The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 17, 1848, Image 4

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>■;.* *v* ’ - 'S.- * ■ fH)»PABTBEMHIP- Ifca rabienbef, on th»
. • i ■ XJ l&h ln«t< ■aoeioxed Uenadfm, andcr the fins of I
~' Brown Jt Cmlbcrttga, in .ihs wfaolcnJe UroeerT ud I
'-X • Oewrtl ftodsee ud Communion batioew, uno itil
. . IrfbcrtymeetiUdrefpecifutlrMfccirtliop&uonueof
CMirfrteatoaindtfce jmblieiafreo«tnU. • I
K ' <iee» A CUmKRTBOfT. I
• •' lOTIOK.
T - FTrKKff Tnuuamv; were gmatea! oo the 6tb d«7
•U of December, to ihe •Bbscriber*, Execslore of the
loct will m 4 leranem of Jutet Sou, late of the eiir of
AUdPWOT* oeocMed. All .penoris baring claim* or
. ' dftirnJt offunv - jiecouie of thn *#Jd dee cocci, tie re* <
[• •▼oenediomaiekaewßikeMine.wuhouKlelajr.toJi*.
i ■, . Bow, Jt h U lbe Ule reaukcco of tbe intiior, in the ci
[V trofAUefbeor. . JAMES SObSvJr., .
' ■ . Citrof AJlecbeor. '
Penn ircei. city of Piatbaryfc.
tCTTERS TetumenUuT baviaj been framed ta tie
subaeriberr, Executor* of ike lust will and tetta
' meal of TbP"** Linford, lute of ike city of P.iubirrk.
'rtootitr* -All peraoo* infixed to tke euateof said
deeedunl, will pleaae make immediate'paynem; and
tkfh*TUt* Ciains mtaiasi 'Hid etude wiU'pteacst
AJJBKVAN, : ■■ ■*-: ;
CTOYS PATTKIUrs :POn;tillA-Caleb
>n M/Uer, Alkffceay eitypinvnu,h*a
lie newest ptdero* for Stove* •« hawieiwer in wood
fim' Will Oddi's sod all pauerop mule 10 order.'
‘ I TWB BITiFi ITnrr^t 1, of the Steam BoeJ We*-
• r ; w"* iVrV.-- Exeestonb
■ ttfatffisaswgsr®*-*
.•• • 1 * Mffl
•;< w: .«ona<a(tt(lirD«cbiakm *s? tf **■«»*»»
: ■
- SS^^tiSsS 3^
j : -. iJimaafefiutiitbrmctille .L‘_ >o ? tt^tlnt>omta * y
: * sssaasst- sSrSssyis
° r “7
—■» ™rs
(£§££*. ■sas£«£- :
, Lqjjnac&Uk Soa 8 Wigtlmai A Co;
' Frsaej Sellers
° A MeA “^ k
r. : ***That K Ha>beft~Do f Bir: I lm« teu mb* rar
Cfcqyri Writer Fl«uJ, «ad find It a 6nt rxi.^rtSlTc^
- Uttomee. it Heir* lmlf (ran Um peanut teoan ktfcWfc
ci-. 1,1 Yoinfa;
f r t T H TUTTLE. BoS^etwr
' &** IHmcUj it ocs^ic..
,Mr T K Hilrfwrt—Deir £tf-. MUrof
Twir 'Vniaf FTnid, not tkrM.wtelu *j£7«ntt*!iJtr it fol-
V *l, a *! ir sot •oprnor t* Arnold’* or uv o(h4r ink dow ia
, ue,lkn&vo£ RenwedalljJ .
WILLIAM STEW ART, Soik 4mm r '
f lorArtkar
T K KibUrtl-W
• VVnUagl-laid, art flrttttobr*nort'-rieeua»tartid« , tb*-
■ • ; wsa%ss|s^u
Tia^rt r *^ >^ d -- ,oU «** ■StaflftfiSS’K
' P»*fsiit tad Ckiiabt; canar' ef Libcrtr and
. . OcCt&«
. ‘ ’GLOBES.
tb« htt daeotarfet, and Gcomsfaicmt impronoati:
• t **°P'f t, *k , «f*l»«Bo»l e t|*br«t«Viir*aßarmior* Cc*»-
jmM from Smiths anr Eoclnh Gleb*, with eAiitfrnt tad
“ B JTF!?. , sfs. u VAanin * Smith. Ketimd by Bo«w*UP»fk.
LOKIWQ’fI CEh£STUL'CLOßEg,H»i»wiiii»^i]i^'
- “°** *“*'»«bol*,' kx. Coo piled frota-ft* work* of
-j >VaH**taaFS«ited,.D*LaC*in«. HaTtlb* Sdmr, Brad*
X —•«& «J****«L M«*k*Jjn*, th* truuaetiaa* of th* Astraocn*.
j-- ■ Sh^Se , ° fl * ftJ< *’ to,^e! #■»«» Smith* Nnr.Enj
• ; 4 Bteek U» bar* joii reetired a trw pair* »f (h«
abort 01ob«,nj7ior in nr*,*, follow*:
‘1 fur 'l2acb«*bdiuwter.
• ;i **. 9j « . « '
1 u ■ ' 6 “« «
X M »rml jlobit fl . “ •*
' AjoerkUjChrauek, and Journal eoj
.tfSoj. H*ATrT,fijnaeiijr of Beau?, M’S*
JfcCo ~~.
JjTO. A. DtilTT*
• • fCv. Vi o —•^snesvnie.t
r, fiH<l ,(I» Long ............... ...MnaftrUim
• \ BfcATTY, .BROTHER i. CO..
Qinertl Oomnlulon Htrehtati
No* 31 Piydrtu Sired, Nnc Orleans,
.i • Rayaa to— .• ;/
• i.- . Sirs*:*.Martin k Co,Bankers, lnn
: J«im«M'uS, K r*c£{ N - 0 -
.1 . IV-trul White fc Co. Madison, la.
I n _ EllisA Morton Bankers,)
• > Hotca A. Kraur, (Cmcißßati
. i • A M’kcnxu:, Mg . I ‘
H N hem -ey, Esq. Hanker, Zanesville. O.
1) MlAmald A Co, Wellsville.O.
Parks &. Oj. Beaver, Pa, -
i IfcGiil, Esc, Wheeling, Ya. .■
v . -• • .. \
. . WJtHMJlchelttee,' HWteAP*.
rv R. TOWNBEND!3 S Alia APATULLA.—IM doxen
AJ joki received of Or. Townrend’s Sarsaparilla: the
; molt extraordinarymediclnein the worldl This Ex*
tract i» pot np in quart bottles. 'lt ta fix timet cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted aapertor to any sold' it
“ ! .tea*e withool voamieg, porting, sickening or
. debilitating the patient. -; , • 3
«**/®r fvatatkrju.—Uniuinetpled peraou have
ce s‘?L o ? r labela, and put on medicine In the aame aha*
See that eaehuoulehoa the written signs
• t tare of HP Townsend.-. .....
57 Wood at, between
, 3rd and 4th st 4 is ilrTownJrcfcd’s'only wholesale and
whom the fenane article
D M Cairy hna been appointed the aole agent &r AUe*
gheny eity, of whom the genuine article can l>e had. 'l
- • otP i ; | .
cheap, easy to take, amUnghly effleaekms.
%r „ „ „ AlLacttirtT CiTt, March &.I&I7.
Mr. R. E Sellers: My children, like others, bare been
•object to troublesome. cough*, and having e*ed iiifferent
remedies to very little purpose, 1 waa induced by an
advertisement aboatth* cough syrup, to give it a trial.
I gave it to two of rey boys, and ilm to tnv daughter,
revenu different timea, and it ha* never fallen to do so.
1 have recommended it to my neighbors and do moat
eerwctcntknulybelieve tharii is the ben'-coogh medi*
. cino that hoa ever beta offered to the ynbEe.
Parents should not permit their children to sailer from
' *^ cn >u>7 be cored by a 23 cent boule of
~ l^ptmdandabrd'by-B.A-deiitißfiB,orWeo4M.,'
w ■** ***• B®ld by Dr. Caa»al,sih Ward;
• D» U. Carry. Allegheny City. dCM
TAKERS, corner, of Penn and Su Clair street*,
opposite the Exchange Hotel, entrance on Penn street,
respeetfsUyJnlbrm their frirada and the public, that
> they are prepared to famish and attend to everything in
the Ime of Undertaken. Always on hand a larger**
rortment of ready made Coffin*, covered, Uned and fin*
nhed in the very bestßunney, all sornand sizes ready
made Shrouds of Secne!, Comtek and mathu, and all
.sizes made in approved style*. \Y r u keep a largo as
■ . aaruaentofwhreeailMllclr,'cotU)n,*ilkaadkidGlovea,
•able for pall bearers and mourners, crape, cap*, col*
- Ure, and every thing nceesscry tor dressing, the dead,
and on reasonable terms, an we purchase ail oar goods
• - -» Urn Eastern rnoea. Also, niter plates for engraving
the name aad age. Wehave a aplenrtid new hearse sad
horses, and any number of the beat carriages. Every
• thing attended to promptly aad punctually. ~ oct&ly
T._(he proprjtlunoflhe Vegetable Fulacurr BaUaawl
aa atiiM (Ait the YrgTUbU Pn Unwary u aval*
. vaUejnediciM. ~ It has been used in this piece with complete
.wcgtM attn ohelimtc complaint pf the long*, attended with
i aeerer* cough, loh of voice, and (he raitinro7 modi t-Vy-d
»hieb Aid pwiutulj misted away epproved prwriphaa*
After aiing the balnn one week the patient's voice ret anted,
•fid he wu enabled to speak andibly. This easeoceomd
Mae line cnee, and the aao is bow earned aot ooly ia ae>
tit* hut n klwrioat taiinen. j Uemci&illr yoan,
Cooeaed.NJl. Jio 30, ia<. ; S.AiOttBJflA,AlD.'
Sold i*. Ktlsbargh bj.'B. A Fahnestock, te Co. canter of
Mrtaadwood, also cor tilth kwoodsa. deeSlJ
-4* I'll ii acpenerto til oOxr remedial br
CeugbM, Coemaptioa, Broochitii, Attbai, and other Pnlttv
atry effeetkwa,i»thtt the noi penoaawhocoaaeoecd'tbt
tea of it la their fnailie* tea ran arc atill prt&T it to tU
other reardkaoftbekind; aaa where asp hire bees led seed
to try other pnparalioee they hire alaoet invariably beta
. a receirbff the benefit which vu reaaeabty
anticipated frcca the high praiae* beetewed by the proprietor*.
M ui« returned to the il«« of Javiiu’Eifzctmust, to
*T*s»ly that hto never Liled to relieve then, tad which
J*®»»y never had iu equal in armtinrpelßOarydiaeatee
Prepared only by Dr I). Jarat, Philadelphia, and aid oa
dcrgldAwtf • r^Foanhei
s<***■ a. lEitraJch, AKSirw t. rosea*, j
J*«ie Seay £ Shepard. ; i
(at the old Rand of Seay tc Shepard,)
WNuhville, Tcnneuee,
LL give promp£*nd fnltbto attention totia tale
of Dry Good*, uroeerica, and Merchandize no*
or *ilJ r . They feel prepared to attend leaU ihedepan
of tbeir bnitnei* efficient Ijr and (dealing in ,n*
I°£**for their o»n accoa ai) ivtpai tiai/y. - . *
Hefer to H. Allen, A Oof J. \V. Uuilcr A Co., Pi tzs-
. , - Mectefaa
TUB mdenlgned are now prepared tofaraiib (heir
cutomera aod lie pablie generally, with an exeat*
lent article of Lard Oil oftbeirown mane factor e. which
they-willed!onaecemmodanoi:term*. .TbelrOiJ they :
believe to be *> good as anjr offered in lie market, and
bit be febtraed if aoiutiifactonr.
. J JORDAN* 30ft
IBliberty n,oppo*iteaaiihfield ■
Lard ud Grea»e ■ailahje for machinery,on
«tKI: for »tt* above, f • . nvg3
AS I tanew engaged in \Ut Importation of Broodier,
Wine* and Oin», fcc~ c'xeiufrejy, and fearing made
arrangement* in dtSereni patu ©r.Enrope and the ill*
anda with well known bowea for my (mure (apply ef
' Foreign Liquor*, which I will be ablate ■
lathe Cuua lioeMaof New York or New Orleans or
an thi* city, at the lowed market price fi»r ca»h or ap>
pivred itaper. I hare m (tore and cellar a very large
■teekef veritaapenoT Wines and Liquor* a* imported
tf the mteelebraxed brand* and vintages fijr safe on
pleansf temibjr FCMAJtTtN
■ dekD ■■ - : • -• ; • corlftfcmaithficldtt*
V/Eklß 9tfJLB- Jut reeeired fanm
- f* - Philadelphia and New York F«kla Tea Coapan ?
« prime lot of frcih Green and BlaehTeaa, oompriaing
•-Green.- : .Blaek
YoeMUyaon, l Fine Oolong;
Ex Fine do Ex.Ftoedo
StirerLea/Jlyaon,; OjioogSoteboag,
Extra fine do; ; - - -Eoidittßreak&it
Exit* Pine danpowde/, PeTtoe Flower*;
Extra Fine In*eri*J» Raoe Flavored, -
7ie above Teas have bees selected with rreat ears I
by «M of the best jodgeiln the east, tad will be sold I p
ob tstaiMefmtaaeaabehad at any other boue la this! '
orr. • : jamks black *
deeti eotftegdf third and waithfield sts
:,i L : -i ;;.. : \;'y-. .. . ■, ;. . .'V, ■ ; ■
P 8 square loud Iron, which
M liberal terms. aitheirWerthmM.
M^^TJl w>d^ cet i he ™ *«7»l*>:heeP cm hind u
2SSrin.i5 <l h *^*? mo Mwrtacm of Co*cb trim',
SSnw WUf ® imrdwire, malleable cssung*, N«2i
lC^ll,tTel 1,tTe *ma*emeitt wilhMewrt
“■. Cronx, BUttafactsrers of Sherd*. Spader
i r* M P ewwuaxlj *o hud ewj
*S£Sta^M e - WiP^ifWlfior
eited to cs llos pnee* and um will be side liberal*;
• I " : • '
_ PnrycteH, P*. . ,
* B!J ,<>n * WRIOBT * CO.,
A Kh prepared to build Canon and WoolfenJUachin-
KSsyKS.’- w^.-Tirfn«s,s 9 ;?fis3w
Bh!?ti Grinders, Ae., Wtonght Iron
iJrfif 4 .* 11 tl * e ‘ ° r Can *«»* Pouio* and
®f'5 rer 7 dß * cn ption famished onsbonno
tce; Fallen* made to order for Milt Gearinr, Iron
lSil n fo^,f t ? ,a k C or Cat*
Iff i?® w and fineyCastmgs generally.—
.ertp street, will have prompt seemum. ••
? Moorhead A Ca/G E
/f t“ * Son*; Pmsbngfc.
GCfo JH Warften Steßbaraillc. ianl» I
E J iovics,
P^EN8 s f .' VbeeU,, * i **• F* Bhoenbet*
maoafMtuiinf iron and nail* of every deeenptioiiT^
... .-• ... I*." “frrrfrir Hi 1
°f baxiron aad
.Jrta O.Wict ! L. EL Morjaji.
M»7pf| A ?r Uß f ß ? J °!; HAMMERER wd CAST
»S2 r S^S;?' U “MS’***'Ana and lluckeu.
M ill H Cut, Circular and Cm*sws; Hay and Manare
Fork*, Hoes, Mattocks. Picks, Ac. die.
c « n P l *«l*U Hwir krrtngemenu In the eon
«raeoon of new machinery, and la waring the best :
workmen, from the most celebrated establishment* of i
Uie Ea*t, are now manttfaetorm* and will keep eon-1
ftantlyo n hud and for tale all the abore articles, hav*
,n * availed themselves of the latest improvement*, and
that in workmanship and material they
wilt net be excelled, They promise to produce articles,
oottaperior, to any that east*had in the East!
“*y invite the attention of dealers to an examination
or their stack before pore has inf elsewhere, as they are
convinced That they will be able to fit] all ordert in their J
Imstoibe entire satisfaction of purchasers; Warehouse,
Waier «t 4 doors West Mooottgahela (loose, Piosbnigh,
. N. B. Persons harm* business with WnuLippeaeon
* ***♦ calfon Lipgeacott A Co. oetttly I
open on Monday, Apm 4th, foot doora from Wood at,
and next door to A Jayne's Pekin Tea Store.
A splendid assortment ofFaeqy Cake, Confectionary,
Fruity c-.fteshonthecoonierevefydarjamonewhich
are the followings - j , 6 . I
Macaroons; PoandCake; Leman Uiscnit: I
bponfe do; \ . Pepper Nnts;
Jelly Cake; Almond do; \ Molasses P. Cake; I
Ginger Nou; Wafer Jamb fes; Sponge Biscnlc
Federal Cake; A. P's; ' Bnm do; *
Orders for lee Creams, Jelly, Brides’ Cake/FancT
Lonfecuosary, c., e.. executed m a manner ttne*
qaalted in qaaliiy and beaaty by any'other establish* I
ment in this city, ' - . ]
Fresh Bread, Twist, Bosk, Ac, mannfaetnred solely 1
from White Wheat Floor, and freefromal)drag*,'evenr|
Hioroing- ■’ ap3 ! ANDREWS I
TAKES this method to infonh his friend*
and the pablie at large that his FhetorT
Otowin fall operation, on theEasi side
of the Diamond, Allegheny, where a eon] :
Kant sapply of Blinds, or various colors I
aadqoaliu'es-areeonstanilykeptoDhand. I
also atNo.SWoodst,Pittsburgh,aiJ.A
11. PhiUips’oil cienh wareroesi. : . I
hotter* made to order in the best styie.
** ,4 dJ* repaired ai ihe shortest notiee.
N. B. Hi* Blind* will be pat op, withaat any addi*
tional exepnso so that they caa be removed in a mo
ment tn case effire or tor vrashiog, tad wiiboot the aid I
of a crew dr e oetldiyAwlamly J
f, A. FULTON, Bell and Brass Found
* |ft CgSias rebuilt and commenced basbess at
ff'w . hBMd stud, where he will be pleased to
i f*—Tf sen Sis old customers and friend*.
' ‘ JRH ■ Rkereh, Rtcamhost, and Bells of every
atxe, from 10 to 10JXJ9 pdoads, cast fmn
most approved models, and
' »" to bo of the bestmateriala i
Mineral Water .Pumps, Counters, Railing, Ac, Ae.
orether with every variety ofßrass Castings, ifreqair-1
ed. turned and fint»h*d «n Q»* ? |
. C7"A. F. is the sole proprietor of Aim-1
ATtxmos Mxtxl, so justly celebrated for the redae-J
ton of frietion in machinery. Tbo Hn|>« and Compo-1
eition can be had of him at all times. janl-ly
w. w. WALL&CEe
SMS XOmp nrwu, mw itti Canal
' >A I*'» A\» on hind and made to order, a lajre
Marble Mantels. Pier, Centre Table*, and
Uareaa Tbps, Tomb Stone*, all which,
betncmade of the ehoieestmarble, and manufactured
{irtnefcaJlr brxnadjißery.wilibe «'!d low foreash.
, , “■ P er *on»-wi*biM* to nr -.4« Mantels, 'are
.n£«sltUt a tokttotiSrtli . A,. wtry Curthta to
po East,‘as 1 can furniih ■> .ih an article in all.
rernects as good, and(freif>hi,infhi&neer fce, consider'
cheap as they can purchase • them for in the
£•***. Call and see.
" "co:
—■n,," 8 . 8 Market «rect, Pimboryii, Perns*;
TPE *u«aeribeii haring madeneat iMprorements
A in the coanraetioa of their COOKING ffovra,
leepeenollyiimie perron* building SteainWtt* to eafl
C ?£J n i ,l 'L befort: Eorehuin®. >• we can supply them
T T C *> and every other kind of
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron work ncceaeary io furnish*
inr a Steamboat. . ;
7s,iLt w ” n!cr m l ll # «hon**t notieeSal
Xitbea and Chamber; Copper work lar Steam Engine*
ao ‘ , , e / e, T tanety of work in our line.
_ # w*. BeCDLIiT *. Ca~
Samifacuirtn of fiab, Bottla and ff. Gian,
O flS ric * n°» «n fall -operation, wiV we
prepared toexecate Arden in oar line. ptoapUy,
s?™* li,e '«'* u ®rarr we bare adopted a new planof
ilaueninr Window Uliu, <tf»e mo*l approved plan now 2
ii»ed in ike east.) by which we tarn not a atipetinrani
fii ”““ fl * ,,e n«*onttjiplajii»peirfeetlykTel and,
irue.wiUia very fine lwire Fainter* and dealer* ren»
trniljr, are requested io call and examine for item- j
'*l ret - ; • »pi 6
Blrmlagbam, fncmr Plttabnrfrb,] Pa.
ttareiouK, An. 137, Wood street, Pill.bwgh.
JMOWILLcoBJUmIy keep on hud m rood nswrt-
JW® Mt .®i *Vare, of oar own maßnucture, ud
ettperiorqaaJity. • WhoJeaaJe and country Bler
* ehanta arc respectfully incited to call and er,
■mine for tkemclrei, as we are determined u> sell
lie***** uuta ha* erer before been offered to the pnb-
U-/~ Order* tent bjr mail, accompanied by ibc cuhor
city reference. will be promptly mended to. fetstf
firm Western Ball Binge Buofcctorr.
A GARDNER & Co., woald inform the (nute that
• they are now maflafaetaring the Le*i BuU.llmrt
erermade m the United Staiea..\At .thla ii oar princi
ple baaiaeaa, we intend to send oni ae complete an ax»
uele as can poaubiy be made. Thoae eturued in tfce
hardware trade, we think, will find it to their lateral
ta see oar Butts Allordennooptlyauended to.
A GARDNER At Co, corof Wh * main sis
Oo«, Noe. (0 and M Front au.
Buss Foes*xu and Gas Fa*
, : S&M tzxs; Bills of all . aim east
■ H from the latea improvedpat
. temaand warranted eqnal to
1 JCT-J 4 AJ*°> Braaa Casunrs,
wished if ordered, Gae Fiu*
bn * l P“ l , »P promptly and ofi
reason able terms,
oortsdiy •
rrTl,mv *2B£WZs S/v! ,DBr " N 0!
“v e aora t aoiad. 0m '• qm^ !
of Spring and Blmer Steel
.Ptoojfh Steel, Steel Coach an!
Hammered iron Axlee, and dealcn ii
Malleable Castinrs, Kite Enriae Lamps, and Coaei
ntSmxf^|" enU, y comeroi RonamiFroctstrerli,
mw l *’ **' {oT ' t * ie «mr nee/
JL Water street, near Wood, mn
nine to rreoL • ’
.AJro, an aeaonaent at the old mad, ScHasteria
Row, Übeny nrect
•llprinxmade treataddbiooato the RoUiuMlD.all
crdcri can be filled promptly. “*
. ao»g) GRAFF, LINDSAY ft C 0...
Pattern AMoV JPomi*, «/ euoy deuriptim.
Offitu Mo. 18L Cl»rlt« Howl, TUrf ktoiT
£s= u. PiUMmmk.
AfULVANY ALBDUEtouufMtSaodfefp^n:
Z±J%2W?* Woa,dcd «opwffi
i U T7r tneUCT ’«tbsir Warehoate cor
neX°* **arfcc«tnd Watcrtupea, Pimbareh.
ftSSkSMS.^ 081 *" 0 in <%“•P«*ttoa»ißrf wean
eoflfUatlTadduji 10 out atock, which enable* ti« u> fill’
MO.efiwiUprooj.uie.*. Parch**,.u?S«eeUUfv
•oUeiied weal l and ex*auK price. to<i UrS?^ U “ ,r
ayiOciy - .
I . *noau KXSHKpr. Jr-
I • Wholesale Variety Start and Looking Glass
I Manufaeturer, ■ ■ ,
I Comer of Wood «aa F«nli*u.Fmi,Bfiv
IJABjut received the Eut»lame u 4 noj u.
WS 10 ? b t® ) T ß PWhMin* eiMwberr.orniarEaat
All kiadeofOiit,ilifaoitM|raadeoiiuDobLociAiiicGtM-
MßMiifenredmd «old at Kutern pricee. deaf*
• FKOM tic very- libera) ejjootmjm'
j ■eoitbe «ab*eriberia« received ainee
b« bu located himael/ia AUegheor.
W p ton iadaecd Urn to Uke a lease, for »
/ “tom of reaa, os the property tic now
occapid, la Beaver, street* maodiuelr beside ifce
.fitwiteiuOiitt. •, Ftoai (he loaf experience in the I
above tmmesa tad a desire to please, kefaopee to mer*
" I
-E""** aodfiafshlnp *0 order, Koetnnr Bu> I
SmS^JS?* 10 * ®£* i £»“ d •*«TJ#!e»ipUenp/ I
qjaSg- l,wr *Aag’‘-
id eray jHKrfi
Rp> aeiwHln doik.
fwqJ-dtfl • JOHN SOUTIf.
‘ B * f “ a-,r ? s^ I
\ ( . i( .!■ ' j' ..'.i '''. ''■■ ] '■;•••/•• ;;• \v// ■;■;
isk h S^vwu, T m^d? u ”
■ad laaalc. ■ • ?*?*** lo • eTmi «•*« of pflo, salt
Mr. bu , w ’ W«» Vorkj M 17,1845.
! _L witt k»m,
«■• %££ icr.srL 0 '
I - - jnn-dly
I ' AT * I,T BEDSTi '" AI) *
U known, riefcfeil BtU olherlKniiinnil..
mwittfaeinreand Mil ihfe anicle. A AeMaMSpSriUt
■ruclc. and imperfect liniwikuu In this BaikcL mX
BTw™^rr l rfrr u pte i,,H,ub “ r ' i, “ 4
n '7«» •»bwribe«,!pr»cueß| cabinet maktraand
Dednead roano/actoreM of the cities of Pi««h™>.
Allnshonr, I'n, do k,S* con® ih.fw
“5 Sfii* w-nuumlknuabodmnd. wilioSikS
ent Faßomnp, and consider the tame twMriw &„»
faaiannn w»th.which We are J
' i*2 e t L P , ? on John M’Grew
Jisssf,* 0 - .'sss'gsr
l2rtS^ l s? fl|tl, is' Jm. Lowry & & a
TW.. P,n‘ *“*'• * Drefinnn
Tv Oeorjre Snyder
Wm Itasleu . I J LCo '
_ I Alexander Lawson
W oakeaud sell the above Bedsteads
-J555 , L _ Puente*
*<»p. 1 have the satisfaction of savins to tae peoate of
»i» nov stands urinvalleq m tbit country lor extracting
*retse, tar,pitch, oil,palm, or anroiherS »ut£
stance, from all kinds ofrfiemlemra’s or lndie»' cJothinv
! jFS&JS etou,# - i ■*«“ shawlv ladiU’SS
“ y^,n * ,h * t P° re Will DOt
en “ {thousand persons in different
£*[J* °/iK , coonlry ' hftve Wd me they would not be
without it; if it eon one dollar per eake: In Irvin* this
Soap on more than 300 wticlcsof l,hi silks, SuSuli!
Stif o** 0 **’ 1 h * < ; e , onl e found three pieces or
‘i.’ t *° l , of slpscca, and fear/sf eulico, on which it
fol ® r L therefore before patting it oa a light
?*“J*J * ““Pfo the dress firit. 1 suic this oeea&s
I kSi» l^ 1 ? 1 01 recommend uany nronter than
. Pnre, lal m pJrc'&L 8«l4wl,ol t u”?JlTil
*** .' i ; _.J REa «»
V'liiS*** 1 *“ d Orn*m«Wt«l cjift,.
Am- E “'*"?* w “j'“rr «hicle., won, Mil
“■* »<U»« eil.pi:
Pled Bead End French uU J.ajti, r
<*ilk pur*e*,n*w ttylek ,
Ivory'tablet*;, pearl memoranda,
• Enamelled and iTorr taper eauerc
IVapolaon and portable inka; 1
Gfar cates, with comb and gliu and memorandt
cook;- J
Toothpicks; plain c;j4r cuer
Portiohor; pocket boqkt;
Paptetores; needle books;
Fp— ~ -
rpi .
l < * ni L nPl“ ~TD * “d color*. Alio
Ij'JiWi®*? ® r BLIND, oa Land
orxaadetoorter oLaJI tnei, and at all pr.ees.
*T?O!£? r .ui en i*? nl *£ ai fi lbt,n ■« Jn»«trd 10 call and
<««u» tbe above for tbeaaclvea, aa all will b« aold
-*a>tf| y i 1 A iWBSTKRVKLT
I _ _ _ WiuuaiTo*, D. C-, Dee. Gih. 1E47
S| Otcar D Tlaatpua. Esq , Htnbwrgjl, Pa.—
IK; 1 bare read your AdTtrtiaemcat in one of lb?
Pumbitrgh papen .with pot a little aorpme 1 find
| mat you bare copied mybwmesa Cucolar enure, and
appropnated it u ronnelD I will tako the liberty u»
inronn yoa that my boainet* Cirenlar it toyowD c«n*
prMitna. and U not eemmod property. I (ball not Wil
ley consent to be placed in a position that will jodnee
I person. who do not know me to tuppoae that I am not
■ capable of rompoein* my own burned eard; or that 1
am capable of pilfering and apprepria.itw the rard of
another to my own use. ; I dm; therefore, under the rr
ceuity of noticing and eypdaing yoiirplariaiitm in thi.
«*“**• ! ?' 1 ZCROBHINS.
t Attorney for Pdientt, YVifhiniton. D. a
W-AII newfjtapew that Rave pobluhed Mr. Tbomo
«on»» adTcrtucfcent, will;pldaac liirert the above, deljif
B A. 'c5JS
•Balsam, has. a great aslvantage over-many other
i cough in pleasant taste permit* it to ne
«»:d without inconvenience! lluti:*-*aiuea*n UuUam
consist* in tbe rpeedihes* of JU cure. We have known
I *«aeof tbe most desperate dough*, aome of whieh bad
I been running on tat a considerable length of time, yield
annost immediately toit* poWer.
In (aeb weather a* we bare bad daring the pa*t
one ta liable to lake cold, fudeM great pro*
cautions are n«ed.' | l • ■
! Wet feet and andae exp©* Jre to tbe inclemency of the.
; weather often lay* thb touuUtion of a hacking cough
which need* a quick remedy to prevent *er<oa« result*.
. »»« have numerous eeniagatr* of cure* which it hat
performed, many of which are from persons in thi* city
ana the neighborhood; and they area sufficient reier
ence witimut saying BnotberWord in its favor.
_Prepared and for cate wholesale and retail by B A
FAJINESTOCK k CO, conler of Wood and lot and
Wood todtfth it*. , |
V? K Uodea, Esq., Clerk of the Coort of tinnier Ses
■ton* of Bearer coanty. 1
Ma. R. E.—Sin Pdme time in the winter my
wife wti afflicted with - a Severe and distressing coort.
and bearing of your invaluable Coort Strap, I purcha
sed a bottle from t) T» Trimble, Esq., In Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of it two or three evening* on
going to bed, she bond Immediate relief! analsoseveial
ittenda have been relieved In kevere cases. lam there
fore satisfied that It (■ a aafe and valuable medicine, and
woold recommend It w tboee Who may be afflicted with
severe rough* and cold*. J ' W. K. llonatt
March ‘.S, ISI . 1
The Syrup" i« pat up in CSe/nl hotiif*, *0 that it may
be boagnt by the poor at well ks the rich
Prepared and sold by;R£ SELLERS, S 7 wood erec
al*o, for sale by.Dr, Casual, 3th whrd, and D. M. Curry
Allegheny city.. ! J 1 nvW
•»»lnfiM®cb'me. wa* Patented, April
inn, IMS, whieh in view of it* great darability. cheap-
Jw** and efficiency, it* {simplicity of construction, and
the ease and facility w ih which it ia u*cd by either
Boysoradnlu; ia Inevitably destined to supercede all
•therCnm Shelter* for general u*e. ft in fact (applies
*l ... rala,n wbich h,u long been wanted throughout
the w eftern States, for while itcost* less than one-tenth
of the priee of the rotary shcilenr, one pemn ean »hefl
com with it. •• fast as with any. For sale at the Seed
Store, corner of Wood and 61b 1 *«.
_J*«5 : BN WiCKERgiIAM
A PPL!CATION will bn madq to the President, Mona
/X gets and Company, for creeling a Bridge over the
River Monongabela opposite Pittsburgh, in Ike county of
, A ,ii e K? n . y^r *£“ renewal of thiee certificates. Nos
117, lw, 19, in the Bane of John Banter, eaeh for two
rtare* of stock in aaid Company. Said certificates be*
lag lost or mislaid. >- fUCjIABU FLOVD
Attorney for the Executors of John Hunter, dec’d
vingCrea*e*pot*, Stain*, or Mark* from Clothe!
Woollens, Carpets, Ac., Ac., and rendering the spots
where it ts app»ed.elear, bngbl, new, and spoilers
Sold with fall direction*. Price Sficenu a cake.
JirSold by WM. JACKSON,B)Liberty street, head
wood, at his Boot and Shoe, *»fe, sign of the Big
! v; • ! <•»
■'HE Stockholder* of the Ponnera’ Depoau Bank of j
A Piiuborgh, intend making application to the next I
Lefiauuare. tor *aeh alteration or their Chßiter a* will
fire them Bukin* privilege*, or ifdcemedexpedienl,
*UI a*k to l>« incorporated u a new Bank. I
By order onboard Director*. I
l i«t3fhUwflm !■ • THOMPSON DELL. C««hier. |
Manofacmrcr* of
Ve< 38ft S«Blb Frtnt Btmtt
Back of. 7 A . Wlson'i Cabinet WarcManuPv
A :LL order* left with 8. S.Moon, ai the office of the
A Merchant's. Hotel, Pitabßnrh. wIH b« nromptly
Attended W. ! THOS. O. DERRY i
i. *cptO-dIT I A. C. NlCKErmnw
lasi/ SShwfgSj™
££B3Se rubwu,uiSWbiSXSz
,«oula*dyoohud tad for «ak,« „ Mrirf ‘j* r j
i ■ F0BI! FOKI!! FCMlii"
•f FANCY TORS, neb nTlua. Ap&lT2-
l>fi.tpWHSEf|D>B - ~j
Tha extract!. pot op a titart tottim; it i» aa times ehaao.■
■3,000 earn! of Dyspepsia: * i .
jWeajMofGeawalDtbilityawl WaatofEoartr;
cate* of di&r«at Fatale Complaints •
2jW» cw»tif Scrofula; * i
1,300 cases of the Lirfcr Complaint;
\fflssSfgsa£Sr Etoi “ 4ita M : -
ino Thouudaof case* of Disuse of the Blood, to': Cle*lnt,
aideaod Che*t,hpiia! AflectuKu, Ac., flto. **
T3.ii, we are aware, ma.t appear inedible, but we have
teller* irom pbyricaai and ror agent* from al] nuts ©f th*
u,for “ u, ff «* «festreordmary cirS™ R. vL
the mo»t wpeetabiedkoiiu inN.w
ark, N. J.,nifora» u* that he can refci to more than 130 cv
Kitu that place alone. There are thousands of caw* in the
Cite of Atw :York, which we will refer to with pimunm
Kt£,E a # ct "? ter * bf« medidU
Irirrentire ofdmase known! It nndoabledJy saved th. lire
ol more than - 1
4,»6p CinuiMM ra* Parr Beam* •
““ ° r “ d i-r™ l «■
Vuited Ststt. Orncu. 4-
C*pt. O. W.WcCuaa,ur tb*UwtxuaStatu N.rr
“?k"cSui“ f K l m J « I > c y J >g»hitore,hM kindly seat
ua the following qtrUfieale. ltlellsiu own story.. *
1 fo Uu» .id. ifiwSSi’SlimtSd.
9“"" »*■ i.iSrf u ur lll*
TOTm»nil»»!UnaptfilJjL Md , wo ~r || ir rV UA
•U*?I f, w “ »«rymu£h"reh*ted, and nliribuu it entirely to (he
■aid Bamymriila. 1 hark continaad taking it, and foTddto
Improve ereiy day I toli«« R m«d!my life, ,*4 wouU
e*C to without it under any tiuiiidimim. 3 1 1 •'
O. W. McLßax,iale U. B. K.
Scaoecu* Coain.
k.?Z 1 r!!! U 6“. li prow that thia Bampanna
baa per jig coatrol orer the owet nhninat* diw» gf the
***** Three peraunt cured in one hotUe ir unnrecedrnied.
Tinu* Coiloau.
—*T• Town***#—Dear Sir; 1 hare the (deuure to inform
roa that three of ay ehtldrea. hare been euredcf the Bero>
*“ sa,sjsfe{ “
r*w Mu. w ~ < " “•
Dr. Towxiwnd’j Samparilla 1* a tormin and rpml T
Whi£ L»«e«»Sio?
Whitti, obonietcd ®r difficult filentruauoa,
i i * clj * r C* thereof had for the (ea
•W Peoitntion of the !jde»—© 0 mailer wncther the mull
•r 0 " or * ,u * e ’* produced, by irregularity, ilbev
Nothing can be more isrpriiing than ib inrifoeaun* «p.
feeta n the human fame. Perwoi, all wemkacm Mdhau.
tude, from taking bceotM robiat and foil of enerry
uder ita influeaec It immediately counteracts the Mm
jewoeeeof the female frame, which u the great eaua ofblrj
U will not be eipected oftn,n cami of ao delicate a ira
tnre, to exhibit etrtiikalce of cure* performed, but we can
4Mure theafflieted, tlmtUtmdrrdj of cama
to ua. Several eama wbire fomilua hare been without child;
* {** b » u J** ®r tkii iaialuable medieiiS
hare been bleat with healthy offipriag. ’
1)t. Zhtnuewdi My wife being-greatly diitremed' br’
weakae*. and geoeral_ detrdihr, and .ottering continually
by min and a atanUou of bearing downlialliii* of the
womb, and with other diffieullie*, and haring known earn
where your medic me baa effeetrd great eurtr; and alaolear
m» U rwanaeaded for auch cam aa I hare deaeribed,l obtain
af a bottle of yoor EHract of Bire*pari]la,8ire*pari]la, and followed
the dtrecUou you gara me in a abort period it remored
jerMßipUinUind.ieatoredherheaJtb. fieag gratefnl for
k* I******* weired,! take pleasure in thue aeknowkde.
wg it, and recommending it the publie. Jtr.D.MooiaJi
. i H . 17, iST c*,.U u™a £i
_ _ . „ „ Cornell*, Sept. 59, IMS.
DrTewntmd; To aB whom this may concern—Thia in
to certify that my wife wed m bottle of your Samnariib
prerawato her exofioement, under the most alirm&'ntd
dalmnte ctrcamstancca, briny troubled with the
Uy of the feet, nerropa nlficti«u.and rery much Jebilita
ted; with mr pefyuauaa, and the recommendation af those
who had Band it, aha was mduecd to try it, with lnUe or no
arifire it to «y, the medicine had the happy and
fdkct,not only in die hours of coafiorment, but alter
tho expire Uno of one week of ita use, Ibe dropsy and ner
rom. affection nre nray to m astonishing degree, and her
health is now better than it had Ura for a hi* time pre.
j U °i *f 3 “ r T*« to yoa or any one who
*mbla the races* of (he medicine, yen arecctirely welcome
rebmribe myself your moil obedientud obliged ('Trent
j fi bTSIUd.
This Extract of Sarsaparilla baa been expressly prepared
tn reference to female eomjilainU. No female who has rea
son to reypo-she ri epproadun* lhat crilrial pened, « Tht
tun* e/ U/t. n should nrjlect to take it, as it foa reitom
prereobre for any ©f th*. naarrpuaand homlle diseasee to
; which females are aubiect al this time of life. Thia period
may be delayed for mrerel years by uaieg this medirine Nor
unless are appnwehing womanhood,
as t It calculated to aseist nature by uuwkreioff the blooJ
and tnngorelmg tl.esy.tsm. Io«tu, iL„med«me b yual
tmble for all ol the detieaia diseases to wbieh women are
It brace* the whoU fjatea. renewi permanently the nata
ral tlie Lnpnsitica of (he body—oot
lo for aiiwnlatwg the sjatra u to produce . reb*e««nt re
taxaboe, which u the cam of most medicine, ukenfor f—
weakness and disraaa :
. Ullli.* READ TUIB,
k ou who hare piiecemt lerioo., dull eyes, blotdir, oq lb,
««*, rough skin, dr fryrsk., and ure out of auriu-'i use
a bouk or t»o of D? Townsend!, Sareaiarid It will
cleanse your bto.4, tempt* Urn feeckka and Motebre, and
git* you aniaatium sparkling ejes, fine spiriU, and beautiful
eyapfectiun—all of which are of immense relue to uumar
ricdiuie*. «
> «... dyspepsia.
I No fluid or mrdtttM has errr been dbeorered whieb so
ureriy ruembla the gisue juire or aalina ia ikcwntnu,
Dr JkmiSf , 0,18«.
f ,r_l kuM for scteral
; U *“'••*««» with aouri
•re* or stomach, lw* of apjwtile, estreme heartburn, sod i
tr *u kinds ol food, and for weeks (what I
eould ext,) 1 kata been uasble lo retain but a small (urtura
°*« remedies, but IbWhS
but little or no cfat us removing (lie ccmpUuit. | wa. is
“r ‘ * bo . Ul , tWO Jfc * u “ »i«ctr. to try your Esir*et of fon*.
‘ littleccmhdeacr, butsfl.rnsigg
orerir two boUsre. I found my appetite restored, and the
hrertWn. entirely remored. and i woald earnestly rvedm
mmd the ut of u to who lure been afllietcd u | hava
* W. W. Vs.E.udx
r Read tb« following, and doubt if you cm, Chat
•j«m**nnoib» eu/ed Jhubimlr ooe.oftlw se.eraJbundrid
caaea that Townsend s Saraajwriiu has cured
Sir. I.u ukea Lute oerra
year ago, with a oner* cough toil pun in my side It in
creawJou me my £mf iu^rd.
aw-iana tohave fos quel. eoesumpUan J raised lair* qLu-
Utwofhad matter,kwl night swrets, and nukingrerv far<
my doctor mid be could do authing for mr. 1 wnt into the
-f tomg WoefiUn). but was pmoounred iVia
“ ' Jjr «wUp distressed aubHww* and
eorid hardly brmllh* j 1 m beeaoeemactalrd,
wa?£rT“toS'l ** mj , “ d *“ to^lre
waithcn wdeed 1 cannot -give you any deseripu©,, ,h,|
would dojustwe |o ioj case I was supposed by my friend*
j* fT* 1 m T. M 1 ’ 1 bld UltJ * firoat numberor remedir*.
and all seemed tohe to no puipom. 1 rewl nf some musi rii
treorfoaary cure, , w medicine, and io tolj
you the Iraih,Jiiwpiclrij there aras some bnmUg ia ihem.
but I.was induced to (rylu. 1 did ao, and am Jhankfoi
IdwL I cannot aay that lam entirely well, butWtofcr
reared a. to to stormy busiares, and bof. to to rntirel
fy well w a few weeks. My cough and.pam in Ihe side
and ewealj hare left me, nod raise but very liX J 1
am foM gaming mj usual atotogth. I- hdt it • to ’", 1
yon ■ statement of my cam, to publish if you please 7 * ’
* Prnut B»owu, d; foUtfe m, BroUlym. J
Optnlean or Phytlclu*. *
K P PcUBO, ■ D
J WtUoK. I B
II B BlilMa, ■ p (
P ££uumu,io,
“ ,0 f* r **■») *t, Ch« sttdmtnKd, prstficior
Thoaaoiusn Phyiicun* of tie City of Alban? bnafr^Z^, 1
,*nlla, kaJ fr« a it* knows quelitie*, would momnyod .id
be poblK for owreurinl, ecrefuku., ud otKere «*£!,. wu
««», m preference to nay of U* *j»ertmd rtmedic* inaalt
Ksltoa el, Bub BuiMioe
!*“/ f & «Ute .1 Ik* too; Ur I), oil *
ostlet Pbihdelpbin; 8 H Hioct, drtvgut, QeJUaorc- *nd b*
*■ <w »uJ[
W«« boUfc
■ra^wV^^T'' 1 With Unites *i™ £
' w fUW.’ydi.J.U.esd haMQje blows on u,» /Ji._
frroaa tie jfew York Duly flxprr* uf derilD 1»47
AjWttylW, ppwt d in Hie lUceU jriterd**' J; Wll
t£.-£V^ 5 “?** or faprtiof Dr fowled
The whole this* b ret tin ui jruod tnst#: *v~-'_r ■ ■ *
*? webelim thU eitraet of the Sirnt^U^dmi?™ 7 !]!* 1
f«7imtpoj>Ul*rj.ty IthMneeuired. d,, * r ™ the ,
I ’ -■ i - i i
Servotu Debility.
geeqellj, end 1 feel cpunaced <k.i““ Aft? 1 * 1 * ■«*««•
be heir the ikkBCU there ft. mil * ott^l,o4
Do<W>. Will; 10, »E mS^JSrt."? *>. “*T
the itftwitoik .wj u>.—.-.i- ii *P{*“t*» it ilio rirn to
-J-" J-t u .uihu; Ki J?L“tafc,?"|"i “■•
b7Dr “nj
CankUi«TS?i ,8,,r ”» TOjUloirt.
£3fe.3H* “
• Dr Tb™*: Ik.,L_O l^7j[ O S',? P,aQ ' MM7 -
»lek with the Cu»«ria!th«Boi«h. n ??k^l. ,Ifen *** T *7-
greet debitor. Mt«*wnU?dSj“i d £”*•» with
eieelkt.t «*? ?.T™ ,
haore you 1 belter* miefoL - W d 'v *» wkuc J J I «B
fcu*»vi£. r_ Vtmr ‘
-Ter ab br RKSBLLEMjTSL 1 I^^“bwwoi *L J
between 31 ehiMUi et». who
I ]
I flniband’i Celebrated Fluid flumpim
This u . «;w, *4 ® l JSDesia.
u*» perfect aofetu* •rare?„£'i. toJ be-
IHtpult; tHMCaa «I! lk«m,JU.i ~7 f >Ur * *»fbctute of
P*r»tioa*oFwipwk, I**- 1
ti«. io tb. to
•tocßteb OocttbJcttboo&lcfihrSLt/t?.
Fc t*WC A rKIL .. ,
ff'oo. KHUFoodaixlcO - ; * co .«°»»r Ut ini
patwal upward* nf 7u worn*, by «f “ W ;i
nwbtftaatcJiJWofttyowawwu W
ll I* trulyjibe most nrpria/ox worm mnSHuE T"* -
•eea, 1 1 mtui have two more viaiiL* 1 * djcn< ? f cver
Forwltb, j WDD*Oo;NoWwS'tek a
• '•-*;• - • «C«i. |
H from
mumfcctarero. ui ofcr tor Mk u New York-
e “ p ' r£ “ aii >UM»I
"i'J u,),, " oar •’"“‘u «iid;W»miile<l well
1 Uk.-nm*,.
I “ur»2Sei dCOlUr,,ilCladifl * Bc&ma w«* Col
l cue pftieat twitel joint Snipendcr*. with other Good*
I Stun. Uow And plain Satin Stock* '
! . ft? I {'” t S s^, » M<1 pl*mßooba*ina Stock*.
Srik and Batin Tim, rich nlk aadutia Crerats.wiih
om ca« of lew need. Shift whjciwe STwwrla
quality have nerer been wrplued in price inthiecitr
«« intend to clove the ilioTv Guadiairhv ,v_ ...v,*.
,h ' *s e s““ i of «niu^s“j£S
of finQtli. knQwmg Ua, e Tt
.. WnoltliJi Dnr :
*t Uie Wholesale Dry Good* ■ Boom*.
• ’ iWJlefkti meet,W iiory. too nee of Ain«ee*?wt
flw.SrSpSitei o Js^StoHsss-
Kinßhom< ! .fclo*e» *nd boricry, together with* reneral
u«.rtmeni <*«*.. ifcrebiitt areSvftitoexMlft
th A 4 t?^s!^ 9hfi4j , cnl itwill favorably eonpare
wnh hariem *iocYi7la Mjlei and prices. r
hi* excellent aMortmeniof aho*. ,“r, 0
’ Dark nix’d Saiineta: !
' Bio* and black do;
Intriaible green do: 7 '’ '
• Balin «triped blk do;
i 11 Witter, Lon* o»erco?t». *hon
fen* I*** MJ M.liii“?SfVireKs
"” ">*■ mMfer whoT-uto”
?ttKgCU TUagKHtai HHvreto ST
French; lurkern lUiwU. At then roodo ar*
woold rejjiccl/’ullv inrite iffudie# v> coil
and examine oar .lock,a. wo Bre *eJliTiffib«« m
Zl* ■ . ■ ALEXANDKRVday•
-???*- : W market at, W W cor demand
J QtXw hSSf KJtpr«*« at ZEBULON KlN
'*£**% 2* >w F JZ c r Bloie -» Market «««_ ”
6 sad Tawl*, for i.adiei'dotkn;
2 P E‘£f" lot sak ,f ria S e . 2i hwbwiaeT
Wllh K laryn wongcm of othercolnri.
J Paper uper EsrliUi f>rab Cloths
uoaborteitaouee amlmoct rcaaaoalile term* by
«jrii ' anckkiu Mayer
TQvraod It, 5 doou above 4Lb
i,3Te J*« received bTeF
m.f.u"cor” 7 <*>**
Do Brocade merino • do-
FiDepUtnp.hraereha betaurd articles
uaia and Cuhmere pttid*. ’ |
- 73 aarfcei n. eor of the diamond
“HS • = ■"leastsaas fci
- P — 1 tjCwngl «
'»KS" ,by ;«WKLCTTi’?VH.TK >ra
— ' 1 ttwopdtt
JV grow BrurcUnaoholt aud'iVli'Sfer
*».. m'^rrr.wnnj-
FiiUfHßL§j riiAaVELITi
,ciil ? w fl,nnc! *i ■!».« I tree lot ol
Aitcav) twilled UinfleU,joitr<e-"d; for file veiy cheat)
...... _ ALEXANDER* DA Y^ P '
(eflmumpires, remember that it is Thompson's
Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood /Tap.
tka tchieh is dent unfailing such rt*
markable Stres in
Spitiii* of B;ood, P*ia in th. Bid. and
Bmrt, Bore Throat, Hr’—nem! PalpiUtion of lha
.Heart, Whooping Hires,
Jiereotu 1 remors .arerCompUint
T* ■^ , ""““ u,are ' ofT * r or
-A., tsuuikma are abrowt:
«. s. i. rhomsos—Dear S.r—lbs benefit 1
Crc f a ***• ®f jow Compound Smnof
fold to-- da ’J *»<«» JW ®i iti 1
8 P*** *TPf**«*. OiAenlty ot breath
°f a iT* ut *: ■ rorioas reamdUa wiihoot
eOset. 1 tocamt sWed, I heard of your medieioe, but be-
Vs'"?, adrerlwedimedidnea. 1 Utoughl I
wwiU ad tore to what) I had tore FudWmnrif
getting w«r»a a triend pereuaded me to lev a touts of your
preMretion. sSyine '-to owed hi*life; to iurirtnea ** lim
. f f t t iy . pro ?* , * a abottlaand coamanetd usiag ifoand to
hudth Uk “ tWW 1 wm * roopleiely restored to
fidUly for tba benefit of others i make th* atora brief
•UiemeiiL A r.j further iaqtorica cad to mad. at my rew
ueocvr 14<J Catharine-riresL
ifAaacti Pacrorr.
ofuf another Remarkable Cure,
. C*j-U»Jr,Pa, No*.SO,ISiS,
Attrat sis vcsr* star*, a MMmna of lbs sed ratary
°. f *7 * »» stUcked with tcnri mm u
cb-* bf*MU polpiUlk* or tbs Wart tad thomxM brbrealh.
»bu* mrtn moo toUowrd by tbs to. Jure of appetite. «x(rm
w*k»ruh*» at night ud partial (v» yii* oi mj licnbs-thtw
ymptosu «T » drnaccd «j»u» being Crrou»nUy atlcoded
«)ih fitting of blood. For sbost two ran] tu occasion-.
*'V thrown into cootbloooji, which UA bm io ■ V -
»t|t«of fcbkcwMsad began to affect lay wad. Fromtm
io tiwr my ••ifftnag* wtr* wore or kassrrirc, util at length
they incieawd to ,*urh a drgre*. aad tbs «b!»ac« of lb*
Jyiantoau wire so surmenud/ Jbat tor a whole year 1 m
uubte to attend Waay botian*. IDurirg thistiw* 1 towsalt- j
ed me abb physicians and attended to their oraenpiiou.
tmt all (betr skill was uadrai isg to procure bk rd af mi
at kojth they regarded »* rocorcry ae ealiraly bopakaa I*
Ibie condition 1 Was tabriaed of the sauury cffr«t» «f
Tluimtoii’s Compound Syropof I arced Wood Naptha, tea 1
raw eocucwhet >utikr to rauw, aad though I bad firm up aD '
eijortaUuoi of a rveo*irjj>f mj ibrawr hea th by i
let be lug »lfongly adrued to try thu medKtDC. 1 M
»' *«»««h pmatlrdiopoo b> do ao, ud I here mw to «t. 1
Uut by the utejof mi bslUtsmy health haibeen
lam nowab>e/o atieaj to trauataa with ritjaoch fee.lit* a 1
uiu * l « i 11C5JIY v,YXRS.
I 01 Ditliim Toaadia
• «>;y h DICK-O.NniU»a«f*
corner of kiftb sMßpruca streets
8o d by L. H 11XOX, Jr Fituborgh, and RjpttoUi
Drauioe rear rally Price So et» ,or nrbotta.
CAUTION Beware of imiutiooe, ud purchase Tito i
*o«» Com poo ud Syrup of iar &«a none bat sdmtfesf
agule, or of Una* abort the sospiooD uf draliu
terfaito. declld^rd
8IIEO«A*» l a'l?OOTir^AiTito “
T..C. v ‘'•“"H'miiiict
*' K £? , ‘? n \ cte known for cleaning and whitening
the Teeth. *tiengtbe'iung v tiie earns, sweetening the
Tireatb. 4e. It should be owd every night witha nifl
hruth, and the teeth and mouth willflolyrrqoire a siiah
warh.i.g in the morning; Wet Uut bratK wok warn
water, or cold wdl answer, and nib it a few times™
whcn enough will adhere for «.eanmg the
teeilu It leaveta dchetous lute in the mouth,and un
|**^'®..®?*^^,fk,fal fragrance to the breath. (islands
as a pleasant, efficacious, convenient, and
Uy using it it will remove the tartar and
P . reV^i: * CCH ®ttlauoa—-prevent! the tooibadfae
strengthen the gums, andprevent eUdjtcssei of them
, Cbemuts, phytiraaas, and the clerg? recommend It a
decidedly superior to every thing of the hind in use.-
i Ask for Hhennan’s Compound Orris Iboth Fasie, and
oliserve his signature u auaehedtoeaeh Ddt.
Recommended by Dr. CanJ*, 3et Uroadway, one of
oar be«t Dentists, and by most of the old esublished
r ne .i in K b ? ever ,xtensitely used
i by the .Nobility of Kngitmd and Frtrea- '
\ large proportion of the disease, t hataffliet mankind
arise from some derangement of tfat s tomaehor bowds,
which a timely use ofthe Cathi tie Lozenges wooi<j
! entirely obviate. Persons of bilicua habits shoei/aN
«T“ y r iTi° *? lwx -“ l kand, and ulro a dose whenever
they feel the leastderangemcntintheir health. Alodi
ofeitoT ° !lheW U,zcnK °* w oo ' ll PW»emthousands
us;±“‘ WM - i " at »™w. H"* f w ss»t
J,taPno»»,iul,l,r. i and iiimpina Io 1i5.1i',.,!!,!
ml,healthy, aiaba«ior,clear, living white, atthesame
r/."! !Sf •ki"T»A'? g O iVSS-
Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massa
ooriolnlyc,n“pS,,„”'™',"oSm°nd'"r u SM,u
whose skin requires beaoiifyhi* ■> w usetoail
tp*Price !15 cents a box. “
c , by Wftl. his Boet and Kbrw.
J/adics. ladies, I’m astonished, .
When you know that yoo are promised
life-like, snowy white,
That yoo will stilt ose common chalk,
And look a deathly yellow fright. ’
The theme oflooghter and of talk. ‘1
Ify-jo weald use a box of J0NI?8 Lilly-white u
woofogivdyoorskin an alabaster yet natonJwfrto
V Be cl “ r JL nd *®Prossuf Mi
JAChnON'S, b# Libeny st. Price 23 cents per box.
wt * n •fflicied with the
•l>*l®bliBeJ * 1 ® bIi 8eJ to mb and scratch wbeii
**‘-*juvw T wfafiiisf;iraioSTOtOTM^e
as aia i^s^^VoSiSSjrp l
Hr Letdy’s Wood ftUi.i’ SJfjLft! ffl?? *7
sar oiu “ J
, ~_ L w wood it Croat »n
F“ l- “" cc * ta ■ ■« £>; •&*K&Sf
much leu ukinr PeteatMediSaei
u» recommend Morgan'* Byrn P to .JZj! 1 d 'JS* o**® 0 **®
with • coayh. ARertatlffSSffil£s «£.!£ ,e,ed
remove « amnint and disireralni MMh.EFt^iV®
•cvtrml days ifjl.eied one fer
ccm, we were' induced to try
and by it relief waj obtiicedin • rShil.T? , *i. ®* n, P'
tobesmpa o aee«iniw“«?pk t |"r t to,irfc i
J y. - lr * •-
[ '*•- « •**• v V- \ -i „ --i-ri.- &
/• ‘r "
fctiptioa i» nnaeetuary. :Goo2mL.^:^ M
in fron'olx td mtcq <uura. P«™nnUieiftrip*
The Capadijrcf onffutlocKi eiitblei u to
any etmxjrn menu made torn. RecemiwmtJLv ,u>r s
adnawetTreecTdiiiM*. “ ct r t f Tlfl d>*»nnj, and
BemrfßUy prepared to maVeiiUej of Produce w*
nupeeUully aolicU «m«ijno»ent» of wetSm SaT?
Bacatf Lari, Hotter, Chee*e, Wool,Pe«her«/?iirf nSSfi
*nWw Comic, oa wUeh’libmlvSS^^JuPSJ
madeandothernatalfacliitie* ■abrdedVlSesS?i£
•eITM that any ttumeaa entreated to bii ahSl Tw?^
sssurr* &&&&£& -»•
2® and SSI Market at,
achltf •' »
ITT&BU1IOH portable: B-liseT
Bfll 1847. ,JSbbb&i
FOB the transporlatioaof Freightbetween PuuburU
and the Atlantic Cities, avoiding transhipments an
Ute risk of delay, daoaxfe
breakage and separation of goods, • '
Pnvrißers. -
NotffbAlarket street. Philadelphia
Cor Penn and Wayne ns, Pittsburgh '
O’CONNOR A Co, North streeV-Baltintoro 1.
WtJT TiCSCdTT, 75 Sooli |l, H. Y.j A *»°“
Encouraged bjr increased bnameas thcFropriciora
have added to their slock and extended their arrange
dents during the winter, tad are bow prepared to tor
ward with regularity and dispatch unsurpassed
by any other line, tfheir tong experience as carriers}
the palpable superiority of.the Fnrtable Baal System,
and the great capacity and convenience of the ware-!
s®?f e * *t each end or the line, are peculiarly calcoto*
tod tocpable theproprietors to fulfil-theireugiffemento
; Md accoroiDodaie their customers confidently offering
■ **®P* a l M * guaranty for the fatare 1 they respectfully
All eoniurnmeou m Taaffe A O’Connor will be ree’d
and forwardod Sieamboax charaes paid and Bills ol
rrec ?. r “y Charge for Commission,
Waring no interest directly or
“ tere « of Ibo consignors
®“*J ?55 e .v.* a J 1 ? r j* eir Ptimiry ODjceun’snipping
to forward ail goods
prompU > r »nd on the most adAma
geons terms to the owners. • •
, ““'ll*
' : ■ J. M- UlMr gv ' ‘
forwarding 4 coanussioilßEßCJUST,
. East Beaver feint and Bridgewater, • '*•
;: | . **AT«* COO*TT, *ju,
■ Proprietor and Agent of steamers
g* A
D4.ILT : arrvKis pittiidibs ahd ;,
IX7ILIJ be prepared oa earliest opening of canal nnv.
, f ’ Jjr* lloo » ««»*« property at his wharf boat or
to ware tonic, for all point* on ;fcne Extension, Cross
Cat, Md Oana CantlMfor all port* on Lake Erie and
■pper Lake*, u also to torward produce, e .br Penn’s.
ImproTetuenuJ Apply to or adore** .
feMMtf 1. JAS DICKEY, Beam
•’* Klpreu—
a 1847.
toed to cmrcsre will be forwarded with
-1 Jww cnrrwit raws. Bills of Lading
1° oil instruction* promptly attended to,
ixtra charge for storage or commission,
riplyto O A MeANULTY ACo
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh
BUBOU, pit
Good* cttSijj
oni delay,at tbd
transmitted, an
free from any e!
Address, or an
,tr large and comtnodioaa warebdus
to to receive (in addition to freight ft
t® a®o*nt of Produce, Ac., on Storage >
wartj C A MeANULTY A Co
Raring a rr
we are prepar
shipment)* lar(
lew rates.
B&9SI H4'7/ «fei=sl
town, HoUrftyibnruh, Water Street, Pctcr»bnrgh and
all tnteimcdteie places. . 8 “v*
i.8 a ® J fe*iJ n ¥* I,T « ,he wwcbooee ofC A McAnulir
* V<»-* PutrtaTjth, every day, [cxeepi BandavM end
shipper* can elwmjradepend on bwutf ibeiragods for
warded without delay and at fidr-rate* *
Thie Line wee formed for the special accommodation
. " ~|vviLUAM,Fi;LTy7
• MILLER, Uollidayabargh )
£ H CANAN, Johattown ' ijtgrmfr,
. CAMcULNULTYACo.Piuibnr^p •
... itmimcw. j
John Parker, Robert Moore, Be gale?
fc South. Pitubanrh. ' mats*-
Jh47. jggimS
end Weaver, end freight and pm«cnger Curtl UoaK
nuininjtbetween Beaveraml Erie andconncEiiiirwiS
C M PoeiTt Line of Steamboat Pn>Tum ri?d
?» •'>“ Prepaml ...rSfiS c.TO Frei«M (WeiiccS,
alt point*oo the River, Canal and Lakes' 6 .
IfaTins every jfaeilnr-fcr conveying (kirtt and pa*
and agenu leariecifally eolieit iron iheir rrieuda and
he public gcderalfy their patronage. /
:i CM REKl^'Erie/pronnetor
°’'‘s!B?bS4? w *“' ,u : y**
I unit to
Wheeler, Crocker A Co,/New York
Geo DavtaJ Buffalo /
E N Park* A Co, Cleveland
Ja* A AroUttongA Co, Detroit'
MeCtare A {WilliamajHiioraukia
Ufi*tol A Kmer. Que'ago
Win Power*, Pownratown, Penna
Geo Mnebelmyre, hTan.t.urgh, Penna
John MeAi bur, Ijuntttpwn. do
Wick A After, Greenville, do '
Craig AKn rapton, Ciarkavilte. do
*M« wb/Sbafpaborgh, P*.
W c Mala i, Huron, do
R W Cunn|iitbtm. New Cattle, do. marS
WTTSB UlujffiT 4 OLE V r LAM)." I.LNt;.“
1846. fisaaa
11. Clar*,*./ 11. Hoops, T. h ehiuond &Ca
- /CLARK E & CO..
•^Comm | s* | on Htrcfauu,
of ibis Line (sofaror
lo(-,he prepared tu the
?«vsrn?£? ,D *>. f?/ 141 MV >in»tioa i» recciveprop
eny di ruaborfh sail Beaver, and deliver ihc sane ai
° a
orfaole rarei n, . W !t re * ,CM despatch and aijeas
/•rte proprietor* of this lino aolicu the taumm of
fonaer eutioroen with confidence, knowing mat
tbeirfaciliues are second to none.
Apply to or address i
| SunK®'
J*s« T RICHMOND ’*. Ct r
R“n*S; n ox rJv p
TT'HE dock; of- thi* line Q ( a double daily'
“ ad
I Todueeor Merchandise consigned toanroi toe on- I
«iot> 'Stlmt&T'* l *'* fre ° ° ( * n J ,chßr
vSedw'?* trtn T i ,? ed “ d ririawnwuoa* promptly
of ;thi* Line U conducted on nnctlv I
Sabbath-keeplng principle. AdilreM, or apply to y
D LEECH A Co, Proprietor*; I
ki ! N ■
, , Moy WenwreeuMow York
£*£&£& ; ]s47 ( ’ ggg^^ft
i Pimri 1 Aril
| f LAVE Reaver daily at J o clock, r.jr.*, aflerthe
Xj amvarorue neamboatßEAVEß f’remP/tulmrah
and arrive at Warren next rooming in ecaaott farro*
Btagea which rcaeh Cleveland before night lftc
I '?“£ n *^ r *' Wll,^,a i rc ‘ ei i ,tcdl l'rtorli.«eenrinaberii*
on the Paeketiitjul aeon in the ftage, on anulieation
on board «tea»b©atlkaver. [lenvmg Piiutfanrh ai a
o’clock, a. K-J or to the agent*: ■' 8
r >■ O M llARTONACo.Pitid.nrah I
_ »pts ; MB TAYLOR. W.W.n I
A " D 1847 i
r *’llb ande reigned are now prepared to forward pro*
,*■ &}?*•**•» to . tho fcaitern Market* during the en*o
<£sw roate°” *” IB0 ' 1 ft,orab, ° tena«,.by tbia eap*-
All property consigned to u wiilbe forwarded at tie
Jowert rate* nod with despatch. . “ '
Merchandise received by this ronto nromwiv for
wtrded. . JO BIBWELL, ArCSbnreh
■ • -
D ° r * } !• KEGERTON A
JSBfid 1847. fcJgm
Beaver and Gteenvillej by which frei»k»
K?Sfe , 2S3ftiK t^“’ ~iUb* «^^S^
McFarland &
- ' g,
,:•• .a&MKbjfe-.-.g-
JOHN A CAUGlfev, eoraerWaic^Udi«„»,c«u oi '
apg!v_ Or^te
“ “‘oSfS’
■„**** P»coai Cottar. Lead, Lard, Port, Tallow,
* ■ *• ■ cd Qlaaa— 671CU oerlOOib*
TSh!lS 0 Wheat—£Teu per.loo)U.
WooMIO |M , ht .
mo!?*” 1 F ‘' h “ i »oa=.Roo,
AU pmpcny epoiunui to timer or ibe oadeniiraed
•Ili Lo forw.rded wliont dolor, r rec ofCMSSSm
olobcro rote*. WII
r sort!dlf HANNA * WATEBMAW, Piltlbiijb.
HEfIUiAB A ftifg T F S U
iJESZS nCW *******
Hoops, coSacnfces bet,
esnneetingwuh Fuaburrh and Cleveland Lineof C*d I
ul Boats daily to Cleveland, Beaver,' Watteg
Cleveland Line of Canal Packets and Stage Cowbes-I
duly to \V arren and Cleveland; Canal PaetetLises to
■ new Cm lie and Greenville, Pa.: Erie
Jf Meadville and Erie. NdlvMoore * Go's Lines of I
stage Coaebea tor Cleveland and Wooster, leave Be a- j
vet . daily on Uie arrival of steamboat Beaver fioa
Pittsburgh. Applyto ••• •• .1
•;... , OMnAßTONtC«<Pia»bttrgh
• CLABKE k. Co,Beaver { .
. . UNION lillTMl r
1847. .tJg-ft
E N PARJCS A Co, Cleveland, O. ) « -
D O PARKS, Bearer, p*. $ Proprietor*. -
» iiSi tt T°"A!? B ‘f®ow fully prepared to tramport
A fteijhiand Pu«en;enfroa'pitttbßnhandCtave*
g“j» g f°f point onto Peaniyiraiua A Ohio aad Ohio
**jd Line aranot equalled bfiiuiy on
«i(J Cattail, lunamben and capacity of fioau.ezpe’:
nenee of D»pt>!»«, and pr n rT , j i ip* , ~H bf Atcnti Ac r '
niV^Tn lc, reii Pun bprja and Were land daily .ran* i
loeonaecuon with iho Steamer*. . • Y -.1
belwoe ” P'ttffinikh and
lert T R^J ind *. c/l° cf*u Steamboat*, Propel
ss.uAVoJSSr 0 ”' o "^'*
■»..i°P e i nT forwarded to an? nartof the Unl(i with
iat.vck. KNP4«tolcOo,cS, e tai®A,u
__ hEKD|HARKB AXJo, Beaver.’Aru .
* l|j« ' :W. T Pittaborgb, Ant •
' ■ Cor Waujand SaltfcfieM rtrocta
&&£ 1847. &&&=*
psS®4^ :
=SKK;^~ v »9
**• -i confirub!,
rnmmmM ;
_ roii tax TSintroßTivioß ■
mHE iwlivnUU&W lecei.ej riot,
Jl lUeommeneement, tu indnced tie SS
*"• to tneranse tie elect bjt eddin* eSnmbif j/c,
el«« boat.; and iutcad oTgitioj receipt, u hereto
gun sesm? r»-r».«~w- <«
Iherebj preTcnliag danara from frequent baidUne
on the roote, and a« each boat is owned b» tie
Captain who rent theta, which is ■ roffieient nur.
antee that there will be ho delay on tbo roote.
. :AU Frodnce or Merchandise consigned t& the
» i j, l l »(<'™«rdei FRKE Of COM.
MISbJON.for adrsncwg and forwarding; anf Will
pc snipped without delay 'at tho lowest , rates of
freight.’ , i •
>Ve retpectfnliy aolicita sbawof woWie patra
• . Canal Battn, Pittsburgh :
| . CRAIG,; BELLAS & Co., Art.
V 'BroadStreet,PJuladelppiU.'''
.F MILLER, Agent ,:|
ii-.'. t u „ ' , Bowley’a Wharf, Baltimfcfe.
■ Pittsburgh. Keb. |6,1847, .. .fl
• - dx£. bwaVnkv . T’
A certain son safe cure for caught, cold*, *-**»»--
'• liycr co»plaiji’t,»pl4ing bJood,T»iQ3inliie iide *
-! or breast,nerroua debility, whoopingcoueb
brrikeo/-toimitation, CONSUBP. :.
TIQN or soy disease of the lungs or j
j Reader are you loScnnr j
! Aith a cold-or discue of lira 1
, / . loop, try this rowed*,
- f yon will not per- - :
! i / baphrcgretit. I
; “ all those disagreeable symptom* whit
- te fF r 10 the cund ' * P»*ong yoar dors,
Wijd Lheny.exeept that bearing the sigastnre orDr
oa the wrapper ol each boiue
are quite likely destiW hi the articlSrloS
hich they borrow a name. ‘ > 1-
i Readxckdl it hoident! - j
Would pertup* be estimate for the rayagei
ol thw dreadful disease in a single yean tbeb add
V_ fl „ 1110 Hemorrhage, Asihn»,Cpoghi
Influenza, Bronchitis,aad.ctber diseases df the
Lungs and Liver. - ... .'7 |
And the lUtwouid present an appaHjng proof if the
fatality ol these two classes of Bbt it is
important to know that nearly all dread
waste of human life might hare been prerfenSd
Thu medicine bu now been Wlore the dubliti
frern'm'ifwilS*?! *»« '»«>° original prop»£ti»n
from thei Wild Cherry 1 rcc.' Its reputation las a
remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and Cod
samplrau of the Lungs baaed entirely opoa iU io
£,*5 ,t5 ’ 0WC * bul Wttte'to loflated newspaper
puds. 1 hose who gite it s trial, being- beneflued
b 3 r * , » raommeod it to their neighbors;aadUhat
gradually and surely hasit gained an enviable iepg.
tauon and worked its way into, general use. 5 One
bottle nerer fails to cure a recent cough or cold "
while with strict auentioo |o UradireelToas thit ie’
company earh bottle,its use in pulmonary disease#
of long standing and of the tno« alarming cl&ric.
ter, has always given relief, and- in very many
Jgf" " af Reeled -complete and pefm:jnent
Vr. S WAYNE'S CeUh)attd Compound Str*
vpof Wild Cherry* ' •
Read the most remarkable cure of Consumption
ever placed upon record— wnpuon
Dr Swarnc—Dear Sir: I reel it l debt of gratitude
due to jou-and a duty to the afflicted cei£ra|ly “o
oflerniy bumble testimony in favor ol your
pound Syrup ol Wild tfherry. Son£ ff'jo”;
■ince, 1 waa eiolonlly attacked with cold nud l„“i!
mnuonor Uio loop, which WM accompanied
a aery dtalre-Mireg eouah, painiothebreaataedbeid
ZL'f? c ™"'!“»M«di.chargo or olTcnaive nicua !
rrom Iho mnga,-etpccially upon change. orweitbor I
however allgut. , At find 1 leli do abi-n üboul my !
cundiuou, lull wan pretty aooaconaii.eed that Iwal
rapiol, going into eoaaampuon.- tgrew daUr weak,
or. and at length waa acaicely able to walkabout 01
apc.k abo.o a whieper, aoch' waa Ihe eiceodii,
wejkceaa oCmy lunga, During this tune lihad tried
vanoua prepaiwuonauod pioacriptuma, but louud no 1
relicl—growing all the limo womo. Jaat her. I wnl'i
ad Tired andpunuaded byudear Mend in WUotingi
inn to make atrial ol you, Syrop of Wild Cherry.
‘"■‘l oonfeaa that prcaioaaljr I had been nieiudSi I
ed agaiaitpatentnindicinca, and I am aiiillniiSl
tboaoeoauilg out or (he handa or ernpir'.iS'i
claim, to lha profiiWamS
pracuce of medieico, and having implicit, laith id
ihe „jing cl mv ft.end,, I lorffiiu, P p25S ol I
Dr bliaw, one of your ogenu; a few botUeTaad i
commenced its use. Wy disease otthistimS JS
ol twenty or twenty fire mouths’ stand ins ieWnwTi 1
■tuenUv wa dcrpi, verted. I
Mderable relief from the hist lour or fire boulm I!
But being u public speaker I frequently attempted
Jo preach with my increasing atrenkth and thertbv
\ raptured thoso vessels mat. had already bcrms I
l.healjin thi. wa,. doubUcvv, my cure j
retarded. In coiucoueuen or ncling thuaimi,.
dcntl, I had U> ore IS or IS boiUoa before
perfceiiy teatored. I havo no ijuemion, a moehi
amaller number oT botUca would have made me
■onnd. but for the above inducrotiou. The bireo
allajcd the levenah.habit, did awa, the di.ftSfta
coogh.put a atop to tbo diacbaigo or matter from
““ *“* V" onlireayaien good
boalfli. 1 haae defenod.oSenng tbia ceitificalo till
PdT** o ol being peHecUy.antiiOcd
Wlb tbo permanency of the core, endudwthal >
(eel perfeelly well, 1 oger It with pleaaore
„ . ' \ RfiV. J. r; JORDAN i
i Dnblin county, tf, C.
- Avoid all cpnnonn preparation, of Wild Cbmr.
■oeb aaßilnm., llmere. Syrupi of Wild Cborrl,
•ttlta purporting to conlnin Wild Cbcrrj, Ac, Ac,
m they_nre all beUtioaa aodcoueUtfieit/aed contain
Bono °r ;ibe vjrtue* of tbe original and genuine pre
paration aa prepared by Dr.' Swajße, and tbe tir»t
erer prepared in this eountry. Doctor Swornc'i
Compound Syrupof WILDCHERRY ia eonneaed
orrcgctAblc ingredients; the Wild Cherry, imf etb,
er medical euUtance* cqally a* 1 | no t
more *o/l tho whole are to efieetiuJlj concentrated
aa to render it beyond all doubt the moatofeaAiat
atreuglhemng, and effectual remedy ever discover
ed lor me cure of Pulmonary cnosumpUeo.aad all
I ducase* of the Lung* and Hreasi-Tbo very tart,
from ita having aucb a train ol spurious imitators
atanda to prove ita great earaUvc propertiea :: ’
- Ul •» P»» ;
Lr‘'i.‘f , on k brDr - H - W corner
Vor.Jllf J'onJ C * rililodclphin. |
B A™AHNESTtMrt?i'?- mcr S ” l,a ‘ w °“ i *k
rt^ and . dealer* in •]
Medicine,|hreughooUhe United States and Cana- ,
1 acptao. .
( j a? U r' V ' WELD alien far tale at. Uo io*tn
P™*** * «ry exten«i»e IS
mtm of PAI fcK, compririny every posnble varieiv
adnpled to the wan» or eoc«Bnar» in all aeelfon* if Um
country. , Piper of all kUnU'made lo oMcrai «w!
notice. ■ i ■ | ■.".■ • tv **
1 lie >toek of PRINTING pAFKR is uuuaalir lam
tpartof whiclfitof very>opcriofqualiiy. 9 7**
of every detenptioa, Imported mail kept eoetiantie m
hw>,.Yvi*r Felunj*. Wire ClotVFoirditoierwW
Bleaching Piwdcr, Illne intramarJoe, , Fwine,*<j, *« ;
-1-i RAGSJ I v ' ' f .
Cnnvan,2la]eßoM,GrauHdpei Eoxfine '
pnrebaaed, forlwbieo the highertprleeTn Caih wii'if.'
ptid : ! Jy33y- New Vork. JelvJidt'
S‘2A“»/ ERMIru ‘ iE '
Mr;R. n.;Sejle«:-My toasi«SSS«23t^j f | | i r
ibmii year Vermifuge, I toojthta vU) oti j -S^ 41 .deal
dw/wWcl. W e&d’«^iy^^ss2^«J
yoor lUattotlot&hT ^ll^' ;.
, Prepared and'aold fey •
Sold by Dr. CarnJ, Sth
ebrwr fhT. ..- : .../.TT.fc
! ' Btfi
jcdovTiiicni artielf
!SW#««W ■
■ .■, ua. engaw«»»aT~~~ —=?
hofasemiUa woundoahn»f i^.. 1
A «iifS2£? •“
Th«* I«pim Ita *Xe*t, antra* u 4 ffli clalf.^
tt« tat jfttr f re»looa« to lie*lUi p«noo« in ■!■**« »r«rt
ttawhtociDff tuwter Ux 'nwt'nwtr-^"**
diMalUrti: I. J3?T££S££Z£i \
' i«. 'SSSiK W £?“ WZEKOBS ’ 4
;«fiict*d with Uioaftt»l ut doetortd if t * , ?L? ; ■
;£s£££ 1
drcuu,*udd«a »urtinr*Jt»iort<|...
uaet£<» a £,„ ; , f‘* kf *“? .*'*-‘‘••4
koe/flb,bUtat* in ’
U>« MDMb •rb«Hs«sS , ta2£f , ii2??& *** ■
e»o» appetite,. Itaaixm/wiiS
ptaiai,taattof, upprtttkn «raaa!io? , Si,<!L la ? IBer co " l:
d*7»aad wakafalam through'ift-nkSfcaßlm : .
<r» wbtt*, <iarH«^ , .htaSd».or , «Si'22S- i r '
JS ,^SS?^3', ■ i “ ,1 "««J"“». otfltoifeirj
<fis^ 1 3ras'i& , sKfj252S-a
! **«i Mi ■S»*«*i«ufinnLi ,t Bffi>ftf * ■ Cn* .
i *
EMBSSB srsrSSnS^-'
w “• Sl-maa’. fhsim, tyf
’■n•"&.'&g* f
JjjKVKBAr =^==r;.—;
FlliLS arebficcmJnf«T) Qoivemliv.Mpalar
Bectuie Ibeyare prepared.bjDrft B Lei. - •
dj bim«elf,Q regularDrogjist, Chemist tad fhnt-r
:h wf >o .knows jhe. naiore.-Uie • :
*• * h ii? ct * f l or the Medicines used in bis •
, pilleandtbetrsdaptatiao to disease. 7
second, Because tie poblicxaa take them with !
a .1
iron the stonucb sod boweU all naiual&Tsobl? '
ning-iO.pUU, taring lo persons as' many •'
dollars oft-times id Doctor’s bills, and mriaeions
ol'wi'c™ 1 ' bo “ tht *• ui " l rec.mincmljliou J . '
I'. V\®encrerjoaliatooccaiionto take'sin mni’
eiw, donot bo triflinj With year: coartitatio' h'J ■
rainflS k !2 tool P ni * O* othor nodicton »„„',]!* '
■SfeSSS r " 0n “" U ’" 1
i f" W Wbofeaile and Retail be B. A. Fabnetioek
PiStaSl. Tei Storeffio.72 Fourth, lree_
“ J " IBCtkil
HK ,>
»d^t, m ,T,r™?4, ra S O . ,0 5'; , 2i n f*
-rorJ,^m.ofil,e.Bo.S l : : ■
*l>to for preaenS?^* * * C , enl ***' “f foOet amv
..Pcniao, at Chinese potrifoß ' ; ■' '
edj; Wa ■ n or cpnuaon-sTTtpfKT^I w*CTnK
■ c^f ; .f <7mp i‘ F<}^’; Kote Llp *»!tc; .'•
l£ pot ep;
orfi«* l^i? p: Bod * ***P» topßilwr i*th • great variety
wfiwperfumeryj Jaitrreeifedj for»laby "
•r;i ' ' •"• : •' corCth & weed «*
_flr»t rt Utwtra aartpi &.
Al Uu Qasmt BirOdingt, 34 iust tit p M n-^
aXTBS OF ADV£UTXftia«: '
uoeuuertioaor IJlinei, or lett;;...-.,..^™
Two iniertiontwllb outsit* ralioni,• n nr? ~
One Week « "IJ- J :
Three !'*• « « am
One Month, . ” : 4op
Thro " •• * 2
tUf Longer advertisementa in time proportion.
Ope without alteration,... 10 up
Each additionail nqsare fot6 montbi,..!!’! !sm
" “ 1 1* “ .....' lo w
one tqnre, 6 montitt,renewable at plearare f ; r> 00 - '
Each additional et{earefer lsttonUi«... M ,;Vin S
£*? .s^*’ 6 . «°«ha,re'wable at plenum, 30 tX>
Each additional tquare,6 month*, ..........In -
'w-wk«tT 1* »ait» firm.
eachadditional in»erti00,.«..... r -, 37
• ■ i ■ icnnxi cjiiDi«■ •• *.:■ L-'.i »V -r
lirehnetorleM, one year. c no
• . " aianontha’. •w.wSoe
„ " I : one year, daily i.i»hekl J :, 0
!■ . ! " ,«ia month*"— -via
.v . AoT**TiamaiiTa'j*, 'wt»*CT‘if4f jj; .-
l‘ , ©rsUJioet,orlet*,o«einacrtjoo,.,.... ‘vn kA -
:: - v
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■;* • i« 1 «/. ISrelre * **•••« “ W