The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 20, 1848, Image 4

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    XI inßmTßraonvßiTisa
. XI FLVIO-1S aafiertfaf lLe|» tro.saWtbe pab&
Jbr Out viida.ititbat rkbt «ad/>r /ptr B (&*(!’• stria oa
'MfehtUttCfawfor aapportwlawtd Mo<U im{uUjmmiha
be p»ea that Ua
>H>Ur«iliM(bt{sfeMS «poQt7MNBc it '•"■ ; v
• la taa ftnt pbco it iivaJj kaona that the mtnlt»T of
khck**Uk» ,> i/»*ewqwood <ft precipitate. held together
. *f n» vbnife'nur, raker a vfasb cr nut
it traps*** the gm a»4fndpttttt are ka *» ■ nut* mm
frthaoaxwitkffaadwhirtiroataiarit, Itaabeenaaoß
ti m riwpr to «h* Ink nature tomkeftsiore fluid.
irUtb km« the e»a by ading on the pwu, if » nacl eat!
aurwlhgathremhiaaro .. the" Wril
HmVU*V4i&ntttmi*n .nixtaro iaemy riimu.u
iifiuchMdealMiutnrtquQaciM riwid uattar h
: together, therefore iwill new get thick, and being rwry fluid.
Man bad OM ka« «a>o7aM>fd by MriMß tha i/iL'na
«'] r *£R4«tb.i U *£. ItaJSSKaXataSri Z
teauafiaityfesttalit in*, therefore will *m eomde
•mI iim itviil Mi weld, and although U writs of ■
***** grwaeofoe yet a a fc whom,*£ke£m « deep btaek
atichndlondnrefProgs. ItUwamutcdemeriar totbe
SSfVU? 1 .“*• ®* “AinoiK writiof
JhilSfmimt third more gfruafor the mmw». Ail
aparitk* of asr k»d befog Mtampted
tko following recoreneadahou villmfiee, saD nitlit
■wrjttul&auoau lfcerupTmeuotdaot burebcea oh
talaad fcy toy amt far uaan worthy perpo—i ; , ...
Wcwrrmiai»| »Bibbcrt > »(
thapatreaega ol juhlie,*,.
•005 U flows foe* fraa the *ca
■ IkMmafjikuhmMi
BA ffnanw* h. Co.
iCbafeai Wdtfftg FhW’to
ttfirstnte trtkk mill m-‘
b viibost doppaf U ol>«a4
HWIiM ferula felaek.
i Wick tad MeC*adlc»
I JohfeTirfccr,.
I 8 Wight®*® 'f Co;
, FrsM.a B«Ucn •
: C A MeAsoltj fc Co.
H«U B McTall, BoSkp’r
foe r \V W Walter
Juanita Holling Mill*, Aug 30,1847.
Ur Tbo* & Ekhri-Dtußir: I hart Ixa using jour
• Caeskal Writing Fluid, uifsfitxlint retaartjckfor flowsfreelyfrwn the pcaud-bccocMS jet bbek
at fcwWi, Totrafcc,
TH TUTTLE, Bookkeeper
- • fte Blnelh fc Bespit.
! ' * : ' Fittibwjti.Auj^lSC,
'Mr T K Hibbert—Dear Stn Haring procured a bcu tit of.
jws .Writing Fluid, not three weeks ago, 1 consider it fet
‘JJ cqbaiifuot supers* tai Arnold’s'orunvotbprfßk aow in
ant, I knoirot' Bcspeetfollj,’ • •
- HtXK Uibforf-.D«erSin
'lVrtkrilui) tad Awl it to Wwnsost esctCeal article for
Snhpn&s as it dots afocfor tbanopliit tifogreejalitj of ;
otketsks, it Bow fret taJhironnadsp bjaek is a fcw
koto*:■- i‘i) :“vr.Tours, Respect/nOy,.; '
t-2 ■.» iiv WlLUAU^cfiß.BooWto^.
'• ft* JahrtetV. -
, tatmivi nU.WM tad Bntait krtIMSS'X
B&hsV flmpM «d,CW*nt4 edner ofLiberty'uwd
fisßkflaU stmto. EsttAuqMi ' Qtamar
JI DUK(rt TtnUtiamL GLOU£S,imtdftiv all
kU dueomki, tt4-CNfiapbicw-J«|*iwra>n
•WQ& tracks eftht M etkknl*4 rucaMungatan - Can
pfia2 fro* BttilkV&aw.Earfeh Glob*. wtUt-wUliinr tai,
xatM*antSbi'AAClßXBaltl>.' krlUtWtßPtrk.
bo&’.fct&n, fctbßie,"4e. Conpilad Dw tk« vwksof
"WotfelSTHmuM/O# U Cull*. Hardtia: Mayar, BiU*
kT/Bmicaal, AlMkalTM, tha tmaacdusta Utf Aatrnnfi
SVqu SuflkVNiwlkf
- Jfib&atsa k Stscktco tun j«ut recii«4 aAw pin at tka
akoH'abkcs.'mylsr U
Ipcir,'. . Jkuidmladianftcr.
1 ai -u : it • '
' i?« ;i •« : **'- "• «
. l‘<¥miftokci6 •*
• Aiptic»a»Cfcnokla,aßd Joaiwaleopy. ; itt
‘Twaw pyiTrr, formerly of Ikauy, M’jCmxu. ..
Jn> A- Bxattx ” m*,o.
,—...» X*oe«rlU*,v.
CmO.Cut* New Oileani*
S«s«r«l C«vßliilen Mirelu&ti
Poydrn Street; Hew-Onmnt.
Sxraro— , . ; 5 !
Bickers,).} n i
fl Jame*NX»rtgorAOc»,i r '‘
k - . .David \VhiiefcCo,SUdisoii,la.
'** '■ HU* fcMbrtoo; Bankers,)
HornfcFraxer, . . > CuaimaU.
.. .AJkFKenpc'Jta,: J ' -
. JIN Ke»rneT, Baa-Banker, Zanesville, O.
. r.J W<mLE*g,J*i»elin* l Va. '
. 1 S M'Clark an & Co, 1 n'.. . yp. '
—WfcMMrtckelwe,4- U^ —'
nvlf-6a‘i • •
jan receircd of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla: the
sheetextraordinary medicine in the world! This'Ex*
tract i*put sp in quart bottles. Jus six times cheaper,
pleasanter,, and warranted superior to any rold. It
S disease without rooming, 'purgioiv llekeninj or
tiling the patient.
tmk evs/sr Imitatimt.— Unpnneiple
eoptafoor labclc, and pat ap medicine U
ped Soules. Beetluie*chbonleha*ihe
tamof SPTpwdsend.
R.K SELLERS, Druggist, No 67 Wc
3rd and 4th ns. is Dr Townsend's only
retail ageatlbr Piusbargh,©f whoa' the
can be bad,.
D H Carry has been, appointed the ral<
ghenr eityjOf whom the genuine article
• otB9- ... ;
cheap, easy to uJte, and highly rfEei
ALLxebaar C«n, M
Mr.E-E Seller*: My children, lil
aahjeetto troublesome cough*, and l
remcdle* lo *ery little paipose, 1 '
adTertitemenl about tb* cough 17m
1 (too it to two of my boy*, and a
' aeaera] different lime*, and n lut* n<
1 hare recommended it to my net]
eaneientioaalt believe that it i*Ur
clan that bas ever been oSetedlotl
• Yorenu *bo«ld not permit their cL
eoe*tw,whenilreymaybe eared t>jr
tblaryrap- . .
■ Pitpißd end cold by B- E. SELLERS* 57 Weed il,
between Srdud4th«u. Sold by Dr. Cou&l,feh Ward;
JX M- Oam. Allegheny City. • ' . ■ dcß
TAKERS, earner of Peon ud St. Clair itreeu,
opposite tbe Exchange Hotel, eutrmoee on Peon itreet,
respectfully Inform their frimds mad tbs public, that
tbiy are prepared to furnish mad attend to everything in
tbmlrasof l/odertakers. - Always on bond a large as
sortment of ready made Coffins, covered, Unad and fin
i*fcodia\hc very beat manner; all sorts and sizes read v
Bade Shrouds of flannel, Cambnck and musUn,'aad all
tiiea made la approved styles. U'e keep a large a*
sonncatof wbiie maid black, couoiusUk andkiduisves,
•aide for pall bearers and mourners, crape,capa.eoW
larv, and every thing necesstry.ior dressing the dead,
andon reasonable term*, as we purchase ail ourgoods
ia the Eastern ciuei. Alio, silver plates for engraving
ibe&aiM and age. We have a splendid new hearse and
hnaei, and any auaberof the best carriages- Every
thlßg attended to promptly and pnnctaslly. oclMr
j. tbancaprictonoftbaYrgeUblePolaoaarr
nwwliifidihat the YegtlaWe Pitlwodary B«Iwa Haral>
llhwhren uredfothUplacd with cbmptcta
dOßWWtnMohrtfoate roapfointof thaTtage, «1 traded with
oemre coogh, low of race, and Ihcralting of much blood
tyhieh had jwntoaaly.reauted wanj approved preaeripba&a
*|Ur Onag the balna one weak the paUMt'a voice retnread,
gad ha >w enabled to rpcakaadiUy.'.Thi* csMoeevred
aowstiwa afoea, and the mo ii now engaged not only in ae
tire hot ia hbcrrioae htufoew. RotpcctfaL’r yoori,
Concord,N.£U Jan »u&>. S.MOHRILI.M D. *.
BoldiaPiUdmrghbyß A Fahncrtock, tf Co, corner of
'Antaadwood, ahocbnalh fcwood«ta> ■ datfß
PXCTORANT b reperior to ait'Other remediee for
Conmaptito: A ethwa, aad ether rn] n» that the eawe pendMwhoMcaacnetdtfao
■re of it la their Cnulice tea pan ago rtlli praftr it to *0
Otharge wedlo of the kind; and where any hare been lodaead
to by other R*toraticea they hare alwoet Inrariably been
a reeairtag tha bcacfii whieh ww reawwably
a&tkuatedlfoai tha high prilreabeatowedfoflha proprietonk
**d tore retained to the u«a or Janus'ExrscTOhiar, ae
■ rtwedy that hai never foiled to ‘relieve them, aad whieh
•ohahly Barer had itaeana] la trralire pohaonuy direawa
r pzqwvdonly byDr D. Jayne, andaUto
.whK-" *\ . alexTjayneji
42gamPilAwtf.. i■' ■■■- '■ ,7hFottrfiat -
w*gper aa»iri.w*tt.
**?sW*JSEaiu» k nnitoAir;-Vj, : “'
- (at the old rand of Soay fo bhepard.) ,
___ Nubvltlo, Tenneme, 1 . : •
*TX7ILL giro pnmptand foithfo) anemfon lathe sale
. *Y ofDry Ooodl,Urocer>e*,and Merchudiw gen
daily. Tbij foe] prepared to attend to all tho depart-
tbf'T baalneu cflfoieotly and (dealing in no
food* ft* their own aeeoent)taiy«*foffp. ■' --
Refer to J£ Allen, * C*; J. W. iltnler * Co., Pma
hajgh. j dcciteflm
THE mderaiCMd an now prepared' loforalrii (heir
cistMßen aad the pnblie generally, with pa eicel
lest arJefo of Lard Oil of-their own maagfaetaie. which
i they will leflaa aeoagmodatingterma. Ibair Oil they
ftoiUreia ho aagnodai any offered in ihcimarke; t ßad
19 liberty at, oraosto calthCeld
P. &—Lard'aad Green aaitahle for maduacry.on
tod; far calc above. ■ - ■ 1 nv»s_
i ( A fl I am now engaged In the Importation of firaadlea.
’ AWud and exclniivcly, aad forvingmade
•nugewenta indiderent paruof Kamo and the J*f>
-wbiUwith well known boaaca for my more mpply of
pwrefon Lfoaon. which I will b« able to tcil, delivered
to theOniaa Itovaeaof Fiew YorkorNeirOrlesnaor
ta thii city, at the lowest market pnee or ap
tond paper. Ihavaraftortaod eeUar a very large
. mock orrery tape nor Wines and Lignora. aa laponrd
«T Ike ooateelebrcted brands aad vmuftttorulf on
. nlessnur ttnna bv ■ PC MARTIN
.yenragm— »j eorlatfo amithgeld «u
T\gll»y Ini" reemed i tram
X pluladehibit New York fekia T«a Coanujr
• wtaMlotof frete Crete and BleteTaas; e*mpri*nx
0* Mowing: '• /l ■■ '•• • ■
• . Green. : i _ sf**k-
Yobb* Hjrwn, ; .• FiaeOolonfj
• Ex Flo# di ' Ex. Fine do .
SUrer Leaf UjrtM, ; CtoJaaeSatteboa*,
Extrafloado; . English Breakfast
Extra Pine Gsnpewder, Perkoe Flowers;
Extra Fine Ioperi«l» R*oe FUrored.
na there Teee hare been eel«ted with jtreei e*re
age of the beet Jndje* in the cut, tod wilt be Mid
*=&* • • 'comer of third end raliiflcld »a
nO*PIKTVBBI QIP-ne niMnllen,' »a the
/V/ U&ißfL,suoeUtedUiemKif6* l »ifcrtho’fina of
Biots fc CslbenaM, la tko- wholeola Grocery sad
*GCatnrrTOd«M tad Cdßoti*«ioa boaioen, stNo IU
litany sfcct,tad re«peetf«Hy aolieit tho panoaage of
lieaOieoirtad tie public in yeoersJ. ' •••:
daeaa - A CIfIMBTBOW. ;
. : lotiCß. •
T'ErrEKßTeHasKaiary were granted oa tbe 6th day
Xi of Doocabcr, to the sabaeriben, Kxecatora of tie
. ism wOl and tesmeatof Jsnea Bom* late of ike city of
AUeghegyi deoeaaed. All persons having claims or
demrnrii agili»» instate of the atld decedent, are re*
wanted to mase known the tame, w about delay, lo Jas,
Sen, Jr* aufce late rewdenee of Um testator, In the eU
«yof Allegheny. : , :
. . . '■ ’ WILLI.*'/! addSSj! 7 '
detaddw Poan arect.ettTofPitabaah.
• ■ J.-Hotic*. ■ • • •
T ZlTBRSTenuMacur botiacbeeammod to Q»
'•JU nb*eribeit,Bsc««ian of iba Uit Vtu and
Mfit of nnu Wttbrtf. Ul* of tbe ehr of Fuubwik
jmiitt* AU penoa* uUtbted to the cnata of nij
ploow mko'lßmediaie'MTaeatt'asA
““ wi " pre *“
"" J ..1.'.• .-- l IMBIUUI, :■•■■ ’■ '
SutlMn. v
WSSiftfiSSSSJ sts
ihmiml MBtetßl Blf SIOTp* M MBA WM U Ms.
- juilOeuißEßßd *U ptuenamde xo erter.
': eattT ■• :• ■ -;■■ •• •
. 1 p«f HT l f flurulftiib of A> Bm Ban
' &4«lKrf AaWHi i UtAJ ,
/ AQftTAH, ;:
■» <**<■ 'f - 5
>4P™7 ' . V;. i--7
i; v
'• © U E AM-P ■
H ALLMAN,* baring eaople-A
V/ their New works,-ate now prepared tojosnofso
every deeeripbea of Coach aaAKtiptk springs
“OQ.»ilc«s Ameneaa Blister, spring and ploughSteel.
«)d all sixes of null square and.round. ftps, whleh
foraaleonr liberal terms, atihelr wcniauu
Ji0.43 Wood street; where they: also keep oa toad *
pt&pleto- u< handsome uMmioem of Gowk irim
mingi.'Camagu, hardware, malleablecasting*, Noils
Bn iron, •• - t j
• C/H.A Co, bave made arrangement* with Messrs
Pay A Cross, manofactorm of- Shovels, Spades
Ftorks, Ac., and -will keep constantly os .hand even
.article made by them. Sealers are respectfully sof
.died to es prices and term* will be made liberal.
-i - ’ :♦•■-■ • IvaS-dTw
. pm machine wobks and foundry,
. Jonn waiouT ACo., [
A JIE prepared to battd Couon and Woollen Machia*
xi'ery of every description, soch'**—Carding ,3d**
chines, Hpiening Frames. Speeders, Frames,
Railway Heads, Warpers, Twi Hers, Spooiei*, Dressing
Frame*. Looms, Card Grinders, he., Wrought Iroo
Stalling tamed all sizes of Cast Iron, Pollies and
, Hanger*, of.tho' latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
and tools of all kmda. ,
. Castings of every description finished on abort no
tice. Patterns ,made to order lor. Mill Gearing, Iron
.railing, Ac. Bream ripe for heating'Factories,.Cast
Iron Window Bash, and finer Castings generally!—
Orders!cA at the warehouse of J.FalmerACo.,Lib*
ertjr street, anil hare prompt attention, \
.Ravin t* . • 1
Blaekitoek, Bell A Co., J K. Moorhead A Co, 0 E
Warner, John Irwin A'Sons: Piasbnnh.
OCkJ It .Warner; BtcubcaTiJlt. 1 \
T 7 W. STEPHENS of Wheelirg, &P. Bboenfcer*
SLtm gerof Juniata and J. A. StoeAuo of Pittsburgh,
hanthisdag entered Law Co-partnership under style
and firm of Stephens, Bhoeaberger A Co, at} the
Anchor Iron Works,'Wheeling Va., for the purpose of
manufacturing Iron and aatls of every deoerlpuoa.
E. W.SwacM; E. F Bsdmtxan. J. A. Stocxtob.
« 1 Wiemag,'Pa.' '
.. Mamrfkemre all kinds of boiler,' sheet, bar Iron and
nail*, AD sieeleliptic spring*'and ajlea. Being coll
ided wiih Shoenberger't did Janiata Woks,-we ean
offer an article of Janista iroo [branded Bboenbernr]
equal to- nr made in the eoontrr." AlLofwhichwmbe,
sold H the Plttzbeyjb prices, Warehouse of the Works
comer of Monroe ana Water streets. myll.
Jasf LippeaColl. JohnD.-Wiek •L. E-Morgan.
STEEL S'lovels and Spades, Ale* and Uiucbets,
H Cot, Circular and Gin Saws; Hay and Manure
Forks, tloea, Mattocks, Picks, Ac. Ac.'
Having completed all their arrangements la the eon
:«r*euan of new machinery, and .in securing the best
Aoa the most oclehrated estaMlihmems of
the EMtarenow manufacturing and will keep con
stantly ox hand nod for sale a)l the |atwve articles, hav
ing avattod-tbemselve* of ibo latest impioremenu, and
arc determined that In workmanship and material they
will net bo excelled. -They promise to prodace articles, 1
'equal, if aouoperlor, id any that can t* bad in the East'.
They invite the aoentwa of dealers u> an examination
of Uteir stock before purchasing elsewhere, £• they axe
conrinecd Uut they, will bo able to fill all orders in their
line to the coil re satisfaction of purchasers; Warebouw,
.Water sl-<doors WcsfMOno&gabeta Hoaso t ‘Pissbergh»
. N. B. Persons having bn tines* with Wal Uppeueotl
A Eon, will please call on Ltppeneott A Co. oetfidly
openonMonday, ApmSlh, four doors from Wood 11,
and next door to A Jayne's Pekin Tea Storb. '
. A#plendidat*ortmentofFancyCOke,UopfeeUonary,
Fruit, ,q.. fieshontho ooahteroveryda)*; amongwblsh
are the following• .
■ Mttaroousj, - FobnJCake; Leotottlhseait; -
• Pastry; ( bpohge do; Pepper Nuu;
J -idly Oaks; Almond do; .. Molasses P. Cake 1 ,
‘ Ginger Nuts; Wafer Jsmblss;Sponge Vitcni^
.. Federal Cake; -A. P's; ' Sagari d«v
Orders for lao-CreaM, Jelly»Bnde9’Coke, Faney
Cohfectioaary,- e., execatadln a manner nse*
qaalled In qaaiiiy'and beaaty by any othar astablisb*
.oentlnthiseity. • L.. ■>’ . ■
,Fre»h Bread, Twist, Rosk, manafaetared solely
fmia While Wheat Floor, and fra# fromslldrsrsevery
toornlng. ■' apfl' 1 •' ■ • _ANDReWB^
this method to inform his
and tht pablle. at laiga that his FaetorT
'BeB ’Aow in' faUoperaMon.oo.lhe East side
'• nSH ot Uis DUmood, AUnghtny,where aeon]
'BaBHI sum sapply of Utinas, of varioas colors
aadqaalius*,arecoakuntlykepton hand,
also at No. 9 Wood It, Ptoibaxgh, at J. A
Hp' • 11. Phillip*’oil eloihwmieroota,
. Veiuuan',Shutters made to order In the best style/
Uliods repaired at the ahonast notles.
' N. 31.' lus. Blinds wai'be pat op, srithoatanysddl*
uoual exepn*e*o.that they can 1* remosed in a mo
ment in case offire or tor ansthlng, and trilbosl the aid
ofaerew dr ' ' oetkdlyAwlamly
\ •'•••.AX TULTOS, Bell and Brat* Fonnd
- • <Bb -f -if.-baseahuili and commenced business at
(b 9 x hnptdamhdi where fad will he pleased to
. igm • bis old castomera and friends.
15^B-- Gbarebi Steamboat, and BeUs of every
i AaH|g-iLze, from 10 to pounds, east from'
oftbe most apprond models, and
’ -warranted to be of the best materiaU.
; Mineral Water Pomps, Coantera, Bailing, Ac. Ae.
egetber with every variety ofßrsu Castings, ifreqoir*
ed. tamed and finished la the neatest manner.-: • ,
; |p*A.''F. Is the sole proprietor of Bansa’s Aim-
Arrsvnos Mstal, so Justly celebrated for the redoe*
tion offrietioa in machinery. The Razes and Coapo*
•tition can be bad of him at all timea.;. - jenl-Iy ■
Mis. .244 and W LQatf tpitt, amr Us C«ml -
- A LWAYSoa bond and mode toorder, a large var!e-
IX. ty of Marble Mamelu Pier,Centre Table*,'and
BureauTbpi,Tomb Swiss, monument*. all wbleb,
txsag made, of the choicest marble, and manufactured
priacipaJly brmachineTy,willbe »<>id low for cash.
N.B. Persons-wishing to purr', .-c 'Mantels,
informed that it is henceforth umx' • -ary for them
go East, os I can fumisb i’i-i • •an article in all
respectsasgood,and{fre!ghi.<u i.«i, Ac, consider
ed.) as cheap as they eon ..urclMe, them for in the
East:*Cadl«n4-Me.-: . -. • .* ]eas .
No 8 Market street, Pittsburgh, Peanat ,
tTt HE *u’**eriben having mads great laprareoiesb
X lathe eonsuvetion of theirCOOKINO STOVES
rcfneetAtlly invite personr building Bteambaf * to eali
and examine before purchasing; tv we can supply them
with Dtck-ftovourForg*** sud everyother,k;nd of
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iren work necessary in fami sh
ins a Steamboat.
We also make 10 order on the.shortest notice Sal
7\ibes and Chamber;,Copper work for Steam Engines
and every variety of work in oar tine,
feb# • •. . SHERIFF A SHIRK
WH. JIcCULIiY * Co.,
fiannfaetnnn o' (iali, Goltlci and W. Gli
u f- N 0.138 \Y 7 6ob'ffraEET. : . . '
/Ault laetnrie* being nowjia full operation,** are
prepared to exceute.ordexa-in our line, prompUy.
During tbe last lonnserwebave adopted a near plan of
Qauetjior Window Glue, {tbfen*»iapptoTedplan now
mod in uieean,) by which we turn out a mperlcr arti
cle. - Glut flattened on tfci* plan i« perfectly Jcte! and
true-wlth a -Vet7 fine lu«re-faiater*«od gea-
CfaDyj are rwjutwted toealland examine for then*
■elrea. ■ , /.i - • .ap-9 •
/ Pltulrarcii,] Pa.
Vtartluxsse, A0.'.137V/Wborf strut, Pitttbargfc
' cociianttyJteep onjuud Acoodjw?wi*
w.Wue, of nr ova aanniaetare, -end
s&penerqnlnir.' Wholesale and eonntry Mo*
..chant* mueapectittfr Invited to call and *'x
amihe'lbrr'lheiftiietres. a* iwanre determined to sell
cheaper thnnhasevarbefort/Beea ofieredto ibbinib*
iks.;.r-.*l ' :■■- x-.r > ,
ET” Oners lest by mail* accompanied by'Uieehih or
cut reference? will be promptly- auendfd to.' feb23
"Oreat'Western Bolt UUbsb luitactorr,
cracias*Ti,oi i;
A r GABDNER A Cot would inform the trade that
• they ape now .mmafaetarin* ibehost Bolt Iflnge
wwrmifai te the Palled Stale*- As Utlt U. OUT princi
ple basinets, wo intend to aendotti as complete sn ar
ticle as can possibly be nude.' Those ennxed in the
hardwaretrade,we think, will&nd Itlbthelrutcretl
taseoow Betts AH orders promptly euended to.
mys . A GARDNER ACo,corof Btb *-■ main sis '
' joaHSHEOipp#
- Noa.S3andM Front stL
•" - -nesiJlxut of. alt site* cssl
.-BfH ?; frost tho la tea i unproved pa*?
'■-m teres and.wamnled tp
- any- Also,Brass.Castings,
.finished.if ordered, Gas Fn
tin** pat sp promptly and on
* -
anaerexß. : -v • • jom ».«tHoe.
,t- JONES .
VCANtIFACrUBEEtt of Sprint and Blister Steel
IVA Ploagfa eteel.sieel Pjoagh Wings, Coach and
Kliptic Springs, Hammered Iron Axles, and dealers in.
Malleable CaAfapi, Fite Engine - Loops, .and. Oosrh
Trimmings generally corner 01 Ross and Freni streets,
PiUsbnnrt.ri- '• -.- /•- V .• • *ptf7
Lipporcomzios wo(uui< -
IRON, and Nails, Shovels, Ae. for sale at bar'new
Warehooae, No. S 3 Water street, near Wood.rna
nine 10Front. • '.V !' ■-
Also, an mssortmest at the old stand, MeMastcr’s
Row, Llberrystreet. . •
liavi&ff made treat additions to the Bollux MULall
orders ean be filled promptly. '
• ■ tuireracrexsxa or ;
Pattern Makers' Paints, of every description.
Office No. 3 St. Charles Hotel, Third street
_ '■ wttibanh, :
P. hleivAXT. • 1 ~l l¥M R_ »W.
MULVANV ALRDLl&aunafoeiareaultoepcM*
stauty on ban 4 Moulded and Flam Flui
uiassware.m all luvaneoea, at their Warehosse cor
nrrof Market and Waterstreeta, Piusboreh.
°" '?•*?i eowinno in foil operation, and mite
constancy adding to oar stoek. which enables as to El
orders with promptness. Pertharerr are respeetfally
-sohrfted to call and examine pnees and imni 1
mylOdly r ' ..
Y/hoUmU Variety Stare and Looking Gian
; .
Comer of Wood and Foonb Ba.piiabsrch. ..
TTAtf lait received fron the E»« ■ Itm and nod as*
Oaonwent of Variety Goods, ineiadiagClocks Aeeor*
decs*, ftn*, Naedies* Gens, Caps, Uookt and £vea,
.Cailery and Combs of'erery patient and qoaJur.~'
Western Merchants and others are veqassted to call and
examineVfore perehaatng elsewhwr, or going Earn
-AU-klnd> oftiift. Mahogany and oamaxm Leaking Clos
es maastactarcd and sold at Eastern pticcs. com .
I - •• PXOxthe very liberal entoarag*
ment the mbaeribef bat. received rlneo
located himself in Allegheny.
:BSM Br has ladaced him to taken lease, tor a
mmii iiHia icuadT on the property be now
aeeawea, 4a Bearer nroct. imaedlawy besldft the
rteabyietiaaQnrchu From the long experience uithe
above baiuiesa and a dealn to pleaae, to hopes to met.
- U«wL»ceivo a
WW aadtop Bagglea, ead.evtry description of
panygea made to erder.ftoaa savoßty-ivodoCafi ia
vbtfcrhanatat-:' • Tieafcdtfl * :lotm BOPTR;
tnsrjujiMM, tf ! tSS “ I
; ;;':i-:;; FEU! > FBM[J, jM|riT 777 " -
2T®asss«sßffistisEisga J
SssssawasaaaSS * , * ,,,0 •*«■
M~.!-««»<oan»-S5SJLS -
:: . ;• ', •'■ . .' .;..v ' ■.'" • /•..•• 'V j/ . ■•'; -•- / 'j.'. • •* ■'. •:••;.
y I’Vrj
f -™
t, p.| L p a
DIL ; INGOLDSBZ’S As Bpta&e t an iatenal roa
vsdiesl cun, whether txuni*!; trtsre*
hterdisg or hliud, slick, tar imtstiha oflba kidasys sal kH>4-
ux lbs bath, tnd sldt, hsbittnl costlmcm, enp/
' F«msk# befav! tad after edufiumsst an *>*n trocfoW
wilbtfitonpsiwa of tha boweb or tadwisa'M wHI a* the
mka. 1 la aD raeh; cams the Sndfia eth U tokts with pur’
wet ssfotj, and is a certain rvmidy. Tht fipiefik fe m<r
ptrgatm, audissa atwtly vcrtUU* remedy* without# car'
ueb rfgaaboge, eoloeyoet or atom-pktaahi touke sad cut
fseUyAarakasu tbs most delkets cases.- -fr
This it to that I know l&rUshyb'Pik Bomifit'
toba aesrtaiacur and mfe remedy/ -Haviugasm rtsobd
Armed and severacases’erthe uks, when it made tn eatin
. henrywhitshead.
l*«».v«v»Vw. m». i : w:«SC£S. -.-
. .**b*wulJy«R mvtestuaeoyas to the eertabnad astoa
uhiag. effects of Dr. lugoldsbr's Pilsi ulknowii
my own eypernaca aod .nhwmtiim. .tojb* fofolLUei
havfay seen it used with sueceq ia wml e4j«. of pii>. ■■. u
and feaHe. i GEO. MILLER,
New kurk, Mdy, ISC. ' * aMMcthstHtf
““ “>T“« “laUiMs i«4 do.adrisi sU otSn bhoarvsfj
fiirted ia tha 111# manned, to proenfs the trtfele.u ther mbr
dsptod ooaetrtaiaeuß.- • . T 7
1 - • Tote* with tvspaeb
- h t ..V i Y, hUy IA, 18di ' :
Dr. broUshF-Dcar Sin—Thst you may bratSTobwra
who on be iuflnrfog, a* wtO sj to exprtm my gratlbids'for
(hebe&tfitlban denVed fima (he on ofyournlohb Spa
eifie, 1 eompfy with your rmssl* end now do gin »y-tes
moavm aror oflt,havimjb«aevtdofa wveßattack ol
the; rues after bavtog used other remedies without tueeess. •
. ---Sour withrespset.-J'. ~r~~
. Sold wVilrsils and RtaU by WH.' JACKSON, as bbPst
800 l snd Shoe dlora, No. (9
Liberty, stmt, bead of Wood, Pittsburgh, rrice. de eats
perbg ■■ i . ■■ . j*ni4—dly •
tlH'a AVFii« Ulfra imprlrreiwat
ha* now been lit use about two years,'and wherevar-it
takaown, preferred to aU other BefolneKdf. r )
. For cheapness, strength add eonvenmnee It hat not
anU-eanßOt'.bo'jeqaalled, as; It la docidcdly the best,
cheapest and mast convenient Bedstead in use, and tmr.
freily proof Against Bug*. : ;
: The principal Cabinet maker* and Tunmre In Allo
glfohy enr.and {n.Piusbbtgb, have aecued. Bights to
manuf&ctuie and sell the article. As there aresporioo*
.articles andimperfopt tmitorionv la thertaukcbptiithx
scrvwaald do w?U to examine the cast irtm p|«»*r on
- whieb in the genuine article, the name of the pammee.
E, l'.pu ? uii.i*to,uuLlr tut *. . protjffijuKi
fo claimed for Gaxxam’s Dodsioads, the following certifi
cate £mm.Cabmpt maker * well known in Pimbanrh and
the West, Is submitted to the public: "“ MU B
We,theaabKnbeis.practical cabinetmakera tod
-Bedateadmanufacuirera ofike-eiliesof Fitubonhand
Allegheny,.Ua-> ,do hereby certify, that .we have.bought
the right to mannucutre bedsteads with UtnamtaPai*
eqt Fastenings, and consider the aame-nmerfoe loanv
f«sienlne*wnh which we are acquainted. ;
' James Lemon ~ ; ; John ATGrew
T B Yeung AC , Boben Fbirmaa - .
: JRHnnley James B Barr
: Jolm Llmtti'Jr. - ;• Jas. LewrfA : Bda
: LowneA jarbin - Riddle A Drennaa
: Ttontw Farley ; Kamaev A hTCletlsnd
< David Laker • > MoSes Bunaek'^
. Hugh Wallace • 'KobertsAKane ' '
: J Mayer* 1 JatWYToodwell
•JNeebaose; : George Snyder ‘
' 'Vnt llaaieti J McMaitera ACo
i AktanderLawson -
Tor Rights to: make am! Sell tho above Bedsteads
'* ,1 ' ' fttfemea
_ A.CtuUlease to tba Wavld.
jfITJVENTY-FIVE wLLAßdvitlbe piid to utmu
•-L who will produce a tax of a aim, mm e*Arj. that
keimnot bo extracted with Moll’* Improved Chemical
Soap. I have thesatiafactianefaaytnto tae-peopleol
thM place, that thia article,by my ownLaproTejneai an
ii,now ft tad* oori railed m this conatry lor extracting
jreaK.tar.pilck oil, paint, or any other greasy tab*
■unco, iron all kind* offcmlemen 1 * or indie** cloth me.
carpet*, tab)* cloth*, men no shawls, ladies’
fc.'wak.oiir4odnf anything that pare water wilt not
itjore. More than otio tboasknd person* tndiilhfeni
paru of the’ boamry have joid methey.woaMaot be
without iti if It co« one doUa*>*> cake. In trying this
on more than 300 anietea of light silks, satins, ab
paccai, tad ealtrbe*, 1 have only buni three pfeee* of
■ilk. two of aipdcea, and fimrefealicoioawhich it
changed the color; therefor? before patuu it on a light
drei* try a sample of the dm* find. Isutothleoeesue
1 aa deiertaiaed not to reeemmeodUany alnuuer than
I know to be strictly true. NHliorr.
: rooty MS cm percale.. Sold, wholesale tad retail
. dreSl _ ,r 57 wwd *t__
Useful mad OraaannUl Gifu,
FINE auortmenl.of fancy arueles, among which
, Handaome' Crochet Daft, with and withoat elatpc
Steel Bead and French lilk bap,
Silk pane#,nryr ityler.!
Ivory labku; peart memoranda.
Enamelled anu (Tbry phpcr ouuers;
Napoleon and portable ink*; .
with bomb and flair and memorandum
; " '• Book? ►' • * • •
Toothnieks; plain cigar eaten
Porttoilda; pocket books;
Fapkteres nebdle book*;
Fancy boiet; Berlin iron barketi;
Willow battel*, he.&e. Now open and for acle
by, _ . j: . F H EATON
bcfaw>-eiad» oh the moat approved Kanernplaaa—
■udtaMt<uki*Bml>k£Memp«im*Sßtfc«laa> Ain
ornadaloorderofjallaaea.and atallprice*..
■ Country Me rctumuand btlrefi are inriied to rail and
exoaine the above tar theoueiree, u all.will be aoU
wboteaaio or retail,andallibeni ralactioa Bade IS
wholesale purchaser*.
aaldly ■ t - A WESTERVELT
Ouar D.7%pmpton.E*f^£iUibwjk t Pa.—
SIR-. k l have read your advtrtaemeiu ia oao ofthe
Piutburgb papyri with not a little torprim 1 find
taatyrmbavocopiM rnybdaiaen Circular coUre.and
appropriated U loyoerwlt I -will taka the liberty to
ialona >ae ih»t my; l*aiuien Circular it my ova com*
poriuon.and itnotcommooproperty. J tball not .Vi 1.
l.ajty contentu bc.pliced in a petition that will iadoce
p'etmu who do not roow me lonppota ikit tala not
capable ot' rompotmg my own buiueM that I
am capable of pilfering and appropriating the; card of
aqoAertomyowniuc. latp;Lbrrdbra.under ibdne
ceniir of noticing and expottog ydarptagiaritm (nUtia
manner 2 0 ROBBINS,
.. Attorney for Pateala, Wathinatoa, D.C.'
■ 09>Alt'nB«ipap«» inat ba*ej>obUahe<LMr- Tbixap
aon ’• adrertitemeoi, willpleoae toaert lb* aboTC-dcllif
_...**»Uam, hu a- prest advantage over man} ow»
COueh preparations, u U« pleasant uste permits ill© be
wlwithout inconvenience. ISnti » valec a* a Bslrans,
copuslsinlhe speediness of.iis care. We have. known
nee of ihcnvnl desperate coaghs,a߻o of which had
been rnaningeo feria considerable length of Urn e, yield,
alanrt immediately h> its power . ’ -
lit each weaibcci as we hare had daring the.past
winter every one is liable to take cold* unless gteal pre
caution* are nted. J
Wet feel and endue exposure to the ludemency of the
lays the iooadaiion of a backlog conk
wfceh needs & fj metre medy to prevent eeroas remits.
We have numerous certificates of cares which it hu
p*ru»r*»ed, many, of whieh are from peraons la this eity
and the neighborhood, and they are a sulllcleatieler*
ence witaout saying another word ta its favor. '•
I'repared and for sale wholesale and retail by B A
FAUNtaroCK t CO, corner of Wood and IK and
“Wood and dih its, ;
O K Bode*, Exit Clerk of the Coen of Qamier.Se*.
sioria of Bearer comity. •
.' Ml R. B-Bnxa*#—Bii: Some tine in the winter tar
wife wti affiieied with aiearreand Jixtrenuu( coach,
and hearing of jrour mvaluLilc Cotjh Sy pip, X purcha
sed a bottle from Si T. Trimble,Esq., In Bndfrewater,
and alter taking a. portion of it taro or three evtsini* oe
goi.ig to bed, abe fimnd immediate relief; as aloo sevetal
trieoilshavebeearelievedl&severecases. I afflthere
fore satisfied that it is a safe and rateable medicine, and
would recommend it to those who! may be afflitfted with
tevere c<mgu> and rolda.
< AJarehsts, 181 ; j ... ,
"The Sjrrap is'pal up in 25 cent boiilra, to that It max
beiocgbi bribe poor a* well aa the rieh
Prepared and tola brRB SELLERS, C 7 wood tree
a!*>, tor aale by Dr, CaaaaV #th ward, and D. N- Carry,*
Allegheny ciiy; !i , : ' •• • nt!3-»
—Thislabor saving Machine, wa* Patented, April
18U> I tMa l 'whikhin view of it* great durability, cheep*,
net* andeffe{ency,;iiii simptieuyof coanraetioa, tad
the ease and: facility with which it is used by either
llor* or adaltfc; Is Inevitably* destined to supercede *J|
oib'irConiSheltersforgencraJuse. -It mmerißpnlies
aduiideratnm which bus lone been wanted throughout
the Western Suite*, forwhlle it costs less than one*teiUh
of the price ef tbo rotary, *he|lers,one person csh'sbell
corn with it. as ful as with any. For sale at the Seed
Storr, corner of Wood and Oth sis.
ocjls , . j »N WICRKBSItAM
APPLICATION will be made to the President,Mana
(m urid Ctanptny, for erecting a Bridge ovtr the
Riser Monongibcla opposite Pittsburgh, in the county of
Allegheny, for. the renewal of three certificate*) No*
117. liO, IV9, in the lure of John Hauler, each for two
thsrcsof stoekinsaidOotapany. Saidcertificates be
ing km or mislaid. - 1 KICIIARD FLOYD
- Attorney for the Executors of John Hamer, dee'd
delft - ; . -■■■.' ,
T~HCS XAQIC XfißJkllVK SOAF—For rem>
viegGrease spots, Stains, or Marks from Clothes,
Woollens, Carpets, Ac.) Ac./and rendering the'.spots
Where it is applied clear, bright, new, and spotless.- .
Sold with (ulldireetiooa.- rnceSSoeaiaaeake. -
fZTSoId by WM. JACKSON,Bft Liberty slreetfbead
wnod. at bls Boot and @ho« store, sign of (he Big
v '
• ■■ ’ ■ ■■ ■]■ HOTICK.
THE Stockholder* of-the Farmery* Deposit Bank of
-Pittsburgh, intend makisg application fo.the nhxi
Legislature, lor socb'alteration of. their Qtaitera* wilt
give then- Banking privilege s,or if dedmedejpedient,
wil{ ask to be ieeorporated mi hew Bank.
By order of board Director*.- -
• l«3O:UwQn ■ VTHUItgPSON BKU> OaaMer.;
■ ■> • '-j ’■ Mamifheuren of *'
or all Diicßintim• *
So. S 8« ftowtk Vrrat SOftt* *■..
Baekof .7 JL mitm't Cabinet JYartM&utfy
ALL order* Idftwhh 8. d. Moon, atUnodice of tbs
'Morehenito llow. Pioibwgh, wID'-be promptly
attended to. j! . . . TUOS. O; DERRY - -,;
«,plMly . ] i..‘/A..g-HICKBHBQM, j
■ ■Mott extraordinary Medians m the WorLL i
111* utnct k pet op n Hart tcUla; it a
•r, pjriwtrr, tad warranted *ap«rior tony mid, T> cxra
*. (tiaa* wl4m&vacutisfipotpaf, mum*«r 4» '
TU part heaatp tad smxriority of thb SemmriUa orei
tH otWr UediaMb, wlSiiu Cradiato IwHuarttwC
etntb* Body. it u a» of tb* <rm boi SPRING AND
SUUMER M£DICIKES cm bm, it aolCßiTiwiU
tU whole ijMra aad fimgtbmi tb* pcnoo, b«t ii Crtaia
Vtit/Affi nindSiM,' apbaterponcned W no other
Mcdidm.' AfidbthiiUntil*rtt&dMerit of hawfiadnful
mere**. It bn performed witba themt two ran, nm*
Uaa 35,000 cora'of Sera* Ct» of Dana*: el h»* yftift
oftbcM.wmcsmideTtdueonhb. Uantfaaa • TT.
-3,000 cmo of Chncie Rbenmalisa ; . : •
Wwrof Kwqj; A
TJWOcaanof di&noiFcanleCaaiphiaUi ..
SJogOmej of i Booful*; .
•> lfSQucunoMbaLinrCoapUlai:.
V&i&CK>CM«ef Di|OMaf lUkidaiv-end Dram, .'
_*LuOO eua of CoMoptioo,
Am Tbotaaadiof c*M»ofDiMaMofthoJUoQd,.va: Ulcer*,
EcTiijxl**. Salt Hhtum, Tiaptnoa lb* Fnc*, fcc~ Ac, To-
MtMrwith anficra* cna ofSkk Hudmb*. Waiatb*
udoaadCbaySptntl Afftcucw, Ac, Ac. . ..
: Vhk, w* if* inn, But appear iacndlblcl but nil ban
letter* fra pbptfdttiaDdoorogtati fra of tbo
United Bl*tn,i4&rm4a(V» of ut/aordinn cunt. R. Van
Ibuiuk, £•>),. n» of lb* ae*t rwpecliWecrojjiitiln'New
eriuN.Jtiebnea tuibat btcaanfe to non than 1A cm
mlntkat plee*Uoa*» -Tbu* ewthcweadiofcMnie.Ua
City of fit* York, which wo will nftr to’with ttoiva
,nnf l« acacf eheiactcr. U b lb* beat ewdidao Sot tbo
Prerotin of dikiM known. ltsadonbtedlpiandtbolin,
of non thee' |i /
• ‘
A* it nmondjth* cum of dunn, tad peeputd them b
tb* Sommer team. v;
Vmcs STim Ornen.
Catt. Q. W.&l c Cum, or t«x Uxrrxs Statx* Natt,
end atmWrof tb* N«w Jemplcfiiktan t faaa kindh test'
n» tb* bllowi*j'o*rtifk»U. Ittclkttiowaatorp. >
|K -•••-• B*HW*T ( J*n.25,l&47.
A ftar ktneo 1 we* tekea wita tb* eadap wbol*
nUcakftiae debilitated ilate.- Iwar.iadam ta irr Dr.
Tcwwend’i aerieperitb, wdeflv Intia* two or thro* bot
tie«, IWM mTfi*ch mi*r*rt,aad MtrlUili it ottlrdj to tb*
etid Swnpon tb. I ben eoetiaaMtakiarU.eM find -Um
liapronenrp'dip.- f bekm it «nd ar al*, end would
Md £* withoot u tinder up eaaAdentioar . ;
’ -O. W.MeL&uyktoU.B.lf.
■' s •> '-li IcnnuCeio,
Tti* ocrtifcati csßctarinlj prom that tbii BenmnUa
hM packet control,ow Um aoei nt*t}nili diw%M of the'
Unt -.Thmpcnouctrodiaodo boon la oafrieodaebd.
■ : i'T»isCßtuun. .• .
. OP.TotmxAB->D«erSir: laiafiim
too that tbm of ajcbildna b*r« b*ea caradnf the Bero>
.Tula by-tbe.nMjoffjoer onlbni —didoe. Tbej wet*
üßJewdtrtrr imralj with bed ooen ; ben wlj tabw. filer
ibne ejnyt Ael apilf eader
• ~Ue*owTciuoaU.'Woocbrit. '
rf«wY«k,Mneb 1,1*17. .. . , r ,
. . .oßttkTniiAuMiDtomL
Or. TownMad*! Semperilk b K wtwp end fpoodv
ein tar inripifpt Cooßmptice, Beamans
YPkitn, ybiiMliiw fiawlt Moatrsetioa, laeoetinnaae*
of Uriw, or bnolnaterj dieehiifa ead ibrlbe (cm
ewl nmttetktt of tb* ijlia no neltor wacthor tb* malt
of innenat earn* or cenm, peluri bj imfnhritj,
m aeddeat* \
Nothing cn to nan nmhie( then' its inrigontin( tt
(ccttentb*bene* fnn*. wntWMindTlMi
tnd*,ftne tekiafiSetcßCt bnononbaiiead QUiofoaonj
under it* iafincac*. It hewliifcly ooentcraeta Um Mm
baam of tbo Aaeio bene, which a tbo great oean of halt
rtasne. - i
- (twSI Both* upMtndof M,n cMM of eod*Unta a nn
tu*i to oxhibtt Oertidnae of cm perfiwacd,-baL wo on
aann tbo aflktat, Oat baMnd* of cm ban bow mated
to n*. S*T*nle»*n when Bmlliwbmbon witbaetebiid
raif after natMa Air hotUnof tbjg tonfaabb ■adieiao*
hero how UaT wttb badtbp ofipriac.
Dr. 2ViatM*d.’ Up wiA boiag pwtlp diitniad bT
wnkaaa aad (tooral aad laderiar eoatimaUf.
kp.paia aad .a Maatioa of Marisc dowaTfiUliac of tbo
waab,«nd with other diamltki, om cun
wh*n poor —dlriai hai oStetcd (ml cam; aad ehebaar*
too it ncoßaaadbd fiw neh camu 1 ban ddetibod J ohtiia*
•da bottl* of pb*r Extract of SeraptrUh. tod fbliowid
tb* dimtie** yo* pn' n* U a ibart nenod itnamd
bar csaaalafati aad mtored bar boalth, fiemf gnnfij Ar
Cb* hwuti Am rmhod, I tab* pkdnm ia UraMekaowbdM
jar it, aad ririirinindtn* It tbo onblic;'' M.D. Mootajl
Altiaap, Aac.n,lB4i. Car. of Oitad aad Lpdiu cb^
. ' S ' Cnsicto, Sod. BS. IMS.
Dr TbcwdML* To alt wbua tbii nap roocita Tbak
to entilp that mp-wiA BadoMbotUooT poor Sempariila
pmiewto b*r winflnoarnt, eader Um ana ahraiag el
daUnta cnwattaacu, tota* troobiad with tb* drop, iw*J-,
liar of tb* fat, aerron efliftinci, aad nrp aaen onilita
t*dj with aTjo/inutu; aadth* monaeadatioe'of tboa
wbobadttMd iy«h* wmiadncod totip it, with litti* or ao
&ith; fid saffiedit to mt, tb* ntdieia* bod tbo bappp aad
dnind ofaot > aot wly b tbo boon of maflmmut, b*t afl«r
tbo nwatioa of- oo* w*»k nf iu tm. tb* dropip aad acr>
coot awetiaa nn wap to *n «**«■»». !«r darn*, and her.
hnhb ioaow Ctttae (bee it had Um fcr a fav tU* pn.
If tkfi wOL U af aap nme* U pon or Up' ow who
dmbta the nrmtinf ‘ht mtlHiit, jnn mmtirilj wilcomi,
I esUeriU aqfMlf poor bo* oUdkataad ohlind t^mat}
[ Bt>J*fiLl«.
Thi> Extractor fikmptrill* hat ban aartwly [fipuri
A nbnaei A teak rmfbmU.' Ho tedc who baa m -
«cqtowpoooctefaajyuwchiagthat critical ftriti, *T>*
tttr* n «lw«U ngket to .taka rt, a* ii m a carte
pmaatita far ahj of thr m»uw tk bonifak teaae* to
which teak* ait aabjactalthk Bat of lifc,- TluafarM
■ar ba 4dtjc4 fir«mral)«a» bj oriof Uiiitekfea.Wor
uit te valuable to thoae who an approach®* vooaahoef,
a* it it catetdatodto an 4 aatara by oaxbaatof lha blood
aa4 iovijoraltoj ib« ayatra. ’ *—infirim it fetal*
table Car all of tbtdtlicata dinni to which wotaca an
■abject. ...f! ■.
ft hnra&a whala ij ate. ttahrt ptfiaainaOy tha nt**
ral uMiMM bj.Tcaptar iha iapaittitaof the body—aot
M br «ilaafatia| Uu i}«tao to aaodaee a aubaaoae&t n
laxatMß, which <a Ota am af seal Mtkfeca lakea Sue teak
wrakaaa a>4 4baa*L
Yoq who hay* pekcotapiciinc*,
&ec, rungh tkb, or freckles, tad vt <‘oaiof wdriU:* asa
a bottle or iwacf Dr TowsraadVßkmpkrdla. It wUI
clmom jsw. Uuod, remote tba freckle* aad blotches,
gfa yoo aa tael wo . i;nxlljog eye*. fiat spirits, aad braotifol
fftminß ell of which arr at uwm rain to aaaar:
tStjUk*. ,n ■ --. . 4
..... .. -.!i DTBPEPBU. ... -
• Ho food w '■aJiertw kM tw bees rfiraeetnfwhAw
omriy rowNd the .garth. jaiae er mSm ia decoaaoaat
foodaadrtmg«b*sag(h*flrpMefdifatMw,'Bithii prepay;
rttfoaof Btrmfnilh. .... ... wr *
• T*42&Tg&ttaz , 2L.
jnn« iaito worstbim,aUradcd withsocrl
«a of stnijiirh.tow of appetite,utrtnbeanVura, e*4a
{rat mm to ell kinds of food, aad for weeks (what I ,
coaU eat,) 1M km uukli to retab bat a mnll mti«a '
•ay »tr«anh. : ~l I triad thanaal remedies. battery had j
bol liUla orso e&bb reaoriog the coaplaat. Iwnb-i
doped, aboat tworaoath* wage, to tryyoor Catract of flam* I
pariN*»aad 1 asst say wiihliUiaeaßfldcae*, but after ni« I
nearly two bottles, 1 food ray appetite restored, at the !
beartbus entirely removed; aad 1, maid raaesuy rma*!
and thane ofu to ihaa who hire beu emitted at 1 bar* i
b«a. » w. W. V** Zajw.
. fflitnlihnd H 1
Bead the following, and .doaht if you caa, that i
[jivrt.mant baenrad. Thislsoahemoflheamraltaßdred i
ease* that Towseaadh&mfsritte bat eared: !
Vr IVmNidfDw Sir. 1 vat takas, a little orcra 1
year ego, with* brae coarbwd paid b ay aide. It b- :
erased era me why foil, indeed. i was porxnmcsd by pfcv
■ieiao* to bare tbq qvfcfc catoaptiara 1 raised ten qeaa*
titka of. bad Batter, lad sight mete, tad aiakfcg eery trati
• y doctor mid hejeodd do aotfciag for n*. 1 «q( iam ba
braatelbbopatof babgbeaaAnad: bat wnpresouaetd than <
•aioevnbla, f apiaow grady dbtnaidat the lag* aad I
dniill harilTj trriwlht [ I arm htreaiamarialul and esplcm !
to die; was canard to ray bad, aad arm obliged lo bar*
mrahm'. indeed L enact pn yon aby dcmriptloa that '
WooU dojurtb* to aroma.. 1 wa* eaypoaad by ray friends
toborntmoTtry i I bad tnal ~g —* nr hr if iilMjiu. !
aad all unaail take to soptupna. 1 rad of tome aert cs* |
tnontbary eat**! performed by your aradkbt, aad to tall 1
yoSTW truth, ,l. impacted then pis ma huaWblbcat.
Bat 1 waa bdoead to try it j I did *aaad am rtry thaabfu! I
I did. I eaaaot'mj tint lam tnthdy w*U, bat am so w '
tccoYtred a» ;lo W aboat atr banaem, aad hope to bamdra*;
ly mil ba fnr' m<bs. fldy cowh.nd yba b Um ad*,!
aad bight rajmt* kata UQ me, aad nim bat nry little, tad i
aa £nt gabiagtet atoal atraylh. 1 Alt it a' doty to eire !
you astetemtat topcblub if raa nkam., - <1
' ! | rrrr» Baoww, 47 L*ttb m, Brmtiya,
Oplaloaa afPbyi]tlaai<
Dt TowmbriilbaliamidtflyKcemae-ordm ftba ptr!
iMiaaa bdiferai parte of *
Tkbii lewtiljf iml wi) tiu tmdenigMdi Fkbbwoi
Ibe City of dlkaef, hsra b aeauim cams praenbed o#.
Towawad'a Banapaiilb,!aBdbeUe*aitto'baaMof tbaateat
raleakte preparation of taa Bamparillablha market. -
- J WUdoBtSD, •
. j ' ABBuaa.KB,
' ..BEEtx«n)oi£.xß,>.
: Thb » to!c*rtilV that wa, lha sadenwaad. pnettew
Tbomaoßm Pbyaiexaa* of lh« utyof Albaay. ban fraaaat
|y < pramibadPrT(nnucbd l rCtmpoßßd Extract. of fiom,
l«nlU, tad fraa.Ue known qoaCtiu, woold neemaead |id
be pabliefor!auevMl,KrQtUodi,«ad«thereßbaca«>9o
•ame, b pnlkKaea to aay of tha adrartirnd rtacdlat bc«ti
•m. I : AW Btuiu. T r,
Afocn ipril9,lBß'• WB B Bri*Tox,vr.
rmepaloßce,iaßFaltOß*t,Boa BolldiM,ff Ys Badi
*ihtßMßoylmas ©rDyo«* BeaClfi ffarth Beo
oad« PbUadalyhit; 8 8 Hxxiea, drngiit, B>tlhnor«; aad by
UwmgSoot the United Btetzs,
JYfIM-fanbt,'Bakapatap b tba large aruare botlba,
whiaheonUbk qnrt mti waed wilk tba wrulea denbn
af 8 P TO WJT BEH D, aßdakaraa Moira ca ib* GbuiL*
Prom tba ICrw York Daily Exprea of April 8,1t47.
A prtUy thiog appeared te ih* ibeet* yerUnU*. It waa
tbaantrUßag ob,or Samparilla Eiprcm of Dr Tewnead.
.Tba wbok thug la got op la good lastei some of tba oraa*
mental taadraapa palniiog* tra bcadUfol. which, together with
Ibeacroll'werkJiakold.gliitealn la tbeaaa, made a show
.rarely equalled lai'Broadway. . We take thU cmportaajlr to
say webtim this aalreetortba BUneperflla dtmrn tht
wiytgmtpopabriiy ithia aeqairtd.
/ Herron* Ddbtlltyr,
»w - ' . .WKwTo*«,M>rchg7 t lßff
Dr. TOMUrud:—l km beta man or lea for 3
Ttmn, wUb a dreadful dakiagb'ibe'cb4*t l giddbem b lb#
bmMoa of »W«toU ( pab b tbalifob, aadgnerri deblity,
a ? abt e*^* l beat wi edd to whiTh
lam aabjaet to bay rarata at • dyer. 1 ban takes other
■dkira, too hoadrow to aaatioa, bet with Bole or aowra.
rat. I»wb*e*4l7whal!mwbth*|apeftol*yabotO#
ofyoarßanepannaffrßawfakhifoaadgratnlkJC Ihara
ebca twcaaTefaleranboUlm.aßd!caaaabaitetbwbmT
it bum beat Bedkfeof bra am
cheat Urae, and 1 MqaiUadHbrat maa altogether atoc«
Ihar* takea your Baraparilla. I hart bow a burr appetite
tbnererlbad. beaelJ.
ealfamlu. - Ined* rentHiwred U u a family aadkba
pamfly, lfodrarbeed thal if ao wed there woo Moot
tbeitararkisl bawaUtbCT regehr tome; tl karpa the blood .
u a healthy »Ul*,tolhet dteeam i» not ao likely to attack lb* i
#*d" ;
„'L . Tuau.Siim,, TOiHaH
_ . CmkTla u.. Mantu.
.BdwJy.TOMrfnaiodJldmW. DrTmaiV
SEVtS Mi diUdim
2ImSKS^,.“ r k^ ,l , fa “ VI™ 1 *”» b “
W..K. Bonn.
Oiaonti tndiifog* attcModvriZ
MKT* joolkdttnraufta,
.rf - Rlj«itrTMrowtj», 07 :
TOWNBEND.»U !<-.'&
~ flnilmd’i Mltlialri Halil »«gnMi(j...
nnlion of Mafemts, vitbeot totee liable to fbm «»£*-
Sou k tbo vpdathreeottorS
rtomseb' PM tfis dmofideTtbo
ffW <od i » l bOd«gdg*fr ■-• •
passed epwetd* of 70 worms,' and by-tha ess of said 1
It istretytbe •~ Mi ■rididwlui ui
,»•«.■? t treat have bn morereals./,v-v
“ * V.."WMorufOEB
',' 1. ' WQkißs-TWwnhin •
ftasalsby 1 HDBROb>R«NWoo4 StmlPm
.-v; ;....-jfiblj.
~ i- .. ~ * j “'T' 1 ’ ’""***■*.
: timliiii'i ‘"riflf r - 1 •; r
H J.R.TUM> tom lUa fancnd 4iiaei fnx»
»,lho mpafortgirr*. ud of*r G»i Y«k
Teus at DOM Extra Beperfine-&bin> mmiMtored
exmeulyfor ocr own ula *adwvrawed well
of Saxony tod Merinoaader ■-Shift* wrnmis
..', >
lie Bosoms and Collin, iieladjo» Bosoms witbCoU
tan coached.' • •
Me patent cwtrel joist Saipende«i,with ether Goods
tooaameroos to mantioa,iaieladiiifblk-mid ianer
.. adjusting Stock*. , . •
Satin Sow cod plain Satie Stocks.
Bombasine boar and Plata Bombaxiße Stock*. -
BOk and SatinTws, rich silk and wia Cravau wife
oae'ene of low prieed Shirts which we iare tarn in
eaaliiybave never been snrpisssd ip prion In this citr.
We,intend to elose the.above Goods off by the naekan
aadwoold eall the attention of Pnnhaseisto ear nock
M Gooda/knewing ihatiow prices'-frill lowre tbem a
feeodT**k* - - - HdETODD -
roc eg- tWwood at, npitaimidoan below
j rr ~'- wv-*—
f .xrOW openin* at the Wholesale Dry Goods' - Boom,
la‘MMukctstreet,td story; ionp« of Atoaeeatlsfr
| pcs English Merinos,* rases atOnm FlatdsaadcSifc
■ors.lo pcs French Broadcloth,?! pcs faoey eaui-
? ert *r c £S ,^ae^ 10b • , •• tad yellow;
J sands, 900 pea blankets,, newStyiesiealieoe^dotnesu'e,
ginghams, |Loves andjtotiery, Wither with a general !
assonoent of goods. Merchant* are lashed to examine
r li *” _ ■.A, A KMQIHCO ■
PilY uritn the attention of dealers and others to
aw excellent setortaeatofuove ! noda,ia Us whole*
* Uirt ’ “ wen M >n the retail department,
- itafcmliMSetlaetn;
Bla* and black do;
• Inriiible green do; ••>;••. -
Bain striped Uk-do;
All of wiieh wtiltaufil low by the piece or yard: al*
ao.ea.kand.CioUi for ekiato, and barred Peliido, Sr
L nlngi- ,1 ••!
■ ■ ..j ,-. New Arrival, .V 1 •
“** Htakett, km cgtcn!
bag reek*, forth* UdWod «w»oSlSsSStSHn
key*a.eacnpfoteuortaeal.that .we after wholesale <*
-■• 1 ' -"' V - i•J A H PHIf.TJPW J
r i«»oiuil TOjiYei • J«np aMlfai aJ.upHr oTtxw
ftonch Turkejri ehawU. Aatbeie goods are vdrv
•cuoe,we WonJd mpecUhJlrlnvite dreSileitocii!
and;«xemine per stock, u we are ulliet them were
i... „ ALEXANDER*DAY * ”
■-nvtf. . 73markn»t,N Wear •
. .d.doxOords *ndTto*eU,fbtl*diea’Clo*to;
R ?•:■* :•• , M . :; Gents* •
«*? Wk Fringe,** loch wides . .
W ■** blno- • ■ •:.•• «,. 1 -u ,
* ... >:• «. . I ioeh “
.J Vnti KMtEatUihbreb doth; r?Z~ . .
’Do .do ■ do' > l Pearl Drab Cloth; for over,bo>
Mwmucrnin I* HU
tfaaahorsest&otteo and man reasonable toms by .
•• J:;--;!; anckerrmayb*--.-.
'■ A _i Lt _‘ Wwood vt, ft doors above**-
TiIUII GOODS—WebaVe/ut received bv ex>
MJ ores* rvery handaoma Jot Ladies’ Drew Qooda.
consisting of— • —. ~
ttaporewbreldered Cuksenßobea; '
.■ Daßroeade merino '’"do:
FlMpUfoCaahmere«.a baamifol aidcle:'. * '
‘OtiaandCakhmerepTaida. -••
73 market g. cor of thedlaawnd'
; Hed, Brown and bairedTlanneli
x- An additional sapply received from the manofltc*'
turera. Also, a fow pieces lowprkcd Cusinetui for
:■-•••■ ■ •,■ ■.■ i. . . . gdwnoju.' •
and colored En*lrthEHeti*s,ia»t received direct tma
Uroonere by . . ;I iJHACh'LCTT.A WHITE
•;dciQ. :• - ."• gdwaodot.
W grew fifured mahair aihl •idfoTcr
rec’dbT Green* * Co*» Exprcl*,
intjday*froatPhiladelphia/or salt by •
- - V . Wnoodvt
PbAJlllbllilbAMßUi} , /•
1J ED, white and yeliow Aaonels; alao, a largo lot of
JAheavy twilled flan neUjJaatreo’dj braale very cheap.
•' W warttet w. W W.rardiamoitd. ’
Ccntuaptiva, remember that it tr Thomtuotf*
Compound and Woadjfapr.
tha which is doth effecting tuck rt
tnarkabte cure* in '
Artun, BrtwhkjaflpuWerfliead, pua fo iha BiU tad
Bmat, bore llovatm falMtaikp of ih«
Hiart, Wboayuc.GH >, troop. Hiraa,
Itmwi'lrowi .jrer Cowptoai
and Diarem jutnmete, .
rpllEßEFOßE,bmraoral, apenow nUt&m of Tar or
A N«pha«»i*ul»tian»ar* abroad
M. a. p. Hj~l b« beardl I
hare erearkacad. foa the ore of poor Cowpoaad tiruol
larandNapiharcadtn Amydawio iafom yoa «(iU I
had brealregaCkird withajwyhad mar*
pels in U» hrewt, with grcai mrewlcß, diftealnoi bralb*
ire aad low of tMik. Vue retire* wtiMm wjibeal
«wtt - Ihrrawi aWrwrd, Ibrereof yogmdidrenbath*,
fog arena to n*log wo* adreniacd awdkfoc*. 1 thorehl I
would adfore to what I.bad bare oaf. Fiadizt( bjtkU
gvttfog won* a Irknd panoded ns to try a botda of rear
pe*taj»tioo,«ylDg* , b«o»*dhi*lifo.ton»tiria** , r him
twaiataiy ptrewitod, and cawwtoced aiwg Jt,*ad fo
fen i bad titan two bodlca, 1 wna cowokwlv mlorrd to
taalth, 9
SoWty for th* bitrfl afatharvl wad* tba ahorebrfof
aUtrewaV Any 1 fortber iaod/W* rea to vndrot wy iw
d<bea,ltBCidwrtM'*n*;' ~
Kawretfolly yoan, i raaecnPaamt.
Stitt another Remarkable’ Cttru
Gwlito, Nar. Sfo ISIS,
. Abort * year* Ware, is taajuiai of tba aedretaiy
.aarer* of wy tudaiw, l wa» ■?—*m» nrtu ia
Om tout, palpHalioo of tha heart sod tbortaaworfcmth,
which w£rv noa foQowvd by lb* (Uui rtappatila. utnw
wataftihww ala%hl asd partial jv* yaw elaiylhah*—there
ywptow* of a doraagad ayatm bafog AtgreaUy,attended
with of Mood. For abort twa para I waaaocwaoa
ally tnrewnirto whieh Immhi wwarahte
atow of %hleata aad tag* to aim wy wind... Treat two.
to tin* my Hfhrfop.ware wore or tea mm, aalilat taogih
toay ioctcared to each * dcfre*,*ad of li*
itacltwi ware ao annested,' that forawbokycarlwac
residetgattcodlaatynadntWi rDrtirgUfottoatteartdh
cdaoMallaphrekiftttiaadrttaadadto thrtP prtrtriptfaßA
bat all their eluD wee aaorw tog to preeare we
at length they regarded my recrerey re ealtraly bopekw la
ibia craditioo 1 ni inraawil oi.Jha aalawry egrew *f
Thcwaoa’e Cerenoosd
an tocaewhslilwiiar.towinamaad thoogh lhad gma epaw
apectsUcaa. of Araaonvyrtwy .focarer hoalthihyhaMr befog eli cagfr adn wdto try thj**wdjri*e.l-»Wt
at kagthprcnlfod anew to do. to, red 1 hare now lew.
that by tha aw of aft Mttfeawt taahk hw baa raifon*,tot
1 aw now ahie to attad ta bwnew with aa maeh focittf "•
otaal. UWfßrhlYKaa.
OfDfehfaSßuTiin Ifa '
PrsparW only hr AHONXT fo DIOCsON stOwlS*.
eoratr of Fifth sa« Serve* strata ..
Sold by L, WILCOX* dr. FiUiUgh, oA i i| Ifolli
Druggists gsaanUy. Frie* 30 eta. or Os* dollarpvrbcAU*.
: CAUTION.—Brwsiu of t'wilifWwi, **4 parthaw Tfcf
soe*! rwjioiri Syrup of Tir frcaiaons bat sittltM
agnts, ov af fosse afeotu foe sospidca of tasting la
tsrfoita . "i • d*elld&»''
; —~ BHKIun'XV »OOTI4 FA»*Aiv “""'
THE bestarucia known foreleaningand whUcning
foe Teeth, strengthening foe goat*, sweetening foe
breafo.Ae. It sboald be Used every night with -a stil
brash, and the teeth and mouth will only reqalreasligb -
washing In the morning,'. Wer the brush sritk snrr*
water,i or cold will answer, and rah it a. few
foe pass, when-enough wdi-adhere for meaning the
teeth. It leaves* dalicjooa taste la the moafoianuuS:
parts a most detighifaifragranee to the breath. It Hands
unrivalled as a plea*am, efoo*etous,' cemvenioat, and
saftrdentnfice.*- It is. warranted not to injure the teeth,
By using it reguiariy, it will remove the tartar and
prevent ’ iu aectnaalauon' ■prevent the toothache
strengthen foe guns, and orevent all diseases of ucm
Chemists, physicians, satffoe clergy recommend it a
decidedly •sperietlaeYetythlngofihetisdfouse.—
Ask for Sherman's Compound Orris Teath Pasted and
observe hla signature la aaaebod to each pat. .
Recommended by. Dr. Castle..3Bl Broadway,one of
ear best Dentists, and by most Of foe old established
ones in foe United States, and tree' Xtensively used
byfoeNobi!ityofEnglaiidandPivi*w,-< .
A Urge proportioo of thedisease,t httaOlotmufolad
arise from use derangement of fot s toataeh or bowels,
1 which a tlmelv use of the Caih* us Lozenges would
entirtly obviate. Persons of bilious habits should aJ.:
ways have a box at band, ahd takea dOM wkenevta
they feel the least derangement in their health. Ajddi-
Clous use of these utxengcs would prevent thousands
of eases. . >•- ~..~r •, .......
For sale at WM. JACKSON'S* corner of Weodand
Lib*rtysts ; ’ ’ ... “
L APIWho Use COmmoa Prepared Qiaik, am
often not awara how IhghtfoUy tnjurioas -t lira
the skin! how coarse,bow rough, bow sallow, SellowJ
aadonbealfov the skin ajotani after using prepared
chalkl Besides, it Is injarious, containing alarceQaaß
tity of lead.. We have prepared a beautiful v ere table
hnfefa, whieh ww eati-JONES* SPANISITLILY
WJUTEI It is perfectly innocent, beingporified of all
dileienonsqaaluicsj and it Imparts, to fonaklnanata*
ral, healthy, alabaster, eicarriiving white, at foe same
tune acting as a cosmetic on foe skin, making it son
sad smooth. .. •- !
Dr. James Andersen, Practical Chemist of Mtita
ehasetts. says: “After analysing Jones's Spanish Lilly
White,lftaditpostesaes the most beaatifal and gala*
ral, at the same time innocent white 1 ever saw. i
certainly can conscientiously recommend iu aaeioaU
whose •kln.reiptiresbeaanfy fa*, 1 «• * .
{CT*Price SO cents a box.
E7“So!<l by W&I.JACKSONiatkIt Boot and Shoe
Biote, 6# Liberty street, head ofWood, at thesirn'of.
foe Big Boot • - ;
Ladles, agtonifoed.
When yon know foatyoa are promised /
Anatar*i,Jlfe.Uke,*n*wy white, /J •.
i ' That yoa will still Bse esmaon chalk,
: AndlookadeafolyyeUowCright, , . . . .
The theme of laughter and orulk.
. If TOO would use . a bsx of JON£>B Lilly-white, it
would give your skin an alabaster yet natural -wkite,
and at foe same tino clear and improve it' Sold at
JACKSON’S, 81 Liberty;st Pnfce»centa per box J .
~ roiayoHT---”-;
;rjVETTKR, ITCH, SALT RHEUM, Ae—Who ’would
rx fora single dsyserateb, whaa.afltieted anUi the
Tetter, Itch, or other diseases of the skin, if they knew
who would relieve udoarefoem. .
TU terrible to, bo obliged to rob and scratch; when
atone. bn more horrible to abstain (tom it, [for decency'
«ahc,]whaniacompany, .Let it be remeaN tod.that
moot efleeeinaa of say other preparation in eximeoee is
earing the Tetter, Iteb, ond other diKueiof the this
Sa olTdiiooeei cdih« ikin nest arise from tbs imparity
of the blood end Saids id the body, end where sees di*-
en*«b«ofkmf standing, endtte eoftstitatiea efleeted
thereby, if Dr. Leldy>*Bar«Si>ariQa Bind FfU be end
with the Ointment, they wdTeare any eese whtSßvtK
end iftherdonetfihe money will be ntereod by Dr.
Lcldy. Uni cues, however, will bo effeomslly eared,
by Dr : Leld/* Tetter end Itch Ointment, enletsthp
wlwlb system is impregnated by the diseased honor*.
cdbytheOictmeat, ,Price of Ointment 83,cants. For
•tleby . .! B APAHNEffTOtiKRCO* t
moo - • ■ - cetwred 4 fiestas*-
MOMAWfi OOUOa OYRDF-—lt provfdio.bftte
earing my ehud%.datreisifi(
£« Am Tempersaee Banner, Net;* KT, ' : J
ere net in the hebitof refine,
lh. litin. hmirn fnrl rtisuTn^d
remove e reiniatiaa dmtressina erezh. »>»*» «»
several deye afflicted one of nSreeUdien* witteetee*>
cuotwo.were indeeed to try agmiiafcOcKhJhnh
end by it relief «u obtained m*ftV tomtit tao Tod
ie»«Umpeneeeelotkltea>eet ken. • * - TTjw
%» (, , : - Mktt i' :
ttaffla 1847. jsmoibk
tween:pittsburgh andthe eastern
wnaoßT t*as«hum*3t.
rpHB improved method of carrying escd by this Idm
X Estihbshcd! Line,, t» nowsowell-kaoirnthat do
tctipuonis unnecessary. Goods'are navtoached on the
tome, ihos oil traashipaeni oreitrm handling io saved.
. The Boat* are:of lint draoghtind perform tbeirtripr
in fromsutoseyfcncaj*. j .
Theeaphdtyofopr warehoosea enables ns u item
any coangnmemd made tots. - and
advances (Hoof charges.—----. --- >i.~
Beioa felly prepared a> make sales’wFrodaee, me
respeetrelly solicit consignments of weuenr Floor,
Becog,^ara,BtiUcr,Cheese, Waol,Feaiher*,aadother
trades for'sslo, on which liberal adijaoeea'will be
msdt-dnd other oasal facilities sflordedlpledgisg csr
selves that snyt basinets entrusted to fas tball be ha
promptly eiteceted and spen ha fair tens* as hy any
Mhertooae. iiJ - JNOJdcPADDRNAC© t
Canal Basin. Fitubarvfc -
- !i . JA3W DAVIS a. Co f
;!■ htt and aa Market at, fhilada
•.TOOK Ibc u , «n*j»ft*uoaorFrei*it6a»ceb'l s iiutHTßl
T and ibe Atlantic Cities tvoUing uanthlpnenu OA
;tho w»y, ktidiiie eonaeqneni rUk or delay, damage,
breaklge and sepaxaboa of goods. r .
i No 878 Market street, Philadelphia
1 •: •..! i i iDDt) k nwurMnD ■ .. .
OerPenn tnd.Waynestt.l’itMbftfgh;
O’CONNORi.Ce.Nonhstreet, Baltimore 1 «
WfoJ ; TTAPSODTr,MBooIhst,It.Y. J A *® n **
- Enpoarvaed- by increased baaioea the Proprietors
hare added to their stock and extended their arrange,
menu darfats the winter, aad'-arenem prepared lofor
.waidfreigut wuh reralarity and ditpateh nruurpajicd
by ady Other line. Their'long ekpenenco'it carriers,
the palpable anperkrity of-the. Portable, Bail System,
and the great capacity and conTeqience of the ware
tosses at each end or the line, ar* peculiarly eaicnla* 1
ted to fulfil their engagements,
.add accommodate their etutotoerr—confidenuy offering
; he past os-a guaranty for the fntare they' respectfully
*'Al)eon«rßin<huto jpaaflo* O*aoano7willbetecM
:aad forwarded, i Steamboat charge* paid and Bilia'oi
' lading transmitted free of any charge for Coonustton,
adva&cidgor stotaie;' llaring nolniaresi -directly or
.indirectly uteteamboats, the interest of (he coasicnoa
mast‘bdee*lhrdr'be'lhelf'>rihiaryoOieettn •hipping
wesuand theypledga themselm to forwent all toods.
ooaligned to. them promptly ted on the aoevadTanta
geoes terms w the owner*;
-. March 1.1647 ■
' J.i.Dicuy, . —T
■ ;JEast :Bwer Point aid Bridgojccter, j
'j ; Proprietor aailAgent of ■tenner* •
VAtt* i Bxtvtix' prrrt*r*BH
TT7JLL be prepared on earliest opening of canal ni»-
TV {gallon is yweiveproperty it his wharf boator
: in warehouse, for oil points oh trie Extension, Cross
Cat, and Oalo Canals; for *ll ports on Lake Erie »nd
ippefLakes.assUsoteiorprardprodface,. Venn’s.
Improvements. Apply to or address i
-7«bttSf? ■ 5* JAB DICKEY, Beaver
; | ; ETWuhom - >
, QoodsecntignedtooiireafwwilJbe-forwnfdedwuh
ontdeUy«atths lowest carrent mea. -Bills of Lading
transmitted, and all instructions promptly attended to,
free from any'extra charge for storage- or commission. <
; Address, or applyto C A JdeANuLTY ACo
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
‘ ; - STORAGE- ''• • - : -
liavjng a eery Itrge and eooosdioßa warehosse,
wo am prepared to receive {in addition 10 fieight for
ahnnhcnt] a large aiaoaal of Produce, Ae.. on Storage at
' Jsartatss, - ••linartj. >•: > C A/MeANULTY ACo . .
EXCLVSIVELY.W the transportation of . WAY
iFßElQHTfcetween Putshergti'BlainTille, Johns
town; Holliday sbnrgh, Water Street, Peiersbergh.and
all intemedisie places. (
' One DoatwiU leare the warehouse of CA Me Ansjty
A Co., Pinsbsigh, every day, [except Sandays,} and
shipherican alwayaoepesd on having their gooes for
warded withent delay and at fair rates. ' *
This Liae praa formedfdr the special aeeoennodailoa
of the way bosinesa, and the propricisrs respectfully
.solicit*lthtralshareof patronage. . . .
JOHN MILLER, HoUidaysbsrgh 1 .
;R 11 CANAN, Johnstown ... ! Agents.
' C AMcANULTV ACo^PUttharghJ
. 3 JMeDeviUy John Farter, Robert"Moerc, Bagaley
Jbtoh&.‘PitutHinrb.'' •. ••• -■ - • • sort -
liUKlißiJ.iilß UCUCWUTBi ?;
i 647. '■ -- jSßfaaA
wtnpoeedof SiearaboataLakeEnc.
' X and running daily Iwswerii pjtulmrgh
and Bearer, and Height and paveoger Canil'Bdau,
rantuM between Belief and tne andcmaceungwitU
C M f&ed’a Line of iiieaabaai Propeller* uni Vea*el»
on the Lake*; Will be prepared open the eerlie«top-4a-‘!
iarof Navigation to tang ; Freight and Faaaeagcistd'
alipoinuon tho River, Canal and Lakes. ■-
: Haring erery iaeUiijr for conveying freight and paa
aeogent with proaptneta and diapauib, ibe proprietor
ana agent* reaprclAjllr aollcil from tliclj friend* *wt
he poblic generally their patronage. 1
! <- _C M Rtap, Krle. Proprietor
1 KFKDd, PAtlK&'fo iV/Beater, Art*
• ; !•■■.: •.(: JOHN A PnuVgndo
Cor.Smithialuajtd Watertu.oppositß the Mornmci
~ .gahelaljwuc.
vrtit to
. Wheeler, Crocker A Co, New York
t}«oD»fiS» Bofiftto
H N Puke k Co, Cleveland .
' Ju A Arin*tf»nf A Co.DetroU
MeClnre A WillHuu, Mllwaukio
BrietelAFoner.Chictfo -
Wm Power*, Powerawwß, Penn*
tlen Maehelrajrre, Eraruhorgh, Penn*
John MeAnbor, Huouiowii, do
\Vkk A Aeker.CfreenTille, «lo .
Craig & Ptaropwo, Clarkrriils,. do
Hay* tib*rp»burgb,P*. ■
vy.CMttUa, Ittaion, . - do
R W Cennlnulamv New Cmilc, do
U.£iuke> r. H.Hoop*. ..'.T: Aehownd k'co[ •
PtnmiUßrli Comsmlnloß Hircfauu.
.?i *: . . R»WB pi ; ’
. »’| Agents and Proprietors of tbit Un (sofovor--
' -L ably known tothepQbUe),wm be prepaidon (he'
earliest opening.of canal ntTigaiumu receive prep
any at Pittsburgh and Beaven aid'deliver the sorae-at
any -point oa, tho Ohio canals, and also on Lakes Erie
,end Michigan, »hh the greatest despsich aadittireas
•onablc rtteA-H! •' >' • -
Tta ipreprist*rt «f this lino aeildt 1 ihetNuinemiof!
their former customer*' with hoowizt; that
iheirfsciliuc* erejeeondtooane..
• Apply m of address : - ll ■. ••
■a M HASTON, Aft Pittsburgh. J -
I i ' CLARKE A:CO, Beaver.. -* .^.:=
- JanSß| : 't .T RICHMOND A Cc r«volaol i •
PITTSBURGH. •' .??&■
mhfoekSSMhisliue coxnsu ofe. doable daily
.of Beats. hud Cars, [owned by'.tbemselveaj
wmea are in good order. The mbrenbersarepruoa*
red to forward a largo quantity of Merehant!ut*ad
Pretties with certainty and dispeieM’. -
Produce or. Merebaadiso consigned to unv ot Ota sa
dertigned, is forwarded free ot any charge for eommU
lion or storage.,; . •
t Bills Lading transmitted aadhiiinitrteuoasjirempily
’ The business of. this. Line is conducted onstnedy.
Babbuth*keeping principles. Address, or apply to i
I •: • jD-U&HA.Co,P«prim& '
Caofc,B "‘ n » K, i»buiih
.jUARAIS A LEECH, Proprietors,.;
No 13 Booth Tklrietreett Philadelphia
: JO3. TAYtORk BONSLAftws,} .
NoJl4 Nbrth Howard street,Baltimore
( i . i|W B WILSON,Agent! , » V
mchU -. ;«• . -No yWeatstretuNewYorkt r
biaAvaau, WAUiuca « cl£vbi*and
' '1847.- ; :
canal packetsteleu *api< a swallow'
I BATE Beater daily at i o'clock,*.*., ailertio ;
IA-anriTalofthe steamboat BE^VERTromFlutiidrch,
and hrrireat Warren next morning in reams forme
ItaAs which raaeh Cleveland beforeofftv '
: PsppcnirerswilMiOßceiptedthnqgh,seearlagbefli»'
M the Packets, and teats is the Stage, on application
on board steamboat Bearer, [leaving Pittsburgh ai p
o’clock/a.a.JortoUieagenu: •
' ’' "•:! O.'iIIIARTON ACo.Pittsbhrgh
, j CLaRKE ACo. Denver . -.-
'' - JESSE BALDWIN, Yoanxatown
aplfl ; !! M B TAYLOR, W^ re n
; *346 ■ 1847-
rpiJE nndenljfticd aro nowprepared lo forward pro*
4.;tfaet,sc.,(»U»e,T£*ilerfaltt«rMt«d«tiiijj' = t&e’ea«d-'
Inj wiiue'r, on lie most favorable term, by Ibis exp*-'
diuou roote. j
, > Ail property, ns will bo fcrwaided at the
loweit rates udjjWitb despatch:' • . •
. Merobaßdjia meind--br the Rutte-pmapUy flo'
aptrdod.;- •'•••*].) ,C DIDWEMa, Ag*u, Pjiuburtb.
i t O A-CAJbS, BrownrJille.
B»*er*AdOi« m ute,hL; brwwKE&SSSff:
V~T'WIS*AARCHRR i OiteiiVi|| e ,'Aira I ■.*
; f :
I; . I WM. MATIIE<VB, PiftiHr r !§ ’
joiin A'cAUOi^%^jE.wliSllfj - i lhsat^.
apOr . .. Qppolift tha Xonancahola Htwa. PiSw^
_■“ » «a«'<V ffi. t«*r«r>eA
wlllLafarwiSai Ai«»A w .wf^. w 3..
MOotATOtv. .(aOUKkmdlL''.-.
'■y mi - B*N“iiwATBßiu« I Bmik w )L,
vpVTwIH •.•••;: ut yto i-'uC .rr& \is
\ , ■_\\ . 1
'; \ i' !
! 1 i ; j ~ '.:-^f4#^S.
USOUiU■ MOiUljSQtMtfMrt'iVOtt ■
tarrt u a o'clock, * OWKL.t.IL,-
connecting with Pittsburgh tod Ooteland Line of Cad
oa) Boats daily to Cleveland, 04JRiavef».H*irea and
Cleveland Line of-Caaal’PaekeuAfadStage Coaches
daily to Warren and to
New Ctstlo and Orcehvilie,' P*i-E*ie Ejwmsfon;Lino
to-Meadvflle and Erie. : NriLMoefe A.Oo’hLiOetof
Stage Coaches for Cleveland and AYooatei^ leave Bea
rer daily on the arnvaLof Meamboal -Beaver from
PraibiiiKk. App,r toj, .
_ apl4 - .. . CLABKKA Co, Beaver .
- :.VXIOB.hiSB, ' •• - u
1847. :
' K N PARKS A C©,Cleveland,o.-)> v , i- - !
■ RC PARKS,Beaver,Pa. } PropTietCff*.
w t MATHER^’Pinsbargh,Pa. ) > - I -
THE above line is now. foUy prepared to.wtMport
Freight and Passengers from Pinsbaigh andCfovw.
, land, to any point oo thsPcnniytvsain A Ohio and doe
Canals.:* ■ j : ■ ] z\
The foeilides of,said Line are not equalled by any oa
gaid Canals, in numbers had 'espoetnl of-Bists r 'expef'
-rience of Captains, and promptness<h AgeatSfAci
One Boat leave • Pmsba rgh and Ctaeoland dally J ran*
nineineenneetionwilh.tbeB(easeT«.'>'ii ' |
. Michigan Enej betweenTittsborshand
Beaver; and a Line of first olau RtemaboatA’rPropel-
Bng* and Schooners,! on- Lahes Erie, Hanm, Mi
chigan and Ontario-' • ! ! i V-
Properly -forwarded to ahr part of the Union with!
despatch. E N PARKS A Os, AgtS: <
W T bIATHERi£WmtiL A& , .
> v3l' Cor Wateraadteithuu street* .
. rooUTiiCanm.*{BSli
s B &£ 1847.iteei
= I v!
BACKET Boars Swallow and Telegraph leave Ben*.
-”ver daily,-at 3O'clock p.RiafieruegSylvtl'of tta
morning Boat from Pittsburgh,ahdnrrivo fct Warren in
lime for the Mail. Line ot Bmg£ foMeh HsVc'muoedi
aitiy there afle/.afldarTinttaewUmdtt?b'dock,r.
This rente is the most txwtnioa ‘and dnhfonable
one to the Lakes. . ;t-I
JOHN ACAu’CHEkLcmao Hater amtjlaitbfeld
apdly Opposite theMrmnngiiielsHow.Pifi»t>amh,
1 ' ron the TR&nsponvATioH'or “ , .
Now York y>
THE encouragement this line tea rocetfbtttto&r
its commencement* hat ihdaebd'ibn.propria
torgtoinereaseUieftockbyadfUhi.antlinberufir •
class boats; and itwloed ofpvinj receijitßAt
for* as -agents, .are.will give our own receipts (or
freight UU».l.ino7.‘-! “ 7 yJ.7;:.,T"!: ,
The .boats aio all portable,'eoßodqttdbtlf.ueii&t'
-is taken the wbolo dWanco without
thereby prerenUng damage from frequent
on route, and as
ttaotsih who runsthem,khtebia asuffictentilisf'
antke that there will be oq delay oa-thc rontc.:
- Ail Prodnce.or hlerehuxhso consigned to the
undarsMMiirintw forwarded RRSe!oFJCOH>
*M ISSION , Tor advancing and. fonrardihgTaad wHI
be Shipped withont.delay at th*'Jawt ra&m' of
Irembt. • - * <■/.,. c • |
We respactfhlly aolicita AbarooLanblie palro
nade. WALUNG»t)|ID*.Co., I .
i - Canaißa*io,PiU«t«nrti‘ : ;
Broad Street,Wniadelpbii; '
FMILLER, Agent - -I
. Bowicy , s Wharf,'Biitrtacrd. .
■ WmhftiailgttW
DBiVWAYHK’S. ’i v .
A Certain aodnTecare (ar;css|ktf‘'cold>r't>tbnui,
lirer cgoplaml, cpittlßf tbe tide
or breirt.nefTQOsdeMliiy.wboopinf cough'
broken coßstitaiiob.^CnMHllMf*.
■ TION or any diseawof theiscfa Or;■ / -UO
brcaiL Readerateyoa lafferlng
i] , with reoußor disease of tbe
...lacgyi try this remedy, ! - c *'■
• !, yoo will , not per. --j
; • haps regret it • ••* ;-•••■:-•• i'.r:-
It will arrest all tbosedisagreeable symptoms which
■trike aocb terror 4o*ed,&pro!ongyoardara.
B<msie .ofpreparation* perpoiiing to contain
Wild Cberry.eioepuhatbeinag tbe signature ofDr
H ;Swatbk on the outside: wrapper ot tseJrbotta:
aa they are quite likSlydeatitutc ol The article from
• which they borrow a name v ' ~
; Read toktU U ha* ilattJ { l T
Would perhaps be a smalf estimate for the ‘ravages
bl this dreodfol disease in a tingle year; then add'
< R»e (earful crlalogne ol those eat cIT by InQtnUJ
. lion ol tbe Langs, Hemorrium/AtUrma; Coafbs
, jnflnenxa, Bmndutis,abd other diaqaaea oj tbe
pings and lirer/:..
Aid tbe list would presort,*? mpalUng proofed
: Utility ol these two class?* of dmcuea. ' Sat itis
important to know that nearly, all ol this
wjite. qf homact life migbt base been prevented
by a timely use of Dr.SWAYNE'S COMPOUND
• SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY..-. ..... „i.:
.. frhia mediciae baa-now beea?beJote.tbepebUa
iame eight'yean, and u 'the original-preparation,
frbm tbe Wild Cherry Tree:' s Ra repetition as a
Brooehitia, aod'CeS"
sumption of .lip Long* bared entirely upon its
triasic meritt, owes but litUotoiaSatednewspaper'
pjfls. These wbo giro ity trlal.beinjrtiweiiUed
or jt, recommend ttto thdr oeighbors, and thus
gradually and surely hasitgaifled an enviable repo*
.utioa and.worked its .way; into: general are. tOae.
bdttle never Ails to.corn jtreeent eoerb of cOldf
while, with strict attention to the directions thai-oe.-
company'each bottle,its me in. pnlmoatry diseases''
of long standing and of the mott ilarminchiric
ter, has always given retteffind in very many
.itwiance* fate'uceied eOoplete 'and permanent
corns. '•■ 1 ;
'WSWAYIt&S COebraitd ~
pff Conpounit £&•
■ > , upef Wild Cherry, i
[Read the most .yemaria&Je! cure of Consumption
eierplacedilpoa record— | • .r.| t .,
[Dr SwsyDe—PcsrSm ( feel it t debt of grati tads
dee toyou-*nda'duty totheefflietedheherallylh'.
cgermy humble testimony latovur ol yoar Coa«1
pound Syrup ol Wild Cherry. '. Some three years'
since, I was vioiunUy attacked witli rmld add mlla*
malioeof the iusgs, which was accompanied' with!
ajverydutresstng couflb r pfinid the breast and b£ad
-i» very coatidmbie discharge of ofiemive mucus
fibmtholu'ngs,-especially upon changes of weather
however alight. Atfiryt Melt so. ilar*,’ about *»
condition, but was pretty spoil ccnrintsbd that 1 nq
rapidly goings into consume tioivlgrCTe dally we*b’
er,and at length urns scarcely walk' about or
apeik above s-whisper; each eras the exceeding
weakness orny lungs, t had tried
various ptepsntfooaaiM prescriptions, bit tdend ao
j*lieT—growing all the liner worse.' Just benlmfer
advised and pursuadedbyadear
ton to make .atrial bl jour'Syrup'ef Chenr,'
1; must confess that previously Load bean, nreiudip
eti against paienfmodlciflelr. fail -t tori stiff 2wii£f
those coming'out of the' bands ofemturiesibkt
practice bf medletoe; and ■ i faaviag , im{jHefte ; -rtitlj li?
thd saying olmyfrtendspktcnhwith purchased, ol
Dr Sbaw, one of ;yoe r agents;* tow: bottles cadi
use. My disease at thiMime whs
al twenty or twenty five months* Wv
(pently was deeply seated. 1 roasd,boweT«r/c*»-
mderable rclief from the hret iodr or fire boMey.—
Bat bdngapuhUefpeaktM frequently Attempted. l
tb preach with my increasing 'atr-ength and thereby*
raptured thaw -Testels that bad already ’becaalo
bealjtn this way, doubtless; mycnriiJwaA grfcsfl*
retarded.' l&'cottseeuebce- of acting tiresiaprh*
dcntly 1 had to uteJi lSbottles beforejk'.icdi
perfectly restored. ( <l bave .bo question,
smaller number-of.boUlcs.
aound, bat fbrtfa* above .ihdiseretion. The Syren
allayed the le«eri*h habit, did away the distressing
cough, put. a stop to the, discharge' of caaitn'frem
the Tangs, and gave them and the entire system good,
health. „ .1 have dalertcd offering thn ceTPflgmrtin
now, for the purpose'..of. beings petftcifr sathdled
that i'
feel perfectly.well, 1 oner it with pleasure. i
' { • pJ 7i R*V/J. ft JORDAN.'' •
| DubUß Coantj,
cAtiTioNi ■ k
■ ] Avoid all spurious prcpanbdnr or Wild Cham,
such as Balsams; BiiUtrs, Syrup* of Wild Cherry,
Rills Cbeny; Ac, dLe:
4s they are aJthctitiduiandcounterfeif,'uedcoßtsiQ
•one of the virtues of the Original and genuine pro
i gantioti us prepaid by-Dr. Swoyne, and the tfr«i
! ever : prepared, jn this country. . Doctor ; ,Swayße> r
: Compound Syntp.of,WlLD t;UKßßV'iscoiapo*e|.
: ervege table ingredients, the Wild Cbeny, you otb*
i er medical eubstanchi at efficacious, tf;not
; moresoj'tbh whole are ao effectual!/ 'eoheentritw;
, as to beyond all doubt ,>be most pleasant,
strengthening, and.effectn discovers
; ed lor tbe cure 1 orTolmonary codsuinptioa.'and sll
. diseases of. tho Csngi sad mereC The“very tact
fron) its baring such a train- ol spurious imitators/
Standflo prove its gre?t curllive, -propeftiei-. • : f
i Therefore, lavallm,' inquire for the wiguml prepa* 1
fatioh,'each bottle of which Is envelOped Instead!
tiftil wrapper, with * likeness tjT- William Venn «<*?
graved thereon;also bearing the signature .of Dr U;
b«ayne,tbe cmiaterfaitißgor which mill Dei punt
ishedas,forgery; >■■■■ ■■■ iy :.i. ; ,j
p I’iepared only by Drl-fa. Swat ax, Ji W corher.
oT Eiobth and <UcßSuheto:i'UlsMphis.! • i
1. in Rituborgb wholesale and retail by V>:
WM.THORN.iS Marketatreei, > • -.'.,'i
OGDEN &,SW6WDEN,c^rner^A.Woodrts. t
B.A. ol .Ist.and
1 W«od«bd6?h»hd Woodktreet^ J , "l '. .:'I
JONESi ISO Liberty street ”* V
JOHN MlTtlHELlvAlfeghenretiyi'-'
i And by all respectable Drtggurtt and dealers ih
Medicine, throdgtiout Ibe Umted States and Caria-’ 1
f * YRUaW, FIELD 'odeira for ole. at tfeeiowtlt
\J kltnufaclorer*’ prieetj'a-i wycxteativa/maaon.
nomorPAPElU'aaapTilmjrteTcry poriihlc variety.'
Adapted to ike warns o( eomeacra mall tec lion* of tu !
totrotty.: Paper .o( all. made ;to .order a;; ikon
a partorwWe^S?wftirtiirtS^naUnr?^^ i -
aa< kapv.Mmaßtfr eai
Cloth, Fminlrtnier wina
BletdUay Powder, *ej
j CaoW«i,Ba!e'KoM.OnMttope,ilku^isr,t { <*.-.'>ll
pareha*ed;fori»h*eh thohljtoat price ujfCtwkjSrQlba
feaid- . .
fcejftjber*.* \i ’■■
i. Mr. Nywatt mowfciotibeWw*
4M» TmMw
Prepared kad. i jpld J»T'iL~K^W i .rwMa
«j *• '’' t F
" eluidm *iU ukM u k*£ KK*!?' ; i. .
■«"|- B«ktWk»/«UAt»Ut** irboA—Sfarf"! I**• 1 * *• ■ >v~r
_; - jHBI)Ii!I'».COCCH tdtWOa, ' •'••"• . <f, ..-.
TtetT fcfcliriw." 1 ‘‘^V
rain wus*’" r*V«.
»** &■ \
i/*«<giuai , »i'SHfeSt»iSß^? - ■ / 'll
j BHauiAn-acjLMraoßuizgitoia. 1 - ,
?yy. jyyyy r* w . ***** fa w™* •*&* ■{l
rftU he**, Iwnw of Hi
UtraJ, i
.Sfi^SttWEt?!SS;Sg3^C> !
*jrlt» raj.^
*&**3£Z&£ sESSr *«-
*ii iw«d2Srf^ t^S^ > tßrtS^^ss^?! ;
F H iMmi ■■M Cl
fr , *SS^« ,!i ®SSiSK!!sr-
SEmSiS? fil ‘ cl ‘
Blq BOOT. - :;«,'»:,a,J,raßi«i!!jfi v
,dy a reOTlar Droijlit, Cbemilrt >adi ttt nry <i
■.auorpbiMdcTpbbkVbo-luiowi.tbe j»tsr«, the-v
qodtoy and character of the Medicine* Red to lu*i ■>-
pillssodtfceiradtputian iQ.djsease: > ' " . |
Second; Because the pabiie mb take then wdr*' *
tnp*r confidence than »c*t otter pUla which arer 4^_
by pemw»>pi?raat \ j
tiSHni cbetsiried £
inifronitliaitoniaeh tmll>im«uiliiii6stlik»«iu IT .
J j “m pwifjio* Um Mool il
- Becaotc tteyara-tb* chetpetf--aod best* f
single batting bqttt
and eoqttmiaf 4Q piU»,«apsK bj.peraoaai ** £tqn> t
depart olt-timea in • Bocterfe j [
. ; : :; ;;wh6lesomk kmciL' ' !: : 'H .
Whenever job hare oecaiJbn to taktt pavinrtU*
eiM,- do Bbt w'tnflui g ''l
kiad*;©f. pUlsotbtiej medicines >ou Bee-v,
tnid recommended by ode sndenotber tat- - ’’•
takeatfleeeWv H.-.
I pri SafxpanUa Blood PiO* KV#: *
>*?T oeeaaJcß'Ho - take ‘adrtkiDf : l
elrer A«
: iftrtudf’fiiMiß, IntftnatidooltoflWomiieß.'bbdi'-- ’
cofic, Wale(lriaUtrJnWwdtt Wat, 1 'roo! br«atß,tnd JL*
ta4a4dihemanth;Sttß» : MßeiaHn ß ««.u>
• ; tbe qibsfcschvcattrvrMaa awL’ indigestion;; irastitoi.r^
, '*ppeite;bilra*n-illfeettti*, l dMehiSs oftte a plena t.\
acalj/erijiiqnd, ~
dir blotches ofttaiac* urn. I -
to»#,l*tortekto;!teatMttdaftrttoOT; bead:
• 1 tb4 breast, pules, along tpe back-sad V
UsniiatfgootJfevdT* «d:aUHm&irt4afl>a«.ltwWrcr
Joid. meiuels, tereroU,erjfipetaa;andttbl»rt tl#W L
aro good i* aii diaaaseshtviegibaU origin'to'ttnr
liw, andintestinal ahdlmpority
L :L- ;I ’'" I .
, j fcold Whoieaal* and Be tail bj B. A. Fabheatoeii?-*-
* fOroarofFirsx and Wood,'/also, corset of *
Sijtli iodWood street*. u '*etrt4J ‘ ** f P
KH£2& ul & am*iSCjwfuuniavVwtxwjri
>5 lW& in.all iu r 'niu|Upßel;roiSmi i ft ,
Uwiof King'* Evil, enlarge be ntsW'tte-'-f
S iWefc| f .
Il*ql»osaiy: Coosamptioa, .amanair, Ihwa-asa/'r .
j>*®e*abdeBeeted, bat if the pnadploopoa^.*'
dab disease shoald manifest itsetl. /i'hir.lberefSre-^
<ju Ihe rtasod wbjr3*|jrrtjALTt»idir* : la gb^ilk ; 1 ■
.vefsay/ snecMafal in removing so tnanjr nuHgffrtt - •
|dactf«*j: ; ;l l destroys ,the virus or principle Jifild/. 1 •;
, T ,ei J^ft?*d\di»e**e».bwthelroriflta;bfWertAe? \ 1
; intotaecirosistion, and witbtbo
i |Loi lbn toeotfeit:fibte; re r moTi»t : evei7' prtrti£l« of o
-■ i > wld‘*tHo.Cs
.'ofeoath3lurdStreel.-Pbilsdefeliia.: ,■
* MSttjtooffttiar 8toW;«o. n Fonrib stnei.^.
J?*^,f l fy a <*’»«AflJ | llSA*IVICBAJiB4Uajl
l/BUU'be-Rcv < &BA tiUl.\l9 t 'a weirkaownandimß '
; '■alo | et Clcrpttftanofiliß.l’iowitsiiiMoihoOljtditittC'' I- -
• •jeierwlOiadUedM o?uie'si6msth;i«netimea..prt-"'
-fe«d*e» with liule eoe«t, was farnitbed with a txittts ~*-
■••PtvJVße’a.Vanniiiativo Uaisam; Thisbessetlao''
■ oc«dlßgtt'ibe'meetlonst«ndfcaad tnvarlabiy thauhli\ r ■
. IBwdicinereaasedthe paio.ioabaie ia Uireo ar (oar tnia'-f i
' ajjdi;Ui;fmeca or dixia** ,'
;.TM medicine,wa^ r >
tetwardsued mdiostioasofdie asnmbeb'iiA *
a.S#^K. L r
. tbf dabaaes oftbqtmaaeh and bowels. l "J?)sMlN fl s •
■.'/■•■■"? —■ i
)ic^f;kj2^r*^;.^‘ k "-"r. -i
' iAUncmdeCriam', * do; -
\ gupofiaeHuap.oß . •;.:. ; tv: : .
• I,
-■ ifew^bwdßr'peinCWanpMias»« •■'*" •• *•••
’ ■•*?*> oaaulalni Cragrtnrezußta > „
S,'ha?“SS^ i,r ‘ * “«■' »"«>
l ; if^w^erChiaefe'eevrJefj: l -! >.
pdflp.fao.ejr nr eommoa wrappers, (rose tcent*
' ;^“9*’® o *P» > Njnmph'Sbpp} &0m Up valve,-» ' ! JI.
iS- W®*®» # .lffaodfputnpj -j . ■
' ' , s? r ?.P*ba»oap l inbar*ai»d«akes}-
*5*P» «o* mp| tegetbar With a greai vnriett I
y Vl . BAPAUWKSTUCKfcCO '■*- •
>_! ny l>> .«• ;corfth fctreodbta !‘j
Cj'TJtiAa. HUAT CVUKiaO mv£Tke
•; u..v.,;.;n WM BMAIFEin;,
••? .. .•: fovt dbehraa Market dJw*»tri r
* ! tt ATJE * O JC*DT B R TIBIM o, -.)
iOaalotertioßof lsbaei, or Jo -
Three • « ' “ •
One Week' •, “• i ..V. I fiO > r
Two .■■■." iv... 25Q ...'
Three *•* < ■•• V... ..** >••••••••• 300 .
One Meath, . " : - * 4 00v
Two -- !* “ ......... G OOi
MyerUienwsßt* Jo «tne proportion,' | “
,Oae«qiurß,;o nontu; mtboot aUcnitaiLw lO'.tf) 1
!/, I*. ?;12) ;■>..•,! •*-, • ’ ~W. Id L«0
Each additioual £bi 6 moolh»; dS)^
EaebaddiUoosiaqnre'rorlSmofltte.......; lOlw
WMU.T; om nuwiittf l* smi rmii;;
; -■ u -eacl»»ddjUoßiU & '.
I CA»M. '
• ' - * ,daily fcweelUy, r »M‘
Tor'ttll&ji/crtew; Ope ia»*rttov.4.;..„<jftyj
--S.-.J ■• win nw,|«