The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 29, 1848, Image 4

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    11 #-irtS£-SSyS^sSSsffc
: nmt? w* v* fc. imjntl »r» »y yjg ?~gT **«
■ asteteiaMa^^ew^i*
tj («. .«s£2Kri SKP2j
. cSndhf Udratbiaanr *Sow
(inc moctdUoUm 6IU
waESSiSrS-“,! ??■““““ itat
«« whr^sLjg
I X a KS%^^S. k *"‘- *-.
f ■
-T7T * Wrifo* Flaid*> il
i «xs:■ i Jv7*VPM^»*Iliman 1 liman trtfcb »ui rn
■ iis>-
■ UffneeUkSaa . |8 W«MBa»J> Co/ .
;»rfuejTsdim ■/■•••
£. wwsi£s* 1 0 A ““““>7
mi ftad it. a.fint/ra'uiutjcUfcr
f&r p “vSs,fcr , *“'““■*
■T H TBTTUL Bbok*kwper . .
. / .- '■ 1 tolfralto fc Smfi* : .
aif m( «j*nor i* ArnoldV« w«ktuk bow ia
- .
* ad * t l * b * * ‘•cat czecbcsi artMa- fa*
I <Vo«rt, Bajpecuailr. :
- . r WILLIAM CA*K, biok-Untr -
' - . ’ * ./ . fa* I^Am. Parker.
pmrf tad aoU XVkalMla aad Bctajj bj Tboou X
rt, Dnifvl a*d Chmkt; ttmr of iibarty'a&d
*&BtmU.rtft > b« nt h,p, . OctMßot ‘I
i Ur
y... iwi
' jy oiodkiT “ •
UNO’S XfeßßUriAj# GLOBES, ccntkiaur *ll
“• **f doiorwin, «ni Ueefrtfhieai intpcmacaU;
*tncuqfU)«flMMtcel*br*lMl4uroaiisri£ml<** (Vmu
fr#* Sb/(li*i new v(U>
W»*nt*hyA*iiiak Smith. United by Roavcll Pvk
WHCyS CEL JCJTIAL G LOBES, coot Aiaiog*ll the
T n*sata, Ac. Compiled frotolh* vorki of
iloct FUnnlfd.ite La C*iii». Htwliai. Major, Brtd>
wn&tl, MaUtijne, the InuacUow of the Atfraocn*
Mdety at Lgodoii, Ax, fe. F»caa Smith’* New Eojj
Block toaharejiut retired* Awpameflbe ;
plohet,T*f7lfifißKss l *eLUow*:.. 1
W 13 mehe* it diißttcr,
I , »l u «*
II . . f - q • u tt
** ' j _
y*M, Ctn*ith| a&d Ituu] *opj«
JBBATtT.fonaerlforßciuif^Al’KTOrJo -
' L'
j. ;gw
1 M
■ pii
/!, • CtuaTj
/ |i Gen
„ -• •••• CiaeinaatLO.
Djurn- : >*< ~ 2«e*»niSo:
fev, BROTHER fit CO*"
rU ConmUiloß Merchant*
31: fot/dnu Street, New Orleans, .
Msrs. M«rtia fc'Co, Bankers; J M n
\“ iAJnwMHJjesarECtui”'®’ •
;V*. David \Vhiie & Co, Madison, la.
V ' EUia&Morlon.Bankers,)
' •‘wstPfazcr, > Cincinnati,
a 'JCansfei Ksq, )
P Kearney, L*q, Banker, Zanesville, O.
B ’Donald 4 Co. (Veils* illc t O.
w 4, Parks k Co, Beaver. Pm,
V uilL Esq, Waoetinj, VaT*
SI *OlBlll4O 4 C 6, J ’ , . „
M MikhelUce,
,\i! .w,
T: : rjR. dozen
! [ U Jwt received of Dr. Townrend 1 * 'tJamparilU: the
i; «e« extraordinary medicine in the worUlt Tkie Ex.
y tneltapei ep In qrtrt battle*. It is six line* cheaper.
-fteuuacr, and warranted any rotd. It
te «
Imk rmxftr Imka^ont. —Unp-rrocipied persons hare
• MPtodottUbcUjaidpvlßpmediejiieiiiumnatßxha.
f Pn tdUiM^SßeMMfeeeliboUlcEniitewritteneixiu*
.. H.K BELLEBS, Drtjjppat,No 57 Wood ’at, between
v *• #u, ii only. wholesale and
the guatse article
i j® M Carry b*e heio appointed the sole agent for Alls*
; ‘ ** <o ?.° t y» *bon the genmcotorUeie aa be had. ,». A
Cheap, e ary .to take, and highly elleaciw.'
' AJLLWmarC'iTT,March»,l*l7.
• > •Mf.8.8 Seller*:Mychildren,ltfceeiben.bare been
j'Mbreetlo trosbleabme coogfea, aud kavlnjfßsed different
ftttddlei i* very little paipese, 1 waa unlaced by an
-/■dvehueaeat abort lb* coßgtLiyrap, to rive it a viaL
f •Jt l ’?, l **® lwo of joy boy*, and alw to nr* daughter,
■ aevenl different use*, and it baa never failed to do to;
I hare recommended it to ay neighbor* and do moat
i cfftseibaJottiJf believe th«t it ia tup ben ewrh oedi*
:.CUte that baa ever been offered to the votijic." .
' i , . Muoimr-Auuirtuser
I . y«tCU ehoald not penmU their chiMreo 10 safer (foa
. eoogu, when they cay be cpfed by aS3 cent bottle of
' *
'ftepsred ud sold by E. E. BE££ERS,S7 Wood su,
.bfctweea 3rd ud iih m. Bold by Dt. C*«»f,ath Wsrd:
:P. M. CBrrt.'AllefftfiiT Otr. -, ■ : dc» ,
• • yyg. ALBIJLKDgfI 4b SOMg. ■-
: V .TAKEES, earner of Ptm ud ft. Clair streets,
hrchange Hotel, eiurun on Penn ißtn
. JWpßeUahy intern: their frirnds and the pablie, that
«*Ttrt ueund a famish and attend a evemhlaxm
Una of-Undertakers. Always on hand a lamas,
laortacaxof teadyaadeCo4as ) caTered,Un*d tod fiu
‘•■aed in Vhn very heat Banner, all eon* and sixes reads
MU woods of fisanel, Catabrick and aoum, and all
■ '«*es made m approved nyies. We keep «. |»«- ■§ -
; aomaeni of white aad blade, cotton, silk and kid uteres,
lf*«# te paii bearers aad mourners, crape, cans, eo>*
. ; lari, and every thing necentry lor dressing theAead.
i ate on reasonable lenaa, as «e purchase at) oar nodi
- jiatbefcastenteniei.. Also, silver plate* te-engravlng
■ [Jheuao aad age. new hearse arid
• Ja>caes,«nd any n amber of the neat carriages Kvery
Hung aoeadodta promptly and panetaatjy. oct&ty ■ ■
, tafafcHcJkfa*. Ithfatan :
I*"* •***».*■■ ®f tfe nbaf of orach Moot
-***f ufaf the Umcu week i)m pnWt’i met mancdi
orttovwwhfa* l» *ok udiU;.: ThU cwocnfiJ
w* fct fa bWrtaubufam. . • • Hriraffnllj iotku ■
. v*** ** t&kmfk hy B A Fahotttock, f Co. caracr of
******* - . 4k94 I
** ant h nycrior to i'i ©Uwr nacdics tor
rn^M l CnMM«yina t ßrßftAitl»,A»aua>.«»dotlxtfttlß»-
!5? ****■•» »■« penow wkfiwaueti Uw
to.NnA toeir ÜBiwcs tea ran **© Mill pnfcr *t toafl
otoarroaeOjoflb* kind; — 3 — L -i —j hrn turn Initnriil
to tap toW frtjnmtiMu toej.tkafe almt'icnmUj bcca
itoiyniirtri in minai Lb* bc»«4t übiett *u
Mimtod frm Uh Uclk pniaea boto Inr toe prppntton.
<M un rftamd to toe «m cf-Jirxu’CxncToiaxT, to
• l*towf‘ that hto neftf leUrd to i*itere tbca. »a 4 wkjcb
jWtoWjr «mr ltai »U cam]« ajreuinr aulnanarr 4utmc*
; PwjiiU toil f bp Dr 1). Ja/M, PhUadtlpkia, «U aotooa
wrft - v . i-AuatfUwaar
••■ deeadtowtf , : -7ifganhrt -
*w««-n»r AaßUurj.wr*cA*.
yn mi'm.
LttocleayJttlbepan!. -•-
. ..-(«ike©M*uuidc/ , JSeaj , kSbefard > )
, Nufaville, TcuncMce, .
|a/Ill<> five ptotwumd faUbfa> vwaloo wth mlc
"* of Dry Coodvvroctrie*, and McroaudixQ grs
«*Uf. Tbe/ feel prtptred to uieM to all ibe depart*
Wblaoribeir.bttiaeMeffieiKotlx and (dealing ui bo
<o©dj I(* liieir own account) tsip<srt»«£)r. :
Jo pJ-AUen,* Co;i. V?-t UaiJer fc Co., Pjtts-
P»Tfh. ' .
. Lmr* Oil. , . ' ‘
THE Mdem£Bt4' are now prepared to faros tit tbeln
ewtooera am! the poblie generally, with an cicei-'
leal aniele of Lari Oil of thetrowo manufacture, willed
they will aeUm aeccMfrodauny tcruw. TiieiMJsl tbey
teildfe to bo at food niao/offered in the market,nail
my bo Rimed if rot
£. ' " • 1 18 liberty d,o«>OiiteamJilifierd '
P. &—Lard and Create nfilabia.fcr mtkioeiy, on
. lmdt tor »a!eafore. ; *•' : cats
F/< - «'■ CARD. .
- A Slmbow eagaged is ibe Importation of Brandies.
. jXW«eaaodCla«, aad naringßude
arrtageaeau in diflerant paru of Karope and ibe ill*
•ads with well known booaea for Biy fiuara capply of
Fttalgß Liqsors. wbick 1 will be alilelo aell; ieiivaeed
fatba Crota lloatleof New York or New Orleans or
tn tils city, at Uta lowest market price /breath or ap
. prbrod poper.l bare in store and cellar a rery large
aeoefcccvary aaponor Wine* aadloqnonaa imporied
.«f the wow celebrated brands and eimaeet far tale on
4 plearagienuby • FCMAATIN ••
1 iSST •■■■• i- t_ corldAaaafaMeldwa ,
fTSPEiff OTBSB' /Si rrcrived : bo«
F.PkiUdeTphia and New York Pekin Te*Company
a prime lot of Creak Creea and Black Ttu, comprising
• gbefeljowiag:. ■ \ ' : ••; • r r
<? Green. •• ■) Black.
\[ Yoaaf titaodf i . FioaGofcjflfj 1 :
;• KxTroe; da •’ Kx.PineS» "
!■' Silver Leaf Hyaoa, • ■ Ooka* Banc hong, ••
V-’JExtraloe do; - EngliibßrrakUd ..
'v'L*xtra PineCnupowder y s FeAoepidwer*;
i'EnraFlnelwperialp • Rne Flaroreat
, abtnre Test have been selected.wiitrgreat earc
by aaa of Jbe bed jadget in tke end, and will bo aold
wactNir leonaa* can be bad atanyoikerhecseu thia
«n 7i. James bmcjc
• fetf , K ■’• •- - coreetof third and aauikfieU aw .
/10>PAKTfEIUHIP-7ta tabeenbera,; on'tbe
\j Wib ia»U associated tbemaelres, under Lha firm of
Btowa k tbo wholesale. Grocery and
■ General Produce add Goauuoioa bulaet*. at No lid
Übcty aoaetf'tnd setpeeKiUy'aoCeii tbo patronage of
dhatrjfießda and tbepablJela general
•' • r M B BKOWJC / •
• doowV : : :v. A CtILBEKrgQN. ’
. • • iotici. i
T *>£**3 Traruncinafy were granted on ibe dh day
' la the aabaerfbera, Kiecnteni of the
•> Md win aad wanateuc of Janes Bore, layt of she tin of
Alk«Miy«'deaeaaed.«AU''ncraoa«'baT/Bff elataa or
daman again* / Meata’eof ihes*lddecc2eui.artre
—m, wtihootdcSy, to Jaa.
SSifeSi#-' r^S&gS&kg.'l
- '' r "' l U JA “Siraia6BllT'
deildfta ___ t P«»« areet,citTof Pimbantb.
■r CO A C„Hr M AXING. j
' • 11-/' FROM lie eery UE»orsJ eneearaee
lACHk .b kulMMdl btaeelflir Allegheny,
VJM WJ bee Induced him to uke * le*M.fnr»
of year*, on the property be ao»
ooeeriiM, fsßeerer street, üßnediftteiy 4>e«i44 the
*T«*b)rterUaCsiiirek. From the loaf experience in the
epere banner* end • deaire to pleuejbe. hope* to mer*
•“«w raeervo #,(Jureof public patronage. i ..•
v.”** o a head ad fiaishiac to order, Koetamr Dor*
*od»op Baggie*, ud every dceeripUwrof
~*ra*ftee»adaio order, from *eveBiy>fiee dellareto
y,™* ■■■ ■ ‘iioA-jin idiw mvnc
pii&BS i KSf,Srff:
£ ;.? i^fess?snSa^'
■X ■ • . ?• • • '
matof Ttaaaa Linford, Imb of iha eiiy of Potoboirt,
dwooatd. All penont mdebied to the estate or tald
duj jdnt. briU please sake lamcdiue nayaent; and
': .aj/beyan, i'-
■■ t •••■- Eieedore, - 7
DJiUtißi Paaerai Maker, AUegfcetiy city ou Mill, hai
■•affPiatvntanflfcrSiaVM •* few either is weed
• " ■■ - l -’' ■'• ••'
“? 2S t^P 1100 <K Cowk and Eliptic. wring*
Al ? ene * a Blister, spnn* and pJeagb Steel,
521!5r lt 2 atujpwuid ÜB^wkicb
vl y^^4ak °y>‘*enU tarns, at tkei twUkm**
r»»4a\yaga «ttetti/wkcrether also, keep on band a
Cisopleje «ad baadsone assortment of Coack trim*
™*}Oi Carnage hardware, nalleablo cantinas, Nails
and 1ren,, ..../. . ”7 7
i^p*H‘t C»,k«wmada cnuiciiiesti wiib Messrs
Dajr ttanefeetarcra- of. Stovcls, Spades
retn, *e- and will Keep constantly. on band e»en
•rtieJe aadeybjr them. Dealers are respectfaUT aol’.
cued toe*lLmprices and terns will be mode liberal*
i »vtf*dTw •
/ ■ PfKVtSBfiB, Fa.
. b J ,obj weight * CO..
A prepared icinild Cation end Woollen MeebL
f*- Y T T°‘ .e»eijf description, laeh CerdinrWa*
siafuoj W.S^iS'S'Sn'jioiTfflSli'SSS
/Sat®?? a&SffT® *“* *° a
I .i Mrr T description famished on short do-
I !L C £\./l Uen & mid £ 10 er r< * MM 'Gearing, lm
I l 2 tra w P,pe . C or kc «tof Facto tie*. Can
IP" W ,B *> w g"&L Mi fiwcr CMtiflM icenendir.—
I Orders! eft at the Warehoaseof J-Patoer* Co.,Lib-
I erly street; wiU have prompt attention.
I m Reran to 1
Kiichnoek, BW( > Co.,J.X Moorhead A Co., G E
7's'T'. / < £ B J/ Win * Bon*j Rtubwjh.
I -VCtjll Werner: Steubenville. * • JinlP
W.OTpIIENBof Wheelir*E.‘F. Shoesbe
• ferof Jantataind J,-a.. Sioekioa’of Piiubara
I S'3?*.
r w w^wsßE^ltmr i :
1 <Wkmae Vo. - *
n»iU, A U «nl elintse eprmto aadule*.- Belitrcon
oected with Sw«i£ej»rr>*Ow J saints W«Uv« eu'
Ofef u nmole of Ju 4 Ut Iroo
2SJ“Spg®f l,Br !ijP r^S e,; W.fehoueofttoWoHu
coraarof Momoo.Snd Water atreets. - j .: nyll
I JaALippetcou. John D. Wick ;L. E.Momn
I .r»£ r 5 El iJ s ’ ,0 ! ,eU Md Spade*, Axes and JUtehets.
I £ ‘H,* **“ ‘‘•ws; Hay and Minnie
I Forks, l(ocs,UtttockK Picks, &c. 2c. :
I Having completed all their arrangements In the con-
I iiiHtnon of u«jw machinery, and in s«Brimr the ben
; I workmen from tbe moat nelebrated establishments of
I the Entire now mafiafaetanny and will keep coo-
I .f«MUyo a hand and for tala all the above hrtleV*! htr-
I unt availed ueaselves of the lateit impibvemenis, and
I.ire determined that b workmanship and material they
I excelled, ’fhey prombe. to produce nrtielei
’1 S3 041 ’ tfnotwpdnor, to an; .thaCeid be had In the Kait!
I T»»«y .umto Uw autiuiM of dealer* to an! examination
of their stock before purchasing ersewhero, as they are
j convinced that they will be able to fit! all orders in their
I line tothe entire sauafactura ofparehasenl Warehoose,
I * door* WeirMttaoaigahfetaUrase, PfajhaYgh,
I k ?„ B ‘ 1 havingbrines*iruh'A^L Lippescon
I * a ° n> w * plcw C *H 9 a iJppcnmt A Co. octMly .
New fourth' gyacgT
ectionarvan d fruit itfoKEiVm
lopea on Monday,Apmdth, four doors from Vndn.
I jind ocxi door to. A Jayne's Pekin Tea Store. "
I - A splendid assortment of Fancy Cake, Confectionary.
I ££ SafiStaS?* coapteiemj d»n UDOcg which
I" . Macaroons; PoondCnke; Lemonlhseait;
I fW*. bponyedo; Pepper Nats: .;
I, j Jelly Cake; Almond d« Molasses P. Cake:
I | Ginger Nou; Wafer Jamb let Sponxe Biscait
I i Federal Cake; A. l*’«f ' Suyar do;
I i Oriers for Jc«d*aas, 1 Jelly, Brides’Cake/Fancy
I Goufeeuoaary, e., e.,-executed m amajiner ttnej
I (pi ailed In qnaliiy andbeamyby.aoy other establish*
I meat in this city. j -
I j Fre«h Bread. Twist, Bosk, Aq , manufactured solely
I from White Wheat Flour, and free from all drags, every
I morning. ap3 L _ ANDREWS ,
ii>i» mptljpd to infonkhia
iarys that: Sla JactorU 1
lESeSM ‘ajiioar in foJloperauon.on the Ea*t.«ide
• of the Diamond, AliecbenT t vvbera a con]
J QES slant supply of Blinds, oi varioos-colora
! 1 : udtinaiities,UB^oa^»nUykeptonhandl
' jTlc
| IIVBP IL PhiQipa’ojleioihymereom. ‘
; Veaiuaa ohalleps mane to order in the beststyieJ
.[ ®! tn I “*repiired at ihe thonesi »uia«. >
;i .N. B. ilis Blinds will be pntnp, without any sddi>
imnal exepnio so that -they can be retboired in a m>;
■Rent m ease offire or tor washinr, snd vrilhoul the aid
of a crew dr e : ocHdlyAwltmly
( jj. . .. A» VDLTOS, BeU and Brut Foend-'
- • «f« b** rebuilt end commenced buiocw *i
CS be pieeecd u>
.1 •c*At»old eottqwnand ljiebai. -f"-
- Cbarob, Steerebou* sod Belle of every
-freer 10 to lOfiDO.poaaik, cut from
of the oo«t eppruTCd mod ell ud
V ~ wramediobe.ofihobftwtuwiel^; ,
■ Uinerel Water Poinpe, Constere, Railing, fcei'Jfce.
ontber with every variety ofßru* Caitinr*,tfre*uir
etL turned and tntehad in urn Be«tt»ft«w»ww*P| ' t
. 117“ A. P. to lha sole proprietor of lUnrrt iim-
Anamoa McraL, aojwuly celebwd fpf the redue*
Uonot ftieuoa in machinery. Ttte Uoxc* aadComro
*.,. l *?i!!-?* l *i > *_kftdofhin» Wall lima* .• - janl-Jr
;w. w. wallacb, ' ■ _
A*- jW and IMA Liberty street, «uar i&e Ctmol
A U WAYS on bend end made to order, a l«r*e varie
tV* - Marble ilantelv Pier,Centie Tfttriei, end
Oiueaa Tope, TombHwuea, HoopnooU. *o+mU whfch,,
j n £°*?r e the choicest raarM-. tod menoloriercd
by machinery, wiltbr ,-MJow for cash.
.N. u.'renon*• tpahme to pn<-n->«e- Mantel*, ere
iw™rf ttal it It boocuSru. .ittf (hr t£m to
ftP”* ll tVA.Jtßiinwlenirt
>P tt“ *“ l-ttrch-we them lor in the
Eaeu. (ail end eee. • - u«* •■
-.1 ■ . WAfcK ILIKITACTORY, . •
Penan: .
HE, cattfCTibcrt Ennnf ismderreu lanraTcnaiu
in ihe cqjwrnflion ofibeir CWKTNGi STOVES,
'oectfuHy junto puwM baildinjf fteambctt* to ceil
, intKevery other kind of
work nfsfjtary in famish-
oa the sboncn MileeSk!
r werir for tkeimKoginci
moor line,
/LLY * C«,r ... . ■
i, Bottles aad W. Glia,
»0 STHEKT. ;
ders in oar
bsve adopted.* new pt*n ol
be tnott apptored plan now
we lorn mi ft ■dperuv «rti
pl*a upcrfeeihr, level ud
r timer* tad <feai?r*xtn
' tad examine for'-unu
- ’• i ' ip s ;
t Pltubvgh|]Piu'i
t'ood itrctt, PiittbwgL
Keep oo h«od « nod aworv
(oar-owa Banauetorq,-«nd
Wtok«*le aod coon 117 Me*-
twlif mvited 10 call and ex
ws are deicmioed 10 tell
been offered to] the pab-
;ccnjfMinittl by tfccetak ot
'lly AHendod i e W5 ,
iiige fiiwf&PTyr
jxAm t o. < \ ;
woulfl jnfona the trade that
iftaftctarinx lie best Bttrjfion
As Uus is obr prioct*
-ad obi u complete to tr
.. Those ennieiin ilie
- ~—> -- n.llfind it 10 their uueresl
.eourUam, AH orders promptly ein-ndtd to ' -
■y& A UARPNEJt A Go, tor£frh» '•
Co., Nm.B3.d4W Front ti»,
•. tUMi Dnu of aJl:iiiet cut
-■ irwa Ujo lftto improved pat*
i ienj*»ail wuf.nic4 ccid to ,
L , -Brcu, Cuuan,
81. faubed it Fit.
pot kpptoupUriutdec
- ■ _ .
omrlMiy .
fSSKE^ r “ft “fA»«r^!-
i»l^Fssr’"*-‘*T“' u "'' ,, “ r «“•.«•
““«“ n «'“**«•■
l»°y* , - OttAFF. UNTWAYACb.
BlKllilgflU TICE MCNBt/
* " • ttimtlMMMi . * T -
*'Nu»m jum'took head beads,
fia&m W iPofcS* 0/ aosr d^er^on!
Vfj°*“ *® L Ck*ri« Hotel, Tkird ftfwt, ■
j!.^—i, .. - Pltttfcßl^h,
P-. Mn.»*irr. * * • i. „ t “ —.
• FLIHT GLAM' XlTAßLianirv»il ltt
VBOS> KXSnCDY. j, M =7"s —
• Wokx&Varidy Store art laj&gaiau
• ■ - *-s . s .
’ __ Coroevar W«rtd «od Toonk *j, PitubaCzhi
A# jwreeeived fays tfw Sana ton tadimU a*.
of Varirty Good tlMlßidinf Clocks Accar
dcoas*l»fii«f N©c4le*, Oaa*, Cap*, llooki ami £»«,
Cailery.-tnd CbaiU of errry pauenr ami ■ oualuy
vrjcsi£m Mercbanu and otter* tr* recanted toeall and
cniaina bufim parehaainceisewherr v .or goio< Bul
Ail kind* of Gill, Mafconoy aad coofxtt taokajaUlai
» aanonmtßred atid arid at Kaatcia prtcea. octfi-
v - \ .. i
tau, tut . ■ “ wmitmir an, «np,
-Wtf?,*! “}" «" Ola. Jniuu
. N*w York, IC*t.- 1845. ;
Mr. tol-D« fc™ 5' w J r “ k ’ *Wi »B
amt, W*f pS^f°pSrV?^2
’ u -H-41y i :
ttA<SAH’IJAMITiiED«Tain.. rr
ii|mwt>,prtrcne<llo>ll oS crilcVcT.icaS," "
For chetpeetti etrengUt end cooTcnieneo it hu' noi
.nd MTOI booqmlW.u 11 i, fceieeS, ih, tJS
cheapest and most convenient i iTn..«!Li :I\-
frnlT’toof aga lsm ?r. ***
The principal CoOinot enter. ui Tentere in il'iei
eheitv eltr end ifi. FitubDrjb, here eecmd Sirtu S
nejißiheialeeitd eell the ettiele. AeihereereeSriooe
erucleeead imperfect Ueuutioee in the merkeiSrSl
nteereolddoweiltoeleeuoe .the cert inm
which.. U« KeoßiDe,eTucle the neoe ofSo SitSleS
L.P.Uaaux. is invariably cast i
. •• claimed for Gm**.
c«e from Cabinetmakers wtUku.a in ttShSrvhand
(he \\rMt.wimbmaiodtaibfr|Ktbtie: n * ottr s , i*fid
„ W«, the sabmribers. practical -cabinet maker* and
llednead nunufiuuner* orthaeiiiatof T?j
Allerteor, I'e., do hereh,
.the mhC to nuoa/aeutra bedsteads wiUGa£*i*«kKn‘
ent Fastenings, and consider the »"■> ruTaLT?
tuieaiae* with whtefa.w* .re !£,£%?»*** 10 “ y
James Ixrnon John Aivimw
TStf'"?'* 0 ' • “teift!S,„
J B Hanley i ’ Xatoe* li Jtarr i i
Joha Liggett, Jr. Ju: Lowry/t Son 1
Lewne & . arhln Riddle A Brennan
Thome. Ferle,; • «mm»,*STOe“eml
frUit'S" ‘ More. bellSt .
ST " ■ 1
.. .• jsssssssnw ?
: i , Alexander Lawson ■ ‘
For Iligkta. to make and aeU the above Bedsteada
-®S*4~ _ Pattntea j
T'\* Challtagi to'the World.
'wWw Ji nDOLLARS will be paid to any one
who will produce iipotof paint, green or dry. that
cannot bfe Miraeied with lloit'e JmproveilChiueSl
!•- J # wiislhcuoii of saying to me people ot
Uiii plan, that this artiele, by my.own improveaeoi on
ii, now kuads unrivalled in tint country top extracting
grease, tar.piteh,oil,paint, or any othergrea*r *ut>-
Ktance, bom at! kind* offenUemoa*s
•***• ® ermo ladJ«»twanei'
SfjiT Mr.. UU .l f,a * “ **»«?■» water will um
Ul * n ®“? Uwowbd pc non. m difereai
it°" ntnr b “ TC , 1014 •* they would not be
,wid»a*ltiint coat one dollar per cake.. In trying this
sotp on more than W> wtielei of light shhf, situi.
pace.*, and calicoes, | have ooly fimnd three pieces ot
*>V of calico, on which it
Uweolorl therefore be/brepouisgiioaallahi
.fre« try a sample of the dr*« ffr«. 1 Sum |U?£U!£}
lam determined not |® recommend «aar«rmi*eMhan ;
1 know to be tuieily tine muu—
:-S''* '“''s^USSr' 1 '
• .decfl St wood'sr '
. ,a 4 OmMnattt QlVti.
A IK’. ** '“'t aruelea, aaoeg.whieh.
Hteel Read aad French ailg barm, *~r*»
Silhpar*e*,Mwmirs • •
- jwy Pearl 'memoranda,
Lnaaellod and ivory paper cutlers:
Napolaon sod portable inks;
«««£«». wiU comb and glass and meawrandom
ToothPiclUi.plain eigar eases;-
I‘Oftfolio*; poehet'bookt:
• Faplswrett needle books: •
Fawyhogesj Berlin Iron bykebt
Wil[owb W t;.,to.ho; Sow open and fer id*
I' r H KATOH .
—j ' .o market atmet
. ___ _ ,rQ\j
or the non'mppro^cd' Eartero plrnv
£2fr.?£? I .^5 tii ®* iaill ®** aßrrn P* andcoiani. Alio
or made lo order of *l] *ixe*,'and nail prices.
leßOtry Merchants and other* «re mrited tecall and
exomne the «t*re forihctttel w , aa all will be told
wbdotaU or retail, tad a liberal deduction-mirfo to
wholesale pcrrhaiers. , . . ; i . .
a pidly-; . ;J - -
! \\ ■ cmmAo. 1 :
. . „ J ■ 'Vasohibtos. U. C., Dee. fills, lE«7.
S°* % ftrtwymi.gfy., PiUsburji; Pa.— '
•g.' ’ M*e read yo«r adrsmsenjent ta one of the
PiUstourihpapenwuliaot a liulejsarprise 1 find
tut you have copied niy business Circular enure, and
upompnared it i» yourself. I wiUtUo (he liberty to
inform yo« that my business Circular Its my own com*
ro*moa.uod U not common property. I shall ootwii*
ugly consent id be placed in a pnstuoa that will jaiaee
peisou wtedormiksqw mo t»«aWposej4u { am not
oapable of composing my own business card; or that f
am capable of pilfering and mppropnauagiho card W
I am; therefore, nadir the *e'.
eesany of noticing and exposing yoirplagiurismaothis
manner" ; ' XChoBUfNd,
| Attorney for Patent* Waainiton,'D.tX
newspapers that bare published Mr. Tbomi£
soo% advertisement, will please insert the stwve.
13- A.; KAtiPlfcsTuCX'S t'NtUfISU.NiG, oTueuit
IsVllaUum, has a ureat advantage ores many other
Cough preparations, as its pleasant usi«permits u to lw
us d without uteoftTeniench. Burs vaisa as a n»ii«»y
consist* in the speediness of im cure. We hare known
some Of the ana despenue coughs, «ae.ef wfcJch h»d
been hJhamg oafor a considerable length of ti«rw, yield
almost iomcdiamly to n* power. ' •
In «och washer as we have had? during the pin
wuney every one is liable to lake coldianlesa neat are*
cautions art: used. :
Wetfeetabdindae exposure to the laeteaeneyofihe
weather often lays the rnandaixm of a.hacking conch
which tidrdi ft quick remedy to picscia serious retails,
We hare numerous eeiiifieaersef circa which it his
performed, many of which are from persons is this city
ami the neighborhood, apd they are a Mfteient refer*
eoee wiui«m saying another word in iu favor.
, 'J*rrpared and tor asto wholesale and retail l>y B A
FaHi\ESTOCK to CO, comer of Wood sad lit and
Wooo and fait aia. . <jeu ’•
OK Boden.Esq., Clef Jr of the Court of Qsaiter Set
aum*of Bearer eotmiy. * ■
Ma. R. t SaiAia*—Sin Some tine In the winter my
■ iwirewasaQieted with a severe and dUtressiiig rough,
'and tearing of yoar invaloabte Coegh B) rap. fparetia
,«ed a bottle from S T. Trimble, £*<i, jn Bridgewater,
’and after taking a portion of it two oribree cvtningtor.
Kto bed, the (bond immediate rebel; a* alto seveial
'■ tare been relmvetl io severe eases. lam timre*
fore MtiaSedthai it ia a tale and valaabl# medicine,and)
would recces me ad it to those who may be tfllirud wuh
severe ccogrih androids. W.K. Uobaa
| MarchSa, 1151 . . r
' The Syrup if pul iip in 85 rent Uoulrt, to ifcaiit may
be boaght by (be poor a* well as the rich
I'itpared and told by K E StO,i.KRH, 47 wood tree
alio, tor fate )>y J>r, Cas*«l, 4tli ward, and D. M. Carry,
Allegheny city. - • niUt .
—Thi* labor taring Machine wn I’atemnt, April,
which in view of its great dorabibty. cheap.'? -
be*» and efficiency, lit sitaplit-uy of coa«troeiK>n,audi
the ease and [facility : W'«b which it jt-nted by cither'
>*’f*er adult*;'ia inevitably dpt’iaed to *wpe*ccde alf
ether Corn Shelters for general nte. |{infact uipplles.
Bds*ideratßtn;Whieh baa long been wanted Uirougboei’
the Wnatcrn State*, for while it eom lei* than ouf.tehUt
«(ibe price of the rotary person ewi shell
com wjth tu at fast as.wifh any. For tale at iho Heed .
Store, corner of Wood and dtb tta.
««>* - i 8 N WICKKBSHAM
> notice. 7
A PPLICATION wilt bn made to the President. Msna
£*■ PC*" "ndComamy, for erecting a Bridge over the
..T e L“ oni ?* 1 " e * iC PP o^'lfl P«u*hDr| the county of
Allegheny, tot: the renewal of thiee certificate*,,NoS
(17, IM 10, in the same of John ilanier, etch for two
uarea of ttncfcia (aid Company, Said certificates be.
ing lost or mislaid. RICHARD FLOYD
. ; Attorney for the Exceptor* of John Hamer, dee'd
: dc!s * *
A vtngGfeMe tpou, Stains,or Marks from Clothes,-
Carpets, Ac., Ac- and rendering the spots
where it is applied clear, bright, new, aodspoUess,.
t'eld.wiUrftaidirecuoDs.' Price dScemaneikc. :■ 1
by WM. JACKSON,H)Liberty street,head
w «««d. at It is 'Boot aiyf Shoe store, sign of the Big
I HE Stockholder* of the Farmers’ Deposit Hank of
A. Piiubaxgh.-intend nukiag application to the next
Legitlatdre, tor sack alteration of their Chatter as will
give them Banking privileges,or 7f deemedexpedienu
»iU ask to be Incorporated *s a new Bank.
. By order or boerd’Dirertorv. t‘
‘ le-TfhUwftm .»r i THOMPSON DELL. Cathier,
' i v ’ Manufacturer* of
„ J(a> 314 SmthlPnM lirMt< ■
BaekcJ J A. ViiU<m'»Cab%nd WmrtMtmufu
• . , • . PHILADELPHIA; •
•A U or £ cr *. le f* wi * »• Mpon, 'at tbe office ofthe-
P'tUboreh, will to piomptij
"M."’ Tilda!«. DKRRV I
A. a NICKKRwnw
. t-
■•da la wrftral tS« ihorteit po«U«mS![m
1» Ttfybat maßMTttfmkcuimaML' **
: icsii fobs » fobs ui
.T'teS'sn;, gsssssas-issr*
:,- , ; j t . •/ v .\ ;| ■ i'i •
' 'gißi(TAr: v
; *>*• TOWRSEHD>s -T”;
■ Asbeb sedicisb
tfot. Mrn -P cf *°tt| 88l It Lrtaui
M*ie£r “P^P 04 * 6 **** bynoothu-
' **** of Chronic itbcuuaUiQ • •
aWewcrof Dyii*p.u; v
•. Scre&i*; . ' . .
• cu*»of die Ljnr Coaudani •
: SSSSSSijIS E,)r,!, ' ID ” w - !::
»f Ik, Bio* ,„.- u, tlr<
wd« «ud ti»rtt, Spual A Sec Heat, &*_ *e. s
ahM, •« u* .**>>«, nu*t ftfjKw inefSllWe, bm vn krre
fe/iSsf , ? phr, r W ?“ ,lo “ ra «*“ u julToftE
K" “" ScJiemE forUU
if SEE. tti W,n *- j*? ""“%«>.< Ik. Ik,,
tta taSSSb"" * f*"- tkM'ti
Vnru Officer.
Cait.Q. W.^<£ lJ^l orjTH*’uVrreijBTiT*j w,«i
i^fv“fcn!!Ll Jfr *7 W»Utorc,U»™dl
mOw fclloirtnjeertifiaU. Ifuufit* owi *l*7 J * :
nhJ**\ Ufti“ I j W * J ■ tak * a tl **
mu* WAiamdciiDUUd tUM. | wa* udwed ti D,*
fc™ 4 * wd akin, tw „oJc? &
’ sr " “ J ““'f
• o.'W.McLu»,laU U. 8.1?.
tfciofCL* Comb.
•' »4i»rt.iw»h^?^!;“* ,, '‘- w,t l
•r •edS*"”'" “*“*’*“f ■? 4 *7 wearily,ilW
■ *WoU>b»«d b« non tornrtiinj thantti rarfcaratm* tf
***•• w«aknSttßJ W:
l?d*. from t>kiof it, «t mt became rotxul.' ted fltll oTruerr*
ondnf i>» iiflawn It famcdalely emwimet, tbew.??
from mof tbs tonal* frame, which u the ymt aaM c f Urj
. It will sot ba *i£wei*d'of u».Ja estci of to ■
Uro,\to exhibitcotiflestM of etim Mrlormcd. hot wean
***** the alttietnd, Cist hundred* of eem ban'lan
to «*.B*re»r««ma where GuatU** hare iSLuufcUd!
[*» »£ S - * *'{■*' of thl* ;
h»w bw kktt mth hestthf ofiMiac. . I «««»«,.
rwnwwrf: ;Aly Wife bttax imiJr i y '
******** and ftscfii dahilitv.'aad uiflcnß* ■ ■
by pain and. aSST*. of l onSi
womb, ad With otber«aeulUei «& kZSL L.i.l
wber*yourmedkjMbat«a«taP P eai Swf\
£S3P? MiS ®fe , issre'
*“ ?*““Io*"w»j|mm*S“t£b 0 *"w»j|mm*S“t£ b
I *£“**"• *** of flWur'Senareriih.
I p*nom to bar ctaftaomgt, under tb« mi* alanaiar and:
1 ii u r **®jy hwAW with the drop™, r*«t>'
.If «h» Wm b,
doahto lb* nm of (M medkini; jci «. «jp£ y %2“
I •;,'
' ' ' *
i TO MOTHERS AflD bUtttUEB 1 a pipe i
ha* baeatipmaly prepared
, ~«s2£a®x"4ss^s
whkb tosle* ms wtytet al thi*; lime of life. Tlui period
may ba delayed for Kee/sl yean by
“ *‘¥» 7*«*l« “»tW »lm woSaabaE
•ill u caleuiaud to cimt ealurr' l,« the uXd
end UiTipmtisf the lyucm. Icdxd.ttiXiorUieuM ii iataL
; it brace* the wbok lyileta, men ptriaanenlly th« ftaht
rai enerpe*—by meuTicr (ba uavuitin of Uw bode—not
£j!L2 ,I, SS! f l fi* * JM ? M V ' f***T*» tnto^o^m
Unu^.k.t» IWa.<J.M UlnTlr m
_ . . 01RL8'ui*»j.TBIsV
' «. -4 ■:: otspemu* i
-■ r *? g - tado f:*^ >ea> * fc»M dkOMCttd w%i«b M
«***• J*»« «• mli** is iIMHMb.
S&SfnKSSff “ -w.
n. -rt—.l*; 1 lO, ihs.
“ “-1 k ”“ •AieCii tw w.<n>
Er.7«i££ r i.“ ■•;“ “(■ “’*■< wiu.««ri
t*» ol ttosadi, k*. of ulniM VuUira, tad .
I*** * w nnq to ilj kind* of food, tod tit vttka (alui I
<~u«w n™.. b.„. uuik u, ESVEiSE
«? “!* d r->, ™~i~, wTii^S
5 , i < Tl-!r“* a * rtu> fT °> OTtB K «*« complan.l. lwi,j
ducc4,kboiil two mdutiace: to try jroyrCitryct of »*,£.
Inwnjr wafclntkeooilrte*. butaiWuMa*
attfjr two bolt**, | tend my •ppttiu rutond; ladTuf
kortWra courtly rctaottd; tod 1 woeld
nctrf tba a» ofliio llm who lur* been adlictcrf u lturi‘*
j?« a ♦*** W * w - v **
lUW tb« foHuTOy, aid doobt if»oo«M,lK»t (UUU.
tferaMoiWeucd. *lb«» o €iJToo«ofil,« mcrilLuadr jJ
eaata that TpwMtod a&napanitalua cured: i
i/r 7otmmf Dew Sir. I «u ttlica. •' IdUe oeera
year •», w.lh a «»ert ojujb awi pit j* «J ... a_
*£***“•■. ®* ,V r > f ?*2 I »»» Pn»ooU»e«d by nhj.
•**»*» to h**e U» quack eetoumpth*,- ■ l rebed U,„
titiea of bad natter, hoi aijht iirraii aad alakW fm Cum •
e *>»«*» *w wsra.
hapal »kop.»r >•«■£ HuirflUA hjl »m iKUnj
lIO.J-; TOcadkadU. *J b.d. ... n. aili-1 io'[,, ,
li.u'i, E i" j “ **» *2si» iui
•MM do jqrtko to »y qm * *»» wptwaed br »r fricaia
n.l rnbnM. 1, ~d. orik™, u. I. uU
g>“ a. Uwtb, i (Uipnu. (W. .. Ml dj^
tdid. ! Must MJ Ihk 1 >E> ratlnlj Will kolu.b
MW.M. M M U UUUI .j Ww b. ,UiZ
ly wall a• few wetta. Ali coualt awl Wfu i a iu\if7
Md Uft », M?r*u. ViTvcn littb
aßtut piWBCMUMI »I M(jt a /«,. to ( ■
yoa a ibntowal of mt caia. b'pabltti, If yo B pka« . S
frra Baowa, -j? L.m« u, BroOj'ra. . ,
Opinions of PhyalclMi. 1
, SEj^sE««ia 1
A C Fuluo, a o
J jU’iuuH, a a,
UOBaia«t ( M o,
t H Enwinm, g p,
V. T “ “'“O’ «** »«, “if; iatefVM, practjemv
7|»«KriWDfTu»iiinJ’i Cwapoiiod Kjltki 0 f ia,.«
*rUI», lad <h*» tu knows ttntumc'b? in
h* mUm for mmrul, wofulou*. uri olbcre übuKon* wo 1
*•**> 1. ynbmxt to mj of the atairtmil I
„ A;WRr„ Iu ,T» i 1
Alb*aj,Apn{ 1, JMj.
£lb*oy ytpril 2,1M4. ' r
FmjeioaJoflW, I® Kullo* iIJ Soa kluiUior N v/ii ,
,’i Uotioo; Dr Noru, a±
8 8 U.oc./dni^SwrTi.fc
Hw' , t, ' r^1 *« U«iUd SUU t [
*ArmNJS%n IU Azr i wia> *S.«
Tu»uksr H u p, «pii «r ih^i
*]MM Mot« thii «(tr«el vf It* S«m,ari|[»
•WTimipoputarity jlWtenßirfd' 1 * "***"" “*•
Htrveu Debility.'
■ d,. t,,™* , to „ 3
r«rt, with » dread (k! (taking ia'lh« clkewt. riddiau* {» u,.
W*{JJ*jil»® “ ihdliaU, ud e«arnl UcUtitr
N 1 *7 *• cnOwUM aud «Sd towhSf
cfctUUrmic, Md I felqtll. «Jlfir«lS« JuJSw.lSl
1 bate tuca yew Btmptrill*. Ihafanowa
3Td- "* ‘■:*'»^«»£i
B*bwiiaa«cep«Blof*i»oUwrtliild«!ri n.r
received thii week. «»< , im i » pttl number
Dr TowßKttd:. Pear lin-. On«**ra?°k?ftJ,E riJ
| »iek with the Cancer u the mouth **.!?
grtttdcUlUr. |le*m* out drimrlJKffk*««rfe4 with
SedUat nJrbe, end I™
r wll *'"7.aiiL. SS&SJSSS,-?
"ri. .> b, a lwuEliESfs%~Z, ,
between 3d ud 4th eta. who u, ff M| iT0 . 37 * v »t 1
I . Hnsband’i Celebrated Wniltlosiitiia
tint J» rift** lofcShl^pDOßfdofMSSK" 4 “ W
F* *bt?o 4.F4HnBtocIVcRSL, ,
;fPoM and VooduddlK w.eonw litud
. Dr* Keltuil WonaTuaiiv -
rpH!B ia u> ecMify tint, by ukiov cat vial Vr
iMeLue'i Wen Soeciie, a c&d of
P»«cd vpwaNla of 7* worma,«od £ ffiXSffi}
medicine a child of my own paired M Jarm w™L* ,d
It i. tnlr.Uie out WTtfWaTSneSEißi^:
aeea. I tnuai Lave two more vial*. ; lover
a FotMtoby j PDPfcda-MeyrwSi'
irjf GOODS"
■ “ste? sx&frs*.**-.
•OjufrajSioeki . ,f' , Sf. | i‘' l '“*Mlc MO fMcjr
PaunUowandplalnSatW&oeH- i
Uombame bw and pU»n!|loiabariße Pu»4.«
Silk andBa tin Tie-, rid.iUkSuf^, n ,?„ : ;
©nrea«e oflow priced Shins r^>.,- S k UD Cravai*, Wi|b.
doaliiy hare never been foredated ,n;
'V'e intend in eioteihc above
and wvuld call ib- by *•**»*»:
S2SHSr* & *&sSsrKssri
pet English Merinoa/*“aS&ffiE! p! A J p * i fP' &
mere*, IU re French
mere, d ca>c< caurneti IDhVib.ilS -Pep“WT ca«tf
gingham*. glove* and hosierr tallT* £ 4,let **idomeaue‘
n.Minmem of.good*; Meteh&uSSff-S?^
our ttoek, u we are eonGd»>nfi7.iji.l* vrte ® j* examine
Wiliam compare I
-■• * ‘ A A'MA«ONticn I
iucluding— . - a * I, J M**™*)! deportment,
Dark nix’d Satinet]*; .
•Biu*»ndU#ek do; -- ; • • i , j
luvinuie green do; i V f’ )■
Satin ‘irifxd LJV do; ’ - f •'/
All.ofwlich*ril»he»oU.lowb»ii.«-V .
4I£SK,W, I! J
—: • ' • • 2_i_«leS®r !
Ind.. Rubber,
•wicorul.CV.O wiiiioat ,llc f
1 Depot, a wood Kreetr-" *■■!® ■ ? “VW Bu>b«»
m .1 ift lir/urjjpq l .
' .VI,
J ■“£='*”/“■’i>™basihi c *’‘^T“* _ ... i
*ine»i nnJwjck coats-*»»«»er,bp
*" ii« “i
mi' >
eonsmjDj of— ’ «»n«»«09 lot Ladtes’ D IPU Goods,
!wsssSKSr*-H» , sr ::. V ;■:
oSteassryijrf" -•••-•
«,*> 4L J &“ ANI, ? K * DAY ■ :
■sa. • rr^s«si^:
SM“oSrf'K,'t':r fr *“jr®f. -* .bmiL, u'L :
.'w* f^sspsmfiiß^
. dels ’•' ’. i BIIACICfcEPr* WHITH
—— —w.-,-- i . 09woodil ’
«»M- ■
=?— I »i~rt.i«:irw.« r4 SaLr
. TttlDßhllAirT SUCCESS. i
■Piniumptaxt. nmcallerjidt it
Oorymmd Syrup of iTar- tmd Wood jiap
tha ichuk i* daity tjfating tudi r<f\
■ ftutrkablo curtt m •
'H’OUtmtMlf CONSUMPTION!!! i--
n«fTQW I ftlDOf.ljw * - 1
i «• **» Hr* * i,cu, *Oo«i»*rt »bfu*J
i,:"** ®- 1 -,n«WiK>a-Dfar H.r-iU wtooLhis* bn«fitl
'I at ■t i ?f*f W ?u **• >’o«ir Coo pound Srrnpof
|!*f Woptht rwdtff «my dniy io tofiwta joaoV l£ I
[*** **”*“6 with • rfry tad «ueh. rJ Kt »ri
W ?i ffn Vt o ' Pl ’'“*- oo > i
5n ",***• »«*** RoNiitwiitata I
2^ e **»i^*f** < * htAr< cT J oor w«d«ei>»* t 6qfb2
{"£ fr**3! * Min ff ,* DO * t kjtdicinn, tUiocsbt J
K»uld adbm to wtat I had be« u» H .
t*Uufwur»» * IneaJ tocUi t,* ■ UuUof row
i hfs'Ki®. WJ«b* -he owed bit 4ie lo iu rim :
Uku lm> houlw, | wu mfartd lo
•: '.for (fa a beorfil ©f etta* I cube the abort M»f
i « j Fttiwfi«r«i I
•■• -.atfitf another RtsnarknbU. Vurt.
1 *t—. •-1 ' • . CaHiilr.Ta, Wot.*}. VUi, 1 j
i Ahoot »w jrwi uort, w eeampMSM cf th« udratwy
* f «r •“«**» * *V un«kcti will, Mirra jm«w
"V- r™* 4 «f «h« brart ud tlaortUM oTbraalb, I
.^4^tsr 4 rjs.sispr^ss?
«*"»!**»*, which l*ii bm ia • ’nMnU<
rtA« of Mkotm an* began to alert Wy wind. Fran tu* I
loluatoiy ajffenup amMiw Im attar*, uatfal Wo* th I
U*y inticaaad U> tacb » drjrea, ud lh» Tuitoer oflLt
wtrtao aopnaud, thul (uri whoU year 1 w»a I
n>sw loatUod iouy beti&ua. Dsrirw tbtetiac teuuait- I
r\* n * I** Fiyuciua Hid atUadtd to (fctir pracnplkaa, I
b*J ill liw aid] «u nutating tbnrocnreiMi*l«C«rt t
?l, *&“}*!*! fn»fd«d bit rccMrrf jit utfjcly Immloi - lk |
S> «'•*•«• * *■■ i»i—i -t o. dm Viwd |
Bynepuf Tar ud Wud. Naptha, ia « I
«JK»®«*faat .UniUr Vi BUM, ud though 1 bad gi.taila aB |
ttfrcUUut rfa rccwrtry or*y t*®*r facniUt by kwau }
iwu, rtl b«ißf lUoaglyndTutd to try UJa ntdkiiM. I m I
ilrtl by lb* ueof na buld, 1
lla not, &b:« to attend tobiumm with ~ auich iaeiUtv a f
' iiEWHr AmtKrt. f
irnpmd mljta AJfGJrET I
aV-Mref>i&b .iud SwaeartraU .1 ; u |
JBW W L.-lV J«ax;Jr,.KihlUfc l and rupuMUa
r '*? M doKarpStaST |
Beware of laMtatioaij tad pwthMTfcßM I'.
CoaiMud tSynip ofTarfro* nooekut ad rtrtSli
or of iboar abort tht annieub ot dcaliw ia «asa> .
. - J. Tiurf”
| SIIBaMA(f'Jt*MW%>Ai-far 1
-i-,,., . * riiMic* eaSTwhcE.
T T,I ? i £««tart»eJe known frr cleaning and wJutenina
JLtkV**"si"?! b s“*S ,ttt jcwn*, awe etranuthe
jj-jUi, 4c. It ‘twuTU be used emy mrbt with aaUi
b£i»b, wd the tcctb and wouih willouiy reooireaaljeb
♦VbuK in tlw raormiy. WVi the broth wuh warm
w» lC r. or cold will ajuwer. wd rvb,, a ft-Z
U,e pa«e, when cnonjb will adhere for c.cami« the
teeth, it lea*c«adclioou*tarte ini the roooth,ana ira
p !s r^*» m ?* t,J<!n *! ulu,r, ** rlncf t®! l '® breath. JUtand*
uttnvoUod a« c Mcatani, ctheaeioa*, convenient. and
tafodMunfiee. Ilia warranted not» reiute the teeth,
Loitoprererrctlieo. : •. _ j
I Uy-.annjt ii regularly, it will remote the tartar and
prprent u» acenmuiution—prevent the toothache
•UWipieii the gnm», anil prevent all duea'es of to«* ;
P3»Vucimia, ana ibe clerjy rcfoimncadu a
BeeiJeJly iupemrto every thingof die kind in uk,-
A»k for Phcnnaii i Compound Orria Tooth l‘o*ie. *Ld
ob**rvc lim aigualurc n atuched'iotarh Itot '
Rerunonend'it by Dr. Crude, fej of
ouf l*M Drindma.anJ by mau of-ihe old eJtahtiibed
onv.%inihf! Lnnrd Sutta, and even: Xienaivcty tued
bylhe Mbdny of hagland and Frv.’ea. '
,A lafße projwnion of the diacav. t hatafflict mankind
ante from wne derangement of Hit kiotaachorbaweia,,
which a lirorlv’ ow* of the Caiha tie l<oaeJire« would
entirely obviate, d’erwni nf hiiicaj haliiu Should al..
way* have u box al handy and take a do*e whenever
they feel ihvleaMdetmiifementuiUir health. Aliidi-
I'mcisme oMoeee toiciigca yvontd prevent thouvaad*
Forsalcat WM. JACKSON'S, coVnernf Wood and'
"SS!!*! ;
LADltti. W|, o u, c Common i*r epureiTChalkV tre
;o.i»n«otow ß rel»w frighDally iryuriire* t A
the skin appear* art« iising preparwi
cbsi)kl , Hesides. il i> Injurious eomaiitiiigilaMje qotui
My of lead.: Wt bare prepared a beiumial veAtfttTle
article, which we cnll JONES’S M'ANfNlil i tv-
Wlin'e I, U in
and it impart* io ihWki.nui.tß.
r.l, health}, alabaster, clear, living white. anhrt.i.
tirts nciififf as a cosmetic on die skin, tasking it soft
uni smooth. ' 3 “
• lii.Jome* Anaman, Practjcnl .Chemist of Mmml
uJwi! 8 An<!r Jones's Spanish I.llly
WlnJe.t find ir possesses lhem..u:beautiral..and natal
m!i :ai th» same time innocent white | ever «aw d ,
certainly con conscientiously recommend it. vse 10.1 l
whole akin require. licauufyinc. ll -| .
3j*l*riced4cem« a Imj. i
„ IS'S 1 .' I ,.''’' 'VS(. JACKHON, »f bl.’lbKj
S!u!”uSS"' ri, '“ d ° f -“‘iHw?o?
~ Ladlri, l.diea. Tin >.tout.lied, | i!W
. When you knowtliatyoaareprotnlued
• A natural,lifo-like* snowy white, i
. That yoa will still aseeommorichalk, 1
.. Aiidlookadeotiiiy.ycjlowfrigbt,J.
, Tiie tbciue of ioughiemnd of talki t
-If y*u would .mm .a box of JONH'S Li|ly-wfiite, ,t
woulj give yppr »km an na»„|
auJ m lue uiw tine clear and imptoTs i, «_|,i
JACKSON'S, M l.lliert, .a l>n« »«nufcr l2i.
3 ■ .i , ' ' myB‘
ri'EfTER, i;rcu, salt HIIEU.U, ftc-VVbo would.
4. tor. (ingle day scratch, whan afflicted with the-
Tetiet', Itch, »>M>thei disease*of the »kln, if hey knew
wloiroutd relieve andenre them. . ,
*t'i« horribleto-be obliged to rob and scratch when
alme. but more horrible to nb*U«n from it, rfdr dcoenetf
aaJr.l wlieii in company. Let tl be remcmS ied thal
Dr LtJllk'S lEITEUand ITCHOINTiItVTi.the
nn>»i entcacioui of any other preparation in eki-Mencc in
curing the Tttler, Itch, and other diirtlsesontbeskiu;
Ahaij diKaseror ihe skin must uri'e frpm tbo tmpuritr
df the Moodlaud fluids of the body, and .where inch dls*
riuebpof longsiondinff.and tlio constitution lafihcted
tbwehjr.if Ur. LetdyU Sarsaparilla JilooJTillUe ussd*
twilh the Ointment, they wilt cure any case whatever.
Bill if-they dp hot, the money be relumed! by J>r
LeJdyJ Mott casts, howcTer, will bo efftetunrty cured
byDr.Leldy’j Tetter ond licit Ointment, unless tW
whole system U impregnated by the diseased burners,
wtpeh will btcomu lately carrier off from the system by
Dr Lilly's (flood Dills, and thsi rurfacooftbesiin heal
ed by Ihe Oiclmcnt Trico ofOimmem 2} ceau. For
saleiir . . if A FAHNESTOCK &CO
: ocuOi cor wood Afioiu.»|s
MunOAPfS COUOH UYHUi'.—11• provtdtoiio tfje
*t»M Panacea in cnnnf ray ciuid’a dutreaaint . . j
Froa tli*} Temperance Banner, Nor. 3, >47.
Cocoa Bncr.—>V B an not in the Habit of.patw
ranch lew ukmjr Patent Jktodieiues, bat wie Ami imtmard
in recommend Nor*an>Sjn«ptotboae Who treatfeted'
with adon*h; Afierba?in|f tried theasuaj rctaeaiea to'
reraovo ; a ean«*n»and diauvriitnr eorgh, tint had &tr
acwral dayajaflteted'otte of bar children. wiiiraat a«s
ewiiwi weje induced to try. Morgau’t Cwib B*«n
and byit re liefwaa obtained, ra a few hour*. Jtptom/-
tobs tie panacea in thiacaad at Icbm. \
Prepared wbotoaaio anti retail by Ut« Wonrkibr. ; '■ ■
. M will* n MOllMArfMa ;
•Tl. 11 i f.; pliW *^twnMijSW>' a
fiMpdl 1847 v: 'MjBaBHi
twekh prrrsBUKGH aSTtheeSi^,
'pilE nbproved method of camine aJd iZiki '\L
X Established Lrce, is bow*?*sh *fk* lo ? 1 *
•criptiotus uncccutnr. OooSi2reitttkSh.i?£*lk!l
. .T*« BoftUAre.anjfbidnio^kiaaJperfoi*f.w£*7.
in from six to serai wt.. . t *^*‘®**iaeinr»ps
- WweSoatCTwubUTU ioL,,
■WiMWimiiMii* nade U»»». ro«TW’‘f’T!
advances free of eharjre*. ~ ■, «d
. to sake we
• mippetfulirsolicit coniicrußeift* of wmSm\
BacWtUrd,Balter,Chetae, Woo I,FcatJters. md n^/j
artfel*. fee-sate, oa whic b J i beni odeEeSa «:?i £
made and aiherosoal facilities efforted. DjedniT*JJ? ;
selr?a..that any business -ciumsied tons abSl'w£
andltSl Market«. .
EOB UIA tran»ponaiionol‘FrciebtbeiwVcnPuuliS*h
and the Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments on
f**F way,,end the cnnseijwiii ruJt ©/delay. ■!■«...
bteakago and separatum of gaodt , ; ~j. fc 7
b ' Pnprhten.
. No 275 -Market street- PhUadetohia
°° r Pannaud-Wsyne eta, Piusbareh
w“^ , S^s^S'lr.h“v. rc^^»-'» !
Encoareired by iscreasedrbuiaMsJtbd Proprietors
bare added. io their stock and extended, their Arrange*
- rneutsdenng the wtnief,> add are ntrif pfeparedtO for*
dispejeh wawrpjorted
bjr anyother line. ( Their lonp experience as carriers,
ihd palpable sapendrityof the Pdrtabltf 800 l tlystem!
. C “W* l / andconveujeuce pf. the-ware?
iiodses at each end or the line, are peculiarly caleula*
tied tu.enaiilo tho proprietors 10 fulfil their eng* percents
ana ncconmnxtate their customers—-confiddmlyoffermf
-^!L^i n *2?? cn i >10 TEaffe i O’Connor wilt'be reeV
,-ana«arwjaraed ; . .titeaml>o«t.- J chafge> paid acd.-Billir*)
' ,n “eapiSoat** the imere«'-of the coosicson
' • ■ ' !■■■■ ;■■■■ . • "
, Emt Bcaar Ftat aui BrUgeuatcri ■■■>•
[ -.1: .'j ■ *Xi.*nt coxnrtx,,»i, ■
, and Agent ef.ateeiner* - -
££‘KKmitiHii AipVium
XpJ' If* 1, pteparcd on earliest opebihaof candliav
<"• •'**•»» hl»,»birfi>©*i»i*
r.,r a . r S 0 J2 J ’ fo is,‘ U P?'2? -*S »'* BneaSSn, Crow'
Cut, and Omo'Canaia; for all porta on fake Erie and
opperLokea.aiabo to lanyard produce,- c*hj Penn’aJ
Itnbrevemems. Applytooraddreta ; 7 4
febaWtf •- • - - -*-JAB ! i
BOAT LINE; ■'/!:
[p">> nhout Tn>n«hipnienL-y~ff I ,■ «••
•; Go«!» conawnedlocnrcafe mil bo forwarded with
out delay, at foe UweM current rates. llllU ofXadmr'
transmitted, and nil tnitrtttticms-Arompijy attnded to,
, (icc from mix extra choree for storage or conuniwioiv
v Caatlyfertl^Pimbanrti
' ; STORAGE/ ; •'■ •'<
: ..Marine a rerr Urge and! eoinmodismt'artrehoata.
T s >*T e ;P, rc f arcd *° reeeiTe {in addition to fieixbt for
sbipmem) alargc a meant of Produce, Ice.. odStohio at
low rates. [mart] C A McAMJLTV ,
lUTH fc cß'sillKK., .
One Itoat will [cave the warebooie ofC A Me AabUt
ft t0.,-niub«Mh,ofcf)r day, [eicepi Saridayrjand
depend on hiVmjihdr mfijuv
warded without delay anftai f»lr rate*. :: ■'•• '[-• •
. Thi* UQe mi formed ioj Ure.apedri • treenmodalien
... WILLIAM FULTh\.! • ! _
JOHN MILLER, Mo!|iil«y*burgh- )‘ !
'fnraKXKcn. ;
Z. ~
Mheinjf roaipo«pdof.a M t»kr Erie
A n.ui ftiicbigan, nu«ia* daily HjuLi *b
and l-oater, anil Itri-ht and paJMcnj,., €arf*l Uda?£
raumu* between Ucaverand Erie aadeonii«i»i»irnsj
C .M iW. U« of SMunta..
? n prepared apon the earlieii mat
inaafNatipmonto carry. Frelghlaad Pauendcrau
alfpohiUon the Rim,-Canal and l*k«'as ? - “
irarlujererr /aerfay for eooV«rC#f«i*fit aad wl
•eMer* i»uhpro«pu»e»a and diipateh,oh* proprietor
u “fr 41 * »l'cit Joa their ftSSdi^S
bopaoLegenerally, _ , .
: «JJJ.S. Propneror'’'
.. JOIIN A CACGIiKY, riLr»b‘gt»«le
, • '' '. . tutlt TO .
wheeler, Crocker ft. Co. New Tort
He©Dun, 1 Buffalo * • W ..i
■ K-N Parka'ftCa,Oete)aad •'
Hmiol ft. Porter. Chicago! - . r •
'Yra Power-. rowT-mm-n.Tcntia ■ ■ •]'
tfr« Mnebrlniyre, i*«mn'a ' ‘ ' *
: » John MeAnkur, linuuiowd. ■ do ;i
:• Wiekft Acker.Grrrnville,- ■ i •‘i
,■• Craif ft Framnton, Clarksville. ' do • ••'
. Hay* ft Plttfflb,Sharp*bo»iVH»a. '' ' i'“
• W C Malan* Fbanjn. ' • do • ' *
_ Li *< ; CianamKlimata.-ptfewdo imaiff^'
rriTSUyjiGH i CI.EVPLANb tjx>!.
n. Cl»r*c. x. K «hnwod k Co.
: CLARKE 4 CO..' !
rorw«rtl», & B Oommi.Wtt
'PUKAftnta ,mJ ’of JhiiVine (to /injr
*. »Wr®MW toihepqMic), will 1* preparU onUe
eartmal openffrjf ofcanal uavijpuboioirceivanroD
■"MI I’i.ub.rn.odlfc,,,,, iS'EIwTEJKK,
0a Jl«oon L«ir_»Kne
‘ Tta.riljiipg* oMhii line loiicli’iht bo<run o/i
jhc.f luimct co-Wri win, confidcute, knowing u>«
ibrirfaMlUiea are tecond toncnh.* '•■• . . . •r u .*^’
Apply, to or addre**. j
- -;r ctsi!![^‘^^; ,ub * r, ! L
• WiCß'i'Kfijr^l'llAfllSlKlllTATlOarcoT*
‘ ••■■ ■ jBLTWKKN IWWOUBOI}/ . Pt»
r|i|lfc.,« k .r thitlind co-*i<ii of a oonoledailT
l or Moot* apnCar*. Jowncd bj
which are. in *D©d order. The aabacntira
r£we^f rta *f , * e: ’ , ? a ? Uty ®<'Al«wbMSfc?B
1 roJarc wiU, certainty and diapat'b; i* ***
•1 rodudeofr .Mrrebartdiw eoniijtiiediouay bribe Wn '
oP >M* Lt "« * Widuried' on immV
UNK urcaMi. 1-ACKCTB AND STANra! 0
&i££S2L ■ lb’i7.
Siaßra which reach Cleveland before '
l«4ti *»d JS47:
nudcttl*iietl are uotf prepared, to forward wo»
• A w ?c i* c w* I°‘bekattero Market* Uurwa-foe™ mI
..'.W Winter, bn the most favorable term*, by mu cxdv-
route.; -•-. *„ V- lu “ *****
' Ai will be forwarded atihe
Jowe/l rplcA jtnd wiliTdeupßKh,' i • ij - •■•-. y
Mctcltaml.H: recfivrd bi ih.» n>«e proocUr fet
y?* 3 * J - ~ ic' uimvFXL,
a Vf CAi*S, UrdWnrTiUe.'
. J •W fc^CamberJand
• *iT*aaVitta^smii£msitvi£i;£-
&s&s£ 1847. ; 't-grr->
'.Vakket i«D rapjoirr JSSStt.:
a«tl at Uie low«*tr*tr*. carried prompter
" ' . WICK * i_,. '
> ft
•'. TOI. : MiTHKWB7K"i~r "■■'■■• >
-w« a £
A “° : 184 7
•' *>T*l#;, '.> :£t5 N ** WATBWtANi f lttituj*. I
’ I ' i
**®A a ®JL*. ii ■■'l ■
iga ? , T , s®ter"
pLCfcarfes Hoop*,, commence* her
»*» <1 ■i.ioiviac Pais
bor*h at 9 o'clock, a-M-a tdaJfeaserafd eVtoek. ri *1- i
ceoneclinywtth riusbarafc Sod GereUtki Lineof'Cad I
rtal Boats daily to CleVdao* O4ikinr, Wsrreaiand'i
Clare laud Line of .CadaVPackets ana staye Coacodt
daily to Warren and C?«reUscr, Canal P asset Lines to
NewCasUe'dad Greenville, Pn-t Ena Kxientio& Lise
to Meadrilin uta Erie.'Nml, Moon * Co's Lines »(
&w**-Coachet for Cleveland and .Weepier. leave Be#.’
▼er daily ea ihe'trrivdl of stedttboai Bearer frofe
Pmaburgb. Apply to '. I %
\\ CMHAETCWAOsPmsfcaijb-.
_■£!!' CLaRKK* Cot BmrZ/i i
lai? *BT r
. OK THK rIKMIi-tixiiub-MMemun
SN EJ'fKS.fcEK.O.wUal.ail i I
fcsfa j.
r piib Ltnois.Boir.fßliy prepared 0 traiupop
: •L/reigtiiiaad Par (eaters from Piusbsrxb end Oar*
Canals.^ 0 ?! s^swiwiaaTjrawfeifip?
7?' f«clli>le» of iaH Liao an aatataalM Or *Wi
ja.dC.Mlt, m aoabert Mrt enjaoiiror Boat*, oip*
I. . n , •-"-d rrOoipniw or Apaa, *c. r
One Bin le»M Pitat,oijh«»aci«™l.»l iiij, ranr
®'M “ednaecuoo whh«c UteaneNo’-v .1.1
’Mwftijta and -Lake Erie, dni
Dtaven sad's Line of Erst class KteiaboUKfftopelr
V!- ‘ywpaers, on. Lairs Erie, HifaJMi*
eiupan and Ontario. . • ••‘iV i lt?1 [
r’ropenr forwarded t»«ny«aitaf',the Union initl
Aal, !• *
J* l - • ' C° r nod Enhhicld streets
i ßr?
S*2si^:lB47;^teßa| :
tJmjrtbr the M«U
' o,^“s pob *»»«*:*»a»i.ii^
y.n'ufvr 4 rfcC'r&ua
• fore ti ajrcnt*. we Wif gito wrwr K3S!?£L'
7?* bojU arB*U>ortab!e,con*«tjoeßllTffei»hi
ii tikes titan cowithioßttfts*ajpja«l,
on the route, end boat UownedbT Ifie
Captain who rang them, whieb i* g gaffident nari
antaettat there nriUtaQo delaroa the to ate; 1
All I? ik*
.uaderaieced, will be forwarded FREE
MlShlON,Tor adTaoc«ijinj ibrwanlintand wfll
be shipped withoot deiajr atthe lowest ntea of
weight. vgu-; r.-v-i■,■:■,■, . i
aelicita ■hared pibliepitro
Canal Baajn Pittabarjti''!
CRAIG, BgLLAS Ae Co,i jut.
~ ■ ‘Broad SlreetiPWadclphSrY
' ~ , , ,^‘ j - /
. * . . Bowley’i Wharf, liajtimpra.
RiUalmrah.Mb. IS. IMT. •
08. IWATV£« :
A cerUmoadiW«eurcJor cooghc, cotci cstbisa,
i , lirer complaint, apittiog blood, pajnsin the aide
or breaat.Mrtow debility, whacpitccbert 5 /
b ~.'".. co^“uinD . ' i<-
. TjlON pf uy dirtueoftln longi or a '
• ■' Rndcrire tuSenoe '
“ with. a eoid.or difesM of the
- .’■« . frog*; try tfrfa rtm&hf "
yonwiliaot per. • - *:/
• • " • hint ffrieilt -' > *‘ l
li W'U •rreitill tfiaae cljfagjMibit'ijmptooi which
•inke each terror lb. tbb mad, 4c prolong tour den.
** r P re P* r *Uoß# porpfflUag,t«o»ui
Wild OherTf.eieepitftnbeiii^iSrStfSSSS
" bWATirc on tbe ouuide wrapper sfeteb' botti<
lik 't #«Stii«a^ills shiclefiws
which tbe/ borrow* nuae. *,. \
: t Rad wiiat it ha idntt i
Wonld perbnp. bo « «mall oMlOslsfijr (bs'iinlnl
o! thia dreadlbl diaeuo In, tie,|oyetr,tben fid
800 °l >ho Linn, Henorrbaea, Ailinai, Coash.
Long* ac- Lifer,
A»d the IWwraM preW.n»ppjiliiir|iooi oiibo'
•Übly ot llieao no dweiiisrsMßaiU^BiLil'ib l
medicine he. no boa boferithe ooblic
reoedf for Coagha. Coldt, Bronehifca,
nifflfiuon ofthe Lnng* bucd entl/eif
tnaa.c mcr.U, oweabatlHUe to inflated newapap*
P u . • fboae.who gireit* trial, being beaeSEd
texto* and wotted it* way, ja*.
boulenererfaUa tocare-i col* -
•rbtJe with atrict attention t* UwdiracUosa that a£
company earhboUle,iUß*ei*pelmoii*rT diaeasei
or loagatittQq aad ’oMM m£f
ter/ ba* away* circa relief, aod ia.ven tnaat
mtUncea baa. effected -• compiota iital i
l>r. SWAY#PS Cdebrdled Cumpowid Sun
n ■tj&nyMChtrrif.
Read iho Bfet remiriablo cue of Coenmotiei
, ererplaeed upon record— • **?"
DrSwafim-pearSin*! ftijfr
doe to jott-fatf a'dot/ to the afflicted cewmSlVi?
l oflermy htfjdMeteWKnoor'Lnfhtor-Of«Srr'££l
pound Syrup ot Wiid Cherry. Some
ajncc, I we Tioleaxij attacked witfaeoldr fad Ufa;
mauonor the lanp, whrei} »S» accompanied; wi*W
ep ( an(i:«c ie*(Ui *ll scarcely ablela Walk fibfefo
•peak-afara.» whirper. agfa. wfa it.V2.7zs™
wfakneaa ofay thtc time ifetflHel'
Tjnoe.prepu.uoMtfapnaertphofa, fat loud 3
rdieP-growuig alftfa time wone. Jasi fare | «.
adttnedaodpemadedbycdeu.firiead liWIHdW.
I ,ton to unkentHal rf.yoor Syrup of Wild; ChSK
1 moatconfe*. that prurtoualy * fad faenrennwiJ*
ed againat patent ttadkum, end- i am •tliTaniut
.UHtteecfang/fat ©r the handi. oTeiodiSfa}
ondefslaadiof. «r*r /data* .naitfai Uiddml
practice of >medici&«, and haring imolteite fkithh!
■he jsjmjol: jn/Oneixl., I io«Jlju > ,p S
Ilr blun.;o« ut SirtoUMilS
fomn.«ed ,u » it fiSTS
of tw«ntj or treaty fieo Oonth f '*tai«fin»'
BideraSle relief from the hrat lour or five bottlei—
Bet being a public speaker I f«qfa a Ur< axSmpUJ
to preach w«h myiaereauog «tren*thind Suifa
doabUe*i r -ray eun wiTfretll?
tclarded;- Inconsequence cf tciio* thuimm£
dently lfadto ; uwls or IS boulfafargJJ.-fSJ:
perfectly fawt-ltora no g a sJs*! L?”
smaller bomber of bottle* would
•oond.bat far'the pfaru icdiaeretioiL 'Tt*
dilated the letcruhhabit, Sdaway theiittreuiat
C°»gb, potaatopto the ta&Mx&ot&StefiSt j
theiaog*,andgatethemandthoentu»«ara»««S ■
now, fortlju purpose ol beisr perfectlr satkimt '
iiih the pdrmanebey of tbe core, and now ih»* i
leclpctfccUy weif, i ofcr it wit* ni£7« J
j Dublla coillij, M.‘ • ,OU)AN
■ J ; t . .... . , ....
- CA F r,t,l,! cAinrioM •.
I 2! A i ro “.V . #in,f ' oß * preparations or Wild .L’bttry.
•acb.M Paiomvttuaa, Swap* of.!Wild Cbn/ry*
, Fills purporting to conuio WiW Cbertr, icrdtc.
, na ibej'aro alltieUf iobs a ltd coaoierfoil, and contain
i **?*« °f th® Tjrwe* ofifce ori final *ad teaeinn re*,
i. ration ts prepared b/Dr.Swtjne, aodtliafini
ever prepared in Uia country. Doctor . Swnae’a
Uompowci b/repofWlU) CHERRY tacoqSSbd
, oTtegclibl®ingredients, lb*-WildCberre.wdotb/
rro» 1U Mri n, .«3. toTttW?
! rbfcreforo.invtlH}r, inquire for Uia onnail pr »W.' :
ration, each boulaof
Ulul wrapper, with.® like Mas V***-
ffbved Ujcreon} alao bearing thft sißW^jtftWT
>' :vC
r, B4 A, M**a* Peis Qpv* ;.'. '
)Bft Of :*»VKSTtSIIie.' ,
PM ioMrlifl* of Jftliaes, or leu,.. ...jjOrii.
I lIM l .** . ' : *f : . . ■ ' tKL
Poo Wrek “ ■< Jr:,
.. —:; —j»f
;«iS4?M.WAREH(w|E.r^ ; Tio^* : ■:; *%:
1 1YUU3 Three' -,’i U -, 0 W .
“ w?ewSeSj l2£f • ia,«M~pn££uour
001-tffc -*• ‘ B,a4 *'“ «M*M‘Uoea»ieqMre for entail*,Wr. : ; *<* f 7
9“'tHlnr»,«noitb,nmeilueitplulnra, !to«‘.'
PAPJBU - ■'• < f - ■« .« 18 . " ••• • «••/ ■.'«•' w. , "50 Of -
iSef*** *aft*eptSfflJiSt-I j J^* ch «J'lilinMtlK»afßropJ!ioo!ilirt lUU>\
Kae *»«idiilßMl« J Bare f 6B»t»ih», B W, T
<*-Canw»,DaJBßoM:OraaiCmef6M4iii ti;: I ** Mi-WiKtr u vutT rArm*. *
.sSftg£^^^gSsssSs - « !
I-.-;.-. • j * j*';\j.'“-.•.eUwoalhe, .........'\&’oo \
;V M» B P 8.11 -Vf , i " “ *-i"i “ '
atxwt year l ror rultae#, or fc*i,oB« jeaertioa, ...SO fiO* ‘
d«»ei wlikhexpeiaJ “ 11 Two, .. " . 07V ;
i « •«, « /Three; «|s' £
- •.« ■< ..T«h. * ::::::::iS I
P *** v* 0 ** 1 ' o '' *«•«•* }
Li?a±Mg«?*■«?<»■.. .. ;,.
’ ‘ ' ■ . i-i l ' '.. "■• — : /■’••r.j- . .. •■'■
' '•■ l '.'■ .*■' • : ':'--'':'’;v '"'; .\- ■'
',l -M!' • ,i; •',. : |^?^*^ A !'*’>f«sSssiS
~ -mrpiCAj,
: wwjaw*x«wt#oi^ : ii»u *4* ••■,
:- ■■ ’ , rLMMu. - . ****»
1 .Vr * iij uk».i • -
■•**■ 1*? •/«««* •• iMii m
««■» b f*<nvwtt ra*M «m Uw twk «f «S*,r? * *-« $■
•UIiIKUMBt , ~ .?■“««** .
- ih* -iiS I —wuim LozEjtoia _
oat tWr mrbJo* waSETS?«» •"***«■ 4mk j»afa
iflktrt wiik Ihta. qirtara'Ztl^w*** lo *?- *** Wf »<&Ua
,wuk*t oj «*£«u ,
I,^wiK -v?*? f
'wssssssSSi gggs/-
winp, »-—»—*■- rtnmiiM,, "fo «t%fc*gmh tr Uh» -__
.tiacj4fchajgtto?tU(Bi>u4aaraij'^^r^T», i **f f**
•i «°- «Sk JtSg£igr. ■>
- *rifMAJf>a gi,*BTgn'!-^
U»wrion ofthJtsrw efr
MfaaAfar.>rtlkC .i, !3?” rt^«toimiii4
rSjfSSa *®”*^F*3[*
!l t Sccom^• BecaoaeUfa public Can lakstlUm'i.W
I,; Third, Bran.. oUheir-e, J,[«j dta,„42t ,
•f« u .aiSSsfa„S;S v -
. ■
i wi,h r^
I or.otbar ipedictum noa tA*k
*****mA*B- '
- ~ j.,
.BlUgagßi !g», ****** T*u .kjm4 -1 -
"£*bel«undgoodißaiinoaali '
wortrioldiMart.lßllSmiliOßolUiettocßßehibo** ! '
Jo o> *>'reaili;b«i’ 1
thit Ttnmif h,T<Mtin im *M Imlf niiiiji' •mihV rir~
W®tiw,biUtob»»aeeubt»,tliieu6M)T tb® . >'■'
;**aly efTOtioad . :
J4? , £)!*^3£! w,^.of W'Wifc«rfu»i*s!2«)
>t M^ , y , »P netia - ll^md«aUrttncta.bftad.
•gjßi S«vsir
Ihfc breiut, ««lc*, aluogUioi»ck *nd «pine, :
*9ftg«it»f«»ewol «m&J! puz.variiw
teroiala, erytipeiafi tad in thort the* 1 ■
SSfiS*«JSPaUdriglß iii‘ |f&J
iad iwjrtjntj bf'ih* 1, »
T c«*to■ Bos; 1 .' :.{•• A, : *
> by|4 ; WMiop»le«idß«uil b/B. A. F*Wl*ck, •
v,mJ ’
S t ll!rs'' l^", u '; SCKOtuu ' us '
,° , a l IU ‘multiplied rurua*
li2i?LSi I** 1 ** *j*! l > enlurgemeiu mij* ~
Kkeii malum. Unit, dmaua oru» Skm w Sui M
owe orJen-inherent to tbe tinman mi»in !iVm_
■ft? 1 «*ie«(W. priaerp,. c
ih^S* a b 0 e,l^ ed » b,K ir
' tow'wwwfd^-cCJ^
««Ha< follow, pooatter nader »tut tarm :
ifa‘SiffSrf ■**//?*** * Atj-tßATir* 4'*o >BI j
, is romo»|og«o*wfly uarigoul*
1 principlefrojo ,
>^vi^^* e .^ 1 * eI f e,^law their origin, by enteridjL ''
'’‘ U ‘ U “ o IVeoo.ejdd .'.
<o>DBi BnMlest fibre, rcmoviof-evenr. tejitiei*o|- »
1 V l^ •X**®I®- 1 ®-- Prepared aid •oJdetftu.''-'
1 f* 1 * ’*'** ai o«. Wo.« Fooftb rtime: .
,^?SfH^^sS t S£SSSSSU5ffi'': s
ot#«£»uil “* fifteen orurcnijr umi*i«»e*err ««»■,»•'
wusmJreJj (pimo.; Tb# nrticiM ■£*!s: V'.
iad*C«lion<Qflhe «f *1 t
- £^ a S cle P e r celY I c<J i ecd lie P«UI wa» tiereby orr 4uf ’•
ej.- HeeoaU#wdto«*e-tli« -mttlwineever» ? *****T
juii bometnaee in tbs and in *»*#£— r . ctun* j •
bekili. wms» fnrrMiored.ihjlilholodVre. » wertf
edfrom »terye enjoaai <rfoppre««i*e nain*'** ****•*-!
Muebee, ihenfinv, bo • Fittaexi.
IlJayneyCamunaiir# Balaam- **»?;, W • ■■•'.
a h 1
! ■
"■SESa^S?^S£‘ , *** B ‘- !
;Kfra#lieh•...» • vitbljmndtr,Apib> *
SSfSS.'SS’P* ■>»» *Wcrtei! ; •■./■■? w.V->
. i T*P e, W*»?yN«*UK*ifeiii&finJobyv.'.. V'j-.-.t
tavW *'. B A-FAIJrttHTUkxiO. }
■E. T is^:i. v v.v.-.1;..y; •• MfXtHfcWßWdrtHf. . »
uwoiuau »T5VSra . , WM uBC»iyE, “ t i