"THEPIfTSBIR DOLLARS . BDSIHESS CABPS. - A LEXANDER'GORDON* Te r•raSß^y * lik^--maaßii^r^Si * TWOOiX JONES A Co., Commi»*ion and Forward. A; iar* MnthoUl hire* returned to their old Hand, w*ier«idFrontm»e», Pitubareh. octSL nattier ttiWi o»*c* both. ’T*RAUK kKHTEBi Wt»ole«*J« nd Retail Dnifgiiti, B.A.FAICreSTOCICJt Cov.Wboteule»ndSeUil , prpflflitf. corner Woodtndfth m. • JTI »- TVAGALEY k SMITH; Wholcrrle Grocer*, 18 «nd it g> Wood greet, Ptotbargh, G. JHW ANULTY M Coi Forwafdinr and Cotami*- . tioa Merchant*, Canal Uasio, Pirttnarfb, Vf OttUVNDO LOOMIS, A»Mrt«y »lt-«w, ttfice co IJ s «lr«wtif nbcreSmithfeld. •» - nplfly wx.coioux - jon» r. nnisot. - «s.wiiuin**»; /TOLkMAN, MAILMAN, A Co, MmaOemrw* •» V/ Carriage Spring* and Axles, AVB-and Bpri*g.®«l, and dealer* la Coach Trimming* of er*ry de*c option, 1 ataaftewy on Sit:lair «f.Watthwiee W Woodrt.,- 'oppeaile St Cfaariea Hotel. ■ ■ Jta»_ ‘ " /om «:***>». *• *' GABSON t McKNIOHT, (*uec ettonto IL Colter ACo,).Wbotet«le Grocers.- CocamiMKrti and For . warding Merchants,-dealer* in Prodoe* and lhu*bor|fh MarraJaeture*; sixth street, between Wood and liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; 1 . .!* n YEACEH, Importer. and Wbole«ale and JUtaU V/ a de%lerln Fancy and Staple Varitty Qoods, ego of OUt Combi 10* Market near liberty, iian bpjoop. “ ' x. aaaxads awai- ' DUNIX)P t HF.WEIA, attorney* at Law, officee on toltbield, between 3d mad4ta *ti. - • • ' "CDWaRD lIEaZLETOX, WbcdeeaUjGrocer. «Mt ,raide of Di*n>ond., second door fromJAiawn *N*7» i . • ■■■• i^Ti— : - jwurawMT. SJWALT A DEBHART, Uroeervdemtar* !i in Vrodow ud Puubor*i» Mwm&eturt*} «Mf« benr w»d Utad «U 4 P*- >V fe * l7 - wM.i rMiJW, --' j. iwain.- >• *V7NDijsil * BENNETT, flat* BriUh, balUfftgT* jSaim&enreVNo. 37 Wood at, betwae* 9d pad9A*±- TMRWARD t SWAKTV.ttTIBEK. i*>n«n « J 5 l*w.lut. i^OT»dU«lroffie.tolh*Boatl,id.of fc.nl. -L Iwwmi ChTTT AI1»T uJQui Wjtt r f rwm*.. - .>• oib. nn; • .1. : ssaiEawoou. FRIEND, RHEYA -Wholesale Grocer* luid Cocaswsioti Merchants, and Agents for Bright&a Cotton-Yarns, No*.-57 Water,'andlW FroolSts., Pitt*;- I mtk,?*. - -■-••••• I-■ «" - -tebt F- BLUME, J*isno Potto Manufacturer and dealer •la Masks! Instruments, lit Wood at; now sth. r-. •;... .. mctca iAIMB IUDnO. ' •* » v ****"l TMJRSVTH * Co4‘-Coauoiasioo and Fbnwdiug JC Mmhattto, WoTS& Water at, Pittsburgh. • r*yl4 . F"raNCl9 HELLERS. Grecer, Commission Mn» chant. ond dealot ln Prodnoo, Cordara, Ac, No. 17 Liberty stmt, dw the.Cuaal Basin, Pma*. Oaknm, Pitefi,' Manilla Rope, Afc, always on hand.. • •• ■ toy® P- H.EATON,Dealer tn Gloves, Hoaisry.aad Fsn • «y aad Btspte Trimmings, Market at, Pittsburgh. ALLAGHEB, LONG A'MIDLER, Bril mod Brass \TFounden »nd-Gaa -Front, b«£*cca - Wood «ad SmilUald lUttli, Pittsburgh, Pa.-. -v. .•. nTHighesTPrise given for old Copper sad. Brat*. UU. ■mum.. WAIMMAA . 4TEORGE MORGAN A . TOHNSCOTFACo, Wholes Grocer*. Fbrwmtd ityaad CnmmiiilonMcTchaim, Dealer* In Pnkbace, Manotectnre.No.TCdcunerciel Row, liberty *u, near the CanaL Pmihtrgh, Fa; octia- JSCHOONMAKER A Co; Wholesale Draggifte, , yp, M Woodeirert, Pittalmryh. ■_• ' JOSEPH JORDAN A SON.' Commission and For warding • Merchants. No. tS Liberty at., [or.porite Bmithfield at,) flampaoo's Row. - jaad . JOHN L. GALLATIN, Attorney at Law, Office o& 4th st-, between Grant and Smthfield, Sooth aid 4, Pittsbarrh- will also attend •promptly to busiaeo in the adjoining eountiea •• . ■: oe3B-ly S JOHN R DAVIS, Auctioneer, eoroav Sib and Wood Woodatt. Pitttbatgh. _ . ■ ii- oct3 JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers, and Paper Manofactnrcrs, No. 44 Market su. Pitta burgh. ■ ■ • I : • I jr* ! JL READ’S Book Store, 4th, dear Market atreet' • Classieal, Theological, Htyoneal,' School, Mlaevl- JaneouA and Methodist Bookoand: Sußonary, ap2o ; JW, ROBERTSON A Co- Bankers aad Exchange * Broken, corner of Wood and 3d Merchanra Hotel Baildings, Pintburgh, PA ■ . gyCurrency porchaaed at the u«aaL rate*. oetU : TOQN GRIER, Wholesale Grocer,dealer in Prodsee v JTI , *B. WATERMAN, Wbolasnle Grocer; Forward j*imr and Commission. Mercian>v Dettier-ia Pitu «V*£aanfo£tare*'jM«l Prodace, N0e.31 Water st, *Q Front st.; ; nr AMBERT.A'BBIEXDN Grocers, For *XJ warding and Commixstoe Merchants, dsalerr in nodnaaimaPittsburgh Maanlhetarts,Noe. 13andUS jsa »-■ iretu. • 1 A't. stsDoma. waltx* a. mo*. TkTcQnJU BtnSHPIELDA BOE, ‘Wholesale Grocers JxL and Coomiesioß; Merchants, No, 1M liberty st, Kustmrflr - ••; ■ - ‘.u':" ' . : JyR as. Aim . im nnaat. ~ wu. : t. xdcol M ALLEN A "Co, Camainioa and Forwarding * Merchants, Water and From ska, between Woed •noMarketeta. ; I • . janfl BJCKETSON l7O, Liberty st^Phta- M r *eCORD'A : nNO; NVSoletaU and Ketail iLtand Cap Mannfocturer*, and dealers in Fancy Pars, cornere?Wood and Fifth sis. : • - Jat^^ MURPHY, \VILSON a Co. Vfholasalo Dry Goods pcakra, Nft-SWood si, Pittsburgh. eap» ■»t ROLME9 a SONY No. 31 Market-at, Second |\ from comer of Foarth, dealers in Foreign juid IJomestießill* of Exchange, CsrtiAcates of DspSs iL Bank Notes aad : • ■ .t : • ITT* Collect ions made on all the principal cirics •hfoughout the Uniied Stella - " _ dec!7 Obm Pf" 111 ; i.' A. CBLUiBOk.' ' C.-n. -QSSTI. •rwuunKvrHH A Co', Wholesale Grocers and Com-; M.-ctau. No.ll'Vmr •IMI • . .. aCC ” 3 BOBE2TSON a REP PERT,Prod nee DcalertACom ttlssioc Merchants. No. 1W Second st, Pttuburgh. *T>ICHARTT. LEECH, lmporter and Dealer In JLV Porrigtt aad .Domesuc- SadeUery, Hardwarsimd Carriage Trimmings, of altdescnpttons, No-100 Wood T> ICHARD BARD, .Wholesale D»ler ia XtLssiher, Morocco;'ShocmAiers r Tools aad Fmd-. tags, TannetF axH Catlers’ TooU, and Tsnan' Ou, ylloo WoodsA-PinsbSlh--:- -;-eeplT_ PhkZar'>sstno% ' iajctb. aosroov- . * tad ronwidseiau Merchants, and Dealeraln Ra*» jh aianatkctnns,. No. leO Liberty hOBEBT DALZELL A- Co; -Wholesale Grocers, LComtotnissioa and Fotwarmng Merchants, dealers Frodaeo and-Pittsburgh Manntsctnres, Übenr f l * ttaburgh, Pa. : - . ' - , ' fe&94_ IOBX A.. CDNNINOUAII, mote*t>« Oncer, uDmUt la Fredae* nd Pmabanli MaaaiMrat**, 'iiiiiwtt -■■■■< ; jy»g- •EDBEST MOO&FV TOttto*)* Grocer, BectiMnf Distiller, debler u Produce, Pitutxirgh Manuuo* oms, »Q kiadl'Of Pbreifn end Oooeeiie Wisee ■adliaoora, No. ll liberty at, Pjtttbarjh. ;• nyft. B. ' On Jbtnd* neeiy larferockofwpenor OBliempkb WTriUry, which will be told low for .. tm eh. : ■'•= >• ' nygMy j u-«L urrtotaeJ ' - i* t. ana*. TJEYNOLDS k SUER Forwards* and Cunumi«ai4*talltixivr«* R> Fafijan and Doeaertlc Dry Good*, No. W OWTH, moiixy * Co. Wkoleiolo Drawn at O.mKi 4e»k», No. wimrttt btnrwaWi TfaiUttphU..' ' f " :^° OT9 i--* •••-..• . .. ■: i - -.i•:.;‘•'... -.L • rt^r ‘-—..^-. . | ... v>-. -,v.. \ • • r- .->. -.- • •'! *♦. •,- ,| ~-\ i^T^**^*• • ■'■■'■'■'■■ ■'• .- : ■ ■ '.• it' r •., ■-1 •" -j- '••■• •■•/• ■•'. •." - /- • .: ! ---.v- ■ r ,*' ■.■/■ - BUSINESS CABDS. S, k. W.HARSACaiLWeoiMertdjariu, IWler* in 1' Floor end Produc* eenerallr, arid Forwrardmg and Comaiuion Merchant*. No.XlWood PitUhnrgh. SC JtILL-ancerTLane. nor 7 SAMUETi M- KIER, Forwarding and {Commission Merchant, Dealer in Produce and Pittsbnrgb mann (aetured article*, Canal Batin, near ?th st. 1 d2l SN; WICKERSILAM, Dealer la Seeds. Flower*, •Fruit Trees and Agricultural Implements, No: 133 Wood si., Pittsburgb, . - febd . fTtASSEY A BEST, Wboletole Grocer* and X »ion Merchant*, and- dealers in Produce. No. 33 THOMAS KENNEDY, Jr.. Looking Glass Manuke. turer, aad 'Dealer in dock*. Comh*, and Variety Gooda. corner of Wood and Fourth *t*.‘ ; • jl9 T- P. kORSYTH A Co., .C«piu**ion Merchants, • •Water* in Sail, Immher, Groceries, Produce and Pittsburgh Blanolaeturas, Canal Basin, liberty street, Pittsburgb. ... - * :' febl3_ -i. wk- k’ccrcaaov. • 1 ' - aner. i'ctrrcaios. ■fir.. A’R. MeCUTCHEON, >MtolWale Grocers. - yy « llealer*, bi-Produce, iron. Nails. Glas* and -Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 133 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • • ; * jyltf rob* p, wicx. {DaTxn'M'casßLm. TTnCK A M'CANDLESS, (*ueceaaora to L. A. J- D. gy Wick,) Wholesale, Grocers, Forwarding and A Commission Merchants, dealer* in Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton V'arnt; and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generally, street** Pittsburgh invite* the ladic* to eall aiidex. • amine hi* slock of French Worked Collars, sit* as low aa £3 cent*. .•iiriIITMORE'A WOLFF, Importer* end mole yy-salel Dealer* in Uardwan,.Cuttery,'Haddlery, >Vood street. Pitltburgh. • W W.V WALLACE, Mill fitooe and Mill Furnuh • ing-ertablishmem, No. 844.. Liberty at; nearthe canal. • ..marfs • TIT: a H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, hast*- '\y • moved hie office to the Exehang* BnUdinn, Ht. Clair.at, nett door to Alderman Jones . : ' apMten TIT' M.* GARRAIU), Dealer in Fancy and Staple ,y y « DrV Good*, No. 79Markel street, Pittsburgh. novllldfr , .« ■. . TXT W. WILSON, .Dealer in Watch**, Jewelry, -‘ Vy • Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ae; No_ 57 Mar ket at. ' , - r r ~" 3 nor 7 TTT R- and Retaii dealer iu ,yy a Foreign and Domestic -Dry Goods, north east cotnerof Market and Foutth Ms. ■' : auggf : J' BRYAN, Rectiiying Dutilter v and Wholesale • dealer, in Foreign and Dotnesuc Wins* and Li quers,' No. 114 Liberty street, and S 3 Diamond Alley, :pitaburgk, Pa. , iyi7-diy TTT'ARRICK MARTIN A Co., Banket*, Dealer* in ' fr' Exehang*, Bank Notes and Coin, corner ofThird and Wood street*,’Pittsburgh, P*: ’ ’ novl9-dly TTTILLIAM9 A SHINN,-(auceessor* to Lowria and y V W&Bhtts,)UUtonibTf and Couniellora at Law.— OffieaNorthsidaof Foartn atreet, above Southfield. ; ftbtrdAwly rti ■ .■ ■ TKT * M. MITCRELTREE—WhoIesaIe Grocers, ■yy • Rectifying l Distillers, and-Winq and Liquor Merchants, also; ÜBpbrtar* or Sodn Ash nndJtteacbing Powder,- No. ICO Liberty aC Plttffi’g. ba. janSdly A BLACKBURN .A Co, Wtedesale Grocer* and VX« daalar* ia Oil*,.Boat Store, and Pittsburgh Man uiacturtd agliclcs* have on band- at all times, a foil and gtngrii! usortrconlof good* in uteir line, Water atreet, ncacChsrr?,Allay, Pstuhurgh. . ..janlJ ninn .w. arnu. joncasoa a ani. a DW. A. A-S.I BELU Attorney* nt Law, office in • Sievrarft’liulluiagjrburth si, second door above Wood atreet,' PiniburvlC Pa., - D. w. Bell, Conhmsaiooer.to take Depositions. Ac knowl*dgn3*htjqf Deeds, and other instrument* of wri ting.to bettied in Missouri.' ' . nvllMm* JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist, aad Apothecary, NfedSMarketsi, thee* door* above Hurd bt,’ Pitta*, burgh, wilLhave constantly on hand a well eelecied os eoruqentoTth* best and freshest Medicines, which he will ecll on .the most reasonable, terms. Physicians sending orders urill.be promptly-attended to, and sup plied with arfielefc'lliey niay rely upon oagendine. IDTPhysicisns Prescriptions will bo accurately and oeaDy prepared from the Lest materials, at say hour of thn.dayormrhL ' ' Also for sale, g large stock ef fresh and good Perfd-. mery.--’ ‘ •’' • - . i janl TKT W. WILSON, Watch Makefand Jeweller,cor- Tr • ner of4th and Market at*. A' large and well selected stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Military Goods. Always on hand, and at regular eas tern prices, Gold Patent Lever, foil Jewelled Watches, as low as g 49; Silver do. Welches, as low as 61*. - Genuine. Cooper, Tobias, Johnson and other approved make of watches, may be had at a smgll advance and yranaataffi: K JQTFiae Watch Work dons in the very best man ner. .-r..'.’ : ap37 JB. SWEITZER, Attorney at Law,o£ee 3d st- op • posite Si. Charles -Holst, Pittsbargh, trill also at load promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. Black stock. Beli’ACoL™*) Church A Cambers, vPittsburgh. D.T. Morgan, • J ;• ' . < P .J.' HENRY, Attorney and Cooocellor at .I 1 /. Law, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Ohm, and in Indiana, and'in Kentacky , promptly and earefelly attended to. Coatmifsionar for the Stale of Pennsylvania; ‘for taking Depositions, acknowledg- ments, *«.• • - Rm> to— How. Wm. Bell A Son, Cnnis. Church A Cnrotlier», WniWays, E* AG WAREHOUSE—The highest price in cash paid XL 3w good claaa Tags; also, eaanaaa, bale ropa, gtaH: r -1 ” 1 T- LEECH. JR-,- so. iu woodSth PXTTsbuhgh; HAVING mianished my stock from the best aour ees, both domestic and foreign, I take pleasure in r annoneinf to consomdrs and dealers, that I am pre pared to luiulsh them with all goods in my Una, on still Letter terns than heretofore. Buyars will-recollect that dealing ‘'exclusively” m Saddlery,'Hardware’ and Carriage Trimmings, I obtain thereby, advantage* that'enabTa'me to defy competi tion. Call, see, and jodga for yourselves. • 1 spl7 i ntmrTLT xxkcrto at asctxxjo* .JUSXSXfST I - TMJIBA NS. . •San BuiUints, N. E Comer of. Third sod Dock Streets, lopsUirsJPluladelplda, i. |”XXTHERE can always be'had at abort nouec—Ms ' vY' scrwcMsas Mkdsls, of all kinds; Brass and Pla ted Door Plata*. Meals for Banks, Societies, Corpora. itions, Ae. rrofk-*rionsl and Visiting Cards, etigrave4 and printed.. Soefode* in want of Seals of office, are m :vited to call and examine Specimens and Designs of thu ’.venous orders of Masons; Udd Fellows, Son* of Teu .-peranea, Ac. novbd3mi‘. 1 ~ / - ", ATTORNEY AT LAW* ■ Htuler, Pa. WILL also attend to collections and aU othefburi tiess entrusted to hhn la Butler aiid Arsutroug counties, pa. Refer to ... / J. AR. Floyd, Liberty stv/ ' I ! W. W. Wallace, ii .- L..,. / James Marshall, - -do .f Pittsburgh, j dly Kay A Coy Wood st /{ jan7 ■ O-PARTHBBSHI?—\VjoT Young liaving this day aMOclated with faun, Joha R. M’Cujie, ll*a lea ther business wuj hereafter be conducted under the finn of Wm.Yoang A Co. WILUAM YOU.NO, liong--.. • JNO. R. M’CUNK. Wittocaa. „ ' , ' ' »so. *. n'ccrt*. XfT%L YOCNO A in leather hide*, &c -,W 143 liberty et. ]an&!y_ bzza ncKnv tka Founii Cwtfl gt- near \Voe6—All quantities of Green and flwgftttUclr Tea*, done up u< quarter, half, and one ■BT '• • ■/ "•, v. a. umm COtBKBTIOS, mole7d.Onl ■Vcert, Coaunittioo Merchant*, No. MS Liberty £WiW.y». TtMl,I, HBTCHmO» * CO—Soee.e -7) Lnrie UdioUiiaon fr Ca OoomWti Sler 3T. edl., ckujee •• »™ »» “J|™s’^ ua g i r \ iaecM .■. 1 ■:•.■■'-■ ■■W»..gj*gr*. ; C*maalMloa«r «f PM4i . " ASC «I ; S& ! .sjrs^ I r?a-!Ma , ag-gs. 'Feniieyfraoia; Otßee, two door* ea« of» Otfiee/cUeinnaO,Ohio. T2)IVARD *-CEAj{CH.. - ;miySWandwly«T • ’ a,, Attorn*? »ll*w. _ cidar on cor «lib.»Mtow«, weKCT - " ' V ■ PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22,'1545. FORWARDING COMMISSION. c. R-Dstncnjown. ; J. Rexsmo Hsxj. CHARLES R. DANESHOWRB A CO. TOBACCO COSBISSIOfIfIKBCHASJ^ No. STSoath Wturves, and No. 117 South Water «L j PHILADELPHIAt . i„ , T>EGS Ho intorin the trade and dealers generally, of X# Pittsburgh, that they hare made such arrangements with the .Virginia manufacturers and the Grower* of %e West. West Indies, slid other places, at will insure a large arid constant supply of the following qesenp tions of Tob'acco, which will be sold upon as fcccoui mbdming terms as any other house in this city or else where, and all goods ordered from them will he war ranted equal to representation: liovgnn; SI; Domingo; Conn.; ["). . ■ Yarn; ’ Porto Sico; ' VSsed Leafto- Cuba; • liraini * A Florida; } bnCco; ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag dish, with a large assortment of other popular brands, olid qualities of pounds. ss. (ts, 12s, Ids and 325, Lump; s*. 6s. ps and 10« Plug; Indies* Twist; Virginia Twist, Ac., sweet end plain, in whole and half boxes, wood and tin, together with every variety ofprotte4>elonging toibetrade. . 1 : ’ t ~ jclO-dly CRAIG, BELLAS ACo., Flonr Factors and Prodaeo Coaamltalon I Herehants* LIBERAL cub advances made on receipt of-ecn aigninenls Those shipping to our address will be pais three-fourths vilba in advance in cash, b>* apply ing to our friends, Messrs. Wallingford t Taylor, Pittsburgh. Messrs. Tbos. Bell A Co, midgepsrt.Ohio. Philadelphia, May 5,1945. myST-tf N. B. AD Produce consignedto us isintured when in the Warehouse of Wallingford ATay lor, Pitubufjrh, or in our store ip Philadelphia. *' ” GEORGE COCHRAN, Commission And Forwarding M»rth*al* xn. 90 wood' rrl, rmracKUß. • CIONTINUKf* te transact a general Commirl'-oni busj t ku, rspecially iti the purchase and saleof Aiaen can Manufacture* and Produce, and in rereiviug and forwarding Goods consigned to hie rare. '• As Agent lor the Mnirufsetorrs, bo Will he constantly supplied with the principal article* of Pittsburgh Manufacture fit the lowest wholesale prices; Orders and csnsigrunenis-are respectfully solicited. ? ■ jJ3? > Baltftnsr* Prbditet Commission Uoaiii EDWARD CLAYTON, |ate l*. Clayton'A Horn, lfcl Lombard sL, Wholesale Dcalerjn Batter. and Com mission Merchant Having for the last tea yean flayo* led his attention to the. sale of Burger, will bow receive Hotter, Lard, andotbez Produce formal* on ccnraissimu and RaUer* that from hia experience aud muse rous shipping stutomers, be will be abts to give satis faction 10 alfwhomaj consignprodueeto him. Refer to— !. . Messrs. F. W. Bruno A Son; '': '* • ’Wnu Masoo A Son, . Withlnrtdn A Eastman, “ T. \V. £ c. v. iurn. uamxtox. - LOVE*! MARTIN &.CQ- Prodace, General Commlsslaa .and For warding Sletrebants. no. 0 arson's \nuar, -aat.nuuaic.' - i-Refetfo • Mmmpm'mSimlk A Co., j WWb'gK Davison, Saunders A Co., 1 John R Randall, ~ 1 J-Baltimore-. ocM ilaghJcnkin*, •’ . 3 diiwly__ Utoof Pittsburgh, Pa. Lcte of Nashville, Term. LEHMER & ANDERSON DEAIXRS LN COTTON, FORWARDING A COMMIS SION • MEUCII ANTS, so. S[ raorr ematr. Xdon ssoamvsr, ctsttwan. onto. Refer to Merchants qgneraliy. in Pittsburgh. «p*M WALTER A Cm. ' i rboca A enurr - ** COMMISSION MERCHANTS. r AND DKAIJ-BW IN PRODUCE GKN HUAI.LY. so. »j sotmt oowaaosraxr, nxiotvwuhxrt, iulttwozx. * Refer to—R -Sprigr, Esq- Cashier, T. Cross, F-wj-, Cashier, J- Landsircet &!foa;.lli*er AR»ogberty,JUinj;- Inff A Eitsey, W. A S. [Wyman, fclinghuf A Devries. EDWARD A. KEELISG k (Surcesaor ta Goodman. Sc RECEIVING, FORW.VRDING. COMMISSION MKR- CHANT AND COTTON BROKER. ‘ Kareir*, 1 XBMt KrRB be Kama's ■ txc. MKanits,Tss*. Refer to— it Allen A Co, King, Peaaock A Co.. . -»aa . , 1; \ itta AtIITIMEBM t COIBISBIOS IBECHmi. ! ALEXi LEVY & BRO'S. CISCISSATI ASH IT. LOCIA Offer to. sell at cither establishment, all kinds of Mer chandise, at the fowrit rale* oi" Commissions. and are always prepared to make advance*. The besiofreie* rencea given U* required. Letters addressed io either housed will be promptly-attended to. jyOWly TUOUPSOSAC&9FBELL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS- Munhctartri of Linseed OH, No. 30 Columbia street, t [ ‘i • ' - Cixcixt.lT!. Ohio. ipgt-ly fi?Tii>h pnitl itif FlaTi-ni mterr, - jamfMy* Itowlinfa WbarC Baltimore. . INSURANCE. DELAWaE STTOiLUIIIBiSCE CO. JOHN FINNEY, Jri A prut at Pittsburgh for the Del aware Mutual Safety lusurance Company of PbiU adelphia. Fire Ruka'upon building* and merchandize of every description; land Marine Risk* upon hull* or cargoes of vessel*,' taken upon the inott favorable terms. ir?-Office in the. Wa rehoa »e of W U Holmes A Uro., No. ‘J7 Water, near Merkel street, Pittsburgh. S I£—The snceeat of this Company since the estab lishment af.-tbe Agency in thUeiry, with the prompt ness nod liberality with which every claim upon -them forjosa hat bceu adjusted, fully warrant the agent in lofitinK the confidence and patronage of hi* friend* and the mmnmftitr at large to the Delaware M 8 Insurance Company, while il ha* the additional advantage* a* an' Institution among the moat flourishing in Philadelphia— as having an ample pfid-tn capital, which by the ope ratiou w il* charter a constantly increasing. a* yield ing to each person insured hia dne ahare of the profit* oTthe company, Without involving him in any kespotv* sibility Whateven;ahd thenfore as possewing Ihe Mo* tnsl principle divested of every obuoxlous icatm*, and in it* most attractive form. ttovg ~mK ASD HABUE UIVRASCE, ■ THE lusaraace; Company ofNorth America, through iu duly authorised Agent, the subscriber, oiler* to make permanent audUmited Insurance ©a property,'in this dty and iu vicinity, and bn thipmenu by the Cs : nal wm River*. ■ DIRECTOR!*. John C Smith, Fresh Jtamnel Brook* - Alex. Henry i ; Charles Taylor Kam’l W Jones, Pgm’iFfimith Edward Smith -! Ambrose White John A Brown j Jacob M Thomas John White ..**{» » Njf: , Tbo'a P Cope Richard Wood a Wm Welsh AnburOCoffin,Ree. This is the oldest Imranee Company in- the United Sums, having bden chartered in 15W. Its charter id perpetual, and from its high, experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of an extra hat. ardoue cbaracteriit may be considered as oderiug am ple security to tho public . MO3EH ATWOOD, C. I At the Counting Upon of Atwood, Joses A Co„ W*- ter and Front streets Fituburgh. apUWlf ■ i lasunAarcE against fibb. ?MIB AroericuA Krit Insurance Company-Office, . No. Ti Walnut street Philadelphia; incorporated A 1810—Chatter perpetual. t „ Insure Building*, Furniture, Merchandize, and prop erty geueraJiy,.either in the city or country, again* loss or damage by fire, perpetually ur for limited. peri ods, on favorable ;terma. I DIRECTORS. ' John Sergeant i Manmel C Morton William Lynch; : Adolphus Fcrte* : Thomas Afliboiia' George Abbot, John Welsh, Jr; ‘ Patrick Brady, •John T Lewis.- BAMUELC MORTON, President.- ■ Fxaxcts D lixytEß, Beerrtory.i. . . . ■ Urdera fot t iu.«nrance by the abpve Company will bo received nndJlniuroocua "fleeted by the undersigned, aaeiil for Fituburgh.: GUO ,COCHRAN, novl7«fifr* ' 11; Ol Wood st "RBAWKMfIf FIRE INOURASCIS CO. -fl*iUv4*rft!tkh>i Hre Ituimuice Company, or t'hUuileJ will make Insurance, per maiicnt.oiid Imuicd oireVery deKripiibrtof property, in I'iiuburvh aud the •unrounding country, on favorable tertju. fhU com* p»ny ho» a perpetual charter, j , b.p'l.l, I ; . , waionopuilln Contingent, Fund ■ \ #^XJJJOO '«■*' - ' ' OffipoVoracf ol tljird aud Markel tfrerU.’PUub'jjh. >pl iW . {• : WARRICK MARTIN, AgciU. KECK • DAVEirOKT, cak btiuiua, cums.'ias, onto, MANUFACTURE to order Pa*sejij*r and Freight . Car* of the most approved description, at reason i able price*: Uji menu* of the Canals, Railroad anil River, they are enabled to ship upon reasonable terms to all point* in the WctL Their work will Ire warrant ed equal in ail} respects, Jo any mnde lu (b* United States, All orders.punctually ezecoted. i I i KECK A DAVENPORT. : ttorff-Om | ■ {Formerly of Boston, Mass.} _ T RATHER—Tho ; subscriber is juft receieina up .l of 1100 aidea of New York Red Leather, of choicest stamps together with a general assortment of Leather in his line of business, curriers’ tool*. oU,:etc, All of which be;witl*r|| otrthe most reasonable Urms, ot 1M liberty »L, (opposite Olti *i.) detenm ; ; JOHN R BAYARD. r TUB GREATEST BOOK OF THE HBABON- Dr. Webster * Great American Dictionary of the 'English Language, ctuaatocen, containing ati that the former edmon*?. pjp* 3, and for sale by dtJAlAhl DICKEY ACo- • ' iaofl' No, 4# Water at. " <.II bum fiipp " : W i. BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. „ [ NEW BOOKS. , rpHE Convict; or the Hypocrite Unmasked; by 0. P. ■ ; A R. Jame# v £sq l . ; . Jock Asbdrt; by E. How'ard. author of Batlia Ihe Reeier. " ‘ J 1 •>. The Star if the Fallen; by Curtis, author of Bijuk Plumedßiflebten. ... . i Maria Figure Head, or the Lady of Green and C h AI eJ 9* n Y< of ‘be U. 8. N. . —The Bandit's Unde, or the Maid of Saxony; by 'Lotnsa Sidney. ! Stanhope, Author Likenesses,*' Ac. .V LemHa Lynmore, and Sir. and Mrs. Woodbridge; by Miss Leslie, j Ixindo'tt Qtmrter.y Review. ' k - ' Union Magtixiiie for December. 1 ' Life of Joseph T Hare—a targesupply. ' TlieMauusuvcring Mother, by the author of ‘History of a Firth.* )■ •11 The Wilfultie** of Woman, by the same. .* The Old Cdmitwxlorej by E Howard. ' i Jennette Am«on or the Young Strawberry Ctrl—(i tale of Sea and Shore; by Ingrnhiat. 1 Ksant, or Daylighu a priie tale: by JS Robb. - 1 : ] , Sir Rowland Ashton, dvol; by Clxmg. - v^!i e r?^ >len * >r * Versailles, and the Coon of Lcuttl the Xlv. | \ Flowers Personified, Nos. 9 and 10, - : | Rural Cemetericsof Atnerica.panA • MagaxinesjNewipapers, etc. . j . ijondon Pohch and Pictorial Timi*. per last steamefi. Brother Jmtalhan, Philadelphia Courier, and Yan kee Doodle Pietonall. • For sale by ’ - f ..,■■■ I WM N CaI.DWEIJa ! - dccl j 3d st, opposite the Post Office; YTBARtY READY FOR PUBLICATION At by J. A. A U. P;JAMES, CincinnetL the following new and Work*— Doniphan's] Expedition—Conuihlng n sketch of die lift of Col. A. \V. Duninban; the Couqseit of 'New Mexieo; Uen.l Kearney's mertaml Expejo% and his unparalleled March upon Cnihuahna- JOUNIsrrON A STOCKTON, dc3D ‘ Ilookjellers. cor. Market &. 3d sis. Valuable Standard WariL BRjtNDE'S ENCTCLOf.UDIA-A Detioesry of Bri. «ncT,litere»brvesve of )*«S,eMn|m<.ng aa Mcunt of tiirfepmieiples, Ae,Ae. ty Dauiet N*al, M A, revised brdoha O Cluistcs, M D, with was poetrailjooitju^ The avaoftU Body ia rtlalxei to the Mind, by Geosn Moore, M P, weather of the royal eSOtre »r Pfaysiciaas Ac. IFcslth smd ilForth* or which make* tha waa,a'rery ftp. nhr J email* work. Perils of tbeSre, hewgadeetiaf narration* of shipwrecks, Ac. I. < , RassaC't Speaker—The JeveaOe' Speaker, eowpritieg ekmeatary raft* tsd szerdse* is dveTsiaitim. wilh s Miae tioaof pistil fcr [waetlcs,by FrsaclsT Raswll,instraetor^ TktitennikineeindiaUraliW j JOHNSTON A &TOCKTON . ' alt, >_ BookHlkn,car MrJutud 3rd its 1 piCTIOfIJUUBS, Oretk, GB|l!ih, Cl**- Anlhon's classical Dictionary; Dictionary bf Greek and Roman Anii>; M'CulbHigfy's Cnaimerrinl Dictionary; l re"* Dictionary unit Su|«j-!cin,>ii!, niw,manuC*rti!te* and wines* | Webster's tk* la to Dictionary, revised Todd's Jaha*ou'» ami Walker's Dictionary;.' Worcester's IkClionary; | IJddeli and Beott's Greer Lextronj KoMnton'siGmk Lexicon ul New Tciunmi; Leießtfi 1 atia Lukuni Ainsworth'* !.a(jn Dictionary; IV ramiur and Tibbin's FreucbDictionary; Buck's Turiulofical Dictionary; Uuion Dictionary: . Th*» aboveiwjth a gvueral assortraentorTheologira), Classical. Wiieeilansoua and Hutulay He bool Books, al ways on band cud Cor sate • •>' j ELLIUIT A ENG! JSH, , deft _j_ tt,'betweeu3d A4tb. > AXIVALMBdOIFT BOOK* FORTH* HOLlDAYS—Leaflet* ofMemnrj. an illuminated Annual for I*4s edited by Itryneti Coates, M. D.. The Cbsrnj. a aeries w. graceful and elegant colored Groups, designed vxpresaiy for thla wort.- ,) .The Ofleriflf or Beauty, a prrsent for all aea son •.em bellished with eleven engravings; edited by AroehaW. Lawrence. | ' Friendship's Offering; *a Christmas, New Year, and Birthday present. „ The Garland, or a Token of Friendship; a Christmas and New Year** Present, for , 1 . The Gift of Friendship; a token of Remembrance, foe 184 S. '“I • The Gees for 1844: edited by father Frank. Christinas Blossoms and New Yean Wreaihforlftft; Thompeoo'a Season*, illustrated, IHrper's edit urn. Itosdoir Botany, or the rarlof Book of Flowers, com prising the history, description and colored Engraving* of 94 Exotic Flower*. B 4 wild Flowers of America, and 12 trees withifruit; illutftntedwitb 500 engravings The Task, and other. Poems, by AVbi. Cowprr, with: numcfousaiosustioMi Turkeymoraeco. I. Campbell's Poetleal Works; illustrated, Ae., he. Toftlbei wilh a larn and splendid assortinenlof Ju trenila Books, with colored engravings, many of whlek : re just published. For sale at the Bookstore of • ' i EM.IQTT A ENGLISH, dc3o . ;.. M3larkct st., between 3d A4th,. tiOOKI FOB T Ilk HOLIDAYI-IN UK h GUtt BINDINGS— Botany, or the Par lor BookofFlower*. ; * The Row, or Offering’* 01ft; 13 steel engravings. Anteeiean Wild Flowers, in their native hauhi*. The Snow Flake. U Myrtle add other Tales. , . <>• The Poetical Work* of Fits Green Ilallock, now first collected; illustrated with steel engravings. Just pub lished. - ... The Seaaone; by James Thorntwon,.with engmved i«- lustration*. A new and most splendid edition; Turkey morocco and other binding,. • • . - • . The complete Loudon Edition ofßobcrt Bums''«or**, containing hi* poems.' tongs, and correspondence; illus trated, *e.,*e. Virtue's edition, 8 v«- . i The cuutplata Poeoeal Works of James Motitgume ry, Mocrmilrrtm, new edition; Southey, Cooper.MU ton, Campbell, Scott, Dante. Tasso, lltnuans, aud other various editions, and in various bindings. -. . V Harper's illustrated Shakspettre. m 3 splendid vole. Tho above, with Gibers, and a largo suppjy oi Juve nile books, for aaie by • - , . . de23 - 4th »b, near Market. ■ SrnTßooki Jnat ReVelred. HEAVEN upon Earth, by Janeway, one vob . We Chamock's choice works by Lyminjriou, 1 vol we Coiociucideuees'nf the Oldjdlid New Tektamenlt by Be*. J.‘J. Blunt, It D.-one ml. Cbalraer’s MisCellauies, Poems; Essay s.Ae. • !>*» : Select works of Jam**; Venu, Wilson, Phillips and . Jar in nnolaruevoL for lha low price of xau. The Wee Church Pdtpit, 3 wl*. a ,°° .Modem Infidelity, by.gmuckcr; -. g. 1 'ldfe of David, - ' Daily walk .with God, Matthew Strong, ' .'*s Circle of Hainan Life, by Tboluck,' . Memoir'ofCharlottefaiiabcth,- ...» • The works of FrancW Turmlin* in uut original Lai* . in. to ba complete in'4 vnls; 3 vola now ready. • Willis’ Poetical works is splcfuliilTurkr y Morocco.; Tlic above with a great ,u “ received. KLLIUIT.A I^IOLWU,.'. jaiiO [PoHcopy) 50-tnaikel »t. between .tdand 4ttu yALUABLE I“ ** * JlamerV Family Librao'i 16» »oli, complete; • do Hoy's itndGirPs '. “ ■ “ t Work's of bbakespeitre, 7 voU. Svo, the bcounrul Bos ton edidoh, finely bound; ' , . • Bailer's Uvc■ of the Saints, * vol*. elegantly bound, IfannahMoor's Works, 7 vols. Exploring-Expedition, flvol* royal flvo do : do fi do do do British Essayists. H rbls. Turkey mor. backs. The abovK together with a large assortment of ele vsnilv bouiul fomily at»«l-.poeket Bibles, Common |>rayer.oll sires and binding*, all of which willhe sold lower tiian ever offered in tail market, al_ihe old stand cor 3d fc wood *t_ jet rpiAMOll PIAHOSII - TrxFVIlY'- KLfcUNKH, Dealer iu euitm Piano Fort**, rlTl jlwTWoSiweir*, No. WTliifil Nreei. The ftaiio* tqbt be examined a« all boors,' oud ihe subvert*. bi?WB .*& from U to ia, p A M, fl, P. M. eaeb day. ' • Pitub g. Oct. 22, 40 : \%> ihe'undcrKisne-l, would luformjbfl cltirena of Pitinbargh and vicinity that wchare'apixnuled Mr. M* Kleiber »ole «eut for Wettern-pennayivanla; forth* Ule of oar Plano FortM.fnmi whom thrfc majr be oh* New York, Sept. 1, IMfroctOM. _ —~~MataflcTyameffionO'--• wrinm. A SPLKNOIO wlonmenl of Row* "..|l*noe*Fr*a>*iJo*t ttitiaaed mod for aale. i ' Alo,two’tt>tendidßo«ewpod Piano* wlebrated 1 JScliaa otuehnwot, -fiiusbad-iit the i »»»l CRUSHED AND PULVERIZED , tU. _,<&& •^SSiKBtSSt^ MISCELLANEOUS. AGENCY TOD PATENTS* • WAamsoTojr. D. c. ■ • ZENAS C. ROBBINS, Mechauical Engineer and , Agent for procuring Patent*, will prepare the ne cessary Drawing* aud Papers. Tor Applicauu.for Pat ents, and; Iranian all othcrliuiihea* In the Una of hia profession at the Faient'Otfieo. He-can be consulted or all questions relating to the 1 Patent Law* and deei*- iou* in the L'uitol State* or Kurope. Persous at a dia tauce deairou* of having examination* moda at the Patent Office, prior to maiingjnpplication for a Patent, may forward (port panl, enclosing a fee of fire dollar*) a clear ataiemenl of their ease,-when immediate atten tion will be given to it, and all the infomtatum that rould be obtained by a visit of the - applicant inperson prumpUycommanicatctl. • • ■ . ' All letter* on burnt** mart be port paid, and contain a mituble fee, where a written opinion » required,, Otiice on P.*tre*t, oppo*itatbe Patent Office. . He ha* i tie honor of referring, by.penaisfioo, to - lion. i-Mmund Burke, Commissioner of Patent*; Hon II L Ellsworth, late! do '.'...••d0 H Knowles, Machinist, Patent Office; Judge Crunch, \Vashineion,.DC; . non, R Choate: Massaehuaetu, U S Senate; Hon.WAUen,Ohio;... Hon. J B Bowlin, M C, Missouri; Hon. 'Wtlhi Hall, New York; lion. Robert Smith. M C;ilImou; Hon. S Brace*. U S Senate; • Hon. J Ji Relfe, M C Missouri; CapL H M Btrieve, Missouri; Erartu* Brooks, Eiq, PiUaburgh. Great robdert-asooo reward. The President of the Bank of Cheater County was. robbed ou Thursday afternoon, December 23d, at the >V*H Chester Railroad Depot, near the comer Broad and 'Race streets,' Philadelphia, of his trunk or T*U*e; eonlainmr upwards ofPIPTY THOUSAND DQL LARS, of Iba Notes of this bank, amongst wbkb It la believed, are the following, tjz: <' ‘ tniaofSlOUO, No. 30, dated Jane 81, 1834. ‘ “ ' u . No. Si, dated Jane 84, 1834. . “ « No. CO, dated Juiie'3U> 1634- All endorsed “Par to the: order of Drexst A Co.— Win. W. Jeffries," with the letter D also endorsed oa the back-Ofemch not*.' ’ And ibmfc of the following may also l>« included, vit:., ' . ‘ put of fiIOOO,. No. 18, durdJanelf), 1334, with the letter D endorsed on the back. . .. ■ •• One of CUiOO, No; 41, dated Jana M,1834, same Uttar ..i,' • ; • b -‘endorsed.’' Oof of tIOOO, No. 44, tame date. On* of 81000, No. 04, dated, Jan* 30,1334. ; , . These savanare all the Notes of this bank of the ofioya denomlnailons that we now in olroulatlon.— Boom of the following may be included la those stolen, One Of 8500, No. 34. dated Jdn* 53.163%, with the latter D endorsed on the back. Oita of 8500, No. 41, dated Juba 87, 1834. On* of 8500, No. 70, dated JolV 3,1834. Ona ofSMU, No. W, dated July A 1334—:3 others of S3OO each, dstss and numbers uncertain. 'No notes of the above denominations wlD_be issued by the Bank until new plates art obtained.. These ear* snare all the notes of *5OO Uebtiow, in circulauon.. Tba following are'also believed to be among the motes stolen.vii:. . ; m One otfioo, No. 8903, dated March') 2.. * with the letter D One oftlOO, No. 3000, tame dku. endorsed ou the One 01*11X1. No. 200. Sept. 19,1:04, back of eaeh. One ot t£o. No. u9l!>, March d, 1b47. The Bank will give a reward of 15(00 tor the recov ery of. the money, aiid ia ptopertioa for any part there of i NVM. DAIU.LNCiTON, " President of the Bank of Chester Co. . DAVID TOWNSEND. Cusbisr. West Chester. l»a; Dee. 'hi. IW7. dlOdays ja» - IMPORTANTYO BACON DEALERS. ■f JORDAN * BON. dealers i» Bacon and Lard, •J • manufacturers of lan! Oil, and General Comtius ■«jon Marrhants, Id liberty Street, opposite Smiihneld, Pittsburgh, Pa. partionlar attenuoa to the sale of Bacon. J. J. A S. have made arrangements as heretofore, for smokiii'a and pecking bulk mead eitd bacon the present I seatou; and their long experience in this business gives 'them assurance of giving satisfaction to those entruu ing such business to their ear*. There are advantages to be derived from smoking meat ill Pittsburgh, with which., all may not be acquun- (ed it may be shipped loose from any point below with out injury, and after haring beeo smoked here, eait l>e forwarded to the eastern citiee, either by wagou or by canal, without transhipment, where It almost invariably arrives In fine condition, vnd generally commands the hiehesituarlet priev». : .By this anaagetnent there is * sewing of casks and freight on the same, which an* unavoidable expense* where Itacott intended for eastern markets’is smoked at points below, not taking into Wcrouut the fart that it arrives in much better order than wbe« packed m raxis.- It will also be bom* in that Pittsburgh is one of the best points in Ute ITnipn for selling Uarou. Evans A Swift, Junes C Hall A Co. J P Campbell. Chitlicnihe. K H lludhtit k Co New Albany. Ind. Tea*dul* A Malone. Si. lanus. Mo. + HARDEN A CO»*. PASSAGE AND XMW3m:urrgA.\eK OPFICK. I'tnout brought by tbs agency upon reasonable terms, from any part of England, Ireland. Scotland. A AV«K gait ia Pocket Ship* only- Foreign Correspondents amt ggeuts of the Biinvh IJovermiirm have frequently rsu- Uouc-d lhnlgruntrat home itud ihetr friend's hi America, '•garnet th*-fronds practised upon them, and have al ways rvfrf red to the well known boas* of lUidx* k Co,, as the right place for all to apply, if they wished to be treated'with punctuality and kindness, Panic* Who advertise- themselves sole Agents for the Black Rail 1-ine, stale what la mitrur. and. tint* deceive llie public; as v profess to be. Agents not only of the Black Ball line, but every other good Line, and also for Canard's JHeatn line. • Sight Drafts to any amount payable at:auy of the branches of the Provincial or National llank« of Ire land, England, Scotland, Ac. We draw odr own Ex* change; we da not take money and send it to the Cast to gel sow* oue rise to remit, thereby causing mistake* and delay*. Let the Broker*. Ac, call upon us, aad we will accommodate them at New York rate*.' < JOSUUA ROBINSON, European AgY oct3tf • 6th st, ud« doot below wood. CO.PARTHERBHIP. LOGAN a KENNEDY bat** ibisdsy sasceiited uiili t'utif t»i foe Hardware liunmns Pl-iliit W it* »ciu anil Ldwsrd (irrgt. Tbs style‘of firm-will l»rtr* «i(ft be Wdaau A Co. Thi* srtaiqcrmcni rro d*r* it (Wimble lu close (he old business a* toon •• poaiible. All person* whoae liabilities hate mitered, are especially requested to make uuuediat* payment. Pittsburgh, Jan. 1; LOfllS, WILIOS * CO,—lmporter* and Wholesale Dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Hard ware, Cutlery, Saddlery, ftc*.lAß,'Wood street, Pitts burgh. are now fully prepared with a .recently import-, ed stock of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac:, nr offer very rttsi inducement* to western burwvbriog determined Id compete in price* with any of the Atlantic nlies. Al so on bsual aa extensive assortment of Pittsburgh Hardware, vt*;. Shoes’.*, Spade*. Fork*, H<*s, ' «c», Jtf-.'all of which will be wld id the lowed manutac wrer’s prices.-,; • jinl DISSOLUTION. frtHU Co-paitamhip oi lb* aubacribera. under tie X firm oi lawii lioicbmun A Ox, it thia diydtr* ■olrtd by mutual consent. Either of a* wiU attend ta the settlement of foe bntutfts of tha firm, and sm >a I name fertluu porpoae. • . - .■ ~ . LinVIS;I!UTCIUNK>N, janl JAMES A HUTCHINSON. CO-PARTS ERIHIP. i fFHE OBdewgned bare ihU day farmed a Co-parmer- X aluis under tba firm of James A. Htrtcblnaon A Co, for foe parpoaa .of ceotlnoiog (be. btuineaa heretolot* etniedon by Lewi* Hutchinson Co-, and solicit a cou* tinuanee of tba patronage hitherto extended to th* House. . JAMES A HUTCHINSON. LEWIS D. HUTCHINSON. Pittsburgh. J*n. 1, IM9. : 1 - - - i CO-PARTNERSHIP, A THE sahsenbers haring recently entered iota pH partnership under the name of Gallagher, Long, A Miller, torlhe purport <*f earrywgun the Uelt lira** founding aud liar Fitting business tu all ita branches, bate takeu the atand tbnueHy occu pied by 11. Gallagher, No. IQS Front a tree', between Wood anJ SmiihEeU where they are prepared to execute all order* for Delia,' Hr*** Catling*,.oi every description, and Gs* Fitting* with neatness and des patch. Steamboariobbiitg promptly attended to. * 11. GALLAGUKR, . v S. A. LONG, * P. H. MILLED, N. 0 —The attention of MaehioiaU and Engineers ia invited to our gnu-attrition metal, for n reduced price, which baa been pronounced saperiorto Babbit's by number* who have uacd both. Steamboat builder* and tlic public, generally, »ro alao requested to call and ex amine our auparior double beuon Force-Puiupa fur •tebuibost and doowtaiic a**. GALLAGHER, LONG, A MILLER. daclTdly. ; .] DISSOLUTION— The partnership hitherto axial mg under the ttyle and firth of Wightmau ft Dal sell, U thia day diaaolved by mutual con a* ul, John Dal*. teU having disposed of bia entire intcreat to Hi Wight man. T]iv huainea* of the late firm will be **ttl •d by 11. Wigbtntan,win> D authorised to use the name of the late firm for that purpoae. It. WIOIiIMAN. aptttfilw LJuly t '47J , J.DALZELL. . THE-Subeeriber Is now prepared to mariuftictureall kind* o t Colton and Woolen Machinery, at jibe ahortcat notice.” Order* left at R. Wighunan’s Engine Shop, cot tier Liberty and Water (treat*; will meet with prompt nlteutlon. If. WIGHTAIAN, Leakok at., between Federal und Kandusky *u., i. aptaodly ' : •' ' • ! Alleghrny city. DISSOLUTION. 1»HB co-partnerthip heretofore existing between the robsenbrr* under the firm of Williams ft Dilwortb, wn4 dissolved on the tat inatant, by mutual content, j S Dilworth, to whom the aeutement of the old buri ikm i* ciittualed. will continue the wholeahle grocery Imaineu at the old atnnd, Ntt. V 7, wood n. WM. 11. WILLIAMS. . janl JOHN 8. DILWOHTH .. Pleughif Plongh Caitlßgi, WigOß Dox ; «%SM. • **( Ac* • KOUCRT the old - . 1 firm of 11. ft S.Tlatl,!* manufoc Plough Cu«tiii|'ii > Wnguu biutea, &e. with the improve inenta of the louver. Peacock, lllincl*,' and other plmigtix. of the latcat and beatpaltertia now in u*c, 1 Wurenouae, llti Liberty atrect, Pittsburgh, oppooite the iiay Scale; Factory, in Allegheny city, near the Coitou Factory of&lekar*. Ulackatock, Jlclf ft Co • dclsly SUPERIOR SniRTING BIUSLINS-W II 'MUIIPHY. N. K. eoriK-r of 4th and Market tlrccU, t all* attriitluii toihe #u;*erior long cloth thirling mu»* ia aelling at l'J| cU pr yd—ul*o, hi* *upcnor a*- gorunentof IHiSII IJNENS, warranlcd pure fiax, aud ohhemoatßimroVed manufacture. Al«o,'Linen of-erer)' quality, and a full asaorimeot of ft iAdiea cuuibrle handkerehieft.; janff NOTICE, 1 I.L rer«mi knowing tbcm«ehrr« Indebted to the Ij A. uje »f Use Uio A. uravOfJr, tleeewed, are hereby toealleotl reide tlielr account*, and thoae bar* Inrclaioia *|*m»t the Ealaio, will piem t them . dnly aathenueaied «or Mtflewent to the »abacrjbef,ui the warehouse of John Irwtn&Sona, Notl Water at. . tlcidflar _ JOHN lUWlN.Kiccut-r BOTIOK. AUAKRP.L of Lard marked 6, w»leklnj about ¥74 lb*. mat takes by auauke from tbeliadiaf on Fri da; Uki,Jllih in»L >aid ba-rrlbrjo&g* to ibe uearaer Cambria. Any information fivenwbere iiean beiosad will be ihaaiwlljr received by Ike *ab*enbei*.. ... I ifORAVTII A Co. rmiiutgh, Pfc.aa, ibi7> «»Ie * few btlei'Weftera f»«w York growthofiSW—from 8 to 10 fccuu: • > Ar*9| 'Ei(lijrn toil We item N Y, eerlf picked, thii veer* growth. ‘Prime Ohio do, XUbaool court)’;-'— • ! - j *fbe general Partem crop of ibeeeuaa it bow being received. Brewer* tad other* uiing Hop*, will And u i touch to their advantage to obtain their Juipply 6cm the node reigned, u they intend to tell throonoot the aca jou it iWlftakppco. : • O. W.S&UTIihCo, PingbwghSmrcrr, i -‘e- vu MEDICAL. .BALTEB’ft GINSENG PANACEA! ' nto THOSE -SLTFKRINO WITH DISEASED X LUNGS.—The' unprecedented ■neees* 'which pa* auendeii the u»e of the f! OINSI?tfO PANACEA n alftlte various forma which Irritation of the luagahk *unie*, haa induaKttha proprietor call atten tion to tiii*: i WONDERFUL PREPARATION. ; Ttie cbangable wejalbor which mark* our fail gad winter months, is gl|wsy* a fruitful source of COLDS’AND COUGHS. j These, If tiegiaciedJ are but the precursors of that fell destroyer, . • ' ;i • i : COSUMITION. Tba question, then. how abMl we ulp tha dettroyer ia the bud? how shall we. gat dear of our coughs and • adds? U'of vital Impbstance to the pobfic. ■ J-THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY willbe'joundlnthe' GinsengPanscea. luproofofthi# wa have front time to tirne.publlshed the eertifloaies ; of dozens-of our best knowu eltiren*» who have ekperi ebeed j|s ejuativajpower*. These, with 'ft mass of pis tir^dS)icAL E! afi-:N*of Tin: fi'iwt standing, Miniate fa of tho Opspeljfce.; together with copious no- Ucetfrom Uio I • ‘ • .. !!. .! JOURNALS OF THE»AY, . . . kra-have, embodied iu pamphlet forts, and may P* ban. gr.tt.of “^ro^uthrog^ut.becou.uO throughout iba Untied States aud Canada, and we «», leogo any man to point out n - ■ • - . • j ' ■ . : r SfNOLE LNSTANCE. . o whlcn, when taken according to directions, and be- ; : fora (be longs had become fatally disorganized, u hu ever failed to - n i [EFFECT A PERFECT CUBE. ■\Vhy. then, need iba alfilcted hesitate? Why resort to foe uuserahle nostrums, gouen up byuaknown individ uals under the alißmad name of soma celebrated phy sioiaa,.aad pofied into notoriety by certificates of per sona equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of , UNPARALLELED EFFICAOV - is to ba had, whose vouchers are at home,—our atfgh twrsA-manviof whamUbaa ' . ■ t SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE In order that'this tnvalaabie medicine may be placed within the- reach of the poor a* well the. rictq we have FIFVT OUWTSi • just one - half tho usual oost of cough medicine*. It U for sale by oor agent* ia ueariy every towaaiul village over tha west, who are prepared to- give lun 'infonna tlon relativa te it. : ’l. 3ALTLR, Proprietor, . •: ; ’ ' Broadway, Cincinnati, Omo, . Abthma, or difficulty ofbueathino»— This diakaie is caused by a paroxysmal «en*truc tion of the air cells; it is veiy debilitating, almost caus ing suflbe scion.' DK. PANACEA is the otuy cenain sure; - ■ ' Hoarseness can be entirely cored by s free use of Dr. Sweetaer'a Panacea. , Catanb, or eommou cold, which, tf neglected, wfll terminate iu Consumptien. is effectually relieved and cured by Dr-Swecuer** Panacea. •. Bronchitis, if unrbecked, will effectual! r leid to Bronchial Cousunrption, but a timely use of Dr. Sweet* seFs Phnaeea will effectually cure It. ' ‘ ‘ inflammation of,tbe-Tonsils or Sore Throat—Thu disease orten leads io serious consequenee* from neg lect such As ulceration of the throat.-On the firetsymp lotns. Dr. SwcaUer’a Panacea should be procured and used freely. , - , •' j ‘ ' Cougbt and Colda find a sorereigit remedy in Dr. Sweeter e Panacea; < ' Pneutuotua Notha—A very fatal disease, resulting from a violent dough and ccluon a debilitated Or bro ken down constitution; aged peraoue are auhject to it.— Dr. Sweeter’* Panacea should be used ou the lirat aymptatna, which are a conffb or cold. NiahtSwcau—rbia debilualing complaint wul meet with a timely check, by uaing Dr. SwteUcr’a Panacea. Consumpuon:—lf ou the Aral appearance ofcortaump live aymriom*. which are a nain iu the aide and breaat, cough or spitting of blood; ii Dr. Stireetaer’* Panacea is frectyuaed, no danger need be eppwbemled. When tha Lung*, the Windplpn, or Bronchial Tubes become clogged up with phlegm so as to imped* respi ration’or breathing, Dr. {iwetLcr’a Panaeca. which is a powerfol Expeeiorant, should be takeu according to the directioua. •; : f , ' Influenza.—'Thia distressing epidemic, so prevalent to our eliaiaie, isepeedily cured by Dr. Swertaeris Pana cea. ‘ price'*! per'lxutlc. or aix bottles for W. . For sale l»y WM. JACKBON. kU Liberty it., sign of the biffliooi. g novStsly 13IPORTANT TO THE LADIEH>-CHine»* llair. Cream, a match|c<* article for th« Growth, Bcautyi.abd jleaiocutiou of the Unir, Tliia Cream, whm arice kirown, will tapererde all other articles of the kind row 'used. When the hair u dead, harsh, thin, uuhValthy,-or tuniitie grey, n frw applications will make the hair soil ami dark, and giro il a beatiiul livdy.ameaninec; and will alwtnake it retain lie life line** qauUiealthy color twice as long as all tha prepn ratious'wMeh 1 are jjc-iierallv list'd. Ever}’ latly and L'rutlcmaiit who arc in the habit oi usiny oil* on their, bair. s|iobM at once purvhaMi a bottle of the Ctiineae. Hair Cream, as it u ta composed tlist it wHFnot injure - the hair likA those other pteparaiiona, but will beauttiy it. and give period saustacuou m every instance.. For te'auniphy to Its very superior qualities, see the following letter from Rev. Air.‘Caldwell. Ui^lcasr*. . lieiuforsbnu •* Mretrh. Naxhville,Ueneral Agauuior the Weateru t'lstca; fromitbe Rev. R. Caldwell, pastor of the Pres btteriau Cbntch. Pulaski. i Mc*»rv HciutcrshoU ft Stretch-Gentlemen: I take pleaaore ita adding my teatimony |n favor of the excel led prrparntiou railed Dr. .I’aiw'e Chiueae Hair Cicatt>L.(br about two year* ago, my hair was very dry, brittly. to come out; but haring pro cured a bottle of (lie Cream, atul used it according to the preacriptioo.\ my bair ia now aotL clastic and' aim to the bead. Many balaams and: oils were applied, each leaving myVoair in a worse state than betote.— Thia Crestn.boweter', ha* met ■ty expceUtion*. i Aa aa articto for tba Toilet, tiiy wifegiyea it prefer rnreover all othcrei being delicately perfumed, and not iorannitiiT. ' ilia lailiev etpreinU) will tind liar Cbincae Crenut to lx- a .dt-sukratum tn ibrirprepa rcjtion* bir tlic toiict. Ur*|tectndiy, Ac., i Ih»laiki.Jai..:7. IW. K CALDWELL.- I try Sold wholesale and mail, ia Pittsburgh, bv John M. Townscml, Noi Iff Market street, apd Joel- Mobler, corner of Rood and Filth aireeie. . . . jniltf., pOSICMPTIOX ARRESTED—To those al \j dieted witbrlfisraiwofibe iumgs.—This is to certify leTthose'ai&icieU with the first pmuonllory symptoms of CohsumpiiurH iital l bate been dabwriug.un several years,with a bronchi, aoreu*** of the throat and hoarse*, nets, 'f iiued mattr tncdlciaes, but found no reltefin any brenareilan or medicine, until I made ua* of DR. DUNCAV* KXPECTURANT: REMEDY. I hare been using this valuable medicine for severe! years, awl always find it ta relieve whenever i uskause of it. Mj bceupatiou h* an' Auctioneer, which keep* me alftuwt cotisiantty engaged, rouses tny disease, at tunes, ta be cone .very felanung, When 1 utonre procure this nwuUeiae. 1, therefore, take:pleasure mmakiugthis pulilic. xutemrnt,.that-other*, affceted.wiih disease of the lungs and expectorant, orsaa*,'*nay know foe vir “(o** of this "all healing remedy,'* anil may be cured.— I have; recommended Dr. Duncan’s lapertctrant llem*- dv to tuaar otuir mendAsoueot whom owe their live* lothihmrdiruir. JAME» lIEVMT, Somerset, Ohio, Oct. 11.1H1S. The proprietor of the abate znedicme wonld al*o .r«- fof id' foe undersigned peraous, who .reside in Perry . cootuy, - ou. whom any. pereon may eaU upoit and be eoflvinrcd .»Jt*t..foew ar« Tinoea found m the shove tnedieine that cannut l>e sixeellcd; David Culbertson, Somerset; Dr. B b Blune. do.; Frkn* cia Gollber. Jackson, tp ; 'Mr.Tmrimef. do.; Geo. POU bare.l'Falllieh' township; Jrrrod Davison, 'Hopewell. TSfSvNCANS WISTKIIN OFUCE, ISO Sjt amord Street, Cincinnati, Ohio- . • Bold : in Pittsburgh by W.M. JACKUON, 89 Übeny *U bead of Wood st. _nplWiwB^ rpHß* HOST ASTOURDINO DXBCOV- X ERY-A U:ni.nr! AMtrecle ISA Weuderl! —To car* ErepUoav and Diafigaremenn of-the Bkm, Piirplea. Freekles,Baubnni, Bait Rheum, Seurvy, Sore Heads, Ac, Foar yeavs ago. lasi AogtuM.the capttaiof France arak hstoniehefi in eonaequeuee of a discovery made by an Italian Chemist. Many-doubted—it seemed almost «n.impossibility fom anything madsby the hands of mas; coalfi have such sinjmlar poweia.as foaiclattAed by Antoaia Vespriaifor.ni* inveatioo. Many elaafod him and his Utreoiloo a* a humbug, land, alas! many foolish persons wifooot trying do the remu now,fat length, after tasting Hto the hospitals, foo Medical po eietf of Par!»(Uioibe*ichemisulathe woridjdelivercd foofoUowlngrepoiUoßignOfVesprinit- ; • >: -We have now. minutely and carefully.examined foo, autiaiar mvemloiof VeiprioL Wa have analyxtdlts componeut have used it in se verel cases, wul we hesitate not to pronounce it (foe Italian CfaemlcaJ Poanl m a groat blesaitig. aud 4 uuly wootterfa* rente dy tor; any eutaneou* eruption or fosfigureiaept of foe sklD.’i llxinvriitorwe coosidar Ue trua philaaforepwt I *' LEOTOtD DUrREV iA . '-’Pfesldcai ll i . ' | ' . . READTIIIA , From foe mvealor himself to foe present Proprietor. Pans, Nov; 4) HHO > ncensidmlien of for earn #f SOJWO,! bkvadirub' ar lie Mr.T. Jonai, residing iruhe city of Nesk York. N A., the whole procen of manufacturing} together w th a statement of foe Ingredient* composing my Ital ian Chemical tfoap. Heii lomonufaeture it for sale in the United Stale* only, and to have the pnvi}ef«e( na ming iF'Jone*' Italian Chemical Foap.” T Wiinns: HHiry J k Holdeworth. • ■ ' ; (digued) . ANTONIA VFJ»PRINI Ot>Bold by .W JACKSON; at hfs Patent Medicine Warebouar.M Liberty atreet,.head of Mood, at iba sign of the. Big Boob , JUd Tile'only place in Pittsburgh whore foe GENUINE can bk obtained. AH ruber* are Counterfeit; - PEACE J PEACE ft ' • . sot pi uuico. :. , -BUT IN EVERY MOTHER'S HOMESTEAD. rpHß.undersigned ha* long been convinced of lb* i-.-neee*sity. lor soma medicine adapted to the usy of Children and Infant* to suptreedethe use of mil |hu*n inejibin>» which contain opium, and ha* at length 4ue« evaded iu preparing and olft-ring to the puhtic. a mrdi« rine joby ausweting.evenr purpose toalldUeasesofiha bowel*, Without the use of iliudeleteriousdrog, or any other calculated to injure in the least.. The |o(«at Paul '■res' has been fully tested and tried, the IfUt t'-Telv* mouth*, by numerous person*, ami fonnd ip posses* all tlm'rxiraordiiuih' finite*, and to produea all theaston*. ikliihg ciTeet* *>» set forth on the bill of ditectiou*. aftbaa, •.Vomiting, Cholic, tiripiug, Pains, Sickuasa and Disease* amid* from Teething, acting immediataly without-disturbing any of ihe tunction* of tlic body, producing the "happiest' and mast pleasant transition trout: violent pain tu a tranquil and Joyous state: of Brew ing in the little Wtf.-rer. ..... 1 ‘hi be had wholesale and retail, of the Proprietor, Dr. J MIN SAHGANT, Druggist and Apothecary; John, it itchell, Elliott A Ueekjmm. and non other Urog*i*l» it Allegheny ajtd Pittsburgh... , drcl3 |n PstitU Bbwk pamlte ea»» with which it may be'wora. The p»4*i wood being neatly baianead on tpringt, yielda\®prt». •nto'oo any part of ii. andtbfltoijghly adapt* jtt«ifte I •ay movemealinade by the wearer. It'can be worn wlvboot tnierfflUtiODf aniil t care is effected, The tab •o liter* batenode eTTaagcment»:for the. namffsetnre of Uie*e taluabla Tnmea, la a aspenor *»!«, in t'tuia. W- ■■ . ' f4.Ylp; , BHfntTomC^ArUfrnt M Q»w M t«k. 4 probM (^ < lMUrtilkf'WMllrt «UfDlMk, ii or, ftrtHt mtontia ui prmmik* 4 tU *n»vb»ir. VV?a k»«w el nM>M BMaßm vkm Ur has bear mtor«4 lo bn4i «Ues km ben fa«M tor ynfft 1 u 4 wi lUofe'** nuot 4* tq mn—wl to »H «w ntitn «Utf Mk«t tnM oftkia To«le baat*4utoty Baton* at &• takia HtTt MnWHiWHW ..... ' MrtifcwT .!{ *‘ i - A*. i. MISCELLANEOUS. I SELLER'S IMPFSUAL CObOH power to cure? :.f Pmsanmu, beb.H.lsdf • -IL'E. Sxtxxas:—My wifo beciilubjecl to a distressing eoaghtnccompMucd with a»thfoav'<>< the eureofwbichsite used different cough and had foe advice of the.mosl tamßent physicßuvi.iu England, Jmt aU wn* By.xhaace l; your Imperial Cough .Syrop,apdw« iaducedfo buy a bottle ibr trial, although I had ao bchet foot aifribiifo could remove her eompWat/To.ipy pcat.*«?.”•*» two doses gave herimmedißte' troubled wuh a cougb, but«wo icaipoonsfal oro nip always stops il . 1 am satisfied, after a ujal ot "J four years, that Soller’a Cough Syrup is fo» i c v 25 medicine I have ever'uied either la foo Old ol Jiew World - iWii. FxiBBOCaS*, .. SeVen* Ward, city of Wtbfofogb'” = The abov«"centfical» ahonldj »nda« all troubled with cough or gsfoaia,fogre*.fo e sL It may be had .for as cents th* dreg. store of. • * SoM by DrCasael,Sfo’wUnl,’aoi D H Cnny. AUe gbanycity, • ■■ ;• i l ' . ’• SELLER'S. \T-BMIFCGEV* Tl, ?'j re^J? f ;* 1 - Thii Uto certify. that; after - using different Pjjf* l *-. K rathe cociienu of one vial to three,of w cfoldreo. dm 'the first, aged 6 years, ft expelled from foe accent,kf years old; Jtyand from foe tWrd, U year*, old, ltfo. making worm* exßelied.by.usuig butonaviaL' I recommend B«liers*;>eanifugel •*;« safe and one of foe most effectual Worm be fore the pubUe. ■ . I HcouMoaww. Prepared and sold by RIS SEfXERS,-SCO 47 Wood street ' Sold by Dr. Caasel.fith wardj .D M Curry, Al leghcny; WtUiain J Smith, Tempfereiiccvtlle. jal«, Boeton'Mode of Hoatlßff Home*. ,s MR. O. DKXTEIW of Bo*«oa,jba» anyH*«l t«P*- tented a plan for Keating hob**, whien baa been *ueoe|iiiilly w4in,Uoi»a t N«w' r Yofk. Ac n *ml *rber •t« applied, baa feeeired lb* decided preference over turret, Furnacet,eiC-' lu adraattgee V®“ ;/ ■ lit Gre« ref alaiity of temperature. y. , . td. Kreodon ffon moke.' - 3d. Nompleaaantdrynoe*-: > ,4tb. -Eaeily to and nil liable to gel out of ■’ .order.' • fith: Great durability. ' f ' 7 . , • A model end epceiflcalioo may be a«en ind eppara taa obtained iftho copper end Ttownrojeciory of -\vm » «t, i between wood and market. , CAUTION TO TII» N. York ,and-FfaiJadelpbie Peakin-3** Co. uood Hus certain pef»oa» cUimiiw theexcliuite right» mU their Tea* u»thill city, would •tat* that'they ; htroiabandoaed *ome time unce, the exeluriae agtncr eyrtera, andlhat’ neiher Mr. Jayne*. Dodgla** .* Co* nor any .other ebaeern.bae a right »o claim any exclaure pnrilcjaa wwb ibfejr iwa. The general Agent of the Company, MnJ.JI. Stock dale. i» now aiMeMuter'i, Kaglc Hotel, Liberty *L,, Pifttburgh, ready to receive order*- All Tea* eold by. thiaCompniiy.are warranted equal to any eoM in tho United Stale*. anino peTmeniTrequired until, bdyct* are euiirely *alUfi*d a* lolbe fact - .• : « : Principal WarehooM;of the Chopany r No. WXortb Front *treet,'Philadelphia. *■ i\ ■ ' - M’CAMOXT h BOXD.. Card of Thanks. - i UTE beg leave to sympatbiieiriih the persons who, Tf (dunngthaabiene*ofou-r| Mr.'McFaden from borne) oil the night of the fcth insu entered out dfiice and met with each bad suece» u). breaking. .open oar drawer*; having found but’shoal C3G GsUiopolis, SIS dinner’s and M Bier's Bank of Hagen, town, 94 counterfeit coiojutd about fty© in good cop per*. While w* regret i they bed *o mash labor for nothing, w# «o*t at the eemo. lime' return ourthatiks for thetr gentlemanly couree inteariitg our pspersand books so little disturbed; a* wslUhev* no tojury haa been done except what [was tteewearr to satisfy them iri asp no motet. "We also candidlyinfonn them and oihera engaged in the same basin ess, that we never had and never expect to bavo .at; Bay. one time, sufficient money on hand to induce ■aitjr.'luan to rob U*; This avowal may save ‘•GcuUmenoflUe Profession" much trouble in future. We would b* udder further obhgm turns to those who cuiereJunr office, if they would in form us what the watchman of ths beat was dolriff while they were busy. • JM> McPADEN A CO, janUdh • j. cchnal basin, penn »U Vslllni off la ClbM BoslMsi. ; > VTOTICK It* MERCHANTS and tha Public gener i>ally. dollars worth (if jteady’tntuTe clothing, cloths, eusimerei; saimetU, vestings Ac he, to be sold privately, at cost and-onder, uatSTTursder, tat day ot February next, at which limn the'remaining pontou 01 our stock will be closed at auction; ..laicuunyr.lo close our business la this cjtycn of jbefofe.lhe lint day of March next, ws ofler tho whole or odr extensive stock of clothing, cloths, ce**iofores, •htinette and vettings at and below cost, on terms to mil dealers. Oar stock of piece goods having been purchased but this season, will l>c found to comprise some ,of the latest styles as well as the most desirable articles for Merchant Parlors. All persous having claimtagalntiihefiruTwin please present them for payment,! and those Indebted- are re quested to call aud-settle their accounts by the 23th inst, a* uo.iurther indulgence can or will bo given. * ! ANCKtdI A MAYEE. jaiffi ■ 70 Woods!,, fiuttb’g. Pa. DMSOLtITIOK. ItllF partnership subsisting betweeu the sulucribert, inner ibe style'wt.PouiacxierjA Co., *>4» diislved byfeoiual cons* nu'oh-tha. l*tlt last; and the business of he eonreru witlbecloied by K W. Mftudcxwr sad C II Grant- \ K W ruiMJtXTER. ■ : ACULBKRrsuN, dec* \ C U GRANT. tJO-PAUTSKIIimiP. TUP! snbscribera' wbl bon* *.->r business mi the old staud, 1 . No 41 water St ‘-.i .» c«uet,aaoer ihe style u< • Poindexter Ca**; t R !" ..-CIIEXTIIR, ..• decf9 • \ -ANT. llardware More ucneved. YITHITfUOKH A WOLFFhkvm* removed from the VV corner of filbert? and. St Clair sireeu, to No-AO Wood street,thice-doors above vt Charles Motel, weald respectfully ask 'the aUcaltoa M.bayen totheirnock of lIARUWABR, CUTLERY andiSAUULEKY.Kc’d per ships Saransk. Aloooagahcta and Russia, 4{fest ftwuthe nana/acturent of England and Germany. ••• Alfo,»eppUf*oi' Ai*»etirau.its'ia;ded!lcr'm Clocks,Comt*, sod Variety Coeds, keep* coa'iaiAfy on bud, of hi* own manawetare, over* description ot bill, Mahogany nod Common Luoiinc.Ulu^e«; l |',» 3. i, and* drawer Toilets;.(•taraaadoTnameniailpofttfeiftatnea. . Ail kinds of Uloekßi Trays; uil \Vuteri, ia. sella or dosouj Cocot«.Tfcrvadsrßfld-a general aaaonoept of Fanejr Goods, wbo4caata,at a wail advance on coi- Pedlars and otters supplied with Phelps Cbnn-SCUr riePs Prints, and lu by i 4 frame* at New } ork prices - myati • " Not •^rwoodondmhau. : JQIVIOIBHPv . . Oina or tn aubok*xt Bvmi Cq , > : • Pmsirvott Jan; 1,1*4.4. ■ J T«* President and Manager* of theCompon y, for erecting a Bridge oyer. the,; Bivef. Allegheny, opMMite Pittsburgh, in tbs County of Alitijbeny, have lfus day declared a dividend of two dollars on each shore of the Capital-Stock standing in the name of individuals on the books ofthe Company, toot of the profits of the last six months, rrhi«U will bephjd to the btockboldets, or heir legal representative*^on or Softer ihoJUih last jaarimfcvra . JOHN HAflmLTreas; DB< B,'VV.MQttaxa,HVUHOPATHIBT,'»ouIJ ..respectfully inform his frteuds aml (he eiurens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny that he! has decided to remain iu the f ire, during tbs winter, and is prepared to treat patients placing lieiovelvc* trndvT his care, according , to the system as practised at ail Water Cere Establish ment*,'Jdf aithbr Acute or Chronic diseues.'/ ’ntoM wishing to- avail themselves of hi* amices will call at Mr. MiUtrX.curner of Liberty at! and Even's alley, - t>r. M. bav treated several severe cases of disease la 1 this city with great success, to .which he is permitted to 1 refet* - ~1 * •' r noraf • QALEfiATUtf ANDGLUEPACTUBY KUHBALfc' o”‘lhe Administratonoft;e loie Jaree* Mctanghiln, offer for sale Wo establishment ifid*t«iq Nipth Want, formerly carried Oft by hi to, ut huiifs thae, «a a Seim tea andOiae-Factotlf. fhawarksare incomplete enter for cart) tugoo (he [>tUiness,'vnu» Mtures,Ac,aadvrady ■ forcommeuciDca: anytime, A ; libe(alcreditwiil t* 1 :gmm and all panleslan made kcown-hf calhbg aa cither of tha audetagoed. , JAMES ULAKELY, ••' JUIINJUTCHELL, *!“* " yi'- -!' ': Adioimstretori: MaSter, drug gut andapoth- Xr a»o 6th su., lltu burgh, will k*ep constantly otjt hand, drugs, points, Otle, dyo-stuff*. ele. ' N.li—Pbystem&'s-prescrtptKUUearefuliyconpoujKL «d from the best aorenalst ht any hour of the day or night Also, iui aseortmeqt ot pirfouwry, fiMtQQ&JMIf ami cloth brushes,; etc.., .which ibe wilt icU* four for cash:, - : .. ! .togyl-'- TWItMBHIKG on hood tnov X; oonstent orgftods spitablslfor fumiahinf hotels, steamboat*, Ac., among whith are 13 bales tickings. a»* foned; 0 do bro. drilQtnK « csae«'s>t and M beached ahtrtlo(*il4do|,| and:¥4;' dof‘4 bales Ucavy tiMa crash; 7-4 and B-4.lin«u'ulile.diiipct; do. do-lianusk; Scotch and; Rutau.diaper, law-priced fiuwymadder prims; \vßi I .fc •' : V hn» opened thf in tlitftutftli. Umue, niiii nii toutelT n««r •ink oi ll U r«. tmJ Cfmfcw Stir t»M jnlin •nl .luc.l ■IJIn. n«««;k.eM m%cij in : |S."«« maimer, - .< r-i-'' . ■ irlllv pAu'WMumpgitcjfessrssr i c Ln -JpV pud Hum »l*Oj*wiPTa«»,' Bale Rope, ~ •, x • J WTCnxptviPr. -•• '■' W»yn««r;twwceftneun ; \ :XVormwuiplea«e pretput thoni'fot payment, and uiwe «ulebtetl-i» u« uoiXouling their aeeouoU on or n * , i will l* dealt with according to law. •* :'■' j A MAYta. fc ,WmTE-rl>rv?Oooda JobbfT*, W. O Wood «Vb*T« on hand a'will aMork-tTaud aeawo abta 'ttoefc of DKY GOODS, 'whkhihey will to amt e«y merchant*, o« r«ry veudbaMo tom*, i Wo»it»ftbe«t*>d* were boughtd«VW the Imimouth, and attedneed pocci. : :. j>l O AliBSMiUr. Awhotaaalo 817 Q t*aod# Hew in yhMddelplia.-flaaacqßainled won the WMiera and ttanheqt tfeotfaajtd UU« irate weald contaaad acoodiaiary—for fenherparnoulaijriaaeua of ' • j BTMORuZSv - j »■' ' 1 1 kqcKiifKfu-aoo baga priiue n« a Rio «olfca; 75, U" olmu-and half rbeat* Tre*h gfienteaaj 13UU>x»*i la» Ida S« p |b lamp* tobacco, so kep 0 twin da. wub a 1 general anwruueut of sracenea for wto by. -!, ; : .--r- 1: '• janr_ . _;OHN.WillWVOKTUt'Wyoad.ai^ milK Waidcoiaraiilre* appointed to naka eoUahtlnasl X' for the relief of the wiflenirt.bytha .flood# otrthe Omo, are teqaMled in reporttthetr collection! m courMofthe'enlraiftirwnkio f W BAKKWfiIJU,' ‘ jan 10 Icitr P«P*T» pleitac copy.), OTn.Of Com : Bteelfitefcfwapnainga aery |en«t«( atiirtintnt ; rha atteniiou of Mapbaiuu and *ao*«atri*eijeiiilii Iclaeitcd. „. • *x?J;• UtVAHM S&n6»Y v! • ie>t ?.. '•• it '"'lßtwM• tm«i -w * ■°»«d j«4».r/TC. : KUKDEXTEK * Co, i :• .l7:'..:TTi m j ] Tki i VOL. XV. NO. 142. HOTELS. MumiS HOWlt' ; LIGHT STREET UALTIMO] roooASDTai***ros l rnoi>arcwa.': 1 • mt* Tins establishment long and widely. known -as Par beitir one of the most wnntnodioos in the city of JS& Bnlukare,:-h**.receaUy“a4deijoa*.vtTyftXiao sive-alterations As enure new wing has bees' added, containing onmeroos aad airy steeping apartments. andextensive bathing noo. . ■ The Ladiesf deparaacutluu.sJsp been completely l reorranutd -and'fiUedup is i mast onions sad Mantt- ’ foi Kyle/-la ibex tbewhole.anang«ipenitrf-th* Hoses has been msMltted, with a KSgte- eye oa .tbs part of the proprietor*, towards the -comfort -tad pbasareof iWir Guest* and. which .tbay coaMendr Mrert wfll cbaUengecooiparisoawithanyHoteliiauetlaua:’- - ■ .-• TheirtaWewxHalmynbsaoppUedWahL'bvary sub stantial nndjtuwnr.whieh.tb* W*4_**»d*- wrtA op in a superior in the way of TOacsi they wiUoMbesarpassed.- • • ; *i.v A"* '-/-....v. . . fete asiitiahi* to render thuHorel worthy, the eon iintwdpairoD^e.ofriieirJhcndaaM_ri«.pTttief«»-: - e r T£sprie*e far board hare also kkvLjstoiX* to tbs - «M, TVtfoa J of Ae iCtoM.wffl »!-. ways bs’ found at tS I -Car aad BteSiaboal Lsnrtinfa, . which mu convey baggage to and bom Urn HoirijiJres of charge.: - '-" . ...'•- - "• ' “g”-' PEAHLATHEEfWMt' -y-.x JKkaowa sstahliahsMst. beg d*b*»Oo«titei® their .. ert chair be* energise to tankertea.derirahiahmae fw Trevtllra and City Boarders;. ■■•>■. The Ilolefis spheiocs and admirably • Teuiesce, light end airfhavisf a noAOer of. s^- joining .chambers,. preeeatisg snnaoal nttreefipaa. to:. families.: ■ -t , .Tie preaftnt .prephewre hating; had thdwgpjrioMa ofjrean in thieeuy and elsewhere. hope tb«J\wiU bo . able to jive noeral laristethßV Mingflßtetiß^edto..- giTe.nndiridedattentionlo-thebcaae.alooey.. The locating of the Petri fltregl Hoose u sneAiignP- , ly eligible, having fronts on PearV Waiant and Thud «th*» « isequally.denabls coovemence of bnalness men, or retirement farwitst* boardste. It is near by lis-Banks, the Post Ofeo, the . Masonic Hall, .Odd-Fellow*# UaU, andbmoae sqoaro distant from Main street and two smarts fro* the City - ly. to eonniry. taerchsata.end pnenjUt to aUyersoiu ’■y- 1 - fflsjsfe. BVTAW HOUSE* -: • . comma or asutxou am nrrsw sm. nsr.Tneoin.-tal HEfTEY IV JACKBON; PROPRIETOR*, - H»; Thu splendid and spacious Hotel, elegantly «t -,gg noted. forboih bosiness and pleasure travellers, is JB»so eonsmieted as to ebabuw alllhhhmmes of. the best hotels,.witheleganeo aad real comfort..,. ... < * - : Choice suites 6( apartments ore at ell seasons wnrr-~ ed far the accommodation of trahsiePtgttests, and &*»- Uies visiting the city wilLfindthnEntay Bonse a bone,' nusoipaised by any Howl la the,Uhion." -' . ■The location-is elevated .end sain brioas,nnd.it also ‘ • convenient to the depots and landings,, at. whieb'lho coachei and porters'©f tbs'honse - are at aU times » weiring to coavey-passanjen and. that bsggnge.to the* Hotel. ;,' Tauta- : -Gentlemen’s onlinary' '' 81 ,30 per day. . Ladies'.--:., --do.. 8,00 do ■ IsolOdgiawam.. , - ; . . JORI'HOTEL, nd.U3,aresnuTtTazKT,rnnADxarau...- a>’ THEsalisacbcrs; ander.the fins of Bridges A "West. have, purchased Ml. Jones’ Interest tn this - establishment, and hope'by the striewst attention ; to the varus and comfort of their gnesu, to merit aeon- ' « .tinaance .of the liberal patronage heretofore repeived by hs former proprietor. • -' • v;-y.-» .•Tbe bouae has-been ihormghly renovated, apd re- . paired; we therefare feel assated wb bah' welcome our triends and tlie’pabUa to aeeoatobiattraa eqnaTto ear . . in. the city . . JV W. BRIDGES, . ■JljaW JNt^YKSTf ’ • GALT ROUSE,V / ' , taun akp azxza an. aspaaun. eQ THIS establishment is now iii the best order for , . !*fl the reception of the Traveling Pnbbe. -Having . JilLuiidergoan a ihorongh. repair daring the past win ter. and having the most experienced meirin the weu ; . In the vanoos aepsnm«nts. 1 Saner myselfthataU wil .. be pleased .who eaU. The location is central,', comma*: dlou* audplessant: 'Fafe'SlpeTdar. ■•■ K---■ ■ -Cniciniiau.March 13,’47<- v ; -,,.- rtYH>fABSH.- , N’. B.—Althooch* not eancUr a new IlrooiD, it is this . same—a new Whist on the old handle. r - -■ • ■ epOtf ■ TimOCIUOBTOS'B OA£T nOVII, uicsmutST. mAUIS THBOCKhtORfON begs to acqdaint his fnends thsr be is again leases of tbs GALT HOUSE, UjuisviUe. Ky.,- where he hopes to meet aUhi* old'friends,auurihg them and the'pabbe, that no'eflbrt shaQ be spared to mate. SU. : cnrefonshla who *-> svurhini with their psirousge...., .. . jsnlldly ahbricah'uotklT mitnnosn.kn;,: • .. MOpponuthe BailrosdfiepoLPraitK.Baltbaorv, M. SMITH, proprietor. (Isteof the Ex change aad St.ChariesHotels,Kubureh.)- --- OcEOdli' : . :-,V . ;T ; ' - r. . ' MISCELLANEOUS. 4AAIEH W. WOODWTiLi;: I. Pittsburgh Faraltan' Ware Boani, : : ':K-! t \I.\y&,.TUB&raXST;. - l '. v . . A Urn end splendid assortment of Fa ret* ■TP tore, ratable for Steamboats, I knelt, aridpri* . gate dwellings, constantly on hand and made' • ; QESEB to order TTje ptwent stock .on -hand eansot be exceeded by ' .. anf' wiaimfactwy in the:western country. Persons wishing to poreuse would do well to give-me ;a call,-' asl am determined my pnses shall please.. Partof.the 1 stock cooaiataifr—. 50 aofha'wiih pioiii and Haircloth cores: • ■ - ilidutlaliogwr None Chairs;: : V . -.14 pur Divans; .. ■ ■ _ . la ooz #ne mahogany ClisJr*/- ; v % .M mahogany-Work . •„’■ "’3 doamahogany - ' r “ ■„ •-'lSiaartle.iojiDrrssiufffiureana;-. ■>.. - ;; •'. . _, ti pair Ouaouuu;. Smarblelop WothStanils;'. 'r r r;: ' . ..liicbefTyWoikSuaks;. : . Mahogany, Maple. Cherry, and. poplar Bedsteads of all UeecriptUvaiul al.rge hsMSit^eSSoo: ihrmture and Chair*; too naps,™.. tn. . v. ras. urmcntT. Jons tHxnci..' V V- *:'**rmn\w XIVmcOTT * €O~ • IVfANVTXCXUBEBa of Simmered wkl C««t8»Ml llLShovel* and Spfcdcs, A xt» andllaiehets, WilL X '; Cut, Cucalsr end Gin Saws; Hay and Manure Foil*, ‘ ll«e«, Mattocks, Picks, ltc-,harmg completedall tfcnr iu tin cbtMroepne of ne wmmchinerT, - - waA in. ttnmnf the best workmen froaibe most eelr hmted estahliihmrnti of . .. Lag and wilt keen constantly on band-aad for sale' all - ikc.sbQYaarticies,»hsYisgaTatledthcmmiTetofihe latest impioTeaunts, and are detenninedibabinwork*-' toansJupandmaterialtherwillhotbe erceDed. Tiny ■ proeu»*to produce -Artlciei equal, ifnot: superior,; to . any that can be had in the East. They invltp, ftp attan- . nan of dealetsaaew evmrnetTJm of tnfir efryk beffre - : v convinced tha* they. . -wdlbe able to fill all orders in-their Unt to thectmro satislhcuan of purchasers.- Warehoese, Water street, ♦ doQraWestftlaaougaheTaHouie I Rtttbunh,Pn. N. B.—Persons hexing bosiness wiih WnTllppen- • conk Bon, wiU please call oaUppeaeott fo CO. -■■.-> . octfldly.. -'. . Pauat- Preu Brick Kathiae. ' nrUTE subscribers having obtained a patent, May IS«L X.ter nPreasßdekMaduuc,andharm*surethen thoroughly, tested }u ability, *m how prepared to sell rights and contract to deliver machines to any part of the tuned .States. ; Tho niachu»,i*ddji««tto ioake vyxrn nod smooth firm brick per «lay,sui&riently hard -b> stack up in the Uls;thna'avoiding this-expesaa 'aad labor of prenanng »ba eUi, ; dtying ; jmd ; Mj»dlujgiho bnck after oeing;taaoldwi, Lu. simple, atrbhr, not liv able to getoaloirepalr»cu'tn4 of eighth street, where we shalfoehappy~io;*xpuiis everything connected wuhiub all whomay call. We have at present, no authorized agent. All letters to nor addreii wilt bapromptly attended to. eiptictf ' McMILLEXfoC*^. ■ How. Bardw*r« llonse, v - ■ onf,i^*tm«hiuHagtomy : ftiemUla'tba city - uy.tiatlbava.opanedmyMWKtoreatrimhterenui fd Place, i Having parohaacd my goods for hash, and mule ana&gemanu vnih manuutciurera in this mbarv jaj^srrsswswss aattss,®** ■ - Mra.agr.iMi l»ta 5l v, L ! ■ ioUawinr comprises a part of his stock? ■ • ■ -. Slt«m6o«t ud uddler, kirt™ pi iriuanW locka, Utchei, wplm. bun hiuea, scrm, Vella Fu* lor, pltun, u*. •U oihfrurbele. ,oiu»ctod.,win l ,lb, t’rw °*‘tv • ,■ -■■■ - - rnksuif ■ , ■ HaidwaNiC«tUiti|addi l cr,l«.' rr> mpeetfolly; infoxm hU' > rruuuu.tMi paambbo rMrally, thatJw U aowrheoiw-' tis.fpricir tnvplvcf hardware, at the nM naad of ' \ValV*ir tindAVoodwell. Xoiltt WoM htj whlch ha wiU dispose of reasoiuhlstfinns^ . • , U" 'Tdl b^eontinaanrreceiving fresh auprfkaditmt, wbwhwilleoaWthiatoeompeiamdJaayerfabUik... u;eut,eiib«T Eoitor [West- --- .. ' : Weatvra meirbants are invited to'eall ana ezamiar '. fata slock hefora purchasing e>aewbe«e.b . : . t!: :-«riart:. T r V Messrs, bred * cutler—r reri m » doty, j aw* to ttr.feUttw-CTeaa •!»!*: ■•.. mow. re*p*eung joof. Vefettble'-PoinwaanrUalJiSi : ' Slnvfrt 6»tmca the Btliaifc abaut.'eleven \m»i ■jfb: < ' tUe whjeli-tlientaprewi'ttaoWiliifrf*- have fcad Mvenl wTtrexompJwnuiwdjMtieki «3wl>W '■ rincei'rand -U h«* efirctedteU«(i»4«■ MMaaea or tha 'Beaiara. 1 * !*Br,HnU voonaaa is uu* : • JiSSC - -Mat awOT&uf^* TvaiEUßKEP—l^tkteaa^treOktikiliiW^.v'- .-ui lt3si as* : < ±