'HE PITT BY FJtASTUa BROOKS k Co. PITTSBURGH! WEDNESDAY MORNING, JAN. 19. 3&S. . ILrTij* PnrocaaH Dailt'Gautzs U • Weekly u Two IW1«* pcfionan^ jgg&KSSSK!S?gff3Si . lntelligence, Domestic Mer" laiponi, Money ainrket*, Ac, kc Mttrifcl^Conc^io.trfeneeefihe Pitubur*h Ctuui, Tto TMraVaanrißtßt of Mexico. ‘ : ..{Washington, Jan. 15, iSISI , i*tbo.pal»cy,-of the Administration, and ev . at Waahlngton indicates lha purpose of the Gcncfal Govcromcat- Tbo*e who have some compunctions ‘jA!a infringer of the laws, on oppressor of the people, and on enemy to his country,” was the title tyon in the Senatorial Assembly of Poland for this act Of sale,' made in violating of law, and i doesMr.Polkdeservelets,eiiberforthe violence he has donu his own country, or for the wrong be would indict upon the Constitution and soil of : another country? -How, indeed, has this work of _. dismemberment gonejoa in' the ease of Poland,—a . dismemberment commenced by the Turks, contin ued by the Swedes, Saxons, Prussians, Austrian*, ; French/aod .by the Russians. That , Nation is blotted from die list of.tbe Nations of the ; earth, and dreadful havo been the imprecations, i particularly inthis country, for the wrongs inflicted : ; upon this unfortunate' country. ' Said one of the [ -wise men. of Roland to his countryman; before tbe : deed of Partition was commenced; “Our turn will j ; come, m>;doubt,—either we shall be the prey of J ; some famous conquerors, or perhaps even (Kentish j toriugpotcert tnR cambin* to destroy our'Staia. I remember U have heoril Caleb Cashing declare .two or three years since, aqd as one of-the “mani fest destiny” politicians of the day, that Mexico must be ours in part, and Oregon, too, I think, for the reason that it would give a pear like shape of strength to our American possessions. I wished then and since, khat bo badremembered the classic .maxim that “when the Pear is ripe, it -will drop." ; IT there is. a destiny in the file of Nations, the ; weakness.of one, the oppressions of another, it may •: be consummated as well without as'with the rava ! ges of war. Voltaire gives-:the same excuse for ; Frederick of Prussia. - Herivishcd (a sort of Canal i : : across the Isthmus ofTehnanatepec, or something i else) to open s communication between his domio iions,which, as'Voltaira wrote, terra stretched out hie a pair of gaiters. . In the partition of PoUnd between Rusaia,Pni»- ata and Austria, by-which G4OO square leagues .were taken at n'swoop, and when, to their shame be it spoken, a woman was at the : head of-lhc Rut* sian Empire, and another at the head of the Aos> trian Government, Catharine defended her conquest upon groundsaot unlike our. own. She had’ren dered Poland (some service, and claimed indemni ty. Frederick more.poiitely argued the point, and quoted, or rather misquoted,civil laws to sustain his system ot wholesale plunder. Prussia, too, like our own lawgivers, went pell meil at Poland, after she had inflicted the iojnry of Partition, by com* mencinglbe work of aecuser /and complainant— Poland learned for Uto first time unexam pled offences,against the House of Bradenburg, and that redress had been taken into her own hands. . . ; ! ; These three powers,stronghandedasthey were, commenced the work of curtailing Poland ofier fiur proportions. It was a Loco '■ Focu measure throughout, the great model, indeed, of this Mexi can war, except jhot one man and one party, and one country are'able to accomplish that which, in the case of Poland, it took two Empires , and one Kingdom to perform.' . \ I have said over-and over again, in my.recent letters, that (he conquest of the whole of ."Mexico Eogned. We shall begjn-.by taking (he diapu erritory between tlte Nueces and : the Rio de,—then seixe upori, New Mexico, then Up per California, then Lower California, then the country of the then the Coast on the Gulf of Mexieo, until ail ii 'absorbed, the Capitol the Montexumas” and oil. There is a Polish which says, “yon may strip a Pole to but if you attempt to take his shirt, he ■will regain aIL” .Mexico! will, hardly do this, but •be may accomplish more in being the instrument of sowing discord among curse! res. We have a - foretaste of’this already, and not alone in political divisions of the country, but in those sectional di visions which are much mom alarming. Poland has cost her conquerors thousands of millions of dollars and innumerable lives, and Mexico' will cost ns lives more precious, treasure more sacred,, and principles sxve valuable than either, or than the two together. !ta ~j . Wasuwqtos, Jan.' 15, ISIS. ; - Tire long litigated case of (he Pea Patch, T>iand, . (ia the Delaware River) was decided by John S&r geant of Foi, to-day, the arbiter of the respective -. parties to the chum. • The decision, was that the Iriand. belonged to the / Stans of Delaware until 1813, when that State"surrendered it to' the United Stales for Military-purposes. The opinion was a very eMe paper/ and embodied much important in i' formation as.to the grants under the Duke of York V lo WiQismT’cnn and Lord Baltimore. \ The ci tire ns of the District of Columbia'bave in* - vited Hear Clay to a Public Dinner! It is fear ed he will not accept x. a. Man.txnc Thxqeakl—The St. Louis Republi can of the 7th Inst. says;—A propoaitioa has been issued by'Hr.O’Rielly, to extend the Telegraph to Independence,. Weston and' Fort Eeavenworth, teitktii ninety day* atfer tbesum of forty, thousand : dollars has been subscribed and secured along the • proposed line.. And bo proposes, icrther.to cotcnd it westward to the Paciiro Occam in California or Oregon; within twelve months oner the passage of a but by Congress forthsl purpose. This is^truly, ;• magnificent scheme, aaaonewhfcn stay, at no distant day/be accomplished. 1 . N. O.B*it»—The‘‘Commercial* of the 7th says: Yesterday, in' consequence of some «naifrfriyf ro ports' without the shadow of foundation, there was iaile a pretty run got up upon the Canal .Bank,tmt M ihe position of the institution is' “as strong-a* pouJon® it was'met with perfect good faumqrontbe* part of. the officer*. - The situation of this instfto tionl is well as that of all the ether Banks urNew Ocleaft* is so strong as to defy any attempts of the weikmioded, or malicfous, ut cucolating ridieu iooa and ttpirtinicd reports. | Tam ImssFajcto—Mr. ILGrattan, in a speech made in PariiarJient in November, said that one Wired and flftoen thousand nine hundred and twenty-nino persons had starred (o death ia the -late fomute. . *■ ' • !, ?■’ Imoxtixt Diasox—The: Postmaster General that lettera to the officers and seamen ct the Barr, as well as Btehnay in Mexico, and mi ths Kexiean ooaat, or the frontier, aro fiee of po* age, wider the l*w. of the test Miron . ; • - Kuseajf* Paitoxartv— This splendid work of ar V * w,i *-* t “ ' i -‘- J*//* *- i?' '“’T y - ' T-,.! AajU»« Paaa. _>©Preiidenl ha* submitted* among .other eor i re *P Q ndeaco the following;!* relation to tlwadmi*' of Gea. Paredes and SaatiTnna. Aflerlbe! if* “f 1 ®" been alloJedto “paas 3 Gen.' Anna to Mexico, the boarding officers, it' ■“aw, did not examine the British mail steamer*! •P promptly as they should hajw done, and Gen. Parades was far on his way to the interior, before they found time to attend to this business. After the mischief was done, Mr. Bancroft was dtw***f»d to complain to Lord Palmerston 'of the conduct of the Captain of the British Steamer, in cot keeping G*n. Paredes to be examined, and thus doing the duty of an American officer. ‘Of course Lord Pal merston wanted to say- something, by wa&of no tice of Mr. Bancroft's complaint, thnt English offi cers did not do the duty of American inspectors and says:—the Steam Navigation Co., “will imm«r diately suspend Csptain May from! his command; and that they publicly and distinctly condemn any act on the part of their officers, which may be ra* garded as a breach of faith, towards the govern* ment of the United States, or as: an infringement or invasion of the regulations established bytfao United Stales officers, in those ports of Mexico which are occnpied by the forces Lf the United' States.” ‘ When a ship load of’emigrants cokes to an east ern port, before the ship has lost headway, an offi. cer steps on board, and sees that ah is tight. In time of war, when Mexican Generals are looked for, tho Inspectors stop until their convenience is served to go on board, and then, the British Secre tary of State, is asked to censure British officer* for neglect of duty, on the part of our own Gov ernment. 1 We annex the chiefpazt of the letter to the Seo- i retary of War, from CoL Wilson. 1 ' HssOqUAKTXXS, DCTAJtntXTT OF Vr»i Cwvz, Sib; I have the honor to report, that, on the HU» uuL, the British steamer “Tcviot,” Capt. May, or rived "here from-EngUnd and the Havana, hav ing Geo. Paredes pn beard, under the assumed name of M. Marlines; trho in consequenoe of the Urdiness of the boarding officer, Capt. Clark, lan ded at between C and 7 a. m, incognito, from a £wr oared boat, apparently prepared for the occa sion- In his transit through thegateof the Mole, he was recognised by an inspector, wbo took m» notice of him; therefore I immediately ordered the discharge of both him and Capt. Clark—the former for having lost aight of the wain object of his appointment as inspector, in giving no notice, not withstanding my office «<* bft a few yards fmm the Mote. - ’ t A short distance from the [wharf be (General P.) : was met by the British government courier, and Mr. Alexander Alocha, both of whom recognised the person of Gen. P. That the British courier should report tlothieg, is a matter if no surprise: but that Mr. Atocha should show so much tnaUTer- i ence on the arinral of such (an important person, I teemed to me strange. 1 therefore requested him I to appear at my office, and (inquired from him if' ha claimed to be ah American? He. [aoswered in the affirmative. I then put the question. The rea aon.why, aaan American cifaren, bo did not,'at once, report the arrival of General Paredes?—His •otwo was, that he was nq spy; that he asked nothing from the United States, and wished noth, mg from them. In short it appeared to me that a* an American, lost sight (that it was his duty to cooperate in any way (whilst residing hire) that might , result in the benefit of his adopted country. The foreigner* har that they are neutrals, bound to side with oei' occasion, feeling! deddt menu the English bouse ■ Sc Coq having requested: lector, the keys of the I’ Geo. Paredes. Tb6*General having Mr. Jose O. Zamora, a seated a letter of introdi quested that hones mtgl himself and servant— -a i >lied with; tad, bat let ie passed throogh ooc his way to the inlerioi my officers being able stances'of bis arrival i boowo, and the letters ml at Havani£gmng being delivereoto'me parture, owing to their dy passenger on board.* Of course Col. Wilsoi but to the inefficiency want of ability, oa tit •ol atHavanna, mast b Geo. Paredes in getting; Col Wilson that Gen. girea to a tidy passei in some bandbox or othei, ijrerw . sbo ibonld have made her toil.':, ancf ready U> go a shore. The history of tl.o ' nta(Anna Pin, or "blaster Stroke" of Mr- iext in order, and a great cariosity, [PrivaitaitdtoinfiJatitaL] j - • U. S.;Navt ItojutiJtcrT. > X l M«yi3, ISI& < Coxxodobe If Santa (Anna endeavors to eater the Mexican ports, you wfflallow him to pass freely: Respectfultyyours, • GEORGE BANCROFT. Commodore David Cosxoa, | 1 •Commanding home Squadron. Peescttot, SACRtncios, August 16,1516. Stm The brig of war Daring 1 , just, about sailing for New Orleans, with despatches from the English minister in Mexico to Mr. Fakenhamat 'Washing ton, allows me an opportunity.Jnnd sufficient time to inform you that Gen. Santa Ahna andhis friends have just now arrived at Vera.£rux, imbe English merchant steamer Arab, from the Havana. I have allowed him to enter without molestation, or even speaking the vessel, 'fa l was informed by the senior English naval officer here, Captain Lambert, sbe carried no cargo! and would not be allowed to take any in return. [I could easily have ooarded the Arab, but I deemed it most proper not to.do so. allowing it to appear as if he had entered without my concurrence. It ii now quite certain the whole country—that is, the garrisons of every town and-fortress —have declared in*his favor.— But, uhlow he has learned unTnrtfcing meful ia ad versity, and become another man,'he will only add to the distractions of the country, and be hurled from power in less than three months.: At last the “Relief” is just coming .in. No ves sels with coal have yet arrived. Vessels with coal for a supply of the small steamers, wfll be necessa ry heref without it, they would be of little service. Respectfully your .obedient servant, D. CONNOR, Commanding Home Squadron. Hon. G. Baxcsott, Secretary of the Navy. I write in great haste. Lams Sermon corrxx.-1-The result of expert, meats recently made with Copper from the “Cliff mines” of the Pittsburgh and Boston Company, as a component of Bell casting, seems to determine its fupenor adoption to that use. The, newbell at the. Eagle Cotton works, Allegheny, ckst by Andrew’ Pnltoa, from the some pattern as several other bells now in use in both cities, hitherto deemed firstrate* is altogether superior to any of them and is be liered to be the best bell of its size iy either city, the sound being beard at a greater distance, the tone more clear and distinct, Mr. Pulton’s belb have obtained a wide spread reputation and are i likely from the use of this new knd valuable mate. ; rial to sound his praises still farmer and wider.— The superiority of the Cliff mine* copper for bells ; is doubtless owing ss alleged, to the -presence of 1 silver, in larger quantities than in English or Soath 1 American copper, the stiver imparting a'clear and I sonorous tone to the metal with which it is blend* | •ii Tnc N. Y. Correspondent of the Washington Union says, in a late letter “Except in a tew of the wards, the Whig general committee fold and young) for the ensuing year, are elected. Not one Taylor man has yet been heard of among them, nor any other man, except a Clay man, and “no surren der.” . . Tue wires of the telegraph between Colnmbia and Camden,* South Cuorlina, are now up, and the work is progressing so rapidly beyond Camden, that it is expected communication will be open to Washington City by the first of next month. Tnif N. O. Commercial of January Ctb, sayc—• The United Stales steam revenue cutter Walker, CapL Richard Lvaris, from Pitisborgh, arrived at our port on Sunday! last The Walker is built wholly of iron, and; is a fair specimen of, the me chanical arts of our Interior country. I Mcnmcxrr bequest.— The lata Doctor Farguct> of Quebec, left to the corporation of that city s2f ,* 000,for the purpose of erecting and maintaining an asylum for the poor of Quebec, and to supplytbem with work; it is to be named “The Fargue* Asy lum." ' The .Looofoooa of Tennessee held a Stale con vention at Nashville on Saturday, nominated can dates fbr electors of President and Tice President, and appointed delegates to the loco fbco datiooal contention. - Hear Ct*ry—The friends of this great States man (having obtained his permission) have employ ed Mr. Chester Harding, ad aitist of distinction, now in Washington city, to take hisfoll length por trait j • ’> There has been store bean killed in Michigan the put season than toy previous season. In Mia county alone, upwards of 200 have been “leidto tbe land.* r One Iddisa kißed 12 in one day. Tra Indiana Lefnlatue reuaealded jtt Indian* apolis, oa Monday 10th, and Cor. Whitcomb deliv ered his Message the day kdbwisg. .AsNev YeriimPMayvpie efUieQratai vs tajl ii tie neftmom ana of TfcmycmfcW«a». J—ttiji„ Imp .mu, tfModi, . l»o«Uhu4llig«nce. \ ■•w Iro« HwUairjr. - Wo TUit > ! [ hbbtixg op councils. Agreeably to notice, theConrention of the Select end Common Council'met at the new Coun House on Tuesday, at 1 o’clock. ’ The Common Council was caUe<| to order by the President, who stated: the object of aasembling at tbis. time, and announced that the Standing Com* mittees would be read off;a» the first thing in order. i :ular rera ilcab; t cut* i Mr.'Yeat, one of the members, was then intro* duced, and sworn in by Alderman McMastere. j Tbe Cleric of the Select Council wa* introduced and laid before the Common Couhcil a resolution passed by that body, increasing the number of the Fjinance and Water Committees one member from each body—concurred in by C. Ci j Tbe President thep read off tbo following per* sons as Standing Committees for the year ISIS; JOJXT HTANDISG COJUnTTTO*— IStS. Finance —Messrs. Loren*. BokeweU, and Laying, cf the Select Council; and Messrs. Stoner, Mcß* roy, Bell and Sawyer, C. C. —Water H«rh-Messrs. BakeweU, Kincaid and Totton, of the Select: Council—Messrs. Hartiy, Scou, Porter, and Armstrong, of the Common Council. , Street*, Grading arid Paring—Messrs. Black Denny, of Select Council; and Messrs. Roggcn, Stemple, and Coleman,’ of the f Common Council ' 'Folic*— Messrs. Kincaid and Black, of Select Council, «»d Messrs.; McCleljand, Mitchell and Lewis, of C. C. - end Account*— Messrs. ■ Sampson and M ;Ilwnine, of S.C., and Messrs.. Von Bonnhorst, Ki nl and Boggin, of C C. j Ctty PrtyrrTjr—Messrs. Murray land McGifl, 'of. fej Palmer, Porter and Liringsto* of S.C. 7ity Farm—Messrs, Denny and; Casfey. ofSe loct Council, and Messrs. Yest, Leonard and Sluf for ofComipon CoundL. iqwJuctr—Ucsm. Totten And-Lanolin, ofS. C, and M°a»a- Meapllaiid, Schwerr mid Cun ningham, from the C. CJ ■*' . tfarlru —Messrs. Porter and Aiken, from 8. C. and Messrs, Ajmitrong and Black, from Co noon Council. Cams/—Messrs. Caskiey aadPoner, of S. C, and Mr sxrs. Smith, McKsight and Yoaat/of Common Co mdL ; ■ I Uity Printing^- Metira. Hill and Murray, of S. C n ind Messrs. Stemplej McCollister'end Mitchell, of 9. a ; - ■ 1 1 V&den BvifJtngi— Messrs. Drum and Lorenz, of &C M and Jlessrs. Coleman, Leonard, anil Sbaf fer,|of C. C. j &7iitary—Messrs. Lang him and Black, of S. C, and-Messrs, Hartley, BUck and Schwerr, of C. CoundL Appeals from City Assessments- Messrs. Laying and- Dram, of 8. C, and Messrs. Sell, Kent and , Srmlh,of C. C. I Lighting —Mcmts. McDwmxne and Aiken, of S. C, and Messrs. Johnson, Lewis and Scott, of I Common Council. McnmgtMa iYtiajf —Mewra. Loren. u d I>„. oy, of 3. C-, nad Mcssni Von Goonbont, Wihon and Livingston, ofC. a j A&egheny Wharf—Hqun. McGill and Hill, of, i S. C-, and Messrs. Stoner, Cunningham and Me-1 Kelvy.ofC. C. I Ordinances— Messrs. Laying and Denny, of S. C-> knd •Messrs. Palmer, McKelvy and Mitchell, , from the C. C | The members of the Select Council were an | noiujced a ready 50 meet in joint Conrentiom lor the purpose ofelei&'ng City Officers, I Whereupon tbePreiidenl of the C. C- annonne : ed that they would be introduced. After they had token their seats, they proceeded to eleet City Of ,,ficeri. , ' \ XT ' j 1 . City Treasurer -S. R. Johnston. I 1 City Solicitor —C. 0. Loomis. i City Assessor—ThomaJTolrmim. For Street Commissioner of the Ist District—Wm. J Jack.| '| ' , I Stand District—Wns. Thompson. i I MonongtshtU Wharf Muter— Thomas McFad* I den.. . J AUfefony Wharf Master—Ueary Earl. • I C\t)f Ouager— S. T. North am. ; j Wdjgh Master—City Bay Sedlro— David Drfo ;n. ! ; !’ r Wngh Master at the Market—TAr. A. N, Har tupec.l. j j, 1 Codcctor ofths Aegueduct—iAr. Henry Kinuy. Superintendent of the \WaXer Woris— James Thom; won. . | City Regulator —Mr. McGowan. j Asritant Regulators— Messrs. C. M. McGowan and Wm. Bane. ; * -1 Cter, ■ of the Market—, John Gree n. I Insp ctor of Salt—Hit. Jacob Fadder. j Insp dor of Pot and Pearl John.P. Pears. I hup dor of Tobacco— George Wilson. I COI&ECTOBS OF TAXIS. ' t Ist Ward, Wm. McCutchcon. j 2d “ John McKee.! I 3d “ James McCullough. •' J 4th " __ Richard Hopei j sth “ - j I* Cth 0 , E. Ecker. ! .• 7th j“ W. M. Arthurs. ;■ J Blh j“ Wm. Nealy; j j 'I 9th James Norman. ' 1 J j : cmr board vripT»rn . ! Ist Ward John Owens. • I 3d «■ E. OpstiU, Esq,' p James McMaaieis. 4th j* Rowan McClure. sth j* . J. W. Lightneri - f 6th f, Andrew MiUerl - 7lh f l . James 80a5..! Bth Henry Momaoa. 9lh r R. M. Young. Onmotnm, CovneQs adjourned. Covan \ Caxdt—Hcwe’s Hygejaa Hbartaiad and Liverwort Cough Cudyl Wi hare triad it, tad ftqad it a good nwdictae. : , .1 • . 1 -•! • j •.. -1.; • 1 t ! : -K - Ifcacntf Ajbocutwx— Tfcose acquainted with educational Statistic*, cannot be ignorant cf the of Teachers’ Associations.- They have been established io variou* put* of oar country; «nd wherever eauUuhed, they have been accord penied with the happiest results. Such an ciation exists in this city, and bolds its meetings •very two weeks, in . the University budding These meetings, if it be allowed to judge others' by myseli; have been both pleasant, tadprofitable. Paucity of members, however,! has tended much to discourage those, who are adixioas that the As sociation should succeed, and they feel that, unless a deeper and more general interest can bo excited on the subject among Teachers, School Directors, and others interested in the cause, of education, their sffints will feil of SMomplishing their lands, ble object That object is, no doubt, known to the great ms jonljr of Teachers It Uto develope ud fflustrale the ben and most approved method! of fnatrao lion. Teaching is a science, the ohj ect of which la to Jnmom tho mind of tho pupil, and firm it to hah ita of thought, and methodical arrangement. Aaa Science, it ahould meet with ita due abate'of atteu. tion. But thia ia far from being the ease. It —— to be moit neglected, while iu object ia the higheat Uiat can engage the attention of man. Iu anbject is the immortal mind: on this the teacher paints for eternity. Let him not stain his canvass With ooh ora nnstdlfully mixed. ' Tho mode of acoomphihing the object of the Aaaociatioe ia aimple and efficient. At each meet tng ono of the membera ia appointed to illustrate at the next, aomehnnch of eduehtion: while he ia doing this, the consider themselves a class whose object is to receive instruction, and propose such questions as may suggest themaeivea fcr ox planation. The exercises do not iconsiit in the more application of mice learned by row from some author, bur in a thorough investigation and elneidatron of principles. The groat object i, to develop© methods to teach pupils W to think. The Association, thus, takes the jbrm ofa .chock room—an advanUgo obvidn. toi all A much greater iimountof information can be derived from an easy, (roe, and full conversation upon any sub ject, than from formal lectures; Ud important hiau can be pursued to much better; advantage. But his not the design of the Association, to dispense wit* leclares. Gentlemen, eminently qutidied, will be ocensionally invited to locture on snbjecu connected with education. Bythis means tho public may be brought to take a deeper inter, est. in that, which so nearly concerns them, but yet which they so wofuily neglect—l mean tho in ■traction of Youth. Much might bo acid respecting the advantages of such Associslions: but these;will form the snb je., of spine futnre essays. Ptmcrxls. Bcxotaxv,—The House of Robert Hays, Esq. Allegheny City, was entered on iSnturdny morning, about 0 o’clock, in the absence of Mr. Hays, and rifled of two dollars and some cents, in small change. In courro ofthe arrarch, the folon entered tho sleeping upattmen} of Mm. H, took the pit' low from beneath her head, Ud when the raised a cry for assurance, Brack her, and grasped her neck with each violence, u nearly to cause her death by strangulation. j Wo auppresed the publication of the above on Ibe day arter the burglary at the suggestion of meads ofthe femily anxious to detect the felon. Officer Scon arrested a man by the name of Hubbard, (a boarder) on Tuesday night, oa suapi cion of having committed tbejoffeace. Circum stances are sufficiently strong jto warrant the ar rest • • The steamer was telegraphed below Boston yea terday at 2P. M. lie wires order be’ tween New York and and thus pro-, vented the transmission ofthe news. Bf MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Corrsspoßdeneeef Pittsburgh Gesette. | COTOBBUJ » Corre*poodcuce of ibe Piiubdrph Gazette Wuhiogtoo,|jao. 18. 9 p. v Senate called to order at the usual hour. •> Mr. Wx presented the’petition bf Edward Mills, tobe released from hii contract with the Bremei ‘'steamers. The ‘ offered by Mr. Masgum some days since, tilling on the Secretary of War for 1 copies of Gen. Scott's plans for ‘the rumpfp of Mexico. Mr. Serr" = - •tfr. Sorter made tome very'eminesi remark* np. :oa the propriety of the postage ofjhese resolnUocs, j They passed by a vote 0f22 to 20. - Agreeably to previous police, Mr. Webster, cm i leave, presented a bill making j tug from U. S. Courts, conform to Ithe laws regula* , ting the issue of such writs in the iwveraj Stales! Mr. Oagby, offered a resolution to the effect that , Cong»w had no power under the- constitution to i appropriate funds for the improvement of Rivers and Harbors, or to construct Internal Improve. | meats. ! Onmotion, the Senate Ijid 'arida the morning | business and proceeded to the con uderatioa of the tea regiment bill,— the orderof the day. Mr. Badger opposed,-the bill ih » rae able re marits, in which he>aid the war wi ts the immediate result of an unconstitutional act Preridentin ordering the American lioops on to the east bank the Rio Grande. 1 Mr. Foote boa the * iron lhi» qUMtion iomoi - J . Tho Senile thejj weal into Executive tenioa nsti] the hoar of adjournment. ! * Hocsx.—Mr. Vinton moved Urn the Horn ■ol»e itself into Comminec of the Whole on the President'* message. j Mr. Inge noil made some remarks,’ and vu for lowed by Mr. f Jemison, in some scattering; ideas’ which were rich in sportiveness, and set the House I in an uproar of mirth. j Mr. Jones, ofGa., then the door against : Mr. Polk’s positions. ,j Mr. Bobirtson then look the Howl in dnfance of the Message of the President. \ I Mr. Tuck, of N. H. obtained the floor, whan the Committee rose and the House adjourned. Corre»Csodence of the Pittsburgh Gazette FOREIGN HEWS. I ' , New York, Jan. 18th, 10P.M. j The French Steamer Missouri has just'arrived I from Havre, bringing pne day’s later news from I London. There is no change in the market since the sailing of the last steamer. Difficulties are augmenting at Rome on account of the retrograde movements ofthe Government. Cardinal Feretti is attempting to raise an insur [rection at Naplca : The difficulties in Switzerland still rage with more than usual violence,—every tie ofkindreil and connexion is disregarded among the adherents ofthe Sunderland faction, and the Canton* >re in 1 a state of great excitement I Gen. Ferrara lias not evacuated Spain.; The •chism in the Spanish ministry has been widened. Donna Christina and the French party must per [ feet their petition, or the breach will be of a serious 1 nature to the peace of the country. Tbo Mireouri put into Halifiu to take in • „pply of coaL * j The Poles condemned to death have had their punialiment commuted I. pcrpctdal impriaoiinent Correspondence of the .Pittsburgh Gazette, Petersburg,Jan. 18,5 r.». Tto Southern mail hd. arrived, but bitin no Mwa of great intereav other than been an arrival at New Orleana from the atale of Honduraa in Central America. Tin Gorernment *“ in .« ,u “ of peitce, and all thing, were going on smoothly. • • ® The piuclamntiona ngafnat llin U. S. Gorcrn | ment, urging the people tp join Mexico, in lim prea enl difficulties ham been abandoned. election of a new I’re.ident Ig eomempla- Cerreapoadanee of the Piuabnrgh~Gaaa'te! ' Peteraburg, Jan. 18,0 a. hi. I By an arrival from New Orieana, w» ham Bra «oa dale, in the 4th but. General ■Woor.linn'wn, quiet. By the.arrivalof the Cybolo irotn Vera Crux, wo [ hare adricca lolho aKhfima Ihc capital General Cnahin* marched with five camion, and eighty wagon* upon San Angel 5 Exehulve Gaitle. PHILADELPHIA MARKET _ Pnujjjnwu, Jtn. 18 n. L DB«lers generally tre iwiiiior 1™ £? O Si. i,C J!S?? etdirit * log worth reporting : «~un ß uw Ewlmi»< Com«pond ? n,rt *S fr ' ct • titrea stullinr botibof {S , Softs', ■■■>« k«i min it „«5. but one tnaL Sold at H> Jubeny at. norlSdtwly py Yellow Teeth ' Spongy ftzxna i b repulsive i Alt could have Sweet breath— Why delay?—o Audnee a box md putrid breath, ike rotten death, nd disgusting, teeth at white as pearl, tard gums—tun or girt »T, quickly haste >f Jones’ Ttootb Paata d ia really a beautiful aniel uamcli Sold in Pittsburgh norltkSAwly It eost* but S 3 cents, a It rises tha teeth a fine 69 Liberty it OAZETTB JOB I TflllD ITIUT, COUII aiSTiHQ orncK, l or'poor orrics suit. ¥*. *?«»« »n a superior all kinds of Joa-t^nmaa. '■trr rtinißs 0(?-W* are now prep: and expeditioaa ataiiaer, •ach a* large Posters, tkei Letter Sheet Circulars, Hi book sat) rax to any extent ezeested kind* of Pnnuog done wt nuaa. a the ben manner, tod all k acearaer aad at the bare*' CTTk* members »Wiiflo The friends of ihe fiunJly are invited to attend withoi further notice. , . Co*PArta«iralUp. t HIE undersigned has associated with himself John .1 Nicole, from Baltimore, in tho Grocery and Gener al, Commission business, under tho style of Sellen fc Nieols, dated lit January isMa. i™ l9 FBA3. BELLKH.S. JNBEKD OlL—bo bbU prime linseed oil on con* I i sigiunent and for tale by _ W® BEXLHaa A NICOLS, 17 liberty st. ARD OH/—3O bbla Conklinjj's No 1 winter lard oil 1 i for solo at reduced rates by J*" l ® SELLERS & NICOLB. PORIf—3OO hams bacon: 1100 shoulders do: JO hhda sides do; 57 do in bulk, on consirnment and for sale by J.nio > BELLEBg k NICOLS. Boek>ke(niii|, rpUB adrenuer not haring laffiaent employment;* X £"C£^J U *'? B S\ Wo J , « ***»«#■*!» evenings ;to the keeping of a tec of books at reasonable coroj>cm#- i. Best references given. Address bo* 4JJ Post janl9d3t*i TeittTlM Iron works. T GWt& DALZKLL A Co, tnanu&ctnrers of all u. B*r,Sheet,Boiler Iron and Nails of the best qoality. Warehouse; 64 water and IQS foot st jalO " BBANft»S bbla white beans; 4 do store and for sale by • Co. CHEESE— 40 boxes W R 'cheese for Sale by janlO POINDEXTER k Co. fsEACH ta—ISO bus dried peaches for sale by X j*aW FOIXDKXTER * Co. ■' -erIISXnNUED ATTRACTION AT ASDHEWS KAOLK SAtOOS -‘ a ! u «“*! **• «Mj~f«W* omvii. k b, B^?s&Ss. &,£!&&*&, f Ae best. original -Conundrum, (tf present) a «ntm.rf I£'lh UTcr, ' r ;‘;' h - 13 W" S"n“d, SbK mo ‘ e -. For Uie second best, one of Paulson'suS- best Hats. To be decided by n ComSirto rL™*. ««cceuful author will receive the Watch BESB2S& *■? c - “ ra "- Th " »S! Ccnundnimsj in competition -for the prize* man h* banded in by 7'o-clock,Thdrsday Evenimr 0 bc Admittance 25 cent*. - N D S.7 I> M au^ or keeping and Dreaming,” R_ II oThT^L, O6^ 6 J llO by leaving another copy ian!» XCe * Cn *° n *' 1116 onfflnal h “ teen mitlaid. I,l k£Sj£t £W ° fd “ c “ y tw “ v ° f 'FdecU mar^ r of eitale of Robert lHuriland, T# t H S"o»el Murtland, 'William Martin ■ J»irl?f y »J‘^r 1f0 . , «VV ar >’ Murtland. John Martian* *«7tf Murtlanih William Murtland, Martha Wyle & m 'll J °? n A M, Heather and KiiL beth Murtland, children of Arthur Murtland, dec’d. thelsM ■?“?“ ,ho P«tton of William Murtland !?? “5 *“J® awarded an tuque*! to make parti- Estate, to wit: A certain lot or £lf C th« f „^? nd -J u,< J, n,e * ,na l fß e reon erected, situnte .n, l fS? ,1 5 0 CoB,e “ *»«>’. «*‘ween Delaware £r“, d J^ d,treet *rand in die square between wherTor.K?*®(?V l r eu ’. ulUie cit >’ of Philadelphia, nuriifan ih *.J?j d Murtland died seized; and if «|»f reof cannot be made, to value the same, dSJo'fPc?™ d .i?3 DMt will ®«ton Friday the 4th If bm ,StS » at 10 o’clock a/jl. at the Rabi fhdaUefphis, to go to and upon the said premises. . c . HENRY LKIaAR, . janiodlft 8h ° f **“ Clty COTnit >' wf FWlad’a. BDTAW BOUSE, eoasnt or aitrtstoaK ato mjAW srs, BAtTnioae, xx>J J . AC ? SON t * oat?d v“ d ' f,QCIO J JS Woiel. elegantly sir. an b n #U l e “ travellers, la the be« iKSSS* to cotn bme all the luxuries of u, sJ* e F* fi®*®!*, with elegance and real comfort. fhe locattoa m elevated and salubrious, and is aim convenient to the depots and landing m wWch w^ h V,“ d P o ™ s " of,he house at aU timei tn wmun* to convey passenger, and their bagg^o' toe T “~^sr n ''°"!;r T j"y jaatPdgtawCm ; ~ tw ir )9, E1 4* N . hoarhound a liver ' v n ™ p ‘,; “M® »ml great'.auecess as a remedy for the above diseeMs where n has been ased, ii promijies to Rb 'J'’ T' “" ful ?. P°P u * a l iactlicineii. ,_j *°°« *• » pleasant rehefto the consumptive tutlsiftnt to ud puLlic .ptaim p...- The name of toe preparation indicates its lending in yredient, and it will be found to be Utvao mean?bn aduhswitS“ nd -““I - <*»«d by children.tuuf adulu with entire impunity. The materials used in th. ,i oFthTJ3S dy ’ ""P 1 f °' “O'”. A Iri- It fv.*” 16 p 11 convince any person of its ewca. t^r '/ ore ««>* person in die eSvS, 1 “ ChCaPer ’ mow P le “ ailt . ®® Sold Wholesale and retail, by toe General Agent. i- H SMYSER, Druggist, - i _ oo^ M ood nmrket sts, Pittsburgh. n.'itoiil- 00 ’ r, “ prie,or '. No 1 College HaU Cincin- R i , ml ? e Ufl! ' ara , “beat eleven years mrol the hamvieffeet of which I then gave an.eeeoiuit oF% fiuSSi oirelTfcl?d , t’" p com l' l “S'» olid attack* at liy SS WJ ■ f ‘ *J llce . Itoid in every in.tauke 1 ”nd perfect dS« It li, nJ, ' f “d cure in a veSy fere that it will eu^^fi r^ MfclncJlc . me * 1 do not know ilni k j 1 * cur ® * cira*umpuon,'bui I believe it will be in many ewes a prevenuVe, iud p „ V eS i lo^n^a C S} dt>lherefore J lbrlhc,ovPe of niy fc|- il-tf“ n i e mc,U > "commend the use of this Balsam.' L. b/'l'T'S' ““’Pjodtl*. I an. eonSde,,. SrS BoaSf j™. SFS ° f pr t“"l»s "!! df“ ■“ >hi* day. Elh. IVS a HEOAMIN PARSONS. co,n,r s ?. I y l .T „„ .T 1 *"?'*” Election. ■ssgUgffipsss M_ • ! -ToXet. '“' ilie subscribers will rent part of the-wan hoo*o uow occupied by theta. Apply m ianltt |LBWIS t DALZEIJi * Co, - i__.——water stregt a_ ' . i To li«t. “ ew ! “"® “Wry fire proof brick store on Jlm fi£'l2'hr”S e “ p . " 1 b l’ “wurd !>»»■' for rent from Ist of Apnl next. Inquire of inalD I ; J SCIKXWMAKKK A Co, * -y,- ; wood street. -> prompt attention if left with luilg jWHtlhb, BU8IIFIKLD& ROE A LCOHOL-5 bss for sale by 1; iK SELLERS. 37 wood El*.\CKlXtr—lonUozen for kale liv ' -I—- —- 1 ft K SELLERS. bbl * ,M< * as fauihel* dried .ppJciTo ” cli ‘«■ - —lllJ 3D W ILLIAMS, 110 wood «l T " kri * ot **lc by - ! ~ . ' :.: CLARKK & THAW. S l hT 30 hhd * crofl - J°« nc ' and for -ianls by HROtVN & CULBERTSON, I 1U liberty at • RAISINS— <50 boxes banrb nusina, just rec'd *nj r e & Culbertson. liMOT® o ?**"* br~ J * IS I mtou N A CULBERTSON - . l‘ A SiV %Tvs^4 rec d and for ”>'? !>r 1 BROWN & PnLKrtrf^y T^SSuu 0 ?? bbu jHsi Ch ? n * n, ‘ ex,m flour 135 Btiu f t"4 aark '* brand; 40 do fine dour £ »tw andfor lajebyf R OAkFn»n 4Co Dp." SJESfct'JS b b r“- *“» "» •» - J —.? ; _.) /AMES DALZELL, wmt*r t -■” - IS front M. “ojfKWKHOICTi’cir ■ ■■— 33'w00d»L C*i3f-*»~,Sfiai!iffi."if.' TJROOJIS-SO doifn for tale by " J * nl7 8 >' VOX BOXNHnni.-rj L^L Heabth brooms a whisks—> mented, for t&fe by "««*»-&» - ■- ken for u!« by . ■'* *? Y O- s BOXNHOIiCT'V c„. JL’OAR HOUSE a. ... — —- ! b '“*«m» JTOINpEXTER fc Co. cuka barylea auitablVfor wMtVi ■ «?f lUir * ClUreri ' ju “ tec ’ a »•«« for anle by1 h ' ,Cad Ji2ss_ u_ foggiEXTEtft .v LOGAN, WILtfON l Co I2> wood . LOOAV, wilmis i Co. pS'EtS t«*T '!?“— _ jiiucKLinr t ;s; rawoid „ BBSSSEp S^^ i£!l“ L I . 'hhacklett k IVliin- - . I ■ ■ ■ c °r- wood and ah T>INE OIL . . jan!3 mttauUf hnna at retail by JQFx afoin.pn IOEL .MOin.FP '?"®K§§lirr B^SKssisraSr C tato, r„„ ■ vrrilia;'paper;' L, . •, ! IJU ream* varioaa e ao!d.. . extensive assortment of foreign and doroeatic dry gbocU, comprising in pan superfine cloth*, cassimeres. anniiels, sheeting*,; Irish linen," gingham*, check,,ticking, calicoes, Ego red and plainalpaccks, cluuts robe*, merino shawls, silk handker caieft,- blue black dress silks, black satin, green silk vcivkt, nbbons, bonnets, hosiery, gloves, umbrellas, ptus Ac. • • AtSo'clodt, mi 3 half che«t* Young ilyaon lea, 9 barrel* N O augar, good quality; 4 boxe* Virginia) manufactured tobacco, quffruwarr, ftla»*ware, confectionary. epaaiah cigar*, shovels, watches, mantel clock*, carpeting, baakeu, a general naaortmept of new ana iecona hand hottachold and kitchen furmture, 1 large cooking *WVe for Meant boat or hotel. i ' i I •* .At 0 o'clock, r. x. • . ‘ A large quantity of ready madeclothirirL boot*, ahoe*.- 6um overshoe*, fine table and pocket cuuerr. gold and ■JIyV wotche*. family bible*. blank b6ok*, mniieal In nrufnenu, aUiphi and fancy good* of almost every t»- ri , ; . • ’• jtnia '..lhllanii Gin and FmuA''2irahdy at Atutwtu - at^u-rAm?^- r •“^, rn , oon ll »*iitftom. at S o'clock *«WI Stlea rooraeomerof Wood and sth , > HoUanJOin; I 1 I U*lf. IJk Ftcoih BranJr; 1 »«!•«“** *> doi 3M|hH “ a 0 do | i' >ia ■ JOHN D DAVIS, Ancl'r. Orinoco SteamerKT|^tti on of T“S !»*" * ' k "“' from ihi. X.. atat«J will have occasion for the services of three KW> boat C.bou, ibrre A B m„, “™C\V,IL thr'J rjtpnceramid ana «ix Hirer Pilot* (la.mtliflr with rrestctn nrer ipilotincj who will ba re tiulrej .in the nnriTOton oftS, OmocoiSl Awrei Vmerueln, and l am anlhortacd brtbedincmn n^ttt 'T'.' orc reailj- to reeai* e application* fcrj dta petition*. Jt t* the pureore of tie cm™* » on plop no one in anp re.pomiblo mtnatioa, who .Lli nof farntah ..ai.l.cor, ccidence, a, n. cajacity, bat 1 - aoo.l Imh.u, ami nnaicsitiinS,lo cMrertcr. To render an entire de.otion'to ihThZi! ness of the company it is thought important l»V the nl. lector* that »U who take the above po*ition»*hould be also pccumanallr interestedlin the enterprise, and pro ferenco wiU therefore be pifcn to.raeh applicLiU (qualification* being equal) become stockhold ers to the extern of trom one to five thousand dollar*, and urrangeraenu ore made by which the Director* will procure-.for tbo above j"named-employee* -an amount of «toek,noi exceeding five thousand dollar* each. • I •• • Tito navigation of the.rivers referred to is siaiUr to thift of the Oliio and Mississippi, and boau will be used of similar construction to those on the above named rivers. Koch applicant will stats where and how he lms been employed ' for the last two or three years— what amount of fundi, he tail readily invest iu the stock of the corapauy; and he wiU furnish evidence as to jhU qualification* IccJ, as [before stated. No one need, apply for any position, wbo cannotflilfil the above requirements. >S. * I - ’ The, salaries of all-the employces will be fixed by the Directors, and such os may he selected willJioJU" themselves in readiness to embhrk on. 3(1 days, notice. Derisions on ail applications will be made on or before thelst Marchbext. i - J. M. Woodward, Ewj., one of the Directors, WiU be at Pittsburgh. Pa, on the doth Distant, tor the purpose ;of purchasmg.or arranging-for the construetioxrof three boats, and rosy be foond at tbe.Mercbant’s Ho tel,;upon whom applicants lor positions in-the compa ny may coil. . , ■ liettets.i rosr paid, addrcsseil to the subseriher si ftetv tork city will be duly anrnded[to* t •••... VESPASIAN ELLIS, - lonludai ? 03 Barclay street . i •Beeelved at H. A. Miner's. . A. Chari X °La Rir * r Sa o uena s r ia Lower Canada, by .MaTT-Stuqrt, Queen of Scots, bjt Alexander Dumas. Insubordination, or. the Shoemaker’s Dauehtev. an r> ‘“"T of »*•! Ufe, by T. S. Arthur. ■* or Adventures of a whaleman in the Ppeific Ocean, by Dr. Louis A. Baker. • r.r l!‘ ct .9 ueen ’ or ** WifeVstratasem,by Mr*. Eliza Sherulon. • . j ’ / . .. Bo»e 'Somerville, or alhuband's Mystery and a wife’s Devotion, by author First False Step,” with numerous engravings. *• ’• The'Death Ship, or the Pintle’s Bride. American Drawing Book. A JUGl!dd^m t ’ lrtr AlonomeaU j H i ’“‘tt“ti°ltce lor three monUis will enutled to receive their pay in type,' on purchasing five times the amount of their bill* forad. ▼erasing. , . JJjd Type Uken in exchange for new at 9 eta per lb. aisries Wbiung, >— WHITING ATAYUm. P* ytor >> (Seecesaow to Rob's Tayfor,) - 3 { Comer Gold and Ann Street*. m „L ToStoTeJlsmucfacmrera. T l^a^ n ili; b . a ? s°^^them aua &ciure o r Ntone Dcat, intends to keep n supply for sale made: from the best xjualtty of stone: and bolted through a superfine tfolt. R will be cold at less than the New • ? ,E nc '» T r,, k lr * a, RQrt*Uon added.'' D ROOT.' janl? v 1 . ■ *l3O Main st. CinciHniuL' R n SF.T.i.ppg. Murphy Invite* the atten-- Vy uon of buyers to his assortment of above superior good*, neat styles and plaids of pure madder colors, am! warranted fast; alw, Fall fcVer and AmerlbS print work* do. also fast color*. • • jnnl^ W coiwtnirJy o.ih.tuJm drv tV 'p h»» on band, nt low prieei, an asaortment °f c«nmoiL. inedram • and • superior linen table di»nef»; linen table eloilu; nankins, etc •■>««» hat* 1 »bud, Scotch A Ogle fc Martin, Philadelphia, in I £ r( { n j. ot j f mn ! PTMOBGAA.it a,;l fei"' CHS^^SSwJS- — ' • water and 93 from f SMfTO* WOLASSES 4; GOLDEN- SYRUP -rf=ffilSßß3S W I *■ * VOX BDX\H(>ROT it Co, j ATWufa, JQNE9 A hn - ■ J i_ A-nvboii. > r . l £3S^s>'as JS U ' ! ATWOOD, jgkre >. „■ j 1 7* wood «u : P" l *® roll fur uie bv[ J 1 ■ J a WiOjAtai — JOHN grieb: ' S & W ILUUUUGb. ■S!!l i: l-POAX. WILSON k Co. 1M wmH .. issi's'x.y" r " l,ooax. Wsoft a r» JJ bnßht juM lec iiSJI ; SIUCKLErr & WHITE. M »,„! ■■ •—— 1 JOKU MOIH.KR. cor \njod tmJao, u, P.OTASn-A prime Rructc.'ctt retail br ! JOKGjUOHr.PR Aj PPLE»Lio l.bu rcsi'll ihi* clay ami forWe hv'"' MQLABjSKS— 100 bM» plantation nmtfo.iT. i n . L crop) jjwt lawtii* mulVor ule br . ‘ new IM31 M3 iIOOWX *. CfLUKKTSO.V. 143 iihU„ ... Stove foe a good stove, cor enureiy new, for taio lovr ’ 1 use —:—;— axcker ».»,.Un T far ule by •» ' i. •M, •! 8- F. VONBONNHOBOT* c*. -1_: Mia Mcoiu. ■fcnamiVj«i» ■ 3 tHfdarwd - v.f MOSSjStaJc MMIWw j ■ 4XWOC ■ ■ . ;. v ‘_ .. f': J OIItCnVATI « PITTSBCROH, j DAi L Y PACKE T LI NE. rpillS Well known Jiuo of splcodid passenger Steam- JL ers id how composed of the-largrsl.swiftest,best mushed WndTumished, and jnost powerful boats on the' waters of the West. . Every accommodaUon and com 'fort that money can procure, has been provided ibr pas sengers. The Line has been in operation for five years cprried a milliou of people u-hbout the least inju ry to their person*. The boats.will be at thn-itmt of! - Wood street the day previous to starting, for the recep tion of freight and the entry of passengers ou the regis ter. in, alt cases the paasage tnoucy rousl bc pain in adr&ucr. . • • . ■.-••• - ! /' 3IOMDAT PACKET. ‘ The WONO.NG AHELA, Capt. Btoxc, will IcaveiPiOs -I'argb every Monday morning at to o'clock; Wltdeliag every .Monday evening, m |0 rjt- • '•1- TUESDAtpACraTi The IDBEKNIA No. S, CapL J. Kuxkvxltkx, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock: Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r. u. . J : WEOIEBDAY PACKET. ' the NEW ENGLAND No. a, Capt. & Dux, will leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning at 10: o’clock; TVheehug every Wednesday evening at 10 p. M. THURSDAYPACKET. r . The PENNSYLVANIA, Capt. Goat, will leave Pitts burgh every Thursday mqrnlng at 10 o’etoek; Wheeling every Thursdsy cTcrmig at 10 r. ic , PBIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. Capt Ccoots, will leave Pitts bnrgh every Friday morning m 10 o’clock: Wheeling every Friday eveningit 10 ?. n. • • .1 . SATURDAY PACXAST. ‘.The MESSENGER, Capt. Ds Casip, will leave Pitts burgh every Saturday morning atlO o’clock Wheeling every Satunlay evening at 10 p.jt -: The ISAAC: NEWTON, Capt A. O. Majot, will leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock: .Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 p. *. - ■ May 2>, 1847. . - BEAVER PACKETS:—NEAV ARRANGEMENTS, i ■ fl^.rr -- h : The steamer • 1 m’tirafr l ' ’ CAIEB COPE,' IfcgBSSB • will leave for Beavcti Giasjmr and ■■BSEMlWelUvtlle, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, of each week, ai 0 o'clock«A. a. return ing, on; Monas j, Wednesday and Friday.- Blw has a boat at the landing between Wood street and the bridx*. prepared to receive freights at any time. •* • » ■' ! i 1 S. AW. HARBAUGII. Art*, octld’ ; ' ' '. : No 33 Wood sl ; j BEAVER WELLSVILLE PACKET. • k The fine steamboat Charles E. Clarke, matter. ttlH.iWw coming winter lieaaon, make didlv - . tnp* U> Bearer and Weljinlle; leaving Pittsburgh ere— •' . J *7 nonilnjt ax 0 o’etoetand Wellirlue at 3 oleloek, r. m, 1 daclO , O. &L tUBTO.V, & COy A*tl I : . FOR NEW, ORLEANS. V* ' -t ■ The commodiotn iaesmer ANDREW FULTON, ‘-jM-HaSnig W. It Foltua, muter, will leave far port oa Saturday, Jaa’y. 23L. poaitirely.. For freight or pataage anplr oa board, or* fjanio? :••? mtraWAY. Agent. , | . fOR LOUISVILLE AND NAailVUJ^l ';’/«!»• K.' The new and bat ateamer _• * 'UViLf J j ' LADY DYBON, Miller, master, willleave for the above - Tuesday theSQth Inc u 10 a. x. For ftqght or paseagglapply on board. j*»ig I FOR CINCINNATI -AND LOUISVILLE. The now and teat steamer L*iT L , .i ir Jr JVELLSVILUi hsffCTffiiß • Bames. mactr. will above ■OBaBHUus, day aUO o'clock. ForfreieM or paw&jCO apply on board. . ■ : i.nia . 1 -•- • FOR'dINCINNATI. •“ Juafoa**’ k • The fine steamer lifers* JJ* .w NE ' V ENGLAND, fia 1, Ebbcrt. matter,' leave* aa -above this . ar 10-o’clock, a. X. Frdahlor apply eaaaaje on board, or to ... •& WILKINS. -•• AaVni... ~’/j • Z FOB ONCIfCV'ATX - • (v The new anAapleodid steamer ‘ - jjr* 1 *i.[fii3p : ~ r NEW ENGLAND No. 2. ■ SamaelDean, commander, win Ittn ■■BnaOlßfor above, ami intermediate pom on W cthmday the. 19th nut, n 10/tfclock, a. tpar uti*at or passage,apply on board or to >' ' . • Jr ;J NEWTON JONES,. • Janas ... - Monongahcla Hoofed ‘ \ : FOR CINCINNATI AND NEW ORLEANS ~ : /pvt** k ’ The.elegant steamer - NORTHERN UaHT.' JggZg&M HaUibiaon, maiter Jer.re for tbs . freight or passage applyOnboani, * l *°, e}ock> ial^ <,f r - for'SkW Orleans. 7~ • • Capt.S. R.BUwuvwim«ive for the•••* j 5 M £if*; iatft *“**• ■' . jj .j . FOR CINCINNATI. ■ ■ YfiScn- tv ; The fine paaieuger ateamer , ’•• ROBERT FULTON, . _«Eg3S&l* Collier, master, w?n leave . far-'« mb all,' intermediate • ports.' ba .g&s a.*- F ° r •sSy i i FOR BROWysviT Tip : ff &a** k ' 'He fiue iteamir • - ’ : U&jjc&to&fi P wuuivwili leave ir S or B,wm^ REGULAR PITTSBURGH-AND ZANESVILLE ■ ; •• • •' PArifr .. .■ j I~l°rJ 1 ~ 1 ° rJ - BduoUr nji, . ®SdH r , jSl'S 1 ' bCWLi r. ' C ' SUI /« r PB*MffO tpPjlj^Mk EXPRESS STIVES ■; ~~ Line. r UPm&» : y.site»i.;.; ■ *' CO*** BXPKESS (■ —“ "• essis,, «*s4*x£?* »—' . weightforwarded. -‘ -. “ jJM.af ttnjr »uo or ; Ekprmdosei 6 J *»i&w oj*ain£.&*«Fai uSocffedVim. *s®V r wnf ereijoew -tjlo of ffcreim im! rw?J ** ’ “^SSSgpSSB!?*.. iSJ»E“;" ~ S®.S’ 'S' ) New York, June, ISI7. | '- ' B%'r Z iJb b! G^ R “® Bnuil aufar in iron . and > KXOLISH fc lltrS'Xg ,*iv C t 2J?S"T l * > Wti Mi** coiioa jn.( rac'd i" . ,jfoj • A’nVOQD. JONKS 4 r Ti^Tiu^ r foil bolter on rotiti'nment • ' ’ • h*Kn LSAIAJI IiICKKV;' r p*SA> r -?n>g wbyctibewhayg on band ujl -. -*-®h acconiaodtun* wrtni. a Iruye &ud wts £rJzT *^o«neuiifitca.ofaiflVfcuin«fc«*addf*» . J*L_. ttHOWN *. CL'LUkStSON, log? P 0 T A ““JTr ST fraa \ Ax -ÜBOX* T i-ra-sj-isa- ers SV^ 1 .- ■ ":*JL»-m?i S&i r 1 , U>i «kirtinff .“"Zr m jj hnaA «nd fey «ale cy W« it * ; '■ ■ Dried peaches—sm b mi* l \' m ‘r~r~ -— — 7i L m ' ~.» f MMIB by 'o*l3l. ... 1. * ‘ >T- IQPORS—I3O nJioai Holla] - . r.i h.~~ «'•• > Xi Brtadj, *■*'• \«-ACKEaBt-ISO bbU NoT ~ • , /SOTTOS--litfbaitoMlri |K‘SS-£S?'XEn’. ' L -‘ 0 ‘“"“ r * . r - -»V » r ,-r , *:' '■■ '....; ••'••'r.-.v '. : f "• '■ "•• -'' : ; \ •-.-- Ifttll fowtodott » SOUS* fc Co** STEAMBOATS, BUHDAT PACKET*