The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 26, 1848, Image 4

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    '' :^M^P
* ' ,JQ »t«uu>-uiotfcA*iup t»afce»&jM poki*
4 M lUa krtfefc, It to Mtrtfhi «ada* j£Whj#. anltsaa
«ileb A* tkatior lf bMM smo4 W iidly m< Ur. -
fmM" t.
. MUTT Wit UtMlMplM WB WJ Btlt| 11. :
. latbeftntjtea it % wtO fcaavaihat thtctaiafrvur
Mack»'lab’*ai*cawMead af ■ proeipitoli, held (ember
>7,pa J«akie.aßd.wtjca tbrwator,enter babok«* tut
b irrappnM Uw faa prwtptUi* on feft • AMliMs
1 laikanacr iakwc&dwbichcootobait. ltJeaboeewoß
*t»!*dd iwjjar to iM lik naive tomkeiluv* fluid.
. . wbicbiocKwacbaert] fey attic* ea (be Eca,ifate!eiic!
corradbf itlhroacb Uam borttiae. Aow tba » Wri!
un Fluid” difluafrebltic. caiiUru hiwnrj mecdln
ItSacbcajalcuJtLofcftquiri&rßo fund amiirt tobOdit
tbrnfen will oem ett tbiek, uld facip.
•elf pUitortd cs lb* lUrfiex. It do csßttiMHntttt (lul
feciaaffioiiyfer teihtmjo, tbcr«tun will M tomdt
ctwlpci*—but Ml two Id, aid cilLourb it write* of a
btohb ewjaUwjHkifcwW. it beSe.VdSjbUek
*W.WiU.«ad« W; ia
' .““V' ••toSKlVnliw
*»«*» and catbird non (ireu br the an price, AS
*****mjwitieoof «ar ktod bcbsaUeaiptod
tka feUewiof rconacnditice* will .office, aTall *«*lb#
» . • ,l S»“* ll >*“®“tk«**«Tea«w4aol bare been ob.
Bjiaymni. fcraaaowonhy pupa*.
Wa raxtoUDesd “ lUbbert*. Cbnucai Writtor Fluid” to
the pctocßcge el 4 «hlie,*.aflrrt rato article tn oil m
. ?•***« k fl***frca from the pea without dorr toe it up asd
m (be eoum of a few hwV. Itamm a d«pbTrS black.
i- ; B A tenaou k CoC WfckudUcCudkM
• Eoiwrt k&oro. Joha Parker,
- WkUppowrttkßcn fl WirUlaoa £ Co.
I McQaewia* k Franc• Scltm
. Uobt B kUTall, Bookp’r C A WcAouhy k Co.
kriV XV Wallace, •
~' I
, ■'i.
‘ . - 1 - ; * ..
lilyr-.*;- iov
V' 4 ‘y
:.:■ ’i.
fehoap, easy to take, and highly cJSctcloas.
j A manure Cut, Marehgg. j&ty. .
Mr.ILB Sellera: My children, Ukc others, bare been
- nhjeetto troublesome eoogb*.aadhaviisiueddifiereet
remedied to very little paipoae,! was mdpeed by an’
advertisement about tbscooghtyrup, to! give it « uiaL
Igure it to two of n>y boy a, had alsj to m** daughter,
'several different times, and n has never tktleu to do *o.
’ I have recommended it to my neighbor*, and do mu:
" cenieicntiouly believe tb*l it la tee ben coegh taedr*
cindlhat haxererbcenoffuedtotherublic. !
/.}••■ Anoitmr Ammoao.
Parenu ahould not penait their children to adder from
cough* when they maybe cured by aSJ;eent bottle of
this BJT*P-
Prepared and sold by IL E, SELLERS, $7 Wood sl,
between 3rd and 4th at*. Sold by Dr. Cac*al,sd> Ward;
.R U, Carry. Allefbeny Qtr.' . ; : ded
4e4’.'*»i', •*•*: .4|£ *
to&y f,: ;>**«%.
■» M %V * 4 ' V '
TAKERS, corner of Peon and Sc. Clair streets,
oypoaiw the Exchange Hotel, entrance on Penn street,
respectfully ittfhrtn their frirnd* and the public, that
• theylare prepared to furnish and attend la everything to
the line of Undertakers.: Always On hand a large as
aortmeol of ready made Coftus, covered, lined and fin
i tahed in the very but nunnery all sorts and aizes ready
made Sirouda of fia and muslin, and ail
aiaeamhdetn approved styles. We keep a large at
aortinent of whi e and black,eonon,si!lr and kid bloves,
■able for pall bearers and uonrerr*, crape, cap*, col*
*laraj and every thing neeuanry lor dreasiog ibe dead,
and on reasonable terasv M' we purchase ml our goods
) ia Urn Eastern etucs. Also, ailver plaiufor engraving
• the name and age. We have a splendid nedr heaoe and
i horse*, and any number of lie but carriage* Every
i thingtorndedtopronpilyuad poaeuully. octfitly
. ' , ‘:lf
-.-i ,;.*-
.• . ■■» s,: >. "•
I-,.:!?.■* ■:
V jtkeproprictoreoftlM Vcgetahls Pulmonary
• aasatidkd ihU ih* VegytsbJ* fulaorury Bilmm a • Til
lable iftcdieiiM lihasbes.i u*ed is Uni place «ith complete
. succtis awotetiuau msplaiatof the long*, sltsadsd with
a trrtr* tough, turn «>f vuact, end the raising of moeh blood
•kwh ha) previous y resitted many approved prcniptraci
After using tha ha mb on tweak the psuem’s votes rttamd.
aad lie was euihltd l» ipeak audibly. Tbit cm occurred
Somalia# sines, aad the mu it sow engaged not only ra at
ti*e bat la laborious busaei*. JUsjwdfoßy roan,
CoacOrd t N-H.. Jan U), IS3-. 8. At OH BILL, M D. ‘
Sold la TiUsbargh by B A Fahnestock, fo Co. coraer of
first and wood, also eor wood sts. dedU
l* to a’J other remedies far
\ Coughs, CoaieiptMu, Broodutk, A«thtaa.aad other Fat ao-
Buy kMetioet, is that th* tarns persons who commenced lbs
am of it Jb their frmiiies tea nan ago (till prefer it to all
» other reoiodire of the Mad; thd where aay hare beta induced
to try ether prepantous they hare alamt invariably been
- dimppofotsd m receiving the benefit which wae reasonably
aalktjuled fttm the high praises bestowed Ire the proprvtsrs,
- and bare returned (0 the usaof Jerars’ExvacTOiurT, at
’ • remedy that hat never foiled to’ relate them, aad whieh
jootohiy acrer had its equal fa arresting pdmooary diseases.
Prepared oaly by Sr D, Jays*. Philadelphia, ad ioldoa
•gene/by , ALEX JAYNES
dcenPdfowtf' fourth si
MBlaiuriD, Assßxwj.Bmcaa.
JLatoscayfrtaepard. i
>. - (attheoldsandofSeayfobhcpard,)
• Nashville, Tennessee, -• • •
TX7JLL giye promptaadfalthfaiaiiectioatotbesaJc
W Jef Dry Goode,Groceries, and Merchandiin geo
•ratty. Iter feet prepared to auend to all the depart*
•eau of their bealaeas efideatty mod (dealing in so
goads fa ihctr own accoant) faff arris np.
Refer to M. Alien,* Co; JrW. Metier fa 00-,Pin»-
knrgk. ■ ' ' doefcfcfim -
t. c.
.iVvilV*'a i
.» *\« J »* „ *1
*'. ; ’\'.*>V *
jj ; > ]
- ■ r#§
.: t '? M'fcr.
- ■ ■-;. ' w
■-.■ ’. 1
THE gn<tf»«ip>d are,now prepared toftmtb their
aad the pablte generally, with an ef eel*
last nnlefa of Lord Oil ©f thou own manalseuire. which
fey wiUMUoaaeeaautodattogurmt. Their Oil they
believe toboujoad a* any odsred in the market,and
1 . • ■ 18 liberty at, oppowtanaithfield
P. &—Xatrd atxd Grease amiable for macbipcTy,on j
hand; far aklu above. ■ nvnfi
A fl f«b now engaged in the Importation of Brandies,
aXWiacs and Giasifoe-,' e*eia»i*dy, aad bating made
arranteaKsts in diflereat pant of. Europe aad the fal*
aalbwithwell knownhooaea fa nrnßar©’'supplyof
Pore in Liqoors, which I wilt bo abltw **TI, delivered
in the Custom Hoasts of New York or New Orleans or
n thiaelty, at die lowttt marker priee for each ct ap*
■coved paper. I have in store sod eauac* very Itne
Stack or vary aapenor Wine* and Liqaors aa imported
«f fe most celebrated brand* and vintage* for tale on
elreiiHieflubr PC MARTIN
■ ■ . .i eorlttfetariihflrtdata
r Philadelphia and New York Pekin Te*Company
. » prime lot oiirwhGreen and Black Tieaa, ceaprlaiag
f . «Uver Leaf Ilyton, Oolx**Bom:boaf, .
L- Egtrainedo; Engliah Breakfan
Ezxfa Pine Gnnpowder, Peekoe Flower*;
Bme Pine Imperial* ■ * Rtoe Flavored.
- The abovw.Teaa have been selected with great care :
W c»d ef-ihO'best jndgcalstfaeea*t,aBdwillbeaold
•a at fair tertUM can be bad at aay other boats in this
/mm . . , , conter of third and tmthleld at*
v.* -y^
iIO*'PA&TSBHIIIIF-ne iibMnbeii, eo the
V/ lii Lntt., tkemkelT**, uaiot ibe Cm © ’
Blew«■• k cmUert*m, in ike Uioeerjr aei
General fiedaea ud Cwmwaioa basiaeas, ai No JO
Liberty street, end mpeeifflUy aolieii ike paitontfo of
ikeii friend* and tkepnWie in igwraJ.^^^
dtf# a cULBKRThJW.
LETTERS TesUmeatuywere framed en the Btk da;
of December, to tke nbaeribera, Kxecmfir* of ike
' iaateriUttdtMHaeatef James Rot*, law of ike eii; of
Alieffeea;. deceased. Ail - perron* kavinf eiaia* or
dejatadf Bfiln* ’ seestkieof ike raid decedent, are re*
- Taceird a* mite know* ike same.wnkom Jaa.
XeM. Jr* *l ike late residence of ike If tutor, In tk# el-
CTOi Alieckeß]r. ’ JAMES RO-B, Jr,
** ■ ;“t . ■ City of Alleebea;.
ietUtw - fean *reet,cityofTm*baopi
■~r. 1 ■ .; ; . son OS* ,
LvrT ESS Te»««e*»r betl** been grated to the
Mboerlbeit. Executor* of tiff tot «D< and test*
111 iTrTkrm-* 1 la< * ltM> enjrof Pfltsbergb,
AM peMfi* Indebted .to tbe eetnte of- uid
- —»■ Make t—wMiew purawnt; and
eW* e**l*»t »»id«ate wurpteeau
" " AMBSYAN, •'
g—»''- FOB. 0A MR-CfeUfa
?u!£rp££nttftktt, 41fc*fceay mty UH XiU, k«*
J»SlsSSii>«m* «uit**™ » " lto -
• T-om txux-fx***** °!» **?•
' " 4&UMO' ■'
1 _ •' Ivaa* 50,1W7.
Mr Tlw* K.HUtr<-Da(Bir: I hmUawiat toot
VMaiol fVritinf Fluid. udMit i ftnl rate arttcK for
Uteaitto, it tartfrctly from tlw patsd brccnea jet black
T H TUTTLE. Book-keeper
for Simile fc-settplei
I FrUeborjfc, Anf 23, IM7,
Mr T-K H then—l «»r B*tr: Her tag procured a twiikof
i<Mr ft ntiag >'luM| mM three weeks agot I cou<to it inK
y trad if Mt Mserior to Anohi’s or asj other iak sow ts
MflhoeweC &c*peeUiklr.
• WILLUM BTEWaRT, Book-keeper
■ , for Arthur fikhokoad-Co
l*ittab«rgh, Sept 11.1947. -
Mr T K- Hibbert—Dear Sin J tn «■•<»> jour »r»|
Writiaf il«fo, fiadfttobeawrt cscebcatarticle for
«Mi tbcaaplike the meatfly o(
other take, Uflotre becocscsa deep black ia a fow
hoha. I jYoan, Banecuotly. *
, WILLUR »=ok-k«p«i i
I * for Joha Parker. <
JPmtltdnd eoli Wholesale aai! Retail hr Theaaa K,
Hilbert, Dngfht ni CWahf. totßtr of Liberty ut
tetthiWM ftttaeti. Prttihanh, Pa petafom
I :ORING*B TERREATIaL GLOBES, eoutaialeg all
JLi lha feta dimovirkt,! asd Osagtaphkal improvtuKrt*;
itoftmdarfHwptftiltbfiM »lwnmiptn c<»-
pGsd from Smith's new English; Globs,•»hfi addition and
impmtasuoby A uniat Smith. U**imby Heswtll Park
knows stars osbulm, Ju Crow tin works of
W Oils don, (united,Del* Caills Hivelius. Maytr, Brad*
ley.HinciwLMilfcmM,tintraamctioasof tha Astrawm--
Johnston k Stockton ban jtqt rsccirsd a law pain sf Ua
abuts Olcbe%W7iagia size, as fellows;
1 mir 1 2 owbn* in diameter,
l' ** »i *! * •
i • * «
l’ "stmiriobssff “ !
4B*rkaa,Xbneida, aud Journal eoyy. 1 |wtl
fSosi n**Trr,lbrmeriy of Beatty, bl'Koaxw
400---- ... ....CiocmaaiitO.
Jw. A. Bsatti Zanesville, 0.
Gaaartl OmmmMaalqn narohaaci
ro&Tßßaatß aso roawAESiaa or 1
Ak.3l Poydrtu Street, New Orleans* '
. Sana to— • ' >
Messrs.Manln4Co,Backon.>*, «-
" James WGregor ACo,{
0 David White &Cb, Madison, Im
; 0 Ellis 4 Morton. Hankew,)
" Ueaea 4 Fnxer, ]Cm cloud.’.
. A M’Ka&xiei Ksq, : _ J
. H N Kearney, Bib, Danker, Zanesville, O.
D KTDhoald 4 Co« WdtaTilie,o.
; Seed, Parka 4 Ooißeaver. Pa,
' J WGiIL Esq, Wheeling, VaT
; 3 XPCJorkan A Co. rpitmK.rrfi P .
! W 4 M Mitcheltrec, J Piaabargk, Pa.
.«TlHa ‘
Jut received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla: ibo
noil extraordinary asedieiae in tho world! Thu Ex
tract ia pat ap in quart bottle*. It u six time* cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted'aspenor to any fold. It
care* disease witboat vomiting, parging, sickening or
debilitating the patient. >
Lmk tui /ar.i»t£*«ti«u.—Unprincipled person* have
copied oar labels, and pot ap medicine In toe aai*e sha
ped kottlea. See that each Bottle ha* the written signs
tareof S P Towaaend. v; -
R E SELLERS, Dre&tt, No ST Wood at, between
3rd anddth art, la Dr BowesemFs only, wholesale and
retail ageotfor PtU*bcfvb,of whom the article
conbehad. ■ ■ , > r-.
D M Carry has been appointed the sole agent lor Alle
gheny city, of whom the gritalno article can be had.
orJ»- ,
HAILMAN, 4 Co 4 having completed
ihelrllrw wmks, are now prepared to mnnufm>
D»re every deaenjuioa at Couch end EUptic apring* 1
Iron uxlch, Amenean Blister,/pririgend plough Surel,
jUMlalUuc* of wall seoure aid frewid Inm. which
08 t! heraltosm«i oi their Woraisw*
!>e.43 Wood«reet; where they also keep onhaad -a
etmplete and handwnae, auortgient of Coaeb trim*
httogv. Carriage hardware, malleable easunga, Notts
and Iron, . j
C. 11.4 0), have made arrangdinemf with Mew*
Dap 4 Crottz, manufacturers of Shovels,-i*p*du
rorfca,4e., and will keep conataijlly on hand even
artiele made by them. Dealeta are respectfully
etted toeslUa* price* and term* will be made lilieral.
•_ j ivr»-dTw
Prrrtaeauii. Psi.
' JOIIIf WniGUT 4 CO.,
A DPI prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Maehift*
ITLtty of every detcriplioo; such as—Carding Ma
chine*, Spiuung Frames, Speeders, Dr&wng IVames,
Rutway Heads, Warpers, 'J'willdts.Bpooi>><.«, Dreisung
Frarnei. Loom*, Card Grinder*; tVtourhi Iron
Sna/uRg tuned all sizes of Cast Iron. PuiWc* and
Hangers, of the !uie»t pattern*, Hide u>d hand Lathee,
and tools of all kind*. |
Castings of every description furnished on short no-'
tiee. I’attem* made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron
railing, Ae. gleam Pipe for heating Factories. Cut
Iron Window Pash, and fancy Ctamra generally.—
Onlersl eft at ibe W areitouse of Ji Halmer A Co., Lib
erty street, will have prompt auemvan.
Blaekatoek, Dell 4 Co., J K Mrioihead4Co n G E
Warner, John Irwin 4 Sons; ritfsbugh.
•Is L 4 J II _yVnreen Stonbeavijc. jan!9 .
.co-PARTBRRsnip'iiionosr .
E.W. STEPHENS of Wheeling, E. P. Bbomberf
• gerof Juniata and J. A- StooJnau of Pilltkargb,
have this day entered Intoeo-pbnnenhip under style
and firm of Stephens Bboenheiger 4 Co, at the
Anchor Iran Works Wheeling Vat, for the purpose of
manufacturing.iron and nails of every deaenpuofl.
E. W. s*rxriwss B. F Snocrtznnta, J. A. Stocitos,
. \WkaSng, Fa* }
Manufacture s!! kinds of boiler, khecL tariroa nnd
nails, A B steel ellntie springs asd aXlu Being eon-!
neeted wiih t?hoenbergei , s Old Juniata Works we ean!
ouer an article of Juniata Iron (branded Ebccnbcreer]
equal to unr made iu Ute eoumry. Alt ofwhich wifi be
■old at the Piu»l>urgh prieu. WerOtouie of the Works
comer jf .Mooroennd Wuer streets myll
Ja«- LippeacoU. John 11. Wick; : L. E. Morgan.
IVA 8 TEH. B’tOTel* and guides, Axes and Hatehri*
MiUH Cot,Circaltr ud Gu fewi; Hay and Macn
PorHa, Meet, Mattocks, Picks, Ac. &«.
Haring completed all theiramngeiaenM in the
'a of 9' * —■*
iirnction of new machinery* tod in *Konn* the be*i
workmen from the most celebrated ouMlihoent* of
the' blast. art now manafactonn* Ud will keep con
suutUyo a hud and for tale ell the above articVi, hav
ing availed themselves of ihe Uteat'impiovemenis, and
are determined that in workmanship and matrrial they
will not be eneellrd. TheypromKc to product. articles,
eqoal,ifiKJt»ijperior. lD an? that can be had in the East.
They invite the aueniion pfdealersilo uTexaminaiion
oflhrir stock before purchasing elsewhere; a« (bey are’
'convinced ihanhc} will be able 10 All all orders in ibeir
huetothe entire satisfaction of parehaters; Warehouse,'
'Water ft 4 dears WestMomegmhela llouae, Pittsburgh,
N.B. Persons having badness witb Wnk LippeaeoU.
k Son, will please call on Lippcaeott k Co. «ci9dly
New fourth street d&eert;
oj>ea on Monday, April Slh, four door* from'Wood it,
and next door to A Jayne 1 * PekioTjsa Store.
A splendid assortment of Fancy Coke, Confecuonary,
Fruit, e..frcj£>pnthecenntereveryday;amongwhicb
are iho followingr— •
Macaroons; Pound Coke; 'Leona Biscuit;
Pastry; Sponge do; .Pepper Non;
Jelly Cake; Almond do; Molasses P. Cake;
GinnrNflU; .WaferJumbie*;3pongeBifeuic
Federal Cake; A. P’s; Sugar do; 1
Orders (dr Ice Crrams, Jdlly, Brides’ Cake, Fancy
Confeciioaary, a., • p., executed in a manner one*
quailed in quality ana beaut? by nay other establish*
ment in this city. ,
Fresh Bread, Twist, Rusk, Ac , manufactured solely
from White Wheat Flour, and free fromalldrors, every
morning. ap3 ’ AN DUE WS
{■■SHAKES this method to inform his
and the public si large tbot his Factory
’s!now in fullopcmioii,on the East «id<
fejail or lha Diamond, Allegheny, where a conj
slant supply of Biioeji, of vaiiocs colon
undqoaiiiies,areconsiAntlykrptonhand l
g&g99 also si No. i Wood si, Pittsburgh,*! J. A
fEBV * 11. Phillips’oilcloihwajeroom.
.-Vviunan Shutter* made to‘order, in the ben style.
Blind* repaired at (he shortest notice.
N. B. ILs Blind* will be patup,. without any addr
uooal eXepase sn ihtt they con be. removed in a mo
ment in case offireortor washing, and vritbooi the aid
of screw dr e oetddlyAwlamly
A. FULTON, Bell and Brass Found
-5R er, bus rebuilt and commenced busincssai
• tSw hilold stand, where he will be pleased to
smi Ws old customers add friends.'
ZShX Church, Steamboat, and BeUsofever)
sire. from 10 to lUJXjU pounds, cast from
¥«?y«tM9paiiern» of the most approved model?, and
warranted to be of the Immaterial*.
Mineral Water Pumps Counters,; Railing, Ac. Ac
ogeiber with every vanety ofßnusjCastingt.'frequlr
ed. turned and finished in the neatest manner. . ,
|TyA. F. is the solo proprietor of Baihit's Aim*
Attutiob Mktal, so Justly celebrated for- iho reduc
tion offtletioa in machinery. The Boxes and Cosapo
sition can be LmJol him stall times. jant-ly
T \v. \V. WAI.LACK
» pirrsnuijoM steam .makplf.' work^,
.V.i. till aud “10 LHhilj iUuu nutr lit Canal.
ALWAYS on bend and made to order, a Urge varied
ty of Marble MamelK Pier,Centre Tables, nod
Bureau Topi,TosbS'otic*, Monuments, Ac-; all which,
bvingmsde of the choicest marble, and.munaineturetl
principally bvmachinery; wiUbc>sold lpw for cash. -
N. 6. Person* ■ wiihing to pnrraiiw ManteU, axe
informed that it is henceforth uin-r: -nary for them to
go East, ns 1 .eon famish thru <th an article in all
n *|>eeis at good, and (freight. it, coiwider
etl.) as cheap as ihcy ran ; ' !- them tor in the
Fait. Call ajxl see. ■ } )«5t
N'n 8 Market itrett,Piu.linrgh, Penna: »
fpHE subscribers haviug raadeenut Improvements
J. In the construction of their COOKING iWOVES,
respectfully invite persons building Steambdli. to call
and examine beforepurehasing, a* w£eao supply them
with Deck Stoves, Forges, and every ojber kind, of
Copper. Tin and Sheet Iron work necesnury in turirinh
mg a Steamboat. . w,:.*
\Ve also make to outer on the shortest notice Sal
Tabes and Chamber; Copper work fat Steam Engines
and every tariety of worV irvoor line.
WM. rieOULlhr fcfco.,
kannfaciDnn ol Hals, Boltleiaml W.Glaia,
A'o. W OOD STREET: '. - '
'dkOS factories being now-in full «>pcrauon*wr arc
prepared to exeeate ordeit in otir lino, promptly
Snnng the last turamer we.havcadojHedAnewplanoi
fiatierunr Window (llaat. (die moat tpp.oTrd pUn non
used in tee eact,) by which we lumout a.aupeiior ani
eie. Olju Bjilcned on ihi* plan is p<tr>ecdy level and
iroe with a. very fine lotire Feinirrsaul <Ural;isgen«
eraily, arc reqoeeicillo call and examine for ibetu*
velvet. p .ps -
ufkenswabe manwaDtureks, •
Birnlafturn, (near PltUVorffb,] Pa.
IVgreAotue, No. 137, Wood rtrcci, tUtsburgh.
WILL constantly keep on hand a good assort*
ot Warn, of our own raamuaetnre, and
■ Mperiorqoaiity. country Mer*
chants are respectfully.invited to eailonii el
aaune for themselves, as ws are'Jciermihed to sell
cheaper than haseverbefore been edered to the pub
iie. - J ‘ •
ID” Orders sent by mail, accompanied by the cash or
cay reference, will be promptly attended m. fobXd
Great Weslera BaU Uiage Hriioiaclory/
A: would inTohflihe tradethat
• they are now manafaetorujxthi best Butt Hinge
evermsdc in the United States.. as tkit js oar princi*
pie business, we intend to send oat as( complete an ar
ticle at can possibly be made. Those engaged in the
hardware trade, we think, will find it to their interest
to tee oar Bout All orders promptly ittended'to. '
myfi A GARDNER'foCo.torof pth ids
Nos. 8) and M Prom sis,
Basts Fectnint ud Gas Fa*
.• .jias; IIKX# of ail siiet cost
from the Inies improved pat.
- ’ m.m- ' Icms sod warranted equal to
■■ . *ny. . Also, ilrau Castings,
finished, if ordercd, Gas >n
tings pat op promptly and on
reasonable terms,
. novlOdly
EUptieSptiftgs.llaauiMredfronAxlrsianddeaJen in
Atalleable Casting*, Piie Engine Lamps, and Coach.
Trimmings generally corner of Ross iu From streets,
.Pittsburgh,Pa. .. -v . sptf7
RON aad Kalis, Bboveli, foe. for sue at onr new
JL Warohnse, No. *R Water sireei, near Wood, run
ning to Frost. "*
assortment ax.the old «tahd, McMaixrTs
Bow, Liberty streeL v
- Uaving made great additions to the Rolling MilLall
orders ean be filled promptly.
. . ' ■xmrTAtnrxxtior t • • ..
AfQ> • ' i
Pattern Moia?' Points, of acr e daeription.
# Oftce Ne. 8 BuCharter Hotel, Tl3rt rtreeu . .
• ' - ♦* ■ ■ PUUbwgk.
P.Mj *
JVljJlUH'r •■ totCn Ho.lded **| I-latifl’liiil
OlM*fc*re, u» *H in Vuncues, «i their W*rehoa*« eor
nttmmarket and W«tejttrreu, I'iiulMinrh.'
. Our Work* con tinea in fell operaiitie, and woaic
cornua ly adding to our noeh, which enable* aniofill
order* with pnmptneu. Porch*»e« arc M-pectfally
•olinted to «*Ji»nd examine price* ftnd irrma '
nylOdly •
.TBOS.KKiaiBDr.Jr.V "
VfholaaU. Variety Store and Looking Glass
; Manufacturer, -
Comer of Wood mod Fourth ki , I'i’ishprjti.
XASjoat received frtm the Baal a large nnd good as-
Xatrroaeni of Varf«r.Goods,iflel«diag Clock*. Aeeor
deooi, I’m*. Needle*. Gttnv Cop*, Hook* end Eye*,
Cutlery end Combi of every pmuern mud quality.—
Western Merchant! sod oihenaro feqaesied local! and
examine b-for* purchasing eliewberv,nr going Dim.
AH kinds of Gilt, Alsbossnr and common Looking Glu
«»aan*taomred and *old aFKasteio prices octal
co * ssl. m a K » ng .
• • • FEOM the very lUwnf ejßworv*
meat iheTObaenberfcaJi received *ih r «
has located hlofeirin Allegheny.
ST 1 - W hm tadoced him to ukh * lemse.for ia
ye»f*i on the property he no*
occupies, in-Beaver nreei, immediately beside the
PreibyieriaoChareh. From the long ejyerlene* in tba
above banneit and a desire La p lease, he’ hopes to met
liandceceive'aahareef psblic patronage-
No* on band and ftalahinf to order, Xockaway 0u«
(tea, open and top-Baggie*, and.evrTy, description of
Camagea made to order, from aovedty-fivo dollar* to
otbihanang -,f*e»»4tfl JOHN ROHTH -
l, , s^^rs!ir^-KSisrr u i,
?!Ia iß|wii(, ti atemtvca
I™ 1 ? orotuad, eta, fcr imuiaoo of the kidaer* nd Mte
udteUtal £££«, mp}
*d mfter ccnfiacarat v« obta troubled
eooribauoo of the bowel* or eo*tmam, u wtUiuib*
ips S£6.nir sarts
ffrrtl/heralcu to the 'naet delicate ca*c* a /< *"**
Thbktarcrtif/Uatnc&owDr. ra£otd«bjVPikfl pwifit
lob* » e»rt»ffl eu« «wj *f e rated/. Heviw Me&’JtocfKf
£S£ES?E!L 1 ““ , P ,, ? r .£"ty ““« ak, "» »*er«ral eoa*
Grneduid terete earnof U>ePifc*, where jtnodes,eatirt
™ l Z tttt lf r L a ?? ' '■' H>L\UY WHITiIHKAD.
• I theerfull/ ei.e by (mum/ u to the ecrUin ood o*u.a
Hhug effect* of Dr. ibgoldib»*» Pile Specific, u I W a
«*P* r *®« “>d oWmxm, to be u&UihU
"*****•■“*“ a KTtn] cue.ofpOmmlt
todjanite.. . t>w OEO.^MILISI,
W«w York. Mir, IMS.
: LADIES' C£ttTinCAT£i'
Mr* Ue*]r—Deir* Sin—*l t».
toot orijeme, I>r. luotfcty* rile. SpeciSJS, ZJ?7I
core tnfa nx of mjtLa, «ad fncwrm jSu
t ?£^T a, *?r d U “ il «• “ a/ojuJon E
pnilN looiit btfr . Hownrer, i ran nr»w Irttifr to the mr.t
ssi^tssss^ pnxurf **
Tour* with mnieet.
k f St, .f"^^,”u» u,^'TrSs^a;, 8 g r
lb* Pile* tiler hiring wed olher reowdiw without luccra.
*T 'P I - JACKSON, it hi. P.t
•BtWedieiae Wirtboure, »nd Boot tod Shoe Btor*. No. B
’ ' j«a 14—dir
i . * I -THIS Jft Ptw Ultra improvement
ha< n«w ben In trasabom two years and where v*r it
is knawn,prcrerrc4toall etherßeadsteads.
t-'or. ehr-apaeas, ctreoxtb and convenience it hu not
and cannot be equalled, as it i« decioedly the ben
eljeapertaitd most convenient Bedstead tn ate, and per’
feetl y j>«oof a<atou Buga. 1
The principal Cabinet maker* and Turners in Alle
gheny ctl/ and a Piu»borjh,h*vc secured, Rights to
manufuctuie and sdlt the article. • At there arc sparioot
article* and imperfect ImjHUoot in the market, purchn
seravrooWdowel Wexatnme tho east Iron plate* ou
which m the genuine article toe name of the patentee,
h. p.Gtzsajg. it invariably cast. A* a proof of all thu
i* claimed lorGatzam’* Bedstead*,the foUowingcertifi
cate from Cabinet maker* well known in PiUibiinrh and
Hie West,ts submitted to the public: 8
We, theiubteribers, practical cabinetmaker* and
lledatead mann/aemrer* of the cities of Pitubnrgh and
Allegheny,' Pa., do hereby certify that we havoboachi
the right to manufacture bodsteadswlthGaziam’* P*i.
ent l a*temn|», and consider the tome tuwrwc to aar
faau-ouw* with which wo are uwaainted 1
James Lemon , John AlKirew
/fB VnancAO Robert Faiman
- -J'P M ¥**«>* 1- damn* B Bait
John Liggett, Jr. Ja*. Lowry A Son
- UiwriO A arbrn Riddle A Brennan *
;■ Thomni l-arley , ftam*ey A W’Clelland <
' H*\‘ d .^. er i Mo*e* Uulluek
Hugh WfcUrx* \ Robert* A Kane
J Mayer* - Jas W WoodweJl
• Gebrjre Snyder
3 Wm Maaleit J MeAiaiters A Co
Alexander Latnoa
tor Right* to make and *ell the above Bedsteads ;
•pn'yw , BBLNEZEn pgazzam, !
1 :__ ' Patent#* j
£ Challenge to the World.
Ik - HVK DOLLARS will be paid to UT one
A wh ° »«H produce a spot of punt, green or dry, that
eumot be ogtraeted with lion's Improved Chemical
Soap. I have the satisfaction of saying to me peopled
Uu* place, that thl* article, by my own improvementon
uow stands unrivalled in thie country lor extracting
grearc, ur« pitch, oil, paint, or any other greasy *6t>
■uoee, tromall kinds of gentlemen's or ladies* clothing,
carpets, table ciotha, oermo shawls, ladies' bo nan*,
Ae. without xnjnring anything that pore wuer will not
i&jure. More than one thousand persons in different
part* of lha connuy .have told me they, would not be
wnhootit. if it cost one dollar per cake. In trying this
koap on more than 300 articles of i-gtu «iik», satins. I]-
parcaa.and calicoes, I have only found three pieces ol
ri)k, tWo of alpacea; and four of calico, on which it
chanpnl the color} therefore before putuog it on a light
dress try a .sample of the dress first. 1 suiejhD ocetuse
I om determined not to recommend it any stronger than
I know to be strictly true Nil Herr.'
I‘rice, 101 ct* per cake. Sold, wholesale aod retaU
«*>•' Ai . 'HE SELLER*.
itecSl ; CT wood st
Useful and Onsaaaemlal Gifts.
AFlNEjaisoruneni cf fancy articles, among which
are— ;
Handsome Crochet Bags, with and without clasps;
Steel Dead and French silk bags,
Silkj)oife‘,D«w styles,
. Ivor)' tablets; pearl memoranda,
’ Koiraciled anil ivor>* 1 «per cutlers;
Nopoioun ai d portable ink*;
' 'Cigar cure*, with comb acd glass and meroocasdom
Toothpicks; plain cigar esses;
' Fort ol os; pocket book*;
‘ I‘api-lorct; needle book*;
.. l’aney boxes; Berlin iron baskets;
Willow basset*, Ac. Ac. Now open and for rsJc
by ! ‘ F KEATON
. , -
J before— undr oa tbe roust approv'd Kn»tern p;»u»—
nidrw»«i I‘tiKh vocable Kattrin pattern* nnri<-o«-r4 Al«o
or made 10 order of all and at all prior*.
t’ounuy Merchants ami other* arc invited to cail and
examine (be above Cor themselves, as alt will bo sold
wholesale or reuul.aada liberal deJoeiioo made to
wholesale purchasers, |
j»t>ldlr ; i
. V.'aißinof m. II C, Dei*. Gih, IH7.
Orear D. Thcmp&an, Etf ,'PitoburfK, fa. —
SIU; I have read your aimritrement in one of the
,PitubuTgb paper* with not u little Surprise 1 find
taut yon have copied cnybdsine** Circular entire, and
appropriated it Hyoorself. I will takoUtf liberty to
in:prm jo« that my bosiness Circular n my'owjt com
petition nod. t« noi common property. J tit alt Dot wil
i agly eanwmto be placed in a p v»itii.nih*t will induce
person* who do not koow. me to sbnpote that I am not
capable of rpmpotmg my own burineas card; or that I
am capable of pilfenug and approprta rag the card of
aiMitber to my uwn use. 1 am; therefore. cndT the ne
cessity of noticing and exposing vourplaiuriftn in tht*
manner ZCkuIIBINS.
Attorney for Palenia, Washington- D.C.
CSJ-AII newspaper* t>-at ha*e jitfMiihrd Mr. Thorap-
Dll’* adven'iemeot, will please itiscri the above, delltf
filaUanvba* a ureal advantage over rainy other
Cough preparation*, a* it* pleavint tails permit* it wire
or.-d without inconvenience. Uuli a value a* a Bair am,
etmil*U in the apeediara* of it* care.' Wehave known
aome of ihe moat deape rata cough*, tone of whirh bad
lietu running on for a coutidcrablo length of fame, yield
almost immediately to na power.
In such 1 weather at we have had daring the pail
winter ever)’ one i» liable to ukeceld. onleii great pro*
ci*rtion» aro V«ed.
Wot feet and andue exposure to the inelcmenoy ofxbe
wenUicr often laji the foundation of a backing cough
which need* a quick remedy to provent acroa* reialta
Webavo itutneroutceitinctiira of eates which it bx*
performed, many of which are from penon* in ibivtcity
and the neighboibood, aud they are a sufficient rriler*
euce’vitnnai faying another word in it* favor. -
Prepared and for »ale wholesale and retail by B A
TAHNESTOCK A CO, eoraer of Wood and lit and
Wood and Qih m. dc!3
K Boden, Erq , Clerk of the Goorrof iJ'Uiter Scs*
•ion » of Beaver county. ’
‘lit. R. E. Stujtii—Sir: Pome time in (he winter my
wit* was afflicted with* tarere and distressing cough,
ondhoaring of year invaluable Coegh Syrup, Iparcna
•ed a bottle from S T. Trimble, Em) , in Bridgewater,
amloflct.tahinga portion of it twoorthree evening* on
going a> bed, she foend iramedlato relief; a* al*o*eveial
(nendi have been reUved In severe eaie*. lam there*
fore satisfied (hat ii is'a late and valuable medicine, and
would recommend ii to tlra*e who may be afflicted with
severe eosgh* android*. > W. K. Boon.
March to, ISI .
The Syrup ii* pot op in 35 eent hauls*, so that It may
be bought by the poor a* well aa the rich.
Prepared and fold by R E SELLERS, -7 wood (tee
alio, lor tale by. Ur,CtuaJ,sth ward, and O. M- Carry,
Allegheny city. ■ . ’ ■ nvl3
—Tht* labor aaving Machine, wa* Patented, April
Ibib, IHO, which In View of Its great durability, cheap*
uen* and efficlenev, its simplicity of conetmclion, and
the case and facility w-th which ft it seed by either
Uoy• or adult*; is inevitablyjiesuaed to wperccde aij
other Com Sheller* for general use.' It in fact "applies
aderideratom which baa long been .wanted throughout
(lie Western State*, for while itcoat* lei* than one-tenth
of the price of the rqrary aheilers,oue.per*on can obeli
com with it. a* fan aaqpitb any. For *a!c at the Seed
• Store, corner of Wood and Cth au.•
octls ; . 8N VVICKEnPIIAM
A PPLICATJON will bo made to the President. Mann
t\. gera and Comptny, for erecting a Bridge over lb'
River Monoifgabeia opposite the county o.
Allegheny, for the rur.ewal of ihiee. certificate*, Noi
117, IdO, ItO, in the naive of John Hunter, each for twe
4harr* of nock i* said Company. Said ccrtiGcatea be
ii;g loitormulaid. ; RICHARD KLOVD
Attorney (or the Ezecnton of John Hunter, dec’d
dcis ; -
-1 vingGrease rpol*, Stain*,or hfyk* from Clothe*,
Woollen*. Carped An., Ac.,'and rendering the tpoti
where it i* applied dear, bright,now,and epotleo.
' Sold with tall direction* Price iScenu a cake
by WM. JACKSON, * liberty street, bead
WTTm. at hi« Boot and Shoe ftorej *ign ol ibe Big
'pil£ Stockholder* of IhelParmeri', Depone Hank c
A Pittsburgh, intend nuking application 10 the iiex
Legulatare, lor each alteration ol to*ir Chatter ■» wil
give (hem Hanking privilege«,or if decmedeipedieni
ail! ark to be incorporated ai a sew limit. I
■ fly order of hoard Director*. 1
DIiURY & Nrci
Wo. 3tt* Booth Prt
Back of 1 A. Vbilson’M Calii
\ ' ' PRllii
ALL order*. left with 8.8, Moo
Merchant’*-Hotel, Fitubnrtt, OT -p f
attended to. • 1 THOS. O.IPKRKV
rcplQ-dlv : • A. G H 1 *
rdSmS*> UARIfESS MJiKERi<m Chwout *t .
FtuUvUipWa, Uu of th* Am of OtU tf
Wit**. mptrtfully iafcrmi hi. ttimlt
' ' •»* *!*• P“ w f» **•* ta har tad nil! h«. r
ccmiUstiT cm httA tod fer Mb, a handnai
• iAMhi Cinko. ViluekaafaD Hrkdiaddaerinttaa-
:ht wry but mxaoer,of mlceud Mitral. ' r.un u
r Fl'M! MBS!! ms!!:'
■»JfK rtbacritar would reaptatfolljlotlw L«dle*aad
. Uenllemcn about ml tint Philadelphia, bhH m wan .
FAKOy PPmSauehM Nuffi. L'oa«, T/ppll.AcTto
rl ve Ba a rail tafaifl purebaaioc d*Kwli«ro,aa they will
iidU loiheir adrßDiafeaad bo nitufce. All orders I
reeejvcd ahull ta .'ajlfafully asieodedtoat No SDJTortli I
Third a v above Anh, Philadelphia.■.
- H)fWkkUa«hnf>iaJka^^^ S, i!Stf j
un. TOWNseNu>s
: Mott extraordinary Mediant in the World.
Tha tttnrt t. rutup m *iatt bottle*: Hu ex u.n ehe>^
.ii T^.r ffii** utj ;* ljd .^l , ' riofit y ®f UuiSamwilU one
iH ®£* r J i * ed «f» ia, whilst »t £adnta UtKueU U»'££v,
Bodj. it fe one of lit* t*it bet gpnixn /QrtT
SUMMER MEDICINES eter known it not oolt aMG*
.*£• whole system sad strengthens (ha person, but ii cMut
&&£" apowerpmewtd bj noSbtr
*s*% £** u, r Uiu «**•“•»»»• *««t of iu
I, 1 has perfumed witliia the put two mri gU
thaa curt* of S* w* Cam of Duuk ; .Hit 3£i
°^ ’ rcre Co ‘ uu f* fT d meunbie. Mure than
«V)OQ case* of Chronic Rheumatism: V
it,Oik) cun of Dytpcpua;
utility Want of Ewerey; '
• ,0W ca*c* of JiffierretFeealt Complaint!;
2,UO(J cam of Scrofula;
-1,400 ciki of the Liter Complaint;
cum of U imasc of the Eiduey and Dropn.
00 curl of Consumption,
Thousands of csscsofDisease of the Blood, tt*: Uletr*,
, Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, t'iaplesosibe Face, fee., &X To
|ttltcr Mill) numerous cam of Bick Headache, fais is ti.a
Aide and Chest. Spinal Affwtiopi, Af n
■ This, we aije axue, must appear incredible, but we bate
lelteMirotapbjaieune.mndooPageaU from ah part* of the
United Stain, luUmatng uof extraordinary cures R Van
Ituakilk, tarj. one of the moat rnpcetabjedrugpaU in New-'
srk, N. J.,mfcrm» us that be can rein to sure than 140 «»•
an is that place albuc. Tlier* an thoumudsof emu is tha
Cite or New York, which we will refer to wits plenum
and to nieo of character. It it lha tea medicine fer the
Trtrentire of disease known. It undoubtedly **»ed the lire,
of more than
djt)i*o Child sin th* Pact Beams j ,
Ae it removed the cauae of disease, and nenred them lb
the Summer aeaaos. | *
Unrm Statu Orncaju
Carr. O. W.AlcCutax.or tuc Usrrxa Statu Watt,
and member of the New Jcrtcy Legislature. haa kindly sent
«* the Allowing ccrtilicate. llteila iU own atory ’
:' HaHWat, Jan. 23,1H7.
• A year unct 1 wai takes with the Influents, and mv wbolt
natem left is a debilitated Maw. 1 wit induced to try Dr
Townsend's StreapanUn, and aAer taking two or three bot
• f ',*** ttr 7 mueh “8 attribute it tulirely to the
said earaapanlla. 1 hare conliatmd Ukine it, m,d fiij
lumrore eeery day. 1 belisae it mrrd my <!£«> and would
Wt be without it under any aiaikfaiainm
O. W. McLain, iale U. 8. N.
Tki» cartificate eooduirtly prove* that thb SanaimnUa
bas perfect control ortr the moet ohttisale u,,
bhod. Three person* cured in uoe faotue it unprecedented.
_ Tutu Childun. .
D». Townaaro-Dear Sir; 1 hare tha pleasure to inform
tob lint three of my children hare been cured of tha Bcro>
fuk by lha e» of yexir ewellcnt medidna. They wera
afimted my merely enthbadaem: hare atly taken four
bottlea; It ipok them away, far wheeh I feat myaalfander
dttp.obligalian. Tern,awfaetfally, •
__ v . . •moW;Cia»,l«V # oiii T A
I7«w Tori, iMarah I,JBdT.
Dr. Towucod** Sftnaparlila It e wmerirn and eneedr
rare fiw inopwat Conauaptioa, Barresnea, heocorrbth, ct
Whitae, obetneted or dif&ali Alartmtion, Inconltnuence
of Urine; or inrolnntary ditcharje thrreoi; ud lor the m
eral pcoetmicm of the eyttem -no matter woether the remit
of innerat ctaae or eaticf, produced by irreynlarity, illaes*
«r accident*
Nothing can bo more tnmfelag than its iarinraUar eP
leeteontbebamaaftama. Perxme, alt wcaksem and hmt.
tude, Iron taking it, at net boeoaa robuet and fnUef cscrer
tadar it* uflstaee. It immediaiatr countenete tht naire
Irwarw of tha female feama, whiek e tha great of barf
reanam. *
It will not be aipcetsd of ne, a caau of ao dalkaU a aa*
tare, to exhibit certificates or cum performed, bet we can
amue tha aflicud, that hundred* of ease* kart been.reported
torn. Berea! eiau where femilkahate been without ehild*
rea, altar oriag a few bottles or thii iaraltahla madicisa,
hare been Ueet with hctJthy ofipriag. i *
Dr Tovntrnd: Aly wil. gmtly dhtrated by
weatoe* and general dabtlUr, and euflmag eoauoualk
by pata and a muulioa ef bnring down, &Hiag of the
womb, and with othar difteultke, and haring known
where your medicine haa aflactad great cum: and alio hear*
isg it recommended fcr rach caaeaai 1 bare denribcdJ obtain^
w» bottle of your Extract of Samparilla, and followed
Oht direction you gate me la a abort nanod it reaored
her eompkiat* and restored her baalth. Being grateful fer
Ithe benefita ahe rtcaitcd, 1 taka pfeasure in Uttu acknowledg
ing it, and reeommasding it tha public. M.D Miwm.i
ABoy,Acg.l7,lW«r Cor. of Grand nd Lyditu
' ■ ’ . _ . CoiiACHta, SapC 63, ItHS.
Dr TVtfwNWrf.* To all whom this tuj eonctm—Thh fe
toewtiiy that my wife uad out bottle of your Samcuriik
prtrkm* to her cenfincsesl. under the meet alarming ex I
dalicate cinmtances, being troubled wi,th the dntur, awcl
liu of tha feet, nerreui aSectkoi, and rrry muehdabiliU
ted; with tar pemoskw, asd the recommendation of these
who had used it, iht was induced to try) it, with little or no
feith; and ealbceit to say, th* medicine had tha hasty and
dasued aflect, not only in the hour* of ednAnemtnt, but aflar
the espiralioa of ona week of its use, the drvmy and aer
rous nflaetion ear* war to an astociihicg degree, and her
health Is now batter this it had bean fur a kag time are
nous.. " ~
If lha will be of any Mrrtce te'yoa or any esc who
doubts tha iqcccji of the tnedirica, yon are entirely welcome
to It
[ subscribe myself your most obedient aod obliged t 'mat;
This Extract of Sampurilla hu bean eipmaly ueepured
a talfercue* to female eoapiaiau. No female
aoo to euppoee the is appruachtog that critical parted,. •• Tht
tut it tj life,” should neglect to lake it, a* it iia'ceitaio
preventive fer any of the numerous and honiUc disease* to
which females are subject at this >■■»» of life. This period
may be delayed Air sereral years by using Ihtsmadietn*. Nor
is it kas raltmbie to those wbo ere approaetiing womanhood,
as it is cmleatated to aesist nature by auseksmeg the i-M
and ineigeratiag the sysUm lodted,ihisßcdkm* is laeaL
uahlc fee all of the de.icxtt diseases to which waters are
h I'fucti th» whole system, rests* pcnmarvUy the m’-i
-,al «jar»K*—by icmciing tbs uupurilie* ef Urt budv avt.
to ftr fl nutating U.e system a* to produe* a subecuucnt n
lasaiiuo, which is the case of must medicines taken fur ftmil*
neakneu and disease
Too who hare paie complexions, dull eyes, blotches on »V
fee*, rough akin, «r tmckM, ami are ‘-{tug Of Merits:**
a bottle ur two of Dr Toahsrod’i a&yfßTs/ Jj
cleanse your Uood. i<BO<e the frecklre and btutchs*, and
gise you auitaa'.KM. •pirklmg eyts, line ipiriu,Xbd beautiful
compieii>ao'-*iji of uhkh are of icunso** talus u ttoour
ried ladies *
Nu fluid or medicine has mr been diacvrmd which so
scariy resembUs the goitre jusen or Msiius i„ decomposing
feed ud strengthening the organs of digestion, a* this prtM;
ration of Sana^riUa.
• _ o*Wt K*P*»T»«»T.JkIbwt,M«TIO,IBC.
Dr Tmmi auiu Kir—l bar* beta afflicted for wrrra]
jtar* with djripcpm ia iU worU fo. e»», atlcadrd wiU. aoari
net* oi ttoeueh, lom of appetite, ulrtmt licarlbura, ad •
(tT»t arenioa to alt lutuuorfeod.ud for »ttl» (wtut I
coaM eat,} i bat* Wes usable to main bid a *nulli\»rtioa
ou nf aiomadi. 1 tried the'utu*) rrmcdw*, but they had
bat little oroo tfitcl ia mooting the complaint. I«a»ia
doced,about two u»oclh»»u«c; to try yonr £itraet of Bar't»-
par ilia, tad 1 mvut ui with little ambience, but after
bcuHt two botllta, I {bond my appetite mlorcd, ad the
b dirt bora entirely removed; and 1 would carnally mom
entud the w of it w Uiom wbo bat* been afflicted aa I hart
‘“J- „ w. W. VaM Zitn.
Jfo*Q3,UHg. dutcab^ad^
Read the following, and doubt if you css, (hu eaosunp
ncK-wsot U cuimL Tbieiroolroueof lha smralbundrtd
cue* that Townsend’* Saraaparfik (atcured:
Ur TwiiMift— Dw Sir. 1 war taken. • Imi* er«rs
year ago, with a kmji cough and f»i» » aj (id*. j(
eicaatd oo »e ter} last, indeed. |ku pronounced h* r&r
mcUm to bats tbs quiet ceeiuapUow- 1 raised latgeoian*
titireof bad nsttcr, had sight sweats, and linking very fut]
•y doctor Mid be could do nothing hr aia. J scat into ibe
borplal iobopeofUwg beoeGtud. lutwispraoucneedlbtre
as ioearst/U. I tru sow greatly aiitrrwed at the laaai and
could hardly breathe; I woo btcaae tame tiled, asd effected
to die; tra* eoollafd to fcy bed, asd ni obliged to bare
waither* Indeed 1 cannot girt yon asy dewriptiuu that
would dojastice tomytuc. Itu supposed by ay'friends
lobe post rtcoMry; 1 bad tmd a great umber of reared***,
asd aj| secured lo be to so puspuae. 1 read of woe swu a
tnordisary cure* performed by your median*. asd la tell
you tba truth, 1 stupecUd (bare wai woe IcbaVug inlbetn.
Botina induced to try it, l did and aa very thankful
I did. I cannot wy that lam entirely will, but a« so for
recovered aa lobe about ay business, and hope to be entire
ly w*U is I few weeks. Aly cough and pan in lire ,ida,
and night aweaU bare left or, and raise but very liUlc, and
knfot gaining tnr usual strength. I felt it a duty to c i»«
job a statement of my cate, to publish if you pirate ,
Pm* Blown,« Little it, Brooklyn
Opinion* of Physician*.
Dr To«ra»he*d Ualamtd*iljr*eeiTing o rdm Iron {&»'
iiciani in difercst ptrUof llnUßioa. r^i ‘
Thi* is to eerlifj uat we, th* ustltrtijaed, PhTiwau o:
ItaCit/of tun io na&wrous cut* prueribtd Dr
TewMad'* BwMpAnUa t )*Bd*clicfeitlob«w<of tbtaxa!
valpikU ptfsnlkni of la* SirMpuillaiatht oarkct
‘ , UpFtriiM,mo
J Wtuoa,it,
Albuj, ilpril 1 ( IWS,
Thu u (o eertily that wt, tht imdtnicned, pncteto*
Thnmaopito pfcpkna of tht Gey of Albany, hartforaat
ty prt*erib*d DrTowatad*t Compound Eilntd ef Atu.
inlit, tod from iU kaowo qatlilka, would rtcommud ltd
h* fublie for cure oral, aerutnloua, tad othcrc Otaaroua wo
cut*, ia jire&rraet to toy of tbt adrtrlucd marditt imata
i AW r,
Albany April f1,1H4.j W* B &TAjm>i,*Tr . .
. rrincipeio&ct, I9S Fallon »L Ban Baildit*, N 7j: PH-'
♦ ***«• »t OjfoU { Bom. HO Norib 8«s
«M at Philadelphia; 9 SHeace, drumitl, Baltimore; and W
principal generally throngbout (h« Vailed State/.
Heel iodice and the Caaaaa.* '
None genuine, ualcMput np ia the lam aqism bolthe,
*b«h contaia a quart and timed with the writtea linalnre
• blows onthe^lu!
' From the New York Daily Eepret* of Aprils, It 47.
A pretty thing appeared iu the *Ue«u yeeterdar. - U wai
theadrertoing cafe,or SampariUa EipmaefDr Townee ud.
The whole thing it got up ia good tuu: tome of the oraa*
neaial laodecape paintiogtar* beautiful, which, with
thewroli work, toroid, glutuinr is the ion, made athow
rarely equalled in Broadway. We take Utu opportunite to-l
«y w« better* this attract of the Sarojwrilla ducmi the I
varyjgmtpupalarity Ithai acquired, j
Hit roui Debility. -
„ _ . v »«wVo»«,MmkJ7,IM7
• Dr. Towuend:—J Mretea illidtdßurtor Jc« for 3
Trtr*, with a dread faleiukiof io th< ebeat, fiddiacM is the
“W" U ikwUl.,jala b Ik. kml*, uj tUWIilj,
brought «q oqdcubt by th« continual bat cad cold (a which
laa subject to in my butiam aa a dyer, Ibm taken other
BcdictSM, too ■ usxrooi to mcatioo, but with little or oo me
te*. I«u induced bj whet luw ia the twtnr to irra bottle
of your Sarmparil’a, from which I fcmodptalrtUeZ than
*'***,{**“ meral more bottle, and | on ulmitatiafir at
M-itlaa beet aedteuu I hare erer takes—the iwuni _V
di<4 li mi, ud 1 fcel quite a dJflcrcnt an alicwtther ilneo
l bare taken your tfarmpriUa. I bar. aSFn twKr£ShZ
«j •* b " il Wilt itsimTSS
cbJ re*ult». 1 would recommend it u t .
ptotally, and Heel cone faced that If «o need then wonld
.Doelor-'e bilk* for while it mtore* appetite. ft aim ,*
• the Momach and bowel* their remlartaaes/t k«m uH!i,IL!S
•r* 1 '" 1 And toallthaewboa>e not iaalwalihretate I
try Dr TowoMod 1 * ttana{wnr% /* u «»l»y
_ , , lUJaaaSltm. 70 Allen at
Oaskarln titeißataiii.
saatßsi- —=m VStsz
aj* rubier.
'"“ 1 ‘” , '7«~:h _ vo£’4«imV,
iv .i, bj.EE^WiSisr*#^*
h*lwMO 3d *nd 4tb ft*, wt>o hw^L^m^fLi'k^n
wwitamp-h tMiijS ffTSftg,?;
Hatband ft Celebrated Fad Sacneiia
qvu.-* i- • oiw.«fc«4 timat hMtJSj 12525?;^.
1 i. t i prftrt *olulioa
fKjitiM ■ £tir|d of mj own paued l/ir™™™*" 1
II u tnl / Ik. m«l ..n>ri«« woi£„X"°?C
•MU. IBUiil,i*.i».n«i« - ln ”V
■ For ul. » 1 KIDD tQ, N. U wffiSS?pja
• ■. V «eU> •
sjj "?'*'***-:-y^: ;r *-■
i ' MallrauMS rinljUu Oma. :
ir.s E. ioud h... Hi. *rT!iS£rS£, , m
fl. Ho runoiKOmr..UiJo» e /r o , c
prices— j
1 jnae ol M Gin BoporSne Hilru m, n or«elaV«'
Hi our- o.a *»i.« muU —u:ra:iu:J well
1 cirr ofSaloojroal Mtiloo oaier Ghiiu,wrapper*
i and Drn«en, aome very fine.] 1 ’
* reJSSJ 11 with Coi-
I co« potent nriroljoimaorpende'ni with oiler Good.
! SSISS “*'»» »d fiutcy
-Skin uoer and plain Batin Btocka ’
litnhaxine bowr and plain Uofflhailne groekt.
of ,ow P'»«t! Shirts which wc are sorTin
quality h«« never been sarpumci i„ prsce |„ thu eitr
\v e mihnd to etoec the above Goods off by Urn packare
•Jo woo'd r«! the oueutjon „f I'orel,,^,^
ZX&r™ U,M low .tS! tei™ “
bered tSI wood jt, op stairs, & doors'below 2d st
Wlxoleaale~t)ry _ Oo«>d«
41 U,e . Wbt >‘c*i'n Dry <Jond« Hdoids
61 Market sued, 2d atoty, lU) pc ,V Alparcal vO
pep English AJetiuoe. i rater of Oregon Fla.ds‘and Cash
larrer, 10 F ca French Broadcloth,.!?^pjf
mf re, 5 ca«e* caa-meti, IQ baler red. whuc *, J vetioi
flsnhe:*, 3fjopcs atyjcscalifoes.damcsiic
gihnbmois, gloves nod hosiery.iprethcr wiih a rexioml
of goods. &|. fchantaTre ,o
our stock, aa we are confident it wililavnrii t
will, ha-.ent ' ptfe
-f- c -- 7 A A MAMJV fe CO
C FIIY invueathe attention of deal*tand oihei. u»
bri rxcellent nisortmentof aoove gcod*, in his VhSl£
' llaik mlx’J Saiinetta;
1 ,Blu* and black do;
' Invisible green do;
tatiii *irined blk do; i *
D,i *M Woe mix’d Jeans;
GoUniixd Twcedej 1
All of wl lob will 1.0 .old low bp iho p|„„ „ r „.. d .
Tii ’ U " l ' ‘ ,,Cto * k ‘. “mJ Alii do. for
.'.f 1. • i devo
Jll?u r B l ß™oni%P*“rKSfo | l nock ofimtlA
iiMiV G^V ,DS,COU ‘t ,ri * lu ß lollowing kinds:
India Rubber, Long ovcrei»Bta,«ank overcouu shon
Brte «j»r lodt. -Kobbu,
; ife.npiiiujps
L'RfiffOH 'fDHKKnnt liiuui.e TIT
iSfchle.j 1 e .j- BM L rec ? iv ?‘ 1 * supply of rxt«
branch lutkerrl shawls, as these good* are verr
scarce, wo would respectfollv invito the Udlec w Vafr
IADd examine oar stock, as we am seUiuJSSa ntr
*6 market auN W cor dJahiond
« . fc n i l ew F V& Blore > 67 Market atreev—
-6 dor Corda and Tassels, for Ladies' Clean;
* • u • . , Ocnu’ * u
5 I ® l ® ,,k .f ,inBe ' s i in «bj”<?'i
* larycaewrunent of other colors. ,i c m
the {shortest nouec ud most reasonable terras by
rx»oizr„^* l r ?° » 00d Ji* 5 a «»™ abote 4th
ctuffinjo*- bandtome lot Drees Good.
S^ er ?,“ bro L dcred c “bmere Robe.;
Do Uroeada merino do-
Rne plain Cerhmeres,* beamifol article:
Gait and UUhaere plaids. j
- 73 market il cor of the diamond
h ■?Js£ C^F S *‘T i,rewn •"< l>*rrcd FUnrtoU
jT *° “frtU.nal» fl ppj y received from the numfec
wu AlUh * few t'i«e» low priced Cn»»ineu»: for
■*£,?! UEO gOOURAN
■• I. tftwnnri H
XS'!hi^£ l 2t l> «r 4 . c t Jc ? wpMlm* dua weaiuui, iilai-k
? red fc “|l“kS«le«»*i)Mt received diieclfrgia
aiiAChLErrt white
j SO wood «t
er ®** Clttred moltiraad eTIk over
."if 1 "' ,ul * n ß* J»« recM br Urceoe X Co’* Ezprcu.
mil di)fi (wo riiledtlplmj or tale by ' , '
.: ig aHACKtEfT* WHITE ;
, »9 OOd «
Tfc.D. wh:jp nod jeltow flenneli; tUo>» Jure loi ef
tortile very cheep.
, Alexander ai>ay
Ir ** *i. N;VV onrdi«rnonil
Consumptive *, remember that it is Thompson's
Compound Syrup of Tar and HW jYatp.
t tha which is daily effecting tuch re
markable cures in
Asthma, Bronchi u*, Spiituw of B ood, Pain la the Sid* m 4
Bmri, sore *1 hreal, He-—a***, fd]j*tsiioo of Uw
Hart, Whooping Gab, Croup, Him
Nervosa lns*> ..nerCouftatu
j a»4 Dtwawo K.4Mj*,«ie,
r piJEREFpBE, bavin of a. >punou* m.zlure* of Tv or
X Naptha w lsut»Uoc»ar* aun»d j
Mi 8 t». ihcajnoa-Dtar 8 r_ i he asiauMiing Uavftl 1
fca.»;««pcr t rt>e»j fromjlU u»e of juur Cucoivum.l Sjnipol
i«f sc.4 Naptba reodcA it my duiy lo iufarm iou oi it! I
h»d e war*
juia to tht brnat, with gnat ol brr»ib
tag and teas rof appvtit*. Uamg various rtmeawa wiAout
1 Kauundi I bnidof yodr BKdicut, but bt>
t»C ««** to uhg moat ajTtrticd m*tlk»«t. 1 itmuzUtl
allure to what I hod bees u*mg. Kisdiag myteU,
pltnjoofw. • triad pvneaded me to t»jr ■ boil to of )mi i
prtamiOß, wjiar *to evtd tua life wiianrtott" )u»
J f«wufto » Uml. tod tiling it. *bJ b*
: I takta lwo botrks, lon coopltitJj restored to
' Botyy* bcMtlt of other* 1 mik* the abut* brief
•UtrmcnL Any further iorjuine* coo be node at mv r*u
deaed, U 9 Latbar.nv tfrwt? - j
Bctpcetfuliy jour*, Flam* ParvoiT.
atilt onUktr RematkobU-Vutu j
Carlirio,?* j.N0r.20,18*3. ■
i rear* tiare, ia :of the sedentary
| na'orv of my butiota*, 1 «ru «Itacked With nrin joins in
I** 5 r ™* t * P*lp»i*tio# of the hart and ahbrtncu'u breath,
! "kfcb wvr* iom fallowed by the fa lure of wipe Lite. extriKC
w»»«rulaeM atuijht and }wrtial |ora )ii»otaj limbi—Hum
I of a deranecd ifittm bring frceueatlj »ttctn!<U
J wiihipitiiiif of blood. For about two star* Ivu oeewitsv
! o If thrown into coavaliions, which left | me to a miserable
; ata'e of fetbkum and began to affect my mi&aL Promts*
to lime my suSoriog* were nun or UmmT'R, uaiil bt length
they ineicMd to rack* degree, and lbs! vbltaee of us
symptom* were *o angmmtui, list foew wbole year 1. *u
tumble to attend to ay business. Durirg Uurtime I ceasoU
edaodte able pbjtkulu aud attended to their preicnpltctu.
bat all their 'skill wti unatai i*g to prorure w rel d| ad
at kagih they rtgardtd my recovery ka entirely kopslcm la
thi* cmditiuo 1 «u iafarmad of the Utoury.cfois «f
1 hCtt*>o’i Compound tjnijioflirud Wood Naptha,.**
ttw faarwheliiiailar to mine, and though I had gitca os all
eipecULesa of a recovery of my farmer health byFwwa
»***< yet being Uiocfty advised to try thla medmiue, I vn
at length prevailed npoa to do eo, and I have now to ar,
that by the uw of sis botlksiny health has Uta mured, MM
I ana aowab:* to atlead te Uulbvm with na much faeititw a
o»«ah IIENKY i»lY*as.
Of Diekhuoa TownUpu
prepared only by ANGNEY fa CiCKsON
corner of Fifth ana BprwctiirecU , |
Sold by L, tv ILCOX, Jr f itubttrgh,-aad reapcafaMt |
DrogehUrtflcrally. PrireMci*,or thaadojiviwrkdU*. I
caUTIO.V —D«wnre]of imHalioru, and pnrthiu} The* 1
eoa'a Compound Syrup of 'Jar from coo* bat ndmlMd
tgvstr, v of thoee abate ike awnkioD of dealroc ia tea*
I . dacll.llm . 1
SIIERaA«l!0 YtHlWl PAsva< " '
•; * raskioa BuaauicjM •
ff’HL b<« aiucle known for cleaning and whitening
X the Teeth, ilrcnrtheiting the ituißfl aurcclening the '
breath, Ac. It ahould he oted every uijht with a'atid
bruebl and the teeth sn'dinouih willonlyirraairßaaligh
warlung in the morning. Wet the broth with warm
water, or cold wtll aotwer, and rub it» few nine* on
the pan#, when enot)-h will adhere for a.cauox the
teeth.; itteaveaadelicioaatatiein the tnomh.andim
parti a tnoetdelighifut fragrance to theJbreaih. Itttandi
unrivalled u a pldamu, effieacioua, 'ebnvenleut, end
■afe denuifice- - It ia warramed not to injure the teeth.
Lotto pmervetbem. • , . j
Uy neing it regularly, it will remove the tanarand
preveht it* accnmuiaiion-—prevent, (he tootfaaehe
ilreogtben thognm*, apd preveui all direatea ofuco
Chcauiu, phyueiant, and the clergy recommend it a
decidedly luperior to every thing of tha kind in turn—
Aak far Sbennan'a Compound Orria Tooth ratio, and
obterve bit *<gnatare it attached to each not.
Recpnuaendrd by Dr. Cattla, 3U Broadway, one of
our beat Dcmult.ondLy mon of the old etubliihed
one* ia the United Butai, eves A'entively wed
by the Nobility of England and Frv’r-n.
; A large proportion ef.thediteaw. I kaiaSieii&ankind
arite from tome derangement of Un a totouebor bowau,
which a Umelv aw of the Catht.tia Uaenget would
entirely obviate, reraooa of bilicua habit* Should al-
I wayt bave.aboi cl Bud, and uke a dote whenever
I they f«l the leaat derangemen tin their health. Ajudi-
I ciouaute of there Lozenge* would prevent thoutanda
| of cate*.-
’ Foraaleat WM. JACKSON’S, comer of Wood and
I LiLcrtytt* ' ' 1 ' ■ dcegl
ABIE* Who Uao Common Prepared <!h»iy, aT f|
often not aware how fnghtfully imurioaa i it to
tbe akin! bow coarao. bow rough, how tallow, >ellow,
■’•‘•“"tcfUl'r the akloMpeait after toting prepared
elialkl- Sendee, it tvinjurtoua;coauinihealatge quan
liiy of lead. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable
»«i e . l !Li w® ca|! JONES’S SI’ANIStrULY
WHITE! It i* Perfectly mnoeem,beintpurlfied of all
tlelelenoutijuAtiiiet; and it imparts to the skin a data*'
ral, healthy,alabaster,dlear, living white, atthetamo
uae acting a* a cotmeneon the tkini making itauA
and smooth. <
Dr. Jamea Anuenunj Practical Chemltt of Maasa
ehoretw. aavt: “AAer analysing Jonei’aPpaniah IJ||».
White, I find it possesses the muet beaullful and natu
ral, at:the tamo lime innocent while 1 oversaw. J
eertainlf can conscientiously recommend ltd use lo all
whose iim requires beautifying.” =
1 lE7*l*rico*seentsabnii ‘"r ; 1.
.' ttracMbr 'vm.jackhon.ui w* nooV .nj gh«
Store,*• LlLerty.itrtet, head of tirn of
the BigUoot. v - ! • 3 j«
- Ladies, ladien’m asionbhed,
: When you know that you are premised l
A natural,life-like, snow; white, - ?'■
That you will still ate common chalk. :
Andlookudenihly ypllowfrijfht.
Tbd theme of laughter and or ulk. ■
Ifvid would use a box of JONK’
would give your, skm as- alabaster yet hatural white,
and at the same: time clear and improve it. Sold m
JACKhUN •«, Liberty at. Pnce 5» eoitu per Imi.
rirEITER.ITCII, HaI.T KIIEUiU, *o—Who would
X (or a unglo day| scratch, *lmhi afflicted with the
Tetter, Itch, or oilier dUease* oflhe »hin, if they knew
who wolild relieve and care them.
*JU hprrit-le to l>c obliged lo fob and (cratch when
alone, l<t>t more toniiile Ui nbtuun from it, (lor decency
take, wiien >n company,! Let il be rtiocnihi i«j that
inoiileffictidou* «f auy other preparation,[n exiueuecin
eotloc the Tetter, Itch, shd other diieatel of the akin
Af alidueaseaof therkiri ttiaat arias from Use imparity
of the blood and daidsof tbo body, and where acuit dis
ease be of long standing, and ibe conptihitinn aiTccied
thereby t.if l>f. Lcitly’s fcatMparilU Blood Till* be o«d
with th« Umttnent, ibey will cure any cit*e whatcvel,
tml if they do i»ol the money will be returned by l)i.
'ldy. t Most cauea, however, will be-e&cina'fly euied
. will be-efftcmurty cmm
-by.J>r v*i(Jy'« Tctier and Itch Omuncpi, nnlm ihp
wbolo «y»lcm 'ia impregnated by Uiediitawd, humor*,
which Will l* complniel/ f artic-f off fromthe tyaitin by
Mr Leidy’a H;ood i*ilit,anil ih» »urface of.(he Mia heal*
cd by ibe'OlcunenL I'ricßcrOintmem a eeriu. • Tor'
«»leur i & A FAHNESTOCK* CO
' oeivtl j . [ cor .wood * front tti
MOIUJaPTS COUOII SYHUl*.—Ii proved to' boibe
in cuting my chilli’s ilmrc-uia*
.cosg jp^jj,, f cfl) p ertn j # Benner, NoviA *47.
j ora.not in tha b«Ut of pofin*.
mod) lea ukinjr Patent Wkdielne*, hot ire feel dupoicd
to rAonsnead Morgan’*Bynipto those who areoflteied
iwnh -AAeruTlaf tried the Mail remedies to
'remove e constant ud disiretsint ewtitbj tbit bed for
aerettl days ifflAted one of oar culdren^t*lttotn idc>
ern,yn were induced to try .Mnrfeii’eQoajh Synip,
md by itrelief wu übieuied in ■ few boon. Jipioved
totwthepanaceain ihiietMOi least. ;. >
Prepared wboleetlt end null by iks proprietor,
btl jiiiwßiiiy t :
- '■■!.■ ■ I ; . I - .; - ■■ •■ ;.: : >. . : ' .. . ■ ■.:■.■:■'
, ■ ■■..;■■ '\i ', .;' ■: ■■ ■ -.- • :V- \‘l *. .-v -*
atrtti ro ' \
Wheeler, Crocker & Co, New Tork
lieo Dsvis, Buffalo )
K N parks A Co, Cleveland . .
Jav A Armstrong A Co, Detroit
McClure A William*, Milsraukie
llrittol k Porter; Chicago
Wtn Power*, Powerdown, Penna
Geo Marbeltnyre, Kvansbargh, Penca
John .MeArihur, Humnonn, do
Wjek A Arker,Gre>-oviHe\ do
Craig A Fruminon, Clarksville, do
Huy* A Plumb, Niarpcbntgh, Pa.
W O Mulaji, Shaion, do
I ft ff Cgnnirtehara. Wrw Castle, do - mars
“pftwBUKBH & CtEVt-LANU LL^r
iJESSk . is4ti ; mam
11. Clarke; Jl. Hoops. \T. K-chmood A‘jso.
Porwwdlng A Commission ttirehsnti.
Agents and ofthis Line (*o favor-
X ably known to the pablie),will be prepared on the
earliest opening of canal navigation to receive prop
erty at Pittsburgh and Denver, and deliver the same at
■ny point on die Ohio canals, and alaoon Lakes Hue
and Michigan, with the greatest despatch' and at Teas
omole rate* ,
The proprietor* of this lino solicit the business of
their former customers with confidence, knowing that
ibcirfacililiea are second to none. ‘
Apply to or address : >'
G M HARTON. Agt, Pittsburgh.
; CLARKE A Co, Heaver,
JanX _T_RI CHMO.N D A Cr C t-eland.
THE atock-of this line consists of n double daily
Line of flosta and Cart, [owned by themselves I
which are in good order. The subscribers ampr-oa*
nd to forward a lance quantity of Merchandise **ad
Produce.with ccmlnty. and dirpiichi ,
• Produce or Merchandise consigned many of u» un
dersigned. is forwarded free of auy charge for eemmia
sion or storage.
Bills Ladtug transmitted and all instruction* promptly
attended to: . .
The bnsihe** of lhi* Line i* emidoeted oil 'emrtlr
Sabbath-keepirif principle*. Addrec*. or apple to
D LELCiI A Co. Proprietors.
Canal Ba«in, Pituburth
HARRIS A Proprietor*. •
Nol3t<o«lh Third ttreet, Philadelphia
No 114 North Howard street, Baltimore
No 7 Wen strrcl.Nr.w York
bbAVicH, WAnima 4 clkvelasd
V hAVEßoaver daily at f.Ji.. alter the
■Ls arrivalof the steamboat BLAVEIt (iota Pituhorah
and arrive at Warren ucxt morning in reason for Die’
Stages which rracb Cleveland before night '
will be receipted ibnugh, securing berths
on the Packets, and seats in the Stage, on application
on board.steamboat Beaver. Weaving Fitub«reh at B
o’clock, a. M.,)orln the agents: - “
G M lIARTON A Co, Piusboreh
* Cf.ARKEACo, BeaVer *
t JESSE UAbDwIN, ‘Yostititovn
■na ! >1 n tayuik, nr« ren ■
184 ti ! *»» 1847
Tml h underlined are now prepared lo forward pro*
i ducc,*Q.,totbe Eaotern Market* during ibe en«»>
Inc Winter, on Mid moat favorable term*, by thU cxix*
ditlourrnute. : > - '
All property ebnmgaed iou* will be forwarded at the
wweri rates and with despatch. »
. Merchandise: received by this rente promptly for
• warded. j J C ItIUWELL, AgT, PitUliureh '
I O W CAPS. Brownsville. i
Itivrsy ; EBGERTON A Co,Cumberland
I "WTißt/iftia'&Diatia'imirinr
dfigtaSS 1847.
THIS Lino coroutine of freight and pa.M-nrer Pack
ms, will ruu rexularly .during u. e »e«uo u bet» Peu
weaver and Greenville, I*a., by wbicb (rciel.i and »»«
WMorabetweentbeiwopoinU, willtie carried lirooipitv
.and at the lowest rales. «»i»»wp»j
- WICK A ARCHER.Greenville, A»*a
••lIAY.HA PLUMU. SbarptbWKb, * do J
T. W C. atALAN; flemm, ‘
WALMATHKW#, Polm*«, &
. REED.PARKB A Co, Heater ■ ‘SS--
JOHN A CaUOIIEY, corner Water nndSmithficld ms
apOlv ; OppoaiiMU Mnnnn»nl,»>a Home.. l>iti.l.TIrart> 1 rart>
THKenbacribera will receipt forihe deliver* t>r p*.
dace toßalUniore by the Mononeaheln-rBISLIT*"
tithe following pneea.i-* U ‘— a Blackwater
A*be«, Bacon, Uniter. Lead, Lard Pork T.iw
Whliiey, - b,andole**-«|Vt? Unn'^* 0 "*
I L r^ pen !', c ? n *:K : - pll to Inhcr of the miienimcd
Wlta» n mtaia„i delay, fti™ (SSSEEoo,
•labor, me* •-W U CLAEK.BraCXh ’
fiftaSßk 1847. irrmimmiai
THE improved memodor carryin* used l.r this long
E*ublisbed'|Ltney u now so well known that de
scription is onnweasary. Goods are not'touched oinhe
lime, thus ail iranihipment oreitfa handling is saved
| The Boats are'of liriit draught and perform theirtrios
in from six to seven days. ' ~
- IThe capacity of onr Warehouses enable* us to etwe
any consignments made lons. Receiving,norinr.'and
advances free of charges. ■ B
ijleingfully preparai to make tales of Produce,' we
respectfully solicit consignments of western Flour,
Bbeoq, Lard, Batter, Cheese, Wool.Fcathers. andother'
articles for sale, oa which liberal advances will be
made and other ususl facilitte* Brfbrd-d, pledging our*
sdlves that any business, entrusted to os shall be*
p/ompU)’ executed ond won ar fair terms as by any
oilier boose. • JNO McFAPDEN ACo [ . .
I 'Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
JAS hi i»A Via ACo “
mehltfi - fi4l»andaS| Market st| Philada
t|HIK the triinsponaiion o/Freiglitlretwcen Pnisburgh
L' sod the AiUtuic Cities, avoiding irooshipmenis on
the way, and the consequent,n*k of delay, damage,
breakage and separation of
Prvprititn. •’ • j.
EORBftflA.i: A CASH !
1 No Market street. Philadelphia
Oor Penn and Wnvne st«, Pittsburgh 1 -
O’CONNOR A'Co, North street, Baltimore I •'
W t JTTAPBCO'IT f ? 5 South »t,N. V. P* caw
Encouraged by increased business the Proprietor*
have added to their nock and extended their arrange
ments during the winter, and are now prepare< lor
ward wuh regularity and dispaicb unimpaired
by any outer line. Their long (rperiencem carrier*,
the palpable superiority of Ae Portable Pool bysicpi,
and the great capacity and convenience of the ware*'
bouses ut.euch end of the line, are peculiarly calcula-
enable the proprietors to fol&l their Vugageraem*
and accommodate their ouricmer*—confidenUyotfetihg
: lie past os a guaranty for the future they' respectfully
solicit a continuance of mat patronage which they sow
gratefully acknowledge.
All consignments iu Taafie A O'Connor will be rac'd
and forwarded Steamboat charges psldar.d lliits ol
Lading transmitted free of any charge for'Commission,
advancing or storage. Having no interest directly or
indirectly in steamboats, Uto ‘merest of the cansmors
mart-necessarily bo thrlr primary nojcci in (nipping
west, and they pledge themselves to-forward all goods
consigned :to thein promptly aud on the most advanta
teoaa'tems to the owners.
March Llfett v ’ iarfi:
” ' *l. b. DICKEY, '
\E<ut Beaver Point and Bridgewater,
bbaYxk covstt, wi,;.
_Froprietor ami Agent of.steamers ~
TX7ll<Lbepicporcd on earliest openingof canal nav*
vv igation to receive property ut his wharf boat or
in warehouse, for all points on trie Extension, Cross
Cut, and Onfo Canals; (or all porta on Lake Erie and
apperLakes,tualtoioterw*rdpn>dace, Pcnu’a.
Improvements.. Apply to or address
(ebSLdtf JAS HICKEY. Beaver
gfefg 1847, dSggggjg
[Q-'Vilbom Transhipment—rp
Goods consigned loouycare will be forwarded with*
oui del#y,*t the lowest current rates. Bills of Lading
irtiumiued, and all mitrcctions promptly attended to,
fret from any extra charge for storage or commission
Address, or apply to C A McANULTY ACo
S, [ Canal Basin, Piusborgh
Having a very large sod commodious warehouse,
we are prepared to receive (in addition to fiolgbt for
amoaulof Produce, Ac., on Sin rage at
low rates. ; T, (mart] C A McANULTY ACo '
£XCLUSiVKLY for ike traniponatton of WAY
FItKIGUT between Pituhargn, Blair»ylHe,Jobn»-
iown,HoUi(J>y»bargh, Water Street, I‘eier*borgh and
all mirtmcdiaie place*.
-»ll le*»e the w»
One £oat will leave the wareboaae of C A Me Anally
*Cg., Pmabjjiyh, every day, [except 3andayv,l and
•faippertcait alway*depend on having their good* for
waided wiiheat delay and at fair rate*.
Thia Line waa formed for the ipecial accommodation'
of the army tmtineu, and the proprietor* rctpeelfully
aolieita liberal tbare of patronage.
JOHN MILLER, Hhilidaysborgb )
S II CANAN. Jobrjttown' . J Agents.
C A MoaNULTY A Co, Pittsburgh )
i J McDp*itt, John Psiker 1 , Robert hluorc, Bagaley
A tsaith. Pittsbarah. .' ] mart
- 1847.
r’pHIS Line being composed of Bieauboats Lake Erie
land Michigan, rsnumg dajlybeiweet, Pittsburgh
and leaver.ami ireight and, (ia*»eti Ccr dim! Koaix.
rontiing l>etween IW.ej-iiiillrt/-. and c-mu w.t; will:
C M Keambobt'Prupcilcr." aug
ou (lie uues, will u pfrjuiml U|<m ihc earliot open
ing of Navlijation to carry Frcijlit arul Vatkcnsrts to
all point* on the River, CHitalund (mkes; ’ • 1
flaring evert laribiy tor-conveying freight and |tas
yengei? with promptness. and diepaißb-iue proprietor
Shd ircmi respectfully «obcn from lieii friends and
he public generally their patronage-. w .
CM Proprietor ' "
HERDS, KAfIKS h Ca, lirarff, igt«
„ JOHN A CAUGHKV. J'iusb’gbtlo
Cor. i?miifa£rMsnJ V.’autr «U, opposite the Alononta*
gabel* House. ...
■■ * ■ ■- v 'BKATfiRi -i? ■
'ffTJl A B£lvKßr°
Charles Hoops comjnenees her
mp*-tow day, Irfving Pitta
borgh at B o’clock, a. sl.and Beaver at v o’clock, /
Cieyeland Uueof-Ced
na! Boasts daily to Clevetand, O 4 lteaver, - Warren and
Cleveland'Lioeof Canal Packets end Stage Ooae&es
daily to Warren knd Clef elomr, Canil Packet Lines to
-New Castle and Creenrille, Pa-f Erie Extension Line
to Meadville and Erie. Neif. Moore kj Co’s Lines of
Stage Coaches lor Cleveland and WoosWr. leave Bea
ver daily on the arrival of sieamboai' Beavcr fiota
Apply “ #I * Cb, 5 Flttd»lTKb -
apt 4 CLARICE A Co, Beaver :
■ 1847. :
E N PARRS A Co, Cleveland, O. 1
E G PARKS. Beaver, Pa.- - - > Proprietort.
W T MATHER, Pinsburgb, Pa; ) -
FIVHE alpove Line ift now fully prejnnea to tranvport
JL Freight and Paisengerv from Viusbofgh and Clove*
land, to auy point on thv PennsyJvaaut A Ohio and Ohio
Canals. • ' j -
The facilities of said Llne are noteqoafied by ont on
said Canals, in munbers and dapacuy cf Boats, expe
rirnce of Captain a, and promptness of Ag
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Ctevela id duly, mo*
ning in connection with the Bteamen.
Michigan and" Lake lZxiej between Ptulmrgh and
Heaven, and a Line of first class Steamboat*, rropef
lers, Brigs uni #ehpcneta, oh Lakes Erie, Heron, Mi
chigan and Ontario -
Property forwarded 10 an/ partof tbe lOnion with
despatch. -K N PARKS A Co, Cleveland, Agts .
REED. PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agu '
W T MATHER. Piltibergh, Agt,
apTl - Cor WorerAnd Sulih&cid street* 1
_ „ . THROUGH IN 8* UOURSI. i .
TJALKETBoau Swallow and Telegraph leave Bea-
X ver daily, at 3 o’e!ock>p arrival of the
morning Boar from Pittsburgh, and arrive et Warren in
liiae Cor the Mail Line of Borne*, which h ive immedi
ately thereafter, and arriTS tx ClevtlanJ at 3o’eJock,>.'
«. ‘ - - •. • • •
Thisroilieisllie most #*n«Ltitnti and ecmfbnnble
one to Hie Lakea. ' - , .. j
COTES A LKFFHfOWELL, Warieh, Proof** •
JOHN A CAUGHEY.cnmerWaterand Bmlthfield its,
epdly. Opposite the Moaoagahelajtoaso.Piu«bßrxfa -
3a * affi=^iB47.
ron THE TIt(I(7ORTA?fOB' / o>’ * ' ,v
PltllidilpolA, lUltUur*, Zf«w Fork
'■ aail-Eosum*
THE encouragement th*» line has received fitted
ita commencement, has inddced the proprie
torstoinereaaetheatockbjrsddirifeanumberoifir '
clan boat*} and instead ergiving receipts ss beret*
fora ss agents, wo wUJ give our orrt receipts lor
freight shipped bj this line.
The boats are ail portable, consequently freight
is taken tbe whole distance without transhipment,
thereby preventing damage from Ireqaent handling
on tho route, ami sa each boat is owned by IMN .
Captain who run* tfcetn; wbieb is • sufficient guer
antee that there will be rid delay on tbo; route?
Ail Produce'or Alcrebaodise consigned to the
nnderaiffted will btrfoAwarded FREETOF COM
AUSSIOW, for advancing nhd and uiil
be shipped without delay at the lowest rates of
Ireizht. ; .
We respectfaliy. solicit a ibare of public patro ,
nsge. WALLINGFORD & Co., '
Canal Basin, PiUsburrh •
Broad Street, Philadelphia. '*-
. FMJLLER, Agent
' . . Bowley'a Wharf, Baltimore.
Hittaborgh. Ff b; 10.1847, •;
A certain and cafe ctiro lor cpugbs, colds,* ultima,'
or breast,nemws debility, wboopimreougb
broken cocatittrtjon,-CONSUMP
TION or any dueue of ll» long* or
breast Reader are lyoo suiTenng -
with a cold or disease of Itie
longs; try tbit Temedy,
yoowill not per.
i»p« regret it . . .
It will arrest all thoso disagreeable symptoms which
strike such terror to the nitcd;&prolong yonrdara.
Beware of all preparations purpoitiDg to contain
Wild Cherry.eseept that bearing the signature of Dr
H Swatitc on tbs outside wrapper.*.) cacti bottle,
nt they are qaite likely destitbu. ol the article from
which they borrows turner 1
Rtadtchat it hasdotieJ
Would perhaps be a small estimate far the 'mages
ol this dreadful ditease in Vaingle year; tbeh'add
tbe fearful catalogue ol tbote cal off Ly luflama.
tiofi ol the Lungs, Hemorrhage, Asthma, troughs
Influenza, Broocbitis.aud other disease* ol the
.'Lungs and Liver. -* '
And tbe list would present anabpallingproolof ihQ
fatality ol these two classes of diseases, HttHTis
Important to know (hat -nearfy-all ol ibn-dreed
waste of liubaa life might have been prevented
by a timely ore of Dr.'S WAYftLV COMPOUND
This medicine bit now been belore the public
.someeight years, audit the origieql preparation
from the Wild Cherry/free. Its reputation as a
remedy for Coughs, Colds; Bronchitis/ and. Com
sotnfiiioe of tbe Luogt based entirely upon its in*
triuic merits, owes but little to inflated newspaper
poSu- who give,it n,trial* being -benefiOed.
byit, recommend it to-their neighbors, and. ibos
gradually soil surely basil gaioed'su enviable >epa<
tation and.worked its ..way into general nse.- line
bottle never fails to cure a recent cough or cold/
while with atriet attention.lo.ibfdirecuoM
company each bottle,its ntein puimoflirydiseases
or Jong standing and. of the most alarming ebarae*
ter, has always given ‘ relief; and in* very many
instances baa eflected complete and permanent
Dr. SWA YNE'S Celebrated Compound Syr •
upof Wild Ckary,
-Hoad Iho mosWeciarkable cure*of ConsumpltOß
crnrplaccd upon record— - ■ '
Dr S wayne—Dear Sirs ( feel it a debt of gratitude
due to you—and a duty to tbe afflicted generally to
oiler my bumble testimony in,favor .ol yuur-Couu
pound Syrup 61 Wild-Cherry.' ' Some three' yean
•tnce, I was yiolcnlly attackcd wilb cold and inda,
mation of. the lungs, which woe accomputied with
a very distressing eouah, pain in the breast andJiead I
-ia very cuaridmablodUehargu of oOentire mucuf 1
.•from the langa,'especially opoa changes orWcatber
however slight. At Drat I (eit ho alarm abont -my
condition, but waa pretty toon convinced that 1 was
rapiuly gmngiploeonraiapiionMgrewdaLly weak*
cr, and at IcugtK was scarcely about or
speak above a whisper, sochiwa* ihoetceediug
weakness of my lungs,-During this lime I had tried
various preparations and prescriptions, but iound no
relief—growing all tbe time worse. Just here ( was
advised and purauaded by a dear friend in Wilming.
ion to make a trial ol your Syropof Wild- Cherry,
1 must confess ihai previously I had been prcjudte :
ed against patent medicines, and 1-am ■till imainst
thoso coming-out of'the hands of empirics, but
understating your claims to the profession’and I
.practice of medicine, tad .having in
the Baying ot my friendr, 1 lorthwith purchased ol
Dr Shaw, oce of your agents,’* low bottles and
commoacW its use. My disease atihis time was
ul twenty or twenty five months' standing, esnte
quenti v was deeply seated.. 1 found, however, con
siderable relief from thefint lour or five bottled—
Cut being a public speaker 1 frequently' attempted
to preach with my increasing atrength'ud thereby
ruptured those vessels that bad already began to
! beat; in tins Way, doubtless, my cure was greatly
ietarded. In consequence of 'acting that impm
dently-.1 had to use 12 or; l& bouies before* I vna
perfectly restored. 1 have- no ’question, a much
■mailer number of bottles would baro made me
sound, hut for the above indiscretion. .Tbe Syrup
allayed the feverish habit, dhTaway the distresaieg
cough, put s atop to the ditebtrge of mittcr from
the lungs, and gave them tud the entire aysibn good
'health.'haye. delerrtd offering ib» 09 rlificttetill
now, fortho purpose of being periecUy satisfied
with the permanency of the cure,- and oowthat i
Icel perfectly well, lofier a with pleasure! <
Dublin eounty, Jf.Ci .
-Avoid *ll spurious preparation* of Wild Chirry,
■ucb as Balsams, Bitters, Syrup* or Wild Cherry,
Pill* purporting to'contiin WildC'berry, ite, dec,
a* Urey are all betitioos and counterfeit, pndcosuiu
none or llie virtaeaof the original anjTgenuioo pro*
para lion as prepared b yDt*. Swnyne, and ’the first
ever prepared to this, country. -Doctor, Swayne'a
CorapooodSyropof WILDCHKHHV iq'compoaed
of vegetable ingredients, the Wild Cherry/and othV
er medical subltanceseqally as. efficacious, U not'
more' an; tie whole are *o effectually concentrated
aa to reader U beyond all doubt' the moat pleasant,
strengthening, and elTecioal remedy ever discover
cd lor the core of Pulmonary consumption, and a
diaeaaesor the Longs and Breast/. The very laeL
frosuts having inch a train ol spurious limiutor*
stand* to prove its great curative ,properties. *
Therefore. invalids, inquire, far iho'ongmal prepa
ration,each botileor whicbis enveloped in a beau,
tilbl wrapper, wiib * likeness of William Penn en
graved thereonj also bearing the signature' of Dr 11
SAoyne, U*e counterfeiting or which will' be punt
iahedas forgery. •- j -<'■
l'.epared only by Dr.-B. SwATa*,NW corner
of Liouth and Rac* Streets, TiiUadelpbu
tor sale in Pittsburgh wholesale end retail bv '
WAI. THORN,63 MarkefatrecL J ' *
'W& Woodsta.
corner of, Ist and
VVood.and6th.and-Wcodatreeta . A
S. JONES, 180 Liberty meet !' * I
JOJIN.MITCHELL, Allegheny eiiy.
». j' d . , ie *pccuble Druggists and*dealers in <
Medicine, throughout the United States ami Cana* .
d > •• ’• •’ '• «cptg9
( offers for tale st ihe ioweii
' Wannr*etDrera» prices, * very extensive aasori.
mentor PAPER, comprising every possible vkrietr.
uanpicd to the wants or coasKmsTs m ait seeuone ofthc
country. Taper of all kinds made to order arthon
1 uenockof PRINTING PArERii nutanUyis^
apartof wbichisof Very aaneriorQuality.- , *
of every description, impoitrd and kept eonatknUv on
nan., via: Kclungs. W,re Cloth, Poardrinier Wires
Ulasc.hing l'qwder, Ac
' Canvass,Dale Bagging, e
purchased,forwbicn ihe highest priec in Cash will be
paid • Jvtfly. New York.
SIiLLKRS’ VnJLMIPUUE, -1 consider beiier than
BJlolhet*. ,,
. JUfrnrU*. IlUtUnf Cs, p*.,>
Oeiubcr sM, IB<7. I
Mr. R. I' Sellers:—>j? roo2l months old, being verv
rettleu si night, hud having much fcvtr at tuaesa coo*
eluded ho bad wonn*. and haviug heard a great deal
about your Vermifuge,! bought a vial: and gave him r
doses, which cgpcued fid very large worms. isnw.uu
yeut Veredfcge better than allottere- • - ■■■■■••
Preparedand : soldby R E.BFXL?(^,
Fold by Ur. Caaal, 3th ward* and I)‘W,
. khonyoliv, - / . . . n . ... '.Afljft
. .:: roaITR&H BOATIi ~—‘
41ejbj twws. AfcwJiorw'dMjfaMjy^^
cvlvt ci
M|U)ICAt£D 'LoZfi»\oi3, rooa vv; • v
■ ,u ” KAX *
TiS- SfltßMAS.liiu UkaitHj t ■tar * ••: -
X/jfleaanltMt&uchtUrui will uk« :
p»ar«i aruia»l ~ tl TO *«tv
t*a,aPi>tomeU>i > a»ttMU* t«aer«clt irw!.**"'* '• '
- .. .
k*<wit kamasimubc*wbcn tktj «wi!wL,r?
MlitfarOua. .Bctcnl Uwuuad U*csto*ia Wcatdd ■lii* ■"•
orcmUtoapUtm, *Ui*m hborin* «adcr tU W • -v
-imuUa, aad .naum tlw *ir,r, u r^ u tj, i
**“ j:M» made Crcn « tmbimXim of 4 ao«t taliullcciiK
tensor<w«li B*ticu»*,and*n «aUo«JH**ii» wj*r*£u '
»t«rt thmjtnuar fcrUn*.ea*• tiiau,'- a»J«4j unu« hJrV >' V
• Wtbeta i>flchwt of tow.wg»ritrlLl nt- •.""-
P*h fraaUuMvbolat»bw«,«Uraa»»>.”i ~"t- ’l/ ; i
wui to perfect WU, bt siinj tbM»r “ * *“* . /
P*“* «•*■*«*»« or riders of B%tr • '
a njr i ?_**_ “** iy» *** *o-a uu wiim»i7irfcurmtt4 •■
»*£ «*UT«wtt» * Uw eaiUhit or fcuaur.Ja« • ' -
»flde>tUrt>cawbcn>e,«lwiM U . :
-^J aH£3 P lAjV>3 WQRAI tpZfiXqiM * -
TTi« •anntoreognbjr* {waprot«d . . v ,
000CM* to b* utUltokj (to miJj etma, '»«■« duHwute •‘ v
toedieortmrduewerel. tUoydi**-*
•bd eewm |od( ud dm : r
aftaftssssaaSr?SHSS- . v
SSjeses.?*? “ ?“-‘. r •*« ■“■«> •■•:'
• S *AT"^- Ir "?‘'“ r ‘ i, “ i *or fall, ttoi K '!
Urodbiol Hit ooro, ■ (inn, n, ° .
oofhnt tfrtr.toa wfUttmih. -iw^f
•hoouu pa mi u U*Jr • V
Ulif mi« O tl» Uuou, &li* ofu,, Jsl taSKflr. '
uguuutop <* fVM m U.™i, ta*!i or - • -V ■
:,™" p ° r ““ ■»«»-* >» i,,oi7Si ,
oil servoor datua, Orow.ioo, iSS ifc. ”
4»oi«r tunioj.or iS‘ ;
•uu wlllflod u* -
I” , *W.' e ’i T,^>*, rfuopart ,|^ihiboojr »a(3»orro«it>i;iatd -
cnfl^ttiraMnJl. Ummpkamt wpnpUm iiL tnt\
to> frc».ltriay.- PrrKma wfaohitt bttnloohtfh.linL-.Hj
poor mjut»s plasteh. ‘
J r " rttW ."P^ftoaDoUmM.iad r
i‘ thonld b« «crs out
dUDeiUtj u| '
“"“rfc'TF*of Uttc&nt oritnaieh; Un»»Uiiiu
boaiwhobmcied lhtn,imllmlM m^ji^; T . n . » .
; ■:
»**• aIW ml chtowSSoui* to«» ' -
:l&^S^ a^,w “ i r d r'"“ 5: ~ .■
. tn<m Um Whefcadi «tutcr.vfcfc •
bimpwffi yoi .Sjj
i fw »sup. Jd «-• Uut
CtfS SlsrS?!jils^w , •artMt- miUfwc, '• • :
I **' b tiu ■*»» BhomtiH ftuun, ly
~~&U wbatomiiaadftiail >ry Ty t JACgfIO,V.t tfu p. tfl
s E f■
Pililip are beconlAg to oniTonallv p.ipaiar '
t int; Became they are prepared br Dr N B LeU
&f himaelf.a icgoJar Dregglat, Chetbiitaod i'bjai- -
cjaoopphiladelphia, wbv. know* the utare. the
character or the Medicinea oaed ia lut -
pUlanod their odapiaiuo todjaeiue
. becobd, Beeaasetho pobliecaatake themvUh ’i
greater.eottfideece than most other pilla which ire “
prepared bj persons ignorant both or medicine and.' •:
discaaca. r 4
Thinjf, BecaaieoitbeircombinedcSectaipropcrJ c
tiea not contained in any other pill*; namely. pure-'
mg Irom the stomach and bo»el* all unhealthy «b&-
**“« purifyingthe Stood i
and flattla of the body. ...
.. ruorlh, ihej ors'ih, chtapct »rd but
medicine known—awngle box cortingbntJSecnU, 5
nod eojunming 40 pill*, xaringto person* at many-.
doUaneU-jm*. lo- Poctw'. lull., and aumf,o,l. : ■
'Oeoietflet bongbt at tried on the rec-mncadstiua
ol otheb.:
i • bavooccnsinh.t.) take any »rdi. . :
.cine, do «nt be billing \mi» >«.ur, coiitUtuiiun by ■:
1r 3 r > ,, 8 other medicine* you «oe
pu&liabed awl recommended by one and another but .
; Sanapdrilla Blotid-PilU ' :
**d jott will aoi h«e oecjuico to take anythin®
ei>o.. They wil! alwaya bciiiurd gopdinXJmottali ' ■ '
diwate f .lafliuaatiuaol tneatonuieh,bQfre .
el* t liver and,inte«jße*i-‘eiaaiW til.tbe «joai4ch: ;
. colic; Waterbwh: inwatd lever*, : (obf breath; tad - > ~
luteid-.themodth,boorernctittuo*and aciditroj ' •*
the atoßjach, costireneu and - iodtgeationv' want ol
appetiUtj bimont aSttetiont. diaeaec* or the'cplees
and kjdnejw,dtxeuea of the shin, xeaty eruptlood '
**ry and-watery pio*pte* or blotchea or U»« iaeeaon ; _ '
body,.teUcr,roh, prickle beatandaalt rhoco.bead
ache, giddiness, leintneaa, poiiu over Ihe beart. cd
the bfeist, aides, along the back aadtpise, rheema- i
Uan and goat, fevers oj all kinds, email pox. mio, ■
lo»d. mda*cU,Bcroruiaif/jtijie«ia,3iid iMhoniher' ' •
are good ta a-1 dneaic* bayiug their oiigin in the*
■tnruacb, liver; and latcaliues: and inuiarity ol the ‘ > •;
'blood "v :
o*TVcdlydive cents a Box.:
botd' : Whoiesalo and Retail hj B/A- Fah&eatock • '
ACo.,Cortterdr Fjr»t end Wood, dso turner of
Swth and Wood streets. ~ aep«
Scromia in all iu multiplied Tornu. '
wtictfccrjnJhat of Kins'* Kvil< enlargements r» Uia
Stand* orbanca. Goitre, White Swelling, Cnxcojc*
disease* olthc Skin or Spine,' ;
orof OoiwaiunUott, emanate From one ’
sodthetany} cause, which U a.poieonou> priocip,rv • •
more or less infaeieot'in the human s/eiem, Tbere*'
fore, UnJeca ffais principle cab bedestrcived.aoYatli*
.cal eurexao bo cQecied, but if the principle uuiia ;■
which Uw disease depend*, i* reuiosed, a cure
DiOKlol no mailer under »hjtmrm •*
the diwaua *bcilld manifeei iueli.- 'll,l*, thereroro
t* tun reiaon wh/ JAia*.’* Altkbatiyk is so uni .
ver*aJljr.»ucce*Elal in removing so manj malignant
lt destroys the firm or principle Irom
irbic t thow dlseaacs hare their origin, b» enteriojf
into the circulation, and with the blood i« cbnveved
to tiie-dtinatesl fibre, removiirg every p-rtieieof '
diceaso from Uiesjitew. ; Prepared and sold at .No. •
b South J*hird Street, Philadelphia. - ■ .
Sold at'.Um I'ekih Tea Store, Ao. TJ Fourth stiee.
PtlUtargb. - 'Uirhdi
L'ROSllhe Kev ASA SUl&t*,* welikoowu mni pop
• t T- lef F vmi J a ot 0,6 ftoieautuiWethodfr t Church
Tfce antterstgaed having beenatfiieieddorioxiheimn
wiUia diwase otiie -stomach, sometime* t»a>-
dociof gßtitfwta in the ftomachfor unor twelve iKfcni
.without intenniavfea. aud aOer .having tried Tariou
■*«***«;VUb Jmie effect, was furnished with a bottle
erifrU JAyne l ! Cinmaaiive iiulmro. This oo u»c4l nc»
eoniin* to;the ciireciious, and Covad invariably tiut tins
BtewetUßeatued the p*£o to abate in three orfourumt
ate*i amliJO futeen or twenty tniunieseTery bii-iut
sensation .Was entirely quieted. The medic me 1 war el'
lenvardsttsetl whenever indicaitomof the ttbraaiii of
thepam wn«tiicreby,me* cm-'.
edile-conuauedtotue ike medicine every eveniur' ■
plaowejimeaiotlie.-iaorairgt.ajKliu a tew werkt
health wi**o/arrpitored, that ttoiuiererwM fetleV '
opprcMive pain. From ex
penence,lherelbre»be cut enfidciiilr ncManemi 1»
)> Jayne* Carat native Uelum, u a saltuaryamdiaM ;.
for diseases of the sunaae hand bowel*. . • a RUIN N-
For “>s» Pitubarjh at; the PKKi«%I U s*itil!
«S Founh eireet, 'near Wood, and also at the lira '
F Store of tl t* «U|IV ARTX. Federal rneelV Aberhenv
laE -PJkUFUHERY- ; s —*> Amanda Ameio’, fai ibarmr -
r urenm ala (Care, (orrUkriu; *r*»
Almond* Cream, ■ do?• ••• ...
- SuperfiM Rouge,on Porcelain stands: >
wrri'SSif e "‘ Lavender, Ansle*. ..
wiist”"; r
> ”Pko**eid_totlet boxes, containing fragrant exuartr .
for (be haattto'eluefj aeceut b*g,aud toilet ■oeps.amt* .
abk, •
- reraianjarChineaepowden • •
' Indian vtett-ilo hair oil, - ,
‘ .“ e, ‘• ®i*> la fancy or common wrappers, (rose aecut*
■ done*’Soap; Mynjph Soapj Bo*e fcip *a!re;
-.Coidcreain,elfj*atlf p*i»p; 1
Para palm soap, in bar* aud cakes; ‘
•well soap; soda soap; together a great vanity
>* hue perfumery: .tut received; for sale by
. U.Afr'AUflf-jffOCKfct.O
V cor &h A wood .its --
O W«byi:, • • ... Wftl.B BC*UfK,
■ wf|U i-.-' •' ■ foitiUrtwMßafkftfc^i
AiduiGaArti*£uUdiß(t,34tLt*artl*p*tiQff t(im i:\ ;
One insertion or liliae*, or
TwoiasertionawkboutaUerations,,;..,.,.-,. u
Three V **. ' **■••. .......... |{jo
Ooe Week' |iG "
Two Week* : '* • “• • ~Y-j- a# ■ ■ •
Threo. <• , " "... 3 W)
OueMuntb; . «« • 4 on- :
Tw“ “ . .. ......... 6CO , !
Three " „ .760
Er* Longer.*!rerlwemenu is time pmportiou.
One»quar«i6DiouUui p withootalteruioD,... Jo DO ' '
“ .•* :>i M .. “ ...,15 < 0 ’
monlhi,s w
One cqoarejG months,renewable ai pleasare, 16 Cl> ' .
•* ; ** 12 •* '■, « •« Soo<
Eachadditihnalrjiireforlsinoaih«r....... 10 Uv [
Two aqaues.G months,raVabloatpleassre, 3U Ou
taeh additional aqnare, 6 month*, uOO '
If*.**** 01 t»I’W«HT l 8 UAIMt JArtM, ‘ ■(
One *quar«,.3 insertions, ......51 'i{)
'V . • M . each additional insertion,.,..i... • g? •* .
' aoneua cAEoa,
l‘i*e line*or less, one jeai, 600
•■“ “ .7 “\ an montha,,... 500
‘: .■■" ; “ onejcar,dail/di wceih
** six month*« . “ '
_• ADTIITI««*t»T» 111 WBXUT FS
For. SO lines, or lest, Oneinscrtmn, ....
." 1
. u u Three,
.** ";. <«• Three months.
«» tt: m : it . tt.
.t u * TWlt*.-*-
ID. AlladTftrUteraenU io becharaed b* 1
tfid a 25 per ecm lepe efeen
tmpeat. of adaertaieg: exceed* 50 dollar*
irawni ox»Da.
'i r> f