The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 14, 1848, Image 3

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    ‘K- '-J r.’ :
I T OAF.BUGAB»4fIO bbte Loolstsam rcflocry • No T
JM loaf gafor Just roctt mod for MW by -
.'! ■ i««U .POIXPETTEBACa.
; ‘ *p*IATHERB—I«7 tbspnaa Keaackj; fe«him Jo*
COAL BQATM bm übfundal xotl boats for
lnoairecf REYNOLDS *BMEEr
! ! T\fclEl> FRUIT—<D busdried Peaches; 3} dopocb
T>lo bay prime green Rfocoflecks
XV bbls Lamias'* crashed snyor, landing from ttthr
I t aurm.
MfH.>MPr AND RAISIN’S—IOS- bbls molasses;
130 boxes booeh nUesiiper rtr Aralaßcbe, for
-toby Danlil fIAQALEYASMim
RIO COFYEfr-dflO basis :»rin» green Bio coffee
Cram etr St Cloud and for sole by '
“ JenU . • —■■■•• ••' BAOALKY A feMTTH.
. i'V
v <V
HOPS-® bales western; New York- bops; IS do.
Conoeeticat Biter and. Eastern do. Jusirewting
aod for sals by - BROWN A CCRBERTSON, --
JonlO '143 liberty street. ■
* ‘ *
. VSW bhb Btata’B.MelM
' ™ **•» #•* *•?**. Ua g^YTSwnu e
- * • - " ’ No« IB*go Wood*!.
~ *:«.*' ,• 4i :'s?s
"ITEMB—3O bales Kentucky dew ratted' heap for tele
MAOCEKEX-ISS btdalnfe No 3» lor sale by
]an« • - • JAMES A» HUTCfIiSON.
•,V tt‘> r. . /» f
h;>- r ; .•■•■■ ■•••■ . v?*s
1 X>OUVAB * 8188 TBEXCK-ayW) GWtV. BMirv
Ja in brisk (warranted) jatoera and for tale by
' lent ■- T SAhPLMXIHt. eaaal barin, ?T3 tt
v-. 'iiv.* • • <■' ‘ :
>w;;;y: «is
%&£* !*■-
1 > - • ■•■-n--*t..V'L-:vT
Si *t mT t
Hte »
l&ltfs sags
ifc®' ”}sw.\ v
V- ;^‘i’""hT
■;.: \’«< :
*:t i
{<■ ■•V” "i ' M
-£•' •> ,* * " * i* **. < •
. <- -• i
’ s « 4 1
•* *
feia PQRK—In bMf fcalfbbU > superior orri
| ela far a>Ja far • 0* 11 ! Bm ’ nII M « SlffX. '
k AISINS—9OO bxs booeh: niau per str Cental for
"IBTE C MALE—SSOO tbs white chalk for sale by
L TURPHWnNB-ttbbla for tale by
10 -i : BESELI.KBfI.
CfCNWHES—Spice, madder, logwood. etc. oa band
a and (at sale by , ROBEST A CUNKINQHAM.
TVW APPLES-® bushels for sola by :
io3 ~ No.aSFfoatst.
L ABO—1(7 kea leaf lard, rec*d per star America
and for sole by ' ti»3l L 8 WATERMAN..,
BEANS —CO bbls small white beans la store ana x>
sale by . - . U»3] . j L 8 WATERMAN.
/-JHEESE-® boxes for sols by - : \ i
\j 8. P. YO.VBOXNHOB9T4 Co;
Jt3 ; • No.® Front st.:
SL’OAR— 10 hbds primo-nbw etop, Just ffe’-d and for
sols by J Ualb) . JABIA HUTCHISON A Co.
EPSOM BALTB-6I bbls epsbm sails for
saUby ,-UxlOl B E SELLERS,S7wo*dst
rpOBACCOS—ISO bxs and bans, choke, broods,
T> AIIIHS-3SO bozes.bokck Raton* MwUadinf,
K, and for sale by' • BAOALEV A.SMITH,
•*j\| • . TV y if -"...Vi Not, 18 ABP .Wood tt. ■ ■
T>IO COFFEE—IOO bdyi prime green Bio. eeSee
Xv landing ftom timer lagUoeL for sole try -.
ODNDBIEB—OOtaeka foatben; 1 caskbee«wu:os
O ban M& nua, rac’d on cocrignoent, and for salt
by paon, IHCKEv A Co/ag waier »t
Q UNDRIES—II bbU lardfftfcsirbblsdo;l3bsf»fes»
jj there 3 tack* dried anole* Juat w wired per S B
Caahier, and to rale by UafIISAIAH PICKKYA Co.
SALT PITTRE—tS bbia refined Mh petre 20 bar*
erode do for aaie b>* Ua4l ISAIAU XUCXET A Co.
T)OSIN-Hsb bbU rpelo juine’d and for tale by -
Jtv.jaa* ' T v POINDEXTER k Co.
*T EAD—I26O pin Galena lead for tale by ’
HOD tb* prioie Ky. feathers for tale by
WHiBOW GLASS—U 3 boxes 6x1010x12 window
ff elan J tut rac’d and for seta by
117 HITB BEANS—3O be white bean in core and for
Tf: pale by.' pot] " . SAIfL M EEB.
'nSiBL ABH^—ls cittapeari* prime quality,
JrJastraeeivedaadforaalalnr ■ . .
<pOPjLAB LUMBER and feraaleb^~.
(| ehcet inm (warcnmedlm e&r* and for ealetow to
~pEPFEB' OOOaaeha pebperwhkaeeabeeoblreiy
Jn lew & the trade, Jam rac’d and for sale by '
T|at ' .• •iPOPCDSCTEE A Co. -
ton in boxes and casks for ails by
•BOBEBT DALZELU liberty at ,
17LANNEL&—Bed,-Brows and Barred
J. An additional topply reeeired front the minnftcta»
ran. Also, a low pieces of low priced Gaaeiaena, for
ealeby-H • r T- < GBOBOE COCHRAN,
.nl3 ■ . i-: KwoodeC. :
BlflTfyn /twyi CT!ATOKH«-jrßseeßdtbailmt.
ter and 9 aaeka Aethers raeehriag frees attar Lake
laodforaafoby u o*a3) - JAB. DAIAKIJi
LOAF SCGABiJ—3OO barrels auoned Noe. for sale
boxes Cincinnati mooldeandleahii
(Jrac’d and for ante by SAW HABBAUOH.
lABD-No 1 lard ia bbla and ken (at tatoby ■
i Jag B*WHABBAPGB,«woodst
tVaCON SnJES-'SO hhds hew ba«m sides Jttitrec’d
yiYALLOW—® bbls Kb 1 beef tallow jtm rec’d aad
llbt saJaby- • DanSl; 1 FSB JitlltS.
Uodia* froa mTwikK*
X 77*' RFLOYh
I ni and for sale by
i Uila lßolanfff Undlof Own
* kadfcr «*la by J k. tt FLOYD.
L* EATHEft^4oo'akka N'V aole leather landing from
JOHN B. IHLWOBTB—Wholesale GroMr,Produce
tad Commission , Merchant, No. fT, Wood street,
yittsbnrgfa. i• 'Mi* 1 "
O UNDRIEB—OS sacks Feather*: B*cks Ginseng: 4
o seks Dried Apples; l sek-Beeswax: l cask do; onw
tS»««t»aa fern ebmrusdy Madiaoo. sad wrnlsby
ut!aT t IgAiAH DICKEY*Co.
MOLASSES-30 bbb X. O. Molsate (new e»K) fer
■nAlSmi-a box** &Mfc«J.'W(»i«;lo»niT*per
t .K NcttUn, HnELDItEOE ,
1 TR^ m -^ tl * n,n I l rgffffag£^g l,
" *T>YE FLOCB-OObbU fjriflour * prime
PLAID BLACK few pc* of wtin
fetndd elpiee**, UteJr ; ree’d; klw, ad excel!? 8 *
T)nS j^tTßEMßnioE,*
OIL—SW»U taxeeed ©UJJoiQtuIUj,
* ~' i ' rf^fc, “w fc Li : Rl rc C TniE o N-, '
■ ] >B jj .. \ j , . m liberty meet
tbt Nortk Bririifc Heriew. 'No. 14, Noxrwnbjr,
X 8«; . - [Chronicle and American ecfry,] / )«n8
imTftß-43 hnid pnOM clwttt fU’d Ud i)t ulf
l l bT(&i*wiadfe STCUTCHEOX, liberty
**» - .. ■’ N ' .
A’ssw "-•awtfaas^Mr"
TirT!”;.. ■■.;■•> . . ffo < egnaaertUl rvw^
C Buwn»E ÜB^TS2Mg«v >
J«? 1 *■' ' eoror of HI oaffwood fttwu. ,
SUKDXXEft-Vttb feotf iteJastt U
bbb reQ battr; X Ud ham*; l tfcrea jok*rut mV
fc Co,
J»7 • • • ** * ‘ MwmMiaad 107 float »ti._.
*r n?ilWHl plf» Gtled*'l«fcd Jut landing Aon***,
liSlibWty >t
i HOT—*3 km Moned ahoy hading from w
I UafltofcfMt* by BRO\VWTCDLBCTTBON. =
omst POTATOES-© bManc’dand fotaaloby
1 ' ■ K'CAJJDLISSj -''
■- jaal j•• • .- •. 1 , /,comer of wood aad wietetf ;• •■
jui i t, cflfttfOfwMdwdwtterct*. :
bbU. No J Muktrtl (branded
Lhmifawhtfr' (Hi) "'
free# Bio, put krhtly.oriia*
4 ™ - miatWooia.-
• ->~v :-®-i. „ Kflrt twU piitaond.
™^ l,^ A t.t?n I . b^‘>f ' M,c ?S 0 'a , FLDv£'*
JialO ■•/:• bbetty rtrwt.
; V TCro-40tj*btf Q i,gaad»iMeksf'J;
r No I toOO bblf«elbmiaf,a»dU»dißWCOtf
•.; -v/?:?:. BOB&T A CUNMISOIUM.
pfTi 111,1
i «odM Fran (Heels, Acute finitest-Looi# Steam
Bayar Refinery-hareip tare - : [
-• 3tbxsD&ldif»Lo«f Saffi*v j.
12bfalaNo3namll ■■■,•[
16faxs No 4 « .• “
153bbUNo4 . “ “
183 « -6 « :• *
1H- “ * a «
ISO “ 8 “ - *
■73 •* » . «
- 69 « DBenuted
''4s , “-powdered.**.
‘e’ enuhed “
For sals at reduced pricee.
"f triHKg—3o qr e«ka. Houeao Port Wine; l . •=.
¥¥ • lOqretktLM do;. "i -
,T „.5 “ «ant • .do;-, w
• jo: « Trash ‘do? - ■
SO -‘ .U . SSMsdeira do;
15 . • “ . .liM do;
10 • “ BynjlngtOß, : do;
1 fiL •» FijraL do;
10- Teoenfie, do; .
10 *• Pale Sherry, do; .. i
• 5 •* Golden do do; - .
5 ;« Brown do . do; .
10 “ LUboo do do;
•; 15 « Diy Malaga do; ?
10 Gwett do • do; . /
fnr n j # Quantities io nil, bjr P. C. MABTIN;
xor. otnithfield h Front sta.
■ngglH FRUIT, Jbe—to bxa crop bunch Rahuit,
H 1000 Me time Oranges; ■
5 enaea Citron;
• Sbbls shelled Almonds;
• 3bbls Filberts;
- 10 bu ANo 1 Rock Candf;
Oibxsnew, scaled Herring; received per
attar. Con—*. Ibr sale by _ :
avlS !; . . . -KPfc 135 wood ,-rt-
3SbatO*b>flaghS«; -
•./ •••: as “ chipovrtsii?- . ■,
- 90 H-Ira'iSt;
25 “ KuseU k. Rohinaon’a St; ■ ■
90 “ Branched It;
«tO~*i Siwioa'i la; og:gonaignment mod
! A. GORDON, .
J Water at.
TV&POS—Gam Myrrh, Turkey; \ 1 ' '
JI. • .do Gamboge; •- I • ■
do' 800 True; 1 .j .
do Opium, new crop; . i >{
do Galbaoum, wraioed: -
Ext Jalap; • - /:• • \
do - Dandelion; •
do Belladonna; inu reeaired ind b
• COT tat fcAVooi} ata.
f\TL*-\OUi gtlli winter bleached Whale Oil; pr
\J aitiele: - \ 1
fibblsTaoßemOil; : •!,
6“ - Crude 1 do: in flare; for eale In '
1 j:'; oTblackburn a c x,
nvfi • Water at, near Cheer; ji]
kU Feathers;
JC . \■ 0 aek* Ginseng; '
■ i 4 teks Dry Applet; j 1
.1 box do
1 eak Beeswax; , ' '
. lack Beeswax: to arrive; feraale bj':
do ts 1. DICKY ACC
FXIB— 150 bbls larre No 3 mackerel;
50 do do Nos 1* 9;
40 hf bbls do Noa9 * 3;
05 bbls No 1 fibbed herring; ; \
• 04 do No 1 Salmon; |
15 casks large Codfish; . . i
'• 100 boxes scaled endNelHernnv: '
Receinagaod for sale by LAMParfTA SHIPI
- - T
SILBTIAS— We have lust received
- one case assorted colored sileuas;
“ “ very light do ‘ d°! '
. ‘ ! “'black do;-very he it;
■ - do; very fine;
aesMcol easbans; ft
■' “ 'black - do; L '
which we will sen low toUwtrsde_ mm ±-
. s.<m • . 99 Wood st
KTUTS—abaJesAlmoodsj ~j
10 bxs Shelled;
-SbefsCt* 4o^0 *?
pap iaDCiSPLfifi
. 900. boxes No. 1 Cmfinniji Soap;'
ffl "• “ Mould Candle*; :
Uodi,fe»,K-nh B>nTlt
Jal: : " Noe. 18 *SO Woods
DBODVCB-flDbtp dried peaches;
.Jr., 67 kegs lard; .
-• 19 bbla. do; • • / ■
r uj for sals by BAGAU3 Y * SMITH* )
'lall Noa; 18 *9O Wood st.
■nSBBTIKRT-Extracts of Verbena, Patehc
Jf ley, Violet, Jockey C3nb, MUUfleur, Bouquet
Caroline, and Musk, lam Perfume Baxa. from 83 c
to 9195 each. For sole by JOHN.D..MORGAN, ,
• jil: - ■ ■ • No. 834 Wood %j
/TOLD CBSiB, u china pots: Beer.Mantwj
Xj Beat's Grease, sad fins Lip Salve, in china potAfoi
foX .. No. 934 Wood «tj
bales lst sort western NY Bops;
. Ido 9d '. 4 ‘- ■ i “ .
it': • 0 do let** eastern l “
CgrefaUf selected and of extra qoagqr. fa store i
sale by . . * •
fsnl ; • ’ '• '• •' .i : 41wqa
B BOOMS*—GO dos. rood com brooms
29 “ guilt baa’d. *•
5 44 hearth 1 u
SUNDRIES— -6 bbla lard; \
* : 5 “ fresh roll butter; 1
-A dried peaches; •)
*•/ • 9 e for ex seed: •• ■ •
Joes recU and for sale by 1* S WATERMAN,
j-..* . j - -31 water and Atfront sts
OOAPS—IO boxes pure Palm;
»S • ■ ' 5 vlThhe; .•••;.••
• 5. “ ' . t .-..
• 5 “ Shaving; - ' . :
foraafebr ' S. F. YONBONBORSTA Co,
i*S ~ - - ■ No. 35 Front st
; ,
1 .. 3D buih prime cbeatnuta;
’ . \ 5 aclcs rinaeof; >
■ s.n> im ■ •• . ■
' ' ' , tSTeoiaes _• '
For piety (dc3o) LAMUEHT fc SniPTOiV.
T?BK8B FRUIT—OO drain* Smyrna £**;
.... 'SbbUZealeeeorranul.
4 boxes Oeaerm eltroo;
For tale by
SCSDBUI-4 bbU Frnh 801 l Boner; /
■ it'bbls Governed; / '
' I- Weeks Peaches; /.
I*. / r ,
31 Watettaa Frooi lU.
SUGAR— Olfodspnma New Qtleana; •••
3bblsl>Bc(iiihad/ ••.. •
10 do liioftni y>*p;
. ' a/t
Pot nitty
bxaJ 8x10;
150 *• 10x12;
•. ' » “ lOxMj
No; 35 Front ft
rpEAS-y* half ebesu Yming Hyson, Gunpowder,
1 and Hack—BS and 13 lb boxes lioaaf
Gunpowder do. on hand and for safe by .
•sforPprc*—hblmnmll while beans; a do flaxsaed;
I g casks aeorchingK 75 dot ton broom; 15 pales
nos; hm received and for sale by _ • - ;
JOHN 8. DfI»WOBTH, 27 wood at
f.aCTER PARlfl—Suitable for Land, fcc., always
and for aala at No.»U Liberty strut,jtear
■ tiolOl, w.w. WALLACE
-sSf7^NKFrr»—gSpair Urea DotnSte Blankets, ia
w. ajdrra * Co, h*« re-
Jt moral Bieit c»e« tom SVa» n, u>tt>d r n«w bn«-
rj on Pin strut, sad Dogsetae War, dc3ldlm._
TnrratPPno PAPEtt- •>
W jsx> bundle* 8. C. M. and D. C. tXnw paper;
- -ISO . ** Medium B*f, •
I « wdeby
i/—5O hi/ 1 bbis No 3 large;
-SO bbls No; 2, for aale'ty.
E. fry sTT.irrON, cast aids diamond.
T}UTTKB—3bbUroll;; .. . , ....
y ■- 3 rewired
Ir .' pmi] - .■■■■■ PEJn.
j^ACKrara— imblitatarpNoopM re.
- ’ ado do No 9 dos ••• • _ •
JgitrecMoadfenofr>?r boll POlNuElTgßt^*.
riOPFEB-»b»i» prime B»; t *.
j_. ■ . g * Jo»*s far tola bf '
vj*3 - ' ... ; • .No. 33 Front tL_
thrtai* by •
jp'Errat-s tajre iJmjradßOT * cl,
., !* • •;• No.33lYw»t»t
ib^ by .
TOOUL bbU prime Pwrn’a butler;
J&fcf boner »d tart, dry oppio and W«l«. in
»Wrt (Siler
fjaMg&T w«ff3oK»
gen Aa-«hM. n
ttava** n>o**T“^aS?oSy o £c. o “
H. l,.wj< .art far ATWOOD JONBB * Co_-
■rtrinTEBBAJEIL BUOAB-3W 8»*« “P® l * 4 " 9 al1 *
yy. .“f •?“>' “‘'jKoAUIT * SMITH.
TW’°' 10> SwSfcl*"
CSZ%%?* Fo "“" **smSmo® r
VWf. *W ■«• »? .-J fro, tfli Wood H
'tOFFKR-100 bt(i prime: green lUocoffmanivlaff,
ikad* cSSEmy&.ltf lfteity «*•_
bags prims fealbmip*»ie£daD*
for wll by. [jant] BROWN A CULBERTSON.
mKAS-«SQ half chests, 300 catties Cre«h Teasj'embra*.
I efag a choica variety of chop*, an hand for sale by
'ltsZl BAOALEY A SMITH, 18 A lift wood «t
BACON AND LABD-KO pieces Bacod liana and
{haildnit 11 key* No-ILardiweeired'oticoa
mfnmeui, per •*».!»* No. Aandfo* sale br
TSf?"' -•: | ClCl&VfcCo
mOBACCD-L?£~hnxes & and spun on hand tot sal#
-•= 1043' ;
A SaimdaVi Id
9 Kmdsy, - .717
10 Monday, . 7 17
M Tuesday, ’ 7 13
13,WedaesdaT, 715
15 Thursday, 7 15
14 Friday, . 714
liDTements eff tlu
To arrive at New York.
Him. : v
Uaioo,.Herbert. Norl 24
MUaouri, Mortin, Dee. 33
Philada, Besson, Jan,' 22
N. York, Venanti, Feb. Zl :
Cambria, Judkins, Jan. 1
Feb.\ 1
socTqatarox, Ac.
WashV. Johnston, Doc. 18
llormaa, Crabtree, Mur, IS
To arrive at Boston.
IGbemia, Eyrie, Dee; 4
. Caledonia, Lott, Dee, 18
The tu&KErs, juiterday, presented no material
change,in-quofatibna|fiom oor fornter Report. A
general quietness seems to prevail, any material
change'fitan which we cannot expect tmlfl the
opening again of the regular Spring trade.
Fxjoux—Very little Is doing in the market.' Re
ceipts continue light, though the supplies are alto,
gather sufficient‘to Uie. demand. $5(35421 from
store, and at the river, may be given as
the ruling figures at present, with moderate sale*
Gxa»—:The transactions of the market are ex*
tremely limitedi, and prices generally are nomina
>Ve quote moderate .sales at the following rates:—
Wbeat!OsolOOcj Barley 48(350; Rye'4s£HB; Com
37(3t0, ; -
ftwvisioK»--The market,, generally, is quiet,
with no change in quotations. We note moderate
salea-ohty at former quotations. Butter is in brisk
demand pnd rather scarce, while lanl. is abondaht
and quite doll.
Fish— The market has been pretty well supplied
by the receipts of the; past few daysi and sales to
the trade are regularly effected at the following
ralesr Mackerel No. j, 12012,50; No 2,10010,50;
No 3,7,50; Salmon, of which the market is nearly
bare, 20; Herring <^3700*501
Fxathexs—Receipts continue light, and supplies
limited, with moderate sale* at Slctpßh
Fxltt Green Apples continue in fair demand
though we hew of no sales to any considerable ex,
tent; they go readily at from 1,25 to 1450 and 1,75
4T bbl, according to quality. Dried Apples, are in
good demand at G2oOSc,and Peaches at 1,5001,G2
f bu.. | r j : *
C se — gular sales are effected at die ? &
for W. and 9010 c for Ooshem
.. PEaNtfs- is abundantly supplied,
and moderate sales are ‘effected at 101421 f bo.
Seeds—Sales of Clover, from store, at F
bu; of Flax.'at 90095 c.
Hoxxr—Not much U coming in nt present, anil
very little is'doing. Limited sales of Comb, fa bit,'
at 18020 c 4^15.
Potatop- Saleaof 300bbls,.of a'good quality,
at the river yesterday, at sl4o-\ Store sales are
effected a1'1,3701,50 f> bbL
. • Fofc New o»LE.\3ai—The fine steamer Northern
Light, Baird, which was unavoidably do*
layed yesterday, willleave, as* above, this ilfiy, pas
itively. ; ■ *
' Foe Ciscixxati.—The splendid steamer Loyal
Hanna, Jack, leaves this day, as per advertise
ment, for Cincinnati and intermediate ports.
. The WEATm axd Rrvxa. —After s fcw.da’ys
of severe freezing, the weather has again modera
ted, and a general thaw has taken place; and un*
leas checked l»y another freeze, we may bare a
rise of two or three feet in the rivers. The Moo*
ongahela is free of running ice at this point, but in
the Allegheny, ice continues to, run quite , thicki
though riot sufficienii ybeayy to stop iberunning
of steamboats, a number of which are still plying
between this city and porta below. ./
Ora ice-men here; are taking riihe by.tbe fore*
lock; and for the past three or four days have Been
gathering large quantities of fee running ice in the
Allegheny,'- WVhope by thjftnenns they will suc
ceed in obtaining fall preparatory to the
bot days of the'coming summer. - .
whisks. “ - f
Cincinnati— Byrop—2 crit* mdse, C
Unnsen; 1 bx, 1 ert, &3pe* block tin, M Leech cc
«on; 17 cska spua.ash, Dalxell A co; G cslca rice, E
Heaze&on; if pig*blktin, 11 bxs do,Parkkca
IS soda ash, Hampton. South «Sc co; 2 hhds
oda pork. MOtenbetywi lGo>bbhi
mackereL Engb’»b & BeonetU 23; hhds falcon, F
Sellers; 30 bis cotton, Dickey ac eo; 22 bbls fish. 3
tres cod fish, Cunningham; IG3 bbls whisker, Me*
Jforht: 2ble*,l hr, 1 bbl mdse, Morgan;, K kegs
tqMcco, Borbridge, Wilson &c co; 17 uo do^Friead
Rhey dt co; 1S bga rags. 1 ert do. KepoUls & Sbee;
''3o 4j>bU McGiO, BoshlreM A Roe; 2
bxs 2 bbls beans, 2 kgs lard, Fisher.
Per Germantown—2s bxs soap, Robertson A
Reppert; 65 Ids cotton, Atwood. Jones & eo; 2 bxs
mdse, Mulvany A Lediie 50 bbls vinegar. 5 hhds
sugar,so bxs candle 25'do.sosp,.S 4c.W Har
baugb; 5 hhds sugar, 25 bbls molasses, McGill oc
4 hhds sugar. 24 bbls molasses: King; 12
do do. Myers A Hunter; 2 bxs mdse, K T Leech;
2 bxs hooka, l7O alabs, 1 monunfant marble,
Wilkins; 16 do do, Howartfa; .15 bbls oil SO ska
coffee, Baguley Ac Smith; 5 bxs tobacco, Cunning*
ham. 20 csks wine, Schmidt; 15 hhds sugar. 50 bp
coffee, McCinrkan; 10. fads tar, Broce; 300 Uds po
tatoes, owner; 12 ska peaches, Poindexter A co; C
sks beani, 5 ska feathers, 6 do wool, Friend, Rhey
Sc co. .
; -110 Wopd St.
bbll'N.O. prims;
to Sugar House;
'do Plula. steam sjmjn
. UP wood sL
The members of flute's Band, hereby announce B>
tbe public that they will fire their first Annual Soiree,
on Thuwlay evening, Jan. 27, at the Lafayette Assem
bly They hare spared no pains in maxing ar
rangements, which they trust will render it not only
pleasant but entirely satisfactory to those, who may
Emorlhetn with their company. They will introduce
on T*»e« occasion a great variety of new cotillions, and
figures, which hare never been presented at those
rooms/ Mr. Johnston la to prepare the toppsp, and the
confidence of the. managers m him enable them to
promise that nothing will oe wanting oa his part. There
will be a'sufficient number of carriages engaged,-*
carry the roeata to and from the party free of eharge.
There will also be three omnibus stations, vie one nt
Jenkins* Ice. Cream Saloon, Allegheny city; one oppo
site Shoenberger's, Bayardstvwn; and one at the Round
House on Pennsylvania Avenue. Each omnibus win
leave iu station for the Assembly Rooms every half
boor, commencing at 7 o'clock, and continuing until
half past eight. A manager will attend each carnage.
pint omnibus, to receive the ladies. The Ball will oe
opened precisely at 8 o'clock -with a Grand March—full
band—arranged expressly for the oeeasion. Tickets
can be procured of the managers, at the music store*,
and at tb* Rooms on the evening of the party.
Henry Hays, •
: Michael Marshall,
C.l* Magee,
. Thos. Sleet
J. F. Riehart, -
H.Jt Glai*.
Alex. Melville,
: Michael Steen;"
rrr B*ut or Catcwu—Ham Toma—To the Bald
• and Grey—lf 7011 wish a neb, luxuriant head of hair,
free from daodruffaod scurf; do not fad to procure the
Wnaioe P»to» of Columbia, fa caaea of .baldness it
will more than exceed your expects lion*. Many who
have lost their hair Jot SO year* have had it restored to
ha original ; perfection by the use of thia balm. Age,
it*w or nitolUnutwo JJ I* no otjrirr | e '.ti«Jerrn it
abu fint*« the fluid to flow with which the delicate
hair tube la filled, by which mean* thousands (whose
hair wia grey a* the Atiaetic Jfogl*l have’bad_ their
hair restored to it* natural color by the use of this wvaJ
remedy. In all casea of fever It will be fijqod the
most ple»«ant.wa*h that can be need. A taw »PPj»f*-
tiooeonly are necessary. to keep the, hair from ialUng
outT I< strengthens the roota, it twver 1W» to impart a
rich Rloaajr appearance, and a* a perfume tot the toilet
ffu unequalled; it holds three timea ae much as other
miscalledbairTrslorativesandU £*?
pnrin* manufactnred by Comstock A Co-, 21 Caurtland
“Si S' PtaMjhi onl/' jrmoine.tT WU. JACKSON,
89 Ulwrtysu hew of Wood,'in Washington, PAjby
gweSy* in Brownsville, by Bennc! A Crwker;
in Cmsflntbnrg; by Dr. Youelj also, *»7 agento toj
atery iown in Ohio and Md. ,•. ucvlSdAwOmT
)N k Co, :
- NoSSFrontstreeL
: irp-lDoes yottr hair fall off, does your hair torn gray
laitharsh.iaUdrr.ofdirty.lPrayf 1 •
' • If’ll* thus, you can make It soft, ®lky and fine. ■
; Dark andbhaltby, and beameotu as thishair ofstfoe.
' • And to btve&ii/yoa have but three shillings to give
- ..For a bottle of JeneC Hair Restorative. r ••• ’
Header, if you have bad hair you woutd resllr be aa*
joSihed at the lovely effect a three ahiUine bottle of
Jones’ Coral Hair Restorative has on butene
trial. Sold at M> Liberty st- ■• ; ,V novlMAwly
ntn nwiTt Coam <v poot otwci aust«
!' Ot>Wa are 'now prepared to execute In aaaperior
aad expeditious manner, all kiMa of f«* F^tjj l .*®*
saeh as targe Fosters, Steamboat ftUa, Bills of Lading,
Latter Sheet Circular#, ilandbltle. Cards, Ac., Ac.. ..
• \joog A»ti ra*r«trr iMitiM-.... ,
to anyexient .executed tn the best manner. email
kinds of Printing dons with accaraeynnoatthelowee
rues- ■ . ■■ . ‘
irrimpenaat to aotMtiieffc-Tktrinh
tlwmsnu which appear la thn.Daily Morning Gazette
alsoanpearin the Tn-We«kty, thus receiving the .ben
efit of the eirentdtion of all, without any additional
charge. This lean advantage to our ad venison, without
nay extra expense. Advertisements are also inserted
iatbeeosutry paper spoil reasonable terns..’
STiyFttA. Pouts, Ae.—The Genuine lisyi’ Urdant
is an article mors justly celebrated as k cure tor the
above'than any or all enherr. I'j cure* are almost in.
rune rafale. Sold by WhL JACKSON, Agent for Pitt*,
burgh. - ' .ttoviSdAwdmT ;;
~ fO” Don’t havs a Poul Brestb—lf yoq have, use n
twoahilUog bottle of Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste. That
will maks your breath sweet, whiten your teeth, Ac,—
Sold at ee Liberty cl ■: uoviOdAwiy
■ 'tff’lto lit* Haor axn Law*.—Conjaiock's Nerve and;
Sons liniment and Indian Vegetable EUx lr. Is tbs most
for Bbearoausm.- Bold by JACK
. *oNTAxtnt Jot Piiuburg b. . , noViMAwttnT:
. irr* Ladles who use Jooec’.SpaMsb Uly \yhiw,k*T«f
nlwstswfiae'wbite-tnuupnmni ckist. JXthis.a trial
winiaadtiy fißyi.ohe. Iw«S only in PUuborgh,atg
XfoAtyH? : i i norlWaadwly
v * , l
Moon's |
443 BS4
443 938
444 10 47
4 45 U 51
444 mom
4 40 0 67
Ocean Ittsnen*
To tail from N. York.
. BA wa
Union, Herbert. Dee. SI
Miuoari, Morun, Jon. S 3
Beason. Feb. Z 1
N. York, -Fcrmnd, Mnr. 31
• -~e “urxXFaoL.
Hibentia, Byne, Jan. _1
Cambria, Judkuis, Jam 29
: ifocruAHrtos, Ac.
Johnsion Jan. 2G
Homan, Crabtree, Mar. IS
Britannia4larrison. Dee 16
Caledonia, Lott, Jan. 15
OfpicbPmsroitoH Gazsttz, >
Friciay.Mominf, January 14,1848. J
D. 1. Smith,
D. C. McKee,
\Vil*on Hwaln;
JobftHiada, -
J. 3. Onon,
(i. W. Fkmiofc
IL Bailer.
J. & McFwlr-
i .' 5 REr.waTXE.ur
i ! ' .. ARRIVED, •
Lake Erie, Hemphill. Beaver. ,-
Beaver, Clark, WellrriHe. . .
Louis MeLnne Bennett, Brownsville. '
Consul, Dushane, Brownsville.
Caleb .Cope, Beaver and Wellsville.
America, De Camp, Wheeling. ' ;
Germantown, Maclean, Qn. \
Lady Byron, Miller, ,t r: ; 1
Oswego,, St Louis. <■ ;
Lake Erie, Hemphill, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark. Vellaville.
bCchigan- No 2, Gilson, Beaver. -
Consul. Dushane, Brownsville.
Louis McLane, Bennett, BrotvsviUe. _ y
,Caleb Cope, Moore, Beaver and WeUville. .
Magnet, Capathers, Hanging Roctr-- j
T. H.
BEA'N'ER PACKETS, al 9 and Ao a. u n and 3
o’clock, r.M.
Steamboat Packet Line, leave* daily for Ciocinnaii,
10 a.m.
.Paitenger. Packet via Brownsvills to Baltimore and
r Philadelphia. Ba. k. and 6 r.M. • - . »
Mail 1 Coaeh Lino direet to Philadelphia, 9 a. h.
and IS| r. m. .
Western and Southern Mail Coach Line, 6 a. w.
North-Western Tie Cleveland, daily, 10 a. u.
Erie and .Western New York, daily, 0 a. m.
North-Eastern toiladelphia, daily, except Sundays,
4,4-** ; "... • ■ '
Eastern Mail via Philadelphia,'due 3 a. m., closes 19 m.
Wesl'n Mail. Cincfa. A Ijouitv, doe 8 v. ir, closes 5 ao*.
South. viaßaltimore AWashingtou, doe 8 9. M. el*s's a. k.
North Western via Cleveland, due 10a. k-, closest) a. m.
Erie and Wejtcrn New York, due Br. closes BA. M.
T\UB the following named persons ia the Ban ov
U Pimacaatr, that have wither iaereasod or dimin*
Ished for the fart three year*.
TbMUsAlm, IClSeptSl*!*®
James Alksoa,Bearer, lt<9ApM*3 w
PB Andrews, Clarelaad t O. 1831 ftbld- 7571
Martha Awti, IbUHattf BS
iDanielßelttboorer, IW7 Aag 1»- 17SIt
Jobs Biminibam, HUBepiSA 136
Beniamin ChcwTJr., . 1843 Not a? *166
WlUtam Connelly, iei«NorSJ 1337*
Irihn Cnnnall, t Malawi 18 133
OMinofCwSu Pleas, AUetb'yCa. ISA Mar 7 It 36
Ooartwy, Adams, and rosier,
-(CJblo Commissioners,) 1641 Oct SO *SB
John ATberaas Cowan, 1514 Mat t MtO
Chrlswpber Cowan, 1833 Feb 4 S 3 08
Cramer A Spear, - 1833 June 17 1333
Daniel Ca run, lCWoJyll 33
8 rParlinitcnjaa’lng aaalfaaeof
183? Dee t» SI 33
lOtfJonalO ISO
1813 Jib IS 1536
1833 Jeae fl 1083
msAofftt mss
iBJIJineS* (O
fßilUar S 150 M
Jne. Adta«,Jr.
Stand Dsria,
Bnlph Da Tit, '
John Dickey
Wn B Foster,
Henry Fonike,
Onbnel Gambel, Aui|
_.«M wonuei. «*. —• ' r—, - --
Goratyfcßell. IflSMarlO Olffl,
AC Hamilton . IK* Oct 9 1950
THaaihne,Araatroag ca. - IBttDeo .4 -17 BS
Jar'.Htmltoo, Cailtile, 1044 Oei, J M
Join Hancock, WUut! tiio
' 1814/Qly» UW
HiMittlfcJoDCK 1417J«ne17 49*9
JobnHndcneih ’• 1 18i7.N0*,.4 95140
Alexander Homer, IOUMar 8 400
HynUum k. Mackey. IBJSFebtl 10 i
l9l4ioljrll 77M
RebenJaaST IWOet a «M
JwihJiflki&Si.i iki4 Joty 13 14
Jalib liikswitk. 1933 Feb 0 33410
i lll4Aeg • 37 44
' Michael Leaner, 10*1 Jaa 30 40
Walter LowhO, • IbXl Jan *4 AS.
J Madeira. IWSMar >4 4404
AcaMafoOa*aExa<aM4. 18 4 May 17 «H
JaioeaM'Cahta, iXHApril J 140
Aoee4kM ? Cltat»ek,lf. . 1414 Dee ■ • *441
ieerob hl'Catlouk* • 1414 Nor T 10104
Liicmde MeOeneet,' lC7May 4 ICO
JobsMeDoxaltPe Hx’ra, i» Mar 1 MS7
BAWMePanaa, - IB4»April 30 M 47
Arthur M’GUI, IteSCal 7 I*o7
DandM’Kelry, • lOtJaly 10 44503
XtidMlUer,tte«»*Telaodee. lt*4oet 3 14040
Jaaea Moniaoo, lOOJeae XI 1144
JjtlPßrittVAd.n'rt. I*BO« ti «»3>
j tc *b P*lMef, - 104 Mwk* 100*
Futenoa t 'iaffiafcG». , IBSJwi * : £
IferrcrHKetertMi l«7J*n* IT l«p
-Hl?** it styl
t;««TtPw,” is*j*m 3i tan
Jine*P«lei’,Cesir«G». IBMAept if, ««
Jgkn lugut, 1M) FeS It .10
J«*sse7,<«a*M »MJ * »
.™sS.n s»
SjaSSASSS,? . iS™, i
JeUrtWrtBek*ali, '
CifotltfcWea, ISBppt IT 1140
HenryßhippcQ] ' iWidT It l?i>
RickirdJ-Slh; ltooet t-410*7
Klra ottahensoa ( ISiiApn fet 3*
’ ‘ » IS,.
' ICSJIA IS 19314
IBT ’ »83*Oet U IIU
■ IIV.-i.Vf o tio, lsnHar u 100
vnitiMMi • INTJioi 7 lt«
b«e\Vi C ke .va.., iSIiS! l f lf?l
Qt*rk» Wilkbu V .SSSSS J*' «S M
fUssib VTilliUA* . |*4t fi6t » IPS
IK* Feb ft, MW
IBM *5 »
jofen'F WnottMuJ*
E«ock .]
*m»*« s»ta* •* .
fciiVtnr Ai Ait
• - !• fit
19. «ftl
O foe. fl»uiti| Bnliimdrt,
Oma Avery, .AlliflMr,
B Herr..
W Wuho, tf. 1
jj’diqfVhOC B MMinis,
James NietohoSi
J XUktotnek, -
JtAattanUy, Veover, ~-
W M’Cleoq, ' ■*••••
J«ha Hmrm
M Middtenean,!
James Alliaem, Banff
jiatt U White,
II Mae tfhtas, ' 8l Loots,
John Pcmunaa,
Jatte* WCrttrr,
Juki Mogodta,' Mmer,
John Sowars,
WaJokaiiMf -
Rxru. of Aashfafeßa, Hunt
jXtluuxr.KMmu 1
EliU Wilma,
J OnkM,fiHi|«ii|
Mary M’Doalld,
Mary M’D Nnbit,
•V&Qitk. ; -
8 KsOaxrsw,
Jolts Biddle, .
Charles Fash,
E Hukxss, '
John Kelly :• Pltuta|h
W MeCalbSfk,
teeakmaa, Bay ACe.
'lmltl Chats, . *
II Dosnc,
Job* Potts,
Jus Pous,
Joseph Weiglsy,
John Osborne,
James Homer,
Ocotgo Haey,
(Jeent Mamy,
JaeobTisttos, ■ -
Ksasiley If ease, Allegheny 00. 4 S
TbemasAlgeo, 8» •. It
Halos 8 Reed, 1» ••
PJeuer MeFoll, & * ,
Jobs Wren shall, «4 44401
John Wolloee,. 3 lOT,
WOsy, » . WW
Pool Morrow* i*®
Kdwurd Kassil, Jr. Birmingham, . 0 •* -
A AJ COweta.- 4 Sot
N Vosgtly, Br, Allegheny, Ji Ja-
P.U*Com]efc,PimbonU» . ** *740
•: l eemfr tsel the ferejpiac appears to t» balasees
and dlvideed* do* the prrsoa* named, and boring re
mained in Bank unebaiekd tor three years. Theft sre
n few other taaiieeewblehhova am been eaSciestly
examined w ooblish to the feregoleg list, and die eon*
sldered doobtrel; bat If found eorreet will bo published
hereafter.- . JOHN BN YUER, Cashier..
: Swots end sabserlb«d l 'J)e«.»h.lW, . .
: dsc*M4pw4t (JBOIUK WATSON.
; . Alderman
OTANOING la U)« JHcrfJtaaTa and Miaafoetarer'a
9 Batik •( Pitttb*r*b» w*ieb h**« octibef beta fo
crraW or dimolftWa for ib* iMllluc* fMr*.
w ■ M*idmc*. > «•*»*».
Abnhsa •eanei '£*?.*?’S!£* •l!*"
- • * b«lJaaelol*»
jobnlrons' -f baljuaelOis» 'WH
tSeielWDii depOet tM«37- IJ*»
Vlment McKean*. ? e P £?£?£! "
BfcßWMoffiMM i e ?£‘ B !ilsE W
JWNIeW*«* buMarxSUOS **fT
! Dividends not marked paid ooosrDividshd Book; and
pot yaaseertatded to have been called for In PWiadei-
KBMhtetl .. :•»: }|
Thomas Pmcehall , “ * . * I**)
Thomas Fdch tt * . ! ?!£
!jMa*«»*jnfcSoa ** * • • • JJ"
PriseiQa Barker * -1 “ on ns
nTeenifytbu >h* above appears to be ike Balances
And Dividends die to the persons named, and whiea
to.. rtMtoe. *&,.■■■■■
ud «b.,rtW wawon.
i detaMfltwlmd • Aldmman.
In theDiMrictCourt of Allegheny foUniyTVeml.Rx:
! aix November Trrm. lof?:. •• •• - .
George Weyman, 7 And how. to- wit,
ini- vs. . 3,.iM9..th0
I f M. Bldddle. .) Sheriff paya into court
ike shut of S«MW. remainder of ndrehaae money after
: parmftni of cortMvhJchj‘-‘after dedanlng my comims
•‘uon WJO, the residue 1 have deposited In the Merchant
Mnnufacturer’s. Bank to thTcrrdJl cf the court.
Grorge F. Gillmore appointed auditor to dlsmbuje pro
'"*■ , injJ.TZ, Pro.
- All prnon. InttrMttd will ukr I will al
irffi w llio Outle. of .boro,;. nit oSeo
onSliw, Hmbonth, on Unnlnr Uie.3l«,ln*l, to «
v.i0.n,p.... of .»Md.r. cBO p oiLLHO „
* innlikPtawttS ’ ' Auditor.
[rn.EBY—A eboice selection of Gallery, vii: PrtM
„inr and Buddlng.Knives: of various patterns, *ult
ahic for nursery men and gnrdenersj also, 0 l»Tge a*.
TVHUGS. DlUiOS.—JberMQhJex.drugfistandepoth*
I 1 ec ary. N. W. corner of wood ana ah stx, Pitts-
keep constaMly. oa.haod, 'drugs, paints,
care&lly compoand
cd from the best materials, u any bonr ef the Hay ar
cash. -- : -•-■
iugaß—t7hhd»N O snfirlastrec’d and for sale by
r u*in - ATVVQOD. JONES A Co.
CRAB CIDKB—BS hbU grub .elder;on ewrignmen
■ ! Store Bottc 1W lalt* •
M' THE store'bouse and lot, touted op liberty
and FepTatrects,adjot2Uiurthft store ofJoan B,
Bell, i* ode red for sale. . The building » a three
siory briefcand coven the whole lot. haring a front on
Liberty street of 1# feet, and ouFerry sueetof 20
tret, mod It, in depth, the longest side, Cl feet Hie
building i« well mod substantially. built, having two
fronts, mod to arranged that the cellar mad tipper ato
nes can be rented separate. The atom room u oceo*
/pied by a Grocery, for which the ttaod it well adapted.
'.This valuable property will be told cheap and on easy
luquire of the subscriber, who can be teen ml the of
fice of the Gazette, every forenoon,between the boon
of eight and ten. and at other tinea at hia rooms at
Mrt. Hays* boarding house, Robinson's new row. Fed*
ernl st.' Allegheny city.. 1 WHITE,
jnnlOtf Agenffet the owner.
Two Dwelling Hoaiet'fttr Bale*
M; ONE of these houses is situated on Penn street,
in this city, between Haudlstreet and Garrison
alley, on the south tide of the street.. It it atw#
itoTY brick, 23 feet in front, containing 0 rooms, and
handsomely finished. The lot runs bark UO feet to a
twenty loot alley, on which is erected a stable and car
riage boose. Ibis valuable property will be told at a
situated oJltabella street, Alle
gheny city, near the fland ttreet bridge. It it a 8 story
brick new and handsomely finished, containing taro
parlors, dining room, kitchen and wash house on the
first floor, four room* on the second Boor, and. a finish
ed garret. ■ This lot runs back also to an alley. Pnec,
gyKntt. o nly about'the cost of the boose.. Terms easy. _
•Inquire of tha anhteriber, who can be teen at the of*
-See ofthe Gazette, every ibienoou, between the boon
of eight and ten. and at other, times at hit rooms at
Mrs. Hays' boarding house, Bobiason's uew row,Ted*
eral«t,AlleghenyCity. DN WHITE,
jans tf ; _■ Agent for the owner. •
What is Wealth without Health).
FOR SALE—Several pleasant and healthy situation*
for dwellings, on the Mouongahela River, near the
new village of Webster. ■ • ,\ ' .
These locations are on what ireilled the Second
Bottom; being about 70 feet .above a narrow strip of
fint bouom, and are considered :sofficienily elevated
above the river to be dear of any bad effects on health,
and command as delightful prospects, if not more, so,
than .any other location between Pittsburgh and
Brownsville. The river and its valley and extensive
bottom* onlhe opposite vide can be seen for miles either
wav, and the increased business on the riyer makes it
truly enlivening. .' 1
Tney would'also be very advantageous sues for man
ufreturing purposes, as an abundance of the best of
coal can be had within a' fsw yards of the premises,
nearly on a level with them. They are probably equal
too. to anT other place on the'river for engaging ui the
coalbatmCs*.- * JOHN POVW%V
janltwlKT . Rostravet P. O.
fR| THE PABit lately dccupied br Jmm An-
Jttfcderson, Br- deceased, situated In STUBm Town
amp, Allegheny County, seven miles from Pittsburgh,
tot be Dim road leading to EUtabethtowb, and adjoin,
ing laodspf Robert Balh.Bieherd Hope. Archibald
Rankin, Livingston and others* will be sold on reasou
able terms, to any person wishing to purchase. The
Farm contain* about 170 acres, 00 of which are cleared,
and has a comfortable dwelling house upon it, together
with a large 5 bare, Ac. Thera is a very good apple or
chard on Uig Farm. It is also, well watered, has an
abundance of coal in it, eotains a. large portion of vary
fini» bottom land, and altogether; is one of the most de
sirable farms in the eountry. Enquire qf
D. W. A a: 8. BELL,
Attorneys at Law,4di at., Pittsburgh.
Louisville, Ky..
A Plnt iUta Farm for W*.
CONTAINING lflOaereijsUitato in Waf- fgX
Slralotownshlo. Boiler co, adjoining lands ■’T*
■*#f /eha V C Bell, {formerly «f Piu*lmJKl».l ' ,
within three miles of Freeport and five of baiaaburf,
muted On tho State road from Freeport to Butler.—
There are 40 acres cleared and under rood fence: 18 or
which Is meadow, wiib a good Indue bam ana frame
earn erlb andwa*r»a*sh*d, a good aqaaretag bouse, and
Tcaaf oiehard of first rate tail irecs. The land la of
first rate qsality. 1 The above »Uib< eold cheap, a« the
owner wiihee to go west. For further psruoelar* ap
ply to (be subscriber ©a the premises
Y drcTtw3j4s*B BaMPBL FLEMING.
' 1 Valuable Farm for lalo.
THE subscriber will aell ou aeconunodaunj terms:
that valuable farm lituated oh ibe Ohio nrer about
82 miles below Pittsburgh, in wbal is railed Crows bot
tom, adjoining the property of Mr. George Hhiisf.'—
There is aboalTl# acres of land, 60 acres oi which is
rirer bottom; the balance Is secured bottom, uea beao
tifdlly, and abounds in good coal, limestone and timber.
There are from CO to ?0 acres cleared. There »a good
two story brick dwelling bouse, a frame barn and other
out houses, a' targe orchard of choice fruit, and a good
spring of.water in every field on tbe place. Tbe great
er part of tbe farm is under rood fence. Title tndis
putable; For terms apply to WM BOYD, Attorney at
on 4thst above imithfield: dcSOdlmkwtfS
a FOR SALE. _ :
THE three story Dwelling Know and Lot, now
occupied by H. P. Acbweppe, Esq. on Peon ft.,
near Hand. The Loj isiSJbyJSOfect, and Is pleasant-
It situated. For terms apply to tbe subscriber, who has
also • JFv>R RENT 1
Tbe three story boose on ibcjcunier of liberty st. and
|rwin's>lleT, ooW ocenmed u a wholesale and retail
grocer's store, br H. F.Schweppe. ■ Possession given
immediately, ou application at ibe warehouse of John
Imfa *s..u, No. II W,u;r m,‘ ■
-«B THE NATIONAL HOTEL, on Water street.
toe Monoogsbela House, and tbe stable
street, being a leasehold for Ibe term of SI
y ears, from toe Ist of April. IMS, subject to toe payment
ai f4OU per annum. Ifdeilred,'tbe we-simpl* in toe lot
which is OU feet fronton Water stre*t,eitaiuiing through
to Front »l- can be pcrrbnwd. Bujuire of
Tw Lot* n
a»t THREE dwelling bouse* situated on 4tb street
canal bridge, in .toe city of Pittsburgh- Al-
a room 75 by ® fret, with a convenient en
trance* rut Sto it, near wood. Also, a femme dwelling,
two stories, with an acre of ground enclosed and under
cultivation, situate on Ohio line, 10 the city of All eg be
ay.' Inquire of J. D WILLIAMS. •
: no wood street
For Raßt*
O Tbe two large rooms ia the Chronicle baildinga,
Fa on 4to street/now occuplsd by Whitney A Du
tolttL will be tor rent from toe first day of April oejt.
•tnomireof HENRY MORRISON,
gnOtf - ' •: : 130 liberty st
For Rast*;.
a Imndiotnely finished robot on Market stmt.
Fa lately occupied u a DaguertrOtypa establishment
by Borland k Co. Also, a well finished and well fur*
plOwd roaOK «u(table for adjoining the hall of
lbs Mereanuls-Übraty Associating Entrance at Phi
lo Hall, B J 1 ■
• oct27 OtEcc, market street. between At and <ib ■
For Rant* ; •
Tjj THE large and convenient dwelling house oa
;Tls? Federal su Allegheny,!formerly occupied br Hr*.
Aon'Oasum. Bent tow. PiMeMkm given on the Ist
of April next- i • , ED UAZZXM.
: imiocdiate possession,of the abqT* bouse can w ob
tained be applying* M.Crcjjfbion/althe canal ware*
boa* otClarirfc. Thaw. - ' dec-l
Fsr Itli.'
a*L a rut# two story brick house, on main street,
■3 Allegheny city, pear the upper bridge. Thu lot is
Sleet in tnxil by lUodeco. For terms inquire ot
dclJtf A WASHINGTON, dibit.
For Ra»t;
tjJL THE large fire proof warehouse, 04 feel front hr
IB 60 fret deco, on second at. near wood. Rant moo*
crate. 1 Inquire of J BCHOONMAKER fc
dclfi i • • at wood st
For' Riatl ’ *■'•
A 4 : A nett two storied brick' dwelling house with
seven rooms and large yanl.jdeasaaUy «ruaied
**ia the btb ward. Apply to \\ il B SCAIPE.
j*nll3w , [ Ist street near wood.
eIAL LAND FOR SAtE-Betea aeTt* coal land
for sale, situate in bend of the Motion gahe la River,
above Brossttavllle. Pa., having aiT foot *•»***.
which will be sold in exchange for goods. For pantca
lars apply to [ocS3) 8 A WlfikßUAlWf.a3.wood st
For Real*!
Two large brick dwelling house s on 3d street
C® between bmilb&ckl street [and cherry alley.—
**T%er are slate roofed, furnished with , gas
fixtures, and have spacious yards and out buildings.
Inquire of Otnltefl WM M DARLINGTON.
Datldlaf Lot
Ijf MANCIIEBTER-FOR SALE-T have for aalea
beautiful building Lot in .Manchester, near the ferry.
SI lent front by l» feet deep, / It will be sold low, and
on accommodating terms. Term* unexceptionable.
mylO JAB. BLAKELY, Real Esiale Agt.
For Rent
The three story brick warehouse, No &4 vralei
ff® «ireet and No ItlJ from st. Immediate po«*«asioa
"■"wiveti—apply oh the premises,
j To Cat*". ‘
AA! A large, commodious, and well finished, three
.fSß'jtory brick dwelling, on Feriu'at. half way be.
*"twfta Garrison 1 alley and AVayne st Posses
ion riven imtnedialJy. ' For particulars inquire at the
jSfeatf -. \V W WALLACE,
rnlr&*tf ■ 944 liberty street
i HAVING removed to the eitr, for conventaoea
io pmfouiooal business, | will rent tha Mansion
House.and ual*»«d.*taen(Jloaure,aiUi*iaoalbabl*fls
of u»«otmw*liel*, 00. uiio PiwlnMk. _
JanlOawtf . jamkb p,craft
For R*bU"
: . House, sltumted oo Plum alley, for
•. fis rent. Inquire of . ROURRT A Co,
street. ■'• declfl
For Rant.'
M; Hie wen fttml»hed store cn Market street, bo*
tween third and fourth streets, at present occu
pied by Uarraws end Tumor. Possession given
on llfo brut « April next. [nvo3} E 1) OA2ZAM.
Ta Cat* 1
juA • A'dry g°ods warehouse, 07 wood street, second
above Diamond alley; of . ,• ’
uiumroirwooo ARortm(Rasexs,nrmßtntnn,.
TTAVK received their 'Autumn stjrlr ’of Hsu, .to
Mi which tiiey resoectfolly invite the aueuliun of
ihelr eustoraers and citizens, gtneTUily. - eepl4'
; / flhiit received a beautiful stock of Beebe A Costar’s
ayle Hals, which for richness and loans
csouut be surpassed. Call at the Hat Store, Monongu
-hela House, SmiUiflsld at, and sea them. ■ octlU
4fK«ubKriber will introduce on tfitnrday.Oet.oth.
Geuuwneo withinc a hM tried with thia UetirobU art!
cle will |4e&MLC«>I and rxwaiii*. 1
; r.. - ALFRED KKRYIft Practical Hatter,
eetS I-: ! ‘- • t'lSi, head of wood «t
7 fltifthtm New York,ihe Falbeiylo of .Mult which
iOKfad trilliumxlucethU ilar t :B>umlaY ( Aug. ffith.
AU’iLom In' w»al of a neat eua uperiot aal would do
well to eall at No. 75, Wood Street, 3d door above 4th:
/ JfCOTTAR'S SjylC Cieailfmffa'* lUu win b« Intro*,
it Kttvji/i on Tburtday. Auyait STth-
Oenuetneir wiihiug ft ebrap, fiuhioriatiU bat of Pitta*
liurnh inanofaeturß, ahead of Yaahlonatil* Ha** import
■ind idTßTtiwd by *amCo{ the trade, tdeaae fall at
i : KKT.VU. A Co-'a,
iujjflCtf • ' - '> lSa.h*ttdofwnod«»_
fwjiwr received from New. York, the Summer
for hM«i*on«UUag of "While .Beaver, F«*n
•nd White French CoMunere IfoU, with Ventilator*.
ThoM la want of a beautiful, light Hat an reapectnsllf.
iuvltedtocajl. •• •< B. MflUßfc.
“ '75 .wood 3 door* above 4th
/HAPS! CAPS!!—Fine 0U«, Beni mod Mm* C«P*,
(Jjttil to A«d *t iTCALLAM'S PMbwiuWP Hu
Swto,MonoafaheU llotua.., \* . ■
(7 twill Andfitnl vatictjr of »tyJ» ml M’CALLAM'Sj
Momoarthmlm Hoamm. • <* tW
"j{j ! . I ■ M«. Stall«.
Philadelphia. Colleg- of MfdtcUu, J
V ,?:4 Fifth,SomhcfWoUtastmt.
I. TURFS FOR I*lB, will be commenced oa Monday,
March GtU,: l&i!?, and be continued four months, by the
following Faculty; • f
JAS MeCLINTOCE, M. Dl, General, Special and
Surgical Anatomy. ' -
Of. R’BURDEN, M. D-, Materia Medica and Ther
DL P. GARDENER, M.D. Chemistry.
HENRY GIBBONS, M. D. r Theory and Practice of
Medicine. V
LOUIS H. BEATTY, M. IX, Obatdmca ami Disease*
of Women and Children. i: 1 - .
JAMES MeCLINTOCE, JL D., Principle* and Ptac
lice ofSorgerr. I .
HENRY GIBBONS,* M. D., lostimte* of Medicine
and Medical Jurisprudence. 1
8. R. McCAINIOCK, M. Di, Demonstrator of Ana’t-
DURR, Projector of Surgery. [
Fee for the full course, S7O. Fee for, iboae who hare
attended two fall conraea in other Colleges, $4O. Mat
riculation to be paid once only, S& Graduation SdO.
tactical Anatomy, including Recapitulatory Lectures,
•10. The DUaccung Rooms will be opened on the fat
of March. i ■ . .• , • i- 1 '
Front arrangements now pending then is eearr'
orranremt . —„ ..cerr «•»
to hope that the chain oCltutitntes of Medicine
and; Ahaiomj will be occupied by distinct-Profcucln
at an eeriy period./ <
For fumer information inquire of !
No. 1 North flerenih Street^
. Dec. 27,1947. jeni. > ' _ j_
THIS- Inititation' Btiderthe direction of Hr. N. W..
METCALF, )i iiill open Ibr the reception of Pap ill
UlbS It'. 1 ' ; - ;
Coraer of S&adtukr ud Btnwhmr
. TheSeeond Seuion aril] commence on Monday,Bebt
Uth. ' i -
Thoee designing to eater will find it to their faneren
to do whs near the opening of the aeaaloaae pocsible;
though pepils will be received at any uine daring the
. The «enrice« of eompeteuiTenehera will be «eearid
(brclaliea that map wi»h to receive Inaimetioaa jn
Drawing, Painting and Nnsie. . t
For particular* relative to the eon'rae of inttraeuon,
tenet, Ac« coniuHcirealaror apply to the Irutractor.:
Allegheny, Jnly 13,1817. If
Received at m. a. minor's—Columbian Mirs
zine for January: .* \ ' •' •{
Jack Ariel, or liia on board an Indiaman; . -
The Mysteries of Old London, or.lhe day* of Uofarth,
by G W W Reynold*, ambor “Life la Ixmdorq’’
The Mysteries and Miseries of New York, by N<d
Buntllue, illurlrated; . . i j l . 1
The lasUiiearnaiion, by A Constant; }i
Cockney in America, iimstmled by Martin the y&tnser;
Darid Watson, the I-ondon Apprentice, a sea atory of
greatuiierest, by Midshipman Easy; • '!•' ;
Isabel Graham, or Charity’s reward,' by Henry W Her
bert; : ■ t
The Chieftain of Cburutraseo, or the Spectra of lha Ca
thedral, by -Ilarny Halyard;
Chambers* Miscellany, No. 10;
Dorabey'A Son. No 15j
Living Ace, No 190;
.Taylor's Money Reporter for January;
The Drama at Pokemlle. fresh supply;
The Whig Almanac for 1643; , . ;
All our eastern papers, including the New World, nub
. lubed in New York, and edited try Park Benjamin; i
. For sale at M A MINER'S, n
uoithfield ft. 3d door front 2d-
Onpcrb Annual and Gif| Booksfor 1 Ml.
O— 1 Charm; a series of gracefal and elegant color
ed groups, with descriptive illustrations; by Elisabeth
I3let, bound in scarlet silk, and splendidly gilt.
leaflets of Memory; on illuminated annual for 1649:
edited by tßeyneii: Coates, M. D 4 superbly, bound, ele
gantly ifluminnied and illustrated. .; •• f
Friendship's Offering, for 1646, elegantly bound ana
illustrated, hr splendid engravings by Sartain. ( '■
- Christian Keepsake, and Missionary Annual, for 1649;
bound ih Arabian morocco, and illustrated by 9 beauti
ful rnexzotiiit enslaving* by. Sartain. 1 j.
The BoseofShnroma Religious Souvenir, for 16*3;
edited bv ibis. Si. C. Eucerton Mayo. / “
The Hyacinth, or Affection's Gift; h Christmas, New
Year, and Birthday Present, for 164*1. ••
The Gift of Friendship; a token of Remembrance for
"liie Mayflower an Annual for IMS; edited by Mrt
& Oakes Smith; bound in elegant embossed
and embellished withsoperbeegravings, front drawings
by the best artists. .
The Young Lady's Companion, and Token of Affec-
tion. ' i 1
The above, together with a large supply of Poetical.
Floral, and other worky. bound in the most superb and
costly style, suitable far Christmas and New Year
Gifts for aale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON,
dcfli; / eof. Market fc 3d sU. :.
MIALS, GOT BOOKS, Ac., Ac., at eastern price*.
Leaflets of Memory, and illuminated annual far 1945.
Geras of the Season, far-ltM 1 ?. '
flowers Personified, do. . . . j
Row.or Affection's Gift do. |
Christmas Blossoms. - '!
Phe Parables illnminsted—bound in.Benitt Jeon. - •: ■
Poems oi’Fitt Green Haliock—iUttminatrd. ’ "I
Roogh and Beady Almanac.' -V V
Thomson’s Seasons—elegantly illustrated A bound,
(faldsmith's Poems, 'do. do ' \
Sonny Honrs of Childhood.
Moore’s Poetical Works—splendidly illustrated and
bound.. . . . • t
Byron’s Works. do do c
.Splendid. Port Folios, of cap, letter and note; site#, !
fjegandy bound Pocket and Family Bjblem. - J.
Rosewood writing desks and work boxes.
Globes of 6.10 and 13 inches diameter. ' .
For sale by JOHN 11. '
de25.. • • ft Wood at;.
Haw PablUalloaii
MILTON'S' POEMS, . illustrated. ! Harper’s new
edition of the Poetical works of John Milton, wim
a memoir, and critical remarks cm his genius and wri
tings, by James Montgomery; and tine hundred and
twenty engravings from drawings by William Harvey,
In two volumes.
•Sroccxa’s Cast* Torus err.—-The fber Gospels and
Acts of the Apostles,- inGroek, with English note*,
critical, philosophical. and exegeiical; maps, indexes,
tie, together with the Ebistles and apocalypse; the
whole farming tha New Testament—for/tue use or
Schools, Colleges, and. Theological Seminaries. - By
Rev. J. A. Spenear, A. M.' .
A New NovxL-Midsdmmcr's fairy ul» of
love. By Mrs/S. C. HalL -: . :
juua’ Hesav IV.—Tha .life of Henry the Fourth,
king of France and Navarre, By G. r. It. James.
Complete In four parts, papers'll vols. cloth. ' • '
janS ; Hookscllctu, corner of market and 3d sis,
To tta* pnbUc.
• - ’AS I have had a rreater demand i«n
pianos than I caa turet 'from Kiy own
factory, and not within* to enlarge "M
VI * I flßtpmeut, I arrangement*
tutli a neinut'af turrr ui Uamburg to furiiUh tna a* ma
ny' piano* a* I can dUpcwe of in addition to thoscl
manufacture here. They are constructed on, an cn*
tiroly new and improved plan, which irumimenix, for
durability, brilliancy, or tone, etpe and' uniformity of
touch; Ltrt. the greatest y«n'onn«?r in Europe, pronoun*
cet the b*« be ever tneil, being the only one* be tuen
in hit’conecru. . ft
jnrOne of the above VmtrumcQti lia* been received
aiujicld, but will remaiq thl* week for public eihibt
tioii at No H 3 wood ttreij. tiaCJdl FBLUMtIr
E' milU BOOKS—HinorT of the Greek lev*
olaiioo, and of ihe warv and campaign* arising
from iboatraggletofibe Greck'fatriot* in Emanclpa
ling their eeamry from the Turkiih Yoke—in two to)-
ttaea—*p!enrtid copy with oamerou* map* and engra*
Ting*. :
Lettere* Htaairative of the reign of William 111, from
IC4 to l?tB—with fioe portrait, in ‘4 roU.
Companion »the *todvofthe Uojy cferiptama.
Harry Mowbray, thrillag romance, with St) eagre*,
triage. ;
lour in the Italy Land, French Stage,and Sketches
la China. JuiireeUand.foriala'by - - ‘ ' '
McDonald a beeson ..
60 market ttreet^
BOOCS— Catechiiun of Iron, or the Merchant'* and
Mechanic'* complete guide id the iron Uade. A
lew copica only,—very aearce.. Siwond*'. Literature bf
the KHtth or Europe. Chambers’ Information for the
people. Chamber*' Cyclopedia of English Literature.
Wendell's Uackstoue's Co*iunrnUri<», a new edition
in 4 bcauriftil Toluines. Halleck'a Enema, a neat. ari<l
splendid edition. Parlor Book of Flower*—tor all.
acaaoLti.' [jo*] J. I. REAP. 4ih hear market at.!
MORH NKW BOOKS—Nrpftl Onfea,
inrMidkiOPß Jum; Piinfmo,
XariSb, or the Triuapb of Liberty.
CfendophcrTodpole, m Albert Smith.
. Coaat»d«rof •
CmatM of Mono*. byFßoatw. Eiq.
LrgcodiofMtueo; byGeo. 8. Liftard;
Uwtua tor October. New Mut; rat mtindh
. WM. ! a. caldwell,
MjOl third it. opposite post oficc.
URN'ISHINfI GOODS—"We bar* on hand an »»*
•oriroent qi' good* saitaMe Isr famishing hotels,
ateaniboau, Ael among which ora 13 hale* licking*,
toned; 0 do brol drilling; 3 ease* 34 and 04 bleached
shirtings; 14 do I.} and 44; do; D bale* heavr linen
crash: 74 and M linen table diof*n do. do. Damoalr,
Scotch and Russia diaper, low»prir*d fancy madder
prints; White couuienianes; plain and twilled blanket*,
ite.. which will be koid low lor cash or approiedcreiQt
. jut : l - r W wood Bl
i u -- '
TAKE notice lhai letter* of'artmlnutratioa with the
will annexed, on the cuUte of Anne Maria Moofe,
late of the borough of McKeesport, dee'd, were prattl
ed to Filmy Maruide Moorc. All person* mdelurd to
the estate of.tald deceased will malt* payment without
delay, nod all persona having claim against amid catata.
will pttaent the tame for aettletuent .
ItpOwCfS _ --3—McKeesport.
! ' £xtf iter't Xoilcii
A IX persons knowing ihrtnif Itch la be indebted to
\ tbs eoiaic of John Moore, tale ©fVjOsbargh, dee'd,
re respecwtilly notified to make immediate payment to.
in onoendcoed executor*, at the late residence of the
eceued; and those baring claims against said estate
re treadled tu present them for payment.
i } • : »ARAHMOORK l
r Sue«t«r*» SolUii
NOTICE i* hereby given that inter* testamentary.
: open tho. e«tat« or Parid Hay*, late of Mifflin
township, deceased, were. ltd* day granted lo tbs «uV
■criber. Alipmon* baring claim* or demand* •gain**
totata are requested to make knowothe tine
without delay, id the undersigned at hi* residened In
■aid tpwnship, l und-*ll person* indebted to said estate
ire ranue»ted to make payment.
' fith.lS». • . • • jagwOiS*
SITUATION WANTED—A jroong wan well me*
:ml tinted with the wholesale and retail dry food*
holiness, lu this city wishes a mituation hi a war*home
in thi* Una of business. :The moat satisfactory refcren
ces will be risen to hi* lata employer! in this city.-A
permanent situation belugblt principal ©meeta mod
erate 1 salary will be accepted. Adore** box 27?, Po*t
Office.; | V-
TiARTNFJt WANTED—Either aelire or silent, *bo
I" can command a capital of.aWtoawO^toUAr^w
hear of an opportunity of engaging tu a Lmiuw which
but idiom occur*. Applicants e»aclire. Partner mart
no*ten bu»iue*» qualification*. Plea*®
National Hot*! appointing a time forimeirlcw, []arah..
SAWBIIAB WABTBD-Bjr a wholesale Dry.
Oooda lioaae in Phitadeipbia-.One BMwinted jpitft
the tftitfra abd northern Hrna’a and Ohio tram wpatd
coeusaod a gpodsalary-far furthfr^artic^^jß^aire
VitKbarih,Dee3o, *47- "■ •- r?».
/^■Rocisifist— 2oo bop* prime fTeen Rio coffee,-73
It cheat* add half chert* freahgreen teas; ISO boxes
10» 10* Aa alb'lumpi tobacco. SO keg*(l twistdo. with a
«nerata»*ortmemofim>eeri**»brsaleby. ; -■ k- :
*7Si4 ■ 1 JOHN S. DILWOBTH, i»7woodat
f|WK Ward committees nppoirnedto'make coU*cii«u
,- I fartbe relief of the sufferers br the
Ohio, are mtueatAd to .report tWh' collection* in the
courefloftheeuaulngwefiklO W BAKKWKLIv
Jan 10 tci|ypa|wri please copy.l -.ChUof Com,
DYE WOO W—423 bbU chipped logwood; J 3 do*r'd
. logwood! 100 do cbtpped Turtl?; iDO do *3nd
camwood juitrtceitedandCarialehy .
1»4 V' 1 comet of front and wood su
pIIANfIE IN BUSINESS-Must clear otn thm One
French cloths, easrimciry, resifugs, cloakings and
w “7 price, at cloth store ol
ROBINSON, fifth itrae% jMI wood. • Bargains and do
mistake. . ?■ ’■ • Ji«n*;lW
Slf ACKEETT ft' WRfTErrDnr'. Goods Jobber*, W
Wood st, hero on hand a well assorted and season
able stock of OTIY OOODA. which‘they wtli sell to
western sod city merchants, oo very reasonable term*,
and low- p'lcea, *Host of the rnogaMur* bqagbt danof.
tha)*«mflntn,tujdaiWdao«apnee», .
*! V»/BOUIBt*M
i p f A.nfi Broker* Market mtit, near 4io at i
p«Murlyaal»«: >- L tod|m>*» • ~ i
I BankofPiU«baTfh .•i.parSuieß’lt fcßrancbe«< >l,
(Sebum Bask par &-«»Be»jPr‘j.« •• •♦*“ I
March!«Man. Bank i Par ..
BkamfPhUadelphii—.paf Exeh*Bfeßk.of Va.«« H
Girard Bank .par Farmer* Dk.efVa---*
gSKfGcSiaßWwa 'per Bk. of iheVaUey ,* -—«
«'Cbe*ttrCbaiuy.*»par Bk.of Virgin!*-—-**
« Delaware •♦par M.MM r 81-. Wheelu»» * 1
« MooifOißenrCfc«*par M do-Mor«an»*mv*« I*
'« NonhnmbetUod**pa» N. W.JBanfc Va—r—- * ;
CblambiaßrMieOo.** par •do Wdlabw*-—*•. 1 4
Doyleawwn liank par ,do Parkerabar*—*
FartUM*’ Bk. Beadinfpar . ,*•■?•**••• !
; Famera’Bk.BoekaCo.par Wtef TenoeMee-M * ;
: Fainter* ITkLtoeaa'T-par Far.* STerehtaß**
; L*ne**ter Co. Bk.-* «par Planter*’ Bk.**** -• *,—
! Laneamer Bk.* par llama Pk.»♦«
— 4 O jnmmmrl. _ .
BroFnanUe Bk. -par SttteßkofMUaoon-- U
W*akm*ttnßk..........i Korlli Caroliaa.
, GeUyabarfbßk......... 1| nt.®rc*pe !*
l-QuunberaDßß** .•••**• “ Merck ■ Bk. t Newben»* t
I Baaqnehanaa COhßk.* Slate Bank.;— — •• *
LuklckCeßask,* loath CareUaa.
Lewi*t<rwn. ..« •••• teamdenlUf*—* ••• \*|
Middletown •--* -•♦.l|lk«fChwjeijoo— • • U
Gatinta* •• jQotmnercialßlr——ll
flit, ofC«oneßOT-v U
Bfcof Huatarg*”'. •* H
Mercki&U Bit 14
Ptoaiert fcMeeho'rDk* 1}
Bk. of Soaik Carotin* • l|
■; Harrlud*
Farmer** and Drorer*’ ,
Ban*, W«yne*bcrf -. u
ninubu<»» M -
Hone*d*le*'>—« “
Lebanon «
Baltimore fik*. par
Baba’e 40 RB Berta • Ao
R buy
Par. BSc.ofMarylaad***
Faraera* A. Mechanics**.
Bk.Prederlck-v*** “
Frederick Co. Bfc» •••»• **
Mineral Bk<'*«"
Bk.ofweetmhuter •
Bk. of 8L CUir —»
Bk. of Hirer Ratten* • • •
Michigan loj. Co*****.s.
■ Par. lb Meek's Bk «
j Wtacomaln Terrify*
« NarAEirtlß<OoJlil« > 0 1
« . Cuudai*.
Pourriile..*.. .» ..... “
Wjrdmlnf....... •• •• ■“
Wat Branch Bk. “
Belief Notea********'.
U*»> «
City VtCoanty Scrip*—* “
•. -i • ' Okie. -
Buua Bk.aad Braiichcf .11
HouuPieasant***** •*• “
fNenbenwlle.*.***** ■'•• **'
Bt. Claintille **
Menotta**.. ~*«
NcwU»bon.‘ «
Cißcimutißank*..-*.. “
Cblambe*. do* M
Ctreie*ille*-... . •••» K
Xanaville ■
Ooepv" •••• “
Norw*lk**** fl
Dxtud** *
Wetiern Reserve “
franklin B'k Colombo* u
CJulliembe •••*•••••—« “
lAkeEriec*- **
geiot#.’.:, ............. «
UuciWr—v •••!(>
~ | Hamilton :**»**l3
; | Granville***”** ♦
AU solvent Dank* 3
Beak of EtuiaadNoiea •.
Napoleon* 3 60 ‘
Docau.--.---2 13418 20
Eagle, oM>" ••• -10C0
Eagle, new 1000
Doubloons, Spanlih. 10 00
Do. Patriot *l5 30
Sovereign! •» 463
n^1nf.f1e...... 5 00
Fredericksd'or«*»»***7 60
1 F&m’n IT* Canton-• • *3B
1 Urbwft*'* —rfi*
BkorKentiiekTr ti
BkxfLoaiiTiUe<*»--»« *
Norijenvßk. Eentu’kr'.*‘
JT««r York-City Btnfa
TeoTkalm* •«' •*. 1 80
TeaGaUdm**- * 300
Loaisd’ors* • 4 00
New York •♦••••••• Ipm
r'hiladelphln :•••••* fpnn
lalUaora • ipns
►.par. Tatenor Fh --
! HUBSET. HAIIA * CO» . • ,
BIBS, EXC!lANGE,BßOKEßB,‘*od'dealera
reign end Domestic Exchange, Certificntesof
Bank Notea, and Specie; Fourth attest, near
te the Bank of Pittsburgh. Comm money
on deposit* Bight Checks, for »ale, and col
lage oo nearly all the principal.points in the
■lea • • -
. The btgUesTpremium paid for Foreign and American
Gold ■. . •'
Advance* made on consignments of Prodace, ship*
ped East, on liberal terms, - • mchlS •
i vir. HOLMES 6 BOV*
BANKERS and Dealsrsin 'Exchangs, Corn and
Bank Note*, No. M, Market street, Pittsburgh!./
. Selling Batea Exchange! - Buying Bates. -
New Yore. 1 pr Cincinnati, : I dis .
Philadelphia, . Ido LoaisyilU, . .1 do
Baltimore, 8a Lcaia, Ido '
Baying Bates, BANK NOTES.’ Buyidg Batea
Ohio; 1 dis Co. & Scrip Order*, 1 die
Indiana, Ido Belief Notes, .. . Ido
Kentucky,' _ldo PennsylvaniaCy,ldo •
Virginia; .Ido New York do ldo
do • \Theeling, Ido .New Orleans, Ido
Tennessee, .. • Bdo. Maryland,..... ldo
• declOrf • ' ’
JOSEPH H. HILL, (late of the firm of Wm. A: Hill
A Co-) and WM- C. Carry, (lat e of Erie, Pa) hart
entered into Co-partnership under the name of Mo-IA.
Ceaar, for ths purpose of currying on the Banking and
Exchange business in alt its branches, at No. OS Wood
street, three doors below Fonrtlvwest tide—where they
solicit the eastern of their friends and the public gen
erally; .JOSEPH H. HIM* -
nAld - WM. C. CUBBY:
Imiwii nnt-1 [VkC.CUUT.
Foreign and Domestic Time and Sight Bills of Ex-1
chance, Certificates of Deposits, Bank Notes and Coin;
No. 0a Wood street, third door below Foonh, west.
■ideT Par Funds end Currency received on deposits,
andleoUectioat msdson ell the principal dtistin the
United States. '.
Sight Exchange on Baltimore. Philadelphia, Now
Yore. Boston and Cincinnati, constantly for tale.
Ohio. Indiana Kentucky, Virginia.and Pennsylvania
Bank Notes bought and sold on favorebla terms.: •
Exchange on England, Ireland, Germany and Franca
procured, Ac. : • ■ ' mchld .
-il -WILLIAM A. HILL * : .
Q In Foreign ami Domestic Exchangs, CeniScates oj
Jepdsite, Rs"k -Notes, and Specie. No. M Wood st,
one door above Fourth, East side, Pittsburgh, Pa. .
- oetftdAwF '•, • ' ■ - " ~ • -I -,-fr
Byr.TJC on England. Ire • .' r i*nd Scotland bought to
any amoant at tbe ». ..fft Bales of Exchange.
Also, Drafts payable in ant \ -n of the Old Countries,
Aom Xl to XlOOO, at tbe Mteof #3 to Sterling,
witboat deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European and General Agent, office fith si one
door west oC wood- oeOßtf •
AU.XX rmex! . t* DW ' A * l> ** Of
l> in Foreign and Domestic Bills' of Exchange, Cer-
Ufirsie* of Deposits, Bank Nous and Coin, comer of
3d and Wood streets, direetly opposite Bt. Charles Ho
tel.i maygjdly
U ' Ohio. • • • ■
! Indiana.
. . ' • •• Kenmekr,. •
;• • ' V- JUitaosri, .
|. -j ’ Bank Notec; . ;
purciwteJit the loweit ratem, by
. ! <4= .V HOLMES k SON, -
dcIO . T ■ , 3S Market ctreel
■LS OFKXCH AHOB—Sifibt Ckieki on
New York. •
Ptulndflphin, nod , _
■ B&lumoit.
1 ttMnrkntnt.
itantly for aale by
10 '
COLLBC TIONB— Drafta, Note*, and Aeceptan*
ees, payable in any part of tb« Union, collected on
tlie most fiTonble ltmi. N. HOLMES' k SON. ;
dclt) ~ •. £' ■ 56 Market tt.
3 EXCHANGE ou New York,' Philadalpbia,. and
% Baltimore, at eight, in com* to tail purchasers, con*
nanily for tale by HILL k CURRY, '•
' ocitl Wood O, below Foartb.
ITTXITERX FUND*—The Notea of the Ohio,
. tVi Indiana anj) Kentucky Banka, pnrehaaed at low
ratee ofdiecount, at the office of
'i t mix* curry,
ocill , : No. 65 Wood 01, below Foonh.
OLliECTlbxS'on all the principal eitiea in the
Union, tnada by ' llltLa CURRY,
ocUt- ~ * No. 65 Wood tL, below Founh. ;
I respectfully Inform his friends and the citizen* of
1 Pitubßreh and Allegheny that he hahdeeidedlo remain
in the city daring the winter, and l* prepared to treat
pnUtiu placing: themselves under hi* care, according
to iheayetem as practised at all Water Core Establish
ment*, Gor either Acute or Chronic disease*. Those
wishing to avail themselves of his service* will cailal
Mr. [Miller’i, comer of Liberty at. and:Eran*a aßey.
Dr/hL has treated several severe case* of .disease in
this'city with great saccnas,*to which be is permitted to
refer]' .. • novgif
Or = n®rKlG7 "
: | : Original *BoUyu
"I7XPERIEM:EI> Judges, on atrial of one and a half ;
1% trillions, since 1843, pronounce this article unsur
passed for durability In the, construction of all kiads of:
Furnaces. Price 623,73 rash for loads of-10 Mi guar
anteed ninh months use. Orders for a second quality
BoliVar llricks will be executed at $9O per 81, if so de
sired* without guarantee., A stock of the first quality
is bow lor sale at the warehouse. ‘Sloan’s Whart? Ca
tudUMfl>fay J. SHAW SfACLAREN,
. setftfitf . ' ' • Kensington Iron Works..-
TbIACK SILKS—W iTmURPHY asks tbel attention
lj'ofbuyeT*tplJ**«»ortment of abort goods, inclnd
uf rich pi«3d Italian drew silk; poultde sole do;'blue
block do; rich watered do; do watered' and striped do;
•ilka for cardinal*; betide* lane amonment of Fancy
Drew Silks, cbuyable satins; 4c., all uf which will be
■old it the lowest possible prices. ' -' - jand
fi AQ. WAREHOUSE—Tho htehest price in eash
Tb pald for yood Ban; also; (anvass, Bale Hope,
Urms* Hope, Bayyiny, Woollen Rags, GWoa Waste,
• j-n< : v iwayne st between pena and liberty •
XTOTICS—AII persons htTimr claims against Joseph
Jw (flihduse, pcdler,lata of Plan township, Alleghe*
ny county, Pa, law required to preaeot them bn or be*
tote the fim day of March uext, duly anthentieaxed, tor
settlement. JOELMONROB.
Trustees.-- :
'■ [ v ' tiiiiiiTnitMloair ef Deeds :
AIT CINCINNATI.—I am authorised by the Gorcr*
Al nor of PeantylTanin to take acknowledgments of
aifirutnunfiit* of writing, alto affidrivia and deport*
lioni of persons in Ohio,’to be tued l or recorded in
.Pennsylvania-' .Offieei two. doors cut of the Mayor'*
Office, Cincinnati: Ohio: EDWARD PC RANCH,
. knaySOdsndwlytT • ,y. -■ Attorney at Law.-.
■\TOTICE—AII person*' haring'claims against box
i.l firm will Please prespot.them..for payment, and
those Indebted to tu not settling their accounts on or
before the £sth lurt., will be dealt with accordingto law.
jsal3 ■ [ 1 v ANCEKR A MAV'ER.
BIRD CAGES—A.beaanfol 'article foriCbritanas
presents-—Fancy, fine and common Cages; also. Ca*
nary Birds of fine plumage the pair or rtn
ale one, to suit purchaser*, ean bo obtained alike
Pittsburgh Seed Store, Wood rt.'-
. }dcS3' 8. N. WICKBRBBAM.
WOOL’-Tk bijhett price la cash paid fot
•1 f. all tbe-dhTcrciU eradeaof clean Waabed Wool, by
i Old Wool "Wart houie, cor. Liberty *t and CcciP* al
ley. ;• - •" ' , ■ mylMArrtf
SUOAR— Qi boxes D R larje lonfaugarjlOUJbbl*
utorted No*, tidal], loaf nnr, SDO do enwbed «a>.
ear 173 do powdered do; IreSnea) hi eioje tad for tale
by : r JAMES A HirrCHINSOX * Po.
'i'anA. •' <5 wlrr and M front
-IUGAjfUOUSB molasses & uuuuft ty V nur,
0. 50 bill Si: Loch innr bouts »oJuw2sdo cold-
S*" tpVßPpft BALE-A food HOTe,'forttflor*’n»o
~ . BAUISttBUMO . ■ .
And Cnmante. Min In lin HWMUd Nlrtl BJJM.; ....
Idiver Coarplaiat. Bro«chlßt{daSall dlMnMtaf.
■ ... tts threat, iaofs and llver-oaredby . ~..i
•- tnaa*tAU-Hgalia* Balaam. ' |L-.-
. Raising Bbod oad Ccmtumption* ,'L
MR. NILNe-Boiler, 1a Brooklyn, area .altorkM,!;.., . .
•(de.*od*ll The sioal ayaotoau ofean»«piroa. ~HOi . ,
employed two of the ban' physician*: tbeydiil.hlto «o -
good, And told him he COULD NOT 14VB* •, . v •
Heannjr of the woadetfal cure* performed
oan’t Balsam, ho'aeat at U> o’clock *1 night to Mffc
ttayea, 139 Faliowt.,tad dot abeuletit operated U» ; . >;..
Aenana,'stDpped the bleeding and opart! Buora bo ...
bad taken one bottle ho waaabla tofraaboathta wci®..
It bad SAVED HlSLift* lUa dtHgter, rending atIST. ;
l Jfrnle A*enoe,eaaattt«tit. .
liiu Ana Maatou. of WHlinni'ibaran.lmng »a
I Dear Booth F&unh-st. aajt—lhai the bad been Ireshlad ...
I with a hacking e««b, and pauruxthe chest, braleog
umeJwh»ehai.lart beeamesobaiMhai.eb®,wa»oMi*ei,
ito give n hfcr school for tnorothpa ® year.. 8W the®
| eernmeneed taking the All*Ueahngßalaam; whlehaooaV,../.''
I atleriatcd her Slue Ja bow. fiuttaeonnig,
i tod ha«rr*amrf berlaljciiOMtKwpaiioßaaattachar,.. , \ •..
11 ■ Y2ARS. 1 • . ■-i
i Mr John O’Neal, 10th avenae and Sat at, aafibred (.-.
w bieb drove the psinfiom hi* aide, allayed the . .. j.
: eoortTand btoort l tboditeiw a poo the earbeeftM .:..-i
-1 before he bad taken three boulea,w»».enUrely cored... i ■
Pleurisy end Cotuustpitoru. ■
hire. Bams, a lady opwardsof trending® Shat
tCbaa toryeara btentahjeet to«Ua*k»«r Pleansr,. i i ‘
fUiaißf of Blood, tcvere Coagh. fihagneta wf-Breajh.
'Mala bee Head andwtopajMOTj®fb« body.-Har. i r
friends believed her PAST RECOVERY. ..Tha All* ..,7- ■•>
Healing Balsa* relieved hpr at ones* all her alam* - -
lac symptoms. aad aha 111 owabla toattaad tobet work. ..
•* AMthmmwi&WhacmingCwglu
Mia. MwetialWelh-iS L8 v ßeab,l9
DelaneeJSt, Wn H Ybunc*,«;«Ußm:tt,kaow tbs "
the valaeottlui great »■***•'Vil?;
Aik for Sbenasa*tAlM!eaUarßal*am,u4 see that «
hi* written algiiiitßMrli'BJtßaeh bottle. • •" ■
PrtceSdeenuiecdtl per bottle. j , - . r '.
I)r. ShemaaV Worm tutd Oeogh I***ngts Mid •,. •
above.- .•■■'• •!• _v‘ 1/ :A '
Proeipal Office 109 Na***a-*t, n. Y.' 1 ’ '/I,
Bdd vbolaade aad ratal hy W«. Jaekaoa, tt] blaPiMak - ; -
• tsd DomW - •—
McdieißCWsttboaa ntf DeeitoJ SJw* Biar%t 2fo 89 LAtf>
tj •tmt ) Stt4of W«d«KM^RSt4Hk-maft |Mrla(
tw. ■ 1 * . • • ■ iylT-tf
' No,O»»WAiIOiVD ALT "; a..
' Try; a jew doom below ,■■■,•
* ctrwt, toward* ifam
hat-' A x \ : '
tathe - - ;..•!• ■>-'
aoe» timeia
, general practice, now coo- . ;
fine* h» attention to the •
' I treatment of tbo»a pneata* .
yW|HßE]|gßMgjtfcV and delicatecqmplamfe far', ; 7/. ,;
■ _- JErnolXiiair ‘
. :• tiAtoulf daroted to the. .
. ■tody and treatment of these complaints,' (daring which•.'.'
time be hat bad more practice and haa cored mora-pa* .' 1 '
tienta than can erer feu lathe lot of nay private: prae--
utioner) amply qualifies him to offer anorascea or •
•peedy, permanent, and satisfactory core to all afflict ori ■,'
with delicate diseases, and all diseases ariiißg,4here-. / .;
from. ' • ■:•■'?■■■■. •* ' ••>
tit. Brown would inform.those afflicted witb prfr*!* ' '
diseases which have become chroaioby. tiniecr ag
j ■greYated byihe cm of any of the commas nostrum of ' : r
I tne day, that theircomplaints can be radically.and tbof> .:»
I oughly cared; he having given hi* careful attention'U* '
the treatment of such eases, and succeeded in hnadreda -'
I of curing persons of InAstninitiopof tho - :-!-, 1
I neek'©r.lhe'-h ladder, and kindred diaeaaea which oftme --■: •
I result from those cases where/others-ham consigned v, - T--i
ahem to hopeless despair. ■He particularly invites such v •
| ashevobeen long andunrocc^ufolly.treatedby others; •,
1 to Consult him, when every tatuiactioa will bo given.
them, and their eases treated in: a careful, thoraqga and f.,-
i intelligent manner, pointed out by a long experience,
I study, aal investigation, whjeh it Is impossible for thoao -
I engaged.-in general practice cf mediHna logimany - ' ' ■ ... ,
I one class of disease. ' I
i ~ EyHsnua or Raptanv—Dr. Brown also invitee par-
I sons tfflkted, with Hernia to call, as be has paid partte* j
I ultrattentiontothisdiiwasa.t j •
I. ’ Skin diseases; slso Piles, Palsy, speedily eared. .
i Cbargesmry low. i.;
i N. IL—Patients of either set linng at a distance, by
I stating their disease' in writing, gmitf all the *yrep*'‘
[ toms, can obtain medicines with directions for use, by . J .
addressing T. BROWN, M. IX, pest paid, and enema*. .. .
65, Diamond alley, opposite the Wtmrty'
'House. V •' '
«nnoKPsoa*s cospovbd inuv of
L TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA*—Tie. Portland' •
tMe) Advertiser aayas— a Thta remedy-baa been more -
aaeeeaafal than any medicine tor
in asmerou circt la CennUfiptian, BtrtQing blood, pala -
lathe Hide and Bnsaat BtciicluUa, A»ihma,Obatmaxe■-' •'
Goaxh% tloarseaea*: Sore Threat, Palpitation of the-.
Heart,AShnoptnj Coagb Croup,Netmo*Treats*,ke.
lndividadli of the highest rctpecahillty la this city bear 1
ample tettnnoay to its power and eitcacy in this elwo •
ofdtveaaet. ■ • ■■ • I •
■?• Amonliheteeumoualatoibevalaeoftheaboveioed* '
.leme,areoeTeraiftomdmlo*at»bed!pbyilctiiiaofPhll» -v L
adelphla. Read the foilewiag frtaa Dt. Yam*, the
eminent oealist.- ■ • • h . •V r. ’•
<_ - PBiLasnrau,Jaiv IW. '
!. naxiniraaediamy praeuee, avwrUai inmyowtt ,
.fanalrTThoiaiwoß^aCoaiPoandßyropofTaraadWeed .« *••• v
Napbtah,*i'baxe no beartariorrii aayinf thatltiatba
boaiprttaiaiionofihotuidlnDicforpeiaoiiaofatß* >.v c :
from and «0 aflfcttiaai of v
the Throat, Breast, Ac., la prevalent at tht* ivaaon of '. r.>
thereat. - ■ Wm.tQvx9in.*^lO*Hfnoa*t : . r .J' --
Av« kaveceea within a few day*theperaon wbetave
the Allowing certificate. lleremaltu weU,betn| per- y
•ibctlyeaiedof hiadiaea«es; ; .\\ y
' v •
.. Frnaa *en*e of gratltirie, and a coabt that
ted Barbara reaetree to a trn)r inevitable meo^lae,
•i woalaatate that thr beeefitl eat® experienced ftmß •
tho e*e cf-Thocpwifa Coczmoand Syrup of Tar and - ..
•Wood Naphtha. FofaawmjreatkiiaxadieettwUo-- -r‘- .
ted with ai dmro»lnirre£hlnsc<s»*»i, accompanied with
treat opprenloa aaddtlfieuUyof btea&laurlth aaeo»:-.
•ulaa of tirttnem at the cheat. \ Becoming. greatly
aUnaed, a fnend who hid been aaeh benefiUMbythia ... .
medicine, recommended me tonylt,ldldao,ana.ln *„■ ...
eery abort time eee'y alarming irmptnm dittppetrej); • k
ar expectoration became free, all oporeason left me,
my eocrfceeaaed, and Jnaftw daya.l go
MtaadtneadtamjrbaviKMa.weUaaa. j Aey farther - ■ „.■, t
taferaama will b« caeerfslir gtven the afibctod, by ir. .
•• Thta Invaluablo nedietne ia prepared only by. ANG-• <•?• •
NEY A DICKSON, at NE comer, of Fifth and Spraeo
•w, Philadelphia. Sold InPULsborzhby l* WIIAXIX, ' ■ -
Jr.-PrieiranieCTUOTClperbottlK • .••
CAtmON—Bewara of the masy caasterfetta that :■
■re ooar aCoax. ,Tba anacnipaloaa are -errorready to ■
deceive <bo anwary.- •; -~** A *—
ul|(tli>MUni'nll l piifimHdnUty.& K4Ui|..
July LSUt > lic. f
Vr. lL S.'Stllert.'—A.aasM ofiuty Mpanndthetflyted .. .
etkbnUd Lirvr pjfl*. 1 hmdctejied dotsf safer, jem, ; , * ■„
tdberiaf toLery Crockett*• saxm* fbe tat* yea are nebi, v, ~,-i
Ihmiathieri lf ' M~TI T m — u ~““*—f
blMubthaM-n theAice,lawmkfatacMitkiibw •
year Lirer rib here betaoditferflao*pub'k. mad, itieed,. »j >
Ibeline they will ‘‘iai’tbe tbm riV7a* they W jaetwhd- .
rotfepranttbcato be. Ihatebetttaflwfed «uh Line .: ■-. «:
Ccnofei&f&aH mj path; luee tufired-asek; eapbiye* v -■>
aas? euusmtefcyi&iM, towboat paid Bsehaaney; bn ■
Vxt tt«eb Uooc; Wn to«it«4ud pbjuck<4al*c«lia death; -
■ltTßtc4 5 or 8 time, ud fiaalhr »ta up «» iaewtUe. - Is ■..
lS3tl-7lwatedacedtatr7yocr Lmr?Si»,ttad3ooftoQT,- .
WELL. Oueboxof whkhiisowtcflacettoheepisecleg;. -
of puis is tie ride,sad iU (be ctbereyaptoau’fer attaat'.
-tSaoaihe. 1 ToarFill*enaboUHbcstes(b*nleleTer«Mdj
beinx ixild.'ootrTipinr or price »nA ticks*J iltisrtW •
•eh. adriteaa noth relief iMujetkali ayriorw -
lot 8 er 7 jtere; toUhiadredt bate nmr
beards riar l * eaaplalot uttered besnyont-wbo hat mI • •
then. TtorhmwpereededelaoKereryothex^pell fcithb .>•
aeMhortuoditsdias Aerttuw erOlfcuMi tmatlh -f -
ctneatly neotnae&d thra-loaD pemol'otedtec-pbyik,
whether t» Lira Coin ph rat or Bilbao A Actios* I eos-- ••v:.'
rider thaatfaresperior toCaloaelorQaßloFiQ.
At there ere other PflU befcm tfaepUJo
OiUitUßrfiDiHmiiriwnßtdMOSlfUllllntsli ;
ukftraadttkaMoihcrtfcastbca prepared asd told-h? It ‘
'R SELLSBS, Wo 57 Wooi-A between Thiid esd Fourth .
*; Sold by Br. Calm; Fifth IFhrt,DM Cpur, Alk|h«sy>
rity. : " :.■ •■‘ • I ■ ■ • - '*«* -- c r *
• Highly Important!!
Scrofulous cancrr cubed.—na’Awfufi-'
fwuM » highly reapeciftbleladr. haabeen -.
•cot wDrv Jayne by hi* annts, hteaara JaaonHam 4?
Co.- J CeutmUle,la*Ma«h;lWi,lM7
' Affi- Jatct— Peat Sir—Duty to By feUownehttije*,.. > i
dattandathatlahoaldaddmy te«tiihoay.toihew»ila*«
•tabliahcd efficacy ofyouraiiizinvx. [ har* had
what the toctora allpronounced : aal incnrahje SerofiH... . :■ v
]oo> Caneir of three rear’a atasdldf.: After .a duthfel
om of the remediesof tha profeaaiotC ontij my patieaea .• • '
in iheir ett, and hopes in their efficacy wen complete*
It exhaoited, 1 commenced taking yoor Altarahve.
Attest had taken it about «lx months. I wo* not cnly-'i.
eared by it, bat my Cancer waa UterUly rooted octaad- . .■ - -
droppedoCi t am now esmpteteJy]and pcnniuamly y- : :,=
cared, and hare nohesitaiioninfxying that ilia thhi.
moat effieheioo* conatimticna) remedy extant. ' 1 ■ haw
no aernplea nor feara in nndenlftuny iia’riitoaaaad.''-.'
ccanmendinr it to aHaimyarty affected. • -
- BeapeeShllrioata,' ’ -"'A Naan Faui.
• Jr.D. Jayne Dm Sir—We eneloae yoo a fcerul
. erne fiomjtaney Falla, of an important careperfcraed - '
ow her bryoar Alternate. The facia Waled by her wa
know to oo true.,. Yoon, .. . Jaaoa Ham kCo /,r ,
: CentreTule, *47 »Per CJ Wood*.
■ ForaaiainPitttbarjh iithe-PekihTea starve* 4tfc
atreet, near : ■-..i - • -|aa>
, WeUnbetalßtoanlbjMni
faneießku.)>7ov. J«^u , i r
pp*ea its snpetiaritrovcreTefy otWrieaetfreTibe
kfltd. -'Ska has been «fiieud for tbe Uttslxiecctei!* - ‘
wiiboleereiion* ood eufoUailon of vtrioosbaue.da’- (
ring wfaieb time many piece* hove been discharged creoi J >
Ua tamtu bone of the er*nton,fr«Bb«b-ieram»»
wrim udbudit and fton both leg*»oadfte«jbe left <_
-fMOtol biaO|OA4ftooiikeTi(fciWoibcaWc*MWU - -o
aleir* oa eih«r pan* of her peraea, which wn MSotf ;
thotkillef%oemborof U»»e**e«ißeaiphj»fcieMoC. •• • •• ..7;
oor.-oitv—wwj aßoarof the tiao tier ««jfcnag»h*TO..-:.~~ :
bck>& oxciimtßf eoddepleribi*-: Aboot three ■ootbe - _J
aifteo tbe ww »educed, to uTOr.JayneJ* 4Jw»wti. v
which,bs* bed MMU»»oin*>lupp7e«ct - k
uat PEBN TEA.tIOM, '
«FoenbatßwWßod. ■ - I- -
.yca.wtaai lee tli u *>•» «*
*Yoa, wheat *Mal* lUrkesfteeJtow-:
Yca!wb<rteJwiruft«*k *»d Wfrey, ,
Roily,dmy w* or&tTl :
: filecAUTtbruiks'
. -
’ Yea ceoW «oafi or firt— - .
-••“•"■'• . .. -.
'lft tMtUtlOUj
Hreuk __ .-r vv-fw.-y;
PcT»*flidv(&»«fld«M>o&aaft W ~ , 1 '* •-
And fcair*oft,«tlk7tdaritaMlM, j . , . v \: - -* -'-L
s ?!y readies wbsiu uuit teiow, <• , ' ‘ A ./>. s A r -\ > ->>%
tiUuuoUimfbajuwh,)tt*u»faaatflUleofJaneaVSi ',l * \S
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