f A *iw^ 4J2 r? of tf*>'*iM»rJc,i«,i,-•' S 5 , *“? **TIO»At coirtTCST,^ P \ j'r;< . ' t,ri f y ‘‘•’•"l w**dmbyliogreubody V. h crc>orbT '- i ‘S ma« tf*i, 1 1 • > prefclTOco, faborima. to ll* Kami i wfr'' ; " , ':2?«£ l “ f“™»y WkUMgciejil'amdia of 4 ' "S“ J ‘ , "' *‘»ln*»ec lOlhoacuof. NKijinl.da,. , . 1 floc'.ubmit *4#a who have been : selected as Delegate* to a -. .:;. W?na| Convention With peiaonal «* ■ • ' “:*?“? •» vote fiw Mr.’Websto, asfhwiNewHsmp, *.?** Mam'rhiitefta, scapefrotn New York and •-Apt;' fcJr Mr. Clay, and other*, it may be, ibr *?}£ - raK V. Notr, the only, way .to reconcile aQ \L - differences is to go into Into:* .Cotiventan, rS'il; w-: of the representatives oftbe great Whig ■->• k-L P**!ty®V choose to. whatever M *^J^^retiwwte^,Whi'Mrtei.rtprew c ted, tho Whig, will abide by the resnh, ]*. & F 11 ? PEBATK upoaf Tim.WAR, «c. l > W*sanwTOs, Jan. llj 1S1& r£ J? p;'f Jofuyon has doted his speech again# >- j 4 hut a* the beyinning-did nra inHi^ltw V . r *q?,lh' end might be, it was not iafe to say Com the ’ ;-.v : w;’jotting what the end might be. The American •>, !. "*'"■ Jtepfc,- be- says, will bo satisfied with jtho Rio .praooe as a boundary, and }rinsecr the .war in the victories \re have •i |•.•: V. ■ vo ?< m the restating from, these! victo* ~ ir tho security they offer far the ! military m ? . . of.ithecountry. Tinsii deemedindemni. iS-rf Ir-•‘ .r * y *o«t«hy—and if it cansatisfy such- a wnriawk •-. [• i f - v•^.the.Senator'from Maryland,it onght to satisfy ■M- - I who believe ihat oor own Oovemiient has yl. *i-•' •” ”• *P “swwf'for sanctioning Wch a war against j;*. . v / I .'- '1- 1 his odd beginmug, v r \i \ tedminiiteired.a doable rebnkc to the Executive to* ': J-.: **T>t>Y tanking.him responsible fcr the manner ol v- ; r 'j-.pnMectitiog.the war,« as bttim acts winch s-.U • 1 -.l®dtothe war itself • lie not only could have pnr . vented the- war, bat he coaid. have' prosecuted it in .! ■» * tnanner which would have prevented bloodshed* -Had General Taylor gone to the .Rio Granlle with i :S J/ menj instead of the mere b*ndfp! .which he hnd,—ond'ihad General ScoO 1 .w>ded,wiih thirty thousand: men, tho Mexicans : v a T e a single battle, and ; V ibc whole coontrywould hare been mn easycon . '• <]■:): only of oar ;batties would have '1 *;i>.-beeo it is, tho, war is farther removed now ,'-. c t-lhafrjs*heri it commenced. Ifolding these opinions, 1 '• *.?ted beheving that Iho'conqtiejjt of Mexico would . be dlsTCpuiablo to ti>e t?ountryJ and e wnr lor rapine r . and robbery oily,-1 was amaked at,the conclusions • 1111 by. iho’ Sennlor Maryland. Of the - t 'yaii£rt , ending the war, snch as the witt 1 ’troops to the !Rio c Grande, adefen , -*• propoeed by jfr; Calhoun, 1 and the > • '-‘ r of the war in the heart of the enemy’s . u .eiuntrjr, he preferred the regarding the first ! r< ? dahononttlo, the second as not likely to. end the - ' -war, and the last as caJcalated to bring shont a Acdyct, Mr. Johnsohsaid, if bethought . j; *Aamirilrtrotion meant nf tot,?«e aUbllar fi»r the war,and he the.withdrawal of our troopij.. ; •i, T-y'i(?.teaiptiin as the noon-day son, Ihatthe Exec >.|itlve does mea&:thts,«-end one. must bb bot toseeit. The Menage itself though in terms disavowing s War of Conqnest, :>•. i to be the designW toe. Resident . by Ha recornmendationji to. Congress. Congress is > asked ter tate in .at dne fell iwoop aD of New MVr ••i • ■ , :’.. and, ail of Calfernia, a territxny twice as large ,■. ! / ;V.ail Cie jorigmal thirteen Statev It is appealoi m, V;'/ ' -to eStihlish. Civil Goycnuacntorerthiswidespread and distant country,'and to regard. Mexican |tenv ftjry as territory of tbe:UniieASiaies. ’ ‘Whstisihis j v’-.bufa.’wgrof conquest? . .'• -'! : .-.. ' ";• Mr.'CUyton, rf'Delsware, '(due of the Whig \setlatort who votedail the war measures do* .•■■ 7.. *tegthe last Congress, bofwho tegardsthe meas* y~ /ured.pibw. submitted aspreaenting a very.different Snstaled the honor and morality of the Ad? ;:}■ \ : to Metocb, Ihust fraveling i. i npou the. high way, he met a mart to whom lw was a^ertainsnm of money. Payment is d» V'JJtanded; Aid: the creditor is told that he no ..J-• .!.*•,-tsoaey.-Give mea-deed of your fiinn tbeh,says I'-, debtor, who dodines, when a • Is presented* to. his head,'and the claim reiter* : and eh&rced, and a value put upon Um land ] thij roWerto stnt himselfi Il ls thus, said M 4 , . CisyloQ,,we makeourdemandupon Mexice,and . t.i oimraence with apportioning to ourselves G 90,. neraa of.her territory; ; Will any Loco Foco lawyer, in "the land defend- an'indictment Canted ■* upmi such a state of feet? toy one defend ; the transaction?' These were, questions ytatidy by Mr.. Webster and Mr'Claytos. , ifitlhe Honse of Representatives, Andrew Ste w .> v _BZttns4ea very able review of the Presidents Me» »asge and JSeport of the Secretary of .the Treasury. - £ rMr.SL Remonstrated that instead of; more Bavenne ‘having been received in .the Treibury under the 'c: ayeration’of the Tariff of that the atnoatttwas V j J k»roeirf : aewn^ 1 ’ fcf Ihe Tanff of 1542. Mr.; falter, in this out of ha own . mouth, and . .'previous reports. The speech of Mr* beoomeja text-book with to lha mucb.’Uuded but . report cif< Mr. Walker. • ' Tbediaotssidnjias alto’ called firth several good . 1?; [” w Tbe ins Becn ao ihcroughly rebuked for . j r his,wctrm«,u|iim.tbisisnbjeit, and upon the very -;, r ;.heeii.of tbe -Veto Message, that no words can ,-itfreogtbeaihit condemnation.' - V ’ - '-‘Hixxt 1 Cur was a few moments jn the Houm’ today, lie came befere the \ took the.chair, and in.a moment was sdr ' ' - rottfeded bf bis Ciccds among the members and the J' .v"V'b' v atmngk« iet witixiareach of him. Mr. ; -CU'y-Jrtinhrfoutthe jpot wbCTe he stood in 1814, ’ some remarks agauui Josiah Quincy. t;-.'Massachusetts.:' This wasduriagtfae warVith Britnin.~>ls Mr. Clay less of a Patriot now 1 . ''{DgthekMbfsadhbeariDghu own name, who • ,r v}’ ; -i- E "*was Shun in battle, and.ilear io him nslife? What r'r* fl * &L 1 * ;■*:<* tSiSfli &*£s£? y." \\<[ f • ; Hill ggtflgSMK .'* , -'i* -'Ha *J>'* *?• |§jlts§lll s®» WSili ij , J<&:V:# I ?ils!i|| i*mSr j;gjr Silllt' ,f‘«a taamaly is..,war lot any an of ' : **4,fcnc I/'yomJruUto sceTbomas H- Bcntoo’a to?tb» the procecdisgß of iieFrcemoat Courl t ■ JBWtul i»3landay ami Tuesday- Bat-*l**, you i 3 etaoaf ’SM Mr. Benton ; ia one‘of these pompous * '-fieiak* d his, when'the capital is hardly btg enough •to bold him, and the srorfd less capacious thanhis own -ettJzn&tß pf himsel£ J I give the sad the exirsiet U loiy. it *s yorth reading. : |i J OeoenJ yrj'iwr siifioMr-Preaident: Be£)re ' ' - the Court is cleared 1 •winh uJjnate a statement* 4 v Nu'olnect¥?dbeing'mad©—*; •- ? ..!• -v 'Hcenj Keirney iaii “I consular it dne to the dip-. - VnJttLn:.-of.B]r 5, l«^nea ■ U '&* H' ,n “ ob *'^ d * n S' Wnimi lo lbo lOTjr-of mot u£2sa oMor U»U» In » ' 'iE?SIMMMeocKUid ioreKj-ltajatiOTJsof ;' 'fiSuftSftSrXSdMof f f«r» fellow* ; n jWOTiup. oalU iPOTIOr of beiog • •• ■I ■. WmSFSuSi&i . .1 •: .• * - Oo w Bboot the Snl a*jrV(3ei' befive this C6tut, vbea be “OpomiMt conet, udwhen be twice twm tbst the oripnsto now of certain p»- peftif bctad uci dcttroyed them, be fixed Ms fr« upou Col Fremont fixedly »n; sped fer this Court.'! • - ■ \ t■- '■ The President of this Court said he had observed General Kearney look towards Col ftemont during; the trial, and on the occasion referred to, but not; with an inrohing expression of countenance: on the contrary, be, the President, thought the expres- ! •ion was one of politeness and kindness. - -, 1 I ; The hour of three having arrived, the President 1 gave the order fortthe adjournment of the Court, •i General Kearney rose and arid:“l: wish in the I presenceof tho Court, to say, that I have never offered the slightest insult to CoL Fremont, either here as a prisoner on this trial or any where, or under any circumstances whatsoever. | And toe Court adjourned to meet on Mondav ait I 10 o’clock. ' • Oh Monday, the following appears in the public P*pe* . _ .•. • 'Washington, Jan 10, ISIS, j General Kearney being in Courtrequested per ! npssioa to malm a statement. - TbdCourt directed ! the statement' to be made in writing; accordingly, ui(l the Court then being in closed session, Gen. Kearney sent in the feUowingnote, which the Court doomed to receive. It was therefore not read in j open Court, or placed on record, but was returned j toGen.Kearney. Itwssin the following lefmstl “Disclaiming mad vance Bre remotest intention of I offering the least kin d of disrespect to the Court in I the following statement, I have to refer the Court I to the dosing remarks of the Senior, coanselfor the defence; Thomas H. Benton, of Missouri, which is oq - the_ record, and. is as looked him down; I looked him till his eyes fell—tiff they fell upon the floor. 0 This statement is false, and lam prepared to prove h to be false, by members of this I Court > aW. KEARNEY*. Brig. Gen” There has .been nothing like (his since the days of 'Pickwick and To pm an, and 1- hope the quarrel may end as; well. You may'rememberthe/tfs Aampetrt of the dialoguo below.’* I •Six," said Mr. Tupman, “youfare s fellow.” ■“Sot," said Mr. Pickwick, “yottare another! 0 ’ Mr. Tupxnan advanced a step or two, and glared at Mr.' Pickwick. Mr. Pickwick*returned the I glare,. concentrated into a focus, by. means of his I Spectacles, and breathed a bold defiance.- I “Sir,? said Mr. Tupman,' after a abort pause, j a low deep voice, “you have called me “I haver said Mr. Pickwick. H • • “And fee” * •' • (> • . - I ■*l reiterate the charge? ' Y - W v. . *J “And a fellow." » “So you areT • " j There was a. fearfaJ pause. j “My .attachment to your person., air,” said Mr. I Tupman, speaking iaa voice tremulous with ezno-1 tion,“ is great—very great, but-upotr that person 11 must takesummary vengeance." “Gomeonsir, D repliedMr.Pickwiek. Stimulated I by the Seeking nature of.the dialogue, the heroic I man actually threw himseUioto a paralytic attitude, I confidently supposed by the byefibders to have been intended as a ppsture of defence. “What” exclaimed Mr. Snodgrass, suddenly re covering the power rushing between the two, at the imiriineat hazard' of an application' on the temple from - each, “what! Mr. Tupman!” who, in common wjthus all, a lustre from I his undying named. For shame, gentlemen: for I shame."- I “I have been 'hasty, said Mr. Pickwick, “very hasty." “Tupman your band," dec. tt I The following letter from Mr. Brooks will show the light in which the vpte of Mr. Hampton fe re. girded by him. fi will be noticed that he most! I cordiaDy approve* the Ute vote apoaMr. Ashtons’*; I amendment, in common .with', the Whig* cf this ! thi*bounty, though toalike them, ha fras aide toon, demand the motives that cfn-wl Mir, Hampton to I stand.ut opposition to Ur- ic .fthe Whigs in Con;] gress.:'ij ' The aeutimeius of the -Whigs who had Mr. I Hampton’s - vote- alone to 'guide them,have been ! shadowed forth by the press afthe aiy, and by a public meeting, and the explanation for been obtained from Ins own note, but more fully from ; the pen. of Mr. Brooks. The whole subjcc t now bebogi, to the constituents of Sir. Hampt^. ut whose hands it cannot fed to receive ample jur i .tice. • t . . Washington, Jan. IQ, 1818. Me.. ILocnoxkas. addressed a not* ,to ma ax ' pUnatory of tiwvote given by. him on Monday the '.3d iai&, upon tbe-amendment o&redbyMrAab :mnai to the resolution of thanks proposed to Gen. | Taylor. I nged not say that I regretted the vcte ;ofMr Hampton as much os any of his constito-' 1 4ents,.and‘.l did so all the more when I saw the. jconstructibn to which it vas liable without the es* iplanation now given. Regarding thus amendment-as; **Tsdevmil only to the subject proposed, and not as a J great principle oftmth and right which should have I bees considered by itself the vote was given against I both amendments offered, and with the view of I preaerring the original resojution in all its purity and eonSßtcncy gf pnrpoee. Upon the propositionof the nacohstitntionality and want of necessity in the origin of the war, or upon the guilt I l of lhe President in provoking the war, or. of the 1 iniquity of the whole annexation scheme, MrfL I lam sure holds opinions in harmony with the whig*' I of the Union. defend.-the war as now i necessary do not differ upon these points, with here I j-and'there'an exception. Uis certain, thereferc.l alter the explanation given that Ms Hampton does I sot regard the war alt K consUnitionaliy or necessa* rily commenced,” and that he doei rcgird it as I commenced “nncohstitntionslly and upaecessaiily I tfo PruidaU of tke Vuited SteUt? , I . Knowing that Mr. Hampton would no define his I position, and knowing that he meant no hoitilityto the principles avowed, (for he hsd'ao told me over and orer again) I did not think the tote deserving the unmeasured condemnation it has received in the Gazette and elsewhere. Of coarse tbeb,-be. iog here upon the spot where this act was done, I cannot "comments'::which hare been made .tinder a misunderstanding of the fair • Sofa from abandoning the Tariff of 18(2,as was intimated, Mr. Hampton_assBredme long ago, that he should more the repeal of the Act of 1816, if no other Whig member led the vty, and the restoratiop of the Tariff of 18(2, in all its essen tial principles. Soupon aD questions of Internal policy,- Sir. Hampton has and will'again. prove hitbselfoagooda Whigaaahyinthe'!Unioa. The Loco Focbs who reljr npon him. for. support will find that their baa? flatter; Will be followed by deep and batter disappointment We may thank Hear* en, too, that the Whig party are not slariihiy wed ded to men,' or forms; that where a Representative does wrong, or what oeo estemn as wrong, it is ne eernry to pat a seal npon the lips of day one, or to tie the thousand longues of the Public Fren.' I do not regret so nmeh that fib. Ilampton hss been condemned at iiome as that he has been condemn ed unheard, and ha vmg now heard,! do not think he has merited,the severe strictureshe.has receiv ed. . .; ... While saying this, tojustice-io Mr. Hampton, I desire to add for that I regard the war as not only constitutionally and unnecessarily com menced by the President of the United States” bat that I rejoice that a majority of the House of Rep resectatives improved" the earliest opportunity, even'upon an iocongruoussabjecl; as no other had oficred so to stamp it, and t wish.with all my heart there Was morel power enough amangithe ReprW .leotatives of.the People, to follow up their rote by one of IMPEACHMENT.- The act of the House and the ; judgment of Urn People! alike deelard, that the Executive has been guilty ofan oflence upon the constitution which merits this mode of punish ment' ?•* * '.it,'v. . , .Gxxauvxaacoon LsWr-Wo -understand that the Legislature of Ohio, has now tinder discussion a general Railroadtaw; that Will if pasted doaway .with the necessity of special' legislation for roads. Should this new fitm succeed, the legislators may not act upon any V the .'charters now before it, but allow them to coxie under the general law. ’’ Wrixux, Jram the Saturday law, John W. Wallace, Secratary df the Tea patch reforeacsy gmjnotictMo the ;Goua. •elengagtd la the caW, thatMriSflfeani,(he]w" bftrstor Will deads the dais today at Washington. As his sward ie fitul, the caw will thus be ended. couicii.*. fe. 1 : the .Wrml ward*-of fjrmUtd uj the chamber of the'* Caa> JJMft Couaol, in the o jd Court Souse, ‘»i ‘lOiV clocks»£/ •.r.'-'f -•- *-—-■ The Couoeijwgj called to'order by Morgan Robr e^s the j former Resident, 'and member on lui Joh9B.;Bell r cf the .Rm WS3 Calledltrt fTKniF .j j* - Tbecity election return* for; Mayor were then called fcrpad presented by tbe Judge* of Elections from,the aevertl wards.',' The .Chairman proceeded to ppen them, and they : were -by’the derio whereupon it appc*red:lbax;'tbe vote in'tbe rejpec tive wards was as follow* for Mayor : Vn* roti MiTOtL Adams, " Kerr, Stackhouse (..9o7 : : 149 1 50 <••171 171’ 26 -.336 • 377 61 -.252 , . 141 31 ...228 i , 403 65 m .193 : ,162 27 82 ; 63 , 10 97 ! 6 76 ‘3s 16 First Wa Second “ Third' •* Fourth .** Fifth ~ “ Sixjth .« Seventh* Eighth •* Ninth « l&ts 1555 1555 Maj. for Adams.; *Tbe vote of tbo seventh ward,; as published a* bore, was not read until toward* the close of the session, owingto;the absence of the judge. I The Clerk then proceeded to read: the credent I tinls of the member* from the respective wards: I When it was found thaithe following persona were I entitled to-ftcais: i > \ j I Pint Ward 'B C Sawyer, S F Von Bonnhorst,- I John BelL f . ; • : ; I ■ Second fpartf—David McClelland, ‘lsaac Jones, 1 John: J Rogjyin, j - I ’ Third Ward —Samnel Palmer, M W Lewis, I Willard Leonard, 1 Robert J. Smith, Jacob McCallis- I ter, James M Porter, j '• i" I _ IjFarJ—Solomon? Stoner; Robert Me-, I Knight, U Robertson. • • I I Ward—Wax [Wilson, Samriel MeKelvy, I Wm Coleman, Andrew. Scott, John JMitcheL Mar* I tin SchewerTGeo P Yek . j I _ SiiiA IVarrf—LßLiVingiton,RA Cunningham, i I Daniel Armstrong. j . I i£’ fl7 **~-Cbariei John S Shafer. I Robert Hartley, Henry Sum* I ftinlk Want— '' . _ j r I The returns of the Se venth Ward not being pre i I sented, a oration was made to admit toe members lof Council jon their certificates of election. The. j certificates jof the election were then read, and a j I notion made tolay them on the .table;—lost- -The I I question coming op on. the motion to receive the I I members on' their primafada evidence of elee* I Itiom ! ■ • | : - :t I j Mr..Stohc7 moved that the wholesubject be re J j ferred'tb a Committee, who shall have power to I examine the'rotes and tally papers [and report to J I this body, whether the members returned from | ward areyinly elected., : It was suggested that the I seats should be conteetod, and he thought this the l.most correct j. mode; of ascertaining ’whether il» I election was fairly conducted. The ] motion was I withdrawn far the present. I The oath ofjofflfce was then | I members against whom no-objections had been made, and they took their seats in the chamber. I On motion the council then proceeded to thel | eIe&oa r of a President. Morgan Robertson was I nominated, andj unanimously elected. J j On taking the chair, M. Robertson made asbort I and appropriate address, thanlrinp this body for the j hotter conferred upon him, and that he should en deavor to preside over them with-impartiality. j -The Conremjon then proceeded to the election j jof Clerk. Mr. Roberts, the former clerk was notn* I inated, and their being no other name! mentioned) I Ibe was elected by acclamation. Mr. R. acknowl | edged the courtesy extended towanU-jhim iu re.. i electing him to his office, and said ha 1 should en deavor to perform his duties with fidelity. I For Messenger and Doorkeeper, Mr. Pratt had I 22 vole* and-Mr. McFarland bad 3. Whereupon Mr. Prtrt was declared duly elected, j I On motion, the rules of the prec rding council | were adopted) 1.1 •: Tbc melton,to appoint a Committee of lbui“—two i party—*to examine'.into the election of I Common Council in the Seventh Ward, was ukeir I up and passed. V; . . _ j : . Tfce following gentlemen were appointed on the committee; Messrs. Hartley,. Wilson, iSmnerand- Porter. |' Clerk of Select .Oonocd^wmar 1 -. r Y«uicu«wa*imirodaeed, and interned this body thatibeSelect bad a natation, that when 4>ey adjourn' they adjourned to meet on Tuesday unseat oae o’elock, P- M-, w the new Court Hmwel to elect a Tieaiwm and other city officer*—concurred id by Common Council | i On motion, the Councils resolved that when they they adjourn to meet at 7 o’clock thitf evening. . j Mir. Stemplo was appoinled’on the election com mittee, in place of Mr. Stoner, declined, i The members of the Select Council were theu tnlnwnaed, aind the joint body proceeded to read the returns £>r Mayor—ur£ereuponii appeared that Gabetel Adams was elected, by a majority of 87 Tolek. | ■ A joint Committee was then' appointed to wait the - Mayor, and request his attendance fiir ! ; On the • part of the. Select Council, Menn. Black and! Jteing were appointed, and Messrs. Sawyer, Scoti and l«wis, on the part of Common Council, as said Committee.. ! j (TbeJadge.aftbeScVenik Word was introduced, and presented the return* of that Ward for Mayor ■nd Common Coondlmen,' whereupon it appeared that Mr. Adams had S 2, MrJ Ken- 63, and’ Mr. StacL hooae had 10 votes.] f The Mayor was then, announced, and the oath of office administered by! his honor JudjA Pattoß. Mr. Adama raid he war not a speaker, but be , desired to return thanks for this new pledge of the confidence of the citizens of Pittsburgh; in his course | a« a j;public officer,- and he hoped, with 1 the kindly ,*id of the two branches then present, to render rat> | iafeeuoabereafter. He ahould do all he 'ctmld’to | comply with the obligation he had taken to perfonn i hi* ddty with fidelity/ .• .> i ; | Tb| Select Council retired totfae chLmber. Ser- I era! motions were then made in reference to the j memtjers, and the returns from the Seventh Ward. | Mrii Franklin was called upon tostatojtd this bo* .dy the grounds upon which he claimed d seat— j He staled that there was a disturbance in! the bouse | where! the election was held—the pen of the clerk was taken tram his baod~4here waaj one rote polledjmorelhan appeared en the tally list] and he was defeated by one rote. : He suggested that there might hare beram mistake. He did not Wake Bny allegation of anfeirncu oh the part of the officers of thej election, or on that of his opponents, but bethought there was a mistake. He bad always been elected by a snug little majority. Ht? would ratherj.his friends in this body would withdraw his clainrr-he: would be sttified should this course be purro&L.' ( j T < Alley some diseuiaioD, the yeas and nays were called .on amrtion to admitjho members!of the I Serenth Ward to setts in this body, and resulted I as fotbWc Yets, 14; Nays, 13; so that the inetiibers were, admitted to seou. , ' | i Mr. {Scbawerwaa introduced, and the oath of oC flee adjhinistered by Jndge Patton.' j The members of the Serenth Ward were intro- i , duced and qualified. ' - The Resolution to meet at 7 o'-clock in the eren* •ing, wra reversed, and (he Committee on Elections discharged, after which the Council adjourned j (ELECT. COCaCIL. ■ j Tbiaj body met at half part ten o'clock, A. and wall called to order by the members. J . j On Action, John Shipton \ris-called j mation Jo preside orer its deliberations. { . ! Mr. Shipton, on taking the ctair, made his ac , know lodgement* for the confldeloce thus evinced in reflecting him to that ; | ' • John Major, E»q., was elected Clerk, ou.the fifth | ballu. II . • ;. j - | James Wright was elected doorkeeper and mes senger, without opposition. .1 ' J. The Ales of the last year for tie government of Councils, were adopted. j | The fjjferk repaired to tfie chalnber it the Com mon Councils, and informed thallbody j bat the Se lect Cotihcd had organised and tlerc ready to pro ceed tobu sines*. 3|6JsC bbl. Mar ket is steady, but not active. Prices are on tie de dine. „ . i .Grain —The market for Corn and Oats is dulli— There is a good inquiry for samples of Wheat liul poor lot-vare dull Com is steady. Salesof prime While Wiieatat MOc. ! Provieienu —Sales are only for the supplyofthe rcgnlartrade demand. Sales of Western Lard are effected at &p39c. per B). Exclosiro Corre«jKi«deiiic of the Pittsburgh GoxrUe. BALTIMORE MARKET. X Jan. 14, 3r. jt. Flout —Sales ot'Tloward street brands atss,S"9 5.931 c per bbL City Mills brands are Milling aliSty 12|. Buyers ask larger concessions than sellers are willing to yield. ' Grainy—Tlie market is steady, with no change tn prices. Provision* —The market is heavy tor Fork, hut I bear of no sales; lower offers would be accepted. Prime Beef is selling tu per bbl Mesa Beef at $ll per bbl Bacou Ham* nre scliiog at 10}c per ft; Sides at 6c, and Shoulders at same. -Sales 1/ Lard at per Ih, Exclusive COjTCipwfence.ofjftc PitUbargh Gazelle. > Crscnwun, Jan. 14,6 p_ k. F7o*r-—Thc market is quiet, with sales at $4.50 {34,75 per; bbl. I sale* at 100 c per bul Sales have been effected, of raw, ai 1.. Moiaur*— Sale* o£ 500 bbla N. Orkan* ut22ic > ff*U. ' Sugar —There is b small supply only itrrtrrf hands. Sates of 200 hhds good air at p bbl—on advance, in consequence of the itaprorfr meat in New Orleans. ' > Lord— Sales at Sj'Sflc per ft, • ~ j io fM Hogs— Moderate sales, at per The Councils of the, city, of ai&ecrt bled on Friday, at 10 o'clock,.cm.in the chamber | o( the Select council, and was called to order by Gea R. Riddle. Esq., who nominated R.B. Cauat as Chairman. The election retumswere examined and approved, except-in the case of'Mr.'Shafts, returned to the Council from ibo first Ward, whom seat wax vacated and a new elec tion ordered lor the !f*th inxt. > The oath of office was then administered by Ai" | dean an Barnett, to the Mayer, and members of Council elect When the Common CouncU ad jonracd own chamber. * U. S. Cawfct waa elected l*re*ideut of the Select Council G. E. Warner mot) Gounal j. J. Carpenter clerk of the Select Council’ James Kennedy clerk of the Common Coancil George Mclntyre messenger of both Council*. The Councils then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday evening for the election of officers. j-TIUB COVERS ME ST OP lICK^Df. lynch ha* been writing wme mo* sprightly description* of'Cajwurum! loom* for Yonnyindjc-" on establishment m which Mias Gnffin edflsttei a •elect number of young ladic* in this ctf being wives. In one of the last number* i* con tained this lady 5 * recipe far governing htutemls, or aa she classically call it,; -ringing their no*cs. r graphically illustrated by an example.-For tbe , benefit of the wires that are to bo in our eutie of readers, but who will, have no opportunity of re ceiving the-personal instruction of hfifs Griffin, we extract the lesson at length:— ‘Don't tell me.’ Mid Miss Griffin; kindness is the true killer* l often illustrntethe agreeable lad: far iu Capsicum House no natural object is lost upon us. For instance, lost Tuesday whilst (be Milk Punch Class was ori, an enormous wasp came dike a Lilliputian dragon into the room, and Hew ftora gtrllogirL Immediately they began to scream. I own it; this is the sad weakness that I hive to fight against; but, somehow, girls consider screams aa property* they’re born to.—Some of the giri# fiow at the wasp with handkerchief, and that little rebel Mm Fluke se:*ed a fire screen. Feeling that the time was come far me. to show my enemy l exclaimed with all my natural vigor, ‘•ueneo & diea! silence, far a moral and sn example J-Aay usual mode of speech wb*n about to submit anv natural object to a social, or, I should rather aay to a conjugal illustration. , •A moral and auHtxamplc,’ cried the girls, and— except that Fluke—they were rtill as mice. ; ‘llnnz tne that salad cruet,’ was my command; and, with a thought, the salad cruet stood upon the table. ‘Now, young ladies,’ J observed moral and example.— You are here to be finished far sensible, affection ate, but above oil, controlling wive*. You are here to lesm how l«st to subdue your natural cn cmic, that is, to govern the men who may become your husbands. Ye. ladies'—£,r somehow (( , n always tell) l felt the Bow of words wa, coming aad it walnut £ir mo as a wumau to atop it—Yea! ladies, tho Orißiman system wilt toach you how Iff oontrol and overthrow yoor lyranls. Man, marry, to* u# puts a jold rind "pon our third minor, and m the arrogance of hi. loan, inalroa nr he lua blushing eoplive.—And shall not man .^*?7f L ' flr^ n , nS ~ OUr " n . ? ! VcKbe ahain Here that Mias Fluke proposed three cheers, but, with a look and brow of thunder, I atopther. .- 1 Subscriptions $2 a year m advance. ’ > 10-Th* Clout* is strangely destructive to the ba man cuticle, (or skin) the sudden ebange from heat to cold, sud the smoko csnxe* yellow, dark, coarse coo* pleiMMfs. Then it U requisite thsi the pores of the skin should be kept open—that their mouths should be freed from impnnty—>twas thos the ancient Roman Philoso phers cured all diseases—they computed that more me pores of lbs skin, than any other outlet of the bodr diseases; and unhealthy vapors Jeft through the It is necessary, therefore, to keen the pores open—all humors tra dispelled from the akin from the pores, when they wash with Jones’ Italian Chemical Soon 1 have seen it cure the worn and oldest, cases of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber’s Itch, Sore Head, Ringworm, when every other, internal and: external remedy had.&iied—itseffect rendering the skin white, e i e 3 r ,“‘ i thou «fe_ lt be yellow and coarse; is won ; removes Treckles, Tan, Sunburn, Morehew. and disfigurement of the skin—but persons must and ask. for Jora Soap—to be had in at WM. JACKSON’S, signofihe Big BaJJ 89 Liberty st. Price SO cents. • • novlPdAwly * m.sT.T°ps|!^? o " "" Omexi—Connell'. Magical Pain Extractor—lt is row conceded by medi cal men that Connell’s Magical Pain Extractor, arena faemred By Comstock & Co. 21 Couitland il N V, is the greatest wonder of the t9th century. Its effects are mily iniraculoux All grin. .i„ reZrcd fi'mlim' scolds, Ac- and all external sores, in a few minutes a? ter its application; healing the some on the most deli c?,l^ 1 •V n ’,-*I U, 4 no *«**• It isetraally beneficial in » ' “nd. ofmaamnnuary f" d .Eywi Sprains,Rheumatism,WhiteSwelling »-'. d u , , £ er V^ rul »e*t.. Borns. Chilblains, Erysipelas Biles, fSc Ooloreaux, Ac. We might add os proof to ■B »«.“£> names of many eminent physicians *ho “f. u *“ “« r practice, and hundreds of the clergy who preuett to their people. Kind parent keep it constantly on hand, m cues of accident by fire, life may be lost with out it, but byus use oil burni are subject to its control, untess the vitals are destroyed. .Camioii-Rcmember and ask for Connell’s Mecictl Bain Extractor, menu-' taclured by Comstock 4 Co. N Y, and no other told by WM. JAOiupN, Agent for PihSbiugh.® Liberty st, head of .Wood. uorl&dAw6mT • C7*Bauc or CotCKsu—lLa Totnc.—To the Bold and Grey—lf you wish a rieh, luxuriant bead of hoir, free from dandruff and scurf, do not foil to procure the genuine Balm of Columbia. In eases of boldness it will more than exceed your expectations. Many who have lost their hair for 20 years have hod it restored to its original perfection by the use of this balm. Are. state or condition appear to be no obstacle whatever it also causes the fluid to flow with which the delicate hair tube it filled, by whieh means thousands (whose' hair wu grey u the Asiactic Eagle) have bad their hair restored to its nahirel color by the use of this invol uable remedy. In all cases offerer it will be found the most pleasonr wuh that con be used.! A few applies, uons only are necessary to keep the -hair from fslliuir out. It Birengthens the roots, it never-fails to impart a rich glossy appearance, and as a perfomoforthe toilet it it uneqasjled; it bolds three tune* as much at other miscalled hair restoratives and is more effectual. The genuine manufactured by Comstock A Co- 31 Court and street. New York. . . told in Pittsburgh, only genuine, by WM. JACKSON. M> Liberty tt:, head of Wood; in Washington. Pa- by Sweeny .A. ton; re Brownsville, hy llennct A Crocker: in Canonsborg. by Dr. Voueh also, by our agents in every town in P Ohio and Jld- ; • DovlSdAwOmT GAZETTE JOB PUINTINO OPPICE,, TBtBD STBXXT. COUXX Ug gO*T OrtlCl ALLITI tß7*W* are how preparedtb exeeitein atunerior tad expcdjuoui manner, all kinds of Jos Pxitcnsa. such as large Poolers, Steam toil Billsi Bills of Lodiacl Letter Sheet Circulars, llaadbills. Cards, Ae ~ BOOX IHII PXrtgflLXT PRIBTtHO I to any extent executed tn thi t«*i;ii!M.neri and all kinds of Pnnuogdone Wlih accuraeyhandstthe bwes rates.' ; !■• Does your bait fall off doet your hair titrn grey L ii harsh,, is it dry, or dirty, I pray? If'lis thus.:you con make it soft, silky and fine. Dark and healthy, and beauteous as this hair of miae And to have this, you hare but three shillings to give For a bottle of Jene»‘ Hair Restorative. Reader, if Ton have bad hair you would really be as tonished at efleet a three shilling bottle of Jones’ Cora! Hair Restorative ha* on in it needs but one trial. Sold at e® Liberty sl t^rHhlAwty. (L/"TrrS; members of the and Whig committee of canwpoodeuca for Allegheny Co, will meet at the Spread Eagle Hotel, Liberty sL in die dty of PiUsbtugh on Saturday. 22d: in*b at 3 o clock, P.;M. A punctool and genenti atten dance is desired. • Dasm. McCtsot, Chairman. > Ej - Yellow Teeth and putrid.bresth, * Spongy gum* like rotten death, ' Is rvpslUTe and disgusting. Allcouid havt teeth a* whim as pc oil, Sweet breath—hard gum*—-man or jdrJ. Why delsy!—usv,.quickly haste' Asd use a box of Junes' Tooth Paste. (i costs but SS-rcuts, atul is really a beautiful article. It rises the teeth a fine enamel. Void in Pittsburgh at S 9 Liberty »v • « . novtMAwly E7* Don’t hare yellow dark Teeth—they can .I* made pearly while by one time using a box of Jones’ Amber Tooth paste. It hsrdeus the guru*, sweetens the breath, Ac. Sold at £9 liberty si. norlPdAwly Dalit Gaxxm.—A edpy dated November 20, 15-47, and one uf January lit* wanted U> completes file, and for which a fair price will bo paid at this office. tf MItUUEP, On Saturday evening in allegheny City, by the Rcv> D. L. Dempsey. Mr. Jura Aurt>a to Miss Mxxr Jaxx Lexmux. of that ciiy. On Friday afternoon, the 14th inst-, M tg. Ms ST Ajc* M’Cssimr, in Uie **tb year ot her age. The friends of the.family are requested to attend the funeral from her late residence on Third, above Grant street, on Sunday (to-morrow) afternoon, at 11 o'clock. MONTHLY REPORT—•The Girard Lib Irmranee Annuiir «fid Tru»t Com pan)-, of Philadelphia. re* pon that ‘SX perwm* hare been ioaured at their office, duriuf ibe Mtioonih: ? Merchant*, 3 Former*, 1 CleryTtucn, 1 t-Vnialc, ! 3 of other psrauiu. Of iheae there are injured for $3OOO ? **. " “ 3U» arui under t* “ ** " . ItW - . , jn Of ibe*e there are m«ored for 1 fear and over '.. 5 ** » ; . u whole life Jl January L 19** 5] ; WM. BAJfEWIAL, Orem atreet,' J»nta i Agent foT.PHfburgh. Administrator** Voile*. A LI. peraooa indebted to tho catate of Jaaea Me Cune, are requeued to make immediate carmen to the nttdraugued, and tboae hating claims asaitut.thi estate to pceaent them for tenement to - JOHN FATTEBSOX, Ada* SUGAR HOUSE TIOLASSBS-33i bb!» luperidi quality, landing from itmr Germantown Ja»H3 MctHLL. fIUSHFIKLD A HOF. SL'GAH— A btid* prime N O iiinr lindiw fot _ Jaia : .McOUJ,. HUHHFIKUJ A non ’ >lO METAL—3O tone cold blast (Clinton fiiniace) pig metal for aela try janlf ! " POINDEXTER A Co. BAHYTES— 17 caakm barrtca tollable tor white lend manufacturer*, just reo'd and for «ale by iw.lt rOLNUKXTKITA Co. SJ'K-Mt A JACKSON'S SAW'S. Jut I rac'd a foil lupfriy of aboVj superior goods for aale by LOGAN, WILSON * Co. I«nl3 , i_lso Wood street. SHOVELS. Spadea, Fork*, Axes, Ac. Acompleten aorimeiti for *ate very low by ■' jaiiW LOGAN, A Co. PIU,NTH—Five CUM mw style, fancy ; spring prim*, just rec'd and fur sale by }Mti a nnrrt;op wwiM. BRWViV DmU.LNfJS-r.Tr liilm extra heavy drill* jo*t recelfcd by 1 janlS SHACKUOT** WHITE. * AKD OlL—Winter drained, constantly cn band . j and for sain at retail by JOFJ, MOHLER, janjfi . cor. M ood and 3lh *t*. ' JINK OH. constantly on.hand’at retail by 1 janlfl JOKL MOULKIt iOH AX— StW lb* reft! borax just rcc'd ami for Mile . Iby .. [jai'tSl JOKL MOHLKIL SI7NDHIb2^— American isinglass; French leaG Ain? rlcan Vetniili/o.i: Dutch do; Chinese do;' gold foil English do; just recM and for sale by. J«»is . Joel mohler fPIN PI.ATH—ISO bole* 1 u Potitnool brnmijforsale .. by * IJaISI JOHN OIUER, SB liberty «t. ROLL niTTKR—B boxes atul -1 bhla roll butter done up its cloth*, an extra article, for sale by Jal3 , H A W HARIUEOH.IBwwxUt. )OTATOKS—OOQ bbla extra potatoes Jttn landing „ . from etr Oerotamown, and foe tale by ■ 1 jams S k W HARBAUOII ' ARLEY—I!S hups barley rcc’d on consignment and jj.for »nl* by 8 A \V UARUAI'Gi!. CtANDLKS— *73 Ikjxps mould candle* lahdimr ftom i Oertnantovrn, and for salo br ■ - ‘ jnnlS fl t W HABJIAtW . SOAP— 50 boxes No 1 rosin soap; SO do alkaline do* rcc'd on consignment and for anle by LARU— 10U keja No l lard; 40 bbl* dojjust landing and for sale by j 8k W iIAKUAUUIL GATH— 100 but on consignment, for •ftle tr ■ J»li ' J' D WIUJAJIB, llOArood at. SOAP— 33 boxes No I soap; 10 do do Palm soon; 10 do fancy; 6do casDle, for tale by ■ ■ l«n1S i • J D AVILUA.MK. CANDLES— 30 boxes *teariw«-; 10 do star; Sdo spetm for sale by : n i ; J.D WjLUAHS. BLTTER-3 boxes prime mil for sale by ■ ialS J 1) WILLIAMS. i.'"': i ■ ■,j .GoWjiied l ! wtS be .J .*-( v'C.A PRESS' tnUbcinfiiH operation tad the Prize Song -ap and - bcmitifolly. ponied on letter paper and a coot- prwenu-fat:' jTt»r^r>f^ .eejtem pfeeffk havebeen received, and the troupe will tiOg ffcctdcdb-the best pnyrimroe of pieces dS ho* been offered thu season. Look oat tor a rich treat. CoacertcotnmenCca.al-7o'clock. : j n ?f* • Company of jte«n b«l; CantMOiS .three Afftmts, four cirrka, three Engineer* ottd their: assistants, .ttadsix Riverlpilots ( familiar with western mer nilotia*) who will be re quired ut the. navigation ‘of the: OtWo and Anure rrrers, Venezuela, and l am authorized bribe directors to say that weare no w ready to receive applications .for Ute position*. It is the purpose of the comnahr to employ no .one in any responsible situation, who Shall not form.'di, satisfactory evidence, a* tocapacitr. bu*i ness qualifications, rood habits, and unexceptionable character. r To render, an entire devotion to the bun ness of Accompany it is thought important by die Di rector* lhaltdi who take rhe above positions should be ‘also ptcuniarialJy interested in the enterprise, and pre ference will .therefore-be given to such applicants (qualifications being equal) aa shall became stockhold er* to the extent of from one to fire thousand dollars, and arrangement* are made by which the. Directors' win procure; for the above named employees, an amount of stock, not exceeding five thousand dollars .each. ; l . • . • • . The • navigation of the rivers referred to is similar to that of the Ohio and Mississippi, and boats will be used of similar construction-to those'tin the above named nvenLf Each applicant wilt state where and how he has been employed.'for the lust two or three years— what amount of. funds he, can. readily, invest in the stock of the company; aud he will funmth evidence as tohls; qualifications as before stated. No one need apply for gny position, w ho cannot fulfil the above ' ■ . , ’ilte salaries of all the employees -will bo fixed by the Directors, and sach os may be selected will hold tuemseivei in readiness to embark on 30 days notice. Decisions on all applications wiU be made on or before the Ist March next.-j E*Qt one of the Directors; will be at Pittsburgh, Pil, on the 20th instant, , for the purpose of purchasing or arranging for the construction of three “ d !W *» found at the Merchant's Ho tel, upon whom applicants for positions in the compa ny may call. toHera, roer wro, addressed to the subscriber at New Y ork city will be dohr attended to . ~L ! . VESPASIAN ELU3. Janlud3t ! Cl Barclay street. S E w^«’r . VE pnFUGE.—The greatest of all •Worm medicines' Nrw Ltmov, Omo, This is toicenify that alter using different preps tions for expelling worms, I bought of C. F. HeHnaafcf New Lisboa, two vials of H E Sellers’ VemifuSnd or ODeTialto three of my dlUdren.. ftom the first, aged 0 years, it expelled 45 worms: 1* Z* an 2K» and tliird, 2* years old, lift mating 245 worms expelled by using but one rial. -1 recommend Sellers' Yermifow asi “ fo f"? most effectual Worm roediaLrbe- Prep “£li°^ d 110111 bjr B * SELLEEVVo fir Wood street. Sold by Dr. Cos set, fith ward: Dhi Currr At legheny; William J Smith, TfmpcranccviJle imy^A 1 - For Sale or Bent. i 4 v THF. subscriber will sell or rent the dwelling and premises which he now occupies, uated near the Greensburgh tuninike ut mii M east of the city, and ndjoiniiig Ih7Allegany There are ten acres of good arable laid fit a histh statti of cultivation, and well adapted toihe pufS a dairyman or gardener; The buildings consist of » larre two stor)- hnck dwelling house, frame bm and stanles. There is also on the premises a forge orchard ° r *^fi l rl- C n ed J™ I ',' * a of unasoal excellence. Also,. For. Rent, a large three storj' brick Uwelfing house, finished with aiftlie modem improvements, sit uated bn 4th st, between Grant st, aud ChenTuttl&r • Possession given.on the Ist April next. Inquire of 1 ■ WM YOUNG, 143 liberty at. ' ! To Let* ■ ’ • -• JfA t RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, Nos. 572 nnd423 Afnr- T,?C De D° l p ? - , M artet *treet, one of k T ®T hc«Jocatioiw in.the cttrforobtaitungmer chandtre forthe interior, being first above Eighth st is offered for rent • ’ The present oecupams being about to retire to the west end of the present line, a desirable opportunity is presented[for sreoneg a continuance ofthe present large business.of the-noiuc. 1 ■ ■ Ihe Depot 423 Market nroct above Elevenlh, may abo shqniy.bu for rent Apply on the premise, No. SW Market stor to . -A CUTIIBERT, 3>w Arch st, or 102 so. Dsl’Avenue, pLifoila. ■ Journal copy. T, t _ ■., Erie Batslu HE public are cauiioned againitthe false and ma licious . reports put iutq circulation against the l r .m‘i, fcndw . tke Institution to be somd beyonda doubt, and entitled to the confidence of Ui* public. \V e pledge ourselves to continue to receive • u ttotels upon as favorable terms as any other ofthe Country Pennsylvania Bauks, and we are oatiiorised of Erie, will become ipdmduaUy responsible for every dollar of h* cireulu ,i.a ~ILL k CI;HRy > Ex. Brok.rei, . , 65 wood sl, Pitub’g. N.B-It is due to the other Brokers of this city to say, they are receiving the Erie Bank’s jiotes un 3 u as tayorabte.ierms as other country fonds. H A C jaoH;3i ‘ , L Twenly-flT* Dollar* Reward: > iJ vah ' I^nwibei-toraef* licpowt Bank, bctweemlic hoar* bf«x and fliue. O’clock r. St a large UUSSCTT POCKET BOOK, con. taming about oue hundred and ninety dollar*, mostly Enc money, in 5 and 10 dollar note., and B check: f/r Pour Hundred Dollar* on the Farmer'* bepotii Hunk Oflbu city. The above reward will he j>nid lotlie nailer ujon M.-mhiit; it to thi* otEce. ... i a i«t* gUNUf “ ba«* Ilio cofice; jo htU'chwttV. Harus uigor, 100 bbls large No a mackerel; IGO - LbU N O molaeaea; 10 cuki al»pice; for ule bv- V JNO GRIER. T -ARD Ac—4oo bbl* No 1 bed 2 lari; TO bbla No 1 JLI tallow; !*) cask* soda ash for dale by : ’ JOHN GRIER. SUGAR— ID hbd* new rrop N o sugar ree'd per G< mantowu, on consignment and tor sale br jalA 1 ' (j A V IIARBAL-QH. Ui wood st. bbU Sherman's paiw eiderviAcirai T jut landing from Germantown, and for sale by ' ! -y A W HARBALGIU *niXKWHEAT FLOUR—SO sacks bulled buckwheat -a_# Oocr, a cboice article for family use for sale by janK. i ■ SAW ItARRACGH. - 'XXT OsTENIfO LM ‘S POCKET CUTLERY-Just re- Tl reived direct from Sheffield, pen. poekel and Ct»nffre«:kniTe«; for sale by _J«aH j . LOGAN, WILSON A Co. I£9 wood tu SPKNOER'S FILES—Head quarters fbr Spencer's al»»; a full aasaroneatfor rale by J»»U i- = LOGAN. WILSON* A Co. CASiiIMERES One com otur style, X> hngtu stripes, just ree’d and for rale by y,' i«a< I : SHACKLCTf it W wood st. PRICKS i COUGH CANDY—For cetirHi cold*, hoarseness, Ac* jast rec'dand for sale by )anl« ; JOEL -MOHf-ER. cor wood and sth »>«.* tOTASH—A prime article at retail b] i»»H ’ ’ JOEL '• _ Ai Panlly Carriage for Sale. CAIUUAGE—A clow anmage, built by A Ogle.*. Alania, Philadelphia, in fim rate order, B»y be purchased at a liargnui, applied for soon,' ln quirt at Matthew's Livery Stable, Penn *U jald bbla ree'd this day and for sale br . J*” l3 ■“ TAB9EY gt BEST. LXOLASSI2+—U>q bbla plantation molaaaea *A crop) juM landing and for tale by jal.l DROWN ft .■CULBERTSON,IAi liber eiNE BYUUP— SO Lbl* per sir Pennsylvania, o consignment and for sale by , janl3 ; D T MORGAN 4 Co, IDS wood at. LLAFLARD— 3Q3ke«s No 1 leoflard urfineonle fur sale by TcGILL. DISHKIELD k Rqe. BULK lb* in store and for sale by J*l3 ' McGILL, BUSHPiKLD ft RUE. BtriTut-au kega buttferTi bbla do. landing' from sir i*dy Byron, tor rale by . I*** 3 - McGILL. MUBHHEM) A ROR.. 3 Clerk*. D Auoraiea at Law 3 Manufacturer*, I Teacher, cl "“' _jaal3 \V k. HAI oITCngON jonj^.^j. T >OTA ?i ,- ° fa ‘ k * * Potash ree'd and for sale br X ]*n!3>- j - TV * R ATCUTCHFON. ' D«\ AJ'PLEB—2O bushel* dry apples ree’d and for •*k **y..; D** 3 ! _ RJU'CfTCIIKON. T AKD—ID kegs NoJ ianl ree’d and for sale by — r "“ ..j - RMSCTCU&X T EATHER—3QU) lb# skirting and opperWheron Ai hand and for aale cy W* R MtIuTCHEQ.V DRIED REACHES—II3O bushel* it) store and for “to b|} J U»l3] _TABBBV * li|»T, "| IQL'ORS—IK> gallon# flollantj Gin: !*5O do Preach Li Ufabdyj ree'd on consignment and for sale by jurt 3 ; j 'rA^SEVAm^r. /"'KJTTON-Uto bales Alisa cotton just ree’d and fot y/aateby; 1 ATWD, JONES A _OBUR P HAS—34 ucki w« uuu for u | e i, r I j«U3 j i ATWOQD. JQXRrt £ Co. MOS»-^a’ bnlea Spanish moss for sale low foeloi •consignment ATWOOD, joys* * rnOUACCO-43 boxes -pound lamp’ Virginia Tobac X ro tor sale low to close conuinuneut. d»v J“> 3 ATWOOIk JONES A Cn HAVANA SUGAR—I 7 boxes Havana brown suet for rale low to close consignment by DOTTON— 00 baleaootUjnJuaireeMnerLsdy U yro and fcr ule by ISAIAH HICKEY * Co. - . SO water atrcct •pEATIIERMW Iba prime, feather# on cocsi'er A? tnrnt and for sale by ISAIAH UlCKirv* cy 5 -ITTHITK, FISH—CO bbla while fish; 15 htdf bbla dc r r in prime order and for salo bv ■JL» 13 18A1AU DICKEY k Co. LARD— No 1 lard in bbls and kega’for sale br -jnbl3 ' ) ISAIAH DICKEV k Co. BUTTER AND LARb-U bbls roll butter: 3 kegs do -5 kegs lard, just ree’d and for sale by B jania , ATWOOD. JOXKa A r« BL-CKWimvr FLOim-U.«ck.>t n-o-d uK ">« l r . JXO 9 DIiwORTU, i Timid., /ptIATIfEKS-OO ucki prime Kentucky fetthen J itore end ior tale by JAM A IUTTCHIsON *Co HONEY>-ap:bai«i honor hm rcc'd end for n \e bp . miU ; : _ fcl-NGr.lJ*!! * BKNNKIT. V MAC JIEHKL—l taj l>bU No* l, a, nod 3 rancktrrl ju*t rce 7 on coiiugnmrnt and for ufo hv . j w » l3 Li_ -knulisu K Ui^sirtrc: BUTTER— a bbia roll hotter on conniancirrt anti for jtdun DicKKv a Co i !!^£2liasfe%tSWJ3fJsaS! _,. w " 'MURPHY k. -LEE - Old Wool Warehouse, cor. Liberty «t. and c«tU>» ill **>• - ' -f • ' ' I tnylOd&wtf . St OAK—23 bo lee D R Urge Idnfeurir: lOOtThbli UMried No*. until, loaf »ug«r; 200 do cnuhed *u. nn m Jo powJeroJ Ooj tnfc&T, JAMES A HUTCHLNSON t Co S*“* - - --- o-mrr a-nl!frirro.:i L’OAR-HOUSEMOEASSE9TOOO>K!fTfvirinr fio bbl. Kl Louie tap«r to tnupi SO hlbblt do: & 10 f fil«wteJ?Ss-tor , s|^' fe*--. i JAMES A mmSN&j? I TO ** itf i f-r voNnoNNiionsTtco,. I UJaM—i; hM.K'u .. t ..Li : S” i> ,* I, k ’ i:. XrffSo% •TOVB FOn BAIjK—A > entirely new,'for wile low I AlvCßEn* M.VYKH. T EAD—I' - V WOpif* for tale by | »• r. VONBONNjiorst A Co, . . I ’ No. 34 Front at. •i ' IV'-- ' ' Ametljfa* to»T j - "of 0 WholiMlr end Retail CElJtuigT&ofct H - J able and acaaoraMe Ready. Hade Clotiin*. ‘Soperidr French. American aod EnglUb..Broad‘<3os*, jOm**. I meres, Cbisinets, Silk vetret and SjlkJYMifln Of* SB* 1 perior qaalinr; fine Shiru. an. exteimre-dmariment of 1 Tailors'. Trimmings; food Qualixy; ,*t AttSoa. on a credit foreertain amoo&u, on \ ~i for certain t odpcfr : in the fbrenban T pr*ci»ely, twilf commerce Hdling, ;at 4ha non tfJlwa.Ari?Mt. fr~M*7er»Ad. TP-yr.oga *U ; between IKankmJ Alley end ith *t..Tlieir fentire sinetof .!few York and'Pittsburgh nuna&ftareU clothing, *aj they ‘in declining bonnes* aml . rcißOTtag i> front toe 1 city. The article* arcalLO/the best quality, l*tt« style* end fashion*, lelccied with the gTealrst cure, Kid I manufactured expressly for this market .unaeT_.tne di rection of the owner*.. It i* the. end belt as ; sorted stock of freah ready made clothing eTer x>S«red at public sale in this city or-perhnps in toe wcaL-TbO*#. I wishing to. pnrchaae each good* ahould not neglect at tending the sale; as the proprietors 'artf determined; to' tell all and every artiele pat up. lo the highest bidder. I: may be many year* before tneh another 1 chance; u. offered to the citizens of this place; As the slock ia so extensive-it would be.impoasible to dHoribe tbO van on* artielß* in full; a pan of frhich comprifcg* iho fol lowing,.vis? .i , V’- 1 ' i • ' About 12)blaek,Uue,ahdbrt>wrifn>ekfc drcu coatSr 45 beaver and pilot over coals; , 30 dor do sack do; S 3 do - . -do pelto do; • SOblanket'coats; • . SUCTcossinet tweed and caasimere do; . ' Paniafotm*, : vis: 3M pairs black Trench caasimen pants! ''' ' - ffl do bine do do dot' ‘ . •JCB do .fig*d ‘do:- -’do .-.doji'/' t 330 do cauiaet pants. - . i 1 ■■ VfsU, rtst comprising i.«Tery variety of atyles ■ rtc: • ... 119 do* shirt*, of adi tryle*. HandkereUMs, «arfs, crurais, Ac. . ; ■ , Thy’GwdtjVis: 1 •. Superfine French, English,-; and American Broad cloths, vanout colot*, Caasimeres, Caulnets, silk Tests •ud silk Testings of superior quality, together with an extensive assortment of Tailors’ Trimmings of good • Ra ? * ondeT Wtfttcash carrtncy, from *2O to 9100 30 days, from 9UO to 9SOO GO data. Iran 9900 to 8300 90 day»,;3U) dollars sod upwards • four {months roodapprorcd.eity endorsed notes, and no nods do uvered until the shore terms are complied with. • The Roods can be examined any time previous to sale. l»nl< - JAMTO McKFSNA. Atict’r. • Bf John D. DsTlsj Auctioneer. , Dry Goods. ON Monilay morning, ianoory ITtitariO o'clock. at the Commercial Sales Booms, comer of Wood and FlAb will be sold withoutreserve,. An extensive assortment- of 'CVyrd*! among which are Manchester ginghams,checks, sheet ings. furniture check, merino*,, alpoecas, dress silks, black satin, fancy ribbons, merino and woolen shawls, silk hdkts, hosiery, gloves, needle work costs, woolen . comforts and scarw, whltneyblankets, saitiaetu, iasu mert, superfine cloths,’ patent thread, pins, red, white, yellow and brow flannels, Ac. ; . ..; r At 9 o'clock, p.ic - A quantity of N. O. Sugar, \ H Tea, tobacco, confec tionary, basket*, glassware, quecasware.chioa,. table cutlery, spaniibt cigars, shovel*. manore forks, a gener al assortmen of household and kitchen furniture, cook ing furniture, manile clocks, looking glasses, carpeting, feather bedding, Ac.'': ..*» .At 0 o'clock, r. w. :c,, Umbrellas, boots, shoes, ready made clothing, tgold and silver .watches, .fine pistols, viouna, accord eons. letter aim! cap writing paper, blank books, jewelry, gold pens, variety goods, Ac. - - , JcM Executant Sale of Bridge? Stock. On Monday, January 7J o'clock, r.jtal ihe Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood, ond-fFirth streets, will be sold for cosh, par funds, six share*. Mo noogahela Bridge Company Stock. jal3 Third Streep Property at Auatioiu '■ .On Moi'd*y eremnif, January 17th, at 7 o'clock,, at toe Commercial Sales Room, corner o( wood and-Sth •t*-, will ba sold that Tfrf valuable lot of ground situ ate oaths sooth side of TTiird street, between Wood and Market streets, luma* a front of 27 feet 8 inches, and extending through to second street, on which is ereeted a-large frame warehouse, ai present occupied by A. Beelen,E*d the Coveucnter*,: by Napier, 2 vols; Cleopteiists Jlan-j'-hjcolorcd.platan; Lee’s Sermons ontbe Scrip tureo; Pictures of the Preach People, -133 iUtutnUioas; Hookers Journal of Uolany, numerous envoi 4 vols; Siraonds*, Switzerland, a vou; Complete .works of Drl John Moore, 7 vols; Finden's Gallery of the-Grades: Lives of,the. Lord. Chancellors,. 3 vols; Heasty’s Cos-' tume; Hurkett’s Notes on the New Testament, 2 vols; Scon s notes oa the Old and New Testament, 5 volt 4lo: .Patrick. Lowth,.Arnold, Whclby and Lowmaa’t Notes on do; etc., /. : Noyxui.—Also- ail' extensive assortment of Novels, etc. Knaiish editions, many of which havo neverbecir reprinted, m this country. • Catalogues can btf obtained and tho hooka ».rnl,i fit the Aactwa store. QaT] JOUN-D DAVIS, Aucft. ••• ! A. A. Xuon 4k. 7~ r "-T* -r veKXP.r’ iprini srazxri, . T .STORM their friends and the pahbc generally, that •JL Wnsj about to remove to the spacious arid elegant Store rectmly erected ou the adjoining Lot Tbeywill cIOM oattburJaige and'well selected stock of Fall pnd \\ inter floods in many cases Joss than cost, t« enable theta to open iheir new store withlari enure stock of N'ew Good*. The sale will commence this-day and continue the first of March, or uitil their Their -assortment. I of Dress Goods will be sold fiillOO pc; cent less thaaesa* al price*. They consul of site most fashionable. Caib «s<* Delnaes, Gala, Mohair, Silk and Oresbn Hauls: Also. Bombazines, Alpaccas, *c. I cl . oa^t * oo^*—^ l-'rench and German Merinos. Queen's Cloth. French Plaid Cloakings, Broad ClothsTorall the most tashionable color*. Black and faney Dtcm silkaT every variety. Shawls—Cashmere, TerkerLTanJm PWd. and other mhawU—o very Jarre assortinrat, fully reduced one belf in price.- flannels—Welsh, v*wii£u and .American Flannels,' of all colon and qualities? Bonnet sod Cap Ribbons, Gloves, Iloatcrr, Girons and Fringe*, rought Collars and Capes, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Plumes and Feathers, Scarfs, Cravats, Hand kerchiefs, Fancy Buttons, etc. Linen Goods of every : description.- Woollen Good*—Cnssimcrcs, Cassineits, Testings. Bearers. Pilots,. Tweed*. Jdsas. Whimer , and Bath Also- an extensive assohment jof | W i ' The tollowmg will be boom of the Prices: ! . 161 c. Usual price 371 . . i Moasschn de Lames,, 12J «- « 23 afld il 1 Gala Plaid*. ffl “ « ioo » i Mohair & Oregon Plaids, 30 -- b u j*»i 1 Alpaccju, “ lfcj « 'o'.'-rf-V Flannels, ■ .--go u • u ;ajf ' Wrought Cellars, • j*| • «".« CMicoea, 'ltofO “ " « IS* ' £««««*, SB to ffl - wither with every article in the. Store, which trill l e ebe***- Vuitcrs mayU assured th t they will wrt be duawwiiued in the quality or pricesTf our goods. AAMASOS*S.' - . Wow I* tha Urns to . . r JX. the citizens of Pittsburgh aad its vicinity thatthok °* ,if ' ,rve O r laree and exteiiiye stock S o *!*.,** an oB P*nMlelea reduction of priced their object being to exchange goods for cash, *Woi ffn U,l4 . u * ** e - »borte*t possible time• they will •eU off their.eattrestoek at suchremarkahty lowraiek as caamH fail to suit cash buyers. A Cm ornorwnitt i» now offered to - periods m wantufcheapdrrirood* t i *«pply themselves at a comparatively small erpewr 'V* have a large and •plendidstoeVot yr" nlix .1. « DRESS GOODS. Alto, Bueua \ uta’ Gala, English and Pm *h U« MiS^ *** S*l5o"“»doj JTainßAtksL . French Memo*, assortedeol on, Bouihasmes; French and Scowl ~id4UMlU.STk.udwitSrkliSJ'siSi‘ P 1 ™ ; • BIIAWIdt, BHAWIA • Ajlargo assortment of super French. Tarknri sm TW?'| r '^ tWl i pUia ,nd vabroldered aSTrinire Thibet dorCh ante Iron and Brocaria silk «i the ola stud atthe'Canai Basin. Liberty street. .• ,'i,. „■ V johnfarren;: . . SAJIUAVIoaTMAN. . . > j cnnl of T* >h>, « t ~' ,r \\f E bey le#Te to sympathise with the persons who. TT; (during the.sWnce or our .Mr. McFaden than nomh) cm the night of thefiih lint, entered oar offlef mid met with such bad success in breaking onon-aur drawers, having found but about 836 Gaufonolio. «• \ counterfeit, *5 Farmer’s and Millet**. Hank of hwwu town, Wcounterfoil Coin ami about' $2,00 In gdoacAn! pers|.'While w* regret they bad so'muchUhorfor nothing, we must at the stuuo time, rerun our thanks' for their gentlemanly course fn leaving ©ntßnDe*ia?rf books « little disturbed; aa we belifve RJ bceu'daue except what was necessary: in mi.fe .w.zr w* tun so nosor. We *lso candidly infom them ud others engaged to the same business, that we uerbr had and ficrcr expect to hare- at any one thus. -auffS money on,band to indue* any jnaiuorobnsYrSu avowal may oar* of the Profession i^. trouble iu.fitture. We wuu dbe under forth..* ' tions fo those who entered our office if tS?^^ I ?** , formiu. what *. w.l c h ra , ?r & b?.{ »£&£: while they were busy. J*NO McFADKN £Co ■ • canal btula, punV 3 fortaiiora’ mo nii ■SPISiSI SfBTEAMBOAin. onossATi * FXTTKBrmonr OAiLY PACKe'T Ll^rt. maid w&t knWntlae of roleWld pM*n*« Btm»- - • I q bm £&Uud andlanushed, and most pofwcriu taoau «a tk« niHiwwmimnymn ■ • fort th&lnwnnMran procure, b** bwoproTlded tor p**. • -hi* carried o'milU&n efT*opte :«ttNl A*[>««.%► . : ry k»ibdru«iMJU. ;-'rbo, bo«u wtfl. be ; *i «• fact of ■ . W-ood «re«tthed»v praritnu to UJdllnj, m «t>v. , lloa of. freight asd tl»# entry of. p**«encCT**»at*M*Bi*?‘ «er..-IntUcai*4 the puM|tw>iejr»iuaW*rtJta.-. adrwce.. ;•.. j\\; ; y V ■''' ‘‘j ! MOIDATPACKET*.” r The MONOMJAIIKW-, Capt. HTWr*,TnUl*»™Pm*. -tmxgh cTeffiloiuUr morning at 10 o doekj Wheeling. ■ereijiUoooiif e»emoff atl.9 p.h/. . , . > '‘'TTOSDXT^PACKK*.' ; The mUEBNIA-No. ■% Cept J. ICunrxLtta.'will learo Pittsburgh every Tfcieeday mottling UlO o'clock; Wheeling e»erjrTneia«f;«vemngal 10 r. M>,< J. "■ v WEDSZSDiLT PAG KET. ' ' ' The NEW ENGLAND No. fi, Capt'Si-DfciVf-wiU leave Httalnurh • every.'Wednesday,aarniiig.vd 10 o’cJock;Wh ee bug every.Wedaeaday evening « Jo>. at’ • THURSDAY PACKET. - The PENNSYLVANIA, CapUltiir, will leave Krt* ■ barghevefy-ThDnday,morning etlOo’elockj Wheeling .every.Tfctuwy evening MlQr.it' : ... • ' feidat^XcSet. , The CLIPPER?*'©. 2, Ctpi Ckooo, wilt leare Pitta* bargb every Friday ttomug u IQ o'clock; Wheeling every Friday ercains I .' -—SATUBDAYPACKS*. - The MESSENGER, Captß* cixn will leave Pitta btjrvh every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock Wheeling every SMordaycveninjl at 10r.it .< . ' StTTOAT PACKET. 'The ISAAC .?f£WTON,*CoptTX Q. Mams, .will leave Pittsburgh «T*f7 Band*y.morning miq o'clock; Wheeling every Sunday, evening MUTr. jf • M»yg3.lB*7. • . PEAVEB ; 'ARRANGEMENTS* end Saturday, of esehweekjM.Qo’docAtKTctuni ljur on Monday, Wodnesdsyand Friday. She but boM at the lending between Wood atreet and tba bridge, . . bctlS' -Wo 33 Wood it: BEAVES AND WELLSVIIiE VAWLXti ”‘”6“ Strait coming winter season, make daily .tripayo Bearer and Well mile, leaving Pittsburgh eve ry morning at 0 o'clock, and Wellavule -at 3 o'clock, p. it declO O/M. HAKTON, ■A-CO'j Agta. . - REGULAR PACKET‘FOR CINCINNATI: 'hT The fine paek« steamer - ',*££"& PENNSYLVANIA, * ; IwQpTOgB Gray, muter will-leave aa abort tlua ■BQSflblty;ii 10'o'clock, p, ■..'For Ought orpaaoge,apply tmboard.’ • • ■ ■ * ]anla FOR ST. LOUIS. ■ • ■ ~ k : Tbeelegant aieanier . • JaTCTia, master, willleave for the' MSSSSBSfiSabove and all intermediate pent on Monday 17ih iiut at 10 o’clock, a. u. < Per frrigtlt or paaaage apply ofl board. ■ • .• . jelfl - REGULAR; CINCINNATI PACKET’ ■ /'Joi* i£»~' K TheaplendidaUßineT . fTj~7mft v : i--.j MARY STEPHENS,! ' Norton, master, will' leave aa' .’above . ■■BsßßßOtoepoTrow at 10 o'clock. , For freight or passage apply on board., . - jeai3 'American copy. : FOB ST. LOUIS. '. ' i’- •■ >«k*s» K ’-Thd near and fiutmaaingftaaiftar - f’Pr M J "* ! i {3ERMANTOWN, trfSajresM Maelean,ima*tar,'wUl leave aaabOTe, ■flßßßSflßibis, day,-at;4’o’clock:' Furfrjight or paaaage,'apply on boards- ‘ Jatli FOR CINCINNATI AND NEW ORLEANS. .... ' *n>e elegantateamer '•• :lLrT\Jb : NOgmERN LIGHT. " . t Hnt. ‘.“v - FOR LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLK, - Tbe new and fast steamer',-. T ) !' I ffrnir Jr - LADY UYRON, . 1 Miller.tnaater.willlgaTg for tk*above ■9BCflgEB9BpononM6ndiyatlOA.lt PbrfteiyKt \ or paaaage apply on board.' .. ’ • > • ’Jmnla \ • ' FOR.CINCINNATI. ’ i -j - itxji The fine psumger ateanier : iftj - BdSEM* FULTON, Collier, matter, will leave for tho and all intcrmediata pont’ oa Monday,-at 10, a. it, positively. For freight or tasut apply onboard, r• . rr J*7 ’ FOB BROWNSVILLE . . r '~ r tv Tbe finasteamet- • » : . consul, - S P Daahane. r ma»ar t will leave'm * day for lubwusvlUe.' nr trdghtot paaaage nppiy on board. .- , • jaai -REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND ZANESVILLE . . . . ..... PACKET. = Efr ' -y. tauter,' Will make >■3OB3XOOlO the abore ports daria* tb« frsiotL Par freight or passage apply ou bond, or to - j ; ApT ■ ■•■•- .•. iMWLPxa. jU. IONONG^HE- McKeesport, Elizabethans^ , JLA CITT PACKET. _. , Tba uewr«tt*ja«r^ ■ A* abdre, Wednesday and Friday, B*»SSteefc££ aisocloci 1 _A.;x.!For fc»iAtor ptMip ftpplfoa EXPRESS LINES, fee. SW^^-SKSft'tipSgte JOlOf P CLATtKE.W„t. NWW. I^>U, ES^ V6 - rm^“Y FORSYTH 4 PHXCAN. P!tub\t- ■ • OaBEJ 4 CO.'* BXPBBII ' rp” .esßßgggao-n »±Mnioiig. wvtoiaoTovhsulitt, Tk^KßMrA^^* o^*! 4 "® 414 T *“* Am *» ” i - I '‘ Ad ““ * •£* »l^iL 0 *» a PfWl loony of ih* .hovo • ' • ntW . , g, ™ j SO'VICKERVi Agut —iWi.kA, _ phia to rmnoußGii, by 253 D *>;t^i , s l "^ t "“ Rra ■: p^JfF’i? Bl * between Chaumerabßtrud • Pbiladeiplua. >lliofirst'ddpfuent wili lo«weSlend at ISth Jaatwry last No tooregoodawiliba KttM • *“’ c “ t>c c «ncd through es e udsy, wi ihoui deity. ••!:• owsrf - ‘it-Wvf • • •Fltubawh,JsCompy.»: X ( .L- . - i«t9_ —r 1 clabkbj^thaW;» PRINTS ONLY, CEDAR BT., NEW YORK. J LEE & BfiEWSTERV; FtoMiiheda warehouse wthe rearlSWf fee’ ./ • low price*—odd exhibiting, aikß.aeasoDs - • - ■■ ■. aru«>>ear,theTargestAssonmeaLia.Ui' „ THE WORLD . “ ! • They are .now MtmOred - rontpntlng every new sJyia OfFtoreigo and DomStle ' production, maiiy ofwhieh have msr been andpare ofiertd for sale for Cosh and abort tredhTift*?’ *. ’••: raJOESMDUCKO ‘ ■ , •!•••__:. FROM ONE TO FIVE CENTS . yard below Uwprtcee of April udArey, yjSy t [printed CouUoffuei,•which are corrected dally, for th* tnfonaatioiioftmyen.*- r '. ’ *; r* , Ffiny WABKBOCBB, 1 J . ' I' '•» '-•' •■ New York, j ■■ V 7 .''- Seillar'eff to'Cloii " XTOTICE-TO MBRCHANTB ud tha : S^ ly * 1 { J ‘ W 0 V 3^- of -n«d«clmbiar. cfoihs,cassimeres T «adnetta l trwnttt4tc*c,»bo*oß - [privately, at cost, and under,until J\if>*day, Istdsj-W, February next, at whjeh une the remaining ponfou or - pur stock will >o ctosed at attetioo.’ «aeta*9- Par twsinesa w this city on or beforeihefimdtyjbf pttreh next, wo offer the whole of pgr extensive-otoek Pt clothingr cloths, cusiaeres, *aiUiditt-a»i vestlog<, nt and befowoost, oo urrn»iD soit dealers.: Our stock p 1 .)?**** foods having been purchased buitkisoeastui, mu be found toedatprue some of ih*'laie*t,-styies'ah well ns the mostdeureblr article* lor Merchant't’allora. I «\flfcr*das havu&dainu against thh,fra.win jileasa present theta for payment, anu indebted - M tio tUrther imlulgencVcan or will bo given- ' " : . '■•*■• " ANCKES foMATER., !r • | land .. . . . .•> PAUTION TO THB subecriber, by V written couimet with, the Peiia Teo.Xkxapauy, haa <|ie exclusive right io seQ their Teas to Fnbbuttt and Allrghtiuy cities.: Any person attempting to aetUhar Teas, except procured through PuViS pracusln* *«:d*. tieptian a jyaud upon the puhlic—ond their atofo* tfrats' arc not to bo rtEed Ota -- - iV": '■ Vi \'j ■ j«*pgi A-JATNES.a4tbaQ i“ ’Qlivir A Moioat . MPORTERB and dealers in Zephyr Worsted, Can.- did Fhrso Twist, Tridmuags, Fancy Goods, ettf. j - ?* [Cheap for Cash to Wholesale Dealers, ax thaanr 3 N<,nk F £ellp*e Tnuupoitetira xtai;