutic Practical Beclpd. Bdo*
’ "of druggistaiby F- A- Soodlard.
I Rttkw&*K>ottla* ' • -
I Unsf JUs,NoIH;.
! TarloViMooer Brponer, Jen- ltia. :
l Own* Oambter, &«*h *J ft l .
a wkrthd aruela: Gentlemen*,VjiiwngCart • «'
I • ‘'ftgsaltafM. JL'Mutefa., yU
l.'T'.i M..J ..peifrSupr - HscsslDett
RECEIVEDAT U A Mlflliß'S! BauthfleU stm
3i doortrom second: ■
I c*aey*a:Lady’« Book &rFebwary.
I National ....;•
I Graham's' do . ,- f . do .
Aiftbo aboT* art eqaslifaoisapepotutibeir -robet
' luhmenU.' to the pwtjmi January nwnbera _
Tbe Last of .tie - Fairies, .* oew novel by . * F U
ihePstmly.’bV'W.BsdclisnJ J
F with Umstratioas by Flat; 'i :J Vt _
Brian OTann, or lues » everything, by »V.H
Anchor, Wing a Chronicle of Oli J>ub-
TMr Conquest -ofCshfonua and New Mexico] miba ,
yeaSlSfand *47i by Jam* W*» Cutt*.
. banaLbyDennU.llanJuganr; , i; _
Chambers'Miscellany, No U. .
1 .. .... Haw »4 »4»Vljlt Sio>M. i - ■
TTKDBBIOSED Co&leidMWi 1, Oe-wnua* ■
IJ iheOidandNewTwum*nt,*nwr I 5 le ?* < f
Yentthji.'Sli •» *«»»% c ““» 1 S'“r
nttideneer bctwien :he Ccpel* dmlAcL, Jo«e-
P b«, Hr Ht», J. 1. Bin,B. n. Finn Aa*ie*»(
inMft the second London editioo.. .. .1.1 7" ■*
- The'Errors ofModem Infidegy S- AjM,. poster rt.tlrk fin
' l.ulbemnChurch,Ucpunntown Pa. ,- ~,^v ! .v l :
: • Bscml •Philoiopby' of tlis lUustrftliis- th
perfection*.of.CJod, ia »W phenomena of tboyUr,'
twit volumes-one volume devoted to each seMo*i- ; s
Kst. Henry Doftesn D. D. •••. ;■.. :_j __
jaS5 ’ ’ fig msritl st between 3 aad}4t
GIVT BOOKS-Ae., *e- mi ttatm ]
ijemfieuol Memory, agddlttameied «ma»l fei
■ TJentf'ofl&eSeWokforlStfc
. Ftow<n>r»womfte&i:i -dd. ;
Rom, or Afleeuoa* Gift do. .. ~
• _ . - . «
. Phe |>Mble*flluauMi*d-»b«i*din Betaa In*.
; I*o«n«b£Htx Green H«Uoek T iiluznmatea- \
I Roß|!imaaßrtiJrAlm»uK. M ■". l
IHunfMon** Scmppt oktmaUy iUsitmod k be
Golduaiitre _ ca. , «k>-. , j
: Huaay Hoor« ofCfctHbwd. - j.
Moored TtocUttl, Wqrk*-mplemdidly illutraw
Ih£uuL ' 1 :
BjrtortWort*, • 1 ••' 11 v *o i ”" t _i L
Rom wood writing Aetks-tfid wwhboxw- |
ciobe« of o, io *bS ia u»e*eiej“ctii.•
SBMtVJjUwI imtffllftDMiMflßlp**
_3R« Charm: a attie* of (neefid.mpdcteml4o|«:
Pd f»oop«,«wUe*enpl»T« Hiib®-
*UafleUof. Memoir; aa jUnmmofed -
edil*4-br iltoymeU JM ■tfpwWf *“** eta t
The Rom of Stuoa, a Retowot “l 1 " 5
edited by Ml*. 8. C. E&ertoe SUfo.
: Aimtifla%<hft*Cknaan*4lttw
Yw,MdSiSdiy Vmnhfn&*■:. .. -■ 1 ?;-A
• Thi'Oift crfTntadikip; miokeb of mbrtaKfbr
M»y®ow*»j aa.AMoMfeMMS edited bylMxj
R-Oates Wh;fe«rii tw steyint mafawM »ofl*5»!
b Tto CciApktuoo, ! *rtd Totenof iftC;
Tvicnosuu*i»omlt»*MUA, c *
Clinilcal'Sicfliwsty; * A ntlmiitie»i“' <
Dictionary of Creak and Boniab Aauflßitt*** f
M’Can«wh , » Coowwrcial D*ctiaaar>” , >
U rc’» And SuppiaaMt, an*,manti6ic a
r T«W'« Jpla*«n‘a w4>VaUcn * Dtcuocaor. • ■'
’ \Vorce«lCT'» Dictionary; •
. iJddeTl‘iutoSeott*aOf**kT^* lc0fl » ‘ ,
Bobin«n> Ortsck Laxicon ol>e* .Tettwnenl, >
t: Ptctfamatry; ■' ■ y .••(
‘ Uaioa Bible. Dictionary; >: > -y. • •■.
2^ I SWd^ro,,W. (^t _ EJ . nusll b
, ' Sfl Mart*
’ .. 'THfim Z
• Modrud critic at muska on Wa ?#£■•
&tibtSS& SRS3WMBfi^S;
i Er«.~A **'.>' '*K^
iv!2n«.tie»:of iWr £»•*«*
uw7.,AMKt «mws ■f.®*-.* M/n*,
’ 1 BookatHeT^ccract l of mart*and
■SS--«psnidid ecpy with owuwJttffiu*'®^
3SfesgiS£@^‘n#' :
: HE?FS**b*f> toilerW«**T fi* ■f f^,
■ : .. m •.! i^y^rt^KMlrei^TqEU,;
tArirtofor ffiffifyI** 1 ** • T ’ *. 5
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. i. thr tiumlm M.
A hardy, sunburnt, • <-
i A hardy, sunburnt man $
Nosturdierman you’ll ever tee,
■v ‘Though all
f In'summers heat; in - wurter , s cold,
• ' Yonl! find him at his toil—
Oh, far above iho knights of old,
.isthe-TdleroftheSoil; 1
Nq weighty ban secure hu door, <
No ditch isdug around: 1 ; ... v
His walls no cannon bnstlo o’er, :
No deadlioonhia ground.
A peaceful laborer is He,
- Unknown in' Earth’s turmoil—
,■frommany crosbing sorrows free
* Is the Tfller of the Sod ! • *
• Hwatacka. are secn-on-crery-sido,
hftma aro filled with' grain,»
Though othera had not fortune’* tide,
.. Hembara.notm.Yam,,, . v .
The land givesup its nch increase,
The sweet reward of tp2;...
And Westtrith happihess and peace, *
■ : ;Is The Tiller of the Sod.
He trudges outut break, of day,
.liAndtakeshiswayalang: -'
•And ashetnmsthe.yielditig clay,
, : ; He sw»aioyful«ong.; v
He dull, unhappy ( wighl, .
•Bound m roisfoitnne|a dul), .> • •
The smile is brighl, the heart ts. light,
” Of theTflterof the Sod!. ■
And ‘■When the orb or day has crown’d
• With told to Western sky,-
Before tus dwelling tie is found,
; fanesby--'• 1
i With, little Aipl irntps,
. i Careaseswiltno* sped? ’ .
Oh, ereryeide awaits
• The Tiller of the Sod!, :
A lardy, sunburnt, he,. ~
- A hardy, sunburnt man;
■ But -who can boast a hand sofr^e,
o- Aa he, the Tiller, eaa!* : J - .
Nor Rummer's heaf ? hot winters chid,
s: The power has him to fod-i 1 .
Oh, far aboTß.tlnl krimhtsaf old,-'
■ lB thoTUler<3£'iliesoiU o
1 There is little doobt thaf uv maiiy £artt of
> ths couatiy,.where'tha-peachuTkOt .raised
from, the eevonty-of the climato, A selection
iof : locality •would give regular crope. The
great advantages derived ffouvneamess to
largo, unfreezing lakes,.unwell Imowp- The
superiority 'of hills aver valleyß, has often
bwnnotleed: tho former beingcolcTm sum- .
mer, and”favoring' a roore moderate and ■:
vi?eu-npened growth of-Wood, andbelng less
subjeetto sharp frostaOncleafmghtai , ■
•,iA very Jtribngcusesraslatdyinetilioned
tQuaby-R- .
odunty J :NewYoik.rThe jpyer.*uh«/at that
place, though many hundred, the ...
level of the sea, is much lower .than the
surrounding coon try. 'being flanked By hills
above five hundred feet high. . In the valley ...
the peach canuot be culhvafed,
tuiweU as others, having had their trees kill
ed completely to- ground' iff wihter; but
on ooeof the firebnndred
. feet above,- jui ronjhard ,fcas peen-; planted,
where not only the.txees thewelyes escape.
. Imtthey yield regularly: crepe JifJntiU .This
• fcifl is probably, over one ihonsandlyro htm
dredTlect above the level of the. sea- Tho
experiments, both on the hill me val
ley,were‘made mr dry, firm soil.—Jf&wy
dltivalor ■ - '
• 1 mm L J - ■
? r Between < four :.Bnd-fivq months ®ir.
Robert Reid, baron. Qfficer ,of /tha iwKL M. *
Stewart, Ccrsbie, Scotland, having two hive*
of bocsj the one pretty strong, aqd the other
i Veak, too^kiuntoiuahead to.iflako.,aa.ex-.,:
i perimdnt with! Uio weakest, as- it was no*
worth ksHing-‘ Ife shnt tip The month of the
catering it with straw, and alter
torenng tho entne with earth in ' tho eamo
manner'•as a’ptt pf potatoes. 'nio strong •
-- Jutrei'dnnng wmterjdook-for .it*'sustenance
0 upwards of tea-pounds of tsagar+rvOn the .
y coTcred'hivo was dng np
. mprosenco of Mcssrs.Joha.Slcwpitji'Wiiter,
5* John Mitchell, gardeneij.aad cthers^when,
a Wonderfid to behold, the fbmeriv,weak hire
v> was foOnd in aßtroOgrand-hEuthystate.
•u. The u «kep }T Vas hfted off the board, and
l £ there waa*not •hbdre adozendsidbees in
a.. thelotj and it was truly pleasing to see them
< • when aroused from their dormant state, flap
ping- their-wings and biuzmgrabdtrtj after
being shut upfrpm light and airfare, months
and ih ,Tt ****"• days., About;two.hours after
' being opened, they were oat in. swarm? bos*
**• ily gathering wax.. r.
adl-» To a 'finite 1 creature, every thing is t©»
' [ latiffl; * nthmg -is absolute. Man's mdg-.
meat- and choice are, and always 'will bo,
tb« 'rwmlt, of comparison.- On earth, good •
iiadi ord -aro aothefare: a
man possesses -nothing-rhere,; ho,.yet; reels
sqpremoly happy:when, first xoscnedifrom
positive sufTennm.and so..long, as he com
pares'Hs past ofitlj.his present feelings. No
one's sense of happiness depends upon the
extenfof his possessions. When a .man,
through abdiid&nee, is .freed from,
pazisQu of less and more,- his comparison,
commences between 1 states' of enjoyment
and non-enjoyment 1 of what >is ‘possessed.
1 .LETenvspirimalJ delights woultf'pall, in
k man’s presents imperfect stale,-boifbr the
1 comparison* suggested ;by. the experience of
I temptations. , - v -
l ean'speak'lo yOa ; ‘ he says, of a case •
completely analogous, 'Whtn the. malady
raged in Fans some yean baekpnr
ter ras' attackedi ' Aathe -medidarman 1
seat for did notamvej 1 determined ‘Otf act
ing.-myself. > J jcanaedi bttr. >to .
dropa of sulphuric.,ether, mixed.i;wiih'.:water
and a.littlo :The.icyicold.
hod gamed every part oL hpf body ceased ■a- -
few Wants after.* A. perspitaUpn jLhep set' r
ini" and continued samp' tima '£made v her;
tike aigtalh' of calomel^aad 1 a’jgniin'of opi- -
; My medical raan’approvfed of wnaf I had
i -doiie> and the patient was-completely dured
. a few .day* after. .
, . . ASHEB. '
*At Agricultural Mneeting at < the • State
House mßostmij.Mt; Stanley aaid: that he
had triednahest?iery way,; .Oneaeawn he
put « oaepajtfpCthe field,
applied op*.
aboutten*dfisji^pnierwjk l and
jrcxluced M'Chd tra labels more per ,
Wef: :Tho' a !: jjariAif Sio^waa
ihisied in iniT)ptyu& ashesf. b: Thft‘ TCroltVa*.
- -that'-three ' times' the’ tpmtitj-' urai- : raisea,
■ where lhe'rahea wereapplied.;
i:-7 'No : spintual man
bhthe-grotmd’ofiegal rights the mnftv due**
tied wife
mated in tho land ; -
DiTia&tfanHnnl of legalitythetg cxDaL
i I ftuTnm Cttny rnu TiTH fiiroTTMi iMTimnf “ ■
de to\
ite GozdU fa JmUntXf
ihn troatmeai.of Asiafic ciolpra by e&er, as
’tried'by Dr, Taroh’r » • *»
f Tat
«y« FKtfeffiot WHaon; l ir6o'flaiTrti}y “
moed)** to Sikhg^t.Thocliwft l '
betwoen.lhem.<md l 'th»:lfiadocr
munta about 250,000. v™
5 <* ft «*«"
- eiMtence> ibfoitiußlp Wbftdfa
: ■ hSTa faad.noinQ'fcledg®;,•
rolled dpr
V< 'v. >.'i yr. f tf 4l VttttU V*
r B^sA , As* BeN i*. wpsT,
I'-' .®W.?V? •*, V»< tt!»W fcixi.
* ■'£». v> s.'trt.-* V*
'■y&v&ii* & y .^v
„ J--V a U fc , ! P > i.