?s;%,’ ;? : 'i «-••v -,nv:r r 1 . . " - ' - -f. 'V -i- -• 0&- -ii. ,r.y> t-t- '■ ' :•'.' :;j?+••;■■-.■•■ v- L >tv,* 'rV.:4<-v^■.s', • -r&ly -• :■’ \ :’•- I S?. ‘*V''l v"‘'t"•'• •’■'•, .’^ 4 ‘ ’ *.V\ ' ’ : ~S,vs » - Vi •#. :i>,v.i w« Lv'cM, >\* >•.’•■ :•'■••*’ «• -•';» • •*'K < ■sail •;•»'"«'«.• •JjWirS.: . * ilMsife liiiSilS isaistli© Wi^SlS®* SilMplsl , : 1 ) m. • ► ■■ 's®ry '■■ ■■'■ -MISCELLANEOUS —* HUUEn CBBKO IL V&lTjio yi>OIP-b >okilh| lit p Iraintf&inUie - - for tkkartxt*, HbboX r«bl«dpr ip«*Uati*» Benlj on • wttehUwctoferMfpmMtandaaoaMbafcfljaadfair. fhr«tfaikSD4alMMM(nnßUMb«|inathutlweoa' • '". MBtyviiiMlbavpMaMabjßaagil. .s latMftntrfaea *» itmll.kion (bat tha n&cnE'v of link “lab” an mwaaaad of ft prae.pitat*, haU tortUxr Wr™ Ank«,»4 whaatba water, cubar fa wbofaor pvt fetvaponiad tbafna m« jneqatua an left u a m«t^m . iatb«M«r,iakfUaiwbKhccßtaiBaiC Itfaaboeaoaca • to ala afatgar to tba lax njsiqra to maka tLaera Hold. •kid. l«m»» 0« CTi.tj w« <• 11. ii. ««1 ii; . comdiag totuaa. Aowtba*>W»- . tiMnu4 K 4i&r»CreaiCb Mda, rt mf frtn bom tba pa withoat elofriag it op and nttecmmof afcwbomMcoaaadncpbtigbtblae*.' J B A Saapnou It Co. 1 Wiek and McCaadka . - W«rt lout. } Jobs hiker, . '7- Wa LippcacoUk Baa 18 Wigblaas A Co; IMbwwaMfc t.Fnac.t gallon Bofai B McTali, Boukp»r ] C A McAaaltj k. Co. 1 fat W W Wallace, J : ■ 1 1 Juaiat* EoOiog Mite, A«f 50,1847. Tteo K KUnt-Dai Sir j I han baa wing nor Wnlaf .ilcd, and find it a dnt rato truck tor tte often, it Sovi bttij uoa tte pan and bccoaco jet Maefc Iki* Mm Yomfce. fT_ T U TUTTLE. BoofcJurpw . , I (or Bit Ui It >**«*ff« ! I , ftfebafgh, Aag IS, 18(7, t&t [T K n.bhrrt—Dor Sir; Mating prmiri a bottle of year Written Flail, mu* tint* wtete ago,l coradcr itiil lyaaaalif atoaparior to ArooU *• or any otter uk aov ia aar.l k&owof. Bopcct&liy, - WILLIAM STEWaRT, Baok-ktapnr ' Sat Artbar .Nicbotea A Co j ... Fittabiugfe, Stpt Il,lj(7. Ur T I Hibtert—Dear Sin 1 aa mag yoor Chcaifal .Writlw plaid, ad find it to bn a neot itnual artieb Cur aUal paa,aaitdoaMlciag tea aplika tba ramlitp al otter it Sow* Urea and Wcco a datp biack ia ate bom. Yam, BapreuaUy. WILLIAM OAK, Baob-terpcr 1 . tor Jafan Ptrkar. PiqinJ tad fold Wbohiab and Batail bn Tlwaai I HObart, Dmerte nd CWalifj ccorr of libarty aad Sahhfldd Stroato. PittibMTVFn OettaCin OIiODfES LO KING'S tabus* tn ‘ thr diaconrie*, Bad Gtofnphieal iajooTennU; Cob* tdM fro* Eofiiji Olobt, with additions tad la»rbTCWßUbv.Anaiß& boutb. KensedbjßaawallFarfc. LOEINO'S CELESTIAL GLOBES, coaUiaisf all U* bon Rui Mbtli, tat. , Compiled t* an dw works of Wolkutoß, Flamsted. lb La Caflft. Hartlio*. Majer, Brad* • • Ur, RancMl, MaakcJjae, the tnbnetioa* of &• Aitronoo icu Soektjcf Lob Lb. 4c, d-c. S>«a Saiik’s iVcw Ea* • lish Globa. ! ' " Joßastoaft StocktoahanjuUrccaindafrwpßßr* •( la* •bon Globas, raping ia «a*,a* JbUowc 1 ' Ijair : IS taebts is ianur. ll* ';»!“• r» • | «■• ! i#/.. « “ 2 : tf nifU>ao u N dßirkMiwaitlitMdJop^ formerly of I Jso. A. Bum»'* Out. 0. Cota-*.-'* BEATTY, BROT aoral Coußlii on FOB TBS KALE A»D I OBWARDII* OF wkstvrh Produce, No. 31 Poydroa Sin •£; New Orieans. miTOr*"• * Metro Mania A; Co, Bj nkera,) Vf » :** Janet MXifejro '4Co,j w,u ’ ■ B David Wiiwß Co,Mini«a,la. ' " 'EUia&Uortbn, lanken,} ; UoaeaftFrauu JCmciacaii. /XM’Zenxie, Eto. ) H N Kearner, &q,Bancer, ZanerriUe, O. D M'Dooald k. Co, Welfrnlle.O. Seed, Paiki * Co, Bearer. Pa, i W Gill. Etq, Wbeeliis, Va. SITCIUIMsCOi tfl*tn»lLinik Pa WillMueheUree, V tMn : ! i, Bea> er fieeliof, P rTtOWNSEND'9 SARI 'At*. jut neelf ed of Dr. Toanutnd’ ■octexmoTdinarjr medicine a' **•- metiapatapiaqaantoolee 1 pleasanter, and warranted i ap ' caret diaeaee without vomui 4, debilitating the patient :■ *■ taik mafir Xmtatam*.~l opn. copied oar label*, and pat dp oedi< ' pad Hides. Bee that each bculeJ tare ofB PTewnsead. • ): R R SELLERS, Dnoiii K« 3rd aadftfc eu,l» Dr'fewa* at -reaUaceatferPitubaighjOf wt 5 !• etabeEad. | j . " DUCor(ylwebeenappcii cent bottle of •tills amp. .• j I Prepared lad Bold by K. E. SELLERS, ST Wood at, between 3rd and 4th sis. Sold byDr.Ca»sal,feh Ward; D-M Com. Allegheny Cfty. 1 de3 ' WJLAUSX&Hfifi& A lOSS, COPFINJdAWtt AND FUHNISIMNU UNDER TAKERS, earner of :Pe&4 and St. Clair Street*, ■ lymiM Hotel, eiuraoee-on Pt-nn street, jeapeettoliy iaSarn their frirnd* end tfao public, that they uo prepared to fonilafa and attend to everything to tba lute of undertaken. Alwejre on hand a Urge a*- ■anneal of ready aaJcCoftna, covered, lined and fin* ttbed in UtevcrybeK manner, all sort* and *uc* ready jaado Shrood* of flannel, Cntnbnfck anil mctlm, and all •toesmade to approved (tylea We keep a Jarre *• - aortateniof wkl*a and black, cocon, *i!k and kid Gi**e*, •able for pall bearers and mourner*, crape, cap*, coi . lan, and every thing neceanjy for dreaautg ibe dead, wtoon reasonable tens*, as wo purchase all oar good* to lb* Eaatern eiuea. Alio, stiver plate* for engraving the name and age. Webaveaiplendidnewhearseand bone*, and any comber of the beat carriage* 'Every Iking attended to promptly mod punctually, octbly • T7KOSTASLE PULMONARY BALSAM.—To V . ikjrtfritteteffluYwtith PaJmoory BaU-im;—l ■■um lVti the Vegetable Poliaontry lUlam »anJ> Mfc)> loedkine. Itbaa been Media (bi* place with cesplcU . i s saeecMiuaobatinla coßjfai&iof it* iaaga, aUradrd with t ,*»«TOa coogb, loae of *«ee,aadUie r*U«g of Bodt blood ■■ oriddi bad peeriowlj raiated mtay approved pe^erij*or- jkAer sang tbe balam ou weak ikcpeJjeal’* voice retorted, sad be me eaakkd to apeak avidity. Tkia ca»a ocranee sametiaa cum, aat UwßaaitßoW oaljr in «fw batk Üborioubasacjft. : R«f]>ectfa!lT jooii, Cowart, NiL. 4»a », 1334 • B.AiOBBILL,M D. ; Sold jsWttAßrxfcby B. A FtLusiocfc, £ Co.coreer of flntwdwwd, otocoroiith fc wood to. deCH ! A STRONG EVIDENCE *5O *UII prefer it to all £• . 1 ' ntIWT fiitiin nf thi tin it] ■nitTTlifrTtTTjT —l—TiimlrT' 1 v’ tobytferfctpaafcssr'*' < ' -4iappodat«4ta wiTuy ii aadhttorttarscdta tT •''•» rawrfr.flat fau 9 t Ritt^ramrU ? • ' Pnwticßh by, ■» .-"‘■facyby. •: . : Se&dfcwtf ~ i®™? K-usrtu, i.. Imib tfen fc Bbepat— wmau.. - iDOTIDS 4 COBBISSION (n tie old ««tnt of Sear ChcperdJ ' ■ i ' Waahrille, Teneewee, -fTyn.T. ‘gtwn pntpt and faiihfa* aileniioo to lha w. 'TV or Vrr GoodMJioceriet»aiid Merchandize |ta tußy, Thar fed prepared to attend pall lha depart . Maata of tbelr bumeai efteieatlj aod (dealing ta oo ■B*4*totheirova«eeoaai)topom*tfi. *«to »1C Aik* *jCo} J. W. Sailer fcCo, Pm*. • torch. ' / decJteto ■ oil* tnftw •■iJiiinTfiri are now prepared to foraiih their Xeaifeaer* aad the public gtneraUy, with in eitil* Je«*nlekof JL*rd U [; . ’nKIIBTWAt' Jut ftcelfei fiooT -: ft* . Philadelphia aM New York Fokin Te* Coaaaajr ■j> •■• artaelotof fleab Gieen and Blaek-Teai, comprising ? ■ am, P?3S».. ■ syk. Tomßjira, Fiaepoloofi !r kTflm 40 E».Fu»*> WnrUMfH m, .Ooknjßniotam, •• Ettratoado; fcogtiab Breakfast . Extra Pina Gnpowder, PeeJumFlowen; • Extra Flat Imperial* Haoe Flamed. i ne abere Teas base been selected with mat ear* v. w eftie best iadxtsiaiie eajt, and wilibe sold #!,«■=.» ™ b« W i. jliis , comer of third and amihicld ■» /TWAmMKJUinP-Tbisabsenbers, on the i .Ij y>a i a «L,associatedthemselves, anderthe fins of ' km * Calbefwea. in the wholesale Uroeenr and Ownl ptodace and Oomussioa bwtnesc, at No MS Übatty street, tad respectlsUr sobeu the patronage of E*pftle»d§fia the paMic la general. at it nauw iii t ‘fcpjp. 1 . ■•;• • • a CULBERTSON. T” T^T; ■. koticb. - t , T CRESS Temaxaeaury were (ruled oa tie 6u 1 eltedtoeslljuprice*and term* will bemadeliteral ' ■ V itn&»t«, Dreisin; Frame*, Loon*, Card Grinder*, Ac., Wtbcrlu lion Saa/Ung torced all tirci of Cast; Iron,-Paine* and Hang'rra.ofthe latest patient*, alide and;hand Lathea, and tool* of-*)) kiudi. j T • Canines of every description farnithediba abort no tice. Pauerot nadr 10 order fat Mill Gearing, Iron raj line. Ae. Steam Pipe for heating ‘Factories, Cun Iron .Window £a*b, and fpnej Canines reneratlT Ordersleft at the WareboitaeofJ.il’alnierACo-, Lib erty street, will have prompt attention. ; Rurutea BUckstoek, Bell A Co.. J K Moorhead A Co, GE Warner, John Irwin A Son*; Pittsbafth. 1 .C C A J H Warper; Stcabea Title.■ CO-PARTirkBSZUP'sOTICE. t* W. ifTEPIiENB of Wlieelirf. C. F. BJwnlxr* JCU» cerof Juniau and 3. A.. Stockton of Pittsburgh, h*Te uu»day entered inioc?>pamienhUi underlie nnd £na of Stephen*; Bluieal«crjei. ft. Co, nt the Anchor Ikon Work*, Wheeling lie purpose of manufacturing iron and nails of evnryddwnpuota. E. W.snrmxt, B. F Suocnnoxß, J.A. Srocxjoti. ITEPHESS, SIIOKJiBKBeEE t CO, " ANCHOR IRON WORKS' '• \Wkwi*g,Va. Manufacture all kindsof boiler, eh***, hvrtron and oail*j A O neel eliptic springs and axiest- Being con neeted with Shoenbergei’i Old Jcniata \Yerk», we can offer aa article of Juniata Iron [branded.Bhoenberger] equal to any made in the country. All cfwhich will lie •old ai the Pittsburgh price*. Wo rehouse of the Works conuruf Monroe and Water streets. * - myll Jao.Lippeacou. John D. Wick] . L.E.Mojgan LIPPENCOTT 4 CO., Manufacturer* of hammered and cast STEEL Viorels and Spade*, Axes and Hatebcis. Mill HCkrt, Circular and Gut Saw*; Hay and Maunre Fotk*, lloes,Mauoek*, Piek», Ac. At. Haring completed all their arrangements in the con* •traction of new machinery, and in securins tba best workmen from the moiteeleb ruled ertaMlshntectsof the East, an bow manafoetaruig and will keep con stantly on hahd and tor sale all the abort artie r*, hav ing availed themtolres of tbs latest impiovements, and are determined that in workmanship and material they will not be excelled. They promise to produce article*, equal, if not superior, today that can bt bad in the Kim. They invite the attention of dealer* to an examination of their stock before purchasing.elsewhere, as they art convinced thattbey willbe able to fill all orders In their line to tbeentire satisfaction of purchaser*; Warehouse, Water ft. 4 door* West Moaongatota House, Piusburgh, ,N. B. Person* having btnmess with Wn. Lippeucott A Son, Will please call on Lippencotl A Co. octOdiy NRW POCRTH STRKET BAKERTt CONFECTIONARY AND FRUIT STORE, will open on Monday, Aprufith, four doors from Wood si, and next door to A Jayne's Pekin Tea-Store. A splendid assortmenlof Fancy Cake, Uonfecuoaary, Fruit, e.frerliqnihe couniere very day; among which are the following?— ' • Mae arsons; FoandCake; LemoaßiKuit; i Pastry; bpetige do; Pepper Nuts; Jelly Cake; Alntond do; . . Molasses I*. Coke; Ginger Nuts; Wafer Jumbles; Sponge Biscuit; Federal Cake; A. P’s; Sugar do; Orders for lee. Creams, Jelly, Bndes’ Coke, Fancy Confectioaary, c., executed in a manner une qualled . in quality and beauty by any other establish ment in (his city. I’rc‘h Oread, Twist, Rusk, Ac , manufactured solely from White Wheat Flour, and free fromall drugs, every morning. • ,ap3 • ANDREWS.. r ALLEGHENY VEJUTfAN BLIND FACTORY. A. BROWS IBaiTAKEd this method to inform his friend' •ESgSP and the public at large that hla Factory ESSSB. "sjnow in foil operation, on the East 'ide of lb* Dininond, Allegheny, where a con! stant supply of Blinds, of various colors fcCaEgjA. and qualities, ore constantly kepton hand, also atNovoWoodsl,Pittsburgh,otJ.A Bmm 11. Phillip*’oil cloth waieroom. Yernnan Shatters made to order in the best style. Blinds repaired at tM (honest notice. N. B. His Blinds wilt -be pal op, without any addi tional exepnse so that : they can be removed in a mo ment in ease of fire or torwashlng, and wiihoat the aid of a crew dr e ocUdlyAwlamly I copy.. -- *-il tty, M’Keima .—*• ciacmactijO. .....2ane«vllle,U. New Orleans. ■IER&CO., /APARiLLA.—IM Saruparlila: th< .the world! This Ex lx (• six lime* cheaper (apeinor to may told. I f, porjinj, sickening « fopnnciptal pcriooa hart 'oedieine in uo noe aha lehaa the written aigna* _ A. FULTON, Bell and Brass Found £2l er, has rebuilt and commenced business at his old spud, where he will be pleased to son his old customers and friend*. Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every aixe, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from ofths most approved models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pump*, Counters, Railing, Ac. Ac. wether with every variety-efßrass Castings, if requir ed. turned and finished in the neatest manner. , Q7A. F. is the sole proprietor of lUszrr's Asti- ArrnmoK Metal, to justly celebrated for thu reduc tion of friction in muebiftery. The Boxes and Compo •■•lion can be hfld of him at aUtiroes. jcal-ly W. Wi WALLACK PITTSOURGH STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Nos. Hi and HA Übtttg rtre«,.n«r ill Canal ALWAYS on band and made toorder, a large varie ty of Marble Mantels, Pier, Centre Tables, and Bureau Tops,Tomb Stoats, Monuments. Ac.; ail which, being made of the choicest resr’- 1 ■.and-manufnrturea principally bvmachinery,w:i)t-< M lawfor cash. N. B. i‘cr*wn«-wtehing 1o v'-' '-e Moutel**,- are informed thatit i* beecefonu • sary fortbem to go East, as I can furnish .nn nrticlem ail rupeecsasgood.and(freig!>t h-« ince,Ac, consider-; ed.) as cheap as they qou them for In the Kail. Call and see. jeSS .ebad. *| ■ COPPEtt, SHEET IKON. AND TIN . WARE MANUFACTORY. No 8 Market street, Pimbergb, Pertna.- r PHE snhee fibers having made great: Improvements 1 in the construction dT their COOKING STOVES, respectfully invite person* building to rail aeil exsmine lx lore partbtu'mg.a- we can supply them with. Deck rHoves, Forges, and etery other kind ol Copper, Tin and Sheet lion work necessary in furnitb tog a Steamboat. ti • w« also make to order on the shortest notice Sal TuScs and Chamber; Copper work for Meant Engine* and every variety of work in our line. *»>» ’SHERIFF A SHIRK wa, no«DLLV A C*„ , Maimfotiiinn ol.Hlli, Boults and W. Clau, 'No..k» .WOOD STREET •iui.iw *v i/s/u os isisrii . {~kUR factories heiri*-jjcw in fnß ©peradwuVn ore ” prepared 10 execute ordets jn our line. promptly During the lasi summer jag have adopted a new plan ot flattening Windowthe mo*t approved plan now used in ice east,) by which we turn out a superior «nl c4 ■«. XI aormtni of VanetyOoods, including Otock*, Accor demu, Fm», Needle*, (inn*. Cap*, Hook* and Eyes, Catlery.and Coals of every pattern and quality.— Western Uerckast* and other* are roqaeurd io call and examine brfore purchasing elsewberr, or going East.' All kinds of (Tile. Mahogany androoDOQ Looking UU* ev'maaajhctarodand told «l Eastern prices no til COACH MAKING m ■ ’ FROM Mie very liberal eoeparage seat the subscriber has received since QORvT ha • ha* located himself in Allegheny, TOfftP*:- haa tsdaced him to take * lease, for a " of year*, on the property he o aw occupies, in Beaver street,'rannediaiely beside the PresbyterianChareh. From the loagexperieneci'n the above bamaess and a desiwt* plfeMie, he hope* to mar* it and receive a share of pablie patronage. Now on bind and fimahuig to order, Koekaway Bog* fie*, open and top Baggies, and every description of Carnage* made to order, from seventy-five •dollar*'to tUhtfaanawt [aepfrdtfl JOHN WUTH. ■ ?551*2* •■a H»i* Drosslag Saloon,. BUCMOfII FOUNTAIN. Tgmoritu Pnfamt, hart JJrfpatendand fitted esthcte- pUrinc, Hair Dnaiiar sad BhampocoiarAdoee hi lbs atAtra styU, sad «n pmwvd to «**«■ gestmnslCM.'vrfth«asr,cdadbrt ud poLteocs*. njrmmanito wali« an that *»y «*J| vit&oidthy. ? Jwalw lobdt a rrntinmnns of the wa, atm* Mm* earner efUaisa stmt aadthaßfcmad. (kwfcaf Alnwlnf Pry Qoods tors.) «9 * V *-*- -j- f •-* i' gft . ...... . .1 T\R. INOOLDSBY'S piles SjtdSe, an mtenud rtn Jj certam tao* ntdieii fu**» wlwther inUroil, tittmt htetdnig or llicdj alto, fcr'imUlioa of tbs tudnayi«nd M.rt dgyppy-M the baek'snd stds,* habitual costhoteu, crop ' ’ reaslet hetor* *nd'after eoofiao&s&t srt'ettea traublsd with constipation of Lb* bowels oreotlimca, ** well «* the PUes. 4flall roeh macs th« Speeifiresabc taken with per- Mctsafay, asd L a eirrtala rnacdy. Ths Bpceifie-it eotr pftjat rre, asd Is *a entirely Verctsbk remedy without a per t»efc or gamboge; coloeyaca or aloes plmsnt to take and paa; fseliy bannlo* u U>« mostdelkala eaica. Thuislo certify that I know Dr. InguMiby’s pa« Spwifi ; U) be s certain cure and «1« remedy. Having seen its efieei m wienl eases,saongit ay Aaily conac tio&s, in Mvenl con * firmed and severe cate* of the piles, where it made an entire cure tnewry ease. HENRY-WHITEHEAD. J ?? DU Sixth street. . f cheerfully gntemr testimony u to lb* certain and arton Mhmg effect* oT Dr. Ihgoldiiwf. Piles Specific, as 1 know it from my own experience and observation, to be infallible* having teen it tued with»ureas in several cues of calcs. male :, - OEO. UllXre New York, May, 1845. 364 Stub street i LADIES'CERTIFICATES ... - , , New York, May, ISIS. Mr. Beals—Dear Sir;— l have the pleasure to or, that c “-‘“m. p*. I«s4w>J’. fik. Swdfi., Au l toT. bra ’urprmdu m ta preuble toeure her. However, Inn now testify urth*med tow! as being mfallible, and do advise all others; who are »f. Dieted m the like manner, to procure the artiek,'a* iher mar depend on a certam cure ’ 1 1 : Yonrs with respect. r> , ,; V West chester, N. May 15,1846. Dr. Ingoldiby—Dear. Bin—That you may benefit others ’T to l CM r be suftrtng, as well as to express my gratitude for ins benefit I hare derived from the use of your valutblrSpe eifie, l eomply With yoar request, and now Jo give jof trsti *? o# l.} a having been cured of a severe attack o! lh« riles after; haring used other remedies without loerest. ; I . Yours with rerpeet. 1 Soldwholemlr and retail by WM. JACKBON, at Jtis Pat ent Medicine Warehouse, and Boot and Shoe 8 Lore /.Vo. ft) Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Price, 5.1 rests ' [ y*h 14—dly UAZZAJH'S PATENT BEOSTKADw THIS iYs Plui Dims improvement ha* now been In nso about two years, and wliiircrst it is knowp, preferred tonll othrr Bcud*ieads. * For cheapness, ntrength and convenience it has not and ratuurl be equalled, ua it is denaedly the best, ebeapestojid most convenient Bedstead in use, and per fectly proof against Bugs. The principal Cabinet makers anti Turners in Alle gheny cuv and is Pittsburgh, have secured Rights to manofnctuieafid sell the article. As there nrespunou* article* ami imperfect Imitation* In the market, purclm sere would do well to examine the cast iron plates on which in the genuine article the name of the patentee. K. F.lisxxasi.isiflvorUbly cast. As a proof of ail th <\ is claimed forGaMant’s Bedsteads, the following certiG cste from Cabinet maker swell known in Pittsburgh aud the West, ta submitted to the public: We, the subscribers, practical cabinet makers nnd Bedstead maniilnetitrerr ol the cities of Piuriiarch and Allegheny, PA, do hertfty certify that we have bought tlie right to manufacture bed«eod» with Gauam's Pat ent Fastenings, and consider ike same superior to any fasteoian-wiih which we are acquainted. James Lemon John A 1 Hirer* T U Young AG Robert Foirman J R Hartley James U Burr John Liggett, Jr. Jos. Lowry A'Bon ' Lowric a nrhin Riddle A Brennan 1 Thomas Farley • Ramsey A MHdlelland Davjd Lukcr 'Moses Ballaek ■ Hugh %Vnllaco Roberts A Kane , J Mayen Jat W Woodwcll ,• 'J NeettaiiM George Snyder ( Wn ilhslett „ J McMasters ACo Alexander Lawson Far Rights to make and sail the above Redstea apply to EBENEZEU F UAZEAM, _oe® ; • Pueatei A 1 Challenge to the World* T WtNXY'FIVK DOLLARS will tie paid to any one who will produce a spot of pamt, green or dry. that cannot be [attracted wiin HoitVlmproved Chemical Soap. 1 bare the satisfaction of saying 10 me people 01 this place, Unit this article,-by tny own improvement on it, bow nalids unrivalled m Chi; country lor extracting greoie, tori pitch, oil, paint, or any other greasy sub fiance, tio(n all kinds ofgenlierarn'a or ladies’clothing, carpet*. table cloths, merino shawls, ladies’ bonnet*, &e. witboqt injuring anything that pure water will not injure. More .than ouo t&otrtand persons in different parts of the country have told me they would not tie without it,;if it cost one dollar per cake. In trying this Saap on more than 300 aniclcs-oflgbt silks, satins, al pttecas.tmd calicoes, 1 have only found three pieces ot -ilk. two lofr.lpaera, and four'of caliro,on which it changed the rotor; Qierefon'~l;eiure Putting n on u light dress try a nmple of tlrt dress first. I state this Kcausd 1 am determined not to'recoarocaditany stronger ihant 1 know to lie strictly true N niton. i’ncr, Id} CM per cake. Sold, wholesale aud retail by 1 R E SJtLIJvRS. decdl . . 57 wood si Ciefal aad Orhsmeßtal Gifts. J 1 A FINK assortment of tone/ articles, among which ore— i Handsome Crochet Bags, with and without eiaspi; Me-'l Bead and French silk Lag*; l?ilkrpup«s osw vtj Ue; Ivory tablets neu’ri memoranda. Enamelled ana ivory i uper cutlers; Napoleon and portable inks; Cigar can:*, with [comb aud glass and memorandum Book; Toothpicks; plain eigar-eoscs; I‘on’oltoi;pocket books; PapL-ldfe?; needle bcok«; Fancy bcxe'fc-Bcrlin irou basket?; Wiliiw basttfi*, 4c. teu. Now open and for tele KUKAVON 63 market street n-»hr. u ,. i. Ve&re—made on the omit approved Rariem plana— and moat fsihronahle Eaairtnpaiirrn* acri colon. Ai*o TJll> CIIKaP ROLL, or BOS Tor* BLIND, on hand or made in order of all *ttea. and at nil pricer. Country Merchant* and other* are invued to pall and exratiue the above tor themselves, or all will be sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction mode to whole**!* pareh*«erv aultlly A ’A KSTItIVKf.T CIUCCLAR. \V*(minaTi's. O. C„ Dec. cik, lfc47. Ouar D. Thompson.E*q , Pittsburgh, Pa. — SUi. I have iead yoar a.ivc.rtu*eweai in one of the fituburgh papers with not a linle surprise .1 hod luu*.you have copied my bonne** Circular enure, sod appropriated tr t> yourwif 1 will lake ibe liberty to initmc jo* that my harness Cirrular j» my own com poMiion and is nol common property. Isbad not wit* i egjy consent to be placed in a p"*innn that will iuduse psiwoa who do not know me to »aopo*e ilist I am not eapatileof myown bnrinp** card; or ifast l am capable of yniferinj und sppropria'ing llm rsrti of atrolber to ny own o*r. I am; ond»r die nr ee*iity of noticing and exposing )oarplagiarism in this manacr 35 C itOBUIN* • Apnmry for Patents, Washington, f. C, newspapers t k »t ha«e |ml-lxshcd Ttnwi’p son's n«Jverti*r;n*eiili will plense insejt ihc sbnvc. Or. 11 if Tj f tir^T.vT./CK>'VS't r O"!uJnFc. W ix.ugti lx*lLii«am, bas.tt great ndvaniage over many other t’eueh preparations, a« it* plea*inl U«e pennt'a it to n«- m* F without inronrrnimce.. But i s value a* a Bnl.am. co»ii»l« in the apeedint:** of its eore. We have known some of the nwstdcepeiatn cough*, some of wr.ich h-id been running op lor a coastilcrablc length of L-ioc, yield ain-bat immediately to n* power. 11l nch weather at we have bad during the past wsnier every one is liable to take cold, uules* great pre caution* arc u*rd. Wet fi.-ct andondueexporare to the iaelemrncy of ihr weiliher ofieit lays the lounilstion of a hooking rougti wli eft need* i quick remedy to prevent ser «>u« result* We have nuiueniu*t;ritifieme*of curts which it hs* penurtned, many of whieh are fiont person* m tin* city and ! Uir nrghlmrbooil, ami they are a euCGciem telet enci witnrut saying snmher word ni in favor. i*reparcd ami lor »n!e whoiesaio and .retail 1-v B A FAU.\KHI*t)CK A COjCOiucr of Wood and Ist nnd WoM and Ctlt ats. ’ OclQ OHLLERS’ IMi'EItSAL (X>UGII SYRUP—From W O K Boden. E*ij, Clerk of the Couil of quaticr sion«of Beantrcounty Mr. R. K. Scttais—*iit .“ome time- tn Hie winter my who was affilned witb a »evcre a/td disireiaing rough, and Scaring of your tnvuluahie Cough Svrbp, ipurcli*- «H-d a bottle from » T/Tfim'dc, Esq ,in Undgewaiur. *nd after taking a portion of ittwoortnree evrumßsot; poirg in lied, slip (band .umtetliaic relief; ** olso seveial friend*ba*ebeenrel.cvedtnseverccase*. I umthcrc fore satisfied that u i« a safe and valuatile medicine, end would recnuiroeiid it to those who may be utflicu d with severe cuuriis'android*. 'V. li. Bcroxn. .filarrb».lSl . , , , The riyrop is put up in 25 rent bottles, so that it may be tooglit by the poor as well a* tbe rich "Prepared and sold by K E BKLI.EKS 57 wnnl free ajsol for sale by Dr, Canal, fill) ward, and D. fit. Curry, Allegheny city. I|YU BEACiPS UNIVERSAL EXPANSIVE Bill I.LER —litis labor saving Machine, wa* S’ateutcil April lStr, lf-M, which in view of it* gronl durability, ctieup ncjsiand cflictercy, lis aimpliriiy of constntciio.t ( and the cose and facility w ib which it is used by either Hoys or adults; Is inevitably ticsiincd to ntpcif rdo all rfiirfCim Plicltcrs for general use. It m tact *>i|>plirt it desideratum which hns long been wanted umiur.hO’Jt liie Western States, for while it costs lesslbnnou--Lr.nth of die piiec of the rotary shcller«,onr. person cm shell com [with tt,n* fa*t a* with any. For sale at tin: f*ecd SHorrt. corner of Wood and Olh sts. • octiS BN WICKKIIHUAM | NOTICK. APPLICATION will tm ttade u> Jhr Pre»id<-nt- Man# s*•' *nd Compuiy, for etc*'- ■» bruise ovjr ih< il fait »nd Comnuiy, for erecting a bridge ovjr .. River MonoiijaJicia oj>po«iin Piuibßr#h.in ibc eouniy o Allegheny, for iho renewal of ihic« certi&tniei, No* 117. liO, IV9, in «be oa»c of John Hunter,each far twt • hereof nock in »aid Company. bait! eertificaie* bC' titj l«Mtor mulaul. KICIIAKU FLOV I) Attorney fur the Flxceutora of John Hunter, titc’d del 5 _ . . . - rpHK MAGIC EQABIVE BOAP-lor rcrao X v|ngGtet*e rjiott, Stains,or .Mark* from Clothe*. Woollen*,Carpels, 4c., Ac.. ami.reudcring the »pot» where Ui* applied elear, bright, new, and ipotle**.. Sfoid with foil direction* Price US cent* a rake, rrysotd by WM. JACKSON, to Liberty street, head Wjjid.mm* Hoot and-Shoe unre. «i«n of the Hi* NOTICK. rpilfe Stockholder* of the Farmer*’ Pepo*n Bankbf X Pittsburgh, intend making application to the next Legislator*. lor euch alteration of their Charter •* Y ,n give them Banking privilege*, or it deemed expedient, aritl ask to be incorporated a* a new Bank.* rffy order of board Director*. teSWawtun THOMPSON RKI.L. Cq.liier. FHILADA. ADVERTISEMENTS DERRY & NICKERSON, Manufacturer* of AWNINGS, SACKING BOTTO3IS, WAGON COVERS AND GRAIN DAGS or ALL DF.JCKIPTIOPS No. 38ft Sonth Front Street, Bath,of IA. Wfikon’a Cabinet Ware Manufy A, , PIIIIiADJCLPUIA; LL order* left with 8; H. Moon, at the odic« of the Merchant’* Hotel, Pittsburgh, will he promptly anem.rd to. THUS. »erU*:f would.rerpreifutly invite Lailieann.t r (l Gentlemen about vieitiitff Philadelphia,aoO in want of frASCY FURB,»oeher.duff*. Itoaa,Tipp.i*. *e » five ai acall before pßrcbadnff «UcwJi<*r*,os thevwill find it to their ttdranuffeahd no wineke. AH orders received thoil be faithfully mt-nded to at No S 3 North Third «, above Arch, Philadelphia. • j • • i • •' f- • JAMESBXJSgy ■ jO^BaflddKoliMtlwayiOQbaaA, ~ MEDTCATT UR. TOWBSEND’S SARSAPARILLA . Hast cxlruordinary ilcdiun e in Thi* «*mn I. put up tu ftuurt bolt!*.: u u *ti luBofehoo «, fltaanter, via warranted superior to u . told, I. eu A, umm without voaiitiag, purgiim t »iehM»«r 4* bilitaliug Ukiv .. (.t. ' i GREAT SPRLVti AM) JsUAISER BEMCISR . tl T i* superiorityof ihb&imi.iiiuovtr Ollothei Mtthooo u, whlLtit Radial*. 4>mm iilhvtwr ►‘".“f Body. It iv cot of ih« very bctl 81'KIN’G A-Vi) 3bMAuneued bj ooofetr AledKise. And a UiU lie.the good wcrctofiu wonderful h " 1* farmed »'**»» the pvt two wt more tluo cum of ixrrra Qua of Dbevc; aifeJifiuA) of thrM were considered incurable. More lhao 3,WU cam of Chronic UlKusutiim: ffAKicaes of Dy.prpiia; Aftfcvc. of General Debility and Want*of Energy: 7,01X1 cue. of didercot Female Comtilainti, 11,140 end of Scrofula; Ifi&j cam of the Liter Complaint; 2,Mk> met of Diicax of the Kiducy aitd-Dropiy .. «J,KU cue. of CoUMimjitiun, . And I'liQUmultof caK.ofi)itcue ofthe DlooJ|>u;tj!ctr», Rrj.ipclu. Sail tlheum, rimple.outhe Face, X' , it*. To pt the: with tiunierou* jnne* of diet Hcadache/l'ala in the udeauo Spun! /(tfci'iioiu, Ac., to e. Thu, We « a»arc, watt apjicar incredible, bnl we hate letter* troin ptiy.icon, find our agent. frum all ol ihe United Slate*, informing u* of tiirauriliuary cum it. Van' liufeilk, Ewj. one of the ramt rrvjicrtablr dcagguti in New ark, J.,luform. ut tbio he cau icfct to tno,« than lU> ca ki in tk.i place alone, 'lbere an Lbotaantli of cue in the City or New. Turk, whieh we will refer U» will, pleuure. and to men of character. It ii the belt medicine for die i'icttnUieofdiMam kadwn. It undoubtedly *a»rd llielirr, of more than Lmunxx the Parc Season I' : A. it mooted the catuc of dueaie, and pt etwml them fo fee Summer moa. ( ■ l \ UniTEo .State. O/ncsa. i Carr.U. W.Mctiuux.or tji* UamtoSTaTaslNavr, and member of the New Jency LrgiaUlure, bu hinnly uuc u» the following certificate. ltlelia it.ows tlury. I I tt*iiw*T, Jau. £}, fell. K j or line. I m taken with the Indue nts, and my Whole it >lem left in.a debilitated .tala, i wa* induced to try Ur. T •wrueod’. Sanaparilla, and niter taking tw» or three bot lld», I wi tery much relieved, and attribute it entirely to the •aid SampanlU. I hare continued taking it, and had that mpruTe erery day/*" i btlwte it nted my life, and would m t £« without it under any aanudtratiuu. O. W.KcLrvt.lau U. 3. N. ScxnrcLA Cnib I Thi. certificate eouelcuirely prove. (Eat thi* garmtwnlla hi.perfect control oitr the mutt obstinate ducue of the' b ml. Three penett. cured in out hoiuc i. uopfectileaitd. Tout Child&ut. lb. Towsikd—Drat Sir: J Lave the plevore to inform y ju that three of ray children liave been cured of the Scro- I L by the iue of jour excellent medicine. They trera t JLkted very mereiy with bad wrui hare only taken lour UiUlet ; ll took (ham away, Ue wtudi 1 feel tayaeirsider deep obligation. Yoara, rupaclfally, Uaao \V. Ctau, IUS WooUr lU . New York, Mmh l, IMI. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Townmid’i Saraparilla i. a and tpeedy cure lor incipient CamuiaptMß, Darrennru, Leucorrti,or ' Fhite«, ohelructcd or dUhcolt filenitruatioa, lncontinueace df Untie, or uroluntary diKharge thereof, and for the cen tral prostration of the eysttm—no matter Whether the mull of inherent caun or eaves, ]ug time prt- If this will be of any temee to you or any on* who doubu the roectm of the medicine, run are entirely welcome to It, , i 1 isboeriba tayvclf your mast obedient and obliged r'root} \ 3 U JaJVm ix. ■ i TO MOTRIUtS AND MARJIIEIJ LADIES. | Tbu Extract of £amiarilla io. been exprewly prepared la reference to female rotuplaiau. No female who ha. rea L> .gpjioer fee i>approachm." that critical peried, “ Tht tMrn of i>w whn nrr eppnaichiiig womanhood, uit i. cL’eutitrd to s.mt naiurr by uuickriiiiig JbebU-d end for allvi the dc.xmie diKme. to which wumen ar* mbjuct. ' Iv brace* the whole lyiUm. rentwi periuantnlly the natu ral eo.rti»— by icaotiiig the iapuntie. of the body—no*. w> fer . i aulatiug lhe u to produce a .übwijueat rx- Ltation, which u the ca*e of mewt medicinra takes for araknoaaud disease \ READ THIS. -* i: J"|,u who hare pale complexion*, dull eyes hlotchc o*a th* larelroi:gli .(itu, ot frecltlo. and are ••but of tTUiiti.’ : tv'? a lot lie or two «,1 llr Towuxud’. .‘•armivrilla. It will H'Uih yi>ur Lined, rtmOT* the Ireckle. and blotch'*, and gi\r you unuuaUoo. <)«rklu.g eye., line .ptriti, and Leuutiful eotspleclioa—all of which are of tiamcuc ralue to unmar ried ladiea. '• DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine ha* ever been ducoTered which to nearly mcmblr* the gvtie juiee or mlina in desompainc font and ttrengthemug the organ. of digestion, u uU p;rr»». ration of fiaiMparilla. * Haas Uaramtarr. Albane.Ma* If*, IHV l*r TownstH-A.: Bir—l Imee h-rn li>r lexrat year, with d) *{■*;•,.* mil* I.. m», oU.ati.d tie** of sUnnacb. W of fcf.jwti'e, eitremc brartburmaod a great aveiwiKi to 4l kitidi til f>od, and fo; week, (what 1 could eat,) f hare Uec un.ble (o retain b>>t a wall pertion ou my stomach. 1 tried the usual remedies, but thev had (ml no effect in removing the compUmt. Iwv in dured, abi'UMwo inuoths sioe-.v to try jour Ettract of dam- l roo>l u; w ith littU cutUsdeiice, but after using utarli two Lotties. I found my amwlita restored, and Ike heartburn entire)) r.mwred. aud 1 would carnesUy recoa mend the urn of it to thioe who hare been aJlticlcd u 1 kart been. Yours, if-e., IV. W. V*x Eaxdt. No* 21; IMO SUlen LW-ic. ! >. Al-MObT A MIRACLE LlLad the following, Uid doubt if yuu ran, that mwap- I'wucuot Lccaied. 1 his it only one ofthe seicral hundred miws that Towuteud’s Sarraptn U hw cured : fr Tbicavix-'f —Urur Kuiaptiuu 1 raised Lige *usn tiutiof bad mallei, ha I uight su«*lj, and Mnking very £*srt' mpdoctiirsnid-he rouid do triij.m; for me. 1 weal into the hospital ui hope of being UroeClteil, but ni prououtwed there as lueurible. 1 euuie greatly di*tm*ed at the lung* aiid rouid hardly breathe ; l woo becunt emaciated, and rtprtled to die. was confined l«i my bed, and an obliged to hair wailter* tudecd I caunut give )ou any descriptions thal would do justice to my cave l isas supposed by my. friends to be pvt recovery ; 1 had trird • great number of remedies, and nil be to no puipote. 1 readVif some most rx tiOurdinary cur*, jwrfofuied by jour medicine, aud to leh v;uj the truth, I tiMprcted Oitre Wit tame humbug in them, Liu. lin induced to try it, I did so, and am very thaniful I did. L ran nut say thtt I *tn entirely well, but am to for recover'd v tube about iny businew, and hope to he entire ly welt iu a few wiiks. i*ly cough aud pain m the side, aud night swrat* hare foil me, aitiTr*i«c but rery Inti- and .ui fe>t ga'Diag my usual strength, i felt it a duty k/rivr yuu a sUictnanl of my case, to publish if you phase.. friaa liauwa, 47 Lml. tt, llrooklyn. Opinions of Physicians* Dr Towubesd it elnwit daily rcctuing order* from phy' iiciaoi iu different paite of the Union. r ” Tiiitii to certify that »t, the’ uudenigned, I'hyiieiatu 'ol Ibe City of Albany, hart in numeroui caeca prtjcribed Ur. Towneend'e 2iai>4jMrillj, ( ead belierr ii lube one of (h« a»rtl valuable |>re paretic ue of Int Samsor-ib in li>« market. 111' t’t'uxn, a d J WmM a o, U B b, Albany,/ipril), IMS. P K£uudoiu.vd. . Tliii ii to pyrtity that we, the uudemgned, preclieug Thcmeoniaa I'bjetciani of the Giy of Albany. hate frecittnt y prescribed UrTowtuend’t Compound Kitnrl of aim ardta, uni from it* known igoaliUei, would re-ommeaiT jid lie public l or mercurial, Krofulout, uni olbere ulaoeixi* ay euce, io preference to any of tie advertised retnedici-iuoßl* m*. A VV lUrcaiLL, t r, Albany April 2, 1&+1. Wa Ii Sr*»Tu», t r. PrincipaloSce, 126 Fulton it, Buu Building, S Y; Red* diug tr Co Slate it iloatoo; Ur UjoU tSooaTlt! ffortlt Sec ond it Philadelphia; 8 S Harm, drurgiil, Baltimore; and by principal druggiil* generally throughout the United Bi«u. Iftil Indio and the Canada.* •None genuine-unlo* pulup in the Urge v-pitre bottle*, which coutaiu a Start etid *l?ntd with the written •irmiluia of S I’ TOWftekND.afidUiaamc blown on the UUt*. Kivm Uw New York Daily Eipreta of April 9,1:417 A pretty thing apjicand in the lUeel* jolrrday. It.wa* tl»e admitting cab, or SamparilU fcepren of Dr Townteud. The wlxilrtbmg 1* gnt tip in good totes eouie of the orisa mental landscape painuugiare beautiful, which, together with the wrull work, in euld. gliitcoinr in tueum, made a ilww rarely equalled m l!roadway We Uke-lhi* opportunity, to l*y vrleljeve lh» rifraetjof the h'amjarilU detenu (he verylgreat popularity Ithai acquired. fifervou* Debility, N«w YoBl f M*reb27,l&t7' Dr. Towtu*o<3:~l hxv* b**n articled mors or lt»s for 3 f »*r», with a dreadful sinking in the cheat, giddiness it) the head, lull of appetite, fain iu the limbs, and ucntnd deliililv, brought uo uo doubt by the cootinunj heat and cold to which I tin mj bject to in uiy buiiocai u a dyer. | lure Ulceu oilier mrdtciwi, too numerous to wen lino, but witliliUlcorßosuc eew. I wa» induced by what I saw io the paper to |ry» bottle of your Samparilht, from which 1 found great relief | hate tinea taken acreral bore bottles, aud I can unUssililiofly UT it ii.lhe bail, medicine I iiarc rrtr taken-lke Mtn in m» chut it gene, and I frelquite adiflcrtnlman altogether siucs I h*»e taken your Sarsaparilla. I hare now a better appetite than ercrilud .My wife las taken it with the same batitfi. ehi result* 1 would rtcommeud it at a family medieiue Suerall), aud J feel eimrruerd Uiat ifaouscdthere would hot half the sickness there is, and eouseqaeullr not so man? Doctor’s bills;-tor while it restores appetite, n »Uo K |Vn tii the stomach aud bowel, their regular tunes it keen the blood in a hsalUiy slate, so Uat disrate is not solikely to attack llie system And to all Ihtav who are not in ahesUhvalat* Inr - try Dr Townand's Sarsaparilla. . Tii asi Hwitii, 7J Aliens!. C«nk«rtn ihe iilotstta. I Below is an account of another child need. Dr Townsend's SernmrilU bu send the lives of tboiuaads of children The following certificate is selected from a great number receised this week. j. N*w Yon*. AitUS, IBIT Dr Townsend: Dear sir:—One of my children was rer> sick with the Cancer in ths mouth and throat, attended vrtlfi great debility. tlcaaie oeardyiog; I obtained some of rour cseelleul ineaieiae, and iteured it directly, for whieh I hui assure you I led tery grateful, Yours respcctfull. II Eutaarm FowLablWDesbrossiiall Far sate by tt K &KI.LEILS Druggist, N 057 Woral kt between 3d and 4th sis, whu las been autu.intrd br D TOWNSKMD sole Agent for Allegheny co. JrOd^wJyFf lidibaod's Celebrateit Fluid JHognesirr.a - THUS it a mild sefeand elepnt anli acid and aperient- be ing a jwrfeel solutioa of chrtmeally pure earbonate of Magnesia; pawnee* all the medical qualities of the finest p/r. pa rations ol Magnesia, without being liablo to £m» concre tions in tlie bowtl*.or tu act injur iood* upon llie coetsof the stomach On* table spoonful of the Fluid Magnesia isenuir alert in strength la halfatraspoonfol of Magoeria. • : Foi sale by II A KaJISEsTOCK k CO, corner Ist antL IFom and all Dr. Specirie. fpuHjstarcMity ll.nl, bjuakuigotie vial of Doctor J. MrLnnr • VVonn Specinc, a child of James HbaVs posted upwaid" uf 7t» worms, and by the use of said medicine n cl,;hl of my own passed 14 large worm*:—. it is truly the most surprising worm medicine I ever seen. 1 must have two more vislj. , WrdtilLUORR _ Wilkin* Townshia" . For aaic by J KIDD Jt Co, No 60 Wood lUeet, But* GOOD& Oentinnta’i tarßtiktu Boodx. Hfo K-Te/UD feifottay direct from . the maoiuacUrerLaudnflerforasleai'New York price*— ' : l I • : . i efe»e of thoia Rxira. EspcrSne shins msnfacured cjntoal/ for. our ptra sales [and warranted xrctl . 'i 1 c a*e of Saxony and Merino oodef Shins, wrappers and Drawers, some'very Sae. i I case Bosom, and Collar*, iaelodiha Col lar* anached- [. -i" . i case pafeDtxwiveUoint Ssspenduvuwitb otherGooda tooniimcroos io oeat.oa, incladuie blk and fonev v adjourn? Stocks - | •• \ . - Satin'tow ondsptais SaiinSiocki. , Bombasine tow and plain Bombaztas Stocks. Silk adrt Satm Ties, rich «tlk and satin Cravats, wife one ease of lour priced Shirts whieh wo are stint in quality have never beet} sarpitied | in wiee inlhischy \V e inicml to clow the ahor« Goods off by fee package and would call the attention of i’urcht*er* to oar stock of Good., knowing that low prices!will insure them a ipeedysale. .[. fl&KTOiuy _£6wood_st, cp Hairs, 2doon below 3d at AVhbleMfc'Dry QfibdjT; —: Novv opening at fee Wholesale Dry Goods Rooms street,tid stnty, iuo pc, of AlpaccasSO pel hnglnh Mcruini,.-* eves of OtrrDn Plaids and Cash* uicfc., IU pcs French llioadeJotMl pcs fancy ca‘*l mcrc, 5 c s*«;* bale. red r whtic and yellow dtnnel., SUU pci blankdl*..ncw siylcsealiMmsdomesUo dtngbams, gluves and hoxicn*, together with a general us-onmemof giiods. Merchanta are tavitedto examiuo our stock, as we are confident it will favorably compare wife Kattcin siockH.in styles and prices. " j A A MASON ft CO No 27* .Market street. Philadelphia ' TAAFFE &. OH3ONNOR OorFann end Wayne sis, Pitssbnrgh O'CONNOR & Co, North street, Baltimore' / . W* J T TAPSCOTT, 75South st, N. Y. $ A * CflU Encouraged by inetparcd business lha Proprietors here added totheir stock and extended their arrange menu during the winter, .and ere now : prepared to for ward freie.it with reenlarity and dispatch unsurpassed by any other line, Their long experience as carriers, ihepalpablesapcriomyofthe Portabia Boat System, and the great capacity and coDvemrpce of the ware-, faoases at each end or the line, are peculiarly calcula ted tu enable the proprietors to fulfit their engagements ,— - and accommodate their customers—confideuUyoffgnng , , s *w Arrlvsi. . :be past as a guaranty tbrihefaturethey respectfoUy or' s-, .A. w^ #18, ' cc ourfallatoikof INDIA eoitcuacontmoanceof taaipatrooago whiehUiey now aLßLtKKt.oODS.pomprumgth* following kinds: gratefully acknowledge. • - India Rubhrr, overcoat*, seek overcoats, short • All consignments to Taaffe ACContjor srill be recHl overcoats, ca*cs wt input sleeves, capes with sleeves, and forwarded. Steamboat chargoasohtd and Bills of ponchos leggings, hats, camp blankets, horse covers wut'miucd frie of any Commission, travelling bag*, saddle hues, gun covers provision bags, advancing or storage. Having notttarcst directly or •liani boat buckets, oir 'piliows, air cushions, air beds, indirectly m steamboats, ihe-iuterest of the coMitaot* bag racks, lor the ladles, and eautines; all of which Wc m “* necessanljr be their primary oojeci in snipping have a comp cte artomu-nt that wo offer wholesale or "eiuand they pledge theawelvea to forward all'good* retail on teelowestposa ble lerras, at our India Rubber consigned to them promptly andoti the most advanta- wood street. gcous terms.to the owners. nf3< i A TIPHILLIPS MarchM&l7. ; - mtfe_ EJT 7 B » TWKEDS.AeTw U AIUK p 1 H\ invite. «hc aucntion of dealer* and others to hi.excell.m assortmeotof above goods, In his who!e- ; fecludinc- UP ‘ Uura ’*“ ! we,! “ ,n fee retail department, i.'ark mix’d Sulinctis; \ Blu* nml black dtj; 1 Inrisihle grct*n dd; ! Saiiii ‘iripctl blk . Goid’mix'd Jranrj'Uoe mix'd Jeans: Gold mix’d £ weeds i All of wl ich will be sold low by fee piece or yard; al i*», on hand. Cloth for cloaks, and burred Pelisre do. for . IL- ' dclo mtSNCII TV] L'* T-~ .JRKEUUI BUAWI4S —We L ba ,T- c i nst u rec ? lv f d Marßeaddiiional supply of extra I rencb . turkern abftwU.'a«< iheAo good* are very scarce, we. would rcspectfullv iuviio Use ladiei.» call ami examine our block, as we are relling them very ! T> ' ALEXANDER** DAY ° . ,nr L> «S market st, MW cor diamond J w C^l^liD^ Ex P te *. , . a,isEl,^Lo « hIN - , ? NewFa,lc J rß«re.l>7Markeicreel— fl dox Cord* acd Tm«U, for Ladiea’Cldak* • “ Gent*’ : - *» C pcs tcarlel Silk Fringe, SJ iacli wide: '■i •* blue “ t. u , , l inch a 1*135 nMoniwmof other eoMr*. tKCKIVE i>—'h yA [J ame*. C« ’ * K *> EorlUh Drab Cloth; [ Do ,*>, .do ! Pearl Drab Cloth; forOTer.bn "W ami uckcnatr, which will be made u> order at Uio •horte*i notice ami most ren*onnblt> terma by L ANCKER&MaYKR _“®" 79 wood at, a doom above 4ih U pre»» a very hamUomo Jot Ladies’ Dtou Good*,’ confuting of— scrcr eoibmldcred Giahmere Robe*: Do Uroofcde merino do: : Fine plain CushtnercrjabeaotitnJ article: . • Gain ami Cashmere paid*. ..I ALEXANDER 4 DAY ‘it cor of the diamond C«’« ijprc**—- I^LAKSKLS—Hed Brown aiidTbaircd Fiannt , An aadftuirulcupply received from die tmnufnc torcre. Aiko, a few pieces low priced Cowmens; for iitXJ COCHKAN -SijjlA - SAwnwl si ea#e ? *upcrtme aud rccuium, oiael Uand colored English 3ileita*,juM received direct from ImP'.rWMVr ' SIiAChLETTk WHITE -igig-l- * 11 " ■ » wand it-' 1 Al fJftMa— groat figured mohair and oik ore U coat Dicdlng.juit ree’d by Greece A Co’sEnrc* iu J} days from Philadelphia*: or tale hy , SIIaCKLEIT k. WHITE delB i Mwpodtt R FLASSELH I FLASHKbB 11 LD,.white and yellow flannel*; *l*o, a large lot of heavy (willed flannels, just rec’d; for*ale very cheap. . „ ; ALHXANDEBItUAV **’• 73 market «i. W;VV «»<\r dimvH»n«t MEDICAL. TRIUMPHANT SUCCKB9. Consumptives, rtt/turfber that it ia Thompson** Compound Syrup pf Tar and Wood Jfap-, tha which it daily effecting such re markablk curei in i* PULMOWAitYij CONSUMPTION!!! Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting v( B>ood, Pain ia the Bide and Ortut, &on Thrtoi, U<- - -vtu, Palpitation of the Heart, V\ hooping Cm > h, Croup, Hires, Nemos ircsppv. -iter Complaint sol Diseased Kutoryt, ete. ' ’T ’I! KR Eb’O PE, bewu total i spurious njttacs of Tar on JL Na|dbau iatatioasairt abroad M, 8, {’. 1 Itonsm—Dear S.r—j he utniilihg beaelt 1 bate experienced Cron the use of )w'Comad Byrvpof lar and Naptha reader* it my doty to in fora }ou of ft 1 lia>l beta long afflicted with* viry bad eougb.es xsing severe )uia iu the brxivt, with gnat oppression, difdcully el breath* wr and loss of appetite. 'Us.ug various remedies wiitout efleet. I became aUrmrd, Jbvanl of your mediciae. hut -he* teg arerve to using most hJvtrtKd medicine*. I thought 1 would ailhrtt to what l.had hern using. Pisdiag myself gening worse a Irieud |«r*lmded me to t*y n boUSe of jour , preparation, ujinr • Wotted hit life to its virtues ” I ita uedulciy [■rocuml abottle aad commenced using it. and l>e lore I had Uhut two bottles, i was comple.ely restored to bralth. || .• Bolely-fitr the' beocfll «f other* I a vie the abotc brief statement. Any furtherinquiries can be madent ay rest deoce, 113 Calltar.ti* sJrtctl Krsprctfuiiy your*, i Fiancis PurOH. Httii'another Remarkable Curs. 1 >' Carlisle, Fa, Nor. SO. IMS, About sit years since, ia cue sequence of the sedentary tu’ure of lay hutium, 1 was attacked with, sstere j*ui* tu th..- breast. j-alpiuiiou of the heart and sbortneM of breath, which were soon followed by the (blurt ofvppetits. cstreac wskefulocssalnight and partial para j sis ol ny limbs—these yuiptom* of a deranged sjitejp being. frequently attendrd wboul»tafllicimankind ariuc from some dorangenleni of the a tohtaeh or bowel*, which a tlmelf ase oftheCath* tie Lo»ttgea woam enurcly obviate. Person* nf bilicu* faabita AToalil aJ way* havo a box at hand, and take a dose whenever they feel ihe lent derangement in their health. ' Ajadi cioususe of theM ho tenge* would prevent thousands of case*. , -'i . . Fonalo a; WH. JACKSON’S, corner oT Wood and Mt*itrat» ‘ ' ,{■ ' deci LADIK9 - 'V ho UacCommou I‘rcparcd Chalk, ft ortenuot aware how ifrightiully injnriooa l it to the *kln!*bow come, bowiroogh, hvw sallow, yellow, and unhealthy ihe skm appear* after nstng prepared chalk! Unities, it it injurious, cduiaiuingaTatge' quart my of lead. Wr have prepared a boautifnl vegetable article. which we call SPANISH LILY WHITE! • It la perfectly luttocem.tlemfpurified of nll delenrioo* qualities; and t] Imparts io itte akin &ndlu> rai, healthy, alabaster, clear, uving white, at the same time acting os a eottncudoa the skin, making itaofl and smooth. \ - . . Dr. James Ancetson, Practical Chemist of Must* clms-tis. says: “After analysing Jones’* tfnauish Lilly White, I nii'Llt possesses the m-st beaptiful and natu* ral, at the same time innocent white 1 ever saw. 1 certainly can conscientiously recommend iu usetoaU wbo’o sain rrqoireg beautifying,** {□"l’rice !U ccutiu liori {O-.Sold by WM. JACKSON, at his lioot and Shoe Stutc. H> Liberty sueet, head, of Wood, at the sign of . tho Uig UdOt " nfci l.ndies. Indies, I'm astonished, When you know that y»u are promised A natural, tifc-like, snowy white, That von will still use.common chalk. And looku would ,o«o U-box of JUNE’S Lilly-white, it woutJ give your skin an diabasier yet natural while, and m the same time cleur and improve it. Sold at JACKSON'S, HI Liberty ktl Price tU cent* per box. : .-li ; ntyS SCItATCII. KOKATCII. ' rr-tErrER, ITCH. SALT ItiIEU.M, Ac—Who would L torn single day setnieb, whan afflicted with the Teller, Itch.nroUiet disease* of the Skin, if tleykuew. who would relieve ondcurp ilicm *l'i< horril'lo tu- be obliged to rab and scratch when alone, but more horiiNle tunbniun from it, {for decency rake,] when in company. J«ct H be-rerarjn’a ted.that Dr. LtlHYti ‘i KITEu and ITCH OINTMENT is the momeflicuriou* el atiy,other prrparaiioh tn existence in curing the Tetter, itch, and other disease* of the skin. A* all disease* of the skin must arise from the impurity nf ilia blood and fluids of thp body, and where lach do- bo of long Btaadmk. at)d the constitution affected Uteichy, if Ur* I.eidy'l Sarsaparilla lilooj pills be used with tiio Ointment, they will cute anyeaae whatever, and If they do nou the money w>li be returned by Dr. Lcidy. however, wifTbc effectuallycined by Dr I.cidy'a Tetter andljllch Omtraeat, unless the wholacysicio is impregnated by the diseased hutnon, which will he completely carries off from the system by l;r l/eidy’s UlooKUAN’S COUCII BV'UUP—It proved to be the ftreat Panacea in cannff my ehil» • * Cocau S*»cr.—We ore not in the habit of puffin*, noch Its* ttkmjtl’aicntJlediclMee, tot wefreidistxtted to 'recommend Norman'sSyrop to Uio«e who ere afflicted with a cough.. After bating tried thencuai remedieHo rcmovo a constant and liisuefiing cough, that had for •evtrel day* offlxted one ofoar children, without nic er**, we were Inductd to try Alorfan 1 * Cocgh Byrnn, on.t by itrdief waaobtiioefl m a few boat*, ltpiorea to he the phoacea ra thucaie at least. Prepared wholesale rind retail by the proprietor, ‘ JOHN i> . 1 nrl . wpodimdoprWewdlamooda^j'j i —mij i m hur in- i rti ll |> m .MSTOBTATION LISES. jmilllCl. raBTABIK OMT llilfe :iaa 1847. JSBSSBBB : rtmiiLiiv? porting M^r..”ij t l^rsrr l TWEEN PITTSBURGH AND THE EASTERN tmu, wnaoDt TKiHuiraar THBimprovedmeihod of currying used by this Jour tiliblrthed Line, ts a&m so well toown that de scription is anneceasary. Cood#urenououchedontkc mate, Bus all transhipment ox earn handling is saved ; The Boats are of light draught and perform their trios .infromsixiosevendavß. r : The capacity of oar Warchousea enables as to sure anyoenstgnmentamade loos. Hoeeivingisumrie.aiid advances tree of charges. , Being fully prepared to make sales of Prpdoee. we respcctrally solicit consignments of .western Flour Bacon, Lard, Unuer.Cbcese, Wool. Feather*. and other article* for sale, on which liberal advance* will be made and other asnal facilities • Horded, pledging onr» selve* that any business -entrusted to as aball be as promptly executed and upon ax fajr terms as by anv othcrbouse. JNO -hfcKADDBN* Co Canal Batin, Pntihorrt . JASM ItAVIS&Co 5 gOandtUtMarkct «i, Philada. PITTSDUBOn PORTABLE D.USE. 1847.' ' BBteE F OK ti»c transportation of Freight between Puubargb and the Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipment* on the w«y, and the eonseqoent n*i of delay, dun age. breakage and separation of goods. : tnptUk/n: DORBHIDUE k CASH ' n ! J.s. mciihx ~—— FORWARDING & COMSSION fIBRCDANT, .East Beaver Point rnirf Bridgewater, BBATBft COUSTT, PA., 'Proprietor and Agent of steamers > er*:. AID MICHIGAN, osrxT bxtwus rnrsncßoa a*d bxatib, WILL beptepared on earliest openiogofeancl nav igation to receive property at his wharf boat or in warehouse, for all points on Krle Extension, Cross Cat, and Onio Caaals;fbr all ports on Lake Erie and upper Lakes,asalsotolorward produce, c.by Fe&n’a. Improvement*. Apply to or address ; fcb34-dtf JAB DICKEY, 1 Heaver- IHDEPBIDfiSTPORTABLE BOAT LINE. I :i847. ASSfecgg' .• FUR thetkansportationof PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE TO AND FROM PITTS BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Without TranshipmenL-rn Goods consigned tooarcare wtli be forwarded with ontdelay,et the lowest current rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all instructions promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for storage or cosnriuuiotu i Addrcaj,or*pply to C A McANULTY &Co Canal Basin, PiUsbargh . STORAGE. • i Having;* veer large and commodious warthot we are preparrd to receive (in addition to fieigbt ' l’rotluce.Jcc., on Storage al C A MeANULTV A Co ... FIOKWOKTU 4 CO’SLUIB. . aiiiia 184 7. feSsa EXCLUSIVELY lor the tntnicwnatioii of WAY IT&KIOHT between Pilubnrga,DliinTi]le,Jobn»> town, Holiidayebargb, Water Street, Feieribnrgh aad '■etmediai'* aUintotmedMie places. ' One Boat will leave the warehouse of C A Me Anally A Co. T Piiubaigh. every day, [except Mondays,] and ahippencaa always ccpend on banof their goods for* watded withoat delay and at fair rate*. ! Thi* Line was fotßcd for the speelal aeeerareodation of the way holiness, and the proprietors respectfully solieila liberal kbare of patronage. JOHN MILLER DAN'L ii BARNES ROBERT WOODS WILLIAM FULTV. JOHN MILLER, HoUi Areal*. O AMcANULTY A Co, Piiuborgh) RKrsaKscrs. J J MeDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Bagaley A Smith, Piuabcrgh. ' ' ' • mai6 LAKK EKIE ASD JHCMAIt USK. ,84 7' «S§§ '» Mils tJiic being eompose-dof Steamboat* Luke Erie i. end Michigan, running daily t.eiweeii l*nt»Liutgli aiu! Beaver, and.freight and pa»*etiger Cuml Itoatx, nmnfng between Bcoverand trie and cnnnecung with C M Poes’* Lise of Steamboat Pripeilcn and Vessel* on the lakes, will be prepared upon the earliest open ing Of Navigation to carry Freight and Passengers to all potnuoa the River, CanalaaU Lake*. having tvgry facility lor conveying freight and pas senger* with promptness and dispatch, the proprietor and agent* respectfully solicit from their frauds and he public gcucrally their I'aitonnge. • CM KKKD. Erie, Proprietor ’ - REELS, PARKS A Co .Beaver, Aats JOHN A CALGIIEY, PmibVhdo Cor.Sraitnfieldand Waiercu.opposite iheMooooga gabela House. RirZR TO Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York Geo Davis, Buffalo K N Parks A Co, Cleveland Ja* A Armstrong* Co* Detroit ftteCJore A Williams, Milwankio Brisiot A Porter. Chicago Wm Power*; Powersiown, lVnna Geo Mscbeirayte, Kvan*l>mgh, Pent.* John .Me.Arihur, llumsioivn, do Wick A Aekcr, Greenville, do Craig A Frampton, Clarksville, do Hay* A Plaino, Sharpsbaieh, Pa., . . W C Mnlan, Sharon, do R W Cunningham. New Ca*Ue; do . raarS PITTSBURGH * CLEvW.A^iTMNE. 1846. : 11. Clarke. If. Hoops. T. K ckmondi A Co. CLARKE A CO., ! Porwardlag A Conamiaalon Hsrehaats, BEAVER. PA. TIIK Agent* and i‘r*oheu>ra of tbit Line (to favor ably known to the public), will be prepared on the earlieit opening of canal navigation to receive prop eny at Pitubargh and Beaver, and deliver tbeaame ai ••d)’ point on toe Ofaiocasida, ondalioon LakeaKrie and Michigan, with the greeted despatch and aireas otiable rate*. . ; ' • 'l'Ve proprietor* of tin* line nolicit the ol their former caitomcr* with confidence, knowing thai their facilities are *econd to oone. > Apply to or addreaa • O_M JIABTON, ApiPittibarflL Beaver. jtftgft TRICHMOND* Cc f'**eland. WEBTKKH TtUiIgPOHTATIOj'tU 1847^J83K A. CU'»7 1 ■ . . OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION LINE. BETWEEN PITTsUJURGI!, ' PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NKWYORK. TIMIB stock of this lino go»siMs of-a dotililediily J. Line of Hosts ami Cars, (owned by tbeasriresj which a rein (food older. The subscribert are pr-os red to forward a large quantity of Nerchandm. u.id Produce with cenaluty and dispatch; . Produce or Merchandise consigned to any of u>e uh def Aigned. I* forwarded free of any charge for com Mis sion or storage. ; Bills Lading transmitted and all instncuoasp'mnißtir attended to. • . -The basinet* of this Line is conducted onsinetlr SnbbnUfkeepinc principle*. Addrca t or armtr to 0 LHECIi & Co, Propneior*,- - . _ Canal Ua»in, Pittsburgh ilAHßlft&L£KGli,Proprietor*. No 13 South Third street. Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR A SONS. Agent*, No IL4 North Howard street. Baltimore W B WILSON, Agent, . i , . . No 7 Wei meet. New .York : B*.AV.lfiK. WAIIUJCai .*■ CLKVEIXwn lUNK PACKETS AND STAGES. 1847.: gßfeaS CANAL PACKETS TEL.KU APH A BWAIXOIY iKAVE Beaver dally at J oVlwk.r *. V afteMh e la arrival ofthe attain boat BEAVER fronr Pitubbrvh, and arrive at Warren next moraine id reason' for ike Singes which retch Cleveland before nixht !' ! . will be receiptedihnueli.tccarinr berth* Mtjhe Packets, and scats in the Stago, on'application "".board steamboat Beaver, (leaving Pitubanh at 9 stack, a. Mt) brio the agents: O &1 lIARTON A Co. Pitlsbarth ChARKKACo, Beaver * JESSE BALDWIN. Yeanirvtowß M B TAYLOR, Waircn 1 : • 1846 “» 1847 TO THE EAST BT ffIefIOSGAHBtA ROUTE. i VIA BROWNS VILLB A CUMBERLAND. TUB andoraigned are now prepared to forward pro* dnee,Ac.,to the EasternMarket* during the ensu ing Winter, on (be moat favorable term*.' by this expe ditious Toma, • Ail property continued to u wiU be forwarded att.be lowest rate* and with despatch. ■ Meichandise received bjr this route promptly for. warded. J C UIDWKLL, Ar’i . I’nutjurcli. O ,W. CASS, Brownsville. . novv? E EfJERTON A Co,Cumberland T^iTY^cKffintMtrottjfcissviELir - ffiftßiffi- 1847. PACKET AND FREIGHT LINK ’ THIS -Line consisting of freight and na*«enrer Pack et*, will nin regularly during the season between beaver and Gteeanlle, Pa., by which freight and pus- (be twpoinli, will be earned promptly WICK fc ARCHER. Greenville, Arts CRAIG A FUAMPTON, Clarksville. do; MeFARLAND AKINU, UivUcod. i,\ 84ti *»» ; 1847 jESt TO TIIE BAST BY DALTInORE Am ■■■ OHIO UAII.RO Al). V fpnEnbKriUn wiU iocolm fortho ddi.ery of Pro .fuf.TlS.^TnS^ -Mabea; Paeon, Baoer. Lead, Lard, Pork, Tallow Whiskey,. B,acdGlass- CTI cupcrlOOlha. - • iSSBSS?*foe*s * Oil*,Bkim,Beed*,Waol—llDcuperl(»lba. JjWJ P™!*"?, «aiwnul B ulher of tho rado'nlpwl •riU be AtwinloAwluoat deity, free of Commlliion, .WHCLAiKBmrai.IIIO, i ..?• . HAHNA 4 WATEBHAH.Kaibim. ■- S. * TEAKSfQBIMOy LINES HBOCI-att Monsiso J?Ai i i 1 on thk pcanarLvaßrA apd obio cabal**;- BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND. ; E N PARKS A po, Cleveland, O. 1 i- K G PARKS, Ueavei, Pa. .»• > } Proprietor*. . AV T MATHER, Pißabnr*h,Pa.:) . - • • i r THE above Linei* tww folly prepared to trmr»J>OTt Fieighi and Passengers from Piiwboijrband Cleve land.toanr point on tb*renn*ylvaiua A Ohio and Onto Canals.' i ,i Tbe facilities of said Line areast eqnailed by enfoa said Canals, in nambera arid capacity of Boat*, expe rience of Captains, and prompinesvjiJ Agents, Ae. {. - Ose.Uhgt leaves Ptiubareh and Cleveland daily, ran nine io connecttoo with the Sttairiers. I ' i ' bfiehlgan and Lake Erte, between Pittstinnrh and Beaver; and a Line of first class Steamboats, Propel lers, Brigs and Schooners, on Lakes Erie, Enron, Mi chigan nndOnlario-i. . • ji ‘ .••? ■]; A: _ Properly forwarded to an/ part of tbe Union’ with despatch. . K N PARKS A Co, Cleveland, Asia , REED, PA RKS A Co, Denver, Agu W TMATHEH.Pituborgb, Agt, j apZt Cpr Water arid Smlihfield streets ' . to cumlap win. warren. 1847. aii4iLa TUROUGH!N**IIOURB.;. -j; JACKET Boil* Swallow mad TClegrtfh lesto Bea- X ver daily, at 3 o’clock t. the arrival of tbe morning Cent frcmPitt»betgh, nod arrive at Wafreri in ume for tbe Mail Line of Rages; which Ivtve immedi ately thereafter, and amvßM Cleveland ntSo’ckek, t. X. , , r . This route isthe .most expeditious eomfortahle Cue to tbe Lakes; • t JOHN A CAbGHCy.ccraai WuiCTnndgii.ijl)fi>|.t«n, ap*ly Opposite tbe MoMagthela Uora. Pittsbargh - •• ~CITIBKWB. PORTABLE BOAT LISE. Baa;is47.sgygs? * POB THA TRi fIfFORTAVIOX OP ’■ I ; '• ' ALL KINDS OP MERCHANDISE TO AND PROM ’ Philadelphia; B*lUmez«, BvwTark^ ■ aad Boatoa, -.* • v THE encouragement th's line hat received since ..tls.eommeneetnent r bu induced the prbptte lorala.increase the flock by adding a number of fly data boats} and instead of giving yeceiptj at beret*' fore as agents, we will gite our own'rcceipU ior .freight shipped by this line. ‘ .1' r' The boats are all portable, eonseqoeiiUy freight is token the whole distance without .transhipment, thereby preventing damage from frcqudnvbiutdllhg on the route, and aa each boat is owned' try' the Captain who runs them, which ia a sufficient'guar antee that therewiilbeoo delay on the rout*. - Ail Produce or Merchandise consigned to ; the undersigned.witlbelbrwarded'ntEETOF COM MISSION, for advancing and forwarding, and will be shipped wUhoat dday at the lowest rates.'or feeisht. -i : i; -•- • We respeetlhlly solicits chare of publiepatro nage. tyALUNGFWU*fc,Co.,;T Canal ‘Bssin.PitUburgh- CRAIG, BELLAS & Co.. Agt.: * • Broad Street; Philadelphia. • F MILLER,•Agent : . Bowley’a Wharf. Pittsburgh, Feb. IS, 1847. - ' ■' ; DR. SWATBEI COMPOUND BYBUP OF-WILD CHERRY.'I A certain aod safe core lor coughs, colds, asthma, liver complaint, spitting blood* pains la the side or breast, broken., conslitotiaiv CONSCMIV - - TION or any disease of the longs or J : breast. - Header are yon suffering with s cold or disease of the Joagvtqr. this remedy, . r ‘-- •, \ you will nptp«r. r ' '■ • hapsregrettt.' • It will arrest all .Ihoae iugreeahle symptom* whi eh slrikesneh terror to the mind, & prolong joar d at*. Beware of all preparation* MrpwtiDj iqpoataia Wild Cherry, dieeptthat bearing tbdligristoreorDr H Swathe on the delude wrapper ot each bottle, as they are quite likely destitute ol the article from which they borrow a name. - . ; Head&kat it haa done! . ;i 50,000 _ DEATHS BY COftSUtfPTIOfI Would perhaps be a small estimate for the 1 ravages ol this dreadful ditcue in a single.yeafj then add tbe fearfal catalogue di those cat off by InSatria two ol the Langs,' Hemorrhage', Asthtnt, Cough* ißfiuenxvßroncbiJubaiK^oy^er .disenet,ol the Lunga and Liver. J? i And tbe list would preseal an appalling proofed the totality o| these twoiclaaeea of diseases. But it‘ia important to. know- ihat near*/. all oi this 'dread waste of hornaQ life might hare been prevented bj a timelr os*of Br.SWAY.NE’S COMPOUND SIfRUP OK WILD CHERRY. - , Jc This medicine -has- new been belnre the public •otoe eight year*, add ts-lbe' original preparation | lYnm the Wild Cbejry Tree. Its reputation :as a remedy for Coughs, [Colds, Bronchitis, and :'Cbn sumption n! tbe Lungs ba*«l entirely upon ft* iu trinaic merits;owes but little to inflated newspaper puff*. Those Who give itt Inal, being benntitted by it,- recouuaeod it to Uietr neighbors, and: thus gradually and tnreJy-hailt gamed' «n enviable repu tstioa and worked its way into generai-use, .j One boule.nerer fails tocurea recent, cough 1 orntbld; while with strict attention to the directions Hut ac company eachbottlepu use ia -pulmonary diseases of long standing and of the moat alarming charac ter, has always given relief, and. in rery'iuany instsoceshas effected, complete -and. peimisdnt care*.. Ur. i> WA YPfHTS Celebrated. Compound Suj> iipof Wild Cherry. Read ibe most remarkable cure of Consumption ever placed upoo record—' - D^Swayne—DesrStr: I feel it a debt of gratitude due to job— and a daljr lo the afflicted generally to ofler my humble -testimony la favor- el ycorCod;* pound Sjropol Wild Cherry.. Seme three yeaw I since, I waa violently attacked withrol i 1 >,R£V.J.-*f-JORDAM. 'I •Dublin county/N.C.’ , ‘ cautionicAimosi v '-i i 1 ■’ ' Avoid all spurious preparations of Wild Cbsnyj such as Balsams, Bitter*, Syrup* of-Wild,Cherry, Pills purporting to contain Wild Cherry, dtc,"2tc, as they Are all fictitious and counterfoil, sndcontain none of the virtue* oftheorigiiialsndgenolnopre; paraUau at prepared by ,Dr. Swayne, and -the first ever-prepared in this'country. Doctor Swayne’* Comjround Syrup of WILD CHERRY is composed of vegotabfe ingredients, the Wild Cherry, ana bthJ er medical ■ubsmoees cqslly as-eSeacrous, 111 dot more so; the whole are so efieclually concentrated as to fender it beyond all doobt themost pleasant, strengthening, andelTectnsl remedy ever disehvdrr ed lor the care of Pulmonary consumption, and all diseases of the Longs and Breast. .The-, very , Jaet, from.iu having such a tolu 01-spurious imitators, stands to prove its greet curative properties. - . 'fberelore^invalios, inquire for toe original prepa i I ration, each bottle of which is enveloped in a bum. I ttful wrapper, with e likeness of William Pcnmeb* I graved thereon; also bearing the signature’of Dr H. , Swayne, thq counterfeiting of whwb.will- be pan; ished a* forgery. ..-.-I' • t • " -.; Prepared only by Dr. H. Swans,N-Wcorner or EmtiTff and Race Streets, ‘, •; I For salo in Pittsburgh wholesale and retail bv ~ il WM. THORN,63 Marketatreet, * •! OGDEN& SNOWDEN, coreeritod&'Woodvtt; t! U. A. FAIINESTXiCK &L Co., corner ol lit and' Wood andfithand Wood streets. 1 1 - ‘* 4 :•-! S. JONES. 180 Liberty street • • -.-U JOHN'MITCHELL, Allegheny cily. And by all respectable Druggists and dealers In Medicine^throughout the United State* and Cain; da - -•• • Mpa»_ ( »\u US V V ‘ FIKLD . offert f° r «al«,et (be towcil ' * P nce *> a very extawive auort mi i4of LAPIiH, ccmprinm every pouible variety : adkpieJtoibe cotuusara mall eec lion* &s},' country. Paper of ail kiiub.maile to order** ,hT„ ROl'Cb. i 7- 41 l l iicttockof PHINTING PAPER la aaßittaUT l««’ «P»«of wblelncof ««j •operionjoality; • PAPER ttAKKR‘B BATiefan.. r. of every dgeeription, impoueii aod kept doMttaUy im £* n “» L * ,zs Pelting#. Wire Cloth, Pourdri tiler Wm< UleachißS Powder, liine^UUwnarme.Twue^Ae.iJ^' " Mr-R-F- Wll e „=^3Sl a^, i' J your Vermifote beucr than SrSEr^' nORTABI Rm!j!Ss*P ■:"r^TT feS&SSigß? iirvicAL ; AttUnlKKiUlAlilV ■ MEDICATED EDZE.VOES, A.\D fOUStI. **, PLASTUi: ' . >*• " Da. EUEOMJuN kvdtooatretf a n> pkamaksnthstchiltfraa will taka won. oMiMlbi>y*c«nattM anMßdcwb'k)\«ri* cr*,a INX ofT»fr>l‘aiU ee Um tack ««*£»* . • ’ ** ► : SH.kfUUK’B COUCH LOZfiXOEa 1 ‘ ' ' TfcaaslAi^ar«U»atol,inuKanraa»tftu< : ctic,i nai t **7 «*««**»» nyiwwrnaa, utooWu.^u, ; *•* ~»*r knowow usuan «Wn thtyc* not C r«. I*, w „ l Mwbctwo. Datenl Hitinamt kou ba«a btea «*M «tuH ibabtf ol cwawapoan.aßa iLhow labarioy rate U« m>H toutllS coU«BB..»<: tarsuMKcuugh netf mines, awl *r« nafeubtoly .sau.nJTiw twjlbj^twWUK^eoß.^Ma- U« flltafrtilieaitt Ut» »«« eiUnil »«.Xiy i ur* tues,lr«mtbMewfabkctebccnmt4lh>iaaaua&Mi mr wtfraturttf hipSrtcctbreiUi byuaiiwUtua. ' ‘ ■ i »«.. uu wlwwiTit autowiJ mJiwIOTKiM few cathartk m- ...... I .® jil v ll ?‘ rtJC UrWrtf*. ' HHEH.M Alt *8 WORAi~ JLOZEA'UEi*-' -JP****** •“‘Wfkawkwnprwtf uiwurcUdA 1,40 b Officam U>beiiiWi 4 fck; l A. ooJ j L ctrUin*w» VUuiyu* ana wcaswo bw and uiaawutL. wtnn cct tWner afflieM wUlbw.,aadar. tfoe.wtd to>arWw« l iual» without any bewfit; abcatoatfawof t&wlfeßuce* «mU •paddy cure thoa. ..;... , . ®»"?<®** , V .**^ na *-“-P*aani li. joint* oeliiaibioffca «u«M apiieaew.bowt tA* toWcl-tri^ . hk«iiiigatliHßwe,a|BawttjmuaiAiu e# of bat orer dm aurthc. o( tha body,! »lirttiSl?or ««» m * s P>T«rpor, 4wari*tf tf raw, redden •artu«*a*Mft,'«i**fri i htVad k*wa.i« . ,oc alroohkream congS, toeri»hiw», Uunl, -.uSl h«>***“*» «itoui* breJtito?, ]£,ia lb* stoamrh wtodi,to>gm, aaoea;• «*>o» appetite, Iwmw, fcfctfttf etomarh w ilutd, in rarioit, part* of tlx* bodr r a«Bw« k«L Ihlag rung ia the threat, iteiuag ofthaaua. to»ahJiua.-»,u a frcqucattfcau. to paM Something irpa the bowct».’«i»l. oi tiiw«ii,citanp. o.'tliiM and Kuetu."' £ SHERMAWH CAMPUOtt LOZEXatj? palpitation eftba heart, hiwneas of the spirits, daoMulcuer itiniißtttoiT'Of putrid we* threat, bond or reader eum phial, AiaUag, oppression orasouaaf emhiuuftba chot chotie, ijam, cramp oftb. ttooMch or aJ«tioa«,aod aU oerrant tfbcaee*, dnnrriam threteh ih. ■ <*» ; V^ 1 * tt * ehtJera w chuli era sorbin, tfiarrima, Jasitutfa or abwnoof totraa: ?«> aotn or attodiQf iarp partial wiU fiad uw Eouu reaUymnriaK,a«l ianartuy Um e-ttf afiar tfitiiMtioa, ttMfwiUrcrtara thatoßaoftha M«toa ce rf crallj, im mabetf all tba sapbtoaat amdon* arums ires too On lhu».: Penon* who hare-beta loohicUlircn, and abndated their dlslpatcd hahiU, «iQ 6ai thes l ad" foSnUR’S PLASTEIi The bat itrutgthaatqt plstar ia tha leerld, aad a aorere^a mariy to pwn, or ireahaem ia the back, louu, dde. Gmla,Mißtr,rbauaatfß,lamhafo,a«. Ac.^OaasUlkiaa jtarwillßotrappfytbedcßtf&d. Thapiaoniraamtloaarm of betoaapplya&oa. Warraatadrepertor taaUoUto*,«ad toooafßtrtarthauni pr^mahia,Botoalytha feat, bat Uaeheapeet plateriathe wWtL Itaiorda reUtria ator >oBn, asd Mkaa atfoaislnaE earn. “fP^ 81 <>J*i*P«ik «thoold Urn ora ■iharfrioßoiut Increr ttoßadt, and it viliaOord treat aad «*Sf7eoto, arthnm, diiaaU^S .hraalhiap, oppresira of the chad or st»Sa’theT kill im m&ismss&g •* n oU la their operatioo, aoodrae. .Tbay ara onpoM ofaotmlp difl&mt brradl ttia from any cAher, and. ham from tha ail> how who hart wed thaa, aa wall at tha tattad laatWia of u emrelpamtobaracalU at tha to^rt . Dirtetfcw to n*a train (ha tack ofead ntotei. viJi a 1 tothnilaofDr.fibemtßfname. ItisimaorUotTdoahtald - toSi«s»'«.Poof Si roarat thenar* sißT.worthhs imlutiaat .. 6 ?? d , T y t^i>l !* adw toi byy.JACKBQg at bhiPitea wrt*^2T" d “ n,w » ** «® U» 810 TOOT, v . , jn it _^ y . SEVERAL HEASOWB WHY DJcTeEI- O DY'S SAHHAPAiULLA DL&O D PILLS «t« becoming. w» amremliy popolari ¥ trat, Because they are prepared h/DrW U Lei* . dj himself, a regular Oraggiat, Cbeaui arMli'brer etan. of Philadelphia, whu boost the nature, the quality end chancier ur the Medicines uaed in hia. •' pills and their adaputtiau to diaeaie- Second, Because the public can Ukfl lhcßtwilh greater confidence than moat other pills which- tie prepared by persons ignorant both of medicine and diseases. ... Third,; Becauie ol their combiued e Bee Is, proper! ties not contained ia any other pHlsj uamely. perg' . ing Irom the atumacb and bowels ail unhealth/sob* stances, and at the aame time purifyinz UiQ blood and fluids ofthe body, . - . Fourth;. Because they are the Cheapest arid-best ' ‘medicine knOwD—a single box costing hutSdceets, and eouuiaieg 40 pills, aaring to peraoaa dollarsolt limes in Doctor’s bills/and hulASotn mcdicines bought Bt> tried on the rect4amcbd3tiua ol tithtr** ': .. ...•.; r WHOLESOME ADVICE. •' l ’ Whenerer you hare occasion to take any mrdi eine, do , not be trilling “wither uur coasUtulluD by Uying.all kinds ol pillaor othermedicineAvoa see puolished and rcconmcudcd by pae sadaaotbet but take sconce ' . .. Dr. JMdy a SanaparULi Blood TiUa -i sod you will not have oceuicn lo take aaTurn* else.-' Tbeywiirulwaya be found goodloalmOaLall wormsoidisease, iolhunaiion o( the stomach, bowe ! el»,iiverand ioteasices;-tramps oLthe siomacb: ; colie, Waterbmh; inwardleveri, foal breath’,fcad 4*te ia the month, Soar eructations and iciditi oi the stomach, costiveneu and indigestion, wut oi. .appetite, billions sfiec lions, diseases of. iW epees sod kidneys, diseases of me akin, scaly wupUoml' dry and water/ pimples or blotcbcr of the t&gahoa bod/, teller, rasb,prieklo beatand sail rboem,bead-' ' ache, gvMinew,leinU;eis,-‘palos>»er ibflheart, of the breast, sides, along Utc haefc and spine,rheuma tism and gout, levered. ail kind*, small pci; vjrio, loid. mease la, scrofula,erysipelas, sod ia short they are good inail diseases haring tftelr origin iurlho stomach, liver,and iattutinea, and imparity op (be blOOd-., Ji ~ • ' UyTweotjsfive ceata a Bo*. '. V; j* ; Sold Wholesale and Retail by B. . A.. Fahnestock & Co.,corner of Firit and "Wood, also corner yf Sistb and Wood street*. acßrlu SL'HOFULA AflU SCKUK U LU U ba‘.»*XlT IflGix—Scrumla ia all its multiplied*forms* wbcther.iq that of King's Evil, enlargements it u.e glanda or bones, Goitre, White SrttlUugs, Cfj'ronc Rheumatism, Caaser, diseases of the Skm or Spine, or of Pulmonary Cpaaumption, emanaio fro2i oue and the tame causey which ts a poisonous priieipo nioro or lesa inherent jn thb haman system. There* fore, unless .this principle can bedestrb/ed, no «ui .cal cure can be effected, but if the principle] upon which the diseaao depends,' la removed, a cure ' mustol necessity follow, no matter under *liaUorm • the disease should manifest iOcll. - This, thefefOre is tbe reaton'why Jim'i Altkoatit* is So uni versally successful in removing so many thaligriaut diseases. It destroys the virus or pHneiplenirom whic-t diseases have thcirorigin.br enicmia into the,circulation, and wiuithe blood is coo/e/ed - to tbe tmnoteat fibre, removing cvrny pVrUcJeof ' from the system. - Prepared and sold Jt’No. C Sooth Third Street; Philadelphia. ~ . Sold at the Pekin Tea St6re, flu. 72 Fourth PttUbargh .... mc Dl I CAJLUXIfIfATIVK KUAlihe Bev ABA Sill>N t a well known «uo pop . r_, ul .V CletKVinwj of tlte Prolestani MclteditiCJiurch I Tke has tus been atflieied darin* tiid nnJ. Winter .wub a dtseofe ofun stomach, sometimee-liits. ducing gre&t pain ta the sumach /onto or twelve align without intermission, w»d; alter naviae tried vaHous wubiialeclTeet,miAtrnubcd with a.Untie •r Ur u Jayne** Cartmiuuno Balsam... This he u»c?ac eowiof to the directions; sod found tnVariablY’thdlfhie medicme caused the pain to abate in three erWtniu. *“•* * ftd >O.; fifteen or twenty ininatescverv niWn»u sensation was entirely quieted, 'ifio medicine • w»i *A tcrwanUoicd whenever indicaiionsenSo acDmaoßnr P«o were perceived, and the pain waa thereby pre vStv ed. He continued to use-the metUeioaevdry eveiXuT pd aometunoa mthe morani*. afidlu a fuwwekfi. health waaao far restored, that the attlTerer wa* ed from a Jaiyo amount of oppressive • pain. -KroS e* pericuem therefore, he can confident ljr. .nctimmmtfh £ JupA carminative Balaam, as nialatn?" SJu fcrdtieaanaofthnatnmph and bowels. .. a sHInIa . JFot sale la Pittsburgh at - the Foonh sueet, near Wood, and nlto at the IBs 1 Kileral «.«t. AlSiiwdr PJ»* PBBPWIBRt ~ J JTCreamde’Amanda. sharlwG . - - ‘ Crnun ala Raae, lor ihavinr/ 1 ' * •• : •< •< Y Almhnue Cream,- do, • = •, l- Superfine Knoge, on Poreelaintiandc . .» : *£?gg ."*?* ***?» pnt*** Wtut Lavend UAitV, TBI.WEEKLY '• A*ua*xttußu{Ui*e*y3*tii*i*itasFniqfe£ 1 •> ' BATBB OP ADVSUTIBIH4L: Oneiuertioaor 12»in«, or fti Twoijuerllou witfaoulaUenuont,"o-7i» Throe V ** *• «ru. One Week <• m Ig* Two Week! « «. !I**!"!*"* 4£» Three “ • <» .. « ****** 3, w OmHoiiUi, y. ■ -'itllillll *Ut " i' r 6«o 4< Three • 7fiO IT* toßjier adVerUketMouin wme*nrnportloai: •': Use suture,6 tanftthi, wilhoui »UeratjoDi... 10'tt* WM* bach addUlohaal atraare fir 6 Booths, w u_ • }< 'is “■ ;.i«* W® ll Oae aqoare.6 months,renewable at plearere, 9® .« -«. |o u . u - ,SOW> Twoiqurea, 6 monttii, re’wableat pleasnre, w «*• Each additional square, 6 month*, " V" VXSEtr O* TKI'WKCKLT IJT One sqaarc.3 ioMrttOßs,... ••••••■*• “ « each additional insertion, •••■•»•_» ■ CMWMSCABD4, .• .■;•■<■■“ > £ Tito Hnea or leiß. one fear. h OJ.V. «*' «jr months..-**•»»»«•»»«»■ o ty» ; « u . one year, daily &• weekly, lu •>» u pij'oonUj**' u ■ K-Oir* IMXMIKIMTI If . ifoptU line*;or le**,One.ln«nion, to-, ... «.. a -■■■it.. .Two,- ■ u - .*..0-76. ,« •• 4 •• Thwei i W>- ■'■u- .1 *i- ' Tbrretnonlii»,..,. t *;. 3 6lit ... ... u •- h ... « ; sii. . « ........ bW» it tt Twehro * ••• ,;^U.IQ(Cn' ; TT*A» idwPti*ame#t» l»tecftarxe4byU»iN)tt*a;; *di*eoontcilSsp«? »>* <° bo nw wbewihn tttosat of *drorti*int »x««i» 30 dolltn per je*r. ' BCIIffIMOAftOS. •' FiTt 7.** r, ««•*•*••••••••