miscellaneous. ■ : ?SJSSiU „ ■^?ggsff. ssi 1 ? tap ' S^ftgiAWM'rsJsS- J.yj- i 45 water and flg float »ta S , 2ftsr l,OWBß molasses a golden* Syrup . O 50 bbis He Loois anger boose molasses; ST do «>i i•. j>al3 . •- ! ATwOOD, JoxmA Co. .. ea water atrtet t lard In bbt» »n» remand to JSniebr JNO S DtCWORTH, * ■ . ■ . ■- r 72 wood »t BUOAB-iO ban Broil upr in son and foTttlab y EXOLISH gBPffIETT. f—l4o bales MUa. cotton joat rec’d and for T ATWOOD, JONES » Co 6 M,ki Ks“l potash we'd and for sale by W*R M'CUTCHEOX. T/EET 1 ® *“** X ® 1 ,mrd we’d and foVaale tir r J -4-Jill! W ft E fiTCUTCHEOy. v >■■■. D^JSh^^ oll^B^ 30 bß,i * li la Mn and for ■aJe by U*l3] TAB3EV ft BEST. Ti 1 S U ?? S “ ia ß^ tllo “ Holland~oiaffl»do.W»nth « w« d «• contifTmcni and foreala br JanlS . • TASSEY ft BtjT. • OTTOS—UQ baba Memphis cotton jot rec«ir«d and lor aale br ATWOOD. JONES A Co BVBUP-4D bbli per itr Pennsylvania. on consignment and for tale by ;'' jant3 ;PT MORGAN ft Co^lOiwoodM. LEAP LARIi—OG3 km No I Jcafltrd In fine order. 1 for eato by • TcGILL, BU3HFTELD ft BOE. . BULK SIDES -30.000 Iba in store and for ode bv- Jal3 TMcOILL, BUSHFI ELD ft R6f_ SUGAR— 10 hbds new crop N O inrar rec'd per Cer uantown, on consignment and for tale by ial« Sft \V HARBAUGIL33 wood ell WEGAB—6O bbU ShetmaaVpiue ciderrioenx ja*iuadinf front Germantown, aod for sals bv 814 .: »* w HARBAI’GH. . TJUCEWIIEAT FLOtJJIr-S0 tack* bulled buckwheat ■tTto,,,.ehpi«.nia.. WOSTCXHOLM’S POCKET CUTLER Y-JoMie'- eeired direct from Sheffield, pen, pocket and congress knirea, for tale by , * na - jnnU LOO ANV WILSON ft Co. 138 wood ml SPENCER'S FILES—Head quarters for Spencer's fiie*i a lull assortment for sale hr ” . !“*< LOQANAvILSON ft Co. Belgian CASsniEKt^-wuß bri|hl Mripei, jut ree’d and for sale br oHACKLgrr k. WHITE. M wood it. PRICE'S COUGH CANDY—For eooxhs cold*. b©arseness,Ae, ju»t ree'd tad for sal eby • vjaall ■ JOEL MOHLES, cor wood frfr iti. > 'DOTASU-»A prime article at retail by J 1«°» ■ . ■ > JOEL MO! A PPLFS—IO bbl» «c*d this day' tad for sale by A_J»al3 ? ; TASSBV A BEST. "LfGLASSES—IOQ bbl> plantation »w*>r«rvs (n«w XtJ. crop) just landing tad tor sale by Jaia -BROWN A CULBERTBOX. 143 liberty st - W** l *N O«*« justrecttand for saiebr Ljantt . . ATWOOD, jgVES a Co.' SfOVB FOR fiALB-A food stove, tor tailors* use entirely new, farsale low • j AXCKER k MAYER. T EAD-lOOplg* (or sale by i J-l S.F. VOX BONNHOEOT k CoJ -• 1 ■ - - • • No, 3S Frau in EAD—ian pip Galena bad tot sale br I laa4 JAMES AHUTC HINSON fc Co. U » bale* Keatalkjdaw rotted hemp ior bale - XLby_Qa4J_ JAMES A HUTCHINSON k o*. XroN’EY-OO boxes honey lost rec*d tad for sale bp -ILL- 3 '■ ENGLISH k BENNETT. ■kfuiVOXT GLASS—I 23 boxes Bxloloxl2 window fT -V ftass jest tee’d and tor sale by iaad BROWN k CULBERTSON. BOUTAR'FIR* BRICK—OO,OOO Glover's Bolivar Are briekjwarrantad) In store and for sale by ' • BASEL M IQER, canal *>««<■» gt TIHiITB BEAXS—JS bn white beans in store tad tor Tf salt by Qaa4) SAMI* M KIEH. easkspearis, prime quality? (tat received and tor sale by ■ , 7 ' J»I ' B P VO.V BOXHOBSTACa • F3PLAR LUMBER, and pine Joice, lor sale by i hrSfaf • W. W. WATJ.arg UNIAXA SHEET. IBOX-80Q0 1U No SB bon (warranted) in store tad fot sale low to PEPPER~3OO sacks pepper which can be sold very tow to the trade, jost m*d and for sals by i -M 1 » ' POINDEXTER i Co. QALEBATUS'd tons in boxes tad casks lor salabv O iX ROBERT DALZKM* liberty at LOAF SUGARS—3OO barrels assorted Noe. tor sate by '• panJl winttVYtjHimt . /"IANDLES—SO boxes Cincinnati mould candles ins y/ rsc*d and tor sale by 8k TV HAHBAUGB. LARD ■ m l lard In bbU and kegs for aaU by ja6 ■ aA W HARmfljGll, SS3 wood at TJACON SIDES—OO hhds new bacon sides just refl*d on consignment and for saU by *i jaafi , . - . p swr.r.vma! . fTAUOW-03 bbls No r l\heef tallow just ree’d and J. forsaUby QaaS] .' F SELLERS, 1 SUGAR— 10 hhd* N 6 al tad for eala by i. , __ Undiflx from »ti TmUcv [W JAR Wa N O moluwa landiar frota and for >*la by JtH FLOTDJ RICE— 5 tierce* prime rice lending Iran steamer SL lasWrightandforeafojby o*3] J AB FLOYD LEATHER— 100 tide* N Y aole leather Lending treta fra sttamdr Gondolier for sale by • J«5 J '■■ UR FLOYD.- T>OTA3 il—And scorching* for Ml* by ' JT J*n3 JA & FLOYD Ifi* libel TOHN 8. JKLWORtH-Wboleaal# Grocer, Prodad* O end Comaisrian Merchant, No. *7, Wood eueet, I~HfflvS-GQ bale* Cotton, to arrive, and"for*el#‘by Kj jeafl 18AIAH DICKEY A Co. SUGAR— IP hbda Prise N. O. Bonn for sale by j*g McGiLL, BUSHFELD A BO] MOLASSES— CO bbla N- O. Moliuet (new crop:) for Ml* by McQILL, BUBHFIELD k ROE.; U ICE—S tic*. Riee, to arrive per vtmr. Sl Clood: for XVMI* by -McCtLL,BUBHFIELDA Bcfe-K RAISINS— 60 boxee ifresh;2S hlfbxs: to arrive per Northern Light, and for sale by jaA MeCPX, BPaHFIELD A ROE i BUTTER —A few bbl* roll boner Jut roeM and for ttleby S A.W J » wood at I BEANS— A fow bbla roll batter jut rec*d and for sal* by Dafi] MAW HAEBAUGH. \ OBN AND CORN MEAL—A email let on hand and for said by pa B} 8A IV HAS BAUGH. 1 EYE FLOUR—3O bbl* rye Roar a prim* article for aale to close consignment by J* - • . RAW BARBAUGIL PLAID BLACK ALPACCAS.—A few pee -of satin barred alpacc**. lately rac’d; aleo, an excellent •aaortment offoaey barred do. very fow. atthedrr good* boo** of p*3] W B MURPHY. ' K \RInL PEACHES—ISO baabele halve*, dried peaeh \J a* for Ml* by WILSON A Vc; janaaryS : water street -' FLAXSEED OIL—S bbl* flaxarod oil Ke l quality* received and for aal* by' W and R M'CUTIHEON, » TOHNBTON AND BTOCKTON—Hare jaw rvcemd (J the North Britlab Review. No. 15, November.' l&tS. (Chronicle end American copy.] ' janl BOLL BUTTER—4 bbl* prim* roll batter jut rec'd end fared* by BURBBiDGE, WILSON A Co. CHEESE— 43 boxee prime cbccee recM and for aale by {jam W and B M’CUTCUEON, liberty «t Raisins and almo.vds-ioo box** fr**h m*u- Rairing; 5(1 frail* eoft ahelled almond* for fola by - *> IIUBBRIDGE, WILSON A Co, jan7 i • ' water atreet PEARL ASH—IO- oaeke fir*t qoaiity purl ash for Ml* by Qa7J BURHRIPGE, WILSON A Co. OL'GAR>—6O hhda prime'N O eager foT “I# b 7 Ja7 BUBBRIDGE, WILSON A Co. t ICE—U tierce* new rice rcc’d per Silae Wright, for it ml* by - BUBRIDCK, WILSON A Co. A Wifi-Jast received and for aale, 57 bblagreen iX apple*, by : ORUM MeGRKW, A CO, i« , - No 0 commercial row. /'XHLORIDE LIME—IS caaka met neVl and for aale j B A FAHNESTOCK, A Co, I*7 • • corner of let and wood streets: OUNDRIEB— 00 bbla floor; 4do lard: 11 keg* do; 5 lj bbl* toll butter; I hbd hams; 1 tiere* jolesjut rec’d ou eoßrigmneat and for sale by . „ ... ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, 1*« . ‘ 36 water and 107 front at*. IRON BAFErOna large iron safo for aale br B A FAHNESTOCK,' A Co. T EADpSOO pig* Galena lead jut landing from ettoz Ji Avalanche and for aal* by J«ao BROWN A CULBERTSON, ltd liberty »t I HOT—I 3 kegs aaeorted shot. landing from etr Ava ) lanehe for eafo by BROWN A CljT-TtpgTSON- SWEET POTATOES—4S bbla rac'd for tale by • , WICK A M’CANDLESS, - corner of woodaad water ate Tenaem® frond aau fet’d and for aale by WICKfc aTCANBLESS, K JtJta -•. comer ofwpod and water in. X. liblj No 3 Mackerel (breaded 4H.h*ffrfera«lgbr ti« 3) . JAB. DALZKLL. ajrbega gwn Rio, part urlctlj- prime ' LAMBB^tVShIPTOK, • • ■■:.. . 133 A 135 Wood at XYACkEREL—too bbU ffc, 3 tarn; for ul« by "A.' EDWARD BtoUTTON, J u •>'•■■ ; -■ ff»«t aide Pitmead. ■ 1 non WOOL SACKS, for aala low by _ »>Wv aayUtfAwt/ . MURPHY A LEE. HOI~i mall let ef AfleAenjr IroiUbr aala >7 Utal)! V. JARFLOYD. *P&fBL ASH—At retail by .< «A_ frlfl BE SELLERS, 57 wood at 390 Vara 183} a prime arttela) rac'd aoU for V*M*fcr robert a cunninouam; J— 1 - - -•- ;■ •-.-W4 liberty meat TAID-Pxi** No 1 lard is MU RTaala br Jj bBQM CiO f SUtWOftTH, r ; : : ~V r’ j TITIATBS—® qr ceke. Roncao Pott Wines ' .if . lOqreeksLM do; & .•* Host do; u Trash do;- , \9O M 3 8 Madeira- do; 13 * “ LM do; 10 « Symington, do; “ Fayal, do: • I#- •• Tenenffe, do; 10 " Pale Sherry, do; 5 *■ Golden do do; 5 “ Brown do do; 10 “ lie bon do do; 13 *• Dry Malaga do; 10 u Gweol do do; For sala iu'qnaatittes So suit, by P. C. MARTIN, dc32 cor, aalthfleld A Front eu. 1.41E1H FRUIT, croptmnch Rainae, JC ' 1000Mes*ins Oranges; S frail* Date*; deaaet Citron; ; 9 bble eheUed Almonds: - 3bbla Filbert*; ' 10 bx« A No 1 Roek Candy: SO br* new *eal*d Herring; reeeired per «mr. Coerol; for sal* by * ' LAMBERT A SHJfTON, 133 A 133 wood »\J IfARmCTnUEBTOBAOCCU IIL SShrsCabanaghde; 2S M .Chapman's At: 90 “ Its'. 6a; . 91 ** 'Hassell A Robinson's Se; ' 90 “ Branchs'* it; fcratle fcr <•11 T\RUGB-Gimi Myrrh, Tnrkvr; XJ do Gimboge; F“ K ~ * *E" 40 W bbli do No* 3 fc 3- • OS LbU No 1 gibbad herrins; . *4 do No 1 Salmon: * ma * 1 ' 15 casks lane Codfish; ' 100 boles scaled and No 1 Herrinr- Recemngend&rsaJsby LAMHEftTtSRTON T** 1 1334133 Wood st. reeelrM O oa* im assorted colored ailatua: w « ▼•rrU«bt do . «£; * “ hteek jT. . a • « • ao i T, *7 heary; : ; •J.'d.olcW; ~ . “ block do: vhiob wo will aell low to the trade . ’ SHACKLETT 4 WHITE, -SSL. ‘ ' W Wood at dried peaches; . lObbff do;' i ji' toll butter Laadla* ud for tale b j BAUALEY 4 SMITH, Jol_ - l Noe. 13 4 » Wood n. CRB AM, m china pots; Beef Marrow, \J Bear* Gnuc, and due Lip Salve, ur chiua pou, for *7 JOHN ft MORGAN/ -J* l No. 83> Wood at. —so do*, good corn brooms ■D IS ** guilt hanM « 5 u hearth “ _ • ' 10 “ wbiaka “ For sale br Dan S F YON BONHORJT 4Ct pRODUCB-ri kegs butter;' X so bush prime chestnuts; d seks ginseng; ri do nope; 83 venison hams; (dc3o} LAMBERT A SHIPTON. IS 8 bbls Fresh Roll-Boner; U bbl* Cloraraaed; SOecka Peach**;. , - l bai* Hop*; I 9 k«ga Lard; received tier tunr Bearer, for ia La waterman, 3l Water 4 CU Front m. 'QAH-< hluU pnnu N’«w Orlein*: U bbls DR crashed; . . 10 do hu; For ttloby J. B. WILLIAMS, . — 4eau • • ■ no woodtt Vf OLASBKS—IO bbls N. O. prims; xTJI 9 do Sugar House; 9 do Phil a- steam syren: J. D. WILLIAMS, wood st. O n, *“2SSr U ‘ Wiattr bl * Mll#d Whale Oil; pni fbbUTan nsrs Oil; 5 “ Cruda docin store: for sale by - O. BLACKBURN * dO, _ nYg Wiiw tWuear Cherry ay. tVATHSRI, *«-OSsck» FeWtbers; A * eeke Ginsutg: decks Dry Apples; ! 1 box do leskfieerirax; . t sek Beeswax: to amre? for sals by _*elS [l. DICCV A i —& balsa Almonds: Ll 10 bxs Shelled; 9 bags Cream Nets* sbSf*Pe»Nuts;fortaleby _ J. D. william .s COAP ASDGASDLE»= j T O . 900 boxes No. 1 ginclnn«i| 3ft t p; , » * Mould Candles; Leading from North Carolina; |br tale by . , BAOALEY A SMITH, - Jat Noe. 18 ABO Wood st. HOPS— 19 bales ltt tan western N Y Hoot; i do ad * « _ . „ Bdo Ist u eastent • “ UeferaDy selected and of extra analitr, ia ttor* and foj “>>>/ PO&DEitTER * Co. I®°! 41 water st SUNDRIES— 8 bbtalard; 3 “ frpth roll boner; ' 3 u dried peaches; _ " 9 “ clover seed: ' Jost rec'd aad for sals by L 8 WATERMAN, • J** 3 91 water and B 9 front m SOAPS— 10 boxes pore Palm; * •; 4 fc White; P&UIT—3O drama Smyrna JL i bbU Zantoe currant v 4 boxaaGtncva citron, SO do MR Baton*; 3- D. WILLIAMS, 110 Wood « WINDOW OT ff» bn. 8x10; TT 130 - 10x13; i, VO “ lOxii; AbrMlaby I. F. VON BONNHOR3T 4 Co n •_ • • .No. as Front at. ■pLAffrER PARlS—Suable for Load, As., alwaya X.on bond tad for tale ai No. Miiibarty atrctt, otu *>tn>L - {jelQt W. ff.WAl.i.ii-r T 1; 7 kega do: la afore tad for tail ■AJby y [jtal] TASSEYABEgT. XTAILO—USkaga tuHL: for ult by ! lj, 6. F. YON BONNHORST A Co, -W "" -,j No»Front«treat QV6AR —if kbit N O auger on-hand tod for atlt Q >y ATWOOD JONES A Co. ' -T>TTTTBB-9bbUroU; . Jj 3 kega racairtd ihia day tad for tali b T D»nl} TASSEYABEST. aTiJJoTHr ißMDAtttt tfre=sns£ r ' . JARFLOVD. HAVAMA SPQdB—-18 bitHaraat sugar os head tot for atlt by ATWOOD JONKSA Co. ■XT O. SUGAR—I 6 hhda N O aurarjold crop) juat rac’d ll • and for atlt by BBOWN A CULBKftraON, V .I*°* . 113 liberty at DFFEE—tosobaga prime Rio coffee io afore and for tala by pta3] BAGALEV A SMITH. \\rM!tti BRAZIL SUGAR—COO bitiißpetioriißtl- T? ity la store aadfor aale by [AI« ABATCS. 5 ccika and out box iuat laodinx! t tad for atlt by . 8 F VONBONHORST ACo. ! OBACCO—IOO ktga No 1 'air lariat tobacco for : “ta by ATWOOD JONES A Co. ; P® A' bag* »n nut* lor ule by l»al - ATWOOD JONES 4 Co. /'IOLOOSTE —Penija ud Domestic Cologne 'Wa- Vtor; for ule by JOHN Dl MORGAN, Ji>. No. 83| Wood at. /“■tOFTEIJ—IOO bags prime green Rio coffee arriving V/ via New Orleans. and for sale by ' ;an< BROWN k, CULBERTSON. LOAF: BUGAS—IOO bbl* Lonitun'a refinery No loaf Mprjait rac'd ud for by ■j«» POINDEXTER* Co. J7EATJIERS—IO27 |b« pruae-Keatncfcy feather* jut E; received tad for tala by i JMH'- POINDEXTER A Co. COAL BOATS—B lorn •übilutiil coal boat* for aato. Inquirtof REYNOLDS A BIIEE, Lard-10 bbl* lard for tale by J«nll REYNOLDS * BHEE. lag liberty (treat ’ESS PORK—In bbU and half bbla a auperior arti* . clefor tala by Qatl] REYNOLDS A HUEE.- *\BIED FRUIT—4O but dried Pctcbca; 3± do peel* _/ ad do; 30 bnsheld dried applet for tale, by Jtnll BEYNOIJM a SHKE. TllO COFFEE—S 44 ban prime green Rio coffee; 23 Av bbls JjOjttiaf't craued aagar, landing from stmr »Nortbera light, and for sale by . j«H BAGALEY JkBMTttI^ RAISINS— 200 hxa (ranch raiaizu per fir Consol for ealeby (jallj BAGALEY * SMITH. Molasses and raisins—ios >bbia moUaae*; 160 boxes bunch raisins per itr-Aralauche, for fate by . QaaU] BAGALEY A SMITH. ilO COFFEE—4OO bag. prims grata Rio codes leading from err 8L Clooo and for tale by jaaU •; BAOALEY A SMITH. ITTIIITE Cl W_>w_ SPTS. TURPENTINE—IS bbU for sale by _ JalO K F,.SELLERS. CjENDRIES—SpUc, madder, logwood. etc. on head O aad for talc by , ROBERT A CCNMXGIIAM. ,RV APPLES—® bnahela for tala by I S. F. VON BONNUOHST A Co. J No. 3J Pronl at. LARD— 147 ken leaf lard, rac'd per stmr America aad for »ale by U*3] _L S WATERMAN. bbla affltdl white bean* in store ana to; atleby b a3] LA WATERMAN. /^IJEESE—6O boxes for aala br O S. F. VON BONNHORST A Co, ja3 ■ No- OS Front rt. HOPS— 25 bale* wealera New York hop*; 15 do. Connecticut Rirer and Eastarndo.jnstraeelTing. and for aala by BRO WN A CURBERTSON, janlO . 145 liberty etraet. l UOAR—IO hbds prime ntwerop, jut rte’d and for 1 atlt by . DalOl- 3AS A HUTCHISON A Co. IPSOU SALTA—34 VbU fialtinwro «p»em «ll» for _ j Mfo by QUO] BE SELLERS, W wood aL, f|M>BACCOS—IScTbxa ami'traits, choiee'brind* J. la; Sc IS*; 16*; Xb; mud span. for «ala by doo LAMUEBT * SIUPTOX. VT*W MOLASSES-IM bbla Plants'll.JJol&t li print qaality; landing Ina tear.; fort*” 07 ■’ r ** " HuDALEY A SMITH, - Jaal Not 1BA» Wood H- ~pAt>lß> ia boiM booeh Ralauu, row landtag' Asad for sals by BAOALEY A SMITH, Not. 18 A;3O Woodat- PlO IRON—IIO lona p(g Iren for tala by JOHNS DILWORTH,*7 Weed at, R f P baga print grata Bio eofftt Uddiag fooaitaerTsgUSnLfor ahla by .. JJS2l__ JOHN S DiLwOBTH. SALT PEl'BE—l5 bbla ratted salt ottrt: GO ban MAIAUPfcKbVAt mean, of raining n new loan for Government : The ihree plan. lilted of are-r6r«, t te, hte the la«t-«*oSd, the ten rf Trceamy Stole. of a largo tdeoomtoalion—and Hard, the laaue o( Treasury Xotea of a amaU de- CaVtUMarktih 10.—There were 900 head ofßeevea offered at the - scale* today, of which 40° were toW jo erty butchers; 160 remained over . unsold; and 250 bead were driven to Philadelphia. Prices ranged from to 3,50 100 Bon the to 4,j0p*.,75 net, and averaging 3,00 Hog»—Lire lio-i are dull at Sff Si.V ; Baioirres, January 11—Beef Cattle extra ooal -1 equality, 2d do 505,23. 99 to°l20 aS °* en ’ - lot in pnce/fhwn Sheep, from 2 • 4| r fc «*—■ hr. [PORT*] Bf BIVEK .* outing, Friend, Rhey £c co: t bx tern. Mnw Je 49 bbl»jale,:4S hlf do, 3 qr do do, DR ,„ P ' r £* l ' l, l Crw-U.br, boner 7 bbU do, 3 3c £&*?!s** 6» bbU tor. . L *A?. bUjb,c 131 bgi corn. >bofe »„J o»u, Culberuoo; 124 bg» o us? C SUfiVta flour, owner*. !. -rr~ "I “™K< pork, Gner; 7 “Jb 3 bUttrr 0, ,1a DCKhM, Ji R KW- o ? ct 3 I * ri . 3 <»k» cbSS, 1 . d ?**• & Carothen; 2 b£* but t», 34 fag*! barley, .1 bdl bag*, Smith: 20 V* JW Beatwtt; & Bro; 30 bbUappl*. owAen 750 bu oat*, 50 do corn,' owner.' «"•*"»»» Shame; 6. P. VON BONHORST A Co., , No. 35 From • Per W, McLane—33 bUs flour, BeU, 32 do do. Straw.* Pollock; 13 do fli Pol! lock; 39 do do, Murdock; 10 do do, Siixenbenr 2 to* M*nia; Q d?do Berm; 15 do do, 3 aka ran, Berry: 30 tm *!••« p DaUeO; 55 fcbb flour, Jones; 2&» mdse, I&W; 3 do do. Bollct; 9 bju, 8 hi. md., CUriTi Thnn 0 bw 5 bU do. Glyde; 2 bu do, Fonyth fle Dun: lOri^d 0 ’ * M •"WwEr.S.prt; 10 Odio, 260 »i4b InKhnr, Bidwdl; lO bLU “°“ r '”K‘ s , do 109 do do, Ciljpm; 65 do do, Boxbndgv, WiUon 4 no; 20 do doTSoiiod; 38 OOl* flour, Her 3OB bx* glan, Ebdrhirt. ; : * Cinrinnati— Per!Grey Eaxlt—l2 ; tea leM \ do, 4 do mdsc,iDal«U fc; co; 23 t£?feSfen, 27 do do, 32 bit hemp, 3 bii, l trrak mdse, Hutchison; 7 caka bacon', Greer; 100 do* 2 hM* grewt, 2 bbU do,-Yount, Ihmasa-* Plnncket; 35 bbts fldur, Church * 2* rotber* 15 emwy bbU, 7 bdia bagi, Smith Scar, 1 bx , Eld !f- A uordoo;4 bga coffee, Greer; 3 iSt* mdte, Dunlap; 2 tgapig* feet, Harion; 2 hxa tea, 8 dp mdse, Taatfe&O r Conaor; 1 bbl mdie, PiuScett l A ma i J°*Bro; 2hxabooka, Daris I bx mdse, Johnston * Stockton; 26 bbla. 43 ken BAOALEY A SMITH. WvtMmn— P«r Keel b 0.1—129 bid, flour, 10 do whiitey, 100 bu potuoos, 00 do owntr bat ntt, —-MiddKar •■ Cor—T*.-. —Dried US liberty at. —Qnittn > & bso«h> Batter, fttafcprat Do do Roll. .Do Applt.ql B«w* i HhTd firm, C^tac«>b^. ■<**' dm '- ".'.'.'.' ia l Cjraattl.iMed, ba 45 ®so ITobcm*,B*4tmal S o|| Ob«rm., W -'-a- l oiw™..3ljS» ?****"“*»,? «jl-.|o at '■ eh....24 051 7 • Bl!'B*ekm* U 1095 B ®w fC«t fttb SO 030 i! FLOUR— 2iS*iS,h^ 1 " lu 05 “» 090 ftn . am •8 0 9 jßpckwJmt...— 015 Oie*p Com f di» —o Err plant - «*_ - Plomtrqt -....-|0- Melloai«ac>.... 0- fITTIBORDB WE[Eili t GAZETTE. cotixms w fA*x —January 20. Iba white chalk for aala by . Plain Talk aod Plain TruthsjThe War; High Handed Executive: Pensions; - Purciiase of Executive Usurpation; The Instruc lien* of Mr. Slidell; Treasury of tha Penn*y}von|a Legislature; Harmburgh Cop. :respondeoce; The Extent of the United State*; Tho Union lUcli] Fight; News Items; Santa An. na'a Pass; Teacher’* Association; Meeting of [Councils; Dismemberment of Mexico;' Item*; fire. | The Speaker and! Mr." Ridding*; 1 Pen»ion»; Re tired Li si; Ten Regiment Rill; Volunteer*; A Peep jal the Documents; Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road; Sandy and Beaver Canal;) Explosion of the Steam* ,er Blue Ridge; Resiling Rail Road Company; The [Cherokecs; Mr. Hamptqn’s Explanation; Iron [Bridges; Tho Iron; Trade; Trade with Mexico; [Departure ofHenry'Clay: Mail Route*; Allegheny Cily Election; Democratic; Convention; The Gov ernment of Husbands; Wpigffatioijal Convention; Debate upon the War; Organization of Councils; Idlest Telegraph news, Foreign, and Domestic. Commerce; A c*re/ulfy!corapiled Review of the Msrkets-fer the pastweelci The pricea'in the local City market*; The Cattle [Market; The price* of American produce in Various parts of the Union; {Amount of Flour, Wheat, Corn, 4ml, received since the opening of the Canal; Canal business and movements ofproduce; Market in Lngdfln.' . I City News: Spirit of the! Press; Copious Extracts from the leading journals on the interesting topics' iof the dsr._ i ! For sal* at the singly or. in wrappers, j Price 6 cents single, copy. . Subscriptions © a year ut edTanee. V R7* Ladis# whs dm JcMt 1 Spanish Uly Whlis, hsr# always a fine wttla ptasparaot-sSs, OfiUi a trial 7UI satiaQr any eas. told «aty U Pitabarfh.Mp MW** |;1 . i wrlNudwjy ' ■.' .... .'. i - ! ' I ALKASAC. lSl* JANUARY. San T ri*e*. J ~7 13*"*f 7 13 7 11 7 11 7 10 7 3 15 Saturday, ID gonday, 17 Monday, Id Tuesday, 19 Wednesday,.* 29 Thursday, 21 Friday, 4 47 4 4* 4 49. 4 49 4 90 4 91 1-4 53 | 3 0 311 4 Id ris«« 4 44 5 41 6 44 BoTcmenti or the Ocean To «nvo«N.vr York. T «aUfiS, n. York. ? ec - 23 Feb. 21 t sornuxrrox; Ae. W« «k*l? Johnston Jan. 11l Hop^ > . ,U ’i'i ob^* to ?* l)ec ’ lß Hot man, Crabtree, Mar. Is* __ * o arrive at Boston. urtsroou PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE.' COMMITTEE FOR JANUARY, H. A CXAIC. | ■ xr. y. DFTCXT. CHAS, ZVO. Orhcx Pmxßrtion Gaxxrtx. > . ThursdayjMoraing, January 20,1818. j Tnx market, generally, continues very .quiet, Inf" tineas being chiefly confined to the regular transits* tioo* of trade. 1 | ■ . Flour-—The market is steady but not 'active. Sales were effected.ai the river yesterday of 200 bbls, at prices ranging from $1,57 to 5,00 p bbl, cash and time..!Store tales at 50 bbls'at 5.1C0 5J2d, retailing at bbh Rtx Fu>n—We notice farther moderate tiles ■* p bhl. j Supplies limited. r Bccxwhkat FLou*—We quote regular tiles from wagon at $1,50, and from store at 1,750137 FlOO Da.' \’ i • m Ga*n in When,: nothing ia doing. Com fa ac&ice, with fcmitod' salsa only, at 40a. Salsa of i 300bu°auatlhc nr«at27c, with regularaalea from store at 29330c.' Barley ia nominal at 46350 tnd-Rye at 45018 c *>• bu. Paonajojcs—The market ia steady, but we have no extensive sales to‘report. Bacon is selling ia a tnoderate way at; for hams Q*®6|; aides, dull, at 4135c,-and shoulders at 4K34je p ft. RoUßutter conlir- ‘ Jnuea in -droand at l‘2ol3c,and teg at U* lo 10c ft. Sale# 1000 lb, Lard, in different at slSsc ft. .Rilled Hog# are selling in small Jots at 3,6233,75.! Cucd£ Sales 50 bx# \V. R, at CiSOtc. Ho»—Sales «• 5 bales at 10012 c. - /Fxannae—Sales of 20 sacks at 04035 c. Maoußcty—Tbe tnarket 13 steady, with moder , ata sales of So 1 jat $12012,50; No 3 at 10010,50. aud of No 3 at 7£o p bbL Tailow—Sales are effected to'a moderate ex tent at 8c ft. i | ‘ • " lO bbls North Carolina at 5,50 bbL 1 ■ The WbnasjArfD Rime—The weather, fi* the past few day*, hu bceu fine fcr the season. Tt* river* are eatiroly free’from ice, usd Qsrin tion, sides, is free uld unobstructed. fUtaU Prlcei |b,Um city Ktrkti, M tutrn New \ orlc, due d r. n, clout 9 a. u. j DRY GOODS, GKOCEKIEiS. U *• A. Mason * Co., -r wwwm 1 .!! 1 ? -ni . mi *-' re mixi*. T‘rr R H *kelr Aiefcd*andthepubliceeuerallv. «*>•» X beiaj about to remote to the spacious and' elegant atore recently erected on the adjominr Lot. They will 'f ?' *»e mured that intad in the quality or price* of A A M. * ~ How ii the time for Bargalm. ALEXANDER a DAY would respecuuliy uubnn the citizens of Pittsburgh and its vicinity that they are now wiling off theft ***7 large and extensive stock ol dry goods at an unparalleled reduction of price*, their object being fo exchange goods for rash, A. tn or der to effect this in the shortest possible time they will sell off their entire stock at such remarkably low rates i as cannot fail to snit rash buyers. A fine opportunity ; Is now offered to persons in waul of cheap dry goods to! supply themselves at a comparatively small expense. 1 W e have a large end splendid stock 01 j „ . LADIKB’ DRESS GOODS. Palo Alto. Bneua Vista’Ceja, English anil French Me-] rtoo Plaids; Oregon and California do: Plain Ulsck and .Mode colored Do Lainei. French Menhos, assorted col ors; Alpecca Lustres; Bombazines; French and Scotch Cashmeres and MousilA Do twines; Freneh and Earl atom Ginghams, etc. I DRESS AND MANTILLA SILKS. A targe and splendid assortment of rich black Dress and Mantilla Silks and bhie black Drew Satins. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. A larga, ateoruneni of super French, Turkeni and Cashmere Shawls; plain and embroidered silk friurc I Thibet doJChameleon and Brocade silk do; plain black silk do; super ail wool long square Brochea «ro; plain I and embroidered Cloth du; plain and embroidered De Laines do. ) CLOTHS AND CASSIMERE3. Super French. English. hod American Cloths and Cav •imeirs in great variety; SATINET P* AND FLANNELS. An excellrht assortment of Sattineu and a large •■lock of red, white and yellow Fennel*. Blankets Super plue| Blankets for overcoats; £na twilled do; American premium do- etc. .Also, a targe assortment of Tic kings. Checks. Prints, Musi ms. together w:ih Almost every article iu the dry goods line. . ALEXANDER A. DAY, janta 73 market et, N. W. cot, of PRINTS ONLY. 44 CEPAft BT., NEW YORK LEE & BREWSTER Established s wareboasa in lbs year 1946, for the par -P©** o t supplying tb* Qry and interior Trade wuh PHirmlt calicoes exclusively, *i low avilll kccm ot'thr vrar. Usd Inrsr.i Amenmei*; is Tiffi wfaRLD. They are now opening Severn Huudred Packages, aomprmnj every new uyle of Foreign sod Domestic production, many of which Lave josi been purchased, and are offered for sale for Cash and abort credit, ai PBICEB BKDCCED • moil ONE TO FIXE CENTS per yen! below ibepnecaof April and .May, ■» mi pruned Catalogue*, which in corrected daily, tor tin information of buyer*. PRIST wi&EnOVIE, > New Vorlr, Jane, IM7. * Card—day, Jam. 10. p BEAT REDUCTION • IMBRICES—W R Merpfay, vjr H. E ccmsr 4tb and market ait., wilt, from tbu 4ua'MllU« wiDtardreaetaoda; and a la rfe proportion ofhia stock, adapted only to tbe-vrinter uason, at rraatljr reduced price*. It betaf hit object aeU off tbia part of hi* atock to make room for an airly sprint tappfy, do tv'card wQI bekadtoihecostoftbaiood* but they will be offartd at pricee that- will encore tbeir sals--tack u California pUida, u IS* fonur price 25c, eoperde. at S 5 former price *7te; Printed Scotch cash, mem at ISf, former price Olet do; SO, former price J74e; French all wool do. CO eta,, former price Ul and 79 c; aaper do. 79 former priee 100 c mper plaid Thibet, doth! (Q.and 79 former price 100; beatdea ajarra assortment of winter shawls, wormed Heodt, dr.-al prices much lower than batata offared.’> .jaiu COCHECO PRWT3 —\Y B Murphy Invites the isia> tioa of buyer* «) hi* assortment of above superior foods, neat style* and plaid* of pure madder colors, and warranted fast; also,! Fall Hirer and Americas print wotkt do. also fast colors, jaalß ■fi/ELSH FLANNELS constantly os hand at idry Tf foods bouse of W B Murphy, !fE comer.of eiA and market sts, an assortment of above foods warranted not to shrinf in w*«hmy, janlß.-.? Table diapers and table cloths-w. r. Murphy has on hand, at low prices, an assortment oi common, medium and superior linen table diapers; also dams** lints tabla cloths, napkins, etcj also bock abod, bird-eye, and Scotch .diapers for toweling, jatf, TtTHIT£ COPBTBRPAHEI-Aiioiber cast ff 01 hl*araboaiCounterpanes, just rscsived fromN. York, and for tala by BHACKLEIT 4 WHITE, ric» ' ■ ' no Wood si.. FLANNELS— Red,. Brown and Barred Flannel*.— An additional supply received from the mandfaein rera. Alio, aAw piece# of low jirieed Caaiinetta, for «l« by GEORCIE COCHRAN, «p!3 | ! TYLANKETB—S3 pair larjje Doaaatic Blanket®, jatt X) received on cooaifnment; tor tala hr *2O PEP. COCHRAN, 16 Wood al. ROLL BUTTJ3&—SOhLU print Penn'a butler, kegbuurr and lard, dry applea eod fxachci in »ior* and for tale by J & K FLOYD. fpEAS—BO half ehwu' Young llyaon, GunpoiWer, 1 Imperial. and Ulack-»2S ami 19 lb bo*ea Younx firson and Gunpowder do. on band and for aala by janlO • ROBERT A CUNNINGHAM. tPB AS—The- aubacriberai have on hand and for aala X OB aceommodalinjr lernia, a lane aiuiwellaeUfiad auaortmrm if tea* of different man and dencrirtion*. jap DROWN fc CULBEKTBQN. IQ liberty at rpEAS—SO package** fre*h Y. Haytei X Imperial; far i«le by S. F. VON BONNHORST t Co., i*-* • I No. 33 Front si. *T7IISII—IOO bbla No 1.3 and 3 mackerel; 10' half bbl Jl No 1 do: 1W bbli No 1 herrinr, and 10 drama eod* Din, juat rac'd and for aale hr janto J noptacr a cbxxincham. \C ACKEIIEL-CO blfbbla No 3 large; ML 12U bbla Nd. S, for «ue by. JT 31 E. HEAZLETrON, caat aide diamond! MACKEREL— ICO bbla Npa 1, % and 3 mackerel juat rae' on eoniigaroent andfor sale by . j«ot3 ENGLISH fc BENNETT. WHITE FIHH-ao bbl* -while fuh; 15 half bbla do. iu prime ordefand for aale by l«Jil3 IgAlAlt DICKEY fc Co. MACKEREL— 123 bbla large No 3, for aala by ; jml JAMES A. HUTCINSON. FEATHERS— 3000 Iba prime Ky. feather* Car aala by janl JAMES A HUTCHINSON t Co. QVNDRIER—SO aacka fegthcrai 1 cuk beeiwaj; 05 O baza pea nuu, rac'd oil conaicnmenL and for aala by Dan?] ISAIAH DICKEV> at Sundries— ii bbu hairbbu'do; isugi r«a. then; S'aacka dried apple* juai recelred per SB Caahiar, and for aale by Qal] ISAIAH DICKEY k Co. SUNDRIES— 05 aaeka F«»th«ra; 0 tcki GinMnr.4 ttkaDried Apple*; iackDee.wax; I «*k do; now knanif from attar L*djr Mtoiton, aud for nle l>y jatiU 18AJAII DICKKV ’ TjULIfR AND FEATHERS—3 bbli «ni| ( box bol* X> Ur uut 3 uek« fe»lber* rrceiriof from B ttnr *»>» Kho and for mU by U«o31 -JAS. DAl^m-T. Feathers— !»K _Jot »*]» by tjta-i] "*0 r*c‘d and j*n<] BROWN k CULUERTHQ.V. FEAniEI»-4» «*ck« pijjaa Keatoclrr feather* to •ttor* and for tale by MB A HUTCHISON m. Co FE*TBEB*-oi)«)"lb.;p{iir fe.i'h«i. on cMita. neatandtor aalaby .19AIAII DICKEY A, CO. OBACCp—7sboxesSj gJand spa'a on f or ft ]s by U*nlol_ KObEBT A CUNNINohait 1 * jinli , B* W riAKßAimw boxes No i ibsia loin; 20 do xftslins do: rtey on consignment ud for salt by J* olB * i S fc \V MAgftairntr • LAHD-400 kejfs ffo’l lard; 40 bhl*«So; Just landinx and tussle by ■■> fB * W happaiTGll* O ats—loo bat oa lt» vm the whole re * t ? f »'*»t *** on Ferry hwet of » fret- niid u, in depth, the longest side "&1 fr c « The « w«U!and n>s^t i0 * r 72* ed ; /SeikMc? rtnted separate. The store room uoccn lThL*«i* Grocery.ior which the>tand is well ndeptH unoa - b * prop * nr Wlll ** * bW chcepand OTewy [ lie rob «ril*r> who can be seen at the of. lofeUhf “^*? aUc * ,T | rT forenoon,betwwHlie how* I SbVK x ts? “ d 11 other time* at his rooSuat I eral'uAM..^? ordln? h 0 Robinson's new row, Fed ?.ntV»r Rhßn> c,t > D N WHITE, -ttfl? 1 ?.? owner. M T nw D rJk ,U, ? K Honsee for Bale. . Penn street, in this city, between Hand street and Garrison i w l !? e south tide of the street.' It is a two I f tor T brick, 2a feet in front, containing 9 rooms, and handsomely finished. The lot run* backlJO feet to a JS y h£^“ U %i 0a ' T , hic A U ereeted * *nd car- ; rtage house. This relaahlepropeny will be sold at-a bargain on easy terms. ... .. Ue other house Ir situated on Isabella Krtet, AUe-I I gbeny cily, near the Hand aireet bridge. It is a 3 siory brick, new and handsomely finished, containing nfo parlors, dfotng room, kitchen and wash boase on tbe hrst Boor, four rooms on the second floor, and a finish- TN* lot runs bsck also to on alley. Price, ! SUUO, only about the cost of the house. -Terms easy I Inquire of the subscriber, who can be seen at the of-1 fice of the Gazette, erery forenoon, between the hours I m 4t oU,er »* hi » rooms at I Sirs. lisj i’ boarding house, Robinson's new row, Fed* I eral it Allegheny City. D N WHITE, I ! Jmotf . Agent for the owner, j I . . For flat# or Rent. . «A u * ab *c"her will sell or remt the dwelling I house and premises which he now occupies, sit- I uated near the Greensborgh turnpike, a| miles j I 55 rt ef ,h * ***?> 4o,l •Afoiaing the Alleghsny Cemstery. sre “n tons of rood arable lend in a high state | of cultivation, and well adapted to tb* purposes of a J dairyman or gardener. . The buildings consist of a large *»o story brick dwelling houscTiiam# barn and r « *• »» premises a large orchard I fruit, A a spring of unusual excellence. I “»• *» ory. brick dwelling I housa, finished with all the modern improvements, ti* I wiled on 4th st, between Grutut, and Cherry alley Possession given on the Ist Apnl next lacuirr of I WM YOUNG, 143 liberty st. M VAUTABLE FARU FOR lALfi." I BUM . THE FARM lately occupied by James An- I AHbdenon; Sr. deceased, situated in Mlfflin Towa-1 sain. Allegheny County, seven miles from Pituburgh, I !® n “ e «natn road leading to Elizabethtown, tad adjoin? | Rankin, Livuignon and other*, will be sold on reaaoo I able terms, to any person wishing to porchtee. 71m i h arm contains about 17D acres, GO rf which are cleared, 444 has a comfortable dwelUnr house upon it, together i vnfoa Urge bam, Ac. There U a.very-good apple or-1 chard on the harm. It is also well watered, nas an I abundance of coal in it, iolains a Urge poniou of very J fine bottom land, and altogether, is on* of the most dc- I eirablc farms in the country. Enquire of *• . I D. W.fcAS. BELII I Attorneys at Law, 4th at, Pittsburgh. I or to • ' ' . 4 | ■ .] ,_^ n JAMES A JOHN ANDERSON. JenlwOtS Louisville, Ky. - To X,al« w DEPOTS, No..^27Sand4t3Msr- ! JURket Street. The Depot S 7» Markst etreet, one of I the very best loeauoua in the city for obtaihug met catndize for the Inunor, being first above Eighth st. I uoscred tor rent. . I Tk* pr»“ut occupant* beiug about to retire to the I wait end of the preaent line, a aeairhble opportunity is I cressnudfor sveurieg • eontinuanc* ofUe preMuit Ujv* business of«toe bouse. ... I Market street abOT* Beventh, tuay I al» ebonly be for rent. Apply on the No. 271 A cuthbert, _jaiA3t* Xa Arch si, or Uri so. Del Avenue, pi.il«.t« I _ , . F»r Sals or Rint, ,?r.!r on < it4a 00 fir « of April next, Jgfßtbat-eligible country seat, on the Washington mile* from the -city of Pittsburgh The dwelling bouse is a Urge two story brick, with dining room, Kitchen and wash house on the ground Boor- A spacious yard with good stabling, emrriaa# b«iM, and other out buildings attached. The lot con taint lu acre*, tn a high stats of cultivation. There is on the, premise* a large number of bearing fruit irees, among which are peach, eberfy.-pJum, pear, apple, Ac. Tait ts one ofthe most pleasant residence* tn the vi» cuity t toid will be rented low to a good tenant or ex* I changed lor city property. For terms apply to „ D WALTER imVA.VT. oa tiberty st. 1 s— there is (good edit bed under the whole 19 1 ,er<: »- jenHdlw A [ASGN A Co. For Bale or Heat. ~~ -* M A new brick building with steam engine, bar ing a Urge supply of water, which ha* been used asatnnncry end cau be applied to any manufocturing ALSO, FOR SALE—ono of the- best locations for ! mauufsctunntf purpose, in the immediate suburbs of] the C47J coal plenty and cheap, end but fifteen minutes walk Irotn the city steamboat landing. Also for sale, a icw building lots id the same vicinity. For tenns a> nr ro GEO. COCHRAN, ■ \ _ a wood street. M FOR SALE. Till, three story Dwelling House and Lot. now occupied by I.L F. Schweppe, Esq, on I'enn st near I land. The Lot is tfci by I£o feet, au2 is plesssnt* ly situated. For terms apply to the subscriber, who has •I*® ' FOR RENT The three story house on lha comer of. Liberty st. and Irwm • alley, now occupied as a wholesale and retail grocer's store, by H. F. !*chweppe. Fowsslon given luuncduticly, ou application ai.lhe warehouse ofjoha ifwtn A Hoos, No. 11 Water street, by JQILN IRWIN Valaatolo Farm for Sale. ; »I\HE subscriber vrill tell on accommodating terras, 1 font valuable farm situated on the Ohio tirtt about -l’liuburgh, in what it railed Crows bot tom, adjoining the property of Mr. George Shirai.— Then it* aboutltS acre* of lend, a> acre* of-which is "’•roottom the balance i» accared bottom, lie* Leau mullyfaiid abounds in good coal, lime*tone and timber , .There are from n> to 70 acres eieared. There it a good i two atory brick dwelling bouse, a frame barn and other i out hotuee, a large orchard of choice fruit, and a good I •prrng of water m every field on the piece. The great- J .er part of the farm i* under good fence. Title foili*.] twtable. hot term* apply la W.M BOYD, Attorney at office on eta itabore tmlthfield. 1 M- rORSAtE. the NATIONAL HOTEL, on Water street, shore the AlonongahcU Houae, end the (table ou stout street, being a Ussthold-for the termofst T«,t., nom ih. Inoi'April. IMS, «,bj.ei toifc, p-rn.m of {MIW { riek No fid water Jyaitf ALEXANDER OQItDOX. , , To Eat. i * #sl "J commndldns, and wetl finished, throe jgjstory bnck dwelling, on Pemi it., halfway be* . tvr?en Oarrisoii alley and Wayna st. Posies* Xfo7" a.COUSTUVmKHDKKC*. 10 liar, f”' conmuicnc, „ ' * sPs?tS'"i '."■'"'‘f, I win rrm the Mnni.cn t(oase.and ils Immediate«neloa«ro,*ltnateeBthebJafl# of ike lUonqngahda.onemde above Pittsburgh; JaaU3iawt7. JAMRW 8 CHAPT For Bam* ~ i ~ M A Smoke House, situated on Plum alley, for rent Inqmre of ROBERT DALZELL *, Co, _ yji»ty etreet. ■ * Foir ftaag. ' 1 / ' fSm - Js* wbwjJ'W ktoWoß Market street, be* JciilT.V fourth streets, at present oecu '7T?Hf !?7 Bareawa and Turner: Pewessioa gives on the iret of April nexu_ [nv«] E D OAZZi&L Ta Cat* r - / *"' 1 ; " M/k fo o***'wurebouse, W wood street, second jSlFdoor abova Diamond alley. Innwreof \ °» eg . D T MORGAN A Co. /"IANDLES—9O boxss'mariae; 10 do start fi do inerta V. fart>la b y - J D WILLIAMS: BUTTER-3 boxes prime roll for sale by . ■ J D WILLIAMS. T ARO Ac-400 bbu No l and 8 lard; 70 bhU No 1 l^l,w ;^CBIEIL BUTTER-OO kegs hatter, < bbis do. landing from wrlAdy Byron, for ulaW : ' iaal3 •• Meonal, miSHFIEf A ROE. boxea primt cheese, large rixa, rac'd V/ this day and for lala by lanl3 W A RAPCPTCIBON.HB liberty at irwiaby ‘ s yilO wood «. GOBSR REAS—39 sacks pea natsibr sale by JaaU ATWOOD, JONES .a Go. NL*!Siis»*rswsa[SWirffSr J SjjvM S 5 J i 'p* , FASHION FOR ALTFMN. J* .■».qOß , D *y K , ao> 4 HATTERS, ? 7"nv? or AJn.nrra ram*, mrrwnaK, H AV £* v R^ .then Aatamn style .of H»t«! w .43- which they respectfully. iatiie the mention of weir CBstomer* Bud cimeui, geoeittlij-. «pt 4 ' WVESTIOS!-PATENT AIR JaM'tob^b Vl ' E § AMJ lIAT PROTECTOR.—The wIU “ t «J“co on Saturday, Oct Wl i “ a - Mtfi : ALFRED KEEVIL, Preeoeal Haccr. . a— — headofwood ft he will introduce this day/ BaSdSC^KV^jB?- ■^“-^■wagiss^S p&s'ASsraa sss.Wsi bjrfli ■nuiuf.ctui?, iheadU fSkSSS 1 U , ,™^T ed»nd ad*eni*ed by ot lh.%3i%££ SK? l&fc head of vrood «t 4. SUKBtEB FASUIOS FOB HATI. Tp“ lT6 LITERACY- I PhlUdclphU College of tt«dkla»<; TUJPRtoO AND SUMMER COURSE OFLEC- I U cominaaceJ on Monday, by li. s/^uiSSr?? 1, -“■ I D i Maxwi* Modica aaA.Tber* I kpCQuCI. I mS Y m d -> Theory ud Practise of . f wS.'L B £ffi “■ D ’ u^A CU - vrOCit ' «■ D < r>** «*■“»- » f I 8> McCAIMTOCK, M. StnoutnUT of ASM** jfeS?r B tf RR - D l Pro * ecter or Som.rr. < >fSSffJS* C0B " 8 ' ? 7B - , Fe ® &r iHom w\ohava lull 5 d:Wr ® L* U co ?f*** *“ other Coll eras, teo. Mu* rieolanon to be paid once culy, 55. Graduation fl" St. b » ' li • u ” e, Forftinlur ialonnodon inquire of - i . JAMES McCUNTOC&M. D, ; _ • No. 1 NorthElaveiuhStreet. ■ Philadelphia, Dec. 57,1647. jn4. , J Baeilwd at M. A. Miner l *. • by “*57 Smut,.Queen ofjSeou, by Alexander Duma*. Insubordination, or. the Shoemaker's DamSterTaa American story of real life, by T. V AnhuT - K *» *• ’biShShST" 1 “ «"• I Rosa Somerville, or a Husband's Myr.sry and a wife 1 * Derpnontby author of “The Fim Fslm Slap* with ! numerous enjmvjne*. *v The DeathShip,or ibeiPirate’s Bride. ; Chapman's American Dr*wine Rook A K(fliddon >t,ber M£mumenu ’ Ac, by Gwrge Animal Magnetism. byiAlphonse Teite, M. D.' The Swiss Family Robmooa, or Adventures of m Fa* tber and Mother and Tour aonsin a Jesert island. The Pharmaceutic Fractical Recipe, book for the.use ofdropusts by F. A 1 SooUiard. , umckwood’s Alayaune for December • Lrvinf No lifts. Taylor's Money Reporter, Jan. Mth. Green s Works,the Reformed Gambler-fresh supply A splendid article Gentlemen’s VisitiM? CardZlerae mred. For aale at At. A. Miner's. • Jaalß i YOUNG LADIES’ IRfIU ARr. T ALLEGHENY CITY.; •* - , MKTc.Tm* cr dir «tioncr Mr. N. W. «t TLA , ‘*T°P en fcr *8« «« ption of Fop Us Cotmar ofSaadiuky and Ctnwbanr a ta. I*3? 6 eoad aeuwojwiU commence on Monday, Sspt Thosedesigning to eaterwill find ttto their interest mdaaoasTiearihe the session as possible; aaaswa W' l " Wi!l I* received at any tune durißf the ftJURS?!? 1 *. of Tether* will be secured' forclaasfts that may wish to receive instructions in Drawin*, Pa u oaatern prioaa Flowers Personified, dn. Rose, or Affection's Gift do. . ' Christmas Illossonis. Fhe Parallel illuminated—l.o*n4 in DerUa Iron s?^r« k - ilh^*i -. SSKi ! Sonny Hour* of Childhood. boon”™ 3 ' F ”' ic * l w »'**-»Pll»fe »P} fetter «ad note dui • gWmjr boond Pocket *nd family Bible*. *fe*“ ,r Pod wrinnjr desk* and work baiet. Globei of a, 10 and 13 iaebaa diameter. lor by. JOHN a .- ac ® • aiwooT- F .IftTrst"""* 1 O in Book* for 1 lifts. fccT ‘ ei 0‘ i»*eafal uddanmcolor* de * cn P«»« I'dMimioa*; by Elixaboth f!h.fl°? od , i, L* c * rlw ,Uk ' ■plendkUy illntrunaied annoal for iMfc Coate., y L O; io pert] y *3*s* nn.l/ iflamitiatad nnd illosVrtted. , * O, ,ltu.V^rt-» p,# tur : ,U 51 , 2“!f» L J graving* by SutainV^ ChOiUAJi Keepinic. autf Muiioaarr Annual, fbrl&i9- SSSr* 1 * 4 • b ““- mS S7u^f^ht!, i f,'Z Smra:U ‘ hclH! '’ vA? u «S7o*“A , or A#««ion*i Oinj'» Chrtaau, New > e ni r ’ *»£B»/»M«7-Pr*itnt 1 for 15& '~ u * amM * arw 16« “ Cf Fn,ntilUlJi a lokett of B«a«obruM for T T olfc?/te7 r l * B n 5 l for lS4 ®5 tdittd by air*. f^^l'm S ?^ h .l?? UDa 1/1 olcfant caboMod moroeoa. SteSSSSi?* T ******** from £S££s do?" Yo * b * Ladr ’ 1 Cota P*a«3. cad Tok.a of Aff**., sffl&sssi - flc M ■ • cor. M>rt«iASdm. ' _ S*w Publications. iPIW POEMS, llluttraud. Harps r*a new i%HW llon work* of John MUtoLwiS • and eriueal remarks on fall rtnias »nJ wrl* t«u V b «ti£?i? t *5 O,T 7 ; *** •Mt«wdr«d lud win* uumj. SFtscii’i Gun Ttttiiror.—Tb* foer Ooeoels and *5“ ofti. Ap0.,].., u Or.rt,™*En3sSrioS; entieal, philosophical, and «zc|«tlcaL nwp*» indexes, toScthar with tie lEpltdes aad apocahrpec; tho whole Tornlny the NsyrTestamtnt- Forfteuee of S *“ ta * rt "- B, «>—A*4aul..r J.*»oa , Jlr *" “ JUnurffimnwriM lift of H.IUT tin Foanb, tin* or * ranee and «N*Tan«, By 0. P. B. J«a2 Complete in tour paru, paper, 8 vol*. doth ' - ‘ rorwlajor -JOHNSTON fc STOCKTON, jaaa BookeelUr*, comer of market *** "* • TCItGLISH BOOKS—Hutory of tij o Rev -EJolution, and of the wars and carapairn« artsmr frooi Ihe ftrukslei of the' Orfcek I'minot* la tingtbcir country treat tSe Turkuh Yoke—latwo toL hmee-eplcndnUopy with onmeroaa taaptl and eitfra “OT ! Ib I U James Pricadeent* Aariffii, of the Triumph of Liberty. Chriatopbar'radpole, hr Albert Smith. Coeuuuidar of Maltai nla*tratad. Connie*# of Morion, by F Boalt, Esq WroJ. of M...eoi b, One. (.tort, fmh >laps.BM for October. New Mine; j M t neeiwdb* .. WM.B. CALDWELL, T -JP*? 1 . - third at.- oppoejUpoel ogee. SUNDRIES— MOhajaßio coffee; 70 halfcheiu Y. H. and Imperial tea; S 3 Pact pepper; 5(1 boxoa whiu Havana war; 100 kbit lam No 3 mackerel; 100 kbit fN O molaaaes; lOcaakaalipice; forsaleby J“ 4 JNO GRIER, i IERF Ejjraett of Verbena, Patcbou. I 1 ??* VioJet, Joekejr Club, Atiilifleur, bouquet dt Caroline, and Mink, lore# Perfume Ban, from 25 eu lo t 1 25 eeeb. For ultO)' JOHN D. MORGAN JU _ L : No. 031 Wood In. WBAPPWO PAPER— -1600 bundU* g: C:M and D. C. »traw Viptr, ISO “ Medium Rap, SO ** D. Medium Hardwire; lor »aV* bv <*«» = REYNOLDS It aiUCE. DYE WOODS—tSSbbIi chipped logwood; 7» do nV logwood; 100 do chipped Ku»tic; 100 do around camwood ju be i _i«* : ISAIAH mCttYACo INDIUFA-10 bl bop«;itut nceirrt oad for m!« by * 49 l-ii : JOHN 8. iCIUVOBTB. 87 wood „ bjl. No 3 60 do do 'Na • i* I'M nCiUnd feti«l»b7 ll»«) PolXPEtTimiv; 1 - - - M Co, IOFJ-fcfc—oo b*j» priio* Ri 0 > '— — • 8 “ lor Ml* by j ! - I i , fft TPN %«BDBST t ' ' ** v *"ol w. *pErFERT-it>tn fertility r * P. k Co, ■pLOUR-121 bbli. entt am]. pj™ ]“*"*■*US&* • 1 - ' »*n»A*mt ■ TBit’S H* 1 ' *» tiiiTwnrtiv ‘saassp^r J •; • --y : BATES OF DI»COI»NT~CORKX'rKOU> ! .. i. - . : 3. IIOZdBKa A:SOS, ' Elrbango BrokervNo. ASUmlet street. nctMtast Pcantylvanla. I J'. ' ißdl«na« • Bankofpiusbarfh --par.Stawß’t £Urabche*-^l Exchangeßank parsPateSerip • » !.«•-.».*».. Bferch. c Man. Bank *pai k- - Vlrciala< Eh*jfPhiladelphia--• -Pat Exchange llfcl of Va*»ti Girard Bank—.——par Farmers &k. of V*-- **. Uaak ofG*anantewn *pa<|Bfc ofthe Valley j.- **:.'! “ CheaterCounty--par,Bk-of Virginia-. • “ Delaware Q»..- ..pariM.*M.Bk., Wheeling ft! . MontgomeryCm-pari tdo Morgantown— 1| 4t Northumberland—par N.W.BanVVa-——f: ColambiaßridgoGo. par WelUbarg—;Jj Djyiestown Dank par vto •Parkersburg—. M Fanner*’ Bk. Reading-par i Tcnacuiei FamerVßk. Doe k» Co. par Bk. ofTeruic«*ee- •—i Farmer* BTLaaean'r-par Far. k. Merch'u Bk*-*- Lancaster Co. Bk.v- -par Planter*’Bk.—: • Lancaster EIl,-.par Union !R.; U.Statee Bank——-30 V" HfiMWri* j Brownsville Kle.——...par Stale Bk of MUeedri—» 1* Waahtagtonßk.-—-1 ;S«r(]iOanllaa« , Getlytborxbßk.-.-.- - U Bk. of Capo Fear- Ilj Chambergbarg- —“ Mereh’* Bk.,.Newborn- k FutquehaanaCaßk.- State Bank i—l : Ukji Co Back, •-••••— iSoatnCtrollvai ! Lewiajoera- ..... CamdenKk • ll : Middletown .-4.. .... || Bk. of Charleston i 1* C*rit«le ...V .... « Goomereiilßk —1» &ta Bk. • * ißklofGaorttiown---*- ij Farmer*’ and Drovers' Bk.of Hamburg— * -. li Bank, Waynetburg.. ** Mtrehanußk-.—•• It nam*bor< ** Piaster* AMecha’sUk* 1| llooeadale— **. Bkiof Booth Carolina-1| Lebanon - ;•! I • ■ Mn-wimuj. . . fatsville—- -- .1... «- Baltimore Bk*.——...par Wyoming “ Bnfon’eftOßßSerip-10. Yoxi Bk.- •—...--4 Cumberland BkiofAltai - West Branch Bk. « tgbaoyv ], « Far. Bk. of Maryland- .. ** « Farmer*’ k, Mechanics ® City « lißk. Frederick-.--.. «*■ . - Ohio, FVedertckCo.sk.--- ** Staleßk.aod Oranchea 14 Hagerstown Bk ** Mount Pleasant—.» •• ** Mineral Bk->—-•—. ** ’Steubenville—.—. |**astaoßfc *> FlairivUio-..• a Wualstteullk*.-.- ** Manetu “ Bk.orvvniniiQiter <-• • *■ NewLiitipn. - « t; : • OUcUfan. Cincinnati Banka—*...« Uk. of St. Clair- Colombo* • do •*. Uk.ofßiterßaiten CircleTtUiu .... ** {Miehiganliu. Co—* •• g .'|HU.kHKMBI«.~v J Pitnua....... “ WUooa.ln TarrltV. *»'- MM.tFirold.OiMUW«* Maeeilkm ** , Outadaii « ALiolvenißanka- • g“W**** —• **- Bank of ErulaadNotea _ Oarilaad— « OoldAtpoeloVaame. ; w Napoleon*seo tartat—....... « Da car*. •* SO Weetent Reserve » Ra|le,old- --- 110 00 FrsnklinßTt Colamhu “ RaglO 00 Donlloon*,fpani*b.liCio Lake Erie— « Do-Pairiot--so Scbta--• ** Sovereign* .lO G«tiea»—--...1 #OO Hamilton .....ia Frederickxpors STOO' GranviUe-- —Ten Thaler* ♦- -7 ! Bo‘ Fsrm’rs B’k Carstan- —3O Ten Gnildar*. - - .; 5 oo ; Urbaaa——so UaMkxt-. i.V. 4 » ' Kcnlncky. t. > KaceliwMa;-' *- 1 Bkof Kentockr- i| New York - - a pn Bk-ofUmavUle—... * Philadelphia.'.—. Ip lB Nerhern Bk, Kentn’kr- “ Baliitnore- .I«i B Naw Torfc—Cur Bank*.pari Interior'B'ka—- EXCHANGE BROKERS;, fa. fleam, hakva * co, JANKEBS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, tad deaJan j In FoTßiro nod Dcnwiiic Exchange, Certificate* of topoaite, Bank Notes, and Specie; Found ttreeti natr- If opposite tka Bank of Pitaburrt. Qurant money raaemdon depoeita-Sifht' Cheek* fist sals, and oof. oa aeailr alliheprinoJpa] pcista U the TtrtSJW premium paid fist Foreign tad American Ooid. ; H;' AdTaaeea made on coaiifnaitnta of Ptodooa, ehia pod Eaat, on liberal teme. si ■ ''inehlo - HOUIKBiA 101. . • tad Deal ere id Exchange, Coin and -DBank Nocaa, No. £s,Marie: jlrwt, AuaboTfh. .- - • Ereimagh.! Baringßl&e. NawYortt, •• A pr. CtaeianatL i I I . ItWitni/a _ KBAMKa * RAHMy -DANKEBS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealers •_T) in Foreum tad Dooutie GflU of Excfainn. C«r- Qflenei of Depo»iie, Bank Not** end-Coni, corner of W and Weoietmtt, directly epttfiics 8l Ciarlee'lio* i? i • mayjfcdly kearirthr, AUMOWi, - 1 Bask rfoiti: ptniiud m ibel«wa« nm, by • ! . ‘ HOLMES A SON, ; ; ttMukrwmt Bulb or cuc*» m a#w v«tk. • ; FhH*d«]pbi«, ktu> Btltaor*, tf 4 HOLMES A SO!f. I -SftMiricnii jCccataatly for uli by ! deifi pOLLBCTIOIM)nfti, Mem, iodAce*ptan» V®**. payable « toy pvtoTthb Cules. collect* on iixs nojt fatenWe urau. N. UOLHS3 4 SON. - -J cW i i *_ _ . _ ‘ >•'. SSUirkttn. TT^*-/ )Q Philadelphia; end -Lj Baltimore, et adit, is earn* Unb purchaser* goo etnntly fortale by* . WLtVc&RRY,; Wood eu, beta* roarto-. iiWHKH E2S,'iBZ?s&i&3l S ’ octfl- Pfo. «5 F^k ; ffo. &S Wood «u below Fonrth. HOTELS. mSTAIH HOTEL. ‘ LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE . .. ?ow an invaaioa, rao fames. • MTHIS enablltomrm long tad' widely'.knows u Uuw on* of to* men coaaodiooa to the eiry of Baltimore, hsa recently. undergone tery exwa 'Ot* eiureuoa* and usporotetneats. An entire uaw •wia*_ baa bees addedj containing :nanerooi and tinr iMjpinr apartment*. ani catamite batoto* room*. l' TM LadtM’ department baa also boon ecmpl*t*!r wrraoiztd and inadupln * moat unique todbeauu nilwyta. In fact to* whole arrangement of to« -ilouaa , kaa b«wn r*mod*led, vrlto a tingle ere on the part of : toe proprietor*, toward* to* comfort sad pleunre of i their (Ineats, and which they confidently assert will , challenge comparison with any Hotel to the Union. I •: Their table will tlwata be supplied with every enb* atandal and hurary which the market aflbrds, served op to eaupertor aryl* while to the way of Wtoea, *c„ : they will not be awpasaed. > ; la eoseleaioa the proprietor* hcetouy. ihtt nothin* will be left undone oq their port, and oa the part ©T their aaeUtaate, to render this Uchel worthy the eon* (toned patronage of their aiendajand the pvbiie gu r=u&XS rU * rt “ *• : - ’.•fcS'".*’' N. R—The Beyyan Wegoa of the Hoaee will tl »* «# Car and. Bteamboat Landtoza. which will eontey baygaye to and from the HowTftee ofeharye. »; • nayftf : PBAJU. MHIBT aftPi^ ■ * etacruiiji, ostol —> m THE.aabecribera hating purchased the entire loterest ofCoi. O. p. Wiiliamaonjate of thia wSI known eatabUahment, beg leate to state to their m*n« and the rnblto generaUr, that they hare tafcao thik commodious Hotel for a tens of yean and will «*. ert toeirbett energies to make it a( deairsble home for Trateller* and City Boarder*. H; . , :The Hotel U ipaciou* and admirably planned for con- Temenoe, h|htand air. having a imoUr ofparted praeenitoy-nnbtaai tnvu^mtia -. The prtaent proprietor* ttatlag'hidthaeiiieiime 1 * °fT»mto this aity and eliewhen.hopwtheyS^be BsssA h sffas?SsSSS^ sS^asKsjSßflßSirjsai: > mch27 JOHN A DUtttV i _ . _ *■ *■ a nviaMi, j JO- *«.eSOSOT Blttf. tgiunttwn. 3| under tos ina of Bridget A CT w *y?. Wwhuel Mr. Jon**’ imamt to tola •T!S^ b . haem, and hm by toe etrieteat ettemtoo to tot warua and Mmfort oftoeir gucaia, to aarit aeon ttnnance of the liberal patnaaye.-hemoibr*'reoeiy*d byiia former proprietor. : . . |- :Tbe booea has beta thoroughly renovated, and n* we therefore foel asmred we caa welcome oar Wends and to* pnbtfc u aecoomoUettoa* eooal to any to to* « -...“V " -f Alju Abb JJmwi, of-W iltifovbortb bvLarfatTndb* nearScoib Poonb-at. h*a s^: • >C wub«hackmpe«jib,andpaisia tht cbett.tora|2'.2L*. ' uae. which ll Seeame «o l ad that aim vte ** fivebpbervebcelfor cnreibaa &nu uSiB. . . ‘ **' eoinmctjeediaknt*thoAl>.HeiliayflaJMni I *whreb«S * t J aPetiHed ter ajTOtpaw.-She - f -• *■ b?T *• oceapauia # .Sir Jeka O’Neal, lbk •tveaae and flat" at, >’ H wub acoujjh. raitmeof pbWm and pam ■ZBtSi&.-'av;. .=*.■ M*«onld « NO HKUCP “u Healft „* Ualiaia, which drove the pmio Aon bit aide, allaMllS ~r «wfb; and brcortr tbo diaeato apon ibe nrfbco; >C'w ; -' before he bad tatea three bottle*.wu emtrelyoiJaJ^xS:.-^^ - PUurisy and Cmumptum. . *sgU-..^ .' *<**• ?««*•.» Wif apwatda of >o,*e*tdißj 88 Bbet *-Jj ','/ .IS.bM.fOT jeara bees *ob}rer toaitaekeei Pl«sri*K r --^ v ' , >- - lUiiia* of-Eood, aevero Coafh. tfbonneaa ©f Ureufc! , ) Pain mhei Head iJld'varioa*_part*ef her body. liar*'■•'••■•■•..•■.:?•' ■■• frieoda.belleVrd bebPAST RfcCOVEAY. T*e AU-- ' ,- v ' "• ■ llealiag Balaam relieved her at once of *t| her alum* let eyaptOßta agd ahela owible IQ aitand tahcrwort. • j .•>•, AstAald aut Wiooping Cmgh, ' • Bin. Imemia;vVeUe.ttCbil«iir»t; b tj Brbta.ll neianeey rt, Wm li Yoono,?# vt alnai-at«know the r '.l. thevaioeef tbia great fesroy- c-rf ■Aab for Phermao’aAlMleatilx* Balaaarbad aee ihU ’ 4 ’■' • nil imrteaaiipiaiarß U eieeth boula.’ . Pnee SS eerna and tl per bottle- • ■ Wona and Oosgh rnrniura m!4 tl ' T -;; Y ’' • M» ttttg by ff» )«faM, UihM ■ S - r J n nn.l,UUi< WimHW«,KUitaji.. rratd poUa ■■' A 1 :ip '■"■■■'■ ■ - •• •'•■'- > ivir«-f- •, ■.<%! . KUIOU'.A'IVaoioALOFVICI* 4 i . . to M. m.Lhvn At. Uirriliv taii-tilgv! ’* . '"IISSStL* O^**I ita-* -I ’Baowv,hs»>V ceiSBM ■ - and been (or teat time u * , IK«iHBBfv 'r ae r*L^p^e ii *«iwr. ' ramlt Bora thosa cases where others have catudaaA-' them tohcpeleadaspair. Hvpanicnlarly invites ■ M bare been lougond unsuccessfully treated by othan - * to oogsalt hint, whaa-«verT'uUsfrt>tlaa will be dyes them* tad their eases treatedin* careful,thoteun and c total agent meaner, pointed, e&t by a loar vzoanenea. - ’ cady, tad investigation, which h Is imposaiblefcr time j|»wral practice ofagdlciaa.toglyeynr"" or Raptaie.—Dr. Brown also invitesper- 1 • : ■ PU “' "***«* «* }W.R-»p«ulepis : cf either sex ay stadny their disease-la writing,-giving all tha tons, can obtain medicines with dirscUms'fbr ose at . «Jd««m f T. BBOWJi, M. U, pSt?S S SfeS llfaae* ? ' o ' 6311)^I “ nd^1 ®Tj®PPO«j»tbaWaTix!7' |T“oaF*oiiparcoispoiraoMiTKcpos' i.* T /« AND WOOD NArHTHA.-7ae ifrtilS - ■(VOAdjertiser say*;—°Th« remedy has Leva mora .*■ saceessfel thin any medicine we have ever known for '- labaaeToascareiinCon'iUßCtkaklSbittinc blood, caie ■'• ft a the Side and Bresai Asthma. Obsirato •.Coßghfc lloatseness; *ore Throat, tatpnuion of the • Creep,NervoaiTreawrs,*#.' 1 ItidifjdaaUortbehighest reipec»abiiit» in thlseirr bear r ‘ to tts power and etteaey in ibis *iai* ;! Among the testimonial* to the yaioe of the above Bed* ••: iKi?.* fromdktlnsuirhed physicians of PhiW ► • ’ adrlphis... Read thafoltowlnv from Dr. Vosnt toe . wnmeat oculist.. „ L., .. . PHu-.oit»nu,j«n.!e,ie4r.:- ■■> t.* , T jSL 10 practice, a* well as in ajowtf •»'" wmly, antfAVood. *' Napbiha. 1 have no hrmaiion in savitje that ilUibe i - s best prepsraiioa of the kind in ose for poncu» aferiny ' ’ LL.^l? On,OB P UO,I ' Ct ' u S l is t '''iK»nd ail Dff uca.bf top Throat, Breast, «r, to prevalent at this of' -tJ c V , ‘ r so v •i.^>n h *^ evee,,^ ,illtl i llf ? t,r«ea afflie led wuhadrrtreasiog racninjcouah.actionpanied with great oppressioa anu diiEeaity of breathmr. with a mix sstion of tightness at the chwt., Becoming rrecUv •• ■•■».. alarmed, a trend who had been ranch UvneSucd by this 1 ‘ medtww. reewnmeadod me jn try It, 1 did », ard in a— ”'T *** «»« T alamfif symptom d^sppcaredi e *^ w * u »f > f _ cough ceased, and in a fowdsys fwaaable logo oat and attead lomy bnwness a well man. Any further in&rmation -will bo ebeerfdOy grren the cCUpjihy calling otaty residence, 1. , ,! •„ , JO9; MaMANAUY. medicine h prepared only bi ANfIL- & DICKSON. at NE earner of Ft&b and Bonn • VS^ ,IsJfl P b,a - r '‘ s,tJ In Pinstoargh by L WILCOJL JrJ IWireJieannorfipcrSotHc.-■ * CAUTION—Beware oi- the many eonoietftjt* «*-t arenooralmt.. lisa tmecnipalooe ore crsr fraJvto decritcthe anerary. - - . . j Moi*a , rxCTtt»T ) W«t n w,k w . j Jtfr Jt i. g(ton-A >oatcfdnir ia .taiKOM totiM itulcm) ia finrwefjc»j»ilr ceMinted Lirar PilU I batedel* ml dourwtofuji tsnia,' -*bt curt jm «>» rWkL _ Alettoflbe’siwiy |«tp.r-lioo»'«ftata K» •*} iuuilaw vUirino •&**»' pi •» *“** bw Offered ia ihe pub fe'mud. 2*6 W.» viUWurftM jutvbtt • i« f tp «*eai ihta to b« Iheiebm afliei.«i Walt U*tt VOttpo.U» ■ m bt youtb; h .v« ro& td nude eaiftntd *•***s^ pbj***w* *» wbca I l> id owLboo. *°J* blowjt«a toaitrdud jiKjr»ieled aJmt odtak; f* Ifioellrjpmn 1 fioellrjpmn upn m eMt. la *** M"*** 1 y F** r Cmr PilU, uud 800 GOT * , L ,‘ *»• of wh«hbW.tufiefm.to licrnn tew ofp>}iCath«*»d« ««d»i|th* crtlirf fo- , >- * «ao*Ui« roorPilniwMothabwte.f*. -tiei« pw *d, Uta* BIW, Bo< pnpilj or gniM nueb «iek>. „ t W* ito«. •efc,*alfietß*B«rt J»l-tf kepi dwm a «y fto,* jylW-?}j?a. carif.wTkrs.ssx &£: JT4^J^fJffcTi Uan * * nd ea£ » l ‘* ,I «‘ of T»rw#»Lof.e«.«*. mo ? y P**««**“t» i*«* fli*cUr*. a from ■,«' lao ifontt* Wane ot tue enunom,/r«B Iwh tier kimk ,c Pi HKJ tfwa Uic'uA (• » oral bone, and from ifi» ngm kVa 'lrMbeapaiiifU ?^ r PV** ‘ >, , hcr »Wcl» b>T» Lkfl«d (he ratlloi a Naiqberof u>r ni'Htemiu*uipbt«daii»of , «U—damn of U»< tiiae h«r ssSeibiti-haTa o«*btexermrml.of amidrpkrmute. • ANw; tfejMaoei&a rineajtba warn ludarcd Id try Dr. JsjiUi'a Al-emha ' I “** w “ ; ‘ h ‘ r K | > *««pp> aJecinpwrar, . ' 4r " and c*a*,.*-*be ' sSUSEaris^v?^^raKss\S^|S-;i^ : '. •AsafKßsssßr > w'*'“. to --^ ; “- » - ""■ **?»?* >n.»b' YM.whow iMih ia fettJ tad ye;ta— |. who*# ikm !• dark tad ulknr— l«t, whore hair u harefc and winv ' ‘ ■nty,dmy red or fiery-. r * whore vile offieoiiro breath . (JuptMuaii* upaindduih— YMeoaldhofo-boy.wMOfrlri-. Te«iht*wtuwtaMoieorpe»rL : - |rre , haap»eyawooi l .aadfl«nl«Jß Pare add wtuteiQdimnoih«ui] twaaMU. AftdhairrofL»iiitv.d«ffc««.>^ l,,>lKU *w oiS by e aW SSC.'t •re uured uut the ?»!*.*' * ao ) N ul tilMioaii frwkiU) Ad. Bird arer dark taltore ' nn?.ifSV l V wl,,a fl^® l *** .pOßallUadtortroptiaai tad ui«bn«a VAfe * . r.Mrtttol’uapm.Btetrtei.aKU fewer dcartr. tea ..• m«f M ills.wtoefe . <■■ k«m» Al«?b«w,Tu, awl »u«« tt* «*ta* ■"*■ ' ■■' tkia, to* Asa, • : « -•: aliifW. - A (mk Mpp'j, wtnnaaa* ' • •■; •atamkiMcviaaadßriMe/ffipar ofa . . Hittnf B AFAHNfcrfrsrr2 ‘ *' ■ '