* «T- MSDfiGHGAZETm - __ aUgTtTB BROOp.t,Oo. -y i _ 1 yiT*»Biraggi ■ ".& ; _iTOdhsday mobmmg.jan. uims. 7 ' L-.■ f t JS£’i«JFnmui(w | -lUttT GUixttx £V<;.v ThjfrfaMSrrm i'- £*£• pw uwti>V«k|fji FVraAOmpS I' 1 Weddy,UTwoDiuinperMßßUo,:»^§[ : •. UT’ArtumutxetfaetfDd tok&nAin Jwrjrmt. toton.etT.U4ui u mrlfia itoS^u saS§pi»?sPi^BsS? torMtWtiima,! Jfrw*. .■ .Editorial m ..- .CoTTWpoodence oc ika Ratbdn* Gweue. wkajuee aid xb, cupoprok •ip. ■ Waihlngton, Jan. 9*7.' ■ *r^*_- ,l Pb*o luu a coiamntiictiiop'inre* . pfrlO lOAtTe|Qiri9 of 1/mUhm^ <7Q|g of| Mr. .-‘Giddap aponib* i-with to notice enlyahe 4 of the j r ; been fkgorde&ever'&nce be ■ ■i.&rfc*«** la C«ign** as the special fotoritt tfd*\ . ; ud il wks predated teere tbtf'daw <4* tlie j * 1 ta< p olc of .a. *“rt“«n ibeSoaih would dictate •’iir ®*9» »od that au would be i wiaugpp.. Eveato -Tunre venfiod the truth ofthe i Heil •‘‘imHlohi m«ii»ilh gytftam i pTuxdjde*?’ andso regarded by the "Whigs of Bo*' i : •’* .k i ■ rmfamgmg interest of that ctty-Hut inter- 1 sympathy with southern slavery, and of i . j winch interest'Mr. Wimhrop is the organ and' o> ; i pedal isvorita.” , r y v :., j ; j i » The writer of the above knows nothing af Mr, - i nothing of his •peecbes, < nothing.cfiiis - i vo aotiuafc"to-*ddTrto fe'- ■. UW bacLl think heswrwrrfiotobia'deiayadopln* f. iona maafl* t t *nt 6T Uul elee)ed fate * ly nfenpoe to .. a a ' i **-• . „ .... ’Jtp-i ? Jan* 8,18*6.- . Tho his-Bepon tp Cangrew - v > i qfa.Uw fcr t retired hit, " . -:i wooU^aoteMttheGotrenunentone - The de* -i!i,H tbe oottvSocdrv officers wlp|pfidd by thekffettrve’ officere doing : '..';; :--tbrfrdnty l , bjr'sriDch' the berret officers at the loot fat wnhld. he sooner, advanced; and .thus, t . bfttttin&easedcfficiexKy'bf the several regiments apd woold actnally. a; benefit resell to. ?t i' thepobhe. , # An Ar/tcwifcfwoooded and -disabled-soldiers I is also the Adjutant General, . otßm^' complain of this dutLo©> i ' i iSw latbe laws between the officer* and i ; :vr < jkd£Mcd^';f^(tju > 'aad''tbo roliwieer -service.'] > ■ ‘WXWwidowsend children;ofithe.vohraieen of i disease and ibe efifcabf e&dafe, am entitled to % ' '■ < pinaioa under die baitiahe'law-wbicli luu fens v ■ 1- rkta of cdiratt ompkTred in'the .-. imliUnraerTsee: felt the'.widows and orphans of v -i tbfcsoldies of tiw xmhriumy 1 who may «Ue even: of -wound*, ce.fce kated in 'fighting tbe: fettles of their country,. are entitled to nothing under the law. . TbrftnriKe*tf the fallen without! durtinc : t: Uonofrankor corps, wfeUter in bank, or by the .•; barder, ftlg.of aainhospiublo.climate, ought to V" share eptafy Ihe■nmatfiffenftßof ii feßaßtry?^;."•* - -Thedntmction is complete between officeti and men, and the Bcport ckjses .with thia strong stale, tnent of filet and just recommendation: “If s mtoaUvUunutr'soiiitTAie offerer or other, erne, the laws humanely and justly provide for hi* tndorcrnsd children,* bat if iprivau of. tkt rtg~ . mkrormy be erea battle, his destitute widow aad'chfldren can teco're nothing from the gOVenliiienL' . TTiB peaiion iaws do pM, in trams, exclude-the cbtssof. nnfbrtunate. sufferer*, whbeech&sxs and thoseof thsotherare identical: bet it is’the wonljof qptaf - legislaiioQ which it is twwKrddfrtrahteiosappJy.”; junaus.or.ns wax.' ; *' The i opeflttiaaa of the \Var Department for the year past, and from the commencement of the war, hire hesn more interesting than almost any other department of service. General lump is at the head of the Bureau, 1 and is ohe of the ablest officers in'the service. ' labor performed in this branch of-the-public ■ service' has-been immense,- and »ho • • many. of dollars-"' Tbe*nmof $21,7p1,42l is accounted for,--*!! of 'j rthich has.bees. iemptoyed m providing supplies i nod means of ..transportation tor the three. Armies , ; concentrated on the Lower Rio Grande, at San Antonio in Texas, and ati.Fort Leavenworth. ■ From this repcrtTleani, that’ since the tall ofTo i ebU,aadthe~capfareof the/enemy’a country, our 1' Army- is supplied mainly in' Mexico. There are' I tbertf lOWperaems-enapkryed in making clothing, i and draught andpack animal* are procured with 1 .out embarrassment. Tbs following are some of the items of expendi- . * i lure: 1 . 1 . . . u SteamTesaels,si;)Jxipft,4l;b*rquea,2;brig«,B; ■ | schooners, 31; scows,'2ol:bcsides “several hits' : dred uO and steam vessels hired.”' For the transport, artiflciy and cavalry service, ■ there have been'purchased ho»«, mules, I ; ; . «ps>^aaß^.i^(dfc;’ihef. : * r drfd.'* ** r i • * • ‘ T.*r ■ P? . *« BaclMßt lUUTaIIUHn,«b Waihbgtoß.JamUl • tt&veek of thoSea* AvkrerdiragrMraMtt. to t7e^fl * ft* order afbasbest latbirSenale, 1 is a. Inge Admurisr&oa tad thedetesmiottiottinlUsljodyiKeai' to beib.Je&d aw2Eng aoqttiacnu*;iay. & the Titnofibo in Jaror ofiheincreaae of tf* Army and this prosecution of die War. 'The Pradent’a fiiesda,'wiih all' (heir professed confi dence in the' Volunteer fane of the coaaOfiVO not willing to rely fapoa Volunteers, arid Bence the tea regiments of Beguhn proposed in the Senate-. There are obtkms reasons for and voting thu kind of troop*. y.Tbe.reasons far panting hoops in this tons are,' that the .ten regiments will gin at leak ant’ m&n>tx2» awbctwians ,Wthx Paa.aiTik.vr. - Those wTaoscek Executive patronage, ire .naturally-: enough ready tqvote the way* and toeana lor thfe. new regiment: of officeholder!, bat thoM who believe that vohmieenara more eSdesl men, or more easily brooght-inio amice, crbest aniicd to the inaltotfpna ofa country Kkethi%—* aad'tboae who'areoppared/Xoadding-to' the'itn*. mease-patronage already eajoyed. by tbePreaidßnii an not ready to plaee greater pewerih die Baade ofontf who already Baa ao grossly abusedtut' <4t cial trot .!War»:with every p*—enitaStnesS, pvea.nzupeaae power to the Exoettite,-arid-tare great season of the ooaiumaaee of the precoatvar, Baa been thea mew at of patronage ittiai rnijArrcil liTnn&rbctttfquiixSuSM dußUbaa&dnjr on to naae atbpcfc the riuHtia, selecting ev?ty-teiiih cfoore ecnptSe* ahoolcU* qkdQ ’byCMpl enactment, than' without oathur ity, tr.proaecntal w%«*ra«Fa»aality. are tahnf Itaiand'iaot* thab" were declared to he neecaaarf to’coaqocr the whole nf Mexico. - Wfa£ then^theaeten'regunenia,— or if additional hoop* be Modurjr,. why' noc a vohnteer tee; wJuch: cahbo.aomneh more promptly calfed into acryioe./ These questions wil! be diaeaaaed warm ly in ihe.Hcronrtof Representatives, when the Ten Beguaeot Btfl'wiQ bb faroogfat there Ibr consider*- * -‘jv.t Wk’T • • •• •• • ; C‘.L a :■ J.; •a : v 1 ‘tamtx. uk* B«wr erCaaal. V : i Tbe. HBlplflOOa.of. this ImlnAvtly* trade efthe great utruly-gzaldyingr It pass* ee ißroogh one of the richest agnenharat sections oftiiSutiofOhio, and its proximity to Fitubtirgh rendereit of tbe> utmost importance to oar trade' l and ■oesamsree.. The proAdta of the bonntry tbooghwhiah.it hitherto have anuglir equate* .aleuarmoutireigha, will now lave *Masy, ip& ( nnd:Cbeap access to onr- city; Tt» Wheat, Wool, Cheese, a of no inconsiderable portion of Ohio, will hot only be n greater, aoarce of profit to .the producers in consequence of this, (fotbem) novel mode of transportation, but highly beneficial to the constuneti'- ■*••*■- - ' 'This structure ta. of .vpst consequence, also, to CteveUnd*nd -other harbors on the Lakes, from the ©owing urpoftauceofthe Orel trade, which, Ba inlancy. In 1845, the nrst coal, as a matter of trade and commerce, was shipped from.,thsTalley of the Sbenango through the Erie Extension Canal to the city of Erie, in Pennaylvama.- Thert Was little demand, the price low, and baelrtiteaFrippcfl, ■ however, to introdace.' l it into iue for generating steam on the Lakes; and b eome extent for. ordinary fuel ia the dty. and other towns on the Lakes.; On' the ,year, : «loops,' brigs and schooners were esOpT ialo reqoiaitioa, to transport coal to IktraW ChxeagOjiClwwiie, and other ports west The. Canal increased in boaineaa, miners were em ployed to.a great extent, and business in the coal regions alluded to, 'was greatly stimulated. Many new boats were-constructedduring the la* win. ter* season, bat hare been found inadequate tb sop. ply the growing demand for this great "*sple of Pennsylvania along the Lake coast Four years ago* there were probably not more than fireor six mines opened in the valley oftbe Sbenango, and those only for domestic use—now the hills am tk« iwirtLrfml hundreds of places, and all tsßfe'and activity in their vicinity.: Seal. Estam has advanced,labor• commands a better price, and the prodnka of the : frrmer are eagerly sought after. The foßowingtable exhibits the rapid increase and value of »*"« im portant item of commerce: IEQ3PTS AX FUCX. 1615 per ton.' 25,000-tons...;. “ “ 1817 70^)00,tons. 3,70.. “ “ The advance of pnee in l&16overl815 was 3Sp.c. “ “ • 1847 “ 1816 “ 50 “ or o?cr BtnpxxD ra cett. anvancx w ms txaxs. Prior to the completion of the. Erie Canal, cpal was shipped to Cleveland from Sharon, Jlercer ceunty, Pa-, (Curtis’ minesd via the Cross Cut Canal; but sines the opening of navigation in the former place, hide has found its way to Cleve. land aside from that furnished from her own mines, around Akron and vicinity." The opening of the Sandy and Beaver Canal, will bring large fields of coal,' hitherto worked bakslightiy, into the market at Cleveland, and add to the prosperity .of that city aa mnch perhaps, as those of the Sbenango Valley have to Erie. Tarn which way wecbooes, we tee towns and suites straining every nerve to open to themselves new sources of holiness and wealth. Wearegtad to notice this, and wait with much impatience to tell of the achievements of ©ardty and stale in the same way, Zb tie Editor* cf tke Pittthurgi Gazette. IlaltUnore ul OMo Rail Road. It seems from Mr. Mclone's late long letter, that he still looks for aid from the general government, in his project for extending his road to the Ohio river, in this calculation,he moat expects strong support from, the western end north-western Mem bers of Congress. He must really suppose that those members 'who ire so deeply interested in the im provement of rivers end lalce harbors, are very for getful or very forgiving. .>'• Mr. McLsne, the son of Louis,and his colleague, were both in the lean minority of fiftyfoor inthe vote on Wentworth's resolution declaring that Congress had power to improve rivers and har bors. - I wish merely to attract the notice of the press at Cleveland and other cities on the takes and western riven to the rotes of the Baltimore Dele gation on Wentworth's resolution. C. SastsFs Taxuxa.—-Mr. Magoffin one of the famous Santa Fe Traders passed through: town yesterday hr Philadelphia. He will not; return until the country is settled. It may be a satisfac tion to the government, that its measures have mioedj a matt profitable trade without the least benefit in return. Mr. M. and his brother have both been Mexican prisoners and have had abundance of adventures tailed with business in New Mexico. “The Alabama Baptist gives the following statis tics of. the Baptists in that State Missionary. Ba ptists or , h™ > " who approve ofasupportof missions ordained ministers, 220; licentiates, 36: baptised, ’dtiHng the year, total number, of members 31,523. AntHniswonary Baptiste—ordained minis, ten 52j licentiates, 4;baptked during the year, 13; total number of members 7,452. * • The Mississsippi Baptist says that the additions to the Baptist churches in that State daring this year, and especially this fall, are not less than 2soo mainly .to interior churches; though there has been a steady growth in' nearly sill the Baptist Churches throughout the State. • Qrxsnsa of tus New You atm Eux eailboas raou tjx* Hcwow to tbp Drutwaxn—We con gratulate the friends of this great enterprise on the completion of the road to Port Jarvis on the Dela ware (71 miles from Piermont) The cars ran over the whole route to that place on Friday, as promt* ed by the'Directors.. From Fort Jarvis to Binghampton, on the Sus quehsnna river, about 430 iaSes, the road is all under contract, and it is con teapi tied to have that section all done within twelve months from this dste, making tbe: length of-toad then done over .200 miles.—iV. 7. Exp. of Jan. 3. • • Parisrs l* tbs Uxrrn>:STAT&—The,Metro polian Cathblic' Almanaojrives the following statis tics of the Pope's Church in the United Sutes; Dio ceses .mud Arehdioceiev,■Archpisbqps, 3 Bistops, 31; Priests, 919. ~ Total number ofbiab ops and clergy, 910. Churches,-907; other at which thej clergy officiate,- 5G2. -Increase of priests during the year, 65; increase of chrches, 95. Clerical studcnts,'2l7: edesiartieal seminaries, 22; religious houses for femaJes.33: religious houses for males, 19; .colleges, 25; female academies, ;74; orphan asylums, brspbals, and other charitable in stitutions, 95. i Raix. Roan Mcrmov—The dfizeoa of Beaver county beUla meeting, at the Gout House, in Bea ver, oa the oth instant atwhich they passed resolu tion in favor of acotmccttpa with the Central Bail Road of this State, and recommending apohjt at or near the mouth of,Big Beaver river, as toe most desiraUe one at which, to form a comtexkm. Dr. Joseph Pollock, T. Berio tndSamoel Moorhead, reqaT. were appointed a-committee to draft a memorial to be signed by the drisens and leri subject. Amarxunmb—TheLagiriatßreofSouxhCaro lliaaltas appropriated «3poo to be deported at New Orieaas forihepurpose of aiding the Paltaet; texfuaeagf ycihatiiinowturahoßw. “ ' . n t>—al iartlllgsasa. .Tor* noi-auwit.^ irmxacxqH.. (| auxnnrrr. I*9 in 3TJ I*l 403 164 Second......** Third. ... ' Ramh.. Rfth......;;:; Stub. Seventh..,...;. Ewai, :: Nmth. jij. 7 **- i Aatmr majority, Whigs* LocMt 1 Cojums Coma gfvenyesterday, vote. The Whig Foco* 11, giving; £Db*6cmsjc WCOBVeatioa fix thft porpOM Th»fty t—s withe 4th of J»ld'ia (ht» c&jr ott Wedne«dajr. The folkrwingpenooa wife elected: * - 1 Chambers McKibbon, R.H. Kcir; David Lynch? John Goyls, George PiFfaoiUoiL 1 . r* » r . • Tfaey.wep*instructed lo rote fix ths: naama* Uoq of.JuitißQebiBiii •« fcrPremdeaL . --.A;faotakwwaa offered; instnseluagtbedek-. gate! to approved ihenomxttLfc* efOte’Ckss.or ur. other good Democrat, bat it wiftoted down. So that the delegates' - miutcoaaiderthctnselves bound to go fix BuchtMa,tftd*ip>*other. ' < >- :-Thi the.pave* menni- afj peder trisns fix the Wtwoarihree day*.. Huv f «o dr dent* hero occtucd taiyifiihHlt feg rtwfinyi’. Spine lan bed sprained; sooietbeir tbprerent too tudSen a pro* tnttonjfrtheafav* t beea, severely brttised from suddenaqi unexpected fidlsupon the -pavement. Alftfla/autioo in.sweeping the.nowjfrom the ipatemeat* .mold odd much to ywryt"Ef security. Ria the duty of every one to oaotiibate as ranch upoeshte to the general good and a' few minotea epent atthe proper|time w£ild prevent serious •cadent*, ; ! •“ . Can. Gtrrawx, of tiurfXnitcd • State* Army, n toned to this city from RTexico,oh Wednesday, in the steamer Pennsylvania, .accompanied by Ser geant Rea, who distinguished hanaetf in the late bottles in treat of Mexico, Cnpt Guthrie; it will be remembered, was/ highly spoken of. in our Tele graphic' despatches, fix his gallant bearing during the battles of Mill El Key and Che* •paltepec. Theywili be kindly treated byourcitr kens.-. .} •*•"'. • CaLiXiTTr—On Saturday Ust one of the bouers inthe saw-mill of Johnston & Carr, Moeno gahela City, exploded,, idling instantly James H. Collins, and aenoasly scalding aid otherwise injur ing the engineer, Mr.Stmpson andhiasom neither of; them however.are considered fatal-. Mr. Col Kai was sitting immediatelym front of the boQera play ing an instrument when the explosion took pif*** One of the boilers was found at the distance of Mariyone hundred yards in lhe river.—TVbwt once Manner. -" The members of the band to which the deceased belonged, met and adopted resolutions of condo* knee with the friends of the deceased, and to attend bis funeral wearing the customary badge of mourn mg. Umvxxsnr - Eixcnox—The following officers were elected at the late annual *ne«frt"g of the Western University in this city. : . .;. • PrtsUnt,' Rer.George UpfoMD-D.: Seerttary Rev. Andrew Black ; JV»or»rrr, Wa H- Denny, Esq. ' The Committee on Education consists of Dr. Cpfold, I>. Riddle, Rev. Preston, Blaek -and McLaren. i - . Wstrrao.—'Those who take an interest inaeqir hy an cxeeUent hand-writing would do welt to call at Mr. Ainsworth's rooms, Burke's Building Fourth street We were there yesterday and were much pleased with the improvement of his pupils. We ' «*»wne vafla* gentlemen's this did great credit to Mr. Ainsworth's skill in teach ingthis important breach of > Gatinm, Low aia> Mrtto, Front street be tween Wood and Scnithfield, hare recently cast a bell, weighing 300 lha, foe the Jackson, Court House, which is of superior worfcmanibipand ex* celleatia tone. Their smaller bells are; a good criterion to judge the larger by, which are fine toned, and of excellent finish. They ' are now preparing to cast bells of from 600 .to 100 Q Ibe weight, to supply orders now on file in their estab lishment ' Tern Shoe store of Fallansbee and Hayward, on Liberty street,was enteredby some felons on Moo day night jThey were discovered in time to pre vent their taking property, but not soon enough to secure their arrest ; ■ Esotx SaioOK.~»This popular of resort continues to be well patronised. Mr. KaeaSa' trdape appreciated by tlm pubhe. The maiic is pronounced, by ***»■» [who pretend to be judges, as excellent; and the performance is such as to do credit to the most skilUhh j HAILROmB. We publish below some, of the, important mail mates now advertised to be given bn con. tract during the winter and spring! . ISM. From HoOidsysburg, by tioßcunillc. Summit, Ebensburg, Armagh, BUirsvflle, Now Alexandria, Harvey's Frye ftsints,; Salem Cross Roads, MarryiTillej aad Wilkinsbarg, to Pitta burgh, 97 miles, andhacki tix times a week. 1604. From Cumberland, Md_ by WeQenbenr. Pa, Be£a Somerset, LavanUik Mount Pleasant, New StanntonhMadisaoTFul. ton’s, and Tinker's Ron, to Pittsburgh, 99 miles and back, three times a week, with a triweekly branch from Socnejset to Staystown, 10 miles end bock, to be run in doe connexion.' ' 1611. From Pittsburgh down the Ohio river, (•applying with the mad aO offices on the river that are readily aceesyible) to Cincinnati, O, 450 miles and back, daily. From. Pittsburgh.by McKeesport and EUxabelh, to Brownsville, SS miles and back, daily. 1613.- From- Pittsburgh, bv Allegheny, Rakers town, Glade . Mills, Butter, McCandtess, Forest, Slippery Rock, North -Liberty, Mercer, Hartbegig, Culbertson, Meadville, Woodcock, Roe dale, and Waterford, to Erie, 130 miles and hack, daily. • r : .. : 16U. | From Pittsburgh, by HerriottsviUe and Cannonsburg to Washington, 20 miles and back daily. ! 1 , lots. From Pittsburgh, by Fayette, North Star, Bavingipn, Florence,.Paris, and Holliday's Cove, Vs, to Steubenville, O n 39 mdes and beck, times a ■ ' l 1610. From Pittsburgh, by Allegheny, Sewickl Bottom, Economy, and Freedom, to Beaver, 3 miles and back, six times a week. I(U7. From Pittsburgh; by Sharpfburgh, Hoaa 4on, Tarentum, Freeport, ana Slate lick, to Kitten ing, 44 miles and back three times.aweek. 1618. From Pittsburgh, by PerryviUe, Wcxfird, Zelianople, Middle Lancaster, Portersrille.Harleas* burxh, and Leesburgb;-to Mercer, 50 mites and back, three times a week. • i 1649. From Pittsburgh, by Surgeon’s HaD, li brary, Finteyrille, MoooogaheUCity, Fallow Field, and . Bent leyviJle to Beallsville, 35 miles and back, once a week. ICSO. From Pittsburgh, by Buchanan, Street’s Run, McKeesport,' West Oixsbeth, Elisabeth, Gambles, Rostravcr, Belvemon, opolie, Flat Wood, East Liberty and Upper; Mid diefrn to Uniontowu, 99 miles and back twice a week. ' ' !* ICSI From Pittsburgh, by Wniker's Mills, Nobles town, Candour. Burgettstowo, Cron creek Villago, Patterson’s mills, and Independence, to- Bethany- 39 miles and back, once a week: ' 1692 From Pittsburgh by Montour’s Moon, Clin ton, Murdocksviße,! and Franldbrt' Springs,* to Fairview Va, 38 miles and back, once a week? 1693. From Pittsburgh, by Antrim, Locast Dale North Washington, Apollo,and West Lebanon, to Shelocta, 47 milet aha back ooce a week: Gujkt.—Million*. of bushels of human' bones hsvebeen transported froth the cbntment*to;HuU fijr agricultural 'purposes. These, which were col lected on the plaint of Leipnc, Austerlits,! and Waterloo, were the jbonea of the - bold, the bnve, and tbechivairou*,who fell fighting their country’s battles. J ; With them were mixed the bones of the hones, and both , were conveyed' to Yorkshire, where they were’grobnd to dust, sent to Doncaster, and sold fir j Tn omotgtcx orj xxw toxx. —From' the New York Herald, .we make the ibllowisgcoDptlalion: The number of tons launched in New York, the last year, is 39,71 and 29,870t0ns are now on the stocks. The number of snip bufidenemployed, is said to have been nearly 2900, besides the-varioas other branches necessary to the fitting out and coc> letion of steamers and sal vessels—the whole giv sg employment to many.thousands of persona. The names.of the Hon. Hsas.fl.ai Hamlin fiom the eastern section of the State of N. CUflord, from the western, arementioned in connection with theo&oe of United States Senator. : Jbn & Gcmxr, is the delegate to the Whig National Convention fan the 7th Coagree. | slant District of New 'York, instructed fir Henry C toy- t r * ; Afier Iks- nreanfiini -at-v the fijflowitty amoagdcbct ’ . “A WTTfatTin ■miiinr try and tD.ficiliit!e|te/ ’ xeTcP- Church ctW** -srtfcfcJßfl real: estate, t-fatll to abolish the Cbmmiasioo «**; s ttU amncnaayihaflnntiiitath men of-Ctofon poipo«K «. bill to tDcarpontt tha iUwißftjr 'Enuudied ySflbtr i FirTTmTi snit Phn^uy.tf'^ l Mr. Ma&bja«aflM(t •resoliaioasmtemngtbe k Ootenor to;.frtjktfarrdnlto'Brig: GenTCad* ! •jgjgwigMri ‘.on behalf of the . Com. I ■ Mr;«3eatfi at Dr. tom Union co. *>" orinitiijftTivß. • !.- .*nn«inced the-'JbDowiiiff per soittJorpfrraipecb'Te coou&ittees. 1 ‘•'Jteutootocoanonxia oftriscutc. Me Sara. Dame, Crabb, Black, Stoder hfonaod-HasonJ . rJmticitry Ms *« »T Saaderaoo, J. C. Johnson, Black and W.Fi Johnson. . by the' Official rsattdtheXtfco j ts. r JLcarttittk TVfhmrj . BonnerT Saxnetm 80l and Rich. M - Efetet and SxJuau< Uesjn. Smith. Streeter, Brawlv and Kiis. } Pfhtionj Middleswuth Boas, BeatSmaH and Saddler. fL - Owjuiu/vhu Mem J. B. Jobnioo. - Middles Bmb- Moot. C™)*, Gfflu, Dmie, JonUn and Beat -j .••. . ' '/ • Internal OiDia, Crshb, Sanderson, Overfcld and Harris, EUetvjn .Dufrict»--Me*sr».-JueYis I .’WirfmniV •Benner, Boas slid Oeactsft. - ■J BJrnctmmi BjStoiMetti Rich, Ml, /Jordan.-Streeter and Lewis. Bit ~ Smith,* Education— Sfem W. F, Jotuuon,' &tnu.' mithf Snul|.. Agncuiturd' o'xd Domestic fiLsnufacturtt-ISoun imyser.Pottigeh, Boas, Forsyth and Levi*. "w? f^p B, Mmoo, Small, Smyser, King and W. F.’ Johdson. ■ ■ . - - EoSdt HilLKicb, Tout ger, Scnkey ini Fonyth. • • If** Mcasr*. Benner, Fottiger, Sadder, Starred and Richards. „ Private Claims and Damaga—iStttn. Saakeyy Dusie|Overfield, South and Middleswaith. ' la&avy Meisrs. J , B. Johnson, Banderaon, and .]• ' : ■ Putfw Bu Messrs. : Jordan, Overfietd, and Saddler. , arAXDEtquosaurTVDor rnxmrcst • Wen and Marne—-Meura. Myers. Fernoa, At Laos, Hart, Zeisier, Fsoaold and ■ _ Judiciary— ‘Messn. Kerr,Smith of Bradford, Fox, Laird, little, laybtun and Rict RetmckmcntauJ Rjfocm— Messrs. Will, Goff Hobert* of Fayette, Ladley, Downs C£*mu—Messrs: Sotider, McKnight, Wattles Cort, Didly, Niclk>laou and Large. ‘ Ayriwlru re—Messrs. Boyer, Kreriun, Shelly,! Walters, Bridenihall, Miller and Snively. . ' Pnuions and Gratuitui —Messrs. Fegely, Wat*' lies, Ferry, Grata, Morton, Gordon and .Welrich. Domestic Manjifactu rtt —Messrs. Krick, Noble,' Diehl, Meek, Seibert, Evans and Loughlm. Aaanreir—Mefsra. Pearce, Sanborn, Williams, Vanaant, Guttinper, T-atiKark PakfT. Edetation— Means.StetUer, Little, 8011, Laird, Stobbs, Svrtrtxwelder cod Fmletler. Bushneli, Reddick, Black. Mhrx, M«*b,McMina and Lefcvrev' \\ "AfMifto—Meases. Watson' Kean, dick, Evans of Chester, Elliot and HilL . Elatiom Diffnia—Messrs. Halloweil of Moot go mery, Elliot Kirk, Taggart, Grove, Jacoby, and Roberts of Fayette. Edmh— Messrs- Benedict, HaUowel] of Phila delphia county. Steel, Roberts of Fayette: Bwaits-i welder,Lokeob&chand Pearce. ' • _j Eaton Ejefeora—Meas«. Blair, Fioletter, Frick, MpSheny. Schoonover,* Baker and .Alii ■on. .. .... I Roods mad Bi idgu Mcstn. loughlm, Long of Berks, McKee, -Sharp, Morton, Stutsman. ' » load Apprvpnc tiW-Messrs. Daly, Larahertoa. Bnabheff McCulkcb, Cortißuflandvaitr. • - Corporation*—l feasts. ■ Feraon, South of Phila delphia. Ires, Wilcox, Fox, Nicholson ood Bow man. ~ Beatty, Black, Cart, Bloom, &et* ler, McNight and (Gntumer. Convert B&i —Messrs. • Williams, Weirich, Downs,3aively aid Myers. : Printing— Messrs. Ermas, Leifem and Schooo over. - - ..s'. . Librnra —MeW*. Zeigkr.Olwiac and Kirk. Ldova Navigation- icc.—Meurs. lye*, 01 wine, Roberta* Smith oflßradJbrd. NobteJEaketaun, Ball MrKre, Goff, Wilcox, Braanemam. Keaa.^ad 431 H. Hr. Hifl offered!* joint resotatiod, in that the war-with Mexico » jost,: and voidahle, and carefully repudiated .the doctrines W the ProviaoL. . ' , Mr. offered] a resolution tbai theConsmifla*- oo the Judiciary bh directed' to enquire into -tl# j -expediency of so dftering the Election taws, tfc# ; remdeots esq vole hfter twenty days instead of ten | thotuand clptea of tbe Treanuera Repoit i ■were directed' to be printed'fcrMb* o* of this 1 Hoorn. . j A resolution was adopted aathoriring. the ap, pnintmeat of a cotdmitteeto attend the toner*] of -C*pc James CaldWeU, who fell before the wills of Mexico, andwhoafa* recently brought borne* - The contested election of Juries W. Goff, a mem* her ‘ ...»to^norrow, t place of mi* n election of , aderedare* ohnL wvwuuaee of Ways ud M»m enquire into the expediency of raising by tou a inm sufficient to ab»arb'tbe relieifiasuef,aiid report by biU or other wise. Adopted. •' Mr. Goff, ofleredaresolattoitthat the committee bn Banks, eoquirejand report whet banks, if toy, have issued more than they were entitled to by tar, and what remedy exists in (the premise*.— Adopted.. I ‘ *; Among thtf bills and acta read ra place were the following: I One to authorise executor* and administrator* to perfect title to real estate in certain cases. - One to extend the time for hoMiny the March term of, the courts if Beaver cd On mockm the House went into Cbmmitlee of the whole, (Mr. Bull in the chair,) pn. consideration of said UII, which was reported to the House without amend, ownt, and passed (nally: • A supplement to he act to prpride for ths 'set* dement of rlsitns fo ’ damages on the Conaeaut and Erie Canal' > An act to moo porate the Agustine college, Delaware, 00. ' A aupplement to t ie act relating to lunatics and habitual drunkaAls. Mr. Blair, one to a aohsh the board of Revenue Commissioner*. The House then p weeded to the selection of a committee to investij ;aie the ejection of James W. Goff, whose right to a seat is contested by Josiah F. Beach, who claims to have beta elected. .. . OtncroNOF th* Seutx—The following are the offieen or the Se tale, all of them having been elected by the unanii ions votes oTtbe Whig Sena tor!: Chuf Clerl —Saint el W. Pearson, of Somerset. AssumtU—* JohttS. Sullivan, of Ruler.. • ' ' Trantcribert ■J, J . M’Cauley, of fVanklin. ttod J«me» D. DejHnoodtdf I’liiladelphial StrfftU ai-crvu —' ViUiatn Eastburri, of Monroo. ” Amitont— -Waiiar iP. Brady, of Cliotori. Doorireptr 'J, V. Cowell, of Bocks. Aswtant— Benjamin H. Godthalk, of Modi gomery. " J . Ntttengtr— Philip; ; Weber, of Danphinv Tax Cheboxxxs.—taoth bnncboi of the National CouodJ adjourned without day oa tho24lhof Nov. haring been in sessiAn from tbc 4th of October.— Among the business transacted was an additional ad fat the regulation; of a' hfeb scbdol; now | n the pmceia of erection Stt.Tah&quah.' Messrs. Geo. AickvDavid Vann, Wbl S, Cooley David Carter, and Wo. P. Boss, the lasi named, theodilar of the editor of the Cherokee 'Advocate; were appointed director* of the scboAL ■ Among the appropriations by Conned were hr the purchase of books, furniture, «c. br the thigh schocd; #7,500 out of the SSS, for the support of orphan* bribe year 1818. Main. L. Bom .id K. B. Ddhfcl tw. faniju «d detente* to crocked to Wuhwgtoii to iSward the Mtitemeat of Out claim* ofthoNttionj h*d occuioh yeMerdtyto ttfcpwill afitend whim »t believed to be io Philo delpbia.- Thecommdmcslioii n, left io Ho O n M Alb*ay,«botit lOociock tobooenttoN.Yottwhfrt it w« recoiled, copiM, ood curled to Jam City .ThenceitwosfarwsrdedtoPhiladelphia;' TheoSl aoaaddreued vu Mated lor and reported at Cut lyie, with io dirty au&U of St. Lmul, ',xbe litrblmojr too ogoio colled into reqtuiiion, the ccmmnmcatkm tjiwded.tho pciood Cjund, tnd on anrrer rccei ir. “* ot » tfclodd. Tfhc. TOO O rem!,, m d CT these disadvantageous drcumitanee*, tranimitedi 2,500 mfles in two. mors! Verfly/afler aIL this telegraph arrangement is, iu they aar out West pcnkins." M Jaumki Scoabs iir is stated that ten ; thousand persons s reemployed mHambnhr in the marinfactnr iof sears. They make 150,000,000 annually. Of theaej 14.000.000 yeariy, 0r'40.000 d ally. ore pufled isray by the Hambarghers. In the special pollution of their own atmosphere, > . BF MAGNETICTELE6BAPE ,", connw., * 1 %'■!■: -Qgwqog*fc f>.^» WisanoTW J4a. iar S • Sevierd petilioM: and memorials, were prerontod bySenotors." , i ; { r : ' Serier offered^*_ ■ commission .to: determine on bn .pinrf Mexico, and pro riding that the United not be EaMelfor any daim for Slaves. •’ Dickinson gavie his .views' upon this subject, iaaspcechjofcoaaiderablolength. He wiuiafe t. x. . A fire occurred last uightio the steamboats Wsh coa and Jewess. | .Two, schooners were totally destroyed. The Jewess w£b themail boat -from Baltimore to Norfolk^! ' )TboWalcott {s! a schooner trading between Bab. tuoore and Boston, and,mnif have been one of the two alluded toYas being totally destroyed.! The Jewess belonged to the United State* mail line,-* regular Packet frpm Baltimore to Norfolk.: The fire probably occorcd at the dock and United the schooners before they could 'back out from tbo .wharf). .Correspondenceof iheTiUsbugh q'sxeiie. • New York, Jan 12, ft r. m. < \ The steamer Washington which was to have sailed from Bremen on tbe>l9th utL, via South am too.tuu not yet arrived. ,! ’ ' (Th®. Washington has been 24 days out, and has been hourly expected to arrive for the last five daya. This ia the stormy season, and she has oo doufc*,experienced rough weather. She has nev bad-the reputation of making shor^passages.) Exrlstive Cormpoadetice at the; Piasberg b Gazette PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Pniucnreu, Jam 12, 4 r. x- taka of Western at $0#500,- bw. " Wiser—Frime waito is selling s! 137 c |Vba. Cer*«-Sale» of prime Yellow at 60aC2c * bu. ■ UAiafay—l bearof moderate safes at 34c »gall itowr—Sales of Western sides 'at . Oc;>: *, Shoulder* at fic.’ : ■ sales atsS w hbL . . •^fay..forir. BatiauTv Oorrgspoudsaee of the Pittsburgh' Giaetts.' YORK MARKET. . . - NcwYoax,Jan.l2,3*.it.* Fhar—Qmeme batsda are salliia ; at s6sf®6> «3f fW. Sales of Western at * bbb Tho mukef i» heavier thsa jestenlayj and the bn sinew done is at a small concesdou. •. - (?m«— I rhero ia a good inquiry 7 foe Wbewt for 'mibiagpurposes, bat other'grates are’eraiet. There i* more dotnj'in corn, and the m*rket ! naa an up ward tendency.' Other grains are without Bales of new prime White at GSoOCc and old at 72c ? bu. Oats are selfotg at 90052 c f to. • Pork there is a better feeding,but I tear of no improvements in the prices. Salesof new Weston Natl Mess Porkat sH,7sg»hbL. Mbs. LmsoA :Sewxll died yesterday about twelve-o’clock (Sunday, Janaary 2d !S4bJ at her reaidenee in Allegheny city. Mrv SewetTs maiden : uae ww Johnson. She «u bon Jn Hartfced ia 179$ and came to Pinabargh about 30 I yean ago. She ha* left a mother and .six children ; to mourn her irreparable low. |' •. The death of her nobfeson Samtrel D. Sewell, I Wbo foll like a pallant aoldier at the sortie of Pu* cbU, attack into her widowed ; boaora a deep;and ! uoooeochable anguiah which ft mother can alone j , realise and which was in all probability the jaoxi lttutteesnaeefber;:ditaohition.( \ - I Weakened by a, long protracted anxiety far his weßhre and acualedbyevery rumorof hia danger, the manner or the’: death other darling sonina bloody conflict with an overwhelming force of , relenuesa lancer* tras more than ' her feeble frame and ahatterednerrea con Id well endure add abe ,tank under, the affliction. It.'" -’uch*' declared duly Introduced sad /•gaudier. Tbe , ah isi7. jo • atcteiDent Society. j to the dmh *xico,mu ad^tu the report of • traatakan JU» aoi too much to my of Mra. Sewell UuU «!*, Ufa* TOII BOSES, :wu the lovlint of bet sex to every Mate of the HMflrrerns, eic., suitable' Cor planting m Ccmetry’s. .expretaua. Gaildeaa, ainccre. ud gentle in mil: can be furnished on application at the seed !»be amid mod did, she exhibited in her intercourse f* o*** 0 *** fro “ Narserira of J“*-'Vardrw Mar»ehr*ser. Tte«f Of temper which were the charm and admi* ——-—: = ‘ ration of all who-enjoyed the pleasure of her nc> /~'tHKEBE-r43 boxes prune-cbecsc, large size, rec'd ouintaaoe. To her uunitv and friends. she wai this day end (or sale t*y Soidiomuo to. fault w»7h J3 JffiSi ISNtj^OTCimOTjtsjibjnfj^- .beamed mildly and cheerfully from every feaUtrl TJOTASU—a casks No 1 potash nc*d and Car sale by of her lovely and intelligent ft l» n .tp Wt it M’CKTCtIKO.N. jtraand her; ‘ 1 This dear, kind lady ■ fell a victim to her puds herso estimable os a wife, a mother, a fridl tad ,a neighbor , S&6 was a member of the Methodist Protect church Own its comroeucemettf, and: enjoyed »*- pecially daring her last itlneaam a lively and hrf>y degree the consolations ofareligioa which vtdie fcwceof her Ufeand.tbe comfcrf and supp/of |er hoars of dessoUtkm and woe. ) ’ -Sweet charming woman. 1 may the green t(f lie tightly on thy gentle bosom, and rosy thy.jeek, patient, uarepining and charitable spirit diifte its soft influence over those who are leu to mot 4 *hy depJOture whiUt thy memory will be by the tears and sighs'of thy family and thy /ends. , MirrfllJlUiH VSStI.T 6IZJTTE , -; coytrns w ranI—January 1 —January 13. •Henry Clay; Mr. Hale's Speech in the Senate; Supreme Court; Congress Wordy Debate, West ; etn Contracls; From New York; Messrs Bu»- opts; Whig Meeting; Liverpool Iron Mar fcr, FVom Mexico; Rail Road Meeting; From the i’ittsburgb V’olnnleerSj' PencnylvaniA Legislature; iintStocY Companies; Appoinnnents by the Present; The cbpcfitiondT the Female. Sex; Cabinet Troubles; From tbe Pacific; The Amistd d Case; War, Poli tics* &e Allegheny Arsenal; City EJedon; Items, ; : Latest Telegraph hews, Foreign am Domestic. : ' Ccanmerce: A carefully compiled RVview of the Mirkets for the pest week; Tbe pricerin tbe local cityi,markets; The Cottle Market; Tie prices! of American nroducein various parts a* the Union; . AaOant of. Flour, Wheat, Com, since the'opcning of tlie' Canal; Cana] business:and movements ofproduce; Market iu‘ London. City News; Spirit of tbe Press; Copious Extracts frostthe leading journals on tbe iatemting topics of the day. R* sale at tbe desk, singly or ia wnppers. ; Price 0 cents single copy.. - <■ -3hbscripiiop»s2 ojtu msdvtncc. Yellow Teeth arid potrid breath. - Spongy gams like rbttan death*’ ‘ is Rpuulre and diigasting. i- All could bars taeth as white as peart. . >. Sweet hreathr+ard gums-snan ot girt' • i Why quickly haste \ And ase a box or Jenes’Tocth Paste. _ ' . icosts but SS cents, and is really a beautiful article. tvs* tbs teeth a fine enamel, sold in Pittsburgh at' Jmrtyst?' ~ . ntmfldiwly' (Don't ! have yellow dark ; Teeth—they ean be fteariy whin by one time using a box of Jones* fTooth Psite. tt hardena the gums, sweetens the jAc. BoldeifißUbeityit. ■ aovlMAwly ' inrl)on' , i have a "Foul Bresxh—lf yoobave, umi two shilling bottla of Jonea’ Amber Tooth. Paste. -Thai wfllmaks jonrbreathrwett, whiten your teeth, Ac.— Sold at 88 liberty n ; notlOdAwly |jr&rax Bair an La**.—Comstoek’a Nerv* and -Bone uunwnt and Indian Vegetable Elixir, bib* most effectual earn for Rheumatism. Sold by WIL JACK 'ON'. Afcnl for Pittsburgh. . . aorlftiAwtaT . *-r -\r '•—' ' ' '*’*ee . ID“ who u*e Jone* 1 Spuisb LQr White, bars •IwaTdadflewMte tmupanbi «Wil OflUa a trial will airiß/y anjr one. Sold oolf ia Pitubarffa,ateo . . DOVlSdandwlT it Altaian, . •. ; Oo'RHMdiy eteniflf, 11& lan, br the Brt.FYeoci* Hemutfv-D* M*.E»wa«d P.-Bial, Merc hut, oTßef fill}, rear., to Mw Ma*t, deubm or Frederick I«> "-• r : JV tirtmnnttml a>ectinxafthc Scientific Asaocialfon of will be held in the lfalkorthe M-'fo*. l ****!**-* constitution and SSP *s**■ »*»admioah*tfllw reported,' mod oQU ,te»tetu.;of BrfAMocS IE£S3S^-2£iS^-^-w *» fiwefiwSriiß l f iea g l ~ tolt « il tkMfe fare?. Prt*etba of»ckac« an in-' •Ste-SfSSJSSteSSSi*" ■JtUl&maßrtSte&sas t-SS- P,“*L,«S Ss’c„. «. ■taka fta Address relative to the nature and object* of ' ther association :*nd Dr. Jaekion of BUimiUe wifid*- ItTei a lecture oa the Geology of Weueni Peun'a. THOS. BAKEWELL,'' ‘ . . ...:. . }\- W. WILSON/^ 'TfIOarRINDi ‘ ‘ jaall • • : . Committee oCaaraagraents. ' omnt. CTTBc CUxsXwls strangely destructive to the fan- 1 Ba»ctaicla, r (or«kiaf lha ktidden change, frowheat to cold, and ; lh* *tooka<*BJM yellow, dark, coarse com plenotu.. Then lUavemuilt* that the pores of the skin should bd kept open—that their mouths should be freed from imparity—rl was tin* tie anaient Roman Philoso piers cared' all diacases-rthcy computed that more the pores of. lie skin,' than any other outlet of the boar diseases and unhealthy. Tapor* ;left .through the It. is necessary, therefore, to keep tie pores open all hautOTs an dispelled‘from the skin from tho -tores, wbenthey wash with Jones’-Italian Chemical Soap, t hsrs seen it core'the worst and oldest cases oTSalt Hhsnin, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Barber’s Itch, Sore if**.!' Ringworm, when eveiyother internal and external remedy had fuled---its effect rendering the skin white,, dear and soil, though it be yellow ana coarse, it won* derfttl—it removesTreekles, Tan, Sunburn, Morphew, and disfigurement of-the' skin—bat persons man be particular and ask' for Jons Soap—to be had in Pittsburgh at WM. JACKSON’S, sign of the Big Boot, 89 Liberty st Price SO cents. - novittAwly ; J Bizuooat Her axx> Onms.—ConnelT» Magical Pain Extractor—lt is now conceded by medi cal men thaj_Conuell*hlsgi6al Pain Extractor,.-mana faemred by'rComstoek.-A 00, 21 Coortlaud.u. N Y,i* the greatest wonder of.tha 19th century. Its effects are traly tnumcnloos. All pain* are removed from burns,' scalds, Ac- and all external sores, in a few minute* nf ter its healing the same on the'most deli neate, sku, leaving no scar, lfis equally beneficial in, all kinds of Inflammatory diseases, sueh as sore Nipvt pies end Eyes,; Bfnrains,Bhenmsosm, .White SwcUinfii, and Ulcers, Braises, Barns. Chilblains, Erysipctafcu BUcs, lie Uoloreanx,.Ac. We might add asproafkot all we *ay, the names of many eminent physicians wfah use it in uetr practice, and hundreds of the clergy wj£n< praise Uto thetr people. Kind parent keep it constantly* T haad,iu case* of accident by fire,life may be lost W h 'out it, but by. its use all bants are subject to ita'eon unless tbs vitals are destroyed. Camion—Remec and ask for Connell’s Magicat Pain Extractor, nf C faetnred by Comstock A Co. NY, and no other, i the Sold by WM. JACKSON, Agent for Pittsbuir «tK Liberty at, bead of Wood. • tiovltMAdrf lan kJ. . ASDBEW’B EAGLE SAXOoL This evening, Thursday, Jan. 13th; the troti' 1 ? 1 Sharpe, Miss Brace and Nelson Kneass will o/, m faH German Costume- accompanied by oreair* o *- rine and; triangle. Mrs. Sharpe will sinxin/f* * goago. • ' On Saturday evening uext, Jan 15, a Pm Prc .“ will be placed in the Saloon in fall view 2 BU “ 1 ’ cnee,, and after the committee «ti«n have da*,? n ! , merits of song* sent in competition fortbe/ Me, “ 1 ’ the-Prixe Botxjp will be set up and printed?' P re ‘* cnee of the assembly aud a copy gitcu tr* P cr " on present. _ ; I*l3' A. At SUion 4 Co/ c * oj Fall and Winter Good* at coer, and in mar* 0 * * eM thwi eo*Vto enable them to open their i* ,ore with *« entire' stock of New Good*. The *a™ commence this day and -continue to the finri a frh, or until their removal.' TTieir exten*P“* orunent °f Dm* Good* will be sold full 30 than u*a ni price*. They eontiit of the tmyhionable Ca*h« mere* and- Delane*, Gala, Mohitf '*' a™ Otfgon Plaidsr Ai*o, ilombaziaem. Alpacc.o - Goodae-Freuch and Gen*3*npo*, Q Cloth, French Plaid Cloakings, tf of *ll the moM fitshionablc cobra. lilac* fancy Dmawlk* of every variety. * Shasr}* Cai?'- Terken, Tottan Flaid, and other shawlwa. rerip “‘! or1a “ totyr reduced one half in price. Fir*-"" English nnd American. Flannel*, of «®l or ' «•“ qualities. Ebanet and Cap Ribbon*, Gig HowerjyGunp* and Fringe*, Wrought Collar*tuMPV‘ ace ** Artificial Flower*. Plume* and Festlatf,* 1 "** Cravats, Baud* kerchief*, Fancy Button*, e.Aiomt Good* of every description. Woollen Good^ cimcre *' Caasioetu, Vesting*, Braver*, Pilot*, **«*• Jean*. Whitney and Bath Blanket*. of Calieoea, Chintrca. Checks Striper, Tlehinf*.bn3vm and hlcaeAliahn*,*^. The tallowing will be* 0 * ****"* ~ Cashmere* at i c. Usual price 37J Mouwelin de Laittrc, i " “Z* and 31 Gala Plaid*, . ; u Mohair A OreconPlaidf. Alpacca» v ** s£3}m;«U «» S&, ; ■ $ ■■ Together with every fJf ». n ,hp Stpre, which will l* -offered VouUy eher^' 1 * ueri be floored that they wffl not begadded »o ,be quality or price* l oi Oar good*. ft*/ A A MASON* fc.Ca. In tfe* Dirtrie > CoM’- AU ®tf‘™r Vein*- Kx. W^i^oTMaberT* ,w '' Geerge.T““V 1, And now, to wit, J l_ *. I «« Wanoary a, IH-v ike Robert jydddJr. J Sheriff. p«yk inwcoort *»»■ nf yy-flftnainder. of narchabg money after rarraeut of «ale LteaJer*, at the new Thread t N**dle, itor*;- Na 3 North 1-ouath *t. and 'l7B Philadelphia. ;iinl3 UTTER—3O kegs boiler, 4 bbt* do. Iniuiin* from X> Mr Lady Byron, for tale by jaal3 McQILL. HUSHFIKLP to RQR BUTTER AND liARD— 6 bbls roll butler; 3 ken do: H keg* lard, jurt ruc'd and tor tale by J»al3 ATWOOft JONES to Co. SUGAR— 17 hhds N 0 sugariust reek! and for tale by janlJ • ; AT: jantf - - POINDEXTER t Co: Buckwheat fixjur—istacktiuirecviefedfor •He'by JNO 8 : 1»BIS ■■ :■ . • 7aWOOd.gt.. • FEATHERS;— 30 sacks crime Kentucky feathers in Mart and forsalabyJAß A HUTCHISON to Co • ■■i : B.KVOriBONNBOBST*Ca, > • _J>* A-. No.3sFrontrt...' nutkM-TU nbaeriten have ottfatnd and for tale • X eo accommodating tanas; a large and well selected asaonaenl If teat of different rndet and descriptions. WOWN- k CULBERTSON, 143 liberty it I SALES ■-* ' x'_Jn?pi p/iB» l Srai ',v--’ : If ' i^sWH7w-'atSljo, elork;r l * ailh* [-• Ch-MooW ipll tf «ad WBl i ;Coomerf*tf W* tforfifoitar «ix dkam ■,ir«t*: - ••• ,H 3 •• ncogabMaßtt® JrieanSficfctr-t ___'.! Property at Atahon.- ■ —-‘ • Tipf January 17th, at .7 o'clock* at On Monda}. e Tgj com*? pf «eul sadfilh the ratable Urt'cf ftToand ■aitu will be PW 0 ( Third rtxeet. between Wood u* on the fegfig. ■« Ana of «7 feet ~and~M*ritTf* l t+, to j«c>nd aireet, on which U and » Heading at picaenioccßpied erected a. ; - \ by A. Bee!fM CM j l> r ?uduc on a. lon* credit, io* -Term*; two • tereitp aF abl/** lu,^ I y c J HN - D DAVIS, Aoctr. . jBOIS j-‘- r ' "2ms?j£narr ttih. Bt U>oWock.« llooin.'ComiT of Wood and Jfcb wiihout reserve, ; of teaionaWe foreign and Ar? extrfj. atwont which arc auperfitf® ctotha, domestic and silver mixed cod •stuieiu, > im .rtno*/amacea*. Orleans cloth, oby while,^^gwnandyellowflftn- shnwU, #nd hdkslnfrestTarjMTV pr^nwjj ett comfort*, coats bair camlet, ft »®JTS* if J2ef ribbon*, Mo* bonnet* and other nuflh etc. ' , . ■ : • ner > ► At 2 o’clock.?. X. •, Jaiform portable scales, glassware, qncew _ 'jcprie«, table.cotlery, coal «ad' Deromhirt nests band boxes; matt raises, beds mod oeo> vTJrinr mantel clocks, leather trunks, a Jrrfartnienl of household fur allure, cooking stores, vufurnitarc, etc. ; •• ' . **J ’ At 0 o’clock, p.m.*’ . . ' • *, shoes, gum overshoes, caps, ready-made clout* und silrer rratctes,whips, combs; German .V goods, iancy toilet and shario? aospa,-razor a, brushes, gunk pistols, violins, letter and cap jig paper, blank bosks, etc.- janlt F. SmitifiHd StrutPmrrty at Awtvnu / > fa Monday evening the iTth ia*u si 7 o'clock, at'the mmercfal Sales room*, comer of wood and sth sU, II be sold that valuable lot of ground situate at’ the ithwesi comer ofstnithfield aiuljßih streets, having a fct of SO feet on srailhfield street and extending along i street 00 feet to carpenter's alley, on which are two letnentx, subject to ha-annual ground rent of 847. Terms at sale.- JOHN 1). PAMS,' anil ‘ I - . Auctioneer. SSaU of Choice eud Valuable Bcoka. On Saturday evening, January 15th, at 6 o'clock, at o Commercial Sales Rarmw, comer wood and fifth reels, will be sold aji extensive collection of-Bitted* neons Book*, fine liondou editions, omon* width will i found Slade's Residence iu Greece and wiilj the Dragon, fineoutltneeng.br Morita Reich;' Welstend’s Travels to the Citr of the Caliphs, a volsj History of the Great Civil War, with splendid by Caitennole. I toc i to;'Sir Wn. Hamilton’s Va - New Vork, June, Iri*. > • jyffdistf - Selling off to Cloao Business.' . ■VronCE TO MERCHANTS and the Public gener- J:\ally. 10, l , . I ANCKER A MAYER, . jruiS : ~ ; 7U Wood st-, Pitttab’g, Pa. , i PASCAL* IRON WORKS, . !. • PHILADELPHIA. . I WtHri Vrav|ht Iron Fitter. . * Q HIT ABLE for Loeotoou rejlurine, and other steam 1 O Engine Boilers, from 3 to 5 inches diameter.. Aim Pipe* lor Uu, tkeam, and other parpores; extra strong Tul>efor Uydraalie Preaaes,Hollow piston* forPump* of Steam Engine*, Ac. ‘ • IManofactared and for aaleby . MORRHktASKER A MORRIS, -j Warehouse 8. B. corner Third and Faint street. . hnadelpUia, ( . • ■ av7* . . PB*B« W. MORRIS, I mmOPATFUST, would rtspedfully inform hi* friends and the citixens of rmsbnrgh and Aliegbeuf that he haa decided to remain iii the .city(durinr the. wiuter, and U prepared to treat patient* placing incnwelvea uuder hi* care, nccording tn the ayatem aa practised at all'Water Cure Establish* mem*, for either Acute or Chronie diseases. Thou wUhingto/avsil themselves of bis services will call at .Mr. Miller's, comer of Liberty at.'and Evan’s alley. Dr. M. h&s treated severe! severe oases of disease in this city with great success, to which he is permitted to refer. i ) i ' • • ' •• norJtf ipriug TraMi fkTEWLYINVENTED—For the reliefaadPetmanem ll Care of UERNIA or RUPTURE. (Sailed mail •ixea.) ’• | The mirier claim* of consist in the eotm parative eas» with whieh it may be worn. The pad of wood being neaUy balanced on springs, yield* in pres* sdre on anypart of it, and thoroughly adapts itself to any movement made by the wearer. It ema be worn without iatenaliaioft, Until*ear*iseffected. : Thy *«b ■diibers have made arrangements lor tho .manulaetare of these valuable Trasses, in asaperior *iyle,ln fails delphia. hud have than now for sale at thefr ofiee, Nfc * 77, tksiibfield at near ttixth. Pitiatorgh. I I i GEO. WATT, - jeOO : ! D. W. KAUFFMAN. ] Shaving and Hair Dnsilni laloam BLaCKSON *. FOUNTAIN.-ThareruTprofown, hare repainted tad fitted up thrir tearing, Hair Dressing and 6 baa pooolar Saloon in th* modern wyw, and are prepared to wait oa geßlMaca atoori, with cats, comfort tad politeness Thy are ortpered to wait an all that may call wUhoot delay. Thankful for pait£»foTS,w»*l«rit.aeooliau*bM of the' am, at our Saloon, corner of Uaioa street awhheDiamosd,. (tack of Alexander f Day's Pry Good* Store.) *3 SAI.EKATUB AMDULUhi KACfUMV FuKnALK* —Tue Admihlstrewreof t-p late James McLaughlin, offer for sal« the retabliabaiest aitaate tq Ninth Ward, formerly earned on by turn, in hts life time, h i Salen*. tns and Glue Factory J The works are ia complete order for carry ingcathe barinest, with fixtures, Ac, and ready for commencing al atjy time. A liberal credit will to giv>n, and fill particular* made knownby calling on cither efitm undmigunl. JAMES BIiAKKLV, j I JOHN MITCHELL, i • ~ i _Admicinrator» . Original; •BoUrag.Bvtclu.Vi IpXPEIUENCED Judges, oq a trial of.one and a half j millions since ltUi pronounce this article onsur. poued for durability in the construe lion of all kind* of Furnace*. Price SSI, 76. cash for loads of 10 M, guar* unieed nine ioouth* . Order* for a -second quality Bolivar Brick* will bq executed ntgSU'per M. if »o de sired, without guarantee. • Asiock of the first quality is now for sale at the warehotue,*Slosh’s Wharf,’ Ca. nol Basin, by •! J. SHAW->\IACLAREN,' . ?. aeptOu Kensington Iron Works. NOTICE-}- All penona havingelaim* against Joseph Olshoure, peeler, late of rum*township,' Alleghe ny county, Fa, are required to'pWenrihem oh or be tore the first day of March next. dn!y authenticated, for settlement. ; j« JOEL MONROE, •• • ! 'wm tilbrook) ~ lanlftOt* ! , Tmsieea; NOTICE— All .persons having claims.against our firm Trill nlease, present them -for (mjnncnt, and those' indebted jo us. :nor willing-their account* on ct before the 23 ih last., will be tfrolt with according to law Janlfl ;• • ; , aNCKEB fe iLCYEK. BIRO CAGES—A oenaiifiil article tor Christmas ! presents.—Fancy, fine and common Cages; also,C»* < nary Birds tiffin'* plumaxo and song, by luepairor sin gle one, to isuit purchasers/ elm be obtained ni ifi* PitubanrhSeed £totefWcoJ st. .. . , deg- r -S..V. WICKERS HAST. * V !:?•' : MURPHY * ' Qld.Woot WsrehoiUe,cor. Liberty st. and Cecil's aj. ley. , ' .1. ' ■' t ' •- ' ntylMJfcwtf ; SUGAR—S 5 boxes D R- Uirga tooT»agaj{lgoo.bb|, assortedjNo*. sroaU,loaf *nar r aDQdo crashed n gar, 175 do powdered nrstortr'and -for sale 1 Byi : JAMES A HUTCHINSON fc Co. ■ iini‘ •!. . i- 45 water and Mfrormta - : 'cjUGAB'HOUSB O[so bbts Si. sugar boose imfauaeaiSS do *oi<£ euSynjpjia) M bbls do 7» 10 gallon ken d£ j>n<- : JAMES AH UTCiNSQ.V Aty,^ STOVE -FOR SALE—A good stove, -for tailors’ u. entirely rtow, far sale low . ' , .'SiTV?*- - Jtma : -.-ANCKER-fa-MAYgw ' BAMILY CARRIAGE—AxIom Mmaae, buflt bv Ogle, fc MutlOj'Pbilmdetahia.' in fimnite drier “«T be parebued u •'.taunln. If applied for moo. la’ ipiifo*; MWtbew’4 JjTCiy oiable, Ptontu ' • jilt T ; l y .l ~ , «- S* t J *■’ >« **— .;■; ; V-;.; ; -j;V r “ •. V ■:.. .SV ! i r 4, pirrsacao* ■ DAILY PACKET LINE. »^^^3fs2s3ss*s£air. wen of the West.. E***T rff??.nT7, .L^vT.;rr SSa^gi^-isevifrMraK let. Ila eiT cue, The pW .WWt advance. -; | - 1 - - ■ * • i- ■- • j ’ ;■ The MONONC AHELA,Capti burgh every Monday morning a! 10 o'clock; Woes nag every Monday evemhg at 10*.«. ['• TPESDAT PACMT. Hie HIBERNIA No* tttpt J. lean Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning ax W o’clock; WheelingerayTuesday*wunfaX.lQr.lt. . ' :. WED!TEI»DATPACK*I. ; < . The‘NEW; ENGLAND No. % Cift. 8. Dts*, win. ' THtJttBDJLV PACKiT»' »•'••; pmdatt*acut. ■.*,■*. „ - even Friday evening at lfrr. K. f VfiATCBDAt PACKET. 1 * •hie M£SSENGER, Capt.D* Cootr, win Btavc_Pilts> birigh every: Samrday.*Bon*3|al 10o'etock WhMlmT; every fiamnUy cveningaUQ r._k._ 1. •.. . gpflrDATPAckuT. ‘v • w. isAAC NEWTON, Cape A. O. Uiaos,.«dlk ‘ Sunday morning «t 10 o'clock? tvery Boaday evening at 10 r.«. ■’. Mdygg.ls47. 1 • _i _- c - REA.VER PACKErB—NEW - ARRANGEMEXT9L? .. 1 calebcopai i - t: ■ • will leave for ■Beaver. Glasgow and t oa Tuesday, Tuunday,: and Saturday, of «*eh w«k, al S o’cloerxTt Tvniin- - ing on Momisy* Wedneedaf awl Friday.,. She haa «• ; boat at the landitigT>«twe«&MftMdjdmtudlbabnd|y} . p^ed,, , i ' oeQ# ••'s'-l- • V-. NoAWoodM^i. • BEAVER AND WTO-LSVILLEPACKET. -'.. ft. ?;f ■ ; Üb&3B& Ch*ri»ECl*rke,masXMiWill,ihriacj .‘ ■SHeMtehe coming wimer*eaaos, suk«dMlr ; ■ trips ioße«vran4 Wellmlle, leavimr KttsbwthevDy.- tv motniag at 9 o’clock, and WeltonlU at 9Dlebe& a Af. - M, declO G. M. HAKION, A.CO»Agta.*! ..;. FOR CINCINNATI OBtBWft • . Tha tlmnl etemHief : i NORTHERN UOffP.. n. - r MCzmm- Hstebim, huuur, wOl Wefarth* ■■■■BHBB>bt>T«poitstM»dajal4oeloelu nf[ freight or pimp tpply'oo board. . : * ■ ;*l3 , NABHVILLF- - ' Tie newaodCut HMMf ; - fIELLSI ! -LADY. BYRON,- H ■ - »3faßgiH: Miller,mMler,wißle«re for th* tboT* i IHBBBSBKport laU dsy u 10 o’clock. -Fojfrwpij . or pimp tpply-oo board. ■ ~ • jantf ! „ FOR CIKCINNATL . . —The new and Cut ittiatt . ; ! WELLBVILLK. • * - ; Barnet, muter, will leave M/ahore ■BBKE9SBthix (Uy at 10 o'xloelc. ‘For frtigbtor} ‘ board. ’ Iml3 *- i " FOB ITEW ORLEANS. ‘"-pj ; Ito new .*.• : mauler, will learn aa abbvir •* ■QB^ESBUiliaay'al KL avm.' For>frti(ftt dr , pwag» apply oa board I - I jail :' . FOB" CINCINNATI. 5 -, ' V.’i • 'A The fine putenMrtteamrT ““ v ' * *• L r. BOBEBT FULTON,. ' nfitf- CoUitr, i tamer, vwill Iww f* tU» k (HRBSsBHBaIiOve andaU istenoadiata-pacUk'iOft/ Monday, at 10. a;-** pocilitdy. FerJrcifbS or pu«tt' T ■pplyon board •.' '• .-o >■•=•:-•;■• . r -■ • • i*7 » > - - FOE BEOWKSVILLR!. .i ' k" » te * mer ■* iggjHflff ‘ a p Tfcf«h«»-, ouster, wilkjesn ai < ) thi* day fat BTowwniUa. Foc'C •* apply onboard. •• • aright or pm _ _ ■. rOB'FBANKLITf—BEGULAKIACKBr. t.-i ■*.. . "Tteßunificcstiteatßer. 1 11 ir*?T a i ABgo'vmr. .■■■,..• Miller, muter, will k*v» •» . !: lO o’clock. ,Farfrtira ? - ’—pq board. - ' . • octu f i • orpu«agt*l THKESBAY PACKCT—FOB CINCIXJiiTt, , . v,.. TbqMwandlMimiwucptMmv f ■ luVT^—J fteuaer PENNSYLVANIA, CiptS, ■: : JasSnlßStt c. C7r»T, wm leave \ MMBBBSahfyWwfatiiatyßwntlnf l , >t 10p*tloc> *■ *• n, fclWhtelinf evei7'Wedne*d*v«v«alngM9 o'clock- 1 FOB ST. LOOTS.' ‘ ' 1 ' - 1 Via new, fplendid and fast ramr ''. »:?rrJW-«a«mer ■ • BROOKLYN, < ’»' . Briccßniai,wattgT,wiMleaTaferaboim intertiritifm yn* on 0 /onboard or toVj XKUTUX JOXBB, MpaaiyjSi* V' . Tto new Arid *«IT wtpette pi—fHf . V rerateaioci '. KTT CARSON/,. • ,KUtM'V J yiaian . rt,B«ter. irUi la*Tß Bn ail . . ■flMSCSßßabora andintennediam pom, cmSu»»' 1 dap inamiar tha 9th:inct,at9o'clock. .ForMxklo* r pai*ag» apply onboard.. -v joaidSl. FOR 9T. 'LOUIS: ‘ ‘ .y“ u ■■ ji,-* -_• k Tli* new and Cut running Warner - , fp.ft J : ; GERMANTOWN, . . » . Maclean, muter, mil Ware ai abora, 1 I ■■BSSSHbUus day, at 4 o'clock. • For freafet ' or paaaafec, apply ob'board. • . j«aS-*!| FOR LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE. . V C jk • ****tv? ' : « ' Joe, mater, will IcaVa aa Aaw. 'am 1 _ ■■MCSHBCFridav next at !0 o'clock,''a. k r fW{ frrigtnorpauageappfyoaboard. •'''jaa| - * FOR NEW ORLEANS.' t k Ttenew and elegant ataamer. - LpJr>a? , i: NOimrmvEß, V f 4 - jfiUKwS for Kew On . . ■■■■B&BBleaita, on jbomlar tl clock. For freprbtor puMge.applyoaboard.-- ..:jad •■• I* - I' ; FOR! NmY OBLEANB. - ' iflinigTi— h Tfco ———.f ■• ,r. f I*-iir«T 1 • -WTOMBta U I Grtealce, suffer, Trill leayt fH m ih*v'i ■■■BBBOMibdTe port on MmUy, the SivFofc t freight or pmaga apply op boord. ■•••• -•■•- jan4 - - FOR NEW OBLRANRJ , tv The hit running tie user ■•• ■ ■ r f r Ill'll? : _'• •• 1 • TAuLIQNIi i‘.u f : J J, Perry, muur will Imt* At t&9 V* ■■BBBSBHBtobcnre port this day the 4UI Fot J freight or ptuig* mjply oa board or to ' .; ~ ... L_*c39. .. . •'' • ;v. ;• -. ;• - M AIXEi lt Co., .f; REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND ZANESVILLE •■••» i. -y | pACXEt'* A t mMte r ('vill'tnike weekly trow • 1 tbe above port* dariaf lb« muoo. . For freight or p«a«*ye apply on board, or to ' ■ • -11 • *P? •■■•Ti:-. : i- •■: D. WILPNa.'At-. i U MeKEESPORT, ELIZABETH AND v '- LAi CITY PACKET. ■ K " fiWuew «e«mer ' .. • • > LPr - .‘Jjf J-■ ' DESPATCH, * V : . »« • Nelian. vrill nui '%v«bor*. • Kttibnrgb: eretyMoodiy l a edneadayk«nd Fjjdar, at*} o’clock,*. Jt,'todSto-' , aonsabela City every ** B ® clock, A. l Foe- ffttght .or pueua apply oa ! • .. . . -.fab- < r REGULAR FACtOrr- BETWEEN PITTSBURGH i;- j r *AND; BROWNSVILLE ‘ ! " > V' r Th« fio« new.-ftesitter •'■ •••j jBJJgajK-Geo. D. Cock, mutn,wilj every Tneaday, Tharsday «nl <• I SaxunUy: eveiila**,*! 2 o’clixk; and BtawncyiU* every >j 1 J. NEWTON JONES, Airt. ■ EXPRESS LINES. &c. i. , i EcUpu Truuportfttlem Um.-.' - a ' TO AND FROM J CJHIPrESS aad others may rely that ail merehasditt ■ ■-■.•* P and pradnee will be-fenranM to and from th* - p ** ler ° cities. ■ by.ihe aboTa line, with ■%*:/•' thebmtcurrentrate*. . .• -*“!*"*“ «* t f /* ■•■:•■;• rSlfil ; & -CitAßgßAgent.N*«w York. ■ *• DUTILH ft HUMPHREYS, Philadelphia. ’ ,ilJ * , • OH KOOSK BaltiiaolE ? r “ e|P T*. ,, r ) . ■ ±WcGUIBE, Cumberland. . .'| £ _ L __rOBSYTHfcIPJNCAX,Tm»Vit. jaftlf ;. J&6EgLSSSUfiSL . / ; to* cntmtiiro, tuintohs,wnaisoTO*, *au4PO» - v ; V2to^'JSKs.* 08 F m, iW® ***««;w*i«w«J“*. \fIERCHA?m# and otniti *«adlQg good* are inform-.,. • JJJ. ed that. ihii ii:ihs uutcii, taiettTand mott era*. . ' - ‘Through receipt* wili. be girea to any of ihd *hor» .- '• Places, hlerehaudixe. and package! of any.cJaa ««:•,• - £ weight forwarded.- ■/, jiVof r • * Expteu clow* duly at 3pi :c • ..-. <•: - •. . i 5 t •' ■ i ff GYICKEBYiAgeaa. , novflOtf . Si Charles HoWlßnildiflalj wood n_: • •■>•• j TI*WnTK3E33P'I! poupn TBiIifOSUTSOI J] ; A £4 Ths l're«r{(tDV«af thupopokr yt* fcsrttfcanxtd (ha- l " ■ Cawbcrfcad; jfrwu the turn* of MaKaJgit to*. ■:.; t gwaipihatof EdgctlMfcCe.-.- v.; ’u.’t fi* .- PiUibargfc Day«/j lyjßofciaftKiKoHMahCfcjiiiuU, BafciAon.b the can . • tvthdrMAagehtof thisUaala UwGHtmdost., -x ...... ThcoaljMcatean- - ~TTZ~ « f . OW. CAM BmratriQc, • • <1 .it | Peaa>ylvanlft W«t*m Xlac* .. 'SS&"dßb£in' »«• - THROUGH IN FIVE -DAYS-'PROM- »• PHIA TO PITTSBUBOH, BYWAGONj/:! - Raiminr Day aad NkM betwfeea PitubttrthtWlCWH J y berebhtg, and by Railroad between Chamoenburf ua . v Philadelphia, ~%e firet ahipment wiUle*rncaf*..**s , < ) r • «nlsth/*ntlai7iu»t[.Nomore _ p»d*wni ba j |. than can be carried thToagh each deur». •:, r • ou the roUte." *nme -krill be reduced to Fttufltoyawlww ,-v i the roads become irenied , U. .V.l: J 1 At the Dwpto of. • : ai» mtuket «rKtdadelphJ*, { ' CLAHKK » THAW, f Traoapomnw* ■■ '. • v - t Pita berg h.J CoinpT- •••'.•-. , CT We. will receipt fat *»\ 1 r TkLACIC BILKB-"' B MPBPJtT Mtadn.hijWltta , . ~ ffSburm 10 hi. «i«^ l rfiSn*2£>iKs£ - falngfcdarnek wawryd do; dowatcrwtwd «npgi *0;. 3 ffi foT«w«fiwd*{ **&* * lat r w T x ?£3'- tIXKT **->wiuchwillb* - t?Haiftalo***Pßwftk prlct*. , ;••■•„-. j«aa • '- *|iS' ■wpm&j&>pnimyi!SjSbi ;;; ■' i.'l