J "'' MISCELLANEOUS.": - HIOBKUTSCUEMC XL WniT.JTQ WUVID-rle solfcnfagiU!* *?** - far lhai vUdulUs • whiehOiscfaas:tor»on*rtLtowd sbcadd W faDyamlfatr ' h mtfcftW l^ »ifa v x>jM'ggwaa»««'fa» gm» that tot earn-' . mmitvoU4«*ksimpow««Pj sf sill* t.infc*w u« efempoUd at a prscimtais.- held together .• w rv a)Ajabje,ftodsrß«3ttbcwaur,«ithsmwhako< , paTt • fa mated thvgtus ndl*tcipctau ar* WQ UkjMtfßM |a ib Nt or anm which contains It -. It b also common -to wl/kinegsr'to tbs'lnk; ».-*t»trt to makoilmdra flaid, -which memiss to* erO os tits pea, If a Baal oa«, corrodingit&roaghblm -.' torttima. Row tba* Wri '. ti™ Field” differ* from the* • mixtures ii rrtrj nsptci, w H ■ a cbeakal totst-on rt^jiiriag bo ri»d uticr to ImU it .• • together,UsrcfafvwijlncrcrgttthKkiß&dbeing'Tay fluid ■ atamqoaaWydoiMffOfaUispenioUJigTTmfpeespesHr*. UK deeper tsto the fibre ofj tba paper asking a moreperma • aest (tail tad cue lex easily noted by aitriuoa Hub if U Was ■' ■ 40>7 pUutrsd onthe surface. It sso contain* no BmUtr that : bnVasfliaitj foOoetalie iroo, Ibtrefara snQ nM-eorrod« .•t»rl pra»—it wiJ nottaonld, and altboegh it writes of a • Uaitll green coloryetinrffew bouisii becomes uleepbbek :wbieb*>Uefldnre farsgesri Itfa warrsuiediojarior toibe fomgn aiuc e kacwa by the mma of “AnMl’i AVrilia| , FitM"atdnedhMnorepna far the" Mas price. A* a goaianlcc against faepocUian of any kind being attempted - \ iba.fclfawug rrtoouortidttWQs will suttee, as all most be awti*, that the nane* theia given eou.d sot.bare beta ob* a taind by any mm* fee an misrnnby purpose. ' W * rteomaicad c, Hibben’»Cb«mkal Writing, Fluid” to tbspatnmage of pedAil flowsfrecfram’lha pen without dogging-U sound nlbeeoom of a Sew boor* Decoot* a deep brehl black. - 'BA Semptou fa Co. / » Wiek and Mevaadkm ; \ Robert Moors! ’■! 1 Jobs Parker, / " : WnlJpptaebUftScb |B. Wighlmsa fCm • ~- bleQocau* fa Dcnirtai Frsne.s Sellers ■ ■ . Roto 8 MeTaH, Bookp’r I C A MeAauhy fa Co. ' • br\VWW*lb«, | • A .. ■ 7 / ■ Gli'O 888. v r-'. v_ n T • OSINQ’S TF.RRESTIAL GLOBES, MmiajnJp*-»ll • ' ±J tW Lie di»c«trrir», -and Of^^pbioHfnfrcVimeJita; afaotb*trßekJoftbeatoMcel£br*ledripe«Aaaet|eior« C«ta^ . piled from Smith's wiih addOM« wd . umbtemebts W Serwed by Roswell Part • GLOBES,ecotaimayafllbs "fcbewa sUrtTnbWK, ke. Complied faoa_lha uru or l>« La CaiUe; HanlinVMtyer. B»d - tbe traameUons of the Astwoom* SSSJfrf L«3S,;fae, F*om Smith's N.rfto* / Jtoaton * fltoektoa bare just rmelred a faw pairs *f tlw ■■ ( '« fli .« -■'* . i l ru- . . • e « ' 44 •-.. ■ ■ \ ■ • 1 ■ ’• - ' . .• !•■■ * Amerieea.Chrdßkle.;aad Joarail copy. > deatl. Jm>. i. B«ii..-—l. Cmsa.o-Cou-"- NcwOi kalis. BIiATTVr,BBO’f’HCH&.CO-, .<:■ [ . G«««f al'Comßlsslon Usrcbaß >■ f OB TB* HAte AMD roSWABOWfI «P WES'I'KItS PRODUCE, Ao. 3h Poydrm' Ortons. Martin fa Co, Banker*; J Wq, - . James MHlrejtorfaC«bj.- ■ David White fa CotModuwßtU.- m . Blit fa Morton, Bankecs,) - . • » SCutciOnaU. • AM’Kehar.KM. * ”• If N Kcaroey, b*j. Banker, Xaße«nie,o. D M’Dwiald fa Co, \VcUmlle,o. • Reed. Parks fa Co,Dearer.Fa, i W GUI. Bsfl,: WheelWß, Va. • -' R M*Claraan fa Co,- ~ Pe. W&MMJtcbeiuee, J»“»»»»"• .. wvlfl-fla : -• *• • • • • • . i— _ \ * ’ -K? ' *»Kr»*-* i '»-x I. ""s. * j ' V < • ‘S v->\ Vt* s <- ' -r'' “V . P-K , J ■' v '»Xi'. >■ i ' J.kV **».,» ■**» *l(3 r x. * n-* a s:3^: * ~ v < ! , 'V> i ‘ ' '5. ’- „- v « *■ r-jt iK\ V <>. ' . ’ Itt 'iftf k -4,’ §:*J ;•>f 3 * ? . -'4- 1:4 &<• 4. ✓•» < » .. f / ‘ v ■* a? . »’ j v ’ , ■ ». lV ! ■* ; t» - v,. •;%■ w&*r^SwS»3s v , s 2 -g*. y,v'. ,‘^>i'. ,’sv.- : 'vt"■ .... .... ’WR&M Juaimia Bolling Mills, Ang 20,1847. Mr Thru * Ilibbert-Dearßir; I bard bcca itsingtoot Chemical Writing Ylaidj and find it a first raU artmfr fee Owoflies.it flows Crwlyfrosa tbe penmd becomes jet bhek Si bvKtn. Yoerafae. ??i - T H TUTTLE. Book-keeper far BimcOs'faißeaplc, • Pittsburgh, Any 23,1W7, Mr T K IT.bbert—F»r. /Haring procured * bottfaof <-> ‘ >»™‘ t wii.i.uii;6TEw!ffir,&^wr < far Arthur Nicholson a* Co Pittsburgh, Sept-llylStf. Mr T 1C Hibbert—Dear Sir: 1 am using your Chemical •XVr'iJnr l-loid. and find it to be a most excellent article far •2?®.Si?,£sstek* theta opUke the rtocramyot otbtr»ba,itflowsfrte»ob«eowed^bU£k , ui a few • / WILUAIk CARR, Book-keeper •• ■ i- /( far'Jobs Parker. Tiiwcl Wl»w. «ul,iuui( br Tkmn K DiktaSl DzvaM »d «f: tgjgj •»*. • «je»r'CS2>«-U„^napW r »«.U. r. copied out labels,and pm Up medicine in the mb» • a ped hotUes. Sea that each bottle has the written aif ia **Rli SKLLmSf^Drußpit,No 57 *’ 3rd and fab si*. i» Dr "flown•end’s only wholesale r n« : mall nreatfarfciUsUiDSh.of erflioa tkogerwrno aru .i< Mcirry.bat bein appointed ti,e , ,0 . 1e 'f gbeny eity, of wboo the genurno anldn can be had. rt2A •_ ; ' - • SELLERS’ IMPERIAL COUGH; SYRUP.—It l* p , cu , » ml Hr-R.K Sdlers:Myekidrtfß,l»keciherAUaveUeen aaMeetto ttooblerome eonfirn, and having asedAlftrcm remedies to very iiule paipote, i wss indacejl by an advertisement ah«« ths eoagb »yniD,to give tt a ufaX leave illo t«ro.of.w’jr.boya,audaiA» to madaughter, ■ercral d ; ffr time*, and it has never failedi to'do so. *1 ptvn reeommeoded it to my ncigbbor*, most emiaeiffliioMJr bjelieve tb«t « t« tae be« eoogh rnedf «1" >“ olr '‘ e4 iLpTCW. Parrots should nci permit tbeir children » suffer from cJJhJrtStoey .m£dmS*S*& ± ' U t!£2xi VLi »U by R-i SELtEBS, CT Wood .U, bcti2?SM and j SheauMaodaM; Wehaveamlendnloew beai«^ fame.,ud .nj"ooml.er of to S« oc^i nr attended to promntly.tnd aanciusliy ««wy_ VEGKTfl pliß FtILMOXAKy the proprietor* of tbs V«vUbl« am 'mlisfied Ibat the Vegetable Pnlmonary Btlmm » • rst “wSSfciar. llhssVfen «sd tolhisphu.wtiMgJPW* - meetts jiaaobstinkta eompbinlof the lung*, isUtadrf with * severs couch. loss of vote*, and life raumgnf mnehiblood ‘ iSI, tod urrtiMii:, rflii:rd mill, ■p ; .rcltdpr.rip'J<.[:> Ulmmmiw«k li. P-*”*-«. >7 B : * *'Cf., rf ■ &^'^^eorjha L icc)l - A' *TRONrt , -EVIDENCB‘IbaI Dr JAYNE’S EX •I E TOEaNTm B»prr»r to VI other raaedses for o<«;,fr^p2«,-Bnx^Ub, Ss'tosaSrSiSSteSa . diaavooialedm rece rmj thsbtaetit SSJwSdfiom tbs high ptsiw* l mi hi., nt.mol u. ifc •ffiSSlSi*- a remedy thatln>* neverlbiledw-r«t.*r yV ...iiijum - sra.mir.-r umu-nona,,- AUCIIOn k COSSISSIOS BBECiIJiTI) i ' " {at the old siaod of Seay A Shepard,) • . .1. NashvUle;TcnJ»«rtte,. ; . . • vtTTLI, riie wrempiand faitkfa' nitenoon tothe sale • Wlf IoOood?Utoecrie*,a. U lM«€h-iUa f *«-. V : arsllv 0 * They feel prepared to attend wall the depart* r ; tbeir («iiiie»» o fi in no .r goods for tlßir own - *ReCer to M. AUtn, 4 Co; J W. Emler *Cgjgr ' fahnrtti : ' i LardOU* ■. . . . . lip'w-a-tmiak.'d are qow prepared to furn.th then .^.swfesi^sssasaass SSSSsßsmriattiii.'a “•“ rt “'S76 l u.*Ni ß oN . 1# liberty rt,oppo« to saithfleld. •p K—Latd snd Grewe saitahlc for —I- Sbove. •• .—y > ■ -. — • : s^^ ! fe'sSSffWfsy«s , oftbeßO*t«‘cbr»‘« 4bw “* ano p"MARTIN ' ierta* l»jr-, ' i “,*feJstltf^£bS^ W*/ 5 ! ‘"'“‘‘"HEfi'' ■■■> S*W:- 1 .- - ssH \- saw *^ns ^,! »l«>e4.-i* «"«'«» I'anUß"*,*"***:jambj HlJlCK ... M»r «■»! MlllUeM »I» rtiil**Rf SEBBinP-'n>e MbKnb«ri,' (in ibo ■ JSwrtTf raiaH'tad Coninu»«ie* baiinca*, u Wo W i SSmJ2«rSj iMpcSHw-Mota p« tr »» , *° <* j- HOTIOJC. : ' olUe iuH decfflenl, irere* “* ,a "' jsat *•■ • tyflrAßepMT 4 Cuyof Aile«b«iT- ' • _: WJLIJAM II.ADDU*>K. ■ !*ena TeeLcltT of. P»iubti»h^, • . noTIOK* ■ ■ , * - s*^rS« fc » sssrffA SS^SSSM'* w .uiuua. C *6V» ****HSg*£kJES “wfeStt’ l S'lSrssiss^ 1 2f •» p*>*p“ £h“£— jjH*e##cr,fW»*k* j^jWlWUWit*/! ** m *SUm, X 4elfcl®* - - » shuno, Works ('UU'ItAK.UULMXN.tCAr kiiinf comply / tfeetr Newyeorjca, are »ow prepared f*-»*a?S*** tare every deaeriptioa ofOMth and'JilipuC-apgWi Iroaaxle*, Ameoeaa Bliaior, #prmg and ploogn Bi£e >* andall«ise*-efißiaU.'*qa*re aad iwd ftoa, :-*®r£“ they offer foraalis on liberal term*. ailior:K»»«»u* No. 43 Wood«ireel: wheTO.ih*T al»o!leep oftbaaf complete aad-banaeome W®*; hidings, Carrijge'fcardwarc, malleable etfpngat.frr** andiron, ; - • C. ILfo Co, hare zaade wulLM east* :D»y & Crottx, aunafictßitra of.ShbyeU, BpMe« Fofk*,foCn aad will keep conaiasUrf oa oaad cypp article made by ibem. Dealer* are ferpeciMly. *>», , ;eli*dtoe*Ujttprice#*ndiem*wjUfcatadelibeiau. ' '• —'■ , lTtgMfrWj_^, ~ PITT MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDBiV ; • Pitt* itaaßj" F*. » r ■r'. . - V JOBS WBIOHl 1 fc «O.V ■ . ' A RB prepared to build Coitofl and WooUen M*enin» Xi. erjr or every, description,'ibehia*—Carding W** chined, SpidAinirKramea Speeder*, DrbwngTrarae*, Railway I lead*, AVarper*, TwUler*,B©6ow'«vD rt }* ,ft K Frame*, 'Doom*; CanTttrihden, Ac-, -W»«oriit /lron Shafting tnraed-all tire* of "Cart Aron,' PullieifatnJ_ IJanjrra, of the lateit pauern*; alidd and'hand Lathe*, ajjdtnoUo/allkuid*.. ’’£v Casting* of every description, families on *ton no*, lice. Pattern* made to orderfot Mill Geantig,Un>R;; railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for bearibg Faciorie».C**t Iran Window Saib.and foncy'CMaiwa.generali'r.— Ordireleit at the Wareboa*e of'J. l'*fi*erfoCo. l Lil>; erty meet, will hare prompt; atieaiiwi.- ..! • Ktmn “ | • •,'* A IQaekftaek. Bell Jt Co, J K MdarheadACo., G B Warner r 3atm Irwin k Son*; Pittthaijh.. - CCfoJ H WamcnSieabeaynk. ; janl> SOVICB. s , E AV.STEPIIKNBof Whadir*;.!- F-*l»«hs. STEPHENS, SHOEKBBWIBR k Ct, =;, ANCHOR iron r „ Mimfcet.re til kM.of bote. A.U. tori™ oSd nails, A B steel eliptie spring* «*d «*l» Ucln*con nected triih fihDflnberrfet’a Old J«3u«a Wjtkt. offeranmrtieleof Juniata Iren .equal to any made intieconnlTT. - All©f«rttchwtl* •bold at the Piuihnrghpriee*. W»Teboa*eefthe Work* tornerof Monroe and Water streets- myll^ 3a*. Lipp«mcoU. Join D. Wifek.' L. K. Morgan. LIPPENOOTT k CO., H/rANUFACTORERS or HAMMERED .oACART Vi.Hl F.EL S'.oveli and Spade*, Axes andllaicbfts. till M Cot, Circular and Gin tawslllay ard Man ere Forka,Hoei,ManockaPick»,Ae.Ac. .■ Having completed all thtirartangpinents in tbrecn atnicueo of near machinery; and In secur.-rts ine ben workmen from the of tbe>lapuare now mannfbc taring and will keep eon; luntiyo a hand nod for sale all tie above articles, hay inf availed thcnwelvei of the latest improvements, ana are determined that in'Vrorfcmaniiitp.uml material they will not be excelled. They promt™ ipprodacearude*, eauM.il not superior'. lo any that can be had in UioUtfU They invite the Wtenuon of dealer*-to au exumtnaiina of thrir atoek before purchasing elsewhere, aa they aw eonTinccdtkatthej will be able to fill all order* fniheir line to the entire satisfaction orpardbaacra; Wartterax; Waters;. 4 dpepWestMoßcngiikala House, Prttsbnrjb, '** N. B. Peraona having bntioen vAth Wm. & Son, will plcasccall on Lippeacott A Cov. ocodiy N^ F S?SSI?v;Wrr«S; : .fflSSKhTSftas.S’S'^ A aplendid isforimentof Fancy aJ Ji e ’ coonjerevery day; aiwngwtuch ire M^rSS* : ”PonnaCake i ' j. LeflumWulti Paitry: bponge do; , i FeppertNiiu; t i Jdj/cake; Alroonddo; r.MoUnM P.,cake; JsSra,°!!PA£i wjWfssSttS “l”re»h Bnad?Twi*t, Baik, Ac, mannfacwred'aelely from WhsE?Wbeat morning- - •■■■■takes this methodilo inform hli friend* and the public at large that fata Factory -WsSm "sirovr in falloperation, on the halt *w< ESSsSI of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a coni W* 1 ysfl nut aopsty of Plain*, Pi varion* colon. JjIWUBL ilm atNo-S WoDd':>L,PnubargU,'at.J.* U- Phillip**oil doth warerpom. - veniuan Shuiier*made to order ifi the bestatyle. ; Blind* repaired avthe aborteatnotitc- ~■ S. IL ilußUada wUI be.pat up, withontanyidi- Oon.l cMpa.o .n lk.l they o>> ■SSKfJ'ii.'X • t— i - ' X. FITLTOM, Bell and Uraa* Found- Aer. hai tebnUt and commenced business at htibld a«and, where he will be pleased to. U e airold eammert'and mends. Chorrt, Bierabo.i, .«J thlltotfieri the. Item 10 lo HV»O ponud. c.l (torn ‘partem* ofthe most approved model*, and warranted to be of the best material*. • Mineral Water Pump*, Counter*, Railing, Ae- «- ogather with every vanetr ofßraM Caiting*, ifrequir- Ked and finished la the ne*«m manner- . » F. i« the sole propnefar of B*s»rrt Arm Atrarnos Mmu *ojo»Uy celebrated fi*r >•>« re ‘ l 'J£* in macWncrfßoxe. and Comp* ■itinn canbe hadofhim mail tunc*. - lanl-ty .. •• *W. W. WALLACE, , . PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE WOHKB, • • .Va,. 544 anTtii Utor* rtntt, tua* • A LWAYSonhandandmkdetaorder.afergevajle- A ty of Marble Mantel*. Pier, and BareaaTtopi,Tomb Stone*, MoiW!i2tmi,Ac4 ail being made of the choicest njaii-sand manofneuircd tfS5? SfASfSSSf.i. respects**good,and(freifM,-wj».«ee, Ac, conuder ed,J a* cheap a* they c<-a them *® r ~ n_ “c .Eastl Callandsee. J - COFPEB,BHEET IEOB, AHD TIB . WAEB MAJBUFACTOKY, ■- No 8 Market street, Pitmbnrgh, Peana: rT'HEsnbscribers having madeßreat lmprqvemCTM. 1 in the eonsiraction of tbe:r wOKING respectfully invite persons I'Uilding Sicsjulh*^-io eall »n-l examine before as we ean supply them .with Deck Stoves, Torgrs, and every other turn ft Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work cefcesiary.ih furnish inr a Steamboat. L . . • ’ .. we also make to order on fhe shortest noliee tsn Tubes and Chamber; Copper work for J*ieam Engines “iti ,n '“’i" 0r ,mk , “ “ViuflFF t 3IIIRK Vll BTeCCLIiY * Co. fiannlattnrtn of Vials,' Bottles ami \Y. Clats, No. 133 WOOD STREET. ■ * - 1 - ■ '/"kUB factories being now Jn.'foU 'operation, we - ate MA.prepared to exceoie tmr line, pnnnpuy During tlie last Sommer we have n Jopted a new plan ot flaUening Window Class, (toe akwt approved plan now nstrd in tc*> casv) by whieb we turn out a repenor aru cle. Class flattened on tti- plan ispcrieciljr level and true.with a very finctostre Fajatef*oul m-alirs gen erally, are reqoestedto call atid examine, tur tb«n sclvul - . * ■ * 6 - BENNETT & BROTHER, VQFEE.NBWARE M ANUFACTUREHI*. r BlrmlnKlusm. jnear Pl«»bttrgb,|Pa ; Warehouse, No. A3T, Wood street, tittsburgh tears WlLLeonstastly kseptohka'ad a'good aaeort anifly mem ot Ware, of oar own raanmaefore,' and aupetiorqaality. .Wholesale and coantry.&ler ■ aV 'ebanis are respectfully 'invited to call nud ex amine for tbemseivea. a* we »e drienmned to' sell cheaper tUonhasever before bfcd offered to the pub [H- Ordcrs sent by mxiljaecninpaaied by ihccasb oi ciifreterep.ee. will bo promptly auen-ted to. ' lirtal W'uicrn Butt llTHgiT^Saauratlory, CIKCIHSAT/, O. K GARDNER fc Co.,.wtmM inform the trade that i A . they are now roamifacthilng the best Bait llmge ewrmadain ‘he United A* tfosisoerpnaei nte baxiaoss, ,we iniend to «end,oai as complete an ar £?e uou possibly bo made-! Those engaged iplbe hardware trade, we thick, wid find itiotbeir lotereat in see oar Belts All order* promptly mtondedto. AOARPNKK4Po,a>roffth*mainsls jfm ioin sRERirp * • Oa*, Nos.93and94 Front sty, . i BuM'FstmsXMandUasFiz* ' '-"iUfl tusrßsxxs of all Sites east ; Dom the lates improved oat* V-i’lß ’ ternstfndwarranted equal to - any. Alto, Brass Casting*, finished if ordered, Gu Fit , tings pat np promptly andob terms. oovlfidly • PITTSBURGH CTKEL WORK* AND RPRINU -AND AXLE FACTORY. ' Isaac swras. - ■ : ' ' iova.r. qeios. iSAAC iwre*. joNKS A ftUIOO, Manufacturers of and BhsterßieeL. Ploigh Steel, s»eel ; Wosgh. Wmgs, Coach and KhPtie Springs. Hbmmered fros Axles, and dealer* m Malleable Casting*, Eire Engine Lamps, and Coack Ttimainp geaeraliy corner 01,‘Rou and Ffontstima, Piiudiurtn.PA j— - ij ; ' »PC"- LIPPIirCOf T TOO VIPOSRfiI IRON and Nail*, Mwvtls, ke. tot sale at onf new Wareboßas,^.Wateniureet, near .Wood, rut* n *2*o, an assortment at the: oU staijil, MfMastcr's great addidflcs tp the Rolling Mill, all trm olxrr. uNtwkvto.. " "gIRIISBHM TACK MCIBEI. OAOPBKI.I. * cn£H> • KAJCFACTOMM 0 1 ■ . \ < - - FINIBmNO NAILS, HOOK .HEAD BRADS, Iron and Copper Tteki, IRON AND COPPERBHOE NAJtS, i • -■ A» i-r -"- ' ' Pattern MakerP Poinfi, of every daenptwn. Often No. tSt-Charie* Hotel, Third ttreet, . &M' ; i wtutttnii» P. MOtTAKT. JaMß* K. LlPttE FLINT GLASS ESTABLISHMENT. MULVANY A LKDLIE mnnaTkcinje todkcrpeen* ■taacy'oa bud C M WuietMe Varidjf Sort and fMffbgOlau ' Comer ef Wend and Foerth »u, FituSargh.: TTASjoM reeoved (tom the Jiattß-Jarre and good ■*• Haonmcw pfVariet* Uooda, lad ttdrng Clock*, Accor* deear, iNa*; NeedJea, oul Cap*,44M(tr and: Rrw, CnUcry.Md Cento of eierr pauhrn ud quality.-- we«ismMercfcutf awtether* arareqawed local Jud examine bHbreyareUatmf «towhere,or pin* Bait- AU kind* nffJih, MakogaataidcetnAso LookingOb* «*wdß*Aetaiedu»deftd*iij , A»te»'a pmee- ortfl • :h cCO AC H " M ! A KIN O . PROM the very llbertl cneoartge’ *JHfcJLi***»tbfl‘*toctiberki*'rceehredAir»fe Off has locate# hiaaeK"to.Allegheny, HBPff" ~nit indued him a take a • leave,' (or# • W.. iiw.-*nwif ywMdr-os ** p •Mfjuekt ltffWaver ftreM, iaueedtatdy bcfcde the PreabroauianKli’ R'TSevatte famg-erterleow ta the de*irotepeaee, he hope* to ocr* It and orcein a *ta» oTeablie pa«oa*pv .. , 'Nouoakand asd&aialkißf to order, rte*, epen'snd top: oogjl**7sod event, toenpou of Blgfcthenaidi^TfvV.faertvW--/■ •■ JOHNROUTH. I -nncMOHlrouirrifa; I JJ Drorfaf wi WiMip»o«%iite»t»UW'pwllhi Hfitf tai an pwgrfto PILE 8. Dfi. IBOOLDSBT’B Piks Spceifiejaa istemal na . , aeertaia aad radical are, whether lateml, eitcraa - ttc*4fi£cr blind, also, fbr.hrritwed efthaUdneya and blkd-~ der,jwio* b (habach apd-wdt, haWtual todmstii, crop} tioas, Ae.;, - i . , - * Femlermfara. aad aficr'conSacawat arc ottsm tronUcd with cbosdntsao of th# bowels or cmtivuif, as well a* the Tpdar' U atl saeh eases Cw Spadfie exa ba taken with per ;ueT safety,'and Is a 'eertaih Tba SpaciSc it now. pargatfca, and baa catirdy nacUMc roDady, without a pw ticl«nfk*u»htJgc,eotoeyae«ofalori phciit tot*k**a«lf*} ftcflj’JvinnleM-Br the mod delicalc .case*,' : Tlu* it to certify that 1 kapw Drl lcgoldtby't PDa Spwifi tobeUerrtalßCttrcaiada£*:rciBcdyi kCwiagswoit*cSecl 4 in several cases, aiaonpt anr (uuly eoascsioor, hi tcvcral eon. firmed aod.Kvcn case* ofthe piM; who* Mtmda an eatir* emmererjease. - :iHmiUY WfIITPHF.AD. New York, M«j, IWS. » Birtbatmt. , . • J chtcrfiiUr an* my tcsdaaooy as to tba cutaia and astoa ithine dfeeUoi Dr. tcgeUibyf* Fife* Bp«ifie» *■ I hnow ‘1 from my own etptritacc aoo obtertanm, to M inufliblf; bar ine sees it ttsed with sneecw b ** w *L“***? f T a **r lail * and fcaafe; : .: • : i GEO. MILLER, Kew York,May, 1845.j^,-. i ,,3MBathbrwt. • •LADIES’ CERTIFICATES • i- PfawYork,May, 1845. - Mrw Bin—l h*ra lha 'pleuur* to ny, th*t Tone Dr. ImoUthy’* Fifes Bpodfie, has made a per-’ faowgna yon aj word that 1, have been »wpri*sd*t it, u it was in mr o pis no' im<' poatibfetocnrchvr. - However, lean now tsAiry and do sdvisaall others who an af} llkted ts'thanhs msaoer, to prbeurb the *rtiele, as they may jepkid oß*certaineuni. . ...j. . . : • • • ' Tom with respect. I West Chester, N. l5, IMS. Dr. Ihgoldibj—Dear Sin—That yon may beaefit others baT be wflcrisg, as wtß as to exprsas say gratitude Sat the'benefit I bar* dented from the mv of your valuable Spe eifie, 1 eomply srilhyour fcqusyt, aad now do gm my Usti many b wvor of it, havisg been cared of a seven attack ol Ihw'ik* ufter having usedotbar remedies without sheets*. ’ - .*.i, 1,.:-’ - • Younwia mpeet I- - * Bold wholesafe aad retail by WM. dACKSO9, al his Pat ent bledieioe Wweboase, aad Boot aad Shot Biprt,'No. 89 Liberty street, bead of Wood, Pittsburgh. Friee, SO cents • per baa yta'l4—dly UAEZJUKII PA**«T BEDSTEAD. Tills Jft Ttui U2m improvement bo* now bee# in ate aboattwo yean, ind woercrer U it known, r referred to alt other Besdatiad*. Foiebeapne*a,*tr«Wh and eonvettihace li baa not and cannot be equalled, a< it U dectJedly Ibo ben, cheopeaiabd mow ecuTcnierulledwead inaae,aad per fectly proof ogainat Bog*. • TluspbaeipelCabtaet maker* and Ttmera in Alle gheny etl? and In IMuslrargh, have actared Rigbu to manufacture and tell the article. Aa th re areaparioaa nniclcaand imperfect lotitotiona In the aarket, poreha acts would do well m elamine the cut Iron - platen on .which inibcßenuiae'aniclethe namet f the patentee, K. F. C aziAia, ta Invariably can. Aa hjpnnf of all ih myown use. 1 sm; therefore. Dndrrih^M croilyof muems.-ni f "STS&'SKS! .rn-im te . Atiotney for Patent*, Wa*MMtjm.D^C. (ST*Alt newspeper* i>»»t have.pubhshed Mr.Tlmoin- pleueinserttbe»Ucve. dcll>f PNAUMoNIU. or tmush 15,Balsam, has a great advantage over many other <\mghp»cperat»n*. as Its ptouant taste i*loV without inenirrewienee. But» ■ *■(“«** * consist* in the*f««jrfiiici* of itsenie. U ehsve known SSSr mortdT*P«.ie i*een runnmg on for a conudeniiile length of tuot, pern almost nnmwfiaiel) tuttspowerj in fitch weather a* we hnvribsd daring ue post irtfijW! i.liable touke'eold,unless grrAtpro- undue exposure tejhe iuclenwney'W the wralbrf rfien the toundatioq of . bucking co-;tb uh"T»!reS. u qntek reme.l y to rrpvem wrous We have numerous ceitifiemv* of care* whieh performed, rohny of which are f»ojn Sod the neirhhorbood,and ‘hey are a .... wtuoatsuringanwherword ‘n ns .s*or. Prepared and (or sale aholesufe andireuil j»T B A 'FAIINESffOCK 4 CO,eorner of Wood and t« «nd Wood and Bth si*. • - SYRUf.-FraaW S K nodenfi*q ,'Clerk of ihe Court of Unaner tfes “mA®?SSSSin tab. i, wil- snu Affi'ced with a Severe and disuesnn? tough. K.i.lnM.ere lecooitncc. W w4M*honu?be severe, cougut and colas. W. h- oooxa. TTiVsyrafU* pnt np In *5 cent botflr*,» that It may bImTStSio by Dr,Ca»**l,6th ward,and D. M. Carry, . • flliL. *n EACH’S UNIVERSAL EXPANSIVE «lIELLER n —This labor ravine Machine, war I ateoted, Apnl 16th 164fl«whieh In view of its great darabtlity; cheap iil*» andeffideney, it* ■implicit? of eo3mdcUon.and ihc cite ani facility with which tl ia wed b> either lWiyaor adults it Inevitably dcstlitcd to aiherCom fibell*r*tor general o*e. It w fart w»ppue» Bileeideratum which hna ton* been wanted tbraijjhoni tnc W'ciitrn ! , *uiic*.forwbil« neo»i« teMlhaflone-ieatli of the price bf the rotary •heller*,one P* r,onc *“ com with it,:a» fait an wjth any. *orw!e at the wed “'SrT' WKanajwmt - NOTICE. i ' . APPLICATION will br made to the rreidcnt.Mflna A ger* and Corapvoy, for erecting a Bridge over the River Monomrahefaopposite Piutbargh-io tbd eonniyof Allegheny, forthe' rengwal bf three certificate*, No* 117 1-V. isO/in the nahre of John U an ter, each for two * Attorney tor the Egeeator* of John Hunter, dee’d deli I- V;. : L mil; BIAGIO. BBASIVK SOAP-F or remo- I vine tifd**e'poll,’ Blalna,or Mark*' frou» Clolher, 'Woollen*, Carpet*, Ac., Ac., and rendering/the .•pot* where it ii applied clear,bnlbt, new, and ipitle»». Sold with lull direction*. Jrnee sßeenuaeake iS-Sold by WAt. JACKSON,B#Liberty itreet,bead hi* Urtot and Bhoe *wre, algn of the^Bii " ; - BOTIGE. • ' , TIIE Stockholder! of the Farmer*’ Deposit Hank of Pitiiburcb, intend making anptlcatUra to the neat LeeWainrd tor *ocb alteration of their Cnaiter na will PtIIunirADVERTISEMENTS ' ' DERBY & NICKERSON, .Mannfaouirer* of • _ '• • JWSINGS, GACiI.IQ BOTTOMS, waooS'WVVB*AH d “win Biua : _ . , ■a. BIA Sonlh Front BtHit, ■ ' •_ : Back of 5 A. Wilson'* Cabinet Ware Atanitfy Uaexoj t n j PHILADELPHIA; ; a r t nrdnra lertwlth 8. 8. Moon, at the offlee of tha ■a ■jug— p* nss*?^ “■--iAit : .A. 0. MICKEBSON CAfWIAOBS. - TULUJIU OOrJL COjSCH Mm + juuuiEssMJuaki aeo cbcf»t>t> PkUMdtitkU. hit of I)tt firs of. OtU £ Wthea. mp*ctMj iafora» hi* frieWi fcu kirp : ottstttOvoD btai- wl hr wh t t .bxsdjota« anortOKatof übioeme Csriltii. oftß ttjU* aoi dueriptfcst irr^i'DMiififfiii-SbVnjI 7 ' nfijlß nbitlefljJftWjsViw wfei nil | ; A Ueoitemen tin# lAwaat of FANCY Fi;iUVMCfcMH«fcJte*>Tippit*,4c. > wj •iron* call .beta* they will 1 fiainwibeirhJTWaawwdßOttUuke* AJI ordcrt ncdrtd'atofi tofaitWM'r aHtttotf 10 at. No J 3 Ifenh ' J * >S v -~ ' , ** , f J , 1- lt .-..!• *•• :• vtv.,’i'T■; '•■’•; .;/". .- ' \ • TBEPICAL. ; OB.tDWNEIfU«S . SAiiS^P^ILLA..- : extraordinaryMediane in the WarU. ■■■■ -flm putup u» Quart bottles: nu autism elwafr. v ' ■inaaairr, aod-waiT*nted sapciior to any cam dkena without! roaitjagrpufgiagtjidEaemordn (i *«t.r ' GKEATBPBINII ABO BUSBEB IKDICIBE ! The gnat beaoiV and superiority of thi*!iter**faiiQaov*r all other Aledkiae is, whilst it Eradicates Disease it lav true* gUslbeßodj. Jlfis oce of lbs ran- best BPRIXG ANB BUSIAIER MEOECLTfEa ever bo. B| it** only the whole ijilssi and strtagthtsi the person, bat it Urmia New, fiat andtfUek Bleed. apowerpoMeased by aooUtef Uedteiae. .Andjih this lies the grand secret of its sroudctfal sneer w. It has performed .within the edit two jean, iwrt than3s,ooocwrcsof Acre re Cairn of Disease; al of those were couridcrcd incurabk. More than j 3,000 eases of Chronic Rheumatism; •. SLOOu cam of DyipejeiX j i 4)0 cases of Genera Debility and Want of Energy: ' 7100 ease* of different Fcmaja Complaints: c*tt*cr«eroTatt; ; l/50u esses of the Liver Coaptaint;, | fijfiOMcases of Disease of the Jtidnsj and Dropsy, •' 3xoo cases of Consumption, Ana Thousands of cases of Dims* of the Blood, vis; U]e*rx, Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, Pimple* ouihe Vice, ke_ Ae, To* gciher wiiL numerous cases of Sick Headaebt, Item n the Sdrattd Chest. Spinal Affections, Ac., Ac.: * > This, va are taut, must appear incredible, but an hart itters from physicians and our agents from ail juts of the Uriled States/informing usofcxlnordinirycurea. H. Van Q^Xrfc,Esq. oneoflhemoetrepecUbledniggistainNcw. ajrk, M. J.; informs us that hs canielct to bore than ISO ca* - sas tn that place alone,! Thera are thouands of cases in tha City of NrW York, which wt will refer to with pleasures and of character.’ It is tha best »—**»»■»? for the .Pi even lire c£ disease known. It undoubtedly saved tha live, Of man than r - . S,OOOLmuDUXTax Parr Seasoni A» U removed the cause of disease, and pepand theta to Uxitxd Statu Omeou Carr. O. W.AleCLaan.or rad U«tu Bran* IIaTT, and member of tha New Jcrsej Lsgtstaiare, has kindlj scat ■s the following certificate. It tells its own storj. • - Rnwwat/ Jan. 25, IH7. ’' A year since I was taken witk tha Infineon, and tap wbola ¥ steal Is ft in n debilitated stale* I was induced to up Dr. owesend’* fttr»a peril!*, and after taking two or three bat* ties, i was very nnch rvucred, and attribute it entirely to the taii Sarsaparilla. 1 have' nauuad takings!, sad find that 1 improve vverp dap. -1 behave it aaved my life, and would rat be without it ander up ridesilim. O. W. McLxas,lai« U. 8. IT. Scwm* Cons. • This certificate conclusively proves (hat this Sampan Us has perfect cmstrol over the most obadnala disease of tha blmL Three penens cured is m boose is unprecedented. Tam.Caiumi. ’Db. TtnsMMti—Dear Sir: 1 hare tha pleasure to inform !oa that three of cap children hare been cured of the Scro iib bp ,lhe use of pour excellent m’edidne. They were afflicted very smnlf with bad aorta: hm oslp taken four boitlea: It took them away, lor which 1 feel, lapse If ander deep dUieatioa. ’ You*, mputfullp,' ■ laano XV. Clam, 103 VTomtsr ei. Hew York, Marth 1, HC7. GREAT FEMALB MEDICINE. : Dr. Townsend’* Sarsaparilla Is a sovereign and speedy euse for incipient CoasumpUcn, Umtnncs*. Ltucorrb*,of Whiles, obstructed or difficult Alustmatioa, Ineonliautocv of Urine, or in voluntary discharge thereof/ end for the gen ual prostration of the ipvlexn—so matter wnether tha mull of innercat cause or dausts, frodoced by imgularitj t iUneei ar ucfdcnt" can be more isrpriUng thn Its ef bets ra the human frame. tnds, Dorn taking it, at once beems robust aad tull of energy under its tnflneoee. 1( isuaedialalp counteracts the asm |n« of the basale Daae, which a the great caua of barg ' It will not be expected of u, in erne of aa delicate t na ture, to axhibil eerlifidatea of earn parfcraaad, but we can mcare the afiLcted, that hundreds of csecs hsva been reported toot. Several caeea where bailie* hare been without child* rca, after uiing 0 bw-bottles of this invaluable aedirias, have bMB Ueet with healthy offipring. Dr. JWnssnd: hip wife being greatly distressed bp weakness imd general debility, and sufEering conun tally bp min and a ef wring down, ailing of the womb, and with other ami baring known eases wbero pur Bicdkha has eficted great cuts; and also hear* iar it monmended fitr such cases as I bare described, 1 obtain* • bottle of jour Extnet of Bempferiila, and followed the dim Ikes you gave me La a short period it removed ber complaint* and resumed W health. Bung grateful for. the sh« receive, 1 taks pkavure in thus eeknowMg* iw it, and neommc&ding it tha puhlk. At. D. Mocxa.gl Alkßp, Ang.l7, DHL Cor. of Grand and Lpdiussta.- )tb Bedstead* JA3ZAM, Pltt&tM I ' CouacDx, Sept. 59,1549. 0r T&mntmU: To all when this may concern This b to certify that mp wib ujicd,eaa bottla et pout Sarmpari fc how to ber ccnfia*a|*i%ig»dtr ths most-abiming act Aelkata circanmtaßoC*,b*iA troubled with Qw drojer, swtk ling ef the feet, nervous auctions, and very mncU'debiliU* ' M: with my persuaskad ahd (he reeoamesdatioa af those whobndaseu it, ah* wtf mdoeed to try it, with little o* no fiuth; end suffice it to ay, theawdidne had the happy ad dcdrvdefbet,Dot only inline boor* of confineacat, bat alter tho expiration of one wskk of ill use. the drojay and aer* roasufoetiaa gave wit to an asttfiiihhg dam, and her health bww EeUsr.tkaiit bad bees foe a k*f lime pee tf this will be ef any semce to you or any one who doubt* the saw of the ■sdicins, yes era entirely wriemae to it. 1 wbserib* myself your oast obedient l'lmij TO MOTHSOS AND MAKBIEP LADIES. This Eetrsct of Sampuilte ha* been expressly pßparid In tefortoee to femak cosapUint*. H o female who ho* m •mi to tapooa she is eimeimehing that critical peried, u Tte negket to take U,«* il lrt wtain prsvcntm br any of the nufiercms and bombie diseases to which Ceaula srs subject *l this time of life. This period may be delayed for several yean by aaing (hismediem. Sar u it less valuable to thAtcubo art apprusclusg women hood, ns it is cakutaied lo anist m'uiv hr quickening the U«c« and iavig.raliug the ijitem. Indeed, this mediema ie iaval •abte for all of ths defeat* dnewes to which women are ’"iTbracesthe whole system, reoews pemaneally the aaU* nt cnerrks—by the hapuritiesof the body^wot. so for rinriallag thseysUnasto prodaeeasobsaquea'tr*. •Untfoa, fehidi is the we of mest tantieme* takes far fomalt weaksem and disease. GIRLS HEAD THIS. ; - . Yon who cmokuos*, doll «j*a> Uotebo o*lh* fcc*. rsorh ikta, ttt fr*c*k», *al »re mrO*/I'**' 1 '**' « Will* *r i«u ef Dr >TcvMtMl'» SimuthlU. il «ul tltaaa* tour Uood, ruaan tbs ftccUct *m • fctotcho, i*i -i,t jounauwlion- tparUic* «ju, fin* tjHfiti, ud bnatifo) eoafWiou—*ll of wbieh ut of bumbm nto* to waao/j ri*d buliu. DYSPEPSIA. t No flvidcr ardiciac hae mr beta dbeorend which to ntvii ratable* tbe gastee Jaie* or eatiu ia decompMuf foodanditreagtli«*msibeoeg*s*ofdige«|oa,uUui prtpoj ntioa of fiuMivillt. Bank DtrutraurT. Albany, M*y 10, l£ts. Dr Tbe eruttui-- Sir—! hate torn adUcted tor eceeral ytait with dyas*p«i» in ua wuni to. mi, »Ur oiled mil* wsr; j poi 9 ( k«* of ewpetile, eatme heartburn, end ■ j gnat annum to «JJ tied* of food, and for week* (what I j cmU cat,) ! bin bean tumble to retain bat a wuli portion : m my mocaneh. ■ 1 tried tine naval remediee: bnt they bad | but little or no effect ia mooting thacomplamt. Iwaiin gaetd, about two mociheeiace- to try jour Estraet eOateo ronlli,t-i i BMint with littlecoaMeaee, but tiler wing nearly two bot Ute. I bond toy appetite reetofed; and tbe Uarwarn rotirrly remored;aud l would earnestly rteon; wad the uae of it to tboee who ban bcou afllktrd ae 1 hare beta. Youn, At-, W. W. Van EaKOT. -Nor 21 HMD SUteaMaadJi * ALMOST 4 MinAO-E Head tbe following, and doabt if tm can, that eooetoap -1 •ioufennotbe cueed. '! bieUoaWotMof the meraibnadred ttif, iw ToomcaJ’i SareaonriJa hae cared : Dr Tiiwumd—Deer Sir. t «u taken, a liute over a yter «q, with a mere cough and pain in‘my tide. It to crnwl on me rer) bet. indent.- I wne promuioeed by phy licuni to bare U*r e/aie* ccnenaptiua 1 remtl Lige quaa tilieeof bad matter,had might •••%»*, and eiahbg very feet* oyldoctarmid b« rcnld do nothing brw. f vest into tbo biwpitni ie hope of brag beaefitud. but ni pronounced them u oconbt«> f «•« mom ftmtly dietremed at the Inage ud could hardly breatbo; i nos became emaciated, aad npeeted to 4m; waeeuollßeu to my bed, aad «U obliged to kart erakben iadrtd 1 cannot giro yon nay dmripuoo that msoU do jwliro La my cate i war mppoerd by my Jneadi to be nea ntattn ; I had tried a great number of remrdief, ami ail eeerad tube to oo poipoe*. 1 read of tome noM ei tra irdistry etrrtr performed by your ntdtdae. aad Id ul; Eu the truth, I luipreled there era* team Unmbog ia them. „ | «ae Induced to try it. I did to, tad ametiy thtabfel I did. 1 cannot my that Inm entirely «tU, but am eo for rctpetr>:d ae to U about me bneiooe, and hope to be foil re ly >e )| ine (mr wrehl. Aly cough and jeetu ia tbe eide. ao> night null beta UA me, aud riiee but itn little, aad am (eat gaiamg my wan! Urcqgtb. I felt it a duty to gtre «od e eutmeat of mjr cam. to publiib if you pknee., V* rrrxn Bxuwa, i' Little a, Brooklyn. Dr Toirobni » khMMd&Jt/mcirißf onlcn from phj] noun m diScrcst outs of th« Union. Tiiaiiloeuti/fthit »«j Ik* tadmifnrd, of lhcCilTofMtbuj,b*Te in nninuMti prucrikJ Ur. TofrnKsd*« B*mpriUi,'*i»dWiitwil ijbooacef tboownt nlunkb prtnrntiou of to* SwiapnnlU io Un a»rk*L K f PCUWj K n J Wiuo«,a a, E B Buna, m p, F EEuujpou.md. ,jUl*oy,<« uudkal qualities ofthu final pr*- ptntioes«i Magnate,'Without briar liable to form eosm- Uooi In thubowfliior loacllujorioejly upon ths ecrtj of lbs stousoeh Oat tsbte spooufolenbi Fluid Magnesia istmilr abetUsUvoglb tehaJfateupMeNbf Mbmli • Foi»ri.WUAPAHNE3TOCKfcCO7«ftwrW*D4 fPcorand lfcood tod 6tih -■>. _ ; • *ll • Hr«lleLtM l »Vbrai lp«etne< ffIHIS i* w tcmf> that, by thkinione vial of Doctor -X MeLoo*’* XVora Bpectheia child of June* Shaw’t passed upwards of 7u wonM/and bribe use of uld medicine aebiW of aty own phased H lainworms.— ft ,1s truly the mart , urprisug■ worm medicine 1 ever teen. 1 must have ttro mare vials.. • • • • WMOILMORK t "For sals bjr 2 JUDDkCoyHoW Wood; Knob sim j ) *»< fitatltMl Vn*likl»f fiMdj. Hfc K. TUtU> hate thin day received direct from . the manniaetorers. and ot*r lot nUe at Mew York piiees— ■ • . ’ ; 1 caw ol tboae. Extia Beperfind Shin* mas at acta red exmeaaly for M ? own aales ami wambled 1 cate bf Saxony *od Merino mxder joins, wrapper* and Drawers, aocje very. fine..; 1 caw Bacons and Collin, isclndin* Boreas with Col lananaebed.-' : ; j- '• i caw patent switel joint Sespendcraj with other Goods • mo numeroas to reention,inetiidtftf blk tad fluey ! adjusting Stocks ."i •' ; Patm bokr and plain Saba Slocks. |' ; Bombasine bow and plam Bombasine Stoeks. ! silk and Satin Ties, rich stlk and satin Crania, with one ease of law priced Shin* which are ate sore In quality have never been serpt.ssed in price in this city We intend to close the above Goods off by the package and would call the attention of Partfaksersto oar slock of Goods, knowing that Jowpnee* will insure then a speedy sale. • H4ETOUD: ■ <>ci«t ■ Hd wood at, np stairs, 2doort below 2dst “ Wholesale Ory fisddfc - -T. : NOW opening at the Wholesale Dry Goods Room*, dd Market street, 2d sloiy, 100 pcs of Alpaee**,go pcs English Merinos, d eases of Oregon Plaids and Cash* meres, lO pcsTreaek DrsadeloGij 44 pcs fancy ea*ai mere, 4 cases eassinett, 10 bales red, white ana yellow flsuueli,3oo pes blankets, new stylet calleoes, domestic guighams, gloves and hosiery, together with a genera) aa»onmemof goods. Merchants are invited to examine onr stock, t> we are confident it will favorably compare with Kwtem stocks, in styles and nricea. del7 r X A - * O ATTI9BTTB, TWJCEOB,'4e-W R MUS>> O PHY invites the attention of dealer*' and ethers to ~his excellcnt'asoortaeatof olmye goods, is his whole* sale rooms, op stairs, at well u to the retail deportment, including— : Dark mUM SttiaetU; Bin-and black do; r invisible green do; ! tiotln striped blk' do; i. Gold mix’d Jeans; bloemixVi leans; Gold mix'd Tweed*: . ,| AH of which will be sold low by the! pleee or yard; al* so, on hand. Cloth for cloaks, and barred Feti*»e do, for Lnlmr* j. dctO How Arrlrali JUST Received the boJoneeof oar foil stock ofINDiA RUBBER GOODS,comprising lh|< following kinds: India Rabtier. Long overcoats, sack overcoats, sbert overcoats, canes wiinoat sleeve*. capes with atoevea, ponchos, leggings, hats, camp blankets, horse Covert, travelling hags, saddle hoot, gtm covert, provision bags; steam boat backets, air pillows air ieashions. air teas,’ bag racks, for the ladies, and cat tines; all of which we - have a complete assortment that wejoaerVheleaaJe or retail on the loweatpoos bio terau,at oar India Rubber Dr pot, 5 wood street. . . i . nvgi . Ull PHILLIPS FRBSOa TBRKJBRRI RUAWLIf—We havejafl received a Urge additional supply of extra French ’J'urkerri shawls. At, these good* are very scarce, we weald respectfnllr invite the todies v> call and examine oar stock, as we uv selling them very low. ALEXANDKft & DAY • nvdS 75 market tt, N W cor diamond JUST UKCUVKDper Express at ZEUULUN KlN** BEY'S New Fancy Store, G 7 Market street— -6 dos Cords and Tassels, for Ladles* Cloak*; :•. * ' « . Gents' “ . 8 pet Scarlet SUk Fringe, 31 inefi (wide; it “ blue u " j “ • ** H *. 1 inch j ** - MKtnmcm of ether colore. Jt-Ol* ittCEl VEt>—byAdlm* 4TC*'4 Eipreta— taper toper EacUah Drab Cloth}; Do do do Heart Drab. Cloth} ft>r over, be •loe'u udaaekcoat>>'Whiebiriltt(Qinadee Uro*ade nerine do; Fine plain Caihmeree,a beasiiiol'ankle; Gaia and Caeluoere piaida.. ! ALEXANDER* DAY . nv9 .... ..... 73 market «t ear of tho dlmnond ■ 4 'IjA2N2IKLi& Ued.lirqwo andbaned.Flaaoelft. . . An tddibnnnl »appiy rwelred ftOfdibe tunuTac taren. Alto. • few piece* 3ow priced CutieetUi tor ule by . ;| GKO COCHRAN iplia f •[ : Wlwnade* V TIA *— 4 cik< •' 4 cam mi «a< atcuium, kJind colored EscUifi biteuniatt 'received direciftso Inporierv by H SllXciiLßlT* WHITE delO _. . u ' . j M wood it ■ B~ IMDlHB—itt gross figured mohairaadsilk over cost Binding, jut rec’d by Greene 4 Co’s Express, in SI day* from Philadelphia* or tale by BHACKLECT4 WHITE dclB * ■ • ! •-• • W stood st riiASHBLB I VbAllilßLS4l .”T ZED, while and yellow Rianetsj also, a large'lol of . \heuvytwilkdfianneU l jttstrec , dlfer*«toveryeheap. j -ALEXANDER * DAY fat?. 7» market «t. N W cor diamond- MEDICAL. TftIVKPHAST aOCORII. Consumptive*, remember that, it it Thompson’* Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Jfep* tka ichieh it dotty effecting nek re < markaUo cure* in : PULMONARY CONSUMPTIONiir A«ik™», Bmehiti*. Spilling *tf B.ood, Pain is t&a'Sids and Breast, Sen'Threat. Hr- -sosi rAlpiaUaa of the Heart, W hooping Gm>, Croup, Hires, flincis lttnor, wiser .Complaint ■ar sad lees of appetite. Uuf varioot rattscs without c&ct 1 breams uarinsd, Ibcnrd of ywrwcdkiae.bst bs isruene to wing most nirerti*rd ; m«d»eiAeA Ittoughtl would idbsr* U what 1 bad been twu. Finding •slung werm.'aSritadfsrsutded aw jte fey a Mlln of Tour mwmiion,'saying •hs ow*d his life to hs eiriass lua mediate?; irocujed a bottle and eoauneseed nag it sad be lore 1 bad taken two bottles, ! wtAceenptciriy lettered to bcalib, . .. 1 Solely for tbs benefit of others J make, tbs shore brief statement. Any further inquiries c*a bs mads at BJ rat* denes, 148 Catharine street. . . j ' ~ ' • KafpsctloL; josra, • Fuictl "UTiMT. Still another Remarkable Curs. Cututo > r«.,ir«r.9o > iec > About rix ran sine*, Ismapna of the sodeatary n<«n of tsv OuuutM. 1 «*» sUsehsi with sever* polos n ih* mlritstmo of th* Wart sod shortness of br*rib, which w«Hi woofollossi by ths fch/u ofappeUte. aitnac wthcfoboM rt night sod portal jar*! jm ol mj Uabs-UM ymptoas of t domed system bring £>»T*mUy »U«ud*d wiih»«Uißg of blood. For abort two vun I was wear!rw *.!» thnnra iato coarulenes,' whjch;ku m U » •asm* *s>* of feebknew sad begin to aflcct mj mind. From Lwo udmnf lafaitit ■«* man or tosTmijalil rttaph they locioasd W rah a degree, nod tho. violent* of tho symptoms'**;* »q augmented, that fcrawhotamrlwaa aaabls toaltead lossy Imsteta. Dura* Uustims leostsfl* cd to*# ahk ebTonaat add attended to thrif, pveeenptiosij hot all thsir shill was unutri teg to procure *• Triad, and at length they regarded my reeovtir a* entirely bo|*jrw » : this erudition 1 was tewrm*it «[th* emnUiy ****** 1 bom**'* Com round Syntpof 1 urand Wcodtof*h*,.ln* caw eomewhstiimitei Umin*|*od thoughlHndnirenupam npecUUm* at a reeceiry of ■j -fcratef health % by Ml sunt, yet betel etrucwty adnsad »try th*» wrdateo, 1 .«*» at length pr*r»3*d anon to do so, sm I ha»t sow te.Wf. lltst by thaws of ritbollles my health has bsca mteroA «i !ta now riM to attend to beaut* wtth bi touch bsdilf a o«slT HRNMY MY»KS. , Or DkhiaiflsTnwsihto^ l’rtiwfsd aolf hr AHONKT k St thsPf.H eor»sf offlfth no Sprasstmts. > ~ Sold by L. XVILCOZ, Jr Mubwjh, and iu| i mfeh Dronids otoerallT. Pries £0 cts ,«r Ow dollar psrhoSw. riUTION —Bswsrs of tailatioas, sod parchooThsm soa*! Compoood Sjrsp of lar tnm soot bat itiiilM imli, or of thow sbew* lbs ratpiefas «d dfsinf » ••*»- UfktU. dsclli **«a gnKßjfAJrrr&o’fHi FAsis- . a rasxiva sunkmet. ni||E host article known .Cur cleaaingand whiteunt 1. tbe Terlb, suenfiMnutf ihcavraa, awertenint the. tircith.kc. It sboald beosod etrety flifbt with ssiiil biu*u.audthblecth and month Wilioolj . waahitnc in the morning. . XY«t tho broa'i with wtra water, or cold will answer, and rah it a iew times os the pane, when enough will adhere for cxaniog the teeth. Itleaveasdolietoai utste « the mo«ilh.aad im parts a most dclightlktfrafrmßce to the breath. Itstahdi uurivalled as a pleasant, etficaeiooa, convenient, and satedentrihee- Ilia warranted.nbttotfijaretheterth. boitopreservethem. ,j \ Uy tiling it regularly, it will rrmovc the tartar and prevent ns aeenranlsiian—present the toolbache itrengiben the gums, and prevent all diteasea of mem Ch£uuata,phyucians, and the clergy reeammead it a decidedly superior to every thing of the kind in use.— Ask for Sherman'* Compound Orris Tooth Paste,' and oliservefaissignatareis auachedtoeaehpot. > Heeomtncnurd by Dr. Castle, 1 361 ilroadway. one ol our be»t Dentists, and by most of tbe old esubliihod ones in tbe United Htatct, and even stenilvely used by tbe Nobility of England and Frtu*.' ‘ • A large propenion of the disease. I bstaffliet mankind arise from jome derangement of lbs eumaehor bowels, which a'timelr ase of the Cavhi Uf Loacnges would enlirely obviate. Persona nf blOoni kabiu should si sreys hive a bor at hand, and lake a dose whenever they feel the least derangementtn their health. A Jodi' ctoos ase of these Lotenges weald prevent thousands °*Forsaia at WM. JACKSON’S, corner of Wood and. Lil-eiivsts • i * foe* l L’ ADIKS Who Una Common Prepared Chalk, nre often not aware bow fnghtftilly iniurioas 't Is to the skin! how coarse, bow roogb, bow sallow, yellow.' omlonbealthy the akin appears, afler using prepared chalk! Uestdes; It itinjarioa«, lit* of lead. We hare prepared a beauiiful vegeuble arUete, which we eall HPANIHII LILY i WHITta It ia perfoctiy innoeent,belngpuriSea of all. 'ileletenoesqualiiies; anditlatparta to ibeskinanauK ral,healthy,alabaster,dear, bring white, attboaaae ume acting ns • cosocUcon the skin, making Utoft and smooth. , . , Df. James Anoerson, Practical Chemist of Massa chusetts. jayr. “After analysing JoaetXi Spanish LUIv White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and nata> ral, al the same'time innoeent white I everiaw. 1 cerulnly csnconscicntiously recommend Its use to all whose sain requires beautifying.” tn*Prlcelttcem#nba*. 5 by XYM-JaCHSON, st his Boot and Bhos Siore,B9 Liberty atreet, head of Wood, at the aign of the Dig Boot'/ " \ Ladles. Udlev, Tm astonished, When you know that you arc premised - '- Anauiral,lifc-lilrc,si»ewy while, Thatyoa will slill use common ehtlk, Ahdlookadoathlyyellowffight. ■nietheme of laughter und or talk. If you- would useJa box of JONfcTB Lilly-white, it would give your skia an alabaster yet natural white, and at the same tine clear and improve lb Bold at jaCKBON**, t* Liberty su - Prjcajo coats par box. ‘ ■ . i- ! 'i ' art . “ • T gcfiStoß. gmiToii. TEITER, ITCH, BALT RIISUW, Ac—Who would (ora tingle day seraich t -when-mfflieted with the Tetter, ltSh.orothei disease* of the skltt, if they knew who would relieve andeare . . '', ' : • ‘Hi horrible to be obliged to mb and scratch when alone, hut niore horrible to abstain from it, [for decency ■ake.l witen in company. • Let it be rereemS icd'.ttnt D?UfHiY , B IEITER and ITCH OINTMENT is tbe most effieneioua af any other preparation in existence Ip. curing the Teller, llcb, and other diseases of tbeakiu As airdiaeases or the skin mart wise from tho impurity of the blood and Saida body, and where seen dis ease be of long rtanding. and tha eonsliwuon affeeted SeTeby, If Ur.Leidy's &irs*psrU|a Pitt. bt wd with the trintinent, they wdreure any ease whatever, and if they do not, the money will be returoed by Dr. Leidr. Mosr cases, however, will bo effectually curwl' br Dr Leidy's Teller and Itch Omunent, anleta tbe Whole vysiem is impregnated bribe diseased humor*,, which will be completely eirriM off from ihe system by. ur Leidy’s Diood Pitts, end tho Sorfice ofthe siiw heal «trt cor wood Is front an M'ORQAN’S COUGH SYRUP.—U proved loiw ibe [-fen fuaee* in etfiog: my ciiW 1 * daurwing COB * b fraa to‘lWcrazm Burner, Nov. 3. M 7. Oovoa «?*tr~we trti seMn tar.tabit of poflax, ranch lea ukM • CorPend and We vnests, Pittsburgh - O’CONNOR AQw North street, ltaluraow / A nij W AJTTAPSWTINTSSoBihibN.Y. J*. Encouraged by increased bosineas the-Proprietors have addcdiotheir stock and. emended Uteitnnange. stentsddrrngibewinter, and arenow preparedloior* ward freir-rt with Veattlurfty aaddispaieh unsurpassed by any otter line. Their ten* eapeneao© a*_eamer», the palpable toperiority bf the Portable Boat Syatem, and the great enpaeiiy and convenience of the ware* boose* at each end or the. line, are peculiarly, calcola* ted to'enable the proprietors to Ailfil their engagements and aeeommodete their enstmner*—eonfidemlyefleTing : be past as a guaranty for the team they reapeeually. •oUeitacodunaanee of that patronage which they now gratefully. acknowledge. ■ : „,v ; ' « All consignments to.Taafle A O’Connor will be rec u and forwarded. Steamboat charges paid asd Dill* ot Lading Iran warned free of any charge for.Comiws*>oß, advancing or storage. Having no interest directly or Indirectly tie si6amboat*,iho interest of the-consignors ■mast ttocesiarilv be their primaryoqjccc in.snipping west, nndiheypfedgn themselves to forward nil.goods consigned to them promptly and on the oast adnata* geoss terms to the owners. MarchVlB47 ■ mart . d,«, AiIUKKV, r •• • •• rORWAEDIUC k COIHISSIOII IBBCHUT, : 'Edit Bauer Point and Bridgwater, , BSATIfo COUSTI, *A., proprietor and Agent .' dailt , nrrwng* riTTsnunea Ann *um, 'TXriLL'be prepared on’earliest ©peningof canal na«- rV «igaitea to receive property at his wfcarfboatot In warehouse, for all points, on Erie Emea«wm,.Cross Cat, and’Ooio Canals; for all port* on Lake Erie and npperLakes,Malsolot»rwafllj>rDdiice t e.byPenn’a. Improvements. Apply .to or .address - 1 "(cbSWtf ■ t AS CICKEi. Beaver IBPSPKRDBNTPOBTAfItfc JJpgßjgfo *lB4 7/ E |gaa^^ AND°FItOM PITTS BURGILpiuLADELPUIA AND BALTIMORE, ; ; fET’Wiihoßt Goods consigned to oar care will be forwarded with* owdelay.at the lowest current rates. Bills of lading transmitted, and nlluwtrieUoni promptly attended to, free from any ektra charge for sswre oremimismon. : . Address, or apply .to C AiMeANoLTYACo Canal Basin, Pituburgh STORAGE. Having a very large and commodious warehouse, wo are prepared to reeeive (in addition to freight for • V picKwoaTu * co'b tcnti ;gaaaai. lB4 EXCLUSIVELY for the traiiiponation of WAY FREIGHT between PiuibargS,B!air«viJle, JohM ; towOf HplUdayabargh, Water Street] Pettnbarsb and :allmtetmediauplaees. - ' j One Do at will leave the warehouse, of C A Me Annlty fcOo., day, (except SaadayaJ.mnd ahipperacaaalway* depend on having their good* for* warded witboßt delay and at (air ratal. 7%ie Lme w»* formed for the »pecial aeeoauaoilatiea •r the way biuinea*, and the proprietor* respeetfally •ollcil*liberalalUUe ofpawonafe; j •' jomn: ricit«OCTi7'““ioiitJ imxER DAM'L II BARNES ROBEKI WOODS i - WILLIAMFULTY. ;... JOHN MILLER, HoUidaytbttigb ) R I! CANAN, Jobnwown ! J AjenU. iC A MeANOLTY fcCo, Pitubarjh) ~ kinuicn. !' • •■■■- y Me Devin, John Parker, Robert Moore, Bagkjey ith. Pi tub noth. __ —liiOflßTLtOicliiiiili usts. ; tJZLJ* 1847. i^fas£ Uuto being cotnpoaed of Strlmiboeu Lake Erie' X aiut Michigan, t turning daily t>ciureen Piitsborgli and Beaver,aod Ireight aud paaaiogcr Canal Doait; ranoinc between Dcaveraad Erie, nudcimscetingwith C M R«ed'* Line of Steamboat PropelleroandVeueU' entboLakea, will be prepared upon the eorliettopen* incof Navigation to cany FreivhtandPaaeeßfeieto all pointson the River, Canal and Lkkca. • Having every facility for conveying freight and pas* KD-n with prompineH and difpateb,*tbe proprietor atenu teapcetfnliy aoHch. from their friend* and ‘ . REEDS, PARKS ACo, Iteaver.Agif I JOHN A CACGHEY.FitubVi* Cor.Sroithfialdand Water *t*. oppotlte thoMononfr gakela Hou*e. , . KEPIR.TO -» Wheeled Cwcker A.Co, NeirYotfc f Geo Davu, Boffal© . .., H N Park* A Co, Cleveland ; jat A ArmstroogAQr.Detrolt McClure AWilliam*, Mihrtakie Grictol A Pwner, Chicago Wn Power*, Powcmown; Peon* Gro Macbetaiyte, Evaim-aigi, Penn* John M* Arthur, Hunuiowc, do. W»k A Ahker,Greenville* do Cr»ijtAPttß>J'*on*CJ»fli»*niej do |!«y* A Fiamb l Sharp«baijfeiP*. • \V C Malta, do R WCtmnlßeham.Ncw t Canlc, do . • tn riTTSBURaH * CLEVELAND LIN*?. 1846. jfeaatt IL CUrke. fl. Hoop*. ’T. Kehaow) * Cfr. ; CLARKE * CO., rwwtHlni 1: Coaaluloa Mcrefcftitii i BEAVSH> PA. ' - TllEAeentiaftdPrJ'erieiota.ofthia Uae (aofavor abll inown to the paWiekwillbe prepared on the earlieal opening ofeanal navigation lo rrceivcprop •rtf at Piuabanfc ami Beaver, and deliverlthe aame w Anv point on ue Ohio canal*,and alaoonLakea Kt,c ind Wiebigin, with the greatest deepaich and at traa jnable rate*. ■ ■■;!', The proprietor* of tin line aolxil the bu*:ne<« w ttieir fanner eaauxaer* with confidence, knowms-thai their fwiliue* ate aecond to none. ’ Apply to or addresa . U M MaRTiJN, Agt, Pmaootgh CUARKt * Co, Beaver, jan* T RICHMOND ft C< ‘ 'WSlfßßOtUßtf’bftTlTlpd W). ft- CUIh OLD ESTABLISHED TRANSPORTATION UNE, BETWEEN PITTSBUROK. PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NKW YORK. 'pHEHock of ih)< line eo»*imof h Ujabfe daily X Line el Been *ml Gar* [owned by ibemvlresj «rt»eh ere In good order. ' c Tl»e *oh*efli>eTs tie pr«ea< red to forward a large quantity or Merchandise aad Produce with certainty and dispatem Protlneh or Merchandise consigned to anr ot the no* derngned. is forwarded Dec ol any charge tor commis sion or storage. Bills IlOdiug transmitted mod all initracuans promptly attended 10. The basinets of ihU Line is condaeied on racily Sabbath-keeping principle*. Address, or apply lo - 1) LEECH h Co, Fnyrieton, Canal Darin, Pittsburgh HARRIS * LEECH, Proprietors, - NolStfcwthThird meet. Philadelphia JOS. TAYLOR A SON&AgcnU, No 114 North Howard street, Baltimore •' \V U WILSON, Agent, No, Wen»tr>et.Ne.wYork ~~ bKAVjfik; WAniiks * clbvklamd LINE OFjfrNAL PACKETS AND STAGES, 1847. tfikA canal packets tkleu . apii a swallow I KAVEBeaver dally at do’cloefc. t. *m after the tJ arrivalofibo *te*ml>oaißEAVEß from JPituhurgb, *nd arrive at Wamn next morning fn *ea»n for the Singes whleli teaeh Cleveland before night. PgfiK&fer* will be rttcijitedibrcagli, securing berth* on the Packet*, and aeat* to the Stage, on -application on board tieambeat Beaver, (leaving I'tuabargb at 9 o'eloel, a. M j or to the agent*: V O *FI lARTOV i Co, Pillibargh CLAKKEfcCo. Braver JESSE BALDWIN, Yoongttowa •p!A M B TAYLOR. Warren TO THE BIST BI IOHOSQiBHL J ROUTE, VIA BROWNBVILLB ft CUMBERLAND. TUB undersigned are now prepared to forward pro* due*,*c.,to the EasternMariicisduring the ensu ing Winter, on the most faro ruble terns, by ibis expo* All property consigned to us will be forward cd'afthe loweit rales and with despatch.. ' Merchandise reeeired by this mate promptly for warded. ;/.J-O BlDWELL,Ann,Pittsburgh*' ... , G W CABS, Brownsrille. , nortfy , B EGERTON A Co, Cumberland . mo miaiiT üb^"^ This Llm eon»ittln*of freight aridpassenger Pack* cts, will i«ft rettlifljr daring the season between Bearer and Croenrilte, Pa., by which freight and paa*, •eager* betsreen the lwo polnu, wil I be car ned promptly and at the lowest ratta. - .. . , WICK A ARCHEn.GreehTille, Agta ■ SKJS.tfSSSg^S % WM. MATHEW*.Poliwli .] . REED. PARKS ft be, Beater, Si JOHN A CAUGilEY,corner Water and Smith&eldau. tpftt . Oppoehw the Mnnoneabefo Hops*. pmsbnreh 1847 .flwrA flfefltoagan Jmßßm. '' 'I 1 ! 1 . VO fBB BAIT BY BAJbTIBOBJI ABO OHIO RAILROAD. ■lrtefeUowlagpccaK - , , " . . Artefc lUcoa. BBlit. Le«d, Urf, Pork, Trttew, Wtiiker, «, olm. B7| ca ptt lw 11». » T*(c«. a llmp ) Fl«i «od Wltu-HM els ki lUlln. Arte*, (Pot) Apple* CkeeM, Fluked, (ilia, u * LutbeHl cu petin |bi ‘ OiU, Bkinft. BeedOVeoMlO e» per 1M lbs; Bui»-Kbot •»ineUperlOOlb«* ••• : All property eoaetned neither o f the taderalgned- Willlie forwarded, wltbeat deUr, free of Pmamlwon: ai above raiec. WII CLAAK. Brewarvlllv. ■•. . L- ! .. UANNA* WATfIBMAN t Pitabagb~ jOTfSdUf *‘*** L r’- - jrir_l YrV• ...... TMNSPORTATJON ipE& iTBBTTtAIt gOlUnyO PACEBTfORI BISA VRR*' ... • 1.1. . \ "The oew aadwlcodid rtetaei ' • PWrAVRBf.J IdUIIWIIdK f.n> rs«Tl<>« |k»pi,. conneoeo*'her mpr lhU day, leaving Piiu burghaiho’doelt,Br*ter«t o^etoek,r.A,- eoaneeung with PiUibarjch and Cleveland-Line of Cad n fl | Goat*daily to Cleveland, O 4 Beaver, itea and .Cleveland LiSeoT Canal Packet* andluge.Coaehev daily 10 Warren and Oevelanoi.CaiWPaeact Line* to NewCwtleand Greenville,Pa^t-ne tb Meadville and Erl®. • Nell, Mooro A paj» Une< of Stage Cbaehea Be*, ver daily on the amval of iteamboal Bearer corn , F “ 4WW&, Hisrtra : . „„ ■ !. , CLABKK* Co- lleaw 77”" ™ "■■■ UN tuN •'! I yßi l ~ ‘ '^l £te@3| 1847.: ;£&£ **D ! BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND .CLEVELAND- * E N PARKSfc Co, Cleveland,?. )-Ll'' U U PARKB, Deader, Pa- . : ‘ 5 Proprietor!. .W T MATHER, Rurf)BJgb,PiU J ~ ! ? •. ? > : THE above Llneroßewfaffy prepared «o'transport Freight and PiiKnpH from Pjtnbnrgh and Clerc !ud, to any point oath* PenttsylvarpaA Ohio and unto Canal*- ' —v . •_ •'-? .in-jV- >2 :> >•• .• The facilities of said Line are aot any on •aid Canals, in nomben and capacity of Bdat», expe rience of Capicina,and promptness ofAgOniSvft*. .. One Boat leaves Pittsbargh and Cleveland taiJj. ianv nine in connection with the Bteamcri. "■ -I .'1 • Mfohlgaa end LnkwEne, between Pittsbaighitti Heaven and* Lineof first class Bleatnboat»,'xiope!" left, Brig* and Schooners, on Lakes 1 Erie, Horen, »i« chtgah end Ontario. , . ;j \ ..J «_,>.» r t . • Property forwarded to anr part of . the;Union with despaxeh. EN l*Aß*Bft Cb.Clereland, Agu REE&PARKSftiCo, Beanjr, Agu W T7SATHEH,PiUabargh l lAgt, ■' tpa ' ■ Cor Water and SaUih&elilVt r ' • TO CU6VELAHP vla. W/ THROUGH 1N R4UOURS. \ > ' PACKET Boil* Swallow Uu} Telefraph learre Bea verdiily, at3o’clock' T arrival of the jaornlnir Boai froraFm*b»rjh,and.fcmre atWarren in | time for the Mail Line «( nafev.tfhlcfe btve'immedi* I airly thereafter, arrive aiCUvtltsdniSo’cloek, r.■ •Jt.' ' .. " r ,f -‘•'■ !\ • ■ Thia roate i* the moat ospeinlota' and comfortable, one to the Lakes.' • COTES ALEFFINQWEU4 Warren, fropr** REED, PARKS A Oo> Beaver,. Agama • i JOHN ACAuCHEk.cewrWaierandSßuhSeUcu, apT-ly OpprwiiotheMoiwepheUHoie. Pmrbargh I iCITinUtS POnTABLK : IUJI1 I TLU|Er ; Mi 1847- . ' Ton TUB TBiJWoftTeeioe olr &U. KlNlte OF MKBCUANDIBE TO AND FROM • FhlUddfliUt bltißof*, InrTwk . THE encouragement lh»s liae has received since its commencement, has induced the proprie ton to increase the stock bj adding a mmibe rot fir clnw boats} aod instead ofgiving receipt* u hereto fbre *• agents, wei will give ©or bwa* receipts (or freight shipped by this line. : - 1 '' *l%o boats are all portable, conseqaeaUv freight I, taken tbe whole distance without tzibsupneot, thereby preventing damage from frequent handling ob tbe-route, and as each boat is owned by the Captain who nuts them, whicbls; s enSeient gnir esiee that there will beno delay on tha-route. All Produce or Merchandise consigned to the undersigned will be forwarded TREEjOF! COM MISSION,for adrancing and fbrivardinf, and will be shipped withoat delay at the lowest rates of freight. • , j •, - We-respeetfully solicit a abare of public patro 'nan, WALUNGKJBB&iCo., Canal Basin, Putsburgh CRAIG, BELLAS Co.. Agt . Broad Street, Philadelphia; P MILLERMgenJ Rowley's Whin, Baltimore. : Pittsburgh, r»b. 10,UMT. . j: - DB.SVeTIfX'S i • COMPOUND BYRUP OF .WILD CIfEBRY. A certain end efe cure for cocjrbs, colds, asthma, liver complaint, spitting blood, pains ih the side 1 '!• orbreut.nervousdsbility.whooptßgcougb • broken cooatitnUoo, COfISCaP* TION or any disease of the lings or breast. Header are jopiufl'erjcg. ' with'a cold or. disease or thd' .■ .1 ] you will not pier./ . bdpsregretti. It will arrest all those disagreeable symptoms which strike saeb terror to the mind, 1 yoar days. Beware of allpreparttlona parpen ting to contain Wild Cherry,ereepf that bearing tbe signature of Dr H SweTirs oe the outside wrtpper oi each bottle, as ifaeyhro quite likely destitute of the article from which they-bomiwaname. ,;, i ; , what it hat done.*.] gffi CO DEATHS,BY • Would perhaps bo a small cstimatefof (die ravages . ol this dreadful disease io aiipgle yr*r, then add ’' the fearful catalogue ol those cot offjbylaflaira ; tion ol the Longs, Hemorrhage, Asibnu, Coughs ; Influents, and other.diaiases of the i Lungsacd Liver*. .. 7V"*{ ! - .-T- And the list would present andppaUingproof ol the totality ot these two classes of discasei*. But it ii Important to know that nearly-all oil this dread waste of human tile-might have'bceb prevented by a timely ere of Dr. SWAYNfe/S COMPOUND* SYRUPOV IVILDCHERRY. j j i • Tbn medicine has now bOcn belnre-tbo public some eight yean, andu the origisal j preparation from the Wild 'CbenrTree. Its reputation as * remody-forCoogbs, Golds;. Bronchitis. and Con sumption or tbo Longs bared entirely dpon iU .in- 1 Uinsie tncriu, owes but Ultle ip inflated newspaper Stißs. Those who give it • trial, : beiofc benditied y it, recommend it to their; neighbors, and thus I gradually and surely basil gained. aaehvublorepu 1. ution and worked ita way. into 1 generil use. , Oqe bottle never fails to cure a recent cough' or told, while with strict aUention'lo indirections that ae eompioy earh boniest* ate in pulmonary‘diseases i of long standing and of tira cost alarming ebarac* ter, has always given relief, and in; fory many 'instances hat effected complete .anti permanent cures. - I • Vr. SWA YSE’S CtUbraitd,Compound Syr* 1 WiW Cierry. • j ; : Bud the most remarkable core of Conan mptioa everpieced upon reeord—.' !; , | Dr Swayae—DcarSm I feel itcdebtorgratitade doe to you—and a dot; to tbeofllicted generally to oflermy bumble lenitoonyia. krvorol yoorCotc* pbuntLsyrapol WUd'CherrjriSomcj three.yeus siacejl.wttvioleaUyattacked with cold ond infix, OaiionoT the lungs, .which was { accompanied .with' a very distressing co&*b, pain U> Use breast and head j-i very cohsidpnible discharge of cHensiTo mucus Troni-tuO lungs, especially upon changes oT weather howoTer slight.‘ Alfirsll fellno alarm iboatmy condition, bet was pretty soon convinced that I «u .rapidly going into comamptiob.; I grow daily weak* at length was ■esrcelyable to Walk about or : apetk above a Whisper; such 'was the exceeding I weakseMoTtoy lungs, During this time | bad tried I various preparatieMsod I reliei—growing all the lime wane. Just beret was -of vised oed persuaded by a dear friendiin W liming, tonio itfafcß atrial ol yonr > »jrn*po,‘ Wild-Cherry, 1' out conies* that previously l 1 oad bees plcjudie ed against patent mediciire*, and l atn; slui against those cumuig onl of . tho hood* of empirics, but understanding vonr the profusion and oractifce nT.meoieine,and baying implicit* faith In iic saying ol ay friends, 1 lonhwitli ol Dr Sl.uvr. onc of your ogcflU,a lew. boiUu and commenced its use. My disease St this burn was ,if twenty or twenty five months'stanidirg, Cense qucntly wu* deeply seated IToucdjhdwtver, con siderable relief from the hratfbnronlre troUJc*.—' But being a public' speaker 1 frequently 4iteraptftd to preach with my increasing stteaglkjcad Uiertby ruptured those vessels Uat had already began to beat; in this way, doubtless, jtny.catej was. greatly returned. > In consoquenee of ; acting thus impm* dch)}y 1 had to use 12 or Id botilu before, ! was perfectly restoied. .'.I have Bo' question, a much smaller number of bottles would hate made: me sonod, bat for the above, indiscretion!; The byrup ; -allayed the feverish bhliit, did away the' distressing coogb/peta stop to the discharge of matter from theiongs, and gave them sad the enlirqsystea good health.. ibavo deferred offering this Certificate till eow, for the purpose ol being perfectly satisfied with the permanency oT thei cere, and now that 1 feel perfectly well, 1 oler it with pleasure.' v 7 V RKV.J,/. JORDAN. . :Dubllu eobntyi N. C. • j. ;■ • CA.UTIOH! CAUTION! : Amid all aperioaa preparation* of Wild' Gharry, ■oeb u Balaam*, Bitten; Byrap* of Wild. Cherry, •Pill* purporting to contain Wild Cherry, Ac,. Ac, ai they ara ail Sclitlooa and none of the virtgea of the onkieal and- genaine wts-j paratioa u prepared bjr Br. Sway no, pod -the ur»f ever prepared jn thia cocotW. 4)ocjor ;bwayne* .CompooedSyropof WILD CHERKx It cotqpwe i of vegetable ingredient*, tho Wild Cherry," aauott • er medical anbtUoeea eqalijr* a* ttScacioUa, U oi mbroaoj-sbewhole are »o cftectaillj eooceotnW . aa torender it beyond eUdnabt' the moatnleainf - •trengtbening, tod effectual ttmedy ejirer diaerm ed lor the'care of PelmnboH cmuenmtioa, andt 1 diaeuetof the Long* nod Breast. ’.The. very if, ftomiu having nuehatrain bl.apdriqaa imitaU, •tanda to prove lu greatceratiae aroperllaa.m. ;Tberelore. invallda, inquire Tor toeeniinalpea 'rattoe; each bottle of wbiebis envelojred let ba< iiful wrapper, with a'ltkenetb of -William graved thereon; alio bearing the aigostnroof Ifl, Srtarne,thecbantcrfeiUhgt}f Which Will. benm. Uhed a* forgery, > r. ,u, -> /. i '• ‘Prepared ;only by Dr. H. SwAt®*,N W rner or EUohtb andAacs Street*, Philadelphia; ■■ ‘ Por uie in piltabareb vihqleaaie anil retain i WM . THORN, 6ff Market street, i "Hr GGDKN A SKoWDEN.cortwSnd A Wrfali.■ B. a; FAHNESTOCK A (fcvcomtr ol 4 and ; Wood and 6th aw Wood streets.' J f - S.JQNES.I® Libertyatrect ” . } JOHN MtTCHKLL, Allegheny tityl / .•; And by all reapectabla Drtggutd and dtern in Medicine, throngboetthe United States d Cads; i VYRUBW: FIELD **cra ifo* aatalai njiveat V/. Uaunfaetupra 1 price*.fc'very extens amort* mrutpfPAPER, ecmpriiWf.nvery poeejUvarieir, adapted to U»e waat* or eoaamter* in tUreiea of the eouwx.Paperof.all'klndafmado tO erf at.abort Ttmatockef PRINTING PAPERitiaillrliwt a part of which i* of very ntperior email typ 7 •. * i PAPB&SAKMBI «lATMtpJiS ' ' or every deieriptioa, imported: and kenTSarulr eo ban., via: Keiung*Wtre Cloth, FeardierW irea Bleaching Powdcr t i*hw yUreinariac,Tii* *«., &e ' Cnßran, Bala Hope, CrnreUbje,'Bali. cl ", e_ parehaied, for which the blgbwt prieelfiah will W paid -v- 1 -:-’ irPr -- jNow Vorlr~!vJim Three •• . 1(W OneW«et Tvf Wi»ki. ,l - 11 "**J' IThre* « « " J I Two « " SS J I Three ." " - tCT U>B(er ndrertiieme'OU nwne proportion. c ; One tipjue,6 mooth*,without aJuretioM** &cbaddiUo&ul«}UNror6Dioai)ii, •••••• £ . j OoointtUO.fciioiUi^oewfiMoHptauw I ®# , BMKUillUo'tttnunfor ».«**• IT»oomu»B,6Mßthf # rVwaU*«ip!eMW«. y , JUcto,MdiUd*a) 6 moeibe, ■' WEilwros ;'t»i'Wißir»»*frt Jf- r^ £ ■ BVSinM ClKftt* I S' KU.HU> cUilwtin Iku •■■••■••? 5“ •' , tllolhen.*" ■ 'i -f :■■•■•*• w.- --■.■•,!*. u •;<«, ; « n j m0f1Ua,.......5 0(> , l .Majtnttiit.AiUtJubct+rmLi .« lit • ' •• one je*r, duly fit weekly,, 10.00. f t oct®t»e7l*iBi7. j • « 00 I . Mr.lt> e. Seileri:—Mj ioaft noaiu&beiafverr -!■«««<■« li vtxitr M»t« - . ~ r-. nrietaointcht,sadlMTinftsneftiindlbiMtaeM* 1 aptIQTIC* imrriinn ■•' • tn'KA.'•'■•-■ ■•■••»!• eloJrt h«Mi MM lotting hMMK Kreadrtl for 9>Jlm< orS** ' “■ “ “ gS* “ -S ,* jeer willed outreFF'••:•• • « " -Three neethf, ...>....3 50 y •■■ -••• ir « <• ‘ T»tire *.-v i£;n?!iow* — r— r; _. •' '. »mA adijcoaat ol S 5 ptf erat to be sires where (he-t '.•:■■ vv STB Alt'BOf®t ■ .: .wmim af ndforthwei OCtcdljOcMiymi mt ."- OUIttABLB evenieat wtide. ***? J loiiiiii . A r.lkltoinudmUOeAicßcUbeftiedfcribekKO* _ •. 4./ •—»}*=> I ,| D pMiuLwlb»lcfc«idra«iQiak*ura4iJ]r«Mi«ni»f.-« ■on. BtotMbif/MMmCcHwwßrinditeirartiMCtfv-' |n,«M«rrMili mu m *t Met of caclrtfeux, W i* SH£&UAti4COUCB bOZ£SU£B. v • v: • *dy tercoti|lu, tiildfr m^wiiwit^Uigittti ««• <;• •• of ibaiufegtoe d«»t»«te, me.; - faw KTtr.known n ioMMc abet* lb*y.d» agt |itcj«fK«( .> wthfartign. tkirml tlwaiuil bomhar* beta aoU ijnUMt, •• Un la*ljttr r r**ioricq( to health fOMH nt *l mutt ««} »**£•,. ,* . ofroumapf,nas Uw Rtomg under tbea>itt4iimtM>g9 cold* t&dcotgtu.. They 4o not tiMKifabd dry *p ifatcoujhj-•• hut nodgitray, pwBW wjraoratw, tlMy Urn UdcUtg «w and ruim tbt pruuMte or fcieiuag cum« ; Tfayar# *»l«£»W*i*p»«’ tanat) at Cov(b. atdiaaet, *&a irt undoubtedly wpcrwr t« werj thug in um fee that ramtusU. Ilanitrtd* *]■«• lam « been udmd of Omr wwAc/tulur tauj finatbaMwbo hmUaSMnd friA MMUituyci. mt« tad ratgral to perfect Led th tj aneg lima, ' Whar* iter*ajaueh puttsOubradoriUt.oMafSW. : ■t&?i fw Men’* Pimm (pne* oal* IX| euti,) tlantld <*.••-■■ tpfdacd-Mcr »« part, tod »oi uil reitmd. IfaUfadaJ -•-■■■ • wnl* ccauiwtt,t fewtathtruter Juaurt • ■iwfiUarUe fcydiqat, lUmld be uatd tt Ooctaaeu nearer • • iBHERAIA IPS WORM EOZtRGES ■; ~>■ ./• ' TtaawflmJomcnlkmbMkpr*icdutßa>«tlM»l,«d ; 000 cwt Ja ha> infelnMe; iW auiy certain «tn dotniyiag BnkatmtmiTcnd, UurdiKaMiriKi boa«M«t' tad uertprw fcyg tad latoawmfcnag, tad taw death,*mh •' 7 r*°* p»n jarnu trc.Tcry oftrt .• ufltttadAnth than, and an doctored for nriou ev» r ittat> uthwttay.hmfii; vUnanitaaol’ then Lotocn wuvU y ipetdily.etnUwau , .'... tf Warms.—haa u tin k>usti or had*. d&»: ******** *«»,|radu*4.l the twtudtraot .• naftot owrth**artte»Qithe b0dy,.,1*1,1 dk, i«Ur -C -V*** 6 ®*, **rtapb tom?, duUubcd‘_. l tarttag unltta, waiTtrtgbtW f, ' w«Uitaa»•»*u»iwiii < 4ia«srS3a.u«7A,.« :• OT todi. top., mao, ; outtilppctia. loaiiM, Uwt4 rtwMdt.wlttnbTtnimijS . tbootiuppMf iamiowptrttDrUw bodtyaarß.iuf um -i UUagrmg mthe tbrat, udi>a(ortb««Bßt totnnbaic'it. t v - dean lo pf—iw Huh baaeli, f Q.| < > r oL . tinndiarb»ls camphor loze^oea, oftba Mart, fomot of tho luthU, drmaidncT' uilanMitoryar poind nrt tbrutt, bo«d «r tau*r «sM- k ' cppmiaa oratniwof tfoUtfopUat Herr*.' -' cWkftjMß*, cnop of lkt fiooneh or bwo.U, hnVrarJ ' tad til mtou dntaata, drovuoM lbrM J .”•■•. MIKRMAN*B POOR MAR’S PLABTW;; ';' • , -Tbtbntrtretgtbnuf pteltntthiworld,nilttar«rtln : • puiu, or wmAjm) ia thd b«k,fciiu,»ids. w *t f . WntvrbeuaaUaa, huAf*, fce-.-|W.-.OM'ttlDic»* TVyitfibotirtUewtrai f a^Ufantppliitisa-.WtmatfdnptrtortotJlDtbrrt.-ttd' for ouqurttf Ibt ami pnattmUtv Dttwlr tb« bnl! U >kotu v «or. t..t rtwtMimg mkC in caortt. uldi. tubme: ;■ ylMn town, «*»• *itrt a «»rSS, .a n«iT. .teiMwjott fc»o» ofiotirf, rL , .. i • « nbt£ JA Uitlfopentßo. tlMytEtMiatteat.taaKiaai tnodroa. Tbrran w«m*dbf«ntlr»lydiJamntiwrtdi. - *“• F3"S - M»*» *• «»erfeaet Mil bmmd tbra, ab uD ■»,!&« vuMtntlnur «l dm ud pbrtkira.' (a : Srrnti poaou ban calkd at lb* vanboait i» «m at bit . .. ' , . ■ Oinetku for an. an ba iht bact b/adi alttlrr, viib a - aemaflaofpT.Wbirtut «Baaw» ttßlntfoAatTOdebibld > tlwtyt fob fee Mit rnnii*» Poor MuVtThiUr, tW tM thii yott«t £ba*«nu»r,M tfamanaur wortUetßiMUatwaa ' bawkrd tboattpd ttdd Sor tba t?»i ahcmaa , » flatirn, by - tfold wlwlaiakaAdNtail by W, JACHSORiI bbPtlm • Mtdkuit WanbotiMf Ra. bS latertp stnrt, SJel *r lb 810 BOOT. -* V -•■>•.•> imWili. CIKVBRAL REASOSS WBY DB. LEI. ‘ >3 DY’S .BAIUAFiAILU DI.0:0 D PlLlaS are bccocnicg ao aonrcmiij tvipataj , ; >‘int% Beeuse Utejr an prepared by Dr ti H Lak . dybiaueir,a rMiiUrOroifUVt.'J)eniitatMt I'hytt** . ctan of wba kiowt-Ihe BaUim, iha : qtisUlijr oud cbancter of tbe ftledierae* oaetl ta bta> pilia and their adsplatian to dreue. Seeopd,‘Becaaae tbeVpabie eu take Ihem *>tb greaterotmfidedce tbaa.moct oUicrpiila nbich are prepared by pervosa igsoras! both oi'nedleioe ami , diietiea.' ;. , ..... ~ . ' Third, Becaateoi their cdnblaedefteeta, proper} : lies biiteonuibed is any otter pills} nainelj.porg- - tng (rpra the alomaebaod timelaall anbealiby autw • •tancea. and al tbe aase.tu&bpbrifyiiigUw blood , aid fluida of tbe^body. . :Kodrtb, Becaiae they ire and best medleios aisf Q box coating bat 25 cenb, / and etinUining dO pUia,aaviog ar injnf . dollaraotitinea in'Drctor’a billa,aod eumetQOSr nwdiclnea boogbt it pied ontlio ree«.ajmet*i3tiuu, ; ol Viiberi.' • • .WHOI.SSOWEADViCK Wiieaoaer yott tvte oeeulon to : take any nr ootbetrlling-with yoar contUlniton by trying all kinda tilpilladr otbcrmediei&os you aea : pnbliahed and rectmmendcd by oae aul another but, • takeato&e* < >: ''-.V:-.- ,2)r. .Lctdys SartnpcriUa Blood PtUa . . tod yoa wilt not bare oce&aicn to take Boylbing:- > They «illal«rayabe fiinAd goodiaalmo»t all . worthaof diaewejianatnationtd tSe«U»aiacb,bQ»n el*,liter and ineati&ea}-crimp* el ibo atomacb;. . colic,Waieibrak utwaidir-Ttnij idol breaU),bad . UataiotbenQßti.bodreroctatitmtand aeidityoi • ' ibed,i*oa' <• cat ehracvba effected, botif. the principle cpus i which lhtjdi*ca*e depend*, it removed, a euro muftola««it.TfQliow,BOnAUeruaoerwtuifomt • ;Lbe dUea*tbo«U ininilestiucll. Thu, thcreftim - xtbercuta wb; JAt»KVALT£KATivx t* »uOnV r terwtHj'abcessiuf ia removiog sotnanj malignant diteaie*.;U destroys the vitue or principle iron • **. ;wbic>Mb*o disea*eahave by entering .- V Loto.thc/reulaUon, and vvith the blood u conv.rjeji ' to the naaiett fibre,removing every p illicit wf ■ dinette wiu the tyttem. Frepartajoad told at fto. • £ Sbuttlliird Sifeetf, Philadelphia. • - . Sdidt the I'ekia Tea Store, 72 Fourib etrer. * PltUlMgb • • ' ■ ; •;, •-; owriiht . ; ibe liev ASA SIII.S N, a well known «nJ pop; " , f u|t Clergy man ©l* the t’n>tr-»i*ritrtleUK>iliu Cbure’4 1 'Thd n ? er *¥Ucd having becnniiUctedduriufUibpfjii 4' ’ -wimewl'ti udiwttfte 01 the womnen, rotucuioe* p l(H : , > doeiogrcaijnm inihe suwuebibrunor twelve lr,un ■ >. wiiWliairruuswuu, and arter bavin* iried' vmnW .* rcaide* with little effect, wa* fnrnhbcd VriiU n, * t. ftlt f w * - , •! DP Jayne l * Ctrtnia*d*e Ualvam. eorCf to the dlrreiiout, and foand lavarUkiy UuUiit* j wteduie canted tbcpotato abate iuthree «r four min-' ' 1 ntd aud in fifteen or twenty uHinu'e.cvnrv • un-a.*- ' > tetflimwascmireiyqaieted. Jhciaedir'uid W4*n?.<‘ l teArdiued'wheneverindieatiMuw'thn ar-muurb ot~ *' i ed lie crabaaed to nee the modteittoevery even foe-: •■ : , ai NHBetuae* in the. tnontta*. and i* 'a. fow . wvtl< • ■ ; hiilh’watPO f«rte»Wrl« ’ . able for pmeata. • • • • - . . Prieto, or Chinese powder, . In>i‘Mv»*«ia6le hair oil,. 'I,-; * n **nfT nr rnmann wmpnrni fmtr trrnt c cal}. ■ > •®?s* , Bcap; Soap; Ewe Lip raJrc-;, ; . . :' .: . '. BbeU boda *oap; twetber with a great var*tp ’ .. ci&WpcrtexaerTtJutrreervedjforvaleby ■ •* •' - ■ UAPAlllVtdfrtJCK&f'fl * . ’ ftTlt, •! ■ cor Orb fc wond *t« r Stas as uoat cuoiubu eiuvu ur. .ml* by WMBBCAI^K, wpild . ■■ •• •.;fat>l tdww warbettuw- PITTSBUaaH GAZETT &, FUEUSHEJ) BAILr, TBI-WEiatLV * WKBKI.V . AHk»Qm»B9Mi*Ch94iLimmrti* fuiQgb*. ~ RATJBSOPADVBHTISIMG. OaeiniertloaoT lllthet, or leu, £tK Two IJDtcrtionawUhoatAltenUoßv,..l)