The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 25, 1848, Image 2

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    V ifea—
y. TCEaDiI^iIOBWgO,JANUARY as; lata
I/TETTmTPi i lmiua Dxa.r Gaaxrre U pablithed
DEr,tt£We«klir, Seven.
SailMMMAinuß} lieTn-Weeilj- u fits UolUn ber
TOaoaiffi-Weekir *££*££l
CyAsmniw *n earnestly requested to hand &
before 0 r. it, and *• *mriy u tbe,Uy*s
! RM Vbrt P4*'toUiciUu«bai Sawt.
• .Sartorial of ibe Pittsburgh Galette.
.-. War *e.
i* Waahingtoif, Jan. 20..
.•. Tbb dcalh of Mr. Kqexeecx, (announced u>day
in the Hiooae ofßepreseiiiativesjredueeaihe amah
• Whig majarttyinlho House ofße press nlajives.—
AQ party'<jpistioaa in the face of such a majority
may be considered . Excepting in the or.
however, the . Whigs have carried aU
Points, and ahuwri n. unanimity anaptdous of
'- •good result -Tbeir-optniosahavebeen the pr»
- vailing ones- upon all marked issues iri.iegtrd to
the UttcouititQtionalhy of the war, the injustice of
coolest, the policy of InteroaTlmprovemeat.--
The tidd of 'day by day is setting strange
•■; And Stronger against the whole war policy- As the
v. . Administration becomes bolder and bolder in avow
' - lag its designs ofconquering the whole of Mexico,
. | or of . "swallowing” Mexico, to use Mr. . Cass' de
vouring phrase, the j Whigs become stronger and
•rooger in opposition to a war having such an ob*
. joetinvieW. The cry of “aid and comfort to the
enemy,from one who has trampled the constitu
tkm of hi* country under foot, and who i* ready to
barterawaylbe most sacred principles of the
Government, fee *be honor* of conquest has ceatr
•- «d to alarm even the most timid. The friends of
lira • Administration i adhesive as tho party is, and
. bold together as Mri Calhoun once said it wa**,“by
- the cohesive power of public plunder,’’ ore : not all
tpeU bouid by thc eharina of conquest. If the.
WhigPi*eas,and the Wliig'peoplc will but ddihejrj
- > - . dtay, Congress w2l be compclled to its dirty. It is by
do means sure that the Administration will gel the!
oumber of men they ask for the prosecution of the |
war,—and every day diminNthen the willingness of.
the Representatives, of. the People to
''constituents into those bloody fights wiling* -;y
: r rob Mexico of her.soil, bm^fSaTumcm-prccious
.., human oHhe most valued men in l>c
eongtoy?" There is mot virtue enough in the vtole
■'T^tfexicarisbil,—aorgold andafivercnough,i*allilie
mineral health .of Mexico, nor a valuo i*. all her
mineral and agricultural wealth,—equal to that of
i- one human aqut hurried into eternityby the aao
* rifices of such a war. And this is the growing sen
. timent of tho country, and men aro not now afraid
.* to think and speak aloud.- There may be eoatin
gendes to change the present aspect of affairs, bat
ihe tobn'of popular sentiident now is against the
. war altogether. .
In the Senate there was a warm debate to-day u p*
on i a Reaqlntioa designed to request the President
to hiaintentions. Jlr. Maguni insis- 1
ted that.the Senate had a right to knowfbe ulterior
designs the-Executive ra prosecuting the war*
.. He believed they meant the annihilation ofMexf,
andnot one of-tbe majority ventured to deny
: -that such was the ulterior design. Mr. Cass in de
frnd;ng the Executive, anil the right to keep “stale
v: -morals* from the Seaate and the country did avow
that the conquest of Jlcxico .was designed, and
Mr Crittenden addressed himselfvery pointedly to
the 'Senator from Michigan for his “tender footed
ue*il”in not only witholding information from Con*
for his eigeirty expressed allusion to
■“swallowing’ the whole of Mexico. -Whether the
- Resident was ready to swallow a foot, an arm, or
- the&adorlhe whole boiy, Mr. Crittenden wish*
’ «d to kouur, and as a Senator highly accountable
£br what was done by him, he had a right to learn
officially.- So had hit constituents. Theprofcaaed
. Democratic or people’s party, however, do not be
' live this. purpose in view, • which
they do not avow, ud they are ready aa the train
band parasites of power ever are to sacrifice the
tnie hbatijr of the country in the consummation of
• their viewing ambitious conquest.; It is almost a
new thihg unde* the sun, to find such a general
- aod ready acquittance inthe will of the one man!
• President.
The Pesolutiou cbaafctered and adopted ia the
. Smuße today «-»H« fhr the* srden given to General
Scott Bader; which the whole of Mexico, is to be
overrun by oor arms; The President wiQ exer
cise his owu discretion in the matter of making the
- ' »« h* »<■ privilege by the terms
of the Besoltriioa. May it pleaae “His Majesty,
James the First, to i condescend to enlighten his
American anbjects,
this American People,” as to the real design he has
in view, in overrunning tbo wholo of Mexico.” A
Boyal Government would require as such. Shall
- ns American Republic do less.
The T«t*it»gw'i>egr this morning, has a letter ad
. Pressed, to. Mr. Butler, XL & Senator from. South
Carolina, by Mr. Poinsett, Mr. Van Buren’s Secrc
- t*jy of War, and previously to that Minister to the
of Mexico.. This man is no Whig, and
' the warm confidence of the party now in the
. : ascendant. He has luul a large political experience
at home'tsd abroad, and has travelled extensively
in European acbsedJierverofGovenimcnisand
man. With Mexico, politically andsocuily hc has
«n acquaintance mom extensive than any public
minj- -and ku"w<"y 4 e counlr y people as be
does, and the of conqutatt,; hc adviscs'tbe
withdrawal M our troops.. - bow if the dominant
pxrtywilldet them turn their batten n g rams open up
- On their columns and root out the treason from their
oWn ranks before imputing treason to other men.
• Mr. Foote concluded his speech inthe Senate to*
•A*y. It waa. classic to the tbelast,ahadesofCic
«ro, iiry, Virgil and Tacitus, what a : conglomera
tion of historical and practical adventure. Such a
epedmen of .Mythokgy, Theologj*. and Geology
> and Geography, of um* t and t>«, the world haarara
iy ever heard before. It was a regular sky-rocket
sjwechjtnd'ascendedclean beyondnny hu
. cnan ken, and away up'into the space between the
. clouds and tKe heavens beyond. Some -laughed
- nVmd,othersin sleeves, >nd others,gazed
: and mused at this man with his odds and ends o*
history’, romance and scene,- huddled to
gather in horrid confusion, Then, 100, the Senator
-struck at such high game,—hlr. Clay, who was
. >Sractictng hi* mesmeric, magnetic and political
.*«*.” Daniel Webster, who bad insinuated, w bathe
‘ hadnot iPtoUecfenoogb to JamesK-
Polk had beeJt guilty of impeachable offences,—
, -Mr, Ctibbon raised a magnificiehts□pe^
• Struciare, but one which under' his assaulu must
-erumbie to pieces!. Wallopy««o« hia
'beat,— butCUyj'WebsterandCclhounall aurvivc.
Mr. CAlboon was. a quiet-looker oa,snd aeemed as
. calm as a asmmpr’a monuag” Mr. Wietwter was
hammering rnw at “John Doe and Richard Roe.”
in tha Supreme Oocrt. :Mr. Clay was quietly at
- home, enjoying no daobf the pleaaaniasrodalion of
sinmd'at esje, and to jf public matters the most
eoaariout.rectitude. .
' Mr.'CriftendenJ however, did not like that his
GjOdcv ccdleagoei his True friend fiu- twepty&tp
jears, be who waL but a. private, citizen, ■eeking
• .~A whom no office could: honor, liyTng
<as be would in iSs biatory of hia country, and me
of tb* great** aid pure* men in it, should be set
-up as a target to fire at.; He had practiced no iru
oesmeric, 01 other,—sad here ibe
Senator to one of the moß.beaut ful
panegyric* to Clay that I .have ever liatejed
- tol -i
; Me. Foote tneattf no oflenee, he said,—*nd tl en
: «a»«, aa the young barrister once said to ibe N< rth
• Carolina judge, not being able to interpret tbe
aoagne, “aiw latih, your honors.” Magnetic me int
.chambfJißd Mr. CUy was magnetic, and er pi .
: 3(e. Cby wmseharmutg! There waa no wlthsta id-
Senator' could not * telieveybe
«an sincere when be professed fiill frith in'ihea
'magnetism, fiec,and afltbe bbiclc artione
believe friler looking on at the exhibitiotL '
' , The biniden in Urn -eriimatea amount to tlie
mtra sun of nmiriy seren millions of doliaraibut
not make aQ clear yah ; \
• ' A nMCMCUI was received from Pittsburgh today, *
ih»Exapttir. to . ailiui,
*,Olii"H«4ri:Wpi*r- A * ' abrtl - "f*
i:ljj in Car* ,{n ' g *y A< ° his command j* I
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I fcbfelhere nuon
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meat,', notwithstanding England and'FVsace have,
l*>lh received favowfiomthat.source. .Ifvrp tmisl
incar enexpeaditoroso mutrhfcoyondoarre&ipls:
lathe- cfafcreqpi-
prosecution ofatu
ih« the money may bo obtained at borne. Where
is rthe patriotism of ihc.Democratic Million
airesinlbesedays of financial • necessity?. Ia the
present mode of obtaining [ money, and managing
the' finance* of llio Government,' ibe'people are'
kepi in profound igooranceoflbemany obligations
upon the public Treasury, .''ililiions.are/procu red,
ia Treasury Nolen, and these millions arere-issural
otct and over again,—only the principal « always
increased by adding the interest and amount of in.
creased indebtedness. If Congress should, at this
moment,', enter upon a careful investigation of the
public indebtedness, it would report the amount at'
ant Kundrti vuStoiu of dollari. It uxay be that no
such investigation will be had,—nor that the in
debtedness will be paid, biitadl this cannot remove
the amount of obligations for which tho Govern
ment is responsible. The st ate of the money mar
ket at the East produces much alarm,—and accord*
ing to the mercantile .letters received: hcref and
communications of every kind, arc of tiio same pur
port,—the'piv»sur* is sever)!; upon the Banks and
the trade. The Banks are liable at any moment to
be' pouncedupon by the harpies oftbo.Sub-Treas
ury, though these Sub-Treasuries nrc.but the organ
of a party which manufactures an irredeemable
paper currency. Treasury Jjptes nre now dealt in J
by Brokers, and not by the Banks, and tbe.Govem* j
ment currency is hawked about in Walt street and j
Chestnut street, aod disposed of at the mercy oflbe j
land sharks and of every speculator cftheCommet* |
cial Metropolis. I . !
Uis possible that Congress will not sanction all the j
extravagant pretensions of the Administration, in i
regard to the war, and the expenses of the Govern
ment, in which case, some of the threatened finan
cial embarrassments may be removed or mitigated.
There are, however, prcssingclaimsupoaCongress
which ought hot to be deferred. 1 The claims grow*
ingout of the Revolutionary war oflsl i!’
—<be Florida War,—for 'Spoliations committed by
the French prior to ISOO, bntdcsclaims iocideulto
the Annexation of Texas, and the preset .war, nil
make an immense aggregate upon the Govern
- meat, which ouglit long ago to hare been can
l*dledJ f.
There has been do public business. iu ciiiter
House.of Congress today. The Senate adjourned
upon the announcement oftjjfc death cfMr.TtoßX*
beck,, by Mr. Cakkrox,—ottd the House devoted
the day to private bills. Nfi progress, however,
was made upon public business. A small Pension
b;ll, for the relief of tiio widow of a Revolutionry
officer,—Mrs Prawn, and upon which the discus
sion commenced on Friday Ink, occupied the whole
day, and in the end there was' no action. Such n
revenue of words never was pouted be (lire. Thera
was professiomtoprofuseness, but notone dollar for
the poor woman for whose relief a bilf had been
reported, and against whosej olajm speeches were
made, which cost the Government the amount of
the Pension many times over.
There is no interesting case before the Supreme
Court Uxlay, and one which [will bo likely to occu
py the Court for the .whole; of next week. U itr
Tolves the power of a State 10-iinposc a Court mar
tial Law, and to be it, as in the case
ofßhode Island, pending the lW rebellion. At that
time, there was a seizure of persona and property
engaged in the net of rebellion n gainst the State
Laws, and this act is held to ho unlawful undivoiJ.
Ills held, ulso, that the .present Constitution of
Rhode Island, is of no binniuc force, as a previous
one had been •adopted by n majority of the people
The case, indeed, involves tlio political existence
of the • State, should the Supreme Court interjiose
to overthrow the present Constitution, or declare
that the Charter, at the time'a now Constitution
was adopted, had no binding force.’
. The Attorney GeneraHias-undertaken to argue
this question, in place of Robert J. Walker, Secre
tary eftbo Treasury, who is i|L lie is assisted by
Bcnj.’T. Hallett, and other Counsel- Daniel Weir
gter and Mr." Whipple, cf Rhode Wand, conduct
the defence. Jlr. Hallett opened the argumeutto
day, surrounded by a miscellaneous and law libra'
ry, all to sustain the rights of the People, to provide
a Government of their own.- -ilis own argument,
however, must tell power. **7 agaiijst his. own
ease,'for they who-framed i •-.;*>
ConMfretion -in -Rhode i;l 'll. it is weUlaiowiT
were in a miserable tr.jnerilyJj - Judge Grier deliv
ered aa opinion in Court ttviay,—the first,.l be
lieve, for the term. . ’ , ; ’EI."
New YorkyJan. 21, ISIS.
A large' detachment of soldiers fiaro recently
gone to the wars, from here, tod no pains are spa*
fed to catch the flats of whom to make food for
powder. The charotera of tie Court of Common
Pleas have presented quite a military appearance,
far the last three or lour day*, recruits having been
brought up on habeas corpus jor discharge, accom
panied by opposing recruitiogofficefs and witpcss*
es. One was a lad of 16 years of age, who staled
that he had just arrived from J Ireland, and on his'
coming up the street the “rhan-catcbers’’ got him,
aad bo was enlisted* and carried to Governor's Is
land, but ho did not like the fare. He was proved
to be a minor and discharged.:
This catching in the street is on old trick of the
loco tocos in search of votes when the election wi
doubtful. The poor Irish escape tho ship fever,-
and die by a death full as badvin Mexico. ' A ship
arrived today which'has lost thirty-nine people on
apassage of fifty-seven among whom urns
the captain. ; ; _•■’}' •'
By an arrival from Venezeula, we have informs
lion of another revolution. ! Political differences
had occasioned di»scht*ons ainpog the people, and
the party in power were overthrown. The Prei-i
-deut was arretted for alleged (reason, and was up’
on his triaL Confusion and discord prevailed
everywhere. Gen. Flores who attempted to get up u
joint expedilionin Spajn aodEhgland to rcconquer
Venezuela, was in Ca/accasat the time, but wlmthe r
he was concerned does not appear. The next ar*
iva] wiQ nettle tic whole affair.
As a good deal has been said about the expulsiu
of the Jesuits from Switzerland, it may not 1>
imiss to Itato that half a dozen are Raid to be
. ■ ■ ■ - "*« : •••
this ciljW
- Monied mea are talking about the new loan nod
the chances of its lwitig taken are not (latiering.—
The administration has been boasting foal capital
ists stood' bat in hand readyjto take loans, und
tho ChaneefloV'of Urn Exchequer bos now allowed
Mr. Walker and Mr. Polk to oblige the capitalists by
selling the Joanatpar.and no Icit;' Times
ged. “Money woithenabundant at five per ccnjpcr
ahnutfo there was a reisqnable prospect of -IJnder these, circumstances, the parties
cave a premium for. tho stock, (if about one per ct.
At first they realized tt orofit, buj for the part three
months there ha* been a.steady.low of two j*ir
’ct. “At the present time,there is iin ea!ire. change.
jEmey is short ooUloow—twclvo per cent per wt
num. Treasury Kotea that may be funded, are
one to two per cent under par.' 1 , '
Mr. Walker will findbis loan not inhigb request.
A writer of high authority reniarks upon the ;«/•
clause, that it is necessary to isave tho countrj’
from the effects of the rpetie dona? inlbe Sub-Treas
ury. “So long as thcSub-TrcaWy i* iu existence, it
would be rainous to the country to authorize ano
ther issue of Treasury Notes upon the same condi
tions as the law oflail year. And so, too, if they
are to permit the Secretary ofllio Treasury to fell
the Joanbekmr par. He would, tfjieccsfary, sell it
at GO, and immediately all the specie in utir banks
would be yemoved to the Sub-Treasury,: and gcu
eral bankruptcy follow. We hope, therefore, dial
the representatives .of tho people will be firm, and*
rcsist any loan except a f. ajx per ccut and limited
to par, until the Sub-Treasury bo repealed.”
late news from Europe is looked upon as
"fovorable not ao much from the'ndvnnce in linrad .
stufls, as from the fact tliat order hat been restored
in mercantile transactions, am}", confidence in' a
great degree revived. Flour sells now at $O,OO
j per barrel, but still the detnarfd Is -not brisk
far England. The demand has;not'becu quicken
ed by the pews The commencement of the trip
of the steamships to ibis port is ah eveut ofmuch in
'tereS,* us it shows that spite-of *ll foe attempts of
amaS'villages at the ea*t,.New .York can. by her
wealth end force the mails to come direct,
and.nolbereahipped- ..l' -/ /. ». •
National Comtestipj-.—Tie a
National ConTenlion to nnminalc'a. candidate Jbr
the Presidency, is every
parent. Ituwetl rcmwtod, tbitt“ddferc flceJ of
opiatea-m regard to t/w merit*, claims or araiia
biiity of taiticnlarcandidaiev can otUybe recon
ciled through the ituunmentaluy of such a -body;
ud f erco that do auca d/flerences ex*
in, cooceofimedeflurican** in any oilier vajr.^c
' Haa. Jersey| Las
Jc*wcr«i4«y»l»** iWiiftffft'n.lM seal in tlu
■- ii -*■■■■■•/. : ■ j. :• >• i . ,• ->'f' r ■ -r\
Ohio Rail Road ixj>
Mr. tfcUp&hude-'
[terinpedpgp and though tie Miy.
.or oCibe cilr.ofjßaltinmre has recommended tH|i
lielpjbe given Ir/tbe city, there are
-mj«* who still think that Pittsburgh has an amount
of trade that i» worth looking after,' and thatahe is
not .to be treated .cavalierly.' - £ correspondent
•who.*jgns hisnameos is Jetting a
litlto fight upon Mr. McLaac’s plan that rather dis*
pair? lus abifity to. make the Triad bnild itself The
writer, after-having shown that to give Baltimore
any:cpmce at pe’trade of the wed, she inustef
feet la cohnectionibelbro the main line m Pcnnsyl
vaha .and the Efie Roadsara done. He next
shows that these works will be that the
road will indeed be obligcdto build itself if it goes
,to Wheeling. To obviate all this difficulty he pro
pops another plan which we copy.
T|ie IHaiit SicuiaC the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road uow extends from this city (Baltimore) to
Cumberland, a distance of 157 miles. Us approxi
mation, thus far, towards the Ohio, attracts to It it
large amount of trade and travel—so largu that its
aggregate receipts last year exceeded one l million
of dollars. While the road, on its jiart, seeks to get
farther West, the trade of the West, on the other
parti strives-to reach the road, that; it may dad an
outlet to the Atlantic. .The point where this pres
sure! beyond the j mountains is strongest and most
clearly indicated 'is Pittsburgh—the fact being
shown by the efforts made in that city to accom
plish a connection with the roud at Cumberland.
The factual commencement of_the work on the
Pittsbhrgh and ■ Conncllsvillo road was recently
Pittsburgh is diuant from Cumberland, by La
. Irabu's measurement; one hupdred and thirty-four
miles, ft is the nearest point on the Ohio to Cum
bcrlnnd—the distance to Wheeling by the adopted
route being two hundred and ten mites. Thalil ft
far the most important point on, the Upper Ohio, is
indicated by’ the growth of the place, its population
and 'resources. Further : the route along the
Youghiogheny, which, includes more than three*
fourth* of the whole distance, runs through a. fertile
region, abounding in agriculture! and mineral pro
ducts, and is so well adopted to the construction of
it road,that “no grade occurs,” says Sir. Latrobe, “of
a higher inclination than twenty.feet per mile, and
in but. one or two cases is that limit reached. The
curvhtnres” lie adds, “ have uo radius lower than
eight; hundred feefj
Now lei us suppose that the Main Stem of the
Baltimore and Ohio'llailrond stops at Cumberland,
the company,- instead of applying the an
uuakpurplu* ol its earnings to the progressive con-
Mruition of the work to Wheeling, through a mouu-
Uunqus and unprcductive .country, in the expecta
tion jof reaching the Oluu in ten years tram next
October, at the risk ofheviug its resources of trade
and travel cutoffji* the meantime, and of finding
il*el£ineapable of advancing at aIJ-rlnetcad of tin’s,
let us suppose that the cvmpaay turns its atlcution
to a nearer and more practicable poiul on the Ohio,
in reachingwhiclnt can have the coo{«niUun of
other! parties. Call the road to Pittsburgh a triliu-'
tary. j It is by tributaries that great rivers are for
med.- The trade upon that tributary must come to
the main stem and swell its receipts. -
Look at the process, and see how easy it is and
how fure. With an annual surplus of S<S#>,ool),
taking Mr. McLanc's lowest estimate, the Compa
ny. husbanding its resources, might set aside Sl3O
- to pay the interest on a million and a half of
bonds, which would be 90,000 dol, and reserve 40.-
000 dols as a sinking fund. A million and a half
ihus Subscribed to the Pittsburgh and ConnelsviUe
road,} added to the contributions from Pennsylva
nia, might secure the completion of the road (him
Pittsburgh to Turkey Foot within a year, the cost
of which is not estimated at over two millions.
There would still be left to the Company 000,000
Jols of its to a dividend of G
per t-eoL and more-i
This application of its means would opea a new
avenue of trade to add to Ihe business oflhe Main
Stnal OQ d to strengthen the security of its futue re-.
ct-iptA. The interval betweeu Turkey Fool and
Cumberland, supplied to the National Koud, some
ferty-livo miles, vuuld'not long remain t n obstacle
to a continuous conhccliun, because tbc same pol
icy oti the part ot; the Compauy, extended to a dis
tinct | work from riqiuibeiiamj to the State , line,
would soon remove; that obstacle and-secure an
uninterrupted line to the Ohio.
•I l *.."*!* * * *
£ojmtich for present exigencies, wiped require
immediate actirra-7-u* wc would retain our existing
sources of trade, and labor to open new ones. In
due course of time, the Company, resting on the
Stort, and directing its careful attention to
the management of that line, and to the judicious
festering of its tributaries, would find another field
ojwhjto its operation in Virginia.. There; as in
Pennsylvania, it would find other agencies with
which it could that by the lime tbo Rich
moni| road was completed to the mouth of the
Great Kanawha, to which it sliould lend its aid, a
auiubctiou might be established between Winches
ter and Staunton—llms giving us a tributary on tho
Sooth. !
These, we humbly conceive, are feasible deigns,
within the means of the • Company if Mr.
Mel ianeV lowest estimates of its resources are u- J
ken is thc.basis of calculation. Those lowest es
timates however, require an increase of business,
which cannot well bp expeetpd, it would. sgcnuif
rivaljworlia. ore to anticipate u* in reaching UTh
sources of Western trade and travel. Hence the
neces-ity, on our part, for striking at the nearest
ticecifetble point on the Ohio.
Fret Traders Living up to their Creed.
Mr. Cobden the famous British tree trader liar
abandoned Cotton printing, a movement that dat*
nrally enough causes some remart, lie recently
statcjJ that cotton (moling never had more favora
ble prospects thau now,hinder free trade in Eng' |
land, 1 and in the face of all this, abandons the bust
oessJ A paper, published in his old district a ska
with much point, ‘‘has be become acquainted with
the determination ol* lb reign governments not to
taerijiee the protect ivesyiUn y under *ehtth Oiey ere
jtouAiking-, to adopt an experiment which, so far
os it has yet worked, hoe proved meet duastrout to
England f ,Hos he, at lost, become convinced
that diir manufacturing system cannot, under any
cuvuinstanccs, be pushed much further, because
foreign countries are determined to have manu
factures of their own? We canDol answer those
questions. We can only point to the fact, that Mr.
Cobdeu deserts his own trade, now that the meas
ures are in Operation which were to coufer on eve
ry trade unbounded prosperity."
'flu* insinuation that English manufactures can
not b« much further - pushed; is sustained by the
Elbowing statements of the declared value of her
expori* lor a lew years, which ore (or mnu uiunliis
of the! years indicated ns follows.
.flSlfi * lSld. . iS-17. f
XM'pauia xiodws^”!
It i.fouore fully shown,by the following table of
her i iiiports iif the ruw, inaterial for a scries uf
years. ] i
Rsw au-iatumtroETim'jAjt. o lover. Il».
! I lei&.j • ih»6. i»»7. •
Flux, cwt. / 1,015,3 W iuMi 7^o:n
llvmp | J 021,501 fisM.o.')! Iffo.yju
Sfik, raw, m* o.&fo 3,-120.t.*0tl H,0f»l.01- r »
Do tbrpwul : 'j311,413 1*3,11)2 Vl)o,7iy
Do wafac, iwL ! 11,231 . "fi,! 7.7 7.270
Cotton iwool- . 0.403,71*9 3,sto t (teo lU2.W' 1
Sheep’* woqt, D» fj7,3U5,17J &1.0.>5.20'.»43,:U!5 1 3:n
Much-as the exports of England Lave decreased
and exleosivd as has .been the reduction on the J
amount! of raw uiDlennls imported by her, it will be !
.found fo ouj satisfaction aud dismay, that *bo is
yet abld to undersell us in nlarge class of arti*
Tun xkit Pbesidesct.—The editor of the New
•York Tribune, who is "strongly suspected*’ ofbeing
friendly; in Mr. Clay, writing from Washington,
says: j
"Let the friends of Henry Clay every where nn?
derstamj that hi* friends here are unchanged and
unwavering; that they believe him hot only the tit*
test maii'for Pre&idcut, but the proper mun to bo
supported in the ensuing canvass, and that he
will be [elected if any frank, manly, Outspoken
'Whig cun be. If the people don't want a I’resi-'
dent of ijhu sort, leLtheuriakc a Loco Foco as
become* them; if they-ehoose a. shuilling, trim*
miug, unworthy, mun. to rule over them, I. trust
ho will hot Le a Whig.. ’ Ndwlet u* have fair piny
ojid no dodging. Let jfay Wing Peoplt* be fairly
represented jn a Whig'Nutiimal Convention, und
it* decision wc can all defer Jo; but 1 don't believe
it! con be! in favor of any other' than Iho adaiowl*
edged leader and bead of tlio’ party. Unless
Clay shall peremptorily insist oa withdrawing frotij
the cimvits/ who can; doubt that ho wUUbe our
caadidate ? [ Let those wl>o affect to believe that
(ho ndvolute*ofMr. Clay's Domination don't muni
it, Ifjok on and *ec. Jt 'will nottako long to com
vinec ihchi* • ; X' .
Mr. Polk, 1 am satisfied, has not yet given up
all hopes!iif a renomtnation.' On the ; contrary ho
hope* Mini* the discussions among the partisnus
of-Ca**, ijiucbannn and Dullas will result in giving
him another chance. v If is got for uolhing that tho
Loco Focus of his own Tennessee liav.o appointed
Dciegates'towNotionai' Convention but kept silent
wit|i regaM to a Presidential candidate.
CoL Demon will show, the country how much ho
love* his friend,-thb President, sopn after tbd Fre
mont Tridl is closed liy n verdicr and a Presidcn*
tial judgment theroott l’crhapi it i» a great deal:
I oply say that, much, or little, his measure of of
factum will soon bo irjado known.
Wma jjoLMti m bmHimcn.—n* llutfard
txnirant cxprc.M,, tlie : feeling, of tho Whies of
Mow. C S" " Klnlio ' i *•••>•>• XU Presidency os
M o behove that tho Whigs of Connecticut, as
one mao, would roily for Henry Cloy, if hi. tonne
is agnut presented £)r their sutrrejes. And if sdnio
rther man tnnn be, tbey ivill prefer shore
nil others the nans of *nne Whig Mste„,',„ w i,„
has been identified with the good cause in all ita
vicissitudes. We have Webster and McL*nn
hod others good and trne,wi>o deserve, and would
receive 1 the support of Whigs throaghout tho
•Ethd.'’ . •
Ifour. Rdxnlco.t.—Weare ialbnaedihai ihq Mail;
and Lidianapolis roil road has a coolrect with
’ao Engli*li;bou*e forall the iron they want aj $39
pgridDf delivered at M^isoa...
- , Hwidjiy can be Been
.aitiui ourdockj;*Preachmv-ivho rivals the
jfetaous lldltc
'hfnrbe harn'beordof r fonnidab7?«lLmcaaibas t tad
exhorts :«ith an earoestnesi'aot
era anywhere. ,rA* las anditmees WdfcieJJyfroixt
A*--*** * bwiMsi Ijpoirlhc 4ieatW,i«”k(r
illustrations! teem
‘•stani-all” “backing” thus enforcing-his teachina
in langnagißfamiUarltoiiiel dttUestiDinprehenaioT !
HU aad attenUvci andoften
er hear told they profit by it'
RAfTiXit CT homcsiox—-This impreaaive and
solemn; cerembny was perioraid at noanon Sotr*
day, on the , ; margin of the aionongabela river.- aij
the foot of Gnml 'The sccne, ever impres*
sive, received an additional churn front the lovew
ness of the weather, and the air of quiet that whf
upon all aroimdf - After the «remony was conclu
ded, a hymn was sung, and as. the aweet atrains*
floated over the quiet rivera, and were echoed I»ack : :
by the hills, tlto company left the water-side with'
feelings chastened by_ the scene. . ’
Tue WEAtunt for the past, few day# has been!
unseasonably winds)
of winter, wlehave had notbingaharper iathewityj
of air than js usually fcU in ApnL If
tempted by the warm appear!
' above ground, the soot, has as usual hid their anxl;
ety to equal iheir eastern neighbors in taking ad* ;
vantage of 4ho worm spell" V
CointraciAi. Tbavtxeks.—The current of travel
has abeady set strong towards the East and North.
The agents of Eastern houses are on their way
home, followed by the. early buyers. The . stocks
of goods in the Eastern markets were never fuller
than now; and llie trade of the ensuing spring will
no doubt be as large as was ever known.
We understand that White's Band intends giv
ing a grand, soiree on Thursday evening, at the
Lafayette Assembly Rooms. It will be a magnifi
cent affair, as great pains are taken in getting it
up, and no doabt a full attendance will be the re
sult. ' See advertisement in another column. '
Eddy Faxillt.—Ancthcrjcouccrt will be given
by tlitoAt vocalists to-night, at i’hilo Hall Their
stylo is like tjiat of the Hutchison family, and those
who like sweet music will bo jtleased by'an alien
dance. j ' "
The son ol Mr. Beatty, tho watchm'ail of AUe>
gheny city, has been recovered at tho fool of<Jfar
bury street. • •
Pennsylvania Legislature*
j January 21,1615.
norse—Mr. Ives (Select Committee) presented a
bill relative to the Crawford and Erio Artulcial
.Road Company, with amendments;
Sexate.— Mr. Ovcrfield. offered a resolution of
mnjmlhy wiih the friends and relatives of Lieut.
James McKeeo, who waA attached, to the Second
Feona. Regiment, and died recently in Mexico,
which was übaniuiously adopted.
The supplement to the act inuorporating the Mo
uongahcla Navigation Co. was then taken up and
discussed onlil the; hour of adjournment :
Sec. 1. l!c|it enacted, lecy That the act-of the
secoa J of March, Is&l entitled an act for reducing
the interest <jf money from eight to six .per cent
per annum, and so much of any other act as is in
consistent with iht provisions of this act be, and
the same are - hereby repealed.
Sec, 2. No penalty or forfeiture' shall hereafter
accrue in cdusequence of receiving or taking a
greater rate of interest than the one-half of one per
cent, fir tliiriy days, but mtort-M shall always l»e
calculated, ujtless there is an ngreemea|&etween
the parties nnolticr rale, at the, rate of one-half
of one per ctint. for thirty days: provided, howev
er, that no hunk or association with hauling privi
leges. incorporated by this Slate, shall, either di
rectly or indirectly; take, charge, receive, or in any
profit, interest, discount or charge for use or loan
of money, notes or • credit, at a rate greater than
the one half of oneper cent for thirty days, under
penalty of-foHehing its charter; provided further,
however; that nutliiag herein contained shall pro-,
hibit »uch banks or association* Into buying and
selling other than bank notes.
See. U.: Interest upon all payments and
ies at law or in equity, that carry ioterest, shall be
calculated ut jtln* rate ol' one-half per cent
for thirty dayf; and no judgment shall be recover
ed, in any cfiurt of record or elsewhere, for any
greater rate of interest than the ono-half
cent for tlcrty days, nor for interest upon interest,
unless an ogjcemeut fir such greater rato of ia
.lerert, or for interest upon interest, shall have been
made by the parties, and reduced into writing at
the time of the agreement’ and iu no cose shall in
terest upon iiilcrest be calculated oftner »>■<>" half
yearly. j
Mi-acsa At logax ‘ cuctr. va.— The
iCcnawha Republic ft; ct Wednesday, contain* the
folfowing nedount of the murder of the aged wid
ow ofCoL Afilbouy .Lawsou, deceased, who, as. a
gentleman and n merchant, was well known to ma
ny of the merchants of Pittsburgh:
Mrs. Lawmia, widihv of Anthony Lawson, de
ceased.-was,: we learn by a letter from the Post
master at Chapmnasvdle. and by a letter toafriend
here from iJypza r. H„ f-nitiilly mnnlereil at her
residence neaf I-ogun C. IL on Mrmilay night the
27lii ult. hhp was beat to dcatii with tho tongs
and poker Bhc was far advanced in yean, and
lived by In :rs elf. Two negro boy* la-longing to her
sons,-are mpnosed to be the perpetriuora oftiiis
horrid deed. iThey are in jsiiL We bear one has
confessed the deed. The other denitsj it
oy UiKTtnv Deaths a.m» Mao*
aur.ES^—This! bill, now (.eforo the .State Legisla
ture. should be nt once, passed; as it!wiU,m the lan
guage of a circular lately issued updn this subject,
by eminent niedical men:
"Accumulate record* throwing a n6w light upon
the subjects of hereditary maladies—the induence
upon health, c}' places senson*, atmospheric chang
es, habits, occ(ipations. age, sex. r ice, consanguin
ity, endemic nhd cpMeroic agencies—upon hun
dred* of poiets, in tipi, easily eoncei>Ti'ilc, njion
which AlalUbdal infortnatiou would be of so much
importance, fiujts would lie discovered, old
errors exploded; sanitary rcgulalioils ertablisbed:
the value of human life better ascertained under
particular circumrtaucte* or in particular localities.
How ir woukv—liuring tho famine, England
was compelled to import, foreign bread sIuITh to the
value of i7l.’l,O{K),oUo,—equal to,ooo.
■lt appear* iroin our tables of exjKJTU during the
[yeftrcndiDg oh the Ist Fejdemlier, 1)>17, that the
hbougiit bread fluffs oftho United Elates to the com
i p'ited vnluecilahout 530,000,1Kf0. Slic did not buy
! the whole tmejhundred aud fifty millions' worth of
i'»' by any means: she has fanners on tho o-ntinent
to purvey for feer, nearer her; it Is no pan ofher
free trade to’giye us the preference.
. When l.we, re(»eal protective duties on foreign
mauufocttircn, flreat llriiain derives almost the ex
clusive he^cfov*^ ere Brr 1111 nvals'and conipctitors
of other nation*, of divide the plun
der wdh her. | She buys of u* fin starring lime*,)
ono-third of liter bread sho wants, Wo buy ofher
two-thirds or tnore of the foreign manufactures
which our ruJcj*'force us to. talc. On which side,
is the ‘-reciprocflyF —North American.
\ I'scar will be perceived, by the’copy
of Mr. For>rj - th's bill in another column, that an ef
fort is at last about being made in the Legislature
to repeal—in part,'or Io n certain, extent—tho old
usury laws oftiio State, the ealire nselcssnes* and
which are domonstrated orcry
day. when money i* frycJy bourltt and sold on the
street at a rate four limes ns 'great as that allowed
by law. The bull is full, except so far as binksare
concerned, !. ] j
The Leginlaiureluf Mississippi lias elected Hon.
Jefferson Daviiblithe United Slates Senate—the'
' station he now ;hoid« by appointment oftho Gov*
eruor ofthat istiite. 1 [
Hon. George Poindexter, heretofore a prominent.
Whig, spoke in'lhu Mi*.si«i|tpi f’onvention in lau
(lfstiori of the Democracy, onp. in.ilcnunciatiou of
Mr. Clay’s Lexington *(ieecb and resdutions.
ID“DaLU or t,m.i;aicu—Hai« Tumc.— 'To the Hold,
mid Grey—lf you wj»h a rich, bixurltuil head of bnir,'
free rrtku diuidrufT un-l icurf, fail \o procure'the
genuine llillrti of ColnniMa. sf bnldn«n R
will more Ujuii exceed your expectation*. Many who
have fo»i ilieirtiair far-JO year* have had U to
Its original pcrfedlion by the u»e of this bslra. Aire,
stale or coiicliiion uppetu-to bo no obstacle whatever it
nbu cßases Ui« tluid tu Dow vylth which tho delicate
hsir tube is filled, byrwhich means thousands rirbrna
hair was grey a* .the Asiactie have had their
hair restored to lUnaiur*! color by ihouiooflhlsinviU
usbfe remedy. 11l all esses of fairer it wilt bo found tho
most pleasant wdsli that cun he ; used, A few ann|i c ».
tunis only are necessary in keep the hair front falling
out. It strcnjilicti* tho rnois, ii ncver fails to imnort a'
-rich glossy uiipcarance, mid askperfomo for Iho toilet
it is unei|us fed; h h<dil* li.rec time* as much sa other
miscalled hsir resloralives and is more'efleCtilal Tin.
gcin;ineimuinfaeiunid by Comstock A Jfl Courtlond
street,^ew'Yo| r </ ‘ '.j:
Sold (u I’ltisburgh. only genyine, by WAt. JACKSnv.
K) IJbcriy St, head of Wood; in Washington P« by
Sweeny is. Son; n Urowiwville, by Be tm{ u 4 Croc’ter:
m Oanoptbarg, bt I>r. Vouel: also, by our axems In
evefy town in M Ohio and MiL| 1 norlbdlSlmT 1 '
SUb Tlii: Pnorsi} Mxaju.- fy OTI w [,h to be «,c
iin any u!it!cr?nkhi|f. you inuit ahvnr* ' u *o the
proper mean*.’ 'lltenriore. If you hare a coae i, „„
Jir«* EirEmmisrand be cured, for it u the proper
tnenn*. Hurc you Atthrua or difficulty of breethuur
then-the only efficient mean* toj cur# you is to ore
Jayne** Kipectoraiu. which will Immedlatelyorereomo
thr *pntm which contract* the djainclcr of the tubes,
nnd lotixeii* Slid bring* up Jlie tnucu* tyblcb* cion them
tip, nJid tbu* retnoVe* ever) 1 obttructipn to a free rc«»-
rntion, while at the wiai unto nlttinfliminlation U ‘*uU
duej, and u cure U cenam to.bp effi-cted. U« Y e yott'
lironohjdi, ypiuuyj of Mood, riejimy, or j a f ocl J,,y
Pulmonary Affection, then iik Jarne’* Kipectorant
and relief ia certain, and you will find that you have
u«ed the proper mean*. ,1
Poraale in Pittsburgh at the Vdnn Tea 6tow, T 9 4th
eucfct r near Wood. ■ . - ,i ' , . tuil7
\ 1 m ““
ID" Dm* yon? hair fall off, docayour hair torn mr
Uit harsh, i« it dry, or dirty, I pray? * • *
irJiU thus, yon can make il eofy *ilky and fine, ■" •
-Dark and healthy, nod beanuwu Us thf« hair of mine
Aiid to hake tbia, yon bare but three jhilUnra to rive
(For a bottle of JWiic*’ Jlair Rdiloradke,'' ” • •: ** > 1
. 'Reader, if you have bail bair you'would really beaa*
tooiabtd at the lovely effect a three >hilling bmUe of
Jone»> Coral Hair Re*tt>ratire baa oalliit need* hat aaa
ni«L : j oonsdkrt/^
1 j v v t a^ 7 * y
tl.v , i .- r ,
’ r/S . ;.
' at the fioilmijli Otntu. - - ■
t H j : w '“MW*,.J W tit,i Bl iB. }
.Seui*—The proceedings oflhe Woek, Were
s Sanpg&jutg*
the near Senator fern Tcxjii, >bo ippeared. after
tbo orgnnisab'on'waj stop .in and took his seal. •
• Mr. Berrienjoilercd a Resolution- calling (at in
iiraAtion «to'tW;ro«is iftich had been expros*-
ed by Gun. Taylor, ns to, thi proper position to !be
taken by the army beCrre be went to Corpus Chris
li,which.wuaccepted.’ i
Senator Rush then gave juotice that ho should
tomorrow-iitlrodace a bill, providing for the .in*
crewe of thy Novaf Establishment of the United
Slates... i 'i!
A resolntioh ia relatim td the Washington Mon
uraeot waa then offered. ■ ■ j
Mr. Baldwin’, raointipn, calling npon tin rres
ideal tor information na tbifie extent of lie Mexi
can domainfandlho power of Mexire to cedn it to
power, wucailedmp and considered!.
A debale .prang up, in which Baldwin,’ Hnnie
gan and Sevier > participated.
Tbe resolution 29, nay. 20. ■
A relation wa» offered calling for ibe corrc
pondeace relalive to tie late difficulties with’Bra
»u.|. :■/
On| motion, tha Seaale laid aside tie morning
business, and proceeded lo thu consideration of the
Tea Regiment BilL ■ \
Mr.Bnllcr baying tie Hoi*; mid that ie wd.
convinced if General Taylor bad not advanced
from .Corpus Christ!, tie Mexican, would not have
advanced beyond the Kto’ Grande.
' Tbe debato waa continued’ by Mesaw. Sevier,
Pierce, Fotae.JeffemoDa vi. and Clayton.
On motion, iho.Senate adjourned.
Hocrsa—A rcmhitidn wasjoffered providing ior
additional derta in liejibndonoffice. -Anmnend.
meat we. offered by Mr. providing that the
new clerk, ahould be appointed by Mr. Mercy, Sec
rotary ofWar, and ipoke at jmuch length in in ia
vor. .j
Andrew Johnson, of Temt, .poke very forcibly
against the resolution, a. necdieaa Tbe present
.ystem cost enough; the clerk, were paid enough;
that they should work play tie dandy
levs, and called the previous question, but-it :wa.
not agreed to. 1 !*!••••
Mr. Cocke then obtained llio floor, end advocated
the amendment j
lloiai—A motion to po^j|ono : ih'e reialutiM fi
nally'prevailed. f
A resolution waa adopted (Soclose tiro debate on
tbe President'! message notil two oeloekon Wed
nesday.' • ; r ■ •'
The I loose then proceeded to the consideration
of the message. Some debaie emoed. Mr. Bed 1
dinger took the floor, when the Committee! arose"
andthe House adjourned. . j; ' . *
Correrpoadence of the Pipabnrgh Garotte. , -
Philadelphia, Jan. 31, ISIB. ■'
’ I learn from Werhiiigton uj,t Mr. Trial, the apo
dal Minuter to Mexico, haa'completed the baiia
few treaty with Preaident Herrera, by which the
Mexican Government agree to cede to the United
Suteathe whole of Upper CialHbrnia, and all the
territory eaat of the ttio Brarii, for fifteen million of
'dollars. r I
j : [This cominy in connection with the late report
,W* despatclies , ifccrived at Vera ' Crux, from Mr.
Bayle, is calculated to once more cause die impres
sion that the war is about to ije closed.]
Com*poßde«a of Ae rjiiburjU Gaieit*.
Philadelphia, Jam 25,1848,
The Southern mail is in, bu{ brings nu new* from
the teat of war. • i _
ExciiiiiTo Corrwpomtence of the Pmibarrh Guru*
PniLaoanni, Jan. SI, 4». -
JvGwr—■ Sales af Western brand* at G,2f>^
The market is Heady but net Active. -* >
Gnri*—l bearofii-i sale* j6f Wheat worth're.
»rting, but Corn'i» firm and in Rood requeat.
Jates wi prime Yellow-Corn at GlgftßcV bo.
ProruiWM—The market uj rather inactive, but
quotation* aro steady. -
Grvaruj—l havo no- change-to notice in the
market ! i
jrAuiry—-Sale# at 24oper jpdL .. .
’ Moderate tales at 3(c Ok
(Jetton— Prices have slightly declined.
4firthiief CirrespooileiMje of rtw Ftaabaigtr Quetta
Jan. 21, 3, t. *.
FZ>><> —Sales of Howard street brand* at s,S7ie
P WJ, at which figure# there ire more teller* than
buyer*. i ,j
Grain-—Supplies are limited, and prices are with
out change. Sale* of prime While; Corn at, 63c
bu; of prime Yellow at Cle p bu. . '
il r Auifry—Sales at p.g*||
MuLum* —Regular sale* ofN. O. at 2Cc » gull.
Uttf Vault —Sales at j> 100 B& gitwu
Exctuive CorTerpooiteuee ef th!* Pituburrh Gueiw.
New Yoak, J«a.2i, '
Fhur —The market quiet, and the tec'-;
dency i* downward. ModenUe sale* of Genesee
■re effected at 6.061 c; and of j Western brand* at
6,00 p bbl. Holder* lure poll the market up, but
buyer* do not meet them. ; .{
Grain —There i* teas doing th Com, and the mar
ket ha* a downward tendency] other grain* are a*
before. The supply of Wheat! i» good, and rather
nrosiog on the market. Sales of New prime
White Cora, at 66370 c p bu. :i Oat* are telling at
51of*bu. • ■ : j.-4 . .•
P/ewmn*—Tbo market it heavy for Pork, and
I bear of no-rale*.. Loweroflert would be accept
ed. The mirket for Beet i* improving..
G rwvnV.t—hgalet of N. O. Moiras** at OSc gall
nmol! supply in first hand*. Shies of X. O. Sugar
at 4£6ic b. Sugars have ah improving tenden
cy'; Coffee and Molasses ire without change. Re
ceipt* of Sugar are light; sales ioo^efale.
B'Auiey—Sale* at 26{c fr.gklL
Correspondence of the PiiUburchGaseite
CwaMUTl,'Jin.24, 0, T. M.
Flour—The market f» veryrjuiet; tun) the tend
ency is downward.Holder* are asking 4,73, but
I bear of do nln at that flpurii •
Gram—The market is without any material
Whiskey—Moderate galea ‘ tfe. eflbcled at US
19c per gall , |
Molium**—Sale* at 24c per gaL • - *
Sugar—The market ia active; with sale# of 150
hh'i!> good fiir N. 0. at 4ic per ib.
Killed Hogv-9a!es at. SfiISZSJ per JOO lbs.—
Tba market hat o downward jenoeady ibr Pork
and other Hog product*. j. '
Mess Pork—Sale* of 400 bbla Western No. 1 at
7,75 peril* - ; j •
Lard—Sale* to g inodetote eiteftt at s|oa6c V
pounjl. ’ j: .
„ ICTTo SnsjTaoAt Max asb; Orm**.—Conned*
Magical Pain Extractor—il is now conceded by meiit
cal uifn that Connell’s Magical Pain Extractor, maun*
fsetured by Comitock A Co, 31 Counland »u N y. is
lie greatest wonder of ibe lfth century. • Its effects are
truly miraculous. All pains are removed from bums,
scald! *C 7 and all external sores, lit afew minutes'ai
ter iu.applksuoui healing the aamo ou the most deli*
caw *km, Jesting, no scar. It Is equally beneficial in
all kuids of inflammatory disease!': such as sore Nip*
pies and Eye! Sprain! Rheumatism, WBita Swelling
and Ulcer!' Ilnuset,. Burns. 1 Chilblain! Erysipelas,
IttlC! ; H£ 7 golprtau ?t Ac. We odgh{ atf a* proof to
all wo »«r, Ore nannla of many eminent Physicians who
we h|n their practice, andTiundreds of.the clergy who
pnutc utoHhcirpcople. Rind parent keepitcoosiamlyon
hand, in cases of accident by fire, lifts may be tou with*
oat it, hut by its p«e all bums are subject lo us control,
unless thei-vital# are desirpyed. t?aatlon-Remeral*r
and ask fo; Connell’s Masical Paio Knraelor, maitu
faetartd by Comsiock & Co. N Y, and no other.
Sol 4 hy JVM. JACKSON, Agent for Pinsbareh,»
Liberty at, bead of Wopd. i norlWAwtSaT
RT*!.Tiis o**kd Sotnnt to be gpreu Uy Uie Member*
of ViTtiie'* Urn** Band cornea oif on Thursday even*
ioff uilt, V7lb in«l» at Lafayeltd Aavmhly room*.
Kvery arrangement to mako Ida apletulid affair, be*
tx-cn made, 'file f<adie* will be Co iveyeil to and from
the party free of chare*.. CarriaredwiliUe in rrndi
nci* nt the Aaiemhly liooimt at 6} o'clock. Kmranrc
ott 4l(* alrrtH.- The omnjburee wilt be at their union*
at 7 o'clock, fit One ntJrnkin*' Ice Cxeam {taloon,
AHvgheW Cityj one opnpijie SboenbewifT'*. Bavafdj.
ftnd tjto flpund hptiredponu'a.. Afrooe.
The ImM will W ppened prpruely at h o*lock with *
grand merelirkmmgod exprvMiy fur
lloketf eon bo procured or ibe Alatuigcra, attbe mu*
*ia aiore*, and al the A»*cmbly Roohu, o» the evening
if tbepany, ,
*‘*va, Jtiehoel Mm-*'-” ” " ‘
Ilr-nty ilay*, itiehoel .Marihall.C I. Mag*e,Thoinfk
Hlrel, .Michael I<Uin,-J F Riebart, II K Ultu. Alcx'r
Memlif) J K McFcely, D I Smith,! D E SlcKer, W
Hvvninl J Ural!, J Jllnd*, J B orion, 0 W Flemirir, R
Iftiley,• jn-J3dM
Aiwiried by f>rer, and Melody
tm PrlJfpttqfcr. fetuKranie'‘tip> ibcir iVtnnri#
(jf tbelr choice JWMtforu ondProductiona of Song*,
Glee*. tfuartert* and Duct*. at ; 1
; -r . phito u«ii>
Ou tbU evening, ;2SiiiJannvYi *nif every day UiU
week. • -Doors opcu at 7 nnu performance to com
mence al 74 o'clock. Tickets .50 cent*—to Im hod at
thsjiruseipai natic itore* io the citir.janSWt* *
iCT One ticket admitting a lady ana gentlemtin,,
C, J t Surra, Stftgo MaoogeM4rb|jVAL, Tretuurer.
Till* evening,’JnmiMy- «, will bo presented the
s : ’ • Tragedy of ['•
Ifemon, C. J. Smith; ~ Calomhe, I Mr*. Saunders.
To oonclqdfl'Vithlhe force oftHe SWISS COT
TAGE. Not* Tcich, M r . SaucdS; I&Se&L
Sgaijdfra, • -i- 1 ..jgajj' •
This 1 evening Tuesday January; 35, and every
evening this week, ;«rill be rich pro
gramme rfSeotimenlal, Palriolic, Cbmie and Shi
opiaa fenga, Eitravaganna, fee. ! jaS5 J
J» an article toon ju*Uy MlebnueiJ
•bore d>#n any-cr aU otben. 'lu eni
numerable. Sold bjr'WAL JACKBO?'
bU|t. • ■
Hi iM neon for tie
otoe nre almon ii I
'tj Arent for Pitt*'
| of of the Company on Jan-
I SjSSif'v !Sf coti *irwp>' with- lhe
; .' • - ■' mortgages. - i*T
'Bein-ftrn«Drt£3£ti'weahrcnxedoh'real ctatei free
• ’2£.F t ?^v,^BIll• are alibi the city and eoo?tv 01*
- «c«*JH3,4» in Buck!
' Allegheny canniieaJVeuaayrtaniL
C rLM , , , J f?ffP L jn -y° pf y ******fcrrgftl eataic 1,,'
nu "** a - •— LESrAT( : • -»e«m
: al Sbrtiff'a'wlti, cadet myigtg^niWi.;
irht. hoorea. and lot, 70. by 12Ueet. oa
»e southwest corner of (Ibesnm and
Sixth street*/ /•' ,
■V funn of sixty Bcrrs, with mill*, dwell,
mg*. aiuftioni: m Genhaalowii: known'
- a* “Sheffield‘Work*," v •
Ahooseand 10t, ; 3W by ICO feeti'Xo.
467 Chcsnol street,
A bouso and Jot, 17 by 71 feet,'on north
• side of gpru cost reel, west of EJereuth
-street, • - .>■
A home and lot, 21-7 by J 00 feet, on writ
■ 1 aide at Won Square. south of High
• - street,-- - ■ ' -
Two booses tutd JoU, each 19 by SO feet .
on south sale of gprueestreet. rear of
Schuylkill Seventh sweet.
Five nooses. and lota, each 17-9 by«>
feet, Noa 131**133, 133, 137 and 130
Dtlwrn street,'.••••
Three bouses mxid lot, 49 Vy St feet, on
I - IX«t aide of Schuylkill Sixth street,'
!,• eonlh of Pine street,
Foor houses and lot;4c.ll br 60 fret, on
east ride ofThud street, above Ca&a*
A housdand lot, 13, by 100/eet, ojtsoulii *.
i. Albert aittet,.west of ScUnvl-, .
kill Seventh street,' ... '
Hotel oud lot, SO by 8l on the sooth
.east corner of Chesnut and Jleach
Tive houses and lot, 43 byBo feet,-on the ’
north aide of George • street, west of
Ashton street, ' V
i Seven houses and lot, aCby i!7 fret, on
I-. «* “»* «do of Beach street, south of
! Chesnut street, ■•■•••
A hoosjs .and lot, 19 by SO feet, No. 90 /•
FMiwaterstreet, east of Ninth street, j/ -
■_ ! v’ •’ ■ LOANS. •• • 7
.Temporary Loans, On collateral -securi- i
ttes, amply secured, including 82300 to i'
the Dcffough of Harrisburg. ' |
• | . *
y™"? ““'S* 5 (Im. on) •
810,000 Almshouse Loan 5 pr et. tint oni
2U) share* Bank of Kentucky,
do ; Northern Bank of Kentucky,
do ; Union Hank of Tennessee, W
13 dp Insurance Compnhy of Staled
. of; Pennsylvania, : ■*"
200 shares Southwark Railroad Co -
.37 do j Com.4tß.ll.Bank Yicksbarnw
91 do ; Franklin lire Insurance 6
.10 do : Mercantile Library Co. 2.
.0. do Union Canal Company, •? •
90 dp : North American Coal Co.
8300 North American Coal Company,
Cathonhand, . : - tELawTS'
Caah in hands of Agents, • 11,Ht153'
Notes load Bills Receivable,
Unsettled Policies,
Byoritrorihenoud, ' » U W2S
»„.LL- chari.ks n hanckiSv rr,iH.i“
.(SSr 0 °
j»onnuiU.T o Vi, American/nml Dijpntch, copy 3 time*.
AT ****^ l ilhCTcld Street
Ai Jd door frost second: ;
Godcy's LadyVDook for February. ■- •;
National Magahme . . do - ••• 'i
Graham’* dp , do - -
Union 1 . _ 4o : i .r.■ "■ ’r. . !-
All the above arr equal if pol superior in their.erabel*
jlisfaoseiita. to the previous Jouuatymnabere. • }•
the Fairies, a new novel by. G p[B
Th* DlsimKe'u, the Family, by W. Blanchard 3errdld,
with iiluiirations by Phis. ' >
Bn«Ojlian , ‘pr lack U everything by \V I! Max-:
•riij/cirr *' ld Anctor ' ■ Chronicle .of Old Dtib^
Tbe Coaqnett or California and New Mexico, tn the
‘ IiHO aod’47, by jwnea Madison Cun*.
Jane tyre, edited by Cnncr IfcU..
; bnaal,bypcnn/»4(attnl#iut... v . . i
Chamber*' Miscellany, No n.
Irvine aye, Nti 183.
Some Book for the Million. • . k-21
tad ValaaMt Books.
I J in the writing both iof
~ ®JV, ? *n d New Testament, on argument of their
yemcity, with an appendix, containing undesigned do
inctdenceg between tbe Uospcls and Act*, and Jo*e-
J-J. m™. a V. Km Amend,
, "s? lt *C.* econd I*omloq edition. i
Mcwervi Infidelity illustrated and te-
M. Scbranckcr, A. M, pus»r of the £kt
Lutheran Church. Germantown Pau •'
Sacre.l Philosophy of the Season*: Illustrating the
perfection* of Gwl In the phenomena of the year, in
Ite r. Henry Bar .to epch seajon. By
Chalmer « Miscellanies, embracing Uevirer*. Essays.
**“. A * Trr »»** l Br «ho Isie-Thotua* Chahncrs. D fl.'
The above with a large variely of new nod standard;
w ° r **> . tow b T - ELMOTTA ENGLISH, ;
Ja-J & market >U berwern irand 4th.'-
'• Coaaty Convention.
A ” a meeting of th-i County I'-oiiimiiter of C-nrrr*-
-£*. pomleucc heldal McMumct*' hwcl ji| Pittsburgh,
on tae aM January. ItH, the following cull w»* screed
epom lhat the Whig and Antiraalfomc-vutcr* of dm
<crer al Vverdo. Borough* ud Township* of Alleehsiiy
county are invited to meet at their usual plncesofholtA
ingpumaxj-ißeetiug*, within said districts. on Sainr
usy the £s«h February next, to appoiut delegates to
•"tr 1 . 1 ” Co only Convention at Hie Court Bouse in
I’l tstnrgh, on the succeeding Wednesday, to appoint' the State CoUtcndoft to )>e held at Harris
bqrgh tanomiuok *. Canal- CocnjiUwo'nejV Senawrisl •
TJcctqrs and Scnutdrial dcregnte*J6 the National Con*
yentroui The said county foavetitio'u will also appoint
u delegate front this dhtnet to the Whig National Con
vriottm'and’ ud elector lor this district upon the Sufo
•ledfor^l*nckel. ‘ , ,
F 5 pruaaiy mcetiny# m' olUilie Towo*hla» cicept
| wiU be beld a| 2 o’dock.T »nd ill the Ward*
ißoroosij mchrtißf Pitt, oi ?'o>ek*k.-7-*. of s&l
irg,'tra. ' * j»3s: -
I For the O'asMt.
i . **** Cser?y of the eitie* of PitiiVareb arid
1 Allegheny uu! vicinity. the lViitlmt. Faculty and
lTu*t«i!« of uie Western Lnirtrii'.y, Gentlemen of the
l *’. r r e, * 101lil1 filtei amicouaiy, its Judtrti*
or the VainoQf Courts ofAllrgbeiiy' county, and Uie
thrmben of the Ear of Allegheny conntv and Students
* l rc»pwtfailj turned to slieocf a meeting at
we District Court roonu on Saturday nest, at 13 o’clock
M. immediately- after the adjournment of the Diatri<t
into cnmointcptuideratioa a project,
which bat dread? ruet with the approbation ofvari-.
ou* duttajekhM individuals of the learned bodiea
bertby respectfully invited to attend. -
PORK- 100 bbU met* porkj'lS do Ramp da mVore
aad for sale by . F SELLERS. :
Family flour-tT® bbi* for *aio by
11 tfiitiiiin,. »%ji
S FILLERS A NICOLS. Produce and Genera! Conn
mission Merchants, No 17 Liberty *l I’itubuorh.
Hperm, Linseed and Lard Ods. '
LARDL.IS bbU No l lard ooeonsirnment and lo
EAGS- The highest market price* paid in cash fo
rag* at 145-liueny street; by
BRONZE— An assortment of German and Cuslwh;
French leaf, Gold and Silver leaf and liatch metal
just fee And for u!e by
_J*V> • J SCUOOXMAKER. SI wood atrcct.
Cochineal .and mace ju»t rcc'd mni for*ai«
DEUKD PEaCHISJ— 2OO burhels, halros. rec’d mid
. fi»Mlgbr..'.|j«gSl VV k U MTIfrCHLOX. ;
PARED PE AC AES— 3 bathe la pared oraches xtc'di’
and for talc by WA R -MVUTCHLON'. ]
HOPS— HI bale* Ohio hop* reeVl ana fcr*a!c br'"’*"*’
„ WAR M’mnt'HKON, !
-' anas •• ISI liberty erect :
IbU X O Mola«e« jn*t icc’d and'
for tale by paSS] I‘OINDEX'i’ER A Co.
COTTOX-aTimlet juit rec'd and for title ly !
1«» - POINDEXTER A Cu. |
RAISIN 3-15 bose* M n ral.inrfor talc br'" .
J D WILLIAMS, 110 vrood W.
MOLASSKSr-ttt bbl* N 0; 2 do Phlhd’n itcam *rr* i
Djri 1 do cane arrets for tale br
J Br *S ■ : J 1) WILLIAMS.
STUCCO and Planter of Pari* from the mill of R W
Cunningham, lor tale by GEO W JACKSON,
jaaidandwant 4ih tt near litter*?.
LARD— J5O kf(T* iw’il per America anil (or salo lo
cIOM cotmgiimcnt by. j QAT.?r.M.
SUNDRIES— '14 bbla bucl-wheat flour,6 lldt prime
apple*: ‘J da frtih tuner tendm* from »tr (Uiwrold.
ftnd for *afc fry . JAMES DALZEIL
T kc ff* N® 1 e'xiro tcarianl: 10 do do; 8
J_i UBl« do; (bf sole by • - Y -.*
;j2SL L-j * cclbertsox;;:
■pOSB PINK-1 caak frc*h, of fine qoaiitr, ]u«
XV rec’d and for *a(e by ■ . ■ ■ ?
PINK ROOT—I bale, frcah. jo»i rec'd audTbfTaJfßy
~ . iM wood »irecu
CHEESE-tf cnika Inr/e cheese rec'd suit for wile
by • / V W> R ,M r CirreHßON,l^libcny»).
1 large No 1 eheenv rre’d and for *aie
iOU by \Y & it M CirrCMEtlN.
PILL-DOXES— 2dOpaj'» ]mper pill tioie* for «dlc liv
R K MKLU:itS. &? ■trood ar '
BRIMSTONE— Scaak* fur sale by
_i a »l = R p SJ3XKBS. '
TJUROUNDY (pan Gvnuiue)ibr»nlo
JJ‘by 1 V aua. . R E SEIJjyiS.
fiJODA ASH—O etuka just rec'd on mnabrntneDt and
O for aale bjr; ISAIAIi DICKEY & Co.
• SO water street. -
T)K3\VAX—I ciik and 4 bbf*beeswax, on con*
A> sigutucnr and for sale bv ■
fpOßACC—aOboaea John Ward's -Si taVacco, a primo
A erode, on baud and for rolu by ' • <•’
- DICKEY St Co.,
Ljjult • . .. •■ roiNBKXTKrtjt Co..
i jj juat recti amt for wto by, • j
■jljMflE T" y,,,, -, I'OLVDHXTKit & Co. j
' pigt Oil ana.' in tow b/
tj ALKIiATL r S—4 ca»i»ju*t rccU and for iale brT
_ |CT jautd ■•■.,■ BROWN fc CLXBKnTSOj
TVUIEp AJVKKS-COO bui.' In' ■lore tuirf fbr»aia by
. , GKO A BKRUY. 1
gmacinwa-MiM, l .
10 l,alc< PWo. ItPi** lw'Jtoco ontl for sale liv
, Jo 2? .. • • • • yjJO A HKERY. ■
-:■, « ' ' ''l ' ' ' " "' ' 10 W ‘ "
SEED-* bin cJoTcncid for iolcbr - .
- : ' ••••■•■• i fc R FLOYD.
D' I .LT IT ~ II>I bU * ]Vn°
■ - ___jLy H.rpN.MAKEn ft Co.
gAL »OpA-2joolh.jtt,iroey wuJfoMa]eb
' 3 KCHOOVMEKEH at Co. .»
'nii ■ " NoS<woodn.
ririme, for tale by .
. WICK fc w'cancless;
[ALKHATU&-M cwki Ornfabri for
' Jtgl - W|CK fc MCAfCDLESfr-.
«n»U lot prims, for »al« by ! -
By WMiatiy pi pint»
‘Large auß'pcnrnpton/ *aU ofj.hf Goods at'Xuttioii
' .IVilmerdmi*, Pnesl AiMoanrvrfll.seUon'Weducs.
day, January dOih, widiout reserve*Wisnot credit,
ISCD packages of Foreign and American Iky Goods,
compruisg a choice and desirable assortment.of every
wrtielo ia-tho- staple linetsuinhlo B»f lhe «ppng ua4ov.
Catalogues will lie ready, and tbe poods open forex*
acn'natioothedayr»eTiouv,toihe*»alej-.< . ;
New York, Jau. i i .gas jaJMII--
By JohsD, l>avli,Avetloae«n ;
Seven Coses of Dry Goods. ■
I On Thnnday raominy, January S7lh at 10o'clock,_ai
the Comraereial Sales Eoqm, corncf of Wood and sth
streets,will be sold wiihodt reserve*
* A forge asMßmem e>f- staple and femcf dry Gobdt,
Ac. among which are fifty-three pieces Ginghams, 31
pieces Indigo ■ bine Check, twcjity-scven piece* Penu
Mill sheeting, twenty r-fotrr pieces Krd, Velfow. and
Brovru Flannels,- filfoea pair 10-i Blaoketo; calicoes,
silks, black satins,merino hdkfo. plaiit pnd
figured alpaeas, super.’ cloths, caositseres, satinet*,
jeuns, pins,'patent ibreaii,. ke. also, velvet, tillc ana
satin borinetiiancy ribboiis, Ac. '■/ ■ ' • :
8 barrels New Orleans Sugar, gtjodqaalily. -
.-.6 do Mpiasses.' -!
3 half chest* Young. Myope Tea.
- ICOFruiilJ**keu,.u**oiicdahe*. i L ' - . -z-'-'''
■ Writing and; wrapping band boxcKshovels,
mauure Mika, stoves, wheel barrow*, ’ooe horse sleigh,-
tuw, cfaorns, hslf bushel ajpl peek measure*. )
A quantity of new and eecond haad hou*chold for
nttnre, looking
ware, mantel clocks, rrauspatbm and venitiah blinds.
_ ... Atfilodock, P..U ,-TT.V,
Keouy maue clothiug, in '{.-rent varkty, booU, shoes,
* um ? Ter S® o **- umbrella*,'gold and stiver patent lever'
watches, fine cutlery, renuau fancyAoods, guns, pi*-!
toll, slates, engTayiaga.l>l&dk book Vetter ana cappa
per, gout pens, family biblcs, piano and!church tnuiie.
' IJoutthdi Funuturt ai Auction. ...
- Cki Wednesday rooming, (he 38U> inst,’ at 10 O'clock,
at the house of Mr. GeoigelNoble*
near the Allegheny firhlfo.will besold, a largi quan
tity of household and kitehen furnitiik, among which
are mahogany bureaus, [spring sest sofo, rocking
chairs, fancy and common chmrv ; i>ble*,
teds and bedding, table covers, ekrpetinr,- floor leloths,
quecnnvare.gfiu.ware, knives abdtbrks, batn3
clock, aadavanelyofother article*.;' ’ ' - 7
js3> - jOilX D DAVI3, A!uct'r.'
Established a warehouse 4 the yesrl94a,'for ihe por
pose ofsupplyijigtheCiiy and interior Trade with'
low pricks—and .exhibiting, at all .seasons::
of use year, the Larecu Aosomnemia •-
They are uow.openutg Severat Hundred Pdekagcs,
eouipruing every new ttylq oCForeigh and Domes tie
produetion. many ofwhich ihaveijust-been purchased,
undare offered for tale for Cash and short credit,at
■ • ' ’FROM:! ( : 1- ' " ' ' .L:- 1
per! yard below the priccs-of Apnl- tthd hlay, as per
printed Catalogues, which are corrected daily, for the
information of j !
I ■ New; York, Jane,
' Original <Bollrar Brlehi.*
EXPKimrsCKD Judre%. bn * trial of on* ondajxalf
milliont, since lo&'prenounce titit article untur*
passed for durability in the cbnstractidtTofall kinds pf
Furnaces.' l*rice iii,Ts'CMh for load* of 10 XT. guar
anteed nine mouths use. .Orders .for •! sdeond quality
Bolivar Bricks will be.*xecuied at S2U-per M, If so dr*
aired, without guarantee.. A MocJc of the first quality
i* now-foraaloatthc warebou«,*Sloan r » Wiarf’Co
wilß J. SHAW JfACLAREN, _ j
sepKiif _ , Kensington Ironworks.^
Or* Haitian* Is T*sbiimc««~ ._f
II HIS it to certify that. I purchased one via] of Dr
. jMeLane't Worm Specific, urate two month* ago
mid { gave to'a con of mine, some seven years old, two
teaspoons full. and although' the amount may appear
lerge, yet I have no doubt | bat thereilras opvvhms of
vtvoi THOtstxn. trnuo passed from. Aim,-measuring
from one quarter of an inch to tiro inches long:
t .. J G W HOUJDAt. “
Hone's Creek, Carrol co..TVnu., Dec £7,1547. ja24- 1
;• • Chronicle and Journal copy. .-
Admlnlitrstor’i Sotlee, r
AU. persons iudefamlio the estate of Martha Marsh,
; dec'd. formerly of Jefferson township, late of the
State of Ohio, are requested to make payment, and
those having claims against said estate, are requested
to present them, property aothemicatedi for settlement,
to I > . Iylll4l* LLNUAIfT, Baldwin Tp, . -
jtuUw3i»T - : - - ■ ; ■ ' ■ Administrator. V
SODA A HU—+3 casks, direciifrom tjicm'angfcctCrcr
in f&igland ria Ncur Orleans, the same stTeurth as
n»t [which gave, snch-gcueral: satisffceilon, rec’d.per
steamer feitranafc, and for salo at the' lowest market
price for cash or approved bilk, by •' .
a - •, • ■. No IGO/libbrty street.' .
A bother shipment will arrive next month, and (hence
forward regular supplies. .^
POWDER, {CWoridff\or iimc>-8
JL> jCa*W of superior quality,- direct min tlio-roami
lucmrer in England, received per «c anil for
«:tle[nt lue lowctt mtuLi-r iirice foYscnih or uporoved
Ii«MJ .W k M
Election for. mttcu .Directors
J.'l | Eric Canal Company wilt! beheldtrythb
holders at their Office m the borough o/ Ene, on
day Piethhday of March next, iu 10 {/clock, ju )
f ■ M.rGOODWIN, *"
• Canal Office, Enc, Jan. 13, Daft. ' 4
IOObhU-Nd IrSaitdiSckaekereir&Qbia
O ’ fresh niisin*, 30 bxs honey; 10 trail*' almond*, j lot -
01 tltuoiiiy seeded-bbL KorcUed etdt*,iast vee* and (or
►aJp jtiy ija2<) . Kxmjsu a toNgrr.
Bacon and bulk poRK-ooohinishaep^ijco
shoulder* do; S 3 {duls aide* do; 57 do In bulk, on
consignment and lor sale by . - - - .
jnitfo SELLERS t MCOLg s
B&ANS-9 l>bls white beans? .4 do ia*t do,in wore
fuid for «Iq by . POINDEXTER *: Co.'
SuESF— (Opoxe* \v\ U cbeeae for t&le by '
81,19 ! ’ • ’ ’ TOLVDEXTER k Co.
X~ |jaul3
♦miljteaelie* fo*«ilehjr.
l’Ol.VDt-.XTtIR k Co,
CO P U#>On!en for coal to be delhrercdla the cite will
meet prompt nitration if. left with -;i ' • .• <•
jaalg ■• | McCILL, HUSH frIEDD k ROE.
ALCOHOL— J M>ls for wile by
! jal3 .. ; E SELLERS, S7 wood it
tOES-310 Ibaior ihleby. r -
- L ijanlS • R B SEf-M-TIM.
A (jKA AMMONIA EORT—■3 carboy* for aalebf •
■Q- |janl9' ' • UK SELLERS.:
•ACKTNG—IOO dozen for sale br : i . J r:
SUNDRIES— 3 bbla lard; 25ba*bel» dried apple*, 1?
do peacbea; 4 nozeu woollen aocka: ttl Ibsbcetwa x
on cohugomem an for sain by j- , . •
»t| 11) WILLIAMS, !Uq wood tt.
T'ARD—No 2 lard for aide br •
•Ju liisat ' CLAi
SUGAR— UQlduliprime uetrcrop, juit rec’ and lot
tdie by ' BROWN’ A CULBERTSON,':
'• ,14J liberty sf-
E AKIN'S—St) boxes‘bunch raisim, iuti rec'd and lot
; sple by . uals]_BUuSVN* A CUUIERTSON.
Lolf SUGAR-75 bbU aaaorted Nocjier sale by"
f tOI'FEK—25 bagi prime Rio coffee just ree'dand for
_ijant7j- K OAKKORD A Co.
I’EAS— 10 hair 1 chest*, black tea* ju<rec'd ond'for
•alabyj _Uant‘J R OaKFORD A Co, .
■VrAUftS—iaokegs, Cir »a!o by r
ll janl7 s F VON flONMidnsrr A (
Cl L'OAR HOUSE MOLASSES—A 3 hb|* luperiot
O qouiity, lauding from tunr Gemuniown.
■jaitlj-. AIcGILL. BL'allKlblLD A ROE,'
O UCiAR—O hlula pnßSmX O augmr londßtz for
O HOVELS. Spade*, Fork*, Alo*, tc. A complete a*.
U *ortmcnt for *ale very tow by I. • » •
•' ‘ ~ LOGAN, WILSON A Co-
CANDLES— 73 boxet moold candletllaadine from
G<irtnan:owa, and tbr *ale bjr •
<2^Aj’~3o boxec No 1 twin roxjkSOdo nlkaUuodo:
O wc'il ori consignment and for iile Ut % -••'•' ;
« W HXimAtTQii.
T ABD*—l~oo kej* l lanJjjiObEljdoejuit lauding
J_i iu»U/of}taleUy b AAV UAkuAL'UH. .
QUINTS —Fire e&x« new‘«iy)e, fancy
X *phug prim*, jum tec’d and for «alc by •
jnntS j, SHACKLETTA WHITE. 69 wood»t.
; i biki fcxtr* heavy
»tiweiveitby~ r . • i ■■■k • ■■■
T ARbQlL—Winler »:rauied, eotutariily on h«*H
Xi «»d <or w]e at ratal! by . ' •-
'cor, wood and6th c*.
rOES-300 bbl* extra potatoes (jubi landing
•ti, Germantown, and for sale by; ■ Pi
. Sk. W iUkBAUGU..
BORAX-p3W lb* rtfd borax jtut rr e'jfcand for thl«
A>yi I - UanlSl "• ' • JOEL MOIILKR.
?LOrß—duo bid* Bucbonan T «exiri.lanUly fioarlSSS
X do Uatyulue and Clark’* brand;Mdfilne tfotV io
• R OAttroßD & Co.
-\(Uip PEACIIKS—IS bui. from the «r
XJ Luke line and for tale by- !'• .j r ; i
jetU7| lAana BALZKMX wiwuf,
tbr *ale by • .; •
8 FiVOX u6NXHni«fiv£^
HKAtrni BROOMS' * WHISKS—2S j..- ■
menteil, for nla lir ■ v‘ ~Tt W 0™»-
OaOl. -»> vox hoxkhoibt * bo.
- ot|wittce»trwt.
37&ATii£RS— SO ban Prime feather* ju*i reeV*
? for mic by U»n<} IffIWVN &. Culnrarnfi
I?£ATHfcRS-JQ«wke prime KtelncW«
; itara-atidiurulabyJAHA JIUTCI^SONfc
jJtfoBBi» halei Spaniih mcxt for aa!e law fa
IIL conilgnmml A , ATWOOD, JUNES fcV
SOAP— 23 bole* No I ■oaßMOdadnlP I lhffl IP
do fuejrjSdocaatilr, forwuo hr • !••• s *Tr
■: Jonis ; r i JDWIUjA
C|MGAK4— M totca half flpaoUh. fbi wt« dc»
/ c»a»lgnnwm by » F VON UOXNUOBOT
£iiii »3r.u
jpANDIJS—i» boxes *te*n«r; 10 do sun td
V for “ lB b r _j, ■■■■■■ ■■.•■ i p vfiLu
J^UTT Flg-3 boxes prime roll for ule
IL*BP *•£** .H>l* no 1 all hi* 70i/nol I TIUIITEB AXD FEATIIEItS-a Mb ib'lMU
I laU °w, BOeMknodoMliJforttlobr T I ler udSattkofealhorincoiviarfaiiisumrObT ■
!i“M :!■• i ioki<m- jNMMafcnobtx/ Uuq iSFSLfSUf**
]/ , ‘-W-j'.
•N .£■
'■ r ■■■. i.
pacxet line.
npllis'we'll kwjwn tfn*of aplewKd p***njer Steam-.
-1 er* U now-composed ot the largest, wlteirfbeat
fiSied «nd nmil*bcd7»ndoio*t powertul boat* on the
.£itm of ihe .West., Every a«onm«daiian ajrf
fort that money eafl procure, ha* been provided tor pa*,
aenger*. The tine ha* been In eiwrauwfor five Tear*
uhu carried annllioo of people wilioct the least uyo
rr-to their persons. The boat* will be at the. foot erf
Wood street the day previous io starting, tor »• recep
tion of freight and the entry.of paiseuger* on the r*gw
ter.; In aiT cases the passage money Osusi be paid us
■; The HONONUAUKLA, tape tiros*. will leave Pitts
burgh every Monday morning at'lU o clock; AAueeliag
every Monday eveautgat 10 r. A;'• . . ■ .!
:: The niDFJtNLA, No. 3,-Capi. J. Kunruxca, trill
leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday monnog at 10 ocloek;
Wheelingeveo'Tnesdaf . •
' 'llio NEW ENGLAND No. will
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday, warning at 10
o’clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at tOr.M.
Thursday packet.
: The PENNSYLVANIA, Capt-Guv, will leave Pitta- i
tmnrhevery.Tbtmday morning atl©o*cWk; Wheeling • -j.
■ The CLIPPER No. d, Cant, Caoosa, will leave Pitts
bttnh every Friday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling -
eteV Friday evepug at 10 • • •
The MESSENGER, Capt*l)xCA». will lean Pitta*
bttreh every Saturday morniug at 10 o'clock-Wheeling
every Bamrday evening at 10km./’ : •
"The ISAAC - NEWTON. CapL A. G.-Mssaa, will
leave Pittsburgh every SmuUymoniinj at 10 o’clock;.
Wheeling every Sunday evening at 20 r. n. i' .
,fflay - : -v-- • ’
... .-■ The steamer
ktsuVitf«wiU leave tot Beaver,’ Glasgow
iMßSSaßßlVellsville, on Tuesday
and Saturday, of each week, atPo’elocnain/retanr-t:
itur on Momuy, Wednesday and Friday. Sbekai*.--
boat at the landing between Wood stteetflodtbcbndf*j ~
orepared lo"receive freights at any time.. ~ u.~ :
prepvrusu. 0. & W. HARBAIGH. Agta. '-’V
••05112 - - r ; ,No Sll AVood st. ;•
beaver and wejxsville packet.. :
Thefine •teamboet I , ' .
! JL!V ,J\ ' * BEAVER v ’
CharlcK E. C&rke, muter, will, dtufojt
■■BBKEXHB'hfeomiiie winter muou, makedeiljr
trip* to Jie&rer tnil WotUviite, Isotinz
ry mortunr at 9 o'clock,tuttl WrOmfle ai3o'clotir,f. :
K. ; deelU O. Al. HARtON, A COy Aft*,-'*
~ FOR’iCJNCTNNATI. • . r. ' ■
••./rtj—i. k. Tba eicgm&latesmer
I Ik£ZJ& ■ P«CK-NI\ f
DrydeOr muter, will ■ Imtc. u .abOTtt
■■BBESttObhle dey- Vor freight or passage epply
Jan2S '
• Tho fine pnslenrer Ueanier .. i
JKSmH Collier,' master, will 'leave .'for that
MCBSSSSESabote slid all intermediate pons, oil
Wednesday, at IU, a", m, pasitjreljr. For freight or poi*-
age apply ©a bo«u. •■•'• - JaSft*.
" FOR ST.'tnUlß.
••• /fsews— tv"' Tba'elejaattonuuer. v:'
t fc , 7J> TurclaHation, '
• sKSwTSEiR Da^mister, will lenro : for 'th*
MBBESSSSHtaboTB-; and .all intermediate ports,
this day at So’eloek, r.ic.'Forireight or passuo. im
ply onboard. ~ i -■ .. ..... .< . j-jegt •
'■ ' .ThecomniDdionisteamer ' 1 ;
i - : ANDREW. FULTON, ; 1
• W..H. Fulton, mailer, will leave for
■■K&SaßHßaboya port'ibisr-day. January: 35th,
positively. For freight or passage apply on board, or’
to: UangS]. -. JIUIE3 .MAY, Ageot..
- ; K. : TheCutrono&i*.»teai&er. . • v :t
DE;\Virf CUNTON, -
tfigslHH Derumer. mstmrill leave tax lie
.■BBSSE3BCMU>oreporttty:daf~at 10'a. k. - For
s t of tnu«ag»apyly on bo»rdj , ? ; • Jetigg:-
freight of paanagg
• aaeflne *te*mer
*. 3 T leave al 9'
■HHSBMfefe'elockthi* day foillroww rifle/ For.
-freightorpaeaagßapplyoaboitd./ ■ ' ;
' . . PACKET. : ,
rv The light draaxit ttearocr
. ' ,^’ARK,
-1 jttJiSsgfm • Hurd, master,-wil-make weekly tripa;
the above poriiduring tlienreaan^r-'
P.oi; freight or paaaage apply oa baud, or to .?:-
■*&•• •••-•:-' -i-'Ji wilkins, AgL :•
'Vf^**"*jv* 2 °, '
: «gy%A»?& Nelson. mash*/ arill • rim/a* above,-*:
Pittiierab every-. Monday
Wednesday-and Friday, at fl o'clock, x. and J&o-'
noagahelaCity cyery TueuLyrTtiarfelay and Saturday.' -
tuSLO'clock, x. a*. , Parj'jught.or pa*aage ajjpl^oa,'
EclJpso, Tnaaportatfon~Ltae.
KJ and wwinee .will a fcrnrarded to and from tbo > ‘
eutem doe* by. the rioro line, wiib despatch and at
the lowest eurma'roe? > ■’ . •
JOHN FCURKE. Agent. New York. -
: :• .MeKAIG AieGUIIIE, Cumberland. . ; .
W H CLAItE, Brownmlle.
■ ■■ FORSYTH {JJUNCAN, Pfttab*gv-< jaflrly
•:: -.' -: . {, ■ :
A*Jt ed that this i»Lc flmeat. -
to on. of li. .
£ri£SftSSS&t- •»,.*. or r .
<; Expreaa eloae* dJj at 3 tVat * ■*'•■
nortOiC. - Silh»rl«i l |faid 1 : ,
7~ i ? h V t '/°P f i‘* t j ? r popular Lise b*ve cWrj tba ■
A *?® < 7 a* fro °* “*• *“>U»e of Afrk-^fV'ft.,
gun# to that of_Esrtaa A, Co.. '_~i - ■
Pilltborsh and tttera mrrcKaaU are nutifiad D^tJHar- 1 '
aulborarf ajtnt Um k lbeE»i«adi>«. ‘ *
. •*..■:■■■. »•
V- i JCBlD.VfcLL,P;tt.bwrt l
1 ; i /• O.W i'A.-S Kf-oarntmUr. •
,■.■■ ■ ./ EDQa» • .
/ JB KoBlgB(?V.P,hS>^. aa ?- . % '
'.. FtuirlraiiU Wefonjijit, • ■■'"• -■
; .
thmi can beamed through enc(x day. iritluiut delay.' < Js
•imWfrlU-.pceipt for 60U) lb« i^Sace,ete ber - 1 f
Btro t ro by »»• JSnHSf i££-V.
; CLARKS ti THAW? • .
ti tc THAW.
I imr.JlTu.Lnt,.ij |Scis! “ 10 “‘f* .
■SSS&S^s^^^SSSI^--i :
6«"T*»T eommawU tfi 7;.
fccii <?a' l S?n?l^*^% r * * r & l “ v^a ? of °«i4 ;'.
wbß'Bieau i>v C, ?’^^ *** nnarofiftWe ripens a.
atiiiitihrV Mtendad foi etutem market* f« wu»ke<l -:'
iw|,. (-. **i? w r >»» taking into accooni tli« Act that it • •
J2* fi‘^ t Lr b i a - 0Tje ' »b«t r»ek«H» -.;
_2f?i lifi i't*!* *~° *»e borne in raiod that Wiitborgh i»
I® «MB Lon point*in the Union for lellinjßacotL-* '. -\
Oome«GHaU&Co 4 i (^aeinn * :1,
I n :
L_Tw*<Ule a;'Mab)ttc f St-Lotti«,.Mo. .' :~ A-V-Tt-Wt. ..
fc»>h*f» on '• ’
:_ Ht.cnt and foyaafo by IetAIAH UU?kT-rr * <;<£
T CL nS '
j.«^^r;» B as,]s,.t,Kr r ,ni i;
■ L-, Yox co»
’“HANDLES."B>hctc»ptmld camllai form. .
-■ ; 9 F „
iK ‘
. ■ MeOtLL. HCSHBlßt.njmn.- .
G'lKiFi&to'iS^ 0 '>■?'“•,‘••s«;;-
*W.fc R-ycCffCIIEQX.I&I liberty *i-'.. V*
G°H EI i l ** rr ‘ Ai} T a 5 l*a ouUfor aate-bjr
jy* l3 ■ ATWOOD. JOVKS k Ctv
pEARIJi-t apnme-Bjtlcle. ibrwloby- ■".'<’•■- .
.* . WICK*H CANUIisS._. V. '
an«S Keß»kfc'fop*ale bf - -• • ‘
. ■■<:■■■.:•:: WICK k. TiVCAXDLjySC. ; .S.
ABII— B Ctuij km!*mb furm!clovt lociu»a , . -
Q- b r {j«aor •- • roiynKynata Co. “
TNDKUULE INK—U*erl .-wliliout the pTeperaluxi; H ; >•
± grog lor »at« by JSCMOOVMA&KU & >\j.
.I¥riL\PPINO PAII.K-M ream, extra un nwl j..
‘TI . quality, airavr paper, emtabta tor harthv*re,&e_. i.
for Mia by; J SCHOO.V\IAKKIt k Co. ■' '■■
EP2SOM U>» jtirt rre'd ant! for sale by -
HnJP . • J BCHOONMAKKII fc Co. Wwdda
II ttRJUKG—<i» I»l>U ia prime order, jtiti m'd attdt
XI for by jjeaoj WICK & SI'CA.VDLKSSL
CIGARS-- 150 M Churoot's foil reeU ami for nla Ky
_ jan!P , AVICK fc AI’CANm.EStt *
ONIONS— A-amaH lot pnn*. for Mrta by •
jangJ - : , WICK k APCAITOLrem. ‘
LI.NKEEO OIL-ffi bbU. jiTUfla .lutteed ail on eon- >
ucnment &m) ibr Mila bjr ■
jal9 PF3JJIK3 & NfCOLS, 17 tibeny it,’
"XIU) Oil,—a) IbUCtfririlartJio 1 wt^yrltrt nil ■*l »
t for wiflbt reduced nit* ty - ‘ ;.••• .•}
wtf I ' SELLERS ± NICQTA • v'-\